#I can say fuck her oh my tumblr blog. bc it seems unlikely that the school will ever find it ahahahaha
humofnight · 9 months
always fun to have a new admin nemesis
#Afton hums#I am just trying to be normal and useful why are You being weird#sorry to Alexis who has heard me complain about this a million times today#but I just got out of the tutoring session this admin told me she was Very Comcerned about my ability to do well#and the student said that it was v useful and accessible to her#where she wasn’t afraid of the material anymore#so fuck that admin anyway#I can say fuck her oh my tumblr blog. bc it seems unlikely that the school will ever find it ahahahaha#she was just big mad bc I’m an md-phd apparently. like that seems to be the sum of her problem#like not actually bc anything I’ve done has indicated I would struggle to teach the material#she said that they checked my scores and small group comments#she’s just mad I’m a fifth year. tho she was willing to work with me when she thought I was a fourth year med student#other than I guess I’ve been in lab and my classmates were in clinic#point blank quizzing me and my roommates on the coag cascade prob would have sucked for all of us!#like. functionally what is the difference#also they advertise this as an opportunity to review information as an older student#so guess what I did last night!!! reviewed!!!!!#so to get an email this morning that was essentially The University thinks you’re a Dipshit#after getting hired with an email that was like oh be proud you’re qualified for this!#and after preparing!!#is pretty fucking goddamn annoying#but I bet my classmates as fourth years would have had to review pathophys!! biochemical mechanisms!!
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nikatyler · 6 years
Tumblr media
Technically I still want to stay on a break but also...yesterday was the worst and I basically needed to come back here to feel better. Did it help? Not really, but fuck real life, who needs it anyway, ya know? Sims are never gonna give me up, never gonna let me down, all that good stuff.
God, what a mood. I should shut up. Instead I’m gonna do the replies, yay!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Screenshot Folder I did something very unlike me this week: I deleted...”
Must resist the urge to grab and edit all the Sammy shots ����
Go for it!
Side note, yesterday I added so many new screenshots to the folder. Some of them are really old and no one would ever possibly go and think “this one screenshot with really bad lighting? yup, gonna edit that one”. Unedited screenshots folder? More like a literal archive because simmeronnie is a freak for keeping things organized and in one place
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Yeah sure. Into the fire!”
That seems healthy. lolol
He scares me, to be honest. He looks like he’s the gift from heavens but I have a feeling he’s the exact opposite
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Dad, guess what I want for my birthday.” Ross: “A dog. I’ve...”
Maybe there's hope for him yet!
Yes! He’s slowly but surely getting better. Kind of. We can’t call it a redemption arc but he’s getting better for sure.
green-productivitea replied to your photoset “One day, you’ll go to space, Sunset. I know you will. Keep dreaming...”
Oh, i'm melting
I’m weak for all the moments he shows he cares for her tbh
simlovinggirl replied to your post “tumblr you fucked up, just saying in case no one has told you yet I’ve...”
i just saw this too, i just requested like 50 posts from like 3 different stories, so we'll see how effed up my blog is now. Sorry your having issues too :(
elisabettasims replied to your post “tumblr you fucked up, just saying in case no one has told you yet I’ve...”
Almost nobody remembers when this happened before. It got straightened out but I had so many posts marked sensitive then. As, usual, they went too far. Also the new guidelines have gone too far, too.
Here’s a few things I remember getting flagged:
Sunset. Loads of posts with Sunset in it. Rude. What has she ever done to you, tumblr?
Ross and Valentine teasing each other (well, actually it was Valentine teasing Ross but still)
Why create this “female-presenting nipples” nonsense when the algorithm can’t tell so called female-presenting and male-presenting nipples apart
Basically sims in swimsuits are a big no
Sims travelling around the world? Sorry Ezra and Carrie, it’s dirty :/
Gen 2 of Raven Legacy was sooooo nsfw y’all. Maaaany posts were flagged
For some reason the algorithm doesn’t like Zoey??
My gen 4 pose dump got flagged as well
I have like two posts with sims kissing in bed in their underwear (Tyler and Sharon in the extras tag and then Miracle and Adam in the legacy) and they both were flagged DESPITE THE LACK OF FEMALE-PRESENTING NIPPLES YOU STUPID ALGORITHM THE GIRLS HAD BRAS FFS
Sorry that was aggressive. Wow.
The bras were really nice by the way. My bras are ugly compared to theirs
Did someone say big mood?
Also since it apparently picks the posts by colour as well, posts with a lot of orange/yellow/pink in them were often flagged as well
Surprisingly, only my posts from 2017 and 2018 were affected. The super super old stuff from 2016 wasn’t flagged at all.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Marika: “You’re still as stupid as I remember you.” Ross: “I’m stupid?...”
Oh fuck /off/, Marika
Me whenever I see her in the game
Also, fun fact, all of Ross’s lovers got married by MCCC later. Marika was the only one who remained single. Guess Ross has to pass up that “the Worst” title to her, huh?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Marika: “Anyway…how is my daughter? She’s going to be thirteen, isn’t...”
That ship has sailed? You just straight up left her? Bye ����
I want to say something else but spoiler alert, those would be the exact same words Sunset says later, so I’ll just shut up here. Wait for Sunset to say it in a few weeks.
kupari replied to your photoset “Ross: “She has a family. This conversation is over.” Marika: “You...”
I'm glad I'm not the only Marika around heh
It’s a pretty name! Also I’m sorry that my Marika is a bit of a bitch D:
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I don’t go upstairs to December and Kieran’s bedroom anymore…and this...”
I’m editing them out of the holiday for sure. They freak me out.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I should’ve told her about Marika, I know…but I just couldn’t do it....”
Eh, in this case, I don't think waiting a day or two will hurt.
I mean yeah, it took her years to change her mind too.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Not leaving, might be taking a break”
I agree its not the same right now. I think everyone is just waiting to see what happens.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Not leaving, might be taking a break”
I had to turn off seeing reblogs to get some peace from the anxiety and, frankly, dramatics coming out of this. LOL
I feel like things have calmed down a little bit? Which means I guess I can come back but also, I still have a lot of homework and it would really be for the best if I stayed away...but let’s be real I don’t have the willpower to stay away.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Wait nevermind…are you okay??”
I don’t wanna put the 👀 emoji bc he could just be legitimately sick, but I’m gonna go with the 👀 emoji anyway
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Caleb: My daughter has a girlfriend. That’s…that’s…I’m happy for her...”
Like any other mature, centuries old adult. You be happy for her.
He is gonna be happy once he’s over the surprise lol. He’s just too shocked to think straight right now.
jackssims replied to your photoset “I failed to get a good screenshot so here’s Sunset looking pretty much...”
Oh god what a mood
Me last year during my birthday party when I realized all my relatives had given me money to get a driving license when I’m in fact terrified of driving (to this day I still don’t have a driving license and I’m not planning on getting it unless I really have to get it)
Me this year...oh wait I’m not having a birthday party with my family this year, nice. And the only thing that was close to a birthday party got cancelled because my friend bailed on me. Really nice I love my life
stfu ron stop being so bitter literally no one cares
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lilith: “I’m surprised you finally decided to show up. What brings you...”
👀  the only acceptable emoji when it comes to this generation
idk what I just tried to tell by that  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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morozovastarkovs · 7 years
since this whole anti debacle got me all riled up and really angry i just need to vent and rant and let out my thoughts on the whole jtv mess.
full disclaimer, if you’re expecting anything remotely positive about michael in this, you’re in the wrong fucking place. i hate the man and would spit on his grave if i could. you’ve been warned, if any michael/cordu/eva stans still read this & come into my inbox looking to start a fight or anything, lmao don’t bother bc i won’t respond anyway. i don’t want to start drama or anythng, i just wanna share my viewpoint(s) on the whole thing and use my blog and this post as an outlet for it. if u do want to politely & maturely discuss my views, that’s fine. i’m open to it. nothing else tho.
anyway what bothers me most is that people are constantly like “michael had to die in order for jafael to happen” and “rafael will always be jane’s second choice” or wHATFUCKINGEVER. and i don’t want to see that shit in the jafael tag. not when i go on tumblr dot com, not on twitter, not anywhere. i’m SICK of it, cause it’s everywhere, cordu/eva stans pls come collect ur garbage we dont want it.
anyway i hope those people know that michael was supposed to die back in season 1 and thus jafael was always supposed to be endgame. jane/michael is a thing that they kinda came up with spontaneously and it’s because they got renewed for another season, and another one, and if they had jane and rafael end up together already there wouldn’t have been anything left to tell a story about, since the love triangle was clearly the focal point of the plot in seasons 1 + 2. they had to drag it out at this point like??
i haven’t seen seasons 2b and 3a and never will because unlike some other poeple i am actually able to stop watching a show if something happens that i don’t like and don’t want to see w/o complaining about it nonstop. anyway from what i’ve heard, rafael starts acting kinda shady in those episodes and i have no idea what exactly was going on with his character arc then but as far as i can tell, and yea i might be totally biased, but to me this just seemed like a blatant attempt to get people on board with michael and jane because they literally spent a whole season making the viewers root for jane and rafael and they had to fix that. what better way to do that than by making rafael unlikable /unsuitable in some way? idk man, but it’s cheap and i’m glad i didn’t sit through that character slander.
at this point i would also like to add that if you weren’t “Team Rafael” or whatever in s1 what the hell were you even fucking doing. michael was suuuuuper shitty in s1, he was such a fuckboy and that’s literally why i started hating him so much. he lowkey stalked jane and was immediately immensely jealous of rafael and instantly hated him which??? what the fuck is wrong with you my guy. not only is this so childish and stupid bc rafael didn’t even do anything, but it’s also so disrespectful to jane bc he clearly thinks she’s capable of cheating on him w rafael which ... wow ... you seem to have so much trust and faith in your fiancee! great! gold star for you darlin’. and he just did not support jane in her decision to have the baby after all, he even went behind her back and covered stuff up so she would still give the baby to the solanos. and do NOT get me started on the whole shitty thing where jane flat out told him that she was devoted to rafael and that he was the one she saw herself with, and could he stop pining after her & move on? and he literally had the fuckin GALL to basically tell her she was delusional and that they’d be together? like, even if he was sort of right, this is SO not romantic. if a guy ever tells me he knows me and what i want better than myself he can FUCK OFF. god this scene makes me so angry u don’t even wanna know lmao.
ANYWAY though i had my moments of doubt here and there, i was still p sure that jafael would be endgame, no matter how they would accomplish it. the way that they had michael die in the end was shitty and sloppy writing, i’ll give u that, and literally something no one liked. most jafael shippers didn’t like the whole michael/jane thing to begin with and obv cordu/eva/michael stans didn’t either. tbh i was more expecting that they would write him off in a way that he either left/had to leave for something or that he does somethin unforgivable and jane, like, divorces him or something but i didn’t think they’d kill him after all. oh well. i’m not complaining but i will concede that it was stupid writing.
so... lastly.... “rafael will always be second choice” first of all, even if michael hadn’t died they still would have found their way back to each other. killing him off was simply the easiest way out of the cordu/eva situation and so they went with that. second of all, YIKES! i hate this mentality that you will only ever have the one “love of your life” or whatever you wanna call it and thats it. nothing will ever compare to that and if u lose them you’ll be miserable forever? no thanks. i believe that you can love more than one person in your life, deeply and genuinely love them and have that love be just as fulfilling and great as the other(s). everything else is quite frankly bullshit. it will always be different, yes, but never not as beautiful as anything that came before it and like ... u like to say u care about jane so much but if thats true do you really want her to be unhappy and alone the rest of her life??? no? ..so what you’re saying is you just don’t want her w rafael just because... ok. u do u sweaty :)
anyway i can’t wait for jafael to continue to rise and be endgame, good night.
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
I don’t wanna hide us away
Otayuri Week Day 5: Fears or Encouragements 
Words: 1.4K
Featuring: several I Love Yous and a fandom that cannot stop poking their noses into business that isn’t theirs
AO3 link
It’s hard, dating Otabek.
It’s hard because Yuri’s only seventeen and some people have Opinions about him dating someone who’s twenty. It’s hard because Otabek is from a Muslim family, and although he isn’t practicing himself, he has no idea how his family will react. It’s hard because their relationship mostly consists of five hour Skype calls, a snap streak that’s over two hundred days long, playlists they share with each other on Spotify and kisses behind closed doors when they’re together.
It’s hard, and Yuuri and Victor have no idea how lucky they are.
Unlike the other couple, Yuri and Otabek can’t kiss at the rink side, they can’t post cute photos of them together on Instagram, they can’t get engaged and have Phichit scream about it all over social media. They can’t have any of that, and it’s so hard.
Yuri can count the number of people who know the true nature of his relationship with Otabek on one hand. There’s Yuuri and Victor, Yuri’s grandpa, then Mila, and that’s it. Their relationship for the most part is a complete secret, and although that’s sometimes a thrill, it’s mostly looking around corners and making sure no one is looking over their shoulders when they’re snapchatting each other: they can get explicit sometimes, it’s how Mila found out and Yuri does not want to deal with that again.
“Is that – oh my God, Yuri!” Mila had looked so shocked when she happened to glance over at her friend’s phone at the wrong moment and saw him open the snapchat that showed Otabek jerking himself off with the caption I miss you. “Is that from Otabek?”
“You saw nothing,” Yuri snapped, quickly locking his phone. “Shut up.”
“That was not nothing! Does he fuck you with that? How are you still able to walk? Was he a porn star in a past life or something?”
“Shut UP, Mila!”
And although it’s hard dating Otabek, it doesn’t mean Yuri loves him any less.
If anything, he loves him more.
Otabek visits for a week and everything about it is perfect. Yuri goes to bed the night after Otabek has got on a plane back to Kazakhstan with a smile on his face and the scent of Beka clinging to the sheets, his phone on do not disturb as he slips into sleep.
So he doesn’t see what’s happening until morning.
It starts off small. There’s a slightly blurry photo of them hugging goodbye at the airport posted to Instagram with the caption When you have to say goodbye to bae. Someone in the comments claims they overheard Yuri and Otabek saying I love you as they said goodbye, but it gets lost amongst the hundreds of other comments on the post and the world moves on.
It’s quiet for a few days, and then someone posts on Twitter Conspiracy: Otabek and Yuri have been dating for ages are we’re just too fucking blind to notice it. It soon starts drowning in likes and retweets once it’s made its way onto a few popular fan accounts, and before Yuri knows what’s happening, it’s gone viral. It’s trending. In the space of an hour, three different tumblr blogs are set up, along with at least five Twitter accounts and several Instagrams.
“Beka, I’m scared,” Yuri says that night when they’re on Skype together. “I just saw a Tweet that said ‘I’m going to prove that Otabek and Yuri are dating if it’s the last thing I do.’ Who says something like that? It’s fucking creepy.”
“I’m scared too, Yura,” Otabek admits. “You know I don’t care about the age difference between us but some people do, they’ve made that very clear.”
“Why? What are they saying?”
Otabek looks visibly uncomfortable even in the shitty webcam quality. “They’re calling me a paedophile,” he says quietly. “And I know that’s ridiculous, but I still can’t help but let it get to me.”
“Well that’s just fucking stupid,” Yuri snaps. “I’m not a kid, I’m above the age of consent in Kazakhstan and Russia and there’s only like two and a half years between us anyway. It’s only because I’m still seventeen that people actually give a shit.”
“I guess.”
“We haven’t done anything wrong, Beka,” Yuri assures his boyfriend. “And we’ll get through this, I know we will.”
10 Reasons Otabek Altin and Yuri Plisetsky are Definitely Dating
1.       They’re literally childhood sweethearts! They first met at Yakov’s summer training camp when Yuri was 10
2.       The airport goodbye a couple of weeks ago where someone apparently heard them saying I love you to each other
3.       We all know Otabek loves music, right? Well, a close examination of his public playlists on Spotify include one called Kitten, which includes an odd mixture of rock music, love songs, and classical pieces
4.       They’re always together when they’re at competitions? Like ALL THE TIME
5.       “Davai!” need I say more
[read more]
1,423 notes        #yurabek #yuri plisetsky #otabek altin #figure skating
 Anonymous asked:
So what’s up with prying into their private lives that’s not cool
yurabek answered:
Who said we were prying into their private lives? We’re not
2 notes                 #anon I am confused #ask #wank for ts
Anonymous asked:
Otabek naming a playlist ‘kitten’ though this shit is what I live for {x}
yurabek answered
12 notes              #it is truly a blessing #ask #{x}
Anonymous asked:
Going through Otabek’s spotify listening in on their conversations at airports any of this ringing any bells
yurabek answered:
…it’s not us doing this it’s other people in the fandom we’re just here to bring it all together in one place
3 notes                 #yurabek4life #ask #wank for ts
Anonymous asked:
That doesn’t make it okay
yurabek answered:
Well if it wasn’t us doing it someone else would be: there’s several blogs just like ours, I’m sure you’re aware of that.
3 notes                #ask #wank for ts
j-jstyle asked:
don’t wanna stir things up or anything but I have to say I kind of agree with anon on this, it does all seem like an invasion of privacy. Like if they are together they have no obligation to tell us bc it’s legit none of our fucking business
yurabek answered:
That may be so, but like we’ve said before, if we weren’t doing this someone else would be doing it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
23 notes              #ask #j-jstyle #wank for ts
plisetskyyuri reblogged this and added:
24 notes              #can we just leave them alone please and thank you
“Dance with me.”
“What?” Otabek asks, looking at his boyfriend in surprise. “Dance with you?”
“Yes,” Yuri says. It’s the banquet after the Grand Prix Final and Yuri’s riding on the high of winning gold for the third year running and the knowledge that Otabek was only one step down from him on the podium with the silver medal around his neck. “Please.”
“But…” Otabek trails off. Yuri knows what’s going through his head right now, probably something along the lines of if we do this, they’ll know and we can’t go back from this once we’ve done it.
“Please, Beka,” Yuri whispers, holding out his hand. “We can’t hide from them forever.”
“What if they think –”
“Fuck what they think!” Yuri snaps. “It doesn’t fucking matter what they think, alright? What matters is that I love you. I fucking love you, Beka, don’t you dare forget it!”
“Alright,” Otabek says, taking Yuri’s hand. “Let’s dance.”
(“I told you so, Mickey! You owe me thirty euros!”)
[Image of Otabek and Yuri dancing together]
Tagged: otabek-altin
yuri-plisetsky ♥♥♥ #boyfriend #hatersgonnahate
View all 245 comments
Yuri+angels10 OMG OMG OMG #yurabek IS REAL
“Otabek, it’s your father. I didn’t want to leave a message but it seems you’re busy right now so I suppose I’ll have to. I just want to say that I’m glad you’re happy. I might not fully understand now, but I have faith that one day, my god will make me understand. Your mother sends her love, and your sister hopes that Yuri will come and visit soon. I hope to talk to you later.”
“Told you it’d be okay,” Yuri says later that night when they’re snuggled up in bed together. “Most people were just upset we hadn’t told them sooner.”
“I know,” Otabek replies, pressing a kiss against Yuri’s lips. “I love you, Yura.”
“I love you too.”
rest of the series on AO3 / tumblr
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phereinnike · 7 years
hey vero since u said u like talking shit why do u hate gan/sey? (I wanted to ask earlier but I didn't want to get u hate but since u said u don't mind here we go) (also love ur blog
Don’t you just love how there are a shit ton of ‘your fave is problematic: gn/sey’ posts that only mention his shit fashion sense and how he puts avocado on pizza and like completely ignore any and all character flaw he might have because the fandom is so busy sucking his three dicks that they either don’t see this flaws or completely condone and forgive them? 
I don’t love it either. 
PSA: This is 1.2k of gansey semi-serious hate open at your own risk.
Dickington Dickface McDikinson the third is kinda like universally loved and forgiven even though he’s done shit like: wonder out loud if poor people are capable of love (bcs ofc poor people are animals for you to study and you can extrapolate the relationship between 2 of them (out of the 3 you know) universally, they’re basically microorganisms??? right???), insinuate he’d pay a girl to talk to his friend (bcs again poor people are trained zoo seals that will dance for money and that proposal isn’t dehumanizing of both the girl and your friend at all bcs like were they even humans to begin with?) and erase someone’s humanity so completely he invalidated their existence. 
The Author explains people being like completely up Gansey’s ass as a consequenceof him as a character being super invested in people liking him and working hard for it. And like I’m not saying it might also be because white american rich boys are allowed to do anything at all in the world and people will always find a reason to excuse it but yk, it could like, have played a small part on it. 
He features some loveable character traits like 1) not understanding poor people -he’s rich what can he do? pay attention? ask? don’t be silly, rich people don’t ask we throw money around until things happen as they should-  2) and trying to solve his friend’s fear of depending on someone forever by -wait for it, wait for it, this is brilliant-getting him indebted to himself -my boy, such a mind such a brain- because ofc being indebted to him is different than being indebted to his dad and Adam being reticent to owe someone something as big as his high school fees or a fucking appartement after the incredibly traumatic relationship he has with his dad and money in general is not understandable at all. How is dickinson supposed to understand that??? by investing time -aside of money- in his friends? RIDICULOUS. 
There’s also that tiny unworthy of mention quote of “the difference between us and kavinsky is that we matter” that no one aside from me seems to have a problem with. And like, yk, maybe IT’S ME. Maybe thinking that the world revolves so completely around you if someone doesn’t matter to you they just don’t matter, maybe it’s totally normal. Maybe erasing a human being’s experiences and fears and hopes just because you don’t like them is acceptable. 
Like, I mean, dehumanizing drug addicts and insinuating anything bad that happens to them it’s their fault and they deserved it is kinda a real thing. So maybe everyone just agrees with that and I’m not disgusting enough for it. Maybe mocking someone with no support network coming from a place of incredible privilege is fun in america? idk dude. Like I seriously don’t get it. Because Ronan and Kavinsky do some pretty gross stuff too but at least peopleacknowledge that they did it????? (even if they excuse it afterwards).
Also he puts avocado on pizza which is totally on the same level, what a moster, what a heathen. 
There’s also that little thing he does where his life lacked sense so hard and he felt so guilty for being alive when other people aren’t “someone is dying when they should not and so you’ll live when you should not” that he shoved all his sense of self-worth into the mission of finding a dead dude and asking for a wish. Like, he could’ve decided to use his incredible privilege and money to help people or at least pulled a batman and became a night vigilante -we all know this wouldn’t work bcs he’s weak as shit- but no. This was more pretentious and went more with his general bitch aesthetic so here we are. And then he chastisises and mocks anyone that doesn’t have a life purpose because how do they dare not feel guilty for being alive????
On the topic of what a pretentious piece of shit he is, let me tell you i go to law school and spend 6 hours a day surrounded by gross rich people in boat shoes and polo shirts and I have never met anyone this pretentious. HE CHEWS MINT PLANTS. Not only is he so sickeningly pretentious that it’s not even cool anymore?? It’s just like those boys that talk you up in a bar but like “oh yeah i’m into welsh kings, specially glendower, bet you don’t know who that is, let me mansplain it” and you’re all please god fulminate him. It’s ridiculous? have you met any american teenage rich boy that spoke like an eightysomething british historian and not automatically wanted to break his nose in???? is that possible???? am i the only one that hate people whose usual voice tone is condescendence?????
And he’s such a special snowflake??? “oh you do drugs?? lozer!1!!1 glendower is my drugz!!!1!! lolz”. Like please dickinson calm down. No one cares. No one fucking asked. No one ever fucking asks. Just shut up. I’m sure if dick had a tumblr he’d be a superwholockian and you fuckers would still be up his ass. 
Along those lines he’s also the most entitled character I’ve ever read about??? He changes Blue’s name to something fancier without fucking asking and everyone finds it super quirky but if I tell a boy my name and he insists on calling me Jane I would break his nose in and I refuse to believe Blue Sargent wouldn’t too?????? (but i also totally hate blue and try not to read anything about her so what the fuck do i know). His holier than thou attitude comes in a nice holiday package that includes policing his friends hobbies as if his wasn’t weird as shit and also potentially lethal, not correcting people when they call his bestfriend a dog and even playing in on the joke, hanging with the literal paid killer that murdered his bestfriend’s father throwing him into a suicidal ptsd induced spiral AND then proceeded to beat up said’s bestfriend brother who dickinson is kinda friends with because can he keep is fucking nose out of someone’s affair??? unlikely! 
I’d say to rush and get this package before it sells out but, like dickinson’s happiness at having met himself, it will never ran out of stock. Rejoice.
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