#she said that they checked my scores and small group comments
humofnight · 9 months
always fun to have a new admin nemesis
#Afton hums#I am just trying to be normal and useful why are You being weird#sorry to Alexis who has heard me complain about this a million times today#but I just got out of the tutoring session this admin told me she was Very Comcerned about my ability to do well#and the student said that it was v useful and accessible to her#where she wasn’t afraid of the material anymore#so fuck that admin anyway#I can say fuck her oh my tumblr blog. bc it seems unlikely that the school will ever find it ahahahaha#she was just big mad bc I’m an md-phd apparently. like that seems to be the sum of her problem#like not actually bc anything I’ve done has indicated I would struggle to teach the material#she said that they checked my scores and small group comments#she’s just mad I’m a fifth year. tho she was willing to work with me when she thought I was a fourth year med student#other than I guess I’ve been in lab and my classmates were in clinic#point blank quizzing me and my roommates on the coag cascade prob would have sucked for all of us!#like. functionally what is the difference#also they advertise this as an opportunity to review information as an older student#so guess what I did last night!!! reviewed!!!!!#so to get an email this morning that was essentially The University thinks you’re a Dipshit#after getting hired with an email that was like oh be proud you’re qualified for this!#and after preparing!!#is pretty fucking goddamn annoying#but I bet my classmates as fourth years would have had to review pathophys!! biochemical mechanisms!!
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
turned on || alexia putellas x reader ||
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a night out forces you and alexia to finally do something about your obvious attraction to one another.
alexia was awkward. you had known that long before you'd ever met the woman. the two of you were respective superstars for your countries, both the faces of your women's leagues. the news of the famed (y/n) (y/l/n) going from bayern to barcelona had shaken up the european football world. however, the events that would follow would do so once again, perhaps to a bigger magnitude.
you had been at bayern since their youth academy. there had never been another club for you, not even for a loan. however, when your contract with bayern ended, you had decided to look elsewhere. you loved the team, and the things that everybody was doing together, but you wanted a change.
barcelona had come knocking on your door the loudest. they were willing to shell out a lot of money, nearly three times as much as your old club. it wasn't just about the money, but you had to admit that it had a nice ring to it. there were things that you could do with this money that you felt would benefit your community much more than you just scoring a few goals during your games.
your first few months in spain had been difficult. you weren't exactly conversational in spanish, nor were you all that great with english. your teammates were patient with you, especially frido, ingrid, and caro. they were like your lifelines, none of them ever leaving you completely alone at training. unfortunately for you, they were all around enough to notice the way that you and alexia stared at each other.
"hmm, that's a very interesting shirt choice. it looks oddly familiar," frido teased as she grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt. you didn't give her little comment the decency of a response. yes, you had picked this outfit out because the last couple of times that you had worn it, alexia hadn't been able to take her eyes off of you.
"i think that our captain will like it. although, i'm not sure she'll appreciate the attention you'll get from it," ingrid said. you blushed a little as you turned away from them to finish getting ready. you had done your makeup a little bit edgier than normal. alexia seemed to like the darker look on you, at least that was what mapi had told you.
you checked over your outfit one more time before you followed your friends out of ingrid's room. mapi was flexing in the mirror, something that had both you and ingrid laughing at her. mapi ignored the two of you and continued, much to aitana's annoyace.
"let's go." frido wrangled everybody into her car, letting you have the passenger's seat. you were still getting used to things like the famous spanish affection and lack of personal space. befriending mapi through ingrid was a big help, but you were still even more awkward than caro in most situations.
at the club, you were immediately whisked away to the bar with pina, cata, and patri. they fed you shot after shot, which you enjoyed until alexia, irene, marta, and sandra pulled your group back from the bar. irene had been the one to grab you, but you didn't let that last for long. with some difficulty, you put yourself in alexia's grasp, allowing for pina to scurry off towards the dance floor.
"hi, oh wait, hola!" your accent was normally bad, but tonight, it was atrocious. alexia cracked a small smile at your accent. you returned it tenfold, absolutely beaming at her. "you are so beautiful. do you like my outfit? i wore it just for you."
"o-oh?" alexia questioned. her voice had cracked, something that you didn't miss, but chose to ignore. "you look very nice, but you shouldn't dress for other people. dress for you, i'd like any outfit you wore."
"that's not the point. i want you to take me home. i need to impress if you're gonna do that." you were slurring your words pretty badly, and alexia wondered how long you had been feeling like that. she wasn't going to get her answer though, not when you were whisked off towards the dance floor.
alexia didn't see you for nearly the entire night after that. you had been moving around enough to sober up quite a bit. alexia noticed that you didn't sway on your feet when you came over to where she was sitting. however, there was still just enough liquid courage for you to let alexia know that you wanted to dance with her.
"i think we should dance. you've been sitting here all night. even irene got up at least once." if it had been anybody else, alexia never would have even really considered moving. however, it was you, and unbeknownst to you, alexia had developed quite the soft spot for you.
at first, she told herself that she wanted to take care of you because you were younger than her and in a new country. however, much to alexia's annoyance, mapi pointed out several times that alexia's gazes towards you were never friendly. alexia thought that she was good at masking her feelings, but mapi was one of the few people in the world who could see right through her. it took a while, but alexia had finally admitted to herself, and an eerily excited mapi, her feelings for you.
"i'm not much of a dancer," alexia warned you. she had never been a good dancer, especially not sober. you weren't a professional or anything, but you were fairly decent in the scheme of things.
"it's fine, i'll take the lead." your words didn't exactly make alexia feel much better, but once the two of you were on the dance floor, she didn't do much thinking. you were just sober enough to know that this wasn't something that alexia normally would have agreed to so easily. you'd been around the team long enough to know that alexia rarely ever left the booth or table whenever the team went out.
"a-are you sure that this is okay?" alexia asked as you placed her hands on your waist. normally whenever you'd dance with the other girls, their hands were glued to your hips. it was a far less intimate hold, but your body craved a bit of intimacy, specifically from alexia.
"shh, don't think about it. just feel the music and move with me," you told her. it was fine for the first couple of songs, but then things slowed down dramatically. alexia's hands stayed right where you had placed them, but you weren't prepared to feel the press of her body against yours.
for someone who wasn't spanish, you were teased a lot for being touchy. it was always in good jest, and because of that, you often forgot how handsy your teammates could get. alexia was no exception, despite being the most reserved with her affections. you realized in that moment that alexia wasn't unaffectionate at all, she was just picky. tonight, it seemed that she had picked you.
"can i have one more dance?" alexia asked as she rested her chin against your shoulder. her face was partially buried in the side of your neck. alexia's breath tickled against your skin, something she couldn't have known would have you turning red in the face like it was. "please, i'm having fun with you. i don't want it to end just yet."
"i think i can handle one more." it was a total lie, but you didn't know it yet. the next song was more upbeat than the last, but alexia didn't move any further away from her. you could feel her hips press against your ass with each movement that she made. alexia was dancing with you like before, only closer now. it was reminscent of something that you hadn't experienced in quite some time.
alexia kept her hands around you even after the song had ended. the two of you made your way towards the booth, where several of your teammates were not sitting as well. alexia sat down first, and without hesitation, pulled you into her lap. they all quieted down at the sight of you, but neither you nor alexia missed the looks on their faces.
"problem?" alexia asked. her arm was snaked protectively around your waist, and as patri moved in closer, alexia's arm tightened. she had already been holding you tightly, but the addition of force managed to pull a squeak from you that unfortunately did not go unheard by anybody.
"the free show was nice, even if this isn't that kind of club," patri teased as she tapped on the tip of your nose. you swatted her hand away as you cursed at her in german. frido and ingrid's faces went red at your words, but they didn't let patri in on what you had said.
"what is that supposed to mean?" alexia asked.
"are you so oblivious that you don't see how turned on (y/n) is with her on your lap, capi? i mean, look at her. it's a shock that she's not squirming," cata pointed out. you grumbled as you tried to hide your hands. alexia looked at you questioningly, and when you refused to meet her gaze, she realized that there was a lot of truth to their words.
"you, uh… you… i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you… i mean…" alexia stumbled through her words unlike anything you had ever seen before. the girls at the table laughed at her, which made a bit of anger flare up inside of you.
"hey, it's okay. you didn't know," you said sweetly. alexia bit her lip as you turned in her lap and cupped her cheeks. "i asked you to dance with me. besides this isn't anything that won't pass eventually."
"aren't you embarrassed?" alexia asked. she looked really guilty, and you wanted to kiss the pout off of her lip.
"it's fine, ale. if you really feel bad, you can buy me breakfast or something tomorrow morning," you told her. alexia looked confused for a moment before the cheering and hollering of your teammates clued her in. with that, she quickly stood up and walked you out of the club and away from them. you both knew alexia wouldn't just sleep with you, but you were surprised when she let you come over and stay the night with her anyway.
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obscureblorbofics · 1 year
Dracula and Chill (NSFW)
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Foxy Coltrane x gn!reader
18+ only! Minors be gone!
Summary: reader goes on vacation to Mexico with friends and meets Foxy in a bar.
Warnings: smut, mention of Foxy being a serial killer (does it really need to be said? If you've watched the movie you already know), alcohol
Length: 3.5k words
(For the purpose of the fic, reader is American and AFAB)
Your phone rings.
"Any chance you'd want to go on vacation with us next month?"
Alexis had been your friend all throughout high school and was trying to set something up with a few friends so you could catch up without the pressures of work or responsibilities. You think for a second before responding back.
"I have some vacation time saved up. Let me know when and where"
"Durango, Mexico. Not the most interesting place but it's cheap and it'll definitely be a nice change of pace for a week. Thinking February 16th to the 23rd. Brooke already said that week is free for her and I'm still waiting for a response from Ryan"
You check your calendar, seeing nothing pre-planned to stop you. You put the call on hold and call your boss to ask about getting that week off. He makes note of it and tells you to have fun.
"Yea I'm free that week. Need to get my passport updated before then but we should be good"
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The plane lands, jolting you awake. The drunk bachelorette party a few rows in front of you woops and hollers rowdily. You look to Alexis, who had mentioned a headache a mere 20 minutes into the flight. You offer a sympathetic glance, to which she responds with a smile. You grab both of your carry ons out of the overhead bin, handing her hers and checking on the row behind you that contained the rest of the group. The four of you exit the plane and go through the usual post-flight bathroom breaks.
After everyone is out and accounted for, the group heads to the rental desk and goes through the process of renting a car. After maybe about twenty minutes of driving, you come upon the shabby little hotel Brooke's uncle owned and had left to her cousin upon his death.
Once checked in and settled in your rooms, the four of you leave to get dinner. You find a little restaurant nearby and order food.
Dinner conversation is mostly tame and what you'd expect from the group. Alexis commented on how Brooke's cousin flirted with her when offering the group a discounted rate. Ryan tells the group about scoring his dream job that he'd be starting in April. Brooke showing everyone pictures of her son and talking about how motherhood has treated her.
The next morning the group of you set out sightseeing in the city nearby rather than stay in the small town for the whole time. Once you head back, Ryan has an idea.
"I saw a bar not far from the hotel. We should check it out. Might be interesting" he shrugs and you all agree it's worth trying.
The four of you make your way to the bar and order your drinks. They're out fairly quickly, and you get to exploring the place. There's a few rowdy men throwing knives at a particle board target, some women who seem to be there mainly for the purpose of getting laid and not much else, a few isolated groups of patrons, and the trio at the other end of the bar. They're all roughly middle aged, but the blonde woman with them has the energy level of a teenager. She seems to be the life of the party in the bar.
The two men with her, however.. The older one seemed irritated at the woman's antics, clearly trying to pick up a woman at a table nearby. The other one was attractive to say the least. Tall and lanky, with longish honey brown hair and blue eyes. You'd always had a thing for older men. And he was looking straight at you. His face broke into a smug grin and he winked before bringing his attention back to the other people he was there with.
You take this as a sign to get back to your friends as well. You tune back into the conversation, noting it to be about everyone's college experiences. Not much for you to add. You finish your drink up only to see another slide in front of you once you put the empty one down. You arch an eyebrow in a silent request for explanation. The bartender shrugs and points to the end of the bar. At the man you were just observing. He gestures for you to come over.
You let your friends know you're going to look around some more and 'socialize with the locals' as you so put it, before slipping away and joining the stranger.
As soon as you approach him, he gives you the same shit eating grin as earlier. "Hey sweetheart, come here often?"
You roll your eyes at the cheesy overused line. "First time. Vacation with friends. What about you?"
He shrugs. "Been living in the area 'bout 3 months. Not much to do 'round here" He pauses for a moment. "Oh where are my manners? I'm Foxy."
You offer a weak smile at his introduction. "I'm (Y/N)."
He smirks. "Lovely name for a lovely person. Mind sticking around a while?"
"I don't see why not."
He offers you a chair and you sit down.
The two of you talk for what seems like hours before Brooke approaches you. "We're heading back to the hotel. Here's the spare key to the room whenever you're ready." She drops the key in your hand and you stash it away in your pocket.
Foxy takes a look behind him real quick. You notice the other people he was there with are gone. "Well. It looks like Otis and Baby ditched. How bout you join me and we ditch too?"
You agree and he pays off your tab for you, throwing an arm around you and guiding you out of the bar. After walking down the street for maybe ten minutes you come upon a modest building. The other man from earlier, Otis you presume, is sitting in a lawn chair with a beer. He notices the two of you and waves at Foxy but says nothing.
Foxy holds the door open for you, and swats at your behind as you enter.
You take a look around, checking out your surroundings as you head for the couch. Nothing too out of the ordinary besides the large number of weapons either openly out on display or poorly hidden. To be fair you did hear about some gang activity nearby so it couldn't hurt to be cautious if you live in the area.
He sits down next to you. The two of you talk about backgrounds for a while. You find out the people he was with earlier were his siblings. Otis you had seen on the way in and Baby was out doing who knows what. He mentions being really into classic movies and having amassed a fairly large collection of them. You offer to watch one with him if he didn't mind and he leads you to the bedroom.
The inside of Foxy's bedroom is exactly what you'd expect. Old movie posters on the wall and a large hunting knife on the nightstand accompanied by several empty beer bottles. You sit down on the bed and he puts a VHS tape in the player before sliding into bed next to you. Once the movie starts you notice it's the original Dracula.
About twenty minutes into the movie Foxy wraps his arm around your shoulders and you instinctively lean into him. You don’t take your attention off the movie to look at him, but you hear a low chuckle beside you.
After another half hour or so a hand makes its way to your thigh. You ignore it at first, but then it slides higher and begins to squeeze, so you glance over at the man beside you. Same shit eating grin you’ve come to associate with him.
“Well don’t look at me, babydoll. Pay attention to the movie.”
You cautiously obey, not sure where this would go, but certainly not mad at the development. A minute or so of squeezing and rubbing your thigh later, he goes for your pants button. You turn back around to say something about it, but he quickly stops you, shushing you gently before replying in the same cocky tone that got you into this situation to begin with.
"I said focus on the movie. Don't mind me havin’ a feel."
The second he says that, you feel his hand slip into your underwear. He uses the arm still around you to move you into his lap. His fingers make their way down, checking for evidence that you’re enjoying this as much as he is. He drags his fingers through the wetness he found there, bringing them up to play with your clit. At first he was gentle, barely touching you. Ghosting over where you wanted him most and teasing you experimentally to see what made you gasp and squirm. He figured this out rather quickly, judging by the way you were panting and squirming and trying to close your legs around his hand.
You lay back into his chest and feel him hard and poking into your back. This somehow makes you even wetter. He gets you right to the edge but when you're about to cum, he backs off.
Foxy waits for you to cool down before he begins again, filling this time by placing soft kisses all over your neck. You moan and tilt your head to give him better access.
Once he deems it safe to continue without you finishing too soon, he moves a finger down to your entrance. It stays there for a moment, gathering you juices, before he easily slides it all the way in. You gasp and grab onto his thigh next to you. Your legs begin to shut again on their own accord, but he holds them open, making sure you can’t move away. He pumps it in and out experimentally, waiting until you calm down to add a second. His fingers curl up inside you, perfectly hitting your g-spot. When he figures out he found the right spot, he rubs it in soft circular motions. Your eyes flutter closed and he stops.
“Watch the movie. It’s almost over. Wouldn’t want you missin’ the ending, now would we?” Foxy flashes you a toothy grin and you try to focus on the screen.
He starts again, and you’re careful to keep your attention on the movie rather than Foxy. You only really have to hold out another ten minutes before the movie ends and the screen fades to black. As soon as the movie is over, he grabs your throat, squeezing just hard enough to be pleasurable.
He pulls his fingers out of you and cleans them off in his mouth.
“Damn, doll. You taste good. You should have a taste.” and with that, he kisses you. It’s sloppy and dirty, but still soft enough to be enjoyable. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and he’s right. It is good.
You get off his lap and stand up to take your clothes off. He watches closely as you expose more and more skin.
Foxy jumps up and joins you, quickly throwing his shirt off and unbuckling his belt. He rips his pants and underwear down his legs and pushes you down on the bed. His hand cracks down on your ass and your hips jolt forward, away from him. He cackles like a madman at your reaction and slaps the other side with just as much force. This time you’re expecting it, and it actually feels good. So naturally, you lean into his touch.
“Dirty little thing, aren’t ya?” You nod, rubbing your thighs together to try to get some friction. “Ya want some more?” You nod again. “Gonna have to ask me nicely.” You whimper out, trying to muster up a singular brain cell to give him a coherent response.
“P-please Foxy. Please give me more.” you stutter out shakily.
“Gladly.” He rapid fire gives you six more slaps before grabbing and squeezing your ass. It stings and you can feel the warmth radiating from your flesh, but you can also feel how soaking wet you are. So can he. You feel the head of his cock slipping through your wetness. You try to push back on it, desperately needing filled up. His grip on your hips stops you in your tracks.
“Patience, sweetheart. You’ll get it soon. I like to have a little fun first.” He takes the next few moments to slowly, torturously tease you with his cock before he finally lines up with your pussy and pushes inside. He lets out a deep pleasured groan directly into your ear. You moan at the feeling of finally being stretched open. It’s been a while, and Foxy is giving you exactly what you need.
“Damn, dollface. You feel so good. Might have to keep you around just for this.” He rolls his hips a few times experimentally, figuring out what you do and don’t like, and which spots to hit to make you writhe beneath him. Just like with his fingers, he finds it quickly and you moan, definitely louder than you should've considering there are other people in the house, but you’re too focused on the pleasure Foxy is giving you to think about anything else. He grabs your hip with one hand, and the other goes down to rub your clit. The room is full of the sounds of his hips slapping against your ass, your wetness squelching around his cock, and the combined noises from both of you and that ambiance is more arousing than you would’ve thought. After a few particularly hard thrusts and his hand that was previously on your hip making its way around your throat, you feel yourself begin to get close. The hand around your throat squeezes enough to make your vision start to blur and it intensifies everything you're feeling in a way you’ve never experienced before.
“Foxy, yes! Don’t stop!” You cry out, feeling your orgasm moments away.
“That’s it. Cum for me, sweetheart”
Your orgasm hits, and it’s blinding. You’re vaguely aware of Foxy groaning beside your ear and a warm feeling spreading inside you. He fucks you through your orgasm before pulling out and rolling to collapse beside you. You crawl back up into the bed and he follows you. Your head makes its way to his chest, sweaty bodies slightly sticking together in a way that would otherwise seem gross, but in your post-coital bliss is endearing. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep in your comfy embrace.
The next morning, you wake up, naked, in an unfamiliar place, using someone’s stomach as a pillow. You look around and remember the events of last night. Finding someone at the bar. Going home with him. Watching Dracula. The sex.
You quickly get dressed and sneak out of the house, walking back to the hotel. You unlock the door to the room you’re sharing with your friends, and they're having breakfast. Brooke glances up to look at you, and laughs.
“Ooh the walk of shame. Assuming things went well with mystery man from the bar last night?”
You nod, looking anywhere but her. “I’m going to go shower.”
That night, the group decides to go back to the same bar, reasoning that they had decently good drinks and were reasonably close to the hotel, so they could get drunk without worrying about having a designated driver.
The group orders their drinks and finds a table. Not long after sitting down, Ryan elbows you in the ribs to get your attention.
“Hey (Y/N), isn’t that your guy from last night?”
You cautiously turn your head to look in the direction he’s gesturing to and see Foxy with his siblings that you briefly met yesterday. Otis and Baby, you think. But of course you weren’t focused on too much other than him.. And that damn movie he wouldn't let you look away from. You nod.
“You should go talk to him” Alexis encourages, quickly catching onto the gist of the conversation.
You shook your head. “Nah. I figured it was more of a one night stand than anything else.” The thought was tempting though. He was cute, great in bed, and from what you knew you got along well with him. But he lived here and you were just on vacation. You had to go back home in four days. Better not to get too attached to people you meet on vacation.
However, across the room, Foxy was debating the same thing. Hook ups were nice and all, but sometimes he got greedy, wanting more than the limited connection allowed by one night of sex. He had explained his dilemma to his siblings. Otis laughed, accusing him of going soft on them, then suggesting he just kidnap you. That wouldn’t work. They had just built a decent life where no one would be looking for them, it wouldn’t be good to ruin that because he wanted pussy.
Baby, however, was a little more sympathetic to his situation and had better advice than kidnapping. She suggested that he just talk to you. To lay the charm on thick the way he was known to. He thought about it for a moment, before concluding she wasn't wrong. It was at least worth a shot. So he got up and started heading for your table
The conversation had moved on from what you did last night to what your former high school classmates were up to now. Ryan’s eyes widened slightly, and you didn’t have time to ask why before a set of hands settled themselves on your shoulders.
“Damn, sweetheart. Didn’t even wake me up for a proper goodbye?”
You blushed. Apparently the decision of whether or not to talk to Foxy again had been made for you. Your friends immediately started paying attention to the two of you, deeming this much more entertaining than what they were previously talking about. You, however, didn’t really want to have this conversation with an audience. So you got up, telling Foxy you wanted to go somewhere more private to talk. He agreed, and led you to the bar’s patio area.
The two of you sit down at a table outside and discuss the things that happened last night. How you liked the movie. How you liked what happened during and after. Why you left without waking him. He found a piece of paper and scribbled his phone number down on it, hoping you’d at least stay in contact for the rest of your vacation. You shoved it in your pocket with the key for the hotel room, making a mental note to call him later. Then he drops the line you were hoping to hear, but unsure if you would. He wanted last night to happen again. So did you. So it did. You actually waited for him to wake up before leaving this time and were rewarded with some nice morning sex. That happened two more times before you had to leave.
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Once back in the states, you had maintained loose contact with Foxy. Of course a good majority of your phone calls would end in phone sex, but getting to talk to him was always nice, long distance fees be damned. One night, you’re on the phone with him while you make dinner. The news is playing on the TV in the background, and you're only barely paying attention to it. But the one time you do look over to the TV, you drop the phone in shock. Three mugshots are displayed on the TV with the information that there’s been a search for them for several months. One of them being Foxy, and the other two being his siblings that you’ve come to be acquainted with during your visits to their house. You knew they seemed familiar for a reason. You scramble to pick up the phone and put it to your ear to catch Foxy asking if you’re still there and asking what happened.
“You’re.. You’re on TV” you manage to whisper out.
“Aw fuck, babydoll. This isn’t how I wanted you to find out” He then briefly explains what all happened and asks if you’re going to try to turn him in. Your mind however, is somewhere completely different.
“Wait.. your name is actually Winslow?”
“Yeah.. really doesn’t fit me too well, does it?”
“I absolutely get why you go by Foxy now.. No offense, but Winslow is an unmoanable name if I’ve ever heard one.” you chuckle, completely unfazed that you’re talking to a serial killer. To you he’s still Foxy, the guy you met in a bar in Mexico, and got a little too attached to.
“To answer your question, I’m not going to turn you in. This won’t change much. Besides, I always did have a thing for bad boys”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Few Too Many
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, In-game violence and death, Suggestive comments
Genre: Protective fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Jealousy is a dangerous thing, especially when the jealous person is armed with a gun....in a game of Counter Strike. At least Y/N’s friend will now know not to mess around and flirt with her, especially not with Corpse around.
Requested by 🐐 Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! Sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post your request but here it finally is! I didn’t want to make it IRL violence to avoid triggering anyone while I also felt it’d be very ooc for Corpse to beat someone up but I still hope you enjoy the fic if you come across it and read it! Love, Vy ❤
“Hey everyone!“ Y/N greets her squad as they all customize their characters while I sit there, observing and unknowing of what I’m supposed to do. “I invited Corpse to play with us today, hope y’all don’t mind.”
“Of course not! Nice to finally meet you, Corpse. We’ve heard a ton about you from Y/N, thanks for making our girl the happiest she’s ever been.“ One of her friends says, the tone of his voice suggesting he’s only half-joking with the dad like comment he made.
“Nice to meet you too, man. Glad I’m the one she gave the chance of making her happy. That’s all I ever wanna do.“ Though it may sound cheesy, as guys, her friends can probably read into how genuinely I mean what I’ve said.
Dating a girl with only guy friends has it’s pros and cons. Which outweigh which is still up for debate since I’m still researching, but so far so good in my opinion. This is the first time I’m interacting with them directly so I’ve still got a long way to go in terms of getting to know them and the details of their relationship with Y/N better. Regardless, I at least know they can easily understand me and put themselves in my shoes if I ever ‘mess things up’ with Y/N and she goes to complain to them - something that will most likely never happen. I’d never dare make this girl upset. Chances are, if I do, her friends won’t get to me on time - I would deliver my own punishment just the way I think I deserve it. However, there’s also the chance of them getting super protective of her and ganging up on me over something as small as a fight. By the many things and stories Y/N’s shared with me about them, I believe they wouldn’t think twice about kicking someone’s ass for her. They’re not massive dudes - I’ve seen pictures of them - but I for one don’t ever wanna see em angry.
“Ay bro, what’d you do to score our best girl? You must know what she likes. If so please, by all means, do tell.“ One of them, not the one who was previously talking, speaks up, his words making me furrow my brows in both confusion and irritation.
I open my mouth to complain as I slowly start cracking my knuckles when Y/N and her friends beat me to it. Thing is, Y/N’s friend group consists of three guys and her and yet four voices scolded the guy that made that suggestive comment. That being said, this guy probably isn’t considered to be one of her friends, at least not one that’s a permanent part of her friend group.
“Seth, cut it out!“ The guy I was previously speaking to says sharply before softening his tone to refer to me, “Sorry about my brother, excuse his lack of brain cells, please.“
Just then, I also receive a message from someone. Checking my phone, turns out it’s Y/N who by the way is currently in the living room while I’m in the recording room. Her text reads:
Y/N ~ Ignore Seth. I told Leo to not invite him but he’s still here somehow
I send her back a quick reassuring text before answering the guy I now know is named Leo, “No worries, it’s fine.”
“See? The guy can take a joke, you’re all just freaking out over nothing!“ Seth laughs, reminding me and the others of how loud he is compared to us.
Despite acting like it’s no big deal, I can’t help but admit to myself that this behavior of Seth’s has awoken a deeply buried suspicion of mine that’s not only mine but also arises in every guy whose girlfriend hangs out with a lot of guys. It’s not that I don’t trust Y/N - she could literally blindfold me and tell me to walk through a pool of lava, promising it wouldn’t hurt and I’d do it - but we all know about that saying that every guy in a group with one girl has liked said girl at least once.
Disturbing to think these four, including Seth five, dudes could’ve possibly been my competition at some point. It’s nice that they’re all super chill about it, mostly cause some of them have girlfriends as I was told.
Nevertheless, we get over that hiccup and carry on with the small talk and preparations for the game. Since it’s my first time playing CSGO, Y/N, Leo and her other friend Clancy explain the mechanics to me in detail to avoid me getting confused mid-game and getting myself killed. When they finish, we start the round and wait for the game’s algorithm to separate us into two teams which Y/N jokingly refers to as cops and robbers. Unfortunately, the end result of that separation ends up being me getting put in the terrorists’ force with Leo and Clancy while Y/N’s with the FBI, partnered with Seth and her other friend Evan.
“Alright, team, we shall now disperse. Corpse, remember, if you see more than one of them, radio in and lay low, we’ll be with you as soon as possible.“ Leo informs me as he runs off in one direction, Clancy going in the opposite. I confirm I understand and go along my way too, heading for this ancient looking structure that looks like it could belong in an old-timey movie. 
Walking in, I realize the place is way bigger than it appeared on the outside. A quick look up confirms that there are three fucking floors above, not to mention that the ground floor is huge. Luckily, there are many crates and barrels to hide behind if I come across an FBI agent. I sure as hell hope it’s Y/N, I could maybe even try talking her into giving me a second chance at life and pretend she never saw me. Come to think of it though, I’d probably prefer getting killed by her rather than her friends - especially Seth.
Given that we’re in a Discord call, I can hear all the conversation going on. They are all quiet though, I can just periodically hear the mumbles of someone muttering to themselves as they navigate the map cautiously out of fear of running into their opponent unprepared. The silence is put to an end though when Seth speaks up, addressing Y/N.
“Yo, your boyfriend’s with the terrorists, ain’t he? That’s like the universe giving you a sign that y’all shouldn’t be together.“ The fucker laughs at his own joke while I can literally hear Y/N rolling her eyes.
“Have you heard of Romeo and Juliet, Seth?“ She asks sarcastically, almost getting a chuckle out of me but I suppress it to avoid getting caught listening in.
“Yeah, they both die at the end. Fucking boooriiinngg.“ Just then, I spot two silhouettes entering the building. Aiming my gun at them reveals their names - just the people I’m currently involuntarily eavesdropping on. Seth and Y/N don’t notice me though so I quickly duck behind a crate and prepare to radio in when Seth continues verbally torturing Y/N and dancing on my last nerves, “I personally think the friends-to-lovers trope is far more interesting...“
Did this guy just- no, he’s gotta be fucking kidding me
I’m left with my jaw hanging in disbelief at this guy’s audacity. I have no doubt Y/N’s about to put him in his place herself but I just gotta have my own chat with this guy. And by ‘chat’ I mean I mindlessly rush out from behind the crate towards where I saw him and Y/N and open fire on him.  I hear his startled and upset screams with Y/N’s laughter in the background. She doesn’t try to stop me as a teammate of his should and would, instead she just observes the scene unfold, laughing her ass off.
“Yo man what the fuck was that for?!“ I hear Seth’s yell but only faintly since the sound of gunshots is still echoing through my headphones. Yeah, I’m not done shooting this fucker.
“Corpse...Corpse, buddy...“ Y/N manages through fits of laughter she cannot tame, “That’s a few too many bullets, he’s already dead.”
“And that was a few too many comments for him to be let off the hook.” I answer as sharply as I can with the new-formed smile on my face. What can I say, her happiness is contagious.
“Well, you got your first kill in CSGO. Good job, babe! I’m super proud of you!” She cheers for me, clapping her hands excitedly. 
“Nah that was my first overkill.“ I quickly add, with a more threatening tone: “And it won’t be my last.”
“Let’s just hope there aren’t few too many of these overkills either.“ She snickers.
“That doesn’t depend on me, babe.“ I say smugly, suggestively enough for Seth to pick up the dropped hint. Mother fucker’s officially been put in his place and I couldn’t possibly be happier - with the added bonus of getting a ton of laughter out of Y/N who also decides to walk away, leaving me unharmed but promising to shoot to kill next time she sees me.
I’m ok with that. She could kill me anyday.
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295 notes · View notes
dirtykpopsnaps · 4 years
Tiny and Feisty - Johnny Suh smut
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Warnings: This fic contains 18+ material. Anyone under 18 seen interacting with this fic will be blocked!
Contains: tiny!reader. feisty!reader. bulge kink. size kink.
Requested: yes
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Words: 2, 367
I stare in the mirror, taking in the sight of my slightly baggy t-shirt and ripped jeans. My hair is thrown up in a ponytail and it’s all over the place, but there’s not much I can do about that. I nod once at myself and head out of the bathroom, into the living room of the dorm. Several of the boys are all gathered in the living room, waiting for me to get back. Doyoung and Jaehyun are having a comfortable conversation, Taeyong throwing in comments here and there. From the kitchen, I hear my boyfriend, Johnny, clattering around. “You guys ready to go?” I ask. They all look up at me and Johnny pokes his head out of the kitchen.
“Just grabbing some waters,” he states.
In the living room, the other three boys get off the couches and stand by the door. Johnny comes back a moment later with five waters and hands one to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. In his other hand, he’s holding a leather football (American). Earlier, we all decided that it would be nice to get out of the house and go for a walk to the nearby park. It’s not usually too crowded where the dorm is, so we’re hoping not to get mobbed. I move Johnny’s hand off of my shoulder and take his hand in mine, instead, entwining our fingers. Doyoung makes a gagging noise and I glare at him, smacking his shoulder. Jaehyun and Taeyong both laugh heartily.
Together, the five of us make our way down the flight of stairs and out onto the street. As predicted, not too many people are out and those who do just ignore us mostly. There are a few stares here and there, but we aren’t asked for any autographs. The walk to the park is fairly uneventful. We’re all just walking along, trying to bring as little attention to ourselves as possible. Obviously, a few eyes are drawn to us since there are so many of us, but we’re mostly able to go unnoticed.
At the park, it’s pretty quiet. There are a couple families scattered here and there, some people ride their bikes along the patches. However, the large field is open and almost completely barren. Johnny looks around at his friends, smiling. “Anyone wanna play football?” He asks, holding up the football in his hands. I look up at him happily and nod.
“Yeah, football would be fun!” I say excitedly. Johnny’s eyes drift down to mine and he has a look on his face that I can’t quite decipher.
“Uh...Y/N...are you sure you wanna play? You’re kinda...” he trails off. However, I know what he was going to say. I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at him.
“Suh Young-ho, are you actually saying that I can’t play football with you guys because I’m *short*?!” I ask heatedly. Johnny stares at me with wide eyes, looking around at his friends for help. He knows that I only call him by his Korean name when I’m very upset.
In our group, Jaehyun cringes lightly at my tone. “John...it might be best to just let her play,” he advises softly.
“Ah, o-okay, yeah, sure. You can play with us, Y/N,” he laughs awkwardly, trying to brush off what he just said. I roll my eyes, taking the ball out of his hand and heading over to the open field. Johnny and the others follow soon after. Taeyong looks around the group, furrowing his eyebrows.
“How are we going to play? There’s an odd number,” he comments. Just as Johnny is about to say something, Jaehyun backs out.
“I don’t mind watching for a little bit,” he shrugs. Johnny’s eyes flit over to me and I smile sarcastically at him. I know that he was going to suggest I sit out.
“How about we do teams? Taeyong and Johnny versus Doyoung and I?” I suggest.
Instantly, Johnny gives me an betrayed look. Just by those team suggestions he can tell how frustrated I am. “Y/N, I—,” he starts, but I hold up my hand.
“Young-ho, I suggest you shut up before I get more upset,” I say sharply. Johnny snaps his mouth shut, walking a little ways off into the field with Taeyong. Doyoung and I talk a little bit about tactics before we walk back over to Johnny and Taeyong.
“Okay...those trees at the end there, and the edge of the picnic area are the two goals,” Taeyong says, pointing in either direction. I nod my head softly and cradle the ball in my arms.
After a few moment of talking, we set up to start the game. Doyoung and I start with the ball, and Doyoung is directly behind me. “Hut hut!” I call, throwing the ball through my legs and back to Doyoung. For the most part, the game goes pretty well. Everyone is working pretty well together and, after about half an hour, the score is 2-3, Doyoung and I. At around the 45 minute mark, something happens that makes me leave the game. Doyoung had just thrown the ball to me and I was running down the field toward our goal. Taeyong was right in front of me and I was about to swerve when he accidentally tripped and fell on top of me.
Instantly, I’m crushed to the ground, the ball still in my arms. “Y/N!” I hear Johnny shout. Taeyong is pulled off of me and I see Johnny kneeling next to me. “Are you alright?” He asks, giving me a very worried look. I sit up from the ground, groaning at the aching all over my body.
“Yeah, I’m fine, John,” I say plainly.
“Are you sure?” He asks, helping me stand up and then checking me all over as if looking for any injuries. I furrow my eyebrow and push him away a little.
“Yes, Johnny, I’m fine,” I say, firmer this time. Johnny finally stands to his full height and turns on Taeyong, glaring at him.
“Taeyong, you need to be more careful!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” He says, holding up his hands in defense. Johnny sighs, wiping his hand over his face.
“I know you didn’t, Tae, but she’s so—,” Johnny stops mid-sentence, his gaze flirting over to me. I narrow my eyes at him, crossing my arms.
“I’m. So. What?” I ask, gritting my teeth.
“You’re so...so...so...” Johnny stumbles for words, trying to think of what to say.
“So. Tiny,” I fill in.
Johnny tries to correct me, but finally sighs and hangs his head, nodding. I groan again and stomp my foot on the ground. “God fucking dammit, Young-ho! Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I need to be protected!” I exclaim. He starts to say something, but I just drop the ball on the ground and walk off.
“Jaehyun, fill in for me. I don’t feel like playing anymore,” I say coldly. Jaehyun jumps off the ground, obviously trying to avoid my wrath.
Taking deep breaths to try and calm myself, I walk over to the swing set and sit down. For a while, I sit and swing, keeping an eye on the game from afar. I slowly allow myself to calm down as I swing. After a while, someone comes up to the swing set. I slow down and look up at them. Standing at the edge of the swing set, his head hanging low, is Johnny. I sigh softly and stand up, walking over to him. Calmly, I cup his face in my hands and look up at him. “It’s okay, Johnny. I know you just want to protect me,” I say softly. He leans into my touch, sighing quietly.
“Let’s go home, okay?” He asks, looking up again. I nod my head, taking his hand in mine and entwining our fingers. Johnny smiles softly and we make our way over to the group.
On the walk back, everything is completely silent. The boys know that I’m not upset anymore (I made sure of that), but we don’t have much to talk about and none of us mind the silence. Heading back into the dorm, everyone breaks off to do their own things. Johnny leads me back to his bedroom and closes the door behind us. As soon as the door closes, Johnny stands close to me and kneels down, pressing his ear against my stomach. I giggle lightly, pulling my fingers through his hair. He looks up at me with wide, brown eyes. “Can I make it up to you?” He asks. I nod my head lightly, smiling down at him.
“As you long as you don’t treat me like I’ll completely break, we can absolutely have some makeup sex,” I giggle.
Looking up at me, Johnny shakes his head and stands up to his full height. “‘Like you won’t break’? Let’s be honest. The first time we were together, I nearly split you in two,” he says. I laugh loudly and hug him tightly.
“Not my fault my boyfriend is a 6 foot skyscraper,” I point out. Johnny shrugs it off, smiling proudly at his comment. Slowly, he leans down and connects our lips, resting his hands on my waist. I sigh into the kiss, leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him properly.
After a few seconds we pull away and I pull my shirt over my head, throwing it across the room. Johnny stares down at me, my breasts almost completely bare to him. He leans down and unhooks my bra with ease. I let it fall off my arms and down to the floor. He sighs happily, reaching out and taking my boobs into his large hands. He rubs his thumb over my nipples and I sigh contentedly, leaning into his touch. Seconds later, his touch leaves my breasts and I peel my eyes back open in confusion. I’m just able to catch a glimpse of his shirt flying across the room to join mine.
Johnny steps forward, moving me back towards the bed. When I feel the bed dig into the back of my knees, I flop down on it. He chuckles and kneels down between my legs. I open them to accommodate his body. “I’m sorry, babygirl, I really am. I know I shouldn’t be treating you like you can’t take care of yourself,” he sighs, hanging his head. I smile softly, cupping his face again.
“It’s okay, John, I understand. It’s just frustrating sometimes, that’s all,” I admit. He nods his head softly.
“Honestly,” he mutters, “I kinda like how small you are compared to me. It’s hot.” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“It’s...hot?” I ask skeptically. He nods his head enthusiastically.
“Absolutely! And when I fuck you, I can see the bulge of my cock going in and out of you. I can’t watch it for too long, or I feel like I’m gonna blow my load right there.” I giggle lightly, opening my legs wider.
“Well, why don’t you show me what you mean?” I smirk. Johnny groans softly, his head falling back.
“What are you doing to me?”
Quickly, Johnny and I shed our jeans on the floor. I love further up the bed and Johnny joins me, hovering over me. He rubs his cock through my folds, gathering the essence there. A few seconds later, he lines himself at my hole. “Okay, just watch for a little,” he says slowly. I nod my head and he starts pushing into me. I feel the familiar stretch and my immediate instinct is for my head to fall back against the pillows. However, I keep my eyes open and trained on my lower stomach. Johnny slowly works his way in, taking shallow and shaky breaths as he goes. Finally, he bottoms out. “Th-There, s-see?” He asks, holding back a moan.
Looking down my lower stomach again, I see a small raised bump just were his cock would be. I give him a shocked look, looking up. “Oh, wow! I didn’t even realize that that happens!” I say honestly. He laughs shakily, his hair plastered to his forehead as he begins sweating.
“Y-Yeah, it does. E-Every time, sweetheart,” he stammers. I hum sweetly and wrap my arms around his neck, looking into his big brown eyes.
“Johnny, fuck me, please,” I say softly, pouting at him. He immediately pulls back and slams back in. I moan loudly, my head falling back against the pillows.
Slowly, Johnny’s rhythm starts building up. He progressively becomes faster and faster and I hold tightly to him. Once he finds my g spot, he aims for it and hits it almost every time. “J-Johnny, please, I need more. Play with my clit, p-play with nipples, please, something!” I whine needily. Johnny leans down and takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. It takes all of my effort not to scream out in pleasure. The knot in my stomach keeps winding tighter and tighter until it’s about to snap. “Johnny, I’m gonna come!” I exclaim.
“Come for me, babygirl. Be a good girl,” he growls, pulling one of my nipples back into his mouth.
With one last suck, waves of pleasure crash over me. I can feel my cunt squeezing around Johnny’s cock and he groans loudly, throwing his head back in pleasure. “F-Fuck, Jesus Christ!” He moans, quickly pulling out. Over my stomach, he pumps his cock quickly and, seconds later, his load spills out and over my stomach. He takes in deep, shaking breaths as he slowly comes down from his high. I sit up a little and pull him in for a kiss.
When we pull back, Johnny grabs a t-shirt from off the floor and uses it to wipe of his cum. When cleans his cock a little, then comes back to bed and we both climb under the covers. “Johnny?” I ask softly.
“Yes, sweetheart?” He asks, grogginess starting to makes it’s way into his voice.
“I love you...a lot,” I say, pressing a kiss to his temple. He chuckles, nuzzling his face into my chest.
“I love you, too, babygirl...a lot.”
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writtenonreceipts · 3 years
rowaelin the only single person in the friend group?
The Singles Club Isn’t Always Lonely
As Rowan entered the local bar, he shook rain from his coat and hair.  For the past two days it had seemed like constant cloud coverage lingered and that meant rain.  Not that Rowan particularly minded the rain.  It just grew tiresome.  He had yet to find a reason to fully rejoice in it.
He waved to Brullo, the bartender, and headed back to the usual table where he and his friends usually took over.  Indeed, Vaughan and Connall were seated drinks in hand and in deep conversation about something.  Gavriel and Fenrys were shooting darts—Gav wiping Fenrys’ ass with the score.  Though Fenrys was always more in it for the social aspect than the competitive nature.
“Well, look who finally showed up,” Connall called when he looked up to see Rowan crossing the bar towards them. 
Shooting his friend a vulgar gesture, Rowan took a seat in one of the stool and drew a freshly opened beer towards him.
“I should ask you all the same question,” Rowan grunted.  He took a swig of beer and sighed.  “Between wives and girlfriends, I thought you’d all bail on meeting up.”
“Hell, no!” Fenrys shot a wild dart and came to sling an arm over Rowan’s shoulder. “Tradition.  As Asterin so lovingly reminds me, I need to spend more time with you losers.  I think it’s just so she can go to the shooting range with Manon and Elide, but you know.”
“Nehemia says that I’m hovering,” Connall said.  “As if I can hover.  She’s seven months pregnant, I should be allowed to be concerned.”
“You’ve texted six times in the last half hour, man,” Vaughan said.  He pointed meaningfully to his friend's phone.
Connall scowled. “Concerned.”
“Hovering,” Rowan said.  He took another drin.
“You have to let her live her life still, Con,” Gavriel said.  He plucked the round of darts from the board and turned back to his friends. “When Endara was pregnant with Aedion she and Evalin would go on week long spa getaways.”
Connall looked absolutely horrified. “But—”
“No,” Gavriel insisted.  “Space and foot rubs.”
“That contradicts itself,” Connall muttered.
“Just saying,” Gavriel said.
Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel had a son their same age.  Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel was as old as he was.  Of course, he would never say it to the man’s face.  Because getting his ass kicked was not on his list of things to do.
“This is why Rolfe and I communicate,” Vaughan said.  He grabbed Connall’s phone before he could check it for a nonexistent text.
“You and boyfriend have a very strange definition of communication,” Fenrys said. “You also need to lock your front door.”
“You need to knock,” Vaughan said unapologetically.
Rowan rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. “Where’s Salvaterre?  Why am I on the chopping block.”
“Because he texted,” Vaughan said emphatically, “that he would be late.”
“Elide had an important meeting at work and he wanted to take her out for ice cream after,” Fenrys grumbled. “They’re almost as disgusting as Conn and Mia.”
“See,” Rowan finally spoke up, “this is why I am remaining single.”
The group groaned, throwing peanut husks at him while telling him to grow up.  Rowan simply laughed.  It was a conversation they’d all tried to have with him.  Get a girlfriend Rowan.  Go out on more dates Rowan.  You work too much Rowan.
He knew they were just giving him a hard time.  For the most part.  But he also couldn’t help but let the words dig into his skin.
They’d miraculously been through a lot together.  Despite the age differences between them all, something had drawn them together with a love of history, hand-to-hand combat, and drunken nights of poker.
“Hey, assholes!” Lorcan entered the bar and exchanged a few words with Brullo before coming to the table.
“‘Bout time, man,” Connall called.  He kicked a stool out for the other man.
“I was supporting my girlfriend,” Lorcan said, “shouldn’t you be with your wife?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking Elide to marry you?” Connall shot back.
Lorcan launched into a coughing fit just as he took a drink of beer. “What?”
“It’s been two months and all we’ve heard from you is how great this girl is.  Coming from you that’s practically a wedding announcement,” Rowan added, grinning fiendishly when Lorcan’s face heated
“Yeah, you know, speaking of relationships, I haven’t seen you taking anyone out lately,” Lorcan groused.
Before Rowan could either shoot Lorcan the finger or snark back to him, Brullo arrived with another round of beer.
The rest of the night passed in easy conversation punctuated Fenrys’ claims that at the next poker night he would win every hand.  Granted he was on his third beer as he said this.
It was just like any other night.  And yet by the time midnight rolled around, he listened as his friends claimed necessity to return to domesticity.
Nehemia had cravings.  Elide, Manon, and Asterin were drunk and needed a ride.  Rolfe threatened to watch Bridgerton alone.  And Endara claimed Gavriel had left her kitchen a mess.  
Life as it should be was chaos.  And while Rowan knew he wouldn’t have it any other way, as he paid off the tab with Brullo—consequence of a lost bet—he found himself facing a night of pouring rain and a semi-drunk Connall to haul around.
When Aelin Galathynius swore a life of solitude, it was for a good reason.  She’d recently adopted a dog after all and Fleetfoot needed her undivided attention.  
Now, five years later, she regretted nothing.  Especially when Fleetfoot was such an excellent snuggling companion.
While her apartment was small, and admittedly shabby, it was home.  Had been since she’d moved out of last foster home five years ago.  Almost every single one of her friends had lived with her in that time.  From Manon deeming it for your own good so you don’t end up murdered in this hellish part of town, to Elide claiming that I have no idea how to live by myself, you have to help me.
The apartment had known many people.  Had known fights and tears.  Had known emotional breakdowns and dance parties.  
And yet, as Aelin came home from work on a glorious Friday evening, it felt empty.  Even with Fleetfoot eagerly dancing around her feet.  Even as she hooked on the leash and took a brisk walk around the block with Fleetfoot bounding along joyfully.  Even when she returned home and turned her music on while she made dinner.
Only the pouring rain outside gave any indication of the outside world.
Aelin turned her music up louder.
Perhaps it would have been so bad if Elide were here with her.  Or Nehemia.  Any of her friends.  But it was date night and she knew just how much her friends had been missing their boys.  
Elide worked so much and she’d recently started dating Lorcan Salvaterre they barely saw each other.  Nehemia was having a baby with the love of her life.  And then even though she and Asterin weren’t the closest, Aelin did miss her drinking buddy.  And Yrene was so busy with her internship that all she had time for was her new marriage.
Aelin couldn’t have been happier for her friends, truly.  They were all living their best lives.  And so was Aelin.
She’d graduated with her degree in history, specializing in warfare and weaponry.  Now she was teaching part-time at a community college and part of a research team that was working an archeology dig out in Wendlyn.  Everything she’d wanted.  Everything she’d worked so hard to get.
Life was good.  Or so she kept telling herself.
“You really need to start locking your door!”
Aelin turned from the mess of spaghetti she was trying to make to find Elide, Asterin, and Manon entering her apartment.  She held a spatula out threateningly.
“You can't just barge into people’s apartments,” Aelin said.
“We can if the door’s unlocked,” Manon replied.  She wasted no time in kicking off her shoes and tossing her jacket onto Aelin’s couch. “Please tell me you have wine.”
“What’d Dorian do now?” Aelin asked as Manon easily went to the kitchen and found the bottle of wine.  Not the cheap stuff.
“Nothing,” Manon grumbled.
Asterin barked out a laugh.  “He brought up meeting his parents.”
“And moving in together,” Elide added.
Manon brandished the corkscrew threateningly. “Don’t make me use this.”
Chuckling, Aelin turned the burners of her stove off. “It’s Dorian.  You can tell him no to both things and he’ll get it.”
Manon grunted and began chugging her very full glass of wine.
“Lorcan mentioned moving in together,” Elide said. Wine spurted from Manon’s nose and Elide rolled his eyes. “Eventually.  He didn’t actually ask just one of those brief passing comments.”
“You know, I still don’t like him,” Aelin said.  She dished up a few bowls of pasta and started handing them out.
“Please the two of you are practically besties,” Elide said.  She gave Aelin a wink before settling in a chair at the small dining room table.
“Speaking of besties,” Asterin added, “Fenrys just sent me a text.  They are getting wasted at the bar.”
“Is Gav with them?” Elide asked through a mouthful of pasta.
“Yeah, thank the Goddess,” Asterin said.  “I don’t want to pick his drunk ass up.”
Manon made an approving sound and poured herself another glass of wine. “Because we are getting ourselves drunk.”
Aelin debated taking the wine away from Manon already, but shrugged.  She needed a distraction from everything else.  Before sitting down, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey she kept in case of emergencies and few glasses.  It was girl’s night, why not?
“You do know you’re going to have to talk to Dorian, eventually right?” Aelin asked, pouring out whiskey.
“Shush,” Manon said. “Talking is overrated.  We’ll just have sex and get over it.”
Aelin made a face. “I’d rather not think of you and one of my best friends in that way.”
“It’s sex!” Manon shouted. “C’mon, Aelin.  I know it can’t have been that long since you slept with someone.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes.  She most certainly should have taken the wine away.  Wine drunk Manon was a whole different animal than whiskey drunk Manon.
“Ohh,” Elide said, already pushing back her half-eaten bowl of pasta for the whiskey. “I might know of someone.  Actually, Lorcan knows him.”
“No!” Aelin shouted at the same time Asterin screeched, “yes!”
“He’s very attractive,” Elide said with a knowing nod.
“And works out, a ton,” Asterin added. “He and Fen are training for a marathon.”
Aelin didn’t know whether to be impressed or horrified.  She worked out and believed in a healthy lifestyle.  But she also believed in chocolate.  And cake.
Even as her friends slid side-glances her direction, Aelin ignored them.  They’d been hounding her to date more.  Ever since Sam had broken up with her when she wouldn’t move across the country with him and the mess with Chaol...Aelin hadn’t been in a serious relationship.  And she was fine.  Did she miss casual dates? Yes.  Someone she could talk to about everything and anything?  Yes.  Did she miss sex?  Absolutely.
On the last item she could rectify that easily.  Just swing by the nearest club, but Aelin had always craved connection more than casualties.  
She knocked back her shot of whiskey and nabbed the bottle from Manon who was well on her way to drunk.
Elide laughed at Aelin’s diversion from talking and got up to turn Aelin’s stereo up.
“You’ve gotta find a way to support Fleetfoot,” the petite brunette said, “being a single mom is hard.”
“Screw you!” Aelin growled.
“Pretty sure Lorcan’s already taking care of that,” Asterin said.
“No!” Manon and Aelin shouted together.
Cackling madly, Elide downed her whiskey and began dancing.  It didn’t take long before all four girls were drunk and dancing madly to the music.  And Aelin was able to forget everything else about the day and little comments her friends had made.
It wasn’t until after midnight that Lorcan and Fenrys showed up to take the other girl’s home.  Fenry, a bit tipsy himself.
“Baby!” Elide squealed when she threw open the door.
Had Aelin been a touch more wasted she would have missed the soft smile that flitted across Lorcan’s face as his girlfriend flung herself at him.  Aelin might not have understood where the hell that relationship had come from but she was slowly starting to accept it.
“Be safe,” Aelin demanded as she ushered her drunk friends out the door, Lorcan assuring her he had only drank one beer over an hour ago.
“Get a Tinder!” Asterin hollered as Aelin closed the door.
And just like that, she was left to an empty apartment.
When Rowan got into the business of researching ancient warfare and artifacts of war, he’d known it would give him hell in the future.  Not that he would regret it of course, but for the past five years he’d dealt with questioning papers, developing thesis, tossing out said thesis, and trying to appear that he knew what he was doing.
It was a miracle if he could accomplish that last item.
By the time he made it home from work, he was exhausted.  The text from Elide--how she’d gotten his number Rowan had no idea--declaring a night out didn’t help any.  But it had been a few weeks since he and his friend--all his friends had gotten together.
So he dragged his sorry hide into a shower and down to Brullo’s bar.
And just like always he was the last to arrive.
“Whitethorn!” Vaughan called out.
Rowan raised his hand in recognition before getting a drink from Brullo.
Already, his friends had their drinks and their girls--and in Vaughan’s case, boy.  Nothing about the night seemed far from normal.  Even if Rowan wasn’t as familiar with Asterin or Rolfe, being around this group of people always put him at ease.
“You look like hell, Rowan,” Nehemia said with a sympathetic smile.  She wore a simple gray dress that showed off her growing bump, her black hair twisted in thick braids.
Rowan offered a returning smile. “It was a hellish day.”
Connall thrust a beer into his hands. “Here’s to make it better.  Although my lovely wife has already graced you with her presence, so consider yourself lucky.”
Rolling his eyes, Rowan shoved his friend away. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Too much,” Loran supplied.  As usual he was seated in the corner of their table, nursing a beer.
“Where’s Elide?” Rowan asked. “Seeing as she’s the one who made me come.”
Lorcan gestured out to the dance floor.  The dance floor.  Since when did Brullo let anyone start dancing?  Not in the past five years that Rowan and his friends had come.  Unless one of them or another patron got too drunk.
But there was some song with a deep, thrumming beat reverberated through the bar.  Someone must have bribed Brullo to put it on.  Likely the fiends who were dancing like they had no care in the world.
Fenrys and Asterin were practically glued together and were less dancing and more making out.  Nearby Gavriel and Endara were mostly laughing while tripping over their feet to keep with the beat of the song.  What caught Rowan’s attention however was Elide.
Or rather her dance partner.
The woman was tall, lean, and had the frame of a fighter.  She moved so easily to the music that Rowan was focused on her more than the song.  Her blond hair hung well past her shoulders in golden waves matching her gold dress perfectly.  But perhaps what was so striking was the carefree smile she wore.  The way she laughed and leaned into Elide as the song changed to a sultrier chord.  But neither woman seemed to notice, or care.
Until the blonde looked up and the low lights emitting from the dance floor set a low fire to her eyes and dug into him, holding him in place.  And his breath caught.
Elide broke the spell that had settled over him.
“Rowan!” She yelled and waved frantically for him to join the dancing.
“No,” Rowan called back firmly.  The last time he had decided to go dancing with Elide he had ended up shirtless, hungover, and in a car halfway to Mexico.  
Elide pouted at him before crooking her finger to her boyfriend.  Lorcan was already up and out of his seat making his way toward her.  It was still strange to Rowan to see the brute of a man soften for anyone.
Shaking his head, Rowan returned to the bar to get another drink.
“Can I get something as well, Brullo?” The airy confidence of the woman, snagged Rowan’s attention and he turned to see the Elide’s former dance partner standing beside him.
From this angle, Rowan was better able to see that spark of gold and blue in her eyes, a splash of freckles on her nose.  She was beautiful.
“You must be Rowan,” she said with a single brow raised.
He nodded and accepted a beer from Brullo. “I am, but I don’t seem to know you.”
Her mouth pulled up on one side. “Aelin.  Elide and I grew up together.  Figured since I never see her anymore, I had to come see what this place is all about.”
“Elide dragged you out here, didn’t she?” Rowan asked.
“She is terrifying when she wants to be,” Aelin agreed.  She offered him a full grin in that instant and Rowan knew that if possible, he would try and make her smile like that again. “And she offered to pay my tab.”
“Meaning Lorcan will be paying your tab,” Rowan said.
“He does have his uses, other than being a brute.” Aelin laughed at that and took the drink Brullo offered her.  She turned her gaze on him, those eyes so full of light. “I suppose I should get used to him though.  Elide seems to like him.”
She wasn’t wrong Rowan realized.  “Anyone that can get Lorcan to actually get out and dance is a miracle worker.”
“Except, she didn’t get you out there dancing,” Aelin said.  She let out a soft laugh leaning closer to him.
And there it was, something different.  And perhaps Rowan wouldn’t identify it for a long time.  Wouldn’t really know what it was.  But there was something about Aelin that drew him in.  He’d known her for all of ten minutes, didn’t even know her last name, and here he was completely ensnared.
“I don’t dance,” Rowan said.
Aelin cackled. “Not yet anyway.”
She knocked back the rest of her drink and grabbed Rowan’s arm pulling him to the dancefloor.
Perhaps if they’d been paying closer attention, they would have noticed the high-five Asterin and Elide exchanged.  Or the passing of bills between Vaughan, Connall, and Gavriel.  There was a great deal they didn’t notice.
Not how the rain stopped pouring outside.  Not how the emptiness of the night was overcome by more than music and alcohol.  It was a silent shift.  A careful one.  One that would become more than alright with them.
as always thanks for reading!
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yoongi-sugaglider · 3 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2833
A/n: Just a heads up, mild torture beat em ups this chapter, and the opinions of the military are (Mostly) purely for the story.
Part 17===Part 18===Part 19
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By the time my brain even attempted to register what was going on, Jenkins had already dragged me from the kitchen into the main bowling area.
The pitch-black lanes loomed before me, gaping chasms yawning in the darkness like the monstrous face of some multi headed monster preparing to swallow me whole.
Jenkins shoved me ahead of him, causing me to stumble into one of the ball returns. I choked back a cry as the cool and unforgiving metal dug into the wound on my thigh. The last thing I needed was to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt me, especially with the implications of what he planned to do to me.
As I pushed myself to stand he grabbed my arm, growling his impatience in my ear and shoving me around the machine.
“Keep it moving, I don’t have all day.”
I frowned, shuffling forward a pace or two before finding my stride once again.
“Shame, last I checked I had the whole apocalypse.” I laced as much sass as I could manage into my tone, earning myself a jab to the ribs from his weapon. The bruising force had me cackling into the darkness like a mad woman.
We passed several of his soldier buddies. Some camped out on the seats around the score monitors while others milled around in small groups or by themselves. All of them seemed desperate to stick as close to the lanterns as they could though.
Of the ones that I could see, including the three I’d seen stationed at the front doors, I counted 14 bodies, 26 total if I included the civilians I’d been grouped with in the kitchens. There was no telling really though how many of the soldiers had weapons and special combat training, and that alone set me on edge enough to keep me paying attention.
“Home sweet home huh?” I muttered as we made our way through to the lobby and towards a set of very dark looking stairs.
Jenkins paused for a moment and I watched by the light filtering in from the front doors as he dug angrily through the pockets of his army issue cargo pants.
“Gosh, and here I thought the torture was gonna be getting my fingernails ripped out or some shit. No, it’s waiting on King Flaccid to figure his shit out.”
The comment may have earned me a rifle butt to the stomach but damn if it wasn’t worth seeing Jenkin’s fellow soldier snickering behind his back.
���Shut it Riley…” Jenkins grumbled.
By the time the semi functioning man had his flashlight out and shining at the stairs I’d recovered from my forced Lamaze class enough to walk upright again. Which meant once more I was leading the way in a building I’d never been in before.
Using my still cuffed hands I felt along the walls as I climbed, finally emerging on the pitch black landing with a sigh.
“Lovely place you have here.” I grumbled, impatiently tapping my foot as I watched the bobbing beam of the flashlight slowly ascending behind me. I suppressed a shiver when the light highlighted several dark smears and handprint splatters on the wall.
“Yooo!! Welcome to my crib MTV!” I grinned, leaning against the wall as nonchalantly as possible when Jenkins and his buddy finally huffed and puffed their way to standing in front of me.
“Fuck sake Jenkins. Can we shut this bitch up already?”
Apparently the men had finally had enough of me as the next thing I knew I woke up with a blinding headache and a distinct inability to draw a full breath from the fact that my arms were now wrapped around the back of a chair and cuffed in place.
“Jeeze, you would think being in the military somebody would have taught these boys how to treat a lady.” I grumbled to myself, earning me a quiet snicker from somewhere ahead of me.
I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the relative brightness of the room after so long spent in the dark. A grin leapt to my face at the sight of Rose, slightly bruised to the face but no less alive and well.
“Well shit, fancy meeting you here hot stuff!”
She grinned back at me, the expression coming across as mildly manic since the swelling to her lips and cheek made her face slightly lopsided.
The room itself was about as boring as an office could get. My brain only half way registered the handful of candles that lit the place, making the bowling posters and filing cabinets feel almost sinister. 
“Homey.” I smiled, eyes seeking out Jenkins and his buddy who stood back by the door, whisper arguing with each other.
“Boys? Fancy getting a girl a drink?” I asked, head tilted awkwardly so I could catch their eye when they turned to glare at me.
Neither answered though and I went back to taking in my surroundings. Taehyung sat in a chair just opposite Rose, facing her as if they’d been making him watch them torture her. Amatures.
I nodded to him, knowing he’d always been able to handle the harshest of treatments thanks to having watched Hoseok initiate him ages and ages ago. He didn’t seem too happy to see me there but I shrugged his way, sending him a grin that had his frown deepening.
“You do realize if we duct tape her mouth we won’t have to deal with her bullshit right?”
I turned to look at the two soldiers, quirking an eyebrow at the younger one and smiling flirtily his way.
“Aww, tie me up and gag me. I like the way that one thinks.” The bright blush that exploded across his cheeks was well worth what came next.
There was no warning. I don’t know why I expected there to be one.
One minute Jenkins was by the door, the next he was right in front of me.
The pain that lashed across the left side of my face had me seeing stars. Almost immediately Rose was screaming, struggling against her restraints and threatening the men around us.
“You low life piece of garbage! I swear to fuck I will expose every internet search you ever tried to hide! Every tiny dick pic you ever took. Every depraved piece of porn you ever Googled or downloaded!”
She continued on, practically foaming at the mouth as Jenkins laughed out loud.
“Ah, see now. I had a feeling this one would be useful.” He snickered, eyes filled with glee as he watched me spit out the blood that’d filled my mouth when my teeth scraped the inside of my cheek. He pulled a butterfly knife out of his pocket, flicking it back and forth a few times before flashing it open before me.
“Come on now Army boy, my grandmother hits harder than that.” I grinned up at him, knowing I looked half way to deranged with my swelling cheek and the blood that I could still taste covering my front teeth.
My insult must not have sat too well with his ego as he bent over me and jammed the handle of his knife into my thigh wound.
“Cheeky little cunt.” He growled, breath a hot mask of cigarettes and whatever canned goop he’d eaten for lunch.
I cried out from the shock of the pain, eyes watering as I sought out the comforting sight of my friends.
Rose was openly sobbing, head hung low as she continued to mutter threats in Jenkins’ general direction. Tae on the other hand was stone silent, eyes awash with rage as he opened his mouth as if to speak.
I returned my attention to Jenkins, though I made sure Taehyung had his eyes on me before I spoke.
“Silence is golden. It’s better this way.” I knew it was cryptic, that much was obvious in the way Jenkins hesitated in raising his hand as if to hit me again.
More importantly than his reaction though was Tae. I knew he would understand my words without me having to say anything.
I glanced over at Tae, watching his eyes go from blind fury to a quiet resignation. Despite everything on the line he knew better than to go against my silent orders.
“Well?” The man called Riley demanded.
Jenkins continued to twirl his butterfly knife, face a mask of cold indifference as he watched the edge glint in the low candle light. He pulled an empty chair over, sitting down and leaning forward, elbows on his knees as he scratched at his chin with the knife blade while watching my every move.
I squinted at him, watching the rusted gears turning in his head before realization struck.
“You’ve never done this have you?” I asked, grinning brightly before throwing my head back to cackle aloud into the darkness.
“Good lord Tae no wonder you haven’t said shit!” I leaned to the side a bit, sending the stoic hacker a wink. “Hobi would have had any one of us howling out secrets by now. And here I thought I was actually in trouble. That boy could get a baby to snitch on their mother’s breast milk and here you two are barely struggling to even get me to shut up. Can you imagine!”
They tried. They certainly did.
By the time Jenkins had worn himself into exhaustion I’d grown bored with all of it.
He’d hit me sure, bruised my face and arms several shades of ugly. But in the end I’d been untied and sent on my way back to the kitchen with the others along with Rose and Taehyung.
I could tell the entire experience had demoralized poor Jenkins. His shoulders slumped as he followed behind Riley before disappearing into the darkness of the lobby after we’d been delivered back to the kitchen.
Once the soldiers were gone Jimin immediately rushed over to fawn over the three of us. He did the best he could with what the kitchen had available, substituting a tiny bottle of vodka that one of the civilians had found for rubbing alcohol and patching up everyone’s wounds as best as he was able to.
After my injuries had been attended to I made my way over to what remained of our crew, hugging a sobbing Jeanette tightly while sending Yoongi a reassuring smile before allowing myself to be wrapped from behind in the warmth of Jungkook’s grounding embrace.
“How bad was it?” he muttered into my shoulder blade.
“Not too bad. Pretty sure Jimin would have had a better time of it compared to what those amateurs attempted to accomplish.”
“Fucking Air Farce.” Came Rose’s grumbled remark as she collapsed gracelessly beside where Jeanette and Yoongi were sat.
“Air Farce?” Namjoon’s voice came from behind me and I turned to give him a smile, shrinking away slightly with a playful squeak when he reached out to ruffle my hair.
“Yeah. American military has several branches, just like most countries. There’s a bit of a hierarchy on respect levels though. Marines are hardcore, either single minded dogs or gung-ho and always ready and looking for action. Army are the boys on the front lines, some call them cannon fodder.” Rose shrugged as she leaned into Taehyung, finally relaxing for the first time since we’d been taken from the house.
“Nobody really pays attention to the Navy honestly. I mean, there’s the occasional sailor comes to port joke but really the just… It’s like everyone knows they exist but nobody wants to talk about them or admit that they do.”
“And the Air Farce?” Namjoon, ever eager to learn new things, seemed almost to be bouncing in place where he sat on the kitchen floor across from Rose.
“Air Force.” Rose corrected with a smirk. “Every branch has their own air support division. Planes, jets, choppers. All of that. The Air Force is strictly flight stuff. Air cargo, air support, blah blah blah. And while that would sound pretty epic, it’s the way they’re treated that pisses off the other branches.”
“What do you mean the way they’re treated?” One of the civilians chirped up, a young girl with eyes sparkling almost as brightly as Namjoon’s who’d wandered over and had been hovering awkwardly at the edge of the conversation. Her mother hushed her, though Rose smiled and motioned to the mother that it was okay.
“Well, actually Jeanette knows more about that than I do.” Rose smiled.
The woman blushed, having been caught listening in on the conversation as well. I glanced around the room, eyes widening when I realized that most of the people who’d been locked in the kitchen with us had their full focus on those who’d been talking.
Jeanette swallowed, nerves clamming her up at the attention. The young girl sat at her feet though, and so she chose to give her attention to the younger audience. The shift in her focus seemed to calm her enough that she was able to tell her story.
“My...recently deceased husband was in the Army. He’d been part of a war not too long ago and spent a lot of his time deployed in the desert. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of living arrangements as you can imagine.”
The girl giggled, “Wouldn’t it be like living on the beach though?”
“Oh sure.” Jeanette replied. “If that beach was nothing but sand with no water and all the crabbies were just a bunch of grumpy people.”
Namjoon jerked up, eyes wide and sparkling as he practically shouted. “There are crabs in the desert??”
Rose snorted, covering her mouth to stifle a giggle. “No Joon, but there are definitely some awful big spiders there.”
“Ewwwwww, I don’t like spiders.” The girl cringed, shuffling closer to Jeanette who instinctually gathered her into her arms.
“Me too neither.” Jeanette giggled before returning to her story.
“Well, I have a younger brother. He’d been slated to be a pretty amazing athlete. But his final year of high school he messed up his knee pretty bad and his basketball career was pretty much over. So he asked Dean for some advice. Dean pointed him towards the air force.”
The girl snuggled into Jeanette, being careful not to crush her belly and causing her mother to send Jeanette an apologetic grimace of a smile. Jeanette shook her head though, sending a reassuring smile back to let the mother know it was alright.
“After basic training my brother was sent on his first deployment to an island outpost. He’d set things up so that he could communicate with his family while he was gone, his wife and myself included. One day he messages me, and so we get to talking about his living arrangements, which of course Dean decided he needed to chirp in his two cents about.” Jeanette smiled down at the girl, brushing her hair out of her now sleeping face before turning to Namjoon’s rapt attention.
“You see, when my brother was deployed, instead of staying in a tent as if he was in the desert, or being forced to sleep on a hammock like those in the Navy had to do when they were deployed on their ships, the Air Force had put him and his squad up in a hotel. He had messaged me to complain that room service hadn’t brought him fresh towels in a week so he’d been forced to do his own laundry.”
Yoongi snorted, arms crossed over his stomach and chin buried in his chest as he struggled to contain his mirth.
“Wait so...what was wrong with that?” Namjoon asked and Yoongi barked out a bitter laugh.
“He’s deployed Joon. Life isn’t supposed to be easy on mission. You’re there to do a job. What Rose is getting at is that these Air Force men are spoiled, allowed to live the easy life while the real military men toil in the dirt.”
“Well...I mean..” 
Yoongi cut Namjoon off, giving him a deliciously evil grin. “This is a good thing. With the way these three looked after their so called torture interrogation, those dense fucks outside don’t have a clue what they’re doing. Just a handful of shmucks with guns.”
“So then…” I paused when Yoongi turned to me with a confident grin.
“Enough planning and the right upper hand, and maybe, just maybe we can get out of this completely unscathed.”
I could feel the change in Jungkook’s body language, as he’d never let go of his grip on me from behind.
“Well shit...if that’s the case…”
Jungkook was interrupted though, as suddenly, as if the universe had decided to finally give us a break from the madness, a tiny voice chirped out from the chest pocket of my shirt.
“Hey...Boss Lady...can you hear me?”
I stiffened, eyes wide as I turned to stare at Jungkook in shock.
“.....Jin? Seokjin is that you?”
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nerdynuala · 3 years
hc/ oneshot of levi coaching hanji bc they were about to fight w the mp bc someone was making fun of them?
First off, I'm so so sorry anon I really took my sweet time with this one.
The thing is I don't usually write anything beside very random headcanons when inspiration hits lol
I've been debating whether to try this or redirect you to a fanfic writer's blog since I'm not confident about my writing and my English is kinda rubbish imo.
But yeah, in the end I gave it a try. Also, sorry Anon but I'm not sure if I got exactly what you were asking for, and I went full MP huge fight mode. And it's kinda turned into vets stuff. I still suggest you ask a writer to do this, there's many cool blogs out there who can do a much better job in half the time lol
Anyway, if you wanna read my poor attempt at writing, here it is.
Warning: just some swearing, she/her pronouns for Hange
"Look, if it isn't the crazy bitch from the Survey Corps" a man with a raspy voice barked.
Hange dreaded those meetings with the MPs, no one in the Survey Corps could stand them, to be honest, but still, they had to put up the façade and feign some civil behaviour for the sake of the Scouts and the funding. Hange was well aware she had trouble controlling her temper most of the times, and experience taught her that she couldn't stand the Military Police talking badly about her comrades.
She knew that Levi and herself together managed to make a few scenes before, and Erwin particularly stressed it every time before one of these meetings. "And please, please I beg all of you to refrain from making scenes or even talking back to anyone. We're there to make a good impression, we need funds and fo heaven's sake the last thing we need is for them to have an excuse to think even less of us and undermine our funds" he said every time, with a pointed look directed at Levi and Hange.
She turned and stared right at the Military Police man who was talking about her. She smiled and waved, "Yes, that would be me, it's a pleasure to meet you!".
Levi snorted at the facial expression the idiot made. He hoped that Hange brushing him off like that would settle it, but he had been to enough meetings to know it wasn't over at all.
"She probably didn't score high enough to get into the good Corps. That's what they do isn't it?" the man nudged a colleague in the chest, gesturing towards Hange.
"Aye, scoring shit and then ending up in some titan's mouth. They're replaceable anyway" the pug-faced man joined the teasing.
Levi could sense Hange tense next to him. He knew what she felt, he loathed hearing comments about his comrades just as much as she did.
She laughed it off, though. "Maan I would love to watch the insides of a Titan! What do we have to lose? Another cadet will score shit and they can take my place. Unless some of you feel the thrill of bravery once in your life and decide to join" she shrugged. "Who knows".
Levi knew this could only get worse. He tugged her sleeve. "Hange, come, let's join Mike and Erwin".
"My, my, if it isn't humanity strongest!"
"The underground scum you mean"
"No, no, he's a hero now, isn't he? Should've been thrown to prison and was rescued by Smith like a fucking stray dog"
Both men laughed, while others were gathering around.
"Shut the fuck up all of you!" Levi admitted to himself he would have snapped just like that, but Hange had anticipated him. His eyes went slightly wide for a moment, but then his lips briefly curled up in a small smirk upon seeing the fervor in Hange's brown orbs.
He would have loved to join her and teach a lesson to those morons, sure, but they promised Erwin.
He tugged again at her sleeve. "Oi, it's not worth our time, let's go".
The MPs laughed. "Only thing that's worth the time or your sorts is getting minced up by some stinky titan's mouth".
Hange tensed and she opened her mouth to strike back, but Levi gently made her turn to face him.
"Let's not get into trouble", he said, staring directly in her eyes.
"But Levi you should-"
"Yeah I want to break their fucking noses as much as you do. But we promised Erwin" he tugged once more.
The MPs laughed again, louder this time.
"Erwin Fucking Smith keeping his lapdogs tamed!" roared the pug-faced one.
"No wonder he needs to tame them" laughed another one with an annoying high-pitched voice, "look at the kind of lapdogs he got himself! One's a nutcase eager to step into a Titan's mouth, the other one is a pint-sized thug fetched straight from the filthy undergound" they all laughed. "I think we're missing one..." he feigned thinking hard, with a hand on his chin.
"What did you expect from the Survey Corps and Fucking Smith? That's the best he could get, to be fair" a black-haired man joined them.
"Not that he particularly cares..." he added with an unpleasant smirk "these are just chunks of meat he is more than willing to feed to titans, anyway".
That was it. That was just what drove Hange over the top and Levi knew it. He could feel her clenching her fist under his hand, he felt her muscles tremble. He looked at her, she was clenching her jaw, a fiery light in her eyes, cheeks slightly flushed. She briefly looked at him, and he didn't need words of any sorts. He let go of her arm and nodded.
Hange launched herself at the black-haired man and punched him on the jaw.
Everyone was shocked.
"Do you idiots have anything else to say?" She challenged them. "You can talk shit about me all you want, I don't give a damn, but show some respect to my comrades, people willing to DIE for your fat asses"
Levi watched her. She was scary, definitely scary when angry. He briefly smirked to himself, she had used one of the moves he taught her while sparring.
She suddenly grabbed the collar of the pug-faced man. She lifted her fist and the man flinched.
Levi approached her but he just glared at the MPs. "I won't restrain her, you called it".
He turned towards Hange. "If you punch him in the nose like I thaught you, you'll knock him out and fuck him up, but not enough to kill him".
"I know" she growled, but she clearly was trying to control her impulse to strike him.
The man had the courage to smirk. "Did Smith manage to tame the thug but not this nutcase of a weirdo?".
Hange hit him on front of his nose with the heel of her palm. He passed out instantly.
It was chaos, the other two men launched themselves against Hange. Levi announced "I've got your back, Hange" and the fight started getting bad. Levi's eyes were checking Hange all the time, he knew she could handle it but he resolved he would avoid risking her getting hurt.
Erwin, across the enourmous room, paled. He heard shouting and suddenly a group of people were hitting each other. Levi and Hange had been gone for a while, and he had a gut feeling they were right in the middle of it.
He was speaking to an important old man who may just want to fund the Corps if he worked him correctly, he couldn't leave him. Not now. Erwin subtly excused himself and fetched Mike, without getting more than two steps away from the man.
"Stop them" he whispered close to his ear.
Mike's eyes travelled to the corner of the room and took notice of the fight. He didn't see Hange and Levi since there were a lot of people gathered around, but he didn't need to see them to know they were there.
He stared at Erwin. "The two of them?" he whispered back, "You think I can stop the two of them? Are you nuts?".
"Just do something, please. I can't leave this one, he's going to fund us with some good amount of money" he clapped Mike's shoulder.
Mike sighed. "Fine" he said, murmuring something along the lines of "wish me luck" while he made his way to fetch his friends.
He sure had to admit he didn't think it was this bad. Hange was clearly having the upper hand and she was the one who was hitting the most.
He grabbed her from behind and lifted her up, gesturing to Levi to stop the fight and keep the opponents away. She kicked around and ended up elbowing him on the temple.
"Fuck" he hissed, gripping her waist tighter "Hange stop! It's me!".
Suddenly, Levi was on his side.
"Let go, Mike, I'll show them" Hange was struggling to get out of his arms, hitting him in the process.
"Levi do something! What the hell" he hissed again, getting frustrated.
Levi caught Hange's wrist and she looked at him. "That's enough, Hange" he said calmly and she sighed and tried calming down.
Hange's gaze lingered on the mess she and Levi made. Well, it was mostly Hange's doing.
Feeling her relax in his arms, Mike released her and let her again on the floor.
"Erwin's gonna kill the both of you" he looked around. His eyes stopping and widening as he took notice of the limp man on the floor, two of the MPs were lightly slapping his cheek. "Is he-?"
"Just passed out" Levi interrupted.
Mike sighed and rubbed a hand on his face.
"There's the lapdog we were missing" the man with the high-pitched voice chimed up. "The sniffing weirdo".
Mike smirked. He put a big hand on Hange's shoulder and turned her aroun. "Let's go, Hange. Levi" Levi nodded and started to follow him, when the man with the black hair spoke up again.
"I've always thought he is involved with Smith"
Mike laughed. "I sure love that man, but I don't think the nature of our relationship is any concern of yours"
"That explains why he's been around for so long. Smith doesn't want to feed him to a titan like the fucking rest of these idiots"
Hange turned around vehemetly, but Levi stopped her before she could speak. "That's enough, Hange, they weren't even worth our time to begin with" he said in merely more than a whisper.
Mike stopped in his tracks.
"I'll have you idiots know he's been around for so long because he's fucking capable of staying alive and keep his squad alive. I'd love to see some of you out there" Mike was surprised Levi interjected to defend him, but the insults towards his capability wasn't really what had bothered him.
"Listen here" he said, turning around to face them. "You can say all the shit you want about myself, but not a word about my friends or Erwin for that matter-"
They laughed. "Isn't it funny how they fucking defend him and the coward is just throwing them to their deaths instead?". The black-haired man roared with laughter "Fucking idiots".
Without warning, Mike punched one in the face and Hange punched the other on the nose, the loud crack all too telling as to what happened to the bones.
Mike sighed. "I guess Erwin can't kill the three of us in one go".
Levi walked closer to Hange. "You okay?".
She nodded and stared at him. "Thanks for trying to stop me. And for understanding I didn't-"
"Want to be stopped" he finished for her. "I get it. I'll always have your back, Hange, but let's be more careful next time. They weren't worth it and I don't want to risk you getting hurt".
She smiled. "I got carried away, but you saw I actually learned your moves?"
Levi smiled. "Yeah, we should work on them".
She nudged his arm "That's not true, they were perfect and you know it".
"Yes, they were perfect".
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
Send you my love on a wire { Luke Patterson}
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This is a two part series!
trigger warnings: insomnia, sleep pills, teenage cursing,
"Are you sure this is really what you want to do? I mean we can host the meetings earlier!" Connor rambled as he held the honorary midnight society speaking torch. It was an early Saturday morning, your dad was at another fishing trip which meant you both had free realm to do whatever as long as your dad didn't find out. You grabbed a mug in the kitchen to make some coffee you barely slept before the incident always juggling school, the midnight society and your band sleep paralysis paradise, now the little melatonin sleep you got was plagued with nightmares.
"It's called the midnight society for a reason, besides you knew eventually this was gonna happen." You said as you grabbed the sugar and creamers. You turned, Connor still at the table his partially eaten pancakes in front of him and the torch in his hand. "Yeah but you started this it feels wrong." He shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee.
"I'm moving up not on. There's a distinctive difference little brother. One that you'll understand when you're older." You said smugly. He rolled his eyes at you, "You're like two years at best, older than me." He said as pulled out his phone.
"Still those two years were the quietest of my life." You said placing your hand on your chest to act as if you were fondly remembering something. He picked up the dish towel that was tossed onto the table and threw it at you. "Speaking about quiet, you know that girl Gabby has been seeing, Flynn?"
You nod as you take a sip of your coffee, the caffeinated drink enveloping your taste buds. "Well her best friend is in this band called Julie and The Phantoms. They were supposed to play at the last dance, before the glow dance."
"Yeah, didn't they not show or something?" You asked not remembering much of the dance being as you were off in an abandoned classroom talking with your bandmates about anything to avoid the high school scene that you hardly fit into.
"Well, they're playing the orpheum tonight to open for panic at the disco and flynn managed to save a certain amount of tickets for your band and the midnight society!" He said as you jaw dropped, the orpheum was the starting point for every band that wanted to be something big. It was your short term goal for long term success since freshman year when your band formed. You couldn't lie when you said you were envious that they'd gotten the gig and your band hadn't.
"Holy shit, how did she do that? I've been trying to score opening for the unknown bands for months and struck out!" You said eyes wide, He shrugged, "I don't know, but she told us to never doubt her power. Whatever that means."
After the show you and your group found yourself at a diner a few blocks down. Buzzing with excitement about the show. Your mind casually floating back to the cute guitar player in blue, whose sleeves were non existent.
"Not to shamelessly self promo, but do you think Julie would want to collab with us or something?" Kora, one of your best friends and bassist of sleep paralysis paradise. For a quick second, Flynns poker face faltered at the question. "I can ask but Julie might be busy, with school and everything." She said trailing off in the last part.
"She also just played the orpheum, she's not gonna wanna slum it." Danny , self proclaimed guitar god, said as he stole a fry off your plate. "Whose the slum? Because last i check, i give it my all." Taylor, your drummer, said as they threw a ice cube at him. You rolled your eyes. While taking another sip of your milkshake. The stretched table sitting the midnight society, your band, flynn and nick.
"Oh really like to see you try the riff of now or never? Objections? Didn't think so." Danny said shrugging playfully. "You know sunset curve?" Flynn asked skeptically, which cause her to receive several stares from the table.
"Duh, my uncle was in the industry or something in the nineties. Found this whole box in his garage this summer when i was cleaning, after his funeral. All cassettes of bands that were playing the strip around that time. His husband and their partner just let me have it." He said as rambled before pointing up at the sky, "Uncle G you're a legend!" Causing several of the other late night diner's to look at your table once again.
Flynn's attention turned from the conversation to her phone and she suddenly needed to be excused. "I'll call you later." She said to Gabby before she disappeared for the night. "That was weird." Connor commented, everyone looking around in agreement.
"Danny probably scared her off." Luke said as he bite into a nacho. "Danny scares me on a good day." Jai said nonchalantly, Danny flipped off Jai.
"She probably forgot about her curfew." Hanna suggested as she threw an ice cube at Jai. "Speaking of curfews, whose riding with who?" You asked as you thanked your waiter for bringing the checks to the table.
"I gotta drop the car off to my mom for the night, so i can't drop anyone off. I'm sorry." Gabby said as you all shrugged it off telling her that it wasn't a big deal.
"I can take anyone who lives around my house and the school." Danny said as he pulled his wallet out. "I'll take anyone who lives around the pier or if you're coming over." You said leaning onto the table. "That leaves anyone who lives by me and like farthest is the park." Kora said shrugging on her jacket.
"Ok, so Danny has Jai and Hanna. Kora has Nick and Taylor. I have Connor and Luke." You recapped as you grabbed the money on the table and brought it hostess at the front of the restaurant, before returning to the table. "Lets rock and roll, homies!"
1 week later,
"Hey!" Julie exclaimed as she sat down at the table you were sitting at with your friends. You all exclaimed various greetings. "You're sleep paralysis paradise, right?" She asked with a smile that you were sure was formed with starlight.
"Yeah but usually people don't refer to us as our band name twenty four seven." you laughed slightly, "I'm Y/n, the singer and keyboardist. This is Kora, our bassist. Danny, "guitar god" as he prefers to be called and Taylor our drummer." You said as your friends threw up various hand signals. Kora a small wave, Danny a peace sign and Taylor a two finger salute.
"I'm Julie and my phantoms are not here at the moment." Your face contorted. "That's not them over there." You said as you pointed to the three in the far corner of the cafeteria.
Julies face faltered, "You can see them?"
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smutandfluffohmy · 3 years
Dear Mr.Keating Chapter II
Read Chapter I here  Description:  This is a story about a closer look into the lives of the Dead Poets Society. Exploring first love, friendship and grief. This story explores elements of the book and film.
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Todd Anderson had almost convinced himself that the events of yesterday were all a bad dream. He almost convinced himself of just that if he hadn’t woken up face to face with Neil Perry laying on the other bed across from him. Todd admired Neil, he wanted to be like him, speak without feeling his palms getting sweaty, to speak and have people listen to what he had to say. Todd stared at Neil, he tried to find his secret in the curves of his face. The light shone against Neil’s face, it made him feel calm and forget about what the day that waited for him. He wanted to get up to check the time but he was afraid any sound might wake him. Neils eyes started fluttering open, Todd felt a bit of panic then closed his eyes feeling that he might catch him staring.
“What time is it?” Neil asked with a yawn reaching over to the clock they sat against the windowsill. Technically a clock that belonged to Todd, more specifically a clock that belonged to Todd’s desk set. Todd pretended to wake up from a deep sleep rolling over to look over at Neil.
“Shit. We’re late for breakfast.” Neil said jumping out of bed faster than Todd had ever seen anyone do. The fact that someone had that much energy in the morning outstanded Todd. “How do you feel about today?” Neil asked as he was buttoning up his dress shirt just like he'd done many days before.
“I think I might faint.” Todd said tugging in his shirt
“You’ll be fine.” Neil smiled to himself as he looked for his tie, which he found neatly placed on top of his dresser. “I’ll stay close to catch you if you do.”  Todd watched Neil closely while he tied his tie, looking at his hands carefully he tried to mimic the movement. But yet he still failed, one end of the tie far too long than the other.
“Here let me help you.” Neil said shooing his hands away and standing in front of him to do it. Todd felt so embarrassed, it was his first day and he was already dependent on Neil to survive Welton. “There you go,” Neil smiled at Todd reaching over for his bag “Come on we’re late!” Neil said, pushing him out of the door.
Neil talked about the classes they had for today, how to act in classes and if they ran fast enough they could still grab a bit of breakfast. Todd was a ship in a reckless sea and Neil was the anchor keeping him at bay.
They walked quickly down the turning halls, Todd thought all the halls looked the same but he followed Neil without a doubt. Their dress shoes clacked against the stone floor, till they reached an arched doorway.
Chemistry. Latin.English. Gym.
That was their schedule for today. The schedule didn’t sound any different from his old school but yet he was worried. Worried that all eyes would be on him for being the new kid.
Chemistry was uneventful. Latin was difficult, Todd had never taken Latin before in his life; instead he took french and was even then still had a hard time passing that. It wasn’t until they reached their English class that Todd felt at ease again after having to sit in a class where he did not know the language. At least in English class he was sure he would be able to understand.
Mr.Keating, their new English teacher, walked into the classroom after they were all sat down at their desk. He didn’t look like the other teachers, the other teachers wore ties and freshly pressed shirts underneath blazers. Mr.Keating stuck out, with no tie and no blazer.
“ ‘O Captain! My Captain!’” Mr. Keating said, his hands in his pockets, Neil wrote on the first line of his notebook ‘O’ Captain! My Captain!’ there was no knowing what they would get tested on later.
“Who knows where that’s from? Anybody? No?” Mr. Keating asked, looking around the classroom waiting for anyone to answer “It was written, my young scholars,” He said smiling at the boys  “by a poet named Walt Whittman about Abraham Lincoln. In this class you may refer to me as either Mr.Keating or if you feel more daring ‘O Captain! My Captain” Keating pointed to the door and walked headed to the door and walked out. They all sat, unsure of what to do next, unsure of whether to follow or stay put. “Well come on!” Keating said popping his head inside. The boys all quickly followed, Todd making sure to stick close to Neil unsure if this was a usual occurrence at Welton. He knew the answer but needed an excuse to talk to Neil. Mr.Keating stopped in front of pictures of previous Welton graduates.
“They’re not that different than any of you,are they? Hope in their eyes, just like yours. They believe themselves destined for wonderful things, just like many of you.” Keatings said walking in front of the pictures. “If you listen very carefully you can hear their legacy. Come on boys listen.” Keating said, urging the boys to step closer.
“Carpe. Carpe Diem” Keatting said in a hoarse voice, Neil smiled at Todd by how odd this all was “Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”
Neil, Todd, Charlie, Meeks, Pitts and Cameron all walked together on their way to gym class “You think he’ll test us on that stuff?” Cameron asked furrowing his brows at how odd the class was.
“Come on Cameron,” Charlie laughed “don’t you get anything?”.
Cameron didn’t get anything, not anything that wasn’t spelled out for him in a neat 12 point font, not anything that couldn’t be referenced in a text. They made their way towards the outside to attend their gym class, Todd worried about the way he stood, the way he kicked, the way he stretched, the way he breathed. The class felt infinite but before he knew it he was standing in the showers, trying to wash away the embarrassment of missing the soccer ball when he tried scoring a goal.
“Are you coming?” Neil asked drying off his hair with a towel.
“Huh?” Todd asked, admiring how Neil looked. Todd wished he looked like that, he liked looking at Neil and decided it would be easier to stare at him if they had the same face.
“Study group?” Neil said.
“Thanks, but… I’d better do history.” Todd said, it was a lie he wanted to lie in bed and forget about how he didn’t know Latin and how he barely made the grades to get in here in the first place and he already felt himself drowning in homework.
“Okay, you can always change your mind.” Neil said smiling at him, hoping to see Todd there.
Todd only nodded, not knowing the way to reach the library even if he changed his mind. They got changed, talking about how Knox was due at the Danburrys but Todd was only looking down at the tie in his hand and shoving it in the pocket of his blazer. While they spoke of the Danburrys status and prestige, Neil tugged the tie over his head and wordlessly handed it to Todd and stuck out his palm face up for Todds hidden tie. Which Todd wordlessly complied to. He shared a room with Neil, he had classes with Neil, he spent almost every moment of his day with Neil but somehow this tie nudged him over the edge.
Knox sighed “They're probably old and boring, like my parents.” he said, rolling his eyes at the thought of having to be stuck listening to them talk for hours.
Charlie draped an arm around Knox’s shoulder “Cheer up Knox, anything is better than the food they give us here.” He said laughing.
“What if they give me chowder and,” Knox sighed, preferring Weltons mystery meat over conversations about the old days in the law firm  “and what do old people eat?” he asked
“Prunes.” Meeks said with a smile, imagining Knox having to force himself to eat buckets of chowder and prunes.
“What if they give me prunes!” Knox cried out.
Pitts sighed looking at his friends “They’re old not on the way to kick the bucket.” he said.
“Talking about old prunes,” Charlie said, “Cameron asked if he could join the study group.”
“It’s not our fault he’s your roommate.” Knox sighed, grateful at least he won’t have to hear Cameron talk about all the extra curriculars Nolan gave him. This comment made Todd who was following closely behind Neil perk up at the sound of. At least for once, for now he wasn’t the least desirable person in the group.
Charlie huffed “It’s not mine either,” he said  “So is he in?”
Knox went back to his room to change for dinner, Todd went back to his room, and the rest of the boys went on to the library to study.
Todd laid his papers and books on his bed, it would’ve all been easier if done at his desk but he couldn’t manage the thought of opening up his drawer for a pen or even just setting his things down on the desk set.
He didn;t get much done, getting frustrated with himself for not knowing Latin and for not remembering when the declaration was signed. Instead Todd looked at their room and then out to the courtyard. It was large but unbearably small at the same time.
“How was dinner?” Pitts asked as soon as he saw Knox making his way towards them.
Neil looked up from his notes to see his friend standing there, his blazer resting on his shoulder and a look of despair on his face “Dear god Knox, what did they tie you up and feed you prunes?” Neil asked.
“Worse.” Knox sighed, slumping down on the open chair.
“Worse?” Charlie said, laughing at the thought of what the old Danburry’s did to Knox.
“Terrible! I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life! And she’s practically engaged to that meathead Chet Danburry.” Knox said.
“Too bad,” Pitts said.
“Too bad! It’s a tragedy!” Knox wailed  “Why does she have to be in love with a jerk?” He sighed looking at his friends desperately for a reason as to why an idiot like Chet Danburry would have an angel like Chris.
Pitts placed a reassuring hand on Knox shoulder “All the good ones are,” He said  “You know what forget her. Take out your trig book and figure out problem 12.” Pitts said pushing his trig book closer to Knox.
“I can’t forget her, Pitts, and I can’t think about trig” Knox said, pushing the trig book away from him. ‘They’ve never been in love that wouldn’t understand’ Knox thought to himself. Which was true, outside of a few mumbling words to girls over summer break they didn’t have any experience with girls.
Meeks walked around Pitts to look at a problem open in front of Knox “You need to use tangent here.” Meeks said pointing at the problem.
“Do you really think I should forget her?” Knox said, pain written on his face at the thought of forgetting Chris, his Chris, future hims Chris.
“You’ve only spoken once to the girl,” Cameron said, gathering up his things “you’ll forget her by morning.” he assured Knox.
“I’d never forget an angel like Chris.” Knox said sighing, painting her face to memory scared of when the next time he would see her might be. The rest of the boys couldn’t help but imagine a Marilyn Monroe or a Brigitte Bardot, and even a Raquel Welch. Neil wondered how pretty a girl must be to have to have him all twisted around. Neil gathered his books in his arms and made his way back to his room.
“We missed you at study group.”Neil said once he saw Todd looking out the window, a forgotten textbook sitting beside him on his bed. Todd didn’t answer and only nodded   “Penny for your thoughts?” Neil said, sitting on his own bed, waiting to hear about Todds day. Despite them sharing the exact same day he couldn’t wait to hear how Todd felt about today, how he liked the classes, if he thought Keatings was a little odd.
“Not even worth that much.” Todd laughed flipping through his history textbook trying to find the answer for the next question.
“Bet they’re worth a lot more than you think.” Neil said smiling, Todd looked up to see his face. Todd was surprised when Neil’s face held no mockery and for the first time in his life Todd Anderson felt seen.
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pitaparka · 4 years
lazy river
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request: hell yeah prompt list time! kissing john b in the rain for love and longing? love your content btw summary: it’s been a long time since you’ve been to a water park. jon b knows this, and wants to change that.
pairings: john b. x reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: super fluffy. real cute. might rot your teeth.
a/n: requests still open! i got an AP exam this week. i also have to finish a create task i’ve had weeks to work on and haven’t, so... wish me luck. big love! 
It’s just how you remember it as a child; all funnel cakes and water slides and screaming children and too hot pavement. Exactly where you want to be when summer's in full swing. 
Probably the best unofficial date you’ve ever been on.
You don’t know how much money John B. had to save up in order to get you there, but the topping on the cake was his ability to score a free bus ride to and from going with a small church group. You'd never known him to be religious, but it was an eventful ride for the two of you. John B. was playing the role of full blown Christian boy, and it was so hard to hide your smiles and giggles that everyone must've thought you were his even more Christian friend. K-love plagued the speakers, and you and John B. agreed some of it wasn't bad, but most of the kids were insufferably nice, to a point where it was almost disingenuous. Standing in line with them was a pain, but as soon as you were able to, you two booked it off to the umbrellas, searching desperately for two lounge chairs. Maybe even one at this point. Anything really, until you found a small bunch of chairs left secluded by a family whose child was not having a good time. It was a perfect spot right under the umbrella allowing you to spread your towels out and leave the cooler by the chair. John B. was fast to attack the food in there; sandwiches, chips, fruits, cheese. You name it and JJ had gotten (stolen) it from somewhere for you two. “You’re gonna get sick,” you commented, as he scarfed down a sandwich. The smell of sunscreen plagues the area. You rubbed some onto your face. John B. had miraculously thought of everything except spray on sunscreen, so you were forced to either buy some from the gift shop at a ridiculously inflated price, or use the lotion. “Sick shmick. Do you want to go on some rides?” He says, wiping his dirty hands down on his towel. The towel that was supposed to wipe down his wet body. You grimaced, but then he slipped his shirt off and shimmied off his flip flops. He was so well toned and tan already. You can’t imagine him wanting to get any tanner. “Yes I do, actually. Can you get my back first?” You say, and wonder if John B. actually forgot the spray on sunscreen or opted for the lotion instead for this reason. His hands were firm on your shoulders as he applied the sunscreen, rubbing the taut muscle there and going dangerously low down your back. It sends a shiver down your spine and he can so obviously tell because he does it again to gauge your reaction. He ruins it though, by sending you off with a buddy pat on your shoulders. “Let’s do pirates plunge first,” he said, and it made you smile how excited he got. You wondered how long it’s been for him too. “No,” you argue, “we have to work our way up to that.” "Do NOT tell me you're planning on staying in the lazy river the whole time," he said, turning to where the middle aged adults who obliged their children lounged, floating leisurely under bridges and waterfalls. It made him shiver. "It's a great place to tan," you teased, and he glared at you. You smiled, and  stretched upward. "You want sunscreen?" You ask, and he looks like he's about to say no, but he nods his head yes. His back is smooth under your hands, and you make sure to lather his shoulders up nicely. You hand him the bottle when you're finished, and he scoffed. "You only did half," he says. "You can do the rest," you assure, and he rolls his eyes, squirting a glob of cream onto his palm before smearing it over his chest. "This kind of half-assery won't be tolerated," he jokes, "I'm going to have to report you to the manager." "Oh please. You're the king of half-assery." He gasps as he rubs his palms down his face, leaving streaks of white there. "How dare you. You're fired." He claims, looking over to one of the smaller two-person slides. You lean over to him and rub in the white with your thumbs, cupping his face a little. He watches your face the whole time, which, you have to admit, is a little creepy. When you're done, you shove him for good measure, before taking off in the other direction. The sun beats down hot on your shoulders, and you two spend hours waiting in lines and talking and spending time together. You could see the burn on John B.'s face and expected you were going to feel the burn too later on that night. It was a blessing whenever clouds rolled through the sky, blocking out the sun for a brief period before she cleared them away. The rides were subpar, but you two didn't notice in the slightest, screaming and yelling at each other down the slides and in tubes. The two of you dodged children and concerned parents and other teenagers, bobbing and weaving in and out of lines. Dripping wet, bodies glistening in the hot sun, you two decided funnel cakes were in order. You stood in line as John B. toweled off by your seats, and he ducked under the belt to stand with you. It got him dirty looks, but he didn't notice. "When are the church kids leaving?" You pondered, stretching on your tip toes to look in front of John B., trying to catch a glimpse of any of them. "In like an hour," he says, glancing up at the big clock poised over the food shack. There was only one in the entire park, which must've been good for business. They were so hot when you got them that the powdered sugar on top was melting. But as you made your way back to your seats, you felt it. “Oh no,” you whine, the water droplets on your bare shoulder. You turn to look at John B., but his gaze is not with yours. His eyes are on the sky, the grey storm clouds rolling in above. You sigh loudly. It’s not like you’re afraid of getting wet. Of all the places to be when it rains, a water park ranks at least in the top ten. But now all the rides were going to be closed. For god knows how long. He looked back down at you, grinning, and then noted your crestfallen expression. He pouted. “Why the long face?” He said, grabbing your chin and shaking it. You jerked away from his grasp to sulk. “Our day is ruined,” you grumbled, walking down in the direction of your chairs, planted conveniently under one of the large umbrellas. He jogged to catch up to you, intertwining his hand with yours. He swings it back and forth childishly. If he could, he’d probably skip down the concrete path to your area. "We have to eat these anyway. It'll probably be done by then," he assured. Much to your dismay, it was not in fact done by then. "That bus is probably going to leave early now," you mused, checking the notification app they made all of you download before you left the bus. “No way. This day’s not over. It’s just getting started,” he said, plucking your phone from your grasp and burying it in the bag he had brought. He left the rest of the conversation to your imagination before he took off running, pulling you in tow. “Hey!” You cried out, but you couldn’t help the giggle rising out of your throat when he stumbled over his own bare feet a little. He hushed you as you caught up to him on the side of the lazy river. There was nobody in it. All the employees were at the front entrance of it, escorting people out. "Wanna do a river run?" He said, slipping down the ladder. Your eyes bulged. "They're gonna kick us out," you said, hopping in after him anyway. You two stood downstream, and waited for tubes. It only took a few seconds before John B. was passing you one, rain falling on his hair and chest. "Now it's cold," you complained, but John B. chastised you. "Stop being a baby. Hang on," he said, standing up for you to grab onto one of the handles of his tube. The lazy river in the rain was a lot more fun than a lazy river in the sunshine. It would only be a few minutes before you reached the front of the ride, where all the workers were stuck trying to collect the tubes. John B. was splashing water at you, and shaking your tube to get you to fall out. You return the favor by flipping him over near the waterfall. He came up sputtering, and in return tried to flip your tube as well, but you latched onto his neck. It was easy for him to support your weight in the water, and he grabbed your legs, wrapping them around his waist as the tubes got away from the two of you. They floated sadly down the river, under the waterfall by themselves. John B. chased them, hands supporting you, your arms wrapped around his neck. He moved slowly towards the waterfall, and threatened to throw you under it. You squealed and pushed yourself up against him as much as you could, cradling his head to your own. If you were going down, so was he. But he stopped just short. You pulled away just a bit, and he was looking at you, eyes intense, smile bright. Your heart skipped a beat and you swear you saw him move closer. You couldn't help but do the same. Until his lips were on yours, moving in sync with you, rain pelting your bodies. His hands were firm underneath you, and you knew he wouldn't let you fall. It had been so long since you realized you wanted to kiss him for the first time. You could settle for him kissing you. "I love you, you know that?" He remarked. You thought it was sweet, until he tossed you under the waterfall. You swear you could hear his laugh from under the water.
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emospritelet · 3 years
Manifesto - chapter 11
Last time, Sutherland offered Belle a drink in his office. Here's what happened next
Belle rolled her shoulders tiredly as she made her way back to her apartment. Her body was aching, as though she had been running for miles, and she wanted nothing more than to take a shower, put on her PJs and chill out. She stopped off for a bottle of wine, a bar of chocolate and a punnet of summer berries in the shop next to her apartment block, and ate a piece of chocolate as she rode the elevator upwards. It looked as though she would be dialling out for dinner. Perhaps a pizza.
Her phone buzzed as she entered the apartment, and she smiled as she saw Merida’s name flash up.
“Hey,” she said, tucking the phone between neck and shoulder as she put down the wine and searched for a glass.
“How’s it going?” Merida was almost shouting into the phone. There was background chatter and laughter and the clinking of glasses. “Did you hand Sutherland his arse yet?”
“We had a bit of a spat,” said Belle, twisting off the top of the wine bottle. “Just a minor one, though. Are you in the pub?”
“Yeah, me and Leroy came out for a sneaky pint or two.”
“Is everything okay at the library? I just got back to the apartment and I’m gasping for a drink, but I should really call Ariel.”
“She said to tell you everything’s fine,” said Merida. “Building still in one piece. Books safe and well.”
“Anyway, don’t change the subject! Tell me how the meeting went!”
“Oh, it was - well, it was exhausting, actually,” sighed Belle, pouring wine. “I’m not sure how much we actually achieved. Maybe I’ll know more tomorrow.”
“Did you give your presentation?”
“Yeah, that part went okay.” She took a sip of wine. “Some of the people there seemed convinced. Not the guy from the Treasury, but Sutherland says if it was up to him they’d never spend anything, so I’m not sure what I could have done to convince the man anyway.”
“And you left Sutherland in one piece?”
“Just about,” said Belle dryly, and hesitated. “I had a drink with him.”
There was a spluttering noise at the end of the phone, and Belle had a vision of Merida spraying Leroy with beer.
“What?” choked Merida. “You went for a drink with him?”
“It’s not like we went to the pub for pints and whisky chasers,” said Belle. “He had booze in his office. He offered me some. Brandy. Just a small one.”
“And - and what were you doing in his office?”
“Oh.” Belle chewed her lip. “I - uh - we were talking about the library. He’s released some grant money to local authorities. Should mean I can get some funding for the next year or two.”
“Well.” Merida sounded satisfied. “That was all his doing? What you said must have made an impression on him, then.”
“He says he just changed the eligibility, that’s all.”
“Was this before or after the drink?”
“Before, of course!”
“Even so,” said Merida. “Try shagging him, you might even get enough for a pay rise.”
“Oh my God…” Belle shook her head as Merida cackled. “On that note, I’m gonna finish this wine and take a shower.”
“Okay, but we want an update when you get back,” said Merida. “And hang in there, you’re doing brilliantly!”
“Thanks. Miss you guys.”
“You too.”
Belle hung up, taking another drink of wine and sighing loudly. She carried her glass over the couch, flopping onto it and letting her head roll back against the cushions. Merida’s teasing had had the unfortunate effect of firing up her imagination, and she wondered how many glasses of wine she would have to sink before she stopped having visions of the Prime Minister shoving her against the wall of his office and kissing her hard.
Sutherland had managed to get through the papers that Anna had left with him, and had scrawled notes in the margins indicating his preferred course of action from the suggestions given. He had a meeting scheduled with the US President at nine p.m., and a briefing paper had been set on his desk along with a cup of coffee, which was now cold. The door opening made him look up, and Anna breezed in, looking refreshed. He wished he felt the same.
“Oh, you’ve been through the papers,” she said, checking the folder on his desk. “Anything you wanted to talk through?”
“I don’t think so. Graham seems to have everything well in hand.”
“In that case I can give you these.” She slipped another folder out of her bag and dropped it on the desk. “Revised figures for the meeting tomorrow, along with a statement from Sir George about how we’re going to bankrupt the country if we agree to anything other than the status quo.”
Sutherland chuckled as he picked up the folder.
“I assume you’re exaggerating only slightly.”
“A tiny amount,” she allowed. “Today went well, I thought. Considering the competing interests.”
“And strong personalities,” he remarked.
“You always said a robust exchange of views makes for stronger policy.”
“As long as it doesn’t come to blows, yes,” he said, and it was her turn to chuckle.
“The lovely Miss French left you in one piece, then,” she observed, and he snorted.
“Just about.”
“I told her about the grant programme.”
“Yes, so she said.”
He thumbed through the papers once before realising he hadn’t taken in a single word, and hesitated before he spoke, feeling the smooth paper between thumb and forefinger.
“I had a drink with her,” he said, and Anna let out a tiny squeak of surprise.
“What, here?”
“No, we went to the bloody pub, what do you think?” he said impatiently. “Yes, here. She apologised, and - and I offered her a drink. Brandy. Just a small one.”
“Well.” Anna pursed her lips, a tiny smile lighting up her eyes. “Nice to see you two getting along.”
Sutherland grunted something.
“You did get along, I take it?” she pressed, and he sighed.
“We were very civil.”
“Civil is - something, I suppose.”
He made a non-committal noise at the back of his throat, pretending an interest in the papers, but he could feel Anna’s eyes on him, as though she knew he had more to say on the subject. Eventually he looked up.
“I told her about the divorce,” he said. “And - and about not wanting Ellie to work in Westminster, and why I got into politics in the first place. I was even honest about it. God knows why.”
“Hmm.” Anna pursed her lips. “Not like you to get personal with strangers.”
“I know.” He shook his head, turning back to the papers again. “She’s unsettling.”
“In what way?”
“In – I don’t know…” He waved a hand. “I’m not sure I understand it myself.”
“Did you decide this before or after the drink?”
“Oh, long before,” he said immediately. “Having a drink with her just made me – acutely aware of it.”
“Well, she’s only here tomorrow,” said Anna. “Are you going to the meeting? I managed to carve out two hours in your diary, but you don’t have to.”
He hesitated. No, he didn’t have to. No one would expect him to. He had more than enough things clamouring for his attention, after all.
“Perhaps it’s best that I don’t,” he said. “Ella can give the group a good enough steer, can’t she?”
“I’ll give her a call, let her know,” said Anna. “You sure this isn’t just because you’re scared of Miss French?”
“I am not scared of her,” he snapped, making her grin. “I just - I just have more pressing business than scoring points in a shouting match.”
“Speaking of, we have PMQs to prep for,” she said, and he groaned, slumping in his seat. “No rest for the wicked,” she added.
“Indeed,” he said wearily, running a hand over his face. “Alright. Let’s go through these papers, then talk PMQs, then I have to speak to Washington. And at some point I suppose I’d better get some sleep.”
“Optimism. I like it.”
He grinned, swatting her with the papers, and waited for her to pull her chair around to his side of the desk. It was best that he left the meeting to Ella, and concentrated on running the bloody country. There was certainly no reason for him to want to sit in a room with a bunch of people who couldn’t agree. He got enough of that in the Commons. A vision came to him: a pair of clear blue eyes flashing, the allure of a challenge, and he pushed the image away. Miss French was far too distracting.
Belle spent a restless night, disturbed by several unexpectedly erotic dreams that left her flustered and aching. She took a long shower to revive herself, and then went for a brisk walk to pick up coffee and a croissant, which she ate sitting on a bench overlooking a nearby park. It was still early, not quite seven-thirty, and she didn’t have to be at Downing Street until nine. One more day of fighting her corner and standing her ground, and she could return to Avonleigh with some small sense of achievement. The coffee was hot, and she removed the lid to help it cool enough to drink, hissing in vexation as she saw she had forgotten to add milk. The aroma was delicious, the coffee darkest brown, and she was reminded of Sutherland’s eyes watching her over his brandy glass, the tip of his tongue wetting his lips.
Shivering, she took a sip of the coffee, wincing as it scalded her tongue. A good thing the discussions would be ending that day. They would have further meetings, of course, but she had been assured that most of those would be held virtually. Time and distance would deal with her crush, and she could go back to running the library and having the odd disastrous date to remind herself why she was single. She just had to get through one more day.
Belle hadn’t expected to feel disappointed by Sutherland’s absence. She had told herself it was likely he wouldn’t be there; as Prime Minister he must have a hundred demands on his time that were more important than one policy. Anna was also absent, no doubt organising his day with her usual aplomb, and so it was left to Ella Deville-Waters to chair the meeting. There were more arguments about the scope of the policy, with Archie playing the role of peacemaker as Belle exchanged increasingly waspish comments with Sir George King.
By the time four o’clock arrived, she was ready to drop, and almost sighed in relief as Ella announced that they were done. She felt as though she had been wrestling live alligators all day, and rolled her shoulders as she shrugged on her jacket.
“It’s been a pleasure working with you, Belle,” said Archie, holding out his hand. “I suppose the next time we meet it’ll be online.”
“I guess so.” She shook Archie’s hand, ignoring Sir George’s baleful glare. “Thanks for the links to those papers you mentioned, I’ll be sure to read them.”
“Of course. Happy to talk through any questions you might have. You have my email.”
“I do.” Belle smiled at him. “Safe journey home.”
“You too.”
He smiled back, picking up his briefcase and heading for the door, and Belle shoved her papers in her bag, nodding to Ella. The sooner she got out of there, the sooner she could be home.
The air in the room had been dry, and consequently Belle was parched. She rummaged in her bag as she hurried along the corridor, fishing out a bottle of water that slipped from her fingers just as she reached the corner and bounced out of sight. She darted after it around the corner and squeaked as she collided with something warm and solid and smelling of expensive wood and warm cloves.
Sutherland had managed to keep himself busy enough that he hadn’t thought about Miss French more than perhaps half a dozen times. He had been pleased with himself, convinced that he would be able to put her from his mind completely once the day was over. That all changed at just after four p.m. as he walked from his office to the Cabinet Room. One moment he was talking over his shoulder to Anna, the next he found himself with his arms full of Belle French, her wide blue eyes staring at him and her lips parted in shock. She was pleasantly soft against his chest, her perfume drifting into his nose, but he barely had time to react before one of the Special Branch officers was there to peel her off him.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she said breathlessly, upper arms held firmly from behind by the officer. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!”
“That’s - that’s quite alright.” Sutherland nodded to the officer, who released Belle immediately. “I take it you’re on your way back to Avonleigh?”
“Yes,” she said automatically.
Her cheeks had begun to redden, agitation plain in the rapid rise and fall of her chest. It was painfully arousing. He kept his eyes on hers, his own heart thumping hard, and Belle licked her lips in a nervous gesture. Sutherland blinked rapidly.
“Well,” he said. “Encounters with you continue to be - bracing - Miss French. I wish you a pleasant journey. No doubt we’ll meet again.”
“I - yes. Thank you.”
She squeezed her eyes shut with a pained expression, then shook her head and stalked past him, shoulders stiff. Sutherland watched her go, short skirt wafting around her perfect legs.
“The Cabinet?” prompted Anna, and he shook his head, turning back to her.
“Yes,” he said. “Right. Yes.”
He fell into step beside her, his skin tingling from the unexpected pleasure of having Miss French in his arms. She had felt as though she belonged there and that – well, that was a dangerous path for his mind to take.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask scenario about Rakuzan manager? Rakuzan (and Akashi) female fans attacked her, but Rakuzan team protect her.
A/N: I’m writing this while imagining Rakuzan’s fans to be those typical hardcore ones you sometimes see on SNS, and oh boy... (☉_☉) Also, I hope you don’t mind that I changed the concept of attacking the manager a little bit and made it go into the direction of bullying. 👀  Now, I know that Mayuzumi isn’t really visible in the image below, but this was the only one I found that fit the description of them looking intimidating, so sorry for that (っ◞‸◟c) hope you enjoy it nonetheless! ♡  
Tags: Rakuzan x reader ✅  SFW ✅  friendship/camaraderie ✅  slight fluff ✅
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A capable manager - Rakuzan x reader
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Being Rakuzan’s manager wasn’t an easy task. Not only were you burdened with the team’s immense success and reputation, but also with five problematic personalities who also happened to be the club’s representatives.
It took you quite some time and effort to get to know them, and have them trust you enough with their personal training regimen, let alone their private affairs and problems. However, you still managed to overcome all these difficulties and became quite close with the five young basketball players. The more you interacted with them, the more you realized just how helpful and pleasant their company actually was, especially Akashi’s.
He was quite notorious for his perfectionism and for the way he treated his teammates. In the beginning, you were also treated as one of his minions. Still, after you spoke up about how he might lose the entire team if he continued behaving like that, Akashi luckily listened to you and decided to pick a new approach. You expected him to change himself, but instead, he went ahead and recruited people who were actually able to keep up with his antics. It frustrated you a little to see just how incorrigible he was, but the fact that the captain was sticking to his ideals impressed you quite a bit.
The team respected you very much. You had joined them the moment you enrolled in Rakuzan high and always made sure to give it your all, no matter what. Naturally, you made the members and their wellbeing your first priority, so whenever someone decided to disrupt the harmony of the team, you were always the one to protect and upkeep it. This was one amongst many other reasons the club members adored and looked up to you. It was really fortunate that you had earned such a status, it made many tasks less difficult to fulfill since you knew these boys on a personal level, but not every problem was that easily overcome.
Rakuzan’s fans were one example.
They would always cheer while the entire squad entered the gym and went to the benches to discuss the plan for the game, but you couldn’t help and overhear some comments that were addressed to you.
Is that their manager?
Yeah supposedly...
What the hell, she doesn’t even look like she knows what this sport is about!
Totally! Just look at her!
You’d try and ignore them as good as you could, but the fact that your back was literally facing the stands didn’t help out at all.
“(Y/N)-chan, is everything alright?“
Reo always had a knack of noticing when something was bothering you, and he’d always make sure to ask you about it so that he could figure out a way to help you out somehow. You appreciated the gesture, of course, but what you wanted to avoid the most right now was distracting them from the upcoming match, so you brushed it off, put on your typical fake smile, and nodded firmly.
“Yes, no problems here!”
Luckily he knew that one of the things you hated most was when people pestered you about something you didn’t want to talk about, there were times when you welcomed it, but now wasn’t one of them. Pushing your slightly hurt feelings aside, you gave the five players a quick rundown on their enemies’ playstyle and preferred modus operandi.
While they were out there scoring one point after the other, your concentration was disturbed multiple times by the permanent gossiping of the fans, who had now moved on to questioning your strategic abilities, claiming that some of the boys weren’t in their top form today and who was to blame for this? You, of course. In an attempt to block their constant chatter out, you closed your eyes for a moment. The coach, who noticed your short moment of frustration, asked you the same question as your black-haired friend, and the moment you opened your mouth to answer with the exact same words as before, something light hit your shoulderblade, startling the both of you in the process.
“Oops, sorry, my friend pushed me, I didn’t mean to throw that at you!“
Another forced smile and a slight shake of your head were your answer to the obviously fake-sounding ‘apology’ you’d just received. With a disappointed and slightly annoyed face, Shirogane picked the paper ball up from the ground and looked at it with disgust.
“(Y/N)...maybe we shoul-“
“It’s ok coach, I’m fine so please don’t mind this.“, you said as you bit your lower lip in frustration, “Let us continue observing the match...and please don’t mention this to the others...them not playing at their full concentration because of something as trivial as this, is the last thing I want right now.“
His dark eyes rested on you for a short while, but he soon averted them and continued watching the young men play. So did you, but what just happened still lingered in your mind.
It was quite frustrating to see that some people let their jealousy distort them to such an extent that they would start harassing you just because of your position, gender, or whatever other reason they might have. All they saw was the way you entered the gym alongside the boys, talked to them, gave them drinks and towels, and that’s when they start to think that this is all you do. You were quite disheartened that people with such limited views on things were supposed to represent your clubs’ fanbase, but that’s just how things were.
While you were lost in your thoughts, your teammates were out on the field completely dominating the game (as always), but some of them had noticed what went down a short while ago, and they didn’t like that at all.
The halftime whistle is what brought you back to reality. Typically, it was you who provided the players with drinks and towels, but this time the coach had assigned this minor task to one of the underclassmen. He thought that he might help you out with it, but he only made all of it worse.
Oh my god, do you see that?
She calls herself the manager, but can’t even do her tasks right.
Pathetic, ‘ain it?
Just as you were about to sit up and speak your mind, someone placed a towel on top of your head and patted it. You didn’t feel the need to look up, since such a massive palm could’ve only belonged to one particular player. Instead, you just looked at the ones that had surrounded you. 
“Alright then, what’s your next brilliant plan manager?“ asked Kotaro with his typically loud voice. 
The others joined him and began talking about different and pretty much trivial stuff they usually avoided, making it plainly evident that their main objective was to distract you from the spiteful comments of the spectators.
You had to admit that the kind words they occasionally mixed in were indeed making you feel better, and after a while, you had succeeded in forgetting about it for the time being...you had a team to manage after all.
After a short while, the referee announced that the game would resume shortly and warned both teams to wrap the talk up. With an encouraging smile, you motivated each of them to keep up the marvelous play, have fun but also be cautious of possible tricks from the opponents. When Akashi’s turn came up, you simply smiled at him, unsure whether to try your luck with motivating this seemingly invincible player or not, but before that happened, he spoke up first.
“(Y/N) I know what happened.” 
His statement threw you off quite a bit, but there was no time for you to question its meaning since the time to get back on the field drew near.
“I know it’s frustrating and painful to hear something like that, but you shouldn’t mind such useless comments from commoners like them. You should ask yourself on which basis they are actually making all of these assumptions about you. Do they know how much effort you’re actually putting into our team? Have they seen just how late you always stay behind just to make sure that everyone leaves? Are they aware of the amount of knowledge you needed to obtain before you could even give us tips on how to play? The answer is always no, so make sure to keep that in mind.”
“Sei-chan, it’s time.“, whispered Reo as he gently caressed your back, flashed you a quick smile, and entered the court. Said man barely nodded and placed his own slender hand reassuringly on your left shoulder.
“You’re doing a perfect job as manager (Y/N)...thank you.“
And with that, he left you standing there, blushing lightly at his sudden and unexpected compliment. Hearing something so reassuring as that coming from such a capable person like Akashi puts you instantly at ease.
H-He’s right...what am I even doing at a time like this? Doubting myself while my team’s out, there is really not suitable for my title. 
Alright (Y/N)! Get yourself together and watch them play, that’s the least you could do at the moment.
While you were hyping yourself up, you failed to notice a peculiar group amongst the other spectators that were looking at you with malicious intent...
After the game finished, you congratulated your five boys for the expected victory and promised to wait for them at the main entrance, so that you could invite them to a small celebratory meal.
You checked your phone for any possible missed calls or messages when suddenly someone slapped it away from your hand.
“What the hell w-“
“Shut up, you damn witch!“
As you looked at the group of girls standing in front of you, you frowned, wondering just who they actually were and what kind of problem they had with you that they needed to throw insults at you as well as damage one of your most valuable possessions. Upon closer look, you noticed that they wore some kind of fanmade shirts which had Akashi’s face plastered all over them.
So these are his fangirls..?
One of them stepped up to you and grabbed your jersey’s collar, almost scratching your neck with her absurdly long fake nails.
“We are very busy women, so make sure to listen up, missy?”
You scoffed and tried to pull her hand away from you as quickly as you could, and when you finally succeeded, you proceeded to pick your phone up from the ground.
“Hey, are you even listening?“ asked another one whose entire face resembled that of a clown, that’s how much makeup she had randomly put on. 
You stifled your laugh before answering: “No, I’m not really listening to you, since you appear to have quite enough time to come out and trash-talk me, despite being so busy, as you claim.“
The smug grin that adorned your face wasn’t well-received by them, and just as they opened their mouth again, a familiar calm voice called out your name, stopping them in their tracks.
A tall, grey-haired young man approached the group and stood there with his hands in his jacket’s pocket, his eyes entirely focused on you alone, completely disregarding the others.
“So, that’s where you were (Y/N)!”
“We’ve been looking for you manager!“
Two arms wrapped around your shoulder from each side, and as you looked up to see who the owners were, you couldn’t help but smile. 
Kotaro and Nebuya...
“W-What is Sir Akashi’s team doing here?“
“I-I don’t know..“
“Weren’t t-they supposed to be at the aftermatch meeting?“
As if on cue, Reo joined Mayuzumi and flicked his hair back dramatically.
“Oh, sweetie...it seems like you not only have no clue on how to properly put your makeup on, but also have no idea of what we’re doing.”
She was about to retort something, but a certain man’s voice stopped her.
“The manager is an essential part of these meetings.“
You turned your head and saw your team’s captain picking your phone up from the ground. Both arms that rested on your shoulders released you so that Akashi could take the item, the captain was about to hand to you, back. He gave you a warm smile that instantly darkened, the moment he looked at the women who had now been surrounded by his entire basketball team. His eyes looked at each and every single one of them, and he quickly caught up that they were his fans.
Well...isn’t that convenient.
With a firm nod of his head, he signalized the other four to leave; you, on the other hand, stayed behind. If there was something you knew about this young man, then the fact that he’d always speak to you if he needed something.
“S-Sir Akashi! It’s such an honor to personally meet you!“
“We’ve been your fans for so long an-“
“Silence.“ he hissed. That cold demeanor was something his ‘fans’ had no idea existed, but you as the manager had known about it since day one. He took another look at all of them and sighed.
“Listen up. I don’t care if you are my fans or not, I couldn’t care less that you’re cheering me on or if you’re working multiple jobs so that you can afford tickets for all of my games. I have no need for such useless gestures...what I need is results: clear, flawless, and indisputable results. People like you cannot give me that, but this woman right here..“ he took a short break to point at you “..she can, and she does. If you have any problem with the fact that she has earned this position by hard work, pure dedication, and conviction, then that means that you also have a problem with Rakuzan’s success so far. How else do you think are we able to be that victorious? Don’t tell me you thought that it all depended on talent?“
All of them just cluelessly looked at each other, trying to figure the answer out, but before they could even begin thinking about it, Akashi just continued with his speech.
“There is indeed a part of basketball where you just have to rely on talent alone, but it’s mostly strategy and the team’s combined power. And how do you think are we able to achieve that without a capable manager like her?“
They were left completely speechless, and without even waiting for their answer, the young man just gently took you by the wrist and began walking away. You couldn’t deny the fact that your situation was very much the same as theirs, you were confused yet impressed by the way he had stood up for you, he even went as far as to insult his own fans. The happiness you felt at that moment was a little inappropriate, but considering the hassling you went through today, it was a good payback.
And like that, the two of you joined the other four and began walking toward the restaurant, where you promised to celebrate their victory at today’s match.
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nambamjun · 3 years
Two Sides of the Same Medallion {KYC}
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Pairing: Kang Yuchan x Reader (Female)
Genres: Greek and Roman Mythology, first meeting, strangers to friends, two witty and stubborn individuals arguing over a literal tree stump.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: This is for an ACEWRITERS event that I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of, Greco Roman Writes! Please feel free to visit the page if you have the time and check out all of the other lovely writers we have in the group along with their brilliant works! As always, comments are loved and welcomed, especially since I took one or two creative liberties with this one. I hope you enjoy ~<3
Nike is the Greek god(dess) of victory, and Victoria is the Roman goddess of the same calling. Of course they don't share the same universe... or do they? What if on a soft spring night the two would meet? Oh this is shaping up to be very interesting indeed...
There was really nothing to do. She had already run around the width of the largest island in Italy seven times. Every one of the laps felt the same, the proceeding taking just as much time as the one before it, and by the time she stopped she was only marginally out of breath, much to her great displeasure. The previous night she had counted once again how many times she could deadlift a six foot long tree trunk before growing bored (two hundred eighty three), as well as the number of pull ups she could perform from a sturdy branch before the same mental unrest met her (one hundred ninety seven). She really didn't feel like counting them again, even if it was to beat her own score.
So, no. There was, quite literally, nothing to do. This upset her very quickly. She hated having nothing to do. It got to the extent where she would almost rather there were fifteen tasks on her metaphorical plate than none, the overcrowding was almost easier to deal with than the silence. Sighing, she figured she would do what she almost always ended up doing - going to the wooded cliffs only a few miles away at the tip of Brindisi, sit against a tree, and look out over the Ionian Sea. The sun was set to rise in only few hours anyways and she never really did tire of the vibrant oranges, reds, and pinks dancing in the water's reflection.
She took her time getting there. She didn't exactly drag her feet but she didn't sprint as she normally would have. Might as well kill some time and take in the scenery. I haven't done that in a while. Ultimately she was glad she did. The spring's second bloom was in full swing and although the sun wasn't out to open up the flowering tree's petals their sweet fragrance still melded with the crisp night time air. Approaching the vista, she sensed that something was slightly off and her footsteps slowed to a halt next to a particularly large shrub. She peered around cautiously until her eyes landed on a form, seemingly human, leaning against the tree she has always claimed as her own resting place.
This alone made her eyes narrow, softly muttering, "that's my spot..."
Taking a deep breath she briskly walked on, making her way towards the offender and not even bothering to be subtle. They didn't look her way, not even when she stopped only a foot away from him. How rude. She could feel herself getting more and more petty by the second as she cocked her hip and let her arms cross loosely over her middle. She cleared her throat. No reaction. What the... oh come on... She lightly coughed. "Hello?"
The poor figure jumped and looked around frantically before meeting her eyes. "Oh my gods-" he gasped, exasperated, "-you scared me nearly half to death! You should know better than to sneak up on people like that!"
The prickle of annoyance lifted her shoulders. "Well excuse me for barging in on someone I've never met before who's sitting in my usual spot!"
"Hey this is my first time here! How was I supposed to know this is your spot?" He gestured dramatically to the ground around him.
"What should I put a sign there or something? Just nail one to the tree? Ah yes I can see it now, 'may no man, woman, or beast rest here; save for Victoria the great.' I could see that going over quite well," she huffed, the very essence of sarcasm dripping from her words as her eyes rolled once again. They settled on his face. He was actually quite attractive, now that she got a good look at him.
"So... your name is Victoria then...?" Just when I was about to let you off the hook, huh?
She sharply refocused her eyes onto his. "How do you know that?"
"You just said it...?"
"I most certainly did not!"
"Oh wow sure you caught me going off your nametag."
"Nametag??" She looked incredulously on her person for only a second before glaring at him. He didn't even have to open his mouth for her to know what he was thinking. His eyes lazily looked at her with a blank expression that said it all. Seriously? You fell for that? Sighing with a shake of her head she resigned herself to plopping down and leaning against a neighboring tree. Despite how much she wanted that spot it wasn't worth the effort, his wit was annoyingly just as sharp as hers. "Well, you know my name." He stared at her with... some other sort of expression, one she couldn't quite read. Curiosity? Recognition? It felt familiar somehow. Not just the look, something else that was so tiny she would barely even try to put her finger on it. "Yours is...?" She trailed off again.
He diverted his gaze for one or two seconds. "Yuchan."
"Yuchan?" He hummed in affirmation. She nodded her head, "good name, I like it. Took you a second to answer though, is that your birth name or one you go by?" His eyebrows rose highly.
She quickly realized the gravity of what she had asked. "Sorry if that-"
"It's just-"
They both looked at each other waiting to speak.
"You can-"
"You go-"
Small smiles crept over their faces and laughter threatened to take them both over. She reached her hand out towards him so as to say go ahead.
After a moment, "It's my own name, and it's okay that you asked."
A light and comfortable silence enveloped them. Names are a personal thing. She didn't want to outright ask but she did have a small twinge of curiosity that he picked up on by her contemplative expression. "Before I was born... people thought I was going to be a girl, so they named me Nike. It could probably have been seen as a guy's name, sure, but I never really liked it, so..." he turned his face forward to look out over the waters.
Curling her legs to her chest and loosely draping her arms around them, she slowly nodded her head again before resting her chin on her knees. "I respect that." Out of her peripherals she saw him slightly look over to her for only a second before refocusing on the view. She did the same.
Neither of them talked for quite a while. Crickets sung an aria that mixed with distantly faint rolling of water on rock, and every so often a rustle from the leaves of the trees around them dancing in the gentle breeze. It was so calm that for a few precious moments she forgot who she was, her responsibilities, and the challenges of being more than mortal. It was just her, the beautiful world, and her friend a few feet away. Friend... could she call him that? Might as well.
Unbeknownst to her, he was having almost the exact same thoughts. Or at least type of thoughts. He was glad he found this place, and even her, really. Home had been getting too much for him, his superiors only giving him more and more work to do, expecting him to be perfect all the time and be completely and unconditionally devoted to his work. There was only so much success he could give to others, though, before he would drain himself completely. That was something they didn't seem to understand. So, he stormed out, and somehow found his way to that spot. Wherever this spot even is, anyways.
This turned out to calm him down much more than he thought it would, and despite bolting from everything to be alone, the company was nice.
Meanwhile, the fact that her spot had been taken over for the night was completely out of the mind of the girl in question. She slowly allowed herself to be lulled into sleep, leaning more heavily against the tree and her fingers relaxing their grip on each other from around her legs. As unconsciousness settled around her like a heavy blanket he stole a quick glance at her relaxed figure. The corners of his lips turned upward and his eyes softened before looking back away. Exhaling softly, he knew he should get back, but he decided to stay for just a little longer. Just until the sun starts to peak over the horizon. Then I'll go.
But not yet, for now, he would stay there, in that spot, and with that girl.
A new friend.
[[ Quick lil end note, no matter who you are, where you come from, or how you identify - you are valid, and you are loved. <3 ]]
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Let's Fall In Love Part 1
Pairings: Nishinoya x fem! Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3000+
You looked around you to see if you knew someone at this place but all you see is unfamiliar faces, you sighed before fishing your phone out of your pocket, you typed a message and sent it immediately.
After placing your phone back to your pocket you heard squeals nearby, your eyes landed in a group of girls surrounding a tall guy weaing glasses.
“Oikawa-san, can we take a picture?”
The guy smiled and looked at the short girl in front of him while the other girls surrounding him was obviously dying because of his smile.
You just raise your brows and proceeded to walk away so you could finally watch your cousin play.
“Oh, hello. I'm Y/N I'm Hinata Shoyo's cousin. Nice to meet you all.”
“Oh! Hinata told us you'll be coming, the game already started. They lost the first set.” you gasped and immediately looked at where the players are just to see your ginger cousin looking so serious.
You bit your lower lip and guilt filled your heart, you kinda get lost on your way here that's why you were so late.
When the second set of the game started and they scored you silently screamed. You don't know Hinata's teammates yet but those determined look on their faces makes you want to cheer for them aside from the fact that you're here to support Shoyo.
You witnessed how Hinata became fond of volleyball as he talked about his idol, the little giant. You're just a few years older than him but you've seen how he grew up loving volleyball even if his height became some sort of hindrance.
You couldn't help but be proud of how far he is to the old Shoyo, if they win this match this is their ticket to the nationals, Shoyo's goal.
“They're trouble.” you commented as you look at the players of Shiratorizawa. Yachi was able to hear you and she immediately looked up at you, “H-How can you say so?” you narrowed your eyes as you stare at the players on the other side of the court, those stern faces are obviously full of pride and for them to have such pride, they must have the talent as well.
“Their eyes screams determination and pride. It is ideal to have the confidence in matches like this and they must be confident because I've heard that they've been into Nationals but their own pride may become their own destruction in this match as well.”
Yachi blinked for numerous times with her mouth gaped open, you noticed her silence and you looked down at her. “Sorry, did I say too much?” you smiled awkwardly and Yachi immediately blushed as she shook her head.
“Ah no! No! You just seems so smart and you're so—so pretty.”
“Thanks for thinking so..”
You also blushed and focused on the game once more and you saw Karasuno's libero trying to chase the ball with all his might but he failed.
For a guy who's small, he's energetic and he's also fast, you can even tell that he's an outstanding libero just by the way he holds himself inside the court, not to mention that he's good looking, the blond bangs is a big plus in his looks as well. You blushed when you realized that you were too focused on him and shook your head to snap out of the spell that little guy has put into you.
“Ugh, the guy's serving again.” Saeko said as she looked at the big guy on the other side of the court.
“Monster.” you whispered silently, that dude is obviously a monster. His posture screams dominance, it was as if he's silently declaring that he owns the court, that he owns the game.
When Shoyo entered the court your eyes literally shone in glee. You clapped so hard and shouted in top of your lungs.
“Go, Shoyo!!”
Hinata was surprised to hear you shout but he waved anyways and winked, you smiled at him while waving and suddenly your gaze landed at their libero once more.
Nishinoya was frozen in his position when he saw you standing beside Yachi, he has no idea who you are but you're probably Hinata's friend. Noya's expertise is spotting real beauty in every place despite of the fact that he's crushing hard on their manager.
His admiration for Kiyoko has become a common joke among the team but he wouldn't deny the fact that he is indeed attracted to her but not to the point that he'll court her or other stuffs.
As he looked in your direction, his eyes met yours and the two of you are frozen. Your breathing hitched for an unknown reason, his eyes are intense, despite of being a small munchkin those eyes made your knees weak for an unknown reason.
You kept on telling yourself to look away and focus on your cousin but he's not looking away either and you can't let yourself be defeated.
More seconds has passed and no one's backing down not until you heard the crowd shouting, your eyes widened and you looked at Shoyo's direction just to see his spike get blocked by the red haired guy.
You worriedly looked at Shoyo and you bit your lower lip as you tightened your grip on your sling bag as you close your eyes for a silent prayer.
Nishinoya smirked as he witnessed that. It was amusing, really, because that nervous look on your face feels like you're the one playing in the court, damn, he loves how adorable it was.
He let out a deep breath and fixed his posture, now, he just feels himself become more determined to win, he doesn't know if it is because of you or it is because he wants to cheer up his team, either way, his desire to win is burning.
He's gotta prove himself now.
When Hinata was able to score you screamed just the same time that he did and you laughed. “Shoyo hasn't change much through these years. I'm glad.” you whispered.
You can still see that small child you used to take care of before, Hinata has always been a happy virus, he's good at influencing everyone's feelings and it is one of his remarkable traits that you've loved.
But when your gaze landed at Nishinoya, who jumped so high you couldn't help but chuckle at his similarity with your cousin, it may appear that they're twins.
“Number 5 has been playful in guessing where to block. Since most of his intuitions were right he'll end up being too confident, once that happens they should lead him as far as possible and then prepare to attack.”
“Oh YN, you're smart!” Saeko commented and you shook your head, damn you didn't notice that you talked out loud.
“Shoyo's stamina and his speed could be annoying sometimes especially if you're the one being fooled by him. That brat kept on running away from me when he was a kid every damn time it's time for him to sleep.”
You smiled upon seeing how he scored again and everyone around you also clapped. “You sounded like a Mother eh? You're so mature.” Saeko smiled and you smiled back.
When Ushijima go for a spike, you saw three blockers from Karasuno jumped but you smirk upon knowing what they did. “They opened a path for their libero.” you looked at Nishinoya who was able to dug the ball and kept it on air, you saw him sat on the floor as he breathes heavily.
That spike was surely strong, it would probably kinda painful too, Nishinoya looked into your direction and your eyes widened, you immediately looked away and turned to their setter instead.
Nishinoya smirked, “Too late sugar plum, I've been watching you watch me since earlier.” he whispered.
“What are you saying Noya? By the way nice receive!” Daichi complimented and Noya just smiled.
“No, you guys are the reason why I got it.”
Saeko gasped and she looked at you, “So they didn't put three blockers to stop him?” you nodded and smiled as you glanced at Nishinoya, “They cornered him so he would be forced to go for that spike, a spike that landed to where their talented libero is placed. Directly blocking forceful spikes from that guy would be bothersome and dangerous for their fingers but if they can corner him to spike on the direction of their powerful libero the ball will be theirs.” Yachi nodded knowingly as she made a mental note to remember this tactic.
“Are you a volleyball player too YN-san?”
“I was. I hated sweating too much though so I stopped playing. I prefer using my brain than my body.”
“Your brother is smart.” you told Tsukishima's brother, he smiled at you and rubbed his nape, “He may look spiritless most of the times but yeah, he is smart and the more he feels down the more he became strong.” you nod and looked back at the court.
“The pressure is on their setter, your brother is doing good in being able to touch those spikes, nothing hurts a setter's pride than those and the total blocks of course. The more the pressure, the more they'll change their pace. At that time they may lose their balance.”
You looked at how Hinata saved the ball and you got worried for him but he stood up like it was nothing and attacked. You sighed in relief as you touched your chest, “Shoyo will be the death of me.” you breathed out and Yachi giggled beside you, “It really is scary when they chase the ball with everything they got.” she told you and you totally agreed.
Another powerful spike was given by Ushijima and you gasped after seeing Nishinoya saved the ball, it was beyond amazing, you imagined yourself being the one in his place and you can already tell you might end up with tons of bruises because of that man's spikes.
But even if that spike must've been painful to receive you see nothing but determination in Nishinoya. He's a strong willed soldier, a man probably destined to be a libero.
Karasuno took that set but Shiratorizawa wasn't fazed at all. Another spike from Ushijima came, Nishinoya tried to save the ball but he fell on his back because of the impact.
You worriedly glanced at him, your hand flew to cover your mouth as you gasp, the long haired guy come to his side to check on him but Nishinoya stood up by himself with a dangerous look on his face.
“He has the advantage of being the biggest among us but that fact wouldn't affect me as a libero because in this court no one is equal to him but me.”
It was the final set, a serve that you thought it wouldn't even make it in, has passed the net and Nishinoya immediately saved it with all his might.
Ushijima spiked it down but Nishinoya saved it for another time and later on they scores when Asahi hit it. Everyone went wild including you, you held Yachi's hands, “YES!!!!” you screamed loudly.
Nishinoya heard that unfamiliar voice scream so he took a glance on your direction just to see you cheering with Yachi, he smirked and looked at Daichi, “Thanks, Nishinoya!” Daichi told him and Nishinoya proudly looked at his captain.
“Karasuno can depend on me!”
You heard that shout and looked at Nishinoya's direction, when his eyes met yours he smiled at you, at first you didn't know what to do and you wanted to just look away but that would be impolite.
So you chose to give him a small smile as your cheeks reddened because of embarrassment.
Nishinoya gulped hard at the smile he had received from you and he looked behind him trying to see if that smile was for someone else but no one was in his back, meaning, that smile was meant for him.
Your heart was beating fast when you see Karasuno prepare for a synchronize attack, everything depends on every point and when you saw Hinata jumped your breathing hitched and it almost feel like your heart rate dropped after speeding up just seconds ago.
Hinata hit the ball but it was saved by Ushijima, it was spiked once more and Hinata was hit by the ball, you gasped and immediately called out his name. “Shoyo!!” you held your chest and tried calming yourself when you saw him got up as if it was nothing.
Ball was exchanged in a breathtaking manner and you almost had a heart attack they prepared for another synchronized attack this time, “First tempo...” you breathed out when you saw Hinata mixed in and as he jumped it seems like he was flying.
He hit the ball and as it flew towards the other side of the net receivers tried diving in to get the ball but it already dropped on the floor.
There was a stunned silence amongst the crowd and at that moment all you could hear was your heartbeat. You see Hinata landed on his feet while breathing heavily and at that moment the crowd has gone crazy to cheer the new champions.
Tears started forming at the corner of your eyes as you see the whole team hugged each other, it was a heartwarming moment, and the way each player held into each other made you tear up.
Your eyes landed on Hinata and you smiled even if he's not looking at you, you were there when he came home when he lost the match when he was in Junior high school. You were also there when he begged you to let him practice with your teammates so he could be good in volleyball.
Before you see Hinata's smile right now, you've heard his cries first, you witnessed him cry out of frustration before seeing him like this.
And you must say his hard works are all worth it.
After the awarding ceremony you prepared to leave just like the others but before you could even leave, Shoyo already shouted your name as he held his medal.
He was hopping playfully as he charged himself towards you to hug you. You laughed and hugged him back, you're basically lifting him so you tapped his arm, “Shoyo, you're not a kid anymore, I can't carry you around like I used to.” you joked but he just giggled as he took his medal off his neck.
He jumped to wore it on you and you looked at him cluelessly, “Y/N L/N the best big sister ever!” you blinked and suddenly you felt tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I'm proud of you Shoyo. I'm so damn proud of you.” you took off your neck and give it back to him with a smile, you pat his head as he giggle and your eyes landed at his teammates, they were smiling at the two of you so you smiled back.
“Congratulations.” you bow your head down for a bit and they did the same.
Nishinoya's eyes are sparkling as he look at you but you didn't notice that. He wanted to introduce himself but he doesn't want to ruin your beautiful moment with Shoyo.
“I have to go now, Shoyo.”
“But we just met! We're gonna celebrate, come with us! Come with us!”
“Shoyo, Kuro and I will—”
Hinata glared at you as he pointed his team, “You came to watch us but you'll see Nekoma?!” you laughed and shook your head, it is true that you're friends with the players from Nekoma but the reason why you have to call Kuro is because you asked a favor from him.
“Aren't they your friends too?”
“But I'm your cousin!”
Childish. That's the word you'll use to describe him but you can't resist that cute pout on his cute face.
“Shoyo, wake up idiot.” you shook Hinata but he's still sleeping, Nishinoya on the other hand was sitting in front of you and he's half-asleep.
“You look horrified YN-san. Don't worry, they're just tired. Nishinoya and Tanaka sometimes fall asleep with their eyes half open too so don't be scared.” Sugawara smiled at you as he handed you a juice, you gladly accepted it and drink some before sighing as you look at your cousin once more.
“Ahm guys, thank you for taking care of my cousin. I know that Shoyo is sometimes too hyper. Sir and Coach thank you for guiding him.” you bowed to all of them but everyone shook their heads, “No, no, you don't have to thank us. Hinata is a good player.” Daichi smiled.
Nishinoya woke up and his eyes immediately met yours, you let out a sound of surprise when he suddenly sat up but you ended up smiling as you see how he looked. Noya smiled back and wiped his mouth, you silently chuckled because of his gesture and seconds later you heard your phone beeped.
“Uh-Oh, Shoyo your Mom is texting me. We have to go." You shook him but he's still unresponsive, you felt bad to wake him up but you just have to go home, “Ugh, I think I should leave him here. Ahm wake him up once you guys are gonna go. My house is a bit far so I really have to go.” you looked at your cousin and pat his head, “Sleep well you little monster. Please take care of Hinata for me, sorry for the trouble.” you bowed to his teammates and they stood up to bow down too.
“Thank you for cheering for us.”
“Oh, that's nothing. It's nice to meet you all, see you soon.”
“Take care YN-San.”
You were walking as you put your earphones to listen to some music but you suddenly heard someone shouting behind you.
“Oh...Nishinoya, why?”
“I asked Shoyo where—” he paused, catching his breath as he look at you, “I asked him where you live and my house is a little near yours. Would you mind if I go with you?” you suddenly felt your cheeks heating up, you had to look away from Nishinoya and mutter a response to his question.
Noya smiled at how you reacted, “So, you're Shoyo's cousin. You're tall.” you looked at him and chuckled as you shrugged your shoulders, “I stopped growing years ago. You'll probably be taller than me in no time.” you replied, still avoiding his gaze.
“Is that an attempt to cheer me up? I don't really mind my height.”
“I'm glad that you don't you look...” you paused for a moment to think of the proper choice of words but your mind just went blank when Noya suddenly walked in front of you with a smirk.
This is why you wanted to go home early, there's something in Nishinoya's presence that makes you weak and even if you're a little taller than him, he can affect you more than you can affect him.
“I look what?”
“Fine. You're also a great libero, the double save was amazing, not to mention your sets.”
“You're beautiful.”
He said it like it was nothing and you wondered if he's joking or not but you've decided not to comment anything about it.
“Y/N, can I get your SNS accounts and your number?”
You took his phone from his hands and typed your Social Media Accounts before giving it back to him. “Thanks for walking with me. I appreciate it.” you took the key of the gate of your house while Nishinoya watch you.
“Your parents are not yet home?”
“They only come home on Weekends. I live alone in Weekdays.”
“What? You should go inside then, don't come out of the house at night. If you need something always buy them at morning but if it's something that you really need you can call me and I'll bring it to you just don't come out alone. It's safer for you to stay inside.”
You laughed at his long speech and he narrowed his eyes at you unamused that you chose to laugh at his kindness. “Hey, I'm serious. It's dangerous for a young lady to stay outside at night. You should ask Shoyo to stay with you sometimes, even though it's not much it would be better if there's someone with you.” Noya has no idea why you're laughing at his sentences, he's genuinely worried for you, it's not really ideal for a young lady to be alone, he should tell Hinata to stay with you at some days of the week.
“Don't get too worried Nishinoya. My Dad taught me martial arts. Thanks for walking me home. Congratulations super libero.”
“Go inside first before I go home. Lock the gate, your door and windows.”
“Yes Dad!”
You received a message.
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on haizaki and teammates
(this is just a very fluffy and happy fic to make up for all the depressing fics i’ve written about haizaki. it’s set in my very own kirihaizaki au - an au wherein haizaki joined kirisaki daichi high, rather than fukuda sogo. also @knb-kreations :D)
Haizaki wants to punch them - his teammates, that is. He wants to punch them a lot, and with force. But he doesn’t, partially because he knows they’d punch him back (and it would hurt much more), and partially because he respects his seniors (just a little) and likes them too (sometimes, maybe).
Seto’s probably the only person in the last five years who’s told Haizaki that he’s intelligent - even if just as an offhand “you’re too smart to use that brain of yours on cheating”. Of course, Haizaki still cheats (a matter of habit and pride, if nothing else). But, when the team studies together for the end-of-term exams (Hanamiya insists on it; they need good grades to keep playing, though the scores come naturally to most of them), Haizaki works just a little harder on the practice questions that Seto gives him, not because he cares that much about doing well, but because there’s a slight, bemused grin on Seto’s face after Haizaki finishes the work quickly, as he says “that fast? Not bad at all.” It’s small and measly praise, but Haizaki still blushes when he hears it. And it’s the type of praise that helps a guy fall asleep at night.
Or, sometimes, Furuhashi comes to the roof - where Haizaki wastes away his lunchtime, or can be found bunking a class - and orders him to help out with the gardening club. Haizaki’s the only first year member, and not by choice; the only reason he signed up was because no one else dares to, and he was told he had to join something. And frankly, Haizaki hates plants. He hates the way they just hang their miserable little leaves, and droop their heads, and just with that Furuhashi’s grumpy gaze softens, like he’s talking to a bunch of children. He hates how Furuhashi orders him to chat to the plants, as the second year checks the humidity of the air and the pH of the soil: how he’s just stood there awkwardly (with a plant or two in his arms; Furuhashi uses him as a temporary shelf) talking about how someone pissed him off the other day, how his class has been told they’ll be doing a group project soon (few of his classmates actually speak to Haizaki), how he saw a hot chick the other day and how she was real damn hot, and how his teacher’s getting on his case recently.
“The next time she shoves her ugly mug in my face,” grumbles Haizaki, with pink flowers, from the plant in his arms, framing his face, “I’m going to swing at her. Who does she think she is? I don’t even cause that much trouble.”
Of course, the plants never reply, but, every once in a while, Furuhashi does - and Furuhashi’s not that bad at advice.
“Talk to Hanamiya about her. He’s good at stopping that kind of thing.”
“Yeah, but, I don’t want to be asking for favours. I can deal with it on my own.”
“You’re part of the team. Take advantage of it.”
Sometimes, when he’s lost his after-practice good mood the minute he sees that his older brother’s home, Haizaki thinks to himself that maybe Furuhashi is what a sibling is supposed to be like.
Of course, Haizaki’s not that close to his teammates - but that applies to his relationship with his brother too. And his brother doesn’t invite him to shoot a couple hoops in the local park, or to play games together. That’s what Hara does instead, often Yamazaki too. It’s the three of them crammed in Yamazaki’s bedroom, all of them yelling at Mario, Luigi and Peach (Haizaki is bullied into playing as the latter) as the pixels speed past the finish line. Then when Yamazaki loses, they play fighting games instead, talking to one another as if they’re soldiers, and it’s only when Hara comments on how ridiculous they all sound, that Haizaki realises that he’s been participating in this idiocy too. But it’s fun. They share pizzas afterwards, and Hara wraps his arm around Haizaki’s shoulder, and Yamazaki says that the first year gaming ability is improving (“you stick with your senpais, and you’ll get even better”).
Yamazaki has a mirror in his bedroom. It’s never quite clean, but it reflects enough of Haizaki’s smile, in those after-school evenings, for the boy to look down at his greasy fingers and at his cheerfully arguing teammates and to think that, maybe, he can call them friends after all.
During matches, Haizaki goes on last to play. In part, it’s because he still hasn’t quite grasped how to slot into the spider’s web (it requires a lot of team work, and his years at Teiko made that a bitter subject), but Hanamiya also likes having Haizaki on last to absolutely obliterate the opposition. To make them realise just how talented the next generation of Kiridai is. (Granted, this next generation is just one man - but, in the captain’s words, “you’re enough. You’re just want I needed”). It’s usually in the last quarter than Haizaki gets called in.
“Oi, Shou,” the captain calls, “you’re on.”
Furuhashi strolls off the court, nods at Haizaki as he walks past. Hara slips beside Haizaki and grins, “do us proud, Shou-chan.”
Haizaki doesn’t like nicknames. That’s an understatement. He despises them (particularly ones using his first name, though there’s no option currently for a nickname with his last name. There’s already a ‘Zaki’ in the team, and ‘Hai’, for a man who says ‘no, fuck off’ a lot, just sounds stupid). But he doesn’t mind the nickname as much, when it’s being said by his senpais. Because there’s something different about these teammates of his.
Haizaki’s not quite sure what exactly is it. He just knows that, when he’s on the court representing Kirisaki Daichi, he gets shivers running down his spine. They’re the kind of shivers you only get when you truly love a sport.
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