#I can’t believe I missed Namjoon swearing omg
elizahopexo · 3 years
Can you get post concert depression from a concert you never attended? Yes. Yes you can.
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angelguk · 5 years
jeon jeongguk is the worst roommate ever and it’s not your fault if you end up killing him one day. or the one where your roommate jeongguk accidentally breaks your vibrator because he thought it was for massaging stuff. 1.5k 
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Jeongguk is annoying. It's not even an opinion anymore, it's a straight fact. He irks every fibre in your being, poking at you all the time with a shit-eating grin. But this, this right here is the final straw. The straw that breaks the camel's back or whatever proverbial shit Namjoon was talking about in his philosophical discussion the last time you got together for lunch. You're not focused on the schematics right now, only pure fury pumping your legs forward as you kick the door of your room open and storm into the living room. He's sat pretty on the couch, hair pushed back by a pink headband and his dirty feet propped up on the coffee table. You freeze, the anger you feel psychically making your body seize up. Not to be anal, but you'd asked Jeongguk repeatedly, to keep his dirty ass feet off the table, but here he was, ignoring your request once again.
You twirl the broken vibrator in your hand and wonder how much you're willing to risk being charged with physical assault and battery when he tilts his head in your direction - not even bothering to break his eyes from the show flashing on the screen.
"What's up with you?" He says. "Kicking the doors like you’re Bigfoot. You have hands right? Use them."
Maybe having a criminal record could be worthwhile after all.
You throw the pink vibrator hard. It soars across the room, narrowly missing his massive head and knocks one of his stupid signed baseball figurines off the TV display counter. He blanches at that, spinning around to face you, bewilderment making his jaw hang.
"What the fuck?" His tone is coloured with incredulity. Like he genuinely can't believe you did that. Some part of you can't either. But you stand your ground, glaring at him from across the room. It's a good thing Seokjin was home - because you'd kill Jeongguk right now if there were no witnesses around. But you have a sneaky suspicion Seokjin has his noise-cancelling headphones on right now. Maybe you could get away with murder.
"Did you touch my vibrator?" You start, voice venomous and low in the room. He stills at that, eyes widening like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Your what?" Jeongguk twists to look at your broken vibrator sitting forlornly on the floor. "The thing you threw? If it wasn’t already broken it’s broken now."
Your skin prickles at his tone. But you bite back the rude retort sitting on the tip of your tongue. "Answer my question."
"I didn't break it!" He whines back, obstinate.
"Did you touch it?" You rephrase, knowing with certainty that the only person who would snoop through your belongings in this house was Jeongguk. And he would end up breaking your things too if you know him well enough.
There's a second too long pause in his reply and you know right away that you've got him.
"Um. Maybe I saw something that looked like your vibrator. I used it to massage my shoulders! I thought it was for massaging!" He quickly defends, seeing the fury settle in your eyes.
You blink. Hard.
"You did what?" It sounds ridiculous even to you, but Jeongguk says it with such earnest that you're afraid he did that.
"It wasn't a massaging machine?" He says, voice small.
You can't even process it, the stupidity of the young man in front of you. It takes a couple of deep meditative breaths that Namjoon taught you for your anger to subside long enough for you look Jeongguk directly in the eye without wanting to break his face.
"Jeongguk," You say it slowly, hoping he could hear the strain in your voice. "That was my vibrator. That you used. To massage your shoulders."
There's a long pause between the two of you, a dark blush creeping on his face as the realization hits him. And then it's broken by a soft, small, "Oh."
You launch across the room without a second thought, moving to wrap your hands around his neck and strangle the shit out of him. But Jeongguk moves faster than you, a result of his athletic background. His thighs pump him forward as you chase his heels, a flood of swear words leaving your mouth. That vibrator had been expensive - a self-care gift you'd gotten yourself after you'd aced your midterms for you economic class. A splurge that may have hurt your bank account, but you don't like to think about that.
It's over when he trips over the slippers strewn across your apartment floor. He hits the ground with a thud that reverberates through the house, bouncing off the walls loudly. Seokjin must have heard that. But you're too preoccupied with getting your hands around his neck and holding him down tight to care about what Seokjin might think.
You land on top of him, the breath knocked out your lungs with the force of your collision. He nearly throws you off but your anger fuels your strength and you pin him down with surprising ease.
"Jeongguk," You hiss, hands around his neck. "I swear to God, if I don't have a new vibrator in the next three days, I will cut up your fleshlight." His mouth drops at that, a gasp escaping from his pink lips.
"You wouldn't." But from the fire in your eyes, he knows you would. He can't think of a way to diffuse the situation. His fleshlight, named Betty, was very dear to his heart and if you damaged it Jeongguk feels like he might cry. There's nothing more lacklustre than nutting in his own hands. And he needed Betty for when all the girls he kept on his roster ditched him for the night. He would die without Betty.
There's only one thing coming to his mind right now. And that's because of the way you're on top of him, your crotch hovering right above his. He knows you'll probably say no - but there's no harm in trying. And your hands are getting a tad too snug around his neck.
"Bro, you know I'm too broke to buy you a brand new vibrator. Can we come to a different agreement? Please." He feels light-headed and his vision is blurring.
You relax your grip and raise an eyebrow. "I'm listening." You want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Jeongguk was stupid most of the time but was on top of all his classes. There must be more than two brain cells in that head of his.
"Okay, how about," He pauses like he's reconsidering what he's about to say. "You use my dick as a temporary replacement." It's rushed out his mouth, a torrent of words that hits your ears hard.
There's another heartbeat of silence, where your blood is throbbing in your head and your fingers begin to itch with the strong desire to punch his face. Jeongguk must realise how much he's messed up because his face freezes, terror in those big brown eyes of his. Physical assault and battery charges, here you come.
"Are you guys seriously fucking on the floor?" Seokjin's voice rings from his doorway, coloured with disdain and disgust. "Please stop! I live here too!"
You spring apart you fast, you're sure you've broken something in your ankle, from the crack that floats from the bones there. Jeongguk is surprised too, staring at you from the floor with his mouth agape, heat spreading across his face and tingling the tips of his ears rose.
"Please. You have bedrooms. Use them." Seokjin slams his door shut a second later, leaving the two of you sitting deep in your mortification.
"Y/N-" Jeongguk starts, scrambling up from the floor. He moves like he wants to help you up.
"Don't," You curtly reply, getting up by yourself. "Don't say anything. I don't want to see your face for the next few days."
He's silent as you walk away, something you're oddly grateful for.
flat lord jin (08:34 pm)
walked into y/n and jeongguk fucking on the living floor today
who's got bleach?
kim taehyung (08:34 pm)
what??? forreal??
yoongles (08:36 pm)
pics or it didn't happen
joonie (08:37 pm)
finally glad they're addressing their sexual tension
sick of seeing jk drool over her all the time
peepeepoopoo (08:27 pm)
first of all, there is nothing to drool over
so shut up namjoon
it was just an
interesting predicament
joonie (08:28 pm)
predicament exists in your vocabulary?
mochi bear (08:30 pm)
omg namjoon stop you'll make him cry
peepeepoopoo (08:31 pm)
flat lord jin (08:33 pm)
i can hear him crying
y/n has left the chat
mochi bear (08:34 pm)
christ jk how bad was your dick?
one pump and u were finished, right?
peepeepoopoo (08:36 pm)
flat lord jin (08:37 pm)
excuse me.
peepeepoopoo (08:37 pm)
shit sorry, seokjin i didn't mean it!!!
flat lord jin (08:39 pm)
you're on dishwashing duty for the next week
no buts
and go check on y/n
i think she's breaking something in her room
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kinktae · 5 years
The penultimate part🥺 I’m not ready to say goodbye, Bitchin!Jungkook has definitely been one of my fav characterizations of him that I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for sharing your work with all of us💖
bitchin 9 asks bc i suck
sapphireprinces5 said: bitchin’ pt9 was just so beautiful?? the way you explained the emotions and interactions between the characters was just amazing!! I felt myself hanging on every word wow excited for the end but will miss bitchin’ so much 🤧
Anonymous said: Like I just feel like if Jk really liked y/n he wouldn’t have slept with Kiri, you know? It shouldn’t matter that he didn’t know how y/n felt. And it’s obvious that he has feelings for y/n so I just hope that’s something y/n addresses when she talks to him. Don’t settle for less girl! Get you a man who will fight for you regardless 👏 (btw this is not me criticizing how you wrote it in any way! I’m just so invested in the characters and am thinking about how I would feel in this scenario :) )
Anonymous said: Hi! I just binge read bitchin in a day and can I just say that I loved it! I really love the female characters as well, you’ve written them so beautifully 🥺 if I was y/n I wouldn’t be concerned so much about Jk not sleeping with Kiri if he knew the way y/n felt, but rather the fact that if Jk didn’t want to sleep with Kiri, he wouldn’t have, regardless of y/n’s feelings or not. IMO y/n’s feelings shouldn’t be the issue here, but Jk’s should! If I was y/n’s bff that’s what I would tell her LOL
Anonymous said: OH MY GOODNESS! YES !!!! YESSSSS Y.E.S Muchas graciaaaas!!!
Anonymous said: tae and yara are my new ship)
unknowntalesx said: okay but like tae and yara thooO they got me all smiley being like oh yeah bayyybeEE das what im talking about 😏 ALSO OKAY NOW THAT I AM MORE LUCID KIRI GOT FUCKING WRECKED I LOVED THAT SHE GOT A DOSE OF HER OWN MANIPULATIVE MEDICINE I AM 😤😤😤😤😤
Anonymous said: im not ready for bitchin to end )):
Anonymous said: ROSE AHHSHSJSKSD FUCK U I’m all hot and bothered with anticipation for pt 10 now 😩😩😩🥵
sydney--chan said: We really stan y/n for using her big ol brain to rock kiris world oh my god I yelled also I say what's your damage all the time bring that shit back
Anonymous said: a tae x yara spin off series or one shot...... haha jk..... unless..... 👀
Anonymous said: Fuck kiri's scheming ass. I'm glad YN ripped her a new one
Anonymous said: AAHHHHHH once again, I love this chapter so much!!!! I was screaming at Yara and Tae part. Seriously!!!! I am SURE she felt that spark when he kissed her. Is she going to be the one falling for the guy while he wants something casual now? Or maybe Tae will fall for her as well? Ahhhh so cute! I feel like that would be a nice spin off yk (no pressure, I swear). And Erik, woah I didn't expect him to be like that. To be so nice and wise. Great character development indeed! It was really nice (1/2)
Anonymous said: To see their interaction and the way he opened her eyes (for some reason I couldn't help but picture him as Namjoon). Ohhh the Kiri part tho!!!! I felt really petty but in the best way lol. Anywaysss I am really excited for the last chapter (really sad too) and I am sure it is going to be the best because you are a genius! Thank you for sharing another amazing chapter with us! ♥♥♥ (2/2)
Anonymous said: OKAY I absolutely adored Bitchin part 9 😻 I always thought that it was also OC fault for what happened between her and jk, he obviously was the main jerk but she never actually admitted her feelings to him and he doesn't read minds so??¿¿? Really loved that she came to understand it. And I was rooting SO MUCH for yara and tae MAN I AM CRYING THEY DESERVE IT 🙌🏻
Anonymous said: you came through with the tae x yara content we all needed omg thank you!! if anyone’s gonna make yara fall in love it’s tae lol
Anonymous said: I honestly lowkey hate bitchin’ jungkook right now. I thought I’d get over it but I just can’t imagine how hurt and disgusted Y/N was when she found out that jk and kiri were together just hours before they were like ugh. It doesn’t help that I’m also really interested in Erik’s character development now so it would’ve been really interesting to see how he’d fit in Y/N’s life. 🥺
Anonymous said: jungkook and y/n wANT what yara and tae have
Anonymous said: just want to let you know you’re an absolute angel and all you create is nothing short of perfection. *sends you all of the love*
spring2787 said: I jus came from a 4 hour long class and it's finally here... Thank you so much dear 🎂 💜
Anonymous said: Is yara me ? Like when she said that boy act like they understand the no string involved but then fall in love , dude I felt that , that's literally the story of my life lmaoooo Like the number of time a dude told me yeah I'm okay with that and then acted shocked when I told him I didn't feel anything for him is impressive lmaoo Anyway I'm so eager for the last chapter!!!! you did an amazing job!!
kuhweenbri said: The way I already finished but anyways girl I absolutely loved this part and now I’m excited for the next part 😭😭 will we be seeing more of T-ara??
Anonymous said: OMG YARA AND TAEEEEEEEEE. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEANT BY FANSERVICE. JSJSJSJJSBXBSBSB But on a serious note, this fic just keeps on getting better. The fact that there's only one chapter left still hasn't come home to me 😭 but thank you so much for blessing us with this!💜💜
Anonymous said: YO! bitchin is flippin brilliant! you have done so well! jungkook broke my heart in part 9! im emotional but also so ready for part 10! please take your time. have a lovely day
Anonymous said: i don’t normally talk to writers on here but bitchin is really bitchin, i haven’t read a fanfic in so long that makes me excited to read the next part and maybe it’s because i’m so used to all of the aus being recycled but bitchin is truly a breathe of fresh air to me for some reason, maybe because you fleshed out the right hand mans for both characters idk or the it being a different time period, but i just wanted to say you are smashing bitchin dude and i love it!!
shy-kpop-girl said: BITCHIN': I just caught up on 8 & 9. Shocked & angry at JK. Because regardless of whether he knew y/n' feelings it was a dick move to sleep with Kiri one night and y/n the next morning. And it wasn't like he came over to talk/tell y/n about Kiri & things escalated because he went right at it as soon as she let him in. Even tho it was hot. 😳 But Erik. I wanted to hate him but dude surprised me with his reasoning. I loved that dialogue! Once again your writing is amazing & I love this story!
Anonymous said: Bitchin is the best fanfic on tumblr. And no one can change my mind. You’re doing amazing!! Much love xoxo
Anonymous said: “Think of life as one big puzzle and everyone you meet is shaped differently, right? Yet somehow… they fit. We find those that complete us. And they’re not necessarily opposites but—“ MAAM that part hit SOOO different omg your brain!?! Outta this world! Like this is whole ass literature!!!! I stg Bitchin’ is the best thing on this app and I meant that w my whole chest.
Anonymous said: I'm not ready for Bitchin to end. It's soooooo good 😍😍😍
kmultifandom said: Since there's a cast for bitchin I wanna audition for y/n because i wanna be a biologist and I have some similar personality traits *mic drop* Also great work, I seriously love it. No other fan fiction I have read was so close to my actual self and that impresses me even more and make it like it 10 times more djksksks
Anonymous said: how will I live when bitchin ends agghhh I haven’t even read 8-9 cause I’m waiting for the happy ending before I’m heartbroken and left waiting for the last part
Anonymous said: you know what would be super fun and crazy 😛😛🙈🙈 if you dropped bitchin’ pt 10 right now 😳😳 haha just kidding .... unless 😏😏
Anonymous said: lets gooooo!!!!!!!!!!! bitchin pt 10 better haunt me for the rest of the year
Anonymous said: I feel like I’m going to get so emotional once Bitchin’ part 10 is released. It’s like I’m sending off my non-existing kids to university because I won’t be able to see Bitchin!Jungkook anymore 🥺
Anonymous said: I can’t believe Bitchin’ is for real ending 😩 it’s soo gud 
Anonymous said: Can’t wait till bitchin PART 10 Probably gonna fall asleep before u post but I’ll try to stay up for it 🥺
Anonymous said: i love your writing honestly and i just really want you to be happy. your writing is immaculate and i really want you to know that you are talented and skilled so yeah. sorry if this is out of nowhere but i just really want to show appreciation to writers because they don't get enough and you are definitely my favorite writer:)) hope you have a good day!!
Anonymous said: okay but if Bitchin' goes on for 50 chapters that would be good too.. just sayin'.
tpo-quinn said: Bruh, I can already feel that I'm gonna cry from the last chapter of bitchin'...I CAN'T WAIT!
leojjeon said: so i've re-read bitchin ready for chapter 10 an I am feeling all sorts of emotions. it's fair to say it's my favourite series I've read!
Anonymous said: y did i forget bitchin would have an end like 😳😐we’ve been on this bitchin journey w u for so long i’m sad it’s over
Anonymous said: What what what?? Bitchin is ending??!!! Didnt it just fucking start like all the drama and tae&yara!!!! Omg girl!!!
Anonymous said: ur the absolute fucking GODDESS of writing angst, ive never ever waited for a ff to be updated before as if it was a new episode of my fav show coming out. thank u for writing and be so active, muah ur amazing
Anonymous said: a moment of silence for our loved bitchin who will die soon 😔 gone but not forgotten, she will always be in our hearts. all the best rides come to an end 😭
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 4
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin) - fluff! angst! S M U T!!!
Summary - Someone from Y/N’s past shows up and has Jimin losing his temper ft. the boys roasting them again lol
Word Count - 6.3k+
Warnings - so smutty omg it’s like my smut scenes get filthier and filthier wow! explicit sex, possessiveness, degradation, dirty talk, d o m!Jimin, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, choking, clit slapping (and probably some more bc it’s so dirty lmao). also, violence, drug use, alcohol abuse, etc.
a/n: here’s part 4!!! I know I said i’d be gone for a while but your girl’s been going through some shit and instead of facing up to my problems and emotions like everyone else, I turn to my stories and write really explicit sex bc I can’t cope with emotional stress lol. I haven’t edited this so sorry if it’s shit. i’ll be gone for a while after this too (probably, I don’t know, I might fuck around and channel more of my emotional and psychological trauma into really explicit sex again). Hope y’all enjoy this, and message me, it makes me day (and I really need it at the moment lol) 
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘y/n? Is that… you?’ I hear someone ask from behind me, the person’s voice making my blood run cold. I’d been having a fantastic time up until now. Jimin virtually hadn’t let me out of his sight all night, knowing I was worried about my ex, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I’d been loving the attention we’d received. Everyone had been whispering and staring, and I saw people eyeing up the ring as well. I’m sure that, by tomorrow, the entire university will believe that me and Jimin are engaged, and the stupid gossip page will have broadcasted it out to everyone. Not that I’m bothered. No straight girl my age would turn down this kind of attention, everyone believing that they’re with the most desirable boy anyone had ever met. I’ve been enjoying myself immensely with the boys and Mija, Jimin’s arm protectively around my waist all night. But now, the second the boys decided to go outside to bump a few lines and Mija went to the toilet, my fun is definitely about to end. 
I turn on my heel, seeing him stood there in front of me, and my heart pounds. Tall and broad, soft brown hair swept up, twinkling brown eyes and smooth tan skin, he looks more handsome than ever. ‘Hey, Eunwoo,’ I reply carefully, not letting myself put any emotion into the words. ‘How are you? God, it’s been, like, what? A year, since I last saw you? How’ve you been?’ he asks. I lean against the wall with my right shoulder, looking up at him, just the two of us in a quiet corridor. ‘I’ve been good. What about you?’ I reply. ‘Yeah, I’m good. You look great, by the way,’ he says, eyes sweeping over my appearance, momentarily stopping at Jimin’s ring, the moment so fleeting that I only noticed because of how well I know him. ‘Thank you. So do you,’ I reply truthfully. ‘How is everything with you recently? I haven’t seen you at any parties. Keeping a low profile?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘The opposite actually. I go to the Alpha Sigma Phi parties instead ‘cause, you remember Kim Namjoon?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Yeah, you two were close, right?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Yeah, so he invites me to their parties. I’ve never actually been invited to a Kappa Phi Nu party,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘We don’t invite people, y/n. If you wanted to come, you should’ve just showed up. I’d never have turned you away, you know that,’ he says with a soft smile, something dangerous hidden beneath. ‘And you know I’d never turn up anymore without being specifically asked, or invited,’ I say, and he nods with a wistful smile. ‘We should meet up, y/n. Have a proper catch up. I’ve missed you,’ he says, and I think over my next words carefully.
‘I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Eunwoo,’ I say, and it’s almost like I see something snap inside him. ‘Why not?’ he asks, still smiling, though it looks forced now. ‘We broke up for a reason. We should just keep our distance from one another,’ I say carefully, and the smile disappears from his face altogether. ‘We didn’t break up. You dumped me, though god knows why,’ he says, trying to sound sad, but his voice shakes with the internal anger. ‘You know why, Eunwoo,’ I say, and he laughs, no humour in the sound at all. ‘So that’s why?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Of course it was! And it was more than good enough of a reason,’ I reply, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone’s there, but all I can see is a couple making out against the wall. ‘You’re ridiculous, y/n. I was so good to you, all the time. I treated you like a queen. I spent so much money trying to make you happy,’ he says, and I scoff. ‘And that was your issue. I don’t owe you anything, just because you bought me things. You can’t buy love, Eunwoo, no matter how hard you try,’ I say, and he shakes his head angrily. ‘I made one little mistake, y/n. That’s it,’ he says. ‘One little mistake? It was hardly little, and it was hardly a mistake. You knew exactly what you were doing. It’s not like you were drunk, or high.’ ‘I was angry!’ ‘Oh, yeah? So what happens the next time you’re angry? You’ll make another little mistake, right?’ I demand, and he laughs bitterly. I wait for Eunwoo to reply but he doesn’t, eyes focused on something behind me. I turn to look, and there he is. My knight in a shining jacket.
‘Hey, princess,’ Jimin says gently, and I almost fall into his arms. It’s only then that I realise how scared I was, my heart rate rocketing and my hands virtually shaking. Jimin seems to realise it too and presses his lips to mine in a brief sign of solidarity. I can smell the fresh floral scent of the cocaine he’d probably just sniffed and his expensive aftershave, as well as the sweet scent that belongs to just him. ‘The boys all want to leave now, you ready to go?’ Jimin asks softly, his gentle voice making my heart pound. Before I can answer, though, Eunwoo starts laughing harshly. Jimin looks at him over my shoulder, acting as though he’s only just noticed him, and smiles politely. ‘Hi. Can we help you?’ Jimin asks, arm around my waist protectively, and Eunwoo shakes his head disbelievingly. ‘God, I’d heard the rumours and I didn’t believe them for a second, but I guess they’re true. This is who you’re fucking now? This short ASP dickhead, with his head stuck up his own arse?’ Eunwoo laughs, and I feel Jimin’s body become tense and taught with anger. ‘Yeah, and his dick’s better than yours was. Bigger, too,’ I say truthfully, shrugging, and Eunwoo’s eyes become dark. ‘You little bitch,’ Eunwoo says lowly, stepping towards me, and Jimin steps towards him. ‘You better watch how the fuck you’re speaking to her,’ Jimin says, his voice becoming 5 times lower than normal, slipping into his dialect. ‘And what the fuck are you gonna do about it, shorty?’ Eunwoo asks, taking another step towards Jimin, mere inches between them.
Jimin rocks back, and I already know what’s coming, having seen him do this before. Admittedly, it was to an actual punching bag rather than my ex-boyfriend, but regardless. Jimin’s fist flies through the air, landing square on Eunwoo’s jaw, his head rocking back as he stumbles to the floor. I’m frozen in my position behind Jimin when I hear Namjoon’s voice from behind me. ‘Jimin, what the fuck?’ he says, both of us turning to see the boys and Mija stood in a huddle in the end of the corridor. ‘Is that Eunwoo?’ Jin asks, looking down at the boy who’s clutching onto his jaw, groaning on the floor. ‘Yeah,’ I reply shakily as a couple of Kappa Phi Nu boys show up on the other side of the corridor. ‘Eunwoo? Did you take the stash from my room? I can’t find it,’ one of them calls before their eyes land on their brother lying on the floor. ‘Woo? Is that you?’ one of them shouts, beginning to walk towards us. ‘Let’s go!’ Hoseok calls from behind me, Jimin grabbing my arm and pulling me down the corridor away from the KPN boys. We run through the party, heading towards the front door, barging through the crowds of partygoers, hearing the KPN boys shouting behind us. Once we reach the front door, we spill out onto the front garden, laughing and breathless. A group of five KPN boys follow us out, angry, but Jin walks up towards them. ‘Who do you think you are, coming into our frat, attacking Eunwoo, feeling up Chanyeol’s girlfriend, stealing our stashes? ASP bastards,’ one of them spits at Jin. ‘First, you have no proof that we ‘attacked’ Eunwoo or ‘stole’ your stashes, and second, Chanyeol’s girlfriend made the first move,’ Jin says calmly. I look around at the boys, wondering who it was they were talking about with regards to Chanyeol’s girlfriend, but they all look just as confused as me. ‘Don’t come at us with that bull. We’ll beat the shit out of you,’ another threatens Jin, who smiles serenely. ‘I wonder what my dad, your landlord, would say if he heard you threatening us like that,’ Jin says in an even tone, the meaning behind the words very clear. ‘Fuck you,’ another hisses before they all turn away, heading back up into the party.
‘God, hyung, you’re so badass,’ Jimin says admiringly, cradling his fist in his hand. When he notices me noticing, he drops both hands, trying to act as though nothing’s happened. ‘What were you thinking, Jimin?’ Taehyung demands, all of us turning to face the boy accusingly. ‘He called y/n a bitch! And he cornered her in the corridor by herself. I was worried,’ he defends himself, everyone turning to look at me now. ‘Did he do something to you? Shall we file a complaint? We can totally sue his ass,’ Namjoon says threateningly, looking around as though Eunwoo is hiding in a bush near us. ‘What, he touched you? I swear to god, if that motherfucker laid a single finger on you, I’ll kill him,’ Yoongi begins, all of the boys now coming out with threats, holding onto their fists, looking up towards the house. ‘God, it’s like you’re stuck in some kind of shitty fanfic,’ Mija says to me quietly, and I have to hold back a laugh at how right she is. ‘Oi, dimwits! Listen!’ I say, the boys instantly falling silent. ‘He didn’t touch me. At first, he was nice and then he said we should catch up, and I said no, obviously, and then he got a little annoyed. And then Jimin showed up, kissed me, Eunwoo laughed and called him a ‘short ASP dickhead’ and then I said Jimin’s got better dick than him, and he got angry, and Jimin punched him,’ I explain briefly. ‘God, why are boys’ masculinities so fragile?’ Mija asks, all of the boys staying silent because they know she’s right.
‘What I wanna know is who got with Chanyeol’s girlfriend,’ I say, curious. ‘Oh, shit, I think that was me,’ Mija says, all of our eyes widening. ‘You think?’ I demand, and she shrugs. ‘It was at the start. I’d taken like, loads of shots, and I was pissed. A pretty girl appeared and started flirting with me, and we made out, and then she disappeared,’ Mija explains. ‘What? You’re a lesbian?’ Jungkook demands, and Mija and I roll our eyes. ‘She’s bi. Obviously,’ I say, and she nods. ‘Bi? Have you two ever, like… you know?’ Jungkook asks, looking between the two of us. ‘Are you… are you kidding me? Are you really asking if Mija and I have ever fucked?’ I ask, both of our mouths hanging open in disbelief. ‘Obviously not, Jeon! What do you think this is?’ Mija exclaims. ‘It’d be fucking sexy, though,’ Jimin says, Taehyung and Jungkook nodding in agreement, their hyungs looking at them in disgust. ‘God, it’s dogs like you three that give ASP a bad name,’ Hoseok says, shaking his head, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Would you like me to bring up our conversation in the library the other day, Hoseok?’ I say, and he falls silent sheepishly. ‘Right, can we, like, go up to the house, please? I don’t wanna stand here arguing all night,’ Yoongi says, all of turning to walk up to the house.
‘Cold, princess?’ Jimin asks, and I shake my head. He ignores me, shrugging off his jacket regardless, and holding it up to me. I roll my eyes, letting him put it on me, the material soft and warm. ‘Are you annoyed with me?’ he asks, and I think this over for a moment. ‘A little. You didn’t have to punch him, Chim. It was so unnecessary. We could’ve just left,’ I say tiredly, and he nods in defeat. ‘I know, I know, you’re right. But it just… god, it got me so angry the way he spoke to you. I don’t know your reasons for breaking up with him, and I won’t ask, but I don’t blame you at all. He’s a pompous, big-headed dick,’ he begins, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘But, that’s no excuse and I’m sorry,’ he says, warming my heart. ‘It’s okay. Just don’t do something dumb like that again. This isn’t a shitty fanfic,’ I say, repeating Mija’s earlier words, and he laughs as we reach the outside of the house. ‘Do you guys wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, and I look at him in disbelief. ‘Are you kidding me? We had pancakes earlier, then Mija brought pizza, then we had Panda Express, and you still wanna eat? Even though it’s literally midnight?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘You’re insane,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘Does anyone else wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, the other boys, except for Jimin, and Mija nodding. ‘You’re all crazy,’ I say in disbelief. ‘Well, we’re not eating,’ Jimin says, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. The boys and Mija all whistle and jeer teasingly as me and Jimin ascend the stairs.
When we reach his room, he slams the door behind him and pushes me up against it, pressing his lips to mine instantly. I melt into him, his body pressed up against mine, my head tilted back against the door as he locks it with one hand. His tongue slips past my lips, our mouths moving in perfect harmony, and I let out a soft whine when his hands press down onto my waist. ‘God, you’re so fucking perfect, y/n,’ Jimin groans at the noise, pulling me away from the door, pushing me down onto the bed instead, hovering over me. ‘He doesn’t deserve you. No one does,’ he says, eyes drinking me in as I stare up at him, laid out for him, before he captures my lips between his again. The room is dark, the only light coming from the streetlight outside the window, the bright white light giving the boy an ethereal glow, his blond hair silvery in the radiance. ‘You know I love kissing you, but I really need to do something. Is that okay?’ Jimin asks gently, and I nod. He grinds down against me, his hard-on against my thigh, and I let out a gentle moan at the feeling, slick beginning to pool in my underwear. ‘Shit, I fucking need you,’ Jimin says, pushing away from me with effort. ‘Do you want my mouth, daddy?’ I ask, sitting up, squinting in the light. ‘No, princess, it’s okay. I just want to be in you,’ he says gently, but I shake my head. ‘Please, daddy. I want you in my mouth. Please,’ I say, my eyes sliding down to the bulge in his jeans, unconsciously licking my lower lip, mouth watering at the thought of him. ‘God, princess, you don’t know what you do to me. I really want to, but this is about you. Maybe in the morning,’ he suggests, and I nod in agreement.
He pulls me down the bed by my ankles, making me giggle, and he smiles at my laughter, pulling my heels off my feet. His fingers tickle the bottoms of my feet momentarily and I let out a startled laugh, kicking at his hands so he stops. He chuckles before his hands pull his jacket off me, flinging it over his shoulder. His fingers appear at the buttons of my jeans, quickly flicking them open before he pulls the tight material down my legs, pushing them apart afterwards. Our eyes locked together, he slowly flicks open the buttons of my bodysuit, fingertips nudging against my core, and I shudder at the feeling. He grins as he pulls the material up my body, tugging it over my head and throwing it onto the pile of my other clothes. I sit up then, kneeling at the foot of the bed to take off his clothes. I unbutton his shirt as quickly as I can before pushing it off his shoulders as he kicks off his shoes and socks. I unbutton his jeans next and push them down his toned legs, watching as he steps out of them, leaving him in just his boxers. He climbs back onto the bed with me, pressing our lips together again, and as his hands ghost across my sides, I let out a moan. ‘That’s it,’ he says, unclasping my bra with ease before ripping my pants off, throwing the torn material onto the floor. He runs his fingertips over my slit and I let out a little whimper, leaning on my elbows. ‘It’s okay, daddy, I don’t need prepping,’ I say, and he chuckles, his warm breath against my core making me shiver. ‘Of course you don’t. Sluts like you are always ready for a cock in them, aren’t they?’ he growls, and I nearly celebrate aloud.
Jimin, whilst being a dom through and through, has a tendency to go easy on me. He gets worried that he’ll hurt me, and so tones down the dom behaviour quite a lot. But sometimes, he’ll lose all logic and common sense and will only hold back when I say the safe word. Until that point, he will do what he wants with me with no regard, which I have no objections to, obviously. And clearly, tonight is one of those nights, which has me over the moon, because I’ve been waiting for him to lose control with me again.
‘Answer me,’ he says, delivering a harsh slap to my core, and I gasp at the feeling. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I say instantly, and he grins, looking up at me through hooded eyelids. ‘Good girl,’ he compliments, before ducking his head and licking a stripe up my slit. ‘You taste so good, princess. This pussy was made for me to eat, wasn’t it?’ he asks, getting up off the bed and getting a condom out of the drawer. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I reply dutifully, and he chuckles, throwing the condom to me. He pushes his boxers down his legs, hard length springing up against his stomach, and kicks them away. I rip the condom open and slide it onto his length with as little contact as possible before throwing the packet to the side. ‘On your back, princess,’ he says, and I move onto my back, spreading my legs for him. ‘I’ve got such a good little whore, haven’t I?’ he chuckles, and I nod, biting my lip. He stares between my legs, almost inspecting me, before humming in satisfaction. ‘You’re dripping, baby girl, you’re the wettest I’ve ever had. You really are a little slut,’ he says, and I moan out at his words. He plunges a finger into me and I gasp at the feeling, only to have him add another, curling them against my walls. Moans and whimpers fall from my lips as he pumps in and out of my heat, adding another finger to relentlessly abuse my pussy. ‘Don’t stop, please, daddy,’ I whimper, and he chuckles. ‘You take my fingers so well, babe. My little slut is desperate to have something in her, you just keep sucking them back in,’ he laughs, pulling out of me, admiring his slick-covered digits. ‘Are you ready for my cock, princess? Do you think I’ll fit inside this tight little pussy?’ he asks, and I moan. ‘Yes, daddy, please,’ I reply and he moves over me, leaning on one forearm as he rubs his head against my folds. He sinks into me, and I gasp as he inches in slowly, enjoying the stretch as I grip onto the strong muscles of his back. He lets out a low groan, bringing his fingers to my mouth, and I suck on them, tasting myself. He bottoms out, our bodies lined up perfectly, and stays still for a moment, both of us savouring the feeling. I already feel like I won’t be able to hang on for much longer, knowing I’m going to cum after an embarrassingly short amount of time.
‘You feel so good around my dick, princess, such a good little slut for me,’ he says, beginning to thrust into me, setting a fierce pace. He pulls out until just his head is inside me before ramming all the way into me, hips pressed against mine. I let out moans louder by the second as he drills into me, the bed banging against the wall with each thrust. ‘Your cunt feels so good, it was made for my cock, wasn’t it, princess? Scream my name, baby girl, let all the boys know who’s making you feel so good,’ he prompts, not relenting with his pace at all. ‘Please, daddy, harder,’ I cry out, knowing that the other boys will be able to hear me, but not having it in me to care. His hand comes up to my neck, pressing tight against my skin and Joon’s choker that’s still around my neck. ‘My princess wants it harder? Be careful what you ask for, babe. I’ll fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk, you won’t be able to move without hurting. I want you to milk my cock, baby girl. I’ll make you into my slut, my pet whore, my good little bitch. Is that what you want, princess?’ he growls, panting, ramming into me endlessly as his hand tightens around my neck, the choking so pleasurable. My nails dig into the softness of his back, raking across the skin. ‘Yes, please, daddy! Fuck, please! Make me yours,’ I cry out, having never been fucked by him like this before, the pain only making the pleasure more intense.
‘You are mine, baby girl. And don’t ever fucking forget it. Not Eunwoo’s, understand? You’re mine, princess,’ he whispers into my ear, his thrusts becoming less forceful and more… passionate, his lips briefly meeting mine. He buries his head into my neck as his hand around it loosens, lips sucking at the skin, and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him as close as possible. ‘Say it, y/n, say it,’ he demands, thrusting deep and slow, one hand reaching between our bodies to rub against my clit. ‘I’m yours, Jimin, I’m all yours. Whenever you want me, I’m yours,’ I cry out, feeling myself nearing the edge. ‘That’s a good girl. Come on, baby girl, cum for me. Cum all over my cock, princess, soak it like a good little slut,’ he prompts, and I tense up completely, approaching my high. I let out a loud moan as I cum after one particularly hard thrust along with the continuous rubbing of his hand on my clit. ‘Good girl, that’s my good girl,’ he says soothingly, though he doesn’t let up at all, hands planted on either side of my head as his pace speeds up once more. I tremble beneath him, twitching due to the overstimulation. ‘Daddy,’ I whine, and he chuckles. ‘Hmm? Speak up, baby girl,’ he prompts teasingly, pace not faltering in the slightest. ‘It hurts, daddy,’ I whisper out, still twitching uncontrollably. ‘Aww, poor baby, but I haven’t even cum yet. Are you sensitive? Too. Fucking. Bad,’ he says, thrusting with each word, the pain of the overstimulation slowly ebbing away into mind-blowing pleasure. He reaches down for my clit again, rubbing furiously fast, and I cry out at the feeling. ‘You feel so good, clenching around my cock, princess. Felt so good to have you cumming around my cock,’ he praises, and I can sense him reaching his high too. ‘I want you sobbing, princess, I wanna milk this tight little pussy,’ he spits out, ramming into me whilst his hand works at a ridiculous pace. ‘Come on, princess, cum for me. Be a good little slut and cum for me, princess,’ he says, and I reach my high, clenching around him as I cum with a scream of his name. ‘Good girl, you’re such a good girl, princess. Your pussy was made for me, baby girl,’ he moans, hips stuttering and his thrusts becoming slower. ‘Fuck, I’m gonna cum, y/n,’ he shouts out, burying his cock deep inside me and his head falling against my neck as he releases into his condom.
We both stay as we are, letting out deep breaths, the smell of sex on the air intoxicating. ‘Am I tripping… or was that the best we’ve had?’ he breathes out, and I feel him softening inside me. ‘You’re not tripping, babe,’ I reply breathlessly, and he chuckles. ‘We are going to get ripped apart by the boys,’ he laughs against my skin, and I already dread having to leave his bedroom. ‘We’ll just stay in here all night,’ I joke, and he cuddles up against me. ‘That sounds like a plan,’ he replies, voice muffled against my shoulder. We stay cuddled up like that for a while, running my fingers through his hair, the only noise being our breathing. After a few minutes, I start to feel too hot and sweaty, and I need to go for a wee. ‘Babe, we need to get up,’ I say, and he whines. ‘Just five more minutes, princess,’ he pleads, and I have to use every ounce of my self-control to stop myself from giving in. ‘No, baby, I need a wee,’ I say, and he sighs. He presses his lips to mine briefly before rolling off me. I smile at him as I slowly get up out of the bed, heading over to his en suite. I go for a quick wee and when I come back out, Jimin’s holding out a pair of clean pants and a white hoodie for me to wear, as well as a pair of white Nike socks. I pull the clothes on with an appreciative smile, Jimin putting on a clean pair of boxer and a pair of black sweatpants, his torso bare.
‘Come on, princess, let’s get you some water, and something to eat,’ Jimin says gently, entwining his fingers with mine, leading me out of the room and downstairs. We pass through the dark living room where Jungkook and Yoongi are lit up by the light from the TV, both of them fast asleep on the sofas, in their pyjamas now. In the kitchen, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok sit around the breakfast bar, having changed out of their party outfits, also in their pyjamas. ‘Did you really just get fucked whilst wearing Joon’s choker?’ Hoseok asks me, Namjoon’s mouth hanging open in disbelief. ‘Um… yeah. Sorry, Joon,’ I say sheepishly, and he shakes his head as Jimin pours me out a glass of water. ‘Just keep the choker, please,’ he says, mild disgust on his face, the other boys laughing. ‘I’ll buy you a new one,’ I promise, and he shakes his head with a small smile. ‘It’s alright, you don’t have to. I don’t think I’ll ever wear it,’ he says as Jimin hands me the water, and I thank him with a gentle kiss on his cheek.
‘Where’s Mija?’ I ask after taking a sip of the water, and they all grin. ‘In Tae’s room,’ Jin replies, and my eyes widen. ‘Wait, why’s she in Tae’s room? And where’s Tae?’ Jimin asks, and we all turn to look at him with confusion on our faces. ‘Um, he’s in his room? With Mija? The two of them are in there together? Alone, just them two?’ Jin says slowly, waiting for it to sink in, and Jimin realises with a loud gasp. ‘Oh, my god! Are they like… fucking?’ Jimin asks, and Hoseok shrugs. ‘We haven’t heard anything, unlike you two loud bastards, but god knows. They might be. They were all pally-pally down here first, all cuddled up, and then Mija said she wanted to get changed into something more comfy, and Tae went up with her. They only went up about ten minutes after you,’ he explains, and I feel myself getting excited with his words. Ever since Mija’s high school boyfriend cheated on her, Mija’s completely shied away from any kind of romantic relationship, just the very occasional one-night stand with a complete stranger. So, if it is true, this is completely new for Mija, new to see her getting close with someone she’s known for a while. ‘They probably got turned off by hearing you two screaming next door,’ Namjoon says drily, Jimin swatting out at him in good-humoured annoyance. ‘Tae’s room’s next door to yours?’ I ask Jimin, who nods with a roll of his eyes. ‘I’ve had to listen to the various girls he brings home, so he can listen to you and me. Karma’s a bitch,’ Jimin says remorselessly, and I laugh at the thought of Jimin lying there, trying to sleep, listening to Tae fucking some girl next door.
‘Do you guys want something to eat? You must be hungry after that. I would be,’ Hoseok says shamelessly, and I feel blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. ‘Am I really that loud?’ I ask sheepishly, and Jin takes pity on me, putting an arm around my shoulders. ‘No, y/n, you’re not. You can only hear if you’re on the same floor, and we have to go past Jimin’s room to get to our bedrooms. That’s the only reason we heard,’ Jin says, making me feel a bit better, though not much. ‘Do you think the other boys in the frat can hear?’ I ask, and the boys all laugh. ‘I hope not, we’ve got a no-girls policy,’ Jimin says, all of them laughing even harder. ‘Guys, that’s so mean,’ I say in shock, trying not to laugh, ‘will I get in trouble if they find out?’ ‘Remember who owns the house, y/n,’ Namjoon says, and I shake my head, feeling terrible that they all take advantage of Jin’s dad owning the house. ‘Here,’ Jin says, pushing a plate of pasta towards us, having just microwaved it for us. ‘Thanks, Jin,’ I say, taking a seat, and Jimin sits beside me. ‘Do you guys get offended that I don’t call you my oppas?’ I ask. ‘No, I don’t mind. I don’t like being called oppa. It’s too sexualised now,’ Namjoon says, Hoseok and Jin nodding in agreement. ‘I get offended,’ Jimin jokes, and I roll my eyes. ‘God, so you have a daddy kink, and an oppa kink?’ I tease, the other boys laughing.
‘You might want to stop talking, y/n, because you’ve got a whole lot of kinks I can expose,’ he says threateningly, and I immediately fall silent, the other boys intrigued. ‘Come on, Jimin, you can’t leave us hanging,’ Hoseok says, and Jimin shoots me a mischievous look. ‘Well, let’s just say, y/n can be a bit of a masochist,’ he says, and I gasp at his betrayal. ‘Says you, Mr. ‘I like your nail marks on my back’! You’ve probably got some marks now, actually. I even made you bleed once, and you didn’t mind! And you’re a sadist! You get off on seeing me in pain!’ I exclaim, and now it’s Jimin’s turn to gasp. ‘Well, you like being spanked!’ he fires back. ‘No, it’s you that likes spanking!’ I correct him heatedly. ‘You’re into degradation!’ ‘You’re the one that started degrading me!’ ‘You didn’t complain though!’ ‘Well, you enjoy edging me!’ ‘At least I can give you fucking orgasms to be able to take them away! And it’s not like you complain about that, either! Or overstimulation!’ ‘I complain about that every time! I did today, did I not?’ ‘But you never use the safe word!’ ‘Well, you’re a total voyeur! You love watching me get myself off!’ ‘And you love watching me too, so don’t even try to deflect that onto me! And you love being humiliated as well!’ ‘No, you love humiliating me!’ ‘You love it too! And you love bondage!’ ‘Well, you love exhibitionism!’ ‘And so do you, y/n!’ ‘Well… well… you love using toys on me!’ I exclaim, knowing it’s something that I don’t enjoy as much as he does, and then he falls silent.
‘Are you two fucking done?’ Yoongi’s gravelly voice comes from the door, Jungkook stood beside him. ‘Yeah, we are, hyung,’ Jimin says venomously with an evil glare my way. ‘Well, it’s too late now. You’ve already woken us up,’ Yoongi says tiredly, taking the seat on my other side. ‘God, you two are some freaky little shits,’ Hoseok says, looking between us both with a grimace. ‘I can confirm that Jimin is a voyeur. He was watching me and y/n like we were some HD porn, or something,’ Jungkook says, stealing a forkful of our pasta. ‘Um, Kook! That’s the only thing you can confirm? What about everything else?’ Jimin asks indignantly. ‘Um… I can confirm that you’re both into degradation and humiliation, edging, overstimulation. I don’t know about the masochism and sadism, though. That’s fucking weird,’ Jungkook says, sitting down beside Namjoon. ‘Don’t kink shame them. Just be thankful they’re not into piss play, or something gross like that,’ Jin says, both Jimin and I scrunch our faces up in disgust. ‘I am never letting you piss on me,’ I say to Jimin, whose eyes widen. ‘What the fuck, y/n? I wouldn’t want to anyway, and you know that!’ he says, and I supress a smile at his disbelief. But, before anyone can say anything else, Taehyung walks in, wearing a long hoodie and a pair of boxers.
He stops at the door, surprise and guilt etched all over his face, and we all stare back at him. ‘Why aren’t you guys in bed yet? It’s like, 1.30,’ he says, his voice deep and husky. ‘We could ask you the same thing, hyung,’ Jungkook says mischievously, and Taehyung’s face breaks into a grin. ‘A gentleman never tells,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘You’ve basically just told us,’ I say, the boys laughing. ‘I wouldn’t say anything if I were you, y/n, considering how loud you were about twenty minutes ago,’ Taehyung fires back, and I fall silent sheepishly. ‘What was she saying, hyung?’ Jungkook asks curiously, and I shake my head at Tae. He hesitates, our eyes meeting, before the signature boxy smile breaks across his face. ‘Please, daddy, harder! Don’t stop, daddy, please! Make me yours, daddy! Daddy, it hurts! I’m all yours, Jimin!’ Tae says, moaning in a high and affected voice, the boys all laughing. ‘Tae!’ I exclaim, and he points at me. ‘Exactly like that, except it was for Jimin,’ he says, and my head falls into my hands.
‘Aww, princess, it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. Just own it,’ Jimin says comfortingly, putting an arm around my shoulders. And then I get an idea to gross the boys out even more. I sit up, leaning towards Jimin, and press my lips to his jaw. ‘I’m not embarrassed. I’ll never be embarrassed of how well you fuck me… daddy,’ I say, the boys all groaning as Jimin chuckles, capturing my lips with his. Our mouths move in sync, as his hands tangle into my hair and my hands run across his back. I can feel the bumps from where I scratched him earlier and I break away from him, ignoring the exclamations of the boys. ‘Oh, my god, turn around,’ I say, and he does so with a confused look on his face. I gasp when I see the bright red scratch marks on his back, the other boys doing the same when they see them too. ‘God, babe, don’t they hurt?’ I ask, running my fingers gently over the marks, and he shakes his head. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I say, feeling ridiculously guilty, and he turns back to face me. ‘Don’t be, it’s okay,’ he replies, pressing his lips to mine briefly. ‘God, can you two just get married already?’ Jin says, watching us with a fond look on his face. ‘Well, they’ve got a kid on the way, haven’t they?’ Jungkook jokes, the boys all laughing as Jimin and I give him dirty looks. ‘It might be yours, Kook,’ Namjoon reminds him, the boy turning pale as Jimin and I give Joon the dirty looks instead. ‘It’s mine,’ Jimin says definitely, and I can’t keep the smile off my face as he pulls me into his arms. ‘If it exists,’ Yoongi reminds us, and Jimin rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t burst our bubble, hyung,’ Jimin says.
‘What, so you want a baby?’ Tae asks, and Jimin and I share a glance before he answers. ‘Well, it wouldn’t be ideal but we’d make great parents, right, y/n?’ Jimin says, and I nod in agreement. ‘I’m not having any kid of ours live in this frat, though,’ I say, the boys all letting out reproachful exclamations. ‘She’s right. Our little angels are not growing up in this kind of environment,’ Jimin says, the boys gasping. ‘Angels?’ Namjoon asks, and Jimin and I share another glance. ‘Yeah, we planned our own little family,’ Jimin says, the boys looking at us in disbelief. ‘First, a boy called Park Taemin. Then, a girl called Park Jisoo. Then, a boy called Park Minjoon, and last, a girl called Park Mila,’ I list off, waiting for the boys to rip us apart. ‘Oh, my god, Minjoon is mine,’ Jungkook says instantly. ‘Fine, but I call dibs on Mila,’ Yoongi says quickly. ‘I call dibs on Jisoo,’ Hobi says. ‘I call dibs on Taemin,’ Namjoon says, the boys all saying the names of the ones Jimin predicted earlier. ‘Well, I call dibs on all four,’ Jin says. ‘That’s not fair! What about me?’ Tae whines, and I let out a noise of annoyance. ‘Stop calling dibs on mine and Jimin’s children!’ I exclaim, Mija walking in as the words come out of my mouth. ‘You know what?’ she says, sitting down beside Tae, ‘I don’t even want to know.’
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jiminsfault · 5 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @gallhali tysm bby I missed doing these tag things uwu
- Nickname(s): fee
- Bias: Taehyung! but Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon are trying to break us apart :(
- Blood type: the real question is who tf knows their blood type??
- Favorite food: nOOdles
- Birthday: sept 29 uwu
- Zodiac: Libra and it really fucken shows
- Pronouns: she/her
- Hair length: when it’s wet around my hips but my curls make it be around my boobs :/
- Height: about like... 160 cm/ 5″3,,, haven’t measured myself in a while
- A crush: nO sadly not someone make me fall in love pls
- What do you like about yourself: [awkward silence]
- Left or right handed: right handed but I swear I’m currently trying to use my left hand equally well just to weird ppl out (it’s not going well thanks for asking)
- List of 3 favourites colours: yellow, purple and maybe blue?
- (Right now) eating: the only thing I ate was leftovers from yesterday and it’s literally about 9pm now
- (Right now) drinking: Water. Always water.
- I’m about to: probably sleep tbh :/ if I can
- Listening to: rn nothing but black swan is stuck in my head and on replay
- Kids: idk if I should trust myself to raise up a person honestly, shit would be chaotic
- Get married: if someone would fucken love me maybe so
- Recent phone call: I literally never get any calls and tbh I’m sad about it :( 
- (Have u ever) dated someone twice: nO
- Been cheated on: I have the feeling yeah but no facts
- Kissed someone and regretted it: big yes omg I was drunk and regretted many things from that night
- Lost someone special: yeah
- Been depressed: my mood always comes and goes in waves so when I’m sad I’m sAd sad,,, so yeah
- Been drunk and thrown up: I’ve never had to throw up when I got drunk, maybe cuz I’m such a lightweight fejfjew
- Had glasses or contacts: both, currently only using my contacts tho bc I need new glasses 
- Had sex on the first date: nO
- Broken someone’s heart: maybe so? at least not on purpose 
- Turned someone down: yeaaahhhhhh
- Cried when someone died: honestly I don’t think so? 
- Fallen for a friend: sO much which fucking hurts because my friends always start to hate me after like a year? so ://
- (In the last year) have you made a new friend: yes
- Laughed until you cried: no sadly not I think
- Met someone who changed you: I met a lot of people who have a little influence on me but since two years no one changed me completely
- Found out who your true friends are: idk, maybe
- Found out someone was talking about you: yeah a hell of a lot of people did, just stuck up ppl from high school who never liked me tho so its g
- Lips or eyes: neither are things I care about a lot but if I had to choose eyes, it’s really great to be able to look at ppls eyes when talking to them
- Hugs or kisses: physical affection in general would be crispy right about now
- Romantic or spontaneous: as a libra I’m forced to say romantic, also I fucking hate spontaneous things most of the time 
- Hookup or relationship: relationship for suuure my heart’s too weak for casual shit
- First best friend: I never have had a best friend like when I’m also their best friend 
- Surgery: never had any, thank the lord
- Sports I joined: I used to do gymnastic stuff when I was smaller but ever since I’ve been older I only did sport stuff at home
- Do u believe in urself: sometimes yes, sometimes no
- Miracles: no
- Love at first sight: no but,,, that could change
- Heaven: no
- Do you have any pets: my family has fishes and a cat that overtime grew to be more my cat but don’t tell my mom,,,, I also have a hamster uwu
- Do you want to change your name: legit sometimes wanna do that but I wouldn’t know into which name??
- What did u do for your last birthday: I went to the cinema to see a movie with a friend I’m not rly talking to anymore and another friend I barely talk to soo,,,, thats,,,, yeah
- What time did u wake up today: 9.30am or sumn
- What were you doing last night at midnight: not to be emo on main but I was crying myself a river babey
- Something i can’t wait for: my stomach to stop hurting would be fuckEn nicE bro
- Last time i saw my mum: like ten minutes ago
- What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I’d really want to be one of those ppl who dont give a shit about anything like ppl not liking them? don’t care, ppl not talking to them? don’t care. Just not being so anxious and shy all the time and being able to portray emotions would be great too. Just generally growing up somewhere else with other people around me and not loving sweets and snacks as much as I do gOddAmmnnn
Tagging: everyone who wants to do dissss,,,,, Im not sure which mutuals I can tag heh
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fresh-outta-jams · 6 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Part 12
Namjoon x Reader Author: Admin Mo Summary: You’re in college when your soulmate tattoo shows up, an address. You figure it couldn’t hurt to send a letter, right? Note: I’m so excitedddddddd oof here we go, y’all. Warnings: Some swears, soulmate fluff. Word Count: 3.5k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Epilogue
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Nervous didn’t even begin to cover the emotions coursing through Namjoon’s body. He was terrified, excited, elated to be getting on the plane, and as soon as he sat down, it all sank in. The next time he got out of this plane, he would be in your state, and then soon after, in a car on the way to your school, and then even sooner after that, he’d have you in his arms, smothering you with kisses and affection. God, it was almost enough to make him pass out.
It had been a while since he’d flown somewhere alone, Namjoon reminisced. He missed the chatter and laughter of his brothers, filling the plane. Instead, sitting in First Class alone, he had to turn to his phone and computer for entertainment. He’d told you a few hours ago that he’d broken his phone, another lie, and that he wouldn’t have it for the rest of the day until it got fixed, so the two of you wouldn’t be able to FaceTime. And, if the problem arose, he’d lie to you about his webcam being dysfunctional too. It was a fourteen-hour flight and you couldn’t have any idea he was on the way, if he wanted the surprise to pay off.
Lily and Grace had offered to keep an eye on you, making sure you stayed at the library, which was where he planned to meet up with them, and therefore, you, when the time came. God, thinking about it made his heart race.
After this flight, he’d be with you. After this flight...He’d. Be. With. You. It was going to drive him mad. Figuring his best bet to pass the time was sleeping, Namjoon lowered his seat and pulled his Koya sleeping mask down over his eyes, his headphones playing something soft and romantic. He had no idea how he would ever be able to sleep when something so exciting was waiting on the other end of that dreamy tunnel for him, but he figured he’d have to if he didn’t want the minutes to crawl by.
So, he let his breaths slow, and he let the music carry him off to a happy place filled with coffee shops and a girl with pink hair and a camera.
You were decidedly itchy. No, maybe itchy wasn’t quite the right word. You were antsy, more like it. It was seven. You’d just woken up from a very odd dream about an airplane, which you’d written off as anxiety about your upcoming first flight.
Today was Monday, the first day of exam week, which certainly contributed to your itchiness. And once you unlocked your phone to scroll through the night’s notifications, you got some more answers as to exactly why something felt off.
Unknown Number: Hey jagiya! It’s Namjoon! Your clumsy boyfriend dropped his phone, so I won’t be able to text or call you today. I’m sending this from Hobi’s phone. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much and I’ll talk to you tomorrow! Have a good day studying for your exams. I know you’ll do well! Fighting!
It was sweet, very sweet. How thoughtful of him, to send you a message instead of leaving you to wonder if your amazing wonderful boyfriend was ignoring you. But that was what Namjoon was: thoughtful. And yet, something still felt off about it, yet you couldn’t put your finger on it.
So, you sat up, stretched, hung your sleeping mask on its designated Command hook, and started down your ladder to begin one very uneventful day of studying.
You were a strong believer in study breaks. Cramming without stop always made you more frustrated than anything else. So, every couple of hours, you took a thirty-minute break to talk to the other two friends who had come to cram with you. Well, at the moment, it was one. Lily was taking her Psychology exam, so that left you with Grace, who had her nose in her American History book, jotting notes down in her red, white, and blue notebook.
When she looked up, and caught your gaze, she set down her textbook and smiled, stretching. “Break time already?”
“Yeah, it’s like three.”
“Holy shit that went by fast.” She checked the time on her phone only to find that what you’d told her was accurate. And also, she’d received a DM from your soulmate, the one person you could not know she was messaging. She snatched up her phone as quickly as she could.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, that sinking feeling you’d been harboring since this morning returning in full force. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” She blurted too quickly, clearing out her notifications, and with them, any remains of Namjoon’s message. “No, I just, uh, my professor emailed me a study guide and I really needed it.”
“Oh, that’s good…” You nodded, attempting to take a sip from your now-empty glass of tea. Luckily for you, you’d been saving up your meal dollars, so you had enough money for all the tea you could ever drink...and then some. And, in addition, you had to spend all of them before the school year ended, so you figured you may as well use them.
Standing up from the table, you grabbed your empty cup and tossed it in the trash, walking up the stairs to get another one from the tea place on the second floor. While you were gone, Grace unlocked her phone and opened Twitter. It was Namjoon, of course, messaging in the group chat he’d started with Grace and Lily.
RM_fan_94: Around five or six hours left on my flight. How are things going? Is she okay?
GracieGirl: She’s fine, Namjoon. She has consumed around six cups of tea since we’ve been here, tho. Your girl has a problem…
RM_fan_94: She sounds like me with coffee haha
RM_fan_94: Do either of you have tips for when I get there?
GracieGirl: I’m going to send you navigation from the entrance of the school to the library, but besides that, it should be fine. We’re sitting in this little area on the bottom floor.
GracieGirl: It’s her favorite spot, so there’s no way we’re moving.
GracieGirl: Plus, this place is full bc of exams, so we couldn’t really move if we tried.
GracieGirl: Once you get here, go through the door on the front of the building (facing the giant bird statue) and go down the stairs. It’s basically impossible to miss her. She has hot pink hair.
GracieGirl: Also, she’s wearing a BTS shirt.
RM_fan_94: Awwwwww that’s my girl.
Lilyyyy: Exam is FINISHED!! Operation Babysit (Y/N) Commences!
RM_fan_94: I hope you did well!
Lilyyyy: Omg where did she find you? You’re so perfect?? And sweet?? Did she make you in a lab??
RM_fan_94: Probably haha omg. But no, after many debates over the topic, I’ve concluded that she is the perfect one in this relationship. I’m just her hype man.
GracieGirl: Oooookay, Mr. Superstar, whatever you say.
Lilyyyy: Y’all are cute as fuck. I can’t wait for tonight!!!
Namjoon paused for a while before he typed out his next message, sighing to himself as he laid his head back against the seat again.
RM_fan_94: Me either…
You sat at the table, drilling film terms until your head started buzzing.You had watched your project so many times, you couldn’t stare at the editing program for another second, or you were sure you would go insane. So, instead, you were studying for your Film Analysis class, reteaching yourself about motifs and mise-en-scene and all of the other terms from the beginning of the semester that had been buried by all of the new things you’d learned thus far.
You still felt itchy. Maybe moreso now than when you had woken up, but itchy nonetheless. It was an odd feeling, like something was hanging over your head, something real and heavy and dropping fast. And yet, the more you thought about it, the less it made sense. Nothing was happening. You were fine. Everything was fine. It was just stress. Yes, of course, that’s what it was. Stress. Logical.
The only thing hanging over your head was your exams and the upcoming flight to Korea. That’s all it was, and it made perfect sense.
You sighed and checked the time on your phone. It was six, and you were hungry. You’d had a muffin for brunch and nothing since then. Time for a break, then. You got up and both Grace and Lily looked, wide-eyed.
“Where are you going?” Lily blurted when she saw you grab your keys.
“I’m hungry.”
“Oh. Gotcha. I’ll come with.” Lily offered, picking up her keys too. “If we take the tunnels, we don’t even have to go outside.”
“That is a good point.” You agreed, waving to Grace, the appointed guardian of your things for the time-being, seeing as she had grabbed food thirty minutes ago while you and Lily were busy working.
The two of you walked through the library and through the tunnels that connected the learning center to the building next to it, where there was a selection of fast food places. You got in line at the sandwich place and scrolled through Twitter, your thumb moving to send something funny to Namjoon until you remembered, stopping in place, that Namjoon’s phone was broken.
Your heart sank a little, but you saved the link so you could send it to him later.
“You okay?” Lily nudged your arm and you nodded. “Something wrong?”
“Namjoon broke his phone, so I can’t talk to him…” You sighed. “But I’m glad he told me. Is it weird I miss him? Also, I’m itchy.”
“You’re...itchy?” Lily giggled. “You might want to get a cream for that, sweetie, I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“I know, it’s weird.” You agreed, laughing with her. “I don’t know. I guess it’s just nerves from...everything, you know?”
“Yeah, I think I kind of get that.” Lily nodded. It was a good thing you were busy with your phone or you definitely would have noticed the knowing smile blooming across her features. If only you knew what was in store for you in two short hours…
When Namjoon got off the plane, he was shaking. Every part of him, trembling in anticipation. He fumbled with his suitcase, struggling to get it out of the luggage check without dropping it. His heart raced. He was here, like twenty minutes from your school, and as soon as his Uber texted him, he’d be on his way.
Namjoon reached into his pocket to check the time. It was around eight, so according to your friends, you’d still be in the library by now, but he figured he’d better send a heads-up just in case. His fingers were shaking almost too much to punch in the message, but somehow, he managed, pressing send after reading over it once or twice.
RM_fan_94: Just landed. Uber should be here soon. I’ll be there twenty minutes after that. Keep her busy.
His face was flushed, heart pounding, banging against his ribcage in hopes to escape and run down the street to find you. God, you were so close. You two had never been this close. There had almost always been an ocean between you, at least, since you’d started communicating. And now, all that was standing in his way was a car ride. Namjoon almost couldn’t stand it.
So, nervous as all hell, Namjoon started pacing in the lobby of the airport until he finally got the notification and went sprinting for the front doors and into the van of his Uber driver.
Every atom in his body was buzzing, buzzing, buzzing and burning as he got closer and closer to the gates of your college. He read the signs on the side of the road. Twenty miles turned to ten, which turned to five. Namjoon felt dizzy, suffocated by his rapidly-approaching destiny. He was sprinting towards it, now, a handful of miles standing between him and the love of his life.
In the passing streetlights, Namjoon could make out the lettering on his wrist. The tattoo that had started this all. He remembered his excitement the moment his fingers brushed against your first letter and the words tingled into existence on his skin. He remembered when all he had to go on was a name and the fact that you were from the States. He remembered the overwhelming joy that washed over him when you sent him the first picture of you, dressed up as Wonder Woman and smiling like you didn’t have a care in the world. He remembered your first phone call, the way his veins pulsed when he finally heard your voice.
All of it was coming to a peak, now. The precipice. This was the beginning of something very new, something uncharted for himself and the rest of the members in BTS.
Without warning, his Uber driver reached the traffic light to turn onto campus. It flicked from red to green, and he drove across the halted lanes of opposite traffic, under the giant arch that marked the beginning of your school. This was it. There was no going back now.
Something was wrong with Lily and Grace. They were acting weird. Both of them had gotten a notification from some mysterious group chat, and now neither of them could look you in the eye. It was odd, to say the very least.
“Everything okay?”
“Yep! Just peachy!” Grace lied through her teeth, beaming at you innocently. Something very, very strange was afoot, but you were too burned-out to attempt to get to the bottom of it.
So, seeing as your drink was empty once again, you stood up and began the trek to the tea store up the stairs.
“Where are you going?” Lily asked, almost shooting up out of her seat.
“I need more tea.” You shrugged, looking from Lily to Grace. “I’ll be back in like five minutes tops.”
“Okay.” Lily nodded, walking to the bathroom to cover up the fact that she’d shot up so fast to attempt to stop you.
Shaking your head at the strange behavior, you finished walking up the steps and stood in line at the tea store, ordering yet another iced drink. By this time, the barista didn’t even need to ask. It only took him a few minutes to get your drink to you and then you were on your way back down the stairs to the table. You were sitting down when your phone rang with a call...from Namjoon. Your eyebrows furrowed until you realized it was like ten in the morning in Korea, so his phone must have gotten fixed.
Brightening immediately, you picked up.
“Hey babe! Did you get your phone fixed?”
“I did…” His voice sounded weird. You could hear his tone and his breath shaking with each word. “Good thing, too…”
“Joon, is everything okay?”
“Great, baby, everything is great. Super, super great. I just...God…” And then he hung up, his connection cutting out, assumably. Your eyebrows furrowed, waiting for him to call back, like he usually did when your Skype calls cut out, but he didn’t.
“Something wrong?” Lily asked, almost unable to hide the grin on her face. Grace subtly held her phone, obviously recording. She had been since you got back with your tea. And yet, your head was buzzing too much for you to notice.
“I think his phone cut out.” You said softly, staring at the screen as you contemplated calling him back. You waited for a few more seconds before you noticed someone standing at the bottom of the steps. He was tall, his long frame dressed in an oversized black shirt and ripped jeans, tufts of pink hair sticking down out of his black baseball cap.
Maybe it was the pink hair that caused you to look back down at your work for a split second before your heart lurched and you did a double-take. You studied him, frozen and wide-eyed. You urged your legs to get up so you could get a closer look, but they weren’t listening.
You put your hands on the table, pushing yourself to a standing position as Lily and Grace giggled. Your legs wobbled with each slow step over to him. He was frozen, too, an amused grin on his face as he watched the wheels turn in your head, dimples on full display.
“N-Namjoon?” You whispered, tears fogging up your vision. You covered your mouth with your hands, taking a step forward and then a little step back, still unsure if this was actually happening or if it was some cruel hallucination, cooked up by twelve hours of staring at a book and taking notes.
“It’s just me, baby.” He reassured softly. “I’m right here.”
That was all the reassurance you needed. He set down his duffle bag and opened his arms, waiting for your legs to finally get the message from your brain. Eventually, they did, and you broke into a run, closing the distance between you until you were jumping into his arms, legs wrapped tight around his hips. One of his large hands came to rest under your thigh, and the other fastened around your back, rubbing comforting circles as your floodgates finally opened, a cascade of tears following.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” He tried to hush your sobs, but he realized after a few seconds that he was crying too.
“How did you get here?” You croaked. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to come surprise my girl.” He chuckled softly, happy tears rolling down his cheeks. “I knew you’d need a little pick-me-up for exam week.”
“So you just came at the drop of a hat?”
“This has been planned for months, baby. It’s all worked out, I promise.” Namjoon was still holding you, your legs firmly gripping his waist, but he pulled away to look at you up close. You were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen, even with trails of black mascara running down your cheeks. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
“I look like a mess.” You shook your head, chuckling at how much of a disaster you probably looked on today of all days. Of course on the one day that mattered, you looked like you’d just been hit by the bus.
“Baby, you’re the most beautiful person on the planet.” Namjoon pressed a long kiss to your forehead, closing his eyes before murmuring, “You look perfect, always. I love you, jagiya.”
“I love you too.” You took a moment there to look at him, to really look at this man who held the other half of your soul in his heart. You raised your hands to his cheeks and gave his dimples a pinch, earning a laugh from him. “You’re real…”
“Weird, isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t count how many times he’d heard that from ARMYs all over the world. Although, it was never as tender or careful as this statement.
“Mmhmm.” You hummed, studying his features up close, squishing his dimpled cheeks together. “Joonie?”
Your eyes lingered on the pillows of his plush lips. They were calling to you. “I want to kiss you.”
“Then kiss me.” He replied, leaning in slowly to meet you in the middle. It was electric, sparks flying the moment your lips melted against his larger, warmer ones. You almost forgot you were in public until you heard cheers from all of the other brain-dead students flooding the library currently. Blushing, you reluctantly pulled away from Namjoon, finally unwrapping your legs from his hips and settling yourself back on the floor.
“Was it worth the wait?” You whispered, taking his hand and leading him back over to where your grinning friends had pulled up a fourth chair.
“I would wait a hundred years for you if I had to.”
“You’re cheesy.” You scrunched your nose and looked up at him. You knew all along that he would tower over you, but up close it was entirely different. Namjoon seemed to notice too, as he looked down on you gingerly. He leaned forward and pressed another lingering kiss to your forehead, pulling you against his chest.
“So are you.”
“That’s fair.” You giggled into the fabric of his shirt before finally sitting down with him. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you no matter how hard he tried. But eventually, he did turn to give his thanks to Lily and Grace.
“Thank you, ladies. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Grace smiled. Lily nodded in agreement.
You, however, looked between the three of them with wide eyes. “You knew???”
“Explains a lot, doesn’t it?” Lily chuckled, shrugging as she got back to her studying.
“Congratulations, you two.” Gace bidded before slipping her headphones back over her ears.
Namjoon took your hand in his own, scooching his chair closer to yours. He studied your little fingers with a smile before bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it. This, he imagined, was what the rest of your little forever looked like, and he wouldn’t have it any other way...
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen , @ffantasylandd, @jooniefluff, @chimchimsauce, @mrs-saeyoung-choi, @theprinceoftheundead, @angyexoxo, @copenhagenspirit, @lovelylittlekittn, @lilgaga98, @iminlovewjjk, @feed-my-geek-soul, @loveandwitch, @recoveringflowerchild, @demonic-meatball, @maddieisaacs, @scissorsandtonfas, @carirosesg, @backtonormalthings, @local-mochi, @faliwi, @spoopyela, @nanie5, @ingenu--e, @undiscovered1personality, @andalos, @calspixie, @filtermono, @huhuehuey, @mikey-girl12, @lilliaflurr, @hypophrenium, @sitkafay, @spiicyari, @andeerwilson, @btswerewolfaus, @oyasumi7, @mycurrentusernameisalreadytaken, @gangstavixsta
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cjxkpopxwriting · 5 years
Extra Stuffing - Sinday Drabble
Taehyung x American Reader - 🔥💕
Note: This is purely self indulgent and I didn’t have anything for Tae on the list yet! There is definitely some humor and hopefully some enjoyable smut. The other members do make an appearance. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Note note: omg this was longer than expected. I was hella sick for the last two days, but here it is. Hope everyone had a good holiday!
So far, the guys seemed to enjoy Your American traditions. Everything from exchanging valentines all the way to hunting for colored eggs and even stealing kisses under mistletoe. You hadn’t had the chance to subject them to the wild day of over eating and taking naps and shopping online yet, however, and it was that time of year. “Kookie, you better get out of the kitchen! I swear if you stole another-“
The Maknae gave you a sheepish, deviled egg grin as he swiped the remaining filling off the edge of his lip and tilted his head. His English had greatly improved, though it still had an adorable accent and fumble to it that made you grin as he quickly apologized. You still didn’t know why he had to speak in English when you had learned Korean. “Noona, I’m so sorry. These egg... things are... so good. We need more.” You nodded, shooing his large frame out of the kitchen only to be pushed back in by another large frame.
Taehyung didn’t care too much to apologize to Jungkook as he shoved him aside for you, only giving the younger man a playful eyebrow waggle, his eyes going up in that silly face he made before he grabbed the ladle from the crock pot to pour himself another cup of apple cider. “This is good. But... I’m afraid I’m going to drink it all.” They were all in and out of the kitchen now, examining the plates you had assembled. Jin and Yoongi were really the only ones allowed since they cooked the most, but it seemed the smells were too much for the others to resist. “Don’t drink it all or you’re gonna be sick, Tae.”
He shrugged, and after eyeing you for a long moment, he retreated. Things had been different between the two of you. Stolen glances, less than innocent flirting and suggestive gestures. You had always known he could be down right dirty, keeping up with even Jimin and Namjoon, but lately it seemed he’d fallen into a habit of making you blush. Earlier, when you’d been found searching the cupboards, he’d all but given you a heart attack when his hand slid up the inside of your thigh to support you.
Originally, you’d passed it off as a caring gesture, one he’d do for any of the guys as well, but the rush of desire that came when he actually hefted you off the counter when you found the can of corn spoke otherwise. Maybe you were projecting your desire for him, but you couldn’t help but feel your body heat when his gaze left you to disappear under his lush lashes. Why did he have to look so damn good?
Could you just eat him for dinner?
The scuffle in the dining area and several mumbled apologies from Namjoon alerted you right out of your wandering thoughts, making you gasp as you narrowly dodged burning yourself on a hot casserole dish. “What happened?” Tae came rushing in to pull off his shirt, the warm drink he’d just served himself staining the front of the white sweater. “Oh no.” You rushed to him, wiping the sticky liquid from his chest with a wet dishtowel before you looked his shirt over. “Go wash it according to the directions. It should be ok if you do it fast.”
He had frozen in place, missing your command while he gawked at your hands on his abdomen and chest. There had been several times the two of you had touched, but never like this that he could think of. Your touch was soft and careful, like you were somehow concerned over him being burned, though he was sure it hadn’t been quite that hot. “Noona, it’s ok.” As your eyes lifted to his, you finally snapped out of it to realize what the hell you were doing. “Oh! Sorry... uhm. Hurry! Dinner is ready.”
Aside from Namjoon, who was cleaning up the spill, you asked the others for help as Tae backed away toward the laundry room, and thanked the heat of the kitchen to explain your flushed face. The guys did not need to know that you were crushing on Taehyung. It would... be disastrous. “Careful, guys.” Hoseok and Jungkook placed your perfectly roasted bird on the table and you clapped your hands. “Oh my god, Norman Rockwell would be impressed. TAE! Put a shirt on and come sit for a picture.”
And so you could fucking breathe again.
The guys sat while Jungkook set his camera up on a delay, rushing back to his seat beside Jimin before he held up two fingers as they posed. The flash of the camera saved the moment in time as you let Jin cut the turkey, the others digging into the dishes. Green bean casserole, candied yams, dressing, salad, potato salad, mashed potatoes, rice (per their request), macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, kimchi that Jin and Jungkook demanded, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and a caramel cheesecake, what was left of the cider, Soju, beer, soda, gravy, ham, and rolls.
If this wasn’t a carb load, you didn’t know what would be. They better be energized after this and ready to go... though the turkey might slow them down. “So... most of these are things I am used to eating at my own family gatherings. But we added some of your things so everything is balanced! Eat up!” You didn’t have to speak twice, the seven men around you stuffing their faces. Animated chatter had you distracted, but a tap against your shin made you turn to look at Tae, who offered you a bite of ham, rice, and kimchi. “Noona, this is good. Try.” You took the bite, the smirks around the table missed by your eyes.
Tae had voiced his interest in you several times with his members, but he had never really imagined you were going to even come close to reciprocating until now. The blushing cheeked glances and giggles and touches spoke volumes to him about your comfort with him, and he was not afraid to use that to his advantage. “Wow. That... the kimchi... it totally made that better!” Tae nodded and laughed softly, taking a sip of his cider as he eyed you over the rim of the cup.
If you could actually melt... you would’ve.
Between reminding Jungkook to chew his food fully so he didn’t choke and coordinating how to have them put whipped topping on their pie without unloading an entire can on their hands for a trick video for tik tok or their mouths to just eat it, dinner was rather entertaining. Eventually, the tryptophan started to kick in, however, Yoongi being the first one to retreat for a nap. Jungkook and Jimin had attempted to watch a movie while digesting, luring Namjoon and Jin in before they were all snoring.
Hoseok was able to help clean up before he retreated too, and you were sure you’d seen Tae disappear to his room. “Thank you Hobi!” He nodded and shuffled out, leaving you alone. Or at least you thought you were. Humming softly, you began putting the bit of leftovers away, leaning into the fridge. You closed it and turned only to immediately press back into the cool metal, Tae’s face right in front of you. “Kim Taehyung... where do you get off thinking you can just-“
The hungry kiss was not expected. How had he even just snuck up on you?! His lips were needy, working yours open to plunge his tongue past, leaving your reeling. Nope, this was not real. You had simply fell into a post feast day dream. There was no way you were playing tonsil hockey with Tae. But you had to let yourself enjoy it, moaning into the kiss as you threaded your fingers into his messy hair. Being lifted from the floor, you wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you, hiding your face in his neck when he proudly toted you past the snoring pile of men on the couch.
Maybe it wasn’t a dream?
The click of his door shutting as he shuffled with you in his arms pulled you from his neck, and he laid you down, lips finding yours again as he climbed between your legs. “You’ve been torturing me all day... and months before that. How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself?” He spoke softly against your lips before he opened his eyes, meeting your gaze. “I... Tae...” He worried for a second if he had read the signals wrong...
But then your hands pushed his new sweater up his back and he groaned softly when you nipped his bottom lip. “I’m still hungry... for you.” If that wasn’t the way to melt your panties you were sure the slick between your thighs was arousal for him then. His left hand pulled your body tight against his, right arm switching as he rotated out of his sweater you so insistently tugged over his head. “Tell me this is what you wanted... tell me I wasn’t wrong.” He was practically begging you to reinforce your attraction to him, and you whimpered and nodded.
Not satisfied, Tae caught your jaw in gentle fingertips, eyebrow raised as if he was waiting for you to clarify. “I... yes. I want you, Tae. God, I want you.” That was all he needed to hear, it seemed, his kiss feeling like it would swallow you up. Who knew he’d be this intense? Well, based off of Singularity, you should’ve known. His hands left your hips to tug your longer sweater dress off your body and over your head. You laid beneath him now in only leggings, leg warmers, and your underwear.
Long, delicate fingers traced the lace detail on your baby pink bra before they dipped up and inward to map out the swell of your cleavage. “Fuck... I can’t believe this... look at you.” He seemed beside himself and you blushed under his gaze, eyes tracing his features. He had gained a lot of muscle over the last few months, looking absolutely delectable. Your tongue and teeth were practically itching to trace every inch of him. And dammit... you meant every inch.
He called you up with the waggle of his fingers before he reached behind you to undo your bra. It took a moment, and he laughed in his frustration before you helped him, his laugh softening against your lips. “I’ve dreamed of this moment, baby. Making you mine... showing you how you make me feel.” His deep voice left you vibrating under him, pressing closer wherever you could for contact. His fingers hooked under the tack of your bra and tugged, freeing your chest from its prison. You didn’t miss the little inhale he did as he laid eyes on you.
Your mind could have never imagined being the reason for Tae’s undoing. He looked so enraptured by just looking at you, but acted like a man starved as he kissed between them, over the soft mound of each as well, before he swirled a nipple with that skillful tongue of his and then all but swallowed it up. The sound you made was probably just as unbelievable because you were sure you didn’t sound like a damn pornstar. “God... Tae...”
He felt the need in your pleading words and use of his name, deft fingertips already shedding your leggings and panties right along with them. He needed to feel you. Instantly greeted by your slick arousal, he groaned and pulled back to watch his fingers work you into a panting frenzy. “That’s all because of me? Damn baby, I should’ve made a move a long time ago... fuck, look at you.” You wished you could. For now, you’d have to take his word for it. “Ah... mhmm, like that.”
“I’ll taste you fully another day baby. Right now I need to fill you up.” He sucked his fingers clean so lewdly that you clenched around nothing, dazed and needy as he stripped off his jeans and boxers. Jimin hadn’t lied. Tae was impressive on all accounts. He was perfectly thick, longer than you’d expected, and the softest dusty pink you had ever imagined. Any other day you might’ve sobbed and begged to suck him off. But right now... you needed him buried to the hilt inside you.
You almost missed the question, and you sputtered to life, fingers reaching to touch him as you kissed his lips. “No, I’m a big girl. I come protected thanks to Mirena.” He blinked and you laughed. “Sorry... birth control.” Finally understanding, you squeaked when he launched forward, scooping you up to drag you up the bed, before he dipped between your thighs and wasted not another second in connecting your bodies.
You’d never felt so full. So whole. So... stuffed.
“Oh my god.”
He grunted when you grappled with his body, trying to hang on somehow when he thrusted. It was so much all at once that you made a ridiculous attempt to catch your breath at the same time it was being forced out of you. “Are you ok?” He whimpered, his next thrust gentler as you nodded. Your Head was too far gone to form sentences, so you inhaled softly, able to breathe again, and stroked his face. “I’m fine... so big. Fuck.” His smirk was your only warning before he snapped his hips again, with gusto, earning frantic noises from your lips before he tried to silence them with a kiss.
“You’re so fucking tight... damn.”
You were vaguely aware of his arm over you, gripping the headboard so it didn’t hit the wall. Legs hitched up higher, your brain spiraled down into pleasure as he let himself go, fucking you into the mattress. His pace was almost bruising, the poor man having been driven insane over the last few months, wanting you but not knowing if he could have you. Gasping your praises as he pushed you over the edge, you caught the perfect sight of Taehyung losing his mind over how you clenched around him through your blurry vision.
“Fuck baby, that’s it... take it.”
He was so damn dirty, and you loved it. Feeling him empty himself into you after a handful of stuttering thrusts, you fell limp under him, only to be scooped up and held close. Taehyung groaned as he laid back in his bed, letting you straddle him. Hot kisses spread up your throat and along your jaw before he kissed you in a much softer way, almost lazy and indulgent. “I promise I’ll go softer in round two baby... I just couldn’t wait...” you found your words as you laughed, pulling from his lips to look him in the eye. “Wait for what?” His smirk told you something dirty was coming, and he snorted. “You know... like you said about the turkey...” He chuckled at your face, and licked his lips.
“You said it needed extra stuffing.”
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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Ask Game
nobody asked me any of these questions because u all h8 me but I wanted to answer them anyway so here we are (^:
1: Name: Mia (: 2: Age: 19 3: 3 Fears: spiders, people crawling and being chased in horror movies, my dog dying someday 4: 3 things I love: my dog, park jimin, Speezy Freezes 5: 4 turns on: boys listening, empathizing, learning from their ignorance, and advocating for important causes. K I N K. get u a freak like that ^^^ 6: 4 turns off: being talked over, mansplaining, greasy hair, bad smell 7: My best irl friend(s): @jaemamba, @namjoons-broken-toe, @mark-biased 8: Sexual orientation: bisexual 9: My best first date: going to my university’s football field at 1:00 in the morning with my dog, running around with him, and then driving to Speedway to get Speedy Freezes 10: How tall am I: 5′4 11: What do I miss: my best friend 12: What time was I born: i was born at 5:18 on 6/18 13: Favorite color: red 14: Do I have a crush: i fell in love with my eye doctor yesterday. does that count? 15: Favorite quote: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 16: Favorite place: this is hard. mt favorite destination type place is antigua, guatemala, but my favorite place to be is anywhere with my dog (: 17: Favorite food: scalloped potatoes 18: Do I use sarcasm: me??? noooo, never. 19: What am I listening to right now: dope - BTS 20: First thing I notice in new person: teeth and hair 21: Shoe size: 7 1/2 US size 22: Eye color: green 23: Hair color: brown 24: Favorite style of clothing: sweaters 25: Ever done a prank call?: when i was in, like, middle school. OH! also american airlines when they were being unhelpful little douche-dicks this summer when they lost my luggage in france ((((: 27: Meaning behind my URL: um i’m in love with jimin’s crooked tooth 28: Favorite movie: monster’s inc. 29: Favorite song: leave me lonely - ariana grande 30: Favorite band: BTS 31: How I feel right now: tired and hungry 32: Someone I love: park jimin 33: My current relationship status: i’m in an exclusive relationship with food 34: My relationship with my parents: eh 35: Favorite holiday: christmas and thanksgiving 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i have a tattoo of mine and my brother’s hands in a pinky swear on my right side, a tattoo that says “i belong deeply to myself” on my left side, a big tattoo of athena on my left thigh, and my dog’s paw print on my right foot.  i have my ears double pierced and my nose pierced. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i’d love to have nipple piercings but my boobs are reeeeally big and that increases my risk of infection and irritation, so i probably wont get it done. and the next tattoo i want is a bow behind my ear 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: fandoms 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: i don’t think so, we just don’t talk 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: lololololololol no 41: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? i would hope not 42: When did I last hold hands?: like a week ago with my best friend 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: it depends on if i put on makeup or not.  no makeup = 15-20 minutes, makeup = 30-40 minutes 44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: i think so. i’m losing track of time so it’s hard for me to remember hahahaha. 45: Where am I right now?: at my apartment. 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: i don’t drink so quite honestly, i don’t know who it would be helping me 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: loud 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no 49: Am I excited for anything?: i’m excited for to make a new character for d&d 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yes(: my best friend Martin, but he lives thousands of miles away in normandy, france 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: more often than you’d think. i’m very good at it. 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: two days ago i hugged some family members after visiting 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would not care in the slightest lol 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: i don’t think so.  i usually keep trustworthy people close to me and untrustworthy people away from me. 55: What is something I disliked about today?: i accidentally slept in waaaaaaaay too late. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: park jimin 57: What do I think about most?: my dog 58: What’s my strangest talent?: i have a few. i memorize license plates, i can name every color in a 64 pack of crayola crayons, and i can look good in any pair of sunglasses 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: yes. people crawling and being chased in horror movies. also, people touching and grabbing my wrists/being restrained 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front of it. 61: What was the last lie I told?: “my dog locked the door, not me.” 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: i’m just gonna say facetimeing because it’s kind of a mix of the two 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: yes and yes 64: Do I believe in magic?: no 65: Do I believe in luck?: yes 66: What's the weather like right now?: snowy snowy snowy 67: What was the last book I've read?: everything, everything 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: yes 69: Do I have any nicknames?: mi and higgie smalls 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: when i broke my arm in 7th grade.  i was playing soccer and i was the goal keeper and somebody from the opposite team kicked the ball and snapped my arm in half. 71: Do I spend money or save it?: a mix of both 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: yes, a pencil 74: Favorite animal?: giraffe and puffins 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: watching mulan 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name?: i asked my roommate and he said “faust” so i’m gonna go with that lol 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: serendipity and lie 78: How can you win my heart?: food and dogs 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: sneezed on the beat, and the beat got sicka 80: What is my favorite word?: serendipity 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @got7-markjinson, @yeoldalayhehoo 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: “fuck donald trump” 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: not that i know of 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleportation so i could go anywhere in the world for free! 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? “are you happy?”  86: What is my current desktop picture? sehun lookin’ all perfect, as always (’: 87: Had sex? no 88: Bought condoms? no 89: Gotten pregnant? no 90: Failed a class? no  91: Kissed a boy? yes 92: Kissed a girl? no)))): 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no omg too cheesy 94: Had a job? i’ve had 4 95: Left the house without my wallet? yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet? i more-so fight with people on the internet, not bully. 97: Had sex in public? never had sex, so obviously not hahaha 98: Played on a sports team? yes! growing up, i played soccer for 7 years 99: Smoked weed? nope 100: Did drugs? nope 101: Smoked cigarettes? nope 102: Drank alcohol? i hate alcohol 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no 104: Been overweight? yep 105: Been underweight? nope 106: Been to a wedding? yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 5 hours? i think you mean 5 TIMES 5 hours lmaoooo 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? YES. WHO HASN’T???? 109: Been outside my home country? yes! 3 times(: i’ve been to guatemala, mexico, and frace 110: Gotten my heart broken? eh, not really 111: Been to a professional sports game? yes 112: Broken a bone? yes! 2 113: Cut myself? no 114: Been to prom? yes, twice 115: Been in airplane? yes, soooo many times 116: Fly by helicopter? no, but i would love to do it sometime! 117: What concerts have I been to? omg there are so many. in order: taylor swift, kelly clarkson, one direction, demi lovato, bastille, lana del rey, marina and the diamonds, one direction (again), ed sheeran, the 1975, ariana grande, and then i’m going to see harry styles and niall horan this summer! 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes because i’m fckin GAY 119: Learned another language? i’m studying spanish and korean 120: Wore make up? all the time lol 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? NO BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER HAD SEX. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SEX 122: Had oral sex? NO 123: Dyed my hair? nope 124: Voted in a presidential election? yes, just 1 125: Rode in an ambulance? no 126: Had a surgery? yes 127: Met someone famous? yes, i met lea delaria fro oitnb 128: Stalked someone on a social network? UM ALWAYS??? 129: Peed outside? yep 130: Been fishing? yep but it’s soooo borning 131: Helped with charity? yes 132: Been rejected by a crush? all the fucking time (^: 133: Broken a mirror? i dont think so 134: What do I want for birthday? for park jimin to acknowledge my existence ((((((((((((((((((((((((:
why am i such a noob????
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staytheb · 5 years
Treat Me
Pairing: PTG’s Yuto x OC [Melanie] || PTG’s Yeo One x OC [Serena] Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 8,461 Summary: Scavenger Hunt for a Trick or Treat event must be totally fun especially when you're dressed as a SWAT member and a Pikachu and the theme is sexy. part two {Really Hoping You Would}
Warning: college life, young adult theme... nothing too big i think.
i honestly have no idea where this story came from or how it happened, but it did and i actually was impress with myself in writing something like this because i never get around to writing a lot of stuff in a short period of time. anyways, now that i think about it, it was around Halloween when the story came up and i did watch Mean Girls and had friends that wanted to dress... a little more freely with the excuse of Halloween being that day that allows for it or something like that. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Hey, PTG's having another Trick Or Treat event again this year." Jasmine announced to her other three roommates as the pair of sisters were lounging in their living room while she continued reading from her phone. "They're having a scavenger hunt that leads to some grand prize later today." "Ooh, that sounds fun. Let's go." Melanie grinned as she looked up from her iPad that she was currently watching a drama on. "I really love these events of theirs. What time does it actually start?" "It's at five." "That's like in six hours." Jennie said looking up from her laptop. "Are they doing the costume contest again this year?"
"Yeah." Jasmine confirmed with a smirk. "It's sexy theme for the ladies and whatever for the males." Serena scoffed while reading a book. "Any excuse to see females in skimpy outfits. Cliche." "Although true, but it's not that bad, Rina." Melanie informed her sister. "Last year the tricks were playing games with the PTG members while the treats were store bought chocolate and candies after completing a mission of sort or whatever." Jasmine laughed remembering last Halloween's event. "Ah, right. I remember that one time I had to bob for apples with Jinho to win this huge ass unicorn plush. That was so much fun."
"Of course your boyfriend got super jealous since you went to PTG's Halloween event first instead of NCT's." Jennie reminded her twin as Jasmine dismissed it. "Johnny got over it when I finally showed up." "Does he know you're going to PTG's tonight?" Serena asked shooting her friend a knowing look while Jasmine grinned. "No." Serena then looked over at Jennie. "So what about you, Jen? Does Namjoon know you're also interested in PTG's besides BTS'?" "He'll get over it. He hardly gets mad, anyways. Unlike, Mel and her boo." "Mark and I broke up a few months ago." Melanie confirmed. "I don't have to worry about him or GOT now."
"No wonder I haven't seen him around then. Mark was a bit possessive." Serena said as Melanie rolled her eyes. "Dn't say 'I told you so'." "I won't. Boys are such a hassle." "Wait a minute, Rina." Jasmine interjected." What about you and that MX member. Uh, what's his name? Wonho, right?" "Nothing happened with him, Jas. He has too much girls and even guys lining up for his attention. I'm not spending my time with that shit." "Dude, Serena, then tonight should be perfect for you to scope the male population at PTG's event." Jennie grinned as Jasmine added. "Or with SVT since they're having a talent showcase for their Halloween event."
Serena shook her head. "No thanks." "Just because of Wonho?" Melanie shot her sister a narrowed look while Serena rolled her eyes. "I didn't know he was a frat boy until last week or so." "Either you're dumb or don't get out much." Melanie deadpanned before grinning. "I say you're both, but more dumb though." "Shut up, Mel." The other three laugh as Serena rolled her eyes while standing up and stretched her limbs. "Whatever. I'm gonna go to class as you talk about your plans for tonight." "You're coming along, too, Rina!" Jasmine called after Serena' retreating back with the other two joining in causing Serena to shake her head.
"I can't believed I let you guys drag me to this PTG event shit." Serena muttered as she looked down at her Pikachu costume. "And I can't believe I let you guys convinced me to wear this costume, too." "Oh, hush, you look good." Jasmine told her while wearing the Baby Doll outfit from Sucker Punch. "You've had that costume stuffed in your closet since last year, Serena, so don't act like you weren't going to wear it at all." Jennie grinned as she was dressed as a witch. "I know right." Melanie agreed with a laughed as she was dressed as a SWAT agent. "Might as well use it for tonight given the opportunity."
"Whatever." Serena grumbled as Jennie hooked arms with her so that she wouldn't escape while the quartet lined up outside PTG's fraternity house. "I'm surprised there's a lot of people despite the other frat houses doing an event on the same night" Serena said while looking around. "Yeah, you really need to get out more." Melanie stated as Serena frowned "No thanks." "Ha, then we can got to NCT house next." Jasmine grinned. "The boys are doing a haunted house." "Oh and after we can head over to BTS because they're having a costume dance off." Jennie added next while nudging Serena. "You'll have totes fun." "No."
As the line moved along the girls were each given a piece of small white paper and were told about what to do with it. They had to go around the house and collect stamps from five pairs of PTG members in a red with gold accents military jackets while doing certain activities to earn the five stamps. If they earned all five stamps they would receive a grand prize and would have to wait until the even was over before further details were revealed. The quartet decided to split into pairs to navigate better and faster with each pair of sisters teaming up and would meet up once they completed everything on the stamp card.
"This is so dumb." Serena complained as Melanie rolled her eyes while the two began to explore the frat house. "It's okay. You'll be fine." Melanie then glanced at the paper. "Which one do you wanna do first?" "Neither." "C'mon, Rina just pick one." "No, Mel." "Dude, seriously. Rina just choose between performance, dance, teamwork, talent, or mind." "Ugh, fine. Performance." "Okay. We need to find the two members and we're good." "This doesn't feel like Halloween at all." "You'll never know. We just have to wait and see." "Why do I have a feeling you're enjoying this more than I think you should?" "Because you don't go out." "True."
"Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Welcome to HuiDawn's Karaoke Time!" Hwitaek, the president of PTG, announced excitedly alongside his vice-president, Hyojung, who was banging a tambourine against his palm with a smile when the sisters arrived on the first floor of the house. "Who's ready to sing-a-long with us to get their stamp?!" The crowd cheer as it began. Some time lter it was Melanie and Serena's turn with the duo as Hwitaek greeted Melanie warmly. "Melanie, hey! Thanks for coming by tonight." "I wouldn't miss it even though you're hella annoying, Hui." "Rude." Hyojung looked over at Serena with a curious face. "Do I know you?"
"No. I don't attend these events." Serena answered as Hyojung peered closer and then it clicked as he gave her costume a once over. "Serena!" Hyojung exclaimed as he laughed while Serena eyed him weirdly. "I knew you like Pikachu a lot, but I never thought you would actually dress up as one. That's so funny." He turned towards Hwitaek and softly smacked him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Dude, Hui, it's Serena." Hwitaek looked over at Serena, broke into a huge grin, and started laughing upon recognizing her. "OMG, you're right E'Dawn. Serena, hey. Pikachu suits you." "I know right?" Melanie grinned. "She's forever a kid."
"Rina has always been a kid." Hyojung chuckled as Serena still eyed him suspiciously. "Don't act like you know me." The trio looked at her funny. "You don't remember us?" Hwitaek asked with a puzzled look as Serena shook her head. "Should I?" "Oh, it must be because of our nicknames and it's been awhile." Hyojung reasoned as he elbowed his friend. "She doesn't know us by our new names now since we don't interact much." "It's Hwitaek." "And Hyojung." The males pointed at themselves as Serena's face went from confusion to recognition and then to a neutral one. "I can't believe you guys joined a fraternity."
"Not just joined. I'm the president of Phi Tau Gamma." Hwitaek explained as Hyojung grinned. "And I'm the vice-president." "OMG, that's even worst." "That's mean." "Anyways, you three can catch up later." Melanie interjected as she presented her card. "Rina and I are here for the Trick Or Treat event." "Oh, right." The duo got back on track and explained how their segment worked. "Both of you have to sing a duet with us and after that we'll stamp your card." "Easy." "You have to score seventy points or higher." "Boo." "Okay, let's skip and leave already." Serena said as Hwitaek took a hold of her arm. "Not so fast, girl."
"Ugh, what?" "You guys just started. We're the easy stage." "I don't doubt it." Hwitaek rolled his eyes, but continued speaking with a cheerful face. "After us you move on to the Dance stage." "Oh joy." Serena showed her enthusiasm with a flat tone. "Whatever, Rina. Let's play." Melanie dismissed as Hyojung smiled while showing her a number pad from one to nine. "Choose one." "Um, six." Melanie pointed at the even number as Hwitaek held up another pad. "Now choose a color." "Obviously it's blue." "Your love for blue I swear." "Of course." "So blue and six. Now which one is that and oh! It's Wiz Kalifa's See You Again." "I love that song!"
"I hate that song." Serena mumbled only because her sister has been playing it on repeat since it came out. "Nine. Black." Serena answered a second later with Hyojung chuckling. "Like your heart. Still the same as ever." "Mmhmm." "Yes. Jason Derulo's Want to Want Me." Hwitaek cheered as Serena groaned. "Ugh, this song's overplayed, too." "Well, let's start!" Hyojung handed Melanie a microphone as he held one in his hand with a grin. "You're my partner." "Sweet." Melanie grinned as Hwitaek then handed Serena a microphone. "And you're mine." "You wish." Serena scoffed while taking the microphone as Hwitaek smiled sly at her.
"Not when you're Yeo One's girl." "I'm who's girl?" "No one." He coughed with a smile still on his lips. "Let's began." He pointed at Melanie and Hyojung. "E'Dawn and Mel go first and then it's me and Rina." "Cool." Both pairs sang their song with cheers from the onlookers and Melanie and Hyojung were the winners because Serena wasn't in the mood to sing nor did she really know the lyrics, but luckily Hwitaek saved them as he was able to score high enough for her to get a stamp. "And congratulations on earning your first pentagon stamp." Hwitaek exclaimed as he stamped both of their papers. "The Dance team's in the bigger living room."
"Everyone, welcome to Phi Tau Gamma's Dance Dance Time!" Shinwon announced with a grin while doing some cute dance moves. "Now who wants to dance with us?!" Hyunggu yelled with an excited expression as the onlookers cheer while he did a short spin with a suave pose. Serena recognized one of the duo and let out a groan. "Ugh, I know that kid. I didn't know he was a frat boy. Och, he's so annoying." "Which one?" Melanie asked as the two drew nearer before it was their turn to play games with the PTG members. "Because I know the both of them." "Of course you would." "No, duh. Unlike you, you loner." "Whatever."
When it was finally the pair's turn Hyunggu noticed Melanie first and checked her out while lifting his hands up in a playful manner. "Whoa, Melanie. I ain't done nothing wrong, yet, but I'll still let you frisk me only for tonight because it's a given and I wouldn't get in trouble." Melanie rolled her eyes at the male as she lightly smacked him. "Don't be such a brat." Hyunggu chuckled before moving his eyes to Serena with a sly look. "Damn, Serena. Is that you?" He gave her a once over. "I didn't know you got some legs on ya." "Shut up, Hyunggu." Serena glared at him as Hyunggu rolled his eyes. "Girl, I told you it was Kino." "Whatever, Hyunggu."
"Oh, Rina, you meant Kino. Yeah, he's definitely a brat." Melanie laughed as Hyunggu pouted at her playfully. "Aww, don't be that way, Melanie. I thought I was your favorite one." "No, I'm her favorite." Shinwon stated as he wrapped an arm around Melanie's shoulder. "Isn't that right?" "No." Hyunggu laughed as Shinwon just elbowed him away while shooting Melanie a smile. "You better be nice to me or I'll do something." "Do it then." Melanie replied nonchalantly as Shinwon frowned and removed his arm. "You're no fun." "Exactly. Now, how does this stage work?" She asked while holding up her card and nudged her sister to show hers.
"Oh right, right." Shinwon chuckled as he pointed behind him. "You guys will compete with us on the Pump-It-Up dance machine." Hyunggu held up a jar with ten spoons inside. "Just choose one and it'll determine your level." "Seriously?" Serena eyed him and the jar as Hyunggu smile. "Yes, Serena, seriously. Now please choose one." "Whatever." Serena pulled out a spoon with her sister following and then the two PTG members. Both Shinwon and Melanie pulled a normal while Serena had crazy and Hyunggu had freestyle. "Yay, we're competing against each other." Shinwon grinned as he and Melanie high-five one another.
Hyunggu cheekily cast Serena a smile. "It's me and you, but would you prefer we both do freestyle instead?" "Nah, it's fine. You do you and I'll do me." "Don't say I didn't let you off easy if you lose." "Mmhmm." Anyways, the first pair was Melanie and Shinwon as they had chosen GFriend's Me Gustas Tu while Serena and Hyuggu had chosen Big Bang's BANG BANG BANG. Both sisters lost to the frat boys and Melanie slightly frowned. "So I'm guessing we won't get our card stamp?" "We'll let you guys have the stamp only if Serena calls me by Kino and tells me I'm a super cool guy." Hyunggu grinned as Serena stared at him. "No."
"If I was Yeo One you would." Shinwon slightly elbowed Hyunggu as Serena tilted her head in confusion. "If you were who?" "No one." Hyunggu said instead with a sweet smile while Melanie nudged her sister. "Just do it. I want that grand prize." "Seriously?" "Yeah." Serena gave in with a small groan. "Kino you're a super cool guy." "Could you say that with actual feelings. You sound like you don't mean it." "I don't." Melanie nudged Serena again while Serena let out a defeated sigh and faked her tone. "Kino! You're such a super cool guy! I wish I could be as cool as you!" "Now that's more like it!" "Jerk." "You know you love me." "Get real."
Hyunggu stamped a pentagon shape onto each of their cards. "Have fun with the rest of the scavenger hunt you two." "Yeah, you'll be heading over to the Teamwork stage that's out back." Shinwon grinned as he held up several folded piece of papers. "This is for the next challenge, but you can't open it until you reach the Teamwork stage. Don't open them yet. It'll ruined the surprise." He explained. "Well, y'all know what I'll choose." Melanie grinned as she plucked the blue folded paper as Serena grabbed the red that was closes to her. "Awesome. It's out back. You can't miss it!" Hyunggu grinned as he waved them off.
The duo arrived to a larger crowd for the Teamwork stage. "Is everyone ready to see our awesome Phi Tau Gamma teamwork with you tonight?" Jinho asked the crowd with Hongseok popping poppers which scared Jinho a bit. "Next time warn me." Hongseok laughed as he nodded his head. "Sure thing. Gonna do another one soon." Hongseok popped another just as Jinho barely covered his ears. "Aww Jinho looks so cute in his outfit while Hongseok looks damn good." Melanie commented as Serena rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Only you would say something like that that separates the two despite wearing the same thing." "Duh."
"Anyways, how are the twins doing?" Serena asked a second later as they waited for their turn because she forgot her phone back at the dorm. "They left. They barely completed the Mind stage when their boyfriends wanted them." Melanie explained as she typed back in their group chat. "That's dumb. Doesn't NCT start at nine and BTS at seven or something like that?" "Yeah, but I dunno. The twins want us to let them know how far we've gone and to tell them what the grand prize is if we get that far." "Yeah, of course, because of you." "That's right." Melanie grinned as she finished replying back. "Just admit you're having fun." "Sure."
The female duo finally reached their turn with the two PTG members who greeted them happily. "Ohh, hello ladies, welcome." Jinho cast Melanie a cute look. "It's good seeing you again for another of our Trick Or Treat event, Melanie." "Of course, Jinho. I even dragged this loner to come along with the help of the twins." Melanie pointed at Serena who was already trying to free herself out of Hongseok's hold on her. "Gah, you're annoying. Let me go, Seok." Serena said as she tried to get out of the headlock he put her in. "Let me have my moment, Rina." "You're so lucky I'm not an actual Pikachu, Hongseok."
"You'll be too cute even if you were an actual Pikachu, Serena." Hongseok chuckled as he finally let her go and she punched him in the chest causing some of the onlookers to look on with envious. "I'm not cute." "Yeah, right, just like Jinho." Melanie countered as Jinho became flustered. "I'm not cute." "Sure you aren't." Melanie chuckled as she held up her stamp card. "But let's get back to this. We're always getting distracted for some reason." "That's just you, Melanie. I didn't even want to come." Serena explained as Hongseok poked her cheek. "Oh c'mon. There must be somebody you wanted to see. Me or Yeo One?"
He grinned at her cheekily as Serena tilted her head with a weird look directed at the male. "Why do you guys keep saying that. Yeo? Yo? Whatever. Hwitaek and Hyunggu mentioned it, too. Should I know about it?" "Well-" Melanie began, but she got cut off by both Hongseok and Jinho. "It's no one. That's what we meant." Hongseok smiled a bit awkwardly at her. "Yeah, let's start on the teamwork, Serena." Jinho grinned at her while holding a very large and long white board that had the ladder game on it. "You go first, Rina. Choose a start point and we'll find out what games we'll play to showcase our excellent teamwork."
"Yeah, sure whatever." Serena chose the third line while Melanie chose the sixteenth line. "Oh, yeah by the way," Melanie began as she showed them her blue paper, "Shinwon and Hyunggu mentioned something about showing you guys this." "Oh, right." Jinho plucked the paper out of Melanie's hand to reveal what it had on. "Melanie, your mission is that you need to do thirty high-fives." Hongseok took Serena's and read it with laughter. "Serena, yours is to do ten fly kisses." "Ugh, you're kidding me, right?" "No." He held up the red paper for her to read. "And you and I have to pop balloons between our chests." "Seriously?" "Yeah." He laughed.
"Better than Jinho and I doing the mouth tissue game." Melanie countered as Jinho laughed nervously while nudging her playfully. "Hey, you're the one that chose an even number that led to that game." He mumbled the last part. "I hope he won't get jealous." "What did you say?" Melanie asked him as Jinho flashed her a bright smile. "Nothing. I didn't say anything. Let's begin!" Both pairs were each timed for one minute to do their mission and showcase how well their teamwork was with one another. Melanie and Jinho were having difficulties due to the type of tissues they were using as it was more plastic than paper.
While Serena groaned and grew annoyed every time Hongseok placed a balloon between them and would squeeze her with such force to pop the item before she herself could even assist him with it. Unfortunately for her, the fly kisses were hard to do while popping the balloons unlike the other pair as Serena would try to blow kisses at Hongseok, but it was interrupted by the popping of balloons. Melanie was able to do thirty high-fives with Jinho as she used both of her hands to cut down the time in doing them. Of course, only three paper tissues were passed and completed since they were laughing in the process of doing it as well.
Still though the PTG members gave the sisters each their pentagon stamp for their efforts with completing at least one of the two missions and because the boys knew who they were as they were good friends. "If they're bruises tomorrow, Seok, I'ma drop kick you." Serena warned him as Hongseok laughed. "You'll be fine. You're a strong Pokemon." "You're hilarious." "I know." "Shut up." "Anyways, the next stage is Talent. That should be on the side of the house on the right hand side." Jinho informed them while motioning where they should head on next. "Good luck, ladies." Both males wished the females as the quartet bid their farewells.
"So how was it being so close and holding Hongseok's body?" Melanie teased Serena who shot her sister a look. "Nothing special." She answered before continuing. "Hongseok's more than just his body, y'know." "Yeah, Serena, I know. I'm not friends with him just for his looks." "I know, but it's annoying when other girls gush about his body this and that. Ugh, he's more than that." "Do you have a crush on him?" "No. We're just friends and don't you remember when we did try the whole dating thing, but it was more awkward. Friends we forever will be." "Okay, good, because I thought you didn't like that one guy." "What guy?"
"Oh, look. We've reached the Talent stage." Melanie announced with a smile as she dodged the question and Serena just let it go. "Hello everyone!" Wooseok greeted the crowd with oomph. "We're showing off our amazing skills with this talent event. It's a little more physical than it sounds, but that's the fun of it isn't it?" Yuto juggled a few different types of balls within his grasp. "Yeah, we got baseball, basketball, soccer, and football to name a few." "Oh, it's sports related, Melanie. Can you do it?" Serena mused as Melanie shrugged indifferently. "I guess I can try." "You can barely throw straight." "Shut up."
The pair waited for several minutes until it was their turn before being greeted by the two PTG members. "Hey, Melanie! Nice costume." Wooseok greeted, but he was looking at Serena. "I thought you would be hanging out at GOT's event because of Mark." Yuto was the one that correct his fellow member. "That's not Melanie, Wooseok. That's her sister, Serena." He then pointed at Melanie. "That's Melanie." "Oh my bad, ladies." Wooseok apologized with a cute smile. "No worries." "It's all good." The sisters dismissed. Melanie ignored the GOT question and shot Yuto a smile. "I'm surprised you remember, especially my sister's name."
"Of course, Melanie, since it has to deal with Yeo One about your sister." Yuto answered with a laugh, but Serena wasn't paying attention to the conversation. "I also have a good memory." Yuto shot Melanie a knowing smile as the female smile, but cast her eyes away. "Ah, true, but yeah here you go." Melanie held up her card as the male duo let out low whistles. "You have one more stage with the last PTG members after us. Nice." Wooseok nodded his head in approval. "Are you guys ready to play?" "Is it for several of the ball games or just one?" Serena asked after she had scanned the set-up for each ball sport behind the duo.
"It's for two of the sports of your choice." Yuto explained as he set the rest of the balls in his hands onto the table with the rest of them. "Which two would you like to compete in?" "Oh, I'm fine with either sport. I'll let Mel choose instead." Serena said as she motioned at the other female. "Choose, Mel." "Oh, um," Melanie scanned the balls and chose two she was more familiar with, "How about the baseball and football challenges?" "Good choices." Yuto smiled as he picked up both balls that were mentioned. "You know that baseball was my thing?" "No. I didn't. It isn't now?" "I just don't play it often." "Oh, okay."
"It's because he's too busy with another type of sport." Wooseok mused as Yuto cast him a slight glare. "Uh, please disregard what he meant by that." Melanie chuckled as she nodded her head. "Sure thing, Yuto." "Okay. This is how we play." Wooseok began as he held up the football. "We each have three turns per sport. Y'all just have to throw the ball into one of those three holes in that cut-out over there." Wooseok explained as he pointed at a stand out that had three holes in it, but of different sizes with the smallest at the top and the biggest at the bottom.
"The biggest one gets you five points. The middle one gets you twenty points. The smallest one gets you fifty points because it's harder to actually achieve." Yuto finished with a smile while tossing the baseball in the air. "So are you ready?" "Yeah." The sisters nodded their heads with the two PTG members going first and scoring a total of one hundred and eighty points. "YUTODA!" Yuto exclaimed as he scored the fifty points after throwing the baseball through the smallest hole while he and Wooseok high-five one another and pumping their fists into the air. "We can give you ladies a handicap." Wooseok told them as Serena shook her head.
"Nah, we're fine. We'll play fairly." "I think you should take the handicap." Yuto advised with a puzzled look. "It automatically gives your team fifty points from the get-go and because you're girls." "It's all good, Yuto." Melanie declined with a smile as she held the football. "Let's do this." The sisters ended up scoring two hundred and ten points with Serena scoring ninety points in each sport and Melanie scoring enough to help the duo be in the lead. "MELONDA!" Melanie exclaimed in mocked excitement of what Yuto had done earlier while two sisters high-five and laughed at it upon seeing the males' surprised faces.
"You're actually the first female pair that beat us without using the handicap or well pair for tonight." Wooseok chuckled as he stamped their cards. "It's because we would rather play fairly." Serena reasoned before her lips curved upwards a bit smug. "Also I played a lot of sports back in grade school throughout high school with the boys as they were better players than girls." "Ah, that makes sense." "Yeah, she even thrashed the boys and would always shout 'RINI RULES'. It was kind of annoying actually." "Shut up." "Oh yeah, that reminds me." Yuto interjected. "What was up with the MELONDA, Melanie?"
He cast Melanie a weird look while Melanie laughed. "Well, I was obviously copying you." "But that's my signature line." "Whatever, Yuto. Don't be such a baby." "I'm not a baby." "But he wants to be your baby, Melanie." Wooseok muttered as Yuto elbowed him. "Shut up." "What?" Melanie asked as she didn't hear what Wooseok had said. "It's nothing." Yuto smiled sweetly at her. "Anyways, the last stage is Mind and you'll find that back inside the house in our conference room." "Seriously?" Melanie deadpanned. "Yeah. It is a scavenger hunt." Wooseok chuckled as he and Yuto bid the sisters goodbye while the females headed back inside.
"You have a thing for Yuto, don't you? I saw your eyes sparkled when you talked to him." Serena teased as Melanie rolled her eyes. "My eyes did not sparkle." "If you were an emoji you would have the shining heart eyes." "Shut up. We just have a lot classes this semester." "Uh huh. Maybe another reason on why you broke up with Mark." "Yeah, that's a high possibility." Melanie chuckled as the duo arrived and entered the conference room. "I wonder what kind of games we'll play here." Melanie wondered out loud as Serena laughed. "Probably some problem or puzzle or thinking games." "True. It is the Mind stage."
"Hi everyone!" Changgu greeted the onlookers with a loud voice. "How is everyone enjoying the games and scavenger hunt so far?" A few people yelled out their answers as Yanan talked next with an excited tone. "We still have plenty mind games here and are waiting for those to complete the five stages!" More people cheered loudly as Changgu spoke next. "I know the event started at five, but it's about to be over in half an hour." Everyone let out boos after hearing the news. "But don't worry. We'll have the costume contest which someone or some people will win some money and a pass to PTG's Christmas after party bash!"
Once again people were thrilled at the news. "Anyways, let's get the line moving so we can discover who will get the grand prize for completing the scavenger hunt!" Yanan finished as they resumed the games again. "Oh, we totally have to participate in the costume contest, Rina." Melanie grinned as she cheekily looked at her sister. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of votes." "Och, stop. I was already getting weird looks walking around in this." Serena rolled her eyes while she pulled the bottom part of the yellow fabric down as it kept riding up her thighs. "I don't need to be oogled at more while in front of everyone else." "Mmhmm. Sure."
It was finally the sisters' turn with Changgu grinning at Serena cutely while giving her a once over. "Oh hello there Miss Pikachu." "Uh, hi." Serena awkwardly smiled back at him. "You're pretty friendly." "I try." Melanie rolled her eyes playfully as she leaned closer to Yanan to whisper for only him to hear. "I wonder why." Yanan chuckled with a nod. "I know, right?" "Mmhmm." "So Mel, are you having fun so far? Too bad the twins couldn't finished the scavenger hunt." "That's right, They were here before their boyfriends wanted them." "Yeah. Jennie was about to beat Yeo One, but her phone interrupted her." "Ah, that sucks." "Yeah."
"So, are you two ready to play the telepathy game?" Changgu asked once everyone's focus was on the game. "No." Both Melanie and Serena replied causing the two PTG members to 'ooh'. "Wow, already on the same wave length." Changgu grinned as Yanan looked over at him. "I hope we are, too." "I hope so, too, because we've been off our game all night." Yanan laughed and looked at the sisters. "So we'll answer five action questions and you guys have to do the same poses to these words." He explained. "And that determines which team gets the most wins." "Easy, right?" Changgu grinned as the sisters nodded. "Yeah."
"Okay, we'll let you guys go first and then we'll go." Yanan said as he held up some folded papers for the pair to choose. "Pick one for us and we'll pick yours." Melanie picked once again picked the blue colored paper before handing it over to Serena as Changgu picked the green paper next and handed it to Yanan. "Alright, ladies, let us know when you're ready to go." Changgu smiled as the sisters looked over at one another and nodded to let each other know that they were ready. "Okay, we're ready." They said at the same time. "Alright then. We'll start in one, two, and three. Heart." Yanan said as he read off the first thing on the paper.
Serena and Melanie made a heart with their index finger and thumb. "Oh, one point for you guys." Changgu said as he made a tally mark on a white board that he pulled from somewhere while Yanan read the next thing. After all five were announced the sisters had gotten three correctly and failed on two of them. "We just need to get four to win." Yanan told Changgu who laughed. "Let's hope we just get passed two." Yanan laughed nodding his head. "And in one, two, and three." Melanie said excitedly as she read the first thing off of their list for the boys. "Pineapple!"
Changgu lifted up a few strands of his hair while Yanan did some sort of wiggle dance. "Ahh, what is that?" Changgu playfully hit his friend as Yanan laughed. "I dunno." "Okay, next one is Ironman." Serena read the next word and both males stuck out their right hands and a second later began cheering while holding each other and bouncing up and down upon finally getting one correct early on in the game since they began. "Yay!" "They're so weird." Serena commented with a laugh as Melanie nodded her head with a chuckle. "Yeah, well a lot better than most of the other fraternities I've interacted with." "I guess."
The two PTG members were able to beat the female duo by getting one more question right. "Oh yeah! We finally won!" The boys held onto one another and began jumping up and down at the fact that they had won their first mind game since starting. "So because we lost we don't get the final stamp, huh?" Serena asked breaking the two from their little moment with Changgu looking at her with a sweet smile. "Well, we're not supposed to, but for you I will if you imitate Pikachu in a very cute manner." "Ugh, you remind me of Hyunggu." Serena made a face as Changgu's eyebrows furrowed. "You call Kino by his real name?"
"Yeah." Serena let out slowly as Changgu nodded his head with a neutral look "I see." "Uh huh." "Just do the imitation, Rina, and we can get the grand prize." "Och, you said the same thing at the Dance stage, too." "Duh." Serena then cast the two males a judging look. "Why don't you guys ask my sister to do something instead?" "It's because everyone loves and knows Pikachu." Yanan reasoned with a small pleading look. "Yeah, Serena, just do it and we can be on our way with our fifth pentagon stamp." "I swear you always get me to do these things." Serena reluctantly gave in as she psyched herself up.
"Pika. Pikachu. Pika pika. Chu chu. Pikachu." She cooed in a cute voice with a hopefully equal and cute expression as she hid her face with her hands and squatted down in total embarrassment. "Ugh, fuck my life." "Congratulations, you get your fifth stamp!" The males exclaimed as Melanie clapped her hands happily. "Oh yeah! Thanks, Rina." "Whatever." Serena stood back up as she tried to remain cool and calm. "All for a grand prize we don't even know what it is." "Don't worry. You'll find out soon." Changgu chuckled as he stamped the fifth pentagon shape onto their cards as Yanan grinned while handing them two Halloween goodie bags.
"Thanks for participating in our scavenger hunt, ladies, and if you head back outside one of the lower PTG members in a wizard robe will informed you two about the grand prize." "Uh, we were just out there before coming here." Serena groaned as she took the goodie bag while Melanie did the same. "Yeah, but I'm sure you guys are gonna say something like 'there's a reason why it's a scavenger hunt'." "We were. How did you know?" Changgu asked with a smile. "Wooseok said the same thing." "Right. Anyways, the scavenger hunt will be ending soon so it's not that long of a wait. See ya soon." "Yeah, see ya."
"Dude, Yeo One was totally all over you, Rina." Melanie nudged her sister playfully as Serena looked at her weirdly. "Who?" "Oh, I mean Changgu. Yeah, Changgu. Him. He was totally flirting with you and casting you sparkling eyes." "Wait a minute. Melanie, what did you call him earlier? It sounded kinda familiar." "Uh, nothing. Nothing. Look, there's a kid in a wizard robe." Melanie changed the topic as she hurried away to talk with the lower PTG member as Serena narrowed her eyes at her sister's back, but continued to walk after her wondering why she had changed the subject so fast.
Anyways, the duo were informed to sign up for the costume contest since they've completed the scavenger hunt. Melanie thought it was a great idea to pass time, but Serena found it weird for them to also join when there were others that didn't do the games and were still competing. Her sister dragged her along once again as the duo went behind the makeshift stage to join the other contestants. "This is dumb." Serena commented as Melanie hushed her. "Just have fun. Don't be such a party-pooper." "I would have fun if you guys stopped dragging me to these things." "You need to socialize and books don't count." Ugh."
Several moments later the costume contest began with several contestants already have gone out upon being introduced to the audience by another lower member in a wizard robe. The main ten PTG members were judging the contest and gave scores during the whole ordeal. As the sisters watched from the sidelines Serena noticed her sister kept brushing up against her. "You okay?" She asked as Melanie nodded her head a bit. "Yeah." "You sure?" Melanie glanced to the side of her which alerted Serena to see where her eyes had darted to and noticed some guy dressed as Ryu from Street Fighter who was standing too close to Melanie.
Serena glanced down and noticed Melanie's hands were behind her and peered behind her sister to see that the guy was trying to cop a feel. Serena reached out and smacked his hands away from Melanie's butt. "I'm pretty sure you know how to keep your hands to yourself, yeah?" The guy acted like he didn't do anything while holding his hands up in the air for her to see. "What are you talking about? I wasn't touching her butt." Melanie moved to stand on the other side of Serena. "I didn't say anything about touching her butt." "Whatever. You know you girls like it since you're dressed the way you're dressed for Halloween."
"Say that again." Serena stepped up against him as Melanie tried to hold her back. "Don't, Serena." The guy smirked as he squared up against Serena. "Like I said. If you girls didn't want to be grabbed or want attention, then don't dress like sluts asking for it." By now the other contestants who haven't gone out yet were watching the scene. "Only dumb and weak-minded guys say shit like that because it gives them an excuse to be douches. Also it's because they can't score by actually talking and having a decent conversation without resorting to dumb shit." "Oh, yeah right. You're just jealous because I didn't grope your ass."
"I'm pretty sure no girl would want you to grope their ass even if they asked." The male fumed and puffed his chest out even more. "Do something then and see what happens." Serena told him as the guy just rolled his eyes and backed off. "You ain't worth my time." He dismissed Serena and walked passed her, but not before smacking Melanie on the ass with a loud laugh causing Melanie to yelp out at the sudden action. "Oh, hell no." Serena ran after the guy who noticed her advancement and started running away from her out of panic which ended up with Serena tackling him to the ground in front of everyone.
The female started punching his back. "I told you something would happen you jackass." She repeated it until several of the lower PTG members pulled her off of the guy and the others helped the guy up. "I've seen your face and if I see you around campus, I'll drop kick you." The ten higher status PTG members rushed on to the stage to settle it out with Hwitaek asking what was going on. "That motherfucker harassed Melanie twice, Hwitaek." Serena explained as the guy scoffed. "I did not. She was asking for it." "No girl asks for it by the way they're dress, asshole. If you can't keep your hands to yourself then don't fuckin' touch."
Hwitaek looked at the guy in a stern way. "Is it true that you touched Melanie inappropriately, Dale?" "C'mon, Hui. Look at her costume. She's bangin' as a hot SWAT member. The Pikachu chick is just jealous I didn't come onto her." Serena tried to lunge at the guy, but Hongseok prevented her from doing so although she still could speak. "Like I said, mofo, if I see you on campus I'ma drop kick you." She threatened him with a cold look. "Hell, if I see you around my sister again, I'll kick your ass to the moon and back and do it again." Hyojung looked at Hongseok. "Hey, Hongseok, take Serena away to let her cool down."
"Gotcha." Hongseok obliged as he basically carried Serena away who didn't want to leave with Melanie following after the both of them and Yuto accompanying as well a few seconds later. The rest tried to handled the situation after they had walked off as Hongseok eventually tossed his friend into the pool to literally cool her down when they near the pool area that was closed off for the event tonight. "The fuck, Seok? That was uncalled for." Serena said once she resurfaced, wiped the water away from her face, and made her way to the pool's edge. "You're lucky I didn't have my stuff on me because of this costume."
Hongseok chuckled as he squatted near the edge of the pool. "Better now?" Serena glared up at him before grabbing a hold of his costume and pulling him into the water with her. Hongseok resurfaced a second later and squirted water out of his mouth at her with an annoyed look as she held on her headband. "Now I am." Serena grinned as she lifted herself out of the pool with Hongseok following after her. "Um, how close are they?" Yuto asked Melanie as she chuckled. "Pretty close. They've known each other since their second year in high school." "Oh, okay." He looked over at her. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. That guy was a creep."
Melanie rubbed at her arms unconsciously because of what happened a while ago and Yuto noticed. He unbuttoned his jacket and draped it over Melanie and buttoned it back up. "Hope this makes you feel better." He smiled. "Thanks." She shyly thanked him with a small nod as a slight smile appeared on her face. "It does now." Hongseok did the same thing to Serena when he noticed her outfit sticking close to her body and outlining her body more. "Thanks for your wet jacket, Seok. I totally wanted to be sick the next day." Serena sarcastically thanked him as Hongseok rolled his eyes with a smile. "You're welcome. Just don't get me sick."
Serena shoved him back into the pool, but Hongseok had latched onto her wrist and brought her down with him. "If he was here I think he'll be jealous of their relationship with one another." Yuto said quietly as Melanie looked at him confused upon hearing it. "Why would he be jealous?" "Because Yeo One likes your sister." "Oh, that. Shinwon already told me." "Oh. Are you and Shinwon close, too?" "Yeah. We've been friends for a long while now." "I see." "Why are you jealous?" "No." "I'm pretty sure it's obvious who I like, Yuto." "Who?" "You." "Really?" "No." Yuto frowned as Melanie laughed while shouldering him playfully. "I'm kidding. It's you."
"Good. Anyways, I know you were looking forward to the grand prize for the scavenger hunt, Melanie, but it's really nothing." Yuto admitted as Melanie's jaw dropped. "What? You guys lied about the grand prize." "Technically no, but Hui and E'Dawn were going to give out one of those large gift baskets filled with chocolate and toys." "Wow." "I know, but now that you know about it wanna get out of here?" "And do what?" "I'm starving. I haven't eaten since this morning. How about we get dinner?" "What if I already ate?" "If you're trying to reject me, Melanie, because you're still dating GOT's Mark, then just let me know."
Yuto was about to turn away when Melanie took a hold of his arm. "Hold on, Yuto. I'm not with him anymore. We broke up already." Melanie said as Yuto turned to face her and smiled happily. "Then how about that dinner offer again?" "Is that meant to be like an actual date?" "If you wanna call it that, Melanie." 'Keywords are 'if I want to', Yuto." Melanie chuckled as Yuto took her hand in his and led her away from the Phi Tau Gamma fraternity house. "How about we call it a date since we're both single and that we confessed." Melanie laced their fingers together. "Okay, Yuto, whatever you say. It's a date." "Then it's a date." He grinned happily.
Hongseok and Serena were still in the water playing as they had totally forgotten about the situation, but Changgu had come to check up on them or more like Serena and witnessed the duo's interaction with one another. He let out several awkward coughs to get their attention until Hongseok finally noticed his friend. "Oh hey, Yeo One. How are you?" He greeted him casually as Serena finally caught the name clearly and looked at Changgu. "Wait a minute. Is your nickname Yeo One?" "Yeah. Why do you ask?" Changgu confirmed as Serena splashed him which made Changgu back up with a confused face. "What was that for?"
"Because you're the guy that everyone kept mentioning during the scavenger hunt by calling me Yeo One's girl or something similar to that. So it's you." Serena splashed water at Changgu again who dodged it with a nervous laugh while explaining. "That's a total misunderstanding on the boys' side." Hongseok rest his arms on the pool's edge while casting Changgu a look. "No, it's not. You're obvious about it." Serena joined him and nudged him. "What do you mean by that, Seok?" Hongseok cast Serena a knowing look. "Haven't you ever wondered about those candy snack bags you find in your bag throughout the day?"
"No. Because I carry my candy stash everywhere I go, too, so I don't think too much about it." Serena laughed as Hongseok was going to explain again, but Changgu intervened with a sheepish look. "It's not important, Serena." He then looked at his friend. "Anyways, Hui resumed the activities, but we have to ban Dale from future PTG as that's not how our house roll." "Well that makes sense. Good." Hongseok agreed as this reminded Serena about the incident from earlier. "For reals though I'll do something if I see his face again." Both Serena and Hongseok lifted themselves out of the pool. "Calm down Pikachu."
Serena rolled her eyes before pushing Hongseok back into the pool and managed to not get drag back in as well. "Rina!" Hongseok yelled in surprised while he flopped back into the pool and Serena ran off laughing as Changgu watched the scene happen quickly before him. Changgu smiled a second later when Hongseok called for his help, but decided to follow after Serena who didn't noticed the male matching her strides a second later. She wrung out the excess water from her hair and held the headband instead of placing it back on to her head when she was done. "I need to get back to the dorm and change before I get sick."
"Do you wanna change now and return them to me later?" Changgu asked causing Serena to stop walking and the male doing the same. "Why are you following me, Changgu?" "Just making sure you're safe." "So that you could secretly give me more candies?" "No." He laughed as Serena smiled. "I pretty sure I know you from somewhere else." "You tutor me and some others for writing sessions every other Wednesday." "Oh, right. I remember you now. You're that person that likes to talk every time other people talk." "Yeah, that's me." Changgu chuckled with a sheepish expression. "Sorry about that."
"It's okay. You make the sessions a little more fun." Serena admitted while wringing out the excess water from Hongseok's coat jacket to which Changgu now took notice of. "So, Serena, do you wanna take my offer and changed out of your wet clothes?" "Why? Are you jealous because I'm not wearing your coat jacket?" "A little bit." Changgu admitted with a laugh as Serena smiled. "I guess the girls weren't wrong about me coming out to have fun tonight." "Oh, why is that?" "Because of you." "What about me?" "I kinda like you, too." Serena confessed as Changgu laughed a shy laugh, but heard how she confessed to him. "Kinda?"
Serena nodded with a slight laugh. 'Well, Changgu, you're cute and seem like a very nice guy, but I don't really know you." "Oh right that's true, Serena." He agreed before smiling wide with a hint of mischievousness. "We can get to know one another better, but how about we get you changed into dry clothes first. Say in my clothes than Hongseok's." "Very smooth." "Oh, well, you know I try my best." "I wish you did since you keep coming back for tutoring." "That was just an excuse to hang out with you." He laughed as he motioned with his head towards the house. "C'mon. I'll make sure no one disturbs you." He offered his hand out to her.
"Alright." Serena took his offered hand, but remembered something. "Wait. My sister really wanted the grand prize." Changgu let out a chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck in a sheepish manner. "Yeah, it's nothing." "Seriously?" "The grand prize isn't really all that grand." "So I participated for nothing." "Not nothing. You and I got a better chance of knowing one another." "I might take it back." "Oh, c'mon don't do that or I'll have to attend your other tutoring sessions." "Please don't. The others get distracted." "I'll just distract only you then." "Only if you give me more snack bags." "Deal." "I was joking." "I'll give them to you anyways."
0 notes
seeing your reaction to receiving those last two prompts made me so happy omg ur so cute~ i love a good everyonexhoseok drabble (bc hobi just fits so well with all of them) but if not that, then can i maybe request a jihope drabble? ^^
Okay, I just want to let you know I read this message literally everyday, and everyday it made me smile. Thank you so so so much. (*´∀`*) I’m sorry this ended up a little (A LOT) angsty, but there’s a happy ending kinda?? v(・∀・*) Anywho, hope you like it, my love! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Soft footsteps echoed down the hallway, turning corners witha somber sense of familiarity. Fluorescent lights bounce across the whitewalls, and the harsh stench of cleaning chemicals makes his stomach churnunhappily. A few nurses smile at him in recognition, their faces taunt withstress and lack of sleep, and he can only imagine that he looks no better. Hestops abruptly in front of a door, thedoor, and clenches his hands into fists, staring holes through the wood. Itfeels like years pass before he finally pushes the door open, taking in theroom with fluttering glances. It had been a week since he last came here, butnothing had changed.
Nothing ever changed.
A quiet sigh falls from his parted lips and he walks in,plopping down on a chair with a dent in the leather that fit his bodyperfectly. He stares at the body laying before him, listening to the beeping ofmachines and whirring of the air conditioning. Taking a deep breath, he scootsthe chair closer to the bed and slips his fingers into the other’s cold hand.
“Hi hyung.” The corner of his lips quirk up in a poor excuseof a smile. “It’s me again. Sorry I haven’t been around lately; things havebeen…less than great this week.” He sighs again, running his unoccupied handthrough his hair in a nervous gesture.
“We had the fan signing on Monday; you remember, the one Itold you about? Everyone that came asked about you. I have a whole bunch ofletters and presents that I need to bring in later. I’ll try to read as many asI can to you, but believe me when I say, there’s a lot.” He chuckles softly,and slowly lets himself somber up.
“We, uh…actually had to stop it early. You know how theyplay our songs in the background? They…when Begin started to play, Jungkookiejust…broke down. And he wouldn’t stop.He didn’t stop until we were back at the dorm, almost two hours later.”
I-I miss him so much,hyung.
I know, Kookie. Iknow. We all do.
Everything reminds meof him, and it just…it hurts so much.
It’ll be okay,Jungkookie. I promise.
He fiddles with the hand in his grip, thumb brushing overbony knuckles. “Tae also had an episode a few days ago too. Remember how I saidhe started sleeping in your bed?”
Jimin. Jiminie, wakeup.
Tae…? What’s wrong?
It…it doesn’t smelllike him anymore.
His bed, Jiminie. It…itdoesn’t smell like him. It’s just cold and…empty.
Oh, Taehyung…
“Now we both sleep in your bed. He’s still a little shakenup, but I think that not sleeping alone is really helping him.”
“Recently Jin-hyung has been cleaning a lot. The dorm hadgotten a lot messier without you around, and I think that all the dust anddisorganization was reminding him that you weren’t there. It’s therapeutic forhim, I suppose. And that’s good, that’s he’s finding something to do but…”
Hyung, what are youdoing?
Ah, Jimin. I just noticedthat the kitchen had been getting dirty and I wanted to give it a quick wipedown. I swear, you all are like children, leaving stains everywhere you go.
Jin-hyung, it’s almost3AM.
…is it really thatlate?
Your hands arebleeding.
I…I didn’t even notice…
Let’s patch you up reallyquick so you can go to bed, okay?
Yeah. Yeah, okay.
“I bought him a pair of gloves on the way here, so at leastthat way he won’t accidentally hurt himself anymore.” He worries his bottomlip.
“I…I’m worried about Yoongi-hyung. He just locks himself inhis studio and doesn’t come out for days on end. And when he does, his eyes arejust so…empty. I wish he would just scream, or cry, or something. Anything isbetter than this. Namjoon-hyung has tried to get him to talk, but…it alwaysjust ends up with fights.”
Hyung, please. You’rescaring us. Isolating yourself isn’t going to help.
So what, you think ifI talk to you about my feelings everything is going to be alright? That Hoseokwill just wake up and we can all laugh together like none of this everhappened?
That’s not-
You know damn wellwhat the doctor said. 30%. 30% chance of him waking up. I don’t need a fuckingIQ of 148 to know what that means.
He wouldn’t have givenup on you.
Don’t you dare. Don’tyou fucking dare, Namjoon.
He loves you, Yoongi.
Stop it.
And I know you lovehim too.
Please, Namjoon. I can’t.I just can’t.
“It’s…it’s getting harder. I’m trying my best to be therefor everyone, but…I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.” He chokesout a laugh which dissolves into a sob. “I can’t do this without you, hyung.Please. We need you. I need you.”
This is the only time he lets himself cry, breath hitchingand tears dropping down onto bed sheets. Even now, Hoseok is always someone hecan lean on.
“I have to go now, hyung. But I’ll be back tomorrow withthose letters.” He reaches out to brush the other’s bangs aside and presses akiss to his forehead, a soft smile on his lips.
“I love you.”
Reluctantly, he get out of the chair and heads towards thedoor. His hand had just begun turning the knob when a single sound makes hisworld stop.
23 notes · View notes
borathae · 4 years
~Chapter 26~ I just want to say I LOVED this chapter so much. Them making up and all the fluff 😚👌💕 My heart really needed that. Also how you describe Namjoon in your story is exactly how i think he is in real life. Like always having some really well worded advice that sounds so well thought out but he didn't even have to think about it that hard, it just comes naturally to him. Where does one find a Namjoon? And the tea part? Excuse me? That was a whole movie moment. 😭 Eternity biiitch 😭 I had literally so many song options for this chapter but at some point I had to stop myself lol
🖤 My Everything - Ariana Grande
In this chapter or rather in the time between this & the last chapter oc accepts that she wants jungkook back in her life and said let's work on what we have bc it's far too powerful & special to just dismiss it because someone made a mistake which can be worked out. I think she always knew this but now she accepted it. "I've cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them and then it was clear, I can't deny I really miss it." I think oc realised this especially once jk revealed he needs time to think and that's when it hit oc that he might not come back and that she actually can't live without him. "To think that I was wrong, I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone. Pain is just a consequence of love. I'm saying sorry for the sake of us. He wasn't my everything 'til we were nothing. And it's taken me a lot to say. And now that he's gone, my heart is missing something so it's time to push my pride away 'cause you are, you are, you are my everything."
🖤 It's Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
I actually think this song represents both their povs. "I hear a million voices in my head telling me the things I should have said. I don't know why I let you go, oh I learned the hard way. Tell me it's not too late. Now my arms are open wide, they're hanging forever there, waiting forever, for you. I won't give up on you this time cause I ain't holding up, for nobody else. It's gotta be you."
🖤 Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
I can just see jungkookie laying alone in a motel bed pretending this is seriously over, crying himself to sleep and when he closes his eyes all he sees is oc. "I lose my mind before I see you and I separated, no I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go. Love's so fragile, anything could happen, and we know. Hearts made of glass, but somehow we last. Yeah we made it, no I would rather be without vision 'fore I ever watch you leave. [...] I'd be better off blind. [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you."
🖤 Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Jungkookie is here to stay 😭 "My heart on the line, so you'll never doubt the mountains I'd climb for us now. It's all about us now. I fooled my heart, let it break. I know this time we won't fade cause all my love's here to stay. [...] Through the dark fight our way. I know this time I can change. [...] I'm giving up everything for this, we'll figure it out I promise."
🖤 Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers & Bebe Reha
I'm sorry but that's literally their story if you replace bar with diner. "When we thought that we couldn't get higher things started looking down. I look at you and you look at me like nothing but strangers now. Two kids with their hearts on fire, don't let it burn us out. Think about what you believe in now, am I someone you cannot live without? 'Cause I know I don't wanna live without you, yeah come on, let's turn this all around. Bring it all back to that bar downtown when you wouldn't let me walk out on you, yeah. You said, 'Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?' and I said, 'I don't even know what I'm doing tonight'. Went from one conversation to your lips on mine and you said, 'I never regretted the day that I called you mine'."
🖤 Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
This is what I imagine playing when oc just can't take it anymore and literally throws herself at jk and they hug so tight he can't breathe 😭💖 "I ache for love, ache for us, why don't you come, don't you come a little closer. So come on now, strike the match, strike the match now. We're a perfect match, perfect somehow, we were meant for one another, come a little closer. Flame you came from me, fire meet gasoline. [...] I'm burning alive. I can barely breathe, when you're here loving me." Also "I got all I need, when you came after me"
🖤 Can't Help Falling in Love - Haley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
Those are two separate covers but I just can't decide between them. You know just the whole 'so you really want me to stay?' 'yes we complete each other' vibe. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you? Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."
🖤 Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer
This relates to the last chapter where jk realised he wants to build a life with oc. And this just sounds exactly like something he would say to her when they're sitting together on the couch 😢 "You've got a million reasons to hesitate but darling, the future's better than yesterday. [...] Gave you a million reasons to walk away. But I'll build a house out of the mess and all the broken pieces. I'll make up for all of your tears. I'll give you the best years. [...] I promise, darling, you won't regret the best years."
🖤 Black And White - Niall Horan
Same as the previous song and also this is literally their story. "That first night we were standing at your door fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you, ask me if I want to come inside 'cause we didn't want to end the night. [...] Yeah, I see us in black and white, crystal clear on a star lit night in all your gorgeous colors. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. See you standing in your dress, swear in front of all our friends there'll never be another. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. Now, we're sitting here in your living room telling stories while we share a drink or two. And there's a vision I've been holding in my mind, we're 65 and you ask 'When did I first know?' I always knew."
Okay, okay so I gotta go on and hurry up with replying to your messages fjsdfjas. Excuse my lazy ass, but I really want to take my time with your messages and saDLY online classes didn’t let me until now 😔🤧
Honestly I totally agree with you, this is highkey how I imagine Namjoon to be in real life as well. Also no joke, working on Namjoon was always so much. I really loved his parts in the story. They were so healing for me to write hahfhads 💜 
Also I am literally so happy that you enjoyed Chapter 26 so much, it is one of my favourite chapters from the story as well. It is just so healing and cute. Like that part when Kook makes her all laugh and Namjoon is all like “damn that bitch laughs really weirdly” but Kook is all like heart eyes for her. do yOU HEAR ME CRYING IN MY ROOM?? 😔😭💜
Imma put the rest under “read more” because your bitch has a lot to say hahHAH
My Everything - Ariana Grande
Your description just hIT me like a truck. HAHAHHA BYE I am laughing in pain 😭😭 Oh god I don’t even know what to add because you described it just so perfectly well 😭😭 I caN’t here I am cryIng at the first song you recommended 😔
It’s Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
Okay lis t EN I am :( I will literally start sobbing right here and now 😭 like omfg that part when he is all like “When you walked away my heart tried to replace ya with someone like you, but I could never find it. I don't want to find it.” if that isn’t the reader trying to move on with Hoseok but realising just how much she needs Kook. But also at same time it’s Kook all trying to pretend that they have broken up, but ending up crying every night because he misses her so much. I will now cry 😭😭
Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
Okay you just changed my mind, this is IT. This is most definitely Kook being all sad and heartbroken in his motel room. Nooo lisTEN I AM FAR TOO EMOTIONAL I AM SOBBING :( Okay but also this part, listen this part: “I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you. This is real love.” if that isnt them being all like “I’ll never let go again” later when they are cuddling in bed :( 
Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Okay... why are those lyrics literally so damn accurate?? Help I am scared? They are literally so accurate hgnfgnan bYE 😭😭😭 also omfg I didn’t know this song and I freaking love their voices. They just HIT right 😭 I can’t jajsdj like every song you’ve recommended as of now made me cry (in a good way) 😭 like just that part “We'll figure it out I promise cause all my love's here to stay.“ I will throw myself away 😭
Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers feat. Bebe Rexa
listen anonie I wanna smooch you. I do not know how you always manage to find songs that just F I T so right, I am comBUSTING 😭😭 gosh this is giving me such hardcore memories of how it felt like to start writing this story (lil fun fact for you guys, exactly one year ago I started working on the Cocktail Trilogy 😔) I can’t this would fit so well to a lil flashback, showing all the amazing times they had together. Like them just driving down the coast, the reader has her arms around his waist while Kook is sneaking a glance her way and smiles. Like just imagine 😭
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia 
Omg the moment you described 😭 this is it. I can imagine it so clearly. How Kooks eyes widen in surprise at first before they flutter closed. How he nuzzles his face into her shoulder and twists her sweater in his fingers so she would never leave again. How she is squeezing her eyes shut and twisting his hair to press him even closer. Now that they are finally together again it feels so right. The world could burst into flames all around them and yet they wouldn’t let go. Nothing matters for them except the other person. 
And now I made myself sOB again  😔😭
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Hayley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
OKAY LISTEN NO JOKE I LISTENED TO THE KINA GRANNIS COVER WHILST WORKING ON THAT CHAPTER! I love that song so much and holy shit the lines you chOSE YES!! 😭😭 this is song is them 100%, I don’t make the rules and I thank you for recommending it 😭😭
Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer 
Anonie you are out to make me cry 😭😭 (first of all I love 5sos so much) HOLY SHIT LISTEN THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭😭 I can’t, I literally can’t. This just broke me HHAHSH 😭😭 like if that song isn’t the moment when he is all like “you won’t regret it I promise. I’ll make you so happy.” liKE HOLY FUCK MY HEART IS ACHING 😭😭 anonie seriously thANk YOU, you don’t even want to know how often I have listened to this song whilst working on Purple Rain. Good god, this just awoke so many memories 😭
Black and White - Niall Horan
ANOTHER SONG I CONSTANTLY LISTENED TO WHILST WORKING ON PURPLE RAIN 😔 anonie I can’t believe that three songs of my “writing songs” also made you think of Purple Rain. Fuck I can’t, I’m currently listening to it and I am sobbing HAHAHH 😭 like okAY listen, do you want to know which scene I always think about when I listen to that song? The one day when Kook took her to a junkyard and then when they later drove up a mountain to watch the city. And it’s that moment when they are both just like screaming on top of their lungs and then end up falling into each others arms because they are just so goddamn fucking alive when they are together 😔
Honestly anonie thank you. This playlist was such an emotional rollercoaster to listen to (in a good way). Holy shit it awoke so many memories and fuck, you just get me and my story 😔 thank you anonie, I really fucking love you 😔💜
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jussdoinme · 4 years
Love Is Growing Stronger
Big Time Skip
It's been about three years. Taehyung is now 17 and Jungkook is 15. Taehyung and Jungkook have gotten even closer and more in love.
It's the end of the school year and next year Jungkook will be a sophomore and Taehyung will be a senior. Right now every body is getting ready to go to Graduation. Taehyung's sister Jisoo, Jungkook's brother Namjoon, and their friend Yoongi are all graduating today.
Taehyung just got of the phone with Jungkook and planned to meet and sit together at the graduation.
Taehyung's P.O.V
I hang up the phone and I smile. I love him so much! I can't believe we have been together for almost three years already. I pray for many, many more. A lifetime more. Then I get snap out of my thoughts because I hear my sister calling me. I go to her room, where she was calling me from and saw her standing there in her cap and gown.
Taehyung: "Yes Jisoo, you called? Wow you look so beautiful!
Jisoo: "Aww, Thank you! Yes I did call you, I wanted to ask if you had talked to Jungkook and if him and his parents are gonna sit with you, Jin, and our parents."
Taehyung: "Of course I talked to my baby, and yes everybody is sitting together. We are all meeting outside and going in together."
Jisoo: "Good! I'm so glad that our parents and Jungkook's parents accepted you and him as a couple, and that they are so supportive of you both."
Taehyung: "Kookie and I were so scared to tell them but it turned out perfectly fine." Now let's get going or you're gonna be late for your own graduation."
I hug my sister and we head out to the car where our brother and parents were already waiting. So we get in the car and while we are driving there I tell them that the Jeon's are meeting us in front of the entrance so we can all go in together so we can sit together. We pull into the parking lot and I start looking for my baby. I haven't seen him in 2 days because we had been busy at home planning and decorating the house for the graduation parties. My sisters and his brothers parties were being held at our houses so Kookie and I decided we will be going back and forth between the two since we live right next door to each other it makes it very convenient. I keep looking I know he is already here because when we left their car was already gone. Then I see him getting out of their car just as we park. Omg! He looks amazing! I can't get out of the car fast enough. I run over to him and hug him so tight. We are standing right between two vans and I am thankful because no one can see us so that gives me a chance to kiss him my baby passionately and desperately because I had missed him so much. We had to stop to breathe and to meet up with our families at the front of the building, but I did not let go of his hand. He's my baby and I am proud of that.
Taehyung: "Baby, I was missing you so much! I couldn't wait to see you. I was looking all over the parking lot for you as soon as we pulled in here."
Kookie: "That's too funny, I did the same thing. I kept telling them to hurry I couldn't wait to get to you."
Taehyung: "I love you so much!"
Kookie: "I love you, too!"
We go inside and sit down and we did not let go of each other's hand other than to clap for the graduates.  It was a really nice ceremony and then afterwards we went outside in the grass by a big beautiful tree and took a bunch of pictures of the graduates together, the graduates with their families, and then all of us together.   Then we headed to our homes for the graduation parties.  I rode with the Jeon's so I could be with Kookie.   When we get there I kiss my baby.
Tae: "I will see you in a little bit, I'm gonna go help my mom finish setting up the food and stuff for Jisoo's party and then I will come back over here "
Kookie: "Ok, I'm gonna go help my mom also.  See you in a bit, I love you!
Tae: "I love you too, baby!
I go to my house and help my mom get all the food and drinks set up.   I put the cake topper on the cake and carry it to the table where it is going to sit.  After I make sure everything is done I head back to Kookie's house.  We will start over there and then come to my house and back and forth as needed.  Jungkook's brother, Namjoon's party was going great everybody was having a great time.  So Kookie and I decided to go to my house to be at Jisoo's party for a while.   So we get to my house just in time for her to open her gifts.  After that it was time for cake.  I helped my mom cut the cake and Kookie started serving it.  After everyone had cake I offered Kookie a piece and he pulled me over to the side and whispered in my ear. 
Kookie: "I want something sweeter!" -he whispered.
Tae: "What do you have in mind?" -also whispering
Kookie: "Well can we go to your room for a bit?"
Tae: "Well to make sure they don't come looking for us let's go make another appearance at your brother's party, this one is pretty much over."
So we go back to Kookie's and his brother had just got done opening his gifts, but the cake had already been eaten and people were starting to leave.  So I have an idea.
Tae: "I'm gonna call my mom and tell her that I am gonna hang out with you a little while playing some PlayStation, ok?  You go tell your mom that we are gonna go play some PlayStation too."
Kookie: "Ok, call your mom and I'll go talk to mine."
He leaves and I call my mom and she told me that's fine just please be home by midnight. I tell her I will and I hang up.  Then Kookie comes over with a big smile on his face. 
Tae: "What's that beautiful smile for?"
Kookie: "My mom said that her and dad were going to bed because they were exhausted and that my brother was leaving to go hang out with his friends. So as long as you get home by the time your parents say then she is fine with it."
Tae: "Ok, well my mom said I had until midnight.  So let's go to your room baby!"
So we go to Kookie's room and Kookie locks his door.  I look at him and he is already looking at me and then he comes to me and hugs me like I have been gone for years and then he started kissing me so passionately, I swear I see steam!  We back up and end up laying down on his bed, never breaking the kiss.  Then the kiss gets even deeper and then we pull away to breathe. 
Kookie: "I want to do more than just kiss, I love you so deeply that it hurts.  When I look at you I feel like I can't breathe and my heart beats out of my chest.  I want to hold you, kiss you, and do other things to you, if you know what I mean?"
Tae: "I feel the same way when I look at you. I literally felt like I was dying today until I saw you.  You make me so alive and when we touch and kiss I feel so complete like I am finally whole."
Kookie: "I want to make love to you Tae."   I want us to give ourselves to each other totally."
Tae: "I want that to baby but not now. It's both of our first times. I want it to be totally special and not rushed and I want to be able to sleep in each other's arms after and wake up the next day holding each other."
Kookie: "That sounds really nice and I want that too, but I'm just feeling so much love for you and when we kiss it gets so hot and I want you so bad I just want to show you how much I love you!"
Tae: "There are other things we can do to show each other how much we love each other and also to prepare ourselves for our first time."
Kookie: "I don't know to much about all this, I have never done anything like that. I haven't even touched myself. I always felt that I wanted to leave that for you."
After hearing what Kookie said I couldn't contain myself anymore. I rolled over and hovered over him and looked into his gorgeous eyes. 
Tae: "I haven't done anything either.  I have always wanted you to be my first everything."
Then I leaned down and kissed him passionately. Our tongues were fighting for dominance and I won. I explored his whole mouth, he tastes so good and then I started kissing down his neck leaving hickeys behind. When he moaned really loud I knew that I had found his sweet spot on his neck right under his earlobe. I left another hickey there and then I stopped long enough to help him out of his shirt and then I went back to kissing and leaving hickeys all over his neck. Kookie was moaning and moving around like he couldn't control himself. His hands were roaming all over my body. I moved down and kissed his shoulders and his chest leaving more hickeys as I move on down and then I start sucking one of his nipples and flicking, rubbing, and twisting his other nipple. Kookie is moaning so much now and grabbing me so tight and bucking his hips. Poor baby is a mess and his moans are absolutely driving me crazy! I get up and take off my clothes and undress Kookie. Then I look at him and just admire the beautiful work of art that laid in front of me.
Tae: "Damn baby, you are absolutely beautiful! You're a work of art!"
Kookie: "I am saying the same thing about you! Now come here we were in the middle of something weren't we!"
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So I went back over got on the bed and hovered over Kookie and kissed him so passionately that we felt like we were on fire both of our dicks were hard and rubbing against each other.  It felt so good I thought I was gonna lose my mind. We just started moving against each other as we kissed the friction between our dicks was making us both feel so good we were both moaning.  Then I moved down to Kookie's dick and started licking the tip and sucking on it.  I got precum in my mouth and it tasted so good and it was making Kookie's moans even louder because he was feeling so good, so I decided I wanted to make him feel even more so I took in his full length.  He touched the back of my throat and I gagged a little and then I hollowed out my cheeks and started sucking, bobbing my head up and down and he was feeling so good his back was arched and he couldn't lay still. 
Kookie: "I'm gonna cum!"
Tae: "Go ahead, baby!   Let me taste you."
So I went back to what I was doing and he moaned out Taaaaaeeeee, and came into my mouth and I swallowed it all.  I kept sucking until I knew for sure he was done. 
Tae: "You taste so good, baby!"
He leaned forward and starting kissing me passionately and then flipped us over without breaking the kiss so now he is on top.  Then he looked up at me.
Kookie: "Now it's your turn!"
Then Kookie started kissing my neck and leaving hickeys and moved down kissing and sucking.  He left hickeys all over and had me moaning cause it was feeling so good.  Then he got to my dick and he licked the tip and swirled his tongue around it.  My god the feeling totally drove me crazy.  Then he licked all the way down to my balls and then started massaging my balls and took my full length into his mouth.  He started sucking and twirling his tongue around it at the same time.  I was moaning so loud by now and I was arching my back and moving my hips.  I couldn't sit still at all I was trying not to thrust into into his mouth.  I told him I was close and he started sucking harder and faster.  I came into his mouth and he licked every bit of it up.  I was embarrassed at the sound that came out of mouth while I was cumming. 
Kookie: "You taste good too!"
Tae: "Baby, you are amazing!  You would never know that was your first time.  You made me feel so good.  I love you!"
Kookie: "Thank you, you made me feel good too!!   I loved it so much.  I love you so much!!"
We laid together for a while cuddling and kissing.  Then I realized it was already midnight. 
Tae: "Crap I have to go,  I'm sorry baby."
Kookie: "It's ok baby, I understand.  I don't want you to get in trouble.  Hurry up and get dressed."
I kissed him one more time and threw my clothes on and left.  As soon as I got home I went straight to my room.  Everybody else was already in bed and the house was dark and quiet.  I closed and locked my door.  I laid on my bed and called my baby right away. 
📱Kookie: "Hey baby, that was fast.  You already in your room?"
📱Tae: "Yeah, everybody is already in bed so I came in and came straight to my room and laid down on my bed and called my baby.  I'm already missing you."
📱Kookie: "I miss you already too.   Tonight was very nice.  I enjoyed it so much.  I just wish I was laying in your arms now and cuddling."
📱Tae: "I know baby, I wish I was holding you in my arms too.  See this is why when we make love the first time I want it to be when we can be together all night."
📱Kookie: "I understand baby.  I just can't wait until we give ourselves to each other totally.  Physically not just mentally like we have already done."
📱Tae: "I know baby, I can't wait either.  You need to get some rest now ok.  Go to sleep and have good dreams and I will talk to you in the morning.  I love you baby!"
📱Kookie: "Ok, you too.  Please get some good rest and have good dreams.  I love you so much! Goodnight baby!"
📱Tae: "Goodnight baby!"
Jungkook's P.O.V
I have been busy all morning helping my mom finishing up the decorations for my brother's graduation party.  Now everybody is getting ready to go to the graduation ceremony.  I just called my baby and planned to meet out front of the coliseum with our families so we can sit together.  I am missing him so badly I haven't seen him in 2 days and it's been awful but we both have been busy helping our mom's get ready for the parties.  Once we get to the coliseum we get to spend the rest of the day together.  With that being said I start hurrying everybody up so we can go. 
We arrive at the coliseum I start looking all over the parking lot looking for Tae.  I see him and he comes to me and we were between two vans so we were kinda hidden so I got to get an amazing kiss from him.   I'm so happy right now, I missed him so much.  We hold hands as we walk in, sit down, and through the entire ceremony.  I wasn't even trying to let go I wanted everybody know that this gorgeous man belongs to me.  I am so thankful that our parents accepted us and just wants us to be happy. 
The ceremony ends and we head back home for the graduation parties.  We have planned to go back and forth between the two parties together so they can be together and go to both parties.  Both parties are winding down now and Tae was serving his sister's cake.  When he offered me a piece a cake.  I just simply whispered back in his ear telling him that I want something sweeter.  After  talking to our mom's and getting Tae permission to hang out and play PlayStation with me.  (Or make out).
We go to my room and start kissing and I let Tae know that I want more. That I want us to ourselves to each other totally.  He does too, but he wants it to be special and us to be able to stay together all night.  I agree with what he said I just feel a longing to be closer to him.  Then he says there is other stuff that we can do and told him I haven't done anything like that all. That I haven't even touched myself that I had saved that for him and the way he looked at me made me blush.  He Told me he hasn't doe anything either and then next thing I know we are making out and he starts kissing me everywhere and leaving hickeys.  He has my moaning and squirming around because of so much pleasure.  Everything feels so amazing.  I can't believe how good it feels and I am so glad that it's Tae making me feel like this.  Next thing I know we are both naked and I can't believe how gorgeous he is every inch of him. 
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Then he climbed on top of me and our hard dicks were rubbing against each other.  We were kissing and grinding against each other and it felt so god damn good that I thought I was gonna lose my mind.  Then Tae started licking and sucking on the tip of my dick. Omg!!
I think I see stars, the feeling is so good and so intense that I am moaning so loud and then he takes my whole dick in his mouth.  I literally feel the back of his throat.  Then he gagged and that felt good.  Then he starts sucking and licking, bobbing his head up and down and it felt so amazing.  I arch my back and start squirming around I could not control myself, I couldn't lay still.  Then I start getting a feeling in my stomach and I think I know what it is so I tell Tae I'm about to cum and he says to go ahead he wants to taste me.  Hearing that I let it go and moaned out his name so loud. 
He said I tasted good so I was curious so I leaned forward and started kissing him passionately, but I didn't taste anything then I rolled us over so I was on top and told him that it was his turn. 
I start kissing, sucking, and leaving hickeys everywhere.  Exploring his body with my mouth. The moans that were coming out of his mouth were amazing and had me getting hard again.  I get down to his dick and start licking and twirling my tongue around it.  Then I lick down the side down to his balls and start massaging his balls.  The moans got louder and I was so happy that I was making him feel so good.  I wanted to hear more of his moans.  So I took his whole dick in my mouth and start sucking while I was still twirling my tongue around  the whole thing.  He is big so it wasn't easy but his moans were definitely a great reward.  Then he says he is about to cum.  So I suck harder because I want to taste him so bad.  He cums in my mouth and I swallow it all and he tastes so good. 
Then we lay together cuddling and kissing.  In my mind I'm saying "I'm saying I want to stay just like this forever.  Then he realizes the time and it is already time for him to be home.  I don't want him to go! He kisses me one more time, throws on his clothes and leaves. 
I get pajamas on and lay down on my bed.  I start thinking about what just happened and I realized how happy and completely loved I feel.  Then my phone started ringing and it was Tae!
I smiled and answered and said that was fast are you already in your room. 
We laid there talking on the phone for a little while.  Then we say that we love each other and say goodnight! 
I fall asleep thinking about Tae, the love of my life!! 🥰💜💞
A/N:   I hoped you liked it.  Please follow so you know when I post the next chapter.
Thank you!
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taesthetes · 7 years
hi petal, it’s vn army anon. I missed talking to u too! and not rly well, actually. idk I guess I’ve just been feeling pressured&tired lately idek why I’m feeling down.. but dw, I have a very low self-esteem so I have such mental breakdowns quite often. sorry for bringing negativity in here, I’ll just stop there:) yay, I’m glad to hear that u did well! I’m proud of u^^ ah I see, glad y’all are safe! noo, good luck with ur next midterm! I’m sure you’ll do great! and no, I didn’t because my room–
–is small&we’re in the process of building a house (still stuck at paperworks tho) so I want to hang them up when I get a new room^^ aww namjoon looks so soft tho in these photocards~ and tae is cute too! good to hear u got some extra cards! I also got more cards of them so I’m glad yoongi’s there too! hehe maybe it is a sign😁 eleanor&park was pure, a story abt two teenagers who gradually fell in love with each other. it was different from the stories I read&I liked her choices of characters.–
–have fun reading it! I started fangirl but haven’t finished it yet, I should get back to it soon. oh yes, I do like poetry so I’ll add them on my reading list! ah yes, that might be the problem, I think it’s because of the link too! I’ll try it another way then. ah that’s great! have fun in ur next art classes^^ I swear as soon as hixtape drops, I’m gonna need holy water bc it’ll be lit&everyone would be on fire so we’ll all need to cool down from it haha. I also tend to do things right before–
–deadline, wish I could do my best like u tho😅 yes, no halloween for me over here so I’d be glad if I could spend traditional american holidays once at least if I get the chance to visit usa! it’d be even better if I could spend them with u💖 and same omg idk but smth abt christmas makes me feel safe&warm at heart; it’s like a flashback to the days when we all were kids, pure&innocent, not worrying abt anything&just seize the magic moments🌟 how was ur day, petal? I hope u had a great one!💞🌸
hello, raindrop!! oh no, i’m sorry to hear that ): why are you feeling pressured? would you like to talk about it more? is there anything i can do to help? of course i’m going to worry about you! i hope you’re doing okay and feeling better ): i have a lot of these moments too when i think about if i really made the right decision with my field of study. i’m here for you if you ever need someone to listen! :) and please don’t apologize for it; it’s totally okay with me if you want to talk about it.
and thank you!! 💗💗oooh, but a new house, how exciting!! and they’re in the process of building it? :o omg did you get to customize how the building plans and choose the architecture and where each room goes? and yes, he does!!! namjoon is too cute, i like seeing his cute self on my desk everyday; he’s like a a lil motivator!! and yes, tae is always cute :’) omg i’m so happy you got yoongi too!!! 💘 oooh ok, i think i’ll start reading this weekend when i take breaks in between studying! i’m so excited askjldfhas i also just got a copy of the sympathizer by viet thanh nguyen, so i can’t wait to start that either.
ahhh yes, please finish fangirl soon! i think i read it three or four times by now, and i still love it. i hope you’ll enjoy their poetry when you read them in the future!! and i got the playlist this time! i’m currently listening to it, and it sounds so nice 😻😻 the name of the playlist immediately reminds me of taeyeon’s rain too :D and thank you!! i worked on my still life today, and i’m having so much fun painting!  omg me too, i gotta keep a fire extinguisher nearby because when hixtape comes out, it’ll be fire.
askjdlfash waiting right before the deadline isn’t the best way though– i have to work on that 😅 yesyesyesyes omg if you come visit, we’ll go through all the halloween traditions and you’re welcome to join me and my family for the big thanksgiving feast!!! :D and yes omg that describes christmas perfectly; i wish we can go back to the times where we believed santa was real and our biggest worry was if our letters got to the north pole on time.
my day was good!! i had only one class today, did some painting, went to the gym, took a four hour nap, and now, i’m watching dexter with my roommates! how is your day going, raindrop? 💙
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