#I can’t over the fact that he has three cake kitties
simplyotometrash · 4 years
Some Obey Me Headcanons!
Part One!!
Lucifer has always been the dad sibling. After each of his brothers were “born” while they were angels, he was the one to raise and teach them everything.
It’s common knowledge that Mammon is his favorite. Even if he hates to admit it. He’s hardest on Mammon because it’s the only thing he knows how to do anymore.
Despite the fact that they don’t seem to get along because of Mammon’s antics, Lucifer only ever confides some of his most pent up feelings to the second born. 
The only other person he confides in this deeply is MC.
Before the fall, Belphie was his second favorite brother. Even after things have settled after Belphie was free again, he can never look at the youngest the same.
All he wants is for his brothers to be happy and live on. Even if it means working himself into the ground for their sakes.
He doesn’t ask for help. Help has to be forced upon him.
With how much he works, even at home, it’s not uncommon to find him napping with a pen in hand at his desk and his head on his paperwork.
He wishes he had done better raising Satan. He blames himself for their strained relationship, but he feels as if it is too late to truly fix it.
Sometimes he also wishes he had raised Satan as his son and not his brother, considering Satan was born from his wrath.
Children, for some reason or another, flock to him.
His control issues and needing to know everything that happens under his roof stems from the trauma of the war, the fall, and what happened with Lilith. 
It’s his deepest fear that he will lose his brothers and be completely and utterly alone.
A bisexual mess of a demon. No one can convince me he doesn’t have at least a small crush on Diavolo. 
Oh the second born brother. He just wants to see everybody happy. But he always messes up and ends up making people angry instead.
He has severe impulse control issues, hence why he’s broke all the time. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to save his Grimm, I headcanon that his sin of Greed compels him to spend. It controls him and so he struggles to keep money. 
But by gods does he have great luck with gambling. Get him going and he will win big every single time.
But keep that money where he can’t just grab it or else he will be compelled by his sin to buy things.
He doesn’t even want most of the things he buys. His sin took root in that empty space left from the fall and being cast out by the one he called his father. 
His sin pushes him to try and fill that void with objects and money when really he just wants someone’s love.
After centuries of being called scum and a degenerate because of something he has little control over, he gave up trying and gave into just being his sin.
He cries easy but only to MC or Lucifer. He won’t show his tears to any of his other brothers. Maybe Beel sometimes. But only sometimes.
He knows Lucifer’s most precious and deepest secrets. He’s his brother’s confidant. But he doesn’t even breathe a word of these secrets to anyone else.
He tries so hard to get attention, so he does stupid shit. After falling to Devildom, his family was changed forever. So any attention is good attention even when it’s him being punished. 
MC is the one who showed him positive love and attention again. It is one of many reasons he sticks to their side like fucking super glue to skin.
He’s actually a total mom-friend, though you wouldn’t guess it. You’d think he is the type to get drunk and pass out at a party? His alcohol tolerance is actually much higher than he lets on. He cleans up and takes care of people after they’ve all passed out.
He wasn’t nearly as anxious and against socializing before falling to Devildom. He retreated into himself out of fear of the unknown world they had all fallen into after the war.
He has an anxious attachment style. He knows it isn’t healthy. It’s rooted in the trauma that losing Lilith created.
The longer he stayed closed in on himself, the worse his anxiety got. To the point he became a recluse. 
He fears getting close to someone. He feels insecure in relationships, not just in himself. He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough.
He’s had relationships in Devildom before, but the first one ended poorly and it only made things worse for how he saw himself. The demon only dated him because of who he was, and preferred his status as the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. Not as who he really is. 
The few relationships that came after all ended before they really could begin because his anxiety monster was screaming that he wasn’t really good enough. That they only ever pursued him for who he was in status and power.
MC’s persistence to become his friend is what made him begin to do some self-reflection.
They tried so hard to become friends with him, they put so much effort into him, and they encourage him to just be himself. If they do all of that, maybe he really is enough as he is.
He does try to step outside of his comfort zone more because MC opened his eyes to the truth of himself. 
But baby steps are needed.
He taught himself how to code just so he could make games. He got bored after making one and preferred playing to creating.
He doesn’t actually hate Mammon. Their little rivalry traces back to when they were angels and still growing up, competing for Lucifer’s attention. He actually loves his brother very much, despite how irritate he gets.
His envy is its own thing. It took root within his insecurities and has a voice all its own. It used to be so loud that he couldn’t think. But the growth he’s had since MC came into his life helped quiet that voice down a lot.
He’s closest with Satan and Asmo, feeling like he doesn’t fit with his older two or youngest two brothers anymore. 
He knew from day one that he wasn’t like the rest of his brothers. He was always different. Born a demon, never once an angel. He knew that they weren’t truly his brothers.
All he ever wanted was for Lucifer to be his father. Not his brother. 
Lucifer once was his hero, the person he admired and respected with all his might.
As he got older, his wrath only grew with him. And his anger at Lucifer grew as well.
He wanted to find himself as separate from Lucifer. He knew where he’d come from. But everyone treated him as if he were just some offshoot of Lucifer. He wanted to be his own person. For everyone to see that. It fueled his anger and built the wall that came between them.
He’s an excellent shoulder for comfort. He often comforts Levi when he breaks down or provides reassurance to Asmo.
These three are the middle children, they stick together.
He was alive when the Library of Alexandria was burned. Even though he wasn’t supposed to go to the human realm, he saved some texts from the library and keeps them safe.
The real reason he wears his jackets the way he does is just like when you’re in bed. If it’s full on with both sleeves, he’s too hot. If he doesn’t have it on at all he’s too cold. So one arm in a sleeve and one arm not in a sleeve.
Asmo has tried and failed to give this boy fashion help. He refuses to take it. He thinks he looked like an intellectual (for the love of god please lose the black undershirt at least, Satan).
He carries cat treats and cat food in his bag at all times in case he comes across a kitty in need.
He has sneaked many cats into the House of Lamentation. Lucifer knew the entire time but let Satan have a few days before he “found out” about the cats.
His wrath has burned strong for so long, even when he was passive, that he didn’t know what it was like to feel calm. But MC’s very presence sends a wave of peace right to his very core. 
If you’re insecure and you know it clap your hands. 
Levi might seem like the king of insecurity, but Asmo takes the cake.
He masks his insecurities with what people think is narcissism and over confidence. He puts on a show so nobody knows how he really sees himself.
Lust was always shoved down his throat as sexual only. So he went with it. He was supposed to be the Avatar of Lust. To be what was expected of him and to make sure he was liked, he did what he thought everyone wanted.
And it turned him into someone he never wanted to be. He didn’t know how to find himself again.
He isn’t nearly as sexual and lewd as everyone thinks. He’s touchy and clingy, yes, but touch is his love language.
When he’s hurt or doesn’t feel well, if he’s had a bad day, if he’s sad- all he wants is to be held by the person he loves and who loves him. He wants to hold hands or link arms. He wants to wrap his arms around them all the time. 
But because everyone in Devildom only saw him as a sex symbol, he had to bury his truest desires. He had a persona to keep up. 
While he does love to take care of himself, he used to break mirrors because he was so sick of who he had become. It took a lot of time for him to get through it. 
His MC is the only one who wasn’t tainted by his power. A power that seemed to just be active all the time whether he wanted it or not.
Everyone was all over him but it wasn’t as if he could control it. His sin was always active, it attracted people.
But MC wasn’t interested or affected. 
And that was what was most attractive to him. 
They saw him for who he was and encouraged him to just be the true Asmo. Not the Asmo everyone wanted to see.
He is excellent at sewing. He loves making his own accessories and clothing from his own designs. 
He’s ambidextrous. You think that the king of fashion only uses one hand? Darling, if he only used one hand then his homework would never get done. He write with one hands and be painting his toes with the other. 
One of the few people that can get Levi out of his room to hang out. They’ve always been close. Sometimes he does that just so the others can get Levi’s laundry and dirty dishes.
He’s the most emotionally open and stable of the brothers. He’s made peace with his inner monsters and can coexist with them. He’s also surprisingly good at advice. 
Can and will break into Lucifer’s study to make the eldest relax because he’s working too har.
He has bobby pins on him at all times. Not just for fashion but for lockpicking! He can be clever and beautiful!
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Take the Wheel Chapter Forty
She is feeler with jittery excitement. Her daughter is also. She wakes her up sing-song “Who’s birthday is it today?”
Kiara opens her eyes wide and says, “Kiara Ann Beauchamp’s!”
“How old are you?”
“Two.” Two fingers also proudly announce this fact.
“Yes you are.” She lifts her out and takes her to the potty. They started teaching her last month. It is still hit and miss but, she always has to go when she wakes up. Kitty is also taken. It is easy to do them together. Maggie wakes and sees to her own toilet. Then she wakes year old Wee Jamie. His nappy is changed. The children are dressed. Ian Jr. helps.
“Happy birthday Kiara.” Jenny greets her. Now eight months along, she is aloud to be up. They are talking inducement but Jenny doesn’t want that. “They will come when they are ready. You can’t rush nature.” She had told her midwife just days ago.
“Kiara two.” Once again, she holds up her fingers.
“How brilliant. We are having a party for you. All of your mate’s including William will be here.” The little girl jumps up in down in excitement.
Claire feels tears come. Last year, it was just the two of them, celebrating her birth. She had tried to make it special. It was intimate and sweet. This year, her daughter will have a house full of people to celebrate her. Including a father figure. Jamie walks in and lifts her up.
“Congratulations on turning two.”
“Da, Kiara party.”
He laughs and kisses her cheek. “Party big lass.” He then kisses her mama. Maggie sighs, Ian Jr. rolls his eyes, while Kitty and Kiara laugh. This causes Wee Jamie, sitting in his high chair to laugh too. What a wonderful difference a year makes.
It is a Saturday and all the older kids help by entertaining the younger ones while the adults set up the party. This includes William. He arrives with his dad and Mary, right after breakfast.
Claire and Mary share a smile as their men hang banners and balloons. Three months after they were set up, the couple are committed. “He asks me to move in with him.” She tells her. Mary lives over her shop.
“Oh, what did you say?” Claire’s eyes gleam with satisfaction. She had done well.
“I told him I had to think on it but, I am leaning towards it. I really love him Claire. The both of them.” She side hugs her as the guys re-join them.
“That okay Claire?”
“That is perfect.” She places her arms around him and they kiss.
Jenny, sitting on the couch, laughs at the look on William ‘s face. “Dinna like the kisses lad?”
“It is just dad and Mary do it all the time too.” Ian passing by with bags of party favors, rubs his head.
“You will understand some day.”
There is cake, games and, presents. Kiara, queen for a day, sits between her mama and da and opens them. Clothes, much needed, make up half. She, a girly girl, doesn’t mind. Toys, plenty of them, soon are stacked by her. She and Kitty discuss which opens to play with first when Jenny utters a cry.
All eyes turn to her. “My waters. They have broken.”
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percontaion-points · 3 years
The Truth in Lies chapters 16 & 17
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Chapter 16
It was a turquoise box with the Tiffany & Co insignia embedded in silver.
“Andy,” I gasped.
“It’s really not much, Mickie. I was in New York last week to see my sister, and I happened to pass by the store. I saw this and thought of you.”
“This is too much,” I whispered.
My mother was almost bouncing. “Jesus, child, let us see what you got.”
Chuckling, I lifted the lid of the box only to discover what I knew was inside, another jewelry box. This casing was the same color, but in a vinyl finish. The hinges squeaked as I opened the box revealing a platinum necklace with a round diamond solitaire.
Pardon my French, but JFC dude.
One thing I was sure of was the fact that Drew and I needed to have a serious chat.
Chapter 16 summary: McKenzie is beyond surprised to see her parents, especially because they still live in Texas. So it's not like they drove up from Miami or anything.
There's this really painfully awkward moment where her parents are greeting Drew. He impresses her father by saying that he's a Harvard graduate. He then gives McKenzie a birthday present, which is a diamond necklace from Tiffany. He helps her put it on.
After that, they look around the apartment a little bit before they sit down to talk a bit more. Drew asks where they'll be staying, and then offers to help them get a room at a nicer hotel in a nicer part of town. He then also invites the three of them to his house, where there's a nicer beach. When he mentions fishing, the father seems really happy over that.
McKenzie then leaves to change into her swimsuit before they go, but her mom follows after her. She kind of calls McKenzie out on her shit in regards to her relationship with Drew. A lot of “the heart wants what it wants”, rather than her boorish behavior in regards to moving in on a guy who's in a romantic relationship with her best friend.
Chapter 17
“There are things in my past that I’m not proud of. Things that if Mickie knew…” Drew’s deep sigh was harsh and ragged. “When I started dating Olivia, I was in a bad place. I’d lost someone that I loved very dearly, due to my own fault. After that, I swore I would never love again. And I stuck to that promise until recently,” Drew paused. I pushed my ear closer to the crack in the door, hanging on Drew’s every word. “Then things changed. Everything I thought I wanted didn’t make sense anymore. I met this gorgeous woman who’s smart and funny, and she challenges me. In truth, she’s better than anything I ever could’ve imagined. I wasn’t looking for love, but love found me.”
I stepped back from the door, my heart shattering into a million pieces.
And here's the misunderstanding to drive a wedge into their relationship...
At the front door of my apartment, I spent the final hours of my thirty-second
birthday bawling my eyes out over the man I could never have.
Chapter 17 summary: They go to Drew's house, where he introduces them to his mechanic right away. He and McKenzie's dad had been bonding over cars, and Drew agrees to show him something later.
They look around the house some, and Drew's cats show up. McKenzie picks one of them up and randomly sings “Soft Kitty” to the thing. It's every bit as cringe inducing as you would expect.
After that, they go to the kitchen, where Drew's cook made McKenzie's favorite cupcakes, carrot cake. She says that they can't have any until McKenzie has one, but McKenzie refuses to eat one just to mess with Drew. The entire thing reads like they're three, rather than in their 30's, and it's so fucking cringe.
Following that, most of it is glossed over. What they do doesn't matter. However, as they're wrapping up their evening, Lindsey sends her daughter to go find the men, who have gone to the garage. McKenzie stands just outside the door, where she listens as Drew confesses that he's in love with somebody. Which, give you three guesses who it is, and another three guesses who McKenzie thinks it is. /sarcasm
After that, McKenzie is insanely heartbroken, and only just wants to leave. Since Drew had driven them over to his house in his car, he has to first drop the parents off at their hotel, and then takes McKenzie home. Outside her door, he says he wants to talk about the almost kiss they shared that morning, before her parents showed up. But McKenzie denies having any sort of attraction towards him, and only just says that they were “caught up in the moment”. However, once she's inside, she bursts into tears.
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myherowritings · 5 years
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© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize. thank you and have fun reading!
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i. animal instincts
with your shapeshifting quirk, you take on the duty of becoming the resident undercover therapy cat for class 1-a. one day, you see todoroki restless in the middle of the night and try to comfort him in cat form. but what happens when he confides in you his feelings you weren’t meant to hear?
ii. into your arms
you’re prone to tripping and todoroki is prone to being there to catch you. or, in which you’re a bit of a klutz and, for a reason he can’t explain, shouto wants to make sure you never get hurt.
iii. an otome addiction
you become obsessed with the characters in the otome game, mystic messenger, and your boyfriend todoroki gets a little bit jealous.
iv. strawberry scented dreams
the 3 times todoroki falls asleep on you + the 1 time you fall asleep on him. shouto is always sleepy and needs some rest, and your shoulder just happens to be the comfiest place to get it.
v. can you keep a secret?
you and shouto are secretly dating and none of your classmates know. during a study session in todoroki’s dorm, kaminari, sero, and midoriya find your lacy thong under shouto’s desk and try to figure out whose it is.
vi. frosting fights
midoriya has been feeling sad lately, so you and todoroki (try to) bake him a cake in the middle of the night. 
vii. the panty thief
modern au. “my cat steals underwear and i come home to find you chasing my cat to get your underwear back.” in which todoroki is a new cat parent and you’re his new neighbor whose panties keep disappearing.
viii. overheated 
it’s super hot out and you feel like you’re dizzy and about to faint. todoroki is there to cool you off with his right side.
ix. jealousy for dummies
jealous of all the time shouto has been spending with yaoyorozu, you hatch up a plan with bakugou to give todoroki a taste of his own medicine.
x. ghostwriter masterlist [smau]
college au. you’re an aspiring writer with a longtime crush on the ghost hunter on campus, todoroki shouto. when you two are paired up for a semester-long journalism project, you come up with the perfect, foolproof plan to get him to fall for you.
xi. hearts intertwined
roommate au. you and todoroki have been roommates for months now but have barely had more than a two minute conversation. when quarantine hits and everyone is on lockdown, you find yourself forced to spend more time with him and actually end up…enjoying it?
xii. fictional crush
class 1-a has an avatar: the last airbender marathon and you can’t help but swoon over your fictional crush, prince zuko, leaving todoroki feeling a little jealous.
xiii. letters of my love [smau]
tatbilb au. you and your friends mail out your past love letters because you want to see your old crushes’ reactions. on accident, you mail your current crush’s letter. to make it seem like your crush on bakugou is gone, you fake date another letter recipient, todoroki shouto. 
xiv. eat the rich [series]
ceo/barista au. todoroki shouto was a wealthy, young ceo who inherited his father’s enterprise. you were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. one day, shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. to your surprise and complete pleasure: it was not.
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i. one hell of a knockout
boxer au. bakugou is a young pro boxer climbing his way to the top of the charts. one day, his friends kirishima and ashido invite you to a match. unbeknownst to you, you end up accidentally distracting katsuki during a fight and he gets a punch landed on his face.
ii. take you out
you ask bakugou out on a picnic date to the park, but he thinks you’re challenging him to a fight. you can’t tell who is more confused when the day finally comes.
iii. kitty kisses
your boyfriend and your cat don’t get along. bakugou keeps trying to come up with different ways to get your cat to finally warm up to him. (or, in which katsuki spends 3 hours baking treats for a tsundere cat.)
iv. “you’re hot when you’re angry”
you and bakugou get into a disagreement, you get pinned underneath him, and he smirks and realizes just how hot you are when you’re pissed.
v. a soothing touch
pro hero au. katsuki is sore and stressed from a long day at work but is too stubborn to let you give him a massage.
vi. “she’s my wife”
pro hero au. when bakugou forgets his lunch in the refrigerator, you decide to deliver it to him at his agency. but when you’re there, the new receptionist calls you a bitch. bakugou responds appropriately. 
vii. cold shoulder
pro hero au. whenever you and bakugou get into a disagreement, he blasts the air conditioner until you have no choice but to ask him to cuddle.
viii. the appreciation post
pro hero au. one of the responsibilities of being a pro hero in this day and age is having a social media presence. you tag bakugou in an appreciation post while he’s out in public and he gets embarrassed in the best way possible.
ix. slip of the tongue
pro hero au. during a charity interview with the top three heroes, deku and shouto “accidentally” give away ground zero’s crush on you. you’re asked about bakugou in an interview of your own and, during a fit of excitement, accidentally let your crush on him slip.
x. the jealous type | fanart
class 1-a has a game night in the common room. bakugou sees you and todoroki getting too close for comfort and can’t stop himself from getting jealous.
xi. a forgotten anniversary
pro hero au. it yours and bakugou’s one year anniversary, but he’s so busy with hero work that he forgets. you’re hurt and upset, but katsuki may have a few tricks up his sleeve…
xii. shirt on, bra off 
aged up au. bakugou sees you take off your bra, one-handed, and he can’t help but be in a bit of awe. 
xiii. bear hugs
you see your childhood friend, bakugou, for the first time in years and you greet him with a giant bear hug...only to find yourself in the nurse’s office right after. 
xiv. call me b-a-b-y
bakugou absolutely hates when you call him pet names. he hates the smile on your face when you say it, hates the way he can’t stop blushing-- he hates it. right?
xv. fever talk | fanart
pro hero au. “side effects may include: light-headedness, disorientation, and accidental confessions of love.” you help nurse a fever-ridden ground zero back to health, but little did you know it should have come with a warning.
xvi. the language of flowers
you decide to make the most of your nature quirk by giving your crush, bakugou, endless bouquets of flowers. 
xvii. fact or fiction? [18+]
pro hero au. ground zero’s crush on you has become painfully obvious to everyone, leading to an incessant amount of shipping. one day, he gets himself off to one of the many lewd stories about the two of you and you find out.
xviii. paparazzi
pro hero au. you and ground zero go on your first date as a public couple and the paparazzi won’t stop harassing the two of you. bakugou decides to take you to his house to cook for you and things begin to heat up in the kitchen.
xix. number neighbor masterlist [smau] 
college au. in which bakugou katsuki is a grumpy and sarcastic college student just trying to get his degree and you are his bubbly number neighbor who is determined to become his new “bestie.”
xx. all that ass [nn scenario] | fanart 
a number neighbor bonus fic. one night at the gym, you see a handsome guy with so much ass, you take a picture on the sly and send it to your number neighbor, bakugou, to freak out over. but what you don’t expect is for bakugou to reply with a picture of you from the same gym.
xxi. honey, honey
pro hero au. ground zero, deku, and shouto are scheduled to have a meet-and-greet at a primary school to boost their rankings. there, bakugou unexpectedly meets a kindergarten teacher with a sweet smile who likes to call people honey.
xxii. under my patrol
pro hero au. after seeing your boyfriend cheat on you on a night you were supposed to be on a date, you mope alone at a bar. stumbling home, you crash into the famous hero, ground zero.
xxiii. found a treasure
modern au. “it’s nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today.”
xxiv. mistletoe kiss
holiday au. after a few weeks of dating, you and katsuki still haven’t kissed. you hope that will change under the mistletoe this holiday season.
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i. the pizza delivery guy
modern au. your roommate orders a pizza with the special instructions, “send your cutest delivery boy ;)” and you’re left in begrudging awe when it actually works.
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i. you suck at gaming masterlist [smau]
youtuber au. you’re a youtuber known for your chaotic yet wholesome content and shinsou is a gamer who keeps getting accused of being an eboy. one day you upload a video trying your hand at gaming and shinsou tweets out about how much you suck.
ii. borrowed sweaters, stolen kisses
aged up. in a game of truth or dare, you’re dared to sneak into your crush’s dorm and steal one article of clothing to wear the next day. it just so happens that the hoodie you snatched was shinsou’s favorite sweater.
iii. turn on your airdrop masterlist [smau]
modern au. you’re at a theme park when kaminari dares you to airdrop memes to the first device that pops up and reluctantly, you give in. but never would you have thought they’d send you memes back… nor could you have guessed the person you were feeling a meme-connection with was your first love and first heartbreak, shinsou hitoshi.
iv. maybe it’s fate [toya pt. 25]
a turn on your airdrop written chapter. after discovering the mememate you fell in love with was your ex-boyfriend who broke your heart, you find yourself alone in a bar with a dead phone in a poor attempt to cope. the person who helps you at 3 a.m. is the last person you want to see.
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i. play me a song [smau]
youtube/celeb au. you’re an actress and singer who is highly adored by youtuber, kaminari denki. after his endless simping and thirsting on twitter, you finally decide to reply to one of his tweets.
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i. pinky promise
a quirk sends todoroki back in time and there he sees a four year old midoriya crying in the park. what better way to cheer him up than with some strawberry ice cream?
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HC: bakugou meets his s/o’s unsupportive parents
HC: pro hero shouto meets his quirkless s/o working at a hospital
HC: todoroki absolutely does not get along with his s/o’s male best friend
HC: shouto takes care of sore s/o
HC: bakugo + kirishima get a surprise kiss from s/o
HC: todoroki and s/o bake brownies and things get a little messy
HC: todoroki and s/o go to hanami (flower viewing)
HC: s/o peppers kisses all over todoroki’s face + he turns bright red
HC: todoroki and s/o have your first date at the aquarium
HC: iida + midoriya + todoroki react to their s/o whose nose twitches when cold/concentrated
HC: sleep deprived s/o with todoroki + bakugou
HC: getting high with kirishima + bakugou + todoroki [18+]
HC: baku + kiri + todo react to s/o being catcalled
HC: you’re harassed by a stranger and, to make them stop, you grab your friend [shouto + katsuki] and give him a kiss to prove he’s your boyfriend
HC: boyfriend!denki headcanons
HC: how baku + todo + kami kiss their s/o and what they taste like
HC: bakugou + todoroki cuddling headcanons
HC: bakugou + todoroki react to their s/o squeezing their butt
HC: bakugou + todoroki find their crushes diary and accidentally read it
HC: bnha as fuckboys (kami + todo + kiri + shin)
HC: autumn with todo + baku + kiri
HC: valentine’s day with baku + todo + shin
HC: shin + todo + baku replying to flirty anons
FT: prank texts on your crush todoroki
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spookidema · 4 years
Love Potion # 6
Day 3 of Spooki Month 
Witch!Kim TaehyungXFlorist!Reader (Reader being a florist isn’t really mention but they’re a florist)
Genre: Fluff and slight crack
Summary: Sometimes you forget that your roommate/best friend was a witch. You didn’t care that he was different. You loved him all the same. You loved him and all his witchy way. But you just forget about that fact early in the morning when before opening your store you accidentally drink one of his potions, and now he occupies your thought more than usual.
Author Note: Soooooooo day 3 is hella late. I apologize. My job has had me working so much and then Hurricane Delta knocked out the power to my house for days. I haven’t really been able to think straight. But I hope you enjoy.
Tagging: @alwayschoosechocolate​
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In retrospect, you should never drink your tea mixed with the first thing you put your hands on in the fridge when you are half asleep especially when you live with your best friend, who is an actual witch.
"(Y/N), I can tell something is going on with you."
Speaking of witchy best friend, here he is. Kim Taehyung. Your best friend for a good part of your life. Ever since his parents took you in when you were 9 after Tae found you trying to steal strawberries from their farm, but that’s a story for a different time.
"Huh, what are you talking about, Tae," you questioned. Your eyes never leaving the collection of poems that you were reading to clear your head.
"I've been standing here for ten minutes watching you read the same page before glancing at me and going back to reading the same page again," Tae stated." You usually at least acknowledge me coming down, Flora."
'Maybe cause I can't look at you right now without my heart racing out my chest,' you thought as your face turned involuntarily at the use of your nickname.
"You even had Tannie and your kitties worried," Tae continued mentioning his familiar and your three furry companions." Mars was side eyeing me before I came downstairs like I did something."
"I don't know what's going on with him today," you said turning the page." He hissed at me when I tried to give him love. Moony and Ginger were weird too."
"That's not normal,(Y/N)," Tae said taking the book away from you making you look at him for a split second. "Please tell me what's going on."
What does he want you to say? That you can't figure out what's going on with you? That you can't stop thinking about the small things that you love about him? How its difficult just to look at him right now without confessing that you would bring him the moon and stars if he asked you to?
"Tae, I really don't know what you are on about," you forced yourself into a straight face." You don't have to worry. I'm fine. Don't you have to make a youth potion for the lady down the road?"
"Yes but-"
"Tae, that potion takes hours and she needs that for her Halloween party tonight," you reminded him causing to give you a face that said you weren't done talking about what was going on.
As Tae turned to leave back up stairs, the Golden Maknae of your friends group, Jeon Jungkook walked in. He went straight to Taehyung and attached himself to him.
"Hyung," Jungkook sang in Tae's ear.
"Kookie," Tae sang back." What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be helping Hobi-hyung and Namjoon-hyung?"
"Hobi-hyung sent me here," Jungkook answered jumping on the counter beside your arms. "Said he had a bad vibe."
Tae snapped his head to you throwing his hands like 'you-see-what-I-mean.' You rolled your eyes at Tae again. All of this causing Jungkook to look between the two of you.
"What the heck is going on with you two," Jungkook asked.
"Nothing," you said shooing Tae off back up to your apartment upstairs.
"She is acting weird," Tae said as he left causing you to breath out in relief.
You drink from your tea that you made before you came down to the shop. Lemon ginger tea with honey.
"Why does it smell like you are drinking a vanilla cake," Jungkook asked wrinkling his nose like a rabbit. "Don't you usually drink ginger tea?"
You looked at him puzzled and smelt your tea. It smelt unlike how your tea usually smelt. It smelt slightly like lemon ginger tea, but it also smelt heavily like a strawberry field and mint leaves.
"Funny," you said sipping the drink." It smells like strawberries and mint to me, but I know I made lemon ginger tea earlier. I must have added something weird from the fridge."
Jungkook's face flushed a pale color quickly before he asked", can you chug that real quick?"
"Why," you asked back with a raised eyebrow.
He touched the side of the cup slightly.
"It's cold. I'm going to make you another cup," he explained. You looked at him skeptical. "Hurry before I take back my offer."
Still eyeing him weirdly, you chugged the last half of you tea and handed him the mug. A shutter shook your body soon after making Jungkook mumble inaudibly. He scanned your face quickly before his eyes settled on your own.
"Bingo," he said before dragging you from around the counter. "We need to go see Namjoon-hyung."
"Why do we need to see him, Kookie," you asked as you were getting pulled from your shop. "I can't leave my shop unattended."
Jungkook waved his hand, and as you left the shop, the door locked itself and the closed sign was placed on the door.
'Smartass,' was all you thought as you were drug through the streets to Namjoon's.
When you two arrived at Namjoon's, Hoseok was at the door before Jungkook could open the door.
"So I was right then," Hobi sighed after looking at you. "They drank something. What are we going to do with you, (Y/N)?"
The two men pulled you into the living room, and Jungkook pushed you to sit on the couch.
"(Y/N), you know not to drink any of the potions we mix without us giving it to you cause we know what it is," Hobi lectured as you sunk into the couch.
"I-," you started before getting cut off.
"No buts,(Y/N)," Hobi cut off. "This is something we learn as kids."
"I said no buts," Hobi cut off again. Namjoon walked into the room as he continued to lecture you.
"Hobi, what is going on," Namjoon questioned stopping you from becoming a part of the couch, and Hobi from turning into Professor McGonagall. "Usually its me doing the lecturing."
"They drank a potion from their fridge," Hobi said throwing his hand toward you.
"Was it on purpose or an accident," Namjoon questioned rounding the couch with what looked like a cup of coffee.
"I-," Hobi started before closing his mouth.
"You don't know," Namjoon stated simply. He looked over you like Jungkook did earlier. "Did you drink the potion on purpose,(Y/N)?"
"I honestly don't know what you guys are talking about, Nams," you answered becoming one with the couch. "I've been drinking my tea I make every morning."
"And you didn't mix anything with it," Namjoon continued to question.
"Not that I know of," you said honestly." I was exhausted this morning from not sleeping well so I really don't remember."
"Their tea smelt like vanilla cake to me," Jungkook spoke for the first time since walking in", but to them, it smelt like strawberries and mint. Doesn't Tae smell vaguely like strawberries?"
"And doesn't Jimin smell like cake, Jungkook," Namjoon said side eyeing the maknae causing him to stutter and blush. "Have you been feeling strange today, (Y/N)? Anything out of ordinary?"
You looked anywhere but Namjoon's eyes as you shook your head. This was embarrassing to you. After Jungkook had you finish your drink, the thoughts of Tae got worse. Before they were a slight annoying whisper that wanted to make itself known, now they were shouts that wanted to spill out your mouth.
"(Y/N), we need to know what's going on or we can't help you," Namjoon sighed as he sat on the coffee table in front of you seat sitting the coffee he had beside him." We already know you drank something by the color of your eyes right now."
You gave Namjoon a weird look as you pulled out your phone and pulled up the front camera to check. You were kind of shocked when you saw that your eyes were their normal eye color with a bright pink ring around them.
'The fuck,' you thought as you stared.
"Now are you going to tell us what's going on," the '94 liners asked together.
You thought about it for a second. If you told them what was going on, they could help you not be trapped with wanting to blurt out confessions to your best friend. Though they would probably tease you for a bit.
"If I tell you," you started to ask, "will I have to go into complete details or can it be slightly vague?"
All three witches looked at each other.
"Complete details," they said together making you sigh.
Complete details is what you gave them. Details on how it seemed like your small crush on Tae seemed to explode after you starting drinking your tea. How it was a slight explosion before Jungkook had you chug the rest of you tea before it became a volcano eruption. How the animals in your shared apartment were acting weird. How your feelings for Tae were always well hidden until now. Now you felt like shouting them to the world.
After you finally finished word vomiting what was going on, Namjoon summoned his potions book from his room and started researching. He muttered curses while reading as he would read a page and it didn't hold the answer he wanted. It felt like forever before he finally looked up from the book.
"It could be one of two things,"Namjoon started," it could be regular Amortentia-,"
"But that creates strong obsession and infatuation with the giver of the potion," you interrupted, "and I had a crush on Tae before this and I'm not obsessed with him."
"I'm thinking it was mixed with something to cancel that out," Namjoon said closing his book. "The only option we have is to ask him what he could have made that would have done this."
"WHAT? No," you frantically tried to stop them. "Can that not be an option?"
"We have to or you will stuck like this for who knows how long," Hobi said pointedly." Now shush, we are calling Taehyung."
As they called Tae, you were searching the room for exits. This was now something you wanted to do.
Then a knock came to the front door, and walked in the man of the hour.
"That was quick," Jungkook chuckled.
"You said it was something to do with (Y/N) acting weird," Tae said jumping over the couch to sit beside you. "Now do we know what's up."
"Kind of, but first," Namjoon answered, "have you been brewing anything that's a mix of Amortentia that cancels out the obsession and makes it where the drinker's thoughts of their crush gets stronger to where they just want to blurt it out?"
Tae thought about for a second before locking eyes with you making you blush pure red.
"Amortentia and Veritaserum," Tae admitted. "Someone wanted me to make it so they could confess to their crush. I thought something was off when I checked the fridge after talking to you earlier."
"Why in the hell would you keep that in the fridge,” you mumbled crossing your arms.
"Cause you usually know which bottles are potions or not, flora," Tae said grabbing one of your hands making you uncross your arms. "Although this one looked like honey in its bottle."
You groaned loudly slapping you palm to your forehead.
"And I always add honey to my tea," you said. "Explains a lot."
"So does this go away on its own or is there an antidote," Namjoon asked.
Tae shook his head," The person I made it for wanted me to make it to where they had to confess or it wouldn't go away. Said it would be motivation to actually do it."
'Well I'm dead,' you thought groaning again.
"Well there you go,(Y/N)," Jungkook said grabbing the '94 liners," your solution. Your time to shine."
Jungkook drug Namjoon and Hoseok out the room.
"(Y/N), do you have something to tell me," Tae asked as he turned toward you.
"We need to get you a small fridge to put in your room," you told him trying to avoid what you were going to have to say to the man.
"We'll deal with that later, flora," Tae said. "We now need to deal with the problem on hand at the moment. Now is there something you need to tell me?"
"Nope, not a thing," you said dodging the question again.
"(Y/N), this isn't a joke," Tae said getting really serious. "I made that potion for someone that is about as stubborn as Jungkook, and it won't go away. I think I know what you want to say, but you have to say it yourself."
"I don't know what you are talking about, Taehyung," you said lowly being stubborn. The words your body want to blurt out were right at the tip of your tongue wanting to escape.
Taehyung groaned out loud.
"Why are you so damn stubborn," Tae questioned.
"Cause I'm not going to risk losing you," you answered absentmindedly.
"You would never lose me,(Y/N)," Tae said grabbing your other hand that he didn't already have. "You are too dear to me for that to happen."
You looked toward Taehyung. His face was set with a soft smile. His eyes bright like the sun was reflected in them. His presence casting a warm feeling through your body.
"So many words want to spill from my mouth like a fountain. Like I want to explode from keeping them in," you mumbled so low that Tae almost didn't hear you," but I really don't want to lose you."
"Would it be easier if I tell you something," Tae asked softly. "Admit to something?"
You nodded choosing to stay quiet. Tae cleared his throat before speaking.
"There wasn't someone who asked me to make that potion," Tae admitted." I made it for myself and Jimin, who admitted he wanted to confess to Jungkook but kept losing his nerve much like myself."
Your jaw dropped slightly. You had no idea.
"I wanted to confess to them so bad, but every time I would go to, I would clam up," Tae continued." They are literally the best person and I don't know what I would do or where I would be without them."
"You would still be the amazing person you are now," you said. "I wish i was that person. You make me want to hang the moon and stars if you asked."
You went wide eyed and started to stutter with a blush.
"I mean I-," you started before you stopped yourself.
"You would hang the moon for me,(Y/N)," Tae asked grinning his boxy smile. You squeaked a 'yes' cause Tae to pull you into his his lap. You squeaked again as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Good, cause I would do the same for you," he said looking you straight in the eyes. The pink had disappeared from them. You started to say something before he quickly cut you off. "And not just because you are my best friend. You are my best friend and the person I care for the most in this world."
You were a tomato at this point as you admitted that he was the same to you as well. He smiled at you for a bit causing you to get shy and hid your face in his neck.
"Stop staring," you pouted into his neck, "you are being weird."
He chuckled.
"Being weird as in looking at the person I've had feelings for for years who also likes me back," he continued to chuckle."Suure."
"Take me on a date before you say cheesy stuff like that, Tae," you smiled.
"Let's go on one then," he said unwrapping his arms and sliding you off his lap.
"Wait, now?" you barely got out before Tae pulled you out of the house.
"Yes, now," he said looking back at the with a bright smile causing you to smile back.
Maybe drinking that tea wasn't so bad.
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Happily Ever After
I wrote a little JestxCath fluff for @lex656565 ‘s birthday! It’s a little late, but I hope you enjoy! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to celebrate with you in person, but I love you and we’ll be together soon <3 (Btw everyone go check out her blog, her art is amazing!)  Happily Ever After- An impossible AU where Cath has her dream bakery in Hearts and is happily married to Jest. It’s their son’s 4th birthday, so they have a little celebration! Basically straight-up fluff and me pretending the ending of Heartless never happened.
Word Count- 1,468
Ding, ding, ding. 
The bakery’s bell had been going off almost incessantly, and the bakery was full to bursting. Cath smiled proudly at her bustling shop. There were children laughing and eating cookies, couples picking out wedding cakes, and people just enjoying themselves. It was more than she’d ever imagined and wished for.
She jumped a bit as arms wrapped around her waist unexpectedly. Looking up, she smiled into the glowing face of her husband. His eyes twinkled as she spun around to give him a quick kiss. “How’s Hatta?” She asked, since he’d just returned from visiting their friend.
“Sane as ever, not for lack of worrying on his part. In fact…” He was cut off by another ding of the bell. 
“Hatta!” Cath came out from behind the counter, going to give him a quick embrace. “I didn’t think you could make it!”
He shrugged, “I had business to do, but it could wait. Now! Where is my godson?”
“Uncle Hatta!!!” Lewis burst from behind the counter, running to hug his godfather’s leg. Hatta, never really good at displaying affection, just managed to pat Lewis’ head, though his expression was fond.
Jest reached forward and picked his son up, swinging him onto his shoulders. Lewis hooted, and Jest laughed, hopping up to sit on the counter. Cath tsked him, though she knew it was no use. He always sat on the counter, despite her protests. Besides, it was Lewis’ birthday, so she was opposed to a little craziness. Bending the rules once in a while never hurt anybody. 
Raven cawed and came to settle on the young boy’s head. The three of them looked all together ridiculous, and Cath told them just that.
Jest grinned at her, and held out a hand. “Join us, fair lady!” Sighing in overexaggerated bother, she grasped his hand and walked over. He pulled her up beside him, and Cath cast the glass counter beneath her with an anxious glance. Jest wrapped an arm around her waist, and she decided that the counter was insignificant. 
“Mama look!” Cath looked up to see her son waving his arms around. She wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but she clapped nonetheless. “Please be careful!” 
Hatta frowned, obviously disappointed in the lot of them. The group was getting many curious looks, but the regulars were used to such behavior. Mary Anne had been appalled when she had co-owned the shop, but she’d since left to work managing the sums of the King. Cath couldn’t say she missed her. 
Lewis had proceeded to wave at every single customer, and they all commented on how darling he was. Taking advantage of her distaction, Jest tickled Cath’s side, and she shrieked, batting at his hands. Hopping off the counter, she whacked him lightly with a pamphlet she picked up. He pulled off his hat, and held it in front of her. A bouquet of flowers materialized over the hem. “Forgive me?” He pleaded, not sounding very sorry. 
“Not to break up this lover’s quarrel, but I’m growing impatient. Let’s go in the back.” Hatta’s words dripped with disdain. Jest waved him away, but got to his feet. 
“To the party!” Lewis called. Cath shhed him. “It’s not a party,” she corrected.
“To the cake!” He amended. Jest chuckled, and the group went behind the counter and through the swinging doors to the back. Cath had asked two of their employees, Alfred and Alice, to mind the counter for the day. Either way, It was almost six o’clock, and the two would be closing up shop soon. Cath had forgiven Jest, and walked with his arm around her waist, his flowers in hand. 
In the back, they took the stairs up to their apartment above the shop. Cath had dinner all ready for them, and off to the side a little lemon cake was set up, and balloons for Lewis’s fourth birthday. 
The boy squealed and tried to eat it immediately, but Cath held him back. “Dinner first!”
The group ate in a rather quick manner, as Lewis had eyes only for the cake. The conversation was about Hatta’s recent sales, Lewis and Jest’s adventures in baking, and so on. The conversation only continued a short time after they’d all finished their meal. Lewis soon got antsy, and began to reach for the cake.
“Okay okay, we’ll get ready.” Jest pushed his hand away, laughing slightly. He began to cut the cake, but Cath interrupted him.
“We have to sing first!” she chastised. And so they did. Well, Cath and Jest sang. Even Raven sang, since the lyrics rhymed. Hatta did not, not that anyone expected him to. 
Jest sat with his son on his lap, and Cath couldn’t help but smile at the picture. Both of her boys, with curly hair, lemon eyes, and frosting on their face. She kissed both of their cheeks. Jest brushed her cheek with his thumb. “You had some flour on your face.” He said devilishly, before leaning forward to peck the spot. Lewis was too busy stuffing his face to notice. 
“Oh can’t it wait until I’m home.” Hatta moped. “Anyways, I have a gift for you Lewis!” 
Lewis perked up. “Presents!” He cheered. Hatta reached behind him, and materialised a yellow hat with what appeared to be a mini lemon tree growing a top it. Cath and Jest shared a knowing look and smile. “I’ve heard from your father that you quite like sweet lemon candies, so I thought I’d make you a hat. Now whenever you want a sweet lemon, just reach up and take one. They grow back by themselves.” 
Awestruck, Lewis took the hat. “Thank you Uncle Hatta.” He said, reverently placing it on his head. Hatta smiled, his violet eyes warm. 
“Alright, I’m next.” Jest took his hat off of his head, dramatically, twirled it up and down his arms, flicked it into the air, and caught it. Lewis ooh-ed, ahh-ed, and giggled. 
Turning the hat out invitingly, Jest told his son to close his eyes and reach into the hat. He did so, and pulled out a  deck of magic cards. “It’s time I taught you sleight of hand.” Jest declared. Lewis didn’t hear him, too entranced by the moving pictures on the cards.
“Hey! Isn’t that Mr. Mockturtle?” Lewis asked. Jest nodded. “The cards have little images of all our neighbors and friends.”
“Oooh!!” Lewis bounced up and down, eating a sweet lemon and looking at all the cards. 
Cath was up. Reaching down, she pulled up a holed box and handed it to her son. He opened it, and shrieked with joy. Inside was a little purple and pink kitten. Cheshire refused to ever reveal the details of how he’d come about to have three kittens, but said that Cath was more than welcome to take her pick since he was a “free spirit” and didn’t want to be “burdened with three kittens.”
“Kitty!!!” Lewis squealed, picking it up and hugging it none too gently. Jest carefully loosened his arms and took the cat, cradling it safely.
Raven gave Lewis his gift, “of poetry.” It didn’t go over very well. Lewis gave Raven a blank stare, before yawning. Jest picked him up so Lewis’ chin rested on his shoulder. “Off to bed with you.” He declared. Cath picked up the cat.
“Say goodbye to Hatta.” Jest said as they passed him by. Lewis waved tiredly. 
“Goodnight, dear boy. I’d best be going as well.” Hatta made sure his own cake themed hat was secure on his head. Cath patted his shoulder. “Thank you for your generous gift, and for coming tonight. It was a pleasure to see you.”
Hatta gave her a half-smile, one that left her wondering if he ever liked her or not. “Thank you for the cake and for having me. Send Jest my regards.”
Hatta left, and Cath followed Jest up the stairs with the cat in her hands. Jest was tucking Lewis in bed, and Cath put the little purring hairball next to him. “Until we get a cat bed, he can sleep with you.”
“Kitty..” Lewis yawned, and snuggled with the kitten. It wiggled out of his arms with a squeak. The boy was only momentarily sad, before the kitten turned and settled in a cozy little bundle against his stomach.
“Goodnihgtmomyanddad-” he broke off, sound asleep and smiling. 
Cath rested her head on Jest’s shoulder as they watched their child. Finally, she leaned down to tuck him in and kiss him goodnight. When she stood up, Jest brushed back her hair and kissed her as well. 
“Not only children deserve a goodnight kiss.” He stated, yellow eyes shining. Smiling, she pressed her lips against his again, before starting towards their room to get ready for sleep. 
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Birthday Ice Cream
Asmodeus appreciation week, day 6 - Birthday fanfic
Warnings: this includes a fffm foursome. If you're not into that, then I kindly suggest you check out other works.
Also: Asmo has a tail in this for simplicity purposes. Didn't wanna leave any of the girls in the story unsatisfied, you know? ;)
Special mention: @milas-imaginarium 💕
"Put these on, so I can tear them off you later~" was written on the note attached to the gift bag Asmodeus found on his bed.
Confusion mixed with excitement, but he reached out into the bag anyway. Inside he found a sheer white shirt with holographic accents at the collar and sleeves and a pair of velvet trousers. He saw both of them in the window of a shop, but he wasn't able to try them on as the store was closed.
"I can't believe she got them for me...", he hugged the clothes to his chest and smiled.
Without wasting any time, he tried the clothes on. Rushing towards the mirror, the demon noticed a pink post-it note stuck onto it.
"Be ready by 8, I'm picking you up."
The fact that he had no clue as to where they were going made everything more thrilling. If there was one thing the demon loved almost as much as himself, it was surprises. Pleasant ones.
Time flew by pretty quickly while the Avatar of Lust was getting ready. As he was applying a nude lipstick, he was startled by a knock on the door.
"Are you decent?", Asmodeus heard from the other side of the door.
"Do you want me to be?", the question was followed by giggles.
The door opened slowly and y/n let herself in. She was smiling, looking stunning in her f/c dress.
"I was sort of hoping I'd find you naked in here.", she pouted.
"Be careful what you wish for.", Asmodeus closed the distance between them.
The demon grabbed his partner by the chin and lifted her head, pressing his freshly painted lips against hers.
"I'd love to stay here with you, but that would waste everything that I've prepared.", she broke off the kiss.
"Alright, babygirl. I'll let you lead tonight.", he jokingly stated.
His lover turned her attention to him as her eyes grew bigger. Surprise and disbelief both mixed into her expression.
"You mean that?", she smirked.
"Well, it was supposed to be a joke, but now that you mention it..."
Her reply never came. Instead, Asmodeus felt a set of fingers interlock with his as he was pulled out of his room.
The house of Lamentation was uncharacteristically quiet. That raised a lot of questions. Under no normal circumstances would the house be this peaceful. Unless...
"Why isn't there anyone home?"
"Because they're all waiting for us somewhere else. Now hurry up, babe. You don't want to be late!"
After a while the dolled up demon found himself in front of The Fall. The moment he connected the dots and realized that she was throwing him a party at his favorite place, Asmodeus stated squealing.
"Shush, we didn't even get in yet. Wait until you see everything.", his lover smiled.
As soon as they stepped in, everyone screamed "happy birthday!", pink confetti stated pouring from the ceiling and helium-filled balloons were released to float. All of his family and anybody that was somebody in Devildom was present. From Diavolo to the super succubus models, from the incubus rockstars to the most popular demon idols. Everyone important was there.
The night went wonderful. The go-go dancers swayed their hips to the beat. The candy bar was great before Break devoured it whole. Liquor was plenty. So much, in fact, that it managed to get even Lucifer on the dancefloor. It seemed that not even him could resist a great party. Right as the clock stroke midnight, however, the music stopped. Everyone was just as confused as the fifth born. He turned to ask his human what this meant, but she was nowhere to be found. Hence, he started searching for her in the crowd, but to no avail.
“Right before we bring out the cake, there’s a treat for the birthday demon. Take a seat in the front row and enjoy.”, a voice announced.
Soon after the music started again. His human stepped onto the stage, dressed in minimal clothing, approaching the silver pole in the middle of the stage. Asmodeus could not believe his eyes. Her lascivious moves hypnotized him completely. When she dropped to her knees and crawled towards him, his self control was hanging by a thread. Constrained by the circumstances, he had to hold back, but if he could have his way... The crowd would not mean much to him. In fact, he loved being watched.
For the moment, however, he was satisfied with just watching her and the way she was swaying her hips. Making a mental note to test those movements himself, Asmodeus focused on her completely. Somehow, he wanted to engrave each frame into his mind, so he can replay them later. Thankfully, he saw Solomon recording the show. “I’ll ask him for it later”, he thought.
Item after item, almost all of y/n’s clothing ended up discarded on the floor, leaving her in only a matching underwear set and a pair of heels. With the show done, she retreated in the back, behind the curtains.
Still in awe, every guest started whistling and clapping. All the attention was now on Asmodeus, who was grinning like a madman.
The birthday demon would have loved nothing more than to follow his darling behind those curtains and have his version of dessert. But he couldn’t. As Barbatos marched towards him with a sever tier cake, he knew there was not escaping this.
It was all so hazy, Asmo did not even realize when his honey appeared by his side. It was only when she grabbed his arm that he acknowledged her presence.
“I hope you liked my show.”, she smirked.
“Best birthday present ever.”, he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
Even through all that noise, he could still distinguish her giggle.
“That wasn’t the present, my love. That was the warm-up.”
Before he had the chance to ask any more questions, Asmodeus had to cut the cake and smile for the pictures. His human posed for the pictures alongside him as if nothing had happened.
After everybody had eaten a slice, except for Beel who ate at least one entire tier, they all rushed back on the dancefloor. The party seemed like it was just getting started. The go-go dancers resumed their place as well, which gave Asmodeus and y/n the perfect opportunity to vanish for a while.
Lead by y/n, Asmodeus and his lover escaped into one of the private rooms, where, to his surprise, there were other two girls waiting. They were already naked and although tipsy, Asmodeus could recognize that those were his favourite strippers from the club. Also, some of his biggest admirers.
"I thought you'd like some ice cream for dessert and you know how ice cream is... The more flavours, the better.", y/n spoke.
"Well then, we shouldn't keep the guests waiting. They're already in the appropriate attire. We're the ones who are overdressed, my love.", he started pressing kisses on his beloved's neck.
The other girls didn't waste any time and helped both out of their clothing.
"You're so wet already...", one of the girls, called Cherry, spoke.
Cherry's long fingers already rubbed circles over y/n's clit as the kiss between her and Asmodeus became more heated. The other girl, Kitty, was stroking Asmodeus' cock. The Avatar of lust had enough of being well behaved, so his hands began to wonder over his lover's body, ending up on her chest. As he started playing with her nipples, she couldn't help the moans coming out of her mouth, although she tried to contain them.
"Don't you dare keep those sweet sounds for yourself. It's my birthday, baby, I want to hear you... All of you."
His words made her melt completely and soon dropped to her knees, facing Asmodeus' cock. She opened her mouth and took it in with a hunger hard to put into words. Cherry and Kitty joined her, kneeling on either side of her and using their tongues on the shaft.
"Ugh, girls, you're amazing... It's like I died and returned to the celestial realm."
That statement only made her suck harder and take him in deeper, even though she struggled to breathe. Seeing this, Cherry and Kitty grabbed her hair and pushed her head, forcing her to take all of Asmo's cock, making her gag. After a while they let go of her head and she lifted herself so she could take a few deep breaths. Kitty and Cherry lowered themselves to focus on the balls of the Avatar of Lust.
"I don't wanna cum yet, so let's move to the bed, shall we?", Asmodeus asked and the three girls complied.
His beloved human eagerly hopped onto his cock, Cherry and Kitty sucked and liked both of her nipples while Asmo played with and fingered their pussies.
The room was filled with moans, the sound of skin against skin and the wet sounds of fingered cunts. It was an ecstasy filled haze that none of the participants wanted to end.
Eventually Kitty sat on Asmo's face, while Cherry lowered herself to lick y/n's clit while she was getting fucked.
As a reward for being a good girl, Asmodeus' tail found its way between Cherry's thighs, playing with her sensitive nub. Asmo's beloved could feel Cherry moaning against her own swollen clit.
The Avatar of Lust began to pound faster and harder and a pair of hands began to toy with her breasts once again. They were too small to be Asmo's, so it had to be Kitty from behind her.
Hearing the girls' moans, feeling their lust, the taste of Kitty's pussy and the way his lover felt around his cock drove him wild. Asmodeus was so close to the edge he could almost feel it.
The moment his honey's walls clenched around him as Cherry managed to make her cum, it was over. He emptied himself inside her cunt.
It was no surprise to him that she loved it. What was surprising, however, was when she used a small dildo to plug it all in. Two rounds later, all three of the girls had his seed plugged inside them.
They got dressed, fixed their hair and make up quickly before leaving the room to go back to the party.
Lucky enough for Cherry and Kitty, they were able to make it back in time. It was their turn to dance. They rushed on the stage and took over the show.
While Asmo sat in the front row, sipping champagne, all he could think about was how under those thongs that Kitty and Cherry wore was a dildo keeping his cum inside them.
"Aren't these two your favorites?", Solomon took Asmodeus by surprise.
"Excuse me?", y/n faked being offended.
"My apologies", Solomon laughed, "Your favorite strippers."
"Still offended over here!", she gestured dramatically.
"Alright, jeez. Succubuses. Better?"
"Why don't you take a seat, Solomon?", Asmodeus cooed.
"I'm afraid there's none available."
"Nonsense! Y/n can sit on my lap!"
She couldn't object, it was his birthday after all. But he sure as hell knew just how to move to get the dildo to rub inside of her.
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
A Night to Remember
Sabine and Tom are sly. Lila is back. Gabriel's intentions are known. Ladynoir have a sweet moment.
Chapter 17 – The Plan
Tom and Sabine eyed the time on the clock, smirking silently towards each other as they waited for their daughter to make her presence known. Tom went back to kneading the dough as Sabine moved to the counter and packed a couple of delicious pastries for the new couple to enjoy together.
Sabine is not one to lie. If anyone happened to ask her if they were part of the whole idea, she would say no. Actually, she would praise Adrien for coming up with the idea that had won Marinette over. But she wouldn’t lie if anyone asked if the couple had listened to Adrien’s romantic declaration as he danced with Marinette against the moonlight. She would only smirk and play coy, adding that Marinette’s door had accidentally stayed open and the noise traveled throughout the house, so it was hard not to listen to the grand confession.
Then she would just smile in that innocent way and stay mum over anything else.
Including the part where she and Tom happened to pop their head through the skylight and see them kissing against said moonlight.
Not like it mattered anyways. The squeals that emanated from the living room while they were trying (keyword: not really trying) to sleep after Adrien had left their home could only contribute to the sight they had seen earlier.
Nope. Not one bit ashamed for sneaking a peep at their daughter’s unplanned date.  
They already knew once the couple heard the giggles and the pop of the wine bottle’s cork that everything worked out perfectly. Of course, there was also an exchange of a bet that had been between them since the kids first met, but the teens didn’t need to know those little details anyways (Sabine won by the way).
Sabine could hear the leaded footsteps as her daughter ran down the steps to the bakery, hearing the clatter of dishes as she lost control of her movements and stumbled into the pans that were ready to be used for the day. As she shook her head in self-satisfaction, Sabine looked up through the bakery entrance and saw the gray sedan pulling up beside it. A mop of blond hair had made his way out waving goodbye to his driver before walking through the door.
“Good morning, Adrien.” Sabine said sweetly as he made his way towards the register.
“Good morning!” He said as his eyes were full of wonderment and love.
Tom emerged from the kitchen and placed his large hand on his shoulder. “Son! How are you this morning? Get any sleep?” He winked.
“I did for once!” Adrien laughed. “Is Marinette ready to head to school?”
“I’m coming!” Marinette walked through the door with a wet rag in her hands. She tried to wipe down any flour that had inadvertently attached to her clothing when she fell into the pans. She could hear the chuckle coming from Adrien, but her pleasant mood did not allow an ounce of embarrassment to show through. Marinette kissed her maman and papa, trading the wet rag with the pastry bag that Sabine held out for them.  
"Thanks, maman,” Marinette said as she opened the bag to smell the delicious treats. She grabbed a croissant and handed it to Adrien, a precious smile on her face making his heart soar. He snatched the croissant and bent down a little, allowing Marinette’s lips to press against his. What meant to be a peck, turned into two, three, four pecks, the last one lingering a bit longer than planned.
Sabine cleared her throat while Tom watched in awe. Marinette and Adrien pulled apart as a shade of crimson dusted their cheeks. Adrien rubbed his neck nervously as Marinette covered her face.
“Sorry!” they said in unison while the adults snickered in return.
Walking to school together this way felt like a dream. Their fingers were intertwined as they shared a laugh and Marinette hovered the pastry bag in front of his face, enticing Adrien with another croissant.
Adrien purred in her ear. “You know, bug, you should really be careful feeding a stray.”
“Why? Because they never go away?” Marinette teased back.
Adrien looked smug. “Exactly! And I don’t know how long you could keep me away for. I might just come back every night.” He stopped in front of the steps and leaned his face close to hers. So close, in fact that their noses were almost touching.
Marinette poked his nose back the same way she always did as Ladybug. Her smug tone matched his while a devious smirk stretched her lips. “Well maybe I want to keep this stray kitten. Maybe that’s my intention. I’ve always wanted a kitty. I think this is just the perfect opportunity to finally have one for myself.”
Marinette walked away, leaving an awestruck Adrien behind. Marinette stopped and turned just enough to shout, ‘Don’t dish if you can’t take, chaton’, before walking through the doors of the school.
Sitting in the back of the classroom alone to stew in her own misery, Lila sat with eyes narrowed and teeth clenched. She was back at school after disappearing for the last week. On top of everything else, her mother caught wind of her devious plans and grounded her until the end of time. The time alone was not spent in waste though. She spent her time seething and planning, all while she waited for a purple butterfly to make her way towards her. Oh, how she wished that a butterfly was to come right now and akumatize her into a pawn. She wanted to take down those two brats any way she could. They ruined her life and she wanted revenge.
The class refused to acknowledge she was in the room. The moment she walked in, the students that were already seated and conversing glared daggers into her soul before turning back to the conversations they had started. No amount of crocodile tears or lies could fix this problem, so revenge was the best plan of attack.
She could still try to get Adrien away from Marinette. But how? Those two were close enough already. It was only a matter of time before they finally started dating. But they are both too oblivious to see what they have in front of them. With Gabriel not taking her side, she had to figure this out on her own.
All too quickly, Lila’s thoughts were halted when a squeal from Rose filled the room. She turned to the blond and watched where her gaze fell. Her eyes immediately saw red when she witnessed the travesty that stood in the doorway before her. She clenched her fists together so tightly her nails drew blood.  
“Marinette... and Adrien?” She said through gritted teeth. “Together!” Oh, how she was seethed over the sight. How was she to pull this plan together now?
Lila spent the next ten minutes glaring at the back of the new couple’s heads, trying to think of a way to destroy them both. As if the sun had shone through an overcast day, Lila overheard the girls talking about the dance giving the brunette an idea.
“Oh, Marinette,” she said to herself with a tone overt of venomous intentions. “This dance will be a night to remember, don’t you worry about that.”  
Gabriel stood at his computer, brows furrowed as he overlooked the many design concepts that were flashed across his screen. Plenty of designs made its way through the disarray of pages in front of him, but none met the Agreste standards. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took one swipe of his screen to close out everything in its path.
His stillness abruptly shifted as the feelings of anger and disgust filled his senses. Gabriel could feel the strong emotions and moved quickly towards the large gold painting that stood behind him. Three buttons took him to the lair and it took four words to transform him into his villain form. Hawkmoth stood at the ready and sought after the anger which only intensified once he transformed, but he had felt this anger before.  
“Lila,” he said as vengeance formed a bubbling act in his chest, “I have been feeling your anger over the last week. But, my dear child, your anger has yet to reach its full potential.”
Hawkmoth closed his eyes a bit longer than normal, trying to gain some sense of her anger without releasing an akuma. He knew it was not the time to send one of his precious butterflies out into the world. He was saving it for when his plan ran its course.  
Lila had proven to be a good ally in the past many times over. After her time as Chameleon, he knew that she wanted an akuma to be released so she could pawn it on herself to get revenge, and he knew that he needed to continue teasing her in this way to help his plan along. Giving in now would only hinder his final goal.
Nathalie had been giving him a report of everything that transpired over the last few weeks. Gabriel had always known that Kagami and Adrien were never formally together. It was a matter of time before a slip of the tongue would unleash the hell around him and he knew that Lila would do anything for Gabriel, especially since the modeling contract he handed her on a silver platter dangled precariously in front of her greed-filled eyes.  
As he knew it would happen, she ousted herself as Adrien’s newest beau to the media and knowing how Adrien’s mannerisms had become increasingly brazen as of late, Gabriel knew that Adrien would bite back. The “bite”, though, was infinitely better than he ever imagined it would be. Firing Lila was another tier to the commotion, and with that, the brunette has tried to seek out Gabriel and demand an explanation to no avail. Making herself look like a fool in front of the waiting press outside his doors just increased her anger tenfold. But finding out that Nathalie slipped information to Lila’s mother informing her of her actions over the last few years? Well, that was icing on the proverbial cake.
What sent this plan in a forward motion was the news that Adrien and Marinette had officially become a couple. Knowing that this would just add more anger to the pawn, he waited patiently for her anger to intensify, and he didn’t have to wait long for that to happen. He looked to the clock on his staff, knowing that her anger had to be intensified due to Adrien and Marinette entering the classroom together. He had known that if Lila happened to be in school and see the scene unfold in front of her, the feeling of vengeance would increase at an intense speed – and increase it did.
He wanted to savor the anger bubbling inside Lila. He knew that in order for this to continue, he had to throw in more wood to the fire. So, he stood there, listening to the sensory overload of Lila’s anger and hatred towards the people around her. “Soon, Lila.” He cackled maniacally as his thoughts clouded his better judgement. “Both of our wishes will come true.”
Running across the rooftops, Ladybug and Chat Noir raced against each other in a competitive fervor. Chat had enticed her with a race and she so happily obliged. It was not unusual for races to happen during patrols, but knowing that the love of her life was under the mask made “patrolling” a little bit better.
Only a little. And maybe a bit more fun. Yeah, that’s it. Much for fun.
Normally, Chat would follow his Lady everywhere she turned, but tonight he had something else up his sleeve. Turning to the right through the neighboring arrondissement, Chat led Ladybug to their favorite spot on the Eiffel Tower.  
While the change in location was nice, it wasn’t along their patrol route tonight. Once Ladybug landed on the beam, she looked to Chat confused and unsure. Chat smiled as he watched Ladybug’s gears turn in her head and waited for her to question his decision.  
“Milady.” He grabbed her hand and slowly brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles ever so carefully and never leaving her gaze. The blush that spread across her cheeks made the slow process worth it. “Since I have many, many nights of dates to make up for-”
“Chat...” Ladybug tried to interrupt.
“- and since I spent last evening swooning you with wine, pastries, and kisses,” he waggled his eyebrows as he stood back to full height, “I wanted to give you a special evening here where we can be all by ourselves.”
Ladybug smiled lovingly to him. “My kitty is quite the romantic.” She took a step forward and jingled his bell. “And what has this cat planned for us this evening?”  
“While I would love to take you out on a date on this tower and give you everything your heart desires, I thought we could start with this perfect view and maybe share a dance with me?”
Ladybug tilted her head and finally noticed the light music playing in the background. Chat must have wired his baton to play a few songs. “Of course, kitty. I would love to dance with you.”
The romantic atmosphere made the dancing slightly impossible as they got lost in each other’s eyes. Little teases of kisses that wanted to be shared tantalized the feeling that surrounded them. Once the song ended, Ladybug held on to his shoulders, giving her some leverage as she tiptoed herself up and planted a sweet, lingering kiss to his cheek.
“I love you, chaton.”
Chat beamed. “I love you, princess.” He reached down and planted a chaste kiss to her lips. Looking back at her eyes, his mind finally remembered why he brought her there in the first place. “Princess? Would you allow this knight in shining leather to escort you to the dance?”
A quiet giggle left her lips. “This princess would be honored to be escorted by her prince.”
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@elliesolis12 Here’s the fic you asked for. Did I name the children, Kitty and Rain just because I could? Yes, yes, I did (I also head canon that Mork and Sun would decide to adopt older children. Not sure they’d start from birth, either by adoption or from them with surrogates, but there is possibility for a third kid...hahaha, don’t mind me) Also, I have trouble gauging the age gap. For me, I’m comfortable with Rain and Mork being two years apart. Making Sun 4 years older than Mork, but six years older than Rain...it’s probably not the same as the show because in that Mork and Rain are probs the same age, but to me Mork has somehow acted older? So in the present we have 19 year old Rain, 21 year old Mork and 25 year old Sun. Let’s say...4-5 years have gone by. They’re married, adopted two kids and then.... and this is long so we gotta click the keep reading button. At least, it shows up on desktop. Don’t think it does on mobile. 
Sheesh, we really are catapulting over the angst with this: 
“Is Rain babysitting a good idea?” Sun asked Mork. 
“I can hear you!” He yelled from the living room as he was tackled to the floor by two kids. They giggled as they dog piled him. Things were going all right. Rain didn’t know what to expect. So far everything felt fine. “Just-” he groaned when a butt was in his face. He maneuvered the boy off him. “Hey! Rain! You can’t sit on my face.” The boy looked sad, but then he laughed. “Also, you’re big for a five year old. And you,” Rain whirled on Kitty who was about to put him in a “choke hold.” “You’re what? 3? No, I’m 6 and a half now.” Sun chuckled at the scene. 
“Well, we know where she gets the sass from.” 
“You!” Rain and Mork said in unison. Sun squinted his eyes and mocked them. 
“I’ve got this. You two can go on that date.” Rain shooed them away. They reluctantly left. Rain kept wrestling around with them and then he looked them square in the eye and asked, “What should we do now? Color? Watch a movie? Should we have cake for dinner?” Rain knew he’d probably feed them cake. There could be other food in the fridge, but for something years ago, (that the kids don't know about) Rain still held a grudge against his big brother.
“Where are we going?” Mork asked his husband. He could swear they were headed in the direction of the cafe. “Kitty and Manow should’ve closed up by now why are we going to Blue Sky?” 
“You’ll see.” Sun pursed his lips into a smile. 
“Kitty, give that crayon back to your brother!” Rain exclaimed. She gave him a glare. “Wow, you really are like P’Sun. Just give him back the crayon.” 
“But I want blue,” she retorted. Rain’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. 
“You can have blue after your brother finishes with it.” Rain sat pouting and then his uncle handed him back the crayon. “Finish your clouds and then give this to your sister.” Kitty gave Rain such a look that he suddenly asked himself would a six year old be capable of revenge? 
Sun opened the door to the cafe and he was caught by surprise as well. He didn’t think Kitty would go this far. The flower arrangements decorating the entire cafe were more beautiful than Sun would have imagined. Kitty even strung white lights. She really went to town. After all, when marriage laws actually passed she had a slew of weddings to plan, including his. 
“You planned this?” 
“I had help.” 
“No, shit,” Mork retorted. 
“Shall we?” Sun held out a chair for him. He went to the cafe kitchen and started making them dinner. Mork could swear. sometimes. that his husband radiated his own sunlight like a spotlight that followed him around. Perhaps that was the lens Mork chose to see him through. Dinner was placed before him. He smiled and they ate in silence. It took awhile to perfect that, but Mork was thankful for it. Sometimes Sun would talk and talk and talk. At the beginning, it was cute. Towards the middle it was dreadfully annoying and now...now, Mork sat pleased that his husband learned how to eat and talk.
“Is it good?” 
“It’s good.” Mork finished his last bite. “Let me make you something.” He took their dishes to the kitchen and placed them in the sink. Mork started up the espresso machine. Then he grabbed some whip cream, milk and cherries from the fridge. “Let’s see if I can re-create your first winning drink, Black Forest Cake or as I’ve coined it, over the years, MorkSun.” 
“Why do we have a couple’s name? It’s soo, bleh,” Sun admitted. 
“Oh, it is?” Mork smiled at him as he slowly dripped the espresso into the drink. 
“Don't forget the chocolate flavor,” Sun was now sitting at the order counter, admiring his husband work the kitchen like a pro. He did learn from the best barista for 3 years in a row, the last two years were finally swept from him by the barista at the Boss Cafe. Mork sat the finished drink in front of Sun. 
“You trust me, right?” 
“Of course.” Sun gave him a small kiss first and then picked up the drink.
“Kitty!” Rain exclaimed. “Get off that chair.” 
“I want the cookies Daddy Mork hides from Daddy Sun. They’re on top of the fridge.” 
“You could ask instead of climbing a chair?” Who is she? A fucking crazy ass combination of his big brother and best friend, that’s what. Rain would rather take his chances with the one named after him. Kitty stepped off the chair and put her hand on her hips. Rain was instantly reminded of when Sun gets serious and how he clasps his hands behind his back. “Can I have the cookies then?” 
No, is what Uncle Rain should’ve said, but he caved and handed the container of cookies to her. She merrily skipped to the couch and even shared them with her brother. 
“Wait a minute, what’s happening?” A hypnotized Rain blinked at them several times, feeling very confused and very played like the strings of a guitar. 
“We’re eating cookies. Thank you,” Kitty said. And...there’s his best friend’s cheeky grin. Oh, this is turning into a nightmare. 
The suspense was unnecessary but Mork went with it. Only for a minute. “Just drink it,” he begged. Sun smirked and took a sip. 
“Hmm, this might be better than when I make it.” 
“Ha, damn straight!” Mork felt proud. Then he saw it out of the corner of his eye. Sun swiped some whip cream off the top and reached out for Mork’s cheek. He let it happen and slowly backed himself toward the prep table. Sun gave him an eyebrow. Suddenly, whip cream covered his hair. 
“Okay,” Sun licked his lips. “That’s how we are going to play?” Mork only leaned in closer, elbows on the order counter. 
“Wipe this off first.” He points at his cheek. Sun licked it off instead. Mork merely smiled. 
“We could borrow the bathroom upstairs? That’s gonna take some work.” Mork. didn’t dare touch his husbands hair, but Sun had a different idea. He nuzzled himself into Mork’s cheek, wiping the whip cream on him as if he were the napkin.
“This is your fault.” Sun said as Mork squirmed away. “Follow me,.” he said as he jumped the order counter. Sun watched him swipes a rose from a vase. He glazed it across his cheek. Mork started for the stairs. In the beginning, they got so used to this stairwell. 
Finally, they were asleep. Rain felt pain in his neck. A pain he never had before. He’d wait a long time to be a parent. In fact, he might be okay with just a niece and nephew who he occasionally saw because then that meant the little brats weren’t always his responsibility. He loved them so much, but tonight they gave him a run for his money. He also means that literally. Kitty conned him. They were arguing and then suddenly Rain was handing her money. That girl has skills already and Rain couldn’t imagine what they will be like when she’s older. 
He reached for his phone to call Sun. No answer. “Come on. You guys said two hours. It’s been three. Pick up.” No answer. He tried Mork. No answer. “Great. Figures. What’d you expect Rain? It’s a date night, of course, they’re going to get busy.” He sighed. 
“Uncle Rain,” a little voice mumbles from the kitchen. “I am thirsty.” Sometimes, though, they are not twins, they seemed to act like such, because two seconds behind Kitty was Rain. 
“I am thirsty too,” he grumbles. Rain poured them glasses of water and once finished he walked them back to their rooms. He tucked in Rain and then went into Kitty’s room. As he finished, tucking in the blanket at all sides she murmured, “I love you, Uncle Rain.” He kissed her forehead. 
Who was Uncle Rain kidding? These kids had him wrapped around their fingers. 
“We should get back,” Sun started buttoning up his shirt. Mork stood behind him, burying lips into neck. Sun leaned into the touch, a hand gripping hair to press Mork’s lips closer to him. They reached up his jaw, to his cheek and Sun felt himself melting so he had to stop his husband. “Mork we should get back. We only told Rain a few hours. It’s approaching five hours now.” 
“Okay.” Mork agreed and started getting dressed. Soon enough, they had everything cleaned up and they were in the car. Mork made Sun drive with one hand. 
“About time! You know, everything was going great, but then they turn into little brats who made me feel like I’m too old for this!” Rain complained to Mork and Sun as soon as they opened the front door. “Kitty especially. That girl. I thought you had an attitude problem Sun, but damn.” 
“Did you just say you’re too old for this?” Mork gave him a confused look. “We’re barely passed 25, but your brother…he’s approaching 30.” Mork chuckled with an eyebrow wiggle. Rain laughed.
“It’s true, I guess we’re still on the young side.” He smiled at Mork. “I’m out. They’re asleep.” On his way to the door, Rain gave his brother a shoulder squeeze. Mork and Sun plopped onto the couch. Sun swung a leg over him and settled into his lap. Mork bit his lip as he caressed thighs. He then pressed hands up his back to bring Sun closer. Sun placed his lips within inches of his husband’s. “Home sweet home.” Mork gave him a small kiss. “I love you,” he whispered, grabbing one of Sun’s hands and giving it a kiss too.
“Oh, I love you more,” Sun teased. 
“More than coffee? More than the kids?” 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Sun jokes. Cue the iconic eye roll. Sun shook his head. Mork tangled fingers into his hair and leaned their foreheads together. Sun caught his lips again, realizing it's been awhile since they had time alone. He’d treasure as much of this as possible, but he also couldn’t wait to hear the pitter-patter of feet down the hallway in the morning.
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eternaljouska · 5 years
Over the Narita Sky - Choi Seungcheol
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Pairing: Seungcheol x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,842
Notes: 1. This was supposed to be for his birthday :) 2. This was supposed to be finished yesterday :) Well, at least here we have it done, and it’s still August :)
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“Hey, Cheol! Over here!” you shout out as soon as you catch the glimpse of your long-time boyfriend behind the masses of men that are his band members and crews. He finds you instantly and his face lights up, seeing that you’re skipping your way through the busy airport towards him. Seventeen has just wrapped up their activity in Japan with a three-day mega concert in Tokyo Dome and now is on their way to Las Vegas for BBMAs. You can see the exhaustion framing Seungcheol dark eyes as well as the other members’. They always remind you how easy it is for their excitements to freshen them up again, but still, it’s a hectic schedule. The most rest they can get is the one day off before rehearsal. And for this reason, you’ve turned down your boyfriend’s original plan to pick you up in Seoul and then fly from there to McCarran International Airport. Because that, you imagine, would be such a great hassle.
You’ve been waiting in the gate only for about fifteen minutes when you saw them marching in. You didn’t really pay attention to your surrounding, only facing up once in a while from the captivating video you’re playing on your phone, fancams from last night’s concert. It was so sad that you couldn’t attend any of those three-day concerts because you’re doubling as your cousin’s wedding organizer and bridesmaid, which you would consider as an insanely terrific experience because how could someone do that? You’re planning a wedding but then you’re basically leaving it be as if you’re certain that nothing could ever go wrong and you could just stand and look pretty as the bridesmaid. But you made it.
And so did Seungcheol. He made it through the concerts with no injury and with a high spirit still—credit goes to the pictures of you on your salmon pink bridesmaid dress. But to be perfectly honest, you not being there took a toll on him, and pictures could only do so much. Sure, he’s a leader you could count on to and he’s also good at hiding what he’s actually feeling if he wanted to. But when it comes to you, he’s just a complete baby. And even right now, he’s walking to you in childlike strides and with a pout on his face.
When he arrives in front of you, the pout on his lips turns into a straight line which makes the dimples on his cheeks more prominent. “Babe,” he whines as he stares at you, who had stopped too many steps away from him.
You understand right away what he tries to express in that one word, his expression telling you everything you need to know. He missed you, and he came to the airport with an expectation, which you obviously didn’t fulfill.
 “Why didn’t you come up to me to hug me or something? I thought when we’re on the phone you said you missed me,” he grumbles and in turn, you laugh.
“I was distracted. I just finished watching the videos of a special someone spitting fire on last night concert and the pouty baby in front of me is such a polar opposite to that person, you know. I wonder how that’s possible.” You nudge him when he deliberately trying to shy away from your gaze.
“But still, how could you not run to that person when he’s literally a few feet away from you.”
“Oh my god, see! You’re such a baby! Did you miss me that much, huh?” You let out an airy chuckle before you stand up and link your arm with his. “Come on, let’s take a walk around. We still have, what, twenty, twenty-five minutes before check-in? I’m sure once your members get the timing right and circle us, they’re gonna tease you to death.”
You walk hand in hand visiting every shop with no intention of buying anything. There’s one that looks like a mini-market, and it has all kinds of instant noodle you can imagine. You audibly gasp and point at the stacks of noodle packages excitedly. “Cheol-ah! Look at that! It’s- Oh my god, that’s a lot of noodles!”
And then there’s another shop that sells assortments of soft cakes and chocolates. They have banana cake in the shape of a sliced banana, hello kitty soft cakes, Dorayaki, which you love, and various others. Again, you don’t buy anything. You just take the small pieces of cakes the shop assistant offers you. Seungcheol insists that you pick something, but of course, you insist back, saying that something is too sweet or not of your taste or that you don’t really want it at all. But it’s just that you don’t like him spending money on you. This whole trip, it’s on him, and you don’t want to add more to that, however small the addition is.
Seungcheol knows of this, but he can’t really do anything. Well, at least, anything other than buying you stuff behind your back. Just like how he secretly booked you your flight ticket here, he bought you a pack of a dozen Dorayaki. Only one, though, so that he can fit in inside his already-packed backpack. He can already see the way you’d sigh and scold him because of it, but he can save that image for later when you actually do sigh and scold him. Right now, he’ll just revel in the way your eyes light up at the littlest thing that piques your interest as you continue your walk.
And then you sigh, and Seungcheol feels that he’s on the border of panicking, thinking that you’ve caught him, but that was until he notices the contentment that framed your sigh. “I always love this airport,” you begin and Seungcheol let go of the breath he’s holding since a few seconds ago. “It feels airy and light. All these glasses and high ceiling. But you know, there’s always a downside to everything. Somehow, even though I’ve been here, like, at least thrice, I still have a hard time finding the restroom, like, all the time.”
And Seungcheol bursts in laughter, classic Y/n.
“That’s true! Really! It feels like they’re too far apart or whatever,” you say, laughing with him as you see the comical quality of your sentence. Seungcheol frees his arm from yours only to wrap it around your shoulder, and you feel grateful for the proximity it offers. “Anyway, I want to live here,” you start again after some time, earning you one surprised look from your boyfriend.
“What? Here? As in this airport?”
You shoot him a look before answering, “No, you silly! In Tokyo.”
“Why? Because the airport is good?”
You shoot him another look, causing him to chuckle.
“You hate living in a big city, though.”
“Well, then, Kyoto?”
“Is it a small city?”
You giggle at that because you don’t know, and as you exaggerate a shrug, you tell him just that. “I don’t know. I know nothing about anything, you see.”
He looks at you incredulously and asks, “Then how do you come up with Kyoto?”
“You know, there’s this poet. He wrote a piece of Tokyo and another of Kyoto. They’re beautiful, the way the pieces are connected to each other. And, uh, Tokyo and Kyoto, you reverse one and you get the other. Tokyo, Kyoto, Tokyo, Kyoto,” you explain while flipping your palm up and down after you say the name of each of those two cities.
“Is… that why you like the poetries?”
“Hey,” you whine, “I told you they’re beautiful! That Tokyo-Kyoto thing just adds to its value for me. I’ll show you later, you’ll see just how beautiful those pieces are, ugh. Anyway, I like the Kyoto one better.”
“So… We’re moving to Kyoto because of that?”
“Uh”—you stop walking and turn to face Seungcheol—“are we now?”
He follows your action and replies bluntly, “No.”
Then you both laugh together before falling into a comfortable silence as Seungcheol tightens his arm around you and the two of you walk back to your designated gate.
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“Cheol-ah, look at that, it’s beautiful,” you say, motioning to the sky outside the plane’s window beside you. “The clouds are so neat and white and pretty. And there’s just the perfect amount of sunlight, in addition to the shade of blue that the sky has. It’s so calming. Somehow, everything’s so calming.”
“So it’s Tokyo?” Seungcheol prods.
“The one that makes you feel calm.”
“Huh?” you say again, not quite comprehending his words.
“Not me?” he finally asks the core of his previous question, prompting a chuckle from you. But then instead of answering further, you look out the window again, settling on a rather mellow expression.
Seungcheol sighs as he reaches for your hand, knowing exactly what you have in mind. “Hey, I’m sorry that you’ve never had the chance to go beyond the airport, not even to our hotel. But next time, we’ll travel, yeah? Tokyo, Kyoto, wherever you want, hmm?”
You snap your head around to face him. “Cheol, that’s not- You don’t have to—“
“But I don’t want you to—“
He cups your face and runs his thumbs on your cheeks, their warmth immediately paints red on your face. “I want to,” he states firmly before he falters, “And, uh, you’re wrong.”
“Huh? Wrong? About what?”
One of Seungcheol’s palm releases your cheek to straighten the line forming on your forehead. “About knowing nothing about anything. You know a little thing about something. And that’s the only thing that matters.” He chuckles when that line only grows deeper at the end of his sentence.
“I know a little thing about something? What? That sounds weirdly complicated, Cheol,” you protest.
“You know a little thing about me. In fact, you know almost everything about me, every little thing.”
You scoff, “Impossible!”
“Well, will you continue to learn then?”
“As long as you’ll do the same.”
“Easy thing,” he shrugs, bringing his hands away from you and folding them in front of his chest.
You raise your eyebrow at him, completely amused by his answer. “Uh-huh?”
“You cocky little man.”
“What?!” he exclaims in half a whisper, “You sure you’re talking about me?” Seungcheol wiggles his eyebrows and nod towards the seat behind yours, which as it turns out, is occupied by one sleeping Jihoon. Your eyes grow big in terror, but you can’t help the laugh that’s coming out of you, and neither does Seungcheol.
“Alright. Come here,” he says in the end, bringing your head to his shoulder, “and, uh, I might have bought a box of Dorayaki for you.”
“I want it, too, okay? If you don’t want it then I can eat everything.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Whatever you say,” you mumble as you throw your gaze outside the window again, biting down a smile at how his palm mindlessly rubs at your arm and his head comfortably rests atop of yours.
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 5 years
So I Don’t Forget (Luke Imagine)
A/N: Anna's writing 5sos stuff??? It's been forever since I've posted anything with 5sos but nobody reads it so . . . Anyways, I know this is a cliche idea but I like it. Thanks to everyone who reads this! Please reblog and leave feedback! It would mean the world to me!!!
Summary: You write letters to Luke to help cope with his death
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: Mentions of death, very sad, swearing
*Italics are the letter, normal font is y/n's actions* 
                                                                                                          April 13, 2018
Dear Luke,
It's been a month since the accident and I haven't been doing so great. My therapist suggested writing letters to you to help cope but I don't think they're going to help. I've only felt more upset now that I have to think about you more. I don't even know what to write about. Not much has been going on since you left. I haven't been able to do much without feeling the need to break down. I've tried to stay strong for Robbie but it's so hard. He's too young to understand what happened, other than the fact that you aren't here anymore. Everyone is nice to me, but in a pitiful way. It's almost like death is contagious or something. They bring over meals and tell me that they're there for me if I need anything but the second I invite them in, they act like they have somewhere to be and leave.
That hurt: realizing that nobody knew how to comfort you, or even made an effort to try. Without Luke, you felt so lonely. You had Robbie, but he couldn't do much, being so young.
You should see Robbie now. He's grown so quickly. I can already see you in him, it's insane. His hair is all curls and his nose is an exact replica of yours. I wish you were still around so he could take after you personality wise. Now he's going to be as sarcastic as I am (which probably isn't a good thing). Fuck that driver who couldn't stop to think about how dangerous drunk driving is. They didn't just take you from us, they left Robbie without a dad, your bandmates without a brother, and me without my soulmate. You left too soon and now I have to be a single mom when we barely had this parenting thing down with two people. It's so hard.
The tears that had been few and in between for the past few days were pouring down your face now, some splashing onto the paper of which you were writing your letter. You couldn't help it. The more you thought about it, the more the pain crept into your soul, consuming every last cell you had. You had lost you husband, your soulmate, and you'd never get him back.
This is all I can write for today. I love you so much and I promise I will never forget you. Not a second goes by when you're not consuming my thoughts. With more love than we could ever imagine,
It was done. Your first letter to your dead husband was finished. What else could you write to someone who would never read it?
Dear Luke,
It's been a while. I'm sorry, I just haven't been able to get myself to write this. I've been doing so much better lately. I can go out and do things like a functional person now! Everyone's doing a lot better actually. The boys have been coming over a lot recently for dinner. They look less heartbroken, and I guess I do too. They've talked about finishing the tour soon but they're probably going to break up after that. It's not the same without you. Who knows, maybe they could get someone to replace you! (Haha, they could and would never. You are just too special to replace.) That was kinda mean but I think this deeply heavy and emotional letter needs some comedy relief. (You can tell I'm doing better since I'm making jokes again.) How is it up there? I hope you're doing alright and that you're not lonely. Robbie is convinced you don't have enough friends and you need some company but I told him I'm sure you've made plenty. He really misses you now that he kinda understands that you're gone for good. He's told me that he wants to be just like you when he grows up. (He's convinced he could replace you in the band if someone would just show him how to play the guitar. I don't trust his three year old hands around them though so don't worry, your guitars are perfectly safe.) He's going to start preschool this year and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. He's grown up so fast! Soon enough he'll be going to college and I'll be all alone. I forgot to tell you, I got a job! At first it was just to distract me from my grief, but I've found that I really enjoy it. Sure, we have enough money to live comfortably for a very long time, but I didn't want to spend the rest of my days sitting around and doing nothing. Anyways, that's all I really have to write for today. I miss you so much and I love you to the end of the universe and back a million times! Love,
You clicked the end of the pen with a sigh of relief. You had written your first letter to him in two months and you were just now realizing how much better you felt. It was like swearing when you stubbed your toe. A bit of relief from the pain you felt. Maybe this helped more than you originally thought.
Dear Luke,
I know it's only been a few days but you need to hear about this. Robbie told me he wants another pet. Another fucking pet. I though Petunia was enough but no, he wants a cat. I love cats and all, but do we need another pet??? Petunia takes up enough space as the baked potato she is (I love her for it don't get me wrong) so we don't need another animal right? It's really hard to get ask your advice when you can't respond. Maybe we should do it just because we can and I think Petunia needs a companion. She's good around cats, right? Fine, I'll do it. I can't believe writing to you is helping me make up my mind. Oh well. While I'm here, might as well mention that I miss you and I love you so much!!! (Three exclamation points, that's a lot! That's how you know how much I miss you) Sorry this letter is so short but we have to go look for a cat now. Love you! Love,
P.S: We bought all the supplies for the cat. Now we have to go find one (7/4)
P.P.S: We got a really fluffy cat and Petunia loves her (7/6)
Dear Daddy,
Hi daddy! It's Robbie! I miss you so much!! Mommy has to write this cause I don't know how to write yet. We got a kitty and we named her Oreo cause she's black and white. Petunia likes her soooooo much. When I play blocks Oreo knocks them over and then I have to start over. I built a really cool castle yesterday but Petunia ran into it before mommy could take a picture of it. My birthday is coming soon! I'm going to be 4! Mommy said that Grandma and Papa are coming over and we are going to eat cake and open presents (but the presents are for me because it's my birthday).  I'm going to play with Petunia now! I love you!!!!!!!!
Love, Robbie
Hey Luke, It's me, Y/N. I'm not gonna waste paper so I'll write this on the same sheet. I think we'll keep the letters to once a month now so I have stuff to talk about and so we don't forget. Robbie drew you a picture so I'll put it in here when I fold the letter. It's a picture of all of us and Petunia and Oreo. I don't know why I'm so short compared to you. Maybe because I told him that you were super tall? I don't know. Anyways, the boys have decided not to finish the tour. They claimed it's just not the same without you on stage and that they don't want to have a 5sos without you. I don't know if they're going to continue as a band or not. I know you would want them to but it would be weird without you. I'm gonna go now. Sorry these have been short lately. I'm not really sure what to say anymore. These letters help to cope but I don't think I can really put everything I want to say on paper yet. Love you more every day that passes by! 
 Love, Y/N
Throughout the next few months you wrote Luke letters, hoping that the words would just flow onto the page. Every month it seemed harder to put something down. You felt much happier now, but that emotional barrier was still present. After a while you stopped writing the letters, too frustrated with yourself to try to write more. You never forgot about your husband, but you started to think about him less often than before. That was, until the one year anniversary of his death.
Dear Luke,
I'm back. I know it's been too long but I've been doing so well. The letters got to a point where there was nothing for me to put down on the page. They started to make me more frustrated with myself than they helped me cope. I never knew what to say other than I miss you and I wish you had never left. I finally finished my last therapy session! (Last week actually, but now is not the time for technicalities) I'm so much more at peace with myself than I was a year ago. A whole year that you've been gone and it feels like an eternity. It's been so hard without you here. I know I said I've been doing better but sometimes I feel myself slip without anyone there to catch me. There are nights where I can't do anything but cry because I know that I have to live the rest of my life without you. That I will never find someone who I love like I loved you. Like I love you.
In that moment you broke down. Luke was gone for good and you couldn't do anything about it. The only part you had left of him was his guitars and Robby. 
I know I have to be strong but it's so fucking hard. Life is shitty without your sunshine personality to make it better. Robby is constantly asking about you and I wish I didn't have to leave you partially up to his imagination. He needs a father figure here and I can't give that to him. I've tried to get back into the dating game but I just can't. Being with someone that isn't you doesn't sit right with me. The thought of someone taking your place as my husband and as Robby's dad is terrifying. You were supposed to be with me through it all and you were barely there for the first portion.
You place the pen down on the desk you kept in your room and stood up to go to bed. You couldn't finish this letter. Sobs pushed through your body and you couldn't seem to stop them as they slowly got louder and louder. Normally you would be concerned that Robby would hear you but at this point you just needed to let it all out. The pain that you had held down for the past year all came out at once. What if Luke had been five minutes late from the meeting rather than out on time. What if you had asked him to pick up the milk you needed so he would have to take a different turn. What if that stupid driver hadn't gotten drunk in the first place.
"Mommy, why are you crying?" Your son's voice came from the doorway. He was holding the stuffed tiger Luke had bought for him when he was born. Ever since the accident, Robby rarely let it out of his sight.
"I just miss daddy," You reply, sitting up in your bed and holding out your arms to pick him up when he walked over to you."We lost him a whole year ago now and I miss him a whole lot."
Robby was clinging onto you now, hugging you as tight as he could and burying his face into your shoulder. You sat like that for a minute, trying to stop your tears until you felt Robby start to shake.
"Why can't daddy come back to us? I miss him!" He wailed, causing you to shed a few more tears. At that moment, the only thing you could do was rub his back and cry with him.
"I miss him too baby. I miss him too." 
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amortm · 5 years
      *  𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒  𝐔𝐏  ,  pretty  kitties  !   i'm  terribly  sorry  abt  my  absence  on  the  dash  alongside  you  angels  ,  &  trust  that  i’m  fully  embarrassed  of  my  slow  ass  ,  but  i  finally  typed  this  baby  out  ,  &  i  can’t  wait  for  y’all  to  meet  my  love  ,  𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔  !
*  ╰   it’s  an  absolute  dishonour  to  meet  you ,   julianna  /  jules  .  at   twenty - one  ,  you’ve  disgraced  the   peralta   family  name  &  failed  to  carry  on  their  legacy  as  an  elite  .  as  a  result  ,  they’ve  requested  that  we  at  the  academy  do  our  best  to  rid  you  of  your  venality  ,  & seeing  as  though  they’re  worth  86m  ,  we  dutifully  obliged  .  while  your   pleonastic  &  inexorable  attributes  have  always  promised  failure  ,  it’s  your  spar  with   pride  &  ghosting  your  breakout  acting  role  after  you  found  out  your  daddy  secured  it  for  you   that  got  you  committed  .  before  we  take  possession  of  you  ,  it’s  imperative  that  we  know  that  you  are  a   cisfem  who  prefers   she  &  her  pronouns  ,  &  you  resemble   diana  silvers  .  your  birthday  is  on   april  26th  ,  making  you  a  recalcitrant  taurus  ,  &  you  were  transported  to  us  all  the  way  from   vail  ,  co  .  at  the  present  time  ,  you  work  off  campus  at   seaside  florist  .  go  ahead  &  purchase  that  extra  large  suitcase  ,  disgrace  .  you’re  going  to  need  it . 
your  name  /  age  /  pronouns  /  timezone  /  etc  .
hiya  loves  !   i  go  by  blue  &  she  /  her  pronouns  ,   i’m  9teen  ,   &  i’m  a  pst  baby  !   i’m  one  of  the  six  lovely  admins  @  #unholy  ,   &  they’re  all  superstars  ,   so  imagine  my  daily  awe  !   anyway  ,   i’m  beyond  excited  to  finally  get  the  ball  rolling  ,   &  share  the  dash  with  you  babes  !
 muse  inspo  .
noora  sætre  ,   the  goldfinch  ,   ella  of  frell  ,   neil  perry  ,   charlie  dalton  ,   claire  saffitz  ,   monica  geller  ,   carla  lalli  music  ,   mia  thermopolis  ,   adam  parrish  ,   blue  sargent  ,   anna  ou  !
 character  details  :
    💐 :   sweetly  judgmental  ,  adoringly  vindictive   /   vindictively  adoring  ,   witty  ‘n  gritty  ,   bitingly  tender  ,   expressively  stubborn  ,   softly  feral  !
    😈 :   hershey’s  chocolate  ,   brooklyn  pizza  ,   baguettes  ,   collector  edition  copies  of  wuthering  heights  ,   selfies  ,   her  mom  ,   richard  siken  anthologies  ,   twilight  (  #teamedward  )  ,   crowded  movie  theaters  ,   english  gardens  ,   the  air  in  new  york  ,   the  air  in  vail  ,   snowboarding  ,   her  hair  ,   hot  chocolate  (  no  whipped  cream  ,   half  a  bag  of  mini  marshmallows  dumped  atop  )  ,   andrew  garfield  ,   her  discover  weekly  playlist  ,   german  shepherds  ,   harry  potter  ,   lord  of  the  rings  ,   comedies  ,   horror  movies ,   nude  lipstick  ,   chocolate  chip  toffee  cookies  with  sea  salt  drizzled  on  top  ,   mamma  mia  franchise  ,   dissertations  ,   driving  ,   any  typa  jacket  /  coat  ,   being  the  big  spoon  ,   her  father  ,   coca  cola  ,   lilies  ,   disney  t - shirts  ,   her  father’s  films  ,   take  out  ,   farms  ,   italy  (  every  single  crevice  of  it  )  ,   the  plaza  hotel  ,   mint  chip  ice  cream  ,   hats  ,   trains ,   monthly  horoscopes  ,  ancient  history  ,   greenwich  village  ,   maggie  rogers  ,   mating  ritual  ,   vampire  weekend  ,   mitski  ,   the  wombats  ,   magic  bronson  ,   jade  bird  ,   hockey  ,   pretending  to  be  a  fairy / witch  /  mermaid  as  a  child  ,   naruto  ,   avatar  the  last  airbender  ,   stepping  over  state  /  country  lines  ,   hot  water  with  honey  ,   amazon  prime  !
    👿 :   the  marvel  franchise  except  for  the  captain  america  &  thor  trilogies  ,   coffee  &  tea  ,   shorts  ,   sweet  potatoes  ,   layovers  of  any  length  ,   socks  ,   soy  milk  ,   her  arms  ,   chihuahuas  ,   a  song  of  fire  &  ice  novels  ,   super  fudgy  /  rich  cake  &  brownies  ,   cooking  for  herself  ,   being  told  what  to  do  ,   being  wrong  &  having  everyone  know  it  ,   people  who  are  rude  to  employees  ,   bad  tipping  ,   margaret  atwood  ,   her  first  grade  teacher  ,   plastic  coke  bottles  ,   too  much  pepper  in  a  dish  !
 upbringing  &  family  life  ,  life  before  the  academy  ,  etc  .
     julianna  rachel  peralta  was  born  to  a  beauty  -  charmed  family  of  three  ,   with  a  new  yorker  mother  &  italian  father  birthing  the  healthiest  &  happiest  girl  parents  can  dream  for  .    her  mother  ,  susanna  ‘ susie ’  peters  ,   was  coined  the  model  that  pioneered  90′s  fashion  ,  a  la  kate  moss  ,   &  met  julianna’s  father  ,   elio  peralta   (  think  the  francis  ford  coppola  of  this  verse  )  ,   whilst  she  was  briefly  on  set  for  jack  to  see  friend  fran  drescher  .    their  love  stemmed  from  there  ,   after  she  made  a  mocking  comment  &  he  overhead  &  mocked  her  in  return  for  it  ,   &  the  whirlwind  romance  that  captivated  their  world  for  the  next  few  years  led  to  miss  jules  being  born  .    neither  of  her  parents  desired  marriage  from  each  other  ,   rather  believing  that  their  love  knew  no  bounds  ,   even  those  of  matrimony  ,   but  never  did  it  dim  the  bond  held  between  the  small  family  of  three  .    once  jules  was  in  their  arms  ,   they  relocated  from  new  york  to  colorado  ,   into  the  quaint  town  of  vail  ,   surrounded  by  pristine  mountains  &  crystalline  air  ,   where  susie  &  elio  found  a  pocket  of  indisputable  peace  after  a  small  winter  trip  in  their  first  year  of  romance  .
        it  was  there  that  jules  grew  up  ,   &  there  that  the  love  of  her  parents  faltered  .    her  mother  missed  the  world  of  fashion  ,   the  rhythms  &  rhymes  of  the  space  she  knew  as  well  as  in  maintaining  the  fame  that  spotlighted  her  so  ,   while  elio’s  passions  for  turning  out  film  after  film  dwindled  .    &  when  the  offer  from  vogue  came  in  ,   waxing  poetic  about  a  fresh  position  as  a  fashion  editor  ,   both  she  &  elio  knew  that  their  paths  would  veer  .    their  love  was  no  less  ,   but  integral  factors  of  their  relationship  were  now  fractured  ,   &  they  each  desired  after  different  things  .    this  was  all  said  to  julianna  ,   in  soft  tones  &  with  assuring  words  .    yet  ,   never  was  it  promised  that  everything  would  be  the  same  as  it  was  ,   for  the  truth  was  in  something  unsaid  .    susie  moved  to  new  york  ,   while  elio  &  jules  stayed  in  that  mansion  in  the  mountains  ,   &  all  was  as  fair  &  well  as  it  could  be  ,   with  julianna  staying  with  her  mom  during  the  fall  season  &  discovering  every  little  piece  of  italy  in  the  summers  .    christmases  &  hanukkahs  were  always  shared  in  vail  ,   &  susie  tagged  along  european  dives  when  her  schedule  allowed  for  it  .    it  was  as  if  their  relationship  &  subsequent  uncoupling  were  trivial  details  no  one  could  bother  to  account  for  ,  until  ,   in  the  worst  spot  she’s  ever  seen  her  mother  ,   it  came  out  that  elio  peralta  found  a  new  woman  to  share  a  life  with  ,   &  that  their  new  life  together  would  be  housed  in  the  same  home  that  susie  &  elio  specially  chose  &  ,   in  emotional  terms  ,  truly  built  themselves  &  carved  their  family  in  its  foundations  .    it  was  a  betrayal  of  the  deepest  caliber  ,   &  from  there  the  small  peace  that  still  was  at  the  core  of  their  little  family  was  forever  severed  ,   &  it  became  obvious  to  jules  that  those  few  years  were  lucky  .
     she  was  thirteen  when  famed  actress  lily  taylor  (  aka  jennifer  connely ��lmao  )  moved  into  her  family  home  ,   bringing  her  adopted  eleven - year - old  twins  with  her  .    in  a  sense  of  loyalty  to  her  mother  &  her  own  hurt  over  the  despair  that  her  father  caused  their  original  trio  ,   jules  was  heartily  &  positively  prepared  to  hate  the  new  additions  to  her  family  with  a  vindictive  fidelity  .    her  plan  was  promptly  overturned  ,   however  ,   when  she  spent  day  upon  day  with  her  new  fam  &  steadily  allowed  them  into  her  heart  .    this  ,   of  course  ,   was  paired  with  doubtless  guilt  ,   spurred  on  by  her  own  mind  whenever  she  flew  to  nyc  to  see  her  mother  ,   but  soon  enough  this  was  caught  by  each  of  her  parents  ,   &  susie  was  insistent  in  her  assurance  that  whatever  frigidness  she  still  held  for  elio  &  his  new  beau   (  which  julianna  didn’t  bother  to  correct  with  wife  )   ,   it  in  no  way  extends  nor  should  be  mimicked  by  her  .    elio  ,   in  turn  ,   was  quick  to  promise  to  jules  that  his  love  for  her  mother  flamed  in  his  heart  to  this  day  ,   but  each  of  them  are  happier  living  their  lives  in  the  lifestyles  they’ve  chosen  ,   with  the  people  they’ve  chosen  .    
      there  really  wasn’t  anything  to  do  but  swallow  their  words  ,   &  live  by  the  sentiments  they  expressed  .   jules  was  both  a  mama’s  &  daddy’s  girl  in  one  ,   so  to  take  their  words  as  fact  was  an  ignorance  she  allowed  herself  ,   even  when  the  hurt  look  on  her  mother’s  faced  inevitably  shone  through  in  hidden  moments  .
     but  when  jules  turned  seventeen  ,   susie  fell  in  love  with  a  musician  /  designer  named  tommy  lever  she  met  while  interviewing  his  collection  for  vogue  ,  &  the  two  fell  deep  ,  far  enough  to  sway  susie  into  moving  to  brazil  during  the  spring  season  ,  away  from  her  beloved  manhattan  loft  ,  to  be  with  him  in  his  home  (  the  link  is  crucial  to  his  characterization  lmao  ,  as  lenny  kravitz  is  essentially  tommy  lever  )  .   when  she  can  ,  jules  visits  as  often  as  she’s  allowed  (  always  )  &  has  gained  a  room  herself  .
      after  that  ,   however  ,   the  cycle  between  her  various  homes  continued  ,   well  into  her  slipping  teendom  ,   &  when  the  prospect  of  college  crunched  down  on  her  ,   the choice  seemed  inevitable  .   nyu  gained  a  classics  &  theater  major  for  its  class  of  2019  (  she  skipped  the  third  grade  ,  a  fact  she  didn’t  stop  bragging  about  at  that  age  )  ,   but  in  her  senior  year  of  university  ,   the  walls  came  crashing  down  .
 what  sin  are  they  categorized  under  ?  why ?
jules  belongs  to  the  sin  of  #pride  through  &  through  .   after  all  ,   if  there  was  one  damning  trait  to  send  her  straight  into  the  pits  of  burning  infernos  ,  her  prideful  sense  of  self  would  be  it  .   that’s  not  to  say  she’s  arrogant  (  nor  am  i  saying  she  isn’t  )  ,  but  it’s  more  that  she  can’t  take  being  undermined  or  allow  the  supposed  undermining  to  go  unpunished  .   she  has  a  great  deal  of  #pride  in  her  own  self  worth  &  capabilities  ,  though  she’s  usually  loathe  to  make  it  known  in  plain  terms  ,  &  if  she  feels  attacked  in  that  manner  ,  she’ll  completely  close  up  .   this  often  ,  as  you’ll  surely  be  able  to  tell  ,   beckons  problematic  shit  .
 what  got  them  sent  to  the  academy  ?
      during  jules’  senior  year  at  nyu  ,  she  was  contacted  by  her  agent  (  shared  with  her  father  )  &  offered  an  audition  for  a  leading  role  in  a  major  hollywood  studio  film  .   throughout  the  years  ,  she  dabbled  in  theater  &  attracted  a  starring  role  or  two  along  the  way  ,  especially  in  school  productions  ,   but  the  plan  for  success  was  always  envisioned  after  college  .   when  she  got  the  call  ,  however  ,  she  handled  it  with  a  happy - go - lucky  fuck  it  sort  of  approach  ,  &  a  week  later  ,  when  she  received  the  good - bearing  call  ,  there  was  no  backing  out  ,  or  so  she  thought  .   tentatively  dropping  out  of  the  semester  in  which  she  would  graduate  ,  jules  modeled  the  next  few  months  of  her  life  around  the  film  ,  happily  doing  so  .   
      yet  ,  the  first  week  into  rehearsals  brought  down  a  cloud  so  dark  she  thought  she’d  choke  under  it  .   she  overheard  a  few  producers  on  their  lunch  break  ,  talking  about  this - & - that - esque  bullshit  ,  but  just  as  she  was  passing  ,  one  of  them  made  a  comment  about  the  peralta  girl  ,  &  how  hollywood  legacies  are  the  roaches  of  the  industry  .   how  directors  from  the  middle  ages  should  just  stick  to  ruining  things  behind  the  camera  ,  not  forcing  a  disaster  in  front  of  it  .   
      that  day  ,  jules  walked  out  of  set  &  never  took  a  step  back  in  .   effectively  ruining  her  future  career  in  the  process  ,  she  ghosted  all  contact  from  the  production  &  even  went  as  far  to  jet  off  to  brazil  to  regenerate  with  her  mom  as  an  escape  .   she  couldn’t  even  pick  up  where  she  left  off  during  the  semester  ,  &  simply  had  to  sit  back  &  witness  her  classmates  of  four  years  graduate  without  her  .   her  parents  were  furious  ,  but  the  only  thing  she  gave  in  return  was  a  steely  silence  ,  refusing  even  turn  a  glare  to  her  father  .   now  ,  she’s  been  shoved  into  the  hands  of  the  academy  ,  biding  the  days  until  she  could  return  to  nyu  in  the  fall  .  
what  do  you  think  they’ll  struggle  with  the  most  at  the  academy ?
tbh  ,  the  biggest  issue  for  jules  is  the  resentment  curling  at  her  core  .   at  her  father  ,  the  film  ,  the  academy  ,  herself  .   right  now  she’s  just  in  a  foul  mood  &  sick  at  being  forced  into  glitterati  rehab  ,  but  her  #pride  won’t  allow  her  to  fail  ,  even  if  she  wishes  to  do  it  just  to  spite  everyone  .   she  is  a  people  person  ,  however  ,  &  will almost  definitely  warm  up  ,  even  if  it’s  just  for  appearances  sake  .
extra  details  :  links  you’d  like  to  incorporate  ,  wanted  connections  ,  literally anything  else  you  want  to  include  ,  etc  .
wanted  connections  will  be  coming  soon  !   for  now  ,  please  enjoy  this  authentic  video  of  jules  chillin  in  her  fav  corner  of  the  world  ,  aka  italia  ,  taken  by  her  bff  eli  😔✌️
23 notes · View notes
kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Meet the Parents: Three
A/N: FINALLY finished with this. My midterm paper was taking over my life. I have a few more prompts to do before I start working on spooky stuff for Wednesday! I hope you all enjoy. Also, the face claim for CoCo’s dad has changed.
Word Count: 4488
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The journey through post-secondary education has its ups and downs. As much as an institution can be a site for cultivating and molding the minds of tomorrow’s leaders, it also serves as an arena for young people to navigate life’s challenges and triumphs. From making friends, leaving with enemies, passing classes with flying colors and falling flat for the second time, college provides an opportunity for growth.
For you and Chadwick, not only had both of you grown as individuals but also as two souls forever bonded by the Howard University experience and the quiet beginnings of a long friendship.
Sadly, all great experiences must end. The freshmen that hit it off in 1996 by accident were now semi-adults preparing for their last hoorah before real life started.
Chadwick sat at the foot of your bed, engrossed in the basketball game on the television, while you flipped through your photo album and reminisced.
“Oh my goodness, look at Tanisha,” you laughed. “I don’t know who told her that dressing as a cigar was a good Halloween costume, but I’m glad they did. This shit is hilarious.”
“It was probably the girl standing beside her dressed as the most low budget Lola Bunny that I’ve ever seen.”
“Shut the hell up Mr. Too Cool to Dress Up for a Halloween Party. I was cute that night.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t cute. I said your hand drawn jersey and dingy bunny ears looked low budget.”
Using the fact that his attention was elsewhere as an advantage, you flung a throw pillow at the back of his head. “I really can’t stand you. Go home.”
“I want you to act just like that during graduation this weekend. Don’t let me see one tear or I’m clownin’ you at the celebration dinner,” he answered as he leaned back to lay on the bed. “Speaking of the celebration, your folks eating with mine or are we doing two separate things?”
You thought for a moment, using the fringe on your pillowcase to distract you from the brown eyes peering up at you. You’d passed the Mr. and Mrs. Boseman test with flying colors, and your family was all but ready to marry you off tomorrow after only a few meetings with Chadwick. Separately, you both got along with each other’s families. But, you weren’t sure how situations would play out once the Greene and Boseman clans united.
“You think they’ll like each other? Our families?”
“Why wouldn’t they? My parents like you and your parents love me. We’re extensions of those that raise us right? It should work itself out.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then we’ll go get carry out together and eat it back at my place. It’s no big deal.”  
“Everything is no big deal to you, Aaron.” Chadwick smirked and shrugged his shoulders. His nonchalant attitude about things not involving his work either infuriated or calmed your nerves. Today, it soothed your worries and helped you to make a concrete decision.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
Chadwick’s eyes shot from the television to your face to get confirmation of what exactly you were planning to do. “What’d you just say?”
“I said let’s do it!”
“Right here? Right now? I mean it’s kind of soon, and I was hoping it’d happen way different than this, but if you want, sure. Let’s do it!”
“Great! I’ll call my mom and dad and tell them we’re combining our parties! Should we match outfits? No, that’s too much. Red velvet or pound cake?” Your rambling became a background murmur in Chadwick’s ear once he realized how close he’d come to make an ass of himself.
After thanking God for saving him from an awkward mishap, he watched and listened to you plan the final get together before the inevitable separation occurred. You were taking a job offer to intern with the Hornets in Charlotte and Chadwick had long made the decision to pursue directing and writing in New York. For much of the Spring semester, the conversation about continuing the friendship long distance had been avoided. Neither of you were ready to think about life without the other.
Still, time can not slow down or be replaced. The days of the week began to blend together between parties, senior week activities, and graduation practice. Separate familial activities kept you and Chadwick away from each other Friday afternoon, leaving little room for serious conversation during a wild off-campus graduation party.
While you and Chadwick prepared for the grand entrance with fellow members of the Howard University Class of 2000, your separate groups of parents prepared for a meeting orchestrated by God himself.
“Where is Chadwick,” Carolyn asked, craning her neck around to look over the upper quandrangle housing the commencement ceremony. “First he wasn’t home this morning, and now I don’t see him here. The ceremony starts in ten minutes.”
“Then it makes sense why you wouldn’t see him out here then, right? The graduates aren’t just hanging around.”
Shifting her attention to her husband, Carolyn’s mouth opened to speak but closed as a family of three shuffled past her to take the last open seats in the area.
“Gerald, where is Tasha? The ceremony starts in eight minutes and she is nowhere to be found. She wasn’t at her apartment and she has yet to page me back. I will return that car to the lot the moment we get back home if she isn’t here.”
“Baby, the graduates don’t wait in the open before the ceremony,” Gerald answered. “C’mon, now. You’ve been through this before.”
Elaine’s mouth opened and closed, realizing that what her husband was saying was true.
“Don’t you hate when they’re right?”
Elaine whipped her head around to acknowledge the stranger, breaking into a small smile at the comment. “They never let you live it down. I guess that’s what happens when you’re wrong nine times out of ten.”
The women shared a laugh for a brief moment, helping each other to let go of some of the tension pent up from nervous energy.
“What’s your baby’s name?”
“Tasha Greene. She’s graduating from the School of Business.”
“So you’re the woman my son says I need to meet,” Carolyn laughed. “Now that I’m looking at you, I definitely see the resemblance.”
“I’m sorry, am I missing something,” Elaine asked with confusion taking prominence on her soft features.
“My son, Chadwick, talks about your daughter all the time. The beautiful ‘Miss CoCo’ is the topic of every conversation. Even when she doesn’t fit.”
The light bulb connecting names with stories illuminated Elaine’s mind, “Oh...my God! Chadwick is your son? Sweet little Aaron that ate my burnt meatloaf to be nice when everyone else criticized it? Girl, I owe you a thank you for checking in on my baby the way you do!”
“Owe me? I owe you! Lord knows my boy will eat you out of house and home if you let him. That week in Atlanta must’ve cost you a fortune.”
“Oh, girl, I’ve been raising two athlete daughters while married to a Marine. Trust me, he fit right in.
“So you know the struggle of keeping food in the house. I raised three boys and almost lived at the grocery store.” When the short bout of laughter subsided, Carolyn gave Elaine a small smile. “May I ask you a question? Mother to mother?”
“Absolutely. Unless it’s about Tasha’s manners. She takes after her father.”
Carolyn laughed and shook her head, “She’s been nothing but mannerable around me. My question is about our kids. Be honest with me, is Tasha...interested in my son at all? He thinks the world of her and I don’t want him to be hurt if she doesn’t feel the same way.”
“She is interested, but she’s afraid. If you ask her, he’s not looking to be in a relationship. I think she’s ignoring the signs to protect her heart. Again, she takes after her Daddy.”
“You know I can hear you right, Kitty,” Gerald interjected. “I’m sitting right here.”  
The beginning of ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ sounded around the outdoor area, alerting the guests to the arrival of the honorees. Sharing a knowing look, the two women put their conversation on hold to prepare for the arrival of their graduates.
“Tasha Nicole Green, Magna Cum Laude. Chadwick Aaron Bose-,” last names and accomplishments were drowned out by the combined applause of both families despite the request to wait until all names were called.
“Look at our babies,” Elaine smiled through misty eyes. “They’re growing so fast.”
“Mhmmm. Growin’ and drinkin’ before they have to walk across the stage. I bet all the money in my husband’s wallet that Chadwick doesn’t think I can tell.”
“They never think we know anything. Tasha is wobbling in those shoes like a baby deer and it ain’t because I didn’t teach her how to wear a pair of heels. I’ll let her slide for now, though. It’s a big day and she’s grown.”
In the center of the action, you caught wind of the overwhelming hooping and hollering from the stands, tapping Chadwick on the bicep to pull him away from the moment and direct is attention to the section you were looking at.
“Looks like our mamas found each other without our help,” you laughed, pointing to their spot in the audience and earning a wave from the pair.
“I guess so. Saves us a lot of trouble. What you think they talkin’ about?”
“Probably how cute I look in these shoes. You can’t even tell I’m still a lit-tle bit drunk.”
“CoCo, everyone can tell you’re a little bit drunk. You haven’t walked in a straight line since we’ve been here,” Chadwick scoffed, stepping to the side to let you into the row to take your seat.
“Ah, shut up, hater.” A wobbly step before reaching your chair caught you by surprise and sent Chadwick into a fit of hushed giggles. He was right. You were still noticeably intoxicated despite your best attempts to eat and hydrate your body into sobriety. Turning to your best friend, you pulled your sunglasses down to reveal a horrified expression. “Oh my God, my mama is gonna kill me!”
“Relax. I’ve been drunk in front of my mama too many times to count, and she’s never noticed. Just follow my lead.”
“Last time I followed your lead I drunk four cups of hunch punch to chase the two beers you gave to me.”
“But, did you have a good time?”
You thought for a moment, the memories of the night prior making you smile. “Yeah.”
“Okay, then. Follow my lead. We’re all good.”
Sitting in your apartment free from the stuffy graduation robe that held you hostage in the late spring sun, you were beginning to realize that things were not “all good.” For the one-hundredth time since your mother and Mrs. Boseman had teamed up to lecture you and Chadwick on the dangers of excessive drinking, you cut your eyes at the man sitting beside you.
“And I know you think we don’t know, but you two aren’t good at hiding anything. We know a lot more than you think we do,” Carolyn ranted with Elaine adding a “mhmm” behind her.
“Right now, you don’t understand, but you will when you’re parenting your own kids and have to deal with them acting a fool in public.”
“Their dad can handle that. I’m gonna be a cool mom,” you mumbled.
“Chadwick, are you ready to handle that since this one will be a cool mom,” Elaine questioned.
“Me!? What do her bad kids have to do with mine?”
“Woah, Woah! My kids will not be bad! Let’s not forget that I’m the one that keeps us out of trouble.”
Carolyn and Elaine watched their offspring argue about potential parenting styles with broad smiles and a twinkle in their eye. Mothers have a way of seeing beyond the current moment, and though neither of you were privy to the knowledge they possessed, their shared intuition confirmed what they already knew.
In the kitchen, Leroy and Gerald were dealing with headaches of their own as they listened to Kevin and Tiana argue over nothing in particular. Tired of the bickering, and the rumbling in their stomach from the thought of eating after the draining ceremony, both men were prepared to put an end to the commotion around them.
“Alright, alright.”
Talking ceased at their separate outbursts as both men looked at each other with surprised expressions.
“You go first, brother. I wasn’t tryin’ to interrupt you,” Gerald insisted.
“No, no. You go on ahead. This is technically your house.”
Gerald nodded before turning to the group across the apartment. “Now look, we done sat here and listened to y’all lecture these two grown ass people about drinking, and I’m tired of it. I’m ready to eat and I’m ready to eat right now, Kitty.”
“So they’re supposed to be able to do what they wanna do? Is that what you’re saying,” Carolyn asked with Elaine offering her nonverbal support with a glare at her husband.”
“Let the kids have fun. That’s what college is about. We ain’t ate since breakfast. Let it go!”
You and Chadwick shared quiet snickers at the notion that the chastisers were now being chastised. In a way, Mr. Boseman reminded you a lot of your best friend. His stance, laid-back yet oozing authority, made you think of the times he had “put his foot down” in situations where you unnecessarily argumentative. Chadwick’s mind simultaneously took in your mother’s demeanor and smiled at the near-identical posture. Elaine’s knuckles pressed into her sides with all of her weight on one leg took him back to moments when you *thought* you were scolding him for not listening while you spoke to him of leaving his shoes in the middle of the floor.
An intense battle of glares made the air thick between the parenting duos on each side of the argument until the mother’s relented with exasperated scoffs.
“Fine, Leroy! Just let the boy do whatever, I don’t care. We got a reservation to makes anyway.”
Turning on her heels, Elaine took a look at her husband and shook her head, “You spoil her, you know that? I expect you to pay the bill since she can be a drunk in public.”
“Now, Kitty-”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I have your checkbook anyway. It’ll get paid.”
Leaving Gerald stunned and Leroy in a silent fit of laughter, Elaine followed Carolyn out of the door and to the car. Gerald found the presence of mind to figuratively pick his jaw up from the ground before turning to address you and Chadwick.
“Y’all owe me.”
“You owe both of us. It doesn’t stop here. We’ll have to hear it long after y’all are out and getting drunk. Again! C’mon and get in this car before your mama blows the roof off of it.”
“To the graduates,” Kevin exclaimed as he thrust his red plastic cup into the air to begin his toast. “May your careers be fruitful so you can take me to Cancun on your dime.”
“Sorry, mama,” Kevin apologized before shooting a wink your way. “We’ll talk, T.”
A careful tug to his jeans by Carolyn brought Kevin down from his standing position on the picnic table bench and back to his seat.
When your parents told you they had something special planned after your graduation dinner, you weren’t sure what to expect. Your mother hated everything about the outdoors other than her beloved sunflowers in the backyard, so desert at a nearby park was the last thing you thought you would be doing. What you assumed to be a quiet after party with close friends and family turned into a carefully planned scavenger hunt to reveal one of your graduation gifts: a used, all black Jeep Grand Cherokee with heated seats and 10 disk CD changer. Your excitement could barely be contained, though you wondered how the car would factor into the news that you still needed to share.
“Alright, Mr. Cool, it’s your turn to make a toast,” Gerald laughed, directing his comment to Chadwick who was lazily leaning against your shoulder and using his spoon to pick the pecans out of your ice cream like he always did. He knew you hated them and would take the time to make sure they “didn’t go to waste.”
Smoothing out his t-shirt, Chadwick took a moment to stand and raise his cup into the air.
“Uh, I guess I’ll start with a toast to my parents, both biological and adopted. Thanks, mama and daddy for helping me get through this with all the prayers and encouragement.”
“And money. Don’t forget all the money you cost us,” Leroy added.
“Yeah, and money.” The table shared a healthy laugh at Mr. Boseman’s interjection before Chadwick could continue. “Mrs. Elaine and Mr. Gerald, thanks for looking out for me when you could. I really appreciate it and promise to at least send a Christmas card every year, Maybe even stop by if I’m ever in the area.”
“You can’t just DeeBo my parents, Aaron.”
“Oh, hush, Tasha,” your mother answered as she waved off your comment. “Stop by anytime, Chadwick. There’ll always be some biscuits for you if Gerald doesn’t get to ‘em first.”
Your mother had been smitten with Chadwick from the night she met him, so it didn’t surprise you that she had no issue with inviting him over despite being notoriously reluctant to have guest outside of family and a select few friends inside the home.
Chadwick mirrored the way you stuck your tongue out like a child before turning his full attention to you. “Last, but not least, I wanna say thank you to my best friend in the world, even when she’s trying to tell me what to do. Without you staying up all times to help me finish projects or just making sure I had food to eat when I couldn’t always afford it, you’ve been a big part of my journey, and I wouldn’t trade you for anything. Except for some Braves tickets.”  
After lightly shoving his side, you let Chadwick pull you into a hug once he took his seat. The heat of the late Spring sun paled in comparison to heat rushing to your cheeks. Your bronze skin prevented the scarlet hues below the surface from peeking through, but not enough to your feelings from the adults around the table. Parents and siblings shared knowing looks across the table, aware of the bubbling feelings between friends.
“Alright, alright, enough hugs, you two,” Gerald announce. “Pumpkin, it’s your turn.”  
The group watched you stand and nervously run your sweaty palms down the sides of your summer dress. Chadwick paid special attention to the way your legs seemed to run for miles and thicken in the right places. He needed to remember all of his favorite parts of you to hold him when both of you split up to chase individual dreams. Charlotte, North Carolina was miles away from Harlem, and he wasn’t sure when he’d have the chance to see you again.  Kevin clearing his throat and shooting him a playful glare brought Chadwick back to reality.
“I promise not to be long winded like Reverend C. Boseman over here,” you joked, earning an eye roll from Chadwick. “Thank you, Mommy and Daddy, for everything you’ve done to help me to this point. I love you guys so much. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Boseman, for being my parents away from home and liking me more than Chadwick.”
“Ma, tell her that’s not true!”
“Hush, boy. Don’t be rude. Continue, CoCo.”
Again, Chadwick rolled his eyes, earning a light giggle from you. “Aaron, even though you get on my last nerve, thank you for always being there when I needed you. I can’t wait to tear up the city with you in a few weeks.”
Chadwick’s eyes widened at your revelation, matching the bewildered expression on your parent’s faces.
“Is Chadwick moving to Charlotte?”
“He sure as hell better not be,” Leroy mumbled as he took a sip from his cup. “His ass is going to Harlem.”
“Leroy, hell!”
“Tasha, what are you talking about? Explain yourself.”
Taking a deep breath, you turned your attention to your mother, “I am...no longer taking the internship in Charlotte. I decided to take a paid entry-level position in New Jersey with the Nets. I’ll be 20 minutes away from Manhattan and closer to you.” Your explanation ended with a smile at Chadwick that he gladly returned.
You were two weeks away from packing your car in preparation for a new life in Charlotte. The lease was set to be signed in three days, and your parents had already reached out to family and friends in the area to provided you with a safety net for when they couldn’t be around. The plan was in motion, and up until a week before graduation, you were excited about the new journey. But, when the opportunity came knocking for an immediate opening with an organization in desperate need of new ideas and an entry-level assistant complete with an above average salary and a relocation package, you answered the call. The idea of being closer to the man you were secretly in love with was an added bonus.
Chadwick could no longer contain his excitement as he bolted up from his seat to wrap his arms around you and lift you from the ground.
“Oh my, God, Co! Are you being a jackass or really telling the truth?”
“I’m telling the truth,” you answered while giggling at the way he playfully tickled your sides. “I was gonna tell you this morning, but I figured I’d let everyone know at the same time. I hope you’re not mad mama and daddy.”
Elaine and Gerald stared at each other, occasionally looking across the table at Carolyn and Leroy who were just as confused.
“Well, I ain’t mad,” Tiana exclaimed to break the tension. “Can I come stay with you for Spring Break, T?”
Tiana looked between you and Chadwick for a concrete answer to her question. “Are y’all gonna do me like Mom and Dad? I’ll just stay home if it’s gonna turn into all that.”
“You can’t tell her she can stay at my place, Aaron. Let her stay at yours if you want her to come so bad!”
“Stay at home. Tiana. That nigga is broke already and he ain’t even moved yet,” Kevin answered.
Chadwick opened his mouth to respond before being cut off by your mother.
“Tasha, while I’m excited for you, I’m a little worried. Where will you live? You don’t have any family that far north. How will you adjust on such short notice? Do you even know exactly where you’ll work?”
“We just want you to be safe, Pumpkin.”
“I understand, Daddy, but I have it all figured out! The team has found me housing that I think you guys will approve of, and they’ve committed to five months of relocation. I’ve spoken to my direct supervisor and they’re excited to have me on board. As far as family, I have Chadwick and Kevin. They’re like family, right?”
Silence hung in the air as your parents attempted to process the new information. Reaching over the table, Carolyn gave Elaine’s hand a squeeze.
“We’ll make sure she’s alright. You don’t have to worry.”
“If it’s one thing I taught my boys, it’s how to stick together. They’ll take care of her.”
With reassurance from newfound friends, Elaine and Gerald turned to you with a smile.
“Well, alright! My Pumpkin is moving to the city. I don’t know how we’ll get a damn car that far North, but we’ll figure it out!”
The brief moment of commotion at the table allowed Chadwick to pull you away from the table inconspicuously to walk toward the nearby fountain.
Chadwick stole glances at you along the way, sporting a goofy smile that you didn’t notice until you turned to speak to him.
“What are you smiling about, Ashy?”
“You specifically told me the North was way too cold for you. Six months later, you’re moving to New Jersey. You were gonna miss me too much, huh?”
“What,” you exclaimed, feigning confusion. “I moved to work with my favorite team!”
“You hate the Nets. You called Scott Burrell a fucking bum the other day.”
“I did not!” Chadwick quirked his eyebrow at your blatant lie, waiting for you to come clean. Dropping the act, you let out a short laugh and looked away. “Okay, so, yeah, I would miss you a little bit. A lot, actually. But, this was also a better opportunity! Who knows the places I’ll end up with this type of experience?”
“You’ll go wherever you want, Champ. I’m happy for you.” Chadwick used his fist to nudge your shoulder before taking a seat beside you on the edge of the fountain. Extending his arm, he pointed toward the picnic table to direct your attention to the conversation between both sets of parents. “What you think they’re over there talking about?”
“Knowing my mama, she’s talking your mama’s head off about me and you being together again and all the trouble we might get into.”
“She’d be correct, then.” A sly smile slid across Chadwick’s face, worrying you with what was going on in his overactive mind.
“Oh, no. No. Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is no.”
“C’mon! Give me a second to explain!”
While Chadwick attempted to pull you into one of his plans for a fun outing in New York, conversations of the future transpired between the Boseman and Greene families. In a way, Chadwick was right. They were discussing your futures together, but in a wildly different context.
“So, who do you think will be the one to own up to their feelings first,” Carolyn asked. “My money is on my son.”
“Really? I’m betting on Tasha. I’m surprised she’s gone this long with her feelings hidden. She usually wears her heart on her sleeve.”
“Whoever says it first, just know it’s tradition for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding.”
“Don’t remind me,” Gerald groaned. “Just make sure y’all tell us about every movie Chadwick writes or stars in so we can add to this wedding fund. If they’re both wealthy, we won’t have much to worry about.”
The table erupted in laughter before all four heads turned to look over at the spirited banter between old friends and budding lovers.
Raising his glass, Leroy proposed the last toast of the evening.
“To family. We’re happy to have y’all on board.”
Elaine and Gerald followed suit with raised cups and proud smiles. “To family.”
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis  @wakandanmoonchild  @idilly  @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving  @inxan-ity  @daytimeheroicsonly  @onyour-right@brianabreeze  @sisterwifeudaku  @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901  @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat  @purple-apricots  @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser  @girl-wtf-lmao  @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel  @thiccdaddy-mbaku  @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14  @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny @drsunshine97  @cozyshack2 @zxddy-panther @queentearra @skysynclair19 @retro-melanin @mermaidchansons @misspooh @melanisticroyalty @babygirlofwakanda @wakanda-4evr @sarahboseman @karensraisns @blackmissmarvel @wakandankings  @kaykay4454fan @ororowrites @awkwardlyabstract @mixedmelanin @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sunflowerpsalms  @panthergoddessbast @justanotherloveaffair @jaeee-http @iliketowrite1996 @blackpantherismyish @thompettiedatheaux @msincognito67 @reignsxjackson @yaachtynoboat711@syreanne  @ilcb7@minim236 @yoyolovesbucky 
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jackyjango · 6 years
Daddy dearest...
A Modern-day Powered AU!
Tags: Dadneto, enemies to friends to lovers, fickle author, author doesn't know what they're writing, or why for that matter
Charles massages his forehead again. What had started as a dull ache at the back of his head had spread over the last two hours. At this rate, it's going to turn into a full-blown migraine by the end of the day.
The first two weeks of school are always difficult. With the kids still high on energy from the summer holidays it'll take another week or so in the least for them to wind down to a schedule.
There are five new students this year-- all mutants. It should be a good thing, really-- Charles is always thrilled to have new students admitted into the school. But just not in this situation. The basketball court and the gym are under renovations, and they're short of two teachers; which means that Charles has to juggle between supervising the renovations and substituting for the said teachers. It doesn't help the fact that three of the five new students are extremely mischievous.
The naughtiest of them all is Peter Maximoff, who simply won't sit still for even for a millisecond. To make matters worse, his mutation is Superhuman Speed. At just 6, he can run three laps of the classroom in the blink of an eye. Luckily, his twin sister, Wanda is docile. She doesn't speak much with anyone who isn't her brother, but she has a bright mind when it comes to imbibing her lessons or observing her surroundings attentively. It'll take some time for her to mingle with the others, Charles understands. He'll help her if in that aspect if necessary.
Then there's Alex Summers, who's hell bent on destruction. They've already had to replace a bulletin board and a chair; and they're still in the first week of school.
Ororo gets a certain joy by scaring others with the white sparks that trickle out of her fingertips. It had been tough making her understand that such behaviour wouldn't be accepted, which only encourage her further into doubling her antics.
It's not that little Kitty is troublesome, but she needs more attention than the rest. Recently manifested, she often finds her leg getting stuck in a chair or an aimlessly batted hand caught inside a table. Calming a crying Kitty and rescuing her without injuries has, by far, not been easy.
'Please listen,’ Charles emphasises when the class collapses into a din of chatter. Peter runs to his sister and back to his chair before Charles can finish. Mort is sticking his tongue out and gazing intently at something on the table. Bright sparks of light are bursting in front of Illyana, coaxing giggles out of her.
'Class, listen!’ Charles says out forcefully, again, and picks up the bowl on the table. The new object in Charles’ hands becomes the centre of his students’ attention as they turn towards him.
‘We're going to do an activity,’ he says when the class goes quiet, ‘Each one of you will come here and pick up a chit from this bowl.’ He shakes the bowl in his hands, shuffling the chits inside. 'Once you've gone back to your place, you'll have to draw and colour whatever you think the chit says.’
To demonstrate, he picks up a chit from the bowl. 'Favourite food’, the rectangular strip of paper reads. Charles does love a good Mac and Cheese any day, but he can't draw a bowl of Mac and Cheese without making it look like abstract geometry. He settles for drawing a pizza on the board. It's what he ends up ordering nowadays, anyway. Plus, it's simpler to draw.
It earns him enthusiastic nods and energetic claps from his students.
'It’s simple, see...’ Charles says as he turns to face them. The kids are gleaming at him, eager to start. Peter is already fidgeting in his seat, struggling to sit still.  
Charles sighs. 'Peter, why don't we start with you?’
Peter has grabbed a chit and has gone back to his seat even before Charles has finished the sentence.
Following Peter's example, the others jump from their seats and make a beeline for the bowl. 'In a line… Please come in a line. One by one,’ Charles shouts over their excited chanting of 'me me me’ as he lifts the bowl higher to keep it out of the reach of their outstretched hands.
Once everyone has picked a chit and settled down in their seats around the oval table, Charles walks behind their chairs slowly.
Charles isn't aware of the contents of the chits; Theresa had been kind and had offered to make them.
Alex is sticking out his tongue and scrubbing his crayon over the paper. Ah, of course, his ‘Favourite Toy’ is a red toy gun. Darwin-- bless his creativity-- is drawing a blue house with yellow windows accompanied by an orange tree for 'My Home’. Ororo is trying and failing to draw the scales on a fish for 'My Pet’.
Just when the satisfaction of bringing out the children's creativity has begun to settle inside, Chairs spots Peter at the very end of the table.
The boy is sitting so still that for a moment Charles wonders if he's imagining things. His silver brows are pulled inwards and his thin lips seem even thinner where they're pressed together. His vision is fixed on the blank paper, his chit forgotten on the side.
Charles has never seen Peter like this. There's always a face splitting grin on his face, even when he falls down by tripping on table legs in his haste.
Charles walks towards the boy and sits down on the low stool next to him.
'Peter,’ he calls out softly and lays a gentle hand on his shoulder.
The boy lifts his head up. His brows release revealing the blue of his eyes.
As a rule, Charles doesn't read the minds of children. The brain structure isn't completely formed, it's way more chaotic than adults’, and more prone to damage from telepathic contacts. Charles’ shields are always up during school hours. But even his shields are not effective in blocking out the waves of wariness radiating from Peter.
‘Are you having trouble drawing, darling?’ he asks softly, leaning in towards the boy.
Peter nods his head slowly.
'That's no problem, I can help you with it,’ Charles reassures him with his best smile. ‘Let's see what you've got.’ He picks up the chit from the table. 'My Mother’ it reads.
Charles doesn't understand what to make of it. Is the boy simply not able to put his thoughts into a drawing? Does he come from a broken family? Does he have an estranged mother, or God forbid, an emotionally distant one?
Peter's bottom lip is trembling when Charles turns to face him. Not wanting to presume, he says, 'Peter, why don't you tell me about your mother, and we'll see what we can draw.’
Peter is quiet for a long time, only looking up at Charles with wide eyes. Dealing with children is simultaneously simple and complicated. So Charles waits patiently running a soothing hand up and down Peter's back.
Just when Charles begins to wonder if the boy will answer at all, Peter says, 'My Vati says that my Mama is a star in the sky, and that she watches over us when we sleep.’
Of all the things Charles had expected, Peter's answer wasn't one of them. A swell of sympathy bubbles up from the bottom of his stomach. He knows all too well of what it's like to lose a parent. The kids are still so young. It's brutally unfair.
‘What else does your father tell you about her?’ (Vati is German for Father, if Charles remembers correctly)
‘He says that she loves us very much. Much more than we love her.’
Charles smiles. It's perhaps a mild relief in this unfortunate situation that the twins have a father who’s there for them. ‘I'm sure your mother loves you a lot, darling. And the two of you are very lucky to have a wonderful father.’
The listlessness on Peter's face abates and a small smile takes its place at the mention of his father. Peter nods his head quickly in answer and adds: ‘Vati is the best! He sings to us before bed. He makes us cake on our birthday. But not as good as Nana though. He can never cook asgoodasNana-’ that's the last of Peter's words Charles catches before it quickens to cover a mile per second. Though, Charles doesn't need to listen to the rest of it to have his assumption confirmed that Mr. Maximoff, is in fact, is a loving father.
An idea strikes. ‘In that case, Peter,’ Charles says when Peter finally finishes speaking. Pulling out his pen from his breast pocket, he scratches the 'Mo’ from the chit and writes a 'Fa’ on top of it. ‘Why don't we draw your father instead?’ Charles  leans in conspiratorially and whispers, ‘Now now, this is a secret between you and me, alright? So don't tell anyone.’
'Not even to Wanda?’
'Not even Wanda.’
A quick smile blooms on Peter's face. 'I can do that!’ he says and delves into sorting out his crayons.
Charles sits there for a few more minutes watching as Peter draws and erases out the frame of a stick figure. Generally, Charles makes it a point to keep a steady correspondence with the parents of all his students and meet them personally. He had missed meeting the Maximoffs on the first day of school. Mr. Maximoff had dropped in just as he had left towards the gym to meet with the contractor.
Charles makes a mental note to meet Mr. Maximoff when the latter comes to pick up the kids that day.
Charles smiles fondly at Peter's drawing as the boy drops it on the table in a blur of silver.
It's innocent in a way only a child's can be. Wanda, on the right, is dressed in a red frock while Peter on the left is dressed in black trousers and what Charles infers in reference to his silver hair is a silver jacket. The man in the middle-- Mr. Maximoff-- with short hair and a beard, clad in what looks like a plaid shirt and jeans is holding both their hands. All three are smiling, Mr. Maximoff excessively so, baring all his sharp teeth in a wide grin.
Charles knows that Peter is exaggerating, but strangely, that smile reminds Charles of his adversary from high school.
Charles isn't one to use that term loosely, nor he is the one to have adversaries to begin with. But if anyone had come close to meaning half of it, it was Erik Magnus Lehnsherr.
Even after all these years… Charles cuts his thoughts short.
He looks down at the sheet again. Mr. Maximoff, he reminds himself. He should meet with Mr. Maximoff after school.
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duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball 061
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Goku makes it to the top of Korin Tower!  This whole episode was surreal to me, because I knew this structure existed, and that it was located below Kami’s Lookout, but I never knew much else about it, other than the fact that Korin lived here.   For example, the weird thing about this tower is that you sort of have to hop up to one of four holes to get into the main building at the top.   To me, that sounds like the hardest part of this.   Imagine climbing all the way to the top, and then you have to do some bullshit double-jump thing, like a video game or something.  I couldn’t even screencap it correctly.  
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Goku makes it inside though.  This is actually the lower level of the place.   Korin’s bathtub is back there.   I was about to ask where his toilet is, but... I mean, how could he not just go over the side?   I mean, Bora and Upa are down there, but what are the odds of actually hitting either of them?  
I’m just kidding of course.  Korin has a litter box.  
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Goku notices some pots of waer, and inside he sees visions of his past, present and future.   Well, Korin actually describes them as “his world as it is, as it was, and as it will be.”  It’s kind of a semantic difference, but it explains why the “present” water showed him Bulma and Krillin in Master Roshi’s kitchen.  That’s their present.   Goku’s present in this moment would just be an image of him starting into a pot of water.
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The “future” pot is naturally bizarre.  A giant centipede comes out of the pot and wraps itself around Goku like a snake, and then he sees visions of most of his friends, Mercenary Tao, and then two new faces, which will eventually be revealed as Fortuneteller Baba and the masked fighter she enlists to fight Goku in the next arc.  
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Every time I see this, I always think it would have been awesome if Raditz had appeared in this sequence.
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At last, Korin reveals himself.   Turns out he’s a cat.   Goku asks or the Sacred Water, but Korin isn’t too eager to give it to him.
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Back on the ground, some villagers see a flier for Tao’s 20th anniversary sale.   I’m pretty sure he drew that himself.
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A couple of men see Tao walking around town and try to shoot him, no doubt to avenge someone Tao killed.   Tao doesn’t even seem to notice them, but he kicks off one of his sandals just as the bullet reaches him.  This somehow deflects the bullet, not at the shooter, but through his turban, and into his partner.   The icing on the cake is that Tao’s sandal then floats over his shoulder, lands just in front of him, and he steps back into it without breaking stride.   It’s insane.   I wanted to gif it, but it’s too complicated a shot.   Just goes to show that you have to watch Dragon Ball for yourself.
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Returning to his hotel, Tao orders a raw egg from room service and boils it in his bathtub.   That’s right, Tao bathes in boiling water.   I remembered this scene, and wondered how he got that much water to boil in the first place, but it turns out he stuck his arm in the water first and did some sort of ki technique to heat it up.
Stuff like this is where filler scenes really work best.   There’s no particular need to show what Tao is up to while he waits for his new clothes.   The whole point of this delay is that he refuses to do anything until he can be properly dressed, which gives Goku time to prepare for their rematch.  Toriyama wouldn’t have wanted to use precious pages on Tao eating dinner, but Toei could spare the time, and they found a way to depict these kinds of moments and make Tao look like an even more dangerous opponent than we already knew. 
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As for Goku, he’s got to go through a bunch of hassle just to get a drink of water.  Korin reads Goku’s mind to find out what he wants the Sacred Water, then tells him he can’t have any.   Then he points it out and tells Goku to go ahead and take it if it’s so important to him, but as soon as Goku tries, Korin zips over and takes it away.
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Goku is confused and outraged by Korin’s behavior.   He tries to take the water by force, but he can’t even get close to it.  Korin is just too fast and tricky.    On top of that, the air is very thin at this altitude, so Goku gets winded very quickly.
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It’s hard not to feel bad for the little guy, even when you know what’s really going on here.   He got his ass handed to him by Tao, then he climbed up this tower just to get a chance of doing the right thing for Upa, and now he’s getting humiliated by a kitty, and he doesn’t even understand why.
But I like the moral here.   Goku’s a good person, and he’s determined to do a good deed here.   That alone won’t win him this battle.   He needs more than determination and a noble spirit to defeat Tao and wish Upa’s father back to life. 
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Goku asks Korin if anyone has ever gotten the Sacred Water before, and Korin reveals that one one person has, and that was 300 years ago.   That man’s name was Master Roshi, and it took him three years to pull it off.   Goku’s got a long row to hoe...
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