#I can't remember what he did in said OVA
black-and-yellow · 2 years
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I dreamt this image.
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imdead770 · 8 months
I love the one you did for Steve, could you do a best friends to lovers for Johnny too?
Johnny Cade x Reader - Childhood Friends
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Authors Note - Why are there so many requests for childhood friends?? Not complaining though, keep requesting Enjoy!
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▪︎ I think Johnny was pretty shy as a kid
▪︎ Didn't raise his hand, rarely spoke, the one kid teachers would say to 'talk louder' when he read to the class
▪︎ You met whenever the teacher rearranged the seating chart in 3rd grade
▪︎ You were either
A) Super social
B) Just like him
▪︎ If you're super social it worked out flawlessly
▪︎ You answered questions for Johnny
"Can you answer this one, Johnny?"
"What was that?"
"Oh, he said 27.5. He's right."
▪︎ Probably got you in trouble a few times
▪︎ "I'm the teacher of this class!"
▪︎ "Let him talk for himself!"
▪︎ He was eternally grateful for it, though
▪︎ You helped him come out of his shell
▪︎ If you were quiet you two would have an unspoken bond
▪︎ Like you barely talk but you're best friends
▪︎ You have the same problems as him so he relates to you
▪︎ Either way, you two bonded
▪︎ By middle school you were still helping him out
▪︎ I think by now he had the gang
▪︎ But say the gang was off doing their own thing, you'd bring him into your friend group
▪︎ Again, eternally grateful
▪︎ Another thing he's grateful for, you always stood up for him to the socs
▪︎ Whether you're a soc or a grease, you always told them to fuck off
▪︎ You beat some girls ass some time because she called Johnny a pathetic quiet kid with no friends
▪︎ She had to get nose surgery
▪︎ 💀
▪︎ You tell him all the gossip (if you're into that)
▪︎ Like he has blackmail on everyone because of you
▪︎ By high-school he still looks like a middle schooler
▪︎ He's kind of jealous of how you matured so fast
▪︎ Like here he is looking like a 13 year old
▪︎ You're over here looking like you could be on the cover of vogue
▪︎ You helped him see he's lucky, though
"Johnny, when we're 70 years old, I'm gonna look like a pile of ashes and you're gonna like 20."
▪︎ You would've said 'plus you look cute', but you didn't want to ruin the friendship
▪︎ He comes to your house instead of the lot
▪︎ Sometthing about you comforts him
▪︎ Maybe because you're the only one in his life who can calm him down
▪︎ Remember that one time he got jumped?
▪︎ Once he got found by the gang he immediately wanted you
▪︎ He knows the gang couldn't comfort him
▪︎ Sure they'd try, but you could help him
▪︎ Two-Bit hauled him on over to your place
"Heyy, Tw-.. Johnny, what the fuck..?"
▪︎ Even though the gang was really worried they couldn't help but give each other the look
▪︎ The 'ooh she likes him too' look
▪︎ Only for a second though, the next they were helping you patch him up
▪︎ You were holding him, trying to calm him down
▪︎ Which surprisingly somewhat worked
▪︎ He wasn't trembling anymore, just a bit shaky
▪︎ Now that he looks back on it that's the moment he fell head over heels for you
▪︎ Nobody's ever cared for him like that
▪︎ Not Dal, not the gang, not his parents
▪︎ Nobody could calm him down like that
▪︎ He was way more grateful than he was in 3rd grade
▪︎ Now that the jumping has passed
▪︎ He's a bit more awkward around you
▪︎ Just a bit
▪︎ Cause he's literally in love with you
▪︎ And you're like
'Shit, was I too clingy? God, he hates me'
▪︎ Completely clueless he's liked you since you first stood up for him in elementary
▪︎ I don't think Johnny would ever tell you
▪︎ He can't do feelings, he's been hurt too much
▪︎ Eventually Dal has had enough of it
▪︎ Sometime he finally remembers to talk to you
"Listin', ya gawta tell Johnny cake 'bout you crush. Neither of ya' are slick, get it ova' wit."
▪︎ Accurate New York accent right there
▪︎ I think, I don't know
▪︎ Anyways, back on topic
▪︎ I'm going with the social character here
▪︎ Sorry introverts
▪︎ Eventually you finally get the guts to tell him
▪︎ It's one of the nights you're in your room together, casually sitting together, talking
▪︎ He's mid sentence, but if you wait you'll loose your sudden burst of confidence
"Hey, Johnnycake?"
"So-... Yeah?"
"Yknow I care for you a lot, yeah?"
▪︎ He's already blushing
"Uh.. yeah"
"What if I said I like you?"
▪︎ Pure silence
▪︎ He's blushing his ass off
▪︎ Eventually he gets out the words stuck in his throat
"Like.. like like?"
"Yeah.. like that."
▪︎ Couldn't even speak
▪︎ He's too flustered
▪︎ But at the same time he's super happy
▪︎ But it's still awkward
".. I like ya' too."
▪︎ It didn't end with some romantic kiss, he's not ready for that
▪︎ You both just smiled at each other
"Mkay.. so, what were you saying about Steve?"
▪︎ He's still blushing, processing
▪︎ Smiling.
"I got no idea."
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autumn-foxfire · 29 days
Quarter of Silence time! Can't believe I'm already up to movie 15.
I remember enjoying this movie but there were cringe worthy things like Ran desperately calling out for Shinichi because how dare she not rely on him 24/7. I changed my mind.
And it's because of this movie (or the ova) we get to see Shinichi in snowflake earrings.
The opening is cool though!
Shinichi is a reckless shit and this movie has him be one in spades. Imagine if Ran knew half the shit he actually got up too. There is no wat Shinichi was not hurt when the bomb blew up. He got flung between cars and the pavement and his body is only small, he should have way more than scratches.
I wonder why the movies make Haibara so blonde? I really like the red colour she has in the anime which is more reddish brown (which is what Gin described her hair colour as being even when it was much more blonde).
Shinichi and Ai never pass an opportunity to avoid being in groups if they can T-T Introverts.
"If you allow him to go around without a collar on him, maybe some random girl will show up and put one around his neck instead!" nice to know that's how people view relationships in DCMK.
Being that close will cause a phone echo, just so you know writers.
Ran, baby girl, WHY do you want to be in a relationship with Shinichi so bad? At this point I genuinely don't understand beyond you being told all your life he is the one for you (a boy you met when you were like 4) and you've both fooled yourself into thinking they're correct. Please get some self-respect and move on.
Shinichi doing what he can to protect the friendship between the group because he cares about these children a lot T-T
Agasa having to step in and stop Kogoro from hitting children is NOT a good look.
I'm curious, I am not friends with anyone from my childhood and yet in DCMK it's so common. Is it common for anyone else?
Well... so much for childhood friends.
Sonoko I love you but please realize that Shinichi is not a good fit for Ran T-T I know you want her to be happy T-T
I love the kids stoping Ai and Shinichi from passing from the snowball fight by just throwing snowballs at them and making them join in regardless.
And Kogoro just can't resist commenting on another women's looks and asking her to do things for his personal benefit.
The Shinichi and Ai interactions in this movie are on point though.
And the first murder has happened!
Poor Touma is going through it.
Kogoro is threatening to hurt children again... This is definitely not one of his better movies.
LOL fall over dumbass.
Located where?!
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Shinichi and Kaito need to go to Yaoi city immediately.
Awww the detective boys are learning, they noticed someone was following them T-T
Ran, take a page out of Ai's book. When Shinichi says "stay here" step on the power and make him go faster.
Ai and Shinichi acting like the groups big siblings and scolding them for going in the cave T-T Adorable.
How did Shinichi move that grate with his small body?
Shinichi is reckless personified. And now he's being beat up by the bad guy.
Shinichi is very lucky Mizuki was here to save his life, even though she also has other intentions.
She may have not wanted to kill you guys Shinichi, but she still shot at terrified children and if she had messed up she could have killed you guys.
And here comes Shinichi's most reckless plan to date!
Shinichi now is not the time for sick tricks!
Damn I've watched this move before and this part will still incredibly tense in a good way!
Okay. That must have hurt though. An avalanche would be heavy and Shinichi just got hit with all that force. He should be more than a little bruised.
Ran digging until her fingers bleed is so incredibly raw T-T That's her little brother man.
Okay, I actually don't mind her calling for Shinichi this time unlike what I said at the beginning. She's deseperate to find her little brother after all and wants all the help she can get.
Shinichi should be much more banged up though. Even in action thriller movies the protag is allowed to be injured.
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cutepresea · 1 year
Isn't it odd Symphogear didn't get any normal length OAV or movie made, or even on the merch side more nendo or nendo petit made considering how popular it was in Japan? I know the fear was real with prods and manus during the first two seasons because they thought it was a fail project and didn't want to invest but after five seasons and five concerts? I don't know I feel like I'm missing data on why we were given the short stick compared to other popular animes...
Ah, I never really felt like that when it comes to the series (except for figures, but I get to that later in the post. I went on a bit of a tangent and it ended up longer than intended. Oops)
Five whole seasons
Four series of shorts
Enough character songs to have a box of 9 CDs released (doesn't include XDU songs)
Concerts that get released on blu-ray since G's (this one just feels like a bigger deal to me because season 1's in 2012 never got recorded or released)
A mobile game that's been running for 6 years and gets its own albums separate from the aforementioned box (there was another mobile game a decade ago that died pretty fast but nobody remembers that one, shhh...)
And a monthly spinoff manga that has enough content for four volumes so far
...All feels like a miracle to me, especially for an anime not based on an existing manga, game, or light novel
Seriously, I love this series but I have no idea how G was greenlit
I'm still waiting to see what the new project is because there's still a possibility that it could be a movie or something. I just don't expect it anytime soon, whether it be a movie or an OVA, because Kaneko (co-creator and scenario writer for the series) is busy both designing and writing a RPG which he stated was something he wanted to do while not working on Symphogear since he was too busy to work on games while he was doing that (link is Japanese, but it's the interview where he said that)
Which, again, is probably why the new project is dated 20XX
Now if I were to talk about stuff I personally would want?
If it's a movie I'd like it to be completely new content but if they make some lengthier OVAs, I've been asking for an adaptation of 3.5 from XDU for a while since the Alexandria Incident gets mentioned in AXZ.
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XDU's service isn't going to last forever and I'd hate to lose a canon side story like that when it does eventually end.
They could also do 4.5 but it isn't as high a priority for me because it serves more as an introduction to Noble Red than anything and outside of the short part between Fine and Enki, it felt weird coming out after XV ended
On a bit of a side note, I've said it before, but I wouldn't be too surprised if any new anime content is by Studio KAI instead of Satelight. A LOT of Symphogear's staff moved over there after XV ended which is why XDU's second OP was done by them.
Now merchandise, oh boy, yeah that subject has stung a bit over the years. The fact the only Nendos are from S1 really is sad
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They want their friends to join them
Heck, Chris didn't even get a Figma back then like Hibiki and Tsubasa did
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I can't believe it took as long as it did for Kirika, Shirabe, and Maria to get figures. Especially Maria, who didn't have one released until 2022.
And it is an actual crime that Miku still doesn't have one despite being around since season 1. That is Hibiki's Wife Sunshine y'all are ignoring. (Season 1 Miku with green hair when? 🤣)
Hobby Stock's set of scale figures they've been releasing and Good Smile's ACT MODEs are a step in the right direction though. There's also been more plushes in recent years which I personally really love.
One of my wishes is someone going back to G and making figures for that so we can get Black Gungnir Maria or Shenshoujing Gear Miku
The parallel world versions of everyone from XDU would be fun too but I'm not pushing my luck there. The other Hibiki technically already has one but it used an existing Hibiki figure as a base
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And yes, I am begging for a game that isn't gacha. I'm a lover of action games and RPGs so I would love something along those lines. I'm not horribly picky about the specific type
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goldentigerfestival · 6 months
The 30 day Tales challenge... in one post or else it would never get done!
Favorite Tales game: Legendia
Favorite Main Male Hero: Yuri and Senel
Favorite Main Female Hero: Kohaku
Favorite Side Male Character: Moses
Favorite Side Female Character: Stella
Favorite Canon Pairing: Senel/Stella + Shing/Kohaku
Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: how official is stahn/leon at this point i wonder
Favorite Opening Song: Destiny
Favorite Location: ??? idfk the entire Legacy??? I'll go with Werites Beacon for simplicity I guess. feels like home
Favorite Mascot: Giet. don't tell me he's not a mascot, I'm not listening. (and if you want to try having that discussion my answer is still the Oresoren so we're not getting far, are we)
Favorite Monster: ??? also dfk, probably something cute except i don't like hurting cute so i guess we're stuck
Favorite Boss Battle: UHHHH listen it hurts to say but Vicious; bc the raw emotion that went into that entire storyline ate me whole
Favorite Villain: since I'm avoiding antagonists here (such as Duke who aren't explicitly villains) and prefer to go full villain, Creed.
Least Liked Character: not opening THAT can of worms!!! :D
Your First Tales Game: boooo boriiiing. Symphonia like the other half of the western population. no fancy answer here
Your Favorite Scene: ??? I mean, there's... a lot I guess??? Stahn pleading with Leon moments before disaster??? Kanata crying that Vicious was okay and came back to them??? Moses saying literally anything ever in any scene ever??? the end of Innocence but when you choose Spada as your soulmate bc I'm a bias little fuck??? anything with Yuri and Flynn being happy together??? the entirety of Legendia???
Funniest Scene: idk but it either had Moses in it, Vicious in it, or it was Spada's "I can't believe you mixed up Frosty the Snowman with the Abominable Snowman"
Saddest Scene: Moses' Character Quest cutscene (if not the whole fucking CQ), moments during disaster with Leon, moments during disaster with Asch
Favorite Quote: a lot of stuff Vicious said ngl. can't think of nor pick one off the top of my head but every time he Gets Serious it's one of those and I fall in love further every single time. but if we wanna be REEEALLY simple? "Yeehaw". thanks, Moses. maybe Yuri has said something cool enough to get on the top list, but I'm not sure anything is trumping "yeehaw", and maybe that's equal to something Vicious said
Favorite Piece of Gameplay Music: Scutum - Decisive Battle. Pour one out for Rebirth having the fucking BEST battle theme ever.
Most Shocking Reveal: ??? I'm... not sure at this point. Giet??? was it Senel??? maybe Mathias and Ruca??? Ratatosk and Emil??? I kind of want to say Ratatosk and Emil because I remember being very impressed with the direction of the plot, in that the main protagonist/player character was actually the villain the whole time that the antagonist was trying to kill the whole time. definitely not a plot direction you usually get in JRPGs. Giet's story still hit like an entire brick building 100 storeys high falling on me though
Favorite One on One Fight: that was actually FUN??? uhhh idk Vicious against Kasque. what did you expect me to say???
Favorite Skit: way too many skits to have even a semblance of an idea. I'm going to assume it was either something related to Yuri and Flynn, Moses, Vicious, Spada or Stahn. that's about the closest I can pinpoint
Favorite Tales Spell: I don't... think I have one...
Favorite Tales Weapon: -bangs fist on desk and gets really obvious really fast- BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS. after that the Swordians
Tales World You Want to Live In: honestly Legendia's and Graces' seem the most reasonably normal compared to the rest, but also shiny fingertips and Moses is a pretty solid Legendia
Favorite Animated Tales Series/OVA: (don't say rays don't say rays don't say rays don't say stahn/leon) probably First Strike if only because it focuses on Yuri and Flynn who I love, but Abyss' anime was very solid compared to the other Tales animated series that were just heavily condensed versions (or worse in Eternia's case, not even being relevant to the main story). like, I would not recommend the animated series to anyone prior to playing the game except for Abyss, which is the full major story and I have inarguably rewatched that anime more than I've played the game. I guess in terms of general animated, FS, but in terms of actual consistency to the game it came from and dedication it had in retelling the story faithfully without skipping 80 percent of it, Abyss
Favorite Tales Outfit: RICHARD??? HEEEELLO??? not arc F though that shit is too fruity for me. also Leon has VERY enjoyably bright colors that make him stand out and as a Very Deeply Definitely Not Obsessive Leon Enjoyer, I very much love that. Aegis also has a really nice outfit. Asbel's is pretty but definitely not Richard level of I'm obsessed with this look
Favorite Game Plot: -breaks everything in your room and your neighbor's room for good measure- TURN IT BACK ON NAMCO I'M PAST MY LIMIT SO I'M PROBABLY IN OVERLIMIT (Crestoria. it's that or I'm saying Legendia again. Innocence and Hearts both are really close runner ups tho!!! definitely the most unique in the franchise imo out of the mainline games and sadly confined to "nobody fucking cares about them and never did")
Favorite Game Ending: so that's got... layers. it really depends on the sub topic. I guess in terms of a happy ending, Graces (the Wii version specifically, getting Richard back. don't really care for the ending of arc F and lean more toward disliking it). in terms of a depressing fucking ending that makes me Very Upsetti, Destiny. there is literally nothing happy about Destiny's ending for me. like yeah we saved the world, but at a LOT of cost and it's just depressing. I've wanted to make a post about that anyway, but basically it's a type of ending they don't really make anymore (especially in Tales), and the emotional impact for me was a lot heavier than the other games, with Destiny 2 lingering right behind it. both Destiny games were just DEPRESSING, and no matter how bittersweet Destiny 2's ending was, it's still DEPRESSING. Vesperia at least had a more outright happy ending (that wasn't completely changed by a post game ending arc with a totally different ending) and I finally at that point didn't lose my favorite character to Certain Final Boss Death or Recurring Side Character I Came To Love Dying Unceremoniously and Undeserved. only a couple of top favorites actually came out of their games alive for me by Vesperia in terms of games I know + release timeline (to put it into perspective, by the time of Vesperia in release order (so not the order I played in bc I don't really remember the whole actual order at this point), out of all the games I know, my favorite character death toll was five to three survivors not counting Vesperia. still haven't played Eternia so I'm not counting that one). so I guess like, my answer is a whacky combination of Graces for the Wii, Destiny and Vesperia. maybe if Hearts hadn't killed my mans off then it could've had it all. 😔
#GTF Thoughts#GTF Things#Tales 30 Day Challenge#mainly doing this in case anyone has Same Hat Opinions and wants to talk abt them LOL#for number 22 it was also fun using his new form. normally one on one battles are either#annoying or just a nightmare. or just outright unwinnable by scripted plot (ex Senel and Melanie)#as far as ''canon'' ships go that's also a can on worms i am NOT opening until society can accept that gay ppl actually exist :)#anyway have i properly established my love for legendia now? for crestoria? for moses? for vicious?#i post abt them a lot less bc the amount of content out there for like#vesperia and abyss which i tend to post reblogs of most is WAAAAAY beyond higher#it's kind of like... the less i talk abt it and the less content it has... the more likely i WANT to talk abt it and LOVE it#i could talk to you about moses and spada ALL FUCKING DAY but most ppl haven't played either game or don't care for them#and also i usually stay quiet abt moses bc ONCE THOSE GATES ARE OPEN YOU'RE NOT SHUTTING THEM#moses leon vicious and spada are like... the ones i would love to talk abt nonstop forever#bc they're talked abt a lot less. leon IS popular even in the west but your average tales fan#is not going to know destiny/that it exists or have played destiny or even care to from my experience#i ramble abt what faves i can basically LOL but many of my actual top of the top faves are so obscure that like#i can't find ppl to talk to abt them. yuri is in a very very weird place with my faves#bc my technical favorite in that game is duke but yuri gets senel level position of fave mc#and is also Very Special to me so he's in a weird place as a favorite that#in some ways passes Actual Favorite Duke and in other ways doesn't
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
No need to call, when your already home
Summary: After the events of ‘Just A Call away’, holidays are right around the corner and Scout already packed up to go home. Luckily for him, Sniper decides to do his best friend a favor.
Along the way, the marksman recalls his blooming feelings for his best friend for the past 2 years, how will he deal with this as he joins him for the holidays as well as meeting his family?
Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5
“Take turns and late night talks”
You may start reading! ^^
"And like holy shit! It was the best damn bed time story I eva heard my whole childhood!" Scout exclaimed. "But yea that's basically how Jack's whole writing gig became huge. And now I gotta help the asshole with his art cover, not that I mind at all, am hella excited!" Scout laughed.
Sniper nodded and hummed as he listened to Scout ramble more about Jack, from all the info he got for the past 5 hours of the trip. Jackson was Scout's second eldest brother, was one of the first out of all 8 of them to finish collage and from childhood he started to write and it turned into a career. "Sounds like a good bloke, can't wait to meet him." Sniper slips out, and immediately regrets it. What if Scout didn't actually want him to meet Jack?
"Oh your so gonna love Jackass! I know you like fantasy and horror type shit so I bet ya gonna like some of his other works." Scout quickly replies. Sniper let out a small sigh of relief, and slightly flushed at the mention of his interest in novels. He didn't expect Scout to remember any of his interests.
Silence fell upon both of them for the next hour, the air comfortable and cold as the night as it flew through the window, it made Sniper shiver slightly. Even with his folded up long sleeves.
"Hey I think we should stop for the night, already got like what? Half n half a way through the trip? You go pass out ova here and I'll drive next." Sniper quietly chuckled. "And let you on the wheel for the night? Like I said mate, ain't letting ya drive my camper." Scout let out an exaggerated sigh while falling back in his seat. "And I thought I was da stubborn one." Scout muttered, getting another chuckle out of his friend.
Another few moments pass by during the drive, and Sniper finally came to a stop. "Finally! Man I thought u drank like 10 cups a coffee this morning and didn't tell me the whole trip!" Sniper hummed in response, slightly stretching and opens his car door to hop out.
Closing the passenger seat, Sniper finally relaxed and leaned onto the somewhat comfortable seat and sighed, taking off his glasses as he looks out the window and at the clear midnight sky. "Alright let's get this damn thing moving." "Oi, watch it ya gremlin, this things my prized possession." "Yea yea whateva legs now go sleep." Sniper playfully rolled his eyes and tilted his hat over his eyes, steadies his breathing and tries to fall asleep.
Not even 10 minutes later, a smooth and musical tone can be heard in the camper. Sniper slightly tilts his hat away from his eyes and they land on the radio, where the small screen and non clear numbers glow brightly. Did Scout turn on the radio?
Soft humming can be heard beside him, as well as the distant drumming of fingers tapping on the wheel.
Sniper might as well use this as an advantage and listen to his friend's humming to sleep.
He really couldn't
Throughout the whole ride of 5-6 hours, Sniper couldn't stop thinking about his feelings for Scout.
He thought about confessing at some point of the holidays.
Which he obviously scratched off and continued thinking.
Scout.. Was really a miracle to Sniper. At least one of the closest friends he has ever gotten with. Besides Demo and Engineer being close seconds.
Don't get him started on Spy, he picks information as fast as he changes his cigarettes.
Back to the point, Scout was someone Sniper deeply cared for. He didn't wanna ruin anything between them.
Even if the thought of dating the runner sounds amazing.
Sniper also knew how much of a risk this was, dating a coworker? Confessing to your best friend? Hell he didn't even know if the guy was even into blokes!
Sniper let out a big sigh, alarming his forgotten friend who paused his little tapping session on the wheel.
"You alright Snipes? Can't sleep?" Sniper didn't reply, hoping Scout would think he only shifted in his sleep.
"Don't try to fool me Legs I can see ya mouth moving up." Scout grinned and smacked the hat away from his face. Sniper chuckled and put his hat back on.
"Nah but for real, can't sleep? Last thing I remember is you somehow sleeping on that one mission we had when we had ta bunk and you." He points his index finger at Sniper, but his eyes were still glued to the road ahead of him. "Somehow slept the whole night while Heavy was snoring like a goddamn bear!" "Oi I was bloody cold and tired at the time! Needed to get all the sleep I can get!" Sniper defended, and playfully smacked the others shoulder.
Scout laughed along, both his grip tapped hands landing on the wheel again, and silence fell upon them.
"Anything specific keeping you up?" Sniper didn't reply at first, trying to gather his thoughts and give a reasonable answer. "Just.. A bit nervous meeting your mum and all." Scout slowed the brakes, letting the camper slow for a few moments. "Oh don't sweat about it man! My ma's real nice, too sweet for her own good. Bet she'll love a guy like ya!" Scout reassured, flashing the marksman a smile. Sniper smiled back. "I hope so." He mutters. "Thats da spirit!" Scout patted his shoulder. "But anyways go ahead and get some rest, don't want ya actually drinking 10 cups a coffee when ya wake up."
Sniper rolled his eyes, his smile never leaving his lips.
"alright, Goodnight Roo."
"Night Snipes."
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shions-stuff · 2 years
Warnings: mentions of murders, smoking, language.
Consider this happening in the Hellsing OVA after episode 3.
I reviewed Hellsing and remembered this episode, which once touched my soul. I thought to write about Integra's feelings, because it was not so easy for her to give such an order.
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Integra has always been famous for its almost angelic patience and restraint. Her sober and cold mind, which she cultivated in herself since childhood, has borne fruit. Her subordinates respected her and many of them considered her truly worthy of the Hellsing heritage. Integra is like an iceberg in the ocean. Many saw only a small and distant child, who is all alone. But looking at this woman from the right angle, each viewer is expected to have a whole block of ice that stretches hundreds of kilometers further, which seems to have no end and one never ceases to be surprised by such a person. But the only problem was... she was not devoid of feelings. Even the most restrained and cold-blooded people sometimes lose their nerves.
Since when did she start smoking those thin, smelly cigarettes? She automatically made a note in her mind to mention this to Walter. And the cool wind caresses her hair and touches her face, and she tries to breathe it all into her lungs, as if it could fit there.
But she can't smell anything but the smell of cheap cigarettes...damn it!
Thoughts return to the mission again. Integra is forced to constantly maintain control over her thoughts, but this momentary state of haziness in her brain was almost pleasant. She mentally scolds herself for not letting this go on any longer.
She remembered the words, which had sounded so confident at first. She remembered her commanding tone, which didn't tolerate objections, when she gave orders to complete the mission. So why then does it feels so empty... feels wrong and... dirty. Long-spoken, and therefore dead, words resurface in head. She's never had to regret her decisions before. What changed?
Integra's lungs fill with cigarette smoke. She holds him there for a few seconds, then exhales slowly. A gust of wind splashed in her face, causing to reflexively squint her eyes. Maybe she feels so bad because of what Alucard said. She still remembers what he said. The tone of his voice, in which there was not a drop of regret, not a drop of remorse...not a drop of pity.
She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared.
Alucard told the truth and she knows it! Hell she knows. He said she kills people with his hands and he's fucking right! Integra fought so fiercely against the ghouls and protected the people, and now she destroyed these soldiers in cold blood. Walter didn't say directly, but hinted that there could be no other way out. These people are there to kill or be killed. That's all. And no one can change that.*
The wind has become cooler, because it is getting closer to night. The last smoldering piece of cigarette reached the filter and went into the ashtray.
Her thoughts returned to Alucard again and again. She doesn't remember exactly when she stopped being afraid of him, but it was a long time ago. She always knew he was a monster. He said so, people said so, Walter said so. It is true. Why was she so surprised when he called...
"The temperature is colder today, isn't it, Integra-sama."
"As always like at times like this. You need to be outdoors more often, Walter."
"I made tea for you, Integra-sama. I tried something new, I think you'll like it."
Walter put his hand on his chest and made a slight bow, as he always did. At his feet was a table on wheels with a tray on which stood two cups of tea. At Integra's questioning look, he clarified:
"Thought you'd need company," he picked up a cup, "with your permission."
Integra looked into the dark expanse of the night, not knowing exactly what she was trying to see there. From the side where the edge of her balcony separates her from pitch darkness, he watched her.
His eyes narrowed and his mouth twisted into a predatory grin. The noise of his long coat, which is picked up by the wind, dilutes the noise of the trees around.
"It's beautiful night, isn't it, Master?"
The wind carried the sound of a low voice far beyond the invisible horizon, leaving behind the emptiness and cold of an endless night.
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knowlessman · 5 months
The Baseball Episode might be my favorite episode of Dorohedoro; let's see how these stack up! (bnha s5 OVA baseball bonus episode thingies)
ohey poison ivy's in this one - ohhh yeah, she turned out to have that whole Christ shtick. eh.
what the hell does this DBZ cosplayer do agai - oh, "Twin Impact," okay ngl that's ringing a bell -- hehe. why did they put kaminari on bat exactly? 'XD
…I'm gonna be honest, I dunno how to animate or anything but I do not understand the decision to do this thing with the fence. Like, ig in a manga it'd make total sense because the medium has more limitations on both the process and the end product (for one thing, the picture is gonna be way smaller than most screens), but for an anime episode? It's just distracting.
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'XD okay, THIS? THIS is what I'm here for. Shoji swings three bats ("I'll cover the whole strike zone") and to counter it, Mindz (I think?) has the ball shoot straight up and over him. This is EXACTLY the shit I watch… well, that I watch anime for, ig. This, Jojo, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto when it could be arsed to do it… well, it's what I watch most anime for. I still have strong nostalgia for Soul Eater even tho I don't remember it really catering to me in this way. Heck, back in the day, it was what I read the Bionicle and Animorphs series for.
"Starting pitcher for the Orcas is Kamui Woods!" ohey, speaking of Bionicles -- pfffft 'XD jesus christ, these are people I could NEVER play board games with
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hellyeah dude, feels like we rarely get both Metapod Bros onscreen these days
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-- …uhkay, confused as to why tetsutetsu's out for throwing the bat when mineta literally attached the ball to it but wever, idfk how baseball works with or without superpowers
why is 2D (suneater) even here if he's gonna spend the whole game blair witching off to the side complaining that he doesn't wanna be here? quit makin him do stuff he doesn't wanna!
dangit, earphone jack gave up, guess she got bored. the sound waves she was using earlier seemed to work just fine, but oh well. ngl, idk how half the characters playing in this got talked into it. come to think of it, deku and bakugo aren't even here, but ig they wanted to show off the side characters, and hell if I'm gonna be complaining about that
how you get a double-KO in BASEBALL is beyond me. you seriously telling me the bat broke in such a way that the end of it hit the batter in the face hard enough to knock out a pro hero, AND it still hit the ball with enough force to knock out the guy that threw it?
second bonus episode is… huh. not a baseball one, I guess.
"the carousel goes up and goes down… / the carousel goes around so fast…" prolly said it ages ago but like yeah, I dunno if I'm gonna be playing this one on repeat any time soon, but it HAS grown on me a bit
…okay so has this Smiley actually done anything else to get arrested for besides some graffiti tho. like, has he even stolen anything? hell, these are just pictures you could probably get on a backpack on Wish for a few bucks -- ohey somebody just up and namedropped banksy. imagine that
I completely forgot about this kooky driver guy 'XD I think I remember finding him entertaining?
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"I'll never forgive him for this!" (smiley tagged the wall by Endeavor's house) ah, that gated-community ego
…I wanna not like him, but… idk. like, as an episode or wever so far, this is way stupider than Gentle Thief, and the Gentle Thief arc was pretty damn stupid. …why can't I hate this guy
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"it looks like his Quirk can't reach this far" (guy throws a fuckin, ig, Smiley bomb) yooo, he's smart… also Shoto doubling over with his cheeks puffed out because he Does Not Laugh is sooo Shoto
…could swear I remember the robots in this not only having personalities, but opinions. idk if this is gonna work, yall need to bring in a dumber robot. maybe just a - hell, if you just made a visor that can auto-blur faces, that oughta do it. the guy doesn't seem to have anything else going for him -- called it. quit makin em so smart!
also he's literally just drawing All Might fanart on a public wall. who gives a shit? he hasn't even drawn anything insulting
"he could have been a hero. why is he doing graffiti?" knowing this show, he tried out for it and got disqualified because he can't turn his Quirk off and nobody scraped the braincells together to give him a full-face mask
(deku just walks up and starts talking to him) ah k so he can turn it off.
idek what this Powerpuff-Girls-ass episode was, but wever. next up, s6
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beevean · 3 years
I apologize if i already asked this, but thoughts on all the sonic cartoons and anime?
I don't remember either lol
AoSTH: never watched it. I think I watched only the first episode ages ago? Anyway, it looks like Discount Looney Tunes to me so I never bothered. To be fair, there wasn't much material to work with back then so a wacky cartoon was more than okay. And Eggman was genuinely funny! And of course this iconic scene <3
SatAM: never watched it. Again, considering there was very little to work with back then, I find the concept interesting: it's a serious evolution of something that in the games is merely a background item, the fact that Eggman "turns animals into robots" - in the games he uses them as batteries, but in the cartoon they're straight up converted into machines. And Robotropolis at the end of the day is similar to the Bad Futures in CD! Can't really speak for anything else, though, I only know that Robotnik here has barely anything in common with the canon one.
OVA: watched it. The only thing that has aged poorly is that Eggman's plan hinges on having children with Sara - I don't want to hear anything about Sonelise's creepiness when this happened 😬 everything else is still fun, and while the setting is a little odd (who had the idea of the Land of the Sky and Land of Darkness?), this was for years the most faithful adaptation of Sonic in spirit. Also this is, by far, the best Metal in the series - you can't tell me you didn't get the feels at the end.
Underground: never watched it. And I don't think I ever will.
Sonic X: watched it, except for Season 3. I'm a bit torn on it. I was, of course, super hyped when I discovered a cartoon about my new favorite series was airing, back in 2004, but something about it felt disappointing and I didn't have the words to express what. Now I do: the first season was rather formulaic and focused more on Chris' adventures with Tails an Amy than actually Sonic (and yeah, I didn't like Chris, but not because I felt he was a bad character, I simply didn't wany any human stealing the spotlight lol). I remember being confused and irritated at the fact that Sonic needed a Ring to Spin Dash, and being even more confused when I learned that the idea came form SatAM (me? being a canon stickler since my childhood? who would have thought). The second season was a little more intriguing because it adapted the Adventure duology + Battle, but it also had a clear budget drop and, well, Chris stealing scenes. I think the main fault of X is that its interpretation of the characters bled over the main series, especially Eggman, Amy and Knuckles. And of course I personally had to deal with the shitty Italian dub of the shitty English dub ("l'arca della colonia spaziale") 😬 that being said, it has its moments, it's entertaining, and the episode with Sonic and Helen is '06 done right
Sonic Boom: watched it. If you forget that it's supposed to be Sonic, it becomes one of the funniest cartoons I've watched recently. The writing took a handful of episodes to evolve, but when it did, it didn't stop. The fact that Boom was supposed to be an AU made me warm up to how different Knuckles and Eggman were from their canon counterparts, and they became my top faves lol. The second season was even better (the Roger gag is iconic), and we discovered that Cindy Robinson is also a good writer! Speaking of which, I'm grateful that this cartoon showed that the 2010 cast is actually good if there's a proper voice direction, especially Roger himself that gives his best here.
I really can't say anything for the manga because I know almost nothing about them lol. I know a little about that manga where Sonic was Nikki's superhero alterego, and he was Amy Emi's boyfriend, and Charmy was there, but that's about it.
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Okay so I saw the Emily episodes last night and now I’m just sitting here having a Sad over it. Like, I’d been previously aware that an Emily existed, but unaware as to how things actually went down, so more of a surprise than I’d expected.
I loved the fact that—we’ve seen Mulder be super protective over his sister, but this time we get to see that protectiveness being expanded to another little girl. He really cares about keeping kids safe, doesn’t he?
The part where he’s not sure what he believes anymore 😭 (can’t remember if that was from these episodes or not though)
A little surprised he wouldn’t give Scully a heads-up about what he was about to tell the judge regarding her infertility, seeing as she didn’t already know it. So glad she didn’t get really mad at him. He hasn’t told her a lot of things though, including about what he found in the office during this arc. What’s your thoughts about M trying to protect S by keeping things from her?
I loved that she called him in for backup. She’s facing little to no support on all fronts, and then one phone call brings him unquestioningly in.
But poor Scully, fighting a losing battle all the way down to the end—this whole storyline just radiates loss.
oh the Emily arc... all my feels. sorry for taking a few days to get to this, it's been a loooong weekend for me lol and I haven't gotten much sleep.
I didn't expect those episodes to hit me as hard or stick with me as much as they did, but here I am, trawling AO3 and Tumblr for every fic I can find lol...
dude yes that connection between Emily and Samantha... Mulder already projects onto children so often on cases, because of his own childhood trauma, and Emily is just this lost little girl who needs protected, who's a part of the conspiracy out of her or anyone else's control — and she's Scully's, too — and it's kinda like... of COURSE he was going to absolutely adore her. of COURSE he would bend heaven and earth for Scully's lost little girl. the part where he goes after that doctor and shoves him up against the bookshelf and yells and threatens him is just ahsjdjsksk he is SO protective 😭
(also the fact that textually, IN CANON, IN AS MANY WORDS, they outright stated what happened as medical rape... the one and only time Chris Carter was self-aware....)
ok so re: Mulder not telling Scully about her stolen ova — I think a lot of this comes down to him being Really Bad At Talking About Things (TM). he doesn't want to add that knowledge to everything she's already struggling with during the cancer arc, and, if I have it correct (pretty big "if" tbh), the Reduxes happen shortly prior to Thanksgiving — which means that at the point of the Emily episodes it hasn't been all that long, maybe a month and a half, since her cancer went into remission. so I just kinda feel like he never had an opportunity that felt like it would be the right time — knowing how awkward he can be, idk when/if he *would* have told her without the circumstances of CC/Emily tbh. they can talk about so much stuff all the time but when it comes to serious things, they both s t r u g g l e. and, like you said, in a way he was trying to protect her from more pain — especially since she was also fighting cancer.
and yeah!! she really can't think of anywhere else she wants to turn, anyone else she can depend on the way she can trust Mulder — and of course, he's there for her in heartbeat. no hesitation, they're there for each other no matter what, no questions asked. the way he supports her in these eps always gets to me, he's struggling so much both bc he hid the fact of her infertility from her and because he, as always, blames himself for everything that happens to her and by extension Emily, but he's there at her shoulder at the hospital and doing everything he possibly can for her and her little girl. it's heartbreaking honestly, especially when the doctor asks if they're the parents and they look at each other (and uh... please note that they Don't deny it....) and Mulder ducks his head like he thinks he's undeserving even of that assumption. but the fact of the matter is that he DOES often, as i saw a now-deactivated user point out once, take on quite a bit of the responsibility that a husband would for Scully — even so far as being the one to go with her mom to choose a hecking gravestone when they think she's dead, and being the one to call and tell her mom she has cancer. I know I joke a lot about Mulder being husband material, but... for real. and in the context of the Emily arc, that HURTS.
poor Scully indeed... she's constantly put through more trauma, more loss, more grief, and she carries it with so much grace most of the time, but she doesn't deserve any of it. neither does poor sweet Emily, for that matter... honestly the Scully girls all just deserve so much better (including Melissa... my beloved.... I miss her every day...).
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One (and I can't stress this enough) dumb thing that's always puzzled me is the Dog!card vs Baskerville interpretation. And I purely blame that on the Gonzo version depicting what appears to be Alucard in dog form in the intro. I always see fanworks and the like depicting Alucard taking on a dog form that looks like Baskerville. And I guess he could take that form technically, but like...did...did the fandom just look at Baskerville and think "okay, yes, but what if Alucard was a dog and he looks like that" or was that just like a weird and widespread minterpretation that Baskerville was actually just Dog!card and not a separate entity?
That all said, Dog!card fan stuff is usually really fun, so I'm not against it or anything. Just baffled I guess.
Dear anon friend, you are reading my thoughts.
I’m very conflicted about this too and Gonzo certainly didn’t help my confusion.
Let’s see if we can bring some light into this.
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(The dog in the Gonzo opening)
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(The dog how he is portrayed in the OVA)
Most interesting here is Walter’s comment when he faced the dog in the manga/OVA.
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On top of it all we have reason to believe that Alucard/Dracula ‘can’ turn into a dog, as seen here
There was of course a considerable concussion as the vessel drove up on the sand heap. Every spar, rope, and stay was strained, and some of the `top-hammer' came crashing down. But, strangest of all, the very instant the shore was touched, an immense dog sprang up on deck from below, as if shot up by the concussion, and running forward, jumped from the bow on the sand.
(Bram Stoker’s Dracula - Chapter 7)
To form a theory on this, lets look at the release dates.
Unfortunately I dont find the original chapter releases in “Young King Ours” so we have to look at the tankōbon volumes releases, though the first chapter was released in 1997 apparently.
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The first episode of the Gonzo anime aired in October 2001.
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Given that the anime was already produced before it was aired - naturally - we can assume it didn't include more than the story until volume 4 - give or take.
So they certainly did have the information about what Walter would say, even though they already had the Hounds appearance when it ate Luke and they too adapted it in the Gonzo anime too... making it a bit of a mess.
Okay lets see what we get from here ....
I can only assume the creator of the Gonzo anime already had the Dracula information beforehand - as we too see in the last episode, because in the anime it wasnt revealed yet - even though yes of course you could have figured it out.
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Therefore I am too assuming they meant to link the anime closer to the original novel, where Alucard/Dracula - as we saw ^ - was definitely able to turn into a dog - at least in the opening.
(Correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t think he ever did that in the anime itself, didn't he?)
WRT to gonzo, we actually do see his dog form !!! It’s right after his first showdown with Incognito and he seems to have been taken down for good, to the point where Incognito is able to capture and have Integra pinned to whatever magic circle while incognito calls Set. Basically, Integra just calls for alucard VERY loudly and, powered by the energy of “because she told me to!!!” We see his dog form racing thru London and back to the tower for a rematch. It’s only like a 30 second long sequence
I remember now. You are right. It had been years since I watched it. xD
In general they made a few more references to Dracula, like portraying how certain weaknesses affected Seras for example.
I kinda forgot where I was going with this, so lets wrap this up.
In the novel Dracula is shown to turn into a dog, though this ability is portrayed in neither anime, even if the Gonzo one makes a reference to it in the opening.
Going with the manga it is to be assumed that the dog Alucard uses is probably really the Hound of Baskerville. It is a familiar like all the other ‘souls’ he uses, linked to his ‘shadows’.
The manga makes no mention if Alucard is able to turn into anything but bats, or his other human forms.
So maybe he too has a dog form like the Gonzo anime implies and the novel tells us, but we never see it, or he has none and Hirano was going with the take the dog from the ship was a random one and not Dracula like implied.
It’s a bit of a mess admittedly. 
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #08
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [AO3]
** TW/suicide of family member implied (it is marked ahead with ((text)) so you know what to skip) ~POV shift Mori~ In my old life I had spent 4 or so years as a historical reenactor for the mid 1700's through early 1800's on my weekends. My group mainly acted as pirates/privateers and sang sea shanties. We had done performances on different ships, but every time we were invited onto a period ship I couldn't make it, so I was geeking out when I saw the ship we'd be taking to Sindria. I prayed it didn't show on my face. Sure it was exciting for an other world's nerd like me to get to see a ship like this in use, but to everyone else it was a normal ship. The ship had two masts -both square rigged with a fore and aft sail at the back for better steering. Considering the reputation for the waters around Sindria I expected a bigger three mast ship for strength, but who was I to judge?
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With only two masts, this ship probably only needed a crew of about nine people to allow for different shifts. It didn't look like it had room for many passengers. No doubt, Sinbad didn't expect to be bringing four extra people back with him. I was in full on research mode by the time I got on the ship, and I tired my best to not stand out or get in the way. Getting to look up at the rigging from on the deck was an experience. After everyone was settled I'd definitely make a point to look around more. I might even take one of the scrolls out and try drawing the deck of the ship since I never got around to drawing that gorgeous room in the hotel. I considered myself lucky that no one tried to talk to me until the rooms were being divided out -I had been hyperfixating so I might not have even noticed if they did.
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Studying the ship could only boost me for so long. About 15 minutes before we left the port I could no longer ignore that my head was throbbing from exhaustion. This headache was undeniably becoming a migraine if it wasn't one already. I decided that sleep was the next thing on my agenda. Luckily, I made that decision around the same time the rooms were being divided out. I had figured I'd end up in the same room as Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana, but Alibaba was put in the same room as Ja'far and Masrur. Everyone put their bags down, and headed back on deck except me. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands as I started to let myself fully calm down. In the quiet it hit me just how much I had been using working on the scrolls as a way to avoid thinking about my guilt and lost home. I'd have to find time when no one else was in the room to work through these feelings. There was no way I could keep it bottled up until we reached Sindria. "Excuse me, Miss Mori?" Aladdin had re-entered the room and closed the door. We might not have been formally introduced but he was told who I was. "What is it?" I lifted my head to look at him, and tried to keep my expression positive. I felt the waves rising. A Magi was talking to a Prophet in private; something was bound to happen. The walls of the ship creaked, and I heard steps and the floor boards creak in the hallway. The wave got a little bigger. Silence hung in the air as the boy just stood there. Instead of trying to guess what he wanted I waited. His hands tightened around his staff. Aladdin looked nervous as he confronted me. "I know you say you've read Fate, but I don't think Fate is something written in stone. It's something that everyone makes together. It can always change." The hallway floor creaked behind the Magi again. The wave was getting bigger. Someone was definitely listening in, and there was only one King that was a chronic eavesdropper.
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"I agree," I said bluntly. I wanted Sinbad to hear my answer. Ten years ago, he came to the conclusion that Fate was something already written as a way to cope with his guilt and trauma, and he thought he was 'the chosen one' for being able to read ahead through the waves, but he was wrong on both accounts. "You do?” Aladdin was surprised. It must sound weird coming from someone who read Fate. "I've read more than one Fate for this world, so I know there is no one true path." The manga, anime and OVAs were a little different after all. "And if Fate couldn't be changed then I couldn't be here." I turned so I was sitting facing him. "You see, I wasn't in any of the Fate I read. I wasn't even in this world until five days ago." The magi took a few steps towards me with wide eyes. Aladdin had felt very alone for not being from this world -now he would know he wasn't the only one. It wasn't a reveal that caused problems on its own when Aladdin explained in the original so I didn't see an issue in letting Sinbad overhear about me either- I had already implied as much the previous day. I felt the need to elaborated. "Everything I do changes the Fate I read because I wasn't here. For example, only one of the Fates I read showed the conversation where you all found out about the Kou Fleet. Remember how I yelled at Alibaba? If I didn't convince him to leave then King Sinbad would have knocked him out, and Alibaba would be kept asleep with medicine for this whole trip. Since I was there this time, I was able to change that." "Oh!" He brightened up a bit. "I much prefer things this way." "I agree. Like this it will be much easier for him to heal." I looked down at my intertwined hands. "I have no idea how this will change the Fate I read though." Aladdin hummed a question mark, but he didn't say or ask anything directly. I answered the obvious question to my words, "I can't read a Fate that I'm a part of, so now that I'm here I can't read how my actions are changing Fate. Eventually, the Fate I did read will become useless, and I have no idea if I'm changing it for the better." It was only as I said it that I remembered that Sinbad was listening. I had basically just told him that my usefulness as his Prophet would have a definite expiration date. All I had wanted was to let Aladdin know that he might not be able to rely on me for everything. I definitely wasn't thinking clearly. Aladdin cut into my thoughts. "Is that why the Rukh are so active around you? Because you weren't originally a part of the Flow of Fate?" "Probably." I didn't know what else to say. I knew I had to be making distinctive waves in the Rukh just by being here, let alone with all of my changes. "Miss Mori, where are you from?" I hummed in amusement at that. "I'm from much farther away than you or your parents-if you can believe it." I was from the same world as the person who wrote the original Fate of this world. There was no way I could tell anyone that. He was shocked again. It was written all over his face that he was questioning if I was really from a dimension farther away than Alma Torran. Aladdin gripped the flute that he always wore. "Then... Are you the person he didn't recognize?" "He?" Which 'he' -oh. I lowered my voice. "Ugo?" I put one finger over my lips and looked at the door. Sinbad has to remain ignorant about the Sacred Palace; he's too self-absorbed. Aladdin looked confused at my change in volume. He followed my gaze to the door and back then nodded. He didn't look all that surprised that I knew about Ugo. I kept my voice low. "Aladdin, let's talk more about this some other time. The walls have ears on such a small ship. And I'm exhausted." "Okay. Rest well, Miss Mori." Aladdin spoke at normal volume. I heard a scramble in the hallway, the magi left, and I put my glasses in the top of my bag for safe keeping. I could hear Aladdin through the wall. "Oh! Mr. Sinbad, Mr. Ja'far, did you want to check on Miss Mori too?” "Uh, yes. How is she doing?” Was King Sinbad's response. I could hear the nerves he was trying to
cover up. "Real smooth there, Sin." I mumbled as I finally drifted into unconsciousness. --- I was a young man of 20 some years. I had started a family. We didn't have enough money for food. I ended up taking a risky job because I knew it would pay better. ... No. I'm a six year old girl? I don't remember if I had parents, but I remember going to visit this old dog every day. ... If life was hard, and I had nothing to loose then there was no reason not to bet everything I had on one last round. How could I return to my family without money? The last time I saw my son he was three. Would he even remember me? ... Ya know, when you grow up with someone and everyone else can see your chemistry you'd think it would be obvious that we'd marry when we grew up, but she met someone else. ... I knew things were bad, but I never even considered that my neighbor was stealing from me when I was at work. Bastard stabbed me with my own kitchen knife when I caught him. --- I wasn't myself in my dreams. Every time I woke I had to ground myself and remember where and when I was. Rereading the scrolls I had made helped. Just how many Rukh had merged with me, and why? I had no connections to any of those spirits while they were alive. Was it just because ghosts like me? I wrote down every dream I had; their lives might have been over, but they were a part of me now. I was too exhausted to go on deck, and I could feel that there were still more lives inside of me that I had to get aquatinted with. When I wasn't sleeping, I was working on scrolls again since I at least had enough energy to write and draw. My breathing was getting difficult, and I was struggling with temperature regulation. I wasn't okay enough to tell if it was my body struggling with the changes in my magoi, like when Sinbad took in all the Rukh after the Fall of First Sindria, or if I was just sick. After making sure I could still use magoi manipulation I decided that it was probably the later. I mainly left that room for food, and I waited until almost everyone was done before going. I avoided talking to others too. If I was sick I needed to minimize my contact with others. Alibaba seemed to be in a similar state to me. We both found that staying near each other when around the others made them less likely to approach us with the depressing cloud that hung over us.
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Those that did see me could obviously tell I was unwell. From their words it seemed like they were assuming I was just mourning -they were only half wrong. It gave me an easy excuse to leave, so I never corrected them. I did feel bad for worrying everyone. The whole situation sucked. I wanted to cry. I had been in lock down back home because of Covid-19 for 8 months as an at risk person (it's still Oct 2020 in this story). I was literally in a fantasy anime world now. I wasn't given a better immune system, but my boobs didn't need a bra anymore??? WTF?? If the current arbiter of Fate was me writing fanfiction, then they had a lot of explaining to do. ... Who was I kidding? I knew why I would write something like this. I wanted to see more stories about people like me -someone with my disabilities and life experiences- get to be someone "valued" even if they couldn't be on the front lines. My migraine wouldn't go away, and it wasn't the only part of me in pain. I think I got palpitations a few times -breathing was even worse during those episodes. If I hadn't had health problems growing up I probably would have been panicking. I knew it was stupid to not tell anyone what was going on with me. But would anyone even be able help me on a ship? Telling them would just make them worry more than they already were. Aladdin and Morgiana could tell something more was wrong with me; I couldn't fully hide from them while sleeping in the same room. They must have let the others know since they gave me some pain killers at some point. It tasted awful. I'm honestly not sure how affective it was, but it did knock me out. ((Skip to the next paragraph to avoid the trigger)) At least I was left alone most of the time. I had no choice but to sit with my thoughts about Balbadd. I grew up mourning. The blood on my hands might not be the same as losing most of my loved ones back home, but it was damn similar to when I was in high school thinking "if only one of us had answered the phone that day." The Balbadd revolt would have been much worse if I wasn't there. And even if I had said something sooner there was little that could be done to actually stop Al Thamen when they had their hands so deep in that country. Even with Sinbad there to sway Fate, Al Thamen would still find a way to spill blood. Even if I told Alibaba days in advance and he tried to talk to Cassim about it, Cassim wanted nothing to do with Sinbad, so any help that came from him would be refused. Cassim was twisted around Issnan's fingers and out for blood. I did the best I could. My actions did save some people. I'd have to take solace in that. --- I woke up to something wrapped around me, almost like I was tied down. I couldn't move my legs. I gave up trying to untangle my skirt and covers from me, and just pulled the skirt out from under the cloth belt -kicking the whole mass off like a cocoon. I had put my underwear on underneath and I still had the tunic on so I wasn't left totally uncovered. Star light shown in from the window. I had slept through another day. I couldn't remember my dream. Maybe I had finally returned to having my own dreams. The other beds in the room were occupied. My head was still swimming. I felt trapped. I needed something. I heard the waves outside, and felt the waves of Fate washing over me. Their sounds called to me. Back home I had used the sounds of waves to meditate and stim regularly. I had been hearing them all this time, but I wanted to see them. I didn't bother to slip on my flip-flops as I made my way to the door, didn't even think about grabbing my glasses until I was already on deck. It had been so dark below that I couldn't see anyway, and didn't realize I wasn't wearing them. The wave of Fate I had been following lead me farther into the space. When I hit it's end, the adrenaline that had got me that far died out. The night air hit my legs and I shivered. It was colder than it was at night in Balbadd. I thought we were heading south. Did I still have a fever? The cold reminded me that I really should have put on
my shorts or something before coming out here. The tunic just barely covered me. My vision was going grey scale. This was bad. Really bad. I recognized this feeling. I was about to pass out from not being able to breathe right. I used to have fainting spells as a kid because of my weak raspatory system and needed to carry smelling salts for a few years. The last time it happened was about five years ago -I had been really sick. My head was throbbing; my heart was pounding. Guess I was sicker than I thought. I needed to focus on breathing and getting to the ground. I stumbled to the bowsprit (the pole that sticks out the front of the ship) as support. I needed to get to the ground safely before I collapsed. I'd gotten a concussion once because I didn't get down before the black out hit. A wave crashed into me from behind. If I hadn't been putting all my weight on that wooden shaft I would have been pushed over even though it wasn't a physical wave. What in the world was behind me that would cause such a wave? I removed one arm to look back as my knees started to give out. There was definitely someone there. Their color balance didn't match anything I could remember, but they were really familiar. Without my glasses I couldn't really tell anything -especially since everything was becoming different shades of black. And I already had bad night vision. The light was fading. Shapes were getting harder to discern. Even though I was breathing deeper I hadn't managed to counter the fainting spell. I was going down. I definitely fell, but it didn't feel like I fell for long enough to hit the ground. The feeling across my back was really familiar. Someone had caught me.
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Sometimes I was able to stay conscious when I fainted. It was kinda like ending up in sleep paralysis but with a -20 to all sensory inputs. Seemed like this was one of those times. I couldn't hear what they were saying or see them. It was like my head was deep under water. There was a pressure on my forehead. Were they checking my temperature? When someone faints you're supposed to lay them on the ground and position them so they can breath easier. This person didn't take first aid classes or forgot or something because I was being lifted upwards instead of laid down. It was really warm and comfy though. I liked this feeling. What was it? Safe? Was that it? I hadn't felt actually safe in a long time. I certainly didn't feel safe in that house back home even after everything was over. Maybe it was the feeling of warmth and safety. Maybe it was the way the waves were moving. Maybe it was the numbness that comes with blacking out. But whatever it was had stopped the pain. With the pain gone I calmed the rest of the way. I felt my spine straighten out onto a soft surface. The warmth faded even though something was now covering my legs. I was in a bed. The cold was back without a source of warmth to leech from. I definitely had a fever if I was this cold. Damnit. I grew up with all sorts of chronic health conditions and have always gotten sick easily. Even though I was now in an anime world, I was still me. Was I going to die in this world from some common illness that was already cured back home? We might not have had a lot of money back home but I was lucky enough to get a job with usable health insurance that let me work from home during a pandemic. I could at least get medicine every time I got a normal illness. I was finally able to afford to get and keep an inhaler. Not that any of that was of use to me now. My motor functions were returning. I rolled to the side and curled into the fetal position. I had lost everything. No home. No friends or family. Who would want to look after a stranger with nothing to give back? I was doing what I could to seem worthy of the main cast, but how long would that last? The story would reach its end in five years. What would I do after that? What was the point of all of the savings I had managed to make back home if I was going to be Isekaied? I had been the main bread winner and now my family couldn't even use my savings because I hadn't left a body behind as proof that I had died. All of the thoughts and feelings I was still running from were flooding through me. I couldn't even distract myself with writing scrolls or anything. This was probably for the best. Pushing things away for much longer would be unhealthy. And if I couldn't let myself feel miserable when I was sick and alone, then when could I? I let the tears fall. I hadn't been a loud crier since I was a kid, so I was caught off guard when I could hear my own sobs. I didn't have it in me to hide any more. The bed I was on creaked but I hadn't moved. There was a new weight on the mattress.
I wasn't alone.
The concept that someone was checking on me hurt harder. I didn't grow up in a healthy environment, so now feel immense guilt when someone shows me genuine kindness. But I am also aware and recovered enough to know I deserve kindness, so the guilt always paired with an equal amount or more of relief. I felt a hand stroke my hair. They wanted to comfort me. And I wanted comfort. The waves washing over me encouraged me seek out more. I used what little strength I had to pull myself against them. Having undeniable proof that I wasn't alone and that someone cares was overwhelming. The relief made me cry harder. I'd have to thank them later. But for the time being I'd pour out as much emotion as they'd let me.
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ae0nx · 3 years
...Do you think we'll get a Fruits Basket Another adaptation or OVA or something of the sorts? 🥺
Anyway, I'd like to start this off by shouting out whoever writes the episode descriptions on Funimation who started off the description of last week's episode as:
"Kyo finally tells Tohru what he should have told her in the first place"
🤣Damn straight.
We get three 'I love you and I want to stay with you, if you'll keep me's during this episode. (Four if you count Haru's declaration that he'll love Yuki forever lol) And they're all so unique yet fitting to the pairing involved...
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Why did this scene make me blush so hard! It had no audacity to do that. I loved it.
Personally, I'm really glad we got this Machi and Yuki moment separate from Kyo and Tohru's moment in the previous episode as while I already love Yuki/Machi together, I do wish we got more moments over the course of the series to get to know them together and their natural dynamic as friends (without the awkwardness and uncertainty).
But, I mostly just love how this isn't an actual confession in the traditional sense of the declaration of feelings but it's more so an almost spiritual, mutual understanding and probably lands this pair as having the most natural progression of a relationship in the series.
They cute.
And Yuki really can't help being a Disney Prince, Gods bless him.
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Ahh... these two...
...Just gonna note down what Akito says about her feelings for Shigure:
'I want to permeate his body, get into his cells, into his bones, invade and infuse them. Saturate his entire being with my own. Fill every corner of him with my scent, till he can't even breathe.'
I fully believe they love each other intensely and kinda, weirdly violently and I definitely can understand why people like this pairing, especially as there are real life couples that are just like this. I just would've loved if they acknowledged that their upbringing in such a toxic environment has negatively affected the way they express their love towards each other and that maybe separating for a while and trying to understand who they are without each other and the curse would be great? But, whatever, I'm not a therapist.
Considering Akito's final decision to stay as the head of the family (albeit to take responsibility) and Shigure being a bit put off by it and the scene ending with that off-key background music that always plays whenever 'God fucks shit up'... In my opinion, this might be the saddest ending for an 'endgame-level' romantic pairing in Fruits Basket...
Two positive notes: Akito looked pretty and she gets Outfit Appreciation - 5 stars! It was pretty and gorgeous but also ha da slight edge of boss bitch to it. Also, Shigure being the only one at the party left behind to love Akito fully and wholly is sort of romantic?
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Kyo planning his future and going beyond and being hopeful about it. Kyo not wanting Tohru to just give up everything for him. tOHRU'S FUCKING DETERMINATION NOT BEING HIDDEN UNDER A VEIL OF NICETIES?!
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:))))))))))) 😁
I don't think I've ever fully stanned a heterosexual couple this hard in ANYTHING. (Heterosexual assumedly cos Tohru's definitely bi in my HCs)
I dunno.. I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said in previous recaps. They're great and their progression has been written so well! I feel like they have the most casually natural 'I wanna stay with you, if you'll let me' mostly because they've been in a relationship together since the beach arc (whether they know that or not) and the easiness of their dynamic has been pretty solidified between them. But, also because they are the best written and detailed relationship in the series. It just feels natural and without question.
Also, that slightly blurry/sun-dappled flash forward we got to married Kyoru was gorgeous and I definitely wasn't expecting it! (I kinda thought Tohru's sweat drop was her crying and I got worried for a minute lol)
Kiss kiss, fall in love :)
----------- QUICK SHOTS ----------------
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Yuki's goodbye to the curse was, of course, the most gorgeous of the goodbyes. Very fitting.
We haven't heard Kyo say 'yo' literally since his first introduction in the series and I dunno, it was nice to see how unburdened and less angry he is in general. So refreshing!
Momiji and Kagura conspiring to pick on Kyo cos he's the reason for both of their own heartbreaks. Yes. >:))
It was really nice having Aya there just being dramatic Aya, you could tell that the zodiac felt more relaxed by his Aya-ness
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It's interesting that when Akito was remembering her greatest hits of times she traumatised the zodiac that her moments with Kyo weren't there... You could argue that Kyo's trauma was more so tied to outer members of the Sohma family and the institution/culture behind the curse but... I dunno, there were some moments...
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I dunno why but I genuinely find this screencap scary and it's a curse to my eyes so now you guys have to deal with it. That's all.
It's funny, Shigure's explanation of 'why he is the way he is' is pretty much the same as Loki's explanation as to why he's the way he is in the Loki show and yet I'm still here saying fuck Shigure and stanning Loki. I'm an impure human who will only submit to Gods. I guess lol
Ending the episode on Kyoko's thoughts during her death was definitely jarring but it was also definitely needed - just to reassure the audience! This is definitely Lydia Mackay's best performance as Kyoko, the emotions in her voice really pierced through me. And her sharing Ocean Heaven with Katsuya was beautiful but WHY WON'T WE EVER LOOK UPON KATSUYA'S FACE?!
It's cool tho. <3
Man... do we only have one episode left? What do I do after this? Lol
Also, it's a nice touch that the first episode of Fruits Basket is 'See You After School' and (assumedly) the last episode of Fruits Basket is 'See You Again Soon'. It's the uncertainty for me 😭
See you next week!
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tsukidrama · 3 years
i read your post about yelena and i agree with EVERYTHING. saying she’s misguided would be misundertanding her, she knows very well what she is doing, why she is here and how she got into that situation. the part about onyankopon is very true too, and i’m sure even zeke doesn’t even trust her 100%, he’s just counting on the fact that she’s obsessed with him (if we ever get a mini story about her like a new lost girls novel i’d love to know how that obsession started!). that moment when she killed a marleyan soldier (i think?) just because he talked shit about sasha was very hot but also very scary and it says a lot about her i think but it makes her very interesting.
i also think that some people misunderstand her on purpose so they don’t have to feel bad about liking her the same way everyone that loves eren forget everything that happened after s3 (and the non animated chapters) and only love fanon or modern au! eren (which are basically different characters from the og eren lmao). i don’t blame them though, i love yelena now and i love zeke too but i don’t forget what the characters have done in canon.
lara tybur makes me remember why i’m a lesbian, she’s so mysterious and very hot and her titan is probably one of my favourites, i just wish she didn’t die so fast!! but as you said it allows us to interpret her as we want! i read your sugar mommy headcanons about her and you made…...several good points. i haven’t thought about the dildo part before but now… i have many unholy thoughts about her ksjdahkd.
i’ve never seen that you’ve written for reiner before and as he’s my favourite it made me very happy and “enough to go around”... WOW!! very very hot!! i love porco and reiner as a duo, they’re always bickering but they can’t deny that they have chemistry and i think you did a very good job at portraying their relationship! and having them both at the same time... yeah <3
i also read “sweet like you” and aaah it was very hot and funny too and so sweet!! you are very good at understanding characters (especially in canon) because reiner was PERFECT and exactly as i see him!!
this ask is getting long so i'll stop but i can't wait to read the rest and i hope you had/are having a good day!!
thank you j!! my days have been alright lately but i've been working a lot too. my bank account looks so beautiful that i could cry but I'm tired asf and I haven't gotten a day off for a while because of other people taking time off 😩 but its okay because I have the whole weekend off and day shifts all next week 💪😤
your clarity on Yelena is so poggers. being attracted to villains doesn't mean you have to warp their narrative to justify it. it's okay to have a point where you're like "love u honey but this is mad unhealthy/evil/straight up demented and I can only support you so far..." the moment being shooting the guy who insulted Sasha being one of them. like I'm pissed too but YOOO WHAT?! this is not the bad bitch moment yall seem to think! i also very much agree with you about how people choose to misinterpret Yelena and Eren. seasons 1-3 Eren and fanon Eren are totally different from what he becomes and it kind ruins his character for me in the end 💔 Yelena being so minor and mysterious makes her a little more likeable in my opinion. I hope we do get an OVA or something with her backstory, it's what we all deserve with the CRUMBS we were given as far as her character goes. personally I go back and forth with Zeke. I feel bad for him when he was young but God I hate him so much for literally everything he does in canon. HE KILLED ERWIN. also eugenics.
about Lara Tybur... you are so seen here. I will never stop being sad that she has one fight scene and appears in like what, all of 10 shots? my only relief is that it's the arguably most badass fight scene in the show as far as titan powers go (excluding the finale I suppose). WISMSNNW I want to write smut for her so bad, it would be WILD but also like the demand is so low that I've never had the motivation for a full fic
thank you much for your kind words about the Porco and Reiner fics!!! in general i'm really a lesbian and sex with men disgusts me but sometimes I have exceptions for anime boys if they are Being My Bitch. and I really really love Porco and Reiner to boot 🤧😍
"you are very good at understanding characters" is literally the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me 😭🥰 my biggest goal while writing is for people to clutch their chests in pain because I hit something so on the nose
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lucille-grim · 3 years
As a Kuwabara fan, this brings me to tears...
Kuwabara IS NOT stupid! He's HIDING things!
I personally think there may have been SEVERE ATTEMPTS ON KUWABARA'S LIFE as he was growing up... And I believe that!
It would explain his earlier lack of interest in school and I'll give why.
One of my reasons is because of his purpose in the Reikai Tantei...
And because of his past, especially his past life and his inevitable FUTURE. I mean, poor Kurama had to deal with others attacking him when he was growing up...most definitely before he reached his teens.
Here's my reason why I think Kuwabara was in danger from the start!
Here's my PROOF that he's more than WHAT he seems:
But imagine having your powers dormant and being unaware of having them or not knowing how to use them... Imagine how SCARY that is. How TERRIFYING that would be.
Someone would have tried to save him, to protect him.
It would cause him to VERY STRONGLY believe in that he has really good LEADERSHIP SKILLS and why he thinks that. And one reason WHY he wants attention.
THE APOCALYPSE that's supposed to happen 200 years later, which Koenma DID MENTION, may also have something to do with it...
Kuwabara is THE GLUE that holds the team together. He's that special.
And there are those who would know that.
Think TERMINATOR. But HOPEFULLY without the machines... *winces* Then again, that could be a possibility. I mean GUNS wouldn't be as affective against a MACHINE as they would be against FLESH AND BONE. But TRY to use a GUN against a GOD or very skillful higher being...
His mother was most certainly there with him through it. I believe that. She, too, would have been a target when she was pregnant with him. She may be a bitch, but I doubt she lacks empathy. I can't see her as a psychopath because she LEFT Mr. Kuwabara and OUR Kuwabara actually cares about what his mother thinks. I do believe that his mom LOVES him, but has a tough time showing it. She was married to a terrible person for years, after all. For more information on Mr. Kuwabara and Shizuru, click the link above.
I believe Mrs. Kuwabara tried to TAKE Kazuma with her, but Mr. Kuwabara PREVENTED her from having him and Shizuru...ESPECIALLY KAZUMA.
Kuwabara is most likely the one who saves the world from everybody dying... OR WILL DESTROY THE WORLD ENTIRELY.
This GUY has secrets he ain't telling anybody!
Remember Yusuke's endless dream of the others and that Kuwabara was seen being a General in the OVAs? And the aerial strikes but NO airplanes?? This was another HINT.
Skip to 6:40 in the video time line.
Dreams are strange, but they REVEAL things to us...about ourselves and hints of likely futures...
One of the attempts on Kuwabara's life possibly lead up to him separating from the Reikai Tantei.
Yusuke and the others would have just seen Kuwabara as a liability. That he's just a HUGE TARGET that the enemies go for.
But the reason WHY he doesn't tell them that he's a target is because he knows that NO ONE will believe him.
My guess is that Kurama finds out by finding Kuwabara's obviously missing case files and tapes on his lives. Of course, Kurama would show them to Yusuke after prying them from Koenma. Remember, Spirit World records everything by video and by written word.
Yusuke would use this knowledge to CONVINCE Kuwabara as to who Kuwabara REALLY IS after Kuwabara went BAD. Kuwabara THEN CONVINCES THEM to join his side. Kuwabara going BAD brings Kuwabara back to his team, to an eventual reunion of friends. ALL FOUR WILL BE A TEAM AGAIN.
As Kuwabara said in his song, Dachi, "...We're always taking the long route..." and "We're always chasing dreams that were never meant to be..."
This is how Kuwabara REDEEMS himself.
Kuwabara is like THE LUCIFER like you read about in Luciferianism.
Would it be STRANGE if he IS LUCIFER?
Remember THE RED DEVIL MASK in the music video Dachi sung by Kuwabara? THE DEVIL IS A TRICKSTER JUST LIKE KUWABARA IS. AND THE DEVIL IS PANSEXUAL, WHICH IS ONE REASON WHY BAPHOMET LOOKS LIKE A PAN-ISH FIGURE. KUWABARA IS PANSEXUAL. Read the first link that gives WHY Kuwabara's sexuality is Pansexuality and how I decoded what the masks seen in the OVA video and what they MEAN.
The WHITE MASK solidifies this because WHITE represents DEATH and THE DEAD and the expression shows characteristics that are notable in its expression. The DEMON LUCIFER is considered to be WICKED and MALEVOLENT to the point of INSANITY, especially when it comes to his enemies. For many, he is about temptation, persuading others to commit immoral and indecent actions, especially according to Christianity. The accusation, the reasons behind his actions are said to be fueled by ENVY.
The number 666 is mentioned in the series, so there IS a Lucifer. And demons LOVE Lucifer and for GOOD REASONS rather than him being a TYRANT that most believe him to be.
That would make Yukina LILITH?
Yukina born as an Ice Apparition makes sense. Ice is WATER and water affiliates with THE MOON. Lilith greatly affiliates with the moon. And Ice Maidens give birth to one child every 100 years on their own without sex, while they can have twins if they have sex. Lilith births demons...MANY DEMONS. And Lilith associates with WATER, being a monsoon Goddess and THE QUEEN OF WINTER.
Yukina is actually HALF ice demon and HALF fire demon. Lilith's other element is FIRE.
Lucifer affiliates with VENUS and THE THREE SUNS of the universe that are MOST IMPORTANT in Luciferianism: The 3 Sirius Stars, our sun, and the sun that is a black hole in the center of our galaxy. Kuwabara's powers relate to HEAT and possibly FIRE more than likely. Read why I say that in the FIRST LINK.
Kuwabara and Yukina in their previous lives most likely died BEFORE The Old Netherworld (A.K.A. HELL) was destroyed.
This means that these two were actually GODS themselves.
Ha! Kuwabara was and is actually a PRINCE.
Yakumo (from the movie) was A king of the netherworld, not THE KING.
The ELITE GODS did NOT plan on the couple to be reborn...but knew who they were.
Kuwabara doesn't know or he is UNSURE that he's Lucifer, that's obvious, but he does know that he's IMPORTANT. Entities were most certainly whispering in his ears, telling him that he's EVIL and that he's THE DEVIL...which explains why he was so very ANXIOUS being around spirits.
His energy and soul orb are YELLOW for a reason. YELLOW IS BRIGHT but not the brightest. Lucifer means BEARER OF LIGHT, but most claim his light is a false light.
Kuwabara's OTHER aura color is a BRIGHT WHITE...WHICH IS LIGHT. Note that HE SHINES LIKE A STAR.
Read the FIRST LINK that helps lead to this STUNNING CONCLUSION!
Kuwabara is clearly the one who is in MOST danger!
Kuwabara is THE CHOSEN ONE.
The Devil has an affinity for animals, especially CATS. I know this to be a FACT. CATS ARE MAGICAL BY NATURE AND ARE USUALLY USED AS FAMILIARS. In the western world, cats are protectors, but in Japan they are potential DEMONS. KUWABARA LOVES CATS.
Lilith is believed to have an affinity for animals, too. Yukina has an affinity for animals.
In a way, I was RIGHT about him being a LION DEMON... The Devil is described to be A ROARING LION.
My prediction of that:
What their first fall would have been like and their desire for revenge:
If Yukina is LILITH, the issues with that will become OBVIOUS as the series progresses IF the series was ever picked back up by Togashi. Lilith has a very dark, malicious side and can prove herself to be malefic in nature.
Kuwabara is obviously LUCIFER. Many people equate and conflate LUCIFER with SAMAEL. LUCIFER is not SAMAEL in reality. Lilith is Samael's consort, Lucifer's consort is NOT Lilith... Lucifer's TWIN FLAME is MALE because Lucifer is a shape-shifting, gender-bending FEMALE fundamentally and was originally ADROGYNOUS before having a TWIN FLAME.
Enma/Yama is a sicko in this case, setting up and tying Kuwabara to Yukina when the two are NOT two halves of the same soul! Then who is? Who is Kuwabara's TWIN FLAME?
Perhaps it is Yusuke? Most likely he was demonic in his previous life himself... Choosing the Mazoku bloodline would make definite sense...especially if Yusuke was Beelzebub himself in a previous incarnation.
Beelzebub is the Sumerian god Enlil who is likewise Enki and Anu.
Lucifer is Inanna. Inanna is Damkina, not Ninlil who was Sud.
That would explain Kuwabara's infatuation and obsession with Yusuke.
Yusuke doesn't know much about love or how to love either, just like Kuwabara and Yukina. Kuwabara just knows that he wants love, same with Yusuke... Yukina could care less of whether she has a romantic relationship or not, just like Lilith in reality does not... Lilith who rapes, tortures and kills innocent human boys and men whom she tempts and even kills infants both born and unborn. Lilith tortures and kills in the form of an OLD HAG, too.
This explains why Yukina was so eager to leave Kuwabara high and dry rather than stick things out with him to make their relationship work. She abandons him completely, possibly without warning or notice, leaving him also to wonder and guess what became of her.
IF his mother is still alive, or not, he would talk to her about what Yukina did to him and his life. She'd be the one to give him that push to leave his father's house completely, leaving both his dad and Shizuru behind finally. Both his father and sister are immensely powerful psychics, leaving would be very tricky and life threatening.
On dealing with Enma/Yama... He most likely is Samael in this story. Samael is YHWH's hidden name.
Shinto-Buddhism is considered a form of Buddhism and is considered to be an ENEMY religion in the eyes of LUCIFER/SATAN.
Japan's main religion IS Shinto-Buddhism.
Buddhists live for their eventual spiritual death, becoming part of THE SOURCE is spiritual death. Shinto-Buddhism is NO different. It's like a pagan version of TWISTED Christianity. In Christianity you're a mindless slave individual in HEAVEN who's HAPPY all the time for it, and if you don't love God and obey Him, then you burn in HELL and then be DESTROYED later. In Buddhism and Shinto-Buddhism, If you don't believe in either of those two religions... YOU'LL BE DESTROYED AND EATEN BY DEMONS.
Christianity is prominent over in Japan, too.
And Lucifer is considered to be Shiva in Traditional Satanism.
Even other people with different beliefs know that Shiva is Lucifer.
Shiva KILLS Enma and DESTROYS Enma's version of SPIRIT WORLD. Shiva kills Enma with a TRISHULA and TAKES OVER, LIBERATING THE SOULS OF ALL BEINGS. Enma is STILL alive! Enma is just not in charge CURRENTLY in the series due to his son, Koenma, removing him from power... We haven't heard the last of Enma yet!
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Shiva is also a "loose Cannon" amongst the Gods! Lucifer is ALSO a "loose Cannon"! Read my first link that shows you that Kuwabara IS a "loose Cannon".
NO, despite popular and accepted beliefs.
Vishnu is Enki who is Enlil who is Beelzebub!
Kalki is VISHNU'S final avatar! And Kalki is supposed to purify the world of all corruption and evil!
This could very well be YUSUKE'S ROLE!
As for Kuwabara, Shiva's GOOD to his wife, Kali, who is actually HIMSELF as FEMALE IN FEMALE FORM.
Behemoth - "Sabbath Mater":
A BIT ON TOPIC: Aurora's son is LUCIFER...so that you know...
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This is SHIVA:
Notice the COLOR of the FIRE? Does it not look similar to Kuwabara's spirit energy? And his aura when Yusuke arrived to defeat Sensui? The RED in his aura does hint to him being a DEMON as well.
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Now we KNOW HIS NAME in Japanese!
Ōkuninushi is Kuwabara's Japanese GOD NAME!
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One being that Susanoo is Okuninushi's DIRECT ANCESTOR, POSSIBLY EVEN HIS FATHER.
That means, THERE ARE DEMONS WHO KNOW THE TRUTH...but haven't stepped forward yet.
So, its NOT "ORDINARY" DEMONS who are TORTURING KUWABARA. The Demons of Demon World are NOT the ones whispering in his ears! They're NOT attacking him! There are NO OLD LADIES... ESPECIALLY ONES WITH GOOD INTENTIONS. And if they ARE DEMONS TELLING HIM WHO HE IS, THEIR INTENTIONS AREN'T HARMFUL ONES.
No. He just seems insane to his peers.
Actually, HE'S CHAOTIC.
The Devil is THE CHAOS.
The Devil will toy with, harass, and hurt you to the point of OBSESSION and HOPEFULLY gets bored... usually not...especially IF you are His enemy.
Kuwabara is OBSESSIVE.
Kuwabara can be HARASSIVE.
KUWABARA sometimes TOYS with people, too.
And he's a TRICKSTER.
Guess who else is a TRICKSTER:
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And The Devil has a BAD TEMPER.
Kuwabara has a BAD TEMPER.
The Devil thinks very HIGHLY of himself...
Kuwabara is the SAME WAY.
The Devil is vindictive.
Kuwabara is vindictive.
The Devil can be STRICT.
Kuwabara has STRICTNESS in him.
Kuwabara is dubbed "LIKE A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR."
And The Devil can OPEN PORTALS, A.K.A. DOORWAYS...
Kuwabara has his Dimension Sword for a REASON.
And don't forget that Kuwabara was ABLE TO KEEP UP with Kurama and Hiei in terms of SPEED and SELF-REGENERATION.
Kuwabara's mother may have been part of a SATANIC CULT...which EXPLAINS why Mr. Kuwabara wasn't shocked about having a DEMON staying with him. Another reason is THE BUSINESS HE'S LIKELY INVOLVED IN. His interest in DEMONS must have attracted Mrs. Kuwabara to HIM in the FIRST PLACE, but later she discovered what HE'S TRULY LIKE.
What I'm saying is...HIS PARENTS KNOW. And possibly even Shizuru.
It's Kuwabara WHO DOUBTS IT.
In special cases, some special souls are born to look like the parent that they're NOT related to. Honestly? Kazuma doesn't look so much like Mr. Kuwabara. Really, he doesn't. Kuwabara's face is longer and his face is shaped a bit differently. Kuwabara has a longer face and has prominent cheekbones. Mr. Kuwabara doesn't have prominent cheekbones as far as we can see. The noses are likewise different.
Notice the difference? The last page in the fourth box in the manga shows more of a hint. That pointy thing in front of Mr. Kuwabara's face is HIS NOSE, by the way. Mr. Kuwabara doesn't have prominent cheekbones. Shizuru most likely has her mother's nose. Reading from RIGHT TO LEFT, in the third box of the first page below, you can also see the difference in Mr. Kuwabara's and Kazuma's faces...
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This doesn't prove that Kazuma isn't related to Mr. Kuwabara. BUT... there are some BIRTHS MORE MIRACULOUS THAN OTHERS.
Shizuru calling Kuwabara an ALIEN is a HINT. And this PROVES THAT SHE KNOWS.
Mr. Kuwabara laughing like a maniac AGAIN shows again that there's SOMETHING WRONG WITH HIM... Because the "alien" wasn't shown yet and there's NOTHING funny about aliens. Mr. Kuwabara clearly doesn't believe in aliens, and laughs in a MOCKING SORT OF WAY? CLEARLY, he knows more than the manga shows. HE KNOWS A LOT ABOUT DEMONS. That or HE'S LAUGHING AT KUWABARA (and maybe Yukina), but he's NOT looking his way...so...
Kuwabara's view on demons must have came from what society says they are, that and possibly by his experience with them when fighting in THE DARK TOURNAMENT.
You've got to remember that KUWABARA WAS FRIENDLY TO HIEI AT FIRST until Hiei RUDELY DISREGARDED KUWABARA LIKE HE WAS NOTHING. Kuwabara was NOT phased by the fact that YUKINA IS A DEMON from the very BEGINNING.
Now...who are the IDIOTS here? Hiei and the demons from THE DARK TOURNAMENT? Or KUWABARA?
Hiei clearly doesn't know.
Consider WHO HE REALLY IS as a GOD.
The Devil is a CLOWN GOD.
Shiva is a CLOWN GOD.
Loki is a CLOWN GOD.
Hermes is a CLOWN GOD.
That means that deep down OKUNINUSHI IS A CLOWN GOD.
Clown Gods are MISCHIEVOUS BY NATURE and they AFFILIATE WITH REBELLION, THIEVERY, AND DEATH. Death brings about CHANGE. They are considered to be WEAKER than the most fearsome of Gods, but use their wits to OUTSMART those with more power. They are not generally liked by the other gods...
They have a FEMININE SIDE, too. The CLOWN wears make-up. Which is funny, because Kuwabara is worried about his sense of manliness. He'll get over that, though!
Clowns are also just NOT for birthday parties and circuses, they are HORROR FILM CHARACTERS, too. Clowns INCITE FEAR.
Because he is NOT LIKED...
There were MANY attempts on OKUNINUSHI's life. Like the other gods HE IS in different mythologies, HE IS A PASSIONATE LOVER, has had many affairs, represents the home and family life, is considered to be a WAR GOD, and had attempts on his life. Okuninushi had actually died MORE THAN ONCE due to the other Gods! He then was DEMOTED on purpose on BEHEST of the other Gods.
Kuwabara actually does THAT already.
Now, knowing THAT, know this...
Kuwabara will most LIKELY want CHAOS, a sense of ANARCHY where and which HE RULES OVER. He will want to RULE, but those underneath him will be bound by HIS WAYS.
It's weird, I know.
He'll be like: "Here! Have freedom! But you're NOT really free! You're all ruled by me! I'm your God King! Freedom doesn't REALLY exist! Have a nice day! I'M A GOD OF FREEDOM, BY THE WAY! I AM AMAAAAAZIIIIIIING! DON'T FORGET MY NAME! GOD OF CHAOS, EVERYONE! HEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--!"
He'll be considered a madman and an anarchist like The Joker from Batman, want chaos yet desire to rule like Loki from the Marvel Comics... COMBINE THESE TWO TOGETHER, ALONG WITH THEIR OBSESSIVE BEHAVIORS, THEIR ISSUES, AND DIVA WAYS, and see what you get.
You get THE VILLAIN Kuwabara is.
As a villain, he's TWISTED and DANGEROUS.
...Funny how it was a demon who once dressed as a CLOWN who gave him the conduit that helped him defeat Elder Toguro. I don't believe in coincides. Coincidences don't exist.
Even IF he returns to being a GOOD GUY, NONE OF THIS CHANGES.
CLICK HERE for PART 3 of this Misadventure!
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Dissecting these lyrics.
So uh "Spoilers" for royal and i guess the OVA too? this song plays at one of your "outings" with Akechi.
The context is what has spoilers nothing else does unless you havent learned everything about akechi in p5 which case idk why youd start reading this if you cared about spoilers:
((You and akechi together at a jazz bar that Goro says he frequents and considers a special place for him, you tell him your backstory and about Leblanc.
He states he's envious of your situation and compliments you on your ability to cook.
He states that you're the first person he's ever brought to the jazz club mentioning that he supposes it might show they have some strange connection.))
The lyrics to the song itself are from the Goro akechis perspective.
[]People come and they go
[]Some people may stay with you though
[]I am all alone tonight and I kept on
[]Asking myself questions
[So this is a simple set up the song itself. akechi is self-reflecting, positing the nature of having friends.
"all alone tonight" is interesting in the context in that he's quite literally spending the night with Akira but he's not being true to himself so this, in turn, makes him alone. this odd state of being with someone but not *being* moves akechi to reflect on himself.]
[]Conceited I was at a time
[]I never really doubted myself
[]But tonight got me thinking about it all
[]If I am the fool or whatnot
[akechi is conceited but confident in himself.
however being with someone like Akira has him really considering his approach whether or not he's being a fool, A "fool" though has a lot more meaning than just being foolish as its probably evoking the fool card:
the Fool Arcana
The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
Beginnings, Spontaneity, Originality, Innocence, Leap of faith
Naivety, Poor judgment, Folly, Lack of direction, Stupidity, Chaos
the fool is assigned to Loki in persona 3 and is the ultimate form of the fool in persona 4
The player is also the fool arcana along with arcene (as it is in p3 and 4)]
[]I do not
[]Regret with my choices I'm rather proud
[]Ooh yet I know I won't change
[]Because I can only be me so
[So this feeds back into another statement I have about akechi not really regretting the murders or any of his actions really.
Akechi did what he did in full knowledge and capacity of himself and its why he reacts so poorly to concepts of pity and mercy.
His actions were driven by his being and in some regard are one and the same. so when people pity him or give him mercy or retract his involvement or undermine his agency in regards to that he takes it as an inherent disrespect to his personhood.]
[]How can I be so sure?
[]At a crossroads, I'm afraid too
[]But I can't let fear get the best of me
[]Someone once said burn my dread, babe
[God this fucking section is so good.
akechi questions if he truly has the conviction to kill Joker
he's afraid too, afraid of dying, afraid of losing what is the most tangible connection he's had to this world outside of his revenge for his father.
But he can't let his desires for this connection to sway who he is and what he is going to do.
"Someone once said burn my dread babe."
this reference, this reference is exceptional and adds this heartbreaking edge to jokers execution.
p3s opening theme " burn my dread" which states the thesis of P3 "memento mori". remembering that death is inevitable and that disconnecting yourself from things that bind you to a fear of death can free you.
"Memento Mori. Remember you will die. Remember your death."
this line is in my interpretation is Goro akechi rationalizing killing joker as a kind of weird momento mori. akechi is on a death path and killing joker was a means of freeing him from a fear of death or more importantly a fear of loss. 
garnering control over his own emotions and desires to be alive or to be with joker, a necessary step to boldening his convictions to enact revenge and retributions on shido.
To burn your dread, to remove your fears, to free yourself. 
Akira being a memento mori for akechi is why your bond with him grows once he fucking kills you. 
Akira becomes a reminder of everything akechi has to lose if he fails in seeking revenge.
Also, side note the ", babe." could infer that akechi is maybe referring to Akira?]
[]Who knows what tomorrow holds?
[]Just wanna live my life the way I want
[]What fills up my soul is passionate
[]Music that makes me want to sing
[Pulling from momento mori the idea that life is fleeting that goro must live his life in this pursuit of passion.
the passion to seek revenge on his father enacting this perfect divine punishment.
The power to kill and free himself from that which holds him back and challenges who he is.
Akechi must fill himself with this music, this song.
Akechi must truly exist as himself.]
[]My story will be starring me just like yours ooh ooh
[]Who knows when will it end
[]What matters most is how you bring joy to life so 
[Goro akechi is also a protagonist he's a wild card just like all the protagonists
Goro is aware of this he understands that they're truly at an impasse
in finality to Akechi's short lament, he re-enters the present situation, his time with Akira.
he doesn't know when he'll have to end Akira when anything he is will come to fruition or when he'll die.
But he knows, for now, he can take respite in what joy, as simple and fleeting they are, he can find in his relationship with Akira and what he can give in return.]
Even the title of the song:
[]"No more what ifs"
it brings to mind akechis conflicting desire to have things go differently but his rejection in believing in falsehoods and staying faithful to himself and his truths.
[]"under different circumstances, we could have been great rivals or even friends" 
[]"I wonder why we couldn't have met a few years earlier..."
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