#I cannot get past just Thinkin' about them
mntalbrakdown · 9 months
thinkin' bout you - H. Callahan
mentons of: smut, MDNI, makeouts, cussing, closeted, cheating, thigh riding, oral (r! receiving) exhibitionism, slight nudes sending idk,,,?
synopsis: you were dating a football player, but also sneaking around with Hazel
wc: 3.7k
gif by @taiturner
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friday night lights, a total shit show. the girls on the cheer team didn't know how to follow the choreography of the cheers and they just do whatever they want. almost like everyone else. you on the other hand just gave up and stand there smacking your pom poms together and muttering the chants.
"are you excited about today" Isabel asks you with Josie's arm wrapped around her
"yeah" you say with a weak smile.
your boyfriend, Brody or whatever his name is, you really didnt care about him, was sitting right next to you. he was in football in whatever position, you never kept up with him. you just dated him because Brittany and Isabel wanted you to.
"hey babe want to go to get food before then game" your boyfriend asks twirling a strand of your hair in between his fingers
"i would love to, but um I have plans" you say looking directly at Hazel. she was playing around with the schools pasta, scared of the bad food. she had on her brown sweater with green pants and her red doc martens paired with her silver chain that always made you go feral
in all honesty, you have been secretly hooking up with Hazel, for the past few months. you hated it because you truly did like Hazel. yet you felt that you had to hide that side of yourself. but you decided by the end of this week you would break up with Brody.
when the bell rang signifying lunch was over you got up from the table that contained all your friends or as your boyfriend called them the loser lesbians. you waved at them goodbye and stared long on Hazel. Brody wrapped his arm around your shoulder that was wearing his letterman jacket, with your oversized black pants and a white simple baby tee. as you walked down the halls you met eyes with Hazel, you smiled at her while she rolled her eyes
it was all in slow motion. she looked mad, but she never told you anything or showed any annoyance all week. you were confused, what did you do? you just saw her be happy. now you were worried. who was she walking with? it was a pretty girl who was giggling and all over Hazel, why were you so... so annoyed? you knew you had no place in doing so
"i think im going to walk to class alone" you say looking up to your boyfriend
"what why" he says stopping in the middle of his tracks
"feeling sick, dont want to get you sick when the game is in four hours you say walking away while you put your headphones on. you needed to escape this place and start letting yourself relax
you walked past everyone down the halls, you usually are so chipper and say hi to your mutuals but today you felt like putting on a hoodie and hiding. people could tell something was up, this wasn't like you. even when you get into an argument with Brody you could practically jump off the walls. this time you felt a stream of tears go down your face. you got yourself together from your five-second slump because crying in front of people is so…yuck!
so you walked into Mr. G's class head held high and when you reached your desk next to Hazel you slumped down like usual.
"so how is Brody" Hazel asks nonchalantly to you as everyone waited for the bell to ring
"he's good, were good" you say looking directly at Hazel trying to see if she was playing a game with you
"cool because I might start seeing this girl, she's available and likes me" Hazel could basically hear the breaks and cracks of your teeth by how tense you were
"I'm happy for you haze, hope she treats you right," you say as calmly as possible
"so...you're ok with it" she asks, but lets be honest she cannot take hints nor sarcasm
"yeah" you say nodding and taking out your notebook from your backpack
after class ended and you kept passing looks at Hazel with the ends of your mouth turned downwards.you couldn't actually believe it, but you couldn't hold a grudge. you got up quickly packing all your stuff and getting ready to leave school since that was your last class. you had plans on hanging out with Hazel, but those plans quickly crumbled to the ground
you practically ran out of there not wanting to be held up. Josie and Pj snickering about how you've been acting weirder after lunch. you could hear fast footsteps come closer to you until they finally reached you.
"wait up" they pull your arm to meet your face
"hey!" you exclaim, you just wanted to make it to your car
"what's wrong" Hazel says guiding your face to her, her eyebrows knitting togetehr when she sees you look upset
"nothing it's stupid" Hazel quickly shook her head, how could she be so tender when you're such a brat
"is it about me and her” Hazel asks seeing how your demeanor changed in a heartbeat just thinking about the other girl
“no” you say but she knew you were lying by the way you looked down
“was i just supposed to wait for you to break up with your stupid boyfriend” Hazel slightly raises her voice
“no, but i told you i was going to break up with him by the end of the week” you say pressing your lips together in anger
“than do it, i’ve been all over you for the past few months, and it certainly didnt look like you were, i mean the jacket?” Hazel clenches her jaw trying her best not to get her anger to overflow
“can we please leave” you whisper, you could feel people stare and overhear you in the crowded halls
which Hazel obliges and grabs your hand to lead you to her parked car. she had a Tesla, I mean she was rich what did you expect. she claimed her mom passed it down to her when her mom got a Mercedes as if it’s something everyone does.
she opened the door for you to get in the passenger seat. when you were fully seats and deep breathing to calm yourself down you hear Hazel open the driver door and sit down
“i’m sorry, it’s not fair” you say looking at how Hazels pupils dilated to how soft you became
“it’s ok, i just, want you” Hazel says smiling showing her pearly whites
“ok alpha male” you joke causing the tension to rise and disappear
you caught eyes with Hazel when you finally stopped laughing. and whatever energy you once had converted to lust. you stopped moving and slowly leaned into Hazel to kiss. the kiss was deep and passionate. Hazel slowly pulled your hair to get you to moan so she could slip her tongue. the fight for dominance was strong. so much so that when you pulled away to catch your breath a string of saliva stretched from both of your mouths.
“god i missed this” Hazel said cupping your cheek with her left hand, to be frank it was only a week since your last hookup but time it time and you yearned for her
“i missed you” you say going to quickly kiss hazel as she went over the center console to your seat
she made your seat go all the way back and reclined it so you were laying down as she was in between your legs. she was so eager to take your pants off when you try to push her away
“woah, we’re still at school we can’t do this” you say seeing all the kids walk to their car
“relax my windows are tinted, like illegally, you can’t see in” she says as she shimmied your pants off seeing how you easily relaxed
“Haze” you say as she threw your pants to the back seat
“yeah pretty” she asks looking at you with lustful eyes
“yeah? going to make you scream so loud that your voice goes raspy for a few days” Hazel says quickly kissing the top of your forehead as she goes to kneel back down to your core
“nothing, just missed this” you say as she quickly came up to kiss you
she does back down to your thong covered core that was already soaked. “this for me” she says making you lightly slap her face in embarrassment “it’s hot” she praises
she continued to play and tease you. she slightly moved your panties to the side to just take a quick peak. she than quickly slid the thin cloth down your legs and tucked it in her pants
“Haze you can’t keep those” you say reaching down to try to snatch them back
“i’ll give them back when you break up with him” she says with a bitterful mouth
she than goes to lick a strip of your core. making you arch your back from the seat. than she went in a swing time, sucking for longer and playing with your clit with her tongue.
“Fuck Haze just like that” you squirm in your seat
she continued her attack. kissing and sucking your cunt with her mouth. she was practically making out with it. from time to time she would look up from between your legs and see your scrunched up face and hands pulling her hair.
“god you look beautiful like this” she says moving from your core to the inner thigh and lightly biting it
“haze, god you’re so good” you praise her because of how good she’s making you feel
her calloused hands always feel so nice on you. you love the contrast between your soft skin and her rough. partly because you knew she had ragged skin because of the fight club that made you two meet.
Hazel runs her large hands along your thighs as she pulls away from you to kiss the inside of your thighs leaving love marks to mark you as hers.
“You always look so pretty.” She gives you a lopsided smile, giving you a boost of confidence so you could reach your climax
Hazel's big blue eyes glimmer and sparkle in the dim light, showcasing adoration and lust. She always wonders how you’re so fucking perfect. How she found the most beautiful person to walk this planet. She honestly questions how she even managed to pull you, let alone keep you. aside from having to share with Brody. She takes her bottom lip into her teeth, her eyes wondering over your body.
You both share intense eye contact, Hazel staring at you intently as she feels the need to press a kiss to your soft, full lips. You widely smile at her before leaning in, as she does the same. However, you slightly turn your head to the right forcing her to kiss your cheek instead, which makes you giggle at your childish antics.
You pull back only to see a frustrated Hazel, seeing her eyes darken. She shakes her head as she speaks, “you think you’re so fuckin’ funny, huh?” She questions, first Brody, now this?
You nod your head several times, finding it all amusing before bringing your hand up to her face to push a loose strand of dark brunette hair behind her ear.
She pulls you closer to her, her lips barely brushing against yours before she starts dragging them over your cheek, moving towards your ear.
She presses a soft kiss onto your jaw, slowly lining more closer to your chin before she moves to the other side of your face, taking her sweet time with you.
Hazel then removes her hand, cupping your jaw, moving her lips down to your neck. As she presses butterfly kisses onto your skin. She manages to suck on you harder in certain areas causing delicate moans to slip past your lips.
Hazel loves marking you up, she enjoys the thought of everyone knowing you’re hers and only hers. She thrives on the idea of everyone knowing her lips are the ones running along your skin, claiming you and taking you as hers to keep. But for a while you didn't allow her because of the relationship. Something about her just made you melt and not even care.
You can feel your cunt getting damper with the arousal that drips from your pussy the more Hazl sucks into your skin. You just barely grind your hips into hers which ends up getting you a groan of approval from her.
“You like denying my kisses?” She questions, placing one last kiss on you before pulling back, desire and lust looming in her eyes.
This time, you shake your head, “no, ‘m sorry.” You mumble, letting a soft cry out as Hazel fingers dig into one of your hips, surely leaving bruises in their wake.
The one hand that she is using to cup your jaw pulls your chin down towards her, her lips hovering over yours. “Sorry, hm?” Her soft puffs brush along your top lip as she looks into your eyes, tension consuming the entirety of the car.
She guides your face with her large hand seconds later, pulling you in so her plump lips meet yours. The kiss starts off softer, both of your mouths moving in sync as they perfectly mold together. Hazel's tongue quickly swipes over your bottom lip, asking permission for entrance as she always does.
You immediately grant her access as you open your mouth more, her pink muscle easily slipping through to meet yours. The kiss begins to pick up as your tongues swirl together in harmony, Hazel completely dominating the kiss.
Your hands find their way around to the back of her head, your fingers threading her thick hair through them as you slightly tug on it.
Hazel slightly moans into the kiss as she bucks her hips up into you. Her simple action bumps into your open swollen pussy, which sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
You pull back to speak, “please.” You mutter, before pushing your lips back against Hazel.
The kiss has now done a complete 180, it slowly dwindling, falling apart as it becomes more messy and sloppy. You find it hard to keep up with the movement the more you grind yourself on Hazel.
“What do you want?” Hazel questions, mumbling into this kiss. As she does so, her hands find the inside of your thighs
You whine in desperation, but also annoyance because you know she already knows what you want. She litters multiple kisses along your cheek and jaw as she waits for you to speak.
“Be a big girl and use your words.” She demands, using her hands to tug at the hem of your shirt, asking if she’s allowed to take it off.
You immediately nod, not wasting any time as you help her pull the thin material off of yourself.
As soon as the shirt falls to the ground beside your pants your nipples harden at the cool air brushing past you, sending shivers down your spine. Hazel's eyes find your bare chest, her eyes raking your entire body up and down. Fuck, how she loves your body and everything about it. the freckles and moles that are now exposed and the soon-to-be bruises sprinkled on like salt and pepper.
A small smirk is brought to her lips as she leans forward a bit, “fuckin’ perfect.” Her pupils seem to be further dilated, her beautiful blue eyes casted over by lust.
Her needy hands grab at your tits before she takes one of your nipples in between her lips. She sucks on you softly, emitting a moan from your mouth as you throw your head back in pleasure. She grazes her teeth against you, pulling at you a bit, letting you go with a ‘pop’ before moving to the other.
Her fingers circle her salvia around your nipple, rolling it in between her fingers as she licks and sucks at the other, her hand gently massaging the tit her mouth is focusing on. The need that Hazel has to make you feel good takes over her entire brain, it’s all she can think about day in and day out. The idea of seeing you a breathless and moaning mess due to the reasons of her hands leaves her enthused, hungry for more.
This time she bites into you a bit harsher before pulling back, “answer me.” Her eyes peering up at you through her long, thick eyelashes.
“I want you” You whisper, your cheeks warm as you feel empowered under her burning gaze.
“Mhm.” You nod eagerly, dragging your fingertips over her shoulders, then next her collarbones.
“I want you to use me, ride my thigh, and cum all over me.” She whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth before she leans back.
You bite into your bottom lip, trying to conceal the smile that threatens to take over your face. You begin to move to be on top of Hazel's clothed thigh, gently rocking your hips on top of her thigh, your clit feeling pressure from Hazel's muscled leg.
She pushes herself further into the chair you both are sitting on, man spreading as she props her elbows up on the sides of the car, watching you intently.
Hazel looks at you as if you’re the best thing to roam these lands, like you were an angel brought down to earth, carved and chiseled from the gods above. She worships the fucking ground you walk on like nobody else. She’s obsessed with you, even more so when she has this pretty little sight in front of her. She's practically drooling over you, and you're still focused on that bonehead who wouldn't even make you moan half the time compared to her.
With her low, hooded eyes staring at you, you feel a bit nervous but you also feel confident and content. You always feel comfortable around Hazel, there’s never a time you haven’t. Not even thinking about the possibility of people seeing you at this instance.
You try to suppress your moans as you slowly pick up your pace, bending over a bit to grab onto Hazel's broad shoulders in order to keep your balance.
Hazel brings one of her hands to your thighs before sliding it closer to your ass. She first gropes at your soft skin, then harshly leaves a slap causing you to yelp out. Feeling the cold metal of her silver-adorned hand.
You both let out a moan, “fuck, angel, you’re soaking.” She states, her eyes watching the way your hot, wet cunt runs so smoothly along her thigh.
“Feels s’good.” You vocalize, your hands moving up to your tits as you play with them in front of her, sensually moving your hips back in forth in a way that makes Hazel go feral.
She shakes her head with a smirk, “my pretty girl putting on a little show for me?” She questions, trying her best to keep her hands to herself, although she’s finding it almost impossible as she continues to yearn for the feeling of your skin under hers.
Hazel's eyes continuously fluctuate in between your own, your tits, and your pussy using her to get off. Her own arousal beginning to dampen her boxers. Just watching you could cause Hazel to completely fall apart.
After a while of her letting you do your thing, allowing yourself to build up an orgasm, that fiery feeling burning deep in the pit of your stomach, just on the brink of falling over, you find yourself losing your pace.
“F-Fuck, Hazel. I’m gonna cum.” You whine, desperately chasing after your orgasm as you use Hazel for your own personal high.
“Yeah, baby? Gonna make a mess all over me?” She tilts her head, running her tongue along her cheek as she watches you begin to experience your orgasm, you simply nodding your head in response. "Fuck I bet Brody doesn't make you scream this loud"
Hazel moves one of her hands, pressing a thumb closer to the top of your clit for more stimulation. You let out a loud moan, searching your brain for words to help you process the pleasure radiating through your body.
“You like that?” She questions, already knowing the answer, cockiness swarming her attitude.
You can only let out a string of whines and whimpers, any words only coming out as a stammer. You slowly fall apart in front of her, your body getting weaker the faster she moves her finger against you.
“Listen to yourself whimper.” Hazel grins, “its fucking pathetic.” The blue eyed girl whispers, although she knows you could do anything to her and she’d melt in your hands.
“P-Please.” You meekly whine, continuing to move your hips back and forth on top of her. slowly leaning your exposed chest to your clothed one.
“C’mon, baby, cum for me.” Her soft voice guides you, finally pushing you over as your orgasm crashes into you.
It takes over every one of your senses and washes over you like a tsunami, crashing into you hard. Your vision turns white as your body spasms on top of Hazel, your cum rolling down her thigh as you make a complete mess on her.
“Fuck, sweet girl.” She groans, finally pulling her hand back as she stares at your arousal coating her thigh.
You let out breath, your body relaxing into hers, a layer of sweat sticking to your skin. You look down yourself, feeling a bit embarrassed as the orgasm fades away.
Hazel can sense that as she lifts your chin, forcing you to look at her, a reassuring look lingering in her eyes. She never wants you to be ashamed, she wants you to feel good. Always.
"that was hot" you say tucking your bottom lip between your top lip. Hazel eagerly grabs your phone to take a picture of the two of you fucked out, your bare shoulders exposed, and your messy tangled hair. quickly sending it to Brody
"Whoops my finger slipped," Hazel says earning a punch and a giggle from you
you quickly get a message from PJ and Josie of a picture of Hazel's car from the outside showing the steamy windows, paired with a message woah hazel gets action?
which made Hazel laugh and take a picture of the car from the inside of you and her kissing accompanied with her action ;p which made the phone actually overheat by the mass amount of messages from both parties. at one point you could hear the screams and jumps from outside the car
Hazel Callahan x reader (pretty sure if i don't add that it won't pop up on the tag :c)
taglist: @shaddyluvs @why-cant-we-all-get-along
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wonijinjin · 10 months
thinkin’ about you
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author’s note: inspired by the song ‘thinkin’ about you’ by seventeen. also, this fic will probably get a second part, because i just cannot leave this on a cliffhanger without a sequel, that would be a shame
update: second part of this fic can be found here.
synopsis: you drinking a little too much and calling joshua to take you home wasn’t the best idea, or was it?
word count: 1.2k | genre: fluff, mutual pining, kinda slowburn, the tiniest bit of hurt/comfort and angst, close friends to something more | pairing: joshua x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and being tipsy/drunk, the curse word ‘fuck’
your exam season at university was finally over, and to celebrate passing your tests you and your friends decided on going out to party at a club in the city. it was already past midnight, the party going on for several hours at that point, when you started to get really tired, having had multiple shots and cocktails, but your friends insisted on staying a bit longer. you could feel yourself get tipsier by the minute so you thought the safest option would be going home before you did something stupid or embarrassing you would regret in the morning. you took out your phone and dialed the first number that came to mind, your close friend’s, joshua’s. while waiting for him to pick up the phone your messy thoughts wondered to your long existing not so platonic feelings for him. he made your heart jump every time you thought about him, which was almost always, not just due to your feelings, but because you spent a lot of time with him on a daily basis as he was a very dear person to your heart. you have known him for as long as you can remember, and he was truly the most amazing friend you had, always being there for you, always treating you with so much care. he was like this with most of his friends, he cherished people around him and never took them for granted, you really admired him for this. you sometimes hated loving him, because it was so difficult to keep your emotions to yourself for this exact reason. who could blame you though? he was all anyone would wish for in a partner, kind, intelligent, considerate, caring.
“hello? y/n? what’s up?” he said as he picked up, voice hoarse, laced with sleep. “ah were you sleeping? sorry, should’ve known you need your beauty sleep to be this handsome.” you slurred, clearly more drunk than you thought. “were you drinking?” he questioned “are you hurt or something?” his voice sounded concerned. you laughed at this “nooo silly, i am perfectly fine, i had so much fun” there was a moment of silence before you continued “…but i need a favor, all my friends want to stay here longer, so i need a ride home. no way i’m getting into a car driven by a stranger, plus i don’t even have enough money for a taxi.” you expected him to say no, after all, it was in fact the middle of the night and he clearly had better plans on how to spend his. he sighed on the other end of the line “fine, i would much rather drive you home than letting you ask a stranger from the club to do it when you are clearly wasted as fuck.” he said while shuffling echoed in the phone, indicating that he was already getting up and changing. you knew he was right; you were not in the best shape. maybe the last margarita was a bit too much? “thank you shua baby.” the nickname slipped out on accident and if you were sober you would’ve gasped and started apologising right away, saying that he should forget about this, but you couldn’t really care less in that moment. you could hear the hitch in his breathing and the tension in his voice when he said goodbye over the phone, asking for your location and saying he would text you when he was there. you wondered; maybe drinking was a good decision, maybe getting a bit bold with words is what you needed as encouragement to tell him the secret you’ve been hiding for quite a while now, maybe you should really confess to him while you are not scared of the consequences.
20 minutes later you got the text from him and you were ready to leave. your confident march from the entrance to the car failed though when you tripped over your own feet, almost breaking half of your bones in the process. “oh my god y/n how much did you drink?” someone asked while helping in restoring your balance. you knew it was joshua right away, that voice cannot be mistaken for anybody else. “a little too much, i think?” you giggled. joshua took you to his car and opened the door for you to climb into the passenger seat. “wow thank you this is so fancy i feel like royalty.” you commented, still grinning. “well i do feel like a personal chauffeur now, coming here just to be taking your ass home. let’s go, put that leg inside so we can go, your highness.” he demanded while grabbing your leg, tired of waiting for you to clumsily get into the vehicle.
after he shut the door and got in himself to start the engine you two sat in silence for a little while before you spoke up. “i’m really sorry you have to take me home, i know i was selfish for asking, but i really didn’t have a better plan. i didn’t feel like i was this drunk when i was inside, but sitting here made me regret having the last drinks.” he looked at you at the red light. “look, i don’t mind this, really. you are one of my best friends, i would do this a hundred times if it meant you got home safely and some weirdo didn’t kidnap you or something. also, you thinking about me first when asking for help is quite flattering too you know.” he smirked. you nodded, eyes getting heavy suddenly from all that partying. “i can see you almost falling asleep. there’s a jacket on the back seat if you want it as a makeshift blanket. i will wake you when we get there. go to sleep y/n.” you didn’t bother to search for the jacket, just closed your eyes, letting sleep overtake you. “what you said is true. i do think about you a lot, shua. probably more than a close friend should.” you mumbled, already half asleep, still not sobering up enough to control and censor your thoughts before saying them out loud. “what do you mean?” his eyes went wide and he looked in your direction as if he misheard what you had said, only to see you knocked out cold, sleeping soundly like a baby. on the way to your house he couldn’t stop himself from replaying your words in his head over and over again while he checked on you from time to time to see if you were alright. he couldn’t believe what he had just heard, that you might’ve felt something more for him, something friends don’t feel, something he had been suppressing for a long time, a warm feeling in his chest. when you arrived he turned off the car, however didn’t have the heart to wake you. he knew you were exhausted, so he draped his jacket over you, and let you sleep for a bit longer, watching you rest so peacefully after shaking up his heart with your drunk monologue. he didn’t know if he should believe you, if he really had a chance of being more than friends with you after all these years. he got comfortable in his seat, facing your form, eyes looking at your still face.
“i know you are sleeping, but just so you know we will definitely have to talk about this little sentence of yours in the morning y/n. i do think about you a lot too, you know? you need to be more clear next time, because you cannot do this to me, driving me crazy and leaving me to chase false hopes.”
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 7 months
What if Bam and fem reader made a sex tape like the shitty one he made with Jenn. Maybe it would be a little better in quality lol, “but babe, it’s art”
Kinky Dealbreakers
Y/N and Bam make a home movie ;)
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
1.1k Words
Warnings: Very suggestive content, accidental voyeurism, mention of sex toys, crude language
An: Thank you for this request!! Apologies for taking a bit of a break but I’m back and better than ever! XD I have yet to stumble upon actual footage of these sex tapes, but from what I’ve heard about them online I hope to keep it that way! Anyways, please keep sending in requests!
Neither you nor Bam were really paying attention to the tv as the two of you laid on the couch together, the only light in the room coming from the screen cascading over you. Laying against his warm chest, you lazily traced the dark, swirling ink of the heartagram tattoo on his lower stomach, humming softly to yourself. He watched you through half lidded eyes, running a hand through your hair affectionately. Bam suddenly broke the hour’s long silence, startling you a little, “Hey, Y/N.” You jumped, but after you caught your breath, you could pick up on a hint of mischief in his voice as your boyfriend continued, “I’ve been thinkin’ about somethin…” Consider your curiosity piqued, “What?” Glancing up at him, you saw a little glimmer in his eye as he turned to get a little close to you, his voice almost a whisper. “Wanna make a sex tape?”
And boy, were you paying attention now. Of course, you weren’t surprised- Bam had made a handful of pornos before so it was only a matter of time he asked you to do one. Honestly, you’d be all gung-ho to hop in front of the camera with him if it wasn’t for one thing- all of them were god awful. He could sense your apprehension and, reading your mind, he reached a hand down, speaking softly as he held your cheek and reassured you, “C’mon…you’re way prettier than those other chicks. Besides, nobody but us is gonna see it.” Your eyes met his cautiously, “Really? None of your idiot friends?” Bam chuckled, “Of course.” His hand returned to your hair, gently massaging your scalp, “Don’t worry, babe. This is gonna be a work of art.”
“But,” You stipulated, “I have some rules.” Your boyfriend shrugged, apparently very pleased at himself from the grin plastered on his face. He did a ‘lay it on me’ gesture with one hand, “Alright, lemme hear ‘em.” After thinking for a moment, you held up a finger and began, “One: You can’t slap my ass.” As the words fell from your lips, a grin spread across your face as your boyfriend groaned, his head falling to one side as he nodded. You were very pleased at how much power you held over him, “Two- and I cannot stress this enough- this is gonna be seen by nobody but us, understand? I don't want us screwing to end up as a DVD extra.”
He nodded, “Okay, okay- got it. Listen, I've already got everything all planned out, so there’s nothing for you to worry about.” You felt his hand stroking your back, his palm feeling so warm on your skin. Bam leaned closer to you, so near that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your ear as he spoke into your ear, his words slow and filled with intention, “Nothin’ too fancy- just you and me on the bed…little touching, little making out…some nipple clamps-“ You stopped him there, “Okay, third thing! No kinky shit like- like nipple clamps!”
Of course, after all the fun is over, that just leaves the work in the editing room, which was, more often than not, very tedious. For example, the two of you had spent the past twenty arguing over what song would be in the background. Predictably, Bam wanted to go with a H.I.M song, which you shut down because A, all his other pornos had H.I.M songs in the background and B, your idea was leagues better. “Come on, Bam!” You pleaded, holding out the Rammstein CD to him, “Rein Raus is perfect for this! I mean- are you even listening to me?” He groaned in response, still hunched over his computer. Fingers clicking away, the blue tinted screen glowed against his pale skin as he replied, not even turning to look at you, “C’mon. It’s not that deep, babe.”
“Yeah?” You scoffed, “Well you’re not the one showin’ off their tits, Mr. Blur-My-Dick!” He was caught off guard, his fingers stilling on the keyboard as his eyes went wide. After a bit, he sighed and held his hand out, “You got me there…” You giggled to yourself, handing him the disc. Curriously, you peered at the screen as he worked “Almost done?” Bam nodded as he slipped the disc into one of the many computer apparatuses that littered his desk. It was a wonder he knew what anything was amongst the winding tangle of wires and ports. There were two gray computers that each weighed at least forty pounds a piece, not to mention the thick, silver tv monster on one table he usually used to review footage. This was what you were staring at when you caught something out of the corner of your eye. Squinting in the low light, you didn’t believe what you thought you saw in the window. “What the fuck…?”
Bam looked over your shoulder, his eyes going wide, “Fucking Dico!” Before you knew it, his silver flip phone was already opened and turned to speaker. Luckily, the man on the other line picked up fast, “Oh, hey dude.” Bam barely gave him time to get those words out, leaning back in his chair, “Dude, what the fuck! I’m- im making this video,” He looked over at you as he phrased it carefully, “an’im watching the thing back, and you’re in the fuckin’ background!” Dico chuckled and you could practically see that dorky grin on his face through the phone, “Oh, you mean Saturday?” Yep, he knew. Your boyfriend’s eyes shot back to the monitor, his brow furrowing, “Yes, Saturday! What the hell were you doing?!” He glared down at the phone as if was really in the same room with him as he listened to the explanation, “Well, you weren’t picking up your phone, so I came over- but you weren’t opening the door either, so I went to check the window!” Shaking his head, Bam sighed, exasperated, “Fine..how long were you there for?” Dico seemed unbothered, shrugging, “Only a couple minutes.”
After a long silence from you, you felt compelled to speak, leaning closer to Bam’s phone, “Yeah, I can see you were there for a couple minutes! Your ugly fuckin’ mug’s right there!” A laugh echoed through the tinny speakers of the flip phone. You were about to tell him how not funny this was. Dico spoke first, trying to fix the situation in a very Dico way, “C,mon, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it! Hell, if you really want, you two could always just shoot another one!”
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DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD ”Awakened to Chaos”
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Original title: 混沌への目覚め
Source: Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Morikubo Shoutari & Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: Phew. This CD was quite the challenge since it’s a whole 40 minutes long. I have translated long drama CDs plenty of times in the past but it honestly had been a while since I came across one which is longer than half an hour. I guess this CD is meant to be kind of an introduction to the game since it’s pretty much just every boy realizing that something feels ‘off’ about their current family as well as harboring strong feelings for Eve which they cannot quite explain since they’ve all lost their memories and are therefore under the assumption that she’s an absolute stranger to them. 
Ayato: God…Ruki really had to force us to sit through some long-ass strategy meeting as soon as the Supreme Overlord passed away. They talked ‘bout way too much useless crap! All that really matters is that tomorrow we should go and steal Eve - the vital piece in becoming the next Overlord - from the Church, right? 
Yet he kept on ramblin’ on ‘bout other random bullshit. …No way in hell I’m lettin’ those other bastards have Eve. I’ll burst into that Church first and make her mine, no matter what. I won’t let Ruki have her either. I could care less that he’s the ‘oldest’ of the family. I don’t see why I should give her up to him. I’ll become the Supreme Overlord and rise to the top! ーー Exactly. That’s the only reason why I’m interested in Eve in the first place. …Or at least, it should be. So why does something feel off? Is that really…the only reason why I want Eve so badly? Or do I have an even better reasoning for yearning after her…? Hm…
Ayato: Argh! Enough thinkin’...! I’m gonna see her tomorrow anyway. That might help me figure this out. 
Ayato keeps on walking. 
Ayato: …Ah? Where am I? I was just mindlessly wanderin’ ‘round and ended up quite far away. …Aah!? Isn’t this place close to the Scarlet family’s manor!? Fuck… Did I really come that far? …Wait, is that? 
Ayato: That’s Shuu from the Scarlet Family sittin’ by that tree, isn’t it? Why is he sleepin’ over there? …Heh, whatever. Imma kick his ass to get rid of this annoyin’ feelin’. 
Ayato approaches Shuu. 
Ayato: ーー Oi, Shuu! Why are you nappin’ over here!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Shuu: Nn…Nnh…
Ayato: Wake up! …Get up and face me. 
Shuu: Oh…Ayato, it’s you. What brings you here? 
Ayato: I’m feelin’ restless right now. Which means it’s the perfect time for a fight!
Shuu: God…I can’t even sleep in peace here? 
Ayato: Oi, get a grip of yourself! What’s the fun in fightin’ someone who’s still half asleep? 
Shuu: Shut up…I’m not going to fight you. Go away. 
Ayato: Oh come on, be my opponent! Stand up already!
Shuu: Pwaah…
Ayato: Che…You don’t know how to have fun. Guess there’s no point in tryin’ to battle a damn sissy. Whatever! I’m goin’ home!
Ayato stomps away.
Shuu: Haah…He finally left, huh? Guess I’ll go for another nap. 
Shuu: Oh…Tomorrow we’re heading for the Church to steal Eve, aren’t we? What a pain. Oh well. I guess it won’t matter if I’m not there. I’m sure Reiji will fix it somehow. He was really in his element during our strategy meeting earlier. Reiji wants to make Eve his and rise the throne as the Supreme Overlord. I’m not interested in doing so, hence why I don’t mind helping him out where I can but…What’s even the point in defeating the other families, claiming Eve and earning the title of Supreme Overlord? Doesn’t he know that when you earn something highly valuable, the responsibility might become too much as you’ll crumble? Even if you try to overcome that, you’ll only find the pressure weighing down on you, leading to nothing but pain and suffering. Does Reiji realize that? 
I’m not strong enough to crawl my way back out once I’ve fallen down that pit of misery. I honestly don’t understand Reiji for trying to put himself through all that pain and suffering. 
Well…I guess I can think about it all I want, I won’t find the answer. I’m sure things will become clear once he brings Eve to our manor tomorrow. 
Eve…shall be mine. ーー Wait, what? What did I say just now…? Ugh…Enough of this. Nothing good ever comes from me wanting something. Exactly…It has always been like that. 
Huh…? Why…? Why would I…think that way…?
Yuma approaches him. 
Yuma: Oi, Shuu! Get the fuck up already!
Shuu: Hah? …Oh, Yuma, it’s you. 
Yuma: ‘Oh, it’s you’, my ass! I already found it strange how ya left right after the meeting and just as I thought, ya were snoozin’ over here. Try and think ‘bout those ‘round you! I’m always the one they ask to come fetch yer damn ass. Stop makin’ it hard on me. 
Shuu: Guess I’ll go back or else Reiji will scold me for the rest of the day.
Yuma: You do that. 
Yuma walks away. 
Shuu: Where are you going? You’re not going back with me? 
Yuma: Nope. Reiji said he wants some of my fresh veggies for cookin’, so imma drop by my garden real quick. There’s a few I still have to harvest first. 
Shuu: I see. I don’t need any, okay? 
Yuma: Aah!? You won’t eat my veggies!? Stop seein’ everythin’ as a chore and just give them a try! They’re so good, even the guys from the other families were surprised when I fed them to them! …Of course, it’s entirely up to me whether I share with them or not.
Shuu: Haah…Yuma. As soon as we make our move tomorrow, a fight over Eve will break loose and we will become actual opponents So you probably shouldn’t mention anything about giving food to the enemy, even if it was meant as a joke. 
Yuma: Ugh. …Haahー I know. Don’t get all serious. 
Shuu: I sure hope you do. …Oh well, whatever. The final decision is still up to you. Just don’t cause me trouble as well. 
Yuma: S-Sure…
Shuu: I’m heading back inside. 
Shuu leaves. 
Yuma: These tomatoes are first-class…both in terms of color and size…
Yuma: …The other families are now our enemy in every sense of the word, huh? I mean, I didn’t need to have him tell me that. …Still, I wonder why…When I think ‘bout that, for some reason those three come to mind…Azusa, Kou and Ruki. It’s not like I’ve forgotten that they’re our enemy and I really just want to share my vegetables with my brothers but…Why do I somehow feel the need to have those three try them as well? Am I feelin’ pity for the enemy ‘cause food is scarce in this area…? Is that why I want to feed them…or maybe…? 
Yuma: Ah, it’s no use! I can’t figure it out! …But what’s the point in even rackin’ my brains over this? …Actually, now that you mention it…Whenever I was feelin’ stressed out like this…I believe there was always someone there with me, smiling and tellin’ me everythin’ will be alright…? Some silly girl who could be surprisingly stubborn yet way too good for this world…confrontin’ me directly with no fear despite bein’ a weakling. …Fuck! Enough of this. I’m only makin’ myself feel even more confused… 
He gets up. 
Yuma: I better head back to the manor already. ーー Wait! You bastard! What are you doin’ over there!? 
Kou: Oh shoot, he saw me!
Yuma: You’re Kou from the Violet Family, aren’t ya!? …Why does this guy have to show up right now? 
Kou: Hm? Did you say something? 
Yuma: No, nothin’! Anyway, how did you get in!? And that’s one of my carrots in your hand, isn’t it!? Give it back! 
Kou: Eeh~? Come on, you can share a little with us, can’t you? See you! I’ll gladly take this~
Kou makes a run for it. 
Yuma: Wait, you bastard! …Fuck. He’s quick to flee. He better believe I won’t forget ‘bout this! 
Kou: …Haah~ That gave me a scare. I didn’t think Yuma would be there on the field. I was in the mood for a quick snack after having to sit through Carla-kun’s never-ending strategy meeting, so I don’t understand why he had to get so upset over it. However, we don’t grow our own vegetables at the manor and it isn’t fair how only the Scarlet Family gets to enjoy fresh produce, right? I mean, we do have food over at our place as well and I’m not exactly a picky eater either, but the stuff we have at home just doesn’t fill me up. 
Kou starts walking back home. 
Kou: …There we go! I better store the food I stole away. I’m hungry but I’ll just have to bear with it for now. I’m sure Azusa-kun would like to eat together after all. 
Kou: Now that I’m getting a better look at them, these carrots really look delicious! I guess it’s not exactly fair how I got to have such high-quality vegetables for free? Maybe I should give them something in return? 
But they’re our enemy. …When you get something, you have to give something back in exchange. The world is all about give-and-take after all. 
Regardless of one’s personal relationship,  everything comes at a price. That has never bothered me and it never will…I guess? 
…I wonder why? For some reason…I felt like I just doubted my own thoughts…Someone’s kind words…Their warmth…As if there was someone who told me that…sometimes people don’t expect anything in return…And this person opened my eyes to what ‘love’ is…learning me how to hold someone dear…Fufu…No, must be my imagination. We’ll get to meet Eve tomorrow, so that’s probably why my emotions are a bit all over the place, right? I wonder what she’s like? I’m so excited~ 
Somebody enters the kitchen. 
Kou: …Hm? Oh? What are you doing here in the kitchen, Subaru-kun? 
Subaru: Che…So this is where you’ve been. 
Kou: That’s how you greet me? How cold. Maybe you should try being a little nicer to your Onii-chan~? So, what brings you here? Were you looking for me? 
Subaru: Not me. Azusa was looking for you. …He needs to tell you somethin’, I believe. 
Kou: He does? I’ll go to him then. See you, Subaru-kun~
Subaru: Waitー! Azusa went outside in search of you!
Kou: I see! Gotcha! Thanks for telling me!
Subaru: Haah…I can’t believe Kou…He’s seriously goin’ out to look for Azusa? He doesn’t know where exactly he is, does he? …Those two never change. The way they always cling to each other makes me gag. I prefer bein’ alone, that’s the best. That’s why I can’t relate to them. How do they keep up with that buddy-buddy crap? 
I don’t…get it? No? I shouldn’t…but…Why does it feel like there was someone who tried to understand my point of view and take it into account…? Somebody who would be there by my side, smilin’...Always comin’ back no matter how many times I would push them away…Hah! …There’s no way. I can’t believe someone as naive actually exists… I will always be alone. I don’t give a damn ‘bout Eve either. We’re gonna take her tomorrow and that’ll be the end of it. Then Carla will take the necessary steps to become the Supreme Overlord. 
…Che. For some reason, it doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t give a damn ‘bout bein’ the Supreme Overlord. But…I’m not sure why but…I just don’t like the idea of Carla claimin’ Eve - who is the key to earning that title - as his… I wonder why I feel this way? …Eve is just some random chick I’ve never even met…So why would I care ‘bout her? 
He moves to the living room.
Carla: …Subaru. Where have you been? 
Subaru: Oh, Carla. You’re still in the living room? The strategy meeting ended a while ago, didn’t it? 
Carla: And what have you been doing, wandering around the manor? 
Subaru: Shut up! That’s none of your business, is it!? 
Carla: Hmph. For now, perhaps. However, I believe the tension between the different Families will increase as a result of the fight over Eve. So you better believe that I shall not allow you to act of your own accord. 
Subaru: Tsk…I know! Fuck off…
Subaru leaves the room.
Carla: Including Subaru, all of my younger brothers obey me to a certain degree, but I cannot sense any devotion from them. Is this what I can expect from a younger brother? I wonder why they just seem lacking in that regard…? No, I suppose it is a mistake on my part for trying to expect anything from them in the first place. As long as they do what I want from them and do not get in my way, I suppose I can oversee their other shortcomings. 
I should think of the bigger picture and present myself as generous and large-hearted. There is nobody out there who is more fit to become the Supreme Overlord than I am. I shall make Eve my bride without fail and rise the throne. …Marry her? No. I suppose that will not be necessary. While obtaining Eve is one of the conditions to becoming the Supreme Overlord, I do not believe it is necessary to marry her. 
Yet…Why? Why would I say that I will make her my bride? Did I speak without thinking? I wonder if there is part of me who wants to marry her? That does not make any sense. I do not need a younger brother who will vow his loyalty to me, nor a wife willing to spend her life alongside me. Everything I do are but the necessary steps in order to rise the throne as the Supreme Overlord. 
However, is that actually true? Why should it be like that? Hm…It is unusual for me to experience internal conflict. I suppose I should step outside and get some fresh air. 
Carla leaves the room. 
Carla: …Hm? That is…? What is a member from another family doing, sneaking around our manor? Looking at them from behind…I believe that is Shin from the Orange Family. What has brought him here? 
Carla approaches Shin. 
Carla: You fiend! What are you doing over here?
Shin: ーー !? 
Shin: …Ugh. 
Carla: What’s wrong? Are you not going to answer my question? What are you doing nearby our manor? 
Shin: I’m out on a walk…
Carla: A walk? Silly jokes do not work on me. Now tell me the truth. 
Shin: Should have figured as much. I guess I shouldn’t underestimate the eldest son. …They’re always on top of their game. 
Carla: Hmph. You’re as much of a goof as ever. I shall let it slide this once. Now leave at once. 
Shin: Really? You’re letting me go surprisingly easily. 
Carla: Tomorrow is a very important day. I would like to avoid wasting unnecessary energy now. However, do not misunderstand my words. We will not show any mercy the moment you attempt to do us wrong. 
Carla walks away.
Shin: And with that, off he goes…I thought he’d attack me, but I lucked out that he just went back to his manor. Carla…Whenever I run into him, I can sense that he’s no ordinary guy. Like I have to stay sharp or I’ll get completely overwhelmed. For some reason, I can’t help but want to surrender to him. That honestly pisses me off. Must be nice to be so confident in one’s capabilities. But you better not think things will go as you want…
While the big guys are fighting it out, I’ll wait for the right time and swoop in to make Eve mine… Carla, I’ll surpass you as well. …And my own Nii-san as well. Once I claim Eve for myself, I’ll mess her up right in front of you all. I’ll show you just how powerful I am. 
Hah…Or at least, that was the plan but for some reason…The mental image of this girl whom I’ve never even met in tears makes me uncomfortable! Shouldn’t I get a huge kick out of making her scream out in pain!? Yet I find myself…wanting to see her smile instead. Why!? How!? Why do I think that way!? Somewhere deep down, I don’t even care about becoming the Supreme Overlord or not…Instead, all I want is for her to be by my side…
What scares me more than anything else in this world…is losing her. 
Shin: Ugh…What am I even saying!? I haven’t even met her before!? Are my emotions out of control because we’re going to steal her from the Church tomorrow? …I should stop racking my brain over useless crap. No matter what happens, I’ll be the one snatching her away and showing everyone what I’m made of. That’s all I need to do right now. That’s why I’ll play the role of your obedient dog until then, Nii-san. 
Shin walks away. 
Shin: I’m home, Nii-san. So you were in the living room. 
Ruki: Yes. You’ve come back from your investigation, Shin? 
Shin: Yeah. I went to check up on the Violet Family, but it didn’t seem like they were up to anything in particular. 
Ruki: I see. …However, I doubt our enemy is as stupid as to do anything that will make them stand out at a time like this. We will keep our guard up high just in case they are plotting something behind the scenes. 
Shin: Good idea, Nii-san. I’ll go and rest up in my room then. 
Ruki: Yes. Good work. 
Shin leaves the living room. 
Ruki: Not only does he heed my orders, but he never forgets to report back to me. It cannot be denied that Shin is very competent. I should have nothing to complain about with a younger brother like that. Still, I wonder why…? It feels as if something is missing. At the same time, I get this same kind of strange feeling from Ayato and Kanato, who both refuse to properly listen to me. I’ve lost count of the amount of times they’ve gotten into arguments with Shin as well. Are those three actually my siblings…? 
However, for now that shouldn’t be an issue. I should focus solely on how I can become the Supreme Overlord and let other trivial inconveniences slide. I am the only one who is suitable to inherit the legacy of the former Ruler and rise to the throne next. My devotion and respect is perfect proof of that. I won’t hesitate to make Eve mine and become the Supreme Overlord. However…What if she refuses me? Will I be able to insist on the fact that I am worthy of said position nevertheless? Will I be able to tell her that I am the suitable King, and therefore she should choose me…? 
Ruki: No, I am stressing myself out for no reason, aren’t I? …Eve…I am sure that she - as someone who has endured a never-ending onslaught of pain and suffering - will surely choose me. …!! …What was that just now…? Why did I speak those words just now…? Why would I assume such ridiculous things about a girl I have never even met…?  
Somebody enters the room.
Ruki: Hm? Who’s there? 
Kanato: Ah, Ruki. This is where you’ve been. …I’ve run out of sweets for the day. Please do something about that right now. 
Ruki: You again, Kanato? How many times do I have to tell you that you will simply have to make do with your daily amount? 
Kanato: And how many times do I have to tell you that this ‘daily amount’ is simply not enough to satisfy me? Are you perhaps doing this on purpose because you want to see me in distress? You are, aren’t you!? 
Ruki: You can cry and complain all you want, but you’ve gotten your amount for the day. You should learn to hold back a little. You are being too much of a glutton. 
Kanato: …I am absolutely starving for something sweet and you’re just going to completely disregard that? You’re basically saying that you don’t care about me at all, do you!? 
Ruki: Nobody is saying that. However, I do believe that you should try and limit your snacking. 
Kanato: Kuh…Whatever! There’s no point talking to you!
Kanato storms out of the room. 
Kanato: Good grief…It’s outrageous how I’m not allowed to indulge in sweets to my heart’s content! I’ve had enough of my life at that manor, I simply cannot stand it anymore. Now that I think about it…I wonder how exactly I survived with an older brother like that for so many years? Ruki has always been the one supplying my sweets, so you would think that I would have grown accustomed to it by now, yet…Hm…How odd…I feel as if there was a time where I was able to actually get my sugar fix…
…Haahー This craving for something sweet is driving me absolutely crazy. I wish that stubborn Ruki would also get a taste of this pain! …Ah. Right! I suppose it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I were to claim Eve as mine, seeing as that’s the only thing Ruki is actually desperate for. 
Besides, everything seems to be after all. I am sure it will give me access to truly sweet and delicious blood~ There are plenty of reasons as to why I would want to get my hands on her. …Fufu. It’s strange. For some reason I’ve got this warm feeling inside. Just thinking about Eve fills me with a sense of joy. ーー I shall make her mine. Mm~ Wonderful! It was just spontaneous thought at first but right now I want to have her no matter what. But I wonder why I’m getting so excited over some random girl whom I’ve never even met before…? 
Somebody approaches him. 
Laito: What are you smirking about, Kanato? 
Kanato: Ah, if it isn’t Laito. I do not want to hear that from the guy who always has that creepy grin on his face. 
Laito: Oh come on, no need to be so rude to me. I don’t see why we can’t have a friendly chat just because our families aren’t on good terms? There’s still a couple of hours before we start fighting over Eve after all. 
Hey, tell me. What were you thinking about? 
Kanato: Nothing special. Just that I’m kind of tired of my life here. 
Laito: Heeh~ How come? 
Kanato: Shut up. I don’t see why I would need to tell you. 
Laito: Ah! Then why don’t I tell you what has brought me here today instead? Carla sure knows how to work his younger brothers to the bone, you see. When I’m at the manor, he’ll assign me all sort of taーー 
Kanato: Did I not tell you to shut up!? Don’t talk to me, please. 
Kanato walks away. 
Laito: Ahーah~ Off he goes. Hm…I didn’t know Kanato hated his life here that much. I kind of enjoy it myself though. There’s five of us brothers but we all get along so well, it’s lovely~ Well, I have to say that I don’t know how everyone truly feels about it deep down. 
Anyway, I’m very much looking forward to welcoming Eve to our manor tomorrow~ I wonder how her face will twist in pain when I mess with her? Maybe she’ll beg me to stop as tears stream down her cheeks? Nfu~ Just thinking about it makes me all excited. Although I’m sure Carla will want to keep her all to himself, but I should be able to get a little taste as well, right? 
But…Deep down, I also can’t help but think of how nice it would be if she could be mine instead. …I could care less about becoming the Supreme Overlord. All I want is for someone to show me affection because they truly care for me, not because I’m someone’s substitute. I don’t want to lose that sort of person…Fufu, just kidding. What am I even expecting from a girl I’ve never met? Oh geez. I’m not acting like myself, am I? 
…Huh? Walking over there, is that…? …Fufu~ Azusa-kuuun~!
Azusa: …!? 
Laito approaches him.
Laito: Why do you seem so surprised? Did you think I was the enemy or something? 
Azusa: …Y-Yeah…I thought I would get ambushed…which spooked me…
Laito: I guess I can’t blame you for feeling that way, considering the current situation. Anyway, what has brought you here? 
Azusa: Ah…Um…I left to look for Kou…
Laito: Heeh…I see. So that’s why you’re this far from our home? You’re almost at Scarlet territory, you see? 
Azusa: I see…I couldn’t find Kou inside the manor…So I figured he might have gone outside…
Laito: Even so, don’t you think you wandered a little too far away? Besides, I actually spotted Kou in the kitchen right before I left the house myself. I’m sure the two of you missed each other. 
Azusa: I see…In that case…I’ll return to the manor. …What about you, Laito? 
Laito: I’m going to wander around this area a bit longer. Carla’s just going to get on my case if I go home now. 
Azusa: Mm…Gotcha. 
Azusa walks away. 
Azusa: Kou…I want to talk to him before he goes to the Church…We decided that tomorrow morning, he will go there together with Laito to steal Eve away…Meaning Kou will have to put himself at risk…There is not much I can say but…I want to at least give him a few words of advice…Also…Once we’ve welcomed Eve to our family…I want to try and be kind to her…so she doesn’t feel anxious…
Carla wants to become the Supreme Overlord…That’s why…Carla will probably make her his but…Still…I want to spend time with her as well…However, am I allowed to ask for something so selfish…? 
Azusa comes to a halt. 
Reiji: Oh dear? Well, if it isn’t someone from the Violet Family…
Azusa: …!? …Ah…Reiji-san…Right…This is Scarlet territory…
Reiji: You did not realize that you had gotten close to our manor? It was rather careless of you to enter the enemy’s territory unarmed. Perfect timing. I suppose this is a great opportunity to get rid of you. 
Azusa: …!! I have to run…!
Azusa runs away. 
Reiji: Fufu…So he made a run for it? I suppose being quick to flee is his only redeeming quality…What a disgrace. Well, I suppose I will not recklessly chase after him either, so I shall let this happening slide for once. …That being said, where could Kino have run off to? I cannot believe that both Shuu and him would vanish right after the meeting ended. Kino in particular is always acting off his own accord. He is quite the handful. 
That being said, while Shuu and Yuma have been following my orders so far, I do not actually know what goes on inside their heads either. I wonder if perhaps…They feel as if I am not cut out to be the eldest son of this family? If they wish to look down on me and assume that I am not even capable of keeping one family together, let alone become a proper Ruler, then so it shall be. …I already have a plan. Tomorrow morning, I shall make Eve - who is the key to becoming the Supreme Overlord - mine. I shall train her well to the point where not just her body, but her whole soul shall succumb to me as well. I am sure that by winning her for myself, they will reconsider. They should instantly acknowledge me as worthy! ーー No, I will make them acknowledge me. Eve is a tool to achieve my goal. 
ーー Exactly, she is nothing but that. 
…Or at least, she should be. I wonder why? On one hand, I realize that she is nothing but a tool…but at the same time, I feel things for her which would point to the exact opposite. On one hand, I want her to heed my every command and learn to behave in a way proper to that of a young, elegant lady. Yet at the same time, I know that she is not the kind of girl who would let others dictate how she should behave. She has a strong mind of her own. I cannot help but feel that way. How strange of me. I wonder why I am harboring these kinds of feelings for someone I have never even met? I should not ignore these emotions which I cannot even put into words. Everything should become clear when I make her mine tomorrow morning. 
Oh…? If it isn’t Kino over there…? 
Reiji approaches him. 
Reiji: Kino! So that is where you’ve been! What are you doing, laying on the rooftop? 
Kino: Ah! Reiji-nii-san…You found me. 
Reiji: You’re playing around on that weird device again? Kino! It’s almost dinner time. You should come down already. 
Kino: …This is called a ‘smartphone’ and I’m playing a game…
Reiji: Did you say something? 
Kino: Nothing! I know. I’ll be right there. 
Reiji: Then please hurry.
Reiji walks away. 
Kino: It’s so annoying to have a family member like Reiji. It doesn’t matter what I do, he will always have something to complain about. Also, he doesn’t understand what’s so fun about these kinds of games at all. ーー But, tomorrow is the day at last. I’ll be able to get my hands on Eve, who has been slumbering inside the Church. I’m sure that everyone is after her. Reiji went through the trouble to set up a whole strategy meeting, but that’s nothing but a waste of time. She shall be mine after all. I will show everyone - not just Reiji - that I am the strongest. 
I mean, it only makes sense for the Prince to wake up his sleeping Princess, right? I will capture both your body and soul, to the point where you cannot live without me. …Eve, please wait for me until then, okay? …Well then, time to get my head back in the game. ーー To win Eve’s heart. 
ーー THE END ーー
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Can I have some head cannons for Otis Driftwood, The Grabber, Thomas Hewitt and the Sinclair brothers if you write for them with a male s/o who whenever they do something wrong, break something, set a boundary etc they start apologizing profusely kind of in fear due to past partners? I understand if this is kinda too dark
TYSMM🫶🫶 i love this sm, of course i can do those! but fr thank you for this request, its refreshing to have not just a grabber request, and dw, this isnt too dark, ive done worse 🫡 and x male readers r my fave to write for!!
i dont know how to feel abt these so they might be ooc but i hope not too much, i need to get a feel for them more💔 this made me watch house of wax and i found out i love bo LMFAOO
alsooo, i reached 200 followers!! tysmm!!!! i have smth planned, sooo if youd like smth written, ask and ill tell yall what im thinkin
requests r open, masterlist is up!!! these motivate me ilyg :)
Warnings: Murder mentions, Slight language / anger, mainly fluff
Otis Driftwood
my god he is just head over heels for you, but will make snarky comments to cover it up, doesnt want to show it alot so hes compensates
youve been living with him for a while now, he is so happy to have you, when its just you two he sarcastically tells you how much you mean to him, and will hold you protectively
he is a very protective man
he never really made you feel self conscious about fucking something up, he might make fun of you lightly or let out a "oh for fucks sake" before cleaning jt up, but he was normally just sarcastic, never staying pissed
one night, yall were asleep on his bed together, his arm rested nicely against your stomach, fitting perfectly
you got thirsty, so you carefully maneuvered yourself to get up
its so fucking dark in his room, you cannot see shit
not even two steps off the bed, you hit something, and it clatters to the floor
you can already feel the tears swelling up as you breath faster
you knew what you knocked over
otis's painting he was working on
even just thinking about the consequences made you sob quietly while standing there, afraid to wake him up
this however did wake him up, hearing his boyfriend cry when he was asleep made his senses heightened, all he heard from your dark figure was a small "im so sorry, please dont be mad, i didnt mean to" which was paused by hiccups & sniffling frequently
"what the fuck- oh, oh shit. hey handsome, its alright, just sit over here and tell me why the crying?"
rubs your back, hands & shoulder a lot as you tell him, hes tired and just wants to make you feel better, but the more you sob & talk, the more curious he gets, so he pops the question
"why the hell are you saying sorry so much?"
he didnt mean to put it like that, he knows it was an accident, but his phrasing isnt always the best
however, he is wide awake once youve explained everything, your past, your ex, what they did, and as he sits there quietly listening, he is only seeing red
he thinks so highly of you, why the fuck would anyone do this to you?
he wants the names of them, he is determined to come across them, and inflict nothing short of torture, you didnt deserve any of that
he'll lay off on his famous comments, respecting what he just learned, he doesnt want to lose you, so he adapts his usual demeanor so you arent afraid of him, true fear is reserved for his victims
he praises you a lot since learning it, reassuring you quietly & in his own little ways
he does his best to understand, word will get around the family, and everyone understands, mama is literally so sympathetic towards you & baby likes to talk shit alot abt them with your permission
"I'm so sorry Otis, this is all my fault,"
"Hey there prettyboy, its fine, no need for the crying here!"
The Grabber
he is all ears
obviously he has a short temper, but if you get a chance to talk, or to explain yourself, he changes immediately
holding you close, stroking your hair, kissing your forehead
you mightve broken a plate, or smashed a bottle, but he assured you he is going to clean it up, and to mind your steps so you dont cut yourself anywhere
just like otis he wants to hurt them, he should be the only one to make you cry, make you hurt, but not like this
"youre still a good boy, it was a mistake! mistakes are inevitable my dove."
setting a boundary after hearing your past will make him more lenient, easing up on whatever it is, wanting to make you feel more loved by him than anyone else
will be happy you shared this with him, in his mind hes satisfied youre trusting him more! what a fun day!
thinks no differently of you after you shared this, hes happy his boyfriend is comfortable around him, hes happy youre in his life, and now he knows how to please you more!
"Al, thank you for.. understanding everything, its a lot I know, but-"
"You are special, peach. I would do anything to make you comfortable in our home."
Bo Sinclair
being a good boyfriend and setting aside his asshole tendencies
he is doing his best, and his best is actually pretty ok
you might've accidentally messed up his workspace, or made some type of boundary, but no matter what, he shows you the upmost respect, at first he was going to tease you, but seeing how upset you were made him pause
"Darlin', don't put too much thought into it, I promise ya I didn't take it to heart,"
he puts an arm around your shoulder or cups your cheek in his hand, rubbing circles on your skin, one of the few times he shows an excessive amount of pda
he follows your boundaries immediately, no questions or doubts about it, will curse to himself if he accidentally crosses it
if you try to apologize profusely, he will first tell you that its fine, hes not angry, kissing your cheek, but if you keep on going, hes going to make you know its fine, whatever he sees fit is what he'll do, he wants you to know he wont hurt or make you feel bad, may get internally frustrated but he cuts it out fast
i can see him at night, once every blue moon, slow dancing with you to show how much he loves you, and how youre still his #1 even after mistakes, this is a rare moment for the both of you, cherish it, but he will be picking the music
king of knowing when youre upset but he will wait to see how upset you are, can read you easily so he has an idea of what to do
hearing your boundaries makes him understand you more, he is may act like a dick, but will take a moment out of his day and listen to what you need to feel loved
bribes lester to see if he can get the ex into town to get his hands on them
"This is alot, I shouldn't be so sensitive about these things,"
"Sweets, this helps me love you more,"
Vincent Sinclair
#1 boyfriend right here
he will gaze into your eyes as you talk about it or apologize
wants to hold you ( if youre alright with it ) while you tell him
saying sorry to him makes him feel bad for some reason, he knows you didnt mean to make the mistake, he doesnt want you to hurt
might aswell dream abt making them a wax figure but discarding them, they arent good enough to be put anywhere
if you happen to break something in his little spot, he will think of how it can be replaced, knows how to calm himself down easily so he can communicate with you ( to the best of his abilities )
healthy relationship🙏 ( the most caring you could get for a sinclair brother )
is not afraid to show you how he isnt mad at you, likes for you to spend time with him, sitting while he works, or if you dont prefer that, then having you around while he works with the wax, or just taking a walk with him to calm you down
is a little taken aback at how much youre apologizing, very curious man
will give you things taken from victims, no remorse, less wax, win-win!
Lester Sinclair
he.. tries his best
he listens, he focuses on you and nods, showing you that he is in fact paying attention
he does not have the best memory ever, please remind him, he will remember instantly and apologize
"Sorry toots, my memory is a little faded,"
he is so sincere though, he means good intentions
whenever you begin to over apologize he suggests taking a car ride with him, or finding a nice place to sit in peace so you two can talk it out
goofiest damn smile, warms the heart
he can communicate pretty well, better than bo
if you let him, he'll lay down with you while putting an arm around your shoulder, saying how good of a boyfriend you are, how happy he is with you, mainly words of affirmation
really just wants to make you happy, he will do anything
"I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.."
"Wanna take a ride, maybe outta here for a bit?"
im too tired to release a fic tonight, but ill post one tmrw for the requests im getting dw!! again, i cannot tell if this is ass or not so all notes r lit🫡
requests r opennn masterlist is uppp🫶
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sunshineblondiewrites · 9 months
The First of Us - Chapter 2
Death. Death. Death.
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Joel Miller x f!reader (no use of y/n)
Series summary: you and your father meet Joel and Tommy 6 years after outbreak day. You join their group trying to make it to the Boston QZ not realizing all that joining would entail. You eventually make it to the QZ but not without suffering many losses. Tommy decides to join the Fireflies and you and Joel are left with your smuggling partner, Tess, when years later you meet a teenage girl that will bring you and Joel across the country, and maybe together.
Chapter summary: You and your father join the Miller brother's and gang and begin to get used to life away from the farm. After a few years together an unfortunate event causes you to lose your father. When the group makes it to the Philadelphia QZ the group splits up and you end up alone with the Miller brothers on the way to Boston.
Warnings: death, outbreak day, friends to lovers, reader has a sister, minor physical descriptions of reader, grieving, FFM threeway (does not include reader, cannon typical violence(if I miss any please lmk)
a/n chapter 2!!! genuinely so excited people read chapter 1 I cannot believe it!! I hope anyone who reads this one enjoys!
word count: 6.2k
Ch1 masterlist
Joel. Huh. Something about him just gave off protector vibes, but he also seemed like a hardass. You were fairly certain it had something to do with things he’d seen and done and that he wasn’t always like this, but then again that was the story for everybody. You gave them your name, officially, and shook their hands. Joel’s were big, warm, and calloused. Tommy’s were also large, warm, and calloused but in a different way, like they were worn from different actions.
“Here’s the thing,” Tommy said, “we’re all a group here but there’s definitely groups within the group. Ryan, Luke, and Blake are buds, Sasha, Phillip, and Victoria are together, and then Joel and I. We were thinkin’ you might wanna ally with us, you saw how Ryan is and the rest of the guys are pretty similar and Sash, Vick, and Phil are all fucking each other so I’m not sure what you’re into, but you might be best off with us.”
“Hmm, I’ll discuss it with my dad. But what makes you think we need your help? Why are you even offering?” you ask. You don’t wanna be seen as a charity case. You’ve been doing quite alright so far. Clearly much better than these guys have.  
“Because your dad’s getting older and if you’re not careful Ryan will try to take advantage of you. We’ve seen what he can do with no remorse. Some of the things that he’s made us or tried to make us do… It’s not all like he made it out to be, but you’ve already agreed to join, so if you don’t come now he’ll kill you, and if you hadn’t agreed to join he’d have killed you,” Tommy said while Joel still stood, brooding slightly, behind him. You looked from Tommy to Joel, you weren’t dumb, your dad was in his fifties now, and the extra wear and tear on his body these past few years had already started to take its toll. You knew you needed someone who could protect you and watch your back as well as your fathers. You could hold your own, but 4 sets of eyes was always better than 2. And you knew deep down you could find that in Joel. Tommy too. Out of the 8 people, these two seemed the most genuine. You may have just met them, but you are very good at reading people.
“Okay. I still need to talk to my dad, but okay,” you said. They seemed satisfied with that answer and you expected them to leave, but they grabbed the dishes, took them to the basin of water you had in the kitchen, pulled out some chairs from the table, and began washing them, solidifying in your mind that, yeah, they were good people. 
The next day was hard as you prepared to leave the only home you’d ever known. You packed your bag with the obvious things you’d need and then you grabbed some sentimental necessities. Your mother’s necklace (a gold chain with a locket that had dried white wildflowers in the center and a picture of your family inside), her wedding ring, and the Barbie pink bracelet you made out of the fabric from Hazel’s dress. Her room was a wreck after, but the dress had been untouched in the garment bag.
The rest of the group packed up some extra bags with your canned goods and also added some to their packs, as did you and your father. He also went and let out the animals so that they could roam free and let some of the people know you were leaving and gave them some supplies that you guys couldn’t carry. By the middle of the day, you were set to leave. 
You went out to visit their graves one last time to say goodbye. You both decided to say goodbye separately so that the group couldn’t sneak off with the truck without you, but also just so that you both could have some privacy. Your father went first and was only there for about 5 minutes, but it felt like ages just sitting around with the strangers you were about to travel the country with. You trudged your way over to the wildflower field where they laid, and you did as you always had done. Remove the few wilting flowers, since you only put them there yesterday, but this time you didn’t replace them with new ones. You wouldn’t be here to replace them anymore. No one would, and you didn’t want them stuck with dead flowers for eternity.
“Hey guys,” you said sheepishly. It didn’t matter that it had been 6 years since they died, talking to a rock never got easier. “I know Dad probably already told you, but we’re leaving town finally.” Your eyes started to well up a bit and you didn’t know why. “I know you loved this house, mom, and you never wanted us to leave it, but we can’t stay here anymore by ourselves, it’s just too risky and Dad and I are too weak on our own. So we’re joining a group of travelers. Specifically these two brothers.” Your Dad had agreed earlier in the day, which surprised you. It didn’t even take any attempts to convince him. You wondered if he knew something you didn’t. You turned towards the other of the identical stones. “Hazel Elizabeth,” you swallowed thickly, “I hope you’re winning pageants up there and enjoying life… unlike me,” you added. 
Before you could cry anymore, you and your fistfull of wilted wildflowers went back to the front of your house where everyone was waiting in the driveway. You chucked the flowers onto the front porch with a huff. The wilted petals on the porch made the house a visual representation of rejection. You turned and wordlessly climbed into the passenger’s seat of your dad’s pickup and the rest of the group followed. Ryan naturally climbed in the backseat but to your surprise the other seat became occupied by Joel. He and Tommy must have wanted to make sure one of them was listening to both halves of the group’s conversations. But regardless, you were headed off to Boston and leaving Hazel behind. The place, and the person.
Life in the group wasn’t bad… at first. Ryan did try to make a few moves on you, but thanks to Tommy and Joel he never made it far. Never far enough to scar you, at least. You were also right to join the Tommy and Joel side of the group.  They weren’t kidding when they said the boys were narcissistic, selfish, assholes and the other three genuinely were fucking each other… frequently. Joel didn’t talk much, if at all, but when he did talk it was mostly to you or Tommy, nowadays mostly you. Tommy had started to get distant lately too, the things you all had done starting to get to him. You assumed life out here would be rough, but this was a new level. Infected, FEDRA, and people were worse than you’d imagined. You’d met your first set of clickers not too long ago. You lost Blake. No one talked about it. Ryan killed him before he turned. Ryan had some kind of obsession with killing—in another world he would probably be a serial killer. His obsession forced you all to do what you were told or he would kill you, like Tommy said, and he’d like it. Doing what Ryan told you involved killing a lot of innocent people for their supplies. You only argued with him about trying to negotiate once before he showed you what happens when you question him. That demonstration was now turning into a scar across your thigh. Joel was pissed and so was your dad, but they knew better than to do anything
You’d lost the truck a couple months back, something happening to it during an attack from other raiders. Joel and Tommy tried their best to fix it, but unfortunately it just wasn’t something they could patch up. So you’d been walking since then. The toll that took on your father was heavier than you’d feared, but he was hanging in there, either for his sake or yours. 
“Hey! Welcome to Pennsylvania!” Luke announced.
“Well we’re at least in the state of one of the QZs we’re headed to,” Sash said. The decision had been made a while back that the likelihood of all 9 of you  making it into the Boston QZ was unlikely, so closer to the Philadelphia QZ - Ryan, Luke, Vicki, Phillip, and Sash would head there - Joel, Tommy, you, and your dad would keep going on to Boston. 
“This state is also hopefully flatter than the last few, I refuse to climb a mountain ever again,” Luke said breathlessly. He was certainly the group’s clown.
“I see a gas station up ahead, we can stop there for the night, see if there’s anything,” Ryan said. He and Luke went in and cleared the building first. Naturally, there wasn’t much left but some jerky. You ate a bit of that and packed some more for later before laying out your sleeping bag between your father and Joel. Phillip offered to take the first watch and after the sun went down you were all tired so there wasn’t much small talk before you all slowly drifted to sleep. 
You heard it at the same time as Joel. Your eyes snapped open and you made eye contact with him in the moonlight. You couldn’t have been asleep for long, an hour maybe less with the way Joel still looked very much awake. He was never one to sleep well, you’d noticed, but he always at least acted like he was trying. He looked past your head behind you and slowly brought his finger to his lips. A clicker. Where the hell was Phillip? Didn’t Ryan and Luke clear the building? Joel slowly grabbed his gun, squinted one eye and killed it in one shot which startled everyone else awake.
“What the fuck?” Phillip shouted gun clattering to the ground in surprise from where he’d been slumped against the cash register’s counter, asleep. His and everyone else’s dismay, however, turned out to be the least of your worries when you heard more of them barreling up from a basement you didn’t know this place had. At least three, maybe four. While you all started shooting in the dark corner where there were no windows to see Tommy asked what everyone had to have been thinking.
“WE DID! THERE WAS A SHELF OVER THERE THAT WE MOVED AND FOUND A TRAP DOOR BUT NOTHING WAS UNDER THERE I SWEAR. THEY MUST HAVE BEEN HIDING UNDER THERE,” Luke yelled. Dumbasses. You heard Vicki scream as one had managed to lurch toward her and your father moved over to help her. After a short minute or two, thanks to 9 guns and Joel’s ridiculously good aim, you finally managed to get everything under control. You all packed up quickly and went outside just as the sun was rising.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Joel asked sternly.
“How were we supposed to know what was under there after we cleared it?” Luke said defensively. 
“Why didn’t you recover it with the shelf?” Vicki asked while being held by Sash, she looked quite shaken, the clicker had gotten super close to her, she’s really lucky she didn’t get bit.
“Cause we cleared it! Didn’t you Ryan?” Luke desperately asked? Ah, Ryan was the one who “cleared” the crawlspace. You looked at Tommy and Joel who both looked at you and then each other as understanding crossed everyone’s faces. Ryan was more of a, take a look and call it a day kind of checker— not a thorough kind of guy. 
“Hang on you can’t blame this all on us, fucking Phillip fell asleep on watch!” Ryan argued in a sad attempt to continue trying to save his reliability. 
“What did you expect me to do? We’d been walking for miles all day, I was exhausted!” Phillip said.
“Well still, that ain’t how keepin’ watch works,” Tommy piped in putting his two cents in the growing argument money pile.
“GUYS! Guys, we got different things we need to be worried about right now. What’s done is done,” your dad said. You recognized that tone. It was the same tone he used 6 years ago when he told you to go to your room.
“Dad?” you said slowly, taking a step toward him, and he took a step back, “Dad, what the hell are you talking about?” He lifted his arm out and showed you all the bite there. It didn’t look deep, the damn clicker barely had enough of his arm to let all of its teeth break the flesh, but enough of them had. It’d only been maybe 15 minutes since he’d been bit and the bite already looked worse.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” your dad said softly. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you looked at him, the bite, and then him again. No, this wasn’t happening. 
“Shit Mike,” Tommy said.
“Wha- what are we gonna do?” you stuttered. What are you gonna do? You couldn’t let him turn into one of those monsters, not like your family did, but you couldn’t kill your own father. And yet at the same time you didn’t want someone else to kill him either.
“Kill him,” Ryan said, “I don’t think he wants to turn into an infected, do you Mike?”
“He’s right sweetheart, you have to let him kill me, it’ll be easier, you’ll know I didn’t suffer.” You didn’t try to keep the tears at bay now. Your breaths hitched and you were finding it harder and harder to breathe but you shook your head. 
“No, no, I’ll do it,” you said shakily, “I’ll… prevent you from turning.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t ask you to do that,” your dad argued and was immediately followed by protests from the rest of the group as well.
“I don’t think that's a good idea, sunshine,” Joel said. Sunshine, that was new, but you didn’t have the capacity to think about that. You turned to him and tried to plead with your eyes. You weren’t about to let your father’s death be a way for Ryan to get off. Your father had killed your sister and your mother and lived everyday with that burden, surely you will make it with this burden. Somehow, he understood, and you watched him take a breath, look you in the eyes in a way you couldn’t describe, and open his mouth, but before he could offer, you interrupted him.
“I’m doing it,” you turned back to your father, who was crying softly now. Vicki walked up to your father and hugged him.
“Thank you for saving me, you still barely know me, but I’m so sorry,” she said through sobs. You went back into the gas station, your father followed behind  and then moved to stand in front of you. Joel and Tommy went in after but waited at the door. You looked your father in the eyes, trying to memorize every detail, and you realized his hand was slowly twitching as he brought it up to your face, like Hazel’s did, and you held his hand.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart, but I need you to promise me something. Keep going, don’t let this hold you back from finding a better life. Keep thinking of others even in times like these, you know it's what your mother would have wanted. Promise me,” he said through sobs.
“I promise,” you choked out. You were trying so hard to be strong for him. You didn’t want his last memory of you to be one of weakness, no matter how heartbreaking this whole situation is.
“Your mother, Hazel, and I will be waiting for you when you’re ready, so take your time, but sweetheart, nothing you’ve done has ever wavered my belief that you are a kind, smart, beautiful woman just trying to find her way in this broken world. I love you my sweet girl,” he pulled you into a hug and you squeezed him, trying to memorize the feeling of his heart beating against you.
“I love you too,” you finally sobbed out.
“Look out for her and please take care of her,” your father asked Joel and Tommy over your shoulder. There wasn’t a single second of hesitation before Joel said.
“We will.”
“Of course,” Tommy said. The Millers, despite it all, were good people and deep down you trusted them to keep their promise. 
Your father pulled away first and you held his still twitching hand. “We’re running low on time, sweetheart. I don’t want you to see me any worse,” your father said softly and he kept your hand in his until he turned around and kneeled to the ground. You attempted to control your breathing, blinking back your tears. The worst thing you could do right now is miss and have to shoot your father twice. You knew he was exaggerating the time frame. He probably still had hours before things would become unsafe, at least that’s what you could put together from your encounters with people before they got infected, but you didn’t want to see him get any worse.
“It’s okay, sweet girl, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay sweet girl,” your father repeated over and over. You summoned whatever power your dad had that night so many years ago. You looked at the back of his head and raised your gun, you inhaled, looked away, exhaled, and bang.
You dropped to the ground as did your fathers body, your knees already soaked in your father’s blood. Your father, who you had just murdered. You saw your gun get kicked away by a black boot and large arms were wrapped around you as you looked up to see… Joel, comforting you, holding you, and talking to you. You could see his mouth moving but you couldn’t hear him quite yet. You could still barely breathe. All you could do was scream.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, sunshine, just breathe. Just breathe, breathe with me.” You somehow managed to focus enough to hear what he was saying over your gut wrenching cries and eventually slow your breathing enough to go from screams to quiet cries in his arms. You felt another hand on your back and you assumed it to be Tommy’s. He blocked your view of your father with his body and your knuckles were white from the grip you had on Joel’s jacket.
You stayed there for a few minutes before suddenly standing up from where you were on the ground with Joel and Tommy and composed yourself. You’d shown enough emotion, but you all had places to be. This wasn’t a world where you had time to mourn or the safety to be vulnerable. You could only move on and use your grief to fuel your need for survival.
“We should get going soon, don’t want to waste anymore time,” you said.
“Okay. I think I might look around for a second. Help me, will ya Joel?” Tommy said softly, but you already headed outside where the rest of the group was. They all were just looking at you, they no doubt heard your screams so they must have been surprised when you emerged first with Joel and Tommy following a few minutes after. Joel handed you your gun back and you put it in the waistband of your jeans. There was still something different in his eyes when he looked at you but you had no idea what it was. Everyone looked at you with a sort of pity, even Ryan, but Joel’s was something else.
“Lets go,” you said and started walking East to Philadelphia, with Joel following right behind you, followed by Tommy, then Vicki, and then the rest of the group. You made a promise to your father, and you intended to keep it.
You couldn’t imagine how much further you all walked that day. It was the most you all had ever walked, probably due to the determination after your father’s death combined with the fact you now didn’t have your father’s age wearing you all down. A morbid, but true, fact. You tried to find the good things about your newfound no parent situation. You were 23 years old and had never been a day without one of your parents except for your occasional summer camp stay. You might even be the last of your goddamn bloodline alive since your father had never been able to reach any of his or your mother’s families when the government was still trying to make mail work. Yeah, dumb. You were now officially alone, and that thought almost relieved you. Now you really only have to worry about the safety of yourself. And maybe Joel and Tommy, but they haven’t proved to need your protection so far. 
Your attention was brought back to the present with the burning of your thighs and calves, but feeling that physical pain was helping you deal with your emotional pain, so you decided to just really keep feeling the burn. Joel, Tommy, and you made up the back of the group, Sash, Vick, and Phillip in the middle, and Ryan and Luke in the front as always. This irked you a little bit, the way Ryan’s attitude and temper stopped anyone from arguing with him about whether or not he was trustworthy enough to be leading you all. A deep voice next to you saying something brings you out of your trance.
“What?” you say to Joel.
“Tunnels,” he repeats, “in the weird crawl space basement thing. Some not infected people must have been trying to stay safe down there and dig tunnels to wherever.  Probably came up to use the gas station supplies when one of them must have gotten infected and then…”
“Gotten at least some of ‘em sick and the others climbed out and put the shelf over it. We couldn’t tell ya how far the tunnels went but ya got a lotta time on your hands in 10 years,” Tommy continued. That’s right, 10 years. If you could guess anything about the time of year it must have been March, maybe April based on the weather warming up. Either way, that meant your birthday was coming up soon in May. Not that you’d do anything for it or tell anyone. It was just confirmation of your aging and unavoidable acknowledgement that you were passing milestones Hazel would never get to. Gosh, she’d have turned 18 this year. An official adult. You couldn’t even imagine the chaos.
“So with Ryan’s habit of not being thorough,” Joel growled. 
“I don’t wanna hear either of you say it could have been avoided,” you huffed. In what world did they see telling you this as helping?
“No, we’re not saying that. What we’re trying to get at is that this may be the thing to convince the others Ryan is in no position to lead this. The things he’s done, the things he’s made us do, and the things he doesn’t do that put us in danger can’t be ignored anymore,” Tommy pleads.
“Correction—he’s saying that. I think we should keep our fuckin’ mouths shut until we drop their asses in Philedelphia. I was gonna say his habit of not being thorough and sharing things with the group got your father infected and endangered the rest of us,” Joel whisper shouted at his brother. You three were far enough back that your conversations would at least be muffled to everyone else, but you never know how sound can carry. Plus, the Miller boys could yell.
“Which is exactly my point! Listen, sugar, I just think that if you…” 
“You wanna use my father getting infected as a push point to, what, put you in charge?” you question him. He didn’t have an answer for that. “That’s ridiculous. Joel’s right, just keep your mouth shut for a couple more days and then we’ll be on our own and you can be in charge.” Tommy grabbed your arm, stopping you and forcing you to look at him.
“This isn’t about me being in charge, sugar, this is about the possibility of not letting more innocent people die,” Tommy started calling you sugar when he noticed whenever you ransacked a store for supplies you always looked for gummy candies or something sweet in an attempt to feed your never ending sweet tooth. You used to think the nickname was sweet, made you feel like part of the team, but now it just enraged you.
“Well, sugar,” you say back to him, your voice laced with venom, “We’ve been doing this for almost 4 years together now, and I don’t even know how long you were doing it before then, so I’m not sure what the hell is making you get cold feet all the sudden about the things we’ve done because it’s not gonna change anything. It doesn’t matter who told us to do it, we did it. So I’m sorry that you’re having trouble sleeping at night, but if we’re going to make it to Boston we have to leave things as they are.” Both Miller boys looked at you with their jaws slightly dropped. Losing your father had already started to change things. That was the most words you’d said to anybody at once, even your father, in the 4 years they’ve known you. There was no one there to do the talking while you observed anymore, so you were gonna talk. 
“And my father wasn’t one of the innocent people you need to feel guilty about losing. Did you know I listened to him kill my sister and my mother on outbreak day when they got sick? Did you know that whenever our hospitality started being taken for granted he threatened people with bullets to their legs and shoulders? Or did you know he used to tell me that I couldn’t kill anything, not a farm animal or infected, because a woman shouldn’t have blood on her hands? And all that was before I met you and you know what he did after, so don’t try to make my father out to be some innocent old man who died protecting a stranger.” Your father was a brave man, you loved him more than anything, and maybe it’s just the grief talking, but after the world fell apart, he became a different kind of man. Of course, as always, this was the same old story for most people after the outbreak and the things your father was guilty of, you were guilty of too, but he was not an innocent man. The Miller boys didn’t know this but there were things he did that Ryan didn’t ask him to. Things that were too dark, even for you. He’d have done anything to protect you, he just didn’t know when it was too far.
“Is there a problem here?” Ryan asked. You hadn’t realized in your rage that you’d called attention from the rest of the group.
“No,” you said, “just talking to Tommy about how I killed my father today. What’s on your agenda for the rest of the day?” You finished your response with a smile. Mentioning killing someone distracted Ryan and made everyone else uncomfortable, given the situation. Then, asking what Ryan wanted the plan to be reminded him that he was in charge and stroked his ego so he’d forget what started the conversation and wouldn’t get suspicious about your argument with Tommy. Therefore, if anyone else was still suspicious, they wouldn’t mention it now. 
If you had to name your top three strengths it would be observant, tactical, and seductive. You had an allure that pulled people in like no one in your group had ever seen. And sometimes you didn’t even have to try, they’d just look at you and do what you suggested. This especially worked on men because most of them think with their dicks and boy did you have the looks to make their pants twitch. It hadn’t worked out in your favor a couple times, but Joel would always barge in and rescue you. He had an effect on people that ignited fear, but you knew who he really was. He’d only been too late once, and he swore never again.
“Well, looking at the sun we got roughlyyy 2 hours to sunset, so I say we use the rest of our time to find a spot to spend the night. We should make it to Philadelphia within the fortnight,” Ryan said. You all made your way into a neighborhood that had been bombed after outbreak day and found a house that had managed to stay mostly intact. 
“Joel and I will do the sweep,” Tommy said and you smiled at him softly. You may have had an argument earlier, but you knew where he was coming from deep down and you couldn’t blame him.
After the sweep and looking to see if there was anything useful left in the house, everyone ate food from their packs and by dusk everyone was getting ready to settle in for the night. Today you laid your sleeping bag in between Tommy and Joel.
“I’ll take the first watch,” Joel said quickly. He made eye contact with you but neither of you said anything. You shimmied down into your sleeping bag, watching as Joel positioned himself in front of the window, you glanced down and when you looked back up, Joel was looking at you. Eventually, sleep lulled you away and you felt safer than you had in months knowing Joel was the one watching over you.
It had been roughly two weeks since your father died, well since you killed him, and they were really tough. Not just for you and your grief, but for Tommy and Joel too. Their relationship had become a bit strained since you had a run in with another group of raiders and Tommy had held back. Which caused you and Joel to step up to cover his lack of  “results” as Ryan would say. You did things you didn’t even know you were capable of because your father had never let you, and Joel delivered as always. He had this ability to just zone out into a blind rage and finish his “tasks.” This was starting to frustrate Tommy more and more every time Joel had to do something. Thankfully you should only be a few hours out from Philadelphia, and under the cover of night, over half your group would split and it would just be you and the Millers. Then hopefully when your decisions were in your own hands Tommy would calm down a bit and realize you have to do what you have to to survive out here.
“There it is,” Phillip said, “the Philadelphia QZ.” The QZ was surrounded by a large concrete wall, making it look more intimidating than safe. 
“Alright, we’ll get a little closer, wait till dark, then part ways,” Ryan said.
By nightfall, the group had dished out what supplies they had left to you and the Millers and started making their advance into the QZ. The plan was to go around to the side, cut a hole in the chain link fence, and sneak in through the tunnels. 
They never made it. The FEDRA guards must have noticed movement because before you knew it they were firing their weapons and your group members were being blown to bits. Safely hidden, you weren’t worried about getting hit yourself, just what might happen if they came out to assess the bodies and found you. So you ran off quickly, trying to process what just happened. They’re supposed to let people into the QZs, that’s the purpose of them. Would that happen to us?
“I don’t think we can sneak in,” you said after the running/walking in the dark you had been partaking in.
“The fuck you mean?” Joel said to you.
“You watched them get blown to bits because they probably saw the movement and thought they were infected. We’re not infected, so why shouldn’t we be able to walk in the front doors?” you questioned them. If Tommy doesn’t want to do things Ryan’s way anymore, here’s a start. “Look either way, we either get into the QZ or die.”
“We’re getting into that QZ,” Tommy said.
“Yes we will,” Joel confirmed, “but first we sleep, we’re far enough out now, I’ll watch.”
“Are you sure? You watched last night,” Tommy pried.
“Yeah I can do it Joel,” you pleaded him. If anything, you wanted time to process through watching your “friends” get blown up right before you. 
“Fine, but wake me up when you get tired,” Joel said.
“Or me,” Tommy added, annoyed.
Both brothers got into their sleeping bags, still on either side of you, and they went to sleep. You clutched your gun in your hand a little tighter, you rarely kept watch when your dad was around, someone else just always ended up taking it or he did, but you didn’t mind it. It gave you a real chance to think. And tonight you had quite a bit to think about. You didn’t let yourself get super close to anyone other than Joel and Tommy, it was too much of a risk to get close with everyone because of all the uncertainty out there. It wasn’t anything personal, it was more of a protection method.
But that didn’t mean there weren’t things you’d miss and times you’d think about. Naturally, since you, Sash, and Vick were together all the time your cycles ended up linking up. When that happened and you hadn’t found any pads or tampons in a while, you would use old ripped up clothes instead. Whenever you were near a body of water, the three of you would get up early and rinse them out and just talk as if you weren’t in the middle of an apocalypse. You couldn’t even remember what you’d even talk about but you just remember laughing with them until one of the guys would uncomfortably call you back. They were always so on edge when you all were on your periods.
There was also the time during one of Vick, Sash, and Phil’s night time exercise sessions that woke everyone up. At the beginning, it always woke you up but eventually you could sleep through it. This one night in particular, however, the three of them were so lost in the moment when Vick was supposed to be keeping watch that they didn’t realize the shelf they were fucking against wasn’t that stable and they knocked it over onto Blake, Luke, and Ryan with a huge crash. Thankfully, the shelves in the gas station were mostly empty and the boys didn’t have anything more severe than some deep cuts, bad bruises, and sore bodies but none of them kept watch for a while after that.
Blake also had a thing for you for a while. He’d always try to walk by you, talk to you, and offer you things, much to the annoyance of both Joel and Tommy because then they couldn’t talk to you or your father about anything that he would run off to tell Ryan about. He was a sweet guy and everything, he even picked some wildflowers for you one time which did genuinely touch you. Plus he was a better guy than Ryan but he was bitten by an infected, you didn’t cry about it.
Then there was what plagued your mind the most, your father. Who he was before and the man you ignored he was becoming. You wanted to keep your childhood innocent version of him in your mind but then you’d think about things he willingly did, and your image of him in your mind started blurring into someone you didn’t want to acknowledge, which is what hurt the most. You knew you’d started to push him away when you started traveling 4 years ago, so you can’t help but blame yourself for what he became. Which you know isn’t fair, but you can’t help that’s the way it makes you feel. You sighed to yourself in frustration and blinked back a few tears and looked up at the stars. That was one thing you appreciate about the lack of electricity, less light pollution, more stars. Through the trees you found the little and big dippers and some other constellations.
You tore your eyes away from the stars and as you sat on your sleeping bag, now staring out into the distance you brought yourself out of your head by listening to the soft, rumbling snores of Joel and the chainsaw-level snorting that came from Tommy when he is actually getting restful sleep. You chuckled softly to yourself and rolled your eyes because of course, you can’t really blame him for snoring but damn he was loud and would certainly dampen your ability to hear people coming. You prayed to a God you can’t decide if you still believe in that there were no infected nearby. You clutched your mother’s necklace and fiddled with it anxiously, but here you are with the Miller brothers, gearing yourself up to finish what was hopefully your last time ever having to walk across half the country.
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hydok · 2 years
thinkin about..... justin law again..... like i have for the past literal decade and counting....
im still mad about the soul eater manga for many reasons but one of them one of the big reasons is justin law
because on the surface yeah it's "the creepy hyperviolent religion obsessed weirdo who is out of touch with social and even religious norms picks a new god and goes off the rails" concept which is fine it fits the soul eater vibe it's even got echos of asura's fall from grace
and yeah "he went insane because he neglected to form the proper weapon-meister social bond" is fitting for soul eater as well and really hammers in the difference between justin (who in the series is presented as someone who could not be saved) and stein (whose bonds are what make him someone the series decides should be saved)
and okay fine "he attacked and decapitated the one friend he had, the only person who tried to reach out to him" does hammer that in. (though tbh tezca is. bad. thats not a friend)
and yes it's a shonen series with a huge emphasis on bonds so it's genre appropriate that the adults stand around and go "this teenager cannot be saved because he failed to form friendships and so no one cares about him enough to go after him"
one problem
and that problem is very very simple and very very obvious and very very baked into justin law's entire character
and it's the problem of his weapon form.
because justin law is a guillotine.
because ohkubo made it extremely clear that justin physically cannot have a meister.
because the entire message of "you need to have friends and you need people around you who understand you" falls completely apart when the character used by the author as the example was designed by the author to be physically incapable of forming the bonds every other character has and excuse me ohkubo you're telling me what? he thought this was clever? he thought going "im going to make a character who cannot form a meister-weapon bond and play him up as cool for fighting solo and make him go evil to really bring it home that you need friends" was a clever idea? it's ohkubo so probably
but actually ohkubo just made a character who was physically barred from forming proper relationships with others, and then had every responsible adult in this character's life look at him and by the time he was thirteen go "not only is this good that he's socially isolated and doesn't have a life partner like everyone else does by this age, we should give him a role in our organization where he works solo all the time. this is a good idea. this will not backfire on anyone involved in any way." and by the time he was seventeen the adults went "if only he had made proper social bonds he would have someone who cared enough to save him from getting his soul clownjacked by an incarnation of the god of madness"
and it is almost 2023 and ohkubo stopped writing soul eater in 2013 (and stopped caring about the series in like idk 2010 at the latest) and i am still thinking too much about this asshole teenage sadist who according to the manga got exactly what he deserved but really deserved so much better
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coredrill · 3 months
my apologies to bravern himself but my own committment to the bit is not nearly as powerful as his bc i cannot figure out how to get the number ten into the word bravern [sadface]
ANYWAYS THOUGHTS god i loved this ep............lulu.......bang brave bang bravern is abt loving ppl so damn hard you take the narrative itself into your hands and give them a better ending. when superbia said that basically verbatim i YELLED
thank god this show is only 12 episodes cause i have a feeling they are gonna explain the time travel logic of NONE of this and i am so happy about that LMAO. just do it!!! have fun!!! this is a wow cool robot show i don't care abt the paradoxes or whatever i'm having a good time lmao. i mean i'm not opposed to them explaining it but it would def melt my brain. also i feel like if it ran past 12 eps it probably would've gone for a more monster-of-the-week situation at parts and also the ~mystery~ of bravern himself would've gotten pretty frustrating so i am just. rly loving the pacing overall tbh
isami is so fucking funny. he's trying SO hard to live in an ultraserious narrative but everyone else is chomping at the bit to get on with their unhinged looney tunes antics INCLUDING THE CAMERA ITSELF. like we don't know much abt him as a protagonist but i really do adore him on the whole. peak fiction fr fr
in the uncensored theater of masami obari's mind in which this show ends with a smith/isami wedding i think that one dude (googles) Thomas J. Plumman would be the officiant cause why else is he witnessing the boxing match AND isami fucking SNIFFING THE SHIRT??????? true allyship i suppose LMFAO
on perhaps the only serious note of this whole post i am thinkign SO hard abt how like. even in the Bad Ending Timeline, isami and smith/bravern still achieved their goal! like. the world was saved! it looked fairly peaceful! the deathdrives (minus superbia but he was just kinda chillin) were gone! they'd done their job and that wasn't enough! and i am ALSO thinkin abt bad-ending-bravern's last words being abt the curry he ate while human.........i mentioned this already but i think my prediction is leaning slightly more "human smith comes back somehow" after this ep. i still think it could work with whatever route they go tbh, but those factors plus ofc bravern saying "there are things that ONLY YOU HUMAN SMITH can do for isami" are making me think that we gotta like. Get Smith Outta There or something ("you have been saying this since like ep4" AND I HAVE NOT BEEN PROVEN WRONG YET!!!! [is immediately proven wrong when the preview drops on sunday LMFAO]) i DO wonder what would happen to bravern himself in this scenario however because he is a funny guy and i do not wanna lose him either :[ but tbh i'm just excited for the ride that the final two eps will deliver :]
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
zee. im just thinking. do you perhaps… remember…. that pirate yoongi fic you wanted to do? zee, the way it still has my whole heart. im not even pushing you to write it or anything i just want you to remember. the idea is a masterpiece zee, yoongi yearning for waitress yn in the inmese vast sea…. zee i can hear the waves and birds and the bustling bar and yoongi’s heartbeat when he sees her for the first time after months….. how hoseok knows whats going on and kinda everyone knows but hes his captain and as intimidating and powerful he comes off to everyone else he knows how awkward matters of the heart are for him, hes so quiet that its painful to see him so in love and unable to do shit about it, i can see yn smile being so bright and how she thinks yoongi is as handsome as ever, as charming and effortless charismatic, how he grabs everyone’s attention but is maybe too intimidating for anyone to actually go and interact to him and how the stares bother him, how it makes him itch to go run for the sea and sail far far away to places no one knows about and people so different and stuff so marvellous she cant even imagine, so shes just nice to him. what can she do? she cant compare to the inmense beauty of the world, shes just a girl he used to know, just the past, so she’s just nice to him. but she hopes that maybe, maybe she’s just nice enough for him to feel a bit at home. a bit at ease. and everyone keep telling her he’s here for her but they are just teasing. hoseok is just pushing it, and seokjin is an asshole, and jungkook just loves the drama. it cannot be. so she’s just nice, never desperate nice, never please stay nice, even though she’s dying to beg, so she doesnt stay long, just to make sure, and yoongi watches her leave with both regret and relief cause her presence is so overwhelming and hes already used to the yearning but by god he loves that woman and just wants a second more, of calm, of making sure she’s still everything she dreams of at the sea, and UGH ZEE its too good, im so grateful you thought about this.
"how it makes him itch to go run for the sea and sail far far away to places no one knows about and people so different and stuff so marvellous she cant even imagine, so shes just nice to him" <- do you know how much this kills me. like you get it, anon. YOU GET ME!!!
I AM GRABBING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS. YOU GET HIM FR DAWG!!! THE FUCKING YEARNINGADKNGKSDJVD but oh GOD how they refuse to let themselves yearn bc they see each other as Untouchable but for totally different reasons.
"never please stay nice" is such a perfect description for pirate!yoongi's oc. like you get it. YOU GET IT. I THINK IM GOING THROW UP FROM HOW MUCH YOU GET IT!!!!!
and the worst part is that they can have each other sooooo easily. like nothing is keeping oc back home, and despite what yoongi and oc may think, nothing is keeping yoongi at sea either. they're both stubborn but out of selflessness bc they'd never be the reason either of them were the cause of regret.
they are literally "love me if you wish but please don't let me be the reason you give up being yourself" but then also "oh but my love i am not myself without you" AND IT TEARS ME APARTSDKFKSDKCS
head in hands, anon. head in my motherfucking hands.
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audriel · 4 months
let's start thinkin' bout it
Qiao Yifan suddenly finds himself several years in the past. And somehow, so does Fang Rui.
Inspired by just stop thinkin' bout it by Syncogon
Special thanks to Syncogon who gives me permission to write a continuation for their wonderfully intriguing time-travel story with my favorite characters: Fang Rui and Qiao Yifan. Special mention to everyone in TKA Discord who gives me encouragement to write and publish more, and who also looks forward for more in this universe. I hope I do not disappoint. Happy Chinese New Year!
After parting ways with Qiao Yifan, Fang Rui rushes back to where Wind Howl is seated in the stadium, barely restraining himself from running straight to Lin Jingyan and drawing everyone’s attention. He can barely think of the further implications of them both back in the past, or whether they are really in their past. All he can think of is his old captain, his teacher, his friend, and the turning point with this Rookie Challenge.
Fang Rui is never one to hold a grudge. However, Tang Hao comes close. He acknowledges his strength, and has noticed him early on. How he cannot, when the younger man is also Brawler like the captain and core player of his team. He also knows better than anyone else of Lin Jingyan’s declining performance. However, he cannot really forgive Tang Hao for bringing attention to it in the Rookie Challenge and all the while dismissing Lin Jingyan’s achievements. In the case of the latter, even old Sun Xiang is better, though probably Su Mucheng will disagree. His only female captain is never one to be trifled with, she definitely can hold a grudge or two.
Fang Rui arrives right when Lin Jingyan’s name comes out from Tang Hao on the stage, and he feels the vice grip around his heart tightens.
He’s too late.
“...the junior will succeed the senior.”
The stadium is in uproar. Wind Howl is in uproar, but Fang Rui has only eyes for Lin Jingyan.
“Well, how about that? You, and now, me. It seems we’re pretty popular with the rookies.” Lin Jingyan chuckles lightly, remaining calm in front of the disrespect shown by Tang Hao. He stands up, prepared to go down, only for his wrist to be caught firmly by his vice captain.
“Fang Rui?”
Fang Rui draws a blank. Now it has come to this, and he still cannot find the words. What to say? This time, he really, really looks at his captain. This Lin Jingyan’s face is open, unguarded, without the glasses worn with his red and black Tyranny uniform. He still has hope, fleeting as it is, of the future. Fang Rui has failed as his partner to keep it alive in his last year in Wind Howl. He only regained them in Tyranny.
“...a Brawler is not a Striker,” is the first sentence that first comes to mind. Lin Jingyan blinks in surprise at the serious tone. “There’s more to Glory than speed and mechanics. Glory is not that simple.”
“Gotta play dirty huh?” Somehow his partner manages to recall the supposed reminder to himself.
“Last time I checked we’re Wind Howl, not Tyranny.” In a complete change of attitude, Fang Rui shows his disdain as he releases Lin Jingyan’s wrist.
That actually gets a laugh out of Lin Jingyan. He waves his hand, there’s lightness in his gesture, “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Fang Rui watches him leave before returning to his seat. Only Ruan Yongbin dares to lean into him.
“What do you think? Can Tang Hao win?”
“Anything can happen.” Fang Rui can sense Ruan Yongbin’s surprise. He’s surprised with his own calmness. He already does what he can. It’s all up to Lin Jingyan now.
There’s still half a season left. Even if Lin Jingyan loses again, it’s not the end. Fang Rui can still make the best of it. With his skill and experience, he can and will do better, if only to give his old captain a better ending in Wind Howl.
Fang Rui has faced off against worse odds and come up victorious. This won’t be any different.  
When he turns his attention to the game, Fang Rui is greeted with a pleasant surprise: Lin Jingyan doesn’t rush forward. The older man takes his time to explore the map. Tang Hao doesn’t choose an arena, so the environment is not completely bare, which is actually advantageous to Lin Jingyan, but one he didn’t previously make full use of, thinking that he had to meet the other head-on.
This alone already sets things apart from the past he remembers. He finds himself leaning forward in interest. It might not be much, but if Tang Hao expects a quick, easy match, he’s going to be proven wrong. After all, Lin Jingyan is the half of the Criminal Partners, and dirty playing requires cunning.
Tang Hao’s Delilo fights like a Striker, reminiscent of the King of Fighters, easily making the crowd pumped up and cheering for him. However, ultimately a Brawler is not a Striker. Its strength lies in its ability to control its opponent. No one utilizes it better than the Number 1 Brawler. Lin Jingyan masterfully keeps his distance and maintains the rhythm. When he takes hits, he makes sure to leave himself a way out. When he lands his skills, he makes sure to achieve the maximum effect. His retreats are as timely as his attacks.
Lin Jingyan is not losing to Tang Hao.  
For the ordinary players, it seems that Tang Hao has the upper hand, but for professional players, bold, fierce Tang Hao is struggling against calm, patient Lin Jingyan. However, in the end all it takes is for one mistake, a slight opening from Lin Jingyan, for Tang Hao to rush in and overwhelm the older Brawler player with his superior speed and mechanics. 
Demon Subduer falls. Delilo is left with 9% health remaining. 
Fang Rui leans back on his seat with a smile on his face, in contrast to the dismayed faces of the other Wind Howl members. Lin Jingyan loses, but this time around, with a close match instead of the overwhelming loss. It might not mean much, but it does show that Lin Jingyan fought the match with a different mindset this time around.
Lin Jingyan is the first to come down from the platform. He doesn’t lose his gentle and pleasant demeanor. Meanwhile, Tang Hao takes his time, even when finally does, he hasn’t quite managed to hide his emotions. He’s not satisfied. It’s definitely not the kind of match or victory he expected. They meet in the middle and shake hands.
“You played well…” Lin Jingyan smiles, hiding his true emotions, but surprisingly he continues, “But it’s not easy, isn’t it?”
“The junior will succeed the senior.” The change of wording reflects the change in Tang Hao’s confidence without losing the belief and persistence that is inherent in top professional players that Lin Jingyan cannot help but admire. Before the master of ceremonies could say anything, the two finish shaking hands, wave towards the audience and leave the stage. Fang Rui’s eyes never leave the figure of the Wind Howl captain, so does the smile on his face until the man returns to Wind Howl area. Fang Rui likes what he sees.
“How is it?” Fang Rui asks, not paying attention to the silent teammates around him.
“Like seeing my past self.” There’s a hint of nostalgia under the observation, but the statement is matter of fact. Lin Jingyan used to fight like Tang Hao, but he didn’t regret changing his playstyle. He believes that dirty playstyle is the reason why he can stand on the professional stage as long as he is when many of his peers didn’t, even when he’s nothing special.
“I’m pretty sure you’re much more polite and better behaved,” Fang Rui disagrees, drawing choked off sounds of surprise and amusement from their team. “And more handsome too.”
Lin Jingyan laughs. “You only said that because you’re my vice captain and partner.”
“And that he had a crush on you.” Ruan Yongbin adds, that traitor. “Oooh, Captain Lin is so handsome. He’s so close to me today. Did I impress him with the move?”
“Oh, shut up.” Fang Rui brings his yearmate and former roommate into a chokehold. He doesn’t hide the grin when he hears the snickering from the teammates. This is much better than the previous awkward silence. It’ll take more to regain their confidence in their captain. Action is louder than words after all. But it’s a challenge he’s ready to tackle.
Before that, he’ll need to sit down and talk with his little captain.
Qiao Yifan walks down the familiar dark passageways in a daze. He has immediately excused himself after his Rookie Challenge, not quite ready for the questioning from the former-now-current Tiny Herb captain and team members. He isn’t quite sure where he’s going, all he knows that he needs a quiet space to gather his thoughts. He has pinched himself numerous times, but he’s still not convinced everything is real. He has really returned to his younger self. He tries to recall what he did before he was back in the past, but nothing really stands out except… 
Qiao Yifan finally managed to extricate himself from the teary-eyed and snot-nosed bunch with the help of Luo Ji, who was restraining his laughter. His own calm and rational vice captain and recently appointed Happy’s new captain was surprisingly not helpful, his glassy, watery eyes actually made it harder. Boss Chen was worse. If it wasn’t for Senior Wei, and Sister Mu, he was certain she would have bawled her eyes out as the last remaining members of the original Team Happy finally retired. 
He remembered reminiscing with Luo Ji as they walked towards their rooms and parting with smiles when they entered their respective places. Many voices from the outside and even inside of the team said that his retirement was regrettable, especially considering what Happy has achieved under his leadership. They thought being a support, not unlike Yu Wenzhou, he could have stayed longer on the professional stage, and had his career with a more satisfying ending.
He disagreed wholeheartedly. He couldn’t ask for a better ending for himself, and… his gaze fell upon the picture of Happy in the early years. He was already 28 years old, the same age when Senior Ye retired for the second and final time… and older than the age when Sister Mu and Brother Rui retired.
He has learned from his seniors not to regret anything and to keep moving forward, to learn from the past but never let it shape the future, that the future is theirs to create. He really had no regrets, really. 
But in the dark and silent room, with only himself as company, the retired Captain Qiao Yifan of Team Happy, allowed himself a rare moment of weakness… and wished.
Could it be…?
Qiao Yifan’s steps stumble into a halt, his breath catches in his throat.
However, before the thought can form, a familiar voice rings out.
“Interesting choice of challenging the master of playing dirty.”
Qiao Yifan is blinking back tears when he recognizes the figure slowly stepping out from the darkness. After his final retirement, Ye Xiu didn’t completely disappear from their lives, he always made sure to be there when they needed him the most, but he purposefully maintained his distance. He knew how much he meant for Happy. While he had made the preparations, including letting them play without him in the team competitions in the tenth season, Ye Xiu had always been a steady, reassuring presence for Happy. He was there leading them in strategy meetings, he was guiding them in their practice matches, he was there on the sidelines during games. All they needed was to turn their heads, and there he was.
All the Chinese Glory team members have gained invaluable experience from the World Invitationals. Against the strongest players around the world, they kept challenging their limits, improving themselves, until they won the ultimate Glory for the country. Their fans hoped that their favorite players would bring their team into greater heights once they returned to the domestic league. However, it was easier said than done. 
The reason why they could perform their absolute best on the world stage was because they had the best teammates, tacticians and leaders to bring out their potential. It was not always the case with their original teams. In the new season, Happy was becoming not the only team that was going through a running-in period, even though they were still the worst off since they lost their core and ace player. With one exception: 
Tyranny became a terrifying, indomitable presence in the new season. Han Wenqing, who chose to focus on the team, has laid the groundwork and strengthened the foundation for when Zhang Xinjie and Zhang Jiale returned abroad, the adjustment was relatively smooth and seamless, all the while the veterans were still doing rotation. 
And Qiao Yifan was entrusted as the commander in the team competition in their first match in the regular season against Tyranny. 
It wasn’t his first time commanding in a team competition. However, in the new team arrangement, the commander was still most often either Su Mucheng or Fang Rui. The latter was actually a surprise to many. He protested vehemently, but neither the captain nor vice captain budged with their decision. Qiao Yifan felt the pressure keenly.
To no one’s surprise, Happy suffered a crushing defeat at the team competition. It could even barely be called a fight. Their only saving grace was they got points off from individual competition and group arena. It didn’t stop the reporters from descending upon them like vultures. Qiao Yifan insisted on coming to the post-match press conference, and if it hadn’t been for Fang Rui and Su Mucheng, he would’ve caved under the pressure.
They were hit hard with the loss. It has been a while since they felt so powerless. Qiao Yifan found himself looking at the places where Ye Xiu used to be, and he realized that he was not the only one. He had even been staring at Ye Xiu’s number on his phone, opening and closing the chat box. He couldn’t help thinking and wishing badly for his senior’s reassuring presence and words.
Only for the wishful thinking to be crushed immediately by their new captain and vice captain in the strategic meeting. From the beginning, it was intended as a harsh wake up call from Su Mucheng and Fang Rui, to lose their dependence on Ye Xiu. 
Before, Ye Xiu has taken care of everything for them, so they didn’t need to worry about anything and only focused on themselves. It was time for them to return the favor, for them to take care of everything so he could focus on himself.
Qiao Yifan felt so ashamed and embarrassed of himself at the reminder that he really wished he could dig a deep hole and hide inside it forever, his body hunching over as if he could do so. A warm, affectionate hand messed up his hair before settling on his shoulder.
“Bad news, we’re hitting rock bottom. Good news, the only way to go is up.” Cheerful, lively voice broke through the gloom. This voice and the owner of the voice later became among the reliable constants in Happy.
He’s very clever and very adaptable. And he’s a very strong team player. There’s a lot that I would like to learn from him.
There is no single untruth in his words. Fang Rui was and is all of that and more for Qiao Yifan and for Happy. 
Su Mucheng is really the captain, the leader they need after Ye Xiu, it was only a matter of time until Happy saw her no differently than Ye Xiu and proudly claimed her as their captain. 
But Fang Rui… Fang Rui has been everything that they asked of him. His adaptability is not limited onstage, but also offstage. For Qiao Yifan, he is his senior, his vice captain, his teacher, his friend… and his brother. 
And so, even in front of his most admired, respected and beloved captain, to whom he owed his life twice over, and the least likely to think badly of Fang Rui, Qiao Yifan will readily and staunchly defend his brother.
“Senior Fang is more than just the master of dirty playing.” The words slip out easily from his lips. Qiao Yifan cannot recall how many times he has defended Happy’s best vice captain and he will not stop doing so. “He’s the master at understanding people’s psychology and utilizing them to make opportunities. And as a Ghostblade, especially a Phantom Demon whose skills need casting, he’s the best I can learn from.” 
Ye Xiu shows a surprised, but pleased smile. Dirty playing is looked down on by most, particularly by the younger generation. And yet one of them actually sees the value in the playstyle and is willing to learn and use them for themselves. It makes him look forward to the future of this young man. He already had a good impression of Qiao Yifan with his courage to switch classes and his willingness to learn, and now he also displays wisdom and maturity rarely seen in younger players. 
Most of them are unable to understand the reason why such a disdainful playstyle can be so difficult, so oppressive. It’s only possible due to Fang Rui’s masterful grasp of his opponent’s psychology. Simple, straightforward rookies are the easiest for him. For Qiao Yifan to be able to see the value of Fang Rui’s dirty playing and go toe-to-toe with him in the Rookie Challenge sets him apart from other rookies.
“Indeed. Excellent choice.” Qiao Yifan couldn’t help the pleased flush at the acknowledgement for himself and Fang Rui. Ye Xiu continues, “It’s impressive how you’re able to deal with Fang Rui’s dirty playing tactics. Rookies tend to have difficulty going against him.”
Except Happy rookies, that is. Qiao Yifan silently adds. They are fortunate not to have experienced Fang Rui as an opponent onstage. By the time they got to know Fang Rui, it was as the senior pro player in the middle of the pains of changing classes. They even had their turn in beating up his Qi Master. Then once after he reclaimed his title as god, he was their vice captain and teammate first. He will not treat them as an opponent and neither will they, not like Zhao Yuzhe.
“Ah, I suppose I’ve been watching his videos as much as Senior Li.” That’s not exactly a lie, at least not in his previous life.
“Too bad Fang Rui never faced Li Xuan. It’ll be an interesting study for me and you both.”
“I’ve thought so too.” Qiao Yifan agrees wholeheartedly. Wu Yuce is the Ghostblade that most often ends up as Fang Rui’s opponent, especially as a Thief. Though after transforming into Qi Master and becoming Happy’s defending general, Fang Rui has encountered all the core players at least once, including Li Xuan. It has been such an eye-opening match for Qiao Yifan in particular, who looks up to them both. It inspired his breakthrough.
Then Qiao Yifan realizes he shouldn’t have recognized the reclusive god and chatted so casually like this. “Um, Senior… Do I know you? Your voice sounds familiar…”
“What do you think, Little Qiao?”
“God Ye Qiu!” Qiao Yifan nearly bites his tongue, barely avoiding the mistake of calling the Glory legend by his real name. “Why is Senior here?”
“Sightseeing. Getting a feel of being an audience.” Ye Xiu shrugs nonchalantly. Qiao Yifan has to push down the amusement at such Ye Xiu-like answer, but at the same time is at loss what else he can say to his senior. While the rest of his memories around this time are hazy, the memory of his first face-to-face meeting with Ye Xiu is one of the most clear and vivid, and he’s not sure how to bring it up when they barely know each other. Qiao Yifan’s grown a lot since he met Ye Xiu and he has become a captain and a god-level player in his own right, but in front of his most respected and admired seniors, he always feels like he was back as the young, inexperienced junior.
“What is it, Little Qiao?” Ye Xiu breaks his conundrum with ease, noticing the little Phantom Demon player struggling with something.
“...Is it really okay?” Qiao Yifan blurts out what first comes to mind. He clarifies at the confused blink from Ye Xiu, “Being an audience.”
Nothing changes in his expression, but somehow Qiao Yifan feels like Ye Xiu is truly, truly looking at him, like an all-seeing god looking from above. Instinctively he draws himself up, not wanting to be found lacking. When Ye Xiu smiles, Qiao Yifan finds himself released from the pressure.
“Of course not. Even though I’m a bit old, I’m not done yet!”
“You’re going to come back?” Qiao Yifan barely keeps his excitement in check.
“All I need is an opportunity. Just like you’re looking for yours. Keep up the good work, Little Qiao.” Ye Xiu says as he turns around. He waves his hands at Qiao Yifan and slips away into the darkness.
“...Yes, Senior!”
Once Ye Xiu leaves, Qiao Yifan unconsciously stands tall, his eyes bright and determined in the darkness. It is no longer young, inexperienced Qiao Yifan standing there, instead it is Captain Qiao Yifan of Team Happy.
“I’ll create that opportunity for you, Captain.”
It’s a promise.
Fang Rui walks out from the hotel room he’s staying in with Lin Jingyan with an easy heart. In the previous life, in the future-past, in the past-future, or whatever, the silence was oppressive, the conversation was awkward and stilted between them. For once, words eluded Fang Rui. He could never hate himself as much as he did back then. 
This time around Fang Rui doesn’t really need to say anything, Lin Jingyan takes all the words that can be said from his own mouth. He has been the one to bring up his own declining condition and his determination to bring Wind Howl to the playoffs. All Fang Rui needs to do is give his whole support and help in whatever way he can. He might need to brush up his skills again and get used to high-intensity matches after such a peaceful retirement life, but he’s confident with his much younger body it’s only a matter of time. Unconsciously he raises and flexes his left hand. 
However, what he can offer now is the invaluable experience from high-level matches, both domestic and abroad. He’s no master tactician, but spending much of his time around the master tacticians of old and new, two of whom are his captains, Fang Rui learns more than a thing or two. Though it’ll be harder to explain, especially to Lin Jingyan who knows him so well. Well, that’s a worry for another day. Let’s just take one step at a time.
Fang Rui puts on a beanie over his short hair and non-prescription glasses as he goes to the milk tea shop that Happy often frequents during their visits to Shanghai as their meeting place. It doesn’t take him long to find Qiao Yifan in the relatively deserted shop. Being the transparent Tiny Herb player, he doesn’t really need any disguises. Though honestly, Fang Rui would recognize him anywhere, disguise or no disguise.
Seeing his serious expression, Fang Rui silences his steps as he approaches the younger man who is busy writing on the table. Sneakily, not unlike Doubtful Demon and Boundless Sea in his hands, he stands behind the oblivious Qiao Yifan.
“Boo!” Fang Rui whispers close to his ear.
“Ah!” Qiao Yifan jumps in surprise, the pen slips from his fingers. Fang Rui, expecting the reaction, quickly catches it from the air. “Brother Rui!” His little captain scolds him, but Fang Rui cannot maintain a straight face, he bursts into laughter instead.
It’s been a while he’s seen his little captain so young and chubby-cheeked. He cannot resist pinching those cheeks. Being too preoccupied with his time travel or whatever this is, only now he notices how adorable young Qiao Yifan is. 
“Can you stop pinching my cheeks?” It might be because he returns into his younger body, Qiao Yifan’s protests are more like a petulant teenager’s, and thanks to professional hand speed, this time it is the hair that’s gotten ruffled.
“Your fault for being so cute and adorable.” Fang Rui being Fang Rui, he’s not apologetic. If anything, he’s very satisfied having pinched those soft cheeks and ruffled the still-relatively-long and boyish haircut. Fang Rui plops down on the empty seat across Qiao Yifan, picking up the drink placed on the table, unsurprised that it is exactly as he likes it.
“So, what you’ve got so far in that notebook of yours, Little Captain?” Fang Rui asks as he chews the boba with a sense of nostalgia. Chinese milk tea is sure different, he mulls absently as he glances at the notebook, a habit Qiao Yifan picks up from Yu Wenzhou.
“I think… It’s my fault?”
“How do you come to that conclusion?” Fang Rui gives him an incredulous look, “Last time I checked you didn’t have supernatural power to send us back to the past.”
“Um.” Qiao Yifan rubs his nose, an all too familiar gesture of discomfort and vulnerability. He’s grown out of that habit slowly as he took over captaincy, but it has the tendency to show up under tremendous stress or complete unpreparedness, which this time travel situation certainly counts as both.
“Start from the beginning.” Those familiar words ground Qiao Yifan, he finds himself calming down easily when he has actually been stressing himself out while waiting for Fang Rui. Those words and the person have helped him many times when he overthinks things, getting him out of the spiral he’s fallen into and finding the right words and action. He breathes in, and starts with a question.
“What did you remember last?” Before jumping to conclusion, Qiao Yifan needs to make sure of a few things first. Fang Rui tries to recall what he was doing. He really hasn’t thought about it.
“Hmm… I was at the airport, texting Old Ye on the phone.” Qiao Yifan blinks in surprise at the unexpected answer. “Our Yifan is retiring. Of course we’ll be coming to celebrate in person.”
Qiao Yifan gets choked up. Several times he tries to speak only to stop.
“We’ve been so busy that we barely visited or kept in touch. Old Ye is even worse, considering he’s based on China. So I just decided to hell with it when I saw your press conference to go back and force that irresponsible guy to pick me up and visit the team together. You know how bad he is at taking initiative. I also managed to get Little Tang on it.”
“Sister Rou too?” Qiao Yifan laughs in disbelief.
“She’s not as bad as us, but it’s been a while for her too. And she’s in Beijing, so she’s the best person in case Old Ye needs to be strong armed.”
“Oh.” Qiao Yifan’s heart feels so full that he’s at a loss of words. 
Fang Rui can only feel sad and regretful to see how happy and bright the younger man’s expression is. Qiao Yifan has always been a kind and considerate child. He might have wanted to see them more, but he wouldn’t say anything and be understanding when the older members of Team Happy cannot keep in touch regularly. He might have thought that his retirement is not important enough for him to ask for them to come and visit. Somehow, Fang Rui has a feeling that their current situation is not unrelated.
“We had a small party after the press conference back in Forest Park. It was late after I returned to the room. I…” Qiao Yifan pauses, glancing at Fang Rui. Encouraged by the quiet and patient understanding, he continues. 
“Everyone keeps asking why I am retiring when I could have played longer, that I’d come to regret it… I don’t, I’m really sure I won’t.” Qiao Yifan speaks animatedly, as if he’s trying to convince Fang Rui, when the older man is the last person he needs to convince. “I just think it’s time, the team can and will do well without me.”
“...but?” Fang Rui gently nudges Qiao Yifan.
“I do have one regret, one wish,” Qiao Yifan finally speaks out. His voice trembled, betraying his nervousness. 
“I wish I had more time.” As if losing his courage, Qiao Yifan ducks his head down. 
Fang Rui looks at the bowed head, his eyes soften in understanding. Qiao Yifan doesn’t need to say more, he understands very well. Quite possibly what he feels is the shared feelings among the early members of Team Happy, many of them either started late or only had a few years left in the professional stage.
Being the youngest, Qiao Yifan is among the last of the original members of Happy to remain in the team. Having been there himself, he remembers how it felt like being left behind, abandoned even when it was simply a natural course of life. That feeling was gone as soon as it appeared, reason quickly kicking in. Although the feeling would come at his weakest moments, he’s learned to deal with it.
However, it must be harder for Qiao Yifan, knowing his circumstances. For him, Happy is the only home he has. Having them leave one by one must not be easy. That was why he chose to stay for another year when Qiao Yifan made the plea before he was about to announce his retirement after the finals in the Golden Season, or what Season 13 was known as with many of the Golden Generation giving their best, most dazzling performance, like a burning star at the end of its life. 
Fang Rui was no different, having changed classes and reclaimed his old class alongside his new one, led Happy through the most difficult time in the wake of Ye Xiu’s retirement and competed in domestic and international league year after year, he was burned out, like Su Mucheng and Ye Xiu before him.
By then, Happy’s rookies were no longer rookies, they were gods in the making, if not already, he would be only a hindrance for them. He didn’t need another championship. He wanted more, of course he did, he would never lose his desire and pursuit of victory, but his definition of victory is and has never been limited to all the trophies and awards. What he also considers as a victory is when the team he has come to love and cherish, to grow and flourish, to surpass their predecessors and stand in their own glory. 
Team Happy lost in the finals, but Fang Rui had seen a glimpse of the future, a shining, glorious future… and he didn’t see himself in that future. He was actually happy at the realization, barely suppressing his smile when he saw the frustrated faces on his team. He already made up his mind back then, only for one sentence from one person to change it.
“Can you not go?”
The words didn’t come from the youngest member of the team. They didn’t come from the successor he intended to take over Boundless Sea. They didn’t come from their soft-hearted boss. Instead it came from the strong, reliable captain of Happy.
Fang Rui’s heart broke for this young man. At that moment, he looked like a lost child.
“Okay.” He made the concession. He had only eyes for his little captain, but he didn’t fail to notice how everyone in the room perked up, including their lady boss. “However, I will mainly stay on the bench. You’re going to carry me to the finals. I’m expecting another Championship for my retirement.”
And he did. 
Happy did it.
Happy matched the old Excellent Era’s record. Fang Rui and the remaining members of the original team are the first to have three championship rings in the domestic league, second only to Ye Xiu who have four of them, beating Zhou Zekai of his generation and the Golden Generation. Happy also made their own record being the only team that have won both domestic and international league.
Team Happy had converged around him when they won the finals of Season 14. His bold, daring little Captain dared to put their oldest senior who didn’t play as frequently as before in the all important match of the finals and of course, Fang Rui didn’t fail to live up to his captain’s expectation. He had made sure to do so since Ye Xiu picked him of all people to be Happy’s Qi Master. It was a beautiful sendoff, a perfect ending that he could ask for. He wasn’t oblivious to realize that Happy had managed to send away every single of their senior members of the original team with a championship. He was, is and always will be proud of them, the team that they are, and the captain that Qiao Yifan is.
Fang Rui places his hand on Qiao Yifan’s head gently.
“Then we will have more time.”
“That’s it?” So surprised with his response, Qiao Yifan dislodges Fang Rui’s hand at the speed he cranes his neck.
“Eh. We can try to sleep tonight and if we go back to our timeline, then have a good laugh and celebrate your retirement with all Team Happy members. Or…
“We don’t, and make sure we’ll have more time this time around.” Fang Rui states simply.
“It can’t be that simple.” Qiao Yifan frowns.
“It can.”
“It can’t.”
“Why not?”
“W-Well, there might be conditions?” Qiao Yifan offers. “Of going back, I mean.”
“So? How will we discover that unless we keep going? Or changing things up?”
“Should we even change things?” Qiao Yifan asks. He isn’t sure what he’s feeling, one side he’s afraid, terrified even. But on the other side, he’s excited, eager to change the future. 
“Eh,” Fang Rui merely shrugs. Qiao Yifan can only laugh at the nonchalance. It’s so Fang Rui. It’s so like his senior to make light of the absurd situation, which to be fair, Happy is a team that often encounters absurd situations, their own existence is one. The reminder actually brings a smile to Qiao Yifan’s face. His cautious nature can be detrimental at times if it goes unchecked. He’s learned to let go and take risks in the years in Happy, but in this current situation, when his actions could have changed things, could have made him lose everything precious to him, he was unwilling to do so.
“We’ll just keep things simple. We set a goal for ourselves, and deal with others as they come.”
“Happy.” They say it at the same time, which brings a huge relief to Qiao Yifan. He knows how important Lin Jingyan and Wind Howl are for Fang Rui, and considering what happened to them, he has wondered if Fang Rui wishes to do more for them and stay until his contract expires instead of transferring. Reading his mind, Fang Rui chuckles.
“Happy is home.” And Fang Rui meant it. 
He’s met many people, have been in different teams and workplaces, but Happy is the only place that feels like home besides his own. It doesn’t occur to him not to join Happy. If anything, he’d love to join earlier, and take part in the creation of the team.
“Wait… has Team Happy been created?” The thought only occurs to him.
“Oh. Not yet. It should be tomorrow.” Qiao Yifan looks at the rough timeline he has written in the notebook. Fang Rui leans forward to take a peek.
“...the Dragon Raises its Head?” Fang Rui can only recall that incident from this year’s All Stars.
“Because of that, Boss Chen figured out Senior’s true identity and decided to create the team to support him.” Qiao Yifan himself only knows their beloved boss’ retelling.
“That really sounds like Boss Chen, alright.” Fang Rui smiles fondly at their lady boss and big sister. “So the team only had Old Ye and Little Tang?”
“Senior didn’t ask me to join until I told him my contract with Tiny Herb expired.”
“Hmm, by then Steamed Bun and Old Wei have already joined.”
“Brother An, Luo Ji and Mo Fan joined around the registration period.”
“Old Ye really worked hard…” Fang Rui has heard the stories. Something else nags on him, though. “...Yifan, you wished for more time right?”
“Did you think of anything specific when you wished for that? Because, usually in typical time-travel/regressor/reincarnation/isekai stories, it’s usually only the protagonist who comes back in time. Why am I too? Am I even the only one?”
“No, Senior Ye didn’t come back.” Recalling their earlier exchange, Qiao Yifan is sure of it. “I did think of you first when I suddenly found myself back in All Stars Season 8 Rookie Challenge, in the middle of the stadium floor, microphone in hand.”
“That must be nerve wracking.” Fang Rui raises his eyebrows in surprise. “But really? Of all people, me? Not Mucheng? Or Wenzhou?” He merely teases Qiao Yifan. He isn’t really surprised that in Qiao Yifan’s panic and confusion, he picked the one he’s spent the most time with, his old vice captain. He doesn’t really expect a response. However, looking at his expression, there might be another reason. It is brief, but Fang Rui has always been good at catching the slightest change and he thinks he can make a guess.
Fang Rui lays down his left arm on the table, turning his hand palm up.
“I’ve suspected that you knew.” Fang Rui smiles kindly, but it only makes Qiao Yifan upset. Knowing it is one thing, acknowledging it is another. Right now there’s only smooth skin, but in their past-future, there was a faint scar, a thin line across Fang Rui’s wrist, which was often covered with bracelets and wristbands. 
Qiao Yifan was only aware of it when Mo Fan came to him. He has noticed and wondered about the change of Fang Rui’s playstyle. It was not really obvious, even for those who were familiar with him. Only when Qiao Yifan paid attention to his hand speed and rhythm, he realized that Fang Rui had slowed down. Everyone hardly noticed because of the nature of the dirty playstyle, and later on, because of the rising skill level of Happy individual members. 
Regardless, Fang Rui remained an indispensable member of Happy and the national team. His flexible playstyle and high adaptability, not to mention his casual and playful nature, made him compatible with many players and strategies that he was more often than not master tacticians’ first choice. Qiao Yifan was not so naive to think that it wouldn’t impact Fang Rui’s condition, so he didn’t think much in the beginning. He was actually relieved that his vice captain took the steps to prolong his career lifespan. While his speed might decline, his performance did not. It didn’t cross his mind that Fang Rui’s condition had reached the point that he needed surgery.
Qiao Yifan was hit hard with the discovery. He had been angry at Fang Rui, at Mo Fan, but most of all, at himself for failing to notice that his vice captain had been injured so badly. He understood very well why Fang Rui did it, so he swallowed all the hurt and anger and channeled them into winning the championship, fearing the season would be his senior’s last. He wanted to prove that Happy was worth all the painstaking effort Fang Rui put in. Only to have his hopes shattered when Happy lost to Blue Rain in the finals, and Fang Rui announced his retirement to the team before the press conference.
He hadn’t wanted to be selfish. He really couldn’t ask Fang Rui to stay when he has given everything and more to Happy. He shouldn’t have asked him to stay.
But he asked anyway. 
He was prepared for the refusal, he could even imagine the gentle and kind words. He didn’t expect the concession. Fang Rui only agreed for another year, but it meant the world for Qiao Yifan.
Looking at the person in front of him, Qiao Yifan knows very well why it was Fang Rui of all people who was brought back to the past with him. But he cannot find the words.
“Well, I’m definitely not turning down the chance to do everything again. Even though it’s going to be a hassle to adapt to what… Level 70 skills?” The stinky face Fang Rui made elicits laughter from Qiao Yifan. 
Fang Rui never fails to find a way to lighten up the atmosphere. It’s also his subtle reminder that he has their back, that he understands even when there are no words between them.
“Damn. It looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do. It’s no different than having a new team, a new account, and a new class.” Fang Rui is already having a headache at the mere thought. He does miss the Glory competitive days, but he can do without the daily training.
“...I’m sorry.” Qiao Yifan winces, he hasn’t thought that far. He might be just a “water dispenser” in Tiny Herb but Fang Rui definitely isn’t. He has tried to take account of everything but the memories are hazy the further to the past they are, and he was limited to his own knowledge of the events. Qiao Yifan was only recently retired so he would have less difficulty in getting back into the competition mindset. Fang Rui waves his hand, knowing it cannot be helped.
“I’ve got a week until the next match. I’m going to need help to get into shape and find a somewhat believable explanation for the sudden changes in playstyle. Old Lin is sure to notice. You also need to be careful. Wang Jiexi might not realize any changes in you, but Old Ye certainly will.”
“Um… I think it’s a bit too late.” Qiao Yifan speaks out, showing the message Gao Yingjie sent to him earlier, telling him that the captain wanted to see him when he returned to the hotel. 
“Well, shit.” That pretty much summed up their current situation.
“Okay, change of plans. Let’s start with how you’re going to deal with good ol’ Wang, then we do the rest.”
“I should not call him Captain Wang then.” Qiao Yifan mulls over.
“Definitely not.” Why would a member of their own team call their own captain by their last name? “Don’t let slip and start calling him Big-Eyed Wang, either.”
“I’ve never-” Qiao Yifan coughs and splutters.
“Really?” Fang Rui raises an eyebrow.
Cunning and resourceful.
Those two words describe Happy best. They can be said to be the words Happy team members live by. They lay down the foundation of Happy’s individual and team playstyle. 
While Qiao Yifan remains polite and respectful as he comes to be Happy’s captain, which makes him a favorite among Happy team members of old and new, particularly for the reporters, he is still Happy’s captain who has received guidance and learned from Ye Xiu, Wei Chen and Fang Rui. He doesn’t often resort to dirty play enough to be considered a dirty player and doesn't often engage in trash talk to provoke others that people often forget. So at the most unexpected times, Qiao Yifan will pull an incredibly dirty play or a provocative sentence that is so unlike the calm and stable captain that opponents never fail to fall for it.  
Qiao Yifan definitely has called Wang Jiexi “Big-Eyed Wang” at least once. It doesn’t even matter if he never did it to his face.
“Careful. Don’t show your black heart yet, Little Captain.” Fang Rui teases Qiao Yifan, his eyes twinkling with mirth. This time Qiao Yifan genuinely and freely laughs.
“Says the person who taught us how to pull unexpected plays.” Being the longest-serving senior in the team, Fang Rui left his mark the most on Happy team members. His dirty playstyle shows up even in the aggressive Tang Rou, upright An Wenyi, and even textbook Luo Ji.
“That means I’m a good teacher, no?” Fang Rui considers that as his greatest achievement. Qiao Yifan doesn’t disagree, giggling at his senior’s proud face.
There’s so much work to do. There are so many familiar people, accounts, teams that they need to get to know again. There are their own younger bodies with their older selves; faster speed and reflexes but in discordance with their experienced minds. There are so many things to unlearn and relearn. There are events that cannot, should not be changed, and they do not know which events they are and which actions they are allowed to take.
When he was standing on the stage, as his mind kept thinking of all the ripple effects he might be causing, Qiao Yifan was absolutely frightened, and felt very lonely. However, right here right now, with his most reliable vice captain and senior…
Qiao Yifan no longer feels afraid.
Aaand.... That's a wrap! Well, not quite so. This can be taken as a one-shot, but is also open for more time-travel shenanigans. I have some ideas of the changes in the new timeline. Some ideas are easier to flesh out, while others require some research. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do so! It might help with the writing of future chapters. Thank you for reading!
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bnesszai · 3 months
How do you think each ada member would rebel against what people expect of them in a way that fits their character?
i have been thinkin about this for so long and i don't think i have very good answers. I also didn't do everyone cuz i just....can't. apwroj
Kunikida: If something came up and Kuni changed his ideals, he would do anything for them. Even if it seems like a betrayal to what we know of him or to those around him. Like when the ADA was in danger. he straight up walked to someone and said "congrats you'll be getting a new car. get out" which is largely in character, but also something that kind of goes against who he seems to be when we first see him. If that makes sense?
Atsushi: i really want to come back to this. I love him but i still cannot think of something for him.
Yosano: Healing under the command of someone else. Hear me out. This is going to be so incoherent but hear me out. After her past with Mori and the Great War, Yosano is horribly scarred. I fully believes she will not heal someone if she does not have their consent to do so now, with a few exceptions. She does not want to be ordered to heal somebody, because she does not know if they want to be saved and/or if they will just be sent out to suffer again. However, it would also be in her character to have Dazai or Fukuzawa or Atsushi come up to her with a bloodied person, asking her to heal them.
(this one makes the least sense of them all I'm sorry)
Dazai: Gonig out of his way to do something good. Like, for no reason that seems beneficial. Just because he can. It would align with his development while seeming strange. And i say this a "Dazai has many emotions and care a great deal" truther. But, despite that, Dazai does good when he sees a benefit to it. If he were to do it for no reason, it would be "rebelling" against who he is while being in character.
This entire post is a mess. Maybe some day I'll come back and edit/add more characters but for now, I still don't have all of my bandwidth back but. i hope you enjoy this nonsense<3
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Okay because Historical kitten inspired me
“A BIG adventure. Big world. But we’ll be okay— yes? We just need to use our heads. My fathers have taught me the ins-and-outs of giant survival! As long as we stick together it’ll be okay!” 
“… yes. Yes we…”
“Papà also taught me celestial navigation, and Pa taught me mapping!”
“We are going to die.”
The cowboy swears. “Oh mierda!”
“Carrisime? What is wrong?” Felix’s eyes, concerned. 
“We should have made Cyrus our flower-girl!”
This earns a wonderous, unrestrained laugh from Felix, still holding him.
“I love you.” She whispers. “I’m real sorry— about.. The past.. About–”
“The darkness brought me to you.” Luna says, a smile in her voice but not without grief. “Without it, I would not be as happy as I am now, in this moment. We cannot un-feel pain but we can live with it. Survive after it. And I was in the darkness but now I am in your colorful light.”
“…. Why… why are we in a fountain?..”
“Had to cool you down somehow.” They state as if it’s the obvious. 
“…. But so are you. Why are you sitting underneath one of the spouts?..” 
“Well I wasn’t just gonna chuck the actin’ leader of Rome into a fountain! I’d have an army on my ass thinkin’ I was dumping a body. S’ides—- this way it’s sorta like a real chilly pool party with just me an’ you.” 
—“Not Spain. America.”— The DJ answers. 
“That’s not me.” Nick tries. 
“BUT IT IS YOU!!!” Dom stares between the phone and his boyfriend in disbelief. “YOU’RE DJ ICARUZ?!! Dude— man— OKAY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS—!!!”
Before he can ask them, Veronica slams her hand over his mouth and leans back into the seat more. “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT WINGED HELMET?!” 
Nick runs stressed hands through his hair. “I was dating this model at the time—“ 
Larry interrupts. “YOU DATED A MODEL?!”
“I havent seen you in AGES!” Larry gawks. “You married Tilly!?”
The two ladies kiss. 
“Of course!”
“I went to their wedding dad, remember?” Nick nods. “Thanks for helping, Rebecca. Nice to see you.”
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chat - Giselle Jolly
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1 - Fame
"I ain't never heard of her before arriving here."
"The dorm idol, silly! The Flower Scholar whosit."
"Guess the ones here are pretty devoted to her 'cuz I cannot STOP hearing about her now. Niche idols do got the most hardcore fans."
"I gotta say, her power over technology don't sound half bad. With something like that, taking over the world would be a breeze..."
"... Just a joke. (giggle)"
"A cute idol like me only wants to take over the hearts of my fans!"
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2 - Fitting In
"Maybe I oughta ask for that transfer to Okeanos after all."
"All anyone here thinks about is programs and coding."
"Ain't got the sense for any of that. Been just playing around the machines themselves during dorm hours."
"All those zeroes and ones need somewhere to run."
"But I haven't gotten a lick of thanks around here! I got my new uniform all dirty for nothing!"
"Ah well, let me let you go. I gotta go finish that damned machine."
"Mh? Of course I'm finishing it. It-it's- I don't like working on it, really, it's just...! Ain't right to leave things half-done!"
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3- When the Curtains Fall
"Folks talk about the Sakura Scholar in a past sense, right?"
"But I ain't seen any proof she's gone. She just wasn't seen no more."
"Gal had so many fans then she just done left them all hanging to dry without a peep."
"Not like any one of them bothered to check what happened."
"Once the fun's done with folks just forget all about you..."
"Ain't that the way."
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✦ Giselle & Minami - What it takes.
Giselle: Well, now there's a face I was hoping to see! Pretty as a peach today too!
Minami: You're such a sweet talker! It's almost too much, I might just get a caries from it.
Giselle: Oh shucks, I try my best! All the great ones got charm about them, wouldn't ya agree?
Minami: I would not, no. If your achievements are great enough they'll speak for themselves. Literally, in the case of the Sakura Scholar.
Giselle: Thinkin' you can get far with no one else... Ain't that a bit naïve, dorm leader?
Minami: Not if you're good at what you do.
Giselle: Mhm. No reason to not be gifted and charming.
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✦ Giselle & Jojo - Deals
Jojo: I told you, I don't know anything about that class.
Giselle: Aww, now I just can't believe that! Your brother was so helpful, and smart to boot! You oughta be cut from the same cloth!
Jojo: Intelligence manifests in many different ways.
Giselle: And I can tell you're a regular jack of all trades!
Jojo: ... You don't know when to give up.
Giselle: One of my many good qualities!
Jojo: Fine. I won't tutor you, but I'll see if I have any notes left from my first year.
Giselle: You got yourself a deal missy! O-ho-ho I do enjoy a good bargain.
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wickedprincessxxx · 2 years
I don't know what, why, how..... I can't help it. Maybe it's my hormones because I'm getting older. Maybe it's a defense mechanism. Maybe I'm completely sex crazed. A nymphomaniac. I'm not sure. What I *do* know, however, is that I'm always always thinking about sex. Ahhhh but, you see.... Not just any sex. Specifically, I'm always thinking about my husband and another woman. Think of him with several different women ( I do have my favorites and those thoughts make me cum a bit more hard than others.....) ... I think of everything he loves and enjoys doing sexually and getting those needs fulfilled elsewhere. Even just writing this has my pussy soaking wet and absolutely throbbing with anticipation. I could be in any kind of mood. Any time. Any where. With anyone.... And my thoughts shift to him giving and/or receiving pleasure from someone else. I don't care if I've been sobbing my eyes out for days... It doesn't matter..... Leave it be and the thoughts creep in. In fact, I literally cannot cum without thinking about him and usually the orgasms are more intense when these thoughts involve another woman.
The thing is... I know he wants it too. I just know how much he loves pussy. Loves getting his dick sucked. All different women, different looks.sizes, etc.... And he fucking deserves it. 100% this man should have whoever the fuck he wants with absolutely no regard to whether I'd approve of the person or not. I mean who tf am I to stop his ultimate pleasure? The one and only thing I ask is that he tells me about it. That's the only thing the only stipulation between him and his ultimate sexual freedom.. I don't think it's too much to ask. And he can even get the rush or cheating if he gets that pussy first and then tells me that night. I don't care.
I've asked him many times to come clean about the cheating in the past before we were so far into this lifestyle. I found something out the other day.... I won't go into details but I just wanted to say.... Im already to the point where I'm over most of the emotional aspect and on to the sexy part.... As in... I've masurbated thinkin about the situation. I had one of the most intense orgasms of my entire life. If that doesn't show my loyalty to this lifestyle... What can????
I'd love nothing more than a tell-all. Maybe one cheating story a night until he's told them all. I need them in my memory to masturbate to. I'd do absolutely anything for this.
This is legitimately my source of ultimate pleasure and happiness. It's all I think about. I crave it in the worst way.. this is pure, animalistic love at it's core. Blessed.
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All Roads Lead to Kawata… Pt. 2
This is Part 2 of an excerpt from my Mitsuya fanfic over on ao3 called “Love Endures”. The female in this story is NOT the main OC of the story. This is a side character from Mitsuya's past, Aya. It falls within her backstory, within his backstory. This is the story of how she meets & gets involved with the Kawata twins, which later becomes a real problem for her AND for MItsuya. Part 1 led you up to her just meeting them. Pt. 2 is them, ahem, getting together. It’s fuckin FILTHY, or at least in my opinion.
So, yeah, this is the (next part of the) Kawata Twins hole that I fell down. Oh my Goddd… Hope y’all enjoy. 💙💜💙
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**long portions of italicized text represents character’s thoughts**
Saturday, February 3rd
Shato and Aya show up at the Kawata twins house. Smiley answers the door. It seems like it’d be hard to tell, since he’s always smiling but somehow, when he saw them, particularly her, he became even happier. You could see relief in his expression, too.
“Thank God you guys came. Now we can get this party started, yeah?”
Her musical laugh pours into the house and he sticks out his arm for her. She smiles at him and blushes and puts her arm through his.
They walk into his place.
He looks over at her. “Hi, Aya! Welcome to our house.” 
She laughs and says, “Hi Smiley. Um, is it ok for me to call you that?”
“Well, I mean, I suppose you could call me Nahoya. Nobody but my brother calls me that, tho.”
She looks like she’s mulling it over.
“Well, what do you want me to call you? What’s your preference?”
He thinks about it for a minute. “I don’t think I really give a fuck what you call me. As long as you call me.” He winks at her.
“Well, I like feeling special, so I’ll call you Nahoya. I like that name, anyway. I don’t know any Nahoyas, except you. I guess that makes <i>you</i> pretty special, too.”
She smiles at him and hugs his arm.
He looks at her. “Yeah…I can tell you’re definitely special, alright. Where’s Shato been hiding you all this time?”
“Well, I’m not HIS, if yer thinkin that. We’re just friends.”
“Really? So last night was just…friendly?”
“That’s none of your business, sir!”, she says with a smile and a playful hand that goes to his chest. “We just studied. That’s ALL. I swear!” She laughs and starts blushing. “He likes to look cool in front of the guys, but he’s just a softie underneath it all.”
“Hmmm…interesting. Alright. Well, good. Cuz I like you. You’re cute.”
“You think so?”
“I cannot tell a lie.”
“Well, you just did.” She giggles.
“Heh heh. Maybe.” He winks at her.
“Come on, let's go get our drink on and meet everybody.”
He starts to pull on her arm, encouraging her to move forward with him, but she stops and then starts acting real shy again. “Umm, Nahoya?”
“I’m feelin a little nervous. I don’t know most of these people and they seem a bit scary to me. You don’t mind if I stick with you tonight, do you?”
“Yeah, that’s where I was hopin you’d be. Right by my side. I’ll keep you safe from all these creeps.” He chuckles. “Trust me, there ain’t a single guy here who’ll fuck with me OR my girl. I’ll fuckin murder ‘em all and they know it.”
She dips her head down. “Th-thank you, Nahoya.” She kisses him on the cheek and then looks down. Her cheeks are pink.
“God, yer adorable. Phew! Come on, let’s go meet all these assholes and get trashed.”
She laughs. “Ok, that sounds pretty good to me, actually.”
He introduces her to a bunch of guys from the gang and a couple from his high school and she takes note of every single one of them. Logging all the information away in her mind. She plays her role perfectly and has a great time. They all do. 
Drinks are flowing freely and a couple hours in she finds out one of the guys has some X, which she gladly accepts from him. Less than an hour later, she’s feeling amaaaazing. It’s becoming harder and harder to stay in character now and the deeper the X gets into her nervous system, the more she opens up.
She looks around and sees several people have already left. Her eyebrows rise, she didn’t realize so much time had passed already. She turns to look at Smiley and starts getting extra cozy with him. If her normal “resting self” was like this already, imagine her on a drug which amplifies all those things. She could barely keep her hands to herself (she didn’t fully) and she could barely keep her clothes on. When she couldn’t stand it even one second longer, she starts whispering in his ear. “I, uh, can’t take it anymore. The Molly…umm… Can we go somewhere, Nahoya?” 
His smile gets even bigger and he nods. Now it’s his turn to lean in. “I’m pretty sure the few that are left here are fucked up enough by now that no one’s gonna care or probably even notice if we, uh, check out for a bit”, he says with a wink. She giggles and bounces up and down on the couch next to him. “Thank you.”
Izumi immediately proves his theory wrong by looking over at them and asking, “Thank you for what? What’chu doin that’s worthy of thanksss?”
Smiley stands up off the couch and holds his hand out to Aya. She grabs it and stands up with a huge grin on her face to match his.
“Oh, nothin. She’s just really happy that I’m gonna give her a tour of the place. We’ll be back…whenever.”
“Yeah…”, Izumi scoffs. “Tour of your bedroom. Whatever.”
Smiley pays him no mind. He knows his friend is drunk and just upset because he wasn’t getting the prize tonight. Winner, winner, chicken dinner; all the guys had been hoping they could win it, but no one dared move on his territory. 
Smiley was unnerving to anyone who didn’t know him really well, because you never really knew where he was at mentally or emotionally. He’d be smiling big all the time, while, at the same time, saying some murderous evil shit and it would really shake people up sometimes. The darkness hiding behind his smile was something most people really didn’t want to see. Because if you were seeing that darkness, it usually meant your ass.
Smiley leads her back to his bedroom and when he opens the door, he sees Angry sitting in there, on his bed, watching TV. Smiley rolls his eyes and walks over to his dresser to set his cup of whiskey down. “What’re you doin in here, Souya? Why won’t you ever just relax and have fun? Go talk to people, have some drinks. Yuuma’s got ecstacy… You want some?”
Angry shrugs. “I dunno, man. Did you take any?”
“No. I’m drunk. You know I’m not really into all of that. But she did and she’s feelin real good right about now, aren’t ya, darlin?” He leans over and kisses her and she eagerly kisses him back.
She giggles and turns to his brother. “I, um, actually have another pill. He gave me two.” His eyes go wide. She giggles. “Y’know…Feminine charms and all.” Angry looks over at Smiley with a slightly concerned expression. Smiley nods at his brother. 
“Yeah, it’s alright, bro. Do it, if you want to. It’ll relax you. Make you feel good. I mean, hell, why not? We only got one life, ammirite? Who the fuck cares? Life’s too short…” He throws his arms around her waist and pulls her close. “…to not take time…” He begins kissing her again. “…to smell those roses.” 
She giggles. “He’s riiiight! Come here, take it.”
He sighs and gets up off the bed. “Alright, fine.” She extends her arm out toward him, the pill between her fingers. Smiley starts kissing down her neck and she throws her head back and laughs, giving him better access. Angry turns his head and watches his brother with her. She turns her head toward him and smiles. He ducks underneath her fingertips with an open mouth and she drops it in. He swallows unceremoniously.
“How long does it take?”
She shrugs. “Everybody’s a little different but definitely within a half an hour, you should be feelin SOMETHIN.”
Smiley extracts himself from her body to walk over and grabs his cup of whiskey. He walks it back over to his brother and hands it to him. “Drink this. It’ll make it kick in faster.” He winks at him and turns back to his prize. Angry shrugs and downs it.
He stands there, still right next to them, and watches as his brother take off her shirt and she takes off his. He watches their creamy flesh come together in the middle and move in tandem. He watches as her hand starts to explore. He watches Nahoya’s tongue probing her mouth, then he sees hers fighting back. He doesn’t even notice, at first, that he’s getting aroused.
Nahoya reaches behind her back and undoes her bra. She slides it off her arms and lets it fall to the floor. His hands have already moved on to her skirt. His hands move down the fabric until he feels flesh again and then they rise back up underneath it. His kisses and his movements are becoming more and more eager. He’s not the patient type. His fingers drag her panties down. Angry’s eyes watch as they fall to the ground. He licks his lips. 
Aya steps back from Nahoya’s urgent kisses for a moment and she turns away from him and faces Angry. She smiles at him kindly and her hand comes up to his face. “You feelin it yet, sweetie?”
I reaaallly want to go with two dudes at the same time…and twins at that? AND they’re cute. Fuck meeee. I’ve died and gone to heaven!
Her fingers move up through his soft blue hair and his eyes close as the feeling of it resonates throughout his entire body. It’s not super strong yet but it’s enough to notice. His eyes pop back open. “Whoa. Yeah…I think so. A little bit. That felt way more amazing than it should have.”
She turns her head back towards Smiley and laughs. He grins at her and walks up right behind her. She turns back to Angry smiles at him. “Or maybe I’m just THAT amazing?” She gives him an angelic look and giggles. “Let’s try this then and see how it feels…” She leans in and kisses him. 
Oh my Godddd, he’s such a good kisser. He’s so gentle. Those soft lips…phew! I want to keep kissing him for a while, I think…
Angry’s eyes close and he enjoys the best makeout session he’s ever felt before. Smiley grins and presses himself against her back and ass and it pushes her into Angry. 
He blushes and says, “That’s ok. I kinda like you this close. As long as Smiley doesn’t mind.”
“Bro, if I didn’t want you here with us, I woulda kicked your ass out already. But why would I? We share everything, don’t we?”
Angry nods and kisses her again, thinking about the fact that Smiley had never once shared a girl with him before. But he wasn’t complaining about it now.
{Go - The Chemical Brothers}
He starts to smile at her but it’s cut off by her lips. Smiley unzips himself. She smiles at the sound of it. She feels for Angry’s hand and brings it up to hold her breast. Then she takes his other one and puts it between her legs. Once his hands are properly placed, her hands begin to roam his body. She starts moaning into their kiss. It’s not long before Angry has joined her. “Mmmm…” She smiles to hear it.
Smiley pulls himself out through the hole made by his open zipper and then ducks slightly so his hand can slide between her legs as well. But his are there for a different purpose. He presses against her thighs to spread them further apart. She obliges happily and then she feels Smiley’s head probing between them. She tips her butt back and up just a little. She wants to help him in any way that she can. She’s absolutely dying to get it inside her.
She manages to get Angry’s shirt off and then starts working on depantsing him as well. Once she has him completely naked and vulnerable, her hand goes down and grabs a hold of him. He groans out in pleasure. She’s pleasantly surprised by his size. It makes her giddy. 
“You ready for me?”, Smiley says into her ear, punctuated with a nibble on her earlobe. She loves hearing his heavy breath in her ear. He sounds frantic to be inside her. She loves it. She nods up and down. 
“Yessss, please. I can’t wait to feel you, Nahoya.”
He chuckles. “That’ll make two of us.” He presses himself inside her and she moans loudly. 
“Oh my Goddd, you feel goooood! Hahahaaaa! Holy shit, girl. Woo! I’m reaaaally gonna enjoy fuckin you.” 
His statement makes her chuckle. “That makes two of us”, she says with a smile. She turns her head and winks at him. He takes the opportunity of her turned head to lean forward and kiss her and the forward motion pushes him all the way up into her.
“Ohhh fuck! Mmmm, you’re so big, Nahoya. Mmmm…you feel fucking amazing.” 
Her hand begins to stroke Angry faster. She gives him another kiss and a large part of her doesn’t want to stop, but she knows she has to move on… IF she wants the night to progress as she’d like it. And she very much does.
Her hands come up to Angry’s chest and she presses gently. His eyes open and he looks at her, confused. She smiles at him and says, “Trust me.” She winks at him and he smiles back at her. “Alright.” He nods and steps back a pace. 
“Let me see if that’s enough…” She bends slowly down as Smiley continues to move in and out of her. The lower she goes, the more his previously barely heard moans turn into grunts. “Fuck….yessss, just like that, sweetheart. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mmmmm… RAHHH!” His stroke gets a bit more aggressive and he grabs her hips tightly.
“Oh my God. Yes!”, she yells out and then she looks at Angry. “Come here, sweetie.” 
He takes a step forward and she grabs ahold of his hard cock and then places her mouth around it. She lets the pounding movement of Smiley aid her in having Angry’s dick slide back and forth into her throat with ease. She starts moaning on his dick and he’s losing his shit. Everything was so much more intense right now. He probably could’ve cum just from what she was doing with his hair earlier, or even the kissing, much less THIS. 
But for some reason (the X, in case you’re wondering) he never does. Smiley watches her deep-throating his brother and somethin about it makes him even harder. He shudders and slams into her. “Ahhhh!”, she screams but it comes out as some sort of garbled sound. Her open throat makes Angry tap even deeper.
Smiley chuckles. “Good thing the music is blasting out there. Fuck, girl. I have to say I like hearin you scream, tho. Do it again.” He slams into her and smiles from ear to ear when he hears her scream again.
“Hahahaaaa! That’s my girl.” 
She smiles on Angry’s dick. But it had hurt her throat a bit. She brings her arm behind her and taps Smiley's arm a couple times.
“Yesssss?” He pulls out of her and rests his hand at the base. He strokes up it once. She lets Angry slip out of her mouth.
“My mouth is getting a little sore. Can we take this to the bed? I’d really love to be on top, if you don’t mind?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know.” He looks to Angry. “Whadya think, Souya?”
Angry looks down at his slightly softened penis and shrugs. He looks back at her. He’s catching feelings already. “Honestly? I just want to kiss and cuddle. I love you, Aya.”
She giggles a little and blushes. She looks at him with such tenderness in her eyes. “Oh my God, I’m sure you do right now. And right now I love you, too. Isn’t that nice? To get to do this with two people you love and two people I love. This is the best…”
Angry smiles as big as his brother and nods his head happily. “It really is. It’s especially nice for my first time.”
Her eyes go wide. “Oh my God! Are you serious?? I’m your… Oh my God, you just made me soooo happy. I’m gonna take such good care of you, love. Come here.” He steps back up to her and she kisses him and runs her fingers through his hair again. He moans into her kiss. She stops suddenly. Her head turns to Smiley. 
“Wait… You definitely don’t fuck like you’re a beginner, Nahoya.”
“No, I definitely am not.” He smiles.
“But you said you share everything with your brother, so how come, uhhh…?”
Smiley laughs. “He never wants to.”
“What? You never asked before”, Angry retorts.
He shrugs. “Yeah, maybe not. Who knows? I guess I just never thought of it before. And you’re usually not with me when I’m having “Happy Girl Time”, cuz I usually do it at the girl’s houses or wherever we happen to be. Whatever. We’re sharin now, so who cares?”
“Yeah…” Angry smiles. “Who cares? I’m glad you shared this time, tho. Like, soooo sooo glad.”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, I can tell. Enjoy it.”
She kisses him again and his response comes out as just, “Mmmmm”.
Smiley grabs their hands and leads them over to his bed. “Come on, lovers.” He unbuckles and takes his pants off the rest of the way. “I don’t like to wait.” 
She laughs. “Me either. I hate wait!”
He falls back on the bed and says, “well, then what’re you waitin for? Huh? Get on me, woman. Stop kissin for 10 seconds so I can get back inside you.” She removes her tongue from Angry’s mouth and giggles. “Sorry, it just feels sooo fucking good kissing him. You might be one of the best kissers I’ve ever met.” Angry blushes profusely at her words.
“Hey, I feel good too, don’t I?” He whines slightly.
She looks at him. “What? Are you jealous of your brother?”
“Well, maybe if you told me I had one of the best cocks you’ve ever felt, then I’d be feelin just fine about it.”
“Oh, well let me put you at ease.” She crawls up onto the bed next to him. She looks down into his eyes. “You have one of the best dicks I’ve eeeeever met. I love it.”
Smiley beams with pride. “Ok, I’m good now.” His smile is huge again. She swings her leg over his body. He looks over at his brother. “No, wait.”
“There’s that word again. I thought you hated wait like I do?” She laughs. 
“Haha, I dooo. But this won’t be long.”
He grabs her by the hips. “Turn around.”
“Ooooh! I LIKE yooouuu”, she smiles.
That makes him laugh. She turns herself gladly.
“That way you and little bro can make out while I pound you for as long as I can stand it.”
She bounces up and down and yells, “Yaaay!”
Angry’s eyes follow the trajectory of those lovely globes flying in slow-motion in front of his eyes. 
She sees the hunger in his eyes.
“Come here, my sweet little lover.” She holds out her arms to him and like he was on the other end of a rubber-band he snaps right back to her. It’s mere seconds before he’s on the bed, on his knees, in front of her and her lips are on his and her arms are wrapped around his body.
This makes Smiley happy and he lifts her ass up, which pushes her breasts against Angry’s bare chest. His hands come up and cups them and caresses them. God, she feels fucking amazing. He’s in awe of this beautiful creature. Once Smiley has himself positioned perfectly under her lips, he flicks his hips up and plunges into her plush juicy insides. It forces a loud groan out of both of them. Then she smiles and continues kissing Angry.
Smiley’s fingers make deep dimples on her thighs as his grip tightens on her. He starts moving her hips with his hands and thrusting up into her. She has to break the kiss and moan out loudly. “Oh my Goddddd, you feel good. Fuck.” She straightens up a bit, pulling Angry along with her and she throws her head back. She’s flying high on the gusts and updrafts of the amazing feelings coursing through her right now.
Angry looks at her getting totally fucked out by his brother and he smiles and his eyes drop to the lovely jiggle of her breasts. Every time he sees them this warm feeling washes over him and all he wants is to be safely held by her and to have her breasts in his mouth. He just has to have them. He inches down and places his mouth on her nipple. Oh my God! Having it in my mouth. Mmmm… God, I gotta control myself. I’m about 2 seconds from shouting Mommy. What the fuuucck? Why is this sooo good?
He loses himself in it for some time. She straightens her back out even more, simultaneously adjusting the positions of both of the guys; Smiley inside of her and she moans as she feels him rubbing against her back wall now, and Angry, who now doesn’t have to hunch over as much to gain access. He sits back on his heels and her breasts are now perfectly at mouth level. His hands alternate running up and down her stomach and leg. He cannot stop touching her. But he wants to be touched by her, too.
He finds her hand and gently puts it between his legs. He was still mostly limp but he didn’t care. He just wanted to feel her hands on him, touching him. He wanted anything that was gonna intensify this. She doesn’t disappoint.
They stay just like that for a little while and then she turns her head back to look at Smiley and she smiles at his ecstatic grin. “Nahoya?”
“Yes, love?” His eyes actually open a bit and she sees his gorgeous blue eyes. He is stunningly beautiful. Phew!
“I want to cum reeeal bad but I need you to fuck me as hard as you can, ok? You think you can do that for me, big boy?”
That big ol’ smile comes right back and those baby blues disappear once again.
“Yeah, heh heh, I think I can manage it.” He slides out of her and gets up off the bed. He looks to Angry and says, “Hey buddy, yer gonna have to just watch now for a little bit. Ok?”
Angry looks slightly sad but he nods his head and moves off the bed as well. She’s left there all on her own, naked, sitting on her heels on the bed. 
Smiley shakes his head and holds out his arm for Angry to come to him. He wraps his arm around Angry’s shoulders and turns his head towards him.
“Y’ever seen anything so fucking delicious in your life?”
He starts shaking his head in a daze. “No…not even close. She’s like an…angel or something.”
They hear her musical laugh. “Farrrr from it, I’m sure.” She gives them a wicked look and Smiley’s dick twitches. “Welp, that’s my cue. Get on your stomach for me…angel.” He smirks at her and she giggles and complies, eagerly.
“Even drunk, I ain’t gonna be able to stop from cummin this time. You want me to get a condom?”
She turns her head away from him and says, “no”.
“Damn, yer filthy, girl!”
It makes her laugh. “Nooo, birth control.”
“Nice. Just what I like to hear. Wish more girls were smart like you.”
She smiles but it fades to a straight face. She knew why she was so “smart” now. It was because she’d been so dumb before, with Dai. The dark thoughts start creeping in. She suddenly yells out, “Fuck me, Nahoya! Fuck me till we both cum.”
His dick twitches again. “Yes, ma’am! When I start, I’m gonna be comin in fast and hard, ok sugar?”
“Mmmhmmm” she says, biting back the tears. She needs him to fuck every last bad feeling out of her soul. “Pleeeaassee,” she whimpers.
He plunges into her with a long drawn out “Mmmmmm”. 
He starts pounding into her with a great grunt and a loud smack of their bodies at the end of each collision…over and over…
“Harder! Fuck me uuupppppp! Oh my Godddddd!”
His eyes roll into the back of his head as he fucks her into oblivion.
Angry is watching them with eyes wide. He has no problem getting an erection now. He’s hard as steel and is very soon experiencing one of the best orgasms he’d ever felt. All three of them end up cumming at the same time and all that’s heard for a little bit is a great assortment of animalistic grunts and moaning noises. When their respective orgasms were done with them, none had anything left over. Angry smiled to hear all of them breathing so heavily. He stumbled over to the bed and layed down next to her. He immediately curled up in her arms and started dragging his fingertips up and down her belly. He had no sexual intent, she just liked feeling her. She ran her fingers through long silky hair and it sent chills all through his body.
He tipped his head up from looking at her stomach and looked at her face. He kissed her. She moaned into their kiss and pulled away with a smile. “Y’know…this is literally the perfect way to end this looooovely night. I’ve never fallen asleep in the arms of two lovers. Mmmmm… Perrrrrfectttt…”
She turns her head to Smiley. “Will you spoon me, love?”
“With pleasure.”
“Just till I fall asleep. Then you can do whatever the fuck you want.”
He chuckles at her ordering him around. “Ha ha, ok, Missy. Did I not dominate you hard enough?”
She giggles. “I bet you’d looove to be dominated…” She looks into his eyes which have opened once again. “…by the right girl, perhaps.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.” He moves himself up against her back and slides his arm under her. She holds out her arms in front of her and Angry scootches into them and lays his head sideways on her breasts. She wraps her arms around his neck and back. Smiley moves his hand down and at first, rustles his brother's hair a bit with his fingertips. Then he relaxes his hand and lets his fingers just play. 
“Mmmm… Can I just stay right here…like for the rest of my life?”, Angry says lazily.
Aya and Smiley start laughing. It makes all of them bump and bounce.
“I think somebodyyyyy’s in looove, ladies and gentlemen.”
She feels his face get hot against her chest. 
Oh my Godddd, he’s so damn precious. He’s definitely the sensitive one of the two. Awwww, poor baby’s gonna get his heart broken here. She frowns. It makes her sad because she genuinely liked the boy and she didn’t want to hurt anyone. She just had an itch that HAD TO get scratched. And, sex was the only therapy she’d found to push the darkness in her soul back. 
She brought her lips down and kissed his head and wrapped her arms a little tighter around him. Angry was currently in heaven. He brought his arm up her leg and then draped it over her waist and his brother’s. His eyes closed.
This is the closest thing she’d felt to being with Dai. She smiled.
And it took two of them to get there. Jesus… He’s fuckin ruined me. No, no. Stop. This is good. I feel good. I just want to stay right here, right in this moment, feeling this and go to sleep. 
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anomalyhqs · 7 months
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did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called YEO MINHO, but they kinda remind me of KIM SEONWOO — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another 22 year old in their SECOND year of some BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN PHYSICS, but wait ‘till you hear about their TIME TRAVEL ! nifty, huh ? probably good to know, especially ‘cause i heard they’re TOGETHER FOR DAEHAN’s new SECRETARY ! they’re pretty PATIENT on nullivi, but you should watch out for their FORGETFULNESS just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚
TIME TRAVEL  •  minho possesses the ability to travel through both the future and the past. furthermore, he can extend this temporal travel to others, as long as they remain in close proximity to him.
TIME MANIPULATION  •  he has the ability to manipulate and influence the progression of time. this power can be used within a broad scope or directed toward a specific target, encompassing a range of actions, accelerate, slow and/or stop time for others while being able to move freely to more intricate maneuvers such as rewinding or creating loops.
TEMPORAL REWIND  •  he can rewind time a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks into the past, able to alter the past and thus change the future. he can extend this ability to others and rewind time for them and himself.
MEMORY RELIVING  •  minho can relive and re-experience the memories of others. this ability enables him to immerse himself in the recollections as if these experiences were his own. it can grant him profound insights, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of the person he thought he knew. it also allows him to feel the raw emotions the target experienced at the time.
cannot move to a different location through time travel and instead just ends up in the same location he used his ability at, just in a different timeline.
the longer minho stays in the past or future the weaker he becomes, this will be evident through nose bleeds and eventually the inability to stand straight. the physical effects last even once he is back in the present.
he can’t travel into different dimensions.
due to immense power being needed to travel through centuries, minho has only mastered being able to travel up to 50 years through time. anything beyond that puts his body through unbearable pain.
minho needs to take breaks between time travels. if he travels through time too often, he will get physically sick.
no matter what, minho is not allowed to interact with his past or future self. the same goes for anyone he takes through time with him.
he can't trap anyone in a different timeline. if he returns to the present time, the person he took with him automatically returns too.
has limited ability in both length and area of time that can be affected by his time manipulation. so far, minho can only manipulate time for up to 3 minutes.
some targets might be immune to this ability.
he can’t extend this ability to others, meaning he is the only one who can move freely while manipulating time.
temporal rewind is limited up to 30 days only. he cannot rewind time any further than that.
although he is able to alter the future by rewinding time to make certain changes, he cannot affect the lore in any way nor change major events because it would require an immense amount of his energy that he simply does not possess.
rewinding time costs him way more energy than any other ability he possesses, which means the further back he rewinds time the longer the breaks have to be in between using the same ability. for example: if he rewinds time by 10 seconds, he can do so quite a few times one after another, but if he were to rewind time by 2 days he would need 1 day of rest before being able to use this ability again.
if he travels into the future, this ability won’t have any use.
when using temporal rewind on another person, it will rewind time for both of them. however, the other person cannot make any changes to anybody else’s life, only their own. the same goes for him, rewinding time will only allow him to change his own choices and actions, nobody else’s.
rewinding time for another person takes double the amount of energy than it normally would, thus meaning he will need to rest double the amount of time after usage.
memory reliving is only possible if the target is open to showing a specific memory to minho.
some memories might not reflect the truth if the target is suppressing the memory too strongly.
can become dangerous if the memory includes severe emotional and physical pain because minho is forced to feel everything the target felt during the occurrence of the memory.
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