#I considered linking each book to a buying source
wip · 1 year
just how many official tumblr blogs are there? i just recently found out that this one and changes exists which seems less than ideal
Hey, @limelocked!
Great question! We have, we hope, a great answer for you. First up is a comprehensive list of all of current active staff blogs.
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There’s more. For our global audiences, you can find all the localized Staff blogs. They’re linked here!
We also have a carousel in the feed somewhere called “Official Blogs,” but it might be that we need to make that more obvious or provide a dedicated feed or page somewhere.
Leave that last point with us, but we hope that helps! Thanks for your question, and have a good day.
(And a tip of the hat to you, @lizzieonka! Consider them tagged)
—Caragh, Cates, and Cyle
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here’s a bird’s eye view of my comic Eyan Eternal
For people who don't know what it is. Bc I think some of you might find it's right up your alley. Well this is an updated one anyway. I do actually have a volume of this out in print right now, but the low def, basic version is online and complete, and tbh, I just want people to read it. I took almost two years to complete this and quite literally poured every waking moment (after work and when I wasn’t fixing stuff in my house) into this to try and finish it.
Here is one of these at a glance things! 
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If that’s enough to intrigue you, take a look at my chapter masterpost which has convenient links to every chapter post so you don’t have to go figuring out where they are and what order they go in!: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/717516139934154752/eyan-eternal-tumblr-chapter-masterpost?source=share
If you like it and want to support me you can also buy a copy of the first print volume, which collects chapters 1-5 and has a smidge of bonus content (only available in the US right now, but that’s not going to be forever, and I’m working on an e-book as well): https://www.etsy.com/FeatureEnvy/listing/1447399615/eyan-eternal?utm_source=Copy&utm_medium=ListingManager&utm_campaign=Share&utm_term=so.lmsm&share_time=1683565699335
And now here is a more detailed break down if you need more info than that...
*Jonathan Frakes asks you things meme voice* have you ever wondered what you’d find if you REALLY lived forever?
Well, meet Eyan, an immortal vampire.
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He’s slowly finding out the answer to that question...
...And it appears to be unbearable isolation.
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Eons into the distant future, when most stars have faded in the night sky and the cosmic event horizon has confined any remaining beings to an isolated pocket of the universe, Eyan roams interstellar space in a repurposed generation ship in search of anything that could be considered alive/sentient in the way he is.
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So far, he’s out of luck.
That is until he runs into an unexpected former rival on a remote planet - Zero, a sentient android he never expected to be the only other person left alive.
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Well. That is, if either of them can really be considered “alive”. What does that mean anyway, when the humans who defined what it means to be alive are all gone?
This is something they’ll have to explore and define for themselves as they attempt to set aside their myriad of differences and try to work together on one of the few ways left to escape the dark fate of ultimate isolation - The Grand Encoder, a machine that can upload minds to a special medium - if it even works for them anyway. In the process, they slowly come to accept that maybe they’d had each other all wrong and weren’t seeing the bigger picture.
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You may not find any action-packed Star Wars like escapades here in this sci fi drama. You also won’t find ponderings about the origins of vampires or what gave rise to robot sentience - It’s integral to the plot that these things just ARE. But you will find a thoughtful exploration of identity and how it can cause us to define ourselves and relate to (or abandon) each other depending on the framework within which we are doing that exploration and within which we are compelled to exist. It asks the question, what if the frameworks within which we defined our existence and purpose no LONGER existed...Where would we go from there?
And as two immortal guys who are the only folks left in the universe (as far as they know), Eyan and Zero are just the right people to mull over that.
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There is both textual and allegorical queerness in this story - both main characters should be considered gay men, even if it’s The Future TM and terms/exact scopes of identities may not be EXACTLY 1-1 with today’s...But I want to be perfectly clear that it was my intent to make them gay because I wanted to see more gay guys in sci fi and I don’t want anyone erasing that. As for the allegorical stuff - I myself am a trans gay man in my late 30s, so this act of re-exploring and re-framing myself and evaluating how and why queer folks interact with each other the way we do is something I’m very familiar with, and I feel like other folks might relate. (I also peppered in some neurodivergent-person-in-a-neurotypical-world moods tbh.)
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Of course it’s not all serious. I do have a bit of fun with some old school vampire tropes, tossing Eyan around and putting him in Situations.
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Anyway if this all sounds interesting to you, take a look at my tag and site (above)! I’d appreciate it! I also like to hear from people and see if there’s anything about it you related to! :)
I also do everything. Every last monotonous step (well, aside from literally loading up a printing press to churn out volumes lol - BUT REST ASSURED IF I HAD $10K TO PISS INTO THE WIND I WOULD DO THAT TOO). So if there’s ANYTHING you want to know about my process, I’m happy to tell you so please ask, especially if you’re like trying to get started on your own comic or trying to go to print :) 
Edit before I go ahead and blaze this: I want to say, to be honest, the creation of comic was initially motivated almost entirely by the isolation/loneliness I’ve felt in my life. It’s not as bad as some folks’ and I know that, but it is a really prevalent thread throughout my life and sometimes is almost unbearable, and my comic began as an exploration of that loneliness, as well as a narrative exercise to try and express the depth of it at its worst point. I’m putting this out here because ultimately I don’t know...maybe someone will catch my drift and understand the feeling I’m trying to illustrate, and maybe they’ll want to see the plot that came of those feelings. I am not above the need to feel seen lol, especially if other people out there feel like they can resonate with this experience as well.
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Do you have any books to recommend for people who are new to writing but want to get into it? Ive got some money to spend on books and I’m not sure where to start, and I don’t wanna buy something that’s not worth it :,) but you’re one of my favourite writers and I trust that your taste is good considering your writing is beautiful 🫶🏾
ANONNNNN I’M SO SORRY THIS IS SUCH A LATE RESPONSE 😭😭😭 i spent … a little too much time stressing over what books to include. and how to describe them. blame my faulty brain ok!!!
BUTTTT first of all!!! i’m so honoured that you’d think to ask me this!!!! and that you trust my taste!!!!!! that you think my writing is beautiful (i sobbed btw) YOU’RE SUCH A SWEETHEART… thank you very much 🥺🥺
i decided to make a list of some of my overall favorites, but pls remember that writing is subjective!!!! i hope you can find at least one or two books on this list that intrigues you, and that you’ll end up liking the way they’re written too, but. y’know. there’s never any guarantee!!! i added links that’ll take you to goodreads, where you can check the summaries and reviews of each book to hopefully make the process easier for you 🫡🫡
with that being said!!! here are some ari book recs just for you <3333
war of the foxes - richard siken
my absolute favorite poetry collection, from my absolute favorite poet <3333 i’m assuming that you’re looking for novels rather than poetry but. i HAD to rec this one. because i love it soooooo dearly and it’s inspired my writing so much!!!! siken’s use of language is just …… sooooo tasty. so good. i’m completely obsessed with him. his other poetry collection is called crush and centers around tenderness/sex/violence (and the ways they blur together), but i’d say this collection is more about. art. making art. it’s also about love and war and. lots of things. but art is a big theme. paint on paint. etc. it made me severely ill in the best of ways <33 i really couldn’t recommend it enough!!!
eureka street - robert mcliam wilson
this book is . sooooo underrated 😔😔 i hate it so much. not the book i just hate that it isn’t widely renowned because it SHOULD BE. i read this for one of my high school english classes and it. changed my brain chemistry forever. it’s so good. wilson’s writing is so insanely gorgeous?? it reminds me so much of the writing in disco elysium (my fav video game + biggest writing source 🙏)…. honestly i think it’s worth reading for the writing alone. anyway!! this is a book about love. it starts with the quote ”all stories are love stories.” it’s also about the troubles, which is a conflict between catholics and protestants in ireland during the late 1900s. this book takes place at the end of a period of terror and bombings, but still manages to be about love first and foremost. the main characters are charming and silly and kind of insane in the head <33 this book is VERY funny btw… it had me laughing out loud a lot but also had me feeling so much. it’s so, so heartfelt. you can tell wilson loves belfast. and you can tell belfast loves its people. this book is so special to me and i don’t think i can explain its entire appeal with just words, so you’re just gonna have to trust me when i say it’s wonderful <33
the human flies - hans olav lahlum
do you like murder mysteries 👀👀….. i do. this is my favorite one. it’s very near and dear to my heart!!! the human flies is a classic whodunnit where a man has been killed in his apartment complex, and the other residents are all suspects. it’s about trauma. kind of. and it has a really good historial twist where it turns out that they’re all connected through ww2… but i think the greatest charm point of this book (aside from the mystery) is its characters!! they’re all really vibrant and charming. or not so charming. but they’re hard not to get attached to i think!!! this book also subverts the detective genre by making its detective really useless which i love <333 he ends up being contacted by a girl in a wheelchair who’s basically sherlock holmes and she does all the mystery solving. it’s great. if you’re into the murder mystery genre then i really recommend this one!!
beartown - fredrick backman
THIS BOOK . god. this is another one that i can’t really talk about coherently because it means so much to me. i think every single person on this planet should be strapped to a chair and forced to read it <333 this is a book about…. literally everything. if i had to pick just one thing it’d be community. but like… it’s about family. it’s about friendship. it’s about hockey. it’s about sexual violence and locker-room culture and their devastating consequences. it’s about cherry blossoms and the hope they carry. it’s about healing. it’s about a small town and the people who live in it. every single one of them are interesting. when it comes to the actual plot… i think it’s best to go in blind but i doooo feel obligated to tell you that the center of the book’s conflict is a rape. the first half of the book introduces beartown, its famous hockey team, its people and their stories. the second half deals with the consequences of this rape. backman wrote this book so, so thoughtfully. the topic is obviously sensitive but you don’t need to worry about the perpetrator not getting what’s coming to him, because he will. and ohhhhh BOY backman’s writing. his writing is so unbelievably pretty. that’s the best word for it. he’s literally carrying swedish literature on his bare shoulders. holy fuck. in conclusion; this is maybeeee my favorite book of all time? and you should read it :3 it’s very long but i promise it feels so fast once you get into it. it’s the kind of book that i think everyone can fall in love with!!!! it really did change my life i think.
the travelling cat chronicles - hiro arikawa
honestly, i think this is the book i’d recommend to you the most!! not because of quality (though definitely that too!!) but because i think it’s perfect for someone who’s just getting into reading. minus points for being kindaaa long but that’s all!! i think i should preface this by saying that this book made me cry LMAO. ugly cry. sob. i’ve never cried so hard reading a book before…. it wasn’t a bad cry though!! this book is sad but it’s also so charming and hopeful and sweet. it’s about a cat who travels around the country with his owner satoru(!!), not knowing where they’re going or why they’re going there. the kitty is the narrator and he’s sooo charming. satoru is too. their dynamic is so precious :(((( if you love cats then you’ll love this book, trust me!! anyway… to me this is a great pick for new readers because the writing is super pretty but also really. easy to chew? the story is also written in a very compelling way which should make it a pretty quick read despite its lenght!! it’s very much a roadtrip book :3 i love it a lot and even though it made me cry i consider it a bigggg comfort read (but i’m a jjk fan so take that with a grain of salt)
the stranger - albert camus
ok so!!! i did try not to add any classic books to this list because honestly i don’t think many of them are good introductions to reading. the educational system could learn from me . BUT…. this is one that i think you can get really hooked on even if you don’t study literature. this is a book about . existentialism. or just apathy (and overcoming it)… the protagonist doesn’t really want much in life. he just follows the herd. he’s basically like…. just some guy?? but also very much Not just some guy. because just some guys don’t answer their girlfriend’s proposal with ”if you want to.” or chainsmoke. or kill a guy because ”the sun was too hot.” yeah. he’s very charming (<- worrying taste in men), very weird and very interesting. most analyses on this book are just attempts to diagnose him. the central conflict of the book is the murder he commits, and the trial that follows, where the attention shifts from his actual murder to… the fact that he didn’t cry at his mother’s funeral. hm. this book is really fun. :3 and i love camus’ writing!!! like many books on this list it’s pretty but easy to chew, so i think you’ll enjoy it. read if you want to Think about life. or if you want to see meursault have his bisexual awakening in the middle of a murder trial.
the great gatsby - f. scott fitzgerald
jay gatsby they will never make me hate you…. remember what i just said about not wanting to add classics to this list? the great gatsby is another exception <333 honestly i just . really love this book!!! it’s such a short and tasty read!!!!! i’ve heard that american students really hate it because they were forced to read it and like . i sympathize but 🤨 c’mon. there are sooo many classics that are so much more hellish to read for school…. they don’t know how good they have it……. anyway. the writing is very pretty and the descriptions are soooo…. captivating. so many lines are stuck in my brain. (”they’re a rotten crowd. you’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” my BELOVED <333) people will tell you that this book is about the futility of the american dream and it IS but i also think you should make your own interpretation!!! because there are lots to make. personally i favour the queer one <33 because i’m…. me. gatsby is just . such a tragic character. but also so pathetic. and charming. he’s one of my og meowmeows. this book is worth reading if only for him. i need to dip him in olive oil.
kafka on the shore - haruki murakami
…. sigh . look 😔😔 do i like haruki murakami? no. do i like his writing? unfortunately yes. this book is fucking wild and kind of gross in . a plethora of ways (tw for umm cat beheadings? almost rape (in a dream)? fantasy incest kind of maybe…?? it’s not as bad as it sounds but like. it kinda is. idk.) but for some reason it’s still one of my favorites. i feel like murakami’s classic blend between fantasy and reality stays the same throughout his works and it’s just….. reallyyyyy tasty to me. i think that’s why i still think of this book so often. it really really moved me. and i mean…. let’s face it, his writing is very pretty. this is a book about growing up and it really doesn’t shy away from the discomforting topics that come with that. it’s also about talking cats and mommy issues. kafka has lots of them. i think he’s kind of annoying. the other characters are very charming though!! in this book you basically follow two different plot lines, and both are really captivating imo… buuuut the book is Very Long and very weird so i don’t know if i’d recommend it to someone who’s just getting into reading 😭 it really is very good though… if nothing else, read it for the Vibes. they’re very tasty.
waiting for godot - samuel beckett
this is a fun one <333 and a weird one. NOT a good rec for a new reader lmao but i do have to add it because i adore samuel beckett…. and this is my favorite play!!!!!! it’s usually associated with absurdism which i think says enough on its own. this is a play about…. waiting for godot. that’s all <3 the two main characters, didi and gogo, are basically stuck in a timeloop where they wait for godot to come. he doesn’t. they keep waiting. i adore this play for many reasons but some of them are: timeloops my beloved (1), didi & gogo are super funny and gay and their back-and-forth dialogue kinda turns into poetry sometimes (2), it’s SO much fun to analyze (3). godot can literally be whatever you want him to be. that’s so fun!!!! it’s a weird play but if you want to get into reading plays then… it’ll be here <33
giovanni’s room - james baldwin
aaaand finally!!!! this lovely gem <333 i’m actually not completely finished with it myself but i can tell you that it’s already one of my favorites!!!!! it’s about . shame. and tenderness. and morality. all that good stuff :3 i’ll try to keep this short but . basically…. it centers around a closeted gay/bisexual man who goes on vacation to paris while his girlfriend is vacationing in spain. in a certain bar, he meets a certain barman, whose name is giovanni. they really hit it off. sadly they’re doomed by the narrative. goshhhh this book is just. ough. first of all??? james baldwin is SO . fucking good. his prose is so gorgeous. soooo so gorgeous. worth reading just for that. but the dynamic between david and giovanni is …… so lovely??? and the glimpse you get into their heads is just so. beautiful. :((( this book is so SAD . but also not really. it’s bittersweet. david has to choose between a safe life and a happy life and he’s doomed to choose the safe life. that’s all there is to it.
aaaaand those are my recs !!!! i feel like i’m forgetting some really good ones……. but i don’t want to keep you waiting any longer :’3 i really hope this helps anon!!! i’m so excited that you’re getting into reading!!!!!!!! it’s really just a matter of finding writing that you actually like. i recommend searching up some quotes from each book, just to get a feel for the writing itself!!! pls know that i’m cheering you on in your reading journey 🫂🫂🫂
(and if you end up reading any of these then. pls do let me know!!! i’d love to hear your thoughts 🥺)
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maya-chirps · 11 months
Can you tell us more about Filipino mythology and moneters, cause there's no 1 official website and I almost always barely passed filipino? Can you also list like great sources for me to read? Thanks
I had a pretty busy week last week so it took a while to get to this ask but I'd love to give more info on the topic!
More on Filipino Mythology:
Si Apolaki at Mayari - Bakit may araw at gabi
EN: Apolaki and Mayari - Why there's day and night
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An illustration of Apolaki and Mayari created by the illustrator PM Graphix
I am currently still doing a write-up on the Tagalog pantheon so I could start by maybe talking about that and what I've found. For the mythology section of this, let me start with something that's actually not from the Tagalog pantheon but is often attributed to the Tagalog pantheon: the Kapampangan story of Apolaki and Mayari or why the day and night exist. This story has been sourced from Maximo D. Ramos's book Philippine Myths, Legends, and Folktales (which you can buy on Amazon here, sadly I cannot find a free version of the book without going through suspicious links) and posted by Jordan Clark of The Aswang Project on his website.
BATHALA, the creator of the world, had a son named Apolaki and a daughter named Mayari. The light that shone upon the world and enabled the people, the beasts, the birds, and the fish to see came from the bright eyes of Apolaki and Mayari, So all the creatures loved them dearly. Bathala himself was very fond of his children, and he watched over them as they wandered across the meadows of heaven. Since the eyes of Apolaki and Mayari shone continuously, it was always day on the earth. In time Bathala grew feeble with age and died. Then Apolaki and Mayari had a quarrel, for each wanted to rule the world alone. “I am the man and I will succeed my father to the throne,” said Apolaki. “I am going to rule the world, whether you like it or not.” Mayari’s eyes flashed with anger and she said, “I am no less my father’s child than you. I will succeed him to his throne, whether you like it or not!” The quarrel grew from bad to worse, and finally words could not express their furious rage. So they picked up wooden clubs and fell upon each other with fierce blows. Back and forth they fought until at last Apolaki struck Mayari in the face and she became blind in one eye. When he saw his sister stricken, Apolaki took pity on her and said, “Let us fight no more, my sister. Let us share our father’s kingdom equally between us. Let us reign by turns and be friends.” Mayari agreed, and from then on, Apolaki, whom we know today as the Sun, has ruled the world half the time. Mayari, whom we now know as the Moon, has taken turns with her brother in ruling the world. When Apolaki is on the throne, the world is flooded with warm light, because the light beams from his two bright eyes. On the other hand, when Mayari is reigning, the world is bathed with cool and gentle light; for she is blind in one eye.
Now from what I've researched, a lot of places tend to attribute the story to the Tagalog people or state that it is a shared story from both the Tagalogs and their neighboring Kapampangan up north from them but I cannot find any specific source prior to the late 1960s that even mention that Mayari was part of the Tagalog pantheon so it may be a more recent addition.
The source that first states Mayari's inclusion as a part of the Tagalog Bathala's court comes from a paper written by F. Landa Jocano called Notes on Philippine Divinities (1968) where he does not cite a specific source of where he has learned Mayari was of Tagalog origin nor even stated that he had learned it from a Tagalog local and considering Jocano himself isn't a Tagalog nor is he Kapampangan, it's unlikely he's learned it from his upbringing or otherwise.
I had also done a little digging on his sources and none of them bring up Mayari nor her sister Hanan, the goddess of dawn, so the paper leaves much room for doubt. Tala, the goddess of stars, who is also listed in Jocano's paper make a lot more sense despite the lack of sources as it is the actual word for star in Tagalog but I still have to do further research on her as well.
Either way, I had also never heard of Mayari as a Tagalog deity outside Jocano's work and online articles that heavily source Jocano (The Aswang Project, one of the most popular sources for Filipino mythology which I had used as a specific source for Kapampangang mythology, has cited him twice in regards to Tagalog mythology specifically but not Kapampangan mythology). This is also despite me being born and raised within a mostly Tagalog community.
All of that for me to say that this story of Apolaki and Mayari may be a later addition to the Tagalog mythos after interests on Filipino mythology got revitalized from the mid-20th century onward rather than something that has always been a part of the Tagalog mythology.
Note that I'm not saying that it is an impossibility that this had been part of the Tagalog culture prior to that time period, but a lot of sources that discuss this do not bring up this story until after Jocano's work. I will have to maybe do more reading on this to find out more information about this and Mayari's status on whether or not she did belong to the Tagalog pantheon prior to the 60s.
I also want to add a quick note that it's pretty common for people to misattribute this story to the Pangasinense people as well but it may be from both people constantly confusing Pampanga from Pangasinan (think of it as how people confuse Sweden and Switzerland), as well as a name overlap with Apolaki who is referred to as Apolaqui in Pangasinan. The two places are both north of the Tagalog Regions. I might look into this connection/association/coincidence later on.
Further Readings and Sources
It's actually pretty hard to suggest a specific source for Filipino mythology given that a lot of them pull from the same reference (Notes on Philippine Divinities) which I had said has some dubious information but Maximo D. Ramos's book that I had referenced is a good read as it collects various myths from different places throughout the country. I myself had been thinking of getting a copy of the book soon as well as his other books.
Some Filipino Monsters
As for Filipino monsters, I could say that its similar with Filipino mythology, in that with so many cultures, there's many different kinds on who you're asking. These ghouls seem to be more widely similar from culture to culture, however, probably owing to the fact that the Catholic Church didn't discourage the belief in them as much as they did the precolonial gods. Whether you go to the northernmost part of the country to the southernmost islands, there is a lot of similarities between the creatures that they could be classified easier than the gods with some creatures even sharing traits from cryptids from other Southeast Asian countries.
I'll give some of them here that you may hear pretty often when looking through catalogues of Filipino monsters. I have to be honest that I may not source as much for this section since I will be bringing up some personal stories and anecdotes that are passed around the community. I'm also open to discuss more about these creatures as well as other monsters later on.
The Aswang
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by H.M.Bec
Aswangs are often considered as the most ubiquitous of the Filipino monsters. When you look up monsters from the Philippines, this may be the top result. Aswangs are often portrayed as people who transform into ghoulish creatures that feast on human flesh but especially children, babies, and fetuses. There's so many stories and variations of aswangs, however, that some of the monsters in this list are actually sometimes considered as part of the aswang category depending on the source or who you ask.
Aswangs are shapeshifters, often turning into dogs, pigs, and many other creatures, in order to stalk their prey in the middle of the night.
Aswangs are also considered as one of the main stock monsters in FIlipino media so you may see them as the villains of a lot of fantasy series and movies. They're one of the villains that Alexandra Trese faces of regularly on the folklore-inspired supernatural comic book series turned Netflix original animation Trese. They're also the main antagonist in my favorite FIlipino fantaserye series Juan De La Cruz (although I don't particularly like the lead actor anymore lol).
Here's some stuff I've heard about Aswangs from those around me.
Aswangs often won't attack their neighbors and would rather attack neighboring villages/barangays/towns. This is so they avoid detection or suspicion from their community. So, if you suspect your neighbor's an aswang, then you might just be lucky they won't target you.
Aswangs are often said to have come from the province of Capiz. It's an often common joke and stereotype that Capizeños may be aswangs themselves or know people who are aswangs. The people of Capiz are mixed on how they feel about the association with the provincial government seemingly trying to shake off the specific association to their province.
They can go to mass but cannot stay during the consecration of the holy host. Holy water and holy [coconut] oil also boil in their presence.
When you look directly into their eyes, your reflection would be upside-down. They also don't have the dent between the nose and the lips.
They could pass their curse through different ways and may depend on belief or tradition. One belief states that if a person marries an aswang, they also become an aswang.
One of the other beliefs that can turn a person into an aswang is if one makes contact with an aswang's saliva.
According to another belief, a person could also become an aswang if they ingest a black chick alive.
Similarly, an aswang cannot die until they pass their curse to another person (typically a relative). This is done by passing a black stone or chick hidden in their body to the chosen new curse holder.
They hate the typical ghoulish hated items like holy crosses, water, oils, and the classic garlic and salt, but they also hate calamansi (a small Filipino citrus fruit), and my mother had always told me that they hate suha or pomelo (a type of citrus fruit) and the smell of burning rubber.
A typical weapon used to fight against them or ward them off is the buntot pagi or stingray tail that is often sold in occultic shops around the country. You could also buy this from online stores as I've learned (x)(x)(x).
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
A story I had heard was that of the aswang bus. I had heard it repeatedly throughout the years but the basic premise is that there's a bus of a bunch of aswangs from a different province that's traveling to [province you are in] and are hunting down people at night. This is some of the more funny stories about aswangs because I keep imagining an aswang bus driver purposefully running over people and then a bunch of aswang tourists hops off of the bus to drag the body for a snack later.
I honestly might come back to the aswangs topic later since I had just learned some things from a Capizeña who works to help around our house.
The Manananggal
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An artwork of an aswang uploaded to Wikipedia by Gian Bernal
The Manananggal is a ghoulish creature and is often times categorized as a kind of aswang. They are typically humanoid creatures that appear as regular people (often women) during the day, but at night their torso severs from their legs and fly away with bat wings. They often feast on fetuses using their long proboscis tongue.
These ghouls share a lot of similarities with the Southeast Asian ghoul called the Penanggal which is a similar creature but instead of their torsos separating, their heads separate from their body alongside their entrails.
Manananggals are also some of the typical stock monsters in Filipino fantasy stories. I can't think of any specific instances of the manananggal being the main character besides the softer depiction of a manananggal girl named Anna in Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia who acts as a deuteragonist to the human boy Niko. They are also featured in Trese where a tribe of manananggal is shown. They are also the main lead or love interest in some horror movies and even horror romances.
Here's some stuff I've heard about Manananggals
It's name comes from the Tagalog word "tanggal" which means "to remove" or "to separate" and specifically means "the remover" or "the separator". This of course is a reference to the fact that it removes its torso from its legs or separates its body in half.
Unlike the typical aswang which transform back during daylight, the manananggal needs to find their way back to their body or else die by sunlight.
The unattached legs of the manananggal is their weakness. If found by a person, they only need to sprinkle salt or smear crushed garlic on the legs in order to destroy them.
A lot of the typical things that ward off the aswang are also typically effective towards the manananggal.
Similarly to the aswang, manananggals are also said to had come from Capiz.
The list is shorter because honestly, just take what most you've heard about the aswang and apply it here. I don't know specifically if things like the upside-down reflection or the lack of the dent between the nose and lips could apply to manananggals, however, and I don't think I've heard people claiming that about the manananggal.
Now here's a story I've heard about them:
One story I heard that I find quite funny was something my sister heard from one of her high school friends. This friend was struggling to fall asleep at night and was tossing and turning in bed when she heard bat-like fluttering from outside. She went out to inspect the source by looking out the window and was shocked to see a manananggal climbing up a coconut tree and seemingly harvesting the fruit in the middle of the night. She wasn't flying up the tree, she was climbing it.
The next day, an old woman who was selling her goods door-to-door came by their house. She was selling coconuts.
The Tiyanak
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A screenshot of a tiyanak from the movie Tiyanak (1988)
The tiyanak is considered as a demonic baby that would transform itself into a regular looking baby, crying in the middle of the night in order to attract their unfortunate target who may feel pity towards the child. The tiyanak may also be classified as an aswang but is typically considered as a separate thing more often than the manananggal from my experience. This creature has noticeably a lot in common with a lot of other Southeast Asian and East Asian myths about demonic babies and toddlers like the tuyol or the tuyul.
Like the previous two, the tiyanak is also part of the typical stock monster antagonists found in Filipino media, but not as much as either the typical aswang or the manananggal. They are often used to add a bit of a scare factor into a story and isn't typically the main antagonist of a story as of recent horror movies (with only a single short B-Movie I could think of called Flight 666 from the Shake, Rattle & Roll horror anthology series. It is not a good movie but it's stupid fun). They are featured, as usual, in Trese as the main supernatural antagonists of a specific story arc. Their depiction from the comic and the Nteflix show has been changed due to the controversial nature of the comic book depiction.
When they appear in a horror series, there's often a sort of reason or lesson as to why one has appeared and typically based on the typical origins of the tiyanak.
The most common belief is that the tiyanak is the ghost or ghoulish corpse that had come from an unbaptized child.
At times, they may be a ghoulish baby that had been created after a woman gets an abortion, other times it is simply just a baby that had died before baptism often as a stillbirth or even as a joint death with their mother.
I had also heard that it may be an abandoned baby that had died to the elements.
It is also believed, the reason that they are cursed to wander the earth after death is because they were not given a name through baptism.
Because of this, when they typically appear in stories, it is often either a story about the bad that could come from abortion or child abandonment depending on the values of the writer.
The tiyanak would also sometimes lead people astray with its cries.
Speaking of its cries, there are some places that believe if the cry sounds loud and near, the tiyanak is actually farther away from you than if you hear the cries to be quieter and farther.
Here's a story I had heard about them:
A common Filipino story of the tiyanak is the parking lot story. Story goes that in certain parking lots of buildings, typically malls, you may hear a baby cry in the middle of the night when you're alone. This is a tiyanak that's trying to lure you in by seemingly tricking you into thinking that it is just an innocent abandoned baby which is sadly common in the country. It is common enough that there are some people who would often want someone to accompany them when they're alone in a parking lot at night.
Further Readings and Sources
As much as I had stated that The Aswangs Project and their handling of discussions about Filipino mythology, specifically Tagalog mythology, is dubious at best, they have a lot of good articles about aswangs that do align with local beliefs so reading through their website for monsters specifically could be a good and free resource. They had also made a documentary that you can watch for free on YouTube that covers a lot of this and more about aswangs.
For written works, I would suggest any of Maximo D. Ramos's works as I've brought up before. There's his published paper The Aswang Syncrasy in Philippine Folklore which is considered as basically the holy grail of Aswang research, which, as I had stated, take up a bulk of the FIlipino monsters. It's hard to find easily accessible PDFs of the paper and I remember that I found a copy of this or a similar work by Ramos but the link has eluded me.
For a less academic and more fun fictionalized source for Filipino monsters I suggest The Lost Journal of Alejandro Pardo: Meet the Dark Creatures from Philippines Mythology by Budjette Tan and David Hontiveros which is available through Amazon here. It follows a fictional researcher and his discoveries of Filipino monsters and other creatures. It's a pretty easy read with a lot of good information about cryptids and monsters from the Philippines, owing to it's style of found media. If you've seen something like Gravity Falls's officially published Journal 3 from the show's universe, it has a similar vibe to that.
That's all I have for now, but I am looking more into this topic! My PC has issues right now so I might answer questions more slowly than my already slow answering speed. I hope this post helped you learn a little more about Filipino mythology and cryptids.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Learn to be More Self-Sufficient:
Consider this: Living things, like humans, consume food and water to survive. When we can no longer buy what we need to survive, will we revert to savagery, die or peacefully and lawfully raise and gather our own? With each passing day, the world gets crazier and more volatile. In a serious national or global food shortage, where will you get your food when your sources and stockpile have been depleted? When that last "straw" breaks the camel's back, don't be caught unprepared. It is not enough to hoard food and water and supplies. They won't last forever. Applying methods to self-replenish these resources is necessary for anyone serious about emergency planning. LEARN TO: Plant a Garden Raise Livestock Hunt, Fish and Trap Forage for, and Gather, Wild Edible Plants Collect Rainwater Find Natural Water Sources Make Bad Water Drinkable Build a Fire Barter with your skills or extra supplies Make Your Own Personal Care and House Cleaning Supplies Reload Ammunition 365+ Preparedness/Self-Reliance/Survival Skills/Tips to Learn Defeat Mediocrity - Pursue a Strenuous Life Begin NOW to be less reliant on technology and commercial suppliers. Do It Yourself (DIY). Become Self-Reliant. Resources: The Self Sufficient Backyard NO GRID Survival Projects (Book Details) [Reference Link] Related Resources: Never Stop Learning New Skills Things I Wish I Had Known BEFORE I Started Prepping When the Food Runs Out Sustainable / Replenishable / Renewable Food and Water Sources Get Drinking Water from the Air, Ground and Undrinkable Water Reduce Dependency on Commercial Food
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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artleaguemdcnorth · 8 months
3D - First Day of Class - 1/16/2024
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the Spring 2023-2 semester.
You received an email from me regarding the start of the semester and the class syllabus last week.
We will meet in person at 12:20 pm ,Tuesday 1/16   in room 5102. 
During the first day, we will review class info and other class requirements. I will give students the first week of class to acquire class materials. The first assignment will commence on Tuesday 1/23/24.
I am going to re-cap here some important points from the email.
On the first day of class students will spend time doing the following tasks:
1)  We will review the syllabus as a group.
2)  Students will create a Tumblr and Threads handle for class.
3) You will then look for the Threads class handle and follow that.
4) We will review  the class materials.
5) Students will go to the school library to check out a book about a particular 20th century sculptors. 
( Choose names from the list sent in the syllabus. )
6) Students will use left over class time today and Thursday to acquire and purchase class materials.
The class blog will have information regarding assignments for the 3D class.
The blog will serve as a reference source for students and will contain information regarding class assignments. 
Each time a new assignment is posted, it will start with the following designation:
3D Class.
Instructions regarding assignments will be posted here along with demo videos for review after class.
Additionally, the class blog also will have information on due dates and assignment submission.
After our in person meet on Tuesday ,  students will be given time during class today and on Thursday to buy materials needed for the new project. 
I will talk more about the materials needed for the first assignment in tomorrow in class.
Asynchronous assignment for Thursday 
There are five videos relating to the first assignment and assemblage work above this post.
On Thursday during class time, students will to watch the videos and then submit a reflection post about them.
Make sure you watch all videos.
There are SIX (6) in total.
Take notes on how and why these works are created.
1) What motivates these artists?
How do they go about collecting and assembling their work?
NOTE: The answer to the two questions above will be part of your reflection statement.
A) Homework assignment for Thursday
Students will need to collect objects and or items that will be incorporated into the assemblage project. 
You will have Thursday through Monday to collect all items.
 You will use these items and found objects to create an Assemblage Diptych that expresses two ways of working with the principle of Balance.
Balance will be express in both ways below:
1) Symmetrical Balance
2) Asymmetrical Balance
B) Homework  this weekend-
1) Make a couple of drawings in your sketchbook of what your understanding of those terms are. 
Once you have done that post those drawings as your first homework assignment on your Tumblr (Portfolio).  
Also beginning today and through the  weekend  begin looking for the objects that will comprise the structure of you Assemblage project.
You will begin this assignment next week on Tuesday , 1/23/24.
You will need to bring all of the objects and items to class next Tuesday.
As you look for objects consider the form and size in relation to the scale of your structure (Box or Board ).
Make sure you use this week to gather or get all your materials.
a) Glue gun
b) Glue sticks
c) Spray paint (Black or White only )
d) Two wood boards or two wooden boxes
e) Multiple (MANY ) Objects with relative scale.
RECAP OF  First Day of class :
1) Create a Tumblr account
2) Create a Threads account then follow class threads, link is below.
3) Check out a book at the library.
4) Post a photo of your book , respond to today's thread with a photo of the book you chose.
Asynchronous Work to be done for Thursday
5) Watch the videos.
6) Take notes.
7) Write and post a reflection on your tumblr of your understanding of the videos.
8) Begin looking and collecting objects for your project that begins on Tuesday.
Drawings and ideas regarding the Principle of Balance. (Due Sunday 1/21/24)
Notes on safety for class:
1) Bring a mask so you do inhale the fumes while spraying.
3) Pay attention when working with sharp objects.
4)  Post daily progress of work accomplished for each day in your portfolio. ( Tumblr )
Your first Tumblr post for Thurs. 1/18/2024 will include the following:
A) Brief summary of your understanding of the videos you watched
B) Photo of some objects you will be collecting for the assemblage assignment.
Homework to be posted on Sunday:
C) Drawings in your sketchbook of your understanding of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Balance.
D) On Tuesday of next week students will bring all class materials to start the first assignment , Assemblage artwork.
Please note that this class requires time inside and outside of class. 3D assignments are time consuming and can not be done at the last minute.
Plan yourself accordingly and do not waste time.
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eternal-echoes · 2 years
Fr. Mullady claims “All things being equal, marriage is oriented to family and so to children. It would be wrong to postpone having children indefinitely or to limit oneself to one or two.” What exactly is he saying here? I was an only child. NFP does allow for negotiation on the amount of children. If there are good enough reasons to not have any more (physical/mental health, finances, etc), if I understand correctly it is allowed, yes (Humanae Vitae)? There are also couples who legitimately don’t .. have relations.. for years, and this isn’t inherently wrong if for a good purpose (1 Cor 7 “do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time”, also Josephite marriages, old age/reproductive instinct lessens, health reasons, etc). I’m pretty sure this isn’t “women are sinning unless they’re continuously pumping out babies” but I’m sure this isn’t “married couples can live extravagantly and spend all their time on lavish useless things and can have children but choose not to”. Most things Catholicism teach seem.. very nuanced. Far too nuanced for modern secular ears.
This is one of those times when I think that maybe it’s not a good idea to just post quotes from a book because it can be taken out of context. I’ve put the link source along with the quotes for anyone interested in the whole book. (I know some people object to buy from Amazon but considering how big of a company it is, I don’t think a handful of people refusing to buy their products will make a dent to their fortune. I think the best thing we can do is pray for the workers.)
But I guess the good thing that can come out of this is it can at least start a discussion to search for the truth.
Fr. Mullady talks about marriage and family at length spanning in several pages and it’s in light of the indissoluble union of the husband and wife after the consummation of their marriage that he condemns birth control. It’s hard for modern secular ears to understand that when a Catholic Church say “no” to something, it’s actually saying “yes” to something much bigger.
Here’s the quote the with more context:
“The practice of natural family planning must be based on the good of the other person and cannot be done for a trivial motive or when circumstances do not warrant it. All things being equal, marriage is oriented to family and so to children. It would be wrong to postpone having children indefinitely or to limit oneself to one or two. This requires one to respect the order of nature and the possibility of parenthood found in the act. The moral aspect of natural family planning demands that it be done from love for the other and as an act of the virtue of chastity. It is not just another method of birth control. Continence and chastity are not ends in themselves but are rooted in the affirmation of the person of the other which in turn is based on the presence of the spiritual soul. Because the person is a spirit, no person may be reduced to an object of use but every person must be a subject of love.
In the practice of chastity in the sexual relationship, man rediscovers the original innocence in which the body was a means to express the gift of love in the soul. To submit this experience to the order of providence is to respect the hierarchy of values wherein lower things find their perfection in higher and deeper things, matter finds its perfection in spirit. This is because reason permeates the otherwise biological actions of man.”
The part when he said, “All things being equal,” is important to keep in mind. He points out in other pages that there can be serious reasons why a couple can’t have a kid. As far as I know the Catholic Church teaches that NFP is allowed to preserve the health of the mother and/or financial reasons such as not being able to afford to have another child. I actually knew someone who had health complications with her last kid (I believe it was her 4th) and because of that she and her husband has decided that they’re done actively trying but they will still welcome any child that God will give them should a child result from them practicing NFP. But what Fr. Mullady is objecting here is a couple deliberately refuses to have another child without grave reasons. Not wanting to raise another kid because they want to indulge in a more lavish lifestyle is not a grave reason.
It’s important to remember that just because a couple only has one kid or don’t have any children doesn’t automatically mean they’ve been using birth control. It could be that God only planned for that couple to only have one kid (like St. Ann and St. Joachim) or they have a fertility issue that they didn’t cause themselves.
I honestly encourage everyone to read the book to see the full picture of what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage and family. Me posting the quotes is just my way of trying to pique your interests.
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margret-jons-blog · 2 months
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
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While there are many ways to make money online, the vast majority involve selling a product – be it yours or someone else's. But have you ever considered offering great content or software for free, and then allowing your visitors and fans to reward your good work through giving you donations? It's simple - you provide your visitors with the opportunity to say “thank you” through either monetary donations or buying you things that you want. This might not be the method to use if you're looking to make huge money, but it can be a lucrative source of extra income. And perhaps best of all, you don't need to feel you're pushing anything on your customers or asking them to buy more stuff they don't need or want. Visitors reward you when they choose to, and because they don't feel pressured, they can sometimes be even more generous than if you were trying to sell them the latest greatest product. Here are 8 tips on how to make the donation business model work for your website... 1. Offer quality content that truly helps your readers. This is true on any website, but especially important if you're going to ask for donations. The more your content helps your readers, the more likely they are to want to send you a monetary 'thank you.' 2. If your content doesn't provide helpful information, then it should entertain. Perhaps you're especially funny, or you're up on the latest news in your niche. You've got to offer your visitors some type of real value to get donations. 3. Don't be afraid to ask. “Did you find this information helpful? Then please help us to continue providing this great info in the future by supporting us. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated.” 4. Make a wish list on Amazon and post a link to your wish list on your website. “Have I helped you? If you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to buy me a book.” 5. Don't be afraid to place expensive items on your wish list. Optimally you want to choose items from a couple of dollars all the way to a hundred dollars or more, because you never know who will be buying you a 'thank you.' It could be a rich person whom you've just given a stellar idea that will make him/her thousands of dollars, and they might be the one to buy you that expensive $599.00 espresso machine you've been thirsting for. 6. You don't have to confine yourself to Amazon: More and more online companies are offering wish lists. For example, thinkgeek.com, barnesandnoble.com, dickblick.com and containerstore.com all offer wish lists, as do hundreds of other retail websites. 7. Instead of wish lists, let them send you money. For example, “Buy me a cup of coffee” is a popular way of asking for donations. You then give them Paypal options of buying you anything from a single cup of coffee ($3-$5) to a case of beer, or dinner for two. You choose the options offered and the donation for each. And you can also create an option where they choose the amount to send to you. “Was this post helpful to you? Then please buy me a cup of coffee.” 8. Don't get pushy. You're providing them the chance to be nice and return some of the benefits you've offered to them on your website. You're not trying to “sell” them on sending you money or gifts. Selling products online is certainly the most direct path to earning profits, but there are a growing number of high profile websites, and everyday bloggers who are making a pretty penny through donations. If you are creating quality content, give your visitors the option to reward you in this way, and you may be surprised at how much money you were leaving on the table before trying this out. Read the full article
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mirandamckenni1 · 4 months
Buy These Books - Essential Library for Studying Western Esotericism & the Occult Building a reliable library of Esoteric and Occult books is simply difficult. What sources are accurate? What translations are dependable? What editions are the best? After years of building my own library I created a master list of what I take to be the most important academic volumes for the study of Western Esotericism through c. 1650. With hundreds of books in numerous fields, I've created a massive, though systematic, list that I think contains the essential books you should have in your library of Esoterica, the Arcane and the Occult! Check this list out and start building your own Esoteric Library! Consider Supporting Esoterica! Patreon - https://ift.tt/9Omnf2w Paypal Donation - https://ift.tt/axp104Q Merch - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoydhtfFSk1fZXNRnkGnneQ/store Find the Complete Bibliography list here: https://ift.tt/BavJgxI or via Google Docs here: https://ift.tt/pOykGDb The links are Amazon Affiliate links and I receive a small percentage of each sale. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-S95SMkBVw
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annarellix · 11 months
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Blood of Wolves by G.N. Gudgion (The Rune Song Trilogy #3)
In a war between gods, Adelais stands alone.
After bringing down deadly vengeance on church and crown in Galmandie, Adelais escaped to her home in Vriesland. But even here she is surrounded by enemies. While the common folk worship her, ruthless nobles plot to harness her fame and advance their own ambitions. In the shadows, assassins wait for a chance to strike. Adelais makes a dangerous journey to the north, seeking to understand the prophecies that swirl around her. At the source of all rune magic, a place as ancient as time, she glimpses the chaos of a coming war. The armies of Vriesland are on the march—thousands of spearmen and berserkers, inspired by the girl they call the Fate Weaver. But the Galman lords have gathered a vast army of their own, uniting behind a holy relic in the hands of Agnès de Fontenay. As friends face off across the battlefield, as armored knights smash into shield-walls, as the gods themselves wrestle for power, Adelais must weave the fate of nations before all that she loves is destroyed.
The Rune Song Trilogy reaches its thrilling finale. An unputdownable epic of intrigue, action and Viking magic, Blood of Wolves is perfect for fans of Mark Lawrence, Andrzej Sapkowski, Robin Hobb and Guy Gavriel Kay.
Buy Link(s): https://geni.us/B0CKBZWMH6cover
My Review: I am always sad when I have to say goodbye to characters I loved and was sad to read the last page of the Rune Song Trilogy The character arc of Adelais, from runaway prisoner to the be the Chosen, is astonishing. I loved her and loved how she craved to be loved and lived a simple life instead of being in the middle of battles, political intrigues, and epical changes. There’s a lot of character development in this series and it makes it very interesting keeps you reading as you want to know what will happen to them. The magical system is fascinating as it’s based on the runes, and I liked how the author did his homework and used the right meaning for each rune and the complex archetypal meaning behind them. This is a good historical fantasy, one that talks about cultural and religious clash. It would be great to read what will happen to the heir of these characters as I think there’s still a lot I want to know about this world. You will surely love this series if you love Gemmell or Gavriel Kay. As they are amongst my favorite fantasy writers consider it a sort of 10/5 * review Many thanks to Second Sky for this digital copy, all opinions are mine
Author Bio G.N. Gudgion (‘Geoff’) grew up with his nose in a book, often one featuring knights in armour. A later search for stories where women didn’t have to be either beautiful damsels or witches led him to the fantasy genre and the works of Guy Gavriel Kay and Mark Lawrence. After Geoff gave up a business career to write, it was natural to gravitate to historical fantasy, to stories with complex, conflicted characters that a reader can bleed with, cry for, and perhaps fall in love with. They live in worlds where you can smell the sweat and the sewers, as well as the roses. Geoff lives in a leafy corner of England, where he’s a keen amateur equestrian and a very bad pianist. He spends much of his time crafting words in a shed, fifty yards and five hundred years from his house. He is also the author, as Geoffrey Gudgion, of supernatural thrillers Saxon's Bane (Solaris, 2020) and Draca (Unbound, 2020)
Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geoffrey.gudgion.author Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeoffreyGudgion Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geoffreygudgion Website: https://geoffreygudgion.com Goodreads (Geoffrey Gudgion): https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6542406.Geoffrey_Gudgion Second Sky email signup: www.secondskybooks.com/gn-gudgion
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kellshaw · 1 year
New Post has been published on https://kellshaw.com/you-can-also-consider-alternative-pod-printers/
You can also consider alternative POD printers, such as Lulu, Bookvault or Ingram Spark and compare POD pricing across vendors. Amazon is usually cheaper, but it might be time to look around. Consider getting people to buy paper copies from your website (either you stock copies for them, or they order POD from Lulu (or other vendor) from a link you provide. (Even if you’re in Kindle Unlimited, you can have your paper books distributed through other channels than Amazon, and this way you can adjust the margins and remove Amazon’s cut.)
Amazon are upping their print costs for books, which means some (possibly many) self-pubbed authors may have to also up the cost of their book(s). I’d like to say now, to make it crystal clear for the record, this is not authors being greedy.
I think someone who looks up the royalty rate for KDP and sees “60% for exclusive publishing and 40% for non-exclusive” would think “Wow, these authors are getting paid good money!” but once you calculate the amount of the list price that Amazon eats after printing costs, that percentage can be literally pennies. The minimum, and I mean the absolute bare minimum that I could sell When Dealing with Wolves for after the changes is £12.48 – and if I did that, I would make £0.00. That’s zero money. No royalties.
I repeat: 40% royalties on a book listed at £12.48 = nothing.
I currently have WDWW up at £14.00. My “40% cut” from that is £0.76. After the printing cost changes go into effect, I’ll make £0.61 from each sale instead. I really don’t want to up my prices, because frankly it enrages me that Amazon won’t let me list my book for anything under £12, when the standard price of a fiction paperback in the UK is usually around £8.99 – but writing isn’t my priority job, so I have that luxury. I’m not trying to make a living off my writing so much as using it to supplement what I make from the freelance career, which is a choice I made because I knew I could never cope with the workload required for a “"serious”“ self-pubbed writing career without sabotaging myself. The £0.15 difference in royalties from one book sale isn’t going to be the difference between me eating or not; it just really really annoys and disheartens me. (And, also, is further proof that I can’t sustain a full-time writing career, because I’d run myself ragged for too little gain and then I wouldn’t be able to eat).
But there are plenty of authors who are writing as their primary source of income, either because they can’t do anything else or because they took the plunge they’re building their career (and it shouldn’t matter to you why someone is writing full-time, by the way. You want fiction media to interact with, then you need writers, and writers need to be paid in order to live in order to make more media). It’s these authors who will have to up their book prices, and I feel in my bones that it’s these authors who are going to face the backlash.
So, if you must be pissed off at someone, be pissed off at Amazon. The authors are probably pissed off, too (I certainly am!), so you’ll be in good company.
(And if you can, buy the ebook version because we get better royalties, or see if the author has their own store where you can get the book, since they’ll have more control over their own prices there).
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purplecowbell · 1 year
What's Going on with Short Fiction
The Problem
I see a lot of people complaining about the fall in readership in the modern era. I hear people both complaining about how everyone else’s attention span has gone down, and I’ve heard readers complain that they can’t read an entire epic novel like they used to. So if there’s a general feeling of unease due to people not reading at all and people claiming that the problem is due to decreasing attention spans, why hasn’t there been a dramatic rise in shorter fiction to match the fall in novel readership? It’s very rare for both sides of an issue to agree that there’s a problem and the source is the same, so what’s causing them from looking to the obvious solution? Shorter fiction is a medium that can hook attention and give you a sharp jab in the throat with a point. It’s strong, quick, and more importantly, direct, at least in comparison to novels. The medium would be perfect if the only factor to reading was attention span. So what might be preventing people from enjoying shorter fiction?
Other Opinions
First we need to get the naysaying out of the way. A counterargument to the statistic of declining readership and subscriptions is that this is only representative of readers who are paying for work. With the internet there are many avenues for free short fiction available. Reddit has almost 17 million members in the r/WritingPrompts subreddit, where writers respond to shared prompts and thousands of readers engage. Twitter and Tumblr have multiple accounts that focus on sharing and creating “microfiction:” stories that are written with the length being similar to flash fiction. The issue with the argument is that by looking at book sales, they’re doing much better than short form mediums, and there are options for free consumption online for both. To look for long form writing online, people can go to AO3, Royal Road, creative writing forums, or even some blogs. So with short form and long form fiction available online for free, what’s the deeper cause for the imbalance of readership?
For a boring answer, the problem might be an economic one. As Brandon Sanderson, a prolific fantasy writer known for his epic length writing, has said, “If the choice is to buy a big book for $20 or a shorter book for the same price [readers] will get more words per cent in the longer work.” And that makes sense, theoretically for readers they want to get more “story” out of each purchase if they can. If you’re reading a short story, there’ll be only one point of focus and maybe an underlying theme or dynamic if the author is ambitious, but if you’re reading a novel there can be anywhere between three to ten engaging subplots. The romance genre is built with novels in mind; it’s impossible to get into the level of depth in a character’s relationship without going beyond a short story. But this doesn’t acknowledge that people still love short, compact stories. Even with all the strengths of long form writing, people do know there are strengths in short fiction. Works being too long is a complaint many people have, and it’s not just a problem of attention span but mismatched pacing. If Black Mirror can get over a million viewers, why aren’t written anthologies getting the same love?
My Own Hypothesis
Honestly I feel like the reason why people aren’t buying short fiction is because most readers’ identities are tied to novels. I know it’s a meme that book fans just keep on buying books because they like the idea of them even though they know they’ll never read them. The “booktok” community doesn’t recommend short stories or novelettes or flash fiction; they recommend novels. Book stores and the main avenues for selling fiction only advertise novels if they host short fiction at all. Hell, at the start of this article I linked to a literary statistics report that focused on book reading statistics with literature being considered a secondary concern.
Part of the problem might be how fiction is interacted with, or at least introduced. Schools and English classes want kids to read and analyze books. The more full and long novels they read, the more advanced the class is perceived; short fiction is assigned either when the teacher perceives the students as not capable enough of reading long fiction, or when students aren’t caring about dense literary analysis. Students are either left with disappointment or apathy when assigned short stories. Reading is a status symbol for those who care, and novels are considered the only ways to achieve that status. It really breaks my heart that short fiction is considered “lesser.”
The Pitch
Short stories are amazing. I remember reading Andy Weir’s “The Egg” and just sitting in silence for many minutes contemplating my relationship with all of humanity. I remember reading William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” and the class tearing apart the narrative and then piece together implications and possible interpretations for what it meant. I just recently finished an anthology and have talked at length about multiple short stories and their themes, characters, worldbuilding choices, and what I got out of it. I get why people love novels. Reading a good novel is like being slowly worked over and tenderized by a boxer over nine rounds. At the end of a novel you’re sore all over, realizing you’re feeling something in places you didn’t realize you could feel, and generally dissecting the entire match. But reading a good short story is like being TKO’d in the first round and laying on the floor dazed for an hour. They’re two very different experiences but are both amazing. I encourage, no, beg you to try it out. There are so many literary magazines, genre publications, and other markets publishing short stories for free that I know you can love. Heck, if you have the money to spare, subscribe to your favorite platform and a whole world of stories will open itself to you.
Brevity is the soul of wit. Go find some witty souls.
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
Oct. 2012: Response 2
I had an epub class that was partially about ebooks and publishing for ebooks and partially about information literacy in the age of the internet. There's some odd reflection pieces scattered around related to that, so we'll throw those in here.
--------Response follows------>
            I tend to pick up information by chance. I don’t get info through TV, typically—I don’t have or want cable as I don’t much enjoy television, and what I do watch (thank you, Netflix) tends to be along the lines of Doctor Who or Game of Thrones with the occasional bout of How  How It’s Made or Dirty Jobs. I have a hard time focusing on spoken word—it contributes to my disinterest in TV—so radio and podcasts tend not to be options as I invariably discover that I stopped paying attention three minutes in and any attempt to go back and pick up what I missed results in my catching only three additional minutes. As to print, books suffer from much the same trouble as TV except that I love books—it’s just that I’d rather read fiction than non—I dislike magazines almost entirely—the writing tends to be bland, bland, boring, bland, with very few subjects of actual interest, even in a quality magazine, so they just don’t hold my interest for more than a few paragraphs—and newspapers are unthinkable; they’re far too unwieldy to even consider reading. Thus, I get information through word of mouth and the websites that I follow, picking up a new tidbit here and there.
            Usually the new tidbit is enough for me as they’re often trivial tidbits: what new videogames are coming out (doesn’t matter; I’m too poor to buy things as they come out) or dogs saving their owners from sure death (which is touching and all, but I don’t really need to know, do I?) or which celebrity did what (information I immediately excise from my mind), etc. When something is interesting or needs me to form an opinion, I typically set about searching not for the single most reliable source that will give me the one true, most factual answer but rather for as many perspectives as possible. I like to find the two extremes on a given issue and compare what they have in common. I’ll also try to get a few more neutral sites and a purely factual one, if possible, to round things out. If I’m lucky, there’ll be a third or fourth perspective available. I very much believe in context and circumstance as the determining factor for most human decisions and traits, so it seems only logical to me to look at a single thing from as many angles as possible to uncover all of its possible contexts and thereby not only discovering the commonalities in all the stories, uncovering the incontrovertible facts that way, but coming to my own conclusion on the subject by taking the best points of all perspectives and weighing them against each other.
            In terms of actual tool-usage, I find I don’t need to be too choosy. There are some sites I continually return to (The Escapist, Gawker, Boing Boing, Jezebel though I take them with an extra heaping pile of salt, The Huffington Post which is similarly salt-worthy, The Daily What, the BBC, etc.) and a few tools I use for very specific tasks; I like online databases for questions related to the arts, in particular, and I have a Firefox add-on specifically to help with finding the best deal when shopping. I also tend to peruse specialty forums if I need advice on something, whether that’s what computer to buy or how to modify a GoGo Boot to make Chell’s Long Fall Boots for a Halloween/PAX East costume. In general, I find that I prefer to do a mini version of crowdsourcing, gathering info from the specialist, the hobbyists, and the passionate and gathering as much of it as possible, instead of seeking out one site that claims to have the final say. Anything that looks like an ad, exhibits poor copyediting or extremely unkempt design, uses an overly cocksure and snarky tone without providing links and other sources to back itself up, and anything that displays a cruel or morally corrupt sense of humor receives none of my attention, and I shun the offending website in future searches. Other than these criteria, I’m pretty much open to any source, though not in isolation; it must be paired with its opposite and then several halfway points. That way, I feel as though I have not only facts but a full picture.
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prosperingwithgary · 2 years
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
While there are many ways to make money online, the vast majority involve selling a product be it yours or someone else's.
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But have you ever considered offering great content or software for free? Then allowing your visitors and fans to reward your good work by giving you donations. It's simple, you provide your visitors with the opportunity to say “thank you”. They'll say thank you through either monetary donations or buying you things that you want. This might not be the method to use if you're looking to make huge money, but it can be a lucrative source of extra income. And perhaps best of all, you don't need to feel you're pushing anything on your customers or asking them to buy more stuff they don't need or want. Visitors reward you when they choose to, and because they don't feel pressured, they can sometimes be even more generous than if you were trying to sell them the latest and greatest product. Here are 8 tips on how to make the donation business model work for your website...
1. Offer quality content that truly helps your readers.
This is true on any website, but especially important if you're going to ask for donations. The more your content helps your readers, the more likely they are to want to send you a monetary 'thank you.'
2. If your content doesn't provide helpful information, then it should entertain.
Perhaps you're especially funny, or you're up on the latest news in your niche. You've got to offer your visitors some type of real value to get donations.
3. Don't be afraid to ask. “Did you find this information helpful?
Then please help us to continue providing this great info in the future by supporting us. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated.”
4. Make a wish list on Amazon and post a link to your wish list on your website.
“Have I helped you? If you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to buy me a book.”
5. Don't be afraid to place expensive items on your wish list.
Optimally you want to choose items from a couple of dollars all the way to a hundred dollars or more because you never know who will be buying you a 'thank you.' It could be a rich person whom you've just given a stellar idea that will make him/her thousands of dollars, and they might be the one to buy you that expensive $599.00 espresso machine you've been thirsting for.
6. You don't have to confine yourself to Amazon:
More and more online companies are offering wish lists. For example, thinkgeek.com, barnesandnoble.com, dickblick.com and containerstore.com all offer wish lists, as do hundreds of other retail websites.
7. Instead of wish lists, let them send you money.
For example, “Buy me a cup of coffee” is a popular way of asking for donations. You then give them Paypal options of buying you anything from a single cup of coffee ($3-$5) to a case of beer, or dinner for two. You choose the options offered and the donation for each. And you can also create an option where they choose the amount to send to you. “Was this post helpful to you? Then please buy me a cup of coffee.”
8. Don't get pushy.
You're providing them the chance to be nice and return some of the benefits you've offered to them on your website. You're not trying to “sell” them on sending you money or gifts. Selling products online is certainly the most direct path to earning profits, but there are a growing number of high-profile websites and everyday bloggers who are making a pretty penny through donations. If you are creating quality content, give your visitors the option to reward you in this way, and you may be surprised at how much money you were leaving on the table before trying this out. Check out this blog post on why you need a logo online. This is so great to have a FREE money-making website built just for you. Read the full article
0 notes
icinch · 2 years
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/how-to-make-money-without-charging-a-dime-tips-for-accepting-donations-online/
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
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While there are many ways to make money online, the vast majority involve selling a product – be it yours or someone else’s.
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But have you ever considered offering great content or software for free, and then allowing your visitors and fans to reward your good work through giving you donations? It’s simple – you provide your visitors with the opportunity to say “thank you” through either monetary donations or buying you things that you want.
This might not be the method to use if you’re looking to make huge money, but it can be a lucrative source of extra income. And perhaps best of all, you don’t need to feel you’re pushing anything on your customers or asking them to buy more stuff they don’t need or want. Visitors reward you when they choose to, and because they don’t feel pressured, they can sometimes be even more generous than if you were trying to sell them the latest greatest product.
Here are 8 tips on how to make the donation business model work for your website…
1. Offer quality content that truly helps your readers. This is true on any website, but especially important if you’re going to ask for donations. The more your content helps your readers, the more likely they are to want to send you a monetary ‘thank you.’
2. If your content doesn’t provide helpful information, then it should entertain. Perhaps you’re especially funny, or you’re up on the latest news in your niche. You’ve got to offer your visitors some type of real value to get donations.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask. “Did you find this information helpful? Then please help us to continue providing this great info in the future by supporting us. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated.”
4. Make a wish list on Amazon and post a link to your wish list on your website. “Have I helped you? If you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to buy me a book.”
5. Don’t be afraid to place expensive items on your wish list. Optimally you want to choose items from a couple of dollars all the way to a hundred dollars or more, because you never know who will be buying you a ‘thank you.’ It could be a rich person whom you’ve just given a stellar idea that will make him/her thousands of dollars, and they might be the one to buy you that expensive $599.00 espresso machine you’ve been thirsting for.
6. You don’t have to confine yourself to Amazon: More and more online companies are offering wish lists. For example, thinkgeek.com, barnesandnoble.com, dickblick.com and containerstore.com all offer wish lists, as do hundreds of other retail websites.
7. Instead of wish lists, let them send you money. For example, “Buy me a cup of coffee” is a popular way of asking for donations. You then give them Paypal options of buying you anything from a single cup of coffee ($3-$5) to a case of beer, or dinner for two. You choose the options offered and the donation for each. And you can also create an option where they choose the amount to send to you. “Was this post helpful to you? Then please buy me a cup of coffee.”
8. Don’t get pushy. You’re providing them the chance to be nice and return some of the benefits you’ve offered to them on your website. You’re not trying to “sell” them on sending you money or gifts. Selling products online is certainly the most direct path to earning profits, but there are a growing number of high profile websites, and everyday bloggers who are making a pretty penny through donations. If you are creating quality content, give your visitors the option to reward you in this way, and you may be surprised at how much money you were leaving on the table before trying this out.
0 notes
grabyourluck-blog · 2 years
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
New Post has been published on https://www.referral-master.com/how-to-make-money-without-charging-a-dime-tips-for-accepting-donations-online/
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
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While there are many ways to make money online, the vast majority involve selling a product – be it yours or someone else’s.
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But have you ever considered offering great content or software for free, and then allowing your visitors and fans to reward your good work through giving you donations? It’s simple – you provide your visitors with the opportunity to say “thank you” through either monetary donations or buying you things that you want.
This might not be the method to use if you’re looking to make huge money, but it can be a lucrative source of extra income. And perhaps best of all, you don’t need to feel you’re pushing anything on your customers or asking them to buy more stuff they don’t need or want. Visitors reward you when they choose to, and because they don’t feel pressured, they can sometimes be even more generous than if you were trying to sell them the latest greatest product.
Here are 8 tips on how to make the donation business model work for your website…
1. Offer quality content that truly helps your readers. This is true on any website, but especially important if you’re going to ask for donations. The more your content helps your readers, the more likely they are to want to send you a monetary ‘thank you.’
2. If your content doesn’t provide helpful information, then it should entertain. Perhaps you’re especially funny, or you’re up on the latest news in your niche. You’ve got to offer your visitors some type of real value to get donations.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask. “Did you find this information helpful? Then please help us to continue providing this great info in the future by supporting us. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated.”
4. Make a wish list on Amazon and post a link to your wish list on your website. “Have I helped you? If you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to buy me a book.”
5. Don’t be afraid to place expensive items on your wish list. Optimally you want to choose items from a couple of dollars all the way to a hundred dollars or more, because you never know who will be buying you a ‘thank you.’ It could be a rich person whom you’ve just given a stellar idea that will make him/her thousands of dollars, and they might be the one to buy you that expensive $599.00 espresso machine you’ve been thirsting for.
6. You don’t have to confine yourself to Amazon: More and more online companies are offering wish lists. For example, thinkgeek.com, barnesandnoble.com, dickblick.com and containerstore.com all offer wish lists, as do hundreds of other retail websites.
7. Instead of wish lists, let them send you money. For example, “Buy me a cup of coffee” is a popular way of asking for donations. You then give them Paypal options of buying you anything from a single cup of coffee ($3-$5) to a case of beer, or dinner for two. You choose the options offered and the donation for each. And you can also create an option where they choose the amount to send to you. “Was this post helpful to you? Then please buy me a cup of coffee.”
8. Don’t get pushy. You’re providing them the chance to be nice and return some of the benefits you’ve offered to them on your website. You’re not trying to “sell” them on sending you money or gifts. Selling products online is certainly the most direct path to earning profits, but there are a growing number of high profile websites, and everyday bloggers who are making a pretty penny through donations. If you are creating quality content, give your visitors the option to reward you in this way, and you may be surprised at how much money you were leaving on the table before trying this out.
0 notes