#honestly anon . if i had to narrow it down.
Do you have any books to recommend for people who are new to writing but want to get into it? Ive got some money to spend on books and I’m not sure where to start, and I don’t wanna buy something that’s not worth it :,) but you’re one of my favourite writers and I trust that your taste is good considering your writing is beautiful 🫶🏾
ANONNNNN I’M SO SORRY THIS IS SUCH A LATE RESPONSE 😭😭😭 i spent … a little too much time stressing over what books to include. and how to describe them. blame my faulty brain ok!!!
BUTTTT first of all!!! i’m so honoured that you’d think to ask me this!!!! and that you trust my taste!!!!!! that you think my writing is beautiful (i sobbed btw) YOU’RE SUCH A SWEETHEART… thank you very much 🥺🥺
i decided to make a list of some of my overall favorites, but pls remember that writing is subjective!!!! i hope you can find at least one or two books on this list that intrigues you, and that you’ll end up liking the way they’re written too, but. y’know. there’s never any guarantee!!! i added links that’ll take you to goodreads, where you can check the summaries and reviews of each book to hopefully make the process easier for you 🫡🫡
with that being said!!! here are some ari book recs just for you <3333
war of the foxes - richard siken
my absolute favorite poetry collection, from my absolute favorite poet <3333 i’m assuming that you’re looking for novels rather than poetry but. i HAD to rec this one. because i love it soooooo dearly and it’s inspired my writing so much!!!! siken’s use of language is just …… sooooo tasty. so good. i’m completely obsessed with him. his other poetry collection is called crush and centers around tenderness/sex/violence (and the ways they blur together), but i’d say this collection is more about. art. making art. it’s also about love and war and. lots of things. but art is a big theme. paint on paint. etc. it made me severely ill in the best of ways <33 i really couldn’t recommend it enough!!!
eureka street - robert mcliam wilson
this book is . sooooo underrated 😔😔 i hate it so much. not the book i just hate that it isn’t widely renowned because it SHOULD BE. i read this for one of my high school english classes and it. changed my brain chemistry forever. it’s so good. wilson’s writing is so insanely gorgeous?? it reminds me so much of the writing in disco elysium (my fav video game + biggest writing source 🙏)…. honestly i think it’s worth reading for the writing alone. anyway!! this is a book about love. it starts with the quote ”all stories are love stories.” it’s also about the troubles, which is a conflict between catholics and protestants in ireland during the late 1900s. this book takes place at the end of a period of terror and bombings, but still manages to be about love first and foremost. the main characters are charming and silly and kind of insane in the head <33 this book is VERY funny btw… it had me laughing out loud a lot but also had me feeling so much. it’s so, so heartfelt. you can tell wilson loves belfast. and you can tell belfast loves its people. this book is so special to me and i don’t think i can explain its entire appeal with just words, so you’re just gonna have to trust me when i say it’s wonderful <33
the human flies - hans olav lahlum
do you like murder mysteries 👀👀….. i do. this is my favorite one. it’s very near and dear to my heart!!! the human flies is a classic whodunnit where a man has been killed in his apartment complex, and the other residents are all suspects. it’s about trauma. kind of. and it has a really good historial twist where it turns out that they’re all connected through ww2… but i think the greatest charm point of this book (aside from the mystery) is its characters!! they’re all really vibrant and charming. or not so charming. but they’re hard not to get attached to i think!!! this book also subverts the detective genre by making its detective really useless which i love <333 he ends up being contacted by a girl in a wheelchair who’s basically sherlock holmes and she does all the mystery solving. it’s great. if you’re into the murder mystery genre then i really recommend this one!!
beartown - fredrick backman
THIS BOOK . god. this is another one that i can’t really talk about coherently because it means so much to me. i think every single person on this planet should be strapped to a chair and forced to read it <333 this is a book about…. literally everything. if i had to pick just one thing it’d be community. but like… it’s about family. it’s about friendship. it’s about hockey. it’s about sexual violence and locker-room culture and their devastating consequences. it’s about cherry blossoms and the hope they carry. it’s about healing. it’s about a small town and the people who live in it. every single one of them are interesting. when it comes to the actual plot… i think it’s best to go in blind but i doooo feel obligated to tell you that the center of the book’s conflict is a rape. the first half of the book introduces beartown, its famous hockey team, its people and their stories. the second half deals with the consequences of this rape. backman wrote this book so, so thoughtfully. the topic is obviously sensitive but you don’t need to worry about the perpetrator not getting what’s coming to him, because he will. and ohhhhh BOY backman’s writing. his writing is so unbelievably pretty. that’s the best word for it. he’s literally carrying swedish literature on his bare shoulders. holy fuck. in conclusion; this is maybeeee my favorite book of all time? and you should read it :3 it’s very long but i promise it feels so fast once you get into it. it’s the kind of book that i think everyone can fall in love with!!!! it really did change my life i think.
the travelling cat chronicles - hiro arikawa
honestly, i think this is the book i’d recommend to you the most!! not because of quality (though definitely that too!!) but because i think it’s perfect for someone who’s just getting into reading. minus points for being kindaaa long but that’s all!! i think i should preface this by saying that this book made me cry LMAO. ugly cry. sob. i’ve never cried so hard reading a book before…. it wasn’t a bad cry though!! this book is sad but it’s also so charming and hopeful and sweet. it’s about a cat who travels around the country with his owner satoru(!!), not knowing where they’re going or why they’re going there. the kitty is the narrator and he’s sooo charming. satoru is too. their dynamic is so precious :(((( if you love cats then you’ll love this book, trust me!! anyway… to me this is a great pick for new readers because the writing is super pretty but also really. easy to chew? the story is also written in a very compelling way which should make it a pretty quick read despite its lenght!! it’s very much a roadtrip book :3 i love it a lot and even though it made me cry i consider it a bigggg comfort read (but i’m a jjk fan so take that with a grain of salt)
the stranger - albert camus
ok so!!! i did try not to add any classic books to this list because honestly i don’t think many of them are good introductions to reading. the educational system could learn from me . BUT…. this is one that i think you can get really hooked on even if you don’t study literature. this is a book about . existentialism. or just apathy (and overcoming it)… the protagonist doesn’t really want much in life. he just follows the herd. he’s basically like…. just some guy?? but also very much Not just some guy. because just some guys don’t answer their girlfriend’s proposal with ”if you want to.” or chainsmoke. or kill a guy because ”the sun was too hot.” yeah. he’s very charming (<- worrying taste in men), very weird and very interesting. most analyses on this book are just attempts to diagnose him. the central conflict of the book is the murder he commits, and the trial that follows, where the attention shifts from his actual murder to… the fact that he didn’t cry at his mother’s funeral. hm. this book is really fun. :3 and i love camus’ writing!!! like many books on this list it’s pretty but easy to chew, so i think you’ll enjoy it. read if you want to Think about life. or if you want to see meursault have his bisexual awakening in the middle of a murder trial.
the great gatsby - f. scott fitzgerald
jay gatsby they will never make me hate you…. remember what i just said about not wanting to add classics to this list? the great gatsby is another exception <333 honestly i just . really love this book!!! it’s such a short and tasty read!!!!! i’ve heard that american students really hate it because they were forced to read it and like . i sympathize but 🤨 c’mon. there are sooo many classics that are so much more hellish to read for school…. they don’t know how good they have it……. anyway. the writing is very pretty and the descriptions are soooo…. captivating. so many lines are stuck in my brain. (”they’re a rotten crowd. you’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” my BELOVED <333) people will tell you that this book is about the futility of the american dream and it IS but i also think you should make your own interpretation!!! because there are lots to make. personally i favour the queer one <33 because i’m…. me. gatsby is just . such a tragic character. but also so pathetic. and charming. he’s one of my og meowmeows. this book is worth reading if only for him. i need to dip him in olive oil.
kafka on the shore - haruki murakami
…. sigh . look 😔😔 do i like haruki murakami? no. do i like his writing? unfortunately yes. this book is fucking wild and kind of gross in . a plethora of ways (tw for umm cat beheadings? almost rape (in a dream)? fantasy incest kind of maybe…?? it’s not as bad as it sounds but like. it kinda is. idk.) but for some reason it’s still one of my favorites. i feel like murakami’s classic blend between fantasy and reality stays the same throughout his works and it’s just….. reallyyyyy tasty to me. i think that’s why i still think of this book so often. it really really moved me. and i mean…. let’s face it, his writing is very pretty. this is a book about growing up and it really doesn’t shy away from the discomforting topics that come with that. it’s also about talking cats and mommy issues. kafka has lots of them. i think he’s kind of annoying. the other characters are very charming though!! in this book you basically follow two different plot lines, and both are really captivating imo… buuuut the book is Very Long and very weird so i don’t know if i’d recommend it to someone who’s just getting into reading 😭 it really is very good though… if nothing else, read it for the Vibes. they’re very tasty.
waiting for godot - samuel beckett
this is a fun one <333 and a weird one. NOT a good rec for a new reader lmao but i do have to add it because i adore samuel beckett…. and this is my favorite play!!!!!! it’s usually associated with absurdism which i think says enough on its own. this is a play about…. waiting for godot. that’s all <3 the two main characters, didi and gogo, are basically stuck in a timeloop where they wait for godot to come. he doesn’t. they keep waiting. i adore this play for many reasons but some of them are: timeloops my beloved (1), didi & gogo are super funny and gay and their back-and-forth dialogue kinda turns into poetry sometimes (2), it’s SO much fun to analyze (3). godot can literally be whatever you want him to be. that’s so fun!!!! it’s a weird play but if you want to get into reading plays then… it’ll be here <33
giovanni’s room - james baldwin
aaaand finally!!!! this lovely gem <333 i’m actually not completely finished with it myself but i can tell you that it’s already one of my favorites!!!!! it’s about . shame. and tenderness. and morality. all that good stuff :3 i’ll try to keep this short but . basically…. it centers around a closeted gay/bisexual man who goes on vacation to paris while his girlfriend is vacationing in spain. in a certain bar, he meets a certain barman, whose name is giovanni. they really hit it off. sadly they’re doomed by the narrative. goshhhh this book is just. ough. first of all??? james baldwin is SO . fucking good. his prose is so gorgeous. soooo so gorgeous. worth reading just for that. but the dynamic between david and giovanni is …… so lovely??? and the glimpse you get into their heads is just so. beautiful. :((( this book is so SAD . but also not really. it’s bittersweet. david has to choose between a safe life and a happy life and he’s doomed to choose the safe life. that’s all there is to it.
aaaaand those are my recs !!!! i feel like i’m forgetting some really good ones……. but i don’t want to keep you waiting any longer :’3 i really hope this helps anon!!! i’m so excited that you’re getting into reading!!!!!!!! it’s really just a matter of finding writing that you actually like. i recommend searching up some quotes from each book, just to get a feel for the writing itself!!! pls know that i’m cheering you on in your reading journey 🫂🫂🫂
(and if you end up reading any of these then. pls do let me know!!! i’d love to hear your thoughts 🥺)
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Hi Liv Which stories from this universe do you put in your top seven? Which ones are your favorites?I made my top 7 but it was too big and I can not send here
Omg I want to see your list!!! Everyone, please tell me your fav fics of mine, I want to know what stands out to all
This is so hard bc I'm influenced by the writing experience, how I felt about the finished piece, and also the fic's place in the storyline but I went through the masterlists and pulled a few. I chose one for each couple:
↬ “I still choose you every single day.”
this one just really shows the emotional depth and maturity to their relationship but it still has that Jin/Poopsie humor mixed in with the intense emotions
↬ “You just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction.”
I remember being really proud of this one and I still think it turned out well, like it holds up lol. Also it has the Min/Kid teasing we love so much and I just love a smitten Yoongi, he's like peak adorable here
↬ “Who says I don’t still get a rush from you?”
Hobi and Petal are so lowkey with their love but it's so deep and sincere and I think this fic shows that well. I also love that it's nostalgic for them but shows their appreciation for how their relationship has developed
↬ “Forever yours, in every lifetime.” 
They love each other so much and nothing shows that better than little notes Joon left over the course of their relationship. This shit is just wholesome as fuck and after the hell I put them through at the start of their relationship, they deserve this fic
↬ “Did I really get to shag you last night?”
Similar to Joon and Daisy, this couple went through a lot (like A LOT) so I love a lighthearted, funny, sweet moment between them. And this is the fic that literally kicked off their relationship and I remember being so happy with how the interactions with all the members turned out. Shoutout to JK being a dumbass at the end lol
Taehyung/Peaches: (I could not choose between these two)
↬ “I know this breaks the rules but I don’t want to go home tonight.” 
Tae implementing fake rules on their relationship after seven years of pining and already having had sex and establishing their romantic relationship and Peaches just letting it happen and going along with it is just peak Tae/Peaches antics and I love it. I really loved writing this one and it just has everything that makes Tae and Peaches who they are- sincere love, eternal fondness, plenty of teasing, strong friendship, and an inability to keep their hands off each other
↬ “You should call me daddy more often.”
This fic really establishes what direction these two are going in and I love the mutual pining but the mutual apprehension. Plus the interactions with the members at the start make me happy and I just love flirty best friends Tae and Peaches
↬ “That could have been so hot.” 
Lol peak JK and Holly. He's sweet and dumb, she's smitten and only slightly less dumb. We have a return to the laundromat. JK is a horndog and Holly likes it, and we have a nod to one of my fav JK moments where his fucking black card gets rejected by the vending machine. These two are just so fun and this fic is all about that
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
Delirium (Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader)
Summary: Being partnered with Ghost was never easy. However, when you find him bleeding out on the kitchen floor and delirious from blood loss, you make a discovery. The L.T loves to talk.
Requested by Anon: #57 You're shaking.
A/N: Some Sunshine to feed you while I work on Anything III.
Category: Mutual Pining
Warnings: Description of injury || Graphic language
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You weren't a medic by any means. 
There was the combat first aid course that you were all forced to do during basic training, but that had been a century ago. You'd handled your own injuries when an enemy sniper would get a lucky shot. Again, there's not much to do there other than put some pressure on it.
Otherwise, you were fairly inexperienced when it came to handling injured team members. There were shortfalls to being a sniper, hand-to-hand combat wasn't as relevant and having to provide first aid was rare. 
You call them shortfalls because now, in a situation where those skills are required, you're fucking struggling. 
You'd opened the door to the safe house with a sigh, frowning when you couldn't see Ghost through the windows. You'd assumed he'd be waiting for you to arrive from your nest but clearly, he didn't give enough of a fuck to wait around. 
You could have died en route and he'd be sleeping. 
For some reason, the thought hurt. 
You could think of a million things that he probably thought more important than you; staring at a wall being high on the list. What you hadn’t expected, was to find him collapsed on the kitchen floor.
“Ghost,” you rasped, choking on his name. His eyes flickered open at the sound of your voice, the relief palpable in his gaze. He groaned and let his head fall back against the wall with a strangled noise. You were frozen. You’d never seen him injured and honestly, you thought that you never would. 
You’d even told Soap that Ghost was probably just a bootleg Robo-Cop beneath the mask.  
But, the blood soaking through his uniform said otherwise. 
“You gonna give me hand or not?” His voice was low and rough. It had no edge, though. There was no bite behind his words like there usually was and it scared you. The man hated your guts and if he was too injured to convey that then he was definitely dying. 
“Oh God,” you breathed, leaning your rifle against the wall slowly. Your eyes never left his crumpled form and his eyes never left your face. “Oh God.” 
You slid to your knees, rushing to his side with frantic curses. You couldn’t see the extent of the wound from beneath his armour and he clearly didn’t have enough strength to take it off himself. 
“Stab wound,” Ghost offered the cause of injury through gritted teeth. “Got me good.” 
“This shit needs to come off,” you tugged at his armour, reaching for the quick-release cord. The man groaned but he didn’t object. One hard tug of the plastic ligature had the vest falling apart at every seam, the line now loose in your hand. 
“Fuck,” the man gave a startled chuckle, taking a large breath with his chest free from pressure. “Feel better already.” 
You didn’t reply, eyes narrowed on the wound beneath his ribs. You pulled up his shirt, tucking it beneath his arms as you scanned over the injury. It was clean cut, a clear entry wound that was steadily leaking a shit tonne of blood. 
No sounds of air sucking in through the jagged flesh and you thanked whoever was listening that it wasn’t a punctured lung. You didn’t have any seals on you and you didn’t want to slap him with some duct tape instead. He’d never let you live that down.
“How’s it lookin’, Sunshine?” Ghost asked, breathing heavily.
“Unfortunately,” you began, pressing the cotton padding from your kit against the wound, “if you apply pressure, you’ll live.” 
“Unfortunately?” He coughed,  the sound strained and you could tell he immediately regretted the movement. 
“Very fucking unfortunate,” you confirmed with faux seriousness. 
You stuck a gauze pad to the wound once you had finished packing it, reaching into your med pouch for a bandage. You’d wrap it around his midriff to keep pressure on the wound, you decided. 
“A ray of Sunshine you are, as per fuckin’ usual.” 
You clenched your jaw, reminding yourself that he was injured and that you couldn’t stick a finger knuckle-deep in his wound as retaliation. At the very least, he was back to hating you. Meant he wasn’t dying any time soon. 
You frowned at the bandage in your hands, desperately trying to remove the plastic wrapping. You couldn’t think straight and your body felt jittery as the adrenline began to settle. You couldn’t believe how vulnerable he was, unable to gather the strength to take off his own body armour. 
You hated it. 
Why the fuck couldn’t you open this wrapping? 
You pulled harder on the plastic, trying to bring your heart rate down. Why were you breathing so hard? 
A gloved hand fell over your own. 
Your frantic tugging came to an immediate halt and your eyes snapped up to meet his, startled. Ghost's gaze was half lidded but just as intense as always, grazing over your features. Heat flushed through your body at his drunken stare. You knew it was from the blood loss, you knew he could barely see straight, but that kind of look was reserved for someone he was sharing a bed with and you couldn't function at the sight of it. 
For a moment he said nothing, blinking slowly- too slowly- as he took in a breath. 
"Relax, kid," he murmured eventually. "I'm okay."
You swallowed hard. 
His fingers were soft over your own, too weak to apply pressure but curled over your hand just the same. 
"I am relaxed." You bit back at him, returning your gaze to the stupid fucking bandage beneath both of your hands. You didn't want him to see how much this affected you, you didn't want him to think you were a cowardly mess. 
There was a soft huff as he patted your hand lightly. "You're shaking, Sunshine."
You sucked in a breath.
Your eyes flickered back to meet his, lips trembling at your exposure. He knew. The gentleness in his gaze was otherworldly, so foreign you wondered if it was even Simon Riley beneath the mask. Blood loss was clearly doing a number on him and he was doing a number on you. 
“I’m a sniper, Sir.” You coughed, trying to tear yourself from the sudden intimacy of the situation. “I don’t shake.”
Ghost tutted from beneath his mask. 
“Haven’t been with the right bloke, then.” 
Your jaw dropped. 
Ghost blinked at you as though he couldn’t believe what had come out of his mouth, either. Jesus fucking Christ. You suddenly realised why Soap had made fun of Ghost for never drinking when you’d all be at the pub. You remembered asking the Sarge why the masked enigma would always bail after an hour or two and his response was simple. 
“The L.T can’t hold his tongue when he’s on the piss.” 
You thought that implied aggression. 
Clearly not.
“There is no right bloke,” you rasped, slowly pulling the bandage from beneath his hand. The loss of contact left you feeling empty but suddenly you could breathe a little easier. 
Your fingers shook violently as you tried for the plastic wrapper again and your gaze flickered to Ghost’s face, praying he hadn’t noticed. You should have known better. 
His eyes were on your trembling digits, a soft exhale making it’s way to your ears. 
“Looks like I’ve proved you wrong, Sunshine.” 
The words were low but there was no heat behind them. It didn’t feel lustful, they were murmured like an afterthought, his mind elsewhere. You wondered where Simon Riley disappeared to in his head when he looked at you. 
“You crack a lot of jokes for someone who’s a literal shish kebab,” you snapped, tearing at the plastic wrapping with your teeth. Finally, the bandage came loose.
“And you talk a lot of shit for someone who cares more than they let on.” The words were fired back, demanding your attention. 
You stared at him for a long moment, resisting the urge to squirm beneath his dark gaze. You’d never seen that expression on him before, as though he were daring you to disagree. As if he were waiting for you to say something. 
“Can’t care too much in this business, Sir.” You choked on the words, unravelling the bandage.
“I believed that once,” he tilted his head. 
“And now?” You prodded, leaning over him to wrap the bandage around his midriff. You tried to ignore how close your face was to his, how your fingers trailed against the skin of his stomach. The Lieutenant shivered beneath your touch and you kept your gaze downcast. 
Fingers gripped your chin softly and you gasped as he tilted your face upward. 
You were half on top of him, nose to nose and his stuttered exhale brushed against your lips. Simon’s eyes were half lidded and this close you could see the blue of his eyes, a stormy ocean that swallowed you whole. You were caught in it’s rip tide, drowning in the reverence of his stare. 
“Now,” he murmured, lazily examining our features. His eyes lingered on your parted lips, his thumb slowly swiping your bottom lip. “Could say I’ve had a change of heart.” 
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wraithlafitte · 4 months
you're no femme fatale
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pairing: dean winchester x f!reader
CONTENT: use of y/n, dubcon (mission sequence), soft dom!reader, guided masturbation, light degradation (m!receiving), stripping, begging, scratching, hair pulling, handjob, exhibitionism if you squint
word count: 3.3k
a/n: anon request here! enjoy 🖤 honestly felt like i was scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep this interesting LOL hope it's what you wanted
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"No. No way in hell I'm doing that," you said, throwing up your hands and backing away from the table, littered with piles of Sam's research.
"Aw, come on, Y/N," Sam protested. "You're the only one of us that could do it."
"I am not entertaining some dirty old man for this," you snapped, snatching up a museum scan of the artifact you were supposed to steal. "We'll find another way."
"If there was another way, I'd be asking you to do that," Sam said, furrowing his brow. "This is the path of least resistance. You get in his office, slip it into your dress while he's not looking, and we'll come get you after ten minutes. That's it."
You huffed a sigh and crossed your arms.
Just then, Dean returned from his fast food run, greasy paper bags in hand. "Hey, nerds," he greeted impishly. "Grub's on."
You rolled your eyes as he plopped the bags right in the middle of Sam's papers.
"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Dean asked, settling himself into a chair and unwrapping a double cheeseburger.
"You would know if you had stayed to help make it," you replied annoyedly.
Dean flicked his eyebrows. "No need to get testy."
Sam sighed, deciding to intervene before things got ugly. You and Dean weren't exactly known for getting along, tolerating each other just enough to get jobs done when you had to. This was mostly due to the fact that you thought Dean was a douchebag, and he just dished back whatever you threw at him.
"The best plan we've got so far is that Y/N seduces the guy," Sam explained.
Dean snorted, almost spitting out his too-large bite of burger. "I'm sorry what?"
"I figure we'll never be able to get in there during the event, since it'll be so locked down," Sam continued. "Our best bet is getting him to let one of us in."
"Have you seen her?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow and giving you a once-over. "Not exactly the seducing type."
You looked down at your current outfit. Cargo pants and a mens t-shirt topped with a utility vest and a leather bomber jacket. He had a point, although not for the reasons he thought. You could dress up, you just chose to dress practically. More pockets for knives. No, you just weren't sure you'd be able to convince the man you wanted him. Seventy-something sleazebags weren't exactly high on your to-fuck list.
"For once, I agree with Dean." You tossed the photo back onto the table. "Can we think of something else, please?"
"Yeah, as much as I'd like to see her try and pretty up to get in some old dude's pants, there's gotta be a more surefire way," Dean said with his mouth full. "Cuz you're no femme fatale," he added pointedly.
You were getting a little annoyed at his jabs. "You don't think I can do it?" you asked, looking at him through narrowed eyes.
"Sister, I don't think you could seduce a virgin," Dean scoffed.
You turned to Sam, bristling. "That's it then. I'll do it."
"What?" Dean said loudly through his half-chewed bite.
Sam looked at you with concern. "Are you sure? Just because Dean-"
"I'm sure." You set your jaw confidently. "Let's go to the charity event."
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"We're heading out to the car," Sam called through the bathroom door, where you were putting on the finishing touches to your makeup.
"Be right there," you called back, surveying yourself in the mirror. Not bad, you thought, considering the last time you put on this much makeup was prom night. You had tried to go for something an old man would like: a classic red lip and smoky eye that paired pretty well with the vintage-looking slinky black satin dress you'd found at the thrift store around the corner. It went down to your ankles, showing off your heels, and had a long slit that made its way up your leg to your hip.
You threw your coat on and hurried out the door, hopping into the backseat of the Impala. Sam glanced at you in the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrows appreciatively, but Dean didn't spare you a second glance. You were annoyed, since half the reason you were doing this was to prove him wrong, but there would be plenty of time to show off later.
As the Impala peeled out of the hotel parking lot, you took a deep swig from the flask you kept in your coat pocket. This better work.
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Neither of the boys helped you out of the car when you arrived.
"Chivalry is dead," you announced after almost stumbling onto your face getting out. You tossed your coat back into the backseat, revealing your outfit to the two hunters.
Suddenly Sam was all-too-eager to offer you his arm, and the two of you headed inside, Dean close behind. You hadn't missed the way his eyes widened when you dropped your coat, so you swung your hips a little as you walked. That'll show him.
The plan worked better than you could have hoped. The sleazy old something-inaire led you to his office, hand wrapped around your waist as you clung to his arm, pretending to laugh at his stupid sexist old man jokes.
As he clicked the heavy oak door shut, you quickly scanned the room, trying to find the artifact you came for. There. On his desk. All you had to do was grab it, and-
The old man grabbed you by the hips, pulling you flush against his body. "Where were we, sweetheart?"
Insides roiling with disgust, you turned around and placed your hands on his chest, giving him the sweetest smile you could muster. "Right here," you said cattily, batting your eyelashes as you grabbed him by the lapels and led him backwards to the desk.
Here goes nothing, you thought, and pulled the old guy in for a kiss. Trying to ignore the way his tongue dug into your mouth, you felt around behind you for the artifact.
Got it. You quickly palmed the object and broke the kiss, looking up at the old man through your lashes. Now Sam or Dean was gonna bust down the door, claiming you as his missing drunk sister.
Aaaaany minute now.
The old man smiled wolfishly and you felt his hands creeping lower, lower, until he grabbed your ass firmly, jerking you closer to him and capturing your lips again.
Your heart hammered in your chest. This was not going how it was supposed to. You tried to wiggle away, but the guy was surprisingly strong for his age.
"Where you going, baby?" he asked, eyes glinting.
"I think I- I have to go," you said, aware that you were sounding a little panicked.
"You wanted this," he reminded you, giving your ass a tight squeeze. He swung you around and pushed you into the leather couch across from the desk. You tried to scramble up, but it was hard with your tight dress and the artifact still clutched in your hand, desperately being concealed, so the old man grabbed you easily by the hair, forcing you to stay down.
"Now why don't we put those pretty lips to use?"
The door swung open with a bang. The old man looked up, startled, releasing his death grip on your hair.
"There you are," came the fake-laughing voice of Dean.
"Who are you?" demanded the old man. "Get out of here!"
"Sorry man, this is my sister," Dean said, raising his hands apologetically. "She gets really hammered, acts like a slut. Gotta get her home." He helped you up, and you smiled and giggled, putting on the drunk-girl act.
Dean helped you hurry out of the room, the old man looking disappointed and angry at being cockblocked.
"Thanks," you whispered once you were down the hall and out of earshot. "What a creep."
"Please tell me you got it," Dean said darkly, weaving you through the crowd. You slipped the artifact into his suit pocket, giving it a pat for good measure.
"Didn't do that for nothing." You winked at him and pushed him away to walk the rest of the way to the car on your own two feet.
Dean stared after you, dumbfounded. He tried not to fixate on the way your hips swayed in that dress as you walked away proudly. God, that dress! It hugged your body perfectly, and Dean would be lying if he said he hadn't been eyeing you all night. His cock was semi-hard in his dress pants, an annoying reminder of just how much you'd proved him wrong.
"Come on, dickhead," you yelled out the back window of the Impala. Dean realized starkly that he had stopped in place thinking about your tits.
"Dammit," he muttered, hurrying around to the driver's seat.
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The three of you piled into your hotel room to debrief from the mission. You assured the boys that you were alright from your creepy encounter with the old guy, and that stealing the artifact was worth it. The way Dean watched you raptly as you began to disrobe was not lost on you.
"I've dealt with worse in my time," you reminded them, shaking out your hair. "I'm a solo female hunter. Sleazy men hit on me literally wherever I go." You plopped down on the bed and pulled your stockings off one by one.
"As long as you're sure," Sam said, stretching and yawning. "I'm gonna head back over to our room to get some sleep. You coming, Dean?"
Dean snapped out of his fantasy. "Uh, no. I'll be there in a little bit. Gotta talk to her about something."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Just don't bite each other's head off." And with that, he was gone.
You watched Dean from the shadows of the half-lit room. When he made no move to say anything, you did. "What do you need to talk about?" you asked, knowing full well. "Gonna say sorry cuz of how wrong you were?"
Dean flicked his eyes up to yours. Where had he been looking before?
He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeah. You did good."
You stood and sauntered over to where he sat in a straight-backed chair by the dresser. "But that's not all, is it?" You smirked at him and looked him up and down, gaze lingering on his crotch, where a tent had begun to form.
Dean covered his bulge with his hand and pressed down, growling. "You were a little too good."
"So, what? You stayed because you want me to help with that?" you teased, coming closer.
"Yeah," Dean said roughly, standing quickly.
"No," you said bluntly, taking him by the shoulder and pushing him back into the chair.
Dean grimaced. "Why? Please," he begged, face twisted in arousal.
You giggled. "Wow."
"What?" Dean snapped, eyes cracking open.
"Nothing," you said, smirking. "You could beg a little more, might help." You felt your own arousal start to pool in your panties.
"Please, Y/N." Dean looked up at you with wild eyes, squeezing his cock through his pants.
"Please what?" You cocked your head.
"Please... make me cum," he said finally, eyes dropping to your midriff, unwilling to hold your gaze.
You tilted his chin up so he would look at you again, feeling a certain sense of satisfaction that you had somehow reduced him to this begging, horny mess in the chair before you.
"All you had to do was ask," you said softly. You backed away and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Dean started to get up and follow you.
"No," you said, holding up a red-manicured finger. "Sit back down." You pointed.
Dean frowned but did as he was told. You smiled, delighted.
"You're having way too much fun with this," he grumbled.
"I'm sorry what was that?" you asked with a stern expression. "Do you want to cum or not?"
Dean's dick twitched in his pants. The way you bossed him around was really turning him on. "Nothing."
"That's what I thought." You twirled your hair thoughtfully. Dean whined impatiently.
"Tsk, tsk." You crossed your legs at an angle where he could almost see through the slit into your crotch. "Take your cock out."
Dean was all too happy to oblige, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants faster than you could say desperate, hiking up his dress shirt in the process.
"Wait," you interrupted before he could go any further. "Why don't you unbutton your shirt, too. Wouldn't want to make a mess." You smirked.
"Okay," Dean agreed breathily, practically tearing the two sides of the shirt from each other, exposing his muscular torso. You had seen him shirtless before, but there was something about the way he was breathing, stomach rising and falling quickly as he panted, that turned you on when it wouldn't normally.
"Now you can take your dick out," you said. You held your breath a little as his cock came into view. He was fully hard now, and dripping. He squeezed the base, moaning.
"Now what?" he asked, eyes shut as he lightly stroked his cock with his fingertips.
"You need me to tell you how to jack off?" you asked meanly. To your surprise, Dean moaned loudly at that.
He began stroking his cock, slowly at first, building up speed as he could no longer contain himself. A near-constant string of quiet whimpers and moans fell from his lips. You took note of the way he swiped his thumb over his leaking slit, spreading it around to aid his fingers.
"Look at me," you instructed. You wanted to see that wild look in his eyes again, and were instantly rewarded as his eyes flew open to meet yours. His mouth fell open as he gasped when he saw you.
"Forget I was here?" you teased. Dean gulped and shook his head vehemently. His hand slowed, and he started tugging himself less frantically, holding eye contact with you intensely.
"Fuck," he whispered hoarsely. "You're so hot, wanna see you."
You smirked. "Only because you admitted it." You hiked up your skirt, spreading the slit open so he could see your black lace panties.
Dean devoured your skin with his eyes, rubbing the head of his cock in circles with his thumb.
You dropped the straps of your dress so that they hung loosely around your shoulders and ran your long nails across your collarbones, petting your shoulders. Then you took hold of the neckline and pulled it down, freeing your tits from the dress.
"Better than I imagined, baby," Dean groaned at the sight, as his hips bucked into his hand.
You took one of your breasts in your hand, squeezing it towards your chest. "You imagined?" you lilted, smiling.
"Been thinkin' about you all night," he admitted shamelessly. "How good your tits looked in that dress. How good- ngh- you looked walkin' away from me."
Your other hand started creeping into your skirt. "Thought I couldn't even seduce a virgin. What does that make you?"
Dean growled, jerking his cock faster. "I don't- fuck-"
"Maybe you're just a manwhore," you purred, hopping off the bed to approach him.
"Please," Dean gasped, tossing his head back. "I need you."
You scoffed. "I'm not that lacking in self-respect." You lightly scratched your fingernails down the side of his face. He leaned into your touch, groaning, hand stilling.
You leaned in to murmur in his ear. "No, you're gonna take care of this all... by... yourself." You laced your fingers into his short hair, scratching his scalp, and pulled his head back. He relaxed and his eyes fluttered closed at the feeling.
"So take care of it," you remind him harshly, giving his hair a hard tug before letting go. Dean raised his head hazily and began to stroke his dick again, gasping. It was angry red, practically begging for release, but Dean seemed determined to tease himself until he couldn't take it anymore, which you suspected would be soon.
You turned your back to him and unzipped your dress, letting it fall to the floor in a silken puddle. You heard Dean moan softly, sound of skin rubbing skin growing faster. You smiled to yourself as an idea occurred to you.
Against a backdrop of street lamplight coming through the window and lewd noises coming from Dean, you padded barefoot wearing only your underwear to the other side of the bed, where your pajamas lay folded neatly on the nightstand. You unfolded them and spread them out on the bed.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked hoarsely. "Don't- please stay- I need to see you," he whimpered finally.
You ignored him, as you had been planning to do, and put your pajamas on dramatically slowly to the soundtrack of Dean begging you to stop, stay naked, help him.
You turned back to him when you were finished and a rush of arousal hit you at the sight: Dean, cock in hand, sitting exactly where you had left him, sweaty and gasping and looking at you with a wild, desperate expression. You moaned softly in spite of yourself.
"Poor baby," you pout, rounding the bed to sit next to him again. "Haven't you come yet?"
Dean's hand was working overtime, forearm muscles flexing and rippling beneath his skin where his sleeve was rolled up.
"Can't," he breathed.
"You can't come?" You feigned surprise, even though you had known for several minutes that he was probably going to wait for your permission.
"Need you," Dean panted. "Can't do it- mm- without you."
"Sure you can," you said, running your nails down his chest. He shivered intensely.
Dean whimpered, face contorting in frustration. "I can't."
"What, I got you so turned on you can't even jack off without me?" you tease, fingertips stopping right above his happy trail.
"Please touch me."
"I am touching you," you reply smoothly, digging your fingers into his stomach.
Dean rolled his eyes, although you weren't sure if it was sass or pleasure. "Please," he insisted, whining.
"Useless." You replaced his hand with yours, gripping his cock tightly as you stroked it for him. "Can't even make yourself come without my help."
Dean went slack-jawed, head falling back once more. "Uh-huh," he moaned breathily. He ground his hips upwards, trying to find more pressure or friction or something but getting nothing but what you gave him.
"You're a useless whore, right?" you taunted. He would tell you if you went too far, right?
"Yes," Dean groaned loudly. You almost clapped your hand over his mouth, certain that Sam could hear through the walls.
"Shhh, be quiet baby," you said instead. You swiped your thumb over the head of his dick and he hissed, biting his lip. Your other hand went down to cup his balls, giving them a light squeeze.
Suddenly Dean's whole body tensed and his eyes flew open. "Shit- I'm so close, please," he panted. His abs flexed, indicating that he was telling the truth.
You increased the pressure on both hands slightly. "Go on then."
Dean let out a sound somewhere between a strangled gasp and a groan as he came, spurting over his stomach and your hands. You kept pumping, using his cum to aid your efforts, until he was begging you to stop between gasping breaths. Only then did you let go of him, admiring your handiwork.
One Dean Winchester (formerly unbelieving of your sexual prowess), spread over a chair, covered in cum, sweaty and panting and utterly fucked out.
"Thank you," he whispered weakly after a moment.
"Will you ever doubt me again?" you asked, smirking.
He rolled his head to the side to look at you. "No. Fuck, that was hot." Dean grinned. "Actually, I changed my mind. Maybe I should doubt you more often."
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever, Winchester. Clean up and go to bed."
Dean got out of the chair stiffly, winked at you, and went to do as he was told.
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dividers by @cafekitsune and @saradika
589 notes · View notes
zeltqz · 5 months
selfish | haitani ran
synopsis. haitani ran wants you, but can't have you because it would be considered selfish. content. 12k words (listen ik its long just hear me out..), fem!reader, friends to enemies to lovers, mild fwb situation gone wrong, ran's mother is in prison and gives shitty advice, implied sexual harassment (some creepy junkie, nothing happens though), mildly toxic ran, possessiveness, alcohol mentions, ran says hurtful things when he's drunk. NSFW content. authors note. this was inspired by an ask that i changed up a little because i LUV drama, so anon if you see this and recongise the plot creds to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for the idea!!!!
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You were jolted awake by the violent buzz of your phone, muffled by your pillow. You groggily sat up, wiping your eyes and slapped around under your pillow for your phone. Carefully, you rolled to the far edge of your bed and answered. 
“Come down. I’m outside.”
“Ran it’s…2 in the morning.”
“Just come. I want to talk to you.”
You slipped from your bed, yawning and grabbing your house keys on the way out. Once you were outside, the instant regret of not bringing a jacket hit you as you shivered from the cold. You were about to run back inside, but decided against it when you saw Ran’s car parked at the end of the road, the lights on and the windshield wipers actively wiping away the snow. 
You resisted the urge to dramatically slam the door shut when you got in the car. “There better be a zombie apocalypse happening right now if you think waking me up at 2 am was a good idea.”
“So I can only contact you when the world is ending?”
“At 2am, yes.” You leaned your head back against his car seat, mindlessly closing your eyes to savour onto the lingering signs of sleep. “Why’re you even here? I thought you were out of town.”
“I had plans.” He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel. 
“Like plans or ‘plans’?” His smile turned into a smirk and you grimaced. “Ew don’t touch me.”  He laughed playfully and gestured at your seatbelt. You put it on as he started the car, pulling out onto the main road. 
“So where are you taking me anyway?” you asked, plucking at a loose thread on your pyjama bottoms. 
“Nowhere in particular. Just driving around.”
“Cool. So why am I here then?”
“Wanted company. Is that so wrong?” 
You looked his way, wondering if he was being serious right now. “Why didn’t you call your brother then? Or literally anybody else.”
“Because I wanted to see you.” He glanced in your direction, seeing the stunned expression on your face that you quickly fixed when you realised he was staring. 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah sure. Whatever.” You yawned and turned to the side to lean against the window. 
“If you’re tired you can sleep.”
“I don’t wanna fall asleep on you. That’s rude.” Another yawn. “I’ll manage it.”
“You hungry?” he asked, pulling up towards a late night fast food drive-thru across the street. 
“Kinda. Now that I think about it, I barely ate all day.”
“Don’t know how you do it honestly.” He was plucking at his baby hairs as he slowed the car to a stop. “Alright whaddya want.” 
You peeked past his body to look at the menu on the wall, the bright lights straining your tired eyes. “Literally anything. I don’t care.” He clicked his tongue and stared at you. You sighed. “I don’t want you to waste money on me.”
“Don’t stress,” he said, waving off your concern with a wave of his hand. You settled in your seat as he rolled down the window. You were distractedly scrolling on your phone to pass time as he spent the next five minutes ordering. 
Looking up, you saw he already had the bag of food on his lap, but instead of handing it to you, his arm is leaning against the window, smirking as he talks to the cashier working the drive-thru. She has her finger twirling her hair, leaning so far from the narrow window you’re surprised she hasn’t fallen out yet. 
“Hello?? Can we go?!” you snapped. 
“Oh, sorry.” The girl leered in your direction, taking you back momentarily before she fixed her features in time when she looked back at Ran. “It was nice meeting you,” she said softly, her voice lacking the same venomous tone she gave you earlier.
“Pleasure meeting you too. See you around beautiful.” You don’t know if he winked or did his signature smirk at her, but it was something of that nature because she had to fan herself to calm the redness on her face as his car began driving off.
You took the bag of food from his lap and ripped it open. “Do you really have to flirt with every girl you meet?”
“Someone sounds jealous.” You weren’t even looking in his direction but you could envision the shit eating grin of his face when he said that.
“I’m not jealous. I just know how to keep it in my pants and not go around flirting with every guy I meet.” You bit the packaging of the straw and poked it in your drink more aggressively than you intended.
“Have you maybe thought that’s because you just suck at flirting?” 
You almost choked on your drink with how quick you moved your head to face him. “I don’t suck at flirting!”
He snorted, taking one hand off the wheel to support his head as he leaned against the door. “Sureeeeeeeee.”
“Don't say sure like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t believe me!”
He shrugged. “I don’t.” He stopped the car at a red light. “Show me how you flirt then.”
You stared down at the food in your hands, contemplating if you should. When you looked up, you saw him already staring at you, waiting. “Fine.” You wiped your hands and set your food back down, putting it back in the takeout bag before shifting to face him on your seat. 
You cleared your throat, readying yourself to speak. The second you opened your mouth, it was like your mind blanked and you instantly closed it again. “This is too embarrassing. I can’t.”
“It’s only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing,” he responded back, shifting his attention back on the road when the light changed to green.
“No. I just know you’re going to laugh at me if I do it.”
“No I won’t.” He put a hand over his heart. “Scouts honour”
“You’re so ridiculous,” you grumbled but laughed nonetheless. “Okay, I’ll do it once we get home. I need time to prepare.”
Ran seemed to agree with that and in the fifteen minutes it took you to get home, you finished your food. He was parked outside your house across the street and you were idly sipping at your drink.
“Alright, ready?” He turned the engine off, leaving the radio still on.
“Wait this is my favourite song.” You inched forward to turn the volume up only to recoil when he slapped your hand away. “What the hell?!”
“Stop stalling.” He ignored the frustrated look on your face. “Show me already. I didn’t drive you here for nothing.”
“You shouldn’t have driven here at 3 in the morning anyway!”
“So ungrateful.” He pinched your nose with two fingers, laughing when you swatted him away. “Show meeee.”
“Okay fine! Fine!” You set your drink in the cupholder and turned to look at him. “I actually don’t know how to flirt.”
“Had a feeling.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Want me to teach you,” he asked gently, looking directly into your eyes. You found it hard to look away in that moment, like so much was riding on your answer. 
You nodded slowly. “Yeah… okay…”
“Alright. Guys love it when you’re confident and can hold eye contact. So hold eye contact as much as you can, but don’t stare like a creep. That shit’s weird. Show ‘em you’re engaged in the conversation when they’re talking about themselves and just stare into their eyes. Shit, that even gets me all fuzzy when a girl knows how to hold it. Had me stutterin’ and shit once.”
You blinked and envisioned a stuttering, flustered Ran in your mind. “Really? Eye contact? That’s all?” He shrugged and nodded. “That sounds really hard to believe honestly.”
“Really?” You nodded. “Reaaaally?” he repeated, extra slow, giving you enough time to back out when you have the chance.
“Yes. Reaaaaally Ran.”
“Tell me what you did today.”
You crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling. “Well…I woke up this morning…I went to work, had lunch, worked until 4, then came home and studied.”
“In detail.”
“Is that really necessary?” you complained, but the look on his face was completely serious. Sighing, you settled back into your seat. “Okay so I went to bed late as fuck last night and I woke up at like 12 which was so bad because my shift started in fifteen minutes. So I wondered whether or not I should go and—”
“Look at me when you talk.”
You were about to slap him. You sighed and turned to look at him. 
“I went to back late last night and woke up at like…” Your mind blanked, and you struggled to find your words or remember what the hell you did hours ago with him looking so intently at you. “...11 ish? Which was—”
“You said it was 12, no?” he tilted his head, his stare unwavering.
You gulped. “Yes. Sorry. I woke up at 12 and my shift started at 12:15.” Your face burned. Just what the hell was wrong with you. In that moment, you felt like you were out of your own body, spirit you watching as you did nothing but blink uselessly at Ran. You fought the urge to slap yourself and ignore his slutty mind tricks. 
You looked down at your lap only to have him lift your face back to him with a single finger. “You’re not done with your story yet.”
“...right…right.” You cleared your throat again. He leaned forward, forearms resting on the steering wheel, locking his gaze on you. Was Ran always this hot? Surely you’ve noticed it before but not like this, where your mind is focusing only on him, and pushing all other stray thoughts out of the way 
You inhaled deeply and regained composure. “And I briefly considered whether or not I should go in late…but my boss has been kinda mean to me lately and…”
He raised an eyebrow, nodding as he studied your face, and urged you to continue when you stopped talking.
“...so I went in and finished my shift. My boss wasn’t too mad at me which was good I guess.”
“Then what?” His voice was purposefully different than usual, it was lower in that moment, throwing you off balance completely.
Your throat suddenly felt dry. “One second.” You grabbed your drink from before and began taking long sips from it, still feeling the intensity of his stare against the side of your face. Once you gulped half the drink down, you forcefully swallowed your burp, not wanting to ruin the weird, but heated atmosphere in the car with your natural bodily functions. 
“Then I went home to study for my exam on Thursday and fell asleep. Then your annoying ass woke me up and here I am.”
He laughed lightly, pulling back to return back to his seat. “How hard was that? Be honest.” His head rested back against the headrest, smirking at you. “Don’t lie now.”
You looked down at your lap, averting your eyes from his and refusing to make eye contact. You hated that you had to admit that it actually worked, his intense eye contact had actually effected you. He kept urging you until you persisted and you groaned inwardly. “Fine. It worked.”
“Seeeeee?” He jostled you playfully, and you smiled weakly. “I told ya. Anyway, want more advice?”
“There’s more?” Was the eye contact not enough? You didn’t even want to think how much power this man has. 
“Yeah. Say his name a lot. Drives me crazy when I hear a girl say my name.”
You snorted. “Sounds oddly narcissistic of you,” you retorted before you could catch yourself. “Sorry.”
“(Y/N),” he called your name in a deep, rumbling tone that had you internally shut down and log off. 
Once you came back, you grinned, impressed. “Wow…you’re good,” you admitted, subtly rubbing your hand along your arm to rid it of the goosebumps that seemed to sprout up whenever he spoke to you in that tone. “You’re actually a danger to society.”
“It’s fun making girls all flustered.” His hand rose to rest on your thigh. When you didn’t shrug it off or tell him to stop, his fingers began to caress softly against your skin. His touch felt electrifying, zapping through the fabric of your pyjama bottoms as he continued his actions.
“Something wrong?” he asked teasingly when he saw you struggle to control yourself, clenching your thighs together.
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re not gonna tell me to stop?”
“I see.” His thumb continued to stroke your inner thigh.
You don’t know what possessed you at that moment, but you grabbed his hand and placed it between your legs. He looked at you, confused and surprised at your sudden boldness. 
You pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, and whispered into his ear, “I can be seductive too, you know?”
Something in your words ignited a flame inside him, something primal and raw when your lips softly grazed down his ear. He turned his head to meet yours. 
“I’m sure you can be,”  he said softly, leaning in to kiss you gently. The kiss was only a soft press of his lips against yours, and your desire to want him to kiss you for real grew stronger by the second.
His hand moved down your body, helping you pass the console to straddle him. One hand slid down the back of his neck as you kissed each other hungrily, your tongue sliding out to meet his. He bit your bottom lip, gently sucking it while running his tongue along the inside of your mouth, slowly parting your lips with his. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, pulling away to look down at him, resting your forehead against his. You went back in, and the kiss quickly turned heated, hungry and wild. “This doesn’t mean anything, right?” you asked, panting slightly.
He broke the eye contact to look down at his hands on your waist, sliding down to your hips and held you firmly in place, leaving no space between you. “Nah. Let’s just have fun.”
He cupped the back of your neck to bring you in for another kiss, your insides melting as your body temperature rose at the feeling of his rough hands working you over. He fumbled with the drawstrings of your pj bottoms until they loosened, slipping his hands inside, desperate to touch bare skin.
“No panties,” he grinned against your lips, giving you a peck when you flushed. 
“They’re uncomfortable at night…gotta let it breathe, you know?” you mumbled, looking down at his lap. 
He nudged your head up using his own and reattached his lips to yours. His hands continued to explore your body, roaming up and down your back, clutching at your waist. He placed his hand firmly on the back of your head, gilding your head movements into the kiss.
His thumb traced circles on the soft flesh on your hip as your mouth left his to plant open, wet kisses along his neck, teeth nipping and skimming when the radio thought it’ll be a wonderfully convenient idea to switch from the soft music it was playing earlier, to sudden heavy death metal, loud instruments and screaming booming through the car. 
You both jumped apart, your head smacked against the roof of the car, wailing as you winced when Ran started laughing. “It’s not funny!”
He doesn’t stop laughing because why would he, but he at least reached forward, your body on his lap following his movements as he turned the volume down.
“Why do you even have that on your playlist?!” 
“Rindou had a…phase. I hate it too, don’t worry.” 
You continued to rub the sore spot and pouted when you felt a headache blooming, already kissing goodbye to your good night’s sleep tonight. 
“Come here.” He smoothed a hand over the sore spot. “Better?”
“Kinda.” Your sour mood lessens and you start laughing, hiding your face in his shoulder. Your shoulders shook as you struggled to control your laughter. He laughed alongside you, his arms tightening around your body as he pulled you back against him. 
“That scared the living shit out of me,” you panted, finally catching your breath, kissing down the side of his neck. 
He turned his face to properly meet yours. You kissed him deeply, slowly rocking your hips with his as his strong hands squeezed tightly against your ass. After a while, you broke the kiss, your body now craving more than just kissing.
“Stop teasing me,” you complained, pushing him lightly on the chest.
“‘S fun seeing you so worked up,” he said with a shitty smirk, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your head lolled back as he steadily worked his way down the column of your throat, then down your chest.
His fingers bunched around the hem of your shirt, about to tug it off when you looked outside. The sun was still dark, but the promise of sunrise just around the corner as it rounded near 4 am. Obviously people wouldn’t be up and walking around this late, but the thought still made you stiffen.
“What’s wrong?” Ran asked, pausing with your shirt half way up your stomach.
“Can we go inside?” you asked, dragging the tips of your nails along the flat plane of his stomach. Despite having spent the last ten minutes making out with this man, the question implied more and your face burned when his eyes widened a bit. 
You looked down at your hands moving under his shirt, tracing patterns across his skin and bit down a giggle when he squirmed as you hit a particularly ticklish spot, poking his belly button. You took a mental note of that for later…
“You sure you wanna?” he asked carefully. You nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.” 
You quietly stumbled out of the car, holding his hand as you crossed the street to your house. You were fumbling with your keys, hard to find the keyhole in the darkness. It wasn’t helping your focus and accuracy with Ran behind you, fingers caressing your hips and waist, nipping at your neck. You let out a soft moan, giving up with your keys to lean your head back against his shoulder to give him more access before you quickly came to your senses.
“I need to open the door, go away,” you said with a huff, ignoring his laughter as you pushed him away. 
The door slammed shut and you locked it before pouncing on Ran, letting him press you up hard against the door as he hungrily devoured your mouth. His lips branded the soft skin of your neck as he dipped lower, carrying you to your bedroom. You were dropped mindlessly on your bed, bouncing from the impact as he hovered over you, your mind pleasantly blank as you focused solely on how badly you needed him right now.
His fingers slipped down your underwear and you saw stars.
As you were walking through the aisles of the grocery store, your music was interrupted by your phone ringing. You jerked your phone out from your jeans pocket to stare at the caller ID. Just a long string of numbers. 
“Who is this?” you asked suspiciously, racking your brain for a time you handed your number out to anyone you hadn’t saved.
“It’s Ran. What, forgot about me already?” 
Your mood immediately dampened and you clutched your phone tighter in your hand. “Why’re you calling me?”
“Easy with the hostility, man. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“And you couldn’t have done this, I dunno, in the two months you spent ghosting me? And don’t tell me “easy with the hostility”, I have a right to be fucking mad after you just hit and dipped like that.”
“Hit and dipped?”
“You ghosted me dumbass.”
You heard a loud exhale. “Right… yeah about that.”
“What do you want Ran?”
“I miss you.”
You almost forgot how to breathe. “Areyoufuckingkiddingmerightnow?”
“You heard me. I said I missed you.”
“Let me guess, there’s no other girls available right now, right? That’s why you’re bugging me?” It would be a wild accusation if not for the fact after that night you spent together, his phone buzzed incessantly, the constant vibrations waking you up and you saw notifications of girls in his inbox, sending him the usual “are you up?” text messages, followed up with images of themselves half naked.
He hummed. “Why would there be other girls? I’m talking to you right now.”
“Because you’re you.”
“Ok, but I’m serious though. I miss you a lot.” You found it so hard to give this man any sympathy.
“Well who’s fault is that? Nobody asked you to stop speaking to me after that night.”
“I know I know. I messed up. I just didn’t know how to approach you after that.” He sounded seriously stressed over this, and your face softened for a fraction of a moment before memories of you constantly checking your phone to see if he bothered to open your message yet reappear in your mind; just like that, your scowl is back, sympathy long gone.
“Right. Because THE Haitani Ran gets nervous after sex. Wow, shocker.”
“I mean, you were the best lay I ever had.”
Your traitorous heart stuttered without your permission, making your lips quirk up into a smile. “Really?” You cursed yourself for even entertaining his bullshit, and cursed your body even more for reacting in such a manner.
“Yeah, course you were.”
“Then why’d you ghost me? It’s like you want me to hate you. I swear to god for the life of me I’ll never under male logic.”
“It’s not male logic. ‘S just me, being a dumbass.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“This was different though because we were friends before we fucked, and I didn’t wanna make things weird. I had no clue how to text you after that.” You guessed that made sense, having felt the same awkwardness the morning after waking up sore with him beside you. 
“Oh. Well, it’s only weird if you make it weird.”
“Right. So…can I make it up to you?”
“Let’s hang out.”
“Like hang out or ‘hang out’?” Part of you wanted it to be the first one, not wanting to ruin anymore awkwardness in your friendship by sleeping with each other again. But the other part of your body already was hellbent on it being the second, already addicted to the way he makes you feel in bed. 
“The former. But,” his voice dropped lower, “it can also be the latter, if you’re down.”
“I’m down,” you said a bit too quickly for someone trying to seem indifferent.
“Cool. See you tonight then.” 
Before you could say goodbye, he was already saying hi to someone else, and then hung up. Any negative emotions you felt for him was tempered by the excitement buzzing through your limbs as you continued shopping for groceries with a dopey smile on your face, happy you were able to patch things up.
Time passes since you both agreed to this weird friends with benefits arrangement. All awkwardness is stomped on and thrown out the window, now more open to the matter. Months go by of you losing yourself in his sheets, of him mapping out your body with his tongue, latching his mouth onto your skin and marking you all over. Months go by of you craving his touch whenever you’re alone, picturing his voice in your ear, his presence caging you from above when you’re with other men. Months go by of you both making plans, with you, more than him, staring at your phone the entire day, starting the mental countdown to when you’re next able to see him. 
Life is good for Ran, until the day he dreaded the most every year rolls around. The day he has to visit his mother in prison along with Rindou. Their meet-ups are nothing more than an annual thing, visiting her on her birthday every year. 
“So what have you been up to this year?” she asked disinterestedly. 
Ran could see right through her, can see she’s started using again if the bloodshot eyes and the not so subtle way she rubs her nose were any clue. 
“Good ma,” Rindou responded. “I’ve took up DJ’ing in a few of Dad’s clubs in my free time.”
At the mention of her ex-husband, she sneered. Rindou rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna do that every time I mention him ma?”
“I’ll react however the fuck I want when you bring up that passed around, dried up whore of a man,” she snapped. Rindou doesn’t react, already used to her mood swings and aggressive comments about his father. She jerked her head over to her weirdly quiet son. “And you? What’s your deal?”
“My deal?” Ran asked, matching her levels of indifference. 
“What have you been up to,” she repeated slower, like he was dumb. 
“What? Your life is that shit you haven’t done anything for the past year? Nothing at all?” She stared at Ran who responded with silence and a blank stare. “Even I’ve done shit and I’m stuck in this hell hole.”
“Well whose fault is that?” Ran snapped back. Rindou slapped his forehead.
“Listen here you—”
“Ran’s been seeing a girl ma,” Rindou said quickly, hoping that small drop of information about his brother’s life was enough to diffuse a bad situation. 
“A girl?? Who?”
“Just some girl. You don’t know her and never will,” Ran grumbled.
“Is she…?” she gestured at him, at herself. He didn’t respond and she changed the wording of her question. “How did you meet?”
“She’s not involved in what we do ma. If that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Good.” She let out an exhale in relief. “And you make sure to leave her out of it.”
She pointed her finger at him. “Don’t pursue this girl because you’re selfish and want to bring her in potential danger. Keep her around, fuck her or whatever it is you do in your spare time that you wanna keep a secret from me, but if you pursue her romantically then you’re a selfish piece of shit.”
Ran stiffened, his glare hardening in her direction. “Keep out of my goddamn business.”
“You know I’m right, Ran. That’s why you’re mad. Isn’t that right, Rindou?” She looked at her youngest son who looked tentatively between them both, staying stubbornly silent. She clicked her tongue and turned back to Ran. “You’d rather put this girl in danger because you can’t stand being alone by yourself. You’ve got issues, Ran. That’s why you haven’t had a relationship longer than 3 months. Correct?”
Ran stared down at the table, silent. 
“Do you care about her?” she asked and Rindou had no idea if he pictured it or not but it looked like she softened for a moment.
Ran didn’t respond, but nodded in slight movements. 
“If you truly care about this girl, you’ll leave her alone. It’s for her own good. Bringing her into your lifestyle is just selfish.”
“Times up,” The officer from the back of the room said, walking towards the table with handcuffs. 
She stood up and placed her hands behind her back. “Do the right thing, Ran.”
“How do you know that’s true though?” he asked.
“Speaking from experience. Look at me, suffering from the actions of your father. He brought me into this lifestyle, and I wasn’t prepared for it. So now I’m facing the consequences. You’re just like your father, Ran. An emotionally distant, sadistic, messed up man. Embrace it or don’t. Try to change or don’t. Either way I don’t care. Just don’t ruin others because of that nature.”
The officer tightened her handcuffs and locked them. “Let’s go,” he said, before escorting her out of the room.
Rindou looked at his brother with sympathy. “You okay?” His hand rose to rest of his shoulder but Ran stood up before he could make contact.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and turned around. “Let’s go.”
You weren’t sure what was going on with Ran but he seemed emotionally distant. He was no longer affectionate towards you when you both hung out, his response time was a lot slower than it used to be. When you had sex, he was totally fine though, which weirded you out because he would randomly do a complete 180 out of nowhere with the affection. 
“That was amazing,” you said panting as you collapsed back on the bed. Ran hummed in agreement, gathering you in his chest as you cuddled. You buried your face in his neck, the scent of his cologne heavy in your nose.
“I know,” he sighed, looking down and kissing your forehead. You smiled harder, fighting back the urge to giggle and use his warm body as a blanket.
You were playing with the tip of his braid, occasionally twirling it around the tip of your index finger when you decided now was the time to approach the topic that’d been brewing inside you the last few months.
“So…” you traced your fingernail across the spiral tattoo on his chest.
He looked down at you, a lazy smirk on his face. “So?” He kissed your forehead again.
You bit down on your lip and forced yourself to look into Ran’s eyes. “This might sound cliche, or cheesy or whatever but…”
“Doubt it,” he snorted, taking your hand off his chest and linking his fingers with yours, clutching your hand tightly. When you looked stumped for words, he nudged his shoulder, softly jostling you in the process. “What’s up?”
“Well…” God, this was harder than you thought it would be. 
You chewed the skin of your lips as you tried to calm your nerves before you exploded with anxiety. You nearly froze when he placed his thumb against your lip, tugging it free from its brawl with your teeth. 
Fuck it. “I just wanted to know…what are we…?”
It didn’t help your already racing nerves when he froze beneath you, and you swore you could feel the blood in his body stop flowing at that moment. 
He sat up abruptly, sending you sliding off his chest. You blinked uselessly at the muscled plane of his back, grabbing the sheets and clutching it towards your chest, your body deprived of the warmth his body provided earlier now making your limbs go cold.
He scratched his hair and sighed exhaustedly. “I gotta be honest with you.”
You barely found your voice as you softly said, “Go on.”
“I don’t want a relationship right now.”
“Oh.” You quietly cleared your throat, sitting upright and shifting backwards on your mattress until your back hit the headboard. “With me…or?”
“So…what was the point of this then?”
“I dunno? I mean I just thought you liked…” he gestured at the both of you, hoping you’d see where he was coming from. When you didn’t and just stared at him confused, he got more frustrated. “You know, this? What were we doing? I didn’t know you—” He sighed again and groaned. 
You felt like your throat was stuffed with cotton with how hard it was to breathe. “But I thought you liked me?”
“I do like you.”
“So then what’s the hold up?”
“Just because I like you doesn’t mean I have to be with you, okay? I’m busy all the fucking time and you’ll just be getting in the way of that,” he said curtly, not bothering to hide the clear frustration in his voice.
Hurt prickled across your skin, your ears felt full as you toned out everything he was saying. He turned to face you, those eyes of his that normally made you flush from head to toe now felt so cold and distant, like you didn’t know who the man in front of you was. 
“Just get out, Ran.” You choked back tears as they threatened to fall from your eyes, but you quickly looked away before they could. He’d seen you vulnerable beneath him many times, but this time was different. You couldn’t—no, you won’t allow him the satisfaction of seeing he made you this upset.
“No wait.” He reached out for you, his heart shattering when you pushed him away, sulking. 
He had a weird feeling in his chest, one that he wasn’t used to feeling, and instead of combating his emotions like a regular person, he discarded them  to the side, pretending they didn’t exist. He sighed exasperatedly and slid off your bed.
You moved to lay down, covering your entire body with your bedsheets as you heard him pack up his things. He silently changed and gently closed the door when he left. Once you heard your front door close, you sat up and wiped your tears, grabbing your phone from your dresser. 
The next few hours were spent watching youtube videos, laughing softly at the comments people left. It made you feel less useless about yourself and tried to desperately take your mind off what just happened prior. Honestly, you blame yourself for even bringing it up. It wasn’t worth ruining a two year friendship over.
Sure, it’s normal to catch feelings for a guy that treats you nice, isn’t selfish in bed and actually takes his time to account for your needs. That doesn’t mean you’re romantically interested in him though, right? Guaranteed it could’ve been any other of your friends, like Sanzu or even Mikey and you would’ve developed those same feelings, right? 
Before you had any time to digest that topic deeper, a text message notification popped up on your screen.
Ran: ok so that was awkward before. Can we talk this over properly?? I dont want to ruin what we had honestly. It…was a mistake to start sleeping together i know. We both had different intentions and i apologise if I sent you mixed feelings. Your friendship is something I value a lot and I don’t wanna lose that. So can we start over??? Just be friends this time? 
You: sure i guess. Sorry if i made things uncomfortable earlier.
Ran: ur good. Ill see you later then?
You: yeah okay
You and Ran had fought many times over the course of your friendship, and each time you both were able to move on like nothing happened. But this time, it just felt different. You felt it.
“You know it’s 3 in the morning right?” Sanzu rubbed his eyes, yawning obnoxiously. “I mentally check out from 2-10am.” 
“Shut up.” You dig around in his pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes. “Give me a lighter.”
“Since when do you smoke?” he asked, then tacked on, “Oh and I don’t have one.”
“Then why do you have a box of cigarettes then?!” 
Sanzu blinked at your sudden outburst. “Okay first. Calm down. Inside voices, we’re outside right now.” You fought the urge to point out how contradictory it was to use your inside voice outside but let it slide. “Secondly, why are you acting so…”
“So what?” 
“You know…” he looked carefully at you, trying to gauge your reaction if he were to say the words he truly wanted to say.
“If you’re about to say bitchy save it.”
“I wasn’t!”
“Then what were you going to say?” you raised your brow, waiting. He slowly closed his mouth and looked down at the floor in defeat. “Exactly,” you said triumphantly, then exhaled softly and looked around the street for any convenience stores that sell lighters.
“So can I ask why you suddenly want to smoke?”
“I’m stressed out okay?” You began walking towards the 24 hour convenience store across the street, Sanzu following behind you. “I sort of, maybe not, confessed to Ran earlier and he wanted to stay friends. So now I don’t think I can handle being in the same room as him without wanting to die.”
Sanzu yawned again, scratching his eye. “That sucks. I dunno what that has to do with me though.”
“I need company! I feel like I’m going to explode if I’m alone with myself tonight.”
 The bell chimed when you both entered the store, instantly heading over to the counter to buy the lighter. The cashier went to the back to grab the lighter.
“All I’m hearing is that you missed me,” Sanzu teased, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He was expecting you to push him off like you normally do. He definitely was not expecting you to chuckle, hug him back and mildly not in agreement. 
He backed away dramatically, narrowly avoiding stumbling into a display shelf and tapped your shoulder to get your attention. When you turned around, he kept staring gingerly at your face, causing you to raise your eyebrow.
“Who are you and what did you do to my friend?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you. The cashier handed you the lighter and you paid him, leaving the store with Sanzu behind you. Grabbing the box of cigarettes, you lit one up and exhaled for the nth time tonight.
“Do you think it’s normal for a guy to just be friends with a girl they used to have a thing with? Or if it’s normal for them to be friends with girls they know like them?”
Sanzu shrugged. “Are you asking the opinion of all men or just Ran? Because nobody knows what that guy is thinking when it comes to women. He’s way too comfortable around girls so probably? I mean, it’ll be in the back of his mind, sure, but as long as you’re not awkward around him it’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Guess we’ll have to see.” He pulled the cigarette from your mouth and dropped it on the floor, stubbing it out with his foot. At your shocked face, he held his hand out. “I don’t want you taking on bad habits because you’re having an emotional meltdown.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m not having an emotional meltdown.”
“Sure…” He yawned for the fifth time tonight. “If I stay out any longer I’m going to pass out on the street. I’ll see you later, okay?” He pat you on the head, deliberately ignoring your complaint of “don’t fuck up my hair” and made his way home.
In the time you spent avoiding anything Ran related, that also meant avoiding people and situations that he was guaranteed to be there. It meant you stop hanging out with your mutual friends in groups, stopped going to parties you knew he was hosting. Was it bad your other friendships had to be jeprodized because you were too scared to confront your newfound, fresh start with Ran? Yeah, it wasn’t your proudest moment either. But it also meant you were spending a lot more time with Sanzu and Mikey. Out of everyone in his gang, they were the least close, only talking to each other with work related issues. Sanzu and Ran had this unspoken hatred with each other, that made the two of them avoid each other at all costs, not wanting to start another argument or fight.
That was great news for you because it would mean no impromptu visits, like the incident at Hanma’s house, or no unexpected calls from Ran like when you were hanging out with Kakucho, or no fear that Ran would be upstairs in his room when you were hanging out with Rindou. 
Hanging out with Sanzu more often also meant getting closer with Senju. She’s two years younger than you and you treated her like a little sister. It was her birthday next weekend and Takeomi was in charge of the planning the surprise birthday party, which meant nobody had a single clue who was coming.
If that were the case, you wouldn’t have shown up that day. 
“Ran. Are you going to Senju’s party?” Takeomi asked, exhaling cigarette smoke over the phone.
“Do I have to? I don’t know that girl.”
“I don’t care what you do. Just tell me so I can start planning her shit.”
“Depends honestly. Who’s going?”
Takeomi started listing off the names which included some of Senju’s college friends that Ran didn’t care about, some of their mutual friends like Sanzu (duh), Mikey, Kakucho, you, Rindou—wait, hold up.
“Wait, (y/n)’s going?” Ran cut Takeomi off mid sentence.
Takeomi grunted. “Yes.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” He hung up before Takeomi could say anything. Honestly Ran couldn’t care less about Senju, his only motivation was the thought of seeing you.
The fact he sent you that message, hoping it’ll mend whatever dent was placed in your friendship, only to get slapped in the face when you spent the last four months avoiding him pissed him off to no extent. He wasn’t blocked, he knew you wouldn’t do that to him, but he didn’t have the courage to check either. Maybe this party would be the perfect time to talk to you, to catch up and mend until he could selfishly hold you in his arms again. 
He didn’t spend the whole four months pining over you, the group of girls in his bed would confirm that, but there was an unknown feeling in his chest, something always wriggling at the back of his mind that he knew distantly was caused by you. It was getting annoying, having his shitty mother’s words ringing in the back of his mind every time he thought about making up with you. It took him about three months to realise that he actually loved you, whether that was a fact he wanted to accept or not. That feeling he was deliberately avoiding, was his conscious telling him to stop self sabotaging himself and just tell you how he feels.
He can’t wait to see you next Saturday.
When Ran says he knew nothing about your life in the last four months it wasn't an exaggeration. He genuinely had no idea who you were with, what you were doing, where and when. So you could only imagine his shock when he sees you’ve somehow become best buddies with Manjiro and fucking Sanzu, the idiot currently sitting between your legs on the floor as you braided his hair. 
You looked so pretty tonight, dressed up semi formal. Your hair and makeup was done in a way that Ran had never seen you in before. Senju sat beside you, talking loudly and making you laugh. Sanzu scrolled on his phone, waiting for you to finish his hair. Mikey sat next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as he looked like he was on the verge of sleep.
If you noticed him come in tonight, you sure hid it well, not even bothering to acknowledge his existence. He was planning on talking to you after Senju blew out her candles, that was until he saw what he did. 
After a load of drinks, everybody was pretty tipsy, including you and Manjiro as you both made out in the patio, his hands caressing your thighs as you sat sideways on his lap. The patio was filled with Senju’s friends in the pool, the smell of barbecue (requested by Senju) filling the air as people hovered around the grill, desperate for some savoury meat. It was hard to see you and Manjiro at first, but he did, as if his eyes were automatically drawn to you no matter where in the room.
Granted he had no right to feel the way he did, he knows that, and his words from that night constantly play on loop in his mind. He told you he wanted to be just friends and you agreed to that, and friends don’t get mad at friends for having relationships. But his boss of all fucking people? He wouldn’t give this much of a fuck if it was Shion or something.
“Drink up bitch!” Sanzu shoved a cup into Ran’s hand, resting his arm on the taller boy’s shoulder as he watched Ran grimace at the beverage.
“The fuck is this supposed to be?” 
“Dunno honestly. Just mixed a bunch of shit together.” Sanzu clinked his cup with his. “You’ll probably wake up tomorrow with memory loss and severe liver damage, but bon appetit.”
“I’m not drinking your mystery drink.”
“Boo. No fun.” Sanzu pouted, taking a big gulp of his drink.
“Why are you even talking to me?”
“Because you look like you’re about to kill somebody and as much as I relate to that feeling, I don’t want any drama on Senju’s birthday. She’ll never shut the fuck up about it. So drink up and enjoy the party dude.” He lifted the cup to Ran’s lips which stayed stubbornly closed until he gave in, making a face as it burned down his throat.
“See! It’s not so bad!” Sanzu slapped his back before walking away, ready to hand out samples of his new drink to random people. 
Fifteen minutes later and whatever Sanzu poured in that drink did wonders, Ran couldn’t help but admit. He got over his sour funk sooner than he’d thought. The liquor running through his veins made him socialise a hundred times better and managed to snag five pretty girls’ numbers tonight. He was currently leaning against the wall, hovering beside this girl he couldn’t remember the name of for the life of him (it wasn’t his fault, he blames it on Sanzu), as she tilted up to whisper provocative things in his ear. She looked like she’d be good in bed, and that was all Ran was thinking about when he saw your hair bounce past him.
Ran looked just in time to see you disappear through a doorway, and he abruptly pulled himself away from the girl before him. “I’ll be back in a sec. Just…do whatever,” he said, not even looking at her as he walked away. 
When he rounded the corner, his stomach did backflips as he saw you yell something to some people inside a room down the hallway before turning around. You almost recoiled when you saw Ran and mentally cursed the fact there was no objects, or people you could hide behind.
You pressed your lips into a wry smile and tried to walk past him before he grabbed your arm, stopping you. “What, so you’re not talking to me at all now?”
“Okay, calm down. It’s been like four months.”
“Which is a long time?” His phone lit up in his hand, a text message of a girl asking where he is with a string of sad faces emojis, and to add fuel to the fire, a tongue and water splash emoji. Ran clicked his tongue and made a mental note to block her when he’s done with this. 
You scoffed. “Sorry I hadn’t been able to entertain you these last four months, Ran. I just assumed girls 1 though 56 had it handled for me.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean,” he said curtly, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
You looked up at him, mouth in a thin line as you hissed, “Exactly how it sounds. Now I have somewhere to be.” You tried to skirt past him but he blocked your way out. He suddenly felt too big, too close, and your simmering temper was beginning to surface. “Ran seriously move.” You tried pushing his chest, but it didn’t work.
“Why? So you can go back to sucking face with Mikey?” Shut up…please, just shut up, sober Ran was yelling inside his head, but the words just came out before he could stop them. Note to self, never drink anything from Sanzu ever again. 
“Sucking face? Why are you…why do you even care?! You’re the one that said “I don’t want a relationship right now” so you don’t get a right to act all possessive over me and shit. Just because you’re too emotionally stunted to maintain a goddamn relationship, doesn’t mean everybody else is like that.” Your chest burnt with anger at his fucking audacity. Seriously, who does he think he is?
“What, so you want a relationship with Mikey, that it? Someone’s who is even more emotionally stunted than everybody in this fucking party combined?”
“And if I do? Is that your business? Whatever my decision is, it’s not up to you. Now get out of my way.” You leaned in close to his face as you glared up at him. His anger gave way into something more heated that made him lick his lips, wondering how you’d react if he were to kiss you right now.  You were about to attempt to walk away when Kakucho stumbled out of one of the rooms in the hallway, slightly tipsy.
“What’s going on? Why are you yelling?”
“Kakucho. Get your boy and tell him to leave me the fuck alone.” You pointed at Ran who snapped out of his stupor.
“Ran, let her leave.”
“Not till I get my answers.”
You pinched your temples, not even bothering to lower your voice as you yelled in sheer frustration, “What answers Ran?! I don’t owe you shit!”
“What’s going on?” Mikey stumbled out of the room you were exiting earlier and his arm instantly found itself on your waist. You were still seething, your heavy breathing only calming down once Mikey’s hand curled a little more around you, pulling you flush against his side.
“Nothing. Let’s go,” you said softly to Mikey, letting him lead you back to the room.
Ran’s anger returned tenfold upon seeing your hand hold Mikey back. “Since when are you two such good friends?”
“That’s none of your damn business,” you yelled back from the end of the hallway, your grip around Mikey tightening significantly.
“Don’t tell me you’re fucking him now? What is he your new boy toy? You’re that desperate?” 
Kakucho slapped a hand on his forehead, regretting not pulling Ran away before he had the chance.
You froze at the door, turning to look at him. In the years of your friendship with Ran, he’d seen you get angry many times, yelling at characters in movies when they do something stupid, yelling at him over the mic when you were playing video games. And in every one of those instances, he was never on the receiving end of your anger. The look you gave him, if it could, would’ve turned him to stone with how irate you looked right now. Dimly, he knew what he was doing was wrong, and if he was sober enough he would've definitely stopped himself from saying those things, but he was hurt, and angry, and those two combinations had him feeling like he had a right to make you feel the same way.
“I’m sorry, what?” You stepped out of Mikey’s grip. “Oh this is fucking rich. The irony right now, holy shit!” You began laughing. “If what I’m doing is considered “desperate” to you, then what does that make you? Pathetic? Huh? Needing fifty girls attention on you every second of every fucking day doesn’t seem desperate to you?”
Your loud laughter began to draw people in the party towards the hallway, interested in the loud argument going on. Kakucho grabbed Ran’s arm, shaking his head as if he could read his thoughts. “Don’t respond. Let’s just go.”
Ran shoved his hand off him, sending Kakucho back against the wall. “Nah I’m gonna respond.” He turned back to you, uncaring of all the eyes watching the scene take place. “You stay bringing up these girls in every single conversation I have with you and shame them like you weren’t proud to be one of them months ago.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. “So that’s all I was? A number to you? Enlighten me Ran, what number was I? 34? 52?”
“What fucking difference does it make if you know.”
“It makes no difference. I just want to hear you say it.” You closed the distance between you both and poked a finger into his chest. “I wanna hear you say that you enjoy ruining girls lives by making them fall for you with your shitty words and affection, then running away the second things get serious because you’re a coward afraid of stability.”
He pretended your words didn’t cut as deep as they did, pretended your words didn’t take him back to his mother’s birthday all those months ago, sitting at that table and listening to her spew hot garbage in his face about his personality and issues that he refused to acknowledge.
“That wasn’t the case with you. I didn’t tell you to fall for me.”
“That wasn’t the case? So I’m somehow different? How so?”
“Because—” Even in his drunken mind, he knew telling you he loved you now would only pull you further away than you already were. He pressed his lips in a thin line, and looked away from your oppressive stare. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Because your reasoning doesn’t exist, Ran. Stop searching for nothing. You’re a shitty person and you need to acknowledge that.” You pulled your finger away from his chest and turned around, lowering your voice to almost a whisper. “Now just stay out of my life.” 
He didn’t say anything and only watched you approach Mikey again, the man not even bothering to look at Ran the entire time as he took you inside the room, closing it shut. Ran’s ears were burning and his chest clenched as he realised the gravity of what he’d just done. So much for making amends. 
You went home and instantly blocked his number and cried yourself to sleep that night, regretting even messing with him to begin with.
“Are you sure this is safe?” you asked, looking around the strange alleyway surrounding you. 
“Don’t be a fucking wuss! Besides, I can fight remember? Nobody’s touching me tonight.”
“Yeah but…underground clubs are scary.”
“I know but that’s what makes this so exciting! Come on, let’s go!” She held your hand firm and tightly in her hand, giving you a reassurance squeeze that did nothing to help calm your raging nerves. 
“Imagine your brother finds you here tonight,” you laughed.
“Oh fuck. Takeomi would probably lock me in a house with no contact to the outside world for years,” Senju responded, shivering at the thought. She led you down the stairs and opened the janky door, leading you inside the club.
The rest of the night proceeded as follows, Senju getting drunk out of her mind; she nearly passed out on the floor from dancing too much, and you guarded the drinks, making sure nobody gets roofied tonight. This club was known for being shady, with drug transactions being held in the bathrooms of this place, and not just regular drugs, hardcore drugs. You had to use the bathroom and decided holding your pee in was much better than relieving yourself in a bathroom that had a woman passed out on the floor after taking too much drugs.
It was scary, and you had your guard up every second, and only felt relieved when you were carrying Senju outside, back through the alleyway to call for a taxi home. “It was soooooo much fun today. I loved it,” she slurred as you picked her up, struggling to hold her upright. 
“Yeah yeah I know. You told me this fifty times already,” you laughed lightly. “Come on, help me a little bit. I can’t carry you all the way, you’re too heavy!”
“I can’t feel my legs~”
“Oh for fucks sake.” You set her agaisnt the wall and caught your breath. You pulled out your phone and decided you had no other choice. You were calling her brother. 
“Who are you calling?” she asked after hearing the phone ring.
“Your brother.”
All traces of alcohol left her body as she practically screamed, “YOU’RE CALLING MY BROTHER?!”
“Relax! It’s Sanzu, not Takeomi. I considered Sanzu would be more understanding about this. It’s not like he and Omi are on speaking terms anymore.”
“Yeah but…”
“It’ll be okay, I promise,” you reassured her, patting her head.
“Hullloooo?” Sanzu’s voice rang through the speakers and you instantly perked up. 
“Sanzu! Hey! We kinda need your help right now.”
“‘M sorta busy right now. Is it urgent?”
“Senju’s kind of passed out right now and I need help taking her home. I can’t do it myself.”
“Senju’s WHAT?!” Takeomi’s voice boomed through the phone; Senju shivered in fear. 
“Sanzu! Why’d you put me on speaker phone you idiot!”
“So I can hear you better! Nothing’s wrong with that!”
You groaned and slapped a hand over your face, whispering sorry to Senju who looked like she was already planning her funeral. 
“Where are you guys right now?” Takeomi asked, sounding positively furious.
You gulped, Senju rapidly shaking her head no no no no. “We’re at this club…” you admitted, giving him the address.
“Wait, that club?” Sanzu perked up. “That place is like known for hardcore ass shit bro. Don’t tell me Senju took anything from there?”
“...she did.”
“Ah shit. Yeah, okay. Coming. It’s really close from here Takeomi. Don’t worry, lets’ go.” He turned his attention back to his phone. “You two. Stay right there—”
“You girls look pretty lonely by yourself.” The three of you froze as a deep voice spoke from behind you. You felt time pass in slow motion as you turned around to look at a guy waiting by the club’s backdoor. 
“We’re not lonely,” you said slowly. “Thanks for your concern though.”
Senju stood up on shaky legs and clutched onto your arms when she felt his stare on her body. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
“Who is that?” Sanzu asked from the phone.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back, clutching the phone tightly.
“Seriously don’t move. We’re heading out right now. All of us, okay?”
“Okay okay.” You had no clue who “all of us” meant, but you didn’t care, not when the guy slowly stepped away from the wall and began walking towards you both. You missed Sanzu calling for Ran to come in the car with them, your attention solely focused on this strange man in front of you.
“How old are you girls?” he asked, not even bothering to hide the shameless way he was gazing you both up and down.
“It’s none of your business,” Senju spat, slowly stepping back when he began walking forward. 
“It’s rude to not answer a question.”
“It’s even ruder to ask personal questions to strangers!”
“Senju, stop. You’re provoking him.” You squeezed her arm roughly, digging your nails into her arm.
“I don’t care! I hate men like him that think they’re entitled to us!”
“Men like me, huh? Go on, babe. Enlighten me on men like me.” 
“Senju just ignore him,” you whispered, panic filling you when you looked down at  your phone to see Sanzu had already hung up. “Sorry but we really have to get going,” you said to the man, bowing slightly before grabbing Senju’s hand and beginning to walk away from him.
You could hear his footsteps behind you and began walking faster until the point where you were running away towards the end of the alley. The end of the alley seemed so far away with how small your vision was as you panicked hearing him begin to run after you. Senju was a faster runner than you and grabbed your hand tightly, leading the way as you both bolted as fast as you could. 
“Stop running girls! I just wanna touch you!” he screamed out, laughing obnoxiously. He was clearly high on something.
Senju bumped into the chest of Takeomi at the end of the alley, and the man came to stop upon seeing Sanzu exit the car, a manic smile on his face.
“You wanna touch my sister huh?” Takeomi gritted out.
“Wow, uh I didn’t mean for—I didn’t know she was—” 
Sanzu walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I think we should have a little chat, huh? Come with me.” He had this strangely friendly smile on his face that sent shivers down your spine. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you barely heard Takeomi telling you both to get in the car. He and Sanzu stayed behind and taught the man a lesson, and Senju slipped in the back, taking up all three seat as she laid down, exhausted.
You had no choice to sit in the front seat. The windows were tinted so you didn’t see Ran until you opened the door. You blinked uselessly at him, fingers tightening against the handle. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving your stupid ass, that’s what. Now get in.”
You swallowed whatever retort you had because he wasn’t lying, and as much as you shouldn’t a part of you felt relieved to see a familiar face after that incident. You slipped in the front seat and slammed the door behind you, putting your seatbelt on and looking straight ahead.
Ran got the order from Takeomi to take Senju home first and so he began driving towards the Akashi household. Senju was dead to the world in the backseat, drooling partially on the seat as the fatigue from running finally hit.The two of you sat in silence the entire ride, and Ran exited the car to put Senju inside once they arrived. He locked the door behind him and re-entered the car to see you facing the opposite way, staring out the window.
No other words were said as he dropped you back at your house, and you were surprised you both said nothing to each other the entire time. After sitting in silence outside your house for a while, Ran finally broke the silence.
“Are you fucking stupid?” Ran scolded. “What made you think coming to an underground club was a good fucking idea?”
“Oh sorry, I was just playing the role of the dumb desperate slut that can’t keep her legs closed. Sorry if I gave you a fright.”
“Listen to me,” he said sharply, making you snap your mouth shut. “You could’ve died tonight if we weren’t here tonight you know that? That place you went to, that’s not for girls like you. Not for girls like Senju either. I don’t know what fucking possessed you to be acting this fucking recklessly, but I just hope you know what you experienced tonight was a wake up call. You aren’t built for this goddamn lifestyle, so stop trying to act like you are.”
“...you’re right. I’m sorry, Ran.” You looked down at your lap when the tears started to drop from your eyes. “Tonight was so scary, I genuinely don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
Ran sighed and you kept sniffling as you heard his door open before slamming shut. You watched him round the car and open it on your end. “W-what are you—”
He carried you out of the car, your legs wrapping around his waist as he kicked the door closed behind him, walking up to your front door. He set you down on the ground and held his hand out. “Keys.”
You swallowed and reached inside your purse, pulling them out and into his hand. He unlocked your front door and once again carried you inside, locking the door behind you. He led you upstairs to your bedroom and set you down on your bed. 
You watched in confusion as he walked over to your chest of drawers and began searching for your pyjamas. Once in hand, he tossed them next to you on the bed, and then walked into your ensuite bathroom. You heard him turn the shower on.
“Get changed and come in here,” he said from the bathroom.
You stripped out from your dress and entered the bathroom, not even bothering to cover yourself in his presence, nothing he hasn’t seen before anyway. He was in the midst of taking his shirt off when you stepped into the shower, the warm water running down your body as you waited for him to join you.
You stared at your feet when he grabbed your soap, placing some on his hand before lavashing your body with soap, rubbing them along your arms and sides. 
“What are you doing Ran?” you finally asked as he bent down to wash your legs.
“What I should’ve done months ago.” His tone left no space for a remark from you, so you stayed silent and let him do what he had to you. Once you were washed clean, he turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around your body. “Go and get changed.”
“You need a towel too. I’ll go get one.” You quickly towelled yourself dry before stepping out, returning with an unused towel from your storage. “Here.”
You entered your bedroom and got changed into the clothes he picked out for you, then handed him some clothes of his you kept when he used to sleep over all those months ago. You sat on the bed and listened to him change. 
“Are you going to sleep over?” you asked, looking up at him.
“You want me to?”
You nodded slowly, getting into bed. He followed you, giving you some space as he laid down beside you. He had his back facing you, turned away from you and you frowned at the lack of attention.
“...Ran?” you tested, seeing if he was asleep or not.
“Why don’t you want me?” you whispered, remembering the last time you were in your bed together. 
“Because I don’t deserve you,” he responded, voice flat and devoid of any emotion.
“Huh?” you asked, confused.
He turned around and looked at you, your eyes glossy with fresh tears. “I uh. I spoke to my mom a few months ago.” Your eyes widened, knowing the estranged relationship he has with her. Why didn’t he tell you this?
“I spoke to her and she uh, gave me a fucking reality check.”
“What did she say?” You shifted closer, close enough that you could see and finally notice the eyebags under his eyes, like he hasn’t had a good night sleep in time, which was strange for Ran as he savours sleep more than anything else in the world.
“A lot,” he sighed exhaustedly, rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Said I was a lot like my old man. That was I was emotionally stunted, sadistic, and a downright shitty person.” His chuckle was so emotionless, you almost reached out and hugged him, but stayed still as he wasn’t finished talking. “Worst thing was she’s right. I can’t savour relationships for my fucking life and when I actually felt something for the first damn time, I fucked things up and ruined it. Nobody else did that. I did. I’m responsible for that shit. I don’t wanna bring you down and you deserve better than me, whether you wanna admit that shit or not.”
He took a moment and you were unsure if you should respond or not. When you were about to, he continued. 
“She told me I’d ruin your life if I pursed you. Told me I was being fucking selfish. Can you believe that shit? And you know what, I fucking believed her. I thought I would do that, that’s why I pushed you away. I wanted you all to myself which is why I continued sleeping with you, which was wrong of me I know, but you seemed happy which is why I didn’t think much of it. Then you had to go fuck with my goddamn head and tell me you wanted me too.”
“...sorry,” you whispered, feeling the breath sweep out from your lungs.
“It’s not your fault, dummy. It’s mine. I—In that moment I should’ve been selfish. I know I should’ve, and every fucking day I regret not doing that shit. But as usual I fucked things up again, then you were gone. I thought we could still be friends so I could at least see you again, but nope. You distanced yourself from me.”
Another tear fell from your eyes, wetting your pillow the longer you heard him talk. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising. You did the right thing. Keeping you as a friend would’ve been selfish of me. You clearly distanced yourself because you wanted to get over me, but I wanted you all for myself and wanted you in my life at all times, even if that wasn’t what you wanted. Once again, proving my ma right. I’m fucking selfish. Then that stupid party happened and just seeing you with Manjiro made me want to lose my shit. The fact that I wasn’t able to have you because as a guy living this type of lifestyle, it would be considered selfish. But yet Mikey was? How come he was allowed to be selfish and I wasn’t?”
“It’s not selfish Ran,” you finally got a word in. “I didn’t even like Mikey like that. We were just drunk and horny. I never dated him. In fact, I hadn’t dated anyone since I was with you. Nobody else made me feel the way you made me feel and it was selfish of me to want you when you didn’t want me back at that time. We’re allowed to be selfish Ran. Don’t let that stop you from getting what you want.”
Ran’s eyes were wide as he listened to you talk. When you finished, he shook his head. “My level of selfish and yours aren’t the same. In my world, if you’re vulnerable it can get you killed, or put in a bad situation where you have to take a live, or have yours taken. You don’t need to be involved in that. That’s why I can’t be selfish.”
“No. Buts. Go find a nice accountant to date or whatever. You don’t need me tying your life down.”
You frowned. “I don’t want an accountant though.”
“Why not? You always said you wanted to marry rich.”
You shifted closer, flush against his. “I never said it had to be good money though.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He looked down at you. “You’re fucking crazy,” he said with a light laugh, and you were happy you were able to break the ice.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer till your noses touched. “You love it though.” 
“Damn right I do.”
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tojifile · 5 months
@Muzan Kibutsuji . . . (^^#)
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Tags: husband!muzan, emotionally dependent reader, f!reader, violence, suggestive, manipulation, muzan is taller than you, mansplaining if you squint, huge daddy issues, toxic relationship
A/N: Thinking about husband!muzan and his wife who’s emotionally dependent on him. She’s a huge crybaby but Muzan loves how dependent she is on him. He loves the dominance he has over her. THIS IS FOR WOMEN WITH DADDY ISSUES WHO WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE OF IN THE MOST TOXIC WAY IMAGINABLE. The relationship and everything is super toxic but I love those and honestly, red flags get me going! (I am a bad example of what you should do with your life, do not copy) Merry Christmas Eve to my ho ho hos! 🎄
p.s. an anon just requested for a Muzan’s wife runs away after finding out so that may be after this, just know that I love toxic relationships with guys like Muzan :)
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husband!muzan who only goes out at night. He tells you he has a skin condition that started when he was a kid. There was no known cure, so his “company” constantly tries to find information on possible cures for people with the same disease.
husband!muzan who seemed like the perfect partner, dotting on you, always buying you gifts. He’d buy you things that reminds him of you which made you all the more attached. You loved his attention and how he constantly babies you.
husband!muzan who you caught consuming a woman during a stroll. It was already past 7PM but you decided to go out for a walk. Everything was good, the streets were bustling with different kinds of people, all smiling and happy—that was until you got to a rather secluded area.
You heard loud cries coming from a narrow alley. The screams lured you in. At the back of the alley was where you saw your husband—Muzan Kibutsuji, devouring a helpless young woman. He immediately sensed your presence and turned around.
He swiftly got in front of you and covered your mouth with his palm. “Hello, my love, I trust you enjoyed your evening stroll?” He spoke, his voice dripping with an eerie yet sweet, confusing feeling. You only looked at him with teary eyes in response.
husband!muzan who tries to reason with you but he didn’t even need to say anything. You still wanted him.
Such a shame that you had to find out about his secret, “Kibutsuji-kun..” was all you could mutter after he removed his palm from your mouth. You then started to cry in his arms as he caressed your hair, calming you down. God, he was so sweet towards you.
A few lines of blood dripped down the corners of his mouth. He looked down at you with a soft smile on his face. His suit and pants were stained with the blood of his victim but that didn’t bother him.
Most—no, all of his past wives would’ve been crying and yelling about how much of a liar and monster he is and/or running away. But here you were in his arms, you cried because you didn’t know how to react. You were scared that he’d leave you because you found out his secret.
husband!muzan who is happy to know that you’ve truly submitted yourself to him. He loves the feeling of being in control. It was adorable, the way you melted into his arms, even after you saw him consuming another human being.
husband!muzan who promises to never hurt nor leave you. He just loved controlling you a bit too much. It got him excited, knowing that he comes home to such a cute little human wife who he doesn’t have to hide his true form from.
husband!muzan who then escorts you home while holding you by the waist. Telling you about how you shouldn’t go out at night without him. He doesn’t want other demons to mistake you for a lowly human.
husband!muzan who was just really turned on by the events. As soon as you got home he had you on the bed, kissing you softly. He didn’t even have to use force with you. You were just so happy to submit to the man who gave you affection.
husband!muzan who sometimes lets his fangs sink in your skin. Just for you to tremble and whimper under his touch. He loved it when you would cling onto him and he loves the little noises you’d make whether it be from pain or pleasure.
husband!muzan who tells himself that he’s only staying with you and treating you like this because you’re a valuable asset, one that could keep his facade going.
husband!muzan who slowly submits to your affection genuinely, especially after that night.
husband!muzan who always makes you feel safe and taken care of. He might be the demon king but he can’t let his wife be let down. Muzan Kibutsuji was too much of a loving husband to let that happen.
husband!muzan who treats you like a child that needs to be guided. He can’t have you forming your own thoughts now, right? That would corrupt your innocent little mind. He couldn’t let you turn against him now that he was so attached to you.
husband!muzan who loves to pamper you like a little doll. He loves the idea of using you over and over. Although he doesn’t understand why he’s so attached to you, he just lets it happen. You were still a benefit to him anyway.
And finally.. husband!muzan who has you numb every time he’s had a bad night. Getting you to do nasty things with him, knowing you’re always so needy for his attention.
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Comment 🪩 to be on my taglist !
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kelcemenow · 7 months
Pleased To Meet You.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1288
Warnings Literally nothing! This is super soft and fluffy.
Thank you to the Anon who sent this in! It's super cute and fluffy and just what I needed for a break from all of the smut! But don't worry, the smut will be back soon enough! "would you write a fic where kelce introduces reader to his parents & family 👀👀"
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"I'm so nervous." You whimpered, shaking your hands in front of you in an attempt to dry your moist palms.
Travis rested his arms around your shoulders, pulling you in closer, "Baby, it's just coffee. Relax."
"It's coffee with your Mom! I know how important your family is to you, I just want her to like me."
"And they will." He pressed a warming kiss into your temple.
Your eyebrows clenched together, "Wait, what do you mean by 'they'?"
Travis took hold of your hand and walked a little faster, heading towards the coffee shop door, "Nothing, come on. Mom'll be here in a minute."
The heated air of the coffee shop washed over you and your hands instantly clammed up again. You wiped your palms against your sweater, silently scolding yourself for wearing something so warm. Looking around, you took a deep breath to try and calm yourself. The room was bright and welcoming, with soft leather sofas scattered around and old and black and white movie stills adorning the walls.
"What do you want, sweetie?" Travis asked over his shoulder to you.
"A vanilla latte...and an espresso."
He narrowed his eyes.
"What? I need the energy!" You shrugged.
Travis beamed a smile and you turned on your heels, noticing a cosy area in the corner of the room surrounded by hanging plants and warm lighting. As you walked towards it, you passed various groups of people; a smartly dressed man typing on his laptop, a trio of girls sipping iced coffees and giggling, an older couple sharing a blueberry muffin. You reached the corner, your fingers dancing across the top of the deep orange armchair when Travis appeared with your two coffees and a large cinnamon roll.
"Aww thank you baby! My favourite!" You cooed as you took hold of the plate.
Travis rocked back on his heel awkwardly, "Yeah, I got it so you would remember what a great guy I am."
"What does that mean?" You questioned.
Just then, the bell above the door rang and you glanced over to the entrance to see Donna, Travis' Mom walking over to you, a wide smile on her face. You stood up, smoothing down your skirt and running a hand through your hair.
"Hello hello hello!" Donna sang out.
"Hey Momma!" Travis called, walking towards her with his arms out-stretched.
Donna waved him away, her focus solely on you, "You can wait! I wanna meet this beauty first!" She grabbed onto your hands and looked you up and down, "Travvy, how did you get a girl like this?"
You giggled, "Pleased to meet you, Mrs Kelce."
Donna's eyes widened, "And polite too! Honestly sweetie, Donna is absolutely fine, but I appreciate it."
She pulled you in for a tight hug and you instantly relaxed.
Donna smiled as she turned around, "Oh stop your whining, how many times have you brought a girl home?" She laughed and buried her face in his chest, his large arms wrapped around her.
You loved seeing this side of Travis. He had made it clear that his family were incredibly important to him, and that he loved his Mom more than anything in the world. But to see him interact with her was special.
"Can I get you a coffee?" Travis said, still holding his Mom close.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask! Just a cappuccino for me please." She let go of her 6 foot 5 inched son and stepped towards you, sitting down on the sofa.
You followed and sat next to her, her sweet perfume filling your nostrils and calming you further. She grabbed at your hands, smiling warmly.
"It really is so good to meet you, Travis has told me a lot about you."
You blushed slightly, "He's told me so much about you too, I feel like I know you already!"
"He's a good boy." She looked over to the coffee counter where Travis was waiting, "When he moved to Missouri a couple of years ago I was worried, of course, as any Mom would be. But he seems to have settled well. And now he's a got a good woman to keep him right."
You winked, "I'll try my best!"
"So, how long have you been dating?"
"It's a been a couple of months, so still really early days but it's going really well. He's a good guy."
Donna squeezed her shoulders upwards in elation, "I am so happy for the both of you!"
Your cheeks flushed again, Donna's warmth radiating to you. You looked up and watched as Travis waited patiently in the queue, occasionally glancing over to you and smiling so broad that his eyes disappeared into slits. You felt a strong flutter in the pit of your stomach, but this time it wasn't nerves, it was sheer happiness.
You chatted more with Donna, talking about your work, your family and your relationship so far when Travis finally arrived back with the cappuccino. His cell phone beeped in his pocket and when he checked it, his face subtly lit up. You narrowed your eyes, watching as he looked back towards the door.
"Is everything okay?" You asked.
Travis smiled and picked up his mug, "Sure." He glanced back at the door before turning to look at Donna, a sly grin forming on both of their lips.
"Okay, what's going on?"
Before either of them had chance to answer, the coffee shop door swung open and a large, bearded man walked in with a dark blonde haired woman in tow. His eyes were fully focused on Travis and they were heading straight for you. You shifted in your seat as another man followed, he was older and had white hair on his head and chin. Donna squeezed your hands whilst Travis gave you a guilty look.
"Heyyyyyy!" The first man shouted, grabbing Travis and slapping his back.
"Y/N, this is my brother Jason, his girlfriend Kylie and my Dad Ed."
You swallowed hard, your eyebrows raised, "Wow, I wasn't expecting to meet everyone at once!"
Travis laughed, "Hence the cinnamon roll. You're not mad are you?"
"No no!" You smiled, "This is awesome! It's so nice to meet you all." You quickly rose to your feet and greeted each of them with a warm embrace.
"Well, we thought whilst everyone was in town." Ed said as he pulled you closer.
Kylie moved around the table to sit with you and Donna, "Don't worry Y/N, I got the ambush too when me and Jason started dating. It's nice not to be the new girl anymore!"
You laughed, "Well, you're welcome! How long have you two been together?"
Kylie rested back on the sofa, "Around 6 months, so it's still fresh."
"You two can hold each others hands through the madness of dating a Kelce!" Donna quipped.
Jason's mouth dropped open in mock offense, "I heard that, Mom."
"I hope Travis is treating you well, Y/N." Ed smiled, "Speaking of which, how did Travis get a lovely girl like you to go out with him?"
"Damn...why does everyone keep saying that?" Travis asked, his hands in the air.
Donna sipped her coffee, struggling to keep herself from laughing. You pouted your lips to Travis, giggling under your breath. Jason covered his in an attempt to muffle his loud howl.
"It's a little cramped here with all of us now." Donna finished the rest of her coffee before standing up, "How about a big family barbeque at Mom's?"
"I heard that!" Ed shouted, slapping his stomach.
Travis looked over the table at you, his head titled and his eyebrows raised, "How about it?"
The familiar stomach flutter came back, stronger this time, "I would love to."
I did this one a little different and set it somewhere around 2015, when Jason and Kylie first started dating, and Travis wasn't the big superstar that he is now. This was very cute to write as they seem like such an amazing family so I didn't struggle at all! To be on my Taglist, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction
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mintpurrfect · 4 months
Hi, I really like your work, If possible could you please write a one shot with Taehoon from biral hit and his s/o where his father caught them kissing and what his reaction would be, how he will behave, if not then everything is fine
⩇:⩇⩇ — kiss it better
⤿synopsys﹕ seong taehoon is the type of person who most people classify as "cool". so it was rather unexpected yet somewhat hilarious to find out from his father that he used to be such a clumsy and dumb kid. which he still is.
⤿character﹕ seong taehoon x gn!reader
⤿genre﹕ fluff
⤿warnings﹕ it's mostly just cursing and probably my bad grammar and spellings, but other than that, there's none. not proofread.
⤿note﹕ it's been awhile! I recently just saw this (cuz tumblr didn't give me a notification once again) so I rushed through this since I've got a small burst of inspiration lmao. There's also another anon who asked for a Taehoon fic so, here you go! I hope you guys enjoy this<3
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Taehoon was an asshole.
That is what you're currently thinking as you sit down crossed-legged on the floor of the dojang as you stare up at Taehoon who was standing before you.
“You're such an ass!” you exclaimed loudly, glaring at him as you gently rub your forehead.
He grabbed a water bottle and took a sip, completely ignoring your whole existence. This, of course, made you even more annoyed.
How dare he flick you on the forehead really hard and act as if nothing happened? He's absolutely heartless!
“That hurt, you jerk!” once again, you expressed how you were currently feeling, grumbling under your breath about how much of an annoying and mean bastard he was.
As you continued to sulk while still sitting on the floor with a frown on your face, Taehoon's gaze wandered over you, lingering for a few seconds before a soft sigh left his lips.
“Damn it... Let me see.” he mumbled before crouching in front of you, reaching forward and carefully lifting your chin up.
He checked your forehead and saw that it was slightly red, making him realise that he might have used too much strength than intended.
You watch him while remaining silent, noticing how his lips were formed into a thin line and how his eyes narrowed as he observed the red mark on your forehead.
He honestly looks like he's ready to murder someone with how scary and tense his face was. You wonder what other people would think if they saw the two of you in this position. Maybe they would assume that he was threatening you to give him your money or something similar.
As your mind wanders away in your own little world, you failed to register that Taehoon had inched closer, his face nearing yours before his lips made contact with your skin.
It took you a moment to process what was happening, still trying to make sense that Taehoon's lips are on your forehead, softly kissing it.
You blinked a few times in utter confusion and surprise when he pulled away and made eye contact with you. He brought his hand up from your chin towards the side of your face, cupping your cheek as he stared into your eyes.
“There, do you feel better now?” He asks in a casual tone, his face stoic yet the tinge of pink on his cheeks and ears didn't go unnoticed by you, but you decided not to comment on it.
You smiled teasingly, shaking your head, “Nope, it still hurts. Maybe you should kiss me here instead.” you said, pointing towards your lips and puckering it up for extra effect.
Taehoon grumbled, rolling his eyes and averting his gaze for a moment before letting out a deep breath and looking at you with an annoyed expression.
“You little sh... Ugh, fine, but you better stop whining after this and get back to practise, okay?”
And with that, he closed the gap between the two of you, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tender kiss.
You smiled and closed your eyes before kissing him back, enjoying the sweet kiss the two of you shared. His lips were soft against yours and the way he was caressing your skin, drawing small circles on your cheek with his thumb while he kisses you in the most gentle way made your heart flutter.
Lost in the moment, the both of you failed to notice someone opening the door, “Taehoon, could you help me with moving these boxes inside–”
A thud can be heard along with a rather loud gasp, making the two of you pull away from each other and turn towards the source of the noise.
There stood, a wide-eyed Seong Hanseo, who was dramatically covering his mouth with a hand and the box he had was dropped by his feet.
There was an awkward silence that enveloped the dojang for what felt like an eternity, when suddenly, the middle-aged man's face became serious.
You and Taehoon tensed up, preparing yourselves for a scolding to come from the old man. Although, a few moments ticked by and it didn't come. Instead, what greeted the two of you was a father who looked like he was about to cry.
“Ah... You're really grown now... I can still remember the days when I was still changing your diapers like it was yesterday.” Hanseo said, looking towards the large glass window with a reminiscent expression on his face.
“I remember when you were very little, you cried when you accidentally stepped on a dog's poo–”
“Dad, shut up!” Taehoon shouted standing up from his crouched position, glaring daggers at his old man with his face completely red as a riped strawberry.
“Oh, and there was also this time when you fell and slipped down face first when you tried running down the playground slide–”
The day ended with you learning about a bunch of blackmail materials childhood stories of Taehoon. He, unfortunately for him, also had to sit and listen as his father embarrassed him in front of you.
He just knows that you will tease him endlessly about all the things his father was telling you about.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
Hi!! I have a one shot request (I hope I’m in the right place lmao)
What about a autistic (fem)reader who is super smart and seems to notice things about the case that the others haven’t and every time she tries to state her thoughts a rude sherif cuts her off/infantilising her and Emily defends her
Honestly my brain stopped at the thought of Emily, I need more of her 😔🫶
-anon ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
autistic fem!plus size reader, wc: 517.
cw! asshole elders :/
a/n: i have had this finished but sitting in my drafts because i was too lazy to post it, but here it is! i hope that i was able to capture what you were looking for right! :] this can either be read as platonic or romantic!
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You have been spoken over and shut down for the past hour, twenty minutes, and thirty seconds. 
You hated being silenced, but one thing that trumps that was being infantilized. You worked hard to get where you were now, and you hated being treated like a child just because your way of thinking was different from your peers. 
You have saved thousands of people and you’ll be damned if you continue to be treated like this.
“If you look closely, you can see that the area that these women were killed in must hold some kind of sentimental meaning to our unsub.” You grab the black marker and go to draw the inevitable triangle on the printed out map before you’re stopped by the sheriff.
“I beg your pardon?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
 “Hold it now, sweetheart. Don’t just go markin’ up stuff.”
“I’m sure the area these women were killed in was just pure coincidence, so we don’t wanna risk coloring in the paper just ‘cause you think you know somethin’.” He spoke as if he knew more than you did like he was the one with the degree, his tone absolutely rolling in condescension. 
“I’m sorry but –” You try to say but the old fart cuts you off. “I’m sure you are –”
“Excuse me, sheriff, but I’m afraid Special Agent _______ made a great point.” Emily was quick to come to your aide, emphasizing the words ‘Special Agent’ just to reinforce her point.
You could see it in her narrowed eyes, and everyone else’s really, that she was about done with the Sheriff’s embarrassingly large ego. You send her an appreciative – albeit shy – smile, and she gets up, her eyes trained on the map as well. 
“She’s right, because if you look here,” She points to the first crime scene and motions for you to draw a mark. “And here,” Her finger trails down to the second location and you follow close behind. “And here.” Her path finally ends, and so does your black ink. 
There it was, just like you had first thought, a perfect triangle connecting them all.
“The most important thing should be right –” You finish her words and color in a big circle in the middle. “Here.” Emily sends you a proud look and it threatens to weaken your knees.
“I mean… I suppose that makes sense.” The man grumbled before leaving with his tail between his legs. 
“Thank you.” You say quietly. The conversation was meant to be kept between the two of you. Of course you loved and trusted everyone on your team, but Emily was your comfort person, and she made time to understand you.
“No problem,” She responds back. “Everyone was done with his shit anyway.”
“Still, thank you.” You pressed the conversation, because you don’t really think she realized the gravity of the situation, of your appreciation. 
For most of your life you had never been given a voice, and having someone stick up for you and even paving the way for you to make your point known was something that no gratitude could give.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Carlisle x reader - the peace of you
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Hello, could I request your 2024 prompt number 3 with Carlisle X fem Reader? Maybe the reader is immortal and has lost her family/friends/lover and had been suffering with loneliness and abuse until she met Carlisle and his family? Because he's a vamp and he knows what it's like to outlive people? And Edward can hear how happy she is around his adoptive dad - Anon 💜
3: “He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
Sitting in your shop, you rested your feet on the chair opposite you, flicking through some of the books you had delivered while a few people wondered the shop.
The door went, and the bell sounded.
“Afternoon.” You called.
“Hey, have you seen Edward?”
You glanced up at the teenager unimpressed, a straight looking on your face.
“I’m not his keeper, I don’t keep track of all the vampires in the area Bella. If you can’t find your boyfriend that’s not my issue.”
She furrowed her brows a little.
“Seriously? You always know where people are.”
“I’m a bounty hunter, I know where people are when they’ve got a bounty, Edward doesn’t, so, if you’re not here to buy something go away.”
“Just tell me.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and she shuffled back a little, making her way towards the doors before she left.
You didn’t like humans, but you had to live among them, and you especially didn’t like her.
So ready to just throw away her human life, everything she had just for a boy she met.
It annoyed you.
A few seconds later and the bell went again, and you grumbled.
“I already told you I don’t know where he is.”
“Well, that would be good to know except I’ve already found the person I was looking for.”
You set your book down and stood up, walking around the desk to stand in front of it as the other vampire walked around.
He smiled softly at you and you gave a tiny one back.
“What can I do for you Carlisle? You’re not my usual clientele.”
“No, I’m not here about a bounty, I was wondering if you had any of these.”
He handed you a list and you looked through, nodding to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ve got them. Do you want me to bring them to yours?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you so much.”
You smiled at him, setting the list on your desk and you glanced at him before turning away.
“Yeah, I’ll be around later that’s no problem. How is everything?”
He sighed, shaking his head.
“Honestly? It’s all over the place, but I can’t do anything about it, he loves her, we need to protect that.”
“Even if it means putting yourself in danger?”
“Everybody has someone, Bella is the someone Edward has, it’s important we protect that.”
You gave a small shrug.
“Maybe, but maybe it isn’t worth it.”
“I know you don’t fully agree with the way we do things, but I am really grateful for everything you do to help.”
“Don’t worry about it, you should go, I’ll sort these.”
Carlisle nodded, glancing at you one last time before he left.
The moment you came into town he was smitten with you, but he was finding it hard to grow close to you.
You kept everybody at arms length, you made it clear that you were by yourself, you did things your way with your own rules, and there wasn’t much they could do about it.
You didn’t hunt on their grounds, you ran your shop just outside their territory, but sometimes if they came to you for help you would help.
You were like a box of mysteries, just then he think he has you figured out there’s something new there that surprises him.
Later that night you turned up at their house with the box of books, and you carried it upstairs, setting it down on the counter and began to take them out.
You were talking to Rosalie and Alice about them, explaining what they were about and what was in them, and Carlisle stood across the room watching you.
“Why not ask her on a date?” Emmett asked.
Carlisle shook his head.
“I could never do that.”
“Yes you could, and you deserve it.” Edward said.
“She isn’t exactly the most social person, there is just no way she would agree, I think I would rather try be friends.”
Edward glanced at his adoptive father before looking at you.
You glanced at Carlisle, and all the noise Edward heard in your head just seemed to stop, then when you looked away it picked up again.
“She carry’s more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. She walked through hell a thousand times.”
Carlisle turned to Edward, his back towards you.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Edward smiled a little, gesturing to you with his head.
“Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in her eyes is when she saw you.”
Carlisle turned back around to face you, and the moment you connected eyes with him you smiled.
“I think it’s worth a chance.”
With that, Edward left, and Carlisle walked over to help you, all the others quickly leaving.
“You seem to enjoy being around them.” He said.
“It’s nice knowing you guys get the whole immortality thing, and I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not.”
“I understand that, it does get exhausting after a while.”
You nodded your head, resting your arms on the counter.
“At least when you’re human you know everything stops when you die, as a vampire you still have to live with all that pain from your human life and more. You have to do it alone.”
“You don’t have to.”
You turned to him, furrowing your brows a little.
“You can still find people, have a family, friends to support you.”
You scoffed a little.
“Nobody wants to be around a vampire who’s bounty hunter.”
Carlisle smiled softly, turning fully to face you.
“I do.”
You stood back up, looking at him utterly confused.
“I want to be around you, I would like to be with you. You’ve spent so long by yourself that you’ve forgetting life still has beautiful moments, even for a vampire, I want you to see that it still does. I want to see you smile (Y/N).”
“If you don’t want that then it’s okay, I hope we can stay as friends but the offer is there, just a drink, that’s all. Nothing more unless that is what you want.”
You stared at him, and he could see the little spark in your eyes that was there when you saw him.
Usually you held a cold and callous look, but when you looked at him it was with nothing but pure softness, fondness.
“You don’t have to be alone..” he whispered.
“People will talk.”
Carlisle reached out, taking your hand in his.
“Then let them, I want you around, I know everybody else here wants you around as well.”
You smiled, looking away.
“I haven’t been for a drink in a while, I cant even remember what I like.”
He chuckled.
“Well, I have plenty of options for you to chose from.”
He raised your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles before he let go.
“Take some time, think about it.”
“I will.”
You left a few moments later, his offer still running around in your head.
A life as a vampire wasn’t easy, and you thought there was nothing else too it, but you couldn’t lie when you said the world was definitely better when you were around Carlisle.
You didn’t have to think too much about his offer, you were going to accept, but you didn’t want to come across as too eager so you decided to wait before agreeing, and at least it would find you time to find something to wear.
Carlisle didn’t need Edward to tell him that you would agree to his offer, he could see it on your face, the pure happiness you had when he had asked.
He had a good feeling you would agree, and he couldn’t wait for you to tell him so he could see you again, because there was nothing in this world quite like you
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writeroutoftime · 11 months
i can’t get the idea of carmy x butcher reader out of my mind for some reason
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words: 0.7k
warnings: none, I mean carmy's a bit of jerk for a minute, but what's new lol
a/n: honestly, I love this idea, anon so here's a little blurb! not sure if I went in the direction you were anticipating, but I really enjoyed writing this! (also, this is my first time writing for carmy so please forgive me while I'm learning his character!)
p.s. I would totally be opening to write more little blurbs for this specific pairing if anyone is interested!
It took four blocks to walk from The Beef to the butcher Mikey had used for the past few years. Six blocks for Carmen's fists to repeatedly clench and unclench and for his jaw to tightened as he stormed down the street, not caring who got in his way.
When he reached the butchers, Carmen threw the door open. The bell attached nearly flew off in protest, immediately catching your attention.
"How can I help?" you asked, dusting off your hands to give your newest customer your full attention. Though, by his heavy breaths, you mentally prepared yourself for the difficult conversation you expected to follow.
"You can start by getting your fucking orders right for delivery. This is the second time in a month that your shop dropped the ball and it's impacting my kitchen." he all but shouted, jabbing an accusatory finger in your direction.
Your hands gripped the counter, subtly, as you forced yourself to take a deep breath. It was early in the morning. You weren't exactly keen to start your day by dealing with angry customers - even if his intense, blue eyes were rather attractive.
"Okay," you spoke slowly. "What's the name on the order? We can figure this out."
Unfortunately, this did little to placate the seething man. "The name is Berzatto for The Beef. And I don't want to work anything out, I just want you to deliver the orders you're fucking supposed to. We need twenty pounds of meat, and you only delivered two. What good does two pounds do me?"
By that point, your own jaw clicked as you turned to look through your files. You recognized the name Berzatto and deep down you knew the delivery was correct on your end. After years of shadowing your family before taking over, you knew how to run this business.
Rather aggressively, you pulled out the order sheet and slammed it down on the counter in front of Berzatto. He snatched the sheet, eyes quickly scanning the text. You saw the moment his face fell, and couldn't help but feel rather smug.
"Do you wanna walk outside, come back in, and try again?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, eyes narrowed.
A few moments of silence and Berzatto finally looked back up at you, his chest heaving as he came down from his rush of adrenaline. "I," he began, then quickly shut his mouth, and turned from the counter running his hand down his face in frustration.
"Okay, how can I order the rest of the meat to be delivered, ASAP?" he asked suddenly, turning around and running a hand through his already mussed hair only to end up on the back of his neck as he looked at you.
It wasn't an apology, but his tone was noticeably calmer. You figured that would be the closest you'd get for a while. One glance at him and you could tell he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. The name Berzatto rung a bell in your mind, and you remembered hearing there was a new owner after the previous one passed away.
With a soft sigh, you grabbed a pen and pad of paper and began to write down his order. "What's the name for the order?"
"Uh, Carm-Carmen Berzatto." he stuttered out, taken aback by your suddenly soft demeanor.
"Alright, Carmen. Here's what we're going to do. I can get you the rest of your order by this evening, and payment can be due at the end of this month. That sound okay to you?" you questioned, holding out the order slip.
Carmen reached out to grab the paper, slightly brushing his fingers against yours. Both of you pulled back quickly ignoring any sort of spark you might have felt.
He looked down at the slip, back up to you, and nodded in agreement. With a tightlipped smile, Carmen nodded his thanks and moved to leave your shop and head back to the Beef.
"And Berzatto?" you called out, quietly laughing at the way he stumbled over his feet in the doorway to turn back. "Next time try the civil approach first." you teased, leaving Carmen a blushing mess.
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Buggy only comes up for air every so often and it's a beautiful sight.
Rating: NC-17 because sexy times. MDNI. Warning: F receiving oral, Buggy with long hair that gets pulled. Buggy likes eating out. A/N: From an Anon's suggestion based off the recently dropped bloopers, specifically the gif below. I hope you enjoy it, Anon! <3
Title from "Love Me Like You Do" by Ellie Goulding.
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“Oh fuck.” 
You had lost all sense of time at this point. You didn’t know how long it had been since Buggy had finished fucking you, nearly folding you in half as he drove his cock into you, filling you with his cum. He had pent up energy after dealing with the damn Straw Hats and needed a way to release it all, and after seeing you wearing nothing but a ratty shirt and ill-fitting pants, he pounced and dragged you back to your shared room where he wasted no time in stripping the both of you of your clothes and getting to work. 
He had settled himself between your legs after he was done, your thighs over his shoulders as he braced his hands on them, keeping them apart as he feasted on your pussy. You had your hands tangled in his hair, rocking your hips with his tongue as he dragged it over your entrance.
One of his hands popped off, moving between your legs as his mouth focused on your clit while he pushed two fingers into you, trying to coax more of your juices out. He found your taste intoxicating, and didn’t care that he would be tasting himself as well as you came again from his fingers. He was giving himself time to get hard again before turning you over and fucking you face first into the mattress. 
You tugged his hair a little too hard and he pulled off of you to give you a look and oh, you’d pull his hair harder if you got to see his face like this. Looking at you from between your legs, his mouth glistening from cum and spit. A thick strand of drool and cum connected his mouth to your pussy as he narrowed his eyes at you. His makeup was a mess, smeared all over his face and no doubt the insides of your thighs. You couldn’t help but stare for a moment before he winked and shoved his face back between your legs. Fuck, that was probably the first time he came up for air since he first went down on you.
And honestly, the way he had looked at you, with his face wet with spit and cum, the smeared makeup, was too much for you. Even between your legs, drunk off the taste of your pussy, he still looked fine as fuck to you. His hair was down, tangled and all over the place from your hands pulling on it. How did you get so lucky?
And fuck he had you cumming again shortly after that. You couldn’t help but pull his hair again, screaming his name. He didn’t move away from you, moaning against your pussy as he lapped up your juices, refusing to miss a drop as his tongue swirled and prodded your entrance. Your thighs were trembling, you were sweaty, sticky, and your body was starting to ache. When you finally let go of his hair, letting your hands rest against the blankets, Buggy finally looked up at you with a smirk.
“How ya doin’, babe?” He asked as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. You didn’t even want to reply, letting your head fall back against the pillows. He laughed as he started to sit up, lifting your ankles to rest on his shoulders. “Don’t tell me you’re tired, babe. I’m ready to go again.”
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh Sweet Child of Mine (Luffy AU End)
The Main series presumes platonic feelings all around. This is specifically an end shipping the reader with Yandere Luffy.
Because I didn't get clarification on what the original requestor (an anon) wanted, I assumed romantic but no smut.
Oh! Slight spoilers for Gear 5 and Wano.
Warnings: General yandere vibes and... technically kidnapping. Fluff.
You know the drill about yandere behavior in real life.
Stay safe and have fun!
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Word Count: 1,205
You’d heard about Wano a lot over the past few years. Even before officially becoming a pirate you’d heard about the country in lockdown and it’s many fanciful resources and history. About Kaido and Oden. It seems… strange to be in it now.
Celebrating it’s liberation that you helped only a little, the bulk being taken care of by Luffy, Law, and Kid. Mostly you’d been helping Marco and Ace run interference and patching up those that needed help.
The idea that Luffy—Straw Hat Luffy—took down Kaido, King of the Beasts, was strange. But you’d seen it with your own eyes (from a safe distance) and it was a sight to behold. Gear 5, as Luffy called it, something else as well. Finally falling into sync with the true potential of his devil fruit though he’d still need to work at it.
Oyaji had organized a large feast for the occasion, incredibly happy that his brother had been avenged at long last. Thatch and Sanji working together to provide an incredible array of food alongside the now free citizens. The two chefs getting along well as they traded recipes and ideas as they worked. And honestly, it took all their attention to ensure that there was enough food for everyone—even Ace and Luffy who ate enough on a regular basis to astound literal giants.
Wrapped in bandages and as lively as ever, Luffy crowed to Ace at every opportunity that he beat out his big brother for liberating Wano. Ace would, naturally, pause with a mouthful of food to wrestle his brother into the ground for his insolence. Sabo—unexpectedly a third brother—cutting in every so often when they got too rowdy.
After eating dirt and a hunk of meat bigger than your head, Luffy paused, eyes fixing on you as he grinned.
“Hey! Join my crew!”
Your brothers choked and coughed beside you, several cackling at the audacity and muttering about Akagami being a bad influence. You smiled wryly, flashing your right wrist where Oyaji’s mark was boldly inked in a light blue.
“I’m already apart of another crew, Luffy.” You reminded him and he pouted.
“You said to ask you again when I found the drums! I did! It’s in Gear 5!”
Ah. You did say that, didn’t you?
Marco threw his arm over your shoulder, his smile a bit wry and sharp for the occasion.
“You’re getting a little bold there after taking down one Yonko, you really think you’re ready to take on another?” Marco asked. Luffy huffed, Ace watching him with an amused grin.
“It’s not about your dad! It’s about them! And I want them on my crew!” Luffy protested. Marco narrowed his eyes.
“Oi. You making plans for their devil fruit? You really think we’ll just give them up because you said so?”
Luffy frowned, confused as he tilted his head.
“What’s their fruit got anything to do with it? They’d make a good fit for my crew and that’s that.” You smiled, chuckling a little as Luffy looked right at you. “I don’t mind that you’re part of Banana-Stache’s crew right now. I just want to be the Pirate King with you.”
You blinked in surprise.
“You’re bold, Straw Hat.” You muttered, taking a sip of your drink. “Why would I leave Oyaji to go with you?”
Luffy huffed, brows scrunching as he tried to think of how to phrase his reasoning.
“I wanted you to join my crew when we first met but you weren’t ready yet. Not to join anyone’s crew. But now you are!” Luffy whined, nose crinkling. “And my crew is strong enough now that no one would need your fruit anyway…”
Ace laughed, shoving down Luffy’s head and ruffling his hat roughly.
“You’re such a persistent shit, Lu! C’mon, what’s the real reason you want them on your crew? I know it’s not their fruit—and they are pretty great—but what’s your real aim here?” Ace demanded loudly.
Luffy smacked Ace’s hands away with a cry of complaint.
“I wanna take them on an adventure they’ll never forget! With my whole crew! I want to show them everything! Anything they want to see!” Luffy declared, much to the shock of everyone there. Ace looked stunned, lips twitching into a smile as he narrowed his eyes at his little brother. “I want to give them the world!”
“Y-You… you sound like you’ve got a crush?!” Ace breathed in disbelief.
Luffy paused, almost as surprised as everyone else. Wide eyes turning to you as you could almost see the gears turning in his head.
The air grew heavy as your crew started to grow restless and a little unhappy with the new possible revelation.
Then, just as suddenly, it stopped, Luffy sitting up with a relaxed smile.
“Huh. Yeah.” Luffy looked at Ace with a wide grin. “I guess I do, shishishishishi~!”
There was an immediate outcry of denial around you, Marco pulling you behind him as you heard the offended gasps around you.
A stretchy limb snaked around the bodies between you and pulled you through the crowd until you stumbled into Luffy. Eager and laughing loudly, he hugged you, much to the protest of your crew.
The drums of liberation in your ear as you reeled in shock.
That was… really unexpected.
“You’re a cocky brat Straw Hat!” Oyaji declared with a sharp smile. “Do you really think you could make them take back my mark? That I’d let you?”
Luffy pulled back from nuzzling your cheek, grinning over your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t make them get rid of your mark, old man! Your family!” Luffy lowered his voice, hand reaching down to press his thumb over the thundering pulse in your left wrist. “I’d want your left hand anyway.”
You gasped, face red at the implications.
“WHAT! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO THEM?!” Ace screamed, reaching over to try and pry Luffy off of you. Luffy cackled, wrapping his arms around you in tight circles as he danced away. Keeping you firmly pressed against his chest.
“Don’t worry, Ace! You’re invited!”
“Invited to WHAT?! Luffy!” Ace screeched chasing after you both as you laughed hysterically, unsure of what to say to that. Sabo joined shortly, the two brothers chasing after as Luffy just kept laughing louder and louder, hair turning puffy and white as he rounded the bonfire in mad circles.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You huffed, a little breathless from laughing so hard. Luffy literally lit up, his smile wide and beaming with light.
“Hear that?! I’m cute!” Luffy declared happily.
“You can’t go with him just because he’s cute!”
“I thought we raised you better than that!”
“Stop corrupting them, you brat!”
“Bluebird, no!”
“That’s it! You’re grounded! Again!”
You laughed, hugging Luffy back as he launched himself into the sky, Zoro and Sanji covering his escape.
“I’m glad you’re ready for me now. I don’t think I could have waited much longer to take you with me.” Luffy admitted, eyes a bright, glowing red. He squeezed you a little harder, the threat clear.
You… don’t think you were going back to the Moby Dick after this. No matter how hard your crew protested.
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stellari-s · 12 days
Omfg ithaqua centric tumblrs exist/j
I don't know I'd your still doing requests but can I request ithaqua with a reader who's rlly sweet and nice and everything, but the manor did like a swap with the survivors and hunters so that the hunters are the ones that run from the survivors and when Reader is picked they go NUTS. Like everyone's out and injured in like 2 minutes. After the event reader goes back to normal but if people look closely, Reader's picked up a bit of a hunger for blood sometimes...
haha, ikr, and gosh, i’m really slow, i hope you’ll forgive me! but i will try my best with your request! i don’t end up describing the details of the match much rather than implying what happened, so i hope that’s ok.
request; yes, by anon! requests are currently closed, but my commissions are open if you’re interested.
wc; 945.
tags; default! ithaqua, gn! survivor! reader (who becomes hunter), reader treats ithaqua’s injuries.
summary; miss nightingale had come with a sudden announcement — survivors and hunters were going to switch places! and so, you are put into a match with ithaqua as the last one standing…
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this very day was like a fever dream — but would it be a dream if one could see a subtle, yet irreversible change?
“a switch?”
ithaqua stayed silent, but he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. though he said little, his feelings reflected that of everyone else’s in the room where miss nightingale had gathered all the hunters on a whim to make the very announcement of a role switch. he honestly harbored mixed feelings on the prospect of being the one chased, rather than the one doing the chasing, but more than that...
he thought back to a certain face among the survivors. a seemingly innocent face, whose kindness knew no bounds. would they be up for the task, he wondered?
robbie’s enthusiastic voice dragged ithaqua from his thoughts back into reality.
“oh oh, does this mean we get to play something like reverse tag?”
“seems like it,” ithaqua muttered in reply.
miss nightingale nodded once everyone had settled down (or, displayed some semblance of having settled down). “i’m glad we are on the same page. gather in lakeside in one hour if you are called upon, and take care not to be late.”
when miss nightingale left, murmurs immediately broke out among the hunters.
...there really is something off with her. i don’t like it.
nonetheless, ithaqua had no right to refuse; he could only sigh and wait for an hour to pass.
“survivors will become the hunters?”
this was news to you. what in the world could have brought on this change in the manor owner’s heart?
...not that you could really understand him. in fact, many things in the manor had been intriguing.
little things piqued your interest, and whispered rumors became a source of curiosity.
“i’m not sure i feel comfortable facing against hunters... as a hunter,” helena said, “wouldn’t you agree, (y/n)?”
“hm?” you looked at helena, who had a resigned smile on her lips.
i suppose it would be difficult for her, considering she can’t see. then again, she has a cane, so maybe she’s fine, and her personality is just too kind?
some survivors were fit to be a hunter, but helena was not one of them. it wasn’t a bad thing; it simply wasn’t her strength.
you flashed her a gentle smile of your own. “it is definitely a sudden development. i can understand the difficulty in processing it.”
you neither confirmed nor denied it.
—— 20 minutes later.
there was only one hunter left now: ithaqua.
you had noticed this in previous matches against him when he was hunter, but even with those stilts that looked so easy to trip in, ithaqua was very quick on his feet. there was clearly a lot of skill in maneuvering around with those.
you would spot him, and you would chase after him, only for him to slip between your fingers like locks of hair.
while his appearance resembled that of a supernatural creature to be feared, you found through spending time with him outside of matches that he was not a bad person. in fact, he was quite nice behind that colder facade.
if it were other survivors, they would probably be more cautious around ithaqua.
finally, you caught up to him in the small boat in lakeside village. “you’re the only one left standing, ithaqua,” you said, “yet you won’t surrender. do you think two hours will pass before i can catch you?”
ithaqua chuckled. “i’ll take your words as a compliment.”
“as they are meant to be. but i think two hours is quite a long time, so will you allow me to catch you before then?”
“if you’re going to catch me, do it with your own abilities.”
you shrugged, a resigned smile playing on your lips. “i suppose it can’t be helped then.”
it turned out you didn’t need him to “allow” you.
after the match, which had lasted around half an hour total, ithaqua hissed a little in pain as you wrapped the bandage around his arm, where he had cut himself.
“would it hurt to be a little more gentle treating my wound?”
“oh, don’t you know? it’s better to wrap the gauze more tightly. i do sincerely apologize for the... slightly rough handling toward the end of the match though. so please just think of this as repayment.”
ithaqua fell silent. this was one of the rare times he had his mask off, so you could see his eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed, and his lips pursed as he averted his pale blue eyes.
“what’s wrong?” you waved a hand in front of him.
“i don’t know. but is it just me or do you just look... a little different?”
he turned to look at you for a brief moment before retracting his arm. “it’s nothing. thanks for treating my arm.”
ithaqua stood up and tried to walk out of the room, but you called after him as his hand made contact with the knob.
“hey, ithaqua.”
he stood in frozen in place like a statue, as if contemplating whether or not he should turn out. in the end, he stayed still as he replied, “what?”
though he wouldn’t be able to see it, you flashed a smile his way.
“i look forward to the next match.”
you could have sworn you saw his shoulders twitch slightly upon hearing your words. he then turned around (to your surprise) and, with a sharp tone, shouted “well i don’t!” before shutting the door behind him.
you couldn’t help but let out a lighthearted laugh — he kind of reminded you of a cat.
a cat surely worth chasing, you reckoned.
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tommysversion · 1 year
dbf!joel catching you staring at his biceps….
Here you go, Anon! 💞
There are about a dozen reasons why you shouldn’t be interested in him. Firstly, and probably most importantly, he’s your dad’s best friend, which leads to secondly, he’s about twenty odd years older than you, maybe. Next, he’s a smuggler. A criminal. Which, you know you can’t judge, given that your dad is, too, but still… Joel is Bad News, capital B, capital N. Everyone in the QZ knows not to fuck with him. Even FEDRA officers; hell, they’re more likely to buy whatever he brings into the zone than bust him for it.
There’s a certain element of danger to him that draws you in, and hell, the fact that he’s your dad’s buddy? Doesn’t really bother you like it should. It’s not like you’re ever going to act on your interest, after all.
That’s not going to stop you from staring, though. It’s the middle of the afternoon, your dad’s out on a job - repairing one of the security systems, he won’t be home til late - and you’ve helped yourself to a glass or two of the illicitly made bourbon kept in the pantry. More importantly, Joel’s come past to drop something or other off, and he’s helped himself to your booze stash too, because, in his words, no girl your age should be drinking this shit. What does he know? You’re in your mid twenties, old enough to drink. More than old enough.
Anyway, the point is he’s sitting on your couch, drinking your shitty booze, the sunlight pouring through the grimy window, lighting up all the silver streaks in his dark hair, falling onto his bare forearms. Does he know how goddamn illicit he looks in a t-shirt? Surely he does.
You’re just minding your own business, sipping your liquor, admiring the view, wondering how many other women in the Zone have the same opinion, when he breaks the silence.
“What’re you lookin’ at, sweetheart?”
Oh, shit. He’s caught you. There’s absolutely no way you can plausibly deny it, either. Doesn’t mean you’re not going to try.
“What? Didn’t anyone ever teach you it’s rude to stare?” He doesn’t sound pissed, more amused than anything as he looks at you over the rim of his half-full glass.
You shrug, deciding that saying nothing is better than putting your foot in it.
Apparently, that’s the wrong decision.
“Still haven’t answered me.” He was very, very clearly waiting for you to, as well.
Okay. No way out of it after all. You drained the rest of your glass, took a little comfort in the warmth it spread through your body. They called liquor liquid courage for a reason.
“You, I guess, but you already knew that.”
He smirked, lopsided. It didn’t comfort you; this was a man who had been through hell and walked out the other side. He was dangerous, he killed people! What on earth had made you think this was a good idea???
You were just about to open your mouth to apologise when he held up a hand, then motioned for you to come sit. Not next to him, oh no. He motioned right to his lap. Your mouth went dry. Not that the idea wasn’t appealing, it most certainly was. You were just once again, startlingly aware of how dangerous this man was. It didn’t stop you, though. He set the glass aside and watched you, expectant.
You got up from your armchair, crossed the small, shabby living room to sit yourself down in his lap, straddling him. Maybe not what he had expected, but you weren’t going to half ass this, especially when you weren’t sure if he was going to change his mind. You honestly weren’t sure if you were going to change your own mind; you probably should have, but the second you sat down, his hands went to your waist, holding you in place.
“This what you were thinking about?” He asks, eyes half narrowed as he looks at you; trying to get a better read on you. He’s suspected your interest for a while now, but he’s tried to be respectful. Tried. It’s not been fucking easy, that’s for damn sure. But, well, when opportunity arises…
It’s not only opportunity that’s risen, not with the way you’re straddling him.
“Sort of,” you admit. The liquor has given you a surge of courage, and for that, you’re grateful. You’re not sure you would ever have had the courage to do this without it.
“Oh? Something else?”
You huff. You’d only been staring at his arms, those muscled biceps, trying to imagine how solid he would feel around you. You didn’t have to imagine now; with his hands on your waist you were comfortably enveloped by his arms.
“C’mon, pretty girl. I’m sure you can use your words. God knows I’ve heard you sass off enough times before.” Joel is absolutely amused by this; he knows you’ll fall for the bait, because that’s precisely what he’s doing. Baiting you, playing with his food before he eats it. It’s not necessarily the nicest thing to do, but he’s not necessarily a nice man.
“What, you wanna hear all the questionable thoughts I’ve ever had?” You ask, rising to the bait.
“So they’re questionable, huh?” Another smirk as you realise what you’ve said.
“I mean, uh- no? Not all of them?”
Only most of them. Only when you’re alone, or when he’s distracting you by simply existing.
“Not all? But most? Huh, nice to know pretty things like you think of me in such a way.”
“Like you don’t know what women think of you.” You snort, refusing to believe that for a second.
He shrugs. “Not my main priority.”
“No?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“No, but when an opportunity presents itself… well… I’d be stupid not to take it, wouldn’t I?”
You roll your eyes.
“I don’t see you taking anything.”
He stares at you for a moment, as though assessing you, trying to decide something.
“Brat.” He says finally, before he fists his hand in your hair and yanks you into a rough kiss.
You don’t bother to deny it, not sure you even want to. You’re more focused on the kiss, the way he devours your mouth like a starving man. This? This is exactly what you wanted, though you’d never have been brave enough to ask. But he’s not asking, he’s taking, leading the way in this, and you’re absolutely fine with that.
He’s eager and demanding, and when he pulls away you’re a little dazed.
“Is that what I’ll get every time I stare at you?” You dare to ask, cheeky.
He gives you a half exasperated look, rolls his eyes, before he leans in to kiss you again, effectively shutting you up this time.
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happy74827 · 3 months
Just Words
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[Siobhan Roy x GN!Reader]
Synopsis: Words can be hurtful (especially to most) but with Siobhan’s “5-star” personality and ability to not care about anything other than herself, you can’t help BUT spill some words. {GIF Creds: @olliviacooke// I took this off of google (fair warning) so I had to dig deep to find the OP}
WC: 2274
Category: Slight Fluff (?), Enemies to… trope {Trigger Warning: Foul Language (I really channeled the Roy family here), Logan}
I did not expect my first succession fic to be Siobhan… but honestly, I’m not complaining 👀 (fyi: this was a request and I stupidly forgot to “answer” so hopefully the anon who requested lovely Shiv finds this 💀)
Siobhan Roy… mega bitch. You hated her. Well, that might be an understatement; you despised her. From the moment you met her, she was just a total and complete pain in your ass. Not to mention completely and utterly self-absorbed. She had the attitude and ego of a child.
So when you were made to work with her, you were less than pleased. Logan Roy, the only man who could top Siobhan in terms of being an insufferable asshole, had made you a deal. If you and Siobhan worked together to find a solution to the media shitstorm he was currently experiencing, he would put you on the team that handled the IPO of Waystar. It was the opportunity you had been waiting for, so you sucked it up and agreed.
You and Siobhan sat in the meeting, both of you looking like a pair of miserable children. It made Roman look like a ray of sunshine, and that was really saying something.
Logan slammed the door, causing you to flinch.
"Fuck," he said, taking his seat.
"What?" asked Siobhan, a tinge of irritation in her voice. It’s amazing how her mood could shift on a dime.
"Nothing. I'm just a bit tired of this fucking circus."
"Well, what the fuck do you expect? You made a public promise. If you can't make good on it, why not just say so? Why continue this fucking farce?"
Logan narrowed his eyes at her.
"If I wanted to hear that, Siobhan, I would have gone to my wife's bed. I don't need a cunt in my ear right now."
Siobhan rolled her eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ. I'm a realist. You're the one who wants to live in your fantasy world. Just fucking drop the bomb, tell the truth, and let's move on."
"The truth? And what is the truth? That my son’s a psychotic, drug-addled mess? That Kendall is a sniveling, entitled little fuck? A pathetic, whiny, little shit stain who can't do his job because he's too busy jerking himself off to his own sob story? Is that the truth you want to set free?"
Siobhan stared him down, and once again, you were surprised. You had thought the woman was completely brazen, but there were still limits.
"I'm not your therapist," she said.
"No. You're not. And I'm not going to sit here and listen to a woman with the emotional range of a fucking teaspoon telling me how to handle this situation. Now, I need to get on the phone with my PR team. Fuck off, all of you. Get back to work."
You and Roman both jumped up, quickly leaving the room. Once you were safely away from Logan, you took a deep breath and relaxed a bit.
"Jesus fucking Christ," you muttered, "I don't know how she does it."
Roman smirked, "Oh, she's a special snowflake—a real ball buster. You should see her with Tom. It's a fucking bloodbath."
“Tell me about it. It’s a raging dumpster fire, even saying more than two words to her. I feel like she's going to snap my head off any minute. I’m so tired of her bullshit, and she's the least of my worries. The whole family is a fucking disaster. And I don't have time for any of it…. No offense.”
Roman gave you a half smile. "None taken. You're right; I'm the best of a very bad lot."
"Well, at least you're self-aware."
“You fuckers talking shit about me behind my back?"
You turned and saw Shiv leaning against the wall.
"Always," replied Roman. "And it's fucking hilarious."
"Well, don't let me stop you," she said, rolling her eyes. Her eyes then shifted to you.
"I didn't realize we were having a fucking slumber party."
"Just having a bit of a break," you said.
"Oh, well, that's very fucking nice. I'm glad everyone is taking a fucking break because I've been dealing with our father, who is a raging psycho at the moment. You know, while the rest of you are fucking around, the company is dying. It's falling apart, and everyone is too fucking busy to give a shit."
"Come on, Shivvy. Take a breather. You’re starting to act like Kendall… and that's never a good look," said Roman.
"Fuck off, Ro.”
Shiv glared at him, then glanced back at you. The glare made you want to hide, but you refused to show fear in front of her. You had done it in the past, and it only fed her.
"Well," she said, "aren't you going to say anything? Or are you just going to stand there with your mouth open like an idiot?"
"I think I'll take option B. I'd like to live through this," you replied.
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"I think it's pretty clear."
"Yeah, I suppose it is. I guess I shouldn't expect someone like you to understand."
"Someone like me?"
“Shiv,” warned Roman, trying to interject. Personally, despite his whacked-out sense of humor, you actually enjoyed his company. He was definitely the least obnoxious of the Roy siblings. “Let’s not get into this now, okay? Just drop it."
"No. No, go ahead, Shiv. Let's have it out. Right here, right now. Let's see if you can handle it."
Shiv stared at you for a few moments, then she smiled. It wasn’t her usual smug, condescending grin. It was different, almost sincere.
"You think you're tough?" she asked.
"No. I know I am. It's a little different, don't you think?"
"Okay," she replied, her eyes darkening. She leaned forward, her face just inches from yours. Roman just looked at the two of you as if watching a tennis match. "You're so sure you can handle me. So why don't you prove it?"
"Prove it? Like, what, punch you in the face? Is that what you want?"
"Although, as satisfying as that sounds, I was thinking we all should just move on… maybe have a drink, talk it over? Yeah? No?”
Shiv just looked at you. "Yeah, I'll pass. I'm not here to make friends, and I'm certainly not here to kiss your ass."
"That's good. Because, honestly, I don't see you as the ass-kissing type. Tom, yes. You? Not a chance. You're the type who wants everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. I'm sorry, but I'm not the maid. I'm not going to serve you or kiss your ass. I'm here because I have a job to do, and I intend to do it. That's it.”
"Oh, right. I see. Well, then, why don't we cut the bullshit and just get right to it. How about you go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of and let the real people get on with things."
“Guys-” Roman started.
"Real people? Real people? You think you're real? You think this is real? I hate to break it to you, Siobhan, but you're not a princess, and this isn't a fairy tale. You're not the queen. Your father isn't the king. You're a spoiled brat, and he's… well, he’s Logan. He's not even a king. He's just a bully."
"Is that supposed to hurt me? To insult me?"
"No, but you seem like the kind of person who doesn't take criticism well. You’re doing a terrible job.”
Shiv stared at you, her lip curled up in disgust. She looked as if she were about to hit you, but the rage was just a facade.
"Well," she finally said, "It's a good thing we're not here to play fucking games, then. So why don't you shut the fuck up and get back to work? Unless, of course, you don't think you can handle it. Maybe you should just go back to where you came from, and let the real people get on with things."
Your nostrils flared. It took every ounce of strength in you not to smack the look off her face. But you knew better. If you started a fight, Logan would take your head off, and that was a fight you couldn't win. So, instead, you smiled.
"Fine," you said. "If that's what you want. I'll do my job, and you do yours. But, just remember, the day is coming when this little charade is going to come to an end, and when it does, it's going to be a lot worse than it is right now."
You didn't wait for her reply. Instead, you turned and walked away, leaving the two of them standing in the hallway.
Once you were back in the safety of your office, you collapsed into your chair and let out a sigh. You had just gotten your first taste of a Roy fight, and it was worse than you had anticipated. The worst part was Siobhan had gotten the last word. It didn't matter that you might’ve won. She had gotten the last good word, and you hated her for it.
As the hours ticked by, you became more and more frustrated. You were angry and bitter. You were pissed at yourself for letting Shiv get under your skin, and you were angry at her for getting to you.
So, when your phone rang and you saw her name, you were tempted to ignore it. You let it ring for a few seconds, then decided to answer.
"Yes?” Your attitude was short.
"Get your shit together," she snapped. “We have a meeting in five minutes. We have a lot of ground to cover."
That was, in fact, false. By the time you arrived, the conference room was deserted, and only Shiv remained. She was sitting at the table, her laptop open in front of her.
"What the hell?" you demanded.
"I'm sorry. Did you want a fucking audience? Because that can be arranged. But, if you don't mind, I would prefer not to have any interruptions."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that we are both here, and we have a job to do. Now, either sit down and help me, or fuck off. I really don't give a shit."
You stared at her, and she looked up from her laptop, raising an eyebrow. There was no audience, and there wasn’t going to be one. So, you had two options. Either walk away and look like an idiot, or stay and possibly get chewed out again. You took a deep breath and sat down.
Shiv just hummed in response, then looked back at her screen. "Good choice."
For the next couple of hours, the two of you worked together, trying to figure out a way to turn the situation around. Arguments arose, shots were fired, and at one point, Shiv threatened to kick you out, but overall, it was a productive session. Logan wouldn’t be pissed, so that was a win.
"So," Shiv said as the two of you left the building, "Did you cool down?"
"I'm asking if you cooled down. Do you feel better now?"
"Um, yeah, sure. Why wouldn't I? You know, besides the fact that we were at each other's throats for hours and the fact that we both wanted to kill each other. I'm peachy."
"Mm, peachy." She said the word like it was an insult. "That's a strange choice of words, don't you think?”
“What? The real people don’t use the word peachy, huh? Is it beneath you, Shiv? Do you only use fancy words and proper grammar?"
"Oh, I can be a real commoner when the situation calls for it. It's all about knowing your audience."
"Really? So, is this the commoner Shiv? Should I expect a new side of you?"
"Maybe.” She smiled oddly again. The one that made you nervous. "Maybe not. That depends on you. Do you want to know the real me?"
"No, not particularly."
"Good. Because I'm not interested in showing you. I’m just curious if you have what it takes."
"To what, put up with your bullshit? To put up with a spoiled brat who thinks the world is hers for the taking? Mmm, yeah, I think I've got what it takes."
"Okay, first off, fuck you. Second, you're a piece of shit. Third, I have something to tell you. So, listen up. This is important. Okay, ready?"
You were about to say something, but her expression stopped you. Her voice was low, her tone serious. You nodded.
"I'm a bitch. And, yeah, I have a temper, and I'm not a warm and fuzzy kind of girl. But, that's the thing, I don't need to be. I don't need to pretend that I'm anything other than who I am. I don't have to fake it because I know what I want, and I'm not afraid to go after it. That’s what you need to understand. It's not about what you think you need. It's about what you want and what you're willing to do to get it."
You just stared at her, unsure of what to say.
"So, let me ask you, what do you want? And are you willing to do what it takes to get it?"
You thought about it for a second. "I want a drink. A strong one."
A little comedy never hurt anyone. And judging by her expression, you could tell you had made her smile.
"Well, that's a start." Siobhan had a smirk on her face. "Alright, fine. Let's get that drink. Then we'll see how far that gets you."
"Yeah," you muttered, "I'm sure."
But, as you walked down the street, you couldn't help but think about the question. What did you want?
And what was Siobhan offering?
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