#I couldn't stop thinking about it lmao
star--anon · 9 months
Minho's ears turn red when he's embarrassed or flustered. Or just when too many people look at him.
He likes to flaunt this boyish, carefree, cocky personality, but his ears never lie.
Everyone collectively agreed not to tell him. Minho could never understand why sometimes, during an argument or a Meeting, the Gladers would smirk and giggle.
It was the longest kept secret throughout the Glade, only getting out when Alby told him to "shut up and stop acting like you're so confident when your ears are redder than the roses Zart grows" during a Keeper Meeting
For a brief time, Minho actually grew his hair out just to cover his ears. But it kept getting in his eyes when he ran, so he eventually cut it and went back to his usual style.
Newt calls his ears his tail - same way a dog tail wags when it's excited, his ears go bright red when more than 3 people look at him
It went on like that until one day, during a meeting, Newt (Alby was busy chasing down a cow with Winston and Newt was his stand-in) told Minho to, "Shut up, you shuck puppy."
They got in a bit of a fistfight, and Minho landed a solid punch to Newt's shoulder, but by that point it was too late.
Puppy became the only thing Gladers would call Minho for about two weeks (until Minho punched someone square in the face for it). It's still the only thing you can say to Minho where he won't have anything smart or snarky to quip back with. His ears just go red and he looks away.
(Newt teaches it to Thomas once they get to Safe Haven)
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humbuns · 11 months
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two different types of brothers
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narislvr · 5 months
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one-last-stop au ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ | e.williams x fem!reader
cws? reader wears glasses and is on the bigger side (not mentioned yet but we need more love for chubby readers!!) reader is a college student working at a diner, ellie is a blip in time but reader doesn't know that yet, love at first sight trope but you're both awkward 🧍‍♂️, no use of y/n for reader, this blurb is moreso an intro to the world so not much ellie yet (might be a series if it dies well!!) Spoilers for the book, and will have some direct quotes.
m.list [๋࣭🪻] part 2 [ 🌆 ] palestine-resources & daily click
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"Her eyes are bright and teasing and warm, warm forever-and-ever brown, and august doesn’t know how she could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says." pg 20
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You weren't going to cry.
you weren't going to cry over the shitty smell of pancake batter and honey that wouldn't wash off despite your half hour shower ── the smell bonding to you after working too many late hour shifts at the diner ── and you definitely weren't going to cry over the scorching feeling of the coffee cup leaking small droplets of what you were considering your only energy source onto your hand.
you were already running late for your first morning class of the semester, but if you found your right train on time ── which you've already memorized out of fear of this exact situation ── then you'd still make it before it became too noticeable you were late.
sure, things were already going far worse than you'd hoped for, from having to pick up a late shift the night before at the 24/7 diner you work at, leaving you with four hours to sleep before having to get up and get ready for class, to dealing with a rude barista in the coffee shop above the metro station who couldn't even bother to tighten the lid of your cup.
things were not going great, but you were determined to make things better.
to your dismay however, determination alone wouldn't be enough to turn your luck.
amidst your attempt of carefully closing the lid of your coffee cup, you don't notice the group of teenage kids running your direction until one of them bumped into you with a grunt. the coffee, which had been one source of your annoyance this morning, spills across your top staining the once white fabric of your long-sleeveed shirt an opaque shade of brown, and to add to your already shitty morning, you hear the sound of your phone hit the pavement with a loud crack.
The teenager gives you a quick look up and down, their expression contorting into one of horror as they look at the stain on your top and the state of your phone on the floor behind you. ──if that's the way they look at you, then maybe you shouldn't even try looking at yourself── deciding that you wouldn't fight a fourteen year old, not that you would've anyways, you bend down to pick your phone off the ground, your lips forming a tight frown as you look over at all the various cracks on the screen of the phone you had worked so hard to afford.
despite the feeling of a knot tightening further in the back of your throat, you stayed true to your promise.
You weren't going to cry.
Your train pulls up only a few moments later, and you quickly blink back the tears before stepping aboard. to your luck ──if you even want to risk calling it that── the car wasn't as full as you though it'd be. usually it would be a great thing, not being crowded by people, but right now as you stood holding the handlebar, it really hit you just how disheveled you must look to others. Your hair was frizzy, your eyes were teary, coffee soaked your shirt, and now you smelled like a mixture of coffee, pancakes, and faintly of vanilla body spray.
You were a wreck.
you feel someone move to your side and you cringe slightly, your shoulders stiffening as you kept your gaze on the floor. you hear the unzip of a bag, presumably the person beside you getting something out, and you shift your gaze to sneak a glance at the stranger at your side expecting, but hoping it wasn't, a creep ──it's a subway, you never know what could happen in a 15 minute ride── but to your surprise, you're met with sun bleached black converse and baggy jeans next to your own white converse. Slowly your gaze moves upward, noting the way the person's foot tapped rythmicly the floor beneath it before you get a better look at them.
And fuck do you get a good look at them.
The person who you expected to be some lanky guy, perhaps some skater boy, perhaps a creep ──again, can never be too cautious── was actually... a girl. Round cheeks, with a softly scrunched and freckled nose, a girl so pretty you thought you were hallucinating. Her hair was a dark shade of auburn, half her hair up in a small ponytail while the rest fell a little over her nape. On her head were a pair of old looking headphones connected to a Walkman that stuck out the front pocket of her messenger bag as she searched for something down at the bottom with a small smirk. Did she know you were looking? What was she looking for that had her looking like that?
don't be a creep, you thought to yourself, trying to tear your gaze from her right arm. The sleeves of her faded blue flannel were rolled up just above her elbow, exposing the intricate design of ferns and a ──still in the works── moth on her forearm. don't be a creep, you repeated to yourself in your mind as you look away from the beautiful stranger at your side. Why'd she have to appear exactly when you looked your worst?
"Yikes," She finally says, her smirk still ever present on her face as she looks up to face you now.
The hottest girl you've ever seen just took a look at you and said "Yikes." What the fuck.
You were dumbfounded ──inwardly horrified── and she can't help but chuckle as she finally finds what she was looking for in her bag. It wasn't a mocking chuckle. no. it wasn't something lighthearted, curious, and you swear the temperature had risen in the subway car.
"Here," the girl says, pulling out a burgundy colored scarf and holding it out to you. "You look like you're going somewhere important, so," She gestures vaguely at her neck, "keep it."
You blink once, processing her offer before coming out of your trance and shaking your head, "You─ oh my God, I can't take your scarf."
The girl shrugs. "I'll get another one."
"But it's cold."
"Yeah," She says and her smirk shifts into something unreadable for a split second before your attention is caught by the dimples that had formed on her freckled cheeks. "But I don't go outside much."
You stare for a moment and she does as well.
"Look," She starts, her hands fidgeting slightly with the ends of the scarf, "You can take it, or i can leave it in the seat next to you, and it can get absorbed into the subway ecosystem forever."
She drags out the end of her sentence with a playful lilt, her smirk softening into a grin and in that moment her eyes are bright and teasing and warm. warm forever-and-ever a hazey green, and you don't know how you could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says.
A moment later you give in to her offer and reluctantly take the scarf from her hands. The wool is soft and light in your touch, and when your fingertips brush against the ends where the girl had been fidgeting with it earlier, you feel a pop of electricity. The girl, who had been watching you carefully, laughs under her breath, the sound airy as she reaches out to help you wrap it around your neck in a tender motion. She steps back after a moment, and gives you a look, the same teasing smile as before as she raises a brow at you.
"Anyone ever tell you you smell like pancakes?"
Before you can respond, the train plunges into a tunnel. The car shudders on the tracks, and the girl lets out a small yelp as she almost loses her balance and reaches for the hand rail over your head. It all happened suddenly but the last thing you see of her is an unreadable purse of her lips and the beginning of another tattoo on her left arm as she lifts it before the fluorescent lights flicker out.
The darkness lasted a second, two at most, but when the lights came back on, the girl was gone.
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steveseddie · 6 months
shootin’ hoops
steddie | rated: t | cw: none | 4,6k | tags: eddie munson lives, but his clumsy ass gets hurt, worried steve, minor injuries, sharing clothes, first kiss
for my stficbingo prompt: “‘m just tired.”
click here to read on ao3
Eddie has always known basketball is evil. 
Over the years, he’s been smacked in the back of the head by plenty of basketballs, or smacked elsewhere by the dumb jocks that play the game. Only a few weeks ago, he was being chased by Jason Carver and his band of basketball-playing goons. 
So, basketball. Evil.
Eddie knew this, and somehow, he still agreed to “shoot hoops” with Steve Harrington.
Him! Eddie Munson! Agreeing to play the stupid game where you toss balls into laundry baskets! All because of his stupid crush on a boy.
If any of his friends could see him now, they would kick him out of the band and dethrone him as their Hellfire leader. 
Well, no. First, they would laugh at Eddie- currently starfished on the Harringtons’ basketball court having knocking himself out after the ball he threw missed the hoop completely, slammed against the board and bounced back straight into Eddie’s face.
Then and only then, after laughing themselves into a coughing fit at Eddie’s expense, would they kick him out and dethrone him. Can’t have your fearless leader succumbing to forced conformity or whatever. 
Luckily for Eddie, there’s no one here to witness how the mighty have fallen. 
Well. No one but Steve, the guy he’s pretty sure he’s in love with which is fucking great.
When he agreed to play, after Steve pleaded, pouted and hit Eddie with those deadly puppy eyes, he told himself it wouldn’t be so bad. He’d get to ogle Steve in his tiny little shorts, trick Steve into putting his hands on him to show him the right way to throw a ball and maybe even score a goal and shit and get a proud grin from Steve, maybe even a high five or a hug. 
But all Eddie has managed so far is to sweat through his clothes (Steve’s clothes actually- a pair of basketball shorts and an old Hawkins High swim meet shirt because the long sleeve and the ripped jeans Eddie showed up in weren’t basketball appropriate) and embarrass himself by getting hit square in the face by an evil basketball, probably giving himself a concussion in the process. 
Because- fucking ouch! His head is pounding right now.
Through the ringing in his ears, he hears Steve’s sneakers squeak against the court as he jogs towards him. “Eddie, Jesus Christ!” He gasps, dropping to his knees next to him. “Fuck, man, are you okay?” 
Eddie groans when he hears the concern in Steve’s voice. Fuck, this is so embarrassing. Eddie knows he’s flushing bright red and it’s not because of the midday sun beating down on them. 
“Eddie, come on. Talk to me, man,” Steve urges, slightly shaking Eddie’s shoulder.
“Just leave me here to die,” Eddie mumbles, keeping his eyes tightly shut, partly because moving his face hurts, but also because he doesn’t want to look at Steve right now. 
Steve huffs, shaking Eddie’s shoulder a little more insistently. “Nope, no way. I didn’t drag your ass back from the Upside Down to let you die here. Sit up, come on.” 
He tugs on Eddie’s arm, leaving him no choice but to sit up. Eddie hugs his knees against his chest, still not opening his eyes. He feels one of Steve’s hands settle on his back, holding him up in that position. 
“Good, that’s good,” Steve encourages, rubbing his hand up and down Eddie’s back. Because of that touch, Eddie can feel the flush spreading all the way up to his ears. He squeezes his eyes even tighter, even if it makes his face hurt, but Steve isn’t having it. “Now open your eyes for me.”
Eddie shakes his head, which is a terrible idea because it sends flashes of pain through his head, all the way down to his neck. 
“Come on, Eds, let me look at you,” Steve purrs in a sweet voice that settles deep in Eddie’s lower stomach. Then Steve’s other hand cups his cheek, gently turning his face towards him. “Please,” he says, stroking his thumb over Eddie’s cheek.
And if there’s one thing that today proved is that Eddie can’t say no to a pleading Steve. It’s what got him in this mess in the first place. 
So his eyes flutter open. He has to blink a few times to get rid of the blurriness at the edges of his vision but even then it’s hard to miss Steve’s big, worried eyes when they’re right in front of him. 
“There he is,” Steve exhales softly, the corner of his mouth lifting in a relieved half-smile. “Hi.” 
“H-hey,” Eddie stammers out. His cheeks burn even brighter when he realizes how close their faces are. Steve’s hand rubbing Eddie’s back soothingly while the other one is still cupping his jaw certainly don’t help. 
“Are you okay?” 
Eddie scoffs. “Oh, I’m great! Just wishing the Upside Down would open up and swallow me whole so I can like, die of embarrassment there,” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm. Steve makes an exasperated noise, either because he didn’t get a real answer to his question or because it’s too soon for Eddie to be joking about dying in the Upside Down. Eddie sighs, waving a hand through the air dismissively. “I’m fine, man, just hurt.” 
“Where does it hurt?” 
“My dignity.”
This time the joke does land and it makes Steve snicker. “Since when do you have any?” 
“Ouch. Kicking a man while he’s down, Harrington? Shame on you,” Eddie says with a laugh, which is quickly followed by a wince. “Shit, okay, maybe my dignity isn’t the only thing hurting. My whole head is fucking pounding, I think I hit it against the ground after the ball knocked me down.” 
Steve’s face pulls into a frown and the hand that was on Eddie’s back moves to the back of his head. “You’re not bleeding, thank God, but you could still have a concussion.”
“Of fucking course,” Eddie mutters, resting his head on his knees.
“We can get you something cold or I can drive you to the ER if you’d rather get checked out.”
Eddie starts to shake his head and gets dizzy so he aborts the movement, raising his hand to wave Steve off instead. “No, no ER. Some frozen peas will do the trick, good sir.”
Steve’s lips press into a thin line. “Okay, but if you start talking nonsense, I’m taking you there. I don’t care if you don’t want me to or not.”
Eddie gives him a lazy smirk. “How will you know I’m talking nonsense because of the concussion and not because I’m, you know, me.” 
“I know your kind of nonsense, Munson,” he says with a snort. The words sound almost fond to Eddie’s ears. “Now, let’s get you inside. I’m gonna help you up. Slowly, okay? You might feel dizzy or even like you’re going to throw up so- careful.”
Eddie squints at Steve. “You sure know a shitload about concussions, Harrington.” 
Steve makes a face. “That’s because I’ve had like, three. And surprisingly enough only one of them was Upside Down related.”
“Damn, dude.”
“Yeah, but at least you know I’ll take good care of you.” Steve shrugs. “Okay, come on.”
He stands up in one swift movement and offers both of his hands to Eddie, who grabs them and lets himself be pulled to his feet. As soon as he stands, his vision goes black and he sways forward. He would’ve face-planted if Steve didn’t catch him by his elbows.
“Woah, I got you,” he tells him, breath ghosting over Eddie’s face.
“Just need a minute,” Eddie mumbles, squeezing his eyes, waiting for the world to stop spinning. 
“Take your time,” Steve says, rubbing his thumbs over Eddie’s forearms, which only makes him feel more dizzy. 
When he opens his eyes, Steve’s face is right there again and he gets lost in his hazel eyes for a few more seconds before he feels ready to move. “Okay, I’m good.”
Steve nods, letting go of his arms but staying close to Eddie as he starts walking towards the house, just in case. They walk past the evil basketball and Eddie glares at it. He thinks about kicking it, just to give it a taste of its own medicine, but knowing his luck, the ball would probably bounce against the wall and hit Eddie again, so he just ignores it. 
In the kitchen, Steve heads for the freezer while Eddie flops down on a chair and folds his arms over the table, letting his head rest over them.
He jumps when he suddenly feels something cold press against the back of his head. “Motherfucker!” When he looks up, Steve is giving him a sheepish smile and holding a bag of frozen peas in his hand. “Dick,” Eddie says, snatching the peas from his hand and pressing them against the back of his head. He still flinches, but at least he’s prepared this time. 
“Is that better?” 
Eddie makes a noncommittal sound. The cold helps with the throbbing, but his head still feels like it was put through the wringer.
“Do you think you’ll be okay if I take a quick shower?” Steve asks. Eddie glances at him, who’s eyeing him back warily and biting his lip, probably worried about leaving him unsupervised. 
“I think I’ll live, man,” Eddie says with a snort.  
“Okay. I’ll be right back.” He stands up to leave but hesitates. “Call if you need anything.” 
Eddie can’t help it, he smirks up at him. “You’re gonna come to my rescue dripping wet and wearing nothing but a towel? I might call you just to see that.” 
Steve’s cheeks flare the brightest Eddie’s ever seen. “Never mind, you can die,” he says with no heat at all before turning around and leaving Eddie alone in the kitchen. 
This time when Eddie laughs it doesn’t make his head hurt nearly as much, which means that the frozen peas might be helping. He presses the bag against his face next, trying to dull the throbbing there as well. He sits there at the kitchen table, moving the frozen peas back and forth from his face to the back of his head until he starts getting tired and his eyelids start feeling a little heavy. 
He drops his head on his arms again and instantly starts to doze off. Eddie knows he shouldn’t, not if he has a concussion, but he’s tired, and taking a nap right now sounds so good-
But just as he’s about to, Steve’s voice drags him away from the brink of sleep. “Eddie, hey, Eds.” 
Eddie burrows further into his arms, trying to ignore Steve who shakes his shoulder a little frantically. “Eddie?” 
“I’m fine,” Eddie mutters, twisting his head to the side, towards Steve, but keeping his eyes closed. “‘m just tired. Want to take a nap.”
“Uh, yeah, no. No sleeping while concussed,” Steve says in that bitchy tone of his. “Eds, come on.” When Eddie doesn’t respond, Steve nearly growls. “Eddie Munson, I will drag your ass to the ER if you don’t open your eyes right now.” 
“Fuck, you’re bossy,” Eddie huffs, but he opens his eyes, giving Steve a look that’s supposed to say happy?
Steve’s lips press into a thin line. “Well, sorry for not wanting you to die on me again.”
It’s probably not Steve’s intention, but Eddie immediately feels bad. He might not remember a lot of what happened after the hell bats attacked him, but he knows that at some point his heart stopped beating from all the blood he lost and Steve had to perform CPR on him to bring him back. And unlike Eddie, he probably remembers everything about it. It’s not fair that Eddie is making him relive that kind of worry right now. 
So he forces his head up, blinking his eyes a few times so they adjust and apologizes. “Sorry.”
Steve’s face softens almost immediately and he waves Eddie off with a shake of his head. Droplets of water hit Eddie’s face and he notices that Steve’s hair is wet, water steadily dripping to the floor from the few strands that hang over his eyes. Eddie has seen Steve after a shower before but he always dries and styles his hair before coming out of the bathroom which means he skipped his hair routine today, probably so he wouldn’t have to leave Eddie alone longer than necessary. 
“How’s the head?” Steve asks, brushing his hair back with a hand. 
“Hurts but the peas are helping. Or they were. I don’t know where they are now.” Eddie frowns when he realizes he can no longer feel them against the back of his head, they must have fallen to the floor when he started to doze off. Oh well. “How was the shower?” 
Steve snorts. “Quick,” he says. “Do you wanna take one?” 
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “I want to but there’s a big chance that I will fall in the shower and crack my head open if I do.” 
He almost wants to risk it just to get rid of some of the sweat, but then he thinks about falling in the shower and Steve barging in to help him while he’s naked on the floor and quickly changes his mind. There’s only so much embarrassment he can take in a day. 
Steve nods in understanding. “Maybe later then.” He jerks his head toward the door that leads to the living room. “Do you want to move to the couch? Just because you can’t take a nap doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable.” 
“Sure, man.” 
When Steve stands up, Eddie’s eyes end up at the same level as his shirt. Which, thanks to the familiar Black Sabbath logo, Eddie realizes is actually his.
“Is that my shirt?” Eddie asks even if he knows the answer. Steve would never own a Black Sabbath shirt, not to mention Eddie remembers turning his room upside down looking for his the other day only to give up when he couldn’t find it- because it was at Steve’s house apparently. 
Steve looks down at himself and his eyes widen like he’s only realizing now that he’s wearing it. 
“Oh, um, yeah, you left it here the other day. I washed it and left it in my closet to like, give it back to you, but I guess I accidentally grabbed it just now,” Steve explains, running his hand through his hair a few times. 
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, big eyes staring up at Steve in his goddamned shirt. 
“Do you- do you want it back?” 
Eddie shakes his head. “Nah, man. It looks better on you.” And it’s true- Steve looks good in Eddie’s clothes. “Besides, it’s only fair,” he adds, gesturing down at himself, still wearing Steve’s swim meet shirt and old basketball shorts. 
Steve chuckles, ducking his head and saying a little shyly, “Well, those look good on you too.” 
Eddie twirls some hair around his finger and tugs it in front of his face to hide his blush. He’s ridiculously bad at accepting compliments, especially when they come from Steve.“
“Okay,” Steve says, remembering why he stood up in the first place. “Come on, to the couch.” 
Standing up doesn’t make Eddie as dizzy this time and he manages to stay on his feet without Steve’s help. Slowly, he drags his feet to the living room and then flops down on the couch, tilting sideways until his head comes in contact with the cushions. 
“No sleeping,” Steve grumbles when he sees Eddie’s eyes start to slip shut. 
“I’m not!” Eddie says, his eyes flying open and finding Steve raising an eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe I am, but you gotta help me stay awake, man. Put on a movie or something.” 
With a frown, Steve says, “I don’t think you should be staring at screens or any bright lights right now.” Then he perks up. “Wait, I have an idea!” 
And then, without explaining any further, he leaves. 
In his absence, Eddie sighs and burrows his head deeper into the cushions, but before he can even think of taking a nap, Steve comes back. 
“I think I might be having like a concussion-induced hallucination because there’s no way that you, Steve Harrington, actually own a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring,” Eddie says when he sees the worn paperback that Steve is holding in his hand. 
Steve glances down at it. “It’s actually Dustin’s, man. Kid gave it to me forever ago, but I never read it. It’s not really my thing, but it’s yours.”
“It most definitely is, Stevie boy,” Eddie says, “but I don’t think reading will help my head any more than staring into a screen.”
“You won’t be reading, Eds. I’ll read to you,” Steve says with a shrug. “Now, lift your head.” 
Eddie pushes himself from his lying down position so Steve can sit next to him, but before he can sit upright, Steve tsks and pushes his head back down so it’s resting on his lap, the right side of his face coming in contact with the fabric of Steve’s sweatpants. 
Eddie is too stunned to protest or move, but he does subtly pinch himself, a little suspicious that he might’ve slipped into some kind of concussion dream.
With one of his hands, Steve holds the book open and the other finds its way to Eddie’s hair. He’d tied it up in a bun when they started playing, but it’s mostly undone by now. Steve carefully tugs on his hair tie, freeing the rest, so he can run his fingers through the curls.
It sends shivers down Eddie’s spine, makes him feel like he’s going to melt through the couch and into a puddle on the floor. He can’t stop the whiny noise that slips through his lips. 
Steve’s hand freezes. “Did I hurt you?
Embarrassed, Eddie just shakes his head no.
“So this is okay?” Steve asks, scratching his scalp. Eddie just nods, afraid that if he opens his mouth some other embarrassing noise will slip out.
Eddie can hear the smile in his voice when he says, “Good.”
After that, Steve clears his throat and starts reading. 
Eddie quickly realizes that Steve didn’t think his plan through- he heavily underestimated how soothing his voice is, how comfortable his thigh is and how good his hand feels in Eddie’s hair. 
Within minutes, Eddie feels himself starting to doze off again, but before he can, Steve jostles his thigh, the movement waking Eddie up.
“Hey, talk to me so I know you didn’t die.”
Eddie groans, pinching Steve’s leg. “I hate you.”
Steve chuckles softly. “That’ll do.” 
After that Eddie starts to focus on the words that Steve is reading and it makes it a little easier to stay awake, mostly because he can’t help but correct Steve when he starts butchering the names of the characters and locations in ways that Eddie can’t begin to comprehend. It’s not until a snigger slips past Steve’s lips when Eddie tells him that it’s “Bilbo, Steve! Not Bobbin!” that Eddie realizes he must be doing it on purpose so that Eddie will talk to him. 
After a while, Eddie stops feeling sleepy and his head stops hurting as much so, instead of just correcting Steve’s pronunciation, he offers commentary about the book here and there and quotes the book as Steve reads it, which earns him a fond nerd and a playful tug on his hair.
After a few chapters, Steve complains about his voice getting tired, but Eddie isn’t having it, he wants to listen to Steve read some more. 
“You owe me, man,” Eddie says.
Steve snorts. “Me? I’m nursing you back to health, why do I owe you?” 
“Because you made me play with you!”
Eddie can hear Steve’s eye roll. “I didn’t, you could’ve easily said no, Eddie.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to snort because the idea of him saying no to Steve is completely ridiculous. Before he realizes what he’s doing, he blurts out, “Nothing easy about saying no to the guy you have a crush on.” 
Silence falls over them. Steve drops the book on the couch. His other hand freezes in Eddie’s hair. 
“What?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie realizes what he just said and his whole body goes rigid. Oh shit, oh fuck.
“Nothing,” he says meekly. 
“No, you said-”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Yes, you did, Eddie,” Steve says, annoyed. Annoyed at him. Eddie bites down on a whimper- this is his worst nightmare, the thing that stopped him in his tracks every time he so much as considered telling Steve how he felt. Suddenly, he can’t keep his head on Steve’s thigh, he can’t bear to have his fingers in his hair. Eddie sits up abruptly, his vision swims, he feels sick. 
“I, I have a concussion, I don’t know what I’m saying,” Eddie mutters, sitting on the far end of the couch, away from Steve.
“Steve, please just- Ignore it, please,” Eddie pleads, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his hands coming up to cover his face. 
“I can’t ignore it-”
Of course he can’t. Your friend having a crush on you isn’t something you can just ignore. God, Eddie really fucked up. 
“Fuck.” He squeezes his palms against his eyes until they hurt. 
The couch dips as Steve moves- is he leaving? Eddie’s heart falls as he wonders, but a moment later, Steve is sitting right next to him, their thighs touching and their arms brushing.
“Eddie, I don’t want to ignore it,” Steve says, and his voice is unbearably soft. He doesn’t sound annoyed anymore, maybe he wasn’t annoyed at all, maybe there’s some truth to what people say about Eddie being dramatic.
“Why?” Eddie asks warily, but God help him, also slightly hopeful. 
Steve scoots even closer, bumping their shoulders together. “The guy I’ve liked for weeks just said he has a crush on me, why would I want to ignore that?”
The words have Eddie whipping his head back to stare at Steve so fast that he goes dizzy. His face pulls into a grimace. “Shit.” 
“You okay?”
Eddie waves him off. “Did you just say you like me? Because if you didn’t, maybe I do need to go to the ER because I’m hearing things,” he says, his wide eyes blinking at Steve.
He gives Eddie a sweet smile. “I did say that. I do like you.”
His eyes go even wider. “Holy shit.”
“Do you like me?” Steve asks, a little shy. “Or was that just the concussion talking?”
A nearly hysterical laugh tumbles over Eddie’s lips. “No, nope, definitely me. Maybe the concussion made me say it, and for a moment there I thought I fucked up, but I meant it, Steve, I like you so much that I ignored everything I stand for to fucking shoot hoops with you. I don’t even care that I got a concussion because of it!”
Instead of smiling like Eddie expects him to, Steve seems troubled. Eddie wonders if maybe he said too much. “What?”
“I know I probably shouldn’t kiss you while you have a concussion,” Steve says, biting his bottom lip and having the nerve to glance at Eddie’s mouth. “But I really want to.”
Eddie’s stomach flip flops and he needs a few seconds to remember how to form words because Steve wants to kiss him! “Ever heard of the expression kiss it better?” He asks, the corners of his mouth pulling up in a smirk.
Steve chuckles. “I don’t think it applies here,” he says, but Eddie can’t help but notice how he’s started leaning in.
“We can still try,” Eddie says, leaning in too, knowing that Steve is about to break. He thinks back on the puppy dog eyes and the pouty lips he gave Eddie when he asked him to play basketball with him and decides to give it a try, batting his eyelashes at Steve and sticking his bottom lip out. “I really want you to kiss me, Steve.”
Steve’s eyes go wide and his breath leaves him in a whoosh, Eddie can feel it against his face. “Fuck, you were right.”
“Nothing easy about saying no to the guy you have a crush on,” Steve says, echoing Eddie’s words. 
Eddie starts to laugh, but the sound dies in his throat when Steve cups his cheeks and closes the distance between them, pressing their mouths together. Eddie whines instead, low in his throat, his arms wrapping around Steve’s shoulders and sinking them both back onto the couch. They’re touching in so many places, but Eddie wants more, so he opens his mouth and hopes that Steve takes the invitation. 
And he does- licking the roof of Eddie’s mouth, and angling his head to kiss him deeper. And it’s so good, it’s like nothing Eddie has ever felt, and for a moment, he actually worries that he knocked himself out on the court earlier and this is just some elaborate coma dream. 
But Steve feels so real- his lips against his, his shoulders under Eddie’s hands, the sinful noises that he keeps making. 
Eddie swings his leg over Steve’s lap, straddling him and breaking the kiss for the first time so that he can grin down at him. 
“I think we found another way to make sure I don’t fall asleep,” he says, eyes roaming over Steve- his red bitten lips stretched into a dopey grin, his hooded eyes that keep darting to Eddie’s mouth, the rise and fall of his chest, the exposed collarbone thanks to how worn the collar of Eddie’s shirt is, the mole-covered skin there that’s just begging to be kissed, bitten, marked up. 
“I changed my mind,” Eddie says, picturing what a love bite on Steve’s chest would look like and wanting to get on with it.
Steve’s hands freeze where they came to rest on Eddie’s thighs, his pinkie brushing against the bare skin after his shorts rode up. 
“Are you okay? Does it hurt? Are you dizzy?” He asks, earnest eyes darting over Eddie’s face, looking for any sign that he’s in pain. 
“Not about this,” Eddie says with a little shake of his head that makes his bangs fall over his eyes. He tugs the collar of Steve’s shirt down- his shirt. “I changed my mind about wanting my shirt back.”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up, his lips tugging up in a smirk. “Well,” he says, voice dropping low, his fingers teasing the hem of the shorts that Eddie is wearing. “As long as you give me my clothes back too.”
Eddie’s heart stutters, warmth pooling low in his stomach. “It’s only fair.” Then he remembers something else. “You know, I could use that shower that I passed on earlier.” 
Steve raises his eyebrow. 
“But I still feel a little dizzy,” Eddie says, putting the back of his hand against his forehead like a fainting maid, waggling his eyebrows at the same time. “Think you can give me a hand?” 
Steve grins. “Yeah, I can do that.”
They both try to stand up at the same time, and Steve almost sends Eddie toppling to the floor but luckily manages to catch him before Eddie ends up with another concussion. 
After that, they make their way upstairs, to Steve’s bathroom, kissing and touching and leaving a trail of clothes behind them. 
Right before Steve closes the bathroom door, Eddie’s eyes catch the basketball shorts Steve just took off of him, discarded on the hallway floor and he thinks- 
Maybe basketball isn’t so evil after all. 
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hhhhleb · 2 months
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inspired by The Rebel by Albert Camus (just an excuse to draw Sci :D)
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wigglebox · 1 year
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He's considering leaving their annoying asses behind smh
[original] [follow up]
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thatbuddie · 1 year
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buck/eddie + google searches 🏳️‍🌈 (insp)
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artisticxlly · 3 months
I blacked out and made another animatic
An insight into what meetings with the team captains looks like ft. a Brooklyn 99 audio and Daichi being bi
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cunty-rex · 3 months
In Defense Of Anakin Skywalker
I came across some "anti anakin" blogs today and the main thing I noticed was how they all failed to mention Palpatine's role in everything. While yes Anakin did some pretty horrible things (like killing an entire tribe of tusken raiders) all his actions as Vader are a result of him being groomed. Does that abstain him from all guilt? No, of course not, but it's quite telling that their argument centers around how Anakin is just "such an awful person" and doesn't deserve his redemption arc when in reality his redemption arc is the only one that works for him. Anakin killed Sidious, the man who'd groomed him and turned him into his puppet and coerced him into doing terrible things. It feels quite intentional how these blogs neglect Sidious while simultaneously putting all the blame onto Anakin when in reality he's merely another pawn in Sidious's grand plan.
There's also the fact that Darth Vader isn't the same man as Anakin Skywalker, a distinction made both by Sidious and Vader himself. Anakin was - and is - the young boy from Tatooine that dreamed of being a Jedi knight someday. Vader is person that Sidious groomed him to be for over ten years. The only time we truly see Anakin during the OT is when he kills Sidious and saves his son, breaking free of the control that Sidious had over him for so many years. Vader dies when Sidious dies, and Anakin goes on to live as a force ghost. There's no better ending than this for Anakin, nothing more fitting.
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see-y0u-space-c0wb0y · 4 months
Galinda: I could fix her
Fiyero: yeah? well I could accept her as she is! you don’t like the murder? grow up! the atrocities are part of her, and I’ve decided that they’re funny.
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mangostarjam · 3 months
Listen hoshina is smooth faced and all that but…. All men shave at some point…
Hoshina Soshiro shaving. That is all.
snail anon you have no idea how this plagued me last night but i didn't have time to DO anything about it until now HERE YA GO
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ohh it's about the intimacy of it all. waking up rumpled and sleep warm, his arm heavy and solid draped across your waist. you feel it scraping against the exposed skin of your shoulder — stubble — as he nuzzles into the nape of your neck with a tiny groan.
"tickles, soshiro," you mumble. it gets lost in your pillow but he drags you closer and makes a sound in the back of his throat.
nobody would ever suspect that hoshina soshiro, vice captain of the third division, gets clingy in the mornings.
he's always put together and sharp, snappy, neat in front of everyone. nobody knows that it takes him a cup of coffee at the bare minimum to function in the mornings, especially when he's been pulling so many late nights going over reports and training against invisible foes.
"five more minutes," he grumbles. the short hairs on his chin are scratchy and you wiggle as it sends a shiver down your back. "quit movin' like that."
"you're tickling me," you complain. he pinches your side in retaliation and snickers when you yelp. "hoshina soshiro i will elbow you."
"bringin' out my full name? am i in trouble?" he presses a kiss to your shoulder blade, featherlight and careful. "c'mon, ya dope, settle down."
"make me."
you feel his lips curve into a smirk against your skin. "don't tempt me with a good time," he murmurs. the rasp of his sleep heavy voice sends heat snaking down your chest. "i've got a meeting this morning. tease."
"shouldn't you get up soon, then?" you reach down to lace your hands together with his. "c'mon, sleepyhead. i'll make your coffee while you shave that monstrosity off your face."
soshiro laughs quietly into your shoulder and squeezes your hand affectionately. it takes some more grumbling and coaxing, but eventually the two of you roll out of bed, and later you watch fondly as your vice captain leans over the bathroom counter to drag a razor along his chin.
the scent of freshly brewing coffee follows you into the bathroom as you wrap your arms around his waist and press your face into his shoulders. "you waitin' for your good morning kiss?" he asks. you meet his eye in the mirror and pout, tucking your chin over his shoulder. "gimme a sec. i don't wanna miss any spots."
soshiro tilts his head towards you as he shaves the other side of his face. "hurry up," you whine, "you're a blade master, what's taking you so long?"
"alright, ya dope." he rinses off the razor and washes his face clean, accepting the towel you hold out for him and patting his face dry. as soon as he's done, he's caging you against the bathroom wall, pressing his lips to your forehead as you squeak in surprise. "good morning," he mumbles, pressing another kiss to the tip of your nose.
you tilt your chin up, tugging at the loose fabric of his sleep shirt to bring him closer. "good morning," you whisper, smiling as he finally kisses you properly. it's light, filled with affection and care, and your heart flutters in your chest as he presses another kiss to your jaw. "soshiro..."
"hm?" he kisses down your neck and the spot by your ear, nipping the lobe lightly just to hear you yelp. "just gettin' my fill before we start the day."
"you're terrible."
"you love me."
"i do."
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mrsoharaa · 5 months
you didn't think too much into the simple graze of the newest spider-mans fingers gently brisking over yours as he takes his leave. the sweet, noble male that personally tended to you from your former strenuous, chaotic mission that led you to having a wounded leg. thus putting you right into the spider society's med bay.
you wave him off with a friendly smile, your eyes quickly sweeping over ever so attentively to the left to note Miguel's intent stare. pretty globes of soft cardinal leering behind the new, overly tending spider-man leaving the medical room you resided in. bearing directly into the back of the generous mans skull with such fueling rage and hatred.
his hardened glare sweeps back over to meet yours through the crystalline glass of the mirror into your medical room. thick brows that once tightened ever so firmly and searing wrath pooling into those glorious irises of pure ruby, immediately softening to your delicate gaze. a tinge of hurt and remorse instantly building up in the conflicted mans chest, immensely.
your heart flutters against your own, capturing the shorten, soften gaze of swarming distraught and longing clinging into those beautiful, intense eyes of his. your lush lips slowly part from each other, attempting to gather words to accumulate towards the man — but only failed, inescapably, when everything within you blared at you not to engage with him. not to engage with the very man that put you through with so much unbinding hurt and betrayal. the very same man that slowly, treacherously broke and tore you from piece by piece.
your pupils dilate, closing your agape lips promptly as your fingers crumble amongst the thin sheets of the medical beds bedding. you turn your head, shielding back the hot, thick tears swelling at the brims of your lashes. trying to not crumble before the very man that you inevitably fell in love with, during your previous time together (during your little "stress distressing" lascivious sessions).
the very same man that slowly, treacherously broke and tore you from piece by piece. promises of unfulfilled, unattainable pledges of comforting enlightenment and console, crumbling with the shattered fragments of your broken heart.
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bopbop171 · 9 months
fanart for a fanfic from a fandom...lotta fan stuff here...
i recently binged ur entire fic and am obsessed, I promised fanart in a comic and I come to fulfill that promise....! Here's a few scenes I really thought would be cute to draw ( in an attempted OP style...lol) fantastic stuff!! @aachria
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putuponpercy · 3 months
When you're finally let out of the sheds after misbehaving
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i3utterflyeffect · 8 months
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decided to draw it. ground cookie incident.
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thisisntreaver · 3 months
Theres something about the idea of Sparrow and Logan's birth thats really hitting me.
Sparrow has been fighting their entire life, even in their childhood we see them having to resort to violence. They've spent their entire adult life stuck in the past, fighting entirely for the goal of avenging Rose. The future has never mattered as much as the past does, no matter how much Theresa whispered about it.
But now theres Logan.
For the first time, they do have a future that matters, Logans future.
Not the future Theresa tells her of, not the violence they've always known, not the weight of the world of the world on his shoulders.
Violence is an integral part of them thats so intimately woven into who they are as a person.
They don't want it to be like that for Logan.
I think thats clear in the way that Logan seems to idolize them, the fact that he chose to go on expeditions outside of Albion as opposed to being forced to. The fact that he seemingly was unaware of the darkness and the destiny laid for him and the hobw to try and stop it before meeting it.
According to Theresa one of their children is meant to save the world, but Sparrow has their first child, sees their son, innocent and yet to be hurt like they have, and chooses a different path, even if only temporarily.
In a way its finally avenging themselves, the child in them that was killed with Rose and replaced with a hero tormented by all thats happened. As long as they're alive, they'll keep their children safe from that same fate. They allow them to have a life outside of being a hero, unlike them. They allow them to have a childhood. They free them from the expectations that were held on them.
Logans birth is a huge moment for Sparrow for so many reasons, it's not just the birth of the first child, the one they get to be with the longest, but its arguably the birth of a new Sparrow.
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