#I did get the new sonic screwdriver toy
mizgnomer · 5 months
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David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor (and his Sonic Screwdriver)
for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)
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tvmigraine · 2 years
The Unnecessary Lore of Three "Doctor Who" Toys
So recently I've been trying to work on collecting some more Doctor Who stuff, namely figures of each Doctor incarnation because they'd look good on a shelf. However I also started looking for 11's Sonic Screwdriver and... I have spiraled into a deeper conspiracy of an adventure never seen on screen, in audio or on paper - an adventure that could still be in the future...
Now presenting... the "Personalise Your Sonic Screwdriver Set", released in 2011 during Matt Smith's reign.
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You might have had this as a young Whovian! You were given three different Sonic Screwdrivers (including the 11th Doctor's own) that you could disassemble and reassemble in different combinations. It's a fairly simple concept and admittedly charming, which comes with some fun "What-If" Screwdrivers that the Doctor never used?
Or did they?
Following the success of the original set, an additional Sonic was released - the "Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver"!
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The Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver didn't just come with new pieces for you to mix and match your Sonic creation, but it even came with a backstory. "With the TARDIS trapped on Earth in a Trans-temporal schism, the Doctor finds himself at the centre of four time zones. As with each previous time the TARDIS generates a new Sonic Screwdriver for the Doctor, but this time it is created in the style of each time zone: Elizabethan, Victorian, Present Day and Future London. With additional new features including a 'wood' setting, the Doctor must try and free the TARDIS before time runs out."
Thanks to the release of this Sonic Screwdriver, we learn of an adventure the Doctor underwent unseen by the audience! Trapped between four time periods and able to beat wood, with the TARDIS at the centre of the chaos, who knows what could've happened on this adventure?!
... I mean, it's obviously just a prompt to try and encourage kids to play with the toy and have a jumping off point, BUT JUST IMAGINE THE WIDER IMPLICATIONS!!
This wasn't the only toy that carried hefty lore implications, although it was the only one released. Revealed in 2012, at the same time as the Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver, we saw the "Personal TARDIS" shown off.
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This was ultimately never released due to a lack of interest, but the visual implications are obvious - the Doctor building a scrap TARDIS while he's unable to use his own. It's possible that this would've included lore additions to match the Trans-Temporal Sonic, seeing as they both share a similar aesthetic and it was announced to be interactive with all Sonics at that point.
Plus, they were both shown off together in display... along with one other unreleased product.
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See that gun? That's the "Dalek and Cyberman Anti-Time Device", scavenged together from pieces of Dalek and Cyberman with the ability to "wipe your enemies from time". Although this item was never released, it still found use eventually. In the War Doctor novel, "Engines of War", the War Doctor gained the companion Cinder. She was eventually added to "Doctor Who: Legacy" carrying a familiar weapon.
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Considering that they were all revealed together and were connected in some way, it could be gathered that the lore started on the Trans-Temporal Sonic would've continued onto the Personal TARDIS and the Anti-Time gun? Meaning...
These three items imply that, at some point during the 11th Doctor's adventures, the TARDIS would've been trapped in London after perhaps an attempt to remove it from time, leading the Doctor to not only take up a new Sonic during this period but also create a scrapped up TARDIS to let him get to the bottom of things.
So what's the point of all this? Nothing, it was just for fun, BUT! Imagine how fun it would be for Ncuti Gatwa to have an episode where he ends up on this adventure - trapped between four periods of history in London with a patchwork Sonic, a massive "portable" TARDIS on his arm and fighting against an enemy that's taking people out of history.
Although, looking at the toys again... They might fit Paul McGann's Doctor a bit more. If only he had a series.
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dominustempori · 9 months
15 (see what I did there?) observations/comments on “The Church on Ruby Road”
1. Duuuuude Doctor crying in the first scene…omg my heart. He’s gonna be so much more sensitive, more than 11 and 13 combined. I’m very much down with that.
2. Time-riding goblins looking for dinner…bit too fairy tale? I mean sure, lighten the mood a bit after the other 2 specials, I guess. Not the strongest villains in the Whoniverse…still, made me cringe a bit in the right moments
3. LOVE me the Doctor’s sneakers.
4. and He can RUN in them! (I ran track for 6 years in school, and I ref for the sport. I appreciate good running form 😁)
5. Like others have recently said, thank you RTD for keeping on the ‘Timeless Child’ story line.
6. on that…the Doctor more or less bonding with Ruby, one “foundling” to another, will just add all that much more to their relationship, as Doctor and companion, I feel.
7. Bravo to having one of Ruby’s friends/bandmates being trans. Props to that actor.
8. Ncuti in a kilt…clubbing. Booyah.
9. Also bravo to the actresses flipping personalities after the “crack in time” sequence (also also…where have we seen THAT before? hee…)
10. Kinda wishing the sonic was just a little more…screwdriver-ish. But I’m cool with the new design. Hoping the toy version does have that little flashlight included 😋
11. Always love me a Doctor Who episode with a baby. (Father’s Day, Closing Time, Return of Doctor Mysterio…you get the idea.)
12. Anyone else get the slightest “Labyrinth” vibe during THE song? Just me?
13. Kinda weird that I liked Russell’s goblin king much more than the one we got in the first “Hobbit” movie? Yes/no/maybe?
14. Yes I am buying that Mrs. Flood is Iris Wyldthyme or another past companion. Didn’t see that 4th wall break coming…PLEASE let us get a reveal before the new season ends.
15. Ruby’s real mum…or whoever dropped her off on the church step: did no one else see below the cloak? the boots, the short cut of the trousers? Remind anyone of someone, possibly?
WHAT IF IT WAS 13?????
I SWEAR it was her! That could explain the lack of any sort of DNA match! And…Millie has hints of Jodie in her, to me at least…
Another long post…I had feelings 😎 Comments welcome, nothing negative please 🙏
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zorilleerrant · 7 months
I like to think that Rose makes fake infomercials for all of her products, and has roped all of her family, friends, and neighbors into making them. which means, eventually, The Doctor gets tapped to star in one, where he gamely holds up toys and talks about their fantastic qualities. now he's pretty charismatic, and he loves teddy bears and all, so I think he'd get very enthusiastic about this, and become very popular all over the internet.
so we know he always calls himself The Doctor, even in contexts where it doesn't make sense, but in a channel of fake toy infomercials (with real handmade toys to buy) I don't think people would question it too much. they even get him to say "trust me, I'm The Doctor" and other catchphrases like that by leaving comments. he develops a cult following, and, owing to this, Rose puts him in even more videos and gets him to talk up all of her most popular products. she's doing great business out of all this.
one time, he tries to show off a talking bear. the bear says something normal, like "I love you", but it's advertised with the ability to email Rose your own audio files and she'll record them for the bear. except this one doesn't turn on immediately - so The Doctor has to sonic it better. works pretty quickly, the bear starts playing music, and he goes, see, what a fascinating product! which, of course, makes the bear very popular after the video goes viral. what else does it do? well it makes people want his sonic screwdriver.
now I don't think almost anyone thinks it's an actual device, they think he was just being funny, but it means that Rose gets to design a whole bunch of novelty penlights and they start selling really well, too. (just cheap bulk ones and she sculpts decorations onto them, well within her wheelhouse.) and The Doctor, by popular demand, starts using them to give the plushies 'checkups' and make sure they're all feeling their best.
so, because he does silly little skits like that, and he's called The Doctor, people think he's a toy doctor, and start sending in their dolls and bears and toy cars and everything to get patched up. Rose can do that easily; that's the same sewing, stuffing, painting, etc. that she's already been doing when she makes things by hand. maybe she learns some new techniques, which I think she'd be excited to try, but most things I think would be very quick repairs and send all the toys home happy and healthy. except it's odd that it's happening so much, because no one has put together that people think The Doctor is, like, The Toy Doctor yet.
but The Doctor has also noticed this influx of orders and is all, well, if people are going to be sending so many in anyway we might as well add a separate order form, and while we're at it let's make our own site, that'll be cheaper and more convenient. and Rose is all do you even know anyone who can make a website because all my friends are, no offense, kind of bad at it, and you shouldn't believe them when they say they know how. and The Doctor's like of course I know someone, it's Mickey.
and Mickey's like, oh sure, I'll do you a favor, and drops by the house to help set up Rose's website because he wants to install some design software for her to make it easier to do mockups and such, and he gets to explaining, and then The Doctor finally comes home, and at first Mickey's like, hey, and keeps explaining, but then he finally looks at The Doctor and he's like. why do you have a different face that's the same face that I thought you already didn't have anymore, and The Doctor has to explain.
and then Mickey's like. I thought you lived with Martha now and also what happened to the version of you who looks like me, did you just abandon Martha? and The Doctor's like. I don't think that part has happened for me yet it's probably yet another version of The Doctor who isn't really The Doctor but just looks exactly the same because that's happened really a lot of times now. or else it's a future version of me! and Mickey is like. right well enjoy your website
and then Rose asks Mickey to do infomercials for her toys and since Mickey thinks the toy monsters are really cool he's very enthusiastic about them and then his videos go viral too
also Mickey is the only one who realized why people think he's The Toy Doctor and has to explain about toy hospitals
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yeonchi · 2 years
Doctor Who 10 for 10 Part 7/10: Series 7
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For me, 2012 and 2013 were some of the hardest years of high school for me. No, I wasn’t bullied, if that’s what you’re thinking. That first half of high school (from Year 7-9) is probably the most formative out of all the high school years, as that is where fundamental friendships are made, in my opinion. But instead of making friends, I was busy getting into the Doctor Who fandom, waiting for new episodes and ripping off old episodes to make stories while incorporating my original ideas into them, eventually forming and defining what would be known as my personal project.
Each series of Doctor Who in the modern era so far has remained confined to a single calendar year, but the Series 7 split saw it being spread over two years. While the Series 6 split was a creative decision on Moffat’s part, there are a few reasons why the Series 7 split happened; it was a creative decision on the BBC’s part, Steven Moffat wanted to leave as short a gap as possible between the end of the series and the 50th Anniversary, the BBC didn’t want Doctor Who’s coverage being overshadowed by the upcoming 2012 London Olympics (though if a series premiered in March/April it would have ended before the opening ceremony), the production team thought it would be nice to delay production on the series for a few months to allow the cast and crew some time to rest while also allowing Moffat (and Mark Gatiss) to focus on Sherlock, the list goes on.
Thanks to the 50th Anniversary, Series 7 and the 2013 Specials are another peak in the revived series history next to Series 4 and the 2013 Specials. To elaborate, let’s jump into the retrospective for Series 7.
1. Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver Review
Near the end of 2012, I bought an Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver toy from an ABC Shop (when those were still a thing) on a school shopping trip (believe it or not, in Years 7-9, the school took us out to a popular shopping centre for “Christmas shopping” but I think everyone else was just focused on hanging out and chilling - I don’t think they did it anymore when I got to Year 10). The intention was that I would bring it to swimming and athletics carnivals for a bit of fun on those days; even when the sonic screwdriver was changed in 2015 I did still get a final year of use out of it in Year 12 because I didn’t want to buy another sonic screwdriver for one year, not when I was just getting into Kamen Rider and tokusatsu.
The sonic screwdriver toy was the 2010 model from Character Options. It was able to extend itself with a touch of a button, though the spring-loaded action was a bit too strong, scaring people who were unfamiliar with the sonic screwdriver. The release button wasn’t that good either - it could extend itself if you flicked your wrist hard enough or sometimes when the red button is pressed, which can’t be good for it in the long run. When extended, the sound activation button wouldn’t work - you could press the red button under the flap on the bottom end of the screwdriver, or you could press the button in the space where the screwdriver extended, which despite looking a bit awkward, doesn’t seem to detract from the fun. There are two sonic noises at high and low pitches and there are two secret sounds that can be activated by pressing the button three or four times.
This model was rereleased in 2014 as the Twelfth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver, with touch control or single-button versions available. Both versions improve the weaknesses of the previous model by either changing the activation button to a touch-based system or making it so that the sounds can be activated when fully extended, though the red button at the bottom is removed and replaced with a power core prop in the touch control version. I think the sonic screwdriver was only held like that once in Series 5 so it’s not that big of a loss. The touch control version doesn’t separate in two for the battery compartment, which has been moved to the white ceramic-like portion of the screwdriver. Some people may think it’s annoying but if you hold it with the release button facing up, you won’t notice it all that much.
Speaking of which, according to the comments of this video, the Eleventh Doctor has used his sonic screwdriver more than any other Doctor in the series. Also, considering how long this model was used (discounting times when it was replaced), the Eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver design has lasted the longest in the modern era, at least by virtue of continuous appearances. Overall, the sonic screwdriver design used by the Third, Fourth and Fifth Doctors in the 70’s and early 80’s has lasted the longest, even with slight modifications here and there.
2. Radical changes
Series 7 saw radical changes over the course of the series as a result of changes in production. The major change saw the production move from Upper Boat Studios to the newly constructed studios in Roath Lock. Apparently there was no way to preserve the TARDIS set for the move, so a new one ended up being designed and constructed, moving away from the organic feel of the RTD era to enhance the machine aspects of it, harking back to the classic series.
The darker appearance of the TARDIS console room also brought with it a new darker look for the Doctor, changing from a tweed jacket with braces/suspenders to a more proper purple frock coat with a waistcoat underneath, maintaining the bowtie. Towards the end of Series 6, the Doctor wore a green greatcoat in place of his tweed jacket. After briefly wearing a pair of glasses similar to the Tenth Doctor’s brainy specs that Rory would use to allow the Doctor to see through from the TARDIS in The Girl Who Waited, the Doctor would keep Amy’s round reading glasses. To be honest, I must say that I’m not a big fan of the Series 7 Part 2 look because it makes him look too mature and proper, kind of like the Tenth Doctor. Same with the round glasses as they look absolutely outdated. Apparently, Matt Smith wanted a purple coat at some point and there was a scheme on Moffat’s part for the Eleventh Doctor’s attire to evolve over time. My favourite look for the Eleventh Doctor would have to be the tweed costume look from Series 5. The longer and messyish combed-back hair also accentuates his chaoticness, which gradually stops working when his hair was made shorter in Series 6.
Before the 2011 Christmas Special premiered, it was announced that Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill would be leaving the series during Series 7, having discussed their desire to wind down their tenures on the show earlier that year. The upcoming split in the series was a great opportunity to create a closing reunion arc for the Doctor, Amy and Rory; Amy and Rory’s time on the TARDIS ended at the end of The God Complex, but the Doctor’s reunion with them resulted in them becoming part-time companions, something which I’m not really a big fan of. I wrote about my thoughts on “the companion commitment” in my review of Series 13’s The Halloween Apocalypse:
Looking at the companion side of things, I tend to prefer having full-time companions who don’t seem to have many significant attachments or anchors, whether it be in the form of employment, family or even education. This is because if you have someone who is already making a life for themselves, you have to remember to go back and address those things, otherwise you make them look as if they’re shirking commitments to be the Doctor’s companion. Also, I don’t like the idea of the Doctor having to pick up and drop off a companion multiple times during the series.
Moffat wanted to make Series 7 comprise standalone stories instead of the arc-driven nature of Series 6, so there were no two-parters in this series. There was a story arc threaded through this series which I’ll get into later. Every episode in this series was created to be like a movie, from the differing genres to the movie-like posters created for each episode. In Part 1, the title sequence for each episode was different, with the Time Vortex and logo designs changing between each episode. A couple of fundamental changes made as well was the font used for the lead actors and episode titles along with the way the logo transitioned into the TARDIS at the end, which really lessened the impact of the title sequence used since The Eleventh Hour.
For Part 2, an entirely different title sequence was created which was rather reminiscent to the title sequences of the classic series, most notably with the reintroduction of adding the Doctor’s face. It’s a more epic and bombastic sequence that kind of fits the darker tone the series was trying to portray. I only wish that the sequence was used a bit more.
Nightmare in Silver introduced a sleeker and evolved Cyberman variant and overcame weaknesses such as their vulnerability to gold and the inability to convert non-human beings. It also saw the debut of the Cybermites as an evolution of Cybermats and the reintroduction of the Cyber-Planner.
3. The overlapping Amy and Rory timeline
In The Power of Three, Amy mentions to the Doctor that she and Rory have travelled with him for ten years, on and off. But what does that mean for Earth’s timeline and the Ponds after their final parting from the Doctor? See, with Amy and Rory being part-time companions, I wonder what year it actually is on Earth because it isn’t elaborated, potentially leading to more complications in the timeline when we move to Clara’s time as the Doctor’s companion. Let’s do some estimates and solve this mystery.
Between the Doctor dropping the Ponds off at their new home at the end of The God Complex and revisiting them at the end of The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, two years would have passed for them, give or take a few months. The prequel mini-series Pond Life has the Doctor maintaining contact with the Ponds from April to August in what we’ll assume is the third year. Asylum of the Daleks needs to take place two years after Pond Life because before UK divorce law was changed in April 2022, a two-year separation period was required before applying for a divorce, so that would mean it would need to at least take place from August in the fifth year onwards. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship takes place 10 months after, so we’re looking at June in the sixth year. The Power of Three features The Year of the Slow Invasion, which starts and ends in July. The start of that episode is where Amy mentions “ten years”; whether she meant ten years since she met the Doctor or ten years since she and Rory were dropped off at their new home, though given what Amy tells the Doctor later in the episode about how she doesn’t know if she wants to continue travelling with the Doctor when they’ve already built a new life, I’m inclined to believe it was the latter.
So when does The Year of the Slow Invasion take place? Firstly, we can see that Amy and Rory were at the department store in Closing Time, so they would have had to have been dropped off at least before 19 April 2011. Considering the Doctor visited the Ponds at some point after April 2011 and when River told them how the Doctor survived, I think that their cameo scene would have to take place in either Christmas 2011 or 2012, but for simplicity’s sake, we’ll assume the latter, meaning that the Doctor dropped them off sometime in 2010 (probably the day after their wedding, 27 June). This would give Amy enough time to establish her career and still allow for the Doctor’s “death date” while shying away from the 2009 Dalek invasion of Earth. This would also explain why they weren’t dropped off in Leadworth because their past selves would presumably return there from time to time until Let’s Kill Hitler.
From there, Pond Life takes place from April to August 2013, Asylum of the Daleks would have to take place in August 2015, then Dinosaurs on a Spaceship should take place in June 2016. As such, the Year of the Slow Invasion could have started in any July from 2016 to 2020. Considering that Clara’s time on the TARDIS starts in 2013, I can safely say that she misses them enough in terms of location for there to be no paradoxes, but then The Day of the Doctor takes place in 2013, apparently, which takes Kate’s first meeting with the Doctor completely out of continuity.
A reference guide known as The Whoniverse puts The Year of the Slow Invasion from July 2012 to 2013 and the Doctor’s words in The Angels of Manhattan sets the present-day scenes of the episode in 2012, but that obviously doesn’t make sense given what we just learned. I mean, we could bring the timeline back four years (so that Amy and Rory were dropped off in 2006), but then they’d be living through the bulk of the RTD era’s stories. The latter could probably make sense if the Doctor travelled back in time though. I really wish Moffat kept track of the years instead of leaving everything ambiguous so that maybe we could have Clara’s time start five years later, but hey, that’s just me obsessing over little details.
Wait a minute, those episodes were written by Chris Chibnall? No matter the whole timeline is confusing. I suppose Moffat focusing on the 50th Anniversary meant that he didn’t have time to look over other writers’ scripts.
4. A Pond Farewell
The Angels of Manhattan marks the end of Amy and Rory’s time in the TARDIS, killing them off in the same story with no chance of survival through intervention. While having a picnic in 2012 New York, Rory is sent back in time to 1938 by baby Weeping Angels. Upon arriving, he encounters River Song, who had been pardoned from her crime of killing the Doctor due to him erasing or concealing every mention of himself (except on Earth) so that he essentially never existed.
Upon discovering what happened to Rory through the book Amy was reading that was actually written by River, the Doctor and Amy attempt to head to 1938, but they have difficulty landing without landing lights. After landing, River is grabbed by a Weeping Angel and is forced to break her arm in order to free herself. The Doctor discovers this and uses some of his regeneration energy to heal it. I’ll get back to it when we get to the Doctor’s regeneration.
Meanwhile, another baby Angel sends Rory to Winter Quay, an apartment building that the Angels are using as a battery farm. The Doctor, Amy and River follow him there and they discover an old Rory dying. They find the young Rory there as well and they inform him of what they just saw. Deciding to escape from the Angels, the group heads up to the roof. Rory decides to jump off the roof in an attempt to create a paradox and kill the Angels. Amy joins him as well and the ensuing paradox blows Winter Quay out of existence.
Amy and Rory end up in a graveyard with the Doctor and River. As they prepare to leave for the pub, Rory discovers his name on a gravestone and is immediately sent back to 1938 by a surviving Angel. With no way for the Doctor to retrieve Rory due to the paradoxes scrambling the timelines in New York, Amy allows herself to be sent back to the same time to be with Rory. River goes to write the book and send it to Amy to be published while also telling her to write an afterword for him. In the afterword, Amy tells the Doctor to tell her young self about the adventures awaiting her, which kind of ruins the story of her waiting for the Doctor that defined her whole arc but is still a beautiful ending nonetheless.
So how old were Amy and Rory when they were sent back to the past for good and what year did they pass away? Evidence from Series 5 and 6 shows that they were in the same year level at school, so they both would have had to have been born in 1989, making them around 21 years old when they got married. Rory says in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship that he is 31 years old, so if we take off six years to make him 25, that means that he and Amy would have been continuously travelling with the Doctor for four years until he dropped them off at their new home. Put on another year for The Year of the Slow Invasion and Amy and Rory would be 32 when they rejoined the Doctor.
The graves at the end of the episode state that Rory and Amy died at the ages of 82 and 87 respectively. Assuming that Rory and Amy were 32 when they were sent back, this means that they died in 1998 and 2003 respectively. Does that mean that they never got to greet their past selves in The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood? Put the Year of the Slow Invasion in 2020-2021 (instead of 2016-17 at the earliest) and it could be a possible stretch without having to travel through time. This would make them 36 when they were sent back to 1938 and Amy would never get to experience the start of the 21st century for the second time, as Rory and her would die in 1992 and 1999.
In the online extra P.S., written by Chris Chibnall, Rory’s father, Brian, would receive a letter from an old man, who was revealed to be Anthony Brian Williams, Amy and Rory’s son that they adopted in 1946. A week after Amy and Rory left, Anthony met with Brian on his parents’ instructions to give him a letter explaining what happened to them. The scene was meant to be filmed as an DVD extra, but Mark Walliams, Brian’s actor, was unavailable, so the short was only released as a storyboard with narration from Arthur Darvill. It gives some closure to Brian’s involvement in the series and wraps Amy and Rory’s arc in a bow.
5. Your Impossible Girl, My Mystery Girl Part 1
Imagine having a crush on someone. Imagine having a crush on someone so hard that you write them into a story with a deeply established character. Imagine having a crush on someone so hard that you write them into a story with a deeply established character, then retcon that character’s history so that the person you’re having a crush on is involved with the character in times where it wouldn’t have been realistically possible for them to have met. Through recent reflection, this is the kind of vibe I got from Clara and the Impossible Girl arc. And why did I get this vibe from that arc? Because I did something like that in my personal project for Hiroki and Akari.
In Asylum of the Daleks, the Doctor, Amy and Rory are brought to the Parliament of the Daleks, where they are asked to save the Daleks by having them deactivate the shield of their Asylum so they can destroy it. During this, they are guided by someone named Oswin Oswald, who had been hiding out on the crashed starship Alaska for a year making souffles. Oswin refused to deactivate the shield until they came to rescue her. The Doctor proceeded to find Oswin, at which point he discovers that she had been fully converted into a Dalek instead of becoming their puppet. After the Doctor helps Oswin regain control of herself following her realisation, she lowers the shields and the Doctor leaves with Amy and Rory.
After losing Amy and Rory, the Doctor eventually decides to retire to Victorian London, where Madame Vastra, Jenny and a resurrected Strax, now known as the Paternoster Gang, tried to convince the Doctor to begin adventuring again. In the 2012 Christmas Special The Snowmen, the Doctor becomes intrigued when a barmaid named Clara brings attention to some sentient snow that makes snowmen by itself. As the Doctor continues to be indifferent to the situation, Clara manages to sneak onto his carriage, but when he fails to wipe Clara’s mind of their encounter using the memory worm thanks to Strax’s mishandling of it, Clara manages to get away and follow him to his TARDIS.
The next day, on Christmas Eve, Clara, acting as a governess, learns from Francesca Latimer that her family’s previous governess, who died a year prior from drowning in the garden pond. Clara goes to find the Doctor, but is taken to see Vastra, who gives her the one-word test and manages to convince the Doctor to investigate further. That night, after briefly confronting the snow form of the Great Intelligence in Simeon’s lab, the Doctor goes to the Latimer house and so does Simeon. The previous governess becomes animated in ice form and begins pursuing Clara and the Latimer children, but the Paternoster Gang arrives to back up the Doctor while he takes Clara up to the TARDIS in an attempt to get the Ice Governess away from Simeon. The Doctor shows Clara to the TARDIS and offers her a chance to become his companion, but the Ice Governess manages to follow them, dragging Clara out of the TARDIS and to her death.
Together with Vastra, the Doctor confronts Simeon one last time, revealing that the Great Intelligence is a reflection of Simeon since he was a child. Simeon is tricked into being bitten by the memory worm in an attempt to leave the Intelligence with nothing to mirror, but the Intelligence had evolved enough to be able to possess Simeon instead. The Intelligence attempts to freeze the Doctor, but then it is suddenly defeated thanks to the snow mirroring the Latimer family’s tears from Clara’s death as it approaches Christmas Day.
The Doctor, Vastra and Jenny went to Clara’s grave some time after. The Doctor notes that he never learnt Clara’s full name, Clara Oswin Oswald, but when he learns it and recognises Oswin’s name from the Dalek Asylum, he is inspired to end his retirement and find Clara again.
Apparently, during the development of this series in 2011, it was decided that the Victorian-era Clara would be the Doctor’s new companion (who was named Beryl at the time), but by late-January 2012, it was decided that Clara should come from modern-day Britain. Given the circumstances surrounding the loss of Amy and Rory (even stretching back to Donna maybe), the Impossible Girl arc was developed to inspire the Doctor to seek Clara out as his new companion, which we’ll cover next due to length.
6. Your Impossible Girl, My Mystery Girl Part 2
Kicking off Series 7 Part 2 with The Bells of Saint John, while the Doctor was at a monastery in 1207, Clara was given a phone number by a woman in a shop and she ended up calling the Doctor, who immediately goes to find her. After having the door shut on him, the Doctor goes to change, but when he goes back, he finds Clara being uploaded to a cloud by a Spoonhead and interrupts it because she can be fully integrated. The Doctor decides to protect Clara from whoever tried to upload her, but when a plane attempts to do a Twin Falling Towers on them, they escape to the plane and the Doctor manages to save everyone on it.
The Doctor takes Clara to the next morning where the Doctor tries to track down the location but fails due to the security being too good, though Clara manages to do it after being partially uploaded to the cloud and being bestowed with genius computer skills. While doing so, a Spoonhead impersonating the Doctor manages to fully upload Clara. The Doctor heads to the Shard to confront the people responsible for the Spoonheads and get them to download Clara back into her body. The leader, Kizlet, says that they can’t because Clara has been fully integrated, but the Doctor reveals that he is on Clara’s computer, taking control of the Spoonhead impersonating him and using it to upload Kizlet. The Doctor gets the people to download the entire cloud before UNIT is called in to take control. Kizlet reports her failure to her benefactor, the Great Intelligence, and parts with her by having her restore the factory settings, wiping everyone’s minds of being under its influence.
The Doctor learns from Clara that she is acting as a nanny for the Maitland kids because their mother died a year ago while she was staying with them and she decided to return the favour by staying with them instead of leaving to travel. Clara decides to begin travelling with the Doctor, but on a part-time basis. The Series 7 Part 2 opener wasn’t bad, but I think it felt a bit rushed due to the length. If it was done as a New Year’s Special to compliment The Snowmen, it would have been a bit better in my opinion. The episode also introduced a new mystery of “the woman in the shop” which wouldn’t be addressed until the following series the year after, though even I thought Rose Tyler would have had something to do with it.
In The Name of the Doctor, Clara is called into a conference call by Vastra, who informs her, Jenny, Strax and River’s data ghost about the Doctor’s greatest secret being revealed. When they are attacked by Whispermen created by the Great Intelligence, River makes the Paternoster Gang wake up before they find themselves taken. Clara wakes up as well and she tells the Doctor what happened, which leads him to head to Trenzalore, the location of his grave, to save his friends.
As they make their way to Vastra, Jenny and Strax, the Doctor and Clara (guided by River) go through the secret entrance to the Doctor’s tomb, which is actually the dying TARDIS. As they walk through, Clara begins to remember the Doctor asking her about her apparent previous lives in the Dalek Asylum and Victorian London, but the Doctor gets her to run when the Whispermen close in on them. The Doctor and Clara meet with the Paternoster Gang to confront the Great Intelligence and they go into the Doctor’s tomb, which is the console room with a column of light instead of the usual time rotor and console. The column of light is the scar tissue of the Doctor’s eleven lives.
The Great Intelligence goes into the light, scattering himself across the Doctor’s timeline and rewriting his victories into defeats. With the Doctor in pain, the stars disappearing and Jenny and Strax disappearing as well, Clara decides to follow the Great Intelligence into the Doctor’s timeline, splitting herself into a million echoes to help save the Doctor across his eleven lives, including in the Dalek Asylum and Victorian London, and undoing the damage caused by the Great Intelligence.
With the Doctor recovered and Jenny and Strax restored, the Doctor goes into his own timeline to rescue Clara, but not before farewelling his invisible wife which he could somehow sense the presence of. He sends Clara her leaf in order to guide her to him so that he can leave with her, but as they do so, they encounter a previously unknown incarnation and it is there that we are told that we missed the point of “the Doctor’s name”, which is actually like a promise rather than his actual name. The unknown incarnation justifies his actions as being “without choice, in the name of peace and sanity”, but the Eleventh Doctor states that they were not “in the name of the Doctor.”
So how did the Impossible Girl arc vibes relate to my personal project? Long story short, I met this girl at the start of Year 7 and forgot to ask who her name was, fell in love with her at first sight and then after I learned who she was I got the brilliant idea to write her into my stories, then because those stories were also an outline of my personal life, I retconned my own past in them so that we would meet in the times before we would actually meet in real life. She was my Mystery Girl to Moffat’s Impossible Girl and that’s why I’m creeped out by this story arc in reflection, but I stand by my stories because of creative integrity.
The Series 7 Part 2 finale was pretty good, but considering what would come after, I’m disappointed Moffat never addressed the Valeyard’s origin or the Doctor’s actual name. People can say that “not knowing the Doctor’s name gives him a bit of mystery”, but the series has gone on for so long that I don’t care about the mystery and neither should you. Just enjoy the epicness of it like everyone else. Besides, anyone who follows my personal project knows that his name is Hiroki Ichigo (because he was born from him).
7. Chaos in Cardiff 7: Dolphins
There was Chaos in Cardiff before Series 12. Before we move onto the 2013 Specials, here’s a brief look at some production chaos during Series 7.
Caroline Skinner worked alongside Steven Moffat for the 2012 Christmas Special and the entirety of Series 7, but stepped down in March 2013. Bleeding Cool apparently reported that Skinner and Moffat had a “very public row” at a BBC event the month before, Moffat telling Skinner that she was “erased” from Doctor Who, but there’s nothing much apart from that.
Steven Berkoff, who played the Shakri hologram on The Power of Three, was apparently difficult to work with during production, refusing to do what he was told, deliberately ruining takes or throwing temper tantrums. Virtually all the footage shot with Berkoff was unusable, so what was in the episode was all they could cobble together along with some shots allegedly taken between takes. Apparently even filmed footage of Berkoff walking across the floor couldn’t be used either and at this point one has to wonder if his pants were down in those shots. Also, he was apparently supposed to be stabbed to death by Amy and Rory with syringes, but the BBC rejected it and they resorted to having the Doctor save the day with his sonic screwdriver once again.
In the US, the Series 7 Part 2 Blu-ray was shipped early to people who had pre-ordered it, which led the BBC to ask fans to keep the spoilers of the finale secret until the episode actually aired. Needless to say, they did and the BBC released this video of Matt Smith and David Tennant as thanks.
Moffat had a difficult time getting started with scripting The Day of the Doctor because of the complicated contract process. Initially, Jenna Coleman was the only actress contracted for it so Moffat potentially had to draft a version of the special with different actors playing the Doctors after the Doctor erased his own existence by walking into his own time stream. Luckily, however, Moffat managed to secure Matt Smith and David Tennant eventually. He did attempt to negotiate with Christopher Eccleston, but given his previous bad blood with the BBC and his stance on multi-Doctor stories, he naturally declined.
Moffat also attempted to get Paul McGann back as the Eighth Doctor, but it was probably vetoed by the BBC for some reason. Either that or Moffat actually couldn’t see Eight taking part in the Time War, which is a bullshit excuse when Big Finish (and the extended universe) is a thing. Although Moffat created the War Doctor and cast John Hurt in the role while negotiating contracts with Smith and Tennant, getting everything together six weeks before filming was due to start, the BBC somehow allowed Paul McGann to come back for a minisode that would see the Eighth Doctor regenerate into the War Doctor.
It is speculated that as a result, Steven Moffat was burned out from the experience and wanted to quit alongside Matt Smith when decided to leave after Series 7 instead of staying for another series, but the prospect of Peter Capaldi apparently renewed his enthusiasm and he ended up staying. Some people say that’s why the quality of the Capaldi era dropped as it went, but who really knows at this point?
8. The 50th Anniversary
The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor, was the thing that I was waiting all 2013 for. I, like many other fans, had to endure the six-month wait following The Name of the Doctor, but at least I had my personal project to pass the time. They screened a trailer at Comic Con 2013 in July, but it was never released to the public with even Steven Moffat requesting that it not be leaked online, so we didn’t actually get a teaser or a trailer until late in October. Then I had to go on a shitty school camp, but the good thing about it was that the night I came back (or the morning after), we got The Night of the Doctor, which featured the surprise return of Paul McGann. After failing to save a pilot named Cass, the Eighth Doctor’s body is recovered by the Sisterhood of Karn and thanks to Ohila’s elixir (the novelisation says that it was just lemonade and dry ice which kind of ruins the impact of the scene, thank you Moffat) he regenerates into the War Doctor, deciding to abandon his name and the promise it represented.
The special itself was broadcast simultaneously around the world with a worldwide 3D premiere in cinemas as well because 3D was very much a thing back then, but after the special was filmed, the BBC announced that they were putting 3D programming “on hold” indefinitely. I remember getting up early on the Sunday morning to watch the episode live when it aired on ABC1 at 6:50 AM.
The main premise of the story has the War Doctor preparing to activate the Moment to destroy Gallifrey, though due to the interface developing a conscience, it appeared to him in the form of Rose Tyler (as the Bad Wolf) and showed him to his Tenth and Eleventh incarnations, the men he would become if he destroyed Gallifrey. During this, the three Doctors (and Clara) are embroiled in a Zygon conspiracy spanning 451 years, eventually ending in them making UNIT and the Zygons broker a peace treaty in the Black Archive.
Soon after, the War Doctor heads back and prepares to activate the Moment, but the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors arrive as well, ready to help him because for 400 years (frankly, it should have been 100 years shorter or the Doctor should be 100 years older given how old the Ninth and Tenth Doctors claimed to be when the revived series began), he resented that incarnation when he was the Doctor more than anyone else. The Moment shows the Doctors a vision of the last day of the Time War before showing them a vision of everyone coming out from the rubble the next morning.
This leads the Eleventh Doctor to get the idea to change his personal history by freezing Gallifrey into a pocket universe instead of destroying it. Together with all twelve previous incarnations and an early cameo from Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor, the Doctor successfully saves Gallifrey and destroys the Daleks in their own crossfire, though due to the nature of this being a multi-Doctor adventure, the War and Tenth Doctors wouldn’t remember it until he eventually comes around to the Eleventh Doctor, meaning that Nine and Ten were free to continue believing that he destroyed Gallifrey and was the last of the Time Lords.
As some people have pointed out, The Day of the Doctor felt more like a celebration of the revived era rather than the classic era, but in all honesty, who cares? We’ve got David Tennant back, we’re finally addressing the Time War, we’ve got the Zygons and UNIT back, we’ve got archive footage of previous Doctors (along with surprise appearances from Peter Capaldi and Tom Baker) and we’ve finally addressed the source of the Tenth Doctor’s animosity towards Queen Elizabeth I. Besides, the classic era would get a decent celebration nine years later with the BBC Centenary Special, The Power of the Doctor. Well, not really, Peter Davison and Georgia Moffett created The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot featuring Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, John Barrowman and even RTD among those who didn’t appear in the special itself.
The End of Time showed that the Time Lords were just as bad as the Daleks during the Time War, but The Day of the Doctor showed the innocents caught in the crossfire and gave them hope when they needed it the most. The special broke records, with it being the most-watched episode of the series since the 2008 Christmas Special, The Next Doctor, and earned a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest ever simulcast of a TV drama, though BBC Entertainment carried it for most of the world because by that point, very few TV stations were willing to buy rights to air the series.
9. Back to the Pilot (and other specials)
In addition to The Day of the Doctor, another special, An Adventure in Space and Time, was produced and broadcast on BBC Two a couple of days before the anniversary. Written by Mark Gatiss and featuring David Bradley playing William Hartnell as the First Doctor during a time when Doctor Who began to make its mark on British culture. It covers the production of the first episodes, the creation of the Daleks as the first of the show’s iconic monsters and Hartnell’s reluctant decision to leave the series due to his failing health. The ending also features a surprise cameo from Matt Smith, beautifully signifying the future that the series would continue to experience in the 21st century.
Early in his career, Gatiss was interested in developing a TV movie chronicling the early days of the series that was well-documented in Doctor Who Magazine and other publications. He originally hoped that it could be made for the 40th Anniversary in 2003, but the BBC saw little potential in it. He revived the idea in 2010 to help bridge the transition between David Tennant and Matt Smith, however it was ultimately decided that it would be better as part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations, so the special ended up being commissioned in early 2012.
David Bradley, who had previously played Solomon in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, was later invited back to play the First Doctor in Twice Upon a Time and The Power of the Doctor while also reprising his role in Big Finish audios.
In addition to An Adventure in Space and Time, two other documentary specials were also produced and broadcast in the lead-up to the 50th Anniversary, namely The Science of Doctor Who, a lecture hosted by Brian Cox about the nature of space and time in relation to the series, and The Ultimate Guide, yet another similarly-named retrospective documentary, but about the series as a whole. Both specials contained skits featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor.
10. The Tenth Day, the Eleventh Hour and the Twelfth Night
With the Eleventh Doctor’s final episode looming, there were still some threads, particularly from Series 5 and 6, left to be resolved and as such, the 2013 Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor, finally addresses the Siege of Trenzalore, the First Question and the Silence. The Doctor investigates a message being broadcast from a planet which is causing thousands of ships to approach it. Picking up Clara to help him, the Doctor meets with Tasha Lem of the Church of Papal Mainframe, who sends them both down to the planet to investigate.
The Doctor finds where the message is coming from; a remnant crack in the wall where someone is trying to break back in, the one thing he feared from The God Complex. Noting that the message was identified to be of Gallifreyan origin, the Doctor uses the Seal of the High Council (that he stole from the Master in The Five Doctors, thank God I somehow had the foresight to adapt this episode in my personal project) on Handles, his Cyberhead companion and he discovers that the message is a question being sent through all of space and time along with a truth field so that anyone within it wouldn’t be able to lie. The question is translated and the translation is immediately available to everyone orbiting the planet; “Doctor who?”
The Doctor tricks Clara into going home while Tasha speaks with the Doctor. The Doctor learns that the planet he is on is called Trenzalore and that if he gives his name, the Time Lords will return and the Time War will begin anew, so the Doctor decides to stay on Trenzalore and become its protector while Tasha dedicates the Church to ensure that the Doctor will not speak his name to the Time Lords, thereby making silence fall upon Trenzalore.
Over the course of the special we get answers to the remaining plot threads from Series 5 and 6; the Silents are actually genetically engineered confessional priests that allow people to forget what they said once they look away from them, the Kovarian Chapter broke away and orchestrated the events of Series 5 and 6, and the Doctor is actually in his final incarnation thanks to the War Doctor and the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor. Somehow, River using up all her regenerations to revive the Doctor in Let’s Kill Hitler didn’t give them to him, but I suppose doing so would have made things more confusing.
Eventually, we get to the point where the Doctor has been on Trenzalore for 900 years, with only the Daleks continuing the siege where others had retreated or burned. Tasha picks up Clara and takes her to him before the Daleks demand the Doctor’s surrender. As the Doctor resigns himself to his fate, Clara pleads with the Time Lords to help him, telling them that his name is the Doctor and that is all the name he needs. This leads them to close the crack and grant the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, allowing him to regenerate and destroy the last of the Daleks. The Doctor is restored to his youthful self again and says goodbye to Clara (with a cameo from Amy) before the regeneration finishes and the Twelfth Doctor makes his debut.
Some people say that The Time of the Doctor was rushed because of everything that happened during Series 7 plus Steven Moffat burning out, but I actually thought the episode was pretty good considering what we got. Apparently Trenzalore was meant to be explored in Series 8 but Matt Smith deciding to leave after Series 7 meant that Moffat had to wrap the story arc up quickly. I’ve already pitched the two-parter Festive Special for The Snowmen/The Bells of Saint John, so I’m happy with leaving The Time of the Doctor as a one-parter.
And so we come to the end of the Matt Smith era, the era that catapulted me deep into fanfiction writing and my personal project. Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are probably the Takeru Satoh and Masaki Suda of Doctor Who due to them being featured in Hollywood films following their time on the series.
Series 7 was kind of a mixed bag for me particularly because of the split series format, but the series shows a stage of the show’s evolution thanks to all the changes happening during the production of this series. It started off as being a continuation of Series 6, then by the end it became a celebration of the show and its fans from not only eight years of the series’ revival, but fifty years of the show’s history.
This instalment took longer for me to write than I expected. Stay tuned for Part 8 as we enter the Capaldi era with my 10 takes on Series 8.
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sleepymarmot · 10 months
The Star Beast
The opening narration is so clumsy. At first I thought they just attached a trailer to the episode proper.
I didn't know Rachel Talalay was back!
I caught that melody!
They sure are making a point of calling attention to Rose's gender approximately five times per minute
Ah, the trademark RTD TV segments :D
Nice hologram function on the screwdriver, I think that's new?
Okay, was that really a trailer and not a cold open? Because both Donna and the Doctor are repeating the same things they said in it
Love the way he jumped into the truck and casually sat on something like on a throne
Oh so that's why the script gave Rose this business lol. Making Beep the Meep blend in with the stuffed toys, that's fun.
The Doctor yelling "Let me innnnn" like in the meme
Both Donna's "What the hell?!" and the slap™ are much funnier than they were in the trailers.
"My chosen pronoun is the definite article." Look I know all of this is comedy but "pronoun" and "article" are different parts of speech! This just sounds like when dumb dipshits say "I never use any pronouns" but on the opposite side.
"I am always the Meep." "Oh. I do that." Oh, nice one.
"[sniffs] It breaks both my hearts." Okay, I see, the Meep recognizes the Doctor and is doing this on purpose.
"Not today, thanks" while closing the door looks exactly like the "Thank you for your input" moment from Sherlock that was a popular gif in the superwholock days.
Making durable shields out of thin air is a wild buff for the sonic screwdriver.
Wow they really fucked up this poor house :( First Dan, now Donna. Doctor Who, making plucky funny companions homeless since whenever Flux aired.
Oh cool, he's making "the Oncoming Storm" face. Haven't seen that one in a while!
"Meepkind died rather than surrender. And now, only this one survives." Lmao? Approximately 90% of the information so far we've known for a year or so, but "Beep the Meep is a Doctor parallel" is something I did not expect.
Coming up with some bullshit excuse while a gun is pointed at him, classic.
I like how the possessed UNIT soldiers are still wearing the visors to save a bit on the CGI.
Is the Doctor jumping around without his jacket supposed to be fanservice? It's working for me.
Okay, that's a fun way to force them to work in tandem.
Doctor stop being stupid you know any reasonable person would take this bargain
"[the Doctor behind a pane of glass sobs, screaming] Why does it have to be this?" Oh we're bringing back all the good old hits
How many years since I've heard this theme?
Oh wow that's a cool reveal!
Did they declare the Doctor to be both binary and non-binary in the same line? Also wow I guess this trans girl who, as everyone has been pointedly insisting for the previous 50 minutes, should only ever be referred to as a girl, is more nonbinary than the person who fluidly switches between genders and appearances without any preference.
"We've got all that power, but there is a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand. Just let it go." ????? What kind of gender essentialism wrapped in modern language is this?
Yo! New TARDIS! Classic style!
This was fun! When's the next one?
0 notes
wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
🥺👉👈 Could I maybe request a doctor who x reader with a younger, more innocent teenage reader? And the doctor gets protective over them, especially when they could be in danger. Any doctor could fit. (sorry if this is not enough information I'm new to making requests)
Let them go
Eleventh Doctor x platonic!teen!reader
Summary: When the Doctor takes you to your favourite musical, things once again don’t end well.
A/N: Ok so I loved this request and thank you so much. You are so sweet. Don’t worry about how information there is, I just hope that you like it. I may have mixed a little Newsies in here because, well I love it and I honestly think about how I would a hundred percent ask to go there if I was travelling with the Doctor.
Not my GIF
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Shaking violently when travelling seemed to be the only flaw of the TARDIS and even then, it was only because the Doctor was a terrible pilot. He had tried to convince you otherwise but you'd met River on more than one occasion and she had actual evidence for her argument so excuse you if you sided with her. But that didn't mean that you hated it; every time it happened, you'd grin real big because it was just yet another reminder of the chaos that came with the Doctor. You had a usual place by the controls, one where you were often moved from during flight to avoid you being in the way. Most of the time you ended up in one of the seats, watching his every move in hopes of learning what any of it meant. River had promised to teach you when you were older, said you could leave the Doctor in the 1920s where he apparently thrived and she'd teach you how to the drive the TARDIS.
Right now however, you were here in 2017 New York, at your request. You had asked to see the recording of Newsies after a small (ok so maybe the exact opposite of small) obsession with the musical over the years. You were surprised when all the Doctor had to do was make a call and suddenly you were right at the front with the opportunity to go backstage afterwards too. The inner fangirl was hard to control as the two of you headed to the doors and you managed to stumble slightly but he had caught you before you could fall into the wooden doors. Pouting as he laughed, you tugged his bow tie hard making him stop with a frown and a hand going to readjust it. He scanned your attire with an amused smile which resulted in a flick to the head from you. "Ow, I didn't say anything!"
You walked out the TARDIS, breathing in the smell of hotdogs and petrol before facing him with a small frown, "You were thinking it. I can wear a Newsies shirt if I want to wear a Newsies shirt," he put his hands up in surrender as he walked out too and then quickly turned to lock the doors. You tugged at the shirt in question as you glanced round the empty alley, waiting for him. It was a few seconds before you felt an arm fall into your shoulders and quickly you began to walk to the streets with big smiles on your faces. In the small time you had come to know the Doctor, he had become like family. You had been quite sheltered growing up, never seen much trouble but that's kinda expected from a small town family. When you started travelling with the TimeLord, you saw a lot of bad stuff, things you had never even thought possible and so naturally, he was protective. He was like an older brother, maybe a dad ish vibe.
Your steps were in time with his as you approached the theatre, huffing at how long the queue to get in was. Finally in line, you tapped your foot patiently and suddenly, the question had slipped from your lips without much thought, "How did you get good tickets?" He paused, reaching up to fiddle with his bow tie nervously before straightening out his tweed jacket. He avoided eye contact and instead stared at the bright lights surrounding you guys, "Well, um, I helped write it. Historical facts and stuff," you watched him shrug with terribly faked nonchalance. Jaw dropping, your eyes went comically wide as you stuttered out, "You- They- What?" Unbelievable. Of course he knew about your obsession with the musical and failed to mention his involvement with writing it.
It was a couple hours later and you were waiting by the Doctor's side as the theatre cleared out. He had spent the whole musical jittery and chatty, clearly not good with just sitting there and watching. Several times someone had complained and you had had to talk with him about it. He was a literal child at times. But despite the fact he had muttered about his hate for Twitter after the girl next to you guys tweeted a picture of herself and her friend there, you enjoyed yourself. The musical was just as great as the first time you watched the recording, if not better. And now, you couldn't stop bouncing in excitement. You were actually going backstage, and you were going to meet the cast of a musical you have obsessed over for years.
But of course, with the Doctor, things never happened that easily.
The TimeLord had pulled out his sonic screwdriver to fiddle with while you waited and frowned at the noise it made. You caught his muttering and huffed, already knowing that look on his face. Concern, anger and a touch of excitement. "Don't say it," his eyes slowly left the device in his hands as he raised an eyebrow at your words. Someone was just leaving the backstage area but neither of you noticed as you sighed, "Why does something always have to happen? One good, non-alien day is all I ask. Is that even possible with you?" He grinned goofily at you with a breathy chuckle before raising the screwdriver in the air and scanning your surroundings. You jumped at the tap on your shoulder, facing the crew member with fists raised like that would do something. "Oh,"
"I was sent to get you. What's he doing?" You glanced to the Doctor, who now stood on one of the seats and you shrugged, arms crossing over his chest. Looking between both men, eventually you answered, "I find it best not to ask until he gets that look on his face," the guy frowned as he watched the Doctor jump from the seat and run up an aisle and look through one of the doors. As the two of you watched him lock the door with the screwdriver, the crew guy asked, "What look?" Going to respond, you stopped yourself once seeing the dark look of his face. The one that ensured mortal danger and most likely ended with the two of you saving the world. Again.
"That look," the guy watched you point to the alien as he made his way over to you by jumping over one of the seats. His arm landed on your shoulders as he huffed slightly from all the running round, "Right okay then, possible shapeshifter, very dangerous and kills for the hell of it. Also, amazing dancers and have a tendency to be really funny. Ready?" As he spoke, he looked the guy up and down in a calculating way as if he was possible suspect. You ignored the shock and fear on the guy's face in front of you and instead tilted your head in debate, "I mean, yeah sure," with a laugh, he clapped his hands together and approached the crew member. He too ignored the expression or he just didn't notice with how quickly his mind was now working. He smiled, hands clasped in front of him as he did another look over the guy before speaking, "Ok, we're ready to go. Should probably check out backstage first," he looked to you and you nodded in agreement. "Well," he paused as he placed his hands on the guy's shoulder, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Panicky look still clearly painted on his features, his voice shook as he managed, "Carl,"
"Well Carl, lead the way," gripping the clipboard in his hands tighter, Carl turned around and began to walk up the stairs and backstage with the two of you following. You stared at your feet as you walked, pout on your lips as you thought, "So, when you say very dangerous...?" The Doctor paused before backtrack king to you and placing his hands on your shoulders whilst ducking his head down to meet your eyes. He had such certainty and determination that you knew he wasn't lying when he said, "Nothing bad will happen to you, I promise," a chuckle left your lips as you punched his shoulder, smile lighting up your face as he remained unbelievably serious, "Well duh. I've got my own hero. And you know I'd haunt the hell out of you," he shook his head, smile fighting it's way to his face as the two of you began to walk behind the curtain.
So apparently the Doctor isn't great with promises or at least, that's what you gather when the two of you were walking down a deserted corridor and something had grabbed you from behind. The last hour had been the two of you searching in the dark, trusting no one since this alien shapeshifted. Two crew members were found dead and another missing so the Doctor insisted on going to find her and well, naturally you followed without question. And now you had a claw to your throat as you whimpered at how hard the alien was pulling your hair. This made the Doctor turn, eyes darkening when he saw you struggling and crying quietly to yourself. "Let them go," it was practically a whisper but it echoed in the hall, making the creature laugh. "Why would I do that?" The voice was deep and distorted and almost robotic, "They'll be so much fun," the last word was spat, venom in the voice making whimper again. You shook violently and the Doctor met your terrified eyes with his remorseless ones. "Why are you here? Order the Shadow Proclamation states Earth is a Level five planet. Do you know what they'd do to you?" He took a few taunting steps forward, head almost bowed in anger.
A small scream left your lips as the claw made a small cut in your throat and the Doctor seemed to tense. Rolling out his shoulders, the TimeLord uncharacteristically smirked as his fingers toyed with the screwdriver in his hands and he laughed almost hollowly, "I know about your people. I have fought your people time again and again and again. And do you want to know what I remember?" There was a pause in his words, only audible thing being your small cries, "You really don't like high frequencies," he raised an eyebrow as he pressed a button and the alien began to freak. His hands slammed over his ears and he stumbled back, essentially freeing you. You managed to make your way to a worried and panicking Doctor before the two of you rushed down the hall and inside a changing room. You fell back against the door as the whir of the screwdriver and the click of the lock and the huffs of your breaths filled the room.
Suddenly the small device was stuck in your face, scanning you up and down before you smacked it away. He gave you a pointed look before carrying on, no doubt scanning for any other type of harm. He was in protective mode which wasn't uncommon but could get annoying when he wouldn't stop checking up on you. With a frustrated expression, you snatched the screwdriver from his hands and shook your head when your eyes met, “I’m fine,” you made sure to emphasise the last word and the Doctor mimicked you under his breath like a three year old. Scoffing, you pointed the screwdriver at him in warning but he just simply took it back with a small huff.
And then there was a bang at the door and the two of you were reminded of the danger you were facing this time round.
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riversofmars · 3 years
Prompt: 13 and River babysit Anthony Williams (Amy and Rory’s adopted son)
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This is such a cute prompt! I combined it with a similar one and hope this works for you, enjoy! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1800
Read on AO3 or below
All in the Family
“And you’re sure you’re up for this?“ Amy turned to River one more time, halfway out of the door of their flat in 1940s New York.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?“ River crossed her arms in front of her chest challengingly.
“You’re not exactly the most responsible adult.“ Rory couldn’t help pointing out and glanced to his wife to find out whether they were going to change their minds at the last minute.
“I'll take that as a compliment.“ River smirked. “Remember this was your idea.“
“Yes but only because we don’t know many people here yet!“ Rory admitted.
“And having your baby stolen once, you don’t want to trust strangers, I get it.“ River gave her parents a kind smile. She was very happy for them. They deserved to have the calm family life that they had missed out on with her. Adopting baby Anthony had been a wonderful idea.
“It’s just been such a long time since we’ve been able to go out.“ Amy explained. “I just didn’t understand how hard raising a child would be!“ She sighed, running her hand through her hair. She was more exhausted than she ever had been while travelling with the Doctor. “We just really need to have an evening just for us.“
“Say no more and get yourself going before I change my mind.“ River ushered them out the door.
“You are a godsend, River.“ Amy kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Don’t get up to anything stupid.“ She wagged her finger at her.
“What, me? Stupid? Perish the thought.“ River feigned hurt but laughed.
“Just make sure Anthony is okay.“ Amy implored her and gave a little wave to the toddler that was just coming up behind River and wrapping his arms around her leg.
“You can count on me. We’ll have a brilliant time, won’t we, brother dearest?“ River smiled down at the child and patted his head.
“Ri-ver.“ The toddler nuzzled into her thigh.
“See, fast friends already.“ River chuckled and lifted him up.
“Does she… do you know anything about toddlers?“ Rory asked, insecure for a moment.
“I am married to the Doctor, does that count?“ River countered and the Ponds laughed:
“Fair point…“
“Relax, we will be fine, it’s just for a few hours.“ River kissed the forehead of her adoptive brother who was giving her a koala bear hug. “Tea, books, bed. I got this.“
“See you both later, look after each other.“ Amy smiled and kissed Anthony’s head, as did Rory.
“This is a bad idea…“ Rory hummed to his wife as they waved their goodbyes and made their way down the corridor.
“It’s a brilliant idea.“ Amy waved off his concerns.
“Right Anthony, there is someone I would like you to meet.“ River smiled at her little brother as she closed the door.
“Meet?“ Anthony echoed as River carried him back into the living room.
“Someone very special: Your brother-in-law. Well, I say brother… sister-in-law? Alien-in-law?“ River grinned,and as if on cue the TARDIS became visible in the lounge.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me see them!“ The Doctor stuck her head out, having waited patiently for the Ponds to depart.
“Because they never would have left and they could do with a break.“ River explained with a chuckle as her wife skipped out of the TARDIS and towards them.
“Hello Anthony Pond!“ She grinned, ruffling the toddler’s curls who just giggled in response. He appeared fascinated by the sudden appearance of the blue box and pulled away from River, seemingly wanting to be set down.
“Williams…“ River corrected the Doctor as she sat her brother down who rushed to the TARDIS, circling around it in wonder.
“What shall we play with, Anthony?“ The Doctor ignored her wife and dropped to her knees in the middle of a pile of toys. “See, we’re gonna have the best time!“ She pulled her screwdriver from her coat and sonic-ed the toys. All of a sudden, cars and toy robots started moving on their own accord. Anthony giggled in delight and rushed over to the Doctor, the TARDIS no longer the most interesting thing around here.
“Guess that means I’m making tea?“ River chuckled as Anthony threw himself at the Doctor.
“Would you want either one of us close to a hob?“ The Doctor retorted, hugging the child tightly.
“Fair point.“ River chuckled.
“I don’t know why I asked you here, it’s like babysitting two toddlers.“ River was cleaning up the kitchen after tea had turned into a food fight.
“'Cause this is the closest thing you and I have to a family.“ The Doctor answered with surprising candour. Anthony was jawing, leaning against her.
“As much as I try to, I don’t really feel like part of them…“ River answered thoughtfully.
“Our lives are more complicated than that…“ The Doctor couldn’t help but agree. Neither one of them was suited to regular family dynamics.
“Would it be so bad though? Settling down for a time?“ River mused, looking from Anthony to her wife.
“Maybe at some point.“ The Doctor gave her a soft smile. This River hadn’t done Darillium yet. She had all of that to come and the Doctor missed their time there more than she would care to admit.
“Bed time?“ She asked, seeing as Anthony was virtually falling asleep next to her.
“I think so.“ River agreed with a smile and walked over to them. “Come here Anthony…“ She scooped him up. “Let’s get you into your PJs…“
Both the Doctor and River had presumed bedtime would be easy, considering how tired Anthony was, but they had thought wrong.
“Stop turning the light on and off!“ River pleaded, picking him up again to finally put him in his bed. Anthony appeared to have saved up his energy just for this.
“Still want kids?“ The Doctor tried her best to keep a straight face as she watched her wife struggle with the toddler.
“You know all of a sudden, being a big sister seems perfectly adequate.“ River retorted.
“I’ll get him a bottle of milk.“ The Doctor suggested, just as Anthony got up again and raced past River to the light switch.
“Stop it with the light switch!“ River groaned and scooped him up again. “Please, will you just stay in bed now?“ She tugged him in.
“Well well well, isn’t this a lovely sight.“ A voice sounded from the doorway that made River’s blood run cold. She whipped around, standing protectively in front of the bed.
“Madame Kovarian, how did you…“ She stared at the woman in the doorway.
“I knew I would find you eventually.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, walking further into the room. “And who is this little man? Tell me, am I a grandmother?“
“How dare you show your face here!“ River growled, regretting immediately that she left her gun in the TARDIS. She hadn’t anticipated needing it for babysitting duties.
“I believe you and I have some unfinished business.“ Kovarian retorted. “How is motherhood treating you, Melody? Where is the husband? Leaving you to do all the child care?“
“Right behind you!“ The Doctor called from the doorway, armed with nothing but a bottle of milk. She quickly accessed the situation in front of her, glaring at the unwelcome guest.
“Oh well, not your child then, is it?“ Kovarian retorted with a cruel smirk. “Now then, I think it’s time for some good old fashioned revenge…“ She pulled a gun on them.
Suddenly the light flicked off! Anthony had snuck out from behind River and gone for his favourite game again. River jumped at the opportunity. She flung herself at Kovarian and disarmed her quickly. The moment the light came back on, Kovarian was on the floor and River held her gun to her head.
“Never underestimate a Pond!“ The Doctor grinned and scooped up the child into a tight hug.
“You little monster!“ Kovarian spat.
“If anyone is a monster here, Madame Kovarian, it’s you.“ River retorted icily.
“Surprisingly quiet in here… maybe River managed to get him to sleep alright after all…“ Rory mused as he opened the door to the flat and they walked inside. It had been a lovely evening, just what they needed.
“What the…“ Amy stopped dead in her tracks as they stepped into the living room.
“Amelia Pond! And Rory the Roman!“ The Doctor exclaimed and ran towards them, pulling them into bone crushing hugs.
“River?!“ Amy exclaimed, needing an explanation. Who was this woman? What was she doing in their flat? Why did she know who they were? And why was Madame Kovarian tied to a chair in the middle of their lounge?!
“What can I say… Mum, Dad… when my husband regenerated into a hot blonde I started batting for the other team, hope that’s alright with you.“ River answered, gesturing to the Doctor who grinned widely, barely able to contain her excitement.
“What?!“ Amy and Rory exclaimed in unison.
“She didn’t want to tell you I was here cause she thought you’d be worried we’d set the place on fire…“ River explained a little bit more apologetically.
“Instead you have a tied up Madame Kovarian in our living room?!“ Amy gestured to the unwelcome guest.
“Ouch!“ Kovarian groaned when Anthony chucked a building block at her.
“Good shot, mate!“ The Doctor grinned and gave him a high five. Of course, Anthony had refused to go to bed after the excitement.
“Sorry, just got to finish building this transdimensional teleport. Teaching Anthony the basics of temporal engineering as we go. One way trip to Stormcage.“ River explained, gesturing to a circle of electrical components that had been erected around Kovarian. Long cables connected it to the TARDIS. “Unless I get the coordinates wrong… might end up in a sun instead…“ She mused.
“Melody, don’t do it, I…“ Kovarian pleaded.
“You have threatened my family for the last time. This is goodbye, Madame Kovarian, for the last time.“ River finished attaching the cables.
“Good riddance!“ Rory mumbled in agreement.
“Anthony!“ Amy called when the toddler skipped forward and hit a big red button on the contraption. Something no child would be able to resist. Kovarian disappeared in a flash of light!
“Was the teleport even calibrated?!“ The Doctor looked to River who gave a little shrug.
“I’ll check up on her when I’m in Stormcage next… she may have ended up in the cantina rather than an actual cell… but never mind.“ She looked to her parents. “So, how was your date?“
“Certainly less eventful than this.“ Amy shook her head in disbelief.
“Come on, mate, let’s get you to bed.“ The Doctor scooped Anthony up who nuzzled into her neck.
81 notes · View notes
Every question ending in 4 for the DW asks!
4. Did you have any of the toys? not as a kid, no, but when i met my girlfriend she had a sonic screwdriver toy which is now also mine, technically,
14. Best regeneration? i'm interpreting this as best regeneration *scene* but i don't know if that's correct, anyway, i...... don't really tend to think about them a lot if i'm honest? i don't have an answer i think.
24. Best TARDIS Team? nine/jack/rose needs more screentime thanks
34. Best two-parter? best as in good quality i don't have an answer for but best as in "the one that i have seen 700 times for no reason"? hello, end of time, how ya doin?
44. Which series do you skip? i've never done like a straight line front to back rewatch but if i did i don't think i'd skip anything?? but as for which one i've seen the least of, s11.
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat? i don't really have an opinion on this at all, sorry
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD? sorry but i literally don't know what this question means. is it a torchwood thing? i haven't watched torchwood yet.
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well? probably some has and some hasn't, i don't really care how "good" shit looks while i'm watching it, i just go with it.
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with? hmmmmm maybe amy or bill? i adore clara but i doubt i'd get along with her... oh no wait new answer actually. rory, final answer, 100%. or bill. :p
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to? nah unanswered questions are the most fun because you can answer them 67 different ways and be right every time.
7 notes · View notes
doctenwho · 4 years
A Name For Kitty (NACP-pt2)
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You asked, so you’ll recieve! I’ll be honest here though, I didn’t put a name on the cat in the first part because I had no clue what to name him-- picking names is definitely not my strong suit. So names I’ve put in this fic are from random naming site, names I stole from my friends cats and cats I know in real life.
If your cat is named one of the names in the fic, I mean no harm! They’re all cute names in their own way, I just needed to fill in the blanks!
Warning: None.
Word Count: 3,858
Summary: Check out the prompt!
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(Not my gif, credit to the creator!)
“So,” you drew in the Doctor’s attention as you walked into the console room. As usual, the man’s eyes instantly fell from his control panel and landed on you for a brief second before he returned his attention. He was flying the TARDIS, so he really couldn’t take his attention away for too long.
“Yes?” he drawled, eyes back on the TARDIS controls. His tone was light, as it usually was whenever you’d surface from your room in the TARDIS.  
“Kitty still needs a name,” you explained easily, flopping onto the seat in the console room. At hearing the nickname you’d stuck the cat with over the past few days, the cat let out a soft purr noise and hopped down from where he’d been sitting beside the Doctor on the console.  
You smiled lightly as the cat jumped up on the chair beside you, and head butted your arm for attention, which you gladly gave him. The Doctor took a moment to pout at the loss of his friend beside him, but it didn’t last long, “a name? I thought you’d given him one?” The man glanced back at you, only to frown at your confused expression, “Kitty?”
“No,” you shook your head, “that’s just a nickname since he doesn’t have a name yet. He can’t be called kitty. That’s dumb. It’s like calling you Time-Lordy, or me humany. Besides the name Kitty for a cat is way overused, we should be more creative, don’t you think? He will be a space traveler too now.”
“Never call me Time-Lordy again,” the Doctor huffed, throwing a glare over his shoulder, “and while you’re at it, never call you, or any other human humany again.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you laughed, “it was just an example, they’re both dumb names no one would use to talk about us.”
“Uh huh,” the Doctor shook his head, “but I do see your point. So, what did you want to name him then? What will (Y/N)’s new feline companion be called?”
“He’s not just mine,” you frowned, petting the cat’s ears and listening to his calming purrs, “he’s both of ours. And it’s not fair that I’d get to name him. We should both agree on a name, and not you just agreeing because I like it. You’ve gotta like it too.”
“Really?” the Doctor perked up a little, “we’re both naming him? Like anything?”
“Well, yeah,” you smiled, “so long as we both agree. He does live here with the both of us. He already loves us both—he's definitely a joint cat. So, we’ll pick a name together.”
“I’ll need a bit to think about it,” the Doctor decided, turning his attention to you for just a second before he was back to controlling the TARDIS, “this is a lot of pressure. Any names you fancy currently?”
“Well,” you gave a small smile, “maybe Boots?”
“Boots?” the Doctor repeated with a raised eyebrow, “you want to name him Boots?”
“Yeah,” you frowned, “look at his little feet, they’re all white. He’s black, but all his feet are white. He’s almost wearing little boots.”
“Boots.” The Doctor repeated once more, trying the name out, “noh, I don’t like it.”
The man made a face like he’d bitten a lemon, “and isn’t that a bit like the name Kitty? Wouldn't that be like naming you shoes, or me fashionable coat based on what we were wearing?”
“Oh,” you huffed, “yeah, maybe... I guess so.”
“Besides,” the Doctor continued, “Boots doesn’t suit him. He’s a smart looking cat, he needs a smart name—something like... Pluto! Exemplary for a tiny space traveler, don’t you think?”
“No,” you laughed. The Doctor’s attention shot to you, eyebrows furrowed in offense, “you’re not naming our cat after a planet, Spaceman. Besides, Pluto isn’t even a planet anymore--”
“Pluto certainly is a planet,” the Doctor interrupted, crossing his arms across his chest, “I’ve been there. Definitely a planet, no matter what you humans like to think.”
“Fine, it’s not defined as a planet on earth anymore at least,” you relented, raising your hands in mock surrender, “anyways, we should think about his heritage on earth, right? He’s an earth cat, he should have an earth name—or maybe not something related directly to space.”
“Fine, fine,” the Doctor huffed, “not directly related, but I’ll still be looking for something that hints at space. He will be a space traveler, don’t forget. Earth heritage, but currently in space.”
“I won’t forget,” you laughed, scratching under the cat’s chin, which resulted in his purrs growing louder. The Doctor turned his attention back once more to smile fondly at the cat, “he’s our precious little space traveler.”
“Indeed he is. A fine little space traveler if I do say so myself,” the Doctor agreed, strutting towards the two of you to pet the cat’s head, pushing his ears back. “And I can say so.”
You sighed as you rested your back against the wall. Your hand was raised, cuffed to a bar that was slightly above you in the room-like cell you’d been put in. You were sitting on the floor, not really afraid, or put out by this hostage situation. You were inconvenienced if anything.  
The Doctor hadn’t been the least bit nervous when the two of you had been cuffed and led along down separate hallways. This planet didn’t like the Doctor much apparently, so as soon as he’d been spotted both he, and you by default for accompanying him, had been taken into this planet’s custody.  
You could only assume this hadn’t been a first, and that the Doctor had something planned to bust the two of you out, so all that you could do was wait.  
So, you waited like the good little prisoner you were. You’d wait until an opportunity to escape arose, or until the Doctor opened the door to your little cell and sonic screwdriver-ed you from the cuffs.  
You listened intently to everything happening on the other side of the door. Not a lot, but a couple bangs and a door closing drew in your attention. Then, it was silent once more.  
“What do you think of the name Talis?”  
You jumped in surprise at the voice. It carried through the walls, probably right on the other side of the wall you were leaning against. You didn’t want to admit how much that had scared you.
“Doctor?” you asked hesitantly, since you couldn’t really make out what the voce had said. It was more of a mumble. You’d gotten bits and pieces of it, but the majority was a muffle of sounds.  
“(Y/N)?” The Doctor repeated, and even through the wall you could hear the sarcasm the man usually had—he was kidding around with you, “of course it’s me, this is like the most peaceful planet you’ll find. I doubt those living here even know war exists. We’re like the only being they’ve taken into custody in years—since... well, since my last visit here at least.”
“There’s no need to make fun of me when I’m held captive,” you rolled your eyes at him, but you were sure your voice was conveying the humor of the situation. “Now, what did you say before?”
“I asked you what you think of the name Talis?”
“Talis for what--” you paused, thought it over before your face scrunched up with astonishment mixed with irritation, “are you seriously suggesting cat names while we’re both held captive on this planet?”
“Well,” the Doctor paused, and you could almost imagine the impassive grin on his face, “well, that’s if you really consider us held captive. It’s very accommodating, wouldn’t you say?”  
There was a moment’s pause before you heard his voice continue, “but yes, yes I am.”
You couldn’t really argue with that though—you were basically locked in a bedroom. There was even a small bathroom leading off from the side of the room. Compared to jail cells on earth, this was practically a hotel room. “I’m still cuffed to a bar,” you mumbled in reply.
“Right,” the Doctor’s voice continued, “well, you won’t be for much longer. I’ve straightened everything out; we’re just waiting for an okay to be released. All a misunderstanding. Now, what do you think of the name Talis for Kitty?”
“Why Talis?” you asked easily, stretching out as far as you could considering you were cuffed, before letting your head fall back against the wall.
“Well, it’s a common name on this side of the universe, this planet included. Kitty looks like a Talis, doesn’t he? It would suit him, I think.”
“Let me get this straight,” you turned to look back at the wall, knowing that you couldn’t actually see the Doctor. You liked to hope he got the sentiment of it anyways, even though he couldn’t see you either, “you wanna name our kitty after the people who imprisoned us at first glance?”
“To be fair, I did technically have a criminal record here,” you opened your mouth to question that, but the Doctor’s voice continued before you could, “and before you even ask, it was all a misunderstanding. They’re actually incredibly nice here.”
“We’re locked in cells, Doctor.” You reminded. “It doesn’t matter how friendly they are when we’re locked in rooms and cuffed to metal bars.”
“Right, fine,” the man sighed on the other side of the wall, “I’ll take that as a no then.”
“Keep thinking,” you relaxed back against the wall, “we’ll find a name for him sooner or later.”
As it turned out, cats went through food and litter remarkably fast. Only a week after getting the first bag of cat food, and a box of litter is seemed that you guys were out of it. So Kitty eats and poops a lot-- like every other cat on the planet.
It wasn’t that upsetting though, since you had an excuse to go in and look at cat toys and other play things, since Kitty had started sharpening his claws on the TARDIS furniture (which the time and space machine, and the alien owning it, were upset about).  
He’d need a cat tree, and a scratching post if he was going to be spending all his time on the TARDIS. Plus, the cat had been playing with the Doctor’s shoelaces—while they were still on the Doctor’s feet—which included pulling them untied and then walking away leaving the Doctor to unknowingly trip over his laces.
As humorous as that was, you were afraid that the Time-Lord was going to break something, so Kitty really needed toys.  
Besides, the Doctor didn’t even really mind going to the pet story for Kitty’s sake. Not since he’d gotten attached to the feline just days after meeting him.  
The two of you had decided to leave kitty in the TARDIS, even though he technically could come into the pet shop with you. You didn’t want to stress him out though, and he was perfectly content just snoozing on the TARDIS console like he usually did.
Shopping for cat stuff was a lot more fun that shopping for things for yourself, and it was almost as fun as shopping at alien shops on different planets. The Doctor always seemed endlessly amused when looking around human shops down on earth.  
Today though, as the two of you grabbed different cat items, you bickered back and forth. You’d still not made any progress on picking a name for the poor cat. Names you liked the Doctor did not, and names he picked out you weren’t fond of.  
Who’d’ve thought that this would be so hard?  
“Murphey’s a cute name,” you frowned, “it’s different, but it’s not that different.”
“It’s so weird,” the Doctor scrunched his nose us, “it... it’s just a weird name. I don’t even know what to say about it.”
“What,” you turned to look at the Doctor as you grabbed a bag of dry cat food, “Murphey’s weird but Garrus isn’t?”
“Garrus is a sophisticated name,” the Doctor snarked, “it’s way better than Murphey.”
“It is not,” you rolled your eyes, “I’ve never even heard of the name Garrus--”
“And I’ve never heard of Murphey!”
“Is there anything I can help the two of you with?” And employee asked, looking between the two of you awkwardly. It was only then that you noticed the two of you were bickering rather loudly. “Oh, uh no,” you said.
But at the same time as you the Doctor responded with a bold, “yes!”
“Okay,” the employee frowned, looking at you for a moment before glancing at the Doctor and asking a shy, “what can I help you with?”
“We’ve just rescued a cat,” you explained, to which the employee nodded thoughtfully. “He still needs a name. But we haven’t been able to agree on one.”
“I see,” the employee gave another nod, “what names are you guys going between?”
“We still aren’t sure, but the ones we’re thinking about right now are Murphey and--”
“Garrus,” the Doctor added quickly, looking at the employee expectantly. “Which one do you like more?”
The employee suddenly looked put on the spot, and you felt bad. They looked hurriedly between the two of you before finally speaking, “Garrus is... uhm, cute,” they said slowly. The Doctor turned to grin at you, but the employee continued speaking, “but I’d have to go with Murphey.”
“You earth people are all the same,” the Doctor scowled, which looked more like a pout. “Earth’s loss that they don’t have good names like Garrus.”
“Thank you,” you told the employee while ignoring the Doctor completely. The employee gave the Doctor a nervous glance before giving you a respectful nod and quickly moving away to assist another customer. 
“You’re pouting,” you mumbled to the Doctor when the employee was gone.
“Am not,” the man pouted, tossing a catnip mouse into the basket you were holding, “earth people have no taste in good cat names.”
“Neither do aliens from Gallifrey,” you snorted. “We don’t have to name him Garrus or Murphey. Some name will come along that we’ll both like, right?”
“I’m not sure anymore,” the Doctor groaned, “we can’t agree on anything.”
“We’re not naming him Jax!” The Doctor groaned as the two of you ran. There were at least seven armed and armored guards after the two of you after you’d snuck into some building. You weren’t even sure what you were doing here, but the Doctor had led you along like he always did.
You really hadn’t meant to say the name out loud—not when the two of you were literally sneaking around. It had just... kinda come out. You hadn’t even whispered. It was like you had a hurrah moment of thinking of the name and needed to share it instantly without even taking a second to remember where you were.  
Attention had been drawn to the two of you almost instantaneously. There’d been a sharp moment of silence while the guards looked amongst each other to see who’d said a random word, until their attention landed on you and the Doctor. And from there, the Doctor was ushering you along and the troops were running after you.  
“Why not?” you whined as the Doctor snagged your hand and made a sharp turn down a hallway, dragging you along in tow.
“What kind of a name even is Jax?” the Doctor hissed, pulling you along, “we’ll talk more about that monstrosity in the TARDIS later.”
“Yeah, alright,” you laughed as he dragged you along.  
You’d never liked when the TARDIS would randomly land on other people’s ships. It felt rude to you, and it was certainly weird when others found you and the Doctor on their ship. In space. Without docking anywhere or have teleportation.  
The looks on people’s faces were hilarious.  
But, of course, most people instantly thought the two of you were a threat—especially when you happened to land in human-earth space ships.  
“Who the hell are you?” the captain of the spaceship (you assumed) demanded, pointing a gun at the Doctor. One of the crewmates was holding onto you, keeping your hands behind your back. “How the hell’d you get here?”
“I’m the Doctor,” the man introduced with his usual flare, “and this is my companion, (Y/N). Say hello, (Y/N).”
“Hi,” you huffed from where you were being held in place.  
“How’d you get here?” the captain asked sternly, not looking satisfied with the Doctor’s answers in the slightest.  
“In a spaceship, of course,” the Doctor shrugged, earning a scowl from the captain. You wanted to wince and remind the Doctor that hostile humans weren’t usually ones for jokes or sarcasm—especially when they had guns. “We are in space, aren’t we?”
“Let me rephrase,” the captain growl, “how’d you get in here.”
“We landed in one of your storage cupboards,” the Doctor continued on, frowning at the captain in apology, “and sorry ‘bout that, sometime you just can’t get the landing right.”
“You landed in our storage?”
“Yeah, accident. Sorry. We really didn’t mean to, but well, when you land, you’ve gotta explore. If you just let us go we can get back to my ship and we’ll leave.”
“You want us to let you go?” the captain raised an eyebrow, “after we caught you trespassing on a ship that’s orbiting space?”
“Uh, essentially, yes. We’d very much appreciate that--” the Doctor’s attention turned to you suddenly, “Cyprus?”
You instantly knew what he was talking about. It was a stupid name for the cat. He’d just blurted a name for your rescue cat while the two of you were actually in danger of being shot.  
However, the others in the room did not know the Doctor was talking about your cat. They exchanged harsh glances before everyone tightened their stances as if the Doctor was about to lash out. You mouthed a very annunciated ‘no’ at the Doctor to which he pouted again, furrowing his eyebrows.
“What does that mean?” the captain snarled, “some kind of secret code? Tell us what it means.”
“It’s a cat name!” You panicked, seeing as the captain cocked the gun towards the Doctor’s head, “it’s a cat name, he wants to name our cat that! Don’t shoot him!”
“Really?” the captain grimaced, looking around the room at the crew’s matching disapproving expressions. The captain lowered the gun “that’s a stupid name for a cat.”
“Oh for the love of all things holy,” the Doctor huffed in irritation, “it’s a good name! You humans just have horrid taste in names!”
“Ignore him,” you huffed, “that’s honestly one of the better names he’s suggested.”
“Don’t let him name a cat Cyprus,” the captain frowned.
“Aye!” the Doctor scowled, glaring around the room—which included glaring at you.  
“Oh, I won’t,” you promised with a sigh.  
“Let her go,” the captain gave a dismissing wave of their hand and you were instantly let go. “Him too, I guess. Take your ship and leave, y’hear?”
“Loud and clear,” the Doctor pouted. “And I’ll name him Cyprus if I want.”
The Doctor turned on his heels and marched out of the room, leaving you to whisper a ‘no he won’t.’ just loud enough for the captain to hear before you were following behind the Doctor.
It was a quiet night in when the two of you finally agreed on a name for the little tuxedo cat you’d rescued from the streets.  
The Doctor and you were sat in the chair in the console room side by side, arms pushed against each other as you squeezed on the chair together. The cat was sprawled against both your laps, head and front paws almost curled into the Doctor’s abdomen, while his bottom half and fluffy tail were spread along your lap.  
He really was the cutest thing.  
His purrs filled the room, soft and calming. It added nicely to the usual buzz of the TARDIS, which you’d gotten used to and barely even noticed now.  
The Doctor had stabilized the TARDIS in space for the night, like he usually did unless he was on a planet he trusted (like earth).  
It was that calm time before you’d head off to bed and the Doctor was do whatever it was that he did before going to bed. The cat usually followed you to bed and cuddled with you until you fell asleep, which was when he’d leave to join the Doctor wherever he was. You always woke up to the cat in your bed with you though, cuddled right into your side and purring happily in his sleep.  
“What do you think about Calcifer?”
You opened your mouth to refute it—like you had for all the other of the Doctor’s strange suggestions, but you snapped you mouth closed before you said anything. It actually had a nice ring to it—unique but not way out of your world unique.  
The Doctor turned his attention away from the cat to look over at you with a soft, fond look.  
“Why Calcifer?” You asked quietly as you had before. You liked to hear his reasonings, to hear his thought process when suggesting a name—even if the name wasn’t very... normal?
“Well,” the man looked back at the cat, carefully dragging his fingers through the cat’s soft fur, biting his bottom lip, “it’s a bit of a fairytale from my home planet."
“What kind of fairytale?” you asked intrigued, leaning a bit into the Doctor.  
“As the story goes, Calcifer was a falling star who fell to Gallifrey. He was caught before he could fall to the ground and extinguish. This falling star was very powerful and he offered the one to save him a deal... but, I can’t really remember the rest of it. I think Calcifer really suits kitty.”
“Calcifer,” you tested the name, “we could call him Cal for short.”
“Cal,” the Doctor repeats. “I like it.”
“I do to,” you agreed with a smile. “I told you we’d find a name we’d both like.”
“It’s perfect for a space traveler too,” the Doctor gave an affirming nod, “a fallen star.”
“And we can take him to the vets on earth without getting strange looks for his name.”
“Yeah, that too,” the Doctor gave a laugh.  
With that, you looked down at the cat in the Doctor’s lap, “whaddya think kitty? You like the name Calcifer?” The cat gave a positive purr sound, which he was notorious for, before he stretched across the both of your laps and cupped his little paws around his own face as he stretched.
“He likes it,” the Doctor translated jokingly with a snort.  
“Calcifer the cat.” You returned the laugh, smiling brightly at the Doctor.
“Perfect,” the Doctor gave a matching grin, “now all we have to do is put that on the front of his tag and he���ll be set. Glad we settled on a name finally, that was starting to get embarrassing.”
“It really was,” you groaned letting your head fall onto the Doctor’s shoulder. It was quiet for a second before you were laughing to yourself. “We’re never naming anything else. Cal’s it.”
Thanks once more for reading, and for the prompt! I love fulfilling people’s requests! Not sure if this was funny or boring or even what you were looking for, but I tried! Feel free to prompt me again if it’s not what you wanted!
Just as a bit of backstory this whole cat in general is based off my baby boy Murphey-- which I was going to make the endgame name until I thought of Calcifer. I needed something in between alien and also kinda earth sounding. Shout out to those who know Howl’s Moving Castle (even though I switched it up a bit) and get the name reference :D
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whittakerjodie · 4 years
Material Girl (13th Doctor X Reader)
Summary: The reader loves collecting all sorts of beautiful trinkets from their time travelling adventures. The Doctor starts to contribute. REQUESTED BY MEEEEEEE
A/N: the vibes are kinda all over the place w this one i think but here it is!
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Explosions, but nothing super severe
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You didn’t just love shiny things; anything beautiful caught your eye and kept it for a long while. Part of you knew that you shouldn’t dedicate so much sentiment to material objects, but you couldn’t help yourself. The Doctor noticed your habit for keeping souvenirs when she’d barged into your room at 3 in the morning, yelling about a Silurian attack happening a few towns away. (She’d landed in the wrong month, but you were happy to see her nonetheless, as she was 2 weeks late picking you up for an adventure)
“Oh, this is from Atros!” She said with a smile, picking up a large necklace you’d purchased from the merchant-filled planet. It was glittering with dozens of unknown gems, all wrapped in a red metal native to the planet. It was one of many, many, many jewelry items you had, and it was only a small piece compared to the rest of the souvenirs you’d taken. 
“I know you said not to keep a bunch of stuff, because of the timelines and what not” You said. “But I’m not showing it to anybody, I promise. I just… like having it all, I suppose.” 
The Doctor put the necklace back carefully, thinking as her eyes scanned over the rest of your impressive collection. After a minute and a quick scan of her sonic screwdriver at a particularly suspicious looking item, she turned back to you. “It’s alright, then. Didn’t ever realize you kept so much. Is it just for memories sake?” 
She had taken a seat on the edge of your bed, peering down at you curiously. Propping yourself on your elbows, you responded: “That’s part of it, yeah, but I guess the aesthetics play into it as well.” 
“It’s pretty,” You clarified. The Doctor grinned, like she’d thought of something brilliant. 
“Fair enough. You should get some rest. I’ll be back soon.” Despite your protests on account of her tardiness, she ran back into her magic blue box and it began to disappear, sending her away from you. Fluffing your pillow up with an annoyed huff you layed back down, eyes remaining fixated on your beautiful trinkets as you waited for them to close. 
It was another week before the Doctor arrived again. Every day you tried to incorporate a bit of alien accessories into your outfit, choosing the most human-like ones so you didn’t raise suspicions. Colors and designs didn’t matter, but some of them had a tendency to be secret weapons or glow in unnatural ways. The last thing you needed was questions being asked and the Doctor taking your prizes away. 
After work one day, you set the pair of sparkling star-shaped earrings, cut out of Etherian sunstone, onto the shelf where you kept everything else. You stared at the pair for several moments, lips stretching into a small smile at their beauty, which was only accessible to you and you alone. Was it selfish of you to keep such things to yourself? You didn’t care to consider things like that for very long. As long as you were appreciating them properly… that’s what mattered. 
The familiar whorp whorp of the TARDIS broke through the air and your lips stretched farther into a full grin. She was late, again, but you found it hard to complain when each trip yielded such wonderful experiences and treasures. You could hear her stomping around the living room, looking for you. 
“In here!” You called. Weeks ago, you would’ve scolded yourself for being so bold as to invite her into your bedroom, but you missed her so much, and you were sure she wouldn’t take notice of the implications. Sure enough, the door was thrown open eagerly. You stepped back from the mirror; You’d gotten dressed again, in pajamas. However, you still managed to add a little extra ‘something’ , a ring made out of resin encasing the ashes of a dead star. It was still beautiful, but in a sad way. It was a privilege to own it, knowing that each particle of ash had once belonged to a collective marvel. When you saw it in the shop, you couldn’t not buy it. 
The Doctor gasped when her eyes fell upon it, immediately pulling your hands into her own. “Wow!” She gasped, turning your hand over. “That looks like… hmm.. Seems like the remains of Sotonus-97!” 
“You can tell by looking?” You asked in awe, blushing as she kept your hand held tightly in her own despite finishing her examination. She nodded, then reached into her back pocket. 
“Close your eyes” You did as you were told, eyebrow raising out of curiosity. The Doctor giggled softly, something that made your heart flutter. Then, your senses focused on the weight that she was setting into your palm. 
“Alright, open them” Once again following the Doctor’s orders, you let your eyes flutter open, and they landed on one of the most beautiful bracelets you’d ever seen in your life. A loud, shocked gasp escaped you as you glanced over the polished gold, curved into a ring that the Doctor could easily slip onto your wrist. All across the surface of the bracelet was a tightly woven abstract piece of circles and lines- you recognized it as the text that littered the TARDIS monitors and ceilings. 
“Doctor… wow” You whispered, running your finger across the bracelet's surface. The Timelord kept her eyes on you, gauging your reaction to the gift. She let out a small sigh as she realized the reception was positive, the edge of her lips twitching upwards. 
“I assume you like it?” She asked. You chuckled; clearly you did, but the Doctor could always use the extra affirmation. 
“Of course, Doctor” You reassured her, setting your hand on her cheek. The two of you froze, smiles not faltering but not exactly growing either. The bracelet felt a lot heavier against your skin, pulling you down and yet doing so little to ground you back into reality. Did you really just do that? Realizing that every second you were panicking was another awkward moment of your hand caressing her, you let it fall back to your side.
“I-I got it from the Patraxus system. They let you engrave anything.” 
“What does it say?” You wondered, tracing the patterns. The Doctor leaned back, scratching the back of her head with an awkward stretch of her lips. 
“It doesn’t exactly have an english equivalent,” You nodded, accepting her answer despite something in the back of your head recognizing her lie. The Doctor wasn’t always honest about some things, particularly related to her past and people, and you knew not to push it. 
“It’s absolutely beautiful either way. Thank you, really!” 
“Don’t have to thank me. Always happy to share bits of the universe. Figured I owed you for being so late, anyway. Speaking of that- were you about to sleep? I can always leave and come back” 
Realizing she was planning on whisking you away, you glanced at your closet. You could find something else to wear. “Don’t you dare. I’ll get changed, and then I fully expect you to surprise me.” 
Not that she ever failed at that. 
When you got changed out of your pajamas and quicikly drank a cup of coffee to keep yourself awake for whatever the Doctor had in store, you pushed open the door of the big blue box residing in your living room. The space-time machine gave a pleasant whirrr as you entered, the crystal columns growing a brighter shade of orange. In the corner of the room, Yaz and Ryan were talking with each other. Graham was nowhere in sight, and the Doctor was fidgeting at the console. 
“Hey guys, what’s up?” 
“Little tired,” Ryan said with a shrug. “Graham decided to skip out on this one, don’t think he appreciates getting his sleep interrupted that much. Hey- what’s that?” 
Noticing his gaze was focused on the Doctor’s gift, you lifted your wrist so he could examine it closer. His eyebrows raised as the gold glowed under the lights of the TARDIS. “Wicked. Where’d you get that one from?” 
“I got it from the Doc actually! Said she owed me for being so late.” Yaz scoffed and crossed her arms, taking her own turn gawking at the garment. 
“We didn’t get anything” 
“You didn’t?” 
“Maybe a quick half-assed apology, but certainly not something like this!” Ryan complained. Suddenly, your cheeks felt *very* warm. Why would the Doctor give you something and not them? Maybe it was easier to find gifts for you because of your collection habits? Or… your mind toyed with another, more romantic idea. Yaz and Ryan seemed to be following the same thread, and they smirked. 
“Well.. I’m sure it's just something she thought would look cool in my collection!” You offered quickly. They shared a look before rolling their eyes, dragging you over to the console so you could help them convince the Doctor to take the three of you to Paris (a trip you’d all been trying to organize for some time- it was hard to decide on what time period to visit) 
The gifts didn't stop at the bracelet; it seemed as though, after showing her your collection, she became quite invested in contributing to it. Even if you weren’t accompanying her on an adventure, she would find something for you to add. It wasn't like you could refuse- each and everyone was beautiful beyond description and begged to be cherished properly. 
“Do you need new shelves or anything?” The Doctor asked. Setting your hairbrush down on your dresser, you turned your head towards her. She was adding a few gemstones to your collection, frowning. There was no longer any space on any surface in your room to house more trinkets. 
“Oh. Guess I didn’t realize they were getting that crowded,” You said with a laugh. The Doctor grinned and pocketed the stones, sitting on your bed. The sight made your heart sing a little. Not the time, you reminded yourself. 
The TARDIS had taken quite the hit earlier in the day, while the five of you were getting chased by aliens. The Space-time machine was currently refueling, and Yaz and Ryan had practically thrown the Doctor at you for the night. Now the two of you were alone in your flat, staying up far too late. The Doctor didn’t sleep much, you knew that, but it felt like if you gave into your urge to sleep you’d miss out on time with her. And one-on-one encounters didn’t happen as much as you wanted them too. 
“You alright, Y/N?” The time lord asked. You nodded and she reached over to pull your blanket back, fluffing your pillow. “Think it might be time for you to sleep. Graham gave me a mouthful for interrupting his so much… Sometimes I forget how much of it you lot need.” 
“Not really tired,” You protested, but a yawn contradicted your already weak argument. The Doctor raised a brow and patted the mattress beside her. Unable to go against the Doctor’s orders you lower yourself onto the soft surface. She pulled the comforter back over you, tucking you in. 
“I’ll be in the living room if you need me. Sleep well!” As she stood, your hand caught her wrist, a million thoughts running through your head. “Y/N?” 
“Stay?” realizing how desperate you sounded, you cleared your throat and tried the request again. “Will you stay? Just for a bit? We don’t get many moments like this is all” 
The Doctor blinked, surprised, then nodded and returned to her spot. “Like this?” 
“Well, that’s fine, but you can lie down if you want too,” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but it was better that way; then she couldn’t hear how much it trembled from nervousness. She slowly laid down on her side, facing you with a curious look in her eye. 
“Do you want a bedtime story?” It was too hard to fight your laugh, and the timelord rolled her eyes playfully. “I’ll have you know I’m ace at them. Dad skills. Or- mum skills? No, definitely dad skills. Not that it matters” 
“I just wanted to talk for a bit I suppose” 
“About what?” the Doctor whispered, eyes never leaving yours. 
Before the Doctor could choose from her infinite options, there was a loud bang from across your flat, followed by an orchestra of destruction. The Doctor’s reflexes were a lot quicker than yours and she shot up from the bed just as you processed that anything had occurred. There were several loud footsteps coming closer and a deafening grumbling voice. 
The aliens from earlier. The Doctor stepped into the hallway, switching into Oncoming Storm mode. You finally came to your senses and you got to your feet, looking around the room for something to grab to use as a makeshift weapon. 
“How’d you manage to escape the time loop?” The Doctor demanded to know. When you saw motion out of the corner of your eyes they dropped downward. The Doctor was motioning towards the window, the action just out of the aliens sights. 
Even without following instruction and heading towards the window, you knew any efforts would be in vain. You had no fire escape close by your window and it was too high of a drop for you to make without breaking something, which you preffered to avoid doing. 
When the Doctor didn’t hear the window open she glanced at you quickly, asking why you weren’t doing as you were told with her eyes. You shook your head and she pursed her lips in understanding. Then, her eyes went wide and she quickly dashed back into the room, slamming the door and throwing one of your dressers to the floor in front of it. 
Milliseconds after she did so, the door began to shake as the aliens pounded their fists against it, demanding entrance. The Doctor threw the window open and then her hand landed on your shoulder and pulled you downward onto the floor. Behind the door, you could hear a sinister beeping begin and the Doctor tugged on your shirt, frantically crawling underneath the bed. This time, you were able to follow orders. 
As soon as you were under the bed safely, the Doctor’s arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly to her chest. It was hard to enjoy the position when the beeping was getting louder by the second until there was a sudden wave of force pushing against you. The door gave way easily to the bomb that the aliens had placed behind it, and the splinters of wood shot across the room. Thankfully, nothing hit you, as you happened to be receiving full-body protection from an alien that was a lot less violent than the ones stepping past the destroyed door. 
The Doctor pressed you even tighter to her still as a whimper made it’s way past your lips, her fingers tangling themselves in your hair. “Don’t make a sound” 
You nodded against her embrace, shutting your eyes to make the effort easier. The aliens were stepping all around your room, throwing your belongings all over to examine them. One of the aliens reached the window, and they grunted, annoyed. By opening the window, the Doctor had let them believe that you’d already escaped. 
“Let’s leave,” One of the aliens hissed. “Clearly this place is of no use to us. The humans will pay for their disobedience.” 
Several grunts followed, and then their footsteps retreated into the distance. Just when you found yourself feeling safe enough to open your eyes, the same menacing beep started up again, coming from what seemed to be multiple sources. The Doctor smoothed your hair behind your ear, eyes wide. 
“I think we need to run, now!” Running was the status quo, but it was a lot harder to run from your own home. The two of you rolled out from underneath the bed on different sides, meeting up in the middle of the room to begin your escape. Grabbing your hand, the Doctor dragged you through your flat. All along the floor there were small black boxes, glowing red and beeping. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have a back door by any chance?” The Doctor yelled over the looping noise. You descended the stairs to the floor below. 
“One, another flight down!” The two of you raced to the back door, and you silently prayed that the bombs would be weak enough to not harm any of the other residents of the building. The Doctor kicked the door open, pulling the two of you into the outdoors. 
The move was rushed and the two of you awkwardly fell to the ground just in time to watch the force from the bombs reduce your windows to dust. Flames branched out from all of the brand new holes in your home, burning into the back of your eyes. The Doctor covered you with her body again, shielding you from falling debris. 
Twenty five minutes and a conversation with the fire chief later, you were left standing outside of your destroyed flat, waiting for the others to show up and help the Doctor and you hunt the aliens down again. A shiver ran through your body as a sharp wind moved through the air, and soon there was a sleek fabric draped over your shoulders. 
“Sorry about everything” The Doctor murmured, no longer wearing her signature coat. It was hard to think of something to say; after all, you had just lost all of your belongings and the only place outside of the TARDIS that you could call home. Understanding why you didn’t respond, the Doctor slowly eased an arm around your shoulder to comfort you. “I’d be happy to find you another flat- or a house, if you preferred. And clothes, too. The TARDIS could probably recreate half your closet using your memories alone!” 
“It’s not those things, I suppose… I talked to the fire chief. There’s only a little bit of my collection left.”  You revealed, voice thick and wavering. The Doctor sighed and hugged you tighter, reaching for your hand. You were still wearing the golden bracelet she gave you weeks ago. She smiled down at it, giving your hand a comforting squeeze. 
“We’ll just have to collect a lot more, then. Tell you what- from now on, we’re not leaving a single planet until we have at least 2 items for the collection, I promise. 3, even! How does that sound?” 
Spirits lifting with the help of her cheerful tone and eagerness to make you happier, you couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “Sure, Doc, that sounds great” 
You leaned to your side to press a kiss to her cheek. When you pulled back, the skin was pink, her eyes crinkling as her smile transformed into a grin. Voices called out your names and the two of you turned, seeing Ryan, Yaz, and Graham running towards you. 
“Come on then,” You murmured to the time lord. “Let’s get rid of these guys and then start working on that promise of yours, yeah?” 
As the Doctor pulled the two of you back into action, you didn’t bother looking back. There would be time to mourn efficiently later. For the moment, all you needed to focus on was the woman holding your hand. After all, no matter what treasures you collected or lost, the greatest one was always the Doctor
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 23
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 23 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 23/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - I’m not really happy with this chapter, but I hope you like certain parts.]
“Yes, it's a spaceship. Yes, it's bigger on the inside. Now, I don't have time to talk about it,” the Doctor said, racing to the controls.
“But…but…but…but it's,” Clara stuttered. “Shut up, please. Short hops are difficult.”
“No they aren’t. You just don’t know how to drive her,” Elise said, trying to calm Clara. This one was having difficulty processing what was going on.
“Both of you, shut up!”
“Bigger on the inside. Actually bigger,” Clara said.
They landed with a thud.
“Right, come on!” the Doctor told them.
“We're going to go back out there?” Clara asked.
“We've moved. It's a spaceship. We flew away.”
“Away from the plane?”
“Not exactly.” The Doctor threw open the door and they were on the plane.
“How did we get here?”
“It's a ship. I told you. It's all very sciency.”
They ran towards the cockpit.
“This is the plane? The actual plane? Are they all dead?”
“Asleep. Switched off by the WiFi. Never mind them.” The Doctor soniced the cockpit door.
“What is going on? Is this real? Please, tell me what is happening!” Clara demanded.
“I'm the Doctor. This is my daughter Elise, who’s really not my daughter. We’re aliens from outer space. I'm a thousand years old, I've got two hearts and I can't fly a plane! Can you?”
Elise rolled her eyes. “Oh, get out of my way!” She pushed her father out of the way and grabbed the controls. Her fingers flew across the buttons as she flew the airplane.
Soon enough, the pilots came to.
Elise got up and turned to her father and Clara who were staring at her with wide eyes. “What? I read a book in the TARDIS library.”
The Doctor laughed and grabbed her face, kissing her forehead. “You are brilliant. My brave, clever girl.”
“What the hell's going on?” the pilot asked.
“Well, I'm blocking your Wi-Fi so you're waking up, for a start,” the Doctor told him, “Tell you what, do you want to drive?”
“Okay. When are you going to explain to me what the hell is going on?” Clara asked when they got back to the TARDIS.
“Breakfast,” the Doctor told her.
“What? I ain't waiting till breakfast.”
“It's a time machine. You never have to wait for breakfast.” The Doctor threw open the door and walked out to a crowd cheering. “Thank you, thank you. Yes, magic blue box.”
He held out his fez and people started putting money in it. “All donations gratefully accepted. Roll up, give us your dosh. Pennies, pounds, anything you've got.” He handed it to Clara. “Keep collecting. We need enough for breakfast. Just popping back to the garage.”
“Garage?” Elise and Clara asked.
Elise didn’t even know they had a garage in the TARDIS.
“So this is tomorrow, then. Tomorrow's come early,” Clara said.
The Doctor came out of the TARDIS on a motorcycle.
It was towing a light blue Vespa behind it.
He got off the motorbike and handed the keys to the Vespa to Elise.
“It’s mine?” she asked.
“Happy birthday, Elise. Sorry it’s kinda late.”
Elise smiled and threw her arms around his neck. Elise got on her new toy.
“Helmet,” he told her.
Elise rolled her eyes. “Timelord.”
The Doctor answered with an eye roll of his own. The Doctor turned to Clara. “No, it came at the usual time. We just took a short cut. Thank you, thank you. Tomorrow, a camel.”
They ended up at a rooftop café.
Elise and Clara were finishing their breakfast while the Doctor used Clara’s laptop.
“So if we can travel anywhere in time and space, why did we travel to the morning. What's the point in that?” Clara asked.
“Whoever's after us spent the whole night looking for us,” the Doctor said, “Are you tired?”
“Yes,” Elise and Clara answered together.
Elise was a Timelord, so she didn’t require that much sleep. Perhaps that was another trait this new body had taken from their former human companions.
“Then imagine how they feel. They came the long way round. They've got to be close. Definitely London going by the signal distribution. I can hack the lowest level of their operating system but I can't establish a physical location. The security's too good.”
“Whatever, I’m getting more coffee,” Elise said. She got up and left the table, going back into the café. She collided with someone as she reached the doorway.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Elise looked up and her green eyes met a pair of blue ones. The next thing she noticed was his dark hair and strong jaw line.
The man smirked. “It’s okay, Red.”
Elise’s cheeks burned as she stood there frozen. It was like her brain had stopped working.
“You okay?” he asked her.
“Um, yeah. Sorry.” Elise rushed past him to the counter. Elise noticed he lingered in the doorway staring out onto the patio.
“Miss?” the barista asked.
“Oh sorry.” Elise gave the barista her order and name. She was about to pay, when the man walked up behind her.
“On me.” The man handed the barista some money.
“Thank you,” Elise told him.
The man winked at her and said, “Anytime Red.” He walked away as the barista handed Elise her coffee.
When Elise turned around, the man was gone. That was odd. Elise didn’t remember seeing the man leave, seeing as the door was just a few feet from where she was standing. Elise finally shrugged and made her way back onto the patio, passing her father on the way out.
“Keep an eye on Clara,” he told her.
Elise gave him a mini salute and started drinking her coffee. Elise sat down next to Clara.
“Is he really your father? Seems a bit young,” Clara said.
“Well he’s more of my adoptive father. It’s kind of a long story.”
The Doctor came running back outside, without coffee. “You okay?” the Doctor asked Clara.
“Sure. Setting up stuff. Need a username.”
“Learning fast.”
“Clara Oswald for the win. Oswin!”
Elise’s head snapped up from the book she was reading. She looked at the Doctor who looked like he was remembering the girl from the Dalek Asylum like she was.
He ran back inside the café, while Clara did her thing. The next time the Doctor came out onto the patio, he calmly walked over to the two women.
“I did it. I really did. I did it. I did it. I found them,” Clara told him.
“You found them.”
“The Shard. They're in the Shard. Floor sixty five.”
“Floor sixty five.”
“Are you listening to me, Doctor? I found them.”
“I'm listening to you. You found them.” His head started to turn, revealing that he was a walking base station.
Before Elise had time to do anything, it uploaded Clara. Elise pulled her sonic screwdriver and tried to reverse the upload, but it didn’t work. She cursed the Doctor for not installing all the apps his had on it.
She rushed at the base station, sonic in hand, only to have it grab her around the throat and lift her in the air. With its other hand, it knocked the sonic from her hand. Elise tried kicking the base station, but it was solid like a rock.
“Clara! Elise!” The real Doctor came running out onto the patio.
Clara cried out from the base station. “Doctor? Doctor, help me. I, I don't know where I am. I don't understand. Doctor, help me, please. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am! I don't know where I am. Doctor, please. Please help me. Please help me. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am.”
The Doctor pulled out his sonic and soniced the base station.
It dropped Elise, who started coughing.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
Elise smacked him. “Elise!” He hadn’t been slapped by a redhead sine Donna. Elise was truly her mother’s daughter.
“When this is over, I want every single app you have on your screwdriver. No more training wheels, understand?”
The Doctor nodded, rubbing his now sore cheek.
“Now let’s save Clara.”
The Doctor smiled and opened Clara’s laptop.
Clara started to wake up from her sleep. “Doctor?” she asked, as the Doctor stroked her hair. But when she opened her eyes, the two Timelord’s were gone.
They eventually returned (outside her home) and Clara knocked on the door of the TARDIS.
“Come in,” the Doctor called.
Clara entered the TARDIS and found the Doctor sitting on the stairs, reading a book. “So, they come back, do they?” she asked.
“You didn't answer my question,” the Doctor said.
“What question?”
“You don't seem like a nanny.”
“I was going to travel. I came to stay for a week before I left, and during that week…”
The Doctor closed the book and put it down. “She died, so you're returning the favor. You've got a hundred and one places to see, and you haven't been to any of them, have you? That's why you keep the book.”
“I keep the book because I'm still going.”
The Doctor took off his glasses. “But you don't run out on the people you care about. Wish I was more like that. You know, the thing about a time machine…” He joined Clara on the platform. “…you can run away all you like and still be home in time for tea, so what do you say? Anywhere. All of time and space, right outside those doors.”
Clara laughed. “Does this work?”
“Is this actually what you do? Do you just crook your finger and people just jump in your snog box and fly away?”
“It is not a snog box.”
“I'll be the judge of that.”
“Starting when?”
Clara thought for a moment. “Come back tomorrow. Ask me again.”
“Because tomorrow, I might say yes. Sometime after seven okay for you?” Clara ran over to the doors.
“It's a time machine. Any time's okay.”
“See you then.”
“Clara? In your book there was a leaf. Why?”
“That wasn't a leaf. That was page one.”
Clara left and the Doctor ran to the controls. “Right then, Clara Oswald. Time to find out who you are.”
The Doctor looked over at Elise.
She smiled. “Geronimo.”
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trashboatprince · 4 years
Found on ao3 as well
I have a massive love for Tentoo and I couldn’t resist writing up something for him to get me back into writing fanfics, it’s been months!
Based completely off a headcanon and the fact that Tentoo apparently was quick to making himself a sonic screwdriver.
Summery: He’s barely been in Pete’s World for a week and Rose wasn’t at all surprised that the Doctor got right down to work on making himself tools.
However, her mom is not going to be happy about how he made his signature tool.
On with the fic!
With a Will and a Way
The Doctor, as Rose noted, was as impatient as the original Time Lord she knew.
Just another bit of evidence for her to realize that, yes, this was still the same man, just with a bit less Time Lord and a bit more human in him.
When her, the Doctor, and her mother arrived back to the Tyler estate after being picked up from Norway, the Doctor had dumped everything he had shoved into his suit pockets. From experience, Rose knew that they were like the TARDIS, bigger on the inside, and could hold a whole lot of junk.
All over her bed, he had tossed out everything that had previously been in the pockets from the last time the original Doctor wore the blue suit AND everything the new Doctor had grabbed before being left in this universe with his now-girlfriend.
Two bags of jelly babies, five yo-yos (three of which were tangled or broken), at least eight writing utensils of different colors, two coins from a planet in the future, junk upon junk, shockingly his leather jacket from his Ninth incarnation (he had grabbed it when he went to get dressed after Donna demanded he get dressed cause he knew that he wasn’t going to keep the big coat), and his own psychic paper that actually worked.
There was a lot of other bits and bobs that he had, along with a lot of strange alien crystals and devices that were tiny, and the TARDIS coral, which he lovingly set on a pillow to keep it safe. He even had snatched up a crystal that he told her would be very helpful in making the coral grow faster that he really hoped his other self wouldn’t miss.
‘And if he did, he’d just have to go find a TARDIS junkyard and steal from one of those, wouldn’t be the first time!’ The Doctor had said when Rose asked.
But of everything the Doctor was known to keep in his pockets, there was one thing missing.
A screwdriver, specifically a sonic one.
In the chaos of everything, he had completely forgotten to grab one. The TARDIS could take a bit to make a new one, especially if she wanted to be creative for her current Doctor, and he had often forgotten where he would put his old ones.
So, with this fact on his mind, the Doctor had decided to make it his goal to make himself one as soon as possible!
And that’s where Rose found him, just a few days since they got home, in Pete’s garage, moving about the workbench with some tool in his gloved hand. He didn’t seem to notice Rose standing in the doorway, watching him as he moved this way and that, goggles set over his eyes, hair a wild mess from sweat as he happily hummed some song to himself.
He paused when he picked up one of the strange crystals he had from his pocket and looked over. “Hey, Rose!” He greeted with a grin.
“Hey yourself.” She smiled in return, approaching him. “What in the world are you doin’? Does Dad know you’re using his stuff?”
“Oh yes, Pete is very aware. I practically had to beg him for all these tools!” He gestured to all the strange things he had in the garage that Rose just realized were not here last week. “He said it was his way of saying thanks for bringing you and Jackie home safely.”
Rose just nodded, crossing her arms. “That’s nice of him. So, do you need all of this for your sonic screwdriver? Can you make one from Earth technology?”
“Of course I can, Rose! I’ve made more complicated things from just basic human materials than a sonic screwdriver! I even used a normal screwdriver once to take apart a number of televisions to remove alien spyware back in 2020 when I was in my eighth incarnation, this is a walk in the park!”
She just raised an eyebrow as he rambled, smiling a little. Yep, there’s that gob, it was like talking to her second Doctor all over again. Which, technically, this is still her second Doctor, it was still just a bit weird cause he was him, just him with a bit of Donna in him. Speaking of that, she liked that because of Donna, he had a weird knowledge of pop culture now so it was really funny to see him chatting at dinner with Jackie about some actress or television show and actually being invested in it.
It made for a wild dinner last night, Rose and Pete were so lost while Tony didn’t even bother paying any attention to those two chatting it up like they’ve been friends for years.
That made Rose rather happy, the Doctor seemed to be doing well with her family. Pete didn’t seem too put off by him, Jackie was a bit nicer but would still get on him, though that was to be expected, and Tony practically followed him everywhere like a puppy cause he liked the half-alien being part of the family.
The Doctor seemed to still be talking as he looked at the crystals, going on about something else he had created using an old 80s phone and two rubber bands before a crystal was suddenly in her face. “Think this one would be a good choice?”
Rose blinked, going cross eyed as she looked at it. “Good choice?”
“For color. I considered green, but I don’t know on that one just yet, doesn’t feel… me, yet, and orange would be interesting, but I don’t know. Red is good too, but I don’t want that one, but blue is a classic, and I’ve used it twice in a row, think I should again?”
Brown eyes looked at the stone, it was glowing a faint blue, nearly the same shade as the previous glow of his sonics. “I think blue is perfect for you. But what is that?”
“A power core of sorts, took them from the TARDIS, have a number of them I’ve collected over the years and I took a few for myself. You never know when you’ll need them.” He set it down on the work bench before moving the goggles up off his eyes, smiling at her. “It won’t look much like a pen or screwdriver, but I’d like to think that it’ll be uniquely mine! And if it works out, maybe I can make you up one! I’ve got lots of lovely colors for you to pick from!”
“Hmmm, maybe, in due time. I’ll wait until you get that TARDIS up and runnin’ first, Doctor.” She smiled; tongue pressed to her teeth.
She hoped it would be soon, the TARDIS was currently in a fish tank she went out and bought for it, growing under specific conditions that the Doctor had set up for it from quick notes that Doctor Donna and the original Doctor had wrote down for him. And the little power core he had stole was inside of it, feeding the coral.
He suspects it might take about two or three years for it to get to a good size before they can use it, which will help it more.
Leaning up, she kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll leave you to your little project, okay? And don’t forget to clean up after yourself! No need to start makin’ your messes so soon!” She laughed as she moved towards the door.
The Doctor snorted, adjusting the goggles back in place. “No promises! And that’s rich, coming from a certain companion of mine who always left her room a mess!” He laughed when she stuck her tongue at him before she closed the door behind herself.
He smiled as he grabbed at the small container full of the metal he had planning on smelting for his screwdriver. If all goes well, he’ll be able to replace it. Really should have asked first, but it was the perfect material and he couldn’t wait!
“Has he been in there all day?” Jackie asked as she worked in the kitchen with Rose, trying to get dinner finished up.
“He came out for lunch for a bit, but yeah, all day.” Rose replied as she stirred the sauce on the stove. “Said it might take a while.””
There was a loud door slamming open, followed by loud foot steps before a blur of blue and brown came sliding into the kitchen, slamming into the island in the middle of the room. Rose winced at the wheeze that came from her boyfriend when his stomach hit it. “You… alright there?” She asked and he nodded, coughing into his elbow.
“What’s got you runnin’ in here like that?” Jackie exclaimed, already tired of his nonsense and he hadn’t even spoken a word yet. “Your arse on fire or somethin’?!”
With a huge, toothy grin on his face, the Doctor threw his hand up at the two Tylers, showing what was clenched in his fist.
It was… something interesting, that’s for sure.
It was a strange, metal device, long, shaped sort of like a pen or something of the sort, with a glowing blue crystal sticking out of the end. When he opened his fist, the device laying in the palm of his hand, Rose could see more of the crystal peeking from holes in the metal casing around it. “I did it!” The Doctor said when his voice finally returned to him.
“That the screwdriver?” Rose blinked, taking it from him to look it over. “It’s certainly different from your other ones, that’s for sure.”
“Had to make it on what I had on hand.” The Doctor explained, looking rather proud though. “Rather creative on my part, if I do say so myself! Haven’t smelted in a while, so it’s a bit unusual in pattern, but I like how it’s different! I bet even the TARDIS would be proud that I can make one myself! She’d probably tell me to make my own from now on, but still.”
“Looks like some toy to me,” Jackie commented as she walked by, going to get the plates and silverware out for dinner, “but what do I know of your weird alien tech.”
Rose rolled her eyes, looking over the screwdriver again, pressing on a little spot and making it activate. Sounded just like the original ones, even glowed the same blue. “Wow, you did great, Doctor, but what did you use for the casing?”
The Doctor suddenly looked like he wanted to run. “Well, you see, for that I had to…”
“HEY!” Came a shout from the other side of the kitchen. “Where’s the spoons!?”
“I’ll pay you back, I promise!”
Forgive me, I’m totally new to writing for this fandom, but I tried.
Anyway, I figured that if he were to make a screwdriver, I’d love for it to be something looking a lot like Thirteen’s own. I mean, a fancy, Ten-looking screwdriver does fit him too, but I love the idea of him making one like how Thirteen made hers.
Also, I am a fan of the headcanon I’ve seen some people have that Tentoo gained Donna’s knowledge of pop culture. And I made a reference to Stranded with the screwdriver and the television sets, the Doctor sorta had to use what he had on hand cause he couldn’t use his screwdriver.
Thanks for reading, and I am always open to drabble and one-shot prompts! So if you have one, send it my way! :D
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag
yes im a nerd...
1. Did you like DW as a child?
I was 10 when it came back on telly with Eccleston and the first episode with the autons scared me so much my mom wouldn't let me watch it again until a couple years later, but yeah my teens I was obsessed with DW... still am at age 25
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I still have the eleventh doctor’s screwdriver... I used to have some of the figures but there in storage now somewhere
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
didn't play it on the playground
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
all of them! the ones that still scare me now are the Cybermen and the Autons... genuinely cant walk past a shop mannequin without being suspicious 
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
as a kid, any of the innuendo type jokes
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
idk I think I still have the same opinions
9. Who introduced you to DW?
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
I LOVED SJA!! I miss that show, and Elizabeth Slade :(
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the doctor that made me fall in love with Doctor Who 
12. Your favourite Doctor?
omg why not just ask me who my favourite child is... (I don't have kids but you know what I mean) if I had to chose my top three are ten, eleven and thirteen
13. Least favourite Doctor?
purely just because he doesn't have enough episodes... nine...
14. Best regeneration?
none of them I hate regenerations :( they make me sad, im too emotionally invested in every single one
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
they're not my faves
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
I think nine maybe? or twelve?
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
the 50th anniversary special 
18. Best Doctor monologue?
“Hello Stonehenge! who takes the pandorica, takes the universe. but bad news everyone, cause guess who? HA! You lot you're all whizzing about- its really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING. Question of the hour is, who's got the pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question, who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan. No backup. No weapons worth a damn. oh and something else, I don't have anything to lose. So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the pandorica tonight... just remember who's standing in your way. remember ever black day I ever stopped you and then- AND THEN- do the smart thing... let somebody else try first.”
not copied and pasted, remember that from the top of my head... its always there waiting in my mind incase I ever need an epic monologue :’)
19, What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
hopefully living his best life with Rose
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
ten and donna 
21. Favourite companion?
Donna, Clara, Amy
22. Favourite secondary companion?
is Mickey classed as secondary? idk
23. Least favourite companion?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Doctor, Amy and Rory
25. Most underrated companion?
Graham, but that may just be cause I love Bradders
26. Most overrated companion?
Rose... I like her but idk, I think she gets more hype than she deserves.. don't @ me
27. Favourite companion’s family?
Rose’s mom
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
idk I cant think of anyone
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
Amy and Rory
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
wasn't keen on Bill at first but by the end I really liked her, same with Rory
31. Favourite episode ever?
girl in the fireplace
32. Least favourite episode?
most of Chibnall’s episodes tbh sorry not sorry 
33. Which episodes do you skip?
the regeneration episodes
34. Best two-parter?
Human Nature - Family of Blood
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
I like them all in there own way but I think present is fave, then historical, then future
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
all of them
37. Episode that will always make you cry?
Rory and Amy’s last episode :’(
38. Best run of episodes?
ugh I cant answer this theres too many 
39. Best cliffhanger?
the end of Spyfall part one when the Master reveals who he is... I was SHOOK
40. Favourite Christmas special?
Voyage of the Damned
41. Classic Who or New Who?
new who
42. Favourite series?
four or five
43. Least favourite series?
eleven, I just cant with the writing
44. Which series do you skip?
45. Favourite series opening?
eleventh hour
46. Favourite series finale?
47. Best series arc?
Bad Wolf
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I adore Jodie Whittaker and her doctor, and although I think 3 companions is too many I do love Yaz and Graham (Ryan is hit & miss). I just think theyve been massively let down by the stories/writing... they’ve tried to hard to tick certain boxes and completely missed what Doctor Who is about for a lot of people.. an escape from the real world into these outrageous unbelievable but lovable fun alien adventures 
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
not a lot
50. Who should have had another series?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
the master 
52. Most creative monster?
Weeping Angels, whoever came up with monsters that look like statues and only move when you're not looking at them is genius 
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
Autons, Cybermen, the creepy dolls from Night Terrors, the ones from Waters of Mars, Weeping Angels
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
56. Monster you want to return?
The Master, I really hope that isn't the last we see of Dhawan
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
being genuinely scary, 
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
Weeping Angels
59. Best Dalek story?
Daleks in Manhatten
60. Best one time villain/monster?
my brain has gone blank I cant think of an answer right now 
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't watched it all so I couldn't say 
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
again, not watched it all 
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
Sarah Jane
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
the sonic, I love how it is so multipurpose except for when it comes to wood 
72. Favourite piece of Murray Gold music?
I am the Doctor - gets me pumped every time 
73. Favourite TARDIS design?
Ten’s Tardis 
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well?
actually yeah, I was rewatching the ‘are you my mummy’ episodes the other day and my God when the gas masks emerged from the faces... ooooooof I was like omg how 
75. Favourite Doctor outfit?
eleven or thirteen
76. Monster with the best design?
not really a design more of a costume.. I live Dhawan master’s costume. that shade of purple, oof he so stylish 
77. Best show runner?
78. Best writer?
79. Best opening titles?
eleven’s titles where the Tardis is flying and being zapped is cool but thirteens music hits different 
80. Will DW age well/stay popular in the future?
I hope so, I feel like its lasted this long surely it can last forever.. if the writers don't fuck it up... 
81. Time period you’d want to go with the Doctor?
whatever time means Id get to wear the most beautiful costumes
82. Planet/place you’d want to go with the Doctor?
Galifrey, pre-desctruction
83. Doctor you’d most like to travel with?
any of them, please and thank you
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with?
donna, sceso a good laugh but also I feel like she’d look after me 
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
The Master 
86. If you could go back on your own history (like Father’s Day), where would you go?
back to when I was a toddler, I wanna see what I was like 
87. If you could ask the Doctor anything, what would you ask?
theres too many to ask 
88. Historical figure you’d like to meet?
89. How do you think you’d meet the Doctor?
id probably be rescued from doing something stupid and then the doc would be like you know what the bitch clearly needs supervision she's coming with me 
90. Would you travel forwards or backwards in time first?
91. Historical event would you like to see in DW?
92. Issue you’d like to see addressed in DW?
93. Who would you completely erase from the DW universe?
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to?
where is Clara now?
95. Actor/actress you’d like to see play the Doctor?
Phoebe Waller Bridge (or Lin Manuel Miranda)
96. Actor/actress you’d like to see play a companion?
Andrew Scott (yes I did just basically recast fleabag and hot priest)
97. Is DW “too political”?
series 11 got a bit like that 
98. Which characters fate would you changed?
Danny Pink
99. What about DW could be improved?
I think ive made my options about Chibnall pretty clear... 
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do
bring back Jenny, the Doctor / Daughter adventures they would have. I’m actually writing a fic about it if you wanna read.... here
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davidtennan-t · 5 years
‘Daddy, you’re soft...’ Chapter 2
The second and last part of this soft af Tentoo x Rose fic
Summary: A tree house and adventuring with his little girl. What could possibly go wrong for the Doctor?
Fluff, angst and the works!
AO3 Link: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
The moment Susan started running, the Doctor was quick to chase his daughter, his long legs moving faster than they had done in weeks as he tried to catch up to his little girl. Persuasive techniques did seem to run in the family. All Rose ever needed to do was lovingly curl her arm into his and spread that smile on her face if she wanted something, so no surprise had come when Susan used it against him to.
"Don't leave me for the Slitheen!" he called after Susan. When had she gotten so fast?
The young girl reached the ladder first and quickly began to scale it, checking behind her every so often to see if the Doctor was still following. By the time her feet were running along the wooden floor, her father only just made it to the bottom. He noted the breathlessness and the quickened pace of his single heart.
“Oi, didn't you hear me? You can't leave your old man to the mercy of the Slitheen!” the Doctor called up to Susan, scaling the ladder to join her at the top, albeit a little slower - his arms and legs couldn't push him up quick enough and some part of him was suddenly frustrated. Tomorrow, he was asking Pete to be head of the next field mission. Exercise, that's what he needed. Not a desk and some occasional heavy lifting.
“So, what’s the plan?” he asked, leaning over with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath from the short run.
Susan was taking readings on her toy sonic screwdriver. The tool was battered and broken but showed nothing but love.
“We get to the TARDIS, get to the controls and get inside Downing Street to stop the Slitheen before they escape, or destroy the world!” Susan ordered enthusiastically. She couldn’t remember the last time her father had joined her for one of her adventures. Solo adventures were fun but having a companion was much better. That's what her mother always said - there was somebody always there to help you.
“Ah-ah, you’re forgetting," the Doctor inputted, "Slitheen are cunning, it’s possible they’ve already taken over the security of the whole building by the time we get there… they could be watching us right now - have you scanned around the TARDIS?"
The Doctor pulled out his own sonic, seeing Susan's eyes light up as he scanned the garden. And of course, the tree house - their TARDIS.
"What's yours telling you?" Susan asked.
"It's not good news... they know we're coming, they're closing in - signs of potassium in the air. So, I think we need to use the...” the Doctor stopped, wanting Susan to gain the idea instead of him. He knew it always made her feel much more important. She was - she was his girl.
Susan folded her arms and thought for a second before looking a little surer of herself, a bright grin replacing her doubtful pout.
“The secret entrance!”
“Of course! Well then, Allons-y!”
Another ladder to scale. But in the Doctor’s mind he was the same man he had been when he’d first built this tree house. They would be saving the world together in no time.
Susan raced to the top floor of the wooden structure, feeling ever the more ecstatic her little plan had worked and she was now having some fun with her Dad. She was so ecstatic in fact, she failed to notice the Doctor struggling on the ladder. He reached the top but stopped before he could pull his long legs over, trying to conceal heavy breaths.
“You okay, Daddy?” Susan asked when she realised her father wasn’t beside her, concern heavy on her soft little features.
The Doctor almost looked surprised at the question and was quick to rectify his stillness with a bouncy jump onto the wooden platform.
A click in one of his knees... ouch.
“What? Me? Yes, fine, grand, absolutely smashing – Molto Bene! Now hurry inside, before they spot us,” he insisted, “in fact – I think I see one in the bushes over there."
“Where?” Susan asked, pretending to look for the supposed hiding alien where the Doctor was pointing.
“Although… could just be the leaves. Slitheen are green, aren’t they?” he joked, Susan giving him a playful tug in return.
“No time to joke, Daddy – Allons-y!”
The Doctor smiled as he watched Susan crawl into the wooden house. It had been months since he last stood here… nearly half a year, in fact. It elevated a strangely unfamiliar warmth in his heart - nostalgia. Sometimes he pondered to himself over just how many emotions humans could endure. His first day with utter giddiness after finding out Rose was pregnant had been very eventful.
Not wanting to keep his daughter waiting, the Doctor lowered himself onto his hands and knees, turned sideways and began to shimmy inside the slim doorway after Susan. His first thought wasn’t that the entrance seemed a little tighter than he remembered – it was the shabbiness of the room on the inside.
He really needed to repaint.
“Logging on now, Daddy…” came Sarah’s voice from the pretend console, her figure jumping around the wooden panels whilst she expertly navigated the fake ship.
“Right, that’s my girl, I just need to… just need to…”
A grunt escaped the Doctor’s throat as he tried to push himself inside. His body was slanted to the side, he should be through by now… what had he done wrong? It was so incredibly tight.
He placed one hand on the wood and pushed, feeling a pressure on his middle that was completely unfamiliar to him. When he looked, he noticed his belly was filling up the small space.
“What?” he grunted under his breath, trying again in vain to squeeze his way inside. His still lanky frame struggled and eventually, he had to give up. The skin was nipping the wood too much and the tightness was only growing.
Read the rest on AO3! 
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theplatinthehat · 4 years
13 Clara and a haunted castle
Thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy the result - I have no idea whether this is anything like you imagined. You can either read Spooky Happenings on AO3, or read below. 
Want to play? Send me  a prompt with a time/place/Doctor/companion!
Spooky Happenings
“Look. All I’m asking is that once, just once, we go to a theme park that isn’t totally creepy,” Clara whines, fingers tightening around her umbrella.
The Doctor pulls an offended face, blonde hair flicking out as she turns to face Clara. “But where would be the fun in that? Besides, for once, it’s not my fault you’re here.”
This part, Clara has to admit, is true. She and Me had been roaming around the galaxy in their TARDIS and decided to spend the day exploring Marvellous Manzini’s World of Adventure – the 43rd Century’s answer to the dilapidated Hedgwick’s World of Wonders. This theme park, at least, wasn’t infested with Cybermen and trigger-happy army personnel. It was, however, home to a haunted castle that was purported to be actually haunted. Clara had overheard the staff talking about it, and agreed to help out the park’s expert.
An expert that turned out to be the Doctor, with a brand-new face and an active enthusiasm for so-called ‘spooky happenings’.
“Well, yes, I suppose,” Clara replies, ducking to avoid getting a face full of cobwebs. “But what is it with you and looking for trouble?”
“I don’t look for it. It finds me. Besides,” the Doctor says to Clara with a smile, “you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
That’s also true.
The sonic suddenly bleeps into life. Clara, already a little spooked by the number of things that have fallen over for no reason whatsoever, jumps a bit closer to the Doctor.
“What is it?” she hisses.
The Doctor holds up the sonic screwdriver, now yellow instead of the green Clara had come to love, and regards it with a frown.
“There’s a presence here.”
“Where in particular?”
She scans the room with a sweep of her arm and analyses the results. “Not far. Seems to be coming this way.”
There’s a clatter and both of them jump. This time, a prop lamp has fallen over and smashed to the floor.
Clara exhales loudly. “I suppose we ought to find out what the presence is?”
“Yes,” the Doctor replies. “If my readings are right, and they usually are, then it should be right behind that,” she says, pointing to a heavy oak door.
The pair of them creep over, Clara raising the umbrella to strike if necessary. They press themselves against the wood and the Doctor closes her hand around the metal handle.
“On three?” she asks.
Clara nods.
“Okay then. One, two, three!”
The Doctor lifts the latch and pushes the door open. A huge furry body steps into view, tentacles trailing in all directions. The two of them, caught completely off-guard, step back with a scream.
A face pops out from behind the creature.
“Hey, guys,” Cat asks with a grin. “What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much,” the Doctor says brightly, “just investigating some spooky happenings.”
“We thought you were a monster,” Clara growls, more than a little annoyed with the part-time companion.
“Aww, that’s no way to talk about Lester,” Cat says, putting the furry creature on the ground – the thing still big enough to come up to her hip. “I know he’s got tentacles, but we should overcome our differences and embrace all aspects of life.”
“I could have hit you with my umbrella!”
“Wouldn’t have done Lester any harm. He’s a cuddly toy. Oh, check this out – ” she says, giving the wretched thing a squeeze.
A warbly woooo! crackles out of the internal speaker, causing the Doctor to laugh again
“Well – ” Clara starts before looking at the thing on the ground. “You called that Lester?”
“I think that’s a great name!” the Doctor chirps, bending down to pick up the mass of purple fluff and giving it a cuddle. “And he’s got three eyes too!”
“I know! Isn’t he marvellous?”
“Did you win him on the anti-gravity coconuts?”
“Yep – first time lucky!”
“Oh wow! I’m impressed!”
Cat shrugs at the Doctor’s compliment. “What can I say? Product of a misspent youth.”
“Why are you here?” Clara asks, determined to get the conversation away from – from that thing and onto a proper topic. “How are you here?”
“Looking for you,” Cat replies, taking back custody of Lester. “After the Doctor ditched me to find something more fun to do than the nine-legged pony rides I figured I’d ask the staff whether they’d seen an excitable woman with a sky-blue coat and they pointed me in this direction. Found the castle, broke in through the emergency exit and here we are. Why are you two here anyway?”
“Spooky happenings,” the Doctor says with wide eyes. “Employees reckon this castle is haunted. And I know the sign on the outside says ‘haunted castle’ but they reckon it’s properly haunted.”
“And we’re the Ghostbusters,” Clara explains as Cat nods.
“Oh cool. What have you found?”
“Not much,” Clara says.
“No that’s not true,” the Doctor interjects. “Things have been moving.”
“Doctor, an old rickety lamp falling over does not count as a spooky happening.”
There’s a loud bang and a series of clatters from behind them. The three of them jump, facing back-to-back and surveying their immediate surroundings.
“What was that?” Cat asks, clutching Lester a little bit tighter.
The sonic abruptly blooms back into life with a zing! The Doctor’s face lights up with a huge grin.
“I don’t know, but the sonic is pretty excited. And it’s this way,” she yells, running off down the corridor. “Come on, you two!”
Clara and Cat look at each other with twin smiles.
“Good to see some things never change,” Clara grins.
The two of them laugh before charging down the corridor after the Doctor – Lester’s tentacles dragging along behind them.
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