#I did these sketches to see about a jean side of the modern college au
emry-stars-art · 11 months
Yes I want more Trojans. Give me more Jean, more Jeremy, more Laila and Alvarez 😭😭😭
PLEASEEEEE i have my current designs for everyone obviously but I’d LOVE TO KNOW MORE. i crave it I want to know about the Trojans
Here’s screenshots of the insta stories I’ve saved from when I was posting random stuff and I had a mini book for sketching the Trojans 💕💪 complete with all my stupid notes and doodles and sketches I like less
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kjack89 · 4 years
Personal Gain (Chapter 1/?)
I’m personally not a huge fan of ~spooky~ things, but it is Halloween month October, so I figured a little magic never hurt anyone :)
Modern AU, developing E/R and Courferre. Dunno how many chapters this will end up being, or how often I’ll be able to update, but hopefully a few and as often as possible.
When Courfeyrac was five years old, he came home from running wild in the fields with a bouquet of handpicked sunflowers that he presented to his mothers with the flourish of a much more sophisticated person. “For you,” he said in his clear, piping voice.
“They’re beautiful,” his mother told him. “What are they for?”
Courfeyrac cocked his head slightly. “For you,” he repeated. “For my brother or sister.”
His mother smiled a puzzled sort of smile, because Courfeyrac didn’t have any siblings, and went to find a vase, and after that, a pregnancy test.
And that evening, when Courfeyrac had gotten into bed, his father joined him, which was rare, and he sat down so that the bed dipped and creaked, and he told Courfeyrac about their family.
About their history.
About the secret they had guarded for centuries.
For while Courfyerac had inherited his mischievous smile from his mother, and the curls that fell roguishly across his forehead and his ability to charm anyone in hearing range from his father, he had inherited something more.
Courfeyrac was magic.
In later years, as his magic grew, he’d learn that sunflowers were for fertility, and wish fulfillment, but he’d also learn that just bringing sunflowers wasn’t enough. It was his magic that had told him to pick them and his magic that had bound them with his will. It wasn’t just about the flowers or herbs, though when Jean Prouvaire brought him home one night in college after too many drinks at the bar, he’d still chuckled at the damiana he’d spotted in a small pot on his balcony. 
It was about the will to make something happen, and the magical power to back it up.
And Courfeyrac had both in spades.
There was one other secret Courfeyrac’s father told him that night, running his hand lightly through Courfeyrac’s dark curls. “This is the most important thing of all,” he said, his voice low, serious. “You must always use your magic to help, not to hurt. And always to help someone else, never yourself.”
“Why not?” Courfeyrac asked, a little mutinously, as his five-year-old mind had already thought about how he was going to use his powers to get unlimited ice cream from the ice cream truck.
His father’s hand stilled. “Have you ever heard the expression ‘Be careful what you wish for’?” he asked. Courfeyrac shook his head. “Well, when you use your magic to help yourself, it almost never turns out the way you want it to.”
Courfeyrac nodded, and his father bent to kiss him on the top of his head before tucking him in and leaving, keeping the door open just a crack so that a bit of light spilled into Courfeyrac’s room.
Courfeyrac lay back in bed, excitement growing as he stared up at the ceiling, too many possibilities for his five-year-old brain to count running through his head.
“Be careful what you wish for,” he whispered, a smile growing across his face as he settled back against his pillow.
Well, Courfeyrac certainly had plenty of wishes.
And no one had ever accused him of being careful.
“I just think that it’s asinine—” Enjolras snapped, his face red.
“Oh, asinine?” Grantaire repeated, with an ugly, dangerous smirk on his face. “What decade did you waltz out of? If you’re going to yell at me all evening, I’d at least appreciate some insults derived from this side of the new millennium.”
“Sorry, I thought asinine was a more polite way of referring to your perpetual dumbfuckery.”
“Dumbfuckery?” Grantaire said, his smirk growing. “Now that I do like the sound of.”
A muscle worked in Enjolras’s jaw. “If you’ll shut up for long enough to let me get to my point—”
“I wish they would both just shut up,” Courfeyrac muttered, drumming his fingers against the table in the back room of the Musain and trying to stop himself from glaring at Enjolras and Grantaire, whose quiet bickering at the end of a Les Amis meeting had grown into what could charitably be described as a shouting match.
“Careful,” Combeferre said, eyeing his fingers warily.
Courfeyrac rolled his eyes and sighed. “You know that’s not how it works,” he huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Combeferre just arched an eyebrow. “I do know,” he said mildly, turning back to the article he was reading on his phone.
And Combeferre did. He was the one who had figured it out, had put two and two together when they were still at university, realizing that the tea that Courfeyrac had given him for his anxiety had a lot more than just valerian root in it. How many sleepless nights he had spent at the library, Courfeyrac might never know, but what he did know is that Combeferre burst into the apartment they shared with Enjolras early one morning, cheeks flushed, to proudly tell Courfeyrac, “I know what you are.”
“And what’s that?” Courfeyrac had asked, bemused, stirring a salve to help with Bossuet’s hair loss on the stove.
“You’re a witch,” Combeferre had declared proudly, before pausing, making a face. “Or a wizard. I’m not quite sure on the proper nomenclature.” He paused, taking a deep breath, before looking back at Courfeyrac. “But you’re magic, aren’t you.”
Courfeyrac had been so dumbfounded that he’d forgotten to try to lie. Not that it would have mattered if he had – Combeferre by that point knew more about Courfeyrac’s magic than the man himself did.
Here, in the present, Courfeyrac was beginning to regret that he hadn’t lied. “Anyway, even if I did want to use my magic on the two of them, I doubt a silencing spell would solve anything,” he said sourly. “They’d probably learn sign language just to keep fighting with each other.”
“Probably,” Combeferre agreed with a light laugh, looking back down at his phone.
“Besides, what they really need is to just admit how they feel to each other. That would solve far more of their problems than a temporary loss of speech,” Courfeyrac sighed.
He traced an idle finger along the table, half-consciously sketching the runic shorthand he used when creating a spell, and he was halfway through before he realized he was tracing out a truth spell, and he froze.
Of course.
Why hadn’t he thought of it before?
Combeferre’s head snapped up, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t,” he warned, and Courfeyrac glanced over at him.
“Don’t what?” he asked, aiming for innocent and missing by a mile.
Combeferre set his phone down. “Don’t do what you’re thinking about doing.”
“Even if I was thinking about doing something,” Courfeyrac started before adding pointedly, “which I’m not—” Combeferre snorted in disbelief. “—give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”
“Because you can’t use your magic for personal gain,” Combeferre reminded him, his tone disapproving, and Courfeyrac squirmed, just a little.
Somehow, in addition to being the only one who knew about his magic, Combeferre was also the only one whose judgment he cared about, just a little.
“It’s not for personal gain,” he protested. “It’s practically for the public good at this rate.”
“It’s for your own good,” Combeferre countered, looking at him evenly.  “You’re tired of them bickering and you think this will solve it.”
Courfeyrac scowled. “Well, won’t it?”
Combeferre just shook his head. “Almost certainly not in the way that you want it to,” he said pointedly.
“Ok, thanks Dad,” Courfeyrac said, equally pointed, and Combeferre gave him a look before picking his phone up. “And I didn’t say I was going to do anything. But those two need an intervention, and seeing as how I have the tools at my disposal to make something happen, it seems like criminal negligence to not.”
“I doubt your criminal law professor would approve of this misuse of jurisprudence,” Combefere said dryly. Courfeyrac rolled his eyes, and Combeferre sighed, the long-suffering sigh of someone who was almost certainly going to say ‘I told you so’ at some point down the line. “Just be careful what you wish for,” he murmured, looking back down at his phone.
Courfeyrac rolled his eyes again, deciding, emphatically, to ignore him, looking instead at Enjolras and Grantaire, an excitement like he hadn’t felt in years growing in his stomach, and this time, when he drummed his fingers against the table, it was with the magic that coursed through his veins. “Cardamom,” he murmured to no one in particular, “trefoil, henbane, skullcap…”
“That better be a grocery list you’re reciting,” Combeferre said warningly.
“It is,” Courfeyrac assured him, only half-lying. He would have to buy some herbs, after all, if he was going to pull this off. Whatever ‘this’ ended up being.
Because come hell or high water, he was going to get those two together, no matter what Combeferre might think. 
He was the one who was going to say ‘I told you so’ to Combeferre.
For once.
First time for everything.
“Are you even listening to me?” Enjolras burst, and Courfeyrac glanced over at them, at Enjolras standing and glaring down at Grantaire, who raised his glass in a mocking toast before draining it.
“No,” Grantaire told him. “But damn if I’m not enjoying the view.” Enjolras let out a noise like a cat whose tail had just been stepped on and Grantaire stood, grinning. “Refill,” he said blithely, heading toward the door, and Enjolras trailed after him, clearly not willing to let the argument go, slamming the door behind him with enough force to rattle the pictures on the walls.
Combeferre sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before opening one eye to squint at Courfeyrac, who immediately recognized the look on his face and tried not to look as excited as he felt. “I’m not condoning this,” Combeferre warned.
“Of course not,” Courfeyrac said somberly.
“I still think this is a mistake that you’re doing for personal gain, and the results are going to bite you in the ass.”
Courfeyrac nodded seriously. “Undoubtedly.”
Combeferre hesitated, and Courfeyrac enjoyed more than he would ever admit watching the indecision play out across Combeferre’s expression before he finally ducked his head and sighed heavily. “So what did you have in mind?”
Courfeyrac grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.”
>>Read chapter 2 here>>
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pockpop · 6 years
the loved and the damned part one | seo changbin
➵ summary: you cough up flowers for a boy who already is in love with someone else and you have to decide whether the pain of his unrequited love is worth it.
➵ genre: angst, fluff, college au, 1990’s era, tattooed!changbin, hanahaki disease
➵ requested: yeeet
sept.30.2018  | 11:26pm
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part one | part two
it was 1997, the year of notorious b.i.g’s death and the year I was still twenty years out of style. it was also the year when I first encountered the mess and rollercoaster that is seo changbin.
like the clutz that I am, I dropped my cassette player on the sidewalk and just as I was reaching for it, the inked up pretty boy ran over it with his skateboard.
“murderer!” I yelled as I bent down to retrieve my now dented in cassette player.I heard the scratch of his wheels against the pavement, stopping only a few meters from me.
“we are three years from the turn of the century and you still have a cassette player?” he asked walking to me and when he reached for it, I yanked it away.
“it has aesthetic value thank you very much!” I respond, obviously salty. his hand was still outstretched as if frozen, tilting his head at me with amusement.
“so the black girl in bell bottom jeans from the 70s, with poetic justice braids, and a cassette player is talking about aesthetics? do you know what time period we are in?” I frowned taking off my backpack to stuff my cassette inside of it but he stopped me.
“okay I’m sorry, look I can get you another one. my family collects things like this, plus they aren’t that expensive nowadays,” his brown eyes sizing me up and down, i noticed that in the sunlight there was a flicker of gold in them.
“but mine was given to me by my grandma dude, it’s a classic, there’s no way you can find the same one,” I pouted a bit, scrunching my nose at the damage. the skater boy grinned at me and took a step back. “I told you I got you. what’s your name?”
“y/n, y/l/n,”
“oh I’m-“
you held up a hand to cut him off,”changbin seo, yes everyone knows you vice president of the fraternity, a frat that all have a bad habit of yelling at early hours of the evening in the dorms for their auditory pleasure.”
changbin chuckled, eyes glimmering now, biting his lip slightly.”okay miss sassy pants, I’ll find you again. it shouldn’t be that hard.” he responded, pointing to your pants again before he took off on his skateboard, not even glancing back.
of course it wasn’t hard to find me on campus. I was one of the few people of color on campus and i dressed like i were from a different decade. groaning, I stuffed the broken cassette player in my backpack and rushed off to the art department building, hoping that I wasn’t too late for class.
and changbin kept his promise. the next time i saw him, it was at a frat party that weekend. my roommate, and best friend,maya was going through yet another break up and i was playing the role of keeping her from doing something dumb.
so far, it wasn’t going well as she was in the center of the living room drunk off her ass and rapping to a ‘hypnotize’ by biggie as if it was her damn anthem.
I really was considering taking her back to the dorms and let her cry her anger out there, the brown liquor in my cup wasn’t doing anything to me and I was exhausted. but then, I saw changbin across the room.
he was standing at the bottom of the stairs, talking to the president of the frat, chris bang, and another frat boy hyunjin hwang. changbin didn’t look too happy and by the shape of his lips, I could see he was cursing. just as I was looking away, we met eyes and he stopped cursing for a second. then he whispered something to chris before he was making his way over to me.
“damnit,” I cursed under my breath, I began looking for maya but she was being crowded by more and more people, they were cheering her on and giving her the attention she craved. her brown skin glistened under the fluorescent lights and I really didn’t want to end her good night.
“you obviously look like you don’t want to be here.” his voice was loud over the music and I leaned away from how close he was.
“just watching over a friend,” I replied, nodding over to maya, changbin barely even glanced her way, as if he already knew who I was talking about. “hey I got the cassette. I mean, if you still want it.”
“you offered it didn’t you?” I questioned and changbin grinned before turning on his heel to lead the way.
his room was at the end of the hall, away from the loud music and yelling of drunk people. inside, it was pretty neat, a high stack of CDs by his window and a wall full of sketches and unfinished canvas’ on the other side of the room.
“you’re a art major?” I asked as he walked to his closet, he hummed,” yeah. I’m thinking of being a tattoo artist or something if the producing thing doesn’t work out.”
“ah, a man with a back up plan,” I said, suddenly uncomfortable when I realized we were in his room, by ourselves, with the door closed. he found what he was looking for and turned around, giving me a clear view of his outfit. he was wearing all black, a muscle tee that perfectly showed off his intricate tattoo designs and sweats, timberland’s completing the look.
he looked good and i didn’t like that i hadn’t stopped staring until he stopped a mere few steps from me.
in his hand was a cassette player that exactly resembled the one my grandma gave me. but it was empty of the scratches and little dents, empty of the memories. he even had a brand new pair of earphones attached to it. “I put a tape of my favorite songs inside so you can think of me, and also to get you modernized.”
I smiled shaking my head,”to always carry with me the memory of that day, why thanks seo.” changbin let out a breathless laugh as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “chill with the sass huh,”
“sorry, no can do.” I sat down on his bed and set my drink beside me on the floor, changbin stood there awkwardly as I took out the tape to see the songs.
“you put all night long on here?! who would’ve known you had a good taste in music!” I basically screetched as I continued to look at the list of songs, shocked at his music taste.
“well I do have a minor in music appreciation, y/l/n.” I looked up at him to see him smiling shyly.
“noted,”I responded as I put the tape back in. I then took a huge swig of my drink before putting a earphone in my ear then patted beside me. “sit seo, you look a bit sad, listen to music with me.”
changbin eyed me weirdly for a moment but eventually he sat beside me and then I put a earphone in his ear and I pressed play, letting lionel richie’s voice soothe us.
it was weird at first to be sitting there with changbin, who I barely knew, but it was only after the song when he turned to me.
“could you... help me with something?”
“sure dude, since the best song has ended.”
“I’m having relationship issues. i don’t know if it’s the alcohol courage but I need a girl’s opinion.”
“I don’t know how much help I can be,but I’ll listen?”
changbin slowly slid the earphone from his ear and ran his fingers through his silky, jet black locks before he spoke.
“we met at a art exhibit actually. ironic? baby doll eyes, brown skinned and absolutely gorgeous in every way, she definitely looked like a art piece ya know? and she had tattoos just like me and I was feeling her vibe.”
I took a swig of my drink,knowing i was in for a story.”we didn’t have as much in common as I thought we would but she’s exciting and racing and she pulls me out of my comfort zone in ways no one ever really has. but we fight over everything, every single thing and I just don’t find it entertaining. it’s tiring and stressful and now we are fighting again just because I told her I wanted to leave college and become a tattoo artist.”
“why is she angry about that?”
“because it’s not a real career in her eyes. I write music and compose songs, she says that’s what I should stick to. but in my eyes, I don’t need college to write music or be a tattoo artist, so why am I paying thousands of dollars just for a teacher to teach me something I already know?”
I hummed as the sad boy ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, shaking his head as he did.“I love her so much but she’s killing me I swear.”
I thought over what to say for a moment,”well in this life, you can’t make decisions for other people. It’s your life so you must do what you want because you are living for you, not them. if she can’t support you, then why be in a relationship that’s obviously not benefiting you and making you happy?”
changbin kissed his teeth and set his head against one of the posters of his bed.”because I love her.”
“if you really loved her, you would’ve have already made the decision to drop out.”
“how did you know that?”
“so you did?”
he laughed and shrugged,”you are good. but I’ve talked to my counselor and she just wants me to give her the word.”
“changbin, if you and this girl were meant to be, then you shall be. but if this is really what you want to do, she will either have to just get over it or leave you. this relationship is becoming toxic and although I don’t know her side, it’s obvious the communication between the two of you is messed up.”
“oh yeah, it is, but yeah you’re right.. damn you are so right.” changbin looked at you in a amusement.”thank you for talking with me. I hope this wasn’t too awkward for you,” he coins but you just waved him off and put the earphone back in his ear.
“you just sat here and listened to this whole ass song with me, it was the least I could do.”
changbin bumped his shoulder with mine and allowed me to play the next song.
and that’s truly the first night seo changbin ever made me feel something, I wasn’t sure what, but I liked it, just a bit.
when I saw changbin again after that party, it was tuesday, taco tuesday as we all called it and he was with the tattooed beauty. a worldwide gorgeous girl no doubt but a girl that every guy I ever liked went for.
I was just going to pass him and act like we didn’t know each other to not be awkward but then he looked right at me, even with his arm around her shoulders and smiled at me. she barely noticed and they went on their merry way down the hall.
he never actually stopped for conversations and sometimes I’d catch him in the art studios in his own world and not know whether to speak or not. was changbin my friend? I wasn’t sure.
however, one sunny afternoon, he caught me sitting on the lawn and sat down beside me with a groan.
“y/l/n, why every time I see you, you’re alone? got a thing against people or somethin’?”
“im not much a entertainer. if it isn’t obvious,” the brown eyed boy snorted as he leaned on his elbow, stretching out on the grass comfortably.
“whatever you say y/l/n. maya tells me differently.” I rolled my eyes,”maya is full of shit, so stop listening to her okay? anyway, what do you want seo? where’s the tattooed beauty?”
changbin shrugged his shoulders,”we’re on a break so who knows and who cares?”
“wait, are you still leaving?”
changbin sighed glancing around,”hmm, no, I’m thinking of just finishing out the year.”
I nodded,not going to push it to know why. I wasn’t sure why but a little happiness exploded in my gut at the thought of him sticking around a bit longer.
but our conversations grew from there. we talked about music and art, his family and their antique shop that he adored. he had a bad habit of clowning my ‘out of date’ fashion but eventually it was just compliments that always happened to make my day.
I liked changbin seo, he was nice company and he had a big heart.
but it was soon after finally admitting that to myself did the feeling appear. like a pile of bricks were being rooted into my stomach and I was sure I just had a stomach virus or something.
but boy was I wrong.
“maybe you should go to bed early tonight, the art project can wait.” changbin complained through the phone and I rolled my eyes, rubbing my stomach. the phone was balanced between my cheek and shoulder as my other hand was doing the finishing touches on this sketch for a family portrait. I eyed the grins I drew of my parents but the sad eyes they carried and smiled at how perfectly I caught them.
“only losers do that.” I replied and changbin let out a heartfelt laugh,”you bum, seriously I will drag you to the hospital myself if you don’t go and see if it’s serious.”
“changbin I’m sure-“ I stopped abruptly when I felt something rising in my throat.
I didn’t even hang up the phone as I dropped it by the canvas and ran to my bathroom, sliding across the floor and barely getting my throw up in the toilet.
I gripped the sides of the toilet tightly as the contents of my stomach emptied into the bowl. it was so painful that my eyes swelled up with tears and my throat felt raw.
when I was just heaving, I looked into the toilet and was confused by the sea of calla lilies that decorated the toilet bowl and seat. “what the fuck?” I murmured as I picked up one of them and examined it. quickly I stuffed the ones on the seat into the toilet and flushed it.
did I just throw up flowers? I was so confused that I had almost forgot changbin was still on the phone.
when I returned, he was rapping along to some song.
“changbin, not today with those lame ass raps,” i rasped and he chuckled,”I’m hoping that you threw up as a reason you just abandoned your sentence,” I rubbed my forehead, picking at the fabric of my hair wrap.
“um yeah, yeah I did.”
“and do you feel better?” i bit my lip still feeling the rock hard feeling in my stomach.
“oh yeah, I feel better. look i’ll call you tomorrow okay?”
“yeah sure, night puff head.”
I smiled rolling my eyes at his stupid nickname for me.”
“night binnie.”
as I hung up, I heard maya enter the bathroom and she started giggling.she peaked her head out of the bathroom door and smiled at me.
“dude I don’t know what this means but there’s a calla lily in our toilet, is that a sign for something? like good luck?”
I looked away shaking my head,”I have no idea. that’s really weird.”
“right?! maybe it’s a sign that I should call ryan, maybe he wants to get back together.”
distracted, I just went back to sketching, rubbing my throat absentmindedly.
“yeah..maybe so.”
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More Than Love: the 2018 Reylo Fanfiction Anthology Gift Fic Exchange Treats Masterpost Part One
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The More Than Love collection on AO3 | Master Post Part One on Tumblr | Master Post Part Two on Tumblr | Treats Part Two on Tumblr
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Rey is busy with school and work, but when a party in her apartment complex becomes too much of an issue, she's forced to deal with the problems she would rather ignore.  It would be easy if she had only her neighbor, Finn, to face.  Unfortunately Ben is there as well, and after what he's said, she has no desire to see him again.
For There is Nothing Lost by Anonymous for bratanimus 
After things get physical with Ben, Rey quibbles with the terminology of sex and considers what it means for their relationship.
The Only Truth by Anonymous for sokki09
Rey is a struggling singer/songwriter who catches her break when her cover of a Knights of Ren song goes viral. Before she knows it, shes spending studio time with the prickly Kylo Ren, who is busy working on his first solo album, and none of it goes as expected.
Fire and Powder by Anonymous for TheStolenQuill
Two teachers who hate each other because their classrooms share a wall. A Valentine’s dance. A matchmaking principal. A chaperone assignment that ends in an unexpected romance.
Letting Go by Anonymous for murakamism 
Instead of running away, Rey tries to convince him some to see her side, to let go of the path he's walked for so long and given everything to.
Same Eyes, Different People by Anonymous for juniorstarcatcher
After Snoke creates the monster Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy is lost, along with his nephew, Ben Solo. Years later, General Organa offers a reward for her son's safe return. Finn and Rey, two orphans living and working on Takodana, plan on pawning off Matt, the Radar Technician as the lost prince, after noticing his striking physical similarities to the only son of the Alderaan princess. "If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people," Maz told her, but Kira knew the truth. Ben Solo - her Ben - was gone. Kylo Ren had murdered him six years ago, back when she went by the name Kira.
Impulse by Anonymous for cuddlesome
Rey trying to "get back" at Kylo by being topless without warning one of the times that they bond. It backfires, of course, because he likes seeing her tits. An impulsive decision to get one up on Kylo Ren turns into something Rey never expected.
truth and touch by Anonymous for thelittlescrimshaw
Rey squeezes her eyes shut, wishing and hoping against everything that both her problems would vanish into thin air the moment her eyelids fluttered open.
A Path Chosen by Anonymous for OccasionallyCreative
 Rey. Master of the Knights of Ren, a woman of legend and tales, who took her own Master and bent him to her heel. A terror and a blessing swathed in black wraps; his savior from the endless wastes of Jakku who currently wanted nothing but him to fall in line. But Ben Solo wasn’t one to fall easily. ------- Ben Solo was left behind on Jakku. It wasn't long before he was found by Rey, Master of the Knights of Ren, who promised him a better life and an inheritance he couldn't ignore.
By Night by Anonymous for czechia
He tried to memorize the look in her eyes as he touched her, trailing his fingers up and over the knobs of her spine, reacquainting himself with the parts of her he had forgotten. The scars she had acquired during their time together were still there, puckered ridges he used to know as intimately as the stories behind them, staining his memory like ink.
in that dry white ocean alone by Anonymous for KKetura
Sometimes the things we hate in others are the things we fear inside ourselves. How do you keep running from the other face in the mirror?
Holonet Mail by Anonymous for TheJGatsby
Two work rivals, who despise each other, unknowingly fall in love as they exchange letters through the holonet.
Call Me Sweetheart by Anonymous for diasterisms
It's a good life, what they've created together, but Rey simply hates Ben's silly names for her.
Sweet Nothings by Anonymous for diasterisms
“Hey asshole, I was sitting here.”  The stranger looked up at her from behind thick-rimmed Ray Bans and ran a hand through thick black hair. There was a bit of foam on his lip. “What do you want me to about that, sweetheart?” ------aka, the five times Ben refers to Rey with pet names and the one time she replies.
Daffodil by Anonymous for Plutoascending91
Ben Solo gets an unexpected visitor on a Wednesday afternoon with a very specific request.
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away by Anonymous for solikerez
Rey and Ben, two Hogwarts students, met in their second year and quickly connected, but when Ben learned that Rey was Muggle born he knew they could never be together. His strict, pure-blood grandparents would never allow it and had already abnegated his parents for joining Dumbledore. They took him in after the death of his parents in the war and swore never to let their family be torn apart again.  Unfortunately, forgetting Rey became just as impossible as the relationship must be.
Clean Hands, Light Heart by Anonymous for kimaracretak
Rey knows how cruel you need to be, to get things clean. She doesn't want to be cruel, though.
we'll never sleep by Anonymous for ChecktheHolonet
Kylo needing Rey but loathing himself for it, looking for a way to release his frustration and rage, relying on her to recognize his needs and fulfill them while taking her own pleasure in being able to exert a level of power and control.
Kissed By the Sun by Anonymous for Trish47
Rey had very limited personal experience with men, but she knew enough about them to be surprised when the first article of her clothing Ben tried to remove was her arm wrap.
without him I feel his arms around me by Anonymous for the-reylo-void
A sad little conversation between Rey and Kylo post-TLJ. Some angst and pining, a convo, and Rey POV. Talk about why they both did what they did in the throne room. They both wish they didn't have to fight each other anymore.
There is no 'You and I' by Anonymous for mrstater
Rey wishes Kylo Ren would leave her alone.  Or so she tells herself.
To: Professor Rey Niima's Husband by Anonymous for solikerez
There are a few rumors going around in Hogwarts.
Convergence by Anonymous for politicalmamaduck
Other, also known as ‘soulmate’ for people who wanted to believe. Not everyone had an Other, and the only way to find your Other was by saying their name. When that happened, memories of their life, where they grew up and the steps that led them to you, would be condensed into a single flashback that passed in a blink of an eye. The fact that someone had said Rey’s name and didn’t bother approaching her hurt, especially since she had a good idea why. Her parents tossed her aside when she was barely five, so she shouldn’t be surprised that her soulmate had done the same.
This Monstrous Force by Anonymous for meritmut
She never knew what she looked like in the Force. She knew what she felt like, and she knew what others appeared to her. Some nights she would dream of waking in a shifting world of limitless power and her teeth were replaced with fangs, her eyes with refined sight and the hunger of a beast that hasn't fed in far too long.
In the Rain by Anonymous for jennachangedherusername
Walking through the market near the new Resistance base, Rey thinks she sees a familiar face, or is it just a mirage?
banes by Anonymous for firelord65
The galaxy belonged to Rey. He belonged to Rey. And still it was not enough. Whatever emptiness burned inside of him magnified itself in her, had long since grown out of control, worse than any black hole. He could be sated by her touch, her lips on his, the comfort of words he no longer believed that she believed: you’re not alone, I understand, I’m here with you, we can do this.There was nothing that could sate her.
Cloudbusting by Anonymous for mrstater
“Have you heard of cloudbusting?” he asked. They could never talk about what they were talking about, but it all meant the same thing, every time.
A glimpse of future by Anonymous for cuddlekylo
Kylo Ren comes back home where his wife Rey awaits him with a surprise (which actually really shouldn't be one).
Acquired Tastes by Anonymous for NextToSomething
When Kylo Ren and Rey share a meal under most unusual circumstances, they find they have a taste for things they never expected.
The Scroll by Anonymous for Acacieae
It was ironic that between the two of them, Ben and Rey’s boxes of possessions equaled less than those of the late Leia Organa and there were only four of those metal containers.
That Which Haunts by Anonymous for dietplainlite
Kylo and Rey are assigned to do a trip from Nar Shadda to Canto Bight, but the Falcon decides to act up in it's most reliable way.
it goes round and round (everything falling) by Anonymous for politicalmamaduck and rosewitches
again and again, she slips from his grasp like moonlight (reincarnation au where ben seeks her through their past lives and maybe, just maybe this time this time will be the last)
No Way Back by Anonymous for misszeldasayre
They are intertwined. Inseparable. It's almost unbearable. Kylo cannot move forward, no matter how often Rey appears to tell him he must.
Mirrorbright by Anonymous for juniorstarcatcher
An Anastasia AU set in the SW universe. An evil Force-user curses the Solo family, giving rise to a coup that separates the Organa-Solo family - the young prince Ben disappearing in the mayhem. Years later, his mother has offered a reward for his return. Con artist and smuggler Rey and Chewbacca plan to pass off a phony as the prince and collect the reward, never guessing that the orphan they've tricked into helping is truly the crown prince, Ben Organa Solo.
The Lure of the Light by Anonymous for Alethnya
Snoke failed to turn Ben to the dark side, but found a willing apprentice in Rey.  Years later, Rey has set herself against the resurgent Jedi Order - and one ridiculously infuriating Jedi in particular.
Crawl Under Your Skin by Anonymous for witchoil
"Underneath his forehead, beneath her skin, a heat wave’s been building in Rey's lower belly, smoothing and constricting, pushing and pulling on elastic tendrils. Kylo can pinpoint the exact moment when it shatters."
dunes of sand by Anonymous for punkeraa
Senator Ben Organa is sent to Jakku to evaluate the state of the old Imperial base and secure it from the rising First Order.He finds so much more than he could have imagined.
Called by Distraction by Anonymous for Ariel_Riddle
Kylo Ren follows his high-ranking officers to a brothel where he sees a vision in white: Rey. Possessed by desire, Kylo sweeps her away toward his ship, though they don’t quite reach it.
Truth Be Told by Anonymous for pythia
 “Do you even know who you’re working for?” He taunted.  She wiped a smear of blood from her lip. “Don’t worry, we’re the good guys.” Spying a workbench nearby, Rey picked up a screwdriver to use as a weapon. This man was relentless.  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”Alias AU: Rey is an agent with SD-6, a secret branch of the CIA. But a chance encounter with the mysterious agent Kylo Ren could send everything she knows crashing to the ground. Could she be working for the very enemy she thought she was fighting?
Back on Track by Anonymous for dustoftheancients
Ben and Rey are bickering neighbors who are forced to work together in the end.
carrie. by Anonymous for punkeraa
The first week of being a parent was always the hardest.
safe by Anonymous for LueurdeLaube
Leave me be. You don’t deserve any of this. Please...
Chase Away His Demons by Anonymous for Limra
Rey is pregnant and goes to tell Ben, but has to deal with his jealousy first.
Whatever She Wants by Anonymous for starlightreader
"Tie me down and take whatever you want." When Rey tells him she wants to re-enact the day they met, Ben isn't sure whether having her at his mercy will feed his fantasies - or his nightmares.
200 notes · View notes
wizardwritings · 7 years
Worse Than Nicotine
Prompt: “You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU. Where Sirius is the chain-smoking art student.
Word Count: About 5,500.
Warning(s): Smoking, sexual tension, kissing, motorcycle ride without all the gear. Don’t accept a ride from someone on a motorcycle unless they supply the proper gear and you’re wearing pants and a heavy jacket, preferably. Do some research before riding!
Note: Sort of a modern, college AU. This isn’t smut, but, I have to warn you, it does end up being smoking hot. Hah. Get it?
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To the barista with the pretty grey eyes,
Smoking can cause the lens of the eyes to fog up and the whites of the eyes to turn yellow. Don’t ruin their beauty. If not for yourself, then for those who have the pleasure of seeing them. ;)
Love, Y/N.
Sirius rolled his eyes, a slight chuckle escaping his lips as he pocketed yet another note from you. If you were to open a spare drawer in his flat, you would find a collection of tossed napkins with rushed scribbles littering the surface. Maybe one day Sirius would take your insistent advice, but right now, all he wanted was a drag.
“Another love letter from your favorite med student?”
With a shrug, Sirius rested his palms on the countertop, sending his co-worker and flatmate, James, a smirk. “You could call it that.”
“What does that make it? The third one this week?” asked James, spinning a permanent marker on the tips of his fingers.
“More or less.” Sirius checked the time before peering out the cafe windows. “It’s kind of endearing, I think. You know, in an annoying, motherly sort of way.”
James let out a laugh, pushing his glasses higher on his face. “What did it say this time?”
“Oh, just not to ruin my beautiful eyes by smoking.”
“Beautiful?” James squinted, zealously searching Sirius’ face. “Your eyes? Are you sure these notes aren’t meant for me?”
Sirius snorted, brushing his hair to the side. “They’re definitely for me.”
With a mischievous grin, James drummed the tip of his pen on the counter. “Sure they are.”
When the door chimed, James was ready to take the customer’s order, making the drink himself since business was slow at this hour. Once the latte was ready and the customer was seated, he turned back to Sirius.
“But what if it’s not just for you?”
James shrugged. “I’m only saying, what if you aren’t the only mysterious, smoking barista in your little med student’s life?”
“First of all, she’s not my little med student.” Sirius paused, a small smirk playing on his face. “Not yet, anyway. And second, that’s absolutely ridiculous.”
Still, as ridiculous as James’ suggestion sounded, an unsettling feeling entered Sirius’ stomach at the thought of you flirting with someone else.
“I don’t know about that,” James drawled. “Have you even talked to her?” Sirius opened his mouth, but quickly shut it at James’ pointed look. “Besides asking for her order.”
“She’s always busy studying from that textbook of hers,” Sirius said defensively. “I was trying to be polite.”
James hummed, tapping his foot on the linoleum floor. “That’s chivalrous and all, but if she has time to write you a little note on her every visit, I think she would be more than willing to take the time to talk to you.”
Sirius thought on his best mate’s words, just now questioning why he had never made a move.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Sirius snorted, “Since when did I need girl advice from you?”
“Looks like the roles have been reversed,” James said with a grin. “A girlfriend will definitely wise you up.”
Sirius’ only response was a cocked eyebrow.
“And as the one with a girlfriend, and therefore the one who is wisest,” James chose to ignore the huff he heard from Sirius, “I say you need to talk to her before she thinks you don’t like her.”
“I will–”
“And when I say talk to her, I mean soon.” James paused. “And when I say soon, I mean tomorrow.” Taking in Sirius’ amused eye roll, James continued, “Y/N is incredibly smart and–forgive me, Lily–incredibly pretty.  She’s not going to wait around if you show no interest.”
“I show plenty of interest!”
“Then you’ll be fine with showing even more tomorrow.”
“Fine. Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” said James with a nod of affirmation. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomor–”
“Oh, bugger off, Prongs.”
- - - - -
To the barista with the beautiful voice,
I’ve heard you and your friend with glasses sing along to the music as you guys worked. You have an amazing voice. On a completely unrelated note, smoking can damage breathing control, dry out your vocal cords, and strain your lungs. Be careful and, please, be safe!
Love, Y/N.
Sirius didn’t bother to stop the smile that spread across his face. You really were an observant one, he thought.
Throughout that day, he had been subtly trying to sneak glances at you while you sat at your booth. That time, you had no textbook with you. Just a phone you were hurriedly typing on. It would’ve been the perfect time for Sirius to approach you.
But he didn’t. And soon enough you had left, shooting him a quick grin before tucking the napkin under your saucer.
Maybe tomorrow.
- - - - -
He really is too pretty to die.
You shook your head, blinking once. With a look of determination, you returned back to your textbook, running the cap of your highlighter underneath the words as you read.
You had to focus on studying for your exam next week. The cute barista would have to wait.
A cafe full of potential distractions might not have been the best place to study, but with your flatmates having their monthly movie night, you reckoned that a house full of drunk college girls would have been even worse. And, to be fair, you didn’t think your barista would be working a shift this late.
Plugging your earphones in, you blasted some white noise, turning the page of your textbook. Time to get busy, you told yourself.
About a quarter away from being done with your study session, you felt a warm presence above you. You looked up, your eyes flittering over to their name tag.
Sirius. Your barista. A small smile found its way across your face.
Bringing your gaze to his, you took an earphone out. “Hi.”
He smiled back with an amused expression. “Hi.”
Your nose scrunched up ever so slightly as he got closer, a faint smell of nicotine still lingering on his shirt. Trying not to be rude, you huffed softly.
“Yes, I did just have a cigarette,” Sirius supplied with a deep chuckle, answering your unvoiced question. “My shift ended and I needed to get off store grounds to smoke.”
Disappointed, you hummed slightly. You worried he would never take your notes to heart. Or worse– He paid no attention to the napkins and tossed them on sight.
“But I couldn’t leave you here alone to study without some caffeine to last you the night.” He slid you a cup of coffee, careful not to spill the drink on your books. “It’s on the house.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to– Really.”
Sirius shrugged nonchalantly, giving you a noncommittal smile. “It’s the least I could do in exchange for my newly acquired knowledge on the dangers of smoking.”
“So you do read my notes!” you chirped, satisfied. “Thank goodness, I was worried my efforts were all going to waste.”
“Of course not.” He brushed the loose strands of his hair from his face with a slight smirk. “My favorite part is always the address. The barista with the pretty eyes or the soft-looking hair or the beautiful voice or the tauntingly ravishing, kissable lips–”
You let out an indignant laugh, keeping him from teasing you further. When he never responded to your little notes, you thought Sirius might have been broody and shy. But taking one look at his playful grin and relaxed posture, you realized he was anything but.
“Strange. I don’t recall ever writing the part about your lips, but,” you trailed your gaze from his eyes to his mouth in one exaggerated motion, “maybe you’re not wrong.”
He matched your stare with his, running the tip of his tongue across his bottom lip. Clearing his throat, he placed the palms of his hands on his jeans.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your study time,” said Sirius as your wrapped your hands around the cup. “But hopefully I’ll see you again soon.”
“Actually–” You cut yourself off, looking down at your textbook. You could finish studying tomorrow, but it wasn’t everyday a cute barista returned your advances. “I’ve finished studying for tonight. You can take a seat–you know–if you’d like.”
He grinned, glad you didn’t kick him out. Sirius slid into the booth, facing you.
Finally lifting the latte to your face, your eyebrows furrowed at the art on it. You glanced up at him only to see he was looking intently for your reaction. When Sirius caught your eye, however, he shot you a grin.
“Do you like it?”
The crema formed the shape of a delicate rose, the white foam a stark contrast from the dark latte.
“It looks beautiful,” you replied honestly, careful not to ruin the design as you moved. “You did this?”
He nodded.
“I can’t even draw this on paper,” you admitted, letting out a laugh. “I have absolutely zero artistic ability.”
“Oh, please.” Sirius raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re just being modest.”
You matched his expression with a challenging one of your own. “No, believe me; I’m really not.”
Pulling out a scratch piece of paper from the back of your notebook, you placed it in front of you. Using Sirius’ latte art as a reference, you attempted to sketch out a rose.
After almost ten minutes of frustrated grunts and feverish erasing, you turned the drawing toward Sirius to reveal a meek, two inch drawing of something that resembled a flower.
Taking the paper in his hands, Sirius held it up to the light. “I mean, if you squint really hard and shake the paper really fast, it looks quite interesting.”
“Funny,” you deadpanned, grabbing hold of Sirius’ forearm to stop him from shaking the paper. You made a face. “Not everyone can be blessed with artistic abilities.”
“It just takes practice.” Sirius leaned back into his seat as you took a sip of your latte. “And, perhaps, you should stick to your annoyingly endearing cigarette facts.”
You huffed, the corners of your mouth tilting upward in a wry smile as a comfortable silence fell over you. The only sound heard in the coffee shop was the muffled music being played from the speakers. Scanning Sirius up and down, you saw he carried an aura of effortless elegance you had never noticed before.
Shifting slightly, you mixed a packet of sugar into your coffee. “The notes didn’t annoy you, did they?”
He cocked his head to the side.
“Because they weren’t meant to be naggy,” you said in a rushed tone. “It’s just… I know how detrimental smoking can be and I didn’t want you to get–”
“I told you,” Sirius started, waving you off with one look, “I like them.” He brushed his hair behind his ear. “Now, if it were anyone else, I might’ve been annoyed. But it was you… An intelligent, beautiful girl that I was lucky enough to catch the attention of.”
His gaze stayed focused on your face, the sudden attention causing heat to rush to your cheeks. The amount of times you blushed in a conversation embarrassed you; you were a normally collected person, but the smallest of compliments could set you off.
You took a sip of coffee, keeping the mug in front of your face in an attempt to hide your blush. “I have plenty more facts about smoking. Maybe one you’ll actually listen to.”
Sirius laughed lightly, shaking his head at your accusatory look. “I read every word, sweetheart. And I will admit, I haven’t been smoking as much.”
“Only a couple cigarettes a day.”
He smirked at your cry of concern, offhandedly stating, “It’s better than a pack in one sitting.”
“You better be joking.”
“You act as if nicotine is the worst thing in the world, Y/N.” Sirius rubbed the back of his shoulder, keeping his eyes on you. “I’d say there are things worse than nicotine.”
“It’s not nicotine that’s the problem.” You paused, pursing your lips. “Well, it is. In a way. It’s a stimulant like caffeine, which isn’t too bad, but nicotine is a highly addictive drug and the fastest way to get your fix is by smoking. And as I’ve stated in my notes, in the long run, smoking–”
You broke off abruptly, hoping Sirius didn’t think you were looking down on him.
“I mean, not that I’m trying to pressure you into quitting.” You broke your gaze, staring down into your coffee as you mindlessly stirred it around. “If you do decide to quit, it should be a conscious decision that you make for yourself.”
“I know.” He nudged the edge of your shoe with his, causing you to look up to see a small smile on his face. “Now stop worrying that you’re going to hurt my feelings. I’m a big boy; I can handle it.”
Rolling your eyes, you let the conversation shift into something more lighthearted. You asked him about his art, he told you to ask him for lessons anytime, you told him you might have to take him up on his offer. He asked if you had a life outside of med school, you replied with a hearty shove.
Before you knew it, the two of you were leaning closer to the edges of your chairs, becoming more comfortable as time went on. You didn’t want this to end. But when you caught a glimpse of the time on your phone, you knew it had to soon. Trying to find a bus to bring you home to your drunk flatmates at eleven o’clock at night wasn’t exactly the safest thing.
“Well,” you said hesitantly, “it’s getting late. I better head home.”
Sirius nodded, standing up next to you. “I might as well go, too. Let me walk you out.”
When you made it out of the cafe doors, Sirius bidding his co-workers a farewell and goodnight, you searched the parking lot for the nearest street with a bus stop. You turned to Sirius, his face pale under the harsh street lights.
“Can I walk you to your car?”
“I actually didn’t drive here today.” Kicking up the gravel with the tip of your shoe, you felt his gaze on you. “I’ve never been a fan of driving at night.”
“Hmm.” Sirius nodded with a slight hum. “I’ll wait with you until your ride gets here, then?”
“I was going to take the bus.” At his curious glance you continued, “My flatmates and I usually have a girl’s night a few times a month, but I had to study.” The breezed up, prickling your skin as you rubbed your arms under your shirt. “So I asked one of them to drop me off and told them I had a ride home.”
He quirked a brow. “But you don’t.”
You shrugged, tucking your stray hairs behind your ear. “They needed a night to unwind; I didn’t want them to worry about me.”
“That’s ridiculously selfless of you,” Sirius stated, moving closer when he saw the goosebumps on your arms. There was a comforting warmth radiating through his uniform and you had to keep yourself from pulling him closer. “I can give you a ride to your flat, if you’d like.”
“No– It’s fine. The bus stop isn’t too far from here.”
Sirius folded his arms, shaking his head slightly. “Not that I doubt your capabilities, but I could never just let you navigate your way through the city at this hour.”
You bit your lower lip. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You’re not,” he insisted. “But do you know what would be a bother?”
You didn’t respond.
“Leaving you here and spending the rest of my night wondering if you made it home safely.”
Rolling your eyes, you fought off a smile. “Well, when you put it like that…”
Beaming, Sirius took your hand in his, leading you to the staff parking lot. You may have just had your first real conversation with him today, but getting a ride from him still beat wandering the streets at midnight. Plus, the feeling of his hand around yours helped warm you up. That, of course, was the only reason you enjoyed it.
Telling him your address, he entered it into his phone GPS. His eyebrows furrowed. “I’ve actually dropped James off there before…”
He trailed off, a small smirk making its way onto his face. You have him a curious look, but decided not to question it.
Soon enough, Sirius pulled out his keys and a small clang sounded. He let go of your hand and patted the vehicle in front of him.
Your jaw almost dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
He met your dubious expression with a smirk of his own. Unlocking the chain, Sirius looked up at you to say three simple words. “You like it?”
Folding your arms, amusement flooded your features. You shook your head slightly, the corners of your lips tilting upward as you saw Harley-Davidson branded on the ride. “Why does this not surprise me?”
“I’m going to pretend that was meant as a compliment,” said Sirius, passing you a spare helmet.
You raised your eyebrow in question, wondering why he kept more than one with him.
“When James–my co-worker with the messy hair and glasses,” he paused at your giggle, smiling. “When James and I have the same shift, I usually give him a ride to our flat. So I make sure to bring an extra helmet with me.”
“That’s the only reason?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “So charming random girls at the cafe and wooing them with your hot ride isn’t a frequent ploy of yours?”
“Nah,” Sirius drawled, unbuckling the strap of the helmet with his fingers. “Not frequent. I do it once a week, at most.”
You rolled your head to the side, jutting your lower lip out slightly. “I’m not sure I want a ride from you anymore.”
He laughed, the soft sound echoing in the empty parking lot. “I’m only kidding, sweetheart. Don’t fret– Unless you consider James competition. But I must say, with his tight grip and delightfully caffeinated scent, he might be tough to beat.”
“Well, damn.”
Shooting him a coy smile, you grabbed the helmet from his hands, plopping it onto your head. Sirius gave you a once-over, eyes stopping at the loose strap under your chin. Leaning forward, his fingers brushed against your jawline, tightening the helmet so it fit snugly atop your head.
“Safety first,” he murmured, face still mere inches away from yours.
With a lazy smirk, Sirius pulled away, tugging the back of your helmet to make sure it wouldn’t come off before patting the top of your helmet. You huffed, slapping his hands off.
“Sorry.” With a hint of laughter in his voice, he didn’t sound very apologetic. “You just look too damn cute for your own good in that.”
“Cute?” Your lips turned down into a pout as you folded your arms, trying to look aggressive through your face shield. You unbuckled the helmet and placed it under your arm.
“Cute,” Sirius affirmed, breaking out into a grin as he pinched your cheeks. “And your little pout just makes you look even cuter.”
You attempted to pushed his hands away, but they somehow managed to stay rested on your face. “Just cute?”
“Amongst other things,” he breathed, brushing a small spot behind your ear with the pad of his thumb. As he pulled away with a cheeky grin, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Sirius laughed at your reaction.
“That wasn’t funny,” you scowled, nudging him in the arm to let him know you weren’t upset.
“‘Course not.” Pulling a shirt out from his Harley, he turned back to you. “I’m just going to change, teach you the basics of riding as a passenger, then we’ll be off.”
Without giving you the time to turn around, he pulled his polo off, swapping it for a loose-fitting black tee. Your gaze followed the exposed parts of his abdomen as he fumbled with getting his shirt on. You caught a glimpse of black ink on Sirius’ chest, furrowing your eyebrows as you tried to make out what it was before he clothed himself.
Sirius met your stare with one of his own. You quirked a brow at him.
“You smoke, you ride a motorcycle, and you have tattoos?” You gave him an amused smile. “You’re my father’s worst nightmare.”
“Let’s hope you’re not a daddy’s girl, then.” He didn’t give you time to process what he said, instead holding his own helmet under his arm. “Anyway, when you’re on the motorcycle, I need you hold on as tightly to my waist are you’re comfortable with.”
You nodded, noticing his sober expression. Riding a motorcycle wasn’t a joke and he wanted to make sure you knew that. Still, it was something that should feel fun and exhilarating.
“If I’m accelerating or riding too fast, wrap your legs around mine.” You raised an eyebrow and even Sirius couldn’t help but smirk at that. “By doing so, you will get a better grip and, at the same time, tell me that I should probably slow down.”
Sirius went on with a brief summary on what to do and how to communicate with him while riding and, by the end of it, your stomach fluttered with nerves and excitement. You all but clambered onto the bike, putting your helmet on and wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Keep them here,” he stated with a small laugh, bringing your hands hands from the center of his abdomen to his sides.
Feeling rejected you let out a soft, “Oh.” Maybe you were reading this incorrectly and Sirius had no interest in you after all.
Sensing your discomfort, Sirius placed his hand on top of yours, briefly interlacing them to give you a firm squeeze.
“It’s not that I don’t want your arms wrapped around me–because, trust me,” he let out a throaty chuckle, his voice growing quieter, “if I had my way, your arms wouldn’t be the only thing wrapped around me.”
You bristled, your face flaming at his wanton statement. For a moment, you were glad you had a bulky helmet on to cover your tomato-like complexion.
Feeling you stiffen, Sirius threw his head back at your reaction, his chest vibrating with his deep laughter. You edged away from him on the seat and you knew if you could see his face, he’d be smirking.
“But it’s not about me right now.” He turned back to you once he sobered, eyes searching for yours through your face shield. “Right now, what matters is your safety, okay?”
“Okay,” you murmured, giving his side a gentle squeeze.
Securing his own helmet on the top of his head, Sirius revved the engine, checking one last time to see if you were comfortable.
You laughed at his concern. If anything, you thought Sirius would’ve been the type of guy to ride without a helmet, going at dangerous speeds to prove his expertise. But, so far, he had been nothing but cautious. A little too cautious, in your opinion.
“I’m fine, Sirius. Now–what is it you told me?–stop worrying. I’m a big girl; I can handle it.” You heard his airy breath of amusement through the low speeds of the parking lot. “Now, take a little risk.”
You saw him shake his head, voice swimming with mirth from your challenging words. “That’s what I like to hear.”
And with that, he took off.
The city lights passed by in a blur, the breeze biting into your exposed arms and you were grateful for your helmet a second time today. In the middle of the night, the streets were yours; the cars were sparse and space was plenty.
An estranged mixture of fear and excitement coursed through your veins as you tighten your grip around Sirius’ abdomen. It wasn’t until he slowed down and pulled closer to the sidewalk did you notice you were screaming the whole time.
“Are you alright?” he called, amusement lacing his tone.
“Better than alright!” You attempted to lower your voice, not wanting to yell in Sirius’ ear. “I just scream when I’m excited, sorry.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he accelerated once more. Though he wasn’t going very fast, the force of inertia caused you to wrap your legs around his. You were vaguely aware of the feeling of your thighs pressed against his as you edged your body closer to the center of the seat, leaning your head to the side to avoid knocking Sirius’ helmet.
As soon as you fell into the groove of riding, you placed your feet back on your own pegs, taking one arm off of Sirius and stretching it out above your head. With the breeze billowing through your fingers and tossing your hair back, you’ve never felt more in touch with your surroundings.
“Yeah!” you cried, urging Sirius to drive faster.
You felt the rumble of his laugh through his thin shirt, thinking how unfair it was that warmth exuded from his back despite the cold air around him while you had goosebumps covering every square inch of your arms.
Before you knew it, Sirius had pulled up in front of your flat, the motorcycle silencing itself to nothing more than a soft purr. Killing the engine, he helped you off, keeping his hands on your waist for longer than he needed to.
“So,” you breathed, rolling your bottom lip into your mouth.
Sirius let his hands linger around you before slowly retracting them. “So.”
“Thank you for the ride.”
“It was my pleasure.”
You nodded, avoiding eye contact. Any charm you might have previously possessed went down the drain when Sirius stared at you. All you knew was you missed the warmth of his body on yours.
“Going to have a smoke after this?” you remarked, arms folded in a challenge.
He let out a huff of amusement, running the tip of his tongue along the inside of his cheek. A sideways grin made its way onto his face. “Depends. If I say yes will you stay out here and make sure I don’t?”
You gave Sirius’ arm a playful push, leaving your gentle grip on his tricep. “If that’s what it takes.”
Running your fingers along the light cloth of his sleeve, you smirked at the slight tightening of his muscles. Sirius quirked an eyebrow at you, deliberately skimming his lower lip with his tongue.
Two can play that game, you thought with a small shake of your head.
Stepping closer, you peered at his face through the harsh lights littering the streets, the gleam casting a shadow on his eyelashes. Tilting your head to the side, you brushed the tip of your index finger over the cool skin of his cheekbone.
You moved back, pretending not to feel the intense stare Sirius was burning into you. You shot him and innocent smile, bringing your forefinger and thumb together.
Though you shifted away from him, the proximity between the two of you still left you in a compromising position. Focusing your attention back on Sirius, you noticed the bottomless greys of his eyes had turned a stormy color from your interaction, his jaw clenching.
Blowing the stray eyelash from your thumb, you shut your eyes, making a wish. When you finished, you slowly looked up at him, smiling. But his gaze was already on your lips.
You tried not to smirk.
Testing the limits, you cupped your hand under his chiseled jaw, running your thumb along the light stubble peppering his face.
“Sweetheart,” Sirius rasped, a tone of warning laced through his voice.
You traced a circular pattern on him, your touch so light he barely felt it. Still, he was aware–painfully aware–that it was there. Your hot breath was feathering the base of his throat, his Adam’s apple bobbing at your light touches.
“Did you want me to stop–”
A low growl escaped from the back of his throat as Sirius grasped your wrist firmly in his large hand. He rubbed the sensitive part of your forearm with the callous of his thumb.
So, he doesn’t like being teased.
“Sweetheart,” he said again, voice still hoarse, “I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”
“I think I do.” You fingered the hem of his shirt, daring to inch closer. “But how about you show me, anyway?”
And he did.
Dropping your wrist, Sirius placed one hand on the small of your back, pressing your body against his, and the other cupped against your cheek.
As he toyed with the strands of hair framing your face, twirling it around his forefinger, Sirius kept his gaze intently on yours. He trailed his fingers down the length of your hair, the edges of his knuckles skimming past the crevice of your chest.
A satisfied smirk formed on his face as you shuddered, arching away from him, his other hand still applying a pressure just above the curve of your ass.
“Sirius.” You almost groaned, your voice strangled in need. You wanted more. You wanted his lips on your lips, his hands in your hair– More.
His amused hum rang through your body, heat spreading to the core of your abdomen. Still, he made no move to change his pace.
Lacing his fingers through the back of your hair, Sirius gave it a slight tug, causing you to expose the vulnerable parts of your neck to him. He continued the stroke his thumb in downward motions through the material of your leggings, peppering your jawline with chaste kisses. He started near your chin, making his way up to where the base of your ear met your neck. His stubble tickled your jaw, leaving you to wonder how it would feel elsewhere.
Moving away ever so slightly, Sirius brushed the spot behind your ear with his soft lips, blowing a hot puff of air against your cool skin.
You shivered.
He was getting you back for teasing him. But he was going harder.
You were getting frustrated. Your stomach twisted in anticipation, heat coursing through your veins. In that very moment, there was nothing you wanted more than for Sirius to place his mouth on yours.
“Please,” you moaned.
With his lips still brushing the base of your ear, he whispered, “Please what?”
Grabbing at the collar of his shirt, you pulled his face closer to yours. “Please– Just kiss me, already.”
“Since you asked so nicely…”
A strangled whimper escaped from your mouth. You were are the end of your line, unable to take his continuous teasing any longer. Taking matters into your own hand, you stood on the tips of your toes, craning your neck up to meet his lips.
“Finally,” you murmured against his mouth, causing Sirius to laugh into the kiss.
The deep vibrations from his chuckle rang through your body, a feeling of pleasure erupting in your chest. You eased into his caress as you brought your hand to cup his jaw, stroking his peppered stubble.
His large hand pressed against your lower back, pushing your hips against the rough material of his jeans. For a second, Sirius broke the kiss, nipping the soft flesh of your bottom lip, then soothing the spot with the tip of his tongue.
The next moment, his mouth was back on yours, moving against you in a tantalizing dance. The night filled with the cacophonous sounds of gasps and groans. You were sure Sirius could feel your heart beating erratically through your ribcage, your chest flattened against the defined muscles of his.
The kiss was better than you could have ever imagined.
You pulled away, breathing heavily for some much needed air. Sirius let his forehead rest on top of yours, his lips parted in a pant, his warm breath teasing your hypersensitive skin.
He grinned, breathless and dazed by the kiss still lingering on his mouth. “Now, wasn’t that worth the wait, sweetheart?”
You let out an amused huff, your arms still around his neck. “I think you already know the answer to that.”
Sirius trailed his hands down from your waist, to your hips, and went lower still, stopping to cup the curve of your ass.
“Still going to have a smoke after this?” you breathed, eyebrows raised in a challenge.
He wore a hooded expression, smoothing the furrow between your brows with a light kiss. You looked back up at him to find a look on his face that made your stomach churn.
“Nah.” Sirius removed your hands from around him, toying with the tips of your fingers. “I’m good.”
Interlacing his hand through yours, he gave you a small, but firm, kiss on the lips.
“I think I found something much better than nicotine.”
Aw, I can’t stop grinning. I hope you guys enjoyed! xx Fia.
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