#I didn’t even get into some of it
brendathedoodler · 1 year
I want to know more about AS!Four! How did they react when they woke up? What did he think when meeting the other heroes? What are some notable differences for AS!Four compared to LU!Four?
Four woke up in the shrine of resurrection confused, uncertain, and feeling shaky. As soon as his head cleared enough to think properly, Four realized that everything felt wrong.
His body was weak and didn’t seem to respond properly to his commands. His head was overrun with thoughts that he didn’t fully understand. He felt broken and wrong, uncertain of what was happening or even if he was alive. He remembered dying, though the shrine had blurred the memories to little more than scattered images of searing blue light and agonizing pain.
(Continued under the cut)
Then Dot called out to him. She told him to get up and pick up the slate. With a clear goal, Four felt his head clear enough to get his uncooperative body to move. It was jerky, uncoordinated, and felt wrong in ways he can’t explain, but he managed to make his way to it.
Without Dot telling him where to go from here, he felt lost once again. His brain seemed to be too crowded with conflicting thoughts that he didn’t fully understand, until eventually he noticed the doorway. A new goal in mind allowed him to continue on, though climbing that wall out of the shrine of resurrection took almost a full 20 minutes. It would’ve been humiliating if he wasn’t distracted with everything else going on in the moment.
Outside, now, he didn’t know what to do. It was entirely by accident that he fiddled with his slate and pressed a button that split his body into four separate individuals.
It sure explained why he’d felt so fractured and out of sync with himself.
Early on the colors didn’t have any proper identifier, so they made stuff up. Vio kept suggesting eye color for their names, but went ignored since it wasn’t something they could see from a distance. They were all identical! Eventually when they broke a bow, they used the string to tie up Red’s hair, and he got the name ponytail. The other three got jealous and also wanted names, so they had to make stuff up fast. Another bow was broken (deliberately this time), and Green was named Braid. Vio was nicknamed Archer, since he’d been using a bow mostly, and Blue was Fighter since he needed a name and they didn’t know what else to call him. Getting names for themselves was a huge step in beginning to cooperate with one another.
Over time they shifted their names based on different things. Red was renamed Arson after he set a bunch of things on fire, Vio was named Stealth after he bought a piece of an armor set with the same name, and Green tried to name himself “the Talus Slayer” after he single-handedly killed one but everyone else ignored him and kept calling him Braid. When they found the dye shop in Hateno, they all agreed to go by colors (and proceeded to spend an absurd amount of money buying four of every armor set to dye).
That’s just the beginning, though. One key difference between LU Four and AS Four is how coordinated the colors are. LU Four has had several years to work together, figure himself out, and find unity. AS Four hasn’t had that much time yet, and by the time his adventure with the chain starts, he’s managed to be functional as a single person. It’s not perfect, though, and while he’s a menace in battle, he struggles socially.
He thought it would be great practice to stay as a single, combined person for this adventure, and being forced to stay together has allowed him to make leaps and bounds of progress on coordination and unity, but sometimes he struggles.
If the colors are too talkative in his head, he sometimes says stuff out loud, or he misses when someone outside is talking to him. He has trouble making small decisions sometimes, so when he makes meals for the group, he often has someone else decide for him (he and Wild are the cooks of the group, with Wild having more practice and Four having more ingredients). He’s also prone to mood swings, but everyone chalks that up to him being a teenager.
Another big difference is that Four breaks his weapons. It’s extremely funny to me to imagine Four, a blacksmith, breaking his weapons when normally it makes him die inside. It still hurts, he’s just become desensitized to it. He’s pretty sure it has something to do with the shrine of resurrection because he’s certain that his weapons didn’t break like this before!
He also tends to hoard weapons, since the colors all tend to go through weapons really fast. There’s 3 extra people to provide for!
Compared to LU Four, AS Four is also much more of a wanderer. He, Wild, and Hyrule are the most likely to wander off, and often do so together. Usually they’re sent off with Warriors, who also likes to wander but he’s strategic about it and can keep the others on track and ensure they won’t get lost. Needless to say, the other three are constantly trying to find ways to sneak off without him.
Oh, also, instead of hating peppers, Four hates bananas. It’s not even all of them, it’s just Vio specifically. He spent a week and a half infiltrating the Yiga clan with Shadow and he ate almost nothing but bananas during that time and he refuses to ever eat another one again.
As for what he thought upon meeting the others… His first impression was that they were all way more put together than he is. He’s got a bit of imposter syndrome, stemming both from his failure (one he remembers intimately) and from the fact that he feels like 4 idiots in a trench coat half the time. This lessens over time, as he sees the others acting weird or unhinged and as he fights alongside them.
As for first impressions…
Four immediately saw a lot of himself in Legend’s initial demeanor, particularly seeing his defense mechanisms as similar to Blue’s.
He had a bit of relief when he noticed Twilight “talking to himself” (he was talking to Midna, but Four can’t see her, so that’s just how it seemed). He hasn’t yet gotten out of that habit yet, and found it comforting to know that he wouldn’t be the only weird one if he slips up in front of the others.
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envyenvys · 21 days
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do you mind..?
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kindaasrikal · 1 month
Do you think Cole used to help Nya with feeling comfortable in her own skin again and feeling flesh and bones, as well as acting alive again, whilst also helping her keep her form and be more conscious and sure of it after merging with the sea, simply because he gets it?
Ghost Cole you will not be forgotten.
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ashpkat · 13 days
i can’t believe octavian died like… that. of all things in a middle grade kids books series. and everyone was chill about it. literally no one gaf octavian died so horrifically even if it was ‘just’ —and as the readers… we were chill with it too
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coffeebanana · 1 year
The way the finale went down isn’t the ending a lot of people wanted—I get that, and I sympathize. But I really do believe that’s in part because it isn’t an ending.
And, frankly, I love the way this season finale went purely for selfish reasons.
The thing is, I honestly think that from a fandom POV, that’s so much better than having everything go the way we wanted or expected. I’m already so inspired to create things—to patch holes of things I didn’t get to see or hypothesize on how things will turn out. There’s debate on what the wish really means that I KNOW is going to manifest in some creative af world building in future fics I’ll get to read.
I know some people are contemplating leaving the fandom after this, but that was going to happen regardless of how the season went down. And I hope that some of those people still find a way to enjoy what the show has given them. I hope people realize it’s never too late to play with whatever ideas they may have.
I think this “ending” is unsettling on purpose. And I think so many cool things are going to be created because of that set-up.
I’m super duper excited okay?
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viviarts-c · 4 days
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
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ropes3amthoughts · 9 days
I know people are just joking when they say stuff like “Mithrun is an old grandpa he doesn’t know he can’t say those words anymore he doesn’t know they don’t have any book tokens anymore” because of these extras below:
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and whatever but like it honestly drives me kind of crazy. Like can we look at this for a second.
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He was the lord of the dungeon for five years. Then he was being rehabilitated for TWENTY YEARS. That’s not super long for elves, that’s like four years for us, but that’s still a long time. And then he was the captain for another fourteen years, but he didn’t have any desire other than getting revenge on the demon.
Mithrun hasn’t really been properly socialized for a total of FORTY YEARS, which is like eight years for elves. He was totally shut off from the world, then he was rehabilitated, and then he was with the Canaries on a onetrack mindset to go after the demon. Mithrun was doing bad, he was recovering, and then he was better enough to be the captain of the Canaries again, but he was still not “better.” In all that time, the world didn’t wait for him when he was at his low point. It didn’t wait for him when he was spending all that time recovering. And by the time it’s near the end of the story where these comics take place he’s just been so far detached from the world. Like he’s most likely never tried to go buy a book token after becoming a dungeon lord. He’s most likely never talked to people and learned the new slang of the time, he’s never been caught up which words are good versus outdated. Mithrun is technically better enough to be captain, he’s better enough to have reintegrated into society, but he’s not quite adjusted yet. He’s been out for so many years suffering under the hands of the demon and scraping his way through recovery and trying to work to get to the demon that by the time he’s stopped and done stuff like gift exchanges or whatever many aspects of the world are vastly different from what he remembers. I think that’s a lot like a lot of people in real life too who have similar experiences. People in mental health centers or hospitals who spends even just months recovering can miss out on so much.
Does this make any sense? It’s kind of late so I don’t really know what I’m saying and I’m probably repeating myself but like Mithrun was at a low point and then he was recovering for so long!!!! And then when he’s reintegrated back into the world it’s changed without him!!!! He’s not some racist old man!!! The world just kept on turning when he was struggling and how is he even supposed to deal with that? Like he doesn’t have much desire but everybody is so upset with him for not knowing things like outdated terms or using cash because he didn’t know there were no more book tokens and he just can’t have known that because he literally wasn’t in a state to keep up with all of the stuff like that and now everything is different and maybe he doesn’t care because he has no desire to but like aghhhhhhhhhhhh sob sob sniffle oughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 Mithrun 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 imagine I’m shaking him back and forth that’s how I feel right now oughhhhh
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Headcanon that Leo really loved to give his family massages growing up. We know that he’s good at them from the episode “You Got Served” and we know he likes spas and relaxation and getting massages himself from when he tried to get these in “Bad Hair Day” and from when Donnie made a tennis ball massage machine in “Smart Lair.”
So I think it’d be cute to think that maybe one day Leo overheard Splinter complaining about a bad back and immediately Leo thinks back to a comic or movie or something he saw where a massage helped so he offers to give one and it actually ends up helping Splinter.
Then April swings by the Lair at a later time and mentions her back hurting because of her backpack from school and Leo’s all like “I gotcha!”
From there, he occasionally manages to convince Donnie to sit for one because Donnie’s shrimp posture does not help him any (Leo pokes fun at how sandpaper-y Donnie’s shell is despite knowing it’s always like that and Donnie smacks him for it.) Donnie usually prefers hand massages instead however as all his typing and inventing adds up over time, and shoulder massages too once he starts wearing his battle shells more. Leo also figures out how to give massages to Raph and Mikey’s shells as well, though it’s a struggle at first to not scratch his hands on Raph’s spikes.
I think since Leo has such bad luck with spas and the like, he tries giving himself massages (though it’s not as helpful.) Like, with how his abilities work his legs are probably always aching from his portal jumping and one foot landings, so maybe he branches past back massages out of a need to help his own aches too. (Though he really wants a shell massage himself, the same way he’d give them…the one time with Donnie’s tennis ball massage machine was but a short moment of what Leo’s been missing out on and what he’ll continue missing out on…)
I don’t know, I just think it’d be cute to think Leo could have honed his massaging skill this way in order to help out his family (and also partially because he wants a massage himself.)
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#this unironically is a smidge pointing to the medic Leo headcanon too#because massages are really good at relieving pain you didn’t even know you had#not just for backs but for your hands your feet your neck#poor Leo just wants to be the one getting a massage for once in ‘Bad Hair Day’ but no#he’s really good at getting everyone else to chill and rest and relax in general it’s very interesting to see#unironically I wonder if Leo could be really good at meditation so long as you call it relaxation instead#also after the invasion I’d imagine everyone has some aches and pains#ironically enough Leo himself likely has the most from the sheer amount of blunt force trauma and potential broken bones#so it’s sad to think the one who massages best is the one who needs it most alas#imagine a time where Draxum finally manages to get on Leo’s good side and Leo hears him complaining that his cafeteria job gives back pains#and Leo’s like UGH FINE I GUESS I’LL HELP#I also like to think that for all they tease Raph for his ‘chasm’ Leo sometimes will massage Raph’s face#and when he does Raph finally relaxes enough to look his age#when Mikey starts growing hair he loves when Leo massages his scalp esp if he’s helping to wash it too#mayhem doesn’t like Leo much at first but QUICKLY warms up to him because of how good his pets are#smart lair shows they all canonically love massages actually I was reminded! so this makes even more sense with that too
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kianely · 10 months
okok hear me out ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
being needy and riding re6 leon’s thigh and he starts sweetly mocking you for being so pent up and vocal even though he hasn’t even really touched you at all
i’m not usually this horny but :( next time i’ll send some fluff into your askbox
Omg anon I’m hearing you out, you got me thinking about this…just imagine how much muscle his thighs have 😵‍💫 I wrote a little gender neutral drabble on this under the cut I hope that’s okay
Thank you for sending an ask I love interaction AHH
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“That’s it,” his murmurs fan against the sensitive skin of your ear, and they turn your brain into mush with each syllable that emits from his lips. “You’re so loud I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a noise complaint.”
Your pajama pants are discarded somewhere on the floor of your shared living room as you rut against him. Leon has been so busy that you couldn’t help but pounce on him when he got some free time, scrambling over to him as soon as he sat down on the couch.
The scent of his cologne and pheromones fills your senses, a combination that makes you press your face against the crook of his neck in an attempt to get more.
And you’re so noisy—grunts and whimpers spilling from you with each roll of your hips against his thigh. The rough fabric of his denim jeans against the flimsier and thinner fabric of your underwear (which are pretty wet with your arousal, dampening up Leon's pants as well) has you rolling your eyes back.
“Don’t even need to lift a damn finger. Love me so much I bet you could come untouched.”
Surely he wouldn’t be that mean, right? Though…you could definitely come untouched. Hell, you gushed at the mere sound of his raspy morning voice; you got all excited whenever you got a peek of his happy trail.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you, sweetheart?” God, his voice is gravelly. His hand slides up to rest against the arch of your back. “You’re soaking my pants just from dry humping me like a damn dog.”
“Leon—“ you want to protest against those words, you feel a little bit embarrassed (and very turned on) and in turn, you dig your nails into his shoulder blades. He cuts you off with a low rumble of laughter, catching onto your embarrassment and pressing a kiss against your temple.
“Bet you’d grind against my leg if I put you on your knees, hm? Poor baby can’t even go a day without being all over me.” He brings his hand to your jaw, cradles it, and brings you in for a kiss. It drowns out the loudness of your drunken sounding noises. His stubble brushes against your chin, and he gently pats his fingers against your cheek.
“You can be my sweet lap dog and keep me warm all day. What do you think?”
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daylesspax · 2 months
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Did anybody order Transformers Pin-Ups? No one? Too bad, get served
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c0mbatchameleon · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic March 12, prompt: retire, words: 953
Aka optometrist reg au (part 1? maybe) loosely based off of this post
James is having trouble breathing.
The problem is, he can’t quite remember how to do it right now. His brain, rather impressively, emptied of all of its contents the moment the optometrist opened the door.
Right off the bat, the man had been straight to business; swift stride into the room, eyes glued to the clipboard in hand, a curt “hello” and introduction before he sat down and uncapped a pen with his goddamn teeth. James could only stare dumbly, mouth agape as he stumbled over half-sentient responses to the all routine eye exam questions (“See okay with your current prescription?” A black curl falling over the doctor’s otherwise perfectly framed face, cheekbones carved by the sea, like stones.
“Uh huh.”
“Taking any current medications?” Beautiful silver-blade eyes meeting his expectantly.
“Uh-“ James coughing and clearing his throat, “no. No medications.”)
Now, he's at least regained his ability to form sentences. But as James watches the doctor fiddling with machinery, silver rings glinting in harsh, sterile lighting, he is finding immense difficulty in breathing like a normal human being.
“So,” James begins, leaning to rest his elbow on the table and swelling his chest ever-so-slightly. He does his best to smooth out his voice as he speaks, going for casual with just a sprinkling of something sultry. “Dr. Black, did you say it was?” He may not be able to fully function but God help him if he can’t still flirt.
The doctor's eyes flick up for only a split second, but James counts it as a win. “That’s correct.” He maneuvers what looks like an avant-garde torture contraption towards where James is sitting. “Rest your chin on the platform.”
James does as he’s told, holding back from an absurd urge to respond with a Yes, sir. He's definitely not conjuring a medley of alternate scenarios in his head in which Dr. Black orders him around. “And what might your first name be?”
“It might be of no relevance to the matter at hand, Mr. Potter.”
“Call me James, please.”
Regulus sits on the other side of the torture-machine and begins turning dials. “You should see a red X on the right side, James,” he replies flatly. Still, the sound of his name on the man’s tongue is fucking intoxicating. It's echoing around his skull--James James James JamesJamesJames--he wants to hear it a million more times, every minute of every day until his last.
James usually hates these appointments. Hates the big machines he has to stick his face in, blowing air and shining bright lights in his eyes. Hates that stupid picture of the house that they make him look at a million times over while some old man who looks just about ready to retire asks “One or two?”
But Dr. Black is not some old man.
He’s new—James has been coming here for years and has certainly never been graced with the sight of this angel-fallen-to-earth before. He's young, too; despite the way he carries the poise of a man with years of experience under his belt, cool and confident and collected, there’s no way Dr. Black is old enough to be more than a couple years out of school. All sharp edges and smooth skin.
And god, his skin. It looks impossibly soft, stretched over slender hands and freckled cheeks, strong nose and cut jaw. As James runs his eyes hungrily over the landscapes of peach-pale skin--hills and valleys spanning the doctor's face and neck and fingers and knuckles--he considers how easy it would be to reach out and touch it, find out for himself if it's really as smooth as it looks.
“James,” Dr. Black's voice cuts sharp through his fantasy, one brow raised where he's clearly caught James drooling over him. “Please look into the eyepiece.”
It’s not like James can help it. He’s a bit entranced by the way the doctor maintains such a stoic expression, posture rigid and cold eyes unwavering, especially now. It’s all the beauty of a pointed blade, glittering in the sunlight, begging to draw blood.
But James doesn’t miss the light blush now in full bloom across the man’s cheeks. Silver-clad fingers have begun tapping a sporadic pattern on the table as storm cloud eyes sweep down and back up James' face, quick as a flash of lightning, and isn’t that just curious? Suddenly, James wants to know what it would take to get that stone-cold cast to crack.
He shoots back a sly grin. “Sure thing, nameless doctor.” He looks into the contraption. “Oh would you look at that. A red X.”
The doctor lets out a muted sigh. He fidgets some more with the dials and buttons on the other side of the machine as James watches the X shift in and out of focus. He breaks the silence only when it's stretched for just a moment too long. “My name is Regulus. There’s gonna be a bright flash now.”
Immediately, a blinding white light flashes directly into his eye, burning a goddamn hole into his field of vision. He swears he can see the inside of his pupil for a moment.
But James doesn't care. Once the shock subsides, he finds himself grinning ear-to-ear.
Now we're getting somewhere.
He looks back up from the eyepiece to where the doctor, Regulus, is still intently focused on the computer and equipment. Evading James' gaze. Cheeks still pink.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Regulus.”
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pepperpixel · 20 days
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Initial drawings of that old man… I literally, I haven’t finished reading the book of bill yet!!! I had to stop and take a break for a week to feverishly draw fanart of myself petting fords floofy hair and giving him attention and shit…!!!! The urge was too great….!! I’ve literally. I had a crush on this guy the instant he was first REVEALED in the show, but I did not have the artistic prowess to draw good looking old men back then… but I do now… thank god… thank fucking god
#gravity falls#ford pines#stanford pines#self ship#self insert#si x canon#it me#doodles#I got a haircut! so my hair looks different now.. as haircuts tend to do lol#anyway… yeah… I LOVE HIM… GRAHHFJH#the confirmation that he rlly is just sad and lonely and insecure and craving attention and validation#OHH FORD BBY.. WE R THE SAME#like… ghghg i loved him already just w his prickly nerdy outer shell but knowing more about the vulnerable center is GREAT. ITS AWESOME#also hes a smart nerdy guy who can do science and expirements and shit which is ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS FOR A CHARACTER TO DO#u kno im all about scientists….#I couldn’t draw ship art back then 1 cuz I didn’t kno how to draw old men and 2 cuz I was like 13 lol… which would have been wierd#but I’m an ADULT NOW. GET OVER HERE FORD#also it didn’t even rlly cross my mind TO draw that stuff cuz even tho I did love ford#self ship and x reader sorta stuff was not NEARLY as popular back then.. like I specifically remember it like. booming in popularity#at some point. but being pretty rare before that. anyway. thank u passage of time and trends and new gravity falls book for introducing#me back to fictional man I love. so I can now draw myself smooching him and shit#hell yeah.#13 is probably not actually correct I do not remember exactly which year fords reveal was in…#but I was probably older then 13.. but still#the point remains lol.#also omg. the bit in the book w the goth moth. ‘ur probably into this sorta thing right?’#I AM INTO THAT SORTA THING FORD. thank u book of bill for being written specifically @ me. the immersion it’s great.#like ur so right ford I AM edgy and goth how’d u guess that tee hee. eyelash flutter#aLSO PLS IGNORE MY FINGER BEING IN FRAME IN THE LAST PIC. I was drawing in a tiny bound sketchbook#so I had to hold the paper down to keep it flat. and. I didn’t feel like censoring my fucking. pinkie finger out of the image
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snoodlebooper · 4 months
i saw @/burrotello’s tadc fight club au on twitter and i got REALLY inspired-
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new welcome home au?? 👀👀
(also people really liked these sketches on my twitter and that makes me very happy actually!!)
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macksartblock · 5 months
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Welcome to Mack Hurt His Wrist Earlier This Week and now that it’s feeling better he still refuses to do anything more than rough sketching lol
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catastrxblues · 6 months
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EVERMORE by taylor swift (feat. bon iver) — “and i was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step. and i couldn’t be sure, i had a feeling so peculiar, this pain wouldn’t be forevermore.”
my #swiftiegiftexchange2024 for @lovesickallovermybed!!!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
#HIII HII HII how are you <3333 SO sorry for being slightly to the party but HII#i saw that you are currently recovering from surgery and i‘m wishing you all the best and =a faster recovery 💗💗 i hope you’re okay and#are feeling and getting much better every day 💗💗💗#i’m your anon swiftie and it was really nice to get to know you!! 🫶🏽 you’re super super talented and your gifs are so so STUNNING#it was such an honor to be your anon for this event and i had such a fun time making this !#i was SO excited when i saw that some of your favorite ts songs are evermore and idsb. really really sorry i didn’t have the time to make#something for both because my laptop went dead for sometime and i ended up only having the time to make this 😭#evermore the song is something i hold and cherish deeply in my heart too and it was something that has seen some of the worst of my days#and so i decided to do this song for your gift instead!#i can’t really gif much and couldn’t even try#because my laptop in which i had installed ps in went rip so i decided to make you this#(slightly messy sorryy) scrapbook of my view of the song! i tried to incorporate some of the descriptive lyrics and the objects mentioned i#the song and i hope you like it 😁!#and because i think evermore is also something that IS meant to be incredibly personal to the people that listen to it#i decided to include some photos (+added highlights on every lyric that has ever touched me which is almost everything as you can see 😭)#of some of my journal pages on which i rewrote the entire lyrics (except bon iver’s addition 😅) in ‘21 when the song meant to me the most!#i hope you're having a great dayy love 🫶🏽🫶🏽#SwiftieGiftExchange2024#taylor swift#tswiftedit#evermore#*my edits#nadine.mp3
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Getting very annoyed by companies using Travis and Taylor’s relationship as a way to promote themselves. It’s so invasive and strange especially after everyone around the two (including them!) have called for privacy and said they aren’t going to comment on anything. Obviously they are aware that people and the media are paying attention to them, but for companies to monopolize on it with disregard to the actual people they’re using is wrong. It’s just so weird to promote a football game as a way to watch a relationship unfold. They should be able to support and get to know one another without having their lives turn into a marketing campaign for a company. Just leave them alone.
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