#I don’t remember the last time I was ok
sitepathos · 3 days
From Gold to Mold
Chapter 1: The Change
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“Happy birthday, to you,” your teacher, Mrs. Palmer, and classmates finish singing to you.
“Thank you, everyone,” you giggle, happy that everyone did something special for your birthday in the middle of class.
You’re now six-years-old and your Momma’s promised to take you to Little Luigi’s Pizza Place after school, where you’ll get to open your presents from her, as well as eat all the pizza you want and have a cookie pizza for free! You begged her to let you stay home, but she laughed and said that she had to meet her publisher for her upcoming book, but she promised that after she was done, she’d come check you out and the two of you would go celebrate your birthday.
You look up at the clock (good thing it’s digital, because you haven’t learned to read the old clocks yet!) and see that it’s almost time for lunch.
“Come on, Momma,” you mutter to yourself. “Get here, already.”
Seriously, you didn’t plan to eat lunch, so you didn’t bother packing lunch today!
Just then, the intercom above the door chimes.
“Mrs. Palmer,” the school secretary asks.
“Can you please send Y/N Gould to the office, please? There’s someone here to see him.”
“Yes,” you cheer, making a few in the class laugh.
“Of course,” she responds before the device clicks off.
You grab your backpack and toss it over your back before rushing towards the door.
“Bye, Y/N,” one classmate says as you pass her.
“Happy birthday,” another says as you near the door.
“Enjoy your birthday, Y/N,” Mrs. Palmer says, her usual bright smile on her face. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Remember to have your worksheet done.”
And with that, you leave the room and skip down the hall to the main office, happy that your school is small so you don’t have to walk far. As you do, all you can think about is all the pizza you’re about to eat! And the chocolate chip cookie pizza that you get after that! And don’t forget about the presents! Maybe you’ll get the new Pokémon Platinum game for your DS, or a new stuffed animal, or maybe a new movie!
The suspense is practically tearing you apart and you enter the office, ready to greet your Momma when you see… Sheriff Foley. And he looks… sad. You look to the secretary, who’s standing behind him, and she has the same sad look.
“Y/N,” he says.
“Sheriff Foley,” you say, looking around to find Momma, but not finding her. “What’s wrong? Where’s Momma?”
“Son,” he says as the secretary begins to cry a bit. “I have some bad news.”
You feel a weird feeling in your stomach, like when you eat a bunch of ice cream and get sick, but this feeling is worse than that.
“It’s about your momma. I got a call from the police in Vegas and they said there had been a car accident. Some drunk fool leaving a casino hit your mother’s car.”
You feel your heart stop at the words “hit” and “mother.”
“Is she ok,” you manage to say. “She’s at the hospital, right?”
The secretary’s crying becomes louder.
“I’m sorry, son,” he says, a tear falling from his eye. “He was going too fast when he hit her. She’s gone.”
“Gone? Like missing?” Now, you’re crying. “Why can’t they find her?”
“No, gone as in she’s no longer with us.”
“Like… she’s gone to heaven,” you whisper.
He nods and it’s then you feel your entire world collapse. You remember what Momma said about going to heaven when you saw a squirrel asleep on the side of the road. She’d said that he had gone to heaven after falling asleep and that he wouldn’t be waking up again. That he’d always be there.
“No,” you cry, tears and snot falling from your face. “No, she can’t be in heaven! She said she’d be here!”
Sheriff Foley takes you into his arms as you cry.
The next few days go by in a blur. You stay with Sheriff Foley and his wife until the funeral. Unfortunately, the accident was so bad that the casket had to stay closed, so you weren’t able to see her one last time before she’s put in her grave. The whole town of Goodsprings is there; she was an author writing best-selling romance novels set during the Age of Sail and a pillar of the community, so everyone wanted to be there to say their final goodbyes to her and their condolences to you.
You said nothing during the whole thing. You hadn’t said anything since Sheriff Foley told you that Momma had gone to heaven and that she wouldn’t be back. The only noise to leave you is the sound of crying.
“Y/N,” he says as you watch the grave be filled with dirt. “When we leave, we’ll have to go by your house. You need to pack anything you need.”
“Why,” you ask, your voice sore from crying for days.
“Because a man is waiting there for you and when you have everything you need, he’ll take you to McCarran Airport. From there, you’ll go to Gotham City in New Jersey.”
You couldn’t believe your ears, first you lose Momma and now you’re losing your home?
“Why do I have to leave,” you say, tears streaming down your face.
“Because the county did some checking and found your father through a DNA test.”
You freeze at that. Your Daddy?
“Momma, do I have a Daddy,” you asked her once.
“You do, baby, but he doesn’t know about you,” she answered. “We met years ago, back when Momma was young and dumb. When I found out I was having you, I couldn’t find him. That’s when I realized I had to act right.” She rubbed her hand through your hair. “It’s thanks to you that I’m not like that anymore.”
That conversation goes through your head as you ride back to your house. You’re actually going to meet your Daddy? When you pull up to your house you see a fancy car sitting in the driveway and an elderly man in a suit standing next to it, watching you as you get out.
“I’m sorry, who’re you,” Sheriff Foley asks.
“Alfred Pennyworth,” the man says, bowing a little. “Butler to the Wayne Family. I apologize, Sheriff, but I’m afraid Master Bruce was unable to get away. Urgent business at Wayne Enterprises demanded his attention.”
“More urgent than his son?”
You can see the butler slightly flinch at that, despite how good he tries to hide it.
“I understand your frustration. I expressed the same sentiments, but Master Bruce couldn’t be persuaded to leave the matter to Mr. Fox.” He looks down at you. “I trust this is young Master Y/N?”
You can’t help but duck behind the sheriff’s legs to hide from him.
“Yeah, this is him.”
“I’m glad to meet you, though I wish it was under more joyous circumstances. You have my most sincere condolences for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you say, looking down at the ground.
“Come on, son, let’s get all your stuff packed.”
The three of you spend the next hour packing all your toys and clothes into cardboard boxes. When asked about your bed, dresser, and other larger things, Alfred said a room had already been prepared for you with a king sized bed and a dresser with room for all your clothes and more.
“Should you require anything else, I will ensure Master Bruce provides it.”
“What will happen to the house,” you finally ask Sheriff Foley, afraid for what he would say.
“Your momma already paid off her house and her will said that everything that’s hers goes to you. For now, the county will care for it until you turn eighteen, which is when you can inherit it.”
Hearing that should’ve made you feel better, but it didn’t because you’d have to wait so long to come back and even then, Momma still wouldn’t be here. As the two adults packed up the last of the boxes in the fancy rental car, you slipped away into your Momma’s office at the back of the first story. You slide open the doors, expecting to see her at her desk, working on her latest story like you’d done so many times before, but this time, an empty room and silence greets you.
You enter her office and hop into the big revolving chair, her favorite perfume still lingering from the morning of your birthday. You look at the desk and find something that takes your breath away: her favorite gold ink pen. One day, you’d asked her why your last name was Gould and she’d told you that your family came from a long line of goldsmiths who once made jewelry and other small things for rich people. Momma’s Daddy still worked with metal, even after the family practice was shut down, and when she said she was going to become a writer, he made her a gold ink pen to bring her good luck. You pick it up, looking at the beautiful design, and begin to tear up.
She carried it everywhere she went, so seeing it here cements the fact that she’s not coming back. Maybe if she wasn’t in a big hurry that morning, she would’ve remembered to take it with her and the accident never would’ve happened. And she’d still be here with you.
“Y/N,” the Sheriff says as he enters the office. “We finished packing everything. Are you ready to go?”
You want to say no and refuse to leave, but you know that you can’t stay here. You quietly pocket the pen and follow him to the car, where Alfred waits for you.
“Alright, son, be good for Mr. Pennyworth here. Do what he says and be a good boy like your momma taught you.” He gives you a hug and you wish it would never end, because then you’d never have to leave your home. “You’ll be back before you know it, and your home will be here waiting for you.”
A with that, you get into the car with Mr. Pennyworth and begin the drive to the airport. You use the mirror to see your house one last time, seeing it get smaller and smaller until it’s out of sight.
“I know this is sudden after the loss of your mother, but I promise Master Bruce and I will do everything we can to make Wayne Manor a home for you.”
“What’s it like?”
“The manor? It’s a large estate with a long and storied history that dates back to the early days of Gotham. There’s plenty of rooms for you to explore.”
“And what about my Daddy? What’s he like?”
“Master Bruce is a skilled businessman and one of Gotham’s biggest socialites. He’s also the adoptive father of Masters Dick and Jason.”
“He already has kids? Would they be my brothers?”
You’d heard of several of your classmates having older and younger siblings and had thought about having a brother or a sister. What would it be like to carry around someone younger than you or be care for by someone older than you.
“Master Dick would be your older brother, but he’s now living at the manor right now. He’s off finding himself right now, but I have no doubt that he’ll be back one day.”
“What about Jason?”
Mr. Pennyworth frowns at your words and you feel afraid that you’ve said something wrong.
“Master Jason would be your older brother, as well, but he was taken from us. With any luck, he and your mother have met one another.”
“When did he go to heaven?”
“He left us a few months ago, but it feels just like yesterday.”
And with that, the talk is over. You two arrive at the airport and after the butler returns the rental car, he guides you to the gate where a private jet awaits the two of you. You can’t help but be amazed that you’re riding in a private jet that looks so much better than the ones you’ve seen on tv. You sit in one of the seats and it’s way softer than your bed.
“Master Y/N, we’re getting ready for takeoff,” the butler says as he puts his seatbelt on. “Put your seatbelt on.”
You do as you’re told and before you know it, you feel the jet begin to move. You hurry to look out the window to see everything moving past before the jet begins to fly. You stare out the window, watching Nevada, the state you’ve called home, get smaller and smaller until you’re above the clouds, unable to see anything, even the massive buildings of the Strip, which could be seen for miles.
It’s then you realize that this is real, that you’re leaving everything you’ve ever known and won’t be back for years and tears begin to fall from your face. You’ve spent the last few days crying so much that you’d think that you’d think that you would run out of tears, but apparently not. Not wanting to disturb Mr. Pennyworth, you face the window and bite your lower lip to stop making noises.
Somehow the flight seemed to be both long lasting and not long enough, because eventually, you saw a city show up below you. You squint your eyes to get a better look through the smog and see many tall buildings, all of the having those scary stone creatures you saw on a movie once.
“Welcome to Gotham City, Master Y/N.”
A/N: I’m hoping to make this a series that sees somewhat regular updates, but don’t quote me on that. I’ve been getting back into Resident Evil and I look up Yandere Batfamily stuff on this site so much it’s not even funny. Sorry if the first chapter was so long, but I thought if the first chapter was long enough, people would forgive me if future chapters are a bit lacking. Also, this series is heavily influenced by several of my favorite users, like @acid-ixx , @gotham-daydreams , @luludeluluramblings , and @darkstaria . You should totally check them all out.
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theninthdoor · 2 days
⭒˚。⋆ 🍓 pac || inside your crush's mind ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆ 🐞
𖦹 think of your crush, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! lets see what is/was going through your person’s mind & if you have or ever had a chance with them. 𖦹 take only what resonates. if you feel like the pile you’ve initially picked doesn’t really apply to the person/situation you’re thinking of, it’s OK to pick another one. I'm also leaving some extra messages and keywords at the end of each reading. those may work as confirmation for some people, but if they don't mean anything to you, that doesn't mean that that's not your pile. what you should really take into account is the description I make of the person (your crush) in each pile, and that's how you will know if you have chosen the right or wrong one. please use your discernment. 𖦹 remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to, just because your person thinks this or that, ok? 𖦹 enjoy, my lovelies!
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Pile 1 || ☎️ cards: four of pentacles rx, death rx, knight of pentacles rx, judgement rx, the chariot
not you guys landing on the player's pile… omg So, yeah- Did you ever had a chance? For sure. Anyone would have a chance with this person, I feel like. This is someone who's either constantly in love or just can't stand being alone for too long. Maybe it's just their personality - being extroverted, a connection-seeker, always open to new relationships and whatever experiences come with it -, or perhaps they are simply that charming and the options never end for them. This does feel like someone who's very much a feeler, but maybe not the wisest or yet the most mature in general (or even the most emotionally available!!). For the most part, their relationships feel quite short lived, and mostly based on physical attraction. They may have had one or two longer ones, still (for some people in specific, it feels like your crush may have been in longer-term relationship that was very talked about and known about, and they may still be heavily associated with this ex of theirs). Now, when it comes to their thoughts and feelings towards you: I'm sorry to say it, but I just don't see them having cared or caring too much... They see you quite plainly (if they know you at all); you're just a friend, coworker or acquaintance. Yet, as I said, I feel like you'd definitely still be able to have a chance with them - all you would have to do is take that step towards them and get yourself noticed. Be confident about it! I think that's what attracts them the most to someone, actually: boldness. Flirt a little with them, and see where it leads you… It might not result in the most serious, stable or long lasting relationship of all time, but maybe you'll still get to have a good time together.
⋆ extra messages:
This totally feels straight out of a 2000s coming of age movie, or some rom-com set in high school, with your crush being the popular guy/girl everyone knows and is attracted to lol. Just thought I should add that in.
Milena. Mimi. Mario. Jet-black hair. Affluent neighbourhoods. Family business. Taking acting classes. Ankles/ankle bracelets. Big family event or gathering coming up soon (like a birthday, a wedding, some special holiday…). Talking about or someone's been worrying about frown lines recently. Jennifer. Janet. J surnames. Wearing a lot of orange lately, or having just bought a new orange clothing item. Ash. Ashley.
⋆ channeled song: The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow
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Pile 2 || 💄 cards: page of wands rx, ten of pentacles rx, knight of pentacles rx, the hermit, seven of wands
So, my sweet pile 2, here we have someone who has, for sure, noticed you before! Seven of Wands + The Hermit at the bottom of the deck = this person would do anything to get to know you a little better and/or to spend more time with you. There's something about the way you are or carry yourself that makes you stand out from other people - or perhaps you're just your crush's type and that's why their eyes are on you... I don't get a whole lot of communication or movement coming from them, so even if they talk to you, it doesn't feel direct; they're not letting you know how they feel; they're not openly flirting with you. This person actually feels very much like a Virgo or Capricorn Moon; logical, careful, slow moving. Once you get them to come of their shell and finally they feel ready to say something, though, you can definitely expect them to be very direct about it. At first they study you, consider the potential of this connection, and then they decide if they should go for it or not. If they do come towards you then, they won't waste any time, again. They're saying, you know… "Hey, let's go out one of these days. I'd like to spend some time with you." or "I really like your vibe. Would you care to go on a date with me, sometime?". It's quite dry and lame actually lol. They're still not flirting, exactly. They're just putting it out there that they're interested and want to explore this connection - again, very direct and logical about the whole thing. (And their flirting skills may actually suck, btw…) In the meantime, they may get closer to you by asking you about your interests, by sitting nearby in class or at lunch, watching your ig stories or something like that. It's the small things, and they're gonna take their sweet time with this. It's not something they are losing their sleep over; it's a case they are studying.
⋆ extra messages:
Is anyone here working or studying in a scientific field? Science feels very relevant. Ron, Rob, R names. Lab coats. Law; rules and regulations. College towns. Planning (or planning on attending) a big Halloween party - and putting a lot of thought into this as of late. Wisconsin. Big 3 Libra placements. Glasgow. Glass working/art. Gallows. Gallows humour. G surnames.
⋆ channeled song: John Legend - All of Me
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Pile 3 || 🎧 cards: the chariot, four of swords rx, the magician, ten of swords, queen of wands, two of wands
Listen!!- Pile 3, please go for it!! Even if this doesn't last too long, I think there's great potential here for an absolutely amazing relationship/fling! The chemistry here is just insane… I don't know if it's this person themselves, or if it's actually the result of you two coming together, but I'm feeling HOT. I'm blushing. I'm excited. There's just so much passion here! I think this person is a smooth talker; not necessarily the most extroverted or talkative, but when they do talk to you, you can't help it but feel absolutely charmed. They are good-looking, smart, polite. I get a very venusian vibe coming them. They may put a lot of effort into how they look, not by vanity but because they genuinely like to take care of themselves + find it unmannerly to go out looking like a mess.
As for what's on their mind, my dear pile 3, I have good news for you! They have noticed you and thought about you before, and everything's very positive. They find you attractive, interesting, and a great catch, really. It also seems like they may have heard quite a bit about you (coming from others), and whatever was said gave them a very good impression on you, so even if you're not that well acquainted, they hold you in high regard already. However, with this 2oW, I feel like they may have other options, and if you don't make it clear that you want to explore a relationship with them, the opportunity might just pass you by. I actually don't see them making that move themselves, I'm sorry… There are other things/people holding their attention at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Still, The Strength rx + Queen of Cups at the bottom of the deck = the potential is here, and so is the chemistry I was talking about. Once you get this started, there's no stopping it! You'll be pulled in and taken on the most amazing ride.
⋆ extra messages:
E names. Emily. Emmett. Emerson. Soccer/football. Lia/Leah. India. Indya. I + IY/YI names. 2016 being a significant year - moving, meeting, Instagram following. June. Born on the 6th of the month. History. Brown hair and green eyes. Hazel eyes. Hazelnut. German family or travelling to Germany. Studying architecture or building architectural models. Learning french.
⋆ channeled song: Rihanna - Love On The Brain
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Pile 4 || ���️ cards: justice rx, page of cups rx, five of cups, page of pentacles rx, eight of pentacles
There's something very sad about this person and this pile. Your crush may have been or may be going through a difficult period, yet I feel like they've been doing their best to hide it. They laugh a lot, smile all day, joke around, but on the inside they are going through something that has been bringing them down. I think they feel lost, confused, alone. Maybe it's a family matter (like a divorce or some kind of separation), or perhaps it's just that, for some reason, they are now being forced to leave their home, friends and/or family, and it just hasn't been easy to them to accept and deal with that. There's a loss of stability here, and a loss of community. It could've happened already, too, by the way - they may already be in separation from their loved ones or away from the place they were used to calling home. On a positive note, I feel like this is temporary and they'll recover soon. It's just a low point for them. Also, they may be dealing with some concerns regarding their future and where to go next (professionally, academically, etc.), and that only adds to it all. As for the two of you, my dear pile 3, it seems like right now just isn't the right moment for anything to happen here. You can offer them friendship, some comfort, advice, support, but that's about it, I believe. This person has a lot to figure out at the moment, on their own, and whatever they have to offer you doesn't seem to be exactly what you need or want, deep down. It would lead to heartbreak, most likely. Still, this feels so sweet and so warm. So, maybe, you should give it some time and then give it a try… Because, honestly, I do think this person has some good feelings for you (or could grow some good feelings for you, if you aren't yet acquainted). They may not know what those are exactly, but I still think something really good could bloom from this.
⋆ extra messages:
A names. Adam. Adrienne. Greenland. Finland. Art class. Discussing or studying politics. Georgia. G names. Galicia. Meeting or seeing their father/father figure for the 1st time, or their father being mentioned in conversation a lot. Surgery. Torn ankle or some other leg/foot injury. Mockingbird. Buzzcut. Red nail polish.
⋆ channeled song: Billie Eilish - Bored
deck used || Tarot of the New Vision
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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I want to know who thought it would be a good idea or funny joke to deal me these cards. I hope you’re all happy wherever you are, because I’m miserable.
My family constantly bring up stuff that isn’t true about the reason behind why I lost my job. I was framed and fired because of a lie made up by 2 idiot women, one of which glared at me almost constantly since her first day. She tried to tell me what to do when I had more experience and I knew what was going on.
They think I have anger issues and I’ve had to keep telling everyone around me that it’s just built up frustration and stress. If we weren’t so damn poor I wouldn’t be so stressed. If everything my brother said to me wasn’t an insult I wouldn’t be so stressed. If I never would have worked so hard for 10 now-meaningless years of my life at a crap job that never respected me then I wouldn’t be so stressed trying to find another one.
I put in an application for another fruit place even though at this point I honestly never want to work again and they wanted to set up an interview with a time and date that worked for me. So I sent them an email with a time and date and asked if that works for them. Over 24 hours ago and I still haven’t heard back. Did they change their mind? Did I pick the wrong day? Did Scenic Poop Company get ahold of them and lie to them, telling them not to hire me because I violently throw bags at people and make gestures behind other employees backs towards them while I’m angry at them?
I made a stupid counseling appointment to get my mom off my back so she would let me learn how to drive and she still refuses. She always talked about how it was more important for my sister to learn because “she’s working”. I need to learn how to drive so I can get to town to any jobs or job interviews, errand, appointments, just getting out of the house I’m currently trapped in. If I can’t get my license before I’m 30 then there’s no point in trying. That’s been my goal for 6 years and every time I bring it up again she says no and doesn’t believe me. “You had no interest then” she says. There’s no point in arguing with them, they’re always right and I’m wrong. It doesn’t matter what I do, IT WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER. I might as well have been adopted, because the last few years since her divorce with an asshole I’ve become the common enemy, the scapegoat, the one everyone blames for their problems. I can’t get mad or upset because I get yelled at and told to “quit whining”. Nobody knows what I’m going through, how I feel. I’m alone.
My aunt has been trying to help me with unemployment because it’s changed since 2016 when I filed last, and just because I said (and I said this to my “family” as well) that I didn’t want to work with apples, I didn’t want to work with fruit again, my aunt says I’m acting like a teenager. Fine, go ahead and insult me. Everyone else does. None of the rest of the family struggles with finding jobs because they don’t get fired or they aren’t cursed. Everyone has better luck than me. I have enough I’m trying to deal with on the inside, I don’t need more problems on the outside. And yet, that’s exactly what I get.
Someone tell me what to do now because I’m lost and I don’t know anything anymore. Everything I’ve come to know is either a total lie or one-sided. I can’t even think recently, and I’m still trying to appeal the unemployment denial. You are legally required to give me the money I’m owed, you idiots. Just because the majority of your employed rats don’t file for unemployment doesn’t mean you can deny me. Im going to appeal this until the government decides to give me the benefits as hush money to shut me up. Hand over the cash now, or pay me more when I take you to court.
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luuxxart · 3 months
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🌟updates Saturday and Sunday🌟
✨(read tags for extra info!)✨
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mieiri · 19 days
shaking my tiny cup at you for some laichi facts please? 🥺🤲🏾 are you in a modern au?
mira bwean < 3 ueueue, you are so precious for indulging me . . laichi facts coming your way !!! 🍀
i did in fact set laichi up in a modern au :3 . . (i could not imagine myself in 1904 whatsoever— what’s a girl like me doing there! there’s no way TT)
in this timeline, i want saichi to stay as close to canon as possible! he still has his scars, he still loves asirpa and looks after her as well, acts as an older sibling, etc.
so i want to say, saichi and asirpa were neighbors who survived a house / apartment fire when they were younger kids. saichi is a bit older of course, maybe 7-8 when it happens while asirpa is around 3-4 years old. they both lose their parents, so they’re taken into a foster home for the meantime. they’re inseparable!
life is as life is . . it goes on. they both go to school, they meet shiraishi and hang out plenty! he doesn’t care that they’re in a foster home, he’s just happy to have friends.
shiraishi is also around the same age as saichi— we can fast forward to college now. shiraishi is on the undecided side of this decision while saichi!! has decided to major in veterinary science . . :3c i think he’s just got a thing for soothing animals ( cub papa saichi 🐻 ) so this was an easy pick for him!!
when shiraishi and saichi are two years into college, asirpa is in the middle of high school . . aka saichi is old enough now and has worked hard to be able to afford to a place for the both of them + shiraishi pitching in too!
( ages for ref : saichi, shiraishi : 22-23, asirpa : 17-18 )
now, saichi and asirpa and shiraishi are all roommates :3 and we can start the laichi history kekeke ><
laichi love story: start!
from the lili pov, of course you’ll notice a cute boy. it’s inevitable to not notice saichi when he’s big and tall, and when he sits in front of you, you can’t help but admire the small curl at the end of his hair and the way it all seems to push out from his cap.
and from the saichi pov, really, he was just having a tough time understanding a woman’s (asirpa’s,) perspective . . he doesn’t understand why she (asirpa) is so mad that he (saichi!) wants to protect her. it’s what he’s always done for her since they became each other’s family, so what’s the difference between now and then?
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“so,” saichi turns around to you, who always sits behind him— not that it was a bother. it just seemed you three (shiraishi included) always found yourselves together in the back corner of the room. “you’re a girl, right?” elbow hanging over the chair.
“whua-?” did you not . . appear femininely enough . . ?
“dude, oh my god-” shiraishi slaps a hand over saichi’s mouth before he could speak again, “sorry. not like that.”
saichi pulls him off, quickly poking at shiraishi’s ribs so he wouldn’t dare bother him again— and he wouldn’t. he’s really too busy curling over from the pain, forehead pressed against his desk.
“i’m sorry, i meant it like . . you as a woman, know how another girl thinks, right?”
you’ve never spoken to either of these men before, only really saw them in passing— or . . at least, have seen shiraishi in passing. as for saichi, it would be more of a shock to find someone who doesn’t know of him.
the immortal, the unbeatable, saichi.
a college legend as far as legend go, and almost impossible to not recognize who he is from the details people have given out about him like plaques on a wall.
as buff and lean as a champion, scarred and bruised from head to toe, a true man’s man, that’s him!— as commonly said from the guys saichi shares classes with.
oddly gentle . . it kind of makes the girls a little weak in the knees when he shoots us a polite smile, and really, unbelievably handsome— that’s what you’ve heard.
the weekly talk about saichi has made you unconsciously curious, but all you’ve really managed to do is watch him from a desk away.
“yes . . i would say so.” you slowly nod, eyes mapping out all the new details you’ve never seen so clearly before.
the inch of skin at the corner of his lip that appears darker than the rest, where saichi’s scar drags across— it’s . . beautiful.
though you’d never say that to him . . not when you don’t know the pain he’s must’ve endured receiving that kind of wound on his face— it’s rude.
it’s rude, you repeats to yourself, don’t think about it like that— not like that. not right now.
“then, can i ask you something?”
there’s a millisecond of hesitation where you think, is he gonna to talk me about his girl problems— i’m gonna di-
“yeah, go ahead.”
then saichi lets out a thoughtful sigh, as if to find the words he wants to say and then some.
for a moment, he wonders if it’s okay to air out his business like this to someone he’s never spoken to— but he’s known about you too.
the minute-long call you always make at the end of class when you think nobody’s listening— he is. admittedly nosy, one might add— but he thinks you must have someone important to never miss this part of your routine.
it’s always, how was work, have you eaten, do you need anything before i get home?
it sounds something like him, with his family. are you okay? good day today? want me to help you with dinner when i get home?
it sounds like a good kind of love, a special kind of care— that’s what he sees from his eyes, anyway.
(it stings a little. asirpa hasn’t taken his calls for a day or two now, and he knows why . . but doesn’t know why. boy understanding cannot possibly grasp the depth of this problem he’s having, so he’s gone and looked for someone like you.)
“my . . sister, lately, doesn’t want me to ‘meddle’ in her life— that she can take care of herself. but i don’t want her to get hurt, and she’s never told me this before. i don’t get what’s different now.”
you don’t mean to sigh when you think, ah, it’s like that. you do though, and it’s a little embarrassing.
“how old is your sister?”
“she’s turning eighteen next year.”
“so . . seventeen.”
“and you don’t think it’s a bit much for her brother to be hovering over her like a parent?”
“i’ve always been like this!”
“like her parent? what do your own parents say?”
“it’s just us.”
“oh . . ” you think you should move on . . because if it were you, you wouldn’t want the world to get hung up on this one simple fact you’ve worked through to the point of an acceptance (of some kind.) “i’m sorry, but back to point.”
he just hums . . a little grateful you didn’t ask for more than he’d felt comfortable giving out. he likes that.
“so, your seventeen year old sister doesn’t want you to worry about her— is that so wrong?”
saichi groans as he bites the corner of his lip, “not wrong. just . . i don’t know. what if something happens? and i won’t be there for her? then what do i do?”
you giggle a little at his motions, his effortlessly curved face contoured in worry, and the way he speaks about someone he loves. it’s so cute.
“could it be that you’ve become a worry wort when it comes to her and she knows that? so she doesn’t want to become a burden to you? kind of like . . you can’t trust her to be on her own.”
“a worry wort?” is he really like that . . ? to unknowingly make asirpa feel . . incapable . . ?
“yeah.” you lean closer, elbows on your desk with a hand over your jaw— comfy. “are you?”
saichi sits back, dumbfounded. “i don’t know . . am i?”
“how would i know! i don’t know you!”
“do you want to?” saichi tilts his head over to you and suddenly worries he’s said the wrong thing when you appear flustered— “i mean . . ”
smiling, you tell him, “just think about it, ‘cause i’ve gotta go even though i’d love to stay.” then as you begin to grab your things, saichi feels a sort of . . hope— a relief, with you being there.
girl understanding . . can be very eye-opening.
“alright . . well, thank you. for what you’ve said.”
“it’s nothing,” you smile your smile and saichi feels a little rosy in his cheeks, “update me next time, okay?”
shiraishi has had his elbow propped up watching as you two converse, and naturally smiles as he bids you goodbye when you leave.
and very naturally, shiraishi also jumps up and grabs saichi by the collar once you’re gone, “do you want to????? what do you mean by that??”
“i don’t know,” saichi squeezes his eyes shut as his voice jumps into a high pitch, comedically, “shiraishi, i’m scared.”
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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I’m sick of the feeling that I always have to have enough pictures for a photoset to post anything. So. I’m rebelling against that stupid fuckin feeling and just posting this chara stand alone! There’ll probably be a frisk to go w it eventually! But! U’ll just have to wait lol
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solar-halos · 2 months
i think the craziest part of the percy jackson series—(warning i’m gonna be talking about child abuse)
—is that sally married gabe. “she was using him to hide percy’s demigod scent.” she married a man who physically abused her child. like. i get it’s a very nuanced situation and that demigods literally don’t even exist but yk what does exist? moms who marry men that abuse their children… like girl. there are plenty of bum ass men who smoke weed and eat pizza and looove their ciggies and instead of abusing ur kid they would straight up ignore him and if they were a demigod their scent would STILL be hidden
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rosicheeks · 24 days
how is the sale going?
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heartual · 1 month
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poppinlovemp4 · 1 month
when i first heard omy i was really really not a fan on account of how could you trap a first verse + bridge that pretty in a song with a chorus this doomed. but now i like it so much like one of the wayv tracks of all time chorus included she’s my friend. and she’s beautiful
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remember-ur-alive · 2 months
#I GOT REMINDED OF AN ASK I SENT BC OF GVNPLAY @DAVIDCRIES I MISS YOUUUUUUU#I don’t even know what happened to them but they disappeared off of the following of my old ns/ft blog and I can’t find them :(#(I know one letter was like an x or v instead I cannot remember for the life of me)#fuck it we ball im writing the ideas I remember here#str^hm and amanda au. obv#str^hm and amanda n<cro <3 this was one of my favorites bc it was toxic and major angst#l^wrence catching adam taking pictures of him (i dont remember what he did to him but it was silly and torturous ✨✨)#SIZE QUEEN H0FFMAN. THE CUTTING OFF A CERTAIN PART H0FFMAN ADJSDHDHDD#b0bby dagen s0unding with a stiletto <3 im not even into that i think my instincts against pathetic men (IAPM) just kicked in#l^wrence and his wife double d0mming adam. the way he literally would be happiest with two of the toughest d0ms i wrote#(they had a fantasy where alison punishes adam for him and l^wrence che^ting teehee. it had me wound up for days)#oagh there’s so many. I even know im missing a lot of them I was 24/7/365 hypersexual at that time ok#THE LOGAN/H0FFMAN STUFF. I STAND BY IT THEY FUCKED NASTY IN THAT WAREHOUSE. PROBSBLY LEFT MARKS AND STAINS NOBODY TALKS ABT TOO GRIMY MFS#OH. L^WRENCE MAKING FUN OF A SVBS STUTTER. I KNOW I WOULD CRY IF THAT HAPPENED TO ME (which is the point but whatever) BUT CMONNNNNNN#adam grinding on the end of l^wrence’s cane I think was either mine or just one of my favorites#l^wrence putting an escaped victim back into the trap to sit and watch them die <3#ST^LKER L^WRENCE 🥰🥰🥰 WHERE HE THREATENS YOUR FAMILY INTO CONVINCING YOU TO DATE HIM#amanda knifefvcking someone with the blade <3 again I stand by that#WAIT MY GVNPLAY THING WASNT EVEN GVNPLAY. WAILS I NEVER WROTE THEM WITH GVNPLAY??????????#ok whatever. last one is zepp thighfvcking someone at kn1fepoint <3#in conclusion. I am a normal person with normal fantasies who can be trusted with adult characters (as sirens go off in the background)
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cattailtales · 2 months
seeing the reactions to this latest chapter I can’t help but to think back to the first post-war arc and remember how little was ever addressed then too.. like dgmw I enjoy all these characters and think horikoshi is insane for trying to juggle so many but in the end he kinda like. Cannot handle it all. maybe he could if he didn’t waste time on silly things.. like I get that he’s trying to uplift the story in the end but it kinda falls incredibly flat with so many anxious questions looming and a rapidly approaching finish line…
#like remember midnight. how her fate was like. summarily dismissed by aizawa and that was about the extent of it..#then there was stuff like fatgum tamaki gang orca etc who the last we saw was them all lying on the ground in machia’s wake#and like we never really learned if any of them were ok or not til like. dozens of chapters later#and I get these are offhand characters at best but some people still like them. and would like to know if they’re like. alive.#i think mainly it’s a pacing thing. like after all that which was the climax of the final battle#which was drawn out for what? a year irl? how many goddamn chapters?#it feels like we’re just like. stumbling along now. still kinda shell-shocked from the conclusion#except there is an extremely finite amount of time to cover a large amount of character conclusions this time#like i’ll be honest i don’t give a shit abt bkg and shoto’s fangirls#I’d like to know if any of the villains are actually going to survive this and if any real steps are going to be taken#towards addressing the systematic flaws that led to the creation of said villains in the first place.#like your whole goddamn story has been leading up to all along. like I really don’t know if that can all be covered in a single chapter#since with the way things are going I doubt we’ll get much more time than that. if even.#all this to say I think hori kinda. fumbles with actual conclusions. he just keeps trucking into the next plotline#but since there Isn’t a next plotline. idk how this is gonna go tbh. hopes are actively dying with each dwindling chapter#unless there’s some kind of hail mary in the next chapter (or the last. god. why) then tbh idrk what we’re doing here.#horikoshi: ‘my job here is done’ us: ‘but you didn’t do anything’ horikoshi: flips cape and leaves#bnha#bnha spoilers#not really tho tbh#a cattail tale#this is kinda rambley sorry it’s like 6am and I need to go to sleep
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whatabunchofalices · 2 years
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ok i was thinking and wouldn’t it be interesting if cerise, ramona and hopper have to go to apple when she sings or summons animals! they technically are animals, but it would only work on hopper when he’s in frog form.
this concept could’ve created a moment where apple gets a little suspicious of cerise because she is always singing and for reason cerise is always there!!
♥ like i love the idea of apple singing super early in the morning and cerise has to run over to raven and apple’s dorm, and has to stands there until apple is done singing or she just tells apple to stfu and then walk outs. I feel like this happens a lot
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clownsnake · 4 months
I don’t think hyeonseong needed to remember dokja’s order to think about him if something goes wrong. I think he’s just always thinking abt dokja
and I love him for that
#Loyal puppy man#going post#Orv#‘Hey can you hit me again? and do it really hard’ kinky#‘no wait. just kill me right now’ UM. I RESCIND THAT LAST STATEMENT.#I don’t remember what his new attribute is how is dokja gonna cheat death this time#HYEONSEONG CHARACTER PROGRESSION FUCKING FINALLY#I’ve missed him…. deprogram your military propaganda boy itll be good for you#‘There is no third option this time’ ok my first instinct was to take him at face value but dokja is always planning and scheming so#maybe he’s just saying that so hyeonseong will make his own third option out of determination.#to teach him to like… not rely on dokja so much#maybe not the best phrasing but I think u get my point#next episode and I’m immediately confirmed right. AWESOME but also#Would have been nice to have delayed that gratification for a bit#let me step into a side character’s pov for a moment instead of having dokja tell me everything#‘I thought you considered me the standard you should strive for. If so then do as I say!’ ‘That’s not the kind of book I want to go by!’#YEAHHHHH HYEONSEONG!!!! MAKE YOUR OWN BOOK! GET THAT CHARACTER GROWTH#‘I see. Well done.’ Dokja you want to be a constellation so bad#It’s already been confirmed tht that’s his goal but it’s been so obvious for a while#Like he keeps putting himself in mentor roles all the time. n constellations aren’t necessarily as close mentors as dokja has been#But they’re still essentially That#WAH HIS HANDS?? HUH???#yeah yeah uh huh I was right dokja was helping hyeonseong learn his lesson on his own also HIS HANDS?????#*HIS ARMS???* GUYS.#‘until the scenario reaches an apocalypse’ bestie ur already in an apocalypse#Ofmy god he has to melt and then cool down a thousand times? what the hell#HUIWON CHARACTER PROGRESSION TOO?? YIPPEE!!!!!#aww a hug……. Even though he must be fucking scorching hot…. How sweet ^_^#and hyeonseong was so polite too he’s such a sweetie#oh I was confused for a second but he literally snuffed the flame! smart
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
violet wine has no right being as sexy as it is. SANDALWOOD AROMA? SANDALWOOD? YPURE TELLING ME IT SMELLS LIKE THE SEXIEST DRUG **AND** THE SEXIEST MEN’S DEODORANT SMELL???????⁇ AND ITLL GET YOU WASTED????⁇ did Sanderson know he was creating the most fuckable beverage known to man
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miffyghost · 9 months
real talk with you guys I think my manager forgot that my father in law died last week and I’ve only just come back from compassionate leave
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