#I don’t think Zuko’s public image is going to look good to the fire nation esp with how ingrained imperialism is
phoeeling · 2 years
listen I know I already wrote a fic with the concept, but we need more of The Fire Nation loves Azula fics. the fact I had to make the tag on ao3 speaks for itself smh. the nick bio indicates that the fire nation adores Azula! and of course they do— she’s a prodigy who bends blue fire and super cool.
the fire nation loves Zuko is out, the fire nation loves Azula is in.
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iluvzuko · 1 year
→ Fem!reader, firebender x firebender, friends to lovers. 
Warning: All of the characters in this story are +18yo; it turned out softer than I expected.   Summary: Y/n L/n, the bodyguard of the new Fire Lord: Zuko. But she was not just that, actually, their relationship went back so many years in the past that it’s almost impossible to figure out where it started, well… not actually, Y/n remembers everything, and when the Fire Lord gets too close it gets impossible not to show her feelings. 
You were in the royal garden, sitting by the turtleduck fountain, so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't even hear Zuko’s footsteps getting closer. 
“Y/n, I need you to come with me to an important meeting, my advisors said that it was too dangerous to go alone and forced me to come here and tell you to come with me”, he said in an annoyed tone. 
Even if you had been his bodyguard for a while now he still hasn't made up his mind on the idea of you being there to protect him… he thought that it should be the other way around honestly. 
“It's for your own good, Zu- I mean… Fire Lord, sir” you said while making a reverence. It might be too formal, but Zuko needed to keep a certain image to the public, as the new firelord. 
He looks at you with a confused expression on his face. “What are you doing here anyway?” Realizing that you were at the garden and not training as u usually did. 
“I was practicing my firebending” (liar) you said while trying not to make eye contact with him. 
“Right.. Here… all by yourself… in your casual clothes” he said with an amused smile and one eyebrow raised. 
You looked down at your own clothing and mentally slapped yourself on the face, what an absurd excuse, think Y/n, think. 
Seeing that you were getting nervous, Zuko talked first, breaking the silence. “I think I know why you are here…” he said with a teasing tone in his voice. 
“You do?” oh spirits… “A-and what is your theory?” you said while trying to keep your cool. 
“Of course I know… you obviously like me,” he said in a mocking tone. 
You were blushing from your head to your toes, how does he know? Why? Did Katara tell him?...  Zuko watched as you turned red and got nervous. He was joking when he said that, you never gave any signs of liking him in that way, right?. He couldn’t help but to use this moment to be a little tease. “Oh, so you do like me…” 
You were about to jump into the fountain and drown in embarrassment. 
“Don’t worry” he said in a mocking tone, “I’m used to it by now… you know, ladies line up when they see me, but don’t worry, I’ll protect you from them” he winks at you and you couldn’t help but laugh at his statement, “Protect me? Have you forgotten that I was your bodyguard even when we were younger? I used to protect you before you learned how to properly firebend, and I’m better than you anyway” you said teasingly. 
Zuko gets closer to you and chuckles “Hey! Just because I was a terrible firebender when I was younger, that doesn’t mean I’m not better now… besides, I think I might be better than you even, you know… dragons and all” he said with pride. 
“Better than me now, huh? Well… there is just one way to find out” you said while looking at him in a teasing tone “But I wouldn’t want to hurt you, you’re just so handsome I couldn’t concentrate”. 
Zuko’s face goes red, now it’s your turn to laugh, “C’mon Zuko,don’t be so humble now, you have all the fire nation girls wrapped around your finger” you said teasingly. It’s nice to have such a good friend around, you loved talking and joking with Zuko, even when you knew he would never look at you as anything more than a friend. 
Zuko chuckles nervously while still blushing and says “Well, yeah, I admit I have my fair share of fans, I think my scar makes me more interesting”, he looks away from you and looks at the water of the fountain, “You… Do you have any interest in someone?”. 
You were a little bit taken aback by the question but answered him anyway, “Me?.. well, I have a little crush on some firebender… but I don’t think he would like me back”. 
Zuko looks over at you kind of disappointed “I- I see… where did you two meet? Do I know him?”, you couldn’t help but laugh at how oblivious he was, “Well, he has a scar on his face, a pair of beautiful golden eyes that makes my knees go weak… his name starts with a -Z-… and ends with -uko-” 
Zuko pauses for a moment, before his eyes go wide and he starts to laugh when the realization hits him “You mean me, right?” he asked nervous of your answer “No one else I know has a scar on their face” 
You blushed a little bit “Took you long enough to figure it out… and also I don’t know any other person with a scar on their face… or any other handsome man whatsoever, at least not THAT handsome” you said while looking directly into his eyes. 
Zuko pulls you into a close embrace and you feel like your heart could get out of your ribcage at any moment if you don’t hold onto it strong enough. 
“Zuko.. Now that you know my feelings I don’t think I can be a good friend for you… I want something more… a-and if you don’t want that it's fine.. I mean… you don’t have to like me back.. And-” you just started rambling and stuttering, unsure as to whether you did good on confessing your feelings or not. 
Zuko takes your hand and lifts your chin up to make you look at him. You stopped talking because of the impression of being so close to him. Then he says with a soft tone “Y/n stop… I don’t really know how I feel about you like that, at least not yet… you caught me out of guard… we are friends since kids, you’ve known me forever, you were there when my father did this to me, every time Azula made fun of me you always stood up for me, even when you ended up with some bruises…you consoled me when Mai and I didn’t worked out… I just… I’m confused” he looks down at your hurted expression, even when you tried your best to keep your calm, “Can we try it? You know… being the prince and now Fire Lord I’ve never dated like a normal person… Can we do that? Go grab some tea, walk around the garden together.. I don’t want to hurt you, I really enjoy my time with you, I want to do things right, court you as you deserve ” he said all of that with such a loving expression on his face, you couldn’t even talk anymore, you were lost in those beautiful golden eyes, and even if you had to wait it doesn’t matter, you’ve waited all these years already. 
*Sorry if it turned out not that good, I’m trying my best and don’t have many experience writing :c
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skeetusmcyeetus · 4 years
I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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zukoszukhoes · 4 years
Don’t Speak- Zuko x Reader
// Soulmate au- Zuko x reader
// summary: In the Fire Nation, when you turn 16, the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your wrist. Just after y/n’s 17th birthday, they don’t think they’ll ever find their soulmate. Until a certain prince, back from his banishment, comes to stay at their family’s estate on holiday. Suddenly, y/n is faced with a complicated problem; after all, what do you do when your soulmate is the crown prince of the nation you hate?
//part 2 here
//warnings: none, just some angst and a little threatening
// (Y/M/N)= your mother’s name
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“(Y/n), the royal procession is here! Come quickly!” The head maid, Lotty, cried into your room.
Shit! You thought, lurching up from your bed. You’d gotten so engrossed in your book you’d forgetting to keep track of time. And now your hair was a mess, your clothes were wrinkled, and you still couldn’t find your shoes. Your father was going to kill you when he saw you.
“Lotty, have you seen my shoes? The ones we got last week for the procession?” You shouted, throwing on your banquet wear as fast as you could.
“It’s in the closet!” Lotty called back from the other room, her voice panicked. Having visitors always put Lotty on edge.
“No, they’re not!”
Lotty rushed in your room, face scrunched up with stress and hair resembling a bird’s nest. “What do you mean they’re not in the closet?” She screeched.
“I checked the closet and I’m telling you they’re not there!”
“Spirits, child! Could you at least try and be organized?!” Lotty cried, digging into the closet. She emerged a minute later with the shoes held triumphantly in her hands and shoved them into your chest. “Now, go, quickly! The prince will be here any minute!”
The prince. The words echoed bitterly in your mind. Despite being the child of a powerful Fire Nation government official, living in the Fire Nation brought you no joy.
Growing up, you’d watched as the Fire Nation conquered the rest of the world. You’d been taught that it was the right thing to do, that you were sharing your success to create a better world. But when your father told you of the lives lost-on both sides- you couldn’t help but hate the war, and the Fire Nation. To you, it was all senseless killing, poorly disguised under the name “progress.”
When you heard about the prince’s banishment for speaking out against the Firelord’s war plans, you’d hoped it meant that he was a fair, wise, and just person. And, that maybe, one day, he would come back and be the Firelord the world needed him to be. However, when you learned he’d killed the avatar in Ba Sing Se, you knew in your heart that he was just as evil as the rest of his family.
Still, your reservations about the royal family did not deter your own family from idolizing them. After all, the Firelord had given your father a respectable job, a good home, and a steady living. Being a high-ranking government official had opened all kinds of doors for your family. So when the Firelord asked your father to host his son, Prince Zuko, while he was meeting with his war generals, how could he say no?
“You’re late.” Your father grumbled as you fell into line in between him and your mother. “Why, on today of all days, did you choose to be late?”
“I’m sorry, father.” You replied, fixing your shirt surreptitiously. “I lost track of time.”
A horrified gasp escaped your mother’s lips. “(Y/N)! Your mark!” She whispered, grabbing your wrist.
In the Fire Nation, everyone had the first words their soulmate would every say to them imprinted on their wrist. However, it was considered improper to display your mark in public. Anything having to do with soulmates was considered private, intimate, and extremely personal. To show your mark to the public, when you haven’t met your soulmate yet, would be considered betraying your soulmate’s trust before you’d even met them. Your parents seemed to believe in this idea more than most. They’d gone to extreme lengths to make sure no one other than themselves, Lotty, and yourself had seen the mark.
You glanced down, reading the words you’d read a hundred times over: “Your shoe is untied.”
“Here,” your mother huffed, handing you her own wrist cuffs. Her mark was gone, disappeared the first day she had met your father. You slipped on the cuffs, watching the words disappear under the bronze metal. “And next time, be more careful!” Your mother scolded you.
You rolled your eyes. But before you could respond, the front gates opened. A palanquin, painted blood red with regal gold detailing, appeared through the gates. Held up by four exhausted-looking palanquin bearers and flanked by guards, it was a statement of royalty that could not be ignored. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the pomp of it all.
“It’s a bit excessive, don’t you think?” You snorted. Your father glared at you, but cracked a smile nonetheless.
Gauzy white curtains fluttered in the wind as the palanquin bearers strode their way up to the house. In between the curtains you caught a glimpse of a high ebony ponytail, a flaming crimson scar, and two golden, piercing eyes. Eyes widening with surprise, you quickly averted your gaze, a shiver racing down your spine. What was that? After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the palanquin finally stopped in front of your family.
“Please bow for Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation!” One of the guards barked, dropping to one knee. Immediately all of the other guards followed. You slipped into a low bow, watching out of the corner of your eye as the palanquin bearers parted the curtains for the prince to descend.
You’d expected to find the prince revolting. When you imagined meeting him before, his image only conjured anger over the war, anger over all of the injustices you’d heard of over the years. But when the prince emerged from the palanquin, you didn’t feel anger; instead, you felt your heart skip a beat.
Tall and regal, Prince Zuko had a commanding presence that seemed to wrap around your heart and squeeze. You’d always heard that the royal family was cold and calculated- but the prince reeked of raw emotion. He did not smile- or show any expression at all- but his presence emanated raw angst. And those eyes. Once again, the flash of molten amber met yours, one eye haloed in dark red, and sent a jolt down your spine. Looking into his eyes, you felt as if you could watch the gears in his head turn and twist as he studied you. All of his turmoil, rage, and sorrow swirled in those pools of amber, shaking you to your core. He narrowed his eyes, his gaze of liquid gold seeming to find something interesting in you.
You knew it was improper to hold his gaze for so long, but you couldn’t look away. He was incredible, yet turbulent; beautiful, but terrifying. Part of your brain saw him and thought he was nothing more than a teenage boy. The other part screamed that he was nothing but another killer.
“Prince Zuko, it is an honor to have you with us,” your father greeted in a booming voice. He clasped his hands behind his back and stood to attention, looking very much like the important official he was. “I am Executive (L/N). This is my wife, (Y/M/N), and my child, (Y/N).”
“Thank you for hosting me. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” Zuko replied, his voice quieter than you expected.
“We hope the home is to your liking. If you need anything at all during your stay, feel free to take full advantage of the staff,” your mother said with a gracious smile.
The prince dipped his head in a subtle nod. “I appreciate your hospitality.” He paused, gaze sliding to yours once again. His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. “You’re (Y/N)?”
You simply nodded. It seemed better not to speak than to speak and say something out of turn (which, as your mother liked to complain, was a frequent and annoying habit of yours).
The prince walked forward until he was standing just a few paces away. He continued to study you up and down, face devoid of emotion. Finally, he remarked in a flat tone, “Your shoe is untied.”
Immediately all of the blood drained from your face. Underneath your cuff, your wrist burned. Your mother let out a small gasp, her excitement palpable. But you felt nothing but dread.
This is impossible. It has to be! Your thoughts raced frantically. Your heart began to thump loudly in your chest, fueled by panic-induced adrenaline. It had to be fake. It had to be.
Because if it wasn’t, than that meant that the crown prince- heir to the throne- of the nation you hated was your soulmate.
You glanced to the side and caught Lotty’s eye. She was practically jumping up and down with excitement, coaxing you to say something. Of course, she, your mother, and your father all knew your words. They knew that Prince Zuko’s first words to you were the first words your soulmate would say to you. No doubt they thought this was a good thing, a cause for celebration. How could they not realize Prince Zuko being your soulmate was the last thing you wanted?
A bead of sweat traveled down the back of your neck. Your father nudged you inconspicuously, prodding you to say something. But you couldn’t. Because those words would cement you as the crown prince’s soulmate.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. If speaking would make you Prince Zuko’s soulmate, then you just wouldn’t speak at all.
You clamped your mouth shut, choosing to nod again instead of replying. The prince raised an eyebrow, tension thickening in the air as he waited for a response.
“Excuse my (Y/N).” Your mother laughed suddenly, breaking the tension. She placed a hand on your shoulder in a seemingly harmless gesture, but her nails dug into your skin. “They can be so forgetful sometimes!”
The Prince’s eyes never left yours. “I understand.” He said flatly. His gaze lingered on you a moment longer before he turned away, towards your father.
“You must be tired after your journey. Let me show you to your quarters.” Your father said, lowering himself into a bow.
“Thank you.” The prince replied. He nodded to the palanquin bearers to bring his luggage forward.
“Come, right this way.” Your father directed him towards the entrance. They walked inside, thankfully releasing you from the prince’s presence.
You exhaled slowly, feeling some of your anxiety melt away that the prince was gone. However, your mother’s tension was clearly rising.
“What were you thinking?” She hissed, nails digging deep into your shoulder. “Refusing to speak to a royal! Spirits, (Y/N), I knew you could be headstrong but- but- this!”
Quickly, you looked around for the prince before turning back to your mother. “You heard what he said to me. It matches.”
“I know!” She squealed. “All the more reason to speak to him! You don’t want to insult your future husband more than you already have, do you?”
“Future husband?!” Heat rushed to your cheeks. “Spirits, mother, I just met him!”
“Darling, he’s your soulmate.” Your mother’s voice softened along with her grip on your shoulder. She smiled gently, her other hand raising to caress your cheek. “You two will be together, whether you want to or not.”
You swatted your mother’s hand away, a furious blush scorching your cheeks. “We don’t know that he’s my soulmate. After all, I haven’t even spoken to him yet.”
Your mother’s eyes narrowed and she leaned back, crossing her arms. “So that’s why you refuse to speak to the prince?”
You simply looked away. Lotty caught your gaze, concern swimming in her eyes.
Your mother scoffed. “Don’t be a coward, (Y/N). You have a great opportunity here. You could rule alongside the Firelord, and bring glory to our family!”
You turned away, anger simmering inside of you. “I’m not a coward. And I don’t want to rule beside the Firelord.”
Your mother opened her mouth to reply, face red with rage, but before she could, a servant came out of the front doors and rang the dinner bell.
“This is not over.” Your mother glowered, sweeping past you towards the dining hall. You sighed, about to follow, but stopped for a moment. Glancing down, you groaned. Your shoe really was untied.
The night was cool and clear. A breeze drifted lazily through your open window, bringing sounds of toad-crickets and beetle-sparrows with it. The last embers of a dying fire crackled in the fireplace. Under your mountain of blankets, you should have been fast asleep. Instead, you were wide awake, the day’s events replaying over and over again in your head. Having a soulmate was terrifying enough, but having the prince of the Fire Nation as a soulmate? That was something else entirely.
Throwing back your covers, you slipped out of bed, abandoning your futile attempts at sleep. You lit a candle and silently left your room, making your way towards your favorite spot in the house. It was a small balcony situated just off of the hallway leading to the servants quarters. Small and hidden from outside view thanks to some nearby trees, it was the perfect place to hide and think. You often found yourself seated there on nights you couldn’t sleep, listening to the cicada-frogs until you were tired enough to go back to your room.
You quietly opened the door to the balcony, looking forward to the solitude, but that night it seemed you had company.
Prince Zuko sat on the weathered stone, staring up at the stars with a dying candle next to him. His head turned as you opened the door.
Panic flared in your chest and you immediately receded, but before you could retreat fully, the prince’s voice called out to you, “Wait!”
You paused, your heart hammering in your chest. Your mind screamed at you to ran back to your room and forget the interaction had ever occurred, but something compelled you forward. Slowly, you opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony.
Zuko was staring at you inquisitively, like you were a puzzle he was trying to piece together. A slight blush colored his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take your spot. I couldn’t sleep.”
You didn’t respond.
The prince’s face suddenly soured and his hand curled into a fist. “Why won’t you speak to me?” He yelled, features scrunched in rage.
Your eyes widened, a jolt of fear electrifying your heart, until you remembered who you were. Yes, you were technically one of Prince Zuko’s future subjects. But you were also not one to be bullied.
Crossing your arms, you glared at the prince, daring him to yell at you again.
It seemed to work. The rage melted into annoyance. Zuko huffed, blowing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes, and turned his attention back to the stars. “You’re very frustrating.”
You cracked a smile and slowly relaxed a bit.
“You have a nice house. Do you like it here?” Zuko asked, doing his best to appear nonchalant.
You grinned and shook your head, as if to say, Your tricks won’t work on me.
Instantly, Zuko’s demeanor changed. He become more guarded, more shrouded in angst. “Do you want to know the real reason I’m here?” He started suddenly. He waited for your slow nod before continuing. “My father thinks there’s a spy here.”
Shock sliced through your chest despite your attempts to appear indifferent. A spy? At your house? You shook your head. It was impossible.
Zuko turned to you again, his gaze suspicious. “Maybe I should be looking at you more closely. Maybe you won’t speak to me because you’re the traitor.”
A laugh burst out of your mouth. You, a spy? You certainly had your qualms with the Fire Nation, but your town was tiny and your father barely let you talk to anyone outside of his own circle.
“I know you hate me!” Zuko snarled. “Everyone knows you hate the Fire Nation and the royal family. Who else would betray their country but you?”
You stayed silent, unsure whether to be afraid of Zuko or laugh at him. His anger was impressive to be sure, but it was all bark, no bite. It was a facade to protect himself from his true feelings. You could see that it in his eyes.
Finally, Zuko looked away, a frustrated groan escaping his lips. He leaned against his knee, his other leg sprawled out on the cobblestone. He radiated nonchalance, but there was an uneasiness in his stature that betrayed the turmoil raging beyond his perfectly-measured exterior. Slowly, you reached out with your hand and placed your palm on his shoulder, trying to convey as much compassion as you could in the touch. You knew Zuko didn’t really think you were the spy; if he did, you would have already been in a Fire Nation prison.
The prince shrugged your hand off, still refusing to look at you, but you could see some of the anger dissipate from his frame. Cautiously, you sat down against the opposite railing, keeping your gaze on Zuko. For a minute, the two of you simply sat in silence, you waiting for Zuko to say something and Zuko too proud to do so.
Finally, Zuko broke the tension with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Things are just a bit... complicated, at the moment.”
You found yourself nodding in agreement.
Zuko glanced at you from the corner of his eye. “You can talk, can’t you?”
You smirked teasingly. Zuko grunted and looked away, running a hand through his unkempt raven hair.
“Good. Glad to know I didn’t just yell at a mute person for not being able to speak.”
A quiet laugh escaped your lips. Zuko whipped his head to you in surprise, his blush deepening. Despite your determination to hate the prince, a blush of your own warmed your cheeks. 
“I’m... glad I was able to talk to you tonight. Even if you didn’t talk back. Lotty said you’d probably come out here, but I wasn’t sure if you'd be here,” Zuko said.
You frowned. Of course Lotty had told him where to find you. She may not have been your parents, but she definitely thought highly of the royal family and would be thrilled if the prince was indeed your soulmate. 
“Don’t blame her. I asked her to tell me,” Zuko reassured you quickly, seeing your frown.
You nodded; of course you didn't blame her. Suddenly, you yawned, a wave of fatigue washing over you.
“You’re tired.” Zuko stated, regaining the calm, princely demeanor he wore earlier in the day. You nodded again, crossing your arms to keep yourself warm in the cool night air. “Let me walk you back to your room.” He offered, standing up and holding out his hand. Quickly, you shook your head, launching to your feet. If one of the servants saw, rumors would no doubt spread like wildfire. Besides, you were trying your best to dislike Prince Zuko, and every second you spent with him was waning away your hatred. It was better to stay away.
Zuko’s outstretched hand fell to his side. His face settled into a steely glare and he raised his chin slightly, trying his best (but failing) to appear unaffected. “Fine. Until tomorrow, then.”
You paused, part of you wanting to stay back. Instead, you bowed hastily and retreated from the deck, quickly walking back to the safety of your room. When you were safely nestled under your blankets, heart racing from the encounter, you finally allowed yourself to breathe fully.
In the matter of a few hours, your life had become more complicated than it had ever been before. There could be a spy in your midst, you may have found your soulmate, and that soulmate may have been the crown prince of the Fire Nation. Despite the thoughts running through your head, however, you found yourself yawning. Burying yourself deeper into your pillows, sleep slowly tugged at your brain, sinking you deeper and deeper into darkness. But your thoughts of Prince Zuko spiraled with you, until, when you finally tumbled into sleep’s warm embrace, it was Zuko’s amber eyes that watched you fall.
The next morning, you decided you needed to do whatever possible to avoid the prince. You couldn’t risk another meeting with him, especially after your meeting from the night before, which had left you with certain... sympathetic thoughts towards Zuko. So when Lotty came into your room that morning, you proclaimed sudden illness and told her to leave you for the rest of the day. “To prevent the sickness from spreading to the prince,” you had claimed. Lotty, thankfully, had obediently left you alone and promised no one would come to see you. However, you still felt defenseless in your room, susceptible to a visit from Zuko. Thus, you found yourself following a path towards the back of the gardens, searching for seclusion. The gardens, lush, green, and sprawling across a whole acre, provided plenty of solitary clearings and hidden grottos to hide in. As you walked through a tunnel of trees towards the back edge of the gardens, you felt the tension from the past day melt from your shoulders. Vines spilled from trees and onto the path, dotted with Fire Lilies in bloom. The intoxicating smell worked its way into your muscles and dissipated the stress. Finally, as you reached the end of the path, you pushed through one last wall of leaves, feeling the last of your anxiousness fade away with the promise of solitude-
You gasped and immediately withdrew, your heart beginning to thump in your chest. Where you were sure you would find solitude, a moment of peace and quiet, you found something else entirely- Lotty. And, to make matters worse, she was speaking with Prince Zuko. 
Luckily, the pair didn’t notice your presence. They were too busy arguing to notice you behind the wall of vines. 
“Please, your Highness, have mercy!” Lotty was saying, a tremble in her voice. Peeking between the vines, you watched her sink to her knees in front of the Prince, her head bowed and hands clasped together.
Zuko’s face was scrunched up in anger, cheeks red. Faint wisps of steam curled outwards from his clenched fists. “You are a traitor to your country. How dare you ask for mercy, after all you’ve done?!” He shouted.
“I know I don’t deserve it. I know I don’t deserve your kindness. But, please, your Highness... for the sake of the girl... for the family... spare me!” Lotty whispered, face wide-open and terrified.
“When I was thirteen, my father permanently scarred me for speaking out of turn. If I didn’t receive mercy, you won’t either,” Zuko snarled. “Espionage is a far worse crime than foolishness.”
Your eyes widened. The spy. Lotty was the spy!
Lotty, the woman who had practically raised you. Lotty, the woman who had cooked for you, cleaned for you, and taken care of you your whole life. Lotty, who loved the Fire Nation so ardently- had betrayed your family to the rebels.
You sagged against the tree, shock paralyzing your limbs. She had betrayed you. And now, she was going to receive her punishment.
You forced yourself to look back through the curtain of vines, hands shaking. 
“I’m sorry, Prince Zuko-” Lotty gasped, shielding her face. Zuko had a blazing fireball poised in his hand.
“Apologies won’t save you now.” Zuko growled. Raising his arm to strike, the fire cast monstrous shadows over the scene, highlighting Lotty’s terrified expression. You watched as her eyes widened, fraught with the knowledge that she was about to meet her doom- and before you knew what you were doing, you were running towards her, screaming at Zuko to stop.
“Don’t you touch her!” You cried, skidding in front of Lotty just as Zuko prepared to strike.
Zuko’s fireball disappeared.
Chest heaving, you glared daggers at Zuko. “If you want to get to her, you’ll have to go through me.”
Zuko’s mouth dropped open in horror, his face becoming pale. “No,” he whispered, a look of horrible realization dawning over his face. He ripped off the cuff on his right wrist, exposing his pale skin and the black words inked into his flesh:
“Don’t you touch her.”
His eyes met yours, panic filling his gaze. “What does yours say?” He whispered, his voice eager yet terrified.
You slipped your cuff off and your own words came to light. The words on yours and Zuko’s wrists began to turn golden from the inside, shining brighter and brighter until the words vanished from your wrists in a blaze of light, confirming the worst.
You and Prince Zuko really were soulmates.
Except, after seeing what he was capable of, you knew you'd never love him.
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visit-ba-sing-se · 4 years
Did somebody say Zuko discovers he has rainbow- fire? (actually a really nice ask that I deleted on accident did)
It had been long day, and Zuko enjoyed the few moments of silence while he made his way through the place garden. The sun had already set and all of the visitors from the day seemed to be gone. It had been Aang`s idea to open the areal to the public, and of course it had been a brilliant one. During the day, the garden now was filled with people from all nations, who came traveling from further away to see the famous royal garden, or just from around the corner to take a small walk. They came and brought chatter and laughter, life and curiosity. It was beautiful. And now, he made his way here in their footsteps. Alone. Or was he not?
Suddenly, Zuko stopped.
Directly in front of him, a small boy was standing on the trace, obviously lost. When he noticed Zuko, he quickly took a step back.
He went down on one knee. Hoping to not scare the boy any further, he asked as calmly as possible: “Hey, what are you still doing here? And where are you parents?“
“I don’t know.“ The boy responded so quietly that Zuko nearly did not understand him.
“You don’t know where your parents are?“
The boy nodded. Zuko waited, hoping that he would continue talking. But all that followed was in silence.
“So…how did you lose them?“
“I just wanted to look at the ducks for a bit more, and now they are gone.“ The boy covered his eyes  “And it is so dark. And I just want to go home. And my mom and dad. And….and...“, the had finally lost the fight with his tears and was now crying so bad that his last words became inaudible.
“Hey, hey.“ Zuko carefully laid a hand on his shoulder. He felt the small body shiver with each sob. „We are going to find your parents, alright? What is your name?“
“Yun.“ The boy responded hesitantly. “But this place is so big. I don’t think we will ever find them.“
“Alright, Yun. I promise you we are going to find them. And I kind of live here, so I would say I know my way around.“ Zuko would just take him to the main gate, he decided. If he had lost his child here, where would he wait? Probably at the entrance. And maybe the guards there did see something or could help with the search.
Yun nodded, but he still did not seem too convinced. “But it still is so dark. And I hate the dark. It is so scary.“
Zuko took a moment to think. Judging by his accent and name, the boy likely was from the earth kingdom. Which again meant that if he had ever met a fire bender before, it had not been a good meeting, seeing all the crimes which the fire nation army had committed.On the other hand, the darkness of the night seemed to bother him beyond everything else.
“Would you like a bit light?“ He finally asked.
The boy nodded.
Zuko opened his palm, and small flame started to flicker over it. Only that it did not look as Zuko had expected. No ordinary flame lit up the night, but a rainbow. It looked like the dragon fire.
“It is so so so pretty.“ The colorful flames reflected in his dark, wide opened eyes. “Can I touch it?“
“No.“ Zuko smiled, still nearly equally amazed by the rainbow flickering on his hand. “No, it is way too hot. It’s fire.“
“But it does not look like fire.“ Yun paused and tilted his head. “I mean, not like the fire I know. Not like normal fire.“
“That is because it is special fire.“ Zuko responded, lacking any actual explanation. “Just for you.“ Yun smiled wide, and Zuko wished there was a way to capture this moment. Or that they could just stay here for a little longer. But he knew that Yun had parents waiting for him, and that he soon would start missing them again.
“But now, let us go, okay?“ He therefore said.
Yun nodded, but he still seemed more interested in the fire than into anything else.
“I wish I could make fire, too.“ He said after they had taken a few steps. “Then I would not have to be scared of the dark anymore. My sister always makes fun of me for that. But that’s also just because she is mean. I also asked her to tell mom and dad to wait for me before I went back to the pond. But she didn’t. And that-“ Yun made a dramatic pause, “is mean.“
“Do you have a sister?,“ He asked before Zuko had time to respond.
An image appeared in Zuko`s mind before he could prevent it. Azula, how she had looked after the last Agni Kai. “Yes. Yes I do.“ It took him a lot of strength to keep his voice from breaking.
Still Yun seemed to have noticed something. “She is mean too, huh? Did you also have a fight?“
“You could say that. A big one. A very big one. But we will make up again somehow.“ Zuko said, more to himself then to the boy. There was no way to describe how badly he wanted to believe his own words. “And you and your sister should too.“
“Okay, maybe I will. But only if she apologizes.”
Apologize. Zuko could not remember any time where Azula had ever apologized for anything. Maybe he should apologize. But what for? For not being a better brother when she needed one, a voice inside his head whispered. It felt like a fist was clenching around his heart.
Luckily, Yun quickly interrupted his thoughts again.
“Is this the gate? I remember it from today before!“
They really already had arrived at the entrance to the park. In the light of the torches, Zuko could see two adults talking with the guards, gesturing widely. A girl was standing nearby, her head hanging low.
“Yes it is. And does this look like your family?“, he asked Yun. Before the he could respond, the girl, who had been the first to notice them, already come running towards him. “Yun, Yun! Mom, dad, Yun is back!“
“Not thanks to you.“ Zuko could see how Yun tried his best to look angry.
“I know.“ The girl, who now stood in front of them breathing heavily, responded. She sounded honestly sorry. „I just wanted to fool you a bit. Because you made fun of me for eating too spicy fire flakes earlier.“ As Yun did not respond, she added quickly: “And you can have my lost mochi to make up for it.“
“It’s okay. But never do that again.“ Yun said in a very serious voice. The girl nodded, an equally serious expression on her face.
Zuko could not help but smile. If only all fights could end like this. And if only all fire was only there to guide the way.
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
fire lady, prequel
pairing: zuko x reader
warnings: explicit language, ~angsty~
a/n: this is for the lovely @fromthewatertribe’s 1k event!! congrats on this major accomplishment love 🥺 i will definitely be writing more for the event, and i really look forward to it!!
fire lady, prequel  fire lady, part one  fire lady, part two
4- i’ve always been in love with you, since the beginning
8- i thought you loved me
25- you have no idea how much you mean to me
44- i’m sorry i’m not good enough for you 
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“Miss (y/n), you must understand,” the head of the Royal Council sighed exasperatedly. 
You said nothing. Your hands shook underneath the table of the meeting room you had been summoned to, and you gripped the fabric of your robes tightly. You must understand? 
He’d just told you that you weren’t good enough for Zuko now that he was Fire Lord. 
“What exactly am I supposed to understand?” You asked lowly, looking the man dead in the eyes. You weren’t scared of him, and you weren’t scared to fight the entire Council; they weren’t shit compared to the war you’d just fought in. 
“The Fire Nation is in a very fragile state right now, and will continue to be for quite some time. Fire Lord Zuko has a lot of work ahead of him, and one of the most imperative things is his public image. You’ve been in the Palace for a short while, Miss (y/n), but we’ve seen enough to know that you would not benefit that image,” he huffed. He acted as if this was no big deal, as if every insecurity you’d had since you and Zuko had begun dating wasn’t being thrown in your face. 
“And what has Zuko said about these opinions?” You gritted, body heating up. 
“He has not yet been made aware, and won’t be until you either remove yourself from the Palace grounds, or we have you removed,” he snipped. The stare off you both found yourselves in was intense. He was so sure in himself, like he knew for a fact that as soon as you left everything was going to become so much clearer and simpler for Zuko. It made you doubt yourself, was he right? Were you just not meant to be in such a position alongside the love of your life. 
You stood from you seat, the legs screeching against the floor, and all eyes followed you. You said nothing, though, as you turned and walked towards the door. 
“I suppose you’re dismissed,” the man that you wanted to punch in the face snarked. 
“I would have left regardless,” you called over your shoulder, never faltering. 
“Whatever feelings you and the Fire Lord shared when the stakes were high are besides the point,” he yelled after you, fists banging on the tabled before him as he pushed himself up. “We have a nation to rebuild!” 
Your heart was heavy in your chest his words echoed long after you’d made it to the gardens. You were from the Fire Nation, and you wanted nothing more than for your home to finally have the peace and unity that you’d always longed for. Maybe he was right. You were loud, and rambunctious, and goofy, and improper. 
Not a Fire Lady. 
“And what are you doing out here all by yourself?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked up, and when your eyes landed on Zuko they filled with tears. You averted your gaze and cleared your throat. 
“Just thinking,” you replied softly. 
“(y/n), what’s wrong? Are you okay?” 
“Something’s been made painfully aware to me, Zuko,” you sighed, still not looking at him. “Priorities have shifted, and I’ve been told that I’ve dropped on your list,” you chuckled darkly. 
“What are you talking about?” He asked in complete bewilderment. This was not even close to what he expected when he went searching for you. 
“You’re the Fire Lord now, Zuko! You have obligations, and responsibilities, and this image you have to fit. And whoever you surround yourself with has to benefit your image, and I can’t do that.” The tears finally fell, slowly trailing down your cheeks. “If you stay with me, I’ll have to be somebody, and nobody thinks I can be that somebody; and I believe them!” You shook your head and turned away from him. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you.”
Zuko’s heart had dropped to the pit of his stomach when the tears showed up, but after your words registered in his mind it’d fallen to his feet. “(y/n), who told you that?” He whispered as he took a half step closer to you, and in return you jerked away from him. 
“It doesn’t matter who told me! It’s not one person, it’s everyone, Zuko, and you seem to be the only person who doesn’t see it!” You yelled, whipping around to face him. The wind blew slightly, and the ruffling of the leaves filled the silence that followed your outburst. 
“Who you are,” he started, voice low and gravelly. “Is exactly who I want you to be, I don’t want you to do or say or act like anybody but yourself. That’s why it does matter who put these things in your head, (y/n), because here you are, what, breaking up with me? Leaving me? I thought you loved me,” he raised his hands slightly, hurt seeping into his words.
“I’ve always been in love with you, since the beginning.” You cried before pausing to take a deep breath. “I love you so much, Zuko, that I’d be willing to lose you if it meant you got to fulfill your destiny.” 
“If you love me, and I love you, then I can fulfill my destiny!” He exaggerated, walking closer to you. “It shouldn’t matter what anybody else says about you, or me, or us, because we know where we stand. We know who we are, and how much we love one another. I don’t want you to leave me, (y/n),” his voice quivered, and you launched yourself at him. 
He caught you in his arms, and tucked your head under his chin. “I don’t want you to leave me, I actually want you to marry me one day,” he continued. “I want to rebuild this nation with you, I want you to interact with my people and make them happy the way that I know you can. I want you to make this entire place happy, the way that I know you can.” You pulled away and looked him in the eyes. “I want to have kids with you, and drink tea with you every day, and play Pai Sho,” he chuckled and you couldn’t help but join in. He wiped your cheeks and you smiled at him. 
“You have no idea how much you mean to me,” he whispered before placing a kiss on your forehead, then on you cheek, then on your lips. 
The advisor who had spoken with you had been fired, and replaced with someone new. A few people followed, but they were replaced as well; slowly Zuko was forming a council he could actually trust. 
Slowly, things were falling into place. He had noticed a new confidence in you as you strolled through the corridors of the Palace, and you smiled at every guard and servant in a way that shocked them each time, and you went into the villages weekly. These were the very things that Zuko was told you had been reprimanded for, and it had infuriated him. You were being effortlessly you, and that was just how he wanted things. 
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Seventeen (Zuko x Reader)
Chapter 16 - Part 1 - Part 2
Word Count: 2,130
Author’s Note: All I’m gonna say is that I think my exposition sucks, but here it is, the plot has returned (Alexa play Edge of Seventeen)
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News of your newfound comfort with your husband sweeps silently and swiftly throughout the palace following your return from Ember Island, the sideways glances you receive from diplomats and servants alike impossible to overlook. Those mulling about the corridors gawk as you leave your quarters beside Zuko each morning, whispers muttered over the scandal that you now sleep in the same bed; eyes widen when you brazenly peck his lips in the company of others, and cheeks redden when his hand is spied resting shamefully low on your waist. Neither of you mind the reproachful attention, however - you want your love to be seen. 
Of course, it’s a short matter time before the council gets involved in the affair, your advisors calling a meeting less than a week after your return to berate you about the newest stain on your public image. 
“It’s disgraceful!” rages one of Yong’s aides, tossing his arms about as he shoots himself out of his seat. “The Firelord and lady are figures of authority - not foolish teenage lovers! Do you have any idea how idiotic this makes you look to the nation? To the world??” 
“Hakoda loved his wife publicly,” you flatly answer, taking a tauntingly unbothered sip of the tea laid out before you. “He’s still a very respected leader, both in the Southern Water Tribe and in other parts of the world.” 
“Chief Hakoda’s wife held no power,” the aide spits. He leans menacingly over the table towards you, clenching his fists. “You are no longer a weak, sheltered Water Tribe woman. You’re queen of one of the strongest governments to ever exist - you need to damn well act like it.” 
You shift your gaze towards the man, fixing him with a subtle, cutting glare that makes him pale. You feel the weight of your betrothal necklace at your throat, the force pushing you upward to stand at eye level with him. 
“I was never weak,” you state. “I was never sheltered. I watched Fire Nation soldiers murder my parents when I was six years old, and supported an entire village in my siblings’ absence when they left to fight with the Avatar. I willingly left my home to marry a stranger for the betterment of my people; do not call me weak for learning to love him.” 
A heavy silence falls over the room, a dozen sets of eyes trained on you. You stand, unwavering, unblinking, staring at the aide who challenged you; he sets his jaw, refusing to lower himself. Yong comes up beside him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
“What Jenshi means,” she sternly justifies, “is that there are still many people in the Fire Nation who are loyal to Ozai, who are used to a Firelord and lady that operate as a political alliance rather than a traditional marriage; those people may view your affections as a sign of weakness and attempt to take advantage of it.” 
“Yes,” Jenshi mutters, lowering his shoulders as he calms himself. “And with all due respect, my lady, we still don’t know who we can trust. The threat may still very well be within the palace walls.” 
You and Zuko turn to each other, sharing a noiseless, worried look; he takes your hand, squeezing it tightly as he addresses the entire room, lowering you back to his side. 
“What do the other sectors have to say?” he questions. “Military?” 
“The general consensus so far is that the military doesn’t care,” answers Counselor Chin. “Your superior skill as a warrior is revered, and the Firelady has proven a great leader in regards to our decolonization efforts. Your personal lives are of no concern to us, and we are primed to defend you against all existing dangers.” 
“Ethically there are a few problems,” chimes Advisor Shi, head of the Integrity Committee. “Your actions go against what has been culturally accepted since before Sozin’s reign; a Firelord and lady aren’t meant to be publicly affectionate with one another, no matter how they may feel for each other beyond the nation’s eye.” 
Zuko hums, nodding. 
“I understand,” he responds. “But we are trying to move away from the traditional monarchy. We’ve already established that we don’t want any children we have to be forced into their roles, and public reception was relatively accepting. What could it hurt for us to be honest about our feelings for each other?”
“It brings us back to concerns over dissent,” Yong interjects. “As Jinshi said, we’re no closer to understanding who was behind Counselor Fen’s murder or what their intentions are; we can’t let them use your emotions as leverage.” 
“Has word really spread that quickly?” you ask her, fear beginning to quake in the center of your chest. “They’re talking about it outside the palace?” 
“No,” Jinshi replies, “but it will soon. If there are actors within the palace, we assume they already know and will attempt to play your intimacy with each other to their advantage.” 
Zuko’s body stiffens, the corners of his lips turning downward into a grave, shadowed grimace. He nods in concession, but doesn’t let go of your hand. 
“We’ll watch ourselves,” he affirms, clutching your palm tighter within his. “In the meantime, I want everyone within the palace’s actions to be heavily monitored. No one is safe if we’re not.” 
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After the meeting, you and Zuko take lunch together, choosing the unromantic and relatively public setting of a stateroom outside your private wing of the palace. Anxiety causes your stomach to churn like the ocean in a storm, hindering your appetite so that you only pick at your food - you notice that Zuko does the same. 
“... I visited the physician this morning,” you tell him, breaking the uneasy stagnance. “She said the medicine worked - I’m not pregnant.” 
“Good,” Zuko murmurs. His hand is raised to his chin, his voice distant as he keeps his pensive gaze aimed at an empty space on the table before you. “One less thing we have to worry about.” 
“What’s on your mind?” you ask.
“The attacks,” Zuko relays. “They’re not… normal.” 
“Normal how?” 
Zuko sighs, folding his arms in front of him as he continues to ponder, his brow furrowing in search of the correct words. 
“... They’re not what my father would do,” he says after a pause. “He wouldn’t utilize outsiders like the Dai Li, or kill an indirect target just to make a statement. That’s what Azula would do.” 
“... So you think she was behind it?” you guess. “They could have been her ideas, but the fact that she took herself out means that there had to have been someone else.” 
“Exactly,” Zuko agrees. “And that’s what’s confusing. The only person she ever feared was our father, but after he abandoned her during the comet, she hated him. Everything we have from her investigation supports that. She’d never be allegiant to him.” 
“But who else could have convinced her?” you wonder. “What else? Threatening her life clearly didn’t mean anything, and she renounced her loyalty to the Fire Nation when she was arrested. Do you think that… that maybe someone told her they were trying to overthrow you? That they offered to let her take your place?” 
“Azula was like our father. If she wanted to take over, she would’ve just taken over. She never would have taken the throne if it were offered.” 
“So… she wasn’t the one leading the attacks… but her pride kept her from bending to anyone’s will but her own. What was her place, then?” 
“I think she just wanted me dead,” Zuko admits. “Whoever approached her, they asked for her help in killing me. They gave her the opportunity to exact her revenge in a way that destroyed me little by little, the way she wanted to see it happen.” 
“... But Ozai and his supporters don’t operate that way,” you recall. 
“ They don’t,” Zuko echos. “They take by force.” 
You meet his eyes, a deep, tumbling chasm bottoming out in your stomach, the shockwave reverberating through your body. Your limbs feel limp, your head dizzy. 
“It’s not the Fire Nation,” you realize.
The words come out in a quiet gasp, carried by what little breath you can manage to force from your lungs. Zuko’s expression falls gravely blank; he reaches for your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips without thought or care to who could see. 
“It’s not the Fire Nation,” he repeats. “Which means… there might be no one we can trust.”
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The door to your bedroom slides open and sputters shut behind you, indicating Zuko’s entrance; bent over, fumbling with the ties on your robes, you don't turn to greet him, but instead share the message you got that afternoon. 
“Toph is coming,” you announce. “She heard about Azula and is worried about our safety, so she's bringing a group of-” 
You cease completely as you face the man standing in front of the doorway, horrified to find that he isn't your husband. 
“I must say, you really know how to upset things,” Advisor Xiang sneers, pacing slowly towards you. 
You take a few steps back, cornering yourself back against the nearest wall; in the waist of your robes, Suki’s fan presses harshly to your side, too hidden for you to reach without alerting your intruder.
“Get out,” you quip. “Get out before I call the guards.” 
“Make one sound and this knife will end up in your neck,” Xiang threatens. He raises a blade from his hip, holding it menacingly level with your throat; as he closes in on you, he lets it graze your skin, his gaunt, sunken face glaring down at you like a demon summoned from the darkest corner of hell. 
“You were supposed to run, little girl,” he drawls on. “You were supposed to die in Ba Sing Se. None of this - this love you have for the Firelord, your flirting with the possibility of continuing his bloodline - was ever supposed to happen. And we can't let it happen.” 
“Who is ‘we’?” you demand. You try to make your voice firm, unshaken, but it quivers in your mouth, causing Xiang to release a belittling chuckle. 
“You won't find that out,” he taunts. “I've come to discuss the terms of your punishment. You see, since you defied everything we expected of you, we’re going to make you do what we planned to do months ago - you're going to kill Zuko.” 
Bile rises to the back of your throat, your gut seizing in a panicked, terrified hitch. You shake your head, quickly and minutely, tears starting to sear the corners of your eyes. 
“No,” you detest. “I won't do it. We’ll stop you.” 
“You will do it,” Xiang hisses, “because if he isn't dead within the next seven days, your entire family - that bumbling brother, his wife, your sister and her precious little family, even your father - will die instead.” 
He removes the dagger from your neck, grinning tauntingly, maliciously, as he slips it into the loose breast of your robes. His touch sickens you, but you're too petrified to force him back. 
“And don't you dare try reaching out for help,” he snarls. “We have informants throughout the palace - we’ll know every move you make, and if anyone gets word of this, your loved ones will all perish, and this time you’ll have no one to take you in.” 
It's only when Xiang releases you do you realize he had a hold on your wrist, gripping you so tightly that he leaves flaming red marks on your skin. Tears bubble down your cheeks, a sob lodged in your throat that you refuse to let go. 
“Why are you doing this?” you plead. 
You don't know why you expect him to answer honestly - you don't know why you expect him to answer at all. He smirks, showing the ugly, yellowed points of his irregularly sharp canines. 
“Because Zuko would have been better off dead when Ozai gave him that scar,” he replies. “His is a family of sociopaths and murders, my dear - we must end the cycle before it repeats itself.” 
Xiang slips through the door he ambushed you from, and you're left alone in your terror. Fingers shaking, you take the knife from your robes and hide it under the mattress, your mind racing as you try to figure out what you can possibly do to save the people you love. 
You're in bed by the time Zuko returns, the lights turned out and your body hidden beneath the blankets, too shaken to face him. As he lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nestling into the comfort of your body, all you can feel is the blade beneath you, slicing your side as ruthlessly as if you were the one sentenced to death.
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firelordzukohere · 4 years
Interior Décor- Epilogue
Hello! I’m sorry I uploaded late! I planned to post this yesterday, but it was a busy weekend! But, it’s here! I really hope you like this and it gives you an ending you appreciate. 
I’m now opening requests. If there’s something you’d like to see, maybe related to Zuko and (Y/N) or anyone else, please feel free to send me an ask with a request or a prompt! I will gladly try and take a shot at it!!
Finally, I’d like to genuinely thank everyone for everything. Every single like, reblog, comment, and ask just seriously makes this so much better! I truly appreciate everyone in this fandom and I love each and every one of you!
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Zuko X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Aangst(heh), and some implications
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Iroh felt it was time for the Palace to reflect the time of Peace and Love that Zuko promised five years earlier at his coronation. He takes it upon himself to hire an interior decorator to help his nephew out and work together. What he didn’t expect was for Zuko to possibly find his own peace and love in the process.
Chapter 4: Trompe l’oeil >> Epilogue
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"When the world is at odds and the mind is at sea, then cease the useless tedium, and brew a cup of tea," a familiar voice whispered behind her, breaking her from her thoughts as she stared at the mural on the wall of the shop. Turning to him, she smiled and accepted the cup of tea he held out for her. He winked at her before turning to examine everything else going on around them. Following his lead, she watched the people within the shop mingle and enjoy their tea.
The grand opening of the Jasmine Dragon Fire Nation location was in full swing. After Iroh had bought the property in the middle ring of the nation, he hired (Y/N) on to decorate the place from top to bottom. It had taken a couple weeks as there was some structural and code issues.
Now the establishment was a beautiful, grand tea shop with hand painted murals of dragons, intricately carved out pillars, quaint seating, and the smell of tea filling every corner.
"Where do you get this stuff, Iroh?" She giggled after taking a sip of her tea. Iroh smiled to himself as he stared at his customers seemingly enjoying themselves in the brand new store.
"All old people know the perfect proverb or sentiment to say," he teased, "it comes with the age." (Y/N) let out a hearty laugh and nodded her head, accepting his claim. "This place looks wonderful, dear," the general complimented. "Your hard work has definitely paid off."
(Y/N) blushed and took another drink of tea to hide the warmth on her face. "It's your hard work General Iroh, the Fire Nation has come along way thanks to you and the Fire Lord, you both deserve success." It was Iroh's turn to blush, now.
"Speaking of my nephew, I thought he would be here with you?"
It had been exactly a year since Zuko and (Y/N) had stopped being idiots and had gotten together. They spent as much free time as they could with each other. Dinners were often spent in the garden, which the turtle ducks enjoyed due to getting spare bread chunks. Days off from the throne and decorating were usually done walking through the city in street clothes enjoying the public and the lack of advisors and guards breathing down their necks. Some holidays were spent visiting his friends in their Nations, getting to know them. After their first meeting, which was simultaneously a mess and a success, (Y/N) couldn't get enough of the GAang and insisted to always be around whenever they visited or Zuko went to visit them.
The easiest of the four to get along with was Aang, obviously since he was kind to everyone, followed by Toph who appreciated her blunt comments, closely behind was Sokka who enjoyed playing pranks on the rest with her and her sarcastic comments, but the hardest to break was Katara. Katara was protective of Zuko and she didn't want anyone to try and take advantage of the Fire Lord.
It took (Y/N) four months to convince Katara that she wasn't with Zuko for the fame and status. It had been a process but she came out victorious when Katara began sending her letters often and ended up being her closest friend of the group.
They would all tell her how apparent it was that Zuko loved her. The way he would look at her, talk about her, or even how he'd be around her.
The two had grown together over the last year.
(Y/N) learned that Zuko needed care and words of affirmation to reassure him that she was still there for him. He enjoyed cuddling and affection, which was something that was apparently new to him according to the group, as he wasn't much like that with Mai other than a few kisses here and there. Learning what kind of day he was having just based off of the way his eyes were set or how his shoulders felt, sometimes how he kissed her said it all. It was the rough days that she knew he needed extra care and she'd try to make him laugh, or show him extra attention.
Zuko discovered quickly that (Y/N) was very easy going. She went with the flow on his busy schedule, never complaining about not being able to see each other and she was always there for him whenever he needed it. Her strong attitude and demeanor to get everything done thoroughly and thoughtfully, while also compassionately was exactly what he wanted in a future Fire Lady. She still cared a lot what people thought of her, definitely having a people pleaser attitude, he figured came with the job of working with interior décor, but she had been working on it a lot since the start of their relationship, especially after the rumors grew about her possibly getting the Palace job to sleep with the Fire Lord. The rumors had been shut down quickly, especially after the people began to see how desperately in love with (Y/N), Zuko was. Soon enough, the people of the Fire Nation adored her and Zuko couldn't have been happier about it.
Now, after a year, they couldn't image their lives any other way. Zuko was finishing up big projects with Aang on making the world peaceful, and (Y/N) had several clients, including General Iroh, who were eager for her to work her magic on their interiors.
(Y/N) was definitely in a wonderful place in her life, and she couldn't help but smile and think about the man who she loved so much, causing Iroh to grin in return at the look on her face.
"He's in a council meeting, apparently he had some business with them that just couldn't wait," she teased, "he said he'd be here after."
"Knowing my nephew, it must be important, he'd come up with any reason not to meet with the Sages," Iroh chuckled. "I'm going to brew some more tea, take care of yourself dear." He said before making his way to the back.
The party was packed, people from all over the nation came to see the notorious General Iroh's brand new tea shop in the Fire Nation. She'd seen several familiar faces and some new ones. It was nice to watch as people admired her decor and the hard work she had put into making the perfect place for Iroh.
At one point, a woman walked up to her, with an apparent nervous look on her face, "Excuse me? Are you the Palace decorator?" The woman asked, causing (Y/N) to internally roll her eyes. T
hat was a new title Iroh and Zuko came up with to tease her. It had caught on quickly that Zuko had begun dating the Palace decorator and that was officially her title to anyone who wasn't in on the joke. While it helped with the business, it definitely annoyed her to think that people only wanted her because she had the official title.
"I did decorate the Palace, yes," she responded the same as she did for everyone who asked her.
"You did this place too, correct?" The woman said, gesturing to the tea shop. "As well as Captain Yuzai's home?"
"Yes, I did both," (Y/N) beamed proudly.
"I was wondering, I have a home in Ba Sing Se that just does not feel comfortable to me, would we be able to discuss the possibility of you going out there and updating it for me?"
"Absolutely! I have another possible job in Ba Sing Se, so to do both at the same time would be simple enough!" The woman grinned in return before giving her, her address in the Fire Nation and setting up a meeting next week.
Watching the woman walk away, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile before she gasping as someone covered her eyes with their hands.
"You look beautiful tonight," he whispered in her ear before moving his hands away. Turning to look at the Fire Lord, (Y/N) blushed. "I'm sorry I'm late. I hope Uncle doesn't hate me too much." She shook her head with a giggle.
"You know he could never hate you!" She chastised before standing up and pressing her lips to his scar affectionately. "I'm glad you're here. How was your meeting?" Zuko's body tensed. "That bad, huh?"
He brushed a strand of (Y/H/C) from her face and shook his head, "it was good, we got everything done, properly. I don't want to talk about some boring old men though, I'd much rather you and I smile a bit, mingle and then go back to the Palace and have a proper dinner." His lips pressed to hers, immediately warming her body with his affection.
"Mmm... I'm not sure" she pulled back slightly and smiled, "I'm having so much fun here. I've been getting new job offers and I think I heard Iroh brought ice cream from the Water Tribe," she teased. "You'll have to do some real convincing to get me to go back with you."
Zuko chuckled, "if you come back with me, I can convince you much more thoroughly" his voice low and raspy. (Y/N)'s cheeks burned and she looked down at the cup in her hand, attempting to gain control of her brain and her body. "Plus, I have a present for you." Her attention whipped right to him and she frowned, her brows furrowed deeply and her lip pouted out just barely.
"No! We promise we weren't going to do presents! I thought we agreed to wait until you were on your leave and go to Ember Island and that would be our present to each other!" Zuko rested his hand on her elbow and shook his head.
"It's not that kind of present, just trust me," he whispered, attempting to reassure her. "We're still going to Ember Island in the summer. Just you and me." He pecked her nose gently. She let out a breath and nodded her head. The one thing she could do was trust him. "I love you," he whispered before pressing his lips gently to her forehead, "Now let's go mingle so I can take you back to the palace, the turtle ducks are hungry." He teased making (Y/N) let out a giggle.
"We’d be horrible parents if we left those poor dears starving," she winked before following him toward a group of people to talk with.
People fawned over Zuko, like they always did, and he accepted it with such humility. Instead of allowing people to talk about him and his accomplishments as a young Fire Lord, he would turn the discussion on others, asking them about their businesses, their family, aspirations in life, all of it. He didn't just nod his head and deafly listen, instead he would ask questions about their answers, or follow up with a story of his own to relate, letting them know he was thoroughly listening to them. He was a caring Fire Lord and (Y/N) couldn't help but fall in love with him more and more. Zuko was a natural at being the lead of the Nation and she knew it had a lot to do with his past and what shaped him into the man he was today, the wonderful, compassionate, handsome man.
"So Fire Lord Zuko," one of the elderly woman interrupted a conversation about farming in the outer parts of the Fire Nation, "it has been almost a year hasn't it?" She asked, gesturing to (Y/N) and him. "Any thoughts about the future? You know those single women are getting restless about if this is serious or not." The woman winked and (Y/N)'s body stilled. She couldn't believe this woman was implying that their relationship wasn't serious. Zuko, seemed a bit taken aback by her question as well, clearing his throat several times.
"I'm not sure what that means, Ume," Zuko responded diplomatically, "I can assure you though, I will not be getting rid of Miss (Y/N) here, anytime soon," he wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her closer, producing a blush onto her cheeks.
"Ah, young love," Ume fawned, "I'll have to tell my granddaughter that there's no chance then," she playfully pouted before turning her attention to the other ladies who were gushing over Zuko's declaration.
With the distraction, Zuko leaned toward (Y/N) pressing his lips to her ear, "let's find Uncle and then get out of here." She nodded desperately and allowed him to lead her toward the back of the shop, where Iroh was talking with one of his workers with delight.
"The earnings tonight will carry us into next month and we'll make a large profit in no time! Your hard work has been greatly appreciated, Iruna," Iroh complimented, "you can leave for the night, go enjoy your evening with your family." The woman bowed gratefully and rushed out the door before Iroh could change his mind. When the General caught Zuko's form in the corner of his eye, his smile grew, brightly. "Fire Lord Zuko!" He wrapped his nephew into a deep hug. When they released Zuko returned his arm to (Y/N)'s waist. "How did your meeting with the council go? Did you get their approval?" Zuko nodded his head and his Uncle grinned. "Wonderful! The future of the Fire Nation is looking bright!"
"Uncle, we were just coming over to give our congratulations. I'm going to go take (Y/N) to dinner at the Palace, if you don't mind." Iroh shook his head and began shooing them toward the door.
"Go enjoy your evening. One year together is a great feat for anyone, celebrate!"
With quick goodbyes and hugs, (Y/N) and Zuko made their way to the Palace. It was a nice evening out and neither complained about walking side by side back.
"I can't believe it's been a year," Zuko said after a few minutes of silence. "It feels like it's been a couple of weeks," he confessed. "I know I've been busy, but I feel like everything in the Palace is still so new since you changed it up. I'm still finding small details you've added, like the dragon carvings inside my wardrobe, or the flames painted inside of the sconces." (Y/N) smiled at her boyfriend.
"Good, that means I've done my job properly, each day should feel like a fresh one inside of your home." Zuko chuckled and pulled her closer as they walked. "I can't believe it's been a year either. So much has happened in such a little time. We went from client, decorator, to fighting the council on if I was a proper courtship for you, to dealing with the public about my true intentions, to meeting your friends, becoming friends with your friends, and now we're at a year." She reminisced. They had definitely hurdled over many obstacles in their relationship, but nothing stopped them from being together. There was never a doubt over their feelings for each other.
"I'm interested to see what our future looks like," Zuko's voice was soft. (Y/N) nodded and they returned to their comfortable silence as they walked toward the Palace.
When they arrived, Zuko had everything already prepared. Dinner in the garden was a sweet little picnic full of food. It was their favorite foods and desserts piled onto a maroon blanket placed nicely next to the pond. (Y/N) was ecstatic at the site and leaned over to her boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek affectionately before grabbing his hand and walking with him toward the spot.
After their dinner outside in their garden, (Y/N) was kneeled next to the pond, playing with the turtle ducks while Zuko walked around. She didn't say anything, but he seemed to be on edge after the food and she wondered if maybe something hadn't sat right with him. To help ease his tension, she tried humming a bit, pretending it was for the turtle ducks, when in fact, she knew he enjoyed her tunes as well. He had said it reminded him of his mother the first time he caught her doing it.
Zuko turned to look at her, while her attention was on the duck, he couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have been with such an amazing and beautiful woman. While he was annoyed at the question Ume had asked during the tea shop's opening, he was also grateful because it gave him a chance to set the boundary that (Y/N) wasn't going anywhere. He was in love with her.
"General Iroh's shop looked wonderful," he complimented her softly as he walked behind her, leaning against the tree that hung over the pond. She looked up at him and grinned before turning her focus back to the pond.
"Thank you, I'm glad you think so, I really hope people enjoy it and it helps Iroh's business out."
"People weren't able to keep their eyes off of the décor, (Y/N)," Zuko said, trying to let her know that she didn't have to be modest.
"I guess that's true…I did have a woman come up and ask me to take a job with her in Ba Sing Se, I already have a job there next month with that Nobleman's wife, I'm sure getting both done at once would be great." Her voice proud as she discussed her business, another thing Zuko couldn't help but adore about her. "However," her tone turned playful, "I could do without the 'Palace Decorator' silliness I keep hearing," she teased.
"That's what you are," he joked back, "no one else on this planet will ever be allowed to touch the Palace while I'm Fire Lord, I might as well let everyone know that now," he poked fun, "though, if you don't like that title…" he began, reaching into his pocket while she was still looking into the pond, "I'm sure a promotion is in order." He pulled out the object he had been carrying around all night, holding it just perfectly that the light glinted onto the golden surface.
Not seeing this action, (Y/N) snorted out a laugh, "A promotion? Oh come on Zuko, there's not much else I can get promoted to," she turned to look at him as she spoke, "other than the--" that's when her eyes caught the object in his hands and all words escaped her. Her mouth formed into an O, all amusement washed away.
"Fire Lady?" He asked, attempting to keep his voice level as he held up the royal headpiece typically worn by the Fire Lady.
(Y/N)'s eyes darted between Zuko and the crown, attempting to decipher if he was joking or not.
"Zuko, you can't be serious…" her voice low and filled with uncertainty as she spoke her thoughts out loud. He couldn't actually be implying this.
"Dead serious," he said, taking a step toward her, still holding the piece in his hand as he did. "I want to spend every day with you, go back to our room after a long day and relax with you, redecorate the Palace every single year with you, make fun of the Sages with you, dance every night with you,, all of it...with you." He whispered. "There's nothing I've been more sure of in my entire life. Which isn't saying much, since it's been filled with more than enough uncertainty, but you…" he finally reached her, "are the only certainty I've ever known."
"Me? Fire Lady?" She looked down at his chest, unable to focus on his molten eyes or the crown in his hand. "I…" All logic escaped her forcing her to dig through her mind and figure out a reason behind all of this. "The Sages, they'll never agree to it."
"They already did, this afternoon," his tone calm and collected. He knew this was a shock to her, it was a shock to him, but he had known that he wanted this since the first time she smiled at him and giggled.
"That's what your meeting was about?" Her eyes darted up to him, surprised at this revelation. It wasn't some meeting about the nation, it was to get their approval on her being Fire Lady. Then Iroh's words rang in her head.
Knowing my nephew, it must be important, he'd come up with any reason not to meet with the Sages.
How did your meeting with the council go? Did you get their approval?
The future of the Fire Nation is looking bright.
Iroh knew.
"(Y/N), am I just going to hold this thing all night, or are you going to say yes?" Zuko teased as he watched her try to reason through everything in her mind.
She took a deep breath and looked up at him. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that she loved this man more than anything in the world and here he was before her, asking her to spend the rest of his life with her. It was everything she had ever hoped, but still somehow felt like such a dream.
"You didn't ask me," she smiled up at him, her tone completely void of panic now.
"(Y/N), my love, my Palace decorator," he winked causing her to giggle, "marry me. Become the Fire Lady that this nation, this world, needs, the Fire Lady I need." Resting his forehead against hers, he smiled.
"Yes," she whispered and immediately his lips slanted over hers, pulling her into an intense kiss. After a few moments, they separated slightly, catching their breaths, when he placed the crown into the half topknot she had luckily decided to wear that day.
"I love you," he purred into her ear, before placing a chaste kiss on her temple.
"I love you too Fire Lord Zuko," she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady (Y/N)," his goofy grin plastered across his face, "I like the sound of that." Before she could respond, Zuko captured her lips with his again.
(Y/N) couldn't help but think back to what Zuko had said earlier that night:
I'm interested to see what our future looks like.
She couldn't agree more.
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The Good Doctor Kuseno
More questions than answers Possible Spoilers ahead!!
@gofancyninjaworld​ has a few excellent posts about this already please read them if you’re interested. These posts are well researched and provide a different perspective than my own. I recommend that everyone consume different perspectives to help inform and diversify their own. I also reference a few of them in my post here.
What do we actually know about the good doctor?
As Fancy Ninja noted: 
He claims to have been chasing ‘that cyborg’ for longer than Genos has been.
He used to be angry over some injustice.
He’s not afraid to take up arms in person.
He’s a skilled scientist/engineer, specifically he “likes to dabble with mechanical engineering”
He’s deeply invested in Genos. Seemingly in both the literal and figurative sense.
Additionally and significantly, He’s not a monster.
Why is 6 important? I mean, if Garou teaches us anything it’s that the lines between Human, hero, and monster are not as clear as we may have initially assumed. And yet, Monsters truly exist in this universe and their existence is significant. (It's also notable here that we have seen a few instances where monsters appeared as the humans they were before they consumed monster cells only to reveal their identity later, but for the moment this seems to be unlikely of Kuseno.) One of the possible interpretations of this fact is that despite his past anger and continued obsession with hunting this cyborg he still has something within him that keeps him human. I’m not sure exactly what that is in this case because if I’m honest, I’m not super certain what makes humanity human in general, in OPM or otherwise. Aside from that, we know fairly little about the good doctor. We know almost nothing about his past.
What he tells us: 
“When I and Genos first met, we didn’t have a single ally. It was as if the pair of us were lost and alone fumbling in the darkness… I dived into research with all I could, trying to come up with some way to fight back at the forces of evil... and yet our troubles were just beginning, because me and my boy-”
vs  THis: 
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What does Kuseno have to gain from all his tireless effort into Genos?
Despite my reservations about Dr. Kuseno I’d be remiss to fail to admire his work on Genos. Kuseno has done an incredible job with Genos’ upgrades. The aesthetic and humanizing touches he’s given Genos are so, and I cannot emphasize this enough, important. He has a human looking face and hair. Kuseno has even been aging Genos appropriately over time, he can even eat food normally. (And we all know he’s been keeping Geno damn hot in the process) The things that he’s done to humanize Genos is sincerely one of the most compelling arguments that Dr. Kuseno is a truly good bean. But he’s not off the hook yet. 
When he says that seeing Genos reminded him of his youth when he was righteous and feared nothing always charging in without thought of consequences and I have to wonder, what consequences did Dr. Kuseno experience in his life that changed him? If he’s experienced so much in his life why is he still walking the path of vengeance and promoting that path for Genos? Even if he’s not promoting the path for Genos but merely ‘supporting’ Genos on his path wouldn’t you think someone who was so similar in their youth know better than to fuel a revenge mission? But I’m not particularly apt to believe Dr. Kuseno is merely going along with ‘pushy’ Genos. He definitely has his own motives here and we’re not very clear what those are yet. For this I recommend reading Ninja’s conflicts of interest post to get some different perspectives on his varied motives. One possibility is that he’s effectively living through Genos. There is a scene in Season 2 of the anime where Dr. Kuseno is standing in a beam of light talking about his quest for justice in his youth and Genos stands under Kuseno obscured in shadow. That image made me shudder. Now the care and attention Kuseno gives Genos feels much creepier, like a doll to be dressed up and played with. I hope that’s not the case.  
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Who is this Dr. Kuseno and what is his relationship with Genos? Fatherly? Or Patronizing? And what are the ethics and implications of allowing Genos such extreme body modifications.
I love a found family as much as the next person, but I find it slightly suspicious that a doctor that just happens to be an expert in cybernetics arrives in time to save Genos’ life after his village was destroyed by a CYBORG. So, we’ve learned that Kuseno was chasing the mad cyborg before Genos was so maybe that explains the convenient meeting but that makes me wonder, when and how did the Cyborg’s trail go so cold that neither Kuseno or Genos seem to know where it is at the moment (or maybe Kuseno knows something more about this and is hiding it from Genos)? We’ve also since learned that even though cybernetic components are relatively commonplace in this world modifications over 30% are extremely rare. ‘Enhancements’ as extensive as Genos’ are almost unheard of and extremely risky, including a risk of madness. How did Dr. Kuseno become such an excellent doctor of cybernetics? I couldn’t have just been overnight? Learning takes trial and error and mistakes. God knows Genos has given that man more than enough trial and error for a lifetime but what about before Genos?  
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Ninja noted that in all of the lab frames Dr. Kuseno stands a fair distance away from Genos. I immediately think of the anime Dororo from 2019 and the way Jukai handles Hyakkimaru, who is likely not less dangerous than Genos in context. Jukai is genuinely fatherly and close, only teaching Hyakkimaru to fight once it became clear the boy would not walk a different path. In the lab Kuseno is cold and distant and the atmosphere is draped in shadow. The contrast between Dr. Kuseno’s behavior toward Genos in public verses in the lab is notable. I don’t really know what specifically to note about it, except that it reinforces for me that the two men barely know each other, which is disturbing given that Genos has known Dr. Kuseno probably longer than he’s known anyone and Kuseno was effectively Genos’ guardian. How much does Genos really know about the man who holds his life in his hands if Genos didn’t even know Dr. Kuseno had a battle suit? What else is Kuseno hiding or omitting? At the same time Dr. Kuseno notes seeing a new side of Genos at Saitama’s apartment. Does Dr. Kuseno know Genos as well as he thinks he does when he says things like “you remind me of myself in my youth.” ? 
Genos believes he isn’t good enough and never will be good enough. Intentionally or unintentionally Dr. Kuseno feeds into this insecurity. Does that mean he’s responsible for Genos’ insecurities? No. But it is a piece of the troubling looking puzzle connecting the two of them. Unfortunately, when Genos goes to see Kuseno it’s often in defeat so he didn’t get much meaningful encouragement from the doctor. Even in victory, after G4, Dr. Kuseno doesn’t give Genos much encouragement. “There are still areas where we can improve you” even after getting a completely new upgrade neither Dr. Kuseno nor Genos seem to be satisfied. We consistently see Kuseno chiding Genos for being reckless and begging him to be more careful and to stay alive at the very least. Perhaps Kuseno is more concerned about losing his investment than the psychological health of his charge? Kuseno is more of a scientist than anything else and it's difficult to fault him for his excellent skills but can you imagine how actually damaging it is for a growing human to literally be a never fished project in the eyes of the person who should be loving you unconditionally. We all need to grow and change constantly, but there is a difference between acknowledging a person’s strengths and weaknesses and only acknowledging (in any meaningful way) a person’s failures. It’s a habit Genos has made for himself but unfortunately, even if not intentionally, Dr. Kuseno may have helped build that habit. Ever since Genos’ family died everything in his life seems to be reinforcing the ‘not good enough’ narrative. Not good enough to save his family, not strong enough to protect anyone. Every victory is shallow and meaningless in his mind because his eyes were set only on the final goal of defeating Mad Cyborg. Which is, likely as not, unattainable. 
Genos may see Saitama as his mentor but he is dependent on Kuseno for his growth making Kuseno far more practically his ‘mentor’. There is an important part of a typical hero’s journey story when a hero must move past the teaching of their mentor and grow on their own. This is a fundamentally important stage to help the hero see that they are ‘good enough’ they have the tools they need to succeed. Sometimes this transition is painful, think back to Iroh refusing to speak to Zuko while they were in the fire nation or when Jukai refused to help Hyakkimaru anymore. Both Zuko and Hyakkimaru were angry and devastated, but it was in the end a vital part of their progress. I fear a mentor who is either not willing or not able to allow them to surpass them. 
Whether through compliance or malice the system created by the relationship between Genos and Dr. Kuseno is one where Genos relies heavily on Dr. Kuseno. If Genos is compromised he could put Dr. Kuseno at risk but the battle suit indicates that Dr. Kuseno may be more prepared to deal with risk than an average scientist. But if Dr. Kuseno is compromised that could put Genos in an early grave. Regardless of the scientists intentions Dr. Kuseno is holding Genos back. Since Genos’ latest upgrade in the anime we’ve learned that Genos used to have safety restrictions on his parts but when we first meet Genos he is about to self-destruct his own core. So what were the safety restrictions for? The practically seem more about preserving an investment than protecting the human being. Garou’s story seems to indicate there is an important part of the path for one to push their limiter is possibly to get to the brink of death itself (probably not the only way) but possibly Genos’ safety restrictions have been holding him well below his limiter for ages. Maybe he can’t break his limiter because of his cybernetic body but I honestly don’t think it’s so cut and dry. (Also I find it sad and notable that when Genos is about to self-destruct he apologizes to Dr. Kuseno for letting him down. Genos wants to live badly, but he’s so deeply self-destructive just the tip of the iceberg of emotional issues Genos is battling. When he apologizes to Dr. K, even though he’s the one who would lose his life! It’s like he’s so afraid of failing the Dr.’s expectations again he’d rather die.) Genos needs to be able to repair himself. I’m desperately afraid that the practicality of complete cybernetic repair will render Genos dependent on someone forever. 
We already know that Genos would do anything to get stronger but what has ‘doing anything’ looked like for him? What does it mean for him? I don’t really know how you can take one look at this guy and deny he’s already made painful sacrifices to get stronger. It looks like he’s willing to sacrifice his dignity, youth, life, respect, independence, joy, all sensual pleasures, and much much more for his goal to be stronger. That goal servers a purpose and that purpose was given to him by Dr. Kuseno when his village was destroyed ‘defeat Mad Cyborg’. But what will his goal for ultimate strength be without the purpose that will almost definitely be taken away from him. Even if it isn’t and he accomplishes it what will he do then? Will the sacrifices be worth it in the end? Will he be able to rebuild a new purpose and a new life for himself?
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Written for Kataang Week. Prompt - PDA (Public Displays of Affection). (Image Source.)
“He’s only three words into it and it’s already the sappiest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Those three words are Happy First Anniversary."
“You have to describe these things to me, Sokka!”
Sokka stared up at the words forming in the clouds over Air Temple Island. “Do I have to?”
Toph pointedly waved a hand in front of her face. “Hel- lo! I can’t see! And I refuse to be left out of this ridiculousness. Come on, spill!”
“It’s sky writing,” Sokka said. “He’s writing. In the sky. Lots of loop-de-loops.”
“What is he writing, Sokka?”
“He’s only three words into it and it’s already the sappiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Those three words are Happy First Anniversary,” Suki said before Toph could shout again. “Also there are hearts. Lots of hearts.”
“Thank you, Suki,” Toph said. “Let me know what it says when he’s done! This is gonna be good, I can tell!”
“What’s good?” Zuko asked, strolling up from wherever he’d been meditating with the sunrise.
“Aang’s working on a surprise for Katara,” Suki said, even as Toph pointed upwards in the vague direction of the sky writing.
“Huh,” Zuko said, giving the clouds a considering look. “Cute.”
“THAT IS SO ROMANTIC!” Ty Lee squealed, bounding into the courtyard with a cup of coffee that miraculously did not spill in her excitement. Mai followed after her at a more sedate pace, two more steaming cups in hand. “It’s so sweet! Where’s Katara? Has she seen it?”
“Keep your voice down!” Sokka shushed her. Aang might be sappier than a maple tree right now, but that didn’t mean Sokka could condone the ruining of surprises.
“Sorry, sorry!” Ty Lee whispered, still grinning. “But it really is adorable!” She had a sip of her coffee.
Mai handed one of her cups off to Zuko. “Hope you’re in the mood for coffee. Ty Lee insisted.” She drank from her own cup and peered up at the sky. “Not that this isn’t cute, but thank you for never doing anything like it, Zuko.”
“You’re welcome,” Zuko said into his coffee cup.
Sokka stared up at the sky, which now read Happy First Anniversary Katara, and Aang was still writing. “The sky is clear blue,” he observed. “Where’s he getting the clouds from?”
As though in answer to Sokka’s question, Aang finished the final stroke on You and suddenly dove down towards Yue Bay. He pulled his glider back up just before he hit the surface, taking a massive sphere of water back up in the sky with him.
“...Homemade clouds,” Sokka said. “Way to go above and beyond.”
“So romantic,” Ty Lee cooed.
“What?” Toph asked. “How are the clouds homemade?”
“Aang’s pulling water out of the bay,” Suki said.
Toph laughed. “Oh man, Twinkletoes is really showing off today.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Suki smiled.
“It is,” Toph agreed, “but I’m mostly in it for Sokka’s reactions.”
“My brother-in-law is showing off his lovestruck toomfoolery for the entire city to see, and it’s been a slow news cycle so I’m sure this is gonna be in tonight’s paper,” Sokka said, gesturing vaguely at Republic City’s harbor, where he was certain photographers were rushing to the docks to photograph the display. “And worst of all, I’m never going to be able to top this!”
Toph started laughing.
“Aw, Sokka, you don’t have to top anything,” Suki said.
“Besides,” Toph cackled, “you give Suki terrible art all the time.”
“I’ll have you know that many of my pieces are proudly displayed in museums around the world!”
Toph and Sokka descended into good-natured bickering while Suki looked on in resigned humor, and Zuko had another gulp of coffee. “It’s a good thing we’re not into over-the-top romance,” he said to Mai, “because I couldn’t top that either.” The Fire Nation’s Ostentatious Display budget had been...severely slashed since the end of the war.
“I could try spelling something out with shurikens in the garden wall.”
“Please don’t, you’d give the guards a heart attack.”
Ty Lee rolled her eyes at them. “I’m just glad,” she proclaimed, “that I have one set of friends who can give me cute romantic things to squeal over.” She pointedly watched Aang continue his cloudbending. “Katara’s gonna love it!”
Aang finished a few minutes later, just as Katara came out into the courtyard, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. “What’s going on?” she asked when she saw the rest of them staring up at the sky, and she followed their gazes up and gasped. “Oh!”
Happy First Anniversary Katara! You are the love of my life!
Aang was freefalling straight down into the courtyard, and Katara ignored everyone else in favor of running up to meet him. “Aang! You shouldn’t have!” She was beaming as he touched down, glider held above him.
“Up for an early morning flight?” he asked, eyes bright.
His arm went around her waist, hers went around his neck, and then they were shooting straight up into the air.
“So romantic,” Ty Lee cooed.
“This is definitely going to be in the evening paper,” Sokka sighed.
It made the front page. Everyone saved a copy for posterity.
Toph had hers framed and mounted on the wall of her office, where she often brought visitors’ attention to it by proclaiming “That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen!”, much to Sokka’s chagrin.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Wrought Iron Machine (Part 6)
Zuko pushes his chair in with a force that shook the table. "Careful with the equipment!" Azula snaps. Zuko has steadily
grown more and more irritable as their recording session went on. "What's going on with you?"
"What's going on with me!?" He asks. "What's going on with you?"
Azula rolls her eyes. They don't have time for this.
"I want a break Azula!" He declares. "We haven't had one since we began touring. I though that you left this next week
concert free so we could have one."
"I was kinda hoping for a day of too." TyLee mumbled softly.
Azula sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. Did they really need an on-tour recording session? Perhaps she is pushing
them too hard. She must admit that her throat hurts like hell. "Alright, fine." She caves. "We can have the week off..."
"You sound like you need it." Mai remarks off-handedly. She hopes that Mai is referring to her hoarse voice and not her demeanor.
"Oh, thank you Azula!" TyLee exclaims. "You're the best!" She throws her arms around Azula. "Now I can go and get my hair
done and give Haru a call."
"Haru?" Azula asks. "Why would you call Haru?"
"Because he's sooo cute." TyLee beams.
Azula begs to differ but she won't tell TyLee how to waste her time. She watches Zuko and Mai wander back to the tour bus, she could follow them but she knows what they have in mind. She has kept them deprived for a while. So that left her to decide how she wants to spend her day. She supposes that she can fill it with exploring the Earth Kingdom. Gaoling was a nice enough city, wedged within steep and craggy hills. It hosts an assortment of shops and traditional Earth Kingdom eateries. For awhile she and TyLee walk side by side making mundane conversation but then TyLee breaks off to step into the hair cutter’s building and Azula is alone.
She decides to give the closest restaurant a try. Azula had never been particularly fond of Earth Kindom cuisine, vastly preferring the spice and tang of the Fire Nation. By comparison the food here seems almost bland. She pushes it around with her chopsticks for a few minutes before actually eating it.
Eventually, she pushes her dishes aside and heads back to the tour bus. She doesn’t put any thought into her team of bodyguards, or lack thereof, until she feels a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re from Fire Of Agni aren’t you!”
She lets the fire die in her palm. “That’s correct.”
“Oh. My. Raava!” The boy squeals.
“Not so loud.” Azula hisses. She doesn’t particularly mean to be rude, not to a fan, but the last thing she wants to deal with is a swarm of camera wielding, question spouting, paparazzis. And, Agni, with the kiss scandal fresh out of the press, they would have a lot to ask.
“Oh...sorry.” His voice drops. “I’m just so excited! Where are the other three.”
“Enjoying their day off, I suppose.” Azula shrugged.
“I’m so glad I get to meet you!” He holds out a pen and paper.
Azula takes it and signs it.  She supposes that she will either have to remember her bodyguards or get used to encounters like so. Not that being a princess hadn’t earned her plenty of attention. But subjects and fans were different breeds. She is still trying to get a feel for Fire Of Agni’s fandom. A good lot of them were as fierce and crude as the image Azula and the rest of her band try to craft.
As wonderful as this little waste of a week has been for her voice, it is horrid for her state of mind. She is growing restless. It leaves her too much time to think, dwell, and regret. She looks around the tour bus bedroom. It seems that, once again, she is the last one awake. She lies on her back with her hands clasped atop her middle, staring at the ceiling.
She is more than okay with Zuko slumbering, in fact she avoids him as much as she can. She rolls onto her side with a drawn out exhale. She has too much to think about. Mostly she thinks of home. For as many songs as she writes about it being broken and dreadful, she misses it. She misses her father. The very man who they regularly tear apart with vulgar lyrics and unkind shoutouts. She misses him so terribly. Misses when he would tuck her bangs behind her ear and tell her how much potential she has. She misses having not failed him.
Azula draws the covers more tightly around herself.
“You still awake?” Zuko’s voice cuts through her dismal thinking.
She pretends to be asleep.
“I know you’re awake. You used to do this when we were kids…” he trails off.
She shifts slightly.
“You’re going to have to talk about this some time.” He grumbles. “How long do you think we can avoid it before it starts to affect our music?”
Azula groans. “It was a kiss Zuzu.” She pauses. “That’s it.” And it served its purpose.
“If it was just a kiss then why have you been avoiding me?”
“I want to make sure others know, that it was just a kiss.” Azula replies. But that’s just the thing, as much as she wants to put that drunken publicity stunt behind her, she may need to exploit it again.
“Just admit that we were drunk.”
“And what, have the police squad handing us a fine? We need that money for our videos and equipment. How many cymbals has TyLee gone through already?” The girl isn’t exactly careful.
She doesn’t confess that she has every intention of bringing their scandal to a new peak if her voice can’t draw as much attention as she wants it to.
“Well...well…” Zuko trails off. “Well. Just stop making things weird.” She can practically see the pout on his face. “We were just starting to fix what our dad messed up. I want us to be real siblings…”
“Will you two go to bed.” Mai grumbles.
“You have one more day off.” Azula replies. “You can sleep in.” Even so, she doesn’t fancy Mai peeping on a touchy and borderline sappy conversation like this. And to Zuko she closes the discussion, “look, Zuzu, I’m not going to let it affect our music. Not now that we’ve been invited to S.A.S.”
“We were invited to…”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“Or after our day off?” Mai asks.
Azula rolls her eyes. “Fine.” She needs to fine tune her attack plan anyhow. She knows that they will need a few new songs, she simply needs to decide if they want to go for quantity or quality. If she gets her way, they will have both. She knows that the thought will follow her to sleep.
She starts to drift into it when Zuko speaks again. “I’m not worried about the music.” He reiterates. “I’m worried about how it will affect us.”
“It won’t.” Azula vows. Yet, somehow, she isn’t quite convinced herself. Fire Of Agni seems to be revealing more uncertainty and instability than she had initially anticipated. She is no longer thinking of how to approach S.A.S. The image of she and Zuko won’t leave her mind. That is what follows her to sleep.
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grumpyzutara · 7 years
A Burning Touch
No bending and altered timeline. The setup to the real plot is a meh, but you can't just jump into relationships with soulmate AUs, you know? Part 2 of 4 for the Soulmate Series.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
It would be startling for a baby to be born with a tattoo of a name on their soft, newborn skin, potentially even a name of someone not born yet. So it was something that slowly revealed itself, like a tan line after wearing the same shirt style through the sunny months. You hardly notice the color difference until suddenly - it's there.
Typically the tattoos showed up after puberty hit. There was no given time in your life that they had to show up by, but more often it would be within a year or two. It was also not a guarantee that a name would show up.
When Katara first started to see the faint lines on her thigh darken, the first signs that a name would appear, she decided now was not the time to know. The Fire Nation had started a war with the world and she didn't have time to think about her soulmate. The soldiers had come and terrorized their small village, killing those who stood in their way. Kya, Katara's mother, never backed away and stood her ground. In the end though, she was struck down. The next day she died.
With a tattoo on her outer thigh though, she could easily ignore it. She could push the thought away and was successful at it. Even after finding the long-lost peace-bringer from the Air Nomads, the Avatar, and searching for others to join their cause, she wouldn't look down at her dark skin.
It was obvious to the group that Aang had a crush on Katara, but thankfully for her, everyone also saw that her name wasn't written anywhere on his body.  
Sokka was always flirting with Earth Kingdom girls. He couldn't read the name on his forearm because it was in a language he knew nothing of, so he would just take a gamble on every girl he'd meet. Thankfully, everyone in the world spoke the common trade language.
Aang and Sokka were curious to know anything about who's name she had on her skin, but she kept her under wrappings long enough to hide any part of the script.
Along the way, they discovered their group was being tracked by outcasts of the Fire Nation Royalty. An uncle and nephew pair that needed to snuff out any hints of uprisings in the colonies and other countries. The group of kids traveled by boat and animal when they could, but it was often expensive and so they would walk between towns as well, allowing the royals to catch up. The run-in with the pirates didn't help either. Now they were separated and outmatched on an island.
"Finally, a face to the name," a young man said behind her, causing Katara to spin around.
"Who are you?" She asked, even though she had a guess.
"Fire Nation Prince Zuko. Where is your friend, the Avatar?" He was an angry young man. A frown on his lips and a scar from a knife wound on his face. The white line crossed over his nose, under his left eye and along his cheek bone. As far as scars go, it was flattering to his image as a harsh leader.
"I'm not giving him away. So you can forget it!"
"As lovely as this introduction is, the girl has something of my possession." The ringleader of the pirates growled at the teens before shoving another pirate in their direction. The gangly man pulled out a bolas and started twirling it.
Katara wasn't ready to be taken out by a bunch of thugs. Thinking quickly, she ran to take cover behind the prince, hoping if the man threw the bolas it would wrap around his legs. She didn't plan for the prince to also react. He shoved her away, pushing at her thigh and causing her to fall down behind him.
"She's my bounty. Whatever she took I'll repay," Zuko said with authority, didn't matter to him that he wasn't going to pay the pirates a penny.
"Like hell am I anyone's bounty!" Katara popped into a crouch before spinning a leg around, hitting the prince at his calves and knocking him on his back. She sprinted away, losing the pirates and the prince in the trees. She took a long route but was able to find her friends within the day.
Zuko on the other hand had to deal with 5 angry pirates. He pulled out his dao swords to disarm the first two, but if his uncle hadn't shown up he would have been captured. Later that evening, he was resting in his barrack in the ship. It was only when he had slid the lock in place did he let his guard down. He removed his boots before laying back on the cot. Without think about it, he started to massage his right calf, where the name of his soulmate was tattooed.
Living under public scrutiny, the moment the lines started to appear, it was analyzed by Royal Staff. It was a shock when it wasn't a Fire Nation name. It was a disgrace when they learned that it was written in Water Tribe. It didn't help that the Royal Staff even found a person to pronounce the name. He knew his soulmate's name was Katara. He took to wearing boots that came up his leg to cover the name. Hardly anyone outside the Capital knew. Uncle mentioned the coincidence of the Avatar's friend's name being the same as his soulmate's, but dropped the topic after Zuko threw a dagger at the wall next to Iroh.
Zuko had refused to believe in the stupid tattoos that happened to appear on each other's body. But when she swept his legs out from under him, hitting at the same spot as her name, maybe it wasn't so random after all.
He'd have to get along with her for a minute to see if he could handle being around her. She was strong willed to say the least. And he'd be lying if he said he didn't want that quality in a soulmate. He knew Uncle was growing tired of Zuko's antics. But could he actually change every part of him, of his mission, and change sides? He couldn't. That didn't mean he had to stay on the path he was, he could choose to be neutral. Not capturing or helping the Avatar.
Months passed with battles fought and won. Zuko joined the peace bringing mission in the end, but it was just the beginning for his future. The team had formed a strong bond through their shared experiences and were celebrating by having a bonfire on the beach, just their small group. Some fruity drink spiked with alcohol was being passed around. As teenagers who just saved the world – they deserved it.
"Katara, come on, take the wrap off!" yelled Suki, giggling afterward. Sokka had finally found the woman who matched the name on his wrist. Theirs was a love at second glance kind of relationship.
"Everybody knows their tattooed names. Yours is the only one left," Toph agreed. The girl might have been blind, but she could tell a lie in a voice from the next room over. She was a surprisingly good diplomat as well, helping their peaceful cause.
"Only because Aang told you," muttered Zuko, trying to make a joke but missing the mark and sounding a little harsh.
Sokka elbowed Zuko, "We can't all have mysterious names like your Jin. There's a thousand Jins."
They didn't know, none of them knew. He hired a tattoo artist to fake a soulmate mark. It was just easier that way, without them knowing that Katara was his soulmate. It was harder on him though. Getting to know her better each day. Feeling closer to her. Wanting to be her soulmate – in every way.
"No, and that's final!" Katara stormed away from the fire. Maybe it was the drink, or the fact that she still refused to look at the mark on her thigh, but she couldn't handle the pestering any longer.
The group was stunned silent. Sokka got up to follow but Suki held him back.
"I'll go make sure she's fine," Zuko offered before following her footprints in the sand. He found her at the side of a creek, soaking her toes in the cool fresh water. He sat beside her, removing his boots to join. "You ok?"
Katara sighed before answering, "You know, I don't even know the name of my soulmate to tell everyone." She saw Zuko's questioning look in the corner of her eye. "It's in a different language. Plus, I try not to look at it."
Now would be a perfect time to tell her, but he couldn't form the words. Since he wore long pants, even though his boots were off, her name was still hidden. "You know...Jin isn't the name of my soulmate." Zuko was shocked to see how startled Katara was at his revelation.
"What? But we've all see her name on your arm."
"I lied. I had a tattoo artist forge it. I wanted you all to stop asking. It seemed like the right idea at the time. Now, less so." He was ashamed at getting a fake soulmate mark. It was also a little overdramatic of him to go that far in avoidance.
"So who is it really? Why would you feel so embarrassed about it?" Katara had turned her body to give him her full attention. She had to know.
His hand brushed through his hair, he hadn't thought this through. "It's not that I'm embarrassed. It'll just change things, everything. I'm nervous I guess."
Katara moved, resting her head on his shoulder. Feeling brave and thinking how her words wouldn't matter because there was no way they had each other's name on their body, she spoke up. "Sometimes I wish your name was written on my skin. I think things would be ok if we were soulmates."
Zuko was stunned silent. Was this a dream? Because he never thought it would work out. He always assumed she'd find her name and get angry at him. For hiding it or for falling in love with her, he couldn't decide. But what if his name wasn't on her skin. He didn't want to think about her being his soulmate, but not him being hers. It would be painful. Waiting, keeping this secret was hard enough.
"Let's...let's look at each other's real tattoos at the same time. Get it over with quickly. Then we can go from there," he said.
"Sure. That's fine." But Katara didn't think it was fine. She was afraid to see someone else's name. Zuko's hand rested at the bottom of his pant leg, waiting to pull up the fabric so she started unraveling the wrap around her thigh. She stopped when the last piece still covered the mark, just barely. "Ready?"
Zuko nodded. In a second both marks were visible. In another second, both teens were gasping, even though Zuko knew more it was still a shock.
"But, how? When?" Katara stuttered.
Zuko laid back on the floor completely, stretching his arms out before covering his face. A moment of being so happy ruined by two words and a memory. "Not sure if you'll remember this, truthfully, I don't want you to remember, but the first time we met. The pirates? I said you were my bounty? I pushed you away and you kicked out my legs from under me. That's the when and how."
"Huh, I remember that moment. It never occurred to me that you pushed me away at the same spot as my mark. But that's not what I'm asking. When did you think, that if there weren't these tattoos, that if you weren't predestined to be with someone, that you liked me?" It was confusing to think about. Were they destined to be together because they hid their names from the world, or were they always meant to be together?
Zuko's laugh slipped through the fingers still covering his face. "As much as I don't like how we first met, the way you handled yourself in that tense moment though, I was taken aback. Here was this scrawny girl, younger than me, and yet you escaped better than me. I would have been taken hostage or worse if Uncle hadn't shown up. But it was really after I joined the group. You're-" he cut himself off, afraid of getting too deep.
Sure they were soulmates and she already admitted to liking him, but that's the thing. Zuko was in love with Katara. He didn't want to scare her away.
"I'm what? Go on."
"You're this crazy mix of strength and kindness. You care too much sometimes, but that's a good quality, not bad. And I don't want to put you on a pedestal, but, I can't think of you in any other way." He opened a few fingers to peak through, watching what she would do. She had been watching him too, waiting for him to look at her so she could look into his eyes.
"And you're honest. Selfless when it matters. Hotheaded to be sure, but I could also say passionate." One of her hands lifted to grasp his wrist, tugging it away from his face. "Let's take this slow. See how it goes."
"What about our marks?" Zuko was already thinking of ways to get the fake Jin tattoo covered up.
Katara gave him a small smile, but it meant everything to him to see her happy. "I don't plan on covering up your name any time soon."
"Good," Zuko said with a smile that warmed Katara's heart until it felt like bursting.
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