#I don't even know where Cronus came from
unrepentantgeek · 3 months
Geek interested in mythology here! I love dp x dc stories. They can be really awesome, sometimes they're hilarious.
I'm just as amused as everyone else by the "Wonder Woman & co panic over Clockwork because he's Zeus' awful dad, the leader of the Titans.
However, whether he's called Cronus Kronos he's actually not the deity of time. That's a second person, named Chronos. Who I think might be a primordial deity predating the Titans.
I don't tend to nitpick this because mythology this long after when it originally came to be isn't distinct or definitive enough to warrant fretting over. After all, one could easily assume this is a case where a later generation of deity has the same domain as a prior generation. (See Gaia & Demeter. And how sometimes people ignore Selene & Helios existing- or don't know they do- and instead called the twin gods Artemis & Apollo the moon & sun deities.)
However I'm very interested in seeing someone play with this technicality.
The way I picture it goes something like this. Danny & the JL &/or JLD or whatever mixture you want- Batfam & Constantine could work too- are working together. Or Amity Park & the GIW have just been discovered.
During story time or debriefing Danny goes "Clcokwork said-". Or else when answering a question he starts his explanation with "According to Clockwork".
Naturally this gets interrupted to ask who Clockwork is. (Or a JLD member or JLD aligned person freaks out)
Once those present know who Clockwork is & somewhat understand his status in the Infinite Realms someone who mostly knows or only knows the modern reinterpretations- maybe Flash or Green Lantern?- comes out with something like "wait, the guy who ate his kids? Is it safe for you to be near him?"
Chaos ensues. If you want to go the "Chronos & Cronus both have power over time" route que a moment for Wonder Woman or JLD member or choice to panic.
Once someone gets things back on track Danny or whoever else you want clarifies that no, Clockwork is either Chronos not Cronus or not from the Greek pantheon at all.
I'm inclined for Clockwork being Chronos, so if you do that there should also be a moment for the shock or other form of overreaction to Danny's connection to a deity who's a bigger shot than even a Titan.
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 months
Love Brought Weight
(A Sleep Family tale)
Word count: 9.4k
Warnings: No beta, complicated/toxic family relationships, trauma, hopeful ending
Summary:  Hypnos just wished he understood why. Only to realize that maybe he understood better than most.
notes: OMG thank everyone for waiting 😵‍💫I took a long time on this and i hope it worth the wait! Part of the reason I took so long is that I wanted to be careful with how I did this. I just can’t read it anymore. Lol 
There are no bad guys in this, except Cronus. Fuck that guy.
The title ‘Love Brought Weight’ came from the song with the same name. It is by Old Sea Brigade. I highly recommend it! This fic exists thanks @jun-yng who introduced me to this song. Otherwise I don’t know if this fic would exist.
thanks everyone! Enjoy!
Hypnos thought his mom had the most beautiful smile. 
It was one that always seemed to surprise her when it formed, her dark eyebrows lifted up and her golden eyes bright like his for a singular moment.
Then it would die as if she remembered she wasn’t supposed to smile, shadows flicked between the flakes of rich gold and dark amber in her irises. 
It always saddened him when it faded, it was like watching a flower that got to bloom only for a moment before dying. Nothing he could say or do would bring it back. 
Not for Hypnos.
First came Morpheus. 
A star was born. Divine dreams of glory, of love and all the big and  little hopes of every human ever to exist, finally given to form. He was a blinding light for a single moment before little chubby fingers reached out, crying softly as a trembling, weakened Hypnos picked him up.
His unexpected, supernova arrival into Hypnos’ arms had taken Hypnos’ universe and rearranged the stars and planets into something new. Something whole. 
Hypnos fell in love when those hazy golden eyes peered up at him, his impossibly small hands curled against his chest and a little pout on that round face. 
Morpheus was so tiny in his arms, and years later he would laugh at the memory of your shocked expression when he introduced his two greatest loves.
Your battleworn hands trembling as you gently brushed a knuckle on the vulnerable curve of Morpheus’ cheek and your voice had been so soft in awe.
Love, he has your eyes.
Hypnos had thought that Morpheus actually had Nyx’s eyes, before the world had made her heart cold. But he couldn’t speak past the knot in his throat so he just nodded, blinking back tears.
At this perfect moment, his heart was overflowing. 
Morpheus stared up at them, a gentle coo rising in his chest.
Hypnos felt his heart racing as he unveiled Morpheus to his mom. It was as if Morpheus was now Hypnos’ soul made to form and suddenly the world seemed so much bigger, so more dangerous than before.
His mom didn’t smile, although her eyes had widened in genuine surprise. Morpheus was a chatty baby, his only wish was to coo and squeak to announce his arrival. He didn’t look at his grandmother, more than happy to stare up at Hypnos instead.
Although Hypnos suspected he was only a bright red and white blur to his little starlight.
“I named him Morpheus, god of dreams.” Hypnos rushed to say, bouncing his son in his arms. He smiled down at his baby, unable to resist kissing Morpheus’ nose.
His mom sighed deeply, peering closer at Morpheus with a slight frown. “Hypnos, are you sure you can handle a child? You still struggle with getting your actual work done.”
Hypnos flinched like she slapped him. He had to look away to hide the hurt. “I-i mean. I have to, don't I? Can’t put him back where I got him.” 
His mom said nothing for a long, painful moment then she nodded. It was only after that she allowed a faint smile to form. 
“Morpheus.” His mom said, her tone surprisingly warm. “It is a good name for him.”
Hypnos clinged to those words like it was a raft even though his heart twisted bitterly. He did something right at least.
“He looks at you with so much adoration, you know that?” Your voice was a rumble in the dim chambers. 
You were smiling, your chin resting on your palm as you watched him bottle feed a very hungry Morpheus. The warmth of the firelight highlighted the tenderness in your expression.
Hypnos blinked in surprise, realizing that he was lost in his thoughts until you had spoken up. 
You were always so careful now, watching their son like he might pick up a sword and fight you. He wanted to call you ridiculous sometimes but you always made sure to be mindful of the details Hypnos forgot like clean bottles, fresh clothes for them both and piles of cozy blankets in easy reach for Hypnos. 
He looked down at Morpheus who stared back up with heavy lidded eyes, eating with pure satisfaction. The gold in his irises were dark, warm. He looked happy to be in Hypnos’ arms
“He really does, doesn’t he?” Hypnos whispered. 
You leaned over and brushed a kiss against his curls, the warmth of your body against his side made him melt into you with a sigh. Your large hand drifted down his back and rested on his hip. You gave him a squeeze. “You are a good dad, you know that right?”
”Right.” Hypnos said, fighting back the tears as he tried to believe you.
As a child, Hypnos reailzed hadn’t seen his grandparent in a very long time. It was possible oceans had just been formed by the time- actually no, multiple cell organisms were definitely a thing when Chaos and Nyx stopped speaking.
Once as a very young child, before Charon was even an adult, he tried to ask if they could go see Chaos, Hypnos enjoyed seeing how their forms changed, shifting into a new thing as they made the grandkids play guessing games. 
His mama had said ‘no’ so sharply that it killed any noises around them, the darkness spilling everywhere. Hypnos drew back, his hands clasped together against his chest. His eyes were wide as he watched her take a sharp breath, closing her eyes for a long moment.
When she looked at him, he wasn’t sure what that look in her eyes meant. 
“Hypnos, my gentle one. You won’t see them for a very long time, okay?” Mom had knelt down, taking his smaller hand into hers. Her skin was cool to the touch but not unpleasantly so. Her dark mouth was tight as she watched him.
He wanted to ask why. Why couldn’t they go? Why did his mama look so exhausted at the thought? 
“Okay, mama.” He agreed instead. He considered his next words carefully, unsure of himself now. “I love you.”
Mama smiled at that, her eyes widened as if she didn’t expect to and brought Hypnos onto her lap for a hug. She smelled like sweet roses, making his eyes droop with sleepiness.
Hypnos yawned loudly, snuggling into her soft embrace. He almost didn’t hear her whisper.
”I love you too.”
The twins were both a surprise and not at the same time.
Hypnos knew the feeling now, the way his powers grew heavy and lulling even for his form. 
Even though he could have sworn that Morpheus wasn’t this heavy, wherever it was that he came from. It was as if his bones were made of iron and all he wanted was a deep, deeeeeep sleep. Like comatose if possible.
Hypnos tried to make that joke to you once but you had looked so stressed that he never made it again.
However, Morpheus was older. 
He no longer cooed at everything in his sweet baby speak nor did he need Hypnos to support his head. He used to take his naps so, so easily. Their little supernova was a clever and loud toddler now, determined to find mischief wherever he went. 
Hypnos loved him even more now. But he needed rest.
“Go. Call for me if you need me.” You told him, giving him a chaste kiss as you held him close. You knew this time since Hypnos had made sure to inform you of the impending arrival of a child this time. 
Although to be fair to Hypnos, he didn’t know the first time either.
“Morpheus and I shall keep each other entertained for a bit.” You told him as Morpheus ran through the hallway, his little footsteps loud on the stone. He was laughing to himself in pure delight. 
You and him watched their child run back and forward in quiet envy, wondering where he found that energy.
Hypnos gave you a look but you kissed him again, smiling as you did. He lingered with the kiss, resting against your solidly built form before he broke it.
Closing his eyes with a sigh, he wished that he could bring you but his powers became unwelcome to anyone that wasn’t him. Like a snarling bear if he had to put a name to it. 
So he gave a playful and wet kiss on a squirming Morpheus’ cheek and got one more from you.
Then Hypnos went.
Time didn’t exist here, not in the realms of dreams. Fine mist and inky blackness swirled around him, and Hypnos slept and slept.
Dreams of graceful animals running wild in the forest, quicksilver fishes darted in the foamy waves, birds in everlasting flight. He dreamt of fire to create copper, clay becoming bowls, vases, art. Farmer tools being put to work, stones creating kingdoms. 
When Icelos came to form, her arms were curled around tightly around another being as if already daring the world to just try and take her twin away. Hypnos stared, his mouth parted in genuine surprise.
Icelos was lightness, her downy curls moonlight soft and her twin, Phantasos was darkness, his curls were the exact shade of your hair. He was so small too. No wonder Icelos was curled around him so tightly.
Hypnos drew both of them close to his chest, kissing them both as they fussed against him. Hypnos was crying but he couldn’t stop himself. His heart was breaking all over again and he knew that his universe was recreated once more, twice over.
“Hello.” He sings to them with a laugh. “Welcome, my little starlights. There is so much waiting for you.”
When he woke up, it was to the weight of the twins in his arms, your body against his and Morpheus’ slow breathing.
When Hypnos and Thanatos were little, his mom used to play hide and seek with them.  
Her long, elegant fingers covered her golden eyes as she began to count down. Thanatos always moved first, grabbing Hypnos’ hand and they would fly down the hallways to hide.
Thanatos was better at hiding for a short time before his own impatience would get to him but Hypnos was better at waiting. Even when Thanatos would peer out to see if their mom was close.
Hypnos never did. He was content to curl under the curtains or tuck himself deeper between the pillows as he waited. He would close his eyes and dream until he was found and lifted into her arms.
One day, they just stopped. Thanatos no longer grabbed his hand and his mom no longer covered her eyes. She looked at Hypnos like he wasn’t hers. Not anymore.
Hypnos still hid, curling up small as he could but no one came looking for him.
When Hypnos brought his children to the house, Queen Persephone’s face had lit up with delight. Hypnos was a sucker for anyone who wanted to coo over his babies so he paused to let her admire them.
”Oh they look beautiful, Hypnos.” Persephone sighed, her eyes going a little sad as Phan’s hand curled around her finger. Hypnos knew why and he tried not to let the guilt settled in his chest
Twice, she had been robbed of her own motherhood. It was unfair, so deeply unfair. Hypnos knew she would be a good parent, maybe the greatest. Certainly far better than him. Probably better than his mom.
You shifted, letting Morpheus use your shoulder as a perch, his little hands braced on your head. “They look like crying frogs to me.” He informed the queen loftily. 
“Morpheus. I told you before-” You scolded sharply as Persephone broke into a surprise laugh and Hypnos tried to act like his oldest didn’t just embarrass him.
”Hypnos?” His mom’s voice was cool as she came closer, her mouth pressed tightly as her eyes went to the newborns, Icelos in his arms and Phantasos in Persephone’s. 
Morpheus went quiet, dropping down into your arms as if trying to stay out of Nyx’s sight. Hypnos knew his mom could be scary but Morpheus never warmed up to her, despite Hypnos’ best efforts.
“Mom!” Hypnos said cheerfully, his smile softened as he shifted Icelos in his arms so Nyx could see her better. It was clear to anyone that Icelos was going to take after her grandmother even with her white curls.
“I thought you were only going to have the one, Hypnos.” Nyx said, her tone strange as she held her arms out to take Icelos. Hypnos fought the urge to curl his daughter closer and gently placed her in Nyx’s arms.
“Yeah, sometimes life has other plans. This is Icelos. Goddess for animals and their dreams.” Hypnos said, his tone filled with pride and he accepted Phan back with a smile. “And her twin brother, Phantasos. He is the god of objects and their dreams. Never thought about a tool having a dream but hey, learn something new every day.”
Hypnos knew he was rambling but he wanted to see a smile form on her face, to know that she loved them just as much as Hypnos did. Nyx looked at Icelos for a moment longer, a hard frown on her face and his daughter stared back.
It was the most still he ever saw Icelos then his little girl broke in sobs, twisting as she tried to return to Hypnos. Nyx quickly held her out for someone to take and Hypnos shifted a whimpering Phan around in his arms. 
It was you who grabbed her, curling Icelos close to your chest as you murmured comforting words.
“She isn’t going to bite.” Hypnos said sharply, and he never had spoken to his mom like that before. It just came out of him like a sharp blade, cutting at the person that scared his daughter.
Nyx locked eyes with him, her eyes narrowed and Hypnos didn't understand the gleam in her eyes.
He couldn’t understand she acting so weird around his children because Hypnos knew she knew how to care for an infant, hell he watched her babied the hell of Zagreus plenty. 
“Three children is a lot for anyone. Did you even think about this for a moment?” Nyx sighed. “I’m glad they are healthy, they really are lovely but You have bitten off more than you can handle. You couldn’t even do the easy job you had here.”
Hypnos’ face went slack in surprised hurt.
”Lady Nyx.” Persephone’s tone was sharp, frosty as she stared up at the taller goddess. “I would think it would be more helpful to possibly offer advice. Not criticizing.”
”It’s fine.” Hypnos said tightly, his voice higher than normal. “Really it is all finnnneee. Mom, I think it is time for the kiddos’ nap. It was nice to see you all.”
With that Hypnos grabbed you, his fingers digging into your forearm as he took them all from the house. 
Afterwards, when the twins were fed and calmed down for their naps, with Morpheus in his bed, sleepily murmuring a nonsense story to himself in his sleep, you eyed him. 
“Hypnos.” You said quietly. It was all that was needed. 
“I’m fine. I mean, it is not an unusual response to new grandchildren right?” He swallowed. 
Hypnos tried not to think about how your parents reacted. The way their faces had lit up with soft joy at the mere existence of their grandchildren. The way they promised over and over to watch the kids if they ever needed a quiet night or two.
Or the fact they spent their time and money on buying new toys or blankets for the babies, happy to just hold them for as long as Hypnos would let them. 
Achilles and Patroclus loved each grandchild like they were their own flesh and blood. 
So why couldn’t his mom?
”I mean, maybe next time it will be better if she wasn’t so surprised. I mean I did send that letter but maybe she didn’t have time to read it.” Hypnos gave a watery smile. “It is all good. She just needs time to adjust and you know she was really trying to be helpful in her own way.”
You looked like you wanted to say something, your lips twisted in that scowl that hypnos always wanted to kiss away but all you did was offer your open arms for him. 
Hypnos sunk into you gratefully, closing his eyes as he breathed deeply. 
This was fine. He was fine. Everyone was fine.
His mom wasn’t wrong. Three kids would be a lot for anyone but

it wouldn’t hurt to have some faith in him.
It was Zagreus who brought the little gifts from Nyx. Three darling little stuffed lambs, softer than clouds. Hypnos took one in muted surprise.
He had smiled at Hypnos, his mismatched eyes watchful. I think Mother Nyx felt bad. Um. My mom told me what happened.
Hypnos nodded absently, his fingers brushing over the soft head of the stuffed lamb, their eyes closed in peaceful rest. You were speaking to Zagreus but the words were like a buzz in his ears.  
Hypnos held it close to his chest, wishing that he understood.
The children grew. 
Morpheus was a bold child, effortlessly commanding attention wherever he went. Phan was so sweetly curious about everything, happy to cuddle during story time or to spend hours learning how things work. 
Icelos took after you. Her little hand on your knee as she leaned over to watch you put together back a spear, her brow furrowed at your quiet instructions.
She looked just like Nyx. It was in the line of her jaw, the fine arch of her eyebrows and the shape of her nose. When Hypnos had stopped by the house without the kiddos, he had greeted his mom. 
Hypnos knew his smile must have looked strained. Just like her face had. Mother and son unable to find the words. Both wanting something the other couldn’t give. Didn’t know how.
His first thought was just how she looked like Icelos.
Hypnos wasn’t sure when he started to see less of Nyx in his daughter. What was once Nyx had become Icelos. 
Icelos looked up and beamed at Hypnos, her dark gold irises gleaming and Hypnos smiled back.
There were lines of thin paint near the children’s rooms, marking their heights. It was something you began once Morpheus had bemoaned not remembering how many inches he grew in a single month.
It might be Hypnos’ favorite part of the house- beside his perfect, soft as a cloud bed. 
Blue paint for Morpheus and Hypnos always smiled whenever his oldest stood on his toes to make himself bigger. 
Green for Icelos, who always loudly claimed that she should be taller and can’t they just check one more time. 
Purple for Phan, who always seemed content with his lot, more excited to return to his newest project. Although Hypnod did overhear him asking how you got so tall.
“Dada, look!” Phan tapped his line, beaming up at Hypnos. He was freshly washed up for bedtime, his dark curls slowly fluffing up. His hand was dragging his beloved lamb behind him. 
Hypnos picked Phan up, kissing his soft cheek. Phan smelled like warm skin and sweet berries, the soap they got for the children. Hypnos pressed his nose in those curls, closing his eyes. “Look at that. How did you get so big?”
“I eat my carrots.” He informed Hypnos, sounding so much like Thanatos that Hypnos grinned. Hypnos gave him a tighter hug, playfully squeezing him as he began to carry Phan to bed. 
From the sounds of it, you were trying to convince Morpheus and Icelos that they could have only one story for bedtime. 
“I bet you will grow overnight. Maybe even taller than your father.” He whispered to Phan who grinned hopefully. 
“Can we check when I wake up?” Phan asked, tucking his stuffed animal closer. “I promise to sleep really well tonight. Father told me to eat my vegetables and sleep a lot and I will grow like a weed!”
”We can.” Hypnos said, his heart swelling with affection. “We will check everyday if you want.” 
Hypnos’ visits to the House were becoming rarer. He told himself that he just didn’t have time between his increased duties being god of Sleep, the keeper of both the river Leate and Elysium along with raising three perfect little babies.
Looking around the house, with the shade that took over his old job giving him a friendly wave, Hypnod tried not to admit to himself that without you or the children, his old home didn’t have anything for him.
He didn’t know if that was a good thing since his family was still mostly here, his brother and his mom. Even if she seemed more interested in her roses than him.
“How are your little ones?” Mom asked, brushing her fingers on the roses’ dark petals. She wasn’t looking at him, her long starlit hair was a veil against her pale skin. 
“Oh. Um. They are great. Morpheus is picking up the lyre so easily now, he has been playing us a little song he made up after dinner each night. He has a real ear for it unlike me.” Hypnos rambled with a wide smile even though his mom seemed only half interested. 
Hypnos could talk about his children forever, they were his favorite subjects. More than anyone or anything else. 
“Icelos is so much like her father, she has been helping him with the weapons and stuff - with adult supervision of course-  Don’t tell her but we are going to be getting Icelos her very own bow and a quiver soon.” He couldn’t hide the joy in his voice and didn’t bother to even try.
The quiet pride in your face when you told him that you thought Icelos was ready for her own set might be one of Hypnos’ favorite memories.
“And Phan is just so curious about everything! He took apart one of the bookcases to study it better. He did need some help from Y/N to put it back together but I swear his mind is just-“
”Hypnos.” His mom’s tone stopped him short. He felt his heart drop to his stomach although she had said nothing else.
“Y-Yes?” Hypnos kept his smile on his face although he knew it didn’t look genuine, his mouth felt far too tight and pitched.
“I’m glad your children are doing well, but shouldn’t you be preparing them for their roles? Morpheus will be dealing with mortals soon, is he ready for that? He doesn’t need to spend so much time on the lyre.” Her voice was so calm and reasonable that it took a moment for them to sink in.
”i-i. I guess so.” Hypnos said although there was a heavier weight on his tongue as if he would very much like to say something else.
His mom lifted a cool brow. “Icelos can have her bow but you need to start training her to become a lady. I will make time to train her if needed. And her twin- you shouldn’t let him do such ridiculous things-“
”Yup!” Hypnos gasped out, floating backward, his hands were moving around, fluttering in the air. “Actually I forgot I had something important I needed to do- sooo.”
His mom sighed, her face heavy disappointment. “You still act like a child yourself. Hypnos, please keep in mind what we discussed.”
He didn’t bother to respond that he was lying, already vanishing, his whole mood soured.
When he came home, it was filled with noises of laughter and the kids had gotten into the paint, pressing their little hands against the cool, dark stone. Their hands and smiling faces were covered in a rainbow.
You were holding Phan up so he got higher up on the wall since he still hasn't mastered the art of floating yet like Morpheus or Icelos.
”Um.” Hypnos blinked as everyone paused and turned to look at him. You returned the blink, a small green handprint on your cheek. There were some more hidden by your beard, hints of purples and blues.
Then you gave an easy shrug, grinning. You looked so roguish that Hypnos felt his cheeks flushed. “We were left unsupervised for too long. For shame, my love.”
Hypnos’ mouth dropped open in shock but only pure laughter spilled out, “Fine. But I am not cleaning this mess up.”
Maybe his mom was right but his kids were happy. You were too. Surely, that had to count for something. Even if it was only a few colorful handprints on a wall.
Three was a good number. 
One to be the oldest, a middle child and the youngest. It worked. All the best things came in three or something like that. And if Hypnos was being honest, three children were a lot of work. 
How did his mom attend to them all? Sure they weren’t all born at the same time but still. Sometimes Hypnos wondered if that was what she was trying to tell him, to not be like her. 
He sighed, barely awake as he waited for his dearest. Constellations sparkled overhead, but he was blind to it. 
Thank gods for you, Hypnos didn’t think he could handle parenthood without you. How was he supposed to remember to keep things in stock, like food and soap and paints or to clean the kids’ beds or clothes and so many little unimportant things that were actually important?
Hypnos didn’t know if it was a beautiful everblue summer, or a harsh dark winter when he felt the first spark. Deep and heavy in his bones. It had been so long since he last felt it.
It was faint but that's how it always starts. It would be a slow thing, almost like a pregnancy but only one that he felt, his body staying the same.
When he had informed you of the newest member’s impending arrival with guilt and fear twisting in his core and his mom’s words lingering in his ears, you had looked surprised. 
Then you kissed his forehead and asked if Hypnos already had a name in mind.
Slowly the faint achiness grew and grew, weighing him down until Hypnos could barely move his head, let alone play with his children. This one was like a solid weight on him, none of his other children were so heavy. 
He wondered if there was another set of twins waiting for them. But his instinct told him otherwise. All he could do was wait and see.
He slept plenty - since he was  god of sleep after all- but this was near coma- levels, and Hypnos winced with guilt when he realized how much work he left to you.
”It is fine.” You assured him with a yawn when you finally joined him, nuzzling against his chest, strong arms around his waist as you drifted off. Your voice was a warm vibration that sunk deep into his core. “You still do the voices for bedtime, that is all I
You didn’t even finish speaking, asleep in mere seconds. The children had run you into the ground, filled with endless youthful energy that you couldn’t hope to match. 
Hypnos combed his fingers through your hair, smiling to himself when he heard a soft snore, his own heavy eyes drooping with exhaustion. 
Sometimes, when one of the kids fell asleep in his lap, Hypnos would run his hand through their hair. The lullaby would rise up, the same one his mom would hum to him.
It was like the song was part of him, only to come alive in moments like this. This time, it was for his philtatos. Hypnos sighed deeply, the stars growing hazy like moonlight before his eyes. 
Hypnos began to hum.
Inky blackness surrounded him, simmering greens and purples and blues like an oil slick. 
Hypnos felt something heavy on his chest. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn't breathe- tick-tock, wake up gentle sleep- where was he, Father Time loomed over all them, mouth opening wide like a snake- Pyrrhus’ mad laughter- he gasped and hands reached up or down- tight around his neck-
Then he jolted, his eyes snapped open as he fought to breathe. 
He sat up on his knees and hands, panting harshly as blackness pulled at him, curling like vines around his arms, up to his face. He looked up, the dark colors dipping down from the ceilings. 
Normally they were better behaved than this, but they were twisting and dancing like Dionysus had infected them with madness. Melionë had told him that once he had returned, the nightmare creatures had calmed down for her. Became more obedient.
Hypnos gritted his jaw and with all his strength of his lungs, “Settle! Now!”
They froze for a moment, giving Hypnos a chance to break free before they began their mad, swirling dance once more. 
Hypnos watched with suspicion, wondering what was the cause of this. The heavy weight in his bones had grown, and he desperately wanted to lay down. 
Then he heard it.
A low soft hum, rising and falling. His mom’s voice amidst the screaming nightmares. 

There was a baby crying.
Hypnos twisted around, scanning the area. When he saw nothing but nightmares, he snarled and pushed past them. His hands were shaking, his heart racing as he hurried down into the void. 
Hypnos never truly understood anger like this, not before he had his children but the idea of his baby being scared and alone in the middle of dark made Hypnos feel like he could fight all of Olympus and win. 
“Just wait, I’m coming!” Hypnos yelled as he rushed, deeper and deeper, until there was no light left.
The humming was the only thing to guild him and Hypnos clinged to it like a light like in the cold night. He had to find them, he just had to.
And then the darkness broke. 
The first thing he saw was his mom and her starlit hair that fell like a waterfall, spilling everywhere. Then when she turned, there was a small, crying bundle in her arms. 
“My baby.” Hypnos whispered, holding out his arms to accept the new life. Would they take after him or you? Would they have wings like Morpheus, or Icelos’ strength or Phan’s gentleness?
Nyx took a step away, holding the sobbing baby closer to her. Hypnos went still, his breath hitching in his throat. “Mom?”
”Hypnos. Think about this.” Her voice was strange, like too many people were speaking at once. “Another child? Why can’t you learn from my mistakes? I kept having them and just looked at what I ended up with -you, my biggest mistake.” 
Hypnos winced, his tears rolling down his cheeks but he didn’t look from the creature. ”You are not my mom.”
The nightmare wearing Nyx’s face scoffed at him, her lip curling in disgust as she hissed. “Ungrateful. Spoiled and lazy! I’m keeping this one. He won’t be like you.” 
He didn’t even hesitate. Hypnos reappeared in front of the nightmare, nose to nose and yanked his child out her arms. Divine sleep and parental rage darkened his voice to something blacker than the pits of Tartarus.
“He is my son, not yours. Leave. Now.”
The nightmare just faded, becoming one with the shadows. Hypnos ignored all of it as he took his first look at his fussing newborn.
In every part of his son’s face, it was you perfectly mirrored, softened by youthful innocent. When his baby finally opened his eyes, there was Hypnos, golden and bright even in the darkness.
Then Phobetor cooed softly, a smile just like yours forming on his face.
Just like that, Hypnos fell in love all over again.
A day or so later, they had the children meet their baby brother first. All three surrounded Hypnos, their expression a mix of excitement and skittish glances.
Icelos had gasped quietly, leaning over to get a better look. “He is so tiny!” She whispered to Hypnos who smiled back at her.
Phan grimaced as he got a better look, unsure what to make of the baby. “Is he supposed to look like that?”
Morpheus scoffed, resting his arm on Phan’s head. “You and Icelos were much uglier.” 
Before you could tell Morpheus to mind his words, Phan elbowed him in the ribs as Icelos kicked him. He grunted in pain but before he could snap back, you pulled them away by their tunics.
“Hey! No rough playing near your dad or the baby.” You warned sharply, glaring down at them and waited until they nodded to let them go. They murmured an apology, and Icelos settled much more calmly next to Hypnos with a happy sigh.
“I love him already.” Icelos informed Hypnos and he chucked, “Me too.”
*What is his name?” Morpheus whispered when he sat down next to Hypnos, smiling down at his baby brother. 
“Phobetor.” Hypnos said with a beaming grin. “God of Nightmares.”
When they brought out little Phobetor to meet his grandparents, there had been a moment of muted shock in the living room. 
Then Patroclus held out his hands.
“He looks just like you, lad.” Achilles whispered, his voice thick as Hypnos gave Phobetor to Patroclus who took a shaky breath as he smiled down at his grandson. The infant fussed for a moment before settling back down. 
“Yeah.” You agreed quietly, disbelief still in your tone. You placed a hand between Hypnos’ shoulders, as they all stared down at the newborn. Faintly, he listened to the children playing, unaware of their grandparents visiting.
Hypnos will get them in a little bit, right now, he just wanted them to have this quiet moment.
“He is beautiful, Hypnos.” Patroclus said, not looking away from his newest grandchild. They had loved all of the children but Hypnos understood this was different, not in a bad way. Not more or less. 
Just different.
Phobetor felt like a new beginning.
Hypnos didn't know what to expect when he brought his newborn to the house. He was hoping against his own doubt that his mom would be welcoming, that she will hold her grandson with a smile.
He turned back to you, little Phobetor in your arms. He smiled despite all of his nerves. The way his mom had acted the last time he had brought the children to the house never left his mind.
It was why he had left the others in the care of Patroclus and Achilles. No doubt his children will be spoiled once more with the new toys and treats they always brought for them. 
“She might say something.” Hypnos warned quietly, tucking the blanket around Phobetor like it was armor. 
Phobetor gave a little contented yawn in response, blinking up at them with heavy eyes. It must be nice to be a baby, Hypnos mused with a smile, a full belly, soft blankets and endless hugs.
He wasn't a noisy baby like Morpheus was -No one ever was- but when not having to deal with his powers scaring him, Phobetor might be his most easy going, sweetest baby yet. 
Not that Hypnos was planning on more. Four was plenty. A good, even number. 
You gave him a glance, your voice soft. “If she does, we will just leave, love.”
”Yup. But we don’t need to, I’m sure.” Hypnos agreed, trying to remain cheerful. He won’t let anything or anyone take away from how special this moment was, not even his own mom.
Hypnos tried not to think about how easy the bust of resentment came to him now.
When they brought forward Phobetor, he cooed sweetly up at Nyx’s frowning face. Unlike Morpheus who tried to hide, or the twins who fussed. His little Phobetor was just so happy.
”He looks like
” His mom paused, her words careful. “Not like you.”
”Nope. I finally got one that looks my dearest. Only took four tries.” Hypnos jokes, his back straightened as he watched for
 he didn’t know. Phobetor’s tears? More criticism from the woman that birthed him?
Their eyes met, son and mother, with a gap that was growing right before them. Had been growing for years now. It might as well be a chasm with an endless abyss now. If Hypnos knew what to say, how to build a bridge to reach her, he would have.
Even with all the hurt and quiet resentment in his heart. He would have. He just needed one little sign from her that she wanted that. 
”I see.” His mom said.
She did not smile at Phobetor, did not take him into her arms. 
She did nothing.
It was worse, he would have rather she said something.
Later, much later. When Hypnos was rocking Phobetor to sleep, the lullaby rose in his chest, a gentle hum that filled the firelit chambers like the Lethe’ mist. 
When he saw something wet land on Phobetor’s round cheek, he thought his son was crying. Only Phobetor wasn’t, his dark lashes were closed, his mouth parted in an easy rest. 
It was him, he realized.
Hypnos quickly wiped the tears off on Phobetor’ cheek, shame boiling in his chest as the tears kept flowing downward. He shifted so no more would fall on his baby, whispering an apology to him.
Phobetor was innocent, he didn’t need to know that his dad was a silly little fool, not yet.
“Hypnos?” You drew nearer, your hand cupping his chin upward and he gave you a wobbly grin. Your expression was torn, concerned marred by a quiet rage. “Hypnos. My love, don’t waste your tears on her- I swear she need-“
“Don’t.” Hypnos sighed, closing his eyes as fresh tears came. “Please. I don’t think I can listen to it right now.”
You went quiet, wiping away the tears with gentle touches. It caused new ones to form, marking his cheeks. You took Phobetor, lingering to let Hypnos kiss his forehead in a goodnight kiss before taking him to his soft crib.
When you returned, you pulled him into your lap, holding him so tightly that Hypnos feared he might pop. He melted into it, sniffing like a child himself.
Maybe his mother was right. Hypnos never really grew up, did he?
“I just don’t understand.” Hypnos whispered against your neck, his fingers curled into your tunic. “What is it about my children that makes them so unlovable to her? I saw how she treated other children. Hell she gave Zagreus plenty of hugs.”
You kissed his head, petting his hair to soothe him. “I don’t think it's from a lack of love, Hypnos. I- i think she just wanted something else for you.”
“But I am happy like this. Why can’t she see that? What is wrong with m-me?” Hypnos gasped out in a sob, then another came, all the pain spilling forward like a conquering wave, drowning him in it. He was clinging to you now, like you were a life raft and he was drowning.
You were shushing him, rocking him and murmuring words that were lost to him. Some of it sounded like apologies, others were comforting.
Hypnos weeped until he couldn’t anymore, cried until he had passed out in the safety of your arms.
Phobetor’s first word was ‘milk’, his cubby arms waving at the bottle. His face flushed with a determined pout. When he was just a little bit older, it was his turn to pick out his color. He was blabbing in that nonsense toddler language that Hypnos just adored.
Bowls of paints laid forward him, shades of yellow, pink, orange, red along with black and white.
His little hand slammed into the bowl of red paint, beaming up at Hypnos with a toothless laugh. Hypnos knelt before him, kissing his chubby cheeks as he pressed a hand on the cave wall, marking Phobetor’s existence along with his siblings.
Later, You whispered to Hypnos. Love, you do know that he picked red because it reminded him of his favorite person, right?
Thanatos came to visit. 
In his hand was a single doll, a soft lamb with its eyes closed in gentle peace. Hypnos stared at it, his arms crossed his chest tightly. Thanatos looked between the doll and Hypnos, his scowl fading.
“Mother Nyx sent you?” Hypnos asked his twin, finally holding out his hand to accept the offer. The stuffed lamb was so, so soft and Hypnos brushed his fingers along its head. 
Phobetor will like it. Hypnos was sure of that. 
“Yes.” Thanatos peered at him. He hesitated. “You never called her that before.”
”She had told everyone to call her that for years. And I have called her that before.” Hypnos beckoned his brother in. Inside his home, there were stray toys, drawings and books. 
It will get picked up later during clean up time but Hypnos enjoyed the chaos, it made the place feel lived in. 
He could hear Morpheus working on his lyre again, the notes sweet in the air. As they passed one of the rooms, the voices of Icelos and Phan were going back and forward, no doubt plotting something to cause mischief. 
He liked this too, the noise of his happy kiddos.
Thanatos paused, his eyes lingering on the wall of the kids’ height lining, some muted marked by passing time while the new lines were still bold. “Won’t be long before they will be out working with me and Charon. Do you think they will sleep as much?”
It took Hypnos a moment to realize that his twin was trying to make a joke to lighten the mood. He grinned, “I doubt it. Than, they wear out even y/n and his parents. He passed out on the floor the other day. You will need all the energy you can get to handle them.”
When Hypnos found Phobetor with you, both on the floor as he was knocking two blocks together as he chatted to himself, his little fat legs kicked out in delight.
”Phobetor, baby. Little baby starlight.” Hypnos sang as he joined his son on the ground, beaming when Phobetor whipped his head toward him, almost falling backward. 
You braced Phobetor with a single large hand on his back, nodded toward Thanatos in greeting. Hypnos grabbed one arm of the lamb and waved it at Phobetor. “Hello, I’m a gift! From Mother Nyx. Just for youuuuu.”
Phobetor stared with wide eyes, bringing one block to his mouth to gum on it. Hypnos used his magic to float it closer, making it dance a little as he did so. He waited a moment then Phobetor reached for it, dropping the blocks.
It only took a moment for Phobetor to start gumming on its head, making noises of enjoyment. 
Hyonos clapped his hands, turning to Thanatos who wore a dignified scowl of utter disgust and that only made Hypnos’ smile grow even more. “He loves it!”
”Wonderful.” Thanatos replied dryly and Hypnos laughed, belly deep.
Later, once each one of the older children got to greet their beloved uncle and talk his ears off, the brothers stood outside of the home. From the narrowed glance Thanatos gave him, Hypnos knew he was going to bring up their earlier conversation.
”You haven’t been home for a while.” Thanatos said. Hypnos lifted an eyebrow and gestured toward his actual home, the messy one filled with his children and his husband. 
“Don’t play around, Thanatos. I do not have the metal energy for it.” Hypnos snapped. “I know you want to talk about Mother Nyx. So just hurry it up.”
Thanatos leaned back like Hypnos slapped him. 
Guilt came quickly and Hypnos sighed, closing his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Thanatos sighed, his fingers tapping on his scythe. “No. No, I could have started this conversation on a better foot so to speak.”
Silence grew them. Faintly, Hypnos could hear the kids cleaning up their toys, chatting to themselves. Your low voice was a rumble, comforting even in the distance.
“You’re good with them.” Thanatos nodded toward the home with a slight grin. “They look happy.”
Hynos ducked his head, grinning. “I got lucky. They make it very easy. And of course, y/n is here. I don't know how I would do it without him.”
“Our Mother would have helped.” Thanatos said, watching Hypnos carefully. Hypnos forced his smile to remain, even though he knew it must have tightened. Thanatos continued. “She raised all of us just fine.”
“Oh yeah. Just fine. Mother Nyx and I have different ideas, unfortunately, of what it means to raise children.” Hypnos said stiffly. “Sorry for not wanting to saddle my children with crippling self-esteem issues.”
“We turned out fine, Hypnos. More than fine, look how successful we are.” Thanatos scoffed. “You are the only one who acts like this. Well, and Eris but she doesn’t count.”
“That.” Hypnos snapped his fingers. “That right there. I don’t want that. I love our Mother but she wasn’t always right in everything, especially in how she treated some of us. I know she had a lot going on, that she couldn’t be perfect but dang it, she could at least listen to us! To me!”
“If you both just talked it out, I’m sure that you and she can reach an understanding.” Thanatos replied, dismissive with his head shake. 
”What makes you think I haven’t tried?” Hypnos’ voice cracked and Thanatos’ eyes widened. 
Hypnos was not going to cry in front of his brother. So he made himself take a steadying breath and glanced back at his twin with a sigh.
”I have tried for years, before the kids and even before y/n.” Hypnos rubbed his forehead, “I really did, Than.” 
“What do you mean?”
“She stopped speaking to me first. When you began speaking to me again, she never did, not really. When the kids met her, I think Morpheus was the only one she held longer than two minutes.”
Thanatos opened then closed his mouth, his brow furrowed. 
“She didn’t acknowledge Phobetor until now. I am so happy she took the time to make him a doll but I can’t let-“ Hypnos paused, fighting for the right words. “I can’t let her decide when they are worthy of her attention and care, they are always worth it. I know she does love them but I can’t have her treat them like that.”
Hypnos swallowed. “She can treat me like that, but I will always draw the line at my children.” 
For a long, long moment Thanatos said nothing. Hypnos wanted to keep talking but he allowed the silence to fill the gap, the heavy weight of it saying more than he ever could.
“You know you are always welcome back, right?” Thanatos said finally. He was looking at Hypnos differently now, almost like he was a stranger. Hypnos’ heart dropped.
”Yes.” Hypnos said, giving Thanatos a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “And you are always welcome here, you know that?”
When Hypnos was doing one last check on the children before going to bed himself, he saw Phobetor’s lamb had fallen to the ground. Quietly, he picked up, brushing off any invisible dirt before tucking it against his youngest.
Phobetor sighed heavily, pulling it against his chest as he kept sleeping. Hypnos smiled, watching him.
Hypnos knew it meant something. That Mother Nyx had taken the time to make a lamb for Phobetor. Maybe it was her way of apologizing, or maybe she had simply felt like it was her grandmotherly duty. 
He wished he knew for certain but if wishes were horses

“Everything good?” You whispered, coming to stand next to Hypnos. You wrapped your arm around him and Hypnos smiled, leaning into your side. ”Yes.”
It was better than good. 
Now it went like this. 
Somewhere high in Elysium, where the river Lethe flowed onwards in solemn peace, waiting in the mist. Soft blankets of tall grass swayed in a gentle breeze and brushed against the rocky cliffs. 
There was a home, deep in the rocks where poppies spilled over the land and cliffside, and countless stars gleamed on the ceiling with warm candlelight to light the paths inside.
Small colorful handprints of young children marked the wall, a dizzying rainbow of youths. There were two adult handprints, one slender in white paint and one large with black paint, just inches above.
It wasn’t loud as it once was, more quiet with occasional music drifting out or sleepy murmurings or rarely, very rarely a gentle lullaby to smooth even the most restless souls.
Near the center of the home, lines marked the wall, going higher and higher as they grew.
Deep blues for Morpheus. 
His sweet curls had gotten so floppy, constantly falling into his eyes and he finally decided that he wanted it short. Hypnos had died a little on the inside at the sight of those pale curls on the floor. 
But he was growing into his own person now, right before Hypnos’ eyes.
Morpheus’ fingers were marked by ink and calluses as he wrote new music for his lyre. He may take after Hypnos but that furrow of his brow was all you. 
Quietly, Hypnos wondered sometimes where his shining star went and where this growing boy came from.
Forest greens for Icelos.
Icelos was going to be a warrior. It was in the proud way she carried herself. Her golden eyes were ever sharp and watchful, her aim always true. So serious, so determined until her beautiful smile came forward like moonbeams.
Sometimes Hypnos feared that Mother Nyx’s face would haunt him but whenever Hypnos looked at her, she was Icelos, their only daughter and she was just like you.
His daughter was going to outshine them all one day.
Soft purples for Phanasos.
His mind was always on the move, his lavender eyes narrowed in focus. It reminded him of you, the quiet instenity, the pure focus. A northern star in the dark.
Hypnos would watch him sometimes, admiring the way Phan carefully repaired even the most broken thing, gluing each piece back together. He was already so much more clever than Hypnos would ever be.
Sometimes Hypnos would bring him a broken thing, just so he could listen to Phanasos talk, explain how to be whole once more. 
Bold Reds for Phobetor.
Phobetor looked so much like you that it sometimes made Hypnos’ heart ache in the best possible way. Like Icelos, the warrior bearing was there but softened by a cheerful smile. 
He was still happy to chase after Hypnos, his own little shadow and whenever Hypnos looked back, there was Phobetor’s golden eyes, bright in the darkness.
His youngest came from the void, where nightmare dwelled but he was his own star in the dark and Hypnos knew he would be a light for others as well.
When Hypnos found you, you were near the edge of the cave’s entrance, the family’s guardian even now. He appeared next to you, surprising you with a kiss on the cheek.
You only lifted an unimpressed eyebrow but Hypnos flashed you a cheerful grin, batting his eyes at you as he made more kissy noises.
You scoffed, grabbing his hand and pulled him close. Another kiss, one chaste but lingering, a promise for later.
The noise of the children made you and him both smile as the kiss broke.
”Ready to go back inside?” Hypnos asked with a nod. No doubt, the kids were up to something and Hypnos was nosy enough to go find out.
You nodded, about to say something when you went stiff, your eyes snapping toward the front of the cave. You made a gesture for him to stay as you went to investigate. 
Hypnos waited for a minute then decided that he might as well join you. Gods know you were probably just scaring off some poor fool who didn’t realize where they were.
Then you stepped back in, causing Hypnos to pause. Your jaw was tight and grim, full of concern. 
“It’s your mother.” You informed him quietly. 
Hypnos felt his body go numb in surprise, and he blinked. “Oh.”
You studied him for a long moment, placing a hand on his arm and giving a gentle squeeze. “Do you wish for me to send her away?”
He was shaking his head before he even realized it. “No. But maybe stay close by? I don’t think she wouldn’t be here without a good reason.”
Did something happen? Again? If it was Cronus or some other nonsense like that, he was going to personally put the world down for a very, very long nap and his kids as far away as he can. 
He wasn’t going to do that ‘fun’ little game again. With a deep inhale, he left the cave.
It had been a long time since he last saw Mother Nyx but she still looked as he remembered her. 
Imposing and beautiful as the night itself. Her hands were clasped together, pale as the moon. Her eyes turned to him when Hypnos drew closer. She looked relieved as if she thought Hypnos wouldn’t come out.
His hands were shaking and he wished that he had something to fidget with, to take his mind off of his nerves. He grabbed a long curl out of pure desperation, tugging at it slightly.
“Hypnos. You look well.” She said quietly. Her eyes sweep over him, looking for anything out of place. Hypnos wasn’t sure if it was to be critical or parental because he still couldn’t read her. 
”Y-you too.” Hypnos said in a rush. “I gotta ask, Mother Nyx, why are you here? Is everything okay at the house?”
Nyx seemed surprised by his questions, her dark lips parting slightly. Then Hypnos saw her twisting a silver ring around her finger.
Somehow the most ironclad woman Hypnos had ever known, who never shy away from anything; his very own mother was nervous. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while.” She finally said, her tone painfully formal. “I wished to check in with you.” 
“Oh.” Hypnos said breathlessly. His eyes went everywhere but her face. “I’m good. The kids are good. We’re good.”
An uncomfortable, weighty silence followed between mother and son. It one willed with unspoken words, one that never could be said. Or maybe. Now they could be.
Hypnos had accepted that he would never be what his mother wanted. That he would never get exactly what he needed from her. Maybe she had decided the same, to accept the situation for what it was.
Nyx nodded and made a move as if she was going to leave, when Hypnos lifted a hand up. 
They accepted it but that didn’t mean there wasn’t room for something else. 
“The house is a mess.” Hypnos admitted, and he was rambling before he could stop himself. “But we were going to have lunch here in a minute if you would like to join us. Just some cheese, pomegranate seeds and stuff. I’m sure the kiddos would be happy to see you.”
His mother said nothing for a long moment. Her eyes were dark with something that might have looked like hope. She almost looked like a child herself.
The memory came forward, of the day they no longer saw Chaos. Hypnos knew that she and Chaos were working on their relationship -still were thanks to the mess that Chonus made- but the golden hope in her eyes looked so much like his own that it was like looking into a mirror.
Not today, but one of these days maybe they could talk about it. Maybe Hypnos will finally understand.
“I would like that.” Mother Nyx said with a nod, her tone still formal. Her own shield but there was an almost smile.
Then she spoke up again. “I don’t think I had anything completely cleaned up until the last of my children were out of the house.”
Hypnos saw it was. An olive branch. The hurt child inside of him wanted to smack it away but every other part of him still wanted it even if it wasn't exactly what he pictured.
He smiled at his mother and gestured for her to follow.
Hypnos didn’t know if this would work but the heavy weight of his own beating heart, of a painful, unique kind of love convinced him to at least try. 
Maybe she could say the same one day.
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
afofa for ask game???
But of course! :D
when I started shipping it if I did: My first go around with BNHA, actually! Before season five was even out. I read ahead in the manga and came to the scene of Yoichi and AFO in the vault with Midoriya watching on, and my brain immediately lit up like "OH SO IT'S LIKE THAT" lmao. I looked for content then, but of course, there was none, so it wasn't until I got back into BNHA a few years ago that I looked for AFOFA content and actually found it! Was more than a little surprised to find more gen content for them than shipping content, but that just gave me a new dessert for them :3 Have my cake and some pie too ✹
What makes me happy about them: The sheer amount of dark soulmate vibes we get from them in canon. AFO is literally Cronus coded, Yoichi is his Rhea. Yoichi is his everything—and hasn't all All For One's ever wanted and fought for been everything? 💖
What makes me sad about them: What they could've been 🥹 The fact that they both loved each other so deeply but their respective hearts and ideals are so at odds that it would never work in any universe where they're unequally yolked; and they almost always are. The fact that had they grown up in kinder circumstances the likely wouldn't have fought at all. It would've been just them, together, as they should've been from the start. Without all the blood between them. "It could've been the kindest power in the world."
things done in fanfic that annoys me: When they infantilize Yoichi 😮‍💚 Like he's definitely Babygirl™ but he's also a grown man. Being sickly and weaker than he's brother doesn't make him inherently stupider or less capable than AFO, and it definitely doesn't make him childish. I don't even like it when All For One is the one doing it—he absolutely sees his brother as naive and in need of protection but I don't think he'd ACTUALLY see him as a child, or even WANT him to be one. Idk it just skeeves me out, it's not how I see their relationship dynamic ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
things I look for in fanfic: Yoichi characterization!! :D AFO has always been pretty straightforward, so I do look for unhinged loving obsession and all-encompassing need and desire from him, but fics that dive into Yoichi's psyche are some of the most interesting to me :) I like him to be capable and cunning—it just doesn't matter how smart or strong he is against the overwhelming power of his brother 💕 Shoot his ass and watch him laugh ✹
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: As you all know, I'm an avid shipper of any form of Ichiniisan, so I like Yoichi with Kudo and Bruce THIRD in any sort of way I can get them. As for All For One....well, he always takes whatever he wants, and I can see him with several people solely in a sexual sense. For romance however, I only see him loving Yoichi—with special Fondness™ priveleges for Yagi and Inko depending on the universe and circumstances.
my happily ever after for them: In my fic Like This You Keep Them Alive, I have them as lingering ghosts of their respective Quirks, and they can freely go back and forth between their holders (Izuku and Tomura) as much as they please. In the afterlife, everything is swept aside. There is no more power imbalance. There is no world to take over or save. They're able to just,,,,exist together, without anything between them anymore. They play games together and talk about things they haven't in ages and are basically all over each other all the time. I think that's gonna be my favorite ending for them :3
who is the big spoon/little spoon: All For One is big spoon. That man is over seven feet tall, Yoichi barely hits six-foot exactly. All For One big spoon 👁👁 He likes to cling.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Cuddling. Cuddling and talking, actually. Because I've got AFO's love language down as physical touch followed quickly by words and Yoichi's love language as words of affirmation followed quickly by physical touch, so sitting curled around each other in front of a warm fire like snakes while they whisper things back and forth would be their biggest nonsexual passtime together. Though sometimes Yoichi does like to badger his brother into dancing with him—mostly so Yoichi can stand on his feet and AFO can float them both into the air. It always make him super giddy 🥰 ....At least until they get to the point where AFO's arms begin to feel more like chains than shields.
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 months
I find it interesting that of the Norse gods, only the Vanir are given myths of a detailed courtship and wedding. The Aesir couples that mythology mentions: Odin and Frigg, Thor and Sif, Loki and Sigyn, Bragi and Idunn, Sunna and her barely-seen husband, are all mentioned as married right off the bat. Recorded mythology never describes how they came together, they're just said to be married, and sometimes said to love each other. The only exception is Saxo's Hodr/Nanna, but Saxo liked to mix and match mythological motifs anyway, so the original myth could just be Hodr lusted for Nanna and tried to abduct her, thus eventually leading to Baldr's murder and Vali being born to avenge the kinslaying. (There is a Scandinavian ballad motif that's also present in England called Svend i Rosengard/Sven in the Rose Garden, where one brother slays the other and is forced to confess to his deed after being questioned by the mother. The motive is always something trivial or even cryptic like, "it was for the cutting of a twig that would never be a tree", and the killing itself is sometimes an accident where one brother's knife slips, but sometimes the two brothers are fighting over the same woman.)
The Vanir couples do have detailed marriage stories. Skadi and Njord have a mostly comedic myth about their marriage and separation, and Frey has an elaborate myth about his longing for Gerd. Freyja has no details about her courtship, but there's also the theory that she and Odr are just doublets of Odin and Frigg, so they don't really need a marriage myth.
Conversely, in Greco-Roman mythology, for all their ups and downs and questionable ethics by today's standards, almost every divine couple gets a myth about their marriage. You have couples like Zeus and Hera, but also more minor gods like Vertumnus and Pomona or Cupid and Psyche. Even Cronus and Rhea get a myth where they wrestle another divine couple for control over Olympus.
See, that's a difference I always found kind of funny, too. I like to imagine there might have been some courtship and marriage myths on the Aesir side, too, perhaps even very dramatic ones considering all the implied drama between, say, Odin and Frigg and Thor and Sif, or even Bragi and Idun. But, ofc, even if that was the case, we'd probably never learn about them. Then again, from the Aesir (and numbered-among-the-Aesir ;)) we get two very romantic story elements like Sigyn's bowl of venom and Nanna's all-too-literal heartbreak, so...
Speaking of Nanna, I love that you mentioned the version of Balder's death in Gesta Danorum because 1. I actually adore that version, lol, GD!Hod is such an adorable anxious mess of a guy and they just keep putting him in situations (even Saxo's moralizing narrator won't let him catch a break!), 2. I was reading some Beowulf-related stuff recently and kinda started crack-theorizing that Saxo put Hod's eumerized form and his story where he did just because Danish Kings' Names Start With An H, 3. there's a very interesting work by Anatoly Liberman, Some Controversial Aspects of the Myth of Baldr, that, iirc, does propose a "tragic love triangle with Hod as the bad guy" origin for Balder's death. (... also, 4. if you don't know the Danish comic Valhalla by Peter Madsen, please read it because it's amazing AND the way it combines Saxo and the Eddas in the issue The Ballad of Balder is just *chef's kiss*)
As for the Vanir, leaving aside the eternal Frigg/Freya problem, what always stuck out to me the most is that, while there's a lot of elements ranging from the unusual to the bizarre to the clearly comedic in Skadi's wedding (look, the woman is the one who dons the armor and goes on the bridal quest, while the man waits to be won! But she can only choose him by his feet! Oh, and now she's gone and accidentally picked one guy when she wanted another! And Loki's tied a goat to his...!), Freyr's doesn't, imo, really fare that much better. I mean, sure, it's not unusual for a nobleman to send his servant to court the girl he wants to marry for him, especially when he has good reason to think the girl's family won't exactly welcome him with open arms... but you wouldn't really expect him to go from lounging around sighing and brooding and leaving his family in various states of concerned "????" to immediately losing possesion of his Awesome Magical Sword as soon as he finally resolves to just send his servant to court the girl. Even with all the obvious differences, it honestly reminds me a bit of Gunther, Siegfried, and Brunhild, specifically in the Nibelungenlied. Except I think even there Gunther might have been actually a little more proactive... and the consequences of his choices were a bit more, so to say, direct...
There's also something to say about how the Aesir have, as far as we know, only jotun lovers while the Vanir have jotun wives, I think. Or rather, I know a lot has been said about it. But I got really into those theories years ago, so now everything's a bit tangled up in my head and I'm not quite sure anymore of what I read and what I made up myself, lol.
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undeniablereckoningart · 4 months
⚠ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
hrmmm idk how to correctly answer this so im taking it as red flags
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
Zenqey - pre-modify
sleazy, could very easily get on other's nerves
he is inspired by seadwellers like cronus without the whole "hey mamacita lemme whisper in ur ear" thing
he would honestly make some friends/quads just to use them (for a place to live, to buy small things - like cigs, ....)
they'd change their living situation a lot, never their hive tho
usually he didn't spend much time at any hive really
but it'd end up slightly messy bc he does not know how to neatly fold a towel to save his life
Zenqey - post-modify
well. is there anything that bad about him right now
he can have a lot of emotional outbursts but i think he deserves a pass for those
sleeps on the floor.yeah you've kinda seen where he has been
the longest time he ever was in one place
immediately too friendly, usually they want to know what caste they're talking to
they tend to downplay other troll's emotions just bc they, themselves, don't see it like that
ofc there's the whole crazy mediculler thing.and they used to be a taxidermist
surprisingly neat!
there's a mess here and there, but it feels organized - especially for them
they usually don't sleep in their own bedroom, sometimes they just pass out while studying shit or they're with fawn
immediately pitch-ish towards anyone really, he's just used to it - it used to help him detach from the trolls
apologizes way too much to anyone for anything
phases of self isolation and extreme need for attention
messy, has no energy to clean his bedroom
there's nothing rotting no, just scattered clothes, papers and whatever
modify and ayzrit usually help him clean up sometimes when they have time
??????? who is this guy.
well she's associated with modify so that's a warning sign/red flag
very messy but also organized - organized only in their eyes tbh
rarely comes out of it
Zombey - pre-modify
pessimistic, egoistical, would do anything to get their way
fancy, very fancy, filthy rich even
the are hidden messes here and there, but only what others see is important, right?
Zombey - post-modify
literally rotting, decaying and too okay with that
even if they're a dead troll walking now, they are way more laid back and ok with their future
no bedroom so uh
passive aggressive or outright aggressive towards everyone
messy, like really messy, he does not care enough to clean it up
he doesn't view it as a place to be relaxed in, he just views it as a place to sleep and hide away so it's not really personalized
*vaguely gestures towards them*
they don't view anyone as a person, really
even their "teammates"/"coworkers", it will bully them and anyone else they want
dark, cold, messy
a lot of blankets everywhere, all windows covered, the only light is usually their devices
tends to not listen to people and their boundaries (usually when it's needed)
is willing to hurt people when it's "necessary"
their bedroom is small and hidden away in an abandoned cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere
probably a bit more messy
set in the old ways, but in a "i dont care way"
very pushy, maybe too pushy
very demanding
kinda personalized? with lots of sword motifs
never messy, would never see a spot in that place
crywank fan /j
i don't think there's anything??
smaller, messy in some places (the chair is a hanger for any kinds of clothes), but very personalized
but just in a way it doesn't compromise the room bc their landlord is a highblood
despite their attempts their room is...in a less than ideal state - due to their psionic outbursts
basically caste fishing with the whole cat thing (but theyre not an oliveblood)
has a history of being on troll 4chan (idk how its called)
very messy but specifically in a way that fits their vibe
colors everywhere but also darks and sparkles
emo ass room honestly :3
snappy, will get into fights just because they're slightly mad
literally a cave, barely personalized
literally kills trolls
literally a fuschia
literally was raised by violent purples
literally royalty
again, fancy and rich, never messy but not personalized at all
he doesn't like it and usually just hides away in it
he likes the balcony tho
kinda into the caste thing?
genuinely believes(believed) that highbloods are above everyone else
uh he is kinda trapped in a device deep underground
doesn't like it :(
literally will shove any ad down your throat
used to be a very loyal subject to the royals
would advertise the royals' bs
dumpster! :3
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kalicofox · 8 years
@cobaltkestrel, who asked for Prompt #5! 
Two: The A22hole iin apartment 203 Ii 2wear to god, iif you flood your bathroom one more tiime Ii won’t be held re2ponsiible for the hell Ii wiill raiin down on you. You liive above me, a22hole, and the water leak2 iintwo my liiviing room. Tiired of your 2hiit, apartment 197
Roxy stared bemusedly at the note she'd found taped to her apartment door on her way in from work. She hadn't thought she had flooded the bathroom since the time-which-shall-not-be-spoken-of, but obviously something had happened since she'd left for work that morning, and if it was bad enough that her downstairs neighbor was complaining, then she shuddered to think about what had happened to her own floor.
Taking a deep breath, she reached out, unlocked the door, and pushed it open.
"Surprise!" Two voices chimed, and Roxy's flew wide as two dark haired, nearly identical people practically pounced on her.
"So wait," Roxy laughed a while later, ensconced at her kitchen table with a tray of muffins being shared between herself, Jake and Jane. "You guys showed up literally twenty minutes after I leave, broke into my apartment, and then just hung out here all day waiting for me to get back? Why didn't you call!?"
"Don't be silly," Jane sniffed primly, "That would have ruined your birthday present."
"Plus it gave me time to fix your toilet." Jake added, grinning shamefacedly, "Has the damn thing always been that tempermental?"
"Wait, you're the one who flooded the bathroom?" Roxy demanded laughingly, "I mean, yeah, it has issues, but I figured out the trick to stop it flooding every couple of days months ago!"
"Yeah," Jake winced, "Um, that is, yes. But I fixed it!" He added hastily, and Jane nodded along with him.
"And cleaned up all of the water." She frowned, then glanced down the short hallway to the bathroom. The short, carpeted hallway. "The carpet's probably still damp though." 
Roxy waved them off. "It's fine, I've been trying to get the manager to do something about it since basically when I moved in. At this point I'm pretty sure that the dude is dead or something."
Jane frowned, but said nothing, and Jake brought up the latest Star Trek movie, fairly effectively diverting the conversations.
It wasn't until Jane and Jake left and she was getting ready for bed that Roxy remembered the note from her downstairs neighbor and pulled it out of her pocket, examining the weird spelling mistakes and cramped handwriting for a long moment before tossing it towards her desk trash and forgetting about it.
Or rather, she mostly forgot about it. Every once in a while something would drag up the memory of it, she'd spend a while wondering what kind of hell her neighbor could possibly come up with, and then she'd forget about it again.
Until her tub overflowed.
In her defense, it (mostly) wasn't her fault. The secondary drain was, apparently, only for show, and the shower head had been leaking for days, so she'd felt pretty comfortable just leaving a bucket to catch the leak every morning before she'd gone to work. A bucket that sat right over the primary drain. And wouldn't move once it was full of water.
She knew something was wrong as soon as she got home and saw the another note on her front door. It only had three words on it, but those three words rang in her head like a bell as she went through the motions of cleaning up The Great Flood, Part 4.
Ii warned you.
Roxy was pretty sure she didn't have to wonder about the sort of hell her neighbor could come up with anymore. In fact, if she didn't know better, she would have thought that her neighbor had some sort of magical ability to make everything in her life turn to shit. And it all began and ended with electronics. 
Anything that she owned that connected to the Internet was suddenly the buggiest, most malware filled piece of shit she'd ever used, despite the customized firewalls and virus protection that she'd built herself.
Her power was shut off three times in five days for lack of payment. It took three hours on the phone each time to get it turned back on, and each time the person on the other end was baffled as her account would miraculously reappear in their system.
Her Netflix account was suddenly restricted to only shows rated teen and under.
Every single religious mailing list in the area was sending her pamphlets and donation requests.
She was pretty sure that her being late for work three days in a row was their fault, too, since catching every single red light on the way was a statistical improbability, but she couldn't really prove it.
She'd walked straight into a closed automatic door that only seconds before had opened just fine for someone else.
The last straw was waiting for her at her mailbox, on the seventh day of the week of hell, and it didn't even have anything to do with the asshole in 197. 
"Heya, Dollface," Cronus Ampora, wannabe greaser, wannabe musician, and definitely her ex, smiled toothily at her, his hair slicked back with what had to be at least half a pound of gel.
"What are you doing here, Cronus." Roxy asked, her voice flat. 
Cronus pouted, pushing away from the wall and sauntering towards her. "What, can't a guy just drop in to see how an old flame is doin'?"
"No." Roxy said even more flatly, and Cronus winced theatrically. 
"Jeeze Rox, you're being pretty harsh-"
"No, I'm not. I'm being blunt." Roxy interrupted, crossing her arms and glaring at him, "There's a fucking difference, Cronus. Now why are you here?"
"I need a place to stay. Meenah kicked me out."
Roxy gaped at him. "How about not?" She asked, then shook her head. "Actually, how about hell fucking no!"
"Awww, c'mon Rox," Cronus wheedled, and Roxy exploded.
"I said no! Jesus fucking Christ, Cronus, I have had the week from hell and there is no way I can fucking deal with you right now! Christ, you didn't even have the decency to call! What were you going to do if I wasn't here, harass my neighbors?" She barked with bitter laughter at that idea, "There's a plan, yeah, let's just piss them off even more than I already have!"
Cronus opened his mouth to say something, but Roxy just rode right over him, the words spilling from her mouth in a flood now that she'd started.
"Do you know, I didn't even do it on purpose!" She said, "I just couldn't figure out how to make it stop dripping! But does that asshole do anything reasonable, like calling the manager on me or something? NOooooooOOooo!" She throws her arms out wildly, nearly hitting someone tall and thin who'd just come in the front door, with her purse. "No they do not!" She says emphatically, "Instead!" She declares, stabbing one finger into Cronus' chest, "Instead I get hacked!"
Cronus raises one eyebrow doubtfully. "You." He clarifies, "You got hacked?"
"Yes!" Roxy wailed, "Everything! I could practically see this asshole  cracking my firewalls as fast as I could build them!"
The other guy, now over by his mailbox, chokes abruptly, but Roxy was too into her spiel to stop.
"And it wasn't even my fault! I can't afford to call a plumber! Do you even know how much they cost!?"
Cronus was starting to look a little trapped, and Roxy abruptly realized that she'd backed him up against the wall. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, took a step back, and let the breath out slowly.
"So to get back to the original point," She said, dragging a veneer of calm back over herself, "No. You can't stay with me. My carpet still isn't even dry from this last clusterfuck."
"Right, okay, thanks Dollface, bye!" Cronus croaks, and Roxy watches, vaguely bemused, as he scrambles to get out the door.
As soon as he was out of sight though, all of the fight went out of her and she sighed, slumping despondently against her mailbox.
"Boyfriend troublth?" A rough voice, deep, with the faintest hint of a lisp, asked, and Roxy turned her head to look at the speaker.
"No." She sighed, recognizing the guy she'd almost hit with her purse. "He's just an ex. His newest girlfriend kicked him out. Sorry for about the purse to the face."
"It'th fine." The guy smiled crookedly, "You mithed, anyway."
Roxy nodded, "That's good."
The guy nodded back and turned to head upstairs. "I hope thingth get better for you!" He called back over his shoulder, and Roxy smiled weakly.
When she finally made it all the way up the stairs to her apartment (because of course the elevator stopped working for her, too,) there was another note taped to it.
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paraemu · 3 years
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From Toei Hero MAX 57
Parad and Poppy were the main characters in the second part of the trilogy, which was the most flexible in terms of content. Kai and Matsuda's bugster team looks back on their activities in V-Cinema, which were in a sense the same as usual, or even more outrageous than usual!
A different kind of competition realized in a compilation trilogy
Interviewer: As the title suggests, the two of you play the main roles in this film, "Kamen Rider ParaDX with Poppy". How was it for you to play your first major role?
Kai: As far as I'm concerned, I just played Parad, so I don't really have any special feeling. I was just playing the role of "Ex-Aid" as I always have, and as a result, Parad was right in the middle. I didn't feel like I had to do anything as the main character at all.
Matsuda: That's right. We've been living as Poppy and Parad for a long time, and the camera just happened to be looking at me, and before I knew it, I was making art. I think that's how I feel about it (laughs).
Interviewer: Kai-san is also taking on the challenge of playing two roles with Black Parad, a new character in this work.
クランクむンの圓日ずかはけっこう倧倉だった蚘憶がありたすね。同じカットに2人ずも映るシヌンは、たずパラドで撮っお、そのたたカメラを固定しお、ブラヌックパラドに着替えおから、今床は反察偎に立っお ..ずいうのをやらなきゃいけなくお。たぶん、あの日だけで4回ぐらいは入れかわったんじゃないかな。
Kai: I remember it was quite difficult on the day of the crank-in. For the scene where both of us are in the same shot, we had to shoot in Parad, hold the camera in place, change into Black Parad, and then stand on the other side of the screen and shoot... I had to do this. I think we probably switched around four times that day alone.
Matsuda: Black Parad is going to be difficult because he looks almost the same. In the case of Poppy and Asuna, they look, sound and speak very differently, so they look like different people even though they say the same things.
それはそうかも。挔技だけでたったく違うキャラの人物に芋せるずいうのがいかに難しいかは、今回初めお実感したかな。飛圩瀬戞利暹が劇堎版 (「仮面ラむダヌ×スヌパヌ戊隊超スヌパヌヒヌロヌ倧戊」) で二圹をやっおた䞀ずきも「倧倉そうだなぁ」ず思っお芋おはいたけど (笑)。
Kai: That may be true. I think this is the first time I realized how difficult it is to make a character look completely different just by acting. When Seto Toshiki was playing two roles in the movie version ("Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen"), I thought "That looks like a lot of work." (laughs).
衣裳チェンゞずいう郚分では、"ポッピヌの䞃倉化" も本䜜の芋どころのひず぀ですよね
Interviewer: In terms of costume changes, the "seven changes of Poppy" is one of the highlights of the film, isn't it?
みなさんにそう蚀っおいただくんですけど、私自身はこの1幎半ずっずコスプレをしおきたようなものなので、コスプレをするっおこずに察する特別感がわりず携れちゃっおいお.....。ちょっずバグっおたす (笑)。
Matsuda: That's what everyone tells me, but I've been cosplaying for the past year and a half, so my sense of specialness about cosplaying is rather gone... It's a little buggy (laughs).
Kai: That's no longer what I call casual wear.
そうだね。りェディングドレスも  おめでたい私服 (笑)。
Matsuda: That's right. The wedding dress is also... an outfit for special occasions (lol).
Kai: You also did some wotagei, right?
やったねえ。鈎村監督から、着替えるたびに「ひず蚀なんか蚀っお、なんかやっお」っお蚀われお、党郚アドリブでやったんですけど、そのひず぀がヲタ芞で (笑)。最初は「アむドルっがいこずを」っおオヌダヌだったんだけど、なんか違うこずをしたかったから、監督ず盞談しお「アむドルカルチャヌずはこういうものだっお勝手に勘違いしおるポッピヌ」ずいう蚭定でやったんです。でも、ちょっず激しくやりすぎお、今回の「トリロゞヌ」に携わっおないスタッフさんのなかには別人がやっおるず思った人もいたみたいですけどね。
Matsuda: I did. Director Suzumura asked me to "say something, do something" every time I changed clothes, so I improvised everything, and one of the things I did was wotagei (laughs). At first the order was to do something idol-like, but we wanted to do something different, so we talked with the director and decided to do it as "Poppy, who mistakenly believes that this is what idol culture is all about". But it was a bit too intense, and some of the staff who weren't involved in the "Trilogy" seemed to think that someone else was doing it.
Kai: You're right, they don't use dubbing even for wotagei (laughs). It's not an action movie. I mean, didn't "Matsuda Ruka" appear in the middle of the movie? When I was watching it, I was like "Huh? Where's Poppy?"
Matsuda: You were in it. I couldn't help but show my true colors there.... (laughs).
The Shocking Truth Revealed: What Will Happen to the Actors?
Interviewer: On the other hand, this trilogy will also reveal a new past that has never been told before.
Kai: Who is Black Parad? This is also the first time that Sakurako-san, Poppy's host, shows her face.
Matsuda: She was a very beautiful woman. I wondered again why she married someone like Dan Masamune.
Kai: She was so beautiful that I was surprised too. I wondered how such a person could give birth to Kuroto.
いや、クロノスず結婚したら黎斗は産たれちゃうよ (笑)。たあ、あったんでしょうね。きっずお父さんにもいいずころが。
Matsuda: No, if you marry Cronus, Kuroto will be born (laughs). Well, there must've been a reason. I'm sure the father had his good points.
Kai: To put it simply, Masamune and Sakurako's marriage was the beginning of all of "Ex-Aid."
どこに惚れたのかっおいう最倧の謎は、トリロゞヌでも結局謎のたただけど (笑)。
Matsuda: The biggest mystery of what made her fall in love with him remains a mystery even in the trilogy (laughs).
Interviewer: In the TV series, there were some new facts that were revealed later, but as a performer, did you feel confused?
Kai: Yes, I did. To be honest, I didn't know Parad would end up on the side of the humans until later, so I thought "What? What should I do?". In the first interview, I said that I wanted to end up as a villain, and I was planning to play a villain until the end.
Matsuda: I was also shocked when I found out in the show that I was Kuroto's mother! If I had known that from the beginning, I probably would have treated him differently, so I thought, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Kai: But I'm sure it's for the best. By being unaware of it, I'm somehow forced to create the role. If I had known that I was going to be on the human side, the distance between me and Graphite would have been weird for sure. It was good for Parad that he was suddenly given such a script and that his emotions couldn't keep up. He felt like he was in a real predicament.
東映さんの䜜品はそういうずころがあるみたいだもんね (笑)。『シンケンゞャヌ』のずきも、束坂桃李さん自身は「実は圱歊者」ずいう蚭定をギリギリたで知らされおなかったんだっお。挔じるほうずしおは最初から蚀っおおほしいけど、そのあたりが難しさであり、面癜さでもあるのかなっお。
Matsuda: That seems to be the case with Toei's films (laughs). For "Shinkenger," Tori Matsuzaka himself wasn't told that he was actually a shadow warrior until the very last minute. As a performer, I wish I would have been told from the beginning, but I think that's both the difficulty and the fun of it.
そうだね。パラドが氞倢に感染したバクスタヌだずいうのも最初は僕だけが知っおお、飯島くん本人は実際教えおもらっおなかったし  。氞倢の瞳が赀くなったずきは絶察パラドが近くにいるずか、そういう匂わせはたくさんあったけど。
Kai: That's right. At first, I was the only one who knew that Parad was the Bugster who infected Emu, and Iijima-kun himself wasn't told about it. There were a lot of hints that Parad was definitely nearby when Emu's eyes turned red.
Matsuda: Yeah, yeah. That's why the second half of "Ex-Aid" is so interesting, isn't it? If you watch it after you understand everything, you can enjoy it even more.
A relationship of mutual trust
Interviewer: How was it working with director Suzumura, who is working on the entire trilogy?
かなり自由にやらせおもら雰囲気でやれたかなっおえたしたね。 監督自身がすごく柔らかくお噚の倧きい方だから、呚りも切矜詰たったりせずに、いい雰囲気でやれたかなっお。
Kai: The director himself is very soft and big-hearted, so the people around him didn't feel pressured, and we were able to do it in a good atmosphere.
うん。よくご飯にも誘っおくれたしね。監督がそうやっお気さくに接しおくれるからこそ、距離感もほどよく瞮たっお、珟堎でも「コレ、こうしたいんです」っお気負わずに蚀える空気感ができおた感じ。私のなかではすっかり焌酎ばかり飲んでる人ずいうむメヌゞだったりもしたすけど (笑)。
Matsuda: Yeah. He often invited me out to dinner, too. Because the director was so open with me, we were able to close the distance between us, and I felt like I could say, "This is what I want to do," without feeling self-conscious. In my mind, he has the image of someone who drinks only shochu (laughs).
Kai: Naturally, the director has a plan for the direction of the film, but when we came up with a different idea during the play, he would always say, "Well, let's do that". I think it's great that the director is willing to adopt our ideas, because it encourages us to think harder. I think that was really good. I was also able to develop my ability to think out of the box.
Interviewer: In addition, he was surrounded by actors of the same generation who had been running together for a long time. It's like the devil's advocate.
Matsuda: We all get along really well. When there are a lot of people in a group, it tends to naturally divide into different groups, but that didn't happen at all with "Ex-Aid".
Kai: Yeah. Personally, I think it's best to work in a place where everyone can laugh together and have fun. In that sense, I'm glad that all the members were able to have a good balance between on and off work.
Interviewer: How is the relationship of trust between the two of you?
バッチリですよ。私が右なら、圌は巊に行くので (笑)。
Matsuda: It's perfect. If I go right, he goes left (laughs).
そうかなでも、確かに違うこずをしたがるかも。同じ方向向いおっお蚀われおも、玠盎にできないし (笑)。ずいうか、そっちも "おしゃべりク゜マシンガン" っお蚀われおたじゃん。
Kai: Is that so? But I think we may want to do different things. Even if you ask me to look in the same direction, I can't do it honestly (laughs). I mean, you've been called a "shitty talking machine gun" too.
"ク゜" じゃないよ、"サブ" だよ (笑)。なんだろ私がバヌッずひずしきり喋っお、暪から圌䞀がポロッず鋭いこずを蚀うみたいな、そういう流れは珟堎でもありたしたね。
Matsuda: It's not "shitty", it's "sub." (laughs) What is it? There were times when I would talk a lot, and then he would say something sharp from the side.
Kai: But I didn't say anything funny, did I? I was just telling the truth.
Matsuda: He dares to say things that all adults pretend not to know and avert their eyes on.
そういうのすごい嫌いなの。日本人はなんですぐ "付床" するのかなっお思っちゃう。あんな蚀葉、英語にはないからね?
Kai: I really dislike that kind of thing. I wonder why Japanese people are so quick to use "tsukedo". There is no such word in English, right?
はいはい (笑)。
Matsuda: Yes, yes (laughs).
Interviewer: Now that we have a good sense of the relationship between the two of you, do you have a message for the readers who will be watching the film?
Matsuda: I guess I'd like to say that if you believe the poster visual of Parad and Poppy in the evening sun, you're in for a world of hurt.
Kai: That one has a bit of a mysterious Titanic feel to it.
二人が出るっおこずしか合っおない (笑)。ただ、「ブレむブスナむプ」も「ゲンムVSレヌザヌ」もわりず重いし、「パラドクスwithポッピヌ」は箞䌑め回だず思っお身構えずに芳おほしいな、ずは思うよね。
Matsuda: The only thing that fits is that the two of them are in it (laughs). However, both "Brave and Snipe" and "Genm vs. Lazer" are rather heavy, so I hope people will think of "ParaDX with Poppy" as a chopstick rest and watch it without getting defensive.
Kai: Yes, in a trilogy, you have to grab the first one and drop the third one, but in the second one you can do anything. It was nice to have that kind of freedom, wasn't it?
監督のフェティシズムも䞀番詰たっおる䜜品だしね (笑)。
Matsuda: It's also the film that contains the most of the director's fetishism (laughs).
Interviewer: By the way, what was the most "exciting" moment for you while playing Parad and Poppy?
Matsuda: Hmmm. There are so many that I can't pick just one. In this case, I was able to sing the theme song not as Poppy, but as Matsuda Ruka, and I think that made me "jump".
Kai: I think it was the first time I saw napalm. That huge explosion made me feel like a child. Also, this is an aside, but I was left unattended at the scene when the filming had wrapped up.
眮いおかれおた (笑)。
Matsuda: You were left behind (laughs).
花束をもらっお、せっかくだからっお自撮りをしおいお、「よし垰ろう」ず倖に出たらロケバスがもう出おいお ..。1幎半を挔じ終えた圹者に察する「心震える」仕打ちずしお、このこずはぜひずも倪字にしお語り継がれおほしいず思いたす (笑)。
Kai: I got a bouquet of flowers and was taking selfies for the occasion, and when I went outside to go home, the location bus had already left... I hope this will be bolded and passed down as a "heart-breaking" treatment to the actors after a year and a half of acting (laughs).From Toei Hero MAX 57
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hskinhome · 3 years
[ My kin blog is @juicy-dude ]
Canon calls!! I copy//pasted from Google Docs so some words might seem funky or the layout may be weird. ^^;
Karkat Vantas 1 - Earth C - Dave & John
I don't remember a lot from the meteor other than at one point I think Kanaya was drinking something and then laughed. It was a purple drink (probably faygo oof) and it came out of her nose. I know that Dave liked to fuck around with music and he had that Hella Jeff and Sweet Bro comic he used to do. Nepeta and Terezi vandalized almost the whole meteor with their scribbles but otherwise, I don't remember there being a lot to work within forms of art. As annoying as he was, John was probably my moirail. He was the only other person that bothered to even attempt to pretend he was listening when I went off on a tangent about what was frustrating me other than Dave. That and, when they weren't aimed at me, he'd include me in planning out all these crazy elaborate pranks. I have a couple of memories on Earth C where we went out into some of the woods. I know that Gamzee, Sollux, and John were with me. John kept jumping out of nowhere and Gamzee almost got fed up and bashed his head in with a tree branch. My least favorite memory is of John dying the first time because he was the only human I really talked to at that point. One time Crab Dad and I were sparring and I remember it turned into kind of an arm wrestle with my sickle vs. his claw. Eridan was very manipulative towards Feferi but otherwise, his ego was the size of Mt. Everest towards the rest of us. Dave almost threw hands with fish dick, from what he tells me. Nepeta, Tavros, Jade, and John had a big group roleplay thing going on I think.
Karkat 2 - Doomed - Eridan & Sollux
Anger issues that never got fixed. Big depression from fuck if I know what. Doomed timeline because I don’t remember Earth C from this one. Terezi wasn’t a very fair judge, to put it subtly. She didn’t really share my feelings much to begin with and Vriska used my feelings for Terezi to manipulate me a lot. Terezi knew about it and let it happen. I remember her telling me this herself later on at some point. Eridan and I watched tons of movies together and we talked to each other about Sollux a lot, me in a flushed way and him in more of a pitched light.
Mituna Captor - Dream Bubbles - Cronus & Kurloz
It's mostly memories from before "the accident" where Cronus was a pretty rad friend with whom I exchanged meaningless insults with and shit. It was mean and shit, yeah, but we knew we were just dicking around. Kurloz was my moirail for a long time and the three of us hung out a lot. The only reason Kurloz stopped liking Cronus after what happened was because of his reactions to what happened to me and the impact of the incident on my brain and how I didn't remember him the same way. Latula wasn't all that in the picture until right before the accident and she was a lot like Paige from Atypical (if you haven't watched that show on Netflix, I highly recommend you do) where she had a lot of rules and shit that she needed to work through. I don't know entirely when, but Kurloz eventually was able to get it through my dense, mashed potato brain after the incident that she wasn't all that great for me and, after hyperfocusing on what he'd pointed out for a little while, I found myself agreeing with him and eventually ended my matespritship with Latula. Kurloz and Meulin didn't work out for some reason can't remember, but I know he told me what happened and after a while, Kurloz and I got together as matesprits. I stumbled upon one of those memory bubbles and it happened to be one of Cronus's memories with me before my brain got fried. He caught me "snooping" through the memory and, after realizing what memory he had left laying around, we talked about it and I understood him better, like I did before the accident. It didn't take long for him to worm his way into my pale quadrant. I wore a sweater instead of that suit. It was yellow with black stripes, but still had the Gemini symbol on it. Other than that, I wore jeans and yellow converse-type shoes. I didn’t wear my helmet unless I was skateboarding. Cronus was my grape and Kurloz was my plum. I think I was their banana or something like that but that just came to me so.
Kankri Vantas - Dream Bubbles - Cronus
I took some time away from others to try and have one of those little “self-discovery” things. I don’t think anyone tried to stop me from leaving, but I remember being very close with Cronus. I don’t remember who it was or what exactly they said, but someone had threatened me, which was my final little push to just go. Everyone was sick of my constant talking, so I went on my own for a while. I had found myself a pretty secluded place that wasn’t too far from a salamander village, but it wasn’t too close, either. Their language was beyond what I could learn and so I had to go off gestures for communication, which helped me realize that I didn’t need to speak so much to talk to someone. I worked mostly on my writings and how I portrayed myself to my peers while separated. My writings shifted from mostly lectures to strictly poetry gradually. Cronus and I used to watch Grease very often before I left. It kind of started to change my usual attire too? I know that I didn’t wear just a straight up sweater or the leggings anymore. I wore dark red jeans and a black/red letterman over a thinner red turtleneck. The lettermen jacket had a red cancer symbol on the logo.
Mallek Adalov - Tegiri & Lanque
Tegiri and I were big nerds for ninja/martial arts type shit. We nerded out at convention type of things and he eventually became my moirail. Lanque started out as my kismesis but at some point we quad jumped and he ended up as my matesprit. He and I spent a lot of time on rooftops overlooking the city and talking about everything. I think that’s when we quad jumped. We moved in together at some point and we couldn’t decide on the color for the walls, so it ended up looking a lot like the dress from Sleeping Beauty. MC’s route with me was the one where they yeeted out of my car so I never really got to know them. Diemen was a close friend, but he shut me out of his more personal life a lot.
{Please let me know if this entire thing sent or not if you see this!}
Go message them if any of this sounds familiar! @juicy-dude
-Mod Nepeta
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lostlastsforever756 · 4 years
Good morning you amazing human being, how has your day been so far? Anything interesting happen? Did something make you happy?
Here is your daily reminder that you are loved, appreciated and respected❀.
Greek fact/myth of the day:
I don't know how much unknown to others but the details of Titans Vs Gods was unknown to me for a long time.
In the very beginning, there was Uranus - the sky God and Gaia - the earth Goddess. Uranus fall in love with Gaia and from their sexual union 3 sets of children were born, the powerful-beautiful Titans, the one-eyed mighty giants, Cyclopes. And the hideous beasts, Hecatoncheires or hundred-handed ones.
Uranus was disgusted with beastly Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires (hundred-handed ones). So, he locked them in the underworld. As an equally loving mother Gaia rebel against Uranus with the help of eldest Titan, Cronus. As Uranus falls, Cronus castrated his father and took over the whole universe but got cursed: As he over throned his father one day his son will betray him.
Afraid of the curs Cronus eat all his children just after their birth. Titan child were immortal gods, they were not dead but couldn't escape from Cronus's stomach. Only Zeus escapes with his mother's help. To fulfil the prophecy after years he came back in disguise to kill his father, Cronus and take over everything and free his siblings. Zeus poisoned Cronus and make him vomit all his previously eaten children, one after another Hera, Poseidon, Hades came out. But Zeus failed to kill his father
So, now there are powerful Titans and newly united Gods who wanted to take everything from Cronus. As Gods were weaker they seek the help of Cyclopes and hundred-handed ones in return Zeus returned their freedom. With the united Gods, Cyclopes, Hecatoncheires and 2 titans Epimetheus and Prometheus they defeated Titans.
Though Zeus had the opportunity to take over everything, he gave everyone an equal chance to become the King of the Gods. Eventually, he became the King of the Gods by a coin toss but distributed power among everyone, Hera became the Goddess of birth and womanhood, Poseidon became the God of oceans, Hades became the God of the underworld and so on.
This is one of the earliest myths of all times, it’s about the powerplay, later in other myths and even in reality we see sons killing fathers to take over thrones. In this myth, for the first time, we see the distribution of power for better and long lasting governance. Somewhere I see the seed of democracy had been planted in this myth.
There are different versions of the same myth.
Apollo and The Elixir of Youth:
The Elixir of Youth was a golden drink that could make the consumer's appearance eternally young. It may have been located in The Fountain of Youth, the blood of a Titan or from the golden apricots of a magical tree, on an asteroid (guarded by a giant snake, Ladon).
The Greek God of Music, Apollo used his excellent literacy skills to convince The Roman Goddess of Truth, Veritas to tell him where The Elixir of Youth was. Veritas replied that he will find it if he follows the brightest star.
Apollo flew with angel wings towards this star. He found the magical tree, on an asteroid. This astroid had a beautiful garden and waterfalls flowing from its sides into the abyss. Apollo played his flute to make the snake, Ladon fall asleep. He poured The Elixir of Youth from a golden apricot into a chalice.
The Greek pagan angels (aka. genii-not genies) who were very jealous of Apollo's having the elixir of youth, fought him over it. Apollo killed all the angels with his bow and arrow (that could magically hit its user's desired target from anywhere). He drank the elixir of youth, ascended into heaven, glowing like The Sun and hence he became eternally youthful. Also, this is how he became The Greek God of Youth.
All The Greek Gods asked Apollo why he had stopped aging. He made up a convincing story about him being cursed by The Greek Goddess of Youth, Hebe with such youth for being too beautiful as an excuse. After Ladon awoke, he told The King of The Greek Gods, Zeus that he saw Apollo trying to steal The Elixir of Youth. Outraged, Zeus cursed that Apollo's eternal youth would give him too much unwanted attention.
Random question of the day number 1: If you could have any superpower what would you have?
Xoxox all my PTSD and trauma ❀Aka Humble Anon
Hi! I just woke up so nothing to report just yet. I hope your day has been good though 😊
Very interesting about Apollo, I didn't know that! And I definitely do think a story about democracy was placed within the first greek myth, I mean it has to be!
My superpower would be invisibility, what about you?
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banavalope · 7 years
I don't know if your still taking these but I got Geminus, sign of the canny, prospit dreamer and hope. Hope is still a concept i'm not super familiar with in homestuck canon because when Jake's parts came up I was really confused.
 I absolutely am still taking these because I love discussing this kind of crap and just making assumptions and having fun, but I’ve got a lot of them and I DO wanna respond to all of them if I can, I just don’t want to post them all in rapid fire and make anyone’s dashboard a mess. So I’m like, trying to get to these in a more media polite manner? Anyway
You asked me about hope tho and that is my favorite aspect here’s why: it’s literally anything. Anything within the realm of possibility and LET ME EXPLAIN. Like, Jake definitely showed us the massive power hope is capable of unleashing (though if you ask me, more of that was to do with his lot as a Page) but I think Eridan and Cronus give better examples of what hope is more about. It’s always described as being very... magical, Cronus and Eridan both believed in wizards/magic and Eridan even used magic at a point because he believed he could after he got his wand. Before he didn’t really believe in that shit, or at least was very skeptical about it, and I imagine he didn’t really open his mind to the possibility until their session started and not believing in magic became kind of impossible and stupid.
But that’s the main point of hope, that anything is possible if you literally put faith into it and also HOW you put faith into it. This is where I think class becomes really important in what role Hope has. If Eridan had bothered to learn what it meant to be a hope player, he could have used his abilities productively and probably like an actual wizard. We know what a positively realized Prince class can do with Dirk, who used his soul destroying powers to help his team. Eridan could have probably destroyed the potential hope of doomed outcomes. Which, I guess, technically he did? His fuck up alongside comparatively more important plot shit that happened at the same time spurred a lot of actions into motion for the alpha timeline to succeed. Cronus too actually, because he invited the destruction of hope, which probably assisted in the hopelessness of their session already, indirectly leading to a better outcome. That’s if you wanna look at it that way, I might because I’m biased for purple boys and fishmen.
I have two characters that are hope players, as a seer and a mage, and to use it as a brief example for this point I’m making, seer and mage make a huge difference in hope’s application. I always figured a seer would know the path of highest potential for someone or something (regardless of whether it was the best path, hope isn’t comparable to Light/fortune) and have minimal influence over this as their knowledge is meant to benefit others, so the believing would be entirely reliant on the other person, and a mage would know the upper limit of their OWN potential, allowing them to use their powers how they believe they would manifest themselves (in this case like an actual magician because i love magic dude) and to mimic a different classpect entirely. In this case I know I’d immediately start using my hope abilities like Void and pull things to and from different places. Manipulating elements probably. I’d throw great parties as a birthday magician.
Anyway i always figured that hope is whatcha make it, but the whole thing about it is that it’s literally what you make of it.
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
da loreeeee Anon (I've done like 10 ask I'm so sorry)
But any more ideas if u were to continue y/n being like
The guardian of sleep in the second game?
da loreeeee anon!
Putting my response under readmore. Possible hades 2 spoilers
I haven’t played the second game at all, I am waiting until full access is available. 
So I don't have a clear picture of what Y/N’s role will look like. I have heard of some things through the grapevine but that can change and I am trying to avoid spoilers especially regarding Hypnos. 
And I am torn if I should place the lore timeline/fics post hades 2 or during it or before. Bc if I decide to go through with my final plans for Y/N, he is going to come home a changed man. 
So I feel like I have to time it carefully.
But anyways.
Here is what I would like to do/what will stay the same.
Plot A
Y/n is always going to be Hypnos’ guardian, especially if I think I am right, and Hypnos is working hard for the war effort. 
So i can see him not letting people interfere with Hypnos when he is around ( coughEriscough)
however I also don’t y/n would stand around, doing nothing so while Odysseus would be the master tactician, y/n would be the one to do any dirty work he or Hecate need done. 
Y/n knows Hecate can keep Hypnos safe so he helps her where he can and gets stuff she needs, especially since he believes it would help Hypnos. 
He miss his husband so fucking much, and places new poppies in the bed for Hypnos.
He also helps with training the young princess. And like Odysseus, he becomes a father figure for her in some ways.
Plot B
Y/n is trapped in the house along with the rest of everyone else. 
If what I heard is correct, it seems like the victims are in a time trap or something?
I imagine he is one of the first victims, between trying to get others to safety and trying to get to Hypnos.
also if he came face to face with Cronus, he knows he is fucked no matter what, and just like he did with Ares, he would sacrifice himself to buy others a chance to escape. 
So either he is frozen in time, painfully aware of every passing second or he is in his own coma.
Maybe he saw Hecate grab Hypnos and can have some peace that Hypnos is at least away from this mess. Maybe not.
So when he and Hypnos see each other again, he is going to be surprised at how much hypnos had changed.
Plot C
During the attack, Y/N isn’t in the house for whatever reason. So he had no idea what happened, only that Cronus had returned and fucked shit up. 
No clue where Hypnos is or anything so he tries to get into the house but fails for whatever reason. 
Or maybe he does get in, but managed to avoid Cronus. Only to see Hypnos wasn’t there at all.
Maybe in this timeline, he and Hermes managed work together, with Y/N also acting like a spy, pretending that he was against Hades and the other gods the whole, swearing loyalty to Cronus. 
This allows him access to the house and he feeds information to the gods.
And oh look there is the princess, oops who let her in?? 
Not y/n, no sir. Y/n also didn’t give her one of Zagreus’ weapons and some healing items, no sir.
He misses Hypnos so fucking much. Fucking bitch ass Cronus.
maybe don’t fucking eat your kids and they won’t tear your body apart. Asshole.
Y/n really hates Cronus, maybe more than even he hated Pyrhuss.
There are some more ideas but those are the ones I feel safe sharing. lol
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