#I don't feel safe here and idk if I'm just being paranoid or in an emotional flashback or whatever but
awarmshrine · 8 months
There needs to be an anarchist mutual aid hotline. Like you call it and your local prison abolitionist transgender comrade answers and you can just be like "Hi I went to hospital for help but instead they're just deeply incompetent and retraumatising me, also I'm homeless, what do I do?" and they can be like "I got you, tell them to fuck off and remember it's always morally correct to lie to psychiatrists. If you want, my friend lives near the hospital and can pick you up and my neighbour lets people crash in their spare room, also if you put my name down as next of kin I'll advocate for your discharge. Or if you prefer we can brainstorm how to demand what you need and I'll get a friend in the area to come visit you so you feel safer."
Maybe I need to make this a thing.
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electronicfurbymusic · 6 months
Man I hate how I kinda just can't post about this one EDM producer that I've been extremely obsessed with for like 3 years at this point, not because I'm afraid of it being "cringe" or whatever but because his fanbase (especially on Reddit) lowkey has a history of being extremely mean to anyone who liked him in a way they didn't 100% approve of (which would definitely include me if they found me because I literally ship myself with him and am absolutely insane about him and all that stuff you know) so uh that sucks I guess. Maybe someday idk
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pianocat939 · 1 year
here me out, yan rise boys w/ cat mutant reader hcs? feel free to ignore
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Reminds me of how I was called cat instead of my name that one time lmao- these aren't very long since idk I couldn't really think of any major differences (this goes with most animal mutant/yokai requests ngl)
Excuse me for any misconceptions with cats, I haven't been around one in a decade so- also- I did write this one as more romantic leaning
Tw: Donnie putting MC on a diet that's only beneficial for cats, Leo playing "shining knight in armour" bs, delusional, just fluff really
Yan Turtles with Cat Mutant MC Hcs
✦Ronald Reagan's Crusty Elbow✦
Finds you really fluffy and snuggly. If you aren't a touchy person please beware of him because he will want to cuddle. He loves to give scritches behind your ears just to see if you'll purr or make any other pleased noises. If you do, he is gonna be all soft to the point I doubt he'll want to let you go for a moment.
Want your fur to be brushed? Bro is all about it. He might even put on a little Soul music while he brushes you. He tries to make it as calming as possible.
If you idk lick his cheek or somewhere on his face (cuz you're a cat-) I think he would find your weird sandpaper tongue so interesting. Might giggle a bit from the feeling.
✦Lathering Nose✦
He is definitely an asshole. He'll do everything and anything to make you jump or get startled. But as soon as you are, he hugs you and gives a few pecks wherever on your face saying you're safe in his arms. Basically, he's doing the "I'm the cause of it and then acting like I'm saving you from it."
Something tells me he would love stuffing you into like a sack with your head poking out and cuddling with you while you're trapped in the sack. He is all about those nuzzles- he loves nuzzles.
He would 100% buy you weird hats for you to try on- because people do that with their cats. It could be an apple, a turtle, to Donald Trump's hair. He just loves funky hats to give you.
✦Dough Slapping Giraffe✦
He is going to ban you from eating any foods harmful to cats because he's a paranoid fucker. Don't think he won't know, because he'll have cameras, trackers, hell he might even straight up destroy that food forever.
We know he isn't too big on physical affection, but I think he'd like you chilling on his lap while he works. I like to think his lab is a bit chilly considering all the metal and other things, so he likes that you're warm.
I'm sorry but he loves being a menace and playing with you with a laser. Definitely not his lab, but maybe the living room or just a more open space will he whip it out and laugh every time you instinctually want to chase it.
He records any cat-like noise you make it. You cannot convince me otherwise. He'll likes to listen to it if he ever has issues with sleeping or idk whatever negative situation.
✦Morphine Sucker✦
Cuddles, snuggles, pets, scritches; he will be all over you if you're any type of fuzzy animal. If he ever feels bad or just feels lonely he shoves his face into your fur, most often your neck. He has a bad habit of playing with your tail. Not in a malicious way, but he wants to pet it or watch it move around.
If he ever cooks for you, he likes to shape any solids or sauce in the shape of a cat head. He also tends to put in ingredients that are more well-fit for a cat.
He loves the sound of your purrs, he'll just cling to you and listen to it every time it happens. Also, every time you purr, he thinks he's doing a good job at whatever and that his divinity is blessing him. So you're quite literally deluding him more.
I'm intimidated to write anything that's romantic omg- like I think I've scared myself into putting the least amount of romantic things when I say it's romantic leaning help-
- Celina
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dilfjjk05 · 6 months
Just a Nanami Thought....
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Thinking about how Nanami simply loves to please you.
Kento Nanami. The man of literally everyone's dreams. He's your man. He's walking perfection. Gentle, Loving, Kind, Always putting others before him, Loyal, Respectful and the list never ends.
But one thing about this man, he NEVER fails to please you, wether it's in day to day life or in the bedroom. He priorities your pleasure over his. Always.
Speaking of which. After a tiring day, you are sitting on Nanami's lap, going on and on about how annoying work has been lately and how much you hate your co worker.
Of course, Nanami is listing to his favorite girl who's complaining but his hands are down to your waist, softly massaging it, not that you mind of course. As your complaints continue, his hands slowly start moving up to your dress shirt, gently unbuttoning it.
"Nami, why are you up in my boobies while im here complaining" she pouts. how adorable, he thinks.
"keep complaining until you feel better baby, I'm listening to it all, just gonna help you feel better okay my love?" he says with a soft smile on his face.
"but Nami, my birth control is over and I don't have any right now, so we can make love" she says looking a bit sorry, feeling like she ruined the mood. it's not like Nanami doesn't use protection but she is just paranoid, which is natural. Nanami being the best boyfriend he is, makes sure they use condoms as well as birth control. just to be extra safe.
"No worries darling, it's completely fine. If we can't make love right now, how about I please you instead, hm? will you like that my love?"
"but what about you nami?"
"don't worry about me darling, I just want to please my love right now" then he leans in closer and whispers "and maybe you could give me a head as a "thank you" later?"
"mhmpmh! okay" she mumbles, blushing softly.
and that's what it takes, to find yourself whimpering and sobbing of pleasure in his arms. His fingers deep into your cunt, a thumb gently rubbing on your clit. Soft whispers of praises in your ears.
"You're doing amazing my love, relax and enjoy, You're so pretty like this, falling apart in my arms" he whispers before gently nibbling on your ear.
" 'm close nami, please please please"
"let go my love. give it to me" he says looking straight into your eyes. That's all it takes, for you to cum all over his fingers, holding onto his shoulders tightly, eyes closed in pure bliss.
"mhm delicious, like always" he says as he licks his fingers clean and runs his free hand through your hair.
"How about we have a nice relaxing bubble bath together and then I'll get you some of your favorite ice cream? sounds good?"
and all you can do is nod and rest yourself in his arms.
this is my first time ever writing a smut that I actually post so idk how I feel about this, please let me know what you think about this 🤓🫶🏻
✎ Requests are open⇢ ˗ˏˋcheck pinnedˎˊ˗
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ninepentz · 9 months
Update at the bottom
22yo Yohanes Kidane has went missing.
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What we know so far is that yohanes took an uber from San Jose to San Francisco to "meet a friend". His uber ride was successful and everything was fine with that, he had apparently arrived at his destination. His sister said she checked his location at around 8 pm and found he was at the San Francisco Bridge which she thought nothing of. The next day/morning she noticed his location showed that he was still at the same exact location. Later on in the day, his location was seen moving to which his family tried to contact him from that point. A stranger had picked up the phone and said they found his belongings and were just returning them to the welcome center. He was officially reported missing at 2:45pm, August 15th. As of today he has still not been found and they say there is no evidence of suspicious activity.
What I want to do is see what the charts can tell us about his possible location and what happened that night. We have 3 different times and charts to look at so it should be good, we have a lot of information to dissect. Let's hope we can find yohanes 💜
August 14, 7:15pm chart.
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So by looking at this last seen chart alone, let's see what we can find out.
The ascendant (victim) is opposite the 7H moon:
This is interesting. I don't think this was just a friend, I believe he could of been on a date possibly with the 7th house here.
5th house gemini:
If he was with a friend, then their intention would of been to have fun and explore the golden gate bridge since it is an iconic historical place. The 5th house, which is pleasure, joy, recreation, entertainment is in gemini. So our curiosity, intellectual pursuits, knowledge/truth, experiences. It could of also been somewhat of a childlike curiosity to a dangerous extent bc he was definitely young and not from California. He had just very recently moved there from New York, so this could of been his 1st time visit. I'm not sure how busy it is at the Golden gate bridge welcome center at 8pm, on the website it says they're closed at 6pm. So not sure if he was there after hours or what, I just know during active hours they can be pretty busy/chaotic. There's a bunch of cars/traffic, variety of people/vistors/tourists/families etc, lots of things to do, so it's easy to be overwhelmed by everything going on there.
Jupiter square the asc:
He could have done something in excess possibly, maybe he is located far from where he's expected to be. Maybe something foreign and unexpected/untypical happened to him.
Mars sesquiquadrate the asc:
Idk why but I get the feeling he could of been under the influence, maybe smoking/drinking. Mars in hard aspect to the ascendant would be brash decisions, being to heavy on their feet, clumsy, impulsive, abrasive, excessively confident.
Even tho I don't think this is something he would do based on what we know about him and his past. If that's not the case maybe whatever happened to him was quick, harsh, forceful/painful, basically anything but soft or gentle.
Pluto conjunct ascendant:
It would of been very visible to others that he was a influential individual, maybe he was intimidating, powerful looking, deep, he could of also been eerily quiet at some points. Like his presence was felt strongly to those surrounding him.
He could of also seemed very naive tho at the same time since I just noticed that pluto is in the 12th house. Maybe this power and influence was hidden/dimmed in some way.
7H Moon opposite 12H pluto:
Maybe he was feeling very unstable at this time, like one second he was feeling safe, good, comfortable, in a familiar environment but then all of sudden he would be paranoid, hyper aware, afraid, suspicious etc. He could of felt like he was having some kind of psychosis, derealization.
I have my natal pluto in the 12h also conjunct my ascendant so I understand that feeling very much.
Something interesting is that with pluto on the ascendant and with moon opp pluto it seems like this could have a lot to do with assets, power, extracting resources from something/someone but all of his belongings were found. A backpack with his personal paperwork, 2 laptops, wallet. So if all of his belongings were found, it would be only him who went missing..
Let's not get too ahead ourselves bc this was at the point when he was seen leaving in the uber. Let's check out the 8pm chart.
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Wow...looks like a lot has changed since he left in the uber at 7:15pm.
Moon in the 6th house:
So the moon was in the 7th house at 7:15, meaning that he was definitely with someone at this time where it was mutual/give-take type of relationship. Could explain basically the whole uber situation "ride sharing" to now at 8pm at the Golden gate bridge. It's possible that he needed help at this time, the 6th house to me is our health, so I wonder if he was hurt already at this moment. Either he needed help or someone was asking him for help. He could of been at aid of someone else or looking for some himself.
The moon can actually tell us a lot about the current situation, in a crazy deep way. To me this one is very important.
So leo moon in the 6th house could explain that maybe he was trying to have fun and medicate himself? Maybe he wanted to be seen in a good light, could stem from anxiety, perfectionism, wanting validation. Medicating was his way of getting his nerves under control and to get him to feel how he wanted to feel in that moment. He was seeking some attention/affection/admiration, maybe even just needed someone to acknowledge everything he's done. It's like sometimes all you need is to hear is that you're doing well, or some words of encouragement. Some people don't get enough reassurance, so it makes them feel somewhat insecure and unstable. He could of also wanted some kind of feedback, advice, someone who can solve a problem he had.
Sun opposite asc:
Maybe he could of been somewhat egotistical, swinging between wanting to be self-assured, bold, presentable, to needing others to ground him, validate him, soothe him. Maybe at some points he wanted to be alone but then he suddenly wanted company and to socialize. This may be a very important point in the chart bc the sun is exactly opposing the asc both at 22° so that confirms that this is a significant aspect. He could have been having trouble being perceived, he felt at odds/disconnected with his appearance vs. center core self. He could of felt somewhat chaotic or unorganized.
I'm curious who this friend was that he went to go see and if they can confirm that they were possibly doing dr*gs bc that's what this chart seems like to me. From what we know about this case, there is no information about the friend and who he went to meet that night. No follow up about that person or anything. The police must know something we don't, they don't wanna reveal all the information yet or maybe in the process of getting it.
Venus opposite asc:
Maybe he was unaware or not in control of how he was being perceived. Bc venus is the ruler of libra which is our partnerships and relationships, aspecting the ascendant would be the way we show up for ourselves and others in a presentable, respectful, thoughtful, pleasing way. With venus opp asc maybe he was getting somewhat sloppy and losing his "grace" if that's the right word. Basically he was just becoming someone who was unpleasant to be around or he would swing between self interested, selfish to trying to please others. Since venus is in the 6th house maybe he wanted to seem normal and not intoxicated.
Jupiter in the 3rd conjunct uranus:
It's possible he's a short distance away/nearby. Something very unexpected happened.
This whole post was unfinished bc at the time (before we knew what happened to yohanes) my mind wasn't super clear and I was unable to read these charts, but we now have an update so I'll finish up the rest of the details later.
They say his death was consistent with murder/suicide.
I remember telling someone in the forensic astrology group on fb (link to that below) that it couldn't have been a suicide bc he had so much going for him with his new job at netflix and his accomplishments, but at the end of the day those things aren't as important as who we are with out those things. It doesn't matter how "good" someone has it, there's more to life than what the public sees or what we do to stay afloat/survival.
I'm so sorry this happened to you..
✨️Nine of Pentacles ✨️
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lady-yandere · 2 years
IDK IF YOUR TAKING ASKS OR REQUESTS BUT IF YOU ARE, can i please request kagami with reader leaving for atleast a week without him knowing, will he be freaked out? Scared? confused? Or Angry?(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~..
Just call me "L anon" and i might become a regular here because of kagami(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
Byee thank you for ur time, adios!
Hiiiii you beautiful Anon! Wonderful to meet you! Yes! I am taking ask and requests! >_< I have a section written on my profile in a pinned post that will give info if they are open or closed, just make sure to read my rules. (Don’t worry anon you didn’t break any. I just say that as a precaution.)
I'm so glad you fell in love! (I love him too lol)
But seriously...you want to leave him alone!? For a week!?
My goodness...okay...
Leaving him alone for a week:
-So considering Kagami has lived in a mirror his entire existance, he's used to being alone but that dosen't mean he enjoys it. After Granny's passing, he loathes it, I mean he was left alone in the shop for four years. He’s not human but isolation isn’t exactly a fun time for anyone.
-He's a sensitive type and he's a clingy yandere so he craves you being around him even more so since he can't touch you, the mirror and all.
-When you decide to leave for a week and not tell him, going who knows where, he's going to be paranoid. You didn't even say goodbye.
-Assuming you've been around each other for awhile and he's used to your schedule. The first two days he'll try and be rational but during the night he's going to crack, he knows he dosen't want to be alone. This is diffrent from you leaving for work or school.
-As the week goes on he's going to go through different stages, thinking you don't love him or worse case that you passed like Granny. He's going to cry, panic, and just be full of regrets.
-He's aready been through trauma of people, before Granny saved him, trying to destroy his mirror before, the crack in the side of the mirror is how his eye got injured. You're kind to him, if something happens to you then there is the chance that someone with ill intentions will hurt the mirror thus hurting him.
-When you come back he's going to be a wreak, sure it's only been a week but he isn't someone that can handle being alone anymore. He needs human contact rather, he needs your contact, something snapped inside of him during those four years and he's absolutely determined to not be alone again but he's going to keep himself in check for now, after all you came back.
-This is going to make his overprotective and obsessive side come out more, he needs to find a way to get out of his mirror. To keep you safe of course.
"Why did you go away? No no...I'm glad your home, tell me next time. Please?" *Sniffles as he wipes away tears*
Huhuhuhu...how’s that my sweetie? Did my sweet mirror boy steal your heart L anon? ♡
Feel free to ask more questions! Kagami and I will be more than happy to answer!
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dioko · 3 years
how the guys are when theyre drunk lol idk
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Characters — Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Shinso
Content — x gn! reader pairing, aged up headcanons, mentions of alcohol, drinking, literally iss just fluff/crack
A/N — I thought these panels of the boys were super cute -- enjoy!!
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— i would like to first say he boasts a lot about being able to hold his liquor
— i mean... he's eh, he's okay, can fake being sober for about half an hour
— then the alcohol HITS
— have you seen the way he is when he's calm
— that, now 1000x
— my guy is having an identity crisis in the middle of a party
— "'Tsuki? Katsuki, you okay?" Gently as possible, you shake his shoulder, but he doesn't feel it because drunk ignores it.
"Ngh," he groans back at you.
— Soulless eyes LMAO staring into absolutely nothing
— gets super touchy, but in a subtle way
— he just pokes your hand/plays with your hair
— I'm sorry he throws up real bad all the time, no matter how much he's drunk that night
— will remember pieces of his unsoberness the next day
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— holy smokes, you didn't think he could get anymore riot-y
— jus imagine 7-foot-tall Red Riot losing it over a game of MarioKart PLSS
— keeps his quirk activated for absurdly long times for no reason at all
— if you try to touch him though, he'll immediately deactivate wherever you're trying to reach (ie. his shoulder) so he doesn't hurt you accidentally
— tells a lot of stories
— i don't know if it's this image in particular of him, but i get radical drunk party uncle vibes from him
— cries
— soooo cheesy
— "Ahh, baby," he grins cheekily, "you're so beautiful!"
"Thank you, Eiji. You're drunk, let's go."
"Yeah, just gimme a sec," he stops moving.
"Wanna admire your face. M'so lucky to have ya," he slurs.
— it gives you butterflies hehe
— remembers everything that happened
— aware of drunkenness but not in full control of it
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— the sad, philosophical drunk
— no like seriously, he says some thought-provoking things and talks too much about growing facial hair to actually look 27
— but then theres a shift and he starts crying sldmdkksks
— makes himself sad and gets super paranoid
— "Nononono, y/n, stay right here," he gestures to his side.
— forgive him, he just wants to keep you safe from the ever-intimidating fork on your table
— he WILL bring up his pet dog from when he was 11 and how it went to a farm 🙂
— but don't worry, he's adorable
— lots of compliments, and he doesn't really expect you to say anything back UNLESS he's saying 'i love you'
— "Y/n, y/n, y/n, y-"
"Denki, what?" You laughed.
"I loooveee you," he slurs, "now say it back."
"Say what back?" You toy with him.
He frowns, "say 'i love you, too'."
"But you already know I do!"
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— sober drunk don't even try to fight me on this
— the way Sero can hold his liquor- my god
— he can maintain steady conversations and you would never know he was drunk, except for the slight wobble in his steps
— he also stops filtering what he says and becomes weirdly honest
— the downside is he barely remembers what happens the next day
— "Hey, y/n!" He skips into your apartment like nothing; it's these days at 2 in the morning that you forget why you bothered to give him a set of keys.
"Sero - it's past midnight!"
"Yeah," he rolls his eyes, "why are you still awake?"
"I could ask you the same thing!"
He actually sits and talks to you for a really long time before he finally slips up and-
"Wait - Hanta, are you drunk?"
"What, you'd think I'd randomly drop into your house in the dead of night on a normal day?"
"Well, I mean - you're you!"
He thinks about it, "touché."
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— creepy quiet. like you think he's quiet normally? get ready suckers
— a man of many actions - becomes a lot more expressive when he's drunk
— scratches the dilf™️ stubble out of drunken habit
— it's so funny wtf
— lowkey he gets possessive
— "Yeah! So, then I tried going to-" you stop abruptly, feeling something warm squeeze your arm. "-'toshi? What're you doing?"
Without a word, he tries to pull you away from your friend.
"Wait, wait - sorry!" You shrug at them and follow the purple haired man, "Hitoshi, what are you doing?"
— he doesn't know where he's going either lmao
— tells you to talk, he wants to converse but at the moment he's physically incapable of saying more than a couple sentences
— WILL answer any questions you ask him [get those secrets 😩/j]
— "So, did you pull me away because you were jealous, Hitoshi?"
He purses his lips. "Mhm... can't say."
"Yes you can! I'm trustworthy," you nod knowingly.
"So?" You urge.
"I... I..." he falls asleep. Passes out, whatever ya wanna call it.
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hey kait do you mind if just. go insane over here.
like, you see, i hate getting into arguments/drama/conflict. i hate it so much it causes me physical discomfort. it's horrible, really, like my heart clenches and breathing gets ejsjsksm (idk how to explain) and i start crying and i feel so terribly upset and icky for the rest of the day. its insane. and yet i still somehow manage to always, ALWAYS, get into it (more like i start it tbh but hcndbd) and it's always SO BAD. and the worst part is that right now, it's shipping discourse. SHIPPING DISCOURSE. can you believe this? this is like, the low of the low. jesus christ. i am actually feeling like shit over shipping discourse oh my god. and it's on TWO (2) social media platforms, as if it couldn't get any worse. now obviously i can't retreat, i have entirely too much pride for that, like that would be super embarrassing. i would rather get death threats, on god. so instead i settle for feeling like shit and also getting called crazy by other ppl. but anyways the whole thing is theres this ship in a fandom i rlly like and it's a pretty popular ship, every time those characters get any kind of content together everyone agrees that they're gay, you know? but i hate that ship and it feels creepy as hell to me. bc the characters met when one of them was 14 and the other 17 and they're currently 19 and 22. and i think that shipping them is weird bc one of them has been an adult for a while now and the other is just now becoming one, and like, the idea of the an adult catching feelings for a teenager they've known for a while right after they become legal has very groomy creepy vibes to it. i thought that this was something everyone agreed with. so i said it. but it turns out im wrong. and now ppl are telling me that "ppl can fall in love at any age" "they're both adults so it doesn't matter" and "they're almost canon anyways" like i dont care! i dont care. i dont give a single fuck your ship still sucks ass. and like clearly you can tell im not planning to change my mind anytime soon (bc i dont have to! im right!! jesus could come from heaven to tell me its okay and i would still say it isn't!!!!! bc it isn't!!!!!!!) but im also lowkey beginning to feel like im crazy? idk bro im exhausted
sorry for the huge rant i've been frustrated the whole day 😭 honestly even sending this is making me cry again bc im now paranoid that everyone is gonna disagree lol 😂
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GE Saeran is always your rock. When you start to even show a hint of being distressed, he springs into action. He asks you if you want to be held and if you confirm that that is what you want, he's happy to put his arms around you with a sigh. You can have faith in him if you have nothing else.
He'll press lips against your forehead and murmur sweet nothings until you know, without a doubt, that you're going to be okay by the morning. "That's right, my love. Slow down, take a big breath, and remember that you're safe with me. If you need to cry, I will hold you until your tears stop."
Jaehee can be anxious when it comes to knowing what she can do for the people she cares about. She knows the natural do-good and can make sure that you've got water, blankets, and a cozy place to sit in the dark. She may not know what to say but she knows what will help physically.
Her ideal way of comforting you comes down to sitting side by side in the living room, curtains drawn back, sharing drinks, watching your favorite movie, and just talking about whatever feels right at that very moment. "I know it's not the best feeling in the world, but I'm here to listen if you want to talk. I don't have anywhere to be and I'd love to have my night spent making you feel safe."
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archersgaymerblog · 2 years
(throwaway because i'm shy) it's so disheartening to see all the blogs that i used to trust a lot just... ignore the blatantly obvious crypt0f4sh in the fandom or just dismiss it as "random discourse", because it's not just random discourse, hell, even going by the notes of that one post you can see how blatantly obvious it is that they're mutuals with proud racists. i don't understand why people are suddenly are given sympathy like "think of the anons that could be sent to that person!" like, they want me dead! why would i care about them! there's no "both sides" to this argument, and i'm not "lacking in critical thinking" for being afraid to be myself in the fandom and seeing the obvious f4sh for what they are. it just... sucks man. it sucks so much. i'm sorry to vent in your inbox, but you're the only one out of a few of my followed blogs that was outward about this sorta stuff without being super dismissive and feeling like they were siding with the racists or staying quiet because they agreed. i think i'm just paranoid, but i don't know, at this point the silence is really alarming to me...
Hiya friend. I hope you don’t mind me posting this publicly, but it’s legit because I feel the exact same fuckin way hhh. Hell, I’m sorry I was the only fuckin one you were following saying shit about all this. I do get where maybe folks are uncomfortable about reblogging callout posts n shit but like you said, just leads to this paranoia. And frankly there should be a difference in response between “Hey this callout is literally just fictional content” vs “HEY THIS CALLOUT IS VERY REAL AND REFLECTIVE OF WHAT THEY BELIEVE” which I think that first is what turns folks off from callouts in general but. Still gotta take the real, legitimate ones seriously yea?????
Hell, ya wanna know something? When I first made my edited pinned and mentioned there was a fash trying to lay low in the fandom and to message me so I can let folks know? Know how many messages I got? Fuckin two. Only two whole people cared enough about a cryptofash to actually reach out. Bless those two folks, but genuinely the fact that I only got two fuckin messages was disheartening as all fuck. Hell I think that’s why I reblogged the callout in the end, usually they make me really uncomfortable, but if people weren’t willing to put in the work privately, might as well shove it in their fuckin faces.
I’ve been very angry and upset about all this. I’ve long since blocked the fash and their open supporters, but knowing they probably have people in the fandom just quietly supporting them and their defenders… hell I haven’t lost a lotta followers, but there hasn’t been a net gain on my end!! Which again just. God fucking damnit.
That to say, considering I’ve been pretty active in legion spaces… idk where people are with all of this. Maybe 2 or 3 people, but besides that, nothing. So, while I’ll probably be posting art still, think I won’t be as super active over here regarding legion content. Just cus, like you said, fuckin paranoia baby. So if the posts are slowing down, well now ya know. I literally do not know if yall care enough about me and other marginalized people to feel safe sharing yalls shit.
And again friend, I’m really sorry this has been so fucking disheartening. I completely get it, I wish it wasn’t. I’m not great at bein a comfort or talkin to folks, but I hope you know that it’s not just me n you, there are other people who give a shit, and none of us are “lacking in critical thinking.” God I could go on another tangent about that - BUT been kinda dragged on so. Fuck fashys and bigots forever, and if no one else bothers to say it, I love you as you are. And I hope one day we don’t gotta worry about this kinda shit in what should be spaces where we should feel safe.
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chicohungers24-7 · 2 years
Major vent idc if you read this or not this is just a warning
I'm not committing suicide I swear but I want to die so so so bad.
My life seems so fucking easy on the outside but then I think about it and I just want it to end so bad
Living in America as a black afab trans teenager (shout out to the state of Florida being a shithole) is legitimately the worst thing in my life. I don't feel safe walking in my own neighborhood (partially contributed to the frequently lose dogs but I'm so scared I'm gonna die or be kidnapped or murdered I'm so paranoid)
I have zero irl friends and I literally moved here almost a year ago. It's almost the end of the school year and I've found no one. I'm so lonely.
I'm not even really suicidal. I don't have the courage to s/h or to make a plan or anything I'm just trapped in my stupid head thinking about death and not being able to do anything about it. I've been depressed for five years that's a third of my life there's literally nothing left there for me Im going to be fucked up forever
Only my dad is with me rn (mom is deployed :)))) and I don't feel safe talking about my feelings to him. He just retired and still refuses to get therapy about his ptsd (I'm so hypocritical LOL) and so all his reactivity issues are pushed onto me (and my poor dog. I can't die now. Not while she's alive I couldn't leave her with him)
Speaking of retiring and deploying lol being a military brat (hate that term) is SO traumatizing everyone is like oh you're so resilient and patriotic lol no I never want to fight for this stupid fucking country it ruined my life and my parents and the only "good" thing out of this is the stupid g.i. Bill and idk if I'll even make it to college. It's given me so much anxiety and depression and trauma istg I hate the military I never want to join I feel so violent when I see the stupid recruiters at my school. Also I might be autistic?? A lot of the anecdotes my mom tells me of when I was a child + stuff I know now might point towards it (not necessarily a bad thing but it just makes me more paranoid about cops killing me 😳)
God the paranoia is awful. I hate walking to school in the dark. I have to always check if my garage is closed cuz when im home alone (which is often thanks dad) he likes to drive out and forget to close it. But also if I lock the door to the garage he bangs on it super loud and it scares some nights I check that shit like five times over. Or like the weird metal bar that prevents the door from opening to the backyard. He told me some really graphic shit one time I left it open and now I check that all the time too. He's really graphic for some reason actually lol he told me was was gonna kill me when I was like. 11. And he says he always has a plan to kill people. Gee I wonder why I flinch.
I'm writing this all in one go it's like 2230 LMFAO I've made it a habit of staying up all night looking at triggering content until my phone starts to die and then I go to sleep past midnight.
Kinda stupid ngl. It just adds to the depression. Staying up late. Waking up early. Not wanting to get out of bed. I hate my stupid school and my racist classmates
I was a gifted child once lol. I miss it. Kinda ruined my school life though. I'm still smart too I just CAN'T do school. It'd be so much easier if I had friends but I'm so scared of rejection literally the only reason I had friends through 6-9th grade (freshman year kinda killed that friendship though) is cuz the kids at my bus literally chased me to say hi I honestly sound so pathetic right now omg I'm so scared I annoy everyone even though I hardly interact with people and even the people I interact with I'm scared will leave me. It's so funny that I'm scared of abandonment when I'm the kid that was moving. I abandoned people. I think freshman year changed that. I had stayed virtual for the first quarter. The friend in my grade had met new people cuz she went brick in mortar. My other friend was a grade higher and always had other friends
I just want the normal childhood of having childhood friends and knowing everyone at school but I don't and I'm a stupid lonely loser with no one. No one knows me. My teachers can't tell something is wrong because the entire time they've known me I've been depressed I guess they just think I'm a loser
I just want friends so bad. I want to hangout with people after school that actually enjoy my company. I was in a d&d club for someone's research project and they were all friends and I was just the odd duck and I looked so stupid I'm front of them why did I do that that was the dumbest decesion ever
I wish I had the courage to commit suicide. Or try. Or do fucking anything other than cry at night (which is a new development! Second night in a row. Better than just being a husk ig)
A year ago I actually went to a doctor about depression (well more for adhd but I didn't have it and he just focused on my depression) and I got DIAGNOSED and he was like therapy (didn't work) and SSRIs could work :) and then my dad was like no. No medication. Thanks dad. I want to die. And I'm stuck with you in this stupid state
I just want courage. To get help. Or to die. Idc which. Looking at depressing shit isn't helping I'm such an idiot I just need someone to help me please I want someone to notice. Someone that can help please but no I'm venting on Tumblr dot com where no one knows me I so obviously don't want to die I just want pain to end but it won't because I'm too much of a coward to help myself. I literally walk through the hallways just thinking about dying. I wanted covid to kill me. I wanted the shot to kill me. Why can't I do it myself what's wrong with me I can't even be suicidal correctly I feel like a meme saying I just want to be happy
I'm posting this just so I can let it out. I'm sorry if it triggers anyone. I'll tag it the best I can
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I have been diagnosed with bipolar type ll, gad, severe depression, insomnia, ptsd, and negative paranoid schizophrenia. I'm transgender and came out to my family and not a single person is really supportive. They are trying to convince me that it's my depression and anxiety and have also said they don't believe that I have bipolar type ll. They tried to kick me out and have given me a time limit to get out and my other family members all agree with what they are doing. Continued.... #kma
.... my only friends family wont let me stay with them for a bit either. And I'm trying really really hard to find a way to move out including trying to work a lot more but it's so expensive here and my surrounding areas. Im nearly 20 and after going to the doctor and getting put on T; my family refuses to let me transition and went as far as sneaking into my room and searching it to try to find the vial. Everythings become too much and Im getting to the point I just want to end it all. Idk #kma
Hi love,
I am sorry that you are having to deal with this array of mental health issues and that your family do not support or believe you, I can only imagine how hard this must be. I am so proud of you for reaching out for help though, that is a great step forwards and towards recovery
I do just need to start by saying, that if at any point you take any action to end your life, then please contact your local emergency services (e.g. 911) for immediate care. If you find yourself reaching a crisis point then please do your best to get yourself to a safe place and contact someone who can help to keep you safe and take you to hospital if necessary. You can also always contact a helpline or web counsellor for support. I think it might be a good idea for you to create a safety plan - this is a plan containing all of the things you can do whenever you feel yourself reaching a crisis point. For example, who you can call, grounding techniques and distractions that are effective for you.  We have an outline for a plan on our printables page here. Something which you could incorporate into your plan, or make completely separate, is a list of your reasons to stay; this could be tiny things, all the way up to big reasons, but they all count towards why you deserve to stay and find happiness. Here is our list of reasons to stay, maybe somethings on here will give you some ideas. Whenever you feel like giving up, please try to remember the reasons that have made you stay for so long
Have you considered talking to your doctor about what is currently happening, and mentioning your thoughts of wanting to end everything? A doctor will be able to begin treatment with you, and refer you on for more specialist help - I think talk therapy may be a good options for you right now; a therapist can help you to understand your feelings and give you some great techniques to help you come with them. I know getting professional help can be really scary so here is our page about getting help, that should answer some of the concerns you may have. 
I can imagine that you must feel quite alone and isolated right now, but please remember that you don’t have to do this alone and there are so many people out here who are happy to support you. Have you looked into any local or online support groups that you could maybe join/attend? I know there is a really large LGBTQ+ community on Tumblr, for example, and it is full of wonderful people who are ready to help and advise you - you may even find someone else who is going through the same things as you right now, and you can work together. When it comes to your housing situation, have you looked into any possible flat or house shares? Sharing a place with someone means that you can split the rent/costs so it would be cheaper for you to move out - is this something you could look into? Depending on where you live, your city may have some sort of organisation that helps trans youth who are facing homelessness. The Trevor Project also has some different resources that you might find useful. You can find their website here.
Again, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with all of this right now and that you are not being treated with the love and respect that you deserve - but I promise you, things will get better and you will be able to be the real you and be happy one day, and we’ll be here to support you every step of the way! Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if there is anything else we can help you with. 
Take care,
Rhiann xo
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Part 1 )Hey I need advice, my bf is currently irritated at me becuz I won't have sex with him. It's not that I don't want to it's just that we can't find a BC method that works best for us. I'm paranoid about getting pregnant since my ovulation cycle is random. Idk what to do, we've tried the spermicide, but that burns me, he doesn't work well with male condoms because he didn't ever use them in the past, and we can't find female condoms. He suggested pull out but I'm not comfortable with that
Hi, petal! I never got more parts so, if there are more parts to this let me know! 
If I can be completely honest here with you for a minute, he can use/wear a condom. He really can. That excuse of: ‘he doesn’t work well with condoms because he didn’t use them in the past’ is just about the lamest excuse ever. I have no sympathy for people with penises who claim they ‘can’t use a condom’ because of this or that. It makes sex feel different, they don’t fit, they kill the mood, blah blah blah To me, that’s a sad excuse for not taking responsibility for yourself and your partner’s health. The fact that he’s perfectly okay with you using a female condom (which are great, but kind of invasive and finicky you have to put them inside you and they’re just a bit more of a chore than a male condom, which is literally not invasive at all) but is crying about using a male condom simply because he: ‘hasn’t in the past’ raises some red flags to me, personally. It sounds like he just wants to be selfish in what he gets out of sex.
It sounds like you’re not wanting to use a form of hormonal birth control, which is completely understandable. Hormonal contraception (or even the non-hormonal IUD for example) are big decisions to make. They’re great, but is something that you should really want and should be informed about and comfortable with. It does things to your body, changes its chemistry, and is introducing synthetic hormones into your body, and it comes with risks. It’s great, I love it personally, and so do many, but it’s not the best or right or comfortable choice for everyone and that’s okay. Practically everyone can use a condom. He needs to understand where you’re coming from in not wanting to use hormones on your body and realize that wearing a condom is something he can easily do. Yes, it may take some getting used to at first, but he can get over it. 
He’s a big boy. If he’s a big enough boy (read: mature) to be having sex, he’s a big enough boy to put a latex wrapper on his dick for a little bit while you have sex. His penis will not turn purple or fall off, he will still enjoy sex, he will still come, odds are he will forget it’s even there. He will be fine. He can learn to be okay with them. You’re not asking him to do something outlandish. You’re asking him to do something that you have all the right in the world to ask. 
Part of being mature enough to be in sexual relationship, is realizing it’s not all about you. It’s about meeting your partner’s needs as well, Because using a condom is waaaay less of a pain in the ass, stress or worry, than an unwanted pregnancy or STI. In short, he needs to grow up a little bit for the both of you and put your wellbeing and sexual health above his own pleasure a little bit. 
I’m really sorry if I sound harsh, petal. I’m sure your boyfriend is lovely. It just irks me when boys cry about using condoms when they are arguably one of the easiest, non-invasive, non-side effect inducing, tried and true contraceptive methods there is. They are a great choice and very effective. 
I think you need to have a conversation with him about how you’re feeling and what you need from him to feel safe and to enjoy your sex life together more. Because honestly, given what you’ve told me here, condoms sound like your best option. Even if it takes buying the condoms yourself. You don’t have to be as fiery as me! Hahaha. But definitely explain to him that it would help you feel better if you used them. And ultimately, if he really has a problem with it, he might not be worth it! Never use a method you’re not comfortable with or confident in. Voice what you need! Your partner is someone who should hear you and try their absolute best to find a way to make both you happy and comfortable. 
The pull-out method is a tricky one. It’s better than doing absolutely nothing, but it’s difficult to do correctly every single time, and it’s just a bit risky. There’s a lot that can go wrong when trying to do it.  I wouldn’t personally rely just on that alone, but like I said, if you can do it well and it works for you, go for it! It’s just not the most reliable. 
I hope this helps, precious! xx.
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
I can’t look at Twitter rn due to all the various discussions going on, but regarding Benny’s sex life… for what it’s worth, while our boy is no saint I don’t think he is - or was - running around whichever town he’s in picking up women right, left and centre.
He’s too careful and paranoid for a start, and he also wouldn’t want to upset his Mama should she read anything nasty about her baby boy (all the 🧚 backlash he got as an example - homewrecker, Covid spreader etc). I bet seeing all that didn’t light up her life like a glorious sun. If I was FakeFairy, I wouldn’t ever drop round chez Mama Barnes.
I also get the feeling that he’d be wary of random women’s motives - he’s no A-lister but he’s still a celeb, and lives the Hollywood lifestyle. So he relies on his lady friendship groups or Raya where he can meet ‘safe’ people. He’s a flirt as we know and I think he feels this is what’s now expected of him, so will always perpetuate that persona. But I’d bet that irl Benny’s chat up lines are straight out of his favourite romcoms. Bless the boy ☺️
Glorious sun... GLORIOUS BROW! It's been a while 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ i dont remember how it went actually
Okie so I'm not ignoring ye all just gonna collectively answer here cuz muffins? This ask is like what I wanted to say but put into coherent thoughts. Just gonna add stuff.
So yeeee idk okie? And my brain can’t function anymore today. He was way more outgoing and open back in the day. Then his Logan/Billy years are a lil questionable and confusing...
But ye lately and deff right now, he is very very careful. Just look at how much energy he put to cover up his and miss R tracks back when. He probably put more effort into that than whatever relationship they had lol and now with the new fans around? he probably checking his porridge for us nasty not-real-fans cuz we know too much
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Raya right now is mostly the place for Hollywoo guys to look for instagram influencer's booty calls - per internet goss. Not saying all is but mostly. Cuz ye know, cause of the exclusivity that is supposedly less and less. Anyways, boy clearly ain't there to look for the epic love and the wife he APPARENTLY dreams of. And boy do be lookin and lookin for a long while now :c he’s there for other reasons me guess and like nothing bad about that, as long as no one gets hurt. Like what can I say, he’s a fucking adult fella so its not like anyone can tell him where to out it x.x As the nonnie up there says, it’s safe and ‘exclusive’ 
Also the screenshot from raya? It’s not current, it’s an oldie, apparently he updated the pic since xd 
NOW BACK TO THE ORIGINAL ASK! IDK what his persona is actually supposed to be lol cuz like stans see different things, it was after the thirst tweets that they concluded boy has choking and breeding kink x.x don't understand the reasoning and ye I regret what I just typed. 
But the good british boy with his second class diploma, gentleman ways, fancy parents, flirty nature, love for cheesy films and the most popular songs is the base X.X actually no lol it’s all he has, plus the romantic and empath shite xd ye absolutely right tho, he acts up the persona cuz fans expect that of him and fans are all he has ;c no bond for benny
Ye know how majority of ya protagonists have basically no personality? So it’s done so that the reader could project themselves into the character? (or so I heard....) It’s the same with Benny, he’s just the weak backbone and everyone builds up what they wanna see. And my theory kind of proves my theory (SCIENCE!) Cuz I see him as bland and I can build it even more to say that boy is fucking bland and shapeless x.x the only sure thing about Benny we all can see and agree on are his lil twizzlers legs ;c in them lil leggings ;cc 
Boy is being awkward and honestly I still can’t tell how much of that is a sham he doing BUT I do like to think he is as awkward at least at times, outside the for them fangirls Benny. And OMG just look at his poems and his original lyrics which he claims are real Benny... He ain’t getting anywhere with talk like this lol, its exactly why he’s bitchless x.x 
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Back to the broadcast tho... What proof can they have like? It’s usually some private messages screenshots but it’s about famous guys where it’s worth whatever risk to publish it and gain something or publish it cuz they are being creeps per usual and someone should call them out? and not lil Benny mr no one gentleman ;c and knowing Benny, he made them sign nda’s JUST TO BE SURE lol im kiddin like but maybe no one wishes to go into details cuz it’s unfathomable to me to share such things, no idea how others could and imma probably not alone in feeling like this. Plus the women always end up as the bad ones, sluts and whatnots... His fangirls would eat them alive. Why bother? 
And obvi there is also the VERY big fat chance of them stories being fake x.x what to share when its fake like 
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