#I don't have a lot of time to make fun art anymore but hopefully I'll
funkytoesart · 2 years
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Some more art I've made in the last few months of characters from my webcomic Beneath the Camphor Tree (webtoon | tapas) :D Some of these are of the original historical version (BTCT) and some are from the modern au version I'm also working on :)
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ordinaryschmuck · 5 months
I have plans for a web comic. Your standard, superhero comic, written and illustrated by me and likely ONLY by me. A comic that has this premise:
"When some of the world's mightiest heroes are discovered to be dead, with more villains growing and super killers out in the world, it's up for humanity's last hope to band together as a single team for justice. Unfortunately, humanity's last hope includes a narcissist, a coward, an idiot keeps losing fights, a homeless person who wants a normal life, a super genius that's thirteen-year-old, a shape-shifting pacifist, and a recovering drunk leading them all. Will they be able to save the world? Well...They'll certainly try."
It'll have lots of stuff that makes superheroes fun. Action, comedy, heroes being human, struggling to do good for both the world and for the people in their lives, tragic backstories that show why the heroes make sure no one has as bad of a day as they did, SELECTIVE intense violence, heroes advocating for redemption over final acts of violence, and some gay characters...Alright, that last one's more or less implied in most superhero content, but why not include here, right?
I love this idea, these characters, and all the plans I have for them. The problem? On the internet, it's a shot in the dark if whether or not what you make is popular. And I don't know if my heart can take it if the first few pages of my comic go up, and only ten people see it with two of them liking it. I can't take it anymore. I've tried three times to make a webcomic, really trying to make something good and pouring everything I have into each one, only for my work to go unnoticed and unappreciated.
"Maybe they're not good."
Yeah. Maybe. Maybe my writing's not good enough to stand out. Maybe my art-style isn't appealing enough to some people. Maybe my jokes aren't funny enough. Maybe my ideas aren't interesting enough. Maybe my story's aren't profound enough. Maybe...I'M not good enough.
...But at least maybe it'll be worth another shot. Who knows, this will finally be the one to worth trying and get a lot of attention. At least, worth trying for a year and see how big the numbers are. But here's the thing: I want to make sure first. I want to know, going in, that I'll have enough people supporting me.
So, here's what I want: 1,000 notes. I don't want money, I don't want donations, I want 1,000 notes on THIS POST to tell me that my creative mind is worth creating again. If I get 1,000 notes, at any point throughout...let's say the rest of the year, then I'll do it.
I'll make another webcomic. And hopefully don't waste my life doing it.
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recurring-polynya · 19 days
Writing/Art Update 6.4.2024
Unfortunately, this week, I am stuck in Everything is Slow and Probably Isn't Even Worth It land.
I've been fighting this story for two weeks now, and it just doesn't want to...be a story. I have rewritten it from scratch at least twice now, including swapping perspectives, and I haven't even gotten to the fight scene parts yet. Furthermore, it's such an incredibly niche concept, like I am really down in the sauce on this one. On the other hand, it is my sauce, like this is of interest to me, so I don't want to give up on it. On the other hand, sometimes it's like--if I am the primary audience for this, and it's causing me a lot of grief, is it really worth it? I don't know.
I am also working on an art project that is, again, primarily of interest to me, which is to say, I am attempting to redraw this loving pan over a bunch of goony-ass lieutenants. I generally draw people pretty closely on model, and I'm attempting to do a lot more stylization. I've been working on it at roughly a-lieuentant-a-day, and I am currently 5 lieutenants in, 6 to go. I am...not good at this. I mean! I think this is a good exercise for my art brain, etc etc, but it's moderately painstaking and I also kinda suck at this and I'm not entirely sure I will want to show off my efforts when I'm done.
Anyway, everything is hard right now, and I am very tired. I think that I'm not sick anymore, but it lingered so long, it's really be hard to tell if it's fully gone or not. I have been reading a lot lately, too (in part because of being sick). I have been very lucky to have read, like, 3 very good books in a row, although the one after that, I did not care for. I have two library holds due to come in shortly, so I'm trying not to start a new one until they get here. Also, while reading is good for me and I am in favor of reading, reading is a lot easier than writing, so I'm trying to push myself thru this writing thing before I get into another book, as well.
I don't knooooooooooow. Maybe I should just put this story aside and if I pick it up again later, I'll have more energy for it. I'm afraid, though, that I've got it all loaded into my RAM at the moment and I don't want to lose that. I'm probably also fooling myself that trying to write something else would be easier or more fun--I think I might just be having a writing-is-hard time. School is going to be out shortly, and it's going to be even harder to do stuff, which makes me extra mad that I am too stupid and lazy to actually take advantage of the time that is available to me, but that's just how it is sometimes.
Oh, Damage History is over now. I should probably do some sort of wrap-up post and change my pinned. I was going to do that today, but I'm not sure I feel up to it. Later this week, hopefully!
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cixel-jewel · 16 days
👋🏾 Hello everyone.
It's been forever since I've been on here. And I wanted to apologize for it. But I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to come back.
When I started this blog, it was so much fun drawing soft bellies and fluff, and I'm sure you've all enjoyed it as well. You all loved Ronnie, Eugene, and Azai so much and I can't thank you all enough for it. The art raffle with y'alls oc's and the stuffing drive for Eugene was so much fun too! Managing the blog itself had become a lot to handle however.
I hadn't known how to properly use tumblr back when I started, with default pfps specifically. I had originally thought that it was just users with no pfp. But with learning that most of them could've been bots I started blocking away. At that time default pfps had liked my old art posts and it was taking forever to block them. It was getting overwhelming. (its easy blocking blogs with no age/not 18+ -- as any nsfw blog should think. 👀)
Along with that, with my current living situation I don't have as much time to draw like I want to. I've tried to convince myself to gather the courage and leave said situation- and combined with CPTSD, severe anxiety and AUdhd, it's almost impossible. Especially without a support group irl that could help get me out of it. (hopefully ill get out of it soon :> )
And belly kink in general isn't in my mind constantly like it used to. I mean, I still LOVE IT don't get me wrong. But it's hard for me to actively draw it out without it in my mind. I made this blog so that I can passionately enjoy it- not turn it into some chore.
With all of these things combined, I would have periods where I wouldn't post for months at a time. Which I absolutely hated. But as time went by I realized that I didn't have this blog on my mind as much anymore and couldn't easily get back on it. Hence this post. I couldn't leave this blog without some sort of explanation, it wouldn't be fair to just delete it out of the blue and leave y'all confused. As of right now, there is no set date for when I actually leave and delete the blog. I'm still thinking about it. But if I were to come back fully invested- I'd make a new blog and start anew. Maybe rebrand a little. Have new characters, more animations and have cool events. But look out for a date on this post just in case you want to save any art or fics of mine for yourself.
I want to thank the few people who have commissioned me and have won in the art raffle. It was so much fun drawing everyone's oc's!! (the most patient people I've ever met omfg). Thank you to the two people who have donated to my KoFi. Those generous commissions and donations have helped me with bills. Thank you to my mutuals who's art gave me the inspiration to start this blog in the first place. And thank you to all of my followers who still check in every now and then, It's been so fun posting art of my characters and engaging with all of you!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I love you all so much!!! - CJ💎
HOPEFULLY... I'll see you all next time. BUT IF NOT - may all of your lives be filled with joy, laughter, and ofc round full bellies :D !!!
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s0urfangs · 4 months
I try so hard not to do this but i gotta rant. Regarding the last reblog, I do NOT think the lack of comments and such is 100% peoples fault. I honestly think a significant part of it is how app and website design combines with content culture.
I want, and need, an inbox that shows me original works people have posted so that I can rummage through it at my own pace and know I'm not missing anything I love. Deviantart was great for this. Sit down on an evening, go through stuff at your own pace, say hi!
Don't even get me started on how you can't save stuff easily on most sites to look back on let alone navigate your own profile easily. Pretty basic thing?? I can't even begin to count the amount of times I find an artist here, go to their blog and its like ah! Their art tag does not work, or they do not have a tag. There is no other website with a gallery of theirs? Scrolling through their blog is 90% reblogs? I have to give up. Again, it's NOT THEIR FAULT. This is not tumblr exclusive.
On all the popular apps and websites now, there's an endless and constantly expanding dashboard of reblogs and memes and maybe if you're lucky you might see some art or something you followed someone for. How are you supposed to keep up if you follow more than ten people?
"But you can turn notifications on!"
I have tried. I am not getting notified for every reblog, every post, at every time of day. It's such an intrusion, and I was missing important stuff irl from the sheer amount.
This is not the fault of people reblogging stuff! It's fun, and I love discovering new art! I also like a good meme ofc. It's the utter lack of organisation. Just a seperate (optional) tab is all it would take for a lot of sites to improve by a solid 50%
Bluesky is doing well with this so far, with the option to disable seeing shares and comments in your dashboard at least. (As well as muting blogs if one of ur beloved mutuals becomes absolutely obsessed with idk, minecraft youtubers. WE ALL HAVE OUR LIMITS...)
It really just seems like a huge oversight in basic accessibility that's become normalised. I don't really scroll tumblr anymore- I can't manage. I miss a lot, and the stuff I don't- well, I've probably also been sucked into the content cycle trap and just TRYING to keep up. This means I don't really want to post much either.
"That's just how it's always been on tumblr" That's okay! I'm not saying people can't enjoy it that way. It's the fact every single popular app is doing it the same. It's HORRIBLE.
Hopefully that makes me feel better . Whew. Ofc I'm busy recently anyway, which is why I haven't dedicated time to trying to use new sites - I'd love to set up toyhouse properly but that's a huge undertaking, and have got a bsky sitting around. Waiting. It's hard to start new habits even if its just opening an app atm, but I'll post when I do so.
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partynoobvanii · 6 months
Small Important Update :
Hello there! It's Ethanvanii here, posting a small update cause I've been inactive on Tumblr lately, and I wanted to clean stuff up.
I will be on a break now, I won't be online so much and I'll be working on homework, and other art projects/series.
Where i have been in life 📣
So far, i have been behind on homework, so much that the homework line on my computer is RED. And not completed, behind even. But yeah, aside from that.. Life has been a bit boring and honestly sad. I've been worried for my online son, Ryker since they have been going through a lot of mood swings, terrible shit happening to them and all. I hope they'll try to stay safe and healthy while I'm gone for a bit.
About Sickpants Lullaby ☎
As you can see, Sickpants Lullaby has been on hiatus for like... I dunno... SINCE LIKE OCTOBER... But the question is, WHY was it on hiatus?
Homework aside, the reason why i haven't worked on it was because of my motivation dying down for the series, without Cobalt/Natt here... I feel very unmotivated to work on it at the moment, he is my beautiful and silly online son, he is like a whole ray of sunshine even. It was fun to hang out with him, before he left to China... I'm honestly lucky to have him in my horrible ass life. Not having him here can be really lonely honestly, even he had that problem while working on Parodies College House (A Spongebob Parodies Fangame he made) To the point he had to put it on hiatus till Benjamin and Juan were back. (Since they are needed, cause they're voice actors in that. And also cause of the fact Cobalt misses them.)
Not to worry, cause Sickpants Lullaby will continue once he comes back! Hopefully, if I don't get art block...
Please do NOT slide into my DMS just to ask me when I'm gonna work on Sickpants Lullaby, or if im working on a drawing of your character. It just makes it annoying and makes me not wanna complete it anymore, I hope you understand that.
Another mention though, I have a second reason for having no motivation for working on Sickpants Lullaby as i used to.
The second reason why Sickpants Lullaby is on Hiatus ☎
The SECOND reason why the series is on hiatus, is just because I've been working on another series which is called "Ethan's Void Life (EVL for short)" more. I've lost some interest in working on Sickpants Lullaby now that Cobalt/Natt is gone, it just doesn't feel the same anymore without him... I don't feel the same joy i get while drawing Sickpants Lullaby frames for my audience as i used to.........
....But besides that, look at the bright side. At least i get a break from the Internet for a bit..? Yes, I'll be checking my Tumblr Inbox in a while, just in case to answer questions.
Anyways, time for more fun stuff.
So far, I've gotten around.... Well I don't know, 3 INTERESTS?? MAYBE EVEN 5???
But yeah, I'll try my best to remember most despite my poor memory.
1. PHIGHTING! (Roblox Game)
2. Item Asylum (Also Roblox Game)
3. Guts & Blackpowder. Again, another roblox game. But this time Cobalt got me into it in the first place. I don't regret playing it.
Stimming aside, it's a pretty cool and fun game. I liked the voice acting, fun stages, and the characters are pretty creative to be honest!
5. Dayshift At Freddy's. Despite the... Ahem... Problematic parts due to it being made in like 2018.... It's a really goofy and silly game! I honestly love it despite me still trying to get all the way to DSAF 3... DSAF 1 was a pain in the ass to play, hopefully I'll skip it and just see if DSAF 2 is easier. (Because my dumbass can't press the springlocks fast enough in the first game lmao, but don't worry i still love the game anyways)
6. Dialtown. Made by the same creator of DSAF. I really enjoyed Dialtown honestly, the dialogue, the story, and the characters! They even added some phone guy characters from DSAF into it. Maybe as a Easter egg? I don't know. Either way Dialtown was still fun. Not to mention the creator is really nice, bless their heart. :)
Interests i MIGHT stream 📣
NO. As much as i love it, i am ass at playing on computer, I'll most likely make a video of me playing it on phone instead of streaming.
2. Item Asylum
Possible? I haven't tested it on computer for lag, so it's a maybe for now....
3. Guts & Blackpowd-
NO. I've tested it on my laptop before, believe me. It's laggy for my small ass laptop. I'll be posting videos of me playing it on mobile instead, thank you very much... It may be less laggy on your laptop, but mine? Nah.
4. Regretevator
Yes. It's still fun either way if i die to lag, one death isn't gonna hurt my soul. ^_^
5. Dayshift at Freddy's
Maybe?? It's if I DON'T GET SPRINGLOCKED A BUNCH OF TIMES DUE TO FAILING... but yeah, it is possible, I'll be streaming myself watching DSAF 1 gameplay on youtube, and then the next streams will be me playing DSAF 2 and DSAF 3 (that's IF they don't springlock me again... It sucks tbh but it's still a loveable game)
6. Dialtown
Yes! Though I'll have to add some warnings before people watch it, since i don't want my viewers getting uncomfortable due to the themes in it.
Thats all for now, I hope the news up there was useful.
No, not the interests, the Sickpants Lullaby part.
Anyways, bye for real! :3
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I used to draw for other small/rare ships (apparently I'm drawn to those kind of ships lol), only one of them got huge enough after they were given some time alone in the manga which got the ship more talented and known creators and amazing fan art.
Unfortunately it also got more hate on since it was a ship that "got in the way" of other huge popular ships and going through the tag got annoying bc the haters tagged every post shitting on the previously rare pairing, plus if you reblogged or made content for it they would harass you. I just blocked everyone sending me hate lmao.
Lots of people now hate Leon/Ashley but I think this increased hatred also shows how the haters can see that it is a thing now unlike before. They see it as a real threat. You can see the insecurity in some of those antis, it's too obvious and also just sad imo. I don't get why antis take shipping too seriously like they're not even having fun anymore and that's supposed to be the point, no?
Truth is I've seen so many Leon/Ashley fans online and even irl, Reddit for example loves it and Remake Ashley is a fan favorite now. A lot of them are more casual fans that maybe don't engage that deeply with fanon (which tbh is the smart thing to do).
Finally I have to say your blog and the amazing fic writers have inspired me to go back to drawing fan art and just creating content for Ashley/Leon or EagleOne. :)
Since this is my new otp and the only thing I love shipping rn I'm also just creating a new blog for that purpose. I'm not an amazing artist I'm just an amateur but I'll try to do something soon when I'm less busy. I'll absolutely tag it as EagleOne. Hopefully I can motivate others to do the same.
anon what the fuCK i got all emotional reading this wyd 😭
i know that the antis are coming from a place of insecurity, which is why their arguments are so disingenuous (i finally found the "the devs went out of their way to make sure that leon and ashley weren't seen as romantic" tweet and hoo boy the desperation is stinky) -- and that's also why i don't engage with them. as easy and perhaps fun as it would be to just QRT it and be like "oh it makes sense now, you're all using text to speech because you don't actually know how to read" there's no point in doing that.
i said it a while ago, but i want to say it again for good measure -- i don't want us to become them. my humble goal for eagleone fandom is to be a haven for ppl. we've been the black sheep of this fandom for so long, and aeons are still accusing us of being predators or someshit (idk i'm only semi-fluent in delusional) that i feel like we all have an obligation to stay humble now that capcom's given us a fairy tale version of RE4 where our ship is the front-and-center romance and people are finally actually being drawn to the ship. no one knows how bad this fandom can get better than eagleone folk, so it's on us to not do unto others what has been done unto us.
idk maybe that's just my whole jewish "because you were slaves in egypt..." mindset coming out but
i want us to be a place where people can just come and hang out and make friends over our shared love for resident evil. i know that i have serennedy and cleon and chreon and metaltango people all following me, and i love all of them dearly and i'm happy that we've all found each other. i feel like that's what fandom should be.
that's why i don't fight with aeons out in the open. i don't want to become them. i'll swing back if they ever come here (though i hope valuable lessons were learned the last time someone tried to come in here swinging and i took them out in exactly two responses LMAO), but i don't want to go out picking fights and i don't want any of y'all to do it either.
so it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy and happy to hear that i've inspired you in some way. i know that our little corner of the fandom over here on tumblr is small, and i know that i don't exactly have the kind of welcoming personality that will give me any sort of real platform in this fandom (at least, not like the one i had back in the day when i was a fake ass bitch LMAO), but to know that i've made at least a little difference is everything for me.
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secondmagic · 10 months
a fucking problem i've had recently is
a) i've been in college for the past few years and it's an art school so all my creative energy has been put entirely in school projects (and i am life a few months away from starting my last year where. i'll be working on my graduate film. which, wtf.) leaving me with little to no time or energy for personal stuff or stuff i draw for fun or that isn't for a specific poroject
b) all i want to draw recently is p*rn (and i really do not want to censor that but the tumblr algorithm has locked my blog down for content enough times at this point) or at least horny or something that at least has bare titties and the occasional bare pussy so either i have to just give up on it i guess or post a little preview piece of it here and link somewhere else and.... like twitter is in a dire state at this point, don't exactly have a following there, it has been well, well documented how the algorithm is actively like against you even if you're like some kind of da vinci level maestro. but it's basically my only option now for most the stuff i do want to post to even get stuff our there. and i did recently get a bluesky acc but you know it's a not very active website and also invite-only. so, not a lot of options.
and you know, my posting here has always been kinda sporadic and i have tried to make stuff more frequently and have a bigger output but out of all the time i spent drawing which frankly is a lot, very little of it ends up as like. a properly fully rendered piece that i can show and i would occasionally post stuff here from my sketchbook that i find at least a little bearable to look at but that also actually takes effort and is difficult to make it like. visually presentable.
a while back tumblr has informed me that this blog has turned 10 years old, which, whoof, huge crisis over the passage of time and also how many grand ambitions i had with this blog when i made it and how little of it i achieved in those 10 years and genera feelings about my own skills and growth and where i stand in life because of my very sporadic posting and my slow pace of work which has gone from like. once very two months to 2-3 times a year and now even when i feel inspired i don't know how much of what i make is even going to be here. recently i've been reevaluating if i even have what it takes or if i even should be an artist with the pace at which i work and how little of anything i complete not to mention how i feel about my own art skills in general, but you know given i've been stubborn about wanting to do this since childhood and i literally just cannot concieve with my brain of doing anything else in life. and on top of that i'm too much of a stubborn spiteful bitch not to keep pushing because i can't let the evil malicious gnome trying to take me down win, so this is something i'm figuring out over time.
anyway i did somehow manage to get 320ish followers in that time, give or take those that are either bots or inactive, and most of you probably followed me for stuff i'm either not super into right now or don't post anymore so you're probably not getting your follow's worth if you look at it practically, you might not even know or remember who i am or what you ever followed me for because of how long its been and how sporadic i am. but i guess i just want to say i know i don't have a lot to offer on this blog compared to a lot of other artists in terms of quality or quantity, which hopefully that will change one day in the future because i am trying to figure out how to do this all better, so thank you all who did follow and are still following and are sticking around despite all of [waves hands] all the things i described
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thenookienostradamus · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Okay so this one looks insanely fun; I couldn't not hop on board. Tagged by the fantastic @nocompromise-noregrets. These are some juicy questions!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 45. Oh shit I just realized I have one fic for each year of my life.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 957,606
3. What fandoms do you write for? Many of the ones I have written for I don't anymore, but I've written for some enormous fandoms like Hannibal, Tolkien/Silmarillion, Star Wars, Sherlock, and SPN, a couple biggish ones (Detroit: Become Human , Midnight Mass, and Foundation -TV), and a shitload of tiny fandoms including The Alienist (TV), The Following, True Detective, The Exorcist (TV), and Preacher (TV).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Cernunnos (Hannibal) - 1,189; Misericorde (Hannibal) - 727; Exit Music (D:BH) - 716; The Detective Doth Protest Too Much (D:BH) - 638; The Stolen Prey (Hannibal) - 579.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's super important to me to take time and thank people who have commented. Also I'm not super crazy popular so I don't get a shit-ton of comments anyway. They're all gems!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hm. Most likely Nightmare Angel, my lone Supernatural fic which nobody reads because I kill Dean and send Sam on an automobile-assisted vengeance quest. Listen, it's a book-based AU and the book isn't exactly the happiest.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably This Night at the Edge of the World, which is a surprisingly poignant modern AU take on a Star Wars crack ship. Matt the fucking Radar Technician. Who knew?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Rarely. I've gotten a couple of comments along the lines of "Why didn't you do x?" or "If this was my fic I would have..." and I've found that a lot of those come from people who are well intentioned but possibly neurodivergent, so I try to be kind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep. All but 8 of my fics are Explicit-rated. Not sure what is meant by "what kind" - but like...hopefully the sexy kind? This is a reflection of the reason why I read fanfic. If I want character development, an engrossing story, an ingenious plot, whatever, I read original fiction. If I want to read about make-believe people banging, I read fic. I don't like longfic or romance or slow burn or whatever. Reading fic, for me, is purely for horndog reasons.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I guess the closest I've come to that is the Techienician ship, AKA Matt the Radar Technician (Adam Driver's undercover Star Wars character from a Saturday Night Live sketch) x Techie from Dredd (2012) as played by Domhnall Gleeson.
11. (there doesn't seem to be a question 11) Free space! I am loving the recent proliferation of interesting, complicated female characters in media!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Uh. I think so? Not sure if it was on AO3, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Tons of them, actually. Which is weird because I typically like to write alone. But I've had some amazing collabs. I cowrote one of my Following fics with a friend (we've since lost touch). I wrote a crackfic called It's Hard Out There for a Balrog for a reverse bang, collaborating with @melkors-big-tits and his ridiculously amazing art and awesome ideas. My fave collab, of course, was the extraordinarily cracky Kylux holiday fic, Merry Huxmas, which I co-wrote with my sister, @gefionne.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Uh...I don't really have an all-time favorite. Just whatever is occupying my mind at the time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm not entirely sure I'll ever finish The Unresisting Heart, which is a Maglor/Sauron fic. It was an experiment in style and I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I'm in the frame of mind to finish. I keep telling myself I'll finish In Eorum Nominibus, my Midnight Mass Riley/Father Paul fic. But again...not sure.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization, probably. I'm pretty decent at putting together a plot with a lot of moving pieces. Dialogue. Also making things not read like fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I sometimes miss opportunities for character interiority, especially with a fast-moving plot. I try not to, but my writing is vague sometimes. I don't particularly think it's a weakness, but fic readers love flowery, pretty language and I refuse to write that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Largely unnecessary. If you do, translate. But throwing words from another language in makes you sound like a non-native speaker trying to appear cool. If you're fluent in another language, why not just write in that language, too?
19. First fandom you wrote for? Well, if you don't count Mary Sue stories written in a spiral notebook before the computer era, probably The Matrix. Revolutions, specifically. It's not posted. It will never be posted.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Exit Music. Because its totally invented AU plot went on to inspire an original novel that may or may not be published before I die. People really do not want to read "unlikeable female characters." Sigh.
Tagging some new friends, including @mycapeisplaid and @madsmilfelsen, plus some beloved old friends: @thefangirlibrarian, @niennawept, @ruiniel, @i-did-not-mean-to, @cilil, and the obligatory @gefionne because she has the same parents as I do and also because she's awesome.
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greypetrel · 11 months
Hi! You don’t need to post this if you don’t want, but I saw the response to that comic you had before you deleted it, and wanted to reassure you that there was no way to interpret your comic as making fun of the atomic bomb. I think the other commenter may have been confused and thought that any mention of the Oppenheimer movie was an issue?
Hi noonie, thank you for reaching out!
Replying the next morning because yesterday it was extremely late and I tried to get some sleep.
Thank you for the assurance, I indeed think I accidentally stepped on ground that was made delicate and hurtful by the whole thread without realising.
My ignorance doesn't justify me or make what I wrote less hurtful, still. But it's gone now, so no more people will get upset, I won't engage anymore in trends I know nothing of thinking I act outside the chorus when I'm not, the topic is problematic as a whole, let's not risk again to hurt other people.
... Or at least, I hope it's that, and that it wasn't the summit of many things I drew and said that caused some hurt without me realising. I sincerely hope they weren't there brooding over my content and reacted at the Nth problematic one. (but that's my anxiety speaking... Or so I hope)
I would just like to add any further that if I reacted a little harshly, it was just because I felt accused out of the blue in a modality (a comment under a post) that really makes me unconfortable. It was the first time I interacted with that person and not being given even the benefit of the doubt... I don't blame them, they were hurt. I could surely have reacted better than I did with a person that i don't know and who doesn't know me and I'm sorry.
I'll stop before I start justifying every single thing I ever did or choice I made.
To make this useful for everyone, just some notes under the cut if they may be useful to clarify some things about me and my behaviour on socials.
Thank you for your kind words, noonie, really! And sorry if this comes out as terribly long and wordy. I'm not the best with anons, I'd reply privately if I could. But since this is public anyway, I'm trying to get some good for everyone and hopefully help avoiding further miscommunications.
This blog is for my art and writing. I reblog DA stuff here because there are people following me here from the fandom.
All other topics are reblogged on my sideblog @stridingcorgi.
I don't talk about stuff if I don't have anything constructive to say or a fully formed opinion of. It doesn't mean I don't like to read about it, even if the opinion is the opposite of mine.
I actually love to hear different opinions! Please, tell me when your opinion differ from mine! I loved shivunin's Your Fate For Mine... And Solas is definitely an antagonistic figure there, I loved seeing that take! Unironically, even if I like to write him differently.
(and just to clarify further: I love Vivienne. She's one of the most complex and nuanced characters in DAI. I don't write her because I never played her -yet- at high approval and I know I'm missing a lot of her characterisation. I won't just mock other people's takes on her before having first-hand experience in game, that's all. Take this for every character you don't see me writing about.)
If I say or do something that hurts you: please, by all means, tell me. I have no problems editing or deleting posts, and I have zero issues apologising.
All I ask is, please: some politeness. I am a person and I'm trying, if there's something hurtful for you assume I apologise in advance, I didn't do it on purpose. Does it minimise the hurt you're feeling? NO, at all. But rest assure that I wasn't aiming at you, there wasn't any malevolence, there's no need to attack.
Just, since I have my idiosinchrasies (again: Anxiety Disorder): if you can, please reach out to me in private. Message me and let's discuss it there! If you want explanations I can give them, and if you don't that's perfectly fine, I'll apologise and fix my mess without you having to explain why. Hurt is hurt, whether I see why or not. Just a "Hey that post hurt me can you edit this or delete the whole of it?" will do.
I just... Don't like much discussing these things in public, PARTICULARLY in places I have a limit of characters. My first reaction is explaining my thought and what I did, because getting why people acts some way I find offensive helps me cope with it and accept it better. The character limit deprives me of the chance and makes me feel anxious.
My anon asks are open until I have a reason to close them.
I will tell you that I had bad experiences with anons... And my tolerance for them is lower than other people's. It has nothing to do with this story, but just so you all know.
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markthecrtmonitor · 1 year
A series of updates for those interested.
Summary for those who can't watch for whatever reason:
I've decided to stop making gaming content because I don't find it fun anymore and want to focus on my art.
I got two new jobs that I'm starting soon & they'll be taking a lot of my time.
I have a surgery consult coming up that will hopefully end a lot of my current health issues. I'll be posting updates about it as time goes on.
And that's about it. New Woeridge Progress Update Video will be out either later this week or early next month alongside the next actual update for the Webcomic.
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victorianpining · 2 years
Hello Rebekah,
Feel free not to answer me, you probably have better things to do. ^^
I'm pretty new to the Tumblr Sherlock fandom, even if I've been a johnlocker since S1 aired (I had no idea Tumblr existed at the time, aha). I've binge-watched your "TJLC explained" videos this past week, and I wanted to know if you still believed that it was possible to have TJLC come true in S5 (if we ever get one)? Also, I read that some theorists thought TFP/S4 happened in John's mind (honestly would be better than the actual season imo - I despised TFP), do you have an opinion on that matter? Euros's story doesn't make sense at all to me, but maybe I'm just bitter because I didn't like where the show was going.
Anyway, I hope you're well, and I thank you for what you've done for the fandom. I love your videos so much, I learned so many things and not only about Sherlock and ACD's canon, but also about the art of analyzing subtext and literary references. I'm so grateful for that.
I'm so sorry if this Ask is annoying, or even if you don't want to talk about Sherlock at all anymore.
I hope you have a lovely day, take care :)
Hi anon! I cover this in depth in the A Better Story series on the channel but since that is like 13 hours long I'll give you the short version.
I personally have no emotional investment in TJLC happening at this point, but I understand why some people are more certain about it. That's just not a road I personally want to go down again and I also want to learn from my own mistakes and use whatever platform I still have at this point to encourage others to be careful with themselves and manage their own expectations.
On the other hand, after working through my baggage, I've discovered that I still find theorizing about Sherlock through a TJLC lens to be a lot of fun and personally rewarding, even if I don't expect to be right. So I'm still hanging around working on projects mostly because it's extremely cathartic for me to be able to engage with the show in this more measured way. And hopefully I can be a living example that people's only options aren't being All In or burning the show to the ground. There are middle grounds if you want to find them. But if you don't want to, that's fine too!
Anyway if you'd like my full in depth take on a TJLC reading of S4 I'd recommend Part Seven of A Better Story. I hope you have a lovely day too!
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puffiinn · 6 days
Pinned! (I'm bad at intros, sorry)
Hi!! I'm back, hopefully...,,, My names are Puffin & Hephaestus. I don't mind whichever name you call me, nicknames included! Just be nice about how you refer to me. My primary language is English, but I want to start learning Korean :3. My timezone is Central Standard and I live in the south. I will complain about the weather here... I go by he/they pronouns with a preference for he/him. I'm non-binary, transgender & polyromantic [male lean]. I'm unreasonably attracted to vampires and fictional men with white hair [/gen] I'm mainly interested in Honkai: Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Code Vein, Jujutsu Kaisen, Vanitas no Carte, and Bungo Stray Dogs (though I need to finish it), though I like a lot of things. I'm a digital artist, but I don't draw or post art as often anymore. (↓ DNI and BYF (plus some links) ↓)
Basic DNI criteria, NSFW-centered accounts, proship; loli/shota; zoophiles, if you hate self / OCxCanon shippers (if they aren't being problematic), -13yo, if you make fun of people's comfort character(s) / kins, if you lie for fun/attention.
I'm a minor [15↑], so please be mindful of how you interact with me. Don't try to guess my age either (´∀`;). I block freely! Don't take it personally if you end up blocked </3, I block accounts for my own comfort if there's content I don't want to see. I'd appreciate if you used tone tags during conversations with me. Especially for sarcasm or jokes with more serious topics. You don't have to, though. It would just save me from misunderstanding you. I have social anxiety and can be rather forgetful. I can also get overwhelmed / upset easily. I'll stop talking or distance myself if I suddenly can't handle it anymore or if I start to feel uncomfortable.
Twitter, Carrd, Strawpage (but I'm making a new one), Retrospring, Bluesky (not very active, but it's a backup if Twitter becomes borderline unusable. Big man already removed public likes... idk what's next dawg)
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I'm gonna try to be more active guys I swear this time (^_^ ᵁ)
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flowofexistence · 3 months
Hello folks, been forever.
So, what's up with that?
Well, three things.
I actually, y'know, finished up my education and got a job. Woohoo! (I guess that "I'll try to be consistent but school sucks" that I had in this Blog's Description isn't quite true anymore)
A general desire to work on my art a bit, y'know, develop my art style a bit, experiment, stuff like that. (Spoilers: It didn't go THAT far.)
Oh, you're still reading?
Well alright, I guess I do owe answers to a few other questions.
Q: Why?
A: Well, other than it being something I...kinda wanted from the very beginning- As much as I love Tumblr, and as much as I am gonna shoot myself in the foot by being able to reach as many people through tags or whatnot. I wanted to have more freedom in customizing everything! I now have the ability to give each act a custom theme, or multiple themes depending on its current setting! You can now swap through pages with the arrow keys! You can save your place in the comic with the help of cookies! Generally, making the switch allowed me to have a lot more fun with things, and it's finally possible due to me actually making enough money so that I can AFFORD IT!
Q: Well, what about this blog?
A: Don't you worry your sweet little head, I will still be using it, so don't unfollow just yet! I'll probably just use it as a place to post about updates to the comic, urging y'all to go read it on the new website. Or maybe I am now able to use it for even more, like, showcasing fanart or something, if that ever should happen, haha.
Q: What's next?
A: Well HOPEFULLY, more consistent updates, the thing is, I've just switched from being busy with school, to being busy with work. But I will make time when I can, trust me!
Q: Is this an April Fool's Joke?
A: lmao no
Q: Didn't you make this Website in October 2023? Why are we only NOW hearing of it?
A: Uhhh, well you see, I wrote a whole post about it on the Discord Server (shameless plug), which has pretty much the same things in it as this post. I then WANTED to make a post on Tumblr...and forgot about it.
Q: New Pages when?
A: Today.
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mageiad · 3 months
little update to the whole wrist situation
so due to limited healthcare resources in my area it's going to take a really long time for the issue to actually get resolved (for reference i have to wait until the end of april to get the proper testing done). as much as that sucks i AM managing it and have improved to the point that i'm not in as much pain anymore and can do some stuff with my right arm.
it's definitely not the solution i was hoping to have at this point and it's put a pretty big roadblock in front of all of my plans, but it's what i've got for now.
i'll still post old art every now and then, but for now i don't really see a point in continuing that little saga since i've already been able to make some new stuff. i appreciate you guys tuning in, and i've had a lot of fun posting more frequently. hopefully i'll keep getting better and we can get back to normal sometime in the near future.
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oliviapasianworkshop · 5 months
January 11-17
I completely forgot to make this post until today, the 20th, but for the sake of my future process book, here is what I did this week:
I made some decisions about what the rest of the semester will look like and put that information into this page for our collective capstone brief assignment:
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My current plan is to make two more websites, one main one being the community garden idea, where I'm thinking it'll be like a collaborative tamagotchi sort of thing, inspired by how real community gardens work and bring people together. For the brief, I put that I wanted to do a trail-following website, where you see everyone's cursor movements, but I spent the week contemplating this and couldn't think of a way to make it more dimensional than just following cursors. I came up with another idea, to make a website inspired by rainbow looms and cat's cradle and other nostalgic uses for rubber bands. The website would be like a big peg board where anyone can add permanent rubber band art on one big canvas, like a collaborative whiteboard but with rubber bands. So I think the rubber band drawing website and community garden are two projects I am sure about, and I'd like to do little mini experiments along the way if I encounter anything I want to separately explore more.
Timeline-wise, my plan is to spend the entire semester on the community garden, since I know how much work it will be, as I want to add things like real weather and day/night and real-time growth. I want to give people a reason to keep checking in. And for the rubber band website, I'll spend the next few weeks on it, since I have already sketched the design which just needs a few minor changes and then I just need to code it, which shouldn't be too bad.
Concept-wise, I spent this week contemplating my topic a lot. I feel like I keep ending up at crossroads where there are just too many things I am excited about and I don't know what will end up being the best for this thesis. It's better to have too many things to be excited about than none at all, but it's still hard to constantly be making decisions about this after I thought I had it mostly figured out. My research has stayed around the same ideas of the decentralized web, experimentation, making websites by hand, and collaboration/community. But narrowing it has been confusing because for a while, it was about combating isolation, but now it's less about that and more about just making fun escapist spaces on the web, which I don't know if that's what I want to do. I mean, it is, but I don't know if it's as engaging as other ideas I had. And nostalgia, especially web nostalgia, has been a big part of my research interests, and I don't know how it fits in anymore. It does, but it's not as much a part as I want it to be, because I don't think I really know what I'm even trying to do with my project anymore. Which I need to figure out, soon, but I just want to make silly websites and not think, is that too much to ask?? (yes)
Anyway, here's my current research question draft:
How can I create software interactions that act as tools to visually and conceptually use the web as a platform for creativity, connection and collaboration?
I think it needs some more juice because it's missing something, which I will hopefully figure out this week.
And here's the rubber band website sketch:
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