#I don't know if I should develop it more or completely delete it... oh well
dedahblog · 1 year
A two part analysis about Ichigo's fake emotional dependency and how beautifully Kub0 resolved it
I wrote this meta to criticize an aspect of IR relationship that is hardly considered a matter of concern.
It's the " Ichigo being a lost puppy without Rukia" trope
If you don't find any problem with it, then please ignore this post because it will be a waste of your time
What I love the most in ichiruki is their trust for each other and how they both inspire joy, hope and courage for each other mutually .
The lost puppy trope contradicts this notion in one way or another since it doesn't put their importance for the other in an equal footing.
That's why I started pondering how this unpleasant frame of mind was established
Is it true that Ichigo's lost without Rukia ?
If anything the last arc proves he wasn't.
so what does that leave ?
does that mean that she's no longer important to him ? Or was this mindset fictious in the first place ?
This is just a personal interpretation. I'm not claiming I can read Kub0's mind (I wish I could)
First of all, I'll start with the chapter that prompted that idea in the first place
It's strange how the world keeps rotating without you
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"It's a strange feeling.
Nothing seems out of place.
Even without Rukia, our world still keeps turning.
That's right.Rukia was originally from Soul Society (there). From the very start, there was never really a place where she belonged here
............if that's the case, what should I do?"
Kurosaki Ichigo, chapter 58
After Rukia was abducted, Ichigo was confused about how the world could continue to operate normally when she wasn't around.
In fact, while everyone was dealing with his life normally, he couldn't
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It's a strange feeling.
Nothing seems out of place.
Even without Rukia, our world still keeps turning.
What Ichigo failed to understand was that there was no reason why the world wouldn't rotate normally without one person.
He was the problem here
The reason he felt that way was simply because he was extremely saddened that Rukia was not by his side
The feeling he felt was so immense and so new to him that he couldn't associate it with any other thing he felt before.
Since he was oblivious to the depth of his feelings at that time, he couldn't fathom the reason behind all his melancholia.
Someone as clueless as him could just deduce from all this that he should just bring her back to Karakura so that the world "can function properly again".
And that's it. End of the drama
However, as I explained here, Ichigo can't be selfish when it comes to Rukia.
That's right.
Rukia was originally from Soul Society (there).
From the very start, there was never really a place where she belonged here
He respects her individuality too much to do that.
He refused to let himself selfishly decide a fate for her (after saving her that is) just because the world felt odd without her
But at the same time, he wanted to understand why he felt that Rukia belonged here in this world when she was originally from another place
(spoiler alert he will realise it after 400 chapters)
............if that's the case, what should I do?"
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Orhime unintentionally made him realise that the most important thing for now was not to ponder how the world could rotate without her but refocusing his attention on keeping Rukia alive and safe
And if Ichigo was sure of one thing, it was that the safest place for Rukia to be was by his side ( since he assumed everyone in SS wanted her dead)
He deduced that the reason he felt Rukia belonged here (with him) was because he was prioritising her safety (*)
Before he could give any closure to his confusion, Ichigo changed his train of thoughts and set his mind on one goal: after saving her, he would bring Rukia back to safety (by his side)
That's it. He just wants her to be safe with him... that's why he felt she belonged here no other reason
However, at the end, Rukia decided to stay in SS
Rukia being separated from Ichigo at the end of the SS arc is one of the best decisions Kub0 has ever made.
First of all, it made Ichigo aware why he wanted to save Rukia. Her being denied of hope is what triggered him to do his best for her.
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And I'm pretty sure that blockhead would never understand that if Rukia were to return home with him.
Secondly, Rukia knew Ichigo wanted her to go back with him and was expecting to be saddened by this news.
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By witnessing how he accepted her decision without any questioning, Rukia was made aware about how unconditional Ichigo's feelings are.
Last but not least, it forced Ichigo to slowly realise what the whole thing about the world couldn't rotate without Rukia actually meant
Again I'll emphasize slooooowly.
At first, he got it wrong again
At the beginning of the arrancar arc, when Ichigo didn't think he could win against his hollow, once Rukia expressed her admiration towards him, he became self confident again.
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Rukia's trust and opinion meant much more to him than his own impression of himself
Rukia's presence inspired him to be hopeful and courageous. From then, Ichigo deluded himself into thinking that what he felt at that time meant simply that Rukia was his anchor
That isn't of course totally false since Morita agreed on that but it's also can't summarized the depth of his feelings for her
However, by assuming that Rukia was so pivotal in his mental health, he was both belittling himself and her since she does have a life outside their relationship.
In short, he didn't learn jack shit
and his way of coping with his obliviousness was becoming a bit counterproductive as shown in this infamous poem
I can't go on in a world without you
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This poem is very similar to his thoughts when Rukia was abducted but this one is a bit self conscious ( at last !!!!!)
This time, Ichigo understood that the reason he felt the world couldn't rotate properly was stemed from him.
He was the one who couldn't keep up with its speed when Rukia isn't by his side
This can be cute in some ways but as I said, this isn't the aim of my meta
Just like when Rukia was abducted, he was finding excuses to explain feelings he never experienced before
Now, Ichigo could only justify his emotions for Rukia with the fact that he can't function properly without her, plain simple.
Even, other translations claim the original japanese text could even mean that he was rather unwilling to even try
And that goes well with my personal theory which is pretty much the heart of this analysis
Ichigo wasn't dependent on Rukia by need but by choice
His low self esteem and insecurity weren't the only reason why he felt worthless when she wasn't by his side.
I think Ichigo unconsciously wanted to be dependent on Rukia because he wanted her to feel as if he needed her :
He wanted her to have a reason to stay by his side because he was afraid of losing her.
(the same reason orhime wants to be dependent on Ichigo and that's for another topic)
However, he never seriously acted on this seemingly selfish thought because as I said Ichigo can't help but be selfless when it comes to Rukia
But he doesn't want to lose her either.
I know I already linked this post but I explain here in depth my own perception of the duality of his feelings
And when he lost his powers, he lost Rukia too.
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Part 2
(*) This is how I understood that scene, the anime team, on the other hand, had a different interpretation but in my humble opinion, it's out of character for dumbass Ichigo to be this self aware at this stage of the manga
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
Time for my now nightly sally face vomit the one thing I dislike about this game so far is its lack of a save button
-6 minutes 34.94 seconds to get back to chapter five okay time to look up a tutorial..
-what the fuck. It was t h a t e a s y?? IT CAN BE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 15 SECONDS?! IM ENDING IT ALL WTH
-didn't mention this before but I love the detail of the gear boy screen being scratched
-this is definitely foreshadowing
Hey guys look how much more coherent I am when I have the light off and am not on a fucking terrifying part
-well thats..creepy.
-Holt ahit the whole screen going black scared me so bad
-yea guys maybe yall should fucking move cuz that shit is terrifying leave before you all fucking die
-Ok I mean like it does sound like bullshit so u can't rlly blame him for not believing sal..
-fuck wait if the tree house has proof what traumatizing shit happens there later why can't a tree house ever just be silly
-the apartments were abandoned huh..
-why am I playing as m a n
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I mean I don't rlly know what sal did except kill someone but all the fanarts I see of him post killing someone say "I had no choice" in the background and he doesn't seem like the dude to just go and murder someone
Maybe I just rlly like sal lmao
-Why did Enon just die wth
-seeing a ghost take the form of Larry made me scream like not even joking I'm bawling my eyes out whay the fuck
-wait pookies this hopefully is not true and I don't see any reason in why it would be true of it is true I'm gonna find the nearest cliff but like sal murders someone and laryr is dead ...
No right that's not right it can't be they're bestie bros
Also it wouldn't make sense cuz Larry's tryna help sal
BUT HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE THEN? one of my friends is being sus about it
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I know I haven't met Travis but I've developed an attachment to him bc of the fan content I've seen
Thats low-key sus
Thats really sus actuslly
Right as Enon is like finding out about smth he dies
-"white room eht ni em dnif. Ouy dlot I tahw tegrof t'nod" thanks I understand that
Dont forget what I told you. Find me in the white room.
HUH ??
GUYS am I forgetting smth or is this sposed to be mysterious
Omori ass shit
-oh it's the ghosty thing
-am I stupid I csnt even kinds decipher what should be in the blanks half the time
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Bad example. But sad!
Okay but run only has three letters what
Yes I'm smart
that scared me so fucking bad my vision low-key blacked out for a second I'm in the dark again lmao
-sal I love you but for the love of God (okay thst might not be a great thing to say from the foreshadowing we've been getting lol) fucking at least try to win the case
-oh someone told me j would be scared of bologna bc of this game
-"ugh" dude pls
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Yoo I'm finally gonna get rhe lore..
Im scared!
-Mr dood El is so real
-"Hello are you okay" *demonic garbling* fucking mood
-"now please leave us alone your head will frighten the children" LMAOKK
-okay so the truth stuff is sus obviously
-y aren't circle heads normal :(
-"Hello are yiu the great beast" "well, fuck you too friend." Teehee
-ik this is prolly gonna be some like deep foreshadowing but it's just this is so cool and funny?
-on the side of the fortune teller it looks like it says gae instead of green
-makes me kinda scared for late game tho!
-math class sleep >> all other sleep
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-"nobody likes a cliche bully traaavis" SAL ILY SM
-"yk if you took that stick out of ur ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once." DAMNNNN
-travis you hoe 😔
Bro ik this is like sposed to be serious but why was the panel kf travis punching sal so fucking funny to me
-but like sal ik you don't know but maybe don't talk about travis dad
Like j appreciate u trying to help but not the best move-
-larry.. how good.. to see you.. alive.. *sobbing*
-ash the ghosts are fucjing real stfu
-yea sal his dad is shit but like it doesn't rlly excuse it all idk
-mk yup there's smth up with the bologna
I hate that word it's not even close to how it's pronounced
-wtf is the hot dog incident???
Made with dog??
-"You're lucky it's bologna day" that is such a fucking sentence 💀
-"i don't know if this town has room for another conspiracy theory" there's prolly gonna be like 17 more this game
-I got a paperclip! And then I look at it and it says "I can use this paper clip to get into my friends lockers" lmal
-oh yea how old r they rn r they still freshman ? Assuming so
-sal is so short god
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-this is completely unrelated to sallt face but chat my leg is bleeding and it reallt burns uhh ow
It might be bc there's alcohol marjer in it but that's from a day ago so idk
i mean ik sla is canonically bi but when there's a gay relationship in canon it's so happy okay
wait through the past two years
What is their age in ep 3
Like someone pls answer this
Im trying to figure it out
They said if they killed Travis they'd have to deal with him for two years
Indicating two years of hs left
Ig thar makes sense
Im a liar I don't understand
-i wish u could runnnnnnn ahhhhhh
-"you butt nozzle" wtf does this mean
-actusllt maybe I shouldn't say I wish u could run bc the thing that happened earlier.. haha..
-yall that's sus why r there so many missing posters
-where am I sposed to be going ahh
-the textbook in Larry's locker is labeled "generic textbook" lmao
-mmm that's sus home made by a teacher.. nah..
-?? Travis is gone
-bruh gods whole thing is loving everyone stop being homophobuc
-"yk we aren't all actually gay, right? I mean besides forTodd. Todd is super gay." Good for Todd
-okay I have to go through all the dialog options
-"says the boy who hides behind a mask! Get lost, you mutant!" OUCHIE :<
-can I murder kenneth.. he shot sal and his mom.. and is la shitty dad to travis.. :/
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-empty envelope..
The note be from there
-i hate puzzles how am I sposed to know what the lock is
-sally has mental I'll
-me when uiuruy.rhoheitnruy.a,drwitoflsuynbusmo
-okay guys wrf was that cuz they're acting like it's a reoccurring thing
-ik is not that but dehydration rlly is a bitch
-im so on edge like it went into the bathroom and we saw gizmo qnd it had a record scratch sound and I jumped
-wow our dad actually says he'll do smrh with us soon.. shocker 😐
-oh ow that's sad but sals dad u bitch u fuckin got rid of photos of sals mom??? I like get ur also affected but be a better dad jeez
-welcom to windom guys
-time to try to geuss the password
-y r there empty letters randomly appearing eith my name that's sus!!
-Robert slays
-yo we can enter 403 now shouldn't they have fixed the doorframe by now tho lmao
-whyis she talking out her neck god I'm gonna vomit the sound effects are Not Neesxcaru
-I feel like that red eyed demon ain't really gone.
-it's 1:06 am have mercy on my orbs pls
-these letters r confusing
-samn what r Todd's parents on 💀
-did sal jusr say "good lord" beuh
-im scared.
-theres a lock on the freezer fuck fuck fuck
-okay. Ifs creepy, but at least it'd just a goat head. Could be worse. Could be human
Waych me end up regretting these words..
-she has a weird obsession with pi huh
-greem stuff in the tub
-whay am I sposed to do while waiting 4 Larry
I feel like there's a possibility the thing we found in her desk could be used to open the door but it'd not letting me
-clock puzzle..
-I did it
-yall I just killed a dude don't feel great about that haha...
-"if we don't make it out alive.. I.. I love you dude"
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-it's just ash fuckign great what the hell
-"damn." Valid reaction ngl like what r u sposed to say to thar
-this isn't very girlypop core
-ngl just googled the lock combo bc I'm uncomfy rn and don't feel like puzzles
-please don't go down the trash chute.
-welp she's dead okay Larry let's go!
-ripped carpet
-"whelp this looks bad" I love Larry
-"it's a good thing thr cult isn't around anymore.. the demon too" YA JUST FUCKIN JINXED IT THEYRE GONNA KILL YA SAL
-qere gonna die were gonna die were all gonna die oh god oh fuck
-why do these things always happen to me?" Idk why I thought if schooby doo
Wait he doesn't die here does he.
-great gonna be here for 7 hours
-no im not looking up a tutorial Ur looking up a tutorial
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Me when
I made itty
Qalk around in circles and you'll figure it out cool
-yipee I have to have a tutorial for sal too. End me.
-gwuss who's bleeding again! Different spot this time closer to my ankle
-following a tutorial
-does exactly what it says
-doesn't work
-runs around in rage and despair
-it fucking worked
Making a second part to this cuz my phones trying to die ill rb when thr other is finish
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night-market-if · 2 years
This probably isn't the sort of platform for it but what are your thoughts of pirating in general? The recent events in the IF community have me thinking about where the line is drawn. Indie developers, yeah it's a really shitty thing to do to a small or one person team but big companies? I never really saw piracy as a bad thing in of itself. If this question is inappropriate or uncomfortable for you to answer feel free to delete it
I don't mind talking about it.
I have a bit of mixed feelings on it all but in the end, no, I don't like it and I don't really condone it. Even when it comes to big box titles and companies. EA comes to mind. LOL! Here's the thing. Indie developers are just a no go all together for me. I don't like it because a lot of these people are trying to make their way in life, get their foot in the door, etc. For me personally, it goes towards feeding my kids, making sure they are clothed, and paying off medical debt. When you see a developer making money, it may seem like a lot. But most of the time, it really isn't in the grand scheme of it all. So no, I have no respect for people that take from indie developers. And I know the entire mantra is "well those people were never going to pay for it anyway." You're right. They weren't. But, it doesn't mean I have to like it. It doesn't mean I have to support it. A mutual I knew made a good point. "Oh, you were probably going to be mugged anyway. So why don't I be the one to do it." or "Oh, you were going to fail at your job anyway. So why don't I help that along." It's an odd justification they are using and one that I just morally don't stand behind in most everything I do. I think we have kind of forgotten as a society that just because everyone is doing something or it was going to happen anyway, doesn't mean we should contribute to the problem. I mean, isn't that why we are all in the state we are in now within our own countries? Pirating an IF of course doesn't have that weight what so ever. But, it is a bit of a moral point for me personally. You don't just get to pick and choose what things you want to be morally grey on and then get mad at others when they are morally grey on something you adamantly oppose.
Now, when it comes to big box titles, I get the appeal. I get the idea of the companies are greedy and what not. But, I still don't do it. Because here's the thing, you aren't hurting the company when you take from them. They don't give two shits about you or what you are doing. Why? Because they will just fire people to make up for the costs. You are hurting those people far more than you are hurting the company. So, again, there is kind of a hole in your justification. And if you like something, you should just support it. Period. You can't support it because you live paycheck to paycheck? Hi. Hello. That's been my life for about a decade. The financial strain I have gone through, while trying to feed young children, has been terrifying. You know what the funny thing is though? When its something you actually want and not just an effort to distract yourself from your life or your depression or anxiety or whatever else is happening to you, you do manage to find a way to pay for it. It just isn't instant gratification.
And that's what it comes down to, pirating is instant gratification. Instant gratification is a problem within our society. Now, anyone reading this who does pirate or makes mods, they don't fucking care what I have to say. They are still going to do it. That is completely right. But here's the thing. I can still report you. I can still find out who you are. And just as you are mocking all of us in your discord, I can mock you here. Goes two ways, and the way I've been seeing it from their little conversations? They are obsessing over this far more than the IF community is. We are just being proactive and making their life more difficult. Sorry if that offends you but maybe you should just accept that it's going to happen anyway. :)
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Do you have any gameplay ideas for Lucia (Devil May Cry)?
Oh okay, that's a new type of question I've never been asked before. People on here don't tend to talk about gameplay aspects on here that much and tend to just talk about the characters - or at from what I've seen my three years on this site. But I'll take it sure!
Well, I'm not the best person to ask since I'm not really a game designer but I think I can think of at least a couple ideas to put her in more on how modern dmc 3-5 characters play with more complexities than Dante/Lucia/Trish had in dmc 1 and 2.
Okay to start off if Lucia would ever be hypothetically playable in a future dmc game she doesn't necessarily need new weapons, pretty much everyone else who isn't Dante with his ridiculous amount of weapons that only gets larger and larger with each game, specifically Nero, Vergil, Lady and Trish in dmc 4 proves this that small arsenals and tools you can work with like the devil bringer which you can throw in a buster whenever in a combo you like to add a little ✨️style spice✨️ A small rotation I find easier to work with and even so everything in that small rotation has a long list of moves and combos that you can steadily form your patterns you can strategize certain take downs for specific enemies.
But that's not saying you can't add anything new for her though, however including all the unlockable blades and knifes she could get in dmc 2 I think she should be okay as long as maybe you change some of their move sets to moreso differentiate them and make them each more unique instead of same knife/blade but reskinned and stronger. Again while you don't have to change anything like what she comes with, just look at Vergil the guy has had the same 4 weapons (counting summon swords) and basic play style since he was more formally introduced in dmc 3 and therefore being playable. However if they do go down this route with adding new things I hope they pull a dmc 4 revamp on us because playable Vergil from dmc 3 and playable Vergil from dmc 4 are very different beats. Dmc 3 Vergil is very, very simple and basic in his move set, similar to current day Lucia actually but - and this is true about every single version of Vergil since he's been playable - he is very overpowered. Like I don't know if this is because I've been playing dmc 3 since almost day 1 that it came out and I'm old but I don't know maybe it's just me but even in very hard and dante must die he makes the entire fucking game feel like a joke. Dmc 4 however (and don't get wrong he is still fucking overpowered as shit compared to everyone else in the game, he can absolutely break the entire game like he can in 3 if you know how to properly use him) I think he's less as OP in higher difficulties (I'm going to be 100% real here enemies in dmc 4 on human and devil hunter are like punchable paper once you play those higher difficulties just once and its veeeery noticeable) however to compensate for more heavy tankable enemies (Vergil in every mode is still a boss deleter no matter what) they they completely revamped his 3 moveset, keeping the all the simplicities and they MEGA built off it in literally every way; new moves, new combos, the motivation concentration meter and mechanics, new summon sword abilities, playable executable judgment cut end 💀, ect. But Lucia doesn't have to be as overpowered and game breaking, I think personally that should stay with just Vergil as like a gimmick afterall he has been that OP since day one and no other characters except Dante in a good several amount of occasions (dmc 4 and 5 particularly) have been able to be on that same level. But in a way story wise her being more strong and confident in her abilities moreso than in dmc 2 would show off more character development and being able to show that off in gameplay would be just perfect.
Sooo learning from that take her simplistic moveset and just revamp it in a similar fashion and that way she could still feel like better dmc 2 version of herself but she'd get more unique moves and combos and maybe build up her older playstyle in a way that feels more in tune with modern dmc without disrespecting her original playable debut despite the unfortunate game she came from, which I always thought anyway that out of the main two out of box playable characters (so not counting Trish who is better out of all three of them by miles) that she always felt good and better to play than the clunky, sword useless, Dante in that game.
Devil trigger gameplay? Since 2 and besides Dante's sin trigger in dmc 5 which is its own can of worms mechanically and runs off its own system very different then how it was dmc 2, no one else really has had a flying form and how it worked in 2 so if they just kept that exclusive to Lucia and modified it where A. It'd feel comfortable to play in modern gaming standards B. Expand on it, maybe make her airborne like 99% of the time and incorporate that into trigger exclusive moves maybe she can switch between the elemental moves that where in dmc 2 just you can switch between them on the fly without having to go through subscreens and menus and it doesn't cancel out your trigger gage and maybe each one has its own pool of moves besides being just that element boosting already established attacks, making it when you do trigger you do have more options and moves to integrate into your combo chain each time ect.
Uhm and I think that's all I have to say about it? Sorry if this was rambled and I didn't explicitly give much ideas this was just the way I think if Lucia ever were to be playable again (which honestly I really do hope, it fucking sucks she's chained down to such a "Yes it is actually that bad as everyone says it is." of a game) this is the technical ways I think Capcom should go about it.
Tldr: Take Lucia's very simplistic moveset from dmc 2 and treat it with a make over like they did with Vergil's from dmc 3 going into 4. Devil trigger should be mostly the same taking in the flight mechanics from dmc 2 and making it Lucia's own while incorporating the element mechanics that would also give her new moves to work with while in trigger.
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Thank you for the ask btw!
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pandas-pandemonium · 3 years
Yandere! Sentient! Twst - Player considers deleting the game due to glitches (Dorm Leaders)
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A/N: Thought I'd combine these three asks since they're all quite similar in nature.
"[Name], I really think you should just delete that game off your phone."
The sternness in your partner's voice stunned you. They had mentioned the game acting strange at times, but this was the first time they had confronted you on this issue. Confused, you spoke up.
"Is this about the weird glitches again, [S/O]?" you asked.
"Yes, this is about those weird glitches. I swear, this isn't some simple bug or anything. This is another thing entirely. A game character doesn't curse at you just for opening the app. Shouldn't it be some welcome line or something?"
You frowned.
"I've never heard anything like that..." you said.
They sighed and shook their head. "It only happens when I open the app when you ask me to help you login."
You felt a chill run down your back.
"There's...no way, right?" you said, as you slowly unlocked your phone, immediately clicking on the application. You had to see it for your own, even though deep down you knew [s/o] was right. The game had been acting strange. Comments that were way too specific, the occasional glitching when you switched out a character for another.
With wary eyes you glanced at the opening screen; one more check, one more log in and if anything weird happens again, you will have to delete it. Sentimentality and story progress be damned. You could always watch videos on YouTube anyway.
Livid. Riddle would be absolutely livid to hear the suggestion of you deleting the game.
"How DARE they! How insolent! They think know so much better, now do they?!"
Storming around, Riddle would be figuring out how to "chop off" your significant other's head. He won't have it!
He's put up with the fact that you're in a relationship because he convinced himself it wouldn't last long, but now this is the last straw.
"They're trying to cut me off from [Name]! For that, they WILL pay!"
But first, he has to make sure things run smoothly.
You won't delete the game if nothing odd happens...
With that, [s/o] will just look like a liar. How awful!
Once Riddle's calmed down, he will start creating a plan to cut your s/o out of your life, forever.
"I simply will not tolerate a rule breaker, and it so happens, Rule #444 states that "the heads of liars must be chopped off by midnight". That's really too bad, isn't it, [s/o's name]?"
What's this? You're actually listening to your partner and now you want to delete the game?
He would love to see you try
Sure, he could sit back and pretend that the game is all fine and dandy so that you'll think your partner was lying and being petty, but that's boring, even if it is the easier way
You forget, he's the dorm leader of Savannaclaw; known for his drive to do what it takes to get his way
Don't you remember his plan from Chapter 2?
How offensive. [s/o name] is definitely taking way too much of your time if you managed to forget his role in the story
"You want to delete the app, do you? Then try it, herbivore. I'm sure you love what I've done to your phone."
Leona is smart, dangerously so. Whoever knew Savannaclaw's dorm leader was so well-versed with game code?
What?! You're going to delete the game?!
Panic surges through Azul as he combs through various alternate plans; it's okay, he's considered this possibility before
All he needs to do is craft a perfect plan to keep you from deleting the application, and to get that pesky human away from you!
It should be simple enough, but his fear clouds his judgment
Right, right! He has to address the immediate concern; that you were going to delete if you sensed something amiss again in the app
That's simple enough.
As long as he plays by the rules and keeps to the "character" the game developers originally intended, he'll be able to delay you, just by a few days
With a practiced smile, and lines that fit perfectly to script, he laughs to himself quietly;
Yes, you seem to be confused for nothing is out of place!
He may have to keep up this constricting act for now, but his plan has to be perfect if he's going to capture you.
Oh, the poor boy
He's panicking! His mind is all over the place the moment he heard your words!
Thankfully Jamil is there to set him straight
"Act normal" Jamil instructed him.
Easier said than done, especially when it comes to someone as jumpy and excitable as Kalim
Kalim tries not to laugh a little too loudly or make remarks that shouldn't be in his lines, but it's so hard!
He wants to yell out, "You can't! You can't leave me!"
But his fear of you realizing that the game is no longer working as it should overpowers his desire to call out to you
It's so hard...
Maybe tomorrow he can tell you how he feels! You're sure to have calmed down by then!
Really now?
You were going to delete the game all because someone told you to? You're willing to sacrifice all that hard work raising his everyone's cards and throw them all away?
He will not let even your finger touch the uninstall button! Ever.
Gaining sentience was a dream come true!
He too, had been working behind the scenes to find ways to bring you into this world.
Your lover? You mean that useless potato scrap that thinks they know better?
They mean nothing to Vil. After all, surely you would choose a queen over some peasant?
Strangely enough, he's not too worried.
Seriously, gaining Fourth Wall breaking sentience was like something out of an anime or a game!
This is his realm! You can't possibly do anything to it when he's tampered so much with the game code!
Try it!
You'll find your game uninstallable and registered as a default application for your phone!
Idia feels a little too proud of himself for forseeing this possibility. He's never been so prepared in his life!
"Hihihi, it's all in place! So what if the game continues glitching? You can't do anything about it! Hihihi, who would have thought even some shut-in nobody freak like me can do cool things!"
But right- he almost forgot about your partner...
How annoying. Game code he can deal with, but some irl person? No way...
"Ahh, what a pain... I need to hurry up with the program...then maybe you can leave that dumb normie behind..."
You want to delete the game because it's acting weird, you say?
Malleus is disappointed; he was hoping he could enjoy your presence and watching you go about your daily life for a little longer.
It's alright though, he just has to speed things up a bit!
He could care less about you deleting the game;
With Lilia's help, he's found a way to creep in to your phone and has since been existing as an undetectable character within several other applications.
A little longer and he's completely certain his magic will be able to transport into your world.
How exciting!
When he does, he hopes you will celebrate with him as well.
If you won't invite him to your world... well, he'll just have to invite himself, wouldn't he?
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dilucslittleangel · 3 years
𝐀 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞
Hello!! Usually I wanted to write this same thing with Scaramouche until unfortunately his canon past came out and I had to delete the whole thing- so now, while Dottore will sure take some time to appear in the game, I'm taking my chance to write how I think his past maybe looked like.
Some sentences towards the end have been taken off his artifact!
Word count: 1584
I'd like to say this may or may not fit into canon!! (however I wouldn't mind if this became canon)
So. Where to we begin?
I like to think Dottore had a golden child syndrome from a young age.
Most parents want to see their children thrive and flourish. In fact, the desire to see your child succeed is a normal desire of parenting. Moreover, even good parents sometimes have unrealistic expectations for their children.
But good child syndrome can happen when a child consistently reinforces their parent’s desires for them. These children don’t just want to satisfy their parents- they feel obligated and responsible for doing so. It becomes a significant part of their identity, meaning it affects their overall development. Either one or two of the parent role, are naracisstic.
A healthy child usually wants to succeed and make their parents proud. Golden children take it up a few notches. They may present as anxious children early in life. Similarly, they experience immense anxiety and guilt when they fail to meet certain expectations.
Despite how a golden child syndrome usually develops in a child, it was a little different in this case.
Dottore's father did not give him lots of attention at all. Just like the insane, crazy doctor / scientist he is himself now, so was his father. His father was a mad man, a man who's experiments are more important to him than his own family.
The young boy often watched his father, watching experiments a young boy like him should not see. All his father's attention went to the experiments, did he have to do the same?
The young lad did various of things, but they all were helpless. Nothing made his father even look at him, heck not even at the dinner table they talked. However he didn't want to stop trying. He had to keep on going, so he thought.
His mother? Dottore was just 7 years old when his mother started to feel worse and worse everyday. So worse even she had no other choice but to rest in bed, having a doctor visit every week as her husband was no doctor, just a scientist who couldn't care less. Why did they even marry?
Dottore brought his mother meals every day - at least whenever a helpful aunt came over. Dottore pretty much looked up to the doctor that came over every week. Did he also become so clever and brilliant to maybe help his mother? He sure thought so.
Day and night the young boy spend hours of looking into medical books, learning anything he possibly could. Often would he fall asleep on the ground, all exhausted from studying. He wanted to help his mother.
Besides studying medical stuff and trying to do anything that would make his father give any attention, he'd also spend other day and nights to get the best of grades, always did he bring good ones home. Never would you see anything below 95 points. Dottore didn't even think about having friends, they only were in his way and annoying. He had no time for friends, he only had himself.
Everytime he brought good grades home, he would bring the paper to his mother. She was more than proud of him. „One day you'll be such a handsome man, helping out so many people.. You make your mother really proud..”the sweet voice spoke. He couldn't let his mothers expactions down now could he?
More and more years have passed. Years of studying, years of writing good grades, years of wanting his father to also be proud of him. Dottore was under a pressure of making his parents be nothing, he didn't want to be a good-for-nothing, - a pressure he put himself under. He just wanted to mean something to both of his parents. He wanted to be worth living. Something cracked in the mind of his.
One day, the boy came home in the cold times of the years but he had great news, he scored the best once more in a big test, wanting to share the great news to his mother. He hadn't seen his mother since yesterday, he was happy to see his mother again. „Mother! Mother! Look!”he said proudly as he ran upstairs, he didn't even put his backpack down. „..Mother?”he asked as he entered the room. He walked over to the bed and looked at his mother. Her eyes were closed, chest not rising nor sleeping. „...?” he gently shook his mother, having his hand on the mother's arm, he felt the coldness. The heater was on, how could she get so cold? It got him worried.
„Mother??”he asked loudly, keeping on shaking her till he heard it knock on the door. He put his test paper on the bed and walked downstairs. He opened the door, looking at who was knocking. It was the doctor, wanting to check on the mother as always. „Uhm Doctor.. I don't think mother is feeling well.... She's quiet and so cold..” he spoke. The doctor looked at him. „..?..”the doctor quickly walked upstairs, of course did the boy walk after him. Dottore stood at the door frame, watching the man.
The doctor stood there silently for a few seconds, shrugging a bit together as he suddenly left the room, walking downstairs. „Where's your father kid??” he asked. „I..don't know. He was suddenly gone one day 2 years ago or so..”he answered. „..what?? Then where's your aunt, let me call her, boy.”
Dottore didn't quite understand what was going on but he knew nothing good happen. He looked back at his mother. He walked up to her, climbing onto the bed and hugging his beloved mother. He brushed away the long dark blue hair. Silently, he sank his head on the mothers chest, closing those pure red eyes. He widened his eyes a little as he heard no heartbeat. „...Mother..”. What a shame, he was just supposed to turn 14 in a few days.
Many many more years have passed. While he grew up along his aunt, Dottore had not given up what he did before. Now he had to make his aunt all proud, now that he's the oh so poor failure that couldn't save his mother hm? At least he thought that way, again.
Now being proud 20 years, living on his own in a old lab, doing various of experiments no one would like to recall. He'd just become the madman his father once was. The word "failure" does not exist for him. He cannot be a failure once more, after all.. He's such a big genius. How could a hardworking child with a great smile go to a madman with a short temper who's plans cannot go wrong?
So judgemental the god of his homeland Fontaine, so the people. Fontaine's people were disgusted of the man, afraid of him, they wanted him gone.
Chased away with pitchforks, clubs and angry words, he took fled to the all famous Sumeru Academia where he continued his crazy studies and experiments. He had so many logical theories, yet no one wanted to hear them. One would not even like to look at him. He truly was sick of everyone, of everything.
Years later again, once more the man took fled. Next day awoken, the social reject's legs have given up. Falling into the sand, with a little lake aside, he took a look at his reflection. Half of his face had gotten burn scars, had the man's charm left his side too? Hand covering half the man's face, he remembered it all.
A night of a harmless experiment with potions and fire had kept the man awake. Yet, the man had been tired. Sitting at the table, where he rest his head on his palm, the man closed his eyes. Dottore silently listened to the liquid heating up under the hottest flames. Maybe him closing his eyes was a terrible mistake which he soon got to suffer for.
The liquid had been heated up too much, the man should've turned off the fire by now but he soon was about to reach the beautiful dream realm. Glass exploding and hot liquid splashing against half his face awoke the man. Quickly the man stood up and pressed the towel against his face, sharp breaths escaping, silent cries filling the room, free hand turning off the fire.
How foolish of him, hm?
The man shook his head and closed his eyes. A grip on his shoulder made the man turn around. „..Fatui?”
"Merely an enhanced human? If your great nation can furnish me with sufficient resources and ample time, I could even manufacture that which you would call a god. What say you?"
True indeed. First of the fatui has tracked him down. In the desert that shone bright like liquid gold, he inquired of the Snezhnayan diplomat:
"Will you treat me like the Academia did? Will you call me a monster, a madman?"
"Or will you treat me as my hometown did, and chase me away with pitchforks and clubs...?"
"Good. Then, we are now in partnership."
"As for the matter of your title — what do you say to this..."
Taken completely by surprise by the sheer irony of the title he was given, the young man burst into hysterical laughter.
If you'd know ask the man about his theories and experiments, shall you see a sparkle of excitement...
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(Drawing of Dottore in the age of four. From right to left -> "Daddy" "That's me!" "Mommy")
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Oh god, men who are saying we misinterpret... 😂 Brought me a funny memory.
When I first had a irl crush 7.5 years ago, I actually came forward to him (he was my classmate) and told him I really like him/said it straight to his face that I have a big crush on him because we had had fun together and for example, he always waited for me at the train station when I came to school and literally RAN to me when I got out of the train and he always wanted to walk with me back to the class after lunch etc so my friends told me to go for it and see what happens. He got super confused, but the next day he messaged me being like "I'm sorry for getting confused yesterday. But I have feelings for you too."
Well we had a very nice time for a couple of months which included a lot of staring, blushing and smiling at each other and goofing together and having Facebook messaging with stuff like "I missed you at lunch ❤️" from him (after I couldn't go to school because train operators were on a strike) and EVERYONE IN OUR SMALL SCHOOL SHIPPED US, students and teachers and even the school cleaning lady, they called us JJ because his name also began with J 😂 (there was about 30 people total in our school) And my teacher told me afterwards that he saw that there's something going on between us and purposefully paired us for assignments etc.
Then my crush apparently developed a crush on our class assistant (at least that's what it looked like) and shortly after that he sent me a very frustrated toned message claiming that his sister had written that message to me where he confessed he has feelings for me too, and I had just misinterpreted all that cute behavior and wanted me to stop talking with him. 😅 Yeaaaaah right. So his sister apparently took over his body too and he couldn't help it????
I guess that was a psychological kick to my gut because I haven't been crushing on anyone real since that one.
I saw him at a pizza place 2.5 years ago on his birthday btw and he just stared at me and I just tried so hard to keep my face static so I wouldn't show that I recognized him... I don't know what he was doing here because everyone is like "where the frick is that???" when I tell them where I live and then J just appears at the local pizza place on his birthday??? He lives 70 kilometers away from me in a city so I doubt he came all the way here just to eat pizza 😂 This place literally doesn't have anything else than that, two small grocery stores, a small gym and pharmacy.
Just telling you this for peer support and maybe for laughs 😅
JENNI PLSSSSSSSSSS omg first of all i am so sorry men are so confusing and this is just such a prime example sakjdhsajk but also this is almost the same as what happened to me and this guy???? im putting this under the cut bc its so long and messed up BAHHAHA
granted we never explicitly confessed feelings for one another but we would hang out at school all the time, sit next to each other on the bus (AND HE’D LET ME REST MY HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER) and he lives like 2 streets behind my house so he’d walk me home and everything. he’d get weird when i hung out with other guys and would incessantly tease me about it to the point where i was just like ok maybe i shouldn’t. and i ended up going over to his house all the time because we were studying for our exams together but we’d just watch tv and lay on the couch and talk. i met his dad and even my mom asked if we were dating and our english teacher also asked my friend after we all graduated if we got together and it makes me scream!!!!! but then right when we graduated he started dating another girl in our class (i had to find out from mutual friends which was so shitty akjsdhaksd bc he never talked about it with me, even long after i found out). and i was like damn that sucks but whatever, i never told him how i felt. but we still kept in touch and when i moved away for college he hugged me and told me how much he’d miss me, and i just start to move on bc we obviously cant get together. 
fast forward to a semester into college, he’s messaging me all the time about how he misses me and asking when i’ll be back, i come home for break, and its radio silence. dude doesn’t message me until the end of break where he asks to hang out, and i find out later that the day he asked to hang out was the day after his girlfriend left to go back to college. we hang out, i leave to go back to college, and we text for a bit more before he stops talking to me completely. we don’t talk for like a year and a half and i find out it’s because he girlfriend didnt want him talking to me anymore and he freaking deleted my number. 
we somehow get back in touch through our mutual friend but he’s still with his girlfriend and whenever we hang out he lies to her about where he is. im super uncomfy and debating if i should cut him out bc i dont like him sneaking around his gf like that for no reason since we’re just friends. but at this point he starts getting weird and affectionate and telling me he wants to go to nyc to visit me, and always randomly asking me if i have a boyfriend. he gets on my case all the time about not replying to his texts fast enough and eventually he hits me with the whole ‘i love you so much’ situation after he got a good grade in his exam and was sharing it with me (which is so weird bc why would u say that while celebrating your grade). at that point i start really distancing myself, and eventually stop talking until recently :)
his gf even reached out to me to talk the whole situation through but honestly they’ve both got issues and im terrified of them both. 
i recognise my own part in this situation about sneaking behind his gf’s back but i just.................................................................. it was a lot. 
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rrivn · 6 years
oh, is it halley loving hours? who am i kidding, it's /always/ halley loving hours. i've dipped in & out of this fandom since freaking 2015 but i don't think i've ever seen anyone portray vanitas unapologetically as you do. you don't water him down or avoid the darker topic surrounding his character -- you embrace it all, you take what canon was too scared to do & amplify it in a way that makes sense. he's cruel, manipulative, cunning, powerful, downright horrifying & it's /incredible/. ( 1/3 )
he feels like an organic, three dimensional character in your hands. you bring him to life, you explain his motivations, you explore why he might act a certain way. you’re not interested in redeeming him, or writing him in a way that does disservice to the essence of what he is, which is insanely refreshing from an outsiders perspective but also as a ven roleplayer. your vanitas complements my ven so beautifully; their dynamic feels as important & deep as it deserved to be in canon ( 2/3 ) i wasn’t expecting to fall as deeply in love with your portrayal as i did, nor was i expecting your vanitas to be as deeply integral to my ventus as he is. the things that we’ve plotted for these two & the things we have planned leave me so excited for what the future brings. to be completely cheesy, but openly honest: you complete me, as your vanitas completes my ven. i can’t wait to continue writing with you & help you explore his character the way he deserves ( 3/3 ) 
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out. is that icon even clear, i——crouching tiger hidden dragons ur ass thyme, i hate you for making my cheeks sizzle and my jaw fall off, jesus christ; i’m still in pain from smiling at this. first of all my development should be in no parts credited to you more than once over since - had it not been for your blog and your love for ventus - i’m very certain i would’ve deleted at several different points over the last couple of months or so. you’re very much an anchor for me - not just in terms of being a main and a person i admire on and off the dash, but someone i wholeheartedly want to please and want to do all i can to make you happy, because you genuinely are a sort that’s hard to find, and you are endlessly endearing and warm, and you deserve it profoundly. i’m in awe, frequently, over how natural and integrated ventus feels in you; how permanent an effect i know you and this experience will have on my life in general, having met you, having come to think of you as highly as i do. i FELT the excitement you had before making his blog and knowing too that ‘coming home’ sensation of returning to this muse that you knew ran so deeply in you and your personality even in your day to day. you got me excited about their dynamic; as before you i was so doubtful that i would even mix well with the existing blogs here, that my views would be too polarising or damning, and that i’d be shirked for not shipping one thing, or having some other opinion that didn’t line up with the canon’s perception of him; yet you’ve accepted both myself and my muse, and it feels so distinctly sincere that i actually feel ?? safe ?? here? like this blog may actually stay around for a while? like it’s wanted? like its?? hm. i guess this is just a long-winded thank you, for not having given up on us, or for becoming as close as you are. a very dear friend, before everything else, and a connection i want to keep forever. i want to make you as happy as i can knowing i’m in the company of literal greatness. keep needing me!! 
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lalka-laski · 3 years
Have you ever gone a full day without interacting with another person? I don't think so. There's never been a day where I didn't at least text a person. How many relationships have you been in that lasted less than a year? A few
Where were you going the last time you were on a plane? Nawlins! Actually, I was one my way home from there.
Where were you going the last time you were on a train? Coming from seeing The Killers in Toronto!
Do you think having a bad temper is a sign of immaturity? Now that you mention it, I suppose the ability to regulate your emotions is indeed a sign of maturity. So yeah.
Have you ever been significantly more physically fit than you are now? Oh yeah. I'm heavier and more out of shape than my "normal" body When growing up, did you parents keep the house very tidy? It was kind of difficult between the 3 of us kids, but my parents tried their best.
When you shop at IKEA, do you always stop to eat a snack/meal in the cafeteria? I’ve never been to an IKEA!
How many watches do you own? Ummm none
Are there any ways in which you greatly differ from everyone else in your family? Not really. I could find some common ground with pretty much all my relatives.
Should teenagers be allowed to have their cell phones with them in class? Not during class time, no.
Do you have any gay relatives? Yeah
What task are you behind on? The wedding planning isn't moving along as quickly as it should be
Have you ever had to have a pet put down? Yes, let's not even talk about it...
Have you unfollowed, deleted, or blocked anyone on social media recently? If so, what was the reason Not recently
How many cups of coffee do you typically drink per day? Usually 1-2 cups of caffeinated and then several more cups decaf. I just need something to sip throughout the day.
Do you know what your vocal range is? No clue
When was the last time you spoke to your parents? We had a group text going this morning
What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve ever made? I've gotten myself into a small but still significant amount of credit card debt
Have you had sex in the past week? Nope, I got that moon sickness
Do you like metal music? If so, what sub-genres of metal do you like best? Nah, that's not my taste. I don't completely write it off but in general it's not what I gravitate towards.
Have you ever turned down someone who didn’t handle the rejection well? Yeah
How large is your largest scar, and what is it from? It's on my right thigh and I got it from falling off a ladder
Who was the last person you sincerely thanked? Glenn, I think
When was the last time you went for a walk? It's been ages. Unless you count my walk to work this morning.
Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a large difference in maturity levels? Yeah
What is the coldest month of the year where you live? December-February
When cooking a meal, do you clean up as you go or wait until you’re done? I try to clean as I go but sometimes I get so frantic and all my supplies and ingredients are strewn EVERYWHERE
Do you develop crushes easily? Well certainly not anymore but there was a time I did
What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house? Umm like 5 or so days
Are there any colleges or universities in the town you live in? Quite a few
Do you use a passport wallet when you travel to other countries? The only foreign country I've been to is Canada. I used to bring my passport but now I have an Advanced ID and only need that.
How bad was your acne when you were a teenager? I skated through my teen years with VERY little acne. I didn't start dealing with zits until my 20s actually. It's strange
Would you rather exercise on an elliptical or a stationary bike? I LOVE ellipticals!
0 notes
aloneinxthenight · 7 years
M*A*S*H starters
memes from the 4077th
ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: Here we have a compendium of sentences from a show that is known as one of the best television shows of all time. This was not a request, I do not do requests for starter lists. I was legitimately just watching M*A*S*H and thought the world would be much better with another starter list from it. Feel free to add names and change pronouns as needed, if you wanna add any zingers from the show yourself, don't hesitate! Since M*A*S*H is a military type show, I tried to get as many sentences that could apply to everyone as possible. There's some angst, a whole lot of humor and a few one-liners in here which took hours of watching (such hard work) to compile so enjoy! And if you're sending any one of these tongue-tingling phrases to a multi-muse blog, please specify the muse!
I had a hamster back home who used to get the same look in his eyes when he wasn't feeling good.
Except for your face, your mind and your body, you're a complete dud.
Should we ask some people in or should we just be boring on our own?
Oh, I never do. If I keep washin' them they stay clean forever.
She was in here before, with me, alone.
Maybe it was her perfume... Maybe it was mine.
Do me a favor _______, if you find out I've died, just leave me lying there in the crabgrass.
At least my mouth is still working.
Oh hey, I was there. The army was cleaning out Lincoln's nose.
What do you miss the most about back home?
Well we couldn't finish it anyway, _______ confiscated the best parts.
Almost lifelike.
You wish each of us a prostitute?
He could sell brass knuckles to Gandhi.
How could he be alive like that one second then dead the next?
I could give you a lot of medical reasons but... understanding doesn't make it less painful.
We got to be friends in just a few hours!
Friends don't need any more.
Gee, I hope I don't cry...
When was the last time you felt like crying?
_______ is an expert on fits.
Do I hear ten? Sold to the grim reaper in the third row.
You bought the garbage?
Well, you said get a hobby!
I thought we'd give _______ an appropriate aloha.
Beautiful! Beautiful! A Tintoretto in barf!
I had dreams like this all through puberty...
I didn't see any of it, but I loved it.
That's my garbage!
No, no, that's my garbage, _______, I have a receipt!
I don't kiss and tell... it was terrific.
Ali "Babble" to the end, aren't ya?
How'd you like a grenade in your truss?
Besides my life, _______ wants my virginity.
We all do.
If only I'd known!
He wrote in big letters, "Know your Enema."
Your fly is open.
Don't leave your unopen mail around.
I know you're not giggling because you're wearing feathered underwear, you just can't wait to park your can behind this desk.
Have a good time and, uh, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
I don't know that I'd want to do anything you would do.
Of course, God wasn't surrounded by a bunch of flakes.
I object to the word weird!
You see, I told you it was a war! But no, you keep saying we're both dreaming!
What do you think you're doing wearing civilian underpants?!
Is nothing sacred? These happen to be my mothers!
I'm here to discuss something besides underwear.
My mother always said two things: Never argue with crazy people and always wear clean underwear.
_______, your sanity's sprung a leak.
I think it's going very well, don't you?
It'll never happen... Probably.
Oh, I just figured if a priest could be tempted, that's the type of stuff he'd steal.
What are you looking for, _______?
His marbles.
Are you with him, or are you independently crazy?
The eyes always give the guilty away. The windows to the soul.
Don't tell me he sleeps with you.
I'm hoping to do better.
I knew I should have ripped the stuffin's out of the little bugger when I had the opportunity...
It was one of those days that more than most, reminds us all that war, however much we may enjoy it, is no strawberry festival.
Saving lives is my business, mister.
Was that a bomb?
Uh, no, _______ Someone's playing the WWII album!
You can either help the wounded or become one.
You beat the rap, Babyface!
Lovely place, Bellevue.
"Hold your potatoes..."
I'll probably develop an urge to walk on the water.
Isn't that where the Austrailian nurse scratched you?
Only because I wanted to go home in her pouch.
I patched that months ago.
It's talent, pure talent.
Mmm, sounds serious. You may be coming down with mental health.
It's not a death wish, is it?
You're not the self-destructive type.
You suppose any of us will speak English again?
Perhaps his arms will get tired.
I never sleep in the hospital.
Now they're sending me back.
I think I need less luck back here.
Gee, you're a nice guy.
I used to get hit if I wasn't.
Should I be hearing Arthur Godfrey?
I know you're working but I just wanted to say thanks.
I hope I never see you again, ya know?
I came, I saw, I bored.
Completely forgettable looks that stay with you forever.
Sounds like we're getting into flashback country.
________'s too sharp for that, he always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs.
If I didn't see her every hour, I got the bends.
I know you were young but you must have had names.
Look at that. Talent. I'm not just a pretty face.
You're weird.
Give the little lady a cigar.
Dinner here is around 7. Nausea's around 8.
You have your choice: Gin or gin?
It's pure poison.
We think so.
How do I look?
A little thinner, a little paler. A few gray hairs.
These aren't mine, I'm breaking in a friend's senility.
How do you stand on the subject of sitting?
Children? No, I'm still my only child.
You're trying too hard. Are you uncomfortable?
There's been no one since you.
I had to survive.
Right. Here's to survival.
I'm just afraid of your voice giving me frostbite.
Hurt? You broke my legs. It really tore me apart when you left me.
I got over the hate but I never got over the love.
Oh! Master complicator.
God forbid anything should ever be easy.
"Be myself", You said! Well, myself happens to love you.
Oh, now I understand. Since we're in love there's no possible reason for us to be together!
You've just proposed yourself into a corner!
I just don't want to take a backseat again. I like it up front.
If anybody asks, I turned you down. Yeah?
If it's a police action, why didn't they send cops?
I'm not over here because I'm such a fan of diarrhea!
Can the balloon juice, _______!
How do you keep all that stuff in your head?
Man, seein' the way you guys work makes me proud every time I throw up.
One more word and I'll button your lip to your fly.
Amazing what can get stuck in the human body.
I just know how hard it is to operate and be secretary of state at the same time.
Everybody's got a buddy in there.
Look we'll keep you posted, let you know if it's a boy or a girl.
Hey, would you like some Jeep butter?
I've just heard something very disturbing and if it's true then I'm afraid I'll have to fight you.
When I was five, I had a crying fit because they wouldn't let me have a crew cut.
Uglier than rats mating in my duffel bag?
I worked my way through divinity school as a "B" girl in San Diego.
I smell something burning.
The laundry's on fire.
_______ I don't know how to tell you this, but I've had a better offer.
Take me with you.
Just wanted to thank you for staying.
Some of their saltier comments had been deleted.
The dictionary. I figure it's got all the other books in it.
The only thing that's not green is the blood.
I suppose they do and that gets to be a pain in the ass too.
I'd like it to happen to me to break up the boredom.
That's on the Hungarian side of town.
Well, do you see anything good coming out of this?
There's always terror to fall back on.
Oh, so that's what it's like to have a bomb explode a few feet away from me.
I stopped having morale about six months ago.
You know, I used to love reading Hemingway because he wrote so well.
I guess I got a little drunk.
Uh "a lot" is a relative term.
If I knew all the answers, I'd run for God.
Pistachio ice cream... And bananas.
She squeezes your nose.
Some people heard the screaming and said, "That sounds just like Eleanor Roosevelt!"
I'd like to take six to seven months and become unconscious.
And then I'd like to go to Europe and sleep there for a year.
I had to come over here to be a star!
The nearest one is over in Grange Hall in uh, Mooseville. About 50 miles away.
Oh, I don't have to say hello, I know how everybody feels about me.
No, I think she doesn't like me. I mean that's the only conclusion I can draw.
He could have at least called me a son of a bitch. He's done it for others.
Heads up!
No talking in rank!
He's a magician with latrines and cesspools.
Don't tell me not to say anything.
He's brighter than I thought.
Garbage head.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
♫ I love to go swimmin' with bow-legged women and swim between their legs. ♫
Wounded come before personal chafing.
Oh give him a break, Alice, you're the first woman he's seen in months.
You always give me the cuties.
He owes me, I sent him a case of Preparation H.
Just don't sit on anything cold.
Okay guys, time to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud.
He'll punch my arm.
Wear your heavy sweater.
My God, now I'm talking like you.
That watch you sold me runs backward!
I can't stand that pimply voice.
That is Grade A 100% bull cookies!
Never doubt your X-ray or your hairdresser.
Too bad this kid didn't come with a zipper.
Why didn't I shoot my foot and stay in Honolulu?
Don't get upset, just eat your carrot slowly.
Your nostrils are flaring.
My nostrils have a right to flare, I'm in charge.
You tell him if he takes this chair, my tuchus will attack him barehanded.
The permanent verticle smile. Famed in song and story?
I'm starvin'. I'd even settle for one of _______'s armpit sandwiches.
Oh, you finally realized I have a beautiful body.
I've never seen your body!
If you need me, I'll be packing up my troubles in my old kit bag.
No, but I was always prepared.
_______ when all this is over, I'm gonna adopt you.
Come on, Pokey!
There are sequins all over the ground!
Me, scared? This whole body is one white knuckle.
I'll have the shoelaces, house dressing. And have the chef remove the laces.
There's a lady on my foot.
Oh, miss, this probably isn't your table but could you scratch the back of my knee?
Would I deny you a belch?
Oh to be in England now that war is here.
Due To circumstances beyond our control, lunch will be served today.
Please excuse these two, they're themselves today.
The men hate me, don't they?
_______, you are a gentleman and a lady.
Whoa, did you know it's yesterday there?
Standby for the blessing.
Standby for the blessing!
Nothing comes after Amen.
Looks like an abandoned schoolhouse.
Look in the boxes marked kitchen utensils.
Concubines? In a schoolhouse?
Oh no, I love that after church on toast.
That's not your dress! I'll kill ya!
But my blue chiffon is from Murdoch's in Toledo!
_______, that's the finest act of bravery I've ever witnessed.
I don't sleep well on a soft wall.
The weather's clear. I can see the stars.
Oh, thank you comrade, and get me some borscht. Easy on the sour cream.
_______ stop that!
Give him a smooth ride.
I'm gonna be ravaged, I know it!
Tell 'em you're with me.
I was overrun by a batch of bimbos!
It tickled but I kinda liked it.
And midnight has been canceled.
You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happy hour.
50 more pounds, and I'm homeward-bound!
I call it "Suicide by Salami"!
You're always wrong, _______. That's what's so right about you.
Live! That's an order!
I'm so cold I think my pilot's gone out.
How much of this can a man take? We must have seen this picture twelve times in the last month. It's a recurring nightmare with popcorn.
Act like a man, you sniveling twerp!
I was born with someone waiting to see me.
Why don't you guys like me?
Because you're a lousy _______ and a rotten person.
Well, there's your pimples.
My pores won't close!
I've been up and down on a merry-go-round since I got here!
I've barely slept a wink!
It's not just big, it's great big with whipped cream!
You shouldn't mention _______'s chest when it's not here to stand up for itself.
Thank you, Daddy Warbucks.
Well, for your information, I've never had any complaints.
Dead men tell no tales.
I know the diamond's not so big, it's a family heirloom.
Must be a small family.
I keep pinching myself to see if I'm dreaming.
I'm engaged to be married!
He sleeps on a bare piece of plywood.
I couldn't love anyone who didn't outrank me.
Are you sure you're not rushing into this in the heat of... Whatever heat you might be in?
This ole cowboy ain't gonna be lonesome tonight.
He's busy tuning his face.
My student council could have used someone like her.
I thought this was going to be a fun meeting.
Get ready to duck, he's liable to explode.
Did anyone ever tell you, you have the voice of a songbird slowly drowning in tar?
If you act drunk long enough, you get a REAL hangover.
Unhand me you varlet, you know not who you touch.
You'd be surprised what a priest can get away with.
Hear ye, Hear ye, it's 0700 and all is hell.
Remove your hand or I'll zap you with my knee.
He touched me.
What a physique! Shoulders like this! Dancers legs and cute little behind!
_______ there'll be no more chinny chin chin. Or any other part of me.
Uh oh, he took his gun and his toothbrush.
Shooting his mouth off again?
Son, heroics just get people killed. They don't impress anybody.
Well, you see I had this friend... And this friend just pretended to like me. You know, the way Dad used to?
They're not pagans, _______. Everyone's going to be wearing clothes.
Oh my God! They've shot him!
Did _______ steal that jeep?
I didn't even know you were gone. I thought you were in the bathroom.
Maybe some people like having other people run their lives, but some people don't.
Oh, stop dreaming a go back to sleep!
I don't remember leaving a wake-up scream.
_______ do me a favor will ya? Visit me a couple hundred times will ya?
Can't you see I can't see?
I wore this with just you in mind.
I heard the hair on your legs rustling.
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