#I don't mind the idea of being in a relationship again but I treasure my platonic relationships
night-raven-tattler · 7 months
Hiyya, hopefully the request is still open. I really like your writing so I hope my request is no trouble.
Can I request Silver and Sebek about them having a nightmare? They're in relationships with MC/prefect and sleep together. They have a nightmare about MC and woke up with MC beside them.
If you accept this, thank you.
Hello, anon! Mx Tattly appreciates your request, hope you enjoy!
Night troubles
Characters: Silver, Sebek × Reader (separate, romantic)
Warnings: mentions of violence in Sebek's nightmare part
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Silver’s dream have always been very vivid
He could never tell if that was a blessing or a curse, especially considering how much he slept
Every green field he stepped on, every cloudy sky he watched, every word and every laughter from the people he encountered felt real, even if he knew they were all in dreamland
It made his heart feel a little lighter when he was being woken up from a pleasant dream, even if he fell asleep during important moments: the good feeling from the dream made his guilt of falling asleep a little bit easier to bear
Lately you’ve become a recurring presence in his land of dreams
You’d always smile at him, laugh at him, squeeze his hand with so much warmth and joy that he’d promise you to always treasure your hands
But sometimes…
The smile would falter, the laughter would die
The hand would turn cold and pull away as you try to run away from him
It was enough to leave him unsettled for days
But this time, the nightmare became different
As soon as your hand left his, you ran away into a dark forest, screaming you never want to see him again
That he wasn’t good enough, that he was a disappointment
Sentiments echoed by Sebek’s booming tone as the echo of your steps became smaller and smaller
Lilia shook his head disapprovingly, refusing to even look at his son
And Malleus…
He stared down at him, his fury awakening the most ravaging storm and thunder Silver has ever witnessed
Suddenly he found himself running away in shame, tears streaming down his own face
Just like that night when he was a child, and he found out he’s more alone in the world than he thought
So he ran, ran as far as his little feet could carry him, in the middle of the storm darkening the forest more and more…
One particular thunder shook Silver awake
Silver’s eyes opened suddenly and he gasped for air desperately
He got up from his sleeping position, pulling the blanket with him
He tried not to drown in the lonesome silence for a few long seconds, until he felt a warm hand rubbing his back comfortingly
“Silver, are you okay? What happened?”
Your hand was so warm and solid against his shivering skin, and he selfishly leaned into the small gesture of affection
He felt the bed shift before you gently cupped his face, pulling his head so he could look at you
Your eyes met, and your lips formed a thin line
“...Did you have a nightmare?”
Silver could only nod a reply
Your thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks, and Silver finally became aware of his tears
“Do you want to talk about it?”
…He hesitated
What kind of guard was he if he couldn’t face his own problems face on?
But the idea of you taking a peak at the darkness at the back of his mind felt terrifying
He looked away in shame, and that’s all you needed to know
“You don't have to do it right now if you don’t want to. We can just… go back to sleep and see how you feel in the morning?”
You gave him an encouraging smile, and his heart felt a little lighter as he nodded again
You dragged him back to a sleeping position, pulling him into your chest and gently running your fingers through his hair
And the shame and guilt he felt was pushed away by the peace and affection slowly warming his heart again
The way you held him against you, listening to your slowing heartbeat, made Silver feel loved in a way he hasn’t allowed himself to feel in a while
Not knowing what else to say, he mumbled a “Thank you” before he finally drifted off to sleep himself
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The very moment you laid your eyes on Sebek, you knew he was a very strict individual
His confident stride that carried him all over the place was something you’ve admired: after all, Sebek wore his status as a guard as his livelihood, not just a badge of honor
Yet, it made you notice his perfectionist nature; he needed everything to be fit for his Liege, and anything that fell short was not acceptable
And that nature was exacerbated whenever it came to Sebek himself
He wanted to be the best guard he could be, as nothing short of ideal could be fit for Malleus
And for you, as of late
Lilia and Malleus congratulated him when he finally confessed that Malleus was not the only one he wanted to protect anymore; even Silver smiled at him proudly as the news reached him
And, as Sebek finally came to terms with the pride he felt whenever he helped you and protected you, he finally realized how his burden has doubled
It was a challenge he gladly took on
But he shielded you from the burden of that newly found responsibility, not even realizing how big it was until it started plaguing his dreams
Long after he drifted off to slumber, he found himself in battle, fighting dark and faceless creatures, and not letting them reach a very frightened version of you that stood behind him, paralyzed from fear
And no matter how fast he moved, no matter how determined he was, no matter how sharp his sword was, he still was overpowered
The creatures passed him, getting to you and surrounding you until he couldn’t see you anymore
He just stood there helplessly while listening to your terrified screams and your desperate calls for his name…
“Sebek! Sebek, come on! Wake up…!”
He jolted awake and tried to move away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder desperately
“Calm down! Calm down… It’s me, it’s me…”
Sebek became fully awake the moment he realized the hand was yours
The concern in your eyes, the little tremor in your voice, the firm grip on his shoulder, everything made his stomach drop
He was dreaming of being incapable of protecting you and failing
Your concern for him, your want to care of him even late into the night was a slap in the face
He got up from his bed, frustrated, and paced aimlessly around the room, occasionally running his fingers through his hair and avoiding eyes contact at all costs
You let him have a moment to himself while you watched him cautiously, trying to find the right words to say
“Sebek, did you… did you have a nightmare?”
The way he stopped in his tracks was all you needed to know
And, knowing Sebek (or his pride, better said), it was all he was willing to share
You got up from the bed and walked to him slowly
His shoulders were so tense, you just wanted to rub his shoulders for a bit
But he flinched away, so you pulled your hand back
“Okay, I won’t touch you. But I want to help you calm down, what can I do?”
Silence took over the room for a few seconds
Until Sebek finally turned his face and looked at you
He tried opening his mouth to say something, but he changed his mind and closed it again
It was the first time you’ve seen Sebek so silent and unsure, so maybe a little encouragement would help him…?
“Uhm… I just want you to know that, no matter what you saw, we can face it together, okay? You and me. You help me, I help you. Alright?”
Sebek’s eyes widened slightly
But he collected himself quickly and nodded to you
“You’re tired, let’s go to bed. If you have any more nightmares, just wake me up. Okay?”
Sebek nodded again, and reached out to your hand, linking your pinkies together
“As you wish.”
You smiled at him and dragged him back to bed, relieved that your idea worked
A bit of encouragement seemed to help him
Maybe in time he won't need the affirmation, he'll just know you're always going to be there for him
But you didn't mind to remind him for as long as he needed it
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Yandere prompt for (You need someone to take care of you." Yandere prompt from asirensrage list for yandere romantic Azure lion who’s fallen for a celestial maiden please who’s doesn’t agree with his ideas of being the next jade emperor.
I'll try my best, sure! Hope I understood this.... You're an immortal deity and that's about all that's said in terms of what you are. Prompt has no number so it was left untitled.
Prompt Here
❗️LMK Season 4 Spoilers Ahead❗️
Yandere! Azure Lion with Celestial Maiden! Darling Prompt
"You need someone to take care of you."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Obsession at first sight, Violence, Mentions of "mate", Forced relationship.
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Even the prettiest voice and face couldn't change his mind.
Azure Lion knew you from when he still resided in the Celestial Realm. You had been quite a pleasure in his eyes. The Celestial Realm housed many beauties...
But you, a Celestial Maiden, had caught his eye.
You were yet another immortal deity who resided in the realm. You had your allegiances to the Jade Emperor yet pitied the weak. It's been your duty to listen to the Emperor...
Yet you don't dare look Azure in the eyes when he's Emperor.
Azure couldn't help but think back to when he met you. Before he had decided to go against the Jade Emperor, you looked at him with care. You liked that he protected the weak.
The moment he saw your smile in those golden clouds, Azure found himself captivated. No other maiden could be prettier in his eyes. You are a true gem of the Celestial Realm.
Azure Lion had spent so much time by your side. The warrior had fallen in love in the Celestial Realm. His brothers found the idea amusing and distracting.
But he knew destiny drew you to one another.
In his eyes, even if you were immortal, you were no warrior. Azure saw you as a lover... not a fighter. Such a thought only made Azure want to fight for you more.
While Azure hated the Jade Emperor in his youth, you always tried to soothe such anger. You always told the lion that his goals were understandable. Yet you always called him overly ambitious.
You didn't approve of the Jade Emperor's methods at times, but remarked it wasn't your job to say what was right. You even told Azure that he had no clue what he was getting himself into. He hated that you didn't see things his way...
Yet he couldn't stay mad at you.
To him you were prettier than every flower, every gem, every treasure. To him, you were the most precious deity in the realm. He knew you two could be perfect.
Which is why he felt the need to have the Jade Emperor overthrown.
This decision has caused a rift between you two. A rift so large that it affected the bond you had even now. Azure had thought at the time things could be perfect if he fought for his precious lady.
However, Sun Wukong proved to be too weak in their first battle. Their first attempt hadn't worked, causing Azure to be cast out of the Celestial Realm. The defeat stung...
But there was no greater pain than being torn from you.
Azure never gave up, he kept plotting a way to get back. Was it to try again with the Jade Emperor... or to see you? Azure wasn't quite sure.
Yet he never had time to act before Wukong came back with new friends and sealed him away.
Now, in more modern times, Azure's second attempt had been more fruitful. He had managed to free his brothers and take down the Jade Emperor. This was exactly what he wanted.
At first you had done your best to avoid the dreaded Azure Lion. You had stayed away from the fighting yet you knew what was coming. Eventually you were found... by Azure, unfortunately.
The lion was once again captivated by your beauty when he saw you. You were just as beautiful as when he last saw you. The Celestial Realm's lighting still only managed to make you look more enchanting.
"We meet again, Maiden." Had been his greeting, a friendly term of endearment escaping his mouth only for you glare at him. Of course, Azure had expected you to be mad. You had always seen him as... ambitious.
However, hasn't it always been your duty to serve the Jade Emperor?
With Azure in power, the pain and struggle didn't matter to him. He would keep his promise, after all. He wanted to fix things for the weak... and you.
As the Jade Emperor, Azure could now bask in your beauty and loyalty. You didn't need to worry about the old Emperor. Now he was here to take care of everything.
"You never will listen to me, will you?" Azure perks when he hears your soft voice. His purple gaze turns to you, flinching as power coursed through him. "I told you that your ambitions would be your downfall."
"Controlling this power would be easier with your support, love." Azure admits, grip on his throne tight. "Don't you know I did this for you?"
"You're speaking nonsense, Lion." You say bitterly, grimacing at the nickname Azure gives you. Said lion laughs softly, only to growl when his grip slips on the Jade Emperor's power.
"You need someone to take care of you." Azure groans in pain. "I want to protect you... along with make this realm better. Have faith in me, will you, love?"
"Do not call me such a name." You frown, hating the sound of his endearment. "I am no love of yours."
"You wound me, Maiden." Azure frowns. "I'll have you know I've loved you since we met. You are such a treasure in this realm..."
Azure stands and steps closer to you, his size dwarfing you. You merely stay defiant against the Jade Usurper. Azure laughs softly, kneeling down.
"Now that I rule... you'll be my treasure." Azure purrs, plucking you from the ground and holding you close. "You'll be mine to love and care for... my Maiden."
"Can't you see the damage you caused!?" You try to reason, the lion looking down at you with an unamused gaze. "You can't fix this!"
"My little Maiden..." Azure coos, face close to yours. "I'll prove to you that I am worthy of your love... that I am worthy of changing this realm...!"
Azure grins when he quickly puts you down and forces you to kneel. You gasp when he grips your chin, claws scraping against your bottom lip. His laugh is devilish as he leans in close again.
"You'll see that I am worthy of your servitude... after all, I am your Jade Emperor, aren't I?"
You're forced to watch the realm crumble as Azure kisses you.
His ambition would not only be his own downfall...
But it will be your own if things do not improve.
"You're my most precious treasure... my mate."
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nat-seal-well · 23 days
I am, once again, thinking about N Sewell and one of their favorite books, Great Gatsby (which is also one of my favorite books). This is also partially inspired by the bonus content that was posted a few days ago! It's been on my mind ever since. Because of that, and because it’s more of a ramble than anything else, I’m putting the rest of this post under the break. 
One big part of N’s character that intrigues me is the way they cling to their humanity. Or rather, whatever is left of it. They’ve spent so much of the last three centuries holding on as tight as they can to what they used to be, and it carries over into their love for reading and stories—which is also one of the main themes of Great Gatsby: holding onto the past, even when it kills you. Gatsby has spent years stubbornly holding onto the memories of the relationship he used to have with Daisy that his perception of the truth has been completely skewed. All he cares about is stopping time and turning back the clock. (There’s even a quote about it. “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course you can!” And the tea scene, which is a personal favorite.)
He’s hung all of his hopes on having her again; we all know she’s the green light he keeps reaching for. (And the color green symbolizes so many things: wealth, prosperity, envy, to name a few that fit.) To Gatsby, Daisy is the living embodiment of all his desires. He isn’t in love with her so much as he is in love with the idea of her; she’s become a sort of status symbol to him. Something to project his desires onto. If he can have her, it means he’s achieved all he’s ever wanted. The wealth, the high-class life, the privilege, all of these things he’s been hungry for and has devoted himself to obtaining. 
Similarly, turning was something that N never wanted. Having their mortality taken from them is a wound that has never healed, even after all these years; partially due to their own avoidance. N enjoys cooking. They eat human food. They lose themself in their books and the stories they adore so much, and all because they can’t handle the truth of their reality. N dives into their beloved stories with so much romanticism because it’s easier than facing what’s real, just as they play at still being human. 
Which is part of what makes their relationship with the Detective in the romance route so interesting to me. Time and time again, we’ve seen the way N latches onto the Detective’s humanity. N makes off-hand (and presumptuous) comments about the Detective becoming a vampire in the future, and yet at the same time admits to themself that they don't want them to turn. N treasures their mortality and it’s easy to interpret part of that as them projecting onto the Detective; they don’t want what happened to them to happen to their partner. It is, in a way, N’s own method of stopping time and fixing the past. That isn’t to say that N doesn’t love the Detective, because they do, but there are definitely some parallels between the relationship they share with the Detective, and the one Gatsby and Daisy have. Green is even N’s color; we see them wearing it all the time. 
N’s inability to face the truth is also reminiscent of our iconic narrator, Nick Carraway. Though he claims to be “one of the few honest men he has ever known,” he has an enormous blind spot when it comes to himself and to Gatsby. Despite how he insists on giving an unbiased opinion on the events that unfold, there’s an undeniable favoritism to his neighbor. Nick also plays a hand in setting up the affair between Gatsby and Daisy, and judges the people he interacts with throughout the book. Setting himself up as “honest” and unbiased—merely an outside spectator, nothing more—in the beginning only makes it easier for him to swallow everything that happens later on, even when they become unacceptable. Especially when this clearly isn’t the case, and he’s involved far more than he’s willing to, or capable of, admitting. 
That kind of denial can be dangerous—not unlike how the idealist and romantic parts of N are equally enchanting as they are a concern. In their own way, N is just as unreliable as Nick. (Remember the, “Not with my own hands, no,” answer they give the Detective, after being asked if they’ve ever taken a life?) N prefers the dreamy notions found between the pages of their books and the denial of the part they ever played aboard The Queen’s Sabre over the cold and unsavory truth, even three hundred years after it happened. Just as they continue to pretend to still be human. 
But you can’t hold onto the past forever, and you can’t keep lying to yourself. Blatant denial can only go so far, especially not when you have an eternity to live. Sooner or later you have to let go—or they will drown you. I’m just very interested in seeing the path N’s route takes in the future books. Their intentional avoidance could very well lead to their undoing (or at least a very fun read). They can learn how to face the truth, face the facts of what they’ve done and what they are… or they can let their stubbornness destroy them, and bring the Detective down with them. 
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hmserebusadjacent · 1 month
Playing with his hair
The moment I made my post about Emmrich's hair in the new trailer, I just knew I had to write a story where Rook plays with Emmrich's hair. And here we are.
Emmrich x Trans Male Rook (Established relationship, musings on a shared life together, a self promise of a future love confession).
Word count: 1,481
It had all started with an accidental brush of Rook’s fingers. He had been innocently enough trying to even out a crease at the collar of Emmrich’s shirt when his fingers had brushed the short hairs at the back of the mage's neck.
Emmrich might have been embarrassed by the noise of delight he let out if all of his nerves weren’t tingling at once.
“Darling?”, Rook questioned, not concern in his voice but curiosity instead as he abandoned his pursuit and came to stand in front of his lover instead. Emmrich knew his smile must have looked triumphant and perhaps a little manic because Rook’s answering smile was extremely fond.
They knew each other very well at this stage, even with only knowing each other for a few months. In that time Rook had tried to get know Emmrich more than some of his colleagues had in ten plus years. It was a truly special relationship they had. With every moment, Rook proved that Emmrich’s very being, his very spirit even, had never scared him and never would.
His beauty had truly never scared the rogue, and it never would.
“I'm alright, my sweet. It's just…”
The mage paused for a moment to compose his words and Rook just waited patiently, taking hold of one of his lover’s hands as something to do more than anything else.
“You touching my hair was…electrifying. I wasn’t expecting it.”
Rook’s smile turned truly soft, and he took a step forward into Emmrich’s space.
“When was the last time someone played with your hair?”
Hmmm. The truth was, Emmrich couldn't remember the last time someone had played with his hair. Maybe his mother or his sisters had done it, but those days were long ago now.
Not being intimate with anyone before Rook hadn’t given Emmrich the opportunity to ask for or to receive such an intimate experience.
“I don't know.”
Then Emmrich decided to be brave, his own smile feeling shy as he felt his cheeks blush.
“Would you play with my hair?”
Rook’s grin was instant and delightful, making the mage feel so, so safe all over again. His lover had always been kind and gentle, and he knew he would be now too.
He adored him too much for anything else, and that was wondrous. To see Rook’s adoration always plain to see in his gaze, always present in every touch and every word.
Emmrich Volkarin had never felt more treasured in his entire life.
“Of course I can, Emmie. I always want to make you feel good.”
“You always do”, Emmrich assured, walking over to the chair that Rook motioned for him to sit in as Rook followed along behind. The very prospect of having his hair played with was now making his fingers itch to play with Rook's hair too. To sink his hands into autumn curls, to feel the way his lover's hair sprung and twined around his fingers. To release that heavenly scent of lavender and chamomile soap.
As the pair of them passed the floor length mirror that Rook seemed to be using more and more nowadays, Emmrich paused, mind swirling with an idea.
Then he grinned at Rook, holding up a hand, asking him to wait.
Shuffling a chair over took little time at all, and watching his lover's brain catch up with Emmrich's idea via his blue gaze brightening was brilliant.
“That's a nice idea”, Rook commented as Emmrich settled himself in the chair, crossing his legs at the knee.
“I always want to see you.”
Then Emmrich looked up and saw Rook in the reflection, saw himself in the reflection, and his very soul cried out with joy at how right they looked together.
Elf and human. Young and old. Grizzled but kind and optimistic and kind.
Emmrich didn't really believe in fate, but Rook made him want to believe that fate had destined to bring them together. Like the Hero of Ferelden and his former assassin. Like the Champion of Kirkwall and his beloved. Like the Inquisitor and his most treasured magister.
Would the history books talk of him and Rook with such romance, he wondered. More specifically, would Varric talk about them so romantically?
The necromancer really hoped so. More than that, he hoped they all lived to see the book published.
“Emmie? You've gone into your own mind again, haven't you?”, Rook prompted, gently squeezing his lover's shoulders and bringing Emmrich back into the present. He adored that Rook let him have those moments where he just got stuck looking at Rook himself, lost in his adoration for him.
“Sorry, I uhm…”
Being honest was always best.
Raising his hands to put them over his lover's hands, Emmrich smiled at Rook's reflection.
“I was thinking that if fate does exist, I'm glad that it brought us together. Like something out of a fairytale.”
Rook's smile properly crinkled, his eyes closing a little and revealing his laughter lines. Spirits, he was beautiful.
“The best fairytale of them all, my darling. Finding you was one of my greatest treasures of them all.”
Coming from a man who had seen so much, seen so many beautiful places but had shared his very first relationship with Emmrich, those words meant the absolute world.
“I adore you, Rook”, Emmrich whispered, turning his head to press a kiss to his lover's left hand.
“I adore you, Emmie”, Rook whispered back, leaning further round the necromancer to steal his lips for a very tender kiss. One that spoke of soft mornings, and passionate evenings. One that spoke of many years to come in their relationship and so many joys along the way.
A kiss that spoke of love too.
Emmrich would have to tell Rook that he loved him soon. There would be no hiding it soon enough.
But for now, Emmrich Volkarin was content.
Very, very content.
When the kiss ended, things could only get better from there.
Indeed, the first gentle pass of Rook's fingers through his hair, from the base of his neck to the crown of his head, was so soothing that it had Emmrich bowing his head and sighing happily.
Rook may as well have been a mage for the sheer amount of tingles he managed to produce across the necromancer's scalp. His touch was so soft, so light, brushing aside salt peppered hair easily and deftly. Emmrich tried to keep his eyes open, to keep a watchful eye on their reflections but the sensations were enough to have him slumping slightly in the chair.
“It's alright, Emmie. Just relax”, Rook encouraged, and that was all it took for the mage to close his eyes and enjoy the sensations.
Clever fingers smoothed through his hair in different directions with each swipe, making a mess of his usually neat hair but Emmrich didn't care in the slightest. He adored that Rook didn't just focus on the longer hairs near his crown, but also ran his thumbs through his sideburns and the short hairs at his nape. Feeling the pads of his fingers run round his hairline was also wonderful, Rook tracing the signs of age that he wasn't present to witness. Rook was almost tracing through time with his actions, running through events that had shaped Emmrich and how time had shaped him too.
It humbled Emmrich in the moment to think that he would be with Rook when Rook himself started to go grey. There were a few grey hairs now on his lover’s head that Emmrich thought were very distinguished looking, but the prospect of seeing Rook go fully grey was the best kind of promise. Of years to come and shared experiences, of both of them taking care of each other through thick and thin.
Emmrich Volkarin once thought he would spend the rest of his life alone. But now, knowing that he would be with Rook for a good long time to come, Emmrich couldn’t imagine ever feeling lonely again.
And that thought was what had Emmrich blearily opening his eyes and smiling dopily at his lover’s reflection, taking in all of his glory.
“If you play anymore, I fear I may actually fall asleep”, Emmrich admitted sheepishly, watching as Rook smiled and nodded, his final act being to sweep the mage’s hair back into place.
“Thank you, my sweet. You make this old man feel very treasured, safe and content.”
There was that glorious crinkly smile again, one that Emmrich hoped mirrored the love that he stored inside of him for Rook.
“I’m glad.”
For a moment Rook seemed to consider something, his gaze lingering on Emmrich’s hands. Then he was grinning, his eyes bright and shining.
“Could you play with my hair?”
As Emmrich nodded and beamed a smile at his lover, he knew that his future had never looked brighter and more full of love.
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crowroboros · 1 month
CARL 2 anything left to scrape off walls of this barrel before hitting the baseline facts?
Sorry for taking so long to do this, had a lot going on offline lol.
Okay, Carl round 2. I think in the first Carl post I made, I focused a lot on him narratively and how the plot handles his character so I guess I'll focus on being more casual with this one. Just getting out random thoughts, you know?
Carl and Daxton's friendship was one of the best parts of the vn. I would read an entire story of those two just being best buds after Flynn's route.
I kind of want to know what specific irl games (or their in universe equivalent) Carl is into cause in Route 65 Chase says that Carl is playing a "Japanese Tactics RPG" on his handheld and my mind immediately went to Fire Emblem. And idk I find the idea of the Echo gang knowing about Fire Emblem to be very funny for some reason.
I wish we got a bit more Sydney and Carl flashbacks. Both of them were very close to Flynn and Carl expresses discontent over the lack of answers surrounding Syd's death. I just wonder how close they were and what their friendship was like. Especially considering the shit in TJ's route with the "never have I ever killed somebody" or how Carl wanted to do the treasure hunt to get some closure. It makes it seem like those two were better friends than say Syd and Jenna, but we don't really see any of it.
Speaking of Carl's relationships with different characters, we have to talk about Carl and Flynn right? I'm not into the shipping scene much, but "Flarl" is something I can get behind. This post always jumps to mind when I think of their relationship and it is probably the most compelling piece of Flarl content I've ever seen, official or otherwise. Also I occasionally see the opinion that Flynn/Carl didn't have much hints in the prologue and Carl's route. And I can agree with the prologue, but in the beginning of Carl's route, Flynn and Carl was having an argument over Carl spending time with Chase over Flynn.
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Chase rationalizes the "making out" comment and the other remarks between Flynn and Carl as a joke (and on my first reading I did as well) but in retrospect yeah wow there were more hints towards their relationship than I remember.
Also wait Carl isn't an only child right? I might be saying bullshit but I swear he mentions a sister in his route.
He fucking does what
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who the hell is she? wait she gets mentioned once and then never again what is going on there?
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queen-of-the-boos · 7 months
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You are Cordially Invited...
to the second ever-
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(The envelope opens with a shrill shriek)
I'm throwing a little Luigi's Mansion themed ball for everyone who selfships and self inserts! (You don't have to selfship in the Mario universe to participate)
ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵠᵘᶦᵗᵉ ᵃ ʷʰᶦˡᵉ ˢᶦⁿᶜᵉ ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ˢᵒʳᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵖᵒˢᵗˢ ˢᵒ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵍᶦᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᶦᶠ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᶜᵒⁿᶠᵘˢᶦⁿᵍ. ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵗ ʳᵘˢᵗʸ
Details about the event under the cut!
Now then, I'm sure you have a few questions. Hopefully I can answer them all here! Such as...
- What the heck are Banshee Blossoms?
Glad you asked, my fine friend! They're a fictional flower I made up based on these pretty little blooms on the roof of the mansion!
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(Don't mind the fire. Luigi is totally fine.)
Here's my silly little doodled rendition for reference!
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Banshee Blossoms are symbols of love, romantic and platonic, even familial! There's a tradition in the Boo Kingdom where you give one to someone you care about. They're said to bless whomever is gifted one with good luck and a happy relationship for the rest of their lives into their afterlife! Theyre pale white flowers that glow like moonlight with purple foliage.
They only bloom in the month of March, so now is the best time to come and view them!
- What's this event all about?
Another excellent question!
This event is tailor made for those of you who selfship or self insert as well as anyone who has Luigi's Mansion ocs! You're all welcome to attend! I'll be hosting it along with my darling husband King Boo 💕
It's just a small, relaxed event for everyone to have fun with whether you're an artist or not.
The general thing you can do is go around to your friends' ask boxes and leave them Banshee Blossoms should you feel so inclined. But we also have... Prompts!
- Prompts?
That's right! Prompts. You're a great listener!
The event runs from March 15th - March 17th, and throughout those days, you, dear listener, will have two prompts to choose from with which you may create things with! Think of them as themed projects? You can choose one or do both if you're feeling it!
The regular prompts will be:
15th - Arrival / Meeting
(Your arrival at the ball, or you meeting someone at the ball!)
16th - Grudges / Spinoffs
(Getting out any grudges before the party begins, or thinking of your self insert/ship/oc in the context of a Mario series spinoff like Mario Kart or Mario Golf ect.)
17th - Party / Comfort
(How you would be enjoying the party, or perhaps reviving comfort from somebody or something.)
Along with our regular prompts, we will also have musical ones for those of you who are music autistics with melodies in your heart like me.
Those will include:
15th - Treacherous Mansion /Paranormal Chaos
16th - Phantom Dancing / Luigi's Mansion DS
17th - Luigi's Mansion Credits / LM3 Music box
These work just like the regular creative prompts! You're just going off a song rather than an idea. You can do one, two, or all three of these options if you wish! No rules against that!
I'll be posting a daily post with all three daily prompts for that day around midnight (12 am CST) each day!
These prompts are for anything creative! Mood boards, writing, art, playlists, you name it! Even just posts saying what you and your fave are doing to participate are welcome!
- When is the event?
Just like I said above, the event will run the weekend of March 15th - March 17th.
- Where is it being held?
Well, it'll be hosted here on this blog! I'll be sure to look for posts and reblog them all here so everyone can see! Be sure to tag your posts for the ball with #Banshee Blossom Ball 2024 so I can see them! That's the tag I'll be looking for! Youre also free to tag me so I can see them too!
But...if you meant what location the event is being held... Its-
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The Treacherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon! It's a large mansion in Evershade Valley full of many interesting rooms that house treasures from a famous adventurer from days long past.
(Thanks for helping me show it off, Luigi! But get that AWFUL thing off your back-)
Phew! Hopefully that clears things up. I'll try to condense the info here for those of you who need a tl;dr
I'm hosting an event for self inserts and shippers as well as Luigi's Mansion oc havers! It's a ball themed after Banshee Blossoms, symbols of all types of love and new beginnings!
The creative prompts for the event including musical prompts (notated with a 🎵) are:
🌙 15th - Arrival / Meeting
🎵 Treacherous Mansion/Paranormal Chaos
🌙 16th - Grudges / Spinoffs
🎵 Phantom Dancing/Luigi's Mansion DS
🌙 17th - Party / Comfort
🎵 Luigi's Mansion credits/LM3 music box
The event runs from March 15th - 17th.
I'll make a post each day at 12am CST with a short blurb about the day's prompts to help inspire! (You're free to start on the prompts early though!)
Remember to tag your ball related posts with #Banshee Blossom Ball 2024 so I can see them!
I hope everyone has fun! Feel free to send me an ask over on this blog here if you have any questions or concerns!
This event is not for proshippers. Please kindly do not participate.
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amynchan · 24 days
yk that voice in the back of your mind that says "what even do you bring to the friendship? Nothing! You bring in nothing!" Like, we've all heard it's not true, but also, this is a Huge Case of "Can't see the forest for the trees." You're too close to the situation to see its worth.
Like, you do things every day just because that's who you are. Like, for me, I made a choice back in college that I was going to inject positivity into this world so help me Jesus Christ. So, whenever I see someone who wears an interesting or pretty outfit, I compliment them. Whenever I see a neat hairstyle, I compliment it. Whenever I hear someone's music choice and I approve, I make that approval known. I'm just a stranger to these people, but I hope to inject positivity into their days like they do to mine. Like, this is a choice that I made and worked on, and I can see how that would be a good thing for my friends to like.
But, the choice didn't come from nowhere. There's a part of me, a seed that's been watered for years, that genuinely wants to make a positive impact. It's inherent to who I am, and I can't bring myself to make choices contrary to that idea, and evidently it shows up in places I'm straight up not noticing. Even when I'm not acting on it, I'm doing it. Even when my idea of "positive impact" has changed over the years, everything I do is inherent to that central idea and focus.
One of my friends recently put that into words, and I felt like I got a whole-ass punch into the chest with it. Like "oh. That's what you see in me." I had to take a few moments to breathe after that.
And it's the same from me to my friends, too. They're just going about their lives, but I love their personalities. They bring me joy through their frank behaviors, through their little kindnesses, through their inner strength, through their ability to be real. Even when they don't think they're doing anything special, just being themselves and making choices that they as people would make, I love them for it. They don't have to act a certain way or do a certain thing consciously. They just live and breathe and act in a way that's inherent to them, and they bring value to the relationship we've cultivated by doing just that.
If you think you bring nothing to the table, think again. There are a million little choices you make every day because "that's just what you do." Because you can't imagine doing something against what you value and treasure. And those little things that are borne of what you wanna do are what make your friends wanna stay.
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beyondmistland · 1 year
Hello! I’m a fan of the Alysanne Maegor-Daughter AU!
I wanted to ask what headcanons you have about the women around Alysanne. Her mother, grandmother, ladies in waiting of the court, her Septa, Maegor’s other wives, etc. Female relationships are a bit lacking in ASOIAF. I hope Alysanne has friends.
I know GRRM took some inspiration from Henry VIII for Maegor’s wives, but sometimes it’s a little hard to see? Ceryse’s definitely Catherine of Aragon. So I imagine her to be well-educated, pious, and a have a strong bond with her daughter. With the other wives it’s a little more surface level stuff connecting them to RL figures.
I'll focus mainly on Ceryse, because she's the one I've thought about the most.
I imagine Ceryse as being highly intelligent and highly opinionated. A woman of culture and learning who can talk circles around most people, including her in-laws.
Given the fact Ceryse is ten years older than Maegor I also imagine she didn't put up with his shenanigans and made it very clear from the beginning she wasn't afraid of him, which I honestly think would have impressed him as much as it would have infuriated him. (There is no doubt in my mind Maegor would have bragged about marrying an older woman.)
Beyond that, I imagine Ceryse as being both very proud (or haughty according to Alyssa Velaryon) and very pious (or zealous again according to Alyssa Velaryon), two traits she would very much inculcate in her daughter and only child. ("You are the blood of Old Valyria AND Oldtown. Dragons bend to your will just as the Citadel and the Starry Sept bend to my father, your grandfather. Don't ever forget that, Alysanne. And don't you EVER let anyone else forget that either.")
Finally, I imagine Ceryse as being very adept when it comes to matters of etiquette and propriety (not unlike Alicent in the future). To use a description I came up with for one of the queens in my discarded epic fantasy setting, The Gray Compendium, "she wields courtesy like a lance and woe to the fool who dares to tilt with her."
I imagine, like Catherine of Aragon, Alysanne was close to her mother and that, by extension, she hated her father's other wives (though the bulk of said hatred would be reserved for Alys Harroway and Tyanna).
I also imagine Ceryse would not fail to surround Alysanne with a court and ladies-in-waiting of her own, as much to give her daughter a support system as to one-up Alyssa Velaryon. Naturally, some of those ladies-in-waiting would be daughters of Hightower vassals or personal friends of Ceryse. (The Velaryons and Hightowers being rivals throughout Targaryen history with the Baratheons occasionally shoving their way in-between is one of my dearer alterations to canon.)
Ceryse would definitely leave behind a treasure trove of correspondence for historians (down with the Citadel's monopoly!) to sift through. (I wouldn't be surprised if Ceryse' septa or even Alysanne herself wrote a biography of Ceryse's life.)
Ceryse and Visenya would have a...queer relationship. (Queer in the original sense of the word.) You wouldn't expect them to get along but they do, even if it isn't exactly the warmest of family ties.
Ceryse HATES Alys Harroway. Part of it is the whole polygamy issue but another aspect I imagine is that Alys and Ceryse are polar opposites with little to nothing in common. Ceryse' idea of comedy is a witty word pun or an obscure bit of religious/historical trivia, Alys' bawdy tavern jokes, the cruder the better. When Ceryse wants to display annoyance or anger her voice drops an octave, Alys will shout at the top of her lungs. Whereas Ceryse always maintains a certain amount of distance (befitting her station in her mind) Alys freely mingles with people of lower rank, even (*gasp*) smallfolk. You won't ever catch Ceryse eating with her hands or breaking a nail but Alys will gather firewood for soldiers on the march and bandage their wounds. On the other hand, Ceryse is the kind of person who prefers to keep her charity secret. Indeed, I imagine what drew Maegor's eye to Alys is that she has the same self-conviction as Ceryse while being otherwise completely different, a novelty Maegor obviously couldn't resist.
Ceryse FEARS Tyanna and for good reason. She sees Tyanna for what Tyanna is. The biggest threat to Alysanne (and Maegor).
I don't have much to say on Jeyne Westerling and Elinor Costayne other than that they both would have liked Alysanne and her them (after some initial frostiness of course).
Thanks for the question, anon
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earthtooz · 1 year
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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omfg i got tagged in this forever ago by @/sipsteainanxiety, thank you shay :,) i luv u forever, but here i go..!
OVERWHELMING w/ bakugou katsuki
everything i wrote for bakugou, i wrote with my SOUL, and as much as i am reluctant to admit it, i don't think i'll ever be able to write for another character like i do him. i genuinely adore everything i had for him because it was so... poetic. idk how did i did it for boom boom blasty boy, but i did, and that's crazy. what's crazier was the amount of people that ate it up every time, so all of my fics for bakugou i associate with very positive things. i wish i could recommend more, but i want other characters to shine too :>
in all seriousness, this piece for bkg i think stands out for me especially, i loved the progression of the 'overwhelming'... 'motif', there is just unmatched neediness that intersects with love here. writing for bakugou allowed me to pursue this destructive, desperate kind of love that i absolutely adore exploring, the kind of love that you hang onto despite knowing that you don't deserve it. you know that moment when you have such a gut-wrenching thought but can never find the right words to voice it? i never had any of those moments with bakugou. every thought that came to mind was written onto paper so effortlessly that i genuinely don't know what i was on when writing for him.
maybe one day i'll write for bakugou again. ha. let me finish the most recent season first.
BAD IDEA ! w/ suna rintarou
suna my absolute babie, some of you might have never heard of this, but this was truly my magnum opus, one of the first anime fics i've ever posted and it received such positive reactions that i couldn't help but continue writing for anime!
i adore the dialogue in this, the relationship between kuroo and reader is my favourite, ever, but do also just love flop!readers panicking over a cute guy before realising that said guy is also into them the same way. i recommend this fic to see where earthtooz began, and that was with suna rintarou carrying my anime beginnings LOL
SAFE w/ gojo satoru
my treasure... def one of the earlier pieces i've written, but still a goodie. back when i was still lost in trying to figure out a writing style HAHA but this is truly one of my favourite gojo fics. just- the desperation and devastation of potentially losing someone you care about is such a vulnerable topic, especially for gojo satoru, that this trope made me crumble when i wrote it. just him being so broken over the possibility of losing you and turning into a puddle at your feet at the thought of it- RAGHH
DON'T GO w/ blade
just... this. please read this.
WITH(OUT) w/ itoshi sae
somehow one of my personal favourites of all time is for my blue lock ult bias' brother (whom i despise), but i do love this one. it's pretty clear that everyone else thought so too with how many sae reqs i got after this, not that i was complaining, but there is something so thigh-gripping about the intimacy i wrote in this one. no, it's not the most brightest i could come up with in terms of literature, but it was vulnerable, it characterised sae kind of well, and it was just a fic with a trope i love.
no pressure tags: @aanobrain, @hyomagiri, @ode2rin, @shiinleaf, @dnheng
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gt-jar · 5 months
About your recent post, I first wanna say that I’ve been obsessed with Two Worlds Among the Stars ever since I first discovered it, and even if chapter 8 is a filler episode I’m sure myself and many others will still love it!
I don’t have too many ideas, but something I’d like to see in the next chapter is Noah’s true feelings starting to shine through, even if just barely. Maybe Noah could begin to realize that he can trust John, even if he doesn’t realize that he realized it yet (that probably makes no sense but I’m not sure how else to phrase it lol). It makes sense (to me at least) for it to be a chapter of slow new beginnings. Some of the stuff I mentioned might work well as a focus for chapter 9, so chapter 8 could be leading up to it.
Also, I completely understand the frustrations that come with having no idea what to write for the next part in a series, it can be VERY annoying. I hope you’re able to overcome this though, and good luck on writing the next chapter! I’ll be looking forward to it, even if it takes longer than usual.
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Before I get into detail, let me just say that I'm gonna treasure this ask forever. Everytime I read something like this from one of my readers I want to hug that person so bad, because I'm just so thankful.
Like I said in this post, I don't care if my story isn't seen by hundreds of people, literally doesn't matter to me if my story has 20 or 2000 readers. I care about what my readers think of my story (like every writer) and ofc I'd like to know what they think.
So again...
It's a shame that you sent me this as anon (though very understandable), but just so you know... I wouldn't mind seeing you in my dms :)
I also wanna thanks everybody else who left a comment under my last post!
I didn't reply to any of those yet, because here is what I wanna do...
I'm going to list every idea and leave my two cents and... just ramble a bit? You won't believe how much rambling helps when I'm having trouble to write a chapter.
1. Anon:
When it comes to writing the change in Noah's (and John's) character, I like to sorta... sprinkle in little pieces of those changes. Like Noah secretly yearning for affection in chapter 7.
And I think that's exactly what chapter 8 is missing, because in chapter 9 (and the one after that) there's going to be a major shift in Noah's and John's relationship because... stuff happens and things get revealed :) You're in for some sweet hurt/comfort mixed with some fluff. (Super excited to write those two chapters, but being stuck at the one before that aaaaaaahhhhh)
But this shift needs to feel natural. So like you've said Noah's more vulnerable side needs to shine through, but I just... Dont! Know! How! Because while I want/need to sprinkle in one of those small soft moments, it can't be anything major.
For example: Noah yearning for affection -> John figuring that out right away and just giving it to him -> too rushed, doesn't feel natural, boring
So yes everything you've said is true, I just don't know how to write it :')
2. @da3dm:
Someone wandering in and discovering Noah is still alive.
Veeeeeery unlikely. The people from Noah's village don't care about him. He's just another orphan, it's not like they don't have enough of those already. And even if there are some people who took pity on him in the past, they certainly don't care enough to put their on life in danger. All of them "know" what happens when they cross the river, so no one in their right mind is gonna do that anytime soon.
2. @coffehbeans:
John questioning if he is doing the right thing.
Oooohhh boy, trust me John is questioning all of his life choices that led up to this point. He knows their situation is less than ideal, but what other choice does he have? (-> John's pov in chapter 4). He's already going behinds his chief's back by keeping Noah a secret and not immediately informing him about the situation, he won't dig his hole even deeper by bringing the human back and risking that more humans come to his place (or giant territory in general). He's doing damage control, but mostly he's trying to maintain the little control he's left. And let's forget that he's very much sailing uncharted waters.
John encounters someone that will make him question his decision.
I'm curious, who are you thinking of? Because like I said that someone being a human is off the table and a giant standing up for a human? One of John's tribe, that is hiding from Noah's kind? That doesn't care about humanity at best? Most of them might be against killing humans, but that doesn't mean they wanna mingle.
Introducing a character that actually cares about Noah.
I think I need to question all of my writing decisions, if you think John doesn't care :'D
He may not care about Noah on a personal level yet, but he definitely cares about his well-being, even though Noah doesn't get that (yet).
3. @mabelisthebatman:
Someone stops by to visit John.
Let's just say someone is going to visit John (but not in chapter 8), but the situation is not gonna unfold in the way you described. All I'm gonna say is, there can't be comfort without hurt :)
4. @small-but-oho:
John and Noah avoiding each other as much as possible.
Before I start I wanna say how much I enjoyed following your reading process :3 It's always fun to watch someone read my story "live". Absolutely love seeing a user leave a like on every chapter every few minutes, but it's even better when they reblog it aswell and leave a comment in the tags. Also really loved your insight and acknowledging that they both are overwhelmed and deal with raw emotions right now (would love to talk more btw). I think no one else on tumblr pointed that out yet.
As for your suggestions: That would be soooo in-character for them! Noah... for obvious reason, and John just doesn't know how to handle the situation and doesn't want to make it worse. If Noah wasn't sick this totally would've happened, after their "fight" in chapter 6.
I don't know if you read the 7th chapter, but with Noah being sick and acting so different in comparison to his usual self, John is worried and tries his best to help him, because even though they aren't on good terms John doesn't like to see the kid in pain.
To be clear I DON'T wanna belittle any of your ideas, I loved reading every single one of them! I just wanted to ramble (helps me a lot with getting a feel for my characters again after a long writing pause). Sadly I don't get character related asks very often, so I don't have many opportunities to just ramble/infodump/etc.
So again...
Didn't really make much process on chapter 8 though. It's still missing something. But I finally figured out where I'm going to place a specific scene (chapter 8) and I thought of something I want add to chapter 9, so I count this as a win^^
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asmolfolk · 1 year
Hi, love ❤
I don't know if your request is open or not. But, if so, may i've a hazbin hotel request. Angel dust with a handsome male reader, taller than himself, and likes to tease 😏 to others (but, mostly to angel dust) . With Smut thing please🙏🥺, I ' m begging you 😭😭😭
Pronounce : he / his
Your work is like a magic
Hello, sweetie! Hope you like what I did there <3 My request are open, yes! Thank you for the ask, it's a pleasure doing it. And thank you for your kind words! <3
Angel Dust x Taller!Male-Reader
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I got this header from this sweetpie!
A bit of backstory.
Anyone who looked at your way... Was absolutely taken back by their words, by their choices... Why? Because you were absolutely handsome. Everything about your appearence was enough to give you a little fame... And because of that fame, it was a surprise when people find out about your... Odds behaviors.
Going to hell... You didn't have that in your to do list... But what can you do now? Well, you thought that now you have to stick around with the idea of being in this place... Until you heard about Hazbin Hotel - that was an opportunity that you COULDN'T miss... Even if it was BS.
Also, I would say that you would be a White Tiger.
For starters, Angel Dust was already leaning in to talk to you - he was pretty much accustomed with being the tallest demon around the hotel... Until he looked at you. You were strangely tall... And you must be one of the most handsome sinners that he has EVER seen.
You knocked on the door and were fastly answered by Charlie - Who was quite surprised to see someone there. "May I help you?" She would ask, with her sweet smile, while holding the door. "Well... Aren't you a cute one?" You immediatly hold her free hand, giving it a kiss - You acted like a gentleman "You must be Charlie Magne, the princess right? Pleasure meeting you, I'm [Name]." She was smilling a lot, didn't see a sinner that was so proper in so many years... Maybe she could have a chance on reedeming you! "I'm quite interested in your whole plan... May I be your test subject?" "Oh- Well..." She gave you space for you to enter, she guide you to the saloon "You see him? The spider-boy? He is already our test subject! But... I guess it wouldn't hurt having two!"
"Angel Dust's the name. Looks like we finally have a hotstuff that isn't me." He said, laughing a bit. "Oh, I see what you meaned then... It must be similar attraction, my sweet spider" You said, holding his hand and kissing it "I must say, never did I thought that I would find a sinner handsome." Oh, sweet. Now there's two of them - Thought both Alastor and Vaggie.
Since that little interaction, you two got along pretty well - always praising, flirting and even being too touchy with eachother. It was a mutual physical attraction that nobody could actually try to calm it. Angel finally founded someone that wasn't a asshole but still being a flirt and hot.
I think that Angel wouldn't mind you flirting around, he does the same thing.
And I do think that Angel would actually think it's pretty hot when you come to him, flirting with him - and not letting him be alone. You were his savior from all this messed up things that happened to him... Together with the hotel.
He would treasure you even before dating you... Also, you being taller than him was no problem - He likes it actually, thinks it makes you look intimidating [And that solves a lot of his problems.]
Being with Angel means one thing... You know everything about what Val did to him, he couldn't thought about hidding it from you - Especially because, he knows that could happen again.
Imagine his surprise when you come to his hotel's room, full of blood and holding his freedom paper... That was your first gift to him as a boyfriend... And he couldn't ask for anything else.
Now, being free from Valentine's hands... He didn't know what to do, but knew that he could finally rest.
Relationship [SFW]
Don't get me wrong, but I'm sure that Angel would do a lot of tall jokes... He heard a lot of them already, now it's your turn. Expect holding hands with him while he is occupied with something or cuddling with him. He always takes you to meet Cherry Bomb, he wants you to get along with his bestie - After all, you were both of the only people that he would tell his past to. Angel's love language for you are Physical Touch and Acts of Service. He just can't take his hands of you, he is always touching you, kissing you... Doing things for you. You can ask him anything, you must be sure that he will do it. He doesn't mind what your love language is, but he guesses that it's Words of Affirmation. He loves to cuddle with you and Fat Nuggets, especially when his mind goes to things he regrets... On bad days. He isn't the perfect boyfriend [on his mind] but he tries his best to make you comfortable, to make you see through 'Angel Dust' and to actually see Anthony.
He shows you off to anyone, like "LOOK AT MY HANDSOME AND TALL BOYFRIEND! HE IS TALLER THAN ME, YOU SUCKERS HAHAHA" - He would even compare your height to all of his friends.
If he gets in trouble, he is PROBABLY going to call you and wait patiently for your advices. He hears your words like they are divine, he would try to follow all of them. If he hears you flirting with someone else, he is probably going to flirt with that other person too-
Oh my, it's hot here. Now, let's just say:
If you aren't in a relationship.
He probably thought that your flirtly attitude towards him was only that, wanting to fuck him and then nothing else. He would give this opportunity to you. Being the top or bottom didn't matter to him [But he was sure that you wanted to fuck and not to be the one fucked.] Being the bottom is easy for him, he is a bit of a bratty tho. Would even tease you until you are not going easy on him, until you don't hold back. He would mark you a lot and expect you to leave some marks on him too... So don't be afraid. Being the top was a odd request for him, most of his clients wanted to fuck him only. But he wouldn't obliged, he is a Service top, just say what you want from him and he shall give to you. He wouldn't expect you to stay, so just hold him... He would be quite... Happy with that.
But, to him, that was a one nightstand - nothing else.
If you are in a relationship.
This one will have more informations.
Bottom Angel.
As I said before, he is a bratty type. He would do everything to tease you until you pull him aside to put him in his place, he would ALWAYS say that he is sorry and that he wouldn't do it again... But when he is bored, teasing you was the first thing that he would do.
He does care where he is being fucked... After all, he likes the thought that - now - you and him are together, he wouldn't let someone see you if you don't like it.
He has a lot of kinks, he wouldn't care to realise one of yours - It's pretty much normal to him to do it like that, actually.
Angel has a high sex drive, but he can hold himself - He isn't feral yet... Just wait until he see his marks on you.
Aftercare with Angel is always reassuring him, holding him, cuddling, kissing him... Making sure that he feels loved and not a flashlight.
"...Thank you. I... I never thought I would feel like this when having sex, it's like a new thing to me." "Nobody treated you like that?" "Oh, I wished... Well... Some people say you suffer to value what you earn... I think that this reflects this momment... So, Thank you again, [Name]. Thank you for being my boyfriend."
Top Angel.
"Top Service, top dick." - That's what he said to you after you asked him to be the top. He wouldn't DOM you, unless if you wanted. He would concentrate in giving you as much pleasure as possible - he had enough with people treating others as flashlights, he wouldn't do that with you. He is actually a sweetpie in bed, always looking at your face, searching for pain, discomfort and always trying to make this whole experience good for you. He would take everything slow and passionated... He knows that he wasn't like that when you were just fucking, but... You are especial to him now. What can he do unless treat you like it? Aftercare with Angel is him reassuring you, shoving you with hugs, kisses and kind words.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I request number 1. Bowser I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you, I'll make you realize how much I love you
Sure! I do enjoy writing Bowser content ^^ I made this one have angst again, whoops- Sorry if this isn't that good, my favorite trope happens to be Bowser struggling to understand love I guess???
Prompts Found Here
Yandere! Bowser Prompt 1
"I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you, I'll make you realize how much I love you."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced relationship, Angst, Frustration at being ignored/neglected (?), Isolation.
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Bowser felt his love was forbidden. As the Koopa King, he can't find someone who'll love him. Such neglect makes him get a bit... desperate.
He isn't meant to have the happy ending. He's the villain all while the heroes get to be happy. What does he get?
To be isolated in a castle surrounded by lava.
Maybe he wants to be happy for once? Perhaps he's tired of being seen as just the villain? It irritates him to no end.
It only upsets the Koopa King more when he realizes he'll only be seen as a monster and a villain. Even to the one he set his sights on.... He felt both anger... and sadness towards this.
You looked like such a treasure to him. You lived on the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom, one of the few humans residing in this realm. He couldn't help but keep an eye on you.
You had wondered why Koopa and Goomba troops were so common around your house. You thought they were planning an assault on the Mushroom Kingdom. You didn't think you had anything to do with this....
You didn't think you meant anything to Bowser.
You had a strong effect on him. The first time he met you, when you helped Mario and Luigi track Peach one time, he kept you in mind. Then he kept seeing you help his enemies and had enough. Now, he could care less about kidnapping Peach....
You were the real prize.
It's scary how one encounter made the Koopa King stalk you in your daily life. It was impossible to do it alone, so Kamek and troops did it for him. You had no idea what they were planning-
Until Bowser decided he had enough waiting and ordered your capture.
Bowser didn't bother trying to classic ways of courting. You were one of the good guys, he was considered a bad guy. Talking it out would bring you two nowhere.
That's how Bowser saw his obsession...
The only way to love you was like a villain.
The relationship was doomed from the start. Bowser knew this fact in some capacity, he just chose to ignore it. He's selfish, desperate, and impatient.
Even when he explains he loves you and means no harm, you're going to see a monster. That's all people ever see. If he's seen as a monster...
Then he'll be a monster as there's no use in changing people's mind.
He just hopes he'll change your mind some day. That you'll see his affections as... loving. It's a daydream but he hopes so.
Soon you won't need the cage, the isolation, and the locked doors.... Soon... he feels you'll love him. Until then, he tries to drill it into your head that he loves you.
"I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you, I'll make you realize how much I love you."
He knows it's one-sided. He just hopes if he tells you enough, if he drops the intimidating posture and looks pathetic, you'll love him. He knows you, he just knows you felt bad for him at one point.
Keeping you captive is a futile attempt at fulfilling a pipe dream. He knows the right thing to do would be to let you go. He can't bring himself to do it despite knowing, in your eyes, it's wrong.
You'll never be happy this way. No matter what Bowser does, if he doesn't let you go you'll never love him back. Perhaps, deep down...
Bowser can't accept that.
The Koopa King will keep clawing for this fantasy even if it hurts you and him. He's tired of being the bad guy. Yet, in his attempts to feel wanted...
He only makes things worse...
Which makes him even more of a bad guy.
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wepsi · 2 years
Eyes on the road Mammon(smut)
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Gender neutral reader, established relationship
Tw: 69, car sex, public sex, exhibitionism, riding, power struggle
Scenario: Lucifer finally releases Goldie from captive, and Mammon decides to take you to the human world and show you a good time!
"The waves on the beach were killer today!"
"Haha just don't splash me like that again!"
"Say, I'm starvin, let's go grab a bite real quick."
There was soft music playing on the radio, and the sun was setting, the beautiful colors decorating the sky. Mammon was driving laxly with one hand on the steering wheel and the other draped over the seat. Occasionally glancing at you and flashing a toothy grin. With his white hair flying in the wind, and tan skin illuminated by the sunset. He looked so handsome, and each glance sent butterflies to your stomach. You've been dating for a while now but he still makes your heart flutter with each glance your way.
With your hand resting on his thigh a wicked idea emerged in your mind. You creep your hand up his thigh, earning a questioning look from Mammon but he also has to pay attention to the road. You sneak your hand finally to the forming bulge.
"Oi! What are you doing!?"
"You want me to stop?"
a evil smile on your face
"I..I never said that!"
You fondle his member through the shorts, making him hold his breath while trying to concentrate, nearly missing his turn. You tell him to continue to drive to the fast food place, and have no intention of stopping. The sun is set by the time you reach the joint, but his cock was definitely not set. Mammon knew not to question you, and decided not to say anything about your hand torturing him.
With the angle on the car and the sky being dim there was no way the lady at the window could see, but the thrill is still exhilarating. Mammon pulls up to the mic and tries to order, but his words were stammering and his face was getting even redder because of it. You calmly place your order, and inch your hand under his waistband.
Mammon pulls up to the window to get the food, his heart is beating so much he thought he might die. Your hand is now firmly grabbing his unclothed length. You strategically pump as he was grabbing the food and had it between the window and the car and almost drops it. You take your hand away, and make him wait impatiently after turning him on.
Mammon speeds off definitely not the speed limit after getting the food, finding a remote corner on the beach. The sun has almost completely set, and just about everyone has packed up their things and gone home. He climbs on top of you in the passenger seat and flustered,
"Oi, what was that all about!"
"Because I love teasing you baby boy."
"Well then you better be prepared, my treasure!"
Mammon clashes his mouth into yours, and starts roaming his hands on you. Pushing a piece of hair behind your ear, brushing his hands past the back of your neck, circling to your chest to give your stiff nipples a flick. Then down to your ribs and thighs which he gave a squeeze. Because there wasn't enough space, he throws you over his shoulder and puts you in the back seats of the car.
Did he forget who was in charge? You get on top of him instead, and clash your mouth onto his, nibbling his lip and dancing with his tongue. This time it was your turn to feel him up, you immediately went for his delicious chest, and gave his nipples a tug which made him moan in your mouth. What can you say his chest is full on displayed. You trance your hands down to his firm abs, tracing them with your finger. Hands finally roam down towards his crotch but his hand grabs onto your wrist.
"Don'tcha think you've played enough baby?"
Mammon sits up and easily picks you up, he is a demon after all, and rotates you so your parts was at his face,and your legs caging his head, he pulls at your bikini strings on the side and your bottoms fall off, he licks a streak up your crotch and starts to please you. Mammon pulls away a second to say,
"D..dd..do m...me too."
You oblige and pull his throbbing length out, and start sucking, struggling because of the position. It tasted slightly salty from the ocean, with the sweat and muskiness he tasted intoxicating. Mammon expertly licks you, causing you to whimper and wiggle, and clamp your thighs around his head. Reaching your limit, you struggle out and push Mammon to lay on the car seats, straddling him. You line him up with your entrance, not being able to wait anymore and have to have him right this instance. You sink down onto him, earning a satisfied sigh from both of you.
Between his precum and saliva it was sliding in and out with ease, he grabs your ass and helps you with relieving himself, The rhythm almost matching the music that was still playing on the radio,
"What if someone sees us, goldie?"
"So what Mammon, let them see, I'm yours."
"T.t..tt..that's right! Your the great Mammon's! I hope they see how good I can please you."
"Oh my devildom! Mammon it feels so good, you're doing such a good job!"
Fueled by the praise, Mammon holds onto your waist and starts thrusting up into you. Both of you moaning loudly now, without the restraint of one of the brothers hearing,
"You feel so good baby!"
With the sweet words and the excitement of possibility of being seen, combined with the car and the love of all your worlds, you quickly reach climax, beckoning Mammon to join.
"Cum with me Mammon, be my good boy."
You throw your head back, and with your walls spasming around him Mammon cums up into you, with the cum spilling out of you. You fall over onto him of exhaustion, riding isn't always easy. Mammon cuddles you sweetly, nuzzling his face into your hair and smelling the faint salt from the sea, then panics
"Ah shoot! We can't get any cum on these nice leather seats!"
He scrambles up to clean both of you up, but don't worry he'll be pleasing you all night at the hotel ;)
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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The mood feels right, it's that time without light. Who's up for a lil late-night Togashiposting? Because there's one that has me thinking about a few concepts we've been on about. Which means we get to talk baby's first foxboy blorbo again. This was always one of my better posts that still generates interest today, but for the basic idea we talk a lot about the Akazaya as throwbacks and particularly Okiku's ties to Eiichiro Oda's own history on Rurouni Kenshin. There was another two-faced redhead in popular manga at the time, and we get Oda referencing the iconic clash with Game Master in interviews as a big moment he liked. But also just in One Piece canon it's interesting how Ryokugyu with a similar power intersects with Kiku's tale to bolster the connection. Likewise with the parallel story of the thieving fox spirit and how it intersects with Kiku's past.
For this part of our examination though, we're going to look through the lens of another meta concept we've been on about. Poking at the nature of "filler" and how much strict canon really matters? This is the finale of Kurama's last fight in the anime, something really glossed over in the manga as YuYu Hakusho tragically came to a close in the hurried Three Kings Saga. To me though, the anime at least salvages this arc into a worthy conclusion. I don't actually mind the idea of our quartet squaring off their personal arcs underneath the bigger show of the Makai Tournament. Kurama's fight with Shigure is so well done for that. One thing you have to give me, being filler or noncanonical is not an impediment to being an inspiration or an influence on someone else later.
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The whole fight is a great finale for Kurama & his demonic past. We meet him distanced from it, they're reconnected in the Dark Tournament, he embraces it to answer the call in Chapter Black...then here after reconciling it he rejects the old self. Importantly though, he only wins through taking advantage of seeds planted by his old self. I love the final line to Yomi about it "I never leave anything behind." That reconciliation of past and present for a brighter future is where I really see Kiku picking up this torch. Himura Kenshin has a lot of similarities in his arc, but Kurama's with themes of reincarnation and parent/child bonds feel like the ways this gentle redhead seeped in. Of course, Kiku is still her own take on the idea. The trans aspect and cloaking it in a lady caring about her reputation is an excellent evolution.
Can't ignore the antagonist here either, this is why I was thinking this part in particular after all. A surgeon with a samurai vibe, choosing an honorable death after defeat. The way Shigure shaped the tone of this climax for foxboy's saga was giving me some big feelings. I honestly haven't rewatched the Three Kings Arc in years. The montage of core scenes though, showing us how Kurama grew into someone so willing to choose this new life, it had a big one I didn't really think about in this context:
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How it all starts between he & Yusuke the MC. The story of the Forlorn Hope. That dub name is way cooler because the Funimation dub of the YuYu anime is a national treasure. But yeah...that's where this entire relationship started. It's an artifact that demands the user's life to grant a wish. An empty, unfulfilled Kurama was so casually willing to throw his life away to return a mother's love...without getting the point. Too busy turning over every possibility he hasn't realized how much he's grown. There's no way his mother would be happy with that trade because she doesn't see some legendary thieving fox demon...and if you told her she'd probably just say that explains a lot.
How does Yusuke solve it? Stepping in and sharing the burden. Very similar tone we'd see later with Usopp and the samurai. Even with the little dash of levity and that fine line between nobility and senseless self-sacrifice. Not to mention the big moment of Kiku's fall being Kin's final push to evolve and strike down Kanjuro. That's not unique to YYH but it's one of the biggest pillars of that series. But Bakura Town ends up being a lot like this in tone. The sumo match. Luffy jumps in because Kiku's putting her body on the line to amp up the crowd's panic. The two working together, Luffy stepping up and playing the hero for a moment, opens a new path. Just like the Forlorn Hope here and it letting them slide for being such good boys.
Then from there Kurama's story arc has the same structure we'll see out of Kiku later and Himura Kenshin around the same time. You've come so far by the time we meet you that we can do an arc about confronting that past. But that story can't end with going back to it, can it? No matter what it may mean, it's still so wild for me to see this connection over time. Kurama really was one of my first major anime characters I could latch onto and I've been a One Piece fan for so long. Just can't believe the cutesy waitress we met early Wano had all this in store.
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noodleblade · 1 year
Ohhh man, I got another character ask for you. It's more of a two in one, what do you think about CyGate? Er, Cyclonus and Tailgate.
A TWOFER! Well, don't mind if I do:3 (and just the be clear, cygate is amazing and wonderful and i love them so so so much)
Let's do Cyclonus first.
First impression: edgy edgy mcedgy. I'll be honestly, a friend of mine showed me a picture of him and Tailgate together and I rolled my eyes because Cyclonus looked so edgy I couldn't deal with it.
Impression now: I'm so sorry Cyclonus, I should have realized like all the mtmte cast, you have so much more nuance and motive than what you look like. I love him. I love his entire motivation. I love his growth as a character.
Favorite moment: Cyclonus singing to and with Tailgate. Its such a solid foundation of his character and his relationship with Tailgate.
Idea for a story: I have a cygate+whirl fic of Whirl constantly barging into cygate's hab and slowly cygate just adapt until Whirl is fully moved in <3 (currently labeled in my docs as Stray Cat Whirl)
Unpopular opinion: once again don't think I have any:3 oops!
Favorite relationship: Romantically, Tailgate. Their development makes me feel so so many emotions. Plantocially or some mysterious other thing: its whirl. God i love how his feelings concern Whirl shift and change. One of my favorite storylines.
Favorite headcanon: Cyclonus loves music and has a selection of old instruments. He's really shitting at playing them but he loves them so so much:3
Now Tailgate<3
First impression: Baby, baby boy. Sweet little baby
Impression now: ;-----; he makes me rather sad? kind of hopeful? early mtmte tailgate makes me very sad and I think a lot about how he lies. As someone who used to be quite a liar for a multitude of personal reasons, it speaks to me in a very personal way.
Favorite moment: Tailgate's unfortunate tutelage of the Autobot history from Ultra Magnus. Also the tiny panel of him wanting to be a Decepticon. Very cute.
Idea for a story: ahhh i have a prompt for this but its with all a little minicons drinking night with Swerve, Rewind and Tailgate just chilling together. Minimus joins them. Shenanigans.
Unpopular opinion: mmm I've seen some people that just don't like Tailgate?? which is fine, to each there own, but I love him and find him one of the more compelling characters, at least where i am at now.
Favorite relationship: aha Cyclonus for sure, but that's cheating for the above section soooo Swerve:3 I love their friendship and i could read pages of it <3
Favorite headcanon: idk if I have a favorite one but I do love Tailgate's curiosity so I think that lends to him being a little hoarder of random trinkets and items. He treasures them.
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slifarianhawk · 10 months
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Chapter 37: an old grudge
I stalked through the caves. Slowly following Excella with my hand on my samurai edge. Jill and Gale walked beside me.
Albert's voice rang out in my mind, "Take Jill and Gale with you to the meet-up. I don't want Arias to try and take you away from me again, dearheart. Not to mention the natives are less than friendly."
I stare at the heavy ring on my finger. No way in hell was I about to let that happen again.
"Pay attention, you three!" Excella snapped as I sent Gale off to find a good sniping post, "We need to try and mend our relationship with Mr. Arias. He is one of our best buyers and one of our major clients!"
I felt a growl building in my throat. Arias, the fact I would have to play nice with him left a bitter taste in my mouth. Not only for the fact he saw me be an utter embarrassment to Albert by being captured by the B.S.A.A. but I think he was one of Sergei's suppliers. I'm not too sure on that one, though maybe I'd ask. There was also the fact he tried to kidnap me as well. 
I felt a buzzing on my neck, "My comm is going off."
Excella sighed and walked ahead.
"Pheonix here," I said pressing the speaker on my choker.
"No need for codenames with me, my precious lotus," Albert said, his voice echoing through the comms.
"Wesk," I sigh hesitantly scratching the back of my neck, "are you sure me being here is the best idea? I feel it could lead to trouble the last time. The last time I saw him I was our daughter now I'm your wife and partner."
"Don't sell yourself short my dear. Just be your usual cheery self, my love. Just reintroduce yourself as who you truly are." He said a slightly sour note to his tone of voice.
"Of course, my treasure. I shall" I smiled his voice giving me confidence as I heard a chuckle over the line.
Ugh, the fucking mushroom!
"Galeforce! Are you in position?" I snap.
He laughed almost shouting over the comms, "Of course, I'm in fucking position! What do you think I am a dead pigeon!"
Sighing I groan, "Don't listen to mine and Wesker's conversations over comms."
"Now now boss, don't let me blow away the romance." Game said cocking his kar98.
"Tabitha let's hurry. Excella is already at the rendezvous." Jill said behind her mask and cloak. 
"Right. Love you Wesk see you in a moment." I said hanging up the comms and marching on.
Within five minutes we were at the dock. I watched as Irving pulled in with a certain man with white hair. His minions are beside him. I was paranoid something was going to happen. I just felt it deep inside.
"Ah lady Excella, I see Dr. Wesker didn't escort you this time, " Arias said kissing her hand.
"He is making sure everything is perfect for your visit Glen." She said smiling.
"And who are these lovely people with you, Excella? One is certainly familiar." He asked motioning to me and Jill.
"One is the new bodyguard that Wesker assigned to me. The other is..."She started to stammer.
I quickly bow slightly,  "My apologies lord Arias, we have indeed met before although I was reticent about my true identity. When we last met I was using the identity of my deceased daughter,  Alistar Lancaster."
"Ah yes, I remember you now. You were captured by the B.S.A.A were you not? How ever did you manage to escape?" He asked eyeing my form suspiciously.
"Escape would be the incorrect term. They let me go under the UN's orders. As you have your resources, I have mine. If you would allow me the honor of reintroducing myself, I would be most grateful." I said pushing my loose hair back.
"Please indulge me. What is your actual name?" He said facing me completely now.
"My full name is Tabitha Elise Redfield Wesker. I am the matron of the Phoenix Corps., head of security, and the wife of Albert Wesker." I bowed fully this time my mid-length hair draping my body.
"So I tried to capture Wesker's wife?" He said in a stunned tone of voice, looking paler than he did when he arrived.
Raising my body I had a gentle smile on and with a lie on my lips I spoke,  "I harbor no ill will towards you hun."
Taking a moment to examine me, Arias faced his minions and lowered his hand, "Diego, Maria stand down we are among kindred spirits here."
The girl as well as the masked B.O.W relaxed in expression. I turned on my comms and looked down the dock. A certain mushroom perched atop a shack his scope shining in the firelight.
"Stand down galeforce, turns out I was just paranoid," I spoke to the choker speaker.
A loud groan rang from the comms as Gale jumped down from the little shack to the dock, "You need to get that in check boss. Can't be a walking ball of paranoia forever."
"Who is this gentleman?" Arias asked walking up to me. 
"This is Galeforce, my guard. He is also my best sniper. " I say escorting Mr. Arias toward the cargo elevator.
"You had a sniper trained on me? Clever girl you are Alistar, I mean lady Tabitha." He said walking beside Excella.
"My apologies, my husband was worried an incident would occur and this assuaged him," I state spotting a figure in a black trench coat ahead of me.
"You are quite right Glen our lady is as smart as her husband," Irving said nasally.
"With the B.S.A.A. temporarily off my trail mine and my husband's plans are more likely to proceed without a hitch," I say walking up behind Albert and stroking his well-defined neck.
"For you to be so trusting of me after I had four of my trained soldiers train automatic weapons on you. It is quite impressive." Arias said as Albert faced him.
"She has more training than even I do Glen. She is a fine gem amongst all the common trash we have for soldiers.  Also, welcome to our home." Albert says cordially offering his hand. This action surprises me. He despises most touch. He wasn't enjoying this just like me. It reminded me of the old Umbrella balls we were forced to attend as researchers.
"Dr.  Wesker,  thank you for having us. After all the bloodshed last time, I believe it is best if we bury the hatchet." Arias said taking Albert's hand and giving it a firm shake.
"So long as you don't try to kidnap my lotus again.  I believe we shall be fine." He said placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Of course and please allow me to apologize, Lady Wesker.  I should not have been so bold as to assume someone as fine as you weren't already taken." Arias said motioning his crew to board the freight elevator.
As I board I think about Alistar and Sergei growling, "If I had wanted everyone to know who I was it would have been known. After all, parading around as one's dead daughter isn't the best for one's sanity. I had planned to stay as her awhile longer however Ms. Gionne found her original grave and I had to alter my plans." I sigh placing my head on Albert's chest.
"It's always devastating when we lose family. How old was she?" Arias asked looking at me and Albert.
"She died not even a month after her twenty-second birthday. Killed by my uncle, her great uncle.... our commanding officer at the time.... Vladimir Sergei." I spoke growling when I said the bastard's name.
Albert lightly draped an arm around me when I noticed the masked B.O.W. staring at the girl with a sorrowful expression in its eyes. they were father and daughter more than likely. I felt a ripple of sorrow.
"He killed her right before my eyes and walked away laughing.... she bled out in my arms. She died getting me Umbrella's entire intel network and our new computer system. My U.B.C.S. agent I'd was seven hundred forty-eight. Sergei's right-hand slave to say sadly, his prized bitch."
Arias put his hand up, "I thought I recognized you the last time we saw one another. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me. I was the one who supplied the Russian base with weaponry. I remember when I met the infamous Agent Seven forty-eight and her prodigy student One Zero forty-nine. How he described you as what you just called yourself and the other a perfect follower. He went into..."
"I would stop there Glen. My wife is a very easy-going and forgiving woman who has almost limitless patience. But trauma is a cruel mistress who should not be pushed especially when it comes to Sergei." Albert said in a dark menacing voice.
"My apologies lady Tabitha. I did not mean to cause any offense." Arias backpedaled sincerely.
With a sigh, I step away from Albert and shake my head, "There is no offense Arias and I must apologize.  I don't remember you. You see Sergei installed technology onto my spinal cord creating what is known as a sleeper agent. I have holes in my memories from October ninety-eight to February two thousand and three.  The activating phrase was prized bitch in Russian.  I even almost killed Albert here while I was activated. I live through them when my mutations deactivate. I dread the day I relive her death."
"I understand, my wife died in front of me. I couldn't imagine having your daughter die in your arms. My condolences, was she yours as well Dr. Wesker?" Arias asked as the elevator arrived.
"Yes, she was. She was our firstborn although we had to give her up. I wasn't there for Tabitha when she passed. If I knew what Sergei had done there would not have been a corpse, but a pile of ground flesh." Albert growled out.
"Deep breath my treasure, we can't let old grudges be it from our past or with ourselves, rule our lives," I say reaching up and stroking his hair.
"You are immensely wise lady Tabitha," María said.
"Please let us dispense the formalities.  Tabitha is formal enough." I said leading everyone onto the elevator and pressing the down button as I stood beside my husband.
As we descended Albert moved to the front of the moving freight elevator placing a gloved hand on my back "Now dearheart please introduce and detail your research to Mr. Arias."
"Yes show us what I have given you hasn't been a waste," Excella said snobby like.
"As you wish my treasured god." I look up at him ignoring Excella, "Mr. Arias if you would, please lend me your complete and undivided attention. Allow me to walk you through my gift to this disappointment of a world, The Angelis Virus."
I smile wide and bright. Wicked thoughts filled my head and that smile turned into a smirk. Albert stared a me a proud smile on his face. He was showing me off like a prized jewel and I was on cloud nine.
Hey everyone slifarianhawk here and we are moving decently ahead the next chapter is going to be a decent length. So be prepared my dearhearts. The next chapter will be out within the week. Until then my name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away.
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