#I don't really have an opinion on cj yet
suspended-and-why · 7 months
Finally watched the last episode (SE4-EP20: with Friends like these) of Camp camp. It wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed it a lot! The new voices kinda put me off at first, especially Gwen. I was fine with Nerris and I just imagined Max going through puberty. What bothered me the most was the pacing, some dialogues didn't flow really well, some animations didn't too (felt like they were running in place), cuts were sometimes weird. The audio was strange too. BUT !! I had just rewatched the entire series and it helped draw emotions when it was needed, despite the pacing kinda fucking it all up. LOVED all the references to previous seasons and episodes. "Because somebody fucking has to!" And the photos at the end!!
The scene with Max and David was perfect though. Nothing to say against it. "One of these days I'm going to close up camp for the last time" ARGHGRGGHH !! y'know? "So the more I can make of what I have today, the more I can walk away with when it's gone" The entire dialogue! had me crying! a little!! "That's all I want for you kids Max, to have something to take with you." Kill me David, why don't you! They BOTH killed me to be honest. 😭One of my favorites scenes all episodes considered.
All in all an okay and kinda great close to this summer. That lasted like, 8 years. or 7. Next summer's in a week :) 🏞️☀️
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i really don't like how Riordan wrote Octavian in HOO. during SON, it really seemed like he had something planned for him, some backstory or reasoning for his actions, but when he saw the way fans hated on him he decided to just make him a laughingstock. he's supposed to be this powerful guy, Hazel even says so, and he's supposed to be able to talk the senate into almost anything, and yet we don't see any of this past SON. and the hypocrisy for him! with Luke, people forgave him even though he tried to literally destroy Camp Halfblood, gr00med children, and obviously did not care if his own allies got killed. his main reasoning was "I don't think my dad cares about me so I'm just gonna injure and/or off dozens of children!". Octavian does try to destroy Camp Halfblood (which I'm not gonna say is okay, bc it isn't) but he has an actual reasoning! his home had been attacked and the people who did it just ran away with no explanation. yes, Leo had been possessed, but nobody even told Octavian that! so his rage was absolutely reasonable. and he actually cares about his allies. he waits to attack several days to a week just so the onagers would arrive, that way there would be no casualties on his side. plus, it seems like people just ignore the fact that he was manipulated by Gaea and was obviously having a mental breakdown near the end. it's constantly brought up in arguments for Luke like "he was manipulated by Kronos!!" but when a similar thing happens to Octavian, nobody mentions it or seemingly cares.
Note: OP has a negative opinion of Luke and of some fans differing reactions to Luke and Octavian as antagonists. However this is not a fandom complaint or character complaint blog. It is a book complaint blog. This ask was sent before that point was clarified. Please try to limit complaints and discussions to what occurs in the source material only.
Yes, I agree. I tried to make a list of your points below for clarity.
during SON, it really seemed like he had something planned for him, some backstory or reasoning for his actions
It did seem that way. There are a lot of implications behind Octavian and not much fact.
It is implied he was raised in New Rome. This means he was raised in a culture that promoted suspicion of/aversion towards greek demigod culture. (You can see this aversion in the way people/the laeres react to Percy when he arrives at CJ.)
It is implied he has prophetic powers.
It is implied that he is unwell/unstable. It's implied he is being manipulated by Gaea.
It is implied that public opinion of him is favorable.
It is implied he wants to go to war, specifically against greek demigods should they exist, though he should have no proof of their existence.
It is implied that he killed Gwen.
It is implied (in TOA) that he has a connection to the triumverate.
None of this is ever explained/explored/given more detail. Why does he believe Apollo supports him? What is the extent of Gaea's influence on him? Why does he angle for war before the attack on Rome even happens? What does he know and how?
he's supposed to be this powerful guy, Hazel even says so, and he's supposed to be able to talk the senate into almost anything, and yet we don't see any of this past SON.
Given every implication above, he should be powerful, or competent, or at least have the backing of competent people. We never see that. We never know why he makes the decisions he does and how he accomplishes his goals is almost never shown or explored.
Octavian does try to destroy Camp Halfblood (which I'm not gonna say is okay, bc it isn't) but he has an actual reasoning! his home had been attacked and the people who did it just ran away with no explanation.
Octavian was pretty clearly angling for war even before the attack, but certainly that cemented the legitimacy of such an action in his mind. Yet from SoN onwards Rick treats Octavian as a complete joke. Which honestly, I do think Octavian is funny, but I also think the story would have been better if I believed Octavian was a legitimate threat. And I don't because he basically disappears from the narrative at this point except to exist as some sort of omnipresent boogieman. None of his actions, motivations, or reasoning is ever explored. Any shadow of substance he had in the previous books is flattened. He becomes completely two dimensional.
It's hard to even be mad at people for not seeing the legitimacy in his attack when it's the result of Rick completely ignoring his character. After SoN he basically only exists to create a sense of urgency in completing the quest.
and he actually cares about his allies. he waits to attack several days to a week just so the onagers would arrive, that way there would be no casualties on his side.
I mean, this is largely supposition. The narrative heavily implies the wait for the onagers is because he wants to win with overwhelming force. But you are right that his compatriots safety could be the reason he wants to win with overwhelming force! But we don't know, because again, he was never fleshed out!
plus, it seems like people just ignore the fact that he was manipulated by Gaea and was obviously having a mental breakdown near the end.
It's pretty clear he was being manipulated. I think one thing it's easy to forget is that all these characters are teenagers. Octavian is a child. He has been put in a position of responsibility that should be reserved for an adult. It's hard to think Octavian is 100% evil or that he 100% deserves to die. EXCEPT that Rick has prevented us from being allowed to see him as a real person. He has made him feel like a complete caricature of a human being. And even then, it still disgusts me that Rick made his death a complete joke, something to laugh at.
If Rick was trying to say that "people who think this way are a joke" he should have shown us more of Octavian's thoughts. He should have given us the oppurtunity to see the point he was making by laughing at him.
Instead we have the implication that there was more, and no answers. He never even gave Octavian a last name. I do not like Octavian as a character, but everything about how he was written is sort of fucked up.
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imaginariumwanderer · 20 days
So I finished the latest story...
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This is pretty horrifying from a cookie's perspective. One of cookiekind's main forms of happiness is their ability to express their various colorful flavors/personality. I suppose it's the same thing as tripping a living human of their sentient and individuality. Ego death. Leaving behind hollow flesh
We be committing unspeakable crimes against nature with this one✨
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We be crumbling our colleagues while slowly losing our mind with this one✨
On another note, "eyecing" make its glorious return. I have no memory of it being used before the Mystic Flour update. Can anyone point out the other times it was used, if there's any?
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????!!!!! OMG HIIII
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Don't do it, don't give me hope...
I know he's the last to be released u don't need to tease me like that
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So the other-space here clearly refer to the Dark side of the Moon, right? Is there any other-space I don't know about? Also, I guess this confirmed Shadow Milk is the only one able to do this astral projection thing. On one hand, it increases his chance of appearing a bit more before his own update, on the other hand, we most likely won't see the other Beasts having any talking-role any time soon
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The implications here...
So the Beasts may likely have their own voices of their Light just like the Ancients does. And "Soul Jam"... Without an (s), Shadow Milk is specifically referring to his Soul Jam here, I can't believe my headcanon of the Light of Deceit/Knowledge whispering things to him is becoming true
It's a thing unique to Shadow Milk and not the other Beasts too. Interesting how both the voices of the Light of Truth and Deceit operate differently from the other Lights' (referring to the theory that the Light of Truth have never make an actual appearance since all instances of it in-game were all Shadow Milk's disguise)
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... Clownage. Whelp! time to integrate that into my daily vocabulary!
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Alright, so we got confirmation Smilk is not only aware of Dark Enchantress' plans but he's actively helping her out. Whenever he's oblivious to her other, secret plans (stealing the Beasts' Soul Jams) or he's aware and already have a counter measures to it though, is still up in the air.
My money is on the latter. Shadow Milk have shown time and time again he's way more knowledgeable than he let on. The way Dark Enchantress was depicted in his previous "play" does show us a certain level of... Appreciation(?) but who's to say he actually trusts her? It really does feel like a "I rub your back if you rub mine and then we'll backstab each other" kind of deal. Now I'm curious about the other Beasts' opinions on Dark Enchantress as well.
Where's Dark Enchantress anyways? We haven't seen her make any on-screen appearance in a while. I, um, I missed her a lot actually. I missed the diabolical meema
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Laughing at Wind Archer cookie repeatedly telling Smilk to stfu from the moment they've met. He's saying what we've all been thinking
Also laughing at Shadow Milk basically only here to make cryptic riddles and mocks our Wind Archer. He really does have nothing better to do lol
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Yeah that's right, FRIENDSHIP will save the day!
For real tho, tons of intriguing implications about the Ultimate Cookie with this one. I gotta mulls over them for awhile...
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"In conclusion, this changed nothing!"
Kidding, kidding! I was getting real worried for Wind Archer there despite knowing full-well it's not crk's style to let something happen to a character unless they're a minor villain or an elderly *grinding my teeth trying not to bring up Elder Faerie again oops too late-*
The unexpected yet sweet moment of empathy Wind Archer have toward the Ultimate Cookie combined with the stunning animation toward the end were definitely my favorite part of this little adventure. Although I half-expected for him to have his magical girl transformation like White Lily and Dark Cacao right then and there-
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"Beast-Yeast EP 5 coming soon to theaters near you! Remember to stay tuned, mkay? Okie dokie? Pinkie promiseee?"
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
hi! ive listened to some of chonny jash's songs but did not realize that there was really a story? Or i vaguely knew but didn't have the time/energy to get into it and with the release of the bidding animation ive realized theres like a bajillion awesome animations and art and i want to get into cccc but have no clue how. also why does soul have a trident.
OH man!
The story of CCCC has an overall seeming narrative, but much of it's smaller points are interpretive due to Jash himself leaving it up to fans of the album. But! Overall it kind of goes like:
-Jash or, what most people call Whole, splits as due to mental dissonance and waning mental health. (Time Machine Reprise).
- Whole fades into Soul (End of TMR into Dream) and from there its Mucka Blucka as a sort of introductory song. The recap for a story you have or haven't heard yet.
- (The entire album is a time loop! Which is a big metaphor for the cycles of mental health and illness people go through.)
- From there its the section called "Cacophony" which starts off with Soul, but eventually it turns to Heart and Mind + their fighting and inability to see or listen to one another or their points of view. Of course, as Logic and Emotion, they both have valid ideas or opinions, but believe themselves so contradictory that the other must be evil or out to get them.
- Heart attempts to shoot Mind, as referred to in Ruler of Everything. Literal or Metaphorical as you take this, it is seemingly symbolic for an attempt at one's own life if not self sabotage. If not then both.
- The rest up until Soul Eclectic is sort of just the Mind and Heart fighting and their own personal views each on the situation.
- Soul in The Soul Eclectic reaches his breaking point. Threatening to kill them all (A more direct attempt at suicide)
- Mind and Heart in the subsequent songs decide to get their shit together.
- (Two Wuv) Soul realizes that not only can they be happier now but that trying to force themselves to conform to society's ideas of mental health or belief or love is just plainly unbeneficial. Sort of a song about unapologetically being yourself.
- Welcome To Tally Hall is a tribute to Tally Hall themselves more than anything.
- This transfers into Concord soon after! Concord is Whole or Jash by himself, though many of the songs seem to carry themes from Cacophony in them. Self sabotage, disagreement, importance placed on the wrong thing, the idea that no one person is better off than another. It concludes with Taken for a Ride. Which is also sort of CJ's epic "im burnt out as hell" song towards the end. But exaggerated to my knowledge for lyrical shenanigans.
That is CCCC as neutrally told as best as possible. I highly recommend forming your own ideas on it, but I'd be happy to also discuss more in depth my opinion on each song should you or anyone else express interest!
Getting into the Trident: The fandom took the metaphor of "Tridential Sovreignty" and "This trident he formed (found? Lyrics.) is both weapon and motive" and said "Soul's got a trident" to which Jash responded with "Absolutely yes he does now" Same with the crown most people put Mind in, and that is referenced in the "Trident, Crown and Blindfold" line.
Soul really did get noose imagery, a trident and a mask. All Heart n Mind got were a blindfold and crown. Lmao
Though Heart is also commonly drawn with wings. Which is semi-canonical according to album covers. I choose to ignore them because I don't particularly have an attachment to the idea!
Getting into the fandom itself, I can recommend looking around for the Chonny Jash Fan Server (CJFS) Discord link. But it can be extremely intimidating and even I just stick to discussion and one other thread channel. (Sides from my au channels which pop up every once a month or so).
Important note is that only Tally Hall covers have to do with HMS. Any of Jash's other music (of which I highly recommend, always) is unrelated. There is also a fan QnA somewhere that was done like a year ago now which has some neat answers in it.
I, again, am happy to go into my interpretations of HMS and the music as a whole but skdmsm saved you the reading hopefully should that be undesired!
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picturejasper20 · 7 months
About the recent tiktok trailer for Camp Camp Season 5
There is a new camp counselor that is going to take Gwen's place in this season since Gwen isn't longer working on the camp. His name is CJ and he is the one that narrates the trailer in a form of ad for the camp.
So far i don't have a clear opinion on his character because the trailer doesn't show much about him but i wonder... what he could add to the show?
Because Gwen was a bit of a foil and her personality went really well with David's more positive and energetic vibes and they balanced out each other's flaws. So having this character act like Gwen wouldn't be a good idea because you may want to do something different.
There is a part near the end of the trailer that he is apparently running away from the police/law? Maybe something interesting could be made with that. The thing is that it would feel too similar to what we already had with Campbell being an irresponsible fraud. Then there is Daniel, who pretended to be a person with good intentions until he reveal himself to be a cult leader.
What role could CJ play then? Maybe someone who is new at being a camp counselor and he is learning? Or someone who the kids believe he is ¨cool¨ and becomes a bit of a rival to David?
Again, i can't jump to conclusions because i barely do anything about him yet but i'm not sure what changes he could bring to the show.
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cjizzy for ship ask game!
✨Ship it✨
1. What made you ship it?
In yet another step in the Izzy shipping rotation it was inevitable methinks. Given how much history the two of them (+ Ed) are implied to have, I think it's absolutely delicious to think of the ways their dynamic could be. Just based on the vibes the two of them have separately it could potentially be an "opposites attract" kinda situation. But! it's important I think that in the one episode in s1 where we meet CJ, Izzy is nowhere to be found. So aside from all of that, the fact that Izzy asked CJ for help in handing Stede off to the English and he agreed, and the "sentimental bastard"... There's just. A lot that is happening there. You feel me?
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love the vibe of Izzy and Jack being like these two strays nobody wants in the end aside from each other. I love the idea that they could find a soft place to land in each other, all after years of getting abandoned and stuck in situations where being abandoned would be a mercy. And like yeah, there's definitely CJ calling Izzy "babygirl" in there, but I think that quiet, soft moments between them could be really beautiful.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think there is? I just love these two. If Ed and Stede end up happily together, I could definitely see CJ coming back and offering Izzy an out.
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I would like to know your opinions on these in the fruit emoji thing you reposted ☺️
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I love writing siblings relationships! You know, that kind of relationship that is simultaneously "my siblings//cousins are the most annoying people I have ever known" and "I'd go to war for them".
...Yeah, specifically the Hook siblings.
They are very chaotic and I like that.
And for romantic relationships, my favourite is Harry Hook and Uma. I mean, look at them.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
...I don't know? I genuinely don't know. I'm not sure how funny my works are.
Sure, I write them by going „Oh, you know what would be hilarious -“ but an actual joke? That does not involve at least 400 words of setting the situation?
No idea.
Either way, I'm gonna find some sentences//quotes to post here, because why not:
[CJ, spotting a snake in her hair:]
Unfortunately, it has no original ideas, nor anything interesting to say.
It only hisses. Ssshame.
CJ hisses back at it.
...Yeah, generally anything CJ does. Like these instances she got lost while trying to narrate:
The princess and Carlos are in this Selfies class, alright? The teacher's Mother Gothel, apparently, and joke's on them, she's a terrible teacher.
On the other hand, she doesn't care for anything other than herself happening in the classroom, and me and Freddie always take full advantage of it. Sometimes, we ask Ginny to hold a separate lesson while her mother is teaching: Ginny stands right beside her, actually telling us stuff, like chemistry and so, and have you guys known that if you add potassium into water, it will catch on fire? It's really cool, really, she showed us, too! The curtains caught on fire, but it was alright. The anti-fire-anti-fun system went off and the water poured down and it made even bigger flames until there was no more potassium and it absolutely doused Mother Gothel's curls in water and smoke and that's when she noticed that we haven't been paying attention to her at all.
Isn't that hilarious?
She is a disaster. And I better shut up about her.
The whole idea of the Hook siblings trying to (and failing to) narrate the plot of Descendants sounds utterly hysterical to me though.
But, yeah, I have no idea how funny are my ideas to other people.
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Rise timeline!
It's wrong!!
I mean, yeah, the plot with the trident can have rights I suppose (if only because Arabella deserves a corruption arc), but the race for Lost Revenge?
Yeah, no. No way in hell Uma got that kind of loyalty in just a few months.
I'm moving that back to when she was like twelve or so, which has the added bonus of maling Uma's and Mal's rivalry both more petty and more dangerous. You know, fun things.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Not exactly a ship, but generally CJ dynamic with Mal.
Imagine the chaos, pretty please, especially when we take into consideration:
Their combined lack of survival instinct
The bloody mess it creates with Harry any time they cooperate (which is why they cooperate in the first place. CJ wants to irritate her brother and Mal wants to piss of Uma, even in this really round about way.)
Then generally siblings relationships. Hooks, Faciliers, Jay and Jade, de Vil cousins. Mal amd Hadie, which is very optional. Just saying.
Also Ben, Audrey, or Lonnie spending time with the pirates. Lonnie in particular deserves to meet the Lost Revenge crew and Harriet's crew too.
Also. The sheer chaos it would throw into Auradon high society scene and media :)
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princecharmingtobe · 1 year
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So after my last guy died miserably in my first Through the Ages attempt I did start a new one, and it's gone much better so far. Unless you ask Orange, in which case everything is miserable, always. I can't blame him too much, his fiancé died, the trauma of which gave him the pessimist trait, and it was 100% my fault. I feel so bad. But uh, that fuck-up aside, everything's been pretty good. As you can see we have a little village, mostly made of grass huts. We have upgraded the floors from straw to wood, and are currently debating what to do with the walls. Wood would be an easy upgrade, but also like, barely an upgrade? And we have just unlocked ceramics so we might look into doing something with that. Even mud bricks would probably be better.
And introductions to the people, because why not? They've lived long enough for me to get attached.
Orange: Poor Orange was engaged to Monkey, but due to some mismanagement and poor memory on my part Monkey died... oops... Orange was permanently traumatized, and has taken on a pessimistic attitude toward life.
Snail & Blue: It's hard to view them separately, they were one of our first couples and our first marriage. If we're lucky they may be our first pregnancy as well. Snail has had a... tenuous relationship with clothing. Not a nudists, just hard to keep clothed for some reason. Blue always seems to be busy, maybe even overworked. But they always find time for a smooch.
Bosa: Bosa is the village doctor (technically Blue is too but Bosa is slightly better and Blue often ends up injured), and had been invaluable to our survival. He also cooks, builds... pretty much the only thing he WON'T do is fight, and so far that's been a good thing and it leaves him healthy and ready to tend the wounded.
Bluegum: A pretty plant lady we rescued. She's not really added much to the village beyond one more set of hands, as we have several skilled gardeners. But she makes Bosa happy, and a happy doctor makes for a happy village.
Inelean: Inelean was a feral child that wandered into the village one day. We took her in and are teaching her about village life. So far it looks like she'll be good crafter and researcher one day.
Gallegos: It's hard to see, but Gallegos is actually an android! Luckily the villagers don't have a strong opinion on androids, as they don't know what they are. They find her odd and confusing, but she pulls her weight so they don't bother about it.
CJ: Not much to say about CJ. He just fell out of the sky and joined us after we rescued him. His part in this story is yet to be seen...
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quolant · 3 years
for the characters asks: cj and also amy if you want bc I love hearing what other people think about amy lmao
for cj
why i like them
cj is my favorite west wing character, hands down. she's fierce and brilliant and snarky as hell — i hang onto every word she says and I find her genuinely hilarious. she will stick to her guns on a principle and explain something in picture perfect detail and simultaneously be able to match anyone with quips. she stands up for what she believes in and she isn't afraid to do it. cj has faith in both the people and what government is able to achieve, and she's so good at being able to relate one for the other and vice versa. even though she's pragmatic, she's optimistic. she's the one who fixes the leaks before they start — she's the one that knows when to start listening, what plans to make and when. also, again, she is ridiculously, ridiculously funny and super charming and she's just ... cj.
why i don't
sometimes (i think in the earlier seasons) she gets more into what something looks like than what it actually is like — more optics v. what things actually are, and gets caught up in details as opposed to big picture stuff which can sort of distort things a little. though i think it makes sense since she's press secretary for the former half of the show and it gets better.
favorite episode
tossup between six meetings before lunch or manchester parts 1 and 2
favorite season
1 and/or 2
favorite line
the speech from college kids
cj & josh
cj likes unsweetened iced tea and pistachio ice cream! also she met toby and andy at berkeley while she was in grad school
unpopular opinion
uhhhhh i don't think i have one for cj? so idk lol
for amy
why i like them
amy is fiercely intelligent and she knows it. she is also really interesting because she has a fun/less serious side (i.e. the water balloons, dead irish writers), that pairs really well with her strong will and her opinionated side; the funny things/lines she has (the boozy with the first lady line omg) are really endearing. she's fascinating because she's so unlike the rest of the cast, yet serves as a really neat reflection of josh's character and his goals, while being very distinct as a character herself. she's gutsy and sharp and she's keeps people on their toes and she basically came to the west wing and carved out her own place there. she's also focused and very clear cut on her goals and is incredibly passionate about and dedicated to what she does.
why i don't
amy is turbulent, and it comes through mostly in her relationship with josh (the stew thing and ... other stuff), though josh is also the blame for some of it — most likely because their personalities are so similar and they clash a lot as a result. she can get defensive when there's not really a need for a defense, which can lead to .... unintentional hurt to whoever she's talking to and is sometimes indecisive to a point of no return — though i think by s7, her characterization has solidified a lot more.
favorite episode
dead irish writers or privateers
favorite season
season 3
favorite line
from 100,000 airplanes — "I have wit. I have charm. I have brains. I have legs that go all the way down to the floor, my friend."
... i don't think i have one for amy??? amy/donna is awesome tho
amy & cj!
amy is a fan of cheers, and later frasier, and watches them almost religiously. also she is probably reading two or three books at one time because she likes having choices.
unpopular opinion
i ... don't know if this an unpopular opinion but i think a lot of the faults that people have about amy could just as easily be applied to josh. i also think that maybe making her josh's foil/mirror on the professional playing field would've been more intriguing that what we actually got in the show, and that she should be seen more on her independent merits as a character.
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heartofsix · 4 years
opinion - alternates should have the principle costumes for their first covers so that 1. alt costumes don't mess with the lines (my sleeves may be green) or colour scheme or silhouettes onstage as often 2. when they bring in emergency covers, there won't be two of the same costume onstage (like CJ and jen in january)
ooh i actually think this one is very interesting. i have a lot of thoughts on alt costumes so here we go:
don't get me wrong - i absolutely LOVE the alternate costumes and i think it's such a cool and unique thing that we get to see especially with the new variations that keep coming in. i don't want six to ever get rid of the alternate costumes. don't forget this!!
however, i feel like they can pull away from the show. all the principal costumes were designed very carefully and specifically to each queen. let's just start with the designs and queenspirations in general. for me, the most obvious one is howard. the 2 piece and the open skirt is something ariana grande (a main inspiration for k howard) has worn it was her style in her 2014-2015 my everything era (i'm a huge stan of ariana lol). and the long sparkly dress for seymour is something so similar to what adele has worn. also, having everyone in some type of a skirt except for cleves & parr is so important to the characters since they were the ones that outlived and had an "easier" time and therefore stand out the most. when the alt costumes come in (like pants for seymour or shorts for boleyn), it kind of takes away from that.
another thing is the colors. every queen's costume is so unique with the designs and colors that when alts are on, it throws that off too. having 2 blue costumes or 2 black costumes throws the color scheme off. it's so much more cleaner when there's one gold, one green, one black / white, one red, one pink and one blue costume (obviously i don't get bothered when a teal alternate is on for parr or when pink alternate is on for howard, etc).
but the biggest thing that i have with it is combined with the design and color clashes, i feel like it can be too obvious when it's an alternate. like if i were to see a show with cherelle as boleyn, i would be so focused on that i'm watching cherelle as an alternate rather than i'm watching cherelle boleyn because with the second blue costume and shorts, it just makes it too clear that i'm watching an alternate and i think it'd pull me away from the actual show. this could just be me being too obsessed with the costumes though, as i haven't seen a six performance with alternate costumes in person yet.
i actually like your idea of having principal costumes for first covers and their own costumes/variations for the rest. i really do hate how there aren't any alternate costumes on broadway (even though it seems like i would be happy lol) but if this was the case i wouldn’t be mad about it! however the alternate costumes were created so there didn't have to be 6 sets of costumes per queen and it individualizes them more. the issue is, is that the alternate situations aren't ever perfect - as the alternates are always going on for their 2nd and 3rd covers. as much as i would like for this to happen, i just don't think it would work out. in a perfect world where alternates only went on for first covers and sometimes went on as seconds, this would be a good idea!
this was a lot lol but i've been wanting to share my ideas on alternate costumes so now i can use this post as a reference
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Hi CJ, I have a question. I'll understand if you don't want to answer it, but what are your thoughts about the fighting about Lou and Vi that keeps happening? Do you think thier routes are unequal? I keep seeing posts about ppl insisting that the devs favor Vi and ppl getting nasty towards her about it. I love Louis and sometimes I agree with the posts but they are so mean about it that it makes me feel bad. You don't have to answer but I'd like to know your thoughts on the whole thing. Thank u
Anon, I’m sorry that it’s taken me a while to get back to you, given all the things I’ve had weighing down on me recently about my blog and life outside the fandom.
I answered this already and was ready to post it but then erased everything. When I reread it to make sure it was alright, I said, “Yeah, okay, that’s really nice and positive and… I don’t like it.”  So, let me try again and get what’s really on my mind off my chest. 
Basically, there’s a difference between being positive and being fake, and that answer I gave you originally was fake. 
You guys know that I like to remain mostly positive about everything on this blog. I don’t tolerate hate towards each other or towards myself. I rarely answer hate anons, if ever. I don’t start shit with other blogs because they happen to disagree with me on one little thing. 
Yeah, I get mad about things and complain and be anything but positive when it comes to topics such as Mitch’s death, Lilly’s character just in general, the flaws with ep4′s ending, ect. If you’ve been here a while, you know what I’m talking about.
When I talk about positivity, I mean it more in a way that I like to focus on the good within the fandom while also discussing things I would’ve liked within the series or things I didn’t like and would’ve changed, certain ‘what if’ scenarios. I try to do these things with a kind and optimistic outlook while also allowing myself to be truthful in how I feel. 
What I’m trying to say is I try to be a good person on here. I try to be nice, respectful and encourage you guys to create good things within the community and get invested in these characters and other topics. 
However, I also firmly believe in honesty. 
You asked for my opinion on this topic? Okay. I’ve yet to ever give a fake answer and I’m not starting now. 
If you’re new here: Hello. My name is CJ and I am a Louis/Clouis blog who loves twdg and discussing all the different characters, ships, and story elements within the game. I’m about to talk about some stuff with full honesty that it may get me some hate but y’know what? I don’t care, we’re gonna discuss it anyway. 
What are my thoughts on the constant fight between Louis/Clouis and Violet/Violentine?
It’s a waste of time. 
There are so many talented people out there who are wasting their energy on sending hate to each other, making nasty posts about the developers, shitting on the characters and the community, and then constantly wondering why this fandom is so damn negative.
I made an instagram account a long time ago for this blog where I started posting my favorite screenshots of Louis and posts from this blog. I followed the #twdglouis and #clouis tags and was seeing a lot of great things until I wasn’t anymore. 
I don’t post on instagram anymore because it’s a shitshow of hate. What’s new in the #clouis tag? Violentine hate. What’s new in the #twdglouis tag? Violet hate. 
I don’t know if y’all know this, but if I’m in any of the Louis tags, it’s because I want to see some good Louis content. OBVIOUSLY.
I swear, if these people sat down, took ALL of that energy they’re using for this nonsense and put it towards the thing they claimed to love, we would have the most amazing content of any fandom out there. I would be able to check the louis tags every day and see brand new, beautiful artwork and read amazing stories. 
But no.
 As for your second question, that’s where my honesty really comes into play.
Do I think Louis and Violet’s routes are unequal?
Yeah, I do. 
I think Violet’s romance has a few more things to offer than Louis’.
When you go fishing with Violet and Brody, you don’t get a choice- you have to hang out with Violet. 
If you go hunting with Louis and Aasim, you have to choose Louis if you want to hang out with him. 
Brody mentions that she hasn’t seen Violet warm up to someone like she has Clem in a long time. 
Not a single person mentions anything about Louis in regards to Clem coming along. 
Violet stands up for Clementine in ep2 no matter what you do. She takes on the leader position and you can imply that she and Clementine spent the most time together during the two week time skip, making their romance feel more balanced and understandable.
Louis is still on iffy terms with Clementine and you can imply that they barely speak until their talk during the archery practice, making their romance feel rushed and questionable. 
Violet’s romance has a star gazing mini-game.
Louis’ romance does not have a mini-game. 
Violet makes Clementine a pin so that they can remember that night because it was easy to retexture one of Violet’s pin and have Clementine wear it.
Louis can’t give Clementine anything because the idea of a piano key necklace was scrapped even though they could’ve made a small model for it for her to wear. 
I’m sure there are more, and yeah if I’m being completely 100% honest with you? It does bother me sometimes and it’s okay if it bothers you, Anon. What really matters is what you do with those feelings. 
Because y’know what?
Just because I can play a mini-game in Violet’s route doesn’t make me like her more Louis, but it also doesn’t make me want to spam hate posts about her. 
Complaining and whining and talking shit about the developers because so many believe Violet is favored over Louis isn’t going to do anything. 
Melissa saying she prefers violentine doesn’t make me want to drop everything clouis because “Oh Melissa said it so it’s canon even though we went over this her word doesn’t mean anything.” 
Sterling not being on the commentary while Gideon is doesn’t mean anything. 
The ending stats don’t mean anything. 
The hateful people on here and instagram don’t mean anything. 
None of it means anything. 
The only thing that means something is you and how you deal with this.
Clouis is the love of my life, as I’ve said many times. 
I love Violet. I think she’s a great character and I appreciate the happiness she and violentine have brought to many people in our community. 
All the things listed above? They may bother me sometimes, but I can and have written fanfics that have solved this problem. I’ve talked with you guys about it, talked about how I will be forever bitter about a lack of piano mini-game while also sharing cute headcanons and gushing about the wonderful clouis moments we do get in canon. I’ve read amazing clouis fanfics and admired beautiful fanart. 
I don’t pick fights, I don’t write hate posts, I don’t shit on the devs [although I will admit that I’ve thrown my fair share of shade at Kent but that was over Mitch’s death so that’s completely different right? …Right?]  or throw little baby tantrums because someone said something I don’t like or someone doesn’t like Louis or WHATEVER. 
I focus on better things, like this blog, you guys, Louis, Clouis, and many other better things. 
Anon, as I’ve said before, all this nonsense is just that: nonsense and a waste of time. It’s okay to feel the way you do but I encourage you to take those feelings a create something better with them. If you, or anyone, ever want to talk about this more, feel free to DM me. If something like this is bothering you, I am more than happy to try and help you. 
Alright, that’s enough brutal honesty for one night. 
I don’t think I’ve ever admitted to thinking that about the different routes so I’m a little nervous about that, but I’m also not going to pretend that I think they’re equal just to remain neutral and “positive.” It’s actually kind of cathartic to get it off my chest… huh. 
God, I hope this post got across everything I tried to say because I don’t want to rewrite it again.
Also, drinking game: take a shot every time I say positive or a variation of honest. 
Unless your underage. Then use apple juice or something. 
I don’t know what I’m typing anymore ignore me
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