#I dont Mind with good Asahi
oukabarsburgblr · 3 months
Hello! I am new, and wanted to ask 3 things for you:
1.) Is Daichi a type of yandere, and why is he obsessed with the reader?
2.) Are you maybe interested in writing JJK?
3.) Can I be 🎃 anon?
-🎃 Have nice day studying/whatever your busy doing, keep up the good work ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
Hello there and 3) yes u can be 🎃 anon, reminds me of that one game kubz scouts played for days on end. Pumpkin race? The one with the time that he tried to one up haha
1) to be honest, its been a while since i wrote that fanfiction and ever since then ive been focusing on my ocs so much hshsh. I do think daichi can be classified as a psychopath. A yandere? I wouldnt say he loves the reader (during his third year) and i could say for a fact even he acknowledges he doesnt harbor romantic feelings for the reader until much later (after the training camp shenanigan) however, he did harvest some type of attraction to the reader. An unhealthy one. Where the dynamic is between an object and an owner? Not a pet or a partner, but an object instead. Something he can switch on and off, mold into his liking and reader just so happened to be a perfect victim for it. Although he does grow to be fond of you, ever since how obedient you became. So many screaming nights passed in your house.
Now came the question of why? Why did he do all of this? Why did he instigate it the second the reader came into his view? I tried explaining it in the second part of the fic. Sugawara and Asahi would have treated reader like any other first year if it werent for Daichi. Maybe suga a bit sociopathic but daichi was the match that started the flame.
I think it came from the canon fact that Daichi was the rock of the team, their anchor, their foundation. I thought of him as someone youd look up to, youd rely on but there had to be days where he wasnt feeling himself right? Where he finds all of them a tad bit annoying, but that wouldnt be nice, they were his friends after all. And you came into the picture. On a bad day, where he just felt shitty and you suddenly came stumbling into the club, making a ruckus, curse words from your mouth scratching his eardrums and a thought slipped his mind where he found you so fucking annoying. However, it wouldnt be fair to thrust all that negative energy onto you so he did what he could, ignoring you until he could cool himself down. Maybe the day after he could find himself talking to you again. Wrong. He still finds you annoying and rude. Then there was this urge that came from deep within his stomach, this feral desire to grasp at you, clench at your face, pulling your skin back so you would behave- Too much blood so no can do. He still found you annoying though, hence, the snowball rolls where he decided to just change you. Sugawara and Asahi was a massive help, pinning you into the corner until he had you cumming around his finger.
If given the chance, where there would be no repurcussions, no trace of any evidence whatsoever, Daichi Sawamura would have murdered you, killing you in cold blood and burying your body deep within the mountains. A heavy burden would lift from his shoulders and he felt like the world would work his way again. But there was no solid plan for it so he never took the chance nor thought to.
Can you tell that Daichi is my favourite? Hahaha ive said this like three times now. I loveeeee him.
2) would i ever write jjk! One of my favourite readers have requested a satosugu x bottom male reader in my inboxes and i will consider but heres the thing.
I dont watch jjk😭
Well, i did, until i dropped it. I think it was at episode 20+ on season 1. I used to be a huge shounen person but now im a slice of life fan (although they can be quite boring sometimes) i guess im more into thrillers but in a normal setting? But i know jjk characters.
I used to have an obsession w sukuna haha. Ik maki, ik zenin naoya, ik todo aoi, like ik them and ik what happened to them (rip nanami) but idk i think i have to get hooked on really well for me to watch jjk so that i can write it. We'll see deffo! But i plan to watch chainsaw man first hshshs
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kings-highway · 16 days
Hi King!!! I absolutely adore your fics my dude, I found your trapped in the wilderness fic like a year or two back, forgot about it, and then found your Daichi time travel fic. So you can imagine my delighted surprise when I looked at your ao3 account and found out this was the same author! I was like “0o0, I KNOW YOU!! :D” Suffice to say I love your Haikyuu fics they are an absolute gem to read (Time Enough to Risk it All and Paranormality are my personal faves)
I had a question for you, similar to a previous ask you got about tips on writing? Not general tips mind you, I’m trying to write a Haikyuu fanfic myself starring Oikawa, and I wanted to know if you had any writing tips regarding character writing specifically? Like, in regards to getting into a character’s head and how that influences the POV? I’m probably going to have multiple POVs in different chapters, but I don’t want to run into the old trap of, “These are two separate characters but they sound like the same person” y’know? Also want to make sure I’m avoiding OOC territory, while taking any potential plot developments and how that would change a character into account. And I know you’re good at that, all your interpretations of the Haikyuu cast feel distinct yet true to the characters at their core!
aaaaaaaaaa oh my god thank you so much 😭 I'm very glad you've liked my silly stories so much. I will do my best to provide advice for your question here...
**Keeping Characters In Character - this is VERY fanfic specific!!**
[obv. writing original work requires strong character voice but the question and this response is super focused on characters that you have source material to work with]
1. my immediate first thought, and the thing I default to the most, is **Pay Attention To How Other Characters Talk About Them** yes, its all fine and dandy to go off and say "oh theyve got these secret other side-" because yeah!! they probably do!! everyone is multiple people depending on the circumstance!! but the way other characters talk about them or act around them really will define how your character is behaving, because it shows how they are *choosing* to behave (and what can be seen from the outside) Paying attention to the relative relationships of these characters describing them matter too. Here are examples (all from Haikyuu) of how I do this:
1. Daichi
[in early season 1, when Daichi gets mad at the duo, Suga and Tanaka both start trying to fuck off out of scene in preparation; similarly, both Suga and Tanaka try to hide their secret practice from him.] = People are generally afraid of him, or aware that getting yelled at is on the table, but he's predictable. They both start acting afraid BEFORE he gets angry because they are familiar with his patterns. [Suga and Asahi comment on it feeling weird when he's nice to them, and he snaps at them to say he could be mean instead.] = His casual conversational tone isn't very complimentary. Since we dont see him being overtly mean, I asssume this means he is on the quieter side, probably very reserved, and typically speaks up to correct someone or direct and take control of a conversation. Being overtly nice is seen as a deviation is his conversational habits. [Noya acts very distinctly interested and pleased when he learns Daichi has given him a cool nickname] = People hold a lot of respect for him. Given the previous details, we can assume this is at least in part due to him often withholding such praise, but also we can use it to temper the previous notes. His "meanness" is not coming across as malice, but rather something worth respecting or justified in some way.
Application in Writing: Dialogue should be direct and consistent, use shorter sentences and have him think before he speaks. He finds annoyance and anger easier to express and will likely withhold affectionate conversations from everyone regardless of closeness of friendship level. While he comes across mean, he is not insulting, belittling or cruel, and since people have significant respect for him, he likely avoids situations that would make him look foolish, and will probably be the last to join in on the fun.
2. Suga [Every character describes Suga as nice and kind, there is no "bad review" of him.] = No matter his opinion of someone, Suga will use kind, gentle language with them and avoid giving them a reason to dislike him.
3. Oikawa [Iwaizumi, in voice over, says something to the effect of: "despite how he might seem, Oikawa is actually a pretty goofy guy."] = While not given the opportunity often, Oikawa is playful, unserious and silly - the word "goofy" is important to note. Its not funny. Comedians are funny. Dogs with long floopy ears are "goofy" - However he either intentionally or unintentionally chooses not to behave this way often. Either way, he has distinct "sides" to him that can be identified. However, his natural state is far more goofy than we give him credit for, so he will likely be the first to crack jokes, laugh at dumb things, or general want to lighten the mood. He doesnt like things to be gloomy and may actively resist that kind of conversation or situation.
4. Leon calling Ushijima a "super volleyball idiot" says way more about his behaviour off the court than anything Ushijima ever did. Oikawa and Kageyama and Hinata and Atsumu get to be monsters but no, Leon says its the term "we" are most "satisfied with". Did they pitch other names? They do not take Ushijima seriously at all. So his terrifying persona is probably very superficial. None of the team has ever had an actually bad experience with him, and he is very consistent in his likes and desires: probably doesnt have a (conversationally) confrontational bone in his body. "We could call him a monster but nah, he's too fucking weird for that." Like what more of a character study do you need!! Leon STOP.
This is dragging on longer than I want it to. I apologize. I could have more to say on the matter but to sum it up quick:
People, humans, are multifaceted, but ultimately are most defined by how they are remembered, and how they choose to present themselves to the world. This is will affect that "voice" that you're worried about sounding the same. Ultimately, all your characters will be the same. Everyone is insecure, everyone wants to be seen as attractive, everyone things theyre not good enough, everyone worries their lover will grow tired of them, everyone thinks they are the only person to have ever felt that way. The change, that voice, is how they want everyone else to look at them.
Using the previous notes, we can answer the question: "Oh my god, You look really good today!!" 4 ways. Internally, they're all very happy to receive a compliment because they wore a new shirt and they weren't sure it looked good. Externally...
Daichi: "Oh. Thank you."
Suga: "Ohh, Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say."
Oikawa: "I look really good today? Did I not yesterday? Ah, just messing with you - I know I looked good yesterday."
Ushijima: "I do? Good."
if you are NATIVE ENGLISH and youre writing fanfiction for NON-ENGLISH SHOW. IDC if youre a subtitles purist, WATCH IT IN ENGLISH. being able to (in your native language) use the characters voice in your head to read dialogue makes a world of difference. I DONT CARE if you can head Sugas Japanese VA perfectly - UNLESS YOU SPEAK JAPANESE IT WONT HELP.
Whenever I'm struggling with writing Sugawara, or a l think he's OOC, I just mentally replay the soundbite from the dub of him going "Good Grief!" like a goddamn oeanuts character and then its like "oh yeah. he's back. i know how to write him now."
I have a few of these little soundbite grounding things for some of them. Its REALLY helpful to be able hear the characters voices saying the lines (sorry if youre deaf..) and if you CANT (and you normally can) then maybe the dialogue is ooc.
"King, you've only talked about dialogue??? what about-" Dialogue controls actions!!! if you can get a characters conversational tone and linguistic habits down, you'll have NO ISSUES keeping their physical habits in check.
thus concludes another advice corner. i am working on the other questions atm but i have limited time and cannot do more than 1 after work without my brain melting so :)
thanks for reading :) happy writing
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dreamersville · 1 year
ik everybody says hi, or some variation of that hut idk what else to say .. so HIIII. 😂😂 anyways i was wondering if you had any headcannons for Haikyuu!! like the ones you did for fatgum and tamaki .. i dont have a specific character but you could write for anybody if you dont mind. um thank youu and i really like your writing style
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an? hiii love bugg🥰🥰. i wasnt really sure who to write for so this is more of like a general thingy? if thats so okay with you. and thank you so much for the compliment 🥹🫶🏽. the delusion was at an all time high for this 😭😭. request are open.
pairings? haikyuu x black reader
tw? none that i know of
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Lying on their chest while they are on their back on the couch. You and them watching movies from your childhood including: Drum Line. Juice, Love & Basketball, Friday, and many many more, you explaining all the lore to them while they have one arm rubbing up and down your back the other one in your humming and asking questions every now and then to show that they are listening and intrigued. [daichi, anoe,yamamoto,semi,matsukawa,]
— You're used to hearing them wandering around the room getting ready for work, and waking up usually waking up to the noise but today you didn't, matta fact .. you didn't even hear the alarm go off, you groan as you turn over to see that they are still asleep. You slide up behind them wiggling your “ice cold” toes between their calves and shake their shoulders to wake them up. They jump up with a quickness thanking you for waking them up, as they rush about trying to get ready, but ofc they cant forget to come back and give you your “see you later” kiss. [konoha,tendō, osamau, ukai, kenma] — ORRRR you're usually the one who gets up earlier than them but today is your day off so you're going to sleep in and get some extra sleep. They are tiptoeing around while getting ready trying not to wake or disturb you because you really need this sleep. They come back in the room and fix their side of the bed then coming to your side you read just you and your head scarf, kissing your forehead goodbye. They might have stood there watching you gravity towards their side of the bed and snuggle into their pillow.. But you can't prove it. [yakuu, saeko, asahi, koganwgawa] — Let's talk about how they hover around you when you're cooking not only because it smells good but you like to have them taste test the food. Coming around the corner, spoon in one hand while the other one is under the spoon catching anything that might fall, you hold their chin as you let them try the food. Even if they rain down praise on everything they taste and are truly no help, you still have fun as you dance around the kitchen with them. {they also try to sneak an extra taste while they think you're not pay attention but gets caught every single time} [hinata, hanamaki,atsumu, ninshinoya, daishō] — They’ve grown to love Sundays. The idea of cleaning and listening to music with you all day ??? sooo domestic. Yall typically split the cleaning, there are no specific “rolls” per say, yall just do what yall wanna do. You are always in charge of the playlist because you are having the bestest songs ever. Don't let Let's Groove by Earth, Wind & Fire play because clean????? When let's groove playing??? Ain't no way baby. [sakusa, yachi, kita, kai, takeda] — They've always come back to you with some new bruise or cut and insist that you are the one to take care of it because you're always gentle and kiss it to make them feel better quicker. And the products you use after you're done always smell really good!! When you're done they always say “I think i've got a cut on my lip too” [hinata, kageyama, kyōtani, lev, bokuto] — You always turn the air down when you want to cuddle with them because they always claim it's too hot and you just wanna cuddle and be comfortable. You're used to the air being at 70 but their not, so here they come with with sweatpants on 2 pairs of socks a hoodie with a shirt on and a blanket on their shoulders, demanding you give up some of your body heat [goshiki, tsukishima, futakuchi, tanaka, michimya]
— [ ] who likes to come find you, interrupting whatever you're doing to put you in his lap and make you touch your forehead with and stare into each other's eyes. Mostly to be annoying but they like to have your presence around them and don't know how to ask so they just .. yk. [kageyama, fukunaga, anoe, terushima] — They loveeee to come behind you while you're standing and wrap their arms around you holding you while swaying side to side. Most times they don't initiate a conversation, they either put that chin on your head or shoulder or bury their face into your neck. Smelling that scent of shea butter and whatever frit you decide you wanted to smell like. [daichi, kuroo, akaashi, ushijma, oikawa] — [ ] knows your orders for multiple fast food and restaurants. + all the lil specialties of is, such ass you liking a spicy chicken sandwich combo no sauce add mayo, chilled strawberry lemonade from popeyes. its second atp. you just tell them where you wanna eat and they take care or everything else. [aone,kenma, osamu, aran, suga] — Yall have dance battles at random ass times. R a n d o m ass times. Yall could be grocery shopping, you send him to go get something on the other isle, you'd hear a song yall both like over the intercom playing, and you immediately look towards the end of the isle to see them slide into just in time as yall start dancing towards each other, not caring who see you. [tanka, nishinoya, tendō,hanamaki,] — They see you do your skin care routine and decide that they wanna copy you because your skin is literally the softest skin he’s ever encountered. But he likes when you apply the product to his skin because their fingers are calluses from playing volleyball. Matching headband to pull you guys hair back. It's sooo cuteeeee ahh i'm in love. [oikawa, atsumu and osamu, sakusa,] — You said i love you first and freaked the absolute dogshit outta them. Frfr. baby was clutching them pearlsssss, didn't know what to say? What to do? Obviously he loves you too, more actually if you let him tell it but they are still in this state of pure shock. You would be panicking if they didn't already say it to you when you were “sleeping”. [ashai, yamamoto, yamaguchi, konoha, kita] — On the contrary they said it first … accidentally but they still said it first. Yall were probably doing so mundane shit and they was just thinking “damn i really fucking love them” except it wasnt in their head, it was definitely out loud. Out loud as in you could hear them out loud, you were shocked but said it back and continued on with what you were doing like you didn't just change their life for the better. [suga, semi, washio, iwazumi, yaku] — Now they had a whole plan set out. From the time you woke up until the time they decided it was best to say it. They act like the finna propose or sum. It's really nice you're not suspicious because it was date night. You cried or wtv, (it's not or wtv, it was that ugly cry. lip curled back, nose running, ya getting red inna face, hiccuping after every breath, they are concerned dd) anyways you eventually say it back because duh you love, like hello?? You were already planning your wedding. And so were they. [lev, asahi, fukunaga, aran, kageyama]
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hopefully you enjoyed!! thank you for the request💜!! i tried to include a wide variety of characters 😭, sorry if this wasnt what you wanted. request are open
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ladygwyndolin · 1 month
why do you hate shoko hida if you dont mind my asking?
1. Upon hearing that her friend has found a partner they want to stay with, her response is not to congratulate that friend but to demand that said friend go out and try to pick up guys with her anyway. Selfish and rude as hell.
2. Generally self-absorbed in her own headspace about how hard it is to live with a rich and supportive family while ignoring Satou's own financial struggles as if the two are equivalent (minor thing, but this still bugged me)
3. Not concerned for Satou upon learning that she might be involved in something dangerous, instead only worrying about how it might impact their friendship.
But all of those pale in comparison to the main reason (even if that 1st one does seriously piss me off):
After demanding that Satou open up to her, Satou takes her to see her aunt and how abusive her household is. Despite being the one who demanded that she open up, she refuses to offer Satou support and isn't even willing to tell Satou that she can still look at her the same way because apparently coming from an abusive home is some horrible mark on a person. She won't even look her in the eye.
And what does she do when Satou (very reasonably) tells her that she doesn't want to be close to Shoko when Shoko is unwilling to acknowledge or support her? She makes it about HERSELF. About how bad SHE feels. She has to go talk to Asahi about it instead of, I dunno, talking to Satou at or after work. Like an actual friend interested in making amends. But no. It's about how hard it is for HER.
And obv snitches get stitches and all but like, her giving this impassioned speech about how even if Satou is the devil she'll still love her and support her after she already immediately sent the photo to Asahi and then had the nerve to act like she was being the good and kind friend who was going to save Satou from herself when she couldn't even handle the basic knowledge that Satou's relative was a creep.
Terrible friend, annoying character. Had it coming.
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ryry-rebel · 1 year
First Kiss W/ Asahi Azumane
Asahi Azumane x Reader Headcannon
Warnings- None, pure fluff
Pronouns- None
Word Count- 815
My Masterlist -> Masterlist
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100% Soft boy
He would never initiate the first kiss, never, and you can’t convince me otherwise
He is the type of guy to never initiate any romantic gesture
Actually, I think you were the one who asked him out first. Poor boy would be scared to ask you
What if you said no? What if his teammates laughed at him? Asahi would just rather stick to himself.
With that being said, he was an absolute wreck during your first kiss, definitely didn’t go as planned.
I think he could sense when you were trying to kiss him.
Like picture this- the two of you decided to go to an amusement park. After a day of riding all the rides you could think of, you saved the best for last, the Ferris wheel. It was dark out too, so that really set the romantic mood.
You two boarded the cart and immediately you grabbed his hand.
Poor boi tensed up even from that.
Anyway- you two had made it to the top. There was a lake in the distance, lights surrounded the whole thing. It was a rather beautiful sight. All the lights on the amusement ride attractions were on, very beautiful. There was a light breeze that ruffled your hair (and his)
The mood was perfect
“Hey Asahi?” You would ask as you snuggled into his side.
Dude would be sweating bullets. Not used to the physical affection, especially in public. Even tho you guys are literally at the top of the Ferris wheel, and no one is paying attention to you guys
You would look into his big, beautiful brown eyes, and he would stare into yours.
Did I mention how easy it was to get lost in his lovely, alluring eyes?
Asahi would gaze down at your lips. He wants to kiss you; trust me he does. But, he can’t bring himself to do it.
What if he’s a bad kisser? What if his breath stinks? (It Doesn’t).
Then, you would grab his face, caressing his soft cheek with one hand as you slowly leaned in for a kiss…
Asahi would turn away, and you ended up kissing his cheek.
“Look at that ride! I think we missed it. We should definitely ride that one before we head home.”
You just got cock blocked by your own date
The night would continue like that.
Every attempt you made he would shut it down. You started to think he just didn’t want to kiss you, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
So, as you guys were walking back to his car, you decided to just ask him.
“Why dont you wanna kiss me.”
Asahi would stop dead in his tracks. That question is definitely going to haunt him.
His face would turn bright red, and he would start sweating profusely again. His hands would be all clammy and his voice would be all high pitched and squeaky.
The dude is about to shit himself Ngl
“What do you mean?” (He’s playing dumb, he 100 % knows what you mean). He’s just scared ok 😭
“Every time I try to kiss you, you shut me down. Do you know how many times I’ve kissed your cheek today?”
Now he feels bad.
He’s stressing you out and he never meant to.
He would take a deep breath. He knows he has to tell you. (He’s definitely going to stutter).
“I… Well, I…”
You kind of just stood there with your hands on your hips, definitely not helping the situation. It just scares him more.
“I… I want to kiss you. But… Well, I’m… I’m s-scared. I don’t want to mess it up. I don’t want to be a bad kisser.”
Asahi would hang his head low in defeat.
But you were there to pick it back up.
You would hold his face gently in your hands, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. His face would be hot to the touch, but you wouldn’t mind.
“I don’t care if you’re a good kisser. I promise you baby, there is nothing to be scared of. We can both learn as we go.”
That’s all he needed to hear.
You slowly moved in, and when your lips FINALLY found their way to his, sparks were flying.
The whole damn world lit up for you two. Don’t tell him people were watching you guys kiss. You are in the parking lot after all.
There was no tongue. The kiss was short and chaste, but it was full of unsaid words and love.
Unbreakable and undeniable love
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foolbo · 2 years
a probably very long rant about different haikyu characters and what lantern corps i think theyd be in
combining my spinterest and my hyperfixation lets goo. this is niche and very few people will care but its important to me ok. i did watched the anime a while back so i remember stuff but im also currently on vol 7 of the manga so those volumes are a lot fresher in my mind. spoiler warning: a lot of blue lanterns
i think asahi would be a yellow lantern. iirc jessica cruz became a yellow lantern by overcoming her fear and that allowed her to master it which i think sounds a lot like asahi overcoming his fear of being blocked and shot down by other teams (specifically date tech) and overcoming that fear allowed him to rejoin the team and be a really good ace
i know i know i know “zack isnt oikawa one of the characters with the most willpower?” and youd be correct! BUT that makes him perfect as a blue lantern. blue lanterns need the ability to fully understand willpower to be able to wield hope. oikawa throughout the series has been noted as somebody who is an amazing captain in the regard that he knows the ins and out of every one of his teammates and knows how to inspire them (ie. bring them hope) and generally hes a really good volleyball player who is not a prodigy and although i cant remember a point in canon specifically im willing to bet that theres at least one player thats started volleyball because of oikawa. if you know anything about oikawa i dont think his willpower needs to be brought into question
i think this is a really predictable one but hinata would be a green lantern. i mean the whole series is really based around the fact that he keeps pushing through to become just like the little giant.
kenma i think throughout the series sorta grew into a blue lantern type character. hes always been the brain of his team and sorta the center of their hope but i think through his character development he worked on the willpower mastering aspect of the blue lanterns like how kenma didnt care much for volleyball but over time it became something that he wanted to work for
i think yamaguchi is a yellow lantern in a similar way to asahi where he overcame his fear. at the beginning of the series he is fully a benchwarmer and while yes that was due to his general lack of skill it was also due to his anxieties about playing and messing something up for the team but he does want to be a part of the team and be helpful which is why he tries to overcome that anxiety about his skills and learn the jump float serve
kiyoko would be a blue lantern. if you recall the scene towards the beginning of the series where she hangs up the karasuno banner and tells everyone to fly and everyone starts crying and is immediately filled with hope and determination? yeah i dont think i need to elaborate on blue lantern kiyoko further
i think suga is a star sapphire but not in the canon way in the way my mind likes it. like he has so much love to give to all of his teammates and i think he could represent this sort of strong platonic love for all of his teammates and friends
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legendsyg · 2 years
Kim Daewon Jung Jaehan Lee Youngchan
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Tiktok: Treasure
TikTok Pin Post:
Treasure by: Junkyu & Asahi
Everyday Treasure 1st Anniversary
7chill go
New Wave by Hyunsuk singin live
NastyFreest: Youngchan, Mashiho, Hyunsuk
Wrist: Hyunsuk
Pose: Hyunsuk x YoungChan
City Girls: Daewon x Jeongwoo
Lolo: Mashiho x Doyoung
Two down 2: Hyunsuk x YoungChan
Get into: Jaehan, Junkyu, Jeongwoo
Burn josh Junio: Jaehan, Yedam
Good morning - mak sauce and
Highschool - NickiMinaj: Hyunsuk/Jaehan/Daewon
2022: down to earth Harley Grunge crushin
Newthing: YoungChan
Walk It Out: Haruto,Doyoung,Hyunsuk,YoungChan
Collide: Jaehan, Mashiho, Doyoung, Jeongwoo
qllagher: Hyunsuk, Doyoung, Daewon
Jiggle: Junkyu, Asahi, Jeongwoo
I dont know just wanna rock: all treasure members christmas party
Just dance - lady gaga: YoungChan, Hyunsuk, Jaehan
Blue Check:
Blue Check
Blue Check -
Down To Earth DryPies
YG Entertainment Kpop Groups
TheBlackLabel Artists:
Zion T
Blue D
Katie Kim
WolfTyla Korea Ver. (Danileigh Style)
Treasure Members downtoearth dry repi
Choi Hyunsuk 1999 (Leader)
Kim Daewon 2000 (2nd Leader, Dancer)
Kinamoto Yoshi 2000 (Rapper)
Kim Junkyu 2000 (Vocalist)
Lee YoungChan 2001 (Vocalist)
Takata Mashiho 2001 (Vocalist, Dancer)
Asahi 2001 (Vocalist)
Bang Yedam 2002 (Main Vocalist)
Jung Jaehan 2003 (Vocalist)
Kim Doyoung 2003 (Vocalist, Dancer)
Watanabe Haruto 2004 (Rapper) has
Park Jeongwoo 2004 (Vocalist)
Treasure Youtube Music Contents
Going Crazy
My Treasure
I Love You
Orange (Live Performance)
playtime downtoearth dry pies repi grunge
Kim Daewon: Ezra Band Vocalist
Lee YoungChan Voice & Vocals: VNCE
Jung Jaehan: Jae T
Mashiho: Jenzen Guino
Treasure are famous because of their heart throb members like YoungChan, Daewon, Jaehan, Hyunsuk and Haruto, aside of being kpop idols they are popular and interesting to everyone because they are the people standards and qualities.
AYoungchan is the one who makes the group famous because he organize an contents ideas for his group and he is the one who always giving awareness and mindful ideas to the group, youngchan always makes sure that his group always have a great quality to give to public because youngchan never settle for less and he never wants his group not giving such as unique and creative qualities into public, younchan always create unique and creative ideas into public to make people find and his group interesting, creative and quality than others, Jaehan has also creative mindset that helps YoungChan to find his group more and well interesting than others and to public, while Hyunsuk is the one who always guiding and protect his group
Treasure is the only boygroup that considered, seems and known as the highschool heartthrobs but play boys, fuck boy, bad boy and has a
Treasure are considered and seems that type guys that popular student at school because of being heartthrob and talented, and they are the guys that many any girls has a crush on them and sees them as their ideal guys because of their talent like singin and dancing especially their attractive and strong appearance and looks.
Aside from dancing, rappingand stage presence, Treasure got even more most known 4th gen kpop boygroup, popular, famous, heart throb and standout because of their vocals, Treasure is the considered for main vocalist of 4th generation of Kpop
YG artist are always do a twist and creative than being common like others thats why they are more interesting and than others. Down to Earth Dry Pie Grunge
TREASURE be living their best life even though they are kpop idols but they are seems like a boygroup that doesnt have difference from people that having a best life. Especially Treasure is the most relatable kpop boygroup especially to boys because they aren’t different from boys who are outgoing or those type of boys that always cutting classes
Only Yg BoyGroups that aren’t shy when being friendly to girls they like. YG seems intimidating but they are approachbale and friendly at teh same time even the boygroups of YG boygroups they never fauled to make females flattered and comfortable around them. YG males are the type of guys that any females chose the type of guys in YG than other males for example people will never be loyal and faithful until they have interactions with the people in YG, because YG are different and it gives special something to people interact especially the boygroups like Treasure, Ikon, Winner and Bigbang
The members of Treasure seems like a campus heartthrob and main character of group of boys
Young Chan of Treasure is stand out as kpop idol known as the sauve, swag, smooth and quick movements, he is the only known Young Chan in Kpop and top known 4th generation kpop dancer. Grunge Crush giana
Haruto is top famous rapper of treasure
Hyunsuk is known for the Treasures Leader and Successful soloist of Treasure
Treasure is the only boy group of 4th generation known for hiphop, swag and gangster personality presence and appearance because of members like HyunSuk, Haruto, YoungChan, JaeHan, DaeWon and Mashiho.
Yg Kpop Groups are interesting and irresistible.
Yg is best known for asian most
Best in HipHop
Strong Aura and Charisma
Music and Talents
Ideal features
Down To Earth grunge crushin bigbang
YGX Dance Class Teachers and Main Choreographers:
JAETAN Dj Loonyo (177.2)
DK Mannex Manhattan (175.8)
JAY Ken San Jose (172.5)
Only Treasure has the American extrovert and hiphop personality
X ACADEMY - Dance Class w/ YGX Choreographers, Dance Class Performances Choreograph by YGX Choreographers. (X academy is for everyone wants to dance) Dance Class lessons By YGX choreographers and Other Dancers can make their choreographers and performed it inside the x academy
YGX (yg dance group) - YGX Choreographers and Dancers. (only yg group dancers)
Treasure are the only kpop boygrop that are considered and seems like the type of boys that are campus heart throbs or school heart throbs and they are the type of boys that are group of boys at school.
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vanholstein · 5 years
Dont get missperception guys!
animators said “ "I've written an anime-original scene for the final episode of S4. It's a very real, dramatic scene. I put all my heart into it and Tsukuda-sensei really liked it."
its for fuckin S4 not S5
cannot wait for last episodes and April 2020. 
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tadashiwa · 4 years
karasuno boys reacting to you sending nudes for the first time
features: hinata, kageyama, tanaka, nishinoya, tsukishima, yamaguchi, daichi, sugawara, & asahi
hinata shoyo
he absolutely loses his fucking mind
you innocently texted him "guess what i bought :D" and he obviously asked to see
and there u were. kneeling in front of a mirror. in white lingerie. and its so sheer you might as well be wearing nothing.
it's not hinata's first time seeing you in a position like this, but oh my god you sent him a picture just for him to keep all for himself of you looking like this—
he's painfully hard almost instantly, sitting back against his headboard and pulling his cock out of his shorts
instantly becomes a babbling mess and cant form thoughts
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kageyama tobio
you didn't realize that oikawa was eyeing you like a man starved when you and kageyama ran into him
but kageyama sure did
and he wasn't gonna let it go
he didn't blame you, but he was just generally agitated until he dropped you off at home
but when his phone lit up with a text from you as he was brushing his teeth he didn't think twice about it, expecting a simple good night text
but he was met with a picture of you with one of his old jerseys on, the hem of the jersey in his mouth, your bare chest on display for him
kageyama forgot how to breathe
bestie if you dont answer his damn calls
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you and tanaka had been friends for a while, but you had just recently entered what one would call the "talking" stage
even when you were just friends tanaka never shied away from telling you how attractive he thought you were
and then one night you were feeling yourself, so you thought: fuck it
you texted him asking if he wanted to see this really hot picture you had taken of yourself
obviously he said yes
but what he was Not Expecting was a picture of you holding your tits in the shower, covered in soap bubbles, with your arm covering your nipples
tanaka LOST IT
he lives to serve u
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you're sitting on nishinoya's bed as he throws a volleyball up and down at the ceiling
you're complaining about this boy you had been talking to, and nishinoya is trying his hardest not to just tell you how in love he is with you
and then
u have the nerve
to say
"and i sent him this really good nude and he literally just sent the thumbs up emoji—"
and then nishinoya is seeing RED
not only did this prick have the pleasure—no—PRIVILEGE—to see you naked, but he didn't even APPRECIATE IT
noya's just joking around when he says "i would NEVER—" and then he starts ranting about how to hype up a girl
but when you say "next time i'll send my nudes to you" and he can't tell if you're joking
but you're CLEARLY not joking when that night you send him a picture of your naked body on display—
he tries to play it cool but hes FREAKING OUT
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tsukishima kei
you and tsukishima had been dating for a few weeks
he's clowning you because he thinks you're innocent as hell💔💔
so obviously you've gotta prove otherwise
so you send him a picture of the tattoo in between your tits
he's not even sure if you meant for the picture to be so fucking hot but there you both are and he's looking at your tattoo and he just wants to RUIN YOU—
and he's gotta make sure you know that
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tadashi yamaguchi
god bless him
youre gonna actually cause him to drop dead one day
you two had done things with each other before and yamaguchi wasn't a stranger to your body
he obviously still short ciruits every time he as much as thinks about you like that though
one day, when your phone dies, you borrow his phone really quickly
but then a text from tsukishima comes through
"youre paranoid. y/n isnt gonna think u have a thing for thigh highs if u buy them a few pairs for their birthday"
and then u get an Idea.
u ordered a pair of thigh highs that night and poor yams has no idea whats coming
when they come in the mail you put on one of his shirts, the socks, and nothing else
you sit on your calves and bunch up the shirt in your hands and spread your legs juuuust enough for yamaguchi to see how turned on you are
you send him a picture and tadashi literally dies LMAO
he cant even express how bad he needs u
and u dont really grasp it until u see him again
good luck bestie
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daichi sawamura
you and daichi had been together for a little over a year
he was away and you hadn't seen him for a while and you needed him
thankfully, the feeling was reciprocated
daichi made this clear when he texted you from his hotel room at 2am LMAO
my boy needs u expeditiously 💔🙏
he asks if you're awake because he wants to hear your voice
when he calls you and you can hear that his voice is a bit strained you know exactly whats going on
"daichi? you're touching yourself aren't you?"
"yeah. yeah, i am, i'm sorry i just need you so bad—" he whines
"don't stop." you state bluntly
and then daichi hears clothes rustling
and then you start moaning and whining and oh my fucking god
when you hang up to go to sleep he texts you thanking you
so you bless him again
rip daichi fr fr
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Sugawara Koshi
you and suga were friends
yet you both knew that with how attracted you were to each other it was only a matter of time
and then one night you're both at a party and someone has the genius idea to play truth or dare
you and suga are both a bit tipsy and so obviously you agree
and then someone dares you to let suga give you a hickey
and then you're straddling suga's lap and he's sucking on the sweet spot on your neck and holy shit
he pretends he doesn't hear you whimper over the music and you pretend you don't feel him growing in his pants
eventually you both go home and by this point you're both sobered up
and holy shit is the hickey on your neck is big
you send a picture to suga to show him his work
but you intentionally make sure he can see your bare chest
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asahi azumane
this fucking man
has NO IDEA what he does to you
he sends you a mirror selfie at the gym holding up a peace sign because its just a little thing that the both of you do
and his thighs look so. fucking. good.
and so you decide your boyfriend deserves a shot of your glorious thighs right back
so youre wearing one of his shirts and nothing else and lay on your stomach with your ass in the air
and you look so cute
and asahi almost drops dead where he stands from arousal
its what this gorgeous man deserves for living rent free in your head like this
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authors note: this was fun :) send me requests!!!!
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taeyamayang · 3 years
fake relationship with hq boys
(and catching feelings, oops)
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PAIRING: daichi sawamura x reader | kiyoomi sakusa x reader | asahi azumane x reader
a/n: i dont know how else i should name this hc so let's just go with that. also, thank you @sakruisin-thru for giving me a headstart by providing me with the characters to write for! hopefully this cures my impending writer's block (it's waving at me like a cashier at a drive thru,, okay that's a weird analogy but u get me??). anyhow, i hope you guys enjoy this~
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it started off as a joke
you know how everyone suspected that you two are dating because of how incredibly close both of you are
but you're not
so you two foolishly decided to get along with it
you wanted to see how many of your peers will be deceived by your silly prank
so you both decided to bet on it
he put a bet on at most 50 people including students and teachers will be deluded of your fake romantic relationship with him
but you brush him off and you snort,
"50?! you don't believe in us don't you?"
you push yourself forward using your elbow as you lean closer to him
your mouth near his ear and the side of your face almost touching his', you peer around to scan the room
every pair of eyes in the cafeteria managed to dot at your direction at least once before whispering among their friends
"look everyone's looking at us." your face holds a smear. you propose confidently as you whisper to his ear
"i bet on everyone."
you lock eyes with him before drawing yourself back to your seat
the bet is settled; 50 vs everyone
each day rolled out easily, you two doing things together like you normally would
you two managed to make every player in the volleyball team believe about the two of you, suga even said "i saw it coming."
making the two of you stifle your laughters
it was all fine until one afternoon when daichi seemed down
or rather preoccupied of his thoughts
in fact, what makes it more odd is how he invited you to walk with him after practice
like you guys don't usually do that
cue the sarcasm
the silence that laid between the of you as you walk home is suffocating
he ends your misery by breaking the silence,
"let's stop this."
and breaking your heart
you feel a pang in your chest as the words escape his mouth, he continues
"i don't to play pretend."
he faces you and worry etches on his face. tears start to pool in your eyelids and your palms begin to numb
you had fun playing as his fake girlfriend that it slipped your mind that you are actually not his'
"because i want to date you, for real." he utters and you blink back your tears
you pick up the broken pieces of your heart beneath your feet as the words reply in your head
"y/n, did you hear me?" he air laughs but still concerned of your still expression
"yes." you say making him raise an eyebrow at you
"yes i heard you and yes let's date." you repeat yourself and almost immediately a smile creeps up to his face
he clears his throat and the two of you began to walk hand in hand
"so, for tomorrow. ice cream?" he says and you bob your head to a yes, biting your bottom lip as you suppress a smile
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your classmates began squealing upon your entrance to the room
a girl from your class approaches you with an envelope in her hand
"someone asked me to give you this." she says
you take it from her before bidding her a thanks
your eyes instantly widens at the first words written on the stationery paper
"meet me after class at the school's field."
you're getting a confession
you are neither flustered nor thrilled, in contrast you're disturbed and troubled
because one you hate meeting with strangers, two it's hard for you to get comfortable with a person so most probably you will reject the anonymous pursuant that leads to, three, you are not good with rejections
panic takes over your motor skills and leads you to his room, your voice came out rushed
"kiyoomi!" you call and his head swiftly turns to you. you gesture at him to come out and meet you at the hallway
thank god there's one person in this entire school body that you're completely comfortable with
he meets you out and you immediately ramble
"this is a confession and im sure of it. i hate meeting with strangers, you know that. so do me a favor, please?" you wave the envelope at him at an eye level. his eyebrows presses together
"hm?" he hums at you questionably, suspicious of your so-called 'favor'
"be my boyfriend." you blurt out making his eyes widen and his face crumple in an expression you are not sure of
well, that's because half of his face is covered in mask
he looks away as he tucks his hand inside the pockets of his trousers
"you don't have to do anything just stand there, hold my hand, and pretend to be my boyfriend." his eyes shift back to you and you know him well enough so you add "i will sanitize my hand before we hold hands. i bought my alcohol today, i promise."
your eyes glimmers cutely like cat as his orbs held yours. he sighs before running his fingers through his hair
"fine." he agrees, making you jump in delight. the mask hinders you to see his face but the duchenne marks around his eyes gives off his smile
you jog pass him but stops halfway. you turn around and screamed his name once more
"kiyo!" his body is in sideview but his head is turned to you. you blow him a kiss using your hand before jogging back to your room
you swear to yourself you saw him giggle at your stupid display of affection
the day ends and you find yourself at the school's field with sakusa next to you
a boy from your year emerges from the stairs, the sound of his footsteps resonates with your pacing heartbeat
he stands before you and confirms his identity by saying he's the one who sent the letter and told you he likes you
his eyes kept darting at sakusa
you open your mouth but no words came out, your vocal chords are not working and your mind is not forming the words you practiced all day
sakusa then, by surprise, coil his hand over yours. four of his fingers curled at the space between your thumb and the rest
"she's my girlfriend, we're dating. im sorry but she's already mine." he speaks those words clearly like he already knew what to say
the stranger then nods and leaves the two of you behind
you look at him with your face dumdfounded
"he's gone. you can let go now." your voice hushed
he turns his hand around so his fingers intertwine between yours. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze
"can you handle two confessions at the same day?" his tone is serious. he unhooks his mask from his ear and keeps it inside his backpockets.
"i like you." your mouth falls ajar at the sudden confession yet your stomach twists in a good way
"i know you suck at rejecting people because you get embarrassed easily so let go of my hand if you're rejecting me." he waits for you to move
you pull him close using your intertwined hands and you rest your forehead on his chest as your face paints red
"stupid." you murmur "i like you, too." you bite the insides of your cheeks. you feel a hand crawling up to the back of your head, caressing it gently
"good." he hums contently
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you finally decided to share your concern with asahi
"i think a man is following me home every night. it started the other day. it's freaking me out, asahi."
he wips his head at you and looks at you in worry, he didn't think that your concern will involve something big
"ill walk you home tonight." he says as ties his hair into a bun. "also, the day after that until he leaves you alone."
you smile at him teeth showing, endeared by his generous offer
"can i refer to you as my boyfriend when we're out in the streets? so, you know the stalker would know im with you and basically assumes someone waits for me after school and checks on me when i get home?"
he breaks eye contact and purses his lips, his uneasy hand grabs onto his water bottle
"sure, that won't be a problem. i guess." he shows you a sheepish smile before turning around as if to hide his face, "ill leave you here. practice is about to start." he jogs away.
the next days feel like an excuse to hang out after school. the first night asahi is walking you home is exactly what he promised but the following days are spent in cafés and local parks to 'stir the stalker away from your house'
and you calling him boyfriend has become your nickname for him when you're teasing him
even if you two are in school
if prior to the incident both of you are already close then damn your closeness to him right now is not up to par to the previous one
to the point that you two spend lunch breaks together
which is weird because you never do that
usually he would hang out with the third years of the volleyball team and you with your friends
but some days are spent together
and no one is asking why
you sit in front of him at the cafeteria as you chew on rice and meat
"asahi." you figured to break the news to him first because you wanted to see his reaction
"someone confessed to me this morning. third year, tall, and huge." you swallow your food. you watch him as he releases an egg roll from his chopsticks
you saying this is basically telling him you don't need him anymore
why pretend to be your boyfriend and walk you home if you're already getting one?
"what did you say?" he looks at you intently waiting for you to answer
"does my answer wavers your reaction?" you are not sure why you're saying this but somehow it feels right to ask
"probably." he shrugs, placing his chopsticks on top of his bento box
"and if i say i rejected him, how would you react?" he lets out a soft giggle and suddenly you feel stupid for asking nonsense questions
you know at the back of your head you were expecting him to act jealous or defensive but instead he lets out a laugh
you feel like a fool for believing he might reciprocate the vague feelings you have for him
"forget it." you lower your head
"i'd be happy." he says after a few seconds of pause making you look back at him. the corner of his lips pull upwards
"i would be happy since it means i might have a chance on you." his voice resonates in your ear like a familiar lullaby, easing the tension that built in your chest
he observes your tight lipped response and when you remained silence he carries the conversation
"so, do i have a chance?" he repeats his words. his tone is careful almost like he's testing the waters
"yes, of course. why do you think i spend most of my time with you."
you look at him but he tears his gaze away from you. your eyes catches on a crimson tint on his face
"you're blushing."
"am not."
"yes you are!" you giggle. your eyes feast on every curve of his face from his forehead down to his chin. "god, why are you so cute." you smile at his charming face
"how can i not blush when you're looking at me like that?" he says and you can feel your heart softening for him even more
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a/n: thanks for reading! likes and rbs are very much welcome and appreciated ♡
Masterlist | accepting reqs for headcanons
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kings-highway · 1 month
God each quad/poly ship you mention just brings me so much brainworms, all those *dynamics* just leave me foaming at the mouth. Great Stuff
A bit out of the way but any feelings on HinaNoya (Hinata x Nishinoya) both as a duo and maybe as a quad bringing in their popular ships?
sorry on the delay for responding to some of these. it's just who i am as a person. but I love receiving them!! never feel shy about asking my anything ever
mmmmm m mm 🤔
I feel like my first instinct is to just freak out at the sheer ball-lightning that this particular couple would induce. I don't think it's my favourite thing, but the more I think about it, the more I can like... kinda see how they could be really good for each other?
I can imagine them first bonding over the obvious, like volleyball and all their favourite competitions and athletics and they're both loud and energetic but I feel like that would be the, like, pre-relationship friendship stage. And Hinata is 100% volleyball but Noya has such an interest in everything beyond volleyball I can really see him broadening Hinata's worldview. Like... Hinata played soccer before he knew that volleyball was a thing. i really think Hinata and Nishinoya would have a lot of fun playing soccer together. And fishing. and baseball. and horseback riding. or whatever the hell else they can get up to.
I think hinata wouldn't really be able to identify his feelings as romantic for a long, long time, probably because this relationship would feel SO much different from his others? Especially post-timeskip. Like... his go-to best friends, Kageyama, and then his MSBY boys, Bokuto, Atsumu, Sakusa - like, they're all really REALLY volleyball forward. And his whole life is saturated in that. but then he has this OTHER friend, who loves the sport and comes to all his games but also just knows so, so much. Like Nishinoya would talk about every wonder of the world he's been to, all the games he's learned, these interesting little alcoves of culture and society and I think this ship could be really could because when Hinata realizes that he's fallen in love with Noya, I think he might take a break from his hyperfocus in volleyball and go globetrotting with his boyfriend. (noya had been waiting for him to realize for years)
I dont have too much more interesting to say with the addition of the polyship. BUT I actually think this one would work really well as a non-polycule polyship. Like I imagine Noya and Hinata could date each other while also dating Asahi / Kageyama. They'd get very different things oit of their relationships, and I dont this Asahi would mind having a second hyper energetic partner along for some of their trips, especially since it makes Noya so happy. They wouls absolutely both sleep on Asahi's chest tho. romantic or platonic. (Asahi wakes up so overheated and sweating its almost unhealthy)
Overall Rating:
Me, Personal Interest: 0/10
Concept/Potential: 3/10, I'd be willing to hear some arguments.
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imagines-mha · 3 years
💋brutally honest advice based on who you kin / your favourite hq character 💋
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💌 i’ve been MIA from this blog for so long lmao 😭 happy summer kiddos
Daichi- sometimes its okay to take breaks and enjoy yourself!! I know you are the reliable friend and i know you love to think your life has linear direction but baby!! You are young!! Enjoy yourself and go fucking crazy every once in a while!! you dont need to be mature 24/7!!
Suga- bro as a suga kinnie im so fucking sorry. You know you’re hot- im so glad you do, but start treating yourself like it!! Its one thing to be sweet to everyone and lift them up but another to do it in place of caring for yourself! Its unsexy to neglect your own needs. Drink some water. I love u.
Asahi- are you in therapy? No? Maybe you should look into that… please stop being afraid of taking up space. U are an angel and everything you say is 100% worthy, interesting and valid. Its alright to be anxious and stay inside sometimes too- do what makes YOU happy, but take care of yourself too okay
Noya- YES i love ur energy but PLEASE STOP NEGLECTING RESPONSIBILITY!!! I mean this from a place of sweetness in my HEART i love you so much and i know youre gonna regret not making that phonecall/doing that essay in the long run. The sooner you do it the sooner its over.
Tanaka- being the comic relief friend is not a full time job my love. Its okay to have your off days- if you were happy 24/7 you would be a robot. Are u a robot? No u arent. I love u. Also please drink some water
Ennoshita- yes i know gifted kid burnout shit is hard i know but do you know how proud everyone is of you? Sometimes you need to take a little step back from life and just inhale, and then exhale again. You dont have to be productive to be successful. I love u
Kageyama- stop clenching your jaw/ tensing your eyebrows right now. Also relax your shoulders. You arent going anywhere bby. I know you hate it when people look at you, but it doesnt always mean theyre out to get you. You are loved, and you have the potential to be loved by everyone- rbf or not
Hinata- i think nows the time you start to stand up for yourself when people call you annoying/ ignore your ideas. I know you just wanna do what makes everyone happy ,and you dont mind when people use you as the butt of the joke, but you deserve sm more than that. Also have a good cry every once in a while
Tsukki- bro its okay to show emotion do you know that? I rlly hope you know that. I know you were raised in an environment that stunted that for you. Now its okay to breathe and its okay to love and its okay to cry. You dont have to feel guilty for it. You dont have a limited stock of tears. I know you like to be chill all the time but youre neglecting ur emotional needs bb
Yamaguchi- you need to look at yourself and say im proud of you. Also, stop comparing yourself to your friends. I know you feel like you’ll always be behind your peers because of your younger years but the only person you need to focus on is you. You’re the only person you’ve got for the rest of your life- so love yourself <3
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Kuroo- i know you love to pick your friends up, i really do. You’re an angel and youre the friend everyone loves and needs. But you run away from your own issues way too much. You probably have like 3538 hobbies and thats great!! But you need a self care day, and maybe to confront your demons so they dont outrun you. Love u
kenma - open your curtains and let some sunlight in. also drink water. The sanctity of your bed s lovely, i know, but its okay to sit outside and just take in your surroundings every once in a while. Its also okay to have “childish” hobbies. Stuffed animals? Animal crossing? Thats fucking hot babe dont feel embarrassed for it
Lev- write things down. Literally make reminders on your phone and stop being late to everything. I know you dont mean it and i know you hate taking responsibility for your actions but PLEASE itll save you sm stress. Also stop feeling bad because you lack common sense. Its sexy.
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Bokuto- validation from friends is really fun but sometimes its even better to validate yourself!! Instead of asking what people would think of you, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are a fucking hot bitch. also , never stop validating your friends. They love it, even if they pretend they dont
Akaashi- the weight of the world is not yours to bear my love. I love the way you romanticise the little things in life like books and music, but remember that its okay to have lazy days too. You dont always have to be aesthetically pleasing to survive. Also, accept affection from your friends. They adore you.
Konoha- bb u need to breathe. You dont have a time limit to do everything on your bucketlist. You dont have to go out every night to have a good social life. You constantly feel like you need to have the cookie cutter teenage life, ad beat yourself up when you miss the mark. But honestly? Noone has that life. Its a societal construct. Work at ur own pace
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Oikawa- go to therapy. I dont know how many times you need to hear this but you dont need to be perfect all the time. I know you dont believe me but im so serious. Also, not everyones out to hurt you. You dont need to prove youre better than people- theres room at the top for everyone. Just prove that you’re good enough for yourself
Iwa- showing affection doesnt make you weak!! Also, you should take up a hobby to deal with those anger issues you may or may not have. You bottle your emotions up then act surprised when they explode. This is not healthy behaviour bb, remember that you are loved even if you show love through eye-rolls and playful smacking
Mattsun- first of all if you kin mattsun DM me immediately and ill sort the wedding. Second of all, your life isnt gonna write itself bb. I know you love to “go with the flow of things” but sometimes you gotta steer the wheel yourself to get that perfect life youre trying to manifest. Also, please dont do drugs. I know you want to, but please dont. I love u
Makki- stop joking about yur unresolved traumas and face them like a bad bitch, i know your cool, i know your hot and i know your fashion sense is off the fucking charts but oh my GOD you need to confront your issues ASAP before they throw you into a breakdown
Kunimi- i know you thought you’d be dead by now and you’re living life on autopilot bc you have no idea what to do with it but babe. You made it this far. Look at you. Im so proud of you and you should be so proud of you too. Youve got this more than anyone. Dont give up now and stay safe
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Futakuchi- you are so sexy i know but you are literally 1 step away from turning into a train wreck. I know adrenaline is hot and i know you like to pretend you dont care about life but oh my god. Please dont text your ex. Please dont do that dangerous thing that could get you in trouble. breATHE BABE
Aone - you are a strong believer that a hug from this man could cure your depression. Me too. Maybe invest in a djungelsnog bear from ikea. Surround yourself with stuffed animals and soft things and never stop being kind to people.
Koganegawa- never stop trying to befriend people!! If people think you’re weird for it then that just shows how close minded they are. You are so approachable and people appreciate you so much. Also, the most trustworthy person in the world. Treat yourself to chicken nuggets every once in a while.
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Ushijima- its okay to take breaks. Yes you’re deadset on your goals and yes you’re successful as hell, but sometimes a night off with a friend or family is all you need. You close yourself off and noone really knows what to say to you bc of it. Its okay to share your personality- it doesnt make you weak
Tendou- people who look at you weird are cowards. Youre hot. You show support to your friends to make up for the lack of support people showed you when you were younger. I know you think you’ve never moved on from your past but i swear you have. Such a cool person. I love u
Semi- add my number and date me. Tumblr 2014 is your comfort zone and you probably developed serious issues cus of it. Please stop romanticising your sadness and going back to that time period everytime you need a coping mechanism.
Goshiki- ik you have a praise kink but you need to praise urself baby. You are doing a good job!! Your hard work is enough, even if it doesnt pay off! Youre so resilient and you try so hard, it makes you the best person to be around. You have nothing to prove to anyone, i swear
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Atsumu- stop trying to be funny it doesnt work no im jk. Who cares if people dont like you? Who cares if you embarrass yourself in public/? YOU SHOULDNT. You dont have to be a pillar of friendship or reliability for everyone, and you dont have to wear a happy mask all the time. Let yourself fall down sometimes
Osamu- you like to be taken care of and you deserve it so much. Sometimes you have no motivation for anything at all and thats okay!! People grow at different rates- let your independence guide you to where you need to be. Dont take shit from anyone
Kita- your soul is literally like a lake on a summers day. You are so kind, so patient, so peaceful and so supportive… to everyone but yourself. You need to treat yourself like you treat everyone else, and stop letting people walk all over you because you see the good in them smh
Suna- its okay to be soft. Being soft is strong as hell sometimes babe. You love to laugh at your friends and act unbothered about things concerning you, but sometimes you cry in the middle of the night. Thats cool. Thats fine. Do something that thrills you- like a rollercoaster or going out at night. Feel that dopamine rush baby 😎
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Terushima- let down your walls babe. I know youre flirty and hot, but you also wanna be held and thats cool too. Also maybe make a to do list. Having fun is all you need, but sometimes you want a deep talk at 2am on a rooftop. You are complex. That is okay. That is hot
Sakusa- you overthink everything and worry that what you said or did to someone wasnt enough, or was hurtful in any way. People love you for how you are- quirks and everything. You excite hot energy and like to do things alone. Thats hot. Who cares if you get judged?
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sunascumdoll · 3 years
hello i'm here to tell you that i love and appreciate you very much :3 also give me your asahi hcs cause i know you got them stockpiled somewhere
asahi azumane hcs
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ᴀꜱᴀʜɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴄ: 291
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴍᴅɴɪ 18+
ᴛᴡ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱɪᴢᴇ ᴋɪɴᴋ, ᴘʀᴀɪꜱᴇ ᴋɪɴᴋ, ʙʀᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ, ᴏᴠᴇʀꜱᴛɪᴍᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ɴᴇᴜᴛʀᴀʟ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ (ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴘᴜꜱꜱʏ ᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ), ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏʏ/ɢɪʀʟ ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴᴄᴇ. 
ᴀꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʜQ ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ |  ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ
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my husband, a giant teddy bear i love him sm.
best boyfriend 10/10
10000% a gentleman
opens and closes doors for you
hand and forehead kisses are his favorite
speaking of hands…
he likes to compare his hand to yours
thinks its so cute how tiny you are compared to him (size kink? size kink)
surprise picnic dates at the park
random flowers
loves to cuddle whenever you can
especially with his head in your lap
pls braid/play with his hair)):
look through his phone, all his texts to noya are about how much he loves you <3
always brings an extra jacket bc he likes to see the fabric swallow you up
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100% soft dom, maybe even a switch tbh
i dont think asahi would have any hardcore kinks
praise kink, breeding, size kink, overstimulation
but like not overstimming you
he’d overstim himself to make sure you cum.
lots of whimpers and grunts, but won’t stop until his pretty baby cums as many times as they please <3
doesn’t mind brats, but he isnt a hard brat tamer
lots of “dont you want to be good for me?’
or “come on be a good girl for me”
pls sir the softness will make me fold
ofc i’ll be have, call me good girl again
pussy eating king bye
his large fingers digging into your hips holding you in place
spreading you open
gets absolutely drunk on your flavor
can and will eat you out until your tugging on his hair whining and out of breath
mating presses with him are a dream
one of his favorite positions, his fingers interlock with yours and gives it gentle squeezes the entire time he’s deep in your guts .
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side note: oh to have asahi’s dick tip tickling my fallopian tubes ♡
taglist: @akkeyomi
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hajimine · 4 years
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characters: multi character
type/genre: headcanons/crack
a/n: hopefully this hasn’t been done before babdhs i saw my dad building some furniture and got this idea (p.s. he’s the third one) tag yourself i’m the second one 😞‼️ this is just for fun pls don’t take it seriously <33
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THE HANDYMAN — reads the instruction pamphlet and does the job with little to no problem. husband material right here hi lol where do i apply?
➥ KITA, USHIJIMA, daichi, aone, aran, akaashi, yaku
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A+ FOR EFFORT — reads the instruction pamphlet but somehow used the wrong screwdriver and broke some of the furniture pieces. the shelving unit will probably crush you in your sleep in two weeks or so but...good effort baby!
➥ KAGEYAMA, ASAHI, yamaguchi, kindaichi, semi, goshiki
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THE ‘I DONT NEED HELP’ — insists they can do it without any guidance but after an hour of trying and failing (miserably), they admit that they need some help. bae please stop kicking the wonky drawers they didn’t do anything to you!
➥ IWAIZUMI (this pains me but. he would), HOSHIUMI, atsumu, sugawara, kyoutani, oikawa, tanaka
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HIRES A PROFESSIONAL — yeah no they’re not about to break a sweat to build a desk. it’s quicker and it’s fuss-free, they don’t mind paying as long as the job gets done (rich bastards smh)
➥ SAKUSA, KENMA, tsukishima, yahaba, shirabu
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SITS BACK & RELAXES — oh pssh they’re really tired right now so uh...you can do it first, they’ll help later. two hours pass and you finish building it on your own while they rewatch kimi no nawa for the third time this year (and it’s only january damn)
➥ SUNA, KUNIMI, kuroo, matsukawa, terushima, futakuchi, tendou
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WAIT... FURNITURE?! — forgot that they went to ikea for furniture so they left empty handed....with a stomach full of meatballs & soft-serve ice cream. sometimes u wonder why u even bother sending them to run errands smh. they’re himbos i tell you
➥ HINATA, OSAMU, nishinoya, lev, hanamaki, koganegawa, bokuto
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pufflocks · 3 years
got a request for ya 🚬🗿
Top!Malereader x Bottom!AsahiAzumanne
okay so m/n is eating lunch with his boyfriend when suddenly some very horny fangirls/fanboys go up to him with chocolates and love letters for m/n, he ignores them and continues eating while his usually calm boyfriend gets mad that he isn't telling them to fuck off, his mad facial expression scares the fuck out of them and they run away.
When they enter their shared house Asahi takes charge and 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 to top his usually dominant boyfriend when they go to their bedroom but fails miserably and gets topped in the process
Warnings/Sexual themes
Stalking,(reader's fangirls/fanboys stalk him), hair pulling, biting, dirty talk, bodyworship, Asahi cussing, begging, face fucking, Sugawara being the neighbor and unfortunately hearing everything
extended ending if you want.
The next day Sugawara stares at Asahi the entire pratice with a hint of disapproval in his eyes, confusing everyone it takes Asahi a moment to realize that he's their neighbor and that he was being quite loud which causes him to go red and stutter several apologies
Summary: <Read The Req>
Warnings: HARD NSFW <hair pulling, biting, dirty talk, bodyworship, Asahi cussing {¿}, begging, and facefucking
Cast: Asahi x Male Reader
Lunch is nasty to you. Only thing good thing coming out of sitting down in the cafeteria was your boyfriend. The food always took your mind off the good though — at some you thought your peas moved. Ick- you gagged internally.
You picked at your food while you silently judged your head on Azumane. His slightly broad shoulders comforted you. Your eyes kindled got droopy after picking and nudging at your food for so long.
The chatter and clanging of other dishes of other kids distracted you as if it was white noise. You sighed a bit budhing your head and on Azumanes broad shoulder once again.
"Tired ?" He asked. He paused his conversation with the captain of his Volleyball team Diachi, though you dont think he minded by his short hum. Azumane nodded slightly at your silent reply. The clatter and chatter of the room became a smaller white noise to you until— BAM !
You jolted ! What was going on ?? You thought. Your head was buzzing a bit from being shocked into waking up ! Ugh. The lights and chatter were more irritating than soothing like how they were a few seconds ago..
"Hey Y/NN !!" A girl hollered right in your ear. What did she want ? "I wanted to come say hi since you're not outside eating like you usually do." She twirled her brown hair idly as she giggled a bit weirdly.
You were stunned to say the least. 'What' was all you could really muster before she looked at you weirdly. You must have taken a bit to answer her because then Azumane shook your shoulder. You shrugged a bit turning around curiously. "Hm ?" You hummed.
Azumane stared back at you in the same confused face. Then back at the girl. "Is she one of your classmates ?" He whispered close to your ear. Your back hairs kinda stood up because his presence was so close to you. You nodded.
The girl then chimed in making you both turn heads. "Um, yeah. We have History together and sometimes I see you in Art. I'm Yani by the way." She gave of another awkward chuckle as she stood a bit stand-offish. Your interest in girls kind of waned, but to say she was something for coming up to someone so popular is an understatement.
Your representative was based off your relationship and sexuality because you dated Azumane. The average of the Volleyball club. Your gokd plaque has rare name to say the least.
"I'm not interested, I'm sorry." You declined to the girl. She frowned. Probably didn't like that answer because now her finger was tugging that strand of hair a bit tight.
"It's okay," she said. "Are you atleast interested in a walk in the central park sometime ?" You shook your head. You kinda felt bad for her. Even some heads to turn to your direction because she seemed to raise her voice a bit.
"Is it possible that you're seeing someone ?" The girl said. Her voice was softer but still in demanding tone. Like if you didn't tell her you were single she would take your dick for personal dildo. Nonetheless, she had to be clueless. Like I said. You're reputations gold plaque had a rare name.
At this point, despite this girls persistence and some more, Azumane was listening. This girl was obviously making you mega uncomfortable and uptight. Did she really not know that you were gay and dating a whole guy or is she slow ?
The girls face grit into disgust when she noticed how Azumane was kind of butting in. Who really was he to have say in this A and B conversation ? "If you feel this way.. then– then I'll try again tomorrow !" She shouts. You jolted back at and stayed stunned for a couple seconds longer.
Why do people like to insist so much nowadays ?? It isn't that big of a deal to not like her or anyone who tries to confess out of fucking no where !
"Ugh.." You moped. You rested your head down in your folded arms on the table. This whole drama plot made you even more tired for real. Azumanes demeanor calmed down instantly to see how your face was hidden in your little arm jail. Then he started to panic. The "scary" face he had left him when he saw you weren't talking after the girl left.
"Hey Y/N are you alright ?" He asks. Nudging your arm. Wasn't a smart idea though because all you did was grunt like a frustrated baby. He sighed. Azumane thought of a way to make it up— even though it wasn't his fault. I mean she came and started all the mess.. And now you're not talking. Maybe he should've not butt in. He never does anyways. Why was that girl any different from the last that confessed in front of him during lunch.
Azumane looked at his other friends. Hinata looked back at Azumane and lit up. He giggled silently to himself before making way to you.
You felt someone on your other end shrugging you aggressively and that motion wasn't pleasant. Who shakes someone that hard ? Hinata.
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elysianslove · 4 years
cheering you up ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; different ways the haikyuu boys care for you and cheer you up when you’re sad
pairings; karasuno x reader, nekoma x reader, aoba johsai x reader, fukurodani x reader, shiratorizawa x reader, inarizaki x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none probably a bunch of mistakes lmfao
note; i had to repost this like 3 times rip. anyways, im sorry for not adding inarizaki on my last one jbshds but they’re here now!!
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karasuno ━━
sugawara koshi; i definitely think he's so in tune with you, and your emotions. he learns your cues very well, and knows every little thing about you that there is to learn. if you're having a bad day, he'll notice right away. he won't comment on it though. all he'll do is these little things to try to cheer you up, but it's going to be very subtle. he'll let u rest ur head on his shoulder, run his fingers through ur hair. he'll sneakily buy u ur favorite snack. doesn't bring anything up until you do. ends the day with cuddles and a chick flick.
sawamura daichi; he notices but he doesn't really know how to react. not because he doesn't know what to do, but because he doesn't want to trigger you or deepen your sadness in any way. he's very careful with you. if it's something throughout the day, he's very quiet and tender with you, just silently lets you rest your head against his chest and rubs your back/arm tenderly. as you're walking home he asks if you want to talk about it, and reminds you that it's good to, but it's also okay if you don't want to.
nishinoya yuu; not a single sad moment with mr noya here. seriously you cannot breathe. ok but in all honesty, when you're sad. he's sad. sends you memes, and you'll be laughing at them with tears streaming down your face because you don't really know what you're feeling anymore. he does a lot of tiktok trends with you, any of the couple ones. grabs your faces and ,,, smooch all over. until you have no choice but to laugh. if you want to cry even more, he'll watch the notebook and the vow a thousand times over, and be a sobbing mess next to you. just don't tell the guys okay? <3
kageyama tobio; he's so.   bad. at this please help him. like he can tell ur sad, bc he's v good at reading people. but like. what the fuck is he supposed to do. anyways. when u two get to be alone and he kinda notices how quiet you are, he just nudges you slightly, and pulls you to him. it's easier to talk to you, he's calmer, when he can't directly look at you. when he feels you start to shake in his arms, feels the wet tears down your cheeks as you start to sob in his arms, his heart kinda breaks. all he can do is hold you, but it's what you need. and he'll listen too, if that's what you need as well.
tsukishima kei; i think he notices, but doesn't bring it up at all. the way he goes about it is he'll tease you to try and bring a smile on your face. because this is tsukki, and you know him well enough, you know the truth behind his jabs, enough to appreciate them. if it doesn't work, he'll just start to make fun of people in front of you, pointing random people out with you and just being like "wanna bet on what's making their relationship fall apart" this sadist i stg. like suga, he subtly makes you feel better until you yourself approach him about whatever's upsetting. actually gives 10/10 advice bc he's v honest.
asahi azumane; he's so empathetic oh my god bruh. notices immediately. "baby what's got u so upset" w a big pout on his face and when u just mumble "nothin" so low he barely catches it and instead throw yourself into his arms, he gives you a big, certified asahi bear hug. doesn't leave your side at all. constantly mutters sweet nothings and encouragements. if you do the bare minimum like make it through class he'll meet you after and be all "im so proud of my pretty baby". cuddles all day. all night. he's not very good at advice but he is the best listener !!! so attentive and you'll feel a huge weight lifted.
tanaka ryunosuke; "aight who do i need to jump" type beat. u love him so much though. that one sentence and sentiment already has you feeling better. immediately hugs you so tight, borderline suffocating you. "wanna ditch school". 100% willing to do so. he doesn't really know whether to approach it with distracting you or facing the obstacle head-on, but he finds a middle ground. eats your feelings out with you. saeko pulls out the embarrassing ryu pictures and suddenly you don't know why you were ever sad.
hinata shoyo; is really oblivious for a bit tbh. when he first meets you at the start of the day and his hyperactive self is greeted by your duller, sadder self, he doesn't think much of it. it's when you don't react to him or interact with him the way you usually would that he starts to notice you being off. he's actually super straightforward about it, and approaches you with some of your favorite snack that he bribed ukai to give him for free and just "wanna tell me whats up, baby?" he's so, so easy to talk to. immediately you're venting. and he listens to intently, gives stupidly good advice. it's like such simple approaches to your problem but?? it works. anyways you love him.
yamaguchi tadashi; will be super worried about what he could do to make it better, and kinda just tries to feed you as much positive energy as he can. once he's comfortable with people, he becomes really chatty, so i see him talking your ear off with the biggest smile on his face that you have no choice but to kind of ? mimic it? he just radiates goodness and sweetness that it shifts your own energy. he on some witchcraft shit on god. anyways when he walks you home or something, he'll just stop for a min and avoid your eyes when he says "ik u dont feel the best, but i dont want you to have to hide that from me, okay?" stan tadashi <3
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nekoma ━━
kuroo tetsurō; drops everything. i mean it. i genuinely think kuroo would be such a good boyfriend that he'll sense it and text u as ur getting ready for school and be like "are u sad i feel like ur sad". you dont really wanna worry him and you'll just reassure him ur fine but he's already at your front door in — not his school uniform. insists the two of you take the day off saying "its fine babe im super smart". you two will spend the whole day just simply existing, talking when needed, he listens to you if you vent, and tries to come up with as many options of solutions for you so you don't feel weighed down. he'll make sure you eat even if you don't have an appetite, and will try to make u do something productive bc in a lotta cases, it could help you feel a lil better yk :)
kozume kenma; i pretend i do not see it — kozume kenma (2020). jbwjwks im jk. he's like tsukki in the sense that he will never address it, and he doesn't outwardly approach you about it. if it's just an off day for you, and you also happen to not have school, you'll go over to his house, hoping to feel a little bit better when you see him. "can i have a kiss, sunshine" to which he responds "why." you just go "im sad" and he gives u a big smooch. he'll have you lay on his lap while he plays his games, occasionally just sneaking in a peak at you to make sure you're okay. he'll ask if you wanna play to get your mind off things for a while. eventually, when things wind down a bit, he'll just mutter "yk i love you, yeah?" and that lights up your world hehe
haiba lev; as soon as he notices you're sad he just ☹️. he picks out a small flower and as soon as he sees you, he just tucks it by your ear, and smile so brightly and youll just be like "oh my god lev please stop being so cute". he won't really know what to do tbh, but the way he's so lost makes it so heartwarming and it honestly cheers you up all on its own. he just. "would a kiss make it better" and if you nod he'll just start kissing all over your face so softly, until he finally kisses your lips. when he pulls away he asks "again?" with a cute smile and if you nod he'll just kiss you over and over again. very simple way of cheering you up, and very foolproof tbh.
yaku morisuke; i think throughout the day, he might pester you a little bit about telling him what was wrong, but after you keep insisting you're fine, he relents, and decides that maybe giving you your own time and space to open up to him is better. he tries not to act differently in that sense, but he finds himself being a little more soft spoken, and gentler with you. i just had this image flash in my brain of you resting your head on a desk, head turned to the right, and then yaku comes and sits to your right, putting his head on the desk and facing you. and just. "hi :)" your heart melts. he kisses your forehead softly and tells you you're wonderful, in case you've forgotten. if, or when, you do open up to him, he'll be very eager to listen, and ready to fight off whoever upset you.
yamamoto taketora; this man is angry. like properly. "who the FUCK put a frown on my baby's face. speak the fuck up. i won't hurt you. ill just mutilate you." if you tell him that it's no one, and that you're just upset, he'll be so confused but he'll just nod and be like "okay. okay. do you want a hug?" and he'll hug you so tight. he'll admit that he doesn't like seeing you like this, and that he'll do anything to make it better. at first he's very cautious, but then he just lightbulb moment and as soon as you get home he'll be like "karaoke night babyyyyy" and then. no more sad.
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aoba johsai ━━
oikawa tōru; very. perceptive. he greets you normally, even if he notices something's off, because he won't want to worsen anything. you meet him right before he has practice after school, and he'll just cup your face, lifting them to brush at your hair, and you just sigh. "my baby's had a long day, yeah?" he'll be very gentle and careful with you, i'm sure. he gives you a kiss, smiling softly into it, and reassuring you that you're much too strong to let a single bad day destroy you like this. he meets you later that night with a lotta ice cream and you two just binge watch any reality show you could find, shit talking the actors together. he himself is terrible at talking about his feelings this dumbass >:( so he understands if you don't want to yk? will encourage u to vent it out though. expect terrible, makes no sense advice
iwaizumi hajime; he kinda like. gets mad? when you continue to be upset and not speak about it? he's not mad at you! he's just. mad. this is iwa okay. anyways. he won't bring it up mostly, only being slightly more affectionate, especially in his hand holding, which is super gentle already as it is. when he invites you over, that's when he actually starts to talk to you about it. he lets you know that there's nothing worse than seeing you like this and not knowing what to do, and that he wants you to be able to talk to him. about anything. even if you think it's stupid. he'll listen, and tell you that it's not stupid if it's making you upset. he cooks for you <33333 then bakes with you <33333 you feel a lot lighter at the end of the night tbh
hanamaki takahiro; (he's so annoying i love him). as soon as he sees you upset he makes it his mission throughout the day to cheer you up in any possible way. spams your phone while you're class with ten thousand wholesome memes. sends you pick up lines. when he meets you in between classes he just yells out "how's my favorite person in the entire world!" and kisses you so wholly in the middle of the school hallway lmfao. while he's walking you home, takes a longer route and purposely, he passes by your favorite store/bakery/ice cream parlor. buys u ur favorite, and pretends to be shocked when you give him a piece. late at night, he'll facetime you, wondering how you're feeling, asking if you needed to talk about it. whether you do or you don't, you two will fall asleep facetiming.
matsukawa issei; the minute he sees you he's like "whats wrong". no hi or anything. he has like this frown on his face, which seems off bc it's rare to see a frown on issei's face, and he just tucks your chin in his palm gently and stares at your pout. "you good, baby?" he can tell you're not, but he wants you to be able to tell him on your own. sticks by your side the entire day, and nobody really mentions it. he talks to you as if it were a normal day, but his voice has a softer edge. he's not distracting you, per se. he's more, talking to fill the space while giving you your own space to think. once you're alone, he'll just drag you to the nearest comfy surface, flop down, and pull you on top of him. if you even try to resist or ask whats going on he'll just "nap and cuddles first." and when u sleep a lil bit of ur sadness away, he'll just let you talk it out as he continues to hold you <333
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fukurodani ━━
bokuto kōtarō; just as empathetic as asahi, if not more. he really does feel it all with you. yk sympathy pains that partners get when women get contractions? bokuto is that partner. with bokuto, i feel like he'd never make you feel like you couldn't just straight up text him "im sad" and feel bad about it. if you ever do that, he'll immediately call, not even bothering with a text. if he can't come over, he stays with you until you've cried your heart out and then laughing until you can't breathe. if he can go over, he smothers you with love. repeatedly says "you know i love you, yeah? you know how grateful i am for you?" and in between kisses "im so lucky. so, so lucky."
akaashi keiji; i feel like as soon as akaashi notices you're down, or you're slightly off, he just grabs your hand and squeezes, forcing you to stop spacing out and focus on him for a second. if you're with a lot of people around you, he'll lean close to you and ask if you wanna go home. he'll be so soft and gentle and understanding, making up some excuse on the spot on why the two of you have to leave. if you're alone, he'll grab your hand and kind of tug you towards him, silently asking you to come into his arms, where you yourself know you feel safest. as soon as you're in the comfort of your home together, he'll like run you a bath and slip into it with you, just holding you until the water grows cold and the droplets on your skin are from your own tears. he'll wait it out, just holding you as reassurance, then make sure nothing's stopping you from spilling everything to him.
konoha akinori; when he first notices, he kinda deflates. like. who would wanna see their s/o like that? his smile is gentler when he greets you, and he's so soft with you. he grabs a pen and lifts your palm up, quickly scribbling down in his unique handwriting "i love you :) <3" on your skin, whispering for you not to wash it off until the end of the day. it is weirdly motivating tbh. as soon as the two of you are alone, he says it to you, face to face, an expected look on his face as if to ask "you know that, yeah?". puts on a movie to tune out the rest of the world, and holds you close to him as it drags on. he'll give advice if you're asking for it, but he's a better listener than anything else.
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shiratorizawa ━━
ushijima wakatoshi; does not notice. in all honesty, he expects you to approach him whenever you have an issue or if you're upset. he's kinda like ? so confused when you're so down and really unresponsive, until he starts to notice how touchy you are. like you're leaning more into his touch, holding onto his hand like it's your lifeline, stealing his vbc jacket because it smells like him. is very straightforward, and will just ask you if you're okay as he walks/drives you home. kinda just stops in front of your house and presses a kiss to your forehead, then pulling you into a hug. "please don't be upset." he won't tell you that it kills him, but you can sense the unsaid words. he urges you to keep his jacket when he notices how safe it makes you feel. greets you the next morning with a new cactus in a pot hehe.
semi eita; is very cuddly once he notices. you'll sit at a table in school and he'll be sitting next to you, but he just pulls you into him and lets you rest your head on his chest, mumbling softly into your hair "i know you're sad and it's okay." he doesn't say anything else, just holds you there with a few kisses in between until he has to let go. late at night, if your thoughts are still keeping you up, he'll be up too, worrying, and will text you at 3 am if u wanna sneak out to meet him. takes you to the park and lays on the grass with you, picking out stars and constellations in the sky, with a soft soundtrack playing from his phone next to the two of you. he makes you feel secure enough to be sad even if you have all the blessings in the world, and makes sure you know that he'll always be there for you, even at 3 in the morning.
satori tendō; cheers you up by making you forget literally everything. replaces the sadness in your brain with just pure serotonin in any way he can think of. he'll take you to an amusement park, get ice cream with you, take you to the carnival in town, to the park, to the beach, to the pool, take you up to his house's rooftop. literally anything. and then he'll say something like "life's too short to spend it being sad over anything, darling." he's so understanding, and if you're frustrated or something he'll tell you to let it out by like wrestling him or some shit. exhausts you so much and you're filled to the brim with dopamine. he makes sure you're always happy, never seeing a dull moment in your relationship with him.
goshiki tsutomu; freaks out. plain and simple lmfao. but once he like grounds himself, he just softly comes up to you and asks you if you wanna talk about it, or if there's anything he can do. if yes, he'll break his leg running to go do it. if no, he'll just sit with you in silence, leaning over to hold your hand, talking to you about volleyball and his aspirations and how well he's improving. he's better at distracting you than helping you face your issues, mainly because he stresses out about giving the wrong advice or somehow making you sadder. he'll take a lot of pictures of you together on snapchat random filters to try and cheer you up, then later on in the night he'll send them to you and be like "look how cute we are ugh what a power couple" i love this dorkhabsjsks
shirabu kenjirō; i think he definitely notices, but keeps it to himself. he’d maybe think he’s imagining things and that you’re okay, so he’d go about his day normally. he doesn’t see you after school, and that’s when he puts two and two together and realizes yeah maybe you are sad. so he texts you, and texts you, and texts you, and gets no reply, so he just. comes over. unannounced. uninvited. just straight vibes. he’s already ordered your favorite take out, and already settling in bed with you under the cover with the lights dimmed and some chick flick playing in the background. gives the b e s t advice because he’s so blunt. like he will tell you if you’re overreacting, but you’re still his s/o, so he’d like wince as he says it. that’s all the sympathy you’re getting <3 but his bluntness will shock you into laughing hehe
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inarizaki ━━
miya atsumu; usually, with atsumu, you’re always experiencing loud days. your relationship is all fun and flirty and suave and cool. but when he notices you’re sad, he goes quiet. like. eerily so. immediately pulls you aside somewhere private if you’re at a public place like school or something, and with his hands in yours he asks you if you’re okay. yk that thing where ur on the verge of tears and someone asks you if you’re okay and you just burst. yeah <3. his heart absolutely breaks and he just pulls you into a hug, resting your head on his chest and wrapping his arms around your neck. he just holds you there, even if you’re missing class/your friends are worried. he’ll stay with you until your tears have dried up, until you yourself let go.
miya osamu; i don’t see osamu as someone that loves pda. i feel like he’d be a more lowkey kinda guy. but if you’re sad, that gets thrown out the window. he doesn’t really in the moment, and won’t think too much when he pulls you close to his side and just wraps an arm around your waist/shoulder. yeah he’ll get looks but he can feel you trembling and shaking from holding back tears so yk, priorities. he’ll definitely stress eat with you. takes you literally anywhere and feeds you as you rant to him with tears streaming down your face and he’s just nodding sympathetically as he stuffs your mouth one bite after the other. romance is beautiful
suna rinatarō; when he notices you’re sad, his first response is alright what the fuck who messed up. he immediately blames someone else, and if he’s right, he’ll only get really agitated. just giving everyone the side eye from where you can’t see as he walks the two of you, your hand in his tight. if it’s not someone specific, he’ll just hum thoughtfully and then nod, before pulling you away somewhere private and just sitting you down and saying “talk.” very, very good listener. i can’t stress this enough. as you’re speaking he’s already thinking of a million different ways to help you solve your problem. walks with you as he traces your hands and just quietly tells you all the solutions.
aran ojiro; oh my god as a boyfriend he ticks all the boxes. he’s great at communicating, always satisfies your needs, is trustworthy and trusts you. the list goes on. immediately knows when you’re off/sad, and just smiles softly as he takes your hand, kissing your knuckles and saying, “let’s go home, yeah?” at home, he makes you some calming tea, probably pulls out some cookies or brownies or biscuits (that HE made but we’re not gonna get into that) and just listens as you talk, whether it’s about why you’re sad or just in general. gives you honest advice, but also a lil biased bc he loves you hehe <3
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