#I felt like sharing XD
vergina-spva · 2 years
When Killer is drunk, he becomes horny on main.
When Penguin is drunk, he starts laughing about everything. Also, after a little while he gets super sleepy.
When Law is drunk, he starts to get affectionate and overshares a lot
When Kid is drunk... he can get violent. Kid is definitely the least funny drunk of the four.
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captainhysunstuff · 11 months
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19 more images below the cut (WARNING: Some PG-13 saucy shenanigans ahead)
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Part three of their date: an unconventional visit to a nearby alley so Light can clear his head and try to get to the point of the outing. The events lead him to becoming confident enough to move onto the next stage...
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I can't normally share my studies because I'd very much need to get permission from the original creators I'm studying from to post them. But this time since it was a movie I can get away with it >:D Nothing too exciting, I just pulled up a fight sequence from the Cowboy Bebop movie and drew frames that looked interesting. It was fun for shutting my braincell off but still feeling like I was doing something to move forward :)
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kuulpenguin · 1 year
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Day 8: Blossom (Discovering the mysteries of alien life)
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zakubabbles · 5 months
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It is May 2024, month of mermaids and the 40th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, here's a throwback to a very silly doodle of both!
If I remember correctly, I drew this in 200...9?... because an old friend said she had never seen Disney's "The Little Mermaid." With her being one of the biggest tmnt fans I knew, I figured it'd be easier to explain the film with ninja turtle visual aids.
I don't even remember if I showed her this XD I do remember there was another doodle, but it's nowhere to be found in my hard drive or in old posts.
Who knew I was years ahead of the trend?
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walls-actual-ly · 11 months
“Anyway, you’re just here to check on me again?”
Ez smiled, and Yone nodded slowly, responding:
“Yeah, but I also wondered if there is something else I can do for you. The others have their reward, but you did amazing too, and deserve something nice. So I was thinking if you might… want me to take care of you in one way or the other?”
He could feel his hands starting to sweat a little, and consciously focused on not clenching them, instead watching the blush creeping up his friend's neck.
“You mean, like, sex?”
Ez’s voice actually cracked at the end of the question, and Yone had to stop himself from thinking too much about how adorable the boy was, how pretty and cute and just… worthy of so many good things. 
“Well, I can also just massage your scalp or neck, it depends what you want. I’m offering, you’re the one that is making the call. After all, I want to do something for you, as a treat.”
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whump-kitty · 9 months
I read the explanation for "We'll Never Have Sex" by Leith Ross and I cried, that song is so beatiful ksndkdks
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kissofthemuses · 1 year
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troubadour-malin · 10 months
here's me sharing a cover on the internet for the first time hehe
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Holy Shit, It’s ACTUALLY Incorrect Valicer Quotes
Because @offwithhxrhead introduced me to this Incorrect Quote Generator, and I promptly began playing around with it a LOT:
Victor: What are you writing? Alice: The Queen of Hearts wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting her know it's private information. Smiler, looking over Alice's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Alice: How did you even get in here? Smiler: Victor's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Smiler's door"! Victor: I’m closing the window.
Victor: Can we talk about that mass email you sent? Smiler: Why? It was important. Victor: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit". Alice, shrugging: The people need to know.
Victor: So, Smiler is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. Alice: Why? Victor: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. Smiler, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
Alice: I’m this close to falling in love with Victor. Smiler: Your fingertips are touching. Alice: Exactly.
Victor, about Smiler: I could fix them, but honestly whatever the hell is wrong with them is way funnier. Alice: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
Smiler: [texting Victor] We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. Victor: [texting] Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. Smiler: [texting] Not when you’re playing with Alice, it’s not. They put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Smiler: What’s it like being tall? Smiler: Is it nice? Smiler: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Victor: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Alice: It was one time!
Alice: Smiler, what do you have? Smiler: A KNIFE! Alice: Okay, have fu- Victor: NO!
Alice: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Smiler: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Alice: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Victor, recording: This is so cute.
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
((Came home from work after what was one of the WORST shifts I've had in a while and the little kids that live downstairs were playing outside with a couple friends, and I stopped to chat with them for a bit because they wanted to tell me about what they were playing and how excited they were for summer vacation etc (they're sweet), and as I was walking upstairs to get to my apartment, I overheard one of the little girls say "Did you see how pretty her hair is? She's so pretty!" and, look, I definitely don't think of myself as pretty, but when a little kid says something like that, especially when they don't think you can hear them saying it... it definitely made up for all the shitty parts of work today xD))
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rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
👏Okay, funny story-from-Rhys’ childhood-time! 👏
So, as a kid, my VERY FIRST experience with Narnia was a passage from one of my English books. At one point in this passage, a character named Eustace expresses disgust at a talking rat or something?
Keep in mind, this was a good few years before Disney’s first Narnia movie came out.
I had never read any of the books before.
I was not a Narnia kid.
I was, however, a Courage the Cowardly Dog kid.
So all I could think of when I read that was crotchety old Eustace Bagge getting grossed out bc of a rat :P
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not me having two weird ass dreams last night
both were about thomas doherty (well, the 2nd one was technically thanks to him being the face claim)
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peapod20001 · 2 years
The only Mario and/or Sonic game I actually LEGITIMATELY played and enjoyed was Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
I knew NO lore or story for either of those franchises except the names of the characters you could play as
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sakurarisen · 2 months
✄ What is an idea you originally had in mind for your muse, but ended up scrapping? Why?
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It's not really Munday!
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✄ What is an idea you originally had in mind for your muse, but ended up scrapping? Why?
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Sera is the wind. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I first dipped my toes in the FF fandom, I had this idea Sera was wind-aligned - She lived up in trees (that stuck!) but for the most part, she was the 'voice on the wind' and more unseen until she just kindda... Popped into view and made herself known, or 'summoned the breeze'. She was a lot more loose and talkative back then too to match, but still pretty chill and sweet? Also liked to be more physical and the moment she thought of you as a friend, she'd just flop like a fish out of water XD But yeah that was REALLY shortlived and got scrapped a long time ago because neither Sera nor I were happy with that, honestly!
Also fun fact: A lot of what led to Sera being ice aligned got scrapped for similar reasons, though that also had the added bonus of being a pretty toxic time in my rp'ing 'career' and all that actually stuck is 'Sera is actually stronger than even she thinks and ice aligned but can't access a lot of that strength'. Swordmaster Sera who froze people from the inside out just isn't my dork, either. <3
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
So random but I love having easy searches where I just put 1 letter & it brings me to what I'm looking for!!!
Like T obviously leads me here to Tumblr
Y to Youtube
W to Webtoons
D to Discord
F to my side blog (for whenever I'm bored & just wanna look at it XD)
K to Kleki
and probably many more!!!!
...the only downside is either if I'm trying to go to one of these & somehow hit every other letter instead of that one (or if I ever have to search up something that starts with a T in front of the people who specifically don't like Tumblr..)
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