#I finally just sat down to read this and … hoo boy
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Shoot out, thoughts of suicide, violence, blood, angst (like tons of angst), steamy scenes (I needed a shower after writing them hoo boy), and some fluff
Word Count: 9.3k
Requested by @moon-esque​
(A/N:) Okay fellow Nicholas fangirls this request turned into an absolute monster! And I enjoyed every second of writing it! I also may have had a meltdown when I found the gif for it as well, as it’s absolute perfection. I am so thankful you gave me this request as I believe it may be my favorite one yet. As soon as I read it I got swarmed by ideas and I am really pleased with the way it turned out. I think I had a little too much fun with the angst tho. 😅 But I hope I did it justice and it’s everything you hoped for! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Side note: Parts in italics are flashbacks. Okay I’ll shut up now! XD
Nicholas D. Wolfwood didn’t know how he earned such a wonderful life when he finally settled down. How he came across you so sweet and beautiful, he couldn’t explain that either. Or the fact that you had fallen in love with him and told him yes on that fateful day that seemed so long ago. Noman’s Land had taken so much from him and he couldn’t remember the last time he had been happy, until he had you. Like the sun you were warm but not harsh. You didn’t burn him or sap away his strength until he felt like he couldn’t take another step further. His heart ached as he looked at pictures of you he kept in his pocket, torn and worn from use and fights. He also couldn’t help but sneer at the stain of blood in the corner of his favorite photo. If it was his blood or someone else’s he couldn’t tell as so much blood had been spilled. He was just glad it didn’t mar your face in the photo as he didn’t think he could stomach the thought.
 He remembered those nights fondly with you, the little house you had picked out was perfect. Others would have seen it as cramped but growing up with nothing, it was a mansion to Nicholas. Home cooked meals every night with what little ingredients you could scrounge around for and afford tasted like a feast. But the moments he was happiest was when you both would go sit outside to watch the sunsets every night, hand in hand talking about your days. He closed his eyes his opposite hand rubbing across the palm you always held. He could have sworn that he could still feel your skin against his. Hot nights were ignored as he always wanted to hold onto you tightly. You tried shoving him away more than once but he stubbornly held on, toughing out your sweaty body against his. The desert had no remorse and neither did his want of you. You’d laugh, tell him that he stinks which only made him toss you into the old tub filled with precious water before he too would join you. You’d splash him once he sat down into the tub and he’d gently nibble at your digits. He’d kiss you despite the protests until your stubbornness was all but forgotten and your world was just filled with Nicholas. 
While you slept he would lay awake staring at the ceiling while listening to your slow breathing. He too would sleep if the nightmares would leave him alone for once. But every time he closed his eyes, his conscious was filled with blood and the screams of the people when he took their lives. He may have been called the Punisher but all he was punishing now was himself. You tried getting him to talk about it but he never would open up, the fear that you would find out the monster he was and is overwhelmed him. He just knew that if you found out that you would leave him and then he would have no one else, besides the group of friends he made and hurt on occasions. Vash was glad for his friend when Nicholas told him the news about the wedding, though Nicholas felt a little guilty dragging you into his messed up life. 
It turned out to be the best decision he ever made as the light started to come back in his life. Then the unthinkable happened, Nicholas left for work one morning and everything was normal. He finished his day, ready to see you and kiss you until you were breathless. But when he came upon his home it was dark, empty, and scorched. There was no sign of you and no answer no matter how loud or long he screamed your name. He beat at the sand, demanding that this forsaken land give you back to him. Blood coated the wood where it hadn’t burned to charcoal. Normally the sight of blood never made him sick, but the thought that it was yours had him retching stomach acid into the churned sand. He cried, tears streaking the grime on his cheeks until rage overtook him.
Nicholas came at anyone who he thought was possibly involved in your disappearance. He felt foolish believing that he could escape the Eye of Michael and it’s cronies. How could he bring you into something so terrible? Guilt riddled him as he thought of them taking you, subjecting you to whatever horrors they deemed fit as they had did to him as a child. His stomach churned in worry, but he couldn’t find any signs no matter how hard he looked. People either died to quickly or passed out from fear or the pain that he inflicted, he couldn’t get anywhere or come up with the answers he needed. 
Those nights sitting with you out on the little porch of your home was getting hazier and hazier as time passed, while being covered by the blood he spilled and smeared across his name. He became feared once more The Punisher walking again, toting his cross shaped machine gun with no remorse or pity upon his targets. Not even his friends could make headway let alone find him as Nicholas constantly stayed on the move. He couldn’t stop as the thought of finding you was his driving force, staying at the front of his mind at all times. Even Vash couldn’t seem to track him down and it just made the blond haired man more frustrated the longer time went on. 
A year passed since you disappeared, no trace ever came up again. No name, no breath of you, nothing. Nicholas finally cracked, despair swallowing him whole as he sat in a run down room in a sleazy inn contemplating ending it all. He refused to eat, he couldn’t remember the last time he had even bathed. He was unshaven, unkempt, and his clothes were beyond repair. But he couldn’t find the motivation to even care, you had become his everything his only sole purpose to breathe, and he had betrayed that abandoning you to whatever cruel fate had taken you. He unwrapped his weapon, searching blindly for the little pistol tucked inside. The weapon was perfect for him as it would mark his grave in a dark poetic sort of way. Though he felt like he didn’t deserve a grave, he prayed that they would just toss his corpse into the sand and let the worms have their share of him. Without you seeing him through, life held no meaning. You would have argued otherwise but you were no longer with him, you probably never even existed. He chuckled darkly, finally losing his mind as he was beginning to believe you had been some sort of figment the Eye of Michael had cooked up. Something to keep him complacent until the time came to rip you away and causing their greatest weapon to lose his mind and go on a search for revenge taking out the trash with him. 
He cackled insanely finally finding the weapon he had been looking for. He couldn’t keep on, the sorrow and pain finally too much to bear. He didn’t deserve to go out quietly or easily. A old man’s natural death had never been a part of his plan in the universe, and he didn’t deserve you anyway he decided. You were the exact opposite the light in the darkness, the steady island in a storm. While he was a never ending black hole that sucked everything good in the world and destroyed it. He held the pistol to his chin ready to end it all, though he knew that it was pure cowardice driving him. Pressure squeezed upon the trigger, he closed his eyes welcoming the end of his pitiful existence when the door slammed open. The lock uselessly tumbling to the floor in shattered pieces.
Vash the Stampeded stood before him in the doorway, pistol drawn. Vash wasted no time pulling the trigger, shooting the weapon from his friend’s hand. He was more surprised at the state of the strong man before him than anything else. He shook his head watching the dark haired man sink into the thin mattress, as he finally gave in. Nicholas tried to hide the tears but they wouldn’t stop coming. He had purposely been avoiding Vash and Meryl for as long as he had been searching for you. He knew they wouldn’t approve of his methods and Vash would have ended up being more of a pain than a help as Nicholas dished out his form of searching. But now that he had finally given up on you, fate had to set the red coated man right there at the time of his lowest. Without you he didn’t think life was worth living. Without you Noman’s Land was emptier and far from ever being the same again. Vash looked to Meryl the woman suddenly frightened by the Punisher they had been beside for so long.
“Go ahead and wait in the other room. I’m going to stay with him and I would rather you not be around if he tries anything else,” Vash said turning back to his long lost friend. Without argument Meryl left leaving the two men alone. Vash didn’t know even where to begin as Nicholas just laid there despondent and clearly not going to come around anytime soon. With Meryl safe, Vash felt more comfortable to do whatever necessary to get the undertaker back on his feet. Despite how grim everything looked on the outcome of finding you, Vash couldn’t give up. Not when it came to the person who had brought such joy to Nicholas’ life. Finally Nicholas passed out, the physical and emotional exhaustion taking it’s toll and sweeping him under the waves. Deep in his unconscious state he could still feel you, hear you, and touch you. At first it seemed to be too cruel to stand but now he took more comfort in it than pain. The memories you both had shared and made together keeping some parts of him together, though those were starting to crumble too the longer he went without you.
“Nicholas,” your voice called. Nicholas grunted trying to stay in darkened bliss, but you were relentless when it came to the pursuit of what you wanted. You called a little louder before starting to jostle him around a little. This time you got a groan out of him and you laughed. You rubbed his chin, the scruff of his unshaven face tickling your palm.
“Wake up,” you cooed moving towards his ear. Despite being obnoxious and playing with his earlobe, Nicholas stubbornly remained asleep. You stroked his black locks, thinking about giving them a trim before you huffed in annoyance. He could sense danger and be on his feet in moments, but in these moments where he truly got the relax and cling to you he was hard to awaken. You thought it was mostly from his rough way of life and never really having a place where he felt comfortable. So you never gave him grief if he overslept or was hard to wake up. This morning was different though as you were ready to start your day and couldn’t free yourself of your husband’s tight grip. So now you decided that desperate measures were going to have to come into play. Cupping his jaws you lifted his head where you could reach before kissing him deeply on the lips. He stirred more, trying to break away but you stubbornly refused to let him go. It didn’t take long until he was lazily kissing you back, his lips a little chapped from the heat and dusty wind. Dark eyes opened, groggily staring at you with a little gleam of annoyance shining through. You beamed obnoxiously at him, glad that you finally got what you wanted.
“I swear,” you laughed kissing him again. “You could sleep anywhere and through anything Wolfwood.”
“Can,” he grumbled, “and have. But it’s hard to sleep through an incessant wife that refuses to let her beloved sleep.”
“You can keep sleeping,” you poked his nose. “But I need to get up. There’s food to make and chores to do.”
“And let my pillow go about her day? No thanks.”
“Your pillow is retiring so let me up,” you wiggled and squirmed. Nicholas just continued to glare which wasn’t working as he was too cute with his sleep mussed hair and groggy expression. You snorted trying to fix the worm’s nest he called hair to no avail. He wordlessly lifted himself off of you but kept a secure grip so you couldn’t get away from him. You sucked in a breath as he gently crawled his way up to your face. His warm breath puffing against your skin he slid one hand down towards yours before interlacing your fingers. He squeezed gently before pressing his forehead to yours making you both sigh in bliss. This had become a habit between you two, that no one else got to see or know. Nicholas had been the first one to do it and it just had become a thing between you both. You couldn’t think long about the history behind his gesture before he was kissing you deeply, taking your mind off everything but him. You sighed sinking further into the mattress while he kept one hand in yours and the other keeping him up over your body. Knowing he had you right where he wanted you Nicholas released you, licking your lingering taste from his lips before suddenly crashing down on top of you. You yelped and grunted at the sudden weight.
“Nicholas,” you gasped trying to shove him off, “you’re crushing me!”
He huffed, maneuvering the majority off of you but refusing to let you go as he nuzzled into your plush chest. His breathing began to slow letting you know that he was on the verge of going back to sleep.
“Noooo don’t go back to sleep,” you shrieked causing Nicholas to grumble but it didn’t take him long before he was back to sleeping just glad to have you in bed with him.
Nicholas blinked blearily as the sunlight streamed through the broken window of the room he had rented. His machine gun was clear across the room and no weapon was within his reach. He moaned wearily trying to rise from the bed as his joints protested. After all the horrors he had put himself through, he was finally paying the price of pushing himself so hard. Without seeing, he knew he wasn’t alone as the thoughts of last night came flooding back. He shook his head trying to disperse the last of the memory that had decided to haunt him in his sleep before rubbing at his eyes. A familiar red coat caught his eye before he spotted the sleeping Vash sitting in a chair at his bedside. For just a few moments he allowed himself to glare at the man who had interrupted him from finally getting the freedom from pain he so wanted. Without you nothing in life was worth living. Vash would completely disagree with Nicholas’ outlook, but the blond haired man had always had a sunny outlook no matter how bleak things looked. Nicholas scoffed, earning a tired grumble from the man he had called friend for many years. He got up to cross the room back to his weapon but Vash woke up before he could make it there.
“Get out.” Nicholas snarled his patience worn thinner than ever.
“Good morning to you too.” Vash replied getting up from the chair and stretching his limbs. He yawned widely scratching at his messy blond hair before his bright blue gaze settled upon the other man.
“I didn’t want your help and I don’t need it either,” Nicholas suddenly shouted. He was sure everyone in the inn could hear but at this point he no longer cared about anything. “And why did you stop me? I didn’t ask anything from you and this is my business to take care of!”
Vash glared back at him, though his eyes weren’t filled with rage but a sadness that ran so deep nobody could explore the depths. He had lost so much and was still losing daily for so long that he couldn’t keep up with everything. Vash had become so close to the man they called The Punisher he couldn’t stand the thought of him just throwing his life away, especially if there was even a iota of a chance you still lived. “And let another one of my friends die? I wasn’t going to let you kill yourself. (Y/N) is still out there and she needs you. What good are you if you’re dead?”
His brother’s forces are people who he knew well. He couldn’t help but think you were still alive. In his own way he had been looking as well but if he wasn’t careful he would wind up getting you killed by Knives, if his brother knew Vash had interest in you. It was a horrible game they had played for so very long and Vash had learned to play it well. Nicholas was a different player though and he couldn’t tell him what to do. Everything was falling apart and you were needing the man you loved greatly now and he about snuffed himself out. Vash was relieved that he could intervene just in time before your last hope was taken away.
“I didn’t want you to find me and she’s dead.” Nicholas suddenly whispered. “It would be better if I just met her now in the afterlife.”
“She’s not dead,” Vash replied the conviction strong in his voice.
“I would have found her by now Vash! Nobody is talking and do you think you can extract information better than I can?”
Nicholas knew that Vash didn’t believe in his methods, but he didn’t care, not at this point. If he thought the Eye of Michael was going to give out information without spilling a little blood, he had another thing coming. Though Vash knew the members well he didn’t have the strength to do what Nicholas could, at least that’s how the undertaker saw things. He didn’t know deep down inside that Vash knew that if it would have changed things he would have done it.
“They wouldn’t be trying so hard to keep you away if they weren’t keeping her alive,” Vash tried again to reason with him. “They don’t want you taking her back as they know they can control you that way.”
“They don’t want me to go on a rampage.”
“You ARE going on a rampage Nicholas!” Vash couldn’t believe it as he felt like he was losing more ground than gaining when it came to stubborn Nicholas. Did he not realize how sloppy he had gotten in his rage? The proof was littered across the land in the form of blood stained sand. “Do you want to know how I found you?! The corpses you left behind, it wasn’t hard to track you.” Vash shuddered at the memory of half alive corpses being gnawed on by worms and scavengers as they laid there barely breathing. The haunted mutterings of a dead man gone mad about a black shape, of the Punisher’s return and his quest for vengeance and answers. “If I can track you the Eye of Michael really are, keeping just out of your reach. Do you know how fast word travels especially when it comes to word on the Punisher making his big return? You idiot no wonder you’re not getting anything done by yourself. Besides do you think (Y/N) is that weak that she would die so easily?”
“No.” Nicholas couldn’t help but grin at the memory of you saving him more than once.
“Exactly. So stop sulking and get ready to go, we have to rescue her.” Vash left no room for arguments, “But before we do you have to shave that stupid beard off your face.”
Nicholas glared, “She always liked it.”
“I knew she had poor taste when she married you,” he laughed slapping the undertaker on the back. He left Nicholas alone with faith that he was back on his feet and wouldn’t try anything rash. Meryl was waiting outside the door, her eyes were a little wet as she had heard the conversation. Vash embraced her trying to comfort her as he wanted her at her best as they tried to survive, to bring you back home. He had to find food as Nicholas was weak and still on the verge of collapse from not taking care of himself. It would be a hard battle and he didn’t know the horrors that laid before them, but no preparation could have readied them for what they would find.
You were dragging behind him, the exhaustion of the trip finally taking it’s toll. Nicholas tried to walk slower but no matter what pace he took, you couldn’t keep up. He couldn’t blame you as you both had been traveling for some time, it was getting to him but he couldn’t afford to show you that. He wanted to stay strong for you and help you through the blocks you stumbled across. He had known you for a couple years now and he was protective and he enjoyed the company. You were less annoying than Vash and despite having a sharp tongue like Meryl he found that he could tolerate your sharp wit better. Though he still teased you as harshly as he did the dark haired woman. He grinned at the though of you and Meryl having an all out battle of wits. He would pay good money to see that, though he’d have to put his whole wager on you. Once you got mad enough nobody was able to outwit you. He found that out several times and had ended up with a red mark on his cheek on one or more occasions.
 He smirked looking back at you, despite stumbling around you gave him a grin. You never complained sticking close to by his side, it always amazed him. When you both had first met it had seemed like chance, but now he could call it destiny as you had no reason to stay by his side. You were a bounty hunter and a good one at that. Your name traveled fast across Noman’s Land, that even he The Punisher knew just who you were. You had crossed his path, hunting another bounty when the people of the barely civilized town started shouting about the local orphanage. Without a word you and him sprung into action, taking no mercy upon the bandits that had decided they could pick upon the poor children and their caretakers. Nicholas watched in awe as you protected the little ones with no thought of your own safety, you’d even saved him a couple times that day. He grinned at the memory as you and he decided that day to not part ways but to become partners. He’d always worked alone, preferred it even. But since you came around he found that being alone wasn’t as fun anymore. You continued to carry your trusty weapon, but now using it for more than just money. You brought out the best in Nicholas and he felt better for it. He held out his hand to you as the sun begun to darken, his skin tough and calloused but still soft in it’s own way. You didn’t hesitate interlacing your fingers with his before he pressed his forehead to yours. You both continued to walk across the sand.
Vash was proving hard to keep up with to Nicholas now as his body was drained of all fight. But the stubborn man known as the Stampede refused to let his friend give up no matter what. Meryl stayed out of their way, afraid that any second Nicholas could lose it at any moment and that wasn’t far from the truth. Vash was the only one who didn’t fear him. 
Vash didn’t say much or explain he just lead his team with a strength that could only come from certainty. When he had first met you while traveling with Nicholas he knew that you were good for the Undertaker. It was a match made that benefited both parties but mostly Nicholas as he had never really had anything good in life and whatever good was ripped away in a horrible way. But now he was dealing with loss again and without proof of your demise Vash wasn’t letting the possibility that you drew breath go down in flames until he had solid evidence that you did in fact perish in the Eye of Michael’s bout of revenge. He worriedly looked back as the dark haired man stumbled, clearly losing the fight to continue onward. Vash would drag him, carry him if need be. He needed you and you needed him, it was cruel fate in this world that had brought you two together and the same fate had ripped you from him. Vash wanted to stand before fate, tell it that it wasn’t going to do such a thing to his friend, even if it meant that he had to rip you from it’s horrible grasp.
Vash had met you several years ago when he had come across Nicholas once more in his journey. It was hard for him to imagine the Undertaker settling down so quickly with one woman. But as soon as you had said your name and shook Vash’s hand, he knew immediately why Nicholas had kept you around. You laughed easily and you could turn in a second and be serious. Plus you could give The Punisher a run for his money when needed. Vash found you easy to talk to so as the fire he had built glowed in the night, Vash sat closely lost in conversation. You both exchanged stories while Meryl sat at Vash’s side. The only one who wasn’t sitting nearby the group was Nicholas. Standing in the dark, a shadow lost in the desert and the only thing you could see was his lit cigarette gleaming when he took slow drags from it. Though you couldn’t see him you could feel a slight tension in the air. You just shrugged it off mentally as him pouting for not being the center of attention. You found you liked Vash, not in the way you loved Nicholas, but the blond haired man was so easy going, he was a jewel to talk with. You forgot your problems in the midst of company and you felt like you could relax like you hadn’t gotten to in years. 
When the fire began to wane, everyone knew it was getting quite late. Vash helped you up from the sand with a gentle hand. You thanked him graciously and found your way to Nicholas. He glared at the retreating red coated man’s back. Jealousy was an ugly monster for everyone, but Nicholas had given in so easily. You weren’t going to put yourself forward to appease him as it was something that he was going to have to look on himself. You patted his cheek, leaving him there to go get yourself comfortable for sleeping. Moments later Nicholas laid down beside you, his body language stiff and full of anger. You rolled your eyes continuing to ignore him when he suddenly rolled you over. You found yourself looking straight into those livid dark eyes and without another word he kissed you deeply, putting all his frustrations out in the form of a rough and sloppy kiss. He left you breathless when he finally pulled away, pulling you possessively into his chest. He didn’t have to say a word as he felt like he had staked his claim once more. You laughed quietly letting him do whatever made him feel better. Vash was handsome but he couldn’t compare to your Nicholas.
Vash chuckled at the memory, looking back once more towards Nicholas. He seemed to be walking better now, his heavy cross no longer dragging him down so precariously. He seemed to have a new life being brought back with each step he took. Maybe hope was beginning to form back into his very being. Nicholas loved you like he had loved no other. He hid his feelings behind his cocky attitude or dark sunglasses. He refused to let anyone close or see the real him. Then he met you and he buried himself deeper, afraid that you would find the true being that hid inside. You forcefully drug him into the light, exposing all his darkness and you remained. You bared your darkness, showing him that he wasn’t alone. He wasn’t the only tragic being lost in the world. Everybody carried regrets, you were just created to help him through his. That’s why he married you, made you his officially. But just as much you were his, he was yours as well. 
He couldn’t afford to let people know of his tragedy and what he brought upon the people just trying to make their way in the horrible uncaring world. He chuckled darkly seeing the blood still dripping from his rough skin. You had wiped that away, where he could see hands to be proud of. Once you disappeared that blood reappeared stronger than ever. He was drowning in a sea of crimson and all he could do was poor more into the sea as he drowned. He didn’t care who stood in his way, if they were a part of the evil that he had once been a part of they would die. Slowly, painfully, he would wrought upon then a thousand times worse than they could possibly think of to do to you. Stealing you away from him, was going to prove being the biggest mistake that they had ever made. 
He grinned wickedly, madness once again taking over. Meryl shivered at the unhinged posture in Nicholas’ body, Vash just shook his head pain gripping his heart. You needed to still be alive, nobody else could shake him from this darkness swallowing Nicholas D. Wolfwood whole. Nicholas had once again become the man who was pushed by revenge and an objective to bring as much pain as possible to the people who wronged him. A true Punisher trekking across the sandy planet, staining it a deeper red with spilled blood of innocents and enemies alike. Vash needed your help, now more than ever.
They settled down when darkness coated the horizon and left them without a sliver of light to track. Nicholas sat far away from Vash and Meryl, preferring to be alone despite their protests. He looked up at the sky remembering looking at the worms dancing through the night sky with you. He missed those quiet moments on the porch with you. He could still feel you next to him, talking about mundane things you had done throughout the day. It made him grin as he never thought he would be able to have such a simple life with someone. The first night in the new house had been his favorite out of all the memories he shared with you.
It wasn’t much and it had been empty for so long that all the hospitality that a home brought had long ago left. But to Nicholas it looked like a mansion as he hadn’t known of much comfort in life. You were so happy to have a place to call home with your husband you adored. You wanted to be the best wife you could be for him as he wanted to be the best husband for you. You both worked together, cleaning what little you could with the little bit of supplies. There wasn’t much to eat but it felt like a feast as Nicholas sat across from you on the floor. You hummed in delight at each bite and it was catching as Nicholas began scarfing down his share. 
The night was quickly coming, darkening the few rooms to where it was hard to see. You had a couple threadbare blankets draped across the floor as a makeshift bed, but you only had one pillow. Nicholas searched for you in the dark, his hand finally finding your arm he pulled you to him. The silver light from the moons streaking across the floor and painted your smaller form in pale light. Nicholas licked his lips, finally having you to himself in private. A hunger had been stewing in his being and as soon as he closed the rickety door to the bedroom, it erupted and he had to sate himself before he went wild. 
You trembled slightly in his grip sensing his needs and feeling the same as him. Now that he could see you better thanks to the moons’ light he stroked your hair letting the long tendrils slip through his fingers while the other roamed your feminine form. You stroked his face, feeling the sharp lines of his jaw littered with a sparse beard. He explored you as he opened himself to you. He untangled his fingers from your soft locks to thread through your fingers. He kissed the back of your hand, littering every scar and callous with a loving kiss and making his way up your arm. Nicholas nibbled at your neck causing you to moan and moving your head to give him better access before he pressed his forehead to yours. He stood there for awhile just enjoying taking in your scent and the feel of your body against his burning one. He was an impatient man and when you tugged at the few buttons that he kept buttoned on his shirt did his patience fly out the window. Before laying you down on the blankets laid across the floor he removed the shirt that had you so desperately tried to remove yourself. Nicholas hovered above you pressing kisses wherever he could, losing himself to you in the darkness. You held onto him tightly, grasping his back as he devoured you.
Nicholas awoke to sunlight streaming through the window across him and your bodies pressed together. Your haired glowed like a halo in the light and your skin a caramel kissed by the golden rays. He sucked in a breath as he lost himself in your beauty. He could still fell your lips pressed against his while you nipped at his collarbone. Your body tattooed against his fingertips and scratches littered across his scarred back. He chuckled laying back but still holding you into his side. He dug a cigarette from his abandoned pants laying in a pile on the floor. He lit a match, igniting the cigarette and blowing a cloud up in the air. You groaned in your sleep, tapping his bare chest.
“No smoking in the house,” you mumbled causing him to chuckle.
“Let me have this just this once,” he replied. “You tired me out last night.”
“You’re the one who thought once wasn’t enough,” you glared sleepily but relented in the argument with pink tinged cheeks. He squeezed you, thanking everything he could think of that he had you laid beside him in his little world.
Married life became easier and easier as the days passed. Nicholas found a job where he could bring a little money home to you and you were able to stay home to greet him every day. That was his favorite time of the day as you waited at the door, the light shining behind you silhouetting your shapely form just for him. Some nights he would just kiss you, others he would spin you around before kissing you, if he was feeling really lively he would dip you then press hot kisses to your mouth before deepening them. But majority of the time he would interlace your fingers together, kiss you deeply, tongue stroking against yours, and then press his forehead to yours. You had said that those were your absolute favorite, so he indulged you with this type of affection every time he could. He remembered one evening you were beyond ecstatic for him to be home. You had your hands behind your back as you danced from foot to foot. Nicholas began to wonder if someone had put worms down your pants when you pulled a piece of fabric from behind your back.
“I sewed us some curtains so maybe the sun won’t bother you as much in the mornings,” you shouted gleefully. Though definitely not sewn by a professional with the stitching all crooked and imperfect. You were so proud of yourself that Nicholas couldn’t help but fall in love with you further and love the curtains you made for the home. The next evening you had made him a handkerchief that he wore in his pocket proudly. That fateful morning though when he left, everything had been normal. You sent him off with lunch and a quick kiss. You always stood in the doorway watching him leave until you could see him no longer, then you’d go back inside and do whatever needed to be done. 
Nicholas had been excited all day to leave work, to go home and see you as he earned a little extra income, so he stopped on his way home to buy a special treat for you both. With a slice of cake in tow for each of you he headed home. He expected to see you standing in the doorway like normal, waiting for his return. But instead of your form greeting him, he was met with smoke as his and your house smoldered from a raging fire. He screamed, dropping the treats into the sand while he stumbled down the dunes of sand between him and home. He called your name, screaming it until his throat strained. Still you didn’t answer, the smoke stung his eyes causing tears to stream down his dirty face as he took in his destroyed home. The curtains you had made so carefully fluttering in singed tatters. Still no sign of you remained just large puddles of blood and then a long streak that ended a few yards out in the desert. Nicholas knew immediately who had done such a thing, he found his machine gun he had put away just for you, scorched but still in working order and set off to destroy the people who took you from him.
Nicholas groaned in his sleep, patting at his side to try and find you lying right beside him. All his hand met was cold sand and the cool metal of his machine gun. He huffed as the memories of your disappearance rushed back all at once. He heaved a sigh pushing himself upwards and looking towards the horizon. The first pink light of morning greeted him as did Vash’s snores and Meryl’s quiet breathing. He pulled a cigarette and rose from the ground before lighting it. He smoked several before the other two even started to stir. He had thought hard about just leaving them again, but Vash had the uncanny ability of being exactly where Nicholas didn’t want him, so to save himself rage he decided to stay. Vash knew exactly where he was going and despite his best efforts Nicholas hadn’t made any headway in finding you. If Vash was correct that you still were alive, he’d owe that stupid needle noggin a drink. Several drinks. He scoffed throwing down the stub left of his cigarette and put it out with his shoe.
“Glad of you to join me,” he growled. “You two going to get up or do I have to start the day myself?”
“Breakfast first,” Meryl replied before turning over and falling back to sleep. Vash chuckled but Nicholas was not amused.
  Once they were back making progress Nicholas didn’t seem as anxious, though he was walking better today than he had yesterday. He couldn’t shake the feeling that you were close. His heart was hammering against his chest and he couldn’t fight down the butterflies in his stomach. His eyes darted around, trying to spot any movement or sights of anything particular. All he could see was the large expanse of sand stretching as far as the eyes can see. Vash was talking with Meryl, both laughing about something Vash said when Nicholas suddenly stopped and stiffened. He caught a scent on the air and the gleam of metal a few yards away.
“Get down,” he roared racing back to the others. He jumped, tackling them to the sand when a gunshot rang out. A high caliber sniper rifle by the sound of it. Nicholas returned fire, his stomach suddenly sick. The gunshots echoed through the sky, bouncing off the mountains miles away. Nicholas snarled, baring his teeth as he spun his weapon around.
“Sniper,” Vash yelled pushing Meryl back further.
“Thanks for the info,” Nicholas snarled. “I didn’t notice!”
“This is no time for being sarcastic,” Meryl screamed trying to protect her head.
“Then tell your boyfriend quit stating the obvious,” Nicholas roared again returning fire. Another shot echoed hitting the sand next to his feet. Nicholas danced around trying to make himself a harder target. Vash scurried around trying to keep from being hit. Shots were exchanged over and over again, filling the expanse with nothing but the sounds of gunfire like some sadistic orchestra. Nicholas panted, trying to reload as fast as he could, before he spotted a blond blur race across the sand. Nicholas cursed abandoning reloading to chase after the idiot. He should of known Vash wasn’t going to make this easy for him as he caught up to him.
“What are you doing?!”
“I can’t let you two kill each other,” Vash replied still running. Another shot rang out, hitting the sand between them. Vash yelped and Nicholas cursed again.
“You’re going to get yourself killed instead you idiot,” Nicholas threw an empty clip at him. Vash only laughed crazily while dodging the clip.
“Stop laughing!”
It was obvious where they’re attacker was laid up as they kept shooting at him and Vash while they raced towards where the shots were coming from. Nicholas was finally able to reload before they got there and the sight before them chilled his blood. The Eye of Michael had done it again. Thoughts of Livio raced forward churning his stomach but this time he couldn’t tell who the person was before him. It was a woman, the majority of her face covered by a metal mask. Her hair had been cut haphazardly, leaving it choppy and wild. Eyes that normally would show emotion and thoughts behind them, were blank and her movements were robotic. Nicholas raised, aiming at their attacker when Vash bumped into him.
“Watch it needle noggin,” he shoved him away.
“Don’t kill her,” Vash yelled once again racing forward putting himself in harms way.
“She’s trying to kill us!”
“She’s being controlled,” Vash tried to get Nicholas out of killing mode. The dark haired man wasn’t having it as he aimed again. But this time Vash stepped in front of the woman. Nicholas cursed, contemplating just shooting through Vash and killing them both in one go. At least he’d have some form of revenge against his attacker and get rid of a headache to boot. At last his more rational side tore through and he lowered the gun. But it wasn’t wasted on him that she pulled a pistol from behind her back, shooting at Vash who was still dodging bullets like it was some sort of deadly dance. Nicholas charged forward his feet churning up sand as he reared the large, heavy machine gun with his whole body and swung it like a bat. He hit the strange assassin at her side sending her sideways several feet.
“Quit playing patty cake with her,” Nicholas shouted. “You’re going to die! We end this now!”
“Don’t,” Vash panted. “Don’t kill her Nicholas.”
Nicholas racked another round into the chamber, “Yeah cause she’s so intent on making up and becoming friends.”
“You’ll regret it,” Vash tried to argue.
“There’s bigger things that I regret. Taking out another nobody is not going to be another one.”
She still laid sprawled out, trying to rise from the ground. Nicholas reared a foot back sending it into her side, cracking a rib and putting her on her back. She didn’t even cry out in pain due to the control she was under. It reminded him so much of Livio it made his arm tremble as he aimed. He put a foot on her chest keeping her pinned. He shook his head trying to rid himself of doubts, it gave her freedom to suddenly reach for her boot and pull a knife. Without a second thought she plunged it into Nicholas’ thigh. He grunted stumbling backwards as blood began to ooze down his thigh.
“You sorry,” he started but she ambushed him. Swinging and shooting, he barely kept up. Twisting his body, stepping backwards, and using his cross as a shield. With the barrage he couldn’t return anything until she stumbled. He swung across hitting her straight across the jaw. His hand cracked but her mask shattered. What he saw next caused him to sink down and scream out in anguish.
His (Y/N) stood right before him, her stare as blank as the dead. What made her her was nowhere to be found as she continued to rock from the hit he just gave her. Vash dropped his head feeling Nicholas’ despair coat the atmosphere.
“No! No no no no! It can’t be,” his voice cracked. All he could do was scream at the sky and curse everything that had brought him here to this moment. He wanted to find you so bad, but he never wanted to find you this way. Brainwashed and used for something you weren’t meant to. It was Livio all over again and he found it worse. They tainted you, stripping you from your humanity making you into a killing machine. He should have seen it, should have protected you. His failures all came crashing down burying him quickly to where he could drown from the overwhelming anguish.
“Don’t kill her,” Vash cried trying to crawl forward.
“I,” Nicholas heaved as he teetered on the verge of throwing up and taking his own life again. “I can’t! I can’t do it!”
“Save her,” Vash tried again.
“I can’t!”
“You can! Nicholas please!”
“Kill me,” Nicholas pleaded. “Vash shoot me please I can’t stand it!”
“She needs you,” Vash screamed tears flowing down his cheeks. Nicholas sobbed loudly, his tears staining the sand while blood spread around him from the knife still lodged in his thigh.
“They took her from me! Kill me Vash!”
“I am not shooting you!” Vash was growing angry. He had felt such despair like Nicholas was feeling, but not getting up and dealing with the problem was solving nothing. Nicholas couldn’t look at your face without the guilt eating at his insides.
“Nicholas she’s crying,” Vash finally made it to his side forcing the Undertaker to look up. Sure enough you stood before the two men, whole body shaking and tears flowing freely from one eye that wasn’t swelling shut.
“She’s still in there don’t give up on her. She’s fighting,” Vash shook Nicholas violently. “Get your stupid pigheaded butt up and save your wife right now or I may just change my mind and shoot you anyway!”
Nicholas rose, his legs shaking. He stumbled almost falling back down as his body fought the whole way. She was right there, not in a good state but he had wanted to find her. It had felt like his sole purpose when she was stolen from him. Now she was here and needed him now more than ever. He would have crawled through the very pits of torment to find her and bring her back. He had never thought about them turning her into a weapon. Before finding him she had been the best bounty hunter. She could give him a run for his money when it came to aim and fighting. It made him chuckle at their shooting contests before grimacing. She was definitely better on her game as he still was sporting her wound that made walking harder. He would lose all the blood in his body if it would bring her back, he would let her shoot him before he ever riddled her lovely body with bullet holes. He almost did and it made him sick. He was stupid he should have realized it was her way before he broke the horrible mask they had forced upon her.
“(Y/N),” he smirked before coughing up blood. “Come back to me.”
She shook her head, fighting for control but the programming was taking it’s toll as she reached for another pistol. Nicholas walked right into the barrel, encircling her wrist with his hand and lowering the weapon to point to the ground. She fought at first her strength waning as she tried to raise it back up to his face. He kept a steady grip keeping it pointed down while he wiped the blood on his pants leg off his other hand. He reached up stroking her cheek, she flinched from the touch before calming back down.
  “N…N,” she tried to speak and he shushed her. He trailed downwards from her cheek, sliding across her neck, and down her arm to where he could grasp her hand. Stroking at the skin on the back of her hand he gave himself time before threading her digits with his. She gasped in a breath, light going in and out of her eyes. He grinned taking his time with bringing her back to him. Leaning downwards Nicholas took in her scent, his hot breath puffing across the skin of her collarbone and neck. She shivered involuntary the old (Y/N) still under the surface fighting to get out. He took his time looking right into her eyes before he finally made it to his destination. Nicholas gently placed his forehead to hers.
“Wake up already would you,” he whispered breathlessly. She gasped in his grasp and fell to the ground. Nicholas caught her, grunting from the weight on his injured leg. You cried loudly, unable to move just laying limply in Nicholas’ arms.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed ashamed to look in the face of your husband. “I’m so sorry.”
“No,” Nicholas shushed you kissing you deeply. “I’m the one who should be sorry. This is all my fault.”
“I tried to kill you,” you wailed. “You and Vash! And Meryl!” Tears wouldn’t stop flowing as they streaked the dirt and blood across your face.
“It’s not like you never wanted to kill me before,” he chuckled darkly.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “No never kill. Maybe stab a couple of times or something but I don’t think I could live without you.”
Nicholas grimaced moving his leg around a little with the knife handle still sticking up. “Well you succeeded in getting one stab in at least.”
You gasped touching the handle and causing him to hiss. “Still a little tender,” he winked.
“I’m sorry!”
“I’m not,” he whispered. “Thank you for coming back to me.”
“Thank you for bringing me back,” you whispered back. “Though you did bust my face up and break one of my ribs.” Nicholas grimaced but wasted no time in kissing you again. Vash stumbled back to where Meryl waited to check up on her and giving you two a little privacy. You tended to Nicholas and yourself as best as you could, you would need to get you both to the nearest town for an actual doctor to take care of your and his wounds. But for now you both wanted to just stay there for a little while longer and not think of all the horrible things that just happened. Nicholas cursed a little later when he remembered he promised Vash drinks if he was correct in your state. Though you hadn’t been yourself when found, you were still alive. You looked at your husband worriedly before he waved the concern away. You would just laugh at his dilemma anyway. Vash helped you two get back home after Nicholas and you had been seen by a professional doctor and cleared to go home.
You took in the state of you and Nicholas’ home, hot tears coming quickly at the state of the wreckage. Nicholas held you close knowing that you two were more than a house.
“Anywhere with you is home to me,” he finally spoke after you cried for a little while. “We’ll build it back better than ever.”
“We don’t have to,” you said worried about the funds.
“I’ll keep working and we’ll use it to build it however you want,” he kissed you. “Your wish is my command m’lady.”
“Can we get a room in town to stay until then?”
“Already on it.” Nicholas lead you towards the darkened city. “Vash is useful when he’s not being annoying.”
You laughed, “He’s your best friend.”
“Unfortunately,” Nicholas snorted. You laughed, refusing to let go of Nicholas. You had been so afraid that you would never get to see him again when you were captured. You had thought about him every moment of every day until they had stripped everything from you. Then all you could remember is the blackness that engulfed you. You shivered at the thought of the blank being they had created from you. Nicholas mistakenly took your shivers as you being cold as he held you tighter. He never wanted to lose you in such a way ever again. He didn’t care that his past had come back to haunt him, he didn’t care who he had to take out. As long as you were safe and by his side he needing nothing else. You were his everything his world that he wouldn’t give up for anything. He looked down at you with a warm smile.
“I think I need to catch up on the loving you’ve been holding out on me,” he smirked and you blushed.
You slapped his chest, “Pervert. Is that all you think about?”
“When it comes to you yes. And how am I a pervert when I’m your husband?”
You huffed looking away teasingly, “You just are it’s your natural mentality.”
“Like you don’t think about me in a perverted way.”
“I beg to differ,” he snorted leaning in towards your ear. “Remember that one night…”
“Stop,” you screeched blush rushing down to your neck. Nicholas laughed causing your heart to skip a beat. How you had missed him, you never wanted to be taken away from him ever again. You stepped closer intertwining your fingers. Nicholas bumped your forehead quickly as he didn’t want to stop walking. The desert was becoming cold and he was ready for a room to spend the night with you once more. He had found you and he didn’t care what he had done to get you back by his side. He never regretted anything and he would tell anyone who asked that he would do everything the same as the outcome had brought you back. He squeezed you tighter losing himself in your presence. You were his paradise, it didn’t matter where he was at as long as he had you and you felt the same way. The worms light the sky as you both came to the city, ready to rebuild your lives after the terror had torn it apart. Hand in hand you both faced the future bravely and ready for whatever arose.
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camaro-and-smokes · 9 months
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Chapter 4: Eddie
Tags for this chapter: Just some light angst See all tags for the full fic on AO3.
Other chapters on tumblr >> / Read on AO3 >>
Moodboard by the wonderful @a-redharlequin 💜
Notes: I can't believe it's been five months since last update 😱 But here it is, finally. More is coming, though hopefully a bit quicker next time 💜
Summary: Billy interrupts Eddie's composing session.
Billy sat down on the couch next to Eddie where he was sitting and strumming chords on his guitar. He pressed his nose into Eddie's hair. “What are you doing here in the dark?” he asked as he inhaled Eddie's scent. “It's zero-dark-thirty.”
Eddie had known from the moment he'd heard Billy's cane gently tapping the wooden floor as he walked into the living room that his composing efforts would halt. So, he smiled and let out a laugh, playing one final chord. “Well, my love, the light of my life, I'm trying to, no, correction, I was trying to compose something,” he said, amused, and sighed, “And you, my dearest, you interrupted me.”
Billy snaked his arm around Eddie's waist and placed his chin on Eddie's shoulder, sighing contently. “Well, I'm sorry. But it's really your fault, you know. You should know better and go to the studio if you want to protect yourself from my uncontrollable and unpredictable urgent need for affection.”
“I know. But I can't create in a vacuum,” Eddie said and glanced at Billy with a crooked smile. “And maybe I don't fully hate those needs of yours.”
“Do I inspire you?” Billy asked quietly.
“You know you do, all the time. And Steve, too.”
“Are you writing another song about pain and death, then?”
Eddie set his guitar on the other end of the couch and turned towards Billy. “No,” he said, raising his arm and wrapping it around Billy's shoulders, allowing Billy to lean on him better. “It’s about the good things in life.”
Billy chuckled lightly. “Doesn't sound very Corroded Coffin to me.”
Eddie placed his other hand on top of Billy's hand that was resting on Eddie's thigh and brushed it absentmindedly. “I've recorded a few songs as a solo project. Just me and the guitar.”
“Oh. What did the guys say to that?”
Eddie raised his gaze to look outside into the garden that bathed in moonlight. “They don't know.” They sat in silence for a good while before Eddie continued. “I didn't want them to know. Not until...” He paused and laced his fingers with Billy's. “The songs, they're just for you and Steve. Personal. And then if...”
Billy interrupted him. “Stop. We agreed on no 'what ifs'.”
Eddie pulled Billy closer and kissed his fingers. “What I'm saying is… that they're yours. You can do then whatever you want with them. Who knows, one day they might even be worth something.”
“You're supposed to think about the future with us, not make plans on how we'd manage when you're gone,” Billy whispered with a breaking voice. “Not yet, at least.”
“I get it. It's just...hard not to think about it. I honestly don't have a lot of hope for the treatment. Sure, Owens thinks it's the best one yet, but it's also kinda a one time thing. It either works or the virus kills me for good.”
Billy was quiet for a while. “Do you remember when you came to my and Steve's place for the first time as my boyfriend?”
Eddie let out a laugh. “Hoo boy do I.”
“Steve was so lost,” Billy chuckled. “He didn't know what to think, even though we had talked it through.”
“Talking the talk, walking the walk….”
“Yeah. But I knew he was going to get over it. When you had left in the morning, he was sitting and smoking on that tiny balcony with that seriously deadly railing. I sat with him and asked him what did he think about it all. He smiled and snorted, told me he knew enough of me not to try and change my mind. Especially when he'd liked what we'd done that night.” Billy smiled at the memory. “I'm glad he came around. I couldn't imagine my life without either of you.”
“Me neither,” Eddie said and leaned his head against Billy's.
Billy must've had a better day with his legs since he shuffled to sit sideways on the couch and folded his other leg in front of him on the couch. His blue eyes pierced Eddie. “That means, Bambi, that I'm not letting you lose hope. I haven't lost it so far and I'm not planning on starting now either. And so shouldn't you. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? You could die. Fuck it, we both died once already!”
“Well, I'd prefer not dying for good,” Eddie chuckled, “But I get your point.”
“Good. Because it would seriously suck ass if you died.” Billy lowered his gaze and he swallowed audibly. “I'd miss you like hell.”
Eddie realized that there was only one thing he could say to that, and in a way, it made him feel a little less desperate. That maybe he wasn't as lost a cause as he'd thought himself to be. “Hey, I won't. I hope. I—I mean, not planning on it.” He paused, because saying the words had made it all clearer to him. “You know, I say those things because I just want to keep it real. Not getting my hopes up unreasonably high. Until now, the treatments have been just something to keep the virus at bay. That's been clear from the beginning. This then again...” he trailed off. “This could be the way of getting rid of it for good. It would literally give me my life back.” He could feel tears prickling in the corners of his eyes. “I could go on a proper tour for once. I could work full time.” He took Billy's hand in his as a tear fell on his cheek before he could wipe it away. “And we could be close without all the precautions. I could be as close to you as I can, for real,” he continued, whispering.
Billy smiled, blushing a little, and squeezed Eddie's hand. “I'd like that.”
Eddie gently lifted Billy's leg off the couch and over his own knee and placed his arm on top of the backrest. He smiled as he looked into Billy's deep blues and savored the way his cheeks reddened as he leaned closer. “You're insufferable sometimes, you know that? Keeping me from moping like that,” Eddie murmured.
“Don't deny it, you love it,” Billy smiled.
“I wouldn't have it any other way,” Eddie said and leaned in for a kiss. “I love you,” he whispered, “sweet cheeks.”
Billy smirked against Eddie's lips. “Pushing your luck, button eyes.”
There was a rustle in the doorway. “Hey,” Steve said. “I thought I heard some noises.”
Eddie broke the kiss with Billy and looked up over Billy's shoulder at Steve. “Feel free to join us,” he said with a lilt. The light from the corridor lit Steve's face, and Eddie could see his cheeks turning pink. It made a warmness spread in his chest.
“I was, uh, actually planning on talking about something with you, later. But since you're both awake...” Steve started, and then walked into the room and sat on the chair next to the couch. “I've been thinking about how to run things here while it's just me and Billy here.”
Billy leaned his head back, groaning. “Does that have to be talked right now?”
“Eddie is being admitted on Tuesday, and now it's Sunday. And before you get all worked up, I don't understand even myself why I didn't want to talk about it before.”
“Billy, babe, let him say what it is about. Then we can continue,” Eddie said, caressing Billy's cheek with his hand. “What is it?” he then asked Steve.
“So, since Billy might have nightmares over the period you're gone and I need to get to work every day, I thought we could hire someone to help.” Steve turned his gaze to Billy. “What do you think?”
Billy was quiet for a moment. “I hate it,” he finally said quietly.
Eddie tightened his hug on Billy a little. “Steve's right, you know. And it doesn't diminish what you do here in any way. They could drive Steve to work and help with some stuff here at home. Isn't that what you thought, Steve?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah.”
“I don't want a stranger coming here and telling me what to do,” Billy protested.
“Babe, it wouldn't be like that,” Steve said softly. “In fact, then there would be someone for you to boss around.”
Billy sulked. “Where the fuck are you going to get someone I get along with in two days? On a weekend of all times?” he spat.
“I know,” Steve said, taking a deep breath.
“Couldn't Dustin do that? He's been driving you around here and there,” Eddie suggested.
Steve shook his head. “He can't be here all the time, and he's not qualified, you know, helping Billy, managing his medication, all that.”
“Hmm,” Eddie nodded. He gently brushed Billy's legs that were in his lap. “I think I know someone who could help. And you'd get along with him for sure.”
“Who?” Billy snapped.
“El. She's at nursing school, isn't she?”
“Well…I think so,” Steve said. “I suppose she could do some on-the-job learning for her school.” He paused and looked at Billy, knowing that help was a thing he didn't allow easily. “Do you think you could work with her?” he asked.
A smile tucked the corner of Billy's mouth. “She's probably the only one who takes my shit and throws it back at me.”
“And doesn't get her ass kicked for it,” Eddie laughed.
It made Billy punch Eddie's shoulder with his fist gently. “Hey!”
Eddie rubbed his shoulder with his hand, a cheerful glee on his face. “Just stating facts and you know it.”
Billy rolled his eyes, but couldn't keep his smile from widening.
“Okay, I can then call her tomorrow. I mean, she doesn't have to be here all the time. She should be fine with that,” Steve said, nodding, and got up. “Okay, I'll leave you two...”
Eddie reached out his hand towards Steve. “Stay. It's my last proper night home, anyway.”
Steve smiled and took Eddie's hand. “Sure. But we should take it to bed, then.”
“We can do it in here,” Billy whined, not wanting to let go of Eddie.
Steve brushed Billy's cheek with his fingers. “Babe, I know. But what if you suddenly can't? It wouldn't be fun. And I want you to have fun. Please.” He paused for a moment. “I'll carry you,” he said softly.
Eddie looked at the couple talking and Steve lifting Billy up. He felt a small pang of sadness in his chest. Those two were his lifeline, his everything. He didn't want to let go of them and his treatment would jeopardise that everything. He had been considering of signing out of the whole experimental program and continuing the way he had so far. But how long would that buy him time in the end? His time was limited anyway. Might as well get on with it now when he was still somewhat strong. If it took his life, then so be it. At least he would leave with his boots on.
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dinluke-ao3feed · 1 month
One Small Change
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/58432939 by heartspin "We should separate them," Obi Wan was speaking rapidly, pacing the birthing room deep in thought," I can take the boy in hiding and you bring the girl to Yoda-" "No." Obi Wan stopped midway across the room, turning to the bed where- tired, so tired Padame sat, two squirming newborns fussing at a breast each, her hair down, but the fire in her eyes shone brightly. Obi Wan frowned," I apologize, but it would be for the children's benefit-" he was cut off the repeat of his earlier reasoning. "No benefit," breathed the mother turning the fire in her eyes, into to a passionate gaze to the children finally settling against her, their small naked bodies against her own so small, so weak," has ever come by families breaking apart. I think my country and many others, also, have seen the pain that is wrought by loss of unity. No. We shall go to Aldaraan. There, we shall hide until returning to Naboo." Obi Wan nodded his head and looked to the family, so delicate yet so strong after Anikans betrayal. "May the Force be with you." Or where Padame did not die in childbirth, and insists on war against the empire. Against their father. Words: 2330, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Rewrite, Not Canon Compliant, but try to keep somewhat canon, Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker Meet on Tatooine, Padame doesn't die in childbirth, sorry not sorry but that was pathetic- boo hoo my boyfriend sucks imma die now, Sorry Not Sorry, But women can move past heartbreak I have seen it, This is mostly just a romance, with some politics and stuff in the background, but romance, din and luke just need to kiss darn it, Not Beta Read
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
Day 7 -- Gob
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 7 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don't interact.
Pegging with Gob x F!Lone
Day 7! One week in, woo hoo! And it's our lovely Gob this time. I adore this ghoul with everything in me, omg.
I hope you enjoy reading as much as I loved writing for this soft baby.
Here is the link to my Kinktober 2022 Event list so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Pegging, strap-ons, dirty talk, praise, anal sex, anal fingering, hand jobs, multiple orgasms, enthusiastic consent, aftercare, pillow talk, fluff.
2.4k words.
Gob bit down hard on the bed sheet between his teeth as Lone stretched him open with a third finger. 
“Thaaaat’s it.” His partner said quietly, her free hand stroking over the few rough patches of hair left on his head as she slowly worked the fingers of her other hand deeper into his ass. “How’s that feel, baby?”
Gob groaned. It was all he could do at the sound of her words, as Lone leaned over him and whispered into his ruined ear, asking him questions like that when he was in this position. She sat back on the bed, her three fingers rhythmically working themselves deeper with each methodical thrust. Her other hand dragged down the back of his head, stroking over his back soothingly as she felt his body clench up. 
“Talk to me, honey. How are you feeling?” 
“Good.” He choked out. And dammit, he was. 
When he realized this was something he’d wanted, he’d still been nervous as hell about it, but Lone had been so supportive from the beginning, asking questions and establishing some ground rules, promising to take the time necessary to prepare him for what was to come. The strap-on they’d found wasn’t huge, but it sure as hell was a whole lot bigger than the couple of fingers he’d taken before realizing he’d wanted to try more. 
“I’m feeling good.” He reiterated. 
“Mm, good.” Lone leaned forward, her lips meeting his shoulder blade as she drove her fingers inside the rest of the way, finally reaching her knuckle. 
“There.” She whispered, kissing his shoulder again. 
Gob sucked in a breath at the feeling of being so stretched, of taking something deeper than he ever had before. The feeling of being so full.
His body shuddered as he involuntarily released another moan at the way Lone began to pull her fingers back, before thrusting back in again, as far as she could go. 
“What a good boy.” 
Gob’s muscles tensed at her words, his ass clenching around her fingers as though he never wanted them to leave. 
“Taking me so well.” 
He couldn’t do more than moan at her touch, hands clenching at the mattress for desperate purchase as he bucked his ass back against her fingers. Gob grit his teeth at the feeling of sudden friction against his half-hard cock, pressed firmly between his stomach and the uneven fabric of the bed sheets. 
“Can’t wait to give you my strap.” Lone carried on with her dirty words, even as her fingers pushed and pulled themselves out of his yielding entrance. “Be nice to hear those sweet sounds when I’m inside you. Even better than having you beg for me like you did earlier, even better than this.” 
She plunged her fingers all the way in again, and Gob gasped as he felt the tips of her digits just barely graze a pressure point deep inside him. 
“Lone, please.” He unwittingly obliged her wishes, his voice begging only half as loud as his writhing body, his tensing muscles, his throbbing cock and clenching ass. “I-I need it. Need it now. Please. ‘M ready.” 
He couldn’t see her face, but he could feel the way her grin formed on her lips as her hand stroked over his back, her fingers drawing out of him slowly before circling teasingly at the loosened opening. 
“Good, baby. I need you too. Need to see you fall apart beneath me, need to feel it happen.” 
He whimpered at that, his ass clenching at nothing as she drew her hands from his body completely. 
“Need to see your face as I take you like this for the first time.” Her hands came back to his body, gently guiding Gob onto his back on the bed, spreading his thighs as she scooted forward between them. 
Gob’s chest rose and fell heavily as he looked down his body, the imposing rubber cock Lone wore jutting out towards his stomach and making some warm feeling leap within him. He didn’t know how he was going to fit it all, but dammit, he wanted to. Not only so he wouldn’t disappoint her, but also just because he craved it. He craved the power she’d have over him, the trust that it took to be this vulnerable with anyone, especially someone as perfect as his gorgeous Lone. He craved the closeness they would share, craved her voice in his ear and her smooth skin against his, craved that look in her eyes when they were intimate, craved the way she– against all odds and reason– craved him in return. 
“You remember the safe word, baby?” 
Her voice broke into his thoughts, and Gob nodded quickly, assuring her. 
“Good.” She leaned over his body, the strap laying on his belly and nudging against his hardening cock as she bet to kiss him. “And please don’t be afraid to use it if you need to, okay? You're safe with me.” 
Her voice was normal for a moment, not bedroom Lone, not the dominant seductress he loved to submit to, but just his partner. She knew how he hated to let her down, but the way she spoke to him, Gob knew no matter what happened next, he wouldn’t be disappointing her. 
It was unfamiliar to feel so safe with someone. 
Gob couldn’t get enough of it. Of her. 
He raised his head and kissed her this time, more chaste than her contact, but still reassuring in the same such way she had been with him. 
“Okay.” His voice rasped, and Lone’s lips drew into a grin. 
“Okay, then, why don’t we begin?” 
She leaned back again, pulling her pelvis back and stroking one hand over her strap, while the other rested down on his thigh. He watched with half-hooded eyes as she applied more lube to the rubber cock, his body shuddering as her hand came next to spread more of the slick substance over his entrance. 
“Alright baby, just relax.” She prodded the head of the strap to his puckered asshole, pressing at him teasingly, but never fully allowing the bulbous tip to slot inside. 
He tried to do as she asked, to be good, making himself focus on his breathing, on her voice, the sound of each breath she took, the feel of her hand on his thigh, instead of the mildly uncomfortable stretch that pressured him with each subtle pulse of his partner’s hips. 
“That’s it.” She told him, feeling her strap dip inside as his entrance relented. “You’re ready. I’m gonna put it in, okay?” 
Gob’s teeth gritted together, but he nodded to her nonetheless. 
One more check to see if I really want to do this. 
She must be the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met.
Even amidst their heated moment, Gob found himself in utter bewilderment that he was the lucky ghoul that got to be with her. 
Anyone in the wasteland would be lucky to be with my Lone, and somehow, she chose me…
His body shuddered against the mattress, and on the next thrust forward, Lone applied more pressure, slowly stretching his entrance wide before popping the head of her strap fully inside. Gob’s fists clenched and he bit back a grunt of pain at the sudden motion. 
“So good for me, Gobby.” Her voice came out hoarse, and her pupils were dilated by the pleasure of seeing him beneath her. Just as she said, she loved the sight of him taking her in, even when it was nothing more than her fingers. The way Gob’s mouth would fall open, his brows creasing together, jaw clenching and eyes closing so tightly in bliss, the sounds that spilled from his gravelly throat. Lone couldn’t get enough. But this? With the length and girth of her strap? Everything was so deliciously amplified. 
As she felt Gob’s tense body begin to relax, his fists still clenched, but not quite as tight, teeth gritted, but grimace lessening, she pulled back a smidge, before pushing further forward. Lone rocked against him, slowly working the length of the strap into his ass as Gob moaned beneath her. Her hands were warm against his thighs and hips as she grabbed ahold of his body and helped him press further down onto her length. 
“Doing so well for me, almost there.” 
Gob groaned. 
Almost? I thought we were there two thrusts ago. 
His brows creased together firmly as her rubber length delved deeper than any fingers could reach, and she gave one final, definitive pulse until she was hilted inside him. 
“There you are. That was it, baby.” She leaned forward again, hands smoothing up and over the firmness of his chest as she laid a kiss to his tight lips. Gob’s teeth were still clenched with… well, not pain, but rather… discomfort, and he hardly managed to return the kiss before she pulled back again. 
“I told you you could take it all.” Lone whispered to him just before sitting up again. “You ready for me to move?” 
Gob took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension release in his clenched muscles, and he nodded to her. 
“Good boy.” She pulled her hips back, dragging the length of the strap out so slowly, but the friction against the sensitive walls of his ass was almost too much for him, even at this pace. “And don’t forget, baby. I wanna hear you.”   
He nodded to her, a moan escaping his mouth to prove that he would do as his partner asked.
At that, Lone pressed her hips forward, just as agonizingly slow, allowing him to feel every little ridge in the rubber cock as it delved back into his ass. Her hands stroked over his torso as she bottomed out again, lithe fingers moving up to stimulate the raised points on his chest. Lone pulled back again, thrusting back in a bit quicker, and continued with her rhythmic movements until she’d worked up a consistent pace. Gob grunted with each press into his depths, the rough head of the strap bumping something deep within him that set off sparks in his mind and behind his eyelids with each forceful touch. 
“Tell me how it feels, love.” 
Gob felt a cool hand brush over his burning cheek as her rhythm slowed to a more languid pace, and he heard himself unwittingly sighing in relief. 
“Feels different.” He managed between breaths. “So full, and when you–”
He cried out as she nudged at his prostate, his ass clenching tight at the strap as she ground her hips against him and made his legs shake from burning pleasure. 
“That’s it, baby. Just relax for me, give in to it.” One hand sunk lower, fingers dragging down his sweat-slicked torso until she reached his half-hard cock where it rested against his stomach. With another maddening pulse of her hips into that special spot, she began to teasingly run her fingers up the length of his member. 
Her stroking digits brought him to full hardness in no time at all, his pleasure spurred too with the drag and press of her strap as she lazily thrusted inside him. By the time she wrapped her fist around him and began to quickly pump over his cock with her lubed-up hand, Gob was bucking his hips and moaning unabashedly with each of his partner’s overwhelming touches. 
His lower half felt like burning hot coals, Lone’s movements stroking the flames upwards to lick at his belly and touch his chest while his cheeks heated from the flame’s proximity. Everything about her in this moment was invigorating, enlightening, even. 
She gave another forceful thrust inside him, and Gob choked, his breath seizing in his chest as every muscle suddenly clenched within him. He cried out a broken sound as her hand moved quickly over his hard cock, stroking furiously over him while her strap stayed buried in his ass. 
Just as his first bout of pleasure was subsiding, a new one built up just as rapidly, spilling over the edge as Lone’s hand wrapped firmly around the head of his cock, her thumb dragging over his sensitive slit until he was spurting cum over his stomach and shaking from relief and overstimulation. One orgasm spilled straight into the other, and Gob couldn’t even hear his own voice, as his body writhed on the mattress, hips bucking, hands clenching, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as he was utterly overwhelmed by a cacophony of immense pleasure. 
The ghoul’s body trembled as his release finished washing over him, and when his eyes finally were able to open and focus, he was met with Lone’s soft smile and a look of pure adoration that damn near made him choke with emotion. 
She kissed him once, and as unprepared as he was for it, the feeling of her soft, reassuring lips on his was comforting, and he pressed forward before she pulled away. Carefully, Lone pulled her hips back, one hand holding his torso in place as the other gently guided the strap from his ass. 
“You did so well, baby.” She said after she removed the strap from her body, and settled down beside him on the mattress. “Did you like it?” 
He only nodded to her, not yet trusting his voice as he slowly came down from the cloud 9 she’d pushed him onto. 
“It sure looked like it.” She smiled, “I’ve never seen you like that before. You were beautiful, Gob.” 
His brows furrowed, and Gob found the presence of mind to turn his head to face her. 
Me… beautiful?
“Yes, you heard me right.” One of her soft hands reached forward, caressing his jaw and pulling him into another sweet kiss. “Beautiful. Mesmerizing. To see you come undone like that, I nearly came myself, just from the sight of you.” 
Gob snapped out of his fog at that, blinking rapidly to chase away the blur in his eyes. 
“Lone! What about you, how can I–?” 
“Gob, baby, no. You just rest, okay? I got everything I needed just from seeing you like that. Trust me.” 
She kissed him again, throwing one arm over his chest before scooting closer and settling her head in the crook of his shoulder. Gob smiled, his hand moving up to rub over Lone’s gently as he released another deep breath, just reveling in the care and closeness of his partner as she cuddled up beside him.
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plaindangan · 2 years
Kirumi is big, kirumi is capable, kirumi is strong, and kirumi, while hidding it for a while, is HUGE massive mommy milkers, thick and strong tights and legs that could make her a part of street fighter. And an ass.. that could EASILY crush most of pre-growth himiko.
At one point, tempted, like every girl, in the competition of showing of who as the best bod, she decides to start revealing way more of her true sizes… and it had some.. particular effects on her life~.. she normally hates it when someone is calling her mommy… but when Shuichi humps against her, hearts in his eyes clearly lust struck, and when she can feel how MASSIVE the ultimate femboy is under that pant calling her like that~… she is a titan, yet she might submit to a simple cutie like that~
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
Kirumi had hidden her figure for a long while. A maid must never outshine her Master and distracting them from their own duties would a sin it its own right.
But over the weeks...things had begun to change. Perhaps it all started after she was the victor of that twerk off, shaking her ass gracefully in front of...a certain detective. Yes, that has to be the origin.
Afterwards, while she tried to reign herself in...deep down she knew it was impossible. It was so liberating. To finally break out of the confines of her usual dress and just...show off! Breathe! Be her true self!~
So, after much deliberation, she had done it. No longer would she confine her own body! Now...she was going to show it off!~ But...who should be a test for this new her...heh.
"Shuichi? Is something the matter?"
Kirumi was right in front of him. When she visited his office, he was expecting her in usual maid outfit of sorts...s-so....why did she look like this!? To start off, Kirumi was now in black jeans with a gold belt to keep them up and a pair of fur boots to, well, boot!~ Even from just a glance, he could tell how much they were incredibly tight and showed off just how gloriously thicc her thighs were. She could probably crush a skull with ease if she want to!~ But that held nothing compared to her breathtaking ass!~ Shuichi held thoughts about it ever since Kirumi showed off in that twerking competition so seeing it - bouncing and jiggling as Kirumi walked about his agency, knowing it was so incredibly large that she could probably suffocate someone with near ease if she felt like it, going insane knowing it was so soft that Shuichi had to use every ounce of willpower not to sink his hands into - well, it brought up some intense feelings!~
Concerning her top...hoo boy. While Kirumi's usually outfit made herself appear smaller than usual, her new green shirt held no such constraints. It barely reached her midriff, thus exposing her tight, toned stomach!~ But that wasn't the only part it exposed. The shirt had done a poor job of covering up her F-cups and it showed with how much the shirt was straining to keep them from popping up with every bounce. From the cleavage, Shuichi got a good, wonderful, look at her violet bra...and how perky and plump her boobs actually were!~ Combine all of this together and you had a wonderfully sexy woman, that was now walking over to him with such a sly smile on her face.
"Aaaah!" Shuichi squeaked as, when Kirumi was right on top of him, she sat down on his lap, grinding her fat ass all over his crotch. A place which was growing tighter by the second from the lust swelling inside of him.
"My, my, aren't you getting excited?~ Is because of the fact my rump is so close to your...sensitive area, Master? Or..." Turn herself slightly, she crossed her arms under her boobs, as if to taunt Shuichi a bit. "Or is because you now have a better look now of what I was hiding throughout all these years!~ What do you think of them? Of this new look I have?...Of me?" The last part she whispered, leaning closer and closer to Shuichi with a sense of tease...and also of genuine desire of approval. Was this new look something desirable? What did one of the few people she trust think?
"M...mommy..." came a soft moan. Something that caught the maid completely off guard. Mommy? Now, normally, Kirumi probably would have been annoyed by such a thing. Not really considering herself a mother just yet. But...well...here's the thing. The one saying it was clearly in a lustful high, looking ever so desperate for her. For her only!~ And, pretty badly too given how much she could feel that long member of his poking at her fat bottom. Maybe...if just this once!
"Heh, alright!~ Why don't you fully show how much you love, Mommy!~" Kissing him on the lips to stun him, Kirumi walked over to his desk and bent over. Seductively, she wiggled her hips as she pulled down both her jeans, but even her lacy purple panties as well. All that was left was her naked, jelly-esque, plump ass that was dying to be plowed!~
"Give it to, Mommy!~ Fuck her won't you, my sweet boy!~ It didn't take long for Shuichi to go about that request! Almost pouncing on Kirumi, he had pulled down his pants and wasted no time in inserting his eight-inch, thick, fuckrod into Kirumi. That wasn't even getting into him reaching around to fondle and grope the milkers her she had so teased him with!~
20 minutes later!~
What was once graceful turned slutty looking. Kirumi's hair was dishelved, her shirt ripped to shreds and her bra discarded. Thus, her milkers, sleek with sweat, were freed to be played with to Shuichi's content. Being groped and squeezed to his heart's content and Kirumi's delight!~
But her ass remained a prime focus!~ His hips thrusting into her ass, never stopping his absolute fucking of her ass and that tight hole of her's!~ He had already came several times by now, but those heavy balls this emo boy had was still full!~
Such was good for Kirumi!~ Even as her folds had become drenched in sweat and her juices, she was still raring to go!~ Evident by that crooked, absolutely glazed over in ecstasy, smile!~ A maid must always please her Master! She was just glad, even with this new her, she could still do so perfectly!~
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harrison-abbott · 10 months
five short stories of failure
I was at this open mic night and trying to reinvent my life up town; just after the cusp of finishing university, having been in upper education for five years. There was this nervous chap reading his poems up at the microphone. When he went and sat down again it was with a group of his friends – and one of them, I noticed, was rather pretty. I later on went and complimented the nervous chap (which was actually a genuine compliment: his poetry had been pretty good). And then I got talking to his group. Including the pretty girl. She was from Austria. This was rather exotic. So they invited me out afterwards and we went drinking elsewhere in town. The Austrian girl seemed to be talking back. Which was a good sign. Then she disappeared … And I wanted to see if I could hook back up with her and co. But this never happened. I had, however, managed to befriend her on social media earlier on. So, a few nights later I messaged her and asked her out for a drink. She saw the message, and never replied. I saw her, with her nervous poet chap, at the next open mic night, of which I was part organiser. She was standing right next to the poet man; I said Hi to him. But was too embarrassed to even look at her.
The next girl that I took a fancy too worked in a bookselling company that I worked for, for a while. She sat the other side of the office so I couldn’t really get a chance to speak to her. But she wore a Beatles t shirt. And this was a positive sign. I looked her up on social media (ha, this may sound creepy but I’m sure lots of people all do this) to try and find out a bit more about her. And on her page were photos of her playing the guitar. She was a songwriter! Also encouraging. So I followed the link to her Bandcamp and listened to her album. And, without exaggeration, the first lyric/line to the first song on it, went, “I once knew a pretty girl / I wanted to make her my wife.”
The next girl that I also had a crush on and I thought liked me too also turned out to be a lesbian.
There was this sublimely beautiful Irish girl that worked on the same team as me in a summer job, following the above. She was blonde, big blue eyes, amazing looking. She came up to the bar once when myself and all of the other colleagues were there after the shift had finished. I asked her a few questions. One of them, well, the final question, was “So do you have any hobbies?” She replied, “Not really,” and she turned around and walked away from me with her drink.
Then there was one girl who was thin and nice looking too and she was shy but seemed clever and she was into books; who was a fellow colleague as well in a different place. One of the boys at the joint had said that she liked me as well. So I figured this was the green light to ask her out. Which I did. She replied in completely polite terms that she couldn’t come because she had a boyfriend. And it turned out that she was way younger than I was (I’d thought she was older, from the way she spoke). And the entirety of the remaining shifts in her presence were fairly excruciating on my part. Though it was my fault for not checking whether she was single in the first place. …
But, I mean: boo hoo. Meh, so what? Five short stories of failure with girls. Does it really matter? And, is failure the right word? This is what life is like. And it gives you material to write about. I know other people who have way worse stories. Real life tales are there for sharing and they can be just as poignant as prose, or any other fictious material.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 || helmut zemo, bucky barnes and sam wilson x reader
(this is a sequel to 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭-𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞, I recommend reading that first although it’s not 100% necessary... it would make this make a lot more sense though)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : it was just a matter of time before he upped the ante, all four of you knew that, but taking you all on a vacation specifically for this was a bit over-the-top.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 7.9k (hoo boy)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smut (foursome/group sex + a scene that’s just zemo/reader, cockwarming, d/s dynamics, brief oral f receiving, a touch of dubcon/cnc but it’s very subtle and the reader is 100% consenting), established zemo x reader, sugar daddy relationship, ‘sir’ kink (with zemo), ‘daddy’ kink (with sam), orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, creampie, praise with light degradation, possessiveness (but also sharing, lol), exhibitionism/voyeurism, choking, brief anal mention, once again technically cuckolding but not in the typical sense, slight corruption kink?, too many robes, latin sokovian (or as I like to call it, serbukromanian), also assume that whenever the reader and zemo are alone they are speaking sokovian even though I write the convos in english for the sake of simplicity
thank you for being my beta @nsfwsebbie​ !!
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                   When your Baron told you he wanted to take you on a vacation, you immediately assumed it would be to the mountains or some European city full of history and culture.  Instead, you were a bit surprised to hear he was interested in a beach resort, a private villa he had purchased in French Polynesia.
And then you found out he wanted to bring Sam and Bucky along too… and you were simultaneously more and less surprised.  More, because who brings tentative coworkers one barely gets along with on a romantic vacation?  Less, because of course he would do this.  Of course he had plans to dress you up in the tiniest bikinis he could find and show you off to the men who had already become pawns in his perverted game of social chess.
Not that you minded; you were the Queen of the board and it didn’t bother you if it was what the King wanted.
You spent the first night in the villa alone with him, which you appreciated.  It had been a while since you two had some real quality time together, and you were craving him more than ever, in every way.
After a beautiful day spent swimming in the crystal blue ocean and enjoying the sights your new temporary home had to offer, you took a shower and tried not to get too excited about how you might be spending the evening with him.  But, of course, you were only a few minutes into washing the saltwater off your body when you began to imagine his tongue on you, god that man could use his tongue to destroy you any way he wanted: with his words, with his kisses, or perhaps best of all with it tasting every inch of your cunt.  It was amazing how he could get on his knees for you and still have all the power.  He liked to make you keep eye contact with him while he did it, make you beg him to let you come, whatever it took to remind you that you were thoroughly and properly owned.
And you loved every second of it, you loved being helpless to him.  He made you feel so safe that being vulnerable with him by now felt like no risk at all.  You could remember early on when your fears and insecurities made you more hesitant to submit to him, and it was only with gentle patience that he coaxed you into it, never pressure or anger.  You weren’t a virgin when you met him but, sometimes it felt like you might as well have been since you were so inexperienced and undersexed then.  In fact, he was the first man, the first person other than yourself to make you come… and he made you come more ways than you had known possible.
Okay, so maybe the plan to not get your hopes up wasn’t going so well… you were already struggling to keep your hands from between your legs. Frankly, you would’ve already done it if you didn’t know that touching yourself was against the rules.
You’d gotten so used to taking care of yourself while he was in prison, at which point he obviously suspended that rule, and it was a hard habit to break at times.
You emerged from the bathroom in the fluffy robe you found on the door, smiling when you saw him lounging on the bed in a matching one, reading Анна Каренина (known by the West as Anna Karenina).  He looked contemplative, as always, and you always thought he looked especially sexy in his reading glasses.  You slipped into the bed beside him, resting your head on his chest as he found a position where he could read comfortably with his arm around your shoulders.
“You must’ve already read that book a thousand times, Helmut,” you sighed.
“And it gets better every time,” he mumbled back, turning the page.
You pouted slightly, nuzzling into his shoulder, and he chuckled.  “Is my little lutka in need of some attention?”
You nodded, and he kissed the top of your head softly.  
“Why don’t you keep me warm while I finish this chapter, hm?” he offered, and you involuntarily clenched your thighs together at his words.  He phrased it like a question, but it felt more like a gentle demand, and you were happy to agree either way.
“Yes, sir,” you hummed as you sat up and straddled his legs, undoing your robe and opening his to wrap your hand around his half-hard cock.
He reached his full potential with only a few slow strokes, and you found yourself absent-mindedly licking your lips as you saw the way your fingers just barely met with your thumb and imagined how your body would be pushed to its limits to take him.  Good thing you were already dripping wet even though you’d just been in the shower.
You indulged in rubbing your pussy over his shaft for a moment, enough to coat him in your wetness, before you lined up his tip to your entrance and sunk down onto him with a sigh, feeling like you could never tire of being stretched open by his thick cock.  
When your hips met his, and the tip of his cock brushed against the deepest parts of you, you had to bite your lip to suppress a whimper.  After so long apart, you were still readjusting to taking him and being on top didn’t make it much easier.
Honestly, you really weren’t trying to move; you just found your hips rocking slightly, seemingly of their own accord.  You moaned under your breath as your clit rubbed against his body, but you were pulled from your trance with a whine as he slapped your thigh.
“No moving, draga, I think I made myself clear,” he reminded you sternly.
“Yes, sir,” you breathed.
You were pretty sure that at some point, you were a patient person. But you couldn’t imagine that now, not when all you could think about was how amazing it would be to just ride him right there, memories running through your mind and making your inner walls ripple unintentionally.  He either couldn’t feel it or didn’t care, stoically continuing to read even as you were struggling to stay still.
Your plan was to be good for a while and then hope that you could convince him later… but you know what they say about best-laid plans, so you ended up cutting straight to the convincing pretty fast.
“Can I move yet, sir?”
“It’s hardly been a minute,” he frowned.
“Please,” you sighed, just barely moving your hips without even meaning to.
“Not yet,” he asserted, sounding a bit annoyed, but you needed this more than anything.
"Please let me move, please; I just wanna ride you so bad,” you begged.
He sighed, clearly irritated, and just when you thought you’d made a grave error, he finally put his book aside and looked up at you with a grin.  "If I had known you would be so whiny, I would have had you keep me warm with your mouth.”
You opened your mouth to respond but let out only whimpery moans when he ran his hands up your body, toying briefly with your nipples before wrapping a hand around your neck and pulling you down into a rough kiss.  Moaning into it, you couldn’t hold back any longer and started to rock your body atop his, savoring that perfect drag of his length along your walls that you’d missed so much.
Before you got a chance to really set your pace, he grabbed you tight and rolled the both of you over, pinning you under his weight as he fucked you in that way that was somehow rough and slow at the same time, moving his kiss to your neck and holding you down by your wrists.
“Fuck, th-thank you, sir,” you sighed, your cheeks warming when he chuckled against your skin.
“You really are too sweet, draga,” he whispered.
Your arms wrapped around his neck while your legs did the same to his hips, keeping him deep inside you while his lips and tongue teased your collarbones, his fingers interlacing with yours.
He spent the entire night somewhere between making love to you and fucking you within an inch of your life, making you come more times than you could count, only taking breaks from fucking you to eat you out like a starving man (and one time for a quick drink sometime around 3 a.m.).  It was no wonder, then, that you passed out just a few moments after he finally came inside you, sleeping soundly in his arms until well into the morning, nearly noon in fact, when the sun was streaming in through the massive window.
After a relaxed breakfast of champagne and fruit (the native pamplemousse was unlike anything you’d ever eaten before), Helmut encouraged you to shower again and meet him at the pool, which was a bit surprising since he normally liked to have you keep his come in you as long as possible.  “Our guests should be here this afternoon,” was his only explanation, and you had a few ideas about what that meant, all of which made your gut sink in an oddly pleasurable way as you were filled with anticipation.
“Wear that bathing suit I bought for you, the new one,” he added finally as he stepped out onto the back patio.
It might seem silly to have a pool on a property right by the beach, but on days like today, where the ocean water was just a bit too chilly, you were thankful to have the heated pool to take a dip in.  Honestly, you were a little surprised that Helmut didn’t make you swim in the ocean to see your nipples get hard through the tight black bikini, but then again, they were already getting there just from sharing a pool chair with him.
He was lying against the cushioned chair; your body sat between his spread legs as the back of your head rested on his chest.  And, this is entirely unrelated, but you really liked how he looked in the round sunglasses he had on.
You hummed contentedly as you reached up behind you to touch him, rubbing his shoulders and pecs.  You wiggled a bit, slowly, and imagined how it would feel if he got hard right against the small of your back.
"Mm, what's gotten into you, lutka?" he purred, rubbing your arms.
You rolled your eyes playfully.  "You know the effect you have on me, don't act surprised."
Just before anything exciting could happen, Sam and James entered through the fence, apparently already having changed into their swimsuits; you wished you had thought to wear sunglasses so they couldn’t catch you ogling their muscular bodies, but instead, you just tried to keep your cool as you waved hello.
“Welcome!” Helmut called out, both of you getting up to greet them properly.  “I hope your flight was alright…?”
“Yeah, it was great,” Sam nodded, “thanks.”
“You really own this whole place?” James added, glancing around.
“Yes, would you like to have a swim?  I hear it should be warm enough tomorrow for the ocean, but until then…” Helmut trailed off.
Sam went right ahead, diving in and smiling wide when he popped back up.  That man had such an infectious smile, you thought he should charge people to see it or something because you felt spoiled seeing it for free.
James jumped in behind him but seemed a little surprised when he returned to the surface to see you back in your chair with Helmut.  “Care to join us?” he asked you.
“Um, no, I already swam a bit this morning,” you remembered, suddenly shy, “I think I’ll stay by the pool a while longer.”
“Aw, I was looking forward to getting to know you better,” he pouted, and everyone else raised an eyebrow at that statement.  “Um, verbally, I mean,” he added, cheeks flushing slightly.
“What would you want to know?” you asked, sighing as you relaxed against Helmut’s chest.
“Well, what’s your story?” he shrugged, swimming up the edge of the pool to hang his arms over the edge.
“I… suppose it’s a rather short story,” you realized, “I was born in Sokovia, but my parents were immigrants.  I was a bit of an ugly duckling as a child, I think.”
“You look like quite the swan now,” James winked, and you hoped Helmut wouldn’t notice how much that affected you.  
“Oh, thank you,” you mumbled.
“Which reminds me, that’s a cute bikini you have on,” he complimented.
“Do you like it?” you hummed coyly.  “Helmut picked it out.”
“Why don’t you give them a better look, darling?” Helmut prompted, and Sam swam up to hang over the edge too as you stood up and fought the urge to cover yourself with your arms.  The Baron motioned his finger in a circle, silently instructing you to twirl so they could see the back, and you did though you felt a bit self-conscious about it.  Finally, once you were sure they’d had an eyeful, he let you sit back down in his lap.
“Cute, isn’t it?” he cooed as his fingers travelled slowly up your sides.  “It’s Chanel.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Sam dismissed, unlatching himself from the edge of the pool and falling into a backstroke.  “This is weird.  I just wanna swim.”
“You didn’t think this was seriously a free vacation, no strings attached, did you?” James shot back, getting up out of the pool and shaking some of the water off of himself before sitting down in the chair beside you two and letting his eyes wander over you.  “So, Chanel, huh?” he prompted, and you nodded.
“Helmut says I should only wear the nicest things,” you explained, sitting up slightly.
“Why does it matter?  You’d look beautiful in anything,” James cooed, and you felt a little dirty for how much you liked his attention.  Good thing you liked feeling dirty.
“And a rare wagyu steak would taste just as good served any way, but you wouldn’t put it on a paper plate, now would you?” Helmut countered.  “Well, maybe you would…”
James rolled his eyes but brushed off Helmut’s insult, returning his attention to you.  “I guess I’m just… hungry enough that it doesn’t make much of a difference.”
You reached up to trace your fingertip over the silver chain dangling off of his neck, biting your lip as you hooked your finger around it and pulled him closer.  “Are you hungry enough that you don’t mind that it’s another man’s meal?”
His blue eyes went wide for a moment before glancing down to your lips and back up to your unwavering gaze, your brow raised as if a challenge while his furrowed as if he were considering accepting it.
“If he’s willing to share…” James whispered back.
“Then kiss me,” you requested softly, pulling him closer by his dog tags one more time until your lips met.
The way James kissed you was… difficult to describe.  Gentle, but with this edge of intensity— like he was restraining himself, like there was so much more passion teeming beneath the surface.  You wanted to bring that out if you could; you wanted to see how far you could push him until he lost it.
As James carefully ventured his tongue into your mouth, only to pull back and nip your bottom lip with his teeth, Helmut kissed you too— on the back of your neck, that spot that always made you wet and desperate right away.  You moaned, and you couldn’t be sure exactly who it was for, but James sure decided to respond to it either way, tilting his head more to let his kiss explore you deeper.
Helmut’s teeth dug into your shoulder right as James nipped at your bottom lip like they had somehow explicitly coordinated to make you desperate; your right hand reached up to weave into James’ hair, your left squeezing Helmut’s wrist at your side.
The kiss ended just a moment too soon, and there was a delay before you blinked your eyes open to look back at James, who seemed quite proud of himself.
“Touch me,” you pleaded in a whimper.
“Where?” he asked, somewhat innocently.
“Y-you know where…” you mumbled.  
He grinned wide, all trance of innocence gone.  “I know, but I want you to say it.”
“My cunt,” you whispered, and he snarled just a bit at the word.  “Please?”
“Of course, which one do you want?” James prompted with a grin, showing you his hands as your eyes instantly gravitated to the metal one.
“I think you know which I’m going to choose,” you mumbled shyly, and he smirked as he reached forward with the vibranium arm to brush his fingertips over your stomach, moving down to the top hemline of your bikini bottom.
You just barely gasped when the metal digits swiped over your clit and began to rub gentle circles, almost too slow as if he wanted to tease you… which, of course, he did.
"Do you like the way he touches you, draga?" Helmut whispered.  His voice in your ear was like honey on your tongue, like honey everywhere.
"Yes, sir," you nodded, looking down at James' hand buried into your bikini.
"Hey, tell me you like it, too," James protested, "I'm the one doing it after all."
"I like it, James," you repeated, looking up at him.  "I… don't have a title for you.  Should I call you something when you touch me like this?"
"You can just call me Bucky from now on, okay?  I think we're well past close enough now for that."
"Okay, Bucky," you sighed, watching the way his jaw clenched when you called him by name, "please put your fingers inside me."
"Yes, please," you breathed.
"But my fingers are thick, they're hard metal, and you're so small and delicate…"
"I want them to stretch me out, just please—"
A loud moan of shock jumped out of your mouth when he pushed the fingers in all at once, and though it reawakened some of the soreness from when Helmut had fucked you the night before, it felt wonderful enough to make your back arch up from the strong body behind you, his erection now digging into your hip.
It was certainly loud enough to get Sam's attention, who suddenly appeared beside the chair while he towelled off his chiselled chest.
"Damn, what are y'all doing to her over here?" he wondered aloud as if he were concerned for your health.
"Just playing with Zemo's little doll," Bucky answered.  "She's really fucking tight, can barely fit two fingers."
"Wait, move over, let me see," Sam insisted, making Bucky pull his fingers out and Helmut holding you more firmly as Sam slipped his hand into your bikini as well, poking his fingers at your entrance before pushing them in.
His fingers were even thicker and longer than Bucky's, just by a slight margin yet enough to make you mewl and arch your back as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Fuck, yeah, you were right," Sam breathed, and you felt more hands running over your body but you couldn't even tell anymore whose they were; you knew one that reached to pull up your bikini top and expose your breasts was Helmut's, because only he would be so bold, but the fingers teasing your nipples, the rough palm running up your legs… they could've belonged to anyone, and that realization made your clit throb.
"Okay, okay, that's enough. I was here first," Bucky mumbled as you felt Sam's fingers slip out and the metal ones push back in— not to mention the thumb reaching up to circle your clit slowly.
He wasn't just exploring you this time; you could tell he had a mission.  The way he instantly curled into your spot, the way he moved quickly yet deliberately, all made your thighs begin to quiver.
Helmut kissed your ear, gently tilting your head to access your neck better where he began to suck hard enough to leave a mark, mumbling something in Sokovian about how good you were being for him and his guests.
You loved being good, and the praise made your hips lift a little so you could rock yourself onto Bucky's fingers; the three men chuckled proudly.
"Feels that good?" Bucky pressed, and you nodded quickly.
He fingered you even faster, harder, and you cried out.
"Ohhh fuck, Bucky!" you gasped.  "Bucky, I'm gonna come!"
"Oh no, you're not," Helmut groaned, giving you a quick spank on the inner thigh as you whined and jolted.  "James, take your fingers out."
"Do I have to?"
"You do if you want a chance to fill her with more than just your fingers…"
That worked right away, Bucky pulling back as you pouted at being empty again.
“Let’s take her inside, and we can continue this there,” Helmut suggested, and Bucky lifted you up into his arms as the Baron led the group back to the master suite.
The convenient thing about bathing suits is that it takes so little time to get naked, which is why the second the patio door was shut, Bucky and Sam were stripping as their hard cocks bobbed up against their stomachs.  As if that weren’t overwhelming enough, Helmut stepped away for a moment (which left you feeling more alone than usual) just as the men began to help you strip; Sam untied the back of your bikini while Bucky knelt and pulled down the bottoms, leaving you feeling exposed as you were totally bare before them.  Bucky smiled up at you and kissed along your thighs while Sam grabbed a handful of your ass and growled a bit under his breath.
When you looked over at Helmut, you saw he had actually dressed in his robe rather than stripping, nearly making you whine with disappointment.  But you couldn’t focus on that long as hands moved all over your skin, both of them still just slightly wet from the pool, and you shivered for both of those reasons.
You gasped when Bucky suddenly licked a thick stripe right over your folds, and if it weren’t for Sam’s arms holding you up, you might not have been able to stay standing.
Looking down at where Bucky was devouring you, he looked back up at you with a lot less dominating intensity in his eyes than you were used to seeing.  Not that you minded; after all, no one could do what Helmut did as well as he could, but maybe Bucky could do something different, and it would be just as enjoyable.  His tongue lapping at your clit was certainly wonderful so far.
Sam guided one of your hands back behind you to stroke his cock, your mouth falling slack, which he took advantage of by turning your face and capturing you in an open-mouthed kiss.  You heard your moans stifle against his tongue, felt his cock flex a bit as you smeared the precum you found at his tip.
“I think that’s enough for now,” Helmut interrupted, and everyone turned to look at him.  “Darling, come here,” he instructed with a curled finger that pointed to the bed, “hands and knees.”
You nodded and pushed the other men away, taking your place on the bed and looking up at him as he held your jaw gently.
"How long has it been since you had another man inside you, lutka?" he asked lowly.
"I can't even remember,” you admitted, “it's been so long…"
“Are you willing to try it?” he asked gently, no hint of domination or pressure in his tone, and you found yourself searching his eyes for the right answer.
“What do you want?” you asked him instead of answering.
“Draga, I’m asking what you want,” he reminded you, but you were afraid he would be hurt if you showed interest in the other men.  Sure, previous evidence indicated that wasn’t an issue for him, but your gut instinct was to deny your attraction.  So, you compromised. 
“All I want is you,” you answered first, “but…”
“But is it awful if… if I want them to fuck me, too?”
He smiled, kissing your forehead.  “No, I don’t think so.  Only as awful as it is that I want to watch them fuck you.”
You looked up at him and smiled back, brimming with gratitude that he was so gentle with you.  It was fascinating how he wielded complete control over you and yet never used it against you.
“I have one rule, draga,” he added firmly, “you cannot come for them.  You only come for me.  Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And stay on your hands and knees, so I can always get a good look at you, yes?”
“Yes, sir.”
He kissed you one more time before pulling away and sitting back in the chair in the corner with his ankle over his knee, looking at Sam and Bucky expectantly.  Every chair he sat in seemed to look like a throne as soon as he was in it.
“Well, get on with it, then,” he instructed, motioning to you.  The men looked at you and looked at each other before some kind of silent agreement took place and Bucky stepped up first.  Sam sat down to watch you as you felt Bucky stand near the bed behind you, flesh and metal fingers running over your back until you shivered.
Then he pressed his cock against you, coating himself in your wetness, and that made you shiver, too.
You braced yourself as he lined himself up, whimpering slightly as he pushed his cock into you as well as hearing him moan lowly.  The hand at your waist tightened as he hissed in a breath through his teeth.
"Fuck," he breathed, holding you still so he could fill you completely.  “S’tight…” he slurred.
“How does it feel for you?” Helmut asked you, raising an eyebrow as he examined your expression, your mouth fallen slack, yet your brow furrowed.
“It feels… different,” you stammered your answer.  You gasped loudly as Bucky started to move, and yes, this was very different.  His cock was curved differently and though it didn’t exactly reach any new parts of you (you were sure Helmut had already touched every part of you physically accessible), it did stroke them in new ways.  
He gained speed rather quickly, clearly too on edge himself to stay patient, and you didn’t blame him although it sent you moving faster toward the edge than you would’ve liked.  At first you wondered if it would even be a challenge to keep from coming like Helmut had demanded… you chided yourself internally for ever being so hubristic.
His legs pushed yours apart, spreading them wider, and he began to really fuck you in earnest, fast and needy and each slam of his hips against your ass harder than ever.  “O-oh fuck,” you choked, forcing your eyes shut and scrunching up your nose for a second when he slammed the tip of his cock right into the deepest spots inside you.  This position left you with nowhere to go, put your whole body on display for him along with giving you no escape from his onslaught of pleasure.  Worst of all was that you were pretty sure he wasn’t even trying that hard to make you feel good, and yet feeling used like that only turned you on more.
"Bucky, please, slow down," you whimpered.
"Absolutely do not do that," Helmut interjected sternly.  "Don't let her tell you what to do."
And, possibly just to spite you, he actually fucked you faster.  You sobbed and bit down on your lip, fighting everything building up inside you.
“You’d better not come,” Helmut warned through his teeth, “you’d better not fucking come.  You know how bad it would be for you if you came for another man.”
“Y-yes, sir,” you nodded.
But Bucky was slamming right into your spot, and he knew it, too. He knew how desperate you were becoming, and apparently, he didn’t mind at all that you’d be punished for it.  He leaned down to growl against your ear, “I know how close you are.  Don’t you think it’d feel so good to just let go and come on my cock?”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks as the force it took to hold back your orgasm became painful.  “No, it would only feel good to come for Helmut…”
“C’mon baby, just stop fighting it and come for me,” Bucky taunted, “squeeze me tight with that sweet little pussy; I know you need to so bad.”
He wasn’t wrong, but you blinked with teary eyes up at Helmut and wanted nothing more than to please him and make him proud of you.  “Please, m-make him stop,” you begged, “I won’t be able to hold back anymore…”
“He’s not going to stop until he comes, lutka, and you need to stay strong,” he explained, his voice soothing you slightly.  “You need to be my good girl.  Can you do that?”
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
Bucky held your hips tight as he pulled your body back onto his cock, and you forced your eyes shut to try to focus on not coming.  No other man had made you come in your life but Helmut, and you had no intentions of breaking that streak.
“Think you can make me come before I make you come?” Bucky challenged.
“I have to,” you answered breathlessly.  “And I want you to come… I wanna make you come so bad, Bucky, please…”
“Mhmm?” he encouraged.
“Please, I want it, please come for me,” you whimpered.
“Fuck, I will,” he promised darkly, fucking you even harder.
Helmut interjected a brief instruction: “Pull out.” 
Bucky nodded a little, breathing heavily as you felt his cock throb slightly, especially at the base where each movement stretched you out even more.  It was so beautifully erotic and you were tensing every muscle inside you to try not to come, which helped speed him up quite a bit since you were gripping him so tight.
“Fuck,” Bucky grunted, “fuck!” 
He pulled out and instantly painted your back with a roar, sliding his cock over your ass as he pumped stream after stream of come onto you.  You sighed happily, satisfied that you had managed to stave off orgasm with perhaps only a few seconds to spare— you’d never been so happy to make someone come before because this time it brought relief that you had done well for your Baron.
Then again, you always felt that way when you made the man himself come, but this was different because you had been moments away from failing him.
Speaking of the Baron, he stared down at you proudly the whole time, kneeling down slightly to swipe his finger through the cooling spend on your back and bring it to your open lips.  “Mm, you really are my perfect little girl,” he mumbled as you sucked his finger diligently.  But he turned his attention away from you to call out across the room, “Sam!  It’s your turn.”
Your eyes went wide.  “W-wait, Helmut, I’ll come!”
“No, you won’t,” he hissed, eyes darkening again, “because I told you not to.”
And Sam was already behind you, taking Bucky’s place who had already cleaned himself up a bit and returned to his seat, letting the Baron pour him a drink which he gulped down in one go.
When Sam pushed into the end of you, your natural instinct was to arch your back up to try to keep him from going too deep, but he growled and pushed your back down again with a strong hand that made you feel so small for a moment.  “No, baby, no running away… you’re gonna take it all.”
“Yes, daddy,” you breathed, yelping a little when he roughly shoved in that last inch.
From then on, he went much harder on you than Bucky had, spanking you and gripping your ass while he fucked you, and the most embarrassing part was how much harder it made it to keep from coming.  It was clear that he realized making you come would give him power over everyone else in the room for different reasons, and he was determined to gain that power.
“Does he fuck you this good, huh?” he groaned.  
“He fucks me better,” you shot back right away, making Helmut chuckle slightly.
“If your plan is to make her switch allegiances, you’ll have to do better than that,” Helmut taunted, and Sam doubled his efforts as one hand pinched your clit and the other groped your breast.  You almost lost it right there but managed to pull yourself together, your whole body shaking with the effort to keep the pleasure at bay.
“Well, if he can fuck you better then why doesn’t he?” Sam continued his leading questions, even though you could barely keep up a conversation at this point.  “Why does he keep pimping you out to us if he’s fucking you right all on his own?”
“Don’t you understand?” you breathed, your head falling down onto the bed as you were almost able to look back enough to see his face.  “This is my punishment.  He knows I don’t want anyone else; that’s why you’re here.”
Sam smiled, perhaps in pity, and yet you honestly had to close your eyes because his smile was so lovely that it could’ve brought an end to your restraint.  “Poor thing, he’s really got you whipped.  I… still can’t believe I’m doing this, but you feel too good to stop now.”
He yanked your head back by your hair for emphasis, making you yelp as he fucked you brutally.  Your toes curled and your fingers dug into the sheets, and you had to close your eyes because the way Helmut was staring at you made this all much too difficult.  Maybe it was just that he didn’t seem jealous at all, or angry; but he didn’t seem like he was getting any excess pleasure out of this, either.  It was… almost neutral, but something burned behind his eyes brighter than maybe you’d ever seen it, his legs crossed and his fingers interlaced as he waited for you to either hold or break.
With the top half of your body fallen limply onto the bed, you reached out above your head and felt Helmut’s hand grab yours, squeezing slightly, and it helped keep you grounded as you held his fingers.
“Oh fuck, ‘m gonna come,” Sam groaned out his warning, “gonna cover this pretty ass in my come, you want that?”
“Yes, please,” you shuddered. 
“Keep begging for it,” he demanded, rushing his words as you felt his cock start to throb against your walls with his impending orgasm.  
“Please come, please come, please come on me, Sam, please,” you chanted, over and over, struggling not to come and hoping that if you could speed him up, then you could make it.
He grunted through his teeth as hot ropes of seed covered your ass; though your body was left wanting, dangling on the edge so close to your release, your mind was satisfied that you had managed to follow your Baron’s rules.
Sam stepped back to admire his work, finding another spare robe to cover himself with as he rejoined the other men across the room.
“Would you like a drink as well?” Helmut offered to Sam, unfortunately letting go of your hand in the process.  Sam was still catching his breath, running his hands over his short hair as if he was processing everything.
“No, but are those cigars up for grabs?” Sam replied, pointing to the ornate box propped open, and Helmut nodded.
“Of course; what’s mine is yours,” he answered, presenting the box and lighter to him.
“Yeah, you can say that again,” Sam added flatly, the three of them all looking at where you were sitting, covered in come and waiting patiently for your next command.
Just as you feared they’d all have their cigars and whiskey and ignore you completely, your Baron knelt down to look at you face-to-face, smiling proudly.
“You did so good for me, darling,” he cooed, and your insides clenched as if you could come just from hearing that.  “You don't think I'm horribly cruel, do you?"
"No, sir," you smiled weakly.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised with a kiss to the tip of your nose as he stepped away to the master bathroom.  
You glanced at the other men— Bucky with his crystal glass of whiskey, Sam puffing at the cigar stoically— and wondered what, if anything, you could possibly say.
“So, how’s your weekend been so far?” Sam asked you plainly, breaking the silence.
“It’s only Friday night,” you realized, sighing as you tried not to imagine how much debauchery the Baron had in store for you.  Right now you were so exhausted that it sounded like too much work; and you were so desperate only for Helmut that the idea of anybody else being involved intimidated you.
Helmut returned quickly with a washcloth, sitting beside you on the bed and placing it gently on your back.
“As pretty as you look covered in come, I’d rather not make too much of a mess,” Helmut explained as he wiped you down with the damp cloth, your skin tingling and your body crying out for more of his touch.
“Will you fuck me, sir?” you mumbled, somewhere between an honest question and a desperate plea.
“Yes, I will,” he answered, making you hum happily, “and I’m finally going to let you come.”
You bit down on your lip, trying not to moan just from hearing that.
“But I’m not going to let you stop.”
The lump in your throat was impossible to swallow, but you tried anyway as he tossed the rag away and circled the bed, standing behind where you were laying limply.  He grabbed you by your ankles and pulled you down to where he needed you, covering your body with his as he kissed the back of your neck slowly.
“I bet you’ll come the moment I’m inside you, draga,” he whispered.  You nodded in agreement, gasping a bit as you felt his cock teasing your swollen, sore pussy.  Just the tip bumping into your clit was enough to make you think you could come right there, you’d been on the edge so long.
But then he pushed into you in one stroke, not rough yet enough to reignite the soreness of being filled by two men already, and your walls started to pulse around him.  A million words swirled in your mind, words about how perfect he felt and how you’d missed him so much and how no one could fuck you like he could, but none of them made it to your mouth where you could only moan loudly.
He wrapped his arms around you, he kissed everywhere he could reach, and waves of pleasure washed over you until tears filled your eyes.  You lost count immediately, coming on his cock over and over as you became a limp, whimpering mess right away.
“You two really did miss out,” Helmut taunted the other men between his own moans, “it feels so fucking amazing to be inside her when she comes.  She gets tighter every time… blyat, so tight I can hardly control myself.”
It was already hot to hear him speak to you like that in these moments, but for him to speak to someone else, to keep you from forgetting that you weren’t alone and that these men had just fucked you and were watching you come right now?  You hadn’t even imagined before what that would be like.
“Please, please, sir, please,” you chanted, your voice breaking until you could barely whisper.
“What is it that you want, lutka?  Do you even know what you’re begging for anymore?”
“I want whatever you want, sir, please,” you cried.  He reached around your body to rub your throbbing clit, and you all but screamed.
“I know you do, beautiful, I know,” he breathed, kissing your back and shoulder tenderly to calm you.  “I love you so much, draga, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, I love you too, Helmut,” you whispered, “more than anything.  I love being yours.”
“Aw,” you heard Bucky briefly sigh.
“Dude, shut up,” Sam corrected him harshly.
“It’s sweet!” Bucky defended.
“It’s weird; this is all so weird,” Sam frowned.
“You didn’t seem to mind before…” Bucky trailed off.
Two of Helmut’s fingers swiped over your open lips and you immediately sucked them into your mouth with a satisfied hum, the taste of his skin always comforting you.  When he rolled you onto your side, it was so much easier for him to touch you wherever he wanted and it only did more to keep you overwhelmed with pleasure until you worried you couldn’t take much more.  But you kept sucking his fingers, tears still falling which he occasionally kissed away, until he took his hand away to wrap around your neck instead.  You nodded a little to let him know it was okay to choke you, and your loud moans fell to sudden silence when he tightened his grip.  
It made your eyes roll back, it made your walls flutter and your toes start to go numb, it made you wonder if you were going to pass out whether or not he let you breathe again because your body was already ready to give in.
You sucked in a gasp when he let go, sobbing his name as a particularly deep thrust knocked you right into your peak again.  He kept one hand on your neck as the other reached between your legs to play with your abused pussy as he fucked it harder than ever.
“I can’t come anymore,” you assured, shaking your head and trying to push his hand away from your sore clit.  “I— I can’t…”
“Yes, you can, draga, I know you can. Just relax and let me keep making you feel good,” he instructed, somehow both gentle and demanding all at once.
“I… I can’t…” you breathed, nearly incomprehensible between thick sobs, but you were already coming again in spite of your words, shocks of pleasure electrifying your body from the inside out.  He choked you out into silence again, praising you all the way through it.
“There you go, shh, it’s all right,” he soothed, “you’re so beautiful, darling, so good for me, just keep going…”
You reached back to lace your fingers into his hair and tug, which did nothing to deter him from kissing your neck just beneath where his thumb gripped it, same as your hand wrapped tightly around his wrist didn’t stop him from quickly rubbing your clit.
Breath filled your lungs when he let go, and you were so desperate for relief that you felt like you weren’t even in control of your words anymore.
"Please come inside me," you begged mindlessly, "please, I need you so bad, please…"
“Is that what you need?” he groaned.  “You need to be full of my seed?”
“Yes, please, want it deep in me— fuck, Helmut, please!”
He growled and bit your ear lightly, mumbling his promise to fill you up in Sokovian— sometimes you thought he spoke Sokovian when he was about to come because he was so distracted that he forgot English, but you didn’t think that at the moment because you were currently too cockdrunk to think about anything.
His low moan echoed right through your body as you felt his cock flex and throb with each pump of come, just as deep as you’d wanted, and you sighed happily at the familiar feeling, finally relaxing into the mattress.
But perhaps you relaxed a little too soon because he made you come one more time after he’d filled you, whispering something about he wanted to use your pussy to milk every drop from his cock, but after that finally he pulled out, and you collapsed face-down onto the bed, ready to pass out even though the sun was only just beginning to set and you’d slept until noon earlier.
“Well, I think we sufficiently knocked her out,” Sam chuckled.
“‘We’?” Helmut repeated, sounding a bit offended yet bemused as he redressed.
“Okay fine, you did most of the heavy lifting, but only cause you wouldn’t let her come for us,” Sam relented with a frown.
“I swear, I was this close to getting her to break,” Bucky interjected, sighing before taking another slow sip of his (third) drink.
“Yeah, what would’ve happened if one of us made her come, anyway?” Sam wondered aloud.  “She seemed pretty worried about whatever punishment you had in store for her.”
“Nothing too terrible,” Helmut shrugged, “I just would’ve fucked her in the ass.”
Bucky choked on his whiskey as Sam tried and failed to suppress a smirk.
“She lets you do that?!” Bucky blurted out between fits of coughing.
“She lets me do whatever I want,” Helmut replied, “I’m surprised that hasn’t become abundantly clear to you by now.”
“I guess we’re still adjusting to it, that’s all,” Sam explained.  “I don’t know about you,” he looked at Bucky, “but this is new for me.”
“I was born in 1917; everything is new for me,” Bucky frowned.
“Well, this is new for us too,” Helmut assured, “especially her, she was so inexperienced when she met me…”
He paused for a moment to reminisce before glancing at you lying prone on the bed and looked totally fucked-out.
“But look at her now!” he finished.  “She takes it all in stride.”
“Yeah, she’s a trooper alright,” Sam agreed.  “Be careful with her, Zemo, ‘cause I think if you hurt her too bad, Bucky here is gonna be waiting in the wings to steal her.”
“I— what?!” Bucky snorted defensively.
“Don’t think we can’t see you giving her googly eyes, not that I blame you or anything… getting deepthroated for the first time will definitely make you catch feelings,” Sam smirked before taking a puff of the cigar again.
“It’s not like that, I’m just… listen, I guess I’m just a bit more conventional than you perverts,” he frowned.  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything, I just can’t imagine having a girl like that all to myself and letting anybody else lay a finger on her.”
“Not everyone is as insecure as you, James,” Helmut shrugged.  “Women can’t be stolen.  They can only go where they want to.  And she wants to be with me.”
He turned back to ask you if you agreed, but you were already fast asleep.  Smiling slightly, he grabbed a blanket from the foot of the bed and unfolded it to drape over you; you instinctively cuddled up under it without waking up, letting out a quiet sigh.
“Goodnight, draga,” he whispered with a kiss to your forehead.  “Rest well, you’ll need it for the morning.”
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harrysgloves · 3 years
Three to tango
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story summary: You, Harry, and Florence have a good time in your makeup trailer.
warnings: Language // THIS IS P*RN WITH LIKE ZERO PLOT // Threesome // w|w // spitting // oral (female receiving) // i have no idea what a production company is so don't come for me.
a/n: Brushing off the metaphorical cobwebs and finally getting back into writing! Woo-hoo! Ending could have been better but... meh. Also, I'm posting from mobile. If it looks weird, blame Tumblr ✌😍
REQUESTED: by @iwannaholdyoutight- and @hazgoldenstyles
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And also by all these people... sorry it took so long.. 😁
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"Stop movin'." You grumbled for the millionth time that morning. Your focus on covering up all these damn tattoos that you loved had become one of the worst things you had to do almost every morning.
"It tickles." He whined as the makeup brush ran over the inside of his arm. He instantly flinched away from the brush the moment it glided against a particularly sensitive spot.
"Harry!" You groaned, your eyes closed in frustration when he shot you the most adorable puppy eyes.
"'M sorry, kitten." He cooed, his lower lip pouted out when you sighed loudly, grabby hands tried to enclose around your waist before you smacked them away.
"H, I gotta get this done or you're gonna miss set time." 
"Wanna kiss." Those big green eyes flashed up to you from his spot in your makeup chair and you knew there was no way you could say no.
"One kiss." You clarified, knowing damn well he'd use kissing you as a distraction from being tickled again. 
He nodded eagerly before leaning slightly up to your level. Your eyes narrowed, still not sure you could trust that he wasn't going to divert your attention but his lips. 
God, his fucking lips.
They looked so memorizing. The light sheen of chapstick he'd applied earlier was still lingering across the plush pink cushions. His tongue wetting them, taunting you to come closer, and it worked.
You were so naive to think he wouldn't do this.
You squeaked as his hands gripped the fleshy curve of your hips. His lips twitched up into a smile against your own when he pulled you forward onto his lap as quickly as he could. 
You knew you should have tried to protest a bit more. You should have attempted to keep him on track but when his thigh pressed against your clothed core, you knew you were done for. His tongue licked into your mouth as his hand got a firm grip on the round flesh of your ass.
"I see what you two do in here." That sweet voice floated through the thickening air in your makeup trailer as she opened the door. Your eyes lazily blinked open to see your smug boyfriend smile wide across his face. 
Whatever snarky come back that was sitting on the tip of your tongue was quickly choked down to the back of your throat when you looked up to see her wearing that. 
Who knew a robe could turn you on so much?
"Damn." Harry finally commented after your not so subtle shifting of your hips against his thigh. Now he completely understood why you'd suddenly gone silent. 
"Shut up." She mumbled under her breath. Her cheeks flamed red from your shameless stares. 
"You look great, baby." You smiled brightly, your hand extended out for her to take. "Mhm." Harry's quick agreement had both you and Flor rolling your eyes, but a small smile formed at the corner of her lips.
"Wait til you see what he's got to wear." She smiled brightly, her silky soft hand wrapped tightly in yours as she walked towards the both of you. 
"Better hurry up then," you practically jumped off Harry's lap, his lust filled eyes quickly turned fearfully as your eager hands reached for your set of brushes. "Hold him down for me."
"Gonna pay for this later, sweetheart." Harry grumbled as Florence's hand held down his arm. 
"Sort of counting on that, Harold. Now, be a good boy and hold still."
The rest of your day had been absolute torture. Your core ached, your underwear were beyond ruined, and you couldn't wait another minute for the both of them to finally be off set. 
Instead, the both of them casually took their time, leisurely hanging around to talk to other cast and crew while you were basically jumping out of your skin to get them back into the privacy of your trailer. 
After 30 minutes of them both shooting you sweet smiles and well disguised sultry eyes, you'd had enough. Your feet carried you as quickly across the lot to your haven, your fist clenched in your hand almost as tightly as your core.
You were dripping and the both of them knew you were having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself.
It started out innocent enough, Harry's tattoos needed to be touched-up about a million times with the edge of his suit rubbing away the makeup there. You had been practically drooling over the both of them all day but when he saw your legs tighten together, he could help but lay it on thick. His hand rested on the small of your back as he circled around you, nose pressed almost completely against your ear as he whispered a raspy thank you. 
Florence was just as bad and she wasn't ever the instigator out of the three of you. She couldn't help it when she heard a soft whimper leave your lips when she brushed a few hairs off your forehead when you were redoing her makeup after lunch. 
She smiled sweetly, too sweetly, before those plush lips pressed tightly against your own. Her hand laced around your jaw to pull you tighter into her kiss. 
She pulled away from you before you were even close to being done. "Only fair that I get to makeout with you in this chair if Harry gets to do it all the time." 
You felt like you could combust from how turned on you were and you were done waiting for them to do something about it.
You practically slammed the door to your trailer behind you, making sure to lock it before laying yourself out across your couch that sat in the corner of your room.
If they weren't going to do something about it, you would. Your hands fumbled around with the pesky pants that covered your legs, until you were finally free enough to touch where you needed.
The sigh of relief, shuddering feeling that ran through your body from the contact you were craving only lasted a moment before you heard a metal key fumbling around with the locks on your door. 
"Couldn't wait for us?" Harry chuckled, his keys to your trailer thrown on your table top.
"You two were taking forever!" You glared at him through your open legs. 
"Told you she couldn't wait any longer." Florence giggled as she pushed her way past Harry. Her hands on her hips but a smile danced on the corner of her lips.
"Are you two going to help me here or?" You were cocky, impatient, and your fingers weren't anywhere near as good as theirs was.
"Might just watch." Harry shrugged with a smug smile as he plopped down on the end of the couch. The furniture was barely big enough for the three of you to sit normally. His hands moved your legs to lay over top of his own. Your eyes could have shot daggers through him as he loosened his tie, his legs spread wide enough that your hand bumped his thigh with every slow circle around your clit.
"Baby." You whined, your pleading eyes flashing towards Flor. Who was already wearing nothing but a smile, her robe abandoned on the floor, and if you weren't so insanely turned on you would have turned to stick your tongue out to Harry. Gloating that at least one of them was nice enough to help you.
Having sex with them always seemed to be frenzied, blurs of quick paced moments that seemed to fly by.
Her thighs rested on either side of you as Harry peeled away the drenched lacy fabric between your legs. 
Her tongue dominating your own as she pulled down your top enough to free your breast. Her hands pinching and kneading across them as your back arched further off the couch.
You could hear Harry mumbling out a slur of curses, followed by the sound of his zipper. Your legs were bumped up and down in time with his strokes along his swollen cock.
"Soaking my leg, kitten." He groaned at the sight of your cunt soaking the thin material of his brown suit.
"Thought you were just gonna watch." Florence chuckled, her perfectly pouty lips swollen from how hard she'd been kissing you. The edges of them barely touching your own as she talked to Harry.
"Was gonna but she's so fuckin' wet, Flor." His voice was deeper than usual, gravelly, slow, "Bet I could jus'...." 
Your jaw fell open, your back arched off the couch when his fingers filled you. A wild moan ripped from your lungs when he curled them just right.
You could already feel the cord tightening in your lower stomach. You had been so wound up all day long from looking at them you were practically ready to snap within seconds. 
"Awe, poor thing's already about to cum." Florence cooed, her hand around the back of your neck, teasing your jaw with the edge of her nose. 
You always loved hated how well they could read you. How their teasing words made your face burn and your pussy flood with need. 
When she was harshly shifted down further into your chest, her own sweet sounding moan falling from her lips, you couldn't help your own snide remark, "who's the one going to cum too quickly now?"
She probably would have snapped right back at you but she couldn't utter out anything more than whimpers. You knew the feeling, Harry's tongue had a way of doing that, making you both shut up and he had proudly used it on more than one occasion to get you two to stop bickering about dumb stuff. 
Your hand laced through her blonde locks, her lips attached to your neck whenever she could control her mouth long enough to kiss your sweet spots. Your nipples peaked at the contact of her breast against your own, Harry's hand still pumped lazily against your sweet spot, his thumb running tight circles around your clit, and while it wasn't enough, you weren't complaining. You weren't ever sure how he managed to focus on eating one of you out while fingering the other when you knew damn well he was about to combust himself.
You knew she was close when her breathing became erratic, her chest heaving against yours. Her whole body shaking as her orgasm washed across her, her panting barely broke when you felt his warm tongue slipping through your folds.
You moaned at the feeling, your hips instantly shifted downwards, craving every bit of contact you could get from him. 
You could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers with every thick swipe of his tongue across your clit. Your eyes barely staying open when soft kisses were pressed lazily against your neck. 
Such a contrast to the harsh grasp of Harry's free hand digging into your one thigh. His gruts and groans were only muffled by the deafening sound of your soaking core.
Florence perked up her head from your chest, carefully turning herself completely around. Her legs on either side of your head as she draped herself across you to watch Harry at work.
Her sweet honey only inches from your face and fuck did you want a taste. You wet your lips, hands pushing her thighs down but she wouldn't budge.
Your huff of protest was quickly choked down when Harry's tongue ran tight circles around your clit.
"Gonna share?" That sweet voice asking that innocent question about broke you. Your walls clenched tightly trying to not get Harry to stop his fingers from slipping out of you, almost crying when they did anyway.
"Course, baby." 
You squeaked, your legs pushed backwards by your thighs, your body almost folded in half.
"Fuck, you got her soaking the couch." 
You were suddenly very appreciative about the fact neither one of them could see the embarrassment burning through your face. Your forehead pressed to Florence's leg as you whined, not wanting them to point how just how turned on you were.
You heard two simultaneous shushing sounds before your lower lips were pulled apart, the cool air licked across your slick, only making you whine louder.
When you heard and felt Harry's spilt against your core you thought you were done for. Lip tucked so tightly between your teeth you could taste the faintest hint of metallic against your tongue.
Then the softest kitten lick had you losing your mind, her tongue collecting all of his saliva on your clit before swirling around your entrance.
"Fuck," you cried, your nails digging crest moons into the flesh of Florence's thighs. "please, just fuck me already!"
"Don't think she can take anymore teasing Flor." Harry chuckled, yeah, chuckled, from between your thighs. 
"But I was having fun." She pouted, her tongue stopping its mesmerizing movements.
"Can 'ave fun with her after." Harry said as he started to shed the layers of his suit. 
"I'm literally right here!" You complained, your huff of annoyance jammed down your throat when Harry pulled up by your legs. Your face now exposed to his smirking, mischief filled eyes. 
"We know, baby," he cooed, almost too sweetly, something about the look behind his eyes made your pussy flutter but your mind anxious about how sore you'd be tomorrow. "Ass up for me."
You eagerly nodded your head, trying to roll over in your place before the tsking clicks of his tongue stopped your movements. 
"Like this." He said, pulling you off the couch. Your knees on the hard linoleum floor, your elbows resting on the seat of cushion in front of you. Giving Flor just enough space to sit pretty right in front of you.
Your arms instinctively circling around her thighs, pulling her core down to mouth. Her moans filled the small space around you. Vibrating off the walls with an echo. 
"Should 'ave done this in 'ere before." Harry mumbled more to himself than to either one of you as his tip teased your entrance. Your hips swayed instantly at the contact, slowly backing up the little bit you could to feel him slip inside of you.
He hissed, his fingers gripped the round flesh of your ass tightly before he surged forward, stuffing you to the brim with his cock.
"I ruin this pussy 'most everyday and you're still so fuckin' tight." He gritted out through his teeth, your walls clenched down around him at his words.
"Guess you're not fucking her good enough then." 
Your eyes widened in disbelief belief, disconnecting from her core so your mouth could gape in shock.
Did she hate you being able to walk?
"That so?" 
"'S what I said."
"Kitten," You squeaked when you were lifted by your shoulder, your back against Harry's chest. His hands snaked under your shirt just long enough to rip it off. "you can thank Flor tomorrow for why you won't be able to sit." 
"She'll probably be thanking me." The blonde rolled her eyes playfully teasing but enjoying the fact she was getting under his skin.
"Need me to stop, just tap my leg," his deep voice husked into your ear. Your hand tapping his leg, showing him you understood,  before you were hurled back in front of Florence's core by the back of your head. "good girl, now lick." 
You had Harry go hard on you before but when he sheathed himself fully inside of you in one go, you knew you were really going to be in for it. 
Your tongue tried to desperately get Flor off as fast as you could, your fingers slamming into her sweet spot, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You had a hard time knowing where to focus. Her addictive taste or his marksman worthy precision thrusts into your g-spot.
Your body felt like warm liquid was being pumped through your veins. Both of them gripping onto you at different ends, his hips grinding against your ass as he sat balls deep in your pussy. Her hips dragging against your mouth, fucking herself against your face. 
The sound of their collective moans slicked through the sticky, sex filled, air around you. Your mind lost in that space of non-thinking as your body moved back and forth between the two of them.
"Gonna cum all over my cock, sweetheart?" Your walls tightened around him as her fingers dug deeper into the back of your head. Her own cord snapping only moments before your own.
The white burning light washing through your body followed by the familiar gush of fullness in your lower tummy. 
"Holy shit," Florence breathed out, her arm dropped across her forehead. 
"Why haven't we done that here before?" Harry asked through short breaths.
"'S company property." You mumbled against the couch, your head buried into the soft material as your legs gave out to lay on the heaven-like cold floor below you. "We literally just said fuck you to New Line Cinema." 
You heard chuckling from either side of you, both of them still slightly out of breath.
"Hope we don't work with them again then." 
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maliby · 4 years
Dare | Johnny Suh (+18)
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↬ Pairing: Johnny x F. Reader
↬ Story Genre: smut, fluff
↬ Warnings: mature language, explicit sex scene
↬ Word count: 5.6K
↬ Summary:  You and your friend Johnny have this ongoing string of wild dares. There’s just one thing: you’re never allowed to say no.
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“Good morning class, today we’re going to start learning all about the matrix!” Your Algebra professor happily announced, completely unaware of the horror that swept over his students.
“Wait, is he talking about the movies?” Your friend Taeyong leaned in as soon as Professor Weaver turned his back to write on the board. The rest of the class groaned, having heard tales of horror from their seniors about the subject.
“No, you dufus! Remember last year when Taeil was having a mental breakdown?”
“Oh,” realization dawned over his beautiful face, his big eyes widening even more.
You had had a crush on Taeyong from the first moment you had seen him (just like everybody in your year), but that soon went away as you got to know him and found that you connected better as friends.
“Yup. Matrices…” You sighed in terror while you rested your chin on the palm of your hand. “Maybe Taeil has some notes he can give us-” At that moment, the phone in the back pocket of your jeans buzzed, breaking you out of your conversation. You fished the device from your pocket and looked at the shiny notification bar - it was a message from your roommate, Johnny Suh. 
You looked to your left where said roommate was, sat just a few tables from you, and felt a feeling of dread creep up on you at the sight of his stupid grin. You didn’t have to read the message, you already knew what he wanted.
“Is it Johnny?” Taeyong asked as his eyes followed yours straight to the roommate you both had in common.
“Yes…” you mumbled through gritted teeth, quickly placing your finger on your phone’s Touch ID to unlock it and read the message.
Heeere’s Johnny 🔪 (10:35 AM): dare u to scream “fuck” as loud as you can
“Motherfucker…” you muttered with your eyes closed.
“What did he dare you to do this time?” You turned your phone to him as you noticed him trying to take a peek at it. “Oh no…”
It all started this one night at a frat house party. Back then, you were still crushing over Taeyong and, in a game of truth or dare, Johnny dared you to pick your nose and eat your own booger. Of course, any sane person would have said ‘no’ but, the tequila shots you had downed half an hour earlier made you anything but that. After that, not only did you not look at Taeyong for 2 weeks straight, but also dared Johnny to pick his crush’s nose. You thought he would never agree to it, but as soon as you saw the deed being performed right in the middle of the cafeteria, you knew you had just entered a game with no end.
“Y/N, you can’t do this! You’ll be in trouble!” Taeyong tried to reason with you, already knowing his words would fall on deaf ears.
“More trouble than I was in when I had to write a love poem to Professor Stevens on one of the questions of the Calculus exam?” You flinched as you remembered the talk down you got when Professor Stevens thought you were trying to have sex with him to get a better grade.
“Yeah...that was bad. But still-”
The buzzing of your phone interrupted Taeyong. You looked down at it and read Johnny’s second message out loud to your friend.
Heeere’s Johnny 🔪 (10:38 AM): are u scared? 🐔
You looked back at the sender of the message and felt annoyance grow as you saw him flap his arms around like a chicken and laugh straight in your face.
5 seconds. That was how long it took for you to completely lose your cool, flip Johnny off and yell from the back of the class: “Fuck!” 
You were expecting a couple of things to happen, but nothing could prepare you for the general reaction you got: laughter. Everyone was laughing, from your classmates to your professor. Everyone except Johnny, that is.
“Don’t worry Miss Y/L/N,” Mr Weaver said from the front of the class, breaking your stare down with Johnny. “Matrices aren’t as scary as they seem,” Mr Weaver fondly smiled at you before turning back to the board to write something down, leaving you completely perplexed.
You looked back at Johnny who had his face in a frown and stuck your tongue out to him - it felt good to see his evil plans backfire.
“That was lucky,” Taeyong commented with a little chuckle.
“Tell me about it, feels like the Universe has finally compensated me for all the stupid shit Johnny has made me do.”
“You’ve made Johnny do some pretty stupid shit too.”
“Shhh,” you turned to your friend with your finger in front of your lips, making the universal gesture for silence. “Let’s not talk about that,” you patted him in the back and picked up your pen to start taking notes.
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“I’m back!” You announced as put your keys on the glass bowl right by the entrance of your shared apartment. 
“Taeyong, they were all out of your favourite yoghurt.” You heard noise coming from the kitchen so you moved your way there, but as you went inside you crossed paths with Johnny who was just leaving the kitchen. He was on the phone, and by the expression on his face, you figured that something bad must have happened. 
“What happened?” You asked Taeyong who was leaning on the balcony eating the last of his yoghurt.
“I don’t know, it’s his mother.” 
“Oh no, are his parents fighting again?” 
Taeyong nodded as he licked his spoon and threw the yoghurt cup in the trash.
It was then that you both jumped up at the noise of the door slamming shut - Johnny had stormed out of the house.
Both you and Taeyong had called him loads of times but Johnny never answered, worry consuming you and your best friend. Eventually, you both decided to split up and go looking for him - Taeyong on his scooter and you on your bicycle. 
After half an hour of looking for Johnny in the most obvious places, you started to get desperate. You were starting to run low on ideas of where he could be, but as you passed by a bus stop and saw an ad for a sunscreen with a girl on the beach you suddenly remembered something: Johnny once had told you that when he was feeling down he liked to go to the beach and listen to the waves because it really calmed him down. 
“Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” You questioned yourself (earning a few weird looks from the people at the bus stop) before you changed directions and started to peddle your way to the beach.
The beach was mostly deserted (being that it was December and it was cold), but a brown-haired guy could be seen sitting alone in the sand. 
You parked your bike in the empty bicycle spot, locked it and walked straight to the lonely boy. As you got closer to him and confirmed his identity you couldn’t help but sigh in relief - he sure as hell didn’t look good mentally, but at least he was physically okay. You fished your phone from the pocket of your jacket and sent a quick text to Taeyong before sitting right down beside one of your best friends.
“It’s a little cold for a swim, don’t you think?”
He smiled at you, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
“My parents are getting a divorce,” he deadpanned before looking back at the sea, your instant reaction being to hug him.
“I’m so sorry Johnny.”
“I begged them to just talk it over. I begged them to try but...they won’t.”
“Johnny…” you started in a warning tone. You wanted to tell him that his parents have the right to be happy, but you completely understood where he was coming from - nobody wants their parents to split up. You just wish you could take away this bad feeling from him.
“I know, I know…” he answered, picking up what you were about to tell him. “It’s just...hard.”
You studied his face for a while and noticed his eyes were puffy from crying and your heart completely broke. You and Johnny liked to tease each other a lot, but the truth was that you really cared about each other, more than you’d probably like to admit.
You placed your hand on his back and started rubbing soothing circles. He probably could barely feel them over his bulky black leather jacket, but you couldn’t help but do it. “We’re here for you. Me and Taeyong. You know that, don’t you?”
Johnny turned to look at you and for a brief moment, his eyes held an emotion you had never seen on him. Something you were sure you had misunderstood. Something that, weirdly, made your heart pound.
“I know.” 
Johnny kissed the top of your head and wrapped his long arm around you, snuggling you closer to him and his body heat. You placed your head on his shoulder and just sat there, hearing a mix of his breathing and the waves.
Suddenly your heart started pounding again - something about this felt way too intimate. Replaying the last few minutes in your head made you realize that all of this, somehow, felt like more than a friendship, and that, scared the crap out of you. 
Your own body acted on its own, and when you came to it, you were already backing away from him and saying something to deflect the situation.
“You know there’s a frat party tonight don’t you?”
“Y/N... I’m not in the mood.”
“Johnny Suh, you are going to that damn party, and you are going to have a good time!” You knew he was stubborn and that you probably had no chance of convincing him but then, something crossed your mind; something that would dead sure make him go. “...I dare you!”
He chuckled. “That’s a low blow, using the dares against me.”
“Isn’t that the purpose of a dare though?” You smiled mischievously, making him smile in return.
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“Woo-hoo! Look at you!” Taeyong whistled as soon as you left your room, all dolled up and ready to go party. “Who are you trying to bang?”
You sneakily took a peek at Johnny who was sitting on the couch and felt a shiver run up your spine as you saw his eyes completely locked on your form. “Mmm, no one,” you lied in a playful tone. 
The truth was you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that little moment with Johnny on the beach and, as you looked through all your clothes when deciding on what to wear, you couldn’t help but pick your most revealing dress with his reaction in mind.
“Yeah, I don’t believe you,” Taeyong said.
“Well tough luck! Now come on guys, the cab is waiting downstairs.”
When you were grabbing your bag to make your way out the door you felt a tall presence right behind you. He placed his big hand on the small of your back and whispered to your hair: “damn Y/N, didn’t know you cleaned up like that.”
You smiled to yourself and then turned to look at him. “Well, obviously you haven’t been paying attention.” You winked at him and turned back around, leaving to follow Taeyong to the cab while being fully aware of Johnny’s eyes on your back.
When both you and Johnny arrived downstairs, Taeyong had already sat in the front, making you both sit in the back.
The ride was a short one - only 10 to 15 minutes - but, nonetheless, it was full of tension. Taeyong was on his phone the whole time, and the driver kept quiet so, if it wasn’t for the radio the silence would be a deafening one. 
Both you and Johnny didn’t take out your phones, as it would be usual. He just leaned his head on the window and watched the city lights pass by, probably still thinking about his parents. You felt bad. You didn’t want him to feel this way. You wanted him to be his usual funny self and dare you to do stupid shit, but seeing him like this just broke your heart. 
You couldn’t help but stare at his side profile - he was handsome. Of course, you knew he was handsome, you were not blind, but this was the first time his handsomeness was affecting you. You couldn’t help but stare: stare at the way his styled hair brushed upon his eyes, stare at his straight nose and stare at his perky lips. 
Suddenly, an undeniable urge to lean in and kiss him emerged within you. An urge so immense that you caught yourself actually moving towards him, only to be stopped by him turning to look back at you with a charged expression. 
You shared a look for a few seconds. A look that made your insides tingle and your legs press harder against each other. What was happening to you?
Johnny’s hand was reaching over to yours, which was pressed on the seat between the both of you, and you could feel your heart start to beat faster. Suddenly, it felt like time had slowed down and all your focus was on that one hand. That hand that looked strong and delicate at the same time. That hand that looked like it had the power to not only be rough but also gentle. That hand that could grope you, touch you and fuck you so good until you cried for more. That hand that was so close that made you gasp in anticipation.
“We’re here,” the cab driver announced, breaking you from whatever spell Johnny had you on.
“Thanks. Keep the change.” Taeyong paid the driver and left the cab, immediately moving to open up your door.
“Milady,” he bowed, acting as your personal chauffeur.
“Why thank you,” you awkwardly bowed back, still feeling shaken up by the events of the car.
“Okay, let’s move!” Your group started walking towards the house as soon as Johnny joined both of you from the other side of the cab, Taeyong still completely unaware of what had just happened. “I promised Yuta we’d play beer pong with him.” 
“But Taeyong, you know I suck at beer pong!” You protested.
“I do. And that’s why you’re not on my team.”
“What?! That means I’m stuck with her!” Johnny whined from right next to you, making you turn and hit him in his chest, his hard pecks not going unnoticed by you.
“Shut up Suh, you know as well as I do that you could use a drink,” Taeyong said before he spotted his friend near the entrance. “Yuta ma’ man! What’s up?”
“TY! I was beginning to wonder if you’ve gotten lost!”
“Sorry, Miss Y/N here took 3 hours to get ready,” he pointed back at you, making you hit him in his shoulder.
“Shut up Taeyong!”
“Come on man, did you get a good look at her? I’d wait an eternity if it meant I could look at an angel like her,” he winked at you before getting a sip out of his red plastic cup.
It was public knowledge that you and Yuta had fucked a couple of times. He was pretty hot, and the things he could make you feel with that tongue piercing of his were out of this fucking world. But tonight, you weren’t feeling him all that much - the tiny voice in your head telling you that that’s because you wanted to be railed by Johnny instead.
“Do you really think those cheesy lines are going to work?” Johnny asked out of nowhere with a hint of annoyance to his voice.
Johnny and Yuta were friends and him, more than anyone, knew that Yuta was a nice guy. Sure, he really liked to flirt, but he was also very respectful. So, his reaction made you wonder if he perhaps was feeling jealous. Secretly, you hoped he was. 
“It already did man,” Yuta winked at you once again, catching you a little off-guard. 
“Now, TY told me we’re not going to be on the same team for the beer pong. I’m usually a perfect gentleman, but I’m sorry angel, I can’t let you win.” Yuta came one step closer and picked up your hand and you swore you felt Johnny tense up beside you. “Maybe afterwards you could save me a dance?” He kissed the back of your hand and gave you a look that left little to no imagination of his true intentions - he wanted sex.
“Dream on, Nakamoto,” Johnny interrupted, coming right between you two and breaking your contact. “Stop stalling and let’s go.”
Johnny grabbed your arm and pulled you inside and away from Yuta and his advances. The look of bewilderment on your other roommate’s face didn’t go by unnoticed by you, but you forcibly chose to act like you hadn’t seen it. You didn’t know what it was, but you were liking this jealous side of Johnny and you were certainly curious for more.
“Alright, game on,” you heard Yuta comment before the loud music from inside overwhelmed you and your ears.
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The game went on for a while. You lost, just as Taeyong had predicted. You didn’t mind, really. You just wanted to have a good time and the alcohol from the game was helping you do just that: you were currently in the middle of the dance floor dancing by yourself without a care in the world. You had lost your friends when you went to the bathroom and decided to go to the dancefloor when WAP started playing.
You were enjoying yourself. You were at that fine line where you were feeling the effects of the alcohol but you could still make your own decisions and you loved it.
Suddenly, as you were shaking your ass, you felt a pair of hands on your hips and a crotch on your ass. You wished it was Johnny, but as you opened your eyes and saw him sitting on a couch not far from you, you felt your fantasy crumbling. You turned around to see who you had just ground on and weren’t surprised when your eyes landed on Yuta.
“Hello angel, I’ve been looking for you.”
“Really?” You tried to put a little distance between you, but Yuta just pulled you right back in, your bodies now in full contact with each other.
“The way you look tonight...you’re driving me fucking crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confessed in your ear, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back. “All I wanted to do, was ditch Taeyong and the game and do that thing with my tongue that you like so much.”
Usually, that would be enough to make you lose your shit and pull him to the closest available bedroom, but tonight your mind was elsewhere. “Yuta...I’m sorry but tonight I’m not feeling it.”
His face fell in disappointment and he looked like a lost puppy, which partially made you feel bad for rejecting him, but you had to be honest. 
“You sure?” He asked you.
“Alright, I’m sorry then...”
He was about to let you go; you could feel his grip loosening when someone yanked him back and away from you, leaving you confused.
“Leave her alone Nakamoto,” Johnny’s voice sounded right from beside you, making your heart jump.
“What the-? What is wrong with you Johnny? Why are you acting so- Oh…” Yuta looked back at you and you could literally see him putting all the puzzle pieces together in his mind. “I get it now.”
“Get what?” Johnny asked.
“Nothing,” you intercepted Yuta before he could say anything. “Yuta, don’t you have to go meet up with that girl?” 
You made some weird faces at Yuta so he could understand what you were doing and, thankfully, he did. 
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Have fun!” He winked at you and turned to leave, making you sigh in relief that that whole situation was over.
“That was weird,” your roommate commented. “Was he bothering you? I know he sometimes can be a little...persistent.”
You felt a warmth spread throughout your chest. You knew Yuta could never harm you, but the fact that Johnny was so worried about you made you swoon. Then a thought popped in your head that made the warm fuzzy feeling turn sour: was he worried because he liked you or just as a friend?
“No, it’s okay. He did nothing wrong. Thank you…”
“You’re welcome…”
The mood got awkward for a minute, with none of you saying a word until Johnny broke your shared silence. “I’m gonna go.”
“Yeah...I’m sorry, I’m just not really feeling it.”
He looked mentally down and you felt bad for him. Johnny was always the one cracking up a joke - wherever there was laughter, he was always present. He loved to dance and to have a good time, and it broke you to see him like this.
“Hey, come on, dance with me.”
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m really not feeling it…”
“Come oooon…” You didn’t know how you could convince him, but then an idea popped in your head. “I dare you.”
He chuckled and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of at least making him laugh. “Playing dirty again Y/N?”
“Well, you aren’t giving me much of a choice now are you Johnny?”
“I don’t know…”
Before he could continue you started imitating a chicken, just like he had done to you in the Algebra class and you couldn’t help but smile at his laughter once again.
“Alright, alright!”
“Yes!” You chanted in victory, promptly grabbing his hands and making him dance with you.
The dance started out friendly, with a few spins here and there, but it wasn’t long before tension started rising up and his hands were on your hips, just where Yuta’s had been. In your head, you couldn’t help but compare the feeling of the 2. Yuta had nice hands, that had certainly made you feel good before, but Johnny’s somehow felt better. His hands felt like he cared for you on a much deeper level. Like they could hold you and never let go. Like they could protect you from anything and completely destroy you at the same time.
As your inner voice went on an entire monologue about the wonder of Johnny’s hands, you found yourself looking him dead in the eyes. The way he was looking at you was making you think wild things, and with the buzz from the alcohol, you couldn’t help but want to act on those thoughts.
Without an ounce of self-control, you let your head move forward and your mouth whisper in his ear: “I dare you to grab my ass.”
Without a second of hesitation, his hands were on your ass and you were exhaling on his ear. The way his big hands were fully grabbing you and massaging you was turning you on so much that you could feel yourself get wet. You wanted nothing more than to have him lift up your dress and finger you in the middle of everyone.
Johnny moved his head near your neck and you thought for a second he was about to kiss you there, but you were surprised when he spoke in your ear. “I dare you to grind that sexy ass of yours on my cock.”
Just as he had done with your dare, you promptly complied, turning around and rubbing yourself on his semi. You both were walking on some dangerous paths, but you didn’t think any one of you could go back now.
As you moved your ass to the music and felt him grow harder and harder you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to fuck him. You wanted him to end you. You wanted him to fill you up so good that he’d ruin any other man for you. You wanted his hands all over your body. You wanted him to grab your tits and play with your nipples. Fuck.
You reached your head back and whispered your next dare to him: “I dare you to play with my boobs.”
And then those big hands that were previously on your ass were now caressing your breasts and you felt like you were completely done. 
“Mmmh…” you moaned, not sure if he could hear you over the loud music.
The way he was pinching your nipples over your dress made you feel glad you decided on  not wearing a bra tonight. He was making you feel so good just with his fingers on your nipples and his clothed cock on your ass that your mind once again thought about what it would feel like to have the real deal.
“I dare you to kiss me.”
The dare had caught you off guard. You had been so in a trance by the grinding that your mind went straight to the fucking and skipped the kissing, but now that he had requested it you couldn’t stop thinking about it. So, consumed by desire, you turned around and glued your lips to his. 
You wrapped your right leg around his hip (his hand once again coming to the rescue and grabbing your thigh) and felt his cock rubbing you straight on your clit. The feeling was so pleasurable that you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore, you had to have him now. So you pulled back from the kiss and plead for the last dare: “I dare you to fuck me.”
Johnny didn’t waste any more seconds, he grabbed you by your hand and lead you up the stairs to the first spare bedroom he could find. He then pushed you to the bed, making you fall right on the mattress.
“When I saw you with Yuta I went fucking crazy.”
The way he was towering over you and looking down on you as he confessed his feelings to you was slowly driving you mad. You never imagined you would be where you were right now, but now that you were you could confidently say that you wanted nothing more than this.
“I turned him down because of you,” you also confessed, now suddenly feeling shy and not being able to look him in the eye.
He chuckled.
Suddenly the mattress dipped between your legs as he joined you on the bed, right on top of you. 
“How the fuck did we end up here Y/N?” His fingers gently placed a misplaced lock of your hair behind your ear, catching your breath at his tenderness.
“I don’t know...but I think I don’t want to go back.”
“Good. ‘Cause me neither.”
His lips were back on yours and although the kiss felt different this time, it quickly evolved to something more. His hands ran down your body and went between your legs, his fingers rubbing you over your drenched panties.
“You’re so wet baby. Is this all from grinding against my cock?” His fingers slid under your underwear and easily entered you, making you moan.
“Fuck, yes. I can’t stop thinking about your cock, it’s driving me crazy. I want to fuck you so badly.”
“I want that too.” Something dark took over his eyes. Something that, in combination with his low and breathy voice was making your desire for him grow to even bigger levels. 
“Lately I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” His free hand pulled down the upper part of your dress, exposing your breaths to his hungry mouth, as his other hand picked up its pace. “I lay awake at night just thinking about you: your smell, your hair, your smile, your eyes, your lips, your body…”
“Johnny…” you moaned his name as you felt that sweet pleasure building up from within you.
“Fuck, that sounded better than I imagined. Do that again, baby.”
Johnny’s other hand joined the one between your legs and began its assault on your little bundle of nerves, intensifying the amount of pleasure you were feeling. “Fuck Johnny, I can’t take it much longer…”
“Cum for me baby,” he instructed as he tried to alleviate himself by rubbing his cock against your leg.
“Ohshit-” you incoherently mumbled at the arrival of your orgasm, your walls spasming around his long fingers.
“You’re so beautiful,” Johnny mumbled against the skin of your belly as he pressed soothing kisses on it.
You smiled and took in a few more breaths so you could talk. 
“Since when are you this romantic Suh?” You asked as you finger-combed his now messy hair.
“Since always. I just only show it to special girls.”
You looked away, suddenly feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks. Damn Johnny Suh and his smooth ass talking.
He chuckled before moving closer to your face and kissing you across your jaw. “Since when are you this shy Y/L/N?”
“Since-” You opened your mouth to answer him but came up short, ending up getting frustrated instead. “Shut up and take your clothes off!”
Your roommate laughed at your annoyance and immediately complied, removing his shirt and working on his pants. You couldn’t help but stare at his buff body: his bulging biceps, his washboard abs and his juicy pecks. You were so lost in desire that you didn’t even notice that Johnny was eyeing you up.
“Enjoying the view?” He teased, the stupid grin on his face driving you mad.
“Shut up,” you said once more, not enjoying the power he had over you.
“Take off your dress baby, I wanna see you too,” he requested as his hand caressed your naked thigh, sending shivers up your spine.
You obliged, quickly removing all your clothes and exposing your naked body to his hungry eyes.
Johnny didn’t say anything, but you could tell by the way his cock twitched that he was affected. So affected, in fact, that within seconds he was on top of you devouring your lips.
Both your hands wandered on each other’s body as he dry humped you between your legs.
“Do you have a condom?” You asked between ragged breaths.
“Fuck, no. But wait a minute,” Johnny reached for the bedside table and opened the first drawer, finding exactly what he was looking for. “Jackpot.”
“Did you know that was there?” 
“No, but I figured. After all, this is a frat house,” he explained as he opened up the package and rolled down the latex condom on his cock.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Fuck, yes. Just put it in.”
Johnny didn’t wait a second longer. He grabbed his cock, ran it up and down your slit a couple of times and slowly entered you, the feeling of fullness being completely indescribable.
“Oh Johnny, you feel so good.”
“Fuck, tell me when I can move.” Johnny was nuzzled up in your neck, leaving tiny love bites as you adjusted to his cock.
“You can go.”
He started moving slowly at first, a string of moans spilling out from both your mouths, but, soon after, his hips started thrusting faster and harder and you found yourself clawing at his back. 
“Shit,” he hissed before glueing his lips back on yours.
For a moment you both lay there on your own little pleasure bubble, just fucking and swirling your tongues together, with moans and cusses being spilt left and right as you enjoyed each others’ bodies. For a moment, nothing else mattered - just you and Johnny.
“Baby, you’re taking me so well. You are so perfect,” he confessed as he kissed you all over, his words almost making your heart jump out of your chest.
“Johnny, baby, I’m so close.”
“Me too, fuck.”
Johnny was drilling into you so hard that the sound of skin slapping on skin was drowning out the music coming from outside. You were almost there, and as you felt that sweet feeling building up in your core you took a chance to really look at Johnny: the way he bit his lip, the way his brows frowned in pleasure, his dishevelled locks and the way his veins popped on his arms as he held himself up so as not to crush you. He was so fucking hot you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it sooner.
“Johnny, I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, beautiful. I’m right there.”
That was all you needed. Just like that, you were crashing and burning around the man you had considered as ‘just a friend’ for years, your walls milking him dry and making him spill everything inside the borrowed condom.
You didn’t move for several minutes. Johnny fell right to your side and just lay there right beside you, your chests rising and falling in tandem.
What do you say in these situations? What were you supposed to say right after one of your best friends, and roommate, fucked the shit out of you? You had no idea, but thankfully, he took the lead.
“I dare you to fuck me again.”
The dare caught you completely off-guard, just like yours had caught him and you couldn’t help but laugh. For a good minute, that’s all you both did: laugh.
“Alright,” you reached for the drawer and grabbed another condom from the owner of the room. “But this time, I’m on top.”
© maliby, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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fatefulfaerie · 2 years
Answering The Asks I Didn’t Get Because These Are Awesome Questions!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Open Your Eyes
It’s so bad it hurts. It was the first Zelda fanfic I ever wrote and hoo boy I could barely read the first “chapter” just now
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Love confessions! I swoon!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
“Welcome to Baumer Inn,” the young woman said to the completely drenched pair of people that approached her desk. “How may I help you?”
“We’d like a room,” Link said.
“Alright,” the young woman said, scanning a large book with all sorts of markings. “Double or single?”
Link said “Single” at the exact same time Zelda said “Double”, the accident making them look at each other and making the young woman look up from the book, her gaze alternating between them.
“There’s no use in taking a double if I’ll be keeping watch the whole time,” Link argued.
“That’s where you are wrong,” Zelda said in reply. “Because you won’t be keeping watch, you will be sleeping and resting in a bed.” Zelda looked to the receptionist and said. “A double, please.”
“It’s my job to protect you,” Link insisted, before also looking to the receptionist who, after crossing out what she thought their final answer was, now sat in wait for them to come to an agreement. “Put us down for a single.”
Zelda’s head shot to Link, her hands on her hips.
“Who among us is royalty?” She asked with a brooding frustration.
“Is it not me?” Link asked rhetorically and quite sarcastically.
Zelda straightened her arms and balled her fists.
“You absolute…” Link raised a brow as she sputtered through her anger. “Disrespectful...ill-mannered...sea urchin!”
“Sea urchin, huh?” Link asked rhetorically.
“Are you sure you guys don’t want to agree on the single?” the receptionist said, interrupting Zelda’s inhale. “Seems like all you need is to pound things out.”
Zelda widened her eyes at what she just heard, and Link reacted similarly, his mouth popped open at just the insinuation. He cleared his throat and pulled rupees from his pouch that he tossed onto the desk.
“The double will do fine.”
“As you wish,” the young woman said, handing Link the key, “room twelve.”
Link nodded and began to walk up the wooden stairs. They kept silent until the door latched close behind them.
From Chapter 28 of In Calamity’s Grasp
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I was way too excited about the ending twist in Ten Thousand Years Ago let’s just say that...
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
No, but I’d like one! No one has ever shown interest but then again I’ve never asked? I don’t want to be a bother 🥺
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I try to incorporate imagery bit sometimes I get so lost in the dialogue I forget! I definitely incorporate a lot of romance and squabbling about misunderstandings. I also put my characters through a lot of trauma and difficult decisions to inspire empathy and deep thought, respectively, in my readers.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
A Moment Beyond
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I do...good?
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
I think if you are reading this, you already know the answer.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do! Music is one of my biggest inspirations. Lately I’ve been listening to this playlist!
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Google docs, Scrivener, my fingies, and my sometimes working keyboard. Sometimes I use my phone if I NEED TO GET SOMETHING DOWN and I’ve been using pen and paper for my poetry lately.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
There was a time travel one I’m not gonna touch and then a couple I’m just gonna do as oneshots. Oh yeah and thing I scrapped when Age of Calamity was announced…
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yes! Many of my Zelda Dungeon friends as well as my parents and close friends. Also some of my cousins. I used to be a lot more ashamed of it but now I feel like everyone knows.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
A Tender Moment
🍷 Do you drink and write?
I don’t drink alcohol at all actually. It just doesn’t taste good and even if it did my medication reacts badly. As far as drinking in general I probably need to drink a lot more water have I drank any today?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
Not really because I still have ✨0 frame of reference✨ so this is the spiciest thing I’ve written: Moonlit
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Not really just whenever I’m feeling it
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
More. Please give me more.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Sex scenessss
Cause I have no idea how that works
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
I want my content to be accessible to everyone with an internet connection. A lot of stupid things are behind a paywall and I want my content to serve as art, education, and entertainment. Additionally, writing fanfiction is enough of a legal grey area without getting money involved.
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
In Calamity’s Grasp has the most activity but I can’t take full credit or even any more than a third of the credit on that because my co-authors @pastelsandpining and @aurathian ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT.
The next one after that is Honesty
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I do sometimes! My favorite is Disguise
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
I don’t think so? Unless they just didn’t tell me they did
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
More. Please give me more.
📈 How many fics do you have?
Mathematical measures do not operate in such terms
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and get hurt, it’s part of it! And never let anyone else (even yourself) stifle the eternities that your imagination can stretch. Oh and don’t be too hard on yourself when you hit snags or get burnt out! Also drink water! Also I love you!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
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🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Link was just sitting at the shore, near a pitched tent and a campfire, looking out at how the sun dawned. Grante stared a tad before he braved walking forward. 
“I didn’t know I was selling clothes to the Hero of Hyrule,” Grante said once he got close enough for Link to hear him, the half-Sheikah half-Hylian crossing his arms. Link looked behind him to see who it was, and was seemingly unimpressed, turning back to face the sea.
“I’d prefer not to be called that,” was all Link said.
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Open Your Eyes just because it’s so distant from how much I’ve grown as a writer
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Unfortunately, traction. I’ve gotten better over the years at not letting numbers get in my head too much but still a bit yeah
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Zelink undertones
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
I’m currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing so god I hope so. Ideally I’d love to either be a novelist or be in the writing room at Disney or Nintendo!
Wait maybe I should learn Japanese
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
A Moment Beyond just because there are some scenes that hurt so GOOD
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
More. Please give me more.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
More. Please give me more.
15 notes · View notes
thetaoofzoe · 3 years
Fic: Syverson the Protector pt 5
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*   Syverson The Protector - Part I (pairing Syverson x YOU)
*   Syverson the Protector - Part II (pairing Syverson x YOU)
*   Syverson the Protector - Part III  (pairing Syverson x YOU)
*   Syverson the Protector - Part IV  (pairing Syverson x YOU)
Author note: Finally part 5! Thank you so much for hanging in with me through this delightful journey and I hope that this part quenches your desire.
Summary:  Henry has invited you to spend a few weeks at his cabin in the mountains and of course you agree. 💖NEW💖
Rating for this part:  Sex, fluff, discussion of trauma (minor) Everyone has a good time and Aika is there too :)
I’ve picked ‘Henry’ as Syverson’s first name and he’s grown his hair out :D
Must be read in order, no part can stand alone.
Word count: 7500
Want to read more? Click for my Masterlist
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‘Well,’ said your nurse as she watched you sort and pack your belongings. ‘If you want him to know how you feel, you have to tell him.’ 
She folded her arms and leaned against the narrow door frame to your hospital room. You glanced up at her. 
‘I’m not twelve, Barb,’ you scoffed, nevertheless feeling pleased with her observation.
‘Well you were the one asking me to pass notes to him like you were in school.’ 
You raised your brows in surprise and then pointed an accusatory finger at her. You had resorted to note passing because you couldn’t see Henry face to face and communicate with him like an adult. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but you made it work. 
‘You, Nurse Barb,’ you started, about to say something caustic and then relented, deciding to be sweet. ‘Did a great job passing notes, and I thank you.’ 
You flipped closed your small travel case and crossed the hospital room to grab at one of the slowly deflating helium ‘Get Well’ balloons which still listed lazily around the silver weight that held it in place. With a small pair of scissors, you cut the ribbon tether and lanced the mylar in an inconspicuous place. Pressing the balloon to your chest, you squeezed out the remainder of the helium air mix and added the now flat balloon to the pile of other flattened balloons. 
‘So? Then what are you going to do about it?’ Barb continued to press.  ‘Leave and regret never having said anything?’’
You stopped compacting the pile of deflated balloons and turned to look at her. 
This whole budding romance thing between two war torn lovers must have been the most exciting thing that had ever happened to the nurse, you thought pleasantly. It was certainly exciting to you. So, you cut her some slack. 
‘I just happen to know that he’s outside in the pool area right now. And, you have some time before your flight.’ 
The look on her face was both encouraging and infuriating. 
Smiling, you walked to the door and patted Barb’s shoulder. 
‘All right. I’ll go.’
She waggled her brows, turned and walked with you down the narrow corridor and then through the half-empty dayroom. She stopped at the double glass doors that led to the pool area and used her weight to press open one side.
‘I can’t tell if you’re a really good matchmaker or a really bad matchmaker,’ you said absently. 
She shrugged.  
‘Good luck, and don’t be too hard on him.’ 
‘I won’t. Well, I probably won’t. Well...I can’t promise.’ 
She chuckled and quickly gave you a one-armed hug. 
‘I’ll have them bring your bags to the car when it turns up. There are a few people going to the airport with you. So if I don’t see you… keep in touch, ok?’
You nodded and walked through the open door. 
The pool area, as they called it, was really just a collection of beach umbrellas shading colourful inflatable kiddie pools, some blowup flamingos, and an odd assortment of mismatched lawn chairs. There were several men camped out around most of the medium sized pools, with their feet in the water and enjoying each other’s company. You spotted Henry right off the bat, as he was the only one still in a wheelchair and paused a moment to watch him laugh at something the man next to him had just said. You were loath to interrupt them. 
I’ll just leave a note, you thought, turning your back to the men in order to return to the day room. He won’t mind. I’ll leave a note and my business card so he won’t feel pressured to say anything to my face.
A little lost in thought, you lingered there for a moment, with your hand on the door handle when your thoughts were interrupted by a chorus of teasing male voices calling out your name, accompanied by whistles and several coquettish sounding ‘yoo-hoo!’s. 
A wave of heat rushed into your face and you hunched your shoulders in a self-conscious cringe. 
Jesus Christ you hated military men sometimes.
 But you had been caught and you had no other choice but to turn around and face them. 
One of the men kicked out the empty lawn chair closest to Syverson and waved you over. Taking the invitation, you drew the chair close to the circle, lightly rested your hand on Henry’s shoulder and sat down next to him. It was good to see him looking so well. 
‘I read your new article,’ said the man, and by deciphering his medical wristband you learned he was called Solensky. ‘That was a damn brave thing you did.’ 
You shook your head and looked at Syverson, hoping that he didn’t think you were trying to steal glory.
‘I didn’t write it to showcase what I did. I had to tell people what really happened. How heroic the men were. And my partner. The sacrifices that they all made. What I did wasn’t important.’
‘Saving my life wasn’t important?’ 
Syverson sounded a little bit hurt and turning to him you were at a loss to read his suddenly cloudy expression. 
You opened your mouth to protest. 
‘I-- I didn’t mean that you… of course you are important. I just did what I had to.’
You held his incredulous gaze and continued, ‘you know that, Henry.’
Didn’t he believe you?
‘He don’t mean it like that,’ said Solensky. ‘He means that, you doing what you did, was important. Even if you don’t think it was.’ 
Henry obviously agreed with the man’s assessment, for a smile lifted the corner of his mouth and you cut a relieved and fondly exasperated  look at him. Sitting back in the creaky lawn chair you kicked your feet out in front of you and rested them against the cushy rounded pool edge. 
‘Thank you,’ you said finally and nodded to Solensky. ‘I had hoped to get it finished and published before I left.’ 
It felt good to hear some praise from the men you were trying to uplift. 
‘You leaving soon?’ he asked. 
‘Yes. Today. In a few hours in fact.’
You turned to face Henry again. 
‘I wanted to say goodbye before I did.’ 
His face remained unreadable and you feared that you had upset him in some way.
The door to the dayroom opened and Barb called to you. 
‘The car is here early. They have to do more stops, so you’ll have to leave now, I’m sorry.’
You shot Syverson a panicked look. 
Now? But you didn’t say all you wanted to say. You didn’t have time!
‘Ok,’ Henry said finally. ‘You don’t want to keep them waiting or they’re gonna have you walking home.’ 
He pressed himself up and out of the wheelchair and breathing a little hard from the exertion, he faced you when you stood as well.
‘I’m in your debt. Whenever you need me, for whatever reason, I want you to call on me. It don’t matter, you got that?’
‘I got it,’ you answered, feeling a deep pang of agony and regret in your gut. Leaving was harder than you had expected. 
Henry smiled then and curving his arms around you, he pulled you against his sun warmed body. 
And what torture it was for him to hold you like that! 
You put your head on his chest and embraced him in return. And, when you lifted your teary eyes, he leaned in and  kissed your forehead. But that wasn’t good enough. Not nearly enough and you squeezed him when his lips met yours. 
‘Ok… ok,’ you giggled, feeling hot faced and aroused. ‘You gotta stop that or I won’t be able to leave.’ 
He didn’t release you. 
‘You can stay and come home with me,’ he said, moving in for another kiss. 
You ducked your head and stepped out of his embrace. 
‘If you behave, maybe I will.’ 
Barb cleared her throat, a signal that you were out of time, and kissing him quickly, you turned to leave. 
‘Barb’ll give you my card. It’ll have my info on it.’
‘I will?’ she asked, glaring at you and then at him. ‘Boy, I’ll be glad when you leave and I can stop all of this note ferrying back and forth.’ 
‘See ya,’ said Henry. 
‘Soon,’ you promised and went through the day room doors. 
It had been six months. Six months of convalescing at home, writing columns and binge watching all of the television shows you missed while you were deployed. It had also been a pleasant six months of regular correspondence with Henry, which culminated in him asking you to come to the mountains with him for a few weeks. He had a little cabin in Montana which he had been renovating and now that Aika was finished with her mandatory quarantine in the States, he was going to go there and relax. 
A few weeks in the fresh mountain air was just what you needed and once you agreed, he made and paid for your travel arrangements. 
It was refreshingly cool when you shuffled into the noise and chaos of the airport arrival terminal on your way to the baggage claim. However, you walked a little more leisurely than the hustling crowd, taking in the sights and idly people watching. As a journalist, although you had trekked through more airports than you cared to count, the peculiar culture of tiny, and expensive indoor pseudo-cities like this was still so compelling. It wouldn’t be strange to see a bleary eyed man chowing down on a stacked burger and swilling his third bourbon on the rocks at 6:30 in the morning. Or seeing a grown woman tucked into an awkward corner, and clutching her carry-on bag protectively in front of her as she tried to catch some sleep during an unexpected flight delay.
You had been both of those people at one point or another in your travels. But there was another reason why you were strolling and taking your time examining the mass produced keychains and tee shirts proclaiming the name of the state you were in. You were nervous and your heart banged painfully against your ribs. You could feel it galloping and straining against its internal tethers and you had to stop occasionally and pretend to look at overpriced pizza slices in order to catch your breath.
You were nervous about seeing him again. That sweet, unfairly handsome Captain Henry Syverson.
The thought of him made you smile but you pressed it into a straight neutral line in the event someone was watching. You didn’t want to seem crazy, grinning down at a display case of heat-lamp warmed slices of cheese pizza. 
When you finally reached baggage claim, a man, dressed in a dark suit and white shirt was waiting for you. He stood  with the rest of the chauffeurs looking bored and holding an open tablet on which your name stood out in bold block letters on the screen. You walked expectantly up to him and he smiled and greeted you by name.
‘How was your trip?’ he asked, as he walked  with you to the baggage carousel.
‘It was fine, thank you.’
And the two of you stood side by side watching the conveyor belt start to move and roll out the luggage.
‘Which one is yours?’ he asked, moving closer to the belt, ready to snag your bag as it tumbled by.
‘The red one, with the white stripe. It has the camera shaped luggage tag.’
He nodded and when that red bag came by, he grabbed it by the side handle. He then put it down, pulled up the telescoped handle and indicated that you follow him to the parking lot. Outside, the cool air woke you from your flight induced stupor and you took in a long cleansing breath. 
‘First time in Montana?’ he asked, grinning as he watched you stretch your arms and back. 
‘Just tired,’ you said. ‘Long flight.’ 
He opened the door to the glossy black SUV and helped you step up into the high spotless interior. Through the back window you watched him stow your suitcase in the trunk and followed him with your eyes until he climbed into the truck.
‘So,’ he said and fiddled with his tablet. ‘It’s going to take a little while to get to the destination. Is it warm enough for you? Too warm? There are snacks in the centre console and water under the seat. Do you mind if I have the radio on?’
The questions seemed rehearsed and you assured him that everything was fine before you sat back into the plush leather seats and he drove off.
Taking out your mobile, you switched it off of airplane mode and it immediately pinged that you had a message.
Making sure you landed safely.
You smiled and replied that you had done just that and were already on your way.
I’ll be waiting. I hope you’re hungry.
The driver was right. It took two and a half hours to get to the cabin and the last mile or so was on a dirt road so pitted and bumpy that you weren’t sure you were going to come out of the ride in one piece.
But it was all made better when you spotted Henry standing with Aika on the broad porch of a gorgeous mountain cabin. When he said that he wanted you to spend time with him at the cabin, you immediately pictured it to be a one or two room Little House on the Prairie type place. Which was absolutely fine with you, as you wouldn’t be there to admire the decor. However, you were not expecting the beautiful structure that stood proudly amongst the trees.
The driver slowed, made an awkward k-turn in the dirt and deposited you directly in front of the tall man approaching the truck.
The sight of Henry made you feel weak and proud to show the driver that you had been chosen by a superior specimen. Henry briefly spoke to the driver through his open window and the trunk popped open. With hands clasped in your lap, you waited. Henry grabbed your suitcase, slammed shut the trunk and then opened your door. He positively beamed at you and when you took his outstretched hand, you felt like a princess being rescued from a high tower.
When the SUV made its way back down the dirt road and the two of you were finally alone, you were faced with one of two decisions.
One: behave in your usual awkward way and shake his hand or pat his shoulder and thank him for letting you come and visit.
Two: press into his arms and give him the biggest hello I fucking missed you, kiss he’d ever received.
With some internal dismay, you found yourself leaning towards option one. You didn’t want to lead him to the wrong impression about you and slowly you extended your hand.
A look of surprise drifted across his face, but he was apparently willing to follow your lead. Before he could take that hand, you had a change of heart and instead ran straight at him and clamped your arms about his waist.
‘Hey, baby,’ he murmured, kissing the top of your head and enveloping you in his strong arms.
Oh God, you thought. I’m gonna start crying.
Tears pricked your eyes and before you could stop yourself, you heaved with a desperate sob.
‘What’s the matter?!’ he asked, sounding alarmed with the sudden change in your attitude.
You clutched him tighter and put your face against him.
‘I’m… I’m so happy to see you standing right here,’ you gasped.
The last time you’d seen him in the flesh, he had still been mostly confined to a wheelchair, still healing from his terrible wounds and unable to look after himself. But there he was now, strong and whole and so warm in your arms that you felt an overwhelming sense of affection for him. 
Henry held you tighter and you felt infinitely safe in his embrace. Everything was right with the world. 
‘I thought about the moment I could do this,’ he said, gently stroking your back. ‘And now I made you cry.’
‘I’m just so happy to see you well,’ you said, pulling back and looking at his wryly smiling face. ‘And not hooked up to wires and IVs.’
‘Ok,’ he drawled. ‘Me too. In that case…’
He curved one hand about your cheek and lifting your face, he kissed you. It took a few more moments of cuddling before you eventually stopped trembling and having an existential crisis. He drew back, bent down and picked up your bag. 
‘You hungry?’ he asked, slipping his hand down to your lower back and guiding you to the glorious cabin. 
‘Famished!’ you announced and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. 
The dog on the porch sat up and wriggled with pleasure, her thick furry tail whapping excitedly on the wooden boards. 
Henry dragged his fingers through the thick brown and black scruff and scratched her angular head. The dog bowed and flattened her ears softly and approached you. You put both hands on her head and massaged her fluffy ears. 
‘I remember you,’ you said to the dog who continued to eagerly lick at your hands.
‘This place is different than where she’s from, but she loves it.’ 
Then to Aika he said, ‘stay on the porch.’
And the dog promptly flopped down on the cushiony bed made from folded quilts and began her surveillance of the surrounding tranquil woods. 
Henry opened the cabin door and ushered you in. 
The inside was just as spectacular as the outside and your mouth came open with surprise. 
‘I know you did all of this, didn’t you. It’s so… beautiful.’
‘I had help,’ he answered modestly. ‘It’s been a work in progress for years. Still got some things to do, but it’s liveable.’
Liveable, you scoffed silently. That was an understatement. The place was an obviously handcrafted masterpiece. From the matte blonde wood flooring and the warm caramel panelling, it was a masculine tribute to a rustic lifestyle. The appliances were new, but understatedly retro and wood burning. The main living room was broad and comfortable with soft couches and homespun appointments. You followed Henry down a narrow hallway to the left. Off of that hallway was a short staircase that led to the upper floor. 
‘There’s a guest bedroom down there,’ he said pointing to the door at the end of the corridor and the master is upstairs.’
He gestured that you go up the stairs and you complied. Opening the door at the top of the stairs, you found yourself walking into a bright warm room with a large bed facing a broad clean window that overlooked the trees and the lake behind the cabin. It smelt of pine and you wondered if he picked that scent because he thought you might like it. You did like it. 
Henry put your bag on the floor by the bed. 
‘This is your room.’ 
He rested a hand on the glossy dresser top which had been pushed against the far wall. 
‘You can put your stuff in here, or hang them up in the closet.’ 
He opened the door next to the dresser to show you the empty closet space. 
‘Bathroom’s over here.’ 
He crossed the room, opened the second door and you poked your head in, pleased to see a full bath and tub.
That tub might come in handy for sexytimes. 
Once the tour was completed you smiled at him, but left the question of where he was going to stay to burn on the tip of your tongue. 
It didn’t stay there long for Henry beat you to it. 
‘I’ll be downstairs… in the guest room.’ 
There was hesitation in his voice and he trailed off seeming suddenly shy and awkward. 
Was he as nervous about your visit as you were?
 He didn’t look at you as he put a hand against the back of his head, which you knew  was an unconscious self-soothing gesture. But you didn’t want to put him out of his misery just yet. You were enjoying it too much. 
‘If… when you need me,’ he finished.  
The implication of needing him, at night, hung heavily in the air and trailing a finger up his bare forearm, you squashed a smile. 
‘And you’ll be downstairs…’ you said, keeping your voice serious and your expression neutral. ‘If… I mean when I need you. You’ll be downstairs? In the guest bedroom? Downstairs?’
He looked at you a moment, his own expression a mild mix of confusion and then that sweet slow bloom of understanding in his eyes. You saw the exact moment that he realised you were teasing him and you couldn’t help laughing. 
‘C’mon you,’ you said, slipping your hand into his. ‘I’m starving.’ 
Once downstairs, he packed a big red-topped cooler with vegetables and potatoes and steaks that had been marinating overnight, as well as cutlery, plates and other sundry items. Carrying only a chilled six pack of bottled lager, you followed him down the winding gravel path to the lake. There was a rustic firepit down there flanked by two dark wood adirondack chairs and a picnic table. 
You wondered if he made all of that himself and then chuckled. Of course he did.
 You watched him dump the cooler next to the grated firepit and go to grab a few already split logs from a nearby pile. Clutching the thin cardboard handle of the sixpack in both hands you felt unbearably girly and unwilling to admit that watching him start a fire with a small pile of tinder and a magnesium firestick, aroused the fuck out of you. It didn’t help that his jeans stretched nicely across his thighs when he crouched lower and gently blew onto the young flame before quickly adding additional fuel until the fire was stable enough to tent the logs over it. 
Henry rose and dusted his hands against the seat of his jeans and you cleared your throat. 
‘That was sexy,’ you said and laughed at your own audacity. 
He glanced at you over his shoulder, clearly appreciative of your praise, but instead of addressing it, he pointed to the short pier. 
‘Do you see the green nylon sack over there?’
You looked and nodded. 
‘Take the bottles and put ‘em in the sack and lower it into the water. That’ll keep ‘em cold.’ 
Feeling helpful, you did as you were told. When you returned a few minutes later, you hoisted yourself up onto the top of the picnic table and rested your feet on the bench seat.
‘Do you want some help?’ you asked after a moment. 
‘Nope,’ he answered, and cast another amused look at you over his shoulder. ‘You just sit there and be pretty for me, ok?’
You preened, and lightly patted your face. It was as pretty as you were going to get. 
‘I think I can do that. Sure.’ 
And you sat there thinking about having children with him. You imagined taking them on camping trips and teaching them all of the survival skills they needed to fend for themselves in the event the zombie apocalypse drove your family into the woods. So you asked him if he was prepared for the apocalypse and sat there rapt as he explained his six point plan and how he had been planning and storing for the last three years. 
When dinner was ready, the two of you ate at the picnic table and drank most of the beer and discussed the pros and cons of wasting ammo to achieve a head shot as opposed to just disabling the zombie so that you could escape it. 
‘Yeah, but you are the one who’s gonna get the successful headshots. I’m just out there swinging a rake or something.’ 
‘Can get you a katana if you like.’
You laughed and swigged your beer. Pointing the mouth of the bottle at him you scoffed. 
‘A katana?? I’d more likely slice myself up before I’d do any damage to a zombie.’
‘I don’t think so,’ Henry replied easily and stood up to stoke the fire. 
He helped himself to another few spoonfuls of vegetables, which when offered, you declined. 
‘A little training and some practice, you’d be fine.’ 
‘You have a lot of misplaced faith in me, sir,’ you teased him. 
Henry was quick to answer. 
‘You’re wrong. You already proved to be capable, ingenious and tougher than you think. I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.’
Your chest tightened at the traumatic  memory and you stared down at your empty bottle.  The helpless tears started to threaten again. 
But biting them back, you reached across the table and put your hand over his. Henry took it, curved your fingers over his and brought your hand to his lips.
Henry’s open emotion made you feel just as raw and vulnerable as you had that fateful day. The day that entwined your lives together forever. 
You reached for him with your other hand and stroked his cheek, trailing your fingers through his beard which continued to amaze you with how soft it was to touch. He captured your other hand and kissed that one as well and then held them both. And when he smiled, you smiled in return. It was all right now. 
It was starting to get dark and across the lake,  you could see the setting sun disappearing behind the mountains. Henry got up and began clearing the table. 
 ‘ Go and sit by the fire,’ he instructed you when you tried to help. 
If he wanted to do all of the work, who were you to stop him. You slid onto the cool chair and drew your knees up and to the side to get comfortable just as Aika came trotting out of the woods. She went immediately to you and put her slobbery chin on your thigh. You rubbed her furry head until she was tired of the attention and went to beg scraps from Henry. 
‘Coffee?’ he asked a moment later and lifted an old battered tin percolator to show you that he meant coffee and not anything else. 
‘I could have one, sure.’ 
You had got used to black coffee during your time on the front and really never bothered to change it when you went back to civilian life. The cup he gave you was hot and tasted fresh with a hint of vanilla. 
‘Vanilla,’ you said and he chuckled, seating himself in the chair next to you. 
‘I ah… I got used to it over there, now I can’t drink any other kind.’ 
You didn’t mind it. Not at all and the two of you sat in companionable silence. 
‘It’s a beautiful place, Henry. A beautiful cabin. I am amazed that you did all of this.’
‘My friends helped. This is their place when they want it too.’
Aika flopped down on the space between the chairs and Henry reached down to pat her head. 
‘Are you glad I’m here?’ you asked finally, admittedly fishing a little for compliments. 
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I’m very glad you’re here.’ 
You were going to say something else but a yawn caught you off guard. Now that you were full and content and safe, sleepiness began to creep in around the corners. 
‘You had a long flight,’ Henry offered as explanation, holding out his hand to take your cup. ‘If you want to go on in to sleep, I’ll take care of things here out here.’ 
‘No! No, I don’t want to leave. I’m not too sleepy.’ 
‘Awright,’ he chuckled and leaned back into the chair. 
Aika yawned then and you did the same. You put the cup on the flat arm of the chair and closed your eyes. You had never felt so happy and before you knew it, you had drifted off. When you woke with a start later, it was dark and the fire had been extinguished. A glimmer of faint stars reflected by the lake was your only anchor point that confirmed where you were. 
But it was the type of dark that could only be achieved when there was no light pollution from nearby cities and you felt a twinge of panic. 
‘Henry?’ you called sitting up. 
He wasn’t in the chair next to you and Aika was gone. 
Shit! What if the killer was still out there?
You heard footsteps approaching on the gravel path. 
‘I’m here.’ 
His voice was warm and steady. 
There was no moon and standing, you blindly searched in front of you as he came closer. He put his hand around you, resting it low on your back then pulled you to him. At his touch, a jolt of welcomed pleasure spread out from your core. 
‘Why are you out here lurking in the dark?’ you giggled softly, pressing your hands flat on his chest.
‘Making sure nothing carries you off,’ he replied just as quietly and gave you a squeeze. 
Henry was clearly feeling for the edges of your boundaries and you deeply appreciated that about him. He hadn’t forced your hand and he was eagerly playing by your rules. 
‘I’m glad to have my big strong protector to save me from the monsters. Are you… gonna take me inside now?’
‘Yeah. C’mon.’ 
God, his voice was so unbearably soft and alluring and you knew that if you weren’t careful, you would find yourself beneath him in his bed tonight. 
You had to be careful, so once inside the cabin, you kissed him and bade him goodnight. Admittedly, that probably wasn’t how he expected the evening to end but you knew you were going to make the wait worth his while.
After showering thoroughly, you changed your clothes and sat down on the edge of the soft bed. The cabin was quiet except for the normal sounds of the woods coming in through the open window and the sounds of Henry moving around downstairs. 
I could get used to this. 
After a moment you heard the shower running downstairs and you immediately worried that you hadn’t left enough hot water for him. Stretching out on top of the quilt you listened and imagined his naked body, his wet, soapy naked body and a tingle raced up your thighs and pooled insistent heat in your groin. You bit your lip and pushed your hand between your legs. You held your hand there, still and unmoving and listened until everything had fallen silent on the lower floor.  
You breathed quietly, in and out and in and out again and relaxed, drawing your hand away and tucking it across your midsection. 
Sleep, you thought. It was all going to be more rational in the morning. 
Bright sunlight and sweet bird songs greeted you the next morning. After washing up, you followed the scent of coffee and breakfast downstairs. 
The front room was empty, but there was food and a still steaming coffee pot on the stove. The sound of Aika barking outside led you to the door and then out onto the porch. Henry stood at the bottom of the steps holding a red ball which he launched into the air for the dog to chase. He turned when you came to stand next to him. 
‘Morning,’ he grinned and kissed you when you lifted your face to ask for it. 
‘Hi. How did you sleep?’
‘Yeah, good, good. You?’
You stretched in the warm morning sunlight and fondly watched Aika race back to you. She dropped the ball and danced away, to wait for the next missile. Henry obliged and the dog took off again. 
‘It was better than I expected,’ you admitted happily. ‘It usually takes me a couple of nights before I can get comfortable in a new place.’ 
He nodded and took a drink from his flowered cup. 
‘Good. Hungry?’
‘I love that you’re always feeding me,’ you said joyfully. ‘Can we eat down by the lake?’
‘Anything you want, baby,’ he agreed. 
The air by the lake was warm and fresh and a few metres out on the water was a group of ducks having a morning swim. Basking in the sun with a hearty meal and an intriguing and funny man was the most indulgent thing you could have possibly done. And you held onto the moment for as long as it presented itself. 
You even agreed to a short easy hike after breakfast and in a sun drenched meadow you lay in the sweet smelling grass and talked about nothing in particular. 
The day passed in uneventful bliss and again, Henry prepared dinner over the fire and afterwards the two of you sat side by side on the top porch step to watch some unexpected fireworks in the eastern sky. 
During a lull in the colourful explosions, you went inside to grab a seat cushion.
When you came onto the porch, you were careful not to kick the cup at Henry’s side. Instead you picked up your own cup and gesturing for him to make room, you tossed down the cushion and sat on the step right between his knees. A little smile blossomed on your face, a response to the feeling of peace spreading through you, and you leaned back against Henry using his thighs as arm rests.
‘I like this,’ you said quietly and relaxed into the warm hands gently kneading your shoulders. 
The sound of him, low and husky behind you, filled you with pleasure. You pressed harder between his open legs and he went still. This was the moment of truth.  Your heart thrummed with anticipation against your ribs and when he relaxed, so did you. 
A beat of silence drifted between you and then he spoke. 
‘You wanna go inside with me?’
There was a loud scratching sound of your nails raking along his jeans, evidence of your involuntary reaction to his clear invitation. 
‘Yes. I-- want to.’ 
The breath he let out was audible. 
‘C’mon then.’ 
Henry pushed himself up from the step and effortlessly lifted you in the process. It was like floating on air, reckless yet safe in his strong arms and when your feet finally hit the porch, you were loath to be released. You turned around to face him and slid your arms about his neck. The force of his kiss surprised you, and you clung tighter to him, opening your mouth to take all of him in. Henry pulled you against him and walked backwards towards the cabin door. 
You cried out with delight when he crouched and swept you up into his arms. Just like the charming prince he touted himself to be. 
‘I love this,’ you murmured, nipping at his lower lip and then suckling it between your own. ‘Why don’t you fuck me in your bed.’
‘Fuck,’ he groaned and clutched you to his chest. ‘You’re gonna drive me crazy, baby.’ 
‘I promise I’ll drive you crazy.’ 
Henry didn’t waste time in carrying you to the small bedroom at the end of the hall.  
His room was clean, and quiet. Not as fancy as the master bedroom, but it was  enough with its bed and bureau and the small adjoining shower. Aika, who had been napping on the floor at the foot of the bed perked up and cautiously thumped her tail as if wondering why the hell the two humans were making so much noise. 
‘Aika,’ said Henry desperately. ‘Out!’
With a groan of a petulant child, the dog heaved herself up and reluctantly left the room. Henry booted the door shut behind her and then set you down onto your feet. There was enough gloaming light coming in through the windows for you to see him grin. 
He cupped your face between his hands and kissed you gently, thoroughly and then let his fingers trail down over your shoulders, your arms and then across your waist where he curled his fingers beneath the hem of your baggy tee shirt. Instinctively you raised your arms when he lifted the shirt up and over your head. He tossed the shirt onto the chair in the corner. He then  turned you around and unhooked your bra which was also tossed to join the shirt. And still keeping your back to him, he kissed your shoulder and then the other and then kissed the space between them. The light scratch of his beard on such an unexpectedly tender place made you shiver and your nipples harden. He hummed quietly, a sound of absolute satisfaction and he nipped you lightly where your shoulder sloped down to your collarbone. You sighed voluptuously and leaned into his muscular chest, turning your upper body slightly and reaching back to smooth your hand over his head. 
Henry slipped his hands up from your waist and cupped your bare breasts and kissed you deeply as if trying to drink in every bit of you. You felt utterly possessed, and helpless in the face of his overwhelmingly masculine sexual power. You would give him everything, anything and all he had to do was ask. 
He slid his hands down your belly again and into the elastic waistband of your shorts. He eased them over your hips and chased your curves to the warm, velvety space between your legs. Highly aware of his two thick fingers beginning to work into your wetness you arched and moaned breathlessly, your voice rising sweetly into the warmth of the room. A dark knowing chuckle rumbled behind you and Henry dragged his tongue across your lower lip. 
All of your attention narrowed to that single delicious focal point of those deft fingers stroking your quivering clit and sliding deeper inside you. 
‘I want you,’ Henry murmured and the demand behind his words made you shudder. ‘I want you so bad.’ 
Yes, you thought. I want you. The moment I met you, I wanted you. I’ve always wanted you.
You turned in his arms and a wave of lust crashed over you at the sight of him. He slipped those two previous busy fingers into his mouth and sucked off your juice. You crooked a finger at him, beckoning him closer as you backed towards the bed. Henry whipped off his shirt and took his time unbuckling his belt and shoving down his jeans until he could stand beautifully naked before you, his thick beautiful cock hard and standing at the ready. 
You were ready for him indeed. Henry closed the space between you and grabbing you about the waist, he hoisted you up and sprawled you messily across the bed. You sat up, reached for him and dragged him down atop you. He was heavy, and pressed you steadily into the soft sheets and you never wanted to escape him. Henry kissed you hard, punishingly, muffling your sudden cry of pleasure with his mouth. You hugged and kissed him and swore under your breath, eager for the soft velvety feel of his  blood-hot cock sliding up along your inner thigh. 
‘Come inside me, Henry.’ 
It was all the invitation he needed. 
The newness of him sliding into you hurt just a little, a small but  welcomed reminder of what it meant when two lovers finally joined. Henry stilled then, and breathed quietly, as if fighting his urge to cum. You stroked his shoulders and kissed his face, encouraging him to focus only on you. He lifted his head and held your gaze as he rocked up into you again, then again, slowly and deliberately, stoking that fire smouldering between the two of you. You arched against him, vaguely aware of your own lusty sounds and Henry increased the intensity of his thrusts and in turn heightened the ferocity of your pleasure.
Henry lit your fuse and it consumed you. It crackled over your sensitive flesh and along every nerve ending and you responded eagerly to every slow drag of his cock in and out of you.  He made you feel alive, more alive than ever before and at the moment of your orgasm you closed your eyes and let his name escape your lips, offering it up as a prayer, as praise. As thanks. 
You held onto him when he finally completed the circuit and poured himself inside you. 
It took several moments of panting beneath him before Henry moved off of you and you immediately felt the loss. So you lay there, sweat cooling on your skin and basking in the warm feelings of well being. When your senses returned, you got up and went to the bathroom for  a quick pee and wash up and when you returned, the bed was turned down and you crawled gratefully beneath the soft sheets. 
‘That was fucking amazing,’ you murmured to the man next to you. ‘That was the best sex I have ever had.’ 
Henry chuckled and sounded pleased. 
‘Yeah. I waited a long time for you.’ 
‘Oh yeah? The moment I put my hand in yours outside of the barracks, you what? Wanted to carry me off to fuck me?’
He grunted. 
‘Yeah! Something like that. I would’ve at least got your name first, /then/ put you over my shoulder and carried you off.’ 
You smiled to yourself and imagined the scene and how shocked the men would have been to watch their stoic captain haul off the journalist for a little fun. You closed your eyes, only intending to get more comfortable to continue the conversation. However, again sleep had other ideas. 
Light burst behind your eyelids and the sound of shouting male voices filled your ears. You struggled to open your eyes, but something was holding them sealed shut. Another explosion and then the sound of rocks raining down all around you. I’m on fire, you thought, desperately trying to claw your way out of burning clothes. Your hands were already seared into talons of fused flesh and bone and there was nothing you could do to stop the pain. Sand blasted your vulnerable flesh and you opened your mouth to scream, only to be choked by tiny merciless shards of hot glass. You continued to scream and scream barely aware of the hands on your arms and the voice calling you name. It was Henry and he was shaking you out of your nightmare. 
‘You’re all right, baby. You’re all right,’ he murmured pulling you against him. ‘It’s just a nightmare. You’re all right now. I’m here.’ 
As the dream melted away, you curled up into his arms and burst into tears. Henry gentled you until you quieted and even beyond that until eventually you were able to speak. 
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry…’ 
‘Don’t be sorry, baby,’ he whispered. ‘Don’t be. I’m here. I’ll protect you.’ 
You lifted your tear wet face and kissed him. Then again and again, rolling onto your back and pulling him with you. 
‘Make love to me, Henry. Please. Make love to me.’
‘I’ll take care of you,’ he promised.
And you trusted him to do just that. 
The morning rain kept the two of you inside the snug cabin and in bed where you took your time exploring and delighting in the mystery of each other. 
‘Does it still hurt?’ you asked, pulling back the sheets and stroking your fingers along the thick jagged scar that cut across his lower belly.  
Henry looked down at where you were touching him and shook his head. 
‘No. Not anymore.’ 
You fell silent, listening to the rasp of your dry fingers gliding across his skin. Henry curled an arm about you when you put your head on his shoulder. 
‘You never went to talk to someone about it, did you.’ 
It wasn’t a question and as much as you wanted to feign ignorance, you couldn’t shut down your immediate and visceral reaction to his observation. 
No. You had buried yourself in work the moment you got back to the States and didn’t want to think about the trauma that had befallen you. What was the point? It was over, wasn’t it?
Henry felt your body tense and he rubbed your back. 
‘That’s why you’re still having nightmares.’ 
Your voice was small when you spoke, hoping to be heard against the lashing rain. 
‘I thought I could handle it.’ 
He chuckled. 
‘I know. I thought I could handle it too. They don’t let us go home without group therapy. I fucking hate it, but I do it, because it works.’ 
You stopped the back and forth motion of your hand and just rested it on his scar. It was the thing that drew you together, the thing that reminded him of you.
Henry turned his head and kissed your forehead. 
‘You’re so strong. And you’re carrying this weight. But you gotta let it go, baby.’  
‘I know. I… dream about you dying in the explosion and then burning to death. I can’t stop it. I can’t help you.’
Henry held you close. 
‘You’re alive and I’m alive. I’m right here with you. You don’t have to worry when you’re with me.’
 You slept against his chest for most of the day and dreamed, not of violence in a desolate place but of a bright new future. 
-end part 5 you naughty little things. I love you ;D Please consider helping me to broaden my audience by reblogging this fic and sharing. Thank you. 
Tag list:  @lightsidecalling​​  @omgkatinka​​ @igotkatiepowers​​ @the-soot-sprite​​  @harrysthiccthighss​​ @little-green-love​​ @foxyjwls007​​  @angreav​​ @maizyistrash @liquorlaughslove @supernaturallymarvellous​​ @laketaj24​​ @october505​​ @inlovewithhisblueeyes​​ @foodieforthoughts​​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​​ @singeramg​​ @sapphirescrolls​​   @brandycranby​​ @zealoushound​​ @eldarwen333​​ @beck07990​​ @lunedelorient​​ @henrythickcavill​​ @kalesrebellion​​​ @angrythingstarlight​​​ @lavitabella87 @kebabgirl67​ @hail-horror-queen​
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hii, I think your requests are open but I am not sure, so uhm, if they're not open just delete my ask and pretend it was never there, I'd hate to be disrespectful of you. Would you write about Deku, Shoto and Bakugo (or instead of Baku take Shoji) with an s/o that isn't in the hero course and has a shrinking quirk? Like mount lady but reverse, she can get as small as an ant but usuly when she does shrink she'll be shoulder sitting sized? That could make some adorable things like aaaaaaaa >///
fem!s/o with a shrinking quirk
[a/n: uhmm this concept is so adorable 🥺 thank you for the request anon, you’re so polite 💓 I decided to do all 4 boys so I hope that’s okay, sorry if it seems short...I wrote this in between classes hehe 🙈 enjoy!! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
midoriya izuku
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✤ you bet your diddly doo that this boy has MULTIPLE pages about your quirk
✤ when he first saw you use your quirk it was during the sports festival, you were standing there one second but then it seemed like you just disappeared
✤ he was stunned to see how much strength you actually had even when you were that size
✤ he was convinced that you and shinso were robbed of your spots in the hero course but there wasn’t much he could do about it
✤ I think it would take him a while to finally approach you, but when he does, he’s absolutely ecstatic that you didn’t mind all of his questions
✤ baby boy was quite literally vibrating with excitement
✤ “t-thank you so m-much for answering my questions, (l-l/n)-san.” He was stuttering so much but he couldn’t help it, he was talking to such a beautiful girl
✤ “it’s no problem but call me (y/n), at least that’s what my friends call me.” Now he was bright red as if he wasn’t already
✤ “f-friends?”
✤ but of course “friends” weren’t forever because soon after that, you both had confessed your feelings for each other
✤ from then on, he introduced you to a few of his 1-A class mates
✤ oh boy what a mistake that was
✤ you had gotten along really well with Denki of all people, so one day, the both of you prank bakugo apparently you both have a death wish and of course it backfired
✤ you had burst into the classroom with a panicked kaminari behind you, eyes frantically searching for a certain freckled boy. Your heart beating faster when you could hear explosions getting closer
✤ “Izu! Hide me!”
✤ “huh!? wait how will I-“ he was cut off when you sat on the desk and activated your quirk (you were about 4inches or 10cm tall) and made grabby hands at him
✤ he placed his hand near the edge of the desk so you could jump on
✤ “now put me in your jacket pocket!” Your voice was super cute but he held off his fanboying and did what you said, carefully placing you in his pocket
✤ perfect timing too
✤ “WHERE’S THAT DAMN BRAT?! I KNOW SHE’S IN HERE!!” he caught a glance of kaminari’s blonde hair and growled
✤ “I SEE YOU, DUNCE HEAD!!” And with that, they both were off
✤ you stood up and let your head peak out of the pocket
✤ “(y/n)?! Oh my gosh! That’s so cute!” Mina cooed, making both you and midoriya blush
✤ he carried you around on his shoulder often, he thought it was adorable
✤ he once hid you in the side pocket of his backpack and snuck you into the dorms
✤ it was a success so it was cuddle time!!
✤ if anyone ever bullied you about your quirk, he wad instantly be at your defense and comfort you if you needed it
✤ “Don’t listen to them (y/n), your quirk is amazing and very useful, especially in missions where....” and he went on rambling
✤ but it’s the thought that counts
✤ oh!! I almost forgot!
✤ whenever you were sat on his shoulder and feeling mischievous, stand up and give him kisses on the cheek or neck ;)
✤ this will always effectively fluster him into a blushing and stuttering mess
shoto todoroki
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❆ uhm if you weren’t in the hero course, it would take him a little longer to notice you
❆ but you were friends with ochako so he actually often saw you at lunch
❆ one day, you were all sat down and midoriya asked about your quirk and since everyone seemed interested, you gave ‘em a little demonstration
❆ he was kinda paying attention but the soba was so good so he missed the part where you shrunk down a bit but when a gust of wind knocked you over and you landed in front of him, his eyes widened
❆ you were so tiny 🥺
❆ he held out a finger to you and you smiled greatfuly before grabbing onto it and hoisting yourself up, making sure to dust yourself off
❆ he thought your quirk was rather interesting and whenever you shrunk down to size, he would go all doe eyed because he thought you were so precious
❆ you reminded him of the fairies in the bed time stories his mother used to tell him
❆ (i will fight you if you don’t think he used to LOVE hearing about dragons or fairies and fantasy stories when he was a little boy 😤)
❆ once he realized his feelings for you, he just straight up told you
❆ you guys were the cutest couple, the prince and a fairy (ugh oh my god this is freaking cute)
❆ when you first mentioned that you wanted to try and sit on his shoulder while he walked around and stuff, he was a bit apprehensive since he was afraid of dropping you
❆ so you started off easy, you’d sit on his shoulder while he was doing his homework or something and once he was comfortable with that, then you guys got to the moving around thing
❆ he would love it if you sat on his shoulder while he read a book, and he’d read it to you
❆ as much as he loves your quirk, I honestly don’t see him wanting to just rather hold your hand while ya’ll walked around or something but give him those puppy dog eyes and he’d do anything for you
❆ he’d never out right say it but he loves when your on his shoulder and just nuzzle his cheek
❆ he’d call you his little fairy 🥺🦋
❆ “can I please, I’ve had a really long day.” You pouted.
❆ he softly gripped your chin and gently tugged you closer to his lips
❆ “hop on, my little fairy.” He leaned down and gently met you lips, slowly moving them against yours before pulling away and watching as your cheeks and the tips of your ears turned pink
❆ I’m so soft for this boy
bakugo katsuki
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✸ pfft i’m sorry, i just had to use this gif
✸ okay so he’d be all like, “Why would I care about some damn extra!!” As he usually is but specially if you weren’t a part of the hero course
✸ but you were friends with kirishima so he learned to deal with you
✸ he originally saw you do the shoulder thing with kiri and he thought he was having a stroke or something
✸ “kirishima, why do you have a damn bug on your shoulder?”
✸ “huh? Oh that’s (y/n)!”
✸ “hey! Who are you calling a bug, you jerk!”
✸ “call me a jerk again and I’ll squash you like a damn insect! Got that you idiot?!”
✸ one time, you fell asleep on denki’s shoulder and he forgot you were there
✸ so when bakugo saw him acting like a ‘reckless idiot’ he swooped in to save you
✸ he gently picked you up by the collar of your shirt and he put you on his own shoulder, making sure to walk around carefully as to not disturb your sleep
✸ you had accidentally disactivated your quirk so you went back to normal size, causing the both of you to fall to the ground with you laying on top of him
✸ he was in shock so he didn’t really move, your noses were touching, his arms had gone around your waist to hold you still
✸ “I’m so sorry, I-“ you had tried to get up be his hold on your waist only tightened
✸ “shut up! I’m trying to think!”
✸ he turned his head a bit and placed an experimental kiss on your lips
✸ well you definitely weren’t complaining anymore
✸ uhh he’d act like he absolutely hates having you on his shoulder
✸ he lives for it
✸ he likes to have you on his shoulder while he cooks so you guys can talk and whatever
✸ if you’re ever being a brat while on his shoulder, he’ll threaten to drop you in the hot oil
✸ he likes to tease you when you’re tiny
✸ as retaliation, you take his things while your tiny, like you’ll steal his eraser or something and he’d tear up his backpack looking for it before he finally spots it on the desk with you sitting on it
✸ he constantly worries about you because denki and sero like to mess with you when you’re in tiny mode
✸ it’s been too many times that he’s found you taped to something while posting about it
✸ i feel bad for the poor soul that decides it’s a good idea to bully you for your quirk
✸ he would quite literally, ‘blow up their asses’
mezo shoji
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♡ I think shoji is a little apprehensive about making new friends since he’s a bit insecure but he’s open to the idea
♡ so when he sees that you’re eating lunch alone, he decided to sit with you
♡ you were surprised that he had sat across from you, you froze in place while looking at him
♡ he hadn’t said anything though, he just ate his lunch and you relaxed, continuing to eat yours
♡ this went on for a couple of weeks before you finally broke the ice by offering him some of your onigiri, you watched as he grabbed the onigiri and fed it into the mouth on one of his arms
♡ “your quirk is really cool!” His eyes widened at your sudden confession, he watched as a blush formed on your cheeks and looked away. “sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable...”
♡ he just chuckled and shook his head
♡ from then on the two of you would share your lunch with each other
♡ “come to think of it, I don’t know what your quirk is.”
♡ it was the first time you guys were hanging out outside of school, he had invited you to the dorms and you two were in the common room drinking some tea
♡ “I guess you’re right—hey! what’s that?!” he whipped around to where you were pointing
♡ “What? There’s...there’s nothing-what?” Once he had turned back to you, you were gone. “(Y/n)?”
♡ as he was looking around, you climbed up his sleeve and onto his shoulder, “I’m right here silly~” he looked around once more but couldn’t find you, “yoo-hoo! Shoji-kun!!”
♡ he looked down to his shoulder and oh...you were tiny
♡ he placed his hand near his shoulder and you jumped onto it, holding onto his finger as he held you right in front of his eyes
♡ he definitely wasn’t expecting that, he was so caught off guard that he started to blush (not that you’d be able to tell)
♡ you guys would also train together often and it was during one of those training sessions that he had confessed to you
♡ when you guys start dating, he’d definitely love to have you on his shoulder all the time...he can’t help it, he thinks you’re adorable
♡ “shoji...”
♡ “yes mr. Aizawa?”
♡ “what’s that on your shoulder?” You froze and trying to think of where to hide. “don’t make me do it.” He sighed
♡ “...do what?” Shoji tried playing dumb as he heard your tiny ‘oh crap!’ as you jumped off his shoulder, right when you did was when Aizawa activated his quirk and you reverted to normal size, falling to the ground
♡ there was a few giggles from the class as you got up, looking around
♡ “(y/n)? How’d you get there?” Shoji continued his act
♡ “you know, I was wondering the same thing...”
♡ “miss (l/n), please go back to class.”
♡ “yes sir.”
♡ that wasn’t the last time the two of you tried that
♡ he would also enjoy if you nuzzled and kissed his cheek while on his shoulder
♡ he vowed to protect you if anything were to ever happed
♡ he thinks you’re adorable, mini sized or not
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Step one
Hoo boy, this one is potentially dark as fuck, so remember that this is entirely fantasy. Do not think this is healthy or copy anything here.
Cw: heavy heavy nsfw. Drugging, b+e, somnophilia, Illumi gets possessive lowkey
previous part: here
First part: here
Illumi used the month or so you were closed off and mourning to try and dig up as much intimate info on you as he could, from childhood fears to how many times you've had sex. With this knowledge added to his collection, the last thing he needed to do was set up a cover story, than introduce himself. If this fails, she can be killed, or trained He told himself as he read through your social media on his laptop, ignoring a nagging sense of dread he hadn't felt since his first solo kill as a child.
The cover story was easy enough, murdering the people across the street from your home was boringly simple, setting them up to die of heart attacks and a break in, waiting out the investigation, nothing new to the assassin. By the time things had cleared up there, you were beginning to cheer up anyway, which was good, it'd be easier for Illumi to court you if you weren't verging into suicidal territory. Finally, the day came when he moved into the home, much to the teary refusal of his mother.       "I'm not leaving permanently," Illumi assured her the day he moved out, taking only a duffel bag of clothing with him, the issue was that his mother was holding him in a hug and refusing to let go. "You were so excited for me to be courting a woman, you can't sob and cling to me when I need to move out to properly 'woo' her." His voice was level and uninterested, as always, though on the inside he did feel a bit of reluctance at leaving, which was why he guessed he didn't use a lot of force to remove his mother's iron grip.        "I know, but why can't you go about the process from home?" she blubbered, Illumi's father standing a bit behind her sighing at her antics,              "To build up proper propinquity I need to be near her a lot, I cannot do that from here while also doing my work. Besides, it is relatively frowned upon for a 24 year old to still be living with their parents, so I need to have my own place for...the later portion." Sadly, even logic didn't calm Kikyo down, so Silva was forced to pry her from Illumi and simply wished the long haired assassin well as the man left. To atone for the sin of leaving the Zoldyck estate, Illumi was required to call his mother at least once a day, but other than that, he was free to live across the street from you when he wasn't working. This set up proved to be very useful, as it allowed him to linger on the street without suspicion, watch you from his windows, and it gave him more opportunities to run into you 'organically', despite having your meager outing schedule memorized already, and more. The day he moved in properly, Illumi was helping a trio of butlers move furniture in, trying to seem as normal as possible since he could see you sitting on your porch, getting some fresh air while also watching your new neighbor curiously. It's good to see her out at least, vitamin D is necessary for good health. he thought as he moved the last bit of strategically aged furniture into the home, letting the butlers return home after that. If he was to blend in, he'd have to slum it for a while after all. Though, he could put up with that as long as you stayed as friendly as you were the first night he was there. It was pretty late, the dark hours cooling the relatively warm air of the late spring day when he heard a knock at the door, but when he opened, there you were, your (h/l), (h/c) hair pulled away from your face, in a (f/c) jacket and some of your nicer casual clothes,       "Hello! I'm sorry if you were asleep or anything, but I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!" you chirped, your kind smile making something weird happen to his heart, but he hid that, not wanting to scare you by saying he was having a heart attack,      "Ah, hello miss. No, I was just trying to cook some dinner, not to worry." he assured, watching you relax a bit before tilting his head, "I'm sorry if this is curt, but have we met?" he asked, your (e/c) eyes shining with confusion for a moment before realization washed that away,       "Oh! you're the man I bumped into at that party!" he mimicked your stunned reaction, chatting a bit before you heard angry sizzling from his kitchen, the sound earning a concerned look from you. "Um?? Should you step outside?" you suggested, and when he looked in your eyes again, he saw that undeserved concern in those captivating orbs. That weird feeling returned in response, but Illumi repressed it once again,        "No, I believe that's just my food," he said nonchalantly, watching your expression change to panic, it was so intriguing to see how expressive you were compared to his family,        "Maybe you should go check on it??" you urged gently, the panicked look in your eyes compelling the empathy-less assassin to do as you said, so he nodded simply and returned to the pot of boiling water that was leaking with angry bubbles splashing water onto the burner. He simply turned the stove off and returned to you once the water had settled again. You were still there, nervously peeking in to try and check on him he assumed.        "Why didn't you come in?" He asked, making you jump,        "I-I wasn't invited, it's rude to just walk in." you pointed out, and he mentally kicked himself for forgetting that fact briefly. Though he verbally just sighed in defeat, running a hand through his long, silky hair.         "Actually, would it be uncouth of me to maybe ask if you would help me with something?" He asked, and when you shook your head he reluctantly continued, "You see, my family is rather well off, so I've...never learned to cook. Would you maybe teach me how to make the food?" He asked, and he liked to think it was the power of his natural charm that made you agree, not the pitiful mask of helplessness he put on. Either way though, you were now inside of his new home. Could this be considered a date? Illumi mused as he followed your instructions to bring the water to a boil again and put the store-bought noodles into the rolling liquid, People cook together as a date, so this should count as a date. He decided after a moment of watching you prepare food, following your orders until the two of you had managed to make a rather respectable looking dinner. He cemented this occassion's 'date' status by handing you a plate,          "It's fair that since you helped make it, you eat some of it with me." he pointed out when you went to refuse his offering. After that, the two of you sat in his living room in silence, neither making the first move to speak. For Illumi, the silence was comfortable, it gave him time to judge the weird thing that had happened with his insides. He wasn't dead, and the warm, fluttery sensation was fading, so it didn't seem to be fatal. I should get the family doctor to check me over. he decided as he ate, finally glancing over at you while you sat on the opposite end of the couch. Judging by the tension in your limbs and how you radiated discomfort, you were about to bolt like a scared rabbit. That's not good...
        "so." He hummed, hoping to ease your anxiety with some conversation, plus it'd give him a chance to dig into you, "why were you at that party?" There was a stretch of silence, your mood falling again for a moment, but than you seemed to put on a fake smile for him, how sweet.         "I'm a bit shy, so my friend decided to try and hook me up with a man she worked with." you explained, shrugging it off, "He ended up ditching me for some friends when we got there, so I didn't ask for a second date." Well of course your date went badly, you're supposed to be with me, not some stranger. a dark part of him thought, than stopped. What brought that up? I haven't even decided if she's really worth 'dating'. He reminded himself, but that possessive thought still lingered a bit more than he would've liked. However, that issue was for later, right now he wanted to see just how much information he could get you to willingly tell him.       "So, are you looking for a partner?" he asked, and he just caught a bit of a flustered epression on your (s/c) face at his question. He was beginning to enjoy seeing such an expression.        "R-right now? Um..not actively, b-but I'm not against a relationship." you said, not looking at him as you spoke, your body language screaming how flustered you were. After that, the two of you simply chatted, Illumi enjoying when you fully relaxed and opened up a bit more, but what felt like only a short time later, you were thanking him for the food and leaving for your own home. The tall man was polite back, but for the third time that night, his torso felt odd inside. He wanted to ask you to stay, maybe offer you a drink and slip a sedative into it, that way you'd stay the night, but no, he refrained from stopping you. If you drug her, she'll wake up tomorrow and be terrified of you. Maybe even call the cops. He told himself as he shut his door behind you. However, the thoughts were already there, making him groan. What is going on with me?! I'm losing control of myself so easily now. he thought, rubbing his face as if that would wipe away the bubbling waves of dark lust that were once again flooding his mind with images of you naked beneath him, calling out his name, mixing with the urge to control that he usually kept a close eye on. This is absolutely pathetic. She's not even that attractive! He chided himself, glaring down at the growing bulge in his pants as if it were to blame for his urges. Which, to a point was true, but either way it still twitched, demanding to be tended to. However, he refused to masturbate again. His sperm was precious, and while he could produce quite enough to impregnate a woman despite such a shameful act, he didn't like wasting his DNA. So, for a bit, he tried to cook up ways to relieve himself, unable to shake the lustful thoughts of you. Could he wait until tomorrow and lure you over again? No, that'd leave a horrid impression of him in your mind. Maybe he could sneak some aphrodisiacs into your food and than offer to help? No, that'd take too long, and he didn't know how long he could control his lust. Around eleven or so, Illumi finally came up with a satisfactory method. So, he turned his lights off and slipped out into the cool night to slither across the street and into your dark home. It was late enough that he knew you were asleep, so he was free to make his way in and towards your bedroom, What he wasn't expecting though, was to find you sleeping on your couch, your blanket fallen to the floor, revealing your pajamas to him. The sight only seemed to throw gasoline on the fire of neglected needs within him.       "now this is simply inappropriate," he breathed, shaking his head at your baggy t-shirt and (random color) panties, "(y/n), you should know better. Such outfits should be saved for your husband." He kept his voice low, making sure not to wake you as he chided you and his lightless eyes zeroed in on the bit of panty he could see with the way your shirt was ridden up ever so slightly. teasingly. He sighed, this would make his plan easier anyway. So, he just pulled out a needle of sedative and carefully moved you so that he could get access to your neck without waking you, sticking the needle in and injecting you with the fast acting drug. Within a few moments you were certain to stir for nothing less than a natural disaster, so he was free to do whatever he wished. The assassin's body burned with lust, his cock throbbing within his pants while he moved your thighs apart, revealing more of your panties. You weren't much to look at, he'd seen prettier women, but the feeling of your perfectly malleable thigh in his hand, seeing you so complacent and welcoming for him while his hormones were so out of control, you could've passed as a goddess in that moment. He wasted no time in removing your underwear, leaving your shirt and bra on so it'd be less work afterwards, revealing your most intimate parts to him with no arguments. It gave him such a rush to see you so obediently laying on your back, your legs apart and welcoming. your vulnerability was like a form of foreplay for him, but when he ran a slender finger up your slit and realized just how dry you were, it ruined his fantasy. Though, not enough to deter him. Instead of stopping, Illumi simply pushed your shirt up with your bra, using one hand to massage your breast while he kissed down your sternum and up the soft mound of flesh. His free hand slipped between the two of you, rubbing slow circles around your clit until breathy whines and moans slipped from your lips. Carefully, he teased your nipple between his fingers, simultaneously moving up to your throat until he found the spot that made you gasp and whine in your sleep again. The only downside was despite how badly he wanted to mark you, he couldn't. He had to wait until he securely had you, until then he couldn't leave any visual evidence of his actions. So, he nibbled and kissed the spot, but didn't bite too roughly and claim you. He simply teased you, rubbing your clit, massaging your breasts or hip, and pressing hungry kisses to your unresponsive lips until he could dip his fingers down into your warmth and pull them back coated with a healthy amount of slick. With you properly aroused, he eagerly freed his throbbing dick from his pants, giving himself a few pumps before running the head up and down your slit, making you hum at the stimulation. God, how he relished how your face twitched and you groaned at the feeling of him grabbing one of your legs with one of his hands before pushing into you. God the tight warmth alone could've made him cum, but he once again held himself back. He'd gone this far, he wasn't about to squander the opportunity to indulge himself by not savoring it. No, He simply grabbed your hips once fully inside and began moving, pretty soon slapping his hips into yours roughly. He might regret being so aggressive later, when it undoubtedly left you sore, or at the very least left bruises and scratches, but right now he just enjoyed the way your pussy squeezed around him and your breasts bounced with each rough thrust into your womb. He let out a few soft noises after a bit when the waves of pleasure began fogging over his mind again. The combination of your breathy moans, your warmth squeezing around him, begging to be filled, and the possessive urge to claim you continuously driving him forward, encouraging him to go until the blinding waves of pleasure erupted and he stilled himself so that every drop of cum was safely inside of your womb. It took him longer than usual to regain his composure afterwards, but when he did he swiftly pulled out, pulling his pants up and slipping your panties back onto you before too much of his essence escaped. He grimaced at the marks of his nails on your (s/c) flesh, though hopefully they would fade before you noticed. Right now though, his main priority was to get out of your home, and leave as little evidence as possible, save for his cum. He refused to feel sorry for filling his obviously needy wife with perfectly good semen. That's right. his wife. The phrase seemed to fit perfectly.
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katealot · 2 years
Like The Back Of My Hand
Chapter 11 of Solangelo Soulmate AU
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Read on Ao3
Word Count: 4,721
tags: #fanfic #solangelo, #will solace, #nico di Angelo, #soulmate au, #pjo, #hoo, #katealot, #LikeTheBackOfMyHand, #fanfiction, #katealot writes, #Doctor!Will Solace, #Artist!Nico Di Angelo #Like The Back Of My Hand
Previously: No sooner had Nico finished adjusting himself was he fast asleep. He couldn't be blamed. The digital clock on the bedside table told Will it was 12:48am. His eyes closed and he breathed a content sigh into his partner's hair.
He was so tired, in fact, that the filters that had gone up to protect whatever they had dropped away.
"I love you." It was so quiet, it was practically a sigh.
His exhaustion took hold of him and he finally sunk into a deep, well deserved sleep, his arms wrapped around the boy he loved.
By the time Will wakes up, wrapped in the warm comforter of Nico's bed the sun trickling in through the window, Nico is nowhere to be found. In his place is a note that read "Early lecture, stay as long as you like but DON'T be nosy :-)". He chuckled and sat up, stretching his bare arms over his head and hearing a few satisfying pops in his back and neck.
He swung his legs off the bed and walked out of the room and towards the kitchen where the scent of a strong batch of coffee still lingered in the air. He poured himself a mug from the french press and headed toward the window where he greeted a small blue flower and the bud growing next to it.
"Good morning, beautiful. Is that a new leaf I see? How exciting! You're doing a great job." He smiled the gentle kind of smile reserved for when you are completely and totally alone. He caressed one of her petals and then turned to head toward the couch when he spotted Nico's studio station. It was a moderately sized stacked desk covered in paint and ink stains cluttered in seemingly no logical ways with art supplies: brushes, stained mason jars of various sizes (some still holding trace amounts of paint water), small canvases, sketchbooks, magazine clippings and printed reference pictures, oil crayons, charcoal vines, pens and pencils. Leaning against either side were a few larger canvasses, their used sides all strategically stacked facing the desk. Will had passed the artist's corner dozens of times in all the times he's been here but he was seldom alone long enough to get a good look. He smirked thinking about Nico's note. Don't be nosy. What Nico didn't know wouldn't hurt him. So sue him for being curious.
He put his coffee down on the side table and padded his way across the wood floor to the desk. Laid open was a medium sized sketchbook and several pencils, as well as a pallet of watercolours and a thin brush still sitting in a shallow bit of water in a jar. On the open page were some rough sketches of figure studies, all faceless and relatively broad in their features. A torso and v-line with an arm hanging casually at its side. The details of a neck extending to the collarbones and shoulders. Several lone muscular arms, wrists and hands in various relaxed and tensed positions. The form of a person, curly haired, lying shirtless, the lines of their freckled shoulder blades pronounced but relaxed with their back to the artist...
He studied the drawings with a profound appreciation for their simplicity. They were detailed, but in a way where five quick strokes might make one defined shadow. He reached toward the page and turned it backwards, toward the used bulk of this sketchbook. Some of the pages were the same texture as the figures page, containing pen and pencil drawings of landscapes, skylines, people, animals, and flowers. Some of them were warped slightly from dried paintings of still lives or what appeared to be just studies of color theory. A few had pasted in pieces of newspapers, magazines and pages from books, drawn and colored on top of and around, punching out words and adding wild features to cologne models while they looked on stoic and blissfully unaware of their new modifications. 
He returned the book to how he found it and glanced up at the pictures he had pinned to the lip of the top shelf. A delightful little drawing of a rotund cow grazing a few tufts of grass, signed perhaps by a friend. Clippings from red carpet events: Billy Porter, Janelle Monae, Rami Malek. A photograph of a group of teenagers, all in matching orange shirts posing in gleeful excitement for a goofy group picture in front of a canoe lake. He searched for Nico's familiar face and found it on a boy with slightly longer hair, half smiling with closed eyes at a curly haired latino boy who was frozen mid jump on his back. He smiled at his expression and his grin only grew as he surveyed the faces of all these people, laughing, sticking tongues out, limbs all strewn about in casual contact with people they clearly held affection for.
On a tiny canvas perched on a tiny easel just under the picture was a minuter oil painting of the roman Colosseum in the oranges, yellows and pinks of a fiery sunset.
Will felt exhilaration mixed with a humbling honor at being a sole patron at this exclusive gallery. His heart suddenly swelled at the thought that, whether intentionally or not, Nico had put his trust in Will to bear witness to Nico's own private treasures, work that so clearly reflects the heart that beats in his chest... and to keep them safe next to his own. His eyes where starting to get misty when his hopelessly romantic train of thought was interrupted by the ping sound of his text notification.
He dug his phone out of the pockets of his jeans and saw the preview of a text from his half-sister.
"Oh shit, almost forgot." He murmured to himself, turning on his heel to collect his things from the bedroom before heading out the door, locking the apartment behind him.
A few hours later Nico emerged from the lecture hall, cold, weary and slightly sore from note taking. He instinctively took out his phone to check the time and saw a text from Will. 
If you finish up any time soon and are feeling in the mood to lend a helping hand, meet me at my house? Free pizza and beer.
It was just shy of half past noon and he didn't have any more classes for the rest of the day. He pondered it only for a few moments more before calling an Uber.
The driver dropped him off in front of Will's house, just behind a U-haul trailer attached to a pickup truck. Nico stood slightly confused for just a moment until the front door opened and out came Kayla, holding a large plant and a standing lamp, it's chord wrapped loosely around the base and its many arms all ending in a different colored cone shaped lampshade bundled together with a zip-tie. Following her was Will carrying two big boxes stacked on top of each other.
"Oh, hey Nico!" Kayla said when she saw him, grinning brightly.
He waved a gloved hand and eyed the mostly closed trailer door. Putting the pieces together quickly, he stepped to it and hefted it up the rest of the way, standing on his tiptoes to hold it above his head as they reached him, Kayla climbing right into the back and setting her armfulls next to the minimal boxes and singular bean bag chair already stacked at the far end.
"You guys are moving?" Nico asked, eyeing them as Kayla took the boxes from Will one by one and stacked them alongside their brethren.
"I'm moving. Leaving my sweet baby brothers behind to move in with my girlfriend." As Kayla said this she pinched one of Wills already pink from the cold cheeks.
"Ow." He swatted her hand away, rolling his eyes with a passive smile. "If you want to stick around and help us get the rest of her stuff we'll feed you and send you home with alcoholic presents. You don't have to, obviously. With the three of us though, it shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes, 45 tops."
Nico rolled his eyes at the coercion. Of course he was going to help. But not before a healthy dose of ribbing. 
"So you get me to spend my own money coming all the way here after my exhaustive, hours long lecture hall, just to put me to work for a slice of pizza and a wine cooler and then tell me I don't have to as if I could be a total dick and turn you down." He folded his arms in front of his chest. 
They both stared at him, then each other. Kayla cracked a smile. Will shook his head and tried to keep his own at bay.
"You DON'T have to, and we'll still send you home with booze for making the journey all the way downtown." He stepped down out of the trailer, Kayla right behind him, and took a step toward Nico, eyes conveying nothing but his sincere promise.
Nico's neutral expression wavered as Will's new position forced him to look up slightly at the blond. Finally, his demeanor cracked, his lip quirking up in the slightest of smiles.
"Obviously I'll help. I'm already here, aren't I?" He sidestepped Will who remained where he was, smiling down to where he'd just been. Kayla cackled and led the way back into the house where the remainder of the movables sit.
Nico had never actually been inside Will's house before. It was really only just now that he thought about how often it was Will making the trip to his flat, and not the other way around. He didn't know what to expect but he can't say that the dark red patterned wallpaper with a stockinged lady's leg lamp- a la Christmas Story- casting a warm yellowish glow throughout the entrance hallway was it. 
He was a little dumbfounded and only more so as he moved farther into the house. The hallway ended, along with the baffling wallpaper, in a space that was half living area and half kitchen, with a single wall separating the two lengthwise across the room. The carpeted floor of the living room featured one beat up looking leather couch with two beanbags on either side, yellow and blue. He posited that the green with pink flowers one he had seen in the trailer was a part of a matching set the three siblings had had. Behind the 2 foot tv, switch and play station mounted atop a driftwood table, on a weird wall-cutout of a shelf, was a row of different color and style lava lamps, all aglow in their multi-coloured, hypnotic glory. Along the edges of the room, push-pinned into the ceiling, were a set of beach party string lights. Besides the lava lamps and residual kitchen lighting, the tiny plastic flamingos, palm trees and flip-fliops were the only things illuminating the room. 
Nico's pace slowed as they entered the room. He was trying to take in the several dozens of vibes that this home was screaming at him so far. It was, from an artistic standpoint, a maximalist clusterfuck. A bookshelf to the left of the entertainment station was a dizzying array of medical textbooks, records, and knickknacks. Funko pops and various small whimsical instruments peppered almost every horizontal surface. The wall that separated this area from the kitchen was painted with blackboard paint, and there were doodles of everything from an abandoned game of hangman to a grocery list to what was clearly an outline of an actual person, their insides decorated with rough diagrams of the respiratory system and digestive tract, all in multi-coloured chalk. 
He parked himself just inside the archway, his mouth agape at never having seen the place Will called home. Will, noticing Nico's halting, looked back and saw this, his face suddenly flushing with slight embarrassment.
"Oh yeah, I guess it's kinda a lot to take in at first glance." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 
"Yeah," Was all Nico could manage at first, but shortly continued with "but not is a bad way."
Will looked like he wanted to say more but Kayla was already emerging from the doorway on the other end of the room with a side-table and woven hanging terrarium stuffed with newspaper. 
"Once we get all the boxes I need help with the dresser and chair. The big one's got books so it's heavy." 
Nico took one last look at Will who still looked embarrassed and walked past him toward the room, grabbing his hand and squeezing it for reassurance as he passed.
True to their word, 40 minutes later, all frozen ears, noses and numb fingers, they had loaded the last thing into the trailer- a well-worn loveseat affectionately dubbed "Diane".
Kayla slammed the sliding door of the U-Haul down and clapped her hands together in a that's that gesture before turning to the two boys and nodding.
"Thanks for the help fellas, I really do appreciate not having to haul my frozen ass for an hour and a half all by myself, so I owe you both a drink." She had already started walking backwards up the sidewalk as she spoke to them. Nico scrunched up his nose, his breath making visible clouds when he exhaled.
"No worries, but I think it's a little cold for beers, so I'll pass." He took one step away from the pair, as if about to depart when Kayla stopped him.
"Who said anything about beers? Mama's makin' you a Kayla Classic Cocoa." She wiggled her eyebrows and Will beamed at him and grabbed his hand before he could get much farther.
"Oh you have got to try one of these. It's like Christmas in your mouth."
He quirked his eyebrow quizatively, and was still a little sheepish, but allowed himself to be pulled along as the two lead him back into the much warmer house. 
Kayla marched into the baby blue painted kitchen and immediately got to work firing up the kettle and pulling out glasses, hot cocoa mix, a frighteningly large glass jug of cinnamon whiskey, ground cinnamon, cool whip and peppermint sticks. Will hopped up on the counter, hitting his head against the front of one of the hanging cabinets and flinching. Nico sucked on his teeth sympathetically but Will swatted the invisible empathy away.
"It's ritualistic at this point. Doesn't even hurt."
Nico looked at him with a mix of confused, concerned amusement, but decided to let it go.
"So..." Nico said, leaning against the half wall, "how long have you guys lived here?"
Kayla and Will looked at each other and then Will leaned his head back against the cabinets as Kayla took the lead.
"Well I grew up in New York but if you're asking about this house, I've lived here for 4 years. Will and Austin moved in 2 years ago- has he ever told you about that?" She was pointing a spoon between the two boys. Nico shook his head no and Kayla smacked Will's thigh with the spoon. "The hell, you spend either all your time at work or with him and you don't even talk about us?" 
Will propped his head up to look at her with a smile. He shrugged.
"I like to listen."
She rolled her eyes and returned her attention to Nico. 
"We always knew that our dad had other kids from his many failed marriages but a few years ago he got us all on a video call because he felt bad and said we ought to get to know each other a little. Austin and Will had already known each other because they were pretty close in age and went snooping before I did. After dad found an excuse to jump off the call we kinda just kept talking. Austin was looking for a music program in SoCal and Will had just been accepted to med school here at Colombia.
"Will mentioned really wanting to do it but never having left Texas and basically not knowing jack about moving to New York and I thought 'what the hell, I've never had a brother'. So I told him he could come move in with me-"
"We'd spoken maybe once before this, in passing basically, and she up and offers to house me while I start my residency," Will interjected.
"It was like maybe he'll murder me or maybe I'll murder him but either way, life was getting a little dull so why not, you know?" 
"I do not." Nico said, bemused. 
Kayla shrugged and went on.
"Anyway, Will agrees to move in, Austin asks if he can come too, I don't see why not since it would make rent cheaper and, yadda yadda, at long last these jamokes are losing their big sister to the adult world."
Will's head whipped up and he looked at his sister with horrified shock.
"Wait. Adult world? You mean to tell me that you and Oasis... BONE?!" His expression morphed into cartoonish anguish and he languished, "all this time I thought y'all were coloring and playing hopscotch in your room! To think you were doing the devil's dance!" 
Kayla flicked on the faucet and turned the shower nozzle on Will who shrieked and jumped off the counter, running around back to the other end of the kitchen where Nico was standing. He positioned himself so that Nico was a human shield against further aquatic assault and stuck his tongue out at her. She grinned and flipped him the bird.
She had also, it seemed, finished making their drinks. She plopped a peppermint stick in three glass mugs and handed Nico his cup. 
"Bon Appetit."
He could feel the heat of the beverage warming his poorly circulated hands. Atop the drink was a generous dollop of cool whip sprinkled with cinnamon. He sniffed the heated aroma wafting like ribbons of scent from the mug and took a cautious sip. It smelled spectacular. Flavors danced in his mouth. A rich, hot, dark chocolate cocoa with a spicy cinnamon kick and a hint of peppermint. 
"Mmm," Nico hummed into the mug. He looked up at Kayla's expectant face, a whipped cream mustache on his lip and said, "this is really good." 
Kayla smiled widely and for a moment, despite how truly different the two looked, he saw Will in her smile. He imagined that if that's the smile that suckered both of their parents, he could see why. 
The sound of the front door slamming shut drew their attention just then, and Kayla and Will in unison called out, "Au-STIN!"
"What up, what up!" They heard back and shortly thereafter, Austin himself appeared in the kitchen entryway. 
"Oh, Nico's here. What's up, man?" He extended a hand and before Nico really knew what was happening, he was being pulled into a handshake-hug. Released and a little dazed, he glanced at Will who just smiled at him and perched his head on top of Nico's. 
Austin looked between their three glasses and said,
"Is that a KCC?" Then turning to Kayla with exaggerated puppy dog eyes and hands clasped in a pleading beg, "Please tell me you-"
He didn't get any farther before she crossed to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a pitcher of a slushie-like drink that was a similar colour to their own.
"You think I would make KCCs and not make you a frozen one?"
Austin did a little dance in place while Kayla poured his glass and schlopped on his cool whip and cinnamon.
"How goes the kiddos?" Will asked him after a moment. 
This launched Austin into a rant about how his student teaching was going and how at any given time the only people who cared about his students succeeding were him and his student thanks to arts budgeting and parental conflicts.
Nico glanced at the three of them as Austin went on. They all seemed so relaxed in each other's presences, he almost felt like an intruder in their space. He began to shift awkwardly but, almost like he'd read his mind, Will brought a warm hand up and placed it on Nico's shoulder, beginning to squeeze and rub circles into his back with his thumb. Nico relaxed slightly and took another sip of his drink, discarding the thought and tuning back into the reason Kayla was laughing at Austin's story. 
At some point Nico pulled out his phone to check the time and was surprised to see that it was almost 4 o'clock. 
"Geez, it got late. I had better head out soon..." He stuffed his phone back in his pocket and started to get up from the couch where he had moved to when they'd traded kitchen counters for cushier seats.
Will sat up and looked at him from his yellow bean bag with a furrowed brow.
"Are you sure?" He looked very much as if he didn't want Nico to go. 
Nico opened his mouth but Kayla cut him off before he could get any words out.
"Yeah, wait, stay for dinner. I'll make Oasis bring us pizza." She took out her own phone and started typing away at it furiously. 
"Uh-" Nico tried again, but this time Austin spoke up,
"Stick around a little longer, man, we never get to hang out with you." 
This struck Nico as something bewildering. The idea that people who only know him through their brother wanted to, and actively expressed interest in, spending time with him seemed foreign to him. He had never thought of himself at being particularly good at making friends. Most of the time a group of people he's near just kind of decide he's part of them. That's what his oldest friends did, and even then, he was a little resistant to that at first. 
But here he was again, surrounded by these three siblings who were actively seeking his company. It felt... strange. Good. Comforting. Vulnerable.
He slowly sat back down and they cheered, which made him roll his eyes, despite the smile on his lips. 
Thirty minutes after that, they were all sitting on the floor of their living room, surrounded by paper plates speckled with the remnants of two delicious margarita pizzas. Oasis, a gorgeous 5'10" Korean-American woman with incredibly long and shiny black hair, lay across Kayla's legs with a PS4 controller in her hand, running her stealthily clad character around in a bustling Grecian city.
"How'd you get so good at this game, O?" Austin asked in awe.
"You underestimate how much time I spend on your guys' living room floor." She answered deadpanned. And then, "Plus, I like doing stealth murders and that's like 95% of the game."
Kayla ripped off a piece of the crust she was picking apart and threw it into the air, catching it in her mouth. 
"That's hot." She said, and Oasis smirked. "I'm going to get you this game just so I can watch you pull militia into bushes and eviscerate them." 
"Thanks, baby." Oasis said. Then, smacking Kayla lightly on the thigh, "Oh did you tell them about New Years?" 
"Oh, right," Kayla ripped off another piece of bread with her teeth. "We're doing our housewarming party on New Years Eve and you all are invited. It's going to be 20's themed so Austin has to wear his golden fedora." 
"Only if I can bring my sax." He said. 
"Deal, but if we get noise complaints, I am blaming you." Kayla put out a fist and Austin bumped it.
"You guys ever been there?" Nico asked. 
All four of them looked at him for a moment and he pointed back to the tv screen,  "Greece? It's really pretty." 
No one said anything for what felt to Nico like forever and his face began burning with embarrassment for having spoken, but then Will chimed in. 
"Nico grew up in Europe, guys." The room fell into a bout of 'oh yeahs' and 'I forgot he's from Italy'. 
"I went to Amsterdam once," Austin said, "They have like crazy tulips there." 
"God, I want to go to Europe," Kayla said wistfully, "put that on the list, babe. We'll go to Greece. And Scotland." 
"What's in Scotland?" Will asked, smirking with amusement.
"I don't know! Sheep!" Kayla threw a piece of crust at him.
"How does living in Italy compare to living in America?" Oasis asked Nico directly. In the little time he'd interacted with her, Nico had gathered that Oasis really liked asking people deep and personal questions about themselves. It's like she wanted to lay them out like a book before her and read them. 
"It's.." He tried to chuckled halfheartedly and then his face dropped a little, "it's different, for sure." He didn't elaborate. His words hung in the air, no one but he and Will quite sure why the atmosphere had gotten a little tenser. 
"Well," Austin broke the silence, "I don't know about you guys, but I feel like a little Mario Kart Tourney might spice things up right about now. O?"
"Hell yeah," Oasis said, saving her game and trading her controller for the detachable switch remotes, handing one to Austin. Kayla reached around the other side of the tv and procured two additional controllers. She tossed one to Will who offered it to Nico. 
"It would be an honor to watch you smoke their asses." He said with a smile. Nico rolled his eyes and took the controller. Then he paused, pondering it for a moment before deciding to lean into the reoccurring theme of the night which was existing shamelessly around new friends. He scooted closer to Will, nudging his leg out of the way until they both adjusted and he sat fully between Will's legs leaning back against his chest. Will rested his hands on Nico's hips, letting out a contented sigh that shuddered down Nico's spine. If the other three noticed them, they didn't seem to care.
Nico did indeed smoke their asses and after a few more KCCs and two Grand Prixs, Nico was smiling a dopey, slightly boozy smile as Austin and Oasis arguing over what track to choose so that any of them might have a chance against Nico.
The doorbell rang and Oasis and Austin didn't stop talking over each other, so Kayla handed her controller to Will and got up to answer it. They heard the door open and then Kayla's surprised voice.
"Oh, uh, hi..." Will and Nico heard her say from down the hall, "Come- come in, it's freezing outside. Will!" She called out to him, her exact emotion undetectable.
Will looked at Nico who quirked an eyebrow. He shrugged as if to say 'I don't know who it is' before pushing himself up and out from behind Nico and heading toward the hallway.
Shortly after he disappeared around the corner he heard an unfamiliar woman's voice.
"Hey, baby." Her uncertain voice dripped with a sweet southern twang and you could hear the smile on her lips. 
"Wha... what are you doing here?" Nico heard Will say slowly, not accusatory, but not with buckets of enthusiasm either.
That was enough to peak his curiosity. Nico rose from his spot, dropping his controller onto the couch behind him and walking to the doorway leading to the foyer. He peaked in and saw a woman just a bit shorter than Will embracing him. Snow dotted her honey-blonde curls that fell around her shoulders. Her eyes were squeezed closed as she hugged him tighter. 
Nico made eye contact with Kayla, who was also watching the encounter from by the front door, her expression one of slight disbelief. Nico felt like he was missing something. 
The woman opened her eyes and saw Nico looking at them.
"Oh dear," She said, releasing Will and holding him at an arm's length, "I didn't realize you had guests over." She sidestepped him a bit so she could fully see Nico and waved at him, smiling, "Hello there." 
Now that Nico had a full view of her face it was clear as day. Her face was warm and inviting, her smile lines and crows feet hard to distinguish among the freckles that generously peppered her face like the snow in her hair, clear and abundant. Her blue eyes twinkled like she knew everything about him just by looking at him. 
Will turned to see Nico watching them and blinked. He looked utterly shocked and confused, not unlike how Nico felt, but he shook his head and he stuttered out an introduction. 
"Oh, u-uh, this is Nico," He gestured to the boy standing in the doorway who awkwardly waved back. 
"And, uh, Nico," Will said, meeting his eyes in a silent plea before finishing his statement, "this is my mother."
3 notes · View notes
spookyboywhump · 3 years
Hee hoo follow up to This
Not whumpy, just the aftermath of a rescue
CW: Past pet whump, dehumanization, mute whumpee, mentions of branding
Elias was nervous about his next case, however, there hadn’t been one so far that didn’t make him nervous. This one, this man had been found in terrible shape, chained up in a pitch black room, shaking and shivering. He was pale and thin, looking as though he hadn’t eaten in some time. He knew he’d been thoroughly examined and given time to rest first, thankfully he’d really just needed some food and water in his system, but now, it was time to actually speak to him and Eli could only hope this would go well.
He’d already talked to one of the people involved in rescuing the man, a person named Lane Thompson. They’d said that he refused to speak to anyone, he seemed scared and distant, which was to be expected of course. So far though, Eli had made good progress with the more reserved ones, Lane even asked him specifically to talk to the man because of that.
He sat across from him now, the man refused to look at him, keeping his dull blue eyes on the table. His auburn hair was messy and unkempt, long enough to fall into his pale freckled face, though he didn’t seem to care to brush it back. He hadn’t said a word, he’d barely even looked at him, but Elias knew he had to at least try to get somewhere with him.
“You… you don’t have to worry about your owner.” He said gently. He knew he wasn’t supposed to refer to them that way, but he also knew it was easier on the victims to use the language they understood- especially one as broken down as this man was. “He can’t hurt you anymore, and I, I want to help you. I know it’s hard but, if you could tell me anything about how you ended up there, or what he did to you, or if there were others, that would be incredibly helpful.”
The man simply shook his head, continuing to stare down at the table. He didn’t even necessarily look scared anymore, he just looked exhausted, defeated even, and it pulled at his heart to see it.
“Can you at least tell me your name…?” He asked. “If- If you can remember your real name that would be great, but, anything I can call you would work…” He said, but once again the man shook his head. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to speak, then thought better of it. He tilted his head up finally, looking Elias in the eye as he gestured to his throat, to a scar resting just above the worn out black collar he wore. He slowly, shakily drew a line across his throat with his finger, and his heart sank as it dawned on him, a threat he’d heard time and time again ringing in the back of his mind. “You… You can’t speak, can you…?” He asked, and the man shook his head.
He almost felt nauseous, but he forced himself to bury that feeling, to focus on the task at hand. He already had a notepad and a pen with him, the latter of which he hesitantly picked up.
“Can you write…?” He asked him, and the man seemed to think about it before nodding, accepting the pen as Eli slid the notepad across the table to him. “Just… write down whatever you can tell me, anything will be fine.” He said, and he nodded in response. He started writing, slow and carefully, like somebody still learning how to write. Elias glanced away while he did so, not wanting to make him feel pressured or anything, his leg bouncing anxiously though.
After some time the man slid the notepad back to him, and Elias took his time to read over the shaky handwriting.
My owner called me mutt. I was given to him when I was 27. I don’t know my age now. First master called me Doll. I don’t remember before that. I can’t speak. I can’t fight. I’m not pretty anymore. I won’t sell for much.
His eyes widened at the last sentence and he quickly glanced up at him, somehow able to stay calm though.
“No, we, we aren’t going to sell you.” He said. “You’re free now, we’re going to help you, okay? We want to get you home, and we want to make sure the people who hurt you can’t do this again to anyone else.” He explained gently, and the man narrowed his eyes, almost suspiciously. Elias saw him glance at the notepad again and he quickly slid it back over to him, watching as he began writing on a new page. It didn’t take long for him to hand it back, that odd look still on his face.
You won’t catch them. They’ll get out of it, they always do. He won’t want me back but his new dog he will. That boy isn’t safe.
“The boy… you mean the other young man that was found there?” He asked. “Do you know his name?” He knew Lane had already spoken with that boy, they were more likely to have gotten answers out of him than Eli would out of this one though- he hated his only options were to calm him “mutt” or “doll”, he sincerely wished he knew his real name.
Owner called him Elle. He said it wasn’t his real name but I don’t know what is. Elias nodded slowly as he read it over, taking a few moments to think about what he should do next. He wanted to ask about their “owner”, he hadn’t been told a lot about him but it was usually difficult to get clear answers out of the victims. After some time, he got to his feet.
“I’ll be right back, I need to talk to someone real quick. If there’s anything you want to tell me just write it down, okay?” He said, and the man nodded, seeming to think about it while he held the pen in hand. Elias left the room, taking a deep breath once he closed the door behind him, before setting off to find Lane.
He didn’t know them particularly well, he didn’t involve himself in the actual rescues just yet, but he knew who they were and the few short interactions they had were pleasant enough he wasn’t too scared to talk to them. After asking around a bit, he found them outside, on a break in the middle of the long day, sitting on a bench and smoking a cigarette. Eli tried to ignore the smell as he approached them.
“Um, Lane, can I talk to you…?” He asked hesitantly. “It’s about that one man you found, the silent one?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” They moved over slightly and Eli sat down next to them, anxiously picking at his fingers. “Has he finally said anything?”
“No, he can’t. He showed me the scar across his throat.” He explained, not even looking up to see their reaction. “He can write though, he seemed worried about the other boy you guys found.”
“Yeah, that kid ain’t doing too great.” They sighed. “He isn’t injured or anything, he just, he wants to go back.” It wasn’t the first time one of the rescues were found that way, it didn’t surprise Eli but it was still odd to think about. “He’s talked up a storm about the guy who had them though, I don’t think he even realizes how much he’s helping.” They laughed softly.
“Has he mentioned any previous owners?” He asked. “This one said he was given to this owner at twenty-seven, but he doesn’t know his age anymore so I’m not sure how old he is now. He doesn’t remember his own name so I’m not sure how well he’ll remember a previous owner…”
“You should try asking anyway. Even if they don’t have a name sometimes they can describe them, might help you figure out something. We’ve been getting enough from the other boy, you should focus on figuring that out, find out the previous owner and maybe you can find out how he got there to begin with.” They said. Eli nodded slowly, they sounded sure of themself and he knew they’d been doing this a bit longer than him anyway.
“Alright, That makes sense… I’ll try that, thank you.” He said, getting to his feet and starting to head back inside, but Lane stopped them after only a few feet.
“Hey, Elias?” They said, and he turned to face them. “If you think you can get away with it, ask him about a brand. Those sick fucks are always branding the poor things.” They said, and Eli had to repress a shiver.
The man didn’t look up when Elias entered the room again, he was absentmindedly doodling on the paper. He came and sat down across from him again, thinking over what he wanted to say carefully.
“So… you said that you were given to your owner when you were twenty-seven, right…?” He asked, and he nodded. “Do you remember who did that? Your first owner, do you remember anything about them?” He asked. “If you can, can you describe the way they looked too?” The man seemed to think about it for a moment, before he started writing. This time he wrote for a bit longer, at some points he even seemed to start smiling, something that made Eli nervous, but eventually, he handed the notepad back to Elias.
My master was kinder. He named me Doll, he loved me and I love him. If you can take me back to him I would like that but I don’t think he wants me anymore. He gave me away. He was very handsome, he was tall and he had dark hair and grey eyes. I haven’t seen him in a long time. He lived in a big house and he had a scary dog (not me, a real dog) and he always wore black leather gloves. Please, if you can find him, ask him to take me back.
Elias took his time reading it over, deciding not to tell him he wasn’t going back to an owner again. He had a sick feeling in his stomach, a horrible sense of familiarity, but he forced himself to ignore it.
“Okay… I’m- I’m sorry if this is invasive, you don’t have to answer at all if you don’t want to but did he… did he ever brand you?” He asked slowly, and much to his surprise the man nodded without hesitation. He got to his feet, still shaking noticeably, and gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it up just enough that Eli could see the F burned into his hip, just above the waistband of the sweatpants he’d been given to replace the ragged clothing he’d been found in. In a way, it was more than enough confirmation for Elias, but he almost hoped it wasn’t true. It was selfish, if it was someone else that would take a longer time to figure out, a longer time to know who was responsible for this, but still, he couldn’t help it.
“Alright, thank you…” He said, and the man sat back down. Elias thought about it before getting his phone out, deciding to give this a shot. It was easy to find a picture of the man, he was well known enough outside of the pet world. He felt sick just looking at him, but he chose to ignore it. “This… this might be a stretch but that description… is that this man…?” He asked, holding out the phone to him so he could see the image of Nicholas Fairfax, and his stomach dropped when the man grinned and nodded.
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Elias remembered something Nicholas had said to him before.
You remind me of my last pet.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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well mostly
that’s a temp crown and I have a single seam left BUT IT’S DONE REALLY OTHER THAN THAT
So now I’m prince ;3c (i also realized i could have grabbed my fake bouquet from my room for more fun---) also I’m wearing a face mask cuz I really didn’t want to put makeup on to fuck around in my basement when I do a proper photo shoot with Snuppet or something I will but deal with the mask (which btw is from @/timetravelinghk !!! It’s one of my favs to wear besides my levisnatch i wear at work)
I’m like super pleased with how this came out; It’s like patterned fully from scratch *stares at the failed attempts* yeah. it’s been a journey.
I’m gonna ramble a bit about the things I dealt with with this costume so read more I’m long winded
For context I started drafting patterns and such for Prince back when I made Snuppet. The idea has always been to cosplay as Prince and HK when I puppet him. However I wound up getting called back to my day job like right after I finished Snups so I never had a chance to continue because hooooo boi this summer was nuts. People wtf we broke records in sales for my work despite pandemic but i’ve ranted before--
There was also the matter of my boots and my wig. See the wig I’m wearing is the SECOND wig i bought for prince. the first one arrived all like... weird. i can’t get it to be fixed so I’ll use it for a monster costume and cover it with blood (its got like weird glue residue. like how some monster high dolls’ hair gets?)
This one is really nice uvu it’s my first arda wig i ordered; I do have the same in a dark purple because I will be making a ‘shadow prince’ version of this outfit in black and purple
and then the boots.
hoo boi
those boots
So let me say, I have decent sized feet. I wear between a womens 10 and 11 and that makes finding shoes a lil hard.
More so when I need very fucking specific shoes.
Yes i could do boot covers but it wasn’t going to be the same.
so I spent over a month looking and finally found those ones. they cost me a little bit (like they by far are the most expensive shoes I’ve ever bought. I hate spending money on shoes even for cosplay)
So they said they’d arrive soonish. I even paid express shipping.
Guys i ordered them in April. I got them late AUGUST. the site was a nightmare i could never get info it was permanently stuck in ‘packaging order for shipment’ and the help desk sucked and I was so busy with work I couldn’t call my bank and then just one day
they were just in a bag shoved in my mail box. i opened them right before a shift so they sat in my car all day
then i ordered gold cord on amazon
the first time I wore them took me no lie about half hour to get them laced proper and on. My sister was waiting and had to come up like “...you okay?”
once laced tho i can easily put them on and off in like 5 minutes
now the costume itself has been. interesting. so you can’t see but the actual way i put this on is there’s a zipper and velcro! I’ve mentioned before I have CFS and chronic pain issues so I try to make my cosplays easy in easy out if i can. so this actually just. zips up and then the flap with buttons velcros down. it keeps the whole thing a lot smoother across my chest. (also i wear a binder for this cosplay. I bought my first one for this. if you cant tell i kinda went all out for this cosplay because I resonate with this fucker on a personal level and he’s brought me peace of mind this last year. I haven’t done a male cosplay in years and it’s kinda nice to do it again.)
Those sleeves
those sleeves
trying to figure out the proper way to make those puff sleeves was. yeah. and even then they aren’t perfect but they work for me. When I redo this for shadow prince I may make them a little.. poofier? i have the idea how to do it now.
I also like had to alter my pattern after i made it to fit better. I have narrow sloping shoulders so things slip off them easily, my original pattern had very BROAD shoulders whoops.
the collar was also fun. i have to keep like stabbing myself with pins to get it to stand right.
I think the cravat was the easiest thing. it’s actually not tied or anything. its sewn together and then there’s velcro so i just wrap it around my neck and secure. As i said. i prefer easy on easy off.
the pants were. fun. I’ve always had issues making pants. the first set well... I made farrrr too thin. the legs were fine but i couldn't get the waist bit over my thighs or rear TTvTT
I’ve been playing with that pattern for the past week. I actually made them too WIDE today which is a much easier fix. tbh could take them in more but I do want the poof a bit. I do need to not wear LEGGINGS under them next time. like.
this costume is warm. I’m going to be a roast prince when con’s are a thing again. between how warm the tunic and binder are, and carrying/puppeting snuppet if you see me please know if I glare it’s most likely I’m dying. Gods it’s warm. I overheat so easily. (another reason I make it easy on and off)
So yeah! that’s my tirade on my prince cosplay! if you actual read down to this point mwah!
get a laugh out of the fact as I was coming back up stairs i scared my cat. he always freaks out when I’m in cosplay.
Also admire i took these photos blind. I didn’t want to put contacts in so i was playing with my new remote (i got a phone based tripod and it has a bluetooth remote to take photos it’s fucking great ngl)
alright I’m gonna go---
idk watch youtube tbh Im just happy i finished this!!!!
also please ignore the fucking litterbox i swore i moved it out of frame akjkldsffg
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