#I finish it early; I'm anxious and my stomach hurts.
dudadragneel · 8 months
Help again!
Here it is! Sorry for the delay. My sorry ass is addicted in that freaking otome game and I forgot about this one 😅
This one is a request from 🦄!
Okay so I thought of hyunjin who drinks coffee on an empty stomach (aka a death wish lol) and has to suffer to consequences of a really bad tummy ache that’s hurting him so bad you suggest he just lets himself throw up and get it over with. And do he does get sick…all over The sidewalk while you’re waiting with him in the car to feel better. So you just take him home instead the poor baby 😭
An early morning schedule was something normal yet not very much liked by idols. Today, they had a pre-recording for a music show, then a fan sign and then they'd probably go back to the company and then home. Just like sometimes, you could join them today so you met them at the dorms so everyone could go together.
Hyunjin woke up feeling a bit anxious, which was normal from time to time, after all, he was just human and this idol life could be too much sometimes. Just because they've been doing this for years, doesn't mean they don't feel nervous.
He was anxious to the point where he didn't want to eat, he had no appetite and he thought of eating later after he finished recording. But he needed to boost his energy so he decided to just drink some coffee, and that was the biggest mistake he made that day.
- Are you sure about this, Hyune?
- I need some energy or I won't be able to dance.
- I don't think this is gonna work but you do you.
You said defeated, since he was anxious you didn't want to bother him further.
By the time you left the dorms, the effects of drinking that coffee on an empty stomach were starting to show. He felt his stomach start to burn and revolt, and it was as if he regretted every life decision till now.
- Babe...my stomach hurts...
- See? I told you. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not good.
- But I've done it before and I was fine...
He said pouting and resting his head on your shoulder.
- Our bodies work in mysterious ways honey, don't trust it that much. Take an antacid, it might help. At least until you can eat a little.
- Okay.
You helped him put on his jacket after he took the medication and then left. Before leaving you talked to Chan while Hyunjin was distracted.
- Chan, keep an eye on Hyune. He said his stomach doesn't feel good.
- Because of the coffee right?
- Yeah...
- Okay.
You went on your car, just to be safe, something deep inside you said that things might go south.
The ride in the van had Hyunjin complaining every now and then that his stomach was churning and he kept drinking water in attempts to ease it.
By the time they arrived at the recording, he felt really bad, his stomach was churning as if someone had lit it on fire and the nausea at the pit wasn't helping.
- Hyung...my stomach doesn't feel good...
- Do you want to wait in the car for a while? Maybe going inside, plus the cameras will make you feel more anxious.
- Can I?
- Sure.
- Can you call y/n to come stay with me?
- Yeah.
You had parked away from where they were for safety reasons and would go inside the building from the back. Then you got a call from Chan.
- Y/n, are you here yet?
- Yes. I'm at the back.
- Can you stay with Hyunjin for a while in the car? He is not feeling well.
- It's his stomach again, right?
- yeah. I'll tell the manager to get close to where you are.
- All right.
The van pulled up next to a sidewalk, further from the reporters and cameras and you got into the car and sat by his side.
- Oh baby.
- Babe, it hurts...it's churning...
- Did you drink water?
- A whole bottle...I feel nauseous too...
- Oh Hyune...don't do that again okay. No coffee on an empty stomach.
- Understood.
He just sank into the seat, closed his eyes, and started to take deep breaths. He rested a hand on his stomach and kept whimpering all the time.
- babe, why don't you throw up? If it's making you feel that miserable?
- I don't want to...I don't like it...
- I know that but maybe it'll help.
- Can you help me? I feel nauseous but not to the point of throwing up. Like, I can feel something in the pit of my stomach.
- Yeah.
He sunk into the seat again and you placed a hand on his tummy. You began rubbing it in circles at first, providing some comfort but earning a few whimpers and grunts from him.
You then changed the approach and moved to the pit of his stomach and gently pressed down.
- Ugh...
He grunted, shifting his position and squeezing his eyes.
- I'm sorry...hang on just a little more
You continued to press down on his stomach and both of you could feel it revolting. His mouth started watering with a foul taste mixed, so he started swallowing convulsively until his mouth became numb and clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white.
- Hyune...don't fight it. It's best to let it out.
He just nodded a no and squeezed his eyes again. You insisted on your approach, knowing it probably would be better if he got it out of his system.
His mouth started watering again, he could feel something rushing up his chest and a foul taste in his mouth. He gagged wetly into his hand.
- I'm gonna throw up
He said turning to his side, quickly opening the door, and bending over as a stream of pale brown liquid gushed out of his mouth onto the sidewalk. You got out of the car, went to his side to hold his hair, and rubbed his back as he threw up one more time.
- There you go. Get it all out.
He was sitting on the edge of the van, head ducked, you holding his hair. He had a string of saliva hanging from his mouth which he spat out and then took deep breaths. He gagged unproductively a few times before you decided to move your hands to his stomach again and press it and it helped. He burped wetly and another wave came out mixing with the putrid mess on the sidewalk. He choked and coughed a few times, triggering another harsh wave that arched his back painfully and made him go red from effort.
- Oh my god, Baby...
You said patting his back to help him get everything out which triggered another wave. After that, he was dry heaving and spitting out thick saliva.
- Here, rinse your mouth.
You said handing him a water bottle. He spat out and gave it back to you and then leaned on your leg.
- I really don't feel good...
- Want me to call Chan?
- Yeah...I think I'll throw up again...I just wanna go home...
- Okay, baby.
You said stroking his head while he still leaned on you and then grabbed your phone.
- Hey, Chan?
- Oh, y/n. How's it going there?
- Yeah, so...he threw up a few times.
- Really!? How's he feeling now?
- He said he really doesn't feel well. I think I'll take him home for the day. He can't perform like this, he can end up vomiting on stage.
- Okay. I'll tell the boys and the manager. We'll release a statement later.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye-bye.
You turned your attention back to Hyunjin.
- Let's go home. I'll take you to mine, okay?
- Okay.
- Can you stand?
- if you help me...
You wrapped your arms around him, carefully helped him up, and waited a few seconds until he was steady and guided him to your car.
You settled him, buckled his seatbelt grabbed a plastic bag you had in your glove box a handed it to him.
The drive home had him throw up two times but thankfully you didn't have to pull over. Getting home, he took a bath and then lay down on your lap on the couch, a blanket covering him while you stroked his hair and left a bucket nearby just in case.
You decided to break the ice and joke a little bit and it worked.
- Babe?
- Hm?
- Want some coffee?
You said laughing.
- NO!
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kpop---scenarios · 2 years
Never Yours (2)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x You x Jackson x Surprise! Jaehyun
Warning: None really.. yet
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Sorry about that! I did some re-writing and adding on! I hope you enjoy! Also a huge shout out to @making-me-blush for all your continued help and support! ily 💕
You sit anxiously in the coffee shop as you wait for Baekhyun to show up, your heart feels like it is going to beat out of your chest.
Last night, Jackson left shortly after Baekhyun had sent that text to you. You had felt a twinge of guilt when you saw his name pop up on the screen, while Jackson's hand rested on your thigh. You had told Jackson you weren't feeling well, and that he should get going. You felt like you were going crazy, with your feelings for Baekhyun and now developing feelings for Jackson. Everything was amplifying it seemed and it made your head spin. You had spent the night texting back and forth with Baekhyun, talking about anything and everything. He was so easy to talk to. The conversation ended with him asking you to meet him at the coffee shop at 1pm so he could speak to you in person. You were happy to meet him, and anxious. You had been sitting there for hours before he was supposed to come. You thought being there early would calm your nerves, but honestly it made things worse.
You begin reading the book your brought along, one of those ones where the hero saves the girl so many times, there's so much sexual tension between the two and you love it. You finally made it to the part where they kiss for the first time, and a small smile spreads across your lips as you picture the intimate kiss you shared with Jackson the night before. It made your stomach flutter with butterflies when you thought about his lips pressed against yours. You wanted to feel his hands all over your body, you wondered what he tasted like. That feeling quickly faded, and you were brought out of your fantasy by the lovely feeling of guilt taking over the moment you saw Baekhyun walk in and walk towards you. His hair was shining in the sun, the smile on his face made you melt. He was so beautiful.
You didn't know why you suddenly felt guilty, it wasn't like he was yours, he was with someone who was supposed to be your friend. There was nothing for you to feel badly about. But that didn't stop the guilt from eating at you from the inside.
"Thanks for meeting me, Y/N." Baekhyun smiles as he sits down in the chair across from you. Now from up close, you noticed that he looked tired, prominent bags under his eyes, his hair was unusually messy and the buttons on his shirt weren't done up properly.
"Of course." You answer. "Is everything okay? Jennie seemed extremely angry yesterday." You tell him. He begins to frown, taking a deep breath in.
"She got pissed at me, and I don't get it. She was going on and on about.. uh, your feelings for me and I got annoyed." He sighs. "I told her it didn't matter and sometimes someone's feelings don't mean anything, especially if they're not reciprocated."
Ouch. That hurt.
"And she got mad at that?" You ask. Baekhyun nods, with his cutest puppy face.
"She said I must be in love with you if I'm sticking up for you, and then I snapped. I told her if she wasn't such a bitch, an insecure one at that then we wouldn't be having that discussion. She called me a piece of shit and then stormed out." He finished.
"So that's why she stormed into the apartment and slammed her bedroom door. Makes sense, she's got a temper, especially when you don't agree with her." You explain.
"The reason I wanted to meet with you is because I need your help. Desperately. We've been together for like a week and it's not supposed to be this hard, I know it's not. I'm sorry to drag you into my relationship problems but I just don't know what to do." He sighs, rubbing his eyes.
"I honestly don't know what to tell you." You begin. "She's one of those people who if you don't agree with her, she'll get mad at you. She holds a grudge like no other, it's her way or no way. If you get on her bad side you're fucked because she won't stop until she's ruined every good thing in your life. She's terrifying and I'm just trying to survive this year until I can move out." You continue. "If she ever found out that I met with you, she would make my life even worse and I can't deal with that. I'm sorry, but it's everyone for themselves with her. You wanted her, and now you've got all of her. Good luck." You finish. You give him a small pat on the shoulder before walking out of the shop. You felt bad for him, but he had to have known what he was getting into with her before he made it official.
"What did you get up to yesterday?" Jennie asks you as she spreads peanut butter across her toast. Your mind flashes back to your meeting with Baekhyun. Did she know? There's no way she knew about that.
"Not much, went for coffee and finally got to read some of my books again." You smile, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge. "It's getting extremely juicy." You giggle.
"I want to read it when you're done." Jennie laughs. "It sounds really good."
"I'll lend it to you when I'm finished." You smile. You pack your book bag and walk towards the door, heading out for class.
"Y/N." Jennie calls. You turn around to look at her, and she looks sad. "Listen.. I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I know things got out of hand and I was terrible to you and I really am sorry." She says. You watch as one single tear rolls down her cheek. You wanted to believe her. But it was Jennie and she was hard to trust. "I'm trying to be better, I really am."
"Thank you, Jennie. I appreciate that." You smile. You open the door and walk out, you didn't believe her. But you'll give it to her for acting, she's great when she wants to be.
You pull out your phone on your walk and see a message from Jackson. Instantly your face lights up and the butterflies return. You and Jackson had been texting continuously the last few days, all day and night, trying to make a plan to see each other but unfortunately both your schedules clashed, making it nearly impossible. Luckily you had one class with him, which you were currently heading to.
"Hey beautiful." You hear from across campus. You stop for a moment, looking around but decide to keep going. You had a smile on your face at the thought of finally seeing Jackson again.
"Are you ignoring me?" You hear from behind you. You turn around and see a man you've never met before standing with a grin on his face. You didn't know what was in the water here because everyone was so attractive. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and a smile to die for.
"Are you talking to me?" You ask, looking around, pointing at yourself. There's no way that guy was looking at you.
"Of course I am." He smiles. "You're the only beautiful girl here on campus."
Apparently it was you.
"Um.. do I know you?" You wonder.
"No, but I'd like to get to know you more." He says. "I'm Jaehyun. And you're Y/N." He says.
"Why do you know my name?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
He laughs. "I had to know the prettiest girl on campus' name." He smiles. "You better get to class, Y/N. I'll see you later." He finishes, giving you a wink before he walks away, leaving you extremely confused.
You walk into class, and sit next to Jackson who gives you his best smile as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. You smile back at him, your eyes darting down to his lips. He chuckles, pulling you in for a kiss, just before your professor walks in to start the class.
He's going to make you forget all about Baekhyun, you just knew it.
The next day, you and Jennie sit on the couch watching a drama when you heat a faint knock at the door. You knew who it was, he had texted you that he was coming over to work it out with Jennie and asked that you be there, just in case things went south.
"Can you get it? My foot is numb." You tell Jennie as you rub your perfectly fine foot. She stands up and answers the door. You can hear the whimpers the second that door opens.
"Baby doll." Baekhyun whines.
"Poo bear." Jennie pouts.
"I'm so sorry, I'll never do anything like that again, I'll never call you a bitch again. Oh baby." Baekhyun cries as he embraces Jennie tightly. She kisses his face while murmuring her half ass apologies to him.
"Y/N, I hate to do this but the walls are thin and I'm gonna be loud." Jennie giggles, pulling Baekhyun towards her room.
"Yep, I'm out." You yell, grabbing your purse and getting the hell out of there. You didn't want to hear that.
For the next few weeks, your feelings for Baekhyun severely dwindled and Jackson wasn't entirely to thank. You felt like you were in a fever dream when you were around Jennie and Baekhyun. After they made up, honestly they became pretty insufferable. They spent a fair amount of time at yours and Jennie's shared apartment, where you unfortunately were forced to listen to the pet names and the baby talk they did to each other.
"You're such a beautiful princess." Baekhyun coos, booping her nose as they take up the entire couch, tangled up in each other.
"No you are." Jennie giggles. "Who's my big stud
muffin?" She asks.
"That's a new one." You mumble, sitting on the chair trying not to vomit on them.
You didn't know how either one of them could stand it. The pet names, the baby talk, the giggling, kissing and tickling. It made you want to die.
Not to mention the way he chewed his food, you couldn't even eat in the same room as him when they were having dinner. The first night he was over for dinner, you watched in disgust as he spoke with food in his mouth, letting it fall out as he laughed and then scooped it back into his mouth.
"I'm actually going to throw up." You gag, placing your plate on the counter.
"Oh baby, you're so messy." Jennie giggles.
"I'm going to my room to suffocate myself now." You mumble, walking out of the kitchen. You wished they were fighting again, you hated it here.
The more Baekhyun was around, the more you found yourself realizing that there was a very big possibility that you were in love with the idea of Byun Baekhyun and not the actual man. And that made you feel relieved. You felt like you could finally give yourself to Jackson without the feeling of guilt trying to escape your body.
The next day as you were laying in bed, trying to drown out the sound of Jennie and Baekhyun, you get a phone call from Jackson.
"Hello?" You answer, instant smile.
"Hey you." He says. "I wanna take you out tonight. Are you free?"
"Am I free? Yes absolutely, definitely, yes." You say, already scrambling out of bed.
"Good." He chuckles. "Meet me at the pub in an hour. See you soon." He finishes before hanging up. You quickly change out of your sweats into some leggings and a nice shirt. You touch up your makeup before you do something with your hair.
As you were walking to the pub, you listened carefully to your heels hitting the concrete. The cool wind hitting your face, making you snuggle into your jacket just a little more. You couldn't wait to meet Jackson, as you walked, you felt someone beside you, you didn't even need to look to know who it was. Jaehyun has been haunting you for days now.
"Hello beautiful." He says.
For the last few days, he has been popping up almost everywhere that you are on campus, starting the conversation off with calling you beautiful. It was almost as though you had his voice memorized now, well it was kind of hard to forget.
"Hello Jaehyun." You sigh. "What are you doing here? I'm going to meet my.. Jackson, I'm meeting Jackson."
"I know you are. I am meeting a friend near that pub, she actually just had drinks with Jackson." He says. You stop and look at him.
"Like a date?" You ask.
Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders. "I guess so." He says. "She's pretty into him and she says he's into her so I'd assume so."
"I see.." you trail off.
"I'm sorry if that upset you. I just thought you should know. He's seeing a few girls." Jaehyun tells you. "Well, from what I've heard anyways."
"What?" You laugh. "He wouldn't do that. And why would I believe you in the first place? You know, I've asked around about you and you don't really have the best rep." You laugh as you continue to walk.
"Oh so you asked about me?" He grins. You roll your eyes.
"Yeah, I wanted to know what kind of person you were and it seems like you're just not the trustworthy type." You tell him.
"Fair enough, but people can change. A Lot of people will have different perceptions of me, just as I do, and you do. Why would I lie about something like this?" He says.
"I just.. yeah, thanks I guess. Why, though? Why did you tell me?" You ask.
"I like you, Y/N. And I don't want to see you get hurt. Just be careful, that's all." He says.
"You don't even know me." You laugh.
"Like I said, I'd like to get to know you. If you're up for it, I'd like to take you out. Take your time giving me an answer. I'll see you soon, beautiful." He smiles, running off a head to go meet his friend, who apparently has a thing with Jackson. Seemingly similar to your thing with Jackson. You walk into the restaurant, annoyed and frustrated. You see Jackson sitting there, smiling as you walk towards the table he was sitting at.
"Hey you." He says.
You sit down, without taking your jacket off. "I don't know how to say this. I don't like to share, and I don't want to be one of many girls. So if that's what you want, then I'm out. Maybe you can call the girl you were just with to keep you company tonight." You say, standing up and heading back towards the door.
"Hey." Jackson yells. "Hey, hey." He says, grabbing your arm. "What are you talking about? What girl? One of many? I'm so confused." He says. You don't want to fall for his lies or puppy dog eyes, so you refuse to look at him.
"Don't play stupid Jackson. I know all about her. What I don't know is if there are actually more. You do you." You finish, pulling your hand out of his and walk out the door without looking back.
The next day you dragged your feet through campus, feeling sad about the night before. It hurt your heart that Jackson was playing around with you and others.
"Chin up, beautiful." You hear from behind you. You turn around and see Jaehyun, the only seemingly decent man in your life at the moment.
"Hey." You sigh. "He didn't admit it, you know? But he also didn't deny it. He played dumb like he didn't know what I was talking about." You tell him. "So either you or him is lying and I don't have the time or patience for this shit."
"Y/N, it's not me. You can trust me. How can I prove it to you?" Jaehyun asks.
"I'm going to be late for class. I'll talk to you later." You say, walking away.
You see Jackson as you walk in the room, sulking with his head down
"Y/N." He calls, the second he sees you. "I'm sorry." He breathes. "I didn't know if this was going to go anywhere because of your Baekhyun feelings, I was just talking to someone else and we got a drink." He tells you.
"So you lied to me last night?" You question.
"I got nervous. I really like you and I didn't want to fuck it up." He explains.
"Had you, I don't know, talked to me then you would have found out that I'm definitely not in love with Baekhyun because he's disgustingly annoying and I was falling for you. I can't believe Jaehyun was right." you sigh.
"Wait, Jaehyun as in Jung Jaehyun?" Jackson asks.
"What other one?" You ask. "We've been talking on occasion." You say. "Well, he's been talking more. But he told me about the girl."
"You can't trust him." Jackson exclaims.
"Oh but I can trust you?" You scoff. Just before anything else can be said, Jaehyun confidently struts into the room.
"Y/N." He calls out loudly, too loudly. "Go out with me. Tonight. We'll go to dinner and then to the Alpha Pi party. What do you say?" You look around the room, all the eyes of your classmates are on you. You feel all the pressure, but also excitement building up in your body. A bold move, you liked that.
"Yes." You blurt out. It couldn't hurt, right? "Let's do it." You smile.
"Excellent, meet me at Earls, 7pm." Jaehyun grins before running off.
Jackson looks at you like you've just murdered his dog in front of him.
"Look, Jackson." You shrug your shoulders. "If you wanna play the field, feel out potential partners then do it, but don't think for a second I'm not gonna do the same." You tell him.
He looks extremely annoyed at what just happened. He doesnt reply, he knows he fucked up now. He picks up his books and moves to a different spot.
Later that evening, you were sitting at a table with Jaehyun, laughing at a story he had told you and honestly, you were having a great time with him, although you realized that you wished you were out with Jackson. You realized how much of an idiot you were and you just wanted to see him.
"Oh wow, it's already 930pm." Jaehyun laughs. "We better get going to the party." He says. He waves over your waiter, and asks for the bill. When it comes, he pulls out a credit card and slides it towards the man. You offered to pay your half but Jaehyun quickly rejected your offer.
"A lady never pays." He smiles. "We're running behind schedule." He murmurs. "We gotta go."
"What schedule?" You ask. "Is something happening?" He didn't answer you, ignoring your questions.
While Jaehyun drove the two of you to the party, you pulled out your phone, sending a message to Jackson.
[You 9:38pm] - Hey.. I'm sorry about earlier. I don't want to play the field, I don't want anyone else. I just want you. I'm ready if you are. Let me know.
You liked Jaehyun, but you didn't know if it would work with him. Especially since you couldn't keep your mind off of Jackson all night. Jaehyun was great but maybe the two of you were better off as friends.
You sent the text, placing your phone back in your pocket as Jaehyun pulled up to the house. He came to the car and opened your door for you, taking your hand to help you out. He was such a gentleman but he wasn't who you wanted. The two of you walk up to the door and head inside. Your eyes are darting around the loud, open living room filled with people. You landed on Jennie, she was dancing with someone. You couldn't see as his back was towards you. Seconds later, Jennie smiles towards you as she and the man make a turn and you see his face but he doesn't see you.
Jennie leans in, pressing her lips to Jackson, and he doesn't reject the kiss like you thought he would. Instead, he pulls her in, kissing her harder.
You turn around, your head landing in Jaehyun's chest. He wraps his arms around you, holding you as you cry into him. Maybe Jaehyun was the better man?
You were so tired of love hurting like this.
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aetheternity · 3 years
My wifey, my best friend
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Synopsis: Draken knew two things in his life for sure. One, that his best friend was a virgin and two, that he had a thing for his best girl. So he decides to kill two birds with one stone. 
Disclaimer: Fem reader, Unprotected sex, kinda not really a threesome, Oral sex (m recieving), and voyeurism are all present in this. (Minors dni) 
It wasn’t hard to see. Draken’s girl had always been a sight for every man’s eyes. Even before they’d gotten together. She got attention for the way she presented herself, her face, her body and overall just how chill of a person she was. Because while she looked mean (and honestly she could be at times). She was always ready to defend anyone in her squad. 
And very often that meant Mikey. Which Draken had always been thankful for seeing as once he had the help he didn’t know how he’d done it by himself for so long. But he didn’t miss how much quicker his girlfriend got violent when it came to Mikey and vise versa. Didn't miss the prolonged smiling between them or the way they were somehow always touching.
Didn’t matter how much she’d deny it when he’d call her out. Her eye roll adorable despite the clear deception behind her words. The flush of her cheeks, dilated pupils and nervous laughter all giving her away. She wasn’t just into Draken.
She was into Mikey too. She just didn’t seem to see what he saw.  
At first it had been a bit of a sore subject filling his brain. His girl and his friend had the same feelings for each other? Well he knew you wouldn’t cheat on him, you’d always been such a sappy romantic. Crying over love stories you’d read online and forcing him to watch movies that were far too long for just a stupid kiss at the end. 
And he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Mikey wasn’t a concern. But every time he saw you two together it seemed as though you’d gotten even closer than the last time. Which eventually became the basis for a plan. 
“Hey.” Draken’s braid hung down the back of your couch as he called to you where you stood in the kitchen filling a big bowl with an assortment of chips and popcorn. 
“Hey.” You mimic his deep voice with a giggle coming over and setting the bowl in his lap. 
“Did you have fun with Mikey today?” He asked pressing a light kiss to your forehead. 
“Yup. Me, Mikey, and Emma had a lovely day out today.” You tossed a kernel of popcorn into your mouth with a snicker. 
“Don’t be like that. You know I’m not asking because I'm jealous.” His hair tickled the side of your face as he leaned in closer brushing stray strands of hair back from your cheeks. 
“No no, I know Ken Ken.” 
His breath flushed over your cheeks and nose when you met his eyes. You brushed your fingertips up the side of his head to trace his tattoo. His hands meeting your waist, fingers threading over the small of your back while he kissed you. And you returned the affection with every bit of eagerness that flooded your body. 
“What do you have going on Saturday?” He asked as he pulled away 
Your smile was warm, eyes practically twinkling as you said, “I don’t know whatever you’re doing I guess.” 
“You, me, Mikey, Mario Kart.” He suggests 
“That sounds so fun.” You place a kernel of popcorn on his tongue before turning to flip on the movie pulled up on the DVD player. 
“What is this?” Draken grumbled over the snack in his mouth. His demeanor quickly shifting. 
“I told you I was finally gonna show you The Notebook tonight.” You replied and Draken resisted his urge to groan as you cuddled up to his side fishing a couple chips out of the bowl still in his lap.
Saturday morning Draken had arrived at your house at eleven am. He’d set everything up. You thought Mikey was coming at one but Draken had told him eleven knowing that he probably wouldn’t actually get there till twelve.
He’d helped you carry the bulky consoles and teased you all morning just so he could get you here. Right now at 11:45 am, your ass pressed between his bare thighs, socked feet tickling his bare knees, with your panties hanging off one foot as you worked your body up and down his length. The steady claps of your skin meeting creating a beautiful noise that bounced off the drab paint job in your living room. 
His name left your lips with a chorus of pleas. Pleas for his attention to your clit. Pleas for his thrusts to be harder. All greedy and messy while you gripped his shoulders tight for some form of stability. 
“Come on Darling, you can do it.” He replies thickly, the fingers he has sinking into the smooth flesh of your back hurt but the tighter it gets the more he’s enjoying it. “You’re doing so well.” He groans 
He slips a hand under your tee shirt looking for a better angle. His thighs spread and just for a couple seconds he indulges his good girl a little more. Feeds into your anxious cries as you whine about needing your orgasm so bad. Cock brushing against your cervix while you greedily weep for more.  
“Take it then.” He tells you breathily, head tilted back to show off the bob of his adam’s apple. His groans a little deeper as you work him up so close. Cunt squeezing so perfectly around him. Strands of his hair stuck to his forehead from the accumulation of sweat. “I want you to make yourself cum, Darling.” 
Your fingers twist into his shirt at every slam of his hips. Wandering hands drifting up to cup your breasts through your bra before coming back down to your hips.
You clearly can’t hear it. Too lost in bliss but the subtle click of the door opening and closing isn’t lost on Draken at all. He never stops feeding you his cock though. Not as the taps of footsteps get louder, not as the pounding in his chest gets a little harder and not even when Mikey is standing right in front of the two of you. 
“Name, Ken ch-” 
Mikey freezes and your eyes fly open thrashing around to grab the blanket at the end of the couch to cover your lower half. “Oh my god Mikey!” Mikey stays quiet though his eyes grow dark, lips parted as he stares at the two of you. “Mikey, I thought you weren’t coming till one..” You huff, hand over your forehead and eyelids as you clutch the blanket a little tighter with one hand. 
“Are you saying you’re upset that he’s here early?” Two sets of eyes fall on Draken. He has yet to let go of your hips as you sit in his lap still fully seated on his dick with his best friend standing only a couple feet away. 
“Not this again Ken..” Your words drift away as the palm of his thumb slips beneath the blanket to slide smoothly over your swollen clit. Surprisingly Mikey doesn’t make a move to leave. Feet seemingly stuck in their current position. 
He leans toward your ear though it's still loud enough for Mikey to hear. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t squeeze my cock when Mikey walked in? Are you saying you don't like his eyes on you while I make you a mess?” 
“Wha.. Ke-” A breathy gasp leaves your lips. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mikey finally finds his voice though it lacks the malice he usual manages to possess. 
"You might as well stay while we finish. She's almost done."
Draken spreads your thighs with one arm pulling one of your ankles up till it’s resting partially against his shoulder and partially against the back of the couch. Slowly but surely the blanket begins to slip off your lower half exposing you slightly to Mikey. With your other leg resting against his; he thrust into you so deep that it creates a noticeable bulge in your stomach for just a split second.
A couple whimpers flutter off your lips and you try to slightly steady yourself as Draken guides his length into you without even the slightest hesitation. The couch shudders with loud creaks as if it's protesting the rough pace Draken has set never taking his eyes off a still shocked Mikey.
"Have you ever thought of fucking her like this?" Draken asks his voice husky and thick over your moans.
You're almost unabashed in the way you look over to Mikey with tears welling against the corners of your eyes. Thigh tensing with every rough pound of Draken's hips.
"K-ken.." You try only to gasp. It makes Mikey's hand fly to his tee shirt trying his best to cover what was so obviously growing right before you and Draken's eyes.
"I want to watch as Mikey fucks you." Draken finally admits. "Would you want that darling? Want Mikey to pound your pretty pussy like I always do?"
"Mm close.." You cry, lips trembling and wet as you throw your head back. Your fingers twist in Draken's shirt, leg twitching awkwardly by his head.
Mikey's lips hang open. His breathing raspy as your whole body tremors. You lean forward in Draken's grasp pushing him even deeper inside you as you cry over and over, "M' cumming K-ken.."
Draken lets his head fall back against the couch as you milk him while you're trapped in your own euphoria. His dick twitching through the intense groans you pull from his chest. When he's finished he places a gentle hand on your stomach.
"Will you take care of Mikey now?" He lifts your body off of him, placing you next to him.
"You want me to fuck your girlfriend? Have you lost it?" Mikey asks, cheeks stained a bright pink.
"Yeah, I'm giving you permission to show, Name a good time while I watch."
Mikey looks over to you. Slowly but surely you extend your hand to him looking at Draken for any bit of hesitation on his part. He hesitants and then his sandals are clicking against the hardwood as Draken motions for him to get between your legs. Mikey's eyes wide with attention as he stares down at you, hands stiff at his sides.
You look to Draken again who's pulled off his shirt by this point; laying back against the couch to rub his softened cock back to life. "Kiss him." Draken nods to Mikey who's basically stone at this point.
"C-can I?" You sit up pressing your hands to his cheeks immediately delighted by the strands of hair delicately brushing against the knuckles of your fingers.
When you lean into him, he presses forward. Hands reaching for the back of the couch for support. His lips are cold. Not at all what you'd thought they'd be. Hesitant, a little shaky and over all cute.
You couldn't help but trace the shape with your tongue. They were smaller than Draken's that part was obvious and more gentle too as though he was scared he could hurt you from just a small kiss. When you pushed him a little further coaxing his lips apart he conceded for you. With a heavy breath he slid one hand down to your face, Adam's apple bobbing where you could see it through your peripherals.
When your tongue slid into his mouth he took a deep breath cautious as you prodded forward with your tongue. And just as soon you were pulling away.
Draken added pressure to his tip with his thumb before sliding his hand back down his shaft in a smooth motion. "Take her shirt off." He instructed
Not only were Mikey's lips cold but his fingertips were also slightly cold as they slipped under your shirt with shaky hands. When you reached for Mikey's shirt Draken tsked,
"Be careful with him. He's still a virgin."
Mikey gritted his teeth in Draken's direction but ultimately said nothing. Weirdly enough that information broke the tension still present in your shoulders.
"Aw Mikey that's ok." He raised his arms as you slipped his dark blue shirt over his elbows, allowing it to join your already discarded clothes in the growing pile.
Though a part of you was slightly curious about whether or not it was by his own choice. With a bit more confidence now you slid your back up the couch a bit pulling Mikey in by the hem of his shorts. Without a second thought you reached behind your back to discard your bra bringing Mikey's free hands up to massage your breasts.
The little gasp he let out was so endearing, eyes clouded with tenderness and lust. Draken snickered at his end of the couch, "How's it feel to touch boobs for the first time?"
"Shut up." Mikey grunted
With your guidance he gingerly twisted and pulled at your taut nipples earning a sweet gasp as a reward. Meanwhile your hands curved up and down his physique, enamored by the touch his abs had just beneath your finger tips. So rough yet smooth and soft as they expanded and contracted for each of his breaths.
Not wanting to waste a second more you gestured to the band of Mikey's shorts, "Is this ok?" And once he nodded you pulled the string loose letting them fall to the ground with his boxers soon following.
Unsurprisingly he was smaller than Draken but he was thicker than you'd imagined. Pretty in both size and color with a much more rounded tip than Draken.
You looked up to Mikey's face. His attention elsewhere as you wrapped a warm hand around the base of his cock. "It's so pretty." You mumbled with a giggle when that gorgeous pink took full color against his cheeks. "I want to put it in my mouth. Can I?"
The bob of Mikey's Adam's apple didn't go unnoticed by you. The way sweat was already starting to appear on his forehead making you smile as he silently moved his hips closer to your mouth.
The hiss that slipped past his lips when you pressed your tongue to his tip and circled it gathering the precum sliding down was precious. And it dawned on you as if you hadn't remembered before that this was Mikey's first blow job.
The famous Mikey was getting his first right here and now. It pushed you further, you left wet open mouthed kisses all over his shaft before letting every sweet inch of him into your mouth. Delicately and steadily over his shaft till you were kissing his pelvic bone.
Never in all the years you had known Mikey had you ever seen him be so cute. His mouth was open for every panting breath he could muster trying and failing to catch his breath. His cheeks an even deeper pink than before and his eyes shut impossibly tight.
He reached out for the back of the sofa as you slowly pulled your mouth back before edging him all the way down your throat again.
"Oh God.." He choked out
Draken's laugh was boisterous the hand that was on his cock now slapped over his mouth as he tried to contain himself. "Darling you can't see from this angle but his face is perfect." He grins
You know it's bad when the only response Mikey gives to this is a loud gasp. His nails digging into the cushions behind you with a heavy grunt.
Draken leaned forward twisting his fingers into your hair gently to guide your head back and forth a little faster. "You look gorgeous, keep going."
Mikey's whimpers fill your ears and spit trickles over your lips. Your tongue swirling over the prominent veins at the base of his cock as you work him up with just your mouth. Curses flying off his lips at an exponentially higher rate.
"Doesn't she have such an amazing mouth?" Draken groaned hand resuming its earlier work.
Mikey could only hum lost in bliss with each thrust of his hips. He managed to angle himself deeper down your throat, reaching out to card strands of your hair back as well as he pushes his cock as far as it could go.
"Shit.. sh-it I think I'm gonna.."
Draken pulled your lips off surprisingly harshly. Fingers still deep in your hair as he guided your thighs open for Mikey. Cum from Draken's earlier orgasm still stained your thighs as Draken pushed Mikey forward by the small of his back.
The angle was kind of weird, especially for a first time but it did help Mikey align better and slowly but surely he was pushing inside. The fill of his cock pressing inside of you left you feeling a bit dazed and your eyes fluttered close. Nails finding purchase on his shoulder blades.
His forehead soon met yours, hitched breaths from his lips flush against your face. "Shit.." He heaved almost breathless.
"Yeah she'll do that to you." Draken grinned. You couldn't tell if it was your heartbeat or his pounding in your ear but you soon regained enough consciousness to wrap your legs around his waist.
"You ok?" He asked, eyelids fluttering open.
"Yeah. Feels good." You reply with a concentrated breath.
Mikey's hand slammed down against the couch cushion as he slowly began to move sucked in by your warm cunt. Every inch of his dick snug inside you. In a way that was so different from the earlier feeling of your mouth.
"Mikey.." You huffed trying not to lose it completely whenever he bottomed out. He wasn't long enough to touch your cervix but every inch of him was so obviously present inside you. Grazing your walls like they were built just for his cock.
"Angle your hips to the right a little." You could hear Draken's voice. All deep and husky like it always got when he was in the mood.
Mikey did as he was told, adjusting his hips till his dick perfectly pressed into your g-spot. You couldn't help it now your head falling back and your thighs shaking when he thrusted right into that spot.
"God.. f-uck.." Mikey grunted
"You're doing so well.." You mewled brushing his blond hair back where it was starting to stick to his face. "It feels.. s'good.."
Your thighs tensed as he started to speed up a tremble setting in his shoulders. You already knew what that meant. Bringing a hand under his chin to pull his lips into yours. The sounds of both Mikey and Draken settling in your ears as you felt the beginnings of the coil tightening in your stomach.
"Mm gonna cum.." Mikey moaned
The feeling of his cock twitching inside of you had you gripping him like a lifeline and he did the same. His arms wrapped around your waist as he emptied himself inside your fluttering walls.
"Oh God.." You sighed
His body continued to tremble, eyes far gone as you held his face to look at him. "You ok?" You giggled, still attempting to catch your breath.
"Draken was right about your pussy." Mikey grins
"Oh my God you told the guys?!" You pick up a pillow next to you chucking it at your boyfriend.
"I only told Mikey that part." Draken replies catching the flying projectile. "Hurry up and finish. This shits getting painful."
"Finish?" You're cut off by Mikey slowly pressing all the way back inside you. "You didn't get to cum." He whispers into your ear. His knee slides onto the couch next to you, guiding your hips against his cock.
Your head banging against the cushions behind you with each of his rough thrusts. Breaths short where they're falling off your lips. You don't miss the way Mikey's eyes clench shut, the way his teeth ungrit trying and failing to keep his noises quiet.
Your once messy and now unruly and missmanaged hair slips from the tie you'd once used to hold it. Strands falling over your face and into your eyes and collecting with the sweat present on every inch of your face.
Draken's groan came from the pits of his throat as he squeezed the tip of his cock in his fist. "I'm gonna cum." He warned, warmth spread through your stomach as you watched the tensing of his body soon followed by his thick cum shooting up only to return to earth. Coating his fists in liquid.
His dark eyes shut as he breathed through his orgasm with a deep sigh.
You cursed under your breath issuing your own word of warning as your thighs clenched around Mikey's waist. "Don't stop.." You pleaded, hands heavy on Mikey's shoulders as you pulled his body closer.
"I won't."
The coil in your stomach soon settled as your release coated Mikey's pelvic region slicking his cock as you cried out. A sense of familiarity soon falling over you as you watched the same build of intensity forming in Mikey.
The roll of Mikey's eyes utterly intoxicating as his hips stuttered forward with a breathy moan for the first bit of his orgasm. Sweat trickled down his forehead, his own hair a complete mess as he released deep inside of you completely losing control of his hips.
"Fuck Mikey.."
Mikey finally pulled out leaving his cum to ooze out of your used pussy as Draken stood from the end of the couch, heading for the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" You asked
"We need chips right? For Mario kart?" Draken called
"Yay we're still playing!" Mikey bounces like he's not still completely naked and didn't just finish fucking you.
"Of course we're still playing. That was the whole point of today." Draken replies
"You don't want to shower first?" You gesture to his cum covered chest and thighs.
"Like all together?" Mikey asks
"Nevermind let's just play."
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venusguks · 3 years
Solace in Seoul
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— Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Fem!Reader (Reader x Kim Taehyung on the side)
— Summary : the falling apart of you and kim taehyung, and the coming together of you and jeon jungkook
— Genre/Warnings : plot driven, angst, smut, fluff, sugar daddy/baby relationship, student/teacher relationship w kth, bsfs2lvrs w jjk, unprotected sex, creampie, degredation, oral (f receiving), jk just wants to love you :(, jk is the absolute sweetest really, spit drinking?, praise ( TW : MENTIONS OF FAMILY ABUSE/BRUISES )
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ACT 1. | 134340
The first time you talk to Jeon Jungkook again, your mind is elsewhere, absorbed in the lingering absence of Taehyung.
Spring's gentle breeze carried distant laughter and a faint melody from the music club two floors down. The sky carried drifting clouds, the ocean carried rising tides, and you — You carried the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Or at least it felt like it.
The piles of envelopes concerning last two months’ unpaid bills have been devouring your dinner table and heart alike. After receiving the countless of threatening voicemails from your landlord, you'd be naive not to expect a visit—but opening the door to Mrs. Joomi’s bitter scorn didn’t make you feel any less anxious. Juggling two part time jobs all the while maintaining A’s and B’s was nothing easy to accomplish. Hell, living wasn't even easy, and yet, it was like nothing you did was ever enough.
Grief was your composer and you were her violin—her cruel euphony reverberated through your tears when you sat on the cold kitchen floor last night, sifting between your savings that barely made up one month's rent. On top of your midnight breakdown, your dad decided to come home yesterday out of all days and, well, you know how that goes.
The door clicks open, interrupting you from your trance. You don’t need to turn around to know who it is.
Footsteps pad closer until Taehyung is right next to you. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and leans back against the metal railing, facing the opposite direction. It's quiet at first. You've noticed long ago that your relationship with him was one that was filled with silence. “Somethings bothering you,” He’s the first to break it. Neither of you take your gaze off the cerulean blue sky. “You could tell?”
“Of course I can, angel," his voice is cool, gentle, and it carries you away with the wind. "You dozed off through the whole lecture today."
Shame tinges your cheeks with the faintest pink, “oh... I’m sorry. I was paying attention, really, I was just—"
"Love," he saighs, "you have nothing to be sorry about. You could skip to sleep in the nurse's office for all I care. I'm just worried about you."
“What a good teacher you are,” you smile, a teasing one, but Taehyung chuckles dryly. “Trust me, if I was a good teacher, I wouldn’t be doing this," he sounds apathetic, but that doesn't stop you from frowning. You finally turn to look at him, his curls of deep brown swaying. “Taehyung... please don’t say that. You’re an amazing teacher, everyone knows it.”
You hoped he knew how genuine you were. God, you hoped to the moon he knew just how good he was. Taehyung may have already been admired for his captivating smile and his nonchalant energy, but everyone respected him for so much more. He was the type of teacher everyone wanted—the cause of counselor’s headaches every autumn for receiving heaps of transfer requests. Even parents and teachers fawned over him, baffled to see the passing rate in math tests accumulate over the years. It hurt that he didn't see that, and it hurt more knowing he didn't think he was respectable because of you.
The man tilts his head to look at you, smiling softly. “You know I’m only joking, doll.”
“Whether you're joking or not, I still... it just worries me when you talk like that,” you pause, "....do you really feel that way?" Do you really regret this?
Taehyung sighs, and the jeweled rings adorning his fingers are cold against your skin as he tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear. “Worrying is my job, angel, so tell me what's been on your mind instead."
If Taehyung noticed the hurt in your eyes, he chose to ignore it. He always did this. You got it, really, you did. There were boundaries for these sorts of relationships. One step closer would bring him one step back, which was why you never probed him any time he disregarded your questions. But a selfish part of you still felt it was a bit unfair, a bit painful to feel him slip away, to realize he was never there in the first place.
It was strange, how he made you feel. His thumb grazed your lips, his breath was light on your skin—if you concentrated hard enough, you swear you could hear his heart beat. He was only inches away.
So why did he feel so far?
Taehyung was your your lighthouse, your harbor, your shore. Through the snowy December nights where his fingers traced sensuous lines down your bare stomach, to the Spring showers of March where his cold lips brushed your inner thigh—Taehyung had always been your solace.
You knew tangling in sexual affairs with your teacher in return for sealed envelopes was wrong, but how could something so sinful feel so heavenly? The unspoken acts committed underneath draped curtains and moonlight's veil felt too dear to you to be called impure. By your sixth rendezvous, you started to wish the intimacy you shared with him could go beyond silk sheets and star speckled lust.
“I want you to confide in me too,” you said one night under the reluctant shadows of warmly lit candles. “I want to help you too, Taehyung. Please, let me help you.” You could tell he's been agitated the whole week, but you'd been too afraid to ask, afraid of him pushing you away. You didn't know where your courage came from then, all that you wished to be more than a distraction. “I don’t need you to help me," Taehyung growled, and you let out a muffled whimper when he rolled your clit with his tongue, your thighs trembling as you reached for his soft curls. "B-But I care a-about—ahn!" You arched your back as he inserted a finger inside of you, curling into your sweet spot with frightening accuracy. "Don’t need you any way else other than this, doll. Just be good and silent for me." That morning, you woke up to a bed void of the man you loved; a white envelope being the only remnant of that night.
You sighed as you recalled that memory, brushing your own fingers over his, tracing the metal bristles of his rings. “Its nothing."
“Don’t say that, angel. I know it’s not nothing."
“Really, Taehyung, i’m fine. Just stressed is all.”
“Stressed...as in financially?” Your sudden tenseness affirms his assumption, making him sigh. "You could've just told me earlier, angel. Tell me how much you need." A repulsing mixture of shame and self resentment brews in your chest, hardening like bitter dalgona. Dirty, despite money sparking your secret arrangement from the very beginning, that’s how you felt every time it was ever brought up. “Hey, look at me doll," as if reading your thoughts, Taehyung gently draws your face close to his with two hands cupping your cheeks, noses barely brushing. “Don’t ever feel guilty about this. Just treat it as an early birthday present, yeah?"
You couldn't help but frowning, your hands roaming the access of his collarbone. "You already do so much for me, Taehyung...I just...I-I feel bad." You failed to notice how rigid he became then, how his eyebrows dipped with evident frustration. "Y/n, you know that—"
Before you even realize it, you and Taehyung are off each other. When the blue, paint-scraped door opens, sleeked shoes and lively banter are welcomed by two students, diminishing with a glance at the both of you. "Ah, Mr. Kim, there you are! I was looking all over for you. What are you doing here?" A girl's eyes shift from you to the chestnut haired man. Taehyung easy recollects himself as he pats your shoulder, wearing a professional grin. "I stumbled into y/n here, was just giving her some advice but we’ve finished. What did you need me for?”
"Oh...well, about finals week..." You almost let out a sigh of relief as they continued their conversation, but your breath is instantly caught in your throat when your gaze flickers to the boy right next to her.
You were too startled by the sudden interruption that you haven’t completely processed his presence. You almost wish you hadn’t though, now that his doe, big brown eyes mirror your own.
Jungkook was unmoving, and you could've guessed he was conflicted—whether to say hi or to stay silent. Even if you were in the same grade, it was rare to see his face among the carbon copied uniforms. Class C—1 and C—4 were the furthest from each other, and with being the student council event coordinator, you were either neck deep in documents or tucked in the seclusions of the rooftop.
But due to the proud morning announcements and the hushed whispers of admiration, Jungkook never really strayed too far from your orbit. Referred to as the school's golden boy, Jungkook was loved by everyone. He was friends with members from the fashion department to the swim team to the gardening club—Hell, even the occult club. Teachers and students alike wore lenses of adoration for their school’s pride and joy while you tried your best to look away. He may have been in your orbit, but you were two different worlds, encapsulated by the universe but separated by light years of meteors and stars. Jungkook was a nameless planet to you, as you were to him. You never brought yourself to think about it—never had the time for anyway, so seeing him there, floating with the drifting clouds, even you felt a tad bit shaken.
“—kook...Jungkook, hey, Jungkook! I’m gonna go get my assignment with Mr. Kim. Come with?” He blinks profusely, averting his attention from you to the girl wearing raised brows. “Uh, no thank you. Breaks gonna end soon anyways, I think I’ll stay up here. See you after school though?”
“After school,” she clicks her tongue, waving before disappearing down the stairs. Taehyung lingers for a second longer, his eyes flickering to you. “Well I’ll see you next period, Jeon. Bye, y/n." With that, the door shuts behind them, welcoming an air of awkward silence.
Jungkook is the first to clear his throat, “hi, its been awhile," his earrings dangled with his every nervous movement, and you wondered when he'd gotten all his piercings. "Y-Yeah, its been awhile..." you repeat densely as you watch him take the spot Taehyung left, respecting a distance but not standing too far away. He rests his forearms on the metal railing, his elbow barely brushing yours. “Do you usually come up here?"
"Only during lunch."
He hums, "that explains why I never see you."
You frown, both in curiosity and confusion. "You look for me?"
“I-I don’t!” He sputters too quickly. “I just...its just an observation. We’re in the same year after all, and you’re never with the rest of the student council members.” Your brows raise in amusement, “that's surprising.”
“What is?”
“I didn���t think you remembered my name—honestly didn’t think you even remembered I existed.”
“Of course I remember,” he chuckles, “we’ve been friends for 17 years. How could I forget?”
“14 years,” you reminded softly, “we’ve been friends for 14 years.”
A star in Jungkook’s eyes must have died out when you smiled sadly at him. “Oh...right...” he rubs the nape of his neck, sighing. “This is strange, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you agree, “strange.” And there it is again. Spring’s momentary silence. You watch as the sun slowly disappears behind sailing clouds. Talking to Jungkook, being alone next to him, was maybe even a little bit uncomfortable. After all, you guys had so much history—where do those film rolls of sun seeped memories go? It was as if they floated all around you, tying your fingers together like the red string of fate. After all those years of suppressing them, it was intoxicating, adamant to be remembered.
“This reminds me of middle school,” Jungkook brings your head back from the sky. “In 5th grade, the highest we could go was at the top of the garden shed. We spent all our breaks there, staring at clouds, complaining about Mr. Lim being too grouchy, or wondering where we'd go after school—what ice cream flavor we’d get at the convenience store. Do you remember?”
"Of course I do," despite yourself, your heart softens to the recollection. It was your secret hiding spot, blocked by the slant of the roof and the trees barricading the other side. The sky, wind, and Jungkook had been your only escape from the problem solving in math and the problem solving you had to do on your own when you were 10, wondering what the budget for that week's grocery would be. “We thought we were so cool, that we were on top of the world.”
“Correction, you thought you were so cool. You even promised to show me your own space ship, remember?”
“God, please don’t,” you groan, covering your face with your palms. You knew exactly where this was going, and you guessed Jungkook still knew exactly how to embarrass you. “You told me you were a space—“
“—adventurer!” You beamed a toothy grin, two hands proudly on your hips. Jungkook looked up at you with sparkling eyes, pupils as large as beloved full moons. “You mean...an astronaut?”
Your smile immediately drops into a disappointed frown. You demanded upmost reverence, so you didn’t really appreciate it when he questioned you. “No, no. Not an astronaut. A space adventure. s-p-a-c-e a-d-v-e-n-c-h-u-r-r. Gosh, Kookie. If you want me to bring you along in my journeys, you have to keep up.” Jungkook only nodded, trying his best to stifle a chuckle. He won the 3rd grade spelling bee, so he was at least 85% confident the word adventurer didn't have a 'ch' in it.
He decided to let it go though. He knew—the same way he knew that you’d certainly cry if he corrected you—that you were afraid of heights. If it took weeks to encourage you to finally climb a roof, he was the certain you wouldn’t be able to handle the height of the galaxy. But then again, he always had a soft spot for you. “I’m building a space ship right now actually! Its called the Bon Voyage. When it's finished, I’m going to Pluto. You won’t believe how big space is. There are strawberries there!"
Jungkook’s eyes widened at your silly declaration, and even then, he felt sad. He knew that being a space adventurer—being able to maneuver gravity and time on your own whims—was only an innocent imagination of escapism, but still. Every single time you’d flinch when a hand was brought up near you, every time you’d pull on your jacket despite it being hot, he wished your imagination could be real. Wished he could make it real for you—keep you safe from earth and all your troubles.
“I’d like to see the strawberries.. with you,” Jungkook smiled softly. You grinned, and it was the most precious thing Jungkook saw as you stuck your pinky finger out. “Then it’s settled, I’m taking you with me.”
“To pluto?” He wrapped his small finger with yours, and you sealed it with your thumbs pressed against each other's. “To pluto!”
Jungkook was in a fit of laughter, and despite burying your face further into your hands, you couldn't help but smile. “I can’t believe you knew I was lying. God, I must’ve looked like a total idiot.” His elbows were pressed against yours now, sending a surge of warmth to your heart at the familiar skin ship. Jungkook must have not noticed, for he only kept giggling, and you certainly wouldn't bring it up. “It was cute, really. The strawberries and everything. It was really cute.”
"Whatever, Jungkook," you rolled your eyes, and uncovering your eyes, you looked at him. Truly looked at him this time. His smooth, unwrinkled uniform. His hair that grew over time, kissing past his eyelashes and swaying with the wind. The tiny mole peeking under his bottom lip, the familiar scrunch of his nose as he grinned widely. The speckled brown of his eyes were so warm, almost dreamlike against the golden sun. Under long years of an uncalled contact, of an untouched hand, of a voiceless wonder—‘how have you been?’ ‘what was on your mind today?’—you saw the Jungkook you once knew, your dearest friend. And with his smile, you found your heart aching and full at the same time.
The alarm jolts the both of you, severing spring’s heartbeat as loud chatter and footsteps disrupt the moment from open windows.
You only stare at each other for a brief second before you give a half smile, “that's the bell, we should go.” Without waiting for an answer, you followed the pace of the rest of school, but before you could take a step down the staircase, Jungkook takes your hand. His grip isn’t tight or rough. Its gentle, reluctant. You turn around, and the sun is behind him, kissing the back of his head with its golden, stray flakes.
"What is it?" You furrowed your brows. “I...its just..." It takes a moment before Jungkook speaks, cheeks tinged with a faint red. "Y/n I, I miss—”
“Jungkook,” you interrupt in masked panic, averting your eyes as you pulled your hand back. In truth, you were scared. Finals week would be soon and you didn’t think you could handle any more mental strain than you already had, especially not with him. “I-I think we’re going to be late.” Jungkook eyes widen for a second, stricken with dejection. He mumbles, “right...”
You don’t dare to look at him, turning away, you say, “it was nice talking to you again. Bye, Jungkook.”
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The second time you see Jungkook again, the spring showers are sharp against your skin. You had just gotten off from your 6 hour shift, and where the sunset hues of timid pink and vibrant yellow were supposed to be, the overcast sky was instead. It's been about 30 minutes since you clocked off, but you knew your dad was home, so you decided to take the long way back.
It didn't matter that you were a blur of blue walking in grey tainted streets. Didn’t matter that the downpour soaked your clothes or that cars occasionally splashed you with murky road puddles. You could be anywhere, and anywhere would be better than where your dad was.
Droplets drooped down your eyelashes, dribbling down onto your phone. It’s screen illuminated your color drained face. You stared at Taehyung’s contact, biting your lip nervously.
hey taehyung, can i come over? if that's possible of course|
hey taehyung, can i come over? i|
hey taehy/
i need you|
Your thumb hovered over the tempting, blue send button. Press it, Y/n. Just press it. (But would he mind?) He said it was okay to ask for help. (But... what if he's busy right now?) It's okay to ask. (You'd just be bothering him. If you're too needy, he'll push you away, you know that.) Just press the damned—
“Y/n!” A hand reaches your back, and although it was a mere brush, you yelp in alarm, instantly stumbling back. When you're sure you're about to be submerged into a puddle, a hand firmly grasps your forearm, steadying you as the said person pulls you closer to them. The rain stops—or rather, patters against an umbrella now hovering over you. Your eyes flutter from the hand holding you to the hand holding the umbrella handle, and lastly, the holder.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jungkook half laughs. When you don’t reply, your mouth only agape, he adds, “are you okay?” It takes you a moment before you nod. You were close, as close two people could be under a small umbrella (or was it because Jungkook has gotten really big?), so you take a step back. But before you could feel even one raindrop on your face again, Jungkook pulls you back into him, “I don’t want you getting sick, y/n.”
“I’m already soaked anyways,” you frown, but he only disregards you. “Where are you heading?”
When his brows threatened to crease, you add, “Got off work a few minutes ago, I was just taking a stroll.” Jungkook opened his mouth, and you were sure he was going to say something in the lines of, “in the rain? have you gone mad?” But to your surprise, he doesn’t. Instead, his fingers intertwine with yours. “My homes not far. Come with me?”
"Your...home?” You repeat dumbly, disregarding how warm his hand was—how you missed it, how right it felt in yours. “Yeah, if thats okay with you. If not, then mind if I walked with you?” You pause, taking in Jungkook’s attire. What he was doing in a button down, black trousers, and sleek shoes, you didn’t know—but his dry state save for the few droplets on his clothes meant that he'd much rather prefer to be under a roof. You weren’t sure if he was going to take no for an answer, and being under shelter did sound pleasant. At least, more pleasant than being in wet socks. “Okay,” you say, “take me home.”
When you arrive, you're relieved to discover Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are on a business trip. You missed the Jeons, truly—they were the only family you’ve ever known, but you didn’t think you were ready to see them again.
You remembered Jungkook’s house being an absolute palace when you were a child—modernized with elegance adorned with a scenic garden and a clean landscape—but it still didn’t fail to leave your jaw agape. Expansive was always an understatement. “Here, get changed,” Jungkook hands a towel, an oversized sweater and sweatpants, and of course, fuzzy socks. You only nodded as he led you through the familiar halls to his room. “Just call for me when you’re done, kay?”
“Mm,” you mumbled, still in a daze even after he left. Bittersweet nostalgia filled your nostrils with the scent of vanilla and almonds, a soy candle he still apparently loves. It's only been three years since you’ve last set foot on his grey, hardwood floors, but you still noticed the subtle changes. Instead of pokemon action figures—burnished, golden trophies filled his glass shelves. They were only a few Jungkook was really proud of, otherwise his room would be brimmed with his accomplishments.
Picture perfect polaroids capturing euphoric memories and cheerful grins scattered Jungkook's walls. A refined stereo set replaced the bright blue boom box of your childhood, the one covered with doraemon stickers and scratches. Memories of 4th grades' January flooded your mind, when the blandness of the month was disrupted with color as the two of you jammed to Ego by JHOPE on repeat. Jungkook may have added and taken a few things out, but you found anchor in what stayed the same. His plants that hung from the ceiling were still there, ivies draped with growth over the past years. Kim Namjoon, Jungkook’s long time idol, smiled from a framed poster on his wall. Everything was still polished with his neatness, a habit you had always commended him for.
As you dried your damp hair, a photo frame catches your eye, sitting on the side of his bookshelf. Your breath catches in your throat. You slowly walk to the dainty item, painted white and blue to resemble noon skies. In the corner of the frame ignited a bright, pale limerence. Sparks of vivid blue and tangerine whipped through the wooden confines. You felt your heart thump against your chest. It was a—
"Daytime shooting star!" You gleamed, holding a paint brush into the sky, the handle rough from years of dried paint. It was a hot summer day, a few weeks after the end of seventh grade. Cicadas sung adamant songs through Jungkook's cracked open window as the two of you sat on his floor, blanketed with a fuzzy iron man carpet.
He looked at you quizzically, "a daytime shooting star?" As far as Jungkook knew, there was no such thing. "Yeah," you chirp. "That's you, Kook. You're my daytime shooting star." Jungkook nearly dropped his paint brush then, risking his favorite carpet as he looked at you, wide eyed with stun. You were wearing his t-shirt as per usual, your face smudged with blue paint and an innocent smile. Jungkook hated you for it.
It was always your choice of words—my Jungkook, my Kook, my Kookie, and now, my daytime shooting star—that he swore would be the death of him every single time. He didn't even know what you meant, but he didn't care, because being called yours was enough to kill him.
"Th-Thats stupid," he mumbled as he looked away, a futile attempt to hide his burning cheeks. "That doesn't even make sense." When the air shifted to silence, Jungkook immediately regretted his words. He quickly turned back around, fearing he accidentally hurt your feelings due to his own fluster. Maybe that was when Jungkook realized you really had grown up since the 6th grade, because this time, tears didn't drip down your cheeks. Instead, your eyes were curious and doe as you tilted your head to your side. "Does it matter?"
“A lot of things don’t make sense, but does it have to matter?” You frowned.
“I-I don’t—”
“I like you a lot, Kook,” and though you weren't at the least bit shy saying so, Jungkook’s emotions exploded everywhere. “I don’t think you need reasons to like someone, but you’re my daytime shooting star, Kook, and that's my reason. Can't I just like you? Does it...does it have to make sense?”
It felt like light years as Jungkook stared, red as he looked into the golden specks of your eyes, glinting from the blazing sun. “I-I don't know,” he gulped, his voice small. He was going to leave it at that at first. He didn't know what to say—what he could say. His mind was as clumsy and berserk as a deflating balloon to your previous words, but when he saw your sullen eyes and mopey pout, he felt an inadvertent panic in his gut.
His eyes shifted to his boom box. Etched on the side of the speaker was Doraemon, giving him a childish wink and thumbs up. Jungkook groaned in annoyance and you looked up, curious as he scratched the back of his head. "M-maybe we could...see it," he mumbled, barely grumbling, but your heart leapt with every syllable of his words. "Someday, together. The—"
“Daytime shooting star.”
You jumped, instantly whirling around to see Jungkook leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed over his torso. His eyes were soft, as if his gaze itself caressed you. “Y-You...” your thumb grazed the flimsy wood. “You still have this.”
“Yeah, and I still don’t have a photo,” he chuckled, making his way towards you. “14 years of friendship and you’d think we’d finally have a perfect picture to put in the frame.” It was pretty silly now that you thought about it. Despite spending a whole summer’s day decorating the item with childlike ambivalence, you never allowed Jungkook to slide a photo in it. No, it couldn’t just be any glossy photograph. You fussed over the concept of a perfect portrait, but nothing ever satisfied you enough, and with each passing year, it must've slipped your mind.
“I don’t get it... We haven’t talked for like, three years, and you still have this?”
"Does it have to make sense that I did?” Jungkook tilted his head, his eyelids lowering to look down at you. You open your mouth to reprimand him for using your words against you, but no words come out. Fuck. You swear it was his eyes—you’ve always said they were full of magic when you were children. It must’ve been that damned spellbinding luster that stole your voice. “What did you mean?” Jungkook takes a tentative step forward.
“Huh?” It came out like a breath.
Maybe it was the dim incandescence of the room, complementing the silhouette of his sculpted physique. Maybe it was the fact that the cloth he wore seemed too thin, too tense around his biceps and broad shoulders. Maybe it was because his first three buttons were left unclasped, teasing the faint outline of his chest. Or maybe it was the fact that you were so used to being in eye level with him—hell, looking down at him in the earlier points of your life. But you realized then, as Jungkook stared at you with a glint you couldn’t seem to quite recognize, how small you felt in front of him. Under him.
“When you said I was your daytime shooting star. You never explained it to me, what you meant,” Jungkook takes one final step forward, and the distance between you is insignificant. You don’t move—didn’t even think you could with your back pressed against his bookshelf. You could only return his gaze, doe eyes wavering beneath his. “What I meant to you...what I still mean to you.”
Your breath hitches, “Kook...”
“Fuck, I missed that,” his voice is low, breathless as his fingers brush your cheeks. “So fucking much, Y/n. I missed you calling my name, whatever you say. Kook, Kookie, Jungkook—I don’t care, just missed your voice, I still do. Don’t you know? Everyday, how much I long for you?”
Your eyes widen at his assertion. Wherever this was coming from, you didn't have the heart to stop it. "J-Jung—"
“—I miss you, Y/n. Any time I'm not around you it hurts and every time I am it hurts even worse.” His voice is so gentle, you fear he could hear the rhythm of your heart beat, palpitating with the heavy raindrops against his window.
“Why....why did you push me away?”
The waves were restless that cold, autumn night—you saw it through the fogged window of the train. Exhaustion tugged your eyes and your muscles screamed with every movement. As the train tracks rumbled beneath you, you wondered if you were even alive anymore, at least, it didn’t feel like it. All that was certain to you was the midnight stars outside, following you no matter where you went.
You didn’t know when the train entered the station, sighing to a stop as the doors slid open with a loud gush. It was probably 2am—Maybe 3, and the carts didn’t hold people this time around. At least you didn’t think it did, you honestly didn’t have the energy to even think about it. You only wondered how further you could go without knowing exactly how far you already went. Your neck ached from your head hanging low, and if it was cold, you didn’t feel it. All you felt was numb. An aching, dull pain eating away at your heart.
It was when you heard rushed heaves and loud footsteps that your eyes widened to see a familiar pair of green converse stop in front of you. You lift up your head to see Jungkook, cheeks red either from crying or the cold, maybe both. His brows were deeply furrowed as he crouched down, his hands gripping your shoulders.
“C-Can you hear me, Y/n? Are—are you okay?” You only nodded. He felt like a mirage, a dream.
You didn’t know what he saw in you that caused the droplets of sorrow to drip from his eye—whether it was the bruises covering your body, or the deep eye bags from restless nights at work—but it made you sad, how he looked at you. You wished he’d stopped. You wished you could be so far away that he didn’t have to look at you anymore.
“You’re, fuck, you’re freezing,” Jungkook quickly pulls his coat off and swathes it around you. “I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry I didn’t get here earlier.” You shook your head, your dull headache being replaced with confusion. “Why are you even apologizing, Kook? H-How did you even find me? Why are you even here?” You had turned off your cell the whole day and gave no indication to where you’d be. You didn’t even tell Jungkook how you were feeling, it made no sense to see him there, holding you.
“We’re soulmates remember? Of course I’d know,” Jungkook tries his best to give a smile. “I’m here because you are. Just—look, lets get you out of here first okay?” Before you can tell him you can walk by yourself, he lifts you up, taking your hand as he leads you out. “The next train back to Seoul arrives in 8 minutes,” Even when Jungkook and you sit down on a bench, he doesn’t let go. He’s shaking, you realize, with his fingers intertwined with yours. It was as if he wanted to hold you tighter, but he was afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of hurting you? Or afraid of you hurting him if you slip out of his grasp any further?
“How did you know?” You begin again. “I told you I was sick, I called the school too. A-and how did you even know where I was?”
“You called in sick for three days Y/n,” he frowns, “and you haven’t texted me once. I was so worried, fuck, I was so fucking worried when I went to your house to see that you weren't there. All my calls went straight to voice mail, and I saw...I-I saw the shattered beer bottles, the blood. I-I panicked, even thought of calling the police,” when your face goes rigid, he assures you, “of course I wouldn’t though, I would never do that you. But anyway, it took me awhile to guess, and I wasn’t even sure—just started running. I imagined you’d definitely be in a space ship to Pluto right about now, but I took a risky bet on the train station. You know, being much more accessible to us and all.” When Jungkook finishes light heartedly, you give a dry laugh, “you know me so well, Koo."
His small grin falls shortly as silence does, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on your hand. When he speaks again, his voice is quiet, sad, “You always...you always said you’d bring me. We’re a team aren’t we? You and me, I-I thought...I would’ve been there, Y/n. You know I'd be there for you in a heartbeat. Don't you trust me?”
"Of course I trust you, Kook," you quickly assure him through your thin veil of tears. It hurt too much to know you were the reason for the crack in his voice, for the ache in his heart, for his glazed eyes. You couldn't stand his pity, but you couldn't stand being the source of his grief either. "Then why didn't you call me..? All I ever wanted was to be there for you, all I ever want is to be by your side, y/n. Why won't you just let me help you?”
“Because you don’t understand, Kook,” you croak. “You don't understand how hard it is for me—how hard it's always been. It'll only ever always be like this, and I-I can't just...fuck Kook, I can't just depend on you every time I get hurt. My problems are for me to sort out, I have no one but myself.”
“But you have me, y/n," the tears you fought so hard to hold back falls when Jungkook covers both your cheeks with his hands. The boy inhales sharply, trying to calm himself from crying any longer as he presses his forehead against yours. "It hurts me so much when you talk like that, y/n. You have me, you always have me. A-and it scares me because sometimes it just feels like I don't have you, that I never did and—"
"You’ve been so distant lately," his breath is shaky and hot against your skin. "....It feels like you’re going to leave me. Please, don’t. Don't leave me behind like this, y/n.” You don't say anything else, too overwhelmed with his heartache beating with yours. In that cold autumn night, all you could do was cry in his arms.
The train arrives shortly.
“Lets go home," Jungkook murmurs sweetly against your skin. He kisses your forehead softly, and when he does, it feels like you already are home.
“Come here,” he grins, standing up with his hand out. You take it. “Have you eaten yet? I can make us food when we get back. What would you like?”
“Honestly? Just ramen.” Jungkook groans as you step inside the desolate train cart. “You know I could cook something way better for us."
"Nothing is better than ramen with eggs, Kook," you chide, giggling when Jungkook rolls his eyes. You take your hand away from him, and Jungkook tenses, only to relax when you cup his cheek once more. “But seriously, thank you, Jungkook. For everything. For worrying, being here for me, for finding me." He smiles, his eyes like crescent moons luminescent with love as he looks down at you, "always.”
"You said you'd do anything for me right?”
“Of course, anything, y/n.”
“Then please stop after this," you keep your small smile even as Jungkook's brows furrowed with confusion. You said it so simply, so plainly that he thought he might have heard you wrong. "What do you...?"
“Nothing will change after this. Nothing. I can't escape from my life, I can't escape from debt or my dad no matter how hard I try—and being the cause of your anxiety won't help me. I don't need a savior, and I don't think you need me holding you back either. We're burdening each other Kook.” With a heavy gush, the train doors start sliding shut and before Jungkook can even comprehend your words, you step out. “Don't have worry about me anymore, okay?”
“W-Wait— y/n—!” He’s quick to run, but it's too late. The doors slide shut, finally severing the thin red string of fate that held the two of you.
The rain falls with your tears as you cry into your hands, guilt washing over you like tidal waves. You remember his face the most, how heartbreak and betrayal etched with the dying fade of his smile. How you left him that day, how you left him everyday after that.
“I-I was just so tired, so tired of everything. I... I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I just didn't want you to worry about me anymore. You were always so good, everything about you, and I was scared I was holding you back and...and it hurt too much to stay knowing I was." Jungkook’s arm wrapped around your waist as his other hand gently pulled your head to his body. You're too stunned to move, but when you gather yourself, you decide you don't want to. You just cry, burying your face into his chest, your hands tightening around his shirt.
"I never once stopped thinking about you, y/n," he mumbled into your hair. "I never once not worried, never once not looked for you, and you—god, y/n—you never once held me back. Silly girl, don’t you know you were the only one who kept me together?” Jungkook lets out a noise, somewhere in between a sigh and a groan as he lowers his head onto your shoulder, "I did everything, anything to keep myself distracted from you. Competitions, sports, art, studies, friends.” His soft hair tickled your jaw as he nuzzled closer into the crook of your neck. “But I couldn’t, y/n, it was always you, it was never not you. Do you know how torn I was, watching you and not being able to talk to you? To hold you, be afraid of losing you even more than I already had?"
The pitter-pattering of the rain against the rooftop fills the voice you can’t seem to conjure. "Did you ever miss me?” Jungkook pulls away, and your eyes lock with his under the blue world. You realize then, by looking at him, just how scared he was. If you pushed him away again, he didn’t know what he’d do.
Reluctantly, you bring your hand to sweep Jungkook's tousled bangs away, brushing your fingers against the shell of his ear. "I did," you whisper, and more clearly, "I-I did, of course I did.” When Jungkook doesn't respond, your hand trails down his neck ... to his shoulders ... to his chest. "Do you hate me?"
Jungkook inhales sharply, "N-no." He could never.
"Your heart is beating so fast.... are you afraid?"
"I am."
"I am too," you lift his hand and place it against your own chest, laying it atop your own heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump, you don’t catch the pink of his cheeks when you’re too busy staring at the sad stars in his eyes. "I was too, back then. I know it's selfish, and i-i'm sorry I hurt you, but I hope you understand what kind of position I was in. I was so young, so scared—I just wanted to be alone, felt like it was a way to protect myself from anything else that could hurt me. I’m different now, I think, more stable—whatever that is," you chuckle dryly. "I can’t promise I won’t push you away, but I won’t leave anymore, really, s-so...."
Jungkook's eyes soften, his lids lowering when you say, "Can you trust me?"
"Of course," Jungkook breathes, “always.”
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"Just go to sleep already, Jeon."
You've been repeating yourself for the past 3 hours, watching him restlessly saunter around his room. "...swear i’m missing something, I just don't know what..." Jungkook, like the countless of other times, dismissed you as he continued to tap his finger on his chin, mumbling to himself in intense focus. It was only when you’ve finally had enough, groaning and hurling a tissue box at him—which he instantly caught with ease—that he finally noticed your glare. "What was that for?"
"I said just go to sleep already!" You exhaled frustratedly, "you packed your whole room at this point, Kook. I swear you have, like, triple of everything you don't even need—so for the thousandth time, could you please just shut the lights?" It's been a few weeks since that one spring evening, and time started ticking again with Jungkook by your side. It took you awhile to adjust to his company, it was odd—but everything was odd at this point. Odd but comforting when Jungkook started visiting the rooftop every lunch, odd but reassuring when he'd pick you up after every shift, and odd but exciting to spend the night with him before the anticipated field trip to Jeju island. The four days were a granted escape before the tumultuous finals of the upcoming winter. Even you were a bit eager to go, having finally taken a justified leave off work.
"Fine, fine, but if I do end up forgetting something important, I blame you," Jungkook huffs, sauntering to the light switch. “Go ahead,” you roll your eyes, and with a small click!, a satisfied sigh escapes your lips. “Finally,” You snuggled into his pillows, but when the bed dips down right next to you, you realized you had forgotten to ask Jungkook to shut his mouth as well. "Will you sit next to me on the way there?" You squinted to the darkness, raising your brows at the silhouette of his figure. "Jungkook, you're literally my only friend, do you even need to ask?" He chuckled, "but will you? We don't have to sit with my friends if you don't want to."
You hummed, thinking as Jungkook carefully brushed loose strands of hair away from your face, the warmth of his fingers trailing down the side of your neck. You were reluctant about being seen with Jungkook at first, but the choice wasn't left to you when his friends spotted you and him at the library sometime ago. It honestly wasn't as bad as you expected, and more surprisingly, you even clicked with a few with them. Seokjin was one you gravitated to the most, being a truly funny and charming senior that you felt you could look up to. "No, it's fine. I like your friends." Jungkook’s head perked up, and the darkness captures the bright twinkle in his eyes. "Really, you do?" You smile, knowing how happy that must have made him. "Really, I do. Now can we please go to sleep? I'd like to be at least remotely awake for the first day."
“Okay, okay, grumpy head," a bunny like grin appears on his face as pinches your cheek, chuckling when you only grumble in return.
He strokes your hair down one last time before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Good night, y/n.”
"Good night, Kook," the reassuring warmth of his skin leaves yours, and you hear him shuffle in his own mattress on the floor. It's been awhile since you've felt like this, so safe. Though it didn't necessarily matter, being with Jungkook was different with Taehyung, you noticed. When it came to Taehyung, it was as if all your problems could dissipate with his touch. That for a moment, they could just disappear.
When it came to Jungkook, though, your problems were still there. They existed, they were real, and yet, when you with him, it felt like everything would be okay. He was like a breath fresh air, and you felt like you could get through anything—whatever it may be, as long as he was there. With that thought, you slowly, but surely, drifted to sleep.
ringgggg!! ringgg!!! ringggg!!
What happened afterwards came in fragments of fuzzy memories, distorted with exhaustion. It was the phone ringing first, then it was the shuffle of Jungkook rising from his mattress. The ringing, his heavy yawn, the ringing, groggy footsteps, the ringing, the clatter of the drawer—and finally, silence. "Y/n...?" His voice barely reached where your mind was, deep inside the depths of whatever dream dimension you were in. "Y/n," he said again. No reply. "Y/n... Y/n!"
"What?!" You groaned, lazily sitting up with a snarl and a bed head. The ringing starts again and you rub your eyes to where your phone screen illuminated Jungkook's face. "What is it?" You mumble, a little concerned to his expression. "God, is it Mrs. Joomi again? I just paid this month’s rent like a few d—"
"Mr. Kim."
You freeze. The two, single words are akin to iced buckets of water being splashed onto your face, instantly waking you up.
"Taehyung with a heart and moon emoji—but that's Mr. Kim, isn't it? In that photo? That's his first name." Your heart lurches forward. 태형☽<3, displaying a low quality photo of him that you secretly took while he was preparing breakfast. It was once a happy morning, and this was once a happy night—disrupted by its forbidden rays of joy.
When Jungkook finally looks at you through the stark darkness, you can only stare back, your heartbeats filling the silent stun of your dry throat. The bubbly melody stops, and when you don't say anything, Jungkook's voice grows louder, "Y/n what—what the hell is this? Why is Mr. Kim calling you at 3am? Why do you have a photo of him? Why is his contact—"
"J-Jungkook," You nervously moved to sit on the front edge of the bed, attempting to speak as calmly as you can. Jungkook would understand...right? He wouldn't tell, he couldn't. He knows you, your financial situation. It was okay. "Remember when you asked me not to push you away? Well, this is me letting you in. This is me trusting you Jungkook, so please just hear me out." Under the moonlight's glower, you see the bob of his adam's apple rise and fall. "Taehyung, he—"
"Taehyung?" You wince, the acidity of his voice like bitter poison. "I-I mean, Mr. Kim. M-Mr. Kim, he...helps me."
"Helps you?" Jungkook scoffs. "At 3am? How could he—" Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes go wide. "Y/n, you don't mean..."
You nod stiffly, "he gives me money in exchange for....i-its consensual! He helps me," your cheeks heat up, hating yourself for allowing this to happen, having to explain yourself. “A-anyway the point is, you won't tell anyone, right? You understand, don't you, Kook?"
"Understand?! Y/n—he’s a teacher! He's seven fucking years older than us—are you stupid, what were you thinking?!" The sting of his words ring in your ears like a harsh slap across your face. Throughout your years together, Jungkook had barely had the heart to scold you, so you were more than unprepared for his hurtful words. Your shock quickly subdues into anger though, and you stand up, “what I was thinking? What I was thinking?! I don't know Kook, maybe thinking about my fucking electric bill! Thinking about how to pay off debt—how to buy food for fuck's sake! I've looked after myself my whole life, and this is no different."
"Still—This is wrong, y/n! You know that! There are other ways like, like—"
"Like what Jungkook?!" You're in front of him now, pushing at his chest. "Working my ass off in nine to fives? Well I do that, Kook, every fucking day and yeah, a fucking disappointment for me too that it's not enough. You could never know how its like for me, but out of everyone, you're supposed to...! You’re supposed to understand,” you chuckle bitterly, shaking your head as a futile attempt to shake the hot tears away.
"Y/n...” Jungkook’s anger diminishes into a frustrated panic. He tries to reach for you, hold you, anything to keep you from crying because of him—but you turn away, and despite himself, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. He sighs harshly, his voice much softer now, “I just—out of all these years, you could've asked me. I was always there, y/n, and you never accepted me. I know we talked about this already, but the fact that...” He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I do understand, but I was always here. I was your best friend, why did you have to go to him? Am I...am I that unreliable to you?"
Your own heart sinks for him this time, quickly shaking your head. “No, Kook. I-It's not like that. I'm sorry this has to be so complicated, that i've made you feel small. You are reliable, Jungkook. You're my safe place, my person—always have been. I appreciated you so much but you need to understand how terrible it felt for me back then. I hated being pitied by you. You’re my friend, not a fucking philanthropist."
Jungkook takes your hand this time, "I never wanted to help you because I pitied you, y/n. You were always so strong, I don't think you could ever be someone I could pity. I wanted to help because I cared for you, loved you, and it breaks my heart knowing that you went through such lengths when you could've turned to me."
You sigh, threading your hands over the back of his hair. "It was all just circumstantial, Kook. Taehyung found me at a really low point in my life. I didn't search for it, but he was there and i’m thankful for yim, so please Jungkook, please." Your eyes wavered beneath his sad stare, hoping, pleading. Jungkook bites on his lip, cursing, "look...I won't tell on you if that's what you're thinking. I would never do that to you, i'm just worried. He's calling you at nearly 4am, y/n—shit, h-has he hurt you? Did he ever make you do anything you didn't want to?" Jungkook looks frantic for a second, but you quickly shake your head. "N-no! No, god no, he's never hurt me! You know him Kook, Tae would never hurt me." You miss how you even said Tae or how Jungkook's jaw clenched to it.
"I won't say anything, y/n, at least...not yet. You have to end it."
"He took advantage of you in a low position in your life, y/n."
"N-No Kook, you don't understand!"
"It's not your fault, y/n, it's completely his. He's the adult here, it was wrong. You have to end this."
"But I can't! The money, Kook, you know I can't."
"Then let me help you," he steps closer. Your hands slide to his chest now, shaking your head. "No, Jungkook, my answer has been no and its still no. I refuse to be your charity case," you scoff. "Then you're not going to be. I'll pay you to sleep with me too."
Your eyes instantly shoot open. What..?
"I'll pay you to sleep with me," he repeats calmly. "Anytime you need it, anytime I want it, and I'm certain I'll be able to give you more than whatever Mr. Kim could." Your mouth only hangs open, words dying in your dry throat.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, taking a step closer. This time, you take a step back. "If you were fine with doing it with Mr. Kim, shouldn't it be fine with me?"
"N-No," your voice is barely a shaky whisper. More clearly, "No, Jungkook. I can't just—we just started talking again. You're my only friend, I won't ruin us just for—"
"I won't let anything happen to us, I promise y/n."
"You don't have to worry about it, okay? Plus, isn't this situation more ideal? You'd get paid more and you wouldn't have to rely on—"
"I love him!"
Its Jungkook's turn to be silent. "What..?"
"I love him Kook," you croak, heat overwhelming your cheeks.
"I know it's wrong, I know he seems like an asshole but he's not. I know him, Kook, and i’m mature enough to know myself too. I made my decision back then, and I keep making it today because...I love him." You can’t help but feel your anguish trickle down your eyes, and you cry into your hands. That’s it then. It’s done. You’ve finally admitted it, yet despite the burden of the untold truth lifting—you felt heavier, worse. By now, Jungkook would’ve pulled you into a warm embrace. He’d hush you with soothing murmurs and delicate kisses on your forehead. He’d trail his fingers through your hair, tell you that he knew, that he gets it, that it was okay. But he doesn’t. He couldn’t. You were crying for another man, and all he could feel was ache.
Your phone rings once more, and from the night stand, you see Taehyung’s figure on the dimmed screen. You reluctantly look at Jungkook, but when he doesn’t say anything, his expression unreadable, you take it. "H-hello?"
"Hey, doll," Taehyung's voice is low. "I’m sorry I keep calling, I feel really shit for waking you up at this time. I know the Jeju trip is in a few hours, but I just needed to talk to you."
"No, no, its fine. I was already awake anyways, um...what is it?" You turned away from Jungkook, nervously biting on your lip. Despite everything that had unfolded between the two of you, it was strange. Taehyung never called you at this time after all—and him saying you guys needed to talk only heightened your nerves.
"It's better to talk in person. Where are you? I can pick you up." You shake your head, despite not him being able to see you. "N-No, i’ll come over...is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course, I'll see you soon." With that, the call ends. You can feel Jungkook’s eyes on your back—its overwhelming, and you’re scared to face the definite disgust and judgement in his them, so you don’t look at him when lift your bag across your shoulder. "I’m sorry, I...I need to go.”
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Jungkook hasn't seen you since last night. You never showed up at the meeting spot, never answered his calls or texts—never even once read the 68 of them.
He was certain you came, though—he checked in with Mrs. Yoon before boarding, but you were always good at hiding, and Jungkook was always an impatient seeker. The whole process of arriving, checking into the hotel, and splitting into groups was a whole blur that ended in him never finding you. After spending hours exploring the designated routes through antique shops, cute cafes, pretty sceneries, and meadows with his friends, he started to fear that you didn't come after all—that Mrs. Yoon had made a mistake.
Surely, he would've bumped into you at least once through the whole trip. And where the fuck was Mr. Kim? Jeju was supposed to be the pinnacle of his highschool experience. He’d be elated with the giddiness of being out with his friends, kissed with the gift of delicious freedom. But it was 7:46 PM now, and even when he overlooked the vast beach dipped with sunset's entrancing glow, he felt anything but. Not when Seokjin cracked his lame dad jokes, nor when Eunha got him to bike through scenic trails.
Jungkook sighed as the strawberry milk clattered to the bottom of the vending machine. He spotted it tucked away from the corner of the museum his group wandered into. He excused himself, relieved that their chaperone actually trusted him to be by himself. He needed the space.
He poked the straw through the carton, leaning against the cold metal as his eyes gazed over the glistening waves. He hated you. Always leaving him like this, always making him restless and unsure.
It was when he looked for the moon in the dusk sky that he noticed a familiar silhouette amidst the shore. It wavered with the wind, and Jungkook instantly felt his scorn. The man's jeweled hand was holding a cigarette between two fingers, overlooking the ocean with distant eyes.
Fuck the sand, fuck his expensive shoes, fuck everything. Jungkook doesn't know when he starts running, but he doesn't stop.
It all happened so past—the sun would have missed it if not for the perfect view she had just over the excited ripples of the ocean. When Taehyung noticed his presence, it was already too late. Jungkook had grabbed his collar, and without a second of hesitance, punched him across his face. Taehyung fell into the sand with a grunt, cursing loudly. “What the fuck?!” He turned to his perpetrator, his glare quickly diminishing into pure shock to see his own student right in front of him, eyes poisoned with resentment and hatred.
Taehyung's emotions came whirling at him all at once. The confusion, then the anger, the urge to scream at him and punch him until he was left bleeding on the shore—then the mediating side of him, understanding that he'd done more than enough to get his ass fired, why the fuck would he...?—then the realization. He sighs roughly, shaking his head as he stands. He isn't up for long though, as Jungkook takes another swing. Taehyung’s cheeks scream with stinging pain, but Jungkook’s on top of him, and he doesn’t stop.
"You fucking bitch!" Jungkook seethed, barely feeling his fist continuously bury into Taehyung’s face. He knew. He knew how much you loved him, he knew Taehyung helped you. He knew you'd get angry, maybe even hate him for the rest of his life for this—But maybe that's why he couldn't control himself. He didn't care if you thought Taehyung was some angel. To him, Taehyung was just a disgusting predator who took advantage of your situation, and deep down, maybe it was more for a selfish reason. Taehyung was a man who touched you, who had you—who wasn’t him. "You disgusting fuck. Don't ever fucking touch y/n again, you hear me?!" Another hit, but Jungkook is too blinded with anger to realize the scary amount of blood drooling down his nose and lips, from the cuts of his cheeks. "I know," Taehyung rasps.
"If you know then why did you do it?! You’re a fucking creep, you’re disgusting.”
"I know," another hit, and blood stains his shirt. Taehyung curses and grabs Jungkook's fist before he can throw another punch, pushing him into the sand. "You dick, I swear to god, I swear to fucking god I'll fucking kill you." Jungkook thrashes under Taehyung, but the teacher buries both his wrists into the ground, his weight holding the younger boy down.
“Sh-Shit, Look, I know how you must feel about me, and I know I deserve this, but I would much rather avoid being seen like this so I'm going to say this quick and you're going to listen."
"Fuck you," Jungkook growls, glaring at the man on top of him. His eyes were unreadable, almost enigmatic, and Jungkook hated every unwavering speckle of deep brown in it.
"I don't regret it," Taehyung disregards him. "I liked her—y/n—and no matter what you think of me, that stands true. You must like her too, she told me about you some nights. I have to admit, hearing about another boy when she's laying in my own bed wasn't very pleasant for me, but you made her happy. You mean a lot to her," Jungkook shut his eyes tightly, cursing as he tried to get the image of Taehyung holding you in his arms out of his mind. "I know you don't think I care about her, but I do, so just fucking listen for a second okay? I know i'm no good for her, but you aren't either. You're too immature, we both know y/n deserves way more. See where you are now? Right under me when you could be there for her? Have you even seen her today? Have you asked her how she's been?"
"What... what the fuck are you saying."
Taehyung sighs, and stumbles back to stand, wincing as the harsh winds slap his bloodied face. He nimbly looks for his cigarette, and before he lights it, Jungkook grabs his lighter. "I said what the fuck do you mean?!"
"I ended it with her," Taehyung glares at him, his voice firm, cold as he snatches the lighter back. Jungkook feels his heart drop. “You...what?"
There's silence, and when the man turns to look at the sun drowning into the ocean’s abyss, he lights the cigarette, "the fireworks are starting soon." Jungkook's eyes widens. Before he knows it, he's already running.
You’ve always loved the fireworks.
His footsteps that were submerged into sand were now padding against the concrete of the sidewalk, his heart pounding in his ears. A few cars must have honked at him here and there as he ran through the streets, unknowing of his surrounding because all he can think of his getting to his destination—you. He frantically reaches for his phone, panting.
JK : where are you?
my love : my room
my love : 613, 7th floor
JK : on my way.
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At least the fireworks were pretty.
Your eyelids drooped, puffed with drowsy red as you watched the sparkling scene on the balcony of the hotel. Evening's cold breeze teased your bare legs, dancing with the delicate ends of your black, satin nightgown. You were hugging yourself yourself, leaning against the cold railings as sparks of vivid red shatter into memories tainted with heartbreak. The red silk sheets that you grasped tightly beneath you. The red lingerie that Taehyung slid off your skin. The red wine he poured into the pan when you told him you were hungry. You liked watching him the most, you thought as he stood in front of the stove, his eyes trained on the steak. You liked watching him unbutton his top, talk about his day, how he let out loud laughter whenever a funny story would come up. You loved when he unveiled himself for you, when he'd strip off his enigmatic persona bare and let you peer into his soul.
But that's all you ever did, you guessed, all you ever could do. You watched him when he smiled down at you, his cold fingertips brushing your waist, and you watched him as he left.
It must've been 4 minutes into the firework show when you heard the doorbell ring. Sighing, you leave the balcony as yellow ignites the night sky. You open the door to Jungkook, his chest heaving up and down, his hair tousled by wind, beads of sweat sticking to his neck.
When he doesn't say anything, and neither do you, you step aside to let him in. You wonder if he was still angry about last night, how he'd react when you tell him—but with the way he looked down at you, tender eyes dawned with sadness, you already understand you don’t have to. "I know," Jungkook steps closer, pulling you into a hug. His warmth embraces you as darkness does when the door clicks shut. "What happened, I know."
You sighed, closing your eyes. The fireworks sounded so distant compared to his heartbeat. Jungkook must've ran for you, you thought as your buried your face into his chest. Of course he would, he always has. Maybe that certainty is what intoxicates you to murmur, "I'll accept it."
"What you proposed last night, I'll accept it," you say calmly, quietly. You looked up at him with wavering eyes, "please...I need you right now."
Jungkook's heart practically lurched out of his chest. He knew he should take a step back, tell you that you'd end up regretting it and to take it back before it was too late. He knew, but the devil on his shoulder was much more insistent than his angel, and maybe... maybe his angel wanted it too—so fuck it all.
Jungkook took your lips in a magnetic dance, drawing you closer into him with one hand on your lower back and the other behind your head.
God, you were so lovely. How your head lolled for him, soft, plush lips jarred open. Jungkook has always been good at controlling himself when it came to you, but when he heard the slightest whimper escape your trembling lips, he felt he couldn't hold himself back any longer.
He didn't seek for permission to suck your lower lip, didn’t even seek permission to slide his tongue inside your lovely little mouth when you gasped. He held your chin, deepening the kiss. More, more, more—he wanted more of you. He wanted to explore your body, wanted to make your breath tremble, wanted to find out what you liked and disliked under bedsheets. Jungkook wanted to know you better than anyone else had. He wanted you, needed you.
“Kook,” You whimper into him as he pushes you against the wall, holding your thigh up. He grinds his bulge against your clothed cunt, sending wild tremors along your nerves. “F-feels so good.”
“Yeah?” He takes your other thigh, and you yelp as he lifts you up. Your surprise quickly washes out with haze when he buries his thick tent further into you. You let out a moan, wrapping your legs around his torso. “I can make you feel even better.”
The explosions of the fireworks are blurred with the palpitations of your heart as Jungkook lays you on the bed, his lips immediately finding home in yours. "Love how you sound for me, love," Jungkook’s wet, needy kisses trail down your neck...to your collarbones...to your breast. “So pretty like this, always so pretty,” his fingers ghost your sensitive nipples, perked from evening's cold. He doesn't waste any time to take one nipple into his mouth, his fingers playing with the other.
His cold hand trails down your stomach, finally pressing it down your soaked underwear. He smirks, feeling the soaked outline of your pussy lips. “Already so wet for me baby? How cute."
His plush lips leave your nipple with a pop, instead latching onto the crook of your neck. Your eyes go wide when you realize what he's about to do. “Wait, d-don’t! Not th—ah.” He doesn't allow you to finish your sentence, swiftly sliding your underwear out of the way before pressing a hard thumb over your clit. “Don't deny me, y/n,” His voice is low over your whiny moans. He sucks on the supple of your skin as he slides one, slender finger into you, smoothly drawing it in and out while he rolls your little bud with his other. “Please, need to show everyone that you’re mine,” he murmurs, licking his work, perfectly tinged with a pretty pink . “Besides...” he trails, taking note of your arousal dripping down his wrists. “You love this, don’t you?”
“N-No..! I...ah, K-Kook, Kookie..!” Your voice fails you, moans escaping from your trembling lips. “Jungkook s-stop..!” Jungkook frowns against your skin, and he lifts his head up to meet your gaze. “Why not?” His eyes are dark. You try to fight the muddle of your mind as his slow, tentative fingers continue to work on your cunt. “B-Because...because student c-council. It's inappropriate, and your friends will ask, a-and... mm!—“
“Taehyung?” Jungkook says bitterly, but you’re too indulged with the knot in your stomach. You moan loudly, your hands finding anchor wrapped around his biceps. “I'm sure you don’t want Taehyung to see, do you?” Jungkook's pace is furious now, and you barely make out his words through the thick fog of your mind. You feel so close. “Don’t want him to know that you're with me, hm? That i’m finger fucking you into my dumb whore."
His indecent words paint a wild blush on your cheeks. You never knew Jungkook could be like this, could be so mean.
"You know what I think..."
Jungkook lowers himself down between your sweaty thighs, quivering with painful pleasure. "''Think my dumb babygirl wants me to clean her messy little pussy up. Would you like that, love?"
"Y-Yeah," you moan, desperately bucking your hips up, "p-please eat me out, Kook."
"Needy girl," Jungkook lets out a sigh, his pants tightening around his painful hard on. You were so pretty like this, Jungkook swore he could cum just by watching you.
You almost cry when he pulls his fingers away, instead squeezing around your squishy hips. You do cry, though, when he gives your pussy a tantalizing lick, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. "Knew my baby girl would taste so sweet," he groans. His tongue circles around your throbbing bud, sucking on it.
"Fuck! K-Kook, I-I can't," you wail, tears falling down your cheeks. Jungkook only flutters his eyes open, watching you with heated eyes as his tongue works on your wet cunt.
"Please, g-gonna cum, please!" Your back arches. Jungkook's hands the only thing anchoring you down.
"Then cum, baby, cum for me." Jungkok's voice is tender, coaxing like warm honey. With his encouragement, your dripping cunt spasms, unfurling your cream all over him. "That's my girl," His attentive tongue takes your sweet release, the embarrassing sound of slurping clouding your brain.
"You were so good for me, baby," He cooes, planting one final kiss on your quivering bud. Your cheeks tinge with a shy pink.
He lifts himself up, carefully laying over you so his forehead is pressed against yours. His eyes search yours under the veil of the moonlight. The fireworks must've stopped along the way, your heavy breaths filling the quiet room. "Tired, love?" Jungkook whispers, and you nod timidly, reaching your arms out to hug him.
Your skin is sticky with sweat like melting ice cream on hot summer days, but Jungkook adores his body pressed against yours. His fingers squeeze your smooth waist, placing gentle kisses on your neck, up your jaw, capturing your lips once more in a slow dance. A thin string line of saliva connects the two of you when he pulls back, and he breaks it off with a gentle graze across your wet lips.
"Think you can continue for me, baby?" Jungkook asks soothingly. "It's okay if you can't, of course. Must've been such a long day for you."
You shake your head, your hand lightly tracing the outline of the small scar on his cheek. You still remember the day he fell off his bicycle, somehow managing to tumble down the hill all the way to the train tracks. It must've been the first time you ever saw him cry.
"I want to."
"Are you sure?" His eyebrows perk up. "Because we really don't have to. I don't ever want you to feel like you have to please me. I know you took my offer, but if you aren't ready or comfortable, nothing has to happen. Believe it or not, pleasuring you already makes me feel euphoric." His words have you melt, gentle as a sweet night's lullaby.
"But I want us to feel good together," you say softly. "Please take me, Kookie. I want you." Jungkook's eyes widen, faint pink blooming on his cheeks, and you watch the stars in his eyes grow brighter with your shy gaze. He lets out a small chuckle, "god, you really don't know what you do to me, y/n."
He places a gentle peck on your lips one last time before rising to his knees, discarding his clothes. You're quick to slip off your nightdress and underwear, and you patiently admire Jungkook's toned physique as he worked to unbuckle his belt. Even the moon was enamored with him, tracing its luminous glow from his broad shoulders to his biceps, wrapping around his slim waist.
Your breath hitches when his dick springs out right in front of you, thick and swollen, oozing pre cum. Jungkook watches you with heated eyes, his hand grazing his dick. "Wow," you breathe, sitting up and replacing his hand with yours. Jungkook's hisses when you stroke his cock, doe eyed to his length that throbbed with neglect. "You're so pretty, Kookie. You're pretty everywhere..."
"I should be the one who's telling you that, darling," he lets out a shaky breath through his smile, his hand finding your cheek. "Now, i’d love for that lovely little mouth of yours to suck my cock, but I feel like i'm gonna explode any minute now, and i'd like to do so inside of you," he chuckles when a furious blush takes your cheeks. You let him push you down, positioning himself in between your legs. He takes his pulsating cock in his hands, sliding his glistening head over your cunt. "Would you like that baby? Want me to cum in this cute little pussy? Wanna take Kook's cum like a good girl?" You feel yourself shy from his words, whimpering, "y-yes please, Kookie."
"Tell me how much you want it, baby."
"S-So bad. Kookie p-please, want you to fill me up."
"Yeah?" Jungkook chuckled, a cocky smirk on his lips that made you tremble. "Think your tiny pussy can even take my cock?"
"Y-Yes, m'pussy wants your cock, p-please Kook!"
"Dirty girl, love it when you beg for me," he pushes the blunt head of his cock into your swelling entrance, already having you see stars by the time he fills you up whole. "You okay?" Jungkook breathes out, his forehead falling against yours. You nodded timidly, "j-just need a little time to adjust."
"Okay, baby, tell me when you're ready." He pecks your nose, letting out a shaky sigh as your walls clench around him. When you do, Jungkook takes your knees, pushing them on either side of you so your legs are spread out wide for him.
He pulls out his whole cock so he could see the flush tip of his cock before plunging back into you. You moan loudly to his even pace, bottoming you out with every thrust.
"F-fuck, been wishing for this forever. Just want to punish this pussy for making me wait for this long."
Harsh skin to skin contact and the squelch of your juices mixing together fills your fuzzy mind. You felt so full, you could practically feel him in your belly. "Shit, you're practically swallowing me. You like this, don't you?"
"Y-yeah, love your cock, Kookie," you moan, his pace growing faster and more unforgiving. "I'm never letting you go after this, fuck y/n. You're mine, you’re so fucking mine. Say it, say you're mine, p-please."
"Yours," you whimper, feeling the familiar tingling ecstasy overwhelm your stomach. "O-Only yours, Kookie."
"That's right, baby, open your mouth." You didn't know exactly why, but you didn't question him. He could tell you to do absolutely anything right now and you'd do it. Your wet lips jar open for him, and Jungkook spits in your mouth, sending a wave of tremor through your body. "Swallow."
You listen, obediently swallowing. "That's my girl."
"Kookie, kookie...m'gonna cum!"
"Again baby? You’re so easy, barely have to do anything and you're spilling." You moan to his words, thrusting in and out of you in a hypnotic pace. "Go on then, baby. Cum for me, make a mess over my balls."
Your whole body tenses, feeling the overwhelming wave wash over you. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, you release around him the second time. "Good girl, baby, so good for me, fuck," Jungkook hisses to your tightening walls squeezing around him, driving himself into your belly until he pours all his cum deep inside of you.
You practically drooled, his load coming out in spurts of thick cream. When he pulls out, your pussy twitches, his cum oozing out. He falls onto your chest, and your heavy pants fill the room.
After awhile, Jungkook lazily pulls you to lay over him. "Okay, baby?"
"Mm," you murmur into his sweaty chest, trying to recollect your breath. You open your mouth to thank him, but a loud explosion takes your voice. In a second, waves of yellow wash the room, then blue, then purple. Your tiredness subdues into drowsy awe. You sit up and Jungkook does too, positioning you on his lap. "I think this is the second show. Timing is fitting don't you think?"
You giggle, and Jungkook sees daylight in your eyes. "Too fitting. I'm starting to think that this was all part of some big plan."
Jungkook rolls his eyes, laughing as he tucks a hair behind your ear. "Silly girl, of course it is." You look at him quizzically. "We're soulmates aren't we? The universe is just celebrating us."
You smile, sighing as you lean into his chest. "Whatever you say, my soulmate." Jungkook's eyes widen. He felt twelve again, dumbstruck euphoria overwhelming his love for you any time you called him yours. His shock settles into a soft smile, holding you in his arms while you watch the fireworks. It takes him awhile to realize your eyes are closed though.
"Sleepy, love? Thought you loved the fireworks."
"I do," you giggle, pushing him down onto the soft mattress. You snuggle into his chest. "Just listening to your heartbeat."
Jungkook blushes. He was going to urge you to clean up, but with you looking so cozy on top of him, he knew you'd much rather rest. He sighs lovingly, stroking your hair. He hasn't felt this happy in awhile. "About your payment, I’ll wire $800 just for tomorrow, but we’ll officially talk about the—"
“Shhhh!” You grumble, burying your head further into him. “Don’t wanna talk about money right now, just let me be with you.”
Jungkook blinks, and you look up to him with a pout. Purple lights up the seoul's night sky, casting an soft glow on Jungkook’s face. He chuckles, thumb brushing your cheeks.
"Needy girl.”
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a/n : wooooo this took the longest time to write. its pretty bulky so whoevers got to this point i love you sosososo and i hope you enjoyed my work ! feedback is welcome and super appreciated, reading comments really do make my day <3 i was thinking of making a sequel/continuation for this but im not so sure ,, we'll see. anyways, i hope you have a lovely day my loves ! stay hydrated and healthy, i hope you eat good food today. make sure to take care of yourself too !
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 5 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, an angry Nesta and a heart-broken Cassian
2094 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Nesta had never been one for small talk but in his presence she spoke as if she was excellent in small talk. They spoke of all unimportant things and ended up forgetting the important stuff; their names. Again.
Feyre sent an invitation for her first anniversary party as she did for every other occasion. The only thing different was that Nesta never bothered to pay heed to her invitations before. After the day in the alley, however, she decided she was going to turn over a new leaf. This was her first step.
She checked her reflection on the side-mirror. She tried to keep her outfit and make-up as simple as possible. She only wore a white ruffled-sleeved blouse with a black pencil skirt. Her hair was braided into a coronet. She looked good, but not as good as she’ll look if she took her own time to do a detailed make-over. She let out a breath and braced herself for the inevitable little chat with her sisters.
“Nesta?” a bewildered voice breathed. She whirled around to face her younger sister, Elain, looking up at her, a small smile playing about her lips. “You’re here,” she said and flung her arms around Nesta. Nesta automatically wrapped her arms around Elain’s smaller frame. Eventually, Elain pulled back.
“No offense, but I really thought you wouldn’t be coming,” Elain said.
Nesta felt as if the smile on her face couldn't be wiped out for the next few hours. “Honestly, I didn't think I'd come either. But here I am.”
She nodded and pulled Nesta to the garden the party was held at.
“I did this,” Elain said. “This garden, I planted and groomed all this.”
“No wonder why it looks so beautiful,” Nesta replied.
She flushed and said contemplatively, “You're so different now, Nesta.”
“I hope in a good way. Where's Feyre?”
“Let's go meet everyone first.”
Nesta shook her head. “I— I need to talk to both of you before I meet everyone else. ”
Elain hesitated then said, “Can you wait in that room? I'll fetch Feyre and come.”
Nesta nodded and headed to the door at the end of the garden Elain pointed at. The room was classy, much like the exterior of the house. She was struck by the simple yet grand theme of Feyre's house. She knew he and his brothers were rich but she just didn't understand the extent of their wealth. Till now.
“What are you thinking?” Feyre wasn't the type to blindly trust people. It took more than coming for her anniversary to persuade her that Nesta's intentions were good.
Nesta faced Feyre, her youngest sister, who stood before her, gorgeous yet fierce in a simple but elegant blue gown. She shrugged, “Just thinking that I'm glad my sisters were well-provided when I couldn't take care of them.”
Feyre’s face didn’t change, she just gestured towards the couches. “Have a seat,” she said.
Nesta sat down, “You both look splendid,” she said. Feyre said that the gown was a gift, Elain thanked Nesta and offered the same.
Nesta cleared her throat. “I need to tell the both of you something. Many things, actually.”
Elain nodded encouragingly. Feyre said, “Go on.”
So Nesta spoke. She apologised. For how she wasn't there to fulfill the role of an elder sister. For how she failed to attend Feyre's marriage and many other occasions. For all the rude words she spoke to them. For shunning them. She apologised for being self consumed. For everything else.
She also promised. To try harder. To become better. To be a good sister and sister-in-law. To be with them at all times, especially when they needed her. And they listened.
“I know these words aren't enough, but I'll try to make it so,” she finished, her hands clasped with both her sisters on her sides.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. We will too,” Feyre said.
“I see a very bright future ahead of us,” Elain said.
Nesta couldn't help the tears anymore. She folded her arms around her sisters and tucked them close. Her sisters. Her beloved sisters she now knew she'd do anything to protect.
“I see a very bright future too,” Nesta said.
Nesta pulled back after what felt like an hour and looked at her sisters' tear-streaked faces.
“I love you,” the three of them said simultaneously. Nesta giggled. Elain laughed. Feyre stared.
Nesta gently brushed the tears from both of their cheeks. “I don't want to see any of you crying.”
She hugged them again, willing the hug to convey everything she didn't say out loud.
“Now, now, enough snuggling. We've got a party to attend and people to meet, remember?” Feyre said.
Cassian was anxious. He had always hoped Nesta, his sister-in-law, would come for the gatherings they had; be it family dinners, or birthday parties, or the random meetings they had when they just got tipsy and played games. He hadn't seen her face-to-face before. All he knows about Nesta are from the descriptions from Feyre and Elain. That, too, was minimal. One of them would quickly change the topic to something pleasant the moment traces of an emotional breakdown were visible. Every time he hoped, he was let down. She never came. He vowed he would stop hoping and instead just go about and act as if she didn't exist. But that never happened. Every time his family met, his treacherous heart would start hoping only to have a chunk of it fall off when she failed to attend. Today was no different.
Then there’s the woman who he’d been talking to the whole afternoon. He was a tangled up mess of emotions and doubt and confusion. He had been sort-of pining after Nesta. She was exactly the person he’d like. Apparently she was drop-dead gorgeous, witty and… feral. Feyre said that. Feral. She’d be someone worth seeing. She was totally a worthy opponent. It’d be fun. But the other woman? Mother above, she was ethereal. More than ethereal, in fact. Words can't contain what he had to say about her.
He was damn near killing Az for calling him right when they were about to exchange names. He really can't believe he was a hairsbreadth away from knowing her before it was all ripped away. Now they were back to square one. He didn't know anything about her.
Azriel clapped him on his back so hard that he almost stumbled and fell. Or probably that was because he was too distracted. “All good Somm?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he replied noncommittally. He busied his hands with re-rinsing the champagne flutes and wiping them clean again. He did this two times already. Still.
“Mood is sour today, Cass?” Az teased, mock-frowning.
“Nah,” Cassian said wryly, “it's as sweet as honeydew. Especially today, when my chat got interrupted.” He glared at Azriel.
“Now, now, that is a story for another day. For now though, I think I've got something that can cheer up your brooding self.”
“What is it?” he mumbled.
Az grinned. “Nesta is here.”
Feyre and Elain took Nesta on a quick tour around the house. Feyre’s paintings were hung on the walls throughout the whole house. Nesta grimly noticed that there wasn't a single picture of her. There were even paintings of their father whose heart had long stopped beating. But none of hers. If only she didn’t push herself away, Nesta would’ve been a happy part of her sisters’ lives.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Feyre took her hand in hers. Elain tucked herself to Nesta’s side, wrapping her arms over her slender shoulders.
Nesta already met Mor, a stunning blonde woman, and Amren, a slightly intimidating and short person. Now she only had to meet her brother-in-laws.
“Let’s go meet the boys!” Elain said brightly.
We walked back to the garden. Feyre seemed to get more and more elated the closer we got to the garden. Huh. Probably falling in love would do that to someone. Anyway, as long as her sisters were happy.
They stepped through the doorway. The garden was decorated with more banners and streamers hung on the back of chairs and on the low branches. Again, it looked opulent in a simple way.
There were three men in the centre of the garden, gathered around a table. They all were slightly similar, broad shouldered, tapered waists, muscular limbs. Three of them wore formal shirts and pants clinging to their frames. The one in the middle was Rhysand, she supposed. She smirked internally. Of course Feyre ended up with this guy. She's got a good taste. Must've gotten it from the oldest sister.
The one on the right, though. His figure felt familiar. Very, very familiar. She couldn't quite put a finger on it yet.
“The one on the left is Azriel, the one on the right is Cassian,” Feyre said, and Nesta nodded.
The boys must be really engrossed with their conversation. They hadn't noticed the three of them yet.
The guy she thought was familiar threw his head back and laughed. She gasped. That laugh. She'd know the laugh anywhere. Indeed, when he angled his face so that she could get a glimpse, she knew she was done for. She swallowed with much difficulty.
“I need to go,” she said quickly.
“Go? But— but we haven't cut the cake yet. It's still early. We've got lots more fun stuff,” Elain said.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. Only, this doesn't feel like 'trying',” Feyre said.
They sounded… hurt.
Mother above, I'm doing this wrong.
“Nesta?” Elain asked. “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah,” Feyre added, “you look pale.”
“Y-yeah it's f-fine. Kinda. My head hurts,” she said, accidentally clutching her stomach. “I-I mean, yeah my head hurts. Very badly. I gotta go.” She looked helplessly at both of them. “I'm so sorry. I really am. It's just— I think I need rest. I'll recompense. Probably dinner in three days?” They both shared a look and agreed.
Nesta was already walking away. “Love you both,” she threw over her shoulder.
“Feyre!” Rhys called. He beckoned Feyre and Elain to the table. He didn't see Nesta.
Cassian lightly kissed Feyre on her cheek once they made their way to the table and said, “Gorgeous as always. Happy anniversary!”
Feyre grinned, but it showed traces of disappointment.
He frowned. “Hey, what's wrong?”
She just shook her head and mumbled, “Nesta.” Rhys's face hardened. His brother was never fond of Nesta. He said that she was why Feyre was always worried.
“Where's Nesta?” Az asked, craning his neck to see behind farther.
“She… left,” Elain pointed, revealing a figure disappearing behind the gates. A figure he knew all too well. Shitshitshitshit.
His head snapped back to his brothers. “That is Nesta?” he damn near shouted.
Rhys scowled, “Yeah.”
No wonder why she's so beautiful, he thought dumbly before running after her with a quick “I'll be back.”
Nesta was wrong. In all her happiness of being reunited with her sisters, she completely forgot how even a small thing can break one's smile. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She kept her calm demeanour, but inside, she was a raging storm of emotions.
One step in front of the other, she kept reminding herself.
She kept walking. Even when she heard footsteps. Even when the steps got louder. Even as he got close enough to cease running.
But not when he called her name. She halted. Locked up her emotions. She knew she shouldn't but she turned around anyway.
“What do you want?” she snapped.
“Nesta,” he breathed. She tried to hold back her shudder. It was from the night air, she told herself.
“If you have nothing to say, do let me know. I'm not going to wait forever,” she said. Harsher than she intended to. But she didn't care, at least, that's what she told herself.
Cassian winked, “I'm honored you came, sweetheart. I'll pass the credit to my influence on you. ”
She ground her teeth against the truth threatening to fall off her lips. Yes, I came here because you made me happy. And I thought that if I tried, as I did with you, I can rebuild my relationship with my sisters.
Cassian did something stupid. He grabbed her hand. Her eyes snapped to his, burning with anger. Like the day they first met.
He gave her a crooked grin that he knew would drive her mad. Well, more than she already was. He tilted his head to the garden, “The party is that way, love.”
She snatched back her hand at continued walking. Like a fool, he followed. “I spoke to my sisters. Told them I won't be staying tonight. And that we'll have dinner in three day's time. Does that satisfy you? Now, can you stop following me?”
“Something's wrong. What's wrong, Nes?”
“One,” she ground out, “don't call me that. Two, I'm a grown-ass woman; I know how to take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter.”
“You did. That day,” he said quietly.
She whirled on him, “Is this you taking back favours? Because I'm not interested. You want money? Take it. Tell me your price and fucking take it! Don't tread on my heels because you helped me, okay? I've got way better things to do.” She paused, “And don't follow me, Cassian.”
She turned and stalked away.
You want money? Take it. 'Take it.' As if he were a beggar, asking for alms. As if they weren't laughing at each other's jokes not more than an hour ago. As if he didn't spend a week taking care of her as if she were a part of his soul. Maybe she was.
But that was before, Cassian thought as his heart cleaved into two perfect halves. No— it smashed to a million tiny pieces.
He waited till Nesta was out of his line of sight. He turned and walked back to the garden, leaving his heart behind.
taglist: @shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @ladygabrielli1997 @nehemikkele @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @ddsworldofbooks @irenethaleia @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 2
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary:you have recently decoved that your finance captain america is cheating on you. But there again you could be wrong. But what will happen when your not wrong ?. And your not the only one who has cort on to steve shaddy activitys .
AN : my grammar and spelling isn't the best so bare that in mind .
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Breakfast was quickly over. No word . No affection. Shown by the man who was ment to love you, the man you are ment to marry , the man you suspect is cheating on you. But maybe your wrong , maybe your brain is just over thinking. This is captain america we are speaking about, man who said your his world , his love , he wouldnt do anything to hurt you , especially in such a way . Would he ?
He wouldnt or so you thought/knew.
'God why cant I think straight ' you mind was racing around and around , question after question , excuse after excuse for him .
Maybe your just overreacting, I mean my spy training doesn't mean I have to be right every time . Nobody else has notice his behalf? Right .but you have and you know him better then anyone . Or so you should. But your not the only one whose notice a change . Nat did , she look like she was about to skin him alive with her butter knife at the breakfast.
You mind racing , your fist rapidly punching the bag , never stop . The training room had blurred form your vision along with everyone in it . You can feel you blood boiling , tight knots in your stomach as you think about steve with sharon . Your temper going just above busting point . You didnt notice you went breathing. You didnt notice your eyes glowing, you didnt notice the punching bag flying off , with a swerling yellow sting glow around it . You just stare at it , forgetting all the people . Nobody would notice anyway , it's not unusual for this to happen , but what is , is the power running through your veins . The very thing , nobody knows, the thing you hide , the thing you run away from , thing you dont want people to know about you , hell you dont even know what it is exactly. You spend all you time hiding it . The minority of the time you cant feel it running though , you normally have hold over it . But when your emotions get to extreme (more like things you dont experience often ) such as a need to cry, or your anger , anxiety. It slips out and your cant control it. And it doesn't help you are feeling all these right now.
You final brought back form your blurred vision with a hand on your shoulder. If it was anyone else you'd push them off , but not this person. Youd no them any way . Ever since it first comforted you when you just a child, in place no child should be , in a situation no child should be , expecting things no child should ever .
You slowing turn your face toward him . Bucky .or james as you knew him as a child . Hes your comfort , the closest thing you got to w father in the red room . This you keep a secret form everyone else , no one apart from nat knows that you were in the red room with her and as she was training and falling in love with james . He acted as a father to , never letting you get near the same amount punishment as the other girls. So when you found he was still alive , when you found he was becoming sane minded again you couldn't be happy. You weirdly felt safe the world again . After you were told just after he managed for you to escape that the red room had killed him .
You have alot of secrets such as people dont know about the fact that the red room trained you , Bucky trained you , or the fact that you two have a father and daughter relationship . Nobody knows not even Steve, to everyone else sheild trained you, you were a good field agent and was giving the opportunity to become an averager under the request of Nat .But at least two people know them nat and buck , they raised you basically, they know you , they know your history. But theres one secret that nat doesn't even know, only james . And that's about your mutation. James found out about it the same time you did .
You were 11 years old , training with james in a dark cold room . The constenced shouting in russian and girls crying was getting to your head missing punishing and kicks , you head was fuzzy, everything was become to quick , to fast . You couldn't handle it , although you go thought it every day . You final get a burst of energy and it shoots thought your veins and bones , the bright yellow light swerling around, pushing James into the wall . He knew what it was , he had heard of mutation before and what happens when the red room find a girl who has one , they either dont last very long or are put into different facilities. He protected you , help you hide it . Still does today .
So when you turned around , you saw the panic on his face, he knew what had happend , he was the only person in the room that saw as always. And he knew something was wrong because you knew let it get the better of . He automatically pulled you into a hug hiding your face from the rest of the world in his chest . It would be so easy to cry , so easy. If you wernt so anger you were shacking .
"Your okay " "your safe " "I got you " " you can calm down " he constantly whispers until you did as you were told and calmed down . You glance up till you met his glaze . His eyes was swerling with fear and empathy for you . "Now you gonna tell me what's got you all worked up ?"he asked pulling the hair out of your face . You just shake you head negatively, he nodded in return , knowing you was going to answer him anytime soon .
"I might have an idea " nats voice stalled you . 'Did she see ?' You become anxious again you dont want anyone to know about you mutions .
"You've go quite the rage and strength, and rightfully to " at this you know she must think you just punched the bag down .
"What do you mean ? What happend ? Do u know what's wrong? NAT tell me ! " buck quietly shouted concerned, pulling away form you , facing nat with his armes crossed .
"Calm down papa wolf , I dont think nows the time , let's calm her down and get a drink in her first , I know she needs it " she glanced at you sympathetically, she knows about sharon and Steve.
"What ! Nat Its 11am the mo...." bucky was cut off by the annocument above.
"Party tonight people. Main floor see you there tonight. Peace out , Iron man ! " Tony said though the speakers .
"Great !" You said walking out of the training room , towards your room , knowing you'll stay there u till the party.
Hours had passed and you haven't seen anyone all day , steve didnt come to check up on you like he normal did , you asked friday what he was doing every hour and your were denied access.
You and Nat hadn't spoke about what was playing on your mind , you just spent your day with a few early drinks and tv . It got to the time where it was time to get ready .you sat in that's room with a dress she picked out for you lying on her bed . You sat at the mirror finishing your simple make up nothing to extreme hust enough to add to your natural beauty.
You heard the bathroom door open , you turned to see that Nat was almost ready
"Come on kid , I know parties ain't really our thing but at least they'll be vodka "she joked .
"Thank god " you rolled your eyes and got up picking up your dress and heading towards the bathroom. You were just about to close the door when Nat sighed
"Y/n you .... I..... do you see what i see " she ask clearly neverous .
"About ?" You tried to act clueless but you knew what she was about to say
"About steve "
"..... " you stay silent for a while " can we not.. not right now .. we both could be wronge his the man I'm marrying, the man I love .... i dont want to think about it .... I... we might be wronge "
She scoffed at the thought but she nodded her head . And in you went into the bathroom to finish getting ready .
When you emerged out of the bathroom in your dark blue silk dress that hugged and was lose in all the right placed . With your hair curled and pinned half up and half down .
"Oh my .... you look gorgeous " Nat said with wide eyes . You felt it too as much as you ddint want to go to this party you felt great in this dress almost forgetting everything
"You look stunning as always " Nat just shrugged it off and grab your hand while heading our her door .
When you got into the hallway you and nat both stopped in your tracks.
"There you are ... iv been looking for you ... Tony and his parties eh " Steve laugh making you laugh too . This man put you into a trance everytime you saw him , he was in a dark blue shirt similar to your dress (not on purpose) . He looked as good as ever , you sighed with the biggest smile thinking this man is going to be your for ever soon . But then the voice started to creep back into your head ,instantly your small dropped to a frown
Steve took a step closer to you and kissed you on the check you let out a breath that you didnt know you was holding all day ,
'See everything normal we were just over reacting '
He smiled down at you "you look good " he said but he didnt even look at you the way be usual would , he didnt say what he usal would , it would be more then just good ...
"Good ? She looks stunning " Nat blurted out , you could tell she was staring at him like he was the target .
He just wrapped an arm losly around you , not tight like he normal would, he once said it was to keep you by his side and let everyone know your his . But not now . You felt so stuiped being in his arms .
"Let's go shall we "
You had been at the party for not that long Steve was by your side laughing and joking with everyone around the group . Nat , Bucky and Tony all laughing and joking
Everyone would feel fine if it wasnt for Steve's eyes keep wondering off
You sighed , chucking down your drunk , thinking your the only one that noticed but you forget that you were next to the best assassins you have ever know .
"Hi everyone "
"Oh hi sharon " Tony said
Your eyes snapped to her stunned , everyone eyes fell on her as you all stood at the bar in a circle she had managed to get her way inbetween Tony and steve
" you look stunning " steve said looking her up and down with a smirk , your heart dropped
"You get good and she gets stunning!"
"Thank you " sharon whisper trying not to star at steve but failing as there both keep sharing glances at each other, as a blush creeped on her check .
The music was the only thing filling the silence for a while as Tony sipped on his drink clueless . With steve and Sharom basically eye fucking each other while unknowly to you two very very anger killing mansions were ready to be Roger's down . You just stood there tears threating to make an appearance.
"I'm... I'm just going to pop to the.. " you couldn't finish your sentence already making your way down the hall .
Nobody looked at you are asked if you were okay .
You made your way blindly down corridors in all different directions you didnt know where you ended up, all you knew was you were far way you didnt hear the music and you were safe alone . You let out a quiet sob that lead to a few tears escaping your tear duck as you fought them off . Ignoring the stinging feeling with the tight chest and pit in your stomach .
Some one pulled you into there arms you you could see was a few red strains of hair
"Sshhhhh "
"I dont know why I'm like this.... I might be wronge " you choked out
Nat just gave you a look like 'when are we ever wronge "
"Come lets go back " was all she said you nodded .
She rubbed your back as you made your way through the corridors . Before you turned a corner you heard a quiet bang followed by laughter and giggles . You and Nat quietly laught and slowly made your way to the corner.
You stopped dead in your tracks with nat behind you . You were barely visible as you were still hidden around the corner .you quickly took a step back , pushing Nat backwards , she looked confused but you both listen carefully.
All you could hear was short breaths with giggles and growls
"Stop that "you heard a high pitched giggle
"Hell no ! I wanted to get my hands on you all night "
"You would be able to if you didnt have her ..."
"Soon " The deep voice cut her off "soon I'll be all your okay "
Your heart drop you could help the tears roll down your cheek. As you saw and hear Steve with sharon , it hit you hard , it all become reality and you couldn't take it . Nat griped you tightly clearly trying to calm her anger .
There voice went away and nat looked around the corner
"There gone ..I'm going to kill him " she snapped
You sobs became louder and louder your whole body was shaking
"Why ? Why ? Why ? He said he loved me , said I was his world , I'm meant to be his wife soon why ? What did he mean by soon ? Was he going to leave you?
Your body was shaking as nat stepped back , unknowly to you everything around you was shaking to . You vision blur and lost all connection to world around you and your heart was literally tearing into piece making the unwanted power over come you .
"Uh no nooo no " was all you hear and Bucky ran his way towards you
"Calm down it okay " bucky slowly came near you as the shaking stopped. He quickly wrapped you in his arms
"Calm down !"
There was silence that felt like forever Nat with her anger towards Roger's and shocked by you . While Bucky was staying calm for you
"You going to tell me ? " he asked slowly.
You shook your head no
There both sighed
"Fine I will!" Nat snapped
"No .. no please dont" you begged.
"What ? What is it ? "Bucky asked getting impatient
"No .. don't say it...its not real until you say it " you hiccup on everyone word
"Please " you begged one last time
"Just tell me god damn it "
"Roger's is cheating with carter "nat barked over youf sobs
"What !"
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fitmydaydream · 5 years
Lazy Mornings
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Prompt: Just some morning fluff about you fancying Shawn while he's asleep.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: Hey fellas! This has been sitting in my drafts since forever so I finally decided to post it. A little nervous about this one but I really hope you guys like it!
You always admired the mornings because you've always been an early hours kind of person. Seeing the sky fill with light filled you with new hope to start the day afresh. Lazy mornings were something which were never on your list but being with Shawn made you feel like you had to prioritize them over the early ones. And why wouldn't you? You would kill to have those few extra minutes of closeness with Shawn which you've always craved for being more frequent because he was on tour for almost seven months of the year. His tour has finally ended and he'd come back home. The way his face beamed of joy when he saw you at the airport and engulfed your body in an almost suffocating embrace the other night was something you couldn't get off your mind.
The alarm clock hits the time and the sound fills up the quiet room amongst the light snores from your man, which were the only audible thing in the room and you loved waking upto that. 
Groaning, you shut the alarm off. Mentally cursing yourself over forgetting it to turn off the last night because when Shawn's home, you prefer not to get woken up by anything else other than Shawn's immaculate morning kisses, one of the little things about him towards which you've developed your love for. Shawn wasn't among one of the cheesiest boyfriends you would categorize him into. He wouldn't bring breakfast for you to bed because he said it would be a total displeasure spending his time cooking rather than investing that time with you in bed, smothering you with kisses and holding you close. But he was one of those kinds who would rather have a takeaway and drive you to the beach in the early hours of the morning because watching sunsets with a picnic basket were too mainstream. That was who your Shawn was. Being the sweet spice in your life.
But today you'd decided against waking him up because he needed rest after finally coming back home after a long stretch of work. 
Pulling the covers off from you, you walk towards the window to pull the blinds off, hissing at the sudden cold hitting your bare legs. Sunlight flooded in once you tucked the blinds away and climbed back to your shuffled bed. A thin ray of sunlight hitting your boyfriend's face as you rested the weight of your body on one arm to take in the beautiful sight. You were so invested in him that it didn't even came into your realisation the moment your free hand was gently tracing his eyebrow. The sunlight spilling on his face, painting his face in a new shade of golden. The lashes forming a shadow beneath, adding to their lushness. The pad of your thumb now moving across the bridge of his nose all the way through the eyelids. Your index finger tracing the depth of his cheekbones bringing a frown upon your face as the sudden increase in their deepness. Meanwhile, a tiny cold wave of air brushed past your arm, making you retreat your hands from Shawn's face and covering your body with the sheets.
The sudden loss of contact might have been noticed by Shawn in his subconscious sleep because the moment you pulled your hand away from him to tug up the blanket of yourself, his hand found his way to yours and putting it back to it's place. A smile plastered on your face as you thought of him having his presence of mind while you were adoring his morning beauty.
"Oh did I just wake someone up?" you asked him in a cooing voice followed by light giggles.
"You might have disturbed my beauty sleep love" Shawn stated in his raspy morning voice.
"Well then I guess I'll have to keep my hands to myself. I sure as hell don't want my boy to sacrifice something which could be a compromise to his beauty right?" you joked in a light tone, dramatically pulling your hands away from him and trying to get out of the bed.
Shawn was quick to respond. To your surprise he wasn't as lost in his sleep as you thought he would be seeing his past sleep schedule. His arms were quick to wrap around your waist and withdraw you back to where you were before. His fingers danced around your tickle spots, as he started to place himself above you. 
"Shawn! S-Stop. I am n-not escaping any-ymore!" you muttered in between your laughs, holding onto his arms in an attempt to stop him. 
"How can I trust you my lady? Huh?" His hands now on both of your sides as he hovered above you.
Your arms found its way behind his bare back, holding onto him, pulling him down in an effort to close the distance as much as possible. Shawn dipped his head, placing his lips at the corner of your lips while a smile played at his. He started placing chaste kissed along your jaw, your hands tugging at his messy curls. 
"Just what I missed" you hummed against his skin. You'd missed his gentle touch, how he would play around with his lips all over your face, kissing each and every spot. 
His lips now connecting to yours, moving in a rhythm. Your hands travelled to the nape of his neck, blandly scratching the area which earned a moan from him. His teeth drew at your bottom lips, mildly pulling at them.
"God Y/N baby I missed you so much. I can't wait to do this all day for a while now." He finished as he pecked your lips.
"I didn't know I can be that irresistible sometimes which is a good thing" you beamed at him. 
"I wasn't finished yet. So I was saying I can't wait to do this all day just so you can play with my hair and put me back to sleep because you messed up my sleep this very morning. No offence meant." he mumbled nestling his head into the crook of your neck. 
"All offence taken." You stated acting like you were hurt, placing a hand over your chest.
"I think I can take care of that." He said as he raised his arm to take something from the side table. You couldn't figure out what it was until it was in his hands. 
Shawn was holding a Polaroid camera in his hands. He sat up and focused on you. You were completely startled at to what he was doing. As an instinct, you had your arms cover up your face.
"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes you better put that camera down. I look like a utter mess and I'm not to be messed with" you warned him jokingly, because you knew when he took your pictures at random moments. According to some plausible theory of his that he feeded in your mind, these pictures made him feel better at anxious times as he was reminded of everything that he shared with you. The closeness he craved to have, the love and the intimacy which he had with you to look forward to at the end of the day, got him through the tougher days. The nights he would come to you, being quieter than usual due to a stressful day at the studio, you would gently lay down with him without putting up any question. His head on your stomach and your hands in his hair, gently scraping his scalp making him doz off to sleep.
"Baby please. You know how much I love taking photos of you." Shawn begged you with his one eye popping from beside the camera and even though you could see his mouth, you were sure it'd turn into a pout. Five seconds and that face was all what took him to convince you.
You removed your hands from your face giggling at his innocence and at yourself over how stupidly you were head over heels in love with him. This was the type of connection and intimacy you've longed since long. 
After snapping a few shots, Shawn pulled you onto his lap, hands on your lower back while placing a sweet and lingering kiss onto your forehead.
"Look at you being all smiley today" he whispered against your skin.
"Yes because I was thinking of you the whole time" you replied, a visible grin spreading across your lips.
Feedback is forever appreciated. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this one! Thank you for reading <3 MASTERLIST 💕
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artemidian · 3 years
okay i'm really tired so bear with me if this is messy
my stomach is feeling better now and i'm lying down for a bit. i can't really walk around my neighborhood but it's fine. i made a mental plan to go outside and get like. sun. or something because i'm so pale rn. but idk if that's gonna happen. i don't even know where i would go. how i would do it. idk i'll focus on it in august. i finished the movie with my friend which turned out to be a horror and she hadn't told me😐 but it was fine. idk i hate horror movies because i get so annoyed and anxious. i hate any sort of high suspense. and it wasn't gore but it was def graphic + very very bloody and i don't like that either so :/ now we're watching another one but i'm just tuning it out idk
the exhaustion thing. yeah you're right but i just think it feels good to be exhausted. yes if i think about it it's for bad reasons, but still. it's nice. i get what you're saying tho. and i hope things get better or kinder at least, especially because you've worked so hard. you deserve it bae
and yeah it's not fun. it's mostly concerning because my mom has chronic pain, ms, other things. kinda just concerning cause i don't wanna turn out like her. it's just one of those Childhood Things lmfao. i have a neurologist appointment in a few weeks so i hope they'll actually be helpful this time
pre cal isn't that bad but rn i'm so tired. my eyes are hurting too but i need to finish this lesson and at least start on the next one. we'll see what happens idk i don't feel good rn. it's like i did a bunch of shit but then bruschetta took up 2 extra hours but either way i kinda did everything i was supposed to do? that's the purpose of my schedule so i get everything done early, but now i'm just like. itching cause there's nothing to do
and yeah the hand thing sounds really painfully. i hope you can just rest and hopefully it'll heal up soon. it might be good just to stretch so your muscles loosen, and light exercise will help the soreness ease away. but whatever you choose. just stay relaxed. my brain is also dead so i hope you can think of something. maybe reading some tropes will inspire you? idk lol that's what i end up doing half the time. my daydreams are beyond cliche. and my laptop does that to because of tumblr's new text editor. i usually just save the post to my drafts and when i reopen it, it works. idk why it's annoying
okay first of all i just saw my typo and to clarify: my phone. my phone was about to die– i assume you understood but still it made me laugh a bit
okay first of all you should go to bed on the earlier side tonight babe. get some rest <3 and spending time outdoors is great if you can find a safe way to do it. i like to sit in the woods but that's not an option for everyone. i keep startling my neighbors because they'll be using the walking path and i'll just be There in the woods but i mean– can you blame me? no <3 anyways horror movies suck. you already know how i don't care much for movies in general but horror movies are worse because like i've said: i'm sensitive :)
with exhaustion– i've been there, and making the choice to change those thought processes is so much work. it's doable but it's hard. and thank you :') i try
hopefully the neurologist is helpful! becoming like your parents, whether through something genetic or in some other fashion, is a difficult thought to have, i get it. i'd joke about what i inherited from my parents but– no. lmao
pre-cal– i'm fairy certain that you're not doing great at the moment (or whatever moment my tumblr feed decided to show me when i opened this hellsite) but hopefully it's not so bad. things get better when you take it easier with yourself (lesson #48 from ap french)
i've been resting for most of the day. letting time pass without being aware of how much time is passing is one of my specialties <3 thank you ADD <3 i stretched a bit earlier because it's one of those things i'm just in the habit of. i just have a simple stretching routine and it's muscle memory at this point– it's the same one i do at dance lol. i'm still deciding on whether or not i'm going to workout because i can't figure out my core motivation behind it and i'm not risking that.
and i still haven't thought of any good daydreams to think about but i assumed that this would happen. i read through old fic ideas and some prompt lists but it's more of an "i don't believe this" than a "no thoughts head empty" sort of thing at this point so i guess we're just doing that again– tumblr hasn't sabotaged my typing (yet) but i figured it was probably tumblr and not my actual device because, well. it's tumblr lol
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final-girl96 · 4 years
Let's Save The World
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Chapter Five
After getting Klaus a suit from dad's closest we headed back to Meritech. We went up to Mr. Bigs' office, the man Five had threatened early that day.
Like I told your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you," Mr. Bigs said.
"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name," Five hissed at him.
"Well, that's bot my problem. Sorry, now, there's really nothing more I can do, so...." Bigs said but Klaus cit him off.
"And what about my consent?" Klaus said.
I raised my eyebrow as me and Five looked at me curiously. Me and Five looked at each other then back at Klaus.
"Excuse me?" Mr. Bigs said.
"Who gave you the permission... to lay your hands... on my son and his girlfriend?" Klaus said dramatically.
"What?" Bigs said.
"Yeah, what?" I mumbled.
"You heard me," Klaus said.
"I didn't touch tour son or his girlfriend,"
"Oh, really? Well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then? And how did she he that handprint on her cheek?" Klaus asked.
"He doesn't have a swollen lip and she doesn't have a handprint..." but before Bigs could finish Klaus turned and punched Five in the mouth.
I gasped and stared in shock and then he looked at me and mouth sorry before he slapped me across the face. My head snapped to the right towards Five and my hand flew to my left cheek.
Five looked furious at what Klaus just did. I turned and looked at Klaus and glared at him. He turned putting his hands on the desk and leaning forward. "I want it. Name. Please. Now," he said.
"You're crazy," Mr. Bigs said.
Klaus chuckled "You have no idea," he said and pick a snow globe up. "Peace on earth," he read and shook it. "That's so sweet," he said before smashing it against his head. Glass, water, and glitter went everywhere.
I stood there shocked but I had a smile on my face. Klaus groans "God that hurts!" He yelled.
"No shit," I mumbled.
"I calling secur..." Mr. Bigs started as he picked up the phone.
Klaus snatched it away from him and put it to his ear. "What are you doing?" Bigs asked him.
"There's been an assault... in Mr. Bigs' office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" Klaus says into the phone and slamming it on the receiver.
Klaus leaned on the desk again looking at Mr. Bigs as blood dripped down his forehead. "Now, this is what's going to happen, Grant," he said.
"It's... Lance," Bigs said.
"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door. And they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder, "What the hell happened?" And we're gonna tell them that you... beat the shot out of us," Klaus said dramatically.
He stepped back and looked at Mr. Bigs. "You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh, my God, you're gonna get passed around like a..." he said and paused. "You're just... you're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying," he said.
"Jesus, you're a sick bastard," Mr. Bigs said.
Me and Five stood off to the side smiling. Klaus could actually be useful when he had a plan. I wasn't too sure at first but now that I've seen he can come through if needed, I trust him more.
"Thank you," Klaus said smiling and he spits out some glass onto the floor.
Bigs lead us to the files and we stood on the other side of the filing cabinet as he looked up the serial number of the eye.
"That's strange," he said looking at the file.
Klaus walked around and stood behind him. "What?" Five asked.
"Uh, The eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet," he said.
"What? What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number... this can't be right. It hasn't been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?" He said looking at Five.
"Well, this is no good," Five said.
We turned and left the building. As we walked out Klaus started yapping at the mouth. "I was pretty good, though, right? Yeah, what about my consent, bitch?" He said.
"Klaus it doesn't matter," Five said annoyed.
"What? What? What's up with this eye, anyway?" Klaus asked.
"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days," I said.
"They're gonna bring the end of life on this Earth as we know it," Five said.
"Yeah, can I get my 20 bucks, like, now or what?" Klaus said.
"Your 20 bucks?" Five asked angrily.
"Yeah, my 20 bucks," Klaus said.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"The apocalypse is coming. And all you can think about is getting high?" Five said.
"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a rumblin'," Klaus said rubbing his stomach.
"You're useless!" Five yelled.
"Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man," Klaus said.
They both walked over and sat on the wall by the steps. I stayed out on the sidewalk and paced back and forth. It had become a habit I did when I was anxious or stressed out.
"Hey, you know, I've just now realized say you're so uptight, " I heard Klaus say. I was curious soon listened in but made it as though I wasn't.
"You must be horny as hell!" He said laughing.
"All those years by yourself," Klaus said and I stopped. What the fuck was he talking about I was there too. Except for the five years, we had gotten separated.
"It's gotta screw with your head, being alone," he said.
"Well... I wasn't alone," Five said.
"Oh? Prey tell," Klaus said.
That's when I spoke up "I was there, remember?!" I said pissed off.
They both looked at me and both flinched as they looked at me glaring at them. "I was alone for five years when Eight and I got separated but I had someone. Her name was Delores. We were together for those five years and then she stayed even after Eight found me. She was there for 30 years," Five said.
He talked about her like he missed her. Like he rather her be here than me. I felt my eyes fill with tears but blinked them away. "Thirty years? Oh, wow," Klaus said.
I felt myself start to shake with anger and sadness. I could believe him. I guess he only asked me to marry him because I was the only living girl around. I looked at the ring on my finger and started playing with it.
"God, the longest I've been with someone was... I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep he did make the most fantastic osso buco, though. It was..." Klaus said but when he looked up me and Five were in a taxi.
Five had walked over to me and grabbed my hand and jumped into the backlit of the taxi going by. The Man looked at us in shock. "Don't stop. Just keep going," Five told him as we passed Klaus standing on the sidewalk looking at us as we went by.
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gyldenglor · 5 years
Humans are Space Orcs - Sadness
They thought they had heard a human scream.
They thought they had seen a human express sadness.
They thought they had seen humans come together to support one of their pack.
They had experienced nothing.
The light in the ship was dim, indicating that many of the 50 crew were close to ending their sleep cycles.
It was silent in the usually busy halls of the relatively small ship. The ship was big enough to comfortably house the crew and equipment, but small enough to ensure that, outside of each crew members' individual quarters (a luxury that set this ship apart from most), privacy was quite a commodity.
Only a few crew members wandered throughout the ship, either performing the odd maintenance, stopping by the restroom, or perhaps simply taking an early morning stroll - a calm morning, for which many of the life forms were relieved.
With ten humans aboard that can alter their sleep cycles at will - and apparently, not at will - a calm morning was something to treasure indeed.
Any pretenses of calm were shattered, however, by something the likes of which the 40 non-human crew members had never heard - a wail of unwavering strength, one that threatened to deafen the more sensitive inhuman life forms.
Within moments, every single one of the crew were awake, puzzled and afraid.
The wail split through the air again - all life forms rushed from wherever they were to the small meeting room, fear evident on their varied features.
Even the stoic captain, a logical and precise specimen of the Kral, seemed nervous.
They all exchanged clueless stares, wondering who on their ship could possibly make such a noise.
The wail came again, and all the crew flinched - all except the humans.
The humans exchanged glances, and immediately took off, practically sprinting to the source of the cry. Immediately the non human crew began to panic.
"Was it a war cry!?" One demanded. "It sounded so…aggressive." Many of the others follow suit with their own worries as the captain struggled to maintain control.
One human, hearing the dissent, turned back to explain the scream.
"I think that was Sophie - she's REALLY upset," the anxious human explained. "It sounds like she might be hurt - Xraxis, come on, we may need you!"
Startled by the demand, but relieved that it's not a sign of aggression, the Erqal medical officer spread their insectoid wings, the rapid beats lifting their diminutive form up and propelling them forwards much faster than they could run, and at a speed that could match that of the humans' sprinting.
A handful of crew, including the captain, rushed to follow, concerned both that a fellow crew member may be injured, and that the ship may be damaged in some way.
When they finally arrived, what they saw was not at all what they expected. The human Sophie was on her knees, her eyes leaking excess water, her body shaking with heaving breaths and wails, but she seemed unharmed.
Oddly, she was holding something in her arms, but it was obscured from view by the other humans that had crowded around her, each of them seemingly mimicking her behavior, but to lesser degrees.
"Sophie - are you hurt?" Xlaxis immediately inquired, bringing up a holographic diagnostic display, tapping into the ships' myriad of medical scanners to quickly check the status of the heaving human.
"N-No," Sophie managed to choke out, burying her face into the thing she was holding, sobbing harder and harder with each passing second.
Xlaxis, the crew that had come to investigate, and the captain all hesitated to ask what, exactly, was wrong - they had never seen a human act this way, let alone humans surround another human and mimic them.
Suddenly, one of the humans stood, and sprinted right at the crew watching!
"Move - fucking move!" The human shouted. The crew assembled in the doorway were quick to comply, watching in abject horror as the human barely made it to the bathroom before violently regurgitating.
Klaxons sounded immediately, and some of the crew rushed to get full biohazard containment suits on - when humans did this, the horrifically acidic contents of their stomach could eat right through some of the less armored crew, and possibly even the ship itself!
Xlaxis moved to check on the human that had regurgitated, considering enforcing a quarantine, in case it was contagious. However, he was distracted by a glimpse of what Sophie was holding.
Now that the human had left the huddle, Xlaxis could clearly see that Sophie was holding the body of a deceased predator - something the humans called a "dog". The medical officer was familiar with this specimen - Sophie cohabitated with it in a terrifying display of human dominance.
Xlaxis rushed over. "Human, you can't be near a corpse! It could carry infection!" They reached out to take the beast away from her, but recoiled when the human absolutely SCREAMED at them.
Xlaxis stepped back, barely able to understand what the human was saying beyond the sheer volume of the exclamation. She hugged it closer, and stood, turning away from the huddle and seemingly… Talking to it?
One of the humans gave Xlaxis a terrible glare, one that led them to believe they would die within a moment.
One of the humans shoved the one glaring at Xlaxis - Xlaxis knew this one, his name was Peter - he was part of the engineering crew, and frequently came in with various inexplicable injuries. "Don't give him that look - he doesn't know what's going on." Peter stood and began gently talking to Sophie. The other human quickly apologized to Xlaxis.
After accepting the apology per human customs, Xlaxis walked over to hear what was being said. They needed to know what was going on - how else could they do their job as medical officer?
"Sophie, he's gone. And look, Xlaxis is right, you can't hold onto him like this - look, just, give him to me, okay?" Sophie violently wretched herself away from the other human. "It's okay, it's okay - I'm just gonna him on his bed, make him comfortable, put a blanket over him - see?"
All that could be seen of the dog now was the lump under the blanket, and a little bit of tail.
Weary of angering Sophie again, Xlaxis tugged on Peter's sleeve, and informed him that they should bring Sophie to the medical ward immediately, to check for infection from the body.
"Yeah - we need to get her out of here, and it'd be good for her to be alone for a bit." Peter wrapped an arm around Sophie. "Come on, let's get you to the medical bay, okay? You can lay down there and be alone for a bit - let's just let Spot be alone for a bit, okay?"
Peter silently excused himself past the aliens in the doorway. Xlaxis spread his wings again, quickly following after the humans, his tail lightly dragging on the floor.
The other humans slowly filed out, closing the door behind them to ensure the body remained undisturbed. A member of the biohazard team that had just finished cleaning the stomach acid protested when he heard what was in there.
"Look, I know, it's a biohazard - we can put him in the morgue, okay? But we can't just dispose of him."
Confused, but relieved that they could remove the hazard from the area, they quickly assisted the human with moving the corpse to the morgue of the ship - a small room, betraying the hope of the designers that it would remain a safe ship.
When Sophie, Peter, and Xlaxis arrived in the medical ward, Peter gave Sophie some water and a blanket, then calmly explained everything to Xlaxis.
"That thing was a...pet?" Xlaxis asked in hushed tones, attempting to avoid offending Sophie.
"Yeah, and she loved him - a whole lot." Tears glistened in Peter's eyes, and his lips began to quiver. "I loved him, too - he was a good boy."
With that, Peter, who had tried so hard to keep it together for the sake of his friends and the crew, started to break down, immediately hugging Sophie as they cried together. Xlaxis sat there, dumbfounded by the turn of events.
After a moment, Xlaxis felt that they had nothing to offer, so they left - and immediately went to their quarters to update the Human Guide.
Entry #2,532,127
Author - Xlaxis
Race - Erqal
Chief Medical Officer serving under Captain Ky'Veen
Subject: Pack Bonding and Sadness
Firstly, it turns out humans cohabitate with "dogs" out of desire to do so for happiness, not to display dominance due to being able to contain a vicious predator. Clearly, it is another instance if their bizarre "pack bonding".
Furthermore, when humans pack bond with something, this emotional and illogical bond does not stop at death. In fact, one can truly observe its strength in death.
A human crew member aboard my ship had one of these dogs as a companion. It died today, and the human was screaming as if she, herself, had been killed.
All the other humans gathered immediately, and even though some of them did not have much of a connection to the animal, they all shared in the sadness.
I don't believe sadness is accurate. This was something… More. Something… Horrible. I wish to never experience the profound depths of misery my crew mate experienced today.
Despite the animal being deceased, the human treated it with such reverence and care, so much so that one would think it could die again if she weren't careful.
Truly, pack bonding is an amazing phenomena - and if a human pack bonds with you, you can be rest assured that they will, in fact, remain loyal to you beyond your death - and at this rate, possibly even their own.
Thank you so much for reading! This is loosely based upon my own experience, in which I found my own dog of seventeen years passed away while home on my own.
It really is an absolutely horrible experience, and I realized after reading a lot of the humans are space orcs stories that aliens would be very, very confused by the behavior - after all, everything stops with death, so surely pack bonding must as well?
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queenattheopera · 6 years
Opening Number, Part 5
Prompt: This is the story of the band that skyrocketed beside Queen and how their singer was fated to be with one of them.
Warning: Cussing and implied smut
If you want to catch up with previous parts they’re linked on my Masterlist in my bio
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January 1, 1971
If it weren’t for the enticing smell of food I don’t think I would’ve considered leaving my bed. Sitting up I could feel my head pounding. I grimsed and closed my eyes. I refused to move for a few seconds. I could feel the intense pounding in the back of my head, it me a few deep breaths to find some relief but i knew that wasn't going to last. So I tried to redirect my attention to recalling what happened last night.
I took some shots, danced with Fred, and then I made out with someone. I couldn't seem to remember who it was but I remember how their hands felt as they roamed my body. I remember their lips exploring just as much as their hands did. I remember the smell of alcohol in their breath and how intoxicating their scent was. I sighed and opened my eyes. The noise in the kitchen hadn't stopped but I was too nervous to see who was causing it.
Who do i want it to be?
As I pushed myself off my mattress, I was met with nothing but cold air. I pulled the comforter off the bed and wrapped myself with it. As I'm tried taking the first few steps away from the bed frame I began to limp. Sore could barely describe how my legs felt. As I try to move further the blanket gets caught on something, not caring enough to find out I decide to yank it. I heard something fall but it didn't sound broken so I continued to make my way towards the mysterious figure in my home. The closer I got the more anxious I became. I could feel my heart begin to race. As it sped up more and more, it was all I could hear. I was about to turn into the kitchen when they stepped out.
I froze and forced myself to make eye contact with the them.
“I was wondering when you would get out of bed.” My stomach dropped. I don't think i slept with him, right? Not that he's not attractive, but he's my best friend. “Are you okay? You left really early last night, I mean I don't think you got any sleep going from the bags under your eyes.” I don't want to look at him because I felt beyond embarrassed but I need to know what happened last night.
“Wait so we didn't..?” He was silent for a few seconds before beginning to laugh, “Wow you must have been fucked up if you really thought that we would ever do anything.I mean no offense-” Before he could finish I punch his shoulder. “Shut up!” I feel my face growing warmer but I was relieved that he wasn’t the open who I had slept with.
“What the hell are you doing here anyway?” He walks towards the dining room but I don't make any move to follow him. “Cmon, at least take a look to see what I did.” Rolling my eyes I begin to make my way over while trying to hide the extremely obvious limp with the comforter. I'm sure he noticed after he snorted but he didn't say anything.
“Ta-da! I made you a birthday breakfast!” Seeing the table setup my eyes begin to water. He had made all my favorite foods and there were even a few gifts in the corner of my room. I looked at him and he had the biggest proudest smile plastered on his face. He was admiring his work but his smile disappeared when he saw that I began to cry.
“What happened? Did I do something wrong? I mean I know it's just me but I remember you told me not to tell anyone else and that you usually celebrate alone. I just thought you would like this.” I laughed at his rambling and wiped the tears away.
“It’s fine Noah, It's actually perfect, I just haven't really had a party or anything since my parents passed away. I- um Thank you..” His demeanor changed, and instead of getting a look of pity, he smiles and gives me a hug. “Why don't you go clean up and get dressed so we could eat and you could open your gifts okay?” I nod and go back to my room.
Walking back towards my room I see a puddle, I guess when the blanket got stuck I had knock over a glass of water resting on my nightstand. Bending down to pick up the glass I find a piece of paper under my bed.
Sorry I couldn't stay love. Let me make it up to you. I’ll pick you up tonight around 9. -hbsdcbaib I reread the paper a few times, then I just stared at the smug as I tried to decipher whose name was written.
I want to scream. I feel nothing but anger towards myself. If I hadn't spilled that water on the note than I would have known exactly who the I slept with last night. Instead my lover is faceless.
There was nothing I could do but wait. I grab some clothes and head towards the bathroom. Before I entered, I let the blanket fall than close the door. I standing in front of the mirror I take in every detail. My eyes look much worse than to what Noah had led me to believe. Then there was my neck and chest. I was covered in bite marks and hickies. When I turned to step into the bath tub I could feel some tenderness in my hips. Looking down I see bruises, resembling someone's hands. When looking at my legs, I’m met with two more hickies.
Ignoring the achiness I take a hot shower. As I'm standing there I think back to last night. I remember the passion and roughness that my counterpart used. When he had me against the wall or when his head was between my legs. He was confident with very move. He worshiped my body. Together we fit like puzzle pieces. I could feel the heat between my legs begin to intensify. I push it away and finish my shower. After I'm dressed I look into the mirror. I know Noah has seen most the marks on my neck but I still had the urge to cover them. I grabbed some makeup and covered most of them. The others were too dark to hide so I grabbed a turtle neck from my closest and changed. Satisfied with eth look I walked back toward the dining room.
“Finally, do you know how hard it was to have all this food but not to be able to eat any of it.” I laugh and sit down across from him. I don't say anything as I grab a fork and stab the food in the plate. None of it ever makes it into my mouth a dn instead just gets moved around. I could feel Noah's concerned gaze on me but neither of say anything. He comes around the table and bends down to my height.
“Did something happen? If something did you don't have to tell me, but just know that I'm here for you. And if it was one of the guys, I swear I'll kill them.” I smile and roll my eyes. “No you won't, you'll have Em do it.” He laughs but he still looks worried. I sighed, i think back to last night. “I was um, um I was almost attacked last night.” I can't bring myself to look up at him, I was embarrassed, blaming myself for what could’ve happen.
“Who?” I look at him and i'm surprised by how intense his gaze his. A few tears slip out, my anxiety and stress had finally taken hold of the wheel. “Don’t worry about it, Im fine, it was nothing. Its what happened after. Roger saved me. Then Brian and John comforted me. Then i slept with someone and I don't even know how. They left a fucking note that I ruined so now I have no idea who it was from. I’m confused and I don't know what to do and my head hurts and -” I couldn't finish my sentence because I began to cry. Well I was actually sobbing. This only increased the pain I was feeling and it made me feel weak and powerless.
Noah holds me and doesn't say anything. He pulls away when I had started to calm down. “Its okay, it's going to be okay. Let's figure this out. You should eat, I'm going to call the gang and Freddie.”
After sitting there for a minute or two began to eat. I don't have much of an appetite but I forced myself to eat and drink a glass of water. When Noah came back he cleaned up and began to hide the gifts. I silently thanked him for still considering how I felt about my birthday. Just as we had finished cleaning up there was a knock at the door. It must have been Fred because everyone else had a key.
I walked towards the order. I was happy when I noticed that i could walk normally despite the ache. When I opened the door the first thing Freddie did was gasp. “Oh you poor thing! Come here love.” Freddie pulled me into a hug. I guess the crying made my makeup run and that's why he gasped. He didn’t say anything. All he did was shush me an rub my back. It was actually really comforting. When I pulled away freddie began to fix my hair. I smiled softly before taking his hand off my hair. I led him inside. “Thanks for coming Freddie, I'm sorry if you were busy, we shouldn't have called.” I didn't want to be another and I wasn't feeling my best. Frankly I didn't have the energy to be my usually bubbly self. “Nonsense darling, I'll always be here for you.” He rubs my shoulder and gives me the biggest smile.
“Alright love, since we dont know whos coming to pick you up, let's get you dolled up.”
“Lets get her comfortable first, Y/n, we know youre probably aren't feeling up to anything right now so here's what we're gonna do. You're going to take some pain medication, take a nap then we'll get you ready okay.” Emily had let herself in and was beginning to take charge. Usually Fred and her would annoy each other but after their silent communication Freddie turned to me and smiled. “She's right love, get some rest.” I looked between the too and nodded. Once I was in my room I began to run last night over and over again. I felt stupid, I got drunk last night for a reason, now I'll have to live with the haunting my actions for the rest of my life.
“Hey y/n, Em told me to give this to you.” Charlie handed me the medicine and sat at the foot of my bed. “I know how you are. I know you're blaming yourself right now but I also know that it's not. You're okay. We're here for you.” I took the pills and nodded. “Thank you.”
In the next few hours while I slept, my house guests cleaned and prepared everything for me. They had set aside an outfit they knew I would like and they spoke about how they would help me feel better.
When I woke up my headache was alleviated and I felt more nervous than ever. I stood up to find an outfit set hanging on my closet door. I put it on and reapplied my make-up. When i walked out of my bedroom I found the gang in my living room playing scrabble.
“Y/n you're up!” I walk to them and Noah gets up and offers me his spot. He then walks away. I turn to the others looking for soe response as to what they're doing.
“It's your turn.” When i look u at them, i realize they are speaking to me. I make a calculated move. Noah comes back with some tea. They don't bring up anything from yesterday and instead play a friendly game of scrabble. Their passive actions put me at ease. I became so focused on the game I forgot about yesterday. It was what Emilly planed. They distracted me, they took my focus away from all the bad and gave me a moment of peace.
Before I knew it, t was 8:50. “Alright y/n, your dates gonna get be here but were going to be in the bedroom. They’ll be here soon. I know you're going to be nervous, but if you ever feel uncomfortable, just know we're here for you.” “Yes darling, and if any of the boys do anything, then ill kick their arses. You know I was pretty good boxer.” I smile and nod. “Thank you, I mean in.” I pull Em and Fred into hug. Charlie and Noah don't hesitate to join. I watch as they walk into the bedroom and close the door. I take deep breaths but I could feel myself getting nervous all over again. I'll admit it's not as bad as before but I was still really anxious. I was spacing in the living room while trying to relax.
I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I was frozen and I stopped breathing for a second. When they knocked again I let out my the breath I was holding in. I moved cautiously towards the door. I unlocked the door and put my hand on the doorknob. Here goes nothing.
Tag list: @smile-nine @phantom-fangirl-stuff @fantasticchaoticwho @cosmicsskies @triggeredpossum
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amysubmits · 7 years
I’ve always viewed myself as a really emotional person. It’s never taken much to hurt my feelings, to scare me, to concern me. I’ve always wished that weren’t true. I’ve always wished I could be cool, calm and collected all the time but that just isn’t who I am. I can sort of maintain composure in front of other people, but I remember being in third grade and going to the bathroom to cry. I’ve made it through funerals and weddings without anyone seeing me cry despite my high emotions only to fall apart the second I'm alone. For whatever reason, I’ve always had this really intense desire to avoid crying or expressing anxiety in front of others. There is this voice in my head that just says “you CANNOT cry right now.” if I get upset in front of people. It just doesn’t seem like an option, period. 
From the beginning of our relationship @cynicaldom has been an exception to the rule. I let him see me emotional. Or maybe it wasn’t really the very beginning, but certainly early on. I remember being a little panicked the first time he knocked on the door while I was crying in there. 
“Are you crying?” 
“Come on.”
“What? I’m just peeing.”
“No. You aren’t. You’ve been in there too long. And your voice sounds funny.”
Shit. Nobody ever had called me out like that. 
I won’t lie. I kept trying to cry in private most of the time. After that first time, I’d do it in a shower or bath to hide the noise a little better. It only worked sometimes. Other times he’d catch on and knock on the door. But that desire to guard my heart when I was sad was strong. It still is sometimes.  
Entering D/s didn’t make CD more supportive of my emotions, he always was. It didn’t erase my inclination to try to be independent and distant when I’m sad, the instinct is still there, and sometimes it still wins. But having our dynamic structured with rules and daily expectations makes it really glaringly obvious when either one of us is “off”. It’s harder to hide behind my wall of “No, really, I’m fine.” when he can see that I’m dragging my feet on my rules. When I’m not struggling emotionally, I don’t think twice about any of my rules or tasks. When I’m emotional they take so much more effort. I have to pep talk myself into doing what is expected of me, and he sees that shift in me. I find myself wanting to ask for permission to skip rules more frequently. And when he holds firm I struggle with that too, even though the logical side of me knows it’s exactly what I need. 
CD is okay with me not having a smile on my face and a pep in my step when doing chores or tasks. He appreciates that I put the work in even when it’s hard. But he sees the difference between my normal self and my “just going through the motions because I have to because these are the rules” self. I don’t have the acting skills to hide that truth. Sometimes I want to, desperately. 
Recently, I think it was primarily hormones that were to blame. CD woke up, I heard him and went in to join him. He was laying on his back. I climbed over top of him, legs straddled to the sides. He ran his hands over my back while we talked. Then both hands end on my ass. I push my hips, pushing deeper into his hands. 
“I’m horny.” I say quietly, shyly. 
“Yeah?’ he says with teasing in his voice. He raises a knee between my legs. I grind against it. 
He continues rubbing my back, squeezing my ass. We cuddle this way for quite a while. My stomach growls loudly. We laugh and the conversation turns to food. We move to the kitchen. I’m happy. Not just normal happy, particularly happy. 
I stand in front of CD and look up at him grinning. 
“What is it, Toy?” he says. 
It catches my ear because I don’t think he’s ever called me just Toy before. His voice was so sweet. My heart melts. 
I blush and squirm. It was a rhetorical question. He knows I’m horny and just seeking more attention. 
He turns me around so that he is behind me, and dry humps me. One fist in my hair and the other hand around my neck. Then into my ear “Do you like to be used?” he asks.
“Yes, Sir!” I reply, grinding back against him.
“Oh really? You didn’t give my cock any attention. Are you sure you weren’t just looking to cum yourself? Maybe you don’t want to be used...” His voice is the teasing tone again. 
He continues manhandling me and groping me. I push out moaning sounds to try to play along but my heart has dropped and my mind is in a completely new place. Emotionally I’m frozen in panic. Why didn’t it occur to me to stroke him? Or to ask to suck his cock? I’m too selfish. He thinks I don’t care about his pleasure. What is wrong with me? I was so fucking happy 2 minutes ago and now I’m an emotional lunatic. Why does he even like me?
Yet even in the moment I know this is anxiety. I try pep talking myself. We specifically have guidelines in place for the expressed purpose of preventing me from worrying about whether I pleasure him enough. He instigates what he wants when he wants it. That’s supposed to be the end of the story. My anxiety doesn’t always listen to that. 
I try to move on to cooking and eating but the anxious button in my brain is stuck on. My pep-talking isn’t working. I know I need his reassurance but I feel that urge to go cry in the bathroom. He just woke up. He doesn’t want to deal with my stupid emotions. What a terrible way to start his day. Yet I can tell that I'm “faking it” poorly. I’m not looking at him enough or something. His eyes are lingering on me too long, analyzing me. He can tell something’s wrong. Once the food is finished I convince myself to go to him. 
He’s in his chair. I sit facing him, in his lap, my legs straddling his. The side of my face against his shoulder. I try to come up with words but I can’t. He asks what’s wrong. 
“I’m having anxiety.”
“About what?”
It’s a long pause before I find words. “What you said about not touching you. Did you think I was a being selfish?”
“Oh! No. No, no, no. Of course not...”
He says it so earnestly. I feel so much better. The logical side of my brain knew he was trying to tease me. We’ve been on tease and denial for a couple of days. He was just teasing me about being desperate and for not having my pussy used. Yet getting confirmation helps so much. But this lingering emotional heaviness is still on me. I stay sitting with him for a while and shed a couple of silent tears onto his shoulder but I don’t let myself really cry. I don’t want to. I feel like such a pain already. He doesn’t need to hear me cry, too. I decide I have myself together enough to go on about my day so I stand up. He has other plans. He takes my hand and starts walking towards our bedroom. 
When he leads me to the bedroom he’s either going to fuck me or spank me. Logically I know with all this teasing it won’t be to fuck me. Yet I’m hoping it is. Not because I’m horny, but because I know I’ll cry if he spanks me. I don’t want to cry. I can’t cry. I can’t cry. I can’t cry. 
When he pulls me to my side of the bed I know that means spanking. I take a deep breath and make a pact with myself to hold it in. Once I am over his knee he leans over towards the closet and opens a drawer that holds our implements. He doesn’t like me to look at what he’s going to use so I keep my head straight. On the first blow I know what paddle it is. It’s a mean one. I’m a little shocked. Why use a mean paddle when I’m so sensitive today? I know I stand no chance of holding my tears in.  
I try to fight it. I get angry for a minute. Angry that he picked a mean paddle. Angry that I’m not tougher, stronger, that I don’t have a higher pain tolerance. In my bout of anger I reach back to block. He grabs my hand and pins it to my back so fast. That makes me angry too. I’m stuck. It’s that helpless feeling that forces me to let go. So I cave, and I cry. I cry for just a few seconds when he slips the paddle back into the drawer. 
My thoughts go 80 miles an hour again. I stop crying. Did he get weirded out because I cried so easily? Does he think he did something wrong? Why is he ending the spanking so soon? Why couldn’t I hold it together longer? I’m waiting on my two butt pats, which he does to give me permission to stand. They don’t come. Hard swats do.
He lays into me with his hand. 
Occasionally after a paddling he’ll give me a few really hard ones with his hand. But this isn’t like that. This is a solid hand spanking, fast and steady. My brain is too busy trying to make sense of this. He never goes back to his hand after a paddle. I’m confused. He works down to my sit spot, my lower butt and upper thighs. He lingers there. He knows the easiest way to get me to tears with his hand is at that spot on my thighs. Is that the point? Was his point with all of this to help me cry? I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter because it hurts too much and I cry again. 
He spanks me a while and I keep crying. He stops and I cry still. He leaves me over his lap as I finish crying and regain composure. I feel so much better. 
He hugs me afterward and I squeeze him extra tight. As tight as I can, so that my arms start to tremble. Partly to make him laugh. Partly because I want to thank him for helping me cry. He’s not shaken by my crying or my anxiety at all. It doesn’t seem awkward. He’s just his usual self. I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s always handles my craziness well. His demeanor is calm and warm. 
That night as I got ready to go to bed I felt the need to address it. I knew if I just apologized for being emotional he would dismiss it. He never lets me apologize for my emotions. So instead I say “I wish I wasn’t so emotional.” He shrugs. “It might take a couple days but it will pass. You’re okay.” He pinches my cheek, one of his favorite ways of showing affection. I shouldn’t be surprised by how content he seems, despite the emotional waves from the day. It still does surprises me though. I hope someday I’ll stop being surprised, and will accept that he really is just this safe, this non-judgmental, this sweet. I don’t need to cry in the bathroom anymore. He is my safe place.
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kokotaro · 7 years
Hello! I read your Toshinori scenario and I'm blown away by your amazing writing and accurate representation!! Can I have a scenario of Toshinori being a worried and clingy boyfriend when his s/o comes back late (like 3 am late) because she went drinking with some old friends during a reunion?
aw thank you! sorry this is so late, school’s really beatin my ass rn lmao. also, i’ll be using gender neutral pronouns so everyone can enjoy it! enjoy
here’s the previous posts
word count: 2420 
“Please leave your message for-”
“Shit..” Toshinori uttered.
This had been the third time he’d called his significant other and the third time it had gone to voicemail after listening to the dull tone on the opposite end. An anxious sigh escaped him as he stared down at the phone in his large hand. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since his partner left but he knew they had been out entirely too long in his book. He wasn’t a boyfriend to become possessive and intrusive of their privacy, no! He trusted them as well as their choices because he knows they wouldn’t do anything to betray him. He knew they were fine and having fun with their friends. But there was something that kept telling him that something was wrong if they didn’t send him any quick messages or answer his calls. It made him worried. Very worried.
Being a hero was a tough job, of course he loved being able to protect the innocent and make sure they’re alright, but it also heightened his senses to know when something was wrong. It also made him think that something is always wrong too. That could just be his anxiety creeping up on him now that he thought about it.
“A-Alright.. I know they’re fine. I know that.” He breathed out, calming himself.
He repeated phrases of this sort - “It’ll be okay.” “They’re fine.” “They’re safe.” - under his breath to comfort himself. It became a soft mantra that soothed him little by little. There was no need to be as freaked out as he was. But he couldn’t help it either, with the things he’s seen, fought, talked to, and put in jail, there was a good reason for him to be worried. There could be a villainous attack with people getting hurt or buildings falling or cars crashing or fires starting or anything that could hurt them! Well, great. Now that’s all he could think about. The small moment of peace he was able to find had dissipated. Toshinori paced in front of the couch as he continued to think about the worst case scenarios and he didn’t even realize how deep he was diving into these negative thoughts. His eyes shot to the digital clock sitting on a nearby counter. Midnight.
The hero plopped down on the edge of the couch as he rest his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands then letting them slowly run down. The skin on his cheeks were slightly tugged down along with his hands. His hands remained in front of his mouth as he stared at the television screen in front of him. He was watching some random variety shows in order to pass the time and it worked for a while until he noticed how late it was getting. They had left only a few hours before, eight o’clock or so, and he managed to be fine with it for a majority of the time. They said they were with friends they hadn’t seen since high school for a mini reunion and he was comfortable with that. What was genuinely getting to him was how late it was, the fact their phone seemed dead, they were drinking, plus, he wasn’t sure when they’d come back home. On top of his embedded worry he didn’t want to seem like the type of person who would get over protective and manipulative over them either! It was almost frustrating.
Scratch that, it was frustrating. Unbelievably and annoyingly frustrating. He was by no means mad at his significant other nor the fact that they were having fun and he wouldn’t ruin for them whatsoever but he was mad at the fact that he couldn’t seem to get over the paranoia nagging at him as a hero. He huffed, drumming his fingers across one of his knees and staring at the television once again. Maybe watching the shows again would help him although he was doubting it at the same time. He thought of doing something else but then he couldn’t think of anything else to do, so, he stuck with watching the dumb late night shows. Certain guests were entertaining up until his eyes involuntarily flicked towards the digital clock shown on the cable box and he nearly fell off the damn couch.
“T-Two thirty in the morning!? How can the tv waste so much time..” He exclaimed, putting a hand to his forehead as he reached for his phone. He paused midway.
He really did not want to seem clingy or overbearing over his significant other but he felt the worry starting to consume him. His hand slowly retracted from the device on the coffee table as he looked down to the floor with another sigh leaving his lips. There were so many things to be worried over about but at the same time he could be absolutely worried about nothing at all. Then he heard a soft buzz from his phone and he jumped before diving for it, snatching it off the table immediately. He swiped his thumb across the screen, typed in his password, and stared at the notification at the top. After opening it, he felt relief flood throughout his body as it was a text message from the very person he’d spend the most of his night thinking about. They said they were leaving now and they’d be home in about thirty minutes or so. Then another message popped up as soon as he finished reading the first one claiming they’re getting a ride home from a friend they assigned as the designated driver. A smile crept up on him, he felt a bit proud that his s/o had thought that far if they were to drink too much.
One more message came up on screen.
“Heyyyyyyy Toshi~! Have i told u how much i luv u????? BC i REALL Y do.” He read. Wow, they must have been pretty drunk to be texting so oddly.
“Yes, you have. I love you too. I’ll be here when you get home.” He sent back. Now that the worry left, his body felt like it was full of lead and he had to sit back down on the couch, sliding down into a slumped in position.
Not too long later, his phone began to buzz again but this time in a longer and more consistent pattern. Who was calling him this late- or rather, this early? It left him dumbfounded for a moment before he lifted his phone up to read the name. He raised a brow when it was revealed to be his partner and he tapped the screen to answer the call, raising his phone to his ear. He was first greeted with the sound of giggling then small sniffs followed by more laughter mixed with soft sobs. There went his heart rate again. It spiked and he sat up straight, sputtering and fumbling over his own words for a moment. They shh’d him which just confused him as he listened to what he assumed was them trying to compose themself enough to speak.
“You really love me?” They asked. He felt his body become weighted with relief again as his back hit the couch.
“Yes! Of course I do.” He answered, laughing lightly at the sound of them crying harder. He didn’t mean to laugh, really, but he honestly thought it was a bit cute that they were crying over something as simple as their feelings for one another. “Are you almost home?” He asked.
“Yeeeaaaaah. I think so? Yeah. Yes. Yuup.” They seemed to have stopped crying already. “Definitely yeah! I see the.. The-the thing. What is it?” He could hear them speak to one of their friends and describing something even he couldn’t figure out. “It’s like.. Tall and bright.. And.. uh.. And tall!” He snickered. “Don’t you laugh at me Toshi! You nerd.” He could only snicker again. “Wait.. Do you mean that lamppost over there? The one with a plastic flower taped to it?” “YEAH HOLY SHIT THE LAMPPOST!” Now he totally lost it. He was holding his stomach, leaning over doubled with laughter. He felt a few tears prick the corners of his eyes as he gasped for air and in between each little breath he took, he tried to explain to his partner that they were just entirely too funny like this. Once he calmed down, he let out a cough, and find himself smiling like an idiot.
“Well, I’m glad you closer to home than I thought. Do you want to stay on the phone or hang up?” Toshinori offered as he knew they were only a few blocks away from home. The lamppost with the plastic little flower was a somewhat special place for the two. They had ran into each other there, met there for their first date, even shared their first itty bitty confession of feelings there too. He wasn’t sure how it all ended up happening in the same spot every time but he was glad they were able to have such memories. And every time he sees the lamppost with the flower, he’s always reminded of them. Whenever someone would take the flower down one day, it be back there the next. It was odd but cute.
“No, talk to me. I like it when ya talk.” They chuckled and he hummed, thinking of something to say.
“Hmm.. You know you nearly gave me a heart attack staying out so late. I’m not trying to lecture you or anything stupid like that. It worries me, seeing what I see, doing what I do. I’m just more than happy that you’re safe and seem to be in a great mood. It’s also made me realize you mean so much more to me than I even realized before and.. I can’t think of anything better that’s happened in my life than you.” He supposed it was a bit too sentimental to say when they’d most likely forget this the next day but it was also all the more reason to keep talking. He needed to get a bit off his chest. “You’re safe, you’re happy, you’re healthy. I can’t believe you were out so late too! Ahh, I know you wanted to be alone with your friends but I wish I could have gone with you to see what kind of drunk you are or see what kind of trouble you go into.” He chuckled at the mere thought. “Then again, I think when you get home it’ll be better than any night out with a group.” He paused then became silent after that.
The silence remained for a few more minutes and he wasn’t sure what was happening at the moment until he heard keys jingling outside the door. He heard them drop before standing, walking over, then opening it to show the slightly messy looking person he loved on the other side. Their hair was a bit fuzzy, shoes in one hand, phone in the other, and the keys were somehow hanging from their mouth. His eyes went from bottom to top and when he noticed that there were a tiny formation of tears coming to their eyes, he froze. Had he said too much? Did he sound clingy? Was he annoying them? Did he kill their buzz? His eyes flicked from them to the floor and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I, uh.. Sorry abou-”
Before he could complete his sentence, they jumped onto him in a hug but he stumbled over and fell right on his ass. They didn’t seem to care as they only pushed themself closer to him. His arms instinctively wrapped around their waist and he felt their face being pushed into his neck. There were warm tears falling onto his skin. He wasn’t necessarily sure what was going on nor what they were thinking and he could only assumed this was somewhat good. That or they were planning to squeeze him to death.
“You dummy. You can’t say all that stuff when I’m drunk! I’ll cry! How can you make your loving and perfect little significant other cry like this? Being all nice.. And loving.. Ugh.” They whined, words slurring slightly.
“O-Oh, I, well, I-I.. I didn’t think you’d react like this. I apologize.” Toshinori began to hold them in his lap and gently pet the top of their head in hopes to calming them down. “I’m glad it made you happy though. I was worried it sounded differently. But never mind that now, let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.” He hummed, scooping up from the floor and closing the door with his foot. He managed to lean down and lock it as well.
He strolled into their bedroom, turning right and walking into the next door that connected to the bathroom. He set them down to be sitting on top of the toilet seat then pressed a quick, gentle kiss to their forehead before turning away towards the cabinet behind him. There he pulled out a washcloth and the bag of makeup removing wipes that he saw his s/o using after a night out. He tugged two makeup wipes out of the bag then proceeded to gingerly clean the makeup from their face. They would tell him about their night as coherently as possible as he did so. He couldn’t really understand what kind of story was being told but they enjoyed their night and looked cute too so he didn’t mind. After using both wipes, he made sure to wet the washcloth and wipe down their face one more time for good measure. Once their face was clean, he walked them back into the bedroom to help them change into their favorite baggy pajamas. The way they would lift their arms and giggle after having their dress pulled off reminded him of a small child. He found it endearing, in a way. Soon they were ready for bed and he laid them down, laying next to them and pulling the covers over both. Although neither party hardly made an effort to sleep. So, they talked until the sun rose but even then Toshinori didn’t sleep. 
He didn’t want to despite his s/o telling him he should. 
They had fallen asleep first and he simply watched the peaceful person before him. He smiled as he held them closely to himself and, eventually, he fell into a blissful sleep too.
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kiki-ciara-blog · 7 years
CS Storybook - 5x23 The Way Back Home
This is my little contribution to the Once Upon a Captain Swan Storybook Vol2. A canon divergent story starting in New York after Regina has split from the Evil Queen.
Rating: M
Word Count: 6000ish words
Read this story and many many others in the Once Upon a Captain Swan Storybook, Vol 2 which can be found here.  
I also created an illustration to go with the story.
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“Well, much as I’d like to keep indulging in this touching family adventure, I’d actually like to get back to my daughter. Snow, I’m surprised that you aren’t equally keen to get back to your son. You haven’t forgotten the infants that we left in Granny’s arms just before we were pulled into a portal yesterday have you?” Zelena snarked from her spot on the couch in Neal’s apartment.
At the mention of baby Neal, Mary Margaret’s face crumpled with sorrow.
“Of course we haven’t forgotten him,” David replied, a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder. “You’re right Zelena, we should get going, but as we didn’t all arrive by conventional methods, we should maybe work out how we are all getting back to Storybrooke. Any suggestions?”
“We have Gold’s Mercedes, that can take five of us,” Regina said, “and then there’s that yellow monstrosity you insist on driving, Emma. We can all fit into those two. But I have already been in that death trap once this week so I will be taking the Benz.”
Emma glanced up at Killian and squeezed his hand before speaking. “Actually, I was thinking that Hook and I could take a little road trip on the way home. It’s been an eventful 48 hours, and I would really like us to have some time together before the next disaster strikes.”
She looked over at David and continued, “Dad if you want to drive the bug back, we can either get a hire car, or take a bus. We’ll figure it out.”
Testing a theory Regina conjured a small flame in the palm of her hand. “Of course there’s always this,” she said.
“Hang on a minute. Our magic works out here?” Zelena asked standing up, “In that case, I’m out of here. Do you two want a ride?”
No sooner had Mary Margaret and David looked at each other and nodded, Zelena grabbed David by the arm and the three of them disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.
“Well, I guess that’s settled then,” Killian said wryly.
Having finally waved Regina, Dr Jekyll, Henry and Violet off on their journey home, and stopped by a store for essentials, Emma and Killian checked into a nearby hotel.
Emma kicked off her boots and sank down onto the queen size bed with a sigh. Looking over at Killian as he shucked his leather jacket and unbuttoned his vest, she patted the mattress and encouraged him to join her.
“Come sit with me,” she said, “we should talk.”
“Are you okay love?”
“Yes. No. Probably.“
Killian sat beside her, and took her hand in his. He gazed adoringly into her eyes, concern etched all over his face.
"Whatever it is love, you can tell me”.
Emma returned his gaze, and caressed his cheek with her free hand.
“Killian, only yesterday morning I was trying to come to terms with my grief. To deal with the fact that I’d found my true love and already lost you before I’d had a chance to tell you properly how I felt. How I feel. The emptiness that filled my heart, I didn’t think it would ever fade.
“But then, you came back. And don’t get me wrong, I'm…well…happy doesn’t even come close to explaining how I feel.” Reliving her delight at seeing him in the graveyard, she leaned in and peppered his face with kisses, just as she had then. “I still can’t believe you came back to me, and we have another chance at happiness”
Gently cradling her head with his hook, Killian kissed Emma reverently on either side of her mouth. Resting his forehead against hers he assured her, “It will take a lot more than two deaths, the Darkness and Hades to keep me away from you, Swan,” and tenderly kissed her again.
Emma returned the kiss briefly, not finished with what she needed to say.
“But then, less than 24 hours after you get back, Henry runs away to destroy magic, and naturally I followed, he is my son. But it meant I was separated from you again. And all the time I thought you were safely back in Storybrooke with everyone else, I was fine. Well not fine exactly,” she paused scanning his eyes for understanding.
“It was fine because you believed I was safe, I get it.” Killian smiled at her tracing her jaw with his fingers.
“Except you weren’t safe,” Emma replied, tears starting to pool in her eyes. She took a ragged breath trying to get her emotions under control enough to finish. “When I got that message from Granny to say that you had been pulled through a portal into yet another realm, I felt my whole world crumble beneath me. Except this time it wasn’t just you that I would lose but my parents too.”
“Oh Emma,” Killian whispered, as he brushed a tear from her cheek. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that, my love. I swear I have no intention of ever leaving your side again. I’m here with you for as long as you want me.”
Emma wrapped her arms around his neck and moved to sit astride Killian’s lap as she kissed him passionately, her tears falling more freely now. He returned the kiss with equal fervour, his arms tight around her back, pulling her further onto his lap, chest to chest their skin separated only by the thin material of his shirt and Emma’s black jumper.
A low moan escaped Emma’s throat as she felt him harden against her. Days of pain and longing since she left him in the Underworld turned to desperate desire. Without breaking the kiss she leant back enough to start pulling at the buttons of Killian’s shirt, anxious to feel his skin. Sensing the urgency in her movements, Killian in turn started pulling Emma’s jumper up above her stomach and over her breasts.
She broke the kiss momentarily to switch and pull her own jumper off, whilst he in turn threw his shirt to the floor. They stood and quickly removed their remaining clothes before resuming the kiss and Emma pulled Killian back onto the bed beside her. Their kisses became a clash of teeth and tongues as Emma’s tears continued to fall freely. Her fingers tentatively explored the network of newer scars upon his back as their bodies moved against each other in a tight embrace.
“Need you. Now,” Emma urged between kisses, “can’t wait any longer.”
“Are you sure, love? I don’t want to hurt you, if you’re not ready for me.”
“Please Killian, I need this.”
He pulled back to look into her eyes, still shimmering with the last of her tears, and seeing the love and desperation and want reflected back at him, he positioned himself and closed the one remaining gap between their bodies.
Afterwards, they lay together sweaty and sated, legs tangled and arms entwined. Emma tracing the curve of Killian’s hook whilst he drew lazy patterns on her thigh with his fingertips.
“I’m glad you’re back,” she whispered into his chest.
“Me too love, me too.”
Emma woke early the next morning still wrapped in Killian’s arms. She spent several minutes taking in the peaceful expression on his face, committing it to memory and giving silent thanks to Zeus for returning him to her.
“I can feel you watching me love,” Killian murmured, opening his eyes a fraction and then squinting against the sunlight streaming in through the window.
After saying a proper good morning that explored every inch of each other’s flesh and then getting slightly distracted again in the shower, Emma and Killian finally made it out of their room for breakfast.
“Ok Swan, what’s the plan for today then?” Killian asked as he piled his fork high with pancake and scrambled eggs.
“Well, I thought we could take a slow drive towards Providence as there’s something nearby that I think you might appreciate. We can grab lunch on the way, spend the afternoon there, and then head on to Boston to stay overnight. Do you think you could find us somewhere to stay on your phone, if I scope out our daytime activities for the next couple of days?”
“Well I’m still not particularly sure how to use all aspects of this device, but I’m sure if you show me the basics love, I’ll figure it out.”
Emma spent a few minutes taking Killian step by step through installing the Hotwire app onto his phone and then showing him how to search for and book a hotel. Once he was set she searched through reviews on Trip Advisor whilst sipping her coffee, and within the hour they were all booked up, checked out of their room and on the road with their route plotted.
Aside from the anticipated congestion in and around New York, the traffic was fairly steady once they got out of the sprawling metropolis and onto Route 15. They made easy conversation, chatting about anything and nothing; reminiscing about their previous journey from New York to Maine; complaining about their fellow road users inability to signal before changing lanes and laughing over the humorous bumper stickers they spotted. At other times they sat in companionable silence, Killian’s hook resting on Emma’s thigh, tracing lazy patterns across her jeans as she drove.
“I remember last time being terrified that Henry would think I was crazy if we told him that magic and different realms and fairytale characters were real,” Emma said, glancing over at Killian briefly. “I never once imagined I’d be making a similar trip home after he had gone on a gungho mission to rid the world of magic and then have him open up a portal in a fountain with the help of hundreds of bemused bystanders.”
Killian chuckled in the seat beside her. “Aye love, but maybe the truest believer needed to find his belief again, he’s been through a lot, and has been given huge responsibility for someone so young.”
Emma sighed. “That’s true, and I’ve been so caught up in my own grief that I didn’t see how much everything has affected him. I doubt many teenagers can include a trip to the Underworld in their ‘What I did on Vacation’ report for school.”
"Look at it this way Swan, in addition to giving the lad more family than he ever expected, you’re giving him a broad range of character building adventures.” Killian gave Emma his brightest grin and raised an eyebrow at her as she momentarily took her eyes off the road again to look at him in disbelief.
“The lad is a credit to you love, and whilst his latest actions were misguided, and admittedly could have been disastrous for your parents and myself, his intentions were pure and that’s what matters.”  
Emma’s brow remained furrowed at the thought of how Henry’s actions could have turned out, and so Killian gently rubbed the curve of his hook along her thigh in an attempt to ease her worries.
After a couple of hours driving, they had passed New Haven and took a turn off the interstate through the leafy town of Guilford, which Killian remarked looked quite similar to Storybrooke at first glance. Emma navigated through the streets and eventually pulled up behind a seafood shack overlooking the marina.
“I’ve heard they do amazing clams and lobster rolls,” she said, opening her door and climbing out of the bug. Killian followed suit, taking stock of the various fishing boats and pleasure crafts moored in the harbour as they walked around the side of the building to the entrance.
Inside they were welcomed and shown to a table outside overlooking the water. A sense of calm washed over Killian as he stretched back in his seat and took in the view of the ocean reaching all the way to the horizon.
“Even if the food is abysmal here, I think you made an excellent choice in eating establishment Swan.”
Emma reached across the table and took his hand, rubbing her thumb along his knuckle. “I thought you might appreciate being close to the water again. That’s kind of the theme for today.”
His eyes softened as he gripped her fingers in return. “I do appreciate it Swan, very much. Whilst I was able to wander along the docks during my time in the Underworld, the stench of death that rose from the water and the sight of so many lost souls beneath the surface made me reluctant to venture there often.”
After the waitress took their order, they sat back and watched a small red and white lobster boat putter into the harbour, a flock of gulls circling above, hopeful for an opportunistic feast. Lunch arrived shortly after, the groan Killian made as he bit into his hot lobster roll verged on obscene and Emma had to stifle a giggle. That was until he offered her a bite to try. When the sherry butter flooded her mouth, her own moan of delight was so loud it drew attention from a family seated at a table nearby.
“Oh my God, that’s amazing,” she mumbled, still chewing.
“Indeed it is love, as are you. Especially when you make exquisite noises like that,” Killian replied, his eyes flashing dangerously.
Emma grinned and returned to her own lunch, deliberately choosing not to encourage him further just yet. Whilst the prospect of teasing Killian with suggestive looks and sounds all day was appealing, they had many hours left in the day before they would reach Boston, and she wanted him to able to focus on their tourist adventures first.
After their meal Emma cruised the bug along the I95 towards Providence and eventually Fall River.  As they drove Killian tried to find a radio station that they could both enjoy. Although he had grown accustomed to much of the music in this realm, there were still many aspects that he found discordant and unpleasant.
“Bloody hell! How can people subject themselves to this noise voluntarily?” he grumped having twiddled with the dial until it picked up a station playing rap music. “And I know that I quite literally swear like a sailor, but I hardly think that type of language is appropriate, what if we had children in the car with us?”
“Although I’d like to think that Henry is still quite innocent I’m sure he’s probably heard worse in the playground at school,” Emma laughed. “Still, point taken, try again. Maybe the next station will be more to your taste. If not I’ve probably got a couple of cassettes in the glove compartment.“
Killian turned the dial some more, found another station, listened for a couple of seconds, frowned and moved on. He repeated this same process three more times disapproving of each tune that blasted out of the tinny speakers in the bug.
"No! Wait, go back, I love that one!” Emma interrupted, as he skipped yet another station.
“As you wish love.”
He turned the dial back to the last station as the final verse of Whitesnake’s ‘Here I Go Again’ played out and sat with his arms crossed, as yet unconvinced at Emma’s choice of station. As the song came to an end and merged into Peter Cetera’s ‘Glory of Love’, he glanced across to see if Emma still approved of the station.
“You can’t beat 80s power ballads, trust me,” she said, “especially on a road trip.”
“Hmm, perhaps.”
Sure enough, Killian relaxed as the verse moved into the chorus and by the second refrain he was humming along.
“Well?” Emma asked, as the song came to an end.
“Admittedly that was rather enjoyable, some of the lyrics were quite apt, especially the part about how his love keeps him standing tall. Good form, a song about fighting for honour and love.”
“Told you so.” Emma grinned smugly and by the time they had reached the outskirts of Fall River, both of them were singing along at the top of their voices, whether they knew the words or not.
Emma pulled the bug to a stop in a parking lot under the Memorial Bridge across from the docks.
“You have me intrigued love,” Killian said, climbing out of the car.
“You’ll see,” she replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him across the tarmac towards the entrance. “I thought you might be interested in discovering what naval history was like in this world, and so I’ve brought you here to Battleship Cove. We can have a tour of a couple of battleships and they have a pretty cool museum with maritime history through the ages.”
Killian’s eyes lit up as they lingered on the fleet of massive steel vessels docked on the river. “Belle directed me to some books that explored these feats of engineering a while back, but to see them with my own eyes, is certainly a treat.”
They spent nearly four hours wandering through the USS Massachusetts and the exhibits in the maritime museum, and could have spent even longer exploring other ships if they hadn’t needed to get to Boston. As they went, Killian pointed out similarities between these ships and his beloved Jolly, and had many questions for the veterans posted around the attraction, listening enraptured to anecdotes of naval battles in their youth.
“I have seen a fair few adventures with my own vessel” he began whilst conversing with an elderly veteran who had served in Korea.
Sensing how rapidly the conversation could spiral out of control, Emma leaned in and whispered in his ear, “He won’t understand that you’re a 300 year old pirate, keep it believable.”
Killian nodded his understanding almost imperceptibly. “I spent my formative years in the Royal Navy before being discharged due to my injury.” He waved his gloved prosthetic in illustration. While on deployment in the Indian Ocean we encountered Somalian pirates, although I must admit the modern incarnations were nothing like the ones you see in the movies.“
Emma looked at him in amazement, and when the conversation came to an end and they moved on with their tour she admitted, "I didn’t know you had so much knowledge about pirates in the 21st Century, Killian. I’m impressed.”
He puffed out his chest in pride and his stride took on a distinct swagger. “Well love, the lady Belle keeps me supplied in books, and I had quite a number of lonely nights to read them after the Dark One was banished from our little town and we had no villain to defeat. I learned a lot about a great many subjects including the history of piracy in this realm.”
They continued their tour hand in hand until it became clear that the museum was closing and they made their way to the exit.
“How long from here to Boston, love?”
“Um an hour I guess? Probably a bit more given the time of day.”
Back in the car again, Killian gave Emma the details of the hotel he had booked for them and they set off. It was located in the Waterfront area and as they drove through the city from the outskirts Emma pointed out her old haunts, and also some of the places she’d had misadventures whilst chasing skips. They made a quick stop in Downtown Crossing to purchase some fresh clothes for the next day, and Emma added a blue chiffon Bardot dress and a pair of silver heels to her purchases whilst Killian was browsing the menswear department.
The hotel Killian had chosen was unexpectedly lavish. The huge lobby was the epitome of chic with with polished cherry and chrome, and the room he had booked took Emma’s breath away. He had splurged on an executive suite with separate sitting room and a bathroom boasting a spa bath and monsoon shower. It also had a magnificent harbour view, naturally. When she asked how he could possibly afford it, he just smirked and replied, “Pirate, love, remember?”
Back on her home turf, Emma knew just the restaurant for them to dine in and booked a table while Killian freshened up, she then took a few minutes to get changed herself.
They enjoyed a relaxed meal with a couple of glasses of wine in a little Italian a few blocks from their hotel. As they both tucked into a shared dessert of an indulgent ice cream sundae topped with brownie chunks, whipped cream and a decadent fudge sauce, Emma drew Killian’s attention to the building on the street corner opposite.
“That’s where I used to live,” she pointed to a window several floors up, “Apartment 205. Until Henry knocked on my door, and changed my life forever.”
“I’m eternally grateful that he did love. Had he not, the curse would never have been broken, your family would not have been reunited, and I would still be frozen in time on an island with Cora.”
“Is that the only reason you’re thankful that I broke the curse?” she asked playfully, looking up at him through her eyelashes as she licked ice cream off the end of the spoon seductively, making Killian’s jeans feel instantly tighter.  
“Minx,” he replied, holding her gaze, his eyes two shades darker than they had been a moment before, “I’ll gladly tell you all the reasons I am grateful, or if you’d rather,” he paused reaching his hand under the table to trace patterns along her thigh, his eyes never leaving hers, “I can always show you. What do you say, Swan?”
Emma gulped and caught a passing waiter’s attention. “Check please!”
Killian pulled Emma up from the armchair in their suite, where she had perched to remove her shoes, and into his embrace.
Killian placed a featherlight kiss on her earlobe. “Let me,” he murmured ghosting his lips along her jawline as he kissed her again.  “Show you,” a flick of his tongue as he trailed his mouth down the curve of her neck.   “Just,” another caress of his lips on her throat.  “How thankful,” Emma gasped as his scruff grazed her collarbone with another delicately placed kiss. “I am,” he continued with a touch of his lips to one exposed shoulder.  “That you,” breathed in a whisper as he slowly moved behind her, lifting her hair up gently and nuzzling into the back of her neck, whilst he unzipped her dress. “Broke,” a lingering kiss on the other shoulder as her dress pooled on the floor at her ankles, leaving her naked but for her lacy cream thong.  Returning to cradle her face with his palm and his hook, Killian brought his nose to hers and stared into her eyes for what felt like an eternity. “The curse,” he finished pressing his lips to hers tenderly.  
Emma wrapped her arms around him and sighed into the kiss, opening her mouth to welcome him as his tongue traced the contours of her lips.
Using every ounce of restraint Killian had, he broke the kiss before it could become too heated, and led Emma over towards the bed. Kneeling before her he placed a delicate kiss to each of her hip bones then gently pulled her underwear down her legs, following their journey with his lips. Rising to his feet he kissed her briefly once more and encouraged her to lie back in the centre of the bed. As Emma made herself comfortable he quickly shed his own clothing and brace, removing the hook and bringing it with him as he lay down beside her, propped up on one elbow.
Emma could feel could feel the heat starting to build between her thighs as Killian’s gaze travelled over her body, seemingly committing every inch of her skin to memory once again.
“You are simply divine, love.”
Placing the tip of his hook at the base of her throat he trailed it very lightly down her chest, pausing momentarily before skimming up over one breast to trace the shape of her pebbled nipple and then repeating the action on the other side. Emma moaned at the sensation and licked her lips, trying to stay as still as possible under the sharp tip of the cold steel. He dragged the hook down lower until it rested in her belly button briefly before turning it over to run the curve along the glistening skin of her sex, wet with arousal. The contact with that most delicate area made Emma gasp as her hips flexed up towards the hook involuntarily.
Killian shook his head and tutted, gently pushing her hips back down. “All in good time,” he said, “I promise it will be worth the wait.”  Emma rolled her eyes in frustration, but didn’t protest knowing he would deliver on that promise.
Setting the hook aside and moving to straddle her, he returned his attention to her breasts, rolling the left nipple between his thumb and forefinger whilst gently suckling on the right. Alternating the pressure and the tempo between featherlight touches and small twists and nibbles he could sense Emma’s increasing arousal as her breathing turned to gasps, and the fingers laced through his hair pulled his mouth in closer. In a practiced move that he knew she loved, he simultaneously twisted one nipple vigorously whilst biting down hard on the other.
“Fuck! Killiaaan,” Emma moaned as her hips bucked and sought friction that wasn’t to be found. As he maintained the pressure on her nipples, she felt her arousal flood her core as the first flutters of an orgasm took hold.
Killian beamed from ear to ear to see Emma fall apart for him so quickly. He delighted in giving her pleasure and knew how sensitive her nipples could be. He hoped to coax her to at least two more orgasms before seeking his own relief, his hard cock bobbing against his stomach at the vision of his Emma writhing between his thighs.
He moved further down the bed, trailing kisses down her stomach, until he reached the apex of her thighs. Emma eagerly spread her legs for him, as he pulled one over his shoulder, resting his blunted wrist on her flat stomach. Using his fingers to carefully separate her folds he traced his tongue around her labia, lapping at her abundant juices and moaning as her exquisite tang hit his tastebuds.
Hearing Killian’s moans between her thighs made Emma even wetter. She angled her hips to give him better access, whispering rambled words of encouragement. He switched his attention to her swollen clit, flicking his tongue against it and she moaned in relief at him finally providing the friction that she had been so desperate to receive. For what seemed like an eternity, Killian attentively kissed, licked and suckled her to ecstasy, alternating his movements building her towards another peak but then directing his attention to another highly sensitive area never quite bringing her over the edge.
Finally, when Emma thought she could take no more, he looked up at her through his eyelashes, and although she couldn’t see his mouth, she could tell he was grinning wolfishly.
“Come for me, Emma,” he growled before returning to his ministrations. As he sucked on her clit she felt the heat building in the soles of her feet and her orgasm finally took hold, her hips jerking as her walls flexed and clenched, wave upon wave of bliss washing over her.  
Killian wiped his mouth along the back of his arm and moved back up the bed to lie alongside Emma and drew her into a deep and passionate kiss.
“Thank you,” she whispered, as they broke apart. “That was amazing.”
“I’m not done yet,” he replied, “think you can handle more, when you’ve got your breath back?”
“Well if you insist on showing your gratitude some more, then who am I to refuse?” she giggled pulling him back in for another kiss. The kiss was long and slow, their tongues tangling with each other, Killian’s hand caressing Emma’s side in languid patterns as she ran her fingers through his chest hair and across his back. She closed the distance between their bodies, wrapping her leg over Killian’s hip and then rolled him above her so that he lay between her thighs. Killian positioned himself at her entrance and pushed into her slowly, both of them groaning into the kiss at the sensation.  He tilted his hips and pushed as Emma stretched deliciously around his length until he was fully seated. He stilled waiting for her to clench around him, encouraging him to move, as he knew she would.
Just as slowly Killian pulled back, all the way out, Emma whimpering at the loss of him and wrapping her legs tighter around his waist to pull him back in again. Surrendering to her desires he snapped his hips and plunged back in hard and fast.
“God! Yes Killian! Just like that,” Emma cried, her nails digging into his back.
Having found the perfect angle Killian started thrusting, building into a frantic rhythm that soon had Emma crying out and had him gritting his teeth to hold on long enough to bring her to completion one last time.
Emma moved her hands from Killian’s back and grabbed her breasts, tweaking her nipples in time with his thrusts. The familiar sensation started building and with one last twist and tug her orgasm started coursing through her. Her muscles began to clench around his shaft, and that was enough to break Killian’s remaining sliver of control. His hips sputtered, once then twice and Emma felt his seed release deep within her. He slowed until he lay still above her, panting into the crook of her neck before rolling to the side and collapsing into her open arms.
“That was…” he panted running his hand over his face.
“Long overdue,” she replied blissfully.
They lay together entangled and catching their breath for a long while before Emma dragged herself into the bathroom to clean up, and returned with a glass of water for them both.
Climbing back into bed, Killian pulled her into his embrace and they whispered sweet nothings to each other until sleep took them.
They had brunch delivered to their room, neither in any hurry to leave the comfort of their sumptuous bed, unless it was to take advantage of the spa bath in their suite. Eventually, having enjoyed each other on every available surface, Emma and Killian checked out and set off to their next destination. She initially planned to spend the morning in Salem giving Killian an insight into how witchcraft had been viewed in years gone by. Their lazy morning put paid to that idea, and instead they headed north towards Portland.
As Emma drove, Killian took charge of the radio again, fiddling with the dial until he found something satisfactory.  
When ‘Somebody to Love’ by Queen came on, Emma reached over and turned up the volume. As he listened a strange sensation came over him, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He didn’t believe he had heard this song before, yet something about it resonated within him. Perhaps Emma would be able to explain it. He settled back and let the music with Emma’s enthusiastic supporting vocals and steering wheel drumming wash over him.
“In case you couldn’t tell, I love that song,” Emma enthused afterwards.
“Aye, that was apparent. So tell me, why do you love it so much?”
“It’s hard to put my finger on. Some songs, the words just get to me, you know? But this one, it’s more about the tune. I’ve always loved it, even when I little kid. I always get a sense of deja-vu when I hear it, and it always makes me feel safe. I dunno, I just really like it.”
“It’s funny you should mention deja-vu, Emma. For I also had the strangest sensation when it played. I’m certain I haven’t heard it before, and yet as you say there’s something about it. It stirred a memory in me that is just out of reach, and I felt an urge to stand on a table and pump my fist in the air.”
“Well, an involuntary fist pump is a sign of a good rock song Killian,” Emma laughed. “I’ll have to take you and Henry to a gig sometime.”
“A gig?” Killian’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“A concert, Killian. Where the band performs their songs live,” Emma replied gently, reaching across to squeeze his knee. Whilst his knowledge of American terminology improved daily, his occasional confusion over unknown phrases was still endearing.
Arriving in Old Orchard Beach, Emma drove straight to the beachfront motel she had booked. It was simple accommodation, but it was clean and functional and unexpectedly had sliding glass doors opening out onto the pool terrace and the footpath leading to the beach.
“As this is our last afternoon, let’s have some seaside fun Killian,” Emma suggested, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the glass doors.
Killian grinned and followed willingly down to the beach. Miles of sand stretched out in both directions. They strolled along the shoreline hand in hand, towards the distant pier and fairground and soon they encountered signs for Pirates Cove Adventure Golf.
“Can we?” Emma bubbled, practically bouncing with excitement. It had been years since she last played crazy golf.  
“I have no idea what Adventure Golf is, but how can I resist somewhere with pirates in the name? It would be terribly bad form,” Killian replied, with a flourish and an exaggerated bow. “Lead on Swan”
Although he had agreed to the activity willingly, never imagined that it would involve chasing a little ball around a ridiculous obstacle course with a metal stick. Once he had found a way to support the club with his hook, he found himself to be quite skilful and to Emma’s chagrin was beating her fair and square.
Emma was thrilled to be spending time being silly with her Captain, and his frequent grousing at the inaccuracies of the model pirates around the course had her in fits of giggles.
“They’ve given me a hook, a peg-leg and a parrot on the shoulder! That’s overkill on the pirate clichés isn’t it?”
“It’s a pirate themed fun park Hook, cliché is pretty much guaranteed!”
Eventually Emma and Killian finished the 18-hole course, not sure who had won after losing count halfway round. They returned their clubs to the booth and walked back out onto the beach heading towards the pier and the fairground.  
They bought corn dogs and beers from a booth on the pier and found a bench to sit and eat watching the waves. Then they pottered around the fairground and amusement arcades until dusk. Killian tried to win Emma a stuffed toy at various stalls without success. She managed to win a tiger for him in a shooting gallery, and not to be outdone when they came across a coconut shy he was finally victorious, presenting her with a giant bear that would take up most of the bug’s back seat in the morning.
They shared candy floss, and rode the carousel and the big wheel. As it stopped at the top to let on new fairgoers, Emma squeezed Killian’s hand and cupped his cheek.
“Killian, there’s something I need to tell you, that I haven’t said before now,” Emma began.
“What’s that, Swan?”
“I…love you Killian.”
In reply Killian leaned in for a passionate kiss, as the ride began to move again.
As night fell they walked back, hook in hand along the beach, the moon high in the sky above them. Hearts bursting with love for one another. And whilst the painful recollections of their separation in the Underworld remained, for the time being they were buried beneath joyful memories of quiet moments, of passion and of laughter.  
@csstorybook @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose
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