#I forgot her last name omfg
The South Park characters are so fun to put into Situations. Like smthn abt how all of them react to things makes exploring Random Scenarios with them so fun.
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lxkeee · 8 months
pairing: Lucifer x fem! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: fanfiction
notes: lmaoo sorry it took awhileee I'm actually a very busy college student while simultaneously having so much brainrot for this man so... Be patient omfg, I just posted part one a two days ago 😭 also, don't mind the warnings too much as it doesn't specifically for this specific chapter but it can be future parts of the story. So yes, hand holding before marriage will happen between Lucifer and [y/n]
warnings: none except hand holding before marriage lmao.
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The princess of hell along with her girlfriend was just settling in the guest room heaven provided for them temporarily as they had an important meeting with them.
Charlie and Vaggie stopped talking as their was a knock on their door, “Who do you think is it?” Charlie asked and Vaggie shrugged and Charlie decided to open the door.
There stood a rather tall female angel with three pairs of wings and a golden halo on her head, the short white dress accompanied by gold compliments the woman's figure beautifully.
Safe to say both Charlie and Vaggie were mesmerized, the woman before them was drop dead gorgeous. Though, Vaggie was still cautious, despite a former angel, she doesn't know who this woman is as some seraphim angels tend to not show themselves to the lower ranking aside from Sera.
“Are you Princess Charlotte? The daughter of Lucifer?” the woman asked with her [e/c] eyes sparkling in excitement, the woman quickly placed her hands over her mouth in embarrassment, “Oh! Sorry for the intrusion, I forgot to introduce myself,” she says with a small smile before giving the two girls a curt bow, “My name is [y/n], a seraphim. It's a pleasure to meet you two.”
Charlie gave her a big grin, giving the woman a curt bow. The princess of hell decided to trust her as she couldn't sense any bad intentions from the older woman and to her, the name [y/n] sounded awfully familiar, she just forgot where she had heard it before. “It is so nice to meet you, I am Charlotte but you can call me Charlie.” Charlie said and [y/n] just grinned as Vaggie decided to just watch the two, still cautious. The older woman's eyes landed on Vaggie and she gave her a grin, “And who might you be?” she asked her and Vaggie just glared at her before avoiding her gaze, “Vaggie.”
[Y/n] just grins, her eyes analyzing the gray haired woman before letting out a small hum before shifting her gaze to the princess. [Y/n]'s heart ached a little to see how much the girl looked exactly like her father. [Y/n] misses him, she wished she did something that could have prevented his fall. Regrets always comes last. She took a deep breath then once more wore a bright smile on her face. Charlie noticed the shift of her mood but decided not to question it.
“So Charlie, I came here as I was curious what your plan for hell is about.” [y/n] says softly, she wasn't there during the meeting Lucifer requested for hell and this time, she promised to be there for his daughter instead. Charlie's eyes sparkled excitedly, excited that an angel aside from that bitch ass Adam would finally listen to her. “Really?!” The princess asked excitedly and [y/n] can only let out a soft chuckle, “Of course, why don't we take a walk while you tell me about it? Your friend can join us too.”
Charlie calmed down and gave the older woman a smile, “Vaggie here is actually my girlfriend.” she says, expecting the older woman to judge her but she was surprised when [Y/n] just ruffled her hair. “My apologies, I didn't know.”
The younger girls were surprised, that an angel didn't show any disgust to their relationship and she even looked like she approved.
“Now then, how about that walk?”
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“And that's what I'm planning, I wished for my people to find redemption and join heaven.” Charlie explained softly, taking a bite of her strawberry cheesecake. Both [y/n] and Charlie sat in a rather peaceful cafe in heaven, angelic sigils circling around them as [y/n] casted them for their privacy. [Y/n] can only smile as she listens to the younger girl who rambles about her plans for her people, [y/n] can't help but remember how similar Charlie is to her father, oh heavens... She missed him so much.
Vaggie didn't join them unfortunately, she said that she wanted to rest a little bit in the guest room.
[y/n] gracefully placed down the cup of coffee she was sipping and gently wiping her lips with a napkin, “That is truly admirable Charlie, to see you have so much hope for your people really reminds me of your father. I really hope it will come to life.” the compliment was almost enough for Charlie to burst into tears, to hear someone praise her plans and believe in it, it felt like a mother praising her.
Though, she was able to stop her tears as she realizes something. Reminds me of your father. [Y/n] and her dad knew each other.
Then Charlie remembers, the stories her dad told her about heaven and the stories he told her about his closest angel friend—the only one who believed in him. She remembers thinking that she felt her dad loved that angel in one way or another, with how fondly he spoke of her—with so much adoration.
“I remember now, you were my father's best friend!” Charlie gasped, a hand over her mouth and [y/n] can only chuckle, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Were? I still think of him as my best friend.” She chuckles softly, “Though, I don't blame him if he doesn't think the same way as I wasn't able to help him back then.” she continues sadly and Charlie had to wave her arms around to stop her, “Nonono, my father doesn't think like that. You're still his best friend.” Charlie reassured the older woman.
“Really now? How is he these days? I haven't heard from him after so many eons.” [y/n] asked softly with a slight chuckle and Charlie can only sigh with a small smile on her face, “Well... He's still how he usually is. Kind, trying his best for me, and lately he had an obsession with making rubber ducks.” she says with a small giggle making the older woman chuckle, “Thay sounds like him, though surprised that he still loved ducks. He used to ramble to me about random duck facts when he was still here. He was such a dork, I truly missed him.” [y/n] says with a chuckle, a longing look in her eyes.
Charlie was able to put two and two together, her father and this woman loved each other and she can only assume they didn't confess in the fear of ruining their friendship. Charlie loves her parents but a part of her is hoping in a different universe, her father and [y/n] are happy together.
Charlie decided not to mention it to the woman and just continued hanging out with the older woman. “I am sure he misses you too.”
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“The meeting will start in a few hours and Charlie?” [y/n] says softly before summoning a wax sealed white envelope out of thin air, gold sparkling from where the envelope is as it slowly falls into her hands. Charlie looked at her in curiosity, “Can I ask you a favor?” [y/n] asked her hesitantly and Charlie just nodded, “Of course!”
“Can I ask you a favor of delivering this letter to Lucifer?” She asked and gently extended her hand towards the younger girl in which the girl accepted the letter and placed it in her chest pocket. “Of course! My father would be delighted to hear from you.”
“Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate it dearly.” [y/n] smiled softly as she stood up from her seat, extending her hand to help the hell princess up from her seat. “Now, let me walk you back to your room so you can get ready for your meeting.”
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Now the princess of hell wishes the other angels were just as understanding as [y/n]. Even though the meeting didn't go as planned, she felt reassured as both Emily and [y/n] were there in the court room.
“What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.” Lute sneers with an annoyed glare, putting on her mask. Though, Charlie can feel her patience thinning, her eyes glaring at the angels.
The other angels looking down on the scene happening below, [y/n] looking worried for her while glaring at Adam and Lute. “There's no question to be posed, he's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that 'Hell is forever'?” Adam and Lute sang mockingly and [y/n] could feel her anger starting to boil. She always hated Adam, that egoistical prick, she looked up at Sera as if asking her to stop this nonsense.
“A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to—” Adam sang and [y/n] noticed Sera getting worried, “Adam.” Sera says sternly but it seems the man was too busy to hear her, “Come down and exterminate you!”
At that moment, loud ringing was only what [y/n] heard as she was shocked to hear him say that. Exterminate...? Don't tell me...? [Y/n] asked herself before glaring at Sera, the other angels were also shocked by the reveal.
“Wait!” Emily exclaimed, shocked by the reveal and Adam just noticed his slip up, “Shit.”
“What are you saying? Let me get this straight, you go down there and kill those poor souls?” Emily asked, horrified as she slowly flies down towards Charlie, holding her hand, “You didn't know?” Charlie asked and Emily shook her head. “Whoops!” Adam says, not a care in the world, “Guess the cat's out of the bag.” Lute says with a smirk, “What's the big deal?” Adam asked with a condescending smirk and [y/n] wished she could go down there and punch him.
“Sera, tell me that you didn't know...” both Emily and [y/n] asked simultaneously, though, Sera was just looking at Emily. [Y/n] was pissed at this whole revelation, human souls are killed in heaven by the hands that are supposed to be pure holiness. To think about blood staining those hands, fills her with disgust.
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The whole courtroom was a mess, [y/n] doesn't remember what exactly happened. The reveal that Vaggie was an angel didn't surprise her, she can sense the girl's angelic blood but the reveal that Sera was the one who ordered for the extermination to happen, filled her with rage.
“Charlie! Don't lose hope! We will find a way to help you!” Emily says as we watched Vaggie and Charlie be sucked by a portal back to hell, “Don't give up! We'll find a way!” [y/n] added, making sure the two girls heard. Sera glared at her and [y/n] glared back.
That's what Charlie last saw, Emily looking worried and disappointed but what worried her was Sera and [y/n] started arguing, angelic powers starting to spark between them and that was the last thing she saw as she returned back in hell. Thankfully, the letter was safe in her pocket.
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oddvanilla · 27 days
Help me I'm in school rn waiting for my dad to pick me up..today was fun I guess it's just that my wife is ABSENT bc she forgot to sign up..and my other bsf is on her period so I can't act goofy because everytime I use my rizz she's like "get away from me" and I'm not pissed off but I miss my WIFE☹️☹️ like I want my kisses and hugs and the other mf is acting like she's allergic to me 😞😞also my English teacher is so corny. Like girl bye. Bro she made us do a public speaking activity where you just talk about urself ig and I love public speaking and crap but I just want my friends to look at meee like I NEED attention or I'll collapse. plus lots of my actual friends that I hang out with in lunch are younger than me cause I'm scared of the older kids and seniors but like. Everyone is absent. I had to sit with the new kids and get familiar with the faces and all because if I want to be student council president like last year I need to try at least 🙏 this new girl named ASIA that me and my bsf can't shut up about because we're like "AWH was Europe and Africa taken??" Like HELP why. But in my defense she kept saying my name wrong like she insisted that Reine was pronounced "rain-eee" WHAT?? Im still saving the seat for my bbg tho I miss her SM she was just at my house like 2 days ago but like. I miss physical touch so bad. Plus I know my other bsf is chill but the entire time she's like suffering,, the last thing she would want is a hug from me... which I understand but STILL. PLS get me out of here I want my friends and my wife and a non corny English teacher omfg I hate her SM already how will I survive the year with her. Also some dude randomly paid me to ask the English teacher if she's pregnant. Ma'am every English teacher ever is pregnant like wtf are y'alls husbands doing 🤦‍♀️ turns out she IS and also like 2 months in... Anyways uhm rant post yeah I swear I'm not mad I just feel tired and need a hug and probably a kiss on the cheek thank u
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 18
oh no depending on what exactly the Angel’s motivations and allegiances are this conversation between her and Camilla could go very differently. and oooh i don’t know if its mentioned before but is Cam wearing her sunglasses in this scene, because i wonder if Cam tripping into the Angel is actually Palamedes doing his whole psychometry thing 
and it is Palamedes!! whaaat the fuck is he doing talking to Angel about necromancy, i really hope he has some kind of plan right now
and also something strange is up with Noodle, is he like trained to detect necromancers or something? i really hope Noodle doesn’t start hating Nona at some point, that would be horrifically sad 
and there’s some discussion of a mysterious implant that the Angel has in her body, one that Palamedes is very invested in knowing about … no clue whats going on there. some kind of BoE military information maybe??
i’m very glad that Palamedes is acknowledging that Nona is perfectly capable of making her own decisions here 
‘you became my enemy in the last five minutes’ and now this situation just went from bad to worse, of everything i thought that these guys had to worry about it wasn’t Nona’s school-teacher throwing hands with them
ohhh fuck Nona’s whole ‘popping’ bad headache is her getting shot in the head, isn’t it
and all that mentioned inter-organisational conflict within BoE is finally rearing its head. ngl i think i understand whats going on with the protocol and internal conflicts of BoE even less than i did the necromancy in GtN. and apparently no-one in BoE can communicate, given they had no idea that an integral part of their Lyctor project was being taught by another very important member of their organisation. also a very small detail, but confirmation that the Building is actually some kind of BoE safe house 
and thank god that Cam and Pal also aren’t actually dead, this chapter is giving me a fucking heart attack
oh damn i was not expecting someone with the name ‘Our Lady of the Passion’ to look cool
omfg i cannot believe that BoE thought that Nona’s truly terrible pretend radio call was real
also i totally forgot Hot Sauce basically disappeared after Nona got shot. either she’s dead or she’s got to have realised about Nona, and i don’t know which one is going to hurt more 
‘Nona vaguely made a note to practise scowling, and also dye her hair’ focusing on women they’re attracted to in the worse possible situations, Nona your inner Gideon is showing. also in the vein of every teenagers existential crisis, Nona wants to change up her hair 
Nona going to find Hot Sauce through the building, and them just holding eachother through the gunfire, is probably the tensest/most horror-like passage i think there’s been since GtN. 
and the worrying description of Hot Sauce drawing her gun seems to be coming very soon. there’s really a lot of emphasis on it in this passage, and i have a bad feeling Hot Sauce is going to shoot Nona 
‘Nona was sorry for the bean experiment’ rip the bean experiments, we hardly knew ye 
and there it is, Hot Sauce shooting Nona dead in the temple. poor Nona’s getting shot an awful lot today. even though Nona’s obviously going to be okay physically, on an emotional level i really don’t think their relationship can come back from this
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lady-hibiscus · 16 days
roasting the top 10 most streamed spotify artists and also your taste
taylor swift: stop calling her by her first name, october is not the best month, and if i hear cruel summer one more time it'll be a cruel winter as i bury your remains into the slowly rising snow
drake: "separate art from artist" bro separate your lil sister from him. drake fans really be not like us
bad bunny: who?
the weeknd: if you sing "ooh i'm blinded-" one more time you sure will be
ed sheeran: liar, there are no default factory settings mfs (non-lgbtq) on this app. you're dancing in the dark because it's three am and you're imagining female y/n reader x dark prince mafia boss in the forest
ariana grande: stop trying to hit her high notes omfg you are not her. (no) thank you next, we can't be friends
eminem: aww look at little controversial edgy boy. who's a good little edgy boy you yes you. who likes listening to a straight white guy insult your minority twelve times a song at 13 words per second. yes you good lil edgy boy
justin bieber: i need you to stay... the fuck away from me
post malone: needless to say if you play sunflower next to me you better start praying because it'll be the last time your god will hear you.
kanye west: single-handedly killing the "you can't be racist against your own race" argument
none of them: oh you think you're so special now you little queer? "ew haha... so basic none of them" ok will wood (tapeworms optional) listener. yeah you read that right. tally hall. miracle musical. jackstuber. fucking mitski and laufey and you call them basic. vocaloid ahh listener. hazbin hotel soundtrack, hamilton soundtrack, omori soundtrack ahh. you call them basic and listen to billie eilish and girl in red. don't think i forgot you penelope scott rats, kpop & jpop stalker fans. why not include the entire odetari 6arelyhuman asteria etc gang too. "um i never listened to any of those" wow okay marina, tv girl + weezer. BO BURNHAM is crazy. i cannot even associate with people who listen to artic monkeys, toby fox or melanie martinez. and don't forget mcr, green day n evanescence for people whose favorite color is black like thEiR sOuLs. actually get out if you have melanie martinez, tyler the creator, and crane wives or leanna firestone on your playlists. imagine. actually imagine.
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lindszeppelin · 1 month
That blind item screenshot I sent a few days ago about Presley "destroying" the relationship between Austin and Kaia may actually be somewhat accurate 👀
Presley has unfollowed Austin before. Last time he did that, was back when Austin and Kaia briefly broke up in 2022. When Austin was filming the Bikeriders. Presley clearly doesn't give a shit on how the public perceives him. He doesn't like Austin. I don't think he liked that Austin wasn't there for Kaia (for the family wedding in Montana and trip to Canada last week).
I don't think Austin likes Presley or the entire family.
I hope Presley gets his life in order. But nothing will changes the fact he and Kaia are spoiled nepotism baby, rich kids. They act like spoiled rich kids now. They get very little sympathy from me.
I completely forgot about that omfg. That blind item for sure made so much sense for it to be Austin and Kaia. Everything fit perfectly. But now after this?? Girl...that blind item and this is aligning.
I trust the blind items on that website. It's legit, unlike deuxmoi. The blind items sent in to that website (i forget the name off the top) go through a vetting process to make sure that they are accurate. Seemingly so because the poster goes by "Ent Lawyer" so you can't claim to be an entertainment lawyer if you're not one lol. It's just a matter of us figuring out who it's for.
For him to have unfollowed Austin once before was enough to show me Presley does not like Austin. (and of course the timing of that unfollow last year was in alignment with their split). Seeing as how Presley loves his sister, I think he is quick to judge the guys that date Kaia. And he did not like Austin. I think when he refollowed at the end of last year he was maybe trying to like him for Kaia's sake. But after everything that's happened, it's just so clear Presley never liked him and he never will. And I also don't think Austin got on with Presley. Obviously, because how can you get on with somebody that is defiantly negative about you? Presley was the only one in the family being real with what this situationship was. He gives the actual vibe of the situation.
Him unfollowing Austin now is timely considering he did it one day before Austin's birthday. And considering also how Presley just came back from a long vacation in Canada where Kaia and Travis were also, no doubt she expressed some things to Presley about the recent outings in NYC and such. Presley isn't holding back, and once you've unfollowed someone twice now it's hard to ever go back. That is permanent. He's cleaning slate and making sure all the wrong people around him are gone. Austin is one of those people. Considering the tight relationship Kaia and Presley have, this is now getting in the middle and i'm sure at the end of the day Kaia cares more about her brother than she does about keeping afloat the PRship when she knows Austin doesn't wanna be with her.
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xeungwannie · 14 days
the girl without a name
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i alr got a second part planned out. also how do yall do this writing shit while still living an adult life bc omfg im so over it lol. i also semi-halfassed writing this one as i couldnt come up with a decent enough "plot".
julie x f!reader (fluff. theres like one peck of a kiss)
“come on! its an open invite! hosted by the rich! we HAVE to go!”
you rolled your eyes at your friend, winter, quick to remind her you didnt like going out.
“what happened to eating the rich? AND THERES GONNA BE PRETTY WOMEN! i know you cant say n-”
“no.” you stared at winter with a stern face.
“itll be the last party i invite you to…”
and with that you started to get ready, still letting out sighs here and there with the goal to see if winter would allow you to just stay home… you failed.
pulling up to the party, you and winter were both handed two masquerade masks that covered from your eyes to the tip of your nose. giving each other a stare, you two were quick to let out a laugh before making your way into the house.
upon entering all you could do was look around stunned at just how big the place was. winter was quick to say your exact thought while sipping on a drink she randomly got from the trays of the men walking around.
“we're not even five minutes into this party and youre already drinking? whered you even get that?”
“the man with the drink tray. see! right there!” winter points to the man while taking another sip.
you were quick to drag winter to the man, getting yourself a drink too to ease up your nerves. you knew it wouldnt be good for you as you were trying to stop from drinking so much but it was your only way to feel better. after an hour had passed, your friend was nowhere to be seen and you were now alone with your sixth drink in your hand.
“ive never seen eyes wander around so much.”
you turn to your left finding a girl standing there giggling to herself at your confusion.
“im just trying to find my friend…” you tell her.
“arent we all?”
you look back into the crowd trying to decipher if she meant that in a sarcastic way or not.
while looking around, you suddenly felt a hand grab at your wrist. thinking it was winter, you were getting ready to slap the absolute shit out of her arm until you turned around to find the girl still standing there with her being the owner of the hand on your wrist.
“holy shit! im so sorry! i thought you were my friend!” you quickly apologized, putting your hand on your chest to calm yourself down from almost slapping someone you didnt even know.
“you guys must slap each other a lot for you to immediately want to throw hands at someone you thought was your friend.” she laughed out.
“i didnt mean to scare you though, just thought since we're standing here together we mightve as well get to know each other.” she quickly adds on.
you agreed and followed her to the bar to sit and talk.
as time went on you forgot to even care about continuing to look for your friend. the conversation was smooth and calm, the perfect way to draw you in. the girls voice was also a plus, it was sweet sounding, something youve never experienced before but loved the feeling of.
“wanna get away from all the noise? i have the perfect place where we can be alone and actually hear each other.” she asked with anticipation.
again, you agreed and followed her.
“tadaaa!” she smiles with her arms extended.
you stood there, speechless, fully taking in the view from the rooftop. youve never seen the stars be so visible before, it felt like the perfect place for a late night date.
“this is absolutely so bea-” you pause at seeing the woman without her mask on, the view meant nothing to you now.
you were shocked to see such a beautiful woman in front of you. it felt like a dream… a dream and she was an angel.
“youre free to take yours off too.” she says laughing at your sudden pause.
“not many people get to experience this part of the house, i like to keep it to myself. of course my friends know about it but they dont come up as often as i do.”
“THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?” your eyes grow wide.
“everyone says that when i tell them.” she lets out a little laugh.
your conversation with her was as amazing as it could get: everything was finally heard without trouble, no one was bumping into you two anymore, and nothing was interrupting you two at all.
everything was perfect.
all except one…
you still didnt know her name, never once did you two introduce yourself to each other.
“i dont think we eve-”
“hey! sorry to interupt but i think your friend is looking for you downstairs. the only blondie right?” you turn to look at the woman at the door guessing shes one of the friends that knew of the place.
you gathered your things and started to make your way to the door. a hand grabs at your wrist again before you could leave.
“i had a lot of fun getting to know you.” she says giving your cheek a little peck before letting go of your wrist allowing you to go to your friend.
you smile at her before hearing a loud yell from downstairs with you immediately following the voice knowing it was your friend who was more than likely drunk.
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pebiejeebies · 10 months
some of my sillies interacting since yall liked the last post abt my ocs
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fucking forgot his tail what the hell
btw I meant to say wind not wing omfg
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Names for the ocs if you dont know them :)
Light gray outline: Tissue, Male he/him
Pink outline: Pink Marker (Pinkie) Female, she/her
Dark gray outline: Zink, they/she enby
Dark blue and hot pink outline: Bookmark, she/he/they bigender (She’s one of my sonas)
Green outline: Mochi female she/hyr
If you like my art/ocs I’d love fanart!! If you wanna know more abt them either go to #oc lore for mochi and bookmark and for more abt the other sillies here! :D
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omfg I loved "Almosts" for Tolya - could we see a part 2? like more of the aftermath? also Zoya is a queen and I adore her
Zoya is a Queen and we all bow to Queen Zoya in this house my WIFE. But also, thank you and I aim to please so
Almosts (Part 2) - Tolya Yul Bataar
Grisha Reader, Order Unspecified.
Trigger Warning On This One Pals.
Content Warnings: Discussions Of Self Sacrifice And Prisoner Mentality. Discussions Of Torture, Severe Harm And Death. Canon Complaint Death And Violence. Kidnapping. Explicit Language. Not Beta/Proof Read.
Part 1
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Nina gives you just as much as a talking to, but she understands it, more vibrantly than Zoya, having been more close to what you have, it is easier to understand your position. It's Tolya that you know will get you.
You know that he knows why you... but it didn't matter. Not right now. Right now, those soft eyes look like they could cut right through you. You know you will break under the weight of his concern.
So when you are finally alone with him, having had every healer from here to the coastline check you over and say you're physically okay, you aren't sure where to start.
"Tolya," you say, softer than you thought it would come out, still not able to knock the pleaing feeling from using his name. The thoughts of how many times you said it to yourself, in the quiet, like it might be the last thing you heard. Him. His name. The thought of him coming for you. That was all that stood between the torture and your breaking point.
You kept his name to your chest like a prayer, like saying it could save you, and part of you believes it did. He would've come for you in silence, he would've come for you if you hadn't wished for it, he would've come for you if you'd given up, given in. It would've have mattered to him. But you didn't, you couldn't, you would have rather died than given him up and that knowledge is ringing out like bells in the silence.
"You knew I would come for you, right?" he asks again, as if he doubted your answer the first time, like it was possible it was in the haze.
"I never doubted you Tolya, not for a moment, it was never if, only when," you assure him.
You don't want to think about if he had been much later, even moments later. What you would have left him to find, and what that would've meant. How you could never have explained your choice to him, how you would have never gotten the chance to tell him you held out the time you did, for him, to protect him. To protect your family here.
"And I didn't know if it would be in time," you admit.
"They wouldn't have killed you," Zoya says eavesdropping from the doorway.
"You know that's not what I mean," you eye her, "not in time to stop me saying something I can't take back."
Zoya looks fit to start a whirlwind in the room but Tolya gives her a glance, "can you be anywhere else right now?" he asks her, the tiredness not unfamiliar but lacking his usual wit and charm at getting on Zoya's nerves.
Zoya seems reluctant to leave you alone for any long period of time, it feels strange, you hadn't ever considered her being particularly protective over you, but maybe in hindsight she always has been, like with Nina, or maybe recent events has brought it out in here. But she leaves with an iciness around her, entrusting your safety to Tolya, in truth no one has ever made you feel safer than he does.
You don't say anything for a while, until you lean into him, letting the exhaustion move through you until his strength is all that is keeping you up, he becomes the pillar you lean on. He rests his arm around you, his spare hand moving to hold yours, running his thumb over your palm in small circles.
"I didn't mean to scare you," you tell him.
"I understand the position you were in," he whispers softly against your hair as he rests his head atop of yours, "but I meant what I said."
You don't ask him what, you don't need some clarification on what he means, because you know. You could not forgot those words and there are no other things he could possibly mean in this moment.
"Then betray me," he had, and if your heart had made a sound you doubted either of you could've heard it over the ringing of his words, "if it keeps you safe, it keeps you from harm, betray me, always betray me. I can forgive betrayal, but I cannot forgive the loss of you. I could overcome betrayal, but I can not overcome the loss of you."
"Tolya, I couldn't live with betraying you," you say, wishing you had a better answer, a softer resolve, but you have nothing to offer him except the truth.
"Losing you would've been the betrayal," he says, "and I do not say that to put guilt on your conscience but just for you to know that there is no way that you could betray me, no thing you could say, no secrets you could offer up, that would be worse than knowing you are in harms way because you think that better than telling things that are not yours to tell." You held out as well because the knowledge you had was keeping you safe as you were getting, and that was a tactic for survival as much as for loyalty, but the pull of protecting your friends, of protecting Tolya, that had been the strength that kept answers from your lips and you all know that well enough.
"You want me to promise you that I will betray you next time?" you ask. He shakes his head, a soft exhale leaving his lips.
"No, I want it to never happen, I want no next time," he tells you, "but that is not a thing I can have bound in a promise."
"I promise to try and not get kidnapped," you offer, trying to lighten the mood and sway the sadness out of his posture, "and if I do... Saints forbid, I'll do everything I can to give myself the time for you to reach me, I promise you that Tolya."
"I couldn't ask for more."
Tolya is asleep, and you are barely still awake, lain against his shoulder, you are slightly stirred by the sound of something touching the table to the side of you. You open one eye to see Zoya. You shuffle slightly and notice the blanket covering you both, that must've been Tamar, so you figure you dozed off listening to Tolya's heart at some point.
It's dark in the room, a slither of moonlight letting you make out Zoya's expression. "I had a durast make the adjustments," she tells you, "it's a promise, the same as before, but a different one."
You don't let Zoya get as far as the door before you grab the object from the table, it's the same metal she had taken off you when she rescued you, that slither of a blade meant as a promise to give up before you give in. But it's all different now, twisted and woven into a wrist cuff.
"Thank you Zoya," you tell her. Her back is turn to you, so you don't see that faint smile dance over her lips.
"Please, let's not get sentimental."
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fcknstar · 2 years
,, best friends girl "
- harryosborn x fem!reader x peterparker
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a.n : omfg i have a habit of writing at night. i have tried to edit it to the best of my ability. i need friends who share the same interest in harry osborn. uhh this is a mix of peter and harry, but it was really actually for harry lmao. i think imma just use marlene monae as my oc / reader / (y/n) cause it's easier for me. kinda got carried away lmao
warnings : jealousy? , long back story , y/n or reader is known as marlene monae.
**lowercase intended**
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changing schools in the middle of the semester has to be your most hated things that could ever happen to you. moving houses was normal for your family as your fathers a business man, who moves around. your dad was a family man, he never wanted to leave his family behind, so hed bring you and your mom around. 
it may seem magical, being able to see the entire world due to having the money for it. however, the beauty of it can never mask your hatred having to make friends, and eventually leaving them. you hardly ever kept real friends due to long distance and time difference which made it hard for both parties to connect. 
somehow, there was a few friends that you truly treasured. you were settled there for awhile. you met peter parker, harry osborn and gwen stacy. there were others but they were really something. peter was more towards the introvert dude who was always reserved, attractive guy. harry was the complete opposite of peters personality, he was more outgoing towards others, ladys boy. gwen stacy was with peter when you first entered, and you guys simply clicked, probably due to the love of science. 
you have to admit that you found peter attractive, thank god your feelings have started to slowly fade into the background. however that happiness was outlived when you found out you had to move again. you begged your parents to settle here, but of course they refused. bummed out with your parents, you had to carry the burden and decided to not tell your friends about it. you just didnt want to suffer with long distance and that your meeting with them was merely meant to be during that timeline. knowing that itd be your last time ever being in queens, you confessed your feelings towards peter, probably weeks or months after gwen and peters breakup. you didnt want to regret not opening your heart out. 
when you left without a single trace, the duo was upset. of course, who wouldn't be. you left without a letter, a goodbye. peter did tell the others about your confession. gwen wasnt mad, she was more delighted. harry left way earlier than you did, so he didn't know anything. 
just like every friend and memory you had, you had forgotten them easily. you had to, it was driving you insane with how much you missed them. missed peter because you didnt know what his answer was. but who cares. aunt may probably forgot and didnt tell peter about it. you werent mad at aunt may, but she is old and had a lot to handle with her frail hands, and your message to peter only added the burden for her. but to your luck, she did pass down the message, but was too late as peter came back home later than usual. 
it has been years and you are your own woman. you aged beautifully and your birthday was nearing. your parents had settled in france, feeling comfortable with their surroundings. you had basically forgotten the past, most of your friends and the activities you did with them. clearing up your messy room, you came across a dusty cardboard box. it looked beaten up. curiosity killed the cat and you opened to box only to find the stuff your friends had gifted you throughout your years of moving. 
the box had felt like a time capsule, feeling like a teenager again was good. there was a particularly picture in the box that caught your eye. it was a pic of your friends in queens. 
what were their names again? uhh grace? harold and peter? peter sounds familiar but too basic. he looks familiar too. it was hard for you to remember everyones names and faces due to the dozens of people youve met. attached to the picture was a thumbdrive. curious you slipped in the drive into your laptop. it was multiple folders of your time at queens? what was so special about this place, you thought. you scrolled through a couple of photos and videos, when everything hit you like a truck. you had fled that place without letting your friends know about you leaving. you had deeply missed that place that you made yourself forget about everything there. surprisingly, your heart still yearned for peter. 
after talking with your parents, they have let you fly back there. while flying you didnt know what to expect or what to think. should i visit peter? or gwen?
what if they don't accept me? you panicked. maybe it wasn't a good idea to actually visit queens. upon reaching there, you found a hotel to stay at for the time being. you basically walked around queens trying to find a familiar apartment. after a few hours of searching, you landed infront of a old but homely apartment. you didnt know what to expect. maybe peter and aunt may moved? maybe they wont recognize you? taking a deep breath in, you advanced forward towards the entrance, knocking on the door. it didnt take long for the door to swing open revealing aunt may. 
" hey aunt may, how are you? " you started. the awkward tension in the air filled you both quickly while you waited for her reply. it looked like she was trying to piece the imaginary puzzles together. 
" uhm, its marlene? " you added, helping her remember you faster. it was as if you could see the light bulb above her head light up. you didnt expect a big warm hug from aunt may, well you had feared that she probably didnt accept you. lifting your hands slowly, you reciprocated the hug and took in her embrace. you did miss aunt may, her hugs, her cooking, and her smiles that she never failed to give you. 
" darling! oh my its been so long, what happened? how are you? hows your parents? what brings you here? " aunt may spat out as she released you from her embrace. she always saw you as one of hers. she always carried a heavy heart wherever she went. she often thought that you left because of them despite you reassuring her that you werent.
" may, whats  the commotion about? " peter came out from the side, chuckling. however it stopped when he saw you. you both did not say anything to each other, you felt your body heat up with guilt. the one where you knew you did something wrong. peter felt multiple emotions rush through him, was it really you? 
" uh pete, this is marlene, i hope you didnt forget her? " nodded aunt may. aunt may saw how peter suffered, not knowing whether he felt that way because you left without saying goodbye or that he wasnt able to tell you that he felt the same way. the spiderman situation didnt help him either, no one knew that but gwen. 
trying to suppress the heat and awkwardness, you merely nodded and smiled. aunt may welcomed you in and wanted to catch up. the house looked the same, it gave off homely vibes and you missed it. you sat on the dining table opposite of aunt may while peter just stood next to her. 
you had to try to explain your absence and why you left without saying anything. you did a lot of things you regretted in the past, and leaving without an explanation was on the top of your list. aunt may seemed to understand, but she is always understanding. not sure if peter seemed the same way as his gaze was fixated on you ever since you were at their doorstep. 
" alright, ill leave you two be yea " aunt may could sense the tension between the two young adults. all she wanted was them to reconcile, glancing at peter hoping he gets a hint. 
" oh uh its fine, i was about to leave anyway. im sorry if i came without notice. bye aunt may! " you quickly gathered your stuff and practically ran out the house. slowing down your pace once you were out, you took out your phone with the intention to play some music while walking back to your hotel. 
" so thats it? youre leaving without saying goodbye to me? again? " peter called out. stopping in your tracks, you slowly turned to him. you could see the disappointment that was clearly showing. 
" look, im sorry i left okay? i just had a lot going on back then and i thought that was the easiest way out- "
" but it wasnt, isnt it? you left me knowing that we could be something.. " peter had whispered the last part, not wanting or ready for you to hear it. maybe you had moved on. his eyes trained on you. 
you didnt know what to say. you heard what he whispered out. " i know youre mad at me and its reasonable. and i.. i. " you werent sure if he liked you, but what he said did indicate that he probably did have feelings. 
" yea i am mad at you, you left without a letter? and you expected that the message you left me was enough? it was selfish of you to do so you know that right " he slowly advanced to you, not wanting his neighbors to listen to the conversation that went horribly wrong. you wanted to answer, but nothing came out of your mouth. peter felt that he was a little too harsh just by looking at your expression.
" im sorry if i was too harsh. i just. i really liked you, i still do, but leaving me. leaving gwen wasnt something we both saw coming. aunt may said you liked me. is it true? " it was pretty bold of peter, he knew that. but he really needed to know. he nearly missed your nods. that was enough for him to engulf you into a hug. peter had let his guard down and you had to. you realized that it was hard for him too. 
it had been a few weeks ever since you stepped foot in new york. peter brought you to see gwen, who was thrilled to find you back. you guys reconnected instantly, catching up with one another. peter was glad that you are back, but he knew deep down that you had to leave again. gwen convinced you to stay with her as she needed a roommate. which made you convince your parents to let you stay in new york. somehow everything went according to plan, and you parents visited you often. you were living comfortably with gwen, you started dating peter. it sounds bad, dating your friends ex, but gwen was too open minded to care about what people thought. who cares about their friend dating their crush when they are in a committed relationship with someone new. 
you and peter were at a cafe having a regular breakfast, when a mini television in the cafe announced harry osborns arrival back in new york. it was said that his father was terribly sick and had died from it. decided that you both wanted to visit harry. 
the moment you stepped into the building, you both were told that harry was in a meeting for oscorp, and had to wait for the boy to come down. scanning the foyer you were in, it looked grand, but was dimly lit which made it more eerie than intended. you both didnt know what to expect except the awkwardness that will fill in between you three. while waiting for harry, you and peter were softly kicking each other to keep each other from getting bored. 
the clacks of someones shoes broke the silence and both you and peter had turned to see harry. harry looked different, he grew into his looks, the ridiculous side part has yet to leave his personality. 
" peter parker.. and marlene monae. its like seeing ghosts. " harry chuckled, staring at you both. 
" hey harry. " peter greeted with a gentle tone, not wanting harry to push you both away. 
you just forced a smile towards the boy who nodded. " uhm, what brings you both here? "
" we saw the news, heard about your dad and just wanted to see you and  how you are doing. " it was now your turn to speak. you didnt want to offend harry, trying to sound as sincerely as you intended with the words that came out. 
" im uh with some people,  im in a meeting " harry voiced out, eyes flickering between you both. 
" we didnt mean to intrude, really. i knew how it feels to lose a parent. " a sigh left peters lips. he truly wanted to be there for his friend. the conversation felt awkward and you didnt know what to do other than mess with your skin. glancing back at peter, you continued, " we just wanted to let you know that we are here for you if you need us " 
harry nodded, whispering out a " thank you " . 
it was silent for a moment and you seriously wanted to tension to stop. clasping your hands together, you look between peter and harry, " it was nice to see you again, harry " smiling towards the boy, you glance back at peter. peter got the hint and nodded. as you both turned to the door, harry spoke. 
" i see that you have gotten your braces out, " you could tell that harry had let his guard down with the tone of his voice. you missed this harry that enjoyed messing around, " and you have better style now huh " harry eyed you up and down. he always teased about how plain you dress up in the past. 
seeing peter smile at harrys words warmed you dearly. peter had both of his friends back into his life and peter couldnt be more happy. 
" you still blow dry your hair every morning? " peter laughed. harry stepped down onto the stairs, chuckling. 
" you know, one of my servants holds the hair dryer and i work the comb " harry cracked a smile, he was shocked at how quickly he let his old friends back into his life, but he wasnt mad at all. 
when harry reached the bottom of the stairs, he opened up his arms wanting a hug. without hesitation peter ran to harry like a little child, engulfing harry into a bear hug. you have seen peter happy when hes around his friends, but peter has never been this happy to have a friend back into your life. ( you messed up, thats why he didnt seem to happy to see you, right marlene? ) 
after harry released peter from his grasp, he opened his arms slightly, offering you a hug that you gladly accepted. you and harry usually shared hugs with one another in the past. it was tradition, whenever you two see each other or needed one another, a hug was always shared, and jokes were passed around. 
peter was happy seeing his friends reconcile, but his eyes didnt miss the way harrys hands held your waist. was it normal? he knew your relationship with harry in the past, but he didnt remember it to be this touchy. maybe it was because he was just jealous. the hug lasted longer than he anticipated, his ears didnt miss the light thumping of someones heart during the shared hug. it couldnt be yours, he was used to hearing your heart beat and didnt sound like yours. maybe harry was nervous. peter didnt know. 
it wasnt long before the trio found themselves walking through a park which located in the middle of the town. harry and peter were conversing, letting you take in the atmosphere. 
" what? you got yourself a lady? " harry joked while watching peter lean back onto the railing. that was what made you and peter lock eyes. harry caught that, a smile starting to appear on his lips. 
" wait, you two? " harry questioned. 
when you were about to answer harry, peter beat you to it. " you sound surprised, well we were just about to tell you " peter winked. 
" well i am, i just didnt think a hot looking woman would end up with a nerd. " harry joked, " i mean dont get me wrong im happy for you both. " you were probably oblivious enough to not notice the tone in harrys voice, but peter clearly did. 
" well thank you harry, but how bout you get yourself a woman before talking " you winked at harry, challenging harry. 
" i have one in mind, but shes off limits. " harry sighed, eye flicking between you and peter. 
" spill right now. "  you cheered, its been a long time since you heard your best friend talk about his crushes. 
" spill? its that like a slang-? " harry was cut off with a slap in the head. of course it was from you. peter didnt like the interaction one bit, he didnt expect you and harry click so fast after years of not meeting. it took you less than an hour to let your guard down with harry, but it took you a few weeks to fully get comfortable with peter. peter just couldn't understand. 
harry however, was more delighted to have you talk to him. he had missed your eagerness whenever he shared about his dream girl which was practically you. he did feel upset when he found out that you and peter were an item. if you and peter werent together, hed for sure have started something with you. he knew peter saw the way he held your waist, the way he brought your hips closer to his, the way he buried his face in the crook of your neck. but who is he to break you two apart. you were his best friends girl. or are you really?
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For the character ask meme: 2, 7, and 20 for Takeru and 1, 16, and 23 for Shark!
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
God, it was love at first sight for that fire boy, I remembered binging episodes 1-10 of Vrains because I decided I wanted to learn the old fashioned way how to Link summon and wanting to look up something, I forgot how exactly I came across his out of vrains face googling but I knew I had to get to him, I just had to know who he was
And then it was like a soul bond after that omfg, kin at first sight, Salamangreat, baby’s first meta deck
7. A quote of them that you remember
MANY, SUB AND DUB BOTH fjdhdhshs, I’m obsessed with him lowkey highkey
“Because I’m not that smart either. If I was, I’d see the world in a different light.”
“Everything that happened so far is a part of me! That’s what I lived through!”
“You have to think of it like a duel, you need the right strategy to start a convo.”
“I can’t believe he rolls up the sleeves on his sports coat, that’s just the worst.”
20. A weird headcanon (minor cw for drug use)
Oh my god I love imagining Takeru, specifically pre-canon Takeru, as being MESSY, and really looking at him in this lense where he’s spending a lot of time turning his life around
Maybe it’s a small projection based on parts of my life, but I like to imagine Takeru following pure and complete sobriety
He’s had way more than enough close encounters in his life to try too many new things, I imagine, being a delinquent with no real awareness for his personal safety, he dabbled in other unsavory activities like using but swore off of everything after meeting Flame and only just hardened his cause
1. My first impression of them
Deadass did the “There’s no way this kid is actually named SHARK” when getting the lowdown before watching and then knew I had to meet him
Like in my last ask box for Ryouga, I knew I’d love him during and after watching, but to what degree I was unsure, like I really thought for certain Ryouga was going to be my favorite Zexal uncontested because I’m so attached to all of the BFFs from most of the other spin off
And I did immediately love him on introduction, love that he’s just a huge asshole, love when he becomes slightly less of one, even if it means his decisiveness is just thrown out the window the more he changes
16. A childhood headcanon
So thinking like post car accident, Ryouga being smart with what he could get from whatever child care system in Heartland is in place for orphaned kids waiting for their allowance to come back(given that the manor is in such poor shape, I’m imagining anyway!) to best support Rio!
Like continuing to do anything he can at home, even if it’s unsavory, to keep them afloat while still having to attend school, and then inevitably keeping her stuff cleaned, organized, and well tended to when she’s in the hospital, just really falling into being the best brother he can
23. Future headcanon
Sort of related to above omfg, like Nasch is so precious with Iris and Ryouga’s a great brother, I like to imagine Ryouga being a really good Dad 🥹🥹🥹
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 3x14
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well hellouuuu Alicia (that was her name right? I vaguely remember her from season 4 I think👀) Yep he just said her name
Clark is so excited to find someone like him😭😭🥺 How badly is this going to escalate tho?💀💀 (I do remember she tried to kill Lana at some point sooooo)
I feel like Clark looks younger this episode, did they change his hairstyle again?🤔
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look at himmm😭 When Pete called him special last episode he had a really negative reaction but now he's so happy🥺 I like it, be proud of yourself bby🥹
*so excited he almost falls off the stairs* why is that me💀
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And the creepiness begins💀
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I can't breathe omfg that's so awkward💀💀💀💀
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I've said this before and I'll say it again (and again), I love how open Clark is with his parents🥹
Great, now she knows about the Kryptonite🤦🏻‍♀️
Oh this escalated alright😬👀
random but this meme screams Alicia lmaoooo
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she can't use her powers because of... paint??? I feel like I'm missing something💀 (smallville wikia said it was lead paint, thank you for your service🫡)
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*slams table* YES HE WILL
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*slams table* NO YOU WON'T
oh hey Lionel, welcome back (I totally forgot he was in the opening of this episode lmaoo💀)
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
here are my thoughts on the new episode!!! this time im actually writing them out in real time. ive been so so excited for this one
- no normal fact damn. thats okay though will i support
- oh god are they doing this w their comedy personas.
- i love how tori didnt even get an introduction to scam it was just like oh yeah theres a guy here named scam likely
- LINK JUST SHOWING GARFIELD ON HIS PHONE lincoln li wilson bless ur soul
- somehow the audio quality of link being on a microphone extra loud makes this so funny
- istg the moment hermie has a line im gonna scream and jump up and down
- i literally forgot that disney movies have anime remakes now in dndads i was so confused for a sec WAIT TORI DOESNT KNOW THIS OMFG IMAGINE HER CONFUSION
- honestly though i think taylor opening up like this through comedy makes sense
- link is so supportive of taylor awwww
- i think its so funny and ironic how scary is the only one who doesnt drop lore about her family in her set
- "im sensitive about that :[" MY LITTLE GUYYYYY NO
- will campos is carrying this entire episode
- hermies up now i am so fucking scared. this episode is NOT going the direction i thought it would omfg (not complaining at all im just in shock)
- *applauds hermie along w tori* (I CANT BELIEVE ANTHONY IS DOING THIS W JOKER MAKEUP)
- thanks for the existential crisis/aging/suicide jokes hermie i really needed that on my bday 😅😅 /s
- "im saying were all thinking about how i would be better off dead" IM KILLING MYSELFFFF
- nobody hmu ever again /j i am never going to stop thinking about the fact that hermie is canonically suicidal
- i had to take a big ol break just to process that shit. fuck. this is somehow making me even more insane hermie brained wtf
- "u dont like me, u idiot" 😦
- will campos really holding on strong for us. normal is gonna fix hermie if its the last thing he does ig
- NICKYS BACK i wasnt expecting him this episode yippee
- im being so serious guys when i say i think this may be my fave episode of the whole season so far it is boggling my mind and smashing my heart to pieces and im loving it
- "u can be polygamous in space" there are so many good lines this episode
- i also love whenever freddie talks about sciencey mathy stuff that i dont understand
holy fucking shit. what a rollercoaster. so yeah guys i think that was my fave episode of the season wow. what a bday gift to me. herman unworthy is just like me fr. i am going to take an eternity to recover from this.
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my review of "last violent call" by chloe gong
(side note from the future, i forgot to make part 2 and i will at some point but idk when 🧍‍♀️ i have been distracted lately so idk 😭😭😭 i'm sorryyyy)
spoiler warning for:
these violent delights duology
foul lady fortune
last violent call (obviously)
alright so let's talk about "a foul thing" first!
some things i found to be a bit odd:
why did they keep saying how worried they were about being recognized but kept their appearances pretty much the same (besides Juliette's long hair) Benedikt and marshall's hair is the same from what I remember, and their faces still look the same (they're obviously older) and all of this other stuff but I'll get to more of that when we talk about "this foul murder"
also, why tell pretty much everyone EXCEPT rosalind and alisa who are family?? like yes I get that they are trying to protect them but now rosalind is carrying this guilt for a super long time and that made me pretty sad 😭 I can't imagine the betrayal rosalind is gonna feel when she finds out celia didn't tell her. same with alisa, I bet she'll feel pretty bad that she didn't know.
but that's enough about that, for now, let's get on to stuff I liked :)
sorry, i really needed to say that omfg they were so cute in the entire novella. rdbmbbb I just love them they are so precious to me 🙏🏼no ship will ever hit as good as they do (ofc evajacks because come on it's evajacks and they are my otp) I love the way chloe wrote them in this novella as well. they were still the old roma and juliette but you could tell how they'd matured and how everything had affected them in so many ways and just fdfdkvfdk,dvfl, i loved it, man, i live for fluff but MARRIED COUPLE FLUFF??? AFTER BEING ENEMIES??? HELL YEAH it was everything i wanted it to be and more fluff and romance-wise!!!
alright, now we need to talk about roma and juliette's death, and also the connections with foul lady fortune.
so it is said in the first chapter that this takes place in 1931, the same time as the beginning of foul lady fortune, shown here in these two pictures
(top is a foul thing and the bottom is foul lady fortune)
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so as you can see they start at the same time. so the start of "a foul thing" takes place while rosalind is on the train in the first chapter after the prologue. i found this to be interesting since i thought "foul lady fortune" was spread out for months but at the end of flf (foul lady fortune) Rosalind receives this letter:
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and at the end of afl (a foul thing), we get a page of juliette writing that same letter.
(also side note but i really appreciate this, isn't it so nice how chloe gong managed to tie both books together SO WELL in only 117 pages???)
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So because of this, I found the timeline confusing because this takes place in September in afl BUT it seemed like way more than a month in flf?? if anyone has answers on why this is or corrections for the timeline, please comment them cause this confused me quite a bit.
this might've been just me but i also think I missed a lot of important information and how flf connects to the novellas because I am really REALLY bad with names 😥 I am trying my best guys ok 😭
i also liked the introduction of new characters in this and also how much chloe was able to get done within 117 pages like god damn, she got a lot done writing this. new characters and a new plot, answers to roma and juliette's death??? angst??? fluff??? it was all there and did not disappoint.
also, i would like to say that I KNEW it was very likely they couldn't be dead because there was no body, no leftovers, no nothing. like yes i know they were supposed to be exploded or whatever but even in explosions there's gonna be uhh leftover flesh 👁
anyways, let's move on to my favorite quotes and then we can talk about "this foul murder"
alright here are the pictures i have >:)
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uh oh, i have come to the startling realization that I can't add any more images 😭 and I need to send some pictures to talk about "this foul murder" and the rest of the quotes... alright I guess I'm gonna have to add a part 2 to this post 😭
let me close this by saying that "a foul thing" was so amazing and up there in my favorite books definitely!!! more authors need to write novellas taking place after the couple is together, it just hits different. but overall for this first part of "last violent call"?? 5/5 stars!!!
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
It's bigger! It's badder! Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Ukiyo Ace!
Welcome back to the Jyamato Grand Prix!
Joining us today is Buffa, God of All Jyamato! And boy is he mad~! Kamen Riders beware. This bull's gonna ran through the China shop that is your lives~!
...in theory, at least :3
Spoilers, I guess...
-Where is the Fox Man?
-She truly remembers nothing about what happened to her brother.
-Oh fuck, Kyuun!
-Oh fuck, John and Ben! Hell yeah!
-"Everything's different again... even you, Neon."
-Holy shit
-Kurama really went there, didn't he?
-That fucker.
-Beroba offers you more battle.
-"The answer's obvious. I'm gonna win again."
-"And?" Holy shit, dude.
-Chirami's still got reality TV brain.
-Speaking of which, I hear another Hollywood writer's strike is on the horizon, so... I hope you 2000s kids are ready for an all new CN Real block.
Chirami: "No no no, you don't get it! It'd be fantastic for ratings~!"
Chirami: "Now, I realize that nobody's got a chance in hell against Buffa, but that'll just add to his allure as an unbeatable God! People will wanna lay him out~! And that means people will be tuned in from all across space and time for when he inevitably bites the dust~!"
Tsumuri: "Two thousand years worth of contestants, quite literally innumerable innocent people, and my little brother fucking died because of you people."
Chirami: "Business expenses~!"
-Letting the mask slip right off, huh?
-I miss you, Giroli.
-Don't you diss my girl like that, you weasel.
-Yeah that's what happens when you try to play god, Admin Man.
-Ah, yep. Arranged date.
-Gonna be real Neon, I don't think this is going well.
-Oh shit, the boys!
-There's something so funny about Ben just saying "Ojou-sama" among the rest of his dialogue.
-I appreciate these subs also applying to English dialogue, that's very considerate.
-"Nooooo... I'm sorry :c"
-White Tiger, Black Panther. Welcome back to the Desire Grand Prix.
-Er... well, I suppose that's just a name now.
-My heart breaks for Miss Navigator.
-Buffa, you leave that beautiful man alone.
-"Go home, little kitty."
-Yeah, I kinda gave up my "name" basis with Buffa, in case you haven't noticed.
-Nooooo, John D:
-omfg Michael that was so slick
-Tom too, that was amazing
-Here they are! The Riders!
-Double Beat!
-...don't quite get to see it, huh?
-Beroba Jumpscare.
-"Oh! You forgot this, honey~!"
-Neon's misery swells once more.
-"I can't wait to watch you cry in 4K, Na-Go~!"
-Takahashi, you are just beating on the poor girl, huh?
-Kyuun appears!
-"Forget about your lives as Riders. That's the only mercy I can offer you."
-Neon's resolve has never gone away.
-"You can be whoever you want... in the future!"
-Neon, 3,033 AD.
-Oh fuck, a Ninja!
-Ninja Doggo!
-Buffa killed Eitoku!
-Er, excuse me... Retired.
-Victory Royale.
-"...we're completely foxless... piece of shit would be our only chance."
-"Ukiyo Ace-sama..." :(
"Pwease pwease pwease!"
Ziin: L + Ratio, you fell off, cringe, fail. ...that's the ancient slang from this era, right?
Kekera: No no, sonny. You don't get it. He's an old man, we never get slang. Let me try something he'll definitely understand. Buzz off.
-Okay, thanks Ziin.
-He's based now.
-"Yo, Game Master."
-Hello, Buffa. ...I can't believe I'm saying this, but you have my permission to do what you want to the Game Master. I'm sick of these people's bullshit too.
-No shade towards Yamazaki-san, of course <3
-"The only Riders left."
-"No fighting :<"
-"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH, WOMAN! It's my time."
-Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, together at last.
-Fever Zombie!
-Tsumuri's just so done with all this crap.
-Buffa's in the middle of his Turbo Mecha Sonic arc.
-Speaking of which, I hope I get to see the SMBZ reboot's third episode sometime soon, I've been waiting years to see Metallix return.
-Not even a dent has been made in Buffa's armor from all that fantastic technology.
-"This is the Jyamato God's world."
-I'll be real, I'd have given Tsumuri like ten super forms by now. I can't guarantee it'd be a good watch at that point, but hey I'd be happy.
-Boom! Laser Victory!
-An unkillable zombie! Don't that feel familiar?
Chirami: No! No, wait, please, I... We can make a deal! If you spare my life, I'll give you a planet! Three planets! Two and a half?
Buffa: You just went down.
Chirami: I'm a haggler...?
-As needlessly cruel as Buffa, he's at least got one point from me for one reason.
-Recognizing he benefitted from that corrupt system and realizing that it only worked out for him because it worked out so terribly for everyone else.
-There's your little bro, Tsumuri.
-And Glare2 is out of the battle!
-Oh shit, there he is! Fox Jesus~!
-"No, no no, no no no NO! How dare you?!"
-He's back!
-"I'm a ghost. ...or to be accurate, a kitsune."
-Boost! And... Magnum!
-Ready... Fight!
-"You don't mean shit to me anymore."
-"Yeah? Well, me neither."
-Desire Royale.
-Tsumuri has awoken.
-Oh fuck, that's a new rider! ...OH FUCK SARA-NEESAN
-Is that a badger? Er, wait no, she'd be an otter like Tycoon...
-Hang on, lemme look something up...
-John and Ben's Rider forms are called "Garun" and "Lancer", respectively. I feel cucked not seeing them as Riders. ...maybe they didn't wanna dig through the prop closet for them.
-Beagle Eitoku, or... rather, Nagayama was called "Groovy". ...that's cute, I'll admit. ...I forget, do the participants name their Rider forms themselves?
-Pretty okay episode overall though, I give it a 7.2/10 for Rider Revival Episode Standards. ...that's still a C- by American School Standards, but it's a solid C-. (meaning, I liked all the stuff with Buffa and Neon and Tsumuri makes me sadge but in like a good way.)
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carameldrizzl3 · 3 months
Second Best
Let's start off with the obvious, I think this could be either Taylor or Abby. Overall, in my opinion it’s Taylor. But for the sake of it, we’ll start with Abby.
“I'll never forget how stupid in love I felt
I'll always regret how I couldn't ever tell
That you walked a little faster, left me behind”
Well I’m no analysis person or writer but Buck literally always gave abby everything because he was obsessed with the idea of this strong independent woman, wanting him. (Also because I like to believe he loved Abby but for the sake of my memory and this stuff, I'll say he was infatuated but not in love.) Alsp pertaining to that last line, it’s not like Abby was “walking faster” but she was already so far ahead in life that it would take Buck longer to get where she’s at (literally and figuratively.) Also NOT saying it’s Abby’s fault or anything (even though i don't like her character) but their relationship was always a game of catch up in my opinion. Buck told Bobby that he didn't mind being in a committed relationship with her but he felt as though with Abby he had to grow up faster (which he was oh so willing to do for her btw.) But ofc it was worth it (sorta/partially/not rlly)
“You've given me nothing to miss
Honestly, life has been much better since
I spoke to you last
Why am I still wondering
If I stand a chance or if you'd have me back?”
Of course he missed her but after she didn't contact or come back for years, he obviously started to get over her (those months were definitely hell tho) but of course that train crash made the memories come back. Also doesn't help that she came to visit Buck and in his mind made him think that he had a chance with her again which was obviously quickly shut down by the ring on her finger. After they talked at that park/cliff area he sorta got the closure he needed and his life has been (sorta/not really) uphill since.
Now we’ll go to Taylor:
“Held me in close as you thought of your past
I love way too much
Oh, this hurts to confess”
I dunno why i added the first line but i guess i was thinking about how taylor opened up about her past to him, however it's literally not relevant. uhh..so..yeah. 
But OMFG when she was like “I kinda love you for it” and he was all like “wut” and it was like an ‘i love you’ moment, I LITERALLY DIED. I WAS KICKING MY FEET THEY WERE SO CUTE WTF. And I believe he truly did love her. YES he kissed Lucy but when she betrayed him (after he did her by cheating) and the rest of the 118, I'm sure it was hard for him to accept that this was the person he had fallen in love with. Definitely hurt on some nights.
“Everyone warned me you were a bad idea
I never listen
Maybe I will next year
When I've walked a little further into my life
Fallen in love and left you behind”
I don’t know if they ever warned Buck about her, but that relationship was definitely a bad idea. We already know that reporters and anybody that works for the government don't go well together, not based on personality but because sometimes reporters try to seek out highly secretive information from their partners. So..uh..yeah. An example of this would be the firefighter incident (I done forgot his damn name chy..) and also when bobby was under the influence (the brownie episode), and she recorded him talking about something private and personal and wanted to publish it. (obviously she was denied but her intentions were there) anyways I'm a bucktaylor lover fight me. I want what they had (minus the lies and cheating and uh.. mishaps)
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