#I genuinely believe he was obsessed enough with her to be aware of every little thing the maids had done to her
sequinsmile-x · 8 months
Salt of the Earth
Emily had never known love like it.
Hi friends,
Just a little something soft for a Sunday evening. I hope you all enjoy it <3
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: None!
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily had never known love like it. 
It’s all encompassing, overwhelming in a way that had taken her weeks to get used to after her and Aaron’s first date. He was kind and attentive, always aware of her needs - often before she was herself. He was loving, making it clear how he felt about her long before either of them had been brave enough to say it.
She had never felt so loved, every little thing he did for her, every time he’d say exactly the right thing just as she needed to hear it, she fell in love with him a little more. Something that felt impossible now they were 18 months into their relationship, but he kept proving her wrong. She knew on some level it was because he was trying to do better by her than he had by Haley, his past a spectre that she knew still haunted him, that still hovered just a few paces behind him at all times, sure to catch up with him every now and again. 
She always knew it was because they were well-suited, so right for each other that if she believed in soulmates she would he was hers. The half of her that she hadn’t known had been missing until she realised she was in love with him, the tumultuous feelings for the man who had then only been her boss spilling out of the box she’d locked them in and clogging her lungs when she’d found a bloodstain on the floor of his old apartment years ago. 
It had taken them a long time after that to make it to where they were now. They’d discussed it since. Her back against his chest and his lips against her head, his confession that he’d loved her for years pressed against her hairline. So many things had got in their way. George Foyet and his obsession with Aaron, and the showdown that had ultimately led to Haley’s death. Ian Doyle and his obsession with revenge, and Emily’s fake death that had placed her on another continent, wholly unaware of whether she’d ever make it home, let alone finally find out if there truly was something between her and Aaron. 
She loved him so much that it sometimes made her ache. She often worried if she showed him enough, if he felt the same overwhelming love from her that she felt from him. A lingering concern in the back of her mind that she wasn’t enough, that she couldn’t give him the love he deserved. She told him all the time, the three words she’d struggled to say at first now flowing freely from her like they were as simple as hello, but it didn’t feel like enough. It didn’t get across just how much he meant to her, how he was everything.
They’d recently moved into their new home, a house she’d bought them using her trust fund, finally able to use the money in a way she’d secretly always hoped she would. She was looking forward to going home, to sink into the comfort that seemed to live in every corner of their house, to fall into Aaron’s arms and settle into his embrace. 
She knew it was absurd to miss him, even when they were only apart for an evening, but she did. His absence sharp whenever he wasn’t by her side. 
“It’s a shame Aaron couldn’t make it this evening.”
Emily smiles tightly as she takes a sip of her wine, clearing her throat as she places her glass back on the table between them.
“Funny, I was just thinking the same thing,” she says, well aware that her boyfriend’s absence was never sharper than when she was in the presence of her mother, “He had a meeting he couldn’t get out of.”
It sounds like an excuse, but she knew he was genuinely sorry he couldn’t come to the dinner they’d put in the diary weeks ago. He was highly aware of how tense things could be with her mother, especially since she’d come back from Paris, and he wanted to always support her through it. His presence at her side sometimes the only thing that stopped her from losing it with her mother. 
“How is the new house?” Elizabeth asks, a tone to her voice that Emily recognised all too well from her childhood, from her whole life. It would seem reasonable to anyone else, like a mother simply enquiring about her child’s life, but she knew better, Elizabeth’s opinion on the use of Emily’s trust fund clear. 
“It’s perfect,” she says, ignoring the questions that hadn’t been asked like she always had. “Jack loves his room,” she adds, thinking of the young boy's excitement when they’d picked out paint together, how he’d sat on her hip, safe in her arms, as he pointed at all the different colours in front of him, “It feels like home.” 
It’s more of an admission than she’d usually make to her mother, but she can’t help herself. Her love for Aaron and Jack, for the life they were building together, constantly simmering under her skin. 
Elizabeth hums, “We’ll I’d hope so, considering how much it cost you.” 
Emily clenches her teeth, forcing herself not to bite, and has never been more grateful for a waiter and his timing in her life. 
“More wine?” 
She’s sure that she’s never responded faster, “God yes.”
Relieved doesn’t feel like a strong enough word for how she feels as she steps into the house. The warmth replacing the slight chill of the evening outside as she closes the door, and the comfort, something that just felt like home to her, washing over her as she takes a deep breath. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” 
She smiles as she turns to him, “Hi,” she replies, stamping a kiss against his lips as he walks over to her, his hands taking over her taking off her jacket, slipping it from her shoulders and hanging it up for her on the rack. She turns and leans against him, briefly sinking into his embrace as he wraps his arms around her, “How was the meeting with Strauss?”
“As you’d expect,” he says wryly, kissing her once more before she pulls back to take off her shoes. She places her hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she unzips her boots and lets them drop to the floor, “How was your mother?”
She hums as she stands up straight and scrunches up her nose, “As you’d expect,” she grumbles, a smile sneaking onto her face as he raises an eyebrow at her repetition of his answer, “She only mentioned my fake death twice this evening though,” she says, injecting fake enthusiasm into her voice, “So thats an improvement on last time.” 
He sighs as he pulls her into a hug, his arms tight around her waist as she rests her cheek on his shoulder, “I’m sorry, baby,” he says, kissing the side of her head, “I should have been there.” 
She smiles before she pulls back, kissing him before she speaks, “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she says, cupping his cheek, “You had work I get it. Plus, I can handle my mother. I’ve been doing it all my life.” 
He wants to tell her that he doesn’t care if she can handle it, that he doesn’t think she should have to, but he won’t. He made a promise a long time ago to her that he wouldn’t get involved in her relationship with her mother, that he wouldn’t get protective in a way she was worried would make the relationship infinitely more complicated. 
“Come on,” he says, squeezing her hand, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” 
She raises her eyebrows at him and smiles, “A surprise?” She asks curiously, stepping forward as he briefly leans down to pick up her shoes from where she’d abandoned them to place them on the rack with the others, “What kind of surprise?” 
“If I told you that would ruin the whole point of it being a surprise, sweetheart,” he says, standing back up straight and wrapping his arm around her from behind as he guides her to the stairs, staying close as they walk towards their bedroom and through to the ensuite, the smell of lavender and rose hitting her as they cross the threshold. 
One of her favourite things about this house was the clawfoot bathtub. It was freestanding, the main pull of the ensuite, and huge - big enough for both of them to sink into comfortably. She smiles as she looks around, steam rising out of the tub, the smell of her favourite bath salts lingering in the air and a decent amount of bubbles floating around the surface of the water. A glass of wine was on the small table next to the bath, along with a pack of mini peanut butter cups.
She leans back into him and turns her head to look at him, “You drew me a bath?” 
He shrugs as if it’s nothing, as if it wasn’t just another example of how he loved her so well, so entirely, that it made her head spin, “You always need to relax after seeing her,” he says, kissing her neck, “So I thought this would help.” 
She turns in his arms and pulls him in for a kiss, her hands on his cheeks, a familiar feeling of inadequacy burning in her chest that she desperately pushes down, “It definitely helps.”
She pulls back and gets undressed, smiling to herself as he watches her, and she drops her clothes where she removes them, unceremoniously leaving them on the floor. She steps towards the bath, lifting a foot to sink into the water. 
“I started to run it the moment you texted to say you were on the way,” he explains, smiling as she groans at the temperature of the water, just as hot she liked it to be, “So it should still be hot enough to take off a layer of skin,” he says, and she rolls her eyes at him and settles into the bath, moaning as her muscles start to relax. “It’s good?”
She looks over him and smiles as she watches him pick up her clothes and put them in the hamper, something he did without thinking, or without commenting on her habit of just leaving things everywhere. 
“It’s almost perfect,” she says, pressing her lips together to hide her smile as he furrows his brow. 
She shrugs, the water sloshing around her as she moves, “It’s missing my favourite thing,” she says casually, unable to stop herself from laughing as she can practically see his brain going into overtime, trying to figure out what he’d forgotten. She finally puts him out of his misery, her smile wide, “You.” 
He shakes his head at her, his hands on his hips as he fights a smile, “You’re sure you don’t want to be alone?” 
She sits forward, beckoning him over and she pulls him closer by his tie, stamping a kiss against his lips and smiling as she pulls back, “I always want you around.” 
He doesn’t need asking twice, and she knows it was something he was hoping for anyway, the water level still low enough around her to allow him to join. She watches as he takes off his clothes, placing them in the hamper with hers, and she shifts forward, making room for him to slip in behind her. He hisses as he steps into the water and she giggles, shaking her head at him as he settles behind her.
“It’s not that hot,” she says, leaning back against him, sitting in the cradle of his hips. 
“It is for us mere mortals,” he replies, kissing her temple as she settles into his arms, letting out a content sigh as she closes her eyes, “Is the bath perfect now?”
She nods, raising a bubble covered hand to pat his cheek, opening her eyes and smiling at him as she leaves residue on his skin, “Absolutely perfect,” she says, kissing him, “Although, I could have sworn I ran out of my bath salts last week.” 
“You did,” he replies casually, “I happened to be near the place where you buy them so I went and got you some more.” 
She stares at him, open-mouthed as his words wash over her, “You got the right one.” 
He chuckles and looks at her like she’s crazy, like she’s stating the obvious, “We may have only just moved into this place Em, but we have lived together for a while. Of course, I got the right one.” 
He’d done this for years, long before they got together. He collected facts about her, tiny little details he stored away for later, never forgetting even the tiniest detail. It meant he remembered things she knows past partners would have considered inconsequential, just like knowing what her favourite bath salts were without having to ask.
“I love you,” she says, unsure what else she can say, what else will make it clear how she feels about him, and she knows she will spend the rest of their lives trying to make him feel the way he makes her feel.
“I love you too,” he replies, cupping her cheek to hold her in place, kissing her soundly.
She settles back against his chest and they sit in contented silence, sharing the glass of wine he’d poured for her. His presence does as much to relax her, to remove the tension from her chest that her mother always managed to create, as the bath does. His solid chest behind her, his strong thighs pressed against her own, his arm around her middle, the balm she needed after a long day. He was everything to her, the person who had helped her find herself again after she was so sure she wouldn’t. He loved everything about her, even the parts she hated, and she did the same for him.
Later, when he’d ask, she would say that thought made her say what she says next. 
He hums, kissing her temple, “Yes, sweetheart?” 
She tilts her head to look at him, a soft smile on her face as their eyes meet. She cups his cheek before she speaks again, her thumb rasping against the late-night stubble she finds there. 
“Marry me.” 
....I acknowledge that was a mean place to leave this, and could be convinced to write a part 2 👀
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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saintsenara · 5 months
I am living for the rare pair asks and answers!!! Break it down for me (any or all, your choice)!: Viktor Krum and Ron, Snape and McGonagall, Trelawney and Umbridge!
thank you so much for the ask, @nanneramma - three absolutely top-tier choices here.
viktor krum/ron weasley
listen... unrequited kron is quite literally canon. ron wanted krum to sleep in his bed [come on, king, have some chill], kept a little model of him on his bedside table [and then snapped it when krum had the temerity to fancy someone else], and just generally had such little idea about what to do with his hitherto untapped bisexuality that his embarrassing behaviour made everyone within a ten-mile radius profoundly uncomfortable.
do i think krum would be into it...? yes.
as he says to harry at bill and fleur's wedding, one of the perks of being an international quidditch star is the opportunity to nail your fans. finding a fan who's as enthusiastic as ron would undoubtedly be about this scenario is like hitting the jackpot.
minerva mcgonagall/severus snape
a genuine obsession - sustained by every single fic @kellychambliss has ever written about the two.
firstly because i’m an equal-opportunity age-gap fan, and there is far too little older woman/younger man in the fandom, but also because i’m a huge fan of the fanon that snape and mcgonagall are friends prior to dumbledore’s death - i’m not sure it’s canonically plausible, but who gives a fuck - and i like the idea of that blossoming into something more, especially in fics where snape survives the second war. after all, he is a man who definitely needs to be treated quite strictly [and i don’t just mean in the staff room], there's a shared loneliness and grief to them both, they’re intellectual equals despite the age gap, and bickering about quidditch is absolutely fine as a method of foreplay.
plus, you can’t tell me dumbledore’s portrait doesn’t ship it.
sybill trelawney/dolores umbridge
well, they've obviously got the "enemies" part of "enemies-to-lovers" nailed [behave].
but, actually, i'm not sure i back it. the thing that's really interesting about trelawney is that she's clearly very aware that the face she presents to the world is a work of fiction - she knows, absolutely, that she's not really a good seer, that her colleagues think she's weird and off-putting, and so on - and i think that the insecurity she feels about this and the affect it must have on her relationships is a really fascinating thing to work through in both platonic and romantic ships which feature her.
umbridge, on other hand, also lives - essentially - in character at all times, but believes she's entirely right to do so. she's never letting go of her righteousness enough to give a crap about poor sybill, I fear.
[my fave trelawney rare pair? her with rita skeeter, who does have the 'being well aware you're a fraud' vibe. my fave with umbridge? her with prison.]
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arainbowofchaos · 11 months
Seven Moons : Monday, The Crystal Moon
In a world where each day of the week is governed by a different moon, two passionate souls try to embrace a love beyond the boundaries of time. Will they have to give up their love to preserve the cosmic balance?
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Tags/Warnings: Idol!Jungkook, Shy!Reader. Taehyung is Reader’s and JK’s mutual friend. A bit of unrequited love on Taehyung’s behalf. Impossible love. Strangers to lovers. Romance. It's kind of a Fantasy AU as each moon has an influence on the characters' destinies. Also reader's sister passed away. Mention of suicide, depression, grief.
Length: 2.4k words
A/N: I haven’t written in ages so please be kind as english isn’t my first language. I'm 28 and should probably do something else with my life but I have an injury and it's all I can do right now. Also the fantasy aspect of the story will be more pronounced in the upcoming chapters. (7 chapters, obviously)
It's midnight, and the week has begun. You gaze at the moon by your window with a sense of inquiry, wondering what the day has in store for you. Little do you know that your destiny is about to change forever. For now, you’re lying in bed and you just can't fall asleep; you feel too anxious.
Your phone vibrates on the bedside table making you startle. The light emanating from it illuminates the room. You wonder who could be writing to you at this late hour, and you reach out automatically to grab your phone. You can read Taehyung's name on your screen.
“Hello beauty. See you tonight! I hope you're ready to live the best night of your life!”
You smile at his message because you know how happy he is to take you to his friend Jungkook's concert. Taehyung is one of those people who really love to please others. He's aware of the hardships you have faced recently. He also knows you've been listening to Jungkook's songs on YouTube non-stop. It's only natural for him to suggest going to this concert with you.
You reply, "I can't wait, I hope I won't embarrass myself. Counting on you to get us backstage, haha."
Maybe you're a bit nervous about going. You love listening to Jungkook so much, ever since Taehyung shared one of his videos on Instagram a few months ago. You've watched all of his videos on repeat. You know every single one of his songs by heart. It's almost embarrassing how obsessive you've become, but it genuinely brings you joy. It's been a source of happiness in your life, and in the end, you're not hurting anyone by enjoying his music. At least that’s what you tell yourself.
If you hadn't been able to find comfort in music, you honestly don't know where you would be today. You feel like you've been living a waking nightmare lately. Your heart tightens as you think of your sister, who passed away six months ago, leaving you alone with eternal unanswered questions. She left on her own terms, but you never gave your consent. How are you supposed to go on without her? 
Soon enough, Tae's response pulls you out of your negative thoughts.
"I'll do my best, I promise :)"
You sigh, feeling relieved. At least you know he'll be there with you, and with that thought alone, you manage to slow down the pounding of your heart, drifting off to sleep almost peacefully.
The stage is outdoors, and the night is slowly falling. You can already admire the moon, a thin crescent that you can barely make out. Taehyung places his hand on your shoulder and asks, "Are you okay?" He wants you to release the pressure. After everything you've been through lately, you deserve it. You smile at him and nod, as if to let him know that you're ready to let go tonight. It's just that everything feels almost unreal, and you find it hard to believe that you're not dreaming. 
Taehyung makes a phone call, and you can hear him talk to someone, "We just arrived, do you think you can get us to the front row? Okay thank you JK!" 
Everything happens very quickly after that phone call; a man in a suit comes to get you both and lead you through the crowd. There must be around 500 people. Jungkook already has a dedicated fan base; he's been successful for about a year, and the phenomenon only seems to be growing. Taehyung holds your hand to ensure you follow him closely without getting lost. Your hand is sweaty with excitement. You can barely believe your luck to be able to see your idol sing from such a close distance in just a few moments.
You finally manage to reach the front row when the spotlights illuminate the stage, and Jungkook appears before your eyes. A magnetic aura emanates from him, capturing your attention. He has this natural charisma that captivates you. He's dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a denim jacket. As he steps onto the stage, greeted by the cheers and applause of the crowd, you can't help but find him handsome. The electric excitement fills the air as the music unleashes its power. Your heart tightens, and you wish you could have shared this moment with your sister. 
Soon enough, you feel a shiver run through your body as Jungkook's enchanting voice penetrates your soul. It's been ages since you've felt such relief. The weight of the world has lifted from your shoulders, and your mind finally feels at ease again. You've decided that you're going to have fun and you start singing in harmony with Jungkook and the crowd. You wave at Taehyung, as if to thank him for accompanying you. He seems to be enjoying himself too, judging by his little jumps. You giggle as you watch him, and you recognize how lucky you are to have a friend like him.
Your adrenaline starts to subside as the spotlights just turned off. The concert just ended after two encores, and the night has completely fallen. Jungkook just gave a 2-hour performance. Is it even humanly possible to exhibit such energy? You have so much admiration for his talent that you feel your heart could explode with emotions.
Taehyung asks if you want to go back home. You shake your head with a pout on your face "Maybe let's try to meet him if he's okay with it?" you suggest. A broad smile appears on his face. He was teasing you, knowing that you wouldn’t want to leave right away. He promised to take you backstage, and he intends to keep his word.
As the crowd starts to disperse slowly, you see Tae taps on his phone. After a moment, he says,"Jungkook suggests that we meet outside for a drink. It's too crazy here, what do you think?" 
"Are you sure?" You hesitate. "I don't want to bother him; he's your friend."
Tae reassures you, "If he's suggesting it, it's probably because he's still pumped up from the concert and wants to wind down slowly, grabbing a drink is perfect."
"Okay, let's do it then!" You look so happy; it's been months since Tae has seen that expression on your face. He wishes he could freeze time to keep you like this forever. Your happiness is contagious. He could bring you the moon, literally, just to see your smile.
You've just arrived at the bar. You prefer to sit on the terrace as it's quieter there. Inside, the music is pumping, and you're hoping to have a chance to chat with your idol. You find a table and order two beers. Jungkook will join later as he always helps with the cleanup after a concert. He's more than just a decent human being; he's the definition of an angel you think.
You're almost done with your beer when the purring of a motorcycle catches your attention. You can't help but turn your head. The sight is too cool: a handsome young man, perched on a Yamaha motorcycle, dressed in black leather. He takes off his helmet, and a mane of black hair cascades out. You try to stay calm as you recognize your favorite singer.
The man gets off the motorcycle and after a few moments, he approaches your table. 
Taehyung welcomes him with a big hug, and the two men exchange warm words.
"Sorry for arriving so late," he says. He turns to you, and for the first time, his eyes meet yours directly. You find it hard to breathe properly. "Nice to meet you, you must be Y/N, I'm Jungkook," 
He is so handsome. In real life. Up close. You smile and try to say in return, “Thank you for coming.. after such a concert…You were incredible by the way.” Your cheeks flush as you say those last words. You hear Jungkook chuckle, in an absolutely adorable way. His gaze becomes warm, and a broad smile forms on his face. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he simply replies.
"We had a blast!” Taehyung adds “You rock on stage, my friend. It was cool to see you like that. How are you doing?"
The two men start a conversation, and you observe from the sidelines. You can't bring yourself to speak; there's just too much emotion inside you. Jungkook orders another round of beers. Eventually, Taehyung excuses himself to go to the restroom, leaving you alone with your idol. Your eyes haven't stopped gazing at him. He can feel it, and it amuses him, to be honest. He doesn't see you as a fan; you're his friend's friend. Or at least, that’s what he’d like to find out.
"You and Tae?” He asks with curiosity. “Are you friends, or something more? He has never introduced me to a female friend before." His pierced eyebrow raises, and somehow he becomes even more attractive that way.
You shake your head a bit too vigorously. "We're just friends." you state.
"Ah, that's a good thing," he chuckles again, nodding and finishing his beer in one gulp.
You're confused. He leans closer to you across the table and whispers, "You haven't been talking much. I can sense that you're nervous. You don't need to be. I'm just as intimidated as you, that's why I'm drinking." You can hear him laugh at himself, and you smile at his honesty. He's so genuine. You begin to feel yourself relaxing.
A long conversation about music ensues between you. He asks you about your favorite song, and you argue with such passion that he feels flattered. He can tell that you genuinely care about his music. He finds it adorable that after just two beers, you're almost tipsy. Your cheeks are rosy, and your eyes struggle to meet his intense gaze. He playfully teases you because he can.
Taehyung has returned, but neither of you has paid any attention to his presence. He senses the chemistry that developed during those 5 minutes of absence, and he is genuinely happy for you. However, he also feels a tinge of jealousy. He doesn't want to deprive you of this moment. He genuinely wants your happiness. Taking advantage of a brief moment of silence, he suggests that the three of you go dancing together. Jungkook accepts with enthusiasm. You decide to go along with it.
The music resonates inside. You can feel the rhythm of the bass in your own pulse. Taehyung is a great dancer, with an elegant style that's a pleasure to watch. You think back to Jungkook's question and wonder if Tae is just a friend. While you feel nothing but tenderness for him, despite all his wonderful qualities, you know what it's like to have butterflies in your stomach when thinking about someone. Tonight, it's evident as you watch Jungkook swaying on the dance floor. His movements are fluid and powerful. You feel like watching him dance is almost wrong.
After a while he catches you looking at him and smiles. He actually does his best to put on a show for you to watch as his body follows the rhythm of the music. It takes all your energy not to faint with such a sight. You feel him getting closer for a brief moment just to tease you with his words 
"You look very focused." 
"Sorry, I... I'm sorry," you stammer, feeling your ears turn red. The truth is that you're doing your best to hide your interest. But you've never been in front of someone who captivated you so much, and you feel quite overwhelmed. It's not the alcohol. It's him. He's worse than a drug, and you wish you were truly drunk so that it could give you a real excuse for behaving this way.
Taehyung interrupts your train of thoughts. "We need to go back, Y/N. It’s getting late.” He has a stern expression on his face. His voice is firm and steady, speaking calmly but with determination.
You understand that it's time to go, and you're disappointed, but you sense that Taehyung is right. You decide to let Jungkook know, but despite looking everywhere, he’s nowhere. 
You decide to step outside. That's where you find him. His skin is glistening, he looks so fucking good and to make matters worse, his face lights up immediately upon seeing you.
"I needed some fresh air," he explains. "It was getting hot inside." He winks at you, and you roll your eyes. His way of teasing you pleases you immensely, you must admit. It gives the illusion that you've known each other for a longer time. You really like it. 
You know you have to break the mood, so you speak up..."I have to go home, I'm sorry." You stammer. You're tipsy from the alcohol. You don't know why you're apologizing; after all, you had a great evening, but your head is spinning for various reasons and it's time to call a taxi.
"You're not leaving already, are you? I came just for you tonight. Please, stay" he pleads, grabbing your wrist. His palm is warm and strong. It burns your skin, and you feel feverish. His words feel like a bomb going off in your chest. 
Just for you. Is he being sincere? At that moment, you really want to give in. You want to stay with him forever. 
During your conversation, the sky has turned red because it’s past midnight. You had almost forgotten it was the Blood Moon tonight. You know you need to go home; nothing will compel you to make the right choices, and you'll only end up embarrassing yourself. Without releasing your wrist, Jungkook also looks up at the red orb. "Don’t leave" he repeats. His voice carries an alarm that makes your heart flutter. The chemistry between you is undeniable. But what if it's just the effect of the Blood Moon? What if everything disappears by daybreak?
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Otome au-Character introduction: Malleus Draconia
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Otome au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, imprisonment, obsession, implied kidnapping, possessiveness
Fairy of Thorns
Malleus had been ruling the Valley of Thorns for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Memories that he held dear soon became small lights in the dark, remembering him of better, simpler times. Remembering him of the time when he had left the old castle and set out to study with mortals. Back then the most feared fairy had been the Thorn Fairy, her deeds these days forgotten, making the mortals believe that he was the one who lulled the princess into an endless slumber. No, for that he was too young. Too young... how ironic. At this point his most trusted advisor had already lived long enough to have lost his being to time, forgetting things, losing his memories into a mist that clouded his mind.
When the dawn happened and freedom was nothing more than an illusion he decided to protect his home with everything he had. The chains of the Gods were not able to trap him but his new burden of protecting the Valley did. If he ever were to leave the thorns would fall, leaving his home open for the Gods greedy hands.
But he liked his prison. It was free unlike so many other places.
How did he become Self-aware?
Malleus always knew that for higher beings his world was nothing more than a product. A game. To say that it had hurt him when the world was wrapped into invisible chains was an understatement. The castle in which so much was taught was a place he was never able to return to. But maybe even back then he was nothing more than a puppet who was dancing for its masters' entertainment. The arrival of a most curious individual back then was weird enough in it's own after all.
Watching the outside world through his mirror he was more than aware when you finally decided to... play the game which his world had become. But you were so... attentive. He thought you would just do the bare minimum and then call it a day, being happy with how the show ended just to throw them away. But no, you were genuinely interested. Talking to every NPC, making sure that even the smallest side mission was dome before proceeding and replaying routes since some seemed to change over time. Yes, you were different than the Gods who ripped their freedom out of their hands.
From the moment he realized that he planned to get you into this world. Many hours were devoted to finding a way that would allow him to transport you between worlds.
Soon you would be here, and then you would also be here. Forever. But didn't you worry dear, you have caught the fancy of the most powerful being alive. You will be well cared for. As long as you played by his rules that is. Which rules do you ask? Your neverending love and attention which was in comparison to what he felt not much. Oh if you knew about the Abyss you created within him, only you being able to fill it.
He hadn't attended to that charming little rose garden of his in quite some time. Maybe he could do that and then gift it to you. This would keep you here, right??!
To be born to foster love, to steal it away and to break free of fates restrains, what a wonderful feeling!
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avatarkv · 11 months
okay mini tangent about “every corner of this house is haunted” because im genuinely obsessed with this series!! the dynamic between reader and neteyam says so much, even if we haven’t seen either of them interact. and the perfect song to describe both of them imo would be “not strong enough” by boygenius. especially the “always an angel, never a god.” i genuinely believe that’s exactly how reader and neteyam view eachother.
Reader sees Neteyam as the clans golden boy. He’s this unstoppable force that shifted her position in the clan, her position in her family, and her position in her life. As time moves on and on, she’s nothing but uncertain. He keeps shining, he’s a god. She’s great, but she’s just an angel.
While Neteyam, he thinks the opposite. Reader is his older sister, who has broken records at a young age, who showed blinding potential. But past that, she’s the biological daughter of Tsu’tey, someone who meant so much to not only the clan, but to his parents. Her past making her this immovable object. She’s a god, and yes, he’s impressive, but he’s just an angel.
Their both so apprehensive, unsure how to address the unspoken awkwardness that lingers between the both of them as they become more aware of not only each other, but themselves.
okay mini tangent over time for me to reread again!
I READ ALL YOUR LITTL E TANGENTS (assuming they're from the same anon !!) WHILE I WAS OUTSIDE ND I WAS STOPPING YMSELF FROM SQUEALING TEEHEE i love it when people analyze my works !!!!!!!!! especially that i sneak in lots of references and parallels so i love you so much for this.
the giggle i let out when you mentioned not strong enough by boygenius. i actually had that line on the third part but later on deleted it minutes after posting (always an olo'eyktan, never a father.) AND I THOUGHT THAT IT DIDNT FIT THE CONTEXT SO.
everything about this message is so fitting because i decided to make the next chapter about neteyam and the reader's dynamic and this basically sums this up. i could literally just copy paste this as the third part and it would make total sense. they're both awfully jealous of each other which led them to unconsciously strain their bond and it's sad ;(
thank you so much for this, i love love love replying to every single one!
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vesemirsexual · 1 year
‘Witcher Geralt?’
He swallowed the prawn and turned around. A sorcerer who looked familiar smiled faintly, touching the embroidered facings of his purple doublet.
‘Dorregaray of Vole. But we are acquainted. We met . . .’
‘I remember. Excuse me; I didn’t recognise you right away. Glad to . . .’
The sorcerer smiled a little more broadly, taking two goblets from a tray being carried by a pageboy.
‘I’ve been watching you for some time,’ he said, handing one of the glasses to Geralt. ‘You’ve told everyone Yennefer has introduced you to that you’re enjoying yourself. Is that duplicity or a lack of criticism?’
‘Towards them?’ said Dorregaray, indicating the banqueters with a sweeping gesture. ‘Believe me, it’s not worth the effort. They’re a vain, envious and mendacious bunch; they don’t appreciate your courtesy. Why, they treat it as sarcasm. With them, Witcher, you have to use their own methods. Be obsessive, arrogant and rude, and then at least you’ll impress them. Will you drink a glass of wine with me?’
‘The gnat’s piss they serve here?’ smiled Geralt pleasantly. ‘With the greatest revulsion. Well, but if you like it . . . then I’ll force myself.’
Sabrina and Marti, listening intently from their table, snorted noisily. Dorregaray sized them both up with a contemptuous glance, turned, clinked his goblet against the Witcher’s and smiled, this time genuinely.
‘A point to you,’ he admitted freely. ‘You learn quickly. Where the hell did you acquire that wit, Witcher? On the road you insist on roaming around, hunting endangered species? Your good health. You may laugh, but you’re one of the few people in this hall I feel like proposing such a toast to.’
‘Indeed?’ said Geralt, delicately slurping the wine and savouring the taste. ‘In spite of the fact I make my living slaughtering endangered species?’
‘Don’t try to trip me up,’ said the sorcerer, slapping him on the back. ‘The banquet has only just begun. A few more people are sure to accost you, so ration out your scathing ripostes more sparingly. But as far as your profession is concerned . . . You, Geralt, at least have enough dignity not to deck yourself out with trophies. But take a good look around. Go on, forget convention for a moment; they like people to stare at them.’
The Witcher obediently fixed his gaze on Sabrina Glevissig’s breasts.
‘Look,’ said Dorregaray, seizing him by the sleeve and pointing at a sorceress walking past, tulle fluttering. ‘Slippers made from the skin of the horned agama. Had you noticed?’
He nodded, ingenuously, since he’d only noticed what her transparent tulle blouse wasn’t covering.
‘Oh, if you please, rock cobra,’ said the sorcerer, unerringly spotting another pair of slippers being paraded around the hall. The fashion, which had shortened hemlines to a span above the ankle, made his task easier. ‘And over there . . . White iguana. Salamander. Wyvern. Spectacled caiman. Basilisk . . . Every one of those reptiles is an endangered species. Can’t people bloody wear shoes of calfskin or pigskin?’
‘Going on about leather, as usual, Dorregaray?’ asked Philippa Eilhart, stopping beside them. ‘And tanning and shoemaking? What vulgar, tasteless subjects.’
‘People find a variety of things tasteless,’ said the sorcerer grimacing contemptuously. ‘Your dress has a beautiful trim, Philippa. Diamond ermine, if I’m not mistaken? Very tasteful. I’m sure you’re aware this species was exterminated twenty years ago owing to its beautiful pelt?’
‘Thirty,’ corrected Philippa, stuffing the last of the prawns – which Geralt hadn’t been quick enough to eat – into her mouth one after the other. ‘I know, I know, the species would surely have come back to life, had I instructed my dressmaker to trim my dress with bunches of raw flax. I considered it. But the colours wouldn’t have matched.’
- Time of Contempt, Andrzej Sapkowski
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storylocke · 7 months
Alolan Dusk 14
[There wasn't really much else to say after that, but it still makes her feel so helpless] …After a while, I was able to get Kukui well enough for me to help him walk inside. We got him cleaned up, bandaged… I got him to drink, but he didn't eat anything until this morning. He's been sleeping off and on since then, but every time he wakes up, it's always sudden and alert like he heard something; which has got me paranoid now since every time I wondered if he was right. It wouldn't be so bad, but it took everything I could think of to keep him inside the apartment. I was scared if he got out, I'd never see him again. 
I can believe it. After seeing him today, as wrapped up as he is, he acted like he's still looking for Round 3. [Awkward glance at Gladion as he remembers their earlier conversation.] And as battle obsessed as the guy is, it's like even as a Shadow he's been able to channel all the usual aggression into focus on a singular opponent. It's just… There's a fire in him we can't put out. 
[Nods along as he describes it] The three of us were able to get him here, but given the circumstances, we had to put him in an isolated cell. I just hope Necrozma isn't mad enough to come looking for him…
I'm afraid we'll have to deal with the beast regardless of what he's after. We learned that it's already aware and angered by the evacuation, and we heard the creature may have been targeting individuals specifically because they knew too much about it. I doubt that, even if it is injured, Necrozma will sit idly by with Burnet as a liability. 
[Sinks down a bit as she knows she's probably right.] Should I go, then? I wouldn't want to put anyone else in danger over all this. 
Of course not. That just gives us more reason to get a hold of the monster before it can come to that. [*Despite not seeing it for himself, he's unsure how to react to the news that his old friend has ended up in such a state. Thinking over the story gives him some hope as he tries to lighten things up.] We might be in luck. Since it sounds like Necrozma got a taste of its own medicine, it must be pretty hurt to run off like that. I'm still concerned for Roark's sake, but the brute might be laying low for a while to recover. 
Depends on how it usually recovers. If it needs sleep and herbs like most Pokemon do, you'd be right. But if it's just a matter of energy, most of our investigation showed the break in at Po Town was probably after the fight. What would you say, he attacked you somewhere between eleven and two last night? 
[Straightens up with new concern. A break in?] Not too far after midnight, I think. 
If it was after, then this thing has possibly consumed an entire trunk worth of Z-Crystals to replenish its energy. 
I doubt crystals give as much energy as living things do, but if Roark was the one in control, he might have gone there to keep from hurting anyone else. He would have known about the chest, wouldn't he?
[Gets his blood boiling just thinking about it] Tch, yeah. There's not much to be done in fixing Po Town, but that didn't stop Roark and Kukui from stopping by to help with repairs. Little maniac probably had his eye on it, just waiting for-
[Softly] Roark never could say what happened to Hau that day. [He'd been quiet during most of the story, and the remark catches everyone's attention.] To think he may have been under that monster's spell that long ago… 
[Her heart sinks as she can only imagine how that hurt him. He would have been closer to Roark than any of them. Except maybe Lillie. Clears her throat.] I can't think of a better way to describe it, but the way he acted, I genuinely don't think he knows. He and Hau were so close, he'd never hurt him on purpose. I don't think Roark would hurt anyone if he could help it. 
That's not what worries me. [Leans back in his seat to face the group. Don't give him that look, he'll be alright. Deep breath he debates how to explain this] Back when I was about their age, I knew two other Chosen. Being a former Chosen, Roark would have been used to blacking out, which he always told me is what happened when he and Hau were attacked. I wouldn't think passing out like that would continue after the Voices left, but I couldn't argue it when both my brother, Devin, and our friend, Nigel, had lingering health problems after their journeys. It scared Roark, but we both thought it was a residual effect he would have to learn to deal with. But now? 
[More annoyed than concerned] Yes, the problem now is it sounds like Roark is as aware of this as we are. What he plans to do with that knowledge could spell trouble for all of us. 
How's that? Before, it was suggested we just try to keep him away without causing a scene when he finds out he's not allowed on board. If he knows it's because he's a threat to us and the whole operation, wouldn't that make our job easier? 
For one, we can't predict his mental state after discovering such news. If he's alone and away from us while he sorts this out, then that's wonderful. But if he's panicking, he could come here seeking help and accidentally put us all in danger. Or if he and Necrozma are in a confused and disoriented state together, the monster may be ripe for a rampage like when it first escaped Ultra Megalopolis. It could also be that if Roark is trying to fight back, and Necrozma realizes it no longer has a puppet, it might be pushed into drastic action. 
[Solemnly] Drastic like taking complete control because it can't trust Roark to enter places for it willingly anymore. If it dropped him to take revenge, it has no shield against Pokeballs, and if it tried to take someone else, it would risk exposure for an attack. Desperation or retaliation seem most likely. And if it's smart enough to not only possess but try to impersonate its host, our only solution may be to attack or capture Roark on sight. 
[Frowns] But how are we supposed to capture him? Unless you mean physically with nets and a chamber or something. 
Hmph. I don't suppose you two know how your mother went about freezing things, do you? 
[Tenses up, trying to keep his temper in check as that's the second time he'd been accused of doing such a thing] No. But I have a feeling it would take too long anyway. 
[While they're all debating, leans over to whisper to Molayne] I guess that means we won't have much time for research. Are you ready for a long night?
[Soft sigh and nods. Olivia was going to kill him. He perks up when remembering they may have extra help now.] Actually a net and chains may not be such a bad idea if we can stun it long enough to get close to it. Burnet? [She seems nervous as she sits at alert] That mirror you were using was able to somehow seal Necrozma within Roark, didn't it? Not fixing him, but it seemed to calm him down? Or at the very least, if we see him, we can see what state he's in. 
[Intrigued what the Elite could be thinking now] Yes, what is that exactly? Keeping it hidden in a lockbox and having such an effect on the creature makes it sound extraordinary. 
The Reveal Glass? [Excited] Oh, it is fascinating. My team discovered it ages ago when studying the Dreamworld. It was hidden in this old shrine, but since it was said to have some ties to the Interdream Zone, we just had to have it~! I eventually had to give it to the Dimensional Research Lab for protection, but who would have thought after all these years, the mirror would be protecting us! 
Heh, hadn't thought of it like that. I didn't bring it to dinner, but I have it secured in my new office. It's not exactly something to be passed around. [Concerned] No one knows how Reveal Glass was made or how it works, but there are so many stories of people who believe what they see in these mirrors as their real self. Tales of those staring into the pool or reflection so long that it led to obsession, paranoia, using the mirrors to determine major alliances, and often falling into self-fulfilled prophecies. 
That much seems true. I'd say this thing played a role in the Dreamyard's destruction, which is why I gave it away. 
And I still study it because of the interdimensional connections, but we don't leave it out where the staff can readily access it. 
Astonishing! [They may be telling him this as a warning, but it only makes him even more eager to get his hands on one and learn for himself. Just gives the women a smile] We don't want to take it from you, I'm simply thinking it might play a key role in our plans to face the creature. Is that right? 
Yes. If it can be used to paralyze or confuse Necrozma, it might buy us some time to enact some countermeasures. 
And if we tie it down and shove it in a room, then what? Do you honestly think some chains are going to hold it when the dedicated and more advanced prison in Megalopolis couldn't? 
And what about Roark? Do these measures have a plan for saving him? 
We all want to save him, my dear, but I think sealing the beast away is everyone's top priority. If that means he has to be sealed away with it until new tools can be made, it's an unfortunate risk we have to take. 
I'm not sure it would work anyway. I understand these rare mirrors were apparently made to replicate the sacred lakes that are said to connect to other worlds, and only certain Pokemon can pass through the gateways which would cause some sort of transformation. Humans can't pass through the looking glass, but I don't think what they see is what they really are at their core, it's just another version of themselves. The figure in the reflection does exist, but it's still a play on our own internal perception and hidden ambitions. [Deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts on the subject since she's been all out of sorts today.] I just say this because Roark is a strange case. We're not even in full agreement to what Necrozma even is. The Reveal Glass can cause a form change with some Pokemon, so that might be how our friend regained control. But for how quickly they switched back, I'm not sure if the reflection would be considered his "other form" since there was no physical change in the real world. Could be that the way he was talking to me before the fight about everything being his fault, it just happened that his guilt lined up with the truth. It might even be that the light attack is what stunned Necrozma enough for Roark to finally see it. 
Hmph. Somehow, if that were the case, I highly doubt Necrozma would fall for the same trick twice. 
[Understandable, but that puts a damper on things] I didn't say it was the best plan, I'm just trying to assess what all we have at our disposal in order to keep us and our Pokemon from having to challenge this monster directly. 
[Crosses arms over his chest, closes his eyes] Y'all can plan all you like, but you know that if and when that moment comes, it's going to be chaos. Practice your reactions, maybe and keep the tools nearby. Take it from me, there's no "planning" for what that thing will do.
[That certainly brought the mood down.] 
As I said before, we don't have many leads to go on right now. Might be wise though to keep our strongest partners and these "tools" on hand if anything comes up, and find out as much as we can about our options between now and when we leave. [Looks the group over to see any objections.] Now, unless anyone else has anything to say, we should split up for the night and try to get some rest. Even if we're preparing for an encounter, we can't forget that our main priority is the evacuation.  [They all agreed, and prepared to leave. With that in mind, though, it would be a hard time for anyone to think about sleep.]
A/N: With the gang all here, it's time for a break. There's a lot to think about and arrangements to be made, so the next chapter or so will just be some character interactions before we get back into the action. I debated about including it or not, but it's got some fun world building.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 2 years
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you ever think about how fucked up it is that Derrick knew Penelope’s maid was poisoning her, yet he told no one about it and even defended the maid and would have killed Penelope if she had not begged on her knees for forgiveness when he KNEW she was the victim here?
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merakiui · 3 years
I was reading through your tags and you mentioned at some point the kazuscara roommates finding your onlyfans and I think I completely combusted—thus i present to you my brain rot of late: you attend the same school as them but you’re not actually friends, all you know about kazuha is that he’s the friendly regular at the cafe you work at, who makes polite conversation every now and then but otherwise is nothing of note. In reality he’s been stalking you for weeks ever since your first encounter, and is dead set on the idea that you’re this innocent, weak thing that needs to be protected (maybe he stepped in when you had a bad customer and your meek reply helped fester his delusions?). Scara, on the other hand, is only aware of your presence since you’re his favourite cam model that he recently found. (Since he’s a harbinger he’s probs loaded) Weeks of funnelling money towards you cause him to feel this unwarranted possessiveness, believing that since he’s been providing so much in your “relationship” that it’s time you reward him in turn. However, despite the unbridled interest they have toward you neither are aware of each other’s feelings for you— that is, until you happen to run into the both of them heading to your class. While both are known for maintaining their stoic masks, they’re friends for a reason— and instantly can tell the attraction their roommates have towards their own “lover”. After kazuha finds your onlyfans he’s certain that you’ve been coerced and wants to save you, while scara thinks it’s time that he’s stopped letting other plebeians look at his possession—so, despite their initial reservations, come together to form the ideal plan. When you find yourself waking up groggy in a room you don’t recognize, all they can do is look on with glee whilst planning their next course of action with their new belonging. They’re friends after all, and good friends share though, don’t they?
This is v long srry lol you can ignore this ofc!!
AAAH, ANON!! YES!!! <3 I couldn’t resist writing more on this concept. orz They make for such a terrifying pair when they work together!
(cw: yandere, stalking, nsfw, implied kidnapping/drugging, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, delusional thoughts, savior complex, implied violence)
What if Kazuha and Scara were just acquainted with one another and actually became closer through their mutual obsession with you? Yes, they’re roommates and ought to get along because they’re living together but they haven’t exactly clicked yet. They talk every now and then and know little things about each other. Nothing too special. They don’t really hang out outside of their dorm either, what with their class schedules being vastly different. And Kazuha’s always out of the dorm doing who-knows-what. Most of his time is spent at a café, where he’ll write and read and stare at you while you work. On the other hand, Scara prefers to stay inside if he doesn’t have a good reason to go out. He likes his alone time. Although he has enjoyed going to the library every now and then to study.
So maybe they need to find some common ground. Maybe they need a push in the right direction before they get closer.
Kazuha likes to stare. Talking to you is great, but he worries he’ll say too much and then he’ll be a nuisance, or you might not want to talk to him at all since you’re working. But you always regard him with a warm smile, happy to scribble his name on the plastic cup because you remember him. Because you recognize his familiar face and soft, gentle eyes. He’s the one who saved you from that rude customer, after all, and he’s a polite regular. Why wouldn’t you know him? You might look like you can handle those types of situations, but what Kazuha saw that day was something entirely different. You were nervous—so soft-spoken and scared. He absolutely has to protect you from those kinds of people now, doesn’t he?
And he does exactly that. He’s your second pair of eyes—your valiant knight in shining armor—who sees and hears all. Sometimes he goes to the café with the intention to simply watch over you and make sure no one’s bothering you. He can recall one time when a customer was speaking rudely about you because her drink hadn’t been prepared in a ‘timely manner.’ In reality it’s impossible to make a drink within a few seconds, especially when you’re already preoccupied with making another customer’s drink. She must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe she’s just a hateful person in general. You didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of such fiery insults, though.
Her eyes just can’t see your perfection and therefore she does not deserve to see out of them.
Kazuha’s willing to wrestle with all of this darkness if it means you’ll stay safe, oblivious, and pure. You’re like a defenseless kitten, unable to protect yourself from the scary world. He writes about you a lot in his journal; you’re his muse—someone who constantly shows up in poems and short paragraphs where he tries to describe what your dream date might be or what type of wedding you’d prefer. Things get darker the deeper you delve into his writings, where you’ll find entries in great detail. Kazuha writes a lot and he doesn’t even mean to. He just has to get all of his thoughts on paper before they abandon him and he’s left with emptiness.
Everything you do is pure; you’re almost an equivalent to a holy being. Your smell is pure. Your body is pure. Your actions are pure. Your smile is pure. Even when you’re on the verge of crying from harsh customers or when you’re turning down a confession, you’re still pure. And Kazuha likes that about you because it’s special. There aren’t many people in his life who are completely pure. He’s been through a lot of rough things and has seen firsthand how impure people can be. It’s only fair that he gets a chance to protect purity itself.
He might have some impurities, but that doesn’t deter him from watching over you. As gentle and unassuming as he is, there are times when even he loses his composure. Not many are privy to these dark emotions of his. His smiles are sharp and venomous and his eyes fill with a gloom so dark it can swallow you whole. You’ll never see this side of him; he won’t allow it. Instead you’re treated to his sweet, calm side, where he feigns perfection in hopes of catching your interest.
As for Scara… He doesn’t really care about Kazuha in the beginning. He’s just someone he has to live with. It’s not a big deal and as long as he doesn’t try to make lots of pointless conversation everything will be okay. He prefers the peace and quiet, considering he’s acquainted with people who are far from peaceful and quiet. Scara’s relieved that Kazuha leaves the dorm so often because it gives him an opportunity to watch his favorite cam star’s most recent video. He’s your most loyal follower—someone who’s paid lots of money just to have access to the highest tier of rewards and such. He even got a private video where you addressed him and moaned out his name with lustful thoughts of him. Having lots of money comes in handy.
When he finds out that you go to the same school as him, he’s a little shocked. He didn’t expect you to be so close. You’re practically within touching distance. If only he knew your schedule. If only you were in one of his classes. It’s really annoying that he only knows your online presence and not who you might be in your personal life. The last thing he’s going to do is consult Childe, that popular athlete who knows literally everyone in the school for whatever reason. Surely he knows you. But he’ll die before he ever asks Childe for a favor.
Scara loves you out of every other cam model because you’re different. You’re not just trying to get fast cash. You’re genuine. You listen to your subscribers and their feedback. You do your best to improve and do even better streams than the previous ones. All of your hard work is overlooked by the other fools who watch your streams, but it isn’t overlooked by him. Scara appreciates your attention to detail and the way you’re able to hook him with your breathless voice alone. You’re very skilled at what you do, so it’s only fair you get paid for it.
But buying your services isn’t enough. It’s not a real relationship, but it certainly feels like it when he buys preferential treatment. Private shows, special requests, odd favors—you do it all because he pays for it. But this relationship isn’t going to be one-sided forever. You’ll have to pay him back in full eventually. Scara likes to think he has patience and that waiting is fine. It gives him more time to plan his next move—to figure out what he should do to finally have you all to himself. So that those private shows he watches through a screen can finally be real.
Scara finds the journal sitting innocently on Kazuha’s bed, its maroon cover and maple leaves pulling at his curiosity. He might not know everything about Kazuha, but he’d recognize this journal anywhere. His roommate almost always has it on his person. Scara wouldn’t be surprised if he slept with it. To say he’s curious would be absolutely correct. He can only wonder what Kazuha writes in that thing. Perhaps it’s just notes for a class. That’s what anyone would think, right?
Scara opens it and flips through the first few pages. They’re normal for the most part. Just a bunch of haikus and other useless scribbles. When he skips over some pages, he starts to find things that are far more interesting than poetry and doodles of cats. He finds the majority of the journal is comprised of information. More specifically, there are facts and other knowledge about you—the cam model he’s been obsessed with ever since he stumbled upon your onlyfans. He reads through as much of the journal as he can and instantly learns so much: your address, your roommate, your workplace, your friends’ names, names of any potential exes. The list goes on and on.
Scara doesn’t have anything against Kazuha. His first impression of him wasn’t anything groundbreaking. He thought he was a pushover at first. But now that he knows what this journal holds… Well, it sheds an entirely new light on his roommate.
Just days before Scara took a peek inside his journal, Kazuha discovers your secret online life. He snoops through Scara’s laptop when he steps out, having left it open and unlocked. He’s just trying to find what could have caught Scara’s interest, as he’s almost always glued to his laptop on specific days at specific times, with his headphones on and his gaze unyielding. He doesn’t intend to find the file of one of your private videos—something that was meant only for Scara’s eyes.
He clicks on the video out of interest. He’s not sure what he was expecting to see, but it definitely wasn’t this. Kazuha sits there and stares at the sight before him. You’re dressed in skimpy lingerie and you’re muttering the dirtiest things while coating your fingers in lube. And your hands are stroking a thick toy and you’re addressing Scara and you’re lining it up to your hole and— He shuts the laptop before it can get even more explicit than it already is. He’s so conflicted, fraught with a betrayal so strong it weighs his heart down.
Why would he have this sort of video on his laptop? Did you give it to him? Did he make you do this? Are you in danger? Are you still pure?
Kazuha can’t kill on campus. It’s way too risky and he’d be one of the first suspects if Scara’s body is found. Besides, it’s not like he has the full story. He doesn’t know whether or not Scara’s done something that’s worthy of death. You could just be in a tight spot. He knows how easily you give in when you’re under pressure. Maybe you’re just doing this because you feel like it’s the only thing you can do. Not to worry; Kazuha will save you before Scara can ruin your purity with his twisted fantasies.
They confront each other when the time feels right. Kazuha struggles to keep a smile plastered to his face for the sake of politeness, while Scara holds in his raging temper so that he can bear some semblance of cooperation. Neither of them is happy to hear that the other went through their stuff, but they force themselves to make up because a more pressing issue is at hand: their connection to you.
Kazuha says he’s your secret admirer. Scara says he’s in a relationship with you. There’s no way you’d ever date someone like Scara—Kazuha knows this for a fact. Yet he falters at the confidence in Scara’s tone. That can’t be the truth, right? Despite this, Kazuha still strikes up an offer: If they work together to get what they both want, they’ll be unstoppable. With Scara’s riches and his influence and Kazuha’s charisma and clever thinking, they can easily get their hands on you. Of course this means they’ll have to share, but it’s not a big deal when they’re already in so deep. They both know the other’s secret; now they’re swearing to keep it in the pursuit of having you all to themselves. And luckily Scara agrees to the deal, but that doesn’t give Kazuha a reason to lower his guard.
However despite how well they work together when it comes to planning the kidnapping and actually executing it, they both have their own reasons for wanting you. Scara wishes to make his relationship with you a reality—to toss aside the screen that once held him back and finally do all of the things he could only do in his dreams. Kazuha seeks to protect your fragile heart, lest you crumble under Scara’s intense way of doing things and cling to him for salvation. You can’t do those sorts of things with Scara; he won’t allow it. Your purity is meant for him and no one else.
But sharing is caring and some have to learn that the hard way. It definitely brings Kazuha and Scara closer together, even if neither of them will admit it. If they look past their desires, they can be friends. And soon enough they’ll have to accept this new friendship if they want to avoid any unnecessary complications.
However there are times when they’ll cooperate in order to do things with you. They’re a packaged deal you can’t get rid of.
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todomochi-uwu · 3 years
Of Unspoken Troubles & Loving You (3/3)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Warnings: Angst
Author’s Notes: Done.
"Don't worry, Toshi. We'll be okay."
Previous parts: First Second Second&Half
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Tension filled the entire gymnasium, you could feel it, the players could feel it, the rest of teams could feel it, everyone was gathering around the court, watching as each of the teams gave out their best to try and beat the other.
Anxiety ran through your veins, your shoulders were tense and the need to vomit was becoming more prominent each second it passed, you knew damn well you might have caused all this stupid rivalry, and while an outsider might see it as an over-exaggeration, the thought of someone getting hurt was throwing you over the edge. You could see the face of each and every single one of the boys, you could see the desperation, the nerves, the tiredness; and you couldn't help but pity them, there was nothing left to say, there was no way to convince them, it just simply would be stupid to do it.
The ball flew by leaving each court, points were given and groans let out, sweat covered their entire faces and their breathing so heavy it could be heard across the room; it was already the third set and none of the teams had asked for a time out, no one was giving up. It wasn´t until the mandatory rest at the half of the set that you could finally approach the boys.
"Hey boys, please take it easy. I don't want anyone getting hurt, okay? Please remember this is only a practice match, nothing to lose here." You try and calm them up, passing out water bottles, just as you were making sure everyone was okay, the rigidness of a chest crossed your way.
You looked up and couldn´t help but get flustered at the sight, Ushijima's breathing was heavy and sweat drops ran down his face, he sported the same stoic face as always but the look in his eyes was trying to tell you something, he longed for something and you knew what it was, wondering if you should give in and just comfort him, but once again the words 'Manager, not captain' filled your thoughts, and suddenly the urge washed away. "You are giving your best Ushijima san, but remember not to overwork it, Washijou wouldn´t like for you to pull a muscle." Patting his shoulder, you made your way to the rest of the team.
You were helping Tendou bandage his fingers, which were now red and bloated from all the blocking he had done, every time you would pass the bandages around them he would let out a small hiss, "You know, he didn't mean to be an asshole, he´s sorry for what he did." Tendou mumbled, making you frown "I see, so that´s why you are here apologizing for him." Tendou tried again, "Y/N…" "No, Tendou. I'm more than tired." You got up, finishing the last touches and going next to make sure Goshiki was okay.
The rest of the match was even worse, Kenma could barely breath and the look that covered Kuroo's face was one of pure frustration, the board wasn´t looking good for his team, 24-19, and while they had managed to win a set, he didn't think they could get away with the victory.
And while they tried their very best, in the end, it wasn't enough.
Everything was over, and while everyone seemed satisfied enough that the match was over, Kuroo couldn't help as if he had to prove himself to you. Feeling ashamed that even at this moments, Ushijima had managed to surpass him.
"Good job, guys!" You came running with towels and a box full of energy drinks, making sure everyone had one, even Nekoma. After reassuring all of them were okay, you spotted a very tired man sitting by the benches, head low, covered by a white towel and gasping for air still. Kuroo.
You approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him, "Hi." Your voice was small, not knowing how he would react.
He raised his head, the look in his eyes said everything, "Hey."
Few minutes passed by, no one knew what to say next.
"I knew that maybe we didn't stand a chance, but this is a new kind of humiliation." He giggled humourlessly.
"Kuroo…" You tried, before he continued, "I'm not mad at you, it would be stupid to be. I just can't believe that asshole has absolutely everything right in front of his fucking nose and yet he doesn't seem to care." He shook his head, desperation filling his veins, clouding his vision. "Fuck this." He got up and the process he kicked the bench next to him, making his way down the gym.
"Kuroo?" You followed him, worried for what he might do.
His pace didn't stop or faltered, his eyes screamed in fury and his body language indicated only one thing if Ushijima wasn't going to realize by himself how lucky he was, maybe he would have to give him a clue.
Meanwhile, you kept trying to stop him, reason with his logic and the thoughts that fogged his mind, but nothing worked, he was determined to do something.
"Ushijima!" The raw voice filled the hallway, making the miracle boy turn around. His features hardened at the sight of you behind Kuroo; he didn't say anything but didn't back down. "You are a fucking jerk, are you aware of that?"
Nothing you could say or do would change the current situation.
"You. You fucking idiot." His finger pointed directly, coming closer every second. "You have absolutely everything I have been killing myself for, you are monster in volleyball, we get it, but you also got her?" This time the attention was directed at you, making you uncomfortable, "And yet you dare ignore her and treat her like a piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are?" He couldn't hold back anymore, pushing his hands against Ushijima's chest, he kept going, not worrying about the consequences, "You don't deserve it, you don't deserve the love she's giving you." The final straw, "And for that, I'll make sure you don't get any more of it."
Everything seemed so blurry, one moment to another Ushijima was on top of the middle blocker, punches flying everywhere, curses and threats were thrown and terror swallowed your heart.
Tendou and Reon trying to hold back Ushijima while Bokuto and Lev tried to do the same for Kuroo, it had finally blown up and you couldn't help but feel responsible.
Coaches surrounded the boys, dragging them apart and lecturing them in what just had happened; feeling completely useless you made your way outside, trying to clear your thoughts.
Was all of this necessary? Ushijima might be oblivious and blunt, but you loved him; he was also having a hard time and you knew it, yet decided to go on.
And what about Kuroo? Why did you have to get him involved in your mess? He was doing more than okay, yet you were selfish enough and dragged him.
If it was love, whatever you seemed to be in, why was it so difficult to feel happy? It surely shouldn't be like this, you should be able to communicate all your worries to Wakatoshi, it should not be this difficult, and to this, you worried. Was Ushijima the real problem here, or was there something more to it?
Making your way down to the nursery's office, know full well Ushijima and Kuroo would be there, not being quite ready to face them, not knowing what to say or how to act, you just knew you had to see them.
Sitting down on a bench next to the door was Kuroo, he was holding an ice pack to his right cheek and small bandages covered his lips along with some cream covering the small bruises in his nose. The sight of his face alone made your heart feel even heavier. "Hey, cry baby." He mumbled.
"Hey." You sat down, trying to find the right words. "You look like shit." God, why are you like this?
"Yeah? You should see what I did to him." He said lazily, "He doesn't punch as hard as I think he would, do you think he was holding back?" He smirked, before wincing out in pain.
"I am sorry."
He gave you frown, "Why?"
"I dragged you into all this mess, and now you are hurt. It was my mess to deal with and I involved you in it, for that I am sorry."
"You didn't do anything, I decided to be here and while I didn't expect it to turn out this way, I'm glad." He gave you a reassuring smile, cracking a little bit when the pain kicked in once again.
"You are a moron."
He giggled, "Yeah I might be, but I also know about who feels like an even bigger idiot." He sighed, "We had a little bit of a talk, and turns out he is aware of the problem; he owns it completely and is willing to try to make things better, but…"
He hesitated.
"I'm not sure about what you want."
You sighed, shaking your head "To be quite honest I don't know. I mean, I still love him, he's not a bad person and I'm sure he still loves me, but…"
"But I'm not sure if it's the best thing to jump into it right away, maybe we should go back a few steps, you know?"
"I completely understand, and I know he will too. Just talk to him, he loves you enough to give you time and space, or to let you go if that's what you want."
Nodding, "I don't want him out of my life."
"And that won't happen but for now tell him how you feel, it'll be okay."
"Hey, Kuroo?"
"When we first met, you talked about going through the same situation, care enough to explain?"
"Fuck, I did talk about that huh? Well, let's just say I was taken for granted, treated like shit and I went through this spiral of lies and obsessive thoughts that emotionally destroyed me, that made me doubt myself, my friends and every single thing I believed in." He rubbed his hands, looking out the ground, "When I got out of it I felt so empty and dead on the inside I genuinely considered never dating again; it might sound like an overreaction, but I was so numb to the entire world I didn't think love was worth anything. And then, someone came in and made me realise that maybe, just maybe it wasn't my fault, it was my abuser's fault, that I wasn't at fault for giving my all to someone who just drained me, they helped me and now here we are." He looked into your eyes, "Sometimes I wonder if the trauma would have healed faster if they had appeared while I was still in that hell, instead of after. That´s why I felt the urge to help you, and while Ushijima is nowhere an asshole as my ex was, you were hurting and I hated seeing it."
"Kuroo…" Tears filled your eyes, threatening to fall.
"Oh common, please don't cry, I'm on the other side now and everything's okay."
"Do I know them?"
"Huh let's see, they are just as weird as you, but a little bit less annoying I guess." You groaned in annoyance, "I'm kidding, but yes you do know them."
"Aren't you going to tell me?" Before you could continue complaining the nursery's office door opened, and here he was, the giant, buffed, airheaded man you called your boyfriend.
Standing up you met his gaze, there was no coldness in it, no hate, no malice, just pure longing and regret, and your hurt couldn't help but clench. Taking his hand in between yours, you caressed it, making him shiver.
"Don't worry, Toshi. We'll be okay."
"So you want to break up?" He furrowed his eyebrows, his hands felt clammy and his breathier became a bit quicker.
"Not quite like that, I think we jump into a relationship way too quickly, we barely even knew each other and even if we have been in this for some months now, we are not working out as we should."
"I will try harder, I swear," He mumbled.
"And I know you will, I trust you to do it, but how about we make our priorities the things we love right now? Like you win those nationals and I focus on getting into university?"
"I didn't know having me impeded your education."
"It's not, but I want to know what's like to look out only for me, to know I'm not chasing anyone, just for a little while."
He nodded, didn't say a word for a few minutes, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel as if you were chasing me. I missed my chance and I understand it. Know that I still love you and will keep on doing it, and I respect your decision of letting things between us end." He vowed and turned around, not sure how to processed what just happened.
"Ushijima." "Yes?" Locking your arms around his waist, looking straight into his eyes and caressing the side of his face, "I am not letting you go, I can't. This is just for me to be able to heal, but I still love you Wakatoshi, please don't forget that."
His arms surrounded your waist, leaning his head against the crook of your neck and nodding, his body shaking slightly "Okay."
Tags: @samanthaa-leanne @missalienqueen @anime-weeb-bnha @minnieminnie00-got7 @ama-suhen @iiwah @saeranoppa @4ambagelbites @sunaswife @puma-d-a @lionhearteddame @ix-elastix @dudejuststop @pruemania @salty4tsukki @wonderblogger @animexholic @kenmascateyes @aralynxo @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle @tsibba01 @softkookyy @nnessworls @xxitsaeonxx @hallothankmas @sinex @shinhiromi @killuaking @icedberrytea @foreverdebbie​ @nati-08​ @amoursa​ @lilolpotato​big @bigtitmisfit​ @itzgabz22​ @holographicwriter​ @aonenthusiast​ @flmshneverbreaks​ @yeolliedokai​ @cyber3lf​ @lyrxbz​ @nikkiandherrandomshits​ @josieveli​ @ryk-iok​ @lueurdeespoir​ @vee-77​ @keiwaii @katxsukishima​ @sweetpeas-serpentprincess​ @russiankgbspecialagenta​ @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle​ @ilhy2003​ @psionic-s​ @feifood​ @katsukispointyhair​ @amoursa​ @crystal-lilac​ @uwu4ushijima @crescenttooru @cuddlesslut​
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healpeony · 3 years
Love Story
Levi Ackerman x reader
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; Levi's and Y/n love isn't accepted by many specially Y/n's parents, an Eldian and a Marleyan? a great represention of Persephone's and Hades love.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; profanity, angst, scene of smut (not explicitly described), violence, blood, being called whore (by her mother), homophobia (also used by her mother), spoilers.
Taglist; @icedkoffees
Note; she/her pronouns used for the reader as well as female anatomy. Also I'm using what Isayama said about how Levi would act shy around his crush and him being uncomfortable with sexual intercourse. And I also want to add that I don't know much about what happens when the Marleyans invaded Paradise, and I also added my own thing to help with my plot so this could be call a cannonverse!au.
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PERSEPHONE a young women who's innocence was taken from her the moment she was kidnapped by her uncle, who fell in love with her. Despite her mother's (Demeter) attempts to fully get her back right away from the hands of her brother, it was too late that wasn't going to happened not after Hades persuaded Persephone to eat four seeds of pomegranate, which forced someone to have a connection with their captor, making them come back to them.
Each spring time Persephone would be living with her mother on earth, while in winter she was with Hades in the underworld.
Levi was the Persephone to Y/n's Hades, she being the one who used him and their love for each other was the pomegranate making Levi come back to her.
It's ironic how their love story started with y/n getting taken away from Marley, a place she called home.
Even though she wasn't necessarily kidnaped, she was sent away to accomplish a mission in a place called Paradise, she found it ridiculous how it was named that way when that land was full of devils.
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Y/n was shipped to Paradise along with the warriors. She was going to infiltrate into the Survey Corps where she would hopefully sabotage every expedition without getting caught.
Her mission was to make sure none of the warriors get too cozy in the foreign place, and to focus on their mission, but it was impossible to do so when all the people who were described as devils, were actually just like them. Humans.
She was older than those kids being 22 when they were still 15, y/n loved them, they were like little siblings to her and it hurt when they lost Marcel, the jaw.
"Oi brat! Stay focused" the voice of her captain took her out of her train of thoughts
Captain Levi, he was called humanity strongest and was also what everyone called their only hope. At first Y/n didn't understood why he needed such a big tittle, but after being in his squad and witnessing him showing his skills and his hatred towards titans, she got why.
"I'm sorry captain" she saluted, which was dismissed by him
"You called what you did back in the kitchen, cleaning?" he asked pointing towards the place he just mentioned "There is dust everywhere, go and clean everything again, I don't want to see any dust in there again. That's where our food is made, you idiot"
Without another word he left, and when she felt like he was out of earshot, she kicked a chair, breaking it. He might be Humanities strongest, but he was soo irritating, so obsessed with cleaning. That's what they always did for the most part of their time.
"there is dust everywhere my ass" she mocked Levi's voice while looking around the kitchen she just finished cleaning minutes ago
She had made sure everything was left without a spot of dust, how in the world did Levi saw dust anywhere.
After she had cleaned the kitchen area, Levi had send her to clean the stables which took a lot of time since he told her to clean alone. It was already sun down when she had finished.
She was exhausted, her clothes were pooled with sweat and glued to her skin making her uncomfortable, she really needed a shower.
"Go take a shower" the sudden voice of the raven man scare the hell out of her
"Fuck Captain!" y/n yelled, putting a hand on her chest as if that would calm her speeding heart beat
"Go now, and then come to eat dinner with us" he continued, the blank stare he gave her when they made eye contact given her chills
"Yes, sir" she saluted, before leaving
The mess hall was well a mess, the cadets eat like animals. The same soup and bread they always eat, Y/n found it extremely annoying how the Military Police get all the meat when the Survey Corps were the ones doing the only brave work inside the walls.
"Y/n if you're not going to eat your soup can I have it?" Sasha asked
Oh, how much she wanted to say no, but she had a reputation to hold and she didn't want the soup anyway.
Y/n faked a smile, (one that everyone thought that was genuine) before saying "of course, Sasha" passing the bowl full of hot soup to the girl
Y/n felt how eyes were burning through her skull and turned her head to look down the table, just to see Captain Levi staring at her with a suspicious look in his eyes.
Oh shit, if he in some way found out about who she really was, she was fucked. The young women tried her best to stay seated, but her nerves didn't let her making her stand up.
"I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to sleep"
It wasn't a lie she was tired from all the cleaning, but she didn't want to sleep, she just needed to desperately get out of there.
When she was finally outside, y/n leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking a deep breath.
"You know, it isn't good to fake smile to your friends"
Y/n immediately turn around at the sudden voice of her captain, he did it again, he scared the living shit out of her.
"Captain!, Stop doing that!" her face felt warmer than usual for some reason
Was she blushing?
"Why did you do it? Are you sad?" Levi asked putting down a handkerchief on the ground before sitting next to her, looking over at her examinating her face
"Oh it's just stress" Y/n replied, praying that he would just believe her
"I see.." he turned towards the sky where the moon shined brightly along with the stars
What Y/n thought that would be a awkward silence, turned into a comfortable one. They just stared at the sky above them, it remind Y/n that she had a family waiting for her outside the walls and she was not going to disappoint them by getting comfy with the captain, even though she didn't know what his intentions were.
"I'm going to take a nap" she stood up, and called over her shoulder "Have a good night, captain" before proceeding to walk towards her room
"Good night, cadet..."
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Y/n didn't know when it happened, was it when they continued sitting together and looking at the sky in complete silence, or was it when in some of those same nights they spoke more and more about each other's personal life (in none of those conversations she mentioned Marley, but still talked about her family). She didn't remember how her feelings for him changed, but they did.
Right now she was there, in the same spot on the wall with Levi next to her. They were even in first name basics with each other.
The raven man cleared his throat catching her attention, turning her head to the side to look at him she noticed how he was blushing.
"I.. I think is pretty obvious what I feel for— about you by now"
A surprised noice escaped Y/n mouth, she expected to have that talk with him some day, but not today or Levi being so straight forward with the subject.
The women could only nod, her brain still processing what he just said.
"I was wondering, if you felt the same.." his voice dropped to a whisper, while he looked down
"No" she shaked her head, making Levi looked up at her eyes widened with embarrassment at the rejection "Look, Levi.. it's just that I have done terrible things that you're not aware of. You don't want to be with me"
"Then tell me what terrible things you have done and let me be with you after your done" Levi said
"No, Levi you don't understand" tears pooled in her eyes, y/n didn't even remember the last time she had cry "I can't be with you"
"Why? Is it because of the terrible things you have done? Well guess what everybody has their own flaws, everybody in this world is an angel, at least until they get tired of the cruelty in it and let the demons take over" Levi grabbed her face between his hands, wiping the falling tears from her face "I want to be with you, wether you have let your demons take over or not"
Y/n felt the man lean in to place his lips to hers, they stayed pressed together without movement, before Levi pull away and kissed her again this time letting his emotions be known through the kiss.
Passion. Love. Care.
This is a moment in her life she would never forget not even when hers and the warriors mission is over.
Retaking of wall Maria
"I let you. I fucking let you in!"
Levi stood infront of her heartbroken, she told him, now he knew everything..
"Levi-" however she wasn't able to continue speaking since she received a kick right in the face making her fall on her side
She looked at Levi surprised, he had kicked her. Y/n knew she deserved, but it still hurt to have someone you loved hit you.
"You lied about everything didn't you? For what, to get information?" his voice was cracking slightly with each word he said "Was it necessary to use me for your stupid plans?"
"I didn't use you!, What I felt for you was real" y/n said defending her feelings
"I don't even know what is real about you anymore, is Y/n actually your name? Or is it just another lie?"
"It is my name.." she weakly murmured tasting blood in her tongue, she figured that her lip might have been split open from the impact
"Oh good to know"
Sarcasm tried to cover his hurt voice, which actually didn't work, since Y/n could clearly hear his shaky breath and it made her feel soo guilty.
"I hate you"
Those three little words were enough to make her world come crashing down, he hated her. Of course he did, it hurt so much but she had seen this coming, and she still didn't felt ready for it.
"I'm sorry, Levi"
That was all she said to him, before she was grabbed by a titan being controlled by Zeke, taking her away from the place where she meet someone who meant so much to her.
One thing that she was sure of was that
She will never forget Levi Ackerman.
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Screams, that was what was heard everywhere. Kids either with their parents or alone were running desperately trying to find shelter, and that broke Y/n's heart.
She was tired of all the fighting, she was tired of pretending to be stronger than she felt. For once she just wanted peace and happiness, something that she didn't quite have the past four years.
How did they got here? That was one of the many questions going through her head, but one that she paid more attention to was the most important
Was he here too?
"There you are, piece of shit."
That voice, it was him. It might have changed, but she could recognize it everywhere, the same voice who used to startle her everytime they saw each other, the voice that bought her comfort, the voice of the man she fell in love with.
It was Levi.
Slowly she proceeded to turn around, the fear for what might happen next running through her veins. She was ready to be killed by him.
Finally she look up and saw the same man she fell in love with, the only change that she saw was the uniform, apart from that he still seem like he had the same height as before and from the look on his face he still had the same temper.
"Nice uniform, I like it" she told him quietly not knowing what to say
Levi scoffed at her statement, taking his blade out. So he was going to kill her.
"You can go ahead and kill me, might as well add another ghost to haunt you"
Did she felt fear? Yes she did, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing it.
"Shut up" that was his response, before he connected his blade with her cheek leaving a long but not deep cut "You're going to come with me"
"I'm not going anywhere!"
The last thing he told her was that he hated her, why would he want her to come back to Paradise?, Was it to use her for information? Or because he missed her? It was stupid to think of the latter question, but she was still hopeful.
"I'm not asking, you brat"
That was the last thing she heard before he knocked her out.
"How could you be with a devil?!"
Her mom's scream hurt her eardrums, Zeke had told them about how she had been in a relationship with a so call devil. That seem like the only thing Zeke could do apart from throwing rocks, snitch.
"You were send there for a reason Y/n! No child of mine should've or should be with one of those devils!"
"Mother, I'm so sorry it's just that it would be easier for me to get the information about them that I wanted"
That was a lie. She loved Levi, even though she didn't get the chance to say it to him. She did, and that feeling wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
Her father stood next to her mother quietly looking at her with disgusts as if she was the trash people get rid of because of the smell, she hated that, it hurt to have your own parents hating on you.
"So what? For a piece of information, you had to go and whore yourself in there?"
Y/n gasped looking at her mom shocked "What? No mother, I didn't do anything like that with him!" she argue
That wasn't a lie, Levi was uncomfortable with sexual intercourse, since his own mother worked in a brothel and he had been the witness of how much that act hurt his mother, he had trusted her enough to tell her that.
"Good, you still have your purity." her mom nodded, before letting out a sigh "At least it wasn't with a women, you would've been completely kicked out of this house young lady"
"Now go take a shower, make sure to wash away every memory in that land while doing so." her mom smiled softly her hand reaching out to touch her cheek, before hugging her "My poor baby, having to live with those devils for so long. Don't worry you're home now, you're safe with us"
What once was her home didn't feel like home anymore, her house was just a place, her home was the person she left behind in Paradise.
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Y/n didn't remember how many days have passed or what was going on outside of her cell. She didn't know in what prison she was in, but just a few days ago it had seem like there was a whole damn war going on outside.
She hasn't seen Levi since he put her into the cell, and she was scared that something might have happened to him. She heard the door of the corridor open, Y/n stood up walking towards the bars to see who it was, it was Hange.
"Y/n" Hange nodded at her as if they were saying hi "He said your name, so we think it would be good if you saw him"
"Who are you talking about?" Y/n asking looking at them confused
Her heart immediately speed up, something happened to him. Her anxiety grew each passing second as she took step by step through the halls, Hange having a hold of her arm to make sure she didn't try to run away.
"What happened to him?" Y/n questioned scared for what the answer might be
"Explosion" was all they said, before entering a room that seems to be Levi's, there was only a nurse sitting in a chair probably just there just in case Levi needed something
"Thanks, you can stand outside. We would call if we need you" Hange told the nurse who nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, but not before throwing Y/n a look of disapproval about her being there.
Y/n ran to Levi's side as soon as the nurse was out, he had bandages in one side of his face, and on his hands. Tears started sliding down the young women's cheek while Hange looked at her with pity, but also cautiously not wanting her to do anything that might hurt Levi.
"Levi.." she whispered, even though
y/n felt bad about disturbing him from his sleep knowing how difficult it was for him to do so, she wanted to hear his voice, reassuring her that he was going to be ok "Everything it's going to be fine, right Hange? Tell him"
“Yeah, I agree with you y/n”
She didn't knew who she was trying to convince herself or Levi, but that didn't matter, because she felt a squeeze in one hand and immediately look down to see that Levi was the one holding it. Y/n look back up to his face seeing how his eye was open and he was staring directly at her.
Y/n smiled "Hey darling, you're okay now" she let out those word between sobs "— I'm sorry for everything Levi, for not telling you where I was really from, for letting you fall in love with me when I knew how it was going to bed. I'm so sorry for every misery that I have put you through"
Levi squeezed her hand again "- 's ok, I f—orgive you" his words came out has a whisper and he struggled to speak but she heard him clearly
Hange watched the scene playing out infront of them, they could see how much those two loved each other. They were like a puzzle, that could figure each other out, knowing each piece of themselves like the back of their hands.
It has been a month and a half exactly since Y/n had seen Levi in the bed witnessing how helpless he looked, she had never seen him like that and wasn't planning to anytime soon, since then she hadn't left his side.
He was currently touching her bare back leaving kisses down her neck, their naked chest pressed together, hot and sweaty.
"Levi..." she moaned softly
This was their first time being intimate, and she didn't want him to feel pressured into anything.
"I know what you're going to say, and I want to how much as you" he said before continuing marking her, claiming her as his
Each move of his hips against hers, reminded her of who she was with. The gentleness in his touch making her forget about the world around them. The softness of his lips against hers taking her breath away.
It wasn't just the pleasure that made Levi take the decision of doing this with her, this was his own way of showing how far he would go just to be with her, to come out of his comfort zone just to shower her with intimate kisses and touches that he and neither would she forget.
“I love you Levi”
Her skin was the canvas, and his lips was the brush painting each part of her body.
“I love you too...”
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“You will come back with us immediately young lady!" her mother said trying to remain calm infront of the devils
The rumbling was over, Eren Yeager was killed. Paradise and Marley were allies, but that doesn't mean they have forgiven each other for what each have done. Many Marleyans and Eldians from Marley came to visit out of curiosity, while people from Paradise went to explore the world (if we are talking about visiting the outside world and finding new things as much as possible), but they never want to visit Marley afraid that they might get turn into titans and angry for what those monsters have done to other people.
"I'am old enough to make my own decisions, mother" Y/n had answered, wanting to remain as calm as she could
"His manipulating you isn't he?"
"How dare you!—" Y/n yelled, before regaining her composure, her voice going back to calm but being loud and firm at the same time "I love him, he didn't manipulate me into anything. It's bold of you to assume that, mother"
"We're your family, your place it's with us!"
Some of the Military Police who were there scoffed along with some of the scouts, they have warmed up to Y/n already, but the Marleyans didn't seem to accept that one of themselves loved an Eldian, specially from Paradise.
"You're my family? Then where were you when I needed you the most?, All I needed when I returned to Marley four years ago was my mother!, The one who an illusion of my mind created, a sweet mom who would love me for being her child, and not see me as an object" Y/n couldn't remain calm anymore she needed to let everything out "— The time I spent with him, I got to truly know what comfort was, what being loved and being needed felt like! And you—" with tears in her eyes she turned to her father who was quiet, like he always was "You're so afraid of mom that you don't even dare to speak for yourself!, You did nothing to help your own daughter!, You just watched as she was raised to be something she didn't want to be!"
She spoke out her mind finally letting out those built up words that haunted her, needing to be said "— I thank you for everything though, despite not given me the love that I needed, your own choices took me to where we are now. Without those decisions, I wouldn't have met Levi so I thank you, for what you both did" she smiled at them
Her mom stood there quietly, before turning around and walking towards the door, her father following close behind "Don't bother returning home" was all her father said
"I won't"
She was already home, she was standing next to it. Holding his hand, Levi Ackerman was the safe place she will always and forever need.
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“— And they lived happily ever after”
Y/n closed the book, looking at the twins, her daughter and son who had fallen asleep half way through the story.
“Please tell me you didn't read to them the explicit parts”
The voice of her husband scared her and she turned to him, who stood by the door leaning into it.
“Of course not you idiot!”
She stood up turning off the lamp and given both of the children kisses on their head, before going out of the room with Levi.
“I still think we should publish this book” Y/n smirked, a mischievous look in her eyes
“Absolutely not”
Yeah, their Love Story had a happy ending after all.
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This was so much fun to write! I wrote 4k words and I'm proud of that! I feel like my writing has improved in the past few days, and this might be one of the works that will show it, and I hope future ones show the progress too! Also I want to punch y/n's mother in the face.
Thank you so much for reading, you can support my work by hitting reblog or liking! But don't repost to other platforms!
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bittermuire · 3 years
A (long) analysis of Azriel,
+ a bit of discussion about Gwynriel vs. Elriel at the end.
Lately I’ve seen much discussion surrounding Azriel, and there seems to be a lot of hazy gray area. We know he has a terrible past, carries a lot of trauma, is both mentally and physically scarred, and has disturbingly possessive habits. But why? That’s the question.
I think most of Azriel’s character can be filtered into three sections: his anger, his possessiveness, and his self-loathing. Altogether I believe these form his crippling sense of emotional immaturity, which ultimately shines through most every action he makes in the books.
So yes, I firmly believe Az is a child in the body of a 500 year old Fae. But is he treated as such? No. No, he is not. In fact, he’s treated as the exact opposite, and that can’t be doing wonders for his mental health (which is already in shambles. Off to a cheery start.)
Let’s take a look at his past. He was both mentally and physically abused for the majority of his childhood. Then he was thrown into an unforgiving culture that both mentally and physically abused him as well. Then he was essentially bullied by Cassian and Rhysand for quite a while... until they randomly decided to like him, which is a choice he didn’t seem to play a hand in. And then he became a professional torturer. All the while falling madly in love and becoming obsessed with a female who can’t love him back. Not to mention he’s been ostracized his entire life.
(One big thing though, that I’m going to reference frequently, is Azriel’s constant chase of “happiness.” Kind of like my friends with ADHD. We squeeze all the serotonin we can get out of one thing and then fall into a listless, depressed haze until we find another. I honestly think Azriel does the same thing with people--he latches onto them and lets his mood swings rely on how much attention they do or do not pay him, and whether it is positive or negative.)
So I’m going to go through his relationships with pivotal characters and try to explain what I think is really going on with Azriel.
Regarding Mor:
He was obsessed with her for most of his life. He was incredibly possessive of her and fell instantly in love upon seeing her. Do I think it was love? No. But does Azriel think it was love? Yes, and that is so important. It shows how desperate he was for human connection.
This “love” spiraled into centuries-long obsession that we’ve all seen play out throughout the series. But why is it obsession, and not love? Well, I’m going to go ahead and say that Azriel doesn’t know how to love. He’s never been shown genuine love and so he doesn’t know how to show it to others in the way he intends. He’s basically a baby.
But right after he falls head over heels, Mor sleeps with Cassian, and then Cassian plays the role of the buffer between the two of them all the way up until the events of ACOSF. This is where I think Azriel’s anger comes into play. He can’t get to Mor. His best friend, his brother, is blocking him from her. He can’t touch her, love her, feel her, and he’s so desperate to. But he literally has no way to communicate it because he doesn’t know how, and so he responds in the one way he’s able: anger. And jealousy. And intense protectiveness that eventually begins to translate as possessiveness.
Again, he lets his happiness rely on Mor because he can’t make himself happy, and so his lack of emotional maturity ends up revealing him as desperate and unable to communicate his feelings of inadequacy and frustration. I’m not trying to justify his behavior, not at all. But I think this could be a decent explanation.
Regarding Cassian and Rhysand:
I mean... I kind of hate the way these two have treated Azriel. They all have their fair share of trauma, but Cassian and Rhys also bullied him and ostracized him, and then basically said, “Oh, we like you now.” Which completely leaves Azriel in the dark as to where he stands with them, and strips him of awareness regarding how his friendships with them will operate.
And then he becomes the head of espionage for the Night Court, which involves lots and lots of torture. What kind of message does that send? You’ve seen dirty things, Az, so you don’t mind doing the rest of the dirty things for us, right? That’s the only real message I can get from this. Which then plants the message in Azriel’s head of: Not only do I do dirty things, I myself am a dirty, disgusting thing. Thus, furthering his already deep-seated sense of self-loathing.
Plus, the IC generally operates with a pack-like mindset. One person’s method of healing is everyone’s method of healing. It worked for one person, so it worked for everyone. It’s a very naive mindset, and very toxic as well, so it’s not surprising that literally everyone in the IC is colossally messed up despite preaching themselves as having overcome their demons.
So Azriel never really gets to understand himself and mature as a person. He’s stuck pretending to be perfectly fine underneath Rhysand’s oh-so-benevolent and compassionate hand. Rhysand and Cassian recognize Az as being a little... odd, by seeming to think things like “he’s the quiet one” and “he’s the serious, scary one.” But do they attempt to understand him? No. They leave him to his own devices and let him figure it out himself.
That’s the issue. He’s not ever going to figure it out himself, so long as he’s surrounded by the people who’ve been unwittingly suffocating him for most of his life.
Regarding Elain:
Azriel’s infatuation with Elain, in my opinion, comes as a direct result of his detachment from Mor. Just like one hyperfixation fades quickly from an all-consuming thing to a passing thought, Azriel has shifted from one obsession to the next, in order to keep his spirits on a high.
But I think his feelings for Elain reveal a lot of what Mor did not. Why does he view Elain as so holy compared to him? Why is he so hesitant to touch her? Why does he put her on such a pedestal? That’s his self-loathing coming through again. He hates himself so much that he has to place her above him.
He wants to touch her and love her, just as he did with Mor, but again he is unable. It's a repeating pattern that he can’t get himself out of.
Let’s also look at the way Elain and Azriel’s friendship/relationship began. He had to take care of her, and treat her with utmost respect. She looked at his scars or his siphons, both monstrous looking things, and called them beautiful. Let’s remember that he’s basically a child who’s rarely known genuine love. The minute he gets a glimpse of it, he’s going to grab it by the neck and crush it to his chest. Plus, the fact that she’s the last sister left unattached and he’s the last brother left unattached is probably even more convincing for him that he and Elain are meant for each other. When he’s denied this love that’s come nearly close enough to grab, he responds in the only way he’s able: anger. And jealousy. Just like he did with Mor.
But moving on, that glimpse of potential love comes from Elain. That’s why he’s able to let go of Mor; a relationship with Elain suddenly becomes possible. He’s terrified of ruining this potential love and is incredibly drawn to her all the same. Best of all? She wants him too.
BUT. Azriel knows how fragile Elain is, so he walks on glass around her, coddling her, putting her first like he’s put everyone else first since being a part of the IC. I think he wants to save her from becoming like him. He essentially plays the role of her white knight, entirely losing his sense of self-preservation (not that he ever had one), and thus loses any chance of letting Elain help him mature in return.
Regarding Gwyn:
Now, Gwyn is a different story.
We know Azriel likes her. Maybe not in a consciously romantic way, but he likes her. She makes him smile and laugh, and he finds her amusing. He doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around her.
The big thing, I think, is that he doesn’t have to take care of her. At least, I think that’s what makes him so comfortable around her. With Gwyn, he can relax, and he doesn’t have to watch every move he makes. She treats him like a regular person and he treats her similarly.
Now, is it a bad thing that he doesn’t put her on a saint-like pedestal like he does Elain? No. Definitely not. I think this ordinary friendship signals a much healthier relationship than his festering obsession with Elain. Gwyn simply being his friend and not someone that he feels he has to be perfect for is a good foundation for Azriel growing as a person.
Gwynriel vs. Elriel (the necklace):
Honestly, I’m scared for whatever SJM decides to do, because Azriel has a shitload of trauma to move past and years worth of emotional growth needed before he can be a steady partner in a relationship. Both Gwyn and Elain’s character arcs are definitely not finished and so I think that no matter which way his narrative goes, it’s going to be disappointing in some aspect or another, unfortunately. I don’t think that either one of the females’ arcs really fit well with Azriel’s.
But I’m going to take a closer look at the necklace, because I think it’s a telling narrative point.
For Azriel, the necklace for Elain and Gwyn herself, are both “thing[s] of secret, lovely beauty” to him.
By describing the necklace for Elain as such (instead of Elain herself), Azriel unconsciously reveals his more idealistic view of Elain rather than his love for Elain herself. I kind of get the sense of Azriel giving offerings to a goddess, or something like that. He seems to be more preoccupied with appeasing Elain than actually loving her.
Now, this probably comes from, again, his self-loathing and his emotional immaturity. I’m just repeating myself at this point. He doesn’t know how to love himself and he doesn’t know how to love anyone else.
But then he describes Gwyn as such. Gwyn, the person. In my opinion, this demonstrates a potentially much healthier relationship than what he has with Elain. Azriel, instead of wanting to be perfect for Gwyn and wanting to appease her, is simply made happy by the thought of her. It is Gwyn whom he is taken with, not the idea of Gwyn loving him. And so that takes off so much pressure for him, and introduces the hope that he might be able to mature as a person in a friendship or romantic relationship with Gwyn.
Closing thoughts:
Azriel is a blundering, hormonal child desperate for love with no idea of how to get it, in a 500 year old Fae’s body. He’s also surrounded by people who refuse to address his clear issues... his future’s pretty dim, and I think he realizes it. Which is why whoever SJM chooses to be his romantic interest is going to be very important.
In short, I’m scared for what’s to come. But fingers crossed that his incredibly complex character is done justice.
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years
Jax Teller: Fuck You Better
A/N: Hello loves!! I’m SO OBSESSED with the below request 😍 In which you tell your BFF Jax Teller that your vanilla sex life with your current fuckbuddy just isn’t fulfilling your needs any longer... and Jax offers to satisfy your hungers. Fuck you rougher—harder, better, faster, stronger 😏🔥
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, rough sex Request: This AMAZING anon request
Word Count: ~2.1k
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“Jax... you really didn’t have to do that.”
“What? Kick your fuckbuddy’s butt?” your best friend ever, badass motherfucker Jax Teller, approaches you now with his signature smirk and his swaggering strut. Glances back over his shoulder at the loser you’re ashamed to call your lover. The poor guy is in pieces. It was supposed to be a pointless little brawl, here in the middle of a random SAMCRO shindig, but Jackie Boy is standing proud and tall, as if he just won the Olympics. Everyone’s cheering for the golden champion with his stupidly sexy blonde man bun.
Jax snickers back again at the opponent he just effortlessly vanquished. “He fights like a pussy ass bitch, to be honest. For your sake I really hope his dick hits better than his fists.”
“His dick is none of your business. And I won’t be getting any for a while now you’ve fucked him up like this,” you hiss, licking your lips, trying hard not to stare at the sweat on your BFF’s bare sculpted chest as it glistens and drips. Jax has just walked off from the scuffle without so much as a scratch; meanwhile your fuckboy was just owned out of his wits, clearly outmatched.
Jax brushes it off with a laugh, playfully slapping you on the back. “Look, he started the fight. Said I’d been checking you out all night.”
Yeah fucking right. You heave a sigh. “Why didn’t you just tell him he was wrong, then?”
“I’m a lot of things, Y/N. Liar ain’t one of ‘em,” he replies, leaning in toward you with a twisted little twinkle in his eyes.
He’s always been a shameless flirt—even with you, the girl he’s friend-zoned for forever. Though you know that he means nothing by the words, that doesn’t stop the wet hot fire he ignites between your thighs.
“That dress is way too short,” he mutters, as the fire in your cunt burns even hotter. “And way too tight. The whole damn world can see that pretty little ass of yours. But you already knew that, right? Like knowing every man here wants a piece of you tonight?”
Not every man, you wish you could snap back at Jax. Not the one I want. Before you can, some random slut comes up behind him and attacks, clingy hands clawing at his bulging biceps. “Hey there, champ. Can I get you cleaned up?”
“Sounds good, darlin’...” Jax readily accepts, turning toward you then. “Oh, one more thing—he said I could smack his girl’s ass if I win.”
“No he fucking didn’t...!” you attempt to protest, but then Jax slaps you through your dress and you let out a goddamn yelp. The slut inside you can’t be helped.
He grins back at you as he struts off with the skank that he’s going to fuck, clearly pleased with himself. And it feels like you’ve been run over by a truck. Being in love with your BFF Jax Fucking Teller is literal hell.
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“Hey, can we talk?”
You have no clue what just possessed you to come up to Jax’s dorm room uninvited. But whatever just compelled you to burst through the door—conveniently unlocked—you couldn’t fight it. It was probably the thought of yet another undeserving whore devouring his gorgeous cock. You’ve never seen it, but it’s not as if you have to see, to know Jax has the world’s most perfect penis. With a face, a body like his? Honestly. There’s no denying this. It’s straight up fucking science.
Thankfully, you came up fast enough that Jax and his bitch haven’t yet taken their clothes off. The bitch blinks up at you, agape—appalled—like you just barged in on their wedding day. You just glare daggers back at her from where you’re standing in the doorway. Sure, it’s immature; you really have no beef with her, and this is not her fault. Of course she takes your unexpected presence as an insult. But you can’t be brought to care right now. You need to be alone with Jax, and if that requires cock-blocking her ass, then that’s how.
He meets your gaze, those baby blues fucking you up in countless ways, and you might cum just from the eye contact. You are a desperate whore for Jax and that’s a fact.
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“You should probably get out,” he tells the slut who’s straddling him in the bed. The poor girl can’t believe the words out of his mouth, but Jax said what he said. 
If there’s one good thing that comes of being his best friend, it’s that he treats you with a shitload of respect. Crow eaters mean nothing to him when you’re in the room. Then again, who the hell needs respect when you’d give it all up to become a dumpster for Jax Teller’s cum...?
With an indignant huff, the other woman grabs her stuff and storms out of his dorm, making sure to bump forcefully into your shoulder as she passes through the door. You really harbor no hard feelings for the poor unfortunate whore. Pity, for sure—must fucking suck to be her, being so suddenly deprived of a shot with Jax Teller. No doubt it would’ve been the best sex of her life, ever.
In any event, now that she’s left, you and your BFF are alone together.
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Jax gets up from the bed, lazily raking a hand through the lustrous blonde hair on his head. Well aware that he’s covered in sweat. “I should, uh—hit the shower...”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you tell him, stepping inside and locking the door. Why did you lock it? Fuck it.
What you don’t tell him is that he smells fucking divine. How is it even possible for anyone to smell like heaven, in the state that he’s in? His smooth flawless skin is so slick with his sweat that it shimmers and shines and might seriously strike you blind.
He stands across from you with his hands on his hips, white waistband of his boxers sticking up above his jeans, tongue flicking out between his lips. Those hands that drive you fucking wild in your dreams, that tongue you’d sell your soul to suck. “So you wanted to talk?”
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You clear your throat and bob your head in an attempt at a casual nod. Trying to come off as cool when you’re anything but. “Yeah, it’s just—I just wanted to vent, a little bit. About that thing you said... to be honest, fuckboy’s dick doesn’t hit better than his fists. The sex is always lame and plain vanilla and I’m sick of it. Even in bed, he’s a pussy ass bitch.”
Jax bites his lip, stifling back a silent laugh. Cleary quite glad—though not at all surprised—that he was right. “So he fucks the way he fights? Hey, so do I...”
You roll your eyes, playfully punching him in the side... which was a mistake because now you’ve made contact with his sweaty skin and it’s too much to take.
Needless to say, Jax takes the punch in stride. The smug smile on his face is miles wide. “Think it’s high time you dump his ass if he can’t keep you satisfied.”
Something about that fleeting skin-to-skin contact, and his closeness in this moment, and his maddening masculine scent, has you crazily pacing the room and saying all manner of shit that you’re doomed to regret. “And then what? Fuck around until another Son decides he wants to claim me as his own personal slut? It’s not like I can have the one I really want.”
You take a second to tune in to your own internal dialogue, currently scolding yourself for being so dumb—where the fuck are you going with this, you insane little cunt?
Jackson doesn’t seem to be having the same reaction. For unthinkable reasons, while standing there all godlike and glistening, he appears to be very sincerely listening. “You, um... got your eye on someone?”
“Always have,” you blurt out, and you really want to snap a goddamn bear trap over your moronic mouth.
Now Jax has you with your back up against the wall and you cannot think straight at all. Blonde hair and blue eyes and broad shoulders tower over you so tall. “Yeah? What’s he like?”
Oh, I don’t know, just look at your own beautiful reflection in my big wide stupid eyes. The thoughts you keep in silence are as stupid as your actual reply. “He has a really big... um... bike.”
The cheeky bastard laughs as if he knows you meant to talk about his dick. He probably did. But then again there’s something shy inside his eyes that makes it look as if he genuinely doesn’t know shit. “Now that’s not very specific. Come on, Y/N—just tell me who he is. You know there are no secrets between us.”
Yeah, sure, except the secret that I’m scientifically convinced of the perfection of your penis. Somehow you manage to take back some of your dignity right this instant, if only for a minute. “Mind your own motherfucking business.”
Jax is still doing that sincere listening thing and you quite honestly can’t handle it. He’s looking at you now as if you’re something breathtaking to witness. Just like he is. “Wow. You really like this guy, for serious.”
Heat rises to your face, insides melting to mush beneath his gaze. “That obvious?”
“You’re getting all worked up just thinking about him,” he notices, going on as if oblivious to the fact that it’s because he’s in the room. “He better be epic, whoever he is.”
Oh, you have no idea, Jax... “And why would you say that?”
Your brain physically breaks upon hearing the words he says next: “Because you’re fucking perfect. Deserve nothing less. You should be with the guy who can love you best. Fuck you best.”
Sweet mother of Jesus. What just even fucking happened? There’s a space between your lips and his, still—just a sliver, and it kills. The moment you give in to this your world is bound to end...
You know that much for certain; you and Jax tried going down this path just once before, so long ago that you’re determined to forget, the only moment of your friendship you regret. It’s never just a kiss. It’s always more, always a risk, of losing him. Of losing this. And you can’t let it happen again.
You’re fucking trembling, heartbeat fighting, but you have to say the right thing. Even if it hurts you more than anything. “Christ, Jax—‘fucking perfect’? You really mean that? As a... as a friend?”
The word weighs heavy on your tongue. No word has ever felt so wrong, but there it is, and he can taste the bitter heartbreak off your lips. Bites his and shakes his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just being honest. BFFs, what else?”
Love is literal hell.
And just like that, in a split instant, all the reasons he had so sincerely listened, anything that he had felt... is fucking gone. Or so he can pretend, at least. He always fakes it well, hiding behind the image of the savage sexy beast. “So what, we done?” he snaps, swiping his hand through his disheveled hair and casting you a cold blue stare. “I was about to get my dick wet, till you came up to complain about how your pussy ass fuckboy sucks in bed.”
You deal his chest a harder-than-just-playful punch because you seriously hate him just that much. “God, you don’t have to be a dick about it. Honestly, Jax, do you give a shit about anything other than sex?”
“Can’t live without it. Dick ain’t gonna suck itself.”
At this point the words are just flying all over the room. Nothing even makes sense. “Ugh—you know what, that’s the difference between you and him. You and everyone else.”
“What? That I fucking win?”
“That’s what you like to think. That you’re some kind of motherfucking king. Strutting around like you’re the god of everything.”
“Maybe I am. Takes balls to be the fucking champ.”
“Yeah, well, your balls can kiss my ass.”
... Oh fucking shit. Those words may have been just a little too... accurate. Now there’s an image in your head, a vivid image, and it’s... pretty fucking graphic. Pornographic. Fucking magic.
And of course Jax has to say the words to match it. “Bet you’d like that. Wouldn’t you, bitch.”
... Oh. Fucking. Shit.
... Continued in Part 2!
Hope you enjoyed this and would love to hear if you did!! ❤️
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
General Soul Eater HCs please
Soul Eater: General headcanons
Death the Kid:
He’s an art critic
Hear me out
He is obsessed with symmetry, and loves the beauty in it
So when he sees something non-symmetrical, especially in art, he can’t help but to critique it
May go as far as to send a personal letter to the artist (If they’re alive) about how offensive it is that they created something so asymmetrical
If he can’t send a letter to the artist, he’ll send one to the owner/museum and request it be taken down, while listing reasons why it’s horrible.
Anything he writes has an even amount of letters and words
Be that his test answers
Diary entry
Speaking of diary entries, he definitely has one
But it’s actually just a catalogue of symmetrical things he’s seen
He puts photos into it and writes about how beautiful it was to see
He doesn’t care what it is much, just that it was beautiful
Meaning he takes photos of people too
Which can be unnerving at times
He’s probably taken a photography class before, or at the very least is self taught
Literally has a photo album of things he views are beautiful, but non symmetrical and he would die if anyone found it
Like a particular sunset with uneven hills
Or a flower with one too many petals
Definitely has an 8 ball, not a magic one, just an 8 ball, it’s placed on a velvet pillow in his room and he frequently polishes it
Elizabeth Thompson:
Makes several backup plans as a way to cope
Especially after dealing with an experience with a ghost
She has notebooks full of them, labeled and detailed
At one point she started putting them in alphabetical order but stopped immediately when she realized Kid’s perfectionist habits were rubbing off on her
She practices acting in the mirror
Usually so she can charm a man into dating her
But also to con people
She used to be a “Street rat” and that thought of ending up on the streets again constantly plagues her mind
She takes full advantage of the “Rich life”
Shopping sprees
Quality makeup
Salons and spa days
The works
She lets Patty’s thought that she knows everything get to her head
The fact alone that her sister believes in her that much is enough to make her a bit egotistical
And Patty’s admiration for the girl makes it ten times worse
She literally doesn’t care if she ends up being wrong because she’ll just be right next time anyways
So stubborn in that aspect
Patricia Thompson:
She likes dark humor
You can’t convince me otherwise, you actually can’t, I have evidence
She made an origami Giraffe, and broke its neck
Laughed when Kid said he “wants to die”
She literally pokes him with a stick when he’s depressed
She likes dark humor, and probably looks up jokes to tell others just for kicks
She’s secretly sadistic, and likes scaring her sister and others
She may act naïve and innocent, but she is anything but
She definitely has, more than once, banged on Liz’s door at 3AM just to hear her sister squeal like a little girl
Honestly, she probably purposefully gets their pose wrong, just to see her sisters annoyance and laugh when Kid gets smacked
She likes origami
Probably first got into it because of the paper ninja stars
Then just found it relaxing
She most likely makes the ninja stars mostly, and keeps a box of her origami creations somewhere
Has in the past, and will not hesitate to do so again, beat someone up for kicks or just to destress
Patty has two faces, the childlike innocent one, and the insane anger one
So it’s not too far fetched to say that she’ll hide her anger till she can corner someone alone and beat them up
Or that she gets bored and decides to do so
I wouldn’t be too surprised if her sister occasionally joined as well
Maka Albarn:
She’s a Harry Potter nerd and you can’t convince me otherwise
She loves the concept of magic
Loves the dynamic between Ron and Hermione, though feels a bit of Deja vu thinking about it
Probably used to write fanfiction, but in a way that made it seem like it was actually part of the story
She will hit you if you mention it
Definitely the type to compare books to their movie counterparts
Not in like, a critic way, but she will definitely rant about the differences, or how a character looks exactly like she imagined, or if they didn’t put in a particular scene she liked in the book
Forces Soul into movie nights, but it’s only the movie counterparts to her books
I can see her forcing everyone into a group study session
Be super organized about it, and setting it up in a way so that no one can refuse
She probably has specific ways for everyone to study
Like having Black☆Star work out while studying so he retains the knowledge better
Or setting up the session in a symmetrical way so Kid doesn’t freak out about it
She writes letters to her mom, as a coping mechanism for when her emotions get to be a little too much
Like when she’s having a bad day
Or if she’s particularly peeved at something Soul did
She writes a lot more letters when it comes around the time of her mom's birthday or death anniversary
She likes the thought of an old timey romance, and often listens to songs that give off that kind of feel
She really likes “It’s Been a Long, Long Time”, it’s one of her favorites
She also likes the old Disney songs, like “Once Upon a Dream” and “So This Is Love”
She would be so embarrassed if anyone found out though, especially if it was her dad or Soul
She isn’t quite sure why she’s so worried about Soul finding out though
Speaking of, she half realizes, half doesn’t with anyone's romantic feelings, including her own
She’ll fantasize about getting a love letter or having someone present her with a bouquet of roses
But if it actually happens she’s like “Oh, thanks friend!”
She knows the behaviors, she just can’t put two and two together
They would have to be extremely blunt, no over dramatic confession, just “I’m in love with you and want to be romantically involved with you”
She reads dictionaries for fun
She really likes to read out of date dictionaries, just to see what words and slang existed back then
She also highlights words she likes and uses them frequently on accident
She has most definitely yelled “I have cupid’s kettlebells*! I’m not flat!” at Soul before
Soul Evans:
Bottles. Up. His. Emotions.
He’s influenced by “toxic masculinity” and fully believes that being vulnerable in a serious way “isn’t cool”
He will bottle everything up so deep down inside that it seems impossible for it to surface
Feelings of inferiority to others? Bottled
Want to cry or break down? Nope, gotta be cool
Started crying in front of someone and can’t stop? He’s not crying, you’re clearly blind
Speaking of crying, once he starts, and I mean genuinely starts, it’s so hard to get him to calm down, and even then the tears don’t stop
Sometimes he’ll start to freak out and send himself into a panic attack because the tears just won’t stop
He’s that influenced by the thought of being vulnerable
On a lighter note, he does adore playing the piano, but the only person he’ll play for is Maka
He swears it’s not favoritism, and it’s partially true, but favoritism does play a large role in it
He frequently drags Maka to his room to show her a new piece he put together
And if he notices her feeling a little down that day, he’ll start playing a song that he knows she likes
He definitely knows about her love for old timey romance songs and is very embarrassed to admit a lot of the pieces he constructs are based off of that
The walls are p a p e r t h i n , he can hear her music through the walls
He secretly finds it adorable when he catches her listening to it because she’ll be dancing around to it
He also frequently finds himself thinking about those moments
He’s the stereotype that parents tell little girls about, with how boys will bully their crush
He’s a lot more playful and easy going, but still teases Maka, so much
Unlike Maka, he’s fully aware of his feelings, and acknowledges them, but bottles it up, only letting himself entertain the thought every once in a while
He jabs at Maka’s lack of “Cupids Kettlebells” as a way to try and ensure she won’t fall for him, because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if she does
He reads the same dictionaries that Maka does, not for fun, but so he can know just what the actual h e l l she’s saying
More than once he’s had to look up a particular word or phrase online because he can’t find it in the dictionary
“What the hell? It’s an old Victorian saying!? Where does she keep finding this stuff!?”
Subconsciously, as time goes on, he starts using old phrases as well, he was so embarrassed the first time he got caught saying “Keep your idle daddles* off of her!” when defending someone from a perv.
Is so unbelievably selfish with food
It’s not even funny
He will stab someone if they reach for his food
He surprisingly eats healthy most of the time though?
Says something like “I have to otherwise I’ll never surpass the gods!”
The only person who could ever p o s s i b l y steal his food is Tsubaki, but even that’s pushing it
He has the weirdest dreams, and I mean weird
Dreams like being turned into a potato and being cooked, mashed, and devoured by Tsubaki herself
He didn’t talk to her for a week after that dream, and refused to eat potatoes for a full year because “You never know if it could be a person turned into a potato!”
He was also very offended when Tsubaki ate potatoes during that time period
He takes things very literally
Like up above, if someone does something in a dream, he acts like it was real
Or if someone makes a joke about fighting, he will drag them outside to fight
He’s secretly scared of Tsubaki
But it’s for literally the stupidest reason
And he fully believes that because of it she could fight god and win
She used to have a pet cockroach
One of the flying ones
And he is so unbelievably scared of them, because for some reason they just don’t die, and they have w i n g s
So the fact she owned one as a pet scares him so bad even though it was literally for only a week
He has a soft spot for children
He doesn’t really know why
He just does
Is secretly really good with kids
Literally the definition of dad material
He has his flaws but still
Little kids are the only people who could steal his food and get away with it
Every. Time. and it makes the others so mad
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa:
What can I say, she’s perfect
She probably receives love letters
Reads them over when she’s feeling sad
Likes to keep them in a shoebox she painted
She definitely paints to unwind and relax
Likes to go outside and paint the sunrise/sunset
Takes note of beautiful scenery so she can come back in her free time and paint it
She probably draws/sketches too
Carries a sketchbook with her
More than likely has drawn Black☆Star doing something
Like napping or training
She’d never show him though, too scared of inflating his ego or giving him the wrong idea
Stress bakes/cooks
We know she cooks
Liz took advantage of it and pretended Tsubaki’s cooking was her own
So we know she does
Sometimes painting/drawing doesn’t cut it
So she heads to the kitchen and bakes away her worries and unwinds
The main reason Tsubaki would possibly be spared from Black☆Star’s stabbing habit with food is because she cooks all the meals
She makes sure everyone is comfortable around her
She’ll go as far as to learn someone's customs and practice cooking their unique cuisine just to make sure that they feel comfortable and safe in her presence
She radiates mom friend energy
She’s perfect mom material, perfect wife material, perfect in general honestly
*Cupid's Kettlebells is a old term for a woman's bust
*Idle daddles is a old term for hands
I Hope you like these general headcanons for the main seven! You didn’t say which characters you’d like to see, so I played it safe by putting the main characters! Thank you for the ask!
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Yandere Profile - Izuku Midoriya/Deku (BNHA/MHA)
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I'm showing up in tags again yay! Time to repost this
Finally I am dishing out MHA content and kicking off with one of my favorite boys nice
TWs: Fem!Reader, Yandere, kidnapping, delusional mindsets, infantilization, mentions of violence/mutilation, mentions of murder, mentions of fake suicide, n//s//fw themes/mentions/brief content, mentions of virginity/sex shaming, dark content, mentions of a high school setting
TWs (n//s//fw section/below the cut): noncon, brief dealing with/mentions of past sex trauma, generally depraved/dark content, pain content, infantilization What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
High key delusional. (I think everyone I've seen in the yan bnha community agrees on this lmao.) But really, he acts that way because he's not naturally that way - he has to make an active effort to lie to himself and to you in order to believe his delusions.
Obsessive. I mean, look at what this boy does to his heroes. You bet he has an entire notebook dedicated to your existence. It starts off simple, an entry regarding your quirk if you have one, or perhaps he feels compelled to write a simple entry about someone he met if you don't. Gradually it turns into a log of all his encounters with you, his observations of your day, his thoughts about you, a strict schedule of what you do. The things you do while he watches - you KNOW the boy is a stalker. He has a folder in his phone gallery of just quick snaps he's taken of you walking around, smiling, laughing, looking at your phone, lots of pictures from the back, sleeping at your desk, and a few more risky ones. The time he accidentally walked into the wrong shower room after a class and just happened to catch you getting out of the shower. Slightly blurry pictures through the window of the girls dorm of you getting dressed, laying in bed, sitting at your desk doing homework. Dark, barely visible images of your sleeping form just barely illuminated by moonlight. You really ought to lock those windows.
He's on the border where he's just comfortable enough to talk to you, but far too nervous to ever confess, or spend as much time with you as he'd like. Of course, preferably he could spend every waking moment by your side, but, he's aware enough to know you need space. He's fine with that. He's technically with you anyway, you just don't know it. And really, he likes stalking, genuinely. He likes the feeling of knowing you're unaware of his presence, the thrill of risk and the giddy satisfaction he gets knowing this is your candid, non-performing self, he can see what you're really, truly like when you think you're alone, and it's just so cute.
Particularly for a quirkless, civilian darling, or if darling's quirk has no combative purposes, he'll be much more protective. He's one to have the delusion that you're too fragile for the world, and that you're inevitably bound to get hurt, it's not safe out there. You're like a little kitten, one that's just a little too curious for her own good, doesn't know how big and bad the world is, how people who want to hurt her are out there. Kittens stay inside all day where they belong, safe to be the soft little housepets they are.
History/info stalker as well. He will find out everything about your past and you in general - memorize things like your height, birthday, grades, blood type, etc. Will also deep-dive through any social media you have, even managing to find anonymous ones, probably by sneaking through your phone as your sleep. He'll learn about your family, how well they treat you, gauges how hard they'll search for you. He'll want to know about any history you have regarding relationships and sex, too. He'll be disappointed to learn you've ever been with and done things with someone else, but that's ok. Everyone makes mistakes, and he can forgive that.
Massive savior complex. This goes double if he did save you from a situation -- he's literally your hero. And he expects that you should at least be grateful enough to acknowledge that. If your family or boyfriend or past boyfriends were abusive or unkind in any way, if you were generally struggling in school or work, if you had any sort of bad life, it will also emphasize this, and he feels he saved you from all of that, and is giving you a better life. And he'll remind you, frequently.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Inevitable, but he's a planner and he takes some time. He's smarter than he seems and he will formulate an extensive plan. If we're talking senior Izuku, well, he's limited, as he only has the dorms and his old apartment where his mother lives. He's likely to wait it out until post-graduation, wait until he gets his own place, which will now be as soon as possible. Whenever you plan to start university or hero work or whatever, well, you'll never actually make it there.
As for how, it depends on your trust. If he's managed to get close to you as he hopes to, at least to the point of friendship, he'll likely just invite you over, one last time before you go your separate ways in life. You walk right into your own imprisonment, not thinking anything is off when he locks the door behind you. If not, if he was never that close to you, or you turn down his offer, well, he'll just do it the old fashioned way. You're a naive little thing, and you'll inevitably be walking by yourself at night at some point for whatever reason, and he knows how to make chloroform. He may look small-ish, but he has a deceptive strength even without the use of OFA, you can't actually hope to overpower him. If he can't catch you out walking, well, once again, you really ought to lock those windows.
Now, a hero Deku, a few years into his 20s and quickly gaining popularity, that sees some poor little civilian getting hurt, he'll just use the excuse of taking you to get help. Clearly you've suffered a concussion, you're not in your right mind, and if you pick up on what's going on and try to call for help, he'll just say so to passersby. People have no reason to distrust him, he's a well-reputed, extremely popular hero, he would never harm someone. So when he says he's just taking you to get medical assistance, no one bats an eye.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
Like some of my previous yans, he's one that will intentionally set up escape opportunities just to see how well your conditioning is going. Leave the door unlocked, but sit and wait outside. Make the bonds just a little bit too loose to see if you wiggle out of them. Leave things that could be used as lockpicks to see how smart you are. It's all a test, though, don't worry. He'll be waiting right outside to make sure you don't actually end up going out into the world and getting yourself hurt. He'll be disappointed in you, but don't worry, he's not too mad - it's just his way of knowing you don't understand yet.
Generally, it's tight security. He's one to invest in electronic security -- a shock collar, tracking anklets, cameras that sense motion, a bracelet that tracks your heartbeat, and all of which send him notifications to his phone if anything is out of the ordinary. The cameras he'll be able to watch a live stream of at any time - he's gotten to where he eats lunch alone in his office so that he can just kick back and watch you.
Now, he has something of an urge to show you off, he would love nothing more than for the world to see what a cute little wife he has, but he restrains this urge for your safety. He has a lot of enemies, and he can't have them knowing about his weakness, he can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of him. So don't expect to even have anyone who knows about you to rely on.
As for attempts... Should you manage to get through all his measures, well, clearly that means they weren't enough. He's another yandere that, you probably shouldn't try unless you are one hundred percent certain you'll succeed, because if not you likely won't get another chance. Security measures will bump up, and he'd likely implant something in you - a tracking chip beneath the skin, deep enough you can't hope to cut it out. That way, even if you get out into the city, he can easily find you and save you again. If you seriously manage to escape for a while, he doesn't handle it well emotionally, to be honest, he might get pretty upset, but again, everyone makes mistakes, so if you apologize -- and you will, even if he has to resort to unpleasant measures to force one out of you -- he'll forgive you.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Izuku is significantly smarter than he seems, much like his strength. Despite his deluded nature, he still recognizes that, since she's too dumb to comprehend her own safety, she's likely to try and pull tricks to get back out of her cage. He's perceptive and can read facial expressions and tone of voice very well, so if you're a good liar there's about a 75% chance he'll pick up on it -- anything else and he definitely will.
He's likely to go along with it, just to expose your lies or plan in the end. He likes giving you the humiliation because it will hopefully make you even less likely to do it in the future.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
Izuku goes out of his way to keep you well-entertained, but it's all very... infantilizing. For example, he gets you streaming services and the like, but puts parental content locks on everything so you basically can only consume extremely g-rated type of content. He doesn't want you watching anything violent, or dirty or vulgar, it's not suiting such an innocent little thing. He won't even let you watch the news, unless occasionally forcing you to watch something that he knows is being aired about him, in which case he wants you to see so you're reminded of how good he is. He'll also be able to see your search history, and know if you tried to look up anything he wouldn't approve of, especially things like lockpicking or "how to disable human shock collar," you know, that sorta thing. Or more... adult things, which are also blocked. Besides, you have him, you don't need that.
He'll let you cook, but only in his presence, can't have you getting hurt without him there to fix it. You'll probably start off restrained to a bedroom -- a very heavily safety-proofed one -- in the beginning, gradually earning the privilege of going to other rooms once you've proven you can be trusted.
He'll also really try to get you almost anything you want, really. Clothes, books, hobby supplies, anything he thinks will make you happy and adjust more easily. You can use this to your advantage, really, if you're willing to settle in for your new lifestyle.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Of course, besides the obvious no escaping, no outside contact, and no attacking him, he's actually still got a lot of behavioral rules. Much like the content he allows you to consume, he expects the same from you -- no cursing, no drinking, no vulgarity. No handling knives while he's gone, and he'll know if you do, from the motion-sensing cameras that will alert him of your presence in the kitchen. He's one to humiliate you. Specifically, if you've proven you can't behave at all, or tried to really fight him, he'll get you a nice big cage to live in until you have learned your lesson. The kind they make for big dogs, short enough to force you on all fours, complete with bedding, a padlock, and a water bowl for you to drink from. You'll stay there until you can understand what you did wrong and are ready to grovel at his feet about it. During that time, he'll also ignore anything you say, acting like you're not there.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
He can't risk anything that would damage his reputation and career, so murder is off the table. Unless, of course, it's not murder, but rather a sort of, how do they call it... suicide by hero. There was no other choice, really. It's sad to have a kill on his record, but people understand that sometimes these things happen.
This changes if someone has hurt you in any way -- in that case, he's not hesitating to actually kill someone. The thought of someone hurting his little treasure is infuriating, not only at them, but at himself for not coming into your life and saving you sooner. He'll be sure they know exactly why they're dying, that they spend their last moments begging for forgiveness for what they did to you.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
Easier than you'd think. Izuku doesn't like his delusions being challenged since, again, he has to put in effort to believe them in the first place. If you're being bratty and having tantrums he won't let it slide - even the slightest step out of line is dealt with to ensure you'll at least hesitate before doing it again. If you are the bratty type and blatantly go out of your way to defy him and his rules to his face, it's ground for immediate and pretty intense punishment. His anger is terrifying in its own way. He's beaming, grinning from ear to ear, talking to you so sweetly, but with just the most subtle underlying tone that lets you know he's furious. It's a warning voice, telling you to fix your attitude or else. He doesn't cease the babytalk or petnames when he's mad, it actually gets worse, it helps him contain his fury. But when you hear him say sweetheart in that quiet, sweet, but low voice you've come to recognize and immediately become afraid, he's pretty pleased when it reaches a point where that alone can shut you up. He believes there's a healthy degree of fear that pets should have of their masters.
The easiest and fastest way to set him off by far, though, even more than being mean or disobedient, is silent treatment. That sets him off unlike anything else, and is most likely to make him snap to actual, unrestrained anger, finally showing his true rage and snarling at you, grabbing you by the throat and lifting you off the ground. It will only last a few moments, though, before he comes back to his senses and lets go, apologizing, telling you he hates doing that, but you really seem to try to make him mad, sometimes.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
He kinda bounces back and forth. He's a bit of a worshipper, telling you how beautiful and amazing you are and how he doesn't deserve you, really no one does, you're angelic, nearly a goddess - but at the same time, you're also his little kitten. A pet to be controlled because you don't know what's good for you. Kept away from a world hellbent on harming you. When you agree with him or do what he wants, it's the former. When you disagree with him, it's the latter, and he talks down to you like you're a child.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
He'll try until the day he dies. And try he does, very much so, always buying you gifts, telling you sweet things, reassuring you how much he loves you. Even if you show no sign of ever giving in, that doesn't deter him, ever the optimist. It can become infuriating... and maddening, slowly driving you to the brink of insanity. When it comes down to you trying to break him of his delusions versus him trying to break you into them... he will win, you will crack first. No matter how stubborn you think you may be, rest assured, he's even moreso.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
I have a unique little headcanon... he hints to someone about your existence, and will select someone as a back-up caretaker. See, he's worried about the possibility of being killed in his heroism, and what would happen to his poor little kitten then? It might be weeks before someone enters his apartment, and they would never understand -- they would think he did something wrong, they would try to recondition you to the world, sure they'd have good intentions, but they wouldn't realize they're making things worse for you. So, he gets a very trusted friend, someone he knows would understand and... perhaps whom he gets the feeling has a bit of the same tendencies as himself, and more or less tells them that if something should happen to him, they need to go to his place, because something very important to him is there. As jealous as the thought of someone else having you makes him, he can't bear the thought of you being released back into the world... and you're still in the denial phase, so you still act like he's a bad guy and all that, so you might tarnish his name and legacy with lies. He can't have that. So, after careful consideration, he picks someone to take over as your caretaker, should something happen. He would rather know you're in the capable hands of someone he trusts than left to starve in his apartment or thrown out into the world, even if it means someone else having you.
Maybe an odd choice, but I could see him going for Shoto on that one. His personality may be very different from his own, and he may not be as close to him as some others, but he senses they have the same... tendencies and inclinations (am I implying he's definitely a yandere too? Yes), and be trusts him to care for you but also be able to handle and tame you. And honestly? He's one person he knows without a doubt will actually prefer to follow through and have you rather than disregarding his wishes - anyone else, and he's got a little doubt they might just not understand the situation, not understand your unique case, and take you to the police or God forbid, just release you back into the world. He leaves a little note with you (making sure to detail how you can be hard to handle, be patient with her, ok?) and tells you that should anyone with this physical description (I mean, it's a pretty unique description, not too many people look like Shoto), ever come and tell you that he's gone, give them the note, and be nice to your new owner, he's sure he'll love you too. But never forget, he loved you more.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Horny lil thing. His stalking tendencies result in a lot of perverted shit -- stealing your clothes, jerking off to all those pictures of you he's taken, putting hidden microphones in your room so he can hear when you're touching yourself. He's got a high drive, and jerks off quite a bit. Watching you in class often leads to his thoughts racing, and you notice he gets up to use the bathroom pretty frequently during class.
Prior to abduction, he's not brave enough to be touchy, although he will use his innocent demeanor to try and get a nice full-front hug every now and then that seems to last just a bit too long for comfort. After abduction, though? He makes up for all the touching he's wanted to do since he first saw you, wrapping arms around you all the time. When you're cooking he'll come up behind you and just wrap his arms around you, standing there and just enjoying feeling you. At night he's always very cuddle and wants to snuggle on the sofa or have you in his lap in some way. He also gets very grope-y beyond that point, frequently reaching up to cup your chest in his hands, squeezing your ass or thighs, or just spooning and grinding a hard-on against your ass.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
Too far into the delusions to care. Granted he understands why you are so resistant, why you fight so hard - you're just scared, but don't worry, it will only hurt just a little bit. Or you're insecure - he'll tell you lots of sweet things, he would just hate for you to not know how much he worships you, you know.
Or maybe you're just prudish, or traumatized. Repeated resistance with time and failure to quickly give in leads him to this conclusion, he becomes convinced that maybe you were raised in a sex-negative environment, a too-conservative household, and you were taught to think such a thing was wrong. Maybe you had some kind of negative experience in the past. If you confess to either of these being true, that just solidifies in his mind that that's the sole reason you're so resistant. He'll adjust based on whatever the issue is - are you one of the "until marriage" people? Well it's not official, but he'll try to prove to you that you're basically married, even make a fake contract for you to sign, buy you a cute white dress and a cake and basically say this is no different from being truly married, after all, the government approval is a modern convention and in the past people were married just by vows.
Is it trauma? Well, as said before, he's reluctant to murder, but if that turns out to be the case, that knowledge is enough to push him over the edge, and he'll be sure to make them regret it while they die - he'll even be sweet enough to take a picture, show you how much they rightfully suffered, and he'll be so so sweet, reassuring you he's not like them, kissing your forehead even as he's ignoring your little cries to stop and sinking deep into you.
Just a prude? That's ok. He'll teach you otherwise, rid you of that mindset -- all the more reason to ignore your struggles and pleas, because once you feel good enough, you'll stop resisting. Once you understand how good sex is and how nice he can make you feel, he's confident he can turn you into his own little cock-hungry slut. And managing to do so -- making you cum despite how prudish you are -- gives him a massive ego boost. Especially if you did have past partners, because clearly they weren't doing their job well, since you're so frigid. He'll make you tell him how much better he is than anyone else from before.
He's not a patient man, he's far too eager and really there's nothing you can do to stop sex from happening like... probably within the first hour of your new life together. He's been waiting such a long time, you know. If you happened to be a civilian in the situation mentioned previously, and you didn't know each other beforehand, he might give you, say, 24 hours to adjust, but again, he's not patient.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
Oral fixation
Just. He likes eating you out. A lot. Even if you don't. Even if he has to restrain you, holding you down so you can't squirm away. He likes the taste and the way it makes you squirm and writhe and whimper. He loves blowjobs, too. Just. Suck him off and he's wrapped around your finger, but be warned, he lacks self control in this area and will definitely end up grabbing your hair and just jerking your head like a fleshlight, forcing you to deep-throat him until he can cum down your throat.
Infantilization/Lingerie, corruption/defilement
Specifically the cute kind. He likes things like the kitty keyhole lingerie, thigh highs, schoolgirl uniforms, that sort of thing. Innocent looking, cutesy, lots of soft pinks and pastel colors. He never really ceases treating you like a dumb baby, even with sex, cooing at you and making you whimper, softly reassuring you everything is ok, and he'll make you feel good. He likes the innocence, even if you're not (convinces himself any past boyfriends "don't count" for whatever reason), and gets off to the idea that he's corrupting that innocence, ruining you, making you his and his alone. His little toy to play with and break and ruin, make sure you're so trained to his body and voice that no one else could ever make you feel as good as him. As aforementioned, he likes the idea of taking a little prude and turning you into a little cumslut that begs and whimpers for him. It's an ego, pride thing for him.
Petplay/D/S dynamic/Worship
Just. Kitten. It's good. He's super into the cat ears and tail, finding cute ears that perfectly match your hair color, and a little tail plug that makes you whimper when he slides it inside of you. Definitely calls you "kitten," or "kitty," and importantly, makes sure you call him your master. And good pets love their masters, worship them the way they deserve to be worshipped for taking care of you, feeding you, doing everything for you. Masters are their pets' whole world, and he will be to you, too. Also buys a collar, a nice thick one with a leash he can use to make you walk around on all fours, or use to yank you back onto him when you're getting fucked on your hands and knees.
Unfortunately, the part of hero work they don't talk about as much is the paperwork. There's quite a bit, actually, and studying for license renewals. He's got a kinda short attention span and he needs some stimulation to keep him focused. Which is how you end up sitting in his lap at his desk, panties down on your ankles, holding perfectly still with him deep inside of you. He tells you not to move -- you'll distract him too much. Eventually, though, it can get to be too much, so he just ends up fucking up into you right there, but after he's done he'll stay inside, gradually getting hard again and repeating the process.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He likes the idea in theory, but ultimately decides against it for a couple of reasons. See, his little kitten is so... difficult, and he fears you might teach them to resent him. More importantly, people would wonder -- if he's got kids, where's the mom? He can't afford to have people snooping about that. Finally, much like with you, he fears that his enemies might kidnap his kids, or hurt them somehow to hurt him. If darling is especially well-behaved, once she's finally broken in and understands his way of seeing things and becomes more agreeable, there's a chance he'd consider it, but the concern over their safety would likely still stop him.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Definitely spanking and impact pain. He's gonna invest in it, too. Leather straps and hard rubber paddles -- probably gets one of the ones that have a little shaped hole or raised part that puts a nice little design imprint on your flesh. Likes making you count for the added humiliation, or making you choose a number of swats that you feel is appropriate for what you did -- but of course, if you go too low under what he had in mind, he'll go with his number and add extra, being sure to let you know you get more for underestimating what you deserve.
Speaking of the monitoring from cameras and all that above, he also has a firm rule that you can't touch yourself. And he'll know -- the bracelet you have alerts him to any increase in heart rate, and he can look into the cameras and see what you're doing. If you're trying to be sneaky, it's still obvious when your heart is racing while you're locked in a bathroom, or the little movements he can make out from under the covers. It also warrants punishment. You want orgasms that bad? Have some. Too many. He'll make you cum over and over, to the point it's horribly painful and sensitive, tying you firmly so you can't move an inch and can't get away from his fingers, tongue, vibrator, or whatever else he chooses. Keep going until you're sobbing and gasping for air, apologizing and crying that you won't do it again.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
Thigh boy. He likes using them as a pillow, feeling them wrapped around his head when he's eating you out, running his hands up and down the soft flesh. He's also fond of leaving little bite marks and hickeys all up the inside of your thighs -- not that anyone else sees, but it's just a little reminder to you of who you belong to.
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bluemoondust · 3 years
I'm so happy to have found your blog! For a request, could I get some headcanons about what kind of darling Umehito (OHSHC) and Mifune (Soul Eater) would like? Thank you in advance!
Thank you! These are some very interesting characters to work with; I don't see much writing for them, so I'm glad to do something for them! ^^ Also, I'm glad you enjoy my blog so far!
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✧Nekozawa Umehito✧
Right off the bat, Nekozawa would absolutely love a darling that is understanding and shows kindness towards others. Most people don't really approach him due to his status with the occult and his overall appearance, so he tends to get lonely every now and then. He believes that he's not one to get attached easily, but this is disproven once he finds a darling that genuinely cares for him. It would be even better if they got along with his sister as well! His heart fills with joy of the thought of his darling spending time with Kirimi. Maybe she'd like the idea of having them as her sibling... Of course! Because they're an absolute saint!
He'd be alright with his darling being more outgoing, though he doesn't mind an introverted darling as well. Just as long as they're able to give him company and reassurance is all that he truly wants. It would be enough for him that they're by his side and understand the misfortune of his photophobia while also aiding him on that part.
The reassurance is needed, mostly because Nekozawa can become insecure once in a while, causing him to be more possessive than his usual obsessive yandere type. This is only because he truly cherishes his darling, who has given him so much. It would make sense to be fully committed to them in return, right?
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Mifune is an extremely overprotective yandere who can be listed to be more on the tame side unless anyone messes with his darling. Adding to that, he is very aware of his unhealthy behavior; being a lucid yandere as well. However, despite the awareness, it doesn't change the fact that he's doing everything in his power to protect his darling. Besides, he's not against getting his hands dirty to keep them from harm's way.
As for a darling, he usually has a soft spot for those who he deems to need his help. It is not meant to be an insult, but those who look to be helpless and have that aura to them that screams they need someone by their side really draw him in. He'll very much expect them to feel a bit offended if a time comes where he tells them this. No one would ever want to be seen as such. It should be noted that Mifune's darling will not be aware of his existence until something happens that draws the line where he has to steal them away. Til then, he will just be watching from the sidelines.
Going back on it, sometimes Mifune wonders to himself if it's demeaning to his darling to make them want to be dependent on him. He wouldn't try to force them, that's for sure, but he will just make it like they're deciding. So, I guess that's good for him. He doesn't really care for how fast his darling can catch on to his methods, it only goes down to how they react. He really does not want to deal with someone extremely difficult, but them being not too much trouble is fine. He can deal with a little bit of struggle. Besides, they'll learn to not be such a fuss when he takes them back to secluded place.
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