#I get tired just watching it
ziracona · 3 years
Every time I see screenshots from any ‘friend’ or fandom ‘circle’ on discord or twitter, or pop into a discord I’m like in but have not actually checked in a year and never do anything in I am just so glad I’m not...doing that. Like dear god, it’s always drama and it’s always the exact same nasty, intense, vicious kinds of drama. Girl one time on the merry-go-round was enough for me to learn my lesson and stay the fuck out of that kinda environment but I see so many people get knocked down and climb right back on and get flung off and climb right back on and honestly it scares me like--how do any of you have the energy for that. How do you...mentally deal with that in a way that’s not like ‘that was fucked up. don’t want to be tangentially even related to that kind of stuff again.’ Are they okay? What causes this to happen? Is it societal trends in online behavior, user age, the inherent ease of misreading tone in text and misreading written text period? I have no idea but it’s kind of nice--like it shouldn’t be, and I do feel bad for...everyone. But also I’m always like ‘Damn at least I’m out here’ and feel better about myself. It’s like coming home super tired from a day of hard work, but you open the door to your roommate's room and see that it’s on fire and the ceiling fan is falling on their head while they try to doge so you’re like ‘Damn it might be rough but at least that’s not me.’
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Just remembered why i stopped watching ouat all the ships make me pissed off and sick specially rumbelle and the characters i do care about barely appear, are treated badly and then forgotten and the writting just gets worse with each season so why am i forcing myself to watch it again????????... oh yeah to make a fix it fic
Btw, some characters i care about:
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spectacledraws · 2 years
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girl friends and kris friend. Summer time
(edit) Thanks transguyhawkeye for the ID!!
[ID: digital art of Kris, Noelle, and Susie from Deltarune walking away from the Pezza shop. The lighting indicates it's late in the day. Kris balances a pizza box on their head with a stoic expression. Noelle looks very worried and holds her hands out to catch it if it falls. Susie smiles at them both. end ID]
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rhythmmortis · 2 years
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shoutout to this one anti-aqua who shows up just to do a backflip
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ryonello · 2 years
mirage and rampart go to the doctor
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former-ly-darth · 2 years
I just thought this was interesting but
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This clip was reanimated for the recap of episode 15
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discoblocks · 3 years
Yknow what I’m also getting kind of sick of people being like “actually the lore never died out and dsmp is actually active but just because it isn’t your faves on the server you haven’t been paying attention smile” like actually yes I have!! I watch foolish like every single day he streams, when Hannah and boomer log on I do my very best to check up on them and see how it’s going. Nearly every one of eryns streams on the server I have been there for at least part of it, and when Michaelmcchill logs on I am in that guys chat, and the only person who still streams dsmp often that I don’t regularly check up on is Ponk bc he’s usually live wildly outside my time zone. If someone is on the server, I know about it! And I’m very lucky to have a schedule that lets me keep track of that, not a lot of people do! But fundamentally their time on the server is very different from Tommy and Wilbur’s and Ranboo’s and Quackity’s and etc!!! And it certainly is nothing like how the server used to be, with just crowds of people live for most of the day, on the server, and lore practically every day. I have been paying attention, and the fact of the matter is, the content that people are talking about when they say they miss lore and talk about the lore drought isn’t the content that is currently being put out.
The people that are active on the server right now are lovely people and good streamers, and they deserve success, but they are all every single one of them lacking the same amount of time and emotional commitment that has been invested by fans and ccs over a full year towards the storylines being done by “bigger” streamers. I fully respect the new lore and content being produced and I’m very excited to see what will happen with it, but it’s very much in its beginning stages, and straight up is not in the same scale yet. It could! Later down the line if it becomes it’s own big storyline with the same level of character analysis and theories and canon-life-losing levels of drama, then I will one hundred percent be onboard with people saying it should be considered equal with the storylines from “their faves”. Like, egg lore, that certainly reached the same scale and it’s unfair to try and claim it’s not real important plot lore. But in regards to the lore currently being done by “smaller” streamers that are active, truthfully, right now it is not at that scale, and it honestly strikes me as so disrespectful to try and claim these two things are the same.
The whole reason why people are saying that there is a lore drought is because their faves aren’t doing lore and aren’t active on the server. They have invested months into this storyline, agonizing over fanworks and filling up the tags with character theories, so excuse them if perhaps they would like a little catharsis for all of that emotional investment.
Imagine for a moment a hypothetical murder mystery series that has been strung out over the span of a year but the killer still hasn’t been revealed. The identity of the killer is the light at the end of the tunnel, by finding the killer you come to the resolution of the story and finally have all the puzzle pieces to solve all the mysteries, but it hasn’t happened yet, so you are paying a lot of attention to see when it finally gets revealed. You are emotionally invested in seeing this story through, in seeing this murder solved. Now imagine another new murder mystery series starts coming out that is completely unrelated to the first except for it shares a few characters that were not key players in the first series. It might seem interesting! But it is still very much in the introductory and exposition part of the story, and is not tied to the first series plot wise. And at the same time, the original mystery series you were invested in seems to drop off the face of the earth. You hear rumours of more coming out soon but never definitive and never the killer reveal you have been waiting for. Are you really surprised when the second series doesn’t get the same attention as the first?
TL;DR: the reason people are sad about the lore drought even though there is still lore happening isn’t because they’re ignoring these smaller streamers, it’s because they’re still seeking emotional catharsis from the storylines that they originally joined the fandom for, and those storylines have disappeared, even if other streamers are introducing new ones
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karda · 2 years
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the bed is cold enough with you gone
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rosemarytrash · 2 years
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lil smoochin in celebration of the semester almost being over
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brother-emperors · 3 years
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Have not you love enough to bear with me, When that rash humour which my mother gave me Makes me forgetful?
Yes, Cassius; and, from henceforth, When you are over-earnest with your Brutus, He'll think your mother chides, and leave you so.
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Act IV Scene III
twitter: @_dinadam | ko-fi: katabay
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skekheck · 2 years
Me still salty about AOR's cancelation and seeing Netflix lose money and subscribers from their bad business practices over the years.
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imaybeabear · 2 years
One day some poor fool is gonna let me cast and direct a production of les mis and then it's over for you guys cause I am gonna double cast young Cosette/Gavroche and Fantine/Eponine
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courtofcwls · 2 years
today seems to be “make the worst takes humanly possible about Silco day” so in celebration I say it’s mandatory that anyone who has ever said any of the following has to actually watch the show and also never speak again:
- Silco gr*omed Jinx
- Silco only wanted power and didn’t care about Zaun
- Jinx deliberately k*lled Silco to protect Vi
- Silco lied to Jinx about Vi being alive
- Silco only wanted to use Jinx/she was only a tool
- Silco didn’t love Jinx 
- anything pro-j*lco ever
- “don’t cry, you’re perfect” was manipulation
Please learn critical thinking skills and any sort of media literacy because I’m fucking tired.
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cheryls-blossomed · 2 years
It’s beyond shitty of journalists like Christine Brennan, who are so wrapped up in their jingoistic garbage, to put down Karen and Vincent (and I am absolutely no fan of Vincent’s, and people should be critical of the harm his views have perpetuated, but putting immense pressure on and then putting athletes down when they don’t “measure up” to your made up nonsensical standards is absurd and terrible behavior no matter what. It’s absolutely unacceptable. I mean, Christine Brennan is beyond awful, what is wrong with her). First of all, the US was never winning gold in this team event, like lmao please Christine, and so for her to be like, they didn’t “match their teammates’ intensity from Day 1” and now US will likely have to settle for silver is beyond absurd. 
I’m so sick of it, because figure skating is not popular in the US at all otherwise, and yet every Olympic season, journalists want to talk up the US team, because they know figure skating is a very popular sport during the Olympics. And then they go and trash the skaters who don’t measure up. The US media didn’t learn one thing from the awful way that they treated Nathan in 2018, when he was literally a teenager back then. For her to turn around now and say that Karen and Vincent didn’t “rise to the moment” is so shameful of her. Like are these people going to learn a thing? 
Also, Karen Chen has literally carried US women’s figure skating. She’s the reason the US could even send three women to the Olympics in both 2018 and 2022. But the US media doesn’t actually care about figure skating as a sport otherwise; they’re just clamoring for who can bring back Olympic medals. It’s all about some pointless “medal board.” 
And if Christine paid an iota of attention she would know that Karen scored just in between her typical international scores, so it was very much in line with what she normally scores. 
The US media’s delusional, jingoistic peddling of who can bring home medals, while also not taking a single moment to follow these skaters’ actual careers or be appreciative of competition and of all skaters everywhere has always disgusted me. 
Also, Christine has repeatedly targeted Asian American skaters, which is beyond ugly of her. 
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Work is still kicking my ass but at least I have memes to soothe my soul
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paperlignes · 3 years
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Details Hannibal (2013-2015)
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