#I go through phases with it lol
misc-obeyme · 1 month
hihi I'm back again, and here to ask who in the cast you think has the skill to do hair/up do's?
I'm 5'9, but my hair is now down to my mid thigh, and like around three feet long ?? I haven't chopped it since 2018, only trimmed it. Yet I only know how to do a simple braid, my hair basically lives in a low ponytail lol (though my mom will still do my hair if I ask her for help, which I'm grateful for)
anyway I got to read vol 2 of the manga and I remembered that the artist drew their interpretation of Lilith. So, it made me wonder if Beel or Belphie would know how to do hair, since they were the closest to her, and if she ever asked them for help?
I think Levi would be able to follow any tutorial, or figure out how to do something by trial and error since he cosplays (I bet he made his ruri-chan wig himself). I'd love to show him a picture of the heroine from whatever anime I'm watching and ask if he could help me recreate their style
Asmo we've seen in the dame cards, he's done some cute hairstyles!! I bet I could go to him if I had a fancy event.
I still think about Mammon's dame card... The chokehold it has on me is wild. We saw him do his own make-up in the art, and I think it was said he made his own outfit. So he's a maybe I could go to him? Or he'd put a lot of effort into learning because he knows it'd make me happy lolol
Barbatos also looks really pretty in the dame card !! I haven't read that devilgram, so idk if he did it himself, but what can't he do? I know in TTWF devilgram he literally makes MC's outfit and it made me SWOON
my last thought is if you can just do stuff with magic instead. Does it drain your energy to keep the style, or is it a one and done kinda spell, and don't gotta worry about it? Could a really powerful sorcerer change their hair color, and never have to worry about it fading? That'd be really cool, since I need to re dye the streaks in my hair. That would save lots of money LOL
okay I'm done 😅 time to wait ten billion years for my hair to dry now and try drawing (aiming for every other day to create something new to get better!!)
- ✨ anon
HOW do you handle having hair that long?!?
I'm 5'7" and I used to have my hair down to my low back. It was during the pandemic when I couldn't exactly go get it cut, so I just let it grow lol. And it grows dang fast, but I don't think I've ever had it past the low back area??? Do you accidentally sit on it sometimes? Or is it usually okay because you have it tied back?
All I know is I was so relieved to chop it all off lol! It's super short now, which is how I like it. It takes me ten minutes to wash and style it. I just don't have the patience to maintain it when it's long. And it's naturally curly, so having it short also means I can just let it curl and not worry about it. Ah but I am pretty envious because I always wanted to be able to have one of those really long, thick braids...
Anyway, getting off topic here, back to the question! I do think magic can be used to alter hair! I think sometimes you can get stuff that's temporary (I do believe there was a daily chat about this where Asmo put some kind of potion or something on Lucifer and Mammon?), but I would be surprised if there wasn't some kind of magic spell to permanently keep your hair whatever color you want. I think it's probably just a one and done situation so you wouldn't have to maintain it. Or at least, they'd want to develop something like that because otherwise it wouldn't be worth it right?
As for the characters, I agree with your assessments! I do think in a general sense, they'd all try their best to do your hair if you needed them to.
But as for who would already be capable without having to learn first, I think Asmo is a top contender. Barb can absolutely do anything and I don't doubt that styling hair is something a good butler should know.
I think Levi is another good option for the same reasons you said! I think he probably does have some skill at wig styling! And due to his ability to do costuming in general, I kinda think he'd be able to do a good job on real hair as well if he wanted to.
I love the idea of Beel and Belphie being good at it because of Lilith. Like I'm imagining they only know some really basic styles that were her favorites, but they're happy to do them for you any time. Maybe they get a little misty eyed while doing it because it reminds them of her so much. Awww...
I actually think Lucifer would do a good job, too, but expect to be sitting around for hours because he's gonna make sure no hair is out of place. Only perfection will suffice.
I think Mammon probably mastered whatever style he needed for his dame outfit, but I do think he would learn for you if you wanted him to.
Satan probably already learned from a book or maybe just from watching Asmo doing his hair. But I could see him wanting to do really elaborate styles or maybe using magic to style your hair.
I think Solomon would also be someone you could try, but he would absolutely use magic. I think if you really wanted him to, he would know how to do simple styles by hand. I could see him being really happy to carefully braid your hair by hand. But he wouldn't be able to resist a little bit of magic, maybe to give it an extra sparkle or a streak of color~ I think he'd develop all kinds of hair styling magic if you wanted him to lol.
Diavolo strikes me as willing but perhaps not the best at this particular thing... he doesn't exactly have experience with his own hair.
And I'm not sure about Simeon. I feel like he's pretty competent (except for technology obviously), so he would probably be able to learn how to do it fairly easily. But I don't know if he'd already have some knowledge. Same with Raphael. Though I love the idea of both of them like... doing the hair of little angels~
Mephisto would know about a bunch of fancy Devildom styles, but would he be able to do them? I think you might end up with your hair braided like a horse's mane instead.
Thirteen would know how to do everything. She's got her own long hair and there's no way that she hasn't experimented with it over the years! I love the idea of her doing your hair and her own hair in the same style so you match.
Anyway, I hope you have been able to get some drawing done! Every other day is an excellent goal! I'm rooting for you!!
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miusato · 2 months
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Girl experience is when your bestie falls for either an ugly guy or a guy so sketchy he is probably a red flag sewn into a humanoid shape
Anyway meow meow Shinji undercut lol (also some thoughts lol)
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Honestly I want to draw serious Shinji with dumb neon whiskers and then it culminated into me drawing this silly little comic just to soothe my Shinjiham quota for the day hsksksksksk
Also i drew this yeah but I have this stupid crack hc where he is too emo that he has this ability where everytime anyone attempts to take a picture of him, harsh shadow came out of nowhere, the wind making appearance to fuck his hair up, the light is dramatic and suddenly his jawline is working overtime to show how menacing he is and people are baffled at how each photo of him taken manage to make him look as sketchy as possible lol
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neymiiie · 3 months
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Listen, I hear y'all and your Touch Averse Autistic Donnie headcanons. But may I take a moment to present you with the option of: Physical Comfort Autistic Donnie, who is very comfortable touching his family and friends and with them touching him? And who uses physical touch as a way to show love without words?
Bc once you start looking for it, he is CONSTANTLY in physical contact with someone, and it's almost always in an affectionate way
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ravi-617 · 1 year
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I love them with all my heart
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Them ❤️🥰🤗🌹💞💝
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cerubean · 6 months
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lot: japanese shop + apartment by paszerine on the gallery
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
HELLO LOVELIES I’m here to scream about Inprisoning War blorbos again but it’s brief
“Gilded Lily” by Cults is the theme song for basically all three Triforce bearers, Link, Hemisi, and Zelda
That is all 👍🏻
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reineydraws · 5 months
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summary of art 2023! here are some of my fave (non-zine) pieces from every month this year :) i'm most happy with the way my digital colouring process has improved from last year 🎉 it's easier now to make things look less flat after some tricks i picked up and practiced throughout the year ✨️✨️
thank you for all your support! it's always a pleasure and a delight to see your tags and comments in my notes. it really picked me up this year when i needed it. :')💖 let's all have a great 2024!
pieces: jan / feb / mar / apr / may / jun / jul / aug / sep / oct / nov / dec
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quixoticprince · 1 year
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“Show me what you dream of” Or in which I imagine that soul dream scene through a shipping lens lol Oh to be held in the arms of the person you love, supported and comfortable 🥺 Happy belated birthday Cid, sorry for ship art to be for your birthday but Ive had this sketch for a while.
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ravinoforre · 9 months
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A shitpostier version of this interaction:
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selfiesforalgernon · 2 months
Signalis to Gibson Pipeline??
Ok so let's talk about this because I haven't seen it anywhere.. I just read Hinterlands by William Gibson and listen, Signalis wears it's inspirations on its sleeve, but Hinterlands's DNA is all over Signalis, am I wrong? Look at this shit: (also I know that gestalt is not just specific to these but the term combined with surrogates and space sets off bells to me)
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It's also just a necessary read if you're a fan OF Signalis imo
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psychictimestone · 3 months
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Silver, but with some movie-verse inspiration🤔🦔
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nilonne · 2 months
I wanna redo some dialogues of my story. I get irritated when I think about it.
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figureofdismay · 10 days
Companions In Rain (v. 7)
He thinks, ‘So this too, side by side – or at least following down  this same path together, not against,’ With the hope of the hopeless, confined by need.
It is they two again, leaning near, holding fast to be re-knit together in the new age of the world even though once she had thought, in forfending dread -- half illusory -- ‘See how he’d make me his shining plinth-idol, when I would not be mild, idle, flawless, glinting in still marble. I must go away,’ and she’d fled wide, and come back, alighting home no more wise essentialized, spent, solitary with longing.
The pattern of life has fallen so low, and been beaten to dust, even the stones are beaten to dust. But side by side, these proud works that we’ve made the landmarks of our spent road still stand, in your mind’s eye, faded, familiar, not quite forgotten. He recognized these upward-peering notions you have buried, sheltered under your skin, half hidden but not excised, in waiting with the longing  that you’ve not quite outgrown, you are careful but they still spill your blood on the floor.
He says, “Weren’t we so very innocent then, didn’t we know we would not change a thing?”
So this, now, too, side by side, to be torn asunder there or be combined and combust. This, like a courtly dance, with its whispers and pretenses, the piteous missteps of the misapprehending, but at least it’s not apathy, which seeps through, the way water seeps ink off the page, our left behind our old unwriting, in gloom.
It smells like damp, and it smells like smoke but it’s not quite old, so we can’t guarantee our petty demise, and whatever comes down with the rain and the ash will be too necessary dogged inevitable to be overthrown.
Yet with all your forward, striving gaze, your feet may get mired in the mud and the bones, remnant regrets, poor, lingering bones. The green is the green in the faded evening, the road curves around where our old reasons are buried and the breath of their ghosts has not yet been stilled.
He warns her, “I can’t pick my words off the trees, Or out of the cracks on the floor.”
There is sunlight and shadow on the lines he writes, his hand on the page, the lines of his studious face shabby, too familiar, still himself, even though she has long wandered,  finally borne home on the tide.
She can see, in this light, that they’ve been working in circles eye to eye, in fumbling two step but never nearer, never willing to do the obvious thing anxious, and caught in a steady state.
She says, “When did we become so unsure, wasn’t I was sure I knew, before?”
And he thinks, ‘I don’t remember ever knowing,’ doesn’t answer, lets the white walls answer for him, for all of them, too, will become only dust.
And then she will be the willow, and he will be the swan, and she will stand still while he climbs the machinery of years, and he will be the beauty, and she will be the scenery, so that they may change places for a while, and both can be re-acquainted with air.
She asks him as they walk out of the door, just to show that she knows, “Well, I suppose, this too, side by side?”
Tomorrow he may answer, “Of only this I am sure,” or he may not, if she and the walls would prefer.
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How long have I been on tumblr?
Well one time I added like 20 Supernatural gifs to a text post that was complaining about superwholock people taking over posts and I got so much hate I had to start a new tumblr...
So, awhile.
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