#I got an offer from a sugar mama that I didn't ask for and then two more fake accounts tried to friend me (I ignored them)
biromanticbookbabe · 9 months
Does anyone else have problems with Her being scammy?
I just got spammed by a bunch of unverified accounts... again. :/
I'm getting catfish vibes from the woman I'm talking to right now. She has no posts on her Instagram at all. I'm a bit sussed out right now. :(
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talaok · 8 months
Heyy, first, I'd like to say that I really love your writing, keep it up!
And I'd like to make a request, I know we all went crazy over Pedro on SNL (he looked so handsome!!!), and I would love to read a Pedro x Reader behind the scenes of the show, her watching, supporting, and being proud of Pedro, and then the two of them going out together to the SNL after party, dancing, kissing, enjoying each other's company, very fluffy, and a bit of smut at the end?
Pairing: Pedro pascal x f!reader
warnings: very very faint allusion to smut
a/n: he did look handsome and thank you so much love <3 (and yes this ask skipped the line bc as always it wouldn't have made sense for me to post it in two weeks)
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It was incredible how nervous he was. He'd done this already, and yet he was acting like a kid like at his first recital.
"you're gonna do amazing baby" you promised, standing on your toes to kiss his cheek "Now go out there and have fun"
His eyes anxiously danced around your face
"my heart's beating so fast" he huffed a laugh
"I know" you smiled, stoking his cheek "but remember, you have nothing to be scared of, you've done this already, and you were amazing at it, so just relax"
"ok" he took a breathy sigh "yeah, you're right. I can do this"
"that's it" you grinned, but before you could say anything more he was kissing you like it was the last time he ever could.
"Pedro?" his assistant's voice brought you back to reality "It's time"
You smiled as he leaned away.
"I love you" he promised, the honesty of that statement shining through his eyes
"I love you too baby" you murmured "Now go!" you said, giving him a playful push "Break a leg!"
__ __ __
As you already knew, everything went perfectly smoothly, he and Bad Bunny were an amazing duo, and you could just see how well they got on even with the cameras off.
The monologue was perfect, and you didn't miss any opportunity to cheer and laugh every time you could, but as much as you'd loved it... nothing could top the Ms. Flores sketch.
You loved it last time, and you loved it this time too.
Even just seeing him in the costume made you laugh (you had filled your camera roll with photos of him) but then combined with the actual sketch... it was just perfection.
You almost didn't want him to change, you kind of liked the constant teasing of calling him mama and telling him just how sexy he was, but unfortunately, he did change.
Imagine what a look that must have been for the afterparty instead of that old shirt he wore everywhere.
But then again, considering how much he was sweating from the dancing maybe it was a good call.
"thank you for tonight" he spoke over the music, as the song changed to a slower one "I couldn't have done it without you sweetheart"
"oh stop" you rolled your eyes, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as you swayed to the music "You would have been amazing regardless." you smiled "I'm surprised they haven't offered you a role as a permanent part of the cast yet"
"No I'm serious" he laughed softly "I don't know if I would have gotten on that stage without you"
"baby..." you cooed, touched by his words "I love you. I'm always gonna be there for you"
"and me for you" he murmured, before kissing you.
You could only vaguely feel everyone around you and hear the music, it was just you and him.
He always made you feel like that.
"I've just realized I was so anxious for tonight that I haven't told you how beautiful you look yet," he said, making you blush faintly.
"You look beautiful too" you murmured, a mischievous smirk pulling at your lips "Not as much as you did when you were dressed as Ms. Flores, but you're not so bad"
He couldn't help but laugh at that
"You'll never let that go, will you?"
"nope" you chuckled, earning another kiss, this time deeper and much... hungrier.
You whimpered into his mouth as his hand on your back started traveling dangerously low.
"you're gorgeous sugar"
you bit down a grin at that
"I know that look"
"what look" he silenced you with another kiss "I'm not doing anything" he breathed, his lips now on your neck
And as much as you weren't completely conscious of everyone around you, a part of your brain still was.
"I think it's time we go home baby" you whispered
"yeah" he nodded, meeting his lips with yours again "Yeah I think it is"
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zyafics · 2 months
play fake | extra: five-point-five
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pairing rafe cameron x female reader
summary when rafe cameron needs to secure a girlfriend in order for his father to see him as a stable man, he enlists the help of a bartender who wants nothing to do with him.
content series, 18+, eventual smut, angst, jealousy, fake dating trope, ward cameron being a bad father, rafe and sarah rivalry — reader type hyper-independent, people pleaser, smart mouth, stands on business, mysterious past — rafe's characterization insecure, possessive + jealous person, asshole, mood swings
zya's notes this is canon and part of the series, however, it's just something i wrote that i deleted and does not contain any rafe scenes! it just characterizes reader and her relationship with the pogues, if anyone is interested <3
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You had a good day. You didn't expect to, especially being hauled out of bed and made to go shopping but you did. The bags in your hands are a testimony to your case.
When Pope opens the door, you were surprised to find JJ standing closely behind him.
"JJ?" You ask with a grin, pulling Pope in for a side-hug as a token of appreciation for watching your siblings. The sandy-blond dons dark sunglasses in your home, flashing a casual smile at your greeting. "What are you doing here?"
"I invited him," Pope explains before JJ did, causing your attention to divert. "I didn't know when you were coming home and I was getting bored."
"So what? Amara and Leila aren't keeping you company enough?"
Pope shakes his head at your tease, and he doesn't get a chance to respond before JJ perks up from the background. "What you got in your hands, mama?"
The pair shift their sights to the bags in your hands, and you make a valiant attempt at hiding it from their inspections, only for Pope to recognize one of the stores branded on the side of the paper bags. "Isn't that some fancy store downtown Kooklandia?"
JJ approaches closer to examine himself, and you try to tuck them behind your back. It didn't work. "Shit, you're right," JJ glances up to Pope with a fresh look, before turning back to you. "Did you get a sugar daddy or somethin'?" He tries to reach out to look inside.
You knock his hand back. "Keep your hands to yourself—" You start, before cutting yourself short, the force of your casual hit knocks off the shades JJ wore and you finally understand why he had them on in the first place. Your expression somber. "God, JJ, what happened?"
His face is covered in ugly bruises, spotted across his temples all the way down to his jaw. The most prominent is the one from his left eyebrow traveling down to his cheekbones in one nasty continuum.
"Nothing," he tries to hide, but you approach him and carefully grab his face, turning on his profile. It's much worse. The bruises are blue-and-purple, yellowing into his skin, demonstrating how recent it is. He sighs. "Just a present from my old man."
You clench your jaw before releasing him. "Sit on the stool," you gesture to the kitchen island, scattered with miscellaneous items under an open bulb light.
"It's fine—" He begins, but you wave a hand to cut him off, your maternal instinct cutting in.
"Can you just... Can you listen to me for once?" You ask gently, watching the way JJ studies you with his gaze before reluctantly pulling himself towards the stool that sits in front of your small island. Pope silently follows after him while you go to the bathroom in search of your first aid kit.
You're used to this. You've been helping patch up the Pogues since they learned how to swing their fists, and a few of them, much younger than that. But, you always offer. They know your door is open to them because when times get rough—family problems, wayward activities, or just an unlucky encounter with a Kook—they know they have you to come to. You've grown so accustomed to it, the kit you have stored under your sink contains enough materials that could rival the local hospital's supplies.
When you step out with the box, Pope and JJ were whispering among themselves, quieting when you lay the first aid kit on the island.
"Where's Leilani and Mara?" You ask Pope, your focus paid to cleaning the wounds around JJ's face. You spare a glance at him.
"In their rooms." Pope answers. "They wanted to have a tea party with their stuffed animals."
You stiffen a smile at the mental image. "You didn't want to join them?"
"We did, for the past hour," JJ says with a hiss, the alcohol stinging an open cut. "We needed a man break."
You scoff, rolling your eyes.
Your focus renders you mostly silent as you patch up JJ's wounds, and you were glad to learn that they didn't incur as much damage as it looks. Most of his bruises would heal nicely with a good aid of care, and for those wounds that wouldn't, you supply a small case of mild painkillers.
"That nursing class really came into use, huh?" JJ teases as you are wrapping up the final bandages across his cheeks. You glance down to his expression, knowing this is a tactic to rid himself of the humiliation of needing to be taken care of.
"It was two years." You correct, "and it was mostly general-ed." JJ is referring to the time where you took classes at a local community college for nursing credits—a major you considered before you inherited Sailor.
"And you paid attention. Always knew you were one of the smarter ones." He grins, complimenting you to deflect the focus off of him and his problems. But, it doesn't work. Not with you. It only heightens the reminder that Luke Maybank is a piece of shit that does this type of thing to his only son.
You frown softly. "You know you can always crash at my place, right?" You offer in reminder, despite knowing you have no available space. The two-bedroom house is cramped, with the living room and kitchen practically spilling into each other. But, you'd rather have him safe here than back home with his father.
"Nah, it's fine. I stay at Pope's when I need to."
"Yeah. I practically got a JJ-shaped hole on my floor," Pope adds, causing JJ to flip him off. You chuckle, appreciative of the fact that they got each other's backs.
In that moment, your sisters exit from their tiny bedroom to make their way into the kitchen where you stood, bidding a quick greeting to your presence before turning their heads to JJ.
"Can we ride your bike?" Leilani asks, weaponizing her pout and puppy eyes. He never stood a chance.
JJ grins, pushing himself off the stool. "'Course, kid. It's in the back." He points to your backdoor with a tinted screen and the pair of your devious siblings rushes out the door with JJ and Pope following in tow. You shake your head with a smile, deciding to utilize this time to take care of yourself.
You went to your room and dropped off the shopping bags on the floor, stripping to enter the shower. When you freshly exit, you barely have time to get dressed before a loud bang pounces against your front door, almost rattling the house.
Grabbing the first things you saw—a baggy tee and shorts—you race to the front door and swing it open. 
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onsunnyside · 1 year
ok so i've been trying to come up with a mafia trope for this ask by the bestie @bimbofawn: now this isn't a full-blown mob fic, but it has a few elements
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The Camerons have all the wealth, influence and success anyone can dream of. They come from a long lineage of fame and riches, now running the parent company of many subsidiaries with power all across the country. It's no surprise they're involved in a few shady businesses, yet it's all kept tightly under wraps.
As the heir to a vast dynasty, Rafe grew up under a lot of pressure to be the best in what he does, and his ego is proof of that. He's in the tabloids, the ivy league graduate by day and the wild bachelor by night, landing himself in more scandals than ass-kissing articles.
The Camerons are known for their prestige and (heavily manufactured) picture-perfect image. So Rafe's sleazy, immature behaviour just won't do. Although he's doing good with the shady side of the family business (bc ofc he's into violence and drug trafficking/manufacturing), he needs to do better with the public side. To give his son a motive for cleaning up his act, he gives him an ultimatum: lose it all and get disowned or settle down.
Now, he has a few months to find someone, but his ego won't let him settle for just anyone. The headlines aren't any comfort either: Pleasure Over Business: Is Rafe Cameron responsible for the fall of the Cameron dynasty?
This is very off-to-the-races coded: you drift into his sector on his friend's arm one night. He shrugs you off, expecting there to be a different girl the next time they go to the clubs (because there always is) but nope, you show up again and again.
It’s hard for him to ignore someone so kindhearted and naturally alluring. He can’t look away from you sipping on the straw, your calm gaze locked on his, making him stumble over his words like a teenager with a crush. He dreams of you every time he falls asleep, your pretty face burned on the inside of his eyelids as if you belonged there.
But one night his friend shows up with a different girl.
"Her rates got too high, and my folks were getting suspicious so I had to let her go, unfortunately." He exhales, his arm around the other woman kissing up his neck.
Now, did he predict you were an escort? Not at all. It catches him off guard and he almost spits up his drink. "You paid her to date you?"
Topper glares, "you don't have to say it like that. We did more than just make appearances together if that's what you're asking. All consensual, of course, but you do have to pay extra for private um... sessions."
me senses... a sugar-baby proposition: "I'll take care of everything, all expenses, your rent, and an allowance on top of that. Anything you want you can have."
You're still apprehensive, you've taken clients who've heard of you from word of mouth before, but this was new. They were best friends who routinely saw each other, you'd hate to stir the pot. "Won't it be weird?"
"You with Top was just business and so is what I'm offering." Perhaps that was a little white lie, but you didn't need to know that. "No harm, no foul. In my hands, you could live better than this."
"I like my home." You mutter, hugging a pillow to your chest, it was one of the many mismatched cushions that littered your old couch. "I worked hard to get it this way."
He nudges the wobbly table by the door, the picture frames rattling on the surface. "For thousands of dollars a night, I would've expected some sense of luxury, or a stove with actual knobs." He says and quirks a brow, "where'd all that money go?"
"Oh... I had to give my boss his cut."
"How much is that?"
"80 percent." You admit, ducking away when Rafe frowns, "I know, I know... It wasn't my fault, my daddy—" Your voice cracks, "My daddy got involved with a bad man after he gambled away all our savings and my college fund. And he still couldn't stop after my mama left. I had to—I had to help somehow."
You still remember returning from campus to see him bruised and battered on the living room floor, crying for your mother who was halfway across the world, now a happily divorced woman. The memory brings tears to your eyes and they stream down your cheeks.
Rafe bites his tongue, rethinking his decision to show up here in the first place. Your unlucky life only made you more perfect, and as terrible as it sounded, he knows he won't find anyone more fitting for his circumstances.
He refused to leave until you agreed.
"What's his name?"
You don't hear him over your sniffles and rub your nose into your pillow, "huh?"
He crouches by your feet, placing a hand on your thigh. "What's the big bad man's name, sweetie?"
"Why—Why are you asking..."
The blue in his eyes seems darker, but it could just be the dim lightbulbs you haven’t changed yet. He blinks up at you with thick lashes, a slow smile crawling onto his face.
"I'm going to prove to you that when you're with me, you've got nothing to worry about."
And the next night, he shows up at your door with a fresh bouquet of flowers and bruised knuckles. You don’t get one word out before drops a heavy duffel bag on the floor, “here’s the money you deserve for your work, and extra for your troubles.”
You glance at the bag and then his face, your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. “What—What did you do?”
He smiles, cocking his head to the side. “Nothing you have to worry about, sweetheart.” He says, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your lip. “Now, are you going to invite me in?”
Rafe is very possessive, he doesn’t care that you dated/slept with his friend because you belong to him now. He buys you a gold necklace with his initial on it, parades you around the city for all the nosy paps to see, and brings you home to meet his family. And yes, you do get the gold seal of approval from his father.
well this is just a mash-up of different tropes 🫡 fake relationship, sugar daddy and mob, with rafe's signature "you're mine" mindset. me has a few slutty and soft ideas for this au too hehe
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allwaswell16 · 3 months
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This is a fic rec of One Direction marking fics where a character is marked in some way by another character (drawing, tattoos, bites, etc) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🖊️ got the sunshine on my shoulders by @hattalove
(E, 124k, drawing) five years ago, harry styles left his tiny home town to make it big as a recording artist. he didn't have much regard for what he left behind - a life, a family, and a husband, who woke up one morning to find him gone.
🖊️ 2012 'Verse (series) by @ashavahishta
(E, 102k, marking) Louis would be embarrassed by how his voice goes all low and husky, but it’s no secret between the two of them that he likes to leave marks.
🖊️ Until I Found You by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 45k, love bites) What happens when the opportunity that Louis has been waiting for finally comes, but at the price of having to share the stage with one Harry Styles?
🖊️ through walls of trees by @ineverateakiwi
(T, 41k, bond mark) Elesdon is a country divided into five kingdoms and had long been considered peaceful. After a coup in the heart of the country, Lady Sulia ascended to the throne and imprisoned the four courts, stripping them of their powers. With the exception of King Louis Tomlinson, who submitted to her favors.
🖊️ little wings on my shoes by @juliusschmidt
(M, 39k, love bites) The American High School AU in which no one is cool (except Niall) and Harry wears a rainbow bracelet.
🖊️ some things fade (some never do) by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 25k, magical tattoos) Three years after their break up, Harry calls.
🖊️ It's Been Ages by @2tiedships2
(NR, 13k, love bites) “We need to talk,” Niall said as he plopped down on Louis’ bed. “It’s you and Harry. You like him, he likes you, it’s a match made in heaven and you will one day be mates."
🖊️ where your lips land by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite
(E, 12k, drawing & tattoos) the Tyler Knott Gregson-inspired AU where Louis is a poet who lives in Montana and Harry is a photographer passing through.
🖊️ Just a touch of your love by @thegirlontheblackhoodie
(E, 12k, love bites) Harry is a touch starved omega trying to get through it on his own. Louis happens to be the only alpha around to realize it and offers to help.
🖊️ See You When I Get Home by @fournipplesau
(E, 10k, love bites) "What are you thinking about?" He repeats Louis' question from earlier. "You." Louis' reply comes out in a moan. It shocks Harry, and his brain scrambles for the right thing to do, the right thing to say. He doesn't even know how to feel, or if he even heard Louis correctly. "Me?"
🖊️ Drawn to You by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, soulmarks) Through the years, the random drawings had evolved and changed. There was a period in sixth form when his soulmate must have gotten shy or something, because the drawings only happened after school hours and in places that others wouldn’t be as likely to see.
🖊️ don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) by stylescantstop
(E, 8k, love bites) the one where harry dances with other men and a jealous louis reminds him he's the only one who can make him come completely apart.
🖊️ You can remain unaware (if you want) by harryanthus
(NR, 7k, soulmarks) the au where soul marks get coloured when they realise they’re in love with their soul mate and Harry has a coloured soul mark, Louis doesn’t.
🖊️ Sex Drunk Suckerpunch by thinlines / @thinlinez
(E, 7k, marking) Sugar Baby Louis did what any sugar baby should avoid doing but (clichely) end up doing anyways, that is, failing for his sugar mama.
🖊️ Hello Darling by zanni_scaramouche / @zanniscaramouche
(E, 5k, love bites) A city wide blizzard warning, a power outage, and a dismal lack of tea leaves him hours away from what he expects to be one of the more pathetic Christmas mornings of his life. That is, until the new bright eyed intern scares the living crap out of him.
🖊️ Now When I Think of Love it's Redefined by Moriartied / @adidasandangelwings
(E, 3k, marking) The love story of Harry and Louis. (From the XFactor up through their first big fight.) Part 4 of Group Dynamics
🖊️ can't stop lookin' at you by runaways
(E, 2k, love bites) Harry wears little red shorts. Louis is quite fond of them.
- Rare Pairs -
🖊️ Make Your Mark by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 3k, Liam/Louis) When one of Liam's classmates isn't getting the hint that he's not interested, Louis suggests they make him look unavailable.
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ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴍᴏᴍᴍʏ ʀʜᴀᴇɴʏʀᴀ ʜᴄꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ
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part 1
pronouns: they them warnings: nsfw section but not neccessary
you hate hiding it from Jace
like actually hate it
he's one of your closest friend and has helped you on numerous occasions but Rhaenyra is just so...Rhaenyra
she almost doesn't even feel like Jace's mum anymore, it's like she two different people to you now
everytime you meet up to go and end things, you're pulled into her embrace again and you don't care anymore, it just feels so right for something so wrong. how could it be wrong for the both of you to be together?
of course Jace notices the change in you but he's not suspicious, you told him you got a new part-time job and with the tips you're making you don't have to worry anymore
he's satisfied enough knowing you're happy
(he secretly thinks you might be a stripper now but doesn't say anything)
you go to less of the dinners at the house on weekends because you feel guilty every time Rhaenyra so much as passes the salt and because you almost always wind up back in her room, her swallowing your moans and praising you like a prayer
the next morning always goes the same way, you leave early and then meet up with her later that night for dinner at the same restaurant your relationship started, somewhere out of town and away from prying eyes
eventually you tell him that you're a sugar baby after you're caught out
you tell him you're working one day so he went to check up on you only to hear that you'd never step foot in there before
you don't tell him it's rhaenyra though
how do you even approach that "hey dude you know when i said i was fucking your mum a year ago when you were pissing me off? oops did it again"
did he even know that she and daemon had a polyamorous relationship?
you didn't wanna find out
so instead you answer all his questions except for the big one... who is it
you both love spending the money on things you can do together but that doesn't mean she doesn't absolutely spoil you, loving the way jewellery she bought you hangs on you
the clothes she buys you are often in her signature black and red but just pout those pretty lips at her and the world is yours
you might as well not even tell you what you need because she'll find out anyway, buying your textbooks before your teacher even mentions them, replacing your apartment furniture every few months because she only wany wants the best for her baby
every once in awhile she might ask if it's okay Daemon join you both for dinner but she doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
if you do choose to let him into the relationship then it definitely sparks some competitive tension between them but they both love spoiling you together
it actually brings them closer, going out shopping on thursdays for you, brainstorming date ideas and what would look good on you, talking about you
they don't want their sweet baby overworking themself
Rhaenyra likes to read over your essays and uniwork, offering to fact-check for you or offer any personal opinions but it mostly ends up in her spewing praise and 'rewarding' you
she spends half her nights at your place and half her place at home, she still loves her husband but you're just so inviting
of course the kids are slightly suspicious but they're going through their own phases and tribulations so long as their mama's home when she gets back home from work, they're happy
she likes things sentimental so i think she would like returning to the restaurant you both first made the agreement but will love when you suggest somewhere, it makes her feel special and especially that you're not just doing it for the money
mommy nyra lovess eating you out
for every night you spend apart she doubles the orgasms she pulls from you (on some aegon 1 shit)
half her savings are going toward your lingerie at this point, you just look so pretty all dolled up for her and humping her thigh like a good girl
she likes tugging at your hair but only gently as she pulls you against her
she's not especially vocal but she does make breathy moans and praises at you, she likes intimacy so will usually whisper in your ear as you ride her strap perfectly chosen for you
she likes gripping your thighs and leaving hickeys over you
i feel like one day she would take you to a sex shop and tell you to pick up anything you want and just leave you there dumbfounded for half an hour before coming back and buying out half their collection to try
again i feel like she'd be ecstatic if you wanted to let Daemon into the bedroom but she will never force you, your relationship isn't just about sex and she has the most soft aftercare
she likes washing your hair after sex and braiding it for you before bed, wrapping her arms around you like a teddy bear
she wouldn't be above asking to record you both doing the deed, i can imagine it
i think she would call you endearments such as her 'good girl' or 'sweet one'
definitely a service top in this scenario, she wants her pretty girl feeling loved
Taglist: @multi-fandoms-stuff @syzrina
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: once upon a time there was elvis, priscilla and you. nowadays there is elvis. there is priscilla. and there is you. priscilla has always been good at talking you into things and you miss them both. he's missed the two of you. fandom: austin butler | elvis 2022 | elvis presley pairing: austin butler elvis x olivia dejonge priscilla x female reader rating: m word count: 3232 not even remotely talking about it. it happened alright? warnings: sex toys. threesomes. talk of linda thompson and ginger alden. older/later elvis described/implied. sugar baby/sugar mama and daddy dynamic. reader is called sugar exclusively. mild dom/sub. masturbation ( m ). p in v sex ( implied, referenced ). i think that might be everything, christ y'all i don't know it's almost 11PM. author's note: welcome to day 22 of kinktober, sex toys with austin elvis and olivia priscilla. consider this a spiritual successor to gunmetal and the two bondage threesomes i did for my 500 follower celebration. also this truly is supposed to be austin elvis and olivia priscilla but the problem with me picking this point is that i have way too much wiggle room to err this mildly on real elvis. i am so sorry anon i truly do owe you a redo on this. also mild suggestion, listen to gravity by sara bareilles while reading this for extra vibes.
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Priscilla could always talk you into things that Elvis couldn't. She had realized this long before he did, a fact that through the years you had found yourself incredibly thankful for on more than one occasion. Her requests were simple- perhaps a consequence of being on the receiving end of Elvis's off the wall requests- and it makes easy to tell her yes. Even after the three of you were not an- item- a threesome- you don't know the name for what the three of you were- you'd still jump if your former sugar mama asked. She knew never to ask you about Elvis because as much as she hurt from their divorce she still was able to be his friend, be with him in ways you couldn't. It was normal for his ex wife to visit him, to see him at a tour date or at the International.
They had Lisa, it made sense for them to be on good terms, to keep in far more contact that you and him to keep in contact. You were only someone to Elvis and Priscilla. The Memphis Mafia knew you, of course, no one was around Graceland or around the Elvis's rooms at the International without seeing him with "the best girls a man could ask for" on his arms. They knew you but much like an actual mafia, they weren't about to spill the beans and let everyone else know the secret. That secret that Elvis Presley, the boy who got everyone up in arms with his gyrations in the 50s and became a family man in the 60s had been carrying on with his wife and their girlfriend since the 60s only to break up with her the same time he divorced his wife. Priscilla gets a mink coat, Elvis gets a Rolls Royce and you get nothing but regret and a friendship with one of your exes.
Priscilla knows that the anniversary of when you were on the bus and she came across you is coming up, the time she considers when you all started this. She also knows that she's going to make her usual trip to visit Elvis around that time. She's worried about him, truly, this feels different than when they divorced. This feels different than the year after. This feels different than that moment when he took her offer of going to rest and didn't. Linda's gone and he's got Ginger now, but it's still- she's worried. It's that worry that prompts her to call you, call you so that she has company on this adventure.
"Sugar." She uses a name she hasn't used in over two years to talk to you, to ensnare you into this plan. "I know you haven't seen him since I left and you left but I think he could use the company. He-"
You cut her off. "Misses me? Prissy- He's moved on, I've moved on, you two can keep doing whatever it is you two do, that's- you're his ex-wife. I'm not."
Priscilla frowns on her end of the phone call and sighs. "You might as well have been, Sugar, I am not hanging up the phone until you agree to come. You were my- You were our sugar and look at the calendar."
There's a pause on your end as you glance at the calendar by your phone. You know this date like the back of your hand, you had a date with a bottle of wine for this date. When you finally speak your voice is barely above a whisper. "I'll come."
Elvis has put on weight, that's the unfortunate first conclusion you make when you see him in the doorway of the room. You could have sworn he had a tour date or two around this time and so you had been prepared to have this be a meeting at a hotel room. At a neutral ground that didn't have so many memories it threatened to choke you. Then again- maybe this was better. Priscilla had already told you that these meeting with Elvis always seemed to turn sexual, not that she ever meant for them to, but it just happened. You find that it doesn't fill you with dread like you thought it would. In fact, a part of you feels excited, you have a boyfriend but the way you felt between Elvis and Priscilla and their attention- that's a feeling you've yet to experience again.
Elvis doesn't notice you at first, focusing on Priscilla with a grin that lights up his face and arms open for a hug. "'Cilla. Thought you were gonna be too busy for me? Thought I was gonna have t' spend today by myself."
"Fire eyes, you know I wouldn't do that to you. I didn't do it to you last year, did I?" She slides into his waiting arms, allowing him to engulf her in a hug she craved so much in the last bit of their marriage but he willingly gave after their divorce.
"Ya didn't. Kept me company and let me-" He trails off, noticing you standing behind Priscilla finally looking better than he swears you did all those years ago when he found you on a movie set. "Sugar."
You bite your lip to keep yourself from tearing up, your eyes drifting up and down his form. He's still the same man you fell in love with as a naive 19 year old, just older, more worn by time just like you were and like Priscilla was. You understand why Priscilla is worried, you've kept up with the tabloids and somehow seeing it in person- puts it in perspective. Maybe it's just that he's becoming more comfortable with himself, maybe he's embracing his age, but you see how he winces a little when moving toward you, and hear a noise coming from his knee. Life is catching up to him too fast.
His arms envelop you in a hug that reminds you of every hug you've ever gotten from him. It's overwhelming how he invades your senses and you're reminded just how much he overpowers you even when you're not like Priscilla. Your body sags against his as you wrap your arms around him and you swear you feel a tension in him disintegrate as you hold him close. "You ain't a dream, are ya? 'Cilla doesn't let me take sleepin' meds when she's here, and my dreams- they get a little funny, Sugar."
You shake your head against his chest, refusing to pull away as he holds you tighter at the answer. "Good. I- That's good, come- no wonder she told me to bring all this stuff in here. Thought she was up ta somethin'."
That finally has you pulling away and raising an eyebrow. "What did she have you bring into the room, Elvis?" Your eyes shift to Priscilla. "What do you have planned?"
Elvis pulls both of you into the room, shutting the door behind him and gestures to the bed where you see a Hitachi Magic Wand, well two of them and a few dildos. Your eyes then dart to the video recorder and you groan. "Priscilla Ann Beaulieu, you got me here under false pretenses, I'm not-"
"Sugar." Elvis's voice rumbles behind you and you have to stop your knees from buckling underneath you. Elvis's arm wraps around your torso as you sway just a little, holding you steady. "Don't talk back to 'Cilla."
He feels warm, like a furnace that threatens to burn everyone around him. It's been so long since you've had him, had Priscilla like this that you allow yourself a moment to inhale the scent of him. The trace of a cigar, the sweet hint of Pepsi and the unique smell of his sweat. It's then that you lean back a little, allowing Elvis to just hold you against him as Priscilla moves in front of you and cups your breasts.
"She was right, E. I didn't warn her you might want to video tape this." Priscilla murmurs, placing a kiss against your neck, as you loll it back against Elvis's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Sugar, I didn't- I wanted you to come. I wanted him to see both of us again." She looks up at him and sees him just breathing slowly against you, his chest rising and falling in his robe. She's reminded of how much she loved- and still probably loves this man. His grip loosens on you under Priscilla's gaze.
"I wanted t' see ya." He admits, his breath ghosting against your ear as he leans his head down just a bit. "Ya know how she gets, all determined when she thinks it'll do everyone some good."
The meaning of his words isn't lost on you, it's him acknowledging that Priscilla- Priscilla with her maybe healthy relationship outside of this got out the best. He's a close second with two other relationships under his belt but you- you got the short end of the stick by running off. Priscilla and him maybe shouldn't be as close as they still are as exes- Lisa or not- but it does them some good. Priscilla seems a little happier and relaxed when she calls you after a visit and you know some of Elvis's best shows lately have happened after Priscilla saw him.
"She missed us." The three of you. "Not just you."
"She's ain't the only one." His hand moves down to your pants, cupping your mound just slightly. "You miss me?"
A hum is the only answer you trust yourself to give him, the only answer that feels right in the moment as you start to feel overwhelmed just being sandwiched in between your favorite people on the planet- your former lovers- your former everything. You register the three of you moving to the bed, Priscilla first letting herself plop down and pulling you down to sit next to her before you find both of you looking up at Elvis. It's reminiscent of so many other times you both were like this that you can't help the way your body involuntarily shudders at the memory.
"I ain't-" Elvis pauses, moving to cup your cheek with one hand. "I ain't fucking ya tonight. Goddamn if I don't wanna, but 've had a rough week. 'Cilla knows I can't-" He looks away, looking like he's younger than his years for a moment. "It's not- I can't do it every night. And 'm sorry you caught me on a bad night."
His apology forces you out of your minor stupor before you shake your head asking the question that's been on your mind since you saw everything on the bed. "Then what are you doing, Elvis?"
Priscilla answers before he does, grabbing one of the wands and turning it on, allowing you to feel the vibrations through your shirt as she runs it across your chest. "It's what I'm doing. What we're doing. The toys are for us to play with while he watches."
You notice that Elvis has moved to behind the camera and untied his robe, allowing you to see just how his body has changed. It's like your eyes are drawn to him just like they've always been, cataloging every stretch mark, every bit of skin that wasn't there before- or didn't look like that before the divorce and everything in between. His chest hair is the last thing you dwell on and it's then that he clears his throat. "I know I'm not the same-"
You cut him off, knowing where this is headed and you can feel Priscilla frowning. "There isn't anyone in this room who is, Da- Elvis." Daddy almost slipped off your tongue and you have to pause to collect yourself. "'Cilla has her marks, I've got some and maybe I'll get some others to match hers soon enough."
Elvis's eyes narrow at the implication before he purses his lips. "You'll let me see them?"
A no is on the tip of your tongue but he looks like- you want to give him a chance here, you want to make him happy. So you lie. "Of course."
His lips quirk into a smile as he moves to turn on the camera only to stop short. "Can I tape this, Sugar? You don't have t' say yes but I miss you both somethin' fierce and Ginger- she- she knows how I am."
You should tell him no, you should tell him that it makes you uncomfortable to know he'll have something like that of you and Priscilla but you don't. You remember that Elvis made sure to file the divorce papers to protect a woman he should hate, a woman who left him. You remember how many times he had to talk to a newspaper to keep you and him and Priscilla out of the gossip pages. You remember all these things and wonder why you should worry. "Yeah. It'll be like those photos, remember?"
His answering groan and the way you swear you see his cock swell makes you grin before you feel Priscilla's hands moving toward your shirt to unbutton it.
It takes time for you and Priscilla to undress, Elvis needing only to pull open his robe as he sank into the chair facing you two. His eyes watch you both, watch how your hands move to pull down bra straps and unbutton pants. You're wearing stockings under those pants and both he and Priscilla groan as she kisses your leg, pulling them down ever so slowly. When you're both finally undressed you toy with the wand in your hand, debating where you'd like to start with Priscilla as she focuses the vibrating effect on your chest. You feel your arousal flood you, cursing the fact that Priscilla knows you enjoy your nipples played with as you finally decide that her clit is the object of your desire, it's the thing you'll bring her down with. You're not prepared for the amount of wetness that greets you, causing the vibrations to be mildly muffled as you hear it. She keens just slightly, grinding on the toy just a little as you hear the telltale sign of Elvis's hand pumping his cock. You wonder if he has lube.
"You like this, don't you? Like seeing me and Cilla like this?" You ask as Priscila slides the toy down to your clit, earning a yelp from you and a hiss of her name. "'Cilla."
"Of course he likes it, Sugar. Don't you see him playing with his cock? See his thumb brushing the head. I know he wishes he could fuck you." She murmurs, before kissing you, pulling your lip in between her teeth and watching Elvis growl watching you both.
"Don't need to tease like that. Should have he fuck you with that dildo, Cilla. Not as big as me but t'll do fine, won't it?" His words have your cunt clenching as it faces him and the camera. "Or maybe you need to fuck our Sugar. Always such a hungry woman. Needed both of us t' satisfy her, didn't ya?"
If your eyes shut at that, shut at the memories that come flooding back of how well the two of them used you, no one comments on it instead choosing to watch as you grind yourself on the toy Priscilla has teasing your clit chasing some relief. "Please, please, let me come, please."
You shouldn't be pleading already, you think you've lasted longer before but maybe you're out of practice, maybe the fact that you haven't been with them for so long has you begging for a release you've needed for over two years. Maybe three, you've lost count at this point, not wanting to dwell on it. You hear Elvis's laugh as it vibrates in your skull.
"Ya've missed this, haven't ya? We've missed you-" He starts, his hand pumping faster and faster, wanting to show you how you've made him come faster than he has in a while. "Both my best girls. My favorite girls. Still my sugar. Still my girl."
Priscilla doesn't react to the praise as much as you do, knowing it's directed more toward you and she can't help but tease your entrance with a dildo while she whispers in your ear. "Our sugar. Come like you would for old times sake. Please? For me? Be my good girl? Be the girl who wrangled Elvis with me? Be my girl who we still both love so much?"
You come with a shout as Priscilla presses in the dildo, your orgasm dripping onto the sheets despite the object that could try and hold it back. You watch Elvis groan his own release onto the carpet and into his hands as your cunt continues to flutter around the toy. You want to clean it up like old times sake before you release Priscilla still needs to come, you had dropped her toy in the haze of your own orgasm and the only thing you find is one of the dildos you two hadn't touched. You take a moment to make sure he's looking at you before you allow yourself to use it to enter her, making sure the camera's view isn't obstructed. "Next time you want this just ask me, I'll give it to you, you're still my Sugar Mama, Cilla."
She whimpers at you, pulling you down for a kiss as you hear Elvis's pleased noises coming from the chair. You think it's a growl but you can't quite tell. All you know is that you've missed hearing it, missed feeling like you're going to explode from the love the two of them have for you and for each other. You don't know when Elvis got up from the chair but you feel his fingers as they pull out the toy only to replace them with his fingers. "Come on, Cilla, give Sugar what she wants from you. I'll let you taste her on my fingers afterward."
That does it for her as she arches just a bit off the bed, clenching around the dildo and grabbing for your hand, for your anything she can to steady herself. She finds both his hand and yours grabbing at them both before she opens her eyes and stares at you both, breathing heavily as she does. Elvis removes his fingers from you and puts them in Priscilla's mouth, as her hand just moves to stroke his stomach, something you find he doesn't seem to mind. It looks like it relaxes him. When his fingers leave her mouth with a pop, she smiles at you. "Taste as good as I remember, Sugar."
Later on that night, after Elvis had filled the tape full of the pair of you, you find yourself cuddled against him with Priscilla on the other side, tracing shapes on his torso as he cupped your own stomach. You're tired, all three of you are tired and it shows in how Elvis's words are slurred when he speaks against your hair, thinking you're asleep.
"You're still m' sugar. Just like 'Cilla is still m' girl. Wanted you to be m' sugar until ya got sick of me." He grip tightens on you. "Don't leave me just yet. Wait until the mornin'. Wait until we're all up. Don't make me wake up all alone."
You don't.
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claire-elvisgirl · 10 months
A growing Lily - pt. 1
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Here we aaaare!!! Part 1 is finally ready...I hope you like it. Daddy is ready to show his love...chapter 1 is cute and soft, but the others 2 will be particularly detailed and full of love, sex and all the stuff we like so much! Enjoy!
Word count:2012
Summary: You’re divorced. Elvis takes you and you little daughter to live with him.
Warnings: Nothing particular in chapter 1
Your marriage wasn’t meant to be a happy one. You knew it the moment you find out you were pregnant. Your husband didn't take the thing too well and left you. You didn't want to give up on your baby, so you kept on with your pregnancy alone. You were young and inexperienced, but you managed it very well and had a beautiful girl named Lily.
She was your only joy. One sunny afternoon she asked you to take her to the park to play. You didn't feel so good, but she insisted and you decided to take her out. A nice breath of fresh air would have helped you too.
You sat on a bench and she flew off to play. While you were watching her, a young man appeared and approached you. He had incredible blue eyes and dark blond hair. “Hi miss!” he said with a soft voice. You looked up: “Hello!”. “May I sit down?” he asked gently. “Of course!” you answered. He sat next to you and started to talk. You ignored him. “I’m Elvis, by the way. You got a name, li'l gal?”
“Y/n!” you replied without looking at him. “Y/n? Why, that's a real pretty name. Where you from? I ain't seen you aroun' here before.”
You heard him keep on asking things about you. The thing bothered you, but at the same time you found him interesting. “I’m in town since a month!”
He looked at you surprised: “You’ve been here for a month, and I ain't seen you 'til now? Man, I must be blind! I never met a gal as pretty as ya before.”
You coughed. Then Lily ran to you. "Mommy can we play now?".
Elvis was shocked and enchanted at the same time: “Why, what is this? We got ourselves a momma's little girl here?” He kneeled down in front of Lily and started to make funny faces. “Who's this little princess?”
You smiled: “This is Lily, my daughter”. He turned to her. “Well, hellooo Lily! Ya look just like your momma!” He winked at you. Lily giggled. "Who's he mama?"
Elvis pinched her cheek: “I’m a good friend of mommy, Lily. My name is Elvis! Can you say it?”. She smiled and repeated: “Eylvis?!:” He laughed and you smiled as Lily ran away to play. “Boy she’s the cutest thing I've ever seen!” he said. “You and your husband should be very proud!”.
“Well, in fact I am!”. Elvis noticed something bothered you. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I’m…I’m not married! I was!”
He tried to understand. “Was, huh? So you ain't married anymore?” He looked at you sadly.
You shook your head and looked up: “Well...he left me while I was pregnant of Lily!”
He turned agry: “He...what??? Now that were just plain awful. Now, a gal like you shouldn't be all alone. Ain't ya got nobody here for ya?”
You hated pity and compassion from others. “Oh don't worry, I can manage everything pretty well!”. He put a hand on your shoulder causing you to shiver inside. “Ya really think ya can raise a child all by yourself? A child needs a man, sugar, someone to protect 'em!”. He was getting more involved as time passed. You looked down. “I can't force him to stay with me if he doesn't want to!”. Elvis grabbed your hand and looked deeply into your eyes. “I wasn’t talking about him!!”
You looked at him for a while. You couldn't believe what he was saying.
“Elvis…!?”. Thousands of thoughts flipped through your mind. He was practically offering you a new home, a new life, with him and Lily. You took back your hand from his.
“Why would you do that? I mean...why would you take a girl with a daughter? You're not worried about what people could say!?
He laughed loudly. “Y/n, I don't care 'bout what them other fools might say. All I care now is 'bout you, and 'bout that precious little girl. If ya say yes, you're gonna be my wife and she’s gonna be my little girl. We're gonna be a family! A real family!”
He smiled at you and you slowly looked up at him and smiled back. “Are you serious?”
He turned serious: “Dead as a rock, y/n. I’ll be your man for the rest o' ya life!” As he slowly leaned towards you, Lily laughed loudly pointing her little finger to you. He smiled and gently picked Lily up on his lap. “Why, look at that. Seems like your little princess here wants us to be together!” Lily smiled, she seemed to know what's good for you. He kissed you again, this time more passionately. Lily pulls out her arms to him. "Daddy!?" He blushed and held her in his arm.
"Come here, my little angel. Come to daddy". Lily smiled and hugged him tightly. You looked at them, a little worried. You were certainly pleased about the situation, but you were afraid of rushing things, especially for your little girl. You didn't want to hurt her in any way.
You tried to get Lily back and explained to her that he’s no daddy.
Elvis held her tightly. “Ah come on, y/n, don't be angry with her. Lil' Lily is happy, aren't ya honeybee?” He sat Lily back on his lap and put his nose on hers. "Awww, look at ya little angel! Daddy loves ya, Lily." Lily touched his face and looked at him with her bright blue eyes. You were melting inside at that sight and you were feeling that maybe that young man could really change your life.
“Elvis you don’t have to do it…” you told him seriously.
He pinched your cheek: “Don’t worry, don't ya just see that we're bonding too well? Me, you, and lil' Lily, we can be a real family! You just have to say yes!” Lily smiled and kissed Elvis' nose.
You were tempted to tell him yes right there, but suddenly a strange fear pierced your heart. You saw all your past life in a second: the marriage, the separation, the divorce…you were not ready to face all these things again. “I...I can’t, I’m sorry!” You got up from the bench and took Lily in your arms: "C’mon Lily, time to go home".
Elvis stood speechless as he watched you going away. Lily looked at him and started to cry: "No, mama! I wanna stay with Eylvis!". You tried to calm down Lily and took her way home. Elvis stood up and ran after you: “Y/n, ya can’t take away my little angel!”. You looked at him firmly: “Elvis please, she's not yours and you know it!” He stood up and went after you. Lily was still crying "Daddy…Eylvis!".
He grabbed you from behind.  “Y/n you can't do it…”.
You tried to explain your reasons very calmly: “Elvis please, if you want to do it, I'm ok, but I can't do it in a snap! It’s a thing that has to be settled with time and patience...”
He nodded: “Why, of course! Of course I’ll be a gentleman 'bout it. I’ll give ya all the time ya need. But remember, this is just between you and me...and your little angel over here. Now, ain't this a real pretty picture of a family?”  He held you both tight against him. You looked at him a little scared, but at the same time you felt relieved and happy.
You gave him your hand. “Listen, I'll think about that, ok?”. He kissed your hand: “You take all the time ya need, darlin'” then he looked at Lily. "Awwww, what a cute little angel. Do you know who's your daddy, Lily? Yeah, Eylvis is your daddy now!” Lily looked at you, smiling. You felt strange inside. For the first time you thought maybe you really needed someone, and most of all you’re enthusiastic about how much Lily loves Elvis.
He tickled Lily. “It's like this little honeybee knows just what's best for us. And now I got a little mission for ya, y/n!”
“A mission?” you asked.
“Yeah. I want you to go home and gather all the things that you and Lily need for you to be living with me from now on. I want it all ready in 'bout two days. What ya say 'bout that?
You stopped and stared at him. “Two days?? Oh Elvis, how can I…? I mean, it's happening so fast, I have to be sure I can trust you. I can't let this thing hurt me or Lily!”
He grabbed your hand again and his eyes were pointing right at yours. “Ya can trust all I say. Look how I love your little angel. Look how she loves me!” He kissed Lily on the forehead.
You were starting to trust him and you decided to give him a try. “You know what, you're right! I'm in!
He was filled with joy and he held you tight. “Oh y/n you’re making me so happy! We’ll be the best family ever!” Lily smiled again. "Ya, daddy!" and she hugged you both. Elvis smiled, kissed you and Lily and left. You looked after him, your face was a mixture of joy and excitement, but you were still a little worried.
In the following day you kept thinking about him and his proposal. He was offering you a stable home and a new life. You were really concerned, but you thought you had nothing to lose. You trusted him. He told you that was not the first time he saw you. He had spotted you and Lily many times before, but he never had had the courage to talk to you. And now he was practically asking you to marry him. Legally or not. All these thoughts were bouncing in your head, as you started to gather things you and Lily may need to go with him. Before you left, you took Lily in your arms and asks her what she thought about Elvis; you wanted to be sure that she would be really happy. You were still in doubt, but Lily gave you the courage to go ahead. She loved Elvis very much; she kept on calling him daddy and the way they bonded at the park was really amazing.
Two days after, he came to pick you up with his car. He got off and ran to hug you and Lily: “My precious girls…”. Then he turned to you. “Ready?”. You nodded and seated in the car. He drove away…away from your past, from your husband and from all the bad things that happened to you.
He took you to his home, a beautiful country home with a big garden.
He was enthusiastic. “Hey, look! The whole gang is waiting for us!!”. You were concerned: “Elvis who are these people? I thought we would be alone…”
He smiled at you grabbing your cheek. “Oh don't ya worry. My friends are the best fellas you could ask for. They'll keep us safe and happy, honey. Now, come with me, I’ll show ya around!” He parked and Lily gets out of the car and hugs him. Then all the others came, one after the other welcoming the new family member. Elvis opened the door and helped you to get out of the car.
You stopped and watch all the wonderful things around you: “This place is amazing!”
“I told ya!” You smiled and followed Elvis. Lily looked at the guys. They were dressed in a way she had never seen before. She pulled you close laughing: "Mommy, are they cowboys?"
You laughed back: “Of course they are my love, aren't they Elvis?" You winked at him. He played your game.
“You betcha, Lily! These guys are the best! Now, let’s go meet 'em all!”  You looked at Elvis. You kiss passionately. You felt really in love with him. Then you hug each other. You heard noises behind you, but you don't worry about it. You don't care what others think, because you are finally happy.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice’s 10th member is found by 3mix self-harming
A/N: I got an ask on Wattpad from one of my fav writers @emlovesmarvel <3    
The request: Heyyy!! I've been loving your twice one shots so much you are amazing writer! I'm wondering if you could do one where Y/N is struggling with self harm and 3mix dotes on her and helps her through it? You're amazing!
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N sat alone in her room, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were filled with sadness, and the weight of her emotions was unbearable. She had been struggling with self-harm for a while now, finding it difficult to cope with the overwhelming pain inside her. As tears streamed down her face, she felt lost and hopeless. Meanwhile, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo, members of 3mix (also known as the moms), noticed a change in their kid's behaviour. They had always been close with her, considering her as their little sister and sometimes being mother figures to her when she needed it, and they couldn't bear to see her in such pain. They decided to pay her a visit, wanting to show their support and love for her.
The three girls quietly entered Y/N's room, finding her huddled on the floor, her arms covered in fresh wounds. They gasped in shock and immediately rushed to her side, their hearts breaking at the sight of Y/N who after seeing them started whispering through her tears.
Y/N - Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Jihyo unnie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you and make you see me like this.
Nayeon, with tears welling up in her eyes, gently cupped Y/N's face in her hands. 
Nayeon - Kiddo, you have nothing to be sorry for. We love you, and we're here for you. Always.
Jeongyeon and Jihyo wrapped their arms around the maknae, forming a protective cocoon of love. With a silent talk, Jeongyeon decided to be the next one to speak with a voice so soft that the maknae could hear her raw emotions.
Jeongyeon - Sugar, you are so precious to us. We want to help you through this. Will you let us?
Y/N nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope in the midst of her darkness. She knew that she couldn't fight this battle alone, and having the support of her 3mix sisters meant the world to her. Over the following days, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo dedicated themselves to their youngest's well-being. They made it a point to be there for her every step of the way, offering comfort, guidance, and unconditional love. They showered her with affectionate nicknames, wanting to remind her of her worth and how much they cherished her. One evening, the 10th member took notice of it and with a voice filled with self-doubt, she expressed her feelings.
Y/N - Nayeon unnie, can you please not call me by this endearment name? I don't deserve it.
Nayeon placed a gentle hand on Y/N's shoulder, looking into her eyes with determination. 
Nayeon - Sweetheart, you are deserving of every bit of love and respect. From now on, we will call you 'Honey.' Because that's what you are to us. Something sweet, something precious!
Y/N's heart swelled at Nayeon's words. She couldn't believe that someone saw her as something precious when she felt so broken inside. The nickname 'Honey' became a constant reminder of the love and support that surrounded her. Jihyo, always the nurturing one and Y/N's mama, took it upon herself to help her child find healthier coping mechanisms. She encouraged Y/N to explore her passions, suggesting different hobbies and activities to distract her from the urge to harm herself. On one sunny afternoon, Jihyo proposed a different hobby for her dear daughter and sister.
Jihyo - Sunshine, let's try painting together, it can be a beautiful outlet for your emotions.
Y/N hesitated, doubting her artistic abilities. But Jihyo's unwavering belief in her talents gave her the confidence to try. They spent hours together, brushes in hand, creating vibrant masterpieces on blank canvases. Through art, Y/N discovered a new way to express herself, allowing her emotions to flow freely without causing harm. 
Y/N - Mama, I love painting, thank you for finding me a distraction! 
Jihyo - You deserve it, babe, we love you. 
Jeongyeon, the pillar of strength, became Y/N's confidante. They would often sit by the window, watching the world go by, as the girl shared her deepest fears and darkest thoughts.
Jeongyeon - Babygirl, remember that you don't have to face this alone, we are your sisters, your protectors. Lean on us whenever you need to.
Y/N found solace in Jeongyeon's words. Knowing that she had a support system gave her the courage to reach out whenever the darkness threatened to consume her. As days turned into weeks, Y/N's wounds began to heal, not only on her body but also in her heart. The journey was far from easy, and there were moments of relapse and setbacks. But Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo never wavered in their love for her. They continued to shower her with affectionate nicknames, reminding her of her strength and resilience. Whether it was calling her "Darling" during a group hug or whispering "Angel" in her ear during a quiet moment, the girls made sure Y/N felt loved every single day.
With their unwavering support and newfound coping mechanisms, Y/N started to rebuild her life. She began to see a future filled with hope and possibility. And though the scars on her arms were a reminder of her pain, they also symbolised her strength and the love that surrounded her. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo taught Y/N the true meaning of sisterhood and self-love. They showed her that she was never alone in her struggles and that there was always a light at the end of the tunnel. Together, they proved that love and compassion could heal even the deepest wounds, transforming pain into strength and darkness into a beautiful journey of growth. And so, Y/N, once lost in her own despair, emerged as a shining star, with Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo as her guiding lights. Their bond, forged through the darkest times, would forever remain unbreakable making her think:
I love my dear unnies.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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saltygilmores · 11 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Part I
I have little to no recollection of what happens in this episode except that it involves Luke's dead uncle (duh), which probably means it's filler. Glorious, glorious filler. And I can be free to be SILLY! This one will be silly. Read my reviews of all previous episodes here. The episode opens with Lorela growing irritated as she listens to an excessive amount of answering machine messages left by her mother. Oh, but when Dean does it, its cute?
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I feel like I should put this screen capture in my pocket for later use, it might come in handy.
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Oh Michel, how I've missed you.
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I hope this is one of those episodes where everything is calm and I can just bask in references to outdated technology. Luke calls Lorelai at work because his uncle his dead and he needs to book the inn.
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She found 9 available rooms that quickly, business must be slow.
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"Today's Desserts" haven't changed in 2 years.
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Haven't seen this guy in a while.
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Sure, it's bad customer service, but I think Luke should tell more people to shut up. The citizens of Stars Hollow need to be humbled. Where's Jess to help juggle all those orders? Is a little bit of child labor too much to ask for?
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I love how Stars Hollow in general is always behind techology wise (I'm not convinced they even have dial up internet yet) but Luke is always even further back. While the citizens are enamored with this new technology called a "cellular phone" Luke has banished them from his establishment and hasn't even caught up to "cordless landline" yet.
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Okay, but Luke asking you if you know how to make coffee is a reasonable question. You are in here every morning, afternoon and night where Luke makes your coffee for you. I never see you brew it at home.
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The answer to this question is always "Upstairs, jerking off."
If Jess should be at school, then why aren't you at school? Just sayin.
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Rory dared to go upstairs alone to look for Jess and Lorelai didn't follow behind her and lasso her with the Rope of Sexual Abstinence? What is the urgent and pressing business that Rory needs to discuss with Jess? Why does she sound, idk, angry? This is puzzling.
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Whoa, mama! He looks smoking hot here! His hair is gorgeous and that shirt looks great on him! I'm a slut for rolled up sleeves! I have no memory of this whatsoever. What a nice surprise.
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Listen Rory, I like you, but like, why don't YOU get a job? Luke is the Kingpin of Teenage Labor. He's employed Jess, Lane, Zac, and April and he's even had his own girlfriends pitch in and wait tables. He wouldn't be against employing his future stepdaughter.
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Rory never worked a paid job in high school except supposedly, working at the Inn in season 1, which I don't believe was a real thing.
Blah blah, she's focusing on academics, blah blah.
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Love the bright orange dildo lamp complete with balls.
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"I'll be down in a minute, the Spice Channell just unscrambled for a few seconds and I thought I saw a booby."
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"I was just about to take my pants off." "Just assume that Jeannie's going to get Major Healey out of whatever scrape he's in." I've never seen that porno. #IDreamOfWeeny #ICreamOnJeannie #OkayOkay #IllStop
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TOMATOS SIGN! MY BELOVED! I MISSED YOU! Lorelai's shirt says "For good luck rub my tummy." Lorelai accuses Kirk of hoarding packets of sweeteners to bring home, as if Luke didn't just offer Lorelai a gigantic no strings attached loan some episodes back and he couldn't afford to lose a few sugar packets. Jess emerges from upstairs with Rory close behind him after being out of sight and alone with her for several minutes and for once Lorelai doesn't seem all that concerned that Jess could have been having 2 minutes of raw unprotected sex with her daughter. Remember when she said Christopher got her pregnant in under 10 minutes (lmaaaao, what a sick burn) so she can't leave Rory and Jess unsupervised?
She's even being suspciously nice to him. Huh. Weird. Oh, right, Teach me Tonight is coming up so she's just conserving her energy.
Jess says Rory is gonna break his neck and Rory replies at least it's not his arm.
J: "I need my arm for jerking off." How many masturbation jokes can I fit into one post?
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To be continued.
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meanmisscharles · 2 years
bestie i do not think u reblogged the post fjhgkjg BUT if u wanna talk abt ships: thots on ed/frenchie
Ahhhh....nice one!
do i ship it: Big yes! I do in fact ship it. I am partial to lgbtq relationships that involve both parties being PoC. It's not something that's seen enough in media, though thankfully there is more of it now (Thanks Pose, Queen Sugar, The Chi & P Valley).
Also, despite Frenchie being seen by fandom as "sweet bb soft cutie pie", he's got a lot of the same Energy we see in Ed, even outside of being a hell of a hustler.
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He's the reason Ed got excited about that party in the first place.
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why i ship it or not: I ship it because these are two MoC who might be of different backgrounds, and with an age difference, but are absolutely on the same level. Ed's got the whole Blackbeard thing going, which if you think about it, is probably the longest running con on the sea.
They both understand the societal limitations placed on them and they both are unapologetic for having come up with their own workarounds.
They aren't shy about their dislike of white colonialist power and those that inhabit it. They are both a little goofy as well and I think MoC should be able to be joyful and silly and not phenomenal in the stereotypical ways expected of them.
They both like nice things and a bit of fun and having the ability to call folks 'babe' and 'dear', even though Ed hasn't fully got to that place. Being with Frenchie would give him the comfort of being able to see another MoC offering and accepting all of these things to and from him.
I also think that Frenchie brings that newness and inspiration that Ed was first complaining about when he boards the Revenge. He also isn't a passive aggressive problem - he, like Ed, says what he means. That's why he asked what the hell he was trying to pull, when he goes around greeting the crew of the Revenge. He also tried to help him out boarding the French ship.
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Ed's a master tactician and Frenchie can assess opportunities, improvise plans and can read a situation and people very quickly. I think that together they smooth out the places where the other might be weak with regards to this part of them.
Look at Ed - That's the face of a man who's thinking "I could have been the fucking PRINCE? OF EGYPT?"
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I'd also like for Ed to have the opportunity to have a MoC that can identify with what he deals with and navigating the world on a level the men in his life that we've been shown so far, can't. I like to think that Ed has had other MoC as lovers, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't also want to see it.
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Also, they had to have spent a lot of time together getting Ed's songs together, because you know Miss Mamas didn't write just one song.
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Anyways, there is SO MUCH MORE to Frenchie than I usually see said about him (Ya'll. YA'LL - he is so not just a cuddly puppy of a man) and I have convinced myself that all of the above is the reason Ed kept him.
canon potential: Possible but the highest of unlikeliness.
fanon interpretation/fandom around it: I haven't seen a lot of Ed/Frenchie around. Would love to see it if you've got it!
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gmanwhore · 1 year
Gift for @otherworldlyoddities45 cursing them forever because I can't stop thinking of this/j
Eli didn't want to have to tell Alyx. He could barely come to grips with it himself. So much had happened...
"Dad! You're back!" Alyx galloped over to him, and he bent down to wrap her in a hug.
"Hey sugar bug."
She then looked up at him with those innocent brown eyes of hers. "Did you find mom?" Eli's heart hurt. It had been weeks at this point, he'd asked everyone he could and scoured everywhere, there was just no sign of Azian. "Look sweetie...here, I have to talk to you about something." He picked her up, then took a seat and settled her on his lap. He made sure he was hugging her tight. Anything he could do to make this hurt her less he would do. "I...I don't...I don't think mama's gonna be coming home anytime soon. Maybe...maybe not ever. Do you understand?" Alyx's eyes filled with tears, and Eli felt his own begin to wet.
"But...why? Why won't she be back?"
Eli gently wiped the tears off her cheeks.
"She's dead, sugar. I'm so sorry. She loved you a lot, as much I as I do, don't forget that." Alyx burst into tears, her small body heaving with the sobs. Eli gently rubbed her back, rocking her back and forth as he let himself cry as well. "I've got ya, sugar...I'm here..."
Azian sat in her cell curled in a ball. It was the most comfortable position to be in at the moment, and she would not let her captors see her cry. She faced the wall and sobbed into her knees. Everything that had happened the past few weeks was a blur for her, but she knew that this place was nowhere on earth.
The Combine had taken her away from her family...oh, how she missed them. She could still see every line in Eli's face and how rough his hands were after a day of work...and her daughter, how energetic she was and how eager to help she had been...Azian felt a fresh stab of pain in her heart. Would she ever see them again? Would Alyx recognize her if she ever came back? She would miss all of Alyx's growth, all those special moments she would never get to have...
A hand touched her shoulder and she jumped. She expected to see a soldier but instead, she was met with a face that was much more human. His face was lined with age, but he had a friendly smile. He was crouched near her, but even so, she could see he was much taller than she was. "Who are you?" He offered her a handkerchief. "A friend."
She dried her eyes, a small smile creeping across her face.
"I like the sound of that."
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
So I use to watch this show called the Proud Family and there is this character called Papi he dressed up like joker speaks Spanish and insults suga mama while laughing can you do one where the reader is the husband of alcina is Spanish and insults miranda
Broken Truth: I love the Proud Family! Sugar Mama is one of my favorite characters but Papi is a complete comedy show all on his own. My favorite line from Papi was when Sugar Mama was driving and he said: "Perhaps they will finally arrest you for committing public ugliness. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Mask: You have plenty of favorite moments from that show.
Broken Truth: I said it was my favorite from Papi.
Mask: Understandable, now let the words weave together.
Broken Truth: That's my line! Also, I don't know Spanish so I'm going to use Google Translate.
When [Name] arrived in the Romanian Village, he looked for the leader of the village to ask for a safe place to lay his head for the night so that he could travel to the next town - instantly, he assumed the leader lived in the large castle before him and went there. He was greeted by a maid and was allowed into the castle, where he waited in the foyer. He looked around the foyer and noticed that there were certain places that looked like they would be a hazard to the residents of the castle and began making a list of them when a throat was cleared; he looked up from his notepad and was greeted with the Golden Eyes of the Castle's Lady. He introduced himself with a bow and said that he just needed a place for residence until the blizzard went past and he offered his services to make any kind of repairs around the castle that were needed, Alcina thought about using the male before letting her daughters kill him and agreed to request.
"Gracias mi Señora (Thank you, My Lady)." [Name] smiled at the woman, who looked at him in confusion.
Alcina asked the man what language he spoke and he replied that he was speaking his native language - Spanish. Alcina stated that she never heard of it and asked that he speak to her in English or Romanian; which he agreed to, considering he knew both languages. [Nam] began working around the castle and fixed everything that needed to be fixed before packing his bags but Alcina asked him to stay longer and he agreed. The two of them got closer and [Name] got close with Alcina's Daughters, even going as far as teaching them Spanish. They all became a family - the family that Alcian wanted.
One day, Mother Miranda called Alcina to a Lord Meeting and demanded that she bring [Name] with her so that she could meet him. Alcina obliged and brought her husband to the Lord meeting, he stood before Mother Miranda and held in his laughter of what he would say about her appearance - she looked like a 6-winged chicken, but he didn't want to be rude... well, that was until Miranda opened her mouth and spoke.
"This is your husband, Alcina? I thought you hand more taste than this." Miranda said as she gestured at [Name].
"Y aquí pensé que su madre tendría más gracia, pero todo lo que veo es un pollo que habla. (And here I thought her mother would have more grace, but all I see is a talking chicken.)" [Name] said in his native language before snickering under his breath; Miranda looked at him confused while Alcina was holding her laughter in and kept a calm look on her face.
"What did you just say to me?" Miranda asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, no solo eres ciego sino también sordo (Oh, not only are you blind but deaf as well)." [Name] continued with another snicker.
"I don't understand what you are saying." Miranda said.
"Yo tampoco te entiendo, no hablo pollo (I don't understand you either - I don't speak chicken.)." [Name] said with one last snicker before he inhaled and exhaled, "Forgive me for speaking in a language you don't understand, Mother Miranda, I have a bad habit of doing that."
"Well, see that it doesn't happen again when you are talking to me." Miranda demanded.
"Lo que tú digas, pollo (Whatever you say, chicken.)." [Name] smirked before bowing his head to Miranda and turning to leave with Alcina.
"Draga, why did you do that?" Alcina chuckled.
"Because she's a bitch and she was talking shit." [Name] answered with a roll of his eyes.
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borathae · 2 years
I dreamt being super rich billionaire and also a sugar mama spoiled her sweet hot sugar baby with all the riches, jewellers and more. Dream goes me being look down cause I'm a woman in business world and tired of men only want me for my status, money and even tried to bring me down. My car broke down near a small cafe where sugar baby was a waiter. I found the waiter cute, waiter called by his boss and I overheard his boss told the waiter end of this month is his last shift, the waiter begged his boss just give him a few weeks to find job. I came to him and offered him to be my sugar baby and told it's alright it can be non-sexual if he's uncomfortable with it. Sugar baby accepted it!
I will made it short cause it's a lot.
1. Sugar baby is a poor university student and needed money, from a small town.
2. Sugar baby is so shy and nervous the whole sugar mama-baby things. I told him not to worry and I just want company and someone to spoiled with.
3. Sugar baby asked shyly if it's alright not to be non-sexual thing, I told it's no problems. I told him, he's very cute when he's nervously shy and wear glasses.
4. Sugar baby got new fashion brand clothes, new place where it's near his university and makeover look (he still wears his glasses... Cute). We get to know each other.
5. Sugar baby has feelings for me. Get jealous when I talked to men. Told me, he didn't want to be my sugar baby, just want to be a lover. Hold my hand and looked at me and said, "please let me love you and treat you right" and tried to kiss me but stop him and told him, "he should be someone he love, I can't be that someone. I'm not right for you". I walked away but being pushed to a hug he said, "But I still want you. If I have to choose, it's you, always you".
6. take things slow. I asked l him boldly if he ever think of wanting me to be his first time. He answered yes shyly. He said dreamt of me being top on him all the time damn 😤 fast forward to first night together and he being a fast learner and very clingy and touchy to me. I don't mind it.
7. We love each other deeply. I was there at his university graduation. I promised him when he graduated I granted him something. He asked me to marry him. I answered yes.
Dream ended with steamy wild night. Sorry this is so random and long Sibi. This sugar mama ask I saw and Kinktober got me heat up 😤❤️‍🔥
Oh i forgot to add in my sugar mama-baby dream ask that I teach him to be confident. He learnt so well. I praised him he's a good boy for learning so fast and well. His face was tomato red and took his book to cover his hmmm 😏 that moment he discovered he has praise kink.
In my dream I was older than him.
Also forgot Jimin was the sugar baby (me and Jimin are same age damn dream 🤣). BYE!
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thedevilsruby · 8 months
Foe of the Guide (Clierra multichapter fanfic)
Sierra Rossi's parents died in front of her because of Giovanni Pasini and his family's invention, the Guide. Oppressed by years by corruption and greed, she comes of age to fight against those who have wronged the world she lives in. She just didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
Chapter Five: Feelings
She watches her parents kiss before her father leaves to check on the newest plans back at the base. She blinks as her mother goes to the sink and cleans up the reminders of breakfast.
"Mama?" She asks in a squeaky voice.
"Yes, baby?" her mother asks.
"How did you and daddy fall in love?" Curiosity sparkles her gray eyes.
Her mother smiles at her. "When daddy met mama, a mean man had bumped into me and knocked my work papers out of my hand."
Sierra's little jaw dropped. "That's mean!" She exclaimed.
"I know. Your father had seen me and helped me clean up my papers. That's when he asked for my phone number." Her mother said, scrubbing left over eggs from the frying pan.
"Did you call him?" Sierra asked.
"Yes, he asked me to meet him for coffee, then nine months later he asked me to marry him and along came you, our little treasure."
Sierra grinned. "Will I fall in love one day, mommy?"
"You could, when you're older." Her mother smiles, rinsing off the pan and setting it in the drying rack. "Maybe you'll even get married."
"Really?!" Sierra squealed.
Her mother chuckles, drying her hands before walking over and scooping the four year old up. "I believe in it, sugar cube. But it isn't always easy." Her mother's smile falls and turns into a stern glare. "You're failing us, Sierra."
Sierra snaps up with a gasp, heart pounding.
She remember that conversation she had with her mother like yesterday, but it had never ended like that.
Her mind goes back to Cliff. She hopes she doesn't see him today.
A small part of her hopes she will.
Dexel wakes at his owner's stretches. He yips and climbs over her to lick her face. She laughs.
"Okay okay, down. I'll get your breakfast and let you out." the brunette pets him.
Dexel jumps down obediently, tail wagging as Sierra gets her slippers on and trudges towards her kitchen. True to her word, she fills Dexel's bowl with food and prepares her coffee while he munches. She sighs as she reflects on her mother's words.
"I'm not failing you if I'm not falling in love." She says to herself. "I won't fail, I promise."
"It's not love," She thinks to herself. "it's...a mild fascination at best."
A knock on her door interrupts her thoughts. Already knowing who it is, she walks over and opens it. "Willow."
"Morning Sierra, sorry to come so early." Willow rubs the back of his neck.
Sierra shakes her head. "It's fine. Coffee?" She offers, gesturing to the fresh pot she just brewed.
Willow nods. "Yes please."
At Sierra's approval, he helps himself to a mug with just a little cream and sugar. They sit on her couch, facing each other.
"So how did it go with Kaito yesterday?" He asks.
"It went well." Sierra nods. "We got seen by a guard but Kaito was believable enough."
"A guard named Cliff?" Willow asks coolly, sipping his coffee.
Sierra freezes. How did he...?
"Spark told me." Willow says, answering her question. "How long have you known him? And why didn't you tell me you knew a guard of all people?"
Sierra glares, making a mental note to throttle Spark later. "I don't know him!" Sierra snaps. "I accidentally bumped into him one day and I guess he remembers me because now he acts like we're best buds!"
"Are you?" Willow asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"No!" Sierra scoffs. "I didn't tell you because I didn't think it mattered. He's just a stupid guard, what's the big deal?"
"Maybe we could use that 'stupid guard' to our advantage." Willow said.
Sierra blinks, processing. "What?" She asks.
"I know, I know, it's bad but...maybe we could use his knowledge of Guide to give us a chance to shut it down. We could finally be free and you probably wouldn't have to see him again after." Willow replies.
Sierra bites her lip. She's never taken advantage of anyone before. It didn't feel right.
But the need to succeed her parents takes over.
"Okay." Sierra says. "What do I need to do?"
The guilt in her gut is churning and making her feel sick.
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