#I guess because your only son and heir died and now you’re pretending like your daughter doesn’t exist
coconut530 · 1 year
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folklorelise · 4 years
That one time the kids called you “mom”
HC / OS (i don’t know) about that one time the kids called you “mom” and that one-time Jean called Captain Levi “dad” (not related with the “being a mom to the survey corps” -- you’re a squad leader in this).
 -          Armin
Armin was a smart kid and he loved spending time at the survey corps library. Armin grew up with his grandfather and he had to work very hard to provide enough food for the both of them. When Armin’s grandfather died, he was still a kid. When they all joined the survey corps, Armin instantly loved you – you would always be in the library, reading different books every week. He obviously wanted to come to you and talk about books with you, but that boy was too shy. You were a squad leader which meant that you were his superior officer.
You would notice Armin of course. He would always read and study strategies sitting in front of you. Sometimes he would open his mouth, thinking ‘today I’ll talk to her’ but he never did. Once you decided that you would start the conversation, but as soon as you put your book down, Armin ran away. After that, you told Levi, your boyfriend, what happened earlier.
“I think he’s scared of me.” You admitted.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Why did he run away then?”
“Maybe he needed to take a sh!t. Like really needed to so he ran away.”
Meanwhile in Armin’s bedroom, with Eren and Mikasa.
“Why did you do that?” Mikasa asked.
“I don’t know!” Armin inquired, “I’m so embarrassed right now.”
“That was a weird move.” Eren admitted, “Next time just say something, anything really.”
That very next day, Armin was determined to tell you how much he wanted to discuss books with you. He saw you at your usual place and he took his. He repeated his sentence over and over, ‘squad leader Y/N I’ve seen you here multiple times and I’d like to discuss books together.’ But before he could say anything, you started to talk.
“Why did you run off yesterday?” you asked.
“Books.” Armin shouted which only startled you a little, “I like books and you do too.”
“I do like to read.”
After that, Armin was more and more comfortable around you. You would always read together before an expedition or after an intense training day – it became your little tradition.
A few weeks later, Armin wanted to talk to you as soon as possible. He has read a book that he knew you would like, and he needed to tell you about it. He was eating with his friends and when he saw you and Captain Levi entering the mess hall, he shouted “MOM! I-“and stopped immediately after.
Everyone was staring at him and all Armin wanted at this moment was to be eaten by a titan. You on the other side were just smiling widely at Armin.
“You look like a creep, stop smiling.” Levi told you.
After dinner, you went to the library and found Armin sitting at your usual table, arms crossed on the table with his head on his arms.
“Armin, hey. How are you feeling?”
“Embarrassed. I – I don’t know why I called you that.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to worry about it.” you reassured him.
“But I embarrassed you too!”
“Who said you did?”
“Everyone was laughing.” Armin guessed.
Then, you spend your night like you always do which is reading together until Levi came to bring you back to bed.
“Good night Armin.” Levi told him before leaving.
“Good night Captain, squad leader.”
“Good night… son.” you finished before joining Levi, laughing slightly.
-          Eren
Eren was outside with all the others resting after training with Levi. They were discussing their skills after Levi made them do hand to hand combat to know who could have a day off from cleaning duties (it was your idea – Levi would never give a day off for cleaning).
“I am obviously the best here.” Jean acknowledged.
“Mikasa won against you!” Eren screamed back.
“Yeah, but I’m talking about us. Today, I won!” Jean replied.
“That’s because I was too tired from the titan experiments!”
“Riight. You are a titan. You shouldn’t even be tired!”
“Yeah because you know everything!” Eren shouted even louder.
Both were ready to fight, but they were expecting their friends to stop them, but they were just talking between them, ignoring their little dispute. Both of them just stared at each other, waiting for something to happen or someone but nothing – so they just stared at each other awkwardly. Eren spotted you not too far away and screamed at the top of his lungs:
You were taking a walk with Levi as one of your rituals with him since during daytime, you could hardly see each other. You both looked at Eren surprised but still walked towards him and his friends.
“Yes? What did you need me for?”
“Eren said he was better than me at hand-to-hand combat which is obviously not true.” Jean explained.
“You agree with me, right?” Eren said to you.
“Hm…” you turned to Levi expecting help, but he just had a smirk on his face, waiting for you answer too. “Well… I mean…” you paused each time a word was said, “I just want to say that I love you guys but it’s late and I’m tired,” you tried to avoid the topic of the conversation. “Levi, let’s leave the kids.”
“But m-“ Eren suddenly stopped his sentence and thought ‘wait, did I just almost called squad leader Y/N mom? Did I call her mom earlier?’
“What’s wrong Eren?” Mikasa asked.
“Nothing, squad leader Y/N,” Eren insisted on these words heavily, “is right, it’s late, let’s all go to sleep.” Eren then run to his bedroom.
“Such a weirdo.” Levi stated before walking away with you.
In the middle of the night, Eren was still awake thinking about what he said. He was moving loudly, and Armin woke up very annoyed.
“Eren stop moving so energetically!”
“I’m not.” Eren mumbled.
“What’s wrong?”
“Did I call squad leader… you know.”
“Did you do an Armin? Yes. You call her mom. Welcome to the club! Now sleep.”
-          Mikasa
Mikasa was hanging with Eren and Armin outside after dinner. Eren and Armin were frenetically about Eren’s next prank on Jean.
“You always prepare something either too dangerous or just normal dangerous. Jean could get hurt!” Armin protested.
“That’s the idea I was going for. Plus, it’s not that dangerous.”
“You want to push him off the wall!”
“Yeah, but he has his gear on and we’ll just all laugh at this anyway. Right Mikasa?” Eren asked her friend.
“Jean could die if he doesn’t use his gear.” Mikasa observed.
“He’s not that stupid.” Eren replied.
“Ask mom then and look at her being disappointed by you.” Mikasa told them.
They both turned their head towards Mikasa and glared at her, with a shocked look.
“You just called squad leader Y/N ‘mom’” Eren burst out laughing.
“No, I didn’t. I said mom… as in…” Mikasa tried to correct herself.
“Yeah right, what other mom you possibly could be talking about?” Eren pointed out.
“It’s because you two keep calling her that! And I just forgot her name and…” Mikasa defended herself, “It’s your fault!”
“It’s fine, that makes the three of us in the club!” Armin shouted.
-          Historia
Everyone just discovered that Historia was the rightful heir to the throne, and no one knew what to do.
“Fine. Then run.” Levi said taking Historia by her blouse collar.
“Oh my, Levi!” you screamed rushing towards Historia. “Let her go!”
Levi let her go and left. You took Historia in your arms as she was ready to collapse on the ground.
“Are you okay sweetie?” you questioned her worried. She just held you close and thanked you. “Levi didn’t mean it. I’m going to ask to apologise.”
“It’s fine. He’s right. I should do something about this.” Historia waited a few minutes before saying “thanks mom,” blushing.
Everyone else wanted to throw a comment but no one dared after seeing you glaring at them. Only Armin whispered “welcome to the club” for himself.
 -          Annie
Instructor Shadis sent you a letter asking you a favour. He was feeling ill and asked you to substitute him while he recovers. You obviously agreed to it. You were surprised at how Annie was at hand-to-hand combat.
“Who taught you that?” you asked marvelled by her technique.
“My father.”
“Well good job!”
The whole time you were here you would constantly compliment her. You would really compliment everyone on their asset.
One night, Annie was outside with Reiner and Bertolt, talking together.
“I like squad leader Y/N, she is nice.” Reiner said in a moment of silence.
“Or she could just pretend to be nice so we wouldn’t try so hard when she’s here and that’s how we fail.” Annie pointed out.
“She’s not like that.” Bertolt insisted, “She seems genuinely nice. Never felt that supported in such a long time.”
“Yeah.” Reiner agreed.
Annie did not want to say it, but she agreed with them. You were always so supportive, always encouraging people do to better. Always telling them that they did a great job when they messed up. Annie wanted to add something, but she heard footsteps and she turned around ready to fight but it was only you.
“Mom! I was ready to fight you.” Annie yelled.
“What did you just call squad leader Y/N?” Reiner asked surprised.
“I– I said mam.”
“No, you said mom.” Reined laughed.
“NO! I said mam as in sir but for a woman!”
“I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright,” you admitted, “it’s late and I don’t want you guys to be tired since I know how instructor Shadis can be.”
“Instructor Shadis?” Bertolt asked.
“Yes, he’s feeling much better and he’s coming back tomorrow. I also came to say goodbye since I’m leaving tonight. I wish you luck and I know you guys are going to be amazing!” you end your little speech with a hug to each one of them. “I’ll probably see you around if you ever decide to join the survey corps.”
Annie was right, she was going to miss you.
-          Sasha
Sasha was a great kid, a great fighter but more importantly, she was a food lover. She never had enough food at lunch or dinner. She would always ask her friend for their bread or a piece of their meat when they did eat meat.
Once, Sasha was late to dinner because she had cleaning duties and she was a slow cleaner which made her late. Being late meant no food too but she still came to the kitchen hoping for leftovers – there were none. She went to the mess hall and collapse on the table. She heard a person sat down in front of her but did not move.
“You should eat Sasha.” she heard.
“No food.”
“Look up.”
She did and there was a tray with a bowl of soup that was still hot and two pieces of bread. She gasped and started to cry tears of joy.
“Thank you, mom! I was so hungry!” Sasha thanked you with her mouth full of a mix of soup and bread.
“You’re welcome, next time you can come to me and I’ll help you clean alright?” you told her.
You waited for her to be finished before going back to your bedroom. In the middle of that night, Sasha suddenly woke up, panting.
“What’s wrong?” Mikasa asked ready to fight an intruder.
“Nooo. I’m in the club now too.” Sasha realised.
“What? You called squad leader Y/N mom too?” Mikasa joked.
 -          Jean
Jean had cleaning duties in the equipment area. He and Connie were talking and being careless as usual when they were cleaning. So careless that Jean somehow caused a shelf full of heavy books to fall on his leg.
When Connie explained to you what happened you rushed to where Jean was. You and Connie helped Jean out and took him to the infirmary. Jean was now on bed rest for at least a week since he could not move his right leg anymore.
“How am I going to live now?” Jean complained after hearing the news.
“I’m taking care of you until further notice.” you reassured him.
Levi decided that Jean would still be attending training even if that meant only watching. After two weeks, Jean was still hurt – according to him anyway. Which the nurse found weird because that type of injury did not last long if he was resting correctly which is something you made sur of. Levi told you that it was suspicious, but you believed Jean.
“Your love for this kid is making you blind! Jean is obviously fine now!” Levi told you desperately every night.
“He’ll get better, if he’s still hurt and he goes back training then he might not be able to fight at all.” you explained.
You should have believed Levi because one day, you were stuck in a meeting with Commander Erwin which meant you couldn’t stay with the cadets training. Thankfully, the meeting ended sooner than you thought so you went to see the kids, only to find Jean perfectly healthy, on his feet, fighting Eren.
“NO!” Jean screamed collapsing to the ground dramatically, “It’s not what you think mom! NO!” Jean put his hands on his mouth.
“Oouh Jean called squad leader Y/N ‘mom’” Eren chanted.
“Now that they almost all called you mom,” Hange stated coming out of nowhere, “does that mean Levi is their daddy?”
-          That one-time Jean called Captain Levi ‘dad’
It was during one of the expeditions outside. You brought tents and prepared them but none of you wanted to sleep yet. You built a fire, and all sat around it. The cadets took turn telling horror stories and once Jean was done, you all applauded him.
“That was great.” Levi complimented him.
“Thanks, daaa–ptain!” Jean corrected himself hallway through his sentence.
Everyone burst out laughing and Jean was blushing hard, while Levi was only smirking drinking his tea.
“Jean, it’s official, you’re their kid now.” Hange kept laughing.
“I’m so embarrassed.” Jean grunted, “I’m sorry d– captain! What is wrong with me!”  
From then on, they wouldn’t even hide the fact that they all called you mom from time to time. At one point, new recruits thought that it was you name so some of them would call you “squad leader mom”.
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vibesandwonders · 3 years
“The what?”
“The Lord of the Rings,” Sam stops dead, and jogs back to him, “You serious? You said you read the Hobbit?”
“JRR Tolkien?”
“Yes.” Bucky runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“But you don’t know The Lord of the Rings?”
“If you keep repeating it, maybe it’ll catch this time.”
Sam’s mouth falls open, “Mother of— they froze you before Lord of the friggin Rings?”
Bucky blows out a blast of annoyed air and moves to run, Sam grabs his forearm, “Stop that, we’re talkin—“
“—We are running.”
“Not anymore,” Sam leans his weight on Bucky and laughs, “Shit. I always forget that they popsicled you,” He shakes his head, “Tolkien, he wrote the Hobbit yeah, but like… ten years later he wrote a Trilogy, the Trilogy, like, the one to rule them all.”
“Are they any good?”
Sam practically squeals with laughter, his arm still looped inside Bucky’s, “Yes.” He says, emphatically, grinning so much that Bucky is tempted to smile back, almost, “The movies are good too.”
“Moving pictures?” Sam grins wider, “Talkies?”
Bucky tilts his head, rolls his eyes, already ready to run again, Sam’s having none of it, he starts pulling Buck back the way they came,
“What about the run?”
“This,” Sam insists, “Is more important, we gotta head back,”
“It’s 7am.”
“Exactly, which means we’ve got time to hit the store on the way home,”
“Provisions, we’re gonna be busy all day, we need to have snacks and keep hydrated.”
“Extended editions baby, this is a 12-hour Lord of the Rings lockdown,” He grins at Bucky, “Consider yourself absolutely blessed that I was nerdy as hell in high school. I gotta text Torres, tell him we are taking the day off.”
“You’re taking a day off, from being Captain America?”
“He’ll understand.”
~ Hours later~
“Bucky,” He sighs, and plants his palms on the kitchen countertop, “James Buchanan Barnes,” Nothing.
He takes his phone out and pauses the damn TV,
The man in question rotates very slightly, his eyes wide, red, in shock, also as pissed as Sam had quite possibly ever seen him, including the time he was kicked off a domestic flight home because of his ‘metal arm’.
“You good?” Sam asks,
“So they just left him? After he sacrificed himself to get them out and across the bridge of Khazad-dûm and away from the Balrog?”
Oh Jesus,
“The bridge of Khaza—" He stops himself, chuckles, can't help it, he shouldn't surprised by this and yet, "Yeah man, they couldn’t—“
“What? Walk out there and grab his hands? There were eight men,” He shakes his head incredulously, “Bilbo’s nephew, wouldn’t walk twenty feet to save Gandalf?”
“Wait wait, Are you crying man?” He smirks, teasing, “There are two and a half more movies to go Buck, and you’re already out here cryin’ your ass off, you gotta chill—“
Bucky regards him sourly, “Have you even read the Hobbit?”
“Not even gonna dignify that kinda hostility with an answer James.”
He unpauses the tv and digs through the fridge, a moment later, the TV pauses again,
“Sorry.” Bucky mutters, “I uh, I’m enjoying them.”
“I can tell.” Sam says, and again, a grown-ass man getting way too sucked in to a High Fantasy trilogy 60 years late shouldn’t be damn adorable, but it is, “You hungry, oh member of the fellowship?”
Bucky rolls his eyes, turns back around,
“Is there coffee?”
Sam grins, and starts filling the water kettle.
“We, are gonna take a break.”
Bucky spins, finger already on the remote to jump to the next movie, Sam shakes his head.
“You haven’t eaten yet, and this is our…shit, third pot of coffee.”
“But they’re taking the hobbits to Isengard.”
Sam cackles, “Yeah, you are indeed correct, that is happening, but, we got 8 more hours of cinematic masterpiece, and you— are gonna eat somethin’”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Would Aragorn not sustain himself while trying to rescue Merry and Pippin?” He asks dramatically,
Another eyeroll, but he stands and stretches, folding one of the new blankets that had somehow started appearing randomly inside his apartment.
“How do you feel about cookies?”
He watches the top of his head twist, but Bucky’s eyes don’t leave the screen, “Thought we were eating lunch?”
Sam laughs, “Thai?”
He texts Sarah, attaches a picture of Bucky swathed in a blanket, staring in fascination at the TV.
“He’s never seen Lord of the Rings.” And then a bunch of laughing emojis.
“So where’s Rohan in relation to Mordor?” Bucky asks over the top of the couch, “They keep talking about the Gap of Rohan, but then…”
“Google it.”
“You’ve got your phone.” Bucky argues, “Do library books still have the maps in the back nowadays?”
Sam’s already got his app open, Complete Works of JRR Tolkien, Hardback
He swipes and makes sure they have maps— New York freakin City, it’ll be delivered before they finish the second one.
“Sam needs to kill Gollum.”
He looks up at the mention of his name, grinning at the screen, then back at the microwave: he lost rock, paper, scissors, so popcorn’s on him.
Bucky purses his lips, unimpressed, “He is clearly untrustworthy, “
“Sam’s also a little jealous of Frodo’s attention, they’ve been one-on-one for a while now,”
“I guess,”
“Frodo also sees a lot of himself in Smeagol, what he could have become…”
Bucky pauses the movie, “they’ve still got those elf-blades.” He mutters, “He’s talking to himself, and creeping off in the night, Sam should kill him, and tell Frodo he found him that way.”
“He was Aragorn’s best friend,” Bucky murmurs, his voice is a little choked up, “He came to defend the men of Rohan.”
Sarah’s texted him back:
“Oh god, you found another geek.” She says, “Are ya’ll gonna like have a Star Trek themed wedding?”
Bucky’s got the second book open across his knees, his fingers holding it open so he can occasionally frown down at the maps.
“He died protecting him.”
“They had a bond.” Sam agrees, “Read the appendices, there’s loads more about the elves. Just wait until you get deep in the Silmarillion.”
“Yeah.” Bucky says, only half-listening, “Starting to think his ‘heir of Gondor’ schtick is getting old, man can’t even protect his friends— and where is Gandalf?”
“Are you shitting on Aragorn? Son of Arathorn?”
Bucky shrugs, “Just seems like he’s avoiding his calling, what he’s good at, born to do… running from it, cause he’s scared.”
“It’s a lot of responsibility he didn’t ask for.” Sam replies mildly,
“Tough shit. Sometimes you just gotta use the cards you’re dealt.” Bucky stands, “I gotta pee.”
“You think I should grow my hair out?”
Sam hides his grin, making an effort not to stare at Aragorn on screen, who is currently smoldering with the best of them,
“I think you should do whatever makes you happy, Buck.” He takes a sip of his coffee (decaf this time) and stares fondly (not really) at the side of Bucky’s face. Sure, he’s distracted, but at least this time it’s not damn mission files.
Buck grunts, they’re sprawled next to each other on the couch, knees touching, blankets shared and spread between them. Between bathroom breaks and Sam occasionally poking Bucky to make sure he was still breathing, personal space had become even less of an issue than usual. Not that Sam was terribly bothered by it. They’re roommates, sorta? Partners?
A couple of guys.
“So, Arwen or Eowyn?” Bucky asks, still unblinking, Sam is pretty sure he unleashed a monster, cause this boy is a nerd. He’s already googled other trilogies, on Sam’s phone. Sam is pretty sure movie night might become a thing.
Buck’s still waiting on his answer, it’s a timeless question to be sure, Sam pretends to ponder it.
“Eomer actually.” He says, keeping his eyes on the screen, “Loyal, strong, and the man knows how to ride.”
actual fic here plus others, leave some love, say hi,
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
what if Jiang Cheng is the one in the arranged marriage with Jin Zixuan (maybe an au where birth order matters more than gender?)
“Well, no one cares what you think!” Jin Zixun shouted, and Jin Zixuan flinched, already knowing that this was going to end in disaster. His older cousin – his father’s favorite of the lot – was mean at the best of times, and when he was angry, he was especially cruel. A kid like Jiang Cheng, barely nine, wouldn’t be able to deal with him. “You’ll never made anything of yourself, anyway; the best thing you’ll ever be is A-Xuan’s wife!”
That was worse, somehow, than Jin Zixuan had thought it would be. Maybe because his name was invoked – maybe because Jiang Cheng looked as though he’d been slapped in the face, his eyes filling with unshed tears, and when his fist found its way to Jin Zixun’s face a moment later, Jin Zixuan thought that it was completely deserved.
Afterwards, when they’d all split off their own ways, he went to find Jiang Cheng.
He didn’t need to, he knew, but – he’d liked Jiang Cheng, at least a little.
He was the same age as Jin Zixuan, a little boy like him, even if he was the second child and not the heir the way Jin Zixuan was. He’d been laughing about something when Jin Zixuan first saw him, something whispered to him by his older sister, a plain girl recognizable only by her Jiang sect colors, but he’d straightened up the second he’d seen them walking into the room, putting on a serious expression, and Jin Zixuan had suddenly felt an overwhelming rush of oh you have to deal with this too that he’d never felt before in his life.
All of his so-called friends thought it was great to be the son of the sect leader, but they didn’t have to go to the terrible parties and stand there being shown off to people all night; they actually complained that they didn’t get to go.
He didn’t think Jiang Cheng would complain like that.
Maybe they could be friends, he thought, hopefully. Real friends, not pretend; friends that stayed together because they liked each other and not because their parents needed a political connection –
And then, less than a shichen after they’d been ushered off to go play together by adults who had better things to be doing, Jin Zixun’d managed to ruin everything. Again.
It didn’t take long to find Jiang Cheng.
They’re in Jinlin Tower, which meant that there weren’t many places Jiang Cheng could go that Jin Zixuan couldn’t find him – not like the Lotus Pier, which was an impassable maze even in the guest quarters that they’d taken special care to try to make nice and orderly for the one time they’d tried unsuccessfully to visit – and it turned out he hadn’t gone all that far, just ducked into a nearby guest room that was tidied up even though no one used it.
Jiang Cheng was curled up next to a window, his whole body looking especially small. He wasn’t even looking out of it, but he still gave off the impression of being on the verge of jumping out, or even just that he’d be blown away by the wind.
He wasn’t actually all that small – maybe a bit short for a nine-year-old, maybe a bit more slender, but his father and mother were both tall and that meant he probably would be, too, given time.
“You shouldn’t listen to Zixun,” Jin Zixuan said, and Jiang Cheng looked at him, red-eyed. “He’s dumb. All he ever does is say mean things, and they’re never true.”
“S’true, though, isn’t it?” Jiang Cheng said. “I’m the one that has to marry in, ‘cause I’m second, not first. I’ve got to leave Lotus Pier, go to Jinlin Tower…”
Marry you. Be the official wife. Smile and bear it and host your parties while you’re off fucking someone else – multiple someones – to get kids for the inheritance. Never have children of my own, but instead be stuck raising your bastards for you…
Jiang Cheng didn’t say any of that, of course, but Jin Zixuan knew.
After all, he’d overheard his mother and her friend – former friend – fighting over it. Madame Yu wanted to break the engagement when it turned out that the girl had come first and the boy second, since her husband was refusing to flip the order and marry Jiang Yanli out instead, and his mother had refused, the lure of the Yunmeng Jiang’s power more potent than their old friendship. 
Caustic words had been said. Words he probably should have been too young to understand, words that maybe Jiang Cheng didn’t get yet, but…well.
His mother had always been very clear about all the things she hated about her life.
And now she was going to force the same life onto someone else.
“I don’t think my parents would agree to let me be the one to marry in,” he said, almost wishing he could. Sure, then he’d have to be the one living his mother’s horrible life, but at least there was something familiar about that type of suffering – he’d spent his whole life hearing about it, after all, hearing about it over and over and over again until it almost felt like he’d lived it himself. 
He thought he could bear up with living that terrible life.
He wasn’t so sure he could bear up with being the one to cause it.
Jiang Cheng snorted. “Why would you want to?” He squinted up at him. “Aren’t you going to tell me that Jinlin Tower is great and I shouldn’t worry because being your wife will be great, too, or something like that?”
“I have no idea if being my wife is great,” Jin Zixuan said blankly, out of lack of anything better to say. He probably should have said something like that. “I’ve never had one before.”
They looked at each other for a moment, and then for some reason they both started sniggering uncontrollably.
“Of course you don’t have a wife, you’re nine,” Jiang Cheng said, giggling. “Even I know that nine year olds don’t have wives! And anyway, if you did, it’d be me, wouldn’t it? It’s not like they’re just, I dunno, handing out practice wives.”
“I wish they’d hand out practice wives,” Jin Zixuan confessed, covering his eyes. “That way I could be sure I wouldn’t…you know…”
“Screw up?”
Was Jiang Cheng going to judge him? Should Jin Zixuan have kept that to himself, pretended that everything was under control…?
But Jiang Cheng was nodding. “I wish they made practice everything,” he said emphatically, and Jin Zixuan drooped in relief, coming to sit on the floor next to Jiang Cheng. He wasn’t actually allowed to sit on floors, not even clean ones, but he was also supposed to be hosting Jiang Cheng, so if anyone asked that was going to be his excuse. “It’s so hard to get things right on the first try.”
“No one gets things right on the first try,” Jin Zixuan said.
“Wei Wuxian does,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Who’s he?”
“He’s my shixiong,” Jiang Cheng said. “It’s – kind of complicated. His parents were friends with my dad, before they died.”
- well at least I managed to keep my husband from bringing home a bastard!
Right. That kind of complicated.
His mother always told him he had to be the most careful around bastards – that they would be smart and pretend to be nice, try to get him to like them, while in reality they’d be scheming against him in the dark, maybe even try to kill him, so they could get what he had and they didn’t. Jin Zixuan figured the same had to be true for Jiang Cheng, and he felt sorry for him.
“Well, you seem good enough to me,” he said firmly. “When you’re my wife, I’ll treat you right.”
He would, too. He wouldn’t go around with other women, wouldn’t come home smelling of them, wouldn’t rub what he was doing in Jiang Cheng’s face and laugh until Jiang Cheng lost his cool and started throwing things – of course, there was always the question of the inheritance, but maybe when he had to find himself a woman, he could try to find Jiang Cheng a woman of his own, too, someone he liked, and those children could be surnamed Jiang. 
Maybe they could find one they both liked and share.  
“I don’t know what’s so bad about being ‘just’ someone’s wife, anyway,” Jin Zixuan added. “I mean, my mom’s the scariest person I know, except maybe for your mom, and they’re both wives.”
Jiang Cheng grinned. “Yeah, that’s right. Next time that big old bully says anything, I’ll tell him to repeat that where my mom can hear it, see what he does then…uh, no offense about the bully thing. I know he’s your cousin.”
“I don’t like him either,” Jin Zixuan admitted.
“Then you’ve got good taste,” Jiang Cheng said, and Jin Zixuan preened. His first ever compliment from his wife!
“I know we’re only hanging out together because our parents said we had to,” Jin Zixuan said, suddenly feeling brave. “But maybe we could…maybe…”
“Be friends?”
He nodded.
Jiang Cheng thought about it, crinkling his nose as he did. Jin Zixuan waited patiently.
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng finally decided. “But only if you help me prank Jin Zixun to get back at him.”
“Deal!” Jin Zixuan exclaimed, then hesitated. “I’ve never pranked anyone before, though…”
“I’ll teach you!” Jiang Cheng scrambled to his feet, then stopped as if struck by a sudden thought. “Do you like dogs?”
“Dogs?” Jin Zixuan repeated blankly. “They’re well enough, I guess…you have three, right?”
He’d seen glimpses of them when he’d visited the Lotus Pier last year, when they were supposed to have first met except Jiang Cheng got sick with a stomach illness right before their visit, throwing up and everything, and Jin Zixuan’s mom had refused to let him anywhere near him.
Jiang Cheng scowled, and suddenly his eyes were welling up with tears again, causing Jin Zixuan to panic again even though he was pretty sure it wasn’t his fault this time. 
“I used to,” Jiang Cheng muttered. “But Wei Wuxian’s scared of dogs, so my father had them sent away. I was just thinking…never mind. It was stupid.”
Jin Zixuan bit his lip. It wasn’t a good sign that Jiang Cheng’s father was already favoring his bastard over his son, not at all, not when fathers had all the power in the cultivation world. Not when even his mother, proud and fierce and famous for cowing his father with thrown pottery and fits of temper, was in the end helpless to stop him – she couldn’t make him stop humiliating her, couldn’t make him stop going out and having all those bastards. She stopped him from bringing them home, but she couldn’t stop him where it mattered, because all he had to do was threaten to make one of them the heir instead of Jin Zixuan.
He wouldn’t, because he needed her maternal family’s support, but he could.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair to his mother, it wasn’t fair to Jin Zixuan, and it wasn’t fair to Jiang Cheng, either. And it especially wasn’t fair that he was already being replaced – and just when Jin Zixuan was starting to feel better about the marriage, too!
The whole arranged marriage deal didn’t seem so bad if it was going to be with Jiang Cheng, who seemed pretty nice. Jin Zixuan didn’t want to have to start all over again with another boy, especially not a bastard.
“If you know where they are, you could send your dogs here to live with me,” Jin Zixuan suggested, feeling suddenly spontaneous in a way he almost never did, and Jiang Cheng turned to him with wide eyes. “That way you’d have a reason to come visit a lot, and your father could see that we were getting along.”
It would remind Sect Leader Jiang that their marriage could be broken by either side at any time, if they were unhappy – show him that they were committed, that they wouldn’t accept inferior goods in Lanling. Maybe it could help convince him to keep Jiang Cheng and his mother instead of swapping them out.
“I was just thinking I could introduce you, but that’s even better!” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, looking excited. “You’re serious?”
“Sure,” Jin Zixuan said. He had an entire palace of his own back in Jinlin Tower, full of rooms he never used meant to host as guests all the friends he didn’t have. They could put the dogs in some of those, hire someone to take care of them – feed them, walk them, brush them, whatever needed to be done for dogs. If there was one thing Jinlin Tower didn’t lack, it was servants to do things. “But you have to come visit them. Without bringing Wei Wuxian.”
That way, even if this Wei Wuxian person used his bastard tricks to pull the wool over Jiang Cheng’s eyes to make him think that they were friends even as he stole away Jiang Cheng’s birthright in secret - Jin Zixuan’s mother had warned him - there’d still be a way to show how important it was to keep Jiang Cheng as the legitimate son. They might have just met, but it was pretty clear to Jin Zixuan already that Jiang Cheng was way too friendly and nice to know how to properly guard himself – someone would have to do the work for him.
And who else, if not his husband?
“Don’t worry about Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng said. “He won’t go anywhere if he thinks there’ll be dogs. You’ll really do it?”
“I’ll talk to my parents,” Jin Zixuan promised – he was only nine, there were limits to what he could actually do – but Jiang Cheng seemed to think that was enough. He smiled at him, and Jin Zixuan smiled back.
Maybe this could work out.
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p-artsypants · 3 years
P-Artsypants Fic Masterpost!
This information is always available on my blog. 
Find most, if not more, of these fics on:
Fanfiction.net | Archive of Our Own | Wattpad
(~AU’s, *Finished, ❤️Author’s Favorites)
Kingdom Hearts
~❤️Rage Awakened AO3 | FF.net- Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
My Kingdom for a Heart AO3 | FF.Net - The curse of being one of the Princesses of heart, is that there’s always someone out to get you. As Xemnas looked failure in the face, he reached out in a last ditch effort and destroyed Kairi’s heart. Now her friends must travel the worlds again. Sora, to find a way to recover Kairi’s heart, and Riku, to make amends to those he has wronged. All the while, the darkness grows. [Unfinished, on permanent hiatus]
Miraculous Ladybug
One Shots
*❤️Amalgam- When an young man is rejected for being ‘incompatible’ he turns into the akuma ‘Amalgam’ able to fuse two people together. And later Adrien and Marinette would debate if it was lucky or unlucky that they got hit. (Also Available in Russian)
*Sing We All Noel- After receiving the worst Christmas present ever from his father, Chat Noir finds himself out on the streets with nowhere to go on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, Ladybug finds him and brings him home.
*Speechless- In a world where everyone has a soulmark, the first words their soulmate will say to them, Marinette is born without one. But Adrien Agreste has two. Curious, considering he’s mute.
*❤️Tunnels of Love- The night started out with an accidental kiss from Adrien Agreste, and ended with her bleeding in the Catacombs of Paris. Ladybug, the wielder of the miraculous of good luck. Yeah right. (Some blood)
*The Reveal That Wasn’t- First Parts My ending to kittybug’s Tumblr Prompt
*What A Mess We’re In- Ladybug has a lot on her mind, and when Chat Noir bugs her enough, she tells him she’s going to confess to her Crush, Adrien Agreste. Chat’s reaction is not what she’s expecting.
*Oblivi-oh no! - A retelling of Oblivio, except Ladybug is the only one to lose her memory. How will Chat deal?
*Bad Day (3 chapters) - Marinette was Ladybug! This was Adrien’s luckiest day ever! Except it wasn’t, because all his good luck was used up in one go. Turns out this might be the worst day of his life.
*One Win, So Many Losses- Marinette was forced to break up with Adrien. It had been a low blow from Gabriel, to be sure. But she was Ladybug. She’d find a solution…right? An alternate ending to Chat Blanc, where Adrien doesn’t Cataclysm the akuma.
*❤️Five Minutes- Gabriel has had enough of all these girls fighting over Adrien. He decides it’s high time Adrien picks one, and arranges the perfect opportunity for him to do so. Each candidate has five minutes to present why they’d be a good girlfriend. Marinette decides to take this opportunity to shoot her shot.
~*Panache- Every eligible maiden was invited to the Prince’s ball. That included Marinette, scullery maid in her own household. But her stepsisters destroyed her dress, and she can’t go to the ball in rags. Or can she? (Cinderella!AU)
*Perfect, No Matter What-In which Gabriel sets the bar even lower for himself, a reveal happens because of pain medication, and the new guardian actually goes to Chloé for advice.
*Crushed- Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.
*Lovelace- Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
Long Fics
*❤️Longest Night- (FF.net | Ao3) - The day started out sucky to begin with. Her crush ousted to the class and Adrien. Lila taking pride in exacting her revenge. But by the time patrol was over, a young man was dead, and Ladybug’s identity was at risk. Lila was the least of her concerns. Good thing Adrien was taking it all like a champ. (Rated M for scenes of torture)
*❤️Nine Lives- (FF.net) When Adrien Agreste is scheduled to go to a Military School in Germany, Chat Noir must make a critical decision. Does he give up his Miraculous? Or does he give up his life as Adrien? I’ll save you the trouble of guessing, he gives up being Adrien.
*Tender Words- When Marinette finally gets the guts to confess her feelings for Adrien, some things go so wrong, and other things go so right.
*Integrity- Overwhelmed with her responsibilities, guilt, and drama, Marinette has an emotional breakdown in front of everyone, and even hands over her earrings in a moment of weakness. Only for a few seconds, but the damage was done. Adrien’s pretty quick on the uptake like that.
~Much Obliged- Everyone deals with grief differently. Some take to drinking, others devote themselves to charity. Adrien Agreste? Well, he became a cowboy. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a witch, one of very few in the world. She knows what it’s like to be doubted, and assumed delusional. Maybe that’s why they got along so well. Or maybe it’s just because they both like big hats. AU where everything is the same, except instead of superheroes, Adrien is a Cowboy and Marinette is a witch. (Unfinished) (Based on a AU by @bugaboo-n-bananoir)
*I’ll Handle This- “I’ll solve all your problems,” Plagg had said. “You just have to agree to it.” A fixed relationship with his father, Lila to stop bothering him, and Ladybug to fall in love with him? Who wouldn’t agree to that? Except Plagg was the God of Destruction and Chaos and had a more…hands-on approach. Adrien just wants his body back. (Body swap fic)
The Ghost of Smokey Joe- Adrien Agreste was acting bizarre. Stilted body language, plastic smile, and he seemed to have forgotten how close they were. Before she can get the truth out of him, Marinette finds herself as the sole heir to the Gabriel brand and the mansion, following the murder-suicide of both Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. The mystery continues as Tikki explains that Adrien was Chat Noir...but if Adrien is six feet under, why is Chat Noir still running around?
How To Train Your Dragon
One Shots
The Vikings Have Their Tea (FF.Net | AO3)
Arranged Marriage- Takes place at the beginning of HTTYD
❤️Breathe- Survival of the fittest
~Childhood Friends- At the Sandbox
❤️Easy Fix- In which Hiccup has a bad day
~Fashion Designer- Astrid needs a fill in
❤️Frozen- In Which Astrid takes a Dip and things get frisky (Rated M)
❤️Headache- In Which Hiccup hits his head….really hard
❤️Heir- In Which Hiccup is Picked (Longer version by FateCharms)
Illness- In Which Stoick is a dad
~Illusionist- Trick gone wrong
~In the Walls- In which there’s a poop ghost
~Knocking On The Wrong Door (2) - A chance encounter
❤️Messages- Astrid is Frustrated with Hiccup’s obliviousness
~To Mirkwood- Hiccup is not a dwarf
~Monster Falls- Hiccup and Astrid take a dip
❤️Mute- In which there’s a quiet stranger
~Music Video (ImgHS)- He didn’t expect it
❤️Operation: Lovebirds- In Which the gang makes a plan, and Hiccup gets Drunk
~Over- Too many nightmares
~Partners in Crime- A normal day at work
~Pirate- Astrid is the greatest treasure
~Prince- He doesn’t want to be a broken King
❤️Sorting Things Out- In Which Astrid gets her ducks in a row
~The Dragon and The Dame- Beauty and the Beast Au
The Pit- In Which Hiccup is rescued
Hide and Seek- Part 1
Lost and Found- Part 2
Long fics:
*❤️Infernal Responsibility- Being the son of the chief takes brains, courage, and a lot of patience. But at his father’s the request for marriage, Hiccup decides he has had enough. When he seeks out a life of ease, he runs into more than what he bargained for.
*❤️Roses and Lilies- “Astrid, you and I both know you’re much tougher than I am. You’re more brave, and a better fighter…but just for a little while…could we pretend that I’m the one protecting you?” “Oh gods yes!” (Also Available in Spanish!)
*~What the Water Gave Me- The sea is a wild and dangerous thing, something that cannot be foretold or predicted. Hiccup discovered this many years ago, in human naiveté. Yet, what was meant as a sacrifice became a new life, one like no one could comprehend. He now finds himself once more in the unknowing hands of those that sentenced him to death. He only prays things will be different this time. Merman!AU
*Parasite- Soulsnatcher Dragons are rare but deadly. But, As Hiccup finds out, it’s the eggs you have to watch out for.
*~320 State Street- Gobber’s Goods. A Hardware Store that was rumored to have everything you needed. She thought she only needed a job. Turns out, she needed a lot more than that. (A Modern AU no one asked for)
*~❤️The North Tower- When Finn Hofferson died, Astrid inherited his castle in Wales…and a whole lot more. Something sinister lurks in the North Tower.
*~❤️Boy Toy- AO3 - At the age of 21, Princess Astrid lawfully has to pick a husband. But when the perfect groom is nowhere to be found, she requests the toymaker to create one for her. It’s safe to say that everyone in the kingdom is a little concerned. (Pinocchio!AU I guess?)
No, You Go First- AO3 - The Chief of Berk was a headstrong viking, stubborn and full of pride, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep his village safe. But for a moment, he puts that aside, and listens to his son. In which Hiccup convinces his dad not to make him go through Dragon Training, and the subsequent changes that follow.
*In Due Time- AO3 - As another illness sweeps through Berk, Gothi needs another ingredient for her medicine…one that doesn’t exist anymore. Fortunately, she kept that old spell book around for such an occasion. Big Hiccup is sent to five years into the past, and his younger self sent to take his place in the future. But it’s only a few days, what could go wrong?
Trollhunters: Tales from Arcadia
❤️Arcadia or Bust- In Which Arcadia welcomes back it’s underground citizens.
Teen Titans
~Big Brother- Don’t turn out the light (Horror)
Dear Jason- Bruce Writes a letter
Just Drawing- Bruce thinks about Robin
The Prisoner- Starfire is Guilty
Of Mustard and Three Foot Purple Tongues- A collection of Oneshots and Drabbles
Long Fics (*Finished):
*~❤️Carol of the Bells- High in the dark Bell Tower of Notre Dame, there lives a mysterious bell ringer. Legend tells of the angel who fell from the sky, and the curse she bares. There are few who know her true identity though; her master, the priest, and the acrobat that performs on the streets below. Based loosely on ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ RobxStar and slight BBxRae
*No Escape- Three years ago, Starfire escaped an Alien race called the Gordanians, to arrive on Earth. They’re back, and ready to put Starfire back where she belongs, behind reinforced Titanium bars. Robin’s not about to let her go…if only he hadn’t got captured first. How does it feel to be the alien, Robin?
*Now you Know My Pain- When the new Villain, Gender Bender, comes to down, the Titans find themselves in an odd situation. They’ve been turned into the opposite gender against their will! Now in order to change back, they must learn to understand the gender they’ve turned into. Rated T for obvious reasons. A great read if you’ve ever wondered why girls or guys do [blank].
*Paint it Black- Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City’s crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a relation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? Actually, contains NO OC.
*Saving Grace- “When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk upright or speak coherent sentences and all you’ll see is my mask and my voice repeating in your head…Weak. Richard Grayson, I am not tough, I am everything that you fear.” Happy Ending! Smudge of RobStar. NO Slash!
Other Fandoms
Final Fantasy XV
❤️Requiem for Pitioss-“O King. The god’s have heard your cries. Know that we weep with you. The Oracle’s calling has not yet been fulfilled. But…Lunafreya as you know her cannot return the way she was.” Noctis looked up, hopeful. “But she can return!” Canon divergence from Chapter 9. Happy ending. Some spoilers.
Final Fantasy X
I Do…I Guess? - “I would…like to ask you something.” “Shoot.” “Well…if it’s not too much…I’d like to ask you…to marry me.” Knowing what’s to come during her pilgrimage, Yuna asks Tidus to marry her, strictly for convenience and having an official next of kin, of course. Starts after Luca and how this decision would affect the rest of the story.
Beauty and the Beast
*❤️Behold the Beast- A Oneshot alternate ending to the Animated Film
*❤️Midnight- “When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be broken,” the fairy godmother had warned. A retelling of the story, when Cinderella doesn’t escape the ball in time. Oneshot
*So This is Love- What if Jaq and Gus hadn’t made it in time to help Cinderella? A new twist on the ending of the classic Fairytale, and what lies beyond the story. She still gets her happy ending and her Prince, and her step family gets their just deserts.
Sleeping Beauty
*❤️A Love Song Back To Me- Maleficent saw the loophole that stared her in the face. Prince Phillip would break the curse in time, for sure. After all, he was betrothed to Aurora. So in an effort for her evil plan to stay in action, Maleficent takes care of the young prince herself. Phillip never imagined having to live off the land like the birds above. Alternate twist on the classic Disney tale.
Down Feathers- Hitomi’s depressed. She’s been away from Van too long, he comes back to visit her…but what if something went wrong with the transfer? (Not finished. Never will be finished. Mwahaha) Circa 2012
*Angel’s Wounds- Fanelia’s been victorious in their most recent battle with Basrum. Unfortunately, someone is wounded and just seeks solace in his love that lives so far away. Post Anime.
Momma Look Sharp- With the war between Fanelia and Basrum finally coming to a close, the kingdom is celebrating. The young king, however, is suffering from an experience unlike any he had before. Van finally seeks solace in his wife.
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edettethegreat · 4 years
Review of Romeo X Juliet (the anime adaption of Romeo and Juliet, VERY loosely based off of the original play)
Well I think it’s gonna be kinda long, so I’m gonna put a cut right here.
What it got right/ what was in there that was in the actual play:
Romeo and Juliet are from two opposing families (Montague and Capulet). They fall in love with each other. There are some other characters who also exist.  
What was in there that was NOT in the actual play:
Literally everything and anything else. This is not an exaggeration in the least bit. Juliet grows wings at some point. And maybe turns into an actual tree.
So. What’s Romeo X Juliet about?
The basic Premise:
Montague (not the whole family- just Romeo’s father) is the main antagonist. He kills out the entire Capulet family when Juliet is a child, but somehow Juliet is rescued. Juliet spends the next like 13-14 year of her life pretending to be a boy by the name of Odin to hide from Montague, and also does vigilante work, because life isn’t so good under Montague’s rule. Oh yeah, Montague’s like. The king or something. 
There are also characters from other Shakespeare plays there. And Shakespeare himself is a character. 
The Characters:
Characters who aren’t from Romeo and Juliet (but are from other Shakespeare plays):
Shakespeare himself- he’s literally just Shakespeare himself. Just chilling, watching the whole plot go down. 
Emilia- an actress in Shakespeare’s acting troupe
Regan- a servant girl working for Shakespeare’s mother’S family.
Cordelia- I think she’s like. A servant to the Capulet family? Who got away with Juliet when Montague killed them off? Anyway she’s Plot relevant. She marries Benvolio.
Ophelia- oh boy. Where do I even start. OK you know what? I’ll get to this when I get up to Escalus. Just. Scroll to where I talk about Escalus.
Petruchio- he’s pretty irrelevant- he only exists for one episode, and then he dies a tragic death
Hermione- the girl Romeo’s engaged to. 
Characters that are actually from Romeo and Juliet: 
(In the order of easiest to explain to hardest to explain)
Juliet- Ok. She’s the main character. She does vigilante work until she can’t anymore. 
Romeo- literally just Romeo. Exactly what you’d expect from Romeo. He doesn’t do anything mind blowing. I mean, he does try to kill Montague, but everyone tries to kill Montague because he’s basically a dictator.
Lady Montague- I think she went off to become a nun or something, because she didn’t like that her husband was basically a dictator who goes around murdering people. She’s nice. I liked her.
Benvolio- not the brightest guy. Really. He and his family gets exiled because his father disagreed with something Montague said. Ends up marrying Cordelia.
Mercutio- one of the antagonists, but literally the worst one. He decides to betray Romeo and join Team Antagonists because I think he wanted power or something? It wasn’t entirely clear. He then betrays his father to Montague, and Montague kills his father. Then Montague tells him that he’s totally better than Romeo and he could totally replace him as Montague’s son. So you’re probably thinking “hey that sounds a lot like that one part of Edmund’s arc”- BUT IT’S NOT- Mercutio is about 0% dedicated to any of this and is a huge coward. Then he tries to kill Romeo. That doesn’t work out. Then he kills Montague and goes mad. I don’t know why he does any of this. I don���t think he himself knows why he does any of this. Also he’s *really* annoying. (Literally just go watch it- you’ll see- he’s *so* annoying.)
Montague- OK SO. This fellow here has actually a tragic backstory that motivates his evilness. Listen to this wild ride of of a story: So. Capulet (not Juliet’s father- her grandfather or great grandfather or someone else related but not her father) had a affair with some lower class lady, and MONTAGUE WAS THE RESULT. YES. THAT’S RIGHT. I HAVE ANOTHER TRAGIC SAD LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE BASTARD TO ADD TO MY COLLECTION. Anyway. Montague just wanted to kill out the whole Capulet family as revenge. Sounds fair enough. So he gets adopted or something by the Montague family, kills out the people ahead of his until he’s the heir (I think?), and then goes on a killing spree with the Capulet family. Then he becomes. Like. An evil dictator. That lowers his coolness by a large percentage. He was pretty neat before, but I’m not so pro-evil dictators. 
Tybalt- HOLD ON. IF YOU THOUGHT MONTAGUE’S STORY WAS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY BUT GREAT NONETHELESS, THEN BEHOLD THE STORY HERE.  Ok so. He’s introduced when he suddenly appears out of nowhere being super mysterious. Juliet was doing some vigilante work, and it looked like she was about to get caught, and he swoops in and saves the day. And Juliet’s all like “who on earth are you?” And he basically says “the name’s Tybalt- I’m loyal to the Capulet family- that’s all you gotta know”. (He might also tell her that he’s her cousin- idk). Anyway. He spends most of the time being mysterious and kinda emo, and hating Montague. Until his tragic backstory is revealed. BASICALLY. You know how I mentioned Montague was climbing the rankings in the Montague family? So at that time, the Montagues and Capulets weren’t really enemies or anything. So they hung out. And while climbing the ranks, he ended up courting a Capulet- Juliet’s mom’s sister. THAT’S RIGHT. TYBALT IS THE SON OF MONTAGUE AND A CAPULET. ANOTHER BOTH LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE BASTARD. I HAD NO IDEA THERE WOULD BE ONE, LET ALONE TWO. YOU ALL KNOW THAT’S MY FAVORITE TYPE OF CHARACTER. 
Me, when the Montague and Tybalt reveals happened:
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And onto the absolute craziest change made to any character ever-
Escalus- He’s. He’s a tree. A physical tree. I’m not even kidding. I wish I was. He’s a physical magical tree, that magically sustains the world. Ophelia (remeber I said I’ll explain her when I explain Escalus?) is the magical guardian of this magical tree. The tree is sustained by the women of the Capulet family occasionally sacrificing themselves to merge with the tree or something? Towards the end of the show the world starts literally collapsing around everyone, and Ophelia is like “hey Juliet the only way to save the world is for you to sacrifice yourself and come merge with the tree. If not the everyone will literally die.”
And Juliet’s like “yeah sounds fair”. But Romeo’s like “NO! I love you! You will not merge with a tree!” 
And Ophelia’s like “um. Literally everyone will die if she doesn’t.” And Romeo’s like “But at least we’ll die together!!”. So Ophelia and Romeo fight each other and they both kill each other. Then Juliet’s like “welp since romeo’s already dead, i may as well die too.” And (I think??) merges with the tree? Also she grows wings. Anyway. That’s that. That’s the show. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
OTHER THINGS- Mainly about Tybalt because I love him (more specifically- I love emo vigilante Tybalt, but the play version of angry rich boy Tybalt)
-When Romeo finds out that Tybalt is kinda his brother, he’s like “oh cool! You’re my brother now!” And Tybalt is like “huh. Yeah, I guess you’re right”- and from there onward they are 100% committed to being brothers. 
-There’s this one scene where Tybalt, Romeo, and Juliet all simultaneously decide “yup Im gonna go kill Motague. I have the biggest right to kill him. He’s for me to kill”. So Tybalt gets there first and is like “PLOT TWIST I’M YOUR SON!” And draws his sword. Then Romeo enters and is like “YOUR REIGN OF TYRANNY IS OVER!” And draws his sword. And then Juliet comes in and is like “I AM JULIET OF THE HOUSE OF CAPULET!”. And then Juliet decides not to kill him, because Mercy (TM). And then Mercutio comes in and stabs him, because (here’s a bit of the plot I forgot to mention) Montague sent him to hold off the rebellion (The Capulet’s team+ most of the citizens), and Mercutio epically failed. So he was like “the citizens will kill me if I go to them. And Montague will kill me if I go to him. Welp. I guess I have to kill him.” Then Mercutio goes mad. Because why not.
-Benvolio and Mercutio have literally nothing to do with each other. I don’t think they ever even speak. What 
-everyone rides around on these dragons with wings called Dragon Steeds.
-Also instead of it taking place in Verona, it takes place in Neo-Verona. A floating city miles above ground. 
-I think that’s it
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neokids · 3 years
Fortune's Fool: Act V
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Act V
Tw: Lots of blood, character death, violence, murder, guns, knives, weapons, foul language, self-inflicted wounds, suicide, overall graphic content
“I just don’t understand” Yeji exclaimed as she was pacing around her room back and forth, “Who does he think he is? Who is he to walk these grounds like he owns the place?!” Yeji finally sighed as she sat just beside Karina and Lia on her bed.
Karina and Lia could only sigh in return, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the twins also despised Hyunjin. It wasn’t because of Yeji’s reasons, but because Hyunjin would never let them forget they weren’t, and never will be, Hwangs.
“You know, worse comes to worse, you could just easily slip a drug in his night tea and pretend it was–Ow! Lia!” Karina tried, only for Lia to accidentally tug a little bit too tight on her hair.
“Stop moving so much when you talk then, Jesus…” Lia said as she gripped Karina’s hair tighter, only for the latter to let out another yelp in pain. “Do you want two perfectly even dutch braids or two ‘I-look-like-I-came-home-from-a-long-night-out’ braids hmm?” With that said, Karina’s face started to slowly morph into a sly smile.
“Depends on what I was doing in that long night out,” She paused as she batted her eyelashes, “I don’t mind spending a few hours with a stranger,” Karina said as she wiggled her eyebrows towards her sister and her cousin. Yeji let out a short chuckle as she threw a pillow to her face, due to Karina’s fast reflexes, she was immediately able to dodge it. Her statement earlier only made Lia tighten her grip even more, causing Karina to immediately shut up.
“You know what I think, dearest twin of mine? I think you should learn to loosen up.” Karina said as she tried to look at her sister, only for Lia to jerk Karina’s head back to its original position. “What were you saying again, Yeji?” Lia said as she wanted to quickly get on topic.
“I was saying that who does Hyunjin think he is, I just don’t get why he desperately wants to take what’s mine.” Yeji said as she rolled her eyes, just thinking about her cousin already made her a little irritated.
“The way I see it, he doesn’t really have a say in this gang, he’s just a nuisance–”
“Hush, stop talking. I think someone’s outside.” Yeji immediately cut Karina’s sentence as she stood up and placed her ear on the door.
It wasn’t an uncommon thing for maids to eavesdrop on what they had to say, but when someone would eavesdrop while they were talking in fast English, was. Not everyone in the Hwang household had the ability to speak the said language, even if the person outside was listening, they doubt they could actually understand them. In the silence, the footsteps sounded again, only this time the sounds were actually faltering, a sign that said they left already.
“They’re gone, anyway as I was saying, I doubt everyone would agree to his stupid strategies, I doubt no one would even listen to him. ” Karina said as she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, satisfied with how her braids turned out.
“Yeah, I mean at the end of the day, Lord Hwang would always have the final say, your dad would always have the final say.” Lia added as she cracked her knuckles after braiding Karina’s waist-length hair, “But I worry, times like this cause people to act without thinking.” Yeji admitted as she rose from her seat and headed towards her balcony.
“We may have not discussed it out loud, but the deaths already have been piling up. How long before we have no one or nothing to rule over?” She added as she gripped the railings harder,
“That won’t happen,” Lia tried as she combed through her own hair, “Seoul is under our–”
“Seoul was under our power.” Karina corrected, causing Yeji to look at her. ” Now we have those stupid Neos to fight while trying to maintain our power over everything and everyone else.”
“Oy didn’t you go to school with a Neo before?” Lia suddenly asked. The question had startled Karina, she didn’t expect for a question like that to be thrown to her face. The question only made Yeji gulp in anticipation as well, no one knew she had loved the heir of the Neos, not even her two most trusted people standing right in front of her.
Karina had to blink a few times before she could answer, “Yeah… But I realized only after transferring to your school that he was a Neo, he wasn’t vocal about it I guess…”
Karina didn’t originally attend the same school as Yeji and her sister did. She had to attend this other school since she was too bad at Korean. She had spent only a year there, only keeping to herself since she saw no point in trying to make friends only for her to leave them. The school she had attended was unfortunately run by the Rovers, meaning her title as a Viper had no bearing there whatsoever. And so for the first weeks in school, it was just her. Not until a certain boy had approached her, and suddenly started talking. Karina looked at him in surprise, how could he keep talking and talking for so long about something the person he was talking to had no idea about? He was talking about this painting that he had wanted to desperately buy, yet couldn’t since it was placed on bidding, and he said he was too young to attend one of those, but he still kept going. Everyday he would approach Karina and tell the most random stories imaginable, from what he had seen going to school, to asking Karina whether or not she believed in the La Llorona.
As the school year passed, Karina kept her distance. She didn’t want to make friends, obviously. He was too much for her, he was all over the place. Everything was going fine one day, until he came into school. He had changed entirely. He was stoic, face blank, void of any emotion whatsoever. Karina almost remembered her trying to approach him, but she had stopped herself. Soon enough, the school year was over, and it was her time to leave.
“Was he nice?” Lia had asked, causing Karina to snap out of her trance. She could only shrug, “Eh, he was fine I guess, I didn’t really care. Different from that arrogant Jeno Lee, I guess.”
This time it was Yeji’s turn to snap out of her trance. Her eyebrow had twitched, blood rising to her head. Just hearing his name made Yeji’s vision hazy with rage. Just as she could say anything, a knock made its way to their ears. “Come in.” Yeji answered. The new maid took only one step in her room. “There is a visitor downstairs, miss” The maid asked, hands fiddling with the hem of her skirt, Yeji could only groan.
“So? It is not I who entertains guests in this household, my parents are the ones responsible for that.” She asked as she crossed her legs. “Sh-should I just ask Hwang Hyunjin? Your parents are not here so I assume you were the next per–”
“No it’s fine, leave Hyunjin alone. Alright, I’m coming.” With that said, the maid immediately fled from her room. Eversince Nurse died, Yeji had learned her lesson. The maids were always being replaced every month. This was for their safety, and to prevent them from knowing too much.
“There it is again,” Lia said, making Karina snicker. “There is what again?” Yeji asked, oblivious why the twins were suddenly giddy. “The expression on your face that looks like you’re about to strangle someone,” Yeji feigned a hurt expression and exaggerated a gasp, “You bi–”’
“Shoo.” Lia said standing up, pushing Yeji towards the door. “Go attend your duties.”
As Yeji went downstairs, she stopped by her parents’ office only to see them discussing something. “I thought the maid said you weren’t here?” With that, Lord and Lady Hwang only looked at each other.
“They say what we want them to say, the visitor specifically asked for your presence.” Lady Hwang said as she flicked her wrist, signaling Yeji to go.
“Secretary-general Jinyoung Park has been growing in power recently, the whole rover side even.” His father said in a hushed tone, causing Yeji to freeze just outside their door. “I don’t see how and why the people of Seoul choose to side with them, why now when there is this madness happening.” Her mother added, stressed and confused.
“Word on the street says they have made a vaccine.” Lord Hwang said as he turned towards Lady Hwang who was now more confused than ever, so was Yeji outside the door.
A vaccine? To this madness? How could they make a vaccine so soon?
“What?” Lady Hwang asked as she removed the hand resting on her forehead. “A vaccine?”
“Indeed. Times like this when people are scared, they cling to almost everything. They need reassurance, comfort, anything they need to make them feel they still have control over the madness.” Lord Hwang concluded, sharp and quick.
Yeji could only stare at them for a while before actually moving. She had to process everything she had heard. As she bound the last step, she already saw a figure sitting.
“Hello!” Yeji shouted, “I am here! What is it you need, stranger?” She entered the room only to find the same figure already looking up at her with a gummy smile. The stranger quickly rose to his feet, he was around her age, and he extended his hand.
“My father couldn't make it today, so he sent me.” He said, expression very bright with his gummy smile. Yeji almost found her smiling at the stranger in front of her, but before she could, she quickly brushed it off, maintaining her sharp expression.
“I’m Yangyang, Yangyang Liu.”
Oh, he’s the son Mr. Liu was talking about.
Yeji accepted his hand and shook it. Just before she was about to let go, he brought Yeji’s hand to his lips and smiled.
“And you’re Yeji Hwang.” He concluded before letting go, Yeji wasn’t flustered at all. In fact, she was more surprised by the fact that he sounded like native Korean speaker, a very different contrast from his father.
“I suppose you’re here for the same reason?” She asked as she sat down a few seats away from Yangyang, the latter following suit.
“Yes actually. We have much more supply of Kryocrom and I promise you you won’t find better quality and price elsewhere.”
Yeji sighed, this would have been much easier if the man beside her wasn’t as charming as he looked. Just as she was about to answer, she saw Karina and Lia enter the living room. Lia was so focused on reading her daily horoscope that she had failed to see Yeji. Karina on the other hand, was thoughtful enough to stick her tongue out for her cousin, she could only playfully role her eyes.
“You have sisters?” Yangyang suddenly asked, his smile not faltering. “Oh hell no,” Karina said, walking towards them.
“I already have a twin who’s such a pain in the ass. I don’t need another to add to my misery.” Karina said, a bit too exaggerated, causing Yangyang to laugh a little and for Yeji to send a glare. Hearing Yangyang’s laugh only made Karina smile and wink as she took a piece of candy from the jar on the table in front of them.
“Good luck,” She said before she left to catch up with Lia.
“Please, Mr. Liu, do take one.” Yeji said as she motioned towards the jar of candy.
“Thank you, don’t mind If I do,” Yangyang said before getting a piece and popping it into his mouth. “And please, do call me Yangyang, Mr. Liu is my father. We are a new generation, aren’t we?”
Yeji could only grip the armchair of the seat she was sitting on. She let out a steady breath to shake off the feeling of cringe. “Well most certainly, Yangyang.”
“We have been admiring the Vipers for a while now.” Yangyang said as he swallowed the candy, “My father has high hopes of a partnership.”
A visible annoyed expression was displayed on Yeji’s face. A loud sigh could also be heard from her, she looked away for a moment only for her to look back to see Yangyang’s enthusiastic face.
“I’ll give you the same reply that I gave your father then.” She continued as she crossed her legs. “We are not accepting any new offers from new clients. We are already so busy enough with our current ones.”
Yangyang only exaggerated a sigh and leaned forward, thinking it had made any influence on Yeji. “Oh come on, Yeji.” Yangyang said with puppy eyes.
This only made the urge to roll her eyes harder to fight. He did not look pleasing whatsoever, thoughts she had when she hadn’t known that he was Mr. Liu’s son all came upon her in a wave of regret.
“I told you, we don’t want to.” Yeji said, making sure her tone was sharp and firm. “I hear there’s a rival business who might be more willing to accept our–”
“Perhaps you should try them then.” Yeji said, standing up as she adjusted her dress. It wasn’t their loss anyway. In fact, the Lius were actually a client they wanted to lose. The threat of going to the Neos did not matter at all, Yeji was glad even.
“Wait wha–”
“I appreciated you going all the way here…” Yeji pretended to think, “Winwin? Yiyang? Ningning?”
“Yangyang… but close enough, I guess.” Yangyang said as she stood up.
“Ah yes of course!” Yeji tried her hardest to charm a smile, “Have a great day, Yangyang!”
She went to the door in three large steps, eager for the Chinese visitor to leave. She motioned for Yangyang to come to the door, her hands already on the heavy door handles.
Yangyang, who quickly reacted, immediately stood up and made his way to the door. He was now face to face with Yeji.
“As you wish,” He stepped out and took one step, before turning around to meet Yeji again. “But may I make a request, Miss Hwang?”
“My apologies, Yangyang but I already–”
“May I see you again?” He asked, full gummy smile on show.
Yeji had to blink several times before she could answer “If it does not have anything to do with business…” She trailed off before looking at Yangyang.
“Then I guess we may,” Yeji thought it wasn’t possible for the boy to smile brighter, but she was wrong. He looked like a child who was finally entering Disneyland for the first time.
“I’ll see you then, Yeji.” With one last smile and last nod, he left. Just as Yeji closed the door, she was immediately greeted by two faces.
“Who was that?” Lia asked, all curious now. “Is he a suitor or something?”
“He’s cute, Yeji. I thought you had no interest in him.” Karina said with a huff.
“A stranger, Lia. He’s just a stranger.”
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ceealaina · 4 years
Title: who's gonna tell you things aren't so great? Collaborator Name: ceealaina Card Number: 3088 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Strawberries Ship: IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff and Angst, MIT Era, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting Summary: Jim Rhodes isn't sure how he feels about having the Stark heir for his roommate, right up until he meets Tony and finds he's the very last thing he expected. Word Count: 2340
(Also written for the prompts Drama, Overprotective, and ‘I dare you’ for @rhodeyappreciationweek)
It started on May 2, when Jim’s sister shrieking from the family room had brought him running. “Holy crap, Jimmy,” she had whispered, since their parents weren’t around to read her the riot act over her language. She had gestured wildly at the television. “You’re gonna go to school with the Stark heir!”
Jim had just rolled his eyes, once he had ascertained that there was no actual emergency. “Yeah, me and about ten thousand other people. I’m never even gonna see him, twerp, let alone meet him. And isn’t he like twelve anyway?” 
“Fifteen,” she’d interjected, all heart eyes, and that explained a lot. 
“Right, well, we’re hardly gonna become best buds so you can quit acting like he’s coming home for Thanksgiving.” 
But then his Residence Life Package had arrived, and stuffed into the back of the packet like an afterthought was an extra memo, getting into very detailed specifics about extra security and proprietary rights and privacy in dorm life. And a few weeks after that was the mysterious, free upgrade to a nicer building -- the building that had, in fact, just been slotted for a full remodel and update over the summer, including a top of the line student lounge. Nobody came right out and said it, but Jim knew his luck, and by the time August rolled around, he was pretty sure that Anthony Stark was going to be his roommate. 
Moving in was even more chaotic and crazy than Jim had expected, what seemed like thousands of freshmen with their families and all their stuff milling around, waiting for their turn to check in and get their room assignment and their keys. And while they were waiting, he couldn’t help watching all the other kids, wondering which one was his future roommate. 
He’d tried looking up Anthony Stark as his suspicions had grown over the past few months, but while there’d been a lot of mentions of him, the Starks had done a good job of keeping his picture out of the papers. The most recent picture Jim had been able to find was when Anthony had built his first circuit board. At the age of three. Because of course he had. 
So Jim had no idea who he was looking for, which meant that almost every person he saw had the potential of being him. For the millionth time, he let his gaze drift over the quad. There was a guy over in the north-east corner, trying to chat up some girl, who had actual movers there, like eight of them, lined up and waiting to shift all his stuff. And there was -- 
Jim winced as somebody moved away and he spotted a guy that he hadn’t noticed before. He was standing all alone beside a sad little pile of boxes, clutching the handle of a suitcase just a little too tight. He kept switching between looking around with quick, furtive glances, and then staring down at the ground, messy hair falling in front of his face, which was barely visible anyway beneath huge glasses. He had his back pressed up tight against the wall, like he was doing his best to make himself invisible. He looked young, too, and for a brief moment Jim thought that maybe… But no, that didn’t make any sense. The Starks were one of the richest families in America, and he’d read that the baby Stark was already being groomed to be the innovative future of Stark Industries. Of course they wouldn’t just leave him there like that.
He kept looking around, had his guess narrowed down to the guy with the movers and another guy who was simpering as his mother obviously fawned all over him. Neither one of them looked like someone he’d particularly want to be a roommate with, but he couldn’t find it in himself to worry about it. His gaze kept going back to the kid by the wall. Most of the other freshmen were happy, maybe a little nervous, but even the ones who were crying over leaving their families looked excited too. This kid though, looked absolutely terrified, and while he wasn’t crying, he had this quiet sort of sadness about him. His fingers were tapping out an uneven, nervous pattern against his thigh, and Jim felt something twist in his stomach. He’d just about decided to go over and introduce himself, because if anyone needed a friend it was this guy, but then he got distracted by some pointless argument with his sister, and when he looked back over again, the guy was gone, leaving a wake of guilt in Jim’s stomach. 
As it turned out, admissions had fucked something up with their check-in system, and so they were hours behind schedule. Rather than waiting in the hot crowd of people, the Rhodes family had elected to grab some lunch in a nice, air conditioned restaurant, and come back when the line had died down a bit. When they made it back to campus, his mother sent Jim up ahead to his room while the rest of the family started unpacking the car. He was hesitating outside the door, double checking the room number against the one scribbled on his sheet of paper, when he heard voices inside. 
“Dad, come on! Can’t you guys stay a little longer? At least until I finish unpacking?” 
The voice wasn’t whiny, or the usual irritated tone that Jim might have expected from a teenager arguing with his parents. Instead he just sounded sad, and so, so disappointed. 
“Anthony, enough!” an older male voice snapped back. “I thought you agreed you weren’t going to cause any drama today.” 
“I’m not,” Anthony said quickly, voice carefully neutral. “I just… I thought you guys would at least stay until I unpacked, and maybe we could get dinner or something before you go.” 
“Well, we’re not.” 
“That’s what all the other kids are doing.” 
It sounded like a last-ditch effort, and Jim could hear Howard Stark’s answering snort as clearly as if he’d been standing beside him. 
“‘What all the other kids are doing?’” he repeated. “And tell me, are you ‘just like’ all the other kids?” 
“No.” The answer was soft, quiet, and just a little resentful. 
“Howard…” That was from a quiet female voice, who Jim assumed was Anthony’s mother. There was a hint of warning in it, but Howard didn’t seem inclined to listen. 
“That’s right, you’re not. You’re a goddamn Stark, and it’s time to grow up and act like it. So no, Mommy and Daddy aren’t going to hold your hand through university. Stop crying about it.” 
Jim winced, feeling a little sick at the derision in his voice. This man was talking to his own son, his only child, and he sounded like he was completely disgusted by him. Jim had gotten in some pretty big arguments with his parents before, but he couldn’t imagine either of them talking to him with that cold indifference in their voices, no matter how angry they were with him. And worse, he couldn’t even figure out what Howard Stark really had to be angry about. His son wanted to have dinner with his parents, when he probably wouldn’t even see them again before Thankgiving? What was wrong with this man? 
 “I’m not crying,” Anthony protested, but even Jim could hear the waver in his voice. “I just… It’s the first day of university, Dad, and I’m younger than everyone here, and it’s… It’s supposed to be a big deal. I thought you’d stay a bit, is all.” 
“Jesus Christ,” Howard bit out, earning another reproachful murmur from his wife. “You know we only brought you up ourselves because it coincided with my meeting with Dr. Franklin. Grow up, Anthony. You may be younger than everyone else, but you’re still old enough to leave home. And if you’re old enough to go to university, you’re old enough to be a goddamn man about it.” 
“I didn’t even want to go to university yet! I wanted to wait until I was the same age as everyone else. You’re the one who insisted I start now, just because of the stupid Stark legacy and because of how good it would look for the stupid investors.” 
“What did you just say to me?” 
Howard’s voice had gone icy cold, and Jim felt unease ripple through him. 
“Howard, that’s enough,” his wife insisted, but he wasn’t listening. 
“No. What did you just say? Come on, son, say it again. I dare you.” 
Jim had never met Anthony Stark, but he felt a sudden wave of overprotectiveness toward him. Before he could think the better of it, he was shoving the door open, walking in with his box in hand like he’d just arrived. 
“Oh, hey!” he said, feigning surprise at the sight of the people in the room. He wasn’t exactly surprised to find that Anthony Stark was the kid he’d spotted earlier on the quad, but it somehow made his whole exchange with his father that much sadder, knowing how alone he’d been out there, surrounded by all those people with their families. He gave him a bright smile, pretending not to notice the red tinge across the tops of Anthony’s cheeks, or the way he gave a hasy swipe at his eyes. “I’m Jim Rhodes. I guess I’m your roommate!” 
For a moment, there was a long, slightly awkward silence, and Jim could tell that they were trying to work out if he’d heard anything. He didn’t let his smile falter, setting his box down on the empty bed. Without a word, Howard and his wife moved into action, saying good-bye to their son and preparing to leave. Jim kept half an eye on them as he unpacked his toiletries from the box and lined them up on his night table, watching Maria wrap an arm around Tony and place a gentle kiss on his cheek before Howard came over to shake his hand, the gesture cold and indifferent.
He didn’t hear what, if anything, they said to him as he left, but then they were gone. Anthony sank onto his bed in their absence in a way that was both disappointed and relieved. He seemed to have forgotten that he wasn’t alone in the room, and Jim found himself clearing his throat a little awkwardly. 
“Uh. You must be Anthony, huh?” he asked, offering out his hand. Anthony looked up at Jim with sharp eyes, and he could see the intelligence there. Somehow, for all he still felt sorry for him, he knew better than to think he was naive. 
“Tony,” he offered, taking Jim’s hand after a beat. “No one calls me Anthony.” He met Jim’s gaze. “My dad only does it when he’s showing off, or pissed at me. Or both.” 
It was said easily, like it was just an absolute fact that Jim had overheard Howard using the name, like that kind of exchange was normal, and Jim winced. Now that the immediate threat was gone, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself, what to say besides ‘sorry about your family’ which seemed inappropriate, if fitting. But Tony seemed to have that covered too. 
“Strawberry?” he offered, out of the blue, and Jim blinked as he was met with a glass bowl full of fresh, plump strawberries. 
Tony gave him a shy, sweet little smile, at odds with the resigned look he’d been wearing before. “Jarvis, our butler?” He made a face, like he knew how that sounded, and then waved it off. “He snuck them in for me. He knows they’re my favourite.” He shook the jar a little, looking hopeful. It felt like a lot more than a strawberry, Tony so easily sharing the one small bit of joy in what seemed to have been an absolutely shitty day, and Jim didn’t know what he’d been expecting from the Stark heir, but it sure wasn’t this. He took one, popping it in his mouth and Tony beamed at him, looking absolutely delighted that his little gift had been accepted. Jim felt himself getting pulled into the force of that smile. He was pretty sure Tony Stark was going to be the end of him, and he was pretty sure he was going to love every minute of the ride. 
“Listen,” he said quickly, taking a seat beside Tony. “My family’s gonna be here any second, and I feel like I should apologize in advance, because they can kind of be a lot. They mean well, I promise.” 
Tony offered up another shy little smile. “You don’t have to apologize for that,” he told him, a wistful note in his voice. “It sounds… Nice.” 
“Yeah, it kind of is,” Jim admitted. “But you’ll find out soon enough. My momma kinda tends to adopt people, and she’s gonna be ready to trade me for you in about five seconds.” 
Tony gave a little giggle at that, ducking his head, and Jim had to resist the sudden urge to coo because good lord, he was adorable. He felt another surge of anger toward his terrible family; someone thi sweet didn’t deserve that kind of bullshit.
“Anyway, they’re planning to drive back to Philly tonight, and my dad’s already getting antsy about how behind schedule they are, so they probably won’t stay too long once they get me settled. You wanna grab some dinner after they’re gone? Maybe wander around and try to figure out this campus?” 
“Really?” Tony looked heartbreakingly startled. “You want to have dinner with me?” 
Jim nudged against his shoulder. “You seeing a whole lotta other roommates in this room that I’d be grabbing dinner with?” 
Tony snorted, but there was a flush spreading across the tops of his cheeks, a goofy little grin twitching at his lips. “Yeah,” he said softly, half to the bedspread, half glancing shyly up at Jim. “I’d like that a lot. That sounds like a great way to end the day.” 
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heistmaster69 · 4 years
pariet lilium (5)
 pariet lilium chapter five by @heistmaster69
warnings: a little self deprecation, blaise and theo making fools of themselves, otherwise none.
A/N: we are now in GOBLET OF FIRE1!!!11!!1!!!11! I have been waiting to get here, i wanted to start my story here but i thought i’d give some background before we get JUICY. enjoy loves!
a very nice and good and lovely 1.8k words
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four
Tumblr media
gif by @basicamenteno​
It was the same thing, every time. The same nightmare Frankie always had, ever since the second to last week of her second year. A third year boy, tall, with kind blue eyes, floppy brown hair and a smile that could give you butterflies. His name was Spencer, but everyone called him Spence. He was a Gryffindor, with strong shoulders and stronger bravery, playing as a Chaser on the team. Frankie met him in the Library, the sunset was shining through the windows-he looked like he was glowing.
“What are you reading?” Frankie looked up and her stomach fluttered. 
“I-uh,” She laughed. “Um, it’s a book on the spiritual plane.” 
“Advanced stuff for a second year.” He nodded towards the chair across from Frankie. “Can I sit here? The rest are full.”
“Hey!” She scoffed “I’m the same age as you, I just started late. My parents didn’t want me to be the youngest in the class, or something.” 
“August birthday, huh? Still, spiritual stuff is fifth or sixth year-you’re an overachiever.” He smiled, sliding her copy of Magic and Spirits: A Guide across the table, looking into the page Frankie was reading.
“I’m Spencer.”
“Is it weird to say I know?” They shared a chuckle, before she added; “I’ve seen you play Quidditch, of course. I’m Frankie.”
“Is it weird to say I know too? You’ve thrown one too many bludgers at my face,” He slid the book back to her. “You’re good.” Spencer winked. 
But after that, his smile gets distorted, twisted, sickeningly into a wicked grin. The butterflies, the fluttering, changes instantaneously into nausea. Heat rolls over Frankie, and she feels like she’s choking, not in the good way, either. 
“Spence?” Her eyes were glossed over, sore.
“What is it, doll?” He leaned against the stone of the Hogwarts corridor.
“Spencer, are you messing with me?” Frankie couldn’t meet his eyes. “I heard you. I heard you talking to Cedric.”
“He’s my best friend, I talk to him every day.”
“Did you ask me to Hogsmeade on a dare?”
“Don’t lie to me, Spencer, please, I heard you.”
“I’m sorry Reed, they told me to.” He didn’t even care, his eyes were cold, barely the smallest glint of remorse.
“I trusted you. I hope the galleon is worth it.”
August 31, 1994. 15 years ago today, Francesca Josephine Reed was brought into the world at St. Mungo’s hospital by her mother and her father. Since that day, the two ‘parents’ have been waiting to ship their only daughter to a wealthy, pureblooded heir to a notable family name and fortune. They cursed Francesca for being a girl and spent every waking hour ignoring her existence, wishing she would be 18 already so they could try for a son, free of any distractions. But of course, no one could know of their contempt for their daughter, so, yearly on the last day of August, the day before students return to Hogwarts, her parents throw Frankie a ‘party’, which is just an excuse to show everyone how well they raised their kid. Only, they didn’t raise Frankie. Kendra did. 
Kendra, her tutor. Kendra, the kind woman with sad chestnut eyes that sparkled in the sun. Kendra, the one who taught Frankie everything she knew. Kendra, the one who acted like her mother when her birth mom pretended she didn’t exist. And Kendra is gone. Died in her sleep from Dragon Pox. The only family Frankie had, gone in her sleep, like she never existed. Her mother had insisted that Francesca was; “Better off without the blood traitor.” And Frankie had to bite her tongue, tasting metal and seeing red, while those who were supposed to love her most showed that they, truly, didn’t know her at all. 
This ‘party’ was more like a stuffy ball for uptight pricks with wallets bigger than their brains. A ‘show and tell’, per say, for those who had surnames worth showing. Her parents got a chance to play dress up with their favorite doll, spewing distasteful comments about everything they didn’t find up to par.
“This should be flattering, I guess,” She started, laying out an emerald green gown with long, translucent bell sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was gorgeous, but due to the way her mother had worded it, Frankie didn’t want to wear it. Yet, if Frankie refused, her mother would make her life hell. “Do you want to wear it?” As if I have a choice. If I say no, yikes.
“Yeah! Thanks.” Frankie ran her fingers over the soft fabric. A silk bodice with a flowing, sheer, skirt. She would look like a princess. “I’ll see you downstairs?” 
Her mother was already out the door.
The clinking of champagne glasses and the sounds of hushed conversations echoed into Frankie’s room. She laid on the bed, hands intertwined, unwilling to go greet the guests downstairs.
“I feel like I’m watching a muggle movie. A princess sprawled across her bed just to look cool.” Frankie sat up, seeing Cher and her smiling dark eyes, wearing a golden satin gown, contoured to her body. “You look amazing. The only thing missing is your tiara.” She cocked her head and outstretched her arms. “I missed you, Frankster.” 
“Cher, you whore, I missed you!” Frankie slid off the four poster bed and tripped into her friend’s arms. “You sexy beast, you get more gorgeous every time I see you-that includes when I blink.”
“Well I could say the same to you.  The curves on you are unreal.” Cher poked Frankie’s hip. “But you know why I’m here. It’s because you’re not down there.” 
“I know, I know. The longer I wait the more annoyed she gets. Every year.” 
“Let’s go, Frankie. Happy Birthday!” Cher held out her arm and linked it through Frankie’s. 
The estate had an exterior of brick, with white trims and pillars making it swallow the appearance of anyone approaching it. A tall fence encased in forest green hedges, locking the Reeds away, keeping them ‘safe’ from everyone and everything else. The interior was cold. Always cold. The long hallways and staircases were so dark. Wooden floors would creak below her footsteps and she was lonely. Always alone in the cold, dark house that felt too big and too small all the time. 
But tonight? Tonight she wasn’t alone. The first day all summer that she saw her best friends. She felt the fog leave her head as she saw them one by one. Cher, next to her, Daphne at the bottom of the staircase, standing next to Pansy. Theo and Blaise talking to a pair of French girls in silver dresses, and Draco.
Oh, Draco. How could he get more attractive? Frankie had hoped the lack of contact over the summer would etch away her feelings, but they remained, ever as persistent. 
His eyes lit up when he saw her, but they shifted quickly away from Frankie. Cher. She had to make sure her smile didn’t falter, so as to keep the perfect daughter facade from slipping. 
“Happy B-Day, Frankster!” Pansy crushed Frankie in a hug as soon as they reached the ground. “We missed you, as usual.”
“I missed her more!” Daphne wrapped her arms around her in a more gentle way, giving her a tight hug that felt like home. “Theo and Blaise better pull themselves away from those girls soon, I give them fifteen seconds before they find out they’re dating.”
“I want some love. Where can I get something like that?” Cher whined.
Daphne placed a hand on her shoulder. “Baby don’t worry about it, you’ll get that.” 
“Yeah, but at least in Wizarding France people can marry who they want. If only Bartemius Crouch Senior wasn’t a bigoted prick-”
“He’s on his way out anyway. His denial of You-Know-Who is going to give him the boot. We can just hope whoever comes in next will support us. If not, living in France it is.” The girls shared a sigh, looking over their shoulders to catch the end of Theo and Blaise’s conversation with the ladies, it appeared to have ended with an awkward handshake and a brisk walk away. Draco was caught up in a boring discussion with Torquil Travers and and a Carrow. Seemed to be very dull, as he kept sending glances towards the group of teens near the stairs. He was swirling a glass full of something dark, family ring adorning his hand. 
“I feel really bad, you guys.” Theo said, rubbing the back of his neck. “We were talking to them for like, ten minutes, I bet they think we’re creeps.”
“No, Theodore, the way that conversation was going, they probably thought we were dating.” Blaise wrapped an arm around Theo’s shoulder. “I don’t blame them. Sometimes I wish I could be in love with this sexy beast.” 
Theo patted Blaise’s arm. “I feel the same way.” 
“With that, my loves, I must go forth and mingle, or face the silent wrath of my mother. Happy birthday to me!” Frankie hugged Blaise and Theo, then moved throughout the room, having boring conversations about politics, how school is going, what profession she should choose, or just small talk to pass the time. She had an alright time, sipping chilled butterbeer and having quick, fun conversations with her friends in between long, drawn out ones with tired purebloods. Draco didn’t have the time to talk to Frankie.
After the party it was quiet. Quickly hugging her friends and returning to her room to check her trunks for her return to school. Frankie knew she didn’t foget anything, but she couldn’t seem to calm her mind enough to be tired. She also couldn’t unzip this dress to save her life, so she came to terms with the fact that Frankie would be sleeping in this elegant ballgown tonight. 
Her room was her safe place, smelling like lemon and vanilla, with candles on her desk giving it a calm, orange glow. Plush pillows on a four-poster bed, silk sheets and a velvet throw. It was luxurious. Too luxurious. She sometimes felt like an impostor in her own home, undeserving of the riches her family name allowed her. Sitting on the edge, Frankie pulled her journal out from her pillowcase. She outstretched her arm and opened her hand, palm towards the ceiling.
“Pariet lilium.” It came out as a whisper, but immediately, deep red rose petals materialized from her palm, unfurling into a beautiful bud, then into a flower. Frankie could feel the satiny touch of the petals on her skin and watched as the stem emerged from the bottom of the flower. It was beautiful. 
Frankie lifted the rose to her nose, inhaling the floral scent and beginning to relax from the long day.
She was just about to lie down when there was a knock on her bedroom door.
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lalainajanes · 5 years
As One Wishes To Live (AKA Genie!Klaus). Read Part One here!
His new mistress – Caroline - had excused herself. Klaus hasn’t yet relaxed.
It’s a survival instinct.
Only two of his keepers had been awful from their first meeting. The rest feigned kindness only to grow into their cruelty once they realized just how much power they wield.
He expects Caroline will be the same. Oh, she seems sweet. Earnest. Stubborn too, enough to hold on to her principles for awhile. She’ll bend, like they all do. First, it’ll be little things, simple requests to save her time and effort. A “Klaus, could you mend this?’ followed by a please and a thank you.  
The requests never stay simple.
He’ll look for what weaknesses while he still has the freedom to.
He cannot hurt the one he belongs to, but he’s learned that rule is bendable. He can manipulate an owner into hurting themselves. He can do it with words, a hint here, an innocent observation there. Occasionally, the universe provides a lovely set of coincidences that Klaus merely can neatly steer a captor into. He’d once orchestrated a nasty carriage accident by keeping a whiskey glass full and producing a few coins to entice a barmaid into distracting a stable boy. Poor lad had rushed through his tasks, hadn’t noticed the wheel in desperate need of repair.
He’ll explore Caroline’s home over the next few days. Just in case. As long as he’s been locked in his lamp, all the objects he can’t name. It’s only logical that he be curious.
Caroline’s fairly young and obviously baffled by his presence in her home. She doesn’t seem stupid, which is a pity. The unintelligent are more demanding than the cunning but easier to manipulate.  She’d been flustered as she’d departed, her cheeks stained a bright pink. She’d promised she’d be right back, after she found him some clothes.
Klaus could have told her that if she wanted him clothed, he could conjure whatever she fancied. He’d served those who liked him to remain bare and accessible but most liked to dress him up. Some in clothing that marked him as a servant, others in finery that made him look like a prize. Klaus has long since stopped caring about what does, or doesn’t, cover his body.
He’d let her babble and flee. He’d wanted privacy to study his new home and he’d sensed Caroline had needed to collect herself. He could have denied her that, pressed his advantage, perhaps dropped the covering she’d insisted he don.
She’d fought it, kept her eyes on his, but she clearly finds his body appealing.  
He may have to use that but, for now, she hasn’t truly earned his ire.
Once she’d left Klaus had held still and listened carefully as she’d made her way up a single set of stairs. She’s rummaging now, still talking to herself. Exceptional senses are one of the perks of his curse. To cater to a master’s every whim he needs to hear calls when they are mere whispers.
Caroline’s home seems quite small and Klaus imagines he’ll be able to track Caroline’s movements easily. It’s nice enough, very clean and warm. There are an alarming number of objects that Klaus has never seen before, odd hums and beeps that he’s trying to ignore.
Much has changed in the ninety or so years he’d been dormant.
The chair she’d bid him to sit in had been plush and the fabric hadn’t scratched at his skin at all. A relief because he’s always more sensitive when he’s been stuck in his lamp, his skin feels thin and new each time he emerges.
Klaus eyes the window, squinting against the sun that’s streaming in. His head aches a bit. He takes a few steps, glancing behind him even as he reaches for the curtain.
Caroline had wanted him to be comfortable, hadn’t she? Shutting out the light will help.
If she complains, well, that will be a clue that perhaps she’s not as generous as she’s seemed.
Caroline’s got a stack of various pieces of men’s clothing – things stolen from exes or friends, even a random leather jacket that a disaster of a one-night stand had left behind. She knows exactly where the pile is, but she spends a solid ten minutes pushing things around in her closet, tidying and refolding to keep her hands busy while her mind whirls.
It’s useless because she’s not going to solve the issue of the genie she now apparently owns with a little stress cleaning.
It makes her feel better. Calmer.
Sort of.
When her hands have stopped shaking (and she’s done enough deep breathing that her face should be a normal color) she crouches and yanks out the plastic tote she needs. It’s been awhile since she’s had to add anything to it. Her extended period of singledom is the main reason Kat had so thoughtfully gifted Caroline the lamp (and Klaus, technically) but she’s reasonably sure she’ll find something that will fit her guest.
Whether he’ll like the clothes she’ll provide Caroline can’t guess. He’s been impressively inscrutable so far, not that Caroline can blame him.
It sounds like he’s known a lot of terrible people. The kind that won’t hesitate to pounce on a weakness and use it for their own gain.
She figures comfort is the way to go, digs a pair of grey sweats that had been Tyler’s from the very bottom of the tote. Klaus might be a bit taller but he’s leaner so hopefully that will make up the difference.   She grabs one of Stefan’s t-shirts that she hadn’t bothered to return (since he had about eight million, all identical and black) plus a blue hoodie Enzo has given up asking her to return.
She throws it all over her shoulder then snags a pair of the socks she uses for working out from her dresser. She makes a quick detour to the kitchen to grab her laptop and her phone off the charger before she returns to find Klaus where she’d left him. He’s pulled the curtains and he’s wandered over to the wall of shelves where she keeps her books and DVDs. He’s looking at one of the framed photographs that she’s got up, an old one.
“That’s the last family photo we took,” Caroline tells him. “I really hated that dress.” Black velvet, enormous lace collar. It had been a gift from Granny Forbes and Caroline had worn it exactly twice.
Klaus gently sets the frame back down turning to face her. His expression is just as smooth as it had been when he’d first greeted her, giving away nothing of his feelings. His eyes are on her though, not the floor. He’s sizing her up and Caroline can’t say she blames him.
She smiles, hopes he can’t tell that ten minutes away wasn’t nearly enough time for Caroline to stop freaking out internally.
None of the giant pile of what the fuckery they’re currently dealing with is Klaus’ fault. She doesn’t want him to feel like he’s unwelcome. It’s just good manners.
She sets her laptop down then holds out the clothing, “I dug these up for you. I know they’re not ideal but once your dressed we’ll look online and get you something a little more your style.”
“My style,” he repeats slowly.
“Yeah. I mean, if you’re a label snob like my friend Kat you’re going to need to embrace knock offs because my credit card can only take so much.”
He appears a bit mystified and Caroline wants to slap herself. “Oh, wait, sorry. How long have you been in…” she waves her hand towards the coffee table, his gold lamp. It’s entirely possible Klaus doesn’t know about the internet. Or even credit cards. Caroline has no idea when they became a thing.
His eyes follow her gesture and he takes a step back, so he’s nearly pressed against the bookcase.
She looks away, pretends not to notice. She studies the lamp, realizing that she’s only managed to polish a quarter sized spot on one side. That’s totally going to bother her.
Klaus doesn’t answer right away, doesn’t move much either. Caroline’s about to remind him that he doesn’t have to when he reaches for the bundle she holds. He pinches the fabric between his fingertips, tugging experimentally. “I can’t tell you exactly. It was… 1926, maybe. When my last mistress died. She called for me infrequently in the end. Her daughter thought to own me next. She was not happy to learn I cannot be inherited.”
“Is that the one who made her final wish on her death bed?”
She’s really trying not to pry – he hasn’t had the chance to set his own boundaries for a freaking millennium so obviously she needs to reel in her curiosity – but it’s hard. What had the woman wished for? Could she have wished to not die? Can Klaus make people immortal? Would…
“Revenge,” Klaus murmurs, interrupting Caroline’s train of thought. “She had three daughters and her husband divorced her to get his male heir. He lied to get it, painted her as the adulterer then left her with barely enough money to live on. She wished that he would live to know his name would die with his son.”
That’s… wow.” Caroline’s a little impressed with the spite level. “Was she… good to you?”
“Better than most.”
With the switch back to vague answers, Caroline decides it’s best to change the subject. “Well, there’s going to be a lot of things we need to get you up to speed on. We’ll start with the practical.” She sits down, taps the top of her laptop. “This is a computer; it connects to the internet. The internet does a lot of things, some of them great, some of them super creepy. But it will allow us to get you a 21st century wardrobe delivered before the weekend.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
She shakes her head, tucking her legs underneath her as she boots up her laptop. “Look, I’m not going to make you go anywhere you don’t want to but I’m pretty sure eventually you’re going to get bored enough to want to go outside. And if you do it like that…” she wiggles her fingers in his direction, carefully not looking directly at the subtle ridge of muscle at his hips, “…questions will be asked. Cops might be called. We can’t rixk that until we’ve got a solid backstory and some supporting documents.”
She types “Casual Men’s Clothes” into google, figuring she’ll let him browse the images to see what he likes. Klaus clears his throat but it’s a theatrical kind of noise, an ‘ahem’ sound that’s never an accident.
Caroline holds in a sigh and looks up, mentally preparing herself to ignore all the distractingly bare skin, only to have her mouth drop open for an entirely different reason. Klaus is holding the clothes she’d given him but, on his body, he’s wearing something very similar. He’s switched up the colors – black sweats, dark red tee, grey hoodie – and everything fits like it was made for him.
Well. That’s handy.
“Oh,” she says dumbly. “You…”
“Am perfectly capable of clothing myself without assistance, yes.”
He’s smug about it and Caroline should find it annoying but, as it’s the first real hint of personality he’s shown, she’ll let it slide. “You weren’t kidding about the magic, huh?”
He grins, clearly pleased with himself. “Are you a believer now, love?”
The dimples are just as distracting as the hipbones, damn it.
Caroline focuses back on her laptop, tapping a few keys for no real reason. It’s not like he’ll know she’s typing nonsense. “I don’t think I have much of a choice.”
Klaus hums in acknowledgement, “Is this what men wear nowadays? I’ll admit it’s very comfortable.”
When she glances up she finds he’s adjusting the sleeves of the hoodie, pushing them up his forearms. “It’s a super casual example but yeah, you won’t get arrested if you walk outside like that. You’d get some looks if you tried to walk into a nice restaurant though.”
“I see. Can you show me?” he points at her laptop. “For when we venture out.”
“Sure. Internet window shopping is one of my very favorite things. Come sit.”
Caroline tips her head to the side and this time Klaus doesn’t need to be prompted further, settling down next to her. He jumps a little when she sets her computer on his lap and Caroline figures he hadn’t anticipated it would be warm. She points to the screen, “What do you like?”
He blinks at the twenty or so images for a long moment. He then leans closer. Caroline reaches over runs her finger over the trackpad. “Here, see that little white hand? If you want to see something close up just tap. Like this.”
He’s a quick study, his fingertip bumping into hers as he tries it for himself. She shows him how to scroll down and he mutters about how many choices there are. He glances at her every once in awhile, but Caroline makes it a point not to react.
Even if she had been paying for the clothes she wouldn’t have wanted to pick for him. Earlier, one oh his comments had made her feel a little sick to her stomach. His body, he’d said, so casually, was at her disposal. Caroline’s not naïve enough to think that had only meant he’d been treated like a life size Ken doll but she’s certain he’d been dressed up according to the whims of others for the bulk of his existence.
That’s over, Caroline’s decided. If he wants to wear cargo shorts and lumberjack flannel for the rest of his life that’s totally his call.
She touches his arm to get his attention. Klaus tenses, his body locking up so tightly that she can feel in even though a few inches of space separate them. She withdraws gingerly, easing over to give him more space.
She’s kind of a toucher. She’ll have to remember to curb the instinct with Klaus.
“I’ll just be in the kitchen, okay? I’ll order dinner.” And send a couple texts, plus an email to her boss. She’s so going to need a couple days to get acclimated but Klaus doesn’t need to know the details. “Come get me if you need anything.”
It’s a useless offer because Klaus won’t ask for a single thing. He doesn’t trust her even a little bit.
Convincing him that he can won’t be easy. Good thing Caroline’s always liked a challenge.
Klaus had risen as soon as he’d heard Caroline stir. He hadn’t rested well.
The bed Caroline had offered him is very comfortable. Too comfortable.
He’d tossed and turned, tried both sides. He’d quickly given up on sleeping, had risen once he’d heard Caroline’s breathing deepen enough to indicate that she wouldn’t wake easily. He’s slipped out of the room and downstairs, paced the rooms and the halls, going over all that he’s learned to far.
Last night Caroline had chattered away while she’d changed the sheets for him, told him that her mother was the one who most often stayed in the room but that it always took a great deal of cajoling for Caroline to convince her to visit. She’d grabbed him a toothbrush and towels. Had pointed out that red on the taps meant hot water and then asked if he had any questions about the shower. He’d just managed to avoid rolling his eyes because he has seen one before. Caroline had sensed his annoyance and cheerfully confessed that she’d done a quick bout of research on the history of indoor plumbing while they’d sat together after dinner but that she’d just wanted to make sure. She’d said that a hot shower always made her feel better after a rough day.
Klaus had thought about that statement once she’d left him alone. He wouldn’t have classified his day as rough, exactly. Bewildering perhaps, but the first day with a new master always is. He’s yet to sense any sort of sinister intent under Caroline’s solicitousness so either she’s a fantastically skilled actress or she’s genuine in her disgust for the curse he lives with.
The shower had been fantastic though.
He’s waiting in the kitchen when Caroline wanders in. Her hair’s half up and half down and she’s wrapped in a pink robe that’s far too large for her. She’s rather lovely, sleep mussed and stumbling. She gives him a little wave, “Morning. I need coffee.”
She yelps when the cup appears in her hand, drops it immediately. The glass shatters against the tile floor, hot coffee splattering her bare legs.
“Ow, ow, hot!”
Klaus is at her side in a blink, stilling her when she makes to step back. “You’ll cut yourself,” he scolds and then concentrates, clearing the mess away just as quickly as he’d created it.
Her eyes are wide, fully awake now as she pulls away. Klaus bends so he can sweep his hands over the reddened skin on her shins and ankles, taking away the mild burn. “What the hell was that?” she exclaims, her arms flapping wildly.
“You needed coffee.” He’s not going to explain the rest. Caroline’s sharp enough to make the necessary connections.
Her fingers twist the ends of the belt that wraps around her waist. Her outrage quiets slightly, “And if I need something you have to get it for me?”
Klaus conjures another cup, this time a sturdier vessel. He offers it instead of answering. Caroline glares, refusing to take it. “It’s just an expression! I don’t need coffee I just want it. And I am perfectly capable of making my own.”
He’s not about to confess that his curse means he must fulfill her wants too. Caroline had claimed decent people existed but no one – mortal or immortal - is immune to temptation. To know that every whim can be satisfied? Awfully enticing.
She spins away from him, stomping across the kitchen. She yanks a slim canister out of a cupboard, tucking it under her arm when she looks over at him, “Just so we’re clear, if I say ‘I need’ followed by a thing you’ll just poof it into my hands?”
Klaus nods in confirmation. He has no desire to explain that if he doesn’t provide for her he’ll feel a small twinge. That the twinge will grow into aches and stabs and bone grinding, suffocating pressure. That it will build and build and build until he gives in. Or until he collapses and then gives in.
It’s been a long time since he’s fought a master’s will but he’d done it often in the beginning, before he’d realized that open rebellion is pointless. The pain isn’t something he’ll ever forget.
Caroline’s got her back to him, her hands busy, and she’s quiet. Contemplative, he’ll say, because her eyes keep flitting his way. “I think we’re going to need to set some ground rules.”
Ah. Finally, something familiar.
How disappointing.
He doesn’t move, is sure his expression remains carefully pleasant. Caroline, somehow, manages to sense the downturn in his mood. She sighs, shoving the cup he’d made across the table towards him as she sits down. “Not like that,” she insists. “We’re not even going to call them rules. We need to agree on a few things.”
Klaus stays silent, wary. The worst people often had a gift for spinning pretty words to cover their worst actions.
“You do have a say, here. I wished that, remember?”
She’s wished for his honesty, his true thoughts and feelings. Klaus isn’t yet sure if she deserves them.
Drink…” her teeth come together with a snap and she shakes her head. “Sorry, I think I almost did it again. If you happen to like coffee, please feel free to drink the one you made.” Her brow wrinkles in concentration, her mouth moving and forming the same words she’d just spoken. She nods briskly, satisfied. “Was that okay? Didn’t trigger any bad genie mojo?”
He can risk a taste of honesty. To test her.
Klaus grasps the mug, lifts it to his lips. He sniffs experimentally, “I don’t remember if I like it or not.” He’d drunk it often centuries ago. He’d lived in Hamburg with a scientist who feared failure more than he desired rest. Klaus had spent hours upon hours transcribing notes, drinking coffee when prompted because his master, like most scientific types of the time, had thought magic preposterous. He hadn’t understood that Klaus didn’t need to fight sleep with stimulants.
She watches him, a pleased smile curling her lips. “Good?” she asks, as if she’s genuinely interested.
“I think so,” Klaus replies. He tries another mouthful.
It tastes better than he remembers but perhaps that’s because each sip is a choice.
Caroline panics when she hears keys in the door. She's been taking advantage of the pile of banked sick days she has, to deal with the whole genie situation. She'd sent her boss an email with a sob story about a killer bout of stomach flu. She's never done it before, feels a little bad about lying, but her excuse hasn’t been questioned.
One of the perks of being a kickass employee.
The truth would have gotten her locked up on a twenty-four-hour psych hold, and Caroline does not want to deal with that. Even if Klaus could probably break her out with his freaky magic stuff.
She’s sprawled out on the floor, catching up on her YouTube subscriptions. Klaus is on the couch – so far he’s yet to let his posture be less than flawless in her presence – reading a book. He’s not a fan of the television but he’s yet to object to having music on.
She shoves herself up onto her knees when she hears the door open, her eyes sweeping the room for anything that might invite questions. There’s nothing, thank god.
"Care?" Bonnie calls, "are you okay? I brought crackers and Gatorade!"
Ugh. She hadn't counted on her friends, and their keys to her place, screwing with her plans.
"Hide!" she hisses at Klaus. His eyes widen, face going blank. He nods once, harsh and jerky, before he immediately does his wispy smoky thing, dissipating before her eyes (and seriously, that’s never not going to be weird) leaving his lamp rattling.
She feels a stab of guilt, because she'd meant for him to go upstairs, having picked up on the revulsion and wariness he seemed to feel for the little metal vessel that had been his home and prison. It still sits on her coffee table; he makes a point not to touch it.  She'd been asking questions for the last few days, carefully teasing out his story.
Sometimes Klaus grows cold, his answers becoming monosyllabic. He's never refused to answer her inquiries, but she’s quick to change the subject when his words become slow and reluctant. She’s told him he doesn’t have to do anything; she suspects he doesn’t believe her. That he’s waiting for her to flip and start making demands.
Once she’d worked out that he was forced to follow her orders she’d asked what happened if he didn’t. He'd gone stiff when he'd imparted that knowledge, the words clipped as he refused to meet her eyes. She imagines he's tested the limits of the magic that traps him thoroughly, as stubborn and prideful as he seems to be. That whatever the punishment doled out is unbearable if he dreads it so deeply.
She’s vowed he’ll never hurt that way again but pain isn’t always physical.
She’ll have an apology to make.
Thinking quickly Caroline ruffles her hair, wraps herself in her afghan and slumps down on the couch. She tries to look miserable and queasy, planning on getting Bonnie to leave as soon as possible.
She's under no illusions that her friends won't have to meet Klaus eventually. She's just planning on easing them into it. Maybe mention that she's looking for a roommate, interview a couple candidates for show.
It'll give her time to make up a reasonable background story. Plus, Caroline needs a little more time for Klaus to get acclimated to the world, so he won't make her friends suspicious. So far things from the twenty-first century are hit and miss. He'd turned his nose up at the coffee she made, has continued to conjure his own. Caroline has to admit his is way better then what he machine drips out. Klaus does seem to like the internet. After he’d thoroughly investigated men’s clothing she’d taught him how to google things and he seems to enjoy that he can find information for himself instead of having to pester her when he there’s something he doesn’t understand.
She's going to need to prepare Klaus for Kat. She’s sure he can hold his own, has seen steel nerves and an implacable will under the deference he’s trained himself to exude, but she can't help feeling protective. Caroline has seen Kat cheerfully crush weak men under her stilettos, with merely biting words and a toss of her hair, not exerting the slightest effort. Kat will actually try if she thinks she's vetting a potential roommate of Caroline's.
The least she can do is spare Klaus the worst of that. Since she'd unwittingly made herself his mistress.
Yep, that’s still creepy. And a tiny bit hot in a way that makes Caroline want to fidget in shame.
She makes a show of struggling to sit up as Bonnie approaches, really makes it seem like it’s an effort to lift her head.
Apparently she’s pretty good at the fake sick thing, something that might have been useful back in high school. Bonnie doesn’t stay long, insists Caroline rest as she goes. Part of that might be how distracted she is, her mind too focused on Klaus. She's not even sure how she can get him out of the lamp, knows she’ll have to coax and grovel, that she can’t demand.
She'd read the little flash of betrayal in his eyes clearly, even though he'd masked it expertly. She doesn't want to see it again.
Klaus has no form inside his lamp.
Caroline had shown him a few episodes of a silly television show. He’d found it offensive, had glowered through parts of it – did humans really think such incompetence would be allowed? Klaus is quite sure the magic that punished him for disobedience would have torn the tiny blonde woman apart for her antics. Afterwards he’d admitted that he could understand Caroline’s initial reactions to his presence. He wonders if she thinks his lamp is like the television genie’s, bright and comfortable and strewn with cushions.
In truth, there’s nothing inside. He’s nothing inside. He’s only thoughts and emotions. His senses leave him, except for his hearing, and it’s dark. The longer he spends inside the harder it is to keep from drifting. Only the call of his owner can pull him back.
Inside, he’s not aware of time passing. He’s completely subject to another’s whims and he hates it.
He can hear Caroline, one of her friends outside. He listens eagerly, clings to the knowledge that if they’re talking he’s losing only minutes, not years.
The friend seems concerned. He learns that Caroline’s been faking an illness. Had she not trusted him enough to leave him to his own devices in her home?
Had she not known that she could banish him, as she’d just done?
Caroline whispers his name. He can’t tune her out.
If he’s honest he doesn’t want to. He’d preferred his cruelest master to the nothingness of his lamp and even if Caroline’s a liar he doubts she’ll take that title.
“I don’t know if you can hear me.”
She must touch the lamp because he gets a brief impression of warmth.
Too brief.
“I’m sorry.”
No one’s thought him worthy of an apology since he’d been human. Even then they’d been rare.
He listens to her breathing, quick and anxious. “I didn’t mean to make you go away. I’ve been trying so hard to choose my words carefully. And trust me, I suck at that. I just panicked.”
He thinks of how she’d looked in the moment she’d told him to hide. Her eyes had been round, her body tense. Usually graceful she’s moved in fits and starts.
Perhaps she’s not a liar.
“I haven’t told my friends about you because… well, they’d think I’d gone nuts. Elena would tell her mom and her mom would call my mom and the whole town would be whispering about me within the week. People from high school I don’t even like would start sending me faux concerned messages on Facebook hoping for more dirt.”
She pauses.
Klaus hopes she hasn’t gone.
Only because he hates the lamp, of course. The lack of awareness, the inability to exert even the smallest bit of his will. Having to depend on another to tether him. Never knowing when, even if, they’d release him.
“I meant hide literally. Like, hide upstairs in your room or even in the laundry room. Just out of sight. Not out of the house. Well, I guess you’re still in the house. Which I’m really glad about, by the way. Even though I know you’re pissed at me. Which is totally okay.”
He hears her groan and then her next words are muffled. “God, I sound like a moron.”
“I get it if you don’t want to talk to me. And if you come out you don’t have to talk to me. I can go out for awhile if you really want some you time. And you don’t have to come out. But, if you want to… Well, I’d appreciate it.”
Klaus concentrates, presses against the boundaries of the lamp. Leaving always burns a little but the relief of having a physical body again is greater than the discomfort. He rolls his shoulders once he’s upright and solid, waiting for Caroline to notice him. She’s got her eyes closed, her head in her hands.
His fingers twitch.
He cannot remember the last time he’d felt the desire to touch another person but Caroline tempts him.
Klaus reaches out, looping one of her blonde curls around his index finger. She gasps when he tugs, her hand grabbing at his. She’s quick to stutter an apology, to pull away.
This time Klaus chooses not to let her. He wraps her hand around her wrist, tugs until she stands. “Thank you,” he says. “For apologizing.”
Her throat moves, a nervous swallow that he easily hears. She seems to be having trouble looking at him, her blue eyes flitting away, landing on the lamp. “What if… can you destroy it?”
Oh, how he’s tried. Klaus shakes his head, “No, I can’t. It’s immune to my powers.”
Caroline’s eyes narrow, her head tipping to the side, “What if I wish for it?”
Klaus can only laugh, too startled to bother hiding his derision. “You’d waste another wish?”
He can’t see how she could possibly want to.
“Would getting rid of it hurt you?”
Not weaken him or take away his power. She’s worried about him hurting.
“Caroline. I think you fundamentally misunderstand the concept of wishes.”
She glares at him, “I’m going to ignore the fact that you kind of just called me stupid.”
“I didn’t phrase it quite that way.”
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re kind of annoying?”
It’s not a condemnation. She might even be teasing him.
“Not for a very long time.” His siblings had once expressed such sentiments. Rebekah sually in a pitched shriek of outrage, Kol with a shove that generally led to a scuffle.
“That’s a no, then? Destroying the lamp won’t hurt you?”
“Not if you wish it.”
“Good.” Caroline steps away, shaking off the light hold he’s maintained on her wrist. Klaus finds that he’s not overly fond of the distance between them now.
She’s still in a bit of a temper, carefully straightening her clothing and enunciates carefully, “I wish for this lamp,” she pauses then, reaching out to pick it up, cradling it in both hands, “to be destroyed, for it to never be remade or repaired, and for it’s whatever magic it holds to die.”
“Thorough,” Klaus murmurs. He hadn’t been wrong; his Caroline is clever.
She bends her knees, dipping into a brief curtsey, “I’ve been researching.”
“Are you sure this is your wish? Once made…”
“A wish cannot be unmade. Blah blah blah. Just freaking do it.”
He takes it from her, the first time he’s willingly touched it. He grips it tightly, until it burns his hands. It fights him, he shakes, but a master’s will cannot be subverted.
He’s panting when he’s done but the lamp is gone.
He’ll never lose himself inside it again.
He laughs again, this time with genuine joy.
Caroline fusses over him, drags him into the kitchen and turns on the cold water. She holds her hands under the stream.
He doesn’t tell her it’s useless, that he’ll heal well enough on his own.
He remembers wanting things once. A toy sword, bread his mother had just baked. Pigments from a travelling merchant. The heart of a girl who couldn’t decide if who deserved her love most.
Klaus had thought he’d forgotten how to want.
He hasn’t.
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harry-leroy · 5 years
So @ticketybooser left some wonderful comments on my last George Warleggan fic that I posted (thank you for those! ❤️) - and so I got some ideas for continuing it. This doesn’t end in any particular spot, and it’s probably something I’m just going to keep adding onto as I feel like it. Leaving under the cut for length + angst. Also going to tag @forcebros because our boys!
From the door, another figure came into frame. Tall, imposing, he turned the lock and swung open the door. His eyes locked with Dwight’s. Impulsively, Dwight let go of George’s arm. It was Penrose.
“Ah, Dr. Enys,” he began, relieving the other doctor by means of a slight nod. “Word was going around that we might be expecting you here today. Come to call me other names? Or does ‘brute’ settle it for you?”
George stepped back, his shoulders tensing. Dwight had to steel his courage, which wavered in Penrose’s presence.
“I’ve come to take him home,” Dwight swallowed, remembering that his position was the right.
Penrose chuckled a little.
“Take him home?” He shifted on his feet, almost as if marking it as a jest. “Who said you would be allowed to do that?”
“He shouldn’t be here-“ Dwight began.
“As far as our procedures are concerned,” Penrose’s eyes narrowed on Dwight, as if sizing him up. “George will not be allowed to leave until he has received a clearance that his madness has been cured. You’ve been made aware, Dr. Enys, that he is one of the most stubborn patients we have yet come across,”
“So-“ Dwight attempted to interject.
“So the prospect isn’t likely,” Penrose almost sneered.
“So you are aware,” Dwight finished what he had to say, voice calm. “My claim to take him home is not under the basis that his condition has improved. In fact, I think it has become far worse since his arrival,”
“Worse?” Penrose gritted his teeth.
“Have you checked his pulse?” Dwight asked. “I think you’ll find it rather quick. Quicker than I am comfortable with,”
Penrose took a few short steps towards George and took his wrist. He was met with some resistance, though Penrose fought to get his way, nearly taking George off his feet when he pulled the wrist in his direction. There was a pause in the conversation, then a frown on Penrose’s face, followed by the wrist being thrown down at George’s side.
“Oh, so the kind and patient doctor has come to intervene,” Penrose mocked. “This is not a charity house, it’s a hospital,”
“So leaving a man with his pulse that high-“ Dwight began.
“George is not used to visitors. He is forbidden from seeing anyone from outside the hospital under normal circumstances; circumstances which I would like to keep in place,” Penrose explained, his patience running short.
“I’ve been made aware of that,” Dwight said.
Penrose blinked, trying to piece out if Dwight had said what he thought he had said.
“I’ve been told that his uncle and his son have been denied from seeing him on several occasions,” Dwight continued, deciding to then lower his voice. “Now his son has taken ill. He will not eat. George’s son is a growing young boy who needs nourishment,”
“Young boys should stay out of this,” Penrose said with an air of contempt.
“How about his uncle?” Dwight stepped closer to Penrose. “The stiffest man in Cornwall was nearly brought to tears by his nephew’s suffering,”
“For God’s sake, Enys!” Penrose snapped. “George Warleggan is gone from their lives now. He’s incurable. Do you hear me? Incurable,”
Dwight shuddered at the word. This whole time, George had been running his index finger along the windowsill in slow little patterns. They were the patterns on Elizabeth’s jewelry, though no one could guess that but him. He was used to men talking about him like this, and saw no more reason to intervene. That would only bring him more punishment.
“No,” Dwight shook his head, staring at Penrose, incredulous. “No. You’re wrong,”
Penrose scoffed, regaining his temper.
“And what are you going to do?” He challenged. “I’ve said it before, and I’ve said it again. Your lunatic methods go against all proven treatments,”
“And this isn’t lunatic?” Dwight nearly lost track of the conversation from the sheer exhaustion of trying to reason with this man. However, Penrose’s approaching figure, all the more menacing, all the more imposing, brought Dwight back.
“I could have you put away right now if I felt like it,” Penrose’s eyes were monstrous. “Your entire coming here has been nothing but an act of utter madness. If you think you’ve been destined to save George Warleggan of all people from my grasp then you are sorely mistaken!”
He started laughing under his breath, it was short, though enough.
“Pity,” he said. “The mad doctor. Believing he can cure the incurable. How shameful that would be for your charming wife to hear,”
The thought intruded into Dwight’s mind like a slippery worm. He thought of suffering as George had suffered. Aching. Alone. Without agency. He thought of Caroline. She would forget him, surely. She would marry some rich heir. The only child he could give her had died. Who was to say that the rest would not turn out the same? If they were given another? Another husband, a better husband would suit her more. The screaming down the hall brought him back to France. He felt his pulse quicken. He could not be a prisoner again.
“Dr. Enys?” Penrose recalled the man back from a horrid trance. “Don’t tell me that I have cause to act against you now,”
Dwight swallowed, still caught off guard by the doctor’s remark. His methods had been unpopular, yes, but they were far more humane and effective than anything that Penrose would do. No. Caroline loved him. France was behind him. If anything, George needed him now. If he could save one, it would be George Warleggan. Dwight was the sane man in the room. All the same, he was the odd man out.
“I think you’re forgetting who is now the head of the Cornwall Infirmary,” Dwight reminded him, and also himself. “I think you’re forgetting who they decided to turn down to place him there. If there are any issues with George Warleggan’s release into my care, you ought to take it up with him,”
Dwight turned back to George and took him gently by the hand, then began to walk with him towards the door of his room. As they walked, Dwight wrapped one of his arms around George’s shoulders, as if to protect him from Penrose as they went past.
“Come on, George,” Dwight said, his voice soft. “Let us leave this Hell,”
* * *
Valentine now felt as though he were deaf to Ursula’s incessant crying. He stared blankly at the ceiling from his bed, a soreness dragging him deeper into the mattress as he huddled against it for warmth. His chest felt heavy, like it did when his Mama died. No tears came though.
He might have been glad once to have his Papa gone, but that was when Cary was gone too. They were in London for the week, and would return on a Saturday night. There were often little gifts waiting for Valentine the next morning, expensive trinkets from the high street and sometimes the odd toy. In those times, he had his Mama. She was not always as attentive as he wanted her to be, but at least Papa was not there to argue with her. Now, his father was somewhere else entirely, very sick, maybe even dead. Valentine had decided that of all the ways to die, madness would be the worst. Once, it had been childbirth, though Valentine realized that it was not something that he would likely experience, and so madness took over the spot.
This way, the way he was at the moment, didn’t seem a bad way to go. Starvation. Not something he was taught to worry about; his Papa had made that adamant. But now he couldn’t remember the last time he ate anything. He didn’t want to. The thought made him nauseous.
Valentine wondered if this is how Papa sometimes felt after a fit. Lethargic. For a moment, he pictured himself a madman as he lie in the bed, locked in his room to sleep. It sounded cozy, thought Valentine, with a sense of irony that was too much for his tired young brain to analyze. Perhaps he would go back to sleep again, as he had been doing for days on end.
There was a soft knock at the door before he saw Cary enter. He hadn’t been expecting Cary. Normally, it had been Bessie or Lucy with some soup or something of the like, which often went untouched. He was told that Dr. Enys had come once and given him something to soothe him, but it was beyond his memory. Valentine thought for a moment to pretend to be asleep so he wouldn’t be bothered, but the thought didn’t come fast enough.
“What are you doing here?” Valentine asked, face feeling flushed and feverish.
Cary hesitated a moment before speaking.
“I came here to tell you that I spoke with Dr. Enys,” Cary decided to sit down on the side of the bed, causing the weight on the mattress to shift in a funny way. “About your father,”
The pressure on Valentine’s chest felt tighter and heavier than before. He was dead, the boy knew. It would be some gross story that his uncle would coat in sugar as best he could. Passed out naked on a bed of straw, wouldn’t wake up, hadn’t bathed in weeks. There was blood in his hair, but it was from a fight with a doctor some days earlier. His wrists were as red as cranberries. The welts on his back would have been enough to kill him, but George Warleggan didn’t go down easy - that was the image Valentine had spent the past few months imagining, the picture of his hypothetically dead father becoming more complex each time he thought about it. But that wasn’t the news at all.
“He’s coming home,” Cary said, a pained smile crossing his face for a brief moment. Cary was sorely unused to smiling at all, and the news was almost bittersweet, knowing well in his heart that he would have to see his nephew in a wretched condition once again.
“Oh,” Valentine said, almost too tired to react in any other way. The tenacious illness that grabbed him seemed to lessen his excitement. Or perhaps it was the fear of seeing that imaginary dead man walking.
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asoiafdrabbles · 4 years
Jon wakes in an unfamiliar room. 
Jon & Aegon (Kidnapping AU)
Jon shoved his head under the pillows when the light hit his face, groaning. What had he drunk last night?
Wait...he hadn't been drinking last night. He was supposed to wake up early for planning.
Was he coming down with something? Why hadn't the servants come in to wake him?
Resigned to the knowledge he'd have to get up, he slowly edged his way off the bed and squinted around.
This...wasn't his bedroom. Had he gotten drunk for some reason and gone home with someone? He'd never done it before, but he'd heard stories about it.
The door opened and he reacted instinctively, grabbing something close to use as a weapon if needed. But only a slight servant girl came in, carrying a tray of food. And the 'weapon' he'd grabbed in his disoriented state was only a pillow.
She let out a surprised noise when she saw him and before he could say anything she'd put the tray down and fled. He head the clinking of armor outside the door and the distintive sound of the bolt of a lock.
He was starting to think that his headache wasn't from alcohol, at all. Which meant even though he was hungry and thirsty, he'd be ignoring that tray, just in case.
From the sunlight streaming through the small windows of the room (far too small for a man grown, even of a slimmer build like Jon, to fit through he'd quickly deduced), it was midday by the time the door opened again.
Two guards entered, dressed in white, and behind them was a man with distinctly Valyrian features.
His sinking feeling was getting worse.
The man approached, frowning as he took in the untouched tray. "You should eat something, it will help you feel better."
"After being drugged?"
"...Yes. The maester specifically recommended the food I sent."
"What guarantee do I have that it's not drugged, too?"
The man frowned again, then looked over his shoulder at a servant that had slipped in behind him. "Bring up a meal for two." He glanced back at Jon. "We'll dine together, my sampling the food should be proof enough."
Jon shrugged, he was hungry enough that he'd probably risk that. He needed to keep his strength up for an escape.
Then, surprisingly, the man ordered his guards to stay by the door and walked across the room. He stopped just out of arm's reached of Jon.
"I'm not sure if you've heard of me," the man now began, seemingly uncomfortable, "but I'm...I'm your older brother."
"You don't have to keep up the charade, you realize?"
The man, who Jon supposed must call himself Aegon in private, too, scowled. "Charade? Is that what she told you?"
"If you mean Daenerys, yes, she told me all about you and how you're pretending to be Aegon Targaryen."
"I'm not pretending! I am. Why else would I have so many Targaryen loyalists backing me? And Dorne?"
"Because Daenerys is a woman with mostly foreign troops?"
Aegon blinked, then shook his head. "Because I am the rightful king. Our father was the eldest son and heir when he died and I was his heir."
Studying him, Jon wondered if perhaps the man actually believed the lies he told the world. Daenerys had assumed he was in on all of them, but maybe he was just deluded and being taken advantage of?
"It's awfully convenient, that just you managed to be smuggled out of the Red Keep before the Sack and no one in Westeros knew about you until it was ripe for the taking."
"That's--yes, I can see how unlikely everything might seem. But so does your own story and I'm not questioning that."
Jon snorted. "My story actually makes so much sense in retrospect I'm disappointed for never having guessed it. No one is surprised to know my father--Ned Stark--didn't really have a bastard or that the reason he'd never reveal my mother is because of what that would mean."
Aegon's eyes had darkened when he called Ned his father and the look reminded Jon very much of Daenerys' own when he mentioned his upbringing. But, of course, Aegon was probably raised on the same stories of the "Usurper's Dog" as Daenerys had been.
"The realm knows you're Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark's son, Aemon Targaryen, now. And that our Aunt Daenerys was keeping you hostage."
"It's clear now that it's the truth. She fed you lies to keep you from trying to escape and has placed her troops at too many strategic points around the North to risk open rebellion."
"That's not--" Jon cut himself off, not really sure how to say the reason Daenerys' troops were in those positions was because they'd fought against the Others just a few moons ago.
Aegon reached out and gripped Jon's shoulder, shocking him at the sudden touch. And...there was something there. Something else familiar he couldn't quite put a finger on.
"It doesn't matter anymore, little brother. My people rescued you and sabotaged most of her camps."
Daenerys had been nearly ready to march South, but if Aegon and his forces had seriously disrupted her...he didn't know what she'd do. The Iron Fleet was in shambles from the three-way battles between Victarion, Asha, and Euron and the Northern fleet was small and wouldn't cooperate with her if Jon wasn't there to convince them of it.
The door opened and the servant came through with a new tray of food. More than enough for two, certainly more than Jon had been getting in the war-torn North. Aegon walked over and took a few bits of food from all of the plates, giving Jon a pointed look as he ate.
"See? It's fine. Now eat something, you looked half-starved when you arrived."
"Why do you care?"
Aegon frowned at him, tilting his head to the side like he was confused. "You're my little brother. I...never thought I'd have a sibling. Not after hearing what happened to Rhaenys and my parents. I thought our aunt and uncle, as mad as their father, were my only family left. How could I not care?"
Jon could recall Daenerys saying something similar when she'd found out his parentage. "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing," he muttered, recalling his namesake's words.
He sat and ate, knowing if nothing else, he needed to play along. The more cooperative he seemed, the more freedom he would probably get. Until...until he went back to Daenerys, he supposed, though the longer he was near Aegon, the more he wondered if her belief about him being a fake was right.
What if this really was his brother? Could he turn his back on him?
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cathygeha · 5 years
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Temporary Wife Temptation by Jayci Lee
Heirs of Hansol Series #1
Arranged marriages...would YOU want one? I wouldn’t…
Marriages of Convenience...would You want one? I don’t think so
Why would two attractive people in this modern age opt to move into a situation that would put them together 24/7 and create havoc with their hormones KNOWING that they should not succumb to one another even though both feel the chemistry?
AND then…
Throw in a bit of
*cultural information
* a hunky and wealthy Korean American super-handsome male thinking he has life his life all planned out only to find out that his grandmother has another plan in place for him...one he is not willing to go along with
* a woman working in the family business that might help him out while he helps her out by providing a partner that will increase her likelihood of adopting the daughter of her deceased sister
* a hanbok (that REALLY caught my attention because my sister told me all about wearing one to her son’s marriage and how it fit and felt and all the rest)
* how one deals with the person one wants but can’t have...according to the contract for the marriage of convenience
* information on how to deal with in laws in a culture you did not grow up with
* a baby that more than one couple wants
* avoiding falling in love...or not
This book was not what I thought it would be but am glad that I read it and in reading it learned a bit, laughed a bit and enjoyed the reading while wanting to find out what will happen next in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin-Desire for the ARC ~ This is my honest review
3-4 Stars
Much more than he bargained for… “You want me to find you a wife?” “No. I want you to be my wife.”
Garrett Song is this close to taking the reins of his family’s LA fashion empire…until the Song matriarch insists he marry her handpicked bride first. To block her matchmaking, he recruits Natalie Sobol to pose as his wife. She needs a fake spouse as badly as he does. But when passion burns down their chaste agreement, the flames could destroy them all…
Garrett resisted the urge to glance over his shoul­der to check on her. Natalie was a grown woman and he didn’t need to protect her from being swarmed by admirers. Besides, she was the one who had proposed they refrain from other relationships, so she wouldn’t do anything to hurt his reputation or hers.
Earlier, at her apartment, he’d caught fire at the sight of her in her little black dress. It was demure compared to the one she’d worn at Le Rêve, but it hugged her hour­glass figure and highlighted the curves underneath just enough to tease his imagination.
He walked to the bar for his Scotch and grabbed a flute of champagne from a server on his way back. As he’d anticipated, Natalie was now surrounded by a group of men and he lengthened his strides to reach her.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.” He pressed a light kiss on her lips and handed her the champagne.
“Thank you.” She leaned her head against his shoul­der when he pulled her to his side, playing her part like a pro.
“Natalie was just taking us to task about USC’s new head coach. It seems neither he nor I truly understand college football,” said one of Mike’s college friends.
“Is that so?” Garrett raised an eyebrow at her and she shrugged.
“Taking you to task is a bit harsh.” She hid her grin against the rim of her champagne flute as she took a long sip. “It’s just that I have a better understanding than you guys.”
The audience winced and guffawed at her cheeki­ness. As Natalie continued with her lecture, all the men listened intently, as did Garrett. She was funny and down-to-earth, and her mind was quicker than light­ning. Lost in her words, Garrett belatedly noticed the crowd had grown. Her champagne glass was depleted and her smile was becoming strained.
He leaned down close to her ear. “Tired?”
“And hungry.”
“All right, gentlemen. I’m whisking away my date now. I’m tired of sharing her.”
When the crowd finally dispersed, Natalie slumped against him with a groan. “I need food, champagne and somewhere to sit.”
A server walked over with a tray of bacon-wrapped shrimp and Natalie snatched a couple of them. She popped one in her mouth and mumbled around her food, “Not necessarily in that order.”
Garrett laughed and guided her toward the French doors leading out to the garden. Natalie ate every sin­gle hors d’oeuvre she met along the way and finished another glass of champagne.
“Holy cow. Is everything really, really delicious, or am I just famished? I would totally go back for that crab cake if my feet weren’t screaming at me to get my butt on a chair.”
He glanced down at her zebra-print high heels. They did amazing things for her legs but didn’t look remotely comfortable. “There’s a bench around the corner.”
“Oh, thank God.” She kicked off her shoes as soon as she plopped onto the seat.
Garrett shrugged out of his jacket and draped it around her shoulders before sitting next to her.
“Thank you,” she murmured, gazing at the garden. “It’s so beautiful out here.”
“Is it?” He and Mike had grown up tearing apart that very garden, but Garrett had never sat still and taken it all in, like they were doing now. “I guess you’re right.”
He studied her profile, her high, regal cheekbone and the graceful curve of her neck. Half of her hair had escaped the loose knot behind her head and fell down her back and shoulders. He wanted to sweep aside her hair and feel the softness of her skin, which he abso­lutely should not do.
“So how do you know so much about college foot­ball?” He tore his gaze away from her and stared at an old maple tree ahead of him, hard enough to make his eyes water.
“Long story.”
“We’ve got time.” He made a show of checking his watch. “I’ll give you ten minutes.”
Her laughter filled the garden, then ended on a wist­ful sigh. “My dad and I, we weren’t very close. The only time he didn’t mind my company was when we watched college football together. He was a huge fan. I don’t think he even noticed I was sitting there half the time.”
Garrett understood what that felt like. As soon as he finished graduate school, he’d thrown himself into his work. It was satisfying in its predictability and it created a common ground for him and his father. His dad had stepped down from the CEO position when his mom died, but returned to Hansol a few years later as an executive VP.
“I thought if I learned enough about the sport, he’d like me a little better.” Her shrug told him it hadn’t worked, but Natalie told her story without an ounce of self-pity—like she owned her past, hurt and all. His respect for her deepened. “But soon I noticed I wasn’t faking my enthusiasm anymore. I’d grown to love the sport. Who knew it’d come in handy at an intimate birthday party for a hundred people?”
“You certainly won over quite a few of them.”
“I did?” Her eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise.
He huffed out a laugh. “Why did you think that crowd was hanging on to your every word?”
“Watch yourself, Garrett Song.” Natalie narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at him. “I know where you live.”
He snatched her hand and tugged her to her feet. “Yes, and you’ll be living there with me starting Sun­day.”
“Ugh.” She hooked an index finger in each of her shoes, not bothering to put them back on. “Do you ever stop thinking about work?”
“Yes.” He cocked his head and pretended to con­sider her question. “But only when I’m thoroughly dis­tracted.”
Her lashes fluttered and color saturated her cheeks, and his gut clenched with heat. She could definitely become his most dangerous distraction.
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About the author JAYCI LEE: Jayci Lee writes poignant, funny, and sexy romance. She lives in sunny California with her tall-dark-and-handsome husband, two amazing boys with boundless energy, and a fluffy rescue whose cuteness is a major distraction. She is semi-retired from her 15-year career as a defense litigator, and writes full-time now. She loves food, wine, and travelling, just like her characters. Books have always helped her grow, dream, and heal. She hopes her books will do the same for you.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
List of All My Fics!
Every once in a while, I’ll update this list and share it. It is always available on my blog! (I’m up to 54 fics for multiple fandoms! 😱)
Find most, if not more, of these fics on:
Fanfiction.net | Archive of Our Own | Wattpad
(~AU’s, *Finished, ❤️Author’s Favorites)
Kingdom Hearts
~❤️Rage Awakened AO3 | FF.net- Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
My Kingdom for a Heart AO3 | FF.Net - The curse of being one of the Princesses of heart, is that there’s always someone out to get you. As Xemnas looked failure in the face, he reached out in a last ditch effort and destroyed Kairi’s heart. Now her friends must travel the worlds again. Sora, to find a way to recover Kairi’s heart, and Riku, to make amends to those he has wronged. All the while, the darkness grows.
Miraculous Ladybug
One Shots
*❤️Amalgam- When an young man is rejected for being ‘incompatible’ he turns into the akuma ‘Amalgam’ able to fuse two people together. And later Adrien and Marinette would debate if it was lucky or unlucky that they got hit. (Also Available in Russian)
*Sing We All Noel- After receiving the worst Christmas present ever from his father, Chat Noir finds himself out on the streets with nowhere to go on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, Ladybug finds him and brings him home.
*Speechless- In a world where everyone has a soulmark, the first words their soulmate will say to them, Marinette is born without one. But Adrien Agreste has two. Curious, considering he’s mute.
*❤️Tunnels of Love- The night started out with an accidental kiss from Adrien Agreste, and ended with her bleeding in the Catacombs of Paris. Ladybug, the wielder of the miraculous of good luck. Yeah right. (Some blood)
*The Reveal That Wasn’t- First Parts My ending to kittybug’s Tumblr Prompt
*What A Mess We’re In- Ladybug has a lot on her mind, and when Chat Noir bugs her enough, she tells him she’s going to confess to her Crush, Adrien Agreste. Chat’s reaction is not what she’s expecting.
*Oblivi-oh no! - A retelling of Oblivio, except Ladybug is the only one to lose her memory. How will Chat deal?
*Bad Day (3 chapters) - Marinette was Ladybug! This was Adrien’s luckiest day ever! Except it wasn’t, because all his good luck was used up in one go. Turns out this might be the worst day of his life.
*One Win, So Many Losses- Marinette was forced to break up with Adrien. It had been a low blow from Gabriel, to be sure. But she was Ladybug. She’d find a solution…right? An alternate ending to Chat Blanc, where Adrien doesn’t Cataclysm the akuma.
*Five Minutes- Gabriel has had enough of all these girls fighting over Adrien. He decides it’s high time Adrien picks one, and arranges the perfect opportunity for him to do so. Each candidate has five minutes to present why they’d be a good girlfriend. Marinette decides to take this opportunity to shoot her shot.
~*Panache- Every eligible maiden was invited to the Prince's ball. That included Marinette, scullery maid in her own household. But her stepsisters destroyed her dress, and she can't go to the ball in rags. Or can she? (Cinderella!AU)
*Perfect, No Matter What-In which Gabriel sets the bar even lower for himself, a reveal happens because of pain medication, and the new guardian actually goes to Chloé for advice.
Long Fics
*❤️Longest Night- (FF.net | Ao3) - The day started out sucky to begin with. Her crush ousted to the class and Adrien. Lila taking pride in exacting her revenge. But by the time patrol was over, a young man was dead, and Ladybug’s identity was at risk. Lila was the least of her concerns. Good thing Adrien was taking it all like a champ. (Rated M for scenes of torture)
*❤️Nine Lives- (FF.net) When Adrien Agreste is scheduled to go to a Military School in Germany, Chat Noir must make a critical decision. Does he give up his Miraculous? Or does he give up his life as Adrien? I’ll save you the trouble of guessing, he gives up being Adrien.
*Tender Words- When Marinette finally gets the guts to confess her feelings for Adrien, some things go so wrong, and other things go so right.
*Integrity- Overwhelmed with her responsibilities, guilt, and drama, Marinette has an emotional breakdown in front of everyone, and even hands over her earrings in a moment of weakness. Only for a few seconds, but the damage was done. Adrien’s pretty quick on the uptake like that.
~Much Obliged- Everyone deals with grief differently. Some take to drinking, others devote themselves to charity. Adrien Agreste? Well, he became a cowboy. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a witch, one of very few in the world. She knows what it's like to be doubted, and assumed delusional. Maybe that's why they got along so well. Or maybe it's just because they both like big hats. AU where everything is the same, except instead of superheroes, Adrien is a Cowboy and Marinette is a witch. (Unfinished) (Based on a AU by @bugaboo-n-bananoir)
I'll Handle This- “I’ll solve all your problems,” Plagg had said. “You just have to agree to it.” A fixed relationship with his father, Lila to stop bothering him, and Ladybug to fall in love with him? Who wouldn’t agree to that? Except Plagg was the God of Destruction and Chaos and had a more…hands-on approach. Adrien just wants his body back. (Body swap fic)
How To Train Your Dragon
One Shots
The Vikings Have Their Tea (FF.Net | AO3)
Arranged Marriage- Takes place at the beginning of HTTYD
❤️Breathe- Survival of the fittest
~Childhood Friends- At the Sandbox
❤️Easy Fix- In which Hiccup has a bad day
~Fashion Designer- Astrid needs a fill in
❤️Frozen- In Which Astrid takes a Dip and things get frisky (Rated M)
❤️Headache- In Which Hiccup hits his head….really hard
❤️Heir- In Which Hiccup is Picked (Longer version by FateCharms)
Illness- In Which Stoick is a dad
~Illusionist- Trick gone wrong
~In the Walls- In which there’s a poop ghost
~Knocking On The Wrong Door (2) - A chance encounter
❤️Messages- Astrid is Frustrated with Hiccup’s obliviousness
~To Mirkwood- Hiccup is not a dwarf
~Monster Falls- Hiccup and Astrid take a dip
❤️Mute- In which there’s a quiet stranger
~Music Video (ImgHS)- He didn’t expect it
❤️Operation: Lovebirds- In Which the gang makes a plan, and Hiccup gets Drunk
~Over- Too many nightmares
~Partners in Crime- A normal day at work
~Pirate- Astrid is the greatest treasure
~Prince- He doesn’t want to be a broken King
❤️Sorting Things Out- In Which Astrid gets her ducks in a row
~The Dragon and The Dame- Beauty and the Beast Au
The Pit- In Which Hiccup is rescued
Hide and Seek- Part 1
Lost and Found- Part 2
Long fics:
*❤️Infernal Responsibility- Being the son of the chief takes brains, courage, and a lot of patience. But at his father’s the request for marriage, Hiccup decides he has had enough. When he seeks out a life of ease, he runs into more than what he bargained for.
*❤️Roses and Lilies- “Astrid, you and I both know you’re much tougher than I am. You’re more brave, and a better fighter…but just for a little while…could we pretend that I’m the one protecting you?” “Oh gods yes!” (Also Available in Spanish!)
*~What the Water Gave Me- The sea is a wild and dangerous thing, something that cannot be foretold or predicted. Hiccup discovered this many years ago, in human naiveté. Yet, what was meant as a sacrifice became a new life, one like no one could comprehend. He now finds himself once more in the unknowing hands of those that sentenced him to death. He only prays things will be different this time. Merman!AU
*Parasite- Soulsnatcher Dragons are rare but deadly. But, As Hiccup finds out, it’s the eggs you have to watch out for.
*~320 State Street- Gobber’s Goods. A Hardware Store that was rumored to have everything you needed. She thought she only needed a job. Turns out, she needed a lot more than that. (A Modern AU no one asked for)
*~❤️The North Tower- When Finn Hofferson died, Astrid inherited his castle in Wales…and a whole lot more. Something sinister lurks in the North Tower.
*~❤️Boy Toy- AO3 - At the age of 21, Princess Astrid lawfully has to pick a husband. But when the perfect groom is nowhere to be found, she requests the toymaker to create one for her. It’s safe to say that everyone in the kingdom is a little concerned. (Pinocchio!AU I guess?)
No, You Go First- AO3 - The Chief of Berk was a headstrong viking, stubborn and full of pride, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep his village safe. But for a moment, he puts that aside, and listens to his son. In which Hiccup convinces his dad not to make him go through Dragon Training, and the subsequent changes that follow.
*In Due Time- AO3 - As another illness sweeps through Berk, Gothi needs another ingredient for her medicine…one that doesn’t exist anymore. Fortunately, she kept that old spell book around for such an occasion. Big Hiccup is sent to five years into the past, and his younger self sent to take his place in the future. But it’s only a few days, what could go wrong?
Trollhunters: Tales from Arcadia
❤️Arcadia or Bust- In Which Arcadia welcomes back it’s underground citizens.
Teen Titans
~Big Brother- Don’t turn out the light (Horror)
Dear Jason- Bruce Writes a letter
Just Drawing- Bruce thinks about Robin
The Prisoner- Starfire is Guilty
Of Mustard and Three Foot Purple Tongues- A collection of Oneshots and Drabbles
Long Fics (*Finished):
*~❤️Carol of the Bells- High in the dark Bell Tower of Notre Dame, there lives a mysterious bell ringer. Legend tells of the angel who fell from the sky, and the curse she bares. There are few who know her true identity though; her master, the priest, and the acrobat that performs on the streets below. Based loosely on ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ RobxStar and slight BBxRae
*No Escape- Three years ago, Starfire escaped an Alien race called the Gordanians, to arrive on Earth. They’re back, and ready to put Starfire back where she belongs, behind reinforced Titanium bars. Robin’s not about to let her go…if only he hadn’t got captured first. How does it feel to be the alien, Robin?
*Now you Know My Pain- When the new Villain, Gender Bender, comes to down, the Titans find themselves in an odd situation. They’ve been turned into the opposite gender against their will! Now in order to change back, they must learn to understand the gender they’ve turned into. Rated T for obvious reasons. A great read if you’ve ever wondered why girls or guys do [blank].
*Paint it Black- Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City’s crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a relation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? Actually, contains NO OC.
*Saving Grace- “When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk upright or speak coherent sentences and all you’ll see is my mask and my voice repeating in your head…Weak. Richard Grayson, I am not tough, I am everything that you fear.” Happy Ending! Smudge of RobStar. NO Slash!
Other Fandoms
Final Fantasy XV
❤️Requiem for Pitioss-“O King. The god’s have heard your cries. Know that we weep with you. The Oracle’s calling has not yet been fulfilled. But…Lunafreya as you know her cannot return the way she was.” Noctis looked up, hopeful. “But she can return!” Canon divergence from Chapter 9. Happy ending. Some spoilers.
Beauty and the Beast
*❤️Behold the Beast- A Oneshot alternate ending to the Animated Film
*❤️Midnight- “When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be broken,” the fairy godmother had warned. A retelling of the story, when Cinderella doesn’t escape the ball in time. Oneshot
*So This is Love- What if Jaq and Gus hadn’t made it in time to help Cinderella? A new twist on the ending of the classic Fairytale, and what lies beyond the story. She still gets her happy ending and her Prince, and her step family gets their just deserts.
Sleeping Beauty
*❤️A Love Song Back To Me- Maleficent saw the loophole that stared her in the face. Prince Phillip would break the curse in time, for sure. After all, he was betrothed to Aurora. So in an effort for her evil plan to stay in action, Maleficent takes care of the young prince herself. Phillip never imagined having to live off the land like the birds above. Alternate twist on the classic Disney tale.
Down Feathers- Hitomi’s depressed. She’s been away from Van too long, he comes back to visit her…but what if something went wrong with the transfer? (Not finished. Never will be finished. Mwahaha) Circa 2012
*Angel’s Wounds- Fanelia’s been victorious in their most recent battle with Basrum. Unfortunately, someone is wounded and just seeks solace in his love that lives so far away. Post Anime.
Momma Look Sharp- With the war between Fanelia and Basrum finally coming to a close, the kingdom is celebrating. The young king, however, is suffering from an experience unlike any he had before. Van finally seeks solace in his wife.
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winryofresembool · 6 years
Edwin/dad!Ed one-shot: Girl Issues
Summary: Ed’s son Alan has been disappearing a lot from their house, and Ed tries to figure out why.
A/N: finally! This took like a million years. I hope you guys will still enjoy it :) Please let me know what you think!! (bing @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak)
Edit: I forgot to say there might be a small “easter egg” hidden in the fic, about a movie some Edwin people have been talking about lately :’)
Words: 2450
Warnings: swearing
”Hey, Ed?” Winry addressed her husband who was cleaning the kitchen after the dinner. “Do you think Alan has been acting weirdly lately? He’s been doing… less mechanic work and gone out to town way more often…”
“He has?” Ed stopped putting the plates into the cupboard and turned to look at his wife, raising his eyebrows. “To me he has told that he’s simply taking some extra art lessons with Mr. Dawson because drawing blueprints has never been his strength.”
Winry crossed her arms over her chest and looked just as surprised as he did. “And to me he’s told he’s helping out some friends who have trouble with school… Something doesn’t add up.”
“Hmm. It’s not like him to hide things from us. I think I will call Mr. Dawson tonight and ask him if he’s really been at his house,” Ed decided. The conversation ended at that point because a loud crash could be heard from the living room, and Winry rushed to check what the twins had broken this time.
Only half an hour later, Ed, who was observing Emma’s alkahestry studies upstairs, heard the front door opening and closing. That let him know Alan had just left the building. He waited 10 more minutes, just in case Alan indeed went to the Dawsons, before dialing their phone number.
“Mr. Dawson? Hello! I’m calling you because my son seems to have been spending a lot of time there lately. Is he there right now?”
“No. And he hasn’t been here for the past two or three weeks, so I wouldn’t call that ‘a lot’,” a grumpy voice answered.
Ed narrowed his eyes at that piece of information, but he didn’t want to make Mr. Dawson too suspicious so he didn’t reveal the real reason of his call.
“Oh, OK. Well, thank you, anyway. And if he shows up, could you tell him to come home as soon as possible? Winry has a commission to finish and the twins are currently trying to kill me, so extra hands would certainly be useful.” The part about the twins was obviously a lie, as they were sitting surprisingly quietly in the living room listening to their father’s phone call, but the dramatic wording would probably get Alan home more easily. That is, if he ever got the message.
Winry glanced at Ed curiously when he finished the call.
“So? Did you find out anything?”
Ed shrugged. “Only that Alan hasn’t visited Mr. Dawson for several weeks. I thought he was enjoying his classes!”
“I thought so too,” Winry said, getting more and more confused.
“Did you talk to any of his friends?” Ed asked then.
“I just saw Jack, that boy from his class, down the street, and he said that if Alan had been helping someone, he certainly wasn’t among them. But you know, to me it sounded like he was hiding something from me.”
“Great,” Ed sighed. “So he’s been lying to both of us. What do we do about this?”
“I guess we should get him to talk. But how do we do it? He’s got your blood in him, you know.” Winry threw Ed a sly look that Ed had seen quite many times during their years of marriage.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Ed pretended to be hurt by Winry’s implications.
“Just that you have never been very good at expressing yourself, honey.” Ed snorted, because Winry and he had never been ones for pet names. “But also, since he’s more like you than you probably realize, you should be able to figure out the best way to make him open up. Was there anything that managed to crack your shell open when you were a teenager?”
Ed leaned his jaw against his hand, seeming to consider Winry’s question. His face seemed to have gotten some extra color when he spoke.
“Well, after the Promised Day… There was this girl who had been my friend since forever… She had even built me an automail leg and arm, so I could function… I knew she was upset because I couldn’t tell her what was happening in my life, but after the Promised day, when I felt it was safe to tell her everything… it was easier than I thought. Why? Because she made me feel she cared.”
“Ed… that’s very sweet of you…,” Winry said, completely surprised by her husband’s words and blushing slightly. She let her hand linger on his shoulder for a moment before continuing: “Anyway, I guess that means you should show that you do care about his wellbeing. I mean, deep down he must know that already, but you know, sometimes it’s good to say it aloud. He’s in a difficult age, but I know he really respects you and values your opinions.”
“I hope so,” Ed grunted, not quite believing her.
Until that moment, the twins who had been listening the whole time hadn’t said anything, but suddenly the 4-year-old Henry blurted: “We heard brother talking with big sissy today! He told her to ‘dis… tract you’, whatever that means, while someone comes to get him with a motorbike!”
“Really?” Winry asked, her eyebrows raising probably higher than the twins had ever seen. “Those two are almost as bad as… oh, never mind,” she added quickly when she saw the twins staring at her intensely.
“So that’s why Emma was so eager to show me what she had learned with Mei… She’s usually not that enthusiastic about it,” Ed noted.
“Makes perfect sense. Hey, my little king and queen,*” Winry ruffled her kids’ hair, “you didn’t happen to hear where they were planning to go?”
“No, mum,” the twins said in unison. “But I bet Emma knows!”
“We’ll just have to ask her, then.”
“No, dad, I’m not gonna tell you where Alan is. One, because I don’t know it either since they change their meeting place regularly, and two, because it’s none of your business.”
Emma took a book from her bedside table and pretended to be interested in it instead of looking at her father’s stare. Even though it didn’t work quite as well against her as it once used to, she still felt slightly bad about hiding things from him. Alan was right, though, their parents were too curious for their own good.
“Fine, then. Can you at least tell me with whom he is?”
Emma was positive her father would use what he liked to call “Elric telepathy” on her if she didn’t talk, so she let a little huff from her mouth and said:
“He’s gonna murder me, but… you would find out eventually if they continue doing this. You’re not gonna like this, dad…”
“Emma, just tell me already.” Ed was starting to show signs of losing his patience. Even though he had calmed down after having his children, the old temper still raised its head when he was truly annoyed or frustrated.
“Remember how Mei’s niece from Xing came to visit her and Al a couple of months ago because she wanted to learn more about Amestris and alchemy?” Emma asked, trying to be nonchalant but failing at it.
“Yes, wasn’t she Ling’s daughter?” Ed asked, not understanding why Emma had started talking about her. “Didn’t she have all those guards behind her all the time because she’s the daughter of the Emperor?”
“You are right, she was… Well, what you probably don’t know is that she decided to stay here in Amestris. She’s been trying to keep a low profile because she doesn’t want the media to follow her.”
“OK, but what does this have to do with Alan? I don’t get… OH!” The pieces of the puzzle started finally clicking in Ed’s head, and Emma could see his face taking a more and more dark red shade as he processed the information. “Are you telling me… my son… is seeing… that bastard’s heir?!”
“I told you, you wouldn’t like it.” Emma shrugged. “I thought you and the Emperor were friends, though? Doesn’t he always send you presents on holidays and stuff?”
“Damn right he does,” Ed suddenly stopped caring that he was talking to his daughter, “but that’s only because I once had to pay for a hell of a lot of food for him. He owes me.”
“Whatever you say…” Emma rolled her eyes. “Listen, please don’t be too hard on Alan. From what I’ve seen, they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and Zhi is a nice person.”
“Fine. But I’m still gonna talk with him.” Under his breath, he mumbled: “what if they decide to get married? What if my son becomes a prince? What if…”
“Um, dad, I don’t know what you had in your mind when you were 15 but I really don’t think they are thinking about marriage yet,” Emma said, amused by her father’s exaggerated reaction.
“When I was 15, I was trying to save our entire country from Homunculi so it was a bit different!”
“Based on your stories, you were only trying to save Uncle Al, dad, and everything else just happened by accident.”
“That… might be true, but you shouldn’t say it aloud, Emma,” Ed gave her a fake hurt look. “I still punched the god on his face!”
“Whatever, dad.” She took her book again and hid her face behind it. “Just… could you go now so I can continue reading in peace? I have a test tomorrow I need to study for.”
“Would you like me to help?”
“Just go, please!”
Ed and Winry had already put the twins into bed when Alan showed up at home again. Winry remained calm on the surface even though Ed knew she must have been sizzling underneath her cool cover. She had always hated it when he and Al had hidden something from her and now, they were talking about their 15-year-old son… Ed guessed that it was normal teenagers acted that way, but that didn’t mean he liked it. He suggested Winry go to check on the rest of the kids while he’d deal with Alan.
“Alan, can we talk?” Ed asked, barely able to contain his annoyance. Alan looked like he sensed his parents had found out something, the guilty expression Winry had seen on Ed so many times giving him away.
“Now? Dad, I’m hungry as fuck, haven’t eaten anything since lunch so can I at least grab a bite first?”
“What’s with that language, young man?” Ed asked disapprovingly.
“Please, like you weren’t the one who taught me that word…” That was the truth, but Ed wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
“I’ve always told you to not do what I do, not the other way around…”
“Right… Well, since you clearly aren’t allowing me to eat, you might as well get into the topic.” Alan crossed his arms just like his mother had a little bit earlier. That amused Ed a bit.
“We can always talk about it in the kitchen,” Ed noted, a small smile spreading on his face.
“So… what was it you wanted to talk about?” Alan asked when he had a full bowl of stew in front of him.
Ed looked serious again. “I think you know. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your disappearances lately.”
“But I’ve been…”
“We know you haven’t been where you were supposed to be. I talked to Mr. Dawson today and he told me you haven’t visited him for several weeks.”
“Listen, the sooner you admit it, the better. Do you want me to know the real story or the vague one Emma told me?”
“She told you about Zhi? Damnit, I’m never telling her anything again.”
“I think you are missing the point there, son.”
“Fine,” Alan finally admitted, as he was lapping the stew into his mouth. “Yes, I’ve been hanging out with Mei’s niece… who also happens to be the Xingese Emperor’s daughter.”
“And what? What are you expecting me to tell you? That she’s pregnant? That we are about to announce our engagement any day now? That I’ve decided to move to Xing and leave my family behind forever?”
“None of those things are true, right?” Ed raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Of course they aren’t! I like her, and we have a lot of fun when we are hanging out… But I do realize that she’s a princess from another country. And she knows the realities too. She’s gonna have to go back eventually. And when she does, she is in the constant focus of her people. That is not something I’ve ever imagined going through, but why does it have to mean I’m not allowed to enjoy this moment? I knew you guys would react badly to this, that’s why I didn’t tell anything.”
“Now we finally got to the root of the problem,” Ed said. “I don’t mind you hanging out with this Zhi girl… the princess… whatever… But I am upset that you have been lying to us for a long while now.”
Alan couldn’t help but roll his eyes in annoyance. “Like you’ve never had any secrets yourself…”
“I admit that when I was your age, I hid a lot of things from your mother, because I wanted to keep her safe… But I regretted it a lot. I could see she hated it, and it made me upset too. After the Promised Day, I was so relieved because I could finally share everything. I think it made our relationship stronger too.” Ed sighed before adding: “I’m not good at these things, but what I’m trying to say is that please don’t hide things from us just because you think we might not like what you are wanting to tell us. We are here to support you.”
“Dad, thanks… And sorry… for not telling you.” “No problem, son. I’m just saying what I wish my father had once told me.”
“Oh…” Alan hadn’t heard his father talking about his father a lot. He had just always assumed they had had a bad relationship. And this proved he had been right.
“So, now that we have dealt with that…,” Ed spoke suddenly, “about this Zhi girl… how far have you gone with her? Do I need to have the talk with you?”
“Dad, stop being so embarrassing!” Alan screamed and jumped off his chair. “I’m not gonna talk about that with you! Uncle Al or even the Emperor of Xing would give better advice than you!”
“Hey, take that back!” Ed growled, but Alan had already run away from the kitchen, and he was left to fume with anger on his own.
*Names Erika and Henry both mean rulers and I have a headcanon that the twins indeed are the rulers of the Rockbell-Elric household even though they are all a pretty strong willed bunch. 
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stereksecretsanta · 6 years
Merry Christmas, @yogi-bogey-box!
The Prince And The Knight
Once upon a time lived a prince in a castle far away. The villagers whispered of a cruel uncle locking away the king’s sole living heir as to keep the precious crown of power on his head. A crown that was tarnished with neglect and lost over time. The cruel uncle was loving and warm in his life. The only cruelness was the hollowness he left in the aftermath of his death. No, it wasn’t the uncle that locked the prince away but himself.
All through the kingdom rang stories of a beast holding the royal hostage. “It’s not real,” scolded parents while children laughed about pet dragons curled around turrets. Three brave knights were sent to rescue the boy.
Not a boy no more he killed them. Or so whispered the village with fear as the only trace of the knights were their armor covered in blood and shredded like silk.
The days have been colder lately. The rusty wood stove leftover from a different time cranks out warmth yet only a breath reaches the tiptop of the old farmhouse leaving a chill in people’s bones.
“Everyone, get your ass down here,” comes Cora’s loud mouth. The stampede of feet down the stairs pulls Derek from his thoughts. He loves his life but honestly, five more minutes of sleep would be nice too. “That includes Derek too, you lazy ass.” She honestly knows him too well.
Stumbling down the stairs Derek is greeted by an army of teenagers. I guess this is his life now. Raising children who have no other home.
One little boy, in particular, was fascinated by the rumors surrounding the prince. They had met once about a year before the King had died. The little boy was the son of the constable and while being dragged along on very important business the two boys met. The one and only time they thought yet marks started to form on their arms linking the soulmates together by the universe.
Years later, not a boy no more but a man on the cusp of freedom the Constable's son risks becoming the fourth victim to the cruel prince in order to discover the secret behind how their souls became intertwined all those years ago. His father kind yet broken from the death of his wife only gave him a solemn nod and good luck as he ventured into the woods with only his closest friend to protect his back.
“Come on, Scott. We’ll go look around a bit and come home. Nothing to worry about.” Scott raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Stiles. (Allison and Lydia dragged him on a spa date last week.)
“Nothing to worry about? We’re going to snoop around the house of Derek Hale and his merry band of recluses.” Derek was known around town as an oddball with a screw loose. He does odd jobs to pay for the repairs on his decrepit farmhouse and all the teenagers he’s taken in but other than that not much is known about him.
“He’ll never catch us. Besides, it’s for my dad and he’ll be disappointed if I don’t investigate.” Stiles has started helping out around the station since he graduated a month ago and he’s very hands-on when it comes to mysterious cases.
“Fine, I’ll go but if it turns out that he’s a vampire or something I’m bolting before I’m bitten.”
“Smart one,” he corrects. Well, he’s not wrong.
“Sometimes the turret dragon disappears,” whispers the brave knight to his friend.
“Of course. It has to hunt.” He doesn’t believe in Dragons and crazy uncles. He’s way too boring to believe in fantasy.
“But it changes colors.”
“And sometimes it blends in with the castle.” He points to the towering structure leaning from neglect. There’s no dragon.
“Maybe the prince is the dragon.”
The Wolf is hurtling itself towards Stiles before he can think to run. One second he’s gripping the mysterious birthmark on his arm in pain and the next he’s being mauled by an animal. As its fangs sink into his throat it lets go and sniffs Stiles arm in wonder. Slowly the animal licks the dark brown swirl on his forearm causing it to shimmer gold before turning black as the wolf’s fur. As quickly as the attack had begun it was over.
Weird. He still has nasty bite marks so he goes to find Scott who’s sitting on the ground in bewilderment. “Wolf. Smell. Golden mark. Somethings seriously messed up here.” Stiles kneels beside him.
“Were you bite.”
“No. It was more concerned with the mark on my hip.” He stares at Stiles’s neck. “You’re bleeding and hairy.”
“Yeah. Hairy like one of those cheesy old horror films about werewolves.” It dawns on them. “Dude. They’re werewolves. You must be going through a mild transformation since you were bitten on the full moon.”
“Probably. Let’s get home and we’ll call Allison in the morning to help us investigate since her family is into that mumbo jumbo.”
The companions stumble back into the village promising never to whisper a detail to anyone. Fair maidens giggled about how brave they are while young men scoffed in disbelief at their tales yet no one noticed the soul marks glimmering like liquid onyx tainting their skin. The marks are covered with shame. No man wants a mark of the dragon for only soulmates are branded with the mark.
There’s nothing more undignified than waking up naked with an acorn lodged up your ass. “Damn full moon,” Derek mutters to himself trying to locate how far he is from the house. Luckily only over the hill. He starts the walking trying to cover his dangly bits as gracefully as he can muster. As he opens the front door Cora and Isaac both gasp. “I know I’m naked. Leave me alone.”
“It’s not that,” Cora looks away in disgust. “You’re soulmark has darkened. Sometime last night you found your mate.” Derek only vaguely remembers meeting some boys in the woods last night and in his rage biting one of them.
“Shit. It had to be the Sheriff’s kid. He and his little friend were snooping around outside.”
“And what happened to his friend?” asks Cora causing Isaac to go flush. He suddenly lifts up his shirt to reveal a delicate vine pattern extending from his right hip to his left shoulder. It’s ebony like the keys on the dusty piano in an untouched part of the house.
“I did. I wasn’t really aware that I had feelings and I can’t control myself in wolf form and-“
“Is he a werewolf?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well fuck. While I don’t condone biting-“
“Even though you did,” smirks Cora.
“Fuck off. I was going to say that dating non-werewolves are a complicated matter.”
“Because you’re ex might be a werewolf hunter.”
“Shut up. Shit, we’re in trouble. Isaac, go put on shoes because we’re going to sort this mess out.”
A decree sent by royal doves was delivered to the constable’s son. He and his brother in knighthood were to return to the castle for once mates are bonded they become deathly ill if divided for long.
So the men started into the woods not confining in a soul other than one fair maiden who comes from a long line of dragon slayers for She foretold of an age of peace between the beast and the peasants. The only people who could bring upon this age being the knights themselves.
Stiles, Scott, and Allison are sitting on Stiles’ bed trying to figure out what everything means. “So what does the mark on my arm mean.”
“And my chest,” adds Scott.
Allison leans forward tracing the marks on Stiles. “Anima mea marcas.”
“And that means?”
“Soul marks.”
“So we’re soulmates because I really don’t want to marry Scott.”
“No. These are werewolf marks. Stiles’ are alpha marks. You can tell from the placement and style. And Scott,” She reaches for Scott. He lifts his shirt in curiosity. “Scott’s are from a beta which is odd considering they seem to be a strong one at that.”
“How do you know?” There’s a knock on the door downstairs cutting off the conversation. Peeking through the curtains they can see Derek and Isaac. “Shit.”
The Knights' arrival at the castle is met with hostile stares from the Knights lost so long ago. The rumored kindness of the Prince is gone and left in its wake is a hollow coldness.
So Scott and Isaac are making out in a bathroom leaving Derek and Stiles to sip coffee in silence. “So. Scott and Isaac seem to be getting along well. I thought I heard something about how both mates needed to be werewolves ”
“You’re incredibly young,” growls Derek in disgust cutting off Stiles’ ramble.
“I’m eighteen.”
“Barely. Why is my soulmate a fucking child?”
“What are you going to do about it. Sourwolf?”
“I’m really uncomfortable with you being so young so I have a deal. We give ourselves a year to become friends then we’ll date.”
“What if we hate each other?”
“Doubtful but it doesn’t matter. For our health and the happiness of Isaac and Scott we have to get along.”
“So if we don’t date we’re going to turn into bitter divorced parents.”
“Okay. Meet you back here in one year for our second date.”
The prince isn’t cruel but misunderstood. He never had someone to talk to once his uncle passed until his soulmate came along. The pair explored the castle and the Prince’s heart too until his frozen heart grew puddles.
Turns out Derek Hale can be kind if he chooses. From watching bad romcoms to learning to play the piano together he’s warmed up to Stiles. To bad Stiles is slowly falling in love.
The prince and knight danced the nights away pretending they attend balls among foreign monarchs for the knight never knew what royalty was like. Though they knew it was wrong the pair started to grow closer than friends.
They were slow dancing in the living room when it happened. Derek had claimed that it was unrealistic for the people on the TV to find dancing in their living room normal and Stiles wanted to prove to him that it was cute. Well, Derek was being a little too cute and Stiles made the mistake of following his impulses and kissing him.
The knight flees on horseback ashamed of his actions. He should have never kissed the prince. Still, he can’t forget how his heartbeat when their lips touched and how it stopped when the prince ran his fingers through the prince’s hair so it wouldn’t fall in his eyes. He can’t forget what it’s like being in love.
He’s crying in his room and pigging out because he’s fallen in love and it hasn’t been a year.
“I’m just a child,” he groans. The knock downstairs frightens Stiles. He didn’t order pizza and Scott is on his weekly date night (Not that Scott knows how to knock.) He drags himself from his pity party to answer the door. On the other side stands Derek. He’s out of breath like he ran a marathon and he has flowers.
“May I come in?”
“I don’t care.” Lies Stiles.
“Actually I’m not going to come in because I only need to do one thing.”
“Kiss you.” They’re pulled together like magnets. Hands are everywhere yet everything feels gentle and loving when it should be rough. Neither one of them wants to hurt the other. Derek pulls away slowly. “God I’m an idiot for making a stupid rule. I’ve fallen so madly in love with you I feel like I’m going to go insane at how much I love you.”
“Derek. I-“
“Make it quick Stiles.”
“No. I feel the same way. We’re such idiots.”
The knight and prince lived happily ever after. The end.
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