#brooklyn99 incorrect quotes
[Y/N & biker!ghost getting groceries, then some elderly couple made remarks abt ghost’s fashion]
Biker!Ghost : What’s wrong with the way I dress?
Y/N, picking out oranges : You know, some people might say that all black leather kind of makes you looks like an evil villain.
Y/N : Not me though ;)
Y/N : I think you look like a sexy motorcycle. Vroom vroom haha 😂
Biker!Ghost, blushes : Love, we’re in public……
Biker!Ghost : You can do that when we head home, yeah?
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hneyteacup · 4 months
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melody-amelia-pond · 9 months
11: Hey do you happen to know my blood type?
River: Yeah. B positive
11 (pulling out his blood transfusion): Well, guessed wrong. Hey, Craiiig?
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efadefoks · 3 months
Beyond Evil Incorrect quotes
*LDS and HJW show up at JY's. HJW has a bandage on his wrist*
YJY: What happened to you?
HJW: Tripped on an uneven sidewalk. What's the matter?
*30 minutes later*
HJW: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrist?
YJY: Yes.
HJW: I was hula hooping. Dongsik and I attend a class for fitness and for fun.
YJY: Oh, my God.
HJW: I've mastered all the moves. [Shows photos on phone] The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie-doodle.
YJY: Why are you telling me this?
HJW: Because no one will ever believe you. [Deletes photos from phone]
YJY: You sick son of a bitch
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Connor: Say goodbye to the Connor you know and love, for today is the day I forever change.
Puma: Ooh, are you finally growing a mustache?
Connor: No, you know I can't do that. And it's cruel of you to keep bringing it up.
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anomalyhill · 2 years
Rosa: *chugs coffee*
Gina, mumbling: That was hot.
Rosa: what
Gina: what
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incorrect brooklyn nine-nine quotes
[Rosa and Jake searching an alley for evidence]
Rosa: how do we always get stuck looking for the needle in a haystack?
Jake: takes me back to the easter egg hunts of my youth.
Rosa: you're jewish. your parents hid eggs?
Jake: my point exactly. all those futile hours of searching.
(source: law&order svu s3e9)
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zoyalaisobachka · 10 months
Kayla: I don't want things to be awkward. I'm gonna send them a text while they're sleeping saying "We're done."
Nico: Clear, accurate. Do you feel like it's enough?
Kayla: We're done...goodbye?
Nico: Yes! that should do
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al-astakbar · 1 year
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has this been done before
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hneyteacup · 3 months
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i believe they are the same person
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aforgottenballad · 2 years
Maybe my sense of humor and grasp on characterization was just worse back then but I swear incorrect quotes blogs used to at least be kind of funny when they first started (what like 2012ish? 2014?). But I think they've lasted too long. Textsfromlastnight parodies ran their course craigslist personals parodies ran their course vine compilations ran their course various funny twitter account parodies ran their course. But we are still passing the same three Brooklyn99 quotes around that we were 10 years ago and I think it's time to give it a rest
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folklorelise · 3 years
That one time the kids called you “mom”
HC / OS (i don’t know) about that one time the kids called you “mom” and that one-time Jean called Captain Levi “dad” (not related with the “being a mom to the survey corps” -- you’re a squad leader in this).
 -          Armin
Armin was a smart kid and he loved spending time at the survey corps library. Armin grew up with his grandfather and he had to work very hard to provide enough food for the both of them. When Armin’s grandfather died, he was still a kid. When they all joined the survey corps, Armin instantly loved you – you would always be in the library, reading different books every week. He obviously wanted to come to you and talk about books with you, but that boy was too shy. You were a squad leader which meant that you were his superior officer.
You would notice Armin of course. He would always read and study strategies sitting in front of you. Sometimes he would open his mouth, thinking ‘today I’ll talk to her’ but he never did. Once you decided that you would start the conversation, but as soon as you put your book down, Armin ran away. After that, you told Levi, your boyfriend, what happened earlier.
“I think he’s scared of me.” You admitted.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Why did he run away then?”
“Maybe he needed to take a sh!t. Like really needed to so he ran away.”
Meanwhile in Armin’s bedroom, with Eren and Mikasa.
“Why did you do that?” Mikasa asked.
“I don’t know!” Armin inquired, “I’m so embarrassed right now.”
“That was a weird move.” Eren admitted, “Next time just say something, anything really.”
That very next day, Armin was determined to tell you how much he wanted to discuss books with you. He saw you at your usual place and he took his. He repeated his sentence over and over, ‘squad leader Y/N I’ve seen you here multiple times and I’d like to discuss books together.’ But before he could say anything, you started to talk.
“Why did you run off yesterday?” you asked.
“Books.” Armin shouted which only startled you a little, “I like books and you do too.”
“I do like to read.”
After that, Armin was more and more comfortable around you. You would always read together before an expedition or after an intense training day – it became your little tradition.
A few weeks later, Armin wanted to talk to you as soon as possible. He has read a book that he knew you would like, and he needed to tell you about it. He was eating with his friends and when he saw you and Captain Levi entering the mess hall, he shouted “MOM! I-“and stopped immediately after.
Everyone was staring at him and all Armin wanted at this moment was to be eaten by a titan. You on the other side were just smiling widely at Armin.
“You look like a creep, stop smiling.” Levi told you.
After dinner, you went to the library and found Armin sitting at your usual table, arms crossed on the table with his head on his arms.
“Armin, hey. How are you feeling?”
“Embarrassed. I – I don’t know why I called you that.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to worry about it.” you reassured him.
“But I embarrassed you too!”
“Who said you did?”
“Everyone was laughing.” Armin guessed.
Then, you spend your night like you always do which is reading together until Levi came to bring you back to bed.
“Good night Armin.” Levi told him before leaving.
“Good night Captain, squad leader.”
“Good night… son.” you finished before joining Levi, laughing slightly.
-          Eren
Eren was outside with all the others resting after training with Levi. They were discussing their skills after Levi made them do hand to hand combat to know who could have a day off from cleaning duties (it was your idea – Levi would never give a day off for cleaning).
“I am obviously the best here.” Jean acknowledged.
“Mikasa won against you!” Eren screamed back.
“Yeah, but I’m talking about us. Today, I won!” Jean replied.
“That’s because I was too tired from the titan experiments!”
“Riight. You are a titan. You shouldn’t even be tired!”
“Yeah because you know everything!” Eren shouted even louder.
Both were ready to fight, but they were expecting their friends to stop them, but they were just talking between them, ignoring their little dispute. Both of them just stared at each other, waiting for something to happen or someone but nothing – so they just stared at each other awkwardly. Eren spotted you not too far away and screamed at the top of his lungs:
You were taking a walk with Levi as one of your rituals with him since during daytime, you could hardly see each other. You both looked at Eren surprised but still walked towards him and his friends.
“Yes? What did you need me for?”
“Eren said he was better than me at hand-to-hand combat which is obviously not true.” Jean explained.
“You agree with me, right?” Eren said to you.
“Hm…” you turned to Levi expecting help, but he just had a smirk on his face, waiting for you answer too. “Well… I mean…” you paused each time a word was said, “I just want to say that I love you guys but it’s late and I’m tired,” you tried to avoid the topic of the conversation. “Levi, let’s leave the kids.”
“But m-“ Eren suddenly stopped his sentence and thought ‘wait, did I just almost called squad leader Y/N mom? Did I call her mom earlier?’
“What’s wrong Eren?” Mikasa asked.
“Nothing, squad leader Y/N,” Eren insisted on these words heavily, “is right, it’s late, let’s all go to sleep.” Eren then run to his bedroom.
“Such a weirdo.” Levi stated before walking away with you.
In the middle of the night, Eren was still awake thinking about what he said. He was moving loudly, and Armin woke up very annoyed.
“Eren stop moving so energetically!”
“I’m not.” Eren mumbled.
“What’s wrong?”
“Did I call squad leader… you know.”
“Did you do an Armin? Yes. You call her mom. Welcome to the club! Now sleep.”
-          Mikasa
Mikasa was hanging with Eren and Armin outside after dinner. Eren and Armin were frenetically about Eren’s next prank on Jean.
“You always prepare something either too dangerous or just normal dangerous. Jean could get hurt!” Armin protested.
“That’s the idea I was going for. Plus, it’s not that dangerous.”
“You want to push him off the wall!”
“Yeah, but he has his gear on and we’ll just all laugh at this anyway. Right Mikasa?” Eren asked her friend.
“Jean could die if he doesn’t use his gear.” Mikasa observed.
“He’s not that stupid.” Eren replied.
“Ask mom then and look at her being disappointed by you.” Mikasa told them.
They both turned their head towards Mikasa and glared at her, with a shocked look.
“You just called squad leader Y/N ‘mom’” Eren burst out laughing.
“No, I didn’t. I said mom… as in…” Mikasa tried to correct herself.
“Yeah right, what other mom you possibly could be talking about?” Eren pointed out.
“It’s because you two keep calling her that! And I just forgot her name and…” Mikasa defended herself, “It’s your fault!”
“It’s fine, that makes the three of us in the club!” Armin shouted.
-          Historia
Everyone just discovered that Historia was the rightful heir to the throne, and no one knew what to do.
“Fine. Then run.” Levi said taking Historia by her blouse collar.
“Oh my, Levi!” you screamed rushing towards Historia. “Let her go!”
Levi let her go and left. You took Historia in your arms as she was ready to collapse on the ground.
“Are you okay sweetie?” you questioned her worried. She just held you close and thanked you. “Levi didn’t mean it. I’m going to ask to apologise.”
“It’s fine. He’s right. I should do something about this.” Historia waited a few minutes before saying “thanks mom,” blushing.
Everyone else wanted to throw a comment but no one dared after seeing you glaring at them. Only Armin whispered “welcome to the club” for himself.
 -          Annie
Instructor Shadis sent you a letter asking you a favour. He was feeling ill and asked you to substitute him while he recovers. You obviously agreed to it. You were surprised at how Annie was at hand-to-hand combat.
“Who taught you that?” you asked marvelled by her technique.
“My father.”
“Well good job!”
The whole time you were here you would constantly compliment her. You would really compliment everyone on their asset.
One night, Annie was outside with Reiner and Bertolt, talking together.
“I like squad leader Y/N, she is nice.” Reiner said in a moment of silence.
“Or she could just pretend to be nice so we wouldn’t try so hard when she’s here and that’s how we fail.” Annie pointed out.
“She’s not like that.” Bertolt insisted, “She seems genuinely nice. Never felt that supported in such a long time.”
“Yeah.” Reiner agreed.
Annie did not want to say it, but she agreed with them. You were always so supportive, always encouraging people do to better. Always telling them that they did a great job when they messed up. Annie wanted to add something, but she heard footsteps and she turned around ready to fight but it was only you.
“Mom! I was ready to fight you.” Annie yelled.
“What did you just call squad leader Y/N?” Reiner asked surprised.
“I– I said mam.”
“No, you said mom.” Reined laughed.
“NO! I said mam as in sir but for a woman!”
“I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright,” you admitted, “it’s late and I don’t want you guys to be tired since I know how instructor Shadis can be.”
“Instructor Shadis?” Bertolt asked.
“Yes, he’s feeling much better and he’s coming back tomorrow. I also came to say goodbye since I’m leaving tonight. I wish you luck and I know you guys are going to be amazing!” you end your little speech with a hug to each one of them. “I’ll probably see you around if you ever decide to join the survey corps.”
Annie was right, she was going to miss you.
-          Sasha
Sasha was a great kid, a great fighter but more importantly, she was a food lover. She never had enough food at lunch or dinner. She would always ask her friend for their bread or a piece of their meat when they did eat meat.
Once, Sasha was late to dinner because she had cleaning duties and she was a slow cleaner which made her late. Being late meant no food too but she still came to the kitchen hoping for leftovers – there were none. She went to the mess hall and collapse on the table. She heard a person sat down in front of her but did not move.
“You should eat Sasha.” she heard.
“No food.”
“Look up.”
She did and there was a tray with a bowl of soup that was still hot and two pieces of bread. She gasped and started to cry tears of joy.
“Thank you, mom! I was so hungry!” Sasha thanked you with her mouth full of a mix of soup and bread.
“You’re welcome, next time you can come to me and I’ll help you clean alright?” you told her.
You waited for her to be finished before going back to your bedroom. In the middle of that night, Sasha suddenly woke up, panting.
“What’s wrong?” Mikasa asked ready to fight an intruder.
“Nooo. I’m in the club now too.” Sasha realised.
“What? You called squad leader Y/N mom too?” Mikasa joked.
 -          Jean
Jean had cleaning duties in the equipment area. He and Connie were talking and being careless as usual when they were cleaning. So careless that Jean somehow caused a shelf full of heavy books to fall on his leg.
When Connie explained to you what happened you rushed to where Jean was. You and Connie helped Jean out and took him to the infirmary. Jean was now on bed rest for at least a week since he could not move his right leg anymore.
“How am I going to live now?” Jean complained after hearing the news.
“I’m taking care of you until further notice.” you reassured him.
Levi decided that Jean would still be attending training even if that meant only watching. After two weeks, Jean was still hurt – according to him anyway. Which the nurse found weird because that type of injury did not last long if he was resting correctly which is something you made sur of. Levi told you that it was suspicious, but you believed Jean.
“Your love for this kid is making you blind! Jean is obviously fine now!” Levi told you desperately every night.
“He’ll get better, if he’s still hurt and he goes back training then he might not be able to fight at all.” you explained.
You should have believed Levi because one day, you were stuck in a meeting with Commander Erwin which meant you couldn’t stay with the cadets training. Thankfully, the meeting ended sooner than you thought so you went to see the kids, only to find Jean perfectly healthy, on his feet, fighting Eren.
“NO!” Jean screamed collapsing to the ground dramatically, “It’s not what you think mom! NO!” Jean put his hands on his mouth.
“Oouh Jean called squad leader Y/N ‘mom’” Eren chanted.
“Now that they almost all called you mom,” Hange stated coming out of nowhere, “does that mean Levi is their daddy?”
-          That one-time Jean called Captain Levi ‘dad’
It was during one of the expeditions outside. You brought tents and prepared them but none of you wanted to sleep yet. You built a fire, and all sat around it. The cadets took turn telling horror stories and once Jean was done, you all applauded him.
“That was great.” Levi complimented him.
“Thanks, daaa–ptain!” Jean corrected himself hallway through his sentence.
Everyone burst out laughing and Jean was blushing hard, while Levi was only smirking drinking his tea.
“Jean, it’s official, you’re their kid now.” Hange kept laughing.
“I’m so embarrassed.” Jean grunted, “I’m sorry d– captain! What is wrong with me!”  
From then on, they wouldn’t even hide the fact that they all called you mom from time to time. At one point, new recruits thought that it was you name so some of them would call you “squad leader mom”.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Hank: Well, Connor and I have that kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Connor: -sentences.
Hank: Please, don't interrupt me.
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Holt: Peralta, why are you late?
Amy: don’t-
Jake, crying: Taylor released ‘all to well’ last night. It was an emotional journey and you expect me to show up on time?
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kazs-new-hat · 2 years
matthias: i want to show you a picture from last night that really upset me
nina: okay but in my defense, jesper bet me 50 cents that i couldnt drink all that shampoo
matthias: that's not- you drank shampoo?
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No one:
Literally no one:
Not even Pimento:
Captain Holt: Oh my god, Jake and Charles are dead!
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