#I guess im never changing my url ever
embriium · 2 years
I changed my avatar (or PFP, w/e we’re calling it now) to Sugawara Haikyuu. :3c
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oflgtfol · 2 years
i really wish people would somehow archive any posts they need saved for future use for whatever reason like either reblog it to a blog that you know you will never change the url for or even use the wayback machine or SOMETHING its just insane to me to see a master post where every single link is broken because each link led to a deactivated blog
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sollucets · 2 months
tag game for @khaopybara !! thank you for thinking of me i needed the boost 💜
1. why did you choose your url?
my url is from ‘sol lucet omnibus’, a latin phrase that means the sun shines for everyone. a lot of my urls & usernames and whatnot are sun themed, so this is just another in a long line. for a while it was ‘solclaw’ while i was in a werewolf phase. but i dont plan to change it again
2. any sideblogs? name them and why you have them
ahhh…. the secret come out. i guess? i have two sideblogs. @jinjjayo is my kpop sideblog, which i have not advertised having so far but does exist. i also have @solref, which is just where i collect tutorials & other reference stuff.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
not consecutively, i took breaks, but my first blog was made in 2011. :0 i’ve had three main blogs over the years.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i do! i don’t use it often but i tag things that are queued with ‘ghost post (queued)’
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
the original one, i made because my cousin recommended it to me. we shall not speak of its url. this current one was made when i started seriously writing again (thank u rasmr <3)
6. why did you choose your icon?
i love ayluna. my babygirls. that’s all there is to it lol. im also quite fond of the lil stars i edited in
7. why did you choose your header?
i did a lot of work to edit the scene’s colors for my lfls episode series, so i wanted to keep that and use it for one more gif haha. also i love them terribly
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
it is currently this set of the 3wbf trio doing their puzzle piece hugs, at just over 1000 notes. 🥺 im happy they deserve it
9. how many mutuals do you have?
73! i know this because (and i am aware this is embarrassing) i keep a notes document of my mutuals with names & tracktags, so i counted manually. that is,,, thats a lot of you. i love you all very much 🥹🥹🥹
10. how many followers do you have?
i have just over 900 followers. ._. wild
11. how many people do you follow?
i follow 155 blogs. i try to keep the number down but there are simply so many beloveds.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
sure lol. ive done textpost edits, and that disney only friends thing, and etc.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i check at least once a day. usually more though
14. have you had a fight/argument with another blog?
noooo. i never have. i always just blocked people or we drifted apart. i love to block though
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i think it’s counterintuitive. people don’t like being ordered around, so a lot of folks will instinctively scroll. then the ones you do get are often because of anxiety, so it feels cruel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just ask normally / say please reblog this
16. do you like tag games?
why ask this at #16 of a tag game lmao. yes of course. doesnt everyone love to overshare
17. do you like ask games?
yes very much. it always makes it feel more lively. i try to play when i have the time :>
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ouuhh, mona @thitiponqs probably, hehe. all member of usergif and gay dot tumblr dot com and everything else. everyone should know mona u.u everyone is famous in my heart though.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no! >< it isn’t personal. i don’t have crushes very often. certainly you are all very lovely and cool, and i’ve had mutuals follow me who i had to go scream into a pillow about after for sure, but. it is all quite platonic im afraid 2 say. would still be happy to make out though
20. tags?
i will try! i choose u @markpakin & @lamonnaie ✨
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panicatthediaz · 1 year
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Holy shit I am alive! Well, I'm just on Tumblr less, but I'm around. And I'm still writing!! If you couldn't guess by the not actual Sunday posting, I'm not ready to go back to regular posting. On top of on-a-whim WIPs I have at least one work project a week, and this week is my last week before finals for the semester :) somebody save me But I wanted to give y'all something, so this is it.
[Part 1] – [Part 10] – [Part 12]
@madaboutmunson @lamburrito @benjaminrussell @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @dijkstraspath @queerbuckleys @spectrum-spectre @epiclazershark @redheadchimechild @steddie-there @gayngerthings @manda-panda-monium (I... hope no one else changed their URLs for pride month 😂)
Pin a String to My Chest – 11
A song
When he started high school months ago, Eddie hadn't expected to find people that shared his interests for a while; he wasn't the oldest guy in the band, but the rest of Corroded Coffin still had to finish middle school, so he wasn't sure what to expect.
In the end, Ollie, their drummer, decided to drag him to a D&D session, and the rest was history. It had been some of the best fun he had, and he was sure the others would like it too.
It had also become a small problem.
Eddie dropped himself on the couch next to Wayne as soon as he got home. Hellfire had run a little bit later than expected, but it was the last session before winter break, it couldn't be helped.
No, the problem wasn't the sessions running late. Wayne was usually at work by the time they were done, and on the off chance he had a Friday off, he was always warned of where he was.
(Eddie would not make that mistake, ever, where Wayne was concerned.)
Wayne glanced at him but kept his attention on the crossword he was working on as Eddie fidgeted with his ring. The radio played softly somewhere close to them.
Okay, calling it a problem was a little dramatic even for him. It wasn't a problem. It wasn't. But it was a little unexpected, he'd never even thought it was a possibility.
"Alright, kid." Wayne put the newspaper down, turning slightly to look at him. "What's goin' on with you?"
"Uh," he stalled like an idiot. If something would make Wayne assume something was wrong, hesitating would be it. "I don't… It's not bad."
"But it is something," Wayne guessed. "What kind of something?"
"You ever figure something out that you thought you knew about yourself?" Eddie asked, but made a face immediately after, twisting in his seat to look at Wayne as well. "Like… You thought something, but it turns out that the truth is something else?" He chanced a look at Wayne's face and saw a flicker of understanding. "It's nothing bad! I promise it's nothing bad."
Wayne nodded. "You said that, Eddie, and I believe you." His eyes unfocused for a moment, in a way Eddie knew meant his uncle was looking for words. "Well, there was that one time I learned I'm allergic to grapes, remember?"
Eddie nodded. That had happened years ago when his Ma was still alive, and it had freaked him out as a kid. It had been a surprise to Wayne as well.
"Now, I'm guessin' this isn't about food, or even music," he prompted. Eddie nodded, looking down at his hands and spinning the ring on his finger. "You know whatever's in your head is safe here, Eddie."
"I know," he groaned. "It's just… not something I expected?" Eddie shrugged. "I told you about Dylan, right?"
"Yeah?" Wayne nodded, looking a little confused. "First kid from your club to actually try and teach you that game of yours? You made 'im kinda hard to forget, Eddie." The smirk was both on Wayne's face and voice. Eddie flopped onto his back, almost hitting his head on the arm of the couch and causing Wayne to huff a laugh. "What about him?"
"Ollie said he was flirting. With me," he clarified while looking at the trailer ceiling. There was a stain up there that they should probably look into at some point.
"And that's not bad."
Eddie hummed his negative, spinning the ring that used to be his mother's.
"I mean, I didn't notice but Ollie swears he was." His hands started moving above his body. "And while Kant was driving us all home, I realized that I didn't really mind if he was, it's—it's kinda nice, and I wouldn't mind!" He raised his head a little to look at Wayne. "I mean, I know there's nothing wrong with liking another boy," he said in a low voice. At this time, there wasn't anyone to overhear their conversation. It just seemed like the softness was needed. "I just never stopped to think about it."
Wayne hummed thoughtfully, and Eddie stretched out on the couch, unceremoniously dropping his feet on Wayne's lap.
"Pretty sure this is a good age to be thinking about this stuff, Eddie." Wayne patted his leg, ignoring the noise he'd just made. "I was about 20 when I thought, hell, maybe I'm better off just by myself."
"I spent all that time telling Dick that I wasn't interested in boys like that," Eddie mused, the nickname he bestowed upon his father making him smile. Wayne shook his head with a smile of his own. "Might have saved some time if I'd just—"
"Don't even go there, kid," he interrupted. "Your old man was a piece of work who couldn't handle not being in control."
Eddie sighed, nodding slowly. "So, what do I do?"
"About what?"
"Wayne!" Eddie shot up from the couch, standing in front of his uncle with his arms crossed.
"Alright, alright," Wayne conceded with a chuckle. "Do you like him?"
"I…" Eddie frowned, thinking it over. "Think so?" Wayne raised an eyebrow at him, waiting. "He's a good person! He listens, y'know, and he's nice to be around."
"That ain't quite enough, kid," Wayne said softly. "You need to know for sure because people have their expectations in a relationship, and you need to know whether you two can find a middle ground."
"Expectations like…" His frown deepened, trying to think of something. "What?"
"All sorts of things," Wayne shrugged. "Sex, for one."
Eddie groaned, sitting down on the little coffee table that was behind him. It creaked ominously for a moment but settled down again. Wayne chuckled and continued talking. Eddie only half listened, as he was prone to when he wasn't interested in the topic, while Wayne kept going about how people — most of them, anyway — eventually wanted more "physical action" out of the relationship. Some sooner than others.
Those were Wayne's words. He wasn't sure how his uncle knew any of it, Eddie had never heard about the man being in any sort of relationship, ever, but the fact was that Eddie would much rather just… not do what he was very obviously implying.
Did people really have nothing better to do? This was starting to feel a little bit like some of the conversations he'd overheard over the halls in high school…
It was kind of ridiculous.
"Okay!" Eddie exclaimed, raising his arms to stop Wayne before he could go into any type of detail. "How the hell do you even know any of this?!"
Wayne shrugged, smiling in a way that made Eddie narrow his eyes. He did not want to know.
"Either way," Wayne continued softly. "Make sure to respect them and that they respect you, kid." He stood up, patting his shoulder. "Just want you to stay safe."
Eddie watched him move to the kitchen for a moment before standing up himself. He turned the radio up a little, just enough to be heard from his room. He didn't think Wayne had anything to worry about; if what he'd just said was true, Eddie was probably better off on his own just as Wayne was.
He lay down on his bed, listening to Woody Guthrie's voice in the background. He wasn't sure which song it was, but he had the impression of it being one of Wayne's favorites. He was sure he'd listened to it a lot since he came live with him.
It wasn't long before he fell asleep to the music.
At some point, Eddie was aware he was on his back. He usually moved around in bed more, but he felt tired. Still tired. He was supposed to feel better rested, he'd been asleep just now.
He could still hear the music on the radio, lowered and muffled somewhere to his right.
Do not think 'bout tomorrow; let tomorrow come and go…
Right, that was Wayne's favorite song, one of the first he'd taught Eddie on the acoustic guitar. Without opening his eyes, he tapped his finger on the bed to the rhythm of it. It wasn't his usual type of music but it was… pleasant.
Something wrapped around his wrist, stilling the movement of his hand. He tensed. The last time something held him— He tried holding onto his sheets, but the thin, scratchy material felt wrong and—
"Eddie," a soft voice called to him. He didn't know it, he didn't like it. Whoever they were, moved their hand so they were holding his hand instead. "Can you squeeze my hand?"
He didn't want to listen to them, but he could tell it was important. It took more effort than he'd expected to put any type of pressure on the hand holding his. He couldn't think of it as a squeeze of any kind.
"That's great, Eddie, that's great." They sounded happy for some reason. "Think you can open your eyes, now?"
Eddie made a noise that might have been a no if he had any more energy. The stranger — a woman, he realized — chuckled.
"I know it's unpleasant, but we really need you to open your eyes."
He wanted to go back to sleep. He was still tired, his body was aching all over, head to toe. But he was pretty sure she wouldn't let him sleep again.
If squeezing her hand took effort, opening his eyes was like… something worse. There was a golden-ish glow to the room he was in, but not much in the way of furniture of any kind. It was him and this lady.
Listen to the steel rails hummin', that's the hobo's lullaby.
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catholicbeastmode · 11 months
i changed my url bc work found my insta a bit back which had the same username as here and all my social medias ever so now the main anxiety of Locking And Not Using Anything has passed im just doing a switcharoo on all my social medias and i never expected this to be free
anyway. runyasty -> catholicbeastmode i fucking guess???
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sorry im gonna send you another ask cos im Obsessed with you. now do star trek. um specially ds9 but also tng pls and thank you also i love you . And you can answer for tos too if you want 😋
Favorite character: tos is spock tng is data ds9 is quark HEEHEEEE 🤭🤭🤭
Second favorite character: tos is jim tng is UHM. IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE. BUT MY SWEET ANGEL WESLEY 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 OR MY SILLY ANGEL WORF 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and ds9 i loveeee jadzia… 💙💙💙
Least favorite character: tos i dont dislike anyone on the crew so probably mudd bc even tho i really love his eps hes a good villain hes also a misogynist </3 tng is pulaski like SORRYYY to all the thinkpiece bitches out there saying its not feminist to hate her bc shes basically the same as bones its like. 1. okay so shes kind of badly written bc they just tried to rip off bones and 2. her thing with data isnt the same as his with spock bc spock was bitchy right back but data just didnt get it. so she was just being straight up cruel to him all the time and nobody defended him. YEAH SHE GOT ME HEATED. and ds9 i got distracted by so many other tv shows shes been on hiatus for a bit but kai winn booooo we hate your ass 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
The character I’m most like: now. Uhm. literally fighting one million years with myself to determine kirk or spock and i never fully decided so we will leave it at they are two sides of the same coin and that coin is MEEEE ^_^. tng is hard to say bc i love them all but none of them ever grabbed me by the throat and shoved me into a mirror like so many other shows have done. i think either data geordi or picard (minus his leadership skills) would be the closest fit for me. and well as those who were here for biquark url know. 😏🤭
Favorite pairing: tos is obviously spirk 5ever and always like it changed the world. they are the fucking blueprint for everything they invented gay people. tng literally everything is so fun i think everyone has huge chemistry such interesting dynamics with each other. deanna and riker invented t4t bi4bi love but then geordi and data invented my lovely robot wife but then rikorf invented silly boy and autistic boy love and then qcard invented me and my wet crumpled paper bag weirdo boyfriend. HOW COULD I DECIDE… 💔💔 and ds9 quodo is everythang… i love you sillies ❤️
Least favorite pairing: this has less to do with tos and more the crimes of other trek series using tos characters but. spuhura i guess you had some moments but why did they do both your characters the disservice :(( and tos chapel and spock was so nice and hurting like i love her she crucified herself for the right to love a stoic alien (girl i get ittt) and snw fucking slaughtered her. literally feel sick thinking about how horribly they adapted her. evil and sick and twisted. anyways. tng i didnt love geordis weird hologirlfriend and also barclay stay your ass away from any woman on board. ds9 whaaaleeeee i dont really hate anything at the moment ^-^ i guess when i swing back around to it i may have more to say…. 🧐
Favorite moment: OHHHOHHHHOHHH. WELL. tos pretty much anything with spock he is my beautiful angel. but ill say the entirety of city on the edge of forever its so insanely good and has me vomiting up blood. oh also i love kevin riley when he goes crazy and is singing to the ship :•) tng oh god when data is on that planet with the little girl hes pen pals with. ingrained in my brain forever. but there are honestly so many moments i could name like i think they might be my favorite crew ever like i said the chemistry between each and every character is so fucking amazing. and also horny. i love you deanna and riker 🫶🏻 and ds9 frankly im obsessed with quark and the undercover girl ferengi bc hes so bisexual with her in drag well um. who said that
Rating out of 10: 10/10 fucking all around forever theyre my three beautiful weed smoking girlfriends. We Dont Have To Talk About The Movies.
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theworldinclines · 2 years
Ok so I’m a little upset. And it’s really my fault for trusting tumblr in the first place. I’m here typing up an ask and BAM! Just gone. For no reason. Just hit another character on my keyboard and suddenly I’m whisked away to a totally unrelated tumblr. Ask gone. Unrecoverable. And with my short term memory as bad as it is… well… it’s not coming back. Anyway I’m conditioned I guess so here I am typing this ask again with no safety net… wounded, beaten into submission by the tumblr gods. Before, I was weaving you a tale about how I was late to even noticing your url had changed… conjuring excuses whole cloth from the ether about how well, it’s actually your fault really that I’m late since you decided to change your url during the holidays and how I mean really I just could not be expected to keep up and how even after I noticed a full two days late my single braincell simply did not have the capacity to respond since he’s also been shut down for the holidays and well starting him up suddenly without a suitable warm up period is just asking for problems. Then I was gonna relent about how, ok so it’s actually my fault for not remaining in a state of higher vigilance for sudden url changes but that maybe it would be some consolation that it seems I’ve evolved beyond a state of surprise to one of resignation and curiosity with my first thoughts at seeing the new url running along the lines of, huh I wonder what the new url means and what prompted the change at this time. Anyway, sorry you were robbed of my original response. It was gonna be pretty good I think and I’m a little sad I lost it. But I do hope you’re having an excellent time and that the coming new year is gonna be glorious and as always… I hope the url gods always find themselves aligned with your needs. Thanks for always lending your ear, your wit, and your humor. I hope you know they are deeply enjoyed, appreciated, and treasured. Happy Holidays, New Year and all that jazz. -💖💕💖
homie this is so funny i have tears blurring my vision laughing rn and im squinting to type so i hope ur happy >:( as u can see from changing my url i AM having an excellent time even tho im also saddened that i WAS indeed robbed and wont ever get to read ur original 'excuses;' classic tumblr trickery like they hate me (and u) personally smfh
but the secret reasoning for my url THIS time is every good pair of gays studies together ex team and win; tinn and gun; pang and wave; chanon and pom; palm and nueng; i measured and the list actually can actually stretch from the boot of italy all the way to northern california! so that's something! but i wont put them all here bc i think u get it. the url encapsulates my interests all at once <3
thank YOU for making me laugh constantly, i appreciate you immensely. ur asks are straight poetry the likes of which the greatest minds could never dream of replicating ✨
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first-only · 2 years
I have a couple of questions, if that's alright
Why is your avatar a volcano? I mean, volcanoes are rad as fuck, but is there any meaning behind it?
Why are you called first-only? I feel like you might have explained this before, but I don't remember it. My best guess is that it's an old fandom related reference that I'm too young to get lol
Thanks x
hi! thank you! i like talking abt my presence on this webbed site lol<3
it's a volcano from a still from this gifset ! and yes volcanoes rad, and like i love the coloring of this particular set - purple/violet and red and smoke, fire, a black base i just really really love the coloring. i mean ofc there's more, i used to just grab a pic of my current fave from recurring fandoms, but since ive kinda leaned up on Popular fandoms i like i decided on something more universal that i can keep for longer. aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd its also kinda sorta symbolic of the way i think of/the aesthetic of my apparently all time forever otp never leaving my head (mcreyes 😩) so thats a nice bonus lol. this particular pic is a nice merge of a reference to that + my own aesthetic so i chose it!
first-only was the name of the first ever blog i made on this website, i chose it bc i swore i would never participate in social media back then (i mean i never strayed /too/ far from that promise) but i wanted to follow friends and artists that were moving as a mass exodus on here so i was like this is the first and only socmed accnt im ever making EVER!! so this kinda inspired my choice of words lol. i did change it up once i got more into tumblr in particular but i did save the url. after my old main crashed and burned (partially due to tumblr censoring it in the weirdest most unusuable way even tho it was never nsfw, and partially due to the fact this was kinda at the rise of antis so there was.. A Lot of conflict and i kinda just left tumblr at 99% and just looked at some animal pics here and stuff) i decided to come back with to this side blog (originally a 'secret' reylo blog lmao) with the name i kept for so long, both as a memento to the start and as a promise to myself to never let it get as bad for my mental as it did before.
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godmerlin · 10 months
kind of want to change my url to something merlin related because i'm mad as hell at sebastian lmfao like don't get me wrong i still love him but at the moment i'm mad as hell and having his name here upsets me because i don't want to be associated with him right now IM THAT MAD. Like every damn day I get more angry that he decided to do this movie lmao turns out i cannot support him in everything he does. and merlin is like my home and makes me feel happy even though it kills me at the same time but in a different way. in a good way. sort of. IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT YOU UNDERSTAND I AM SURE.
but at the same time i'm attached to this url and everyone knows me by it because i've had it for YEARS now...i had some random ones here and there and then my other one im sitll attached to and won't ever let go was deanmartiann (if you're still around from those days HELLO!) i don't know. maybe i'd change it only to change it back again...i've been struggling with this since god was it last friday? I don't even know time has long all meaning to me since november hit really it's been pretty bad i hate winter so so much that's another topic entirely. i'm rambling now but it's my blog so whatever I can ramble if I want to.
i don't know what to do. i am hurt. that i know. i've never had this happen to me and i am fan of some pretty controversial people lmao
i'll make an announcement if i do it i guess GOD i wish it did not bother me as much as it does but it really REALLY does. anyway i will be nice and keep this out of the tags probably no one will see it but who knows lol
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xaeyrnofnbe · 2 years
here is my pinned post!! info about me here!! (sorry it’s a mess of words. i am not a very organized person. i appreciate it a lot if you do read this stuff though)
you can call me Xae
i strongly prefer masculine and androgynous terms and compliments… so like sir and mr. and all that stuff. you can call me a guy or a boy all you like. i’m not exactly a man but i vibe with the words y’know?
not all that great at social stuff online, so if you reach out and i don’t respond i’m very sorry, i probably want to chat as well i just panic as soon as i am paid any attention and also just don’t know how to talk online. if you wanna shoot me a message though, go for it! i’ll try my best. probably.
my og worldbuilding passion project is called Athzurea, and all relevant posts will be tagged as such, if you're interested.
very open to questions about my headcanons, original characters, or other ideas i’ve posted on here! if you send an ask i most likely will respond in some way. cannot guarantee i’ll be coherent about it though
also, i post about a lot of different things, and don’t really have the mental capacity or care enough to manage multiple side blogs. so i would list all the things you might find on here but honestly it’s just everything i’ve ever been into. so. good luck with that i guess, follow at your own risk. (that risk being having to see stuff you don’t care about/don’t like)
i draw sometimes, but not a lot. lots of art mediums too. if you have something you’d like me to draw, lemme know i guess? i’m all ears for inspiration. though i’ll only really want to draw cartoon characters, dsmp or dsmp adjacent characters or ccs, and ocs sometimes. also animals or dinosaurs, love those guys.
oh and as a little warning if you happen to read this, i tend to reblog videos and pictures of insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and other leggy things, and rarely tag them, cause i forget. so if you’re freaked out by any of that, a follow may not be in order.
also also, i am very uncomfy with anything inappropriate, suggestive, or nsfw in any way directed at me! so keep that to a minimum pretty please.
if you don’t like something i did, or a particular viewpoint i like, or the fact that i like a person/media that you don’t, sorry not sorry, i’m just vibing here. if you don’t like it then don’t follow. block me if you need to.
oh and btw if you change your url and don’t say anything or i don’t see you say something about changing it, you’re a different person to me now sorry. i have ZERO object permanence when it comes to people on here i barely remember people i regularly interact with. again sorry but if you’ve changed your url recently and we’re mutuals or something, you’re a different person now in my brain and that past person either never existed or is dead now. oh well. whoops
with everything previously stated in mind, i’m pretty chill and open to chatting. and i usually follow people back if we have shared interests or if the person is funny. bye bye now!!
(oh and. if you’re curious. i am putting my current fursona here. just so The People have something to imagine me as if needed. and bc i love him)
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I was (kinda) tagged by @glittertrail, mil gracias jo 🥰🥰🥰
1. Why did you choose your url?: When i was a kid and on my first social media sites (basically Deviantart and mail accounts) i always used "jackdragon" as my username because of Jack Redfield from Memorias de Idhún, I wanted to keep that theme on Tumblr and I came up with this one I quite like :)
2. Any side blogs?: Yes, both are dead but I don't really know how / want to delete them lol, they're @skamesptranslations for, well, Skam España clip translations; and @gleespana again, pretty self explanatory, I had a project of rebooting Glee but set in Spain and with Spanish songs and stuff.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?:
I created the account on 2014, but from 2015-2016 I was absent. I came back in 2017 and I've been here since.
4. Do you have a queue tag?:
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?:
I honestly don't remember? I think it had to do a bit with the crush I had at the moment, she had a Tumblr and maybe I wanted to have something in common with her? I don't remember us talking about Tumblr tho 6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?: I wanted an Amira icon cause she's my favourite character from the Skamverse and someone made that really funny edit with the Hackerman meme after the clip in season 2 where Amira dug up all info on Joana and whatnot; so I just took it lol (looking back I should've asked for permission, sorry to whoever it was).
7. Why did you choose your header?:
Kieutou is probably my favourite ship ever so yeah. But after Druck ends my Skamverse era will probably be over and tho I want to keep the pfp I want to change the header; I don't really know what to choose as a replacement tho (I'm all ears if you have any suggestions!!!) 8. What’s your post with the most notes?:
A "put in the tags" post I made a while ago about what would your name be if you were named after the river closest to your hometown. It blew up way more than I could've predicted, last time I saw it I think it had over 5k notes. 9. How many mutuals do you have?:
I haven't counted but I would say around 200? Maybe??? 10. How many followers do you have?:
1062 which I think is just insane 11. How many people do you follow?:
601 12. Have you ever made a shitpost?:
Yeah, I've made some lol 13. How often do you use tumblr each day?:
Too much... No but really, I would say, in total, it must be like 2-3 hours? Maybe? 14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once?:
I don't really remember any, no! I've had some hate anons (and non-anons) but there was never any beef I think 15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?:
I don't really like them tbh, sometimes I will reblog it nevertheless (if the cause is important enough to me), but most of the time I'll just ignore it 16. Do you like tag games?:
I love them!!! 17. Do you like ask games?: Everybody knows I love them, yeah, they're my favourite part of this site!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?:
There certainly are mutuals that are big in the skam fandom but I don't know if they would classify as "tumblr famous", they are for me at least I guess. I would say @jon-astronaut, @j-purplesunsets-rainydays @fatoudixon (I screamed when I saw you were a mutual hello 😳) @aahelvede and @gotskamstuff are the most well-known mutuals I have. And apart from them, I have an irl famous mutual, miss Hajar Brown herself which honestly makes me loose my mind everytime I remember it lol. 19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?: Not really! I do have a lot of friendship crushes like @ la ganga, @skamesp @claimedbytheearth @minglana @im-too-tired-to-think @espanhois @what-islife15 (my beloved❤) and many more I'm probably forgetting but yeah, none romantic I think (and if I had I wouldn't say it lmaooo)
And I tag basically everyone I have already mentioned (la ganga: @naguaraquerandom @alicechesire @eskamtrash @sarcasmisalifechoice) @looselysealedkrypton @afolksongs @sonechkaandthedynamos (i just realized i should've include you in famous people as well, you're one of the balkan tumblrinas!!!) @gwendolynlerman
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infernil · 3 years
@beartsar @sanktasolntse @suncalls @solsnkta @beblade @aleksling @krashaya @kcrclrezni @lantsovheir is this too many fjfjf
Send me a url and I’ll write some positivity for it.
no its never too many!!!! send me every url ever im thriving!!! i am gonna try to keep these slightly on the shorter side? but knowing me no i wont lmao
@beartsar - alex is so unbelievably talented i will never not be screaming about it! i will still never be over the odd tender relationship we crafted between ivan and modern!mob aleksander breibgiure i need to put him on tenikost so those two can keep being bros who love each other so much (and so i can keep simping for arian moayed urbgiurb)
@sanktasolntse - emma i was already nice to you but fuck it im gonna do it again!!!! i love you!!!! i think your take on alina is really great!!!! she and marie are so perfect in any and every way and i love them!!!!
@suncalls - bean holy shit you’re so talented and you capture alina so beautifully like wtf. also ketterdam alina???? THE POWER THAT HAS. THE INFLUENCE THAT HAS. i need to get on my multi more often so we can scream about malina and also i need to yeet marie at your alina bc angels.
@solsnkta - hey haley guess what!!!! i frickin love youuuuuu!!!! i love your alina and i love how like? you plot about alina w/ other alina muns like that’s just something so admirable and kind??? and you’re just a talented writer and a lovely person tbh. 10/10 always
@beblade - oops guess its time to be gay on main for eza again sowwy. no but for real i genuinely love writing with you or just screaming about headcanons with you it is just legitimately such a fun part of my day and i appreciate you endlessly for that.
@aleksling - um wow okay what a cool fucking person!!!! isaac you’re literally so talented and i’ve said this before but i really, really respect the way you play the darkling. like you just come at him with this crucial level of empathy but also you won’t compromise like? about his actions and that’s something that i know i’ve had a hard time with when trying to write villains. also like literally i will never shut up about how much fun it is to write the dark marie verse with you like thank you for making that happen with me
@krashaya - tas you might not see this for a hot minute but i want you to know.... my crocs arrived. kjfbgiurbguir okay so here’s the thing though. you’re so FUCKING talented. i love your writing and your aesthetic and i love the extra layers you’ve given to genya w/ @pistolslinger having her be jesper’s cousin. like i just simply adore you even though marie and genya are still fighting. fashion is so fraught. ily and you’re never getting rid of me or my crocs xoxo
@kcrclrezni - sarah i am only just now realizing i don’t think we’ve ever written which just absolutely needs to change???? i really love your portryal of nikolai and have loved chatting with you ooc!!! you’re super kind and just really really talented and icb we haven’t had our kids cause some mischief on the dash.
@lantsovheir - britt!!! you’re so talented like! we’ve been through this but you actually made me care about vasily and i will now forever have a lil place in my heart for him and i like cant wait to reread the trilogy and experience that. you’re so fun to write with and i am not exaggerating when i say i cANNOT wait for forbidden marie and vas erbgubei
@dirtycrow - HA HA BIG GUY (sorry thats a reference to this dumb youtube video) but gUESS WHAT YOU GET ONE TOO!!! this really warmed my heart when you sent this ask like??? idk there’s something so sweet about you loving ur friends and being like ‘hell yeah i want them to know how loved they are’ AND YOU ARE SO LOVED TOO!!! the talent, first of all, is off the charts like???? literally youre so good at what you do and you’re also just a really lovely soul sooooo uwu. ily.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
♪♫.ılılıll your voice ˎˊ- k. kozume
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WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, kinda angsty (actually, it is angsty)
“hey! you’re a friend of keiji, right? kenma? that’s your name, right?”
kenma would be a fool not to recognize that voice, but it was the loss of confidence and formation of hesitancy that drove him to linger for a few seconds before he turned. lo and behold, he was correct.
he pulls down his hands together, unconsciously fiddling them as he looks at the ground, unable to gaze at you directly at the eye. he was only able to when he muster that courage, suddenly finding himself to be astonished at the sight of you in front of him, without any of his friends around him, no other person saving him from any sort of embarrassment he may do.
why does he care for what you may say?
why does he care what you may think?
but he wondered what was on your mind, guessing over the thoughts that you may think about, sitting here with someone who’s close as a stranger, all your friends inside of the pub, talking and discussing with themselves.
“why are you here?” he questioned once he had taken his eyes off of you, once again looking at the ground, aware of the chill wind that passes through both of you, making his hair slowly dance in movement with it.
“why are you here?” he questioned once he had taken his eyes off of you, once again looking at the ground, aware of the chill wind that passes through both of you, making his hair slowly dance in movement with it.
you then gave a deep exhale, as if releasing all the weight of the world on your shoulders back to the universe, where it should belong. “i just wanted some fresh air. the boys are enjoying back there, talking about chemistry and basketball and studies, to which i couldn’t relate.”
“how about you?”
he fiddles his fingers again. “i don’t like drinking… much.”
he could smell it. even if both of you had come from the same room and the stench still reeks to the outside, he could smell that you’ve drank quite a lot, surely more than him.
“oh by the way, i hope you weren’t offended when i said you have a nice voice.” he thinks more despite your voice slightly pulling him out of his mind.
“i wasn’t.”
“it’s just that-it reminded me of when someone said that to me, you know.”
he peers at your form again, seeing the distant look on your face in an instant.
“why do you look like that?”
when you met his gaze, that was the only time he realized what came out of his lips. yet, he was too late to take it back, nor does he want to.
you didn’t look offended though, unlike any normal person who’d be the recipient of such a question from kenma. you smiled instead—a sad smile, before turning your face ahead. “you saw that?”
“well, i can’t blame you.” you say after an intake and exhale of breath. silence followed, but he knew this silence is not because you were dodging his question. it was the calm before the actual storm, and you were just giving him time to prepare himself from a story that he would never have expected he would hear tonight. “i don’t know if you’re going to understand this, but the moment you’ve got the taste of fame, you just want to go up and up, wondering where the top may be.” you say, your hands gesturing as you go, like when parents try to make their children eat vegetables, swinging the spoon like an airplane before landing to a perfect shot. kenma blames it on the drinks, but your voice says nonetheless.
“though the moment you realize that there’s no such thing as the top and the walk through fame is blander than it seems, you can never go back again. because once you’ve held back for even the slightest, you’ll lose everything.”
kenma, he knew he doesn’t understand a thing, because he’d never tasted fame. but he can tell just by the way you sounded and worded everything that it was a journey he wouldn’t like to take.
“you like games, right? i saw you playing games inside while the others were talking.” you paused and kenma saw through the corner of his eye that you raised something. only then did he see that you were holding a can of beer. now he doesn’t know anything about alcohol but he sure did not expect he would one day find a famous person like you to sit beside him and drink openly like that.
then he realized, maybe this is what you were talking about.
“in games, you’d basically want to get yourself on top of the ranks, right? of course, you’d want to get stronger.” you say after sipping from and bringing down the can. “but once you’ve reached your goal, what would anyone usually do? they create dummy accounts. because in dummy accounts, they could restart again and get it as strong as your original account. you’re back on track again. in real life, you can never create dummy accounts or you’ll lose track of the goal.”
with a hushed voice, you added, “there’s no way you’ll go back to where you had been before.”
kenma may not have been able to process everything in your situation, nor does he think he would ever be, but he does get the logic of what you were saying. reality is much different from fantasy, and it also meant having to experience the harsh truth about life.
he wanted to say something, to respond with his own words.
but he can’t.
both you and kenma looked up to the call of akaashi’s voice, standing by the side of the door next to the wall from where the bench you two were sitting at.
“oh, you’re here too, kenma-san. it’s about time to go home. both kuroo-san and bokuto-san are already drunk.” said akaashi, pulling his coat to fish out his car keys. “do you need a ride home, (y/n)? wait, you’re drunk too?”
“am not!”
akaashi turns to kenma, and he knows what that look is.
“they’re tipsy, but not drunk.” he answers straight away, to which you giggled and say “told you so!” to akaashi. based on the interaction alone, kenma knew how close you were to the other one.
when akaashi left, you stood up and just when he was about to, a question from you made him freeze.
“hey kenma, what’s your number?”
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y/n mentioned a few clues here about their past
they’re really just tipsy, not drunk
taglist is still open! please do send an ask to @ftkenma only
i have changed my personal url again jxjzjz im sorry about that. anyway, i was actually going to not post this update today because i thought i wouldn’t make it. it’s a good thing i already have a draft of the long story of y/n so it was quite easy to fill out the gaps hehe. what do you think of this chapter? any theories out there?
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mangomybeloved · 3 years
i got tagged by @magebirdi for this so tysm mage!! :D
1. why did you choose your url?
it was around the time the beloved locket meme was really popular and i saw a post passing around, which said mango my beloved, and i ABSOLUTELY adore mangoes and got inspired by that post, so i changed my url :D
2. any side blogs?
i have a writing sideblog @purrfectwriting​ and an aesthetic sideblog @loveistheonlymeaning​, and other old sideblogs i’ve since deleted.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i think it’s about 6 years? (which is lowkey embarrassing, but also tumblr is the only tolerable social media for me nowadays, so im stuck here <3)
4. do you have a queue tag?
i used to, but i don’t use it anymore. now, i just spam whenever i want.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i had friends on here, so i decided to make one to talk to them. additionally, i used to lurk on artists’ tumblrs, and then figured i might as well make one to follow them
6. why did you choose your icon?
ITS KYO!!!!! my favorite anime catboy i love him to bits <3
7. why did you choose your header?
blue @the-blue-phantom sent me this post with the colors of oranges and reds and the colors was a gradient, and it was SO PRETTY, i thought i should make this my header, so ty blue for sending me that post!! and it also matches my icon so :D
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i have this one webweaving post i made a while ago, which is pretty popular https://mangomybeloved.tumblr.com/post/189311598606/mjalti-hozier-someone-new-twitter
9. how many mutuals do you have?
oh i know its a few tbh, i never actually sat through and counted it, i’m guessing it’s at least 5
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people are you following?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i don’t think so?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
far more often than i should 🤡
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don’t think so, i mostly tend to stick to my little circle of the internet
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
sometimes i reblog them if i feel it’s something important to share, but sometimes i don’t reblog them if i don’t feel like it or i don’t like the guilt tripping in the post
16. do you like tag games?
i do!! it always makes me happy when people tag me in things
17. do you like ask games?
yes!!!! :D it makes me feel so honored when people send me asks wanting to know about me or otherwise!!
18. which one of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
@intricatecakes i believe!! she has really cool art spspspspsps go see her art pspspsps!!!
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
maybe........ maybe not <3
20. tags
i tag anyone who wants to do this! feel free to say i tagged you, if you want to do this one!
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chanluster · 3 years
— check in tag!
tagged by @healinghyunjin and @kookings thank u sm!!! except for sunny go fuck urself 
1) why did you choose your url?
oh my fucking god basically you know like ‘lustre’? like sparkles and shit? i thought chan + lustre would be cool cause chan is a glowing boy but i used the british spelling instead and now i sound like a total horndog 💀💀 its the way i didn’t even realise till my friends pointed it out and now i can’t change it yfm but yeh clearly lacking brain cells
2) any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them!
okay so 
gyuluster — my txt account!! ive had it for a while but ive been so dead on there 😭😭 tho i did promise myself that this summer i want to write more content about them so skz im sorry but 💨💨
amorlix — my giffing account!! ive recently gotten into giffing and i love it sm tho i admit it takes up sm of my time 😭 i will try using it more often
i have more but i’m gonna keep them a secret for now 😼😼 most of them are just made to gatekeep usernames LMDOAAO
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
i think it’s defo been more than a year now!! ngl hate it hate tumblr but i love writing too much to let it go so i guess we stuck 😃
4) do you have a queued tag?
no i don’t actually tho i think i should start using it sometime soon
5) why did you start your blog?
i really wanted to get away from wattpad 💀 after writing for bts for so long on there and then completely abandoning them for stray kids it made me realise i needed a fresh start away from there + the writing here is a lot better than i found on wattpad so that’s a huge plus
6) why did you choose your icon?
because felix in that fit is so fine i don’t think i’ll ever recover THE NET THE FUCKING RED NET
7) why did you choose your header?
because jake from enhypen owns me body and soul this man could call me a currymuncher and i’d happily comply ‼️ also him in drunk-dazed studio choom was an 8th wonder of the world
8) what’s your post with most notes?
my 10/10 fic !! my chan fic racked up over 1500 notes and i still haven’t recovered 👁💧👄💧👁 thank you so much for the support guys ❤️❤️
9) how many mutuals do you have?
literally 15 and half of them don’t use tumblr anymore 💀💀 i would love to make friends here but i have major trust issues cause of past experiences LMFAO
10) how many followers do you have?
1750+!! thank you homies omg
11) how many blogs do you follow?
12) how often do you use tumblr each day?
way too much fr like i’m genuinely thinking about writing offline, post and fuck off i’m way too addicted to this hellsite 💀💀
13) did you have a fight/ start another argument with a blog once? who won?
LMAO that shit is so childish if i don’t like someone i just block, unfollow, or keep the grudge stewing within me for months cause i fucking hate confrontation
14) how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post?’
if you mean the “reblog this in 10 seconds or spongebob would make a krabby patty out of you” posts then they’re annoying as hell 11 year old me truly thought my mum would die at one point cause i didn’t like them on facebook
15) do you like tag games?
yes i do! they’re really cute but i’m so shit at responding to them so if you do tag me i love u i’m not ignoring u i promise
16) do you like ask games?
yes yes yes!! don’t hesitate to ask me shit i feel like i’m hella isolated on stayblr 💔💔
17) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i mean tumblr fame is a scam but i know my desi degen @tyonfs is well known on nct (and well enough to be slandered on a youtube video!! congrats on ur downfall whore😻‼️)
18) do you have a crush on a mutual?
@mocimori i love u ur art and ur lost boy! skz ramblings please know i enjoy listening to ur ideas and would 100% buy ur lip balm if u pitched it to me also ive never gotten over the paris fanart i love u sm
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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sunball · 3 years
Hi💫💓. I have a confession to make. Nothing too serious tbh. This is going to be lengthy. I created a Tumblr acc a while ago but, I was never active on it. I preferred to guest browse, you know. I would lurk around in the tags and read stuff. But, I never actually interacted with the posts. Ever. One day, I was doing the same thing and, I came across your blog. I LOVED reading your posts. You came across as an authentic and outspoken person to me. Your blog's aesthetic stood out to me. I could see that it was an expression of yourself. I could see the effort you put into it. I kept coming back to your blog and ended up finding some other wonderful blogs through it. After a while, I ended up traveling. I didn't have data or WiFi access at the time so, I couldn't read any of your posts. When I returned, I couldn't find your blog for some reason. I low-key freaked out. I am not sure how to explain this to you but, I have ALWAYS struggled with communication. It made me SO anxious to the point that I couldn't even imagine being on social media. People say that interacting with others on the Internet is much easier than face-to-face communication but, to me, it's all the same. At the end of the day, I am always wondering "Was I rude?", " Did I even make any sense?", "What are they going to think of me?". It is such an irrational fear but, I can't help it. After coming across your blog, I decided to check my natal chart, and lo and behold, I have Saturn in the 3rd. After finding out that you had the same placement, it gave me some kind of hope? That may be, someday, I would be able to express my thoughts just like you do. I really respect the efforts you put into your blog. I admire you for that. I really do. Okay, let's go back to the story. I eventually ended up finding your blog. I made up my mind to finally tell you that I loved your blog. I think I send you an ask. I think. But I decided to redo it cause' I felt like the first one didn't do justice. So here I am. I don't know if you will ever actually read this. Even now, while writing this, I am freaking out! I know I am anonymous but, my anxiety doesn't give an f. I want you to know that you are doing great. There are lots of people out there who appreciate what you do, and I am one of them. I hope you rise amongst all perils and achieve all your dreams. Thank you for being yourself. 💛💛💛
Hold up, I was supposed to make a confession, right? Okay so, I used to hang around with a cockroach as a kid. Let's call it bestie. Feels weird to say it, but bestie was actually well behaved? I used to sing songs for it and stuff. Our friendship lasted for a grand total of two days. Bestie was a great roach. Best of all?? It didn't fly. Yap, that's it. I don't know if you will read this but thanks for listening.
omg anon🥺🥺 I’m speechless aahhh aakdhjdg this means SO much to me. you made my day. you made me smile and tear up wow. thank you so much for taking your time to write this. im feelin super special rn hehehe just reading your words makes me feel appreciated 😭 I’m guessing you found my blog when my URL was ilyneptune? I was shadowbanned so that’s why you couldn’t find my blog, SORRY ABOUT THATTTT! I’m glad we found eachother again though :D
I totally get what you mean about the communication part, as a child I was really quiet and did not talk to my family or my friends much. at school I was the most awkward person and was labelled as stupid because whenever I got picked on to answer questions, I would just stutter and answer something stupid 😭 just speaking makes me feel like choking even if it’s just a simple hi. I also used to not like talking online too, I would leave messages unread and ignore them for weeks and I absolutely hated calls (I still do). I also take hours to write a paragraph. saturn in 3rd house things I suppose 😔 but actually, this year my communication got so much better. I stepped out of my comfort zone and made this blog. not so sure what made me do it but I’m glad I did it anyway. now I’m arguing with people in comment sections and I’m not afraid of being wrong anymore. I guess I just accepted that I’m not perfect and that I’m bound to make mistakes and that everyone is here for the same reason - to learn. would me saying something wrong make me a fool? or would the person laughing at me for being wrong and not asking questions be the fool instead? I actually have 2 quotes on my wall, “speak your mind even if your voice shakes” and “he who asks a question is a fool for a minute, he who does not ask is a fool for life”. those quotes are very important to me and pretty much changed my life :B my dad also helped me ig, he’s kinda cold lol but he told me that people actually don’t give a fuck about your mistakes, they don’t notice the things you notice like your crooked teeth, the way you eat, how you stuttered 3 times or how you messed up your presentation. why? people have their own insecurities and their own life to think about, they’re probably thinking of the exact same thing like “omg did they notice that I accidentally spat when I talked?”. so yeah that helped me too.
I believe that you can overcome these fears! I mean, you’re already doing it by writing this to me :D (which brought me to tears lol). If an awkward bean who barely spoke at school (aka me) can do it, so can you! I believe in you anon ((: it’s okay to be anon I understand! I appreciate you writing this to me (for the 2nd time KAHDH I’m sorry I didn’t get your last ask 😭). but anywaysss I’ll still be here for the day you express your thoughts (and imma listen hehe) I’m a sucker for thaaatttt, hearing people’s thoughts and opinions. I think it’s super fascinating how people think differently and how people can come up with different ideas. makes me just wanna take a look inside their mind KAHDJDH.
okay wth a cockroach HAHSGDGD AND WHY IS THAT WEIRDLY CUTE??? why am I aww-ing at a cockroach I don’t get it AHAHAAH AND YOU SANG TO IT?? WELL BEHAVED??? I’m chuckling here 😭😭 that’s so wholesome. so cuteeee😔 bestie will forever be missed <33
thank YOU anon. I hope you are doing well! I hope to see you againnn 🥺
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