#ain’t nobody got time for switching blogs
embriium · 2 years
I changed my avatar (or PFP, w/e we’re calling it now) to Sugawara Haikyuu. :3c
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Something I love about Tumblr is that I have no idea how many people are following a blog or how many people they’re following XD
Heck I never even check my numbers especially because that many people NEVER interact with my posts so I assume most are porn bots, spam accounts, or dead/inactive accounts.
I just now checked and apparently have 632 followers and am following 274 blogs. Feels like I have maybe max 20 followers and it feels like I’m following maybe 30 blogs...the rest are probably nothing.
I’ve had my blog for a while though and switched fandoms in between (YGO and big Bakura fan --> DBZ and big Gohan fan), I feel like a lot of the people following me are old YGO blogs and a lot of the people I’m following are old YGO blogs that converted to meme blogs or something and I just never unfollowed them cause ain’t nobody got time for that.
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ask-atwr · 4 years
Everyone make sure they got everything? Are Geoff and Doomfanger are comfy?
(Geoff is sitting on Error. Doomfanger is sitting on Red. Both are very comfy. Yes, everyone did double check that they brought everything.)
Blueberry: Okay, roll call time.
(Everyone else joins in.)
(The rest of the song is below the cut.)
Fresh: Mah name iz Fresh!
All: Yeah!
Fresh: M’ 6′3!
All: Yeah!
Fresh: Dere ain’t nobody!
All: Yeah!
Fresh: Dat can handle me!
Stretch: My name is Stretch:
All: Yeah!
Stretch: I like to sleep.
All: Yeah!
Stretch: Now if you don’t mind...
All: Yeah!
Stretch: I’ll be counting sheep. (He falls asleep.)
Error: My name is Error!
All: Yeah!
Error: I live with Ink!
All: Yeah!
Error: I’ve fallen asleep!
All: Yeah!
Error: In the kitchen sink!
Mod Crossant: My Name’s Mod Crossant!
All: Yeah!
Mod Crossant: I run this blog!
All: Yeah!
Mod Crossant: My cat is Willow!
All: Yeah!
Mod Crossant: And Maxi is my dog!
Dream: My name is Dream.
All: Yeah!
Dream: My mom was a tree.
All: Yeah!
Dream: I’m the guardian of...
All: Yeah!
Dream: Positivity!
Nightmare My name is Nightmare.
All: Yeah!
Nightmare: I killed my mom.
All: ...yeah!
Nightmare: I like to pretend.
All: Yeah!
Nightmare: That I’m a dom.
Horror: My name is Horror.
All: Yeah!
Horror: And I will bite.
All: Yeah!
Horror: (He attempts to switch songs.) CUZ THIS IS THRILLER!
All: Yeah!
Red: My name is Red!
All: Yeah!
Red: I drink mustard!
All: Yeah!
Red: Blueberry’s cuter!
All except Blueberry: Yeah!
Red: Especially flustered!
Blueberry: My name’s Blueberry!
All: Yeah!
Blueberry: And Red speaks lies!
All except Red: Yeah!
Blueberry: He’s so much cuter!
All except Red: Yeah!
Blueberry: At any time!
Killer: My name is Killer!
All: Yeah!
Killer: Knives are my thing!
All: Yeah!
Killer: I’ll try to stab you!
All: ...Yeah!
Killer: Or anything!
All: Yeah!
All: Yeah!
All: Yeah!
Dust: My name is Dust.
All: Yeah!
Dust: I like to nap.
All: Yeah!
Dust: I sleep like the dead.
All: Yeah!
Dust: My cooking’s crap.
Lust: My name is Lust!
All: Yeah!
Lust: I’m great in bed!
All: Yeah! (Horror says it louder than anyone else.)
Lust: My favorite joke is!
All: Yeah!
Lust: That’s what she said!
Cross: My name is Cross!
All: Yeah!
Cross: I hate my dad!
All: Yeah!
Cross: He’s very dead now!
All: Yeah!
Cross: For that I’m glad!
Ink: My name is Ink.
All: Yeah!
Ink: I have no soul.
All: Yeah!
Ink: My memory’s shit.
All: Yeah!
Ink: get stick bugged lol
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Hi, I was told by someone that I shouldn't use "NB" to refer to myself or others as nonbinary individual because "NB" already means "non-black". Is this, like... true? I always preferred using it over "nonbinary" or "enby"
Lee says:
The acronym “NB” does already stand for non-Black in some contexts, yes. But NB can also stand for non-binary in other contexts.
As someone who is both Black and non-binary, I’ve seen it used both ways and I’m usually able to figure out which meaning of the acronym is being used depending on the context.
Of course you should clarify how you’re using the term if the context doesn’t make it evident, but I don’t think that either group has exclusive claim over the acronym- it’s okay to use it to stand for either thing.
Take New Brunswick, for example. The postal abbreviation for the province is NB. Should we be throwing hands with all the people in New Brunswick and the post office because of that? 
There are lots of times when two communities independently come up with an acronym to describe something and it just so happens that those acronyms overlap. Does that mean that one group is “stealing” the acronym or shouldn’t get to use it? 
I get the old western movie vibes from this kind of conversation like “This town ain’t big enough for the both of us” but in this situation we aren’t two groups of people in the same town fighting for space, we’re in two separate towns which have the different names but the same nickname, and one town is suing the other because they said they came up with the nickname first so they get to copyright it, and the other town says they came up with their nickname independently and it has a completely different meaning so they should still get to use it. And the people living in the two towns are just like “Ok we get it, it’s slightly confusing, let’s just,,, move on with our lives because neither town is using the nickname in a way that’s harming the other!”
[Edit: turns out there are two New Brunswicks, one in Canada which is where I was referring to and one in New Jersey that I forgot about bc... it’s Jersey... (I’m from NY so i legally have to say that) but this is actually a good example of exactly what I’m talking about y’all! Multiple things, same name, it’s okay!]
So if you think that the way you’re using the “nickname” (ie acronym) is confusing because you don’t think the context of the post makes it clear whether you’re referring to non-Black or non-binary people, just… spell it out as the words “non-Black” or “non-binary” to introduce the term. Then feel free to use an acronym if you’d like to. 
Enby is a shortened version of the word non-binary (pronounced “enn-bee” because it’s how you’d say the acronym NB) but there are non-binary people who don’t like being called “enby” because they feel it’s infantilizing for some reason. 
I guess maybe they see it as analogous to the childhood form of the gender, like girl/boy/enby versus the adult form of the gender, like woman/man/non-binary person, but I don’t really know because I also haven’t seen a big push for it to explicitly be recognized as an age-defined term that’s explicitly meant to be used for younger people and exclude adults so I think it’s just the connotation of the word (as mentioned in a 2014 post on our blog here).
Some people are proposing trying to create different abbreviations for non-binary instead of using the NB acronym or enby version, but of course then you run into the “nobody knows what you’re talking about” issue because there aren’t any standardized abbreviations the whole community is aware of and supports.
But yeah, as a Black non-binary person myself, I don’t think it’s honestly a big deal because it doesn’t hurt us in any way that I can think of. It’s not like NB is a slur or offensive word referring to the Black community that non-binary people have decided to appropriate as a self-descriptor for their own identity, it’s just a way to say the phrase “non-Black”. 
And while using “NB” to mean non-Black has definitely been a thing in both academic writing and community discourse, people haven’t been using it as a hashtag on a large scale. So nonbinary people dominating the content posted in the NB hashtag hasn’t erased our organizing or our conversation on the topic or suppressed our voices in some way because that was never a particularly popular hashtag in the Black community to organize with, so it isn’t like the non-binary community came by and “colonized” the tag.
The fact that a different community uses the same acronym to mean something else doesn’t mean we can’t discuss the ways that non-Black folks discriminate against and oppress Black folks anymore.
I do have to say I find the usage of both NBPOC (non-Black people of color) and NBPOC (Non-binary people of color) is more of a potentially irksome overlap as NBPOC is a tag that was used more often with the original race-related meaning, but overall I feel like there’s a lot of things that we could be doing to uplift the Black community (and to specifically support Black non-binary folks) that is a better use of our time than trying to put the genie back in the bottle with the gender-related NB acronym because it’s so widely used at this point and trying to undo that doesn’t actually provide a vast tangible benefit that I can see. So why spend our activism or mental and emotional energy fighting over this issue?
This is just my opinion, as one Black non-binary blogger, so I can’t speak for the whole Black and non-binary community in its entirety. But that’s the point; there isn’t a huge consensus on this topic in the Black community and one person can’t speak for all of us about what we believe because we have different beliefs! Some folks have strong opinions on the NB acronym on either side of the argument about whether it should be used, but even more people (like pretty much everyone else in my family IRL, especially the Black adults) simply don’t care or think it’s particularly important.
Saying “listen to Black people about Black issues!” is the right concept in a way- it applies when the majority of the marginalized group of people is on the same page about the thing, and it helps to recenter the lived experiences and need of the marginalized group in question instead of speaking for them or over them, but what do you do when you’ve got three different Black people who are all equally affected by the issue telling you three different things about the topic and then three more who couldn’t care less?
Sometimes you can look at the other opinions the person holds and see if what they believe with generally matches what you believe and see if they’re informed on the topic to decide if you think their opinion should hold more weight than the other people’s opinion, but there are people who will have great takes on a lot of issues but just don’t get it right on That One Thing, so what then? Usually people end up just listening to the Black person who is telling them what they already agree with.
Hypothetical: You’re not part of a marginalized group. Within the marginalized group, there are two groups of people, both equally affected by the thing in question, with one group of people asserting opinion A and one group of people asserting opinion B.
Assertion A says “X thing is harmful, do Y thing instead!”, and assertion B says “X thing isn’t harmful, and I have no issues with Y alternative either”, then I’d follow the wishes of group A if you genuinely can’t tell which situation is occurring and don’t know if the thing is harmful.
That’s because listening to group A means you potentially avoid a negative outcome whereas group B believes nothing negative will occur either way so you’re hedging your bets to do the thing that’ll create the least harm.
So if the alternative Y isn’t bad then it doesn’t hurt to switch to it and avoid potentially creating harm. But if group A doesn’t propose an alternative Y to the X thing, or there’s an issue with alternative Y that makes it problematic itself, then it gets confusing again.
Following that logic, if you’re NB (as in not-Black lol) and genuinely can’t figure out what you believe, when in doubt, you can just spell out the words “non-binary” and “non-Black” instead of abbreviating it because typing out a few extra characters avoids the whole issue altogether!
So even though I personally believe it’s fine to use NB either way and that the whole fuss is kind of silly when you put it perspective with the actual issues we should be advocating for, it’s fine if you want to use an alternative acronym or abbreviation to refer to non-binary people. (Followers, feel free to suggests alternatives that you’ve heard of!)
It’s also true that replacing the term “non-binary” with an acronym isn’t necessary in the first place; you can just write “non-binary” or make a shortcut on your phone (this will expand your acronym or abbreviation of choice into the entire term) if you don’t like wasting time typing.
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shaekingshitup · 5 years
My Type
A/N: I finally did it! There are probably hella typos because the app I was writing this in kept on autcorrecting everything. But I tried to clean em up. I can already think of things I wanna do differently. But i’m just happy that I’m being consistent and doing something. I ACCIDENTALLY PUT IN A “KEEP READING” JUST BEFORE I POSTED THIS. WOW. How did I do that?
Edit: I learned how I put the “Keep Reading” there and I am re-posting because my old blog was trash thanks to staff.
Songs I was listening to try and get me in the mood for this fic are here. But I trust your imagination to feel what a club setting is like. You ain’t gotta press play boo,
Warning: cursing, “the - n word”
Dani was out there givin it her all. She had to because she knew the DJ was gettin ready to spin this Petey Pablo single into her summer anthem. That shit would have her goin nuts in no time.
Hennessy on my lips
“Oh bitch, this is yo shit!” screamed Rachelle, digging in between her breasts to pull out her phone. She always had to take it to the Snap.
Hennessy on my lips
The DJ was messing with them at this point. This was about to be the third time he had teased Dani with the first line of the song. If he kept playin, she was gone have a lot of words for him in the parking lot when his set was over. She hated when they did that shit.
Hennessy on my lips, take a little sip
Privacy on the door, I'ma make the shit grip
Rachelle was hollering, “Ayyyyyy, that’s my best frannnd!” loud enough for damn near everyone in the club’s attention to be drawn to Dani.
As if someone had flipped a switch, Dani started twerkin like her life depended on it. You would have thought she was auditioning to be the lead for City Girls’ Twerk music video. All the ladies were on the floor shaking their asses. But no one was out there throwin it in circles the way Dani was- and she knew it.
Rich nigga, eight-figure, that’s my type
That’s my type, nigga that’s my type
Eight-inch big, ooh, that’s good pipe
Bad bitch, I'ma ride the dick all night
Dani was in a full squat pretending like she really had something or rather someone to ride on the floor with her. She was glad she’d chosen to rock her black romper with the white vertical stripes and the denim jacket to go over it instead of her bodycon dress. If she’d put that on tonight, the fabric would be around her waist at this very moment. Typically, she was so engrossed in her song that she didn’t even take into account the rest of the world. But this time was different. She felt…off. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t alone. Glancing up to the V.I.P. balcony she saw why. There was one fine ass man watching her get down. He was leaning on the guard rail devouring her with his eyes as if she was his personal seven-course meal. Dani couldn’t look away. His gaze was far too intense and he held a beguiling smolder she couldn’t begin to match. Not in public in front of all of these strangers at least.  
The moment the song was over, Dani straightened up and this nigga had the audacity to wink at her as she made her exit from the dance floor. She turned and grabbed Rachelle by the hand so they could re-fuel at the bar. Her Fairy Thot Mother really brought out the best in her. Yet every time the song was over, she needed a moment to recuperate. Sipping her Between the Sheets, Dani had to yell at Rachelle to get her attention again. Her gaze was fixated on the V.I.P level and who she could make out up there.
“Rachelle, are you listening to anything I am saying to your ass?” Dani fussed.
“Danica Albany Jones. Yo ass should know by now that I can multitask better than most can focus on one task for the rest of their lives. I hear you. You had a fine ass nigga scoping you out while you was getting it and now you’re tryna to make your dance floor fantasy a reality,” Rachelle stated still focused on the balcony.
“Fantasy? Nobody said all dat!” she kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes at Rachelle’s antics. She hated when Rachelle listened to her without looking at her. It was rude as hell and even more frustrating when the bitch was able to repeat everything she’d uttered just moments before.
“Got em!” Rachelle shouted turning back to Dani. Trying to play it cool, Dani forced herself to avert her eyes from the balcony and waited for her to clarify. “Damn, I can’t believe he really in her with that trick Trina.” Immediately, Dani slanted her eyes at her about-to-be replaced best friend.
“You really are out here checkin for Shad? I thought you were done messin with his ass?” Dani loved her best friend and she knew she was a woman on a mission. She wanted a man with a bag. She was strategic about it all and not subtle by any means. She could always tell you who was in the V.I.P section and had that shit mapped out like she drew up the damn blueprint herself. She had messed with a few ballers and other money makers. But she was perpetually stuck on stupid with Shad. He didn’t even meet the criteria for her future husband. But, the dude must have made up for what he lacked in height and net worth in the bedroom because Rachelle was rarely able to stay away for long.
“Don’t worry about what I’m doing tonight. Yo scary ass needs to go find yo stalker.” Rachelle shot back. As if she summoned the devil himself, Dani turned her head to his section and saw him eyeing her again. Once he realized he had her attention, he beckoned her up to his section with a slight head tilt towards the bouncer at the V.I.P entrance.
“Did you-“ before she could even get it out, Rachelle was downing the rest of her drink and pulling Dani towards the staircase.
“Just follow me, I know the area.” Rachelle threw over her shoulder as they wove through the crowd. Dani rarely went out- let alone found herself in the V.I.P section of any club so she held on a little tighter to Rachelle’s hand as they approached the bouncer.
“Hey Mike,” Rachelle offered peeping past him to the booth so she could see Shad occupying a smaller booth with Trina sitting on his knee.
“Rachel. How you doin tonight? I see you brought a new friend” Big Mike countered. He knew her name was Rachelle just like she knew his names was Big Mike. So long as she continued to call him out of his name, Big Mike was determined to do the same. Petty sees as petty does.
“Danica” Dani said a she extended her hand and smiled up at Big Mike. Already she’d won him over faster than Rachelle’s ass ever could. Big Mike turned around and verified that there was someone else on the other side of the velvet rope expecting the ladies. When E provided a nod of approval. He let the ladies inside.
Dani had no idea what had come over her. Granted she didn’t go out often, but it wasn’t like she’d never encountered the opposite sex before this evening. Walking up the stairs towards this man was proving to be a more difficult feat than she’d ever imagined as her legs seemed to be gelatinizing with each step she took. Or maybe it was the alcohol. She had consumed a few shots of Henny at this point. Within V.I.P, Dani could see that he had a few booths for him and his people to occupy. Dani couldn’t even begin to take in his mini kingdom he’d established because she was too preoccupied by how good he looked up close. His short dreads were neatly pulled back into a ponytail towards the back of his head and on his frame he adorned a long white tee, an Amiri distressed denim jacket and a black pair of drop crotch jeans that didn’t do well to help her keep her eyes from droppin below his waist line. What distracted Dani the most, was the gold rimmed wire frames he adorned which were quite similar to her own pair. Gold was her favorite color and she loved it even better against some melanin. As she took the final steps to be in his presence, he called out “Hey, lil mama” welcoming her with a partial smile and a glimpse of his golds in the bottom row of throne-er mouth. If it weren’t for Rachelle tugging her around in that very moment she would have surely collapsed into his arms. Instead, as Rachelle turned her around to tell her some final piece of advice she ended up crushing her ass into his hand. Which, may not have been too much of an issue if his white shirt hadn’t taken on the amber brown from his Hennessy as a result.
“Fuck! Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry” Dani began as she stood bug eyed in from of this adonis of a man. He lifted up his shirt to assess the damage and see if it was soaked through thoroughly.
You’ve got to be kidding me. This man can’t be this fine at first glance and have a body like that. How many packs is that? 6? 8? Do they even got a word for that? Damn Dani get it together. You’re staring. Stop staring.
He chuckled. He was bemused by the situation. Nah by her.
Reach for her waist her bent out and growled, “Imma be right back. You and yo girl make yourself comfortable in the back booth,”  as he disappeared down the steps.
“Biiiitttchhh, how drunk are you?” Rachelle asked.
“I only had 1 shot of Henny and that Between the Sheets in the 2 hours we’ve been here. Why?” Dani questioned looking confused as hell. Rachelle should have been saying sorry. It was her fault that Dani’s ass ended up in the stranger’s hand anyways. Rachelle cut her eyes at her friend.
“Because the way you were talking about his body was bold as fuck when you don’t even know his name,” Rachelle cackled. She was low-key proud of her girl.  
“Aww fuck. I said that shit out loud? What kind of friend are you for letting me ramble on like that?!” Dani whisper yelled.
“The kind that’s about to put you on game,” Rachelle quipped back, “Okay so to your left you have the Hip Hop Descendants. These are all of the people who got daddies and mamas in the game. The only reason anyone puts up with them is because they parents are the pioneer of Hip Hop, Rap and everything in between as we know it. Some of em had a single or their own tv show coming up. But, if it wasn’t for their DNA we would all say IDC”
“Wait what about Shad? He’s over there and last time I checked his parents were just regular degular people like you and me,” Dani posed.
“Shad is unique in that he was in the game at a young age and just grew up in the industry,” Rachelle supplied.
“Okay. So Shad is the Aladdin of the Descendants because his parents weren’t present in the Hip Hop industry”
“I won’t even acknowledge that. Moving on, in the middle you have Black By Popular Demand. These are the people who the media thinks are Black purely due to association. These hoes got here because they all know how to suck, ride or have a nigga by they side. In doing so, Hollywood calls them trendsetters rather than Culture Vultures and let’s them act out as they please. We don’t really fuck with them or their crews.”
“Is that a Kardashian?”
“They always got at least one of them in that group. To your right, are your Single Housewives”
“That don’t make sense. How are you a housewife and single?”
“If you would stop interrupting, I would be done with my explanations by know.”
“Okay okay. I’m sorry Janice. Continue please,” that made Rachelle laugh.
“You so stupid. Okay as I was saying on your right are the Single Housewives. Most can be found on a segment which is currently airing on VH1 or trying to secure someone to get them on the network. They may have been a housewife or a girlfriend and some point, but for now they just opportunistic.” Dani keeps her word and doesn’t say anything. But she knew exactly where Rachelle was going to make a beeline for later on in the evening.
“Last but not least, we have the section we are in right now: The Heavy Hitters. The niggas in this section got bank. I’m talking numerous sources of income. Collectively, they could probably wipe out Cali’s debt. And from what I’ve heard, the one who is chosey with you ain’t just got big bank he got a real fat-“
“Y’all ladies good over here?” he said as he returned to his private booth.
“Yes,” they sang in a chorus. Somehow he’d managed to find an even more expensive white tee in the few minutes he’d been gone.
“Cool. We ain’t get to introduce ourselves earlier, I’m Erik,” he said picking up the carafe of Henny and a glass gesturing to Dani and Rachelle.
“I’m Rachelle and I’ll take mine’s to go,” she said extending her hand. She took it, saying her goodbyes and heading straight to the Single Housewives section where she was directly in Shad’s line of sight. She really thought she was slick.
Dani turned to find those eyes roaming her frame for the third time this evening.
“I’m Dani…and I’ll take a lil bit,” she managed to get out as he maintained his contact with her. He never broke it even as he offered her the glass, poured his own and sat down right next to her on the sectional.
“Okay lil bit”
“What’s that mean?”
He smirked. “It means, “he said while placing his hand on her thigh, “you really bout it this evening. Ain’t nothin bout you little. Yo shit match my shit and you won’t take them sexy ass eyes off me. That’s My Type indeed”
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shadowintegration · 4 years
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Going through my ancient posts on my old blog and I found these beautiful gems 💎
These two were about the same person, who initially betrayed me about 7ish years back. I forgot the extent of their shitty actions and I forgave them, no I APOLOGIZED. What a joke. And then last year she pulled the friendship switch again without telling me, just like all those years back! Pretty clear she’s stuck in a pattern!! But I’m getting out. No thanks, I’m forging my own path these days, sick of walking around in circles lost in the woods.
She sure as hell ain’t gonna walk with me again. No sir. I got three people on the list! None of you will walk with me!! YALL AINT GETTING A THIRD CHANCE. god the fact that I already gave second chances out 😂😭 what a sweet little naive baby I am thinking traumatized, broken people could actually love and respect me when they can’t even love and respect themselves 🤦🏻‍♀️
yo I’m sorry, I really do want y’all to heal, but I’m not a strong enough healer for you and at this point I don’t know if anyone is !! y’all gotta heal yourselves ! Ain’t nobody gonna do it for you and if you just leave those old wounds to keep festering you’re gonna be UGLY AS HELL in no time. Not physically obviously because you’re all beautiful, but your stank ass toxic personality is gonna DESTROY your vibration and you canNOT blame people for not wanting to be close to you when you’re like that... leaving someone who no longer passes the vibe check is absolutely self care self love and self preservation. It is NO ONES job to save you so FUCKING SAVE YOURSELF!!!!! Victim complex my ass.
Fix yourselves. (That’s what I’m working on!) Best of luck and get well soon!
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lotusdumpling · 5 years
germano and pruaushun for the ask game?
You know my ships, don't you U//w//U
who is more likely to fall asleep on the couch
Honestly both but for different reasons. Lovino takes "siestas" (actually he randomly falls asleep anywhere in the middle of the day like a true Roman lol) everywhere and the couch is a go to. Ludwig tends to overwork himself and fall sleep in random places, too. The couch and his desk being two. Lovino usually forces him into bed if he falls asleep at his desk, but maybe they can couch sleep together UwU. But like they'd have to find a way to fit comfortably.
who makes meals and who is more likely to hoard take-out menus
Who dares bring takeout into Lovino’s kitchen??? Into his dining room???? Into his house????? How dare you insult him and his cooking like that? But yeah, he throws out take-out menus. Ludwig likes a nice meal anyway, so he doesn't mind. Lovino cooks mostly. Large Italian lunches, bombass home hosted Aperitivi, filling dinners, maybe tapas if he's feeling it. Ludwig mostly cooks Breakfast, tho, because it's a big part of a German day and not in an Italian one. If Ludwig didn't make them a nice breakfast Lovino would snack and go until lunch (which already tends to be later for him). They both bake, but very different things. Lovino likes things he can bake for a long while but eat in a hurry. Think along the lines of biscotti with espresso, cannoli, babà. He also small fruit tarts and rum cakes because they aren't too sweet. Ludwig has an admittedly large sweet tooth and a soft spot for cakes. Black forest cake, apfelkuchen, Bienenstich Kuchen, Buamkuchen. He likes baking in general, though, and will stretch out towards other things.
who gives nicknames
Both! In a... sorta different way. Ludwig is an awkward romantic, but still a sweetheart through and through. He goes for more sweet titles like Schatzi (treasure), Liebling (darling), Perle (Pearl), or Schnucki. Lovino is a bit complicated if you don't know him as a person. He does use things like Amore (love) and Caro (dear), because he's still a romantic and also to get what he wants shush but he's also likely to call you Capona (block head) and Stronzino (little asshole) in the most endearing ways lol. He would probably also call Ludwig Patanella (little potato) because it's funny.
favorite non-sexual activity 
Catch me outside if it's not baking. Catch these hands because I just love imagining Ludwig getting a bit exasperated because Lovino keeps eating chocolate from the bowl or sitting on the counter and Lovino just does it more because it's funny. God forbid if he doesn't love it, tho. Chocolate kisses? Chocolate kisses.
who leaves notes for the other to find
Ludwig. Actually he doesn't like not leaving them around now. They usually remind Lovino to do stuff or to wake up at a certain time but if he has nothing to say they usually just say how much he loves him because he's a sap who can't convey his feelings in words XD.
who crosses the street to pet a cute dog
Ludwig! He's in essence a child compared to Lovino and loves puppies. Lovino has self control. Usually. Mostly. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe. Maybe not. Now Lovino’s gonna go gush over the dog, too. Cooing in Italian while Ludwig just cries silently because words emotions how??? Their dogs are going to be so jealous when they get home.
who takes notes on the other’s favorite foods and makes sure the fridge is stocked
Ludwig. He has no real need to, seeing as Lovino cooks, but he likes to feel at least a little in control. Lovino used to, but he doesn't mind letting Ludwig do it as long as he gets to look over the shopping list. It gives him more time to do some early morning gardening, anyway.
who apologizes first after a fight
Ludwig, verbally. It doesn't help that neither of them are good with words or emotions and misunderstandings do happen. Lovino even being in his presence after a fight is an apology in and of itself, in a way, tho. He will pretend you don't exist if he's angry with you and doesn't do verbal apologies unless prompted. They usually pretend nothing happened until Ludwig brings it up again to make sure everything is okay and that everything will be okay.
who is more protective 
Seeing as Lovino is the more laid back in general, I'll have to say Ludwig. And Lovino probably finds it amusing lol.
who says “I love you” first
Depends on the context. Lovino is more likely to say it to embarrass Lud than anything. He shows his love in none verbal ways, mostly. Ludwig is the one who actually says it because he is a sap and Lovino probably gets a bit flustered because he's so damn sweet and they're so cute.
Frying pangle!
who is more likely to fall asleep on the couch
Gilbert because he's a disaster. He's probably late night blogging and he fucking face plants onto his keyboard. They find him the next morning replying to something with "yeaxxxhdhsisxxxdyusisowxxndjdjosossxxx" etc and drooling on the keys. Tho if ever it is needed,,,,,,, couch snuggles. He also over works himself but when he does Erzi makes sure he goes the hell to bed lol.
who makes meals and who is more likely to hoard take-out menus
Bold of you to assume they cook. No jkjk. Erzi cooks and Rod and Gil bake but ain't nobody got time for that.
Gilbert: Are you guys hungry?
Erzsébet: yeah always.
Roderich: Do you guys feel like cooking?
Gilbert: Nope.
Erzsébet: I'll call the pizza place.
Erzi does enjoy cooking! Usually when they don't need to cook tho oof. Paprika is always in the kitchen just in case they're making Gulyásleves, Körözött, or Paprikás Szalonna. Roderich and Gilbert just bake tarts and small pastries then eat them in very large quantities lol. Like apfelstrudel, himmelsleiter, linzer kuchen, or sometimes Sachertorte. God I'm hungry.
who gives nicknames
I feel like they're all on name basis, simply because they're used to it and it's comfortable. But if they switch to titles of endearment, Erzi is the first one to do so. Cute names like Drágám, Kedvesem (both of which mean dear), and Édesem (my sweet), but they also use these towards younger children. Roderich will use small things like Süße/Süßer (sweetie) and Liebling (darling). Gilbert is a bit self conscious about seeming really sappy, but I guess if he had to, he'd probably use Hasi (little bunny) or Mausi (little mouse).
favorite non-sexual activity 
Game night! It's either monopoly in which they're all really good at from real life dealing and empire stuff so it lasts a long time and things are most definitely thrown, or Mario Kart and Roderich screams about not knowing the controls and crashing into stuff while it usually ends up being Erzi vs Gil and Erzi most definitely wins every time. Except once when they let him win, don't tell him tho.
who leaves notes for the other to find
Erzsébet, but like small things. Like warning them not to eat certain things or the grocery list for Gil.
who crosses the street to pet a cute dog
GILBERT BECAUSE HE'S WEAK. Roderich is actually afraid of some dogs. Like big dogs and the small ones that bark too much. Which means most dogs. Don't worry, Erzi will protect you from the fluff balls.
who takes notes on the other’s favorite foods and makes sure the fridge is stocked
Erzsébet knows everyone's favorite foods and makes sure they have everything, but Gil is the one that does grocery shopping. Mostly because Gilbert is still amazed by grocery stores in general, Erzsébet probably works, and Rod is a feral old person who refuses to go outside unless they're offered coupon. Speaking of coupons, tho, they do make sure Gil has all of theirs when he goes to the store and tells him what's on sale because they are cheap and he doesn't mind spending time gawking at bananas and only having to pay three cents. Erzi is tired of the cheap toilet paper, tho.
who apologizes first after a fight
Erzi, verbally. They also make sure everything is patched up. Seeing as Gil is the most stubborn, you think he'd apologize last, but he's actually more than likely to apologize before Rod. He's fairly vulnerable after a big argument and he doesn't want those close to him leaving him. Rod has the most trouble verbally apologizing, but they try. If they can't convey how they feel through words, tho, they can always use music. Gil and Erzi can decipher that better than anyone.
who is more protective 
Erzi. They will fight for them, dammit! Gil is on a small scale, tho. Like he annoys Erzi and Rod with bad dad jokes and poking fun but if anyone says anything about them he was low key a military order, you gonna get fucked up. Erzi and Gil gonna fuck anyone up.
who says “I love you” first
Roderich! I bit surprising, but I think they're the one who says it casually, wholeheartedly the most. It catches Gilbert off guard and makes him flustered but Erzi is quick to return it because they love them both too much to say in words. Gilbert says it verbally the least, but he makes it known how much they mean to him.
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audiogrizzly · 5 years
Top 5 Games of 2019
It was a little tricky to construct a top 5 for this year, though there have been a couple of surprises.  I wasn’t expecting the year to be a bit crap as we are no w on the cusp once more of a new generation.  But 2012 wasn’t all that bad of a year (PS4 and Xbox One would release in 2013) and at the moment, everyone is doing alright.  PS4 has sold through over 100 million systems, Nintendo are definitely on an “on” generation with Switch, Xbox has been able to get back into peoples good books with things like Game Pass (on both Console and PC, their PC side they seem to really be turning around), there’s even interesting things happening in the mobile space with Apple Arcade.
This won’t be the last year where my top 5 games are full of current gen titles, I am expecting the new systems to drop in around November, last time it was hard to find a top 5 specific to PS4 (as I listed each platform separately back then).  It IS however, another list of mostly AAA tier games.  If you want to know what smaller more “interesting” games I have been playing, check out my honourable mentions at the end.
Also, follow me on Melee.  It’s this new image blogging service from Imgur which you can download now on the IOS App Store (its just on iPhone at the moment) and it has seemingly been built to help people share gaming related clips and images off of places like Twitter and Instagram (and err, here on Tumblr).  I posted a couple of daft clips of me failing in Modern Warfare and Destiny 2 and it didn’t take long for them to amass a few likes and comments.
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That sounded like a sponsored advert but ain’t nobody paying me for this.  Let’s get into my top 5
5. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
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I was about to select Gears 5 to be my number 5 until I saw sense and cast my memory back to when I started playing Jedi (all the way back in November.  I was impressed by its intense action, impressive visuals and great characters.  I especially enjoyed the 4 armed pilot who always complains.  I did feel that towards the end I got sick of managing large groups of enemies so I dropped the difficulty to get through it, but I still haven’t achieved 100% of activities on all planets so I can still go back to it one day.
4. Borderlands 3
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We all knew this was coming but not even I had any idea that we would have been actually playing it in 2019 way back at the start of the year.  For me, I look at the game.  I don’t care about weird magicians or their insane sounding legal woes, all I’m interested in is the work of a team who deserved better for their last title, but am still glad returned to what they do best, looting and shooting.  I enjoyed rejoining these characters I have followed over the last 10 years, all the referenced to older games, cameos from characters from Tales From the Borderlands and The Pre Sequel and was sad to see some people go.  I still have about a year of extra content to go through and I really appreciate the efforts they have made to make the game last longer than just one playthrough through in the Proving Grounds, Circle of Slaughter and Mayhem modes.  Though I have always tended to stick to Borderlands games and create builds for each and every vault hunter, so I will be doing that.
3. Mortal Kombat 11
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It’s been a while since I last put a fighting game into my end of year round up.  And I HAVE fallen off MK11 a little bit, but this entry reminded me of how impressive it is for Nether Realms to pack their fighting games with some many things to do and keep people playing outside of just going into matchmaking and fighting others.  The Vault this year is basically another little adventure full of exploration and puzzle solving and the Towers of Time give you plenty of challenge and direction of many months to come.  You also have to give the developer credit for never backing down on the brutality of the game, they must have all got their heads together after DC Universe vs. and vowed never again to make watered down versions of Fatalities.  It is a game that keeps getting better and better.
2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare
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I was debating whether or not to include this years CoD.  I always get the same type of enjoyment out of it each year, people complain that it never changes but I’m glad it sticks to a formula.  Of course they are not identikit games, there are new maps, new modes, new ways of building your loadout and new touches, like how in this year you can snap to edges to stay in cover while you shoot, there’s the new special equipment system where you can drop ammo or reduce your footstep noise.  Having doors you can either peek through or smash open adds another level of strategy, there have been times where I have been able to escape being under fire by closing a door, re-positioning and then wasting whoever just wanders in.
The campaign this year, good to see it back, but whatever, the co-op mode is Spec Ops again, like it was back in MW2 and 3 but on a much larger scale, I have yet to complete one of these btw.  But as always, it’s the multiplayer that does it for me and Modern Warfare deserves credit for being what must be the first AAA game to feature cross platform play, not just launch with it.  I know that games like Fortnite are popular, but I don’t see that as a AAA title, it doesn’t have the full package, it’s just a mode and it started off small.  Call of Duty is expected to be big each year, has a lot riding on it and allowing for cross play is a big step.  I especially appreciate being able to play with a keyboard and mouse on PS4 and being able to matchmake only with people playing with controllers on PC, in fact, I have never really given the game much of a shot on PC before as I know people just fall of it, there has often been low player numbers reported on the PC versions of CoD and it looks like it won’t have that problem this time round due to cross play.
Modern Warfare still has to contend with Destiny 2 and Overwatch for my time as my main multiplayer game but it’s still as fun as ever.
1. Control
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Put this down as my main “surprise” game of 2019.  A game which was not on my watch list, though I was aware of it as you can’t ignore a game from the makers of Max Payne (I did skip Alan Wake and didn’t care much for Quantum break though).  Bought it at the last minute before its release, downloaded it and was wowed by the sinister nature of the environment you run around in.  This weird fictitious US government agency which looks into paranormal activity which you seem to have become in charge of because you picked up a mysterious weapon from the deceased Director while searching for your brother.  What then follows is about 12 hours of wacky powers and odd video clips as you unearth what has been going on in this strange ever morphing building.
I especially loved how the game never holds your hand too much, the map of each floor is vague enough that you also have to rely on in-game signposting to move around, as well as a bit of memory work.  There is also great humour involved too in some of the PSA posters on a lot of the walls, the antics of the caretaker and the videos you find of Dr. Darling throughout the game.
I did have a few weird technical issues with the game throughout playing, but still found it to be visually pleasing, there was this weird hitch that used to appear after coming out of the pause screen that always threw me, it would be followed by a few moments of low performance before getting back into the smooth action.  But this didn’t stop me from having a great time with Control.  Perhaps the game that will be the most prominent in my head when I think of 2019.
So there you have it, control is my best game of 2019.  But let’s look at the other new games I played throughout the year in my honourable mentions:
Gears 5
The Outer Worlds
Days Gone
Apex Legends
Far Cry New Dawn
Trover Saves the Universe
Concrete Genie
Devil May Cry 5
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
And also a special mention to these old games that were rereleased/remastered/repackaged etc in 2019:
Borderlands Game of the Year Edition Remastered
Halo Reach
And now, a look at the games I have on my watchlist for 2020:
Cyberpunk 2077
Last of Us Part 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Halo: Infinite
Watch Dogs Legion
Phantasy Star Online 2
Gods & Monsters
Doom Eternal
Overwatch 2
Diablo IV
Minecraft dungeons
Marvel's Avengers
Streets of Rage 4
Will they all even come out?  Let’s find out, happy new year!
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answer 21 and questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Tagged by - @randomgirlusername @reallygroovyninja
nickname – never really had one. Some of my friends call me Dr. [my last name].
zodiac sign – Aries. I do what I want, yo.
height – 5’6”
hogwarts house – ravenclaw or gryffindor, depending on the online quiz
the last thing I googled – are Aldi’s brats gluten free? (Answer was inconclusive).
favorite musicians – I don’t quite know how to answer this, Bc my tastes change over time. Cake...Green Day...CCR...Patsy Cline. I dunno, I tend to like particular songs rather than artists in general.
Song stuck in your head – thankfully I don’t have one right now and I’d like to keep it that way
following— mostly Clexa blogs and people who I find entertaining for reasons I usually can’t articulate
followers—I have some, so I must not be doin it completely rong
do you get asks—I wish, but usually not
amount of sleep—bold of you to assume that I can sleep
lucky number — 13
what are you wearing —ask me again, only say it sexy. (Old painting shorts and a Chevy Camaro T-shirt)
dream job—park ranger. Or maybe archivist at the National Archives. Or just being independently wealthy.
dream trip—there’s so many places I want to go. Top of the list right now is Amsterdam and Montreal/ Quebec. I’d also love to take a cross-country road trip and go to a game at all the Major League Baseball ballparks.
instruments—my girlfriend (oh shit, was that my outside voice😉). Played piano for about 20 years, clarinet in school and college, bassoon for a hot second. I have a guitar and a borrowed bass that I like to look at and imagine I could play (I cannot).
languages—English. I can read some French. And nerd. I am fluent in Nerd.
favorite songs—again, how do I even choose? Songs that I will always turn up when they come on the radio/ iPod? “Jump” by Van Halen, “Cherry Bomb” by the runaways. “Basket Case,” Green Day. “Closer to Fine.” “Won’t get Fooled Again.” “I and Love and You.” So many others.
random fact—Benjamin Harrison had electricity put in the White House, but he and his wife were so freaked out by it they wouldn’t touch the switches. Oh, you meant a random fact about ME? Hm...I went to a different school every year in elementary school.
aesthetic—ain’t nobody got time for that
Tagging: @ironicsnowflake @dreamsaremywords @sisterrebel @stabthesoup hell, anyone who wants to have at it
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hbdanushka · 5 years
Anushka Sharma is not only a source for some great movies but also for great fashion. She is who has in the last few years scored high in fashion and personal style, is someone who can pull off any outfit. She has never left any stone unturned when it came to fashion. She has been one of those Bollywood persons who has been giving fashion inspiration to all of us. Her fashion sense has such relatable vibe to it! It doesn’t go like it’s a celebrity thing which nobody else can recreate, it’s not. Everyone can recreate and be inspired by that. She doesn’t go over the top but she always tries experimenting with her fashion. And her collaboration with Celebrity Stylist Allia Al Rufai has been nothing but a blessing. So here we are trying to categorize her outfits from western, to airport looks, wedding to ethnic wear and everything drool-worthy! We fans picked some best outfits from each category for her 31st birthday and made this fashion blog as a birthday gift. Yep, we tried. ‘Tried’ is the word there. This isn’t the best blog on her, but it’s all love and appreciation. So there we go!
The airport looks are officially a thing and one can’t really help but fall for the ongoing trend. For our beloved celebrity, Anushka Sharma, it seems to be a cake walk and it’s delightful to see her walk in and out of the airport looking stunning in so many amazing outfits. Making a style statement even if she is not in the runway. She looks comfy and classy as she hits the airport. In the times of celebrities making headlines the moment they step out of the airport after a tiring travel, Anushka seems to have never taken the pressure of making heads turn with her carefully chosen airport looks. She is often spotted in easy and comfortable ensembles while on the go. While she walks out in jumpsuits, jeans and t-shirts with an overcoat or shrugs for company, her love for super comfy sneakers, prove that comfort overtakes fashion for this lady. We fans have picked 31 airport looks of Anushka that we absolutely loved!  
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All black is never out of style. She chose the cropped jacket as the focal point, which had some cool sleeves construction. This was teamed with a sports bralette and sleek trousers from H&M and this completed her classy look for the day. Side note, HER ABS! A DIVA ALL IN BLACK!
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So here our style icon went for a dark blue number, which featured stripes. She wore a white-coloured tee with a message and paired it with a quarter-sleeved collared coat that was structural. Also she wore flared pants that matched with her coat and notched up her look with white sneakers and carried a side bag with her. Her makeup was minimally done which made her look so simple and beautiful. The side swept tresses made this look entirely more amazing.
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Anushka Sharma was seen with her husband at the airport, looking like THIS! White tanks top under a knitted weatshirt with matching colour pants and sunglasses. Her walk radiated such boss lady energy. I mean, why not, she literally owns airport looks.
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This is such an amazing look. She wore a bottle green blouse and a matching pair of pants, which complimented her skin tone and she looked utterly gorgeous and a sight to behold, her hair partnering with the blowing wind made this outfit 10x better.
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And as always, Anushka served us well. She was clicked dressed in a pair of grey, loose-fitted, checkered trousers teamed with a white top. She further styled it with a crop denim jacket that added an interesting element to it. White sneakers and a black backpack were accessorised with her outfit. Again her as usual minimal make-up.
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The simplest and easy breezy blue striped wrap-around dress she chose and pairing them with white sneakers was both trendy and comfortable. Accessorising with just a watch and rounding off her look with minimal make-up, she gave us inspirations in casual dressing for the airport that can be simple yet stylish. Bow down to the queen of fashion!
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This super-casual look had me in all awe. She wore a black midriff top and a pair of black ripped jeans. She completed her look with a sunny yellow denim jacket that stole the entire show. The yellow jacket is something everyone should have in their winter wardrobe!
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This outfit has to be one of the cool ones. She donned a black sports bra-style crop top with a pair of printed track pants and a matching zipper jacket. She completed her look by pairing it up with cool sneakers. This outfit is THAT airport outfit which beats it all.
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Here, Anushka Sharma chose a printed button-down maxi dress with a drawstring cinched at the waist. But, but.. the best part of the look has got to be the blue jacket. The contrast of the two shades of blue looks so cool! Also love how she has folded the sleeves of the coat. It’s gives sophisticated but easy vibes to the entire look and those blush pink sneakers are too cool to not mention.
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It maybe silly but this gives such London vibes. Our queen of style kept her style subtle and elegant in a pair of skinny fit denims and a spotless white top with a grey overcoat. The classiest one in my personal opinion. Totally digging this look from head to toe.
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Graphic tees are one of the most effortlessly stylish pieces! Pick up a tee that reflects your vibe and pair it up with jeans,that’s what our ever so glowing diva did. She picked a pink t-shirt with the slogan “Pink AF” written over it, paired it with black jeans and sneakers and voila, she looks like she is ready to rule the runway.
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Again, a girl next door vibe. White t-shirt + ripped jeans + white sneakers + a back pack = Anushka Sharma’s airport style before and now. White tee, black jeans and white sneakers are old classic and will always be, looks like she knew that and she agrees to that.
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Chic-y! As usual she kept it simple and chic for her airport look. She wore a blue torn denim with a white cropped t-shirt. And she kept it casual with a cool cap and white sneakers and the batch bag makes it even more stylish. This look is perfect for travel purpose as it is stylish, chic and most importantly comfortable. ‘Comfort’ is what Anushka Sharma’s airport looks are.
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On the other hand, she rocked the double denim trend like a boss! The patch work denim separates were paired with a black tank top, keeping it chic-y and simple. To add an extra edge, she completed her look with classic white sneakers, which really seems to be her favourite thing ever. Anushka’s outfit is something we all need in our wardrobes.
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Anushka always looks good in Indian outfits and especially in Sabyasachi’s outfits. Here she nailed a flared kurta with a matching cream-coloured palazzo, perfectly accented with black embellished border along the hem and sleeves. The star-print made the ethnic look super cute and easy.
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Black printed top, green pants, white sneakers and those glares makes this outfit look so classy and comfortable. This look is the simplest but gives a huge classy vibe for an airport look.
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Again, a simple girl next door look. Simple kurti paired with black jeans, brown boots and glares gives it such a badass vibe. Also, the dupatta/scarf compliments the look even better. This can very much be the go to look for anyone as it isn’t expensive and it’s baddie style.
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This look is such a cute look. A print on the print outfit is one of my favourites, Anushka carried the chic look. She paired her striped shirt with what looked like a short skirt and chequered pants. Keeping her hair into a sleek ponytail and then as usual completed her entire look with the dark glares.
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This knitted top with high waist flared denims and black sandals are giving such cute retro vibe to the entire outfit. It looks cool and comfortable for an airport look. Her flying hair and blush-y cheeks ain’t easy to not mention here. This outfit is a classic look.
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This has to be something I want to own. The classiest outfit of all. Anushka Sharma wore blue palazzos and a matching blue jacket. A black sports bra + a bomber jacket + matching flared trousers + black sneakers + tires up hair bun + dark glares = A BOMBASS LOOK.
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Dressed in a black jumpsuit, white sneakers and shades, Anushka gave the comfiest airport look, She looked so damn pretty and every bit stylish. With pink lips and open tresses, the glowing face complimented her look like always.
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Over sized jacket and sweatshirt are always gonna be stylish. I personally love them. They make you look cute, you feel cute wearing them and they make you look really stylish, here is our style icon giving an example for this by wearing an oversized black jacket and white t-shirt underneath it paired with black pants and black shoes. Also the black glares. This all black on black look is so classy and gives over all a classy edgy to the black in black concept.
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Here the versatile Sharma was seen wearing a cute pink tunic paired with black pants and black shoes. Her hair in pony and black glares gives it a really easy and stylish look. This shade of pink colour really gives a casual vibe, exactly the aura which she radiates with her fun and casual personality.
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Now all in white? Anushka Sharma, whose liking for casual wear is no secret, was seen denim and tee over dressy styles time and again. She does it again but switches her pair of jeans with a crisp white, high-waisted, crop trousers. White is indeed a classic and we love Anushka’s all white look - tee, trousers and sneakers. She accessorises it perfectly with a tote bag and oversized sunglasses.
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Anushka style isn’t limited, it varies from contemporary Indian ethnic wear to athleisure, picked a demure tiered dress by that was embroidered with florals for the occasion. To accessorise it, she opted for a pair of casual tan sandals and a Saint Laurent tote. Though florals are often categorised to a summer wardrobe, for Anushka it isn’t! She can look anything and everything trendy at any time of the year.
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This look is so chic which gives a formal look but looks super cool and is super comfortable. The summer linen suit with a basic white tee and white sliders. A black duffle bag coupled with a pulled back ponytail and a subtle makeup rounded out her look which made her look stunning for an runway.
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Now again, she kept her travel look simple, yet sharp. She tucked in her fuss-free top into a pair of black trousers, and matched her accessories to her pants. Black studded slides, an ebony handbag, and oversized black sunglasses completed her look for the day. This could easily be go to look for anyone and everyone. Say thank you, Anushka Sharma!
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It’s always refreshing to see new ways to add some glamorous outfits to our wardrobe, especially when it’s all about the denim thing,. Don’t you agree? And recently, stylish diva Anushka Sharma just played it the right way with denims and gave us a new way to rock them. She choose a white t-shirt, black jeans. She accessorised it with a denim jacket and light pink sneakers. Hair tied. She looks ready to once again treat airport spotting as her runway.
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Anushka Sharma sure is millennial’s fashion role model and gave a new spin to the formal meets casual look. We have seen her opt for either fitted denim or sweatpants when travelling, but here Anushka opted for a classier yet very, very comfortable outfit – a pair of satin black pants and shirt. She lets her silky black-brown hair down. She had me and of course so many of us in awe. ‘Cause open hair Anushka is superior Anushka, then she matched the outfit with the brown chappals that she chose to wear with her formal attire. She truly values comfort over style. As for the accessories, she wears a pair of mini sunglasses and a giant handbag and a gold watch along with few strappy bracelets which have always been with her for a while now, she sure has a thing for them and so do I.
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This is one of the cutest Anushka Sharma airport looks. This jumpsuit looked so really cute. She layered her cropped striped jumpsuit with a black jacket. making it perfect for the unpredictable in-flight temperature. And the glow and smile on her face are like the cherry on top.
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So here I complete my airport looks category by this outfit. THIS LOOK. I’m speechless, Anushka in an Indian outfit and that little bindi. She looks so damn surreal and pretty. I’m in total awe. This is going in my favourite list [like every other outfit], it will take time to get over this look, honestly. This is gonna stay with me. She was spotted at the airport dressed in a white long kurti and peach bottoms, she looked like a breath of fresh air. Her open tresses and small black bindi complemented her overall simplistic looks. BEST LOOK EVER.
“So these are the 31 airport outfits picked by us fans, it was really the most difficult to pick just 31, ‘cause come on, let’s all agree, it’s Anushka Sharma, she is born to serve looks and that’s what she exactly does. I could go on and on about it, but that diverts the setting. So here it is, to more airport looks in the future from the Queen Anushka Sharma, who treats airport like a runway.
Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance. Anushka Sharma’s love for simplicity and minimalism is permanent and her red-carpet looks over the years are proof for the same. Even if she chooses a classic red gown, a vintage yellow backless gown or a velvet all black suit, her fascination for a monotone look remains constant. Anushka is truly a rockstar at carrying all her looks with sheer elegance
1. Velvet Black Saree
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Anushka knows the right way to look glam even in freezing winters. For one of the award functions, she chose to walk down the red carpet in a stunningly beautiful velvet saree by her favorite designer Sabyasachi. The full-sleeved embroidered velvet blouse and the pallu perfectly added more elegance to her look. A simple bun, statement earrings and bright pink lips added to her overall beauty. A tiny black clutch with golden embroidery finished off her look. Sheer elegance!
2. Black metallic Gown
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Anushka Sharma opted for a metallic lame’ black Galvan London gown for the glamorous GQ awards. The column gown with crisscross strap details on the side was elegant with a hint of sexy. The look was further complemented with her impeccable styling which included no jewellery, smokey eyes, nude lips, black heels, and a sleek side-parted hairdo. Anushka looked fierce and hot. 3. Black and Pink Saree
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For Star Guild Awards in 2013, Anushka wore a gorgeous half-and-half saree, designed by none other than Manish Malhotra. She paired her black and pink saree with a thin strapped blouse. Anushka chose to leave all her accessories behind except the heavy golden jhumkis. With nails painted black, kohl-rimmed eyes, pink lips and neatly tied up hair, our lady looked absolutely stunning in her traditional avatar. Ethnics and Anushka are literally the best pair ever.
4. Red Gown
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At IIFA 2015 Anushka proved that if you want to cause a show-stopping moment, wear red. She pulled off modern elegance with ease in this radiant Gauri and Nainika floor-grazing gown. The bright red lips, curly side-parted hair and no jewellery, balanced the look. Anushka channels her inner diva princess in this outfit! 5. Black Dress
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Anushka donned a lovely Gaurav Gupta creation for the Stardust Awards 2016. She teamed her look with Louboutin footwear and made quite a style statement with this stunning look. Black is never out of style. The whole black on black idea worked quite well. The sleek middle-parted hair, no accessories, golden nails, well-defined eyes, and nude lips finished off the look.
6. Black velvet suit look
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For the HT most stylish awards 2017, Anushka donned a black velvet suit comprising of a cropped top and loose pants with a black blazer. The wavy hairdo, Kohl-rimmed eyes, nude lips, and black heels rounded off her look. The neckpiece she donned was quite apt and interesting. Everything about her look said panache and elegance. The outfit was well-assembled bringing in the perfect amount of sassiness. 7. White and Gold Lehenga
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At the event of her home produced, NH10’s premiere in China, Anushka donned a Shantanu and Nikhil lehenga. It was a simple off white lehenga with golden embroidery on the border and was paired beautifully with a copper and cream colored sleeveless crop top. She finished off the look with a messy hairdo, matching golden earrings and kada. We totally loved how she added some color to her plain outfit with bright red lips and red nails. This look is totally ethereal.
8. White Off Shoulder Gown
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Our lady is very rarely seen attending award shows but when she does, she opts for unique and breathtaking outfits. For the LVRB premiere at Dubai Film Festival in 2011, Anushka wore a white off-shoulder gown with silver and golden embellishments. It had a white belt as well with a golden bow on its middle. White studs, well-defined eyes, and bright red lips added more drama to the whole outfit. Anushka looked no less than a princess in this regal ensemble. 9. Grid Print
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For a function, Anushka donned a black and white grid print separates, which she wore like an athlete. The white sneakers are the perfect addition. Open straight hair, red lips, and a huge smile added more charm to the whole look. This super cool combo is definitely a steal-worthy look! Such a comfortable and approachable look for Red Carpet. I heart this!
10. Pastel Blue Dress
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At GQ Fashion Show 2016, Anushka chose Dhruv Kapoor’s relaxing yet stylish creation. It was a trench dress in pastel blue. She topped this over an H&M lace camisole. With a black belt holding the dress in place and in ankle-strap Givenchy sandals, she looked fashionable. With hair pulled back into a ruffled up pony and with nude touch up, she rounded her style gracefully. The color combination is what I like the best!
11. Navy Blue Gown
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At the BCCI 2018 Awards, Anushka was there to cheer for her man, Virat. Anushka picked a minimal gown embroidered with blue stars and flowers for the occasion. The gown was trendy with the ruffles, mesh, bell sleeves yet classy and gracious creating a sleek yet funk monochrome look. The semi-sheer number had a ruched neckline and was worn with simple diamond earrings, sleek hair and nude makeup. I absolutely love this look! Anushka has always slayed all her red carpet looks. Her red carpet arc is fascinating. She’s gone from bandeau dresses to extravagant gowns with relative ease. Our lady gives us major fashion goals at every level. These were the 11 Red Carpet looks that some up her journey in fashion as well. It is to be noted, Anushka has hardly ever made a fashion blunder or a faux pas that the fashion police may remember.
*NUSH OUTFITS Your style, your dressing sense is said to be a very personal affair as it reflects your personality and sometimes your moods too. Anushka Sharma launched her clothing line in October 2017 under the banner name of “NUSH”. The basic idea was to provide people with comfortable yet trendy pieces of clothes. Anushka’s fashion sense being approachable and relatable she wanted to create something that could be part of people’s personal life. Keeping all those factors in mind, they have created a brand that can be, in every way, part of someone’s life so that Anushka can be, in some way, part of somebody’s life. A perfect combo of some great ideologies and thoughts, isn’t it?
1. Agenda Tee
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We all need a little bit of quirk in life, don’t we? A plain white t-shirt with fun emojis patched and AGENDA written over it, ankle length denim with funky patch-work and white sneakers! I truly heart this outfit. Anybody can pull this off, all you need is accessorize yourself with a huge smile! I am all up for telling the whole world my agenda!
2. Black printed A-line Dress
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Black is never out of style. Be it a dress or a simple tee. Floral print, buttons on the front, ribbons and foldable sleeves, It’s classy, gracious as well as comfortable. Be it a party or even office pair it up with different accessories or jackets and you are good to go! When NUSH said anybody can style themselves, they meant it.
3. Beige Sweatshirt
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It won’t be wrong if I say that, simple is the new black. A plain biege oversized sweatshirt, dark blue denims and a pair of white sneakers is all you need to sport this accessible fashion statement. Easy breezy yet super gorgeous, isn’t it? It outfit purely gives the girl-next-door vibes and I am loving it.
4. Blue Striped Set
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This blue-white-black striped set is a perfect chic outfit for any occasion. This gives cool autumn vibes. Vibrant with multicolor print this can be your perfect go-to outfit. Print on print being trendy these day,s I am in awe with the idea of combining trendy with approachable. She paired up the outfit with white sneakers making it even comfier. You can buy the top and the trousers separately to pair them up according to your choice, but I honestly love the co-ord set better and the vertical-horizontal combination! I am loving it.
5. Blue knotted Tee and shorts
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This one is from the recent summer collection of NUSH. This baby blue gradient top is a plain yet radiant and summery piece of cloth. The bottom knot changes the whole look and makes it even more stylish. She paired this with light blue ragged shorts, big hoops for accessorizing and straight open hair. That’s all. She looks really pretty.
6. Multi Colour Camo Tee
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This one is one of my most fav looks of her! The choice of colors is perfectly brilliant. The slits at the back and the back knot make it look super hot. Smoky eyes, open hair and our Anushka is all set to rock it. This was from the exclusive #NUSHFORLOVE collection, supporting the LGBT community.
7. Denim On Denim Look
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During the promotions for her film Sui Dhaaga, Anushka was spotted wearing this NUSH outfit. Her ensemble included a pair of flared, paper bag waist jeans that were combined with a ruffle top in a slightly darker shade. Her trusted, Allia Al Rufai added oomph to her monotone outfit by pairing it with golden heels. Messy pony, well-defined eyes and nude lips finished her look.
8. Trendy black & white look
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Here, Anushka chose to wear a solid black crop net tee, paired up with a white net jacket and black pants with stripes over them! The whole look gave cool easy-breezy vibes. Approachable, comfortable and trendy! The best combo ever.
9. Modal Halterneck Dress
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This white halterneck A-line dress has colorful geometrical print all over it. With a slit in the middle drama and glam are added to the dress. Plain, classy and graceful. Anushka chose to stick to her all-time favorite nude makeup and light waves. This look is really pretty.
10. Gunmetal-toned solid jacket
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This spread collar jacket was from the AW17 collection, Zip closure, unique pink metallic, and POCKETS! Oh yes, since our lady has a special love for pockets most of the NUSH clothes have lots and lots of pockets. Pair this up with denim ( like our lady) or with a dress, this jacket will add an old world charm to the look.
11. Blue Solid Fit & Flare Dress
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Minimalism is not a lack of something. It’s simply the perfect amount of something. This dress is a classic example of artistic weaving. It has a round, sleeveless arms with an attached lining on one side and a straight hem. Simple yet gorgeous. No jewellery, blush lips and blow dried hair add nothing but a more aesthetic vibe about the whole look.
12. Cut And Sew Top
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Made from 100% Tencel, this was a piece from the #NUSHFORLOVE collection, yet another favorite of mine. This Navy blue quarter sleeve shirt has white embroidery cut and sews work on the shoulders giving it a gracious look. Anushka teamed this up with a baby blue denim which works quite well. Well defined eyes, blush lipstick, small silver earrings and you are done. What-a-beauty!
13. Mustard Suppandi Tee
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Next up we have this tee from #NushXSuppandi SS18 collection. For many of us, comics have been our buddy for all those lazy summer afternoons. To globally socialize our comic heroes, Anushka took this step by collaborating with Tinkle. This is a plain mustard tee with a sketch of suppandi printed on the bottom! Subtle yet smart hint for all the Suppandi fans out there! Wanna relive your childhood? What’s better than this?
14. Turquoise Funky Top
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Coming to this outfit, this was from the AW17 collection. Here Anushka donned a turquoise bell sleeved top with these funky texts patched over it, the laces on the sides add up to the whole easy peasy vibe. She teamed this us with acid washed grey jeans and white shoes! Open middle-parted hair, nude makeup, and a HUGE smile. Our girl is all ready to rock the stage!
15. Black and White Check Set
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A B&W piece is a must in our collection, so presenting NUSH’s version of the evergreen B&W; The set consists of a sleeveless Black and white minute checked print top with pink floral embroidery and straight pants in the same print and necessary pockets. Print on print being in trend this is an absolute love. Silver sandals paired with this were a great choice.
16. Yellow Top and Brown Pants
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This one is from the AW18 collection, Anushka is seen wearing a light yellow sleeveless top with laces on the top for tying a bow. She paired it up with these light brown relaxed loose pants. The block heels make the look even more badass. This look oozes power and comfort! No bling, no embroidery yet the look outshines! As they say, elegance is elimination and minimalism.
17. Black and White Striped Peplum Top
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Monochrome can never go out of fashion and is the safest option to go for when you are in a hurry. The striped peplum top and loose fit trousers are a hassle-free but perfect fashion choice for any occasion. You can also layer it with a jacket and can go for comfy sneakers for that boho look. The three-piece simple neckpiece added more charm to the whole look. Anushka Gorgeous Sharma slaying the summer game!
18. Denim Off Shoulder Top
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For one of her promotional looks for Sui Dhaaga, Anushka wore this NUSH’s ensemble. She took an off-shoulder denim shirt and tucked it inside a pair of flared navy blue pants. A high messy bun, subtle makeup, and kohl filled eyes finished off her look. For accessories, she went with small silver hoops and her patent rudraksh bracelet. She looked absolutely stunning in this whole look.
19. Black Solid Top
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This outfit creams BOSS LADY! The long sleeved solid black top with ruffles on the arms and that B&W Strip paired with solid black pants, a grey cap, and our lady is ready to rule the world. The grey and white sneakers were the perfect combo as they go completely with the whole look. In a word the whole look is just Badass, isn’t it?
20. Solid White Tee
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This is yet another outfit from the #NUSHFORLOVE collection, a plain white tee with NUSH written over it in silver color. The ends of the sleeves have these rainbow borders, round neck and that’s it. She wore it with blue denim. For accessories, big silver hoops were used. Side parted open hair, kohled eyes and nude lips the classing Anushka Sharma look!
21. Beige Suppandi Tee
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Here Anushka sported a beige Suppandi printed t-shirt and ripped jeans. The light washed fitted pair denim had enormous rips over the thigh and knees. This was again from the #NUSHXSuppandi collection. She grabbed a pair of sunnies and was good to go! The “suppandi” printed on the tee is in the same fond as that in the comics which makes it even more special for us comic fans. I am in love with this look.
22. Yellow Floral Set
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Coming up is an AW17 outfit. With yellow being the color of the season, this breathable quirky print co-ord is all you need in your wardrobe. The funky sleeve drama is what makes it look super cool and summer-ready. Anushka left her hair open, a dewy makeup, ditched the accessories and let the outfit do the talking. White sneakers being the go-to choice for such cool looks it had to be here.
23. Peach and Green Sheath Dress
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For the cover of the AW18 collection, Anushka chose this Peach and green printed woven sheath dress, with that funky twist in the sleeves it looks even more savage. Wavy hair, baby pink lips, and nude heels finished her look. Sharma looked radiant and gracious. This dress can be paired up with a jacket or a shrug and can be worn by anyone, from a college-going her to a lady!
24. Cream and Blue Suit
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To be honest, baby blue is the warmest color. The baby blue jacket and the quirky suspenders in the creme trousers are what gives this simple yet classy outfit a stylish touch. This outfit is a perfect pick for any casual outing. Also, to make the look stand out, you can pair it with a statement piece of jewelry or can even go for a dramatic hairdo. The white heels add further to the funk of this outfit.
25. Black and White Striped Set
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This one is from the SS18 collection. Black and white monotone can never go wrong. The whole outfit has these vertical stripes of B&W with the end of the pants with a horizontal border of the same cloth. The ruffles and folds are what make this simple, plain outfit quirky and fun. Not to forget, the interesting neckpiece Anushka opted does a good job.
26. Peach And White Shirt
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This Peach and Off white coloured boxy striped casual shirt id from the #NushXSuppandi Collection, one half of the shirt has these black suppandi print all over it giving an interesting turn. The back of the shirt has a huge Suppandi Sketch with “FOLK TALES” written over it. I personally like this outfit enormously due to the unique style and the colour combination!
27. Pink T-shirt Dress
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Let’s just admit right here, our girl slayed this dress!!! This one is from the AW18 collection. Anushka wore a Pink floral printed T-shirt dress, lace ruffled pink socks and pink sneakers! At its back, it has these lacy details. Baby pink has always been Anushka’s color, proving it yet again she went all Pink AF! This outfit was sold out completely on the very first day! One can’t deny that Anushka carried this off like a boss.
  28. Turquoise Top and Pants
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In this AW18 look, Anushka is sporting a turquoise floral printed ruffled shirt with these gorgeous bell bottom slit pants. The color co-ord is on point. She paired these with golded heels which add a little more drama to the whole look. Straight hair, dewy makeup round the look off. Gorgeousness on your way.
29. White and Pink Printed A-line dress
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Here comes my most favorite and the recent SS19 dress. Anushka is seen sporting a gorgeous Floral printed white and baby pink A-line dress, with long sleeves and a stylish lacy collar. To add more color to the look, Anushka opted for yellow block heels. Dewy makeup and Wavy hair were a perfect choice making the look even more ethereal and aesthetic.
30. Blue Printed Top and skirt set
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This bushy mushy blue printed top and middy are one of the best examples of print on print. The color combination is really spot on. The print is unique, funky yet gracious in its own way. The whole outfit has a different aura and that’s what I really love about it. You can even pair the two components separately and can style it in your own way giving it a personal touch.
31. White & Coral outfit
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Coming back to the recent SS19 collection, let’s present you one of the best mix and match kinda outfit. Here you see Anushka donning a round neck solid white layered spegatt and blue washed denim shorts paired up with the coral longline shrug. The addition of this shrug changes the whole vibe of the outfit making it super fun and cool. This outfit is a perfect one for any hot summer day making you feel vibrant and chilled. The decision of wearing brown long strapped heels gives it a little vintage tone which adds to the quirky-ness of the look. “So these were the 31 NUSH outfits our lady sported and conquered like a queen. This was not at all an easy choice as NUSH has treated us very well with the types of outfits we got. Every outfit has a lot of thoughts behind every small detail, be it the buttons or the pockets, everything is done to make these as comfortable as possible. The idea was to make clothes, that can be easily styled and that you can style yourself.  This whole concept of simple and easy styling is spot on and lives up to the expectation. Also, a very special thing about this collection is that it’s cruelty (leather, fur) free! So what’s not to love?
Anushka Sharma is definitely going places, not just in her career and love life, but on the fashion front as well. The beauty can be quite the dresser. Who would have imagined that the quintessential girl-next-door, shy YRF favorite would someday rule the big screen with her bold and fashionable avatar? I did, and now you know it. Anushka Sharma is literally sweeping us off our feet with her super chic and trendy outfits. She has certainly been dressing to the nines. So here I am back again with my 31 best western looks. You know or don’t know but allow me to tell you that picking just 31 from so many good outfits is so difficult. But we had to do it. So here I go with best 31 western of her picked by us fans. 1. BLACK DRESS
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This little black dress is so cute and sexy at the same time. She wore this cute dress for promotions. The dress comes with fancy shoulder cutouts, bishop sleeves and large floral motifs. Anushka has paired this look with a version of black ballet bellies. Hair all open and minimal makeup. I love how she has even taken the time out to paint her nails.
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Anushka in this all back look looked stunning. Going the sharp way with her look, she chose to don this sharp and chic pantsuit. We love the lace camisole and the slit-sleeves. Also, the chain detailing adds that much-needed bling to the overall black look. Pointy-toed black heels rounded her look off. Hair tied in pony tail. With dark lipstick but minimal makeup. She looked stunning and ready to walk the runway.
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Here, Anushka chose chic separates to make a statement with. Styled by her trusted, Allia Al Rufai, the she chose alook comprising of a ruffled floral skirt teamed with a grey pullover featuring dramatic shoulder detailing. The look was completed with shimmery gold pointy-toed heels, hair loosely tied in low pony tail and minimal make up. She rocked this unique outfit with her charming and sophisticated personality.
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With this look, Anushka Sharma gave us the party look of the season. Here, she went with this shimmery silver high-waist belted pants and they were teamed with an one-shouldered top. A watch and a few bracelets rounded her look off. Strap heels completed her look. While her outfit was more than on-point, it was her beauty look at caught our attention. When it comes to make up she kept things simple with a single stroke of silver eyeliner on the upper eyelid—which matched her pants perfectly—and sleek, pulled back hair. She was dazzling in this shinny outfit and make up. I can’t help but love it.
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Here again, Anushka Sharma went with bling, She in this black sequined dress looked gorgeous. The strappy number featured a low neckline and the long silhouette hung close to all of the actress’ curves. Beach waves rounded her look off. We love how Anushka gave the classic LBD a shimmery and sequined twist. This look made her look stunning with the outfit perfectly fitting her frame. Hot is all I can say.
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This look is so pretty. Here she opted for a shirt dress with bold, uneven stripes. In the shades of beige, green and blue, this unconventional dress deserves a place in your wardrobes. I mean, with a gleaming cotton silk shirt-dress that features a self-tied bow, Anushka looks like a present wrapped up super fancy, doesn’t she? The shirt-dress is buttoned only up till her waist and left open to reveal stunning navy blue cropped trousers, also in a rich cotton silk. This includes her striking black pointed-toe flats with deadly-looking decorative spikes. Those golden hoop earrings match her dress perfect. All in all Anushka’s this look has scored high on our fashion meters.
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This outfit is so pretty. It’s giving such delicate vibes. You’re looking for a brunch date look, then look no further than this outfit of Anushka’s. She completed the look with brown heels featuring a tie-up detailing at the ankles. Open hair and minimal make up. This outfit is cute-pretty and sophisticated. Totally in love with this outfit.
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While the shiny attire grabbed eyeballs at the promotion, Anushka was seen flaunting her love for backless outfits and it’s too hot to handle. She stepped out in a pair of black sequined pants which she paired with a black full sleeved backless top. She flaunts her sexy lower back in this attire and it will make it difficult for you to take your eyes off her. Keep her hair in lower pony tail, opted no earrings, just a ring on her finger and minimal she looked stunning.
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Anushka looks really adorable in this black dress. Here she opted to wear this cute little black dress which has golden buttons. She is wearing golden heels, she accessories it with simple stud earring which has pearls, also, some rings to go with it and the black nail paint. She looks classy yet sophisticated here. Love this cute little dress a lot.
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Anushka Sharma looks gorgeous than ever. Anushka collaboration with the colour black has never gone wrong, here wearing a full-skirted midi dress. Wearing her hair up in a knot, she finished out the look with a dark lip and black ankle-strap high heels. What’s not to like? Anushka stunning Sharma looked great like always.
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A formal but informal outfit. Anushka Sharma looked radiant and gorgeous in her ensemble, which consisted of a white top that featured ruffled accents. She teamed it with a full-sleeved black jacket and dazzling pants, which were flared and notched up by shimmery accents. Now that was a smart and comfortable look- something we could easily try too. She paired her outfit with black-hued sandals, which went well with her ensemble. Her look was impeccable and highlighted by a nude lip shade and smoky kohl. I also loved the middle-parted sleek tresses as it perfectly complemented her formal avatar. Anushka wore dazzling studs, which completed her look.
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Bell sleeves are my favourite. They are so cute. Bell sleeves have been in rage lately and Anushka sure as hell knows that and agree on it. Combining a comfortable pair of white, Adidas sneakers with a bell-sleeved top and black leggings, she just gave us ideas for one more relatable, recreate able and comfortable outfit for us to try on. Say thank you Anushka Sharma.
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This outfit is so damn pretty, I can’t begin to tell you. The colour, especially the colour just had me. It’s so soft and delicate. Anushka looks so pretty wearing this pastel peachy pinkish dress with one lace off shoulder paired similar colour shoes. Her open hair and that adorable princess-ish pose. Is there anything about this picture which is not delicate?
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This is one of the softest looks of her too. This floral print outfit has lavender base but pink flowers paired with again lavender pants. Anushka Sharma goes boho-chic in this strapless flowy maxidress with large blooms printed intermittently on it. Soft and bouncy waves and a pink lipstick keep her look fuss-free, save for the ring she sports. She looked so damn beautiful.
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Wanna know how to not go wrong with shirt and jeans combination? Anushka Sharma’s sartorial look, who preferred to tuck it into high-waisted jeans. Meanwhile, a slim black belt lent her outfit a semi-formal touch, and the shirt’s orange floral embellishment and bishop sleeves added interesting details too. Deep orange tie-up stilettos was another element that made it party-ready. She aced the no-makeup look with well-defined eyebrows that sharpened her face, a touch of black eye liner and a swipe of coral lipstick. However, it was the pair of big gold hoop earrings by Topshop that instantly elevated her not-so-basic shirt and jeans combination. Centre-parted hair pulled into a soft ponytail highlighted her face and earrings. . Don’t be afraid to add bold shirt styles like Anushka Sharma’s in place of slinky slip tops to your party wardrobe this season.
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Once again, Anushka Sharma wore a velvet pantsuit. Here she wore a black t-shirt and her blazer over the black and accessorised her look with black lace-detailed heels. Barely-there makeup, lush lashes and Letting her glossy tresses be, Anushka completed her look with nude lips, highlighted cheeks, thin earrings. Doesn’t she look stunning? Anushka has never gone wrong with a pantsuit look. Never.
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After some little black dresses, here we are on a little cute white dress. Anushka was seen in an Pantene event wearing this cute Dior white dress looking so adorable than ever, she paired it up with black heels with a strap on the ankle, hair in open in wavy way and one of the best part about this outfit is.. wait for it. The best part is the POCKETS. Who doesn’t like pockets? I crave for outfits with pockets, they make the outfit so my hair better and we all have been familiar with Anushka’s love for pocket dresses so we have this thing in common.
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This maxi dress is all type chic. Anushka Sharma looked equal parts grungy and sophisticated in Rosie Assoulin’s Green & White Check Printed Maxi Dress cinched at the waist. The green plaid dress featuring high low hem and ruffle detail neckline. A pair of tangerine mules, a pair of oversized hoops and simple hair rounded her lookout. Anushka kept her hair and make-up simple, with her hair styled in loose curls, Anushka looks like the right mix of dressed up and dressed down. Genuinely love the vibe of it.
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Anushka Sharma in a pantsuit.. again, I’m sorry but not sorry, I can’t help it love pantsuit and Anushka seek love them too and she keeps serving this look so I have to mention it here the maximum times I can, cause there ain’t any bad pantsuit look by her which can be ignored. Anushka tagged along with her now husband and that time boyfriend Virat Kohli for Indian Sports awards. She was looking like a porcelain doll in red pant suit with a bold red lip colour on. Wearing heels and open hair, she was all smiles and giggling that day looking as majestic as ever.
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Anushka Sharma and her long jacket thing have been a thing for formal events. Here, she wore something similar when she sat with Rani Mukherji for an interview. She was seen wearing pink silk pants and similar jacket with a light coloured t-shirt. Her hair were kept open in their wavy self. She wore heels and some rings in her hand to go with it. She looked formal, elegant and stunning.
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Dressed in a black and white outfit, she has my heart. Anushka Sharma is looking radiant in this. Wearing a black long dress with big white polka dots, and white sneakers with them pastel blue laces on it and round sunglasses and her hair tied in a clean bun. Anushka Sharma is taking chic style to all new level.
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We got so many amazing envy worth pictures of Anushka Sharma during her New Zealand holiday, this picture is one of them. She is wearing this navy blue dress with white buttons in between. Wearing this cute and nice holiday hat, she accessorised it with a watch, sliver-ish bangle, black glares and simple silver band on her ring finger. Her smile is radiating so much happiness and her face is glowing like the moon. She looked like she was enjoying herself and the holiday.
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Anushka Sharma, Wembley, 2015? Check. Anushka Sharma in all white? Check. Anushka Sharma in all formal attire? Check. Anushka Sharma in Valentino shoes? Check. One thing i loved about Anushka’s appearance was how she kept it classy! White dress, bag and ballerinas from Valentino comprised her look, keeping her hair in a bun and dark lipstick and glares she looked stunning, and to say that she looked boho-esque chic would be an understatement.
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AGAIN A POLKA DOT DRESS. I love them. Wearing a printed polka dots midi dress from Appapop, Anushka looked lovely. She paired her brown V neck dress, featuring an asymmetrical hem and a waist cut out detail, with a pair of Aquazzura sandals and gold statement earrings from Misho. Dewy makeup with her hair worn in soft curls perfected her look. She looked so beautiful. I love this look. Totally love it.
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Anushka Sharma in black and pantsuit again. I’m obsessed. She channelled understated grace in a tucked-in blazer and high-waisted trousers combo by designer Nikhil Thampi. The silver thin belt cinched in the pantsuit and added that touch of glam to a formal look. This badass look by Anushka Sharma is no less than stunning.
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Anushka Sharma looked so beautiful and cute that day. Keeping it simple in a white crop-top and skirt which had a bow on the hip, Anushka attended Arpita’s baby shower. And her Valentino flats added just the visual interest the look needed! Easy and fuss-free; Keep her hair open in a smooth and wavy way she accessorised the outfit with a ring. Anushka Sharma did good. She did own this adorable outfit.
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Anushka Sharma looked casually stunning in this mellow drama denim crop top. Wearing this denim crop too and black high waisted pants she looked so casually cool that it was a such a stunning look. She kept her accessorises for this look limited with a simple black choker and black high heels. Kept her hair open and minimal make up.
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Anushka Sharma in all black again. Ah, heavenly. She wore a black dress. She accessorised her dress with a gold heels. This time, she dressed to kill. Her colour outfit was stunning enough to give you major fashion goals and lesson on how to rock the colour black.
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Anushka opted for a striped pantsuit from Atsu Official. With basic flared pants and a strapless black and white striped top with gold buttoned detailing that gives her the perfect formal look. With the mid-waist belt and side pockets, this power suit is a wardrobe essential for every aspiring fashionista out there. For her make-up, Anushka opted for a basic eyeliner - mascara routine that she completed with pink tinted cheeks. With nude lips and hair half-up. She looked amazing.
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Anushka wore this black coral maxi. Looking all elegant like a fairy. With her black maxi, Anushka may have changed her hairstyle to glossy brown curls but her makeup remained the same, minimal make up. My favourite part about this look is her hair. Beautiful, long and shinny hair, I’m in total awe of it.
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Anushka Sharma opted for this monochrome number–crop shirt and high-waisted flared pants from Chola label. The ruffle sleeves and the ribbon belt added interesting elements to her attire, she paired sneakers to add a sporty look to the attire. She accessorised the entire look with a pair of earrings. This mixture of Indian-western-Athleisure is different and I, only expect Anushka Sharma to pull it off.
“And, so I’m done here. I can mention more outfits which are as amazing as these, but I’ll stop it here, can’t lose the track, yeah? Anushka Sharma has done it all when it comes to western outfits. Pantsuit, floral gowns, monochrome outfits, jumpsuits, denim top and just about anything and everything you make it and she has done, done it so right. She didn’t hold herself back for anything, she wore what was in trend and she wore what wasn’t in trend and made it a trend. Yes, that’s Anushka Sharma for you. I expect nothing but best. I always expect her to step out looking her best but with the simple and comfortable outfit and she hasn’t disappointed. So to more fashion lessons from Anushka Sharma in the future.”
It won’t be wrong if I say that slaying traditional outfits is one of Anushka’s favorite hobbies. Be it a simple kurti or a heavily embroidered saree, our girl can carry all of them like a boss. Be it her usual day outfits, promotional wear or some party, we always love to see her in traditional wear. It is a delight to watch Anushka dazzle some stunning creations. She likes to keep it simple but even so, manages to impress us with her style quotient. On her 31st birthday, lets see the best 31 ethnic wear of Anushka Sharma. 1. NickYanka Reception Saree
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It’s said that a saree has the power to convert a girl next door into an artist’s muse. On the occasion of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ reception, Anushka looked ravishing in her 60s inspired sepia-tinted seafoam saree by Sabyasachi. The cocktail saree was heavily hand-embroidered with french knots, hand-cut brass sequins, and crystals. She teamed it up with a matching Zambian emeralds choker and earrings. Nude lips and hair worn in a low ponytail finished her look. 2. Diwali Saree
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At the quiet and peaceful Diwali celebration at their house, Anushka stuck to minimal monotone with a beige silk saree for their first Diwali after marriage. Anushka looked regal and elegant in this attire. She rounded off her look with a polki necklace set made of uncut diamonds and minimal make-up. This is yet another example of how Anushka sets fashion goals through the plain and relatable dressing. 3. Zaheer and Sagarika’s Reception Lehenga
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For their close friend’s wedding reception, Anushka chose a gold choli and lightweight printed lehenga with a matching dupatta by Sabyasachi. She paired her voluminous, but easy to maneuver lehenga with a full-sleeved choli featuring intricate, shimmery embroidery. The sleek embroidered border on the lehenga and dupatta complemented her show-stealing choli, making it just right for a reception. She accessorized the look with gold chandelier earrings, nude makeup and a small bindi finished her look. 4. Sabyasachi Lehenga for Promotions
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For the promotion of her self-produced, Phillauri Anushka wore this Sabyasachi ensemble. Looking regal as hell in the outfit, Anushka attended a couple of reality shows. She wore the ensemble in a printed lehenga along with a sleek low center-parted bun with kohl eyes, nude lips and a no jewelry look. Hands down she is a style goddess in disguise. It is not easy to pull off such an outfit with this elegance. 5. Green Chanderi Saree
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Staying true to her roots, she decided to go with a chanderi silk sari to receive the prestigious Smita Patil Award, presented to her by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. She walked in at the venue in a beautiful deep green sari with a heavy golden border and polka dots all over, produced by local artisans. She teamed the saree up with a plain velvet blouse. Her outfit was styled with a heavy gold choker, a stack of gold bangles and simple studs. With hair tied into a neat bun, well-defined eyes, a beautiful brown lip shade, and a green bindi rounded out her look. Royalty at its best! 6. Beige Georgette Saree
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Last year, on the occasion of Virat Kohli receiving the prestigious Khel Ratna, Anushka was by his side. She donned a bespoke tussar georgette saree, lined with old tilla borders and paired with a hazar-buti blouse, by our favorite designer Sabyasachi, looking extremely elegant. She accessorized her look with polki earrings set from the Sabyasachi Heritage Jewelry Collection. Anushka went for an au-naturel look with her ethnic ensemble and styled her hair in a sleek updo with smoky eyes and nude lip shade. 7. Boho White Kurti
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For another event for Phillauri promotions, she did an Indie boho look in a white kurti with white pants and a cropped jacket by House of Kotwara. Gold earrings and soft curls perfectly complimented her look. The golden jootis added extra elegance giving her these Punjabi vibes. Love the addition of that black bindi. This was a very simple yet gorgeous look that is relatable to every girl. 8. Black delight
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For her 2018 movie, Sui Dhaaga’s promotions, Anushka picked a tribal artwork wrap kurta with matching pants from IKAI. The big silver ethnic earrings from Purab Paschim complimented the look. Softly lined eyes and hair coifed at the back rounded her look off. She went for Kolhapuris for her footwear. The big earrings balanced the simplicity of the kurta and made her look drop dead gorgeous. Anushka is definitely taking our breath away. 9. Beige Jute work Kurta
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At another promotion for Sui Dhaaga, Anushka donned a suit set from Pero. The outfit featured a beige beautiful kurta teamed with salwar and a matching dupatta. with small pastel colored flowers embellished in the kurta and dupatta, the whole outfit looked simple yet striking. She accessorized the look with silver jhumkis from Minerali store and Fizzy Goblet juttis. A small black bindi and nude lips finished her look. 10. Purple Embroidered Kurta
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Here, Anushka wore a purple traditional ensemble from designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s latest collection. She paired a white and purple striped dupatta with gold embroidered border. She finished the look with statement chandbalis from  Amrapali. Kohled eyes, blush pink lips and a neat bun added more elegance to this look, giving major fashion goals. 11. Teal Lehenga Kurta Set
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For another Sui Dhaaga event, Anushka was spotted donning an ever gorgeous look. Her outfit comprised of a teal-colored lehenga and kurta set from Matsya featuring embellishments on the hemline. It was teamed with a red and gold dupatta with a teal borderline. I really like the contrasting colors of her outfit that complemented her look well. Nailing her ethnic look here, she styled her ensemble with minimal make-up, pink lips, gold jhumkis, and open hair. 12. Blue And White Saree
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Anushka took the ethereal white cotton saree to a new level of elegance. In keeping with the “Made In India” tagline of her film Sui Dhaaga, Anushka promoted the movie in a Maku Textiles saree. She styled the saree with a checkered print blouse. Statement earrings, golden bracelets, minimal makeup, a tiny bindi, and a voluminous ponytail rounded her look. 13. Black Kurta-Plazzo set
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Doing another desi look, Anushka looked refreshingly pretty in her black Sabyasachi kurta, palazzo and dupatta set. Anushka Sharma is a vision in this black badla kurta with a marori border. She paired the look with polki earings from the Sabyasachi Heritage Jewelry Collection. Black is her color! She never fails to impress us with the black beauties. 14. Aqua blue Saree
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Anybody would love to steal Anushka’s outfit that she wore at a high-profile wedding in Mumbai. Wearing a powder blue Monisha Jaising saree with floral embroidery border, she looked damn gorgeous. She teamed her saree with a beautiful beaded blouse and finished off the look with gorgeous chaandbalis, a small bindi, and a messy braided updo. Pink lips and a little blush added more beauty to the look. 15. Bewitching Black Saree
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Let’s take a moment to admire the beauty Anushka Sharma is. Anushka was a vision in an all-black saree with golden work on it. She teamed it up with a sleeveless blouse that had kundan work on it. With golden temple jewelry, kohl-rimmed eyes, neatly-tied bun, and gajra in her hair, you can’t deny the old world charm she has. Anushka never fails to get her to look perfect for any occasion. 16. Blingy yet simple outfit
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During one of her promotions for Bombay Velvet, Anushka wore a simple beige-colored saree designed by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla and paired it up with a sparkling halter blouse. With the right kind of blouse, even a simple saree can look super-glam. She finished off her look with a simple bun, statement earrings and bold red lips and a huge smile, looking gorgeous than ever. 17. Mint and red Kurta
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At Shirin Morani’s wedding reception, Anushka stole our hearts in this mint green Anarkali by Sabyasachi. The contrasting red velvet dupatta appropriately brings out the subtle gorgeousness of mint green. Our diva chose simple but huge earrings. The pretty red lips, dewy makeup, and juttis to complete her look. For this occasion, Anushka neatly tied her hair. 18. Navy Blue Lehenga Saree
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While promoting Jab Tak Hai Jaan on the sets of India’s got talent, Anushka donned for another six yards of sheer elegance. Anushka looked like a modern-day royal princess in this navy blue and pink lehenga-saree by Manish Malhotra. As her saree was simple, she opted for a matching blue colored necklace and earrings. She finished off the look with pink lips and a small bindi. 19. Floral Fantasy maxi dress
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Florals are forever. For the promotions of Sui Dhaaga, Anushka wore an elaborately floral printed maxi dress. The floral work on her dress gives us major summer vibes. Keeping it simple yet elegant she went for silver jhumkas and a messy wavy hair does with lightly kohled eyes, nude lips, and a tiny-winy black bindi. The white juttis with floral prints on them as well complimented the look very well. 20. Royal Blue Kurti
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While promoting for Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Anushka dressed up in a navy blue one-piece ethnic ensemble from Bollywood’s favorite designer, Manish Malhotra. She went for the classic Chandibalis. A slick bun, nude makeup, and a small bindi complimented this neutral glam look. She looked absolutely stunning! 21. Dove White Kurti
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For her appearance at the Kapil Sharma Show, Anushka was seen donning a beautiful white gown and jacket from the Epic Love collection of Anita Dongre. Accessorizing it with beautiful Kishandas Jewellery ring and Curio Cottage earrings, she looked regal. A neat bun and a charming look completed Anushkas royal Indian look. 22. Black and Gold Dress
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Here, Anushka wore a black and gold look. She made a definite statement wearing a black ensemble lined with gold embroidery and gold polka dot embellishments. For some more impact, Anushka opted for charcoal eyes and a slick back look. She styled up this rich ensemble with a pair of beautiful chandelier earrings, gold bangles, nude lips balancing out the richness. Smoky eyes, a tiny bindi, and a sleek bun rounded off the look. 23. Red And White Dress
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For Sultan promotions, Anushka sported this Red and White Sabyasachi ethnic dress. This white dress with red floral details all-over looks ethereal on our girl. The statement earrings, the deep red lips, sleek hairdo, completed her elegant, ethnic look. This look proves that Anushka Sharma has a captivating charm; something that not every other actress can possess. 24. Grey Anarkali
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At the occasion of yet another Sultan Promotion, Anushka opted for a grey Anarkali Suit. Anushka looks breathtakingly beautiful. The golden juttis and the ethnic gold earrings complete the look and make us ache with the beauty Anushka possesses. Dreamy is the perfect work for this look! 25. Yellow Kurti
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For the International Customs Day Celebrations, Anushka Sharma wore a yellow Anita Dongre Anarkali. The kurti had gold embellishments all over it. A white embroidered dupatta with a sleek border was teamed up with the Anarkali. She accessorized it with gold heavy jhumkas and bold red lip color. She slipped on to a pair of gold ankle strapped sandals and was all set. 26. Simple White Kurta
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At the trailer launch of Jab Harry Met Sejal, Anushka opted a very simple look white dress by Manish Malhotra. She sported this classic long kurta with palazzo pants and accessorized with a pair of juttis from Coral Haze. She added some drama to the look with dark kohl eyes. Nude makeup, straight open hair and white juttis with gold embroidery rounder off the look very well. A beautifully assembled effortless desi look. Isn’t it? 27. Pink And Gold Saree
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While taping for a reality show for the JHMS promotions, Anushka went the traditional route in a pink and gold woven Raw Mango saree, that she accessorized with gold Purab Paschim earrings. The silk saree had golden prints all over it. Hair tied back in a bun and decorated with flowers rounded her lookout. Pretty and royal! 28. Mint Kurta Dress
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At the High Commission of India in London during India Vs England test series, Anushka dopped a minty traditional kurti with mint pants and a dupatta. The whole kurta had a golden embroidered border and looked regal. She went for silver jhumkas and silver juttis, which complemented the look very well. Soft curls, a minute red bindi, and maroon lips rounded off her look. 29. Peach Anarkali
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During promotions, Anushka went for a very simple peach Anarkali outfit. It was a plane peach Anarkali with a white & silver jacket. The outfit looked very ethereal and charismatic. Silver bangles, statement jhumkas, minimal makeup, and a huge smile finished the look. This look gives major girl-net-dorr vibes, anybody can try and pull this off with grace. 30. Baby Pink Saree
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Nobody can ever carry baby pink with the amount of grace Anushka does. During the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil promotions, Anushka went royal with this baby pink silk saree. It had peach and silver border which added more volume to the outfit. She accessorized the outfit with golden jhumkas and bangles. A neat bun, kohled eyes and pink lips rounded the look. 31. Green and gold Kurta
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During one of the promotional appearances for Jab Harry Met Sejal, Anushka looked lovely as she donned a lovely emerald green striped kurta, which she paired with an intricately pleated gold hem skirt and a sheer jacket from Dhara. She went for statement earrings, bangles, and embroidered juttis. Keeping the makeup nude and straight open hair the whole look gave royal vibes. “And thus we come to the end of this category as well. Anushka Sharma has served us well in all these past years with various breathtaking ethnic looks. Choosing the top 31 was a tough task. From her statement-making Sabyasachi lehengas and sarees to her unconventional ways of sporting plain kurtas, Anushka Sharma is clearly a pro at marrying comfort with style!”
Anushka Sharma’s casual fashion as stated it loud and clear that the casual fashion style is no longer recommended only for the weekend and you can easily adopt it during the week days as well, both evening and morning outfits. Furthermore you can notice after seeing Anushka is that if you adopt the casual chic style, you will have more options available, because the rule in this domain is simple: she just picks a few basic clothes and match them in different ways with accessories. The rules changed, especially in this winter season that is almost over. This casual chic style, if it is correctly adopted, puts an accent on personal comfort, without having to make sacrifices in order to be well dressed and sophisticated. That’s what Anushka Sharma’s casual style is all about like it should be. Her style is so girl-next-door and it’s easy for us fans to recreate. So I will walk you through The-Anushka-Sharma-Casual-Styles-Closet. Picking 31 outfits of her cool outfits from many cool outfits. There you go:
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This is a signature casual look of Anushka Sharma. Sporting a grey sleeveless t-top and ripped jeans paired with sunglasses along with white sneakers, she amped up her style quotient to another level keeping her comfort in check. Her smile makes this look 10x better than it already is. Totally a simple outfit to own it and wear.
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Again, A simple casual outfit but again looks stunning and comfortable. Anushka paired her Sameer Madan pants with a white off-shoulder top. A striking red lip and pair of sneakers rounded out the her easy, fuss-free look. She was radiating in this super cute outfit.
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This is cutest outfit ever. I have a thing for sweatshirts, we all have, don’t we? Here she looks pretty cool in mustard sweatshirt, patchy jeans and black pumps. The choker and hair in a bun give it a cute vibe to it. Also, those rolled selves by heart, my entire heart. I love rolled by sleeves so much and that little back on her shoulder. Can she or this outfit get any cuter than this? No, it doesn’t. It’s perfectly cute.
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I was totally in awe when she shared this picture on Instagram which has she basking in the sun, sitting barefoot in the grass with a blissful smile on her face. She was seen wearing a pair of black pants with a white T-shirt. This adorable pose makes this picture so much better. I can’t really tell who is glowing brighter the sun or Anushka. She is radiating such happy glow in this picture and here is one more example of how the simplest outfit can make you look stylish and you can be comfortable to your best.
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This is one of the go-to casual looks of Anushka Sharma. Tee+jeans+denim jacket and she ready to go. That’s exactly what she did here with this outfit. Black top, white denim and blue denim jacket with hair in pony tail. Accessorised with those hoop earrings, with simple watch and glares. It’s a perfect and easy outfit to pick on.
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I have to admit that her stadium appearances are just my favourite ones, not only cause she is there to support to her husband Virat Kohli but also, ‘cause she gives lots of amazing casual outfits for me to look forward to. I’m a sucker for her casual wears. And here, this newly married beautiful woman was seen in stadium to support her husband and this question always pops up, how can someone look so stunning in just simple T-shirt and jeans. Surreal, right? But that’s Anushka Sharma. She paired this simple outfit with her signature bead bracelet in one hand and her regular Cartier bangle and Royal Oak gold watch. Also, not to forget the huge stone on her ring finger, it definitely is shiny but her face shines brighter.
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I have a major crush on this white top, the best part about this is the cute pocket it has. It’s so damn cute. It’s so cute that it makes me cry cause I don’t own this cuteness. Back to the outfit Anushka Sharma who redefines monochrome in this picture, set inside an airplane. Anushka slays in the picture as sunbeams kiss her morning face and the energy mixture looks contagious enough to drain us fans of our any day blues.
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I know it’s a pretentious-fashion blog written by some who is experienced, yeah, that’s me. But let’s keep the fashion stuff aside for a mini second and focus on Anushka and that cute white furry ball. Anushka and Animals have always been the most delightful sight to witness. Now, back to the outfit, it’s so damn cute. Blue denim shirt with rolled up sleeves, black ripped jeans paired with white puma shoes. But what makes the outfit better and cuter is her hairstyle, it’s such a cute hairstyle which compliments her face perfectly.
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This is Anushka Sharma’s outfit of the day, this outfit is something which you will save in your secret Pinterest board in the hopes of replicating it one day, but never get around to. But she has killed the high-profile street style look in this distressed boyfriend denims and striped shirt. The pants are particularly funny, but they gave Anushka a cool look. She is game to such experiments and carries such crazy outfits owning them as if it was her original style. In contrast to her stylish looks, the distressed boyfriend denim is a bit different. Having said that, she on her part, did nail this look.
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This silky shirt got me. Anushka donned a beautiful floral top which she paired with rugged boyfriend jeans. It’s really different combination but it worked and worked so good. With those sleek hair and a dark pair of round shades complemented her look very well. Rounded off with deep red footwear, She looked stylish in this fuss-free yet glam look.
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We don’t see Anushka in shorts much, but when we do she seen in those short shorts, you know her beautiful legs in those shorts. So we don’t complain. Here we see Anushka wearing yellow t-shirt and black shorts. Those yellow glare and open hair makes this look so easy and breezy. White sneakers are always there. This pose is made the outfit even more cool. Loved this outfit for chill out vibe it gives.
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Again, I can go on and on writing about Anushka’s love for ripped jeans, cause she has given us so much content in it. I personally love ripped jeans too, who doesn’t? No, scratch that I’m obsessed with ripped jeans. Here again, Anushka is seen wearing a ripped jeans with black top, transparent on sleeves and white sneakers. Also, black glares. I can never get bored of this look, neither it’s getting old. It’s classic.
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Who cares about Monday blues or any blues when Anushka was busy rocking a denim day. She carried off this casual outfit in the prettiest way and rocked the hottest trend - off shoulder, with an icy blue top. Ripped denims, minimal make up, sleek hair and a pair of studded Valentino ankle strap flats was all she needed to rock this look. This super chic combo takes your fashion game to the next level. How cool Anushka looks in this outfit!
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Firstly, I wanna rant in one second about why we didn’t get a proper picture in this outfit, but even after not getting proper quality picture I refuse to not mention this outfit here, cause it has my heart. This polka dot blouse, white jeans, white sneakers and the denim jacket in hand. It looks like the simplest and not anything extra ordinary, but it still is one of my favourite casuals of her. It’s stylish, classy and chic-y.
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This outfit is so cute, so damn cute. Anushka looks so adorable in this. Softest look. Anushka was spotted by fans, she was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts. That little belt. Shiny hair. She accessorised it with little studs and carrying a cute black back pack. Everything about this outfit is so cute. Totally digging this look.
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If you didn’t know already, allow me to tell you that Anushka Sharma can also make casual look super sexy! Dressed in a long black top and mini lacey shorts, she raised the heat. I loved them punk bands around her wrist and that oh-so-bare ‘I woke up like this’ hair and makeup look. The silver gladiators broke the monotone and made her look super dressy. But what many don’t know is that Anushka loves short shorts, and rocks them cause she has got the graceful gait with her long pretty legs. This is an underrated look and I love it.
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Miss colourful! Anushka in a look that literally lit up our screens with that color burst and contrast play. Pairing a lively floral skirt with a sailor top sporting stripes, the look was in perfect sync with Anushka’s cheerful persona. Let Anushka’s hair down while she had her natural spring summer radiance. What a lovely outfit!
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Anushka loves jumpsuits a lot, just like I do. Again she was spotted wearing a striped jumpsuit and those white sneakers. She is radiating such chilled out vibe. But look at her collar bones. I know it’s not related to the outfit, but there is no restrictions for mentioning perfection here. There you go again, Anushka Sharma giving us fans a lesson how to be casual and look comfortable.
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All black is the classiest look. And who is gonna know more about it than Anushka Sharma. She was spotted wearing a plain black t-shirt and black ripped jeans with those white sneakers. Keeping her hair open and smiling the widest smile. She is happiest around animals. The sunlight on her face makes her look so ethereal while she is wearing the simplest outfit anyone can think of. That’s one of the example that she carries her outfits with such ease. That happens when you are comfortable with your style.
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This outfit is the coolest outfit in the cold weather like London. (See what I did there?), Anyway, here Anushka is all black again, she wearing a black, t-shirt, huge back jacket with black jeans and brown shoes. She kept her hair in a high bun. And the little back pack gives this look such a cute vibe. That smile and playful-ness makes it a better than it already is.
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This is a cute one. Anushka was snapped in H&M separates of a white tank and fitted denim with a gray satin long shrug thrown over casually. Signature white sneakers, a radiant smile and her long tresses left open rounded up her look. The accessories it with simple beads bracelet and a golden ring. She looked formal but casual. This outfit so comfortable to travel in.
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When it comes to street style, Anushka Sharma rarely ever fails to impress us. She gave us casual style goals, yet again. Dressed in a mustard yellow top featuring billowy sleeves, she teamed it with blue striped trousers featuring a tie detailing on the waist. Keeping her accessories minimal, she opted for a pair of black shoes, a statement watch and a backpack. Minimal make-up and side-parted sleek hairdo rounded off her look. This look can be easily recreated by anyone.
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This outfit is my favourite just for the writing on the tee, it’s a powerful statement. Making a fashionable case for the F-word, Anushka Sharma wore this tee captioned, ‘We Should All Be Feminists’ with a pair of black pants, white sneakers, and a snazzy choker. Keeping her side of her hair tied and rest open. She looked perfect with all the casual aura but made a good statement by wearing that t-shirt.
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Anushka Sharma opted for an easy-breezy look as she was dressed in a sea green maxi dress featuring balloon sleeves. Keeping her accessories minimal, she styled her outfit with a wine-coloured sling bag and accentuated her look with a dewy make-up palette. She looked ethereal in this easy and comfortable dress.
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This is coolest look. Anushka wearing a black shirt pairing it with black shorts and those signature white sneakers. Accessorised it with many black bands with a brown one. Kept her tresses open with those black glares, she looked sexy, those perfect beautiful legs at show. She looked the combination of chic and sexy and the background complements everything perfectly. Totally loved this look.
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This is such a cute outfit. This polka dot wrap up kurti with a slit is paired with blue denim and white sneakers. Those black glares and back pack makes it cuter. Her hair all open and the kurti flying wind gives it such a fair vibe. Now only Anushka can give a simplest airport a fairy vibe. This look is totally a mixture of Indian-western, it’s says I can fusion both and still look run way ready. It gives such a girl next door look.
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And here this beautiful woman was back from honeymoon and back to work, she was radiating with that newly wedded bride glow looked all happy wearing simplest outfit which was a grey sweatshirt in blue denim. She was sipping her drink with that work paper in hand, but her smile made it through us fans heart. Her beautiful open brown locks wear look perfect.
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This outfit is radiating some badass CEO energy to me, who is there to watch a polo race she bet her money on and the expression which says she owns you and everyone around her. She wore this white jumpsuit with black stripes and it had a tying string on the waist. With black watch and black glares she looked elegant but the aura was such boss-lady type. We didn’t have a whole picture of the outfit. But I had to keep it here, cause I had to.
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Anushka in this off shoulder plain white screen looked so elegant and cute that I couldn’t stop gushing about it for a long time. ‘Cause why not, Anushka is the one who can wear this simplest plain dress and still leave a mark. This plain white off shoulder dressed with her favourite pair of studded Valentino ankle strap flats (which is also out favourite). That cute little bad, hair in a pony tail with those hoop earring. It was won so many hearts.
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Everyone loves a long sweatshirt dress. If you don’t, you should try one. They look so cute and are so comfortable and the best person to show you how to do it Anushka Sharma, here is spotted wearing a long sweatshirt sort of dress with the knee length white socks paired with white sneakers, hair in a pony tail with minimal make up and brightest smile she was ready to go. She looked the cutest in this outfit which is so underrated. But here, I bring this to your notice. Thank me later.
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This is such a cute mixture of casual and Athleisure. Anushka was seen wearing Adidas skirt sort of thing and black crop top with white sneakers and huge black glares. This combination is different and cute too. And she looks so adorable in this. It isn’t an extraordinary outfit but still leaves a fashionable mark.
“So these were 31 of her amazing casuals which are never ending. Cause Anushka casual outfits are which aces it with so much style and comfort. If it’s denim, jumpsuits, athleisure, short shorts, long jackets, easy breezy outfit, you name it and she has owned it. Anushka Sharma as given some serious casual style goals. That’s her style and she owns it without even try. The simplest, comfiest and stylish casuals are her thing, so if you want to ace the casual style department follow Anushka Sharma’s suit, which is easy breezy, relatable and recreate-able. So i’m gonna finish this with Anushka saying “happy fashion to you!”
"The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.“ And on 11th December 2017, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli lived this happiness. A secretive destination wedding in the ever-gorgeous vineyards of Tuscany. The wedding was simple yet aesthetically beautiful. And during this whole wedding, we got a bunch of great outfits which are etched in our hearts. So let’s start off on a flashback journey of these memorable wedding outfits of our Virushka! 1. Pre-wedding functions
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A smile is the most beautiful curve on a bride’s face. Anushka Sharma was spotted wearing this beautiful all-white dress, with a huge smile on her face and minimal make-up. Our bride-to-be was shining bright in this super comfortable yet classy dress. With her wavy hair left open, she looked breathtakingly beautiful! 2. Engagement
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For engagement, Anushka opted for a classy look with the maroon velvet saree with minute detailing of pears and some zardozi and marori embroidery. She kept her hair simple, with a middle-parted bun and some red roses. Our girl was shining bright in this completely regal look. 3. Mehendi
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Anushka looked radiant and bright in this multi-colored boho kind of dress. She wore a graphic fuchsia pink and orange lehenga skirt, adorned with gota and marori. The outfit was made of pure Indian silk. She went for middle parted sleek hair, with a pair of Iranian style jhumkas and minimal nude makeup. This look is so easy-breezy but still oozes power and a feeling of eternal happiness. 4. Wedding
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Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. And this was their fairytale moment. Anushka looked no less than a whimsical princess. Bronzed with elegance, enameled with grace, toasted with beauty, she walked down to the mandap in this subtle, pale-pink lehenga that boasted of delicate embroidery with pink, golden and silver pearls and beads. It was all about the blush pink flora and fauna. She went for subtle and light jewelry with minimal makeup, which elevated her ravishing look. Anushka accessorized her hair with lush Tuscan hydrangeas.  Without any doubt, she made one of the prettiest brides. She was glowing like never before as she had a huge prospect of happiness behind her. 5. Finland Honeymoon
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Our beautiful couple then went on their Honeymoon in Finland, getting the taste of the Arctic winter. Here, Anushka was seen sporting a black jacket like a boss.The after wedding glow could put the brightest diamond to shame. She kept her hair straight and a black winter headgear. Not to miss out her beautifully done Mehendi and the envy-worthy wedding ring. 6. Reception Invite
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While inviting Prime Minister for the duo’s wedding reception held in Delhi, Anushka wore a simple but elegant bright blue salwar-kameez with a dupatta. The kurta had golden work all over it. She chose to keep her make-up minimal, except for a red bindi and jhumkas that blended well with the traditional churidar look. Just like how she is elegant and pious, Anushka chose to wear a lovely traditional single set chooda.
7. Delhi Reception
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Red is considered the color of love and when talking about India, It is the bride’s color. So for the Delhi reception, Anushka draped herself in a vibrant red banarasi saree with intricate golden motifs and thin zardosi border, which added finesse to her attire. Her hair were kept in a bun with mogras etched in it. Anushka paired a diamond choker and a pair of jhumkas with the saree. The bindi, sindoor and the chooda completed the look oozing a powerful vibe. This whole look perfectly reflected her fashion sense, i.e. ACCESSIBLE. Any ordinary bride can pull off that look. It’s simple but regal.
8. Mumbai Reception
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The Mumbai Reception was more about the Bolly-cric glamourous crossover, so was Anushka’s outfit. She channeled old glamour into her look with a modern touch. She went for a smoky grey ethernal lehenga, embellished with silver threads, textured sequins, and cut organza flowers. She kept her hair simple and wavy. She wore a stunning dupatta which was clinched on the waist with the ‘Bengal tiger’ belt. Anushka’s look was accessorized with a handcrafted diamond necklace and small studs balancing the look. She looked no less than a queen.
9. Karwachauth
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On the occasion of their first Karvachauth, radiant like the moon, Anushka looked gorgeous in a yellow striped georgette saree with an embellished border and an embroidered silk blouse. She went for sleek middle-parted hair and accessorized herself with small pearl jhumkas. A small red bindi and the sindoor completed the aesthetical traditional look. “So these were the gracious classic wedding looks of Anushka Sharma. Their wedding was no less than a fairytale. It’s been more than a year but the memories are still fresh. May their friendship and love grow stronger as they grow old together. Here’s to love and laughter and happily ever after!”
Anushka Sharma’s contemporary and classic looks are “take notes” worthy for all the fashion critics, fashion bloggers abc just everyone. While she looks ethereal in traditional wear by designers like Sabyasachi and Manish Malhotra over the years, she also nails the edgy pantsuit, gowns and casual wear like a pro. She has never hesitated in trying new silhouettes and patterns and her airport looks and public appearances are proof that the she keeps experimenting with a range of style and fashion statements. Be it monochrome or colours, the gorgeous woman has it all covered in style and how. Her shirt dresses, matching separates, oversized bags and refreshing neutral summer make-up makes the her stand out among her contemporaries. Clearly, less is more for Anushka Sharma and we love it. So here we, fans have picked 31 best outfits of Anushka. Trust me on this, it wasn’t a cake walk, It was one of the most difficult choices to make, cause this woman has given us so many amazing outfit it to envy or drool on. But we have managed to do the difficult and picked 31 of them. So here we go.
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This has to be one of my personal favourites, Anushka Sharma is wore a Burberry Prorsum dress, and looked chic in the navy blue outfit with a thigh-high slit on the side. She teamed it up with a printed scarf and a skinny belt. She also carried an emerald green Burberry tote and flaunted peep-toe booties. Amazing look, undoubtedly! Love how easy-breezy she looks without being too ‘look-am-at-fashion-week’ contrived. We like.
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This is the prettiest dress ever. I know, it’s a simple dress and that is exactly why I love it. It’s simple yet so classy. As we love Anushka Sharma’s casual style, it’s hands down the best one. So related and comfortable. This laced blue dress has caught our eye, so did Anushka with her recent go-to ensemble formula. As such, Anushka’s taking ladylike, sophisticated feminine style to another level. Those glares. And, THAT SMILE makes everything so better.
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This boss lady look had everyone’s eyes on them and made their head turn when Anushka Sharma stepped out to walk the red carpet of GQ Style & Culture Awards, 2019. This yellow and black print pant suit had it all, and there was no denying the ease with which she carried the look off. She balanced her look out perfectly by wearing classic black pumps and skipping on any accessories. Sharma balanced her look out perfectly by skipping on accessories for the evening. She kept her beautiful super sleek hair in a low bun and nude makeup. THIS OUTFIT IS THE WINNER.
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The beauty in black. Anushka Sharma sure gets along with all the colours, but black is her colour. She donned a classic black gown. Her outfit had an exaggerated sleeve on the left shoulder and ruffles around the waist with minimum accessories, she just wore those stunning solitaire earrings. The make up was beautifully done. Rosy cheeks, tinted lips, smokey eyes and tonnes of highlighter made her look gorgeous. Yes, gorgeous is the word you are looking for.
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Can’t help but talk about this pretty prom-sort of gown Anushka Sharma wore. She rocked the event wearing a pretty yellow gown, with minimal make up, limited accessories. Yes, other than badass pant suits and amazing casuals she can give us a princess-y look too. She can just wear anything and own it like it’s made for her. That’s Anushka Sharma for you.
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Again? BLACK AND ANUSHKA COLLABORATION. This jumpsuit is to die for. The striped jumpsuit lent that sharpness to her otherwise chic-y outfit and with plain strap black heels, she rounded it all off. She kept her locks in a stylised top knot and went the nude way for her makeup. Simply stunning, isn’t she? This super-cool jumpsuit is a potentially the outfit of the day.
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Nush has many good outfits. They are comfortable, stylish and chic. There are outfits for anyone and everyone. This is one of my favourite ones so I had to pick. The pink and green striped jumpsuit with those similar pink heels and open hair made the outfit for me and with that pose she looks absolutely beautiful, doesn’t she?
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Again, Anushka Sharma in a pantsuit, there isn’t anything like too much of Pant suits and if it’s Anushka Sharma, then that’s out of question, cause she own the Pant suit look like a boss lady she is. This red velvet pantsuit is check out worthy, she looked stunning and radiating badass woman power. With the suit she finished the look off with a pair of basic black shoes and went with loosely-tied hair and smoky eyes, making it perfect outfit for her.
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This is undoubtedly one of my favourite gowns she has ever worn. I’m absolutely digging this outfit. She wore a tiered gown which gives a beautiful princess vibe. That red lip colour, ruby and diamond jewelry complemented the dress well. This looks vintage yet relatable. It’s risky with that colour but it’s Anushka Sharma we are talking about, she can pull off just about anything. Also, the gown is so feminine and in such a pretty colour, and the dash of red goes perfectly with it.
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Anushka Sharma in this outfit is a show stealer and that’s exactly what it did. She looked breathtaking in a pastel high-waist skirt and a stunning black lace crop top with simple heels and of course, Anushka’ signature minimal make up and gave this outfit the best look it can ever have. She looked stunning like she always does. Those sexy legs out of the slit makes the entire thing better than ever. This outfit had everyone’s nod.
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This has to be one of my top favourite casual looks of hers. It gives such a girl-next-door vibes. She looked stunning in a black crop top which she teamed up with white denim jeans and a blue denim jacket and black sneakers. Also, the crop top had her abs visible and i’m not gonna deny the fact that it’s a sight to see. This look is so easier for the us fans or just about everyone to recreate.Everyone thank you, Anushka Sharma.
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This silver gown is all kind of sexy. She looked resplendent in a silver gown. Wearing her hair back in a low ponytail, she rounded out the look with discreet earrings and assorted rings on both hands. Beauty wise, she looks like she got the heavy smokey eyes and nude lip memo too. Anushka turned up the heat in this Falguni Shane Peacock gown! This outfit is definitely a game changer.
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Anushka wore an olive green floral embroidered dress featuring rolled up sleeves. A pair of beige sandals, hair tied up in a ponytail and minimal make up added finishing touches to her look.
I love the dress on her and the fact she kept the look very neutral with accessories and make up. Just loved the color and the dress on her, she looked amazing with chilled out aura, which exactly what this outfit asked for.
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Anushka was certainly nailing the look the best. She was wearing a blood red frilled shirt with similar bell-bottom pants. She rounded up her look with huge gold hoops, black sandals and black bag. The actress kept her looks simple and elegant and we totally loved it. She was looking quite hot in a red monotone outfit. The outfit may be bright, orange and too bright but it’s something only Anushka could pull off!
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This is my absolute favourite. I am head over heels for this outfit. The polka dot crop top with comfy palazzo pants are so damn cute not be added here. This outfit just makes your summer and Anushka being her cute self complimented this look so damn well. Hair in a pony tail, glares and minimal make up. Her glowing face with a smile is a sight which fans always wanna see.
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Anushka dressed in a white dress by designer duo Gauri and Nainika. And she was absolutely radiating confidence, but what makes this dress even more beautiful is the fact that it’s white and ethereal are the hidden features. At first, the dress, the dress is gorgeous and looks simple. It’s white, one-shoulder, and doesn’t seem to have anything entirely out of the ordinary. But, look closely, because there are tons of details you might not notice right off the bat. Like, check out Anushka’s playful feathered sleeve or the fact that it is actually a wrap dress with a front slit that takes the look from modest to very interesting. So allow Anushka Sharma to show you the best way to wear a slit dress.
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This new year outfit was epitome of perfection on Anushka Sharma. She looked really hot but chic. Her body perfectly complimented the dress. Anushka Sharma’s dazzling Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna dress was a great pick for New Year’s Eve. Anushka saved her most head-turning look from the Australia trip for her night out with husband Virat Kohli and she truly shined.. She looked like a true Bollywood star in the elegant and playful one-shoulder dress that was covered with thousands of metallic sequin. The sleek dress featured multiple leg slits and the way Anushka carried it was just surreal. She looked stunning as she always looks.
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Anushka Sharma is always on roll when it comes to giving good performances on screen but also for one more reason which is fashion, from ticking all the boxes of varied styles in her promotional fashion checklist. This is one of those outfits which stood out. Anushka wearing a Lavish Alice dress, looking chic-ier than ever. The zesty lime coloured drape frill midi dress with side split suited Anushka perfectly. She accessorized her look with a delicate gold-toned bracelet and earrings. Wavy textured hair and subtle makeup rounded out her look perfectly to make her look stunning.
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Anushka Sharma and blue have been collaborated a lot and we ain’t complaining. This outfit is stunning, it is complimenting her body type so well and the colour looks so beautiful, the arrow motif in a semi circle all over the outfit sells it good. She kept her look simple with the nude colour heels, open messy hair and minimal make up. She accessorised it with simple studs and bracelets. Also, a shoutout for the editing of the picture it give it such a powerful vibe.
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Oh, look a fairy!Everything about this outfit is literally amazing. Anushka Sharma as she dresses in this black outfit. She looked strikingly beautiful. She wore a glamorous black tulle dress that had glamour written all over from the flare to the floral work, I couldn’t think any better outfit than this to be mentioned here. The gown paired it with classy heels. Her hair were tied in a pony tail with middle partition and that made sure all eyes were on the gown. Her look was not only stylish but also ensured that she was comfortable enough to dance the night away—now if this isn’t the ideal combo for an outfit, I don’t know what is!
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Whenever Anushka Sharma dons an ethnic wear, it mostly leaves fashion us wanting for more. She sure knows how to make heads turn. Continuing her fashionable streak, she wore pink dress here. The dress featured a wrap-over neckline and bell sleeves. Furthermore, it had had colourful floral embroidery work all over it. She accessorised her outfit with a pair of large silver danglers. We totally liked it cause of the fact that it was a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional fashion. Her outfit is a great example of comfort and style. She looks mesmerising, doesn’t she? Thanks for agreeing.
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Quirky! This is completely a different avatar and I loved it. It was a risky choice for a promotional but it paid off when she was seen stepping out in a military look that included a pair of brown pants teamed with a monochrome pussycat bow blouse, it was layered it with a red military cropped jacket, which was an X-factor to her look. With hair tied back in a messy ponytail and again her signature minimal makeup, she complemented her outfit with golden heels. She sure knows to try various styles and slay them.
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Oh my god! This outfit is so cute and criminally underrated. This cute outfit deserves appreciation. Anushka paired up this midi skirt with a white top. She finished off her look with a pair of white bow embellished leather heels and a simple half-up hairstyle! This is the simplest outfit to recreate for us fans. Give this outfit some appreciation, people.
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Anushka Sharma has hardly left us unimpressed with her trendy and sartorial wardrobe choices. Every now and then, her unique fashion style has left us fans in awe of her beauty. Be it at airport or award functions, the gorgeous diva has always played her fashion game well, just like here she donned a floral outfit in which she looks gorgeous as ever. Her statement earrings, a ring and minimal makeup rounded her lookout.  She preferred to keep her hair tied in a ponytail. Her white stilettos aptly matched her outfit. With utmost grace and attitude, she, as usual, looks absolutely a charming beauty.
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This dress made her look so delicate and beautiful. Anushka Sharma is pleated perfection in this pretty dress. She stood out in this unexpectedly girly dress by Burberry. The dress featured delicate pleats in the skirt for a classically romantic look. There’s just something about a pink frock which had me all mesmerised, and I must confess I am sort of enamoured with this darling floral lace dress worn by Anushka. Between the sheer long sleeves and the nipped-in waist, the look was understatedly charming. Anushka’s sweet and feminine midi dress is ideal outfit of the day.
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Anushka Sharma surely made heads in this embellished outfit. She kept the accessories very minimal paired with nude makeup and hair tied in a ponytail. She looked surreal and gave a dramatic twist to her outfit. She took the road-less-travelled in fashion too and went for a lilac gown. I absolutely loved her gown and for it’s silhouette and nuanced details. Anushka’s gown was floor-length too and featured a choker neck. It was detailed with sheer accents on the bodice area and was full-sleeved with feathery ends, which gave her attire a dreamy touch. Her outfit was perfectly tailored and enhanced her slender frame. It was an architectural delight with sequins and patterns. The gown again took a feathery and ruffled turn towards the end, which we felt was an interesting addition. The feathery accents and the sharp patterns made her outfit a cross between dream and reality. Totally digging this look.
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Anushka Sharma in this white traditional gives us all sort fairy vibes, so dreamy. She was promoting Sui Dhaaga with his fellow co-star Varun Dhawan, she wore a salwar with extensive chikankari embroidery all over it from Kanika Kapoor House of Chikankari. The suit has paisley motifs on the kurta and was paired with a dupatta with a gold-trimmed border. Anushka gave us a lesson on how to wear a chikankari outfit with class and elegance. With a suit that boasted of intricate and extensive embroidery all over, She kept her makeup, hair and accessories very subtle. She wore these cute golden-ish earrings, a bangle each, a bindi and pretty juttis to go along with the outfit. She is looks ethereal.
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Again, I have to mention this underrated outfit Anushka Sharma showed up in for Sui Dhaaga promotion. Anushka’s style has always been very versatile, a fact that she reiterated when she nailed this very smart look. The belted trousers, the cropped striped jacket with big sleeves and an interesting collar - everything looked very chic on Anushka. Check out the white shoes as well - we love the exaggerated laces of it. Personally, I’d totally love to have this outfit in my closet.
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Allow Anushka Sharma to tell you that pant suit isn’t the only way to dress sharp. Here she opted for more basic yet sophisticated look with earrings like gold drops to complete her look. Keeping her hair way with soft curls, Anushka really looked gorgeous. Again her look is— her appearance in an all black number and full sleeved top and wide legged trousers paired by black pump heels had us all in awe of the most simplest and sharp look ever from her. The lady in black is always here to serve us looks with her versatile fashion sense.Shiny outfits are risky to impress or carry, but not you worry Anushka Sharma got this.
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Anushka wore this dazzling pink outfit for the zero promotion paired by with white heels and hair in ponytail. Minimal make up which complement the bright colour of the outfit. She literally shined like a bright star which she is. She looks stunningly gorgeous.
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Whoa, Sexy! Anushka Sharma wore a multi-colour gown, which I thought was every inch eye-catching. Her gown was enhanced by multi-coloured intricate patterns and a one-shouldered overlapping silhouette. It was accentuated by dark hues and made for a perfect night party wear. Her gown featured a deep side slit and she paired her outfit for the night with strappy pencil heels. Her makeup was marked by a nude lip shade and smoky kohl. She also kept her tresses wavy and that rounded out her look perfectly. Those sexy legs! Anushka Stunning Sharma is her name.
“So here it’s done, the most difficult task was to pick 31 of these outfits amongst so many amazing outfits. But it’s finally done, this was a closer peek at some of Anushka Sharma’s most winning looks.. according to us fans. She looks beautiful and can pull anything from ethnic, to casuals to Athleisure, she can do it all. We are here for it. Always waiting for her to step out and serve looks, cause when comes to fashion. Anushka Sharma doesn’t disappoint and never will. More to amazing looks like these.”
As we are at it, I would also take this opportunity to give special mentions to regular accessories opted by Anushka Sharma. Anushka isn’t known for anything that is over the top flashy or screams look I’m wearing something stylish. It’s her fashion that blends with her personality and looks like a part of her. That’s how it should be. Fashion should define who you are. Her fashion sense is relatable, comfortable and the simplest. So are her accessories. We all have certain things which we wear more than once, in fact for the umpteenth time. Most probably ‘cause they are our favourites or they are special to us, Anushka is no different than us. She has those things too. So let’s me start with this:
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Anushka Sharma sure seems to love these. ‘Cause she has been seen them wearing on multiple occasions for promotions or just in her regular days off work and I’m not complaining cause I personally have a huge crush on them. They are so damn pretty, which can go with anything and everything, no matter what outfit you choose to wear. They look comfortable and not that heavy to carry. These shoes have been iconic for us Anushka Sharma fans and will always be.
~Hoops, bracelets, rings and watches!
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They sure ain’t anything extraordinary. But she seems to wear them a lot lately so I might as well mention it ‘cause why not. She was seen wearing those silver hoop earrings a lot, during promotions, at cricket stadiums and just her every day life. They are the simplest and most relatable accessories she has.
Anushka Sharma was seen wearing these Cartier Just Un Clou bangle, an iconic piece of jewellery that is. She’s layered that over an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak gold watch. These are the two pairs of expensive jewellery Anushka has been wearing a lot on numerous occasions like promotions, during her airport travels. She mostly wears them off work. These two are the special and iconic piece of jewellery she has ever been seen and they are so pretty.
Her rudraksh bracelet, you can see her wearing that in her left hand in the picture above. She has been wearing this for years. A lot of times, while shooting, coming out of an ad shoot, at the gym and just in every regular day. This seem to really special to her.
How can we forget mentioning the envy worthy wedding ring, it obviously isn’t a regular accessory but it is way too important and special for not mentioning here. Her beautiful wedding with that big and shinny solitaire stone is dazzling and beautiful but Anushka Sharma’s glow on the face! Ring has nothing on Anushka Sharma when she smiles. there is no competition. She shines brighter than that millions worth diamond. Anushka’s glowing face with that smile wins.
It’s really nice to see celebrities like her repeat these little accessories. That’s what makes her so relatable and so much like us. That’s why I love Anushka Sharma, she is simple and just like any other girl.
“As we end this blog, we would like to thank Anushka for being the wonderful  woman that she is and inspiring us with every little thing she does; she sure leads by example at everything she does and we absolutely love that about her. Anushka, we wish you a happy birthday and a great year ahead filled with success, good health and laughter. We love you!”
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Review: Casual Looks,Airport Looks, 31 Best Looks, Accessories Mention, Western Looks
-Varsha (@_heavenlyinsane /twitter)
Review: NUSH Looks, Ethnic Looks, Wedding Looks, Red Carpet Looks
-Shambhavi (@FierceAndFlawed /twitter)
Blog: Ayushi (@anushkastan /twitter) and Manasa (@Manasa2922x /twitter)
Pictures Selection: The Anushka Sharma Fandom
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my favorite verses from the “119 REMIX”
“119 REMIX” is a track produced by GRAY, and is a large collaboration between fifty-one K-Hip-Hop artists, including well known rappers such as Jay Park, LOCO, Sik-K, and, obviously, GRAY. This remix/song is a whole twenty minutes and forty seconds long, with fifty-one verses (one verse for each artist featured). In this blog post, I will be listing (not in order of favorite or least, it’s randomized because I’m indecisive)  and talking about my favorite verses in the “119 REMIX.”
Jay Park
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“We the m*tha f*ckin' gang bro
We mobbin' deep
Wreakin' havoc to
The game h*e, like prodigy
RIP like Ali float and stingin' like a bee
Most you rappers be my son
That means I'm your father
Yeah GRAY BEAT I'm flammin'
Don't wanna here
Another word from you
Tell me where my payment is
Hop on this famous d*ck
Time is money honey and
Lemme tell u now ain't
Nobody wastin' it
Ooh yeah, look at the drip
Huh yeah, let’s take a trip
Soju let's take sip
Take a sip b*tch”
Jay Park’s verse is the first verse in the remix and it really had me hooked from the start. I really enjoy his rapping style, and how his verse just flows so smoothly, with the simple rhymes that he makes work so well. For example, one of my favorite parts of his rap is near the end, where he rhymes “drip,” “trip,” and “sip.” In addition, earlier in his verse, he rhymes “bee” and “아버지,” (I really hope that’s the correct Korean thing, because I found that off a website) which is “father/dad” in Korean.
Woodie Gochild
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When there is a fire, extinguish it 119
(Yeah, I’m so fresh as Gochild)
You good? Don't get cocky, my friend
(who can do it like Gochild)
I transcend time, best friends with Saimdang and King Sejong
My popularity is like Sobangcha in 1998
Spray water, Drip harder, Drip beads of sweat
I’m so hot, hot, hot, hot
I really enjoy Woodie Gochild’s rap because it’s different from just aggressive rapping; it’s more of a melodic rap. Also, I really liked the little “Yeah, I’m so fresh as Gochild,” and “Who can do it like Gochild?”
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Yeah, we bring the fire, gun shots
Fire appeared by playing with fire, blowin up
Seems like your underwear got wet because of your sweat, seems like there's a waterbomb
As my brother said, "f*ck your opinion" get away from us
We are natural organic
Rather than fanning, just pour oil, you get it?
Private planes are our rendezvous
Suddenly our destination is Malibu,
Yeah we gon' do
I really enjoy PENOMECO’s rapping in general, and how he can switch from very melodic rapping- to where it’s almost like he’s singing-- to very fast and aggressive rapping. In addition to this, PENOMECO also includes a lot of rhyming in his verse. My personal favorite part of the song, just happens to be the part that rhymes as well. At the end of his verse, PENOMECO rhyme’s “rendezvous,” “Malibu,” and “do.”
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Call 119, yuh, 911 out here
Mama’s teriyaki, roastin' on that fire
I’m feelin' lucky, lucky, I'm wearing Versace
I'm the queen, sky high, WDP
Go above like smoke
Disappear like Lil Cherry
I'm different different
Different from you guys, I'm different
So different from you
Saewoo and Yunhway sing Night Sea
You listen to our songs everynight
I'm different different now you follow me
I’ve never really listened to YUNHWAY before this remix, however after listening to her rap, I’m very interested in listening to more of her music. Her rapping style is very interesting; it’s like a lazy rap, that has this really effortless drawl, even when she’s rapping quickly.
Anyways, these are just some of my favorite verses from the song, but-- honestly-- the whole remix/song slaps, so you should listen to it and buy it and support it! In addition, any profits made from this remix are donated to firefighting organizations.
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Next to me
Characters: Judar, Kenmei (OC)
Genre: Romance, Songfic
Summary: 3 insights on moments, Judar realized that he was in the wrong. And yet, Kenmei was always right there, next to him.
a/n: This is somewhat an art-exchange, though also my pleasure to have written this, as I kind of had this idea since I first heard the song! It’s for the amazing @hvalross-art, please go check out her art/writing blog, she’s amazing! I hope I managed to write your OC okay, as well as make Judar not look like I am super biased xD Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!! Thank you so much again for my lovely commissions & drawing my OC on occasion!  ❤
Next to me - Imagine Dragons
Something about the way that you walked into my living room Casually and confident lookin' at the mess I am But still you, still you want me Stress lines and cigarettes, politics, and deficits Late bills and overages, screamin' and hollerin' But still you, still you want me
“Man, I’m exhausted,” Judar complained, raising his arms into the air and stretching his back. The cushions on his back let him lean back easily, supporting his body which felt tired after consuming half a bottle of liquor. From the glass in his hand, a few drops of the pinkish peach drink falling from its brim, dirtying the white bed sheets. Not that he minded it at all, this late in the morning, servants would change them anyway. Yawning, he reached over to Kenmei, driving his fingers through her black hair. The girl laid face down in the pillows, nudging her head upwards slightly against his hand as she felt his touch. “You don’t have any right to complain,” she mumbled, the pillow making her voice even more muffled as it already was. “You just disappeared when all the people came to talk to you, leaving me all alone with their questions.”
There was a hint of frustration resonating in the tone she gave him, though it only made him grin. “I didn’t want to deal with them.” Judar took his hand back, leaned it over to the side table and poured himself another drink. For a second he thought about filling Kenmei’s glass too, but since it stood on the other side of the bed and her ears already had a deep red color, he decided not to. “And I mean, it was way more fun to watch you storm into this room and tearing up when you saw me.” His side was hit with one of the smaller pillows, as Kenmei prompted herself up on her arms, giving him an angry look. “That’s because you had the nerve to just sit here and drink!” Letting out an audible breath, Judar just shrugged, downing his glass thoughtfully. “You’re so unfair…” she whined, tilting her head to the side and away from him, staring outside through the window at the night sky.
Oh, I always let you down You're shattered on the ground But still, I find you there Next to me And oh, stupid things I do I'm far from good, it's true But still, I find you Next to me (next to me)
Maybe, so he thought, it really wasn’t quite fair. Maybe Kenmei had a point. Perhaps he shouldn’t have done it. But at that moment? He thought it was better to get away before any of the stupid questions dared to bother his incredible mind. Judar didn’t think of consequences for his partner. Truthfully, she’d have to speak for him too, but she managed that just fine, maybe even better than him. In any case, there she was again, sulking. Peeking over the glass rim, he gazed at his partner, who was sighing into her pillow. Most of her red garments she had already kicked off, as he could see some of the fabric laying around on the bedroom floor. However, she seemed comfortable enough in the rest that still covered her body, softly tending to her skin and hiding it away from anyone’s eyes.
Judar knew she had put a lot of effort to look flawless today. After all, he had asked her to come with him to this very formal meeting. She would have spent even more hours in the bathroom if not for Judar shooing her away so he could get ready too. By now, even he was sure that it was pretty awful of him to leave her there alone. She had anticipated the festivity so much. Done her hair, put on make-up, only to later say it was nothing at all. But even though he knew how anxious she had been, he had still left her all alone, like an idiot. Not that he regretted it, but he pitied her a small tad. It’s the alcohol speaking, he told himself, slowly circling his glass in his hand and making the contents swirl around. Swiftly switching the glass from his right hand into his left, he reached out again, taking some strands of her hair closer to him and letting them run through his fingers, twirling and twisting around. For a second she pulled up her feet, alternating in letting them bump into the mattress again and making him smirk. Obviously, Kenmei enjoyed his attention and Judar? Judar simply enjoyed her presence.
There's something about the way that you always see the pretty view Overlook the blooded mess, always lookin' effortless And still you, still you want me I got no innocence, faith ain't no privilege I am a deck of cards, vice or a game of hearts And still you, still you want me
“Judar!” He heard her voice from behind, as she approached quickly. The magi flopped down, feeling both exhausted from his recent magical output and from having to deal with a huge amount of enemies. Their bodies were strewn all over the battlefield, and the view wasn’t as pretty as he’d like it to be. However, even though she gasped at the sight that unfolded in front of her once she reached him, the worry in her eyes as she looked at him saved him from the grim reminder that the battlefield was. “I’m so glad I found you,” she said, letting some of the tension out of her body, as she took a deep breath and clutched her chest. “You’re wounded…” she noted, kneeling down beside him. Almost immediately when she reached out her hand towards him, a cool, calming force field erected, the rukh working hard to heal him. He knew she was troubled, but for the moment she held herself together, prioritizing him and the few slashes he had to endure. She would have overseen anything if it was for his sake, Judar believed.
There was a short moment of silence, the healing progressing towards the end, before she mumbled, “You did it, Judar.” He only grimaced at her, replying in an frustrated tone, “Of course I did. What did you expect? I took them all out, one after another!” Judar made a small pause between his sentences, leaning back as the healing magic did its deed. Even after all the time he knew her, nothing ever got to him like her healing. Even though the water magic made it a rather cold procedure, it was filled with her feelings. Almost a weird feeling, being able to heal with a cold magic, that was always warm and comforting to him. His gaze went over the countless dead bodies, then to his lover. Her face was stern, she was concentrated. Kenmei was concentrating on healing him and not being disturbed by the countless dead bodies before her. “Nobody else could have…” he started, ending mid-sentence, noticing how her countenance grew dark and she bit her lower lip, as his voice reached her. Nobody else could have killed them like I did, was what he had wanted to say. But he didn’t. Not in front of her. Not as long as she bore being with him.
Oh, I always let you down You're shattered on the ground But still, I find you there Next to me And oh, stupid things I do I'm far from good, it's true But still, I find you Next to me (next to me)
The pale blue field slowly dissolved, leaving him back at the fresh air. Kenmei took a deep breath, wiping some sweat pearls off her forehead before she looked at him again. “How are you feeling?” she asked, her body tense again after working on healing him. “Good,” he said, indifferent on how he was supposed to feel after all this. Judar couldn’t look back at her, fearing she’d ask more unnecessary questions that he didn’t feel like answering in that moment. From her kneeled position, she slowly flopped backwards, landing on her butt with a small thud. “Okay…” she said, slowly adding, “I was worried.” Judar snorted, doing that to  emphasize how she never trusted in him. “You’re so dumb, Kenmei. I am the greatest magician alive, why would I have any troubles with some small fries?” She only let out a sigh at his comment, looking at the dusty, brown ground that was between them. His brows furrowed, as he studied her face and poked one finger into her cheek, trying to get an reaction from her. She brushed his hand off, a harsh movement that didn’t quite fit his image of her.
“Are you pouting?” he asked, expecting an answer with big eyes. Maybe that comment was too harsh, he thought to himself. Kenmei had a tendency to pout over how abrasive he could be when in reality he didn’t always mean it as such a hurtful comment as she made it out to be. The moment of silence that followed from her tore at his patience, and Judar felt himself getting frustrated. Helping himself up from the ground, he took some steps around her, leaving her behind. “Still, you could have been seriously injured…” Crossing his arms behind his head, he waited for something more to come, but there was nothing. True, he thought. Next thing he knew, her hand was tugging on the fabric of his pants. “Let's go home…” she mumbled, starting to walk. He loosened his arms from the stretching motion, to which she immediately reached out, grasping for his hand. He didn’t take it from her, as the two started to make their way back home, hand in hand.
Oh So thank you for taking a chance on me I know it isn't easy But I hope to be worth it (oh) So thank you for taking a chance on me I know it isn't easy But I hope to be worth it (oh)
The tree he was sitting in, was in full bloom. The green leaves swayed in the summer breeze, and it put Judar in a good mood. At his side was Kenmei, peeling away the skin of a rosy peach, trying to prepare it for him. The fruit juice ran down her hand and arm, some of it dripping onto her clothes. “I have an awful boyfriend,” she complained, a soft smile resting on her lips, while her eyes focused on the peach in her left and the knife in her right hand. “He always lets me do everything for him! Like a child, he can do nothing for himself!” There was a teasing undertone in her voice, and Judar replied by sticking out his tongue at her for a moment. Kenmei must have known what he was doing, without having to look up, as she gave a short laugh back, carefully peeling the fruit in her hands.
“You can admit it, you like doing all these things for me,” he spoke, haughty and with a wide grin on his lips. She carefully slit her knife into the peach, cutting out a piece of it and reaching it up to her mouth, before looking at him. “Me? Doing something for you? Never!” And with that she swallowed the fruit, making him gasp at her for acting so harshly. “You little! How dare you eat that!” Judar leaned forward, reaching his hands out for her, as Kenmei quickly held her arms to the other side, far away from him. “Judar, careful! The knife!” The two of them jostled a little, Judar determined to get his peach, while Kenmei felt herself slowly losing her seat on the branch. Letting go of the two items in her hand, she tried to steady herself by holding on to the arm of the tree, fearing to fall down, but Judar reacted faster. He quickly put his arms around her torso and pulled her back to himself against the trunk. For a moment they remained like this, before breathing out simultaneously. The small shock escaped their bones and their bodies relaxed.
“Thank you…” Kenmei mumbled, staring at the fruit and silver knife, which was shining through the grass on the ground. “Whatever…” he replied, but his actions were clearer than his words. Pulling her even closer against his chest, he hid his face in her hair, making her ask, “Judar? You okay?” He didn’t reply. All he did was take in her scent and warmth. He could feel her body moving in his embrace and hear her steady breathing, calming him too. For a moment his heart had really sunken into his gut, when he saw her struggling to hold her balance. She was so clumsy but really, it had been his fault that she got in trouble in the first place. Maybe she was a klutz, but he should have known better and protected her. What an awful boyfriend she has indeed, he thought.
It was then that he felt her hand slowly reaching for his shoulder, caressing him softly as if to tell him everything okay. She’d always say that to him. He believed it for once.
Oh, I always let you down (I always let you down) You're shattered on the ground, (shattered on the ground) But still, I find you there (yeah) Next to me And oh, stupid things I do (stupid things I do) I'm far from good, it's true But still, I find you Next to me (next to me)
He was an awful boyfriend. He gave her nothing but troubles and never apologized or appreciated her efforts. Even if she didn’t fall down that tree that day, she always ended up at point zero when she was with him. No matter if it was on the battlefield that she hated, but couldn’t bear to let him go alone to, as she was way to afraid of losing him, or a formal event that he really didn’t want to go, but that she took super serious, only to get disappointed by him again in the end.
And yet she always returned to him. He always found her smiling stupidly and acting like an idiot when she saw him. And she always scolded him, even though he never listened to one word she said. She got angry, sad, frustrated and wrecked whenever she was with him, having to push her boundaries and comfort away constantly. Judar never did her any good.
But she was always there nevertheless. Next to him.
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youxidol · 7 years
happyviruskai: Can you please make headcannon for sex with vampire EXO? 😇💕 I love your blog♡♡
a/n: this is a collection of all the things i’ve written about sex with vamp!exo already(with some new stuff)
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★he’s always soft with you
★and slow
★and lights candles
★you’re going to get the best
★he spends so much time kissing all over you
★and complimenting you
★rare times when you ask him he’ll be rough with you
★but he’ll feel bad after it
★he doesn’t understand that you’re not actually hurt  
★so it’s you comforting him  
★’calm down. it felt so good’
★’but you’re already bruising’
★’you worry too much’
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★l o v e s s e e i n g y o u i n l a c e
★he’ll collect delicate pieces from all over the place  
★he’ll dress you up  
★and stare at you  
★taking in how it looks on you  
★’you look so delicious, kitten’  
★runs his hands all over you  
★uses his fingers alot
★he won’t fuck you until he’s pleased with the amount of times you’ve cum on his fingers
★your moans are his favourite thing to hear
★’louder, kitten’
★’there’s nobody around. scream for me’
★’let me hear how good i’m making you feel’
★holds your hips while he thrusts into you
★’cum with me, kitten’
★he presses his head to your when he cums
★after he’s cleaned you up
★he’ll cuddle up behind you
★and slide back into you
★bc he loves cock warming
★and being close to you
★loves you in lace 
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★praise kink 
★giving and receiving
★seeing your reactions to his praise makes  
★and getting praise from you makes him want to give as much as possible 
★buries his face into your shoulder to silence his moans
★presses kisses all over you
★his fingers will dig into your skin
★’cum for me, sheep’
★goes to mush after sex
★bc he’s so honoured that you were able to be intimate with him
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★just because he’s a soft dom  
★doesn’t mean he’s going easy on you  
★this little shit will tease you to the brink of insanity   
★orgasm denial k i n g  
★’tell me what you want~’
★if you don’t talk
★he’ll still his actions
★’use your words~’
★he’ll stay like that until he hears you
★when you think you’re close to cumming
★he’ll bury himself as deep as possible
★your whining will make him giggle
★’what’s the matter? want to cum?’
★’it’s okay, you’ll get it back’
★he loves seeing how much he can push you until you break
★seeing you shake beneath him is so arousing     
★he snaps back to his bubbly self instantly
★’you did so well, wifey/husband!’
★pulls you close to him
★letting you calm down against him
★then it’s off to the bath
★where you can listen to music
★and relax with eachother
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★teases you to arouse you
★’you want me~ your heartbeat is picking up’
★’admit you want me~’
★finger fuck king
★seeing you turning to a mess just by his fingers arouses him so much
★bites your shoulder to keep quiet
★bc he’s loud af
★he tells you he’s a switch
★but whenever you’re on top he flips you over
★loves marking you
★matching pyjamas to sleep in after
★loud af 
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★you never have sex with yeol 
★you make love
★very sweet love 
★that fills you with love
★and happiness
★watches your face during it
★smiled the entire time
★bc being able to share such an intimate moment makes him want to expolode into rainbows
★holds your hands during sex
★’the closer we are the harder we cum’ 
★’cum with me, baby’
★kisses everywhere
★settles against your chest
★zones in on your heartbeat   
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★sex with this guy is an experience
★he’s all about fucking with your senses  
★blindfolds are a must
★your vision being taken away
★along with his speed
★is the perfect
★he uses different objects to run over your skin    
★setting it on fire
★he’ll thrive off your reactions
★he’ll avoid where you need him the most
★when you being whining 
★is when he’ll touch you
★he’ll climb over you 
★and tease your entrance with his tip
★making you whine even more
★he’ll be quiet during sex
★paying attention to the noises you make
★he’ll let out the odd groan here and there
★loves when you dig your nails into him
★kisses you when you cum
★holds you to his chest
★plays wit your hair
★will sing you to sleep
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★he’s got the highest sex drive ever
★you two have sex everywhere
★on every surface
★the thought of being seen is a turn on for him
★thrives off the noises you make
★’let me hear how good you feel’
★if you keep quiet he’ll force it out of you
★but fucking you as hard as possible
★he loves aftercare
★he’ll clean you up
★put you in your pyjamas
★make you tea
★then cuddle up to you
★’you look so beautiful like this’
★’sweaty and red faced?’
★’no… you’re glowing’
★’shut up’
★so many kisses
★’sleep, babe. tomorrow we’ll go out for breakfast’
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★likes collars
★and leather  
★seeing it on you gets him aroused in no time  
★doesn’t care if he’s in charge  
★or if you’re in charge
★as long as he gets to be with you
★goes hard no matter what
★he got them sweet sweet dancer hips
★so boi expect some excellent pacing
★he ain’t slowing down until you’ve both cum twice  
★bathes with you after sex
★nuzzled his face into your neck
★and slowly washes you
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dontfindyourcenter · 6 years
Chapter seven:  New island
Rules: https://dontfindyourcenter.tumblr.com/post/177027661290/rules
Previous Chapter: https://dontfindyourcenter.tumblr.com/post/177339049670/chapter-six-its-a-cold-and-its-a-broken-hala
Alola, Akala! What a wonderful phrase Alola, Akala! Ain't no passing craze
It means new trials, I might be crying for days About my center-free, philosophy
Alola, Akala!
Why, when Nina was a young rock doooog
Rockruff, ruff ruff ruff rockruuuuuuuuuuuuuuff!
Very nice!
We came to Heahea city and I couldn’t help feel I was enjoying this challenge!  I could let out a squeal! I’ve an optimist’s soul, though I couldn’t begin To really truly believe, that I could ever win...
And I’m not ashamed!
(No, there’s no shame!)
It’s a difficult game!
(Why am I doing this game?)
I feel like I’ve lucked up
(How do I feel?)
Whenever I haven’t -
(Tori! Not in front of the kids!)
Alola, Akala!
What a wonderful phrase
Alola, Akala!
Ain't no passing craze
It means new trials, I might be crying for days About my healing-free, philosophy
Alola, Akala!
...Uhhhh… Sorry about that.
But seriously, I’m actually feeling pretty good about myself, docking into Heahea City!  Even though I can remember the second island of Alola is a lot harder than the first, I’m pretty happy with the team I cobbled together back there, and I’ve got a pretty respectable stash of revives if the worst happens.  Even if I’m still not convinced I’ll make it to the Elite Four, I can still be pretty confident that I’ll make it to the other side of this island.  Bring it on, I say!
Another city, another chance to buy everything blue and purple from the clothes shop.  (Did I even mention that I went back and got everything purple from the Hau’oli clothes shop before I came here?  Because I did!)  Shockingly though, even without having spent any money on items for the entire game, I still can’t afford the slightly-purple trainers they’re selling here.  I blame the recession.  I vow to come back here after the first trial and see if I have more luck then.
Before I can even get onto route 4 and savage the local wildlife, I’m accosted by Sina and Dexio, a pair of scientists on their holidays all the way from Kalos!  I kinda miss Kalos.  Since my copy of pokemon Y got lost a long while ago, it’s the only region I haven’t been playing games in non-stop in the last three years.  If I have any secret millionaires hidden among the five people who follow this blog, hit me up if you want to send me a copy of pokemon X.  
Anyway, Sina invites me to a pokemon battle, but that doesn’t last long.  Her delibird provides me with one of those rare battles where my pokemon end up with more health at the end of the match than they had at the start, and her glaceon gets dispatched by a couple of Magnet Bombs from Digit Al the magnemite.  As a reward, she heals my pokemon and gives me a Zygarde Cube.  I have no intention of adding a Zygarde to my party, but I’ll take the cube anyway - I can’t say no to a good treasure hunt.  Also, I literally can’t say no.
I charge through route four pretty quickly on tauros’s back, with Nina throwing rocks at trainers as we go.  We soon reach Paniola Town, where Hau catches up to me.  Hi Hau!  He challenges me to a battle, and - oh, Hau, sweetie, you still only have two pokemon?  I have a feeling that nepotism played a part in Hau winning his first grand trial, bless him.  In any case, Jabba the grimer beats his pikachu, Digit Al beats his popplio, and I find out that sweet, innocent Hau heals all his opponents’ pokemon both before and after every battle he gets into.  No wonder the boy’s not doing so well - the potions alone must be costing him a fortune, and god knows how he manages to restore the moves of everyone’s PP on top of that.
I wander around the only open non-pokemon-center building in the Town and a magmar gives me a quick ball which is heavily implied to have been hidden up its read end.  I think that’s my cue to leave.
Onwards to Paniola Ranch, where I get a Stoutland registered on my ride pager who can sniff out items for me, and the useful lad even finds me some useful healing items.  Hey, if it finds super potions on the ground, does that make it a drug-sniffing dog? ...That was really clever in my head, but on reflection, that’s probably where the entire concept of the Stoutland Search function came from.  Let’s pretend I didn’t say anything.  
While I’m here, I say hi to a tauros in the corner, and a pokemon breeder wanders up to me and asks me if I want to battle him to calm him down.  Makes sense - when I’m feeling riled up, nothing calms me down more than having a cartoon woodpecker break a brick on my head.  Anyway, the breeder gives me a Scope Lense when I’m done.
Just before I head up to route 5, where my next trial is waiting, I see a miltank standing next to the pokemon nursery.   Normally, I’d go up to it and investigate; I love the little touches the developers of the game add when you interact with pokemon like that, even when they turn out to be a quick ball hidden in a magmar’s arse.  I don’t do it here, though, because I remember that I used to get healed by that miltank when I was playing Pokemon Sun, and getting deliberately healed by an NPC is Against The Rules.  I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been tempted to feign ignorance, though.  The trainers around the ranch are a great source of experience, but they do take a toll on the HP.
And now I’m on route 5, and I can finally meet everyone’s favourite edgelord, Gladion!  I love the weird thing he does where he sort of clutches his hand in from of him and it sort of vibrates.  I’m sure it’s meant to make him look more mysterious and unpredictable or whatever, but it just makes him look like he’s doing that thing you do when you’re trying to spook kids at halloween.  “And the scariest part is, nobody knows where the disembodied hand is now - wait - noooo!  It’s here!  Run, save yourselves!”
Gladion’s first pokemon is a zubat, which goes up against Celine McQueen the slowpoke.  I win that match, but in hindsight, I wish I’d switched pokemon early on in the battle.  I should know by now that zubats always seem to know Bite, and Celine took more damage than was really necessary.  Regardless, I switch over to Jabba when he sends out his Type:Null.  Jabba poisons Nully with his Poison Fang attack, but man, I forgot how much of a punch that guy packs, even with a relatively weak attack like tackle.  Jabba immediately has to switch places with Digit Al to avoid death.  
...Hey, speaking of Jabba dying, a thought has just occurred to me.  How did Jabba the Hutt die of being strangled in Star Wars?  He doesn’t have a neck!  What’s that about?
Sorry, I guess that’s not that important.  Digit Al has higher defence than Jabba, so he manages to take a couple of hits and send a couple of thundershocks until Type:Null gets knocked out.  That’s that done and dusted and he… doesn’t heal my pokemon.
Unless I’m very much mistaken, that marks the first time in the game where I battle a major recurring character and don’t have my pokemon automatically healed before or after the encounter.
I guess this is where things really get interesting.
End of chapter seven.
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gristlegrinder · 6 years
tagged by @sainterly hello!! i’m so sorry, i told myself i was going to do this and then immediately forgot until i found it in my likes again, like, a month later. rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better tagging: .................nobody because i’m an awkward mess
under a cut because I’m not good at being concise
(A)ge: 19
(B)irthplace: New York!
(C)urrent Time: …8 in the morning. I haven’t slept. 
(D)rink You Had Last: I, uh, had one of hose starbucks doubleshot energy things around 9PM last night. yes, this is connected to the last answer. it was delicious and worth it.
(E)asiest Person To Talk To: Hm, depends? There’s a lot of people who fit this bill, but if I’m gonna be honest the answer is prooobably myself just because I’m one of those people who talks to myself constantly whenever I’m trying to work things out. 
(F)avorite Song: Well, The Past Is A Grotesque Animal, definitely. Recently, I’ve been in love with Homecoming Serf, Fuel, I Listened, Proof, and Holy Water.
Not necessarily my favorite songs, but I recently made a playlist for my tabletop group and it’s got a lot of current lex bangers on it. And A Woman, A Woman, A Century Of Sleep has been today’s loop-on-repeat track, so that counts for something.
(...I’m bad at answering this question.)
(G)rossest Memory: Surprisingly, I don’t have a lot of these? Coming up with one is hard. I dropped a can of soda on my foot when I was eight and I remember one of my toes having this really nasty purple bruise for a week afterwards, I guess? 
(H)ogwarts House: I was a self-identified Ravenclaw for the longest time, but recently I was re-housed into Gryffindor. And I’ve moved far, far enough past my pretentious “ew gryffindors are all fake fans of HP who just like it because it’s the ‘good guy’ house” phase to absolutely embrace this switch.
(I)n Love?: I’m not gonna @ them here but I love my girlfriend!! Nin’s a babe
(J)ealous Of People?: Yeah, that sort of happens. But I’m trying to get better at reminding myself that it’s ultimately useless to hold myself up to other people. 
(K)illed Someone?: ;) only past iterations of myself!! existence ain’t permanent
(L)ove At First Sight or Walk By Again?: Both are probably bad ways to approach relationships tbh. 
(M)iddle Name: I hate it, so we’re not mentioning it. 
(N)umber Of Siblings : 2-4 depending on how you see it! Two half brothers, two stepsiblings (our parents have since divorced, but we still chill and see each other as kinda-siblings, it’s complicated).
(O)ne Wish: Certain individuals currently associated with America can drop dead finally, and also maybe I finally work up the damn courage to start bugging people about uh, religious conversion things and uh, therapy.
(P)erson You Last Called: Probably my dad. 
(Q)uestions You’re Asked The Most: I get a lot of surprised you’re nineteen?!s from classmates / parents’ friends / online people, but I don’t know if that counts. Then, like, generic questions about how school’s going, I think. 
(R)easons To Smile: I move back up to uni at the end of the month, and I’ll be living alone! My classes next semester are all really fun! Audio/Video Production, Film History 1895-1950, Film Theory. I’m finally making progress towards getting my driver’s license! 
(S)ong You Last Sang: When I’m home alone, I’m basically jamming out nonstop, so:
— Q.U.E.E.N. has been stuck in my head for days.
— Guardians has been my muse for a character I’ve been designing? so it gets mumbled-under-my-breath-sung a lot.
— The Dismemberment Song is probably just my favorite thing to belt at the top of my lungs. in general.
(T)ime You Woke Up: …………uh, see previous answers, because I still haven’t slept, (as for yesterday, I woke up around noon).
(U)nderwear Color: I never really cared for “what color is your underwear” questions on a get to know me meme (but teal).
(V)acation Destination: I’m going to Seattle in three weeks for a couple days! Really excited because the tabletop game I run is set there, so it’ll be cool to see some of the places I have as plot points. And a friend’s got me excited for the thought of doing a road trip across America after we graduate. Biggest dream travel spots are Liverpool (points at my gf), St Petersburg, Tokyo, and Antarctica, though. 
(W)orst Habit: Saying I’m going to do things and then the ADHD brain crashes for like, a week, and all of the things I need to do pile up and then I don’t get to any of them. Also forgetting to reply to skype/discord/etc messages.
(X)-rays?: I’ve never broken a bone in my body, or really ever been hospitalized as far as I can remember. 
(Y)our Favorite Food: Cochinita pibil (which is a Yucatán slow-roasted pulled pork marinated in Seville oranges, it’s good shit), biscuits (sausage gravy optional), lately I’ve been craving cocktail shrimp. 
(Z)odiac Sign: Libra!
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juliaroleplays · 7 years
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Because I haven’t seen one yet, here is a masterlist of lyrics from Taylor Swift’s sixth album, reputation. You can use them as starters, memes, character tags, otp/brotp tags, thread titles, verse titles, blog titles etc. Anything in parentheses I feel like you can omit, usually for pronouns or length, but you can do whatever you want. If you find this useful, please give it a like or reblog!
Trigger warnings for: allusions to drug use/getting high
...Ready for it?
I know I’m gonna be with you I see nothing better, I keep him/her/them forever Let the games begin Lights down low No one has to know Touch me and you’ll never be alone You should see the things we do
End Game
And I heard about you And you heard about me Drinking on the beach with you all over me I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put them I can't let you go, your hand prints on my soul I don’t wanna hurt you I don’t wanna miss you I don't wanna be just another ex-love (you don’t wanna see) I got a bad (boy/girl) persona, (that’s what they like) I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders I got some big enemies I gotta reputation (girl/boy) that don’t precede me I swear I don’t love the drama (it loves me) I wanna be your end game I’m one call away whenever you need me I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold Reputation precedes me (they told you I’m crazy) The truth is, it's easier to ignore it We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't With four words on the tip of my tongue You and me, we got big reputations You and me would be a big conversation You like the bad ones too You hold me down and I protect you with my life You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks
I Did Something Bad
Crimson red paint on my lips Don’t throw away a good thing For every like I tell them/him/her, they/he/she tells me three Go ahead and light me up I can feel the flames on my skin I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he/she/they had it coming I let him/her/them think they saved me I never trust a narcissist (but they love me) I never trust a playboy (but they love me) If a man/woman/person/someone talks shit, then I owe him/her/them nothing If he/she/they drop my name then I owe him/her/them nothing If he/she/they spends my change then I owe he/she/they had it coming   Most fun I ever had (and I would do it over again if I could) Now all he/she/they think about is me They got their pitchforks and proof, receipts and reasons They said I did something bad (but why’s/why does it feel so good?) They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one This is how the world works (you gotta leave before you get left) Why’s/Why does it feel so good? You gotta leave before you get left
Don’t Blame Me
Don’t blame me, love made me crazy (if it isn’t you ain’t doing it right) Echoes of your name in my mind For you, I would cross the line (For you,) I would fall from grace (just to touch your face) For you, I would lose my mind For you, I would waste my time I get so high every time you’re loving me I get so high every time you’re touching me I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy If you walk away, I'd beg you on my knees to stay I'm insane, but I'm your baby I’m just gonna call you mine I’ve been breaking hearts a long time I’ve been toying with them older (guys/girls/people) Lord save me, my drug is my baby (that I be using for the rest of my life) My name is whatever you decide They say she’s/he’s/they’ve gone too far this time Something happened for the first time (in the darkest little paradise)
Come here, you can meet me in the back Do the girls/boys/people back home touch you like I do?   I don’t wanna share I know that it’s delicate I pretend your mine all the damn time Is it chill that you’re in my head? Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? Just think of the fun things we could do Long night, with your hands up in my hair, (echoes of your footsteps on the stairs) My reputation has never been worse so, you must like me for me Oh damn, never seen that color blue Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you’re mine (all the damn time) Stay here honey, I don’t wanna share This ain’t for the best We can’t make any promises now can we babe? (but you can make me a drink)
Look What You Made Me Do
All I think about is karma (Honey,) I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time I don’t like how you laugh when you lie I don’t like you little games I don’t like your perfect crime I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined Look what you made me do Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours The world moves on, another day, another drama You said the gun was mine Your kingdom keys once belonged to me
So It Goes
All eyes on us But, honestly, baby, who's counting? But when I get you alone, it's so simple Get caught up in the moment (lipstick on your face) Gold cage, hostage to my feelings I do bad things to you I did a number on you I know what you know I make all your grey days clear I'm so chill, but you make me jealous I’m tripping when you’re gone I’m yours to keep I’m yours to lose Met you in a bar Our pieces fall, right into place So it goes… You know I’m not a bad girl/boy/person You make everyone disappear We break down a little We can feel it You did a number on me When you get me alone, it’s so simple
He's/She’s/They’re in the club doing, I don't know what Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like I might sink and drown and die I got a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, he's/she’s/their older than us If you’re single, that’s honestly worse If you've got a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, I'm jealous of her/him/them I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way (but what can I say?) There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad You make me so happy, it turns back to sad You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk You should take it as a compliment that I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you) You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face You're so gorgeous it actually hurts You've ruined my life, by not being mine
Getaway Car
A circus ain't a love story And now we’re both sorry (we're both sorry) Don't pretend it's such a mystery He/She/They poisoned the well, I was lying to myself He/She/They was the best of times, the worst of crimes I didn’t mean it and you didn’t see it I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed I left you in a motel bar, put the money in a bag and I stole the keys I struck a match and blew your mind I wanted to leave him/her/them, but I needed a reason It was the great escape, the prison break I'm in a getaway car It's no surprise I turned you in, because us traitors never win Nothing good starts in a getaway car That was the last time you ever saw me The ties were black, the lies were white There were sirens in the beat of your heart Think about the place where you first met me Shades of grey in candlelight Should've known I'd be the first to leave We never had a shotgun shot in the dark We were flying, but we'd never get far X marks the spot, where we fell apart You were driving the getaway car We were flying, but we'd never get far We were jetset, Bonnie and Clyde, until I switched to the other side While he/she/they was/were running after us, I was screamin', "go, go, go!" With three of us, honey, it's a sideshow
King of My Heart
All the boys/girls/people and their expensive cars, (with their Range Rovers and their Jaguars), never took me quite where you do And all at once, you're all I want I'll never let you go And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for   Baby, all at once, this is enough I made up my mind, I'm better off being alone Is the end of all the endings? I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own King/Queen/Ruler of my heart, body and soul The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury Up on the roof with a school girl/boy/kid crush, drinking beer out of plastic cups You move to me like a Motown beat You try on calling me baby, like trying on clothes Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Baby can we dance (through an avalanche)? But we were dancing with our hands tied Darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis Deep blue, but you painted me golden First sight, we love without reason I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets I had a bad feeling I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I loved you in secret I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us I'd hold you as the water rushes in, if I could dance with you again I'd kiss you as the lights went out, (swaying as the room burned down) I’m a mess (but I’m the mess that you wanted) My love had been frozen Twenty-five years old, how were you to know? You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it People started talking, putting us through our paces Picture of your face in an invisible locket We were dancing like it was the first time
All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting Carve your name into my bedpost Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me Everyone thinks that they know us Flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes Flashback when you met me I don’t want you like a best friend I only bought this dress so you could take if off I woke up just in time If I get burned, at least we were electrified Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo My hands are shaking from all this My hands are shaking from holding back from you My hands shake, I can't explain this My one and only, my lifeline Now I wake up by your side Our secret moments in a crowded room Say my name and everything just stops They got no idea about me and you There is an indentation in the shape of you You kiss my face and we're both drunk
This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me? Everyone swimming in a champagne sea Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year Forgiveness is a nice thing to do Friends don't try to trick you Here's a toast to my real friends, they don't care about the he-said-she-said Here's to my baby, he/she/they ain't reading what they call me lately Here's to my momma, had to listen to all this drama I can’t even say it with a straight face I took an axe to a mended fence It was so nice being friends again It was so nice throwing big parties I'm not the only friend you've lost lately, if only you weren't so shady I'm shaking my head and locking the gates Jump into the pool from the balcony So why'd you have to rain on my parade? There I was, giving you a second chance There are no rules when you show up here This is why we can't have nice things, (darling/honey) You stabbed in the back while shaking my hand
Call It What You Want
All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm All the drama queens taking swings All the liars are calling me one, nobody's heard from me for months All the jokers dressing up as kings Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right Call it what you want, (call it what you want to) I brought a knife to a gunfight I did one thing right I know I make the same mistakes every time I want to wear his/her/their initial on a chain round my neck It fades to nothing when I look at him I'm doing better than I ever was I'm laughing with my lover, making forts under covers He/She/They built a fire just to keep me warm (He/She/They) love(s) me like I'm brand new My baby's fit like a daydream My castle crumbled overnight They took the crown, but it's alright (Slowly I said,) "You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?" Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
New Year’s Day
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor Don’t read the last page Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you I can tell that it's going to be a long road I stay when it's hard or it’s wrong or you’re making mistakes I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you’re turning away I want your midnights I will hold onto you I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day I’ll be there if you strike out and you're crawling home I'll be there if you're the toast of the town Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere There's glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi
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