#I guess it's more easy if your artstyle looks like that but
its-a-me-mango · 8 months
BIG fan of your artstyle! I love how expressive and energetic it is. It's very nice to look at!
I was wondering how you would draw a Character like Boopkins because I personaly Struggle with his design lol
WAAA Holy shit thank you so much!!! ;w; I've been working on trying to get my style more energetic and fun so I'm so glad someone sees it like that!!! It really means a lot! <3 I'm gonna be so real and honest, I also don't know how to draw Boopkins, there's just something about him that's really hard to translate over to drawings, so I think we're all struggling a bit lmao.
I tried drawing him a week ago but something about him is just hard to get right. I think it's the mouth more than anything, part of me wants to do it more snout like instead of lip like but there doesn't seem to be a right way of drawing him, what's this fish guy got going onnnnnnn
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I can't give any help or advice, I'll figure out how to draw him eventually and then give advice, maybe. I think it's best to just play around and have fun with him, he's meant to be a silly little guy you can throw at anything so I guess draw him like one jhsfdhbsfgk
On the flip side Bob is extremely easy to draw, drew him at the same time as Boopkins so I might as well share him too, love this weird rapper. He's just cloth.
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istadris · 1 year
Bend or Break
[ @akibouken you’re to blame for motivating me to finally write this plotbunny down with your cute Luigi petting art. Sorry about the angst, but know that I had your artstyle in mind while writing]
[EDIT] : now on AO3
[EDIT 2] now with a "sequel"
The human would not break.
Bowser knew it from his eyes. No matter how terrified, cowardly, vulnerable he was, trapped alone in a hostile land at the mercy of a powerful king, crushed in his grip, threatened of unending suffering, the human’s eyes still showed, buried beneath the fear and despair, a determination to not give anything about the other one. All Bowser had been able to obtain were accidental slips born from confusion and panic: that they knew each other, that they were brothers. Nothing else since.
He wouldn’t break.
So Bowser decided to switch tactics.
After leaving him to stew an appropriate amount of time in the jails, Bowser had the human brought again to the throne room.
This time his hands were free: what was the need to tie them up, when fear bound him more efficiently than shackles? It added another subtle layer of humiliation to the ordeal: to be considered so little a threat that restraining him would be useless. None of Bowser’s enemies would ever let him walk freely and unbound on their grounds if they had the opportunity.
Sitting on his throne, he took his time to observe his prisoner at the bottom of the stairs. He was cowering, darting nervous looks around him in a vain search for an escape. He had none of the defiance that some captives showed Bowser in the past: no glaring, no proud stature, no insolent spitting at his feet. Not even the courage to look at him.
“Come closer.”
The human didn’t move from his spot.
Bowser narrowed his eyes.
“I won’t ask again.”
The human relented, slowly climbing the steps toward the thrones, his hands clutched to his chest, his shoulders hunched, trembling more and more with each step, until he stopped on the last one, his eyes downcast and closed as if expecting to be torched on the spot if he breathed in the wrong direction.
Bowser huffed in amusement.
“Are you scared?”
“Y-y-you know the-the answer”, the human managed to stutter with a nervous laugh, “Of c-course I am.”
“More than usual?”
“Why-what do you m-mean?”
“That you’re a coward, and an easy target.” The human flinched at the harsh words but didn’t protest. “Everything about you screams that you’re used to being afraid. Easy to bully and push around, running and hiding at the first sign of danger, unable to defend yourself.”
It didn’t take a genius to guess any of that. He had met Toads braver than his man.
“Yet you stand up to me and refuse to yield. Why, I wonder…maybe because you’re also used to facing danger with someone by your side? Someone who protects you and keeps you safe.” From the way the human flinched as in caught red-handed, he got it spot on.
“You think he’ll come for you. Because he’s your brother.”
“M-Maybe. What would you know about f-family?” the human spat in the most aggressive tone Bowser had ever heard him use.
The prisoner didn’t know that in any other circumstances, Bowser would have torched him alive and ripped him apart limb from limb for such disrespect. Instead, he leaned forward with a low hum, not aggressive enough for a growl, but enough to make his prisoner yelp and cover his head in his arms.
Bowser let the silence weigh in the room for several seconds. After a moment, the human peeked out from behind his arms, and looked confusedly as Bowser sat back down in his throne.
“I have news about him. Your brother.”
It had the effect of a bob-omb on the captive: stunned, gaping, unwilling to believe it. It was enough to make him forget his fear for a moment, with something looking like relief daring to peek through.
“What-how…I thought-?”
“I have spies. Eyes and ears in every kingdom. Their reports take a bit of time to arrive though. I hoped you’d be faster to give me answers, but well.”
The human was burning to know more, he could see it, but afraid to ask. Afraid of what Bowser could ask in exchange, or of giving something away in his eagerness? It did not matter, as Bowser curled his claws to inspect them, as if disinterested by the matter, before talking again.
“They told me he is in the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“Mushroom …?”
“A quaint little place, far away from here. All green hills and mushroom fields, full of friendly faces, safe and soft. The kind of place you’re not in a hurry to leave. You’d love it.”
“How…” the human shut himself up, biting his lips for several seconds before finally asking in a quavering voice, “how …is he?”
Bowser held back from smirking as his prey took the bait.
“They told me he’s doing very well there, your brother. Has been there for…hm, about as long as you have been here. A month, by now? ”
“That long?!”
“He’s settled there quickly, from what I heard. He’s learning the local ways. Got himself a cosy place. Made friends all over the place, including the princess.”
“Who wouldn’t like her? She might be my enemy, but she's a delightful woman. Brave, clever, fascinating, beautiful to top it off...and from what I was told, she's sweet on him too. Not that he minds, on the contrary, he's always around her...I wonder when he'll finally come for you.”
He didn’t mention the reports of the red-clad human throwing himself from dawn to dusk over training courses to get stronger, no matter how many bones he would break in the process. Nor that the princess had to stop him by force from going alone in the wilds when he had grown desperate from impatience. He didn’t mention the rumours about the kind-hearted human obsessed with finding his missing brother to the point some worried about his sanity.
Instead, he took in the nervousness growing in his prisoner’s face; the growing questioning of what he had taken as granted. The shock of the realisation that help would not come. Because if his brother wasn’t held back, if he was free and in good health, why would he take so long? Bowser observed the expression of the man coming to the dreadful realisation that this time, he was truly alone.
“What…what if you’re lying? What says he’s even still…still okay?”
Bowser frowned outwardly at the accusation, but he was internally satisfied. His captive was now grasping at straws, clinging to a desperate hope that he had not been betrayed.
“Because if he was dead”, he stated calmly, “I wouldn’t need to concern myself about him anymore, and if I had captured him, I would brag about it for all to hear.” He narrowed his eyes, staring straight into the human’s gaze. “You might find it hard to believe, but everything I told you, since you first arrived in my walls, was the truth. Whether you like it or not.”
“I…I don’t believe you. He’s not like…like you said.”
The words would have been defiant if they weren’t said in such a small, wavering voice. He didn’t believe his own words.
Was there bad blood between the two humans right before their arrival? Or did he have doubts before, about the strength of their bond, but pushed down deep under denial and illusions? Had he feared to be abandoned before? This was a man who couldn’t bear to be alone, used as he was to a partner, a protector against the world’s fury.
He wanted, more than anything, to feel safe.
“Come closer.”
This time, the human obeyed right away, stepping forward as if in a daze, his haunted eyes fixed to the ground, until he was standing right in front of Bowser. One more step, and he would have stood between his legs.
“You asked me what I would know about family. More than you think, as I have one myself.”
The wide blue eyes looked up to him, surprise piercing through the anguish in them.
“…A family? You?”
“A son. My pride, my joy, my greatest treasure. I had to leave him in my capital for his safety during this conquest.” a melancholic smile escaped him as he thought of the last time he had seen Junior: his son had been so proud to show him his new spells and had insisted to come along with him. It had broken his heart to refuse, but he had been firm in his decision.
“If anyone” he raised his fist and clenched hard enough to break stone, “anything, dared to take him away from me, I would tear this world apart from earth to sky and burn it to the ground to find him. I would sunder entire kingdoms before allowing anyone to even slow me down."
He let the hidden question hang in the air. A simple, innocent question with an answer that terrified the human to his very core.
Would your brother even do the same?
Maybe he would have been certain of the answer before. But here, now, after what he had just heard? He couldn’t trust it anymore. He was lost, away from the stability of his life, with nothing solid to stand on.
His head held low, his eyes hidden by his hair, the human’s shoulders started shaking. A choked sob escaped him, then another, and he covered his face in his hands as he wept, gasping for air between his tears.
Bowser held out his hand and, gently, wrapped it around the human’s back before pulling him closer. The human flinched but didn’t try to move away as Bowser rubbed his hand up and down his back, shushing softly through the whole time. Comforting. Safe.
His fingers moved to the man’s head, combing through his hair with the utmost care. It seemed to help soothing the man, his shaking slowly growing fainter, as well as his sobs. Finally, with a final sniffle, he pulled away and wiped at his eyes, Bowser’s massive hand still curled around his tiny body.
For the first time, Bowser noticed the dark bags under the human’s eyes, his haggard features, the dirt and sweat and tears all over his skin and clothes. Bowser’s thumb, almost as big as his captive’s head, pressed against his cheek, stroking it slowly.
“You’re exhausted.”
The human leaned into the touch, eyes half closed, giving the smallest nod.
“Yes.” He breathed out, so softly Bowser could barely hear it.
“I’ll have you brought to a more comfortable cell.”
“Why would you even do that?” The human murmured, closing his eyes completely and letting out a long, weary sigh. “I’ll be dead soon, won’t I?”
“What makes you think so?”
“You kept me alive because you wanted info about my brother. Now your spies know probably more about him than I do. I’m past being useful.”
He sounded too calm about it. Exhausted, yes, but most of all resigned. Taking what little comfort he thought he had left before his end, as if his tears had washed away his will to live.
Bowser tilted his head. Carefully, his thumb pressed under the human’s chin, pushing it up until he was facing him, his eyes still closed. Waiting for the claw to sink into his throat.
“Look at me.”
He obeyed, opening empty, defeated eyes that stared blankly at the king.
“Why should your worth always be tied to your brother?”
The human blinked from the unexpected answer. Bowser only smiled softly and moved his fingers to the scalp of the captive, returning to a gentle stroking of the soft hair, which lulled the human into closing his eyes again, this time with a relaxed sigh.
“I can’t wait for you to meet my Junior. He’s a very bright lad, very curious. He’ll have so many questions about your kind.”
Then, with the most gentleness he was able to muster, Bowser finally pulled his hand away, and for a moment the human followed the movement, before opening his eyes suddenly and stopping himself, but not before the king noticed it.
“Now leave. Take some rest.”
This time, the human hesitated before moving.
He finally turned and descended the stairs. Slowly, almost reluctantly; a bone-tired exhaustion in his steps, but for the first time since his arrival, he had stopped shaking in fear.
Bowser rested his elbow on the throne and his head on his fist, following his prisoner’s movements with a satisfied smirk.
The human would not break, but soon he would bend.
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but-a-humble-goon · 5 months
Hey, I had a thought about Cassandra.
I haven't read any of her comics, only read the Batgirls one with the three batgirls going on their own side with that artstyle I love so much for some reason.
I know the fact that Cass speaks, and how, tend to change a lot between comics and all, and I don't know the exact lore, but I thought a bit deeper about it all from what I know.
Cain never taught Cass how to speak, right? She grew up with fighting and understanding the body as her only way to convey anything from her brain to the world. (even if she obviously learnt to understand other languages)
But languages shape how your brain understand and interact with the world. It is most noticable when someone talk a language they didn't grew speaking, there's those little mishaps or confusion of meaning and use for words that are said to be equivalent, and that's because you have to relearn a way to see and understand things.
I'd say it's even more obvious when the structure of the language changes, I don't speak any sign language, but I know how some things work, and you don't describe things the same way with it as you would with a spoken language. You have to translate the meaning because of that.
Now, to go back to Cass, she didn't grew up with either of those, at least from what I know. Her language is Body. Her mind shaped itself and its understanding of things through her and others' body. How do you translate that?
Like, she doesn't say things, she can see how others' body feel by looking at them, so she express her feeling through her body. If Cass were to want to express an emotion,her mind would first and foremost express it through her body, and that's not words, that's feelings, and your body can reflect so much mors complicated feelings than words.
My point is, if Cass was to learn her first spoken language while in her teens, it would be really hard for her to express herself in a way that is understandable. Bodies reflect intent with specific muscles, while you need to build a sentence. I know fanon make her learn ASL, which is logical from a vocal cords point of view because she never trained it to speak, but that would still make communication hard, because sign languages are still not body language.
I don't know if I get the idea across, but Cass' whole understanding of the world was built around the way bodies work, and it probably holds for animals too, which are just different, sometimes similar, body languages.
It is so intersting! You can only guess how they would understand the world!
But also, would hinder them so much in their communication. Once, if she ever, get past the training to not express any feeling, you would have someone who express anything with movement, postures, specific muscle being tensed or not. Someone one who is constantly seeing how others feel because no one knows how to prevent their bodies from having feeling.
You're on the same level as an empath as long as you can see their bodies. hiding your body allows you to not be truthful about your feeling...
I fee like I'm not going anywhere with this, but the implication over how one would share anything is wide.
It's actually addressed directly at the end of her solo book that for her it's not as easy as just learning a second language, it's a hardware problem. Her brain is so specialized for body language that it lacks the structure to even process written or verbal languages the way a typical brain can. While she can learn, it will always be much more difficult for her than anyone else.
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Also the thing that makes her way of communicating unique is that it's sort of "read only." As in, since it's about reading subconscious body language signals there's no real way to consciously express yourself with it. That's part of why she's all about the arts (dancing, drawing etc) because she's never had ways to express herself properly before and words obviously don't work for her.
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happypot0001 · 2 months
Hello everyone!!
So Art Fight has now ended...huh?? Gosh...I've only been posting stuff BECAUSE of Art Fight!! I'm really grateful I was able to find it. I wish that I could do more to support the team that's helping bring together thousands of artists but I can't really so i'm just going to talk about it reeeeallly quick!
To start off...I really wanted to make this post in order to thank the people who took the time and went through the trouble to draw my character!! I would like to thank these three people: @just-a-carrot 🥕, @sailingseals ⛵, and @boxxie-does-art 📦!!! All such amazing people that I find very admirable and take inspiration from almost everything they create!! 🥕 is the creator of a WONDERFUL game called "Our Wonderland"! Not only did they write and code the game...they also drew all the artwork for the game as well!!! And the game was PHENOMENAL!! You probably found this blog only because of the OW stuff...but I still like talking about it anyways!!!
The game includes such interesting and "real" characters that almost everyone could be able to relate to! The game has this special skill to make people so attached to these characters so that when they reach their demise...the players deep connection that resonated with them would quickly shatter. I'll try not to include spoilers in here in case anyone else feels that they want to try out the game as well!!!! (If you haven't played, then I highly recommend it!!!) Not to mention the community!! The people all affiliated with OW are sooooo accepting, never have I once heard a TRULY terrible thing come out of their mouths! I'm glad there's not a HUGE range of people here...it makes it much more easier to connect with other people who enjoy the game much like myself!! That's something that I truly don't regret from OW, all of the people it introduced me to!! Now...speaking of that...allow me to move to the next person...⛵!!!!!
Ohhh wooowww....⛵!!!! Gosh I really love the stuff they do!! They have such funny and creative ideas in their head and it’s very inspiring...especially because they seem close to my age!!! Their artstyle is very cute and pretty, I LOVE looking at anything they create! They don’t use anything fancy but they still have the ability to produce something FLAWLESS in literal minutes!! They’re also just very kind people, we’ve been talking with each other on discord and that’s where I can see how their humor expands to just simply talking with their friends! Whenever I’m around them I feel so open and can so easily talk to them about how I feel! I could never talk to them the ways that I have with my IRL friends! I’m so glad to have someone like that by my side! It’s been amazing having their company! Especially because we also make stories together as well! Oh we’ve made a good few stories together as friends and it’s been an awesome experience! Seeing a master creator with their mind at work! They come up with FANTASTIC ideas that make me sick…in a good way!! Ever since we’ve been friends…I’ve gotten to know a LOT MORE about their stories along with their characters! And HOW THEY HAVE CAPTIVATED ME AND STOLE MY HEART!!! I’m so serious when I say they’re the only things I want to draw now!!! ⛵️ has 5 main characters split into three separate stories…and EACH ONE OF THEM IS SOO CREATIVE AND UNIQUE!!!!! I don’t want to leak any spoilers about their stories, especially because I’m gonna guess they’re planning on posting anyways! IF THEY DO THEN BE PREPARED FOR GREATNESS HAHAH!! At this point it may sound like I’m a person who’s simply just easy to please but REALLY!! I ADORE THESE PEOPLE AND THEIR CHARACTERS SOOO MUCH! ⛵️ is so inspiring and the fact that I can call such an inspiring person that I look up to a companion of mine?? IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! I APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION WE HAVE AND I HOPE THEIR ARE MORE AWAITING IN THE FUTURE!!!! I WISH TO LEARN AND BE AS TALENTED AS YOU ARE SOMEDAY!!!! I CAN ONLY WISH!!!!! YOURE SO AMAZING I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! SO SO SO GLAD WE’RE FRIENDS!!!!! Hehehe WOOOOOO now I MUST move on to the next person…📦!!!!
📦!!!! Another friend that I find so inspiring!!! Ooohhh the way the color is one thing that I LOVE about their style!!! I like that they know what colors mix with others to properly get what color they desire…that’s a very important trait in an artist!!!! It’s so unique and it’s something that could never be possible for me in a LIFETIME! Just their style itself!!!! It’s pleasing to the eye but it’s also something that I can find from a mile away!!!! It’s very unique and not very easy to copy!! Also, the amount of effort and determination they put into everything is very inspiring!! Recently, 📦 had asked 🥕 if I was okay for them to make a mod using their characters. They mentioned in that ask that they were working with two friends to make the mod…THATS ME AND ⛵️!!!!! WE’RE THE TWO FRIENDS!!!! (they said “amazing friends” in their ask thank you so much 📦!!!! 🥹🥹) Haha but it was 📦 themselves who proposed the idea!!! At first it would seem like a simple thought, one that would be too complicated to actually produce…but with 📦 presenting ideas to us and really getting us hyped up for the project…it can really make a person compelled to work harder!!!! Also they’re making a whole WEBTOON as well???? That’s a lot of effort and dedication for a person to have!!!! It’s nice seeing a person willing to work hard on these projects!!!! It really gets me to take the project seriously and do more work than I would’ve done if I hadn’t seen the effort that my friends want to put into this project!!!! It’s also just very easy to talk to them as well!!!! The both of my friends! I can say what I’m thinking and they’ll respond with only kindness!!! They will find a way to help me and make me feel better than I had before!!!! I’m so happy that I’m not ridiculed and afraid to share my thoughts to someone!!! It’s so refreshing, so freeing to have someone like that there for you!!! The both of them provide that comfort for me, so I thank that so much for that!!! OH!!! Also!!!! From what I hear…they use their phone to draw???? With everything they create, that is just amazing!!! That is the work of someone with a TALENT!!!! If anyone follows 📦, they had recently posted an animation about them and a tiny Genzou…THAT WAS WITH THE USE OF A PHONE!!!! 📱 THIS THING!!!! A PHONE!!!! Hehe, I may be over-exaggerating it but I just personally think that’s a feat to be known!!!! Anyone can make wonderful art no matter what you have!!!! You just have to have skill really!!!! But that’s what I’m saying haha!!! 📦 you have a talent which I’m sure you’re already aware of but let me mention it once again!!!! IM SO GLAD TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU AND ⛵️!!! YOU GUYS ARE SOME OF THE NICEST PEOPLE I’VE MET AND I HOPE I CAN LEARN FROM THE BOTH OF YOU AND LEARN TO BE JUST AS TALENTED!!!! I HOPE FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP TO GROW FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!
Alright…this was a rollercoaster of emotions. If it looks like I wrote more for one person than the other…I apologize!!!! Especially for 📦 and ⛵️!!! I appreciate the both of you equally and I’m glad to have met you guys! Everything I’ve said so far about you is nothing less than the truth!! And to 🥕, if they are somehow seeing this, then I simply have to thank you for the amazing game that you have created!!! I will admire you for a very long time!!! You and your game help me in seeing from a whole new perspective!!! Thank you very much!!! Can never say it enough!! I hope that one day I can be as great as the three of you guys!!! Thank you guys for attacking me on Art Fight once again!! And thank you to Art Fight for giving me a chance to send art to these wonderful people!!! Gosh Art Fight was a blast while it lasted!!! I’m excited for next year…hopefully by then I’ll have more characters for people to draw!!! Also hope that I will have improved drawing myself!!! There was some more stuff I wanted to do in Art Fight but I don’t regret anything I DID do!!! I’m very happy with deciding on joining Art Fight!!! I have one more Art Fight attack for ⛵️ that I haven’t posted yet but I’ll be doing that later!!! Until next time!!!
Lots of love to 🥕, ⛵️, 📦, and anyone else who may be reading!! 💕💕💕
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
This might be a weird question, but what gives you the energy and motivation to draw?
I just don’t understand how people can make multiple high-quality drawings in such a short time
not a weird question at all! i've also used to wonder that a lot
for me, i think it becomes more obvious what motivates me to draw when you look through my art. my au is my primary inspiration for everything, i think about it all the time and whenever i see something cool or funny, i immediately start thinking of drawing something like that with my characters. that's why you'll see a lot of meme/photo redraws on my blog, for example. but it carries over to real life as well, like when i got a haircut and got inspired to draw fpk trimming grimm's fur. it's the little things that motivate me to get my tablet pen and draw, and being able to actually make what i'm imagining real is a great feeling
of course, this is not the first time i felt the urge to draw my favorite characters, i've had that every time i got into a new game or series. the difference being that, at their core, hk character designs are very simple and give a lot of freedom for experimentation, be it with original design interpretations, or more complicated compositions where you don't have to worry about too many details on the characters. this is what finally got me to focus more on painting and rendering, something i've struggled with for years before i got into hk
seeing the progress i've made is also a massive source of motivation. you don't notice it as you draw, but looking back you start seeing all the things you've improved and new techniques you applied, and it makes you want to keep going and get even better. i still have moments where i feel like i'll never be able to achieve the level of the artists that inspire me, but i want to try. at the end of the day, i'm doing this for myself, it's not a competition
and lastly, as toxic of a mindset it can be sometimes, the response and feedback i get from you guys also motivates me. i've never expected people to get this invested in my au, i honestly thought people would just ignore it, or call it dumb or worse. i don't think i would still be active on this blog, or really get far in my art, if it wasn't for the incredible response i got. sometimes chasing that high of having my art blow up gets toxic and it's something i'm trying to work on, but i can't also ignore the positive effect it had on me. i guess it's just a matter of finding a healthy balance
so in short, my advice is to find a character or two that you're really obsessed with, and just draw them. make it anything, it doesn't have to be the next mona lisa every time. draw them eating their favorite food, or give them a fun little outfit. you'll improve a lot with time, even if at the time it doesn't seem that obvious. from my own experience, using something like a meme inspiration as the base to experiment with your artstyle is another thing to do that serves as very good practice and keeps you engaged
it's not always easy, sometimes i lose motivation too, but having something to fall back on helps. just don't give up, keep drawing your favorite guy or gal, or anything else you enjoy, and it'll all be okay
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paperstreetlocal · 27 days
How did you manage to improve your art so fast in so little time?
i dont think 5 years is that little 😭😭😭😭 i mean.drawing daily for that long ....thats like thousands of drawings since on some days i draw several times
i started drawing fr at the start of quarantine for whatever reason (end of my gacha phase + i wanted to branch out + general boredom) and had a relatively supportive friend group who liked what i made (even tho i deem it utter garbage by my standards now) so that did motivate me to do it often asides from my general love for it... i usually focused on chibi/more cartoony stuff without a general sense of direction (didnt know anatomy or anything) so i guess the real start of me taking it seriously (whatever tha means) was watching fight club? cause i was like Yeah no way am i drawing tyler as a twink in my usual artstyle so hence came my insane focus on learning anatomy and how to draw muscles/fat whatever else
i dont ever do studies and barely use references (aside from character ones so ik how to draw them correctly) because it feels incredibly restrictive and i just like drawing what interests me and cant force myself to do anything that idgaf about which is probably a bad habit and uhm. I should actually learn color theory and whatever but I dont care I draw for fun.art isnt a serious thing if you put your heart to it you can learn anything with enoguh trial and error❤️ experiment!!! if it turns out like shit, good! you learned not to do that thign next time! you also learned how to utilize said style in the future to make something better!!!! If you struggle with studying shit make your favorite character/topic a core component of it!!! if you dont like drawing something, dont!!! take inspo from other artists, use the components you like from their styles to create your own!! its probably not that easy for most people but its how it came to me i Guess... if you struggle with something you want to get better at just fuck around with it until it looks good.......i have horrendous perfectionist issues and if my brain doesnt like what its seeing its gonna tell me (un)fortunately and i draw until its good enough. Or i dump it. my main goal is make as much shit as possible until i just gradually get better at it
i never take more than 5 hours on a drawing since my style is relatively flexible and i dont focus on much than besides basic anatomy and making it as funky/appealing as possible.if ur pose is too stiff mesh transform it until it looks fine, feel free to scrap shit if it looks bad. dont dwell on it for too long. people always talk about rules and whatever other shit or using tutorials it just Doesnt work for me...
only rule i Do like is you have to learn anatomy to break it properly ok. this applies to cartoonish shit too. and chibis. Learn it
gradients are awesome and will make ur stuff look 50 times cooler and I encourage using filters if ur colors look bad.. (i do it for every drawing)
dont compare urself to other artists EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean EVER you can like another persons art but NEVER compare yourself to them IT WILL KILL YOUR ART Only compare yourself to yourself . compare new art to old art if you need to. Do Not compare yourself to others you dont know how long theyve been drawing, how much time thye spent on it, their circumstances, talent, tools Ok. Dont . Jealousy is bad and ugly and you should never indulge in it. draw for nobody but yourself. if you like it its Good enough
tldr: fucking around
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
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(look how cool these stars are they actually are sharp!! i folded a few of them, look!)
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highly recommend- super easy to do with just sticky notes
ANYWAY here we go!!! notes under the cut as usual <3
MAN i am late on this episode but i am soo excited for it!!!
maelstrom wins for worst eyebags
sdjjfd mael's like yeah 💅 perhaps I am a little deranged
mael's va put his pussy into saying "intellect"
everyone and their mother has made vile presentation power point jokes already so im not going to beat a dead horse but. yeah. thats so fucking funny
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this bitch i stg
the way she smacks that table when she says darn right. i do believe her. she is texas proud. she would hate abortion
i also like that the show uses brunt as a vessel for the american seven year olds watching this who also have no idea what the magna carta is. its cool
i had no idea there were seventeen original copies of the magna carta. i guess i should have guessed but i think im used to the constitu- never mind there are 13 copies of that too. okay well we're learning today
okay so i think the museum the magna cartas is in is the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya?? it looks very similar
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in style, if a little changed for the show. really cool! i guess they didnt want to have to try to pronounce the name though
law and disorder (svu theme chime)
stealing paper, yes. but have you considered that paper star also. folds and throws and destroys with that paper and is generally NOT great at keeping it intact
bark bark i love watching season 1 through a post-shadowsan reveal lens. he knows paper star IS a threat, unlike most of the other operatives, so he opposes the idea,,
love maelstrom just cutting shadowsan off with a vote. he's stealing the symbols of democracy so his colleagues cant keep skipping out on majority rules
there actually is a cafe on the museum grounds that isnt EXACTLY where carmen is sitting but is pretty close. cs team did their research with this one
some guy named john is so funny
player jumped from the very general "you can't be arrested for no reason" to "YOU CANT HAVE YOUR HORSE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU" very quickly
well there isnt actually any "of the liberties" in the direct translation but alright
love how they have the english article "the" in the title of the magna cartas while talking about how its latin wheeze
rest in piece 3/4 turn views of the face. the carmen sandiego artstyle is beautiful until it has to neogotiate carmen not having a nose
interesting that the museum gets subtly lighted in green. we alll know what that means
i like the dramatic reveal of paper star but i also think. how did player not notice the security cams were already down
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she had a lil choker
i love paper star so much. she's fantastic
she does make horse noises when she skips though, which is why jo likes her so much
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yeah. paper star is so cool
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you know shit is real when someone protects the face
i love how carmen puts her fists up to fight like a normal operative v carmen fight and then ps just pulls out the stars its so funny. its like the indiana jones scene when he just pulls out a gun
YES this fight is a challenge for carmen and i LOVE IT
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so glad kimiko glenn could voice her god she does such a good job
paper star used up the smear frame budget in this one scene alone
i love how carmen tries her quip and fight formula again and AGAIN paper star is like. no <3 i am going to rip you to shreds with this terrible pun i made up and carmen is SO OVER IT JSDHGHS
love how carmen didnt move like girlie what did you think she was going to do with those pamphlets
papertiger fans go wild
no way did that fucking tiger decapitate a stone statue what the fuck does she put in there knives??? paper star gives children razors in their halloween candy i guess
once again carmen's love for saving things that she has mostly already ruined causes her to have a disadvantage! it sure would suck if another falling statue at some point was weaponized. that would suck
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the cut hat staying there is so funny to me for some reason
dont try to be sneaky, carmen. just walk right up the center
the transitions with the tapestry and paperstar's folds are cool as fuck
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also she disappears behind that second tapestry which means she was clinging onto the back of the fabric like a koala. good image
paper star: wraps carmen in a tapestry s4 evil carmen in the finale: hey that was a good idea. julia come here
paper star is the queerest bitch on the map at all times and i love her so much for that
laughing so hard imagining how many takes gina had to do of carmen's pained moaning as she struggles in the paper wrap
yeah. paper star. okay as if i haven't gushed about her enough she is. so good. the little mm-mm-mm! as carmen struggles. going against all of vile's ideals as she leaves traces EVERYWHERE and then pulls the fire alarm, not hiding in plain sight at all. she leaves carmen wrapped up for the cops. yeah. god. yeah
least favorite part of this episode of carmen being more upset about her hat than she is about losing The Fucking Magna Cartas and GOOD GRAVY SHE MOANS ABOUT THE HAT FOR SO LONG CARMEN YOU HAVE LIKE FIFTEEN
i love seeing the remains of the fight when acme steps in the next day!! you can track where paper star shot at carmen and then wrapped her up, where she was firing on the first floor, the different types of paper..
where did paper star put that glass circle she cut out
chase just randomly picks up evidence barehanded and then tosses it to the floor 2. fuck him fuck him straight to hell. so glad this is a pro-julia episode jhfashgdfa
all she does is romanticize the scoundrel it is all she CAN do
yeah acme is secret and not even their families know about it. but also every cop ever knows about it too okay
chase. thats it thats the post (i dont actually hate him. hes funny. but also insufferable at times. that is our wife you are slandering, sir)
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i cant tell if i want to make a joke or a serious comment about how she's doing a finger gun at the image of carmen so i'll just leave it here
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chase: the only agent who has been face to face with her the train scene: i am about to ruin this whole man's career
HAH. says player. next on the news
(eda voice) look its an outdated human reference
why was le chevre up there. did he come down from the cliff face just for fun. or scale it just for fun. nevermind that checks out
the people in this show have ankles of steel they be dropping 20-30 feet and just fine with it
everyone tries to banter with paper star and she just. no
the shifty glance around from le chevre shdgkjsghd
the drop in her tone and face when she says he looks like he would get caught is so good
she is straight up torturing this guy how did paper star get past the censors
its like he was swinging his dick around in her face and going NOO NOT MY DICK PLEASE NOT MY DICK you are literally offering them as targets sir they are the closest thing to her
and from that day on fanfiction writers across the globe only called her tammy again
oh i havent mentioned the music in this episode yet. its so good. yeah
the animation also is beautiful. the train is very nice w/ the reflections in the water
and then chase showed up to ruin her day
i love how she's just humoring him he's not even in the realm of worth her full attention
honestly impressed by how chill chase is in the conversation? last time he was on a train with "her" he whipped off "her" hat and screamed in "her" face. then with ivy he jumped her snowmobile and triumphantly yelled at her again
he's just kind of like. yeah cool. im around carmen sandiego. we should have a lovely chat and then i shall get her to lead me calmly to the magna cartas. this could not possibly go wrong
love chase where did he think she was hiding them
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awww theyre holding hands
criminal of this show to not show her kicking his ass in the tunnel it would have been soo funny
i love the little fakeout they do in the tunnel too. like omg did he cuff her??? no she used an uno reverse card
ALSO the little details of this show. before carmen says "or what? you'll cuff me?" she glances out the train window. she already has this scene so perfectly choreographed in her mind that she can just time the tunnel and make her escape its so good
acme keycard!!!! little did carmen know that pickpocketing that card would lead to coach brunt most of the way murdering her in a basement a few weeks from now
AGAIN julia is on her tablet gosh i dont know why i dont ever think of her as tech savvy but she is ALWAYS tapping on that thing
julia is so nice to her carmen just. sits dsgjagkdsh
is the plausible reason that "partner" set off cop warnings in carmen's head? yes. but is the gay reason that she wanted to make sure she wasn't about to flirt with some poor married woman? also yes is the gay response to this gay reason julia canonically going "NO GOD IM NOT WITH HIM WITH HIM"? yes and yes!!
julia puts down her tablet and gives her FULL attention to carmen to talk about the taj mahal,,, yeahh....
ALSO i enjoy how carmen maneuvers the conversation. she asks julia's name and then immediately asks an engaging question afterward so that julia doesn't think to ask for HER name...
love how julia leans forward to talk to carmen augh...she is so engaged and relaxed
that line is so fucking iconic. the Eyes she's giving. the lean. she loves history even more. the fucking setup for way down in season 4
god i honestly think that if chase hadn't been putting her down and scoffing at her interests and making her stay behind at crime scenes she would have gone after carmen. can you IMAGINE how different the episode would have been if she'd gone after her???? GOD (i can imagine....i have imagined....the polycule has done....a LOT of imagining...)
that liiiittle glance behind that carmen does to see if julia is following her before she starts focusing on paper star..
man i NEVER used to be able to figure out how paper star sensed carmen peeking around the corner but i realized about a year ago that she saw her reflection in the window...AUGH the little details of this show are so good
that gay little roll. paper star makes every fight just a little gay actually. now kiss
those shoes must have hurt so bad to get kicked with ow
second toilet paper joke of the episode. laugh.
i love the pro-environment message this episode was halfheartedly trying to juggle. it did not come across fantastically
the way paper star's eyes light up when she sees new paper is great
PAPER STAR'S THEME IS SO GOOOD....HOW SHE JUST. she just goes. "you should run." somehow she's the most campy villain and the most down-to-earth serious threat could and would kill you villain in the show and she rocks both at once
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paper star is vaccuming her
you also know shit gets real when the background turns into a mass of colored streaks
i ALSO love about paper star that she can and does hold her own in hand-to-hand. yeah she's bet with her stars but she can pack a punch or a kick
carmen: yes i do think i will run now
i also like this fight because we don't often get to see carmen fighting when she's not in her trench coat. it gives it a much more sporadic, caught-off-guard feel to the whole thing somehow- which is again a trademark of paper star!! she doesn't do things like everyone else
something about the way carmen sprints to the end of the train and then turns around is so fucking funny. yes that is the last car! congratulations! its a good thing you came up here instead of trapping yourself in the interior of the last car I guess
rock paper scissors wind
THE FLIP OVER THE SHOULDER GAY STARE IS ALSO ICONIC AND SUCH A GOOD MOVE. carmen initiated it but fuck if she knows what she's going to do afterwards
ill say it again and a fcuking gain how much i like how much of a threat paper star is. yes girl. fling her off the train not once (sort of) but twice. carmen was an inch away from falling headfirst off that train and she knew it
i am not sure how exactly carmen pulled herself up from a lean by grabbing paper star's boobs and pulling her towards her but im good with it. also look at this animation she is desperate!! yess!!!!!! EMOTION!!!!
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now KISS
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the couple not even looking up from the newspaper is so funny
i love the broken physics of that vent(?) cover (?) throw its extremely entertaining to watch
carmen's triumph motif playing and then cutting to paper star just hanging there while a crow squawks at her is very funny. she just looks at it. i would like to think she makes friends with it. she does like murder
"agent devineaux??" "mnyeh.."
good hands :))))
i love that she doesn't even need to say anything. we are just left to understand that paper star did end up one-upping her here in the end, and its this moment that nearly kills both her and chase
i like the contrast of brunt and cleo shielding themselves when she throws the card, versus maelstrom standing and not flinching. he knows her better than they do
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i thought that was a vase theyre just his pants
thats all i have to say for this one. other than the french connections caper this is my favorite episode in season 1!!
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gomzdrawfr · 1 year
Hi Gomz! Been so inspired by your art, I'm considering picking up digital drawing again haha. What device and app do you use? What would you recommend if I wanna restart drawing? Would be great if you can answer with doodles :D thanks!
Hello Cumi! Thank you very much for this ask, to think I can inspire other people with my doodles means a lot to me <;3 ((def not cryin rn))
In this ask response, I'll include some links that you can check out for the appropriate stuff! I hope you can understand some things by the end of it :D
Disclaimer: im no professional, so most of this is just based on my experience!!
Okie dokie first off:
What device and app do I use?
I draw using a drawing pad, the Deco Mini7 on my laptop, and I use Krita to draw :3
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Krita is free to use! You can download it here, or if you can afford it, clip studio paint is definitely a popular choice out there, some people use adobe too!
I will say it may seem complicated at first BUT it is relatively easy to learn once you get the hang of it, there have a full tutorial on their website with videos included if you wanna know more! digital art apps usually works the same way, once you get the fundamentals you can draw on any app tbh
Or if you do want to start using Krita, then you can send me another ask in the future and I'll share you my tips and tricks (which are honestly pretty scuff HAHA))
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Other recommendation if you want to draw on phone/tablet/ipad!
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2. I know you didnt ask this, but I wanted to share my experience starting out with digital painting/using the drawing pad for the first time
the thing about digital painting is that there's a lot of features here and they serve to make the process easier, but it can be quite overwhelming when you start off! examples are layers
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drawing pad also means getting used to not looking at the pad and the screen at the same time + getting used to the pen, I had a hard time with it but the more I use it, the more i got used to it :D
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funnily enough, I actually gotten this drawing pad bcuz I started using lecture notes online through pdf and such xD
3. What would you recommend if I want to restart drawing?
Not really sure what you mean about restarting, but Im assuming like finding a new artstyle or trying out different art medium is it? (like from traditional pencil doodle to stylus pen) but if you mean literally restarting then uhhhh XD I guess you gotto start drawing then haha?
I think my motto when it comes to drawing is that no matter what it is, just do it
"its gonna look bad" its okay bcuz at least I drew it, yk? xD the thing with art is the more you draw, the more you're familiar with it, the less intimidating it will become(tho it can still be scary, but hey! baby steps right?)
perhaps what I would recommend is testing out all kinds of artstyle, ask yourself:
what am I going to draw? ex: I wanna do self potraits! I wanna do silly doodles of my favourite characters!
what style do I wanna do? ex: Chibi, non-chibi, landscapes
Sometimes, you won't know those answers to those questions until later on, which is exciting dont you think? one day I said "im gonna draw Ghost in full gears" then the next I decided "actually nah screw that im gonna make Ghost cute" -w-
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didchu know my first few digital doodles were done on OneNote? haha yes! and on my lecture notes nonetheless pfttt (this was around october 2022)
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When in doubt, always ALWAYS start small and simple. Draw a circle, draw a blob, anything! Make it manageable :D
You can, of course, challenge yourself and go big! the most important key is you're drawing for yourself :3 and you should do something you're happy with!
well, sometimes there are moments where you wont like what you draw or artblock, when it comes to those time Id recommend taking a break xD
Finding your artstyle is an ever growing journey, I would suggest looking through websites like Artstation or Pinterest and collecting artstyle that you like! then learn from it, replicate it, trace it(AS LONG AS YOU DONT CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN AND YOU DO IT FOR PRACTICE PURPOSES!!!) and study it :3
like heck I just found a new artstyle yesterday literally HAHA so you know, enjoy the fun!
4. Other helpful links and video for starting out digital painting:
Marc Brunet, has a ton of tutorials that are useful! my fav one being this one about face drawing and cell shading
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Bluebiscuits, very cute artstyle and the videos are always soothing and calming to watch! they did this video about finding your artstyle which I highly recommend! their face drawing tutorial is also really good :3
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I also watch tppo occasionally, his video focuses more on how he study other people's artstyle and then implementing it on his own! If you like art studies you can give it a go, like this one!
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practice, practice and practice! things like art takes a while to master and get happy with :) like i said, keep trying and dont forget, all of this is for fun!
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have a good day! feel free to ask me anytime if you want if you want some clarification <3
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plusvanity · 1 year
I really love your drawings and just wonder how did you learn to draw like that?
I'm so happy to know you do enjoy my art, it really makes my day a bit better so, thank you very much for letting me know that! <3
Well, I don't know if ever mentioned it before but I'm a self-taught artist like many other people in the art community.
I started drawing as soon as I was able to hold a pen in my hand haha soo.. pretty early I guess. Throughout my childhood I've been drawing traditionally and by the age of 12 (when my mom bought us the first computer) I discovered MS Paint (software that I've been using all these years until today). Due to financial reasons I've never had a graphic tablet (still don't have one today even tho now I can go buy one, I don't need one anymore lol) or any fancy tablets/ devices to digitally draw sooo... I had to learn all the tough work with nothing but a shaky hand and freaking mouse.
I've been passively studying art (anatomy, proportions, shadowing/lighting, color pallets, etc.) just by looking at other digital artist's works for years. I'd always try to understand and memorize their concepts to later apply them in my own art to reach the same effectiveness??? or to basically be able to look at my own art for more than 3 seconds before I irreversibly throw it in a Folder of tears and shame lmao.
Finding a satisfying original style wasn't easy either as I've been fluctuating a lot through years and even months. (there's a big difference in how my drawings looked just 2 months ago and how they look right now). For a very long time I had a 'cute animu' phase... style? that I used to enjoy then it slowly turned into a more 'dramatic/ angsty' style then into a more semi-realistic style that's my current artstyle. I guess I finally found what works the best for me as I'm slowly starting to enjoy my drawings lol. I'm the worst critic to myself but I'm working on it.
I make sure that no matter what, I draw something everyday. This is the holy concept that I make sure to apply every single day. It doesn't matter if I'm not in the mood or bored or whatever, I always make time to at least sketch/ doodle something. It helps greatly in the long run and I usually come back to thank myself for doing that.
That's pretty much all I do since I was a kid and discovered digital art. 'Gaze at other's art and practice, practice, practice.'
Hope that's a 'good enough' answer, anon! Have a great day! ^^
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
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(*drew them on paper then took a pic and traced because god the artstyle is funky af god damn it's hard)
Some info on these idiots! Under the cut for obvious reasons.
It's the size of a tablet.
Can very much fuck up your game, play around with it or straight up destroy your device with just screaming.
Sometimes stares at you, straight in the eye, like a begging dog, most of the time for no reason.
Text-To-Speech High-pitched Glitchy Voice From Those Cliche Trollge Videos™, y'know what i'm talking about.
Capable of being cute, i'm not that cruel of course some can be cute! Pet one and it purrs like a cat.
Eats by absorbing, literally touches a cookie and it's pulled into it's body like metal to a magnet.
Can turn out to be a dead child! :D
Level 30 + Busted Tv...
Bigger, badder, leaner and meaner, but above all a bastard. Think of it as like a teen but worse and very aware it's doing bad things and enjoying it.
Now has TV shows as tools to bother you and make your life hell lmfao.
Though these assholes are asexual by nature (except human ghosts, they're varied), they are not naive or innocent, that thing is in a TV now whatdoya think will that thing do knowing this?
Of course, like with Creeptridge, not all of them are bad, some are willing to be your friend! Especially human ghosts!
Level 66 + 2 more ghosts (NOT THE POKEMON, THE ACTUAL GHOSTS)
Just varied. Could be good, could be bad, could be nice, could be mean- it's a mix of everything you can imagine.
Can spawn unlimited arms, legs and heads from the screen, it just chose the limit of four on it's own accord.
Remember how i said that not all of these are bad? This is what's best described as ALL OF THEM.
Can very much be dangerous, proceed with caution...
it won't stop screaming. it won't shut up. it won't stay quiet. why does it scream so much. please make it stop. make it stop. please. stop.
The only way to tell their gender is via looking at the markings, like Paranorcast, if the markings are blue then it's male, if they're red it's female. You're looking at the nonbinary one right now.
TELESCREAM is genderfluid, it's literally every single other ghost cramped inside a tv.
These ghosts are ghost/electric, also asexual by nature unless they turn out to be human souls. Then it's a toss of a dice.
They reproduce via some mitosis kinda shit, the Creeptridge will immediately look for whoever is unfortunate enough to bring a device with them and possess the device to use as a vessel. It's different for human ghosts, obvious reasons.
TELESCREAM's colors and markings are all random, sometimes one head is blue then the next it's red or green- or hell! Black! White! Yellow! Ourple! Perhaps your own face! (No he didn't tear off your face and use it as a mask, it can shapeshift too)
TELESCREAM screams eternally. It moans, wails, yells, shouts, it screams forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and
Creeptridge can blep. How? Easy! The eye doubles as a mouth sometimes! (These ghostly fuckers do whatever at will, don't question them)
please leave me alone. stop screaming. leave me alone. please. stop it. stop.
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heloflor · 1 year
Since I’m starting to post Mario stuff might as well scream about how exciting that last Nintendo Direct was (spoilers under the cut)
- SUPER MARIO RPG IS GETTING REMASTERED !!!! I ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO PLAY THAT GAME !!! Also the Chibi artstyle is adorable ! Also also I love how Mario and Peach are clearly Chibi with bigger heads while Bowser has normal proportions. Also also also, to all the Geno fans out there, how are you guys feeling ?
- NEW PRINCESS PEACH GAME !!! AND THEY’RE IGNORING HER BUTCHERED MOVIE VERSION AND INSTEAD ARE KEEPING HER AS SWEET AND SOFT AND FIGHTING WITH MAGIC, HELL YEAH !!! Also I like how it doesn’t seem to be a platformer but instead a more adventure type of game, I like the diversity ! Plus it’s fitting for Peach.
(And also I have this headcanon that Peach has magic but doesn’t know how to use it, at least not without help (Starlow “triggering it for her” in Mario and Luigi for example) and considering the thing helping her use magic in this game seems sentient, the headcanon still stands ! And yes the reason for this headcanon is to justify Peach never using it outside of the RPGs + there’s angst potential, especially when taking into account how often villains use her for her powers)
- Also they joke about having a game for each main characters, with one Mario game, one Luigi game and one Peach game. Where's our Bowser game, Nintendo ? He's a main character too, when is his time under the spotlight ? /hj
- NEW SUPER MARIO BROS THAT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A BRAND NEW GAME INSTEAD OF BEING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN !!! AND THE ARTSTYLE IS FANTASTIC !!! AND YOU CAN ACTUALLY PLAY AS DAISY HOLY SHIT !!!! Although I feel like this game will fuel even more “Mario takes drugs” jokes because…I mean come on, there’s no beating the drug allegations on this one. Also I’m low-key curious as to what Bowser’s plan is here since 1. Peach is playable so he didn’t capture her and 2. That one small moment with what appeared to be Junior with a strange mask ? (that character had Junior’s proportions, a spiked shell and bracelets without spikes) Are Bowser and his army brainwashed in this game maybe ? And now that I think about it doesn’t his ship have purple eyes or something, implying they're brainwashed ? Also is Yoshi going to be the new “easy mode” character since he can flutter and carry others ? That could also explain why four players can all be him
- Not the biggest when it comes to battle royal games but that one rhythm game seems wacky as all hell
- While not games I own or is that big of a fan of, feel happy for Luigi Mansion fans, Mario Kart fans who finally got Kamek into the rooster + Petey Piranha as many hoped (though I hope Wiggler being here won’t prevent other wanted characters in…), Pikmin fans who got a brand-new game, same for Sonic (I might actually get this one, seems pretty fun), and also happy for those who wanted more out of Mario + Rabbids.
- On a more negative note, GAME FREAK WILL YOU PLEASE LET YOUR TEAM GET SOME GODDAMN DESERVED REST ?!!! We can live a few years without a new Pokemon game, the world isn’t going to explode ! Hell look at Mario ! We haven’t had a new Mario Bros game in years (not counting the U remake) and look how amazing the new game looks ! Stop overworking your poor team, your fans aren’t going anywhere, they can wait !
Overall, the one I’m most excited for this year is Wario Ware while the most exciting overall is the Peach game. I don’t know if this is because she’s always been my favorite as a kid or because I’m still salty about how much positive reception her movie version got, but seeing Nintendo portray Peach as a magical girl makes me unbelievably happy (or relieved I guess ? One big fear I had about the movie was said movie causing Peach’s character to be completely revamped; so it’s good that at least Nintendo aren’t doing it. And it proves that this whole “Movie Peach is how I always viewed her” from Miyamoto was indeed marketing bullshit).
But seriously, I can already tell Super Mario RPG and Wario Ware are gonna take over my life. Also this song has been stuck in my head for hours now, help
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authoruio · 2 years
Hi! I know you probably heard this already but- I love your artstyle ^^ it's really pretty
Mostly asking purely out of curiosity but Uh- how would your OC's think of Victoria ? Generally she's my favorite oc tbh and has the heaviest lore out of all my ocs
Ahoy~! Hearing that people love my art is really heartwarming I don't mind it repeating over and over <3
And wow! Your character is really well-developed! She's scary!
Victoria with Jiyoon and Miren
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Ah yes, Jiyoon's weaknesses, beautiful faes.
No no, it's not like she fears them its just that... she has more trust and high respect for them.
Sure, most faes are, well, mischievous but Jiyoon has been friends with a LOT of faes and faes are more trustworthy than humans in her book... Sonya's just so insane for grace and dancing but we aren't talking about her shhh-
Anything Victoria wishes, Jiyoon would probably do them with precise effort. She'll listen to anything Victoria wish to say.
Jiyoon's "observe, watch and stand back" mode activates
Her ears are always open.
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But they'll probably have a problem with her manipulative mannerisms. Jiyoon is keen with manipulation, she did not live her life on repeats and being Zev's friend for nothing. But she won't stop it when she knows she can't help it, the usual stand back and watch it all.
Sure, she'll look up to Victoria, not because shes a fae and so gorgeous ahem- the way she carries herself deserves an applause, don't you think?
A good character inspiration she is... Jiyoon addresses Victoria as '아가씨/Young Lady/miss'
Moving on, Miren only has a few words.
One, FAES ARE SCARY. Two, WHATS UP WITH THIS SONYA MIXED WITH MITCH 2.0? People are really around that resembles Mitch one way or another huh?
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Yeah, jokes aside, he is intimidated with this fae. The Calamity Glutton who could bark out venomous annoyance at their Leader, trembling in fear? Yep, only two beings can make him shake.
He would only observe her silently, contemplating what kind of fae she is. As much as good he is at reading people, the only thing certain that he can see inside Victoria is haywire emotions.
Yeah she's great and all but fae...
Miren's on the verge of crying
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Yeah no, he's not gonna come up to Victoria and hand her the kimchi. How can his sister easily approach a fae?
It doesn't make sense! also him: *casually talking to Malleus*
Victoria with Aori and UiO!
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Hello Miss Fae, I hope you don't mind two chaotic duo nervously admiring your beauty-
Aori would be jealous that she can hold herself so high and mighty like that!
Sure, he's a dragon, a mighty being that's greater than anything just under the gods but he looks up to Victoria.
She's like Zev! She holds the aura of nobility and Aori wants to learn from her!
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This ray of sunshine is singing praises for Victoria, basically like a golden retriever....
He will basically do his best if Victoria do teach him! Please go easy on him ^^;;
Now he has two fae friends that he made by himself! Maybe he should let them meet each other? No darling, they're at each others throats...
and on the other hand... UiO once again, is a menace :D (I think Victoria won't be able to keep up with this puppets energy..)
She is jumping up and so curious to learn about this beautiful tall glass fae!
UiO can already guess that Victoria is having some negative emotions bubbling, after all, she's a puppet who's attracted to negative emotions... and will she stop? No. :)
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I guess UiO will be facing the dangerous glare of the fae... Hm... blackmails and a little manipulation is ready to hit the dense puppet to the wall...
the reason they can tell Victoria is a fae because of a distinct aura that she gives off, they have a friend who is a dryad and an frenemy who is a fairy, its a very distinct feeling that they can feel but Miren is the only one who can't tell what kind of fae Victoria is.
Now I want to know what Victoria thinks about JiUiAoRen...
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two-tyred-problems · 3 months
hiii I got tagged again by @kazoologist to answer some questions about myself :)))
Do you make your bed? When I get home, but I always forget in the mornings
Favourite number? 67 and 8. No idea why, it’s the vibe
What’s your job? Right now I’m still trying to get one TwT. Other than that I’m studying
If you could go back to school, would you? I dunno, technically I’m still studying, but I guess I’d go back for my friends. It’s just so easy to hang out with them during free periods
Can you parallel park? Not yet, but hopefully soon
Do you think Aliens are real? It’s probable but I don’t believe in the Area 51 conspiracy type stuff
Can you drive a manual car? Also not yet, but hopefully soon, since I am in the process of getting my license (have I already complained how expensive it is? No??? I have to pay like 4000€ QwQ (normal price ik but still expensive))
Guilty pleasure? Those 'cringey' 2010s songs, like Fight Song. Idk why but there’s nothing more effective for cheering me up. I also love watching Bollywood dance scenes, the music and the energy!! Nothing compares for me. I also consume an unhealthy amount of Yogurette. Also (mostly passively) engaging in some petty internet drama for funsies! So entertaining
Tattoos? None yet! But I might get a flying Shrike tattooed
Favourite colour? Blue and pink (in Barbie movie style)
Favourite type of music? Oooh I dunno, I like those 2000s party songs but also songs like The Adults are talking (no idea what genre that is) and some Bollywood songs. I’ve also recently taken a liking to German music again
Do you like Puzzles? Depends, I like jigsaw puzzles just fine, but others not so much, I’m not much of a riddler
Favourite childhood sport? Zumba (type of choreographed dancing) and fencing. Fencing was exhausting but so fun, sadly I didn’t like the trainer
Do you talk to yourself? Not really
First thing you wanted to be when growing up? Princess, because I could’ve had all the horses I wanted. Also Egyptologist. No idea wich one came first
What movies do you adore? Tough, I don’t really watch many movies anymore. But I like the Top Gun movies, watched the second part in the cinema, which was awesome and the Batman Unlimited movies since I like the artstyle in those. I also like Jawan (2023), an Indian movie and one of the best films I’ve watched recently. SRK and his gang of 6 women rightening the Gouvernement with a bit of found family themes and accidental child acquisition. Some very heart wrenching scenes but also plenty of fun action, some dance scenes and SRK looking hot as ever in his father/son double role. There are some scenes that could be very triggering tho, same for the next movie I like Happy New Year (2014), although this movies is more of a comedy and there are less sad scenes. Also Mohini is one of my fave characters I love her
Idk who to tag sorrrryyy
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sonntam · 10 months
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Anyway, I finished all two available episodes of Coffin of Andy and Leyley today and I am pretty happy about it! The artstyle is on point and I am especially a fan of the music.
The main theme is so wonderfully whimsical. You can feel it going "woopsie-doopsie... a little cannibalism happened... and a tiny bit of murder... surely a bit more incest won't hurt?" It sounds like the classic cartoonish Halloween theme with a hint of "well, get used to it, your life is an ironic clusterfuck now".
Though obviously the main show is the story itself. Unlike many walk-around games this one really gets immediately to the juicy bits, puzzles are rather simple and "combine stuff" adventure game stuff is kept to a minimum.
The pacing is fantastic: one thing happens after another, while at the same time the protagonists have plenty of time to banter and to flirt. The horror elements are not exactly so frequent that we have a non-stop gore-fest, but it still delivers enough cannibalism to stay on theme. Harvester Games like Cat Lady or Downfall have a lot more of gruesome gore, but then again, the Coffin game is rather whimsical and cute.
The flirting is really where the game shines. We have everything: a yandere sister and a guy who seems to be more normal... but actually is pretty cool with murder. (Or so it would look like on a first glance... in reality they may both have more going on than that.) I love how much of a manipulative bitch Ashley can be and Andrew has a wonderful violent streak that really speaks to me.
I am also very impressed just how much art there is for the game. The style is simple, but still, making so many panels could not have been easy. Kudos to the dev!
Spoilers about the endings under the cut.
I got the chill incest ending, now I really want the one where Andrew tries to kill Ashley.
I also don't get why the kids did not leave their parents in vegetable state in their beds. That would have been the perfect murder, since there no murder took place and those two just had a stroke... or something.
Well, I guess once you are into human meat, there is no going back, gotta have more.
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vinxwatches · 1 year
watching disenchantment season 1
the parts of it i have seen i remember thinking seemed pretty nice. i don't remember what it was, just that it seemed interesting. the artstyle, simpsons styles, isn't too appealing, but if it's good it'll survive a weak artstyle (it's not like the lower decks looked amazing. not bad but not amazing). lets have a look
netflix opening. yes it's a surprise. i pirate basically everything. no job no income, no income no subscriptions, that's my rule. also fuck big corporations. so far i've never been disapointed with their stuff, but in general i don't disappoint easily and it's not like i watched a lot of their stuff. still they are pretty good about lgbtq+ stuff which makes them one of the less shit companies.
ok yea no like 10 seconds in and i know i'll like the princess. i am, in fact, increadibly easy to please. ok yea no i love the vibe 3 min in. oh how i love some lawful evil. "take of those clothes and come down wearing something princesslike" are not safe words with someone who's confident and doesn't like you. ok, thei visual gags fucking rock. ... this is a lot of notes for less then 6 minutes in. this'll be a good one.
ok that gate is neat and something i may steal for my dnd game. a gate that's a gate into a different realm, damn, it's probably not something i can visually describe well enough to make work.
ok, that's more digs at religion then i'd expect from a show like this. i mean i love it but i can imagine a lot of people didn't.
punching your way trough a glass in lead windows? look elfs and demons i can suspend my disbelief with, but doing unrealistic things with real things is just more immersion breaking.
ok, racist antelope was not a one off joke, it was a two off joke. honestly amazing.
ending of the first episode was on the weaker side, and we don't even have a status quo yet. oh well. still a great episode. i hope they can keep the jokes going.
is mermaid song a genre? because i always really like it.
oh, is the status quo going to be trying to kill the guy and failing? if so i'd love it but i wouldn't guess it.
weak endings seem to be a trend, or at least happened both times now.
ok, you made me lol with a dad joke.
i love the jokes based in history. like yea lemons were probably rare in northern europe seen as they grow further south. sure trade did always exist, but fruit is hard to transport, but bringing them back after crusades? yea, makes sense. also that drug looks like ginger.
ok, the exorcist has some great animation jokes. an exorcist with good aftercare... i mean that does already make him better then most modern exorcists, even with the attempt to kill her to get the demon to leave her, that's nothing special.
yea ok that concludes it this show sucks at endings. the rest of the episode makes it worth it but damn do they suck.
not a fan of Elfo's useless "i want to be with her" thing. it's just creepy. like haha stuck in the friendzone, but no, if you follow someone around not because you can just want to back them that's just creepy.
ok, so this episode is really about that. now to see if it's a moment of change or to acknowledge a problem and yet try to return to the status quo. welp, i'm afraid it's the latter. yet somehow the strongest ending... doesn't mean a lot but maybe shit'll get better with time.
"how dare you bring logic into gods house" fucking love it. also i just noticed that episodes are named chapters, which is just neat. is season 2 named book 2?
i'd love it if she picked up witchcraft. don't expect it, would love it.
"i'm bad at everything" except swordfighting in the last episode, getting things organized, and cleaning up a multi murder scene with but 1 (serious) error.
ok, ep5 easily the strongest ending. not strong, but not weak. and yes now i'll be listing the quality of all endings. because i saw a glimmer of a pattern at the start and now i can't stop. because i'm normal like that /s
damn ep6 starts with a delightful tune on the violin.
ok, there seems to be growth in their relationship. i wonder if it'll stick. also endings continue getting better.
ok, fun twist, also man how do you think you're going to get out of this web of lies my guy? like i lie often, or at least used to, got less stuff to lie about nowdays, and lies need to stay small, believable and concentrated. if you're late for work you don't make up a story about family drama, you lie about local traffic that has no way of coming back up in a much later date and they have no reasonable way of knowing.
damn Tes is a lot of fun. hope we'll see her again.
damn how they re-use characters is really neat. making them deeper characters then they were.
"i'll play you a sad song on the words smallest lute" i mean funny... and googled it to make sure, and no the violin is post medieval period. nevermind then.
damn, not even half way trough season 1 and we seem to be near a finally. mid way big change?
main character death? i don't buy it. damn, i saw that twist coming. oh, did not see that choice coming. like it makes the most sense, but character never make that choice. it's always moving forward and returning to the status quo. they did the exact opposite and now i'm hooked.
damn, that title though (ep10). very happy opening, and then that end. "it took all season" i love such meta jokes.
oh damn, this was well planned out, the kingdown/city was designed for this. amazing. and damn that was foreshadowed
the shows title takes on such a massively different meaning. it started, in my mind, like "oh you think this story is enchanting? nah, we're the cynical joke show. this story is disenchanting" but oh no, it's something completely different.
the room they walk into is supposed to be creepy, with red-ish walls and darker and tall furniture... while i'm sitting in my room. with a black floor. 2 silver and 1 red wall, up to the ceiling black wardrobe, and i'm just thinking "oh that room looks nice". am i the villain? no, but i'm probably at least somewhat goth. including swears in regular phrases to seem ominous also doesn't do much when that's just how it talk too.
damn that's one hell of an episode, setting up where things are going to go while also moving the story a lot. i'm sure that wasn't the last we saw of those 3, probably 4 even.
ok, dealing with the problem of evil, and calling god out for the vileness that is inherit in the character growth excuse.
"emotional support demon" now who came up with it first? the click (the youtuber) or this show?
damn the infernal stronghold looks really cool. the book of people send to hell includes a lot of popes. nice.
not really a twist, it was really obvious, but still nice.
i love the chewing out of god. yes i'm easily pleased sue me.
what the fuck happened between ep 12 and 13? how is everyone alive again? the thing it had wrong was that it was the wrong episode as 13. the site works great, but it often has errors like this. i need to check that the episode is titled the same as the site says it's called.
oh, i like her new look and outlook.
it's a surprisingly good resolution with some more nice mysteries.
damn i really love ex queens exit. it's just so not standard and with a lot of depth to it. a lot of depth we never saw in her before but makes total sense with what we did know, and it's a really heart-warming breakup, something that needs to be normalized more.
neat interpretation of a classic mythological creature. and not a minute later we're taking the other half of those stories. but i really like what they did with it.
damn that's some cliffhanger. what's up with the damn musicbox?
also the 3d in this show stays surprisingly good. the blending between 2d and 3d is far from flawless, but it still allows them to do a lot of cool visual stuff.
and damn that reveal of ogre matters.
not a fan of the circus being thieves. not a good stereotype to continue. also not a fan of my suspicion that they'll double cross. and i was correct. old media or new they keep coming back to this.
do like the twist, but the stereotype is still bad.
cool underwater scene, but you'd both have drowned.
ok, going for a joke ending that made me lol. well done.
name the play "the king & me"? like the untrustworthy story? odd choice.
having to work trough emotional problems? great lesson, great to touch on. i'm also currently binging the show to escape my emotions so i fail to properly apricate it.
looks like a dragon, looks more like an airship.
don't get me wrong i love steampunk, but i prefer when the types of magic words stay separated. or if the steampunk world is dead dwemer style, that one also works.
OH. that's an ending and an half. of all the characters i could believe this would be the one as they can die having fulfilled their purposes in the plot.
talk about a witch-hunt. the kings last action? nope, the queens. fuck
i was thinking of doing the whole show in one post... lets not
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forestryfae · 2 years
4,8, 15 and 19 for the art ask meme? :D
4. Favourite things to draw? magical girls and magical girl outfits, ocs, deer became a recent obession for a solid week lol, clothes, hair is great too i love making it swoosh. also monsters and magical creatures. girls. femmes. girlies with wooshy dresses. dresses. skirts. idk what else lol 8. What do you like most about your own work? the lineart tbh. its harder to do in digital art but in traditional art it looks so nice and its a lot easier to get it right 15. Biggest artist pet peeve? first of all some people are better than me >:( mean >:( lol second of all how fucking tiring it is and how bad my shoulder and arm tends to hurt when im drawing, especially digitally. its from some kind of inflammation that mom and dad refused to take me to a doctor for so it comes back when i lift or carry anything heavy for too long or i draw for too long AI isn a pet peeve its hatred but im putting it here anyway traced drawings of character sheets. im sorry but they just dont look that good, idk what it is but its just kind of easy to tell theyre traced or sometimes even just edits of a character sheet model they then traced over. those art programs with brushes you can use as a shortcut. like chains or braids as an example. so instead of drawing the thing yourself you use a brush and you get perfect whatever it is. it just feels lazy. its fine as a tool to figure out where stuff goes and to practice i guess, but its infinitely better to actually look at real life pictures of chains or braids and to practice drawing them rather than using a brush and tracing over it. tracing also kills a lot of personality and uniqueness in art imo also those instagram videos where its just one big skincolored blob and then they shape it and use the blurring tool a fuckton and boom. you get those hyperblurred semirealistic overhyped drawings of pretty girls that honestly look more like instragram models with filters than actual real human girls on that note. artists who are like "ill draw your insecurity" and they draw like. the prettiest person they can think of and give them like. if someone asks for acne they get a couple dots and mild redness here and there. someone asks for roscea they get a blush. a scar that barely shows. fat character but they dont look fat at all. etc. 19. Favourite character(s) to draw? mew ichigo and mew lettuce and kisshu from tokyo mew mew, van kleiss from generator rex, everyone else is SO HARD to draw wtf, other than that i dont really draw much fanart, i dont really enjoy it? theres too much pressure to make the characters look like in canon or look like themselves or look really good and unique in my artstyle and it gets discouraging. i do draw my ocs kiev, dango, anaya, and stirfry more often than anyone else
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