#I guess she does help her in the next chapter so it's not completely unreasonable. Heck she's helping her here
Behold, the most underused Touhou ship
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Sannyo x random unnamed yamawaro on a winning streak
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beskarhearts · 4 years
The Marshal (Din Djarin x reader)
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gif credit @stwrsdaily
Connection series Pt. 12
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, jealous Din and reader, a little ~sexual~ tension/mentions of sex (no smut), canon typical violence, chapter 2 spoilers
Word count: over 15.7 K words (ooof this is a long one)
Summary: Din and you land on Tatooine to find a Mandalorian, instead finding a marshal with a very specific request.
Notes: Did I finish editing this today and I decide I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to post it? Absolutely. Anyways, I really enjoy this chapter and I hope you all do too. As always, tell me what you think and enjoy!!
Previous Part ____ Next Part
“Are we just headed straight to Mos Pelgo?” you asked Din as he sat in the drivers seat of the Crest, flying through canyons. You had reached Tatooine and though you had never been there before, it felt very familiar. It reminded you of Jakku in many ways: monotone and mostly desert, with the only distinguishing features being sand dunes or canyons. While this kind of terrain wasn’t your absolute favorite or the most beautiful, it put you at ease. It was something you were familiar with and could hold onto when in unfamiliar territory. And while you had heard rumors of Tatooine being a rough place to live, with many spending their lives fighting to just get water and avoid the scoundrels who were spread throughout the planet, even that aspect of it felt familiar. You were used to rough types and having to work hard to get through the day. 
“No. We have to stop at Mos Eisley first.” Din said, reaching over to press a button on the dash as he began to lower the ship closer to the ground. 
You furrowed your brow, leaning forward in the passengers seat to look out the window where you saw small spots in the sand pop up, probably Banthas. “How come?”
“I looked at a map, can’t find that town anywhere. I know a mechanic who might be able to help out.”
You let your jaw drop slightly, looking over at him incredulously but also playfully, letting one of your eyebrows quirk up. “Are you cheating on me with another mechanic? I thought I was your favorite mechanic.”
Din shook his head at your dramatics, not letting a chuckle out this time as he continued to focus most of his attention on flying over the hills and through the canyons. “You are. She is a friend and I trust her to help.”
You couldn’t help the way your stomach lurched at his explanation. Din didn’t really talk about any friends, only saying he had a few there and there. You had bothered him for more information on these ‘friends’ of his, but he always gave you a classic Din answer: nondescript and vague in every way. You definitely would of remembered if he had mentioned a friend on Mos Eisley. A mechanic friend who was a female. A female he trusted in a galaxy where there were very few people you were able to trust.
You instantly felt ridiculous but couldn’t help the way your eyes furrowed and the gears in your mind went off, thinking of every possible situation in which this woman was anything but ‘just a friend’. Din hadn’t known you for that long in the grand scheme of things. That means there were people before you. Perhaps female companions who had kept him company. You supposed it wasn’t impossible. He was a man after all. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that it was very much a possibility that he had some ‘friends’ spread throughout the galaxy. 
 “A friend.” you tried not to sound so pinched up, like you were talking about something that absolutely disgusted you. But you knew he heard it when he slowly turned to face you for a second, his helmet tilting just the tiniest bit.
A chuckle passed through his modulator as he saw your face, shaking his head in response as he turned back to pay attention to where he was flying. “Are you jealous?”
You stubbornly put your arms over your chest, raising your eyebrows as if what he said what the most lubricious thing in the world and not absolutely true. You shouldn’t even be jealous. You didn’t have a claim on him. For all you knew, you were just two very close friends. Who happened to kiss and spend nights sleeping in the same beds. Who happened to whisper sweet nothings to each other and run your hands through each others hair at night. You know, just that casual friendly stuff everybody does...
“Uh, no. That would be stupid.” You let out a laugh after, trying to show just how not jealous you were. But it was dry and sounded forced and if anything, it expressed just exactly how jealous you were.
“Really?” you heard the tone of his voice, knew he read right through you, even though he wasn’t looking at you. 
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, hoping your face wasn’t as flushed as it felt. “No way. Can’t wait to meet this friend of yours. Maybe she is a hot babe.” You looked over at him quickly, to see if he would nod in confirmation or say something to give you a hint.
Instead, Din just broke out into complete laughter, a sound like sounded so sweet like honey to your ears usually but now it just made you scowl. “I think you will like her.”
The ship suddenly lurched, starting to land into a hanger of what was obviously a Spaceport. It wasn’t the nicest, but far nicer than the one you had worked at in Jakku. Definitely larger and it looked well taken care of. You couldn’t help the way you narrowed your eyes, trying to find this mysterious female friend but you only saw port droids scurry away as the Crest landed. No sign of any hot babes. Once parked, Din looked over at you. “She is going to insist on working on the ship.”
“You are letting someone else work on the ship?” you said with shock. Not only was there a possibility of a hot babe, but a hot babe who was going to touch the ship you worked on? You knew the pang in your chest wasn’t necessarily because of her touching the ship, but the idea of her touching the other hunk of metal that sat before you.
“I though you hated this ship?”
You pouted slightly, tightening the arms across your body. “I do but it will miss me. I may not be your favorite mechanic, but the Crest loves me.”
Din chuckled, starting to head down the ladder and leave your dramatic antics behind, into the hull where the child was sat in the hammock. You followed him down to find Din grabbing the child and putting him in the bag on his waist. “You ready to see an old friend, kid?”
The kid just looked up, not being the one to respond as you let out a gasp. “The kid knows this mysterious friend? I feel very out of the loop.”
“And not at all jealous.” Din responded and you froze in your tracks as Din began to open the hull of the ship, walking down the ramp without you and leaving you stunned in your spot.
“When the hell did I allow you to get so cocky?” you muttered, shaking your head in wonder.
“Hey, hey, hey! Sorry, gang. Come on! You know he doesn’t like droids!“ you heard the yelling from inside the ship, accompanied by the clatter and beeps of droids. You felt intrigued right away. It was definitely a female, but it didn’t sound like what you had expected (maybe because you were expecting some sultry voice but that didn’t matter). It was higher pitched but sounded older than you would of guessed. Please, Maker or Force or whatever, don’t let this be a hot babe. 
You straightened your shoulders, trying to keep a blank face and let the red of your cheeks calm before strolling down the ramp of the Crest, arms still crossed over your chest. But you didn’t even make it halfway before you froze on the ramp, the woman coming into view. That was not what you were expecting. She was yelling at the droids, her brown curly hair frizzy from the heat of the planet. She wiped her hands on her jacket as she walked over, looking at Din but not seeming to notice you yet. She didn’t smile, just looking already exhausted by his presence and exasperated, as if ready for him to bother her entirely too much.
Shit, Din was right. You were going to like her.
“May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once-over.” You couldn’t help but to let your jaw drop. You didn’t know if she detected the teasing edge of his voice but you heard it clearly, watching as he turned just slightly to look at you with a tilted helmet, as if asking ‘is this what you expected?’ You wanted to storm down the ramp and punch him in the shoulder, but instead you tried to hold back the grin from your face.
The woman continued to ramble on, her attention now focused on the droids as she huffed away at them. “Oh! So he likes droids now. Well, you heard him. Give it a once-over!” She huffed and looked at Din. “I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos...”
She finally looked over his shoulder as you resumed your way down the ramp, her eyes widening and the areas where her brows were supposed to be shot up. She looked over at Din and then her head whipped down over at you as you finally stopped next to Mandalorian. “Oh, Maker. It’s a woman!”
“Well, I’m glad that is clear.” You responded with a grin.
The woman looked back and forth between you and Din, the shocked expression not leaving her face even a bit. Her lips were moving, as if she was trying to find something to say to convey the shock she felt. She finally set her sights on Din, raising a brow. “What happened? What did you do?”
You chuckled at the accusatory tone as Din just looked over at you. “This is Peli Motto, my friend.” He placed extra emphasis on the friend and you could feel the grin that was on his face. “Peli, this is my...” Din paused, his helmet still aimed at you.
You just looked back at him, waiting for his response. You suppose he could say friend or maybe coworker of some sort, though that seemed like a mockery to the relationship you now had. But what else would he say? Girlfriend? That sounded silly. Companion? Now that was just ridiculous sounding. You guys hadn’t spoke about it but you couldn’t even imagine Din saying any of those words, nonetheless to another person. 
The silence continued on for an inordinate amount of time, the expression on your face not even breaking Din out of his newfound trance. “I’m a friend.” you slowly said, filling in the rest of the sentence. Din just nodded before turning back to Peli, whose look of shock was now replaced with obvious confusion.
“Well that was weird.” She said, stating the obvious and you may of laughed at it if it weren’t for how uncomfortable the situation was for you.. “Where is the kid?”
Din grabbed the satchel on his side, holding it up so Motto could look straight at the kid. The child seemed to recognize her, staring straight up at woman. A grin broke out on her face instantly and she threw her hands up in joy. “Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat.” 
You chuckled as she called him by the same nickname you often used, her hands reaching out for him and bringing him into her arms, her body starting to sway just slightly. She chuckled as the kid stared up at her. “Looks like it remembers me. How much do you want for it?” She paused just a moment, before continuing. “Just kidding. But not really. You know, if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.”
“We’ll get working on that. Make it a booming business.” you responded and she looked up at you with a grin.
“She is funny.” She directed the statement towards Din who sighed. “Where did you find a funny woman who was willing to stick around with you?”
“Lots of credits and no contact with the outside world.” You sarcastically responded but her face just dropped in shock, obviously believing the statement.
“She is kidding.” Din responded and you couldn’t help but to laugh at the exasperation in his voice.
“Oh, kriff. Good!” She looked back at you. “Seriously though, why are you with this guy?”
You chuckled at her question, looking over at Din briefly. “Let’s just say he is lucky the kid is cute.” You teased.
She nodded. “That’s the only reason I let his hunk of junk park here.”
“And not because of the credits?” Din asked.
Peli scowled in response, about to answer when her attention was broken by a loud bang. “Oh, geez. Watch what you’re doing up there! He barely trusts your kind! What, you want to give all droids a bad name?” She continued to yell at the droids, one of which got an air tube stuck to his face. 
You leaned into Din a little as she turned away, whispering, “What is with the whole droid thing? You don’t like them?”
“Long story. Don’t mind them now.” he briefly responded and you told yourself to remember to ask him about that later.
Peli suddenly looked back over at you two, eyes narrowing as she saw how close the two of you stood together. You took a small step to the side but her gaze remained steady. “I’ve got to ask. How did you get such a pretty girlfriend? This makes no sense.”
You brought your hand up to your mouth, trying to not choke or laugh at the question. You felt your face flush brightly and you just looked over at Din who stood frozen, just looking at Peli. “I need your help.”
The statement was made to avoid the question but she still scowled at the response. “I assume she is at least.” Her gaze dropped down to you. “Am I right? Because I think I’m right and I have lots of questions if I am. Like why? How? Does he take the helmet off or does that stay on during-”
“You know, we really do need your help actually.” You interrupted, wanting her to stop because you had no clue how to answer any of those questions and fearing what else she would say.
She rolled her eyes, clearly not happy with the lack of answers to her many questions but just nodded. “Fine, then business you shall have. Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while you seek out adventure?” The question was said hopefully, her arms wrapping around the kid tighter.
“I’ve been quested to bring this one back to its kind.“ Din responded and she chuckled.
“I can’t help you there. I’ve never seen any like it. And trust me, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes in this town.” She looked over at you. “You wouldn’t believe it. Shocking.”
You laughed at her expression, thinking you could probably share a few stories of your own with her. “You’ll have to tell me some time but for now, we need to find a Mandalorian that is supposed to be here.”
“That friend of yours has been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell.” She stated and you sighed. Just like Din had thought.
“Where is Mos Pelgo? I’m told there’s one there.” Din asked.
“Oh. Boy, I haven’t heard that name in a while.“
“It’s not on any map.” You said and she nodded.
“That’s ‘cause it was wiped out by bandits. Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn’t dare leave the city walls. Still don’t.” You couldn’t help but to sigh. Couldn’t Din have to go somewhere that was nice? Just once.
“Can you tell me where it used to be?” Din asked and she shrugged.
“Depends who’s asking. I’ll let you and your friend see it.” She smirked at the way she said friend before shouting to a droid, “R-5! Bring the map of Tatooine.”
You watched as a R5 unit strolled over rather slowly, continuously beeping in response. You noticed a panel on the back of it’s head that looked busted, looking like it was a bad motivator.
“No, take your time.” She looks over at you two, shaking her head. “Seriously. You just can’t get good help anymore. I don’t even know who to complain to! Let’s go, let’s go.” The droid responds back with a melody of beeps, seeming to be yelling at Peli in response. 
The droid finally stopped moving, projecting a map which Peli reached over to touch, moving it around and pointing at it as she began to talk. “This is a map of Tatooine before the war. You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and up around this region, Mos Pelgo.”
You squint your eyes, trying to look into the map at where Mos Pelgo was but finding absolutely nothing. Like you had observed earlier, Tatooine seemed to just be a giant desert with a few sparsely located towns and not much else. “I don’t see anything. Is this the right map?”
“Yep. It’s there. Or at least it used to be. Not much to speak of. It’s an old mining settlement. They’re gonna see that big hunk o’ metal long before you land.” Her head tilted towards the ship and you nodded. She was right. A town small enough to barely appear on the map would definitely be alarmed to the presence of a ship, especially one as large as Dins. 
“You still have that speeder bike?” Din asked and you felt yourself get excited. You had always wanted to get a speeder bike, almost getting all the parts to fix one you had found on Jakku but that had been stolen before you even had the chance to learn how to fix it. 
“Sure do. It’s a little rusty, but I got it. Let me get it ready.” She said, beginning to stroll away. 
You looked over at Din with a grin. “Can I drive the speeder bike?”
He looked over at you. “Do you know how to ride one?”
You twisted your lips and shrugged. “No, but it probably isn’t too hard.”
“It is harder than you’d think. I’ll drive it that way you don’t kill us.”
You huffed at his sarcasm, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked up at him quizzically. “I wouldn’t kill us. I’ve always wanted to ride one.”
“What if I promise one day we’ll get a speeder bike and I’ll teach you how to drive it?”
You bounced on your feet, grinning up at him. “Really?”
“Yes.” Din nodded.
You looked up at him, beginning to step a little closer to him as he aimed his helmet down to look at your face. “It is a shame there are people and droids around.”
“Why is that, sweet one?”
“Because I really want to kiss you right now.” you stated and watched as Din shook his head as if trying to not get flustered. You giggled, still smiling brightly up at him even as he turned away from you, seeming to make sure no one was nearby.
“Didn’t know speeder bikes would make you this happy.” He said, quieter than he had spoken before.
You bit your lip. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a hunk of metal.” You winked at him as he chuckled at your statement.
“Oh yeah, this looks just like a friendly conversation to me. Nothing more.” You looked up to find Peli staring at you two, shaking her head. You bit your lip, trying to bite back some laughter as she looked at the two of you with discontent, clearly wanting more information. Instead of saying anything, you and Din just looked right back at her and she rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. “Your speeder bike is ready to go.”
“We need to stop for the night.” Din said loudly, speaking over the wind that rushed past your ears. The speeder bike was a little rocky, not in the greatest condition, but it was fast and thrilling. You had now spent hours riding on it, sitting behind Din and holding onto his waist. The child had been sat at his side, his little ears flapping in the wind as he smiled and giggled. Much like you, he absolutely loved the speeder. Had spent most of the time just letting the wind rush past him and occasionally cooing loudly if you hit a bump or moved sporadically, loving the thrill of it.
“Okay.” It was now night time, the double suns of the planet just barely skirting the horizon. Din brought the speeder to a stop and you lifted your head up, looking around. You felt your eyes widen as your saw a group of Tusken Raiders not too far away, beginning to rise from the fire they had set and looking over at the three of you. “Umm... Din, we should probably go somewhere else.”
Instead, you felt your arms fall away from his waist as he rose from the bike, stepping off it on one side and reached a hand out for you to come down. Instead of grasping it, you just looked at him in shock, eyes widened. “Din, there are Tusken Raiders right there.” you whispered, starting to get panicky as they got nearer and nearer.
“I saw them.” He stated, as if a whole bunch of Raiders was just a normal sight and no big deal.
“And...?” you asked, looking at him in complete bewilderment. Din was usually calm, almost unnervingly so at times, but this was shocking to you even.
“And maybe they will let us sit by their fire.”
You couldn’t help but to gulp, your jaw slacking a little bit as you let it hang open. “What?” you whispered, your voice getting a little screechy.
“I’m good with Tusken Raiders.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I just forgot how you were such a people person.” You sarcastically responded and Din chuckled.
 He brought his hand closer to you, wanting you to come down. “Trust me, cyar’ika.”
You groaned but grasped his hand, jumping off the speeder with a frown. “If I become a Tuskens wife tonight or they kill us, I will rise from the grave just to kill you.”
Din shook his head at you, not bothering to respond as he looked over once a couple of the raiders reached where your bike was parked. They were both dressed in the traditional brown fabrics of Tuskens, both holding intimidating sticks in your hands that made you wince as your remembered stories of how they could kill a man with just a stick. They began to speak to you two but instead of words, a string of grunts, loud yelling, and rough sounds tumbled from them. You had no clue what they were saying, but it didn’t sound welcoming and you just stood back as they faced the both of you, waiting for a response. 
You were just about to hiss to Din that you should leave when he began to respond to them in their language, grunting and speaking in a way you couldn’t even begin to understand. His hands moved along with his words (if that’s what you could call them) and you watched closely. Your jaw dropped just the smallest bit, not wanting the Raiders to mistake it for disrespect but shocked by Din. You didn’t know he could speak any language besides basic and hearing such a rough, primal language coming from him was surprising but also made sense in a weird way.
The three of them continued to go back and forth for a while before the two Tuskens walked off, leaving you alone. Your head whipped towards Din as soon as they got further away. “What was that?”
“That language you were speaking!” you said, looking at him with wide eyes. What else would you be talking about?
“Tusken.” Din responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You know Tusken?”
“I told you I was good with Tusken Raiders. You need to trust me, sweet one.”
You bit your lip, feeling bashful at not believing him right away. “What did they say?”
“They said we can stay by their fire tonight.”
“Really?” You said, shocked. You had heard rumors of Tuskens and they were never described as the most charming nor welcoming individuals. Tales about them usually consisted of them brutally attacking humans or being barbarians, not welcoming weary travelers to sit by their fire when in the middle of nowhere.
“As long as you treat them with respect, they are good.” You couldn’t help but to smile at his explanation. You hadn’t seen Din interact with many people, but you knew he was respectful to all kinds of creatures and people, not seeming to judge anyone or come to assumptions too harshly. It made sense, since the armor he wore made him susceptible to people making assumptions what kind of person he was based on rumors and stories of Mandalorians. Of course Din would be more likely to give people a chance, not judge them based off common knowledge which was many times wrong or unfairly dramatized for effect. 
“You are a good guy, Din.” you said softly.
Din just looked up at you, tilting his helmet a little. “We should probably head over.” Whenever you told Din that, he always seemed to shrug it off. Like he didn’t believe it himself or he still had something to prove. It always saddened you because you just wanted him to look in the mirror and see the man you saw. The kindness, respect, and care he put into the people around him was so admirable. 
You nodded but once he started to walk towards where the Tuskens sat, you grabbed his arms and stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t look back, just settling the child who seemed to be uncomfortable. “I have to admit something very, very weird.”
“What is it?” he grumbled, not seeming to put much focus on you.
“You speaking Tusken was kind of hot.” Din’s helmet whipped towards you, and even the child on his side looked up at you as if he understood what you said and was judging very harshly. 
“W-what?” He muttered.
You felt yourself flush. “You know, that sounded dumb even while I was saying it so never mind.”
Din finally chuckled, shaking his head and letting his gloved fingers drift down to your hand, his body now facing yours and his back covering what was happening so the Tuskens couldn’t see. “I’ve never been told that before.” you could hear mocking tone in his voice and you tried to pull away from him but he still held onto your hand just barely. 
“Alright, let’s never mention that I said that.” You said, completely embarrassed at this point and now finding yourself very eager to join the Tuskens, so nothing else could be said about the topic. 
“Remind me to speak to you in Tusken next time we sleep in my bed.” 
Your jaw dropped at Din and the meaning behind what he was saying. “I-I didn’t say it turned me on.” you rambled.
Din was the one to freeze this time and you felt your whole face get warm. You realized how foolish you had sounded. You and Din hadn’t done anything more than making out, neither of you pushing it forward more. You didn’t because you were self-conscious, not wanting to make of a fool of yourself. Him because... well, you didn’t know why.
“I didn’t say it turned you on either.” he said to you and you looked up at him, blinking slowly.
“You implied that.” You justified, getting even more flustered as Din began to rub circles into your hand. Your skin already felt warm enough warm enough from all the awkwardness and every time he did that, it made it worse. 
“You said it was hot.” he responded plainly.
“It was joke!” You lamely refuted.
“A joke?”
“I thought I said to never mention it again.” You felt like a child but you wanted the conversation to end and hearing Din tease you and talk about it so easily made you frustrated. 
Instead of letting go of your hand and heading to the Tuskens, Din just stepped the tiniest bit closer to you and straightened himself up, making himself taller and broader. Your chin tilted up to look at his helmet directly, which you didn’t want to do, but you also weren’t going to look down at your feet like a child. You tried to give him a plain expression, though you could feel the redness that flared across your cheeks and the way your eyebrows were furrowed slightly. Din tilted his helmet slowly, the T-visor looking straight down at you. “Do I turn you on?”
You gasped up at him, your jaw dropping. “Din Djarin!” you quietly hissed at him. But he didn’t back down, just staring right down at you. You hated his ability to make you so self-aware of everything. You feel that because of his armor and helmet, you had to hang on to every small movement and the slightest change of tone in order to read him well. And everything he did made your senses go into hyperdrive, especially when he was purposely trying to fluster you. You tried to speak, but just tripped over your words, getting annoyed with yourself. “W-well... you know you’re e-ego is a little...I think we s-should...” You bit your tongue. You were supposed to be the one with the wise mouth and quick tongue. You found yourself cockily thinking he must of learned this from you, because the Mandalorian you first met was certainly not this cocky.
“Sweet one.” He teased and you gaped up at him.
“Fine, yes! There!” You hissed and pulled away from him. Din nodded at your answer, seeming satisfied. He began to pull away but you now wanted to fluster him like he had with you. “Do I?” you blurted out.
He paused and looked back down at you. “Do you what?”
“Oh, you know what I mean, you kriffing ass.” You responded and Din chuckled, watching as you placed a hand on your hip and looked up at him expectantly.
“Yes.” The question was meant to fluster him but he answered so easily, like you asked him if he wanted some water. There was no teasing or any theatrics involved. Just a plain, simply answer. You thought of several things to say in the moment, small jabs to get back at him, but you just flushed even more, your heartbeat quickening at the answer. Say something.
“Well, good. I better.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest. You began to walk away from him, heading towards the Tusken Raiders who were sat in the circle. You could hear Din’s chuckle as he followed closely behind.
You had finally reached Mos Pelgo and now you understood why you couldn’t find it on a map. It was a small town, though small sounded like the understatement of the year. The whole entire place seemed to stretch over the small portion of road Din was now slowly driving along, a few buildings on each side of it the sandy single street that passed through it, just as empty as the rest of it.The buildings were small and aged, not necessarily in bad shape but you could tell this was a town that had gone through something and didn’t have the opportunity to spruce things up. This was the kind of place where it seemed people simply had to fight each day to just live, not much focus being spent on anything. It made sense, considering its history and it being secluded so much, more so than every other town on the planet already was. It was probably afternoon now, the two suns of Tatooine blaring down on the planet and causing your clothes to stick to your skin a little. Most towns at this time would be full of people working, traveling, getting lunch, and making their way to where they had to go, this town showed no sign of the usual hustle and bustle of places during the week. It was barren except for a few curious eyes here and there, either from people stood on their porches or people peering out from their windows, eyes seeming to dig into you. Each face you saw made you feel like a suspect, like you weren’t welcome. You suspected a town like this didn’t get a lot of visitors, perhaps none for that matter. The last time there had been outsiders may have been the time it was wiped out by bandits following the fall of the Empire. And the only other life you had seen nearby had been Tusken Raiders and while Din seemed to not be bothered by them, they were, well... raiders. And very possibly could be the kind to try to swindle and rob their way through a town like this since it seemed like such an easy target, though you couldn’t imagine there was much value here to be found. After thinking about it, you could understand the judgmental and curious looks. People like this had to be this way and you couldn’t blame them.
Din slowly drifted down the street, seeming to look around for something that stood out. A place where he could find a Mandalorian. You looked around as well, straightening your body up and removing your arms from around Dins waist to bring them up to your eyes, shielding them from the piercing rays of the suns. You didn’t see any places of particular interest and with so few people around, you imagined a Mandalorian would be easy to find if there was one here, strolling around. The speeder bike eventually eased into a slow stop and you turned to your head to the left to see where Din was looking at. It appeared to be a small cantina of sorts and you couldn’t see inside its entrance completely, but you knew it was empty. No music, no sounds of voices, nothing. Just complete silence filled the air and you felt your nose scrunch up. You weren’t a fan of the silence but it seemed to swallow a place like this whole. Like there was no reason to make some noise, have some fun, spark some conversation. Din eventually rose from the bike, you joining him and watching as he made his way to the entrance. You turned back to look at the child, who was sat in the pouch on his bike. He looked up at you, seeming to not know why the ride has stopped. “You stay here for a second, kid.” you told him with a small smile.
Your feet followed Dins path in and once you entered the establishment, your assumption that it was empty was confirmed. There were no day drinkers, nor people grabbing a bite to eat or conducting business. All that stood was a lone bartender, who seemed to be mindlessly stirring a drink mix together with not much care. Definitely no Mandalorian here. Din stepped into the building more and it seemed to grab the bartenders attention, making him look up at you and Din. “Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a Mandalorian.” You were praying for a quick answer. A simple ‘oh yes, our friendly local Mandalorian is right over there.’ Something to make your trip here worthwhile but you felt any hope dissipate as the bartender just looked at you blankly, no sense of recognition crossing his features as his hands continued to work away on the drink mix.
“Well, we don’t get many visitors in these parts. Can you describe him?” The bartender asked and you let out a sigh. If this man didn’t even know what a Mandalorian was when he had one standing right in front of him, you couldn’t imagine there was one here at all. A Mandalorian would stand out like a sore thumb in a town like this.
“Someone who looks like me.” Din explained plainly, not seeming exasperated but you knew he was thinking the same thing you were.
The man nodded slowly, letting out a hum as a flash of something seemed to finally settle in. “You mean the Marshal?”
Your eyebrows scrunched up. “Your Marshal is a Mandalorian?” You had learned quite a bit about Mandalorians since being with Din, and you had never heard him mention once any Mandalorian being a Marshal of any kind. In fact, you had never even heard of Mandalorians being anything other than bounty hunters. Probably not the type to love law enforcement, none the less become a member of it even in a small town like this where there wasn’t much to look after except a few Raiders every now and then.
“See for yourself.” He grunted and gestured his head to the door you and Din had entered. You both turned around to find a Mandalorian stood in front of you, with quite the outfit on. You knew Dins armor wasn’t the norm. He had never bragged about it or wanted to speak about how much he had paid for his beskar, but you and practically everyone else knew. It was immaculate and pristine, the kind of armor that sparks intimidation and power. Dominance and strength. This armor on the other hand... didn’t give you the same feeling at all and it didn’t even seem to match the individual wearing it. The armor it self had been painted a green and red but you had guessed that must of been many years ago due to how aged and worn it looked. The colors looked half cuffed off, the metal of it sprinkled with marks and dents that had shown it had seen much better days. The helmet that the man adorned was a bit unruly, not seeming quite right on his frame. A pair of wrist-cuffs and a chest plate matched the helmet, looking just as off and bizarre to you. You don’t know what you had expected of a Mandalorian other than Din, but this wasn’t it.
“What brings you here, strangers?” The Mandalorian finally spoke and you could hear a bit of an accent peaking through his modulator which must of also been older, not sounding as clear as the one you were used to that Din wore.
“I’ve been searching for you for many parsecs.” Din stated. You looked over at him to find him calmly stood back, looking at the man before him with no care. It was a curious thing to see him seem to be somewhat comfortable with a stranger. He was an inherently weary man, for good reason, and he didn’t warm up to people. But this wasn’t just a person. This was one of his own. Like a brother of sorts. You wondered how it must feel to have an instant connection with someone. To meet someone who swore by the same Creed you swore to, presumably meaning they had the same morals and beliefs as you did. It must be so nice, especially for a Mandalorian. You didn’t have a lot of people you could trust (or could trust you for that matter) and company wasn’t a norm meaning that when they were with other Mandalorians, there must be this two-sided relief and comfort.
“Well, now you found me.” The man teased and you raised an eyebrow. He already gave you an air of boldness, perhaps even cockiness though you gave him a benefit of a doubt because of the metal strapped to his body. He gave you a small nod, seeming to acknowledge your figure standing besides Din before he strolled to the bar, giving the bartender nod “Weequay, three snorts of spotchka.” 
He grabbed three small glasses and a flagon of blue liquid. The Marshal took a seat at a table with three chairs, gesturing to the three cups. “Why don’t you guys join me for a drink?”
You looked over at Din, who remained glued to his spot, and wondering if the same thought was going through his mind. Why was one Mandalorian offering another a drink? Why the three glasses? You curiously walked over to the table, plopping down on the seat besides the Mandalorian and studying him intently. You were about to ask him about the drinks when the answer to your question was answered by a familiar hiss and click. His hands were attached to the helmet, pulling it off his face. Part of you almost looked away, like you would of done if Din had accidentally taken his helmet off. But you already knew deep down this was no Mandalorian so you continued to look at him as the helmet completely uncovered his face and he revealed himself to everyone in the room. He had a big smirk on his face as he looked up at Din’s frozen figure. He had a handsome face with salt and pepper hair that sat on his head and trailed over his chin and jaw. The thing you noticed first though was the cocky smile on his face. A beaming grin filled it as he looked back and forth between the two of you, his eyes landing on you for a little longer as he took in your shocked but also rather annoyed expression. He began to chuckle softly, as if finding amusement in the reactions he had caused. He began pouring the liquid into the cups, each one quickly being filled by the glowing blue liquid. The scent of the alcohol filled your senses as he smoothly slid a glass across the table your way, your hands reaching out to catch it so it didn’t slip off the edge of the metal. He gave you a small nod before looking back at where Mando stood. He was still frozen but you could see how the comfort was gone from just mere seconds earlier. He was standing a little broader than before, his legs widened out into a slightly yet not overtly threatening stance. He was no longer with a Mandalorian but an imposter. An imposter who was smiling at him as if no wronging had occurred and sliding you a drink like you were an old pal and not a potential threat. “I’ve never met a real Mandalorian. Heard stories. I know you’re good at killing. And probably none too happy to see me wearing this hardware.”
You looked over at Din, your eyes catching the sight of the child in the corner, seeming to be studying some container of some sort. You looked back at Din, who hadn’t moved an inch, his helmet still steadily aimed at the Marshal before you. This was not good.
“So...I figure only one of us is walking out of here. But then I see the little guy and the beautiful lady...and I think, maybe I pegged you wrong.” The man continued, the same smirk still on his face. He was handsome but he seemed cocky, arrogant. Two things you didn’t have the energy to deal with. 
“Who are you?” you asked and he sends a glimmering grin in your direction.
“I’m Cobb Vanth, Marshal of Mos Pelgos.” He winked your way. “You can just call me Cobb though, sweetheart.”
You raised an eyebrow, sending a exasperated look in Din’s direction before drinking the cup of liquid still held in your hand. Oh, boy. This was certainly going to be interesting.
“Where did you get the armor?” Din asked.
“Bought it off some Jawas.” Why the hell did Jawas have Mandalorian armor? That must of meant there was a Mandalorian on Tatooine at some point, but it definitely was not the man in front of you.
“Hand it over.”
“Look, pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from, but ‘round here, I’m the one tells folks what to do.” He explained, resting his hand on the table calmly. “Why don’t you sit down with me and the pretty lady?”
“Take it off. Or I will.” Din commanded and you couldn’t help but to snort at it. You swore sometimes he said things that sounded so inherently sexual just on purpose.
Both men finally turned to look at you and you widened your eyes, realizing the tension in the room had been interrupted by you chuckling. You looked back and forth between the Marshal and Din. “Are you okay?” The marshal asked slowly, seeming intrigued by your reaction.
You nodded very slowly, pouring yourself another drink as you felt uncomfortable with both men just staring at you. “Oh, yeah. Mando here might just want to buy you a drink before he tries taking your clothes off but...” you trailed off, trying to make a joke but Din just looked back at Vanth.
Vanth on the other hand laughed, his eyes twinkling as he kept looking at you. “So far, you are much more enjoyable to deal with.” He looked over at Din. “Maybe the lady and I can work something out.”
“Take it off.” Din repeated, not in the mood for playing games. His hand itched towards his blaster, a subtle movement but once the Marshal was supposed to notice and he did, sighing.
“We gonna do this in front of the kid?” he asked, causing the child to look up from the object he was studying.
“Oh, don’t worry. He has seen much, much worse, pal.” You said with a small smirk of your own, tipping back the drink you had poured. 
“Right here then?” Cobb asked.
“Right here.” Din confirmed. 
You scooted your chair back as Cobb stood up, sighing. Both him and Din stared at each other, their sight not straying to you or the child rustling around in the corner who seemed to now be watching intently. Both of them reached for their respective blasters, just wrapping their hands around the holsters without pulling the gun itself out. You looked between the two men, exasperated. You loved Din, but if he was going to force the armor off the guy, he should just do it already. You didn’t understand why he was putting on such a show. You let out a loud sigh, crossing your arm over your chest and leaning back in the chair. You once again captured both mens attention, their heads aiming towards you and you shrugged. “Oh, ignore me. This whole ego, macho-man competition is rather thrilling.” You sarcastically muttered. 
Before either man had the chance to respond, a loud rumble tore through the atmosphere. You stood from your spot as you the Marshal raised a finger, beginning to walk outside, Din following closely behind. You swooped down to grab the child into your arms, watching as the bartender ran out the back exit. What the hell had you and Din walked into? 
You rushed out to where the Marshal and Din were, hearing an alarm start to blare. The child folded his ears onto himself slightly, tucking himself into your chest as if he was trying to hide. You stood next to the two men, watching as they both looked in the same direction. You looked over the same way and that was when you saw it. The sand in the center of the road was moving, seeming to shift from something coming below. A huge array of scales role up from the sand, only showing a small portion of the creature below who tore through the town with reckless abandon. “What the kriff?” You muttered under your breath, barely even hearing yourself over the commotion.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more bizarre, the creature rose from the sand like a creature breaching out of the water. A gigantic head rose up, the skin scaled and gnarled with what appeared to be almost horn-like structures rising from the head. You watched as it crashed down, swallowing a bantha whole in the process as if it was nothing. “What was that?” You asked as it finally slithered back down into the sand, seeming to disappear just as quickly as it came.
“Greater Krayt Dragon.” Din answered as the Marshal stepped forward, watching the people of his town slowly exit their homes and businesses, fearfully checking to see if the threat was truly gone before beginning to pick up the pieces of the damage.
“Maybe we can work something out.” Vanth said, beginning to walk through his town.
You and Din followed him, the child still held in your arms. “What is it?” you asked.
“That creature’s been terrorizing these parts since long before Mos Pelgo was established. Thanks to this armor, I’ve been able to protect this town from bandits and Sand People. They look to me to protect ‘em. But a Krayt Dragon is too much for me to take on alone.” For the first time, you could sense some genuine emotion in the mans voice. You heard the compassion for his people, the way he wanted to help. It was the first time you felt empathy for the man. “Help me kill it, I’ll give you the armor.”
“Deal. I’ll ride back to the ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky, use the Bantha as bait.” Din explained, seeming satisfied to come to such an easy conclusion. You couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow. It wasn’t your luck for this to go so smoothly.
Cobb confirmed your suspicions with a tiresome smile. “Not so simple. The ship passes above, it senses the vibrations, stays underground. But I know where it lives.”
“Of course. Cause that would have been too easy.” You said and Cobb laughed.
“Exactly, dear.”
“How far?” Din asked.
“Not far. I can take you two there.” Cobb offered and you huffed. Fighting a creature to get some Mandalorian armor. Okay. Fighting a creature that can sense vibrations and having to walk into its territory? Not so okay.
“Give us a second.” You said and Cobb nodded, tipping his head towards you.
“Anything, my lady.” He said like a proper gentlemen, throwing a wink your way before strolling a few feet away to help a towns person pick something up.
You looked over at Din who just looked back at you. “This sounds dangerous.”
“We need to do it.”
“For what?”
“We get the armor and find who it belongs to.”
“Mando, this sounds like a real pain in the ass.” You whispered back at him. You understood he wanted the armor, not just for this mission but because it was considered disrespectful for someone to wear a Mandalorians armor if they weren’t one. But you also knew you didn’t want to kill yourselves over it.
“Look around, sweet one.”
You furrowed an eyebrow but looked around. You saw the people cleaning up the mess that had been made, looking exhausted but not surprised. This was a common occurrence for them. Just another part of life. But life was hard enough, especially for people in a small town like this on Tatooine. In a place like this, getting water was a chore in and of itself. They shouldn’t have to fight off a creature, one who ate their animals and Maker knows what else. You understood where Din was coming from. It wasn’t just about the armor or honor, it was about being able to help people. It was about doing the right thing.
You looked back at Din who still stared back at you and you nodded slowly. “Fine. Let’s get Vanth to show us where it is.”
Before you could walk away, Din grasped your arm just slightly, the child held within them looking over at Din to coo at him. He took it away quickly but had captured your attention. “I don’t like him.”
“I mean he seems egotistical, but I think he will stick to his word. Sounds like he needs help.” You reasoned but Din nodded his head.
“I don’t like the way he is... with you.”
You couldn’t help the sly smile on your face. “Well, well...”
“What?” Din asked, seeming confused by your response.
“Oh, just look at who is jealous now.” You sent him a wink before turning around and waving your hand, capturing Vanths attention. “Come on, marshal! Let’s kill a dragon!”
Back on the speeders you were, heading towards the location of this Krayt Dragons home as you tore through rocky terrain. You clung onto Din as he slowly rode on the edge of a cliff, following Cobb Vanth who was riding on his own speeder bike.
Suddenly, a terrible and intimidating loud growl filled the air and Vanth raised a hand to alert you, both men stopping their speeders and jumping off them, readying themselves for what was to come. You joined them, jumping off the bike you shared with Din and grabbing your blaster off your hip. The kid remained on the side of bike, looking around in wonder. The animal-like noises continue on, echoing off the walls of the cliffs that surrounded you. You and Cobb both glanced around rather nervously, trying to see the source of the noise that grew closer and closer. Din stood tall, his hand tightly clasped around his blaster as he moved towards you slowly, placing his body in front of yours to shield you.
You heard the sound of what must of been foot steps coming closer, the canyon making the sound echoe and sound much more intimidating than it was. Before you could ask Din what to do, something started to round the corner, revealing a large four legged creature with scales and dark skin. It appeared almost dog like, snarling at you four while more started to appear, a whole pack coming closer.
The marshal brought his blaster up, aiming it at the creature but you raised a hand up as Din stepped forward, staring directly at the creature. If Din wasn’t shooting right away, it either wasn’t that dangerous or he had a plan. You quietly waited to see Din’s course of action so you could follow his lead. You and Vanth both suddenly jumped as the Mandalorian suddenly let out a loud cry in what sounded like the Tusken he spoke last night, the inflection in his tone and growl of his voice sounding similar. The creatures seemed to calm instantly, allowing Din to stroll towards the one who led the pack
“What the hell you doin’?” Cobb asked, his face pulled into complete shock as he stared at the scene before him. Din brought a hand up, indicating for Cobb to drop his weapon which he did slowly, seeming hesitant to do so. You put your own blaster back on your side, listening as Din let out more Tusken calls, the animals seeming to listen to them intently.
Then Din did something that made you literally laugh with joy. He bent down at the creature directly in front of him, bringing his gloved hands to the hide of its skin and began to scratch and pet at it. The animal happily leaned in the joy, almost jumping with joy at the contact. You looked over at Cobb, whose eyes were just widened as he stared curiously at the creature and Din. You just gave him a shrug as you looked back at Din, smiling as he eagerly pet the creature who seemed to be enjoying the contact thoroughly. 
You walked forward slowly, eventually making it to Dins side and he looked up at you, still petting at the sides of the creature. “Give me your hand.”
You reach one out and he grabbed it, giving another grunt to the creature right before Din’s gloved hand pulled yours downwards until it pressed into the hide of the creature’s skin. It was rough and bumpy, but also warm from the sun that bore down. It had a leathery type of feeling, not exactly soft but it was fine with you. Din let go of your hand, letting you run them over it’s side and the creature let out a satisfied little noise that made you giggle.
Your attention tore away from the creature as a group of Tusken Raiders rounded the corner, seeming to be looking for the pack of animals who had ran ahead of them. Din rose in his spot, beginning to speak to them while his hands moved.
“Hey, partners, either of you want to tell me what’s going on?” Cobb called out and you looked back at him, rising from your kneeled position.
“Dont worry. He is good with Tuskens.” You said, repeating the Mandalorians very words from yesterday and watching as he gave you a bewildered look that you guessed was very similar to your own. 
Din continued to speak for a few more moments before turning back to you two. “They want the Krayt Dragon, too. We are going to camp with them for the night and then form a plan.”
Night fell and once again you were spending it surrounded by a fire, sat next to Din as he spoke with Tuskens. You found it funny how he spoke so infrequently to humans but seemed to go on and on with these creatures. Part of you wished you knew the language, if only to know what Din was talking about and what each hand gesture he made meant. Was he talking strictly business? Or was he just having a normal conversation?
Din sat on your right side, the child sat on the ground in between his legs and staring at the creatures before him. On your left was Cobb Vanth, who looked just as confused as he had earlier. He stared incredulously at Din and the Tuskens, eyebrows raised in a state of shock. He leaned into you just a bit and you felt his shoulder brush yours. “Do you have any clue what they are saying?”
“None.” You responded with a grin.
“They could be plotting to kill us for all we know.” He whispered back at you and you couldn’t help but to chuckle.
“Mando wouldn’t let anybody kill me or the kid. But you...” you sarcastically trailed off, teasing the man who looked over at you with widened eyes.
“That was a joke.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself and you just laughed at the expression on his face. “You think you are real funny, don’t you?”
“I’m kind of hilarious.” you stated and the marshal shook his head in disbelief, a smile forming just the smallest bit.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, marshal. Why not?”
“What is a beautiful woman like you doing with him?” He gestured his head to Din, who appeared to be listening intently to the Tuskens.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to woo me, Vanth.” You said with a joking tone causing him to chuckle.
“Cant blame me for trying.” He responded back just as you had, grinning at the joking.
You shook your head. “I mean you can keep trying if you like to fail. And I do love to hear about how pretty I am.” You sarcastically muttered, making it clear you were just joking.
Vanth was about to respond when a Tusken suddenly shoved what appeared to be a bowl, filled with a black liquid that steamed. You scrunched up your nose as the scent of it hit you and you nearly gagged from it. It smelled absolutely horrid in every way.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” Vanth asked, looking down at it with disgust, clearly smelling the same deplorable scent you had.
“You drink it.” Din explained and you almost laughed at the shock on the marshals face.
“It stinks.” he stated plainly, as if expecting Din to understand.
“Do you want their help?” Din asked.
“Not if I have to drink this.” Vanth stubbornly responded.
As soon as Cobb answered, the Tuskens started to yell at him, throwing their hands up and you couldn’t understand much but you knew they were not pleased. “He says your people steal their water and now you insult them by not drinking it. They know about Mos Pelgo. They know how many Sand People you killed.” Din explained.
“They raided our village. I defended the town.” The Marshal shouted, clearly becoming agitated himself and defensive
You looked over at the man and narrowed your eyes. “Just shut up and drink it.”
He looked at you with a crazed expression, as if shocked that you weren’t defending him. “Do you smell this?”
You did smell it, and it smelled like complete shit. But it certainly seemed better to drink it then being torn apart by Tuskens who were now rising from where they sat, screeching out and positioning themselves, ready to fight. “It smells better than us getting killed.” You hissed and he just rolled his eyes.
“These monsters can’t be reasoned with!” Cobb yelled out, rising from his seat as well and looking absolutely furious at this point.
“Men...” you muttered, resting your face against your hand as you shook it. 
Cobb took no notice of your exasperation with his attitude, continuing to yell at the creatures. “Sit back down before I put a hole through you! I’m not going to say it-”
Suddenly an explosion of fire erupted next to you, causing you to jump up from your seat. Your head snapped to the right to find Din, an arm stretched out as flames erupted from it, causing the the Tusken and Cobb to stumble back in shock and fear. The child sat between his legs looked shocked as well, gazing up into the orange burst of heat with pure curiosity. It only lasted for a few moments, but it worked incredibly well. Both groups fell silent as their gaze fell upon Din. You could feel the frustration radiating off him and moments like this made you realize why he wasn’t a people person. You continued looking over at him as he turned his head just slightly to look at you, as if checking on you. “Well, that worked.” you mumbled with a small chuckle, your lips quirking slightly to show a small smile. Din only nodded in response, turning to look back at the Tusken and continue conversing with them.
Cobb looked down at you, his expression warped into confusion, anger, fear, and disbelief. You were certain he had probably never had a day quite like this before. “What is he saying now?”
“I’m pretty talented but believe it or not, I didn’t learn Tusken in the last few minutes.” You dryly responded, the same quirk of your lips present. That seemed to break him out of his trance, making a small chuckle pass through his lips before his gaze wandered over to Din.
“What are you telling them now?”
Din finally looked over at Cobb and you swore you could feel him roll his eyes. “The same thing I’m telling you. If we fight amongst ourselves, the monster will kill us all.”
You shook your head in agreement. “And I think we can probably all agree that none of us wanna be a light meal for this dragon.”
The Marshal nodded in response, rubbing his hand through his beard as if thinking. “Yes, that’s true.”
“Well then glad we agree.” you said, standing from your seat.
“I don’t have to drink this still, right?” Cobb pointed at the drink he had rested on the log he had been sitting on, the black liquid in it still steaming.
“Oh, fuck it.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed it. It smelled absolutely terrible, like bantha waste and rotten blue milk all wrapped in one. But it wasn’t a lot and if you didn’t think about it, you could get it down. You had been through much worse. You brought the shell that acted as a cup to your lips, throwing it back quickly and letting the liquid pass through your lips and down your throat. To your dismay, it tasted as bad as it smelled and looked, but you just chugged to try to get it over with, your face involuntarily scrunching up as you did so. Once you finished, you let the cup drop for your hands to the ground and rested one of your hands on your stomach, suddenly feeling very full and slightly queasy from the grotesque drink. Your other hand reached up to wipe at your face, where you could feel a few drops of the liquid dribble down your chin.
As you brought your hand down, you looked over to find everyone was completely silent. Cobb looked at you like you had grown a third eye, his jaw slightly dropped. The child looked up at you, making a face like he was disgusted and had taken a sip himself. You couldn’t read the expressions of the Tuskens but they were all looking in your direction, not grunting or making the slightest noise. Even Din stood next to you, a hand on his hip as his helmet tilted down to get a good look at you.
“No offense, but that tasted like complete shit.” You said, breaking the silence that was beginning to become overwhelming in every way. To your complete shock, the Tuskens started yelling and whooping and for a split second you thought you had done something wrong. Until one walked over to you and patted your shoulder, causing you to grin. You guessed they were shocked and amused that somebody had been willing to drink it. You had only wanted to show no disrespect but you found yourself overwhelmed by the response. You looked over at Din with a big grin but he only stared right back at you, making no movement towards you.
“Ma’am, you have managed to exceed all my expectations.” Cobb said and you looked over to him, to finally see him smiling freely. It was different from the cocky grin from earlier, seeming more genuine. You could see why some might find him a handsome man, with the scruffy beard and charm and good smile.
“I am very impressive.” You stated confidently.
He nodded in response and brought a hand to pat at your shoulder. “So I see.”
You felt a hand grab the back of your arm just slightly, starting to pull you back. You turned your head to see Din, one arm holding the kid and the other hand holding onto you. You smiled at him but he didn’t make any indication to acknowledge it. You understood why he acted differently in front of other people. It was almost like he had a role to play. A reputation to uphold. It probably wouldn’t be very intimidating if he was treating you like he always did, with people around. You also knew that wasn’t who Din was. He wasn’t comfortable with other people, nor ready to display any comfort he did feel with someone with the world. You don’t think it was shame or disgust he felt towards you, but merely you and Din were almost in your whole own world when you were with each other. And you didn’t need others in it.
“What’s up?” you asked.
“They set up some tents for us. We should go sleep.”
You raised an eyebrow, hearing an edge to his tone you were familiar with, but he had never taken it with you before. It was his rough, stoic Mando voice. The kind he gave people like Cobb. Not you. “I’m not really tired. I should probably wow everybody again and drink some-“
“We need rest before tomorrow.” Din said it quietly, not trying to capture the attention of others. The Tuskens didn’t seem to notice anything different, paying no attention to you two. But Cobb did, stepping forward just slightly.
“I can keep an eye on her if you want, partner. Wouldn’t mind the company.” He said, throwing a wink in your direction.
“She is fine.” Din insisted and you felt so much confusion. Why was he acting this way? It was like there was a wall between you. You wanted to reach out, hold onto him and ask him what was wrong but you knew this wasn’t the time nor the place.
Instead you just looked at Cobb and smiled. “You know, I should actually get the kid to bed. He becomes a monster without good sleep.  Goodnight, marshal.”
“Goodnight to you. And you too, Mando.” He said, tipping his head towards Din. Instead of responding to him, Din simply jerked his body away, your arm still held tightly in his hand as he began to march away from the fire.
You looked back apologetically at Vanth. Sure, Din could come off as cold initially. But he was a good man, and certainly not a rude one. You had seen the respect he had shown to the Tusken Raiders, so what was his problem?
“Din, what is going on?” You finally said once you were further away, the fire of the camp starting to fade away. Two small tents were set up further away from the others, and you assumed it was for privacy for Din.
Din didn’t respond and you huffed, jerking your arm away from him. He finally stopped stomping, freezing in his tracks before turning to you. His helmet aimed right at you, T-visor seeming to stare straight into you. “Why aren’t you talking to me?”
“I figured you were too busy thinking of the marshal.”
You couldn’t help the way your jaw dropped slightly and anger flared in you. “What are you talking about?” You spat out and Din sighed. The child in his arms looked back and forth between the two of you, beginning to whine in discomfort.
“You know what I’m talking about.” Din coldly responded and you scoffed.
“I don’t think I am. Why don’t you enlighten me?”
“Maybe I should of let you stay with Vanth like you wanted to so much.”
“I don’t want to stay with Vanth. I want to know what you are going on about.”
Din stayed silent, not responding to you and treating you like he did with so many others. You stepped towards him but instead of reaching out for him, you grab the child from his arms, who continues to whine softly, his eyes drooping. “I’m putting the kid to bed.”
You turned away from him, waiting for no response as you trudged off to one of the two tents that were set up.
Once the child finally fell asleep, snuggled into a ball of blankets, you considered just going to bed. But it wouldn’t stop nagging at your mind. The way Din treated you and what he had said. Stay with Vanth like you wanted? What the hell did that mean?
You crawled out of the tent, feeling the warm Tatooine air hit you, but with a cool night breeze pulling in that relieved you from the heat of the day. You rose your head up, finding Din standing outside of his tent, arms crossed over his chest and head aimed up, as if looking into the sky. He was still clad in his armor but it seemed like a layer had been taken off him. Like he was finally able to relax and get rid of the Mando persona, become the Din you knew again.
You stepped over, your boots crunching softly in the sand and Din looked over at your approaching figure. You stopped right next to him, looking up at his helmet. It was dark outside, but the moon shone brightly and a lantern sat outside each tent, illuminating the metal of his armor enough so you could see him. “Care to explain what is happening?” you calmly asked.
“Vanth and you seem to get along.”
Oh. Oh. Was this... Din being jealous? You had teased him earlier for it, but you had only been teasing him in an attempt to get him back for the way he had teased you about Peli earlier. You didn’t think he could be jealous in any way because you knew there was no reason for him to be. You were hopelessly devoted to Din, almost stupidly so even though there was nothing tying you two together. No label. No title. Just the shared nights in his bed and the kisses you exchanged in the dark. “What?” You mumbled out and Din sighed.
“He finds you attractive. I see the way he looks at you.”
You couldn’t help but to awkwardly chuckle. “Oh, please. I think that is just his natural expression. Pretty sure he might of been undressing you with his eyes earlier.” You joked but Din shook his head and sighed, causing the smile on your face to drop.
“No. He wants you.” Din insisted, now looking away from you. You couldn’t help but to wonder if he was flushed from jealously or insecurity. If his face was tinted red likes yours was starting to be.
“That is silly, Din.”
“No it isn’t. You are a very attractive person. Strong. Smart. Of course he wants you.”
You wanted to flush from the praise, allow yourself to bask in it but all you felt was a sting of sadness course through you. You could hear the inflection in Dins tone and though it was one you couldn’t place, you knew it wasn’t good. It wasn’t your normal Din.
“Do you want him?”
You gasped quietly, looking up at him with complete shock. “What?” You sputtered out.
“He is handsome. Flirtatious.”
“Gee, are you interested?” You sarcastically responded but Din seemed to find no humor in your joke once again, his helmet finally tilting to look over at you again.
“You kept smiling at him. Talking to him.”
“I was being polite, Din. Treating him like I treated Peli.” You explained but his head tilted.
“Peli isn’t a man. A man who is intrigued by you.”
“Hey, you don’t know. Peli could find me extremely alluring.” Din sighed and you bit your tongue. This was not the time for jokes but that was usually was you reverted to when uncomfortable. “Din-”
“I don’t want you to.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I don’t want you to want anyone.” He now turned, his body facing yours and helmet looking down at you directly.
“I only want you to want me. I didn’t like when you... smiled or joked with him.”
“Din, you have nothing to-”
Din stepped towards you again but you didn’t move back, allowing his frame to be only inches from yours. “I only want you to want me.”
Your breath caught in your throat and now you felt a blush spread through your whole face, your chest feeling like it had been caught on fire. Oh, Maker, all you wanted was Din. Sometimes the want you felt, the need you had for him, was so overwhelming. You didn’t know how you had gone so many years of your life without him and now that he was here, he was like a drug you couldn’t get rid of. One you needed more and more of. One you needed to swallow you whole and intoxicate all your senses until they just become a part of you. Like they were just an extension of your being. And hearing Din say this, say how he wanted you to feel that way, made your legs want to give out. “Din.” You gasped as his hands reached out to your waist, holding onto you tightly.
“What do you want, sweet one?” This is one of the first times you heard an almost dangerous edge to his voice. Not one that was threatening or scary, not directed towards you necessarily. But it was dominant and complex and it made your stomach clench.
“All I want is you.”
Din paused for a moment, pulling your hips against his frame as he looked down at you. His chest remained steady, taking deep breaths in and out, completely calm and in control. You on the other end felt like you were gasping for air, like you couldn’t get enough oxygen in your lungs because Din was just consuming you. “Say it again, sweet one.”
“You, Din. All I wanted was you. All I want and will want is you. No one else.” You repeated, hoping you didn’t sound as needy and eager as you did in your head.
Din leaned down, his helmet brushing down your face, the cool metal of it gliding against your warm skin and sending shivers down your spine. “You are mine, cyar’ika.”
You nearly whined at the huskiness of his voice, how rough it sounded through the modulator. Your chest pressed against his and he clutched onto you even tighter. “No one else can have you. I am yours. Always will be here to take care of my girl. You don’t need anyone else. You understand?”
“Yes, Din. Yes.” You felt like you brain couldn’t process anything, the husk whispers tumbling from his lips making your body feel numb.
His fingers dug into your hips even more and this time you let out a whine, just the smallest noise but you knew Din heard it. “All mine. No one can care for you like I do. Be there for you like I do. Kiss you like I do.” You let out a frantic nod at that one, wanting to kiss Din so badly but knowing you couldn’t. Though you were further away from the camp site and from the other tents, you were still in the open. Exposed. Just one person had to walk up and they’d see you. See the way Din held onto you and the way your arms began to wrap around his neck, pulling him tighter against you. “We haven’t talked about it.”
You raised your eyebrow just slightly, wondering what he was meaning. “Talk about what?”
“What we are.”
Oh. You hadn’t. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to have the conversation. But things were so good and you didn’t want to scare him away with some type of commitment. Before you and the child, Din had only ever been committed to his work, his Creed. No person or personal ties. Of course there was something between the two of you. That was clear. But what was it exactly? “We haven’t I guessed.”
“How come?”
Din’s hands continued to clutch onto you, his thumbs now drawing lazy circles into you. “Well, it’s just been good-”
“Really good.”
“Yeah.” you agreed, smiling. “And I just didn’t mention it cause, y’know, it isn’t really necessary. We can just keep doing what we are doing.”
“Is that what you want?”
Your heart quickened at his question. “I just want you.” you admitted, looking away from him just slightly.
A hand left your waist, grabbing onto your chin gently and lifting it up to look directly at him. “Cyar’ika.”
“You’re important to me.”
“I know.”
“No.” He interrupted, letting his hand drift up so his fingers brushed your cheek. “I am dedicated to you, okay? I’ll be yours.”
You pulled away just slightly, to look at him more clearly but you wished so desperately it was his face you were looking at. That you could look into soft eyes barely illuminated by the soft glow of the moon and lanterns. See the lips you always craved so much. Feel the chin you had pressed kisses along and held in your hand. See the hair your fingers ran through every night. But instead you just smiled softly into the helmet, looking right into the T-visor and hoping you were making eye contact. “Yeah?”
“Yes. If that’s what you want.”
“That’s what I want.”
“Good.” Din said lowly as he pulled you in, now wrapping his arms around your lower body to pull you in for a hug. It wasn’t the most comfortable due to all the bulky beskar he wore but it was your Din holding onto you, and that made it the best feeling. As he continued to hold you close, his hands started to drift down your lower back, fingers brushing against the bottom of your shirt and jacket, pulling the fabric up just the smallest amount so his gloved fingertips could craze bare skin. You felt goosebumps rise on your skin instantly.
“Yes, sweet one?”
“We should probably go to our tents.”
“I don’t want to.” He continued to rub the skin and you tried to gently pull away but he held you close.
“Someone could see.”
“Let them see.” He murmured roughly.
“Din... we should go to bed.”
“Come to my tent.” Din now whispered, leaning his forehead against yours and you sighed at the contact. Ever since you learned what a kedblade kiss was, it made it so special whenever Din went out of his way to do it because you knew what it mean to him.
“We can’t leave the kid in a tent alone. You’ll have to sleep alone tonight.” You heard the way you even whined, how clear it was that you weren’t happy with it. But the tents were extremely small and you had already put the child to sleep in what was supposed to be your tent.
“I don’t want to sleep.” He said and you sighed.
“Well, you need some rest. We’ve got a Krayt dragon to kill tomorrow.” You told him, listening to him grunt in response.
“I need you.” The way Din grumbled was barely audible but you heard, nodding against his helmet.
“I know I’m just so great to sleep next to but I think you will survive.” You respond sarcastically but Din let out another grunt.
“I don’t want to just sleep next to you, sweet one.”
You froze as his large hands grab onto your hips, letting out a small “Oh” as he squeezed them. Not roughly but just enough for you to feel the pressure of his hands, to make you gasp quietly. “Din, you may have picked the worst time to try to seduce me.”
“Is it working?” He asked and you let out a chuckle at the question, shaking your head in disbelief. Part of you couldn’t believe this was the same man who had barley spoken a word to you for the first few weeks on the Crest. The man who you thought you drove crazy with every word that left your mouth. Now he was holding onto you, saying how he wanted you and making a warmth fill in you that you’ve never felt before. Made your chest heave as your heart slammed in your chest, not out of fear but thrill and excitement. This was the man who now made you feel so many things, things you never even felt before.
“It’s working very well but we can’t.” You knew Din knew you couldn’t. It was too risky when you weren’t within the safety of the Crest. Too many people around and you were in the middle of the desert of Tatooine. Not the prime location.
Din let out a sigh as you slowly pulled away from him, his helmet still aimed right at you as his fingers began to slip away from your skin. His shoulders sagged slightly as you moved out of his reach. You knew if he didn’t stop talking to you like this and touching you like that, you wouldn’t be able to stop and you’d both do something stupid. “Sweet one, you are killing me.”
You’ve never heard Din sound so desperate in his life and you almost wanted to laugh at it. Instead you just smirked and nodded, knowing exactly what he was feeling but not wanting to show it. “Let’s kill this dragon, get the hell off Tatooine, and then we can...” you drifted off, feeling your face flush.
“Kill a Krayt dragon. Should be easy.” Din sarcastically responded and you chuckled.
“Eh, you’ve dealt with me this long. Krayt dragon should be a piece of cake.” You smirked at him and he shook his head.
“Sweet one?”
“Yes, Din?”
“Close your eyes for a second.”
You looked around. No one was near by, the sounds of the Tuskens could no longer be heard and you could just see the flame from the bonfire coming to an end. “Din, what are you-“
“Just close them real quick.”
You stayed where you were, standing a few feet away from him, but you closed your eyes. You listened closely as you heard Din step closer, feeling him lean against you just slightly as he stood in front from you. A small click rang out into the emptiness of the desert but the usually hiss didn’t follow, making you believe he hadn’t taken the helmet off completely. “Is your helmet-“
You were cut off by his lips pressing down against yours and you let out a small, content sigh at the feeling. You hadn’t kissed him in what felt like forever. All day yesterday you had traveled and the Tuskens last night didn’t have tents so you both slept outside, where you didn’t have any privacy. And today you had either spent the whole day with Vanth or Tuskens, leaving not a single moment for just you and Din.
You rested the palms of your hands against the chest plate he wore, letting the slight toughness of his lips take over. One hand reached out to grab at your hip and he pulled away, leaving one last peck before a click rang out again. “You can open your eyes.” You let them slowly flutter open, wishing you could still feel his lips against yours, the way they moved with you and conveyed things that couldn’t be said with words. “I just needed to kiss you.”
His hand drifted away and you smiled at him. “Very understandable.”
Din nodded at your tease and started to step back, towards his tent. You almost felt yourself whine as he started to move away from you. You hadn’t realized how used you had gotten to sleeping next to Din until you were faced with the realization that you had to sleep alone. You could probably squeeze in with Din and the kid in one, but you didn’t know if he could do that. Couldn’t risk somebody finding the Mandalorian tangled up in a tent with you. Probably not the most intimidating thing. But it still didn’t ease the way you felt. It might of been silly. It was only one night, but you had become addicted to him and you had already spent the last two days with minimal contact. But instead of saying anything, you just smiled at him softly as he neared the entrance of his tent, bringing yourself closer to yours. He was only a matter of a few feet away. You’d be fine.
“Goodnight, cyar’ika.”
“Goodnight, Din.”
“Well, you really missed out on some fun after you left last night.” Cobb said with a grin as you approached him. He stood by the remnants of the bonfire from the night before, his legs spread and his arms crossed over his chest with his helmet sat on the ground besides him.
You stood a few feet away from Cobb, looking as his head lolled over towards you. The child in your arms was the first to respond, cooing and squirming. You let him down, watching as he seemed to relax and start to waddle around. He was becoming more dependent, not wanting to be held as much and wanting to explore on his own.
You looked around, seeing where everybody was. It was early in the morning but you had had a hard time falling asleep last night. And you didn’t want to admit it was because of Din not being next to you, but that was definitely the case. The child had woken up early along with you and instead of sitting in the tent, you decided to walk around before everything got started. You presumed that the Tuskens were probably in their tents, still asleep. Din hadn’t heard you earlier and you assumed he was still asleep in his tent, not wanting to wake him up earlier than you had to with the work ahead of him. It appeared you and Vanth were the only ones around. “Oh, really? What happened?”
“Tuskens finally got me to drink that stuff.” The face he pulled as he told you what happened was enough explanation. It twisted up into utter disgust, like he was still tasting it on his tongue and feeling the effects of it.
“Tastes like absolute shit, doesn’t it?” You asked him and he nodded fervently.
“I don’t know how you got it down so easily.”
“Pure willpower. And I used to drink lots of cheap alcohol which is almost as bad.” Cobb let out a laugh, shaking his head.
“Are you always this... spunky?”
“Spunky?” You asked, raising an eyebrow just the smallest bit.
“Can’t think of a word to describe ya.” He chuckled as he dropped down, planting himself onto one of the benches from last night. “I hope that Mandalorian of yours wasn’t too upset last night.”
You now let your eyebrows shoot up, looking down on him from where you stood. “What do you mean?”
“Well, let’s just say I now know why he isn’t too fond of me.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “He isn’t too fond of anybody to be honest.”
An eyebrow of his quirked up. “I don’t think that’s true. Seems to be fond of you and that kid.” He looked over at the child, who continued to waddle around. “I just didn’t know. That’s all.”
“Know what?” you asked.
“Well, when you walked in with the Mandalorian yesterday, I figured you were a nanny or some bounty he dragged along to work with him. I didn’t know you two were...” he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders slightly.
You felt your face flush and you had no clue what to say. Should you deny it, say you are just a work partner of his or something? Or did you confirm his suspicions? You and Din had never discussed what to tell people about your situation. You figured on his end he probably found it unnecessary to discuss with others because it was none of their business. And what do you even say?Saying he was your boyfriend or something along those lines felt so silly. “Um, well, y’know we are j-just pals.”
Cobb now laughed heartily at that, clutching onto his stomach as his eyes crinkled up. He kept going like that and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your shoulders as he continued to loose it. “Okay, you can shut up now or I’ll kick your ass.”
“What’s going on?” You jumped at the voice behind you, turning around to see Din standing a couple feet away from you. Vanth began to straighten up but his face was still red from the laughter and he kept snorting, trying to hold it in but seemingly unable to do so.
“Your girl here was just telling me about how you two are such great pals.” He said, a giggle following the words as he smiled up at you. 
You didn’t even bother to glare at the marshal, just looking over at Din who tilted his helmet at you, as if asking ‘Pals?’ “The marshal here was just being an idiot.” you uncomfortably said, shifting in the spot where you stood.
“I was just trying to say I was sorry for my... advances.” He stood from where he was sat, looking at Din now and finally looking like he recovered from his laughing fit. “I didn’t realize you two were pals.” He said the word with a knowing grin.
You looked over at Din who stared right back at Vanth, his helmet aimed right at him. “Well, now you know.” 
An uncomfortable silence fell over and you looked down to find the kid joining in on the awkwardness, just standing there and staring between the two men. You cleared your throat, causing all three to look over at you, and clapped your hands together. “Alright, boys, why don’t we go hunt down a dragon?” 
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Cobb said, beginning to walk off towards the Tuskens who finally began to exit their tents and leaving you and Din alone with the child. 
You looked over at him and felt the corner of your lip quirk up. “That went well.”
“Yeah. We should tell everybody we are pals.”
You smiled dropped as your narrowed your eyes at him, not amused by his sarcasm. “You know, he suggested that there was something between us-”
“Because there is.”
You rolled your eyes at his need to clarify, even though your chest squeezed at the confirmation. “-and I didn’t know what to tell him.”
“What do you mean, tell him?”
“Like do I say we are friends? Or work partners? It’s not like I can say something silly and ruin your very serious Mando reputation.” 
“Something silly? Like what?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” You looked down at your feet, becoming flushed from the way he continued to just stare right at you. “Boyfriend or something like that.” You mumbled very quietly, hoping he didn’t hear it all.
Din just nodded. “Say we are partners.”
You looked up at him and tilted your head. “Partners?”
“It’s a good word.”
You thought about it and supposed that it was the perfect word. Partner didn’t necessarily indicate something romantic. Could just mean you worked alongside him. But it could also mean he was your partner, your person. It didn’t require any explanation and a person could just take it either way. You nodded your head and smiled. “Alright, partner.” 
Din chuckled at you and bent down to grab the kid, lifting him up into his arms. “Are you ready?”
You nodded your head, looking out to see the Tuskens preparing to travel to the home of the dragon. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
Tag List: @ilikethoseodds @dindaddy @poguesvixen @starspangledwidow @fangirlalexia @the-scandalorian @ka-x-in @keepcalmandblogstuff @the-lady-of-stars @orneryscandalousevil @spaghetti-666 @afootnoteinyourhappiness @the-darkempress @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @dee-vn @eury-dice3 @rb4writers @just-me-and-my-obsessions00 @lxdyred @queen-since-97 @honey-hi @periptill​ @seninjakitey​ @guiltyegg​
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Sutokuin/Akihito Main Story Chapter 19
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Chapter 18
----Part 1----
Akihito: "I will use a Kotodama from my heart and if you resist that, you win."
Yoshino: "....Understood."
(I don't know what's coming, but I'm ready)
I took a deep breath and,
Akihito: "....I."
After a faint sigh, the red lips opens....
Akihito: "I love you, Yoshino."
My head goes white.
Yoshino: "Stop joking....!"
Akihito: "I wish I was."
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Akihito: "Because I was so far from all affection, that I never thought I'd cherish someone this much."
Akihito: "....But, I had to admit it. When I look at you, I can't stop feeling all sorts of emotions."
I stared at Akihito-sama feeling unbelievable.
(Does Akihito-sama actually feel how I feel?)
Trying desperately to suppress the joy and sadness that would spring up on its own...
Akihito: "After all, I know what kind of sarcasm I'll get from...Ibuki for admitting it on impulse."
Yoshino: "Eh?"
Akihito: "I'm talking about this."
Akihito-sama moves away from me.
Akihito: "You froze up at that point, so I guess I win this time."
Yoshino: "Eeehh!?"
(I'm the one who had the game completely out of my mind!)
Akihito: "As for 'my true desire', we'll talk about that some other time."
Akihito: "I've got a lot to think about at the moment, can you give me some time?"
Yoshino: "F-Fine."
(After making people so confused, Akihito-sama already has a normal face)
I can't help feeling that it's somehow unreasonable.
Yoshino: "So...um..don't you need a response from me?"
(No, I'd be in trouble if you asked me to reply, to be honest...)
Akihito: "No. I don't want you to say it."
Sadly when he touched and stroked my hair, my heart skipped a beat.
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Akihito: "Even if you did like me, Yoshino would never admit it."
Akihito: "As long as I and the Shogunate are enemies."
(.......He already knows everything. He's right)
Akihito: "I've got my own issues as well."
Yoshino: "Issues?"
Akihito: "Immortality sounds juicy, but....this body hasn't aged for a long time now."
Akihito: "It would be difficult to walk at the same pace with your partner."
It is true that Akihito-sama appearance would not match his actual age.
At the meeting when I was taken hostage, Yoritomo-sama also pointed out.
Akihito: "You don't have to think so deeply."
Akihito: "You can go on with your life the same way you have been."
I can't...(+4/+4)
I'll try as much as I can...
It's difficult....
Yoshino: "I can't spend my life the same way...."
Akihito: "Yeah? Then, I'll continue to do my best to corrupt you."
Yoshino: "...!"
Seeing me at a loss for words, Akihito-sama smiles with satisfaction.
Akihito: "Shall we go home, Yoshino? If you like, we can spend the evening together."
Yoshino: "...yes."
(I'm in trouble....what am I going to do now?)
Next day----
(I wonder if everyone in the Shogunate is doing fine)
However, the moment Akihito-sama crosses my mind, my chest starts to ache.
I was walking down the corridor, trying to sort out my feelings as I strolled through the garden when....
Little bird: "Chi chi!!"
A small flap of wings is heard, and I look down.
Yoshino: "Ah, Ruri!?"
A beautiful blue-coloured little bird, familiar to me, flew out of the shadows.
However, she does not fly well and wobbles back down towards the floor.
(It's Ruri after all! And it seems she still can't fly)
(By the way, Akihito-sama did say that he lets Ruri walk around the compound)
Ruri: "Chii"
Yoshino: "....! Oh, wait."
I try to get closer, but Ruri keeps jumping and, flapping her wings away as hard as she can.
When I followed her quietly....
Yoshino: "Ruri!"
Yasuchika: ".........."
-----Part 2-----
Yasuchika: ".........."
It was Yasuchika-san who was parked in the white light of the morning.
Yasuchika: "Good morning, Yoshino-san."
Yoshino: "Good morning to you too."
Ruri, who had come up to Yasuchika-san's side while taking a break and jumping up and down, stopped dead in her tracks.
Yasuchika: "Come here."
Ruri: ".........."
Yasuchika: "......."
Ruri tilted her head suspiciously at Yasuchika-san, who extended his hand, and then turned away.
At that moment, her eye's catches me.
Ruri: ".....! Tweet."
Ruri rushed to my side in a flurry and gently rubbed her head against my feet.
Yoshino: "Ruri, do you remember me?"
Ruri: "Chi chi"
(Glad to hear it)
I squat down and stroke Ruri tickling her with my fingertips.
Yasuchika: "I thought that the little bird wouldn't like anyone but Akihito-sama. I didn't know she liked you too."
Yoshino: "Because when I was in Kamakura, I was treating her wings. Maybe that's why."
Yoshino: "I'm glad that Akihito-sama still keeps Ruri."
Yasuchika: "Akihito-sama wouldn't throw away something once he's picked it up.....That man is terribly kind."
A soft, shadowy smile snatched at Yasuchika-san's lips.
Yasuchika: "----Isn't that right? Ruri?"
Perhaps alarmed at being spoken to, Ruri quickly jumps back before leaving.
Without a hint of offense, Yasuchika-san shrugged his shoulders.
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Yasuchika: "Oh dear, I wonder if she can the difference between a good person and a bad person."
Yoshino: ".....But Yasuchika-san isn't a bad person, is he?"
Yasuchika: "Yes, I am."
(I'm not sure how to judge if you answer immediately)
Yasuchika: "So even if you hate me, I hope you don't hate Akihito-sama."
Yasuchika: "I've never seen a woman he really liked before."
Yoshino: "I-I.....I don't hate him.....i-it's just....well.....um...."
Yasuchika: "What do you think of Akihito-sama?"
Yoshino: "I..."
Yasuchika-san's unblinking eyes are staring at me.
(If I lie, he will know)
In a hesitant voice, I expressed my true feelings.
Yoshino: "....I want to save Akihito-sama."
Yoshino: "I want him to be happy."
Yasuchika: "......"
Yasuchika: "Why?"
Yoshino: "Because I believe that the real Akihito-sama is a benevolent monarch who cares for his people."
Yoshino: "His kindness should not be tainted by curses."
It was a kind of gamble to say the following words.
Yoshino: "I'm sure Yasuchika-san feels the same way."
Yasuchika: "----I."
(When Yasuchika-san looks at Akihito-sama, I always notice a tinge of sadness)
Yoshino: "You told me the other day, didn't you?"
Yoshino: "Thank you for stopping Akihito-sama" remember?"
Yoshino: "Did you thank me just because I stopped the curse from for going out of control? or-----"
When I boldly looked at Yasuchika-san.
Yoshino: "----Was it because you were you're glad that Akihito-sama didn't curse the assassins to death?"
Yasuchika: "..............."
Yasuchika: "For all your purity, you are strangely agile. I wonder if that's what makes you special."
Yoshino: "Umm..."
Yasuchika: "----What you said is true."
His face turned emotionless and we stared at each other.
Yasuchika: "I want Akihito-sama to be happy. In reality, there's nothing else I want."
-----Part 3-----
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Yasuchika: "I want Akihito-sama to be happy. In reality, there's nothing else I want."
Yasuchika: "Because he's my everything."
Yoshino: "Why do you love Akihito-sama so much....?"
(What is their past?)
Yasuchika: "----Wait."
Yasuchika-san, puts his index finger against my lips.
Yasuchika: "Like I said before, I'm a bad guy. So I demand a price to answer that question."
Yoshino: "What is the price....?"
When I looked confused, Yasuchika-san smiles at me.
Yasuchika: "Let me do an experiment on you fox princess."
(What on earth do you want to do to me?)
I am taken to the back room of the mansion and nervously listen to Yasuchika-san's explanation.
Yasuchika: "I'm a genius onmyoji, but there's something I've been studying for years and I haven't achieved it yet."
Yoshino: "What's that....?"
(Are you sure you want to cooperate with me of all people to achieve such an important goal?)
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Yasuchika: "My goal is to break Akihito-sama's curse."
(....! Of course, Yasuchika-san would think something like that)
Yoshino: "So what do you mean by experimenting with me?"
Yasuchika: "The of the nine-tail fox takes away demonic powers of demons."
Yasuchika: "I suspect there's some decomposition and reconstruction going on in the process..."
Yasuchika: "I wondered if that mechanism could be applied to the unraveling of the curse on anyone."
(Heh! that's what they call a 'genius Onmyoji'!)
Yoshino: "I'll help in any way possible. Please let me cooperate!"
Yasuchika: "Thank you."
At that moment, Yasuchika-san's eyes sparkled.
Yasuchika: "Ohhh, this is sooo exciting. I can't believe that a day will come when I can finally get to mess around with Tamamo-chi's powers!"
Yoshino: ".....Yasuchika-san?"
Yasuchika: "And while I'm at it, I'll try a few things. I'll manage to get some hair of Tamamo-chin too...."
(I don't know what to say, Yasuchika-san looks scary)
Yoshino: "Eehh umm, do I really have to do something weird?"
Yasuchika: "Hehe. Just kidding."
Yasuchika: "And at best, the only thing that could be done at this point would be a formula to adapt the spell suite to the fox princess's powers."
Yoshino: "What's that scary technique?"
Yasuchika: "For using Kotodama, you have to pay the price!"
Yoshino: "What do you mean by....' price to pay.....okay, I think I don't want to go into it too deeply."
Yasuchika: "You're wise."
He said in a tone that could not be described as a joke, and Yasuchika-san looked up to the heavens.
However, the next look that was directed at me was different and more serious.
Yasuchika: "Well, let's see. Now that we've decided that, let's get on with it."
Yasuchika: "Give me your hand first. And...."
-----As this was the first day of Yasuchika-san's experiment, it ended with a simple kind of examination first.
And, as promised, he would talk about his relationship with Akihito-sama.
Yasuchika: "How much do you know about Akihito-sama?"
Yoshino: "He told me was cursed by his own father when he was just a fetus and survived and came to this world symbiosis with the curse..."
Yoshino: "He also told me he did not receive love, but still managed to govern as a respectable emperor."
Yoshino: "Then his own people resented him for a crime he did not commit, and that he let the curse run amok."
Yasuchika: ".....That much...Woww..Akihito-sama really did opened up to you."
(It is a relief to hear Yasuchika-san, who has known Akihito-sama for a long time, say so)
Yasuchika: "Well, that's fine. Let's cut to the chase then."
-----Part 4-----
Yasuchika: "Well, that's fine. Let's cut to the chase then."
Yasuchika: "According to the documents left behind by the Abe family...."
Yasuchika: "I heard that all the onmyoji of that time, cooperated to deal with Akihito-sama, who had become a living curse itself."
Yasuchika: "Still, they couldn't exorcise it."
Yoshino: "Not even when they all worked together....that's a tremendous power."
My body trembled as I imagine that scenario.
Yasuchika: "But killing Akihito-sama outright would have resulted in an overflow of vessel-less curses that would have been irretrievable."
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Yasuchika: "So Akihito-sama was sealed up in the back room of the Abe family mansion while still a human being, and the entire curse went into a deep sleep."
Yoshino: "That means the seal had been broken, right?"
Yasuchika: "It's not like they were able to contain him perfectly to begin with."
Yasuchika: "After a long period of time, when the seal began to break...."
Yasuchika: "Akihito-sama's body was asleep and only his soul began to wander around the mansion."
Yoshino: "Only his soul...?"
Yasuchika: "It's what we call a living spirit. Strictly speaking, though, they are a bit more out of the ordinary."
Yasuchika: "I was the only one who could see him, and I was only a child."
Yasuchika: "Even back then I had this special gift."
Yoshino: "....! That's how you two met!?"
I started connecting everything.
Yasuchika: "Yeah, at that time, Akihito-sama had no memory of his past."
Yasuchika: "His memories were sealed in his body, along with all the hatred and curses."
Yoshino: "Really..."
(Maybe that's why there were so many painful memories)
Yoshino: "What was he like back then?"
Yasuchika: "----Just like now, very kind."
Yasuchika-san then went on.
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Yasuchika: "I never knew that birds and flowers had different names until I met that man...."
Yasuchika: "I didn't even know what emotion 'joy' meant."
His voice was muffled and quiet, yet terribly earnest.
(Like Akihito-sama, Yasuchika-san must have been the same, not recived love from the people around him...)
Yasuchika: "But I was saved unilaterally by Akihito-sama and....that did nothing for the man himself."
Yasuchika: "Even when Ibuki attacked----"
Yoshino: ".....! Ibuki what?"
(They have a deal now, but you mean they were enemies at first?)
Yasuchika: "Annoyingly, Ibuki came after me, the 'child prodigy' of the Abe family, as they called me."
Yasuchika: "In an attempt to protect me in a crisis....Akihito-sama woke up."
Yasuchika: "He unknowingly called out and reeled in his own body and retrieved all his memories, along with a huge number of curses."
(....What was it like? To get back the feelings you don't want to face)
For Akihito-sama, it would have been the moment when his peaceful days with Yasuchika-san were shattered.
Yoshino: "But then what happened between him and Ibuki?"
Yasuchika: "That man was just amused by Akihito-sama's curse."
Yasuchika-san frowned as he traced the unpleasant memories.
Ibuki: "By forming a 'contract' I'll share my powers with you."
Akihito: "........."
At Ibuki's offer, Akihito-sama loses his words for a second.
But soon he smiled ironically.
Akihito: "I don't think anyone would get in on a deal with an unknown purpose, but maybe it's different in the world of demons."
-----Part 5-----
Ibuki: "Like I said. This is all a game."
Ibuki: "It's interesting to see you coexisting with that amount of curse."
Akihito: "----It's strange that I'm so alienated by humans and end up attracting the attention of demons? Is it something to be honored?"
Ibuki: "Of course it is."
Ibuki approached Akihito and touched his chest where his heart is located with his finger.
Ibuki: "A curse is a person's resentment, a grudge and so much so that sometimes lower grade demons are born from it."
Ibuki: "It's not the same as the power of a demon, but it's close."
Ibuki: "If you can use my powers, your curse could evolve in interesting ways."
Akihito: "Sounds interesting."
(...........So that's how)
Yasuchika: "I tried very hard to stop him, but Akihito-sama chose to make a deal with Ibuki."
Yasuchika: "As a result, the Kotodama, became Akihito-sama's new weapon."
Yoshino: "Um, by the way..."
Yoshino: "Akihito-sama said his body hasn't aged for a long time. What about that?"
Yoshino: "Does it have anything to do with the seal?"
Yasuchika: "Yes."
(I knew it!)
Yasuchika: "The way I see it, once you're sealed in, the curse and soul are more connected..."
Yasuchika: "That led to his physical time to be stopped."
(Some people may dream of being called immortal...)
Yoshino: "It must be lonely to be the only one, not aging."
It is difficult to keep pace with your partner and walk on the same path, said Akihito-sama.
Yasuchika: "----I think."
Yasuchika: "Akihito-sama probably thinks like this."
As if half-consciously, Yasuchika-san's clenched nails dug into his palms.
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Yasuchika: "......'As long as he's mortal and don't live long, there's nothing wrong with him."
Yoshino: "....Why?"
Yasuchika: "----Even I don't know."
Yasuchika: "Even though we've been together for a long time, Akihito-sama and I can not be called as friends.....we're aren't even family because we are not blood-related."
(What a complicated relationship)
I stared at Yasuchika-san quietly.
Yoshino: "Yasuchika-san, how about we join hands?"
Yasuchika: "....! What?"
Yoshino: "We both have the same goal."
Yoshino: "Let's pull out Akihito-sama out of the darkness...together."
Yasuchika: "........"
There was a moment of silence.
(Maybe not....)
Yasuchika: "All right."
Yoshino: ".....! Really!?"
Yasuchika: "----I'm betting on your potential."
Yasuchika: "Besides, I'll have a chat with Akihito-sama."
Yoshino: "Thank you, Yasuchika-san."
(I don't know what will be the results in the future. So let's do our best for now)
And few days later.....
(I'm suddenly called out of blue. I wonder what happened)
(If it was an invitation to have tea or lunch, he would always tell me beforehand)
Since that day, I've been spending more time with Akihito-sama.
(As usual, I still can't believe that Akihito-sama likes me, even though he acts casually...)
Yoshino: "Excuse me."
When I entered the room, I saw Akihito-sama sitting with someone else.
Yoshino: ".....Eh!?"
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Yoritomo: "I see you're doing well, Yoshino."
Yoshino: "We meet again, fox princess."
Chapter 20
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sserpente · 4 years
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Synopsis: After his lucky escape, the Tesseract takes Loki on new adventures--but unfortunately, his journeys through space do not go unnoticed and he soon ends up on TVA’s radar. The deal is a simple one: Become a recruit and help the Time Variance Authority fight time crimes to earn your freedom again eventually or die. Loki accepts the challenge. It would not be long until he could use their own weapons against them, after all. If only that, however, were his only concern. Least of all did he expect that with his reluctant arrival at TVA, a woman would step into his life and wreak havoc in his heart. He does not know what it is about her that he seeks her presence like a bee hunting for honey--but he is determined to find out.
A/N: Gaaaah, I haven’t nearly pre-written as many chapters as I would like to have pre-written before starting to post but I just can’t wait any longer! I finally want to share this story with you guys, I am so hyped about it! So, without further ado--enjoy the first chapter of “Pastel Blue”! I hope you like it! ♥
Chapter 1
Tick Tock. That clock on the wall was driving her crazy, it had been ever since she had been assigned to this dull office. She spent most of her time in the lab, working in midst of dangerous and highly sensitive equipment and delicate devices.
Tick Tock. She was going to smash it—with a big hammer, perhaps, or even better, a jackhammer. It was ugly too. Made of wood and obviously antique, late 18th century probably. What had Mobius been thinking?
Oh yeah, him. Mobius M. Mobius, her I-am-not-your-father-but-I-will-treat-you-like-my-daughter supervisor and babysitter, thank you very much. Granted, he was old enough to be her father, taking into consideration that in her mid-twenties, there wasn’t much need for a parental figure in her life anymore.
Tick Tock. She sighed. The pile of paperwork she had been handed this morning had seemingly not shrunk by even an inch. She could swear she had not been stalling today. Breakfast, work, lunch break, work… Tick Tock. She rolled her eyes. No. This was unreasonable. Grunting a few not so decent swear words, she gathered the spreadsheets and dozens of handwritten notes, sending the calming ruffling of paper through the air and exited the room without so much as thinking about what Mobius would think about her wandering places around the TVA during work hours again.
Besides, the kitchen and common room right around the corner of her desired destination was equipped with the best coffee machine modern technology had to offer. Hot chocolate with mint and a hint of vanilla? Oh yes, please!
At this time of the day, the lab in question was deserted. Pens, pliers and other small tools lay scattered all over the metal tables as if someone had just finished their work for the day. Some of the devices in here could cause major damage if activated accidentally or even at the wrong time. Now there was the thrill, the proximity to endless possibilities.
After turning a few laps around the tables to see if anything had changed or improved at all since the last time she was here (which would be yesterday), she eventually made herself comfortable at the huge desk fully equipped with a cup holder, sockets and a fancy table lamp. The chair was the best part, enabling her to swirl around whenever she felt like she needed a refreshing spin.
She had just pulled out her burrow from her hair, having twirled it around one of the lighter strands. Her guess was the sun had bestowed its warm kisses upon her chocolate brown hair in the summer. Leaning over her papers, she got back to work.
But it was only five minutes until she heard the heavy metal door with the see-through glass panel being pushed open, followed by someone clearing their throat.
“Jess, do you have a moment?” Mobius asked. Jess tilted her head, the slightest frown accompanied by a gentle smirk decorating her face. What, no chastising for changing work locations today? She swirled around on her chair, expecting to see the man in question in his grey suit and the signature scar across his nose stare her down with arms akimbo. Instead, he was holding on to the door tensely, right next to him, seemingly out of place in the threshold, a man with raven hair and the most stunning pair of blue eyes she had ever had the pleasure to lock her gaze with. Her eyes were blue as well—Loki’s, however, seemed to shimmer green in the artificial light of the lab. She didn’t get much daylight, all the way down here.
“M?” Jess smiled. She rose, ignoring the slight trembling of her knees as she approached the two, keeping a safe distance. Her heart skipped a beat with every single step, her chest resembling a magnet pulling her towards Loki like a powerless needle.
“I’ve told you, repeatedly, to stay in your own office.” Ah, there it was.
“I have asked you, repeatedly, to re-locate my office here.” She retorted with a smug expression, eyes darting over to Loki. Mobius shook his head. “An introduction is probably redundant. Jess, this is Loki.”
He was wearing the orange prison clothes TVA had manufactured a few years back. She had to admit, orange suited him rather well, bringing out his cheekbones and the dark hair framing his flawless face. His lips were thin, his jawline to die for. She would be lying if she denied his attractiveness. Loki was a god, after all. Most prominent to his appearance, however, were the shackles around his naked wrists and the metal collar hiding most of his long neck—a chunky but firm reminder his powers were all but a myth as long as the light was blinking bright red like a traffic light screaming stop at him like a sleep-deprived police officer.
Loki lifted his chin, allowing pride and confidence to flood his aura. Out of all the people he had encountered in this strange place so far, alterations of his very own self on an old-fashioned projector included, she was by far the oddest. Jess, so he learned, wore a colourful choker around her neck as well as two bracelets of the same kind. They reminded him of sugar pearls. If he had asked her about them, she could have revealed to him that they were indeed candy necklaces—and that she wore them because Mobius had stressed there were no edible snacks allowed at work. The elegant pieces of jewellery hanging down her earlobes, however, appeared to be non-edible. Two delicate silver charms, holding what Loki identified to be moonstones. They suited her, complementing the long brown hair and the outstanding colour of her eyes. Blue—just like his.
“The God of Mischief.” She completed, the fraction of a second after he had studied her conspicuous appearance. She added a court but polite nod. “I was kind of hoping to meet you one day.” And so she was. The rumours had spread across the entire facility like wildfire, reaching even the Minutemen based in different timelines. Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, had stolen an Infinity Stone and escaped his respective timeline—a timeline reaching all the way back to 2012—creating a new branch of reality entirely. Unsupervised, he could have caused serious damage to the very fabric of time and the multiverse. He had to be stopped, had to be captured, had to be persuaded.
Mobius had expressed his interest in getting the infamous Trickster to work for him frequently. Loki was skilled, intelligent, witty, a talented fighter and most of all, one of the most capable users of magic the multiverse had to offer. His stories of victory and defeat were known to most of the TVA and yet, they resonated with her to an extent her colleagues could never fathom. Above everything Loki had had to experience—above all Loki will have had to experience—there was a thick layer of loneliness clouding his aura like a blanket of ice-cold snow. It was a suitable comparison, given his heritage.
“I didn’t just hear that.” Mobius intervened. He sized her up like an unpredictable teenager. “The God of Mischief has retired. Loki here has just agreed on working for us.”
“With you,” Loki interrupted. “Not for you. Reluctantly.” That would leave her wondering what exactly it was Mobius had offered him in return.
Jess chuckled. “Now that is a matter of opinion, trust me. I would know.” Raising an eyebrow, she gave Mobius a challenging glare.
“I need you to cover a shift.” He responded matter-of-factly. Jess’ eyebrow rose even higher. “Reese just jumped back from 1792.”
“He almost made his personal acquaintance with the guillotine. They’re patching him up in the hospital wing right now.”
Sucking in a deep breath, Jess took a step back, realising just what kind of favour, no, requirement Mobius would ask for. Reese had been in the TVA for more than three decades—he had not aged a day since his accession as a matter of fact—and his experience and excessive excitement over the Avengers had made him the perfect candidate to keep an eye on Loki while he was still not to be trusted—if he was ever going to be trusted, that was. He was the God of Mischief, after all.
“I’m on probation, remember? What makes you think I should cover for him of all people?” Loki rolled his eyes and for a moment, you almost felt sorry for excluding him from a conversation that was clearly about him.
“Call it an experiment. Prove to me that we can rely on you and I’ll end your probation.” Jess resisted the urge to shake his hand off her shoulder when he leaned forward to touch her in a fatherly manner.
“Sir, do you have a moment?” A Minuteman had appeared behind them. Jess had never quite figured out how they moved so quietly. Their shoe soles must have been made of feathers. In turn, the stilettos she usually wore to smuggle a few more inches to her height were loud and made satisfying noises ricocheting through the hallways when she walked, emitting confidence and even smugness. She needed that boost every once in a while.
Mobius nodded. As he released Jess’ shoulder and pushed past Loki—who did, much to her amusement, not move an inch for the senior manager—he pointed a finger at him. “Behave.”
The lab door fell shut behind him, drowning all noises from the outside like a soundproof recording room. Jess gaped at Loki for a second, her body once again threatening to overwhelm her with the magnetic pull she felt towards the Trickster, fascination setting her veins ablaze.
“You do not look human.” Loki suddenly said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Jess pouted.
“Excuse me? I am hoping you meant that as a compliment, I am as human as I’ll ever be.” Loki frowned, then responded with a hum.
“I take it you hop timelines for him too then, fixing the damage others have done.”
“Me? No.” Jess shook her head. “I am not a Minuteman. I wish I was, trust me, but I have got nothing to do with that, unfortunately. I work in the linguistics department, spending all day translating protocols and time recordings from all sorts of languages. Now I know what you’re thinking. With its technology, shouldn’t TVA be able to translate everything using a smart computer program?” She shrugged. “Well, technically you’re right. But there’s a bunch of languages out there that simply don’t exist either here on Earth or any other known realm. We’re only human—and a computer program is only as smart as its creator. It can’t translate a language that does not consist of words, for example, that would go against the very human comprehension of its programmer.”
“Then how do you speak them?” Loki probed.
“That’s my superpower. I don’t know why I can understand them, I just… do. And what did it get me?” She raised her hands in a dramatic motion. “Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. The only way for me to get in on the real action is this place here. Take a look at this.” Loki watched her move towards what resembled a toaster, shaped like a metal suitcase that had been left open. Smiling, she reached for a shining red apple on the table and placed it on the black surface before activating the switch. She had seen the scientists do this dozens of times before. In fact, she was sure she could handle most of the devices in here in her sleep. As the small machine hummed to life, it sent a deafening vibration through the room and then, just like someone had hit fast-forward with a remote, the apple shrivelled and rotted.
“Pretty cool, huh? It works the other way around too once it recharged. They haven’t figured out how to make it work for living beings, including humans, just yet, though. This is just a prototype anyway, the real thing is supposed to help re-animate the dead for a short amount of time to solve time crimes and shit. I swear I’d get a major in science if I lived another life. My father was one. Before he died, that is.” Jess wasn’t quite sure what made her open up to the God of Mischief and tell her about her personal family drama. She usually babbled when nervousness got the better of her but this was a new level of openness entirely. They all knew her story, after all, but apart from Mobius, they all pretended they didn’t. “You see? TVA is not all bad, even if it may seem so at first. M can be an arsehole sometimes, I know. He calls our main timeline in which everything began,” Jess continued with a dramatic voice, “the Null-Time Zone. I never figured out why and he won’t tell me.”
“Because you don’t listen, Jess.” Mobius answered, holding the door open with the Minuteman who had asked for his advice impatiently but mutely waiting for his turn again behind him.
“So?” She probed, pointing at the God of Mischief with her chin, her arms crossed. “If I am to play babysitter for a while, where am I staying? Where is Loki staying?”
“Your place.” Jess blinked, incredulousness spreading on her face like a clean swipe of butter on warm toasted bread.
“My place?”
“Your residential unit is supervised and equipped with modern alarm systems, just in case you decide to make trouble again, remember? We’ll position security outside the door in addition to that, killing two birds with one stone. Besides, it’s only temporary. Reese should be up and on his feet again in no time. The blade only grazed him before he made the jump back.”
“That does not sound reassuring!” Jess stood up straight to prove her point and yet, even compared to Mobius, she was nowhere near tall enough to make an impact with her body language at this time.
“You can take the rest of the day off as compensation. Show Loki to your unit. Make yourselves acquainted. I’ll send security to collect him in five minutes—to the second!”
She seems familiar almost… like part of me has known her forever. It was a thought which jumped into Loki’s mind and implanted itself in his head like a parasite. A mere mortal, how could there possibly be a connection between them? But it wasn’t just magnetic fascination and intrigue. Loki felt a need to keep her in his presence much like she was about to be his cherished bride. Irritation crept up the back of his neck as he followed her through the branched corridors and back to the modern lift he had had to use upon his arrival.
He would only love to know just what it was that had gotten her on probation. Abuse of machinery for her own selfish purposes, perhaps? A prank which had gone too far and done damage to the organisation? Murder? No. Despite her toughness, he could not imagine the delicate mortal standing next to him in the elevator being capable of killing anyone.
When the elevator doors slid open again, the young woman gave him an almost sheepish smile. She hardly appeared worried by having to escort him all on her own, across empty hallways which were only too inviting to overpower her and escape. Something held him back. She did, so he realised with another wave of irritation electrifying his body.
“…the most dangerous missions they usually leave to Justice Peace and Death’s Head. Ever heard of them? They are like celebrities around here.” He heard her say just then. But Loki couldn’t possibly take less interest in this so-called Time Variance Authority. All he needed to know was that it was yet another, partially human-led secret organisation imagining with the naivety of a child that they held power over him. SHIELD had made this mistake in the past and they had paid the bitter price. TVA would be no different.
“The units here are labelled with our initials and the department number. This one.” Jess pointed at the first door coming into sight to their right and quite apparently, Mobius had not made any empty promises concerning Jess’ safety and surveillance. As they turned around the corner, they were greeted by a grimly looking security officer clutching one of those small devices Loki identified as a Taser, one which of the like Darcy Lewis had once used on his brother. He kept a straight face even as Jess unlocked the residential unit using her fingerprint and entered but gave him a provocative smirk before following her.
His own chambers back on Asgard—another life entirely, so it seemed now—were a reflection of who he was with their green accents, the countless books, the tidiness and the ancient parchment rolls on his dark mahogany desk from Vanaheim. If anything, analysing her personal living space to the very last grain of dust would satisfy his need to learn just why he felt so drawn her, perhaps.
The first item of furniture he took in was the long bookshelf towering all the way up to the ceiling, every inch filled with clearly read books about as thick as his wrist. He made a note to study the titles later. A coffee table full of empty peanut shells and a new package of peanuts still sealed neatly in their plastic bag, a caramel sofa on which he found more sealed peanut bags as well as a golden cushion with cheesy pom-poms. A drawer, a TV with large speakers and another electronic gadget resembling a fridge and two separate doorways which led to a bathing area, so he presumed, and her bedroom. Even with the overall lack of more furniture in the room, Jess had somehow managed to add her very own personal touch to the sterile residential unit.
“The bathroom is to the right, you’ll find refreshments and snacks in the fridge next to the TV. My bedroom is out of bounds. I hope you enjoyed the tour.” She chuckled, grabbing a blue leather jacket from the hook on the entrance door behind them. “Big meals are eaten in the cafeteria at certain times of the day though. Mobius wants to strengthen the team spirit but the cooks never say no to a late breakfast or a midnight snack if you ask them nicely.”
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t you feel like a prisoner in this place?” A lackey for someone else to take the credit for your hard work, he added silently. He knew two of that kind—one being his brother, the other his alleged father. Loki suppressed a begrudged growl. Just in that moment and before she had a chance to reply to his provocative remark, there was a vigorous knock on the door.
“That’ll be your cue.” Jess announced. Loki had to force himself not to turn his head and catch one last glimpse of her as the grimly looking security man escorted him back to Mobius and, other than Jess, kept pushing him forward like cattle and yet, he was convinced he could feel her curious gaze resting on his back long after he had turned back around the corner, stepped into the elevator and even when he was reluctantly reunited with Mobius near the lab where they had first picked her up.
He was speaking to the same Minuteman who had interrupted them earlier—quietly, vividly and so engrossed in the seemingly heated conversation that he noticed Loki and his new bodyguard approaching only after his exceptional hearing had picked up shreds of information he made another mental note of using against them, sooner rather than later.
“You do realise that they’ll come after us with a vengeance, right? That could be the end of TVA once and for all, you know very well what he is capable of.”
“Let that be my concern. This is just a temporary solution—one which I am very curious about.”
“But it already—“
“I realise it already happened and that’s exactly why I’m doing this. All we need to do is stop it from happening again by observing the situation intently, stitch up the loop and we’ll be safe. This isn’t my first rodeo, Dave, you of all people should know this.”
“And what about the Tesseract? Wouldn’t it be smarter if we—“
The security officer cleared his throat, announcing their arrival.
“The Tesseract,” Loki interrupted with a glare, strutting towards them like the king he was born to become and despite his shackles, “belongs to me. It called out to me, it is mine.”
“You’ll find a lot of people in this facility who will disagree with you on that. Trust me. We’ll make sure you won’t get your hands on that cube again.” Dave snorted. “I hope you like your new lodging. Now come on, mischief maker. You’ve got a lot of work to do.”
A/N: And Scene! So what do you think, what do you think, what do you think? 🤯 I’m so excited to dive into this story! I literally recorded myself on my phone in the middle of the night a while back when all the ideas I had finally came together so I hope I’ll be taking you on an exciting journey with me!
Chapter 2
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
OVA III - Beel's courting
A/N: This chapter is inspired by a headcanon made by @diavolosthots you can find the actual writing here!
This happens during the times where Beel and Ichigo are not together yet. It was the time where Beel finally realized that he genuinely likes Ichigo and wants to pursue her. Of course, it wouldn't be easy since this girl is friendly and kind to everyone, even him. It's to the point that's he's confused if she's flirting or just being nice to him.
Belphie: So you like-like her?
Beel: I do, but I do need some advice from you since she's actually friendly to everyone :(
Belphie: I think it is safe to pursue her since she's a single pringle.
Beel: True...
Belphie: You can do it Beel! I believe in you!
Beel: Thanks a lot, Belphie!
After talking to Belphie, Beel tells the other brothers that he's about to enter that phase, just if anything he said would be harmful and so that they won't disturb him during such phase.
With that, the courting phase begins. From the looks of it, Ichigo notices that Beel always appears in the same places as her. When she gets out from magic class with Solomon, Beel is waiting for her outside her classroom. It was unfortunate that Beel has a different schedule from her despite having the same exact major.
Solomon: Oh, Hey, Beel!
Beel: Hey, Solomon^^
Ichigo: Beel!! [runs to give him a hug]
Beel: O-oh hey ^^
Ichigo: Did you come to get me? Am I invited to your taste trip again?
Beel: Yeah, I actually want to take you out for lunch today. I know you like exploring Devildom's food, right?
Ichigo: I do! It's interesting actually^^
Solomon: Well, I'll get going. Have fun, you two.
Ichigo: Bye, Monsolo!!
As soon as Solomon leaves, the two go to the restaurant that Beel wants to take her to. It's called Devil's chicken. Devil's chicken just opened days ago, and it seems to be a really famous chicken restaurant in devildom.
Ichigo: These are actually good! I like it!
Beel: You do?
Ichigo: Yeah, I'll give it a 5/5!
Beel responds with a smile listening to her remarks. He's already whipped since day one, especially after Ichigo saved him and Luke from Lucifer's wrath. That's where he starts to admire her. Sure, at first he thinks she's just a delicious meal, now she's not only a delicious meal, but she's also something more. Plus, he admits that Ichigo is good-looking, Asmo has stated, but he hasn't paid any attention until they stayed together in his room. That's when he starts getting attracted to her!
Ichigo: Beel?
Beel: Yeah?
Ichigo: You're blanking out... are you okay?
Beel: Yeah. Oh, there's something on your face
Ichigo: Hm? What is it?
Beel: Here, let me help.
Beel helps Ichigo get rid of the chicken crumbs on her face as the pink-haired girl smiles shyly at this action. Ichigo herself does find Beel attractive because who wouldn't be attracted to that handsome face, tall body, and- *cough* friendly nature.
Anyways, the more they got closer, the clingier Beel got. Luckily it doesn't bother Ichigo since she has some space to herself as well. But it gets a bit troublesome when Beel reaches the next phase, the protective phase. How do we explain this? This man has always been protective, but this time it's troublesome because he actually replaces Mammon as Ichigo's study partner and actually the one taking her to school.
Mammon: Wait! Beel! Hold up!! [chasing after them]
Beel: It's okay, Mammon. I'll be the one taking her. Besides, you have a different major, right?
Mammon: Well...yeah, but still! Lucifer might kill me!
Beel: He won't. I'll explain to him. Don't worry!
Mammon: Alright then... be careful, human!
Ichigo: Don't worry! Beel is a good protector~
Mammon: Shut it! I'm literally your first!
Ichigo: Yeah, yeah~
Another time, Beel actually hangs out inside Ichigo's room, more often confusing everyone. Not only that, they all get glares and growls from this man just because they're entering Ichigo's room except for Haruka since it's her room too. The first victim is Asmo since he wants Ichigo to model for him for another clothing line he's doing, but as soon as he opens the door....that man literally glares at him.
Asmo: [opens the door unannounced] Bestie~! Let's go! I need you for-
Beel: [glaring at Asmo]
Asmo: What's wrong?
Beel: Get out.
Asmo: Why should I?! Plus, Ichigo has promised that she'll model for me!
Beel: Get. Out!
Asmo:... oh my goodness! Are you in that phase?!
Beel: Asmo, please don't make me repeat it!
Asmo: Alright, okay! Understandable! Good luck, Beel!
The door slams close as the girl beside him glances at Beel confusedly.
Ichigo: What's wrong?
Beel: It's nothing. I'm just in a terrible mood...that's all
Ichigo: Oh, do you want to do something to cheer you up?
Beel: Having you near me is enough actually^^
Ichigo blushes a little by that statement, but she doesn't say a thing and just snuggles into Beel's hold once again. Yes, they're actually just laying down on her bed with a movie playing in front of them.
Another time, Satan wants to return a book to Ichigo because they've been exchanging them a lot. Once he opens the door, he finds Beel glaring at him. Satan, being the avatar of wrath, is clearly offended.
Satan: What?! Can I not return my book?!
Beel: Then make it quick.
Satan: What?!
Beel: Just put it there, and go!
Satan: excuse me?! Okay, first of all, you piece of sht, you've monopolizing her! I can't even exchange books freely with her because as soon as I did that, you dragged her away into what?! Some unimportant bullsht like this!
Beel: Satan, please don't-
Satan: And you know what?! Just because you're pursuing her doesn't give you the right to be an asshole!
Ichigo: Sa-Satan...calm down...it's okay....just put the book there...
Satan: Shut it, human! This is none of your business!
And that does it, f in the chatroom for Satan's cheek because Beel literally just punched him there.
Satan: Did you just punched me?! Oh! So that's how it is, huh?! Let's do this then! [demon form mode on]
Ichigo: Guys...there's no need to fight.....
Beel: Let's go then- [completely ignoring Ichigo's words]
Ichigo: Beel, get back here! The movie is still going!
Beel: But-
Ichigo: Please? [puppy eyes]
Beel instantly went soft and did what Ichigo told him. Satan rolls his eyes and places the book on Ichigo's table, and gets out of there. The next victim is Mammon, who walks in unannounced. Oh, boy, that's just worse.
Mammon: Hey, human! Guess what!
Beel: [glaring at him]
Mammon: What?!
Beel: [still doing that]
Ichigo: [points at the door awkwardly]
Mammon: Right...that horrible phase of courting....dang it! [exits the door]
Once Mammon exits the door, he sees Asmo and Satan giving him the "I told you so" look. It's not like he didn't believe them, but it's Beel! He's the kindest demon of them all. How could he scold his own siblings?
Satan: First of all, he did. Didn't you hear us shouting there?!
Mammon: You probably did something fatal to him!
Satan: I was just returning a book! How is that fatal?!
Asmo: And Ichigo has promised to model for me today! Now I have to postpone every single set in existence!
Satan: I'll just do this reasonably. Who here, when they have a crush on someone, would go overprotective?
Mammon: [is silent]
Asmo: Mammon, don't play this game with me. You are too protective for your own good!
Mammon: Fine... [raises his hand]
Satan: So am I, and I'm well aware of that [putting his hand up]
Asmo: I'm guessing Levi, Lucifer and Belphie is also part of that. I'm more on the flirty side, you know~
Satan: We know-
As the three of them discuss this, Haruka sees them, and she asks them what's going on out of curiosity.
Satan: [sigh] That friend of yours is stuck in that room with Beel! He won't even let us in, look! He even punched me!
Haruka: Perhaps you did something incredibly wrong?
Satan: How is returning my book wrong?!
Haruka: Why are you shouting at me?!
Satan: Because I'm still pissed?!
Asmo: Why are you guys getting loud?!
Satan and Haruka: SHUT IT!
Suddenly they hear Levi's door slam open with an angry avatar of envy right there.
Levi: What's with yall?! Why are you so loud in the middle of the night?!
Satan: None of your business, you, snake of a demon!
Levi: Okay...?
Asmo: [sigh] Beel has been scolding us for no reason and has been overly protective of Ichigo. When I say over, I mean OVERLY and UNREASONABLE!
Levi: I'm sure something you guys did may harm that girl. It ain't that big of a deal.
Asmo: It does! It does to my career!
Satan: ...it's not a big deal, but it still pisses me off because he dares to act like an asshole just because he likes someone.
Levi: Wait...
Satan: What?
Mammon: You haven't noticed?!
Mammon: Do his acts not reminded you of every single romance show you watched?!
Levi: Sort- OMLD!
Another door was opened by an annoyed Lucifer, shouting at them to shut up because their loudness gave him a migraine.
Lucifer: Can you all keep it down?!
Satan: Well, blame your younger brother then!
Lucifer: ???
Belphie: zzz.....Beel is in the courting phase....zzz...
Lucifer facepalms at this, but it's best not to disturb him since Beel is on his courting phase. It might create more problems, so Lucifer doesn't bother confronting that gluttony of a demon and just goes back to his office.
Haruka: Are you sure he literally did not let anyone in?
Asmo: Solomon once got smacked by a pillow when he was trying to return something.
Haruka: Really?
Asmo: Yeah, I'd probably justify it if it's out of shock. But nope, Beel actually goes to that portal and Smacks Solomon's head as soon as it pops up.
Haruka: Wow, he's not only protective but violent as well?
Satan: Yes, yes he is [sigh]
Without hesitation, Haruka goes to her room. Of course, the brothers try to stop her out of concern, but Haruka doesn't listen to them because it's her room too.
Haruka: [knocking on the door] Ichigo, you there?
Ichigo: Yep! Right here! Beel is with me too!
Haruka: Can I come in?
Haruka waits for the answer until she hears the door unlock and Beel's voice answering her.
Beel: Yes, you can.
Haruka: Oh, Thank God- [entering the room] oh! You guys are watching a movie?
Beel: Yeah!
Ichigo: Do you want to join us?
Haruka : If Beel allows me^^
Beel was a bit hesitant about this idea, but he lets her watch the movie with them. Meanwhile, in Lucifer's office, the rest of the brothers (namely Mammon, Satan, and Asmo) complain about Beel's attitude causing the eldest to slam his desk to shut them up.
Lucifer: Then don't disturb him!
Satan: What?! Okay, first off, just because you're pursuing someone doesn't mean you should be an asshole to others!
Lucifer: Don't play this game with me, Satan. You know well that this phase isn't something he can't control!
Satan: Oh? So we're talking self-control, huh?! How about you control that pride of yours, huh?!
Asmo and Mammon gasp at Satan's comment because, oh wow, this is getting personal. Lucifer glares at his brother/son while Satan looks as smug as ever.
Lucifer: Mammon, Asmo, take him out of my office.
Mammon: Will do-
Asmo: Okay-
The two brothers dragged Satan away from the office, leaving Lucifer sighing and thinks he might need something to relieve his stress.
About the phase, there's something odd about it. Because Beel surprisingly allows the angels to meet Ichigo! The target of his pursue! One time, Simeon and Luke both visit because Simeon needs to meet Haruka and Luke wants to meet Ichigo to share food together.
Beel: Oh well, Haruka is in her room with Ichigo.
Luke: Ooh! Is she busy?
Beel: Not really^^ [sniffs the air] Oh, those smell good-
Luke: No! [puts the basket away] These are for Ichigo! >:(
Beel: Alright, alright^^ [pats Luke]
The other brothers witnessing this are confused. Why is Beel allowing the angels in?!
Satan: Are you for real?!
Asmo: I'm so confused-
Mammon: He let them in, and he's friendly with them?!
Satan: That doesn't make sense! We're all men, and we can't enter her room yet when it's Simeon and Luke they can?!
Asmo: That's so unfair!
As Beel takes them into the room, the chaotic trio (yes, Satan is now as chaotic due to his rage) chases after him. The three of them basically trying to enter.
Satan: Beel! Open up! This doesn't make any sense! You're allowing them in, but we can't?!
Asmo: Bestie, Ichigo? Can I come in? I won't do much. Cross my heart!
Mammon: Heh! Courting phase, my ass! You're just monopolizing her for your own benefit!
Haruka, who is also inside, is concerned because THEIR DOOR IS ABOUT TO BREAK FOR THE NTH TIME!
Haruka: That door is going to break! We need someone to stop it
Simeon: ... I didn't know your phase would go this bad, Beel...
Beel: I told them I'd be in my courting phase, and I even apologized beforehand for my actions, but here we are...
Ichigo: You're in a what-
Luke: What even is going on? What phase? Why am I here?
Beel: No-nothing! I'm just-
Haruka: [sigh] Whatever, we need someone to prevent the door from breaking apart. The last time that broke was because SOMEONE is too SENSITIVE of his FOOD!
Beel: Can we stop talking about that... it's been months!
Haruka: Just stop that! I don't want my door breaking out again!
Beel: Fine-
Ichigo: Wait, no-
Haruka: ??? Our door is going to break, and you still hesitate?!
Ichigo: I know what to do- [calls Lucifer]
With that, Ichigo calls Lucifer to help them with the door. Lucifer sighs for the nth time. How many times does he need to deal with this?!
Lucifer: For the last time! STOP BOTHERING HIM!
Satan: It isn't fair! He even lets Simeon and Luke in!
Lucifer: They're angels-
Satan: Yeah? Tell that to Solomon, who got smack by him because he's trying to return something.
Lucifer: Solomon is suspicious, and I'm sort of proud he did that. Now get off the door before I use physical force on you.
Asmo: But-
Lucifer: NOW!
Asmo and Mammon back away while Satan scoffs and just leans on the door. We have no idea why he's so persistent. Either he's into one of the girls, or he just wants to piss Lucifer off.
Lucifer: [sigh] Fine, physical force it is. [drags Satan by force]
Satan: What the?! Let go! Hey! LET GO!!
Satan: This is none of your business!
Lucifer: Clearly is, Beel's my brother, and obviously, our honored guest needs my help.
Satan: Just let go of me, you prideful prick!
Back inside, the rest are listening to the chaos out there. They did hear Lucifer scolding them but finally, it's silent.
Haruka: Oh God, finally!
Beel: Finally, indeed...
Ichigo: Can someone just tell me what's going on?!
Beel: I can't.... not now, at least...
Ichigo: Why not?! Beel, I don't know how the demon system works, sure, but you have to be honest with me!
Beel: If I tell you.... it would just fail. Can you please trust me on this? This is not a bad thing, okay...
Ichigo: Not a bad thing?! You're literally keeping me away from your brothers! Are you sure this isn't a bad thing?!
Luke: ?? Why are they fighting??
Simeon: I'm not sure.... let's just leave them...
Haruka: I think that's a good idea... sure, let's do that...
Days have passed, and Ichigo is still a bit salty about this. Because clearly, Beel has gone a bit overprotective for his own good. Even when she's hanging out with Belphie, that man would literally growl at his own twin. I repeat, his OWN TWIN BROTHER! Even the youngest groans in frustration hearing him.
Belphie: Beel! This is my room! Come on!
Beel: Fine....just don't come near her. [actually keeps Ichigo close]
Belphie: I won't! Chill out, twin bro!
Beel: Okay...
Ichigo: What's happening? Why are you still like this?!
Belphie: He's in-
Beel: [glares at Belphie]
Belphie: Well, alright then- :))
The last case is when Lucifer calls Ichigo into his office. Beel is hesitant to let her leave, but this is Lucifer, so he has to. Once she's there, it turns out that Lucifer found out about Beel's actions and asked about them.
Lucifer: So, I heard Beel is on another phase, is he?
Ichigo: A phase? What phase?
Lucifer: A phase where he turns into an overprotective demon.
Ichigo: That's true... I'm not sure why, though.
Lucifer: Of course not. You're not a demon, Ichigo. You have 0 idea how the system works.
Ichigo: True...
Lucifer: He's actually on his courting phase.
Ichigo: Courting phase?
Lucifer: Yes, just like in the human world. He's courting you.
Ichigo: ...what?!
Lucifer: I'm not surprised. Honestly, he's already whipped. But here's the issue with that behavior. He'll most likely abandon his tasks for you or the other way around, pulling you away from your tasks. Now we don't want that don't we?
Ichigo: Certainly not, sir-
Lucifer: Indeed. I'm not sure when it'll end, but you need to catch up on your tasks and your report soon once that phase ends.
Ichigo: Of course
Jokes on you all, there's more. Because that one time, Ichigo, Haruka, and Levi are watching TSL. Levi even invited Simeon and Solomon to watch with them. Ichigo is so engorged in that movie that she didn't realize Beel has joined them.
Simeon: Oh hey, Beel! You're here to join us?
Beel: Yep^^
Levi: Probably here for the snack. Here, have them. [gives Beel popcorns]
Beel: Thanks a lot, Levi!
The movie went on as the TSL fans (Levi and Solomon) focused on the film. Haruka and Ichigo are not big fans, but they must admit it's a good movie. Suddenly, Ichigo feels a head on her shoulder. She turns her head to the right and finds Beel leaning on her shoulder. He's even nuzzling on her neck.
Ichigo: Beel, that tickles- [tries not to laugh]
Beel: Oh...can I still lean on you?
Ichigo: Sure, that's okay^^
Beel: Thanks, you're really cozy [gives her a slight ruffle on her hair]
Ichigo: Hey! You're going to ruin it!
Beel: No, I didn't!
The others stare at them, yes, even Levi because these two are kinda loud. Levi rolls his eyes and scolds them for talking during a movie.
Levi: Can you two normies take the flirting somewhere else?!
Beel:... :(
Ichigo: Sorry Levi- ;-;
Haruka: Don't mind them, Levi. We can still watch the movie.
Levi: Fine...
Solomon holds down his laughter because he can clearly see these two are pinning. The way Beel clings to her and how Ichigo reacts to it, that's quite obvious to this sorcerer. Haruka also notices, which is why she justifies their action. They're in love; let them be!
Now back to the movie, they all watch it silently this time, but because of how late they're watching, Ichigo turns sleepy and accidentally sleeps on the couch. Everyone looks back and sees the pink-haired girl asleep with a blanket on top of her, hugging her water bottle. Levi and Beel both went soft on her, plus knowing how many tasks Lucifer has given her, yeah, no wonder she's tired.
Haruka: Beel, can you get her into our room?
Beel: Of course^^
Haruka: I feel bad that she's sleeping on the sofa like this...
Beel: Yeah...
With that, Beel carries Ichigo back to Haruka's and Ichigo's room. Once they're gone, Solomon, Levi, and Haruka sigh while Simeon is just there staring at them confusedly.
Solomon: Those two are clearly in love!
Haruka: I know, right?! I can see it!
Levi: Beel be acting as the male lead of some shoujo manga or something-
Simeon: He reminds me of a book character, such a sweetheart^^
Haruka: I agree entirely. Hope they'll get together soon. They're just adorable together~
Levi: This normie talk makes me wanna puke!
Solomon: There's a toilet. Use it. [deadpan]
Levi: Shut it!
Weeks later, the courting phase has died down, and Beel finally musters his courage to tell her his feelings. He looks for her everywhere and finally finds her in the kitchen making instant noodles in the middle of the afternoon since it's Sunday and there's no food around.
Ichigo: Oh! Hey, Beel!
Beel: Hi [awkwardly]
Ichigo: What's up? Hungry by chance?
The orange-haired man nod as he goes to the fridge to get some snacks. Perhaps an ice cream Mammon bought for him when he went grocery shopping. Once he gets his snack, Ichigo is also finished with her instant noodle. The two finally sit together in silence, yet it's sort of awkward because Beel keeps on fidgeting.
Ichigo: Beel, what's wrong?
Beel: I'm fine... the noodles smell good, by the way
Ichigo: I present to you, Indomie! It's a human-world instant noodle. Do you want some?
Beel: If you don't mind...
Ichigo: Of course not, let me get a plate for you- [goes to the pantry to get one]
Beel: Wait!
Ichigo: Hm?
Beel: I have to tell you something...
Ichigo: Oh? What is it [going back to her chair]
Beel: I like you.
Ichigo: I know, we're friends. We're literally close!
Beel: Friends don't kiss...don't they?
Ichigo: They can if you live in France...I don't know how devildom works, though...
Beel: Ichigo, I like you, as a lover-
Ichigo: A-A lover?!
Beel: Please tell me you reciprocate my feelings.... you do, right?
Ichigo: I do... but I'm not ready for a relationship... is it okay if we take this slow?
Beel: I'm totally okay with that. I just need to let it out since my courting phase has died down.
Ichigo: Well, that's true. That was a wild ride- [laughs slightly]
Beel: It is...
Ichigo: Have you apologized to them?
Beel: I do...Satan smacked me with his thick novel for it, though.
Ichigo: Really?! Where did he hit you?! Is it painful?!
Beel: Quite painful, but I'm fine now. He hit me around this area, I think... [points to that area]
Suddenly Beel feels Ichigo's fingers go through that area, rubbing it to soothe the pain.
Ichigo: I can still feel the bump in there. I think it's not fully healed.
Beel: Really?
Ichigo: Yeah... you poor thing :(
Beel: I'm okay, really
Ichigo: Still, I was the cause of all your conflicts with all your brothers-
Beel: Hey, hey, don't blame yourself for it! It's not your fault!
Ichigo still feels guilty, causing Beel to sigh and pulls her into his lap, earning him a surprised yelp from the pink-hair girl. Beel looks up to her as Ichigo instinctively wraps her arms around his neck to keep her position.
Beel: It's not your fault, okay. Every demon experiences this. It just differs between demons. We do get protective of the beings that we love. Some are overly protective like me...some do it more subtlety, but everyone is different.
Ichigo: So it's just your way of courting me?
Beel: It is. If anything, I'm sorry. You're probably overwhelmed by it...
Ichigo: It's okay, and I'm sorry for snapping at you that one time. Plus, if that didn't happen, we won't be here, don't we?
Beel: True, very true, and I'm totally okay with that. You have no idea what's going on.
Ichigo smiles sweetly at the man beneath her, and he returns it. Until they hear footsteps coming to the kitchen. The two of them stare at the intruder, and it turns out to be Satan, about to cook some lunch for everyone.
Satan: What the fck-
Ichigo: I can explain!
Satan: Please do! Because I'm sure such affections can be done in the bedroom!
Ichigo rolls her eyes and gets off Beel to finish her indomie while Beel just throws the ice cream package on the trash can. Well, that's an awkward ending, but that's pretty much how Beel courts Ichigo, and with her, they create a beautiful relationship together~
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Just Best Friends - 3/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: It’s so good. So, so good. I can’t wait to hear what y’all think!
Chapter 3 -
Barry got lucky after his meeting with Iris. Linda hadn’t been answering his calls, so he assumed she’d gone home. Maybe she was in traffic and didn’t take calls while she was driving. He winced when he realized that was kind of weak. He decided to check CCPN, just in case she had decided to work late. He found her gathering her things at her desk and heaving her purse over her shoulder. She was one of the only employees left.
He waited until she looked up and spotted him by the doorway. She came to an immediate halt. Her shoulders slumped – her first reaction – but she quickly straightened them again and approached him head-on.
“Barry,” she said, and he could tell she was forcing the cheerfulness in her voice.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he said, deciding to get right to the point.
She sighed. “I was working.”
“That’s never stopped you from taking my calls before.”
Her lips thinned.
“I assume you talked with Iris.”
The bitterness in her voice was now clear as day, but still, Barry’s eyebrows furrowed.
“What makes you think that? I mean, I have, but how did y-?”
“She left early,” she said, knowingly. “And when I passed her and asked why, she said she was going to see a source.”
“And…that immediately going to see me?” he asked, dumbfounded.
“She couldn’t look me in the eye, Barry. I’ve been a reporter long enough to know when someone is dodging a question because they’re not sure how the answer will be received.”
She suppressed an eye roll just barely and moved past him.
“Wait, Linda-”
She spun around.
“I know she’s in denial about how she feels about you. It’s obvious to me and to Eddie probably. But what I don’t know is why you continue to date me when it’s clear your heart is someplace else.”
He exhaled, trying to get his bearings.
“You’re not a rebound, Linda.”
She raised her eyebrows, doubtful.
“You’re not,” he insisted. “How can you be when Iris has never shown any interest in me romantically?”
She folded her arms.
“Well, she’s showing interest now. Does that change things?”
“She’s not-” He pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “Okay, look, you want to know what Iris and I talked about just a little while ago?”
“Not particularly but go ahead.”
“She wanted advice on how to make it up to Eddie. Not to tell me she’s got feelings for me, but how to fix her relationship.”
She thought about that for a beat.
“And what did you tell her?”
“I…suggested she do the same thing I planned on doing with you.”
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?”
“A romantic night to make up for last night.”
“Oh, you mean to make me forget about you sucking her finger as she wiped ketchup from your face?”
He held his breath.
“Or maybe when I went to get drinks, how she sat on your lap, and you groped her?”
He blanched.
“I did not grope her. I held onto her so she wouldn’t fall off. I-” He held his tongue, afraid of what might come spilling out next.
“I think I’ll pass on the ‘romantic night’, thanks,” she spat bitterly, moving past him again.
“Linda,” he called out, desperate to fix things before she walked out the door.
“I just…have a hard time thinking you won’t be imagining I’m someone else.”
“I won’t!” He hurried over to her. “Linda, I really, really like you.”
“And I like you too,” she said. “And when it’s just us, it’s great. But the way you and Iris act when it’s just the two of you…there’s something else there, Barry. Whether you want to admit it or not.”
He huffed.
“So, what? You’re breaking up with me?”
“Think of it as a break, Ross-and-Rachel style. Except maybe don’t pull a Ross and sleep with her, if you think you can handle that. It wouldn’t be fair to Eddie after all.”
“I’ll see you around, Barry.”
Shell-shocked, he watched as she walked out the door, not another glance or another word in his direction. CCPN was completely empty now, other than himself and the janitor starting to sneak in from the back entrance.
This had not gone the way he hoped, not by a long shot. Maybe it was his conversation with Joe, but in the short time he’d known Linda, she’d somehow been able to see right through him. He did like Linda for Linda, but after last night… Maybe he would’ve been imagining her as Iris throughout their romantic evening. He guessed he couldn’t blame her for wanting to put things on hold.
Damn, though. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. How was he ever going to get over Iris if the first girl he dated wouldn’t even give him a chance?
She had, now that he thought about it. Given him two chances at that. Maybe three was one too many.
Dragging his feet, he exited CCPN and started walking down the street. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to Iris, updating her on his progress or lack thereof.
He just hoped she had more luck than he had.
Even if he really didn’t.
He could kick himself for how conflicting his feelings were.
If only there had never been Eddie. Maybe then Iris wouldn’t be in denial, if she was in denial like Linda said. Maybe Linda would’ve found someone she really liked who only liked her then too.
It was just all so complicated.
His phone vibrated, and he looked down at the message he’d received from Iris. There was no response to his recent demise, but he supposed she was nervous for her own possible failure.
I’m about to talk to Eddie rn. Wish me luck!
And he did wish her luck.
One of them should win tonight.
Well, it wasn’t imminent that Eddie walked through the door. It was a whole two hours later at 7:30pm. The food was cold by then. Yes, she, Iris West, had actually cooked. She wasn’t the best cook around, but she did know how to make a mean lasagna, which was Eddie’s favorite. She had learned it in her sole cooking class with Barry the summer between high school and college. She supposed that knowledge would irritate Eddie further, but she had no intention of telling him, and up until now she’d been able to keep that.
When Eddie finally did walk through the door, he reeked of alcohol, making her decision to pour red wine to both of them hours ago moot. The wax on the candles had melted almost halfway down too, making the flame look somewhat pathetic as it licked at the sides of each stick.
Eddie didn’t notice her sexy outfit either. She’d actually stopped on the way home to pick one up. It wasn’t lingerie, but it was the next best thing, the perfect little black dress and heels to match. Plus a pair of beautiful crystal earrings Eddie had gotten her for Christmas in addition to the key to his apartment.
It was supposed to be the perfect night. She had planned everything out to the tee. All it had been missing was the man of the hour, and she had a feeling that as bad as things were, they were about to get worse.
“Hey!” he cheered, stumbling towards the table. “Food! Unfortunately…” He put his hand over his stomach. “I’m already full.” He looked apologetic, but only for a second. Then he burst out laughing as drool seeped from his lips.
She stood up angrily, even though she knew deep down it wouldn’t hit home. Still, she couldn’t help herself.
“Of what? Booze?”
“Yep!” he said. “And it tasted great!”
She wrinkled her nose. Eddie wasn’t the biggest fan of beer. She actually liked that about him.
“But let’s see, what have we here…” He managed to get into the chair, and hesitantly, Iris sat back down again. “It’s lasagna,” she explained, as level-headed as she could. “Your favorite.”
He scooped up a bite before she could stop him and stuck it in his mouth.
“Ohh, it’s cold!” He scowled before spitting it out on the plate. “Iris!” he scowled.
She stared down in shock, grossed out and mortified. Then she ground her teeth and looked up at him.
“It wasn’t two hours ago.”
“Well, how was I supposed to know you were making dinner?” He slouched back in the chair. “You didn’t call, didn’t text…”
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” she said through her teeth.
“Well, you can’t blame me for not knowing.”
“And what about me?” she asked, angrily gathering the plates and scraping his portion into the trash while she put hers, along with what was left into the fridge.
“What about you?” He glared, disappointed by the lack of warm food in front of him, despite his claim that he was full. He reached for the glass of wine before she snatched it away, and he actually huffed. “Oh, come on, Iris! I didn’t know!”
She spun around, full of rage now.
“And what, I was supposed to know you were going to go out to the bar for hours? You never do that.”
“That you know of,” he said, holding up his pointer finger.
She scoffed and folded her arms.
“Well, you never come home drunk.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Well, maybe I had reason to get drunk.”
“Oh, yeah? Like, what?” she demanded, putting one hand on her hip.
He stumbled to his feet.
“I don’t know, Iris. Maybe I couldn’t get the image of you and Barry out of my head!” he spat.
“Oh, for crying out loud. What did we do that was so horrible?”
“You stuck your finger in his mouth!” he accused.
“To get the ketchup off his face!”
“And you couldn’t just hand him a napkin?” he actually growled.
She huffed. “You’re being unreasonable.”
“Am I? How was your relationship with Linda today at work? Pleasant or not so much?”
She folded her arms again.
“That’s none of your business.”
“Ah.” He nodded knowingly. “Not so much then.”
“I didn’t say that,” she said, warningly.
“Even if for some God-forsaken reason, I didn’t find issue with him sucking your finger like some love-struck lover-”
“That’s enough!”
“I definitely would’ve not been okay with you sitting on his lap, and him touching your leg.” His face twisted in disgust.
“He was holding me in place! And sometimes, I sit on his lap. We’re just best friends. We do that sometimes.”
“Uh huh.” He nodded, unconvinced. “Well, something tells me you and I have different definitions what best friends do and do not do when they’re in a relationship with other people.”
She held her temper in check for just a moment longer before bursting.
“What do you want me to say, Eddie? That I’m sorry that you feel so threatened by a platonic relationship?”
“Oh, you did not-”
“Because that’s what it is. Platonic.”
“Get out.”
Her eyes widened.
“Excuse me?”
“I said get out!” he yelled, which had her falling back a few steps from the force of the sound. “I can’t stand the sight of you.”
He turned then, headed for the bedroom and slammed the door closed behind him.
Iris stood in shock, unable to move for several moments. Then, before she burst into tears, she grabbed her purse and her jacket and swung open the front door, closing it tightly behind her. She left her key to the apartment on the kitchen table. If he wanted her to use it again, he would have to hand deliver it.
Barry sat in the living room staring at a blank TV, wondering if Iris’ night was going better than his was. Joe wasn’t home yet. He’d texted a little while ago saying he was working late and that he was responsible for his own dinner. There were leftovers in the fridge, but Barry had ordered pizza. He’d selected to pick it up, given he could get it faster than a delivery guy could bring it. And he’d ordered several pizzas. He’d been ravenous, and to be honest, he was eating his feelings too, which meant double what he normally got. They were out of beer, so he’d grabbed a soda to wash it down. The empty boxes sat on the kitchen table. He’d yet to dispose of them.
Just then there was a knock at the door. Barry frowned. Joe had a key, so it couldn’t be him. He wondered who else it would be. The knob started to move, and he realized that whoever it was had expected the door to be unlocked. Barry had a habit of not locking the door, but he had this time for whatever reason, maybe just to find something to do.
He gasped. It was Iris’ voice.
He supersped to the door and opened it in a heartbeat.
“Iris!” He tried to control his instinctual enthusiasm. He focused instead on the defeated look on her face and knew that her attempts at a romantic night had gone as wrong as his had, and that he should not be happy about it.
“What happened?” he asked next, figuring that was the best way to go.
Iris huffed and pushed past him into the house, kicking her high heels off and shedding her jacket. She then turned to Barry and gestured to her ensemble for the night.
“I dressed like this, cooked him dinner, lit some candles, and he came home two hours late, drunk, we fought again, and he kicked me out.”
Barry tried to process everything that she’d said in a heartbeat. It was easier said than done.
Finally, he said, “You cooked him dinner?” And then immediately regretted it at the look of desperation that followed on her face. “I mean…”
“The lasagna, Barry! The one that I’m unspeakably good at?”
He shook the revelation off and approached her.
“I’m so sorry, Iris. If you had done all that for me…”
She looked up at him hopefully.
“Well, I wouldn’t have kicked you out. For starters, you look incredible. And your lasagna is to die for.”
Her bottom lip trembled.
“Thank you.”
He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
“And hey, we can commiserate together. My night didn’t go so well either. I’ve been staring at a blank TV eating my feelings.”
Iris managed to laugh at that. She wiped away the tears that had started to fall down her face and were staining his t-shirt.
“That bad, huh?”
“Linda said we’re on a ‘break’. I’m not allowed to sleep with you though,” he informed her matter-of-factly.
She scoffed. “I didn’t know she was a fan of Friends.”
“Learn something new every day, I guess.”
He set his chin on top of her head, until she eventually tipped her head back to address him.
“I think I’d like to stay here tonight, if that’s okay.”
“Of course,” he said immediately. “You’re always welcome here, Iris.”
She smiled tremulously.
“Thanks. I’d like to get out of these clothes too.”
His first thought was her in the nude, and he fought not to get aroused by the image.
“I don’t know if any of my stuff is still here. Could I borrow one of your shirts?”
Oh. Duh.
“Of course,” he answered. “Anything you find, you can wear. Mi clothes, su clothes.”
She rolled her eyes at his attempt at a foreign language.
“Thanks, Bear.”
She untangled herself slowly and headed for the stairs. She stopped right as she reached the first step and looked over her shoulder.
“Hey, you wouldn’t mind putting a movie in, would you? Something light? I could use a distraction to get my mind off…everything.”
“Of course,” he said with a smile. “I’ll find a comedy on Netflix. It’ll be ready when you get down.”
She smiled timidly and nodded, then headed up the stairs.
While she was gone, Barry easily found a movie he thought she’d like and then started some microwave popcorn in the kitchen. He pulled out a couple sodas from the fridge and was all ready to go well before she arrived.
Now he sat, staring at the TV with the freezeframe of the movie on it, doing his best not to inhale all of the popcorn before Iris returned. It wasn’t easy. He got up to make a second bowlful just in case he ate the first bowl without realizing it the way he’d gone through seven boxes of pizza.
Upstairs, Iris had first checked her room for any remaining clothes, but as she’d guessed, the entire room was empty. She sighed and headed down the hall to Barry’s room. It was surprisingly clean, except for one pile of dirty clothes in the corner of the room. She went straight to his dresser, smiling briefly at a picture of the two of them as kids that he had sitting on top of it.
Then she opened his middle drawer and found an array of t-shirts, both long-sleeved and short. She grabbed a short-sleeved one, because she knew she’d drown in it anyway and quickly stripped out of the sexy dress she’d put on earlier that evening, putting the t-shirt on over her head.
The sleeves fell past her elbows and the hem almost reached her knees. Feeling comfortable and satisfied though, she gathered her previous outfit in her arms and carried it with her down the stairs.
The aroma of butter popcorn hit her when she was halfway down the stairs.
“Mmm.” She licked her lips. “You didn’t tell me you were going to make popcorn.” Her eyes widened when he turned his head and saw that there were two bowls on the coffee table.
“Uh…” He blinked, having not considered how sexy she would look in just his t-shirt. He swallowed. “One bowl each?” he suggested.
She laughed.
“Well, I technically haven’t eaten dinner, so I guess that’ll do.”
“Oh. We have leftovers in the fridge I can heat up. Or I can order another pizza.”
“Another?” She raised an eyebrow, then followed his shifty eyes to the pile of pizza boxes on the kitchen table. “Oh, my. You really were eating your feelings, weren’t you?”
He avoided her gaze.
“You really like this Linda, huh?”
She covered her hand over one of his own and squeezed gently. All he could bring himself to do was nod. He did like Linda, but what Iris was doing to him now…he could barely breathe.
Iris sighed and released him.
“She’s overreacting, Barry. So is Eddie for that matter. I mean, we’re clearly just friends.”
“We’re just…touchy-feely. It comes natural to us. We don’t know any other way.”
“Exactly. That’s how I feel too.”
He couldn’t imagine a world in which Iris wasn’t all over him, even if it was just as a friend.
She shook her head.
“They’ll just have to adjust eventually. And if they want us in their life, they will. I’m certain of it.”
“…and if they don’t?”
Her hand covered his knee and squeezed.
“Let’s just not think about that right now.”
“Let’s just watch a funny movie, eat some popcorn, and sleep down the hall from each other like the good ‘ol days.”
He cracked a grin and nodded.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Iris got up, walked to the other side of him and snuggled into his side. Barry easily wrapped his arm around her, intertwining their fingers and kissing the top of her head before grabbing the remote and hitting play.
“Where’s my dad by the way?” she asked. “I noticed he wasn’t here. Is he sleeping?”
“Uh, no. Working late. I would think he’d be home soon though.”
“Let’s save some popcorn for him. Just in case he wants some.”
Barry made a mental note of that.
“Good idea.”
The opening credits of the movie started to show on the screen.
“Ooo, shh, it’s starting.”
Iris pursed her lips, looked up at him with a smile and then focused on the movie. Her knees brushed his, but he tried not to think about it and watched the movie as well. She was such a distraction to his senses, but tonight was about her. He wanted to focus entirely on her happiness and not what she was doing to him without even realizing it.
Like the good ‘ol days, she’d said, and he intended to make it that way.
About halfway through the movie, Barry reached for the remote again and hit pause. Frowning, Iris looked up at him in question.
“Why’d you stop it?”
“I was thinking…” he began, with a devious smile. “Ice cream?”
Her jaw dropped. “You have some?”
“I may have been always adding it to Joe’s grocery list since I moved in again.”
She laughed, and the sound was music to his ears.
“Alright, Allen, nicely done.”
He grinned. “Thank you, thank you,” he mock-bowed, then got up and headed for the kitchen.
“Hey, I’ll come with you!” she called out, and he froze momentarily.
“You don’t have to, Iris. I think I can handle a couple scoops.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.”
He looked at her curiously as she passed him into the kitchen.
“I want to. Let’s make some memories.”
He smiled softly and lifted her clear off her feet so he could get to the freezer first.
She gasped and wiggled her feet until he set her back down.
“Oh, my God!” she stared at him, then took notice of the biceps that peeked out of his sleeves. They looked considerably bigger than what he’d had before, which was none at all.
“What?” he asked, when he caught her staring.
“I just…when did you get so strong?” she found herself saying, meeting his eyes now. “It can’t all be from ‘jogging’.” She rolled her eyes, reminding him of his excuse on a previous outing they’d had.
He chuckled, and she found it…sexy? The thought unnerved her, so she swallowed and did her best to shake the thought free of her. Barry wasn’t sexy. He was cute and deserved to be with someone equally cute. But he wasn’t sexy, at least not to her. He was Barry. And Barry was…
“I may have been working out at the gym a little bit.”
Her jaw dropped, and she found she had to catch her breath when he leaned in.
“But I think you overestimate just how heavy you are.”
She blinked and swallowed.
“You’re light as a feather to me.”
She smiled slowly, then cleared her throat.
She moved past him and fetched the ice cream scoop from one of the drawers.
“Here you go.”
She handed it to him.
His smile twitched, but he took it. Their fingers brushed, and Iris felt her heart start to race.
What was the matter with her? They’d been cuddling on the couch for an hour, and she hadn’t had any issue. But now…
“Whipped cream?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
She smiled serenely, not expecting in the least what came next.
Barry dropped a dot of the whipped cream on her nose. Her mouth fell open, and her eyes widened. All nerves vanished. This was war.
“Ohh, you’re going to regret that.”
He grinned, holding the tub of whipped cream in his hand.
“Am I?” he teased, holding it above her head now.
She grabbed the gallon of ice cream and shoved it onto his face. He stumbled back a few steps as the whipped cream landed on the island table.
He gasped. “Cold, cold.”
“Vindication is mind,” she gleamed.
“Not so fast.” He shoved his hand into the whipped cream and started to come at her with it.
“Oh, no you don’t!”
She started to run from him, and he fought not to use his super speed to catch up with her. He chased her around the kitchen until finally he caught a hold of her waist with his other hand and pulled her close. She planted her hands on his chest and giggled.
“I surrender, I surrender!”
She looked up into his eyes, felt her heart thudding away again, and realized they were very, very close. Her breath caught in her throat, even as the ice cream dripped down onto her shirt from his face. To break the tension, she grabbed a hold of his other hand and shoved it on his face, so it was now a mix of whipped cream and ice cream.
The action caught him off guard and he released her. She scrambled away and ran into the living room, expecting him to follow her.
“Barry?” she called out to him.
“What?” he asked, sounding a little grouchy as he wiped his face clean with a towel.
“You’re not mad, are you? I thought we were…”
“Making memories?” he asked, as she stepped back into the kitchen. There was a grin on his face, and she felt butterflies inside her at the sight of him. She’d assumed he’d been using a towel to wipe his face free of cream, and maybe he had, but now he’d taken off his t-shirt and was using that.
Her eyes fell to his defined abs and the v-line just above his sweats, and she could hardly catch her breath.
“I’ll be in the living room,” she said, knowing she had to get away from him pronto. She didn’t know how to explain everything she was feeling, but she knew it was dangerous to be this close to him while he was half-undressed, and while she was…
Well, all she was wearing under his giant shirt was a pair of lace panties.
She braced her hands on the top of the couch, trying to get her heart rate under control. From Barry’s suddenly sexy voice to his clear biceps and visible abs on his stomach, he was attractive as hell to her. And he was her best friend too, which made him even more desirable.
“What are you doing?” she whispered to herself.
“Everything okay?” he asked, peeking his head out of the kitchen.
She lifted her head and took one look at him and knew there was no going back. She crossed the distance between them, hooked her hands on either side of his face and yanked him down to her as she went up on her tiptoes.
Their lips met, and it was like electricity crackling between them. All she could feel was him, and all she could hear was their heavy breathing and the pounding away of her heartbeat.
She pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, remembering suddenly that he’d told her he didn’t feel that way about her anymore.
She didn’t have to wait long though to realize that he’d lied straight to her face.
His lips came down on hers again, this time of his own volition, and they were hungry, sloppy, a mess. She loved it. She stuck her tongue into his mouth and thrilled with the sound of his groan and the feel of his hands as they explored her back and gripped her curves.
Iris, for her part, spread her hands over his chest, then yanked him closer by his shoulders. As the kissing grew more heated, Barry started to walk her back into the living room, and in no time at all, Iris was helping him take her shirt off – his shirt off – and revealing her bare breasts and torso to him.
He stilled, then reverently cupped one breast in each hand before dipping his head down and sucking on each nipple until they were hardened pebbles beneath his lips. She held his head to her chest, seeking more, her toes curling as she fell back onto the arm of the couch. Her head hit the cushions, and Barry sat looking down at her, mesmerized by all that she was, hardly believing this was happening.
And something in the way he said her name clicked.
Eddie. Linda.
“I’m not allowed to sleep with you though,” Barry had said.
She scrambled to the side of the couch, breathing heavily, her fingers covering her lips, bruised from Barry’s kisses.
“We should stop.”
Barry didn’t want to stop. He wanted to keep going, see where this would lead. But logic and common sense told him Iris would no longer cooperate with that line of thinking. After all, Linda had given him explicit instructions not to sleep with Iris. He’d never dreamed he’d be given the opportunity, but now that it was upon him…was he really going to cheat?
And Iris, well, she’d cheated. Plain and simple. Eddie had kicked her out for the night, not broken up with her. And he’d been drunk. He’d probably regret it in the morning and apologize. Meanwhile, she’d been doing…this.
But it did settle one burning question. Iris definitely had feelings for him. Or at the very least she was attracted to him physically. So where did they go from here? He knew he definitely wouldn’t find out tonight.
While he was lost in his thoughts of what this all meant and how he would approach Linda the next time he saw her, if he’d tell her the truth, Iris had scrambled the short distance to his shirt that she’d been wearing and put it back on.
She wasn’t any less sexy with it on, but it did solidify where things stood between them now. At least for the rest of the night.
“I should go.”
He frowned.
“You can still stay here, Iris. What happened now…doesn’t change that.”
“No, I can’t.” She glanced over at his topless body and knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him if they were just down the hall from each other. What if they both woke up in the middle of the night and ended up in the bathroom? In that close space, with just the two of them? Anything can happen.
“I really can’t.”
She shook her head and grabbed the outfit she’d warn to the house. Then she ducked into the first-floor bathroom and changed clothes. When she came back out, Barry had put on a new shirt, and she was grateful for that.
“I’m sorry, Barry.” She swallowed. “I’m really, really sorry for…all of this.” She gestured to the space between them, then headed for the door, leaving him speechless.
As soon as she opened the door however, in walked Joe, practically walking into her as she tried to make her way out.
“Iris.” His brows furrowed. “What are you doing here?”
“She and Eddie got in a fight,” Barry said, supplying what she clearly could not.
Iris couldn’t even be mad.
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. You can stay the night if you want to.”
Was it just her or was her dad just a little too okay with her spending the night away from her live-in boyfriend?
“No, that’s okay,” she said assuredly. “I mean, I was going to, but uh…I think I should try to work things out.”
She almost turned and looked back at Barry, but she resisted. Even the sight of him in clothes was dangerous to her now. Instead she kissed her dad on the cheek and moved past him to outside, rushing out to her car.
She drove away before either of the men could think to question her further.
“Did something…happen here?” Joe asked Barry after the car had disappeared around the bend.
“No, nothing,” Barry said, avoiding his gaze. “Just watching a movie.”
Joe looked at the TV and saw a screensaver had come on.
“Did you finish it?”
Barry wrapped his arm around the back of his head.
“Ah…no, no we didn’t, but um…I’m kinda tired.” He attempted a yawn. “I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
Joe watched him curiously as he headed for the stairs.
“Did you eat at least?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes. Pizza. Lots and lots of…pizza. And popcorn! We saved some for you.”
Joe’s eyes landed on the empty pizza boxes and a half bowl of popcorn.
“Oh, thanks.”
But when he turned to look at Barry again, the boy was gone and upstairs in his room, his heart pounding as he closed the bedroom door behind him.
Joe didn’t bother with any further questioning. He walked into the kitchen instead and found a half-gallon of ice cream and a splattered tub of whipped cream, along with an unused ice cream scooper. No other spoons and no bowls. Some cream in spots on the floor.
But he didn’t call Barry to wipe up the mess. He did it himself, making a mental note to question Barry about it the next day, because something had definitely happened while he’d been gone, and while he didn’t necessarily need all the details, he thought he should know some of them.
In his bedroom, Barry lay in his bed, half-naked again, recalling the feel of Iris’ hands on his chest and her tongue in his mouth. It had been a dream, plain and simple. But he could have never imagined how perfect her breasts would’ve felt in his hands or how his tongue would swirl around her nipples until they were harder than rocks.
She was exquisite, and what had happened was real.
He just didn’t know what the hell he was gonna do about it.
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loruleanheart · 4 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 13
Read on ff.net
Read on AO3
One step closer to Hyrule Castle and one second closer to the Calamity…
And Zelda was no closer to awakening her power than when she began all those years ago.
Zelda cast a side-glance at Astor, who walked beside her. He was being very quiet, almost mirroring her dour mood. What was he thinking? He looked completely absorbed in his own headspace. She wondered what sort of inner demons he must have been fighting. He must have been under a great deal of pressure just as she was. What was it like to serve an ancient evil and be expected to be the perfect instrument to bring about its revival? Not to mention trying to turn away from such a destiny.
He’s changing... I was somehow able to persuade him, and now maybe he could be the key in turning back Calamity Ganon since it seems I won’t be able to… What if I’m being too optimistic? Believing he could change... Or that I had anything to do with it… He’ll always see me as the pathetic royal girl that can’t wield her power. He’ll never see me as anything more. He’ll never love me… Or anyone for that matter... Possibly why he turned to Ganon in the first place... Not that any of us are going to live long enough to worry about that, and it will be my fault...
Astor looked down to Zelda, who seemed as though she were about to break into tears again at any moment.
“I must envision a life after the Calamity, I must...” Zelda said aloud and to herself.
Hylia’s prophecy echoed in Astor’s mind. He wondered if those words could set Zelda’s mind at ease. If so, it seemed almost cruel not to tell her. But he couldn’t bring himself to say the words out loud. What if Zelda shut down the same way he had when Hylia had told him? For all he knew Hylia had noticed his weakness and had come up with a lie to tempt him, Ganon’s chosen, exploiting his weakness to gain the advantage in the war against her greatest enemy. There was no way the goddess herself had ordained THAT for the girl that bore her namesake and her blood. 
Yet, Zelda had been unreasonably kind to him. She had ordered her knight to spare him, even after he tried to kill her. She had gone above and beyond in reasoning and pleading with him. There was the way she looked at him, spoke to him. She made him feel desired. But how could that be? Astor briefly wondered if this was Hylia’s doing as well, as far-fetched an idea as it was, but Astor was running out of explanations for Zelda’s behavior towards him. Weren’t the royal daughters supposed to be able to hear the voice of the goddess?
“Zelda…” Astor paused, trying to get used to using her given name. “Does the goddess ever speak to you?”
“No… Not really… I’ve had these dreams though... but I can never quite hear her words.”
This answer satisfied him. Zelda seemed to be unaware of anything Hylia had planned. Her actions and words towards him were genuine.
“There’s something I can’t quite wrap my mind around... Why aren’t you afraid of me? Why don’t you hate me or find me repugnant? For all that I am, and all that I’ve done… Anyone else would.”
“There’s something about you… I can’t describe it.”
“I’m not worthy of whatever it is you feel for me…”
“That's not how it works… It just is…”
“But I swore myself to Calamity Ganon for so long… I am damned.”
“I refuse to believe that.”
“What about that knight? You must have feelings for him?”
“You mean Link? Why do you say that?”
Astor braced himself for what he would say next, but he knew it couldn’t go unsaid if he wanted to show any kind of true compassion towards Zelda.
“You’re fated to unlock your power because of him. It was a vision given to me by my harbinger.”
Zelda stopped in her tracks. It was a lot to take in. “So I haven’t failed after all? It’s really going to happen? Why would you tell me that?”
“I guess to redeem myself a bit, though what I’ve done up until now is unforgivable... I want to help you because you spared my life and helped me to see the truth about Calamity Ganon, and you seemed like you needed to hear it.”
“That’s surprisingly kind of you… But I don’t know if I believe it… I’ve already had my hopes raised and dashed so many times.” Zelda paused for a long moment. “But if an individual could be the thing to bring out my power, I... I want it to be you.”
“I can’t be that person for you…Fate has already decreed it…” He said in a soft, sullen way.
They walked in silence a bit longer.
Astor thought of the Harbinger. Its absence didn’t bode well. It was likely aware of what its seer was up to and it certainly wouldn't let such grievous disloyalty go unpunished.
Astor’s eyes darted around his surroundings. Astor had never been afraid of his Harbinger before, but now he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was capable of doing something really horrible to him.
After some time, they reached a high cliff overlooking Kakariko Village.  She had passed through the village on her way to Mount Lanayru in the early morning hours before anyone would be awake to see her, now the village was bustling.
Astor hadn’t set foot in a village in ages, and as soon as they started to cross paths with other people, Astor remembered why. The Sheikah Villagers were giving them odd looks, and of course they would. This village was pretty closed off from the rest of Hyrule. It was rare for them to see non-Sheikah.
A couple of small children darted past them, laughing, barely acknowledging their presence or personal space as children often did.
A Sheikah woman standing outside of a garment shop smiled at them, trying to wave them down. “Pretty clothes for your girlfriend?” The woman said sweetly.
Astor gave an exasperated, flustered moan, drawing his hood further down his brow.
“No, not today, but thank you,” Zelda responded kindly to the Sheikah shopkeep, beaming and radiating a sense of joy even for a moment. Her smile was like the sun, and any doubts Astor had dried up and disappeared. She loved him, and nothing seemed to be able to sway her. Hylia’s prophecy was one step closer to being realized.
I could tell her the prophecy, and she might just die of happiness…. Astor thought darkly. Loving her. Loathing her. He still couldn’t shake his aversion of Zelda realizing her power. It was too deeply ingrained. Although now he suspected that it was out of jealousy for the knight. And then there was Hylia’s prophecy which filled him with a feeling that had been foreign to him until lately. It was a feeling that both disgusted and thrilled him. But he couldn’t summon the words to tell her. Saying them would breathe them into existence even more so.
They passed houses and other shops, including an inn. Other Sheikah villagers were taking notice of them. 
“Isn’t that Princess Zelda?” one of the Sheikah villagers whispered loudly to another.
Astor walked faster, eager to clear the village. Zelda walked a little faster, too, despite that her legs felt heavy from covering so many miles. 
They made their way through a wide-open valley known as Sahasra Slope, which boasted a magnificent view of Hyrule Castle.
“Father is going to be so cross with me…”
Astor looked at Zelda strangely. She kept bringing up her father. It was almost like she was afraid of him. More afraid of her own father than she was of him… which really said something. Astor knew just enough about the royal family to make some assumptions.
“Does he believe the same as the people in your court?”
Zelda flinched. “Oh… You know about that…? It feels that way sometimes.”
“I don’t understand. You’re the one with the blood of the goddess. Shouldn’t he be worshiping the ground you walk on?”
“Well… He doesn’t see it that way. Tough love, I suppose…”
“What does he have to be angry about? Aside from you breaking custom to go to the Spring of Wisdom? Not a reason to be angry, if you ask me. This is a war, after all. You’re just doing what you must to have the potential to be victorious.”
Zelda looked at Astor with surprise. “You really believe that?”
“I’m… I was... Ganon’s chosen… I’m not ignorant or blind, although I suppose it would be accurate to say that Ganon kept me blind for so long. It’s important to understand your enemy. Your father is a fool. Trust me on this.”
“Hmm…” Zelda hummed. “What about your parents? What were they like?”
“I never knew them… I grew up in an orphanage in Deya Village.”
“Oh… I’m sorry… Now I feel silly for complaining.”
“It's fine. It stopped bothering me years ago and it’s beyond irrelevant now.”
They crossed the Rebonae bridge, on the last leg of their journey, and passed through a vast apple orchard, slightly off from Zelda’s original course.
The sky grew a vibrant orange as they entered Hyrule Castle Town. Zelda gave an audible exhale. “… Almost home…” She knew she had to prepare herself for anything now. 
Astor jolted when Zelda took hold of his hand. She was barely aware of how tightly she held onto him. But he felt her… or rather a time in the future where she would squeeze his hand with such intensity, to the point of pain. Her ragged breath was in his ear, as she braced herself against him. A wave of intense emotion washed over him and he...
...ripped his hand away,  Zelda looking at him puzzled and a little hurt.
“Whenever you touch me… I see and feel things.”
“Oh… Do these things displease you?” That wounded expression lingered on her face.
“I… I suppose it doesn’t…” He said, offering his hand to her. The vision didn’t continue, but it still left him stunned and strangely longing for more.
The streets were almost as devoid of life as they had been the night before. No one gave them more than a cursory glance as they passed by.
They walked up the winding brick pathway that led up to the castle, and when they reached the sanctum, all four champions, Impa, and Link turned to them as they appeared in the doorway. All was eerily quiet as they came forward. Zelda’s eyes were red from crying and everyone looked with suspicion at Astor. Link placed his hand on the hilt of the Master Sword.
Urbosa and Impa ran to Zelda.
“Well if this isn’t a fine how do you do?” Said Revali in a dry tone. “We all thought the princess was in danger when in reality she was just off on some tryst. The Calamity is about to occur at any moment, and we’re all miles away from our Divine Beasts with our fingers in our tailfeathers...”
“Oh, Revali. Go suck an egg. This is NOT the time.” Urbosa chastised the rito, and then she turned to Zelda. “Are you alright, little bird? Where were you? And why is HE here?” Urbosa looked at Astor with great dismay and distrust.
“Urbosa, remember when you said you would always support me and to just say the word? This is it... I need your support now more than ever.”
Urbosa considered this, her azure blue lips parting slightly, although at a loss for words.
“Tell me what's going on? I’m all ears.”
“Alright, now that Zelda is safe and sound, can we get back to our Divine Beasts and forget this whole asinine situation.” Revali interrupted again.
Astor spoke up. “That’s exactly where Calamity Ganon wants you when he returns. Ganon’s blights are set to take over the Divine beasts and kill their pilots.
Everyone turned to Astor with a look of disbelief. Mipha reached for Link’s hand for support, but stopped short, growing self-conscious.
“And why should we believe you, vile follower of the Calamity? How do we know you’re not trying to set us up? You may have convinced the Princess, but it’s going to take a lot more to gain our trust.” Urbosa responded curtly.
“Urbosa!” Zelda protested.
“Forgive me, little bird. You may have shown this man mercy, but I won’t…”
“I believe him,” said Daruk. 
Urbosa turned to Daruk. “You’re kidding right?”
“I mean, he sounds sincere enough to me.”
Mipha quickly assessed the energy between Princess Zelda and Astor and intervened, speaking. “I believe him as well… Or rather I believe Princess Zelda. Let’s give him a chance before we jump to rash conclusions.”
Urbosa turned her ire back to Astor. “What are you trying to pull?”
“I’m not trying to pull anything. You can take my warning or leave it, for all I care. I just wanted to spare Zelda the heartache of losing her champions.”
Urbosa folded her arms. “I swear if you hurt her I’m going to cut you up piece by piece and feed you to the Molduga. She is precious to me and I must do right by my dear friend, Zelda’s late mother… We Gerudo have our ways of dealing with voe who take advantage of one of our vai, especially when said voe is a member of the Yiga… or an affiliate.”
“Do I make myself clear, Prophet?”
King Rhoam appeared on the balcony, alerted by the commotion of the Champions.
“What is the meaning of this…. Zelda? You’ve returned? What were you thinking, running… quite literally running from your duty when the Calamity is nearly at hand?” There was much derision in his voice.
“I did no such thing. I would never.” Zelda’s voice wavered. She wasn’t surprised her father would make this accusation, but it still hurt terribly.
“Then. where. were. you?” Rhoam said evenly, and in a way that shook Zelda to the core.
“I went to the Spring of Wisdom… In a bid to unlock my power. I’ve failed. I’m sorry. I didn’t feel anything. Just like all my other attempts.”
King Rhoam shut his eyes. “That was not your decision to make. You know it is forbidden for you to set foot on Mount Lanayru until you are of age. For all you know your disobedience  may have cost all of Hyrule!”
Zelda began to break down. “But…”
“No more excuses, Zelda! You are to spend the rest of the night in prayer, asking the goddess for forgiveness and discernment, and so help me, you WILL unlock your power.”
Zelda clenched her fist. “No, I won’t! I’m not a child anymore. Please stop ordering me around like one. We must prepare to oppose the Calamity in whatever way we can, and I won’t waste another second praying for this cursed power to awaken!”
“Zelda, you are out of line, and I will not tolerate another word from you!” Rhoam raised his voice, almost shouting. “There is no excuse for this behavior. As long as I am King, you will obey me. Your mother would be very disappointed in you, Zelda. What a waste…”
 “You should watch your tongue, old man… How could you speak thus of the one who carries the blood of the goddess? Perhaps it is you who should beg forgiveness.” 
Everyone went deadly silent as they directed their attention to Astor.
Rhoam glared at the younger man, indignantly, taken aback by his words. He felt a deep sense of suspicion just from the look of him. There was a darkness about the young man that gave Rhoam a great sense of disquiet. “You… You must be the prophet I’ve heard about. What role do you play in all this? And who are you to tell me how to speak to my daughter? You know nothing of the responsibilities I have to my kingdom or of the pressures of raising a daughter of the royal family.”
Astor was about to protest when something violently rocked the very foundation of the castle. Everyone braced themselves, gasping.
Zelda’s eyes widened, horror in her expression. “It cannot be…” Zelda raced outside, already knowing what she would see. Everyone followed her out.
She looked up and sure enough, the worst had come to pass, and it was beyond her worst nightmare. Circling and raging around the highest spire was a purple-red miasma. It was just like the image on the Sheikah Slate, except now Zelda could make out that it resembled a great swine. There was a clap of thunder, and embers of malice floated down all around them.
“Ganon…” Zelda stared up at the being in terrible fear as 100,000 wretched screams of despair rang out across Hyrule.
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writerwhowritesao3 · 3 years
Director's Commentary on Talk To A Green Tree?
Oh hai!! Director’s Commentary under the cut ‘cause it’s a lengthy one, love. 
I wanted to write this story because I wanted to explore the relationship between Billy and Susan. I wrote about their relationship somewhat in my first story, Jump In The Fire, but that wasn’t the main purpose or focus of that fic; the main focus of Jump In The Fire was the beginning of Billy’s relationship with Steve (jumping in at the Harringrove angle) and also setting up friendship relationships between Billy, Nancy, and Jonathan—and, of course, also to “fix” Billy’s relationship with Max. 
In Jump in the Fire, I wanted to make it clear that Billy’s relationship with Susan isn’t contentious or bitter—if anything, they have a good-to-okay relationship. Billy has trouble letting Susan in and has very conflicting feelings about her, and understandably so. He’s traumatized and hurt from the fact that his biological mother, Sandra, outright abandoned him with his abusive father when he was ten; he has major trust issues and a fear of abandonment stemming from that. 
Still, Billy does like Susan. Loves her, when you get down to it. It would be hard not to like a woman who’s been a maternal figure in your life since you were 11/12. But Billy feels conflicted about his feelings towards Susan for three main reasons:
1) He’s not over his own mother’s abandonment
In all honesty, Susan being concerned about Billy's wellbeing didn't come as much of a surprise. In the four-and-a-half years that she and Neil had been married, Susan had taken her role as Billy's stepmother very seriously. At points, even bordering on "replacement mother" territory. If Billy was being truthful with himself, he didn't hate Susan. Hell, he may have even admitted to liking her. And if Billy was feeling extra introspective, he would have admitted that the only thing that compelled him to keep Susan at arm's length was that he still wasn't over the fact that his own mother abandoned him. (Jump in the Fire, chapter 4)
2) He’s angry that Susan doesn’t stop Neil from abusing him (although he acknowledges that it really isn’t her fault...and as mentioned in another chapter, she doesn’t know how bad Neil gets when she’s not home)
Of course, there was also the lingering and maybe-unreasonable resentment that Susan was unable to stop her husband from beating him. But in all fairness, his own mom couldn't do that either. (Jump in the Fire, chapter 4)
2) He’s afraid to acknowledge his feelings because he’s afraid that one day, Susan will leave Neil—and Billy—, taking Max with her. 
The other great thing about his dad not being home was that the mood around the house was a lot lighter. It wasn't anything overt or obvious, it was just the general atmosphere. Billy wasn't as tense; even a little more jokey with Max and Susan. He and Max didn't have to watch their language as much. Even Susan seemed just slightly happier and more relaxed when it was just the three of them in the house.
Billy noticed it. He'd been noticing it for years. And it scared the shit out of him. (Jump in the Fire, chapter 11)
There’s also another reason for Billy’s conflicting feelings: he thinks that accepting Susan as a mom or mother figure would be a betrayal to Sandra (who he has not spoken to since he was 10...)
"Sounds good," Billy smiled softly. "I'm gonna go to bed."
"Yeah, you should," Susan said. "It's late. 'Night, honey."
"'Night, Mom," Billy said as he turned around to head to his room.
He didn't realize what he had said until he was halfway down the hall. Didn't realize that the word "mom" had slipped out of his mouth so effortlessly. He didn't know if Susan had caught the slip. Couldn't bring himself to look back to see if she had noticed it or even heard it. Couldn't help but wonder if, on the chance Susan had caught it, she minded. Or if she resented it because she wasn't his mom. Or if she didn't care either way. Unable to stop his mind from going there, Billy wondered how his actual mother would feel about him calling another woman "mom."
Billy went to sleep that night with the terrible feeling that he committed some horrible, irreparable betrayal. (Jump in the Fire, chapter 11)
Chapter 12 of Jump in the Fire is the first time I wrote anything from Susan’s perspective. In those sections, I wanted to make it clear that Susan not only loves Billy and considers him to be her son, but that she has absolutely no intention of abandoning him. Susan is an adult woman and so she has the insight and emotional maturity to understand why Billy has a hard time fully trusting her and letting himself relax around her. 
I also wanted to make it clear that although Susan knows that Neil hits Billy, she doesn’t actually know the full extent of it. She has her suspicions, and that’s absolutely part of the reason why she chooses to stay married to Neil: she does not want to leave Billy alone with him. 
I’m writing Talk to a Green Tree to further explore the mother-son relationship between Billy and Susan because I didn’t focus closely enough on it in Jump in the Fire. The fic is written in both Susan and Billy’s perspectives.
The first three chapters of Talk to a Green Tree are about events/ moments that occur pre-Hawkins and the last three chapters are about events/moments that happen when they’re living in Hawkins. 
The focus on two of the chapters are actually mentioned in Chapter 5 of Jump in the Fire. 
The first chapter takes place during the first year of their new family. As mentioned in the chapter, Billy gets horribly sick when he’s 12 years old, and Susan takes a week off of work to stay home with him and take care of him. 
(spoilers if you guys give a shit lol) The next chapter to be published (Chapter three) takes place the summer before they move to Hawkins, when Billy is 15 (almost 16). The chapter is about Billy being drugged and raped at a party and how the next morning, he lets himself be (almost) completely vulnerable with Susan. 
...with the anger came guilt—guilt at feeling angry at Susan because, fuck, she did not deserve that. When he was twelve years old, about seven months after Susan and Neil had said their vows, a severe flu had gone around Billy's school; Billy had caught it. Susan had taken a week off of work to stay home with him. She had kept him hydrated, made him soup, rubbed his back when he threw up. Even helped him into the bath when his 103º fever broke and he felt clammy and sweaty and weak from the illness.
And then, of course, there was the incident in June, a week before Neil broke Billy's collarbone. When Neil was on a weekend trip with his work buddies and Billy had gone to a college party he had no business going to. Had gone to a party and came home at two in the morning, blasted out of his mind despite only drinking one beer. Had spent the entire next day going from curled up and shivering in bed to kneeling on the bathroom floor with his head in the toilet. He had stuffed his blood-stained underwear to the bottom of his trashcan, double-bagged it, and tossed it into the neighbors' trash bin that night.
Susan had taken care of him as best she could with the very limited information that she had. Had given him water and held his hair back, even when he was just dry heaving. Had fucking held him when he cried and cried and couldn't stop.
"Did something happen at the party?" Susan asked softly, rubbing circles onto Billy's back. He shuddered and nodded into her tear-soaked neck. He was practically in her lap. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," Billy gasped out. He took a few shaky breaths. Tried to get his tears under control. Failed. "Please don't tell my dad," he begged.
"I won't, sweetheart, I won't," she soothed. She stroked his hair. He cried harder. "I got you, honey, you're okay."
She kept her word and she never pushed him to tell her what happened. She never even brought it up again. (Jump in the Fire, chapter 5)
That chapter is honestly tricky to write. The first part is in Billy’s perspective and actually goes into exactly what happened to him and the second part is in Susan’s perspective, starting with being woken up at 2AM because a sorority girl brings a very out-of-it Billy back home, going into her being pissed off that Billy a) lied about where he was going and b) seems to have gotten so shit-faced that he’s violently ill the next morning...and then having the horrible realization that Billy is probably not just hungover and then having the awful, instinctual feeling that Something Happened to him. 
I guess at its core, Talk to a Green Tree is about the formation and evolution of a blended family that’s affected by domestic violence and trauma. And it’s about Susan really doing her best to be a good mom to Billy...and about Billy eventually being able to trust Susan and acknowledge to himself that even though Susan isn’t his mother, she is his mom in every way that counts. 
This was very fucking rambly haha.
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...As Stupid Does (Teen Wolf) 18/19
AN: As you might have noticed I've updated the chapter count, making this the penultimate post. It is, however, what I consider the last chapter of ...ASD. If you'd like you could read this and have the story (and the series) end now. The last chapter is going to be what I intended for a fifth and final part of the series, but I've decided instead to post it together with this story, I guess as an epilogue of sorts.
(Oh and yes, I'm aware that this chapter is shorter than many of you would prefer. It should, tbh, have been part of last chapter, but that didn't happen. I'm choosing to focus on writing the last bit of this 'verse instead of trying to pad this chapter.)
Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13,  Part 12,  Part 11,  Part 10,  Interlude,  Part 9, Part 8d, Part 8c, Part 8b, Part 8a, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5,Part 4,Part 3, Part 2, Part 1,Not Stupid, Stupid Is… and pre-verse ficlet I’m Stupid (Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me)…
As Stupid Does
part 3 of the Stupid ‘verse
Stiles knows that so many of the problems between him and Derek (or really, him and everyone) were caused by him not thinking things through. For someone so obsessed with research he's always had a strange way of jumping in feet first, without looking. He's heard it all his life – not stupid, but just doesn't think. It's the adhd, he supposes.
Regardless of why he is that way it's something he's been actively trying to change with Derek, to think before he leaps and to look at things from every angle. He doesn't always succeed, but he tries.
Well. If he's honest with himself he passed the line between thinking things through and over-thinking them a while back.
He's so, so tired of twisting every idea back and forth until it feels worn.
So he leaps again.
Toronto went well, right? It was a huge step in the right direction, days of being together the way Stiles wants. Surely they can have more of that? So the next time they talk he slides in a casual-only-in-the-term-of-he-wants-it-to-be-but-it-truly-isn't-at-all invitation for Derek to celebrate his birthday with him in LaPush, complete with staying in Stiles' cabin.
The lightning-quick “yes” makes him almost float.
Of course, that doesn't last long. The closer his birthday comes, the more Stiles thinks about what it means that he invited Derek to stay with him, about how they're getting closer and how their relationship is progressing, and he panics. Not about being with Derek, or sharing a life with him, or even having sex again (they're not quite there yet, but Stiles know that they will be). Oh no. He panics about being a selfish little shit.
And he does so hard enough to make a pack full of 'wolves sneeze on the regular, and for his dad to start looking worried.
Dr Bianchi agrees to see him on a Sunday, with practically no warning, and Stiles spends half an hour with words pouring out of him.
“Derek finally has his sister back, and a working pack, and I'm making him leave all of that behind because I'm selfish enough to put my desire to never set foot in Beacon Hills again before Derek's, well, everything. All of that because I'm too greedy to let him free.”
Dr Bianchi looks at him, and then does something Stiles has never seen her do before. She laughs. Long and hard, and if he wasn't busy feeling insulted by it he'd be amazed with how her laughter sounds like bells.
Once her laughter ebbs out Dr Bianchi dabs at her eyes to remove some stray mascara or something before looking him straight in the eyes.
“Are you done being silly?”
And now Stiles is really insulted.
“Oh dear. You have reached that stage. Well, let's do an exercise.
“Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, slow deep breaths. Find your center. Are you there? Good. Now imagine that Derek hadn't found you. Nothing else about his reality changes, except he doesn't find you. So. He doesn't find you, he doesn't come see you, you don't get back together. He's got his pack in Beacon Hills, his legacy land, his family's graves, his uncle and the baby sister he thought was dead for years has returned to him.
“Can you see that? Yes? Then imagine five years from now. Is Derek still the Alpha? Is he still living in Beacon Hills?”
“Hell no.” And oh.
“Why not?”
“Because Beacon Hills might be his legacy, but it's also a constant reminder that he's responsible for that legacy now. Of all that he lost. He hangs on because of that responsibility, that duty to the land and his family's memory and the pack.”
And now that he sees it, that he's been forced to open his eyes and see it, Stiles can't understand how he could have been so blind to how much Derek really shouldn't have stayed in Beacon Hills after Laura's death.
“And once Cora takes over he's got no reason to torture himself by living in the middle of all that.”
In a way, Stiles thinks, Derek's never really stopped living in the burnout ruins of the Hale house. Physically he might be staying at the loft, but mentally, emotionally... Derek's never fully left.
“He would be able to leave, knowing that the responsibility is Cora's, and that unless she calls him for help he would never have to return there. He'd only need to go back for her, and Scott's dependable enough that he could hold the territory for her if she was to go see Derek somewhere else for a while.”
He sees it now, the future that Derek could have had, and it doesn't look so bad. He prefers the one where Derek's with him, of course, but. Derek could have been happy and free from Beacon Hills even if he hadn't found his way to Stiles.
“Exactly. Now, we don't know if Derek would have found the help he needed without your resources, but I like to think someone would have realized what he needed and stepped up.
“But we agree that chances are Derek would still have given up the Alpha spark, handed over the pack and the land to his sister, and moved away. That means you are not in any way stealing that from him. I understand you panicking, but you can't let your fears dictate your truth.
“You told Derek that you couldn't imagine going back to Beacon Hills before you even started dating. He knows exactly why you don't want to live in Beacon Hills, knew it from the beginning, and could weigh his desire to be with you against his desire to be physically close to his sister. And you won. That was his choice.
“Don't disrespect him by trying to claim that choice doesn't mean anything.
“But Stiles? You have called Beacon Hills a hellmouth more than once in my presence. Now I'm fairly sure I'm not breaking any confidentiality clauses when I say that Derek agrees, because he's done so right here in this room with you present. Right?”
Right. He really feels silly now, because Dr Bianchi is 100 percent right. He has sat here – and at home, and in LaPush – and ranted about how hellmouths aren't supposed to be a thing, and yet, Beacon Hills, with Derek all but going “amen” next to him.
“Your feelings regarding that town are completely valid. Your love for Derek doesn't change that. Wanting both the man you love and safety doesn't make you greedy, or selfish. Especially not since Derek also has some very bad memories from that place. We both know that part of why you want him to leave there is because you believe it's better for him. Even if he decided to leave for somewhere not here, not with you, you would still want that for him. So no, you're not being selfish for wanting both of you out of a place that's brought you so much pain and sorrow.”
That...hurts, hearing. Stiles is fully aware of how unreasonable he's being, but he actually felt better thinking he was selfish and practically forcing Derek to move because of it.
“Then why do I feel like a selfish shit? If I'm doing what's best for him, then why doesn't it feel like that?”
Dr Bianchi gives him a small smile.
“Because you want to do the right thing, but you're worried you'll make the wrong choice again. You're scared, and you're vulnerable, and you hate both. Just remember that there's a strength in allowing yourself to feel that way – as long as you don't allow it to rule you.”
Easier said than done, and they both know it, but then and there Stiles recommits to not letting his fears rule him.
Stiles' birthday is celebrated without much fanfare. He and his dad eat lunch with the Calls. Derek arrives shortly before dinner, which the pack eats at Sam and Emily's and where the biggest difference between today and any other day is that there's a huge cake. Afterwards they light a bonfire at the beach and just spend time together.
When he opens the door to his future home and lets Derek inside it feels heavy and symbolic and maybe like a true glimpse of the future, and Stiles shivers a little. Derek of course misinterprets him.
“Do you regret offering me to stay here?”
“Of course not! It's just, you know, big.”
His heart's as steady as it's capable of being and Derek nods. If his hands shake a little as he climbs up to the loft, well, he's not going to mention it. Once he's up he turns and calls out softly to Derek.
Derek's hesitant as he climbs up, uncharacteristically slow, and he's still hesitating as he comes to a stand next to the bed. The single bed.
Yes, it's a queen, but. They haven't shared a bed since before Stiles left Beacon Hills. This is a big step.
“I could shift.”
Stiles doesn't know if Derek means shift and sleep on the floor, or shift and sleep at the foot of the bed, but it doesn't matter. That's not the plan. Sure, he's not averse to a furry bed-companion, especially not on cold nights, but his hormones are fully awake and he's got plans, you know? Bestiality really isn't something he's looking to try, not even considering werewolves – or should that be especially considering werewolves? Never mind, just, nope.
“I'm not saying no to having you curled up and warming my feet on a cold night, but this night? I was hoping for this body.”
He smiles, a little wicked, and pulls his shirt off. His pants follow them to the floor, and then he stretches out across the bed.
“I wouldn't mind you warming me up though.”
It pleases him to see Derek pull his own henley and jeans off without hesitation, and it really pleases him to have Derek join him in bed. Soon every bit of lingering chill has been chased away by werewolf warmth, along with every last bit of fear.
It's been years since he touched Derek like this, but his hands remember as they wander while they kiss. Derek however is a bit more restrained, and Stiles isn't onboard with that. He's made his mind up and he wants this. Derek wanting to be careful with him is nice, yes, but it's hard to decide if it's more sweet or annoying.
(His dick is screaming annoying.)
He's just going to have to take the matter cough into his own hands.
Derek stills.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm sure. I've had months to be sure. I want this. I want you.” He twists his hand a little, then pauses. Right.
“But if you're not ready, then I'll wait. I don't want this unless we both do.”
Consent is always going to be a sore point for both of them, and while Stiles would prefer a different kind of pillow talk he can deal. He hasn't spent all this time and effort getting over how they were in Beacon Hills just to make the same mistake again, only the other way around.
“I do.”
Stiles loses his breath, staring into Derek's eyes, sucker-punched by those words. Then he practically throws himself at his wolf, hands and mouth and desire.
It's everything good from before, yet somehow nothing like it used to be.
They fall asleep tangled up, sweaty and sated.
Stiles wakes up, afraid that he's going to regret what happened, or that Derek will regret it, or even that Derek will be gone – which is stupid, since he can feel Derek with him, a line of warmth half covering him, but fear is never rational. And then he takes the time to center himself, to feel, and he knows.
This is how he wants to wake up for the rest of his life. Warm, safe, happy.
Things will be hard. He's got another three years left of college. Derek's got another year, at least, of being the Alpha of Beacon Hills. They're not going to have enough time together and there's always going to be the risk of some spectacular shitshow going down. And that's without considering their relationship.
They're going to be messy, and imperfect, and sometimes stupid. They're going to fight, and disagree, and wonder if they made the right choices. They're going to storm out and slam the doors and go to bed furious. But they're also going to be happy and in love and together, and they're going to fight to stay that way.
And that, Stiles thinks, is anything but stupid.
He turns around and burrows into the arms of his 'wolf, at peace.
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hunidlo · 3 years
Call of Fire
CHAPTER 3 - The Decision
Rating: M
Word Count: 3K
Pairing: The Mandalorian x F!Reader
Warnings: slow burn fic, language, mentions of death, angst
A/N: I really enjoyed writing angry Mando parts for this chapter. Hope you enjoy them too.
Summary: Now that you know where your parents might be, you need to figure out a way to get out this planet. And the Mandalorian has a ship, doesn’t he?
Chapter 1   //   Chapter 2 //   Masterlist //  Chapter 4
By the time you get to the village, the sun has already set and you are troubled by a number of questions. You worry about what might be awaiting you in the village. 
Have the villagers come back? … Are the bandits still there? … Is the Mandalorian dead?
Then, you see light coming from the settlement. There is no turmoil, no clattering of weapons, no blaster fires—a good sign, you think.
When you get closer to the square, a heartbreaking cry comes from somewhere in front of you. 
“No!” A woman is running towards you—Zullu’s mother. “My baby!”
She hugs the body that is being carried in your arms and weeps. 
“S-she saved me.” You eventually say. “I’m sorry ... I couldn’t …” 
Zullu’s mother raises her teary eyes at you and nods. She understands.
A couple of men from the village come and gently take Zullu’s body from your arms. Too weak to resist, you let them. One of them places a hand on your shoulder. “You should rest …,” he says compassionately.
Having a chance to look around now, you see dozens of torches lit around the small village, illuminating the rubble that used to be the square. You observe the people who are getting rid of the dead bodies, cleaning up the mess and going through the clutter that remained in the place of the barn.
Then, you see the Mandalorian. He’s standing on the front porch of one of the houses—his feet wide apart, thumbs tucked into his belt—his visor fixed at you. 
So he’s still here.
“This ...” You tilt your chin towards the debris. “... his doing?”
“... Not his fault …,” the man replies. “One of them decided to blow the barn up with the Mandalorian in it.” 
You turn your head to the man.
“They underestimated him,” he continues on when he notices your baffled look, “He killed them all ...”
“No, he didn’t,” you mutter to yourself, remembering the bandit you killed in the forest.
The Mandalorian’s gaze makes you uneasy but you do not have the strength to think about it—about him—any longer. You really need to rest. 
You let your weak legs lead you to your hut. You head straight to the ‘fresher, washing the blood and dirt from your hands and body. You can’t stop thinking about what happened in the woods—the way the bandit’s body split in half because you wished it to do so, what Zullu said about your parents ... Zullu—you try to suppress a sob—you can’t believe it ... can’t accept it. Your limbs begin to tremble and you burst into tears again.
When you get out of the ‘fresher, you’re beyond exhausted.
You fall asleep as soon as soon as your body hits the bed.
You wake up early. The sleep helped with your exhaustion but it did not ease your mind at all. You look in the mirror to see your eyes are puffy, your cheek is swollen, and you have a split lip. 
It doesn’t surprise you, the bandit hit you really hard yesterday.
Everyone is already up. They are still working on the repairs around the village. Some of the men are cutting down trees near the woods—for the funeral pyre, you realise. 
You squint and see something shiny near the cart … the Mandalorian is helping the men load the logs ...
Why hasn’t he left yet?
It was sort of exciting seeing him on his ship yesterday—witnessing all the stories you heard about the Mandalorians coming alive. You remember how you laughed with Zullu when you ran away from him. But today … everything is different. Zullu is gone and you—despite knowing you shouldn't because it’s unreasonable—blame him as well. You blame yourself for not being able to save Zullu, and the Mandalorian for starting the fight with the bandits in the first place.
Lost in your thoughts, you walk to Zullu’s hut. You hesitate a little before you enter.
Zullu’s mother is kneeling next to the chest that belonged to her daughter—clutching to one of Zullu’s dresses—weeping.
You silently approach her and sit next to her on the floor.
She turns to you to hug you.
“I’m so sorry,” you let out on the verge of crying again. “I shouldn’t have—”
“It’s not your fault,” she says and pulls you closer.
“... She was so brave ...” You need to say it, you need to let her mother know that Zullu died honorably.
“I know.” 
She reaches inside the chest and takes out a piece of clothing. “Here ...” She extends her hands towards you. She’s holding a light brown, slightly worn leather jacket—it’s Zullu’s.
“No.” You gently push her hands away. “I can’t take it. It’s her favourite—”
“She would have liked you to have it.”
For a beat you just stare at the jacket wordlessly.
“Thank you,” you say, not knowing what else to say as you take the jacket from her.
“Zullu said … you knew my parents.” You’re hesitant and it comes out more like a question.
“Yes,” she breathes out. “I was here when they brought you to the village.” And then, she tells you the whole story about the day when you were left with the villagers.
“... So my father stole something from the Empire and ran.”
“Yes, I don’t know what it was though … You have to understand that your parents left you here to protect you, spare you from the constant running and hiding.”
“I want to find them,” you say eventually, looking at the jacket that you’re clenching in your fists.
“No.” She shakes her head. “You have to stay here—safe—with us. Your parents didn’t want you to come looking for them, they feared someone might capture you, use you to get to your father. 
“But I have no idea where he is …”
“The Empire doesn't know that … they would torture you.” She looks seriously worried now. 
You want to push her, want to know more. Zullu said her mother knew where your parents were hiding. Yet … you can’t. Not now. Not on the day of her daughter’s funeral.
“You look tired … should get more sleep … be ready for the evening,” she says after a moment of silence. “I’ll see you on the hill.”
You nod and leave without a word.
On your way back you catch sight of the Mandalorian. He’s leaning against one of the huts—his legs and arms crossed—his visor following you as you walk by.
What’s his problem? You’re definitely getting irritated by him constantly gazing at you. Especially since you can’t see his face or guess what he’s thinking. Is he still pissed about the ship?
Even now—in what you imagine is a comfortable stance for him—he’s still threatening as hell. He looks like a bescar vulture that has spotted a womp rat and is now circling around it, waiting for the right moment to strike.
You consciously choose to ignore him and thus deny him the pleasure of seeing how nervous he makes you feel. 
The tension is unbearable though. You can’t help but glance in his direction when you reach your hut.
What the …? 
He’s gone.
“Creep,” you say to yourself, checking your surroundings before you enter.
Someone is shaking your shoulder. You wake up instantly. 
Zullu’s mother is leaning over you. “It’s time …”
The sun is setting as you walk up the hill where the funeral takes place. 
The pyre is prepared and Zullu's body is already lying on top of it. No one says anything. This is how it goes in your village—no speeches, no pompous ceremonies. Zullu’s mother lights the pyre and the whole village stands in complete silence, watching. 
“One day, we’ll walk among the stars together,” you whisper as you raise your vision towards the night sky.
When you look down again—
He’s gotta be fuckin’ kidding … 
The Mandalorian is standing opposite to you—behind the pyre. 
That does it!
You can’t be sure whether he’s watching you or the pyre in front of him but you don’t care. You have to ask what his deal is. You need to know what exactly he’s doing on this planet—
“I’m sorry.” Zullu’s mother is now standing beside you. 
“Excuse me?” You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“I shouldn’t have kept it from you for all those years. Maybe ... it’s really time for you to find them.” Her voice is quiet, eyes gleaming—reflecting the fire. “They might still be alive. You deserve to see them again.”
“But … h-how do I find them?”
“Go to the planet Hoth. There should be a Rebel base. If they are still on that planet, they would be there.”
“Thank you,” you say and lay a hand on her shoulder.
Hoth. You’ve never heard of such a planet. Your parents are most probably very far away, yet you feel them being closer than ever before. You’ve been trying most of your life to forget about them, accept the present and not dwell on the past. But now? Now when you know where your parents could be, you can’t continue living your life in the village, can you? 
No, you can’t. 
Okay, how do you get out of this planet …  
Then it strikes you—the Mandalorian!
You look in the direction where he was standing.
Not again …
A group of men is standing where the Mandalorian was just a couple of minutes ago.
You rush towards them. “Um ... have you seen the Mandalorian?” you ask.
“No,” some of them say while others just shake their heads. 
A little hand by your side tugs your sleeve. “He left,” the child says.
You lean closer to her. “Have you seen where he went?”
Your eyes follow a tiny finger pointing to … the lake.
He’s setting off … 
Okay, don’t panic. First things first.
You sprint to your hut, take your backpack and shove a couple of things you think you might need in—some credits, food, water bottle, and clean underwear of course.
You put on Zullu’s leather jacket and run out of the village towards the lake without looking back.
It’s dark outside but the forest is even darker. By the time you get to the lake you can barely see a couple of steps ahead of you. You trip and fall several times before you get to the clearing. You breathe heavily, your hands and clothes are dirty, and you’re positive there is mud and little twigs tangled in your hair.
Phew! … The ship is still here. 
Through the gap under the aircraft, you see two armoured boots. It seems that he’s doing some maintenance on the opposite side of the ship, meaning … he has not seen you yet.
You contemplate your options. Of course, you could approach him and ask him to take you with him. However, for some reason, you feel like he would not be compliant to fly you to Hoth. Moreover, there’s a good chance he’s still mad at you. So it’s decided.
Treading softly—as silently as possible—you sneak into the ship. Unnoticed. 
There’s a little … thingy lying on one of the crates and it’s flashing rapidly with red light. You get to the weapons locker to see it’s open. 
“Just in case …” You take one of the blasters and continue to the end of the hull. 
Where could you hide?
Yes, the boxes and crates conveniently stacked up by the wall will do perfectly. You hide in the space between the crates and cover yourself with some sort of canvas that you found folded in one of the boxes.
Let’s hope he won’t find you until you are far away from this planet. Then you can figure out the rest.
Yes, let’s … 
The Mandalorian finishes the work on his ship and is ready to hit the road. He walks up the ramp, puts his blaster in its place in the weapons locker—
One of the blasters is missing … 
He quickly looks around the hull and notices the tracking fob on the crate is flashing.
He cautiously presses something on the side of his helmet, turning on the thermal vision. He can see you now—sitting on the floor behind the crates, curled up. 
He takes his blaster from the cabinet and walks towards the crates to eventually stop in front of you. He raises his blaster, aiming at what he assumes is your head.
The canvas is abruptly pulled away and you blink at the armoured man standing in front of you. You could hear him coming and prepared your blaster, so you are now pointing your weapons at each other.
“You,” he utters but it sounds more like I knew it.
Obviously examining you, he tilts his helmet to the side, looks at the blaster in your hands, sighs, and puts his own weapon back in the holster.
“Take me to Hoth,” you command, suddenly emboldened by the fact that he is now unarmed.
The lack of emotion in his answer and its bluntness shock you. You expected him to protest but you’re now struggling to find the right words to continue.
To your surprise, he … he relaxes—transferring his weight to one foot—clearly anticipating what you’re going to do next.
“I have to get to Hoth to find my parents.” You try to play on his—quite possibly non-existent—feelings.
“I don’t take passengers,” he speaks again, his voice raspy.
You’re losing your patience. “Y-you’re going to take me to Hoth or else—”
“You’re gonna shoot me?” 
He’s taunting you ... You have your blaster aimed at him, trying to look as threatening as humanly possible, and he’s mocking you.
“Well … yes … I will shoot you and take your ship.”
“Try,” he enunciates slowly—leaning closer to you—his visor trained on your face.
He thinks, you’re not going to do it. After what you’ve been through in the past couple of days, you’re sure you could kill anyone who stands in your way, right? Right?
You put your other hand on the blaster too to steady yourself, and point the barrel at his chest.
An annoyed sigh comes out of the helmet. “You’re not stupid but you need to stop acting like you are … See this?”—he taps his chest plate with one fist—”Beskar … It would hurt, but won’t kill me … You want to aim at the gaps in the armour.”
Is he giving you advice about how to shoot him?
You lift your blaster so that it’s trained on his neck—covered only by his cape that is wrapped around it.
“Better …” he says. “Now shoot.”
What? Is he serious?
“I-I will …,” you warn but your voice deceives you, indicating you’re fucking scared right now, even though you are the one holding a blaster.
He takes a slow step towards you. As he moves closer, the barrel of your blaster digs into his cape until you can feel his neck pressed against it.
“Shoot me.”
You hesitate.
“Shoot!” he shouts.
Your whole body is quivering.
You … can’t do it. You can’t kill an unarmed man.
Your grip around the weapon eases and you slowly start to lower the blaster.
Before you can do so, his hand shoots up, catches your wrist and you can feel your finger being pushed against the trigger with his. 
He pulled the trigger! He pulled the fucking—
But …
Nothing happens. The blaster doesn’t shoot.
“Next time you try to kill me with my own blaster, at least turn the safety off,” he grunts at you, ripping the weapon out from your hands.
“Wait …” you’re still trying to process what happened.
“Go home,” he says coldly and turns away from you to put the blaster back in the cabinet, grumbling something about an insult.
Before you can think of a better reaction, you push his armoured back with all the strength you can currently muster. 
Considering how well-built he is, his chest moving by an inch at most came as no surprise.
Oops … 
He stops and turns to look at you, slowly tilting his head sideways a little. Did you really just do that, the silent gesture says.
You are quite thankful that you can’t see his—most definitely furious—face right now. You would swear you can hear him grinding his teeth under his helmet. It was stupid … and you really don’t know why you did it. You’re perfectly aware that you are throwing a tantrum like a child right now.
And he treats you as such in return. 
He grabs you by your upper arm, drags you through the hull and shoves you down the ramp, out of the ship with ferocious force. You have to make a couple of clumsy steps forward to prevent yourself from falling over.
He turns to shut the hatch. 
“Please!” you hear yourself pleading to stop him, tears now flooding your eyes. It’s pathetic. “I … I p-promised her … promised her to find out wha—” You hesitate for a second. “I need to find my parents.”
He sighs. 
“Look …” he says eventually, his voice considerably softer than before. “I’m sorry about your friend, okay? But trust me, it’ll be safer for you here.”
Oh no … the rage is back. “Trust you?” you cry out. “It’s your fault that she’s dead!”
“My fault?” He sounds genuinely confused.
“If you didn’t stalk us back to the village and play a hero—”
“Me? … I wasn't the one to spit in that guy’s face. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead now!”
“And she would live!” your voice cracks with grief as you yell.
He takes a couple of steps forward, grabs your shoulders, yanks you closer to him so that your nose is practically touching his visor, and shakes you in an attempt to knock some sense into you, “Do you think they would stop there, huh? Do you think they wouldn’t massacre half the village after that?”
“Well, if you had let me take that blaster instead of pawing me—” you snark at him.
He immediately lets go of your shoulders as if scalded and takes a step back.
“—I could have protected them ...” you finish.
“Yeah …,” he chuckles darkly, mocking you again, “… sure … I’d like to see you kill thirty armed men with the safety on ...” He turns and starts climbing the ramp back to his ship.
“Well, fuck you!” you yell after him. “If you won’t help me, I’m sure I can find another ship that would take me out of this planet!”
“Good luck with that,” he utters, his tone ice-cold.
Suddenly, a laser blast strikes the ground just a few feet from you. You duck and try to spot what caused it.
A small starship flies over your head.
Someone is shooting at you.
“… To the ship …” The Mandalorian shouts to you.
You quickly run into his ship and he closes the hatch. Before you can ask about what’s happening, he’s already climbing the ladder up to the cockpit.
You follow him.
He sits in the pilot's chair pushing various buttons as the ship rumbles and takes off.
“Sit down and fasten your seatbelt,” he exclaims without looking at you.
You stand behind him, gaping out the cockpit window trying to spot the attacking ship again.
“Who was—”
A laser beam hits the ship. You are tossed sideways and against the wall, knocking yourself unconscious.
The Mandalorian turns his head to look at you, growls and steers his ship so that it now flies directly against the little starship. He readjusts his hands on the control sticks and inhales deeply.
“This is more than I signed up for.”
Chapter 1 //   Chapter 2  //  Masterlist
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lydia-bell · 4 years
The Twelfth Time’s the Charm
Happy TBTP Holidays, @mysugarglidersrox​! I wrote you a bit of AU Stragan fluff (mostly). I hope you enjoy it!
[Edit: now with AO3 link!]
The Twelfth Time’s the Charm
Alex finally made it to the front of the line for signings. She'd let everyone else go ahead of her because she wanted to have a bit of fun without worrying that she was holding anyone else up. Handing the hardcover to the author, she said "I'm really looking forward to reading this. The chapter you read was pretty compelling."
"Thank you," he said, giving a small nod of acknowledgement. He was even prettier up close, those bright blue eyes catching and holding her attention. 
"So, to whom shall I make this out?"
"Alex Reagan." She waited to see if he would make the connection.
"Is that spelled with..." his voice trailed off. He looked up at her, his brow slightly furrowed. "Alex Reagan. Have we met?"
"No, we never did quite manage it," she replied lightly. Maybe if I'd called a twelfth time."
He actually looked abashed. It was a good look on him. "Of course. The reporter." Then his eyes narrowed a bit and he said, "I hope you aren't still trying to get me to agree to an interview."
"Nope. We wrapped on that story months ago. I just thought it would be fun."
He relaxed then and started to sign her book. "Is 'Reagan' spelled with or without an 'a'?"
"With. It used to be pronounced like the president but I guess my dad's family decided they didn't want the association. It was easier to change the pronunciation than the spelling."
He laughed, signed the book, and handed it back to her. 
"I hope you didn't take it personally when I didn't call back, Ms. Reagan. But at the time, I was very much focused on finishing this book, and in any event I'm afraid I've never enjoyed talking with the press."
"It's OK, lots of people don't."
"I presume you were able to find someone else to talk to."
"Oh, sure. Though the whole 'paranormal investigator' well ran a little dry after that. Maybe if you'd returned my calls, we could have done a whole series on it," she teased. 
"I'm sure I'm not that fascinating," he demurred.
"Oh, I don't know."
He chuckled. "You have a way with flattery, Ms. Reagan."
"Alex. I haven't had dinner yet. Would you be interested in joining me?"
"I think I'd like that a lot, yeah."
Strand—he'd said to call him Richard but she was struggling a bit to adjust—wanted some good, fresh seafood because "it's not the same in Chicago." That was fine with Alex, so they found an oyster bar a couple of blocks from the bookstore. Once they'd placed their orders, and thus run out of obvious small-talk fodder, she wasn’t sure what to say next. She was feeling oddly nervous, like this was a date with stakes instead of a spur-of-the-moment meal with a (granted, hot) former prospective interview subject.
She decided to ease into the conversation by asking about something she knew he would want to talk about.
"So, what inspired you to write your book?"
"I'm trying to do my part to encourage rational thinking in the world, against the tide of all of the forces that seem to be pushing in the opposite direction."
It was really unreasonable, Alex reflected, to be attracted to someone who talked like that all the time. But here she was. "Sure, but I meant more like, why this particular book, and why you?"
"Let's just say that I have experience with," he paused, "family members who have turned to the occult in times of crisis. It didn't provide the answers they were looking for, and it probably prevented them from doing something more useful."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."
"Thank you."
They both fell quiet for a moment as the waiter brought their food. When he'd gone, Richard continued as if he'd never stopped.
"The impulse to turn to paranormal explanations is understandable in some ways. Especially for people who have suffered trauma, or who lack a proper understanding of science and statistics. Other people have a psychological need to feel that they're special, that they have secret knowledge of some hidden aspect of the world. Some people are just looking for a break from the mundane. Of course there are other outlets that for these impulses—things like conspiracy theories or radical political movements, for instance. Either way, if people aren't careful about how they get their needs met, they can become targets. They can delude themselves. I want to prevent that, as much as I can."
"Wow," Alex said. "I guess that's...I don't know, deeper than I expected it to be?" Off his raised eyebrow she added, "That may have come out wrong. I guess I just expected something more along the lines of the videos I've seen you in."
"Ah, yes. Less human nature, more ripping apart the claims of charlatans."
"Something like that, yeah."
"Well," he admitted, "there's some of that too."
Alex laughed.
"Speaking of charlatans," Richard continued, "I certainly hope you found someone to represent the rational point of view on your show."
"We couldn't really find another person with your particular profile, but we did talk to a couple of skeptics. And a woman named Arianna Asadi called me..."
Richard groaned softly.
Alex laughed. "What? She said she heard I'd been calling around to paranormal researchers, and she wanted to make sure I didn't get the wrong idea. She warned me off of them!"
Richard huffed. "Ms. Asadi is an odd case. She purports to be a serious researcher. She even offers very well-founded debunkings of the ghost hunters and so-called psychics who prey on people looking for answers and meaning. And then she publishes books about 'historical hauntings'. I believe she's actually sincere, but it's all very frustrating."
"Well, she thinks highly of you."
"And what makes you say that?"
"That she said she admires your body of work." He actually blushed a little. Alex grinned and continued. "Anyway, you're right about the debunking. She asked who I'd talked to so far, and when I told her, she immediately listed off all these tricks they do to make it seem like lights are going out on their own and things like that. It was amazing, she basically described everything that happened with Emily Dumont and the old psych hospital. I think Dumont must do the same stuff a lot."
"Oh, I assure you, she does."
"See, it could have been you, explaining all this to our listeners," she teased.
"It could. But to be honest, knowing that you'd been talking to people like Dumont and Abruzzi, I wasn't sure what kind of show you were making or whether I wanted to be part of it. And anyway, I needed to focus on my book. I'm trying to reach as wide an audience as possible."
"Well, that episode was only downloaded 100,000 times, so I can see how that might not be a big enough audience."
His eyes widened. "I apologize. To be honest, I have no idea how many people listen to shows like yours. I'm not really familiar with the podcasting medium."
"I'd noticed."
"I shouldn't have assumed."
It was fun having him a bit on on defensive, a bit flustered. "It wasn't very intellectually rigorous of you."
"It wasn't," he agreed.
"It did help that we got a big boost from the mothership—from Pacific Northwest Stories," she admitted. "But yeah, the show's doing pretty well, and we have enough sponsors these days to keep us in plane tickets and free socks, so I have no complaints. Well. I might want to do something a little more substantial at some point. But this is fun."
"So if you were to do something a little more substantial, as you say, what would it be?"
"I don't know. Maybe people who are working on climate change mitigation. Like, we still have to think about reducing emissions, but there are lots of people who've just basically decided that's not going to work or it's not going to be enough and are figuring out how they're going to live in the new climate. It's kind of depressing? But also kind of hopeful. There's a lot of people doing that work around Seattle. A lot of Indigenous people, in particular. I don't think it would be hard to at least get a mini-series out of it."
"That's a big departure from interviewing Emily Dumont."
She laughed. "It is! Don't get me wrong, I definitely think there's room for both kinds of stories in the world. All kinds of stories. But I just feel like I want to branch out a little."
"Well, I hope you get a chance to do that show sometime soon," he said. "It sounds like a subject worthy of your talents."
OK, wow. And he'd said she had a way with flattery. "Thanks. So, um. What about you, what's next for you?" she asked.
"I had to basically put the functions of the Strand Institute on hiatus while I finished the book, so I'll work on getting that running again," he said. "Also, as it happens, I'll probably be back in Seattle a few times in the next few months."
"Yes, my father lived here before his death. No condolences necessary," he said, pre-empting her, "it was almost 20 years ago now. But there are still some aspects of his estate that need to be dealt with, including the sale of his house."
"Oh, well. I can show you around, if you'd like. When you come back."
"I would like that very much."
The waiter came with the check. Alex started to say something about paying her share but Richard said "Please, allow me. I did invite you to dinner, after all." She had to admit to herself, as she watched the waiter show Richard how to settle the bill on his iPad, it was something of a relief; the prices had been frankly terrifying on a journalist's salary.
As they were walking back to her parking spot, they passed a quiet-looking bar. Richard stopped in front of it.
"Would you like to get a drink?" he asked.
Yes. She took a deep breath. "It sounds nice, but, I don't think that's a good idea. I had that beer with dinner, and it was a while ago so I should be OK, but I have to drive."
"Of course." He hesitated for a moment. "Although, if you don't want to drive home...you don't have to."
"Ah." It wasn't a complete surprise, but—OK, yes, maybe she was stereotyping because of his age and his manner, but he hadn't struck her as a sex-on-the-first-date kind of guy.
She must have come across as pretty unenthusiastic, because he added, "That's not why I paid for dinner."
"I know." And she did. He wasn't really smooth enough to be a manipulator...unless, of course, he was such a good manipulator that he was only faking the bluntness and questionable social graces in order to lure her into a false sense of security.
It didn't seem likely.
Did she want to have sex with him? (Well, yeah.) Did she even like him? Everybody had said he was kind of a prick, and they weren't wrong. But he wasn't just that, either. Maybe it was his obvious passion for his work, or maybe it was just that she'd seldom known anyone quite so confidently, exasperatingly himself—even if that self might be, well, a little stuffy and self-important. He wasn't even a little bit charming but he was somehow still endearing. (He'd also been very respectful to the waitstaff, and that was always a good sign.)
She was pretty sure she liked him. He was a challenge, no doubt—but Alex was never deterred by a challenge. But she had a stupidly early morning tomorrow and also, God, she hadn't worn her pretty underwear or shaved or anything, and it was silly, yes, but she liked to make a good first impression.
And then she imagined saying that out loud and how ridiculous he would find it. "The male libido," she imagined him saying sternly, "isn't deterred by those things. Women are far more concerned about their body hair than men are."
God help her, the thought made her giggle. She suppressed it, though—it didn't seem polite to start laughing right after someone asked you to sleep with them. "I'm very, very tempted," she said. "But it's late, and I have an 8am meeting for some ungodly reason."
"I understand."
"But," she continued, poking him gently in the chest, "I'm going to hold you to that promise to look me up the next time you're in Seattle."
He smiled, probably the warmest smile she'd seen on him all night. He really was very attractive, damn it. "Good."
In a couple of minutes they were back at her car. Neither one of them seemed to be sure what to do next, so she unlocked it, but didn't make a move to get in.
"Do you want me to drive you back to your hotel?" 
"What? Oh. No, thank you. I'll be fine." He seemed very distracted all of a sudden, like he was looking past her, or just a bit over her head. She turned around, but there was nothing there. Just deep shadows.
"Everything OK?"
"Of course. I just thought I saw something." 
"OK. Well. Good night?"
"Good night." A bit hesitantly, he bent toward her.
He was so tall, she had to almost get on tiptoes to kiss him. It started out light, but they both lingered and it quickly became intense. Not sloppy, do-me-right-here-right-now intense, more like... like there was a lot of feeling under that buttoned-down exterior. They stepped further into each other's space; he was so much bigger than her that his embrace was like being wrapped up in a cloak, and it could have been intimidating but it wasn't, it was warm, it was hot. He ran one hand through her hair and gently cupped the back of her head to pull her closer. Fuck, it was good.
To hell with 8am meetings, she thought. To hell with next time. She deserved some fun.
She pulled away, not far, but far enough to look him in the eye and say, "I think...I think I'd like to take you up on your offer after all."
His hand was still in her hair. "Are you sure?"
They got into the car to drive back to his hotel. She fumbled her keys a bit, making them both chuckle in that high-strung way of people who know something's about to happen. As they pulled away, she noticed that Richard was looking back at that same spot.
It was weird—all she could see were shadows.
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Disclaimer: Tumblr sucks, but this chapter doesn’t. Honestly my favorite chapter so far, no joke. I will be the one posting my gf @anesther’s fics in order to have them in the tags, so hopefully you all can read and enjoy as well!
AN: Gonna have my girlfriend upload my stuff now and then because tumblr really, really hates giving my posts a chance in the tags. It took me all day, with wrist pain and being busy, but I got it up dang it.
Title: Interfaces
Characters: Entrapta, Hordak, features Glimmer and Adora
Pairing: Entrapdak
Rating: T (for some sensuality)
Read on AO3 for the love of god.
                                                          Spa Day
“Welcome to Mystacore!” Glimmer says, arm stretching out in a grand sweeping motion. “Well, Mystacore Number Two. We haven’t thought of a name yet.”
Hordak stares at the pink and purple valances strewn around the building, hedges and trees neatly trimmed. The first thing he thinks is that the place smells sickeningly sweet, almost cloying. The paradise remained primarily in the clouds, though a small group of people had decided to head earthbound to create a sector that was adjacent to Bright Moon. Glimmer, being the niece of Castaspella, had been more than excited to overlook the project. And even more excited to bring people who had yet to experience the beauty and zen of Mystacorian performance.
“We finally got the renovations complete for the soaking tubs,” Glimmer continues. “It took a while to find underground hot springs, but we managed to get it together. There is also a new area we’re trying out where we give out massages.”
Entrapta looks around, curious. She approaches a smooth marble column, sliding her hand down its surface, “How long has this been going on?”
“Once Horde Prime was defeated, I wanted to bring calm to Etheria, and nothing says peace like Mystacore! My dad also wanted to spend more time in Mystacore and Bright Moon, so we compromised by bringing him a little piece of home from each place.”
“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself, Glimmer,” Adora states.
“Thank you, but it wasn’t just me. My aunt helped a lot to put it together— Where’s Entrapta?”
Adora and she look at Hordak, who keeps his usual frown.
“She always does that,” Adora sighs.
“Okay, should we look for her?” Glimmer asks.
“She will arrive when she likes,” Hordak says, walking forward, leaving them behind.
“Right, of course,” Glimmer agrees, transporting next to him. “I can lead you to one of our relaxation facilities.”
Adora shouts, “I’m going to head to a different room!”
Glimmer waves goodbye, keeping pace with Hordak.
Hordak doesn’t protest as she points out the various needs that can be taken care of. The defeat of Horde Prime led to an odd but solid relationship with Queen Glimmer. In the years since, there hasn’t been a single battle between his kind and the Etherians, who have adopted the former in a truce that is proving to be positive. With Horde Prime’s technology, and the reemergence of Etheria to the rest of the universe, there have been advancements toward space travel and forming alliances with neighboring planets. His brothers have taken quite well to Etherian life, and he had noted several of them waiting in the foyer, and even aided in the construction of Mystacore Number Two.
She really should name it better.
“Here we are,” Glimmer announces. Opening polished double doors, she reveals several massage tables, freshly changed with clean linen. The room is artificially lit, with large sources of it coming from a tall ceiling. “This is the aromatherapy room, if you’d like to begin here.”
Hordak scans the area, hesitating.
“Not a big fan of smells?”
“It’s not that, there’s merely a lot of them.”
Glimmer gestures toward a table, “Would you like to give it a try?”
“...I’m not sure…”
“Well, that’s okay!” Glimmer tells him. “We have plenty of other rooms for you to try out.”
Hordak is led through another set of doors. This hallway shines soft lavender with hibiscus accents. He doesn’t even step into the room before his nose wrinkles in disgust.
Glimmer takes one look and opts to head down to the left, “Why don’t we go this way?”
“What was in that room?”
“Our manicure and pedicure salon. I thought maybe that would be good, considering how long your claws can get.”
“I take care of that myself.”
“Oh, well, I guess that makes sense, since they look really, um… sharp?”
Hordak looks at his hands, “They don’t grow longer than this.”
“I see. Well, manicures are out!” Glimmer looks up at him, “Would you like to see our electrolysis treatment?”
Hordak raises a brow at her.
“Heh, right, stupid question. Let’s keep going, shall we?”
“Entrapta? Where’d you go?” Adora asks. There has got to be an easier way to keep track of someone who isn’t even five feet tall, has hair that extends 20 feet when she likes, and is brightly colored purple. “Are you in the vents? I don’t even know how that could be—there aren’t any.”
Adora walks along the pilasters, letting her mind wander as she searches. It’s been a good while since Horde Prime was beaten. While everyone seems to have moved on, she can’t help but be a little wary when Hordak makes his presence known. She doesn’t hate him, but she, as Bow had eloquently put it once, ‘has major trust issues.’
She doesn’t think he will go against them, and the rest of his kind have settled into Etherian life very well. Their acclimation has been nothing short of surprising.
Maybe she needs to look at it as the simple fact that there isn’t anything to worry about. That there isn’t a reason for her to access She-Ra.
She can be Adora.
“What are you doing?”
“Agh!” she yelps, jumping away.
Entrapta lowers herself from the ceiling, “You started spacing out.”
“What? I was looking for you.”
“You were, but then you were just standing here for a few minutes. Did you find something interesting on the floor?” Entrapta asks, pushing her aside to look at the spot. “Hmm, doesn’t seem to have anything.”
“There isn’t anything on the floor. I was just looking for you.”
“That’s nice of you! Would you happen to know how they manage to get the pipes threaded into the walls? I’ve been trying to find a way to note how this place is structured, but I haven’t found an entrance.”
“I’m not sure where that would be either,” Adora replies.
“That’s okay! I’m sure I can find one—or make one without compromising the integrity of the building.”
“Entrapta, can I ask you something?”
“How has Hordak been taking to Etherian life?”
“Oh, he’s been great! He’s had a lot more free time with me to work on all kinds of new inventions! He’s been putting together this new kind of robot with me, but I can’t tell you too much about it!” Entrapta shifts close, whispering. “It’s a secret!”
“What kind of robot?” Adora asks, anxiety forming.
“Can’t tell you! Hordak and I are going to be working on it a while longer, and it’s going to be so cool!”
Before Adora can say anything, Entrapta looks up at the ceiling, “Oh, I think that might be a good spot to try for an opening.”
In one movement, she ascends, leaving Adora confused.
What kind of robot?
It’s probably not anything.
Adora sighs, wondering if she’s being paranoid. That’s not something she’s been able to fully shake off. Maybe she should find Glimmer. She’s bound to be done with Hordak by now.
Hordak has never been more stressed in his entire life.
“You have to relax.”
“I… I don’t think I can,” Hordak says, trying not to shake.
“I promise if you relax, you won’t be feeling, uh, whatever it is you’re feeling.”
“Is this supposed to be how it works?”
“Yes, acupuncture is supposed to be like this. Although, it would help if you relax.”
“I don’t believe telling me to relax over and over is going to make that happen,” Hordak hisses. With an irritated grunt, he stands up from the lounging chair. He turns to the acupuncturist, “Get these off me at once!”
Glimmer groans, “Hordak, I promise if you just let things be, you wouldn’t be upset!”
She has been trying all day to be a good host. This was supposed to be a calm afternoon, but he seems so resistant. Absolutely stubborn! She had an easier time with Adora, and she had been going a little nuts. But Hordak has a determination to be as unreasonable as possible when it comes to treatment.
Frowning, she walks up to him, “We went to a lot of places already—the deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, facials, scrubs. You just don’t seem to care for anything.”
Hordak opens his jaw, moving it up and down, side to side. Patting his cheeks, he looks at her, “Well, you’ve had me go around everywhere, and there is simply nothing I want.”
“There’s always a place people can go to let their hair down. Ooh, do you want a hair wash?”
“No, again, I do that myself,” Hordak says.
Glimmer shakes her head, “Of course. You do everything yourself.”
He suddenly lets out a sharp hiss, pain shooting up his arm.
She looks at his fingers, the rest covered by a robe, “Are you okay?”
“It’s nothing. Just a nerve…” Hordak holds up a hand. “Don’t try to throw me in the wayward arms of a masseuse. I would simply like to rest.”
Glimmer’s brows furrow in thought. Perhaps she has been looking at this all wrong. There were so many new additions to Mystacore’s already impressive spa treatments, that she had been excited to unveil them all to Hordak and Entrapta—even if the latter has been gone this entire time—that she didn’t stop to consider that she might have been pushing him into something he doesn’t care for. Over the past few years, she learned he’s someone who doesn’t need or desire a lot, especially if they’re material possessions or experiences. “You know, I have one last room for you, and I think this one will click.”
Hordak sighs deeply, more exhausted than when he arrived. He nods, “Very well. Lead the way.”
Hopeful about this one, Glimmer allows him to pass through a singular door. The hallway gleams silver and blue, the temperature a little cooler by a few degrees. Hordak smells nothing out of the ordinary. His ears twitch at the sound of running water, and he catches the scent of it before coming to a room full of steam.
Hordak looks around the vicinity, the fog obscuring his vision to a good enough amount to ensure privacy, even if wearing clothes designed for soaking were available.
Glimmer smiles at him, “Here is the sauna-including-soaking-tubs! I wasn’t sure whether to bring you here because it doesn’t seem like something you’d be into. And people are usually around, but I think this could work.”
He dips his hand into nearby water, clear where the water doesn’t froth from the small waterfall; the heat radiates from his fingers upward.
“This will do,” Hordak says.
“Yes!” Glimmer shouts, enthused.
He looks at her, smirking, “It only took you all day to find something suitable.”
“Well, you’re one tough customer. But I think you’ll enjoy it here. And no one’s around. I’ll grab you something to change into.”
Soon, Hordak is dressed in breathable clothes, and Glimmer takes her leave.
Slipping into the hot water, Hordak allows a contented sigh to leave his lips. He sinks down into the water until its surface touches his chin. The sensation is akin to pleasure. The liquid moves about his muscles, steam shifting in front of his eyes when he breathes. His head tips forward, circulation steadily increasing. The numbness in his arm begins to recede, heat blissfully wrapping around his limbs.
Hordak submerges completely under the water, eyes closing lightly. There is no air, yet he can breathe. There is no sound, yet there is thrumming in his ears. The warmth permeates through, and a stirring reminiscent of serenity blooms in his chest, in his mind. He curls in on himself, the closest to childhood quiet he will understand.
Emerging from the water, droplets moving down his frame, Hordak’s shoulders droop, a lazy smile on his face. Relaxed.
“Hi!” Entrapta says, coming down.
“Hello,” Hordak replies, easing further. Wearing similar attire, she glides into the water, swimming up to him. She allows her hair to be loose, free from its pigtails, its natural weight drags it down to the bottom, fanning out under the water. Swimming up to his side, she places her arms on his shoulder. “Did you have fun exploring?”
“I did! I was following you every now and then, it wasn’t hard to do that, but I did try to find an opening into the building to look through its pipes, wires, pumps. It was all very interesting!”
“Did you succeed?”
“No! I had to make an opening myself. It’s very discreet, they’ll never knooow,” Entrapta says in a hushed tone.
“I know. You’re very good at being sneaky,” Hordak says, smiling at her.
“Adora was talking to me about you,” Entrapta tells him, leaning upon his shoulder.
“Oh? Why is that?” Hordak asks, resting against the stone. “I think she believes you’re not to be trusted still,” Entrapta informs. Pushing up on him, she brushes a dark blue tendril from his forehead. “I would’ve explained it to her, but I didn’t find it necessary.”
“A wise choice. It cannot be helped. Adora has no reason to extend any sort of olive branch in my direction, even if it has been a couple of years.”
Entrapta flicks some water with her fingers, “She will eventually come around.”
“That’s up to her. And even then, I don’t need to be accepted by everyone during the remainder of my time here.”
“Glimmer is pretty sweet to you!”
“Yes, she is,” Hordak says. He formed an odd kinship with her after the Rebellion regained control of Etheria. “She treats me well.”
“Hey! Look!” Entrapta shouts. Sinking down til her mouth is under, she blows air with her mouth, bubbles rising and popping at the top.
Hordak lowers himself to the water at the same level. And blows bubbles in turn.
Entrapta laughs in manic glee, splashing him as she claps her hands. Hordak shoves water in her direction, making her chortle harder. She squeals when he breaks into a wide, red grin, chasing her around the tub’s perimeter. Grabbing her, Entrapta flops against him, “Oh no, you caught me!”
He nips her ear, breathing onto it, “I did indeed.” He trails his mouth down her neck, making her gasp. Pressing it gently along her throat, he feels her body arch into him. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, moaning into him.
He withdraws, lightly kissing her cheek, “You have to wait.”
“Ooh, you’re such a tease!” Entrapta says, clinging to him. “You’re going to make me wait until we’re back at the lair.”
“Of course. I highly doubt we want anyone rushing in here when I make you scream.”
Entrapta laughs, looking up at him, “But think of the thrill of being caught!”
“Maybe next time. When we go to Glimmer’s castle.”
Their cackles ring around them, echoing above the water.
Glimmer shudders.
Adora looks at her, “What is it?”
“I don’t know. Got a weird feeling outta nowhere.”
“Probably nothing,” Adora says, continuing to eat her meal.
“Yeah, likely nothing.”
Entrapta looks at Glimmer, “Thank you for having us!”
Glimmer nods at the couple, “No problem! Thank you for choosing Mystacore Number Two for all your spa needs!”
“You really should change the name,” Entrapta says.
“And perhaps hire a concierge,” Hordak adds.
“We had one. But we had to fire them for taking up too much time relaxing instead of working.”
“Who was it?”
“Double Trouble.”
“Ah,” Entrapta and Hordak say simultaneously.
“Well, thanks for having us!” Entrapta says.
“Entrapta, hang on,” Adora walks over. “Can we talk over there, for a minute?”
“Sure,” She agrees.
Heading off a few feet, Adora begins, “I wanted to ask how you were doing, but you left really quickly.”
“I’m doing wonderful! Everything has been going smoothly at the lair.”
“What was the robot you mentioned?”
Entrapta waves a hand, “Silly, I told you I can’t talk about it just yet.”
“Not even a hint?” Adora pleads.
Entrapta gives her a gracious smile, patting her head with a lock of purple, “If it makes you feel better, it’s nothing you need to be worried about.”
“I’m not worried.”
“You’re quite a paranoid person, you know that?”
“I’m not that paranoid.”
Entrapta grins at her, “It’s not a bad thing, Adora! When we’re done, I’ll have you look at it!”
Adora sighs. She smiles back, “Alright. I’ll wait until then.”
Glimmer watches them interact for a moment before turning to Hordak, “Did you enjoy your soak?”
“I did,” Hordak answers. He clears his throat. “Thank you.”
“Sure! It’s what spa people do.”
“No, I mean, thank you… for taking the time to help me…”
Glimmer, touched, smiles at him, “Aww, you’re welcome. I’m glad you had fun!”
“Yes, I did enjoy myself,” Hordak admits.
Grinning at this accomplishment, she finds Adora walking back toward her, and Entrapta to Hordak. Bidding goodbyes, she waves at them as they leave.
“Hordak’s changed a lot, huh?” Glimmer says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I guess he has.”
Glimmer looks at Adora, “He actually thanked me for a good time! I feel like I can take on any customer!”
“You know you’re a queen, not a spa-day-host-person, right?” Adora asks, smirking at her.
“I can be both,” she declares, before heading inside.
Adora nods. Maybe she does need to be more considerate about the changes people have made. She had forgiven Catra, and there had been much more bad blood between them. If her friends say that Hordak is alright, then she’ll trust them instead of her doubts.
Maybe a soak will alleviate her head from all this thinking.
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ceescedasticity · 4 years
director’s commentary
Dammit, tumblr, why much you make everything difficult.
Anonymous: Director’s commentary: Chapter four of Echoes in the Void, the conversation after they have to leave the Metaverse?
Oooooh, yes. This. Actually I think I’ll include a little earlier, too…
To recap, Goro started second term at Jikken, where the “evaluation period” was over and things were getting nasty/weird. The second day they held him after school and made him run laps after he reflexively tried to headbutt someone who got in his face; the third day they wanted to know why he wasn’t showing interest in any girls, and he made a cutting remark about their interest in the sexuality of fifteen-year-olds being creepy, and they made him run laps with no shoes, resulting in badly abraded feet.
This probably explained the bastinado rumors, anyway. Those had been rather implausible.
Goro wondered, distantly, whether it was a second offense thing, or they actually found mouthing off more of a problem than attempted head-butts. That seemed like the sort of thing they really ought to explain.
The punishments Jikken is dealing out are completely unreasonable, but their prioritizing of offenses actually isn’t completely illogical. The attempted headbutt was because his instincts felt physically threatened and there was no choice or thinking about it involved. He knew it was a bad idea to make a nasty remark and did anyway. Therefore the second is a worse offense. And they definitely should have explained this.
Afterwards the school nurse was standing by to carefully clean the scrapes and apply antibiotics and bandages and lecture him about taking proper care of the injury.
Idk how many of my Start Again readers read my ‘Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind’ Homestuck fic? Jikken wants to be the goblins. They have all the bad ideas of the goblins about Fixing People, but they’re bad at it.
He couldn’t say what he thought about that. He must not say what he thought about that. Lashing out would make things even worse. Just smile. Just thank her. Just smile.
He was dissociating at least a little to deal with the pain, but having to act grateful about it is what pushed him over the edge into a prolonged episode. He’s done this before – locked himself away behind what is supposed to be Pleasant Goro, but… isn’t, exactly.
Afterwards he wasn’t hungry, so he skipped dinner. No one at the group home asked why he was limping. (Was he even limping? Both feet were equally injured, it wasn’t like he wanted to favor one of them.) His roommates noticed the bandages when he took off his slippers before bed.
“Fuck, look at pretty boy’s feet.”
“What the hell happened?”
“Ask him.”
“You ask him, he’s doing the psycho smile again.”
Goro tries to keep up Pleasant Goro appearances with the group home supervisors, but is really inconsistent about it with his roommates. They therefore both scorn him for being a pretty-boy suck-up and are kinda afraid of him for being vicious if you cross him. They generally don’t mess with him when there’s any chance he’d catch them at it.
(He dreamed blurrily of smiling, smiling as blood ran down the face of the first person he’d felt a connection to since—)
Canon!Akechi wasn’t dissociating the entire time, or for every murder, but that was how he dealt with Shido, and that was how he dealt with killing the closest thing he had to a friend.
The smile stayed in place the whole next day of school, too, through his math teacher accusing him of not paying attention and grilling him on properties of cotangents. It even stayed in place through the nurse checking on his feet and reprimanding him for not changing the bandages himself. But besides that mild scolding he wasn’t in trouble today, so he didn’t have to stay after. Good.
I wrote this and I’m still kind of shocked by the gall they have to scold him about not changing the bandages.
When he met Noir and Niijima — Noir and Queen, she was Queen in the Metaverse — outside the laboratory, Noir put a hand on Queen’s shoulder. “Crow?”
“Are you… all right?”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
Haru is seeing a lot more of Future Akechi than she ever has before and is on high alert.
It was good to get back to work. Good to solve a puzzle lock with perfectly well-remembered properties of cotangents. When there turned out to be a Battle Fiend waiting behind the door, good to tear its fucking face off—
“What in—”
“Crow! Stand down!”
—with his bare hands it could just die make something else bleed—
The Shadow melted away into nothing, and he slammed a fist on the floor. And again. And again. And again, because at least he could feel it his face was about going numb—
From an outside perspective Goro just went from creepy plastic smile to berserker rage with zero warning. Haru isn’t as shocked as she might be because she knew the creepy plastic smile wasn’t good and she knew what Akechi was capable of, but she still wasn’t expecting attacking a Shadow with his bare hands.
“Amrita drop!”
Goro jolted. Stilled.
Probably Makoto suggested the Amrita drop, because it sure looks like a status effect, and Haru thought it was worth a try. Why did it work, when it wasn’t actually caused by a spell? Maybe because it basically was a status effect? Who knows, cognition is weird.
His hand hurt. His feet hurt. His face hurt. His mask was completely blocking his peripheral vision.
The more isolated and closed-off he is, the more his mask looks like a helmet.
“Did that work?” Queen asked anxiously, somewhere behind him. “If it wasn’t a spell that caused it—”
“I don’t know, I’ve never— Now he’s hyperventilating.”
“No I’m not,” Goro said, or at least tried to. It came out garbled and wheezy.
“I’m going to—”
“Yes, good idea.”
The hallway blurred around him, and then they were outside the Palace. Goho-M.
“Crow?” Noir said. “We’re going back to the real world, and then we’re going to want to move fairly quickly. Is it safe for Queen to take your arm?”
Okay, this is back to the volatile but human Goro who Haru has  known since coming back in time, and in clear distress. She still wants  to know what the fuck just happened, but she knows who she’s dealing with, now. …And she knows that who she’s dealing with is someone you don’t touch without warning if you can avoid it.
Goro tried to get his breathing under control. “Just. Just a. Minute.” Sit on the ground. Knees up. Head between his knees. Breathe. “Just a minute.”
They gave him the minute.
How novel.
Not sure this needs to be commentary since it’s basically text, but he is not used to people listening to him about his mental/emotional needs.
“All right,” Goro said finally. “Just — slowly.”
Queen did indeed move slowly enough that it didn’t set off any panic responses, and carefully helped him to his feet. “Where are we going to go to talk about this?” she hissed, presumably at Noir. “Should we have gone to a safe room instead?”
“No, I don’t think being in the Metaverse is doing him any good right now,” Noir replied. “I’ve noticed a park about two blocks south — there’s a picnic shelter which shouldn’t be visible from the street. We can talk there.”
Oh joy.
Maybe he could run away instead.
He probably wouldn’t have run away even if he could have, he’s too invested in this group by now, and he trusts them more than anyone else, but he would’ve been tempted. He really doesn’t want to talk about this.
It turned out he could not, in fact, run away, as the second they returned to the real world the distant throbbing in his feet turned to raw agony, and his knees buckled for a second. Niijima had to support him. She didn’t, mercifully, offer to try to carry him.
“Is there something wrong with his—?”
“I guess so, come on, we’ll ask about that, too—”
Goro stared at the sidewalk as they walked and tried not to wonder what they wanted to talk about, exactly. Instead he wondered if it was sweat or blood making the bandages feel damp. It could be sweat. But if it was blood, and he bled through his socks… he hadn’t budgeted for new shoes, this could be a problem.
He’s not exactly dissociating at this point, but he’s not exactly fully engaged with his surroundings, either. Although having to buy new shoes WOULD be a problem for him, so the tangent isn’t out of nowhere.
So when they reached the picnic shelter, he sat down and started taking his shoes off without prompting. “I may need to ask one of you to get me some plastic bags… Good.” It looked like only traces of blood had penetrated the socks, so his shoes were safe. “But I will need some plastic bags. And bandages…”
There was a rather loaded silence.
“What. Happened,” Noir said.
They were not expecting to see blood. Real-world injuries isn’t something either of them has had to deal with a lot.
There was probably some way to avoid the question, but— “Running laps. Without shoes.”
“Without— Does that happen often?” Niijima demanded.
“It can’t be that often per student or people’s feet would toughen up,” Goro said. “I don’t know. Often enough that they sterilize the track frequently, I think.”
“That’s barbaric.”
“Agreed,” Noir said. “But considering we did already see the principal’s cognitions of the teachers vivisecting cognitions of the students, it’s not… unexpected.”
“It’s not unexpected,” Goro agreed.
“What was unexpected was your showing up smiling like some sort of, of creepy talk show host, and then killing a Shadow with your bare hands, in some sort of… something that Amrita Drop apparently brought you out of. I was not expecting that.” Noir crossed her arms, and looked at him. Expectantly.
Aaaaaaand Haru has decided it’s going to be necessary to get him out of  that school. Because what the fuck. That’s not normal. That’s not even  your standard unacceptable physical discipline, that’s – what the fuck.  And clearly it’s bad for Goro in particular, because he still scared  her with his Future Akechi impression. Let’s get some answers about that  part; the school isn’t as much of a priority because she will remove it from the equation.
…Yeah, it had probably been too much to hope for that that would go unremarked. “That… I wasn't… I wasn’t planning on that. It just… happens sometimes.”
“Happens sometimes?” Noir said incredulously.
“Like… spontaneously?” Niijima asked.
And what a liability he’d be if it did. “Not… exactly. Do you know — I know you know, Noir — how sometimes you have to do something you don’t want to, but you also can’t let on that you don’t want to?” Niijima probably did, too, to a lesser extent.
I’m not sure whether Goro has never encountered the concept of dissociation or if he refuses to connect it with his PERFECTLY HEALTHY COPING STRATEGY, SHUT UP, IT WORKS.
“Well, there's… a sort of… Sometimes I can… really hit my stride, I guess. Get so it gets easier to just… keep what I’m feeling separate. Keep me separate.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “So that’s good, but then sometimes — not often! — it sort of… overloads. And the overloads are worse in the Metaverse, for whatever reason.”
The purpose of Dissociation Goro is doing things necessary for his   goals/purposes that Regular Goro does not want to do or finds too   difficult. By ‘overloads’, he mostly means that sometimes Dissociation Goro apparently loses track of the goals and priorities of Regular Goro, and ends up doing unnecessary things.
“Probably the lack of consequences,” Noir said dryly.
“If my subconscious is counting on a lack of consequences for physically tackling Shadows, I’d like a few words with it.”
It’s mostly that the cognitive world, with its Personas and Shadows running around, already his one’s consciousness a little more spread out than normal; it’s easier for the dissociation driver to get accidentally wired to input from the id or the intrusive thought generator.
“But if it originated in the real world, why did Amrita Drop work?” Niijima wondered. “Did it just shock you out of it? Is it because the… ailment was cognitive to start with?”
Goro shrugged again. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t have expected it to work.”
“Well, it’s good that it did,” Noir said. “Still, it would be better for it not to come up.”
“I'll… I agree, and. And I can try.”
I’m not 100% sure how he’s planning to try, here, without a strategy to get out of Jikken. Dissociation is still an important part of his toolbox of 500 variously functional coping mechanisms. But he doesn’t like going off the rails like that, he really relies on his self-control, and he agrees it’s not a good thing.
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elsb-hrngtons · 4 years
We can help each other, You and me- Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Links to Ao3 in notes
Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, Steve fucking Harrington caught literally with his hand down his pants. Billy is delighted if not a little awkward, the situation isn’t exactly ideal, but it's a vast improvement from the last time he and Tommy ran into Steve.
How he managed to sneak in without either of them hearing him he’s not sure, he guesses he was too caught up with Tommy’s dick in his ass to really pay attention to his surroundings, which is very bad form especially if you’re fucking at your work place. Billy would be pissed, and very worried about being caught in an incredibly compromising position, with another guy no less, if it were not glaringly obvious that Steve the dirty little pervert, had just got himself off to the very same compromising position.
In fact this whole thing actually presents them with a pretty sweet opportunity, and if handled well all three boys could be a winner in this. Or it could all go wrong again and Billy and Tommy will be left licking their wounds.
Harrington looks like he’s ten seconds from throwing up, and honestly Billy can sympathise, getting caught jerking off has to be embarrassing, and well he and Tommy are no better, he did just have Tommy’s railing him not 5 minutes ago. If he didn’t know any better he’d say Steve has a really severe case of sunburn with how hard he’s blushing, avoiding their gaze sat uncomfortable with cum drying on his hand and no doubt in his shorts, but when Billy chances a look at Tommy, the poor boy’s not faring much better, freckled splattered skin, complemented by a rather deep shade of pink, he’s staring down at Harrington, mouth agape as if he can’t quite believe what he’s witnessed, and to be fair Billy can’t either, but Billy is the only one in the scenario who appears to be functioning like a human being, so to break the tension he decides to open his big mouth.
“Ya know Harrington I’m glad you showed up” he smirks trying for cool, collected, aloof. Steve still closely resembles a tomato and had been avoiding making eye contact up until now looks shocked, visibly flinching, probably preparing himself for an onslaught of insults, maybe even a beating, he’s biting his lip with an adorable little crease between his brows and then shifts his gaze back onto his lap, incapable of holding their stares for very long. “Freckles here was just talking about a little get together he’s having at his place tonight” Billy slaps Tommy on the back as he moves closer to Steve, taking up the seat next to him and nudging Steve in his side with his elbow. “Weren’t you Tommy?”
Tommy looks as if his brain is still malfunctioning, on a 10 second delay or some shit, Billy swears he can actually see the cogs turning in his mind as he clues into what Billy is doing and his trademark boyish grin splits his face.
“Oh yeah. You know nothing major, just a few beers, maybe some weed. You should come!” Tommy slides in on the other side of Steve, who once again looks around at the two, complete surprise etching his pretty features, he still hasn’t said two words and Billy’s not convinced he’s not lost all ability to talk at this point, that the shame hasn’t rendered his vocal cords permanently useless.
“Tell ya what.” Billy states leaning in closer, not missing how Steve tenses ever so slightly at this intrusion. “I’ve invited Heather, how about you invite your lady friend, the one who’s always hanging around you, and we make a night of it” Billy’s all charm now, laying it on as thick as he possibly can, maybe it's for Steve’s benefit, maybe it's for his own to save face or something, he doesn’t care, all he cares about is Steve’s response, if Steve ever does respond.
Steve swallows hard, throat bobbing jaggedly as he tries to regain composure and the ability to speak.
“Err yeah.. Sounds… sounds good.” Steve’s voice is harsh, but at least his blush is receding slightly, he appears to be choking down on his embarrassment.
“Great!” Billy claps his hands together as he jumps up. “We’ll see you at nine Pretty Boy” and with that Billy is dragging Tommy back out of the locker room, and back out into the heat of the Indianna summer.
Fucking great. Not only was Steve a monumental pervert, he was caught being a monumental pervert. It's like life's one big joke and he’s the punchline.
He’s mortified and all he wants to do is drown himself in the pool. But if he did that there would be no ‘party’ at Tommy’s, no chance to right his wrongs of the last time he attempted to test the waters with Billy and Tommy, and sure he feels right at this moment like he could die of embarrassment, the other boys appeared to take it in their stride and brush off Steve’s indiscretions like they were nothing. He’s not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Steve’s in a daze, in shock as he attempts to clean himself up best he can, but even standing under the spray of the shower for 15 minutes won’t wash away the dried spunk in his trunks, the very tangible evidence of his shame and apparently newly discovered hobby of voyeurism. He loosely wraps a towel around his waist to hide the obvious cum stains and steels himself in the mirror before making his way out into the pool area.
The brightness of the day is almost blinding and Steve has to give himself a moment for his vision to adjust from the darkness of the locker room before he can focus on where he and Robin had set up base. No surprises, she isn’t where he left her, he scans the general area, quickly averting his gaze from where Billy sits atop his makeshift throne and Tommy just beside him, he’s still recovering from the severe dent in his pride, he glances over the pool and still can’t see her. Then as he’s about to give up his search to go sit back on the lounger and wait for Robin to appear from wherever she disappeared to, he spots her a few feet away, blue slushie in hand talking animatedly to Heather Holloway of all people.
He knows he should probably hang back, give Robin at least a fighting chance at talking to the literal girl of her dreams, but Steve’s two seconds away from an emotional breakdown of his own making and while he’s come on in leaps and bounds in the last couple of years, he isn’t entirely selfish and right now he really needs to get out of here, he needs Robin to talk him through his impending anxiety attack, and maybe to stick his head between his knees and to breath in and out of a brown paper bag.
He strides over as smoothly as he can holding on tightly to the towel around his waist as if it's some kind of life line, and in a sense it is, if anyone were to see the state of his shorts he’ll probably die. Robin spots him and she ushers him over.
“Oh there you are! Where the hell have you been!?” she both asks and exclaims as if she’s accusing him of something, chastising him like a mother.
“I’ll tell you later,” he mutters.
“Oh this is Heather by the way!” she says excitedly gesturing towards the female lifeguard, who’s smiling something genuine, even though he can’t see her eyes through her sunglasses, he knows Heather well enough to know she’s a nice girl who’s entirely incapable of being a dick.
“Oh actually, me and Steve already know each other” she says sweetly.
“Hey.” Steve turns to Heather before entirely dismissing her, he knows he’s being rude, being a bad friend, but he’s also desperate and he’s hoping he can convey the urgency enough in his voice without coming across as too much like an asshole. “Robin. We have to go.”
“What!? Why? We just got here Steve” Robin sputters, she sounds exasperated and to be fair she’s justified, he realises, Steve’s being completely unreasonable out of context.
“I’ll explain later. We have to go.” he states, grabbing Robin by the elbow, jerking her away from Heather and dragging her towards the sun loungers where their things have been left.
“Okay, okay” Robin snatches her arm back, looking over her shoulder “See you around Heather” she calls out.
“Sure! Look forward to it” Heather calls back, giving a little wave.
Robin looks disappointed yet hopeful as they reach the loungers, Steve gathers up his stuff and awkwardly waits while Robin shoves her towel in her bag, he decides to throw her a bone.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see her tonight.” she shoots up to stare at him, one eyebrow raised a picture of scepticism.
“Wait. What?” she asks.
“You’ll see her tonight, we’re going to a party” he explains shuffling from foot to foot, getting increasingly antsy.
“A party?” she asks, they’ve finally started moving towards the entrance, Steve takes one quick look around the pool as they go through the turn-style in single file.
“That's what i said.”  he deadpans.
“Who’s party?”
Realisation dawns on Robin’s face as she rounds towards the passenger side of Steve’s car.
“Yeah. Oh.” Steve agrees, unlocking the car and shoving their things in the back seat. “Now c’mon we’ve got a party to get ready for”
Steve’s pretty sure he’s gonna throw up, why he originally thought that going to Tommy’s was a good idea was beyond him, especially considering the events that lead to the invitation. He was excited, sure, but his gut is trying its best to qualify for the Olympics with all the gymnastics it's currently doing. It is far worse than the gentle and oddly pleasant sensation of butterflies, resembling closer to angry wasps just buzzing away down in his gut.
He and Robin are walking to Tommy’s from his, because honestly it's not that far, and he fully intends to take advantage of the alcohol that will most likely be on offer, although he swears to himself he won’t let himself get into a state like last time, much to Robin’s scepticism and to be fair even he was pretty sceptical himself.
He thinks the best thing to do right now though is to distract himself from his own existential crisis, and perhaps for the first time today be the good friend he knows he is and discuss Robin’s own crush on Heather.
“So i’m pretty sure i never apologised” he leads with, because honestly he does feel kinda shitty about interrupting the two girls.
“For what?” she asks.
“For interrupting your little flirt fest with Heather” he says wagging his eyebrows suggestively and softly nudging Robin in the side.
“Flirt Fest!? When?” she’s practically choking out eyes wide like a bug
“Earlier at the pool.” Steve explains “don’t act all coy with me, i saw what was going on”
“There was no flirting, we were just.. I don’t know.. Talking” Robin shrugs, she looks bashful, it's cute.
“Looked a helluva lot more friendly than ‘just talking’” he emphasises his point by making air quotations with his hands, it's lame but it does the trick.
“ and what would you know? Huh?” She stops walking mid sentence to stare up at him “ you” she pokes him in the chest to emphasise her point “were there all of 1 minute, before you dragged me away, because you jizzed your pants!” she’s smirking clearly amused at Steve’s anguish.
“ROBIN!” he squeaks, eyes bugging out of his head in a poor reflection of Robin’s earlier reaction.
“Steeve” she sing-songs all high pitched and nasally, mocking him. She turns back towards the direction they were walking in and leaves Steve behind to catch up.
Steve finally with the program strides back up alongside Robin  in less than 3 steps, he’s pouting but not willing to drop the Heather thing, especially not now Robin’s been acting all defensive about it.
“Whatever. I still think she likes you.” he says
“Duh. I’m delightful” Robin says obviously sarcastic and flourished with an exaggerated eye roll.
“I’m being serious”
“Oh I know, you’re just wrong”
“I know i’m right” he teases
“you don’t know shit Harrington. And anyway i’d prefer not to take dating advice from a guy who literally got caught jacking off, by the guys he likes.” she snaps at him, but smiles triumphantly when Steve gapes back a little dumbfounded.
“Okay…” Steve huffs “now you’re just being rude.”
Tommy’s buzzing with so much pent up excitement he’s practically vibrating  as he whips around his basement trying to make it as presentable as possible for their impending guests, he doesn’t want to make it look like he’s making too much of an effort, still wants to keep an air of cool collectedness about him, wants to remain nonchalant, but he can’t help the excited little squeele he lets out when the doorbell rings.
“Christ will you calm down” Billy chastises him from where he’s sat, legs spread wide across the couch, nursing a beer and giving of his usual ‘ i don’t give a fuck vibe’
“Sorry” Tommy says over his shoulder sheepishly as he makes his way up the stairs, out of the basement and towards the front door. Thank god his parents aren’t home, away with his little brother visiting some family in Chicago, or this little get-together might not have been possible. Not that they would care if he had friends round, or that they were drinking , it's just easier when you have free rein and don’t have to be mindful of the other people living in your house.
He gets to the front door and all that excited energy turns slightly nervous as he tries to tamp down the butterflies in his stomach and not make a fool of himself when he answers the door. He can’t help but be a little disappointed when it’s Heather and not Steve, but he guesses with her already here it might make things a little less awkward and a little more easy when Steve and Robin do eventually turn up, if he turns up.
“Hey” Heather smiles warmly, all sugary sweetness and girl next door, she’s holding out a bottle of something , and Tommy’s instantly reminded of Steve and his past insistence that ‘it’s rude to turn up somewhere, without something for the host’, he figures it must be some rich people bullshit, considering Heather and Steve were both practically raised in a country club.
“Hey Heather! Thanks for coming” He accepts the bottle and holy shit on closer inspection it's the good stuff, some expensive brand of whisky that Tommy would only bother giving the time of day if it was either gifted or stolen, because there ain't no point in spending stupid amounts on money on booze when the cheap stuff gets you just as drunk, for a fraction of the price.
He leads Heather down to the basement, where Billy has shifted slightly on the couch to make room for other guests, Billy’s also taken the honours of selecting a tape from Tommy’s collection and playing it full volume, no doubt grumbling to himself about the poor taste in music. He smirks up at Heather and gives a little salute before knocking back the rest of his beer.
There’s a slightly awkward atmosphere at first, heather just standing there probably waiting to be asked to sit, like the good polite girl she is, Billy’s not saying anything, which is a little unusually, but he is distracted by rolling a joint and well Tommy doesn’t often play host, and when he does he’s at least already half cut, and has been chatting shit all night anyway, so the awkwardness never happens. Now though, they’re all relatively sober and Tommy doesn't know Heather that well to just start shooting the shit at her, he’s kinda relying on Billy to be a little more social here.
Eventually Heather sits next To Billy who’s finished rolling the joint and is sparking it as he scoots further up the couch to make room, Heather offers him a small smile.
“I thought you said Steve and Robin were coming?” She asks
“They are.” Billy replies around a mouthful of smoke, passing the joint onto Heather.
“Oh cool, coz otherwise this is a little bit of a sausage fest” she quips, inhaling and relaxing back into the couch.
“Nothing wrong with a bit of sausage Heather” Billy laughs and she laughs too
“No I know, just would be nice to have some female company” she leans across the coffee table and passes the joint to Tommy who’s still stood up like an idiot shifting from foot to foot, still a ball of pent up energy.
Tommy chills out a little as the evening goes on a bit, still anxious that Steve might not turn up, but he’s well distracted by Billy and Heather bitching about work and telling stories of snot nose little kids who quite frankly  deserve to drown alongside their entitled mothers. All three of them are giggling away, comfortable in each other's company when the doorbell rings.
Each one of them looks wide eyed up at the basement door, frozen to the spot. Tommy soon comes to his senses and bolts up, jogging up the stairs and towards the front door, he straightens out his t-shirt and unnecessarily fluffs up his hair a bit and then opens the door, signature cheeky grin firmly in place as he greets Steve and Robin.
“So glad you could join us”
Steve’s got that deer caught in headlights look about him, as if he didn’t expect the door to actually open, his mouth is slightly agape and he swallows thickly, Robin elbows him in the ribs and he extends his hand out, in it another bottle of expensive booze.
“Uh hey.” He says and Tommy accepts the bottle.
“Damn Harrington” he whistles, “knew i could count on you for the good stuff” he holds the bottle close to his chest with one arm, gesturing for them to come in with the other. Steve smiles weekly hands in pockets as he and Robin follow Tommy inside.
“Heh well you know, it's rude to turn up to someone's house without something to offer the host”
“I thought this was meant to be a party Hagan, where is everybody?” Robin cuts in as the make it to the basement door, music heard faintly behind the door and the distinct smell of weed wafting in the air.
“Right this way Buckley” he opens the door and holds it open for the two new guests before following them down the stairs.
The evening’s going by quite nicely in Tommy’s opinion, Steve and Robin have settled into the group rather well and the atmosphere in the room is rather pleasant, Robin’s settled herself next to Heather on the couch, while Steve is sat on the arm of the couch next to Robin. Tommy’s on the other side of the room in an armchair that’s seen better days and is in a more sorry state than the couch if that could even be possible. Billy’s next to Heather and they’re all grossly involved in a game of ‘Never Have I Ever’.
Tommy thinks maybe it's a little middle school to be playing it, like days gone by where the height of entertainment was playing spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven, but he’s enjoying himself so he can’t complain.
“Okay okay I’ve got one” Robin pipes up giggling behind a solo cup. “Never have i ever been punched in the face” all three boys take a drink, indicating that they have in fact all been punched in the face, nervous glances are shared between Billy and Steve atmosphere going just a little tense at the memory of their fight the previous year, but then Steve giggles and the tension is broken.
“Pft that was blatantly a set up Robs.” he grins at her and she rolls her eyes.
“Don’t see you coming up with anything better” she quips back.
“Sure i can!” he argues between laughs “ ohh i got a good one! Never have i ever played a musical instrument” at that Robin and Billy both drink, which triggers a few questioning looks towards Billy.
“You play an instrument?” Robin asks excited
“Used to” Billy shrugs
“What instrument?” Heather pipes in
“Guitar wasn't very good at it though so gave up” he shrugs again , downing the rest of his drink and throwing the cup onto the table. Robin looks as if she’s about to say something when the doorbell rang, they all glance around the room at each other doing a mental headcount, wondering if they were expecting anyone else.
It takes monumental effort but Tommy gets up and jogs up the stair for what feels like the hundredth time this evening, he’s ready to tell whoever is at the door to fuck off when he opens it. He’s struck speechless however when it's Carol who greets him with a nervous smile and glassy eyes.
“Hey Baby, can we talk?” she can obviously hear the voices from the basement “You having a party?” she asks one eyebrow raised and arms crossed, Tommy’s in shock, he wasn’t expecting this, and he’s a little too high for this.
“What do you want Carol?” it comes out a little harsher then he intended, but if it gets him the desired effect of Carol to fuck off so he can return to the basement then so be it. Her expression softens and she uncrosses her arms.
“Please, I just wanna talk Tommy” she pouts a little “I feel real bad about the way we ended things and i just wanna make sure you’re okay” Tommy’s thoughts are still a little sluggish, and if he’s being honest he’s still a little hurt by Carol just dropping him at the beginning of summer, but Tommy still has a soft spot for Carol and she does look pretty miserable, so against his better judgement he decides to humour her and invite her inside.
He takes her to his kitchen and offers her a seat at the breakfast bar. Thye sit there like that in awkward silence for a moment, avoiding eye contact neither one of them daring to speak, it remains like that until ultimately they both work up the courage to speak at the same time
“Would you lik-” Tommy says as carol blurts out
“I’m so sorry”
They both giggle nervously at that
“Sorry you go ahead” Carol speaks first giving room for Tommy to finish his sentence
“Would you like a drink?” he offers, already jumping from the stool and walking towards the fridge “We’ve got beer, wine, some pretty fancy whisky that Heather brought round” He lists off grabbing a beer for himself in the process.
“Heather’s here?” Carol asks “and i’ll just have a beer please” she’s picking at her nails nervously as she tracks Tommy’s movements.
“Uh yeah actually, and some others” he grabs another beer out of the fridge and hands it to Carol, taking a swig of his own.
“So.. you are having a party then?” she asks, acquisition clear in her tone .
“Uh yeah kinda, what did you expect Carol? For me to just be moping around here by myself? Just waiting for you to turn up?” Tommy’s trying really hard not get pissed off, not to get angry, he was having a good time up until now and he really doesn’t want to have his night ruined because of Carol.
“No.” She says rather petulantly.
“Then what?” despite his best effort he’s getting a little heated
“I don’t know Tommy” She throws her arms in the air clearly just as frustrated as he is “ look i’m sorry i shouldn’t have come here” she’s getting off the stool now, making her way to leave “I just wanted to smooth things out with you, apologise for hurting you, maybe see if we could still be friends.”
Tommy grabs her by the elbow and spins her to face him.
“Don’t go” he pleads, for a second she stares him down, narrows her eyes as if she’s trying to figure him out, but then she relaxes and rests her forehead on his chest, a little stuck for what to do, Tommy hugs her closer and pets her back, strokes her hair.
“I just miss you so much Tommy, i miss hanging out with you” she cries into his chest, Tommy’s a little at a loss, emotionally he’s all over the place all he wants to do is comfort Carol, he knows he’ll always love her in some kind of way, but gone are the days where he could ever think about taking her back, even if Billy wasn’t in the equation.
“I know, i miss hanging out with you too” he speaks softly into her hair, rubbing comforting circles on her back trying to calm her down.
“I just don’t wanna lose you, y’know? Like we’ve known each other since we were 4, that doesn’t just go away” she continues her muffled sobs nuzzling into his t-shirt, he inwardly cringes imagining all manor of snot and tears ruining it. He grabs her by the shoulders and holds her at arm distance, bends his knees slightly so he can be at eye level.
“Hey, hey” he says gently “you’re not gonna lose me alright?” he sighs guiding her back to a stool giving him a  moment to figure out what he’s gonna say next. “ look i’d love for us still to be friends” with that she looks up swiping her tears away.
“Really?” she squeaks
“Of course I do, like you said that kinda thing doesn’t just go away, but…” he trails off look nervously down at his hands, wishing he had something, anything at all that he could keep his hand busy with to try and channel the nervous energy building.
“But what Tommy?” she asks, he lets out a long exaggerated sigh, preparing himself for the next part.
“But, me and you, we can’t ever get back together” there he said it,  it's out in the open now and he can’t possibly make his intentions any more clear. “You really hurt me babe, and don’t get me wrong, I understand why you needed to do it, really I do! But i can’t go through that again, and anyway i’m kinda seeing someone” he explains, there's no point sugar coating it, he needs to make it clear he’s no longer available for Carol to pick back up and then drop again on a whim.
“You are? Who?” She sounds kinda like she’s accusing him, which is rich coming from her, he can feel anger begin to bubble to the surface and if he’s not careful he might snap again, he needs to keep a level head, at least try to remain as calm as possible.
“It doesn’t matter who, the point is, me and you, it can’t ever happen again” he gestures between the two of them. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t try just being friends” he offers a weak attempt at a smile.
“God, it sounds like you’re the one doing the breaking up” she cries out before letting out a quiet giggle. “Okay then, friends” she extends her hand for Tommy to shake, he looks down at it and back up at her quizzically.
“Get away with that, come here”  he steps closer and drags her into a tight hug “I’ll always care about you Carol, you know that right?”
“I know” she says
“Right c’mon, since you’re here, you might as well join the party” He says, releasing her from the hug and guiding her down to the basement with his arm slung around her shoulder.
Tommy’s been gone for some time now and Billy’s not worried per say but he is curious. He makes his excuses about going to find Tommy and maybe some more beer, leaving Heather, Steve and Robin to their conversation. As he gets closer to the basement door he hears voices, one is obviously Tommy’s  and the other is distinctly female, he can’t quite make out who’s exactly with the door closed so he gently opens the door so he doesn’t bring too much attention to himself. The conversation he hears is getting a little heated and he wonders if he’s gonna have to step in at any point, make sure something doesn’t get broken, at least that's what he tells himself as he creeps round the corner and listens in on Tommy and what he can now clearly hear is Carol.
He’s not spying, he assures himself as he continues to listen in out of sight, he’s just curious as to why Tommy’s ex-girlfriend of all people might have turned up at his house at 11pm on a friday night, nothing good he concludes. A pang of jealousy blooms in his chest as he hears snippets of their conversation, watches as Tommy consoles Carol with a hug, petting her hair and everything.
He’s about to lose his shit when he’s brought out of his thoughts by a hand suddenly appearing on his shoulder from behind, he jumps having not heard Steve leave the basement also and swings around ready to attack.
“Woah woah, hey man take it easy” Steve jumps back hands out in a ‘i surrender motion’. Billy huffs, heart rate slowly returning to normal.
“Jesus Harrington, you can’t just sneak up on people like that” he whispers
“Sorry, i was just wondering what you were doing” He whispers back “hey why are we whispering?” he asks and Billy has to try really hard to suppress an eye roll, he learns further out of the corner to try and get a better look at Tommy and Carol, Steve catching on leans in too.
“Carol’s here” Billy grunts, he doesn’t want to have to explain himself, and he knows Harrington isn’t that stupid, so he hopes quietly that maybe he might clue on without needing much of a push.
“Oh” is all Steve says. They share a look before Steve is walking away towards Tommy’s back door.
“Where are you going?”
“To get some fresh air, you coming?” Billy stays put for a second weighing up his option, follow Steve or stay and listen to Tommy making nice with his ex, if Billy were a stronger man he'd just return to the basement and forget all this happened, but he’s not and he does have a petty streak. So he follows Steve out into the yard and into the night air.
It’s a warmish night but with the slightest of breezes which causes goosebumps to rise on Steve’s skin, he’s secretly glad he has the benefit of a belly full of alcohol to keep him from shivering. He’s not sure exactly what he’s supposed to do now, but he’s glad Billy followed him.
Tommy’s parents aren’t exactly rich but they’re not poor either, they’re well off enough to have a nice back yard, complete with a  smallish patio, with a stone wall about a foot wide around its perimeter, overlooking a spacious grassy area lined with flower beds right up to the very end. There's an old swing set under a large oak tree that’s home to the tree house Tommy’s dad built one summer back when they were kids.
Steve perches himself atop the patio wall, crosses his legs and the ankles and inhales deeply. Billy joins him eventually, sitting beside him, legs spread wide taking up as much space as humanly possible. Steve thinks maybe it's a dominance thing, demanding more space and forcing others to make do with the little he’s been gracious enough to gift them, or maybe it's just more comfortable for him considering he has thighs the size of tree trunks. Steve lulls his head to the side so he can look at Billy, he looks lost in thought, staring at the ground, little crease in between his eyebrows, lips set in a hard line.
“Any chance I can bum a smoke?” Steve asks, hoping it might break the ice a little, relieve some of this awkward tension. Billy says nothing just reaches in his jean pocket for his packet of Malbros and hands it to Steve. Steve takes one, handing the packet back and watches intently as Billy takes his own out and lights it, Billy holds the flame closer to Steve and he leans in to light his own, making eye contact with Billy and holding it the entire time.
“What?” Billy asks when Steve still hasn’t broken eye contact. Steve’s heart rate picks up, he’s consumed with a sudden burst of confidence, bravery to finally address the elephant in the room, to stop dancing this tentative dance around Billy and Tommy, to finally make his feelings clear and to hopefully confirm theirs in return, worst case scenario he gets a fist to the face, but if he plays his cards right, he might just stand a chance here. Sure he would have preferred Tommy to be here too, but he has to work with what he’s got and well for the first time he’s actually got one of them alone, and he’s not a complete mess, he hopes the stars might have aligned tonight and luck is on his side, so maybe he might just get a win out of this.
“Why’d you invite me here tonight?” he asks on an exhale of the cigarette Billy had gifted him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Billy says voice gruff, there’s not much light outside, only the gentle glow of the moonlight and the light seeping out from Tommy’s back door, but even in the dim lighting Steve can see a faintest blush creep across Billy's cheeks.
“Oh i think you do” Steve’s feeling bold, brash so he leans in a little closer, this close he spots the light dusting of freckles across Billy’s adorable sun-kissed nose, his gaze darts down briefly down to his lips and back up again to hold eye contact with Billy, he swallows thickly and Billy mirrors his actions. “I think you invited me here because of an ulterior motive” he smirks.
“Oh yeah? And what's that?” Billy asks, quiet, he looks bewitched by Steve.
“Why don’t you tell me” Steve’s inching closer and closer, they’re barely a breath apart
“Seems like you already know” Billy’s eyelashes flutter as he breaks his stare and instead focuses on Steve’s lips.
“I do. But i want to hear you say it” the atmosphere is thick around them, anticipation building, they’re so close yet so far, all it will take for them to close the gap is from one of them to lean in further ever so slightly, but they both seem to be playing chicken with one another. Just as Steve is about to give in himself, lean closer, brush his lips against Billy’s, admit defeat yet claim the victory, the back door swings open.
Just like that the spells broke, they both separate and look in the direction of the house. Tommy’s stood there and he’s absolutely seething, breathing hard. Steve breathes a sigh of relief, happy in the fact that they hadn’t just been caught in an incriminating position by Heather or Carol. The relief is short lived however because Tommy’s storming towards them, fists clenched, jaw tight, anger rolling off him in waves.
“What the fuck.” is all he bites out. He swings for Billy and catches him square in the jaw, giving him no time to recover as he grabs Billy by the shift and hoists him close, getting in his face.
“What the hell Tommy!” Steve shouts, trying to get in between, trying to break them up. Billy’s not reacting, he’s not swinging back or trying to defend himself and Steve thinks that's odd, from personal experience he knows that's not Billy’s style. “Tommy, get off him”
Tommy snarls, letting Billy go and stalking to the wall, throwing himself down in a huff
“You two looked cosy out here” he spits, arms crossed against his chest as he kicks at the dirt, picture perfect tantrum in the works. “Sorry to interrupt”
“Oh yeah like you weren’t getting reacquainted with Carol in there!” Billy argues back.
“It’s not like that and you know it Billy”
“No, i don’t think i do”
“Yes you fucking do, stop being such an asshole Billy!”
“Oh I'm the asshole, you punched me in the face!”
“You were kissing Steve!” Tommy’s got in Billy’s face again, looks like he could throw another punch, Steve decides to step in.
“Guys will you shut the fuck up!” he shouts over them. “No one was kissing anyone!” Both Tommy and Billy look over at him both with one eyebrow raised, their disbelief written all over their faces. “okay well maybe i was about to kiss Billy” Tommy looks hurt, Billy looks a little smug.
Tommy shoves a bit at Billy still angry.
“Tommy!” Steve whines “Stop!” Steve drags a hand down his face, trying to wrack his brain of how he’s gonna explain himself with words, he had kinda hoped actions would speak louder than words tonight, but so far everything just been one horrendous misunderstanding after one horrendous misunderstanding. “Look I like you. Both of you.” he bites his lip, preparing himself for a rejection. “And i think maybe you both like me too?” his voice is 4 octaves higher than it should be and Steve cringes at that. Smooth real smooth.
They both stare at him, dumbfounded, mouths agape, comically blinking as if they can’t quite believe what they’ve heard.
“Wha?” Tommy whispers
“You do?” Billy asks.
It's adorable how they’ve been essentially struck speechless, when usually neither one of them has the ability to shut up, Steve just rolls his eyes shuffles closer, grabs Tommy by the face with both hands and kisses him chastely on the lips, and then does then repeats the action with Billy.
“Yes you fucking idiots.”
Both boys break their own unique signature grins.
“Well thank god” Tommy says, turns to Billy and kisses him, before laughing like an idiot, a contagious laugh that had Steve and Billy join in too.
“C’mon you two, I think we’ve left the girls alone, long enough” Billy says, dragging both boys by the hand back into the house.
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wienerbarnes · 5 years
Whatever It Takes (2/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 1,519
Prompt: Doctor AU
Warnings: Descriptions of disease symptoms, funny stuff
A/N: yay chapter two! thank you to everyone who showed me love on the first chapter and left the sweetest comments! 
Your loud James Brown and the Famous Flames ringtone interrupts the silence of the quinjet on the way to Avengers tower. Bucky feels a vein about to pop in his forehead as he glances up from his book in his seat across from you as you pull your phone from your pocket to see Abraham calling. He watches you glance at the screen as you pick out the pretzels in your teeth with your tongue.
“I thought you said you left your phone in your office?” Bucky questions, annoyed wrinkle in between his eyebrows.
“Just wanted to see if you’d be able to tell if I was lying.” You respond mischievously as you answer the phone and put it on speaker.
“Inspector Gadget speaking,” You greet as Bucky continues to stare at you.
“Where are you?” Comes Abrahams voice through the speaker, excitement poking through his voice.
“I’m on a top secret mission for the Avengers.” You inform as you kick your feet up on the corner of Bucky’s arm rest across from you. Bucky rolls his eyes and glances back down to the book he was reading.
“… Right. CT, history, and tox screens came back normal.” Jordan tells you.
“Her tendon reflexes seemed a bit weak to me, though.” Abraham argues.
“Areflexia could mean Miller Fisher.” You infer.
“Yes, Areflexia could mean Miller Fisher, but since her reflexes were weak and not absent, it means nothing, I’m releasing her. You can get back to your strip tease or Avengers-themed orgy or whatever it is your doing with your cosplay buddy.” Jordan states.
“You think the Avengers would allow such-“ You’re cut off by the dial tone as Jordan hangs up the phone.
Bucky leads you through the modern looking hallways of the Avengers tower and you sneak peeks into the many labs that line either side of the hallway. Large screens, cases and cases of tubes and containers with various liquids in them, even the hospital beds look like the most luxurious cots that money could buy. They probably are the most luxurious cots money can buy, you think. You finally reach an office at the far end of the hall and Bucky opens the door for you.
Inside you find Bruce Banner sitting behind a desk looking over various files and papers. He glances up at the sound of the door, removes his glasses, and stands to greet you.
“Dr. Bruce Banner. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Doctor, especially on such short notice.” Dr. Banner holds out his hand and you shake it gratefully.
“P-pleasure’s all mine. You’re Bruce Banner.” You ogle at him. First an invitation to the Avengers Tower and now you’re standing in front of the Bruce Banner?
Bucky smirks, amusement clouding his face as he takes notice of your admiration. It’s hilarious to him to see how fast your sarcastic and immature exterior melts into a star-struck, stuttering mess. It’s… endearing, almost.
“Oh! This is Dr. Curtis from the Mayo Clinic,” Banner gestures to a middle-aged woman sitting in a chair in front of the desk. Glasses hanging around her neck with a dark blue blouse and black slacks on her body, she stands and shakes your hand, too.
“Dr. Sydney Curtis on Immunology, Dr. Curtis?” You confirm.
“Oh, you’ve read it?”
“No, but it is keeping my piano level in my apartment.” You inform. Dr. Curtis’ smile drops and you see Dr. Banner’s eyebrow quirk upwards and Bucky stifle a laugh and disguise it as a cough from his position near the door.
“So, where is the poor, sick fella?”
“I’m afraid there will be some limitations on his medical history. Just let me know what you need and I’ll try my best to provide.”
Dr. Banner leads Bucky, Dr. Curtis, and yourself down a different hallway, presumably towards the Agent’s room.
“F-Y-I, my medical malpractice insurance doesn’t cover alien autopsies.” You tease.
“Don’t worry, all of that stuff is the next wing over.” Bucky chimes in, sending you a wink when you turn your head to look at him. He finds you more amusing now that you’re annoying more people than just him. Your wit is always clever and you always seem to know the perfect thing to say to push everybody’s buttons and make him laugh.
“Where was the patient when he fell ill?” Dr. Curtis asks.
“I’m afraid that’s classified. Assume there aren’t many places John hasn’t been. And, yes, John is a cover name.”
“Well, why do think it was an attempt on his life?” Curtis tries.
“We can’t tell you that either.” Banner replies, stopping front of one of the white rooms along the hallway.
“Well, what can you tell us?” Curtis asks.
“Yeah, did Oswald really have sex with Marilyn Monroe?” You ask. Bucky smiles and opens the door, leading in first followed by Dr. Banner, yourself, and Dr. Curtis.
Walking into the dimly lit room finds everyone staring at the frail looking man laying in the hospital bed. Pale skin, open sores, bruises, skin almost looking like it had bubbles forming it over it. Redness covers what’s visible of his body; arms, neck, and face. Dark circles surround his closed eyes and lips are cracked beyond belief.
“Good Lord,” Curtis whispers.
“Very professional,” You huff and throw a disapproving glance at Dr. Curtis.
“Five days ago he was 185 pounds,” Banner begins. “Perfect health.”
Silence fills the room as everyone observes the sick agent in the bed, wondering what could possibly cause this amount of damage in such a short amount of time.
“Cool.” You exclaim.
Banner walks over to the stack of files sitting on the small table at the end of the bed. He hands one to both you and Dr. Curtis and you realize it’s Agent John’s file, or at least a file with any information they’ll give you.
“We’ve tested him for every poison, every metal, and every biological agent we can think of.” Banner informs.
“It says in here that he ate a lot of chestnuts.” Curtis states, reading through the file in her hands.
“Woah, woah, woah. If the squirrel liberation army is involved in this, I want no part. Those little rodents will-“ You begin to mock.
“Horse chestnuts are poisonous, if someone switched-“ Curtis begins to explain but you interrupt her.
“Horse chestnuts may look like chestnuts but they taste like a horse’s lower-than-chestnuts. Which makes the theory that he ate a couple hundred a tad unlikely.” You argue. You don’t ignore the fact that both Bucky and Banner are both failing to hide their smiles at the banter between you and Curtis. You want to be professional around a very handsome, brooding soldier and the doctor that inspired you to study medicine, but Dr. Curtis is making it very difficult.
You close the file and pace slowly around the room. “Seeing as he was prowling the streets of… Tehran?” You guess.
“Actually it was the streets of- Oops! You almost got me.” Bucky faces you with a sarcastic grin.
“Unless you can tell us the environmental factors or any poisonous fauna-“
“Which you know I can’t do-“
“You might as well just Google, ‘poison’!” You respond defeatedly. You’ve solved difficult cases before, but this is turning out to be a real puzzle.
“The only thing they would tell me is that he’s spent the last eleven months in Bolivia.” Bucky compromises, arms crossing over his large chest. He wants to help, he really does. He cares about this agent; he cares about all the agents he’s trained and watched become great heroes. Especially after requesting to be taken off missions, he’s been lucky to be put in charge of training any and all incoming agents and helping Sam assign them to missions.
“Who are you gonna kill in Bolivia?” You question, brows furrowed on your face.
Bucky rolls his eyes as Dr. Curtis chimes in, “What does it matter what he was doing? He’s dying!”
“Not anymore, it’s pancreatitis.” You say as you slump down into one of the bedside chairs.
“He’s not an alcoholic.” Banner informs you.
“And unless his pancreas is in his fingertips-“ Curtis sarcastically states, looking to Bucky to see if his expression matches the annoyed one of Curtis herself, but he’s only staring at you, curious about your thought process.
“Spies can’t get fungal infections?” You ask.
“What about the burns on his skin?” Banner inquires.
“Spies can’t get sunburns? Bolivia doesn’t have sun?” You joke, catching Bucky’s eye as he chuckles softly at your reasoning.
“So either we go with her theory of the non-drinking drunk, which is totally unreasonable, or the theory that someone poisoned him with the resources to make it completely untraceable.” Curtis argues.
Banner looks between you and Dr. Curtis, gears running a million miles per minute in his brain trying to think of what to do.
“Let’s, uh, let’s treat him for radiation poisoning.” Banner says as he begins walking towards the door. You roll your eyes and stand to follow him, Dr. Curtis, and Bucky out of the room again.
TAGS: @thefvcker-tucker @angel-fire @gagmebucky @hannie-writes-marvel @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @creepylittlemarvelgirl @spiderrpcrker
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 30 of 83 : World of Sea
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Part 30 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
When Everything was readied to the diver’s satisfaction, she waddled to the rail in her flips and went over the side, hitting the water on her back.  She went under and surfaced head first.  After several deep breaths, she blew out all that she could and sounded like an Orca whale, jackknifing down, flips shooting straight up into the air.  She disappeared into the dark water.  Over three minutes later, she burst up through the surface, almost to her waist and sank back, just her head out of the water, breathing deeply again.  
She steadied and called, “The bow-cable is secure.  Lift fifteen feet with the big crane!”
They lifted as directed and the diver sounded again.  Shortly, she was back up.  While she was getting her breath, she signaled with a circled thumb and forefinger.  
“Lift twenty five feet with the portable crane!  Pull easy, there’s going to be a lot of water resistance.”  When they had done it, she went back down and looked to see that all was well before they hoisted the boat up.
The mast tip broke water with the forlorn, drowned lantern still hanging from it.  In minutes the cabin roof was in view and then the fore-deck and flooded cockpit.
“Hold!” called the diver and the cranes stopped.  “Get a bilge-pump!” She flipped her feet up and dove.  This close to the surface, they could see her stroking in a leisurely way with her feet and shooting the length of the boat, turning and coming back along the other side of it.  Surfacing again, she called, “Belay that pump!  Lift the stern, gently! — — Good!  Now lift all, dead slow!”  
She just lay back and floated, watching as the boat came up.  Water gushed in a foaming torrent from a perfectly round, six inch hole close to the bows and low on the bottom.
Chapter 9: The Dragon’s Kin
When Kurin and Sula went to the bazaar, about noon, they were greeted on all sides by whispers of, “There she is!  She’s the one that maps the bottom!  That’s why the Longin is doing so well!” and many other variants of that.  Including, “The Longin has a new Luck!” There were also malicious whispers of which the kindest was “Witch!” said by a group of Fauline sailors, looking at Kurin venomously.
There was a knot of Captains about Captain Mord, in front of the Council Pavilion.  Captain Sula strode through the group with such assurance that they gave way before her.  Kurin followed.  Reaching Mord, Sula turned to the other Captains, raised her hands for attention and said bluntly, “This is unseemly.  Let us go in and deal with your concerns in a quieter, more private, setting.”
She opened the flap of the Pavilion and held it while the other Captains filed in.  She took the center of the Council Circle, and turned until she had faced them all.  Only about a dozen of the over two hundred Captains of the Council were present, leaving many empty benches on the tiers of the cavernous pavilion about her.  She waved them all together into a close, intimate group.
Boldly, she said, “I have taken this liberty because I am not involved in your squabble.  What is the problem, that you assault Captain Mord in such a public fashion?  She pointed at the Captain of the Gula. You?”
“Rumor started yesterday that the Longin had some uncanny method of finding fish, and that is why she has been so successful.  We want her to cease its use and fish fairly, with the rest of us.”
Sula actually laughed, wiping an eye, she replied, “I did not expect comedy in such a Council as this.  Would it not make more sense to inquire how the fish were found, so that you could catch them, too?”
Several of the Captains gave hard looks at Barad, Captain of the Grandalor, and pointing said, “It was his idea to shut down the Longin’s fishing methods.  He called them witchcraft.”
“And you listened to him with no more proof than his word?  I have only been here with you folk for a few days, and already I have heard that he hates the Longin and her success.  
“I have heard as a food booth tale, told with much mirth, how he cheated himself of what has proved to be his best fishing waters while trying to swindle the Longin.  If this is what you use for evidence in this fleet, then twist a rope from the moonlight of Dorac, Carsis and Wohan.  We will use it to hang Captain Mord.  Captain Barad left his wits on dry land Gatherings ago, and now he has you beaching yours in his wake.”
“If you know so much,” asked the Captain of the Dolthin, sourly, “how do they catch so much more than the rest of us?”
“I would hazard a guess that they use lines and hooks and nets, like the rest of you.  They excel in knowing where to put them.”
Barad jumped on that, “And just how do they know where to fish? Witchcraft!  That’s how!”  He sat back with a self satisfied smirk.
“Actually, I think not,” replied Sula sarcastically.  “You should allow questions that you ask to be answered, instead of answering them yourself.  That method of inquiry leads you onto the reefs of unreason.  
“You must accept that the Great Sea Dragon, Blind Mecat, lived on board the Longin in human guise for nineteen Gatherings.  They may have learned from her, and now use their resources better than you.  
“Five Gatherings ago, the Dragon left, and in so doing, gave you absolute proof that at least two Great Sea Dragons are still about.  
“For the last five Gatherings, the Longin has been blessed with the Dragon’s kin.  The finding of the fish is her work, is it not?” She turned to Captain Mord as she asked the last.
He looked at her blankly, “The Dragon’s kin?  Cat had no children. We have not picked up any other — — What do you mean?”
Sula pulled Kurin to the fore.  “Here is the Dragon’s foster daughter. With her father dead and her mother gone mad beyond help, Kurin was taken in and raised for an entire Gathering by whom?  Blind Mecat. The Great Sea Dragon became her foster mother by the laws of both Winternight and the Corlis fleet.  Is not your law similar?”
A buzz of consternation showed that it was.  And that nobody had thought of it.
“So, now the question becomes this; do you reject the Dragon’s daughter and her gifts?  Will you risk the wrath of very real Dragons in the process or will you embrace her gifts, and in the bargain become wealthier?  I have no vote here, but I think the choice is obvious.”
Skua, Captain of the chronically poor Fauline asked jealously, “Will she do for us what she does for you, Captain Mord?  Exactly what is it that she does?”
“I will answer Captain Sula’s question first,” said Mord, nettled by Skua’s tone.  “Yes, Kurin has been responsible for our finding fish.  Unfortunately, it is far more complex than her simply pointing and saying ‘the fish are here or the fish are there.’”
Mord cast a jaundiced eye at the covetous Skua and scolded, “Skua, how we find the fish and the way that she helps us is protected Ship’s Business.  Our Master’s Council has studied the matter and determined that it is a skill, not a Craft.  She does not have to share it with anyone.  I can say that the part that is still secret involves something completely new in the way of dead-reckoning navigation.  She has been teaching some of us the skill, with varying degrees of success.”
Kurin tugged at Mord’s sleeve and whispered urgently in his ear for a few moments.  His eyebrows shot up and he smiled.  The assembled Captains did not like the look of that smile.  It was almost predatory.
When he spoke, they were sure of it.  “It is clear that a great part of the knowledge is no longer secret, due to a loose tongue.  The crew will vote this evening on how to share our knowledge and what parts of it to keep secret.  Tomorrow morning, here, I will tell you of the vote.  By the Articles of the Longin that is all that I am free to do at this time.”  He got up and taking Kurin by the hand, he walked out.  Kurin went to her booth and thanked Roper, who had opened and watched it for her.
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