#I had another idea originally but decided not to so
bitchfitch · 2 days
My mother's bf had a fairly major surgery (he's fine and recovering well DW) and he's going to be housebound for his birthday this year, so I've been enlisted to come up with a fancy birthday meal for the special birthday boy that's primarily fruit and veg, sweeter than savory, and is something he's never had before.
Bc I'm making watermelington. It's beef Wellington, but watermelon. bc my mom only found out recently you can use watermelon as a tuna substitute. And I know that you can substitute most higher quality beef cuts with tuna or salmon.... usually. Anyways the idea fascinates her so I'm hoping to use that for bonus points.
Now he's off his ass on pain killers so I can't like. Ask him if he's ever had something before. so to meet my brief I've decided to just. commit a novel hate crime against the British I guess.
Anyways. I'm writing this because I need to walk myself through this process and think it'll be surreal enough to be worth taking y'all along for.
So, Beef Wellington. In its most basic bitch arrangement is a beef tenderloin wrapped in prosciutto/really thin bacon, with a layer of mushroom and onion mush, that has been further wrapped in mustard slathered puff pastry.
We will be ship of Theseusing this. bc beef Wellington is like. the opposite of what he wants. Which is why it's funny.
Puff pastry-> it's still just puff pastry
this one doesn't have to change (aka I can't be fucked to do pastry prep and I'm just gonna use store bought it's Fine.)
the prosciutto is also just going to be prosciutto.
Thin meat
Beef tenderloin-> watermelon,
Tbh this is a pretty 1 to 1 substitution. I'll bake the slices at like. 250-300 for an hour or so ahead of the rest of prep to dry it out a bit. bc you can't like. Sear watermelon to seal in the water like you can beef. By definition it's a very wet fruit (like me when I fall into the lake). Ill Add salt and chili and lime juice while baking maybe. this is the easy part
The mushroom mush-> salsa done bad style
As the word mush implies, this is meant to be a very soft mix. It adds a lot of nuttiness to the wellington that rounds out all of the salt from the meats. I'm replacing it with white person salsa(the birthday boy can't handle spice). Tomato, lime juice, parsley, avocado, cucumber, feta, and maybe mango so I can have an excuse to have a lil mango treat. I said I wasn't making it spicy. I'm still putting a bit of chili in it. bc it'll be better like that. This is also a ridiculously wet bit of mush, Even the original mushrooms have too much water. I'll figure something out.
Mustard -> jelly
He lives in a big city. those preserve sections are massive. I'll find a weird one. maybe apricot.
We're in the mind palace kitchen, I have not attempted any of this. We're just thinking real hard about it and I'll edit as needed on the day and post results.
The watermelon
Preheat oven to eh. 300f? We want low and slow to dry things out without it taking a year. but idk what his oven is like. If it's gentle I'll bump it up another ten-twenty.
Slather some watermelon slices in salt chili powder and lime juice mixture.
bake for 30 min on a wire rack or directly on the oven racks (after cleaning thoroughly) if he doesn't have a wire rack. with a drip try underneath to catch the drippage. check frequently. Have one slice that's for being poked to see if it's approaching being meat. Bake longer if needed.
Salsa bad style
chop everything up and add it to a pan with some oil in it. Tbh I don't think the type of oil you use for cooking matters if you're not like, getting near any smoke points. Most people can't tell the difference unless you made your food bland as hell.
Anyways there's some wildly different moisture contents on the list so there has to be an Order to cook off as much water as possible without getting yucky.
Tomatoes and cucumbers go in together with some salt to get the cucs softening, then the mango chunks and lime juice. Once most of the water is gone the avocado feta and parsley can go in. There is a good amount of water in avocados but they're delicate and don't pan fry well, so we're just going to ignore their water crimes and hope for the best. They just need to be evenly mixed through the rest of the mush.
Putting it together
lay out the puff pastry, cut into sections to wrap each watermelon slice individually with.
Slather in jam
Take the prosciutto and lay it out on half of each section of the pastry,
spoon the salsa onto that
Another layer of salsa
another layer of thin meat
Fold the pastry over the top and pinch the edges bc watermelon slices are not a rollable shape and I don't want to carve a watermelon into a tube for this because that sounds irritating.
Brush with egg wash and more parsley
Cook in oven following the pastry's preferred temp and time. it's fucking watermelon, you're not getting ecoli from it.
watermelington :)
I'm serving it with baked sweet potatoes and spinach based salad with whatever toppings are left over from making the salsa.
anyways thank you for joing me on this thought experiment. I will post updates once the deed is done. I'm sorry to every British person ever.
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wrennyfics · 2 days
Hi! Since requests are open, here’s a prompt I’ve been fiddling for a while. I crafted this for my OC but I’d love to see how you’d portray it.
This is where reader is either interning or becomes Pomfrey’s assistant. Either his Snakes or Harry (Severitus) decide that Snape needs more friends and orchestrate a plan to get Snape and reader alone. Little did they know that they had been inadvertently playing matchmaker.
The original idea is multiple meetings over the course of a school year, but Snape or reader could very well hit it off the first meeting. That’s up to you :)
im a sucker for a good shy snape has a crush on y/n. absolutely.
warnings: none :) brief mention of broken bones, takes place during Harry's 4th year, but no voldemort bc im too emotionally weak for that
PART ONE: Meddling Snakes
(I''m going to divide this into two parts, so it can be a little longer xx)
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October 1st. 1994.
The leaves were turning colours. Outside the window, in the courtyard, a mirage of orange and yellow painted the sky and ground. With a particularly strong gust of wind, several more leaves fell from the trees and joined the others on the grass. Fall was here at last.
A voice from behind drew you out of your daydreams.
"Madam Y/L/N." Pomfrey's voice cut out from the silence. You turned around to see her looking at you with a soft expression.
You shook your head gently. "My apologies. What is it you were saying?" You spoke.
A small smile graced her lips. "No need to apologize, dear. I just need you to run a quick errand for me, if that's no trouble."
"Of course." You nodded, eager to help.
She extended her hand to you, revealing a small jar with a stone-like mass inside. She shook it, gently rattling the object.
"This is a bezoar." She said. "I'm sure you already know what it is."
You nodded. Your first month at Hogwarts as Pomfreys assistant had gone quickly, and you had already become accostomed to how often the students here seemed to end up in the medical wing. Surprisingly, you hadn't needed to use a bezoar yet, but your previous education was enough to understand how rare and effective they were.
She nodded approvingly, reaching out and placing the jar gently in your hands. "Take this to Professor Snape, in the dungeons. He's needing it for one of his lessons."
You looked down at the jar, at the odd, lumpy object inside, your hands tracing the glass. "Of course. I'll be right back."
The dungeons were always the most freezing part of the castle. The first of October and already the temperature was dropping, not that it made much of a difference down here anyways.
You crossed your arms against your chest as you walked through the freezer of Hogwarts, the jar with the bezoar in your apron.
Footsteps echoing throughout the silent corridors, you made your way to the potions classroom.
As the door was already open, you stood in the doorway and knocked gently.
A tall man in a long black cape and black robes stood at the front of the class. At your knock, the man turned to face you, looking you over with an almost suspicious glance. His dark eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable.
"Excuse me, Professor." You started, looking around the classroom at the group of fourth year Slytherin and Gryffindor students. "Madam Pomfrey sent me to give you this."
You reached into your apron, pulling out the jar with the Bezoar. His eyes flicked down to it before he gestured over to the desk where he stood.
You approached, placed the jar carefully in front of him. He did not look at you again, continuing his lesson without so much as a thank you.
As soon as you left, a group of Slytherin boys began to exhange knowing looks. Among them, a blonde-haired boy named Draco Malfoy leaned in. "That's Pomfrey's new assistant." He murmered.
The other boys looked at him. "Is she?" One of them asked.
Another one nodded. "Remember when I fell of my broom two weeks ago? Yea, she's the one that mended it. Humbling moment on my end, if I must say so." He added.
Malfoy leaned in closer, the lot of em leaning in around him. "She isn't too bad looking..."
One of the boys scoffed. "Yea right Malfoy, cause you got a chance."
"Not for me you dim-wit!" He hissed, pausing as Professor Snape shot them a warning glare to shut up and pay attention.
Draco dropped his voice to a whisper, slowly flicking his gaze between the boys. "For Snape."
All their heads jerked back to face him now, their expressions a mix of confusion and amusement.
"Snape?" One of them whispered.
He nodded, looking rather smug as he leaned back in his chair. "Do him some good. Maybe he'll loosen up, finally relax a little more. Merlin knows he needs it. Give us a break from these bloody papers he always making us write..."
The others looked amongst themselves, realising he was serious.
One of them spoke: "What are you planning exactly..."
The Malfoy boy only shrugged, a small smirk on his lips as he looked up at the unknowing professor. "I got a couple ideas."
November 1st. 1994.
You sat in the medical ward beside the bed of a Slytherin boy who had, for the second time this year, managed to break his right arm playing qudditch.
You'd learned from Pomfrey how to mend bones. It was significantly easier than regrowing bones, as she'd thouroughly explained, and so once again you found the task rather simple.
"This might hurt for a moment... But afterwards, you should feel fine. As long as you're gentle with it." You said softly, your fingertips lightly holding the wounded arm so as to not put pressure on it.
The boy winced at your touch, but he nodded, giving you the okay to go through with it. With your wand out, you casted the spell, the sounds of cracking bones filling the otherwise empty medical ward. He cried out, briefly, before the cracking stopped and his arm was back in one shape.
"Hurt that much, Blaise?" Came a voice from behind.
You turned to see the boy you recognized as Draco Malfoy, standing in front of Professor Snape, who was watching the Slytherin on the bed with a blank expression, his gaze flicking over to you, only momentarily.
The boy, Blaise, made a sort of dismissive grunt. In the corner of your eye, you noticed him raise his mended arm weakly.
"All better, thanks to Madam Y/L/N." He said.
You smiled slightly at him before directing your attention back to Malfoy and Snape.
As if noticing the unspoken question in your mind, Malfoy opened his mouth: "Well, Professor Snape was just wondering how our Chaser is doing, if he'll still be alright to beat Gryffindor at tomorrows match."
Snape blinked, turning his gaze to Malfoy, his expression a mix of confusion and suspicion.
The feeling overcame you that he also didn't fully understand why he was here.
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could Zabini rose to his feet and grabbed his robes, giving you a small smile and more or less speed-walking over to join Malfoy.
"Thank you, Madam Y/L/N!" He called, as the two of them left rather quickly, opening the doors and rushing out the infarmary.
The echo of the door slamming filled the room. It was now only you and Professor Snape in the ward. The both of you looking at each other with a confused expression.
You cleared your throat, attempting to shake off the confusion. "He should be alright to play tomorrow, Professor. But that is the second time this term that he has broken that arm. He should more careful." You spoke, your voice soft.
Professor Snape looked at you, his eyes on yours. After a seemingly long moment, he spoke: "I'll see to it that he is more... Attentive to his mortality."
The sarcastic comment drew a laugh out of you before you could surpress it. It was amusing to you, how this intimidating, stoic man who you'd never had a proper conversation with, somehow had a sense of humour. A quite dry one, but a sense of humour none the less.
His left eyebrow twitched up. You shut up.
"Apologies, professor." You started. "Is it insulting to say I didn't expect you to be humorus?
A small, almost unnoticable smirk flashed across his face. "I've heard worse." He said bluntly.
You bit your lip to surpress another laugh. You weren't sure what it is about him saying the simplest, unfunny phrases. Perhaps it was your nerves, your anxieties of being new here and having no one else to talk to aside from Pomfrey driving you to the point of desperation for some form of friendly interaction.
You looked at him again, taking in the way he was standing in front of the closed door, his hands clasped together in front of him. It was the first time you had taken a proper look at him and you were just noticing the depth of his eyes, his height, the way his hair fell against his shoulders...
You blinked, cleared your throat again.
"Anyways. Yes, Zabini should be fine to play tomorrow." You said at last.
Snape stared at you with a blank, unreadable expression, the trace of his smirk gone again. He nodded, briefly, before turning and reaching for the door.
"Wait." You said, gently.
He paused, turned to face you.
"I don't know if you have any... But considering you're the potions master I'm assuming you.. Might I borrow some books sometime? On potions?" The words came out soft upon your tongue. "I was hoping to learn how to brew remedies and antidotes myself."
Severus blinked, continuing to stare at you with that same blank expression before he nodded shortly. "I will bring them to you when time allows." He said.
A soft smile graced your lips.
"But," He spoke again. "You are new here. I won't have you wasting my ingredients because you don't know what you are doing. If you've found a specific potion you wish to brew.. Please visit me first."
The thought of spending time alone, with him watching you brew made your stomach flip. You were always decent at potions and your training had left you well educated, but this was a man who was more or less a genuis at them. Not to mention the fact that being in his presence terrified you.
Nodding, your hair fell slightly in front of your face. "Very well. Thank you, Professor."
He nodded curtly, before turning and opening the doors to the infirmary, leaving you alone with your anxieties.
You had some serious reading to do.
i'm going to make a part two to this soon, i just really wanted to be able to focus on drawing this out so that its as good as it can be cause im a sucker for a good: forced proximity, she fell first he fell harder, kinda slow burn xx.
thank u for the request!! <3
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iinoyb · 2 days
Hello can I offer you an omegaverse arranged marriage Techno/Ranboo AU in these trying times?
Ranboo is the prince of a kingdom, heir to the throne. He is also an alpha. The rules of this country are that a royal cannot claim the crown before they have a mate, which in noble circles usually happens from the age of 20 upward, with most being mated by the age of 25 or so. They're often arranged marriages, with the omega getting little say in the matter.
Ranboo's parents died when he was younger. He has a capable regent who has been leading the country with his input, but as he turns 20 he is eager to get a mate so he can get the throne.
As is custom, a bunch of nobleborn omegas who are unmated are brought to parade in front of Ranboo, each hoping to win his favor and be the future queen of the country. Ranboo tells himself that he has little interest in who his mate is (normally his parents would pick for him anyway, Ranboo hates the decision anxiety), as he's more concerned with the whole coronation thing.
Until his eyes fall on an omega who stands out a little from the rest.
The omega in question is probably the oldest there at 24 years of age. He is tall for an omega (though still several inches shorter than Ranboo), more muscled than omegas usually are (though it doesn't completely hide the more curved, soft edges of the typical omega physique). He has scars, and long pink hair in a half-updo with braids, and he is wearing a long, red dress with details of lace, a bodice that hugs his chest a little too tight, and a high slit in the side that reveals maybe a bit too much of those powerful thighs that could crush Ranboo's head like a grape.
Ranboo might be an alpha but this poor guy is whipped.
So he has an instant interest, that only heightens as he interacts with the omega and gets to experience that dry wit, the clever mind, the spirited nature. He has non-traditional hobbies for an omega: horseback riding, archery, sword fighting. This is an omega unlike any Ranboo has ever met. One that isn't looking to bow down to an alpha ruler.
Obviously, not all omegas are completely submissive, but in the noble cirlces most omegas are raised on more traditional values. So this one is an outlier.
His name is Techno from house Blade.
Ranboo's advisors try to disuade him from the match. They say there are some nasty rumors about Techno. Common belief is that Techno was mated at age 18 like most omegas are, to a young alpha from a noble family. The alpha in question was a not good person though, and a not good mate. He was abusive, and evil, and wanted his omega to be a sex slave but nothing more.
Rumor has it that Techno snapped and killed the alpha when he couldn't stand it anymore.
(Rumor would be correct.)
The matter was more or less swept under the rug, but no other alpha would consider giving Techno a second look. A lot of them were scared to end the same as Techno's original mate. Others didn't bother with an omega who wasn't a virgin anymore, who had been bitten and marked and soiled by another alpha once. Others were disgusted and turned off by the idea of a mate who was so independant and not submissive. And maybe a very few actually were traditional enough to believe that omegas really should be just sex slaves, so they weren't keen on Techno either.
But Ranboo has decided. This is the omega he wants. He's sold. Head over heels, "mommy? sorry.... mommy?" vibes.
The marriage is arranged (and slightly against Techno's will initially) though Ranboo knows that he wants to do right by Techno and win his trust, slowly peeling back layer by layer, and showing Techno how nice it can be to have a good mate.
And hey, maybe eventually Techno even trusts him enough to show his softer, submissive side. Because trust me Techno definitely has one ;)
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is there a muse or inspiration you draw from when it comes to your stories? you just have so many and i’m wondering what fountain of immortal writing youth you drank from, dawg LMAO
last ask before signing off! but this is such a fun one to think about!
i don't have one surefire source of inspiration (other than my chronically silly brain), each story has a different landing pad that usually consists of a random thing that i've taken inspiration from, and a question to drive the work (some are very edgy or philosophical haha). they come from incredibly random sources, but i can list the ones i remember!
tales from a dying heart
where it came from: i wanted to write an anthology as a break from my old novella structure, and i was thinking about love. obviously i had to fuck it up because god forbid anything on the archives is happy. fun fact: that was originally the only story the archives was meant to hold! it was the first and only story, and the blog used to be themed after tales from a dying heart entirely (that's why my current pfp is still the heart itself)!
driving question: "why does love hurt people?"
the rockdove promise
where it came from: originally a group project that i had the idea for (i was itching to write something with mythology and more classic fantasy if that makes sense). when the others couldn't continue it, i had already fallen in love with the world and gods, so i added more to the worldbuilding, and added characters i was passionate about (and found my first ever character punching bag, laszlo).
driving question: "how can we save what we care about from oppressive control?"
where it came from: i had one of my worst days where i couldn't get out of bed. i had the idea to channel the feelings into a story, so i got out of bed, and wrote insincere., then decided i wanted to keep it going after my initial bad day.
driving question: "how can we feel happy?"
on kingston alley
where it came from: someone, i think it was @noxxytocin, added me in a tag game that involved writing a scene with the provided line. i was a young, growing archivist back then and didn't understand the concept, so i wrote a short screenplay, giving it a fun mystery hook (because i felt like it) and some repressed sapphics, then decided to continue it because the format was so freeing!
driving question: "why do we forget the victims?"
school rules
where it came from: a novel i abandoned because the format wasn't clicking. i axed the mc, replaced them with sunny and remade the old mc to be what is now darcy spencer, and changed the format to my first ever first person story since my first novella!
driving question: "how does academic pressure hurt us?"
the dumaresq poems
where it came from: i was getting overwhelmed with my own expectations for uploads from the rest of volume 1, so i dug up some old poems of mine, rewrote them a bit, and put a cute woodsy aesthetic over it!
driving question: "how can poetry tell us emotional stories?"
the hunt is a dance
where it came from: another project with a friend that fell through, it didn't change much from then. i took the friends desired ideals of religious and folk horror and intertwined it with my own narratives of power, hatred, and misguided justice.
driving question: "why do we bend to corruption, and how can we stop?"
where it came from: @ominous-feychild and i were discussing some of her lore, and we both bonded over our love of telepaths/prophets in stories. i had always been fascinated by urban fantasy and had a vague desire to make it, but magic systems are so hard for me. that conversation sparked a drive to actually make it. i named it red velvet, then barlowe told me to change the it (thanks for that btw), and i created the protagonist that shaped the whole story and it's themes.
driving question: "how can we fight social and police corruption?"
n3xt y3ar
where it came from: scandal after scandal, feud after feud about the existence of generative ai and it snubbing real creatives tipped me over the edge, so i wrote n3xt y3ar out of spite, imbuing it with a main character near and dear to my heart due to our similarities, and a world i both loathe and fear. let's see a robot make a story with that motivation. fuckers.
driving question: "how do us creatives find hope in a world of generative ai?"
soleil éteint
where it came from: i wanted to write another fiction podcast style story (school rules technically being the first), and i was on a magnus archives high. i'm fascinated by fear in the real world, and dreams in writing, so with the motivation of some great fiction podcasts, i began writing soleil éteint, which flowed very quickly since screenplays and podcasts are quite easy for me to write as it turns out!
driving question: "how can we stop running away from fear?"
shatter the shield
where it came from: i realised i was long overdue for some tragic gays, and i wanted to experiment with a more distinct narrator without writing a fully discursive piece like a podcast or screenplay. as i was writing the prologue, i knew the narrator, kåre, wasn't the main character. but the love i gave him for the main character, roshan, was so palpable, it made me want to continue the story. i knew by how i wrote it that kåre was going to die, and soon, but i think that added an extra level to the themes of the story.
driving question: "why can't we accept love, and why can't we process grief?"
and of course, volumes 3 and 4 come from even more random places lmao- hope this explained my random writing process!
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ask-a-skipbadger · 11 months
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One of their own.
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astranauticus · 17 days
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Director of the False Last Act
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baeshijima · 6 months
mmm thoughts of private executioner!blade, who is high priestess!kafka's bodyguard. well, more like her guard dog, as many fearfully seem to think.
he is aloof and gruff and rough around the edges, his name capturing it perfectly. when in the eyes of the public he either keeps to himself or stands ready by kafka's side, but when out he lurks in the shadows ready and waiting to carry out her death orders.
you, yourself, haven't had very many pleasant encounters with him... if you can even call them that. that being said, you haven't had many pleasant encounters with anyone. notorious for your... less than pleasant disposition, for a lack of better words, you have more people who'd rather see you run through than those you can call a friend.
in a dog-eat-dog world, you had no choice but to protect yourself. that, however, ultimately became your demise.
"oh? so you're the one sent to kill me. can't say i'm all that surprised."
standing before you is the feared executioner. his sword is tucked inside the sheath attached to his hip, that ever-present dark swirl of an aura stifling the air. he doesn't say anything, instead opting to silently stare down at your slumped and worn-out form. you find that his gaze doesn't bother you; rather, it's oddly comforting knowing someone will see you in your last moments.
"i've never asked you for a favour before, so this will be my first and last request for you." in all honesty, you're not sure where this chattiness stems from. considering you're currently in a holding cell under the crime of attempted murder towards kafka (a poisoned wine you were most definitely framed for, though you can't say you were surprised) and are awaiting for your turn to be under the guillotine for your public execution, you probably should be a little desperate towards the private executioner in front of you.
and yet, your mind is nothing if not peaceful.
with a huff, you relay your request, "can you make sure it's quick? painless, preferably, but i'd rather you just get it over and done with."
silence blankets the cold chambers. moisture accumulated along the cobble ceiling drip in a steady rhythm, like a clock ticking away the seconds. it's unnerving, almost, how there is not a single sound other than your impending countdown.
"why?" comes his low mutter, effectively causing a ripple within the stagnant air. you almost think you misheard him, but his following words cease the thought, "why won't you ask me for help?"
had it not been for the abrupt shuffle and clanging against the metal bars, you would have never looked up to see him in your last moments.
his scarred hands gripping the metal until his knuckles turn a ghastly white and blood dripping from his palms is what greets your sight. as your gaze slowly trails up, you almost let loose a laugh of disbelief; who would have thought blade, the infamous guard dog of the high priestess, could make such a desperate expression? one looking as though his whole world crumbled before him, in which he can do nothing but sit and watch.
(you will never know of the anger and desperation which coursed through his veins the moment he heard of your predicament. had it been anyone else, he wouldn't have cared. but you're not anyone else; you're you — unapologetically, wholeheartedly. it didn't take him long to hunt down those behind it, cutting them down without thought and putting an end to their miserable lives. he rushed as soon as he could when kafka gave him the order, no thoughts other than you, you, you, occupying his mind.
you will never know of the anguish which overcame him when he found you in such a state, your once healthy complexion and defiant gaze reduced to nothing but a tiredness which had always sat quietly behind your disposition. he's almost positive the muscle which unwillingly keeps him alive tore at the seams from your request, the acceptance in which you displayed causing his mind to go astray. even as he damn-near begs you to rely on him for help — to run away with him to some place no one knows of you and start anew there — you merely smile, resigned and peaceful.
you will never know of how much blade is willing to put on the line for you, for you never made it to see the complete and utter carnage he wrecked in your name.)
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unnamed-atlas · 4 months
Having brain worms. What if uhhhhhh SOS Mianite au
#this is a fully undeveloped idea but it is simmering#initial thoughts. mog is so champion of ianite. fwip is dianite's.#I'm not convinced of who mianite's is yet but i feel like sausage is desperately vying for the role and getting repeatedly rejected#oli ends up as a reluctant ianitee. he was originally a dianite follower but dianite found him annoying and was a dick so oli ditched him.#ianite finds him funny and decides to pick him up and now he's trying very hard not to mess it up bc she actually respects him#joel would claim not to need any stupid god until he sees how much fun fwip is having causing problems on purpose with dianite and gives in.#his wife joining up with dianite probably also doesn't desuade him in that department#jimmy isn't particularly keen on any of them. he's off doing his own thing#katherine feels very classic mianitee to me.#I've got mixed feelings on Pix. i kind of feel like he should be on his own thing (priest? wizard? something like that)#if not he's ianitee i think. but it takes him awhile to commit#joey's dianitee. eloise feels ianitee to me. shubble probably mianitee.#is that everyone? i think that's everyone#idk if this would be a scenario where the world/plot was more based on mianite or sos honestly#maybe a healthy mix.#do we keep the death/fate coin element? idk idk maybe not? but it doesn't feel like sos without some hardcore element#gotta sit on it#this is the first time in a long time I've just done like straight up stream of consciousness brainstorming in the tags of a post huh#feels very 2020#OWEN I FORGOT OWEN. UH. i feel like he might help balance out the mianite team. i can't put it into worlds but it feels right#he's the type of guy that you look at and immediately think dianite and you're wrong#but i could be tempted to switch him and joey. cause joey did have the whole prison thing in sos which is very mianite#even if he's generally the most dianitee guy i have ever fucking seen#i. i also forgot scott.#embarrassing. I've been watching him the longest and he's the only one on this list I've actually written into mianite crossovers before#uhhhh anyways he feels very true neutral to me. he's another one who i feel like maybe he should be off doing his own thing#if not probably mianite#this is such a mess lmao#i had to put the idea down somewhere before my head exploded sorry
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letstrywritingmaybe · 4 months
Touch and Stay
Excerpt: “You… How do I say this without it sounding weird? You just… touch her a lot, like you forget the meaning of personal space when she’s here.”
He starts to object, then he sees her. His first instinct is to pull her to his side, so she can listen to how ridiculous Heiji is being. For once, he doesn’t immediately act on his impulses. He pauses as he sees her stop and talk to one of the officers on duty, recognizing the distance between them, that’s when he realizes. Maybe he does have a problem keeping his hands to himself when she is involved.
Posted on ao3 <3
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dredshirtroberts · 4 months
it is not slacking off to write or create it is not slacking off to do things that are fun i am not slacking off or procrastinating right now i'm allowed to do things i enjoy doing for fun including playing games and writing and such
#if i say it enough i will remember it's true#can you guess which aspect of capitalism i'm struggling with today?#it does not help my bones are somehow WORSE than yesterday even after all of the rest i took so that's Super Fun:tm:#so i've got that on in the back of my head#ugh#i... am putting off calling my grandma - i meant to do it last week but i got too in my head about it#and uno reversed myself into forgetting to do it at all until the Worst Times Possible#(generally around Normal Fuckin Meal Times)#i want to call to wish her a belated mother's day and check in re: grandpa but also...#also i don't want to have to do a phone call i don't want to talk to them about anything at all#they stress me out to talk to and it makes me super uncomfortable to be on the phone in general let alone with a Heavy Topic over our heads#like.... i'm comfortable with where i'm at acceptance-wise with Grandpa's whole situation#and i know i am late for a better relationship with the pair of them in general#like i'm not going to repair a relationship that wasn't built to collapse down to this point this is as far as it got built up to#i'm not building more relationship between me and someone who i know is passing soon when they didn't take the opportunity either#like they had just as much chance as me to improve our relationship after i became an adult and they chose to use my mother as#an intermediary which has stunted their connection to me and that's not my fault#i admittedly did not reach out but i was not taught i could safely do that to anyone#because my parents badmouth literally any person they know for one reason or another#i regularly fuck up in conversations with my grandparents because i'll say somethign that is a holdover from my understanding of them#through my parents and it's like. kind of really insulting! and i've been doing it my whole life and i know as soon as i get their reaction#and i can't recover because i don't actually know them at all#so i can't be like ''oh my god i know that's inaccurate i have no idea why i said that'' because i *don't* know until after i've done it#every goddamn time it happened the last time i got a call from them too#like... my bio fam/family of origin is just not good at keeping in touch and i know i'm a product of that#and i know theoretically how to adjust for it but it does require work on the other end of the line too#and unfortunately i know my bio family too well and know they won't do their part#i grew up in the group project everyone hates#and i'm on my way to deciding they can show up to the presentation day without me#i've started a new family project over here with blackjack and hookers
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 10 months
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I just got Shinon for the first time in this file. 🤣
#DCB RD Run#the story behind this is that I played PoR for a friend on stream but the Wii stopped working#it's not dead but it has a hardware problem that I have yet to determine. however I had a backup Wii#so I tried that. unfortunately it ALSO decided to have a problem and wouldn't risk discs anymore#this meant I couldn't play RD on console and had to use an emulator instead#meaning I couldn't carry the data over from my latest PoR file if I had to use an emulator to play RD for said friend#so I decided I'd do a bit of a cheat run where I just flew through PoR on an emulator#levelling people up quicker and just going through it chapter by chapter to retain the supports I had#this was the US version on emulator... and the cheats randomly stopped working correctly around chapter ten#at this point I was very fed up and I knew the EU version on emulator did keep my cheats and everything was fine there#so I decided after all the technical trouble that I was going to aggressively promote every. single. unit. in PoR. with infinite BEXP#and I was going to get them ALL to level 20 so they would ALL get stat bonuses carried over#I was originally just leaving the natural stats - what ppl got from the natural level ups is what I'd carry over#after all that I was like I deserve this it's been hell working this out. but then I had an additional idea#I decided that since I found a code for infinite usage of items that I'd bump up anyone who was#a point or two off from a stat cap for all stats like that so I did that. but THEEEEN I thought of ANOTHER thing#I was like... you know WHAT. after all this? I deserve one more thing#I stat capped ALL of Shinon and Oscar's stats knowing full well they are my absolute best MONSTERS in RD /anyway/#I used other cheats to get through the game very very very speedily to hurry to just get the cheat file done with#but toward the end I finally snapped and handed out stat boosters to those two until they were demons LOL#and uhhh... yeah Shinon took it pretty fucking well!!!
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calamitys-child · 11 months
Listening to a podcast discussing conspiracy theories and deconstructing the ideas behind them and it's reminded me of the coolest practical lessons in critical thinking I ever got, both in high school, both from the same teacher. One was a month long project on who killed jfk in which we could basically present any theory as long as we cited all our reasons and it got us really excited about research and interpretation, but it was the follow up that I liked best.
Our next project she brought us into class and showed us a documentary claiming the moon landing was faked. Gave us worksheets to do that sided with that stance. And at the end of class a bunch of us were like miss wait this doesn't seem right?? and she said okay, we'll discuss that next week. The next lesson, she showed us a mythbusters episode countering all the claims of the original documentary and gave us worksheets for that, and another bunch of people went wait miss you can't teach us two opposing things, which one is right? What do we put on the exam??
So she split the class in two and told us each to present a case based on each side, and to explain why our source was or wasn't the more reliable of the two. Got us to debate each other directly and use additional sources to back us up and explain why those sources were reliable and should be believed. And because they were randomly assigned there was no guarantee you'd agree with the stance you were presenting, but you had to present it like you did. At the end of the project she asked us all which stance we found more convincing and why, and the majority of us basically said "we think that the moon landing is real because most of the arguments against it seem like someone reacted to a confusing thing without testing it, but when you test it and ask the person running the test to explain the science it makes sense once you have more information. Also, one documentary was made with the help of scientists with qualifications and experience and the other was made by people who don't have that but like to write mystery books, which looks like a less reliable way to get an answer. But we still dont understand why you showed us both if one is wrong."
And she was like excellent. You've done exactly what you should do. At high school level, we as teachers are expected to filter for the reliable sources for you, so you know to repeat that to pass an exam, but if you want to be historians on your own, I won't be your teacher any more once you graduate. Lots of people have opinions and theories and research about times in history, and it's your job to learn how to look at them and decide who you want to trust. This won't be on the exam, but I need you all to know it. You all did a great job following the school's instructions to repeat information you were given, but for some of you, that information wasn't on a reliable foundation. I know you all know how to pass an exam. You're smart and you've been trained to follow these instructions. What you deserve to be taught is how to use all this once you don't have to do exams any more.
And then as a reward for us doing a good job at figuring out the value of checking your sources' sources she let us watch Bush get hit in the face with a shoe before we had to go to maths. Shoutout to you Ms Hannah you were a good'un I hope you're doing well ten years on from that class
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cherrynflowergarden · 2 months
disgusting(ly in love) || matt sturniolo
an; hiiii my loves how are y'all?? someone please give me some ideas for this i wanna make one for chris too:( this was originally supposed to be for 10 mins but i ran out of ideas and ended up making it 8 mins THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 400 FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU ALL<33
summary; a youtube compilation of matt and yn being in love for 8 mins.
tagged; @t1llysblogs
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matt was bored. and on youtube. having stumbled upon a video titled "MATT AND YN BEING DISGUSTING(LY IN LOVE)!!!??? tw happy couple (ew)" he decided he had nothing better to do than watch this.
clip one; sleeping beauties
the clip started with nick going down the stairs and screaming for matt. what he didn't know was yn, matt's girlfriend had stayed over.
expecting matt to be awake, he pushed the door open with his vlog camera on.
there laid matt and yn, all cuddled up on the bed. the blanket covered their tangled legs yet the way matt held his girl against his chest was enough to make everyone jealous of the couple. near them mr wrinkleton, matt's pug plushie and ms bubbles, yn's rabbit plushie cuddled too, almost making it look just like the couple in plushie forms.
a small laugh left nick, as he zoomed the camera into their faces.
clip two; twitch stream
matt was streaming on twitch with his brothers while his girlfriend went out on lunch with her friends.
coming back home, yn did not expect to hear shouts from each brother's room. assuming they were only playing video games with each other, she yelled "honeyyyyyy i'm homeeeeee" right as she entered in matt's room. not giving him any time to answer the girl skipped her way to her boyfriend and sat on his lap; all excited to tell him about the latest gossip session she had with her girls.
but that could wait for a while.
he looked so beautiful that she couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck, giving a sweet kiss on his lips. pulling away she kissed his cheeks and mumbled "god you're so cute".
giggling softly, the boy pulled her face up and said "thank you baby" she was about to say something when chris screamed "OH MY VIRGIN EYES". laughing at the way her eyes got wide, matt explained "we're streaming baby"
clip three; birthday gift
sometimes yn vloged. since the triplets' birthday was coming soon, she decided to vlog the entire process of shopping for the brothers.
twelve minutes into the video, she was all set and ready with meaningful gifts for each brother. once she put all the gifts in separate bags for each brother, she smiled at the camera. "finally. it was such a tiring day. now only one thing is left to do. y'all remember the paints i brought? well we're doing a fun little craft." taking out the red and pink paints, she went to grab a plain black tshirt.
cutting a heart stencil out of a paper, she stuck the paper to the tshirt's back. applying the fabric paint on her lips she started kissing the cloth between the cutout paper heart. applying different shades of pink and red, she filled kisses in the shape of a heart. laughing at her now smudged 'lipstick' she showed the camera her now ready gift.
"gonna let it dry now. i think i will maybe do something in the front also. not sure. will keep you guys updated!!"
safe to say, matt loved his gift so much that he demanded another kiss tshirt so that he could wear her kisses every day.
clip four; beach
this was a short clip from the hawaii vlog. the triplets, yn, maddie and nate where walking to the beach near hotel. well not all of them were walking through.
yn decided she was too tired to walk today and matt being the absolute angel he is, let her to hop on his back as he carried the girl to the beach.
maddie had vlogged matt carrying his girl on his back, humming to whatever she had to say. the camera captured matt listening carefully to his girlfriend as she spoke animatedly about penguins. the last thing the camera captured was yn repeatedly kissing the boy's cheek as he smiled before chris pushed the couple claiming "it was sick to watch people in love"
clip five; beach again
this was a clip from the same vlog as the last. matt and yn were seen enjoying in the water. splashing water against eachother their joyous laughs could be heard.
suddenly matt lifted the girl up, enjoying her screams of fear. dropping her a little, matt laughed harder as his girl tightened her hold on his neck. "matt i swear to god if you throw me in the water" laughing at her empty threats, matt dropped her down a little.
"but baby i love you" he said as he completely dropped her down.
clip six; deaf, mute and blind challenge
yn sometimes participated in the triplets' videos. right now she was a part of the deaf mute and blind challenge. nick and chris were deaf, matt was mute and she was blind.
it was tough to be blind when she was only one who could actually cook something but nothing goes according to her wish, right?
which brings us to this moment. yn, desperately trying to find the bowl which contained the pancake mixture. looking at his struggling girlfriend, matt came behind her and pulled the bowl towards them. putting the whisk in her hand, he grabbed her from behind and helped her whisk the ingredients together. mumbling a small thank you the girl was finally relieved as the process was almost over.
all while nick and chris danced and screamed to doja cat.
clip seven; grwm
yn was filming a get ready with me to go to a date. while she was putting the make up on, her boyfriend entered the room. saying a quick hi to him she turned back to explain her makeup process to her followers.
"—oh y'all need to try this mascara. it's sooooo good. i literally cried—" hugging the girl matt cut off her rant. he squeezed the girl in his arms as she turned around to place a kiss on his cheek. laughing at the bright red stain her lipstick left on his cheeks she tried to grab a tissue to wipe it off. protesting against it, the boy pulled her closer to him.
clip eight; dancing in the snow
the clip was from a random vlog yn posted. it started off with yn putting her vlog camera on the car's bonet and running towards matt. the two, fully covered in wools from head to toe danced in the snow without any music.
matt twirled his girl, a small laugh leaving him as the girl lost balance and collided with him, pushing the two to the ground.
it may seem silly to others, dancing without any music or laughing like madmen in the snow but to them this was the best moment of their life.
as the video ended, matt pouted at the screen. he now missed his girlfriend. he decided to facetime his girl not knowing chris was right behind him and he recorded matt smiling and blushing at moments with his girlfriend. probably this would end up in another compilation of matt and yn being in love.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Amity is a Dimensional Dump
So! Amity Park is a hub of weirdness of all sorts, mostly undead, but there are also a bunch of Multiversal oddities connected to the small town.
There are the minor anomalies. 5th Street has a bad habit of slipping into the Backrooms, Old Lady Jenkin's House sometimes has snow in summer, and of course the Night Sky had a 20% chance of swapping views to another Galaxy. Danny likes that one a lot.
But the biggest Anomaly is how many Multiversal Travellers get lost there.
They are always finding somebody wandering the streets with no idea where they are, and have to help them find their reality of origin. Other times they decide to stay for various reasons, ranging from a bad home life to being the only survivors of a Dead Universe. Half of the population if Amity was made up of the descendants of Lost Travelers, so their DNA was really a mixed bag.
Danny was flying over town when he spotted a Blur on the ground below.
He flew down to intercept, and found a boy in red and yellow panicking over his situation.
"Hey! Can I help you?" He called out.
The boy looked up, and gasped "Are you a Hero? I need help getting back to the Justice League!"
Danny chuckled, "Which one?"
The boy looked confused, "The Adult One? I guess?"
"Not what I meant, sorry. I mean, which Dimension are you from?" He clarified.
"Dimensions? What is going on!?" He shouted.
"Okay, let's calm down and restart. My name is Danny, who are you?" He introduced himself.
The boy took a deep breath, calming himself, before saying, "Okay, my name is Kid Flash, but you can just call me Wally."
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
I wanted to redesign my profile pic, so I did!
However I have run into a Problem:
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(Also the doodle I uploaded & colored below!)
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Traditional Art Doodle Jumpscare >:)
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Three Times is Perfect
Male Reader x Haerin x Minji
Tags: 7k, first time, creampie, oral, threesome, tw
The story is not ours; we are simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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“Are you ready for me? I hope you’re saving up for when I see you tomorrow 😘”
Minji attached a video. It was taken right before we were going to be separated for months. The video started on her face, scrunched up in pleasure, then scanned down her chest to her perky tits that were crowned by stiff nipples. The video kept going down, showing her taut, flat stomach and the perfectly smooth shaved pussy.
Further down, I could see her pussy lips welcoming my cock over and over again accompanied by a wet sound.
Behind the camera, I could hear myself saying in a low, gruff voice, “Fuck, Minji, I’m about to cum.”
“Just cum inside me,” Minji moaned. “Cum in me...”
The video shows me bottoming her out as far as possible, before emptying a week’s worth of cum into her pussy. Minji moaned off-camera as I pulled my cock from her grasping pussy, allowing the cum to spill out of her, it’s overflowing. I paused the video.
“Come on,” I typed back.
“That is not fair. You’re making it difficult for me to stick to our agreement.”
I must admit that quitting masturbation for weeks was more difficult than I expected. But the girlfriend was going to be out of town for that whole time, and I’d agreed to save it for her. Knowing the pent up passion will make my first time fucking her in weeks even better.
Our junior year of college ended three weeks ago, so our entire group of friends decided to take a vacation at Yejun’s family’s home in Jeju before starting our summer jobs, and Minji needed to visit family, so she was only coming for the last leg of the trip.
“Only 16 more hours,” Minji texted back. “I get in late tonight.”
“Wake me up when you do,” I replied.
“I’ve got a few ideas.” She attached another picture, this time of herself with two fingers buried inside her wet pussy.
“Too much teasing and it’s only 9 a.m. - I’m blocking you” I joked, before hearing a knock at the door.
“One sec.” I called out, before texting Minji: “Have to go, big day of hiking ahead.” I put my phone down, then yelled to the door “Come in!”
Haerin stepped through the door, looking alert and chipper in athletic attire. She took in the room, frowning.
“We’ve only been here one night and your room already look like garbage dump.”
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Kang Haerin. My childhood friend grew up two houses from me. We both went to the same college, which was several states away from our hometown, and we remained good friends. However, I can’t say no one asked about me and Haerin, since we’re really that close.
She was undeniably beautiful. I wonder how she can be her while I’m just… me? God really has a favorite.
Though many of our friends say that Haerin has a cat-like personality. That’s right, ‘a cat’ as in small domestic animals covered with fur. See, I'm not sure where they got that idea.
Watching her grew into a stunning, willowy woman with a shapely ass and breasts that were on the smaller side but perfectly fit her short frame. I knew she was beautiful, but our relationship was never particularly romantic, which suited us perfectly. We worked too well as friends to risk anything. Besides, she had been the one to introduce me to Minji, and Haerin was dating Yejun.
“You know how I feel about putting clothes in drawers while on vacation. Besides, you don’t have to share my room,” I said.
I stealthily tucked my erection into my waistband and stood up, brushing past her to grab one of the shirts from the ground to put it on.
“You’re horrible,” Haerin said with a laugh. “Anyway, I was just coming to rouse you for breakfast. Everyone else is done eating.”
“Should I pack a hat?”
“I don’t know. Yejun said there was a chance of rain. Can I check the weather from your phone?”
Haerin picked up my phone, then let out a yelp and dropped it. She blushed furiously “Waaaa, Sorry, Sorry!”
“What?” I crossed to the bed and picked up my phone. Minji had texted one last picture, this one a closeup of us having sex. The caption read: “Don’t tire yourself out too much.” Haerin had picked up my phone only to get an eyeful of my cock stretching out her friend’s pussy.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize that would be up on my phone,” I said, embarrassed. “Minji’s been... sending me stuff in preparation for her arrival tonight.”
“Oh, yeah- no, I get it.” Haerin blushed even deeper, then paused. “I- I only looked for a second, so I barely saw anything.”
“No, of course.” I said.
She looked more flustered than I had seen her in a long time. Neither of us knew what to say.
“I- I’ll just check the weather on my phone,” Haerin said, rushing out of my room.
Given that she was dating Yejun, I assumed she had overcome her embarrassment and shame about sex, but she was still fairly innocent. However, she had just been surprised with a close-up photo of her two friends having sex, so who wouldn’t be embarrassed?
Despite the late start, a few cups of black coffee jolted me awake for the hike. Our other friends were experienced hikers who were glad to drag us along at their rapid pace, up trails with pine needles that covered treacherous rocks and roots. I spent the majority of the hike watching where I put my foot, expecting to twist my ankle at any second. When I did hike without my eyes glued to the ground, I found them drawn up perfect, toned, slender legs to Haerin’s ass in her tight athletic shorts. She was walking ahead of me, holding hands with Yejun.
I shake my head. Clearly, a combination of Minji’s teasing and the sexual frustration of the last few weeks had transformed me into a dog, slobbering over anything with the slightest female form.
We stopped for water at a clearing that looked out over the miles of trees below us. As I drank from my water bottle, Yejun pulled me aside.
“Can I ask you something? It’s about Haerin.”
“What’s up?” I thought Haerin had told him about the picture she’d seen of Minji and me and I was ready to apologize.
“Haerin and I have been dating for like eight months now, and...” he paused, a little awkward. “I know this is weird, since you guys have been friends forever, but I’m just gonna say it: I kinda thought we’d be doing more, sexually, by now. All we’ve done is dry humping, nothing below the clothes.”
Hearing that was surprising, but not completely unexpected. I don’t know how that made me feel. Part of me was bummed for my friends that they were missing out on all the great things sex had to offer, but another part of me, one I didn’t realize was there, felt a flash of... something. Not surprise, but maybe lust. I tried to kept my face straight as he went on.
“She’s said she’s waiting to actually have sex, which I totally understand, but do you think she’d want to do anything more than just make out and dry hump? Not just for me. I’d like to make her... finish, you know.”
“I haven’t talked with her about it, it’s not the sort of thing we discuss.” I said, truthfully.
“Do you know if she’s ever gone further than that with her previous boyfriends?” He asked.
“What previous boyfriends?”
Haerin had never dated anyone seriously before Yejun. Hell, the only reason I knew she was straight in high school was that she’d talk about having crushes on boys, but when I’d tell her to do something, she’d refuse.
“If I were you, I’d just let her lead the way. She does what she wants, but not before she’s ready.” I added.
On the way back down the mountain I watched Haerin with more curiosity. It certainly explained her reaction to the picture - she was totally inexperienced, so maybe it was more disgust at what she had seen. I felt bad for just leaving my phone open. I knew her well enough to know her reaction wouldn’t be one of judgment, but it had to make her uncomfortable. I resolved to apologize when I got the chance.
By the end of the hike, we were all soaked in sweat. Haerin pulled up her shirt to mop her flushed face, I could make out the tender curve of her breasts beneath her sports bra… I felt another pang somewhere in my stomach…surprisingly hard nipples. When she lowered the shirt she was looking right at me. I looked away, a little too late.
Damn, I thought, cursing the fact that Minji wouldn’t return for another eight or nine hours. I just needed to stop myself from getting horny for long enough not to do something stupid.
“Well, I’m gonna head to bed,” Yejun said, getting up. It was late at night and we’d put on a movie after the night of drinking had wound down. Just about everybody had drifted off from the movie and gone to sleep, save for me, Yejun, and Haerin, who’d seen it through to the end. We were all tired, dressed for bed.
“I’ll be right there,” Haerin said, as Yejun wandered off groggily. Then she turned to me, a small smile on her lips. “T minus two hours until Minji gets here. Are you excited?”
“Of course. I miss her a lot.”
“I mean, are you... excited?” Haerin said, gesturing down at my crotch.
“Hahaha,” I said sarcastically.
Haerin sat in a comfortable recliner across from me, her legs crossed under her. Without realizing it, my eyes drifted down her pajama-clad form and I saw with a start that she wasn’t wearing panties under her loose pajama shorts. I could make out a small dark bush and the tight cleft at the top of what seemed to be her beautiful innie pussy. Of course she wasn’t shaven, I thought, my cock beginning to thicken. She’d never even had sex.
“I guess she hasn’t been too far away, considering all those pictures,” Haerin said.
She shifted on the chair. I got an even better view of her small bush, and through it, her neat pussy lips.
“Yeah. I’m sorry about that. You shouldn’t have to see that.” I tore my eyes away from the faint glimpse of her pussy.
“No, I liked it,” Haerin said. “The wifi’s terrible out here, so my porn has been taking forever to load. Easier to just get it off from the two of you.”
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” I joked.
“Is there?”
I looked at her, trying to decide whether she was bluffing. We’d both had a lot to drink, but the several hours of the movie had sobered us up. She didn’t usually speak this brazenly.
“Yeah. Videos, too.”
Haerin’s face was now as flushed as mine, is she’s serious?
“Can I see it?”
“Should I airdrop them?”
Haerin stood up and walked across the room to mine. My heart started to beat fast. I couldn’t stand up, because I was so hard.
“Show me.”
I opened my phone, trying to keep my hands from shaking. I pulled up the picture she’d seen, the close-up of Minji’s pussy with my bare cock drilling into it.
“Really?” I asked.
Haerin nodded. She leaned down, and I caught the soft curve of her small breast down her sleep shirt. I hesitated, then thought, Fuck it. I turned the phone to her.
“I’ve already seen this one,” she whispered, sending a shiver up my spine. This was bad. I was too horny. I should lock my phone and get out of here. I swiped to the next one -- the video of me and Minji, paused with the cum trickling out of her pussy, her tits and face in the shot.
“Where are you?”
I rewound the video. The only sound in the room was the slick squishing noise of me and Minji fucking, then her moaning. Haerin’s mouth was half-open as she watched.
“Fuck, Minji, I’m about to cum.” At that, I quickly paused the video, returning to my senses. This was too much. Too personal. Minji wouldn’t want me showing intimate videos of us to one of our best friends. And did I really want Haerin to see my dick? I was more drunk than I thought. And so was she, if she allowed it.
“Sorry,” I mumbled. “I shouldn’t show you that.”
“No, it’s okay,” Haerin muttered. “It’s… hot. I have a thing for small dicks.”
I looked up at her. She was grinning. We both burst into laughter.
“Oh, you…” I said, leaping up to grab her. She shrieked and tried to make an escape, but I grabbed her and tackled her, tickling her, onto the couch. We were both laughing. Only when I paused for breath did I realize what a bad idea that had been. I was still completely hard, and was only wearing my boxers.
From beneath me, Haerin tickled me back, and I grabbed her arms, trying to keep her from tickling me.
The rest of it happened fast. I was on top of her, hard, and somewhere in the maneuvering, my cock must have slipped out of the hole in my boxers. I knew that reaching down to fix the situation would immediately make it clear to her what had happened, so I tried to keep her pinned, unable to look down. That was my undoing -- Haerin spread her legs, trying to get them around me for some reason.
All of a sudden, as she did, I felt my cock press up through the leg of her baggy shorts, against her mound. She gasped in surprise, moving her lower body back, but all that did was make my cock slip down, nestling into the hot wetness between her pussy lips. It happened so fast I didn’t even think about the fact that she was dripping wet.
“Is that your…” Haerin started to ask, trying to reposition herself.
Then I felt my cockhead slipped inside her opening. We both froze. I looked down. Her pussy lips were stretched around my cock. I didn’t even have time to think about how amazing her pussy looked -- how long I’d wondered what it would look like, what she’d feel like. Though I was only a few inches into her, it was almost too much for me.
“Y- You’re... inside me.” Her voice quavered.
It happened in such slow motion that the freeze-frame image of Haerin below me, looking down in open-mouth surprise at her shorts pulled to the side, her wet pussy clenching my bare cock is imprinted on my mind, though the moment only lasted a second or two.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to...”
“No… I- I wasn’t wearing panties, it’s my...” She trailed off, her breath ragged.
The moment felt like a dream. Neither of us was moving to pull apart. My cock throbbed inside her, and she gasped as I felt her pussy clench. She was getting wetter, somehow. Involuntarily, I pushed an inch further into her, my cock moving on its own to bury itself as deep into her scalding hot pussy as it could.
“Wait…” she said, her voice soft and strained.
“Don’t-” Then she was cut off by a gasp. Her body shuddered, and her legs which still around my back, pushed me deeper into her. I bottomed her out, God her pussy is sooo tight.
Haerin was small, but she could take my whole length buried snugly inside her. Then she came, hard, trying to stifle her own moans while her pussy clenched around my cock.
“Anhh- fuck I’m…cumming...” Haerin whimpered.
Her body jerked, and she wrapped her arms around mine, pushing our bodies together. Her pussy felt too tight. I wasn’t going to last, especially after three weeks of no sex or masturbation. I was bare inside of her, I couldn’t cum in her. With the last ounce of my willpower, I tried to pull out.
“Haerin, I’m gonna…”
I only made it halfway. Haerin, who was still shuddering in orgasm, firmly pulled me back into her. That feeling of sliding my entire length back into her tight pussy was the end of it. I felt my cock swelling up, before I came hard, deep inside her.
As my cock jerked, shooting cum against the back walls of her pussy, her eyes snapped open. She could feel my warmth splashing into her.
“No, no, I’m not…oohhh…”
She writhed in orgasm again, while I emptied weeks’ worth of cum into her. Any thought of trying to pull out was forgotten. All I wanted to do was bury into her and fill her up. I came and came. Each jerk of my cock within her drew another small moan from her. Her pussy squeezed my cock tighter than any I had ever experienced.
“Oh my god....” she moaned softly.
I slumped down on top of her, breathing heavily into her neck. We stayed like that for a while, until the last jerks of my cock and the last of her small shudders subsided, indicating that we’d ridden out our climaxes.
I lifted my head to look at her. She was beautiful- wide brown eyes, cheeks flushed, her hair a mess on her sweaty forehead. Through her white sleep shirt, I could see the outlines of her areolae and the tiny tents of her nipples. We looked at each other for quite a while, faces close together, then she shook her head in wonder.
“I can’t believe that just happened.”
Haerin looked down on our connection, where my cock was still buried inside her. Her pussy was overflowing with our mixed love juice, dripping and creaming around my cock.
“You cum inside me…” she said, quietly.
“I- I’m so sorry,” I said, “I didn’t mean to-”
“No, I stopped you from pulling out. I... I’ve never cum that hard before. It was… really good, I didn’t want it to end.”
“Me neither,” I said, and she let out a small laugh. As she did, her pussy squeezed me, milking another drop of cum from me.
I breathed out and lifted myself up, pulling my cock out of Haerin with a soft squishing noise. My cum dripped out from between her legs, and she reached down to catch it with her fingers. “Wow.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Do you always... cum this much? How does Minji take it all?”
The mere mention of Minji twisted my insides. “Oh, god…”
“Don’t feel bad. It was an accident.” Haerin was still on her back, legs spread, looking up at me, making no effort whatsoever to conceal her small, hairy, freshly fucked pussy. It was a beautiful sight.
“Yeah, An accident.” I said.
“No need to explain to either Minji or Yejun why you took your best friend’s virginity and pumped her pussy full of cum, especially when it wasn’t on purpose.”
“Oh fuck- Haerin, I…” In the rush of sensations, I had completely forgotten that I had taken her virginity.
She finally stood, barely reaching my collarbone. I couldn’t read her expression. Then she just pulled off her shirt, revealing her beautiful round, petite breasts that sat high on her chest, with brown nipples that looked perfect on her small tits. She slid her shorts down, revealing her pussy in all its glory. A line of cum is dripping down her legs.
“I’m going to need to shower.” She looked dead serious.
I couldn’t tell if she was angry, confused, sad, or… I was horrified to think I’d just ruined one of my longest friendships.
“Haerin, I…”
“Come join me.”
She took a step toward me and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back. In my dazed state, I hadn’t tucked my cock back into my boxers, and it was pressing into her mound. I was still wet from our combined juices. Haerin looked up at me. Tentatively as if we hadn’t just fucked, I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips met in a spark of passion, we kissed with an open mouth as our tongues probing hungrily for each other, And as if it had been forever. Finally, we broke apart.
“Losing virginity to your best friend, that was the best way to lose my virginity I could have ever asked for.”
Haerin took my hand and led us to the bathroom before locking the door behind us.
“Never know when Yejun will be back,” she said softly.
Haerin turned on the shower. Undressing myself as I watched her outline in the mirror, her incredible ass, tight and perfect for her frame, and that pristine lips between her legs. She shivered after splashing water on her breasts to test their warmth.
“This place takes forever to turn on the hot water,” Haerin said.
I was zooning out, naked, half-hard, staring at her. “What?”
“Oh- just trying to figure out where we’re going from here.” I added.
“Don’t overthinking it. We will always love each other. One accident won’t change that. Besides, there’s something poetic about losing your virginity to the same person you had your first kiss with. Someone you can really trust.”
As she spoke, she stood close to me in this small bathroom. It was surreal having this conversation with your best friend, not to mention that both of us naked, having just fucked, cum still dripping out of her pussy. I started to get hard again, cursing myself for being this horny.
“Wow,” she said, looking down at my crotch.
“Already? You are insatiable.”
“I’ve just been wondering how you look naked, and here you are. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it weird.”
Haerin grabbed my cock with her slender hand.
“Why do you think I wanted to shower with you?”
She got down on her knees, looking up at me with her beautiful eyes and her small mouth half-open. Slowly but surely, she reached out her tongue to lick my tip. A strand of our mixed juice trailed from her tongue.
“I’ve never given a blowjob, either,” she said thoughtfully, working her hands up and down my shaft. She circled the tip with her tongue.
“I assumed it would happen before I had sex. I definitely didn’t think I’d be licking my own cum off a cock that had just finished inside me,” she said.
She parted her lips and enveloped my cock in the warm wetness of her mouth. She bobbed up and down on my shaft several times, cleaning her pussy juices and mine off with her tongue. Then she pulled back, looking up at me while continued to jerk my cock.
“I can’t tell if this is you or me, but wow, we taste really good together.”
Before I could answer, she closed her lips around me again, gradually finding a rhythm as she sucked me. I stroked her hair, looking down at the beautiful sight before me, Haerin’s hair is a mess, sucking her best friend cock, her nipples protruded proudly from her pert breast. Her mouth felt almost as amazing as her pussy, and I soon found myself swelling with anticipation. She clearly felt it too as she took me out of her mouth and asked…
“Would you rather cum in my mouth or in my pussy?”
It was strange to hear her, the innocent, sweet, nerdy Haerin, talk like this.
“I didn’t realize you liked talking dirty.”
“You know me,” she said, smiling. “I’m a detail-oriented person.��� She continued on sucking, demonstrating a surprising skill despite the fact that it’s her first time giving a blowjob.
She looked up at me and repeated her question.
“So, in my mouth or in my pussy?”
“Honestly I want to do both, but you know me, always indecisive… and God… it’s hard to think with your mouth is on me.”
Haerin stood up as the bathroom started to steam up.
“Think the water’s warm enough?” She asked, grinning.
She pulled me into the shower and our bodies intertwined under the water. I grabbed and kissed her hungrily, working my hands down her breasts, to her side, to her tight ass, pulling her close to me and pressing my cock against her. She lifted her leg onto the side of the bathtub, spreading herself to me. I got down on my knees and pressed my lips against her slit. She moaned in pleasure, but she turned my head, forcing me to look up at her.
“You don’t have to. I… I haven’t shaved.”
“I don’t care about that. Besides, Minji isn’t either.”
“Yeah,” Haerin said, inhaling as I planted a kiss on her nether lips. “I’ve seen the evidence…anhhh” Small moan escapes her lips.
“I want to taste you…”
That was the last word I said before I sank my tongue into her folds, working my way up to her clit and then back down, slowly. I slid a finger into her, pumping slowly in and out as I sucked and licked her clit. I’ve always loved the taste of pussy, and Haerin’s was no exception. As I finger-fucked her, I switched the up and down motion with my tongue to a circular motion, right on her clit.
“Enhhh god, please… just like that,” she whimpered.
“You’re gonna make me cum again... ahhh”
I kept up exactly like that, furiously tonguing her clit and driving my finger in and out of her. Her breath became heavier, and she pushed herself towards me, grinding hard against my mouth. I savored the taste of her tangy opening as she approached her second orgasm of the day.
Finally, with a great heaving sigh and a jerk of her body, she came. While her first orgasms had been hard and all-consuming, but relatively short, this one lasted longer, crashing like a slow wave. I held my mouth to her pussy and continued what I was doing until she stopped thrashing. She lifted me up and kissed me passionately.
“So, what do I taste like?” She asked smilingly.
“Hmm, you taste really good Haerin”
“Have you ever tried lemon zest?” I added.
“You taste just like that,” I said, grinning.
She stood there for a moment, thinking about what I had just said, then she slapped my hand playfully, and we both burst out laughing.
I kissed her again, silencing her protest. She felt my cock nuzzled at her opening. She reached down and pump it up and down, stroking it up and down in a slow motion, we broke our embrace and she looked up at me. Water cascading down her breasts and dripping off her nipples.
“You didn’t cum in my mouth, and it seems that your dick made the choice for you. In my pussy it is.”
“Haerin. Once is an accident, twice is a choice,”
“Just for tonight, kay? I need you in me.” She said softly.
I slowly began to push in through her tight pussy lips, a thought crossed my mind and I looked at her.
“You’re not on birth control, are you?” She shook her head, kissing me again and spread her legs wider so I could go deeper into her. And deeper it went, I began to push deeper, faster, and harder over and over again as her pussy stretching to accommodate its intruder.
“I could have sworn you got bigger just now,” she whispered, a small moan escapes her lips with every thrust.
“Maybe I like cumming inside you without protection.”
“Ehm yeah? maybe I like that, too… Ahh”
I looked down at our connection, how her perfect lips split open by my grith. She was so unbelievably silky and wet, the perfect pussy that I would ravage forever if I had the chance. And I was bare inside her. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her pussy or her petite breasts, barely moving as I bottomed out in her again and again.
“Can I ask you something?” she panted between strokes.
“Who... who feels better? Who do you like fucking more? Me or Minji?”
“That’s not fair,” I said. “Look who I’m inside of right now.”
Talking about Minji while fucking Haerin emphasized the forbidden feeling of it all. I could feel another orgasm rushing on, so I closed my eyes and tried to delay it.
“But if you had to say. And you can be honest.” She said.
“When I fuck Minji,” I said, slowing down my frantic thrusting.
“It’s amazing. She has the most incredible body, experienced, and knows exactly what to do to get me to cum. Sometimes I just enjoy burying myself in her pussy and feeling all of her around me”
“God, Haerin, you are so tight…” I stopped, holding my throbbing cock as far into her as it would go. Her eyes were mostly closed, savoring the feeling.
“Sometimes when I finish in her, she’ll reach down and taste me. Which just gets me going again. I have filled her up every different way. Just about every time you’ve seen her, she’s been full of me.” Haerin moaned at this, clenching me inside her.
“But you… it’s a whole different thing, fuck…” I growled.
I started to build up the pace, gripping her tighter as I pound her faster. Haerin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.
We froze.
“Haerin? Are you in there?”
It was Yejun. He sounded tired. Haerin looked at me, unsure what to do.
“Nghh…yeah,” she called out. “I’m almost done.”
“Why are you showering this late?”
I could hear the wet squelch of her pussy even over the rushing water of the shower as I slid my cock in and out of her. She struggled to maintain her voice even as she responded.
“I- I was feeling… a little dirty…mmhh”
“Are you okay babe?” Yejun asked.
“Hmm… yeah… I- I just need a moment- nghh…”
I couldn’t hold out much longer. I whispered in her ear as I thrust into her “I’m going to cum.”
“Don’t cum too much,” Haerin warned in a low voice, pausing to gasp as I bottomed out in her. “You’re still going to need some for Minji tonight.”
“I’d rather use it all up in you.”
“Alright, I’m going to sleep,” Yejun said from outside.
He had no idea I was fucking his girlfriend for the second time ever, readying to burst my cum into her unprotected pussy, again. Haerin maintained eye contact with me as I sank deeper into her.
“I’ll come soon,” Haerin shouted to him, in a voice that I was sure sounded like she was being fucked. I looked down at her naked body, taking in the sight of her pink ravaged pussy and her firm tits, my thrusts increasing in intensity.
“Haerin…” That was all I could groan out before I pulled her tightly as I buried my cock as deep as it could go into her and burst my second load, painting her wall white as far as it could reach. I’m sure her womb is full of those small tadpoles by now.
Last time had been incredible for its novelty, but it had all happened so fast that I didn’t take it all in. This time, I looked down at her, eyes wide open in pleasure as she felt the warm of cum quickly filling her up. I pulled out halfway and pushed in again, watching, satisfied, as a glob of cum was pushed out around my cock, painting her lips white.
Haerin held me hard, flinching as she came down from her orgasm, while I fucked my last drops of cum into her. I was as far up her pussy as I could go and there was nothing between us. I looked down at her cum-filled pussy split open as I pulled out. Cum poured out of her and onto the floor of the shower.
She inserted two fingers into herself and pulled them out, covered in cum. She brought her fingers to her mouth and let me watch as she licked them clean.
“Better than Minji?” She asked with a low voice. In response, I leaned in to kiss her, our two tastes mingling as our lips met.
We toweled off quickly and went our separate ways after one last kiss. The last thing I thought before falling asleep was “I hope we did a good enough job washing each other off and -- out of ourselves.
I woke up the next morning, groggily taking in my surroundings, it was sunny in my room. Minji’s bag was on the desk. I realized Minji must have gotten in and not woke me up, or worse, she’d tried to wake me up and I’d been too tired. Then I felt a warm, wet mouth wrap around my cock, which was rapidly hardening. I Recognize Minji’s incredible lips as she looked up at me, smiling around my cock.
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“Good morning!” She was topless, her breasts hanging down enticingly.
“I’m so sorry, I was really sleepy last night” I said.
Minji ran her tongue up the length of my cock, slowly and thoughtfully. “You know you talk in your sleep, right?”
“What?” I asked.
“Well, usually you don’t, but you must have been very tired.” She punctuated her sentences with slow licks on my cock. “See, when I came in and got naked and tried to wake you up, you said the darnedest thing.”
Minji buried my cock in her mouth, deepthroating me until her nose was pressed against my pubic bone before pulling back out, lines of spit connecting her mouth to my shaft. I looked down at her, puzzled.
“Right around the time I got you into my mouth, you looked at me and said, A third time in one night.” As she said that, my stomach clenched
She climbed up the bed, angling my cock in between her folds. “I didn’t know what that meant, but then you said, If we keep this up, Haerin, I’ll have no cum left for Minji.” She sat down on my still-wet cock, letting me bury myself into her velvety pussy.
“At first, I thought it might just be a wet dream. But then I tasted your cock and wouldn’t you know it, I could swear you tasted... different.” She lifted off of me, angling my cock into her for maximum tightness, then slowly inched back down. My head was filled with competing emotions; I was turned on, guilty, horrified, and excited all at once.
“Did you fuck Haerin?”
I didn’t know what to do or say, besides… “I’m sorry...”
She sped up on top of me, working my cock inside her as only she knew how. “I thought she was a virgin.”
“She... she was. The first time was an accident,” I regretted and cursed myself. After these words left my mouth. Why the hell did I have to say ‘the first time?’
“The first time was an accident huh...and the second?”
“It was- less of an accident…” This was crazy. What was going one? She didn’t seem to be mad, asking the questions in a matter-of-fact tone, as if we were having a simple conversation while I was fucking her.
“I’m guessing you didn’t wear a condom based on the taste she left on you.” I shook my head slowly. “Lucky her. She loses her virginity by having raw sex with her best friend. Did you cum inside her?”
I nodded. My cock throbbed inside Minji, edging closer to orgasm. We both felt it. She kept her pace, sliding her perfect pussy up and down my cock.
“She got three weeks’ worth of your cum. Was her pussy... overflowing?” she asked, again.
All I could do was nod, getting closer to my own orgasm, what the hell with all these questions anyway?
“Are you thinking about it right now? Picturing how she looked?”
“It’s- hard not to, when you asking about it… nghh fuck Minji”
“Are you gonna cum in me while thinking about Haerin?
In response, I pushed all the way into Minji and emptied the cum I had left up her pulsing canal. She moaned louder, grinding her clit hard against mine, and she cummed too. I held Minji close as my cock emptying itself inside her.
I noticed a movement near the door.
Haerin stood in the doorway, her gaze fixed on the spot where Minji and I were joined: Minji on top in a cowgirl position, legs spread, my cock splitting her open with her ass facing the door. Haerin could see our connection where I was bottoming out deep insider her friend.
Minji saw where I was looking and turned around to see Haerin. Haerin flushed and backed away from the doorway, but Minji called out to her, “You can come in.” After a brief moment, Haerin’s head reappeared, beet-red.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“Mean to what?” Minji cut her off.
I was still hard inside Minji and I could feel drops of our cum running down creaming my shaft. Haerin tried hard not to look at it, but failed, miserably.
“You didn’t mean to watch, or you didn’t mean to fuck my boyfriend and take all his cum like a little slut?”
Haerin said nothing, mortified. I didn’t know what to say, either. Minji beckoned Haerin over to the bed, and she came hesitantly. She was wearing the same sleep shirt as last night, and her stiff nipples were clearly visible through it, maybe aroused by this all.
“Did you like watching us?” Minji asked and Haerin just nodded.
“Say it.”
“I liked watching,” Haerin said timidly.
“You liked watching what?”
Haerin swallowed nervously. “All of it. I liked... watching you... suck him off. I liked watching your pussy being pounded by him. I liked- watching… his cumming inside you.”
I was surprised to hear Haerin say that. The submissive side of her had taken over.
“Come here, you little slut.” Minji commanded.
Haerin got onto the bed, following her order. “Now I want you to taste our connection.” Haerin looked confused, so Minji clarified “Taste the place where he’s entering me.”
I was still rock-hard between Minji's lips. Haerin slid between my legs, looking directly at Minji's supple, round ass cheeks and her trimmed pussy around my cock. She tentatively reach oud her tongue to the underside of my cock. Slowly, she ran it up my shaft, gathering cum and Minji's cream on her tongue before reaching Minji's stretched pussy lips. She licked them up and around my cock, allowing me to feel her tongue on every pass. Minji breathed out slowly, clearly enjoying it.
“Now I want you to take him out of me and clean him off,” Minji said.
Haerin slowly reached out to grab my cock, which was slick with Minji's juices and my cum, and withdrew it from Minji with a soft squish. More of cum dripped on my cock. Haerin opened her mouth and leaned down take me in her mouth.
“Don’t swallow,” Minji said. “Keep it in your mouth.”
Haerin bobbed her head up and down, deliberately licking and sucking the wetness off my cock. Directly in front of her nose was Minji’s opening with cum dripping out slowly.
“Now put your mouth on my pussy and put it back in me.”
Haerin couldn’t reply, her mouth full, she looked hesitant. Minji rolled over, spreading her legs in front of Haerin.
“Haven’t you gotten enough of it? Put his cum back inside me.”
I was certain Haerin wouldn’t do it. Fucking me was one thing, eating Minji’s pussy was another. Would this new, submissive Haerin go for it? Still, she was holding the excess cum in her mouth, not swallowing it. She looked caught.
Minji absentmindedly rubbed her clit while waiting. Then, to my surprise, Haerin darted her mouth toward Minji's pussy, pressing her lips against it and reaching out her tongue to let the cum in her mouth dribble back into Minji's waiting hole. Minji moaned in pleasure.
“Keep going... make sure you get it all in...”
Haerin used her tongue to push the cum that had dribbled out of Minji’s pussy back in. She began to fuck Minji with her tongue, in and out of her sopping hole, tasting my cum every time she reached deeper into Minji. Minji closed her eyes, rubbing her nipples with one hand and using the other to press Haerin’s face into her womanhood.
I was rock hard again. Haerin was eating the cum out of Minji’s pussy, or, I guess, putting it back in. Was this a dream?
Minji writhed on the bed as Haerin continued lapping at her, bringing her tongue from the bottom of her pussy, where the cum had pooled, to the top, hungrily licking her clit. Minji gasped, her body rocked with waves of orgasm, and still Haerin kept going. I had never seen Minji orgasm from this angle, normally I was part of the process, and it was hot to see her body constrict in pleasure, tits bouncing, eyes screwed shut. It was even hotter watching Haerin eat her out.
Finally, Minji pulled Haerin's face away from her, which was wet with spit and our mixed juices. Both girls were panting.
“Have you ever gone down on a girl before?” Minji asked. Haerin shook her head, wiping off her mouth. She looked dazed but horny. “You’re good at it.”
Minji looked over at me, at my cock, which was standing upright. “And after all that, he’s still ready.”
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen,” was all I could manage to say.
Minji sat up and pushed Haerin down onto the bed, on her back. Under the sleep shirt, Haerin was wearing a pair of grey panties that were fully soaked through. Minji pulled the panties down, revealing Haerin’s wet, drenched pussy. As Haerin spread her legs, I watched her pussy lips come unglued from each other, revealing pink folds inside.
Minji reached down, into her own pussy, scooping my cum onto her fingers. She reached over and sank those fingers into Haerin’s. She moaned, writhing on the bed.
“You don’t need the extra lubrication,” Minji said, reaching down to spread her wetness over my cock. “But it’ll get you started.”
Minji pulled my cock to Haerin’s opening. I adjusted myself on the bed, getting up so I was supporting myself over Haerin. Minji slowly rubbed my tip up and down Haerin’s sopping lips, before putting me between them. Haerin cooed in pleasure.
“Show me how you fucked her.”
As I sank into Haerin for the third time, I looked over at Minji. My girlfriend was watching with rapt attention as I bottomed out in Haerin’s pussy. Then I looked at Haerin, who stared up at me with wide eyes. My longtime best friend, the girl I adored, was open beneath me.
“Fill me up again,” Haerin whispered.
“Once is an accident, twice is a choice, but three times?” I asked.
“Three times is perfect.”
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