#I had to make Irene’s art my background
persnickety-doodles · 6 months
she’s always watching 👁️👁️
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 6 months
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Godfrey: And do not tell Irene, but I am certainly going to commission you for a portrait of her.
Basil: I’d be glad to! As soon as I have completed Sir Murgatroyd’s, I am at your service.
Panel 2
Godfrey: Please, take your time. No matter when, it is a thrill to show your gift to the one you love!
Basil: Indeed, it is…
Panel 3
Irene: …Well, Mr. Gray, we shall keep that in mind. We do owe Mr. Hallward, as well as yourself, credit for giving us the first clue. Above all, we trust Lord Godalming having referred you.
Panel 4
Dorian: Ah, indeed, good old Basil…Anyway. I am glad Lord Godalming has put my little joke behind him. He’s a bit of a humorless sort, sometimes.
Panel 5
Mina: Oh, rest assured, Arthur is quite mirthful.
Panel 6
Mina: He does, however, have his limits when it comes to love.
Mina (white text): We, however, shall suffer no mockery of Love.
Panel 7
Background text (left side): “How long will you like me? Till I have my first wrinkle, I suppose.” “I love her, and I must make her love me.” “I have had the arms of Rosalind around me, and kissed Juliet on the mouth.”
Background text (right side): “I would give my soul for that!” “To-night she is Imogen, and to-morrow night she will be Juliet.” “When is she Sibyl Vane?” “Never.” “You have spoiled the romance of my life. How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art, you are nothing.”
Background text (white): Mockery of Love (x3)
Panel 8
Mina: …Is everything quite alright, Mr. Gray?
Panel 9
Dorian: Oh! Yes—I was just saying—We would be delighted to keep in touch with such…ahem…intriguing company. But for now I am afraid we must bid you adieu, erm, if you’ll excuse me…
Panel 10
Basil: Dorian! Are we leaving already?
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ego-osbourne · 9 months
2023 Art Roundup
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(These aren’t entirely indicative of when I posted them, but when I actually finished them.)
These are some of my biggest/favorite projects through each month!
Piece details + Mod-posting below!
JAN - Asteía ; This was one of my first projects of the year that dealt with lighting, and additionally light from multiple sources! I also remember experimenting with backgrounds and how to make a character pop against a semi-detailed background without making them get lost in the piece.
FEB - Mora and Ego ; This was a good project on figuring out how to fill empty space while still keeping the atmosphere of a piece. It was also good perspective practice!
MAR - Sanguine and Ego ; Though I’m no longer too happy with the proportions or lighting of this piece, I still remember having a blast with it. Hearing feedback about them holding hands and Sanguine’s ear getting squished are very fun memories for me.
APR - Miraak and Ego ; This might be my favorite project of the whole year! Though I know I can do backgrounds better now, I remember being pretty confident and happy during the whole process! I think the motion/lighting/effects all came out very well :] ALSO it was the first piece I did with expressive masks for Miraak and Ego! Wahoo!
MAY - Mora and Ego (again) ; Though the last one was my personal favorite, I heard from a couple of friends that THIS was their favorite. Though a pain in the ASS to do, I’m especially happy with all the texture effects. This was also me experimenting with Mora’s design!
JUN - Erandur ; Not a particularly complicated/difficult piece, but one that was simply pure fun. Had a blast with lighting effects and atmosphere. It was also a good break from the family trip I was taking at the same time ,:]
JUL - Dagon ; Specifically his revamp! This was my first successful attempt at a (very) muscular body type that I liked! In fact, over the course of the year I’ve been pretty proud of my progress of expanding on body types. This one especially, though, was just very fun!
AUG - Iren and Rakell ; My first dive into a colored + shaded animatic (animation? It’s awful choppy lol)! FAR from perfect, but I was (and still am) so happy with the outcome. I particularly remember enjoying figuring out lines of movement and sound effects for the video.
SEP - Sanguine ; My first (and still only, though hopefully not for long) attempt at making Sanguine intimidating. I think this one is going in the right direction! As far as effects go, I actually had a very tough time with things because of a few layer-merging mishaps, but the final product was well-received!
OCT - The Warden ; After many-a night on Minecraft with friends, I realized just how much I loved the warden, and HAD to draw them. Redesigning characters is one of my absolute favorite things to do, especially when taking minimal details and expanding on them! They were super fun all around.
NOV - Miraak, Serana, Ego, and Ancano ; I’d been meaning to draw the siblings being siblings for a while now, but putting them all on one canvas was more than a little intimidating. I was so happy to have it done, though, and I kinda love seeing their colors clash together.
DEC - Sanguine (again) ; After not drawing him for so long, it was a blast doing so. The moment I was back home for winter break, I was ECSTATIC to get to work on this piece. #1 blorbo
This year has been an absolute ride.
I became a mod and then co-owner of the TES server that got me into making TDI and have made some really tight friendships over there (genuinely, anyone reading this who is/was in the cult server, I’m so damn happy to know you).
I’ve done some intense progress on TDI, and even though I didn’t QUITE accomplish my New Years Resolution of posting Ch. 1 this year, hopefully you can understand the drawbacks considering I am… //checks notes/// 70+ chapters in and still going.
I’m in college! Have been for a hot second now, but I’ve been working towards a ministry degree, and have future plans of getting a PhD after my bachelor’s so I can teach at a college level! I don’t think I talk a lot about my irl happenings, but hopefully that gives you an idea of why I might be a liiittle busy when it comes to writing. Ministry is an unforgiving degree when it comes to papers and meetings.
As earlier mentioned, I’ve learned how to do different body types, and am trying to find a good balance between shape language and inclusivity when it comes to bodies! I am… still struggling with feminine anatomy! Admittedly! But I’m willing to keep trying ,:]
And, overall, I (certainly hope I have) improved on my art. I have a much better sense of face shapes, line weights, and consistent details than I did at the beginning of the year. Always learning, but always improving, too!
I hope your year has gone well! Thank you so very much for checking out my blog. Tumblr has been a wonderful thing to get into and has led me to a lot of wonderful people. See you in the new year!
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dilucsfavorite · 6 months
What's your opinion of Irene and the Divine Warriors? What were their dynamics?
Personal, a joke headcanon I have is that Irene is like a neurodivergent Jesus who doesn't pick up on social cues (romantic or otherwise) and is completely oblivious to the Shad/Esmund/(Enki) love square she's caught in. Menphia and Kul'zak are in the background cracking up and panicking because they're basically babysitting a God-like deity (Irene) with the mental awareness of a five-year-old, a traumatized possessive Great dane (shad), a giant Golden retriever (Esmund), and most of their days are consumed with trying not to let Enki die in the crossfire
Before I get into my opinions, I think that joke headcanon is super funny. Also, I'll refer to the Divine Warriors as DW during this entire thing just to make it more easier to write and everything.
As a whole, I believe they are a very dysfunctional family. The way I see them, none of them have romantic feelings for one another as I do not feel as if any of them have the time to even have emotional connections like romance. They all used to be the best of friends, but as the weight of being important people and powers came crashing down on them, so did their friendships.
Some dynamics include:
Enki and Kul'Zak: These two are the closest out of the bunch, they are good friends and trust each other with every fiber in their body. However, to history and to the others, these two rarely interacted. Most of their friendship was hidden within letters sent between the two of them.
Irene and Shad: I hated the dynamic between these two on the show. Like.. they loved each other.. but like they didn't? In my opinion, They are polar opposites, both power wise, personality wise, and philosophy wise. They butt heads a lot, but they have their moments. To me, they are the type of found family siblings that will insult and throw punches at each other, but god forbid someone else insults one or the other.
Now, like their names suggest, They all had jobs within the group, though all acted alone and were all worshiped by different groups of people.
Irene was obviously the healer of the group due to what her powers are and what her name suggests. Here's the thing, I believe her powers are like.. too god-like for an entity described multiple times to be a mortal being. Like.. bring people back to life?? Its like a badly written OC. While I do believe she has the best healing capabilities, and some healing powers, I do not think she should be able to bring people back to life. However, she is the person who makes healing medicine a thing to be studies, and not just something left to witches or healing magic users. She started the idea of doctors.
Enki is the keeper. As the name suggests, he is the keeper of all knowledge, he records everything that has happened within the divine warriors, history that has happened in every nation. I like to think that he has a giant library hidden deep beneath the earth's core. It is like the library of Alexandria, but it has never been found. Most scholars do not believe it exists. But it does.
Esmund the protector. I think he has some pretty cool magic, and since we don't know what is powers are, I am going to make something up. He is the protector, meant to protect the people and his matron. I believe he has the power to harden his skin, but he does not use this to his advantage during fights, he only uses it when the fight is getting tough (which rarely happens). I also believe is a tall, buff man. Intimidating to anyone who does not know him, but he has a giant heart.
Kul'Zak the wanderer. He goes between nations, gathers history, records art, records the people and rulers of villages, and also the resident map maker. He and Enki work close together to fill the library up to anything that can fit into it. Also, he blends in so much that it was no wonder that people did not know he was the wanderer.
Shad the destroyer. I believe his old title was Shad the fighter. Unlike Esmund, Shad was always on the front lines fighting. He never really protected anyone, but he was sure a fighter. He was the type to blindly go at it when it came to war, and it had gotten him in trouble many of times with the other DW. He got the title of destroyer during the war. The title of fighter is only kept within the Library that Enki has. Books and other history was destroyed in the book burning of history books.
Menphia the fury. She was usually in the back of wars, having magic that allowed things to fall from the sky to attack enemy lines. Things like fireballs and such. The reason why she is not so talked about is because she wanted it that way. She did not want to be known, she did not want to be remembered. In some regions, the story of the raining fireballs became that of myth, became a story. One that only happens during war full of magical energy converging. Menphia only wanted to live a quiet life, not fight others, espessially people she used to call her friends.
This took forever to type up but coming up with ideas like this was fun !!!!!
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that-one-i-think · 6 months
For @localcryptidinthewoods 's Divine Warriors Rockstar AU
I have some ideas on all of their backgrounds (but featuring my own headcannons for the Divine Warriors) and feel free to bounce ideas as well.
They all met at a boarding school, one that was where they sent kids in need of a "second chance", a(r/u)tistic folks, and kids who were musically talented and slightly annoying to their parents. A take my troubles away school for the parents.
Irene: She gives big large-range-soprano energy. She was a theater kid who said she was either become famous by 25 or start murdering people. Fortunately their band got a big break rather early. Not in contact with her parents but was at the school with scholarships. Possibly foster care.
Shad: He and Menphia knew each other for a long time, both having really rich parents who threw money at them. Shad technically was being raised by an uncle but it was a "I give you money and roof, you leave me alone" relationship. Led to a LOT of teenage rebellion.
Menphia: Her dad was a fashion model and her mom was a boxer. Her dad was very much a girlboss malewife while her mom was a Gaslight Mansplain type of person. Both fueled her interests and encouraged her rebellion. They weren't regular parents, they were cool parents.
Enki: Their dads were professors and sent her to the school so he could let his creativity flow. They were very encouraging of the arts but believed it was more of a phase. Did help them get a solo dorm so they could be as genderqueer as they needed to be. Enki is incredibly smart and to make her parents happy she did get a librarian degree.
Esmund: He was an Irish exchange student who got a scholarship. The scholarship was due to his dad helping the dean get out of a bar fight and saved his life. There because of nepotism but genuinely talented, and he also never knew of the nepotism so he believed he had to work hard.
Kul'Zak: A part of the second chance program. Incredibly musically talented, like broadway vocal talent and worked hard. Naturally gifted but he isn't there because of a scholarship, his juvie officer recommended him for the second chance pity/charity program after seeing him make a guitar out of contraband. (Juvie officer also wanted people to stop trying to hide contraband in his prosthetic leg).
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purpleowl666 · 1 year
Araki knows how to write female characters? I barely see him and Oda in mentions of their female characters in manga discourses when it comes to good female characters.
Hi anon, haha sorry for my lack of energy.
Warning: Long text SA mentions, little spoilers from Jojolion.
Uh that's a good one, honestly both Oda and Araki fall into the same issue about it but when they cook, they cook (or at least is what I have noticed from Oda, since I'm in 305 chapter of One Piece, so I can't tell you how much he fails or gets better).
Let's start with Araki, In general, there are never mentions of Jojo in the tops or compilations of good aspects of some Mangas, better protagonists, best character designs, etc. Because still people refuse to see Jojos in any serious way (okay, Jojo isn't 100% serious, it's bizarre) and others refuse to watch it because of its art style.
That said, Araki fails miserably with female character during part 1-4.
He fails but not in the bad way like only uses their female characters for fanservice, but as useless or from background or encourage male protagonists.
Erina and Lisa Lisa are maybe the exceptions, but again fails, Araki was clear that Erina was Jonathan's love interest and at the same time played with the dynamics, giving Speedwagon the role that in theory should have been Erina since that role was given to the women who were the girlfriends of the protagonist, he already did Gorgeous Irene as a protagonist and fighter, why didn't he gave Erina more role if he wanted to change the roles in his story? Because he wasn't that great at times, same with Lisa Lisa, looks like an attempt to have a strong character with more than a role than just a lover, but fails miserably at the end, giving Joseph all the attention instead of a fight between both Lisa Lisa and Joseph vs Kars, sucks because he gave more of that chance towards a N@zi 💀. I'm not even going to elaborate on part 3 bc it's too obvious.
Part 4, even tho has more female characters, none of them has relevance. Yukako was totally wasted, like her only role was to be a simp for Koichi, she didn't help at all. Reimi just was like a storyteller to give context towards the protagonists rather than useful character, of course even her own trauma is just there, same with Tomoko and Shinobu. Basically all pawns to fulfill or help the male characters.
Now, being a little fair, Araki fucked off the same with male characters, specially in part 4 and 5, but come on, even the Hazamada guy had more screen time than Tomoko and Araki just left her there to be completely in love with Joseph and for what? 😭 That sucks and it's sad.
In part 7 and 8, we actually have more good side characters, but again most of them wasted, literally Jojolion has more female characters than in stone ocean and yet Yasuho is the only one with importance.
Now the fanservice, what can I say? At this point is impossible to escape from it, only Metal alchemist and Attack on titan didn't and is oh so wonderful🥰, also Araki didn't with Jolyne so I'll take that as an apology from what he did to other female characters, lol.
And finally with that issues about SA scenes and mentions, the thing is that with Lucy, Trish or Dragona (probably they aren't a she, tho but let's count them.) seems more like a thing that happens a lot due to the context, specially with Lucy. Like real life issues that Araki has show up with other characters.
My problem is with Yasuho, like okay, she is vulnerable as every other woman, but some of the contexts she wents through are more implied in a funny context and it's something I dislike a lot, like that time Joshu almost rapes her, the touches that Tsurugi gives to her are so icky (I know he is a kid, but that doesn't make it any less creepy, Emporio was also a kid and didn't do that weird shit to Jolyne).
That's my only complain, uh I can see why ppl gets annoyed or disgusted with Lucy or Dragona SA situations and I understand it, but also saying that they have to gain some kind of lesson or something good from it is pathetic as if SA situations are only for that when in real life you only get trauma, not some kind of development. Perhaps, if there should be a Pov about their feelings and fears, how is going through SA and how affects the characters and their mechanisms to protect themselves, but okay I can ask for much in a Shonen manga when fights and powers are more relevant ig:/
As I said when Araki wants, he can cook a good female character like Jolyne, Lucy, Yasuho, Kaato, Trish and Mitsuba. This doesn't mean that other minors female characters are bad, just wasted. The only I mentioned some of them doesn't have great impact but with the role they get they make it work.
Now with Oda, his issue is about the way he draws female character, lots of fanservice and the anime doesn't help. At least Araki gives more different looks on his characters, Oda doesn't, lol. Must of them have the same face as Nami, and again due to the fanservice and how long One piece is, ppl don't take it seriously, another issue is that even though there's incredible powerful females, they're never enough as good as the males, even the only female character that was better than Zoro died 😭. Now that I think about it, Araki hasn't give this powerful stands to his female characters, not as powerful as GER or C-moon type.
Returning with the one piece, as far as I can see Oda actually writes good female characters! Nami and Robin are simply incredible, and as far as I know big mom is also a wonderful and good well character.
For me, Nami and Jolyne are one of the most stronger female characters in the Manga and media, next to Maki from Jujutsu no kaisen and Korra from avatar.
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Screaming into the void about my season 3 favs
-I geeked out over the camera pan out from Mike on his stakeout to the Los Pollos Hermanos sign
-Also screamed at the TV watching out of focus Gus casually sweeping in the background while Jimmy is in the restaurant
-Hey who’s got your back? ME that’s who
-There’s a moment Jimmy and Kim lock eyes across their office and smile, they are truly happy and all is right in their world
-Kim asks Jimmy for a dollar so that she’s officially his lawyer. This man really gets all his best ideas from her.
-Fun foreshadow/call back: the art in Jimmy’s office is lady liberty
-Howard’s little hop to look over the fence💀
-Jimmy threatens to burn Chuck’s house to the ground… yikes
Sunk Cost
-Jimmy had red string wrapped around Marco’s ring bc it’s too big for his finger. BCS writers really think of everything and then make it symbolic.
-Bill Oakley replying “you moron” when Jimmy says he’ll be representing himself cracked me up
-Be honest, on first watch did it click for y’all that Gus wanted Hector to demand Gus transport all the product??? That one took me a sec
-Chuck’s 512 - 521 address mix up explanation to Rebecca in the flashback almost makes it seem like Chuck inadvertently gave Jimmy the idea to do the 1216 - 1261 swap all those years later
-We get to hear “I DID IT FOR KIM” again AND we get to watch Kim hear it!!!
-The absolute betrayal of Jimmy telling Rebecca about Chuck’s condition after we see him go to such lengths to keep it from her in the flashback… not saying Chuck didn’t deserve it but damn. Feel like this gets overlooked compared to the rest of the episode
Off Brand
-Where are your notes let’s spread em out roll around on them and see what happens
-I thought you were president of the drama club or something? …i’m treasurer
-We get our first commercial starring Saul! (Saul Goodman productions)
-Saul Goodman, that guy has a lot of energy
-Jimmy’s emotional breakdown act in the insurance office really had me for a sec. Spoilers but very same vibe as his breakdown to the mall security guy in season 6
-In the opener flashback Jimmy retrieves the band aid tin from the ceiling in his parents old store that we later see Gene still has!
-Mike searching for the body of the Good Samaritan gutted me
-This condition to me is as real as that chair, it’s as real as this house, it’s as real as you, but what if it’s not? What if it’s all in my head? And if that’s true, if it’s not real, then what have I done?
-We see Slippin Jimmy in action and it’s as wonderful as I imagined
-Who would have thought Nacho practicing close up magic would be such a vibey scene? The YouTube comments on the track validate me.
-Jimmy strumming smoke on the water, that man is up to no good
-Buddy this is the land of the free and the home of the law suit
-Howard is SUCH a dick to Jimmy in the parking garage HOLY SHIT
-What Jimmy does to Irene is unspeakable so we’re not speaking on it
-Kim’s car accident sacres the fuck out of me every time
-Chuck really looks Jimmy in the face and tells him he’s going to hurt everyone around him because he can’t help it and to stop apologizing and accept and embrace it 😦
-Jimmy makes things right for mrs Landry to his own detriment
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pjplayground · 1 year
Tragic Mystery
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There's a familial mystery afoot, I can smell it.
Bio: Paperjam is an aspiring thespian in their prime. They spend most of their free time working on stuff for their school's current play. They accentuate this eccentric interest with an eccentric wardrobe to match. Recently, his family moved into an old mansion that's apparently been in the family for generations, and his life is about to get dramatic - how fitting for a theater kid.
Basic Info Full Name: Paperjam Bonrad McFadden Age: 17 Height: 6' Gender Identity: Genderfluid (he/they preferred) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (preference for masculine people) Medical Issues: Anxiety, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) Can't Leave the House Without: Gum, jacket, beanie, salt shaker key chain, phone, earbuds
Relationships Ink - Father, fairly good Irene - Mother, have conflicting views Undyne - Friend, teases him on the daily Alphys - Friend, they info dump together Burgerpants - Friend, background set buddies Napstablook - New friend, totally does not have a huge crush on them
Miscellaneous Little Facts - The little pins on his hat are little references taken from various spooky/horror movies, can you identity them all? - His favorite flavor of gum to chew is honeydew. - PJ LIVES for salt and vinegar flavored things - especially chips. - They wear a large, old t-shirt for pajamas, and nothing else besides boxers. - When he was a kid, he would take the wax out of candles and mold them into little wax sculptures. He was a weird kid. - The story of Tragic Mystery was inspired by a horror movie called "The Ritual", as well as shows like Gravity Falls as said by Crispy Koala. - PJ's anxiety gives him what he calls an "anxious tummy", making him extremely gassy and his bowels very irritable. Meaning it's not uncommon for him to fart when he's anxious or nervous. - They refuse to eat at any restaurant that doesn't serve some form of chicken tenders and french fries. As they should, honestly. - He has three little pet Cotton Puff Bats named Lock, Shock, and Barrel. - Lock, Shock, and Barrel are fed all sorts of treats by PJ, their favorite being white dragon fruit. - PJ has a mini salt shaker key chain that he carries around on his backpack or belt loop for food emergencies, because he loves salty stuff. - In his closet, he has a pile of old busted up notebooks filled with years of stage play ideas. - He likes listening to music that fits within the umbrella aesthetics of Liminal Spaces and Weird/Dreamcore. - On top of the pins on his hat, he also has a variety of pins that he's collected which he adorns all over his backpack. - PJ plays on an old gaming system - the Cloud Jumper 94 - that his father used to own. He has newer gaming systems but he prefers to play on the old console. - He had a really, really embarrassing goth phase when he was between the ages of 13 and 15. - Due to the severity of his condition on some off days, PJ is a part time wheelchair user. - His mother Irene is a lawyer who believes PJ should work towards a more "sustainable" career. You can imagine how well they get along. - PJ loves horror movies, and doesn't scare easily. - The reason PJ always has gum in his possession is because he concentrates better when doing a minor motor action. - PJ and his friends were all dubbed the weird kids by their peers, so they stuck together. - PJ tries to keep a very collected and aloof demeanor around his friends and everyone else, but that all gets thrown out the window when Napstablook is within ten feet of his sight. - He's very passionate about all forms of art, including painting. But theater is his specialty within the arts. - From PJ's point of view, Blook seems oblivious to his crush on him. Which may or may not be the case... - He stumbled upon his family's potentially dark history by accident while snooping around the new house.
Tragic Mystery was a story created by my friend @thecrispykoala, and may have more content dedicated to it in the near future.
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bbbeowulf · 9 months
I have a lot of art resolutions that I wanna get through this year so I figured I would share them with all of you… VIA BINGO CARD!!
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Bingo card inspired by AlmaKRowan on Twitter/X!!
List and explanations below the cut!!
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Architecture: I want to learn how to draw buildings, rooms, etc.!!
Adopts: I want to make adopts!!
KOI character refs: Reference sheets for the characters in my story “Knights of Irene”!!
ArtFight: I’m gonna aim for 20 attacks/revenges, but we’ll see!!
GraVT piece: a group picture of the indie VTuber group I’m in, GraVT!!
Animal studies: learn how to draw animals better
PNGtuber+ comm: I made one for myself (see it HERE) but I want someone to commission me for one >:,(
VTuber redesign: potentially maybe redesign my VTuber (even tho I literally just killed myself making the PNG+ model but WHATEVER IM ON DRUGS IG)
Leo TOTIKFR animatic: animatic for my OC Leo to the song “The Only Thing I Know For Real” by Tyson Yen
Holiday YCH: YCH comms for major holidays!!
Snow Fairy MAP: I have a part in @jurygarroth’s Snow Fairy MAP so I need to get that done :D
Bug studies: I wanna learn how to draw bugs :3c
OC sticker sheets: I wanna make (AND SELL) sticker sheets of my OCs (and maybe other fandom characters like MLP and stuff!! We’ll see.)
RP movie posters: movie poster style illustrations of my active role plays!!
Emotes: re-do my twitch/discord emotes
Sell canvases @ gallery: I have an art gallery in my town that I wanna apply for and sell some irl artwork!!
YCH comms: more YCH comms!!
Lobelia lore animatic: lore animatic for my VTuber
Pose studies: learn how to draw poses better
KOI cover: book cover for “Knights of Irene”
Abaddon Webcomic: this is a HARD maybe, but I’ve tried to make this webcomic happen 2 or 3 different times and I always got sick and tired of it before I got ANYWHERE with it. I think if I take it in more of a mini comic approach like Shen or Merryweather!!
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There are a few more ideas I had that I didn’t put on my bingo!!
Leo’s Final Form: conceptualize Leo’s final form and draw the finalized version
Backgrounds: get better at drawing backgrounds
Foliage: get better at drawing foliage
Color Theory: learn color theory
Interesting shading: play around with colors and shade with different colors perhaps to make it pop?
Aphmau art: draw more Aphmau art
KOI: Finish planning out KOI and potentially start writing it? It’s not art in the sense of it being written not drawn but whatever I wanna do this
Commissions: keep doing commissions! I wanna try to do at least 20 this year 👉👈
Art trades: do some art trades with people outside of ArtFight!!
Art raffle: do an art raffle 🧍
GET HIRED BY YORUNOMACHI: *on my hands and knees sobbing, begging, throwing up*
Do Aphtober/Cringetober/some form of tober AND FINISH: I doubt I’ll finish lmfao
Make OC profiles on UnVale: it’s like toyhouse but it doesn’t make me want to kms when using it
Learn VTuber Rigging: I just wanna know how to do it :3
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Anyways I’m sure there’s more but this is just a list of everything I can think of off the top of my head! A week from now I might decide to not do any of this LMFAO! But we’ll see how much I actually do this year!! Yippee!!
Happy new year everyone!!
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loser-jpg · 1 year
hi hi loser :c
sending my art request before i stay off of tumblr for a few days
so yk my tech child irene lovejoy :o i was thinking of her with her back facing you, there's wind blowing from the side, and staring up at the sky
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kinda like this
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i had a lot of fun w this one cuz i normally draw characters from the front so it was cool to draw a diff angle, also i like drawing moots ocs >:3
i couldnt add a lot of the cool detailing in the hair bcuz the way i drew her facing but i still like it, also i went ham on the background. i wanted to make it look like a sunset
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kandadiff · 1 year
Larger Then Life : 1 - Profiles
Okay my idea is that 'celebrities' are in a mansion during the run of the show. Of course they are free to come and go as they please to film, go to concerts or whatever but just so they stay within the vicinities they are within the isolated community with each other. But let me know cause we can do a gated community instead.
~ Also I made the intros 😁 ~
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Reason there: Kassie was part of a group with her sisters and best friend. They never really took off and broke up. She wants to try and make it without her sisters.
Friends already there: Taylor Swift (though Taylor just keeps her around to look good), Selena, Zendaya
Enemies already there: none.
Known drama: tends to spill a lot more then she means to because she thinks before she talks and was the one to tell Selena Justin was cheating on her.
Known work/ songs / acting: Model, minor singer
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Reason there: Hoodie is a member of the KPOP group Red Velvet. But her true passion is in rapping, she even asked Doja Cat to help sign her but she can't prove herself in a group like red velvet. She's hoping she'll be able to break out of the mold her company put her in even if that means leaving the group as well.
Friends already there: Jay Park, Jessi, Joy & Wendy (Red velvet), Jackson Wang, Doja Cat
Enemies already there: Irene, Seulgi & Yeri from Red Velvet (They are upset that she wants to leave and feels she's purposely trying to break up the band),
Known drama: Currently at odd with half of her group who feel she is trying to break up the band to advance her career rather then trying to support the group as a whole.
Known work/ songs / acting: Member of Red Velvet
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Reason there: she is still looked at as the little girl from the Australian family sitcom that she acted on when she was a child. No matter how much she proves herself to be more then just a child actor trying to still act she can't seem to catch a break. She's trying to prove she can be more then just the young 5 year old the public saw her as
Friends already there: Ed styles, William Tomlinson, Ian Payne, Liam Hemsworth, Anya Taylor Joy
Enemies already there: Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Selena Gomez
Known drama: Rumor has it Liam and Miley have been messing around but that hasn't stop Draven from doing it too - after all they aren't exclusive || also Draven having no filter on twister has caused some arguments with others as well.
Known work/ songs / acting:
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Reason there: Known as just a model. No matter what beautiful art she makes or that she personally tattoos many celebrities with her designs people just see her as just another model thats dating the it boy of the moment hoping to gain something from it. She's more then that and she's here to show it.
Friends already there: Tyler Posey, Dylan O Brien, Nick Jonas, Emma Watson, Bella Thorne
Enemies already there: Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner
Known drama: is known as a pushover and lacks the skill it takes for confrontation leading many in the modeling industry to bully her when she gets a job over them || Thought to have only gotten her acting gig because she is Tylers girlfriend.
Known work/ songs / acting: Model & minor actress in Teen Wolf with Tyler posey
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Reason there: Ever since Naomi was a kid she knew she wanted to see her name in lights and to be looked at with awe. Her mother is a lawyer for a few agencies and when she found out about the show from her she knew she had to get on. She was going to get her name in lights no matter what.
Friends already there: ----
Enemies already there:----
Known drama: ------
Known work/ songs / acting: -----
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Reason there: Katya is a background dancer that wants to make more of a name for herself. She is providing for her family after the loss of her mother. She knows being in the background isn't making her enough so time to be in the spotlight
Friends already there: Damien Thorne, Austin Butler, Tatiana Prudence, Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis
Enemies already there: Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Beil
Known drama: Her friendship with Austin & Justin is seen as overly friendly causing tension with their significant others
Known work/ songs / acting: background dancer for Beyonce & Justin Beiber, dancer & choreographer for Sweet Trauma & JT
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Reason there: Despite being known in Asia as a core member of the JPOP/KPOP girl group Candie, she is seen as either just Lady Gaga's adopted daughter or just the girlfriend of Liam Payne who got where she is because of both those things. She wants to prove that she can stand on her own without relying on the more famous around her.
Friends already there: Liam Payne & One direction, Kitty Morrose, Damien Thorne, Robin Hargrove, Maximus Valente, GDragon, Jackson Wang, Jade Gillies, Cassie Dawson
Enemies already there: Bobby Kim, Jisoo Kim, Nate Jacob
Known drama: Since dating Liam a lot of her past with people in Asia has come out and the hate thats came from that caused her, Bobby and Jisoo to fall out. || rumor has it - Liam is trying to prevent her musical career.
Known work/ songs / acting: Being on The Craft TV series, former member of Candie
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Reason there: She hated her life as a child model to overbearing fashion icon mother and had to suffer while father was struggling on the wrestling circuit. Despite hating being a model she did make a name for herself (forcefully from her mother and acting from her father) she spiraled for a bit but after making friends with Kylie Jenner, the socialite helped her steady herself. Though now, people see Adi as just another spoiled former child model and daughter of a rich celebrity. But she's here to say she's more then that and she always has been. She just has to make the public see the truth.
Friends already there: Kylie Jenner, Xavier Samuel, Lil Nas X, Vanessa Hudgens, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Maddy Ortiz, Dylan O Brien, Justin Beiber, the Hadid sisters,
Enemies already there: Kendall Jenner, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts
Known drama: Kendall is jealous of her relationship with Kylie and Kris || After filming with both Emma & Demi she immediately disliked both of them and they feel the same about her || Justin cheated on Selena with her - though she didn't know they were together.
Known work/ songs / acting: Modeling, Acting in movies with her father.
I want to skip to us already arriving in the house / choosing our bedrooms and roommates but here are the rooms we are in & who we are with (we could always change it later [like the bad girls club]) Im just choosing our rooms there's more people then this but I just wanted to do us right now.
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In the rooms : 2-3 beds to a room
You & Maddy
Draven & Tatianna
Kassie, Miley & Katya
Makayla, Bella & Demi
Hoodie, Victoria & Camila
Me & cassie
Naomi, Emma & Hayley
0 notes
such-a-bitchh · 3 years
The Arcana headcanons, requests closed </3
Here are some rules:
-I'll gladly to the M7 (M6 but with Valerius cause I'm manifesting his route)
-if you want to request nsfw content, please put your age in bio
-i only take requests about gender neutral (gn) mc's
-i do not take requests about oc's
-i do not take ship requests
-remember to put TW before asking about sensitive content, it'll help not only me, but other people
-please do not expect me to do your request in one day, hour, 15 minutes extc. It takes time!
-you can request less than m6, like- only muriel, or just asra, nadia and portia
-you can request headcanons with other characters, like Valdemar, Volta, Vulgora, Nadia's sisters, extc
-please remember that english's not my first or only language so tell me about mistakes I make, but don't be rude about it
-also i can deny making a headcanon if the topic is just too sensitive for me, makes me uncomfortable or could harm other people
-i won't be making headcanons, for example about incest, like- dating Lucio, when he's your brother
-on work days i can have a little bit less time than on weekends, so remember that
-i do not accept copying, so if you'll gonna request something just to repost it without my consest, don't do it
-i do not have problem with being tagged in posts about my work, or quoting my work, as long as you'll be respectful about it
-i do accept it when you'll want your mc in the headcanon to be certain etnicity, or have a cetrain skin color, be transgender, or overweight, or too skiny, be mean, have a cetrain character trait extc.
-but not whole character, or whole look, or a certain name, like not a whole already maid custom character
-i want people to still be able to find their mc's or themselves in the headcanons I make
Some things about me:
-you can call me Cloud, Cloudeen or Kiki <3
-i'm a cancer ♋
-Rising ♐ | Moon ♎ | Sun ♋
-i use any pronouns
-I'm gender fluid
-i'm abrosexual
-sometimes i do art but not much
-my fav the arcana LI's are Lucio, Julian and Portia
-I'm European
-i play genshin impact
-Jean and Xiao supremacy
-overall anemo supremacy
-marvel fan
-red velvet, blackpink
-Irene, Jennie, Jisoo stan
I think that's all for now, I love yall, have a nice day/night <333
Not a request^^
Not a request^^
Request from velvetxx1^^
Request from velvetxx1^^
Request from velvetxx1^^
Request from beeisbugis and anon^^
Request from velvetxx1^^
Request from kolimachris^^
Request from beeisbugis^^
Request from kolimachris^^
47 notes · View notes
serendipityjxmn · 3 years
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Chapter 12
TW: None
Words Count: 1.4k
Link to Masterlist
Link to Chapter 13
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The air is tense that morning. Your brows furrow, thinking that you have to share the ride with Jimin now that everyone knows he’s your husband. Nearing the car, you notice there’s unfamiliar face among Jimin’s security. He usually has two with him, one is his bodyguard and the other being his bodyguard as well as his driver. You never really get the chance to know them apart from their name, considering you’ve never shared the ride with your husband.
He doesn’t say anything through the ride, his eyes glued to his tab, no doubt reading the morning news. You stare outside through the window, lost in your own thoughts.
Once you reach the company, you stand behind your husband but Jimin looks back and grabs your hand in his, startling you. It takes you a moment to process everything but not long for you to realise it’s just for show yet you can’t help having fluttered heart, walking hand in hand in public with your husband for the first time.
Reaching your desk, Irene simply watches the two of you as he speaks several things to Mina who’s at the desk as well, but haven’t yet let go of your hand.
He turns to you then and you stiffen immediately. “See you at lunch.” He says, way too soft and you feel like punching him for how he’s making you feel. His thumb and index finger cups your jaw briefly and gently before he leaves for his room.
It’s just a show, you tell yourself.
Another cons of all this travesty, is that Irene is handing you a lot of things that require you to personally see Jimin. She seems keen to let you handle him entirely.
“What do you think about this?” Jimin’s voice echoes in the whole room.
Huh? You look at him, puzzled. Is he really asking for your opinion? “I- I don’t really know all about- umm, maybe you should ask-“
“If I need a professional’s advice I would’ve asked Jinyoung. Besides, you sat through the meeting with me as well. I need your opinion.” Jimin says firmly.
You look at him hesitantly. You honestly have no idea about business world. But since this relates slightly about art, which you might know an inkling about, you answer him. “I think it’s good if you accept Wangji Co to handle the cover. They’ve been in the industry for long yet they always have fresh ideas. Apart from that, you can ensure you have a good term with Taiwan since you have their company involved.”
He remains silent for a moment, staring at you so deeply you silently pray you’re not flushing. Then he nods. “We will be meeting one of the arts director in charge. You will accompany me.” He glances at the watch. “I’ll be done in 10 minutes.”
He simply says and you take it as a sign you’re dismissed.
You take one last look in the mirror. This is your first time going out in public with your husband. Although it is work related, you’re still nerved out. You’ve never accompanied him to any event. Irene apparently never does too. Sure enough. When you google your husband, he never seems to have pictures taken with other women.
When you head downstairs, you feel your heart skips a beat when you see your husband, dressed smartly in impeccable black suit. His ash grey hair had been styled and he looks so good looking you almost want to cry.
Jimin on the other hand though, has his brows furrowed and lips pursed when he takes in your appearance.
“What on earth are you wearing?” He asks once you’re close enough.
You gulp. You’ve searched through every dress in the huge closet in the limited time Jimin gave you and this was the most modest dress you could find. You’re wearing a long dress that has a huge slit in front from your thigh to bottom. Luckily, the slit is not high enough to reveal scars you have on your upper thigh. To make it worse, the dress has such huge cleavage opening space, you’ve tried bringing your long hair to front in an attempt to cover your cleavage as much as you can. “I- I’m only wearing what’s in the closet.”
He tongues his cheek and you swear he looks so hot. “I’ll speak with Mrs. Lee about your wardrobe,” is all he says before you’re ushered into his car.
Even by looking at his side profile, Jimin looks so stunning you can’t help but stare in awe.
“Take a picture, I think that’ll last longer.” He snaps and you look away immediately. How does he even know without even looking at you, you shake your head.
It’s a launching event as well as exhibition by the director Jimin’s supposed to meet, Mr. Choi.
He speaks with several people and you just obediently follow after him, taking notes of who they are. A while later, you feel the urge to pee but you decided to wait until the main launching event is done before excusing yourself to the washroom.
As soon as you’re done, your eyes seek your husband immediately between the rows of art and crowds of people. As you make your way through the hallway, you find yourself drawn to an art hung on the wall, illuminated with a warm light above it, further enunciating its creativity.
It’s a woman, alone and she’s sitting down hugging her knees.
Something tugs your heart and the more you stare at the painting, the more you feel your eyes are watery.
“It’s called the Isle of Sorrow.” A voice beside you says, making you jump. You turn to see Jimin, his eyes towards the painting in front the both of you.
“They say she lost her will to love again that’s why she’s wallowing in sorrow.”
“It could also be she’s unable to love the person she desires.” You hesitate but continue to say when Jimin remains silent. “The painter.. I think he’s potraying contradiction. She’s in sadness and the background should’ve highlighted that as well, maybe monochrome settings? Yet the brushes are bold and the colors the painter chose are strong. Her love.. is strong. But she can’t give it to the other person. Perhaps because she loves someone who she shouldn’t, like an irony the life is.” You finish. Seconds later, your eyes widen and you bit your lip. What on earth did you just say?
A heavy silence sets between the two of you in the midst of casual conversations and regular laughter heard in the hall.
“Didn’t know you’re into art.” He says after several moments.
You only smile sadly. You don’t know a lot of things about me.
“I think art’s fascinating. I like when I can have control on it. What it can become. How it turns out. I don’t have a lot of it, growing up.” You say softly.
Jimin looks at you. “A lot of what?”
Your eyes find him too and you both lock gazes briefly. “Chance to change things.”
He holds your gaze steady before you look down first. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to hold his gaze for a long time, it’s hard enough to breathe as it is with him around.
“Me too.” He says quietly and you slowly look at him again. You notice his eyes has sorrow in it too, like the ones reflected in the painting before you. “I’ve always had to live the path set for me. Kinda funny, cause I’ve never been close to my parents but they expect me to receive everything blindly. There’s always pressure on my shoulder and I can never let myself fail,” he laughs as if mocking himself. “The moment I show my weakness, everyone flocks around me to take what I have. And anyone close to me can easily turn away from me.”
You stare at him as his expression hardens. You have to say something to comfort him. “Jimin.. I.. I would never.. do that.. to you.”
He looks at you then. Eyes pierced into yours. “You will. Once you know the reason behind this marriage. You’ll hate me too.”
You don’t know what to say to that but the coldness behind his words make shivers run down your spine making you shudder.
Jimin draws his breath before he shrugs his coat out of him. He then pulls you towards him, making you gasp. “It’s okay, you don’t have to-“ you start when he put his coat around your bare shoulder.
“Just stay still.” He says.
His hands are in front of you, fixing his coat snd dangerously close to your breast. You look up and there’s no mistaking his eyes that roam over your curves so you awkwardly struggle to look anywhere else.
He’s your own husband for god’s sake.. why do you have to feel so shy?
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A/N: So I actually ended up posting this chapter as scheduled 😂 there’s a sudden surge of things to be done this weekend and it was pretty hectic 🥺 I’m sorry guys I’m a mere human I hope you guys aren’t mad 🥺
Oh and i’m not really the most knowledgeable about art, but art is subjective and it all depends on how one intepret so yeah 😂
anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter I thought it ended in a pretty cute way hehehehe
Link to Chapter 13 Posted on 210426 9:00PM
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madeofitzits · 5 years
In honor of the impending return of Brooklyn 99, here are 99 reasons that...
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1. He was precocious enough to know, at 5 years old, that he wanted to change his name (x)
 2. He has a bunch of nicknames: Sandy Amberg, Young Sandwich, etc. but the most endearing one is 'Droidy', his family's name for him (x) 
3. He is still super close friends with people he's known since: Elementary School (Chelsea Peretti) (x)...
4. Junior High/High School (Kiv and Jorm) (x) 
5. … Summer Camp (Irene Neuwirth) (x)
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7.  ...and Film School (Chester Tam) (x)
8. Before he met Joanna, he dated other famous ladies but - out of respect - he never discussed it/them (x) 
9. He loves turtles and tortoises. When he was a kid, he had a pet turtle that he named 'Squirt' because the first time he held it, it peed on him. His Mom, Margie, accidentally killed Squirt when Andy was at Summer camp... (x)
10. … Maybe this is why, when shooting 'Popstar', Andy fell hard for Maximus (Conner 4 Real's turtle). He says they "had a good thing going" and that he wanted to adopt him. In the end, he decided against it because there are a bunch of coyotes in his neighborhood and he was worried the little guy wouldn't be safe. (Popstar: DVD Commentary)
11. Speaking of his Mom, despite being a super private person, he appeared on 'Finding your Roots' so that he could help her track down her birth family (x)
12. When he succeeded he cried (although we never got to see it on camera) (x)
13. That's because, like all good boys, he loves his Mama which is why - as part of the same episode - he said "My mom is basically the kindest person I know… and many people would corroborate that" (x)
14. Andy's Sisters, Hannie (Johanna) and Darrow, used to make him wear diapers and put his hair in pigtails until he was 5 years old. He says he didn't mind because he just liked that they were paying attention to him (x)
15. That's why he sees his identity in comedy as being 'America's kid brother'. When he was young, he would annoy his sisters until they laughed and he claims to have been replicating that approach to entertainment ever since
16. Although a bunch of his characters have 'Daddy Issues', Andy definitely doesn't. He's super close with his Papa (Joe) and has said "he's a good man" and "the best Dad in the world" (x) 
17. Joe was Andy's youth soccer coach and in one scene in 'Hot Rod', Joe's favorite photograph can be seen in the background. It shows a very young Andy posing with a soccer ball, after "scoring the winning goal against Mersey" (x)
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18. He's been a loyal Golden State Warriors fan since he was a little kid, living in Oakland (then Berkeley) and, in 2010, he correctly predicted that they would "win a Championship in my lifetime" (x) 
19. The proceeds from his Umami Burger ('The Samburger') went to a deafness early detection program in Berkeley. This cause is close to his heart because Margie uses hearing aids and used to work in the special needs program, teaching deaf kids (x)
20. He, Kiv, and Jorm have made multiple donations to their old school district, including $250 000 to its theater program (x)
21. On the subject of The Lonely Island; Andy always goes out of his way to make sure that everyone knows how much he owes to his buddies. For instance, he told Marc Maron, during his WTF appearance, that "I get a lot of credit for what Kiv and Jorm have done" (x)
22. He makes this face when he knows he’s said something naughty…
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(Gif credit: @andrewsambags)
23. During his 'Wild Horses' appearance, he said that he can't watch scary movies because they freak him out too much. He told 'Complex' that he's still scared of 'The Shining' (x)...
24. … Similarly, when he was at UC Santa Cruz he worked at the Del Mar movie theater and he had a hard time coping with screenings of 'Species 2' (x)
25. He fell in love with Joanna, the moment he met her, when she greeted him by addressing him as 'Steve the C**t' (x)
 26. He listened to 'Ys', everyday for a year, before he and Joanna started dating (x)
27. He bought the original portrait that was used as the basis of the cover art for 'Ys' and gave it to Joanna as a Christmas present, so that she could hang it in her music room (x)
 28. He loves birds and goes hiking and birding with Joanna (x)
 29. Every new comment he makes about Joanna becomes an instant contender for 'most beautiful thing a person has ever said about their spouse' (x)
30. For example, he readily admits that Jake's iconic heart eyes are the result of him thinking about his amazing wife (x)
31. There are many stories about how incredibly romantic Andy and Joanna's wedding was and Jorm has said that it featured "the most magical vows I've ever heard" (x)
32. The Newsombergs now live in Charlie Chaplin's old house (x)
33. On the Emmys Red Carpet (2015), the year he hosted, they took a momentary break from posing for the world's press to whisper 'I love you' to each other (x)
34. At last year's Vanity Fair party, Andy carried Joanna's purse for her so she could grab a snack (x)
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35. He was a semi-permanent fixture in the audience for her recent run of shows for the 'Strings/Keys Incident' tour, even officially confirming his status as the 'President of her Fan Club' (x)
36. He used his Golden Globes monologue to call out the government for framing and murdering the Black Panthers (x)
37. On the Carpet for the Guy's Choice Awards, he called the event "a ridiculous farce", adding that "men already have it so easy - it's insane that there's a show that celebrates them". That makes sense when you consider that he, Kiv and Jorm have made an entire career out of parodying toxic masculinity (x)
38. He once said that only "idiot-ass men" think that women aren't funny (x)
39. He’s been wearing glasses since 7th Grade and he has the most heartbreakingly cute habit of nudging them up his nose, (especially when he wears his Sol Moscot frames) (x)...
40. ... and of rubbing his eyes under them (x)
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41. He barely ever wears glasses for roles but he also avoids contacts (because he doesn't like touching his eyeballs) which means he's almost always 'acting blind' (x)
42. He has worn his glasses in character a few times - as 'himself' ('Lady Dynamite'), as 'Paul' ('I Think You Should Leave') and during a very small number of SNL sketches (e.g. during his one appearance in a 'Gilly' with Kristen Wiig) (x) 
43. He can't tolerate glare and when that makes him squint it's a sight that's too cute for words (x)
44. He owns about six outfits and has been rotating them for well over a decade (x) 
45. He barely ever breaks during shooting/while performing, so when he does it's aggressively adorable. (x), (x)
46. He's a grown ass man who persuades people to come with him to the bathroom because if he goes by himself he'll get lonely (x)
47. He didn't announce he was leaving SNL, until after his last appearance, selflessly choosing not to detract from Kirsten Wiig's huge and emotional send-off (x) 
48. He undertook a quest to smell like Lorne Michaels (x) 
49. He's ageing like a fine wine (x)
50. To protect their daughter's privacy, Andy and Joanna never announced that they were expecting. They've never released their little girl's name or date of birth and most news outlets still report that they became parents in August 2017 (even though that's inaccurate) (x)
51. Although he's careful not to talk about his daughter often, sometimes he can't keep from gushing about her. For example, when asked about his first year of fatherhood he said: "It’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Just like a beautiful, incredible dream. It has surpassed every expectation I ever had. It’s definitely been very blissful" (x)
52. After their daughter was born, Andy and Joanna spent the first 40 days at home with her (in a practice known as 'confinement'). He's described it as being "a really special time". (x) 
53. Andy is famously mild-mannered but, when asked about what triggers his 'Dad claws', he admitted that if anyone attempted to touch his daughter, without permission, he'd "probably sock them hard in the face"…
54. ...Characteristically, he went on to add that he hopes that never happens, since he hasn't been in a fight since 6th Grade (x)
55. Cyndi Lauper was his first celebrity crush and he plays her record ('She's so unusual') for his daughter all the time. (x)
56. His is the very definition of a precious laugh (x)...
57. It's made even more wonderful by the way it makes his voice go high-pitched (x)
58.  … and the way it causes his eyebrow to rise involuntarily  
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59. It's impossible not to smile at his impression of his Mom (x)
60. And laugh at his impression of John Mulaney (x)
61. He was so convinced he wouldn't win the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical, that he didn't prepare a speech. Instead, as he explained to David Letterman, he "just went… and started drinking". The resulting list of improvised 'thank yous' was perfect in every way (x)
62. As producers, Andy, Kiv and Jorm have given life to some amazing projects ('Alone Together', 'Brigsby Bear', 'I Think You Should Leave')...
63. … and gone out of their way to support women in comedy ('Party Over Here', 'PEN15') (x)
64. As well as being a comedy legend, he's a super-talented dramatic actor, who gave the performance of a lifetime in 'Celeste and Jesse Forever' but, after the movie wrapped, and it was time to do press for it, he was straight back to goofing around (x) 
65. His lip bite should be illegal (x)
66. Even though he wears the same vanishingly small number of outfits, over and over, he has a vast collection of the most excellent socks (x)
67. He always gives 'editing notes' during his own interviews (x)
68. He has a super sweet and sincere way of thanking interviewers when they compliment him (x)
69. He adjusts his hoodie constantly (x)
70. The two most perfect Jake laughs in b99 are actually real Andy laughs 'https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W38A_xuXaeg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sVm9nYrTWRQ
71. Virtually everyone who has ever worked with Andy has talked about what a wonderful person he is. This explains why so many of them have been involved with more than one of his projects (x)
72. It's not only his colleagues who talk about what a delight he is (x), (x)
73. This lovestruck fool wore his own wife's merch when he went out to dinner (x)
74. No one else uses the word 'dinky' quite like Andy (x). The same goes for 'snacky' (see point 70)
75. He does this with his tongue (x)
76. He still likes to play soccer but his eyesight is so bad that he has to keep his glasses on for it
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77. When he lets his gorgeous floofy hair grow a little it sits perfectly over the arms of his glasses (x)
78. He gifted the world with Jakey's little curl (x)
79. At the James Franco Roast, he couldn't bring himself to be mean to anyone except himself (and Jeff Ross, a little!) (x)
80. In fact, he's always been willing to laugh at himself (x) and he still is (x)
81. He changes b99 scripts to make them more feminist (x)
82. Despite their humble insistence that they just benefited from 'good timing', the reality is that Andy, Kiv and Jorm (along with Chris Parnell) revolutionized digital media, when 'Lazy Sunday' popularized YouTube, increasing its traffic by 85% overnight (x)
83. He once attended the Vanity Fair party because his Mom told him to (x)
84. He has an amazing way of subtly but firmly shutting down inappropriate questions, like when this interviewer suggested that Holt being gay was something that could have been played for laughs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=idQsYQfkR5o
85. He auditioned for SNL at the same time as Bill Hader. Hader thought he'd blown it because Andy had a bunch of props and Bill had none. In the meantime, Andy thought he'd blown it when he saw Hader and realized 'this guy doesn't need any props' (x) 
86. His bromance with Seth Meyers is one for the ages (x)
87. Every single second of this video is proof of why Andy, Kiv and Jorm deserve the world (x)
88. He once dragged Mulaney up on stage for SNL Goodnights, even though writers weren't allowed to join in (x)
89. He has a hilarious phobia of pooping anywhere except his own bathroom (x) 
90. His beautiful, beautiful, face: His smile (radiant), his eyes (caramel - hella disarming), his ears (adorably asymmetrical), his nose (perfect), His chin (the dimple… *swoon*), his jaw (could cut glass), The 'Sambeard' (another amazing layer of pretty) (x)
91. His body: His butt (x), his thighs, (x) his soft lil tummy (The ‘Sambelly’) (x), his hands. (x), his arms (x), his hips…
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(Gif credit: @amystiago /@badpostandy on Twitter)
92. All signs point to the fact that, like Jake, Andy uses his glasses case as a wallet (x) 
93. Jake's "cool-cool-cool-cool-cool-cool" is an irl Andy-ism that the writers worked into b99 scripts. What's even better is that Joanna does it, too (x)
94. He has a really good arm and is low key competitive, which is super hot https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e32K_nBDy3Q
95. He's one half of the cutest Red Carpet pose of all time (x)
96. He barely ever seems to get mad but if angry Jake is anything to go by, maybe he should... (x)
97. He's a huge nerd, who geeks out over GOT, LOTR, 'Star Wars', 'Alien(s)' and anything relating to time travel (x), (x)
98. He has a gorgeous speaking voice, especially when he’s tired or a little sick. (Bonus points for any time he uses the word ‘correct’. See point 30) (x) 
99. He’s still so committed to his b99 fans and fam, even after all this time and is as excited as the rest of us that...
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kristallioness · 4 years
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Here's a piece I started work on for pride month last June, in 2019, but left it unfinished since I was exhausted from my internship and barely had time for anything else.. And apparently, I forgot to post my notes / (short) review of "Ruins of the Empire: Part One" as well. TT_TT
BUT, I'm gonna make up for my mistake by posting them at once. I hope you like it! I really loved this trilogy (well, so much that I felt the need to draw these two gay lovebirds, as you can clearly see..). I mean, look at Korra's cute, excited face when Asami kisses her on the cheek in this panel:
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She's soooo adorable and in love! (。◕ヮ◕。) (They both are.) This scene was practically begging for a redraw, I couldn't help myself. You can read my review under the cut.
Twitter | my art / sketches
Varrick has to schedule a date with his wife.
That subtle handholding between Korra and Asami when Zhu Li greets King Wu. I'm grinning like an idiot and my heart's bursting with joy. That's so sweet!
Please note that Mako's hand isn't in a sling anymore. Kya has done an amazing job. I'm so proud of my lesbian cloudbaby (and so is Katara).
Grandma Yin is still great, she has a portrait of Wu, too.
Wu getting nervous before breaking out in song is a relatable feeling when public speaking.
In the panel where Zhu Li takes over to answer the journalists' questions she seems so beautiful and elegant and intelligent. I love that this trope for women is represented in the Avatar world as being successful in life, especially since she's a rather quiet type of person and a.. conservatively dressing one.. and slightly nerdy-looking, if you will, but she's one badass President.
Besides Irene Koh, the previous author of the "Turf Wars" trilogy, I'd like to thank these authors for also drawing a character wearing a hijab in the background of the panel where Kuvira's war crimes are being read aloud.
I love the world map in President Zhu Li's office and the modest, but cosy interior design.
Korra looks forward to meetings with her, she's so sweet to say that.
How do Korra and Asami look so pretty in every single panel in this comic? (I'm talking about the one where Asami reminds Wu that Kuvira surrendered to Korra.)
Reading this comic reminds me how much I loved Book 4 and all the new characters like Wu and Kuvira and how much I loved this series in general. Gosh, I desperately need a rewatch, it's been 3 4 YEARS!
Aww, poor Bolin! I hope he finds his calling soon.
Korra and Asami are holding hands again, I'm squeeing.
Again.. the handholding when Korra comforts her.
Korra's freaking adorable face when Asami kisses her. I can't handle the cuteness in this panel!
"And let's not forget how she ruined my coronation!" Oh my gosh, Wu, not the best timing! Everyone's expressions / glares are hilarious.
"I promised I'd always have your back Korra. So I'm in." Mako is making me cry, that was his last line in the series. This is so nostalgic and heartwarming!
"We might be working together, but we are not teammates. If you step out of line, or do anything to harm my friends, I won't hesitate to take you down. Do we have an understanding?" This threat reminds me of Katara's talk with Zuko right after he joined them and began his redemption arc.
Republic City's silhouette / landscape is still breathtaking and beautiful.
"Let's go, Wu. It's starting to stink in here." "Sorry, I tooted." Okay, this was pretty funny.
Korra comforting Wu that the United Republic took time to iron out its political kinks. That's really cool she's talking about the history of the fifth nation and its origins. Katara must've taught her so much, being there together with Aang when it all began after all...
I freaking LOVE protective and fierce Asami defending herself and her girlfriend from Kuvira. I mean: "I'm exactly where I want to be-- protecting Korra from YOU. So whatever little game you're playing it's not going to work. You're not going to drive a wedge between me and Korra."
"I've seen what lies at the end of that path-- DEATH AND DESTRUCTION." This is such a powerful line.
Naga is growling as Commander Guan hands in his candidacy, good girl!
Korra's lit up face when she mentions Toph.
We all knew Toph was gonna come back, but we didn't know WHY and now we do and I'm excited!
All in all, I am thrilled to have read this book and to own a copy of it 'cause, exactly like with "Turf Wars", it felt like an actual episode of the series. It was just.. SO.. GOOOOD!
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swissmissficrecs · 5 years
My favorite fics of 2011
Continuing to sift through old bookmarks, here are my favorites from 2011 that are still up:
26 Pieces by Lanning (28K, E, Johnlock) Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (20K, E, Johnlock) ‘John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.’
A Love with No Name by aceofhearts (49K, M, Johnlock, Warstan, Mary/Irene) In which Asexual!Sherlock and Straight!John are platonically in love life partners.
A Thorough Examination / In Depth by emungere (15K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock watched John's mouth as that smile slid away too quickly. There had been something there, something he'd not had time to analyze. He was left with the unsettling impression of having witnessed an expression that didn't belong on John Watson's face at all. In its wake it left the equally unsettling thought that perhaps he didn't know John as entirely as he thought he did.
A Week in the Country by chainsaw_poet (20K, NR, Gen) Sherlock's lifestyle has taken its toll on his health and John is worried. With Mycroft's help, John coerces Sherlock into taking a holiday in the country to get some rest. Unfortunately, their trip doesn't quite turn out to be a relaxing as John had planned, when Sherlock's latest case decides to catch up with them.
Blind Man's Bluff by Rae666 (25K, T, Gen) "We are gods among mortals. But even gods must be tested." Sherlock loses his sight temporarily and must rely on his other senses and John in order to solve the case at hand. But as the killer draws closer, could the pair be in more danger than they first thought?
Contamination by LauraJV (16K, M, Gen) In which an artistic murder draws Irene Adler and her brother Nathan into the lives of Lestrade and Holmes, and Dr John Watson balances his morals against the happiness that is a warm gun.
Dehumanise Me by deuxexmycroft (26K, E, Johnlock) John is sent down for life after accidentally murdering someone, and gets snatched up to play prison wife for a strange man named Sherlock Holmes.
Disguise by kaalee (55K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock's disguises are little more than a nuisance to John until one day he walks into the kitchen dressed as someone from John's past, someone John had tried to forget.
Evidence of Human Life by thesardine (16K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock's sanity deteriorates while he and John are stranded on a deserted island.
Floriography by lbmisscharlie (21K, M, Johnlock, Warstan) Florist!AU - Sherlock is a florist and he's doing the flowers at the wedding of John Watson and Mary Morstan. John's about to marry his best friend in the world. He's happy, in love, and content with Mary. So why can't he get tall, enigmatic man who did the flowers at his wedding out of his mind?
Getting Better by noxcandida (75K, T, Gen) Tristram Holmes dreads attending his new primary school, fearing he'll be teased and bullied as usual. Only, nothing goes exactly as he thinks it will when he finds himself with a seemingly unlikely friend in Emily Watson.
In My Master's House 'Verse by BrighteyedJill (185K, E, Johnlock, Mystrade) As a new slave in the Holmes household, John is having trouble finding his place. (This series began posting in 2011 and continued until 2014)
In The Land Of The Blind by entanglednow (12K, M, Johnlock) Apocalypse.
Indecorous by Basingstoke (55K, E, Johnlockary but it’s a different Mary than in the show) In which John learns to balance a kinky girlfriend, an asexual boyfriend, a ten-inch cock, his sister, the neighbours, his friends, and his blog. Some are more balanced than others.
Lacuna by coloredink (15K, E, Johnlock) God, it must have been terrible, to think that he would never have this again.
Let's Make a Bed Out in the Rain by theimprobable1 (17K, M, Johnlock and Warstan) John is devastated after his long-term girlfriend leaves him. Sherlock helps him through it.
Level 65 Paladin Looking for Group by etothepii (10K, T, Gen) "I think I met someone," John says at his next therapist's appointment. "A friend." "Really?" Ella asks. She sounds pleased, and also surprised. "What's his name?" John nods. "Really. His name's Sherlock. He -- he plays the same game as me, the online one. We party together."
Major Pieces by Lindentreeisle (31K, T, Gen) Sherlock knew that he could thoroughly rely upon John Watson's moral sense. And that's why he knew that Lestrade was wrong, wrong, wrong.
My Phone’s on Vibrate For You by misslucyjane (21K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock texts John all the time. Today’s different.
Never-Ending Cycle (orphaned) (17K, T, Johnlock) Or, four times Sherlock Holmes attempted to propose to John Watson, and the Christmas Party at which he finally did. Sherlock thinks he's a miserable failure, John is confused, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade provide some unsatisfactory advice, and Mummy is, as always, the solution. All in a lovely, fluffy holiday theme.
On The Ice by berlynnwohl (35K, E, Johnlock) "Sherlock, I once saw you taste a vacuum cleaner attachment that had been used as a murder weapon, so can we please not pretend that Dungeons and Dragons is too weird for you?"
Parallel by brbsoulnomming (77K, M, Johnlock) There's a case at a secondary school/University, some series of threats or string of bizarre murders that has the entire campus shaken. In the course of the investigation, Sherlock and John meet two students. And, because they both want to help with the investigation, they get to watch them become friends and fall a little in love. And that makes them feel things about themselves that they've been working very hard to not feel, thank you.
Secondary Exposure by thesardine (18K, T, Gen) After twenty years, the killer who abducted John as a child has resurfaced.  Now John and Sherlock must track him down before he claims another victim, and at the same time navigate the shifting nature of their relationship.
Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc by etothepii (20K, M, Johnlock) "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc. It's the family motto." "What does it mean?" "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." (Addams Family crossover)
The Art Of Seduction by flawedamythyst (97K, E, Johnlock, Mystrade, Sheriarty, John/OMC, Sherlock/OMC) Sherlock ran a website called The Science Of Seduction, on which he gave advice on the best ways to get laid, wrote blog entries detailing the results of his various sexual 'experiments' and generally contributed to the stereotype of 'every gay man is a sex-mad playboy'. John avoided the thing like the plague. AU in which Sherlock treats sex like he does crime in canon.
The Baker Street Series by magicbunni (199K, T, Gen with background John/Sarah) Conspiracy and murder find Sherlock Holmes and John Watson surrounded by covert enemies in the heart of Scotland Yard. Together, they unearth clues that illuminate the scope, depth, and distorted psychology behind the crime. And, after a preemptive strike ordered by the mastermind they pursue, Holmes elects to continue the investigation under conditions that will force John Watson to fight for his friend's -- colleague's -- life.
The Penultimate Problem by Random_Nexus (18K, E, Johnlock) Angst, apocalypse-light, pseudo-hiatus, and other hijinx ensue.
The Love Song of Dr. John H. Watson by Kate_Lear (11K, E, Johnlock) John takes Sherlock out for the evening on Valentine's Day.
The Perfect Specimen by Cleo2010 (27K, E, Johnlock) After seeing John undressed for the first time and making certain observations, Sherlock quickly becomes obsessed with a certain body part belonging to his flatmate. This is the story of how that first sighting came to be and the following attempts to learn more. An unashamed masturbation-fest, first person and very detailed. It's rated explicit for a good reason!
The Poster Girl by stardust_made (67K, M, Gen) A seemingly straightforward case has Lestrade calling for Sherlock's help. Written from John's POV, this story takes place two months after the events in "The Great Game" and follows the investigation of the murder of Veronica Havisham: seventeen, popular—and murdered in Hainault Forrest on a Friday night in June.
The Progress of Sherlock Holmes by ivyblossom (62K, E, Johnlock, Warstan) “I had,” he said, “come to an entirely erroneous conclusion, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from insufficient data.”
The Pull of One Magnet to Another by ellie_hell (46K, M, Johnlock) Mummy has arranged Mycroft’s marriage with an ex-army doctor. However, John meets Sherlock first, and sparks fly.
The Top-Secret Livejournal of Sherlock Holmes by malacophilous (23K, M, Johnlock, Sarah/John, Sherstrade) Sherlock has a Livejournal, which he updates constantly via his mobile phone and netbook. Everyone offline thinks that he's this stoic super-genius, when in reality he's a bonkers super-genius.
There's A First Time For Everything by Kate_Lear (21K, E, Johnlock) A series of 'firsts' in Sherlock's life.
Those Left Behind by nickelsandcoats (33K, E, Johnlock) After the events of The Great Game, Sherlock is on the hunt for revenge as John waits for Sherlock to join him. But deception abounds as both men struggle to come to terms with the paths their lives have taken.
What Makes Us Rich by flawedamythyst (31K, E, Johnlock) Agreeing on a compromise is one thing, living with it is quite another.
Whirlwind by rubyofkukundu (19K, E, Johnlock) You may be familiar with the following fanon ideas: 1. Sherlock was very sexually active at university. 2. It was while John was a student that he discovered he was bisexual. I decided to put the two together :D
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