#I had to say something because I was like whaaaat?
calist4r · 3 days
The many acts of nanami
How he shows his love
A/n: First non smau post!! I hope you guys just enjoy some short nanami fluff :p because why not and I love him so. Also not proofread so sorry if there’s any mistakes ^^
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Act I:
First and foremost I think that something that most people can agree on is that Nanami loves you call you his wife. Even if you guys aren’t married he still calls you that. It doesn’t fail to make you giddy every time he says it. He knows the affect it has on you too, chuckling softly as he continues the previous conversation. For example, when you guys go out to eat at a restaurant it’s always “and my wife would like this one please.” “apologies but my wife didn’t order this one.” If somehow you got brought up in a conversation with his coworkers or an acquaintance of his he never uses your name, not out of disrespect or anything like that. He just loves to see the way they react when he refers to you as his wife.
“Sorry guys (he’s not sorry), my wife said I need to be home by 10 so no going out for me.”
“Whaaaat? I never knew Nanami had a girlfriend, much less a whole wife!?!”
Act II:
Nanami will be the type of man to always make sure you’ve eaten and have been properly fed. No missed meals on his watch!! If you have a certain craving he will make sure to make time so he can take you out to some restaurant or maybe just a cozy little cafe. The whole way there you’re chatting his ear off about how excited you were to finally try this new food item you were craving. Let’s just say not all things go as planned because the second your food came out, it was nasty as hell. You still decided to try and eat it though so you wouldn’t seem ungrateful or anything. But Nanami noticed how you seemed to be picking over the food. He raises his eyebrows before reaching over and taking your plate to switch with his, and before you could even protest he shakes his head. “Don’t worry you can have mine, I don’t want you to go hungry because the food isn’t to your liking.” So he eats the whole meal even if it’s the grossest thing he’s ever had. Every last bite. And you’re just sitting there stunned because what person would put themselves through that? Nanami will.
He will text you every morning asking if you’ve eaten. If you haven’t and he doesn’t have time to come over he’ll get your favorite breakfast delivered to your house, along with flowers cause why not? Nanami loves to cook for you, you won’t even need to lift a finger in the kitchen. He always plans out the meals beforehand as well. He likes grocery shopping with you but sometimes you love to pick out the bad ingredients, so he always has to switch them out with the healthier option. I know I said you don’t have to lift a finger but if you beg really hard with those cute eyes of yours he might let you be his sous chef. He may act annoyed but honestly he thinks the food tastes better when you make it together.
Act III:
He is always concerned for your safety and comfort. Do you guys know the sidewalk rule? Yeah Nanami definitely is an advocate for that. He doesn’t let you walk for a millisecond before pulling you on the opposite side. “Be careful. Let me walk on this side.” When you guys are going out together for a night out and for example let’s say it’s really cold out and you’re not dressed for the weather. That man is stopping you before you have the chance to leave the room. “You should put on a jacket, it’s really cold outside honey.” He even goes and gets your jacket, helping you put it on and zipping/buttoning it up. He doesn’t forget to seal it off with a kiss of course. Let’s say you guys don’t live together yet and you two went out for a date. Nanami will always wait until you reach the door and safety get inside your home before even thinking about driving off. Nanami the type of guy to get you out of a uncomfortable situation just by merely walking up and staring at whoever was bothering you at the time, guiding you away with a palm at the small of your back.
Act IV:
He listens to whatever you’re talking about. Most times it may not seem like he’s paying attention since he’s usually reading a book while you ramble about something that has interests you lately. He loves the way your eyes light up and the way your hands move when you tell a story. It doesn’t matter when or what he’s doing just know he’s always listening. He won’t ever admit it but his most favourite thing is when you tell him your workplace drama as you’re getting ready for sleep. He will hand you things as you ramble on about how Patrick from HQ was being a total ass to Sally.
“Oh honey did he really say that? He’s a piece of shit honestly, not a real man.” Nanami shakes his head as he hands you your toothbrush.
“Seriously I know! I don’t see how he hasn’t gotten fired yet. Oh Kento I need-“
“Your cleanser? I know I got it right here.”
He continues to help you throughout your whole night routine, only butting in when he felt it was necessary. It’s the little things that matter with Nanami. He’s never too busy for you, ever. When you get into some new hobby and you’re telling him about all the things you’ve learned about it, he mentally notes down things he wants to buy for you. So when you come home from work one day surrounded by a couple of cook books and new baking materials don’t be surprised. The better part of the surprise is Nanami walking out the kitchen wearing a cupcake apron as he greets you, causing you to burst out laughing.
“What? Don’t I look handsome darling? Been preparing the recipe for us to bake together.”
“Oh Ken you do look handsome baby. I didn’t even know you were listening when I was talking about how much I wanted to bake together.”
“I’m always listening honey, now cmon I got us matching aprons.”
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Thank youuu if you read this hehe :3 Sorry it’s so short just testing things 🙏 I am very open to feedback or any type of requests
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I don’t get involved in fandom drama anymore. I’m here to have fun and scream about how much I love things with my fellow lunatics.
But I’m seeing some rumbling from….. that portion of the Helluva Boss fandom about the creepy fan guy (Arick?) and how they are especially mad at Viv for her using him to represent critical fans and haters.
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And I just thought I’d point out that his character and design has been used in cartoons since the fucking 90’s. It’s practically tradition to depict crazy, overly critical and obsessive fans like that.
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It’s not new, you’re not special. It’s not an elaborate insult that was made specifically for Helluva Boss haters or critics. It’s literally the status quo.
Calm down.
That is all.
( Also, this is not an invitation for anyone to come here and argue about how Viv blew up your house or how Helluva Boss’s writing is contributing to inflation or whatever. I don’t do that back and forth shit. I will block you with the swiftness if you do not spark joy.)
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meowsforyujin · 4 months
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Obsessed- Hyunjin x fem reader
roommates/friends to lovers
Warnings!!( fingering, drinking, riding, unprotected sex(don’t do it), pet names, hyunjins cocky and obsessive )
To say that Hyunjin was obsessed with you was an understatement.
He knew everything about you, even things you didn’t know about yourself. You two had been roommates for two years now, easily hitting it off when Hyunjin moved in. Hyunjin was nothing but a stranger at first, only moving into your small apartment from a craigslist ad. But it really didn’t take long for you two to become best friends. You literally did everything together.
But this was never enough for Hyunjin, he knew from the beginning living with you would be difficult. The moment he saw you he’d been more intrigued then he’d ever been by a woman in his life. Hyunjin wasn’t described as a gentleman, to say the least. He wasn’t a bad person, just a bit of an immature pervert. So he could never for the life of him figure out why he was so suddenly drawn to you in a way he’d never experienced the first day he saw you.
It’s not that you aren’t attractive, you definitely are. It’s that the first day he saw you, you were in the most seemingly “unattractive” outfit ever. Obviously he thought it was attractive, and that's what he found weird. The first day he saw you, you looked like you had just rolled out of bed after a 3 month hibernation. You were walking like a literal zombie, slumping around barely giving him a tour. You were wearing a big t-shirt that did your figure no justice, with the word “nope.” printed in the middle, which might have been the most stupid T-shirt he’d ever seen. When he asked you what your shirt meant you only shrugged, saying it was a dollar at the thrift store. Your Pj pants had been way too long, he’d almost missed your mis-matched spongebob socks. Your hair in the messiest bun he’d ever seen, baby hairs framing your face so well. You were wearing clear framed glasses that were way too big, you had to keep pushing them up on your nose. You wore one single ring on your thumb, in the shape of a skull. It was an odd choice, but he was so heavily intrigued by it.
Hyunjin had never met anyone as unbothered as you either. He always tried to make you jealous, but you never seemed to care. He’d talk about bringing girls home and warn that she would probably be super loud, and you’d simply shrug, “Okay have fun, just don't give her my food.” you’d say.
He’s also never seen you with a guy over, ever. You did have your cousin Changbin over quite often, but that's your cousin. Hyunjin always wondered if you’d ever even touched a man. Surely you had, but he never asked because he really, really didn’t like to think about it. He would always struggle to hide his jealousy when any guy showed you any interest. You’d always reject them though, much to Hyunjin’s relief. Anytime a girl came up to him, he’d search you for any sort of jealous reaction, and never succeeded. In fact, you’d tease him about it later without any problem.
But Hyunjin was cocky. He was sure you liked him. Did he have any proof or reason to think so? Technically no, but he was Hwang Hyunjin and that was reason enough for him.
“Hey Y/nnnnn” Hyunjin pokes at your sides, trying to get your attention.
“Whaaaat.” You sigh, rolling your eyes, turning from your computer to face him.
“Guess what”
“Chicken Butt.”
“No, seriously guess.”
“I’m busy hwang, cut to the chase.”
“Luna and I are going out again tonight, I think things are gonna get serious soon.”
“That’s great Hyunjin, can’t wait to meet her.” He searches your face for any sign of discomfort or annoyance, and only finds sincerity.
“You want to meet her?” He blinks, expecting you to get mad or something. (cocky right?)
“Why wouldn't I? Since when has the great ‘Hwang Hyunjin’ been serious about anyone?”
Since you.
“I don’t know, I’ll ask her if we can make plans for you guys to meet soon.” He hopes you don’t hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Great, well I’m gonna invite some of the guys over tonight for a horror movie and beer pong, you and Luna are welcome to join after your date, unless you guys go back to her house instead.” You wink at him and it causes a red hue to tint his face. You figure it’s caused by the comment about fucking his ‘girlfriend’, but it’s of course it isn’t.
-time skip, three hours later.-
You had seriously been having one of the best times of your life tonight, but you couldn’t help but be disappointed that Hyunjin wasn’t there.
“What’s up? Why so glum?” Jisung asks, nudging your arm with his elbow.
“Nothing.” you flash him a weak smile.
“Lemme guess, you miss Hyunjin? Where is he anyway?” Jisung asks, looking around.
“He’s out with Luna.”
“Who’s that?”
You blink at him, not knowing if he was being sarcastic or not, “The girl Hyunjin has been going out with?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”, you’re shocked that Hyunjins childhood best friend has never heard of his new ‘girlfriend’.
“He’s literally gone on dates her three days in a row, like literally yesterday they went to the movies.”
“No, I was with Hyunjin yesterday, unless you know that and are trying to insult me.” He grins.
“Wait What? Why would he lie then?”
“No clue, but you should know better. He’d never date anyone having you around.” You looked at him confused, causing him to sigh and roll his eyes. “Nevermind.”
“Nooo tell me.” You whined, tugging at his arms.
“How do you not see it?”
“Han Jisung can you please tell me what the fuck you’re talking about.” Your patience was wearing thin, but you still needed to know.
“How do you not notice the way Hyunjin looks at you? He always stares at you like he wants to fucking EAT you it’s gross. But then, he won't shut. up. about you. Everytime we’re together it’s ‘Y/n this, Y/n tha,’ it's sickening. Like, you both should just get married already for Christ’s sake.”
You stare at him for a bit, not knowing what to say.
“You think Hyunjin likes me?” Your voice breathier than you intend.
“Oh my god yes. Why do you think he has a pile of your clothes in his closet? Or he excuses himself everytime he sees you in his clothes to jerk off? Or when he sits next to you while you're working just to WATCH you. I’ve literally never seen him so obsessed with someone. He literally brings a tissue sprayed with your perfume when he goes out. It’s concerning honestly.”
Everything starts to dawn on you then and there, was Hyunjin trying to make you jealous with the whole Luna thing? Is THAT why he always tried to tell you gross details you didn’t want to know?
Well shit, you thought. Obviously you had to come up with some sort of plan for when he came home.
-time skip, hour and a half later-
You somehow came up with a good enough excuse to send everyone home, and now Hyunjin was expected to walk through the door any minute. You’re currently laying on his bed, in literally nothing but his T-shirt and underwear, your nipples very visible. You’re reading (not really) a book, with your legs up, resting the book on your lap. You are very aware of the almost clear view of your pink laced underwear.
You heard Hyunjin walk in, assuming you're asleep since everyone’s gone and the apartment was dead quiet. Your heart beats faster as you hear his footsteps getting nearer, until he stops in his tracks after seeing you.
“Y-Y/n?” He couldn’t help the nervousness in his voice.
“Hyunjinnn!” You smile, putting your book down and getting up to hug him. “Why were you out so late?”
“O-Oh me and Luna, went to her house after.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Of course you did, you know, I don’t like her very much.”
“Why?” Hyunjin was genuinely confused by your sudden confession.
“I don’t know, it just bothers me how much time you spend with her. I bet she’s not even that pretty, definitely not as pretty as me.” Hyunjin tries to bite back a smile, but you catch him anyway.
Without warning you pulled him close, and whispered in his ear, “Bet that’s what you wanted to hear, right?” His breath hitches, not used to having you so close, especially like this.
He almost whines when you pull away, walking back towards his bed. “Sorry I borrowed one of your shirts, figured you wouldn’t mind given the fact that you take my clothes all the time.” You point to the pile of clothes you had pulled out from his closet that belong to you.
You almost laugh at Hyunjin’s shocked expression. “I can explain!” He stammered nervously, trying to find an explanation. “First you lie to me, then you steal my clothes, honestly what am I going to do with you?” You stare at him, placing your hands on your hips.
“What lie? I lied to you?”
You let out a dark chuckle, causing Hyunjin’s dick to twitch in his pants. He was so focused on the way you looked in his shirt, that he didn’t notice how painfully obvious his bulge was.
“I didn’t know Jisung was with you and Luna yesterday, and neither did he actually. In fact, he claims he’s never even heard of a Luna.” Hyunjin can’t do anything but gulp. He really didn’t know your plan here.
“Sit on the bed Hyun.” You say simply. And like a lost puppy, he mindlessly listened to you.
He’s taken aback when you straddle his lap, but couldn’t help his arms snaking around your waist. “You see Hyun, I like you very much but I didn’t think you felt the same. Especially because I don’t see myself as the type you’d like. But Jisung told me quite a few of your dirty secrets.” Your voice was laced with dominance as you brushed your fingers through his hair. “I like you alot.” He practically blurts out, like he’d die if he didn’t say it. “Hmm yeah? How much?”, you purr, dragging your thumb over his bottom lip.
“I Like you so much it hurts, no, I love you so much it hurts. To see you every day and not be able to just hold you and tell you how much I love you? Or to not just pin you to the counter and blow your back out when you wear those stupid thrift store t-shirts that are longer than your tiny shorts? To not be able to see your face when you sing those stupid songs in the shower?” You shut him up with a kiss, because you swear if he keeps going you’ll give up your dominance.
You were surprised at first, the way he kisses you. It was so gentle, so intimate, it almost makes you want to stop this all and just cuddle him for the rest of the night.
But then the kiss becomes needy and desperate. You bite his bottom lip slightly, and waste no time slipping your tongue in his mouth. You can’t lie, you’ve fantasized about his lips alone for so long. So plump, so beautiful.
Hyunjin groans when you softly grind on him, pushing your hips closer to him. He pulls away from your lips and quickly attaches them to your neck, pulling a beautiful lacy whimper from you. His teeth grazing and nipping at the sensitive skin.
You reach down to tug his shirt off, which he quickly complied. You take it upon yourself to take off your (hyunjin’s) shirt as well.
“Fuck me.” He groans, staring at your chest. You chuckle at him before bringing his right hand up to cup your breast. That was enough of a green light for him to take your left nipple into his mouth, pinching the other one.
You let out a surprised yelp at the sensation, starting to grind down on Hyunjin again, but this time much harder. He groans into your chest, egging you on further.
You bring your hand down to touch yourself lightly over your underwear, mouth falling open. “Let me help.” Hyunjin grunted, his hand moving from your breast to your underwear. He somehow manages to get your underwear off rather quickly, and begins to run his fingers up and down your folds.
“So wet, bet you’re nice and warm already.” He breaths, slicking his fingers in your arousal. Hyunjin slips a finger into you rather easily, groaning at how your insides felt. You moan rather loudly, not expecting his singular finger to feel so nice inside of you. He added another finger, pumping them both in and out.
“Fuck.” You breathed, grinding down on his fingers. He suddenly curls them, pressing up on a spot that makes you squim.
“Yes Hyune, like that baby.” You moan satisfied with the feeling.
Hyunjin is having way to much fun finger fucking you, he nearly whines when you pull off of them.
“Gonna cum on your cock hyun, can you take that?”
Usually Hyunjin wouldn’t ever have a girl talk to him that way. He wasn’t a fan of being submissive. But it’s not any girl this time. It’s you.
He desperately nods. You hum in satisfaction, pulling out his dick in awe. You grind on his member softly, spreading yourself all over it. Hyunjin whines, and you give him a pitiful look before positioning yourself over his dick.
The moment you sink down on him, he’s far gone, enveloped in your delicious heat. He looks so beautiful, eyes drooping, mouth hung open with a hint of drool slipping from the sides.
“Stay with me pretty boy, or I won’t let you cum.”
You had him at pretty boy, and he was snapped back into reality, licking and nipping at your nipples once again. Your back arched at the sensation, not really wanting to go slow anymore.
You began bouncing up and down on him, fingers tangled tightly in his hair. You both were moaning messes, thrusting up sloppily into each other, trying to meet each other’s pace.
You clench down as you felt him twitch, slightly relieved that you were both close.
“Are you close, baby?” You coo at him, never slowing your pace. Hyunjin nods timidly. “Me too baby, please cum with me.” Your voice whimpering slightly at the end.
You swear you had the best orgasm of your life, riding out your high along with him.
You both laid next to each other, panting heavily.
“So,” you spoke, breaking the silence, “..can I have my clothes back?”
“No, you only get to wear mine from now on.”
A/n: guys I’m sorry I’m so bad at ending stuff but I rlly like this one actually :) it might be my favorite but there’s still so much room for improvement
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anzynai · 4 months
Husk x Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
a/n: helloooo, so someone requested a part 2 (and i enjoyed writing huskerdust) so of course, part 2!! this is a sequel to my first fic only you, which you can check out first if you’d like, but this can also be read as a standalone. ignore the fact that i accidentally switched povs about halfway😭😭 hope this isnt ooc LOL and enjoy!!
summary: another night of husk and angel existing together. of course, things are bound to happen.
word count: 1.1k
“I swear to fuck, I’m going to die if I have to work another eighteen hour shift again.” Angel moaned, leaning his head back on the headrest of the sofa as he stretched his legs on Husk’s thighs. Husk sat on the sofa beside him.
Angel had come back to the Hotel about an hour ago and as usual, Husk and Angel went to talking. Though, after finishing their drinks, they didn’t simply retire to their rooms for the night. Instead, the conversation had shifted from the barstools to the couches in the living room.
“Sounds like you had it rough today.” Husk sympathizes, because he really does.
“Tell me about it.” Angel rolls his eyes. He shifts his legs again and it becomes increasingly more difficult for Husk to ignore their closeness. Somehow, during their talk, they had gotten closer and closer and if one of the other hotel patrons had walked on them at this moment, Husk was afraid they would think they were.. interrupting something.
The last time they were this close was.. yeah, when Husk tickled Angel. They hadn’t mentioned it since, which Husk was a bit shocked about. He was sure Angel would be all over teasing him about his hands being alllll over him, or even when he discovered that the bartender was also ticklish. But alas, that hadn’t happened. That’s not to say Husk didn’t want to talk about it, don’t get him wrong, but how was he going to say that he enjoyed tickling Angel?!
“How’s it with Al, anyway?” Angel cuts through his thoughts, suddenly. Husk clears his throat.
“Same old. The fucker only calls for me when he needs me to run his errands. Leaves me alone most of the time, though.” Husk grumbled, recalling a time that Alastor had ordered him to fetch some sinner who had apparently tried to run away after their deal with Alastor didn’t work in their favor. What made it all the more infuriating is that Alastor could’ve easily snapped the sinner in front of him in the blink of an eye.
“Huh.” Was all Angel said, in response, but he moved closer to the bartender, eyes blinking blearily and yawning.
“Tired?” Husk asked, yawning himself.
“Mmm.. maybe a little.” Angel mumbled. Husk readjusted his hands, his claws grazing slightly against Angel’s legs. The spider giggled sleepily, causing the cat to chuckle.
“Ticklish too.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t either.”
“Not more than you.” Husk grumbled, his face heating up. It wasn’t as though he could deny it— Angel had figured it out when he decided to tickle him back.
“That may be so..” Angel began, sitting up, looking too smug compared to how exhausted he seemed seconds earlier. “But I’m sure I can still make a kitty purr~”
Suddenly, Husk didn’t like where this was going.
Talk about a cringy line. Purr? “Don’t even think about it.”
“Whaaaat? I’ll be gentle~” Angel traced his finger under Husk’s chin. It was slow and light and unbearingly evil.
“Hhmmp..!” Husk pursed his lips. Angel took this as a sign to keep going as he crept closer to the bartender.
“Sensitive, are we?” Angel smiled, amused. One of his hands went to Husk’s shoulder, almost as though he was interrogating him.
“Shut it, Legs.” Husk grumbled, embarrassed.
“Not denying it, huh?” Angel muttered, chuckling to himself. One of his arms reached over to Husk’s sides, squeezing lightly as the soft fur spread between his fingers. Husk turned away, a crooked smile on his lips, yet no sound came out. Feeling a bit bolder, Angel sat over Husk, so that the bartender’s legs were between his knees. Husk didn’t say anything, though it was likely because he was too busy concealing his reactions.
Angel smirked.
“You are a tough cookie to crack, Kitty. Good thing I like a challenge.” Angel teased, taking his other hand to Husk’s other side, kneading softly. Only a few muffled giggles made it past Husk’s lips. Angel used his third arm, determined to make Husk break, and traced along his neck. He couldn’t deny that the way Husk’s neck clamped down on his fingers was adorable. Husk would probably die if he told him that. So he did. And while he didn’t die, the blush on Husk’s face was more than enough to make up for it.
“S-stohop talking..” Husk groaned, eyes squeezed shut.
“Hm.” Was all Angel said in response, scanning for Husk’s body. It was true Husk seemed pretty sensitive, considering how hard it looked for him to resist laughing, but nowhere he had tried had been enough to break his defenses. So where…
And then, he looked up at Husk’s ears, an idea popping into his head. No way. It couldn’t be.
He took his arms away from Husk’s sides, which had still been methodically tickling him, offering Husk a small chance at relief. Not that it lasted long because a second later, his hands were scritching on Husk’s ears.. similar to how one would pet a cat.
“Hhk!” Was the beginning of it as Husk gave one last effort to resist. Futile, of course. Then, a moment later: “SHIHIHIT!”
“No fuckin’ way! Your ears!?” Angel exclaimed, laughing at the irony and reeling over the fact his idea had worked so much better than he had thought.
“FUHUHUCK OHOFF!” Husk shrieked, flustered out of his mind.
“Just like a kitten! So adorable~ Our one and only bartender taken down by just a few ear scratches.” Angel beamed, very invested in this display. Angel, still scratching his ears, scratched at his tummy. Did cats like belly rubs? One way to find out, he supposed.
Apparently, they do? If Husk’s laughter increasing tenfold was anything to go by. It was sounding a little hysterical, though, and Angel wanted to treat him with the same gentleness that he had received a few nights ago. He eased up on the tickling, only scribbling on one of Husk’s ears. Husk was still ticklish there, but at least he could breathe.
“Youhuhu suhuhuck..” Angel laughed.
“You bet I do.” It was then that Husk realized his words and even while being tickled, the disappointment on his face was clear.
“Nohoho mohohore!” Husk giggled, minutes later, his exhaustion at its peak. The moment he said that, Angel relented, but not before giving him a quick poke to the side. Angel snickered when he jolted.
“Been waiting for this, have you?” Husk grumbled. Angel got off of him, but sat close to him. Their legs were touching.
“Yep. Since you were oh-so kind to grace me with some tickling, shouldn’t you have a taste of it, too?” Angel said, easily.
“Not at all.” Husk rolled his eyes, but he didn’t look nearly as annoyed as he tried to act like. “Next time, it’s going to be you. Again.”
“Next time?” Angel covered his mouth with his hand, chuckling. He assumed Husk was going to backtrack his words because he had just indirectly told him that he was expecting there to be a next time.
Instead, Husk smirked, a sneaky look in his eyes. “Yep. Next time.”
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Okay. I kinda want to walk through what I think is happening in each of their heads during the conversation. For my own sake, mainly, but who knows, maybe someone else will find it useful. Spoilers ahead, obviously. (Also fair warning that this is long and I expect nobody to actually read it; this is mostly for me.)
So let's establish first where they are when Blitz arrives.
Blitz hates himself. He's on the path to healing after making up with Fizz, but it is a very long road ahead. So if you can imagine it as a spectrum where "hates self" and "loves self" are on opposite ends, maybe he's not all the way at the hates self end anymore, but he's still pretty darn far over that way. So Blitz is arriving thinking he's unlovable, that he makes everyone's lives worse, and that Stolas is possibly getting bored of him. We also know from his half of the duet that he genuinely looks forward to these full moon nights and likes their arrangement. Makes sense. It provides him with the comfort of what he thinks is the closest he can get to an actual relationship where all he has to give is something he knows that he can and that he's good at (sex). He wants to keep the arrangement going. Yes, for a way to earth, but also for Stolas. This, in Blitz's mind, is the only way he gets to keep him.
Stolas is likely unmedicated for his depression, since this show doesn't show us things like him being out of his pills as just a throwaway joke; it's important. Anyone who has ever had depression knows that it just loves to remind you of the worst things about yourself, most of which aren't even true. It tells you that you're worthless and unlovable. We can see this in the way he's covered everyone but Octavia in the artworks in his home, mirroring Blitz scribbling himself out of photos. He's been in a dark place. But Stolas is also being so brave, ready to ask Blitz to love him anyway. To choose him of his own free will, the way it should've always been. His depression is making it hard, but he's going out on the limb anyway and hoping Blitz will catch him.
"I need it back...permanently."
Blitz starts panicking. He reacts like a puppy that's been told it's a bad dog. He starts promising that he can be good, he can do better. He can fuck Stolas like nobody else can.
Stolas rebuffs the advance and this is interesting to me-- Blitz slips into his dom persona a little, trying to regain control of the situation. He calls Stolas "bitch" and pushes his legs apart, lowers his voice to be seductive. And it alllllllmost works, just for a second, as Stolas blushes and starts to fall under the spell of it all. But then he gets himself back under control and reasserts this new boundary.
Blitz immediately drops the act and starts to beg with genuine distress, tears in his eyes even, and up until this point, I won't argue with you if you try to tell me that it's all about the grimoire. I disagree, but I'll let you get away with telling yourself that. Right up until this point.
Because this is when Stolas holds out the crystal and everything changes.
Their fucking leitmotif or whatever you call it, I don't know music terms, it starts playing, changing from the dramatic, ominous music before. Blitz starts inspecting the crystal like he doesn't believe it's real.
Let's be clear: he knows what an Asmodean crystal is and what it does. He's seen them before at least twice, both in 2x05. So it's not that he's in disbelief or confusion about what it does or that it exists. It's that Stolas is giving it to him that's taking him aback.
"You no longer need my grimoire." "Whaaaat?"
Because all Blitz is hearing is "you don't need me now. I can be rid of you without guilt."
"I don't understand. Why are you giving me this? Am I not fucking you good enough? Because I can always do better."
Let's take a second to pretend we're in a world where Blitz has zero feelings for Stolas. That this has always just been about getting to earth. In that world, Blitz never says this line. In that world, Blitz splits right here. He has the crystal in his hands. He knows what it does. He is officially 100% free at this point.
But we don't live in that universe and this line proves it. Blitz thinks he's being cast aside and instead of seeing it as his chance at freedom from Stolas, he's begging to be kept.
I can do better. Don't throw me away.
"I care...very deeply for you. And I have for some time."
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This is the face Blitz makes after that. The entire time Stolas is talking, he keeps looking between Stolas and the crystal while making this face, like he literally can't process what is happening. Of all the things he expected to happen tonight, this wasn't even on the list. And remember: Blitz hates himself. Blitz genuinely believes he is unlovable.
Have you ever experienced something so surreal that it's almost like you left your body during it? Like your brain literally couldn't process that this was happening to you, so it's almost like you dissociate to the point that you feel like you're watching it happen to someone else? Because things like this don't happen! Not to you. These are things you see on TV or hear happening to other people. But to YOU? There's no way it's real.
"You don't have to stay here with me."
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He looks ALARMED. Scared. The thought that he's about to lose Stolas genuinely startles him. He doesn't want what he thinks is happening. He doesn't want to be cast aside. If his choice is this or the chains, he'd rather the chains.
But. That's not the choice he's being presented. Because Stolas adds,
"But I want you to."
And Blitz's brain, his traumatized, mentally ill brain...just can not process that. No one wants to keep him. He's a commodity to be bought and sold and has been since his father sold him to Paimon as a child (which, by the way, I'm fairly convinced he thinks was Stolas's idea, not Paimon's). Maybe even before.
So his defense mechanisms kick in from this point on. Default to what's comfortable. It must be a sex thing! There's no way Stolas means this, so it's gotta be some weird roleplay. Well, he can do that! He can swoon and say he loves him (and if that hits a little too close to the truth, then fuck you, no it doesn't) and it's fine because this is fake. This can't be real, because things like this don't happen to someone as "worthless" as Blitz believes himself to be.
Blitz is trying to protect his own heart here, but what Stolas is hearing is rejection. Blitz playing it off as a joke must mean that Stolas is a joke for ever thinking Blitz could love him back. And why would he? Stolas doesn't see himself as lovable, either. One of his earliest memories is of Blitz "using" him to steal from the palace, never knowing that Blitz was only doing so on his father's orders, just as Blitz probably doesn't know that he was bought on Paimon's order, not Stolas's. He's a commodity, too.
Stolas's depression immediately puts him in a place where he can't see past his own pain and self-loathing. Blitz not immediately jumping into his arms must mean that all the worst things he thinks about himself are true. Blitz sees him as the monster he fears he is.
So he pulls himself together and starts to walk. And again, Blitz could leave here if he didn't care.
But the strangest thing happens. Blitz realizes that Stolas meant it. He even asks,
"Wait, you were being serious? Hold on, Stolas. What the fuck?"
He's trying to talk it out. He's trying to have the conversation. He's hurt and confused and in disbelief but he's not running from this. He's not letting Stolas walk away from him because he wants Stolas, and he's actively trying to keep him. They have to talk this through, and Blitz of all people is the one trying to pull Stolas back into the conversation.
"The fact that you couldn't believe that I could have these feelings about you, the fact that your first instinct is that it's always about sex, that's enough to know what this is."
See, what we have to remember is that Stolas doesn't have all the information we do. He hasn't seen the crossed out pictures, he didn't witness the flashback to the fire that killed Blitz's mom. Stolas hasn't watched Blitz cry himself to sleep or drink himself into a stupor after what he perceived as a public rejection at Ozzie's. Neither of them have all the information about each other that we, the audience do.
So when Stolas, who doesn't know that Blitz hates himself and thinks himself unlovable, hears that Blitz thinks there's no way that Stolas could love him, what Stolas hears is "you, Stolas, are an unlovable monster in my eyes."
It just confirms all the worst things Stolas thinks about himself. It's a literal, "it's not you, it's me," situation, but Stolas can't see that because he doesn't have all the information.
And here's what's even more interesting. Blitz doesn't think it's over like Stolas does. He's not rejecting Stolas.
"Fuck you, Stolas. You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a fucking minute to think after everything you put me through, you pompous, rich, asshole?"
This is Blitz saying that this is all very unexpected for him, but he's not saying no. He's saying "give me a minute, let me think. Don't take my first reaction in the way that you are. I was surprised. I was in disbelief. Give me a fucking minute to PROCESS."
But by this point, it's too late. Stolas's self-loathing has taken the driver's seat in his brain and all he can hear is that Blitz hates him, that he is unlovable, that he's a monster, that he's all the things he feared were true, and the person telling him that is the person he cared (second) most for in the entire world.
Blitz's defense mechanism is fight. Stolas's is flight. And so when Blitz unloads on him like that, Blitz is trying, in his own messed up way, to have the conversation. To work this out. To be honest for once and see if they can get somewhere now that the dam has been broken. While Stolas...his instinct is to flee. And since he's the one with the magic portals, guess what happens?
"I didn't realize you think so low of me."
You can tell by Blitz's reaction that he realizes they're not having the conversation he thinks they are. He realizes in that instant that Stolas isn't going to yell back with him. They're not going to scream at each other until they get it all out of their systems and reach a catharsis. He's hurt Stolas, maybe in a way that they can't come back from, and he immediately shifts his demeanor.
"Stolas, wait. I'm so--"
And then it's over. He's been kicked out of the palace. Thrown aside, just like he feared he would be.
And each of them are left feeling like the other thinks they're a monster, because neither of them realize that the only person who thinks they're a monster is themself.
I gotta go lie down, jfc.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Snowball Princess 🔞
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In which Yoongi is just tired- but also the happiest he's ever been.
Tags/Warnings: Snowball Princess AU, Husky Hybrid!Reader, Idol!Yoongi, mentions of poly!BTS x reader, Fluff, romance, suggestive themes oops, hints at smut whaaaat?, cockwarming
Length: short >1k words
A/N: yes I just did that :)
Yoongi wakes up slowly, remembering barely that he's got a day off today for once to relax and recharge.
There's another body in the hotel bed, but he's not alarmed by it- you're here because he wanted you to be, after all, and he wouldn't have it any other way. When he moves a little to stretch his limbs, you move as well- snuggling up to his side, cuddly as always, legs entangling with his underneath the covers.
But there's something else he notices more slowly, realization kicking in as to what happened last night.
You're naked, well, almost- bare chest pressed against his arm as your breath fans over his equally bare skin. You're both only wearing the bare minimum, and he's reminded from the faint hickey he can spot on your chest what happened some hours ago.
Groaning a bit annoyed because the mere thought of it has him rise in his underwear yet again.
It had happened naturally, so to say. You'd talked, eaten something for dinner in the hotel room, had played around like always. But this time, when he'd turned in bed to lean over you and kiss you goodnight, something had changed. It had been a little strange at first, how easy and natural it felt to him to get so close, hands calm but also a bit hesitant to undress you at first. But the reassurance from your side and his own in return had created the perfect environment for something so monumental, the entire act a dance between gentle love and desperate lust.
He loves you- so much, and you know that, now more than ever.
Scenes from last night fight its way back into the front of his mind as he thinks about the way you'd looked at him, pure trust as you fell into his hands, giving him all control to love you the way he deemed fit that night. It's not to blame on your heat at all- that had just ended a few weeks ago, so you were completely clear in your head and aware of the step you took.
And from the sight of your red cheeks and wagging tail as you look at him with a tired smile, it's also sage to say that you don't have any regrets, which is the last thing he'd needed to let himself freely love you for sure now.
"Hello there." He greets you with a raspy tone, and you lean in a little closer, kiss the tip of his shoulder before you yawn, stretching. It's a bit embarrassing to admit to himself that the mere sight of your bare body moving next to him, combined with the satisfied exhale that you make after stretching your legs and arms, has him definitely up and ready yet again even though he's barely awake.
But yeah can't bring himself to be ashamed.
"Come here, love." He says, helping you move as you lift your leg and straddle him- the way your eyes widen a little a telltale sign that you noticed the clear election hrs Sporting. "You're so pretty, you know that?" He praises, and you smile to yourself.
"You tell me a lot." You say, voice still laced with sleep. You yawn again before you adjust yourself, forcing his eyes closed at the sensation of your warm body over his sensitive length. "Was it.. good?" You ask, presumably referring to last night. He chuckles, eyes still closed, hands however very much confident in where to go as his palms run over your bare legs, front the tips of your knees up to your very hips.
"Perfect." He almost purrs. You preen yourself at that.
"Do you.." you wonder, before you seem to grow a bit more serious. "Does that mean.. I can't love the others anymore?" You wonder.
Yoongi shrugs. "I'm already sharing you with the others, am I not?" He says. "You kiss Jungkookie too, after all. Don't think I haven't heard about you two making up." He teases sleepily, and you squirm a little.
"But.. what if.. let's say jungkookie.." you mumble down at yourself. ".. wants this too?" You ask with hesitance-
But yoongi shrugs.
"Like I said." He says, lifting his arms above his head for a moment. "I'm already sharing you. Who you love in what way is up to you." He explains.
"So-" you try again, and he chuckles.
"If you and Jungkook want to have sex, I won't mind. Neither will Hoseok, or jiminie, or Jin, or anyone." He clears up bluntly. "We all love you. Though I will make sure everyone knows that I was your first." He mumbles to you, making you a bit shy. "My baby has a lot of love to give-" he softly tells you, eyes watching how you move a bit now. "-and it's only fair she gets a lot of it back in return." He shrugs.
And it feels like you've finally realized.
Your hands move carefully as you take him out of his underwear, your own pulled to the side as you let the head of his cock run over your core, collecting all of your already present arousal. It forces a low purring sound from him, and you really think that he might be an undercover cat hybrid with the way he sounds like.
"God.." he sighs out when you sink down on him, taking him in and keeping him there for a good moment. As a hybrid, you can't get pregnant if not in heat- but Yoongi is still careful. "Baby- condom-" he reminds you sleepily, but you whine.
"Can we.. stay like that?" You ask. "Just for a bit?" You wonder, and he chuckles softly.
"Yeah." He nods, eyes still closed, thumbs drawing circles on your skin. "Yeah, fuck- come here." Here raches out to you, and you lean down at that, upper body flush against his as he holds you.
And you both do indeed stay like that for a while, before Yoongi can't help himself but chase you out to fetch a condom.
You're just too irresistible.
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olzs-stufz · 2 months
Tubbo's other friends are demonic entities who Tubbo seemed to charm and become friends with and sometimes they try and help him out
Tubbo groaned hearing the entities he called his friends tease him to no end about his feelings for the Brazilian who was standing next to him concerned. "Don't worry its just the entities again" Tubbo said brushing it off.
If it were anyone else Pac would've been worried out of his mind trying to help them, but he trusted the entities Tubbo seemed to be surrounded by. The boy in question was ranting to Pac about his Machines when he felt the vibe change. He could basically tell when one of the entities possessed him.
"Hi. Which one are you?" He asked "I'm Aimee" the entity said. They sounded feminine "And you're Pac right?" They asked "Sim" he replied "He likes you too" She said "¿Q-que?" the entity sighed "he has MAJOR feelings for you and your boyfriend. He's just too scared to say it because he thinks you'll hate him" she said.
Pac's jaw dropped, did tubbo actually have a crush on him and Fit? I mean he had feelings for him, and he was 70 percent sure Fit did aswell so it wasn't too far out for him to like them back
He zoned back in seeing Tubbo very flustered trying to explain himself to Pac saying she was just joking around. Pac could see right through that flustered expression on his face that was so fragile, even the slightest touch would break it.
"Look, Aimee was saying nonsense it was a prank I swear-" he said cutting himself off hearing one of them say something "I should probably head to bed, sorry for the trouble pac" he said tears threatening to fall.
Pac smiled grabbing his hand pulling him closer. He rested his other hand on the brit's cheek with a soft smile. That was enough to break him. He clung to Pac sobbing. The two sunk down to the ground, Tubbo on Pac's lap crying his eyes out while Pac holds him,giving him soft kisses and rubbing his back.
After awhile he stopped crying. He just sat there curled up on Pac's lap "do you wanna talk about it?" The other shook his head. "Okay. I'm ready when you do. I'll always be here for you Tubbo. I love you, eu te amo." He said watching Tubbo smile at his words. He smiled, knowing he was able to help him feel better made him feel good. He kissed Tubbo's head once more before hearing fit
"I leave for a month and my boyfriend and best friend are dating, my god" he said joining the two on the ground. He gave Pac a kiss on the cheek before kissing Tubbo's forehead. God they really needed to talk about this later.
WHAAAAT FIRST FANFIC IN 3 MONTHS IS POLY MORNING CREW??? Seriously though I haven't written anything other than school stuff in so long it was nice to post this. I'm posting this on my ao3 2 so. Bye
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Hello can I request Hobie tickling Pavitr? He’s pinning him down and tickling his sides and stomach and feet? And pavitr is super ticklish which makes him laugh hard.
A Fun little Game
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Summary: Pavitr is bored out of his mind and he goes to Hobie to see if he can help him with that.
Pav doesn’t like how non-busy or well how dead today is. He’s currently staring out of his bedroom window itching for a robber to go rob a store, or one of those crazy villains to come and try to destroy the city.
“Whatcha’ doing?” Hobie asked leaning on his wall. Pavitr jumped hitting his head on the wall. “Oww, when did you get here?” He rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve actually been here for a good 10 minutes” Hobie looked down at his wrist. “That’s a pretty long time I didn’t even sense you” Pav giggled. “I’ve could’ve kidnapped you if I wanted to” Hobie smirked as he sat down on his bed right next to Pav.
”So you’re just gonna stare out the window like a sad puppy dog, or are you gonna tell me what’s wrong, orrrr do we have to play 21 questions?” Hobie asked. “I- that’s a new one 21 questions? Really” Pav chuckled.
“Don’t play dumb whenever I ask you what’s wrong you always beat around the bush and say ‘oh don’t worry about it it’s dumb’ or ‘it’s nothing really I swear’” Hobie imitated his voice. “I don’t sound like that plus it’s really nothing this time” Pav whined a bit.
“Fine I was zone out because I’m bored, and there’s nothing to do. Before you ask both my girlfriend and Maya Aunty are out of town. There aren’t any people to save nor and bad guys to fight” Pav confessed. “That’s it i could keep you occupied with something” Hobie raised an eye brow before smirking.
“Please because I’m so bored it’s making me sick and moody and I hate being moody” Pav exaggerated. “You know my favorite thing about humans Pav? Is that they are like instruments” Hobie gave him a certain look which caused Pav to immediately get nervous. “Whaaaat instruments that’s random” Pav giggled nervously, he knew that look that Hobie had given him.
“What’re you so nervous for Pav?”
“Hobie teasing isn’t very nice” Pav giggled. “Well I’m not nice now what?” Hobie raised a brow. “Well I guess you’re just mEEheahahahan I knehehehew it ahahaha” Pav burst into giggles, as hobie clawed at his sides.
“See how you’re sides are like a piano” Hobie explained “the higher up your sides I go the higher your voice gets”. “Hobiehehehehehe that’s not funnehehehehEhEhEhE” Pav squealed proving Hobie’s fact to be true.
“What’s that one song you like that Donald glover sung…” Hobie asked. “Lehehes?”
“Yeah that one how’d it go? It was like Ooh girl I wanna know are you ready to cry!!” Hobie sung as he tickled his ribs. “HohohobIEHEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHOHO”
“‘Cause I’m— what do you not like that song you’re soooo picky” Hobie dramatically rolled his eyes. “Don’t like the piano ey? Let’s play the guitar then shall we?” Hobie let up as he swiftly grabbed his ankle.
“Hobie nohoho I don’t like the guitar caahahan you play I don’t knohow a harmonicaahaha” Pav giggles anticipating what was about to happen next. “Mmmm nope I’ve gotta play the guitar the crowd is going wild!!!” Hobie explained as he scribbled Pav’s foot.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA HOHOHOHOBIEHEHEHE” “The crowd loves my guitar Pav” Hobie looked back at him. “YOHOHOURS? IHIHITS MY FOHOHOT”
“Your guitar needs to be tuned”. Hobie sassed as he tickled his toes.”NAHAHAHA HOBAHAHAHAHAHHAHA IT TICKLEHEHEHEHES SO BAHAHAHAD” Pav shrieked bucking around. “This is no tickly matter Pav” Hobie looked at him with a annoyed look. “HOBIEHHEHEHEHEHEE PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
“Ok ok don’t need ya passing out on me you still in a sulky mood?” Hobie gave him a warm smile. “Nahaha nope I actually feel behehtter thanks hobie” Pav sat up and thanked hobie.
“I brought taco belllllll!!!”Miles announced as he and Gwen came with food. “Good some grub let’s go eat Pav” Hobie ruffled his hair as he helped him up. “Yess I’m starvingggg”
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pinkdaiisies · 1 year
Someone’s Jealous…Warren Rojas x Reader
summary: jealousy gets the best of warren when you decide to talk to a guy at a party. luckily eddie is there to get warren to confess
notes: i am a slut for love confessions. that’s it.
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camila and billy’s house filled with excitement as more and more people came through the door. the party was supposed to be the band and a couple people from the recording studio. obviously word got around that there was going to be a party at the bands house.
you were sat on the couch with a drink in your hand, sandwiched in between eddie and warren. you were having a nice night. especially since a cute guy kept smiling at you from across the room. warren caught sight of the blush on your cheeks. he followed your gaze and saw the guy that was looking at you. a wave of jealousy washed over him.
the drummer secretly had a crush on you since high school. what he didn’t know is that you did too.
with the drugs and alcohol running through his body, warren felt like he wanted to punch the guy.
“oh c’mon y/n! you could do way better than that guy over there!” warren protested. you looked at the mystery man who was wearing black bel bottoms and a shirt that was probably a size too small for him, which made his happy trail visible.
“whaaaat no he’s cute!!!” you argued.
“y/n. this dude looks like he shops at baby gap.”
“yea his shirt is wayy too small for him.” eddie chimed in.
“see! eddie agrees with me!” warren said.
“eddie agrees with everything you say warren. you two are mean, i’m gonna go talk to him.” you say as you get up from the couch.
“see what i mean! dude doesn’t even have the balls to approach you first! no chivalry! none at all!” warren shouts as you began walking away from him and eddie.
“welp at least you tried man.” eddie says as he takes a drink from his beer.
warren and eddie watch closely you as you go up to tiny shirt man. warren couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked. it upset him that you went to go talk to another guy.
“i don’t know why you don’t just ask her out! i mean she’s so obviously in love with you.” eddie said.
“if she’s so in love with me, why is she talking to another guy right now?”
“because you don’t have the balls to confess your feelings for her!!!” eddie argued. he was tired of seeing his two best friends dance around eachother, and he was getting sick of having to comfort a heartbroken warren every time he had a bad trip.
“i have balls!” warren says loudly. earning a couple of concerning looks from the people around him.
“fine then. prove it.” eddie eggs warren on.
“damn right i’ll prove it!” warren says, still sitting on the couch.
“do it then. right. now.” warrens eyes get larger. he wasn’t planning on confessing his love to you at a crowded party!
“right now…?” warren said nervously.
“i mean… you don’t have to, but if you don’t i guess that means you have no balls.” eddie said, taking another sip from his beer.
“fine then! i’ll be back.” warren downed the last of his drink and promptly got up and made his way over to you and tiny shirt guy. “i’m sorry to interrupt your guys conversation. i’m sure whatever you were saying man was totally interesting, but y/n will be leaving you now.”
and just like that, your conversation with mystery man (whose name you learned was actually nick) was over. warren put his hand on your lower back and guided you through the extremely crowded house.
you couldn’t even be upset with warren because of how good he looked tonight. walking through the house, all you could pay attention to was the feeling of warrens fingers grazing your skin.
“warren what the hell was that?” you asked. he didn’t answer back.
a minute later, you two were standing in the backyard. there was still a lot of people around, but not as much as inside. you two were able to hear each other without having to shout. warren stared at you, he looked like he had something to say, but was scared to say it.
“warren what’s wrong?” you said sincerely. warren was not acting like himself.
“listen, i couldn’t stand seeing you talk to that guy over there.”
“warren, he was nice! his personality didn’t match his style at all! i promise.” you tried to reassure your friend.
“no. it’s not just him. i hate seeing you flirt any guy! i’m about to tell you something extremely serious okay?” warren said as he put his hands on your shoulders.
“i really like you y/n. i really really do. since high school! that’s why i get in a crappy mood whenever we’re at parties like this. you’re a magnet to men! especially me! and i literally cannot take another night seeing desperate men try to flirt with you, because they’re not good enough for you! and i’m pretty drunk right now, and i probably sound so stupid but-”
“warren!” you interrupted his rambling. “you’re jealous aren’t you?!” you laughed.
“maybe a little.” warren shrugged.
“you’re cute when your jealous.” you smiled at him.
suddenly you felt warren pull you against him. warrens lips met yours in a kiss that you’ve been waiting on for what felt like eternity. his hands rested on your cheeks as he pulled apart from the kiss.
“wait… so you do have feelings for me? right?” warren asked.
“yes warren. obviously.”
“oh my god i can’t believe it.” eddie said to graham and karen, who joined him on the couch soon after warren left.
the pair turned their heads to where eddie was looking. it was you and warren walking through the crowded house together, his arm around your shoulder, and your head was turned giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“jesus christ finally,” karen said. “i thought we would have to live with their awkward sexual tension for the rest of our lives.” warren sat on the chair next to the couch, and you joined him on his lap.
“you know eddie, i think you’re the one with no balls.”
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mychlapci · 4 months
I would love to hear some personal favourites with merformers, whether it be ships or physical traits or culture ideas or yknow pure porn, totally not because I’m trying to write a merformers research facility fic, whaaaat noooo, why would you think thattttt
- Robooby
NICE, I can ramble about merformers. this will also be incoherent, but, here we go.
- i think mers are still fully metal. the tail folds cleverly, looking fluid and organic, but it's still 100% metal. what little "organic" or soft parts they have, i think that'd be their array, and various decorative fins. Defensive or attack fins are still metal.
- my favourite merformers culture thing still is the licking inside of someone’s mouth that i already talked about. I think they don’t have a concept of kissing as cybertronians know it, so this isn’t exactly a kiss, it’s much more intimate and significant, since it’s done to show submission to someone. It’s basically saying “i belong to you” in a romantic, platonic, or familial way. I also think mers have elaborate mating dances, embedded deep into their instincts, and will automatically initiate them before trying to have sex.
- I think mers are fully sentient, but they’re far too instinct-driven for researchers to really figure that out until a few years in (early facilities were not very… nice). Unlike cybertronians, they have to hunt for food and still worry about predators and can only reproduce between each other, so their instincts would have never evolved out of them. They are, however, intelligent. There are cities, or, their versions of cities in the depths of the ocean, they have culture and holidays and jewelry (oh lord, i love to put merformers in jewelry. Mers wearing shells and crystals as necklaces, or more morbidly so, teeth and fangs of things they’ve killed, membranes of dead predators as pretty translucent cloaks….)
- I still like the idea of the Lost Light being a ship that crashed into the ocean ages ago and now it’s used as a little hang-out spot for various mers (re: the lost light crew). Or, as a mating spot.
- As for ships, I am still very fond of the idea of Minimus being a hermit crab occupying the dead metal shell of a long-dead Ultra Magnus, and Megatron, who is of the same genotype (the same sub-species of fish) as Ultra Magnus was, becomes deeply enamoured with him after some time spent together, only to be met with a lot of disappointment when it turns out that he’s unable to mate Magnus (because he’s cumming into Magnus’s tank, and well, the dead shell of Ultra Magnus is in no state to be having pups). Minimus is unable to mate Megatron either because the reserves Ultra Magnus has are too old and sterile.
Of course, I am very into veterinarian/caretaker Ratchet and mer Drift. Or facility staff Drift and mer Ratchet. the interspecies thing really hits the spot with these two. But also, let's remember that fanfic i tried to write, where Ratchet has lived in capture for most of his life and Drift is a wild mer that was put into his tank and they struggle to socialize. I like that.
- I really like to think old and fertile is a very desirable trait for most mers. It’s something that the staff of many facilities don’t figure out for a while, but older mers who’ve kept their fertility are much better at having clutches than younger ones. This goes for Ratchet, for Megatron, for Optimus (though we’ve never had mer Optimus in here, which is a pity), for Rung. An old mer is usually harder to mate with but absolutely worth it.
- I think they speak their own language, but are capable of learning how to fluently communicate with cybertronians. "domesticated" mers (re: mers that have lived in a facility for most of their life and cannot survive in the wild anymore) would be indistinguishable from a regular cybertronian if it wasnt for the tail
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Don't play with fire (for you'll get burned)
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Wanda maximoff x Reader
Summary: there's none, really. Just a thought I had last night while dancing myself out at the club. If you know spanish, check Te Mentiría by La K'onga.
Hope you enjoy this (not so) little drabble.
A/N: Two fics in a few ours? Whaaaat? 😂😂😂😂 hope you enjoy, guys!
Since this has some grown up stuff, +18 only, pls.
“Hey!” The man in front of you sighed annoyedly.
“Sorry, coming right up.” You smiled sheepishly at him before mixing his drink, trying too hard not to think in the body a few feet away dancing with the designated winner of the night.
Granted, there was no label on whatever was what you and Wanda had, but the energy coming off of her had you wondering why did she always come back to you after a few weeks of absence.
And you’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy the sex whenever the brunette came back looking for some relief.
Serving the last drink of the night, you happily took your jacket and bag before bidding your co-workers goodbye. You finally got to go home and jump into some pijamas and have some much needed sleep.
But any plans your mind started to form as you closed your door dissipated into thin air at the insistent knock on the wooden surface.
Opening the door, you sighed at the body revealing itself. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to say hi. Couldn’t reach you at the bar.”
“You could’ve if you came up to the bar and requested from me,” you didn’t even try to kick her out. Wanda had an abit to getting on your nerves whenever she pleased.
"But where would be the fun in that?" The woman smirked when the finger running through your exposed cleavage got you shivering.
"Whatever," you walked further into your apartment, looking for some water. "Don't you want some?" You offered politely.
"I would like some, yes." Wanda followed you to the kitchen, sitting at the table adjacent to the fridge. Her eyes never left your body, as it always occurred when she saw you working on something. The smooth flow you had when doing even the smallest task had Wanda smiling at knowing what your hands on her body felt like.
"You're staring," you commented, raising an eyebrow.
"What would you do about it?"
"Nothing," you shrugged nonchalantly.
"I would like you to do something, though," Wanda leaned over the table, making sure her chest was pressed against it, making it pop up.
"Don't you get tired?" You commented unimpressed at the sight. You had seen her chest free from any garment thousands of times. And while you won't deny they were a sight worth the worship, you were getting tired of having them whenever she pleased, but never when you asked for her company.
"Why would I?" Wanda frowned oblivious to your feelings.
"I don't know. Maybe because you always come back to me?" You asked. "Must be tiring coming once, going away to others and then coming back again for more."
"Are you jealous you're not the only one?" Wanda stood up and walked around the table.
"Not jealous, no." You swallowed hard when she leaned down to look you in the eyes and her breath filled your nostrils. Something sweet and strong.
"Lie to me and tell me you don't enjoy us," Wanda dragged your chair with you in it.
Sitting down on your lap, she leaned down to bite on your earlobe. "Tell me you don't get excited when I come knocking on your door," the brunette whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Almost as in automatic, your hands found their place on Wanda's hips, holding her in place. "What do you want from me?" You locked eyes with hers in a staring contest.
"You didn't answer my question."
"I don't owe you shit." You tensed your thigh, hitting Wanda's pushy in the right spot.
"Oh, fuck," Wanda moaned.
"Say it," you commanded, licking her lower lip painfully slowly.
"Please. I want you." Wanda moved her hips back and forth, trying to get some release.
Breaking the distance, your hands grabbed her face, colliding your lips against hers in a harsh kiss.
Hearing her moan was something that never failed to inflate your ego. And it were moments like these when you knew there was no willpower in you to deny her what she wanted.
Standing up with Wanda on your arms, you linked her legs behind your lower back, holding her in place with your hands on her ass as you started walking. Never breaking the passionately heated kiss.
"Get out," you dropped her down as you opened the front door.
"Out." You repeated, unphased by the green eyes throwing daggers at you. "You're an asshole."
"Is what you get for playing with me," you smiled as you watched her stomping away from your apartment mumbling stuff you weren't able to hear.
Granted, Wanda was everything you could ever ask for in a woman. There was no denying that. But you also respected yourself. And even though your body -and part of your heart- ached for her, your soul needed to make its peace with being enough for someone who truly respected you.
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wandabear @red1culous
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to-mah-to27 · 4 months
I truly don't know if I have to will to make this into a full fic but I can keep continuing the plot
for those of you who did not see it, I'm talking about this post au where Shun is the main character and it is the story of the Jet Black Wing
Ok so season three comes to a head when Aren finally catches Saiki in the act, but Shun isn't there and he confronts Saiki. And Saiki says "You have no idea the complexities of this problem. Just a naive kid playing hero." and Aren tries to fight him but ends up getting hit over the head and his short-term memory erased.
The beginning of season four is a replay of that confrontation but from Kusuo's point of view. And we're like whaaaat because in all three seasons prior we have never been in Kusuo's point of view before.
In season one it seemed like it would only be from Shun's point of view because he is the main character. But then after the reveal, it makes more sense that we don't see through Saiki's point of view because we aren't meant to root for him after all. And then in season three the point of view regularly shifts between Shun and Aren, further emphasizing that Saiki isn't meant to be there.
So when season four starts in Kusuo's point of view it is a big deal. And it is the same fight but from his point of view and Aren confronts him, telling him the same things he's been listening to Shun say for the past three seasons ever since he got Black Beat in his arm and he had to start following him around to make sure that he couldn't interfere with his plans. "Why are you trying to destroy the world! There are so many innocent people who don't deserve to die! What could you possibly hope to achieve?" And Kusuo responds the same as he did in the finale that Aren doesn't understand and he's just naive and wants to play hero. But even as he says it he is thinking that it isn't true because really it's -Shun_ who he believes this about. And he's been saying in his head over and over and over as he justifies that he still has to do this.
Because the world is a terrible place full of selfish, greedy people who pretend to care on the outside but will take any chance they can to use people and then backstab them. And since humanity has so clearly failed they need to be eradicated and start over from scratch.
And in all the time he has spent with Shun, he has seen all the ways the hero breaks that perception by being kind and giving and genuine in his intentions to help, expecting nothing in return. So he has been telling himself that Shun doesn't count, that he's just some naive kid who doesn't get all the evil in the world, who doesn't understand it or see it and he's only acting the way he is because of a sense of pride at being a hero.
But since Aren joined, he's had a sense of inner turmoil about this that he's been trying desperately to ignore, because Aren has those same kind, honest intentions Shun does.
Aren, who was one of the power-hungry people he employed to help him destroy the world, only for them to realize in the end that they were going to be destroyed too. Aren, who is strong and perceptive and who readily knows about the ill intentions of many of the people they meet. He isn't naive. He isn't even trying to be a hero. He just wants to help Shun, whose forgiveness gave him a new chance at life.
Then he erased Aren seeing him use his powers to sabotage Shun and for the rest of season four every once in a while there will be an episode from Kusuo's perspective, showcasing his inner conflict about these two people disproving what he knows to be the dark truth about the world.
Shun can tell that his good friend and ally Saiki is struggling with something, and he tries to help and to get Saiki to open up about it. But Saiki has never been the talkative type, so he can't quite get it out of him. Not knowing of course, that it has to do with something Saiki would never tell him, that he is the very enemy they have spent so much time fighting. And Shun's words of faith in him from season two echo is Kusuo's mind.
Is there a way to destroy this world without destroying these two honest people? Does he have to make them hate him in order to do it? Will Shun's spirit break when he finds out the truth?
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hawaii5-0gurl · 2 years
Too Tired to Move
Characters: Steve McGarrett X Reader
Word Count: 1270
Warnings: Fluff, I think that’s it. 
A/n: Thank you for the request & the kind words darling. I’m sorry it took me FOREVER to write it, but I finally had some time, and I needed some fluff.
Requested By: @NattyAssasian (it won’t let me tag you/ it says you don’t exist)
Could you do where it’s like 2:00 on the morning and Steve wakes the reader up because he is too tired to get something to drink and it’s just a lot of fluff please? I love your work btw! :)
Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad, it helps me as a writer.
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If you want to be Tagged in future Fics- Tag Yourself Here
Requests are always Open (fair warning I am a SLOW writer)
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After a long day at work, you and Steve are finally getting home at around midnight. This last case had been hard on everyone. All of you were working day and night for the last few days, which translates into not much sleep for anyone. Once the two of you were in bed, you felt sleep taking over your senses. Unfortunately, it was taken from you almost as fast as it had come.
“Y/n, are you awake? Y/n?” You felt a hand nudging you. You tried to ignore him with all your might, but if he is anything, he is persistent. “Sweetheart?”
“Steve. I love you but leave me alone please.” You reached your hand up to where his hand is on your shoulder, and you just put your hand on top of his.
“Y/n…” he moved his head to your shoulder and whispered into your ear. “Y/nn…”
You turn your head to the side to look at him. “Whaaaat?” you whined like a child.
“Can you please go get me water?”
“Are you serious right now?” you rubbed your eyes, before looking to the clock on your nightstand, to see it was 1:55 a.m. “It is almost 2 in the morning Steve.”
“I know but I am too tired to move, I feel like if I try to get up, I will just fall to the ground.”
“You are so dramatic.” You fully turn to look at him, only to see a pout on his face. “Ugh, fine.”
You move to get out of bed, but before you actually get up you sit on the edge of the bed. You rub your eyes before getting up and heading downstairs. When you were halfway down the stairs you hear Steve yell “I LOVE YOU!”
“Yeah, yeah.” You mumbled to yourself.
You walked down the rest of the stairs to the kitchen, going to the fridge to grab a few water bottles. The thing is that once you opened that door… Your stomach was starting to growl. That’s when you realize that you and Steve didn’t eat dinner. So, you decided to get a small snack. You grabbed some crackers out of the pantry. Then you made your way towards the doorway. Only to be stop once you saw the cookies on the counter, you grabbed one on your way back up the stairs.
When you came back into the room Steve was laying on his stomach, facing away from the door. You placed your snack and the extra waters on your night table. You sat down with your back up against the headboard. You started rubbing your hand over Steve’s shoulder to his upper back. He turned his head to you with a smile on his face. You handed him his water, he mumbled out a thank you, then you turned to pick up your crackers.
When you had your crackers open on the bed in front of you, you felt Steve move closer to you.
“What do you have?” He was slowly stretching his neck back to see.
“A snack. I realized when I was down there that we haven’t eaten since lunch, but I didn’t want a full meal since it’s almost two in the morning.”
He reached over to grab at your crackers when you moved your leg to block him.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to grab a cracker, my loving wife just denied me.”
“Didn’t they teach you manners in your seal training?”
“Not exactly…”
“Well, I know that your parents must have.”
“I guess…”
“Then use them Mr. Grabby Hands.”
“I’m about to show you grabby hands if you don’t share.”
“What happened to “I’m too tired to move”.” You used your most whiny voice and placed the back of your hand on your forehead as you leaned back for dramatic effect.
What you didn’t expect was him to pull you to him and lay over you, pining you down.
“Get off of me.”
He wasn’t paying attention to you; he was currently pulling crackers out of the box. Once he had a sufficient amount, he rolled off of you.
“You’re a brat you know that.” He looked at you with a smirk on his face, as he chewed on one of the stolen crackers.
“Says the one who went full gorilla to get a few crackers, instead of asking nicely.”
The two of you just laughed at each other for a little bit. Once the laughter died down, you put the crackers on the nightstand and picked up the cookie. Then you looked over to Steve. He was smiling at you.
“Can I please have some of your cookie? It looks amazing.” Now he was looking at you with puppy-dog eyes.
“Oh, now you know how to use your manners.”
You took the cookie and tried your best to break it in half. Unfortunately, one side was bigger than the other. You tried to hand the bigger portion to Steve, but he reached for the smaller one. You looked over at him with a smile on your face.
The two of you silently ate your cookie, once you both were done you laid down next to Steve. He pulled you closer to him, resting his head in the crook of you neck.
“What’s wrong?”
“Obviously, there’s something.” You start running your hand over his head, causing him to relax.
“I was just thinking.”
“About…” You waved your hand in a prompting motion.
“How lucky I am.”
You just rolled your eyes and giggled at him.
“How so?”
“I have an amazing life. I have a wonderful job, even though sometimes the hours are terrible it’s still great. I have an amazing team that makes it worth going into work. And last but certainly not least, I have a beautiful wife, who even though she denied me crackers, is still willing to share her cookie with me.”
He shifted so that he could look at you.
“You have made my life a hundred times better the day you bumped into me.”
“You bumped into me.”
“No, I’m pretty sure you bumped into me.”
“Nope, you bumped into me. I wasn’t even moving. How can I bump into if I wasn’t moving?”
“Well…” He took a few seconds to think about it. “Huh… you were just standing there.”
“You’re such a dork.” You just laughed at him.
“Yeah, but you still married me anyway.”
“I did… To be completely honest, it was because I knew you were the one after you gave me the biggest piece of cake at your birthday party.”
“Oh, so the cake sealed the deal for you.”
“Yes.” You said it with no hesitation.
“Wow, and here I thought it was my devilish good looks and my charming personality.”
“Nah, I’m more of a cake and sarcasm kind of gal.”
You just smiled at him. He on the other hand had a smirk on his face. He moved his hand to the side of your face.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Then he lowered himself to kiss you.
“I love you too.” You pulled him back into another kiss.
“We should go to bed; we only have a few hours before we need to be back at work.” He was still hovering over you.
“Well then you need to get off of me.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, rolling over slightly binging you with him.
“Goodnight brat.”
“Goodnight gorilla.”
Not long after this, the both of you were asleep only to be woken up by the annoying noise of your alarm clocks hours later.
Ohana (Everything)
@camillyb @gurkiloni @wanniiieeee @fanfictionaddiction99 @coffeewithoutcaffeine @darkastartarus @daniig95 @veronicapaula @stephv213​ @paintlavillered​ @peaches-1999​ @doloreschanal ​ @jamie2305 ​​
Steve Taglist
@drakelover78 @rory-cakes @luckyladycreator2 @iamasimpingh0e @esposadomd 
@hails-halstead @healojane @summer-children @multiplecelebritycrushesat16
@breadsquash @where-thesundoesntshine @isoldeahlstrom  @remembered-license @acesgunner95
I CAN’T TAG YOU GUYS- @NattyAssasian @etherealpqrkers​
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 months
3.70 Unabridged
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Now that Rosie's legs were strong enough to carry her as far as she wanted to go, she rarely stayed home, and I kinda missed her. Just as she dashed all over the house and yard when she was a little tyke, she spent her days running around the neighborhood, going on every kind of adventure a dog could imagine. Honestly, she was kinda like me in that regard, young, active, and full of energy. But one morning, I woke up and found her sitting quietly next to my bed. Maybe she missed me too. I took full advantage of the gesture to give her some love. But as I said, we were both young and active, so I took her out for a jog while Kooper and Sophia snored. While I was out, Chi Chi called, and I was pleasantly surprised to hear from her. She invited me to go to the flea market, and I accepted. It was the perfect opportunity to tell her about me and Sophia.
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"Hiiiiii," she sang. "It's been ages how are you? And where have you been?? It's like you disappeared!"
"Ha ha! Well...yeah...I guess I kinda did. I live in Oasis Springs now."
"Oasis Springs? Why on earth would you move to that place?"
"Because...I'm in love."
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She gasped, and her eyes got ten times bigger.
"WHAAAAT??!?!? OH MY WATCHER!! Forget the flea market! We need drinks!!! Tell me everything about this girl!"
She grabbed my arm and yanked me into the nightclub where we met. I laughed as she dragged me up the stairs to the bar. Women were so funny how they reacted sometimes to news like this with their flamboyant animations and expressions. But truthfully, I was glad for it. I had a strong feeling Chi Chi would take kindly to hearing about Sophia. She was more mature than Yasmine and had a clearer picture of how she wanted to live her life. We both knew she wasn't trying to be in a relationship with me. I would even go so far as to say she wasn't even trying to woohoo with me. She just wanted a little fun and ended up with a friend.
"So, what happened??" she asked as we collected our drinks and found a table. "You were single when I last saw you!"
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"Ha, yeah. I guess I was single with an asterisk, heh. Her name is Sophia."
"Okay, cousin!"
"We met like right after my birthday. We were both on vacation, and I literally ran into her and almost knocked her down."
"Awwwwww! It's just like a movie!"
"Yeah, and just like in the movies, there were fireworks."
Chi Chi leaned in and listened anxiously, catching every word that dropped from my mouth like a beggar looking for scraps.
"I'd never seen anyone so beautiful, and I felt like I she had me under a spell or something. I couldn't move or talk...I mean, of course I made sure she was alright, but I couldn't say okay and go back to my family. And when she spoke to me, I was like oh my Watcher she's talking to me! I tried to keep my cool and went with it. No clue what we talked about, but we ended up at the bar and spoke some more, exchanged information, and went our separate ways."
Chi Chi groaned and shoved me.
"That is CLEARLY not the end of the story, so keep going! And don't leave anything out!"
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I laughed, knowing I wouldn't get away with an abridged version. I realized she was the first sim I didn't feel the need to skirt around various parts of the story. She wanted to hear the whole story, and I wanted to tell her.
"Okay, okay! So, I got back home, and I wanted to see her again. She lived in Oasis Springs, so it wasn't a huge haul, but I was so scared. I sent her a message on Social Bunny instead."
"What?? Whyyy? After that magical moment?? And you know she was feeling you???"
"I know! I know. I had some issues I needed to work through because of my parents' divorce. Plus, I had more growing up to do."
She sighed.
"Okaaaay, I guess I'll accept that. So how did you get here?"
"Well...I moved in with my dad, and he helped me with a lot of things. I met different sims, like you, and had new experiences. With all of that plus lots of talks with myself, I saw what I needed to see."
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She looked skeptical.
"Okay...I can see how you were able to pick up the phone after that, but you moved in with her. How did that happen?"
"Simple. She asked me to."
"NO WAY!!"
"Sure did. I already loved her. I was just afraid to admit or even recognize it. But when she asked me, I felt like it was a test. Like...man vs. himself, or something. If I said no, she'd get hurt, but I'd also hurt myself. If I said yes, I'd have to force myself to get it together and stop hiding from my feelings. So I said yes and put all of that behind me."
"AWWWWWWWWWW LUCA!!! I am like SOOOOOO happy for you!! You were such an awkward turtle before, but now look at you!"
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I hoped she couldn't see me blushing.
"Thanks. That means a lot to me. I didn't think you'd be mad about this, but there was a chance since I kept promising you a date and never followed up. I was a little nervous about telling you before."
She sucked her teeth.
"Oh please. We both know you were never going to ask me out."
"Oh. Well, that's embarrassing, heh. How did you know?"
"Men are very simple. If you want something, you go after it. If you don't, you don't. Even a scared man will eventually drum up the courage to ask a girl out."
"Well, damn. For what it's worth, I'm sorry if I led you on or anything."
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"Oh, Luca, please. I might be younger than you, but I'm grown. And I know us being friends could present a problem, so I'll understand if this is the last time we see each other. But if there's a chance we could stay in touch, I would love that! And I would sooooooo love to meet Sophia!"
"I'd like that too."
"Yay! Ugh! It's almost time for the kid to be home. I guess I should go. It was so good to see your face!!"
"Yeah, same! Uhh, actually...would you mind if I came with you? I want to go to Gilbert Gardens and walk around the lake."
"Sure! But only if you promise you'll be thinking about your proposal!"
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softspaceboibrian · 2 years
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy || Eddie Munson || Chapter 2
Chapter 1 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Y/N Henderson || I used she/her pronouns, but there is no actual physical description, so the pronouns can be switched with whatever anyone wants or prefers!
Summary: Robin likes to play matchmaker, and loves seeing her best friend happy.
Warnings: swear words, pining, Steve being a douche. just a lot of fluff and bad writing, as always!
WC: 6650 (whaaaat!?!? i really am sorry for the length of the chapters! please, let me know if you would like them to be shorter!)
A/N: Thank you so so much to anyone that showed support and love to the first chapter! apparently, people asked if I had a taglist and, well, I have decided to make one! So, if you would like to be added, please, do let me know in the comments or write to me privately!
Taglist: @263adder @criminalyetminimal @christina-gg22 @beautyandthenovels
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The next morning Y/N woke up in a particularly good mood. When she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast, she greeted her little brother with a kiss on the top of his head, her hand quickly messing with his locks – which she knew it bothered him, but she felt… chirpy. As every other day that Steve had an early shift at the Family Video, he picked up Robin and Y/N and gave them a ride to school. She quickly wished a good day to her mother, before leaving the house and running to the car. She took her seat in the back, not without leaning forward to leave a quick kiss on the cheeks of both her friends. However, that was not usual for Y/N, and as a matter of fact left the two in the front seats quite confused.
Steve looked at Robin and then turned towards the girl in the back seat. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, perfect! Why?” She smiled, her eyes moving between her friends.
Robin shook her head and turned towards her too. “Dude, you are never this happy in the morning.”
“Yeah… it’s… weird” Steve said quietly.
She didn’t really know why she was that happy, or why she felt like hugging her friends – which, should be noted, would be completely out of the ordinary for her, since she wasn’t big on hugs and touching people, especially in the morning. She wasn’t like germophobic or something like that. She just wasn’t great at showing affection to people. She tried, but a part of her always felt like people didn’t want her to hug them or say I love you and such. She usually felt like a burden to others, which was why she spent most of her time in middle school alone. But then Robin came along and things changed a bit. Robin was always asking her to hang out, to go to the movies or get ice cream, which was fun and she loved it, but a small voice in the back of her head kept whispering “She’s only doing this because she pities you!”. They were friends for a long time, and when Robin got the job at the Scoops Ahoy, she was sure that was going to be it. Instead, she met Steve. At first, the dynamic was weird, because she felt like she was the third wheel, Steve was all over Robin and, on her part, Robin enjoyed being able to make fun of him. But then the thing with the Russians beneath the Starcourt Mall happened, and that changed everything. Not only she found out that her little brother had been fighting creatures from a sort of parallel dimension for years, but that Steve was involved too, and now her and Robin were officially part of the gang. After that, after everything that happened and all they did to protect each other, she never for once doubted them and their feelings toward her again. But still, it was hard for her to show affection properly. She was working on it.
“Earth to Y/N! Are you still there?” Robin snapped her fingers in front of her face a couple of times.
Y/N shook her head and looked at the girl. “Sorry, got lost in my head for a moment.” She smiled.
“I asked you how it went with the Freak yesterday” Steve looked at her through the rear-view mirror, and only then she realised they had started driving.
Y/N’s expression changed, and her smile faded. “I would very much appreciate it if you stopped calling him like that. I get it that you’re not fond of him, but still, I would rather you call him Munson than that.” Her lips were pressed in a thin line and her eyes were deadly serious, so much that Steve felt shivers travel down his own spine.
“I don’t understand why you defend him, or why you even like him… it’s not like he’s a good person, and you know that. I mean, drugs! That’s bad enough on its own!”
Robin couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. “Dude, you literally used to smoke weed until like, a year ago!”
“Yeah, then I figured out it was bad and I stopped!” Steve replied.
“Steve, I’m not going to start doing drugs. I know better, and you know it. But still, even if I know that drugs are bad, that doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with Eddie!” Y/N crossed her arms and turned her head to the side, her eyes now following the view outside of the window. “Eddie is not as bad as he is painted. He’s kind and caring.”
Steve huffed, shaking his head slightly. “Y/N, you barely now him!”
“And still, I know him much better than 99% of people in our school!” Y/N was no longer as chirpy as she was when she entered the car, and was glad to see the familiar building appear outside the window. “If you would just stop being a whiny, prejudiced bitch, then you would realise that people may actually be different then how you painted them in your head.” As soon as the car stopped, she ran out without even saying goodbye to Steve. She just needed to get away from him.
She started making her way inside the school, and a few moments later Robin appeared on her side. They stayed quiet on the way to their lockers, neither of them unsure of what to say. It was stupid, because Robin hadn’t said anything bad to her that morning, so she shouldn’t be angry, not even grumpy with her. But luckily, she didn’t have to say anything, because the other girl spoke first. “You know, as long as you say he’s cool, I’m okay with him.”
That put the smile back on her face. She knew she could trust Robin because she knew Robin trusted her. “Thank you.” She said, bumping her shoulder against the other girl’s. They walked for a few more moments until they reached their lockers, talking about this and that, when suddenly the calm of the hallway was disturbed by someone.
“Y/N!!” Eddie’s voice echoed through the hallway, catching basically everyone’s attention. He ran, bee lining between all the other students. “Y/N!” He called out again.
“I think someone is looking for you” Said Robin sarcastically, leaning against the locker right beside Y/N’s open one.
Not that she hadn’t noticed.
“Y/N!” Eddie eventually reached them and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her own book in his hands. “I have been looking for you!”
“I just got here.” She smiled, closing her locker and fully turning towards him.
Eddie looked at Robin and gave her a quick, awkward smile, before returning with his eyes on her. “This book. God, this book was amazing!” His smile is now bigger and more sincere.
“You mean the novella” She giggled, which caught Robin attention. Giggles? Get a grip girl!
“No, I mean the entire fucking book! I stayed up all night and read every single one of the stories because I couldn’t get enough of it!” He flipped through the pages of the book, showing her little pieces of paper with stuff written on them. “You need to recommend me something similar, please!”
Y/N had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling too much. What was Robin thinking of that? And what would Eddie think if he realised she was actually excited by that idea? Fuck, she had to keep her feeling at bay, she has to take a deep breath and calm down. “Yeah, of course. I would love to.”
“Cool” He smiled, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
The real reason Eddie had stayed up all night was, yes, because he was intrigued by the stories he was reading, but most importantly because he could not understand how someone like her, who had barely even spoken to him before yesterday, could give him such a perfect suggestion. How did she know exactly what he liked? Yes, he had told her he liked King, but this was different. Was he predictable? Or maybe he was just overthinking this and she could have just suggested him something she liked, and the fact that he liked it too was a complete coincidence, but still.
“I also wanted to ask you if you had a free period at some point today. I have to… talk to you.” Dude, that pause was so creepy! Even Robin Buckley is looking at you in a weird way. Wait, has she been listening to the conversation this all time?!
“Uhm, I have a free period at third but, me and Robin-” Y/N was abruptly cut off by Robin.
“Oh, shit! I forgot to tell you; I have to practice during third period! Sorry, but you know, with the championship final and everything… Hope it’s okay.” Robin said, looking at her friend. “But luckily, you won’t be alone, because you can meet up with Munson, right?”
Eddie looked at Robin, then Y/N, waiting impatiently for an answer. “Yeah, of course.” She smiled, a bit confused at Robin’s decision, but not mad about it. “Where should we meet?”
“Meet me at the exit that leads to the football field” He smiled, biting his lip slightly, trying to contain his excitement. However, the bell rang, interrupting their conversation. Both Y/N and Eddie sighed, looking in opposite directions, and right then and there, Robin could swear that was a scene out of a romantic comedy: the boy and the girl, a metalhead and a bookworm, two people you would have never imagined together, were very obviously head over hills for each other but completely oblivious to the other’s feelings. She wanted to say something so badly, play match maker and nudge them in the right direction, but the river of students rushing towards class ruined the moment.
“So, I’ll see you later, then” Y/N smiled, and moved slightly towards the boy. Robin really thought she was going in for a kiss or a hug, something. But instead, she stopped, and smiled awkwardly. “I have to go to class, bye!” The words rushed out of her mouth, just as fast as she took off in the direction of their first class together. Robin was so confused by that scene that she was taken completely by surprise when she felt herself being pulled away from her place. She waved goodbye to Eddie and then quickly turned in the direction they were walking in, sure she would have otherwise fallen straight to the ground.
When they finally reached the class, they took their seats in the third row, and immediately Y/N buried her face in her hands. “Dude, that wasn’t so bad!”
“I’m so embarrassing!”
“No, Y/N, don’t say that!” Robin said, letting a small laugh leave her laugh. “Yes, it was an interesting interaction, especially the final part, when you were obviously going in for a hug and-”
“A kiss”
Y/N sighed, turning her head towards her friend. “A kiss. I was going to give him a kiss. On the cheek, obviously. But I don’t know… I blanked. And so, I ran.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Yesterday, when he was leaving my home, I gave him a kiss on a cheek, and he seemed cool about it.” You should actually specify the fact that you actually ran after him, and basically pushed yourself through his car’s window to give him said kiss. “So, I thought it could become a thing. But then something inside of me told me it was wrong and that would only embarrass him or that he would hate it. But it was too late.”
At that point Robin couldn’t help but laugh. Laugh so hard that even the two boys in varsity jackets sitting in the row before them turned around confused. “I never in my life thought I’d be witnessing you catch feelings for someone, especially someone like Eddie!” She continued laughing. “Not that there’s anything wrong with him, I just didn’t think he was your type. Even though, now that I think about it, your celebrity crush is Brian May, so that matches up perfectly.”
“I’m not catching feelings!” No, you’re not. You’re just completely unable to form a coherent thought when he looks at you with those big, puppy eyes, or you go weak in the knees when he laughs, especially if it’s because of something you said. “I’m not catching feelings.” She said again, as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.
“Okay, fine, you’re not. I’m just saying, it’s nice. This version of you, all bubbly and giggly.” Robin got closer to her, and whispered. “Yes, I saw you giggle. It was amazing.” She laughed.
Y/N was ready to say something back, but the teacher entered the class and started the lesson, leaving her thinking to herself about Robins words: this version of you. Was she that different from how she normally was when she was with him? She noticed all of that in just a few minutes of a random conversation that she witnessed?
That morning went by so slowly. Whenever Y/N looked at the clock hanging above the blackboard, it kept showing the same time. And Robin wasn’t of any help, constantly asking her if everything was okay, or what she was thinking about. I’m fine, she kept saying. Nothing, just thoughts. Her answers were so vague that not even Robin believed her. But she couldn’t tell the truth, she couldn’t admit to Robin that she was in fact thinking of Eddie, and wanted so bad for those two classes to be over, so that she could go and meet with him, because she was electrified just at the idea of spending a bit more time with him. No, she couldn’t possibly admit any of that. Also, Eddie was most probably only using her to get a good grade, so it was stupid to even get excited to see him. And yet, she could not help but look for his familiar figure in the corridor whenever they were changing classrooms.
Eddie, on the other hand, didn’t have a Robin to support him or ask him if he was okay or what he was thinking about. He was alone most of his classes because that’s what happens when you’re held back two times. Yes, sometimes he had classes with Jeff, but it wasn’t like they talked that much about things that weren’t D&D or the band. He didn’t have a best friend. And he spent most of high school thinking he didn’t need one, that he was just as good by himself, with just a few people to share a laugh during lunch in the cafeteria. But now, now he wished he had someone that he could talk to. Not that he would have told them about Y/N and the feelings he definitely didn’t have for her, but just to have someone to spend the afternoons with, talking about this and that, watching movies and stuff. But he didn’t have anyone like that. That’s why classes were so boring to him, and that’s why he skipped most of them. Until that last semester: a part of him, the one that hated school the most, told him that he had to try if he wanted to leave that place once and for all. Another part of him, a soft voice that he kept pushing deep in the back of his head, told him that it would help him make a good impression on Y/N. Obviously, he didn’t care. But still, he started skipping fewer classes each week, until he arrived at a point where he even started moving deals to lunch break or after school so that he could attend class. If he had a best friend, they would have told him that he had changed, and maybe even that they liked this new “scholarly” version of him. But he didn’t have one.
However, that day was different. The previous evening, when he was over at the Henderson’s for dinner, Dustin insisted he tried and talk with Y/N about her writing. And he couldn’t help but be curious, because if Henderson was so fond of his sister’s writing to the point that he wanted her to write something for Hellfire, then it must have meant that she was actually really good. Nonetheless, after dinner, when they were alone in her room, he didn’t have the heart to force her to talk about it, having seen the reaction she had at the dinner table when Dustin brought it up. But maybe, if he brought it up in a completely different context, with just the two of them, then maybe, just maybe, she would be more open to talk about it. It was a stretch, he knew it. Just like he knew that could then make things very awkward between the two of them. But he wanted to get to know her better, and if she was actually so passionate about writing, then he wanted to know more about it. And that is why, for the first time in weeks, he skipped class. Yes, he obviously could have asked her to meet him after school like he did with clients. But she wasn’t a client. It was Y/N.
So, as soon as the bell that signalled the end of the second period rang, he ran towards the door to the field. A part of him hoped to see her already standing there, leaning against the wall, ankles crossed as she read from a book. At least that is how he imagined her. But when he got there, she was nowhere to be seen. It’s early, we have a few more minutes before third period starts. Maybe there were too many people in the corridor and she was still making her way there. A couple more minutes went by and he was staring at the bell on the wall on the opposite side of the corridor, begging it to wait a bit longer before ringing. But it rang nonetheless, and she still wasn’t there. She must have forgotten we were meeting, he thought to himself. Or maybe she didn’t want to meet with you in the first place and she agreed just to sound nice, but now she’s not going to show up and the next time you see each other she’s gonna give you some stupid excuse like “Sorry, turns out I had to do homework” or some other shit. But as he was completely absorbed by his own thoughts, he didn’t realise the girl had just appeared right beside him.
“Eddie? Are you okay?” She put a hand on his forearm, trying to catch his attention. However, Eddie was so lost in his thoughts that it not only caught his attention, but startled him, making him jump a bit.
“Shit, Henderson! You have to stop sneaking up on me like that!” He said loudly, bringing a hand to his heart, as if he was having a heart attack because of the scare.
Y/N smiled, and all the bad thoughts left Eddie’s head. “What if I like it? Seeing big, scary Eddie Munson get scarred by little ol’ me?” She smirked, tilting her head to the side, her arms crossed in from of her chest. Was she flirting with him?
Eddie took a step closer, taking advantage of the height difference. “Well, don’t get too comfortable, or you won’t see it coming.”
“See what coming?”
“Payback!” He replied, quickly moving his hands and reaching for her waist. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, slightly tickling her sides. That was a risky move, he knew, but he didn’t really think before acting.
Y/N started laughing, kicking the air and trying to get free from his hold. “Please, Eddie! Stop!” She screamed, unable to stop laughing. After a few more moments, he put her down. He was smiling, but at the same time he was studying her face, trying to get a reaction from her.
When her feet touched the ground, she was completely out of breath from all the laughing. “I hate you” She whispered, and Eddie froze for a moment, afraid he might have ruined it all. But when Y/N leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his chest, he felt like his heart was going to explode.
He smiled. He was sure he had never been this calm, this happy in his entire life. He moved his hands, laying one on her back, while the other reached for her head, where it began gently stroking her hair, in an attempt to help her calm down and catch her breath. “Well, now you know what payback looks like” He said quietly.
Neither Eddie nor Y/N wanted to move, both of them afraid to lose the magic of the moment. But a few moments later, a distant clicking of heels started making its way down the corridor. “Shit, we shouldn’t be here!” He whispered-screamed, quickly grabbing her hand and pulling her behind him and out of the door. “I shouldn’t be here!”
Y/N was taken by surprise by his reaction, but ran after him, nonetheless. “What do you mean you shouldn’t be here?!” But she didn’t get a response. Instead, Eddie kept running, first across the football field, then towards the woods behind it, and he didn’t stop until he reached the familiar wooden table in the small clear. Once there, he slowed down until they eventually stopped, leaning forward, his hand on his knees, struggling to catch his breath. Shit, I’m completely out of shape.
No one spoke for a few moments, both too breathless to talk. Y/N leaned against a tree, and kicked her head back, her eyes closed, as a hand moved rogue strands of hair out of her own face. “What did you mean when you said you shouldn’t be there?” She broke the silence.
Her eyes were still closed, but Eddie knew he couldn’t just not answer her. So, he took a big breath and took a seat on one of the benches. “I should be in class right now…” He said quietly, almost hoping she would not hear him. Y/N remained quiet for a moment, and Eddie was sure he had fucked up. He knew she cared about school, and attendance, and getting good grades. So, him skipping class must have been terrible in her eyes. Good job, moron! You ruined it, he thought to himself, burying his face in his hands.
“You skipped class to spend time with me?” She asked him. When he eventually looked up, his eyes met hers. She looked serious, but not mad.
He looked down, almost embarrassed. “Ehm… yes” It almost sounded like a question, as if he weren’t sure about that. But he was sure, he deliberately chose to skip third period because she had told him that she had a free period at third. He wanted to spend time with her. He needed to be with her.
“Why?” That question took him by surprise. He was ready to be scolded by her, he was 100% sure she was going to tell him that it was stupid, that he had to attend class if he wanted to graduate and so on. But she didn’t do any of that. When he looked up, he realised she had moved closer, and was now standing right in front of him. “I mean, why would you skip class to be with me? You could have just come here alone and smoked all by yourself, completely unbothered. Or you could have come here with some pretty girl to, I don’t know, make out. So, why? Why me?”
But I am here with a pretty girl. That is what he wanted to tell her. He didn’t care about anything else, or anyone else, for that matter. He just wanted to be with her, and in his head that didn’t need explanations. But she wanted them. So, he stood up from where he was sitting and moved away. He walked around the table, kicking some leaves off the ground. “You give me way too much credit if you think I could pull any pretty girl.”
“So, you don’t think I’m pretty?” She asked.
Fuck, no. I don’t think you’re pretty, actually. I think you are one of those beautiful creatures from a Tolkien story. Fuck, in my head you are what Arwen looks like. “That’s not what I said” He replied, leaning against a tree.
“Well, you said you cannot pull any pretty girl, but I’m here, so you must not think me pretty, right?” He wasn’t sure if she was flirting with him or she was just trying to challenge him in some way.
“If you really must know, I think you are much more than just pretty.” He said, looking down at his feet, his once white sneakers not completely worn out and dirty. “But I cannot go around the school saying it, because if your brother heard me talking about you like this, he would probably kill me on sight.”
“Dustin would never kill you. Especially not because of me.” She said, taking a seat at the table.
“Then you obviously don’t know your brother and how protective and jealous of you he is.” He said, a soft smile appearing on his lips, as he pushed himself off of the tree, to go sit at the table, right across from her. “I saw him almost throw a punch at Wheeler one time because he said you were hot” He laughed at the memory.
“And what do you think?” She asked, looking at him, fidgeting with her necklace.
“What?” He knew what she was asking him, but he couldn’t answer. He had already said too much. Also, he didn’t know how to tell her that he did not find her sexy. I mean, he did find her sexy, but not like that. He didn’t want to have sex with her just because she was hot, just for the sake of it. He thought she was beautiful, and he wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to stroke her hair, move strands of hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ears like they do in those stupid, sickeningly sweet romantic comedies. He wanted to pick flowers for her and listen to her read for him in the evenings. Fuck, he wanted to kiss her at her locker before class. He wanted to drive her home and kiss her goodnight. He wanted to hold her in his arm as she sat in his lap while they did their homework in the afternoons. But he couldn’t say that. Not to her face. So, instead, he played dumb and pretended not to understand what she was asking him.
“I’m sorry, it’s stupid…” Her voice was soft, and she wouldn’t raise her eyes off of the table. “I don’t even know why I’m asking you any of this. I’m ruining the mood.”
“You’re not.” He quickly replied, so firmly that she was almost startled. “You’re not ruining anything.” He added, a bit gentler this time. “I skipped class because I wanted to be with you. Not because I didn’t want to go to class, because I wanted to smoke or meet up with someone. I wanted to be with you, Y/N.” She finally looked up to meet his eyes, and Eddie felt his heart fluttered. “I want to get to know you. Like, yeah, you helping me with English is great and all, but I don’t want us to go back to strangers as soon as the project is done.”
“It wouldn’t have happened.” She almost looked hurt.
Eddie sighed, looking off into the distance. “Yeah, it would have, Y/N.” He started tapping his leg, knowing full well he was going to open up to her, and hated the idea of being vulnerable in front of people, especially someone who held so much power over him like she did. “Me and you, we don’t really move in the same circles here at school. I am the freak, and most people are disgusted by my presence. You… you’re lovely, and people smile at you when you walk down the corridor. You have friends-”
“I have one friend.”
“But people like you.”
“Most people don’t even know I exist, Eddie.” She tried to get back his attention. She wanted him to look at her in the eyes. “I’m a nerd and a brainiac. People know me as the one that knows always too much. Because that’s who I am. I have Robin and Steve, yes. But they have a job, and I cannot spend all my afternoons at the Family Video watching them rewind VHSs. So, most of the times I stay at home, I do my homework, I study, and then I read. I read so much. And I always end up absorbing information that serve no purpose to me in real life. But I absorb them and end up knowing how to make a bomb at home or knowing way too much about sword fighting.” She sighs. “Still, that doesn’t explain why you think we would have stopped talking after the English assignment was done.”
“Because, generally speaking, people don’t really want to have much to do with me.”
“And yet my brother worships you.”
“Your brother is stupid.” A soft laugh leaving his lips, as a signal that he wasn’t being serious about that comment.
“My brother is not stupid, and you know that.” She replied, reaching out for his hand. “Eddie, I think you’re a good person. A great one, even. And I like spending time with you. That’s how I know we wouldn’t have stopped hanging out.” Eddie’s hand shifted beneath Y/N’s, until he was holding her hand properly. “So, please, stop being stupid and thinking I’m like everyone else at this school. If they don’t see you for who you truly are, then it’s their loss. More Eddie for me.” She smiled, squeezing his hand tightly.
She never in her life thought she would have talked like that to someone who wasn’t her brother. Sometimes it was hard even to talk to Robin like that, and she was her best friend. But, somehow, things with Eddie came so easily. And sitting there, holding his hand, didn’t really make her feel uncomfortable like she would have expected to.
Eddie’s thumb started rubbing her knuckles as softly as possible, scared to move or to speak. He didn’t want things to change. He just wanted to sit there for hours, exactly like that, holding her hand and her smiling at him. If the Eddie of three years before saw him like that, he would have laughed so hard he would have needed to hold onto something. He probably looked pathetic, head over hills for a girl that deserved much more than him. And yet, he was there. And she was there with him. She could have chosen not to come, but she did.
“So,” Y/N broke the silence, still holding his hand. “you said you wanted to talk to me.”
Fuck, right. “Yeah, I did…”
“Was it just an excuse to get me to come spend time with you or were you for real?” She smiled, propping her head on her hand.
“I… I was for real, but now I’m thinking I shouldn’t ask you what I was gonna ask you, because I don’t want to ruin this moment.” He said sincerely, looking down at the wooden table between them.
She gave his hand a quick squeeze to try and get him to look at her again. “You can ask me anything. If I don’t feel like giving you an answer, I’ll just say so.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay… but, for real, don’t feel like you have to give me an answer. It’s just, your brother kept talking about it, and I was curious-”
“It’s about my writing.” She said. And he was ready for her to say that it wasn’t something she really felt like talking or something like that. But she didn’t. “I started doing it when I was 13, I think. At first, I did it because it helped me with my anxiety. I would invent fantastic worlds where I could run off to with my head whenever I was having a panic attack. Then it became a passion. I kept writing about fantasy lands, with elves and druids and creatures that communicated through runes, but it no longer was for my anxiety. It was for me.” He listened attentively; his head slightly tilted to the side. He never would have thought she had problems with anxiety. But, after all, he didn’t really know much about her. “One day, a couple of years ago, Dustin was having a bad day, and I wanted to help. Nothing was working, not even “The Never-Ending Story”, which is one of his favourite movies. So, I took him to my room and picked up my notebook. I started reading him my story, and ever since that day, he has always been my one and only reader. He has read every single page, he has given me notes, and even asked me to write him as a dwarf in my story.” She giggled at the memory. “I was ready to write him as a high elf, or a druid, a pirate even. But no, he wanted to be a dwarf. And so I did.” Eddie couldn’t help but smile, wanting to walk around the table to go and sit right beside her just to be closer to her. “But with the support, also came the stressing part where he kept pushing me to send my story to an editor, or to enrol in some kind of contest for teen writers. But, as you could probably imagine, I refused. So, he started begging me to write something for D&D. At first it was for his party with Mike and the others; then it was for you.”
“And did you?” She looked at him confused. “Did you write something for D&D?”
She shook her head. “I barely know anything about D&D… what would the point be?”
“I’m pretty sure you know a lot. As I understand, Dustin tells you everything about our campaign, so you should know stuff by know. And, you don’t need to know much about the rules to write a story.”
“I disagree.” She replied.
“Let me rephrase: if you were to write for Hellfire, you wouldn’t need to know the rules, because you would have me.” He smiled. “I’m not saying that you have to do it, but if you ever changed your mind, you could just write the plotline and I could take care of everything else.”
She looked at him in silence, biting the inside of her cheek. Eddie could not really decipher what she was thinking. Maybe he offended her. Did he say something? Fuck, maybe he insisted too much. He knew it, he shouldn’t have said anything about the writing in the first place. “We could try” She said.
Eddie was shocked. Did she actually agree to do it? “You don’t have to.”
“I know.” She got up from her seat, leaving Eddie with his hand open where he once was holding hers. “But, I mean, Dustin has wanted me to do it for so long, and I think it could be good for me to write something different, you know?” He kept looking at her, unsure if he should answer, if he should say something. “And, if you’re really going to help me, then yes. Why not, right?” Eddie nodded; his eyes fixed on her figure. “But I have two conditions.”
“Anything you want, princess.” Princess? Really?
She smiled, a soft tint of pink rising to her cheeks. Princess? I like it. “Number one: we’re not going to say anything to Dustin, or he’s never going to let me leave my room again until it’s done.” Eddie laughed, nodding. “And second: I want to tell the story.” Eddie looked at her confused. “I mean, I want to be there when you play it out, and I want to tell myself as much of the story as I can. You would obviously do your Dungeon Master thing, but I want to be able to tell my story.”
He smiled, finally getting up from his seat. “We can definitely do that.” He walked closer to her.
She was going to do something, she was going to hug him, maybe even kiss him like she did the previous evening, but, in the distance, she heard the school bell ring. Fuck, they both thought. “We should head back or we’re going to be late for class.” She said, obviously disappointed that third period was already over.
“Or we could skip the rest of the day…” He said, knowing full well she wasn’t going to accept the proposition.
“No skipping school on my watch, okay?” She smiled, moving a finger in front of his face.
“I was just kidding, I swear!” He smiled back.
They started making their way back to the building in silence, both unsure what they should say. Neither of them was happy to leave the other, but duty called. Once they got back inside, Eddie walked Y/N all the way to her locker, so that she could pick up her textbook, and then walked her to class. “I had fun” She said, bumping into his side to get his attention.
He smiled, walking with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Yeah, we should do it again.” She look at him, giving him the look, and he already knew what she was going to say. “I meant spend time together, not skip class!” He laughed.
She smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I would love that.” They walked for a little longer, until they reached Y/N’s class. “So… this is me.”
Eddie nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Fuck, he wanted to kiss her so bad.
They stayed there for a few moments, in silence, looking at each other, until Y/N took control of the situation. Fuck it, she thought to herself, before pushing herself on her tiptoes. “Meet me outside after school.” She said, before quickly pressing her lips on his cheek. It only lasted a moment, but when they moved away from each other it was impossible to tell who was blushing more. Y/N quickly bid goodbye to Eddie and ran inside the classroom, taking her seat at her usual desk.
Little did she know Robin was already sitting there and had witnessed everything. “What the hell was that?”
Y/N jumped, scared by her friend’s voice. “Shit, Robin, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough to have seen whatever that was.” She laughed. “Why did you run away?”
“It was embarrassing! I shouldn’t have done it! Fuck!” Y/N buried her face in her hands. “It’s something to do it when it’s just the two of us; but it’s completely different when I do it in front of everyone!”
“I don’t think people really care…” Robin said, trying to make her friend feel better. “Anyway, I assume it went well.”
“Yeah, we had fun” Y/N smiled, raising her head to finally meet her friend’s eyes. “How did your rehearsal go?”
“What rehearsal?”
Y/N looked at her, eyes wide open. “Didn’t you have band practice or something?”
“Nope” She replied, trying to hold back the laughter that was building inside of her.
“Robin!” She yelled, but deep down she was glad she did it, or she wouldn’t have spent all that time with him. “Thank you.” She whispered.
“Call me Cupid” She laughed.
Yes, she loved her best friend.
Thank you for reading! Love you xx
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pearl-kite · 1 month
I have been TAGGED (by the wonderful @evilbunnyking thank you muah <3) to share 5 songs I really like, so! Let's Get to It (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Ultimate favorite #1: Under Pressure by Queen. Do I need to link it? Y'all know it.
You know how sometimes it's hard to pin down a favorite something-or-other? Not song, this is hands-down my favorite. Ever. Always. I was a full-ass adult in my 20s before I realized that when it says Queen and David Bowie it meant David Bowie is actually singing in it I was ASHAMED how i I even whaaaat Fun fact: the CD I grew up with that had this on it has a slightly different edit than the regular one, so any time I hear it on spotify or the radio I go a little crazy because it's off.
The rest are going under a cut because I'm linking in youtube videos so you don't have to go anywhere or interrupt any current playlist you've got going <3
#2 Currently on Repeat: Can't stop listening to Matt Maeson's Problems
I don't regularly use the repeat button, actually, I'll just hit back at the end as many times as I feel like, but I've done it, I've put this on actual repeat. I've also been alternating a bit with his Sanctified as well, idk what it is but both of them are an infection right now.
#3 A long-term favorite: Paranoid by Sfven
Found it ages ago and it really jived with Gale; if it shuffles through I'll give it a good listen or four. Not sure why the video looks like it was made in the early 90s. Honestly a little off-putting to me but the audio is what matters, okay.
#4 A LONG-long-term favorite: Jewel's Amen
Oh man. I fucking love this song. Top 5 probably. My dad had this CD and I kind of made it mine. Then lost it. So I bought a replacement. And lost that one. And third time's the charm I still have the replacement's replacement. I think. Somewhere. She ended up being the first concert I went to, a small little acoustic one in the local Shriners' center.
But just. The feel of it, the imagery, I still want to draw something for it that really connects with me for it but it's just uakygfkfausdgf I can't :C
#5 (Sort of) Local Plug: I Hope You Know by Supaman ft. Ashley Hall
Supaman regularly visits the first school I worked at, and so many of the students there look up to him for good reason. He's a good guy, he fancy danced at the Macy's Parade, and he makes music that relies heavily on blending rap with traditional instruments and vocals. If I remember correctly, some of his videos show him dancing, if you're interested. I like this one in particular because Hall's vocals are so pleasant, I love multilingual songs, and they sampled a western meadowlark and you cannot go wrong with western meadowlark noises. I hadn't actually seen this video version before and it's very sweet 🥺
Honorable mention musicians/groups that I don't see mentioned often but deer lord this kind of got out of hand already: Run River North Forrest Day Isador Magic Bronson The Hush Sound
Do NOT under any circumstance assume there's a theme or common element across any of these.
I suppose I'm supposed to tag people, so hmmmmm @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @andr0leda @inedibleobject @fooltofancy @elemenepee And uhhhhh anyone else. I have some new mutuals and I am not brave enough to be the first person to tag in this relationship, and I also don't want to just tag EVERYONE so there are still people to pass it along to, so if you don't see your name here pretend it is (if you want)
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