#I hate lifeguard orientation
dustydaydreamer · 1 year
"being a lifeguard is fun" they said, chlorine dripping from their nostrils
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Across the U.S., Pride symbols are being attacked in outbreak of vandalism
On Tuesday, California Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) released a new report that reveals hate crimes based on sexual orientation in the state rose nearly 30% in 2022.  In March, the FBI published statistics that showed a 70% increase in reported hate crimes involving a sexual orientation bias in the previous year. --- Related Stories Support for gay relationships dropped drastically among Republicans A majority of Republicans now don’t believe that same-sex relationships are morally acceptable. --- Those numbers are born out in 2023 by a rash of vandalism directed at Pride displays across the country in June, amid an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in red states and coordinated attacks on the community by far-right organizations. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. From New York to California, symbols representing LGBTQ+ identity are being defaced and destroyed. In Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles over the weekend, two lifeguard towers at Ginger Rogers Beach painted in Progress flag colors were defaced just 48 hours after they were unveiled by Los Angeles County officials and East Hollywood artist Katherine Bingley, who was out Monday morning repairing the damage. Vandals broke windows and attempted to scratch a swastika on one structure. “It’s sad and disappointing.” Los Angeles area rainbow Pride-themed lifeguard towers vandalized 48 hours after they were unveiled. (Video: ABC 7 Los Angeles) pic.twitter.com/NeNRSFKc2D— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) June 26, 2023 In New Jersey, vandals ripped the word “Pride” out of four rainbow banners in Harrison Township in the southern part of the state last weekend. The town’s mayor said he received calls from outraged residents and condemned the act. He was joined by the county prosecutor’s office asking for the public’s help identifying the perpetrators, while the town’s police chief filed a hate crime report. Following the Baltimore Pride parade on Saturday, vandals defaced a sign marking the entrance to the city’s Homeland neighborhood by painting over the “e” to read “Homoland.” Homeowner association member Michael Burns called the vandalism hateful. “I suspect the vandal was reacting to our flags,” Burns told the Baltimore Banner, referring to Pride flags displayed on his house and around the gay-friendly neighborhood. “He or she will be disappointed to see them again next year.” In Santa Fe last weekend, a rainbow flag hung on the city’s Plaza gazebo was found defaced with a chalk drawing of a cross and the phrase “Jesus saves,” following the city’s Pride parade and festival. Calling it a “slap in the face,” Mayor Alan Webber (D) condemned the graffiti. “Pride was a joyful celebration of community and justice for all, and it was a celebration that showed Santa Fe at our best,” Webber said in a statement. “In contrast, this is a cowardly act of bias and bigotry that all of us should condemn.” In New York, the Stonewall National Monument has been vandalized at least four times this month, park volunteers report. Pride flags displayed in Christopher Park across the street from the Stonewall Inn were ripped down and defaced in four separate incidents on June 6, 9, 16, and 18. Police arrived to find 33 Pride flags torn down in the latest incident a week ago Sunday. “We have so much hatred and anger in the air right now,” one volunteer told Fox 5 New York. “We need to reverse that and replace it with love, compassion, and acceptance.” http://dlvr.it/SrNMMY
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goldenboyrichards · 2 years
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FULL NAME: adam jacob richards
NICKNAME(S): richards, quarterback
AGE: twenty-two
DATE OF BIRTH: october 3rd
HOMETOWN: hawkins, indiana
CURRENT LOCATION: tree commune hawkins, indiana
GENDER: cis male
PRONOUNS: he / him
ORIENTATION: homosexual ( only known by cole and maybe a small amount of other people he trusted ? )
OCCUPATION: former lifeguard at the hawkins pool
Adam has the most apple pie backstory you can imagine. The eldest of three, he’s always been the dependable golden child. His father is a dentist, a steady job that keeps them on the well-off side of town. His mother was originally his receptionist, but gave that up when she had Adam. For as long as Adam can remember, his mom had been around to take care of him and his little sisters. She was always there to pick him up when he fell, or hold him after a nightmare. He was closer to her than his father, although they had a fine relationship too. His memories of home are happy, filled with family dinners around the kitchen table, singing along to the radio as they drove to church on Sundays, and his family cheering him on every Friday night. Adam loved his family so much.
There’s only one thing that could make him want to leave them behind, and that’s the knowledge that he could never fully be himself in Hawkins. Adam didn’t realize that he was gay until he was in high school - he just thought that maybe the attraction guys described feeling for girls was overexaggerated. Once he met Cole Montgomery, though, everything changed. He pestered Cole to help him with English, relishing their weekly study sessions until things shifted and they began seeing one another romantically. Being with Cole made Adam feel more like himself than anything else in the world did. And while Adam adored his family, he needed to get out of Hawkins in order to be truly happy.
Cole wasn’t the only thing that made Adam want to leave, though. Hawkins itself came with a sort of pressure. Here, he was the Boy Next Door. The Hometown Hero. Every Friday night, Adam was expected to put on his jersey and play his part as the star quarterback, beloved by all who attended their games. And at times, Adam felt suffocated by that. There were so many rules and expectations he had to follow in order to just exist in Hawkins. In order to play sports and be accepted - which Adam wanted - he had to behave and act a certain way. Which is why Adam knew that once Cole graduated, he had to leave with him and go somewhere where no one expected anything from him.
And that was the plan, until the summer of 1985. Things were good, stable, until suddenly Adam was being controlled by the Mind Flayer and was killed at the Starcourt Mall. Adam doesn’t really remember this time; he doesn’t know that he died. It’s all really hazy, honestly. But now that he’s back and people are claiming that he joined a commune in the woods for three years…well, Adam doesn’t know what to think.
Adam’s always fully embraced his role as a big brother to his younger sisters. He loves them both dearly. While he’s closer to the middle sister just due to their ages (she’s around 18-20), he also loves Cindy, who’s 16 now. He feels bad that he missed out on their lives for the last three years for sure. 
He loves football and sports in general. The comradery of a team, the thrill of people depending on you - that’s so special to Adam. The only part of it he hated was the pressure and expectation to be someone that he wasn’t. He hated the toxicity that could exist in that world, especially the casual misogyny and homophobia. That’s why he always tried to rise above it while still working the system? Like, he couldn’t step too far out of line or call too many things out, but he always tried to stand up against bullying in his own way. 
Adam is just... a very genuine person. He’s absolutely a himbo who takes a lot at face value. He’s never understood why people can’t just mean what they say, or have good intentions. Like this man is a Lawful Good through and through. 
School wasn’t easy for this man. He did okay in some classes, but really struggled in others. In order to keep him on the football team, though, I imagine he had tutors in several of his classes. 
Literally he did not know he was gay until he was like 15-16 years old, he just thought that his friends were exaggerating when they talked about girls. Like, he was like “They’re nice. Fine, even. Pretty, I guess.” and then he met Cole and was like “Ohhhh I get it now.” 
He had a girlfriend when he met Cole, and once he realized he liked Cole and wanted to date him, he felt intense guilt at the thoughts of cheating on her. So, either 1) he broke up with her or 2) he kept dating her but told her everything, and she was willing to be his beard. If someone wants that connection, PLEASE lmk because I would love to see either option. 
Truly he always tries to see the best in people. Even those who don’t deserve it. 
He fully had plans with Cole to run away after Cole graduated and Adam 100% was going to follow through. He didn’t love the idea of leaving his family behind, but he needed to be himself and not the town’s Golden Boy. Unfortunately, Adam got flayed by Billy, who he used to work with.
He wasn’t himself the few days before he died. He was a lot meaner and angrier than anyone had seen him before, so that might have raised some red flags for people. Adam was eventually killed at the mall.
While Adam doesn’t think that he died, he does find the commune idea suspicious. After all, he did want to run away, but with Cole. He’s so confused by the idea that he would have left him behind, so part of him is worried that maybe he was brainwashed or kidnapped? He has no clue what to believe when it comes to that, honestly. 
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sinclairss · 2 years
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who’s that? oh it’s [lucas sinclair]. i hear they’re [eighteen] and are known as [the ranger] around [the basketball court]. they’re also a [freshman] at [notre dame hawkins community college]. they’re known to be [athletic & loyal] and [headstrong & sensitive]. some people say they remind them of [the swish of a perfect shot through a basketball hoop, early morning runs, worn converse high-tops, singing out-of-tune in the car late at night, & skipping stones on a river]. [dani, 22, she/her/hers, incest/rape/non-con, est]
full name: lucas charles sinclair. nicknames: honestly? most people just call him lucas. some of his teammates stick to sinclair. his sister has been known to call him lukey, though it’s debatable if that’s fondness or disdain. (probably both?) gender/pronouns: cismale/he/him/his. sexual orientation: tbd. (like, realistically: kid doesn't even realize you can be anything but straight. if this were taking place now, strong demisexual vibes, honestly.) birthday: december 22nd. which is annoying because people -mostly his mom’s side of the family- always tried to lump together his christmas and birthday presents growing up. star sign: capricorn. caps are known to be ambitious, committed, and helpful.  occupation: incoming freshman at HCC. going in undecided because he’s probably going to transfer before he graduates...hopefully. he’s also working a couple of kids’ basketball camps and lifeguarding at the pool over the summer.
positive traits: athletic, intelligent, loyal, ambitious, caring. negative traits: pessimism, holding grudges, needs-to-be-in-control-always, sensitive...but like not talking about those feelings ever?,  low self esteem  hogwarts house: i know jrk sucks and also this isn’ a thing in the 80s but the boy is a slytherin...but in the way that he wants to succeed and also wants to protect his people something fierce. alignment: lawful good. ennegram: 6w5. personality type: estj. 
lucas was getting out of hawkins. it wasn’t like he hated it or anything. it was just that...he felt like he’d been put into kind of a box here. he’d been the nerd for most of his life and then, on one fateful fall night, he’d scored the winning basket and won the hearts of people who’d never given him a second glance before. the popularity was nice. it let him protect his friends more easily. but the most important thing basketball gave him was a ticket out. his advisor had pointed out to him sophomore year that combined with his good grades (almost unheard of for a hawkins athlete), all he had to do was pass his classes and score decently on the SAT and he could probably earn an athletic scholarship just about anywhere. and that? that was enticing. the chance to start over somewhere he hadn’t been teased and beaten up during his formative years or seen himself and his friends almost die multiple times? sign him up.
and he did it, too. he checked every box on his advisor’s list and earned himself a full ride to notre dame. he was going to study engineering. and he was going to leave hawkins, at least for 8 months of the year. it was a breath of relief.
he’d helped the basketball team to its finest season on record his senior year, kissed a few girls, went to prom...all the stuff his mom wanted pictures of. senior year had everything lucas could ever ask for, including a couple epic d&d campaigns, some parties his parents didn’t know about, and a clunker he’d helped his dad rebuild so that he could ditch his bike for good.
he shouldn’t even have been playing baseball, but he’d been bored as hell during the spring semester without the constant schedule and pressure of his off-season basketball schedule. besides, he’d always been fast and it was a little bit of a joke that he could use his bat better than steve, so he’d gone for it. and in the very last game of the season, he’d been tripped up while sliding into home plate and blew out his knee. the injury ended up being his torn meniscus which required surgery...and the university rescinding his scholarship offer.
without the scholarship, there was no way in hell his parents could afford to pay for a university like notre dame, so he was forced to withdraw in favor of taking a few gen ed credits at the local community college while rehabbing his knee, working at a couple youth basketball camps at hawkins high, and lifeguarding at the pool.
the plan is still to get the fuck out of here at some point, but it’s gonna take a little longer. his advisor thinks 2 years of community college might do it. he hopes so. there’s something about this place that sucks people in and doesn’t let them escape...at least not for too long.
tw: drug use/abuse below (bullet #2)
lucas has, frankly, been Through Some Shit. he definitely saw a therapist not long after the events with billy and again after henry-slash-vecna-slash-one, but he’s probably back to it because while he’s got other things going for him, the basketball thing was...kind of a big deal? he’s not totally sure who he is without it anymore.
in the process of rehabbing his knee injury, he was prescribed painkillers post-op. and they worked. they worked maybe a little bit too well, because he went through them too quickly and now, because he’s not exactly listening to his physical therapist and pushing for a faster recovery time, he’s been getting them...elsewhere to help stave off the pain so he can keep working out. 
working part-time at the pool because what else is he supposed to do all summer?
his car is his baby right now. he and his dad rebuilt it in the month or two post-surgery. it’s a shitty ‘79 honda accord but it’s all his. and if he’s out late listening to music with the windows down? well...you’re welcome to join.
probably honestly right back in his d&d stage bc it’s a way of escaping hawkins without actually having to go anywhere.
Plots n stuff
(also some drug mentions in the 2nd black bullet, after the party stuff and also whenever i start talking about eddie below the...3rd black bullet, just fyi)
please give me everything with the party. i want that “you never have friends like you do when you’re thirteen” energy. they’re the only reason he’s not clinically depressed about having to stick around. 
dustin and lucas are a dynamic duo and deserve more time together again i am just saying. give me all of the wing-manning this summer.
i’ve always found lucas and mike’s dynamic super interesting. i think their personalities actually kind of clash because mike’s, like, the de facto leader of the party and -sometimes- lucas’ mindset doesn’t agree with his. so like them clashing over stupid shit but regardless being there for each other and being the most ride or die people for each other? yes please.
meanwhile...will and lucas? kindred spirits in a way. i would love for some soft friendshippy will and lucas dynamics. obviously will and mike’s thing is different but lucas? lucas would die for this kid no lie.
i bet lucas was pissed when el left, if only because he was a little bit jealous. and he’s probably not entirely sure what to do with this now that she’s back, but he has such a soft spot for her that will pop back up as soon as he, like, processes.
lucas still loves max in whatever way he can. he obviously has no fucking clue because it’s indiana in the 80s but he wants to be there for her, if she’ll let him, whatever capacity that is.
he...probably needs a dealer actually? his doc has definitely cut him off by now.
literally just give me big sibling dynamics with the fruity four because this kid is too busy trying to take care of everybody else that he doesn’t take care of himself like at all?
i picture him like. asking steve for advice on girls. yes, still. and also maybe a deeper connection here is like...life after being popular in high school and wtf you’re supposed to do when that seems to be falling through? because that’s tough.
robin buckley save him from failing entry-level english lit, please. also movie recs? 
eddie could super easily pick out that lucas is...experimenting with substances. like his dealer could very well be in the trailer park. so i am down for either way that could go in a “well, if you’re gonna do it be safe about it” or more of a “you should stop before you get in too deep” kind of way.
he had a crush on nancy when he was eleven. he’s over it now but also thinks she’s kind of a badass. jealous she got to go away for college though.
if someone brings me erica i’ll love you forever. we live for snarky siblings here!
open to talks for romance but that’s really not my biggest fish to fry here tbh; if it happens organically though? down for pretty much anything
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demigirl-demigod · 3 years
You know what’s dumb? That I still can’t take myself seriously as a non-binary person. Today is my first day at my new lifeguarding job and yesterday when I came in for orientation l, my new manager was like “yeah most people want both the guy’s and the girl’s uniform shorts because they like the way they look” so I was like “cool I’ll take one of each” and I was super excited that I got to take the guy’s shorts and when I tried them on it felt so good but I can’t get myself to actually wear them until I see girls here wearing them because I feel weird about it and I tried to remind myself that I’m not fully a girl and I can wear both men’s and women’s clothing because I’m non-binary (and clothing has no gender anyway) but I can’t take myself seriously. I still feel like I’m just a silly little girl playing dress up if I wear “men’s” clothes and aaaaaah I hate it
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leavetwn · 4 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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howtosingit · 4 years
Fic: You’re Like a Shot of Pure Gold
30 Days of Tarlos/30 Songs of Tarlos - Day 11: “Domino” by Jessie J
“I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air / now I’m breathing like I’m running cause you’re taking me there”
Carlos Reyes is like the sun: bright, full of fire, eye-catching, and hot enough to reduce TK to a puddle on the pavement.
Part 4 of the Tarlos Lifeguard AU — Masterlist
A/N: Let’s take this party back to the start of summer, shall we, and see how these boys met? Thank you for all of the nice comments about this little unexpected lifeguard adventure — I’m glad you’re enjoying the little insights into this world as much as I enjoy writing them!
When TK arrives at the annual staff orientation/pool party, everything looks pretty much the same as it did when he left the previous summer. The clubhouse has a fresh paint job, and the men’s locker room looks like it has been power-washed to within an inch of its life, the white tiles gleaming in the bright florescent light as if they are newly installed. In the break room, TK sees that Dottie has left his name on his designated cubby, the same one that he has had since his third summer. Now in his sixth year, he’s probably the longest-running lifeguard, and he appreciates getting to once again claim his favorite locker, especially since this is the last summer that he’ll get to use it.
TK shakes himself, refusing to jump on that particular train of thought. Just because he’s graduating next year and immediately entering the fire academy doesn’t mean that he’ll never be back here; this place has been like his second home since he was 16 and he’s not about to leave it or Dottie behind completely. Besides, the summer is only beginning, he has two months to enjoy it before it’s gone. 
TK heads out to the pool through the “Staff Only” door, stepping into the sun as he looks around at his favorite place in the entire world. The scent of chlorine hits him like a familiar hug, the clear blue water shimmering in open invitation. TK wants nothing more than to dive right in, already seeing some other employees wading near the diving boards, but first, he turns to his left, moving over to the first aid station where Dottie has positioned herself. When she spots him, she gives a sudden cheer, darting around the table with arms open wide.
“There’s my Tyler!” she exclaims, pulling him into a tight hug. TK smiles as he presses against her; he hates his full name, but Dottie is like family to him, so he never complains when she uses it. After so many years, he’s just come to expect it. 
“Hi, Dottie,” he says, pulling back to take her in. Her smile is infectious, and TK can’t help but to return it with one of his own. “How’s it going?”
“Oh it’s fine, it’s fine,” she says, looking out at the staff in the pool. “We’ve got a good group of kids this year, a few returners, but a lot of newbies.” She turns back to look at him, giving him a sharp nod. TK loves how she cuts from personal to business like changing lanes on the road. “I’m making you a shift supervisor again this year, since you’re our longest-serving lifeguard. It’ll mean a full 40 hours, if you’re okay with that?”
He nods. He had expected as much, since he served as a shift supervisor last summer. Then, he had needed a distraction from all of the turbulence at home, and he had immediately jumped at the offer. Things are better now, his dad responding well to his chemo treatments, but TK is still happy to take the extra hours. It’s not like he has a lot of other things to do this summer.
“Happy to do it, Dot,” he responds, smiling down at her before turning to look through the window of the clubhouse. “All the food ready to go?”
“I think Penny is still setting up the buffet table,” Dot says, shaking her head. She looks down at the staff checklist on the table behind her. “We’re still waiting on a few people, and I like to let everyone swim a little before the meeting, relax a bit, so it should all be fine.”
TK nods absently, but before he can offer his help, he feels a strange pull to turn around, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up like he’s being watched. He glances back towards the staff entrance, and immediately feels his eyes fall out of his head. 
Continue on AO3
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avornalino-old · 4 years
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asher moore for @eeriesims​‘s clary wiggens!!
i am terrified of writing so much about one sim but here we gooo (their backstory is a lot im so sorry i just can’t stop writing ahhh damn apush dbqs)
backstory (death/suicide tw):
growing up and questioning your gender is difficult for any young child, yet that’s all that asher moore’s childhood consisted of. well, not all of it. they were loved by their mother until about the age of 11 when she picked back up on her old and seemingly forgotten smoking habit. slowly but surely she began reverting to a version of herself that her ex husband would have been ashamed of. at least asher assumed they had divorced. they hadn’t seen their father ever. he had left town almost as quickly as he came in, leaving behind a broken and pregnant teenager who had foolishly eloped with a man she had just met. she held off on the drinking and smoking until she gave birth but quit after asher had turned 4. and after smoking for 5 years, she overdosed on opioids and died, leaving behind another broken teenager, but this one wasn’t pregnant. asher picked up as many jobs as they could while also juggling their gender questions. questions they always tried to stay on top of. and dating was always out of the picture. nobody ever seemed to choose them. for a myriad of reasons they aren’t ready to discuss quite yet. however, they’re her now and ready for a new chapter of love to begin!!...
general information:
➱ name — asher moore
➱ birthday/age — 26, changes their birthday with every customer to keep themself entertained during their long, boring work hours
➱ species — mostly human, but they’ll swear their grandfather was a cyclops. or maybe he was a goblin...
➱ height — taller than the average, about 6′2
➱ sexual orientation — pansexual
➱ gender/pronouns — nonbinary (they/them)
➱ nicknames — not a huge fan of nicknames (at first). 
➱ occupation in glimmerbrook — occasionally a lifeguard by day, mixologist at the docks by night. loved by all all the time ;)
oh god not more writing...
fun facts!:
lowkey scared of the water. don’t question the lifeguard choice
has a hard time opening up to people
vowed to never smoke in fear of becoming like their mom
ok enough of the heavy stuff, i’m getting sad :(
makes some of the best drinks in glimmerbrook 
trips over their own feet like all the time
it’s either love or hate at first sight, there is no in between
loves to eat and sneaks the chips from behind the bar every few minutes
didn’t go to uni and doesn’t plan on it, their jobs actually pay really well
tries to always look for the best in people, no matter what
yeah i’m tired and i still have a whole writing section to go, but this is fun!!
➊ How did you meet Clary?
“she was a recurring visitor at the docks and although she blended in with the crowd at first, i found myself noticing her more and more with every visit. she seemed to have lived a life full of well, life! it just felt right to start smalltalking when she finally came over to order a drink.”
➋ What was your first impression of Clary?
“well, uhm, she seemed to understand me for who i was and i guess i kind of felt the same. she seemed eager to get rid of the smalltalk and talk about things that mattered to her. and after a few seconds, i guess i also felt like they mattered to me too. i mixed her drink while she talked about magizoology. i poured the drink into the cup while she described her house. i handed her the drink while she ranted about her pets. i could barely get a word in, but i wasn’t complaining. she got up as the band started their next song and shouted ‘bye’ over her shoulder as i gave a small wave. wow.”
➌ What is your ideal date?
“maybe these are predictable, but a nightclub or the beach. but not with a lot of people around. just the two of us, listening to music playing softly in the background while we, i don’t know, slow dance? or maybe dinner at a run-down, forgotten diner. ooh! a walk in the woods, or by the beach! anything goes, at long as i get to be with someone who loves me for who i am.”
➍ What’s your ideal relationship? 
“an honest one. and one that is helpful for both parties. i just feel like honesty, trust, and a sprinkle of humor is necessary for a great relationship. although i can’t say too much as i have almost no experience dating haha. but i promise that i would try my best to be the best partner i can be.”
➎ What’s your personality like? What are the negatives and positives?
“well i’m sure you’ve probably been able to assume a bit about me so i won’t get into too much detail. i like people. not necessarily talking to people, but people watching. facial expressions are different for everyone and i find it fascinating to watch people and their reactions. does that make me a little creepy? maybe. but the term i prefer to use is observant. i try to match my personality to the person i’m talking to, while still keeping my core ‘me’ as close as to myself as possible. easier done than said, to flip that saying around.
as for negatives and positives, i can’t always be a super happy, bubbly person. i mean, i’m pretty much never that happy. certain topics are sensitive and make me want to crawl in a hole and hide, not that i would fit haha. well there’s a positive, at least i have a sense of humor.”
ok i’m ending it there, i have never in my life written as much about 1 (one) single sim as i have with them. and sorry if i made any spelling errors, it’s almost 2 am and i’m highkey tired. ok bye thanks for reading
private dl if chosen
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necrofia · 4 years
Real name:  ????
Nicknames: Glitter
Age: old
Sexuality: Aroace / Questioning
Preferred pronouns: She/her or they/them are fine!
Are you a morning person?: Hell no mf
When swimming, do you prefer to do it in the ocean, or in a lake?: Lake. I live by the beach and the open water kind of freaks me out tbh.
On Tumblr:
Anyone you would like to meet in real life?: Yes! I’d love to meet my RP partners, especially travel internationally!
Anyone you have met in real life?: Yes, I’ve met many RP partners and fandom friends.
When did you first join? Early 2012.
Any peeves?: Absolutely botched grammar/spelling, BOTCHED APPROPRIATED ARABIC (instablock!!), ppl who take this shit too seriously and get into anon hate beef over dumb ass shit, ppl who are nasty ass bigots and show it in their RP
Unpopular opinion: identity politics are dumb, assigning morality to marginalized demographics is ineffective. watch a handful of true crime documentaries and you’ll see that regardless of orientation or race, men are men are men are men are men. also that women aren’t exempt from committing atrocities either (though it’s a lot rarer).
Do you easily get jealous?: Not easily, no.
Do you easily get angry?: How angry are we talking? I get irritated easily but not by any of my partners or anything. Like at work I’ll be like *pinches bridge of nose* this whole ass clown but I don’t think that’s anger? I’d say I’m reasonable
Are you easy to cheer up?:  Sometimes?  Depends on what I’m upset about
What’s the most hurtful thing someone could do to you?: Take advantage of my trauma/mental illness/brain injury to gaslight me or guilt me for something I can’t help.
What’s the most hurtful thing someone has done to you?: I can’t remember honestly? Child abuse prolly but that’s a Serious answer.
Are you good at hiding your emotions?: In person, I have a very emotive face. Online idk I’m not sure how I come off.
What’s the very best way to cheer you up?: Depends, either help me tackle what’s being upset, or doing something fun together like an engaging RP. Also send me PayPal $
Are you currently in a relationship?: Bro... I’m balls deep in Annie’s Organic Mac n Cheese that’s the only relationship I care about
Do you currently have a crush on someone?: I don’t think so. Maybe a baby crush on one or two people that amounts to “I think you’re cool and wanna hang out” except one of them is horny on facebook wants to be choked by her daddy dom so like... I’m not the one
If yes, might that someone be reading this?: Nah.
Do you kiss on the first date?: I haven’t but if it’s the right person and the vibe is right, I don’t have a moral objection to it or w/e
Do you prefer going out, or staying home, when it comes to dates?: Going out and discovering new places. Bubble tea is a plus.
Favorite drink: BUBBLE TEA
Favorite food: Right now it’s Annie’s Mac & Cheese, but also golden curry & ramen are at the top for non quarantine food
Most calming place?: The beach at night. My friend took me once and we stat in the lifeguard chair in the darkness and I don’t think I’ve ever been quite at peace like that.
Most stressful place?: Tie between home and work
Most prized possession?: Not sure. My nutsack.
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dearestdaffodils · 5 years
Hey Guys
I know I’ve been shit posting a lot on here lately but if there’s one post I hope all my followers and the people who see it to read all the way through, it’s this one. 
About two and a half months ago, I moved a couple thousand miles away from home to go to the college of my dreams and I thought it was going to be great. And it was, for the first three weeks or so. And I know that everyone will say that I just need to stick it out and wait for it to get better but if I’m being honest, I’m kind of getting tired of waiting for it to get better. 
My roommate and I started talking in April and hit it off right away. Both of us are from Washington state and were nervous about moving across the ocean for school. I thought I was going to be one of the lucky people who become good friends with their roommate. I’m not saying that my roommate and I don’t get along; we make each other laugh and I like having her around (and would like to think she feels the same way about me). In early September, after classes had already started, we both applied for jobs on campus. I got hired as a lifeguard at the campus rec center but was told I was on sub status until the spring semester because the schedule was set for the fall semester. My roommate was hired as a ticket taker/office assistant at the student-athlete center. Having the room to myself was great for the first few weeks until I started to get lonely. Our suitemates are nice but not the kind of girls I want to associate with. Not that I don’t like them, but as the person I am, who has never drunk, smoked, etc, I don’t feel comfortable hanging out with them. 
My roommate soon made a friend in one of her coworkers, an older girl who has a car. I thought it would be great, her coworker could drive to beaches and fun things to do on the weekends, but that wasn’t the case. I was left alone in my dorm to do homework in silence and listen to my suitemates scream about the bugs in their room. I don’t really have anyone else I talk to outside of classes and the fact that I haven’t really met anyone through work isn’t helping either. 
So I started texting with a boy that both my roommate and I met during orientation. I think he’s cute, but I thought it would be better to start as friends. After about a week and a half of talking, he told me that he was really only talking to me because he thought my roommate was cute and he promptly stopped answering my snapchats, leaving me on opened. So I stopped talking to him. 
I decided to start volunteering at the theater on campus to make friends, do something I love, and maybe get a job from it. But everyone there was an upperclassman annoyed by my presence there. So I cut back my hours and started going one day a week instead of four. 
I’ve always struggled with my body image and the way I see myself. I come from a family of curvier women and it doesn’t help that half of my genetics are unknown (my dad was adopted and never met his biological parents). This last summer before I moved out was rough. I wasn’t swimming anymore so I started gaining weight. My shorts stopped fitting and I started shopping for clothes in bigger sizes. Shopping itself always makes me anxious so I gave up on trying to find bigger clothes and started hiding my body with big shirts I stole from my dad and brother and baggy shorts. Before I moved out, I made a bet with my mom. She challenged me to work out every day, even if it was just walking on the treadmill. So I did, for a while, until I started having exams. But then I started hearing my roommate talk about me behind my back to her friends and family when they called and she thought I wasn’t listening. But I was. So I started going to the gym again and I spend maybe two hours there after class. I felt good about myself until I noticed the way my stomach stuck out through my shirts. Every night, when my roommate is out of the room, or even when she is there,  I do ab workouts until I make myself cry. 
I just applied for another job today and part of me hopes I don’t get it just so I can have another reason to hate myself. 
I miss my family and my dog and this is the longest I’ve been away from them. It hurts when I see all my friends that went to schools closer to home that can go visit their families for the weekend when I have to wait until Thanksgiving just to get 48 hours with my family. 
I feel myself regretting my choice to move to Hawaii, despite it being the only school I can afford that offers my major. I lie to my family when they call and ask how I’m doing. I tell them I’m fine and I like school, which probably the biggest lie ever. 
I feel I’m losing myself and I don’t know what to do. I know everyone will tell me that it just takes time and I just have to wait it out but admittedly, it’s hard to listen when I cry myself to sleep every night. 
I’ve told my roommate how I feel but she always deflects my statements with a joke or a jab about how my life is better because my parents are paying for my schooling. Which almost makes it worse. Both of my parents are teachers, meaning they don’t make a lot of money. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship that made it possible for me to come to Hawaii for school. But the thought of telling them that I’m not happy here kills me because I feel I’m just wasting their money.  
I’ve looked into on-campus therapy options, but my school is so small that there aren’t any. Everyone says I’m lucky to be where I am and I don’t disagree but I just don’t know if I made the right choice. 
I don’t know what to do and I’ve very lost right now. 
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tessdl · 5 years
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FULL NAME: teresa tess brooke de luca PRONUNCIATION: didn’t you learn how too sound things out in kindergarten? tə-ree-sə ‘tehs’ bruk dey luke-uh MEANING: summer harvest i think? REASONING: cruel forms of torture? her parents thought it was pretty NICKNAME(S): tess, tessa, t, blondie, thing 2, beluga PREFERRED NAME(S): tess BIRTH DATE: august 12th, 2000 AGE: eighteen ZODIAC: leo GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: i hate everyone biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: i don’t know that term. could you define it and put it in a sentence? bisexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white
BIRTH PLACE: brentwood, new york HOMETOWN: brentwood, new york SOCIAL CLASS: upper FATHER: julian de luca MOTHER: gabrielle james SIBLING(S): monty montgomery ‘monty’ de luca, xavier, zander BIRTH ORDER: second PET(S): norweigan forest cat named willa. she’s a brat.   OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: n/a PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: grizz gareth ‘grizz’ visser - ex boyfriend ARRESTS?: nine she’s full of shit PRISON TIME?: i barely got away with my life! very full of shit
SOURCE OF INCOME: i usually lifeguard in the summer, does that count? CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: eh PAST JOB(S): none besides the lifeguarding SPENDING HABITS: none of your business good at saving her money unless she really wants something and her parents won’t buy it for her MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: my necklace and bracelet and a beluga grizz widdled for her
TALENTS: i can hold a handstand for a solid minute gymnastics, drums, athletic, quick learner SHORTCOMINGS: i suck at remembering important dates in history many LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, italian, spanish, french barely DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: no yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes SWIM?: i’m a lifeguard PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: drums PLAY CHESS?: yes BRAID HAIR?: yes TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: no yes
FACE CLAIM: virginia gardner EYE COLOR: blue HAIR COLOR: blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: chest length and wavy GLASSES/CONTACTS?: glasses when reading for long amounts of time DOMINANT HAND: ambidextrous HEIGHT: 5′8″ WEIGHT: 127 BUILD: physically fit and pleasing on the eyes EXERCISE HABITS: i like to be physically active for at least an hour every day SKIN TONE: you know that tanning lotion that advertises a semi-permanent natural glow? i look like that but all the time… without the lotion TATTOOS: my parents would kick my ass PEIRCINGS: four in each ear MARKS/SCARS: i have three brothers NOTABLE FEATURES: uh my hair is very bright? everything lbr USUAL EXPRESSION: looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you CLOTHING STYLE: depends on my mood and the weather JEWELRY: earrings, necklace, ring ALLERGIES: i’m allergic to bullshit none that she knows of BODY TEMPERATURE: i run hot DIET: vegetarian PHYSICAL AILMENTS: none at the moment but i’m sure i’ll have one within the next hour
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good TEMPERAMENT: sanguine whatever the fuck that means ELEMENT: fire MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: nothing you can prove! definitely insomnia SOCIABILITY: my friends say i’m the life of the party? EMOTIONAL STABILITY: depends on the emotion PHOBIA(S): i’m not a huge fan of bugs. out in the world? cool. in my room? not so much. ADDICTION(S): can you be addicted to running? DRUG USE: stay in school she likes weed ALCOHOL USE: i’m not as think as you drunk i am ya girl likes to party PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: again, i have 3 brothers
QUIRKS: uhhhh HOBBIES: playing sports, anything outdoors, beating up my brothers, reading, video games HABITS: sorry, i’m not a nun she picks her cuticles and bites her lower lip a lot NERVOUS TICKS: -draws a picture of a bug looking nervous- same as her habits DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: my family, my friends, my brain’s inability to consistently produce melatonin… FEARS: i laugh in the face of danger ha ha ha being alone forever, going to jail has recently been added POSITIVE TRAITS:  energetic, charismatic, humorous, free spirited & adventurous NEGATIVE TRAITS:  stubborn, fiery, self-deprecating, reckless SENSE OF HUMOR: i have one clearly the answer is yes, mostly sarcastic DO YOU CURSE OFTEN?: never in my life all the damn time CATCHPHRASE(S): does the middle finger count as a catchphrase?
ACTIVITY: anything physical ANIMAL: marine life BEVERAGE: water BOOK: the adventures of sherlock holmes that she totally did not steal from grizz CELEBRITY: winona ryder COLOR: black like my soul it’s purple DESIGNER: paul vasileff FOOD: buffalo mozzarella sticks FLOWER: cherry blossom GEM: tananite HOLIDAY: halloween MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: my legs or a car MOVIE: space jam MUSICAL ARTIST: queen QUOTE/SAYING: “fuck you.” probably sentences that start with ‘bold of you to assume’… SCENERY: woods / forest with streams SCENT: vanilla or cocoa SPORT: football SPORTS TEAM: gotta represent my favorite guys, the west ham idiots TELEVISION SHOW: stranger things WEATHER: anything that won’t make me melt or freeze me into a popsicle VACATION DESTINATION: australia
GREATEST DREAM: the olympics would be pretty cool. i just don’t have that kind of dedication to any one sport. GREATEST FEAR: losing someone i care about whomp MOST AT EASE WHEN: physically active LEAST AT EASE WHEN: alone BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: graduating probably BIGGEST REGRET: i don’t regret anything letting grizz leave MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: i don’t really get embarrassed but the great pistachio incident of 09 was pretty close BIGGEST SECRET: you’re joking right? grizz’s secret TOP PRIORITIES: my family and friends
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Prompto Soulmate AU: Blind
Hey y’all. I’ve been working on this for a bit, a fluffy piece of goodness. I figured you folks might need a pick me up after that angst-fest I posted a few days ago. 
Genre: romantic soulmate au Word Count: 5230 Warnings: Extreme fluff, mild awkardness Pairing: Prompto/Blind!Reader Note: I do not know what it’s like to be blind, nor do I know anyone who does. Creative liberties were taken, and I apologize for any inaccuracies.
Soulmates had existed long before written words. It was a connection that had always been there, sewn into histories and bedtime stories and was as understood and present as air itself.
Everyone was born in a world of black and white, but as two soulmates meet, their world becomes one of color. For those who hadn’t met their soulmates yet, the very idea of color was alien - otherworldly. They could never imagine what it was or what it could ever be, but the moment color bloomed before them, they became unsure as to how they had ever lived without it.
Of course, it wasn’t always wonderful; some people never met their soulmates and were forced to live in black and white forever. Even worse, should one’s soulmate die, they’re thrust into a world of black and white once again.
Personally, you considered yourself lucky, in that regard, as well as unfortunate. You would never know if you were speaking to your soulmate and on the off chance that you met your soulmate and they were to pass away, you wouldn’t be shoved into a grey world. In fact, you didn’t see the world in grey to begin with for one simple reason: you were blind.
To you, the world consisted of sound and touch. You saw through what you heard and what you felt, not what your eyes took in. You knew the chances of you ever finding your soulmate were low, and eventually, you stopped caring. Some people would take pity on you, saying how tragic it was that you could never truly find your soulmate or ever see the wonder of color, but you found other things to keep you occupied rather than the idea of meeting your true love.
Yes, you had stopped wondering about your soulmate, but he had never stopped wondering about you. In fact, he was up late many nights just imagining who you’d be. Sometimes, he would imagine you as a famous actor or a chef, possibly a lifeguard with bright red hair or a shy librarian with round glasses. Each idea was as exciting as the last and to him, meeting you would probably be the single most important moment of his life (spoiler alert: it wasn’t, but seeing you walk down the aisle was).
Yes, Prompto Argentum couldn’t wait to meet you. He wondered about you nearly everyday, sometimes in passing thought or through the giddy, “what if?” feeling in the pit of his stomach. Still, even his thousands of daydreams would never prepare him for the day that he finally met you.
It was hot and crowded summer day with a bright white sun and a pale grey sky. A soft breeze slid through the air, breaking the heavy heat and cooling Prompto’s cheeks, relieving them of their soft grey flush. He felt good, despite the intensity of the heat and the volume of the loud voices around him. In fact, his great mood provided him with the perfect inspiration for an impromptu photoshoot, giving him reason enough to venture from his apartment into the bustling Insomnia streets.
As he walked down the street that afternoon, with his camera bag in hand, it felt like something was going to happen. He didn’t know what, but he could feel it. A small smile hung on his face, his dark grey freckles popping as he looked around at the harsh greys and the bright whites of Insomnia.
However, looking around seemed to be a bad decision on his part. His feet strayed from their path on the sidewalk, allowing him to collide with a stout, chubby man. Alarmed, Prompto yelped, his eyes widening as he stumbled. He felt the annoyance of the crowds around him as he backed into them, creating a domino effect on those behind him.
“Ah-s-sorry, didn’t mean to-” Prompto stammered, one hand clutching his bag tighter. His cheeks darkened as his wide eyes nervously peered at the grumpy man who merely grumbled and kept walking. Prompto stood on the sidewalk, heart thumping loudly in his chest and anxiety rolling in his stomach. The crowds around him continued, more than one person jostling his shoulder with a nasty glare and a rude comment.
There were so many people bumping into him that he was unaware of you: the young blind person who was making their way down the street. You weren’t a fan of big crowds as it was, considering they always made it difficult to navigate the streets, but in that moment you cursed crowds more than ever.
All you heard were the loud, unintelligible voices of hundreds of people around you moving much too fast for you to properly get a grip on things. You were unaware of the boy with the pale grey hair who was nervously frozen in the middle of the sidewalk following a startling incident. At least, you were unaware of him until your cane caught onto one black boot and sent you tumbling to the ground.
You felt your cane catch, but the crowd behind you just kept moving. Your feet stumbled, body lurching forward into the sea of strangers with a sharp stab of fear in the pit of your stomach. You expected to fall to the sidewalk, feet trampling over you and strangers stumbling around your fallen form, but it never came to be.
Prompto’s arms shot forward with the instinct of any skilled crownsguard, catching you around your stomach long before you fell to the ground.
“Ah, I’m sorry!” Prompto exclaimed quickly, his eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed in worry as he helped you stand up straight. You were frozen, only aware of your fluttering heart, nervous stomach, and the warm arms wrapped around your middle. His voice was concerned, slightly rough, and husky despite its high tone. Your heart stung slightly, your ears practically melting; you had never heard a voice so wonderful.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked again, his voice closer to your ear and sending a shiver through your body.
Shaking yourself free of the mild daze, you managed to speak, “I-it’s fine!” You tried to wave him off, standing as steadily as you could while properly orienting yourself.
It took a second for things to click. Prompto paused, his next apology dying on his tongue as he took in the cane in your hands. With the gears turning in his head, he looked up and froze as his gaze landed on your unfocused eyes.
A gasp escaped his lips, his eyes widening for a millisecond. Before him, his black and white world was changing. Your skin wasn’t the flushed grey with various black and white tints as he had seen originally, it was blooming. He watched with large eyes as color sprouted in your hair, trailing down like water and leaving vibrant hues behind. He stared, his own cornflower blue eyes taking in every color on your face, every angle and every absolutely perfect imperfection as a massive smile grew on his face.
He found you. Years of searching and imagining and… he found you.
He felt so overwhelmed, seeing you with a face more beautiful than he could have imagined - seeing the world in shades of color and strange tints that he couldn’t find a name for. His heart was thudding in his chest, his eyes wide and desperate, his mouth burning with millions of questions. He felt his grip slipping as his mind was whirring and with a soft thump, his camera bag slipped from the hand around your waist and tumbled to the ground.
He paid no mind to the fallen bag because for him, this was the moment of a lifetime.
However, for you, this was weird.
You couldn’t see the eager excitement on his face, or the blooming colors around you. You had no idea who this man was and despite the odd, mild comfort of his sweaty arms around your waist, you wanted him to let go. You could feel his eyes on you and the strange warm, tingling sensation his touch left. You felt his gawking, a sensation that you’ve always hated. It didn’t matter how beautiful his voice was or how it made goosebumps rise to your skin in 90 degree heat; pity was not what you wanted.
“Sorry.” You grimaced, jerking out of his grip and trying to continue on your way, cane tapping the sidewalk lightly. You didn’t like that moment when people noticed your empty gaze or the white cane in your hand. The pity that always followed was more frustrating than the excitement for the possibility of anything else.
You expected him to continue on his way much like yourself, however, he didn’t.
His voice made you freeze and halt midstep. Sometimes, folks would ask you to wait, to see if you needed help. But the way he said it was different. His voice was desperate - begging, almost, with an underlying edge of excitement that left his voice jittery and made your stomach churn with butterflies. He only said one word, but his voice - his voice something wonderful.
“U-Um, u-uh, it’s-” He paused, stumbling and stuttering. There it was again. The feeling. Even though he couldn’t get out a single word, you felt more interested in him than any other man you’d met in your life.
Prompto felt like he was dying. His face was burning, a bright red blooming on his cheeks as he tried to come up with something to say. He had to be smooth - cool; he had to sound like someone worth knowing. “Uh, do you want to get ice cream?” He blurted.
Yes. Smooth.
Confusion slid across you face as you turned towards his voice, an odd note of uncertainty in your voice. “You… want to get ice cream?” You asked slowly. You were quiet, your voice barely heard over the sound of the city chatter, although you didn’t think you could speak louder in that moment. All you could focus on was his voice and the sensation of your heart banging against your ribcage.
With his face burning, he nodded, only to realize you couldn’t see. “U-uh, yeah! With me!” Prompto added, sweating bullets as he nervously fiddled with his hands. “I-um, I-this is gonna sound so crazy-”
You cut him off, not wanting “something crazy” to ruin the first real interest you had in someone. “Okay.”
“It’s just I-really? You, you wanna get ice cream with me?” He was stunned that you even said yes, although he didn’t really know what he would’ve done if you hadn’t.
You managed a nervous nod, your cheeks heating up. Prompto was stunned, although he couldn’t hide the massive tug of affection in his heart as he saw the flash of bright red growing in your cheeks.
Beaming, Prompto managed a nervous laugh. “Th-that’s great! Um, how about-”
“Get outta the damn way!” One woman snapped as she pushed passed Prompto, pulling him out of his bubble and reminding him of the large crowds around him.
“We should get out of the street.” You told him, a tiny amused smile on your face.
“Haha, yeah, we-uh, we should!” He agreed, clothes shuffling as he quickly dipped down to grab his fallen camera bag. Standing up on his tiptoes, he peered over the heads of strangers to try and find where you two were.
“Okay, so, uh, is it okay if I just?” He was nervously gesturing to your free hand, forgetting that you couldn’t see.
Luckily for Prompto, you were a smart person and able to piece together what he meant with his clumsy words. Holding out your free hand, you felt your cheeks heat up further as he began to lead you down the street with you blissfully unaware of the massive smile on his face.
Prompto’s own cheeks bloomed a bright pink when he looked back to you, seeing a tiny smile gracing your lips. His smile only grew as he took in your wonderful face yet again, counting his lucky stars that he was able to find you.
The nearest ice cream shop proved harder to find than Prompto thought. He found himself turned around more often than not, but any time you asked, he would always announce that he knew exactly where you two were. In fact, it took a solid 23 minutes for Prompto to admit he was lost.
“So, uh, I have a small confession,” He began, catching sight of you as you tilted your head in his direction. “I don’t actually know where we’re going,” His voice was slightly higher than normal, laced with embarrassment as he gave a nervous chuckle.
It wasn’t anything you didn’t know. Still, you couldn’t help but smirk in his direction. “I kind of figured, we passed the same hot dog stand with the guy yelling ‘Willy’s Wieners! Get ‘em hot and fresh!!!’ like three times.” You mimicked the man, waving one hand around with a squeaky voice.
Prompto let out a bark of laughter, a sound that was music to your ears and sent your heart soaring. “I was hoping you might not hear that.” Prompto said, his smile evident in his voice.
“I bet you were. But hey, maybe we could ask that hot dog guy for directions, I bet he’d kill for the chance to say something other than ‘Willy’s Wieners’.”
Laughing, Prompto tugged you along, glad that the lack of ice cream so far hadn’t ruined the chance of conversation. You guys didn’t end up asking the hot dog man for directions, as an older woman pointed you two the right way instead. Prompto hadn’t heard as you two walked away, but your sensitive ears picked up her voice as she spoke to her husband.
“Look at them, I bet those lovebirds are soulmates… Oh, don’t give me that look, Harold, you saw the look on that young man’s face! Just like us when we were young…” She sighed, nostalgia settling in her voice.
Heat flooded your cheeks at the idea of having found your soulmate, although you didn’t want to believe that Prompto was yours. The whole situation was much too cliche, besides, you had given up hope of finding your soulmate a long, long time ago.
You weren’t given much time to ponder this; Prompto launched into a conversation, asking you all sorts of questions, ranging from your favorite music to your opinion on the King. He was talkative, that much was certain, but there was a nervous note to his voice that had your heart aching and your mind wondering if just maybe that woman was right.
Prompto’s words all but stopped when he gasped. “There it is! The ice cream parlor!” He was definitely beaming with the giddiness of a child, the excitement in his voice giving his emotions away. He gasped a second time, his hand tightening around yours. “Oh. Em. Gee. There’s a dog outside, right next to it.”
You paused, a dog, he says? Your own excitement was bubbling up. “Really?” You asked, an eager edge slipping into your voice.
“Yes! We have to go say hi.” Prompto exclaimed, his head turning towards yours. You didn’t need working eyes to know just how big his smile was.
As the two of you walked towards the sound of happy barking, Prompto was practically jumping for joy. He was speaking rapidly, his voice eager as he told you about the time he rescued a small dog named Pryna. As you bent down, hand stretched out to pet the dog, you couldn’t hide the tiny smile on your face. With Prompto’s giddy excitement and the soft dog happily licking your hands as he barked, you couldn’t help but wish -once again- that the woman from earlier was right.
“So, uh, what flavor do you want?” You heard Prompto ask, feeling him balance on his heels next to you. You two were standing in line, his warm hand still holding yours as the chill of the ice cream parlor left goosebumps on your skin.  
You tilted your head in his direction, an amused smirk on your face. You couldn’t resist teasing him slightly as you spoke. “I don’t know, Prompto, what flavors do they have?”
“Oh! U-uh, right!” He stumbled over his words, humming as he seemed to be shifting next to you. “Looks like they have, uh, sherbert, cherry garcia, chocolate-”
Your smirk grew, turning into a real smile as a small laugh bubbled passed you lips. “I’m pulling your leg, Prom, I already know what I want.” You told him, “I’ll just go with classic vanilla.”
Prompto didn’t even reply to your small teasing as he gasped, turning his entire body towards you and tugging your hand slightly. ‘What?! Just vanilla?” He asked, his tone incredulous. “C’mon, you gotta pick something different, something that’s kind of, I dunno, exotic!”
You turned your head towards him, raising an eyebrow with the same teasing smile from earlier. “Exotic, huh?”
“Yeah! Something new and extreme!”
“I dunno, Prom, I doubt I’d be able to finish something extreme on my own.” You told him, smiling. “I’m usually a creature of habit with these things.”
Prompto wasn't letting you go that easily, “Okay, we can share, then! Anything you’d like!” Evidently, Prompto wouldn’t let you get out of this without trying something new.
Shaking your head, you gave in. “Fine, but this time you’ll actually have to read me off those ice cream flavors.”
Prompto eagerly did so, his voice much faster and excited than before. You chose the least worrying “exotic” option, opting for some oreo chunks on top. Cookies ‘n Cream wasn’t as wild as Prompto had hoped, but he figured that he’d have to take a more patient route with you. Honestly though, he knew it would be worth it in the end.
“Aw dang, they only gave us one spoon…” Prompto sighed as he plopped down next to you. He had chosen a window seat by the front door, the warmth of the sun kissing your goosebump covered skin and the warm air from the open door soothing the chill.
You shrugged, enjoying the warmth of both the sun from outside and Prompto’s body so close to yours. “That’s alright,” You told him, “We sharing anyways, right?” You were unaware of the bright red blush rising to his cheeks, but you were aware of how strange the whole situation was. Here you were, sharing ice cream with a stranger who you’d only met a couple hours ago. There was an instinctual sense of trust with him; you felt like you could put your heart in his hands and trust him with your life.
“Say, ‘Ahhhh~’!” Prompto said suddenly, catching you off guard.
“I beg your pardon?” Your eyes were wide as you turned towards him, surprise written on your face.
“C’mon, please?” He begged, his tone slightly whiny to your ears. Even then, it was still so pleasing to your ears. Sighing, you opened your mouth and followed his instructions, wondering just how many of his wonderfully silly antics you would succumb to. “How is it?” He asked, genuine curiosity to his tone.
You chewed on the soft treat, tasting the wonderfully sweet cookies and chocolatey oreo toppings. Smiling, you covered your mouth as you spoke, still chewing on your bite, “It’s good, here,” You held out your other hand, finding his own with ease and swiping the spoon in a heartbeat. You dipped the spoon in the ice cream, holding it towards his direction with a goofy grin. “Say ‘Ahh~’!” You mimicked, laughing a little.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Prompto grinned.
Unfortunately, blindness and spoon feeding doesn’t mix well together. You brought the spoon closer to him, unaware of his head already moving in your direction. The spoon collided with his face, a sharp note of surprise coming from Prompto before laughter spilled from both of your lips.
“I didn’t get your mouth, did I?” You asked through your giggles, with the spoon still in hand.
Prompto was shaking his head, managing to speak through his laughter. “No, but you did get close,” He told you, the remnants of his amusement laced into his voice. “I’d say a nose is close enough,”
“Oh no! I got your nose?” You asked, giggling as you feigned surprise, “I could’ve sworn it was your chin.”
“Well, I have been wrong before.”
Laughter bubbled from your lips once again, the both of you being sent into a fit of giggles. Your laughter died down after a moment, leaving you two in a comfortable silence with nothing but the hum of air conditioning and the quiet chatter of an ice cream parlor to fill it.
“Hey, could I take a selfie of us?” Prompto asked suddenly, his voice slightly nervous as he broke the silence.
Your eyebrows rose slightly, confused. “A selfie?” You weren’t completely opposed to the idea but… “I mean, I don’t mind but - I don’t really know where to look…”
Prompto’s reply was immediate, “You don’t have to! I can angle it and make it look like a cool modeling photo or something!” He told you, a hint of anxiety hidden under the light tone of his voice.
Uncertainty fell across your features, “Um, I guess that’s alright, but why do you want a selfie?” You asked him, curious.
He paused, slightly embarrassed of the truth. “Well, I like to take lots of photos, and I guess I just want one to remember the day I met my s-uh, the day I met you!” You caught the slight stumble in his words, part of you feeling hopeful that he was about to say something else.
Still, you agreed, listening as Prompto unzipped his bag. You waited patiently as he pulled out his camera, enjoying the sound of the clicking and the pop of the lense cap.
“That sounds a bit fancy for a simple selfie,” You noted, trying to hide the insecurity in your voice with a light tone.
Prompto glanced at you, his breath catching as he let his eyes scan your beautiful features. “Uh, yeah, it kinda is, but I think it suits the occasion.” His voice was serious as he spoke, it held an underlying warmth that had your insides feeling warm and fuzzy. The feeling only strengthened as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leaning close enough for you to smell his mildly cheap cologne and the strange metallic scent that drifted from his clothing.
You weren’t sure where to try and look as you managed a smile, hoping that Prompto’s photography skills weren’t just those of an amature. With a couple of sharp clicks, the photo was taken and Prompto’s arm fell from your shoulders. You couldn’t help but notice the cold chill that replaced where his comforting touch had been.
“So, uh, how’d they come out?” You asked, clearing your throat as Prompto fiddled with his camera.
He waited a moment to respond, a small, warm smile dancing on his lips. “They’re great,” Prompto sounded genuinely glad with a smile in his voice, as though he had caught an important paper that blew off in the wind. “Uh, you look really pretty in them,” He added, voice slightly shaky as he blushed.
You felt yourself smiling, your cheeks heating up. “Thank you, Prompto, I bet you look pretty handsome, too.” It was embarrassing to say, but if your gut feeling was anything to go by, then he definitely was.
“Haha, thanks, Y/N.” There was a pause, followed by depressing news. “Ah damn, our ice cream melted!” He groaned, disappointed.
You felt a twinge of courage growing in your stomach, “Well, guess you’ll have to take me out to ice cream again sometime. To make up for it.” You smiled, hoping that he’d agree. “Maybe I could even go a bit more exotic next time and try that rocky road flavor.”
Prompto smiled, his cheeks flaring up, “Yeah,” He said, a smile in his voice. “But next time, we’re definitely going way more intense than just rocky road,” He chuckled, a teasing tone to his voice as he nudged you.
You shook your head, smiling. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, pal.” You chuckled, “Yeah, but, uh, if you really want to get adventurous, maybe you could walk me home?” You asked, managing a small, shy smile.
Prompto’s eyes grew wide, the shock on his face melting into a small smile as he felt his heart thump just a little louder. “Definitely.”
Prompto stood up, gently holding your arm as he led you out. This time, you held his hand, despite there being no need to, now that the crowds had died down. He was caught off-guard, but he welcomed it, lightly lacing his fingers with your own.
You led the way to your home, only relying on Prompto to let you know which street you two were on. The walk home was quieter, neither one of you wanting to break the comfortable silence despite the desperate urge to talk to each other.
By the time you reached your building, you found yourself not wanting him to go. “Well, this is me.” You told him, slowly stopping your steps as you found the familiar sounds and braille lettering, letting your fingers trace the tiny, raised dots on the building signs.
Prompto paused, his hand still laced with yours. He couldn’t think of anything to say, only managing to communicate how he felt by gently squeezing your hand. He didn’t want to leave you, his actual soulmate, after only one measly not-technically-a-date date.
“Um, could I get your number?” You blurted, catching him by surprise once again.
Prompto paused, confused. “Wait… You have a phone?” Prompto asked, eyes wide and shock lacing his voice.
“Well, yeah, of course I do.” You told him, chuckling as you plucked your phone from your pocket and unlocked it with a simple slide of your thumb over the familiar screen. Prompto noticed the simplicity of the device, your case nothing more than a simple, black protective case.
Prompto took it with clumsy fingers, finding your contacts list and typing his number with minimal errors. He hesitated a moment, adding a quick kiss emoji to his name and returning your phone before he could second guess his actions. “Um, give me a call sometime.” He told you, his blue eyes nervously flickering from you to the ground.
You nodded, your cheeks bright red as you smiled to him. “Definitely, but uh, yeah, I better go.” You turned, your cane aiding you as you hopped up the familiar stone stairs of your building.
Prompto was turning around, slowly heading back down the street. His stomach was whirling, his heart tugging and aching in his chest.
You felt the same. Your brain was nagging at you, focused on what that one, unfinished word that he had started to say.
“...I just want to remember the day I met my s-...”
His words echoed in your head, nagging at you and tugging your heart until you couldn’t help but whip around and call his name. “Prompto!”
His heart flew for a second, soaring as he heard his name leave your lips one more time. He turned around, eyes hopeful. “Yeah?”
“Earlier,” You sounded out of breath, your voice sounding almost desperate to your own ears. “You said that you ‘wanted to remember the day that you met your’ and then you just cut yourself off. What were you going to say?”
Prompto paused, his cheeks flushing a bright red. He knew you couldn’t see his blush or the nervousness in his eyes, but he bet you could feel it even from where you stood.
You continued, “This-this is gonna sound so dumb... “ You sighed, squeezing you unseeing eyes shut as you tried to gather your courage. “It started with an ‘s’, what you were going to say, and I…” You paused, scared. You knew this could very well ruin whatever it was you had with him. “I kept hoping that maybe, just maybe, you were going to say ‘soulmate’.” Your heart was tightening in your chest and you felt out of breath, as if you had sprinted all the way here.
Prompto’s eyes were wide. His lips had parted slightly in surprise as hope sprung up in his chest. His own heart was frantically beating as butterflies twirled in his stomach. Maybe… somehow… maybe you knew, too?
You continued, “Because, earlier, when I first heard you speak, I dunno, but, your voice just… It clicked. And the more I talked with you, the more it felt wrong to not be close to you…” Your throat tightened as you spoke, “Everytime we touched, my skin tingled and it felt so warm… I just, I don’t know… It’s just,” You took another deep breath, your heart squeezing itself again and your anxiety at an all time high. “I don’t know if I’ll ever really know who my soulmate is, but if I even can, I think - I think it might be you.” You felt like you might cry, tears of nervousness and fear filling your tear ducts.
Prompto said nothing.
“Please, just, say something,” You breathed, tears slowly falling from your eyes. You gasped slightly and raised a hand to cover your mouth as you squeezed your eyes shut.
Prompto felt his heart break as you cried. He had seen so many beautiful things that day: all of the world’s colors, your wonderful beauty, even the selfie with you… But in that moment, he didn’t think he had ever seen something that hurt so much. He found himself walking towards you, slowly at first, but picking up speed until his feet were planted firmly in front of you and his arms were wrapped tightly around you. For the second time that day, you found yourself caught in his arms.
“When I first saw you,” He said, voice quiet but full of desperation, “I thought you were just someone I’d tripped, and then, I saw your eyes. I don’t think I even realized you were blind, ya know? I was just so caught up in the moment…” He took a shaky breath, tears pricking his own eyes. “It’s true, ya know, what they say about color. It blooms, like a flower, or a drop of dark liquid in water… I guess that doesn’t really mean much to you, but, it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful, and… Y/N, you’re my soulmate.” His voice was a whisper when he finished, but his tightening embrace conveyed every sense of desperation and affection he felt.
Slowly, you raised your own arms, your cane still gripped in one hand as you wrapped your own arms around him, another sob escaping your lips. This time, however, it was out of happiness.
You never knew you could feel such joy. Your heart was soaring, your veins flooding with warmth as the two of you stood there on the street, locked in a desperate embrace. Your whole life, you had gone thinking you could never find your soulmate, but as you stood with Prompto’s arms wrapped around you, you knew that you were wrong. You knew that Prompto Argentum was your soulmate and you were his, and honestly? You wouldn’t give it up for anything, not even the chance to see again.
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
okay. we got to talking about headcanons tonight, and i got to rambling. so here are some of my newsies hcs.
okay so spot is a vegetarian. know that. you'll pry veggie spot from my cold, dead hands. gay. just straight up gay. but it took him a long time to recognize that. he was raised by a single dad, and his mom is in prison, and he has a much older sister that he's not close to. (i actually have a really detailed backstory for him that im saving for a rainy day.) speaking of rainy days, he loves them. spot is very into that "treat your body like a temple thing". he does yoga. lifeguard. plays a lot of app games? like angry birds, temple run, etc. loves to read. depending on the au, he's either a law student or works in construction with jack. he's got some ptsd from Some Stuff That Happened Once. drives a big ass jeep with loud music, usually either rock or rap, blaring from the speakers. actually a really good rapper, but pretty much no one sees that. likes to read.
sarah is like 90% gay. she'll occasionally make out with a guy for fun, like with jack, but let's be real. when she decides to settle down, it's going to be with a lady. she and davey are twins. she's a botanist with a big interest in environmental conservation (science twins.) very sarcastic. she's the less compassionate twin.
specs is nearly legally blind, but not quite there. he's a ridiculously slow driver. dad friend. bi. dancer at nyu. also plays baseball and the cello, and he's very athletic- he runs every day. specs is incredibly detail-oriented and responsible. also, he and jack are the oldest, and he's kind of jack's secret right hand man. a lot of people think it's race or crutchie before davey shows up, but no. it's actually specs, he just works in the wings. loves crime shows. he and romeo are really into the paranormal- like ghosts and stuff.
in my head, romeo is colombian, so i dont see him as any of the actors that played him. he's gay, but also ace, but flirts a lot just because he thinks it's fun. he and specs have been best friends forever (im not getting too into detail about that but keep reading my christmas au). romeo loves candy, and constantly has like, a bag of twizzlers or pixie sticks in his bag or something. he's really good at crafts, especially making friendship bracelets. like specs, loves the paranormal.
kath has chronic migraines. she ids as queer. she wants to be a reporter, but has a very successful blog, as well. (like a long-form blog, not like tumblr) with a few thousand followers. very politically inclined, and she and elmer talk about politics a lot. she and jack dated for a while, and they had a legitimately good time, but things sometimes just dont work out, and thats what happened with them. kath also really loves youtubers and spends more time than she wants to admit watching makeup tutorials. her dad is pulitzer, but he and her mom never married, so her actual last name is plumber (her mom's maiden name) and she was raised by her and her stepdad, who she adores.
okay so he's diabetic. (btw the mush fc i always have in my head is ephraim.) he's SUPER good with kids. like, they think he's an absolute superhero. he's really, really patient and tells really good stories. he's a big ol stoner. he and blink are best friends (sorry, i dont ship it!!) and he's quite a potty mouth. mush and blink are actually REALLY fratty. also, he plays guitar
albo is colorblind. it gives him a variety of vision problems. albo is obsessed with cryptids: his favorite is bigfoot, and he's also very into aliens. favorite movies: space jam and the fast and the furious. albo is also dyslexic and adhd- he and jack bond over it. as a result, school really isnt his thing, and he just sort of wants to be a mechanic, because cars make sense to him and he loves them. then there's his whole backstory- two older brothers, one of whom is a marine, and then a half sister. his dad cheated on his mom and got the girlfriend pregnant, but he loves his sister a whole lot. albert likes to make a lot of jokes about his colorblindness. he is also pan or queer bc what is projecting, anyway? ummmmm................ he gets really frustrated by how he's treated because of his learning disabilities. he loves dogs and cities and loud noises. also, that boy is a mama’s boy
jack has severe dyslexia, to the point where reading is EXTREMELY difficult and frustrating for him, so he just doesnt do it. he's also got adhd. he's an artist, but for his day job, he's a house painter. or sometimes just generally in construction, idk. i generally make him a painter. he does a lot of odd jobs. jack loves cartoons. his favorite show is bob's burgers. he also loves american ninja warrior. likes to think he's fearless but he's actually pretty scared of thunder. jack unironically loves nickelback
race is a future rocket scientist, obviously. his dream is to get people on mars. he's got severe adhd. he's constantly fidgeting, and his favorite fidget toys are tennis balls or rubiks cubes. ps he can solves a rubiks cube in under half a minute. loves the kardashians- especially khloe. used to do a lot of shoplifting, but grew out of it. scared of horses. not a huge fan of animals in general, actually. queer or pan. totally tells everyone that his favorite color is green, but it’s be real. it’s gold glitter. used to smoke like a chimney but quit, although it was a struggle. 
gay. hecka gay. he realized that he was gay when he played soccer and realized that he didnt want to be the soccer player, he just WANTED the soccer player. loves animals but snakes especially. also really likes alligators? anxiety, but like, the kind of anxiety where if you try to talk to him, he'll get pissed. let him be alone. started as a business major for practicality but switched to zoology. RIDICULOUSLY sarcastic. very flirty. has had multiple relationships before jack. scared of heights. doesnt love horses, but he'll deal with them. loves lord of the rings more than almost anything. hates getting his hair wet. VERY good at mario kart. he used to speedrun it and at one point, he was 14th in the world. 
okay so: crutchie's disability can be a few things, depending on  the universe im using, but i generally do it as either a degenerative disorder or a major injury that was never treated properly so it never healed. hates mornings. so much. terrible loser. will literally fight you if he loses. sarcastic. can be kind of an asshole. wants to be a runner. : ((( crutchie is THE best wingman. like, you’re trying to impress someone? call up the big leagues aka crutchie
sarcastic motherfucker. news junkie. super skeptical. questions everything. trouble with his eyesight. he's the kind of guy who replays arguments in his head thinking up comebacks he should have used. he'll text you at 3 am like "AND ANOTHER THING"
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simlovinggirl · 7 years
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Life is a Pickle Challenge
Hey guys!  So this is the challenge I’ve been working on putting together :D  It encompasses all the things I wanted to do in the Sims 3 but never really get around to.  I’m sharing in case you guys want to play :)  I’d love some feedback and to see you all’s stories! <3 Enjoy!
The founder of your legacy can be whatever you like, berry or vanilla, male or female. ��The only requirement is that their last name is pickle related (hence the name of the challenge :D )
Lifespan should be set to normal
You can live in whatever town you want, unless specified in the generation rules.
No cheats are allowed with the exception of the freerealestate cheat for the founder's house.
Unless stated in the generation rules, you can do whatever you want for the spouses.
If the traits needed for the next generation are not available during toddler and child stages, use "Testing Cheat Enabled" to go into CAS and change the heir personality once they are a young adult.
Unless stated in the generation rules, you are not required to complete the lifetime wish of your Sim.
Each heir must have the founder's last name and something green. It can be a feature (hair, eyes), makeup, or clothing.
If you do this challenge use #lifeisapicklesims3 so we can see them! :)
Generation 1: Sailor
You grew up in a small snowy town and have always wanted to live near the sea.  Now that you’re an adult you've moved out on your own to the perfect tropical paradise.  You saved up your money and had just enough to buy your first houseboat.  You're fiercely independent, but do hope to find love someday and share your love of the ocean with your family.
Traits: Loves the Heat, Loves to Swim, Sailor, Family Oriented, Eco Friendly
LTW: Seaside Savior
Career: Lifeguard
Live entire life on a house boat
Reach Level 10 Scuba Diving Skill
Complete the shells collection
Own a windsurfer and boat
** If you are having lag and crashing issues with Isla Paradiso, see this post on an easy fix **
** Or if your ok with downloading a world fix, you can find that here .  I personally haven’t tried this one but have tried the above fix and it worked for me.**
Generation 2: Drummer
You loved your life and your family growing up.  You will never forget the family music nights and have grown up with a love of music.  Now your off to follow your dream of being a drummer in a successful band.  Love and a family aren't out of the question, but for now you want to focus solely on your music and your band.
Traits: Virtuoso, Slob, Natural Born Performer
LTW: One Sim Band
Career: Self-employed - Band
Form a four person band
Reach level 10 of drums
Reach the top of the self-employed band career
Fall in love with a groupie (someone who comes to one of your performances more than once)
Generation 3: Actor
Your parent's band shot you to instant fame and you've relished every minute of it.  Now its time for you to take your fame into your own hands and create a name for yourself.  You've always dreamed of being a big time celebrity actor or actress. On your first big movie gig, there's a terrible accident with an on-set wolf and now you've got a secret that has to stay hidden, but you won't let that scare you away from your dreams!
Traits: Diva, Star Quality, Snob, Charismatic, Dramatic
LTW: Lifestyle of the rich and famous
Career: Actor (Acting Branch)
Become a 5 star celebrity
Reach the top of acting career (acting branch)
Max social networking skill
Have a 5 star blog
"Get bit on set" and become a werewolf
Heir for next generation must also be a werewolf
Never be in werewolf form in public
Generation 4: Gaming Nerd
You inherited your parent's condition and unlike your parent don't plan on living in the spotlight. You want to stay hidden and not risk your secret getting out.  You've found a love for all things gaming and technology related though, and have decided that going to University will be the only risk you ever take.  While your at Uni you find a group who accepts you for who you are including your other form.  You never expected to be so accepted in the world and are excited to realize your dream of becoming the head of a gaming studio.
Traits: Supernatural Fan, Computer Wiz, Genius, 2 traits of your choosing
LTW: Chess Legend
Career: Nerd Career (Game Artist Branch)
Got to University
Complete the Technology Degree
Reach top Nerd Influence
Become a Game Head Studio (top of Nerd Career)
Have only one child
Generation 5: Kid Crazy
You were the only child of a shut in and have always wanted a big rambunctious family.  Your dream is to have a large family and also own a daycare, lots of kids always around!  You are quick to fall in love with your high school sweetheart and get married right after graduating.  The faster you can start a family the better!
Traits: Nurturing, Family Oriented, Insane, Childish
LTW: Big Happy Family
Career: Daycare
Meet someone in high school and marry them the day after graduation
Have at least five kids (or more if you want an even bigger challenge!)
Reach the top of daycare career
Learn all cooking recipes
Have a family outing every weekend
Max Photography skill
Generation 6: Star Lover
Your huge family and loud household meant many days of escaping out into the backyard and relaxing under the night sky.  You have a natural love for anything astronomy and can't wait to explore the night sky.  When a strange device comes crashing down on home lot you explore it to find an amazing future that you never want to leave.  Here in the future you find your dream career and the love of your life, making you never wish to return to your home again.
Traits:  Night Owl, Good, Shy
LTW: High Tech Collector
Career: Astronomy (Astrophysics branch)
Travel to the future and live there your whole life
Reach the top of the Astronomy career - Astrophysics branch
Achieve the "End of Universe" discovery (Astronomy Career)
Max Logic and Advanced Technologies skills
Pick up every space rock you come across
Find and fall in love within someone from the future
Generation 7: Partier
You've lived in a time where everything is perfect and easy to get.  You're a social butterfly who loves to go out and party every night, but this has gotten you into trouble.  Quick to anger and mean spirited makes you get into trouble often and your parents have had it.  They've decided to banish you back to the present day where you won't live with luxury anymore.  However, you're not going to let a small change of scenery get you down.  Life is a party no matter where you are.
Traits: Party Animal, Snob, Social Butterfly, Hot-Headed, Mean-Spirited
LTW: Master Mixologist
Career: Whatever you choose
Generation starts once you have moved back to present day
Have a poor relationship with your parents
Go out every time your friends call
Max Mixology, Table Tennis, and Laser dancing skills
Own a bar
Fall for a customer and start a family
Generation 8: Athletic Genius
While your parents spent their nights at the bar you stayed at home and studied.  You were always a good student and going to University seemed like the logical next step though your not sure you want to study.  Once you get there you have a run in with the campus tennis team captain who talks you into trying out for their team.  Come to find out you’re a protegee.  Who knew the life of a jock was in your future?
Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Athletic, Friendly
LTW: Physical Perfection
Career: Jock Career
Have an A in school as child and Teen
Go to University to study something other than physical education
Switch to physical education degree and complete degree
Reach the top of jock influence
Become a Team Owner (top of jock career)
Generation 9: Loner
Your tired of living in your family's shadow, you have so many celebrities and renowned people in your family your ready to move on and just live a quiet life.  You want to do nothing more than create masterful inventions and maybe one day build a plumbot that your grandparent used to tell you stories of.
Traits: Loner, Eccentric, Hates the Outdoors, Slob, Couch Potato
LTW: Monster Maker
Career: Self-Employed Inventor
Move to a new town
Master the inventing skill
Create a plumbot
The heir for this generation should be the only child (see next bullet point)
Adopt a child and/or genetically engineer a child with a random sim
Never have a romantic relationship with another sim
Generation 10: Just Plain Quirky
The only child of a parent who was in love with a robot has made you a quirky individual. You've always believed in the impossible and now your sure you know that the stories of your ancestor being a wolf are true.  You’re out to set the world straight on the supernatural and prove that you can become one too.  You've dreamed of harnessing the powers of the beyond and you won't stop until you achieve it.
Traits: Unstable, Supernatural Fan, Inappropriate, Cat Lover
LTW: Alchemy Artisan
Career: Fortune Teller (Mystic Branch)
Reach the top of the Fortune Teller Career (Mystic Branch)
Fall for a Supernatural
Become a witch
Own a cat
Complete both the Turtle and Snake collections (for potion ingredients of course!)
Master the Alchemy Skill
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ibreathedisney · 7 years
Sunday 26th June – Ellis Day Two
Today was the second day of 8.00 – 17.00 Ellis Lifeguard Training at Mickeys Retreat. As I mentioned in the previous weekly blog, I am going to be writing a dedicated post regarding Ellis Lifeguard Training as there is quite a lot to cover and not a great deal of info online.
Once we got back to Patterson Court we had dinner and then met at the pool to practice for our test the next day!
Monday 27th June – Ellis Day Three (Test Out Day)
Today was our Ellis test out day and another 8:00 – 17:00. However, you might get to leave early if they get through everyone quickly! I was really apprehensive about the test out day and was worried I was going to forget everything. In hindsight, you really don’t need to be – Ellis prep you so well in such a sort space of time. Safe to say I passed and was officially a Disney Lifeguard!! As I’ve already mentioned, I am going to be writing a more detailed post on the whole Ellis Lifeguard Training process.
Tuesday 28th June – Day off (Outlets, Publix, Welcome Party)
After three long and tiring days of Ellis Lifeguard Training, I was glad to have a day off. Becky, Eleanor and I went to the outlets for a little mooch around. We also needed to get some appropriate footwear (i.e. ugly crocs). I also needed some black sunglasses and a black waterproof watch for work. (FYI – you can buy a black waterproof watch for $14 at the outlets!) We also went to Publix for the first time and spent way too long chosing what American foods we wanted! I then realised how expensive fresh fruit and vegetables are – poptarts are cheaper than a bag of grapes! My weekly shop was around £20 in the UK – over $50  in Publix really? You can walk to Publix from Patterson Court in about 10-15 minutes, but there is also a transtar bus if your shopping is too heavy.
That afternoon Becky and I also headed over to costuming to collect out lifeguard gear. They were really short on the sizes I needed so I ended up grabbing whatever I could. You can take up to five of each item (i.e. five swimming costumes, five pairs of shorts etc). If you find a size that fits, then keep it!
Once we got back to Patterson Court we decided to have a lil fashion show trying on all our stuff with our ‘fanny packs’. Lifeguard, ready!
That evening, Becky, Suzie, Eleanor, Emily and I went to the Disney Housing Welcome Party at Chatham Square. There was lots of music, character meet and greets, a photo booth and free Pizza – they even had gluten-free slices for me!
Wednesday 29th June – Welcome to Operations a.k.a The Worst Day Ever
Today, we headed back to Disney University for our Welcome to Operations class. The day was from 7:30 – 16.00, so it was a very early start for us all. Let me tell you now, this is one of the most boring days off your entire life. The class is a mixture of CP’s and non CP’s. They teach you a bit more about the company and then some incredibly basic things like how to tell the time using the 24 hour clock (I thought everyone knew this). We also learnt about Disney’s Safe D Begins With Me policy. The ‘Safety In Motion’ portion is probably one of the most patronising and boring portions of this class. Good luck, and try not to fall asleep (honestly, it happened to people).
After we stopped for lunch, we had more recreation specific induction. It involved a presentation and some questions from Disney trainers. We then had to complete some readings online followed by multiple choice questions. It’s all rather straight forward and largely common sense. They also set you up on the hub and get you linked to the cast member wi-fi across Walt Disney World – this is much better than the guest wifi, so use it!
Once Welcome to Operations was finally over, we headed to costuming to collect our free lifeguard shoes. Lifeguards get the choice of receiving a free pair of either white trainers (sneakers) or crocs. I would highly recommend choosing the white trainers over the crocs. The crocs that Disney provide have no holes in and are terrible for getting lots of water trapped in them. I also knew of people who burnt their feet through the crocs because they got so hot! It’s best to collect the free shoes and buy you’re own crocs/tevas – the Croc store at the premium outlets always have some kind of offer available. Generally speaking, resort guards tend to wear trainers, whereas water park guards (who tend to be in the water a lot more) will wear crocs or tevas.
Thursday 30th June: Typhoon Orientation
I met Chris (another UK CEP at Typhoon Lagoon) at Chatham Bus Stop and we headed over to Typhoon Lagoon for our ‘Forecast Typhoon’ class. You are required to wear clothes similar to Traditions attire. My advice is to make sure you have something that is both smart, in Disney look and comfortable in crazy florida heat.
The class ran from 8:00 – 12:00 but because of the bus timetable, we ended up arriving really early. (Transtar is the devil). It was quite strange entering the backstage area of Typhoon Lagoon as I hadn’t even visited the park in the day! We went into one of the training rooms and had a presentation on the story behind Typhoon Lagoon.
The legend goes:
“A furious storm once roared cross the sea Catching ships in its path, helpless to flee Instead of a certain and watery doom The wind swept them here to Typhoon Lagoon.”
All of the theming in Typhoon is based on this ferocious storm; that’s why Miss Tilly is impailed on the mountain (the highest centre point in the park). The stories goes that the mountain still tries to dislodge the boat with an enormous geyser of water every half and hour!
The orientation involved some quizzes such as looking at a map of the park and answering where was the nearest QSFB location, the nearest first aid, the nearest restrooms etc. After a quick break it was time to head out ‘on stage’ and to see the park for the first time.
Typhoon Lagoon is beautiful. I couldn’t think of a more well themed water park and (although I am bias) I definitely prefer it over the theming at Blizzard Beach. Walking around Typhoon Lagoon did feel like a bit of a maze. I thought ‘how am I ever going to remember my way round or be able to get from the backstage area to one of my furthest stands in time!’ It also made me realise how busy the parks and the aquatic areas were going to be. I was excited, but also quite nervous.
After work, I headed to Magic Kingdom to meet the girls. Suzie’s roommate, who works in Fantasyland, had given her loads of fast passes for Magic Kindgom rides so we were able to beat the queues!
I went on Buzz Lightyear for the first time on my programme and lost miserably – I’m used to the Disneyland Paris Version, ok?
We also watched the Main Street Electrical Parade and despite the annoying music, I love it! It’s a love hate thing for sure.
We also watched Wishes from across the lake in Frontierland. I’d definitely recommend trying to see Wishes from different locations in Magic Kingdom!
Sadly,  Eleanor and Suzie left early as they had work the following morning. However, I had the next day off and Becky had a PM shift so we decided to stay to watch the Kiss Goodnight. Of course this meant that we had to take some photos in front of the castle and I got my first Mickey Rice Krispie Treat of my programme. (The first of many, may I add).
Friday: Day off!
I had a day off, but everyone else seemed to be either at work or at training. I decided to head back to Typhoon Lagoon for opening and experience the park as a guest. I felt that if I was going to be working there for the summer, I may as well get acquainted with all of the attractions myself. I would really recommend going to either of the water parks for opening as you get on the attractions very quickly – I had managed to do just about everything by lunchtime!
I headed back to housing and decided to go lay by the pool in Patterson Court for some more sunbathing and swimming – I could get used to this life!
I decided to meet Eleanor after she had finished work. She was lifeguarding at Wilderness Lodge which is a Magic Kingdom area resort. I caught the bus over to the Contemporary and met her in Magic Kingdom. We didn’t get into the park until pretty late in the day. There was also a massive rainstorm and we got absolutely drenched walking from the Contemporary to the Magic Kingdom main entrance. As soon as we arrived, we ended up spending $8 on the most touristy Disney ponchos.
The good thing about the storm was that Magic Kingdom had emptied out considerably. The bad thing about the storm was that a lot of the rides were closed. At one point, the lightening was right on top of us and struck right next to the castle. Everyone (including us) let out a little scream!
We decided to ride The Little Mermaid ride, It’s A Small World and Enchanted Tales with Belle. Enchanted Tales with Belle is one of my favourite attractions for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney film and Belle is my favourite Disney character. Secondly, Belle’s house is so well themed – I loved all the little details inside. Thirdly, I absolutely adore seeing the kids reactions to Belle when she comes to welcome us in her library. The parents reactions to their children reactions made Eleanor and I get all teary. There was one little girl dressed just like Belle and she was in complete awe of Belle when she entered the room; the little girls mum was beaming with happiness! That is what Disney is all about. I love seeing magical moments like this because it reminds me of my own family and all of our amazing memories in Disney.
Overall, our rain filled evening was one of my favourite evenings in the parks!
Saturday 2nd July – My first day of OTJ Training
Today I had training at Typhoon from 8:00 – 16.30. It was also my first day in costume – exciting! I was up at 6.30am ready to catch the 7am bus to the Typhoon Lagoon cast entrance. I didn’t officially start until 8am and the bus only takes 15 minutes from Chatham Square to Typhoon. However, the buses aren’t that reliable so it is best to get to work early. You are also given a 15 minute grace period to clock in and they encourage you to clock in at the earliest convince. However, don’t clock in before your 15 minute grade period as you’ll end up with a Disney point. Three points and boom, reprimand. Three reprimands and boom, please leave the country within 48 hours.
I am going to compile all of my On the Job Training in one post as there is quite a lot to cover and I never found a great deal of information on the process before I started.
That’s it for another week working for the mouse. Stay tuned for the weeks that follow!
What did I get up to last week?
Instagram: @anniebelleymcd
Twitter: @_TheDisneyBelle
YouTube: AnnieBelle – TheDisneyBelle
  Finally posting my weekly diaries from my time as a Cast Member at #WDW! #CEP #DCP🌟 Sunday 26th June - Ellis Day Two Today was the second day of 8.00 - 17.00 Ellis Lifeguard Training at Mickeys Retreat.
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its-kiripima-to-you · 8 years
All of the vaguely nsfw asks 💗
1. Are looks important in a relationship? Not really, I mean if they’re good looking that’s cool but it’s not the end all be all.
2. Are relationships ever worth it? I think so, yeah.
3. Are you a virgin? YEET
4. Are you in a relationship? YEAH BOIIII
6. Are you single this year? Nah son
7. Can you commit to one person? Of course.
8. Describe your crush Perfection and all mine. My Kinzie.
9. Describe your perfect mate Someone who’s my lover and best friend who I can be open with. Someone who genuinely cares for me and is loyal.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do with food. Sometimes with people
11. Do you ever want to get married? Eventually
12. Do you forgive betrayal? Never
13. Do you get jealous easily?Sometimes yeah
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? My girl
15. Do you have any piercings? two in each lobe
16. Do you have any tattoos? Thinking about getting them
17. Do you like kissing in public? If it’s in good taste.
20. Do you shower every day? Most times, sometimes every other day.
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Yes
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Maybe?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I know I can.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I have no clue but I’m no seer
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? I’m in one, hot shot.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? I don’t think so, I know I’ve said it.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? I don’t think so? This one boy named his Build-A-Bear Jackie Legs when we were 8 and I was uncomfortable as hell.
28. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes, and I fucking hate them.
29. Have you ever cheated on someone? Hell fucking no
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? lol no
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? yeh
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yeah
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? No
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? No
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yeah
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yep
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yup
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yeeep
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? I wrote a fan fiction exposing them as the horrible person they were and it got popular and I don’t talk about it.
41. Have you had sex so far this year? What’s sex? Is that a plant?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Tbh it really depends on the person, your comfort zones, and your connection and whatnot
43. How long was your longest relationship? 7 months
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 8 boyfriends 1 girlfriend (who I’m currently with)
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013? My boyfriend at the time
46. How many times did you have sex last year? WHAT IS THIS SEX
47. How old are you? 19
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? K cool bye 
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? WHY YOU MAKING ME PICK WHERE’S THE ALADDIN SWOONING GIF??? LIKE??? Her eyes, her dimples, her giggle, how her nose crinkles a little when she laughs, her eyebrows are fuckin bomb, i love her lips…
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? lol no, fuck off
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? My squad and my girl
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? Yeah, they were toxic
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Nah
54. Is there someone you will never forget? There are lots of peoples
55. Share a relationship story. Hot Topic, last week. Oh boy.
56. State 8 facts about your body I’m left handed, I have a baby gap between my two front teeth, I have a scar on my calf from a broken bike pedal, I have a scar on my forehead from a lifeguard’s teeth, I have size 13 (in women’s) feet, my eyebrows look like mad scientist brows if I don’t do them, my neck is super sensitive, I’m ticklish af
57. Things you want to say to an ex I don’t wanna talk to them tbh
58. What are five ways to win your heart? Bring me you and food, call me cute nicknames and give me attention, actually listen and remember what I say, gimme cuddles, make me laugh
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) or nahh
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? uhhhh…. 6 years?
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? lips, smile, eyes
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Well right now if they brought me some dinner xD Well honesty is pretty sexy and validating me and just loving me
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? WHAT IS A SEX… but for real it just varies from person to person
64. What is your definition of cheating? Y’all fuckin know what it is. Dating someone else/ Having the sexuals with someone else
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? YO THAT’S BETWEEN ME AND MY PARTNER
66. What is your favourite roleplay?Not tellin ya
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Swing dancing, Diner Dinner, and a Drive-in movie
68. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual with a preference for women
69. What turns you off? Lying, manipulation, being an asshole in the bad way, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, fuckboys…
70. What turns you on? Praise from my partner, N E C K K I S S E S B O I, WHISPERED SWEET NOTHINGS, loyalty
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? the wettest dream I had was when I shoved Sebastian Stan into a water fountain in Central Park, Y’ALL AIN’T GONNA KNOW MAH SEX DREMS
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Y’all ain’t gonna know
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? TAKE ME DANCING PLEASE ALSO LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY 
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?  Gewd lewks
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? My best friend took me in when I got kicked out
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?I don’t know tbh
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? IF IT’S LEGAL THEN OKAY
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? Idk?
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? wot
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? My baby brother a few days ago
81. Who are five people you find attractive? Kinzieeee, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Paul Rudd
82. Who is the last person you hugged? My grandmother
83. Who was your first kiss with? This dude who kissed me at homecoming
84. Why did your last relationship fail? HE WAS A HOE WHO TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? yeet.
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