#I hate ppl online who feel the need to ‘prove’ their superiority by being assholes to strangers who didn’t ask
legallypumpkinn · 10 months
Ygs… as long as whatever you r doign isn’t harming anyone or doesn’t have the ability to harm anyone in the future….. fuckign do it. ‘Ohh but it’s cringe!’ stfu. I do not fuckign care. ‘But people might make fun of me!’ do they have a valid reason to criticize you? No? Then keep doing what makes you happy!!!!!!!
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uglynavel · 1 year
New Years Fandom Resolutions for me PERSONALLY and anyone else who wants to follow them!
1. Stop arguing with antis on the internet. Their heads are so far stuck up their self righteous assholes that they'll never change their minds and now your mood is ruined because of some jerk on the other side of the world. Reply with a simple "ok" or a funny meme and move on. Hell don't reply at all. Just block them. Don't let them ruin your fandom experience.
2. Vice versa of #1. Stop being an anti for every little ship/character (I have been guilty of this in the past)
you aren't going to change the minds of the people who like certain characters and ships. Why waste your time being mad at them when you can block/ignore them and enjoy your side of the fandom. Tumblr has blacklist tag for a reason. AO3 has exclude tags for a reason.
I'm not saying you can't express your distaste. You can, but stop cross tagging and looking for drama.
You are not morally superior or saving the fandom from "toxic" fans just because you don't like certain characters/ships because I've seen how low some of you go just to prove you're better and its disgusting.
At the end of the day this is all fiction and fantasy. None of it's real and the fiction people consume does not 100% equal their values/morality
3. Finish your wips!! It doesn't have to be all of them but finish some of them!
4. Post more art and fanfiction! Even if you hate it. Post it anyways. You are your worst critic and what you might think is ugly is beautiful to someone else
5. Engage in the fandom more. I think being a silent observer/consumer can lead to fandoms dying. Not all the time but I think it's a small factor
6. I don't really struggle with this one but STOP forming parasocial relationships with the actors of your favorite media.
Stop trying to get them to validate your ships cause More times than not, you're going to get your feelings hurt and be disappointed a majority of the time. Just have fun. Not everything needs to be canon. I'm sick of seeing so many conventions where y'all keep trying force actors to accept your ship. If they said no the first time, leave it at that
It's ok to critic bad writing and terrible directors/writers but sending death threats and making petitions to get ppl fired is going overboard
7. This one is gonna be hard but take more breaks away from the internet. I hate this term but a lot of us are chronically online and it's ruining our social skills. Too many people are lacking basic human kindness and emotional empathy. It's so easy to say hateful things when you can hide behind a keyboard and screen.
This is all I got!! Feel free to add anything else to this post if you want!!
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