#I hate these particular lesbians
The gtn pool scene is so personal to me. It’s a love confession. It’s a murder confession. It’s a heartbreak. It’s the most satisfying moment of the book. It’s a suicide. It’s a murder. It’s a drowning. It’s a hug. its a scream. It is underwater and entirely silent. It’s a metaphor for griddlehark’s entire dynamic. It’s a confession of their devotion to one another. It’s all the reasons they can never be together. It’s Gideon’s main motivator for her sacrifice. It was almost a kiss. It was never going to be anything of the sort. But it almost was. It almost was.
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k3n-dyll · 6 months
I wish the men at my job would just take a vow of silence or smth, my gf (who's masc) came in to bring me food earlier and after she left one goes:
"Oh thats your girlfriend? She dresses like a dude, why not just date a guy and have the real thing?" (Referring to dick ig)
"i'M jOkInG" my left tit😒 never wanted to punch a mf so hard. AND AT WORK??? like get a grip and do your job instead of riding my meat, ugh
Anyways butches/mascs/studs are beautiful and I thank all of you simply for breathing❤️
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
Sometimes I just think about Soi Fon. Like that shit was so insane. Easily one of The characters of all time. You’re going to give me a woman who hates the physical manifestation of her soul because it’s loud and explosive and she doesn’t think it’s “proper” that it suits her, but it’s so obvious it does because she’s angry and stubborn and loud and explosive!!! And then the fact that she never ever calls upon that physical manifestation of her soul until things are so dire it’s practically that or death? The fact that in so many ways she lets her emotions build and build and build until they quite literally explode???? And then!!! AND THEN!!!! Add in that she hates her bankai because it’s “inappropriate” for an assassin… for her role as captain of the Stealth Force… the position she inherited from Yoruichi after she abandoned Soul Society for Urahara… She despises the physical manifestation of her explosive nature, the nature she hides until she can’t, just like she shoved down her feelings for Yoruichi, the betrayal, the hurt, the love, until she quite literally couldn’t anymore and it all came back up in a BANG!!! Like god… oh my god, no one will ever do it again and kubo did not deserve such a cool fucking character in the least
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noel-levine-fan · 4 months
but what if they were yuri
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i dont like noels design very much, i am NOT cut out for design, but i did my best LMAO
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geoffrey · 5 months
the seperation of lesbians and gay men is a travesty. "why are there so many historic gay bars and only like a handful of lesbian bars in the whole country" why are being gay and lesbian not the same thing in this context. you dont need to fuck everyone at the bar and it is a problem that needs to be addressed if these spaces arent mutually hospitable. and this applies to most gay/lesbian spaces imo
#its just wrong to assume gay spaces arent for women and if any gay men are reinforcing that it needs to be stopped lol#but a lot of it seems like very gender-biased willing exclusion bc they dont wanna associate with men#which um. grow up to you too#gender segregation is just evil period#other than intimate circumstances if you refuse to hang around people you perceive as x gender#its a problem you need to work on it's not just a right you've earned#now yes of course there are able to be specific cases of bars that are more explicitly lesbian or gay#but assuming if a bar is a ''gay bar'' its just for gay men is a fallacy... do you even go to these places?#''buh buh buh if theres a drag show drag is insulting to women cis and trans'' its not. address your revulsion#i know i come across harsh toned im actually more being flabbergasted that weve got to this point rather than saying hey you in particular#its just so strange to have grew up in the gay climate i did where the only lesbian flag was just lipstick lesbian and the girls didnt like#if you assumed every lesbian fell under it and to just use rainbow#and now people act like gay and lesbian arent synonyms because of gender seperatism. which disproportionally hurts members of the lgbt#community because they are more likely to be gnc lol#also a lot of individual opinions you just see the terf hand guiding.#and i HATE THE TOOTHPASTE FLAG!!#no pink flag for girls so blue flag for boys get the fuck out of my face#i dont want to superficially share my experiences with gay men i need community with gay PEOPLE
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navree · 2 years
ok if you know me you shouldn’t be surprised to know that i really don’t like bridgerton (i know, shocking, a history buff and writer who openly despises bunk theories and shoddy worldbuilding doesn’t like the show predicated on a bunk theory followed by shoddy worldbuilding, stop the presses), but i have watched it, mostly for background noise, but watched it nonetheless, and i think i finally figured out what irks me not just around season 2 of the dumb show but also the fandom response and reactions to the dumb show. 
the show, to my understanding, said prior to the season 2 release that they were treating the story between anthony and the sharma sisters as more of a love triangle (which made a lot of fans mad because edwina’s supposed to be one of those characters who exists solely to cheerlead a different character even if it’s at their own expense which is just the worst kind of character), and so fandom is reacting accordingly by treating this as if it were a “team edwina” and “team kate” situation that you see in other tv show love triangles and the like. but here’s the thing. a love triangle, as understood in most media, is that characters a and b like character c, who likes both of them and is torn for a while before realizing that they like character a/b more and thus ends the love triangle. 
except that’s not what season 2 of bridgerton was. it’s not that anthony likes both kate and edwina but ends up choosing edwina for a bit before finally realizing his true feelings lie with kate. anthony doesn’t like edwina at all. i’m fairly convinced that he couldn’t differentiate edwina from eve. anthony shows no care or concern for her at all not even as a love interest, but barely as a person, and has no regard for her personal feelings or wants or objectives or desires or literally anything about her. i’d be genuinely surprised to learn that he’s ever felt anything for her beyond the standard feelings we have towards humanity as a whole in knowing better than to do shit like punch randos on the street. this isn’t necessarily a solely anthony problem, the narrative appears to treat edwina exactly the same way which is bad writing because yes, she’s not one of the Main characters of the season, anthony and kate are, but she’s still a major player nonetheless. nor is this necessarily me writing anthony off, there’s a reason for his asshattery that’s been well established both by backstory and by the canon of the show itself back in season 1. the issue for me is that it doesn’t seem that anyone realizes that this is why anthony and kate were in the wrong with the marriage thing. 
edwina got a lot of flack from the fandom for being upset at kate and anthony about the whole wedding fiasco, and for holding a grudge for a while afterwards, and a good chunk of that seems to come from that old gripe i mentioned earlier about how edwina wasn’t following her book characterization of being kanthony’s number one cheerleader. but a lot of it is that i genuinely don’t think people understand what the issue is here. yeah, anthony deciding to marry edwina for shallow reasons even tho he knew she wanted a happy love match, while also being into her sister is bad, and kate knowing all of this and still deceiving edwina is also bad. but the core “this is a fucked up thing to do” element in her anger at kate is that kate is very aware of the fact that anthony literally just does not care for or about edwina in any capacity whatsoever beyond what he would care for, like, a lady passing on the street, and she was still willing to lie to edwina and let her enter into a marriage with someone like that, not only not giving edwina the full information to make her own informed consent about whether she wants to be in this marriage, but also just letting her walk into a situation like that knowingly. like, imagine how psychologically damaging it must be to be married, shackled for life, to someone who probably wouldn’t even remember your last name if it wasn’t the same name as the lady he was actually into. that’s a very valid reason for edwina to be mad at the two of them, especially in being mad at kate, considering that a guy screwing you over is one thing, but a close sister doing the same is a whole other level. and if edwina lashes out because that’s a fucked up thing to do, even for the “right reasons”, honestly that’s fair and valid. i love my sister to death but if she was egging on a marriage between me and someone whose only concern about whether i lived or died would be how it affected my sister, i’d be pissed for a really long time. 
(and no i’m sorry the “kate was doing it for edwina’s sake like she does everything” doesn’t really fly, you can’t pull the “i do everything for everyone can’t i do this one thing just for me” excuse out when the person you’re “doing everything for” a) never asked you to do it b) never had any expectation for you to do it and c) would have been perfectly content and likely even happier if you hadn’t done. kate’s reasoning is something that needs to get brought up with mary and with idk her regency era version of a therapist, not edwina. that’s not edwina’s responsibility, because most of us generally learn the concept of having to handle our emotions and that how we react to things is on us alone by age ten generally.) 
and the worst thing about it is that it’s never resolved. edwina is justifiably angry at the people who hurt her, the fandom’s mad because it’s viewing the situation through a love triangle lens and not the “two people who refuse to admit they wanna fuck and also the poor innocent who got dragged into and very nearly got screwed over as a result” and also because edwina’s being Mean to the primary couple and isn’t hopping up and done in ultimate ship mode for them. and then kate hits her head and that’s it, the justifiable anger is over and done with. i don’t think that edwina should have still been holding a grudge while her sister was dealing with a serious head injury that could have killed her, but that shouldn’t have been the end of the situation. none of edwina’s concerns got addressed or even understood, it’s just that the narrative wanted us to view it as edwina being unreasonable and coming to see the light and the glory of kanthony after nearly losing kate, which makes no sense. as mentioned, edwina’s anger is justifiable, because when you actually look at what happened and not the “love triangle” angle, it is an entirely reasonable anger. that edwina was willing to put it aside when kate was in trouble, because she loves her sister and obviously doesn’t want her dead and is relieved that she’s okay, that works. edwina being immediately over it does not work; her grievances aren’t addressed and it doesn’t seem like the narrative, let alone the characters themselves, understand why she was upset, and thus any reconciliations ring hollow. i mean hell, she doesn’t even get a scene where anthony, like, openly admits that this whole situation was a dick move on his part and sincerely apologize for his behavior and what he put her through, which really only cements how little, if at all, anthony cared about her in any way. 
edwina should have been allowed to take her time on forgiveness, and the way that she and kate especially built back trust and rapport should have been vitally important and deep character work, not just for edwina herself and the satisfaction of her arc, but also for kate and for her own development. but instead, edwina’s over it, she’s the cheerleader at long, and she gets dangled the possibility of a consolation prize as her reward for no longer being upset at her fiancé for being an ass and at her sister for violating her trust and nearly putting her a deeply unhappy situation for the remainder of her natural life. it’s bad writing to the extreme and it also makes kanthony both as a ship and as individual people seem like jerks and the total misread of the situation and the hate edwina got for her reaction just makes the fandom seem borderline illiterate. 
anyway this is rambly and not very eloquent and likely riddled with spelling errors but i woke up at 5am and made myself mad about this while getting ready for the day so this is my two cents on a specific element i hate about the dumb bridgerton show and its dumb ways.
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gideonisms · 2 years
tamsyn could say two characters fucked nasty and people would still interpret it as platonic. And they might be right, depending
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rapha-reads · 1 year
Gonna be totally honest, I don't get how anyone can feel actual dislike towards Thirteenth and series 11-12. Indifference, yes, hatred/dislike? Why?
Edit: aaaand this got long, like most of my DW rants. Settle in, grab a cup of tea, a... Handful of dirt.
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I just rewatched Praxeus and Can You Hear Me (12x06-07) and they're so interesting? So refreshing?
Edit: I'm mostly talking about Praxeus here because that's the aspect I want to develop, but Can You Hear Me is also very interesting to discuss in regards to another aspect of the show, less meta and more narrative. We'll get back to this later. Maybe.
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First, Segun Akinola's score is beautiful. I already talked about it in another one of my posts (that I'm not going to look up now otherwise I'll be up til dawn), but it's subtler than Murray Gold's, but still very present and atmospheric. It's melancholic, and metallic, and ethereal, very 2020s, which totally suits Thirteenth. She's very paradoxical, Thirteenth, she's both very present and very distant, exactly like the music that surrounds her. I feel like this gif below, from Praxeus, describes rather well the feelings Akinola's music incite. The sort of wonder and nostalgic anxiousness at the beauty, force and fragility of planet Earth.
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Secondly, the storylines in general are so much more... I wanna say heavy, but not in a negative or literal way. Heavy, as in, they get you to places in your psyche that you hadn't considered before, or in a long time. Which is something that Doctor Who has always done, by the way. But the feeling I get from having watched 2 episodes of Eleventh, one of Twelfth and 2 of Thirteenth in 3 days, is that previous narratives don't want to be too explicit about what they're about.
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I'll explain. Praxeus talks about pollution, of the planet and of our own health. Other DW episodes have talked about that theme (though I cant think of one right now), but always in a manner that lets the viewer be reassured/distracted by the scifi elements. Praxeus is direct, and real. And I know what the critics are, "it's so preachy, it's so paranoid, bla bla". But... It's not? It's the actual reality? And what is science-fiction if not putting in the light our reality? What is Doctor Who if not a show about humans and Earth, at its core? And yes, maybe it's much more direct than before, but I invite you to look around you, look at the 21st century, look at these first years of the 2020s. The time for subtlety and gentleness is long gone, direct action, direct call to what must be corrected is what's needed.
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And that's the strength of Doctor Who, I think, its adaptability to its time.
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agp · 10 months
unfortunately im a chaser for cis dickgirls that arent so invested in transmisogyny. the harder they are to find, the more precious they become, and the more of a chaser i become
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princerevelucide · 1 year
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textualviolence · 1 year
oh so everyone is lying about the movie d.e.b.s. huh. Its not bad in a good way. its not camp. its just annoying.
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tchaikovskygay · 1 year
amazon using the smash success of rwrb to mask the canceling of a league of their own
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mieczyhale · 2 years
post: steve shaves his head
me: ..okay.. i guess i get it..
post: and then eddie shaves his head
me, anxious and nauseous: NO THE FUCK HE DOES NOT
#not in solidarity not ever#his hair is important#it's one of the ways he took and keeps control of his own appearance#it's one of the ways he says 'fuck you' to societal rules and expectations#it's important for headbanging#(you can headbang without the hair but it's not the same i promise)#and i love it and need people to stop trying to make eddie into a Regular Dude#i know that post in particular was supposed to be a 'he did it in solidarity with steve' thing but they also phrased it#as them both getting 'a fresh start' at life and shedding reputations or whatever and i hate it#steve wanting to be known for more than his hair is even kinda dumb. to shave it to 'take control from his parents' or whatever#s1 hair was his parents control. his hair after that is all him and he cares about it. likes caring about it. helps dustin with#his own hair. its not a negative thing for steve.#steve is a bisexual who babysits kids that call him mom his best friend is a lesbian and he fights monsters - there's a lot of ways you can#go about giving him freedom and power from/over his parents that doesnt include removing a feature he likes about himself#as for eddie - his whole thing is him not giving a fuck what people think. or at least trying to not give a fuck#its obviously a lot harder when people have decided you're a murderer (with zero proof and based 100% on their idea of you) but#even then - as dustin points out - he never stopped being eddie. no matter the threat against him he never changes anything about himself#to appease others or appeal to others. so why - after all of that - would he be up for a change??? and into something more normal-looking??#nobody gets to dictate anything about him - hasnt since he got away from whoever made him shave his head as a kid - and#they both have fucked up reputations - some of it true and some of it not - but why would they give a fuck?? after EVERYTHING??#steve has grown past stupid high school bullshit like 'popularity' so why would a stupid high school reputation that hasnt been accurate#for years matter to him?? everyone who matters knows him better than that#same goes for eddie#so like... idk man. i know im weirdly attached to certain things about certain characters and yeah it's 'just hair' but like..#when your hair isnt yours to control and then it finally is?? that's a big deal. that's important#and i know i wouldnt give it up for shit.#and maybe shaving their heads could be their decision but i really truly dont fucking think it would be#even just hair cuts feel like No. nope. no thank u. put that hair back where u found it and keep it there#mystposts
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wain-wright · 2 months
personally i do not feel estranged from society, but i kind of associate tumblr with forming grudges over hitherto unknown to me phrases that are supposed to represent some grave moral failing.
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bvg9 · 3 months
Modecai and Rigby stop stereotyping feminine women in wlw relationships as bisexual and their masc girlfriends as lesbians or you're fired
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jynjackets · 5 months
boo fucking hoo to anyone whining how unpopular their fave is. because literally what is this learned helplessness to try to force people to like your shit?
the way these complaints always come from a place that for once they don’t get to be the norm. their whole world is so shattered that the only thing they can do is complain instead of actually being passionate about something.
how selfish and self-centered can you be to try guilt-trip people into making art for shit nobody cares about out when you won’t even do it yourself
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