#I have a bunch of loading screens saved on my phone bc I want to draw silly cute little things like this
spacespheal · 10 months
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Mimir y pastelitos con fresas
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brittledame · 3 years
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Yamagata Hayato, Reon Oohira, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi, Goshiki Tsutomu
Word Count: 5.7K
Tags: SFW, gender neutral reader, first date nerves, fluff, ages not specified
Notes: I did this instead of working on the other projects bc I wanted some fluff and here it is!
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On a visit with his grandmother is when he’s told about a local pottery masterclass happening the following weekend, piquing his interest
After some research, he comes to learnt that pottery is the perfect relaxing hobby with the added benefit of fine tuning his dexterity
It didn’t take much else to convince him to go
It was only after talking to a friend that he realises he should probably invite someone to tag along
After his grandmother politely declines, he follows her coy suggestion of inviting someone he likes
He invites you seemingly out of the blue
You’ve known him for a great deal of time and done some activities with him that could be construed as “romantic” and only started dating when Ushijima stated your relationship status to his team nearly a month ago
The look on your face when you found out at the exact moment as his team was priceless
After that, Ushijima left your relationship status on no uncertain terms and practically broadcasted it in his own unique way
This pottery class serves as another way to spend more time with you
After a few minutes of the pottery teacher painstakingly going through the motions to make a basic pot, a whirring noise followed by wet splattering steals your attention away from the clump of clay that is slowly taking form.
You glance over to find Ushijima looking at you, nonplussed at the mess of what was his pot now decorating his mock and forearms, his face is not left unmarked with the few splotches painting his cheek
You gape at him as he blinks as if coming out of a daze and looks down at the poor clump of clay and murmurs a small, “Oh.”
You didn’t mean to laugh, not really, but the utter surprise in his tone topped you over
After a mild scolding from the teacher and a new clump of clay, the two of you were good to go once again
The both of you took longer than most of the class, you with fussing about the tiny bumps you just couldn’t seem to smooth out and Ushijima with his second try
The class seemed to have unlocked his innate mastery of the ancient craft, as the pot looked near store-quality, you note with an ounce of envy
The group takes a break over some snacks and drinks as the pots are loaded into the kiln
Ushijima meticulously picks through the various glazes they had to offer, seeking your assistance after you picked your own out
You suggest the purple as homage to Shiratorizawa, where you two met, and the dark-rich brown, claiming it reminded you of his eyes
He considers you for a moment, a long enough pause for you to think over your words and begin to regret them before he nods decidedly and proudly presents the glazes he picked to the lady
With the class wrapping up, the lady running the class pops up as you two inspect your creations.
“Do you mind if I take a picture to post on our social media?”
Ushijima shakes his head as you answer, “We don’t mind.”
She flashes a wide smile and aims her phone in your direction. “Great! Say ‘pottery’.”
On cue you plaster on smile and brandish the clay creation as the camera clicks.
The lady, who is somehow even more dirtied than Ushijima, inspects the picture.
“You two are so cute together!” She fawns over the two of you. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your date together.”
She disappears before either of you can correct her.
You blurt out, "Is this a date?"
A pause. Then a hum, "I suppose it is."
A shared smile, you leave the studio with linked hands.
When you get home, you prowl through the studio’s page and find the picture and break out into gut-clutching laughter at the almost-pained looking smile Ushijima makes, tiny pot perched in his large hands adding a comedic effect.
After you recover, you end up saving it and making it your screen saver.
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For all his casual confidence, you’re the one to ask him out and he’s the one to officially declare it the “big” first date
The plan was to go manga/book shopping and eat at the in-store cafe
It sounded like a pretty cut-and-dry standard date but with Tendou anything can turn into an adventure
Ecstatic is an understatement on how excited Tendou was for the weekend
He was nearly berated a dozen times for not paying enough attention to what he was doing and almost caused a small fire at one stage
You didn’t fare much better, either
The pair of you got a great deal of laughter from relaying it to one another in the late night hours before meeting up
Although underneath it all lurked the residual anxiety he tried to fight away, so he reminds you during the call, just to check that you didn’t regret inviting him out
As much as he despised the thought, the dark voice whispering at him that you would stand him up were quickly silenced when you show up with a bright smile and his name on your lips
Tendou reckons it’s the sweetest noise he’s ever heard, right after your laughter that he coaxes out with the little melodies he sings to himself as the two of you make way to the popular bookstore
After arriving, you wonder apart to check out separate sections and end up meeting at again the in-store café with books in hand
Over the chocolate cake slice Tendou brought to share, you take turns to gush over the selected choices spread across the tabletop
“I mean it isn’t that over done.” You argue, popping another forkful of the overly-sweet cake into your mouth.
Tendou throws his hands into the air. “Are you serious? Hero meets bad guy, then they fight a whole bunch, bad guy kills a bunch of people and the hero never kills the guy because he ‘doesn’t want to stoop to their level’,” You don’t mask your laughter at the overexaggerated deep voice Tendou imitates. “It’s not fair to the people that the bad guy goes to hurt later on.”
“Oh, I entirely agree with you there.” You take a moment to wonder how Tendou has eaten nearly half the thing to himself already, you’ve barely been seated for longer than a few minutes. “When done wrong, the whole ‘taking the high ground’ troupe is really tacky.”
Tendou blinks at you like he didn’t expect you to respond. You raise a brow at him as a toothy grin spreads over his face, a slight pink painted across his pale cheeks.
“Nothing. I like talking to someone that knows their stuff, is all. Don’t get me wrong, miracle boy is great company, but I can only try to convince him to read more than the ads they run for so long before I go insane.” He chuckles under his breath, words heartfelt enough that a matching heat spreads across your cheeks.
“I enjoy this too.”
A wide grin overtakes his face at your admittance.
“Well then, let’s not stop!” He offers, stretching his hand towards yours. You clasp it, feeling delicate against his larger one. “I still have to tell you about the whole ‘boy is given power he doesn’t know how to control and needs to find a grumpy mentor’ troupe next!”
You squeeze his hand. “I’d love to hear your thoughts on that one.”
Tendou clicks his tongue and wags his finger at you. “It’s not necessarily about my thoughts, it’s the conspiracy I think the troupe ties into.”
The seriousness in his tone made you pause, looks like you were in for a long one.
Amongst him linking the heroes journey and the innate desire for power over others, you marvel at the way his whole body comes alive when talking about something he loves.
It’s much later on, when he’s introducing you to his friends at a reunion, that you notice the bubbly and animated way he presents you to his friends, love evident in each and every word.
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Now you would think he’d be the calm and collected one after knowing each other for half a decade and dating for a month
He's the type to plan to ask you at the perfect time, and will be in a pissy mood if he misses the "perfect" opportunity to ask
When he does finally pose the question, you’ll say yes and he’s ecstatic
Though, he will play it cool and be like, "Ok I'll text you the details later." And flash you the biggest smile that has you melting inside just a little
When he's trying to sleep that night it finally hits him
Oh shit he has to plan a date with the girl he’s been hopelessly pining for
After one text from you confirming you don’t mind where he picks, he’s both relieved and more stressed because now he has to analyse every little thing he knows about you and eventually starts doubting himself
In the end, he decides to play it safe and go with the popular, family owned cafe that plays live music Saturday afternoons
It was perfect, the music act would be quiet enough to still talk if you two wanted or serve as a mediator to break any awkward silence should it pop up
It is honestly the perfect date, in his mind
Comes the day and he swings around your place after agreeing to walk to the café together
The walk is characterised with the brisk autumn wind and catching each other up on what’s been going on during the week
The conversation doesn’t stop from there – something Semi could cry happily over
After ordering and grabbing a seat close to a stage set-up to the side, you note how bright and talkative Semi is and vow to yourself to see this more often
As he takes a sip in the middle of explaining the difference pick positions affects plucking sounds, you comment on his excitement
Even with the flush on his cheeks, he holds a suave facade and merely says that it’s hard to unwind when his friends can be so chaotic when they get together
From there he starts opening up and imparting little facts about himself that you commit to memory
You come to learn that his favourite colour was corn-silk yellow before he went to Shiratorizawa, now it’s royal purple. He loves tekka maki and boasts his mum’s hand-made ones to be the best in the world and offers to share it with you next time she makes them
All of these things slot into what you know about Semi, filed alongside the nuance’s you’ve noticed yourself.
When he’s unsure or embarrassed, he tousles his hair. And when he talks about something he’s passionate with, his hands start gesturing all about the place
You could’ve spent the whole afternoon like that, in the intimately-lit café, hidden amongst the dull chatter of the surrounding patrons, just listening to Semi’s soothing timbre
But life had other plans
The lights on the stage brighten as someone wearing comfortable clothes strolls on and perches up on the stool set-up in front of a lone microphone. She didn’t give off any signs of discomfort at being stared at as she sets up her guitar, giving a few testing strums before introducing herself and launching into her music.
It was only then that conversation broke and ushered in a lilting voice floating on gentle notes.
“They’re amazing.” You breath, eyes not leaving the stage until the musician dismounts from the stage.
“That’s what I want to do one day.”
You turn to him. “Really?”
“Yeah.” The corner of Semi’s lips quirk up a bit, a secret shared unto himself.
Genuine curiosity spurs you to ask, to know. While you could picture Semi perched on the same stool with a guitar all too easy, you never really thought Semi would pursue a career in the industry.
Semi finally turns to you, a fire in his eyes that was normally caused by volleyball and a good challenge. “I want to make people happy and sad - all the emotions really. I want someone to look at me like you did to that girl.”
Tilting your head you say, “Looking at her like what?”
Semi audible swallows. “Like someone that loves the music I make.”
Reaching over the table, you run your thumb over the backs of his knuckles, a comforting gesture. “Semi, I already love talking to you and hanging out, so why wouldn’t I like the music you write?”
The resultant blush on Semi’s face was answer enough to that, even though he tries to hide it behind his cup.
After that, meeting up at the café ends up becoming a weekly occurrence, an oasis that you both look forward to in the midst of life’s chaos.
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Yamagata actually is the smoothest out of them all
After a two weeks of dating, he bounces up to you after a particularly hard day and offers to take you somewhere fun the next day
Your definition of ‘fun’ varies from his, as you soon find out
Where Yamagata believes the best way to get to know someone and have fun simultaneously is putting them through challenges, whereas you believe sitting down and chatting to be the most optimal method
Unfortunately for him and fortunately for you, the paint ball range is closed
Amusement park it is
He leaves it as a surprise and doesn’t tell you until you question the sign of the park he visited frequently as a kid
Overall, you have an absolute ball with him, never a dull moment
Especially after the ferris wheel when Hayato goes to reach for his phone to check the time and finds it missing
The only reason he had it out in the plastic swinging booth was to take a sneaky picture of you looking carefree and relaxed as you gazed down at the park – not that he admitted to that when you asked just how it escaped his pocket
Obviously, it was a very slippery phone since this was the third time this week alone he lost it
After tracking it down with the help of the kind but tired ride operator, the two of you were on your merry way to the next ride, but not without a few light-hearted digs at Yamagata’s forgetfulness
You get to learn a lot about each other personally while waiting in line and over lunch after recovering
At the end of the day, your cheeks ache from much smiled
“I don’t remember it being that crazy as a kid.” Yamagata says, looking pale and breathing shallowly, as if to keep himself from being sick.
You couldn’t blame him, the rollercoaster he convinced you to go on under the guise of “This was my favourite one as a kid! You wouldn’t deny a man from reliving his childhood, would you?”
And like a fool you caved under the pout like a badly cooked soufflé. Now you wished you put up a bit of a fight against going on it. The screams of the riders before you were not exaggerated in the slightest.
“I don’t know how they allow kids on that.” Is all you supply, feeling a little green as well.
Yamagata directs you to the nearest bench and you follow his lead and slump into the seat.
“I don’t know how I forgot how much that thing threw me around. I must’ve just about fell off as a tiny kid. Remind me to thank my dad for coming on with me.”
You try not to laugh at the image of a tiny Yamagata ecstatically cheering as the ride swings around corners at full speed as his dad frantically tries to keep his clueless son from getting tossed out of the cart.
“Your dad is a brave man to go on that thing wilfully.”
Yamagata grimaces. “Brave is a nice way of putting it. I’d call it being insane to put up with me wanting to ride it eight times over.”
This time you do laugh.
“It must be hard saying no to your own kid, though, so cut him some slack.” You joke, knocking your elbow against his side.
He playfully pushes you away, widely grinning once again. The heat from the sun blaring ahead suddenly floods into your cheeks. The sensation of your heart feeling too large for your ribcage seizes you.
And the feeling doesn’t leave, it sticks with you as he laughs, as he drops his ice cream and pouts like a child. It intensifies as a dreamy look enters his eyes as he recalls a fond memory associated with a ride.
You hope that one day that he makes the same expression when he recalls this day spent with you.
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For some reason, Reon seems like the kind of guy to be inherently talented with gardening
He’s the resident green thumb alongside Ushijima, people pass their dying plants into Reon’s hands for magical resurrection
So it was a no-brainer for him to take you to the local botanical gardens
Rife with both native and exotic flora, there were many scenic walks available, thus was the perfect place for a first date to Reon
Reon meets you at the gates with a soft greeting and an outstretched hand – you two walk through the park with your hand intertwined like that for the rest of the day
Throughout the walk, he points out flowers and gives you their common name and their meanings, along with the meanings he gave them as a kid
It was entirely too cute for your poor heart
“And those are yellow carnation.” He points to a patch of bright yellow flowers with soft-looking ruffled petals. “They represent dislike and disappointment towards the person you give them to, but as a kid I thought they meant that she was my sunshine because of the colour. My mum got quite the kick out of it when I gave them to her for her birthday.”
You burst into laughter, unable to smother it even with Reon’s apparent embarrassment at the event
If your allergies start to play up too badly, Reon will take you to his favourite part, a densely packed section of the gardens filled with trees, concealing a secluded tiny red bridge stretched across a large koi pond with the largest and most colourful koi you’ve seen
Everything within you wanted to stretch this moment out, you could easily live in this moment forever. The buzzing of cicadas in the distance, the grass blades tickling the palms of your hands from where you sat, the soothing rumble of Reon’s voice – this is your personal slice Elysian peace
You did not want to give this up
It’s there that he finally unlinks your hands and brings out the packed lunch he made.
“You made all this?” You gape, taking in the diverse range of food he brought out of his bag.
From seared fish placed neatly atop seasoned rice, to perfectly rounded onigiri. In the next box he opens sat seasoned chicken and beef slices that made your mouth water. Not to mention the salad of rich greens, reds, and yellows that called your name.
Reon chuckles at your awe. “Yeah, I did. I thought it would be nice to eat something home-made while out here, but if you wan to grab something else-“
You cut him off immediately. “Definitely not! This looks and smells amazing. It would be a crime not to eat it.”
The corners of Reon’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I did try not to burn it, so I hope it tastes nice.”
“If it tastes even half as good as it smells, you’ll have to fight me to stop eating.” You reply, accepting the plate he holds out and give thanks as he starts loading your plate.
“I’d never stop you from eating,” he clicks his tongue in false sternness, to which you grin at. “If you’re hungry, I’ll feed you until your happy.”
“I’m happy right now, but I definitely still want the food.” You cheekily fire back.
Reon shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Well then, eat to your heart’s content.”
Taking a bite, you startle Reon with your enthusiastic reaction.
“This tastes better than I imagined.” You gush after swallowing, immediately scooping up another forkful and eating it.
Reon brushes off your compliment in favour for leaning forward and brushing some crumbs off your face. The proximity as your breath stalling in your throat as he lingers for a heartbeat longer, then withdraws.
“I hope we can do this more often. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.” He quietly admits, the mood taking an intimate turn even with the shouts of kids playing in the distance.
“Me too. I don’t want this date to end.”
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This man prides himself on being observant and not oblivious like how his friends are
And yet, contrary to this, it takes him several trips to realise that he’s been on what would count as a date with you
You'll talk about needing a new jumper for winter and Shirabu will ask to tag along. You wanted to watch a movie? Shirabu is coming too. Like having someone besides you while studying? Shirabu was your go-to study buddy, whether in silence or as a conversation partner when your brain was overloaded
Out of the blue, he asks with no certain amount of panic, "Were those trips I went on with you dates?"
"I never really gave it much thought…” You match Shirabu’s expression as you consider his question. "I didn’t want to be presumptuous and assume that they were, and you never brought it up, so I left it be."
"Let me have a re-do." Determination flares in his usually guarded eyes and you couldn't refute.
Shirabu glances away from your face, unable to bear looking at the fond expression you wore for too long without his heart suffering. “I want to take you somewhere nice.”
“Everywhere I go with you is nice, Shirabu. It’s less about the place and more about the person.” You rebuke.
Shirabu looks away before you catch the full extent of his blush at your words. “No, I mean I want to take you somewhere that can become special for the both of us.”
You catch his hand in yours, tugging it for him to turn back towards you. Gone was the characteristic impassive façade, now replaced with a tenderness that makes you near melt.
Your first official date with him is a picnic in a park on top a hill to watch the sunset
Something he thinks is extremely cheesy and overdone but the look of excitement on your face immediately silenced his rebuttals
There was no way in hell that he was going to be the reason for your disappointment if he can help it
As such, he went all out
Hiring the gazebo and ordering food to be delivered from a restaurant he knows that you’ve wanted to try out for the longest time
Not that he actually tells you, but it wasn’t hard to deduce his excitement when he waits for you at the gazebo with a small smile, dressed nicely in pressed slacks and a dress shirt with a bundle of flowers
Upon the wide-eyed stare he receives from you, he spends the first minutes of the date describing what the florist thought best for him
A bunch of camellias ranging from a deep and vivid red to the first blush of love pink to the innocence of white gathered in a golden ribbon. He doesn’t exactly tell you their meanings other than a short, “Flowers are flowers, all I want them to show is that I love you.”
What he didn’t know was that the florist had the foresight to hide a card detailing the meaning of each flower amongst the paper holding them
White camellias meaning “You’re adorable” to red camellias meaning “You’re a flame in my heart” (something you blush at in the security of your own home) and the pink one representing longing
As the meal arrives and the two of you eat, the conversation drifts from current events to bits and pieces of everything and anything
The highlight of conversation was Kenjirou’s answer to the question “What do you think you’ll see first: a ghost or an alien?”
Apparently Kenjirou was secretly a space-lover
From the lecture he launched into about the statistics of it all and you come away from that conversation with more knowledge of possibility of E.T's versus spectres than you would’ve thought
The afternoon starts fading into dusk quicker than you realised, too wrapped up trading short anecdotes of your respective families
Shirabu only realises the fading light once the fairy lights decorating the space become brighter, and it is only then that Shirabu like a gentleman, brings out a blanket and escorts you to the grassy knoll besides the gazebo
Laying out the blanket, you notice it’s the perfect position to watch the sun set and you can’t help but give him a quick hug in gratitude before you sit down and make yourself comfortable
It floored you how much effort and consideration he put into this one afternoon amongst all his classes and assignments – it made you feel incredibly warm against the cool night air creeping in
As you shift to get comfortable, your hand lands on top of his. You’re just about to whisk it away, but he shoots you a soft smile and twists his hand in your grasp and gives it a squeeze
Your hands stayed intertwined as the blues faded into pinks and oranges, then into purples and the deep satiny blue of the night sky
The sunny photos with matching smiles from that afternoon soon decorate your wall
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Unlike the others, Taichi really doesn’t care about being seen as “basic” for taking you out to watch a movie and grab dinner afterwards
He asked you out so casually, you agreed without it even hitting you that it was a date until he grinned at you and cheekily replied, “Great, it’s a date then.”
The movie in question was one you’ve been waiting forward for its release and Taichi was interested in it as well, so really it was an excuse for the both of you to watch the movie together instead of alone.
It went great, asides from the old couple staring the two of you in line, not so quietly reminiscing their first date
Embarrassment aside, Taichi was sweet throughout the entirety of it
Arguing to pay until reluctantly splitting the bill when you argued that it wasn’t fair
Waiting outside for it to start, Taichi and yourself bide the time by guessing what the other movies were about by their posters and making each other laugh
Once the movie starts, the chatter between you two dies down, yet the casual intimacy doesn’t fade in the slightest
Sharing an arm rest, the both of you exchange glances at one another throughout the movie, and bump elbows when something interesting or funny happens
It was a far-cry from the intimacy of the other’s dates, but it was perfect for the two of you
By now, the two of you have been friends much longer than you have been dating
Neither of you wanted to rush things, happy to take it as it comes and retain that familiarity from years of friendship stay untainted from the innate awkwardness of new love
Coming out of the theatre, Taichi is the most talkative you’ve seen him yet as he offers his opinion on the film
You avidly listen without a word of complaint
It was nice to hear what went through Taichi’s mind when he always kept his emotions close to his heart, you felt damn-near jubilant over him coming out of his shell – even after all the years of friendship
He offers to grab dinner and after a mild debate over which place is better, you end up flipping a coin and grabbing some fast food and eating it at a near-by park
Eating the meal in relative silence, it was only broken to point out the ducks and giving them names. It was laid-back and you were enjoying yourself, yet Taichi remained stiff by your side.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly the most romantic date.” Taichi rubs at the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes.
You quirk a brow at him. “How isn’t this a romantic date?”
Taichi finally looks at you, although in confusion. “Because I should’ve taken you to a nice, fancy restaurant for our first date.”
“I work on the belief that anywhere is romantic if you make it so. It depends on the company.” You shrug.
Taichi’s mouth curves into a smirk. “Oh? So you wouldn’t mind having our next one at a cemetery?”
You dig an elbow into his side and roll your eyes at the performance he puts on.
“That’s not what I meant, smartass.”
Taichi stops the pouting and slumps into the seat. Hating the sombre mood he’s in, you curl your arm through his and tuck into his side.
“Besides, you can always make it up to me in the future. I want the place to be so expensive that the proportions are baby-sized.”
Taichi’s rich laugh rumbles through you. It was a losing battle against the rapid thrum of your heart and the thoughts of warmth that consume you with his proximity.
You also didn’t try to fight the urge to cuddle further into his side, something he gladly accepted as he wraps his arm even tighter around you.
“I promise.” He sighs, a happy noise as he rests his head against yours, two bodies becoming one whole on that one spring afternoon.
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Not everything in life is a competition, yet Goshiki couldn’t thrive without it
Besides, if he thought too long and hard about it (which he did) an arcade date was the best option
It presented the perfect chance to show off his skills and impress you
When he finally works up the courage to ask you, it had been a while since you’ve been, so you were more than happy to accept
Goshiki deflated with relief because a back-up option didn’t exist
Even after dating for over a month by this point, this would be the first official date he’s taken you out on
After worrying that it was too childish or not at all romantic for a first date, you spent the better half of the afternoon before it convincing him otherwise
At the arcade, Goshiki takes your hand and guides you around the place, pointing out games he bested as a teenager before finally settling on war-cross-zombie two player shooting game
With the growing win streak, the two of you continue playing the game until Goshiki accidentally gets his player killed
Pouting, he suggests a different game to soothe his bruised ego
The pout disappears as he finds a different game he’s decent at, tickets flying out as the points rack up
He glows as you praise his skill
It was too easy to bait him into playing hoop games, which he surprisingly sucked at
You discovered him to be especially gifted at reflex games, where the both of you won the most tickets
With each claw game he stubbornly refuses to “eat his hard-earned money”, he proudly passes off each plushie to you
Goshiki wins whatever prize your eyes linger over, no matter how frustrated it makes him
With each one, you promise to keep and inwardly muse that you’ll have to install a new shelf for them
A few hours deep, you had managed to win him an eagle. It’s the only prize you had won big enough to portray the amount of affection you held towards the bowl-cut male.
It was a bit mishappen and looked more fit to be the mascot for a horror game than a children’s show, however you still offered it to him.
His eyes grow wide. “Really?”
“I mean, I can get you something better if you give me a few minutes…” You frown at the plushie as Goshiki holds it up. It’s even uglier in the light. Why the hell would they have this as a prize?
You reach out to grab it from him and Goshiki snatches it away from your grasp, pressing it into his chest and curling around it protectively. “No!”
You stand there, stunned, as Goshiki flushes at the looks he got from the shout and starts stumbling over his words.
“I mean, it’s fine and not creepy at all – No, I mean it’s cute,” he unconvincingly amends at your wince. “It’s something that you worked hard to get. I’ll treasure it forever, I swear.”
The conviction in his voice was enough to ease your concern.
“I could get you a better one, though. One that’s less creepy.” You offer, gesturing towards the wide array of claw machines boasting figurines and cuter plushies.
“No thank you. I like this one.” Goshiki is stubborn and you should’ve expected that.
You sigh, lips unsurely pulling upwards. “If you’re sure?”
Goshiki gives a sharp nod, and you know that that’s the end of that. He would not budge.
Yet you couldn’t find it within yourself to be exasperated at the awe-filled look he gives the plushie as you two leave the arcade, holding it like it was made of expensive finery instead of cheap thread and fabric.
Months later you got to see the monstrosity again, tucked up on the shelf above his bed, proudly sitting between medals he’s won through the years.
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ilguna · 5 years
hi- I’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask, but I wanted to know how to start a fanfic writing tumblr- I mean, I’m just not sure how to start since I’ve never posted anything on my account- I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience-
Don’t worry about it. I’m a little offended that you would think you’re coming to the wrong place 😂.
Imma break it down for you.
BTW this post is long bc I wanted to cover all bases
First of all, if you’re on tumblr mobile, then that’s fantastic and we’ll start with that first. If you’re on desktop, I would like to suggest getting it on your phone because it’s more accessible and easier to manage than doing it on the computer. The only time I go to the computer is when I’m going to post fics, but we’ll get there.
I know you said you’re wondering how to start posting fics but I gotta give you some advice before that. Because there are just some things I cannot stand when it comes to some fanfic blogs, alright?
Be easy on your color scheme. I wouldn’t put any bright colors because it could hurt someone’s eyes, and sometimes it looks really bad. Going along with that, you should be careful what your second color is on your blog (let’s say that your base color was a maroon, and then you’d choose a color similar to that/darker than that. It’ll be hard to read the things in your bio, and it’s frustrating)
This is obvious, but make sure you have a profile and header picture, it’s more appealing rather than tumblrs default.
Turn ON asks and then proceed to do it for anonymous questions, because that’s the only way you get requests. Some people do it off anon but that’s not as common.
You can do this on desktop and a safari browser. It’s not possible to do on mobile just yet. Open up safari > log in > little person icon in the top right > edit appearance. Scroll until you see “let people as questions” turn that on. Turn on anon, and edit the box to whatever you want. Keep it short
Turn off “share posts you like” and the following one below it. It’s a risky game to play when it comes to what you’re looking at and liking.
No submission posts, normally people don’t submit things anyway. Turn OFF “on blog advertising” and then that’s it. It automatically saves so you can just leave to the next screen imma bout to tell you about
IF you go to my blog on desktop, you’ll see that there’s a theme. My font is different, I have a different set up than most blogs, etc.
If you wanna mess around with that, scroll to the top of page (you should still be on the same page from the anon instructions) and tap “edit theme”
It might take a second to load, but you’ll get there.
Besides the fact that it lets you edit your theme, this is how you put in a Masterlist, and all other links you might want in your bio.
You said you haven’t written anything yet, so there isn’t a need for a Masterlist just yet. But when you DO start posting, please come back to me and I’ll let you know how to put one in your bio, okay? Nice and shiny for your future followers.
If you wanna change your theme go to browse themes, change it from “all themes” to “free themes”. If you like mine, it’s called “Accesible”. If you just want the font, get out of the theme screen and scroll the screen on the left. Turn ON “open dyslexic
Remember, you can do all of this on desktop too, it doesn’t have to be on safari
Now onto posting, I have some opinions that might offend my mutuals (oopsie)
I can’t tell the difference, but PERSONALLY, I think posting fics on tumblr from my phone is gross. But that’s also because I’m writing 1000+ words normally and it gets difficult to post
If you want to post fics with more than 100 paragraphs, then you have to go to desktop or maybe safari tumblr (I don’t post from safari tumblr so idk if it works) because tumblr says NO paragraphs after 100 on mobile. There is no restriction on computer
I write in Google Docs, because it’s neater and I’ve discovered some hate for Word after deleting some of the shit I wrote over and over. Plus it’s an app, and you can open it up on computer. Easy to use.
If you use Notes on your phone, or type directly onto a tumblr post, then that’s fine but you don’t know your word count and it’s a little difficult to navigate.
When it comes to formatting, I used to have it be really long. But I’ve narrowed it down to 3, sometimes 4 things.
Summary: this is where I put the request so the anon/person knows that it’s their request. (I copy n paste the entire request in the summary part, I don’t answer asks (requests) anymore because it’s easier to answer them after I posted).
Warnings: my permanent is swearing, and then I add on (what type) violence, murder, suic*de, gore, etc DEPENDING ON THE REQUEST
Word count: and I do this because I write long imagines sometimes and some people don’t want to sit through 5k words of boring shit
And the optional—Note: I put this if I thank someone for their patience on the request, if I say happy holidays or some shit like that. I don’t have notes on every post anymore because they just turn out being the same every time
Apart from that, give it a title (make it unique but not too long!) who it’s for and then copy and paste the fic in
I’m using my own posts as an example right here, okay. But I have the summary and all of that bolder because it’s easier to see, and I want it to be different from the actual post. Most fanfic writers do this.
I also put 2 —‘s between the authors note at the top and the fic to also make a difference there
Don’t have the entire fic italicized, it takes away the special part of italicizing a word
Finally, it’s tagging.
I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT tag things that have nothing to do with the post. It’s my biggest pet peeve and it’s because I can’t comprehend why people tag (for example) Katrina Stuart when it’s a fic OR A RANDOM POST about someone else
Instead, let’s keep it simple.
🌸 STOP 🌸
I forgot to mention this. But choose your username wisely. You can change it later on, but it’s a goddamn pain in the ass when you have 50+ fanfics you wrote and your Masterlist is nice and clean only to realize that you have to RELINK every post individually
Listen, I changed my username on my old blog, and it took me 8 hours ROUGHLY to relink and fix every individual Masterlist. I had to create new masterlists, with so many tabs open to fix it
Instead, change it before you start fics
If you wanna be a colby brock blog, I have a canon url (which means that it’s so fucking GOOD and I’m angry that i realized it was open only a month ago rather than when I created this account) and it’s colbysbrocks (it’s a plural canon url). And I have colbysecrets too. If you don’t like either of those, I have a couple of other ideas that I wrote down if you want them
🌸 okay continue 🌸
This is how you should tag:
(I’ll give an example after this)
Your username first, the person it’s about, the fandom (if it’s not Colby brock, then something like marvel, etc). Then the persons name, imagine, fanfic, x reader, and oneshot. Then if it was requested
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Colby brock imagine, Colby brock fanfic, Colby brock x reader, Colby brock oneshot, requested
Simple, right? You can even use this method for Wattpad too.
(This is Star Wars, im using my own username again)
Kylorenlovesyou, Kylo ren, Ben solo, kylo ren imagine, kylo ren fanfic, kylo ren x reader, kylo ren oneshot, Ben solo imagine, Ben solo fanfic, Ben solo x reader, Ben solo oneshot, Star Wars
Notice that I tagged both of his names. I do this because it draws more people in, and more people will be attracted to it (however, in the Star Wars fandom there’s a difference between Ben Solo and Kylo-Ren, so you would have to specify in the title Ex. Resistance (Ben Solo) or Struggle (Kylo-Ren). It would depend on which persona you’re using
This works for a couple of fandoms, like twilight and shit like that
(Final one, I just wanted to cover this base just in case)
If it’s a request for more than one person. Let’s say Colby Brock and Sam Golbach (like a Polyamorous relationship, if it’s just about a bunch of people, tag the people in it and don’t put the imagine, fanfic, x reader, oneshot after any of them, it doesn’t apply)
If it’s a poly relationship (or maybe more) then do everything you normally do for one person, and then just add on the second;
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Sam Golbach, Colby brock imagine, Sam Golbach imagine, etc
If you’re on desktop, I would suggest putting in a Read More (this goes BEFORE your fic but after the authors note, below the 2 —‘s). The way you do that is press enter, and hover over the new break in the fic.
Off to the right you’ll see a . . . Click that and then you have the read more. I would only suggest using this if there’s more than 500 words, so that if the fic is super long, it doesn’t take up the entire dash for the follower (it takes forever to scroll and it’s annoying
If you’re on mobile, it isn’t possible. Just post and you can go back and edit later if you have a computer
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icicledream-archive · 5 years
things i want in animal crossing switch
i’m way too excited for this game. i’m trying to not get my hopes up too high as to not disappoint myself BUT i cannot stop thinking about it!! some of these are my own ideas, some of these i got from watching videos on youtube on this subject!
since the direct is tomorrow im gonna post this now lol. also it’s under a read more!! i was gonna post this list a lot sooner but there are other things i want that i am unable to like? word properly? but whatever here’s a List
the ability to choose our initial hair colour, eye colour, and skin colour! (maybe even height!!!)
PLEASE keep public work projects but like... make them Better... like have all of them unlock over time or something rather than just hoping an animal will request something you want to build
non-gendered hairstyles. fuck it! non-gendered faces, too! just give us like 30 different hairstyles and 20 different faces or smth! those are really random numbers but u get the idea
a moveable camera for outside of buildings! doesn’t have to be 100% moveable but it would still be nice i think
tiered towns like in city folk and population growing(gamecube)
there’s actually a BUNCH of things in population growing i would like to see, but especially the sports festival
return of the dump/recycle bin
return of storing gyroids with brewster
drinking coffee gives you a small speed boost for a little while
ability to switch players on the fly rather than having to go back to the title screen each time (save & change players > choose player > loading screen > you are now playing as the other villager)
ability to have multiple towns on one system, whether that means having more save slots in the game or having multiple accounts on your switch
a smaller, online-only town you and other friends can all work on together!
labelle gets her own store, and kicks’ store is bigger.
customisable lawns, like in happy home designer! basically being able to have hhd’s level of home customisation would be incredible
i don’t want there to be connections to acpc, like being able to move all of the furniture you got in it to the switch, but i still would love some of, or better yet all of the furniture sets to be available in ac switch!! NOT in fortune cookies that cost actual money though..........................
different styles of outfits, like bell/maxi skirts or puffy pants and puffy or bell sleeves! and tailcoats! acpc has a lot of good examples of unique shapes and stuff
new accessories like bracelets, earrings, backpacks, and wings
i REALLY want the main vehicle to be a train again! but maybe there could be a bus too that will take you to a new area!
to add on to that new area the bus would take you to, i’m thinking it could be a city folk-like area with even MORE shops! like, there would be a main street area with tommy n timmy’s, able sisters, kicks, etc, but the other, more city-like area would have a gracie store, the museum, shampoodle, club lol, etc etc
more varied villagers, i felt like in acnl especially the animals would repeat themselves super often. and, despite having different personality types, they would all basically act the same(Super Nice)? i dunno i just miss the variation in the first animal crossing, and hell even wild world and city folk
ok this is the last one bc it’s kinda long! imagine like, an in-game social media where u can open your town to friends, everyone, or Specific friends via your player character’s smart phone. you can also share screenshots and captured video of your town and custom designs! u could also put custom designs up for download as QR codes won’t be usable anymore since the switch doesn’t have a camera. i imagine this social thing would also be viewable on the nintendo switch app. maybe it’ll even give ya notifs (in-game or on the nintendo switch app) if a friend opens a town specifically for you! i dunno i just want a better social system for animal crossing since the game is about being social aha OH YEAH in this idea you can open your town for specific people or best friends only? and you can also have that co-op town i mentioned in 11 be available to specific friends or best friends only! 
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isotuan · 7 years
Nutrition (Yoongi x Reader Fluff/Crack)
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff/Crack
Word: 1,634
Summary: Are you a fruit? ‘Cause honeydew you know how fine you look right now?
Note: This is set in Stupid!universe where Y/N and Yoongi are best friends that annoy the fuck out of each other. It was mentioned in the fic how Yoongi had to drag her to the grocery store at some point, and I got INSPIRED. Also, I’m not that witty, these pick up lines and jokes are from the internet, with a bit of iteration to fit the story line. Other than that, I really like this one. Maybe it’s bc I’m equally of a lazyass as Y/N? The banter is really my style... SO GET READY FOR SOME HELLA CRINGE LMAO.
“Can I ride the cart at least?”
“Jesus fuck. For the third time, Y/N.—
Y/N grumbled loudly, kicking at the tiny rocks under her her shoes. Yoongi pulled a large cart out of the store’s several rows, figuring that this grocery run would turn out to be quite a big one. 
After countless attempts of convincing Y/N that PostMates and UberEats of grease-drenched Chinese food were not exactly the healthiest option, he had finally dragged her to the local supermarket. That was, after telling her that they were going for frozen yogurt and had ‘accidentally’ made a wrong turn to the store, “so we might as well, right?”
“This is no fun,” Y/N bemoaned as they made their way through the second set of sliding doors.
“When was the last time you’ve step foot in a grocery store?” 
Y/N shrugged, “Last year maybe?”
“Jesus,” he huffed. “I should’ve guessed by that leftover salad rotting in your fridge.”
“It was a good salad, I was saving it for later.”
Yoongi tilted his head, “For six months?”
Y/N puffed out her cheeks and shifted from one foot to the other, avoiding the question. Yoongi knew that Y/N knew herself how bad her eating habit was. She was just too stubborn to admit it, Yoongi would know after all these years. And of course, he was very much expert now at dealing with her stubborn ass. He snorted, “Just stay by the cart, I’ll do the shopping.”
They made their way over to the produce section, but not after Y/N insisting that they should make a pit stop at the snack aisle first. To which Yoongi quickly denied and pulled her away with a tug of her wrist.
Yoongi began strolling around the section. The vibrant colors made each fruit look as if they were little gems and each vegetable look as delectable as ever, Yoongi grabbed a strip of plastic bags and began shopping.
“No, no, no. Not tomatoes!” Y/N ran up behind Yoongi as picked up the bright red fruit. “I hate tomatoes.”
“Well that’s too bad,” Yoongi placed it into a bag along with another. 
“Dickhead,” she hissed.
In defeat, Y/N groaned and dragged her feet off to somewhere else. Yoongi watched her and made sure he could still see her out of his peripheral vision before returning to picking out more fresh produce.  
She likes avocados, he thought to himself. But not too ripe. He took his time picking out the perfect avocado out of the large pile.  
She can’t have mushrooms. Once he ordered had ordered her a stuffed Portabello at dinner which resulted in a night beside the toilet bowl. So he passed them without hesitation.
He gathered stuff he knew well Y/N could eat and stuff he thought she’d be able to tolerate. The produce in the cart quickly piled up with much consideration for each item and researches of recipes Yoongi could (with his utmost culinary skills of boiling an egg) attempt in order to have Y/N at least try something new. He made himself two mental notes: one, when he makes these, have 911 on speed dial (just in case), and two, to search up how the fuck to pronounce “açaí?”
Yoongi was choosing a bunch of spinach with ease when suddenly something popped up in front of him. And just a couple of inches away from hIs nose was a—
A pineapple?
“Hey, baby. Are you a pineapple? ‘Cause you’re one fine-apple.”
“What the hell are you doing?”
Y/N stood next to Yoongi and, still, with a pineapple held to his face, she answered, “I’m picking you up, gorgeous.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and swatted the yellow fruit away, “Fuck off.”
“Come on,” Y/N followed Yoongi as he stuffed the bag with spinach and made way back to the cart. “They might be corny, but I think they’re a-maize-ing!”
“I said fuck off,” Yoongi spoke. He pushed the cart over to the dairy section, where he grabbed a carton of milk and scanned the variety of cheese for a possibly healthy option—
“Hey, I know I may be cheesy. But I know you’d want a pizza this,” she gestured to herself. “Or do you prefer the whole pie?”
“Oh, fuck you for that,” Yoongi’s face twisted with distaste before pushing the cart away fast, letting Y/N shuffling behind him to catch up.
“Hey, at least take me on a date first,” Y/N pointed at the shelve of raisins and— Dammit. “But don’t worry I’ll go out with a cute-cumber like you.”
“I hate you,” he grumbled a tried focusing on the recipe he had pulled up on his phone, even he wasn’t processing a single word in front of him. 
“Oh, donut be like that,” she nudged his side. “Anyone would be glazed to hear these.”
“Look, if you want to eat decent food for once,” He turned to face Y/N who trailed behind him. “I have to follow this recipe, so shut—”
“Oh, what’s on the menu, sweetheart?” Y/N tilted her head and pointed back and forth between her and Yoongi. “Is it me-n-u?”
“For fuck’s sake,” he groaned.  
“Because I’ll have whatever you’re having if it means getting those sweet buns of yours.”
Giving up entirely, Yoongi rushed out of the aisle with a hurry, plus, the old couple beside them weren’t giving the two the kindest of looks. He sped towards an open checkout and began loading the conveyor belt Even if he hadn’t gotten all of the things he intended to buy, this was good enough if it meant leaving this shitshow of a stand-up. 
“Can we go to McDonald's after this?” Y/N came up beside Yoongi.
“Oh, nevermind. I forgot I already have a McGorgeous right here,” and she poked his side, making him bend the slightest bit. Fuck being ticklish.  
From the other side of the register, the cashier chuckled and Yoongi snapped his head over to the young lady saying, “You guys are a really cute couple.”
Yoongi’s jaw dropped and he could feel the warmth creeping up at his cheeks, but before he could deny her—
Yoongi felt arms wrap around his torso while he stood frozen with kale in one hand and a bag of oranges in another. Y/N spoke as she hugged Yoongi with a wide grin, “Thank you, at least someone appreciates my jokes.”
She looked up at Yoongi with a snarl. 
Yoongi wondered if she saw his face turn a blush color in the split of a second he took to pry off her embrace with much embarrassment. He also wondered if she heard how fast his heart pounded when she had her face that close to her head. 
He hoped her stupid ass didn’t. 
God, he hoped.
“Why the hell did you do that?” 
“Do what?”
“Run off your smart ass mouth,” Yoongi continued his path towards his car still keeping the space between himself and—
“Oh, I know you were McLovin’ it.”
“Shut up, you fucker.”
After they loaded his trunk, the two got into the car without a second loss of Yoongi's continuous nagging of how publically humiliating the grocery trip that was. 
“I’m never taking you anywhere ever again, you know that right?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Y/N drummed her finger against the dashboard with a lack of interest in what Yoongi had to say. “It’s not like I go out much often anyway.”
It was silent for a while, Yoongi thought about what Y/N had just said and, hell, it was true. You could practically mistake her for a hermit crab. She wouldn’t get out of the house, that was if it wasn’t for Yoongi and school. And he would try his best to visit her often, being the wonderful best friend he was.
“You have to get out more,” Yoongi spoke. 
“I don't see why when I can just sit in the comfort of my bed and watch ‘How I Met Your Mother’ for the fourth time.”  
“That’s not even that great of a TV show.”
“You’re point?” 
“My point is...” Yoongi turned on to the main street. The car came to a stop at a red light, the engine hummed lowly and the radio tunes sounded gently in the background. The sun was about to set and he watched its final golden rays bounce off the hood of his car. The weather was cooling and he could feel the soft breeze entering the car with the windows rolled down. Yoongi glanced over at Y/N in the passenger seat with her legs tucked against her chest, how she always sat. She was busy giggling at whatever was on her phone screen that she hadn't noticed the way the corners of Yoongi lips curved up just the slightest bit. But, that was how it had always been. 
And Yoongi hoped it would stay that way. 
"My point is," Yoongi finally continued, eyes returning back to the road. "Instead of making shitty puns. Don't you want to, I don't know, explore the world or something?"
That same way.
“Do you want to see a picture of the world?”
“What—” Yoongi turned once more although what greeted him was not Y/N but Y/N's phone. The screen illuminated brightly, it was on selfie mode and it was a display of—
“Get it?—"
—’Cause you’re my world?”
That same old stupid, stupid way.
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