#I have a rich inner world for them that no one is allowed to comprehend.
roaldseth · 1 year
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expanding their universe
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Mairon headcanon
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(General headcanon of Mairon and moments of his life. I tried to make it interesting as possible and somewhat tragic, so hopefully you enjoy,)
Requested by anonymoys
Warnings; Warm, mentions of death, thoughts of suicide and Mairon doing bad stuff. 
-After the war of wrath, things would have been tough for Mairon.
-He suffered an inner turmoil when every emotion within him mixed into painful chaos.
-Anger, desperation, fear, and sadness.
-It was the first time Mairon couldn't keep himself composed.
-The fear and desperation first struck when the host of valar arrived and decimated his master's armies. He couldn't do anything to prevent it. Even Ancalagon, the greatest of dragons, was struck down.
-He watched his master's demise and saw how they banished him into the void.
-The pain was like someone stuck a knife into his chest and left it there. Mairon almost couldn't comprehend his master was gone.
-Melkor, the one who freed him from the oppression of the valars. The one meant to rule Arda.
-The one who Mairon adored most and selflessly served was gone.
-The pain was too great for Mairon to handle, and his irrational thinking made him go to Eonwe and plead for mercy and redemption.
-He thought it was the only way for him to survive, but when Eonwe mentions his fate and punishment will be decided by the valars. His fear took control once again, and he ran away.
-Mairon went into hiding and never showed himself to the world again.
-Trying to get over his turmoil would have been difficult progress because anger followed after desperation and fear.
-He was constantly angry. He was angry at the valars, the elves, the men. He was angry at the silmarils who caused his master's downfall.
-He was angry at everything.
-His anger would have subsided over time, and then he suffered great sadness.
-Angband, Melkor, everything he ever worked for was gone. He was all alone.
-At one point, he considered ending it all and possibly joining his master in the void if his spirit would go there after breaking.
-Mairon would have slowly stepped over his turmoil which was difficult, but soon he started thinking.
-He would come to the idea to continue what his master started, taking over middle earth and ruling every creature in it.
-He will do it in Melkor's name.
-Mairon finally stopped hiding and walked into the world, wandering among its people.
-Things had changed, and Beleriand was no more.
-It was a minor setback. Even though; Angband was no more.
-He managed to collect the remaining orcs and built his new home in the soil of Mordor.
-It wasn't like Angband, but It was better than nothing.
-His orc army would grow in secret while he would think of a plan to enslave the elves and the free people.
-He took the form of Annatar and tried to wander among elves to gain their trust.
-It wasn't easy since everywhere he went, he faced mistrust. He finally managed the gain someone's trust, and it was the trust of the last member of the house of Feanor.
-Sweet thoughts of revenge would fill his mind as he took advantage of Celebrimbor's sweet and trusting nature.
-Celebrimbor's kin and grandfather had been nothing but a thorn on his and Melkor's side. His grandfather created the very things that cost the life of his beloved master, so the thought of sniffing out the cursed house for good made Mairon very excited.
-His plan slowly manifested fruition as the rings of power were created.
-Mairon carefully picked the human men to ensnare and allowed the rings to do the rest, turning the so great men into hollow creatures, his Nazguls. One of his most faithful servants.
-The dwarves were trickier since the rings only empowered their greed for riches.
-He then created the final ring, his masterpiece, the one ring to rule them all.
-He bestowed most of his spirit and will into the ring, greatly weakening himself, but it was alright. Everything will be worth it in the end.
-When he finally put on his ring, he felt it. The connection to all lesser rings. The dominion over the bearer's mind. He almost smiled in victory until he sensed three others he had no recollection of ever creating.
-Celebrimbor had created three secret rings for his kin, and Mairon almost screamed in fury because now the elves were aware of his existence and the plan to dominate their minds.
-Mairon had destroyed Eregion and tortured Celebrimbor to locate the three rings he had hidden from Mairon.
-It wasn't successful, and Celebrimbor died during his torture.
-Mairon wasn't fazed by the setback. He let the orcs use Celebrimbor's body as a banner.
-The middle earth was aware of his existence, so he finally declared himself the new dark lord.
-Mairon allowed the Nazguls to handle the people of the west, so he went to the East, corrupting the Easterlings to his side, and took control over the people of Haradrim.
-With the eastern people on his side, Mairon now had a greater army against the people of the west.
-There were those who used to serve Morgoth and survived the war of wrath, but they refused to join him and remained hidden.
-They were cowards, so Mairon had no need for them.
-He had the rule until a certain numenorian king arrived.
-Mairon was frightened when he saw the numenorian army outside the walls. It reminded him about the day when the valars arrived and took everything from him.
-His first thought was to flee, but then he had a better idea which might take time but will benefit him in the future.
-Why not surrender and destroy Numenor from the inside?
-Unlike elves, the human heart is easily corrupted with greed, envy, and lust.
-That knowledge allowed mairon to become from a prisoner to the king's trusted advisor.
-Mairon even convinced them to raise a temple and sacrifice for his master's honor.
-The charade was merely for his amusement because there was no way he could reach Melkor with human sacrifices. Even though; he silently hoped it was possible.
-The human king, Ar-Pharazon, was one greedy man. Easily enthralled by pretty things. And greed for power grew every day, especially his lust for immortality. Mairon almost felt pity for the queen, Tar-Miriel.
-He could have offered her a ring and a chance to be free from the shackles of oppression since he pitied her situation. It was almost the same as his.
-His power grew over Numenor, and the day finally arrived when Ar-Pharazon left for his impossible conquest to invade Valinor. Mairon had won, and he couldn't keep hold of his joy as he laughed in the temple while the island drowned in the sea.
-He did not expect Eru himself to destroy the island, and the feeling of drowning wasn't the best experience. He managed to eject his spirit and return to Mordor to rejoin with his beloved ring.
-His dominion was now bigger than before. It was exhausting work, and he had lost many things from himself, but it was all worth it. It was all in Melkor's name and for him. 
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dahlia-coccinea · 3 years
A few thoughts on the scene of Catherine returning to the Heights after her stay with the Linton’s - it is commonly cited in discussions about her character and generally, the narrative goes that she shows herself to be vain and narcissistic in laughing at Heathcliff, and this honestly confuses me? I think that is quite selective in what details are noted about the scene and misses placing it in a wider context. To start I think its best to reference the scene in its entirety, sorry it is quite long (bolding is mine):
Heathcliff was hard to discover, at first. If he were careless, and uncared for, before Catherine’s absence, he had been ten times more so since. Nobody but I even did him the kindness to call him a dirty boy, and bid him wash himself, once a week; and children of his age seldom have a natural pleasure in soap and water. Therefore, not to mention his clothes, which had seen three months’ service in mire and dust, and his thick uncombed hair, the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded. He might well skulk behind the settle, on beholding such a bright, graceful damsel enter the house, instead of a rough-headed counterpart of himself, as he expected. “Is Heathcliff not here?” she demanded, pulling off her gloves, and displaying fingers wonderfully whitened with doing nothing and staying indoors.
“Heathcliff, you may come forward,” cried Mr. Hindley, enjoying his discomfiture, and gratified to see what a forbidding young blackguard he would be compelled to present himself. “You may come and wish Miss Catherine welcome, like the other servants.”
Cathy, catching a glimpse of her friend in his concealment, flew to embrace him; she bestowed seven or eight kisses on his cheek within the second, and then stopped, and drawing back, burst into a laugh, exclaiming, “Why, how very black and cross you look! and how—how funny and grim! But that’s because I’m used to Edgar and Isabella Linton. Well, Heathcliff, have you forgotten me?”
She had some reason to put the question, for shame and pride threw double gloom over his countenance, and kept him immovable. 
“Shake hands, Heathcliff,” said Mr. Earnshaw, condescendingly; “once in a way that is permitted.”
“I shall not,” replied the boy, finding his tongue at last; “I shall not stand to be laughed at. I shall not bear it!” And he would have broken from the circle, but Miss Cathy seized him again.
“I did not mean to laugh at you,” she said; “I could not hinder myself: Heathcliff, shake hands at least! What are you sulky for? It was only that you looked odd. If you wash your face and brush your hair, it will be all right: but you are so dirty!”
She gazed concernedly at the dusky fingers she held in her own, and also at her dress; which she feared had gained no embellishment from its contact with his.
“You needn’t have touched me!” he answered, following her eye and snatching away his hand. “I shall be as dirty as I please: and I like to be dirty, and I will be dirty.”
With that he dashed headforemost out of the room, amid the merriment of the master and mistress, and to the serious disturbance of Catherine; who could not comprehend how her remarks should have produced such an exhibition of bad temper.
Importantly Nelly specifies that Heathcliff isn’t just his usual level of childish dirtiness and unkemptness, which assumedly Catherine wouldn’t have noticed when she comes home eager to find him. She wasn’t expecting him to be so neglected and her worst fault here is carelessly misplacing the reason for Heathcliff’s dirtiness, and not recognizing the larger neglect done by Hindley and how laughing could very understandably have hurt him (I don’t think many 12 year-olds are particularly emotionally intelligent though). Initially, she doesn’t seem to notice his state since she runs to him and gives seven or eight kisses. What she does not do, is she does not come back and say she’s better than him, acts embarrassed of him, or indicates she doesn’t want to be friends anymore - she says “it will be fine,” he just needs a wash. 
Catherine’s presence must have been part of what kept him tidier as Nelly notes that it during her absence is when he fell into such neglect. This would be in line with Nelly’s previous description of the two of them of when Hindley first comes home: “Heathcliff bore his degradation pretty well at first, because Cathy taught him what she learnt, and worked or played with him in the fields.” Just as she would teach him what she learned and worked with him in the fields I’d say in this scene she’s simply consistently showing care for his wellbeing, even if she isn’t completely considerate when expressing it.
Not to get too off subject but I think this is pertinent - the line, “They both promised fair to grow up as rude as savages” might be another quote that is taken too literally at times - I don’t think they were just running around dirty all the time as Nelly noted that Heathcliff isn’t generally this uncared for. Also, this line ends up being understood as their rejection of all society and their resistance towards growing up which I think may only be partly true. While I love that Nelly calls them “unfriended creatures,” I don’t take this to mean that they are simply elements of nature. Along with @astrangechoiceoffavourites’ recent post about how “Heathcliff does not reject Culture. Culture rejects him,” I think it’s also often overlooked that they both admire the beauty of the Grange. He describes the house in great detail: 
“ah! it was beautiful—a splendid place carpeted with crimson, and crimson-covered chairs and tables, and a pure white ceiling bordered by gold, a shower of glass-drops hanging in silver chains from the centre, and shimmering with little soft tapers.”
He tells Nelly if they were in Edgar’s and Isabella’s position, “We should have thought ourselves in heaven.” Catherine is not more vain or materialistic than Heathcliff, or vapid just because she tells a 13-year-old boy who works on a farm and is only washing once a week he needs to wash more.
Still, Heathcliff has every right to feel hurt, he’s facing terrible physical and emotional abuse and as mentioned previously this has repercussions on his self-esteem for his whole life. Hindley in this scene is clearly trying to demean him to the level of a servant in the eyes of Catherine. A few months previously he was loved and cared for by Mr. Earnshaw but now any bright future is quickly disappearing. Heathcliff must know his situation won’t change under Hindley. The encounter with the wealth of the Linton family and Catherine’s acceptance into their world is also a stark example of Catherine’s ability to have something better than being with him forever. They both will grow up one day and she will eventually marry and there is no way Hindley would allow them to do so, nor would he give Heathcliff any means or education to provide for a family and have a home. 
Seeing Catherine obviously well cared for I think ignites a little jealously and fear that he is already losing her company. He seems at least mildly aware of Edgar as a potential rival as we see the next day during his conversation with Nelly when he tells her, “...if I knocked him down twenty times, that wouldn’t make him less handsome or me more so. I wish I had light hair and a fair skin, and was dressed and behaved as well, and had a chance of being as rich as he will be!” He did already note Edgar’s reaction to Catherine at the Garage saying, “Edgar stood gaping at a distance...I saw they were full of stupid admiration.” It seems easy to assume he is at least starting to be aware of her - three months prior he mentions to Nelly Catherine’s “beautiful hair,” “enchanting face” and says, Catherine is “immeasurably superior to them—to everybody on earth.” Catherine of course doesn’t necessarily know he feels this way and most likely isn’t fully aware of all his feelings about the situation he’s in. Seems reasonable to assume that she’s somewhat blind to his inner conflicts - later when talking to Nelly she seems to think that Heathcliff understands her completely yet its apparent they aren’t on the same page. She is as blind to the extent of his feelings, as he is of her’s. 
Anyway (getting a little off topic), Catherine’s subsequent reaction to this scene is totally out of line with the narrative of a wildly self-loving and cruel girl, and again we get a glimpse of a morose Heathcliff, nursing his pride and slowly pulling away from her. The fact that he storms off and they don’t immediately go back to their former relationship before her stay at Thrushcross Grange completely shocks her. After this encounter Catherine shows feelings of guilt and distress over the sour encounter. “She cried when I told her you were off again this morning,” Nelly tells Heathcliff the next day. And later again Catherine cries over Heathcliff’s mistreat by Hindley upon the Linton’s arrival. Later that evening when he’s locked in a garret Nelly details how she sneaks off to visit him:
“She made no stay at the stairs’-head, but mounted farther, the garret where Heathcliff was confined, and called him. He stubbornly declined answering for a while: she persevered, and finally persuaded him to hold communion with her through the boards. I let the poor things converse unmolested, till I supposed the songs were going to cease, and the singers to get some refreshment: then I clambered up the ladder to warn her. Instead of finding her outside, I heard her voice within. The little monkey had crept by the skylight of one garret, along the roof, into the skylight of the other, and it was with the utmost difficulty I could coax her out again.”
Later on she tells Nelly that his miseries have been her miseries - and she certainly isn’t ever as classist in her treatment of Heathcliff as her daughter is towards Hareton. When she misses Heathcliff for three years she’s only missing a “ploughboy,” as Edgar calls him. When he returns a gentleman she scoffs at Edgar’s suggestion that Heathcliff be let into the kitchen and mockingly gives the order: “Set two tables here, Ellen: one for your master and Miss Isabella, being gentry; the other for Heathcliff and myself, being of the lower orders.” And later tells him “Heathcliff was now worthy of anyone’s regard,” which shows she’s obviously blind to how many will always perceive him as an outsider and never a true gentleman.  
For fun, here is how this scene was adapted for the 1939 film - in the scene Catherine dreads seeing Heathcliff and upon seeing him makes no move to embrace him, then they have this AWFUL exchange: 
Heathcliff: Why did you stay so long? Catherine: Why? Because I was having a wonderful time. A delightful, fascinating, wonderful time...among human beings. Go and wash your face and hands, and comb your hair...so that I needn't be ashamed of you in front of the guests.
I have a lot of questions. Number one: how dare they? lol How did they extrapolate that from the book? This has become the lasting memory of her for many film viewers, and also somehow for people that have read the book. 
I know there are many conversations that could be had on Catherine saying it would degrade her to marry Heathcliff, or at various time saying he is a baby, a pitiless wolfish man, and a brute. I’m not trying to gloss over when she is demanding and not always kind to him or other characters but people really choose to be blind to some of her actions in order to paint her as the villain of the story. Catherine Earnshaw is a wonderfully flawed and human character and these interpretations make her so 2D. 
I feel like a lot of these views are an expansion on this discussion as well as this other post (credit to @princesssarisa) about the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff before he leaves - I’ve found so few critics talk about them in a realistic, rather than metaphysical, way. Fewer yet discuss Heathcliff’s role in their failed relationship. More commonly they assert that Heathcliff’s feelings for her are true and hers are based on a shallow self love or whatever. So I guess I’ll just have to write it myself lol.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/24/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2
Today is the 24th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we continue our journey around the sun and through the Bible and we have worked our way all the way, well, we’re kind of in the last quarter I guess, of the book of Isaiah and we’re also working our way through the letter to the Ephesians. So, let's dive in today Isaiah chapter 43 verse 14 through 45 verse 10.
Okay, so I have mentioned that Ephesians, at least as I read it, it's like an ever upward climb to these higher vistas to see further, to see further horizons, to see more and understand more. And it’s not like Paul’s saying in this letter like, things it he hasn't said in other ways, but he's in prison and he is writing this passionately. This vision of what's really going on here, and if we just meditate on it. If we just take it in slowly. It is so huge. So, Paul is talking about revelations that he has received, mysteries that he is received, that have previously been unrevealed and I quote “this mystery is that in Christ Jesus, the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and people who also share in the promise through the gospel.” Well so, previously the understanding that Paul had as a Pharisee is that the Jews are the exclusive people and that's what they think but this revelation, this mystery that has been revealed to Paul that he is preaching, well that touches all of us because most of us are Gentiles. And so, for Paul to say that the mystery that’s been revealed is that through Christ, Gentiles and Jews are fellow heirs, members of the same body, people who share in the same promise through the gospel. What Paul is saying is that this is available to everybody in the world which is huge and for me, a Gentile a overwhelming flow of gratitude. Paul goes on, as if to answer a question like, why would God do that, why, why would He welcome everybody in the world, and I quote Paul again “He did this so that through the church, the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was done according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Okay, that's pretty cosmic in its implications. This is saying God, in his goodness and offering you eternal life, opening a way, welcoming you home. This makes His wisdom known and we are like a living witness, a living display to the unseen realms, that is huge to contemplate. That is a massive vista to just understand that we are all part of something way bigger than…than we ever pay attention to. Paul says because of all of that, because of this gift and because of what it's doing, in Jesus, we can freely approach God with confidence, through faith in Him. We could say yes, this is a theological formula I’ve known for a very long time but think about that. We can freely approach God, the most high God, with confidence through faith in Him. Let's try to live into this today. Let's try to contemplate, consider, meditate upon, allow it to sink in. Even Paul seems blown away. Even as he is writing it down and he gives kind of a benediction here at the end of our reading and so, let's just let this benediction wash over us as we bask in the goodness of God.
For this reason, I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the entire family in heaven and on earth receives its name. I pray that, according to the riches of His glory, He would strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner self, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, I pray that you would be able to comprehend, along with all the saints, how wide and long and high and deep His love is, and that you would be able to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to all the fullness of God. Now to Him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
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And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that's the little red button up at the top break or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi, Daily Audio Bible, my name is New Eyes and I’m from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I’m calling in for the first time because I was really moved by some prayer requests the other day and I wanted to lift some folks up here in our community. First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for Trent and his encouragement to all of us to be thankful for what we have, I know I definitely need that and I want to lift up Vicki from Southern California and Tammy, who is in remission from ovarian cancer. I really want to lift you ladies up to the Lord, for how much you are just laying at the foot of the cross and trusting God to give you peace in such a hard time. And, I also want to pray for Giovanni whose whole family is sick with the coronavirus. Lord, just bring Your healing, bring Your Holy Spirit and touch Giovanni and his family in this long, frustrating battle with this virus and I just ask that You would bless him. And family, it's my first time calling in and I could really use some prayers this week as I'm sending my 18-year-old son to a youth with a mission discipleship training school in Hawaii and he’s gonna be gone for six months and it's his first time away from home and I'm so excited for him but it's also really hard for this mama. So, if you could lift him up just send him blessings and prayers for an amazing time. I really love this community. You guys are an incredible blessing. Thank you for praying. Keep it up.
Hello Daily Audio family. My name is Sharon I'm calling to ask for prayer for my daughter, Sharon. She's been told she needs open-heart surgery, she's really, we’re really afraid. Each time we speak to a doctor we’re afraid and she starts crying and I start crying. I'm asking that you pray that, pray, send prayers for us that we can get through this situation and come out whole on the other side. I pray with her and I know that God can do all things and I prayed that He will give us the strength, first and foremost, that she doesn't need the surgery and that we will get a second opinion. We just need prayer right now family. Thank you.
Hello my DAB family this is Minnesota Aruka Regina. I haven't talked to you in a while, just want to tell you how much I love you and care about each and every one of you. On September 21st Danielle, I thank you so much for giving us an update on that 19-year-old girl Lord, it just really made me kind of cry and I want to lift her up in prayer. Loving Father, I just am so grateful for You being there for this young 19-year-old gal who was adopted…abducted and violated Father. Thank You for seeing her and for being faithful to find Your precious lost sheep. Lord, I just pray right now that You please speak love into her traumatic soul where she's been hurt and crushed and bruised Lord. I pray that You just reach her heart, let her know that You cried with her in those days that she was gone and it hurts Your spirit. But You were already making a plan for her and You are now helping her. Lord, I pray that You heal her. Let her know that You love her and You care about her and You are a God that can restore Lord. Bring someone into her life that can…can help her to be able to process everything and to break all of the bonds of this troubled man. May she not feel guilty and shameful for what is happening. It's not her fault. Help her to forgive. Help her to learn to love and to be loved again. We give You all the glory and honor in the name of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Hey DAB fam this is Laura in Eugene. I just want to call and lift up Val in Vegas in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, I just lift Val up to You, I pray for strength and courage as she recovers from her recent surgery. Lord, I pray for her medical team as decisions for what happens next are coming and I pray that You would help Val to rest in Your peace and Your comfort and Your care, that she could just feel that peace that passes all comprehension Lord. I pray that You would continue to be with her and guide her through this hard time but I’m just so grateful that she’s moving forward and getting the care that she needs Lord. Father, just keep watch over her. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Hi my name is Maggie Mae and I’m calling in certain dyer straights. My whole family, I just found out my whole family is sick. My three grandchildren, my son. My grandson has got a fever of 105, they don’t know what is wrong with him. He’s only two years old. My older grandson who’s 17 he’s sick with RSV, they said that they don’t know, I don’t even know what that is. My granddaughter is so sick, the only one that’s not sick is the mother. I am beside myself with my grandson who is so, so sick. He’s so sick he’s burning. I pray the blood of Jesus over Armanie over Arianna over Marc Anthony. He just lost his father. I pray for my son Marc Anthony. They’re not saved. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, oh please, don’t take my family. Please. Thank you, I’m sorry for the emotions but I feel so hopeless. I feel so hopeless. Please pray for them. Please take care of Dominic, Arrianna and Marc Anthony. Please, thank you.
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jenovahh · 4 years
Comm 08 - Grand - NSFW
Rating: NC-17/Explicit Tags: Fem!WoL x Elidibus, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Fingering Commission from twitter from a user who wanted to remain anonymous! ===========================================================
“It’s a bit late to be coming one’s room this late, is it not?”
Your eyes have yet to open as you hear the telltale sound of the rift yawning wide. Unbothered, you lie relaxed on your bed in the Pendants, dressed in a silk nightgown that seemed incredibly luxurious for someone as hardy as the Warrior of Light. And usually you would wear more practical sleep wear…
But he didn’t have to know that.
“Would you prefer I whisk you away before your companions in broad daylight?” The voice is masculine, the baritone of his voice rich like brandy and soothing like menthol. “If you have grown so bold…”
You hold up a hand to stop his speech, finally turning to face him on your side, not bothering to retain your modesty as the silk glides on your skin, riding up your legs. The nightgown usually reaches your calves (and it wasn’t like you didn’t have shorter ones), but even you can hear the slight hitch of your intruder’s breath.
Would that you could see the expression to go along with his gasp. Unfortunately, that insufferable, red mask is in place. Robes of white trimmed with gold shimmer in the low light of your room, clawed hands resting casually at their sides. Your eyes focus on rosy lips, watching how a pink tongue swipes over them quickly before a clawed hand reaches up to cover it as he clears his throat.
“Elidibus.” You acknowledge, choosing to not answer his question. You never liked thinking hard on what your friends would do should they find out you flirted (which, at this point was putting it lightly) with the enemy. They could never understand, you had convinced yourself in your deepest nightmares, plagued by visions of a past you could not fathom. Visions you were not sure if they were your own, or perhaps--
“I admit, I was expecting you to arrive earlier.” You sigh, moving to sit up. You can feel his eyes on you beneath that mask; feel how his gaze trails across the bared skin on your shoulders, the hair thin straps of your gown the only thing protecting your modesty. “Had you not come when you did, I would’ve closed my eyes to rest for tonight.”
“Then pray forgive my tardiness,” Elidibus breathes, extending a clawed hand. “I would make it up to you, should you still give me the chance.”
You stare at the offered hand warily, feeling an abrupt surge of hesitation roll through you. All at once does the weight of all the teasing, the sly looks and wayward glances feel like they’ve caught up with you. He could easily spirit you away, never to return, having played the long con to earn your trust and have you play right into his hands. The Warrior of Light disappearing in the middle of the night in what was supposed to be the relative safety of her room…
“Having second thoughts?”
His voice is teasing, taunting. Bait, and a knock at your pride. Your thoughts must be written on your face, your inner turmoil an open book. He knows as well as you do that he is powerful; an ancient. Magic that mortal eyes have not seen in millenia, powers that your mind could not possibly comprehend.
But he is taking the same risk, is he not?
You have struck down two of the three, unsundered Ascians, leaving only the one in white, The Emissary as the sole survivor. You've rolled it around in your mind how he could possibly bear to be here given that fact, knowing full well you have slain his brethren and could do the same to him.
"Do you think me afraid?" You huff, standing to your bare feet and closing the distance between you. Placing your hand in his, the cool metal of his claws nearly stings against your warmth. You do not flinch, giving nothing away.
"Warrior of Light? Eikon Slayer?" He scoffs, somehow knowing the adverse effect your titles have on you. "I do not offer fear. Merely...understanding."
You nod, running your fingers along his leathery gloves, tracing nonsensical patterns. You gaze at him from beneath your lashes, feeling how he tenses. "What shall we be understanding tonight then?"
Even beneath his cowl you can see his throat bob as he swallows. Being able to have him on edge in this way is far more of a power trip than dangling white auracite in his face could ever be. "You and yours seem to think us some unfeeling harbingers of doom," he starts, finally encircling your hand with his own. His claws bite into your skin just enough to be painful, but not enough to draw blood. "I thought I might follow in Emet-Selch's example, and show you what you fight against."
Before you can ask any further the void opens wide, and so do your eyes as your stare back into its inky depths. He gives you no warning and pulls you forward, your instinct making you dig your feet into the tile of your room, but his grip is too strong and you are pulled inside. Strangely, the darkness feels like a caress, its magic whispering across your skin like how the smoke of burning incense crawls along the floor. It feels like an eternity until you are pulled through to the city of Amaurot, still as pristine as Emet-Selch had left it. A chill washes over you, your body releasing a light shudder that does not escape your...companion's notice.
"Would you like a cloak, perhaps?" He offers, his hands already weaving dark fabric into existence. You stare at it warily, pouting as you do.
"Had I known where you would take me for our outing, I would've dressed more appropriately," you snark, taking the cloak from him. The material is softer than silk, so thin that it almost feels like water in your hands. With a smirk, you give him a sly look. "Would you assist me in putting it on?"
"Are you shards so incapable of the simplest of tasks?" He questions, and you swear you can hear an upraised eyebrow. Clearly you needed to be a little more...forward.
"Hardly." You snort, moving to put it on yourself but just as you move it lifts from your hand and drapes itself around you. Despite how sheer it is the warmth it provides feels akin to the pelt of a mammoth. "Thank you." You murmur shyly, pulling it closer to yourself.
Tucking his hands behind his back, Elidibus begins to walk. "This way, Warrior of Light." It is only due to your many encounters with him that you can hear the resentment which taints your title. "I doubt Emet-Selch spared the time to explain the structure of the true world."
"He did not explain much at all," You murmur softly, giving him a weak glare. Despite yourself, you follow behind him, gazing up at the tall towers that somehow reach further below past your sight.
As the two of you walk, he explains multiple functions of buildings, drawing you further into his world. Even though the recreation was of Emet-Selch's making, leaving it subject to misremembrance, it was so accurate that even Elidibus could traverse it easily. Listening unlocked a deep sorrow within you, a hole you could not quite place.
"Where did you frequent," you ask, cutting him off mid-explanation, "in your spare time?"
He pauses to look at you, studying you from behind the safety of his mask. "What makes you think I had such time available?"
"From our encounters I have gleaned you are a man devoted to duty," Almost bordering on obsession, you add mentally, "But I would be a fool to think that in a world where you were nigh immortal, that you didn't have something as mundane as a hobby."
He allows himself a brief chuckle at that, his hand raising slowly. "You are more perceptive than most," he compliments, dark magic swirling around you, transporting you once more. As it fades you find yourself in a grandiose auditorium, curtains made of the finest velvet lining its walls, seats trimmed with gold. You spin in small circles as you take in its splendor, in how elegant it looks. It is a wonder how it manages to flaunt such wealth yet does not look gaudy or tacky in any way.
"Before I had assumed the mantle of Emissary," Elidibus begins, causing you to face him. His voice carries through the space easily, his dulcet tones practically surrounding you. "I would oft hold concerts."
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "You were a musician?"
"Am, Warrior." he tuts, waggling a finger. Just as he finishes the motion with a wave of his hand does he create a grand piano from thin air. Its glossy wood shines in the stage lighting, the black lacquer so polished you'd think you were looking in some twisted mirror. "Are you familiar with the arts?"
Biting your lip, you circle the piano, wishing to touch it but afraid of getting even one smudge on its surface. "I do not have time for such things," you admit, well aware of the irony.
He's aware of it too, an infuriating smirk gracing his pouty lips. "Then allow me this lesson," he makes a grand sweeping gesture with his arm as a piano bench weaves itself into existence, taking a seat with all the poise of a professional. "Let us see what untapped talent lies within you."
Feeling too much like you've lost the high ground, as you move to sit you take care to allow the robe to part, reminding him of what lies beneath. You cross one leg over the other, the silk riding up your thigh and you can hear a claw scrape against an ivory key. "By all means," you purr, daring to even scoot closer to him, leaving barely an ilm from his shoulder to yours.
"There seven notes, and therefore one key for each note, and they are the white ones," he explains. "They repeat themselves, from A, to G."
You lose yourself in his lesson, watching with mild fascination at his careful instruction. If he had other plans by bringing you here, he has surely lost them for he is so caught up in teaching you properly. You find yourself wishing you could see the skin of his hands beneath those gloves, and you catch your eyes drifting to the movement of his lips more often than they should. Unfortunately, it seems that your advances thus far have gone undetected, so you decide to turn on the charm.
Closing that small gap between you, you gaze at him from beneath your lashes, lips parted in a pout. "Would you play something for me?"
If your question is not enough to stop his lecture, the warmth of your body against his own is. His hood casts just enough of a shadow that you cannot see his eyes still, but you can feel the deep intake of breath. "I have nothing to play that you could possibly recall." He defends, tongue darting out to swipe at his lips.
"Does one attend a concert solely to hear things they have heard before?" you counter easily, going as far as to lay your hand atop his own that still rests on the keys. "Show me this skill you claimed to have."
However, Elidibus is not as prideful as Emet-Selch or even Lahabrea, and your barb bounces off. "I have nothing to prove to you, Warrior." His voice is firm, but non-threatening.
"Then why did you bring me here?" you question, pressing even closer to him. Your cloak has slipped from your shoulders, revealing your supple skin to glow under the stage lights. "We are enemies before we are companions. What brought you to the Warrior of Light's rooms to steal her away,"
Before you can finish the sentence he's pressed his lips to yours as best he can with his damned mask in the way. It takes you by surprise, but his sudden confidence gives way to hesitation, and you easily take control of the kiss. "Zodiark help me," he breathes, even though between the two of you, you're the only one who needs the air.
You reach to try and peel back his hood but his hands are like stone as they catch your wrists in their grip, the points of his claws pricking your skin. "That is an intimacy you've not yet earned." Despite the underlying threat in his voice, you can hear the hunger, the unabashed desire suffusing his words.
"How does one go about it then?" You rasp, pressing your chest against him. "How might I see the man beneath the mask?"
"I am no man," he rumbles, guiding your arms to link around his shoulders. "But I am not immune to...worldly pleasures. Even if it has been some time."
"It sounds like you've devoted yourself to duty too much," You comment, instead choosing to place kisses along his jawline, feeling how smooth his skin is. "Perhaps I may provide a distraction?"
"A distraction," he echoes, his hands trailing down your sides, feeling the curvature your nightgown refused to hide. "Very well."
Hands at your hips, he urges you to leave your spot on the piano bench to straddle his lap, the skirt of your gown riding even higher. His hands are gentle, but greedy, a shuddering sigh passing his lips as he gives the meat of your thighs a testing squeeze. "Has it been long for you?" you ask out of curiosity.
He huffs a bitter laugh. "Even in days of eld have I ever focused on my duty." Through with words, he brings your lips down to his own, slightly hesitant until past experience catches up with him, as if relearning how to nock a bow. He tastes divine, all dark, forbidden magic, cool under the heat of the lamps in the rafters. He wrenches control of the kiss suddenly, nipping at your lip, coaxing your tongue to twine with his as his hands push your gown up higher.
While most would fear his claws, the feel of them dragging up your skin only serves to make you quiver under his touch. Your hips roll against him, both from your own need driving your actions and to regain the upper hand. You succeed in pulling a gasp from his throat as his hands grip painfully tight, hard enough to elicit a whimper of pain that has the claws vanishing before you can speak against it.
“I liked those,” you comment, allowing him to tilt your head back to taste the skin on your neck, his tongue a mix of ice and fire as he licks a slow line along your collarbones. Unsure what to do with your hands, you give a desperate tug to his robes. “This is rather one-sided, don’t you think?” You give another roll of your hips, feeling the imprint of his length between your thighs.
“The privilege,”
“Is not yet earned, yes, I too, have ears,” you sass, grinding down harder, moaning as you feel just how rigid he is, feel how hot and hard he is beneath his robes. “I have bared my soul to you, Elidibus. There are a precious few who have known me this way.” With cautious fingers, your play with the hem of his hood. “Just for tonight.” You whisper, slowly pushing it back.
He lets you, lets the hood rest against his back to reveal long hair that you aren’t quite sure if it purple or silver or perhaps even both. You waste no time taking the strands between your fingers, feeling their softness, their silkyness, this move somehow igniting your passion even more as you press into him for a deep kiss. He groans deeply into your mouth, his hands in a rush to divest you of your robe. You won’t move your hands from his hair in favor of him pulling the gown off, so he simply turns it to mist, baring your nude body to his hungry eyes.
As his mouth trails lower, so do your hands, surprised to see his robes melt away with each thread you touch. Ilm by ilm, milky, unmarred skin is bared to your curious eyes, finding him lean and fit beneath his clothing. His skin is smooth, inhumanly perfect, silken to the touch as you run your hands across his torso as if you had never felt up a man in your life. Just as his mouth reaches a breast, your fingers graze across his pants, the threads evaporating and revealing his length, your hands immediately seeking out the prize you sought.
He seems to be painfully hard in your hand, a small glance between the two of you shows that the head of him is red to the point of nearly being purple, and you tut to yourself. “This won’t do,” lowering your hips, you slick him with your wetness, his arms clutching you to him as he gives a full body shudder.
“By Zodiark,” he rasps, totally breathless. You hum, pleased, glad he doesn’t notice how much your own sex quivers with how much you need him.
“Your piano playing is very well its own brand of foreplay,” you admit, gliding yourself along his length. There’s no way he wouldn’t slip on in, but still you raise yourself just enough to slip a finger inside, pausing your grinding.
“Have you always talked so much,” He growls, pressing a finger of his own inside you, making it your turn to gasp. His finger is longer, thicker, just the right amount to spread you for him in what must be his haste to get inside you.
“You don’t talk enough,” You laugh, arching your back as your walls flutter around his finger. You give him control, allowing him to slip a second finger inside. “Twelve above,”
“Silence,” he grunts, curling his fingers just so inside you. He give you little time to catch your breath as your toes curl from the sheer pleasure, leaning you back against the ivory keys, uncaring of the dissonance that rings throughout the auditorium. With hurried, yet careful movements, he lifts you high enough to sit atop them, placing himself between your thighs. There are no words as he guides himself into your wet heat, the groan torn from his throat nearly enough to send you over the edge.
“Elidibus,” you gasp, back arching off the glossy wood. Your arms clutch him by the shoulders, looping around to bring him down for a needy kiss as he slowly begins to stroke, pumping harder and harder until he loses himself in chasing his end. Your lewd sounds echo in the auditorium, your gasps and sighs making a lovely duet next to his grunts and groans. You take in everything; the way his lips are parted, how fiercely he grips your hips to bring you down on his cock.
His mask.
Reaching up, your finger tips brush his mask just barely before a hand grabs your wrist in a death grip, his lips pulled into a frown. “Don’t,” There is almost a desperation to his voice, a plea.
“Elidibus,” you whimper, reaching up with your other hand, lifting the mask ever so slowly. “Let me see you.”
He doesn’t stop you, the mask scattering into the air like petals, revealing the sharp features that most Ascians seemed to share. His eyes are similar to his hair, silvery and purple and so godsdamned beautiful that an inner part of you weeps. “Elidibus,” you choke out, pressing close to press your lips to his, moaning into his mouth at his renewed vigor. “Oh gods,”
He presses you down against the piano, eyes focused on your face as you come apart. He doesn’t stop his assault, his eyebrows furrowing as he comes near his end. He begins to lean forward, but you stop him, cradling his face in your hands so that you may watch him fall apart. Rapture overtakes him, your title a broken cry on his perfect lips, the feel of him coming deep inside paling in comparison to seeing his face as he is dragged under by the waves of ecstasy.
It is quiet in the afterglow, your hands caressing his face, allowing him to finally rest his head on your shoulder. Your fingers, light as a feather trail up and down his back, your lips press soft kisses to his skin. “Well?”
He is silent still, almost uncharacteristically so. You wait however, giving him all the time he needs. “It has...been some time.” He admits, caressing your hips just as tenderly.
“A good distraction then?” You ask, nuzzling your head into his neck.
He nods, choosing not to speak still. You do not mind it, deciding to not let words cloud this moment, especially when you know that when it is all said and done, only one of you may live.
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faithsnippets · 4 years
“‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.’” (Mark‬ ‭12:30-31‬ ‭ESV‬‬)
God is love. He can do nothing apart from love. Jesus says in Mark 12:30-31 that all of the commandments are summed up for us in one word—love. You were created to be loved by God and to love him and others in return. And you will never find satisfaction until you rest in the unconditional love of your heavenly Father. You will never find true purpose until you live to love God and others.
To live for love is to step outside of the ways and cares of this world and live for the kingdom of God. It’s to choose to root yourself in the unconditional affection of your heavenly Father rather than seeking fulfillment from the fickle love of mankind. It’s to choose to serve and give rather than looking to receive from a world that has so little to offer. To live for love is to seek first God and his ways and thereby receive the fullness of life only he can give.
When you begin your days in the presence of God, you lay for yourself a foundation of God’s unconditional love. To allow God to invade the first moments of your day with the truth of his love for you will strengthen you to stop looking for fulfillment in the things of the world. It is impossible to live for love as Jesus commands unless we first receive daily the perfect, powerful love of our heavenly Father. “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Guided Prayer:
1. Receive God's presence. Take time to focus on his nearness, on how it changes your outlook and emotions. Spend the majority of your prayer time today on this point, just being overwhelmed by the depth of God’s love.
“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” 1 John 4:16
“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?” Psalm 139:7
2. Give God your affections in return. Tell him you love him. Tell him you love how he makes you feel. Thank him for the work he is doing in your life.
3. Ask God to help you live for others. Ask him to show you where he is working in the lives of those around you. Ask him to reveal how he would have you partner with him today in advancing his kingdom.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:12-14
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
Take a moment to read Ephesians 3:16-19, which so perfectly sums up the power and reality of love: That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Bible Plan: 40 Daily Devotionals for Lent, Day 3, by first15.org
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bettpbrumfield-blog · 4 years
Manifestation Magic Learn This, and Your Life Will Change Forever!
I 'd like you to visualize a yard. In this yard, the soil is constantly abundant with nutrients as well as what you plant, it will expand.
There is rainfall and also sun so you do not have to stress about anything.
You can grow anything. There are no restrictions. You can plant roses or you can grow toxin ivy. You can plant tomatoes or you can grow nightshade, a dangerous poison. What you place
in, as a seed, will ultimately become something a lot bigger. This garden is your mind as well as the seeds you can plant are your thoughts. Your mind is a fertile location where the thoughts you plant, will grow and make up for what your life is. Or as the old passage from the Bible goes, from guide of proverbs, phase 23, verse 7:"As a male thinketh in his heart, so is he, ".< p design =" box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">
Your ideas, your sentences, manifest the bordering truth. Manifestation magic.
Your life, excellent or negative, is nothing greater than a representation of the thoughts you've grown in your mind and also nourished. These ideas came to be habits. Behaviors came to be results.< p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"> You are where you are right currently due to the fact that deep down in your heart, this is where you wanted to be, no matter exactly how unfortunate or unfair this might seem. This principle is just one of the oldest spiritual regulations out there. It's also among the finest known. You may know it under a different term. This is"you become what you
As well as you can find this in all of globe's religions. Some variant of this exists in Hinduism, in Christianity as well as in essentially every various other significant religion. It's found in all belief systems, as the one utilized by the Chinese. It's as much of a doctrine as gravity. Long prior to books existed, sensible people comprehended that our ideas materialize our reality.
It functions on two levels.
 First, your ideas are connected to deep space on a quantum degree
. We manifest what we actually think.
Allow me make this clear though. You do not materialize what you believe you believe.
You manifest what's in your heart. If
you believe you deserve distress and pain, then regardless of what you state, this you'll get.  A large amount of people think they have favorable thoughts when their inner guide is constantly negative and also damaging.
That voice will always win. Maybe this is why LoA fails for numerous individuals- they're trying to grow trees of success and success while growing seeds of uncertainty as well as pain and suffering.
It does not function in this manner. You obtain what remains in your heart. The world will manifest it. However what remains in your heart is the reality and we may not always understand of this fact. Life does not provide you what you meant. Life gives you what you ask. And also while lots of people mean for riches as well as delight and also health, their thoughts are of hardship and also sadness and also misery. Since this is what they're planting, this is what the cosmos appears.
2nd, your thoughts result in beliefs. Your ideas result in activities.
Your actions result in end results. Your end results brings about your destiny.
The ideas you plant in your mind will certainly identify just how you act, on a level that's so subtle that you can not also regard it. Who you are, is the repercussion of the ideas you've adopted. It's tough to understand this.
It gets on the same degree of breathing. You realize your breath just if you focus. You recognize your actions and also where it originates from just if you evaluate it. But every little thing you are originates from the ideas you've once grown in your mind as well as then allow them become a component of you.
So when you plant positive ideas, you obtain favorable results. When you plant love as well as happiness, your behavior will mirror love as well as it will certainly produce joy for yourself and also for others. When you plant ideas of prosperity and also wealth, your actions will develop wealth and also prosperity in the globe.
Consider this like the captain of an airplane.
A plane is substantial, lugs hundreds of guests and also weighs 10s of heaps. Yet, you will find just a couple of pilots in the cabin, controlling this big device. So is with your life. Also if your actions is definitely intricate, there are simply a few ideas that control every one of
it and also if you change those thoughts, whatever will alter for you too.
The thoughts you plant in it will certainly both show up truth as
in developing reality itself and also form your habits to develop the results you desire.
Both are essential. This world is a 50-50 place. The cosmos can manifest the opportunities you need at this minute yet you should act to take advantage. If good luck knocks at your door, you still require to unlock.
It's like in this old joke. An angler is caught up in a storm. His watercraft is sinking. Hopeless, he prays to God. "God, please save me, I'll be excellent, I'll repent, just save me " A few minutes later on, a boat appears."Hello there, do you need any assistance? ", the do-gooder asks him.
"No, no, God will conserve me", the fisherman solutions.  Perplexed, the hero leaves.  Ten mins later, the same things happen. An additional boat appears. They supply to help him. The fisherman rejects stating that God will assist him.  At some point, the boat sinks, he passes away and goes to heaven. There, face to face with God, he asks ...  "God, why did you left me to die? I hoped to you as well as I assured I'll repent for my wrongs". 
God checks out him and claims "What are you discussing? I've sent you two boats".  This is a joke, but this is exactly how life works also. 
We manifest opportunities yet you have to take advantage of these chances. If you are a property agent and you intend to shut a big offer, your ideas will materialize this possibility. The universe will line up individuals, locations and also conditions for this to happen.
Yet these people, locations as well as conditions won't come to you in your living room. You need to still act and also do something.  Or possibly you want to locate the love of your life.
Thoughts of love as well as recognition will manifest your perfect partner but your partner will not knock at the door and also ask you for a date.  Deep space resembles a tree that supplies you the fruits you need, in boundless abundance, however you still should get hold of those fruits from the tree.
And also it all starts with your ideas, with your beliefs. Make a commitment currently to fill your mind with favorable thoughts. Make a commitment to assume just ideas of love as well as happiness and also wealth.
At first, it will be difficult.  If you're used to plant only poisonous substance in your mind, it will certainly take a while until you take it all out. Once you do, you'll see something extraordinary happening. You'll see just how you'll stroll right into the best circumstances. You'll locate on your own in the ideal places, at the correct time, to get what you want.
Exactly how can I aid you do this?
Manifestation Magic consists of covert NLP commands which work as seeds to plant in your subconscious mind.  NLP is an effective modern technology built around the very best schools of psychotherapy as well as hypnosis. It allows you to "program" your subconscious mind - planting seeds right into the productive ground of your mind as well as heart.
This implies you can listen to these tracks prior to going to rest and also change what you think, placing no initiative in any way.
Manifestation Magic constantly includes the best of brainwave entrainment, which educates the brain to operate at a higher frequency and also is constructed around the Solfeggio scales, tones that will certainly heal you and also assist you materialize miracles in your life.
Click below to uncover exactly how Manifestation Magic can assist you grow far better ideas into your mind and materialize the life you are entitled to.
>>Click Here To Manifest Magic Into Your Life<<
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azure7539arts · 6 years
may I also request something mdzs related? that post about wwx going down lwj memory lane, may you write his reactions to lwj receiving his punishment, finding lsz, and maybe inquiry? your writing is really captivating! (and very angsty)
Thank you, anon! And, apparently, angsty is what I strive for in life lmao And yes, feel free to send in more asks. I’ll get around to them when I have the chance~
[Read part 1 (i guess?) here]
► Note:
• Bu Ye Tiancheng: Nightless City
• LuanZang Gang: Burial Mounds
• Yun Shen Buzhi Chu: Cloud Recesses in the English translation (or literally, land lost in the clouds, unable to be found)
Wei WuXian didn’t think he was breathing.
He didn’t think he was breathing because the air felt leaden in his lungs as it sat like an ominous weight right in the center of his chest, just waiting to burst forth straight out of his rib cage.
He’d been trying to think, trying to piece together some sort of coherent thought or explanation or just anything at all, but all that he could come up with was a broken loop of why, why, why, why.
He understood why, but that didn’t mean he had to comprehend or accept it. He understood that Lan Zhan was a stubborn, headstrong man with a will of iron forged in the most searing of flames in the high heavens. He understood that once Lan Zhan loved, there was nothing or no one who could sway him otherwise (because, deep down, the six-year-old boy who resolutely sat on those stone steps to wait for his mother to open the doors for him was still there, still patiently waiting even then after all this time—and this was already more than enough evidence should anyone ever want to know exactly just how unwavering and unfaltering Lan Zhan could be once he’d decided that he’d give someone hold over his heart.)
Wei WuXian understood it all, but as it was, he didn’t understand why Lan Zhan just had to go to this length for him.
He had been trying in vain for what seemed like hours to stop the discipline whip from striking and cutting any more slashes into Lan Zhan’s already bloodied, torn up back, the wounds so deep Wei WuXian could see the sickening sight of white bone peeking out in some places underneath the shredded flesh. He knew there was no use to it—whatever remaining rationality screaming at him that this was just a memory of the past flashing by—but he couldn’t help it.
He had to do something when there were people were hurting the one person he loved most in the world.
By the end of it, Lan Zhan was bedridden for three years.
By the end of it, Wei WuXian couldn’t remember what his past counterpart had been doing during those three years up on LuanZang Gang anymore. All he could hear and see, taste and smell, were the tears and sweat and blood that shedded for him.
“Don’t go so fast,” Wei WuXian said into this quiet void of talking to himself, itching eyes watching as Lan Zhan, in a frantic panic, dressed himself and proceeded to ignore every unbidden wince of pain that he was pulling out of his own lips thanks to that series of hasty movements that were disturbing those barely healed wounds. The slashes had still bled sluggishly sometimes, even after three years. “Worry about yourself first.”
Those were futile words.
Lan Zhan had disappeared from Yun Shen Buzhi Chu that day and had brought himself—no matter the pain it took—to LuanZang Gang. To the one person who had directly and indirectly caused him all the hurt, beyond the physical sense, that he had been bearing for years and years on end.
But long before he had managed to drag himself there, the Wei WuXian of this bleak past had already been long gone from the world.
(Wei WuXian didn’t think he would ever forget the sheer desperation that had been on Lan Zhan’s face as he had looked around in search for any traces, any remaining traces at all, of the person whom he given everything he could to protect.
There had been none.)
And Wei WuXian wondered, numbly, what had kept Lan Zhan searching. Stubbornness? Despair?… Hope? It was hard to say, and in the meantime, Wei WuXian was trying his utmost best not to look too closely at his surroundings anyway. The broken pots on the ground, the makeshift houses razed to the ground, the just growing crops burnt and mercilessly squashed… The Wens had all died in this place along with him.
It wasn’t until Lan Zhan pulled a too thin, unconscious and feverish boy out of the hollow of a tree littered with all sorts warding talismans, that he could feel the coiled tension in the pit of his stomach relax incrementally.
A-Yuan had subconsciously clung onto Lan Zhan like a lifeline, and either too far gone or thinking that there had been no one around to witness it anyway, Lan Zhan had allowed a grief-stricken look to shroud over his face, and Wei WuXian could only cast his eyes out into the dark expanse of the starless night sky above, overwhelmed and exhausted yet relieved at the same time despite himself. Despite already knowing that Lan Zhan would eventually find this poor boy who had once called him Xian-gege and had now become the sole survivor of an entire family.
“A-Yuan ah…” Wei WuXian whispered, hand motioning in an attempt to try and stroke a hand through the child’s sweat and dirt matted hair that he could still remember to be so soft and tender. “You’re safe now. He’ll take good care of you.” Better than I could’ve ever done myself.
Wei WuXian thought he remembered where his soul had gone, after that sweeping raid on LuanZang Gang, but he wasn’t thinking about it. Instead, the sound of the guqin lingered with him, as much as it had done with Lan Zhan, almost everywhere, constantly, the hauntingly desolate notes wrapping around him like binding threads of gossamer. Spinning and spinning and spinning.
Lan Zhan had played Inquiry everyday (like he he had kept waiting for his mother to open the door to receive him into her arms everyday even though he had no longer come by to sit on the steps of her private quarters anymore after his schedule had gotten too irregular to keep up the habit.) He had played Inquiry every day, had gone to buy Emperor’s Smile whenever he had missed the bright boy of the past and his rich laughter too much, and had gathered every piece of Wei WuXian that he had still kept from long ago together to form what almost seemed like one last final breath of a life before had died out in a shriek of agony.
He’d held onto all of that, tucked them away for safekeeping, and continued playing that one song of Inquiry day after day without fail.
Wei WuXian looked at his husband, his hands ghosting over the too silent strings that was the hallmark of an unanswering soul, and wondered what would have become of them, of Lan Zhan, if Mo XuanYu hadn’t given him another chance at life.
(The idea of Lan Zhan, cold and alone and unable to move on from this almost terrifyingly encompassing love, love for a person—for all he had known—who was never coming back, made Wei WuXian shudder as the despair bubbled up from deep inside his chest and spilled over like spider lilies falling into the darkness.)
His limbs were cold, and Lan Zhan, just like that, was clasping Wei WuXian’s hands with his own his steady, warm ones, all the while blowing hot breaths onto the icy palms and kneading the underlying muscles for better blood circulation.
Lan Zhan allowed him his silence for a few long moments before cracking his lips open and saying, “It’s not your fault.”
“You told me that already,” Wei WuXian replied sullenly, head heavy with a pulsing pressure wedged right behind his eyes.
“It’s true.”
Wei WuXian pursed his lips and said nothing. His fingers were still stiff with cold.
“I…” Lan Zhan began again, and for a man of not many words, he was trying hard to get this point across. Because it was important. “I do not want there to be any sense of gratitude or apology between us.”
“That’s not—” Wei WuXian was in the process of shaking his head in denial when Lan Zhan levelled him a pointed look, one eyebrow slightly arching upward, and Wei WuXian clicked his mouth shut at that.
Lan Zhan sighed, the circular motion of his massaging thumbs moving steadily along Wei WuXian’s hands until they settled over inner, sensitive skin of his wrists now. And he tried again, no interruption this time: “I do not what that because everything I did, I did because they were right. No more.”
Meaning, Don’t feel grateful towards me when I was only doing the right things.
Meaning, Don’t apologize when I have no regrets.
Meaning, You were—are—right to me.
Because unlike his father before him who had had to lock both himself and his own wife, the love of his life, away because he couldn’t reconcile the conflicts he had felt over loving her so much even though it had been wrong and had gone against every teaching he had received since young, Lan Zhan knew that this love, to him, was right.
Wei WuXian was right, to him. For him.
“You told Jiang WanYin it was better not to dredge up the already bygone past, and this is the same.” Lan Zhan leant down, pressing gentle kisses over the pulse in Wei WuXian’s wrists. “We’re here now.” As in, what’s done is done.
Let’s enjoy the present.
And Wei WuXian closed his eyes, throat tight with the piercing of a thousand needles, but at the same time, he understood this. He comprehended what his husband was saying, and he agreed. The past was the past, and beyond that, it was already another lifetime for him, and if he kept living in regrets, even now that they had gotten married and had only just begun spending their lives together for the rest of their days to come… Then what was the point in all that suffering that they had gone through to be with one another? What was the point in all the pain that Lan Zhan had endured?
Gratitudes and regrets poisoned a relationship, and Wei WuXian should know this better than anyone else.
So he surged up and settled himself into his husband’s embrace, arms wrapping around him and holding him close. Never leaving. Never again.
“I love you,” Wei WuXian said, a genuine smile on his lips despite the sadness that was finally ebbing in his eyes. He was happy. Happy that Lan Zhan had gone out of his way and tried so hard to explain his thoughts to Wei WuXian, laying his heart out in the open like that, just so there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding between them.
(It was an almost terrifyingly encompassing love, but at the same time, Wei WuXian didn’t mind. His love was possessive, too, with the weight of too many losses and the stigma of a madness that hadn’t quite faded away even after crossing over lifetimes. And that was just how they were… They helped balance each other out and made themselves all the more stronger for it.
In the end, this was all that they had ever wanted or needed.)
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ekaterinakostrova · 6 years
She felt it all—too keenly, too sharply.
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Nesta is accused of ill-treatment of her younger sister (abuse and violence against Feyre), but Nesta has many reasons for this behavior - and Nesta's cruel words do not mean that she does not like her younger sister. Otherwise, Nesta would never risk her life for her sister and other people. Nesta's current condition - her rudeness, her cold behavior, alienation from the outside world (after ACOFAS’s events she’s totally cut off from the outside world) - is the only way to keep her emotions, to keep her inner rage under control. And in fact, Nesta is in deep depression. The core of depression is sadness, especially when this depression is combined with despondency, shame and hostility. And Nesta experiences each of these terrible feelings.
In the life of the whole family there have been global changes.
Firstly, the irreplaceable loss of a loved one – the unspeakable loss of the mother. For a person like Nesta, it was a real tragedy. A person needs to try to get through this and begin to live an ordinary life. They adapt quickly to hide their true feelings.  
“My mother. Imperious and cold with her children, joyous and dazzling among the peerage who frequented our former estate, doting on my father—the one person whom she truly loved and respected. But she also had truly loved parties—so much so that she didn’t have time to do anything with me at all save contemplate how my budding abilities to sketch and paint might secure me a future husband. Had she lived long enough to see our wealth crumble, she would have been shattered by it—more so than my father. Perhaps it was a merciful thing that she died”.
It seems that right after the death of her mother Nesta had to build her inner walls to save and to protect herself in order to continue to live on, because most people after following shock and helplessness, have the strongest awareness of their profoundly personal rejection. Finally, there are accusations, disappointing attempts to escape from the realization of the guilt. These people are trying to shift responsibility for the loved one’s death onto anybody else. This person needs a "scapegoat". Nesta’s father became her own scapegoat. Nesta believes that her father is responsible for the death of her mother. Then she started having these irrational bursts of anger at him- she believed that he could save their mother, or he was the cause of the death of their mother and directed her rage toward him.
“I wanted to see if he would ever try to do it himself, instead of carving those bits of wood. If he would actually go out and fight for us. I couldn’t take care of us, not the way you did. I hated you for that. But I hated him more. I still do.”
“Does he know?”
“He’s always known I hate him, even before we became poor. He let Mother die—he had a fleet of ships at his disposal to sail across the world for a cure, or he could have hired men to go into Prythian and beg them for help. But he let her waste away.”
“He loved her—he grieved for her.” I didn’t know what the truth was—perhaps both.
“He let her die. You would have gone to the ends of the earth to save your High Lord.”
And that’s quite interesting, because here Feyre admits «I didn’t know what the truth was—perhaps both», so Nesta's true tragedy lies in the secret of her mother's death. What was happening in the family at that moment? Where was their father and what did he do when their mother was dying?
“Her cowardice, selfishness. The rage that had consumed her, so that she wanted them all to starve, just to see if their useless father would bother to save them. And then little Feyre had stepped in, and Nesta had hated her for it, too—that Feyre had done the unthinkable and kept them alive”.
In fact, such emotional walls that Nesta built up are a very well-known psychological state, and these “walls” protect people from painful feelings and thoughts. But they also cause the appearance of their changed forms of behavior. Thus, we can say that such emotional walls have their pros and cons.
In the case of searching for a "scapegoat", the feeling of anger does not disappear. This feeling is simply hidden. Anger remains with a person, deeply hidden, and exudes its poison. If this person spends the remaining days chasing scapegoats, then most of their life will be useless: they will experience constant bitterness, which will cripple their personality. In addition, such emotional walls prevent people from feeling the positive side of their existence: to get acquainted with new people, to enjoy life by itself.
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One of the factors contributing to the growth of depression is rapid social change.
Nesta was not just from a wealthy family, she was almost a noblewoman, and the Archeron’s family had a real mansion. Feyre did not have time to get proper education, while older sisters had lessons of etiquette, music, and dance.
Surely Nesta already had her own idea and vision of ​​her future, she repeatedly emphasizes the bad manners and lack of manners from other people, not only when they lived in the village among beggars, but also when she got to the Night Court. Nesta said that members of the Inner Circle knew nothing about real manners.
“Nesta had taken the loss of our fortune the hardest. She had quietly resented my father from the moment we’d fled our manor, even after that awful day one of the creditors had come to show just how displeased he was at the loss of his investment”.
“I looked at my sister, really looked at her, at this woman who couldn’t stomach the sycophants who now surrounded her, who had never spent a day in the forest but had gone into wolf territory … Who had shrouded the loss of our mother, then our downfall, in icy rage and bitterness, because the anger had been a lifeline, the cruelty a release. But she had cared—beneath it, she had cared, and perhaps loved more fiercely than I could comprehend, more deeply and loyally”.
It might sound strange, but when a person finds himself/herself in an unfamiliar environment for them - it's extremely difficult to get used to it. This is a real stressful situation. Of course, Nesta and Elain, in some ways, were born with silver spoons in their mouths - they had expensive clothes, shoes, they never thought about what it would take to think about food. For them it was not a problem, and in one day everything collapsed.
“I’d been too young to learn more than the basics of manners and reading and writing when our family had fallen into misfortune, and she’d never let me forget it”.
I have a friend, who has experienced great stress after the death of her father. In addition to the death of a loved one, she experienced severe changes in her life - she and her mother lost their fortune. And she admitted that she had never used public transport until she was thirteen or fourteen years old. I understand it may be difficult to believe something like this is possible, especially in the modern world, but everything happens. They always got everywhere by car. Conditions of life changed, something had to be sold, you need to say goodbye to your property. But when a person has never used public transport, and then suddenly it is necessary to get used to new conditions - it's really difficult. Everyone is nervous when they first come to the university or to a new job - this is a new and unfamiliar situation, new environment. So, partially, I understand Nesta, and what she had to endure. From a rich mansion to move to a collapsing house, to lose all property. Hunger, despair and destruction - all were in a state of the endless stress.
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It is not excluded that the Archeron’s family spent their free time surrounded by other noble families, and when you lose your fortune, property, influence, money - you feel a sense of shame.
“As usual, Nesta was complaining about the villagers—they had no manners, they had no social graces, they had no idea just how shoddy the fabric of their clothes was, even though they pretended that it was as fine as silk or chiffon. Since we had lost our fortune, their former friends dutifully ignored them, so my sisters paraded about as though the young peasants of the town made up a second-rate social circle”.
“He could find work if he wasn’t so ashamed, Nesta always said when I hissed about it. She hated him for the injury, too—for not fighting back when that creditor and his thugs had burst into the cottage and smashed his knee again and again. Nesta and Elain had fled into the bedroom, barricading the door. I had stayed, begging and weeping through every scream of my father, every crunch of bone. I’d soiled myself—and then vomited right on the stones before the hearth. Only then did the men leave. We never saw them again”.
Angry creditors broke their father’s leg and never returned. To be honest, in real life it's difficult for me to imagine, so I have a feeling that Neste had to sell something or do something meaningful so that they would not return to their house anymore. Everyone knows that the collectors are seeking the return of any debts, they will not go until they get their money back.
Nesta is from a noble family, so she cannot bear Feyre's dirty clothes. It is possible that someone will find such words an insult to Feera, but for me Nesta feels unhappier with the fact that Feyre allowed herself to look like that. And she also disgusted with the whole situation in which they were, she did not like the fact that her sister had to go to the dense forest.
“You stink like a pig covered in its own filth. Can’t you at least try to pretend that you’re not an ignorant peasant?”
Nesta still considers herself and the rest of her family as the members of the nobility, so she is frightened by the very thought that her sister looks like a beggar.
She stepped back to run a finger over the braided coils of her gold-brown hair. “Take those disgusting clothes off.”
Everyone accuses Nesta of letting little girl go to the forest, but the real culprit was her father. Despite the fact that Nesta and Feyre are sisters, they are completely different. While Feyre is a survivor, Nesta is a fighter. Feyre wants to survive, so she goes to the forest for food, she was not forced to go to the forest - it was her way of survival, and Nesta is ready to die if it helped her father to get out of oblivion. There is another reason - neither Elaine nor Nesta would ever really have gone into the forest, at least because of the fear. Nesta chose the path of perdition in order to prove her point of view, and Feyre wanted to survive, and for this Nesta hated her.
Even in human life there are situations where people stood in fear. For example, to jump into a whirlpool, save a drowning person, or climb down the cliff, ready to extend a helping hand to those in need or in any other emergency, in which the chances of dying to save another person are very high - it's difficult. A person in ordinary life and a person who falls into a stressful situation are two completely different people and the reaction to stress is different for all of us. Someone can’t move, someone reacts with a hysteria, and someone in a state of affect does something that they would never have done in the ordinary state. Stress for them is a start for immediate action. All of these are psychological factors that need to be considered. We must admit that all people are completely different. If someone could cope with a difficult life situation, this does not mean that another person can go through a hard and thorny path with the same circumstances.
In addition, Nesta is actually looking for the Feyre’s company. Her younger sister does not understand this. Nesta does not act directly.
“How is my sister?”
So he merely said, “Busy.”
A flicker of her throat. “So busy she cannot deign to visit, it seems.”
Tomas Mandray
“Tomas Mandray?” I interrupted. “The woodcutter’s second son?”
“You can’t chop wood for us, but you want to marry a woodcutter’s son?”
Thomas is from a poor family. And for me this person in Nesta's life remains a real mystery. Why Nesta wanted to connect her life with him? What was the reason? If Thomas had money, then I would understand Nesta's decision to choose him as her future spouse. Nesta really could not help her family as Feyre did, but Nesta could get married and get some money from her husband to help her family. It is possible that Nesta hoped that her younger sister would stop going into the woods.
“Tomas had wanted to, and she … some part of her had known no future lay with him. Knew about his hateful father, and that he did nothing to prevent the man from beating his mother. She had barely let Tomas kiss her, and that day when she had ended it, he’d …”
She swallowed, shutting out the memory of what he’d said and done. The sound of her tearing dress. No—it hadn’t gone that far, but … The blind terror in those moments he’d tried, before she’d screamed and clawed her way free. And never told anyone”.
Nesta has never told anyone about Thomas, what he did. But it is also not easy to be a victim of violence - this is also a trauma that remains for the whole life. She was not raped, but traces of the sense of fear remain with person "blind terror in those moments". Some are ashamed of what happened, and do not want to share with someone, what happened, others have an inferiority complex. Sometimes there is a feeling that rape has placed a certain mark that distinguishes a person from others. Sometimes people are locked in themselves, not letting anyone into their inner world, not revealing their feelings and secrets. Mental trauma finds a way out in angry emotions. In psychology, there is such a phenomenon as "visible adaptation" - a person returns to the usual way of life, however depression, bouts of anxiety periodically arise.
Nesta went through a lot, and as a sensitive person, for her everything was much more complicated than for Feyre. She must take her bitter experience as something unchanging. This important moment relates to the desire to move forward and the realization that not everything is lost. Of course, throughout the whole life there can be flashbacks of memories, nightmares, but this is more of an exception.
“She didn’t know what to do with it, that rage. It still burned and hunted her, still made her want to rip and roar and rend the world into pieces. She felt it all—too keenly, too sharply. Hated and cared and loved and dreaded, more than other people, she sometimes thought. Could sift between them all in a matter of moments, like she was trying on different sets of clothes, and no one could tell or care”.
Nesta must let go of her emotions. Letting others see themselves as they are, and not be afraid to be rejected that is the real strength.
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 years
How to Enter the Spirit World And Receive The Answers
God speaks to us in many ways. He gave us an extraordinary, unique ability – intuition. An immaterial mechanism to sense and receive information from the spiritual realm when you need it and you’re in “search mode”.
We, the people, usually wish to have interesting spiritual experiences, although we don’t appreciate what that means, and quite often we don’t want to put forth any efforts.
Our expectations are that a “teacher”, “healer”, “guru”, or “magician” can do the job for us, while we’re left to enjoy the end result.
But in sustaining such a paradigm of thinking, we deprive ourselves of engrossing spiritual encounters. Encounters that we can experience by ourselves. We’re also robbing ourselves of the control over this connection, inasmuch as we can talk about control.
I recommend you 7 actions & ways of thinking which can open you to spiritual sensations and perceptions. If you adopt them, you will receive the answers look for. You won’t have to seek the help of an intermediary.
My observations are based on the lives of people, who are turned inward to their inner world. And they refract every experience through their spiritual eyes, seeking the deeper meaning of everything that life hands them.
I know them and their experiences, which occur almost daily, and therefore no longer consider them “paranormal”.
If it weren’t for them, I would never have discovered the things I have. And by looking at their lives, I have intuitively understood some of my past actions.
Our common aim is to develop our way of contacting and connecting to the spirit world, also called our Home
How to Enter the Spirit World?
1. The first key thing you must change in yourself is the false notion that you can’t do it by yourself.
Each one of us, every day and every minute, is connected with the spiritual home. Part of us is always there and can make the contact when we need.
2. You must believe in your abilities and train yourself to practice in your daily life. You shouldn’t wait only when some dramatic event occurs (in such moments, strong emotions can become blockages).
3. Meditation is a great way to establish a communication link with the spirit world.
Meditation enables us to quiet the monkey-mind. It also enables us to practice inner reflection by falling asleep immediately afterwards with the intention of what excites us.
For instance, if you were reading an interesting book and wanted to feel the essence of what was written, you would read a little and set the book aside. Allow yourself to relax and close your eyes, contemplating what you’ve just read.
Ask yourself about the meaning of what you’ve read, and then let yourself fall asleep with those thoughts.
This way, you’ll teach yourself how to see into the spiritual realm through meditation on a daily basis.
The Magic Occurs When You Silence the Monkey-Mind.
More often than not, such moments will bring you interesting experiences while sleeping. You may have metaphorical dreams filled with symbols and feelings which, impart a deeper understanding of your questions and of what you’ve read.
Sometimes, insights and feelings from the day can continue in your dreams.
These can include visiting various places that you’ve read about, meeting with creatures you’re curious about, having exciting experiences that you’ve never had before, and much, much more beyond the scope of human concepts.
Quite often, my friends come and tell me that they drift off to sleep when they meditate. After an hour or two, they wake up feeling they have meditated. Their consciousness was there in the meditation, engaged in the subject they had chosen.
If you’re open for such an experience and you’re not afraid to dream (and there’s no reason to be afraid), the proper dreams are automatically organized, providing you with profound insights on the topics of your choice. Everything happens seamlessly without being planned because internally you’ve asked yourself the question.
Visualization Increases the Effect of Meditation.
4. Try visualizing while in the meditative state. Visualizing can actually help you get into the spirit world.
Pictures and images are a universal language. Even today, if you gather people from different nationalities, they all understand a painting in the same way.
This universal language is above all other communication. For that reason, our feelings are often associated with images.
Here I’ll share one more experience from a friend of mine. She shared with me that sometimes just by glimpsing a person or some ordinary thing like spilled water, she would almost instantaneously receive an image and a feeling about it.
On the last occasion this happened, a friend of hers was undergoing a surgery. My friend had no news about the outcome. She was in a state in which she was internally searching for a sign her friend’s operation went smooth.
This disposition provoked her to notice a sign – the image of an angel, formed by a spilled glass of water at her workplace. At the same time, she felt a very strong sense of her sick friend.
Later, it turned out that the water image of the angel described the exact position the sick woman had taken in her hospital bed after the surgery. Everything was accurate, the position of the hands and the body, the heaviness and slight tilt of the body on one side.
When visualization is done while meditating, it provides an excellent opportunity to further develop your communication with and receptiveness to the spiritual realm.
Look Into Yourself to Find the Answer.
5. In order to learn how to connect with the spirit world, you must turn inwards and feel what you want to express while you’re awake – a skill which the act of writing can help to develop.
Our inner world is quite rich. We constantly process huge amounts of information and at the same time analyze everything internally based on our relationship with God and the Universe.
It’s like writing an essay at school, but without the concern about being right or wrong. No one will judge what you write. It’s all up to you.
Writing on the white sheet of paper can lead to various insights. It’s a priceless phenomenon and everyone is capable of doing it.
Don’t be afraid of who you are or what you’ll write. Don’t be afraid to ask the questions that bother you, or to consider the answers. You know how to enter the spirit realm.
Initially, everyone is worried about trying it, but once the first step is made, you’ll realize how good you actually feel – seeing everything coming out on the white sheet, sorting out your feelings and thoughts, analyzing your experiences.
You’ll feel as if an invisible force is helping you to understand yourself and others, and to realize new wisdom. This wisdom, which we often feel isn’t our own and doesn’t come from us, is a message from the spiritual world and God. They are the answers to which we always have access but can’t see unless we slow down by simply expressing ourselves in writing.
Develop A Mindset That You Can Do It.
6. Cultivate a way of thinking which puts you in the consciousness of knowing how to contact the spirit world. And that you may always find the answers you seek.
Even when we can’t comprehend the motives of other’s, when we can’t understand why things happen the way they do, when everything seems chaotic and we lose positivity, it’s necessary to pause for a moment and remind ourselves:
“I might not grasp the whole concept of what is happening now, but I’m SURE and I BELIEVE that God will reveal the purpose to me in time, and that I’ll FIND OUT the meaning of these lessons.”
7. Every day we learn new things, meet new people, and find ourselves in different situations. Yet, as monotonous life might seem at first glance, nothing is what it seems.
Our internal processes, the experiences of our colleagues at work or at school, and everything that we see or touch happens in front of us, with us, and to us, simply because our soul needs to see and experience, in order to learn.
Everything contains a potential learning experience. By sustaining an attitude of self-improvement and inquiry, you’ll soon start to discover by yourself what the Universe is trying to teach you, by confronting you with certain people, situations, and occasional tests along your way. 
It’s also a constant form of intercommunication. We don’t gain anything if we close our eyes and ears to the spiritual channel. Everything happens for a reason and is intended to enrich our lives and impart some lesson. Everything someone endures is an experience that can’t be accomplished in the spiritual world, but only here on Earth – a field where different lessons are physically being played out.
Final Words.
The most precious thing is the ability to notice the signs and messages coming from the spiritual dimension. Learning this, you’ll know how to act, will always feel protected and know how to cope with everything you encounter. It won’t matter how complicated or difficult a situation might seem.
Knowing how to enter the spirit world is an invaluable experience.
Teach yourself to search this communication within yourself, to welcome it, to analyze your experiences and thoughts, to analyze the situations and circumstances in your life but always asking “What does the Universe wants to tell me in this moment, why is it happening now, what’s hidden behind this delay of my plans? Is it an attempt to protect me from trouble or to show me there’s something better for me? Are my pans postponed so that I can mature and become ready for what I desire?
Even if you think what you have just read is all simply “infotainment” – the essence of this piece contains enormous potential if you apply it. Those of you, who intuitively do it already can appreciate what I’m saying.
It’s an integral part of the path of anyone, who seeks to achieve connection and be independent, to personally feel anything, to understand how to see the spirit world.
The satisfaction you experience when you realize that you actually received feedback, response or insight, is indescribable. There’s no other feeling in the heart quite like it – the feeling of love and support, not from man, but from a force much greater.
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Why the title?
So I named this blog “its-all-good-in-theory” but why?  I thought I should take a moment to answer this question.  If ever there was a rule follower who tried her best to do everything right, it was me.  I was awarded a certificate in 9th grade from my Bible teacher called “Striving for Righteousness”.  I honestly wasn’t sure it was meant to be a compliment since I had fussed at him about a grade of mine he had entered in his book that was incorrect.  He gave mine out last and said to the entire class that he wasn’t sure what character quality to name me for so he made this one up for me instead.  But for better or for worse, he was right.  I always tried to follow every rule because I had the expectation that if I did everything right, God would bless me.  The problem is that how I defined a “blessing” and what God’s blessings truly are were two very different things.
Somehow in the grand scheme of things God intervenes on our behalf because no matter how hard we try, the end results of life situations are not often within our control.  We certainly cannot control other people and honestly, sometimes we aren’t able to fully control our own selves as we would like to.  Even the Apostle Paul said that the good that he wants to do, he doesn’t, and the evil which he does not want to do, he does. (Rom. 7:19)  We can strive to follow all of the rules and in theory make our plans for the future, but the future does not belong to us.  The famous poet Robert Burns once said, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. 
The good things that I planned for my life as a young woman did not transpire.  The goals I aspired to did not come to pass or took many more years than I ever would have imagined to complete.  The accomplishments that I thought were expected of me turned out to go completely wrong.  I wasn’t able to finish college due to lack of funds, my first marriage ended in divorce, and now as a mother of teens/young adults I’ve felt the sting of others’ critical looks as my children have dabbled in all of the things the world has to offer.  Much to my chagrin, no matter how I led my children in morning devotions studying the Bible for 16 years, my children are bound and determined to prove to themselves that I was too strict, or that I sheltered them too much.  So I wait and watch as the Lord deals with them and their expectations much like He did with me.  We all go through it; it just may look at little different in all of our lives.
What I see now though as an adult hopefully halfway through my life is that at age 20 I thought that I knew exactly what my life was going to look like.  I knew who I wanted to marry.  I knew what I wanted to study in college.  I had big dreams.  I was creating a masterpiece in my mind.  This was my life’s work right?  I had spent a good 16 years planning all these things out.  What I didn’t realize is that my masterpiece would have looked like this.
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It was a drawing of stick figures.  Nothing more than a three year old could have made.  And no matter how difficult it was for me that my Father in Heaven took that away from me and put a clean canvas in front of me, it was necessary.  I needed to learn how to paint a masterpiece, and He was ready to teach me.  I wasn’t ready to be taught though.  I was angry that He took my stick drawing away from me.  I didn’t know how my life would turn out without all of things that I thought that I had wanted. 
I also didn’t know that when He taught me how to paint my life’s masterpiece that I would have to suffer in order to learn.  Humility was what I was lacking.  I couldn’t learn anything without this character quality and so began my lesson in humility as I embarked on marriage and motherhood with an abusive husband.  Not everyone has to attend the school of hard knocks, but I guess I did.  Those experiences made me who I am today.  They will be a very essential part of my life’s masterpiece when I finish my life on this earth.  What I learned in those very difficult eight years I wouldn’t trade now to have had an easier life.  The master creator and artist knows best how the deep dark colors of the painting that may look like a mess in the beginning will look amazingly beautiful when it is done.
This is what I aspire to now, that the Master artist would make a beautiful painting of my life because He knows best what will look gorgeous in the end.  I recently attended a funeral service for an amazing lady that lived 97 years on this earth.  That day I witnessed what a masterpiece the Lord can make of someone’s life when they are willing to be taught by Him.  I can only hope that if I stay willing to learn and willing to be humble to whatever the Lord allows in my life that He can make my life’s work half as beautiful as hers was.  I think many of us get stuck when God takes away our artwork and trades it out for a new canvas and clean brushes.  I don’t honestly think I’m alone in that experience.  May we be willing to embrace a clean slate, a change of plans, or a difficult experience so that we may be able to enjoy the blessing of a grand masterpiece when our lives are through because God is good. 
“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man: that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.  Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Eph. 3:14-21
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hillrot · 7 years
Act i: naivete
Once, there was a peasant family living in the lowlands of the heathlands. Three proud sons to a mother and father, their home no more secure than the heather billowing in the breeze. They raise their sons on stories of little people in the streams and forests; of the Fair Folk and warn their children against angering them. The middle son, destined for no inheritance or favoritism, sold his strength and labor in guarding neighboring farmland. (He laughs at his parents’ warnings.) 
One farmer’s family he deems as queer; they never seem to eat anything they grow, they grow too quiet when he repeats his father’s curses at invisible hobs the man swore hid his tools, and if he happened across the children alone he could swear he heard a thousand bells on the wind. They welcome a baby girl into the world and she is sickly and blind. Each day, he watches as the baby’s parents rub a paste against her eyes and whisper promises that one day she will see. 
To his surprise, one day she does. Now the baby seems to reach out and coo at the emptiness in the air, giggling at nothing. The middle son decides to steal that cream for himself. 
Act ii: curiosity killed the cat
It burns from the very moment it makes contact with his skin. More agonizing than any pain the boy had ever felt. Thick and itching; he runs to the river to wash it off it, leaving a trail of tears in his wake. The farmer soon appears behind him, voice soothing and with all the concern of a parent, wanting to know what happened. As the middle son dries his face, he catches sight of the farmer’s reflection in the water. 
In place of the farm, he sees a smaller figure, a sharp, contorted face, whetted teeth and a ‘man’ with translucent wings. He screams. The last memory he has is a snarl and the farmer’s hands around his neck.
Act iii: the court
He awakens encaged, in a throne room and surrounded by monsters. Too terrified to breathe or realize he now was surrounded by the very creatures his parents had once warned him against provoking. While beautiful, each are terrifying; wholly inhuman and far too surreal in appearance for the middle son to comprehend. Two armored creatures beat him before his newfound King and Queen. He fights with every ounce of energy he has, biting and thrashing, but it is never enough. This is his trial, and he has already been found guilty. 
His punishment is ultimately decided to be the very gift that he stole: his Sight. One Knight holds pins him the ground while other unsheaths a curved blade. With one slash, the middle son’s world turns black and red before they cage him once more, gleefully waiting for him to die. But he is a stubborn boy. He lives, his vision returns and with it, an unprecedented hatred. HE WILL BE USEFUL AFTERALL, THEY DECIDE. 
Act iv: the Knight
Each day he spits at them and each day they brutalize him until at last, he can no longer look them in the eye. The middle son is no longer a son at all, but taught instead to be a warrior: brutal and efficient in their wars against the Seelie court. Best of all, unlike the rest of the Unseelie court, he can lie as easily as he can breathe. Decades pass in apprenticeship but at last, they have an obedient Knight to serve their crown. They brand him like cattle, he thinks to himself, with a seven-pointed star on the inner wrist of his right hand and moves to teach him glamour, magic. He becomes human in name only, bearing the skills and livelihood of any other span. They hum praises in his ear. 
  He is desperate, and that makes him dangerous. It is said that his hair, once flaxen, soon permanently stained itself red from the blood he shed.
Centuries pass. They come to allow him into the human world to do their bidding and he conspires with a Saint to legitimize him for humanity; together they spin stories of a boy-king, of a sword in a stone, an alias of Arthur and a doomed king carried off by the fae, destined to return one day. 
Act v: release
Without provocation, it seems, he wastes a winter seducing the royal consort. He becomes the favorite of their favorite. On the coldest night when they should be buried beneath rich furs and blankets, he slits the consort’s throat while the other male sleeps with an iron knife and takes the evidence to their Highnesses. (Weapon concealed, the guards take no issue in stepping aside for one of their most trusted Knights to have a private word with his Masters.) “Release me,” he demands, “or it will be your throat next.” They do.
Act vi: and that’s all....?
Power begets power. In his freedom, he remains fearful of being recaptured by the Unseelie court. To try protecting himself, he aligns himself with the most influential of humans, setting his eyes on their royalty and military commanders. In the centuries to come, he would become many things in exchange for their loyalty and promises of protection: a privateer, a soldier, a politician, a tutor. All the while, reinventing himself with new names to make it more difficult to identify him. Always ready to convince the next generation of influencers that he is their first King returned, ready to serve Queen and country again for the low price of being hidden amongst the masses, should he feel threatened. 
At present, he is a law enforcement aid employed by the New Scotland Yard, concealing magical and supernatural elements of crimes (unbeknownst to his employer). He may be Dirty Cop™ for any Other creature, but that doesn’t mean he’ll get you off without being charged. He’s glamouring witnesses and detectives, disposing of magical items to keep a connection from humanity and the forgotten magical world from being drawn. 
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bienready2122 · 4 years
Casino Players - Say Goodbye to Lady Luck
Club players, dispose of the possibility of karma. There are the individuals who consider karma a power outside of themselves, maybe even an embodiment, Lady Luck, and they accept that on the off chance that they charm her via conveying enough lucky trinkets she will come stumbling into their lives sprinkling star dust on the Blackjack and Craps tables so they can leave with a fortune. That is dream. It might work that route in the motion pictures however not, in actuality  cach tinh lo de hieu qua nhat What will be talked about in this article can be either acknowledged or dismissed. It's limited's perspective on. On the off chance that it's dismissed, there will be no mischief done and life will go on. Be that as it may, for the occasion, it will in any event be something worth mulling over.
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There is nothing of the sort as karma. We bring all things - wellbeing, ailment, riches, need, glad occasions, hopelessness - into our carries on with through our considerations. There is a Power inside you that won't just let you become a victor in gambling club play yet can acquire achievement any undertaking you pick. You should simply figure out how to bring your deduction into a strong association with that Power and it will realize the ideal outcomes.
This Power made you, brought you into being- - you, however every individual that is or will ever be, just as everything that exists, the whole universe with its vast number of stars and planets, including the little one that we happen to be on. Without this Power nothing would be. This Power is All-Knowing, All-Wise, and its substance is Love. You are associated with this Power. It is in you. It communicates through you. This Power transfuses itself to you and needs you to utilize It to accomplish all that you want throughout everyday life.
People have utilized this Power down through the ages to imagine each innovation that was ever created, to assemble each extension that crosses a gorge or waterway, to raise each high rise that remains in all the urban communities of the world, to paint each work of art of workmanship, to compose each book at any point composed. Furthermore, this Power is yours to utilize today to bring whatever you want into reality.
How? By what procedure would we say we are ready to bring things into being?
We realize that in spite of the fact that we have yet one psyche, it has two sections: the cognizant and the inner mind. The cognizant brain gives us mindfulness. We are aware of our environmental factors and understand that things are going on. We utilize the cognizant psyche to get things done. We choose to head to a gambling club, step into our car and turn the key in the start. At the point when we originally figured out how to drive we deliberately thought of each activity before we did it. We took a gander at the switch that controls the rigging shift and moved it into drive. We concentrated how much strain to apply to the gas pedal, how far to turn the controlling wheel to cycle a corner, and the separation our foot needed to head out to apply the brake. Presently, in the wake of driving for such huge numbers of years, quite a bit of what we do has been consigned to our inner mind, leaving the cognizant brain allowed to tune in to the radio, and before we know it we are at the club, scarcely mindful of how we went there.
Our cognizant brain is grinding away as we tally our chips to perceive the amount we've won as we sit at a blackjack table. It thinks about which video poker machine to play, the Deuces Wild or Double Bonus, and it settles on a decision. The cognizant psyche embeds the coins into a gaming machine and presses the turn button. It decides, regardless of whether to stop play and grab a bite, or to proceed. This piece of our brain can be supposed to be the supervisor since it coordinates the decisions we make. It thoroughly considers things and chooses. It is the executive, the creation director.
Interestingly, the psyche mind does no picking at all. It serves the cognizant psyche. Its responsibility is to create things. It will create beneficial things as well as awful things too - whatever the cognizant psyche through its reasoning guides it to do. The cognizant psyche picks and the inner mind must react to that decision. The inner mind has supernatural forces and capacities. It realizes how to bring beneficial things into being, can appear achievement, and it stands prepared to deliver for the individual who figures out how to utilize it.
The inventive procedure comprises of accepting we can have what we need, requesting what we need, understanding that our psyche, which works in the Infinite Mind, can bring what we need into being, and afterward discharging it to that Power inside us so what we need can appear.
Some who read this article will be hindered at the absolute starting point of the imaginative procedure. They won't have the option to force themselves to accept that their brain can connect through its musings to impact gaming machines, dice, or cards. As a matter of fact, it's implausible, and if an individual's psyche can't acknowledge that chance, it will always be unable to do it. The cynic needs to move in his speculation from a place of unbelief to at any rate an acknowledgment of the thought as a chance, since this works just at the degree of one's comprehension of how it functions and his supreme faith in it. Uncertainty is an executioner. Stay distrustful and you stay where you are, a non-adherent, a non-achiever. The decision is yours. State, "Indeed, I trust it is conceivable. I need this capacity to turn into a victor at whatever point I step into a club to bet," and you start a mixing in your subliminal that will prompt extreme achievement.
We are submerged in Universal Mind. Our inner mind is interlaced with His Mind, and there is a law in life that gives us whatever we accept. All that transpires is an impact of our reasoning. The contemplations we set forth have inside them a drawing in pull, similar to the power of a magnet. What makes a washout a failure is that the individual methodologies his betting round of decision with an indifferent want to win. Expectation has inside it as much power as some modest magnet one would discover in a game at Toys-R-Us. The draw isn't there. As the idiom goes, expectation and two dollars will get you some espresso. As you remain before a video poker machine or spot your chips on the wagering circle of a blackjack table, you need to realize you're going to win. The preeminent certainty that is in your cognizant psyche will drop down into your inner mind, will collaborate with the Power inside you and get it going. The inclination you will feel as this is going on is called confidence. Confidence. With confidence acting inside you while you're playing, you won't need to ask, or crush to cause your great to occur. You will have the option to unwind, on the grounds that you will manage the Absolute. All Power will dominate and winning will turn into a conviction.
It's straightforward why some would laugh at this. You can nearly hear their wariness: "You mean All Power is there with me in a betting gambling club? Helping me to win? Ludicrous."
Where would we be able to go that He isn't? The writer Tennyson had it right: "Closer is He than breathing, and closer than hands and feet." We have been informed that the very hairs of our head are numbered. Would you be able to reveal to us what number of hairs there are your responsibility? All Knowledge knows. The scoffer has however a questionable association with the Power. He doesn't comprehend what his identity is, so he needs to depend on karma and a bunny's foot. It would do well for the scoffer to recall that the hare had four of them when he was alive and clearly didn't admission such well.
There are a few people who pronounce themselves failures even before they show up at the club. How frequently have you heard a discussion like this:
"Going to Las Vegas, right?'
"That's right. Got the opportunity to go make my commitment to pay for their electric light bill."
What you state is the thing that you get. The psyche mind isn't responsive to satire. Is anything but a Saturday Night Live crowd; it doesn't have the foggiest idea when an individual is joking. It generally accepts what is spoken on the grounds that what comes out of an individual's mouth demonstrates what's happening inside his head, so it just gets on that individual's negative remark, submissively slips into a failure mode and produces what is called for. You ought to never at any point, say whatever you would prefer not to bring into the real world. It's essential to dispose of each part of pessimism in discussions. This isn't anything but difficult to do on the grounds that at whatever point at least two individuals meet in a social climate, the discussion much of the time goes to the issues they by and by have. So watch who you run with. Life is intense enough without encircle yourself with a hover of bellyachers.
You can have what you need on the off chance that you accept that you can. Request it, acknowledge that your psyche mind, which is a declaration of Infinite Mind, can bring it into being, and afterward unwind and permit it to occur. Hope to win when you visit a gambling club, realize that you will, and you will. Those cards in Blackjack and Mini-Baccarat, the dice at the Craps table, and those video poker machines are under your psychological control through the Power inside you. That is ensured not by the writer of this article yet by All-That-Is.
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7th June >> Fr. Martin’s Gospel Reflections / Homilies on John 3:16-18 for The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity: ‘God loved the world so much’.
Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
Gospel (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
John 3:16-18
God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved
Jesus said to Nicodemus:
‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost
but may have eternal life.
For God sent his Son into the world
not to condemn the world,
but so that through him the world might be saved.
No one who believes in him will be condemned;
but whoever refuses to believe is condemned already,
because he has refused to believe in the name of God’s only Son.’
Gospel (USA)
John 3:16–18
God sent his son that the world might be saved through him.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
Reflections (3)
(i) Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
There is a story told about Saint Augustine who was strolling along the seashore, struggling to understand the mystery of the Trinity. He encountered a youngster with a little bucket. The boy moved back and forth, emptying bucket after bucket of seawater into a hole he had dug in the sand, a short distance back from the shoreline. When Augustine asked him what he was doing, the boy replied that he was trying to put the ocean into the hole he had dug in the sand. When Augustine told him that was impossible, the boy responded that it was just as impossible for you to comprehend the mystery of the Trinity. There was a wisdom in that reply of the young lad that Augustine, the great theologian of the church, appreciated. I come across a statement recently that appealed to me, ‘the Trinity is no so much a mystery that puzzles but a fascination that captures our imagination’. Today’s feast speaks as much to our imagination as to our intellect. How does the word ‘Trinity’ help us to imagine the life of God?
I find it helpful to imagine the Trinity as a dynamic interacting community of love. Some of the early theologians of the church, especially in the East, used a word to speak of the Trinity which means a ‘going around’. It suggests a vigorous dance like movement within God, with Father, Son and Spirit, circling, interweaving, in vibrant interaction with one another. This dance of love is an open dance, drawing all of us right into the energetic flow of divine love. It is an image which might help to give us a feel for what we mean when we speak of God as the Blessed Trinity. When we speak of God as Trinity, we are speaking of God as love, reaching out to embrace us all. God’s inner life of love finds various outward expressions so as to draw us all in. The fullest outward expression of the love that is within God is the person of Jesus. He is God’s love outwardly expressed towards us fully so as to draw us into a loving relationship with God. That is the message of today’s gospel reading, especially that memorable verse, ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. Jesus is the human expression of the love within God, sent to us so that we might have eternal life, a sharing in the life of the Trinity. When we hear the term ‘eternal life’ we tend immediately to think of life after death. However, ‘eternal life’ is the loving life of the Trinity, and God desires us to be drawn into that life here and now, in the course of our earthly lives. If the Trinity is a mystery, it is a mystery of love, a love that needs to express itself in a human body, the body of Jesus, so as to draw us all into the love that is the life of God.
A further outward expression of the life of love that is within God is the Holy Spirit. If God sent his Son into the world, God the Father and the Son sent the Spirit into the world. It is the Holy Spirit that allows the love that is within God to enter deeply into our own inner being. Saint Paul expressed that very succinctly in his letter to the Romans when he said, ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’. Through the Holy Spirit, the very life of God, which is a life of love, can come to reside deep within each one of us. As we open ourselves to this life of love, the life of the Spirit, we become loving people, we become people who create communion with others. In today’s second reading, Paul wishes his church the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. The love of God finds outward expression in both the grace or gift of Jesus and in the gift of the Holy Spirit who creates a communion of love among us. The communion of love that the Holy Spirit creates is a reflection of the communion of love that is God. The role of the Holy Spirit is to empower us to live in ways that reflect the dynamic community of love that is God and that we call Trinity.
It has been said that the challenge this feast puts before us is not so much one of understanding but one of acceptance. We are being asked to accept God’s movement towards us in love. We are invited to believe in God’s tender working in our lives. Today’s feast reminds us that the primary movement is of God towards us, rather than the reverse. God’s movement towards us in love is always a given; it does not depend on how good we are or how well we are living. In the first reading, Moses speaks of the people of Israel as a ‘headstrong people’, whose faults and sins need forgiveness; they had just been worshipping a golden calf. Yet, it is towards this people that God proclaims his identity as a ‘God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich is kindness and faithfulness’. Those marvellous qualities are the outward expression of the God’s inner dynamic of love. The word ‘tenderness’ there comes from the Hebrew word for ‘womb’. It is a strong feminine word. We are being reminded that the love within God is beyond gender. It is a love of which even the very best of male and female love is but a pale reflection.
(ii) Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
There have been eight murders in Dublin in recent weeks. The taking of another person’s life is no longer the taboo it once was. We have become accustomed to hearing about the taking of human life on a more vicious scale in places like Iraq and elsewhere. In recent weeks we have been celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the ending of the Second World War. The scale of the loss of life in that war is almost more than our minds can take in. What a very different world it would be if individuals and nations committed themselves to never taking the human life of another under any circumstances.
 The taking of a human life is only the most extreme form of eliminating another human being. There are less extreme expressions of that tendency to eliminate others, as when we try to exclude others in some way. Whole communities can exclude other communities with the result that one group within a society can be made to feel like second class citizens. Society can be structured in such a way that large sections of the population can be have very restricted access to what others take for granted. There are areas of our own city, for example, where young people are very poorly represented in third level colleges, if at all. As individuals we can exclude people from our lives for a whole variety of reasons. When we are angry with people we tend to cut them off. When we perceive them as some kind of a threat to us we work to keep them at arms length.
 Jesus took a strong stance against any form of eliminating others. He not only reiterated the fourth commandment, ‘You shall not kill’, but he went further and called on his followers not to be angry with another. He rebuked the disciple who drew a sword at the moment of his arrest, telling him to ‘put your sword back in its place’. He ignored his disciples when in their anger they suggested that they command fire to come down from heaven and consume the Samaritans who had just rejected Jesus. Jesus came not to eliminate or exclude others but to gather them together, to form a new community. The fullest expression of this new human community is what Jesus referred to as the kingdom of God. He had a vision of people coming from east and west, from north and south, to eat together in the kingdom of God. Everything he said and did was shaped by this vision. The tensions between north and south, east and west in our own world suggest that this vision of Jesus has yet to be realized.
 Jesus had this vision of a new human community because he understood more than any of us could that God was a community of life. That is what we mean when we speak of God as Trinity. Even thought the term Blessed Trinity is not to be found in the New Testament, the essence of that central teaching of the church is to be found there. In today’s second reading, Paul wishes the church in Corinth the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Here we find Paul placing God the Father, Jesus the Lord and the Holy Spirit on the same level, as it were. Reflecting on all the writings of the New Testament, the church would very soon come to state that the Father is God, Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God. The reverse is not true. It is not the case simply that God is Father, or that God is Son or that God is Holy Spirit. Rather, God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In other words, within God there is a series of loving relationships; the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father, and the fruit of that loving relationship is the Holy Spirit who is loved by both. So great is this love within God that it has overflowed to embrace us all. As John says in today’s gospel reading, ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son’. We can add to that and say that God and God’s Son so loved the world that they both gave the Holy Spirit. No community worthy of the name is closed in on itself. The Trinity as the perfect community imaginable is certainly not closed in on itself. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit move towards us to draw us into their wonderful community.
 However, we cannot be in communion with the Trinity unless we are striving to be in communion with each other. Jesus who revealed God to us as Trinity calls us to form the kinds of communities that are, to some extent at least, a reflection of the community that is God. That is why the mission of the church in the world is to build community. The mission of each of us as members of the church is to do the same. At its best, a parish is a community of communities. Most of our parishes are too big to have a sense of the parish as a community. However, within any parish there is scope for a number of smaller communities that are linked together. These small communities can take the form of prayer groups, pastoral care groups, justice and peace groups, liturgy groups and so on. They might consist in gatherings of people who share a common interest or who are of a similar age range. In our own parish, many people are giving of their time and energy to make sure that such communities, such gatherings, happen. Today’s feast of the Trinity is a good day to commit ourselves afresh to this work of forming communities within our parish that reflect the communal life that is God.
(iii) Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
 Probably one of the first things we were taught about our faith was how to bless ourselves. We were taught to touch our head when we said, ‘in the name of the Father’, our heart when we said ‘and of the Son’ and our shoulders when we said ‘and of the Holy Spirit’. Many of us of a certain generation were taught to bless ourselves when we passed a church. That was something I was taught as a child and always did. In the course of my studies for priesthood, after my four years in Clonliffe College, I was asked to go to Rome, to study theology. I remember my first week there I was being show around the city by one of the more senior students. Every time I came to a church I blessed myself. He quickly put me straight by telling me that if I blessed myself every time I passed a church in Rome I would be blessing myself all day because there are so many churches there.
 Whenever we bless ourselves we are making an act of faith in the Trinity, in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From a very early age we are taught to make that act of faith in the Trinity by blessing ourselves. Most Catholics no longer bless themselves passing a church, but many still bless themselves coming into a church. They place their hand in the Holy Water font and bless themselves. There is something very appropriate about that particular gesture. It links back very clearly to the moment of our baptism. We were all baptized with water in the name of the Trinity, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we take blessed water and bless ourselves in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are renewing our baptism in a very simple but very significant way. There was a time when most houses had a holy water font on the wall beside the hall door. When people left their house, they placed their hand or finger in the font and blessed themselves with the blest water in the name of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Once again that was a very simple gesture which put people in touch with their baptism. Although people may not have thought of it in that way, it was a real act of baptismal renewal as they left the house and headed out about their daily business, whether it was going to work or to the shops or to some kind of recreational activity. It can be tempting to make light of those forms of ritual as if they belonged to another era. However, properly understood, that particular ritual can continue to have great significance. It is a daily reminder of our baptism and all it entails; it brings to our minds in the context of our daily lives that faith in the Trinity which defines us as Christians. No other world religion conceives of God in this way, as Father, Son and Spirit. That way of understanding God has been at the centre of the church’s faith from the very beginning. We find it there in today’s first reading which is the conclusion of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, written about twenty five years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The greeting or blessing that Paul extends to the church in Corinth has become very well known to us because it is one of the greetings used at the beginning of Mass, ‘the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all’. It might be worthwhile reflecting a little more fully on that greeting.
 Paul speaks of the love of God the Father. In the words of the first letter of Saint John, ‘God is love’. That fundamental insight into God which we are given in the New Testament is anticipated at times in the Old Testament. We find one example of that in this morning’s first reading which speaks of God as a ‘God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithfulness’. Paul also speaks of ‘the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ’; we could express that as the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was God’s greatest gift to us; he is the greatest expression of God’s love. In the words of this morning’s gospel reading, ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son’. In raising his Son from the dead, God showed that he continued to give this most precious gift to the world, even when that gift had been rejected. Jesus reveals God to be a gracious God, a God of grace, who delights in giving. Finally, Paul speaks of the ‘communion of the Holy Spirit’. God not only gave us his Son but, together God the Father and God the Son have poured and continue to pour the Holy Spirit into our hearts, and the fruit of that Spirit in our lives is love, that divine-like love, which is capable of building communion between peoples of the greatest diversity. The Trinity speaks of the movement of God towards us in love, so that a communion of love may be created among us, a communion that is a real reflection of the love at the heart of the Trinity.
Fr. Martin Hogan, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Clontarf, Dublin, D03 AO62, Ireland.
Parish Website: www.stjohnsclontarf.ie  Please join us via our webcam.
Twitter: @SJtBClontarfRC.
Facebook: St John the Baptist RC Parish, Clontarf.
Tumblr: Saint John the Baptist Parish, Clontarf, Dublin.
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ibookbm · 5 years
21 Motivational Books that Will Change Your Mind About Life, Money, and Yourself
My least favored feeling is feeling stuck.
I may be stuck with non-public growth, stale in my relationships, clean out of ideas at paintings… the list is endless.
The worry of closing stagnant may be crippling.
I’ve felt that way many, frequently. Each time it looks like I’ll never overcome it like I’m permanently drained of motivation.
Know what I suggest? Perhaps you’ve resigned yourself to living a miserable, dull lifestyle. Maybe you even agree with you don’t deserve better than that. When you feel so bad to see you later, it’s hard to assume life in some other manner.
I’ve been there too. Many instances.
In reality, I’ve made such a lot of journeys to Auckland and back that I’ve proved to myself that my time there isn’t everlasting. Some of my trips are surely longer than others, however, I constantly return.
And because I realize I constantly go back home, I’ve made it a dependency that each time I’m in a “valley,” I remind myself of all the alternative valleys I’ve already been in. I remind myself that this valley is no specific than the others, although it looks like it's miles. I remind myself that I have felt like this before and that I have overcome it before too.
You don’t need to face the valleys alone. In truth, it’s higher no longer to face them alone. When we’re by myself, that’s while the crushing negativity can creep in… all of the self-doubt, the concern, and the fear.
We’ve all were given little “voices” inner our heads. Sometimes they’re fine, but on occasion they’re negative. When you tell yourself you “can’t” otherwise you’ll “never” or you “don’t deserve it”… the ones are the voices. And the instances while the one's voices are the loudest? Well, those are the valleys.
To get out of the valleys, you have to shush the terrible voices. And the exceptional way to shush ’em isn’t to try and get rid of them — because they’ll constantly return, announcing something different next time. No, the great manner to shush the voices is to crowd them out.
How do you crowd ’em out? The answer may surprise you.
Every time you study, you get entry to to a fresh perspective — and you get to pick out that perspective every unmarried time.
Every time you examine, you pay attention to other voices except the ones to your head.
And on every occasion you examine, you're making your world bigger.
You allow your self to grow and enhance your existence… one word at a time.
So in which need to you start? I can help with that! Below is an in-depth listing of 21 motivational books you can use to fill your mind with effective voices, empowering thoughts, and inspiration to create a life you love.
Let’s dig in!
The Subtle Art of Not Giving an F*ck through Mark Manson
I wager that identify grabbed your interest, huh?  It does have a chunk of shock cost — but it also backs it up with reliable advice on how you could decide what to care about… and what not to. Pretty ambitious thinking, right?
Think and Grow Rich by way of Napoleon Hill
This is one of those books that’s a piece older but makes each person’s “Best Motivational Books of All Time” listing. Napoleon performed dozens of interviews with the most successful and richest human beings inside the early twentieth century and drills down into the commonplace tendencies between them.
Awaken the Giant Within via Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is one of the names most synonymous with self-help books. And for a proper purpose — he’s written six first-class-selling books approximately economic freedom, private development, and more. I particularly like this e-book due to the fact he stocks what he’s discovered approximately the pleasant ways to assist humans to wreck thru to new degrees in life.
The Success Principles with the aid of Jack Canfield
This is the *best* book for those who sense caught with wherein they're in life. I’ve been there, and this book helped me get out of my hunch. With short chapters on each subject matter, Jack teaches you a way to boom your confidence, address every day demanding situations, live with ardor and reason, and make your goals actual. You’ll be again on track in no time.
Spirit Driven Success by way of Dani Johnson
Dani Johnson went from being homeless to a millionaire in TWO years. Two years, folks. She’s an ordained minister and teaches the way to “release the door to biblical wealth and prosperity secrets.” I was so inspired by way of her story and knew I needed to add it to this list.
Tools of Titans with the aid of Tim Ferriss
Over the remaining years, Tim has interviewed the high-quality of the fine inside the international on his podcast. He’s taken the whole thing he’s discovered from the ones 2 hundred+ interviews and packed it into this GINORMOUS inspirational ebook. But don’t let the scale intimidate you — think about it as a giant resource for fitness, wealth, and happiness.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by way of Robert Kiyosaki
Robert explores the mind-set which you don’t have to earn a ton of cash to be wealthy. He’s responsible for converting how hundreds of thousands of humans consider cash and investing. This is one of the fine private finance books obtainable.
Lean In by way of Sheryl Sandberg
Ever heard of Facebook? (LOL!) Sheryl Sandberg is the COO of the social media empire, and he or she’s created a name for herself using coaching women how to take manipulate in their careers and be proper leaders in their fields. She indicates “unique steps women can take to mix expert success with personal fulfillment.”
How to Win Friends and Influence People with the aid of Dale Carnegie
Here are some other vintage-time traditional that you’ll locate on many “Best of” lists. It has bought tens of millions of copies over time and illustrates how to interact with humans effectively. Communication = the important thing to achievement in ANYTHING.
Losing My Virginity with the aid of Richard Branson
Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, and more pinnacle groups. He’s one of the most iconic marketers of our day. This autobiography tells the tale of his loopy-exciting existence and the way he writes his very own regulations in the enterprise. It’s a clean take on the traditional “self-help” e-book.
Big Magic through Elizabeth Gilbert
The writer of the wildly a success Eat, Pray, Love is back with some other e-book on the concept, creativity, and conquering the fears which can be conserving your lower back. She’s awesome inspirational and when you finish analyzing the e-book, you’ll need to start taking motion stat.
The Obstacle is the Way with the aid of Ryan Holiday
You recognize what I say: Being happy isn’t about having 0 issues — it’s being capable of clear up the troubles we do have, no matter how big or small. And that’s why I love this book so much. It suggests you how to show problems into successes.
Loving What Is: The Four Questions That Can Change Your Life through Byron Katie
Byron Katie created a manner known as The Work that enables you to notice your issues in a different mild. This ebook expands on that method through particular examples of people running through their issues and understanding the underlying notion tactics at the back of them. It’s considered one of the leading motivational books on private transformation.
The Now Habit by using Neil Fiore
Are you a procrastinator? Always placing things off and either doing them at the last minute or no longer doing them at all? I was once much like that until I read The Now Habit. Now I get my booty in gear and get things carried out so that I can revel in my unfastened time faster — without feeling guilty.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success through Carol Dweck
You men recognize how tons I do not forget mind-set to be an integral part of everybody’s success. Well, this e-book is THE ebook approximately mind-set. I got so much out of it that I even based part of my Money Mindset Transformation workshop on the ideas taught via Dr. Dweck in this book.
The Dip through Seth Godin
I’m sure you’ve heard the announcing “Winners in no way end and quitters by no means win.” But… on occasion, winners DO give up and quitters DO win! But how do you realize whilst to cease or whilst to push via? Seth teaches precisely that during The Dip.
RELATED:  How This New Dad is Proofreading His Way to Freedom
The Millionaire Next Door via Thomas Stanley & William Danko
Being a millionaire shouldn't mean you’re flashy or have pricey things. In reality, you could have a millionaire dwelling proper next door and no longer even comprehend it. This book walks you through the seven “guidelines” all millionaires live via — and they’re likely no longer what you anticipate!
7 Habits of Highly Effective People through Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey is some other noticeably regarded writer inside the motivational international. This ebook got here 25 years ago, but it’s nevertheless one of the most recognizable and encouraged personal growth books accessible.
Psycho-Cybernetics by way of Maxwell Maltz
No, this book isn't always approximately robots 😉 It’s a shorter, less complicated manner of saying “steering your mind to inefficient, a beneficial purpose so you can attain the best port inside the world, peace of mind.” It’s a reasonably unknown e-book compared to others in this list, however, Tony Robbins is a fan — and so am I.
The War of Art via Steven Pressfield
Here’s any other wonderful e-book approximately unleashing your creativity and pushing via roadblocks standing for your way. If you’re a wannabe writer, this e-book is for you — Steven Pressfield was over forty years old when he first was given published. You’re in no way too vintage!
Change Anything by Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny
Have you ever tried to make a change in your lifestyles (cross on a food plan, begin the exercise, and so on.) but couldn’t follow thru? There’s a cause for that, and this ebook dives into how you can trade your destructive behavior and replace them with better behaviors.
Looking for pointers for setting up your freelance business? Check out this resource page in which I talk approximately my favored equipment and resources for constructing your website, walking your freelance business, and even keeping healthy!
Our Take This listing has to get you out of the valleys to your subsequent trip to Auckland. 🙂 Just keep in mind that truly analyzing one of these books (or maybe they all) won’t create exchange all with the aid of itself. Motivational books aren’t magical within the Muggle international. Mere records are powerless without implementation. So with every ebook, you study, extract the “golden nuggets” — the matters that circulate you to action — and get to paintings!
What are your favored motivational books? So what do you believe you studied? Are you searching forward to a journey to the library or bookstall? Have you given your finger a workout from clicking away on Amazon? I hope so! If you've got other books you’d want to advise, permit me to understand inside the remarks! I’m always looking for more excellent books to study.
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abettigrew-blog · 8 years
Patience is 🔑: 5 Reasons YOU WON’T get Better.
Major 🔑 Alert.  They don’t want us to have a bigger pool than Kanye. They don’t want us to have another anthem… so we went and got another anthem! Apologies - my inner DJ Khlaed came out… As a coach I have a hard time comprehending athletes who think that becoming the next Rich Froning or Mattie Rogers is somehow going to happen overnight. Go follow them on Instagram (@mattiecakesssss / @richfroning). You will see Mattie squat 300#+ for so many reps YOU will start crying because YOU feel the pain of her legs - or Rich doing more workouts in a day than me and 3 of my closest friends have done in a month. It’s insane - but they do it so effortlessly. I could care less if your goal is to be the fittest person in the world or the fittest mom you can be - there are some things that stay consistent. Before Mattie squatted a barbell with more weight than a loaded bus full of slightly overweight middle schoolers, she probably understood how to squat with just her body weight. Before Rich Froning learned to climb a rope to win the 2010 CrossFit Games… Oh wait… (CrossFit joke). You get the point - these things didn’t happen overnight, it took an enormous amount of disipline and consistency doing the right things day in and day out. Whatever your personal goal is, there are things that can keep you from growing as an athlete... Here are FIVE things that I believe will keep YOU from getting better:
1. “Yeah, but I RX’d?” Workout Stimulus -  This is the most common issue I see while coaching new and “experienced” athletes - and I stress it immensely. Each workout programmed has a specific reason and stimulus (or at least it should - if the programming has no true goal for athlete progression this is another issue in itself) that it is looking to achieve. For example let’s take the workout “Fran” (21-15-9 Thruster/Pull-ups). The quickest time I have found on the webs was posted by Henry Sailes in 1:48 - dumb fast - but the workout has an ideal time between 2:00 - 4:00 minutes. If you can’t move 95/65lbs (prescribed load for “Fran”) and Pull-ups are not happening, it is the job of you and your coach to find the appropriate scale to get you into that ideal time frame. Scale the load, scale the movements, and DO NOT be afraid to scale the reps in a way that allow you to move efficiently and safely through the workout. So maybe your “Fran” looked like: 21-15-9 Thrusters with the barbell / and Ring Rows 
Now, of course “Fran” is a benchmark workout and if you do it for the first time as prescribed in 6:37, that is completely okay! There are of course times and places where you should just see where you are at - but if you are doing this for EVERY workout that you are doing in the class, how can you expect your body to adapt correctly?
2. “That was ugly...” Weights over Technique - Yes... yes it was. Please don’t ever do that again.  But really this is how I feel sometimes. Crushing PR’s is awesome, but looking good while doing it is awesomER. And more importantly - looking good doing it usually means the PR’s will come more often. Pride yourself in moving better than anyone else in the gym. Going back to the Mattie Rogers thing - learn to do an air squat before you worry about squatting “all the plates”. Take the PVC pipe warm up seriously, and don’t feel obligated to make every day a “PR” day. I know this sounds crazy, but maybe on max clean and jerk day you just stay at 60-70% and learn to move better...  Yes, this might take some time - but everything worth while does.  3. “What am I doing wrong, why can’t I get this Muscle-up?” High Level Skills before Base Level Skills/Strength -  Probably because you can’t do a ring dip, or support yourself on-top of the rings. This example is a bit extreme, but it is so unbelievably common. Each movement has a specific movement pattern or “pre-requisite” that you need to have before attempting. Since we touched on the Muscle-up and since this is such a fancy movement I will just stay with this one. 
If you can’t support yourself on top of the rings, you have ZERO business attempting one. If you can’t do a ring dip for reps, you have ZERO business attempting one. If you can’t do strict pull-ups for reps, you have ZERO business attempting one. This isn’t being rude, this is just doing what is the best for you as an athlete to keep you safe and to keep you motivated. If you want a muscle-up work on perfecting the things that will get you there - gain the basic strength needs, learn the hollow/bow body positions, etc.  Each movement is like this - HSPU shouldn’t be attempted until you feel comfortable upside down - be comfortable doing overhead squats before you start trying to catch a snatch down there... etc. General Fitness is meant to be sustainable, it SHOULD take time to progress and improve. 
4. “These Overhead Squats are not going to feel good on my shoulder, it’s been bothering me.” Ego over Health -  I know that is what the workout says... but the workout isn’t more important than your health. This has been huge, recently more than ever, and we need to understand this: If you are doing workouts for overall general fitness - YOU SHOULD NOT BE INJURED FROM WORKING OUT. Sorry, had to get that one off my chest. Of course there are weird freak accidents that can happen (falling on a box jump, randomly tweaking muscle doing something, etc.), that is just part of life, I could walk to my mailbox right now, step off the sidewalk wrong and twist my ankle.  In the gym if something is bothering you - you don’t have the skill set developed - or you lack the mobility for a particular movement: DO SOMETHING ELSE. Example, for a lot of new athletes the front rack position is very uncomfortable and places a lot of stress on the wrists if you are not yet able to get the elbows up into a proper position that allows the bar to sit on the “rack” your shoulders have created. So if the workout calls for Front Squats - it is OKAY to back squat OR get this, just do air squats...  If the workout has pull-ups but your hands are hurting from toes to bar the other day... change the movement...  The workout is not a law - it is a outline of the ideal stimulus that is wanted to be created. If you are needing a movement changed because your shoulder is bugging you - ask your coach to help you in finding something that will give you a similar effect while taking all stress off the area you are nursing - and use your extra time to mobilize and gain the ability to achieve full range of motion in specific positions.  (This is even  true with the CrossFit Games Open. I know the open has rules and guidelines - but it is okay to scale the movements if you are doing it for fun. I know you paid $20... but that is substantially cheaper than rotator cuff surgery. Live to fight another day.) 
5. “I am following Comp Train - What is Rich doing - Brute - MisFit.” Overtraining -  Oh okay, do you also have the NormaTec Leg Recovery System, Compex, use the “cupping” technique, eat 6 meals a day, and get 8-10 hours of sleep? Oh, you don’t... okay maybe that is a little too much fitness for you... In all seriousness these are all great programs, that can definitely develop you into a better athlete. The issue with most of the programs is that they are created for high level athletes - high level athletes that train, recover, rest, and refuel like high level athletes. All of the programs have multiple parts usually consisting of some strength portion - devastating metcons (plural) - and an extremely high skill practice piece. To complete the entire daily program that includes a warm up / cool down you are looking at 2-4 hours daily. Another issue comes with the intensity that each portion is meant to have - just doing the work is not enough. Of course I could do 20 workouts a day slowly, but to get any better (going back to point one) you need to perform each workout with the upmost intensity you can. For most athletes this is just unnecessary. More is not better, better is better. For overall general fitness, you can get more than enough doing the daily WOD.
Remember this is just fitness, for most of you this is not your job. The goal should be to make you a healthier human. All of the five points have one thing in common - Patience - so I leave you with a quote from the King of Patience himself, 
“Patience is a talent.”  – DJ Khaled And with any good talent it takes practice.  Peace!
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