#I have a short Stan agenda
eff-plays · 4 months
What's funny to me is that so many AA stans have the same sob story of like "well I thought (like an IDIOT) that not Ascending him would be the obvious good choice, but then I saw that he was sooo sad and miserable and weak and dependent on Tav and just COPING by pretending to be happy, so I reloaded ASAP and saw the BEAUTIFUL Ascension scene and what did I get in return? My beautiful powerful vampire lord. Aeterna amantes. BUT THEN the EVIL SPAWNIES and the bog witch Welch have the AUDACITY to tell me THAT is the bad ending? Yes maybe 7000 people worthless evil spawn die, and yeah maybe he doesn't let Tav break up with him, but just don't pick that dialogue option! And the kneel scene is actually just BDSM, sweaty. It's how adults have sex. And actually I did RESEARCH on D/s dynamics specifically to understand Astarion and why he needs to be in a D/s relationship. It's NOT abuse actually! And look how happy and wealthy and strong he is! Ugh, why can I only be mean to him after this or demand that he fucks me? Why can't I worship the ground he walks on? Also why does Tav look so unhappy in this totally consensual BDSM scene?"
It's like these people either have never heard of a bittersweet ending, or are just lying about ever wanting to do a spawn ending in order to make their true opinion sound more nuanced.
Because their pookie didn't get literally everything he ever wanted that ending is now bad and you're an evil abuser for "dooming" him. And because the game tells you with big ol warning signs that Ascension is the worse outcome for him, that short-circuits their brain, because then that would mean the spawn ending is good? But that can't be, because in that ending he doesn't get everything he wants forever?Which is what he deserves because he's hot and white and a man and any ending that isn't perfect isn't good enough. Then that means Ascension is good, and the warning signs are either 1) the writers' misguided/moralistic/incorrect agendas ("Why are the dialogue options so mean!") or 2) some actually big-brained subtle idea by the writers that's too nuanced for "spawnies" to understand ("The kneeling is just BDSM actually").
This isn't even about Astarion anymore. Like who gives a shit. I want to unwrap these people's brains and study them under a microscope.
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
Doesn't the decision to get involved with Sam Bullit prove Gwen was a bad person?
Hey, I've been looking for an excuse to post about this. The Sam Bullit arc isn't really about Gwen (though it certainly reveals some things about her character). The Sam Bullit arc is about racist dogwhistles and why they work.
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ASM #92 pg 19: "I will bring law and order to the people of this great city! I will show no mercy to the anarchists and all others who would destroy our way of life!"
Bullit's platform is not openly white supremacist in the sense that it doesn't overtly mention race. He talks about laws and safety in a way meant to appeal to rich white voters. The true meaning should be clear to anyone with any political awareness (who are those others and what is our way of life?), so why does this rhetoric attract "otherwise rational" people?
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ASM #91 pg 6: "I want to volunteer to help you--in your campaign for DA. Because--I want you to bring Spider-Man to justice!" "We need strength--strength to punish those who mock the law! I will use such strength to bring Spider-Man and others like him to justice! I will not betray your trust."
Gwen makes her decision to back Bullit on the way home from her father's funeral. There's a very real phenomenon of tough-on-crime bills named after (white) murder victims. The grief of families who feel like justice hasn't been served is a powerful tool to push harsh laws while smothering any criticism as "disrespectful" to the victims. What’s in a Name? An Empirical Analysis of Apostrophe Laws, 2020.
Bullit showed up at George Stacy's funeral with this exact goal in mind, and when Spider-Man "kidnaps" Gwen later, he leverages the media obsession with white girls in danger for his cause. Gwen is a pawn, but she did offer her help first. Her desire for closure is very human and her short-sighted reactionary faith in "the law" is very white.
Oddly absent from your "proven bad person" takeaway is J. Jonah Jameson. The Bugle lends Bullit a platform to make Gwen's personal tragedy a political talking point. JJJ has the ~Black best friend~ excuse and everything, and he still blows past red flags like crazy.
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ASM #91 pg 7: "Maybe they were better days than now! At least we had law and order then." "Yeah--and lynch mobs, and bread lines, and Uncle Toms..." "Come off it, Robbie! What's wrong with a man standing for law and order, anyway?" "Maybe it just depends on whose law--and what kind of order you're talkin' about, man!"
(Another point of this arc: marginalized groups learn to recognize dogwhistles pretty quickly for survival reasons. If they tell you something is a dogwhistle and you don't see it yet, look closer.)
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ASM #92 pg 9: "Parker's story just served to open Jameson's eyes--but I've kept a dossier on you. I haven't been city editor all these years for nothing! I know where your support comes from. I know about the lunatic hate groups who are backing you. I know what you really mean by law and order!"
Late in the campaign, the Bugle switches sides. This scene tends to be described as JJJ giving the racists what-for, but the moment is truly Robbie's. (Note that it took Peter getting roughed up for Jameson to take this seriously!) JJJ can yell at Bullit all he likes without consequences, but Robbie is kidnapped and threatened by white supremacists in retaliation. It's Robbie's determination to speak up that eventually puts Bullit out of the running for good.
The Bullit arc isn't there to sort characters by Bad Person and Good Person. Neither Gwen nor JJJ have to personally hate black people for their self-centered sense of safety to be weaponized by a racist agenda. This is a Stan Lee PSA about masked bigotry and how it might appeal to you even if you consider yourself a Good Person.
But for some ~mysterious~ reason, Gwen's brief agreement and Jameson's brief rejection are the only parts of these two issues I ever see brought up, with Robbie's major role not mentioned at all. Some ideas fit more neatly than others into smug ship-war quote tweets and anon asks, it seems.
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blackbullet99 · 3 months
Zutara-Stans aren’t real fans of Katara*
*Disclaimer: I don’t mean all fans of Zutara, I’m sure most Zutara shippers actually do like Katara. I’m talking about a very annoying, very stupid vocal minority of Zutara-stans
These Zutara Stans will preach about Zutara like it’s some kind of feminist ship that women should naturally like, whereas Kataang is somehow misogynistic because it was written by two men?
Zutara Stans aren’t real fans of Katara or even A:TLA as a whole, they only focus on Katara’s character in relation with Zuko, they think the hostile, anger, grief stricken Katara who use blood bending and was rather harsh to Sokka is the REAL Katara and that Aang is a bad person for questioning Katara and being concerned for her wellbeing if she were to kill somone, they invalidate Katara’s relationship with other characters especially Aang, a character who objectively supported character throughout the entirety of the show and whom Katara objectively had feelings for and chose to be with, but that doesn’t fit the Zutara’s agenda, so they re-write Katara’s relationship with Aang as toxic, invalidating Katara’s feelings for Aang and her compassion for him specifically which they call “emotional labor”. They invalidate Katara’s feelings and even her trauma by comparing her to a 25 year old and Aang to her 8 year old child. They have no respect for Katara’s feelings or choices.
For these people Katara’s relationship with other characters, be it Aang, Toph or even Sokka don’t matter, only Zuko. They want Zuko to be the only one who supported Katara, so they actively ignore the others’ support towards Katara, by making her this overworked girl who never speaks up for herself, who literally needs Zuko to be her Prince Charming, even though he supported her less than the others, only became friends with her recently and initially caused her the most harm out of The Gaang, that’s all irrelevant, because all that’s forgivable, people like Aang who were supportive and kind for the get-go can’t make mistakes, Zutara is clearly a feminist ship.
They completely ignore all of Katara’s accomplishments in LOK, who cares if she was the world’s greatest healer, taught the next Avatar waterbending, helped rebuild her tribe, outlawed blood bending and had a happy marriage and family. No, to these people, Katara is nothing but The Avatar’s Wife, her husband is all that defines her, her healing means nothing unless she heals Zuko, she should’ve became the Fire-Lady and becoming part of the nation that colonized her tribe, she should’ve embrace blood bending even though it was traumatizing for her because she did it in front of Zuko, she’s a baby-maker because Aang apparently forced her to have kids until he got an Airbender, despite her clearly wanting to have children. They act like her ending up with Zuko suddenly makes her story more empowering and would erase any issues they have with her character in LOK, literally making Katara’s story all about a man.
Zutara shippers like these don’t care about Katara, don’t believe their lies, they don’t appreciate Katara, the only like their self-insert of Katara who’s nothing like the three dimensional compassionate, heroic, strong woman we all know, this Katara’s story is literally built around Zuko, and even then this Zuko is super mature, empathetic and was always a good person, not the initially antagonist Zuko who is quick to anger but gradually becomes kinder and matures over time. That’s not even getting into mischaracterizing and villainizing Aang, invalidating his and Katara’s relationship. Romanticizing Zuko capturing and attacking Katara, invalidating Katara’s understandable initial hatred of Zuko and the less I say about the r@pe and sl@ve fics, the better. Long story short, screw these Zutara shippers, you know who you are, you ain’t real fans of Avatar, you aren’t real fans of Katara, just delusional moronic shippers who honestly don’t deserve to have an opinion.
Goodnight everybody. 😁
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liaa--qb · 4 months
I am not mad about it but all the things I am hearing about the leaks these days👀did you ?
Alicole fucking inbetween blood and cheese; cheese bumping into Aegon 😭 and rest of the fuck.
I should say that even Aemond being daemon's son wasn't that impossible for them. I would have believed and supported that with full cause.
I am not helaemond stan . Helaena and aemond fucking each other would have been more shocking and wild surprise to me. It would have made more sense then all the leaks feeling sorry for you helaemonds😂
Please Don't ask anything to me please about leaks. I am quite I don't know..
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I am just kinda... disappointed 😭 why why they did this with us. ? What was the reason for this ? Why they destroyed Helaegon in worst way in season 1 for us not to ship them ? There is our harry collett running 'Aegon abusive husband agenda' out there😂.( Bless him sweet child) and why they gave hints and provoked indirectly towards helaemond ? When they never wanted to do this.
I ship Alicole so much. Yes hot people should fuck each other but atleast it should be sensible enough according to plot. I wanted some slow development with their tension and relationship not just ' omg we getting horny n guilty, let's just fuck' I hope it's just not like that. Alicole fucking is just a wild fanfic coming out alive to me but you know you can call me biased but it very ooc for them( but ofcourse we already had alot so why not other )
But again my question ? Why not Helaena also😭 ? Sorry but if Alicent and Criston can happen then why not helaemond. Alicent and Criston are far more strict and religious. There is no excuse you can make make Alicole fuck each other while not helaemond of which they were giving so many hints !!!
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I never shipped Aegon, Aemond with Helaena before show but show made me ship helaemond n there were direct hints at them. Let me tell all the couples , non canon ships pointed by series all time indirectly are now actually turned into canon which also included helaemond, now what happened idk
I do like helaegon but it's not any romantic ship n never was. There is a sympathy for this ship to me like two people who never wanted to get into this shit are now stuck with each other with worse life. That's how I see Helaegon which is very much fine. Infact I was dying to see heleagond. That threesome would have been so hot to watch
Problem is that if they never wanted to build anything for Helaemond, If they wanted to neither develop anything for helaegon also then atleast they should have done helaegon bit better in s1 , also in s2 leaks said there is just one scene of proper of helaegon which also gives short view how pain, compromising, dull their relationship is. That's it . The thing I hate most is that Helaena is having no agency in her life. We have so many chances to see Aegon, Aemond developing but why Helaena should only be shown as victim or with no one with her😖.
But yes they can show-
Alicole fucking while b&c happening
Aemond getting back to lady who assaulted him when he was a child n being vulnerable with her. ( Some leaks said it's just conversation bet them but idk )
That cheese walk passing through Aegon easily 😵 with a fuck ass dog😭
Daemon hiring two shit ass people kill to Aemond who would have killed both cheese n blood easily himself. What was daemon thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️ ? The way Aemond is more horrifying than blood, cheese 😭 n mind you outside castle there's granny vhagar who would have made fried chicken of blood n cheese and their dog
WE ARE NOT SEEING HER with Dreamfyre 😑 why ?
I am not against the changes, the of consistency in characters from S1 to s2 from what I am hearing from leaks is somewhat meh or but fast paced.
If that's what Ryan wanted to do then Can I get Aemond kidnapping Rhaena ? Because why not ? Atleast I can have rheaemond😂 and yes at this they should reveal that Aemond is Daemon's son. They can do that. It's not impossible
I am going to condal's house taking my Rhaemond story so that in s3 I am going to have Rhaemond
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one-squash-one-end · 7 months
An analysis on gender and sexuality - Blue Sargent
Hi! This belongs to my big Raven Cycle analysis, click here for the masterpost!
This part will deal with our favorite short ant, Blue Sargent. A sort of silly but still intentional analysis/essay on why I think she's nonbinary, where I go off on random tangents because i have adhd and access to the internet. Enjoy! (This will be so fucking long though, I had Thoughts)
3. Trust me, the characters are queer as fuck and I can prove it (+ my professional opinion on whether they’d wear a crop top)
a) Blue Sargent
Look. No matter how I look at this entire character, there’s simply no way Blue is not genderfluid. (The fluid is one of Maura’s footy healing teas btw.) And I am here to spread the agenda and force my own identity onto fictional characters so that after you have read this analysis and interpretation, you will agree with me on my correct opinion.
To begin with, there is this entire theme of not fitting in and dressing in an “unusual” way. It becomes very evident that Blue is really proud of being weird and eccentric, this displayed in attitudes towards her mom, the boys and her internal monologue about Mountainview High. She does not want to fit in if it means changing for others, yet she says “the problem with being weird was that everyone else was normal”. This could possibly be a metaphor for being trans; being proud of it, yet being only surrounded by cis people, who conform to all those societal gender norms. It means one would feel sort of isolated (as Blue does mention she is), not being able to relate to or feel deeply understood by anyone in their environment.
Additionally, alternative fashion (or at least that’s how I would describe her aesthetic in general) has quite typically been claimed by queer people. I know this is a lot of interpretation here, and it’s worth mentioning that you absolutely cannot tell someone’s gender by how they present on the outside. However, the evidence gets stronger as we dive deeper. If we look at her fashion sense together with the statement of “I don’t care to be pretty, I care to look on the outside as I do on the inside.”, it sends quite a clear message: Her outside is very jumbled, not conforming to societal norms, a mix of many different styles that seems to change its focus daily. In my opinion, that’s pretty gender of her. If that’s how she presents on the outside (which is not traditionally “female”, among other things I just mentioned), just think about what that would mean for her inside. It’s chaotic, it’s messy, it’s just a lot of things. It’s called being genderfluid.
The second big theme we have is her constantly being treated as “one of the boys”. And yes, of course cis girls can be friends with large groups of boys (and the other way around) but it is quite rare or unusual, especially if all of them are straight (so my point is this: Blue is not cis and also the boys are all queer, more on that later). Either way, Blue defies traditional gender norms and “girly” hobbies by taking part in fun teambuilding activities such as cave exploring, trespassing, grave robbery and burying a body. We stan.
Then we have this quote, which is talking specifically about Blue truly being part of the group for the first time: “They were loud and triumphant and kings of Henrietta.” Now, while kings are a theme that is quite consistent throughout the books, each of the boys and Mr. Gray being called one at least once in significant scenes of their character arcs, by that time it is not yet that established. There would have been so many other words for Maggie Stiefvater to use. First of all, kings and queen, though that would be a bit unwieldy. She chose not to alienate Blue. But there were other alternatives, something not quite so gendered, such as royals, or gods even. Yet, that specific wording happened, showing she is in no way other than the boys. And maybe in that scene she really wasn’t, feeling more masculine that day perhaps.
Furthermore, “whatever her identity crisis was, it seemed to live at home, not with the boys”, meaning she does feel alienated around all those women, but she does somehow fit in with the boys. Yes, this is also a teen thing of being misunderstood by parents while identifying a lot with peers, but when what she rejects is femininity and she seems to embrace masculinity, it’s a bit sus, don’t you think? And then lastly it’s not only the Gangsey, but also the Vancouver crowd as well, a group of boys held together by somehow being different than the rest of Aglionby (if I remember correctly), that she feels immediately at home with.
Next, there are the 300 Fox Way women. As we just established, Blue feels a sort of identity crisis in this house filled with women. She does not fit in, because she is the only one without any psychic abilities, meaning she is already “other”, but there is a clear focus on showing how she is so, so loved, by her direct family (like Maura) but also the others (Calla, Persephone) have accepted her as one of their own. Now, what if she was also genderqueer? Wouldn’t that give her one more reason to be different, while simultaneously putting emphasis on the fact that trans people can and deserve to be loved by their families?
I saved the strongest evidence for last (well, sort of, there’s still more to come actually). The following quote is the ultimate confirmation Blue is not female. As she, the Gangsey and some of her family group together in the kitchen, she says there were “three boys, four women, and one Blue”! Here she is specifically not assigned either of the aforementioned genders, not grouped together with the 300 Fox Way women in a “five women, Blue being one of them” manner and also not one of the boys in this scene. This might be an age issue (like how for months I wasn’t sure if I dislike both the terms “woman” and “girl” being used for me because of age or gender), but the scene could have easily said “women, boys and one teenage girl”, focusing on groups divided by age and gender like the original intention might seem to be. And yet it didn’t.
Now for some more quotes. After some guy from her school draws a penis on the unicorn on her binder, she says “she preferred her unicorns ungendered”. For the reasons already listed I deduce that, much like the unicorn, Blue prefers herself ungendered.
“She felt one thousand years old. She also felt like maybe she was a condescending brat.” is of course supposed to show how contradicting growing up can feel, perception of oneself flickering between being terribly grown up and still being a little child, who cannot know anything. I would also argue, though, that this duality can be quite reminiscent of her gender identity, feeling like multiple, supposedly contrasting, things at once. As an additional afterthought, the theme of being ageless is sometimes associated with omniscient beings, detached from being human, such as deities. Another thing that would be quite typical for gods, especially when they are so apart from society, is being genderless, or having a gender that fluctuates. Some examples for this would be Dionysus, Loki or the ancient genderfluid entity Asushunamir, stemming from the mythology of one of humanity’s first civilizations, Mesopotamia.
Then, naturally, we have other people’s perception of her. While she probably has been described as a girl in quite a few instances in the book (one of them being Henry, though before he really knew her), to me it sticks out that she describes herself as a “sensible teen”, not a sensible girl, though that might have made even more sense in the context of not going around kissing random boys (but yes, let’s be honest, that’s some antiquated slut-shaming, people can kiss as many consenting people as they like). Further instance is that Gansey says “Blue was a fanciful, but sensible thing. Like a platypus, or one of those sandwiches […]”. Like, he goes out of his way to not describe her as a girl in that scene, instead drawing weird-ass comparisons. Now, while calling his friends magnificent creatures is totally his thing (maybe Gansey rejects gendered terms and embraces silly greetings), this did seem intentional to me. Not to mention the obvious parallel of platypuses being mammals but laying eggs, somehow combining different species. Despite reproducing differently than “normal” mammals (also having different sexual organs), they are still recognized as such, and if that isn’t very trans rights of them, I don’t know what is. (Yes I know being a mammal is not derived from reproductive organs and this is probably all somewhat wrong, but I am relying heavily on metaphors here and also I dropped Biology.)
Now as a last thing I chose the entire theme of “something more”. If I’m not mistaken, “something more” is important for every other character as well (I specifically remember Henry), but it begins with Blue and seems to be most relevant to her either way. As I’m writing this I realize so much of the evidence I have collected can also be read under points of view of growing up, but still fits her gender, showing not only that Blue is pretty reminiscent of how teenagers feel, how things in their lives contradict, but also that we come to realizations about our own gender as we grow up, whether it’s realizing at five, fifteen or fifty years old, self-discovery is an ongoing process. So “something more” is absolutely about her future, but it might also relate to her gender being something more than simply female, more than the binary dictates.
If you read this entire series with the opinion that Blue is not cis (like I do! And like my real life friends hopefully will after reading this J), there are masses of hints pointing towards it and creating evidence. Smash the cis-tem.
By now I’ve made my point about her gender pretty clear, so now it’s time to point out that Blue isn’t straight either. First of all, if she does not confirm to either of the binary genders, she cannot, in any way, be heterosexual, but either way, there’s just no way she’s straight.
Now, if you read this essay (? analysis? meta deep-dive?), you will soon be convinced that her entire friend group is queer somehow, which absolutely accounts for something because I can confirm, from real life experience, that queer people seem to flock towards each other. I will admit that we don’t really see her interact with many female characters outside of family (yes I will admit this is a red flag, but I promise the book passes the Bechdel test), but the vibes she gives off are clearly m-spec.
Additionally, because I am always looking for some representation of my own identity, Blue could potentially be somewhere on the aro-ace spectrum. This isn’t shown super strongly, especially since she does get a canon relationship and it’s very sweet and romantic. Yet, she is not really sex-driven or anything like that and seems to value friendship a LOT, though the entire theme of friendship in general throughout the series will be explained in a later part of this analysis. Also, while I am aware that the books are YA and thus won’t focus on sex too much either way, especially in teen characters, it’s comparably low, considering the premise is (wrongfully) about true love’s killing kiss. We can also compare her storyline and character to Kavinsky, someone her age who seems to be very obscene, and characters like Ronan, who are somewhere between them on that scale. Overall, I would probably call her pan, but once again, there might be some greysexuality or something similar in there.
Lastly, Blue would absolutely wear crop tops of course. Now that I think about it, she probably even does at some point in the books.
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greenpidge101 · 1 year
hc that richies teeth r a mess and went totally hates it cause it makes him look bad and richie gets braces and hates them but he gets the brightest color they had available cause he loves bright colors
also his style of comedy is so so rachel sennott ( look her up if u dont know who she is please shes hilarious ) which is why i feel like he gets into acting in like absurd comedies and it kinda sticks and eventually falls into actually acting
bill loves drawing the other losers when they r not paying attention and little sketches and doodles cover his school work ( the others think its so endearing )
on days when his stutter is really bad bill goes nonverbal but the losers include him easily cause he is honestly kinda an open book with his intentions and emotions so they always know what he wants
eddie hates walking long distances and is always asking for piggyback rides ( adding to the eddie should hate nyc but when anyone brings it up he gaslights them cause he has always wanted to live there agenda )
however eddie loves running and is always racing people because he knows he will win even though hes short ( richie hates it cause his legs are too long and he is really awkward and oddly slow when he tries to run. if he actually gets fast he almost always trips cause he is so clumsy and then eddie is way in front of him )
bev gives richie and bill amateur piercings full parent trap style and at least one of them gets infected. when they r older she convinces ben to let her pierce his ears. eddie hates it and is always like “i am not helping when it gets infected” but does anyway
she also makes friendship bracelets and the losers freak when they find out and they all are always wearing at least two
in some an au stan becomes an ornithologist but like just in an au where the losers dont split up during the time jump they buy him a bird like as soon as they move out of derry and it is stans favorite thing ever
stan is really good at hiding his emotions but he always stims when he is overwhelmed or upset and it is a clear giveaway. he has been doing it since he was really little and now cant stop
mike loves animals and shows off all the farm animals to the other losers and also def has a dog that eddie loves but pretends not to even though the dog also loves him
mike is also the loser who everyone goes to for advice for literally anything and has the ability to make anyone feel better like instantly the others have no idea how he does it
ben loves the act of designing buildings but was never that good at math so college was a little rough. also his interest in archeology started after he read percy jackson in middle school cuz annabeth loved archeology
he also slips into a country accent whenever he gets really comfortable and the losers think its amazing ( richies country accent is just him trying and failing to copy ben )
richie and ben light up the room when they are truly happy. richie because his happiness is loud and unavoidable and ben because his radiates off him in waves and spreads to those around him
sorry thats a lot im done i just kept going
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sunfyredarchive · 3 months
i really wasn't gonna do this but i just started typing and couldn't stop myself. pretty sure so many things left unsaid but needed it to get it off my chest somehow.
let me start with saying that as a sunfyre && aegon enjoyer, the actual reason of my discomfort is NOT the way they ended up. i am sad about it ofc, but i knew that was one of the few canon outcomes they wouldn’t alter much ( && must have reaaaallly enjoyed depicting for reasons 🤡 ) so what left me so shaken was not the sight of sunfyre— a creature i’ve been stanning and really wanting to see for literally a decade— and aegon’s canon fate but the way it was delivered, obviously. as i’ve been discussing with some of my close mutuals and friends on here, personally i’m no longer enjoying the endless and, at this point, quite out of control woobification of aegon in particular. please don’t get me wrong, i wasn’t expecting him to be depicted in a controversially positive / heroic light all of a sudden especially with their unquestionably pro-rhaenyra ( not pro-black in general ) and anti-aegon ( not anti-green in general ) agenda, which did not bother me this much until this season. at first it seemed creative and tragically engrossing, to depict aegon so unwilling and pitiful and so not ready to rule. it added him way more nuance and promised a compelling character development. something that honestly made me find him way more interesting because i seldom care for stereotypical && morally flawless / less flawed leaders in fiction. but i was expecting / hoping for jaehaerys to be a bit of a turning point for aegon’s character, and i know i’m not alone in that so i also can’t be the only one who’s so sick and tired of aegon still being a clumsy comic relief with how cartoonishly pathetic they’re so adamant on depicting him until the very end ?? stuff like his own council leaving him on read and now his terrible high valyrian ( i don’t wanna start yapping about this either but lemme say i like the idea of aegon being not as fluent and eloquent as aemond, it fits his overall personality. can be interpreted as him being lazy / easily bored / having adhd / rebelling his targaryen upbringing like cutting his hair short also indicated etc etc I LIKE THAT !! makes sense. but they didn’t need to go so overboard with it like they did with every other logically negative aspect of him. the high valyrian scene would be so much better with aegon simply getting irritated and backing down from the conversation due to his current lack of military prowess rather than him downright being unable to form a single coherent sentence lol ), like .. please. so are we really going to take only the most outrageous, downgrading theories from an already unreliable narration because anything that is mildly admirable about him must be green propaganda ?? he just has to be so laughably bad at everything and anything because he’s “evil��� ?? i didn’t know this was supposed to be a morality play.
now back to rook’s rest. i understand there aren’t enough details about the dragon conflict here so of course the anti-aegonism pioneers felt justified to run with the idea that’d paint him in the worst light by ridiculing him as blatantly as possible ( aka taking away one of his few redeemable qualities, which is trying to be an active player by commanding his own armies instead of remaining out of harm’s way by choice ) and make his most prominent attempt at leading look like a scorned child’s petty, impulsive, barely-conscious decision which only proved everyone who believed him to be a failure; right. whereas all the other prominent characters on team black are made to look utterly brave && heroic for merely suggesting to do the same... cute. now they can because they ain’t aegon uwu. you know, someone who actually did fight until he was left almost unrecognizable. now look me in the eye and tell me that isn’t a too under the nose way to manipulate “canon” info to serve a biased agenda.
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what’s more disappointing for me personally is how sunfyre could not escape the anti-aegonism’s wrath either, who’s always been more special to me than aegon himself. here we see aegon and aemond as joined forces, against the common foe, appearing at the very same time so nothing justifies aegon showing up unannounced and almost ruining a whole ass plan nobody bothered to fill him in on— another illogically biased addition to further ridicule aegon. mind you, since there isn’t enough to decipher aemond’s true intentions during this battle, i really wouldn’t mind him ending up causing more damage to aegon/sunfyre than even rhaenys/meleys, but the choice to make him so blatantly attack his brother/king and one of the very few fighting dragons they had when they chose to make this very same guy be a lot more distraught over killing lucerys is just .. cartoonish. imagine society if we were allowed to watch two brothers managing to set aside their personal grudges despite all the clumsy attempts at paving the way for a bigger enmity ( the brothel scene can’t sit with us ). i also wouldn’t mind seeing aemond visibly being tempted to hurt aegon for a split second during the intense eye contact only to attack in a more ambiguous way rather than downright aiming at aegon, it’d be closer to his actions in book too but the disney villanism won because, again, they simply cannot be allowed to appear like a semi-caring family. something i will also omit in my own portrayal because i’ve always believed the eye incident being a turning point for aemond/aegon’s relationship.
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gonna end my angry rambling by going back to woobified sunfyre. notice how it is worded as “against vhagar alone she might have had some chance, but against vhagar and sunfyre…” not the other way around. not pointing out the more obvious fact that meleys would be able to take down sunfyre if it wasn’t for vhagar. which means we can safely accept the fact sunfyre was an important and necessary player for this whole “trap”. him and aegon didn’t just randomly show up on a whim to rain on aemond’s parade out of jealousy. they were always meant to be a part of this because apparently not even vhagar could defeat meleys alone and remain unscathed, she needed a distraction. and before anyone claims the attached part might also be pro-green propaganda ( just like the whole sunfyre’s beauty && loyalty were exaggerated allegations because apparently anything that’s mildly praise-worthy is immediately shot down as a propaganda but !! only if it’s about a green 😉 ) — i strongly disagree, mostly because of that iconic line about princess rhaenys’ courage. because guess what ?? you actually can praise AND accuse both parties in a well-balanced manner instead of butchering a perfectly tragic && intentionally ambiguous story by bending the “facts” to your will. shocking to some i presume.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 10 months
choose violence ask game: 3, 12 and 22?
p.s. love your blog, please keep spreading the truth!
And I love blogging <3!!! I do it for the girls and the gays.
Answers under the cut . . . This is gonna be a long one.
3) Screenshot or description of the worse take you've seen on tumblr?
Okay, so, the only problem with this one is that I've literally seen too many to count. But the one that I'd often seen and had the most visceral reaction to were definitely the longer, well articulated analysis posts from stans that did SO MUCH bending and twisting to claim Adora being equally toxic/(and or abusive) to Catra. Which, obviously, I also spent time analyzing. Trying my best to understand what was going on. And you know what? I get it. I don't agree. But I get it. Adora and Catra grew up under the same circumstances, so yeah, they wouldn't be entirely innocent of picking up bad habits from their childhood. Realistically. Fine.
But implying that Adora is worse? Worse than Catra?
Anyway, I've suffered from my own self-inflicted torture in the past. I wish I hadn't spent so much time reading stan analysis the way I did, but... Here we are.
And that's just on Tumblr. I don't believe that other social media/forum sites are better or worse about c//a and SPOP, but I have seen worse in The Wilds. (At least on Tumblr there's the filtering options. Everywhere else, good luck).
12) The unpopular character that you actually like, and why more people should like them?
First of all, yes, yes, yes, Swift Wind is horrendous wasted potential (surprise, surprise), and yes, of course, I'm still pissed over it. Those scenes where he's so loyal and kind to Adora, and she, having no other point of reference for a friend, much less a resourceful friend... Like, awwhh. Plus, he makes it very clear that he has his own will and isn't just mindlessly following Adora around like a god-honest horse would. He has his own agenda. He doesn't have to go into battle with Adora, and doesn't gain too much from risking his life to help her and her friends in the short term, but Swift Wind does it anyway. He's interested and invested in Adora, personally, anyway. He wants to be there for her and support her growth as a person.
And Adora deserves all of those amazing, raw, sappy, fairytale friendships!
22) Favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
In my experience, this is the type of fandom that cultivates, um, extreme niches, for lack of a better term. As in, literally what my blog is compared to a "stan's" blog. They're like. Different SPOP fans everywhere, so I don't truly believe that there's a portion of this show that is genuinely ignored... There's someone out there that liked even the tiniest, unimportant fraction of this show. Just got to go find them. (Hell, I know people that love, like, Tall Star specifically, out of all the other characters. Nothing has gone totally unnoticed, which is something I really love about the fanbase as a whole, despite everything).
Anyway, to keep it short, my favorite "underappreciated" parts are hm... Maybe the parts where Adora gets to explore the world around her? And not in a super plot related way. I know that the BFS goofing off so much isn't totally ignored. But I like to see that Adora especially was still learning new things everyday in canon, just like, randomly. Nothing to do with the Horde or the Rebellion. Just. She should be excited for the new world around her, dude. Those are pretty rare moments in the show, actually. Wish there were more.
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I finally finished Hidden Agenda and I am once again coming out as a JoongDunk stan. I have been since Star In My Mind (but specifically when I realized I love them so much is when I watched Sky In Your Heart and got a huge rush of joy anytime they were on screen) but I'm just telling the world again in case anyone forgot.
Not a perfect show, plenty to criticize in terms of writing and consistency. I do not care. It is so cute and sweet, and life's too short to focus on negatives. I would love JoongDunk to be in another show together with a bit different characters, but I NEED them to still be obsessed with each other because nothing makes me happier than Joong's characters adoring Dunk's characters in exactly the same way I do. Showering with affection and compliments constantly is something I don't see on screen as much as I'd like and I want to see them in a show where they're both that level of obsessed with each other and so vocal about it.
Anyways, I love them dearly and the show was cute and I am protecting my peace by not reading MDL comments about it 😌✨
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urlocallsimp · 2 years
I am once again pushing the agenda that Tenoch might be a Leo rising.
Here's my reasoning:
Solar essence: he has such warmth to him.. look at the way the sun hugs him she loves him, as we all do. ✅
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Bright bold energy ✅
Broad shoulders ✅
Idjsuzhzklqmslslnsns this pic... I wanna climb him!
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Lush set of hair (have u seen him as Rafa) ✅
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Sharp eyes: I always said he has siren eyes/gaze it's so intense ✅
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I wouldn't say he has short wide nose but he has such specific unique nose that i LOVE SM!!
About the bold personal style: I keep thinking to when he wears bold colored suits, feather jewelry or that feathered cape and his looove for sunglasses!
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Some other leo rising male celebs are: Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian Stan..... Intressting....
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kasururigoth · 8 months
pinned post uhmmm
my name is maxime demian. you can call me demi or maxxie for short :) I'm 21 and I go by he/him pronouns. my main blog is @vamptones
I'm an irl hanejima yuuhei and hijiribe ruri stan and I have been since 2015, let me tell you IT IS EMPTY AS HELL DOWN HERE, but I take it as my duty to spread the kasururi agenda. I post headcanons, rambles, memes, art (rarely) and fanfiction (Even more rarely) those last two you gotta catch them before I delete them. whoops
this blog is poorly curated But you can check my 'headcanons' tag and my 'kasururi' tag for specifics. also my 'shitpost' tag for silly stuff and memes.
aside from durarara, other interests I have are music, literature, cinema, sanrio and my ocs :) but more of that on my main.
feel free to DM me whenever :3
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jechristine · 1 year
Damn I know it's only 5 reviews but given the fact I've seen other bad reviews that are not (yet) uploaded on the RT page, I don't think it's gonna go above 50%
We can obviously form our own opinions and I know I'm gonna do that even if it gets a singular digit score at the end (jk) because I followed all the step of filming and kept up with Tom's bang all up in my face for almost a year, you best believe I'm gonna watch it and try to enjoy it for what it is!! We don't suffer for nothing here (😅) But it's clear a lot of people who are not following film/serie production and are just wandering if it's worth a watch, check RT score or Letterboxd. It is what it is. Even I have to admit that I've more than once skip a movie (or decide to watch it later) if I saw it had that green label below 50% on RT. 🤷‍♀️
So I hope it doesn't hurt too much audience number because that's also what matter at the end. That said, Cherry was absolutely panned by critics but I see more and more people talking about seeing it every day even after two years, and I think it was top5 most streamed movie for a short period so that's that. Anything can happen. Thank you tiktok stans and @pretty-unglad-you-were-born for keeping the Cherry agenda alive with the kissing and shower scenes, I guess 😂
If the score ends up staying low, sure, probably some people will skip it. But even so I think it’ll be among the most-watched Apple TV series because of Tom’s and Amanda’s star power. It’s not going to do MCU numbers obviously, but it’s not designed for an opening weekend at the cinema box office, either. Don’t sweat it :)
Just sit back and enjoy the bangs.
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teaveetamer · 2 years
You can post this publicly. Unlike some people I don’t hide behind anon when sharing my thoughts and opinions. *Pointed glare at the people harassing everyone*
I truly do find it interesting that these people who feel they are justified for harassing people just happen to stan the CLEAR AGGRESSOR OF THE WAR. Like this whole situation feels like a microcosm of the game itself: Edelgard stans, annoyed that people aren’t paying any attention to them, start a harassment campaign under the guise of righteousness because they believe their ideals and waifu are the only “correct” way to enjoy the game. Dimitri fans who up until this point have mostly been minding their own business as they have plenty of content to analyze in their own route (lol unlike CF which is so short and rushed that they have to attack other more interesting routes) are the target of the majority of the campaign as Dimitri and Edelgard are foils of one another who both have experienced massive trauma and had radically different reactions to it as so they naturally stand in opposition to one another in the game. Claude, as per usual, is treated as an afterthought because (at least in Three Houses) he doesn’t directly contradict either of the other lords but still has his own agenda that ironically is the only one that actually manages to untangle the truth and build the foundations moving forward on it.
Because ultimately that is the problem: I think Edelgard stans forget that every route is mired in the ideals and opinions of their own lord because if you’re siding with them you have to be able to LIKE what they end up doing. Like of course Edelgard has complex motives and believes she is doing the right thing- THATS THE POINT- but that doesn’t mean that she is actually doing the right thing. She is acting upon the information that she has: the church is lying and has let the crest system flourish- the crest system is the root of all conflict in Fodlan- so therefore they are secretly behind all conflict and benefit from it- so she acts accordingly. Dimitri similarly makes all his decisions upon the information that he has: everything in his life was fine until this one traumatic event happened and then he finds out that the person who he thought was his friend/family is siding with the people who ruined his life and it causes his already fragile mental state to snap as he finally has a target to direct all his grief/trauma/rage onto. Neither one of them are in the right but in their MINDS they are and I think that the fundamental difference between them is that Dimitri realizes he is wrong IN HIS OWN ROUTE while Edelgard never has that moment where she realizes her beliefs about the nature of the church were wrong. And so you get the Dimitri fans who willingly accept the fact that their lord is mentally ill and does horrible things because of that VS the Edelgard fans who, because CF never actually has a moment where they explicitly call out that Edelgard’s ideals are flawed, continue to be uncritical about it and so you get some of the smooth brained takes like “The Evil Mole People Who Committed Genocide Have A Point If You Can Ignore The Genocide Bit.”
And the same people who can’t critically look at their precious waifu as a flawed character are the same people attacking the fans of another flawed character for liking them despite said character’s flaws. The irony here is palpable. And as a note to anyone who wants to harass me over this I just want you to remember that doing so only proves my point and so I won’t be giving you the attention you are obviously hoping to get.
Obligatory “I’m sure some Dimitri fans were not minding their own business” disclaimer because I just know if I don’t say it someone is gonna fly in here insisting that the harassment is justified because Dimitri fans were mean to them once. However, the people here have largely been attempting to mind their own business.
And when this all went down… I did say that there was nothing more “Edelgard” than forcibly invading someone else’s space, bullying them until they feel obligated to leave just to escape you, and then wearing their identity as a skin suit to boast about how proud you are of what you’ve done lol.
Anyways, I think you make some good points. I have mentioned in the past that I really do think the Fandom factions shaped up to reflect the mentalities of the characters people most supported, more or less. Otherwise I don’t really have much to add to what you said. Aside from this is just another reminder that people… you can like something without necessarily endorsing it.
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euphor1a · 2 years
heyyyy, ive been meaning to ask you this but idk why i didn't until now🙃, lol anw since you posted that anon hour thingie im just gonna ask: which kpop idol is *actually* your type?? fr who would you date irl👁️👄👁️
your stan list is hefty(lol i check your carrd randomly sometimes it's so pretty)so im v curious
Ahhhh interesting question 😳!! I have never really thought about it, but y’know, sometimes (more than sometimes tbh) I’m watching a video and someone does something and internally I’m just going “hmm I think I’d actually date this guy” or “damn I think I’m in love is he maybe looking for a wife or something” 🧍🏽‍♀️
Skshksjk anyway, I made a whole ass list. Because yes. You might find it suprising at some points but not really... idk 🤡
bts: hobi (... he’s so hubby material it huRTS 😭! have you ever noticed how fucking caring and understanding this man is? and the way he’s so passionate? he’s so attractive 😔 also his vibe is top tier I LOVE IT SM GAHHHH >.< it’s like an instant mood lifter) + jk (pretty sure no one is surprised that i’m picking him, but 🥺 he’s so boyfriend shaped 🥺, and god, i can’t explain in short but i adore everything about him to bits ☹️, you can go through my tag for him and see the embarrassing ass posts i make about him if you wanna know more. PLS DON’T ACTUALLY, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR)
txt: binnie (i’m aware that i rarely scream about him so let me just— OH MY GOD CHOI SOOBIN IS LITERALLY MY IDEAL TYPE 😭?? i love quiet and shy people who are actually unhinged once they get comfortable, because guess what i’m exactly the same 🤠! we can be introverted clowns together and i’d love him so bad 🤧! i’ll probably be whiny and pouty all the time and i just know that he’s the type of boyfriend who pouts back and then kisses you. KICKING MY FEET WHY DID I IMAGINE THAT FUCJNSSS)
svt: gyu (the male-wife agenda is real you guys 😔!!! he’s a soft giant™ type of guy :( also his vibe??? idk bro something about enfjs 🥲, i feel so drawn to whatever he does. and he’s really fucking tall and buff, which are such a BONUS, because for some reason i really like the thought of being carried around in the house, especially if i’m tired or sleepy. so yeah. would climb 10/10. cuddles for life. size kink go brrrr. big boobs so i can hide from all the scary things in his chest. also i love him so very much and it hurts. ok that is enough simping) + dino (ah... love me a guy who can make me laugh to the point i feel like i’m gonna die because i haven’t breathed in the past 40 seconds. another enfj too :') i just know i’d be the happiest girl on earth with him. he’s so attractive??? and his personality??? and when he laughs???? and he’s so honest about how he feels :( *falls in love and breaks a limb*) + cheol (look me in the eye and tell me that he isn’t TOP TIER HUSBAND MATERIAL. i. dare. you. if he cares about you, you’re gonna be his top priority and i stan that shit so hard. he actually makes me feel like a 14 y/o who has developed a crush on someone for the first time 😭)
enha: park jongseong (🛐🛐🛐 he regularly makes my expectations for a partner reach new heights and i’m not exactly a fan of it. LIKE??? DUDE DON’T DO THAT I’M GONNA DIE SINGLE🧍🏽‍♀️??? ugh god he’s so :((( totally the type to hug you from the back as a surprise and then kiss any bare skin he can find in your shoulder/neck area. also, the type to bury his nose there and inhale your scent because he associates you with home— NOW TELL ME WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭😭😭😭)
&team: kei (the irl disney prince i deserve!!! 🥺 throughout &audition he tightened his grip around my heart so badly... i legit get heart flutters whenever he appears on screen. he’s so exceptionally thoughtful and caring 😭, and his energy is so intoxicating! i love it, it makes me smile all the time! can’t wait for his debut 🥺)
skz: chan (do i really need to explain?? this man makes me feel such a wide range of emotions. a big heart with a big... nose and so goddamn boyfriend??? i love him. and ngl, it feels like he walked straight out of a romance webtoon. chan is very supportive of everyone too, it’s kinda crazy? i adore him 😞)
atz: yunho (this guy... i’d commit arson for him. he’s my honeybun, sugarplum, cuppycake, gumdrop etc. etc. you get it 🥺🤧😭!! i love him so much fuck i know i’m repeating the same shit over and over for everyone but yunho is so precious oh my god 😭!! soft boyfie :(( my heart aches for him, and!! yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning 🤠👏🏼 *is that enough for a ring?*)
— “ anon hour ☁️ ” + send me an ask!
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holobethyname · 2 years
📝 sf rant #2
🍃 On Fansigns/Fancalls and Asking for/about HOLO
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Let me preface this by saying some things. I understand that the fans paid for the calls with their money, so they can do whatever the hell they want. I am not claiming that I know better how to spend the few minutes they have with the idols, but I just hope that some of these fans are more conscientious when interacting with them.
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Since I haven't had the opportunity to get into fansigns or fancalls with idols (specifically Haechan), I can only form my opinion from the video recordings that pass through my Twitter timeline.
For context, these online fansigns last only for a few minutes. I think the longest I heard of was 8 minutes, but most are 2-3 minutes. That's a really short time for the amount of money spent to get a slot, but perhaps for most of the fans, a few minutes of interaction once (or a couple of times) with their favorite idol is worth the price.
That said, I have seen a lot of fellow fans who secured a fansign slot asking their mutuals or people from their subfandom what to do during those 2-3 minutes. I appreciate this kind of fans so much.
I've seen this a lot among sunflowers, and I'm glad that most of us are on the same page: congratulating Haechan, mentioning some of his achievements that he may not be informed of yet, talking about his music, some random Haechan-related stuff, and showing pets among others.
Of course, there are some that do things that I personally won't do, hence this rant, but again, it's their money.
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Since I entered the fandom during the pandemic, I've only seen a few face-to-face fansigns. I'm more familiar with online fansigns but it doesn't mean that I am unaware of what happens during the face-to-face ones.
I know of that NCT 127 fansign where someone attended wearing a bridal dress and Doyoung looked disgusted surprised. This actually happened to Haechan on an online fansign where he was made to pretend as a groom, marrying the fan in a bridal dress and white veil. I know I'm not the only one who found this weird, and Haechan also looked awkward.
I wonder if the Neos talk about their weird fans after the fansigns like those that make them act like animals, the ones who command them to call themselves stupid or whatnot, those that force them to take selcas using their personal phones, etc.
I'm not shaming gf stans on fansigns. You do you, I guess. Plus Haechan usually indulges most of them and he likes teasing people. He gets shy on some occasions (when he's hit with a cheesy pick-up line or when he's caught off-guard /pos) which is always a treat for everyone because the boy is super confident and rarely gets shy.
Sure, fan service is a part of the idol industry, but idols are still humans. This goes without saying, but they also deserve to be treated with respect. I just hope that fans on these online calls stop making them do stuff that they are not comfortable with.
(Always ask if they're okay with it. Also, some idols, like Haechan, will mostly agree with whatever for fans, so learn to read body language. Anyway, just be a decent person.)
Moreover, we are still fans. There is still a boundary between idols and fans. At the end of the day, they are still strangers to us, and we are much more of a stranger to them. So, boundaries.
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One more thing about fansigns that give me the ick are shippers who forward their shipping agenda to the idols. I'm pretty sure some, if not most, of these idols are aware of ships among their group members, but that is not a warrant to be so shameless about it on fansigns.
[I still wonder how fans can still insert shipping in a 2-minute fancall because I'd run out of time praising Haechan alone.]
There's already a whole debate on shipping, rpf/rps, so I don't want to delve deeper into that. I'm not one to stop people with their shipping agenda. Again, you do you. Just remember that you have avenues to do that. That's why there's a whole rps/rpf community on social media platforms (on Tumblr!!!) where you breathe life into your headcanons.
So, boundaries.
I don't know how idols deal with the knowledge that people ship them with their bandmates. I guess they are just chill about it, but you know, if we can be mindful (and perhaps not create an awkward atmosphere among the members being shipped), let's do that. Or I don't know. If you can't keep it to yourself, be subtle? 😭
This is also related to shipping, but it rubs me wrong when a fan who is on a fansign with an idol is talking mostly about another idol. Uhm, you should've just attended the other idol's fansign? Some idols may be fine with that, but personally, If I were an idol, I'd feel disrespected.
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Now, onto the more positive things, before I talk about something that I feel conflicted about, and I'll just enumerate since there is no explanation needed.
Haechan praise: (he gets really shy sometimes and he doesn't know what to respond, that's when we know the fan has got him) complimenting how he's doing so far for the promotions, his vocals and dance, or really anything worth-mentioning that he did recently
Talks on Haechan's music: future music plans, genres of music he wants to do, songs he currently loves, musical inspirations
When fans request him to sing something
Talking about his hobbies, food preferences, pets (and showing him fans' pets)
Showing him video edits of sunflowers' messages for him, link to a compilation of fan letters
Mentioning stuff about him that he may not be aware of yet: how he has a lot of kpop idol fanboys, celebrity fans, my personal favorite is when one of the people i follow informed him that she mentioned him to Michael Jackson's nephew
Joking with him, and trying to make him laugh
I'm not really a fan of the Tiktok challenges that they make him do, but he really looks adorable trying the challenges in some, and I'm also glad someone showed him his viral Untouchable Tiktok edit
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So, this is the thing I'm conflicted about. Recently, Haechan has been sending messages on Bubble about how fans will not regret supporting him. He's also said this to a fansign. I only saw one video but I'm not sure if there are more. He's telling us to wait a bit more. It seems unspoken but it's like a request to keep holding on to him? Am I the only one who feels that way (and my friend, too)?
We think that he probably feels burdened whenever people ask him about solo activities, dance covers, song covers, solo albums, new music, etc.
I cannot blame sunflowers for talking about solo stuff and asking him, because honestly, I'd do it, too. He was so excited talking about solo stuff prior to the release of Love Sign. Then, we figured after the release that maybe he was so giddy in his seat because he was gonna surprise the fans with a song he wrote. To us, that translated to "he likes it when we talk about his solo stuff and when we ask him about his solo career plans".
Besides, for the lack of solo stuff in the past 6 years, we all feel like he deserves to have more activities and more opportunities to grow individually at this point. For someone that talented, he can do it and he will succeed.
However, thinking about it these past few days, I feel conflicted. Haechan's just 22 years old and honestly, he has a lot on his plate as an idol and a member of three active NCT units. His schedule is so tight that he barely has any rest in between. The way SM's making him work is unhealthy, unethical even. Also, sure, we can blame it on SM's capitalist mindset but I cannot help but feel for Haechan since he's the one we're asking for schedules from. Not directly SM. So yeah, he carries that burden alone.
It's not like Haechan doesn't want to release his own music. That's his dream: to be a singer-songwriter. I bet he's itching to do it, too. However, no matter how talented or how big his fanbase is, the decision to release a solo does not rely solely on his hands. There are a lot of aspects to consider: the company, the budget, the staff, the time that will be spent on his activities which is equivalent to his time out of the units he's in.
There's also the factor that Haechan's a good team player. I think he feels the responsibility, as a vital member of the units he's in, to think about the group first (which is sad since I really think it's high time for him to focus on himself).
We're such in a fucked up position, especially Haechan, that it makes me think that even if I want the world to know Soloist Haechan as soon as possible, I don't want him to feel like I'm disappointed in him for asking and asking when he cannot do anything about it. I don't want to pressure him, especially at a time where more than the pressure of releasing something (which is such a drain on an artist's creative juices), he needs to know that people support him and are willing to wait for him.
So, parting words, since this has been such a long rant, if you're ever on a fansign with Haechan, please reassure him that we can wait and that we will always want the best for him. If that's going at his own pace and focusing on the group more, no matter how if we agree or disagree, it's his career anyway.
The recent bubbles and fansign conversations just bothered me really and made me rethink this with a friend. I don't want him to feel like he's gonna lose fans because he's not powerful (?) enough or that he's not greedy (?) enough to demand that he be given something for himself and halt other activities for him or whatever.
Please let him know that we won't get tired, and that we will stay to support him until the time comes when he can already focus on himself. We all know that day will be worth it.
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Episode 6 thoughts
Respectfully go away
I could care less about the overarching plot line rn
Actually loving baghra in this, she’s chill
Is Dominik like nikolais Dominik?!
‘My heart can beat again’ my dominikolai agenda is THRIVING (however I’m not sure how they could be together and have Zoyalai endgame but Dominik may die yet, otherwise it shall be a short lived teenage romance)
Ngl wylan just looking at butterflies while everyone’s passed out is making me giggle
Love baghra
Ooo what tolya seeing
Aw bestie it’s gonna be tamar dead
Wylan just casually plugging his ears also made me giggle
Wylan awesome
Ngl kinda wanted the fake Kanej kiss for something to edit if nothing else
Mal wake up and realise your looking for you
I was about to say slay Inej but she’s not actually doing all that well
Where are Kaz and wylan while them three are getting beaten up?
Omg darkling shut up rn
Honestly feeling for Alina now
Didn’t know it was possible to hate the darkling more than I already did
Oh god Inej
Ahhh there they are
Where’s kaz?
Loving the 3 grisha all using there powers
Slay Baghra my fav arsonist
Baghra is aweosme
She legit just cut off his hand and I love her for it
Okay now she’s looking like something out of infinity war, Harry Potter and deathly hallows part II
Not her like personally attacking all of them I can’t
‘All this just to protect your husband in his sleep’ I don’t think Kaz understood her speech about love
He just wanted to see his mum so badly that he didn’t care she was tryna kill him
omg he could not care less about the sword he just wants wylan
So tolya and Jesper are besties now right?!
Also Nina…darling…when someone sweeps zoya off her feet you won’t be deep in love with Matthias…
Another genyalina hug!
Loving how people on this show will say anything BUT I love you to each other
So this is where the sex scene comes from then
Not him leaving his hand there
I’m so confused what is he doing
Damn it now he knows about mal
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