#I have all of my Jonghyun tattoos that I want to get on my left arm but I also kind of want to get a bunch of leaves on my right arm
theoogtree · 1 year
My sister sold my mom's car for 2k and somehow I got $600 out of that so mayhaps I will get another tattoo
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waitupgirlholdon · 1 year
Words from a Shawol to Arohas,
I know how you’re feeling. You don’t feel like it’s real, it can’t be true, you’re reading articles and watching videos about any possible updates. But it’s true and you feel like the ground opened up to swallow you. The unthinkable has happened, and unfortunately it happened to your beloved Moonbin.
I am not too familiar with Astro or Moonbin, but my heart is with you, and I know your pain. I thought I would give you some advice on how to get through this difficult situation.
This is all meant with love.
1, try not to watch videos with clickbait titles about him. There will be, and already is a lot out there trying to capitalize on this news, only take information from reputable sources.
2, the clickbait videos never really end. They use your dear idol to get views by saying rude things or making infuriating thumbnails. Try your best to ignore it and report the video and the account.
3, don’t feel bad if you can’t bring yourself to watch any funeral footage if there is any. It will be painful to witness, and you don’t have to put yourself through that.
4, it’s okay not to want to listen to his music for a while. Take your time and be kind with yourself.
5, find a way to remember him, if you feel it’s appropriate. For me, Jonghyun’s music saved me in a hard time in my life and I plan to get a tattoo in his honor, but I have also named my cat after his last album, Poet|Artist (we call him Poe), and every new years day I listen to a special song of his to welcome the new year.
6, find fellow Arohas to talk to. They need you as much as you need them.
7, when you feel like you can handle it, find joy in the moments Moonbin left for you. Like dance practice bloopers, photos of him smiling.. remember him on the anniversary if his last day, but celebrate him on his birthday.
8, finally, reach out for help if you feel you need it. It may seem silly to mourn someone you never met, but it’s still a very real loss with very real pain.
I hope this advice can help you find a little peace. I am so sorry for your loss.
-A Shawol
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raevaelia · 1 year
In-experienced hearts | J.Jungkook
Pairing: Tutor!F.Reader x Tutee!Jungkook
Synopsis: The school’s golden boy is falling behind in his chemistry class and the principal decided it would be a good idea to assign him a tutor. Who knew the tutor would end up becoming the love of his life while also causing him heaps of chaos?
Tags: Tooth-rotting fluff, tutor x tutee au (though u kinda forget in the story), reader is a little oblivious and JK is totally whipped for her. Shy, awkward JK who overthinks and naïve, clueless reader. NOT a soulmate au!
Warnings: None! However, you may gain some cavities from this sweet, sweet couple ;)
A/N: hi! this is my first work here on tumblr! i know this isn't very good but i was very eager to write this so i apologise if this looks very rushed hehe. please do not be afraid to tell me if there is any way to improve my work- i would really appreciate it actually. happy reading!
Playlist: Faye Webster - Kingston, MAGIC! - Rude, Jonghyun&Younha - Love Belt, NIKI - urs, keshi - right here, Baekhyun&Suzy - Dream, hanbee - strawberry, GEMINI - mon amour, ABBA - Angel Eyes, Mindy Gledhill - I Do Adore, Jin - The Astronaut.
JK was someone you could never find it in yourself to hate.
Since signing with the school’s football team, he had become the lead star and the school’s prestigious golden boy. He was well known for his good looks, endless heaps of talent and sweet personality to all.
Well…things were going great regarding his football team. His grades? Not so much.
“Jungkook, you are a good man. You are genuinely liked around here, me included, but…unless you bring those chemistry grades up, you may as well be getting kicked off the team.” Principal Song rubbed the area around his nose bridge, glasses resting in his callous hands as Jungkook fell rigid in his seat.
His hands gripped his football jersey, Number 7.
“Sir…i-i can bring my grades u-”
He felt terrified.
Being part of the football team was what got him to be so well-liked. Before that, he was in the backgrounds, hiding in the shadows and in the corners of every classroom with long bangs and unfashionable outfits.
Now that he finally got a name for himself, he doesn’t ever want to lose it. It’s all he’s got, really.
“I know you can, Jungkook. But right now, exam period is approaching fast. And there really is no time for you to revise yourself.”
The air in the office was thickening. A pin drop could be heard.
“So. I have decided to assign you a tutor for this month.”
Jungkook blinked. Then he blinked again.
“Excuse me?”
Principal Song pursed his lips with a kind smile, interlocking his rough hands together and resting them on the desk.
“Yes, you heard me right. I am assigning you a tutor.” Jungkook scrunched up his brows, lips turning downwards into a subtle frown. “With all do respect, sir, i beli-”
“Of course you can refuse if you would like. But just note that you will be permanently kicked off the football team if you do.” The kind smile was still forcibly painted on Principal Song’s lips, sending shivers down Jungkook’s spine as he gulped down any rebuttal that had previously bubbled up.
“No. I will accept this tutor, thank you, sir.” Jungkook stood with wobbly legs, bowing down a perfect 90° while Principal Song merely sent him a proud nod in return. “I know you will make the right decision.” Jungkook smiled tight-lipped as he left the room.
His football jersey, now crumpled up in his tight fist, was shoved into his face to conceal the frustration he felt. He exhaled slowly, turning on his heel to return back to his friends out on the bleachers.
“Ugh.” He groaned, ruffling his hair with one tattooed hand as the other threw his jersey over his shoulder. He took long strides up the steps as he reached the bench his friends sat on.
“Jaykay!” Jung Hoseok cheered, handing the younger a box of fries before ruffling his hair affectionately. “Hey, dude.” Jimin, from below smiled. His bright pink hair standing out from the rest of his crazy friends.
“So~” Taehyung chorused, biting into a churro while Jungkook simply raised a single brow. “So, what?” Taehyung kissed his teeth, leaning forward. “Your visit to the principal? What happened?” Jungkook’s mood instantly turned sour.
Crease lines appeared on his forehead as he remembered the previous discussion. “I’m getting a tutor.” It’s silent for a few milli-seconds before the group erupt in joyous laughter. Jungkook stands still, wallowing in his own self-embarrassment with shy reddened cheeks.
Slowly, Hoseok comes back to reality and wiped away a few stray tears. “That’s embarrassing for the school’s golden boy!” Taehyung laughs along, agreeing with the older boy’s statement. “We saw this coming from miles away!” Jimin adds, only confusing the poor boy further who scrunches his brows together. “Huh? How?” Taehyung lays his cheek on his palm, staring at the boy in pity at his puzzlement.
“‘How’? Because, you’re the school’s golden boy, dummy. Everyone knows.” Jungkook’s face begins falling, turning a sickly pale along with his jaw hanging slack. “HUH?!” His voice grows louder, now anxiousness spreading through his body at the new-found knowledge.
“Are you seriously that slow?” Jimin sighs. “Everybody knows your failing chemistry. Catch up, dude. There are even some people who know more things about you than you do yourself.” Jungkook feels a shiver crawl up his spine, almost imitating a million bugs crawling all over his skin.
“No way.” He whispers. “Yes, way.” Taehyung snorts. “And-”
But the honey-head boy gets cut off by a cherry feminine voice catching all their attention from behind Jungkook’s body.
“Um, excuse me?”
The girl turns her chin upwards and her grin grows even wider, revealing her pearly whites. She has her hands clasped behind her back, presumably holding onto her black book bag Jungkook can see poking from behind her pink pleated skirt.
Jungkook grows still, blood rushing up his body to fill the paleness of his cheeks and ears, eyes fixated on her smile. He can almost see the sun shining brighter and bird-songs in his ear.
And then he hears a bell ring in his ear. The same bell in the film ‘Your Name’.
“Hi! My name is Y/N! Principal Song assigned me as your tutor, Jungkook-ssi!” She dips her head slightly, allowing Jungkook to breathe while she isn’t looking and hypnotising him any longer.
He can hear the snickers of his so-called ‘friends’ from behind him but he pays no mind to them, instead focusing on the Disney princess-like girl standing before him.
Oh, and did i forget to mention? There is one thing Jeon Jungkook is not good at among the many talents he has.
And that is talking to cute girls.
Jeon Jungkook had girls after him left and right. The richest, prettiest, kindest and the list goes on. However he would reject every single one of them. Why?
Because Jeon Jungkook is a hopeless romantic.
Hopelessly waiting for his so-called ‘soulmate’ that he could spend the rest of his life with, living a Disney fantasy. Silly, really. His friends would remind him to give up the silly idea and just settle down already.
But who would’ve though he would be meeting her so soon?
And when Y/N shyly asks Jungkook whether they could have a talk in the library, the boy just couldn’t find it in himself to refuse. Especially when she looked as cute as she did trying to avoid his eyes while picking at her perfectly manicured nails.
Jungkook stiffly followed her through the hallways of the school while the girl in-front skipped with every step she took with her hands still clasped behind her back.
He finds the action endearing, especially when he could see the red crescent moon shapes imprinted in the ball of her hand from her nails. He smiled at it before a hard slap on his shoulder interrupts his thoughts.
He whips his head around to see a girl with a yellow binder in her hand, raised above her head with an angered look. “Pervert! You’re no golden boy!” Jungkook’s eyes grow wide as he rubs the spot he was hit on. “What?!” He screeches, feeling nervous with the amount of students beginning to take notice of the situation.
Y/N spins on her heel and turns to face the situation with a tilt of her head and a curious look on her pretty features. “Huh? Saeyong? What’s wrong?”
Ah. Y/N knows this crazy lunatic.
Jungkook turns to look at her with a pleading look, begging for her to save him in this situation. Saeyong instead huffs her hair out of her face and lowers her binder, not before sending a nasty glare to Jungkook who just stares at her in absolute confusion.
“This…! Guy…was perving at your butt, Y/Nie!” Gasps are heard from the other students who have circled around the trio. Saeyong crosses her arms triumphantly over her chest. Jungkook is quick to wave his hands in defence with an intense blush over his cheeks.
“HUH?! N-No! Y-You’ve got it all wrong, i swear!” Oh no. Barely 10 minutes of knowing his soulmate and things have already gone wrong. Why did life have to be so cruel to him?
He faces Y/N who seems to be completely and utterly clueless of the situation. She blinks at Jungkook before blinking against Saeyong. “Huh? No he wasn’t.” Saeyong scoffs. “Of course he was! I saw him!”
Jungkook opens his mouth to deny again but before he could, Y/N turns to face him. “Were you staring somewhere you shouldn’t be?” She tilts her head again with her bambi eyes peering at Jungkook’s worry-filled ones.
“No! I swear, i wasn’t!” The girls go quiet, waiting to hear what his reason for staring there actually was. “Liar-” “Let’s hear him out, unnie.” Saeyong huffs again, glaring daggers at Jungkook who fiddles with his fingers absentmindedly. “I-I…”
“I noticed that you pressed your nails too deep in your hands…i-i…i-it’s not good if it’s leaving marks.” He meekly points at Y/N’s hands who turns to look at them. Saeyong immediately gasps and runs towards her, taking her hands into her own.
“I told you to stop doing this, Y/Nie!” Y/N blushes beet red, shuffling on her feet before pulling her hoodie sleeves over her hands to hide them. “It’s a habit, unnie.” She mumbles shyly. Saeyong sighs, ruffling Y/N’s hair affectionately. “A habit you need to get rid of.”
Jungkook stands animatedly, hands glued to his side as he nervously watches the two mumble incoherently to eachother. His eyes eventually find Y/N’s who sends him a comforting smile before nudging Saeyong who huffs and glares at Jungkook.
“Look, i’m sorry for accusing you of whatever…and thanks for pointing out her nails. Or whatever.” She avoids eye-contact picking up her yellow binder to slam into her locker angrily. “Good going, Sayeongie!” Y/N sends two thumbs up to the elder who just waves her off with the tiniest smile evident.
Jungkook blinks at the interaction, facing Y/N who turns back on her heel, hands now in her pockets as she begins walking through the crowd that starts dissipating. “Come on! We still gotta figure out your timetable!” She spins on her heel, walking backwards as she sends Jungkook a harmless wink that sends multiple arrows through his heart.
A week has past.
Though it seems like eons have passed with how close the two have gotten. Jungkook has learned that Y/N bakes in her free time, she even showed up to one of their sessions with 4 fairy cakes. 3 with the traditional rainbow sprinkles and one with purple sprinkles. He had raised his brow at the odd one out, questioning her when she blushed shyly.
“That’s the special one i made for you. The rest are for your friends! Yours has jelly filling, none of the others do.”
Jungkook had smiled so wide that day. And also that day, he had drawn a picture of her owned cat, his name being Pocky and living in her dorm room.
Since then, it had been a friendly competition of who can give the better gifts. The day after that, Y/N had given him a a double layer strawberry and cream cake— his favourite as she had learned.
“It’s made with love. So you can’t top that!” The line send flutters to the poor boy’s heart, refusing to share a single slice or even a single strawberry with any of his whining friends who childishly ignored him for the rest of the day.
That brings us to today where our favourite boy has managed to find a way to top her gift.
Jungkook had walked in the library with a giant 18x24 canvas tucked under his armpit and a box of her favourite donuts— original glazed.
He couldn’t help but feel extremely excited for her reaction seeing her sitting there on their usual table somehow looking prettier every day.
So, yes, whatever. Jungkook have developed a huge crush on the girl. So what? Everyone saw it coming. Jimin had saw it coming from a mile way, as he usually does. He started giving him dating advice such as gifting flowers and chocolates (though Jimin has never had a serious relationship before).
Of course Jungkook ignored him and instead focused on gifting her what he does best.
That night, he bought a £30 canvas from his local arts&crafts store with the intention of her smiling face imprinted in his love-corrupted mind.
He drew exactly what had been lulling him to sleep these last few weeks. He drew her straight from memory, her face completely etched in his mind.
And after 4 hours of straight water colour and art (and a few slices of her cake eaten), he had successfully completed his artwork in time for their next tutoring session.
Since their first session, his grades have significantly improved. Even Principal Song acknowledging it— reminding him the month was almost over and that their tutoring sessions was almost over too.
The thought had initially dulled his mind until he remember the project.
He had even added a little surprise on the back of the canvas in the little confidence he had sparked during his project hours.
That, which, i will not mention.
She had sat at their table in a cute baby blue dress that seemed to hug her body exceptionally well, highlighting everything. She had clipped her hair back in a white claw clip and was wearing some Mary Janes on her feet.
Jungkook was 80% nervous and 20% confident. Well, that 20% was slowly decreasing to a 4% with every step he took closer to her and her figure becoming more and more HD in his eyes.
She tilted her head upwards, spotting him and her lips stretching in a wide smile. “Kookie!” Jungkook’s heart melted, as it does every morning when she lurches forward to encase his body in a hug.
She pulled away slowly much to Jungkook’s demise and pointed to the canvas. “What’s that?” She asked, a pout resting on her pink lips.
“It’s my gift, for you. My last one ever.” Y/N’s face dropped at his last words. In all honestly, she loved his gifts. They were always so thoughtful and unique. They were so special to her because they all represented Jungkook. Whether it be through his mannerisms, personality or just him overall.
She masked her disappointment with curiosity instead, leaning forward to try and take a peek.
Jungkook smiled, handing it to her. “Here,” he mumbled, scanning her face for any reaction.
And boy, did she give a reaction.
If a reaction meant immediate tears then sure, she gave one.
Jungkook’s face dropped completely, putting the portrait aside to rush over to her side and hold her gently, letting her cry on his shoulder. A million thoughts ran through his mind.
‘Did she not like it? Was it too much? Am i being too forward? Maybe i should’ve take Jimin’s advice!’
He bit his lip gently, her silky hair tickling the bottom of his chin as her shoulders shook with sobs from her hoarse throat.
Y/N raised her head eventually with red rimmed, puffy eyes and a red tipped nose. “No one has ever done something like this for me before…!” Jungkook smiled behind all of his nervousness now that he knows she likes it. (Though that was an understatement)
He was seriously considering throwing the portrait away afterwards if she didn’t like it.
Hell, if she didn’t like his hairstyle he would change it within an instant. After all, he only wanted to look good for her. Good enough, to be hers.
“I’m going to hang this up in my dorm!” She declared, hugging it close to her body while Jungkook scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Her once crying face had now disappeared and contorted to that of a child at an amusement park as her grip on the canvas tightened as if it would disappear under her hold.
She just couldn’t stop staring at the artwork.
He had an managed to capture her insecurities and turned them into something she could learn to love. Such as the way a single small strand of hair stuck up at her roots. She had always hated that— thinking it ruined every hairstyle she tried.
He had captured the shine and sparkle in her eyes, the slight dip in her right cheek in the smiling portrait of her as well as the beauty mark on the tip of her nose.
“A-Ah, i’m glad you like it, Y/N” He has thought of so many different ways to reply in his head but opted for the most casual one— somehow while also still sounding like a fool in love.
“Like it? I love it! It’s the best gift i’ve ever received! I can’t possibly top this!”
Seeing her upmost gratitude towards him, Jungkook suddenly felt a surge of confidence swoosh through his awkward body. “Well, you can top it some way.”
Y/N stared at him expectantly, hope flooding through her heart as well as a red hue covering her cheeks at the way his honey eyes searched all over her face. “What? Tell me, how can i possibly top this?”
From the angle of the way she held the canvas, Jungkook can see the special surprise he hid on the underside. And now suddenly his confidence dropped to a whopping 0%.
“A-Ah…w-well…” Suddenly everything felt hot. The air felt compressed and Jungkook felt like his air supply was closing in on him. Why does it feel so tight? He tried to breathe. He really tried, but his throat just wasn’t working. His lips wouldn’t open and no words could leave.
He couldn’t do this. Who was he kidding? He was no confident guy.
“Jungkook?” Her voice rang in his ears, and he finally mustered up the courage to face her worried look with crease brows and a frown adoring her face.
Y/N smiled. “Do you want to sit down for a while? We can share the donuts.” She nudged her head towards the sealed untouched box that had been long forgotten about.
Jungkook took a deep gust of air into his lungs.
“Oh? What’s this?” Jungkook felt the air once again get pushed out of his chest when he saw her holding a neon pink post-it that was once stuck on the back of the canvas.
She read it intently, horror evading Jungkook’s features when he couldn’t read her expression. Oh god. He should have never wrote that.
Finally, she lifted her head and turned the post-it to face Jungkook and his horror-struck face. One night he chose to be selfish and pursue the one thing he has ever wanted in his entire life and now, it's going to lead him to rejection. All Jungkook wants to do now is curl up in a ditch and die.
"You misspelt 'Eugene'..." Y/N eventually speaks up, hiding her cheeky smile with a bite of her lower lip. And oh, would you look at that. He really did misspell it.
Jungkook holds the piece of paper between his trembling fingers with a shake in his gaze. No, how did he manage to embarass himself further?!
'Stupid! How could I misspell it to Eugeene?!'
He feels so utterly embarrassed and defeated he can't bring himself to lift his head and apologise to the girl of his dreams. How tired would he have been to misspell it that badly and not notice?! He really should've taken Jimin's advice.
This is it. This is the one thing he saw coming- that he knew was going to come back and bite him in his tensed buttcheeks! His hands sweat as he holds the post-it, clammy and strained. His irises shake unnervingly, re-reading the silly paper over-and-over again wishing this was all just a dream. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He could've chosen a better pick-up line instead of a stupid Disney reference!
'Will you be the Rapunzel to my Eugeene?'
He has the urge to squeeze his eyes shut and pray for his friends to come and save him this very moment- he'll even willingly go through the trouble of hearing Jimin's reprimanding voice of 'you should've taken my advice' as well as Taehyung and Hoseok's consistent mocking of 'the golden boy' for the rest of the school year if it meant escaping this very moment.
And when he finally does lift his head he meets the very overjoyed L/N Y/N with her usual widened grin. What Jungkook does notice, however, is the very pigmented red blush covering her cute cheeks as well as her nails once again creating dent marks in the heels of her hands. The golden boy frowns, with very clammy hands, he grabs hers in his own hold, promptly ignoring the slight shake in them from her warm touch. She slowly retracts her nails from the marks, letting Jungkook run the pad of his thumb over the marks.
'Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, what am I DOING?! She probably thinks I'm a weirdo, gosh! Why do you keep embarrassing yourself, Jeon Jungkook, huh?! And my hands are so sweaty, how humiliating! I better-'
Jungkook quickly with an audible gulp of saliva, retracts his hands and rubs them vigorously on the fabric of his jeans, failing to notice Y/N's disappointed look. She purses her lips, leaving her arms to hang idly by her sides.
'Why did he let go? Were my hands rough or something? OH GOSH! DID I MAKE HIS HANDS SWEAT TOO MUCH?! How embarrassing! How can I face him now?!'
Y/N shyly turns her gaze to the donuts left on the table before clearing her throat. "What...what did your note mean? And, h-how did you know i love Tangled?!"
Her usual cheery tone returns and Jungkook is thankful she doesn't bring up the awkward moment with his sweating hands. But when the words finally register in his mind, it goes blank.
She doesn't understand the note even though her favourite movie is Tangled? Jungkook feels a mix of emotions, crashing down onto him like a large tsunami wave that he still wishes he could drown in.
Well for one, they share the same favourite movie, but then again, he wasn't exactly rejected nor accepted.
"You...don't know what the note means?" Y/N tilts her head with a meek look. "Um...no, sorry. I hope it means you're not going to take me away from my home and help me find out I'm a lost princess for some kingdom." She laughs, hands once again clasped securely behind her back.
Jungkook looks at her with affection and endear in his gaze. 'You're already a princess in my heart.' Jungkook laughs along with her joke, silently thankful that the conversation has taken a light-hearted turn. For a moment there he forgot about the post-it note fiasco and how his whole body had burnt with embarrassment beforehand.
"So...what does the note mean?"
Jungkook freezes, mentally cursing out his past self at 2am that morning. "W-Well..." And lo-and-behold, Park Saeyong has come to ruin Jungkook's chances once again. The boy lowers his gaze and glues his lips together upon seeing the 24/7 angry girl run her way over.
"He's asking you out, girl!" Saeyong cheers, aggressively patting the younger girl's back so hard she splutters out a choke. "H-Huh?!" The poor girl is clueless to almost about everything. Saeyong chuckles, "oh, Y/Nie, my incredibly stupid friend, he wants to know whether you'd be his girlfriend!"
And so hearing this, Jungkook acts quickly without thinking as he usually does. This time, he quickly waves his hands in dismissal as heat creeps up his neck to cover his face in an embarrassing shade of pink. "N-No! T-That's not-!" In the midst of his rambling, Y/N's shoulders sink as does her hopes of becoming his potential lover. Her bottom lip juts out sadly as well as her almond eyed evidently losing their sparkle.
'But I want to be his Rapunzel'
Saeyong acts fast and grabs her handy yellow binder to whack the golden boy on the back of his head. She continues whacking him over-and-over again, even when he tries to get her to stop. Y/N gasps and runs forward to defend him with her hand catching the yellow binder in her friend's hand. "Stop, unnie!" Saeyong's eyebrows dips, putting her hands on her hips as she stares at the younger girl. "Why should I, huh? He hurt your feelings!" Jungkook stands at his full height from behind Y/N and rubs his arm with a pained expression. Y/N mimics Saeyong's pose with her own hands on her hips with her own angry expression. "You still shouldn't hit him!" Saeyong drops her hands, her expression softening at her.
"Y/N. I know how much you like him, and it hurts me knowing that he just did this to you."
Jungkook feels his heart lurch in his throat, eyes blown wide and lips parted. 'Is this a dream? Ohmygod, I think I might just cry and shove my hands in my chest to give my heart to her. For real'
Y/N goes still, taking in a deep breath before spinning on her heel to face the very boy that has been clouding her mind ever since their first meeting. 'Here goes nothing'
Jungkook meets her gaze, opening his mouth to say the very thing that's been bugging him day-in day-out. "Y/N."
Y/N blinks, a little startled with her seriousness in his tone- though she can hear the slight waver too but she chose to ignore it as her heart was beating far louder. She nods to her name, not trusting herself to speak as her voice may accidentally break- and she can't handle that embarrassment.
"I-I..." Jungkook looks up to meet her eyes but can see his three incredibly dumb friends silently cheering him on from behind one bookcase. He stops his sentence, narrowing his eyes that contain an angry flare in them. 'What the hell are they doing?'
Y/N tilts her head at Jungkook's lack of attention, slowly turning her head around in an attempt to see what the heck was going on. Jungkook sees this and panics- evidently blurting out the rest of his words without thinking as usual. "I like you a lot, Y/N!" The said girl freezes, facing Jungkook again as her mind goes haywire. Words can't seem to formulate. Jungkook can see her apprehension and suddenly all his confidence once again plummets to the ground.
"I-I have for...a long time..." Y/N is silent for a second before she breaks out into an extra wide grin that bunches up her cheeks. "I would very much like you to be my Flynn Rider!" Jungkook smiles big, wrapping his arms around her waist to hug her to his body.
He doesn't think he's ever experienced such joy in his entire life before. Not when he got accepted into the football team, no, not even then. Now? He feels like a million fireworks have gone off in the pits of his stomach, like his heart has burst and everything just seems a whole lot more vibrant.
As their laughs settle down, it is only then when Jungkook becomes aware of the position they are in. Jungkook blushes, quickly putting her down with a clear of his throat. "S-So...is that a yes to being my girlfriend...?" Y/N's laugh sends flutters straight to his poor heart- it has been through a lot recently. "Yes, silly."
Jungkook presses a timid kiss to her knuckles, a smile spreading as he does so. "I'm glad."
Maybe soulmates do exist after all.
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exo-kpopper · 5 years
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Pairing: Jinho x Unknown
Words: 1k+
Genre: Soulmate, sad ending
Jinho was just about to turn sixteen and he was quite nervous. He really wanted to know what would be his soulmate's first words to him. He would turn officially sixteen in a few minutes and he felt even more nervous. He didn't have any idea of what words could be written on his wrist and that scared him a bit. What if his soulmate hated him at first? What if it didn't work out? It was completely impossible that it wouldn't work out at the end but Jinho couldn't help but overthink. And as he was thinking over and over again, he didn't realize he was now sixteen. After a few minutes, he looked at the clock on his wall on looked nervously at his wrist. What he saw left him confused. It was not in Korean and it was not in English either. He believed it was written in French but he wasn't even sure. He went to look on the internet what it meant and he was right. When he saw the meaning of the words, he blushed a bit and a soft smile grew on his lips. His soulmate wouldn't hate him.
The next day, when he arrived at school, he was still very happy. All his friends knew it was his birthday the day before and everybody wondered what was written on his wrist, but the young Jo didn't want to spill the tea. He didn't want everybody to know this, he felt like it was his secret. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this for him forever but for now, he wouldn't tell anyone.
Jinho was now eighteen and he had debuted as a singer in the small group SM The Ballad. He hadn't had a proper debut yet but he was really looking forward to it. He knew his singing was good and he would be able to make many fans. He was really happy but he still had a little void inside of him. A void that only his soulmate would be able to fill and yet, there was no sight of them. Jonghyun, who was the first and only person to know about the words on his wrist, tried to cheer him up but Jinho was becoming more and more hopeless. It had been two years and he still didn't know anyone who would tell him these words. The fact that they were in French also blocked him a bit. However, even though he was losing hope, he kept on looking. He knew he would have his happy ending at some point. It was meant to be after all. So Jinho smiled to himself and kept on practicing his singing. Jonghyun was right, he shouldn't be so worried about it.
Jinho had left SM Entertainment for about a year now and he was about to debut in the new boy group of CUBE Entertainment, Pentagon. It had been eight years since the words appeared and he still hadn't found his soulmate but he stopped looking for it, telling himself they would come to him at some point. He wanted to focus on being an idol and he knew he had a lot of effort to put in. All of his members knew about the words. He trusted them enough and he wanted to share everything with them. They were his friends and he felt really close to them, not like the friends he had when he was still in high school. Hoetaek was the one he was the closest to and he was always telling him to keep looking for his soulmate, that this person was waiting for him somewhere. Jinho agreed with him on that but he still decided to keep himself away from searching. He had looked a lot in the last eight years and he didn't want to hurt himself too much. And after all, who would know him enough to tell him THESE words the first time they talk to each other. He laughed a bit to himself and kept on dancing with Hongseok who was showing him some moves he didn't get well. He was now twenty-four years old and he was slowly starting to think that love was a big joke. He was starting to think that it was fake, that it was just a particular tattoo made for him only. Yeah, that was probably it.
At this point in his life. Jinho had forgotten about the soulmate's story. When people were asking him about his wrist, he only said he had gotten a tattoo a couple of years ago. It had been ten years already and it ached him to know that he would probably never meet his soulmate, so that's why he decided to keep it in a little corner of his heart and brain. He didn't need any more pain at the moment with the departure of Hyojong from the group. He already felt like he was losing a brother and he didn't want to think about any other pain. He had to be there for the younger members as he was the oldest. He had to be the strongest, not show any pain, not show any tears. He had to be there to help Hoetaek who was not as strong as him to hide his feelings. So again, Jinho put his feelings aside and decided to help his brothers the best way he could. He was not going to let them down. They were a part of his family and he knew they needed him to get through this pain. That's what brothers were for anyway.
Sha La La was out for a couple of months now, and they just announced a world tour. They were going to a lot of cities and every member was looking forward to the tour to meet their fans around the world, except An who wasn't able to make it due to his health. Jinho was sad that he wasn't able to follow them but he wanted the best for his younger member. So at the very end of August, they left for their first show in Jakarta. The show went really well and all the members were incredibly happy for the start of the tour. However, Jinho was getting a bit nervous, without really knowing why. So on September second, they were on the plane, on their way to Toronto, where the second show would occur. Jinho was feeling a bit nauseous in the plane. He was really stressed and he didn't know why. He was really excited about the show and he knew he would have fun with the members on stage and the fans cheering for them. He was totally ready for that.
They were about to go on stage and all the members were excited. It was time to go in a few minutes. So Hoetaek took all the members aside and smiled at them.
-Okay, we're in Toronto! Let's hit the stage! Just do it yo!
They all screamed in happiness and went on the stage. The beginning of the show went amazingly well and all the members had fun. They were having eye contact with the fans for their pleasure and they had fun talking about anything and whatever. At some point, Jinho looked in the crowd and saw a girl with a huge smile on her face who was sending hearts at him. He smiled and bit and felt his heart jump in his chest. He decided to ignore it and continued having fun with the members. After about three hours the show ended and it was time for the picture and the hi-touch. Once the picture was taken, the members went downstairs and got ready for the hi-touch. Wooseok was the first one in line and Jinho was just after him. The fans went one by one and he gave them soft smiles. And then, he saw the girl he had spotted in the crowd in front of Wooseok. He got a bit nervous and when she arrived in front of him, his breath cut in his throat.
-Je t'aime beaucoup, Jinho.
And there she was, the girl he had been waiting for eleven years of his life, already close to Hoetaek who was the last one as he was still greeting fans, not being able to do anything else. He had to do his job, he had to keep on greeting them. But his heart was incredibly broken. He couldn't show the same smile to the fans. And when they left back to the hotel, Changgu who was sharing his room found him crying in his bed.
-Hyung? What's going on?
-I found her tonight. I found my soulmate.
Jinho knew he would probably never see her again, so after a couple of minutes of crying, he decided to shut down for a while, to only focus on Pentagon. And then, maybe one day he'll be able to look at his wrist with a soft smile on his face, telling himself that his soulmate really is somewhere on Earth...
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jinkisbelly · 5 years
A Simple Request 8/?
Pairing: Jongyu
Rating: pg-13
w/c: 2.8k
Other Parts can be found a little ways down this [x]   Ao3  AFF
Summary: The Fae King is under a lot of pressure to conceive an heir, while given a deadline by the Council he turns to his personal guard and best friend to help him with it  
Warnings: Future mpreg
         When Jinki came to, his head was pounding terribly and his cheek was squished against the pillow under him. It took him a moment to realize he was laying face first on some sort of bed and even longer to remember what had happened. Goblins. The High Governor's daughter and the back wound. He groaned as he pushed off the bed, hissing through his teeth as pain ripped through his back with the movement, but he didn’t stop until he could look around the room. He recognized it as his room given to him when he arrived at the Dwarven capital. But then the pain got too much to handle and he lowered himself gently. “I was wondering when you’d come to.”
         He knew that voice, very well even, but it wasn’t until he shifted his head left, right cheek squished against the pillow instead, that he made the connection. “What are you… doing here?”
         “Investigating the claims the Dwarves are trespassing and mining illegally in mines that are not theirs to do so.” The young elf grinned, ears wiggling a little in their excitement. “I’d have thought his Majesty would have informed you who he assigned to this undercover mission.”
         “Mind on… other things.” Jinki swallowed thickly, mouth dry and sticky as he squinted in the bright artificial light of the room.
         “I sent a message to him yesterday morning when you didn’t yet wake.” They grinned, sharper canines shining slightly, “I hope you don’t mind me forging your hand.”
         “Asshole,” Jinki muttered, eyes closing as he focused on trying to heal his wound more.
         “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
         “Goblin’s lace their weapons with poison. The Keeper should remember such a simple thing, silly.” They softly giggled, foot jigging as it rested on their knee. “Saferus took me to get the stupid flower the dwarves needed for the antidote, but you can’t seal the wound yet.”
         “How long?” Jinki softly croaked.
         “A few more hours at least. Tomorrow morning at the latest.” They pushed off the small chair they had been lounging in to move the hair that had fallen in Jinki’s face behind his ear. They offered water with a metal straw, careful not to spill it all over the place. Once Jinki swallowed enough, the glass was put back on the table. “Try to relax. Your King is safe and you’ll live another day to be lectured by that big lizard of yours. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
         “Still an asshole.” But then he relaxed, tension leaving his muscles as he flashed a small smile. “But thank you Taemin.”
         “I wish the first time I saw you after a decade was something other than you bleeding face first in some dark tunnel.” Taemin scrunches their nose slightly. “You stained my boots.”
         “No, you aren’t.”
         Taemin huffed and turned on their heel, storming out in their usual dramatic fashion.
         Once the door clicked closed, Jinki took a deep breath before allowing his mind to drift out, searching for his dragon. ‘Saferus?”
         ‘I was wondering when you would come to, Little one.’
         ‘My head hurts.’
         ‘Only your head?’
         ‘All of you are assholes.’
         He could see where Saferus was, curled up by lake Mierah, tail swishing across the crystal clear surface making it ripple softly. The sun was beating down on his scales as he half slept. ‘You are the one who keeps getting into trouble. In a place too small for me to save you as per usual.’
         ‘Saved the girl. That’s what matters.’
         ‘Just get better Little One. I sense a storm brewing for your return.’
         In the morning, Jinki still felt the poison being pulled from his body. He couldn’t stay here any longer. What he was required for here was complete and as long as he could get onto Saferus, the straps on the saddle should allow him to make it back to Faera safely. Leaving Jonghyun was never something he enjoyed doing. There were few people he trusted with protecting the King. His duty as Keeper first and foremost was as a healer to the people of the United Kingdoms, but while he did his duty, the quicker he could get back to Jonghyun’s side the better.
         He had slowly put on his boots, pausing every few moments to let the pain subside. A lovely healer had come in to give him completely new bandages just before. A simple shirt was loose on his frame to allow breathing room for the wound. A small six by six-inch cube was sitting on the narrow table along the opposite wall where he had placed it before he had gone to the baths the night of the abduction attempt. Within the swirling colored box was his armor. The cube’s mechanism was incredibly useful when wearing the full armor could be seen as aggressive, but also allowed him to carry heavy equipment far easier than without.
         Clenching his teeth, he stood, wavering slightly on his feet. He used his sword as a cane of sorts, taking a deep breath before tossing the cube into his sack and heading toward the door. He was halfway down the hall when he sensed Taemin slip out of the shadow realm. “And what do you think you’re doing?”  
         “I need to return home. I’m no longer needed here and I can recover in the safety of the Temple just as well I can here.”
         “You shouldn’t be up on your feet.”
         Jinki stopped to look over at them with a raised eyebrow. “Is that you offering to carry me?”
         Taemin pressed their lips together in a thin line, “No, but if you are determined to return to Faera, I’ll accompany you.”
         The soft sounds of Jinki’s sword hitting the stone beneath them was almost calmly. “I don’t recall offering you transportation.”
         “I’ll just ask Saferus. He likes me more.” They were grinning, footsteps light as if bouncing on air. Taemin shrugged then as they continued. “I really do not want to take public transit.”
         “One, doubt it.” Jinki smiled as a few children gasped as they walked by, even running his hand over one’s hair as they followed beside him. “Two, a dragon beats underground trains always.”
         Taemin had disappeared as soon as Saferus had landed and they were sure Jinki was sound on his feet. Where the shadow elf ran off to could only mean mischief, but they weren’t hurting anyone at the moment so Jinki couldn’t find himself caring about it. A bath had been drawn for him after his wound was healed, oils and tonics dripped into the steaming water to help the aftereffects of the poison. He waited until the distant door clicked closed before dropping his robe and slipping into the water, resting his head on the folded towel.
         There were candles softly floating a safe distance away from the fabric hanging from the ceiling, giving the room a warm glow. It reminded Jinki of the flower field behind the beach house he used to visit as a child before Wixu came. The salt from the sea air blowing over and the soft floral scent of wildflowers. The peace and quiet were interrupted when he softly heard Saferus in his mind. ‘You have a visitor.’
         Before Jinki could say that the door was locked and therefore that was impossible, coming into the room was Jonghyun, fluttering a few inches off the ground. He flashed a little smile. “May I come in?”
         “Of course.”
         Jonghyun’s wings began to disappear in the form of his tattoos as his feet landed gracefully against the ground. “I won’t stay long if you wish to rest. I just wanted to see you were alright for myself.”
         “You can stay as long as you like.” Jinki ran his fingers over the surface of the cloudy water. “As you can see, I am swell.”
         “It seems you’re soaking like a prune.” Jonghyun gave a little smile before his outer tunic was dropped on the ground and his boots were pulled off. He pointed to the ground just behind Jinki’s head. “May I?”
         “I suppose.” Carefully Jonghyun sat behind him, one leg in the water and the other bent in to bring Jinki’s hair into his lap. Jinki relaxed back against his towel after all of his hair was gathered. “Nothing of consequence happened here while I was gone?”
         “Other than my councilors being too much of a coward to come and speak to me in person, nothing worth noting.” Jonghyun’s fingers moved softly, scratching against Jinki’s scalp with each pass. “You never should have given me that vial.”
         Slowly Jinki pushed his head back to look up at him, “And why not?”
         “You could have healed yourself with it.”
         “I couldn’t just leave you on the mend like that without something to use in case of an emergency. Besides,” He grinned, “I’m fine. I could focus my duty a lot better without worrying about you.”
         Jonghyun softly placed his hands on both temples, fingers pressing slightly as he gave a gentle grin. “You sound incredibly attached Mr. Keeper.”
         “Possibly.” Jinki’s eyes fluttered closed, hands resting on his tummy under the water, as he let the other man continue massaging his temples and scalp. “But that’s not a terrible thing to be.”  
         “I suppose not.”
         “How did you get in here? The front door is locked.”
         “Oh. Your dragon let me in.”
         Jinki’s eyes snapped open and quickly found the other’s gaze. “What does that mean?”
         “I came in through his door. The big one.”
         “I sure hope it’s big.” Jinki was silent for a moment and Jonghyun realized he was talking to Saferus. Then he was laughing, “Apparently he thought you’d be good medicine for me.”
         “Is that so?”
         “Mhmm. He said,” Jinki scowled slightly, deepening his voice as he imitated Saferus. “Human companionship is apparently good for healing.”
         “And what do you think?”
         “Hmm? Do I agree?” A smile slowly spread on Jinki’s face, “It’s not often Saferus is wrong.”
         “I’m glad to be of service.”
         “Then please go back to the finger thing, please.” Jinki chirped, eyes closing once again as he got comfy.
        “So demanding.” Jonghyun scuffed, even as he continued doing as the man ordered.  "Mind telling me what really happened? No one seems to know the entire story."
         "I found that someone in the most inner circle of the High Governor had been poisoning him with lead-laced food. I made sure the investigation was started before handing it over. It wasn't my place to figure it out unless another kingdom was involved." Jinki's fingers tapped gently against his tummy, sending little ripples across the surface of the water. "I was on the way back from their baths when I overheard Goblins trying to abduct the High Governors daughter. Apparently, their leader wanted to marry her. The Lookout got a hit on me when I was helping her with the binds."
         "It's not often you're taken by surprise. How pretty was she?"
         Jinki's eyes snapped open to find Jonghyun's soft gaze. "What does that have to do with being taken by surprise?"
         "Prettier things are more likely to take one's attention, Silly."
         "She wasn't my type." Jinki wiggled a little to get comfy again, closing his eyes once he settled. His voice was almost muffled with how quiet he was speaking. "Besides, if pretty things distracted me I would never be able to do my duty around you, Jonghyun."
         Jonghyun’s breathing hitched, a little puff of air leaving his lips as Jinki’s hair changed in his hands. Purple and pink swirled together almost, reminding Jonghyun of a summer sunset. There was a warmth in Jonghyun’s chest as he played with Jinki’s hair, a tingle to his fingers as if his hand had fallen asleep recently, and it felt like his heartbeat was slightly elevated. The first thought he had was that he was coming down with something, but he figured if it turned out to be bad enough Jinki would catch it soon.
        Instead, Jonghyun thought about how much Jinki trusted him. It wasn’t very often that the man allowed himself to be completely relaxed and not on guard. He knew from experience that if attention was brought to Jinki’s hair changing, more often than not the man realized his emotions were shown and quickly controlled it back to black. Jinki had to feel completely comfortable to do as he was. Jonghyun fondly smiled as Jinki sank a little more into the water, his chin covered with the liquid. “You seem cozy.”
        “I am.” Jinki chuckled. He looked up with a little grin. “If you’re too cold, you could always join me. There’s more than enough room.”
        Jonghyun raised his brow. “Are you seducing me?”
        Jinki’s gaze followed him as he rose and walked around the bath. Jonghyun was sitting on the edge to the man’s left when Jinki spoke again. “Did you want me to?”
        “Not in your current condition.” Jonghyun wiggled his pants off his leg and tossed it behind him near his jacket and prior taken off shirt. Once completely nude, he slipped into the water, sighing as he settled all the way. Jinki had sat up, back against the edge of the bath, one leg brought up with his knee out of the water.
        “My current condition, huh?”  Jinki had his arms up on the edge of the bath, looking too attractive for his own good Jonghyun deemed. Especially with that grin of his. “You wanted to get to it as soon as possible when you were in no position to do so, need I remind you.”
        “You stopped us then. Perhaps it’s my turn to do so now.”
        “There’s a major difference between then and now.” Jinki pushed off the edge of the bath, moving slowly through the bath before taking Jonghyun’s jaw into his hands. He dipped his head as his left hand fell to kiss along the fairy’s neck, before whispering. “I am just tired. You were unwell. Let me please you.”
        Jonghyun bit his bottom lip, trying to fight how much he wanted to give in, but in the end, Jinki skimmed his teeth over his collarbone. The cheater. “Fine, but you must take it easy.”
        “Of course,” Jinki’s breath was hot against Jonghyun’s neck, voice dropping deeper, “Your Majesty.”
        Something about the tone made Jonghyun moan, soft and breathy against Jinki’s ear. Maybe it was the length of time in which they had been trying for a baby, sharing this part of themselves, but Jonghyun was sure Jinki never had such an effect on him before. He wasn’t sure if he liked it, but everything was murky and felt too good to work through his thoughts on the subject.
        Jonghyun gazed over under the towel he was using to dry his hair as Jinki slowly slid on a pair of loose cotton pants. The elf’s movements were almost lethargic in nature, but he didn’t seem to be in any pain. Once Jinki was sitting on the mattress, Jonghyun lowered his arms with a quiet, “I suppose I should head back.”
        “You don’t have to.” Jinki’s fingers stop braiding his hair over his shoulder to flash a smile. “It’s pretty late and you going back now would sound more alarms than appease any.”
        “If you’re sure.”
        “Take those ridiculous boots off and c’mere.” The plait was tossed over Jinki shoulder as he shifted up to the pillows, wiggling his legs under the blanket. “What with the hands on the hips?”
        “My boots are not ridiculous.”
        Jinki raised his eyebrows, “They have sparkling heels.”
        “Don’t pick on my fairy dust.” Jonghyun climbed over Jinki’s feet to fall into the pillow beside him. He stuck his tongue out, before grinning. “Or, I’ll make you wake up with everything on the ceiling.”
        Jonghyun knew the man had rolled his eyes, but the smile on Jinki’s lips was one of good-natured teasing, “As long as I’m still warm.”
        Even though Jinki wasn’t looking at him, Jonghyun stared at the top of the canopy bed. “If you’re worried about being cold, we could cuddle.”
        A moment ticked by. Then another before Jinki’s tired voice gently beckoned. “C’mere.” When Jonghyun slowly turned his head to look at the man, Jinki was gazing at him with what the fairy could only describe as fondness. “I won’t bite.”
        “You seem to like to thought.” Jinki’s bare skin was soft and warm as he moved across the distance between them and rested his head on the man’s arm.
        “I’d stop, but you enjoy it too much.” In the end, Jinki had his other arm thrown over Jonghyun in the curve of his waist, lips pressed against his forehead softly, and each time he breathes through his nose a bit of hair fluttered in front of it.
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katrinawritesthings · 6 years
Kissie Jonghyun Challenge
Hello it is me and I am here with a challenge for Jonghyun’s birthday!!!!!
This one's real simple because for the past like several months I've been writing a fic where Jonghyun gets kissies on every part of him body and like immediately after I finished and had no more body parts to write I thought. Wouldn't it be neat if I asked some people to write some parts for me so I could put them into the fic and it would just be everyone's softness and love for Jongie in one fic. But like I already finished so I can't do that now lmao but like
I'm opening up a challenge anyway!!! All you gotta do is write/draw Jonghyun getting a kissy on literally any part of his body. You know his two little moles under his undercut?? His little wefreaky tattoo?? His second ab on the left??? His weenie hole?? His biceps or his palms or his under knees or his toesies or his perfect soft round little cute nosie??? Any body part!!! Pick your favoritiest body part that just looking at makes you feel soft and that you want to kissie the most and do it!!! Slams my fists on the table just blatantly self-insert yourself and your love for Jonghyun and give him the smoochies that he deserves
It doesn't even have to be long or detailed and actually the shorter the better because they're just supposed to be little moments in time where we appreciate Jonghyun for just existing so it can just be one sentence or a 2-minute little doodle and you just gotta post it on April 8th for his birthday and tag me and tag like Kissie Jonghyun Day and that's it!!! My fic is like exclusively jongtae so the other 3 pairings would be nice but also like I'm not going to say no to more jongtae so do whatever you want!!! Make it poly or girlee or fantasy or anything I don't care all I want is for Jonghyun to get the smooches and the love that he deserves on his birthday
Here is an example of one of mine for reference::::
Taemin doesn’t know what it is about the outer corners of Jonghyun’s eyes that is so adorable. Maybe it’s the way he does his eyeliner, brings it out to the tiniest, softest point. Maybe it’s when he does his eyeshadow heavier on the bottom corner so it all pops just a little more cutely. Maybe it’s just the way his eyes taper naturally that’s just a tiny bit more cute than everyone else’s. Whatever it is, Taemin misses Jonghyun’s little corner-eye-jewels phase, so he takes it upon himself to place two tiny kisses there instead.
So like to summarize,,,,
-a kissie on literally any part of his body
-Any pairing or poly combination
-Small and simple and just full of love
-Monday April 8th 2019
-Tag katrinawritesthings and Kissie Jonghyun Day So I can rebagel them all
-Love Jonghyun !!!!
Thank you for your time uwu
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idolsgf · 6 years
i was tagged by @stup1dbear to answer 85 questions and tag 20 people, thanks babe 💕
tagging: @astrobee @hobisol @kthsfatgf @kimtqe @kimlipsgf @lovjeon @starsmin @bunjunggukie @kutthi @gothaqua @heycupids @bitchsasuka @dreamyoongi @nebslo @vampykeith @artistictae @sftae @khlovbot @guavahobi @coconutjelly
(will put a read more once i get on my computer)
drink: a grande chai latte from starbucks lol
call: my dad
text: to my friend about the dangers of juggling knives at work
song you listened to: smoke by gia margaret
time you cried: earlier today when i burned my arm :)
have you ever
dated someone twice: nope
kissed someone and regretted it: nah
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yep
been depressed: i have major depression baby
gotten drunk and thrown up: no, i’m not that kind of drunk
favorite colors
1. peachy sunsets
2. soft blue
3. warm beige
in the last year have you
made any new friends: yep!
fallen out of love: hmmm yeah, i would say so in a sense
laughed so hard you cried: i’m not a cry laugher
found out someone was talking about you: yep
met someone who changed you: umm i met them last year but something that happened changed me, does that count??
found out who your friends were: still figuring it out, but i did find out who wasn’t
kissed someone in your fb friends list: nah
how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl?: all of them except 2 or 3ppl
do you have any pets?: 2 cats!!
do you want to change your middle name?: nah, even if it’s common it flows well with the rest of my name
what did you do for your birthday last year?: i went to the nature & science museum, then hung out with a dog, then went out to dinner! it was fun
what time did you wake up today?: so i woke up twice. i was staying at a friend’s house and she was expecting an airbnber but they didn’t show up until like 2:30am after we all passed out!! my friend’s roommate who luckily showed up in time let her in but gosh darn. then i fell back asleep and woke up around 7am. i went to bed around 1am so not a whole lotta sleep lol
what were you doing were you doing last night at midnight?: watching queer eye, drinking with my friend, and helping her with a journal line idea she’s trying to make
what’s something you can’t wait for?: it’s gonna sound weird but for school to start again. school’s stressful and i hate how much money i’m putting into it but i love the routine and i miss the people i hang out with and meeting new people. and i’ll only be working 2 days a week during the semester so i’ll be away from that place for a good while!
what’re you listening to right now?: an album called there’s always glimmer by gia margaret
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: i know like 5 tom’s lol (all diff variations of course)
something that gets on your nerves: when ppl at my work complain about serving all the time but as soon as they get put in a diff position they don’t do their job!! it’s so annoying!!
most visited website: sadly this one
hair color: like a reddish brown. i’m redyeing it soon though
short hair or long hair: short on myself
do you have a crush on anyone: i did for a very long time but not anymore :/
what do you like about yourself?: i’m always willing to give advice or just be there if you need me
want any piercings?: nah, too many bad experiences with piercings
blood type: uhhhh i don’t even know akgcvskdls i should find that out
nicknames: my sister calls me bunny, my friend and i call each other okeo and mellon nin, and then my mom calls me mimi (although not so much anymore)
relationship status: lonely and single
zodiac sign: capricorn 🙃
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: avatar the last airbender will always be #1 in my heart
tattoos: i don’t have any rn but i’m planning on getting several (hopefully maybe before summer ends but that might be put on hold with this injury). i want the symbol from castle in the sky on the back of my neck, a kingdom hearts tattoo on my right shoulder (probably going to be my biggest one), two tattoos dedicated to jonghyun (one of them i want to get really soon), and then a few more
right or left handed: right
every had surgery: does getting wisdom teeth removed count as surgery??
piercings: not anymore
sports: when i was young i did a lot of sports but now i just watch baseball
vacation: i went to thailand back in march it was so much fun!
trainers: like the shoes??
more general
eating: nothing rn
drinking: again nothing rn
about to watch: hmmm haven’t decided yet
waiting for: my dream girl
get married: i never really thought about marriage much
career: i specialize in being a dumb bitch
which is better
hugs or kisses?: hugs
lips or eyes?: eyes
shorter or taller?: taller
younger or older?: older
nice arms or stomach?: like are we talking defined stomach or just a nice stomach?? because if so i love a nice chubby tummy
hookup or relationship?: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant?: the opposite of me which is troublemaker lolol
have you ever
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yep
lost glasses: ....yeah
turned someone down: several times
had sex on the first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: probably
had your heart broken: in a sense
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: mmmhm
do you believe in
yourself: working on it
miracles: little ones
love at first sight: yes
santa: no
kiss on the first date: depends
angels: girls are real aren’t they?
best friend’s name: jonathan
eye color: hmmm hazelish grayish blue green depends on the lighting
favorite movie: castle in the sky
favorite actor: hhhhh i don’t really have a fav anymore
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onlykadi · 6 years
rules: answer there 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
I was tagged by the lovely @90sjongin, thank you so much! 💜 I”m going to put most of this under the cut.
1. drink - boba milk tea
2. phone call - to order pizza
3. text message -  my mom telling me what kind of pizza she wants
4. song you listened to - Boomerang by EXO
5. time you cried -  It’s been so long I can’t remember. The last time might have been shortly after Jonghyun died, and I heard EXO’s ‘Been Through’ for the first time.
6. dated someone twice? - yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it -  Not a big fan of kissing, but no I don’t think I’ve really ever regretted it.
8. been cheated on - no, I don’t date enough to get cheated on
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - functionally depressed, yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - No. I’ve never been drunk. I hate the idea of it.
fave colours
12. black
13. silver
14. blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes
16. fallen out of love - no, I don’t think I’ve really ever been in love, I’m not into that sort of thing
17. laughed until you cried - no, unfortunately, it doesn’t happen much anymore
18. found out someone was talking about you - no, I’m not social enough for that
19. met someone who changed you - nope
20. found out who your friends are - I already know
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - hell no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - uh, my friends/family one 99%, my kpop one 1%
23. do you have any pets - yes, I have a lovely cat named Logan
24. do you want to change your name - nope
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I don’t consider my bday special, so I honestly can’t remember, and it was just in July :/
26. what time did you wake up today - 5:30 am, and it wasn’t even a work day
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for - EXO’s comeback, and the 3rd Along with the Gods movie
29. (there’s no question??)
30. what are you listening to right now - Fear the Walking Dead tv show in the background
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Well, years ago I talked to Thom Yorke from Radiohead. He’s a hero of mine so I almost had a heart attack.
32. something that gets on your nerves - My a-hole neighbor below who plays video games at top volume in the middle of the night so my whole apartment vibrates.
33. most visited website - instagram, with tumblr a close 2nd
34. hair color - reddish brown
35. long or short hair - long, I really need to cut it, it’s annoying
36. do you have a crush on someone - nope, not in real life, just idols from a distance
37. what do you like about yourself - I’m kind to animals and critters, including spiders
38. want any piercings? - nope
39. blood type - I have no idea
40. nicknames - Stiney, Stina, Tina (my name is Christina)
41. relationship status -  blissfully single
42. zodiac - Cancer
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - 
Walking Dead, Why Planes Crash, Monsters Inside Me, I Survived, What on Earth, Strange Evidence, The Universe, Will & Grace, Knowing Brothers
45. tattoos - nope, my skin is so sensitive I’m afraid of the reaction
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - yes
48. piercings - I have my ears pierced but I’m allergic to all earrings so I don’t wear them
49. sport - I took dance and played soccer as a kid, but I’m not sporty so nothing now
50. vacation - I rarely travel, but I went to England last year. I’d like to visit Korea and Japan.
51. trainers - I just wear whatever’s comfortable, right now Sketchers Go Walk
more general
52. eating - popcorn
53. drinking - boba milk tea
54. i’m about to watch - The San Francisco eps of Salty Tour with Chanyeol 
55. waiting for - Yixing’s return to EXO
56. want - to get rid of a lot of stuff, I have too much crap
57. get married - hell no
58. career - I’m already in my career, I’m an analyst (not a psychological one)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs, I’m not into kissing
60. lips or eyes - lips
61. shorter or taller - slightly taller
62. older or younger - either
63. nice arms or stomach - by nice does that mean muscular or toned? It doesn’t really matter, but I guess arms
64. hookup or relationship - neither
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - yes
67. drank hard liquor - yes
68. lost glasses - no
69. turned someone down - yes
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s heart - well, I don’t know, I’ve turned people down so maybe?
72. had your heart broken - once, but it taught me a lot
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - no
do you believe in
76. yourself - I try, but not usually
77. miracles - yes
78. love at first sight - no
79. santa claus - hhahahaha no
80. kiss on a first date - well sure, if I was a person who dated
81. angels - well, something of the sort
82. best friend’s name -  Jen
83. eye color - blue/green
84. fave movie - this is an impossible question: Billy Elliot, LOTR series, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Goonies, Star Wars Eps 4-6, Dark Crystal, Labrynth
85. fave actor - Doh Kyungsoo
Not tagging 20 cause I’m a rebel, but I’ll tag a few. No pressure, only do it if you want!!!! I won’t be offended it you don’t.  @ravingsbyrav @mym8812 @alil2confident @overdosedonkaisoo  Or if you think it looks fun just do it!  😁
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sugarcoatedpoop · 6 years
thank you @unaesthetic-unicorn and @cafelouvre for tagging! it was fun to read through your tags, and yeah I think I might have done this tag a while ago but some of the answers might change so let’s go for it anyway :)
Drink: well i’m drinking tea right now
Call: do video calls count because i don’t use my telephone for calling people
Text: it was my cousin telling me what time it is
Song you listened to: elevator by jonghyun
Time you cried: probably quite recently i don’t keep count
Have you ever…
Dated someone twice: well i replayed the yoosung route in mystic messenger so yeah sure
Kissed someone and regretted it: no
Been cheated on: only in board games
Lost someone special: no
Been depressed: maybe
Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope, i’ve only been drunk once and at the end of the night i was pretty okay
Favourite colours: pastel pink
In the last year have you…
Made any new friends: yup :)
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed so hard you cried: yeaahh, it is great but sometimes it happens when i’m trying to be subtle which is a bit annoying lol
Found out someone was talking about you: yeah, well my best friend said that she was talking about me but hopefully it was all good things
Met someone who changed you: not sure
Found out who your friends were: i already knew
Kissed someone in your Facebook friends list: yes, my mother
How many people from your Facebook friends do you know irl? all of them
Do you have any pets? i wish...maybe one day i will get the floof
Do you want to change your middle name? nah it doesn’t really matter
What did you do for your birthday last year? i had a detention! um but yeah apart from that it was nice i had a sleepover with my wonderful friends ♡
What time did you wake up today? 7:30, i had an alarm set for 6:10 but you know how it is
What were you doing last night at midnight? i was just about to go to bed
What’s something you can’t wait for? bts comeback today and also whenever exo are going to release that juicy full length album with all nine members
What are you listening to right now? the sounds of the world, the continuous rhythms of nature, the outpouring of refreshing air coming from my air conditioner in my bedroom
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? many a time
Something that gets on your nerves? myself, also other things
Most visited website? youtube, tumblr or twitter
Hair colour? blonde like a nice white chocolate brownie
Short or long hair? medium length but i want it to get longer
Do you have a crush on anyone? quite a few celebrities 
What do you like about yourself? well it doesn’t show that much but i think i’m quite optimistic and hopeful??? 
Want any piercings? maybe, not too bothered
Blood type: magical
Nicknames: i don’t really have any that people use much
Relationship status: desperate
Zodiac sign: sag
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite show: well..i love some quiz shows like pointless and only connect..i also love me some knowing brothers..i’m also watching b99 at the moment which is always fun..also anime
Tattoos: no but maybe a little one someday
Right or left handed: right
Ever had surgery? maybe but not sure if it counts
Piercings? no
Sports? i do like the occasional fun lighthearted game of sport with some beloved family and/or friends, but that is all
Vacation? well if you’re offering yes please thank you
Trainers? yes, they’re a very useful form of footwear, thanks for asking
More general…
Eating: very important
Drinking: also very important
About to watch: probably some buzzfeed unsolved
Waiting for: yeah like i said those nice kpop comebacks, also i’m waiting for a day off in which i don’t have to deal with a typhoon 
Get married: i’d love to one day
Career: i’d love to one day
Which is better…
Hugs or kisses? depends on who you’re hugging/kissing but both are good
Lips or eyes? eyes
Shorter or taller? i wish i was a bit shorter but can’t really do anything about that, but i would like a nice tall partner some day but i shouldn’t be too picky
Younger or older? in what context ?? like a romantic interest? older maybe
Nice arms or stomach? i would like a nice stomach but i keep filling it with nice things
Hookup or relationship? relationship bc i want love
Troublemaker or hesitant? not really sure what this means but i am not a troublemaker i am good i think
Have you ever…
Kissed a stranger? no
Drank hard liquor? no
Lost glasses? no but i did once leave a thermos flask in a field, what a loss
Turned someone down? no
Had sex on the first date? nopesies
Broken someone’s heart? well i hope not but i worry about being accidentally mean to people sometimes so you never know
Had your heart broken? nah
Been arrested? no i am good
Cried when someone died? yup
Fallen for a friend? no
Do you believe in…
Yourself? who??             jk i’m sorry i’m letting down bts here i love myself
Miracles? maybe, twould be nice
Love at first sight? nah gotta have that sweet communication and getting to know each other
Santa? santa is real in our hearts
Kiss on the first date? if you want
Angels? yeah sure
Best friend: well SOMEONE decided to delete her tumblr account in favour of managing her multiple instagram fan accounts so i can’t tag her but i love that bitch so much she deserves the world
Eye colour: ???
Favourite movie: hunchback of notre dame (the disney version ofc)
Favourite actor: hmmmm maybe a classic musical actress like Jane Powell or Alice Faye because they have a place in my heart also they’re amazing singers
okaayyy i tag @taetaes-gf @koyomiararagis and @supercroissantforchat feel free if you want to :) anyways everyone thanks for coming to my ted talk
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mochiphantomhive · 6 years
85 Questions Game
Rules: Answer these 85 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people
Thanks for tagging me @lilryoutacchi ❤️💖❤️😆
1. Drink: Water 💦
2. Phone call: One of those annoying spam callers you manage to call you from a different phone number each time you block them
3. Text message: One of my close friends
4. Song you listened to: 20 by Seventeen
5. Time you cried: I'm a huge crybaby, so this morning at like 2:00 a.m, because I couldn't sleep and my brain decided to think about all the saddest things that could possibly happen. 😂😂😂
6. Dated someone twice: Bold of you to assume I've ever been on a date lolz
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Bold of you to assume I've ever kissed someone lolz
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: Thankfully, no one very close to me has died. But when Shinee's Jonghyun passed away I was a mess. My parents thought I was crazy because I didn't even know the guy
10. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, one of my life goals is to avoid alcohol
Fave Colors-
11. Green!
12. Pink
13. Purple and Blue
In the last year have you-
14. Made new friends: If you count Internet friends then yes!
15. Fallen out of love: I've never been in love, so no
16. Laughed until you cried: HAHA! Yes 😂😂😂😂
17. Found out someone was talking about you: yep.....
18. Met someone who changed you: No
19. Found out who you're friends are: I've known all my close friends for a long bit of time, so I'm not sure how to answer this. They're good friends but they're not perfect and that's okay.
20. Kisses someone on your Facebook friends list: I don't have Facebook lol
21. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don't have Facebook
22. Do you have any pets: yes! A dog 🐶
23. Do you want to change your name: Nope, I think my name is just fine
24. What did you do for your last birthday: I went out to eat with my family, went to a bookstore, and my friend came to hang out with me
25. What time did you wake up at today: like 9:23 a.m
26. What were you doing last night at midnight: reading manga
27. What is something you can't wait for: next week's episode of Attack on Titan. Every episode my love for Levi just gets deeper LOL
28. What are you listening to right now: I'm not listening to music right now, but if you want to get technical then the sound of a fan and a dehumidifier 😂
29. Have you ever talked to a person names Tom: yes
30. Something that gets on your nerves: People who pick their teeth at the dinner table
31. Most visited website: Youtube
32. Hair color: light brown, but I have some blonde and red mixed in too
33. Long or short hair: right now it's about a medium length
34. What do you like about yourself: I don't pick my teeth at the dinner table ( Grasping at straws here 😂)
35. Want any piercings: Nope
36. Blood type: O
37. Nicknames: Momo, Mini Mo
38. Relationship status: Single
39. Zodiac sign: Western- Taurus, Chinese- Snake
40. Pronouns: Feminine
41. Fave TV shows: Does anime count?
42. Tattoos: none
43. Right or left handed: Right handed
44. Ever had surgery: I had my wisdom teeth removed
45. Piercings: I am piercing free
46. Sports: Don't play any
47. Vacation: I am not going in vacation anytime soon
48. Trainers: No
More General-
49. Eating: Just finished eating sausage wild rice soup
50. Drinking: Water
51. I'm about to watch: either Kokoro Connect or Free!
52. Waiting for: motivation to strike me
53. Want: money 💸 lol
54. Get married: I sincerely doubt it
55. Career: I'd like to be a translator in the future, but if that doesn't work out, then an English teacher in a different country
56. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
57. Lips or eyes: eyes
58. Shorter or taller: Shorter, but still taller than me
59. Older or younger: Older
60. Nice arms or stomach: nice stomach (abs ✨)
61. Hookup or relationship: Definitely a relationship
62. Troublemaker or hesitant: Comparing these two, hesitance is the voice of reason 😂
Have you ever-
63. Kissed a stranger: PSSHHH NO
64. Drank hard liquor: I value my liver. No
65. Lost glasses: I don't have any glasses
66. Turned someone down: yes
67. Sex on first date: NOOOOOO
68. Broken someone's heart: my family's probably lol 😂
69. Had your heart broken: No
70. Been arrested: 😎 No
71. Cried when someone died: yes
72. Fallen for a friend: no
Do you believe in-
73. Yourself: idk man
74. Miracles: Not in real life
75. Love at first sight: That's not real love. A pretty face could be hiding a real nasty interior.
76. Kiss on a first date: I think it depends on how well you know them
77. Angles: yes
78. Best friend's name: 😊
79. Eye color: Blue
80. Fave movie: Spirited Away
81. Favorite actor: Park Bogum
I think that there was a mistake in lining up the numbers, but idk who made the mistake, so I made my own questions-
82. Favorite food: fruit and bread
83. Extrovert or introvert: introvert
84. Favorite flower: roses and cherry blossoms
85. Favorite Hello Kitty character: Badtz Maru
I tag: @meiyanaalexia @zukology @shirotsukis you don't have to do it if you don't want to! It takes quite a while 😆
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seofthours · 6 years
85 Questions
tagged by @1nomins and @wlwhyuck thank you <3
rules: answer all 85 questions then tag 20 people! 
♡ Last…? ♡
Drink - water
Phone call - I called my mom’s phone because she couldn’t find it :)
Text message - me telling my friend Seb that we were just gonna sneak away to Canada
Song you listened to - probably elevator by jonghyun // that has been on repeat lately
Time you cried - I don’t really know. I don’t cry that often. I almost cried when Spence posted New York
♡ Ever…? ♡
6. Dated someone twice - yep
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - yes // funny story,, I hung out with this guy because he was kinda cute and plus this other guy pissed me off. I added the guy who I was supposed to hang out with on snapchat so he could send me a picture of a rainbow that he had taken. Later that night, I was in the car with the guy I wasn’t dating but had been hanging out with. He took my phone and blocked rainbow dude. That ultimately pissed me off, so I added him back and we hung out a few days later. Rainbow guy pretty much gave me a choice of kissing him or being accused of being a lesbian. If you don’t know, I live in the south. Although I am pan, being accused of being gay here isn’t something I need. (I am not out btw) I ended up kissing him which pissed off guy I had been hanging out with. I regret kissing this guy for multiple reasons. whoops
8. Been cheated on - no but a guy I was dating told another girl that he loved her. His best friend made him tell me and when I didn’t react the way that they wanted me to, he broke up with me :)
9. Lost someone special - mmmm no?
10. Been depressed - I have asked for help with this, but guess who has yet to receive help. Good news is that I am 4 years clean since the beginning of May
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - nope i prefer to just get tipsy
12. Fave colors - blue, pink, and yellow which is ironically the pan flag
♡ In the last year have you… ♡
15. Made new friends - yes uwu
16. Fallen out of love - sure I have
17. Laughed until you cried - All the time
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Yeah but it doesn’t happen often though. I tend to stray away from things that could get me talked about
19. Met someone who changed you - All of the people that I have met who are good have changed me for the better. 
20. Found out who your friends are - When I was in a wreck a couple months ago, I had been on the way to a birthday party. The only three people who came I consider friends except maybe one. When I was finally able to show up to the party, the birthday girl told me that she had guests to entertain and that she couldn’t just leave. 
21. Kissed someone on your FB friend list - probably. I don’t get on fb though
♡ General ♡
22. How many FB friends do you have irl - I don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know
23. Do you have any pets? - We have two dogs, a cat, and a guinea pig
24. Do you want to change your name - no I am okay with my name
25. What did you do for your last bday - went to eat with some friends when I really should have gone out of town with my mom and sister like I originally intended
26. What time did you wake up today - like 11?
27. What were you doing at midnight lastnight? - only god knows aldalsdkjf
28. What is something you can’t wait for - to be employed again damn. I am broke
30. What are you listening to right now - my computer keys 
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - I? don’t? think so?
32. Something that gets on your nerves - assholes :)
33. Mosted visited sites - youtube and tumblr and google docs
34. Hair color - a light brown blonde with red? What would you call that?
35. Long or short hair - almost to my ass aldjfs
36. Do you have a crush on someone - I thought I did but I don’t think I feel that way toward her
37. What do you like about yourself - One of the things I’ve always liked about myself is that I don’t do the things that everyone else does. Lately, I have been following trends especially with my writing, so I am just trying to get back to my roots.
38. Want any piercings? - There was a time went I wanted a lip piercing because I was like “emo yes” but now I think I just want a second ear piercing
39. Blood type - o negative. I donate blood and the blood services sent me a card in the mail that said “you are o- so special”
40. Nicknames - emuwu, liky, cute demon, loly(pop), etc.
41. Relationship status - on the market // I like girls uwu
42. Zodiac - Aquarius sun, libra moon, Virgo rising
43. Pronouns - she/her
44. Fav tv shows - I don’t watch a lot of tv :/ it doesn’t hold my attention for long
45. Tattoos - no but I plan to get one
46. Right or left handed - right handed
47. Ever had surgery - no
48. Piercings - i just have my ears pierced
49. Sport - none currently but I played softball, did gymnastics, and cheered for a while
50. Vacations - I wanna go back to San Francisco :(
51. Trainers - ???
♡ More general ♡
52. Eating - cocktail peanuts
53. Drinking - water
54. I’m about to watch - nothing
55. Waiting for….. - people to stop sexualizing the dreamies :)
56. Want…. - to sleep 
57. Get married - once upon a time (watch me love a girl and them outlaw gays being married again)
58. Career - It changes a lot. I currently plan to major in journalism and then possibly segway into law school
♡ Which is better ♡
59. Hugs or kisses - both but kisses
60. Lips or eyes - eyes are great but l i p s
61. Short or taller - It isn’t that hard to be taller than me so I don’t really care
62. Older or younger - mm I think I could only go like a year younger
63. Nice arms or stomach - arms
64. Hookup or relationship - depends but a relationship 
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker 
♡ Have you ever ♡
66. Kissed a stranger - no 
67. Drank hard liquor - I mean yeah but give me two months // nobody let me on tumblr during that time lkdfa
68. Lost glasses - I wear contacts
69. Turned someone down - yes a few times 
70. Sex on first date - nope
71. Broken someone’s heart - I want to say no but yes
72. Had your heart broken - eh
73. Been arrested - no 
74. Cried when someone died - yes
75. Fallen for a friend - unfortunately
♡ Do you believe in…? ♡
76. Yourself? - depends on the day
77. Miracles - sometimes // it’s a miracle that I didn’t step on that wasp earlier
78. Love at first sight - absolutely not
79. Santa claus - why is this a question?
80. Kiss on first date - if it happens, it happens
81. Angels - (I choked on Korin’s answer) yes and no 
♡ Other ♡
82. Best friend’s name - Seb the crab (inside joke) and my lovely A1 Dumbasses gc uwu
83. Eye color - hazel so like a green color with a caramel brown color in the center
84. Fave movie - 10 things i hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days, she’s all that, and mulan
85. Fave actor - mm no one in particular
I’m tagging: @wlwnohyuck @winwincity @morkleek @hyucksgalaxy @renjun-l @icetwea @wlwjisung @95s @hyuckbae @celestial-cosmosis @kkookies @softiejungwoo @angel-donghyuck @bumblebeesandcacti @tinybinnie @doyuwung sorry if you have already done this! <3
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star-blossom · 6 years
85 questions tag
Tumblr media
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people  i really don’t know who tag so i’m gonna tag some random people, you do it only if you want to and even if you’re not tagged, you an do it  - @qianloveclub, @softforjungwoo, @osakaprinceyutaa, @nanasboi, @renjunchokingnct 
stole from @norencult
* Last…?
1. drink ─ coke (i always drink for dinner)
2. phone call ─ telepizza (okay but really, i was getting my dinner but unfortunately it didn’t work)
3. text message ─ a friend (we were talking about me listing to Avril Lavigne)
4. song you listened to ─ what the hell - avril lavigne (^^^)
5. time you cried ─ this might sounf dumb for you but it was yerterday because of renjun: i was watching to the 5th ep of 5th season of nct life (nct life entertainment retreat with nct dream) and one of their “missions” was talking about their memories and that stuff around a campfire, and their liders (SUJU’s Leeteuk and Shindong) asked renjun to send a video-letter to his family and, in the middle of that video-letter, he started crying and i’m such an emotional bitch and i literally started crying with him...  you can also ask to @nanasboi because i was talking about it with him and even sent a video ahahgsjhag 
* Ever…?
6. dated someone twice ─ nop, i’m not that type of person
7. kissed someone and regretted it ─ yes lmao, the person i lost my bv ahahaa
8. been cheated on ─ yes
9. lost someone special ─ yeah.. not from my family it was SHINee’s Jonghyun and, from my family, it wasn’t a person but my dog.. i miss her :(
10. been depressed ─ i don’t think so..
11. gotten drunk and thrown up ─ N O P i don’t drink okay kids :) 
12. fave colors ─ blue (any shape of), pink, red, black.. 
* In the last year have you…
15. made new friends ─ YAS and i’m so happy i met them all!
16. fallen out of love ─ yes 
17. laughed until you cried ─ A LOT AHAHAHAJ it’s so easy to makeme laugh tho
18. found out someone was talking about you ─ a lot as well, and almot all the times were bad things specially because in the morning when i’m going to school i always walk with a fucking bad bitch face and don’t talk to anyone and people like to creat lies over me lmao
19. met someone who changed you ─ hmm yes, not in bad things like drugs and that stuff but mentay you know? 
20. found out who your friends are ─ unfortunatle, yes, and they’re not good people as i thought
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list ─ yeah :v 
* General
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl ─ idk ???????????
23. do you have any pets ─ yes, i have a withe cat called mingas
24. do you want to change your name ─ no, i like my name actually (daniela)
25. what did you do for your last birthday ─ i.. i don’t remember ????? OMG WHAT I DON’T REMEMBER AHAHAJHAJ 
26. what time did you wake up today ─ 9am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night ─ probably talking with alo about nct 
28. what is something you can’t wait for ─ i don’t have anything now that i “can’t wait for” to happen actually.. but, maybe, see my friends because i haven’t  seen them for so long :( 
30. what are you listening to right now ─ star blossom - doyoung feat. sejeong (gugudan) (omg i love this song so much :(() 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom ─ no hajhahjajh 
32. something that’s getting on your nerves ─ when someone doesn’t let me talk and that happens a lot on my daily routine (unfortunately)
33. most visited website ─ my school blog ? 
34. hair colour ─ light green and a little blonde in the middle ahsjahsga
35. long or short hair ─ medium 
36. do you have a crush on someone ─ taking kim jungwoo out,no idon’t have, i’m more focused now on school tbh
37. what do you like about yourself ─ my kindness and friendliness i think
38. want any piercings? ─ yes i want, at leats, one on my mouth
39. blood type ─ idk :c 
40. nicknames ─ nini (only alo can call me this!!!!), danny and compal ahdgaj compal because my last name is Silvestre (wild in english????) and we relate my name with red fruits like blackberry and things like that and smeone started to calling me compal and it stayed 
41. relationship status ─ single pringle
42. zodiac ─ scorpio (best sign cof)
43. pronouns ─ she/her
44. fave tv shows ─ stranger things :) but k-dramas maybe W - two worlds, the lover, while you were sleeping, she was pretty, strog woman do bong soon, weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
45. tattoos ─ i want some and, for now, i have one (1) idea and it’s a black paw it a “Z” on it with my skin tone in memory for my death dog :(
46. right or left handed ─ right handed
47. ever had surgery ─ no 
48. piercings ─ refer to #38
49. sport ─ i don’t play nothing because i’m a lazy girl
50. vacation ─ i want to visit asia in general :( mostly japan and thailand 
51. trainers ─ wait what
* More general
52. eating ─ whell if its what a ate today was rice with chicken i think at lunch and rice with croquettes at dinner 
53. drinking ─ coke as i said
54. i’m about to watch ─ my life ending :)))
55. waiting for ─ ending doing this and go to sleep tbh it’s getting late and i’m sleepy (it’s 1am)
56. want ─ TO SLEEP
57. get married ─ please no
58. career ─ something related to photography and, joking obviously, i told to my mom once “if everything goes wrong here, i’m going to do an audition for sm as back up dancer” and she agreed so,,,, why not? :) 
* Which is better
59. hugs or kisses ─ both i just want affection ;((
60. lips or eyes ─ eyes, for sure
61. shorter or taller ─ taller or the same height
62. older or younger ─ older or the same age even i dated 2 people younger than me ahsjah 
63. nice arms or stomach ─ idk, i don’t really like a muscular person
64. hookup or relationship ─ relationship 
65. troublemaker or hesitant ─ team too-lazy-to-be-either (agree with ren tho,, can i call you like this?)
* Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger ─ uh yes on the cheek jahsja but not in the mouth lmao
67. drank hard liquor ─ no i DON’T DRINK
68. lost glasses ─ everythime, everywhere
69. turned someone down ─ hm... probably yeah... 
70. sex on first date ─ no, please no
71. broken someone’s heart ─ yes....
72. had your heart broken ─ a lot
73. been arrested ─ no habjs
74. cried when someone died ─ hummmmmmmmm i have feelings, okay? 
75. fallen for a friend ─ who never??????????????
* Do you believe in…?
76. yourself ─ uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not as musch as i wanted to :) 
77. miracles ─ eh,,
78. love at first sight ─ yes, it happened with me with jungwoo so :))) 
79. santa claus ─ no :) he’s not real kids, i’m sorry
80. kiss on a first date ─ sure why not ?
81. angels ─ renjun is a walking angel on earth (OKAY IM GOING TO  LET THIS HERE AND OFC I HAVE TO AGREE WITH REN)
* Other
82. best friend’s name ─ david and christianne
83. eye colour ─ vvvv dark almost black actually 
84. fave movie ─ the conjuring 
85. fave actor ─ am i the only one who doesn’t have a fave actor/actress????? yeah maybe 
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skeletonflowers · 7 years
Thoughts about Jonghyun
I became a SHINee fan in 2013. And I’ll admit that it started in a really shallow way. I remember all my friends on twitter talking about various kpop groups and I wanted to be a part of the clique and the conversations so I would look up groups that they mentioned. I can’t recall them ever mentioning SHINee but I stumbled on SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong music video and watched it. It was the first group that I found myself liking how all the members looked and their voices. I became a Minho stan right away and in the beginning I was a bit of a solo stan. I only really cared about him. Then my friends started telling me to watch ‘One Fine Day’ and ‘Hello Baby’ and I started to get a liking for SHINee as a whole and appreciating all of the members as the individuals they were. Minho was definitely my number #1 but I always used to say Jinki – Jonghyun – Kibum – Taemin, are my number #2 because I couldn’t rank them.
I always thought Jonghyun was a funny guy, he provided a lot of comedic relief in Hello Baby. His ‘is this the reality you always wanted’ comments always made me crack up. To me at that point he was still the funny guy, in my head he was the image SM had pushed onto him from debut and so my liking for him didn’t go much further. Then he started Blue Night in 2014. And he gave us an insight into his daily life, his struggles and how kind and compassionate of a person he is. SHINee did not have a comeback in 2014, so I spent most of that year watching old shows, listening to their entire discography and really learning the personalities of the members. I would scroll through Jonghyun’s twitter for hours, laughing at his antics – like when he was learning to ride a bike and it got stolen, or him posting memes of Minho and the other members. He also was vocal about lots of injustices and seemed to be such an intelligent and head strong person. At that point Jonghyun was really cemented as my number #2 in SHINee.
In 2015, he debuted as a solo artist. I can’t explain how happy I was. I had always just had a loving for Jonghyun’s voice and knowing that he wrote the lyrics to all of his songs made me even happier. I remember coming home from school the day the Crazy music video came out and I watched it like 10 times. I was so amazingly proud of him. I watched every variety show he appeared on that era. The 4 things show was my favourite, it felt like he was giving us such a close insight into his life, even more than he usually did on Blue Night. Even though my favourite SHINee album at that point was the Misconceptions of Me, I never felt the urge to purchase it. But Base was an album that I just had to purchase. I remember all the kpop websites I found that sold albums only accepted payment through paypal and I didn’t have an account or really knew how to make one, so I was asking around to everyone I knew if they had a paypal account that I could borrow. I ended up using my Spanish teacher’s account lmao. The first half of 2015 really belonged to Jonghyun and at that point for me it became Minho – Jonghyun, my #1s, Key-Onew-Taemin my #2s.
She Is was my favourite era of his. It was such a bubbly, bright and colourful era. He looked so pretty with his pink hair and so full of life. I remembered just smiling like an idiot when I think Key(?) talked about how Jonghyun was so obsessed with dying his hair pink and about how he was looking at all the different shades and wouldn’t stop talking about it. He was so cute. I was so annoying during that era, I wouldn’t stop talking about him and how proud I was of him. When that album dropped, I felt such immense joy and happiness for him that I felt like crying, constantly. I was always bitter about that album not getting the recognition it truly deserved.
One of my major regrets is not listening to Blue Night a lot, because of the time difference I was always just getting up at the time it was airing or in school. Whenever I did hear his voice, he always sounded so soft and soothing, even though I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I read the translations every morning and I always felt a bit closer to him. It hurt a lot when he left Blue Night, it felt like we wouldn’t be able to know him so personally anymore. That even though he was still here, a part of him was still missing. Him leaving Blue Night worried me a lot. I remember asking my friends if they thought something deeper was going on with him because I didn’t understand why he would stop doing something he loved so much, especially since he’s done Blue Night successfully when he had a much more hectic schedule.
A lot of Shawols rejoiced when Jonghyun returned to black hair but it also unsettled me. His black hair was gorgeous and beautiful but I remember back in about 2014 or so when people would make posts like ‘when is Jjong going back to dark hair he’s been blond for so long’ it always annoyed me because I thought about him saying that he prefers lighter hair and he associates his dark hair with bad memories. When he dyed his hair back to black, I was worried but I wanted to be optimistic and hoped that he was trying to overcome the bad memories from his past. He seemed to be doing a lot of stuff that seemed like coping – getting tattoos, gaining weight. I thought he was doing so much better. Jonghyun was always the emotional one, always crying, always getting choked up. I liked to make the joke that ‘if Jonghyun didn’t cry at a SHINee concert, then did the concert really happen?’ I always thought he was crying because of the immense happiness he was feeling in those moments, but maybe there was pain those cries as well.
It hurts me that people would use lyrics to his songs to make posts about us not noticing until it was too late or why didn’t we pay attention. He was always so so open about his struggles with depression and loneliness. But I’m conflicted because he was also so encouraging, he let us all know that whatever we were going through it would get better one day. I can’t say that I’ve ever felt the same amount of despair and loneliness that he felt, but I have felt down a lot, especially a few months ago and songs like Gloomy Clock and Just Chill, really comforted me. It’s really comforting to know that, despite this person being famous and having so many fans, you can still relate to their struggles and they can relate to yours. I wish people wouldn’t say that we failed him, I wish people wouldn’t blame themselves. Jonghyun was open about everything and was seeking help, it’s just that the help he was receiving wasn’t enough for him.
I always used to say Minho and Jonghyun both have half of my heart. Now it feels like one half is gone and the other half just aches. Everyone who’s spoken to me probably knows how big of a fan I was of Jongho and how much I adored their interactions. If anything could make me happy it is the moments between Jonghyun and Minho because I felt they had a bond that many others either didn’t see or just didn’t appreciate. So knowing that Minho is hurting so much because he loves and adores Jonghyun to pieces, hurts me beyond belief. When the news came out that Jonghyun had passed, I wasn’t able to put my phone down until I read the words ‘Minho fainted at the hospital,’ and then my heart sank to my stomach and I felt like throwing up. After that I wasn’t able to check updates again for hours.
Part of me wants to angry. Why would he do this? Why couldn’t it have been an accident that took him away from us instead? Even though that’s horrible to think about – but it would sting so much less than knowing that he took his own life, that he was hurting and so unhappy that he wanted to leave this world. How much pain was that petite body of his really carrying?
I can’t explain how I feel about everything. I don’t feel sadness per say but yet I sobbed for the first time in a long time when I found out. When people talk to me about it and say ‘I know how much he means to you’ I get choked up all over again. I see his face and listen to his music and think ‘he can’t be gone, it’s all just a bad dream’ but then I accept that he’s gone and it’s okay but then I think about how he left us and it’s not okay. I live in The Bahamas, I sort of accepted the fact that I wouldn’t get to see him in person or attend a SHINee concert one day – but being alive at the same time as him, meant that despite how small, there was still a chance of that happening. Now there isn’t.
I’m sad that he was taken from us so early. I’m sad that there wasn’t much any of us could really do for him. I’m sad that I won’t ever get to experience his radiant beauty in person, to get to watch him on stage doing the thing he loves the most. I’m sad that I won’t experience attending a fansign, to have Jonghyun look at me the way he looks at every fan – like they’re the last person in the world. I’m sad that a while from now we won’t be able to hear his voice anymore or see his beautiful smile, or see his chest mole or the way his nose scrunches up when he laughs. I’m sad that he thought he wasn’t good enough, because to me he was the most talented and one of the most beautiful people in the world. I’m sad that eventually we will move on and Jonghyun will become a memory – I don’t want him to become a memory, because I wish he was still here with us. I wish we could turn back time and someone could save him, someone could give him all the help he needed. I’m sad that anything I say or do will never be enough to explain how much he really meant to me. Despite all the things I feel sad about, I find a sense of happiness in knowing that he isn’t hurting anymore and that he held on for a really really long time. Heaven gained a true angel.
You did exceptionally well Jonghyun. Rest in Paradise.
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kurosake01 · 7 years
Just kinda of ignore this. It’s just kinda a diary post.
So I was listening to @artfulkey’s SBNR podcast for2018.02.24 and it kinda just reminded me of how bad 2017 really was for me and a lot of us shawols. But it it’s me a lot more personally and since I’d rather blog about it then have my feelings read out on their podcast I’m putting it here since most people don’t read my blog anyways.
But with the death of Linkin Parks lead singer Chester Bennington it started a depression I hadn’t had since January of 2017 after a really hard beak up. I had loved Linken park as a child so much. They really were a hand to help. But as most kids and people do my music taste changed and when I got a little older and a bigger weeb I started exploring the internet and that’s how I found SHINee and got into Kpop.
But school was awful and my peers bullied me left and right. So I ran away from Kpop and didn’t express my interest much till Highschool but not getting back into Kpop until after Chester’s passing.
Interesting right? My depression is definitely interesting.
But a few weeks after Chester my dad also committed suicide. Let me tell you how numb I was after that. It was like my life was a dream. I wasn’t really alive but I was alive. It was so hard. I started to get better. Slowly. I got memorial tattoo for him with my favorite lyrics by Black Veil Brides ‘I believe we all fall down sometimes ‘ that song helped a lot after his passing. I mean I live in the house he use to live in. But when I got the date tattooed something was off. And it was the date of birth. Instead of 1970 it was 1990. I was really confused. I walked around forever trying to think who was important that was born in 1990.
And then it happened December a week after my birthday when I had just gotten home from my trip to Colorado to see a friend.
Jonghyun passed away the same. Now I get that I said I was gone awhile and I feel like I have no right to be so upset about it. I mean I wasn’t following them out of fear of my peers. But it hit me. I’m still so lost from all of this. I really am so upset and I feel guilty about it. But at the same time. I know I shouldn’t be. It didn’t make me any less of a fan to protect myself. But all the same the guilt hangs. Hangs for all three deaths I had to deal with. All three very important people to me.
In all honesty I’m still struggling constantly but I can’t give up listening to Jonghyun’s music when I sleep. Even if means I cry myself to sleep. It’s a sense of comfort for me.
Hopefully when I move things will become easier and I’ll be able to breathe again. I just wanted to get my feelings out there since I really don’t talk to many people cuz I don’t want to burden them. And a lot of people don’t understand the connection between artists and their fans....
I’ll be okay and I’m gonna make it for their sakes.
Jonghyun you’re amazing and you did very well. Rest easy.
Dad I Love you. Stay well.
Chester you’re the greatest. Be well for us.
To all of you. I miss you. I will see you when my time comes. I want good hugs.
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jinkisbelly · 6 years
A Simple Request 4/?
Part of my Fae au~ Warnings: mpreg
Pairing: Jongyu
Rating: pg for most, last bit NC-17
w/c:2.7k First part [x], Second Part [x], Third Part [x] Can read on AFF too [x]
Summary: The Fae King is under a lot of pressure to conceive an heir, while given a deadline by the Council he turns to his personal guard and best friend to help him with it
              Extra pillows had been brought up to be placed behind him, helping prop him up by giving extra support for him to lean against. He looked across the room toward the table where Jinki was making his herbal tea. Instead of his usual armor, Jinki was wearing some of Jonghyun’s sleepwear. The Elven Silk was emerald in color, rich against the color of his skin and his hair braided down his back. He hadn’t left since he came in the middle of the night a few days ago. He was adamant about making sure Jonghyun didn’t overwork himself and make things worse than they were.
              He flashed a little smile as he approached, mug between his palms. As he got closer it was then Jonghyun noticed the light coming from his hands, the glow slipping through the spaces between his skin and the porcelain of the cup. The cup was passed carefully after Jinki had gently sat on the bed. There was steam swirling from the top that hadn't been there before. “This should help the last remaining aches.”
              “Thank you.”
              “Of course, Jonghyun.”
              “For staying here these last couple days.” Jonghyun continued, looking over the rim of his cup after taking a sip. “I know how important convening at the temple is for you. You gave up the last few days to be here with me.”
              “I wasn’t here when you really needed me to be, Jonghyun. I cannot leave until your health is Me approved.” Jinki squeezed his knee softly, “Besides these garments are far softer and more comfortable than that armor.”
              “I am pleased you approve of my sleepwear.” Sipping his tea, his expression twisted with the bitterness, causing Jinki to laugh. “Oh shut up.”
              “I don’t know what you mean.”
              He sure was pretty then. The softness of his expression, the slight curve of his lips as he smiled, the gentleness of his entire being. Without his sword and armor, he didn’t look as intimidating as he usually did.  “Have you always been this pretty?”
              “I.. I guess.” His head was dipped, hiding his face as best he could. “That’s quite unexpected.”
              “Mm.” Jonghyun didn’t take his eyes off of him as he sipped his tea. “Am I not allowed to make observations now?”
              “Well no.” Jinki glanced at him from the corner of his eye before he was standing, moving to sit on the armchair to the right of the bed. The book he had been reading was still on the table beside it. It fell open easily to the bookmarked page as he leaned back to get comfortable. A warm silence fell between them as he flipped the page and continued to read, crossing his legs gently in front of him. Jonghyun’s tea was finished and cup made to float over to the tray on the table. Every so often Jinki would look up to see what he was doing and each time he was leaning back in his pillows staring up in the high domed ceiling of his room. Finally, Jinki took it upon himself to ask, “What are you thinking about?”
              “Hmm? Oh.” His brows were furrowed as he quietly answered, “I was thinking about the deadline.”
              “This… event… is a setback.” Jonghyun ran his tongue over his lips, hands folded in his lap. “We’ll have to start trying again as soon as we can.”
              Jinki hums, flipping a book page, “No.”
              “No?” Jonghyun blinked, almost offended. “Did you just tell me no?”
              “Yes, I did.” Another page flipped, fingers tapping on the smooth paper of the book. “I refuse.”
              “I order you to.”
              "That may work on anyone else, but not with me.” Jinki grins, finally looking up at him. His expression falls somber as he continues, “I will not push the limits of your body and mind to fulfill this… Gods forsaken time pressured whim of the council.” The book is closed with a soft thud, pushed on the table as he leans forward on his knees, “I will give you an heir. You will have a child, but whenever it happens it won’t be because you pushed yourself to please the deadline, Jonghyun.”
              “The time sensitivity cannot be ignored, Jinki.”
              “It can and will. We cannot and will not try to conceive for at least three months, and we most definitely will not continue at the pace we had for some time. You need time to recover and heal. Mentally as well.” Jinki knew if he was anyone else Jonghyun would have banished him from his castle for speaking to him as such. “I agreed to this because under all of the pressure and stress, I knew you wanted to have a child, not because some wilted old representatives on the council demanded you get pregnant as soon as possible like some whore. They don’t know what you’ve been through, how hard this will be for you. You may have to listen and respect what they demand. I do not.”
              Jonghyun’s fiery gaze had softened, falling to his hands in his lap. “You’ve thought about this extensively, I see.”  
              “I know you, remember.” His fingers brushed Jonghyun’s chin, lifting his gaze, having taken the few steps to kneel on the bed beside him. “Your primary concern is getting pregnant. Mine is you Jonghyunie.” He pressed a firm kiss to his forehead before pulling away. “Rest now. I’ll have food brought up.”
              Then he was gone as quick as he came. Far too quick for Jonghyun to think of a response or reaction to his words.
              He was tossing in his bed later that night when he heard Jinki softly call his name in the darkness of the room. Squinting, he found him illuminated by the moon by the large windows leading to the balcony. “Come with me.”
              “It’s the middle of the night.”
              “It’s not like you’re doing much sleeping, Your Majesty.”
              Jonghyun threw his blankets with a huff, wiggling slightly to swing his legs off the edge of the bed. He grabbed his robe, grumbling about how it was cold, as he shuffled toward Jinki who looked too happy for the circumstances. “Where am I coming with you to, exactly?”
              “Trust me, will you?” Jinki held out his hand, palm up. He was still wearing the sleepwear from before and as Jonghyun took his hand it was warm. As he always was. He grinned wide leading him onto the balcony where Saferus was waiting.
              “You’re making me jump off the railing again aren’t you?” Jinki’s response was letting go of his hand and jumping from it. Jonghyun sighed, “Thought so.”
              Instead of following, he let his wings out. The golden wings taking shape after materializing from his tattoos along his skin. Slowly he fluttered down, taking Jinki’s outstretched hand easily. “I forgot how beautiful your wings are.”
              The softly spoken compliment was forgotten for the moment as Jinki helped him down on the saddle before sitting in front of him. Jonghyun wrapped his arms tight around his middle, cheek pressed against the middle of his back as he allowed his wings to become one with his skin again in the form of his intricate tattoos. Without his armor, his warmth could be felt more, but also how soft he was. Jonghyun nuzzled into his back causing Jinki to smile as he placed a hand over both of the man’s on his stomach.
              Jonghyun didn’t know how long they were up there. One moment he was nuzzled into the warmth of Jinki watching the beauty of the full moon in the sky and the way the water rippled as Saferus ran his claws through it. Then the next he was waking up in his room in the morning. Vague images flashed into his mind of having his arms wrapped around Jinki’s neck and a kiss to his hair, being tucked it, but nothing was clear. Jinki was coming into the room carrying a tray for tea, armor on once again. He thought about asking the man what had happened after the last thing he could remember, but knowing he was with Jinki, he knew he had been safe and the need to know suddenly disappeared.
              A month and a half passed before there was another Council meeting. The major topic on the floor was that the Tribe of Land Sprites claimed the Dwarfs were coming into their territory to mine. The discussion had been going for more than three hours and it seemed like it wasn’t going to come to a conclusion anytime soon. Each time evidence was brought up, the dwarfs refuted it. Jinki could tell the abnormally long meeting was running on Jonghyun’s nerves. He hadn’t been at full strength since the miscarriage. He hadn’t been sleeping very well to the point they had made it a nightly routine to go up on Saferus so he could fall asleep at all.
              Ever since they had first begun to be intimate together Jinki had found it harder and harder to keep his romantic feelings for Jonghyun to himself. He was experiencing things that he had only ever fantasized about when he couldn’t sleep. The feeling of his skin against his fingers, the way he softly gasped when his navel was kissed, and the image of him pleased beyond measure, eyes gentle and hazy and hair fanned around him like a frame. A beautiful, delicate frame. He knew he should have never agreed to this, but he also knew he’d have never forgiven himself if Jonghyun had turned to someone else to help him through this. He also was quite sure the jealousy he would feel if Jonghyun had gone to someone else would hurt way more than the pain he felt every time he had to will himself not to kiss his lips.
              “As much as I wish for this issue to have a conclusion, I am afraid that one will not be made this meeting. I suggest both parties gather and ready a case. The allegations made by the Land Sprites are a grand grievance by the Dwarfs if found to be true. The different sides will be presented at our next meeting.” Jonghyun looked around the dome room, switching his feet from the right foot is in front to the left. “Now if that is all, I call this meeting to a close.”
              Jinki wasn’t sure where the question came from, but he knew the dread the words would cause to form in Jonghyun. “Word is from the Castle you are expecting, Your Majesty. Is this true?”
              “I am not.” Jinki noticed how his jaw clenched and he frowned deeply. “Now if you are quite done spying on your own King in the personal matters of my anatomy, this Meeting is adjourned.”
              Jonghyun fluttered down without waiting for a reply of any kind. He locked eyes with Jinki, quietly saying, “Get me out of here.”
              This was highly inappropriate, but so was most of what the two of them did lately. Just after they had arrived into the small room meant as a waiting room for Jonghyun for the Council Meetings to begin, Jonghyun had pressed Jinki up against the wall, sucking at his neck and biting his earlobe. “I wish you to please me.”
              “Here, My King?” Jinki breathes out roughly.
              “Please. I know we can’t try again for some time more but I,” His left hand was flat against Jinki’s chest, the coolness of the diamond tingling against his skin. “Being with you feels good, it makes me forget things. Please.”
              Jinki lifted his right hand, cupping Jonghyun’s cheek gently, thumb moving over his skin softly.  “As you wish.” A kiss was pressed just to the right of Jonghyun’s lips, next to where Jinki’s thumb was on his cheek. A shiver ran down Jonghyun’s back as his hair was moved from his neck with one hand while Jinki waves his fingers and the buttons came undone.  The touch was warm and intoxicating as he moved it over his stomach, over to the curve of his waist, just as he sucked softly at his neck. “I’ll make you feel good, Jonghyun.”
              Jonghyun’s fingers curled tightly in the pillow underneath his head. He had pulled it from the other end of the couch, wrapping his arms around it, as he groaned. Jinki was laid over his back, pressing kisses along his shoulder and the side of his neck. He feels so good moving within him. The pace was slow, almost soft, and the thought Jinki was doing so to take care of him made a different type of warmth fill him. Jonghyun felt his lips brushing against his ear, whispering quietly, “Is this alright?”
              He groans deeply in response. Jinki’s so deep in him, his thrusts slight and slow. Jonghyun’s cock was pressed between him and the pillow that had happened to be under him when Jinki slid into him. He hadn’t touched it since Jinki was preparing him and each slight push forward with each thrust made his head dizzy. When he doesn’t answer for some time Jinki asks again, this time managing to bring his earlobe between his teeth for a moment. “Are you pleased, Your Majesty?”
              A breathy laugh leaves his lips, so warm and carefree. Jonghyun’s cheek is squished against the pillow he’s embracing as he says, “Yes Jinki. I am.”
              The warmth of Jinki’s breath fanning across his skin fades as the tingling sensation of him collecting all of Jonghyun’s hair from his neck and shoulder spreads instead. Then he presses a kiss behind Jonghyun’s ear, firm and slow, smiling, “I’m glad you’re pleased with me.”
              Jonghyun’s orgasm creeps up on him like an unexpected high tide, washing over him in waves as he bites the pillow before him and pushes back against Jinki’s thrusts. He vaguely hears Jinki curse before the full weight of him is against his back once again. His arm moves to wrap around his torso, holding him tight as if there was any space between them left as he bottoms out and cums deep inside him with a growl. The deep, rough sound makes Jonghyun moan, cock twitching as Jinki’s movements slow to a stop.
              Time melds together, making Jonghyun feel like he’s moving through a soup almost. As the haze fades he realizes the warmth of Jinki against his back is gone, but there’s a firm, good pressure moving between his shoulder blades. Oh, a massage. Before he can think of anything to say, Jinki is leaning into his fingers to deepen the massage as he whispers. “Please don’t let what they say get to you.”
              “You were supposed to alleviate my worries, not remind me of them, Jinki.” A soft kiss is pressed to his shoulder, and he wonders if he’s supposed to take it as an apology. “How am I to keep the peace and our peoples together if I cannot fulfill this simple duty of the crown of giving them an heir?”
              “The same way you have for the last few hundred years since you were given the notice out on that battlefield.” The massage stops, but only for Jinki to move his fingers gently through Jonghyun’s hair. “With or without an heir, you’re an amazing King. The Kingdom has never known peace and prosperity as it has in the years of your reign for some time. You have many years left of fertility. The Council can kiss my dragon’s ass for this idiotic time constraint of just two years.”
              Jonghyun bit his lip, turning as much as he could to look at him. “I really want to be sentimental, but it’s very hard with our current predicament being everything but.”
              “Ah yes, Quite so.” Jinki laughed, running a hand through his own hair as he realized he was still inside of Jonghyun. “How about we clean up and we can be sentimental over tea?”
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roh-tae · 7 years
till now
length: 2,666 words
compared to you who has always loved me, I still have so much to learn
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Rolling over in your bed, being half blinded by the sunlight coming through the blinds. You wondered how late you’d slept. Groggily reaching for your phone to check the time, you were greeted by a good morning text.
Good morning beautiful! So, I know you said you didn’t want any help with things…but I just can’t stay out of it. Tonight the boys and I are going out and you’re coming! Not negotiating! If you need help deciding on what to wear, I’m your guy. I know what Dongho will like, and we are making sure his eyes are on you and only you tonight! ;)
Laughing to yourself at the text you’d received from your best friend Minki. You rolled out of bed, now wide awake. You just knew that Minki wouldn’t be able to stay out of your relationship drama long.
You and Dongho, well, it was complicated. You had liked him for awhile, I mean what was there not to like? He had an amazing smile, his voice made your heart melt, he had tattoos which you liked. But despite your efforts to try and drop hints or flirt, things didn’t go anywhere. At first you thought maybe he just didn’t really get your flirting, then it was well maybe he is just awkward. But now you were at the point where you were convinced he just didn’t like you. Despite how much Minki said “you two would be perfect for each other. Trust me!”
But, if Minki stepping in would finally put an end to the debate of he likes me, he likes me not, then you were on board.
“Minki, I hate this. I have no idea what to wear. Why are you doing this to me?”
You whined to your friend as you tore apart your closet. Finding nothing you thought would catch Dongho’s eye. “Something fitted, show off your curves. But don’t do something too over the top or anything. Think simple, but hot!” Minki spoke as he sat in front of his phone snacking as he watched you pick out a dress only to shake your head and place it back in your closet.
“What about that black one? Can’t go wrong with a little black dress right?”
Pulling it out you figured he was right. Just wanting to quickly find something, get dressed, and get the night over with.
You’d texted Minki once you were ready, taking a few shots to calm your nerves before he’d responded saying he and the boys were outside. As you walked out of the elevator in your building approaching the front door, you could feel your heart beating out of your chest.
What if Dongho thinks I look ugly? He definitely doesn’t like me. This was so stupid why did I let Minki talk me into this. I can’t do this. I’m gonna be sick. 
“Hey there sexy lady. Damn you look good.”
A somewhat embarrassed smile came across your lips as Minki took your hand leading you down the steps. But it was Dongho’s gaze as he watched you walked down the few stairs that practically made your legs give out. His eyes scanning you up and down while you almost waited for his approval.
“He’s right, you look good.”
Dongho turned and led the way to the club, Minki squeezing your arm tight as you tried not to show how surprised you were at the compliment.
Once at the club Dongho stood, holding open the door for all of you and it was then you got a better look at what he was wearing. Black pants paired with white top and blazer, hair slicked back. But you didn’t need to compliment him, he knew how good he looked. You could tell.
Dongho had always had a certain confidence about him since the day you first met. Though some might mistake it for cockiness. He carried himself in a way that intimidated people. In more ways than one. To some it might make them afraid of him, to you he made you feel like you didn’t stand a chance. But Minki convinced you he could help change that.
Once inside your small group had gotten a booth and ordered drinks, you sitting next to Minki while Dongho sat across from you. Throughout the night you’d often looked to Minki for advice on what to say and how to act around Dongho. Not really knowing what he liked in a girl. Occasionally you caught Dongho staring at the two of you from behind his glass. Surely he knew you were talking about him.
Hearing your name come from Dongho’s lips, you practically choked on your drink. Minki lightly hit your leg as you took a minute to swallow and clear your throat.
“Do you want to dance?”
You almost asked him to repeat himself, thinking he had spoken Swahili or some other language you’d never heard of. But no, he indeed did ask you to dance. What do you say? How do you even dance with Dongho? This is the most you two have talked ever and now he wants to dance? Again you looked to Minki, only making Dongho laugh to himself before Minki practically pushed you off the bench of the booth.
“Okay, yeah, sure. Okay.”
Dongho laughed at your awkwardness. Resting his hand on the small of your back as he guided you down the stairs and out onto the floor. Not going too far figuring you would want to stay close to Minki since you’d been needing him all night to help with your decision making. Dongho leaned in toward you as he caught you glancing back at the booth only seconds after you’d left.
“If you want to dance with Minki you can just tell me.”
You laughed to yourself, realizing how ridiculous you were being. “I’m sorry.”
“Just relax, this is a club. We’re here to have fun! Let loose, you know?”
Dongho’s hands slowly moved to your hips and you practically shivered at the contact. Feeling like a middle school girl at a dance with her crush. He turned you around so he was behind you, guiding your hips to the music as he tried to help you calm down. Eventually your few drinks you’d had kicked in, and you didn’t need much help. Dongho chuckled to himself as he noticed.
Leaning in close to your ear, you flinched as his breath tickled against your skin.
“I have to ask. Do you always have Minki make your decisions for you?”
“No, not always. I mean he’s my best friend, so of course I value his opinion. Why, you don’t think I can do things without him?”
As Dongho laughed you felt his lips lightly brush against your bare shoulder as he head fell for a moment. The contact sending shivers down your spine. “I mean, every decision you’ve made tonight has been made by him. I mean that’s fine and all. But I honestly don’t think you’ve done one thing that you wanted to do tonight. And just you, no second opinion from Minki.”
You stopped your hips as you turned to face Dongho, you expression a bit flat and hard to read as he waited for you to say something. But you said nothing, instead pressing your lips to his. Expecting him to possibly pull away, surely he was just really drunk and Minki put him up to dancing with you. But instead he brought his hands to you face, caressing your cheeks as he kissed you back. The kiss nothing too crazy, but just enough to make your heart race.
“I wanted to do that.”
“And I’m happy you did.”
You still remembered back to that night. How nervous you were. How you were convinced Dongho did not like you at all. But you had to admit, Minki was right.
It had been about two months since that night out, and things with Dongho were. Something. But you didn’t know just what that something was.
You took him lunch often when he was working hard and couldn’t leave. And some nights you’d even go and stay late with him at the studio so he had company, though you often fell asleep. And he was grateful you did those things, he was. But you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing between you two. That spark that was there the first night you kissed. That feeling of being young and in love, ready for whatever happened next. But now you weren’t exactly sure what that next for you two was. What you do know is that you want something more.
Like most days, you were grabbing a dish from one of Dongho’s favorite restaurants and taking it down to the studio for him. Wondering what he’d be working on today. If he’d be recording or dancing when you got there. But either way, you were just looking forward to seeing him.
Entering the practice room you found Jonghyun and Aron going over choreography, both of them telling you Dongho was in the recording studio with Minki. And as you approached the slightly cracked door you heard the mention of your name, stopping you in your tracks.
“How do I tell her nicely? I mean, I feel bad. We talk like everyday. She brings me food all the time, hangs out with me at the studio. She cares about me a lot. She’s really amazing. I don’t want to seem like an ass but. I just don’t want to waste anymore time if it’s just not gonna work.”
You’d heard enough, not even bothering to let Dongho know you had brought his. Giving it to Jonghyun and asking him to deliver it, or just eat it himself. It didn’t matter to you. You left the studio without explanation, holding in your tears for once you were back in your apartment. Not wanting anyone to see you crying over a boy.
“Hey Jonghyun, I forgot to ask earlier. Why did y/n just drop my food off today? Normally she stays and talks with me for a bit.”
Jonghyun looked at Dongho as he packed up his bag as the two of them were getting ready to head home for the night. “She didn’t say. Just let in a hurry, handed me the food and left. She seemed upset. But I didn’t ask.”
“Well, was she here long? Did she really just leave?”
Jonghyun threw the straps of his bag over his shoulder as he thought back to earlier. “Well she walked over towards the recording studio door and stopped for a minute or two, then she quickly turned around and headed for the door. Giving me the food before she left. But she didn’t say anything. Why?”
Dongho rubbed his face and he realized how much he’d messed up. Knowing now that you’d surely heard his conversation with Minki. And even though you probably wouldn’t want to hear any type of explanation, he knew he had to give you one.
“I gotta go!”
His words still replayed in your head, even hours later.
“I don’t want to seem like an ass but. I just don’t want to waste anymore time if it’s just not gonna work.”
How could he continue to act as if he liked you, letting you bring him food all the time. Stay late with him at the studio. How could he just lead you on and expect things to be okay that way?
Minki had texted you a few times, saying he missed not seeing you at the studio and that he hoped he’d see you tomorrow. You didn’t respond, afraid he’d ask why you didn’t stay and say hi. And you’d finally stopped crying for the first time in awhile, you didn’t want to start that again.
Heading into the kitchen to grab yourself some water, to re-hydrate after how much you’ve cried, you heard a knock at your door.
Slowly walking over and checking who it was through the peep hole, your heart stopped.
Why the hell is he here?
You didn’t answer, quickly running back to bed and just hoping he’d leave and think you weren’t home. But as your phone buzzed next to you, you realized he was smart enough to know you were ignoring him.
Y/n, I know you’re inside. Please let me explain.
Seeing you’d read his text, he didn’t bother sending another. Instead calling you. Only to have his call declined almost 10 times before you just put your phone on silent. And as you looked to your phone, seeing the calls finally cease for more than 2 minutes. You thought he’d finally given up. But one last text proved he hadn’t.
Please don’t hate me for this.
You looked at your phone confused, but as you heard the turning of the lock on your front door you realized you’d forgotten Dongho knew where you kept your spare. Jumping off the bed you managed to lock your door just before he could run to turn the handle.
He softly banged his fist against the wooden frame as he realized he wasn’t fast enough.
The two of you were silent on your respective sides for what seemed like an eternity. Until Dongho finally spoke.
“I’m sorry okay. One, for using that spare key against you. But two, for what you heard. But I promise it’s not what you think.”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the tears threatening again but trying to fight against them. “Bullshit. I know exactly what I heard. I’m sorry I wasted your time. Not like you’ve been wasting mine or anything.”
Dongho listened to the hurt in your voice, leaning against the door as he slid down and sat against it. His head softly thudding against the wood as you waited to see if he in deed had some miraculous explanation.
“That’s not what, look. I said those things because. I’m scared okay? There I said it. You’re amazing, and I like you so much. But, I don’t do relationships. Well, I’ve never had any serious ones at least. And I’m afraid that I’m gonna hurt you, or fuck up and ruin something good. I don’t want to waste your time if I’m not what you want, or what you need. Trust me you’re not wasting my time. All my time with you has been time well spent.”
You listened to him softly chuckle at his own corniness, you heard the sincerity in his voice. But also the fear and the worry.
“Y/n, you deserve someone that knows how to be there for you, to give to you as much as you give to them. But that’s not me. I don’t know how to be that guy you need and deserve. Because somehow I just know I’ll end up fucking it up and hurting you. And I’d hate myself if I ever hurt you.”
The next few moments were filled with silence. The two of you just impatiently waiting for one another to finally speak.
“You can’t be afraid to try.”
Dongho was surprised to hear your voice. It was soft, he could tell you had been crying thought he hadn’t heard you make a sound.
“I don’t care if you fuck up. Relationships are about making mistakes and learning from them and moving forward. Together. Despite what you think I need or what you think I want. All I want right now is you. All I need right now is you.”
You heard Dongho shift against the door, standing up on the other side without a response. You eventually doing the same as Dongho stood silent, though he knew you were staring at the door, waiting just like he was. Taking a few seconds more to compose yourself, dry your tears and clear your head, you reached for the door. Your hand brushing over the handle briefly, taking a deep breath before turning the lock.
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