#I have been asked this in good faith but enough people but honestly I'm like girl
lioryaakov · 2 years
The one question so many Jews dread this time of year....
"So. What is Hanukkah actually about?"
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ryo-maybe · 2 years
can u explain why AI art is bad without fearmongering, moralizing or bootlicking lol
I'm going to answer in good faith, even though the tone you're using sounds like you're harboring anything but. The issue with AI art isn't specifically inherent to the tools used to produce it, because, ultimately, a tool is merely that: something devoid of will which, in the hands of a human, can produce a specific outcome. It's the human element that taints what we could otherwise enjoy for the unquestioningly fascinating topic that is AI art and, by extension, AI software as a whole.
Now, the problem isn't people, period, but the kind of people that are responsible for giving AI the bad rep it's been getting, along with the intent that goes into both the development of AI tools and the things produced by dint of said tools. I'm talking about the tech bros happily rubbing their hands, waiting to provide business moguls with a brand new means to commodify and mass-produce what artists stake their entire livelihoods upon, because when you have enough zeroes lined up in your bank account, your eyes are utterly blinded to the soul and personality that human beings put into their handiwork, and which a machine won't ever be able to reproduce no matter how much stolen art you feed it. Oh yeah, by the way, that's how AI art tools have been making the rounds: by chewing on thousands upon thousands of stolen pictures made by actual people so that they may learn how to ape someone's style and spit out absolutely soulless derivatives, while the original authors don't see a lick of recognition or monetary retribution for any of it. Do I need to tell you why stealing and parading someone else's art as your own is a terrible, vile thing to do?
But sure, you did ask me to refrain from "fearmongering, moralizing or bootlicking", which I guess I've already done. So since you'd rather I skipped straight to the point in a concise manner, lemme offer some quick examples of why the culture surrounding AI art has already developed into one of the most abysmally disappointing displays of how greed and an utter lack of human decency can ruin something objectively brimming with possibilities:
Less than a week after the sudden death of Korean artist Kim Jung-gi, someone trained an AI model to mimic his artstyle, having the audacity of asking for credits if anyone wished to use it. I sincerely hope I don't have to explain to you why this is a ghoulish example of the kind of tone-deafness sported by tech bros who buy wholesale into the AI art craze.
A piece of AI art was submitted to an art contest and won. The "artist"'s work amounted to little more than picking a series of prompts and letting the machine do the work. It's as much art as googling a smattering of terms and making a collage of pictures taken from Pinterest (and even then, you would have put more work into it than this person did). That they won at all says a whole damn lot about how abysmal the respect given to artists - real artists - nowadays is.
There are a multitude of people out there already selling prints of AI-generated art. I could link some of them here, but honestly, type "ai art prints" on a search engine and you'll get inundated by them. I've seen and personally know artists who have had to undersell their works because commissions were the only thin, frayed string they could hang on in hopes of making it through the week without fucking starving themselves, but here we are: any random asshole can now yell "MASSIVE BREASTS, THIN WAIST, COCKTAIL DRESS, HUGE BADONGAS" at a computer, let it mash together a trillion of other people's hard work, and print it for easy bucks that the actual authors of the basic ingredients of their insipid soup will never, ever see a dime of.
It really bothers me that you mentioned "no bootlicking". Whose fucking boots is this side of the debate supposedly tasting? That of the artists who post every day about how angry, sad and terrified they are by the prospects of what the development of AI art will entail for their livelihood and passion? What kind of gall did your mother birth you with that you have the spiteful spunk to type that word, when you've got shit like an artist who had their sketch stolen while they were drawing it on stream, then fed to an AI and posted by someone passing it off as their own art? How does that not ignite your indignation? "Bootlicking". Like anyone's tongues have been tasting leather but those of the same tech bro chodes who kept trying oh so hard to convince us NFTs were the future while ruining the environment to make the absolute stupidest point ever made in the history of humanity.
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
“Proshippers are dangerous to children!”
Me, reading “immoral” books since age 11, 16 now, yet to have killed, raped, or tortured anyone:
Children are not put in danger simply by exposure to specific things. In fact, for many things, the sooner we learn them the better. I know a lot of people are going to interpret this in bad faith and the worst possible way, but;
Children actually need to be exposed to things in order to actually understand them and properly learn about them in a safe manner that will set the groundwork for the rest of their life.
I'll use an example that has absolutely nothing to do with sex or anything 'proship.'
The good old 'the dog went to live on a farm' analogy. When I was younger and my pets died my parents always told me that my pets had gone to live with other families who needed hem more. That pets were like Nanny McPhee; they went where they were needed.
This devastated me.
I spent years wondering what I'd done wrong. Why I wasn't good enough. Why my beloved pets had decided I didn't need or love them anymore. Where had they gone? Why had they gone? Did they love their new families more than me?
Literal years spent plagued with torment until I hit a new school year and we learned properly about death in biology. Then I spent weeks feeling betrayed, ridiculed and stupid because my pets hadn't abandoned me for a more deserving family. They'd up and died.
And death is sad, yes. I would've been sad for weeks. Months, maybe. I'd miss them forever. But I understood death. I would've understood and accepted death far quicker than I did the notion that the pets I loved so much had simply up and decided to fuck off one day.
If my parents had been honest with me they could've used my pets' deaths as opportunities for literally so many things. How to understand and deal with grief. How to understand and accept death. How to mourn. How to reminisce. How to manage and process and understand and accept my emotions. How to ask for comfort and self-soothe.
Instead all they taught me was that they thought I was too stupid to understand things and that I could've trust a word they said anymore.
Honestly the overbearing safety net we trap children in only robs them of opportunities to be healthy, functioning, developed adults. Children do not need to be sheltered from the entire world until we suddenly drop-kick them into it at 16 or 18.
I'm not saying we need to start hounding eight year olds about pornography and fictional shipping. But what we do need to do is safely introduce them to the world they live in and give them the tools needed to live in it.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
Hypothetically, if Gortash was revived by Tav after being completely annihilated by the Brain do you think he would continue being the same old Gortash or would be changed? Not necessarily for the better but many just how he treats others, etc. How do you think it would be different if he was revived by Durge vs non-Durge Tav? How would it be different if he was assassinated by Tav vs Brain make him go brrrrr. Sorry for such a long ask
I think especially Tav reviving him might send him into a small midlife crisis. Why?
Tav shares no history with him. They've just met. There's no proper interest for Tav to keep him alive – they don't need him. But still, they bring him back. Somewhere deep down he would know that this was a selfless act, one of which he's likely the recipient for, for the first time in his life. Maybe he wouldn't want to admit it. Wouldn't want it to be true. Because it would mean that there are people not only willing to do good in the world – they'd be willing to do good for him.
It would mean there's something worth redeeming in him. Worth honoring, keeping. It would likely raise many questions about his self-worth and acceptance and self-love, all of which he's been suppressing so successfully.
He might try telling himself that Tav only brought him back because they needed him. But then, seeing them in action, he slowly realizes they don't... and then what? They just brought him back because they genuinely care for him? What?!
If he died to the Netherbrain's command and Tav brings him back, oh, man, yes that's already one thing. But then consider: Tav killing him to remove him/put him in his place and then they bring him back? Just like that? Not because they need him?
I think Gorty would have a crisis of faith. Especially if he spend even a short amount of time in Bane's realm and sees how his god would treat him, how he would speak of him, and so on. I could see Gorty drop the Bane worship, if only because he's questioning everything. Lost puppy vibes.
Would he suddenly be good? I guess initially he'd probably be worse. Compensating. Proving Tav wrong: I wasn't worth saving, this can't be, I'm not loveable, I only have value if I succeed, because if you brought me back because you intrinsically think my life valuable enough to do so, even if I failed, does that mean that I don't have to control everything, win at everything?
Shit, it would completely change the story he told himself about his life and his self-actualization.
For Durge... honestly it might be similar but in truth I doubt it would hit as hard. Because they have history, and Durge reviving him thus seems logical, they had a plan together after all...
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
I saw your request were open can I please request a female douma in jjk.
For getou and gojo please her and gojo having the beautiful eyes and cocky attitude and douma and getou and her both owing a cult this idea is living rent free in my head.
Oh lalala~ this is interesting! I'm in!
SatoSugu x Douma Like-Reader
Genre: headcanons
Reader: Female
Warnings: The reader has the past and attitude of Douma from KNY, that is, she has difficulty understanding and expressing emotions. apart from a shady past and is worshiped by a cult. she has rainbow eyes and gray hair, if a reader with a specific appearance bothers you, don't read this. CULTS AND WHAT THEY CONVINCE, The reader and Gojo share a neuron, and they are horrible with their emotions, I think that's all.
Since you were born, you have been the center of attention in your family.
You were born with eyes of all the colors of the rainbow and gray hair. Your family was amazed by this.
Thanks to this, your family believed that they had been blessed by the gods, that YOU had been blessed by the gods and that you could communicate with them, so they started a cult in your name to be able to worship the idea they had of you.
You, being a small and innocent girl, did not understand any of this, but you acted how they wanted you to act to make them happy. You believed that if they were happy, you were happy, right? but you never really understood very well how emotions worked. They never explained it to you or bothered to tell you anything about it.
It was somewhat frustrating but you resigned yourself quickly. You had to maintain the role you had been assigned after all. keep your hope.
but there really wasn't any, you were never able to communicate with the gods…. there really was nothing to have faith in.
but these people were in denial, and would not allow you to give up your position.
Everything got worse when your parents died, your mother murdered your father…and then committed suicide.
you found their corpses.
but the worst of all was that you didn't know how to process the loss of your parents. how you didn't even know how to process your own emotions.
You just thought about how unpleasant the smell of blood was and you replayed the scene over and over in your head.
all while you didn't change your facial expression. smiling, the one that people wanted to see in you, a supposed "saint"
So you adapted that mentality to your daily life, no matter how many lies you have to tell, no matter how many people get hurt because of this--
As long as the believers were happy, maybe one day you would be too. some day…
Until then, Keep smilling, keep make them happy, keep faken up your emotion, maybe if you fake it enough, you will feel something more than this inmense Void.
but at least all this had its good side, you developed your own damn ice technique!
It was powerful enough that the people in charge of you decided that you needed help in managing it.
that's how you ended up at Jujustu Tech.
That's how you met them…
When you first arrived at Jujustu Tech, you attracted a lot of attention. not only because of your carefree attitude but, obviously, because of your appearance. You were fine with that, you were used to it.
but when Geto and Gojo saw you for the first time when they introduced you to their group…WOW they were silent. which was weird in itself.
Gojo, being Gojo, and well recovered from the shock, went up to you and asked if you had contact lenses, even if he could see that you didn't, he HAD to make sure you didn't.
Geto obviously scolded him and apologized on his behalf for his rude comment. But he didn't miss the opportunity to say how beautiful your eyes were.
With these first impressions you could get an idea of ​​what they were like. And honestly? You became friends very quickly.
To be honest, growing up adored by your cult and having a pretty powerful ability, you ended up being quite arrogant, well-meaning, but cocky.
Thanks to this, Gojo was able to connect with you quite quickly, at first with the intention of destroying that ego you had, but it always ended badly in one way or another.
For example, trying to outdo yourself in physical combat seeing that you depended a lot on your ability with ice, it's a piece of cake with his Infinity, right? well…
Both Gojo and Geto made the same mistake when facing you for the first time, UNDERESTIMATING YOU based on your seemingly silly personality.
You turned out to be more skilled than he thought, which cost him almost blinding him when you realized how special his eyes were. Something similar happened with Geto, he wanted to know more in depth about your abilities, but above all, to know if your eyes, similar to Satoru's, had any unusual abilities.
only to have his ass kicked for being distracted by them…
They could respect you from the beginning, they could see that there was something more than a smiling mask in you. a great power.
Although the more they got to know you, the more things came to light and the more they understood you.
You and Gojo could understand each other on the level of having people expect too much of you, things that are not yours and even putting you on a pedestal for that (in your case very literally). Gojo found the whole cult thing very shady when you told them both, but he also found it shady that you didn't understand how that was WRONG.
Geto was the same(at the start), you and he understood each other more on the side of having abilities (in your case appearance) that although "helps people" rather condemns them to a pretty miserable life.
Thanks to this he opened up to you when he was in spiral, he felt that if anyone would understand him, it would be you.
In case we follow the canonical route, you tend to show two faces with each of them, both authentic and part of you, but distant from each other.
With Geto, you show your most morally perverse side, enjoying for the first time your position in the cult, the power you have over the lives of those people, realizing that YOU ARE the one in control.
You and Geto united the cutls, becoming even more powerful and influential, Geto is a loving couple, I'm not going to lie. He continues to pamper you as much as you want, whether physically, materially or emotionally.
The family respects you a lot, not only because of your power, but because they see you as an equal to Geto, the legitimate queen of the new world for sorcerers.
Geto doesn't really agree with watching you fight, and since you yourself are a little lazy to do it, he leaves the part of interacting with the believers to be your strong point.
Despite everything, being with Geto in this case has its disadvantages, and that is that he does not let you get down from that position of power and believe that the rest are better, apart from the fact that he encourages your harmful behavior towards others (that is, he does not let you mature )
Although don't misunderstand me, he will do everything possible to help you understand and experience the emotions that you have been depriving yourself of.
and when you go with Gojo (he and Gojo "divide custody" in this case) you do a 180 degree turn. You show your most happy and carefree side.
With Gojo you feel like there is nothing to worry about, you like that, he is quite relaxed himself.
Similarly to Geto, he spoils you a lot and is a great cuddler. He LOVES having PDA with you, hugs, kisses, snuggles, anything. he loves it.
Gojo directly takes you to therapy for emotions and when you come out and talk to him about your progress he is very happy to see you getting better every day, it seems.
Unlike Geto, he would try to remove the cult's influence from your life by seeing them as primarily responsible for your traumas (along with the death of your parents) and is fiercely protective in that regard.
They know it, you know it, one bad move and they're screwed.
NOW, if we're talking about the AUS where Geto doesn't get corrupted and stays in Jujutsu Tech with Mimiko and Nanako…IT'S ALL FLUFF.
Both are great life partners, mainly because they balance each other and thus you get the best of the best of EVERYTHING.
(i cant write more than this so sorry if its seems cut off im triying to fix it)
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tojixz · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
Notes: Part two done! I really didn't think part one of this simple fanfic would engage so much, I was so happy! I'm very happy that several people liked it and I hope to continue with more stories here. Also, I am new to Tumblr, so I am learning my way around the platform, so please be patient; but if you want to send me any requests or writing ideas about Avatar, feel free! I will try to elaborate and do a good write-up for you. In advance, THANK YOU VERY MUCH 💕💕
Summary: Another lovely day with the Sully family! Jake desperately chasing after the little rascals that are his children plus his pregnant wife to deal with.
Warnings: A little bit of anguish, but it is rewarded afterwards!
Word Count: 2,4k
Sa'nok (n) - Mom Tìyawn (n) - Love
Oel ngati kameie (n) - I see you
Part one | Part three
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You awoke early that morning, feeling ready to make a productive day of it. Stretching, you got up from the hammock and looked around, missing the presence of your companion, who by the looks of it began his work as head of the Omatikaya Clan early in the morning. You are somewhat saddened to wake up away from Jake's body heat, missing his big arms around you and his loving kisses all over your face. But you have gotten used to it, after all it was a necessary evil.
Standing up, you observed your children still sleeping in a deep slumber. The clan started their activities early in the day, when the sun was just beginning to rise, but you thought it unnecessary to wake your children that early, then you go do what needs to be done while they stay in the tent resting. That is until Jake came to them and got them out of bed to start their day's activities.
While still looking at the sleeping children, her eyes fixed on Lo'ak for a moment. He was having little spasms in his sleep, probably because of some dream he had been having. You let out a small laugh at this; Lo'ak was usually agitated even in his sleep. His brothers complained about how he disturbed them with his nocturnal mumblings or kicks that they were liable to get because they were close.
After standing still for long enough, you finally got ready and left the tent.
A few months had passed, so your belly was very swollen at this point. You felt heavy and sluggish, but you smiled widely every time you felt your little baby kick your belly, which wasn't the case today since he was probably also sleeping like his other siblings.
As you walked a bit, you met up with some elders who greeted you respectfully. You asked if there was anything you could help with and, as expected, you were assigned something simple. Picking fruit and herbs for the clan's food preparation.
You didn't really mind doing simple tasks, you just didn't like being treated like a fragile piece of glass just because of your pregnant state. It wasn't uncommon for pregnant Na'vi women to help hunt with the others (only in simpler hunts in this case), so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for you to help.
You loved hunting, it made you feel useful to your clan and to your family, not to mention that others appreciated your help. You were a very good hunter, if not one of the best. You were agile and very good with the bow, being one of the main people in the clan to have exceptional aim, so being away from these activities misses you.
The main person to somehow force you not to hunt is none other than, himself, your faithful companion, Jake Sully.
He was already extremely protective of you in the early stages of pregnancy, but now that your belly was huge and you tired more easily, he protected you from even the most harmless creatures of Pandora.
Honestly, you were angry with him for it. Sometimes his constant protection was suffocating and made you feel like a child. But more childish is Jake and his stubbornness. No matter how much you argued, you would always be at square one of 'No hunting at all'.
Sighing, you settled for going after the items necessary for food preparation. At least that gave you a calming stroll with only your own presence among the flora of Pandora.
Jake had been searching for a family member for some time.
He went into his shared tent to, as usual, wake up his children to start the day. In the process he expected to find you and sprinkle you with kisses since he was unable to do that when he left the tent earlier.
However, the only thing he came across was the deadly silence of the environment and the stillness of the surroundings.
This was not normal. It definitely was not.
Their children didn't disappear like that. Even if they woke up before he arrived to wake them up, they usually stayed at home helping you with something or just enjoying themselves before Jake dragged them out.
But that wasn't the case today. There was no one in the tent, not even you.
This made your stomach turn and a bitter feeling settle in your throat. Nothing bad had happened, right?
The kids could have just gone out to play without waiting for him to arrive and you must have gone to do something. Yes, that's definitely it.
But even if it is, Jake was unable to stop the worry bubbling up inside him and the present despair he plunged into. Jake turned on his heels and hurried out of the tent in search of his children or you, whichever it was.
As he walked through the clan, Jake stopped the first person who appeared in front of him and began frantically asking questions in search of answers.
"Änsit! Oh my God, help me", Jake made the woman who was walking calmly with a basket in her arms stop abruptly at the mention of her name and turn with a look of astonishment to face the man who called out to her.
"Olo'eyktan, Oel ngati kameie. What's wrong?", the woman inquired, analyzing her leader's expressions and seeing how desperate and helpless the man is. What could be so bad that could have happened to make her great leader so frightened like this?
Jake swallowed the saliva that had built up in his mouth as he tried to stabilize his breathing, and then quickly said: "My children, have you seen them? Or their mother?"
He was able to see how the woman's body tensed for a few seconds and a worried expression took over from the previous one. This did not help ease his worries, in fact, it only made them worse.
"No, no, I didn't see them, any of them. Did something happen?"
Jake's heart froze, it wasn't possible for his noisy sons not to have made a presence in the clan yet, someone should have seen it. But he didn't have time to go out interrogating every soul he could find in front of him, his only option was to act and look for them on his own.
"Okay, thanks. If you see them, have someone let me know. For now I need to go", Jake didn't even give Änsit a chance to reason through the situation before he rushed back to search for you and your children.
He had been walking for a while and the situation was only getting worse. He could not calm his troubled heart and his eyes were beginning to fill with tears for fear that something might have happened.
In his search time he had heard that you had gone out early to help the elderly women with their search for fruits, herbs and derivatives, but so far there has been no return from you.
Jake was in the middle of the forest currently as the sun was high in the sky. He was breaking into a cold sweat as he continued to shout his name and that of his children. How could this have happened? How could he let you disappear like this?
Guilt was consuming him as worry settled in his lungs making it difficult to breathe. His throat was beginning to rasp from the many times he had called out their names. He refused to give up and knew that one hour you would answer him.
"Lo'ak! Neteyam!!" Jake continued walking and started to walk in between some trees in the process, still continuing with his call. "Kiri?! Oh Great Mother… Children, I ask you to answer me-", he was silenced by distant voices in front of him. He became still, so deadly still that it was possible to hear his heartbeat against his ribcage, just focusing on listening to the various voices behind the trees.
"Lo'ak, I will not repeat, watch out for the rocks!"
"Right Sa'nok. I am skilled, I will not get hurt."
"Sure you are", a sarcastic voice was heard soon after, pouring debauchery into every word, "Who was the fool who slipped last time and grated his entire knee?"
"Shut up Kiri!"
"Watch the lingo, Lo'ak!"
A commotion followed soon after, sounds of splashing water and screaming children filled the place. Jake would recognize those voices even on his deathbed, they were the voices that annoyed him some days, but lit up all his mornings.
He let out the breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. A shaky sigh left his lips; his legs slackened for a few seconds as relief flooded his entire being.
Jake didn't know that those voices were the sweetest thing he had ever heard in his entire life. He never wanted to listen to the silence again.
Making his way through the greenery, Jake could finally see the scene in front of him. Small children were playing in the small pond that had settled there, while a more delicate figure with a large round part in place of a stomach was sitting on the ground peeling some fruit in its basket.
It was the most beautiful sight he had ever witnessed. Although Jake was angry that you had disappeared without trace or warning, the anger was soon replaced by passion and affection for his family. Jake loved them so much, so much that his heart ached. And to think that soon they would have an extra member there, running and jumping along with their other children. Jake could not contain the smile that insisted on appearing on his lips.
Walking toward you, Jake sat down beside you while resting his head on your shoulder, making you jump from where you were standing from the fright you got.
"Ah my Eywa. What a fright Jake Sully! What did I say about sneaky approaches?" You shot him a scolding look as you calmed your heartbeat.
"I'm sorry. But I guess I'm the only one who should be angry here, because why did you disappear without even telling me? The children… do you know how desperate I was to chase after you?", his voice was firm, wanting to scold you, but you could feel the desperation in his speech.
Your lips curved upward slightly as you put your knife and fruit away in the basket beside you, only to take Jake's hands and entwine them together. "I'm sorry, love, I did not mean that. I took the opportunity of you not being around to serve as some help to the clan since you make me unable to do so in your presence", you said with a playful tone that drew a snort coming from Jake, which you just ignored and continued, "I was really going to do what I was assigned and return to join the elders, however, as I was gathering the necessary ingredients, I felt small bodies cling to my leg demanding that I play with them. Your children woke up energized today."
You and Jake shifted their focus to the children diving into the pond ahead, realizing that they probably hadn't even noticed their father's presence yet.
Jake moved even closer to you and deposited a light kiss on your lips, so soft that you were almost unable to register it. Then he lowered his face and deposited an even more loving kiss on your round belly, then you were able to hear him murmur, "I was very afraid that something might have happened to you."
Your heart squeezed at those words and you felt guilty. It wasn't fair to Jake to suddenly disappear without warning, you were a little upset this morning, but it still wasn't a reason. You can imagine the constant desperation he had been in before he found you.
The only option you found yourself able to do to soothe your companion's distressed heart was to get up and sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around Jake's neck and resting your forehead against his. "Forgive me, tìyawn", you deposited a longer kiss on Jake's mouth, pulling away minimally to whisper something that only the two of you were able to hear, "What can I do to end your fears?"
Before Jake was able to answer, you were able to hear voices of disgust behind you.
"Ew… Daddy, how long have you been here doing disgusting things?", Kiri asked as she hid her face behind her older brother so she wouldn't be able to see anything else.
"You disappear without a trace and when you see me you're already saying these things to me?", Jake took you from his lap as gently as possible, placing a quick kiss on your cheek. He got up and slowly started walking towards his children with his arms outstretched. "Am I supposed to shower you with kisses as punishment for all the hell you put me through today?"
Your children let out startled cries as they ran to protect themselves from their father's strong arms, Lo'ak colliding head-on with Neteyam in the process, causing Kiri to squirm with laughter and end up falling into the arms of Jake who was showering her with kisses all over her little face.
You started to laugh out loud at your family's pranks. You cherished moments like that and they made them memories too special to fix in your head. You cracked a smile as more laughter was heard coming from Jake, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri. That is until your smile widened even more (if that was possible) as you felt your baby kicking your belly. Placing your hand on your stomach, you were able to feel the baby's excitement, as if it was sharing all the energy coming from its siblings.
You knew that surely this little being in your belly would be just as energetic as your current little ones. And it made you realize how blessed you truly were.
You would be scolded later for not having taken the promised ingredients to the elders. But that's okay, the light of your family was able to make you overcome any challenge.
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The story took a different turn than I expected, but in the end I liked it! I hope I was able to convey well the father jake desperate for his missing family lmao✨️
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alilich · 6 months
the bachelor pitch website, recreated
this official website with a pitch for bachelor route was found on jan 2nd and then promptly sniped by IPL, without us getting a good wayback machine copy. i've been working on restoring it, and at this point i think it's rather faithful to the original and worthy sharing!
not perfect YET - namely, the mobile version kinda sucks, - but i'll be looking to improve it over the upcoming weekend! (more info under the cut)
some liberties have been taken in developing this page:
first of all, all source code has purged, and the website was rewritten from scratch - this is to avoid copyright conflict with readymag, the website builder IPL used. such services often allow exporting code, but only limit it to business clients and usually forbid editing the exported code in any way
the mobile version seemingly wasn't a thing that IPL considered with this single-page pitch/"business card" kinda website, but i'll still try to get it to work - my main goal is to ensure all assets load in a harmonic way, while IPL's original website was skipping some of them on mobile
unused assets/disabled elements were not restored. i honestly don't really want to tangle through readymag's messy messy ripped code to find out how were they supposed to look like. also, all of them are developer portraits with their names and contact information, and i don't know which of these people are public personas and which arent :^)
a little "about this page" button was added, including my contacts for incase anyone wants to tell me anything important, or (HOPEFULLY NOT) IPL will have problems with this website being present and would like to ask me to remove it
the chosen by IPL fonts were restored - i'm not sure if the saved .html file that i possess didn't preserve them, or were the fonts simply failed to load on some platforms..? either way...
AND ALSO, if you happen to have screenshots of the PC version, feel free to DM me, and i'll be happy to tweak the layout for better historical correctness!
FINALLY, currently i'm using for reference a saved .html shared by abyssal + screenshots shared by lillia, both on pathomodding discord - so thanks a lot to them because otherwise i would definitely not have enough patience for this project lol!
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hutchersonsgurl · 6 months
Somethin about you Shane Walsh x reader
Paring yn greene with shane walsh
Synopsis you and Shane were together before the world fell and now you are meeting again when it ended. So now that the world has fallen you do everything in your power to protect your daughter
Special thanks to my bb @taylormarieee
⚠️ warnings blood smut 18+ graphic violence MDNI.
Word count:
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🥀Shane was the type of person where you can look at him and he'll either break your heart or fulfill it. You were one of those people who tried to guess. And believe it or not, the guess you made was completely wrong. He fulfilled your life with love. He didn't break it until later. Now the end of the world has happened and you could only imagine if he's either alive or one of these brain-dead zombies. 🥀
You were outside milking the cows when your dad came outside to tell you that your daughter Faith had woken up you walk into the house as you pick Faith up you hear screaming coming from outside you walk outside the front door to see two people you never thought you'd see again
"Rick? Carl? Oh my God what happened?" you ask
"He's been shot, please help us," Rick says shaking
You don't even see who's running in the background you tell your dad to help Carl
You gave Faith to Beth to watch her as you helped your dad get Carl stable you walked Rick out of the room to go sit down
*Maggie goes out to find lori to bring her to the farm*
"Here you go," you say as you hand Rick something to drink
As you stand up you see Shane standing in the doorway
"Holy sh--------" Shane says as he sees you
You walk away to go check on Maggie Beth and your daughter
You hear Shane and Rick talking as you walk into your bedroom
You pick up Faith from the bed and you walk out to see what is going on in the living room Otis your dad and Rick are talking
"What's going on? "You ask
"I need a respirator to be able to do surgery on Carl "your dad says
"What do we do? "You ask
The old high school they should have supplies there Otis says
"Well I said leave the rest to me is it to late to take that back?" Shane says jokingly
I'll go with you I know my way around you otis says
"Are you sure?" Shane asks
"We can talk about this till the sun comes up or we can get it done right quick" Otis says
"I'd take right quick" Shane says
"I'm coming with you two" you say going to your room for your stuff
"Honey why won't you let the boys handle it" your dad says
"No dad they'll need back up and like momma always said never let a man do a female's job" you said
You walk over to maggie who's holding Faith "mommy is gonna be right back I'm gonna help some friends okay?" You say as you give your daughter a kiss on the cheek
You give your dad a kiss on the cheek and hug him as you turn around you see shane staring at Faith like he knows something
I can't thank y'all enough rick says
No problem rick you know I always have your and Carl's back
"Honestly yn you really don't have to go "lori say as she comes up behind rick
"I got this lori and If you could help keep an on faith that would be great " you say
"Of course lori says as she hugs you"
The three of you head outside and get into the truck
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks
"Of course I am I ain't no damsel in destress" you say as you roll your eyes
"You two know each other? "Otis asks
"Yeah this is my ex boyfriend remember"? You ask
"Oh the dude who couldn't keep it in his pan- oops sorry" Otis says as he continues to drive
"You know something about you seems different yn" Shane says
"What's different besides the fact I ain't waiting on you to change" you respond back
The rest of the drive was quiet until you guys reached the high school
You open the door to get out grabbing your knife from your back pocket
"Yn you really should stay behind us" Shane says
"I'm good I can handle myself thank you" you say
"You really are your mother's daughter "Otis says
As you start to walk towards the back door you notice that there's two walkers hanging by the door
"Yn wai---" Shane says as he cuts off to chase after you
You walk up to one of the walkers and kick one in the knee and and stab it in the back of the head same with the other one
"Holy shit you took down two walkers "Shane says in shock
"Told you I can handle myself" you say as you walk into the school
Part 2 coming soon
Not edited
Lemme know what y'all think
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sexhaver · 6 months
Howdy friend! I feel like that meme with doctor eggman that just walked in on rouge and shadow having a spirited discussion on something I have no pretext about. But it sounds important and I do wanna educate myself if there's a lacking somewhere, genuinely. From what I understood from scrolling down to a screenshot poll and other screens, it's trying to figure out if people are automatically taking frat boys (the classic stereotype kind, btw, genuinely players) in good faith by queer-ifying them because they have been fortunately unfortunate enough to not have the life experience of being used by this type of person that will take their good faith and hurt them?
Because I do think that there *could* be a cishet aro man out there, if it's defined very explicitly as: a man (born with a penis and identifies as he/him) and likes women (including trans women) and is aromantic. Face value wise, that is.
Because the question wasn't if the hypothetical man was superstraight (and don't count trans people at all) or just pussy-seeking (i.e. looking to have sex with ciswomen and trans men who haven't had bottom surgery, is explicitly Not transphobic). Or if this hypothetical man wasn't also, say, a "friend" met at a party/tinder/hookup/through mutuals/etc that is really just an acquaintance with little of substance genuinely known...or if this man was actually what one would consider a genuine friend. Or if this hypothetical man was poly (and/or if you were poly honestly, this feels like this is being framed in a mono mindset, which is okay! But poly adds extra details to account for). Also if he was out as aro.
The point is, I am aware of cheating. I am aware of using terms to get around cheating. Or trying to justify it. But aromantizim by itself isn't cheating. Poly by itself isn't cheating. FwB by itself, or hooking up by itself, or sex work by itself, isn't cheating- if there is informed consent on both sides with all affected parties, which includes all other partners. Wanting to sleep around isn't a crime, regardless of who or where or what gender.
I know there's plenty of men that aren't allies, that are homophobic or transphobic or sexist, but that wasn't the question. You aren't making that distinction or posing a scenario, just a screenshot without any added distinction other that the consent (after it was asked for by voters). It's taking the assumption that practicing genuine safe sex ( not that bullshit abstinence thing schools and "god fearing Christians" teach), is limited to only cishetero men... And not something to practice with everyone.
It shouldn't matter my gender or background or beliefs or sexuality, since these are simply opinions and all opinions come with grains of salt, but I know if I don't add context of me being the one giving these opinions, I'll be discredited.
I'm a cis-women (so very petrifiyingly aware of that Fear/wariness of being approached at night by strangers, or followed. I don't like ANYONE strange coming up to me, regardless of gender, a woman can stab me as much as a man can rape me, but I feel like I know the mindset extreme examples being presented here so there were go).
I'm demi-omnisexualromantic. Everyone's free game once I get to know them on a genuine emotional level. We HAVE to be besties (or we have to never ever see each other again if I'm gonna sleep with you and you're not a friend, oh gOD WHAT IF I FART OR THEY'RE A SERIAL KILLER OH GOD).
I'm poly. The first thing is with my girlfriend and our paramour, since we are the "oringal polycule" is had a sit down discussion about what we agreed upon what being in a relationship is like (we happen to be romantically and sexually attracted to each other btw). It was Poly from the start and Open from the start. We are all okay and open to each other going out to bdsm clubs or kink parties or sleeping around, or if asking out cute people..... BUT we have to ask permission/inform the other partners in our polycule. There's nothing to hide and they consent. They can say no, and that's okay!! Because then!! We can have an open and honest discussion as to why (lonely, conflicting plans, insecurity, safety worries, etc). Also also, anyone new that's meant to become a fwb or a pet needs to know about and meet our polycule, and it's a one-no situation here. If *anyone* is uncomfortable, nothing goes forward.
Sex is nice, sex is great if you're a freak like me and into that sorta thing; and sexual safety awareness and stranger danger awareness and informed consent awareness is MAJORLY IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL AND EVERYONE SHOULD BE TAUGHT THIS IN SCHOOL OH GOD but in my humble opinion the execution has spiraled into something messy with rampant misunderstanding and accidental invalidation of aro-spec men, poly people, and our allies,,, as well as anyone trying to be open-minded even if they dont understand.
Telling people that they're naive and ignorant isn't going to teach them a lesson you appear to feel strongly that they need to learn, it only shames and makes them not likely to actually follow the good advice (?) that's being presented in a not-clear format.
And it also earns you a buncha people getting angry because they don't understand the question actually being asked because the context wasn't clarified or what the actual answer is in a no patronizing manner/delivery,, and I'm sure you're feeling very much harassed and exhausted for answers that have little to nothing to do with your actual question, and I'm really sorry for that because I've been there and I hate this for you because it's exhausting and dispiriting to find people who never got taught how to keep themselves safe... But I'm also happy that they haven't had to learn it the hard way *yet* and that I can still help, or even that the people I was so stressed over not having the lesson... Actually DO know the answer but just misunderstood the question or that I just asked it confusingly!!
Anyway, sorry for the extremely long ask, double sorry if I misunderstood anything you were trying to say or explained anything that you already know. But if you could clarify in your own words and time, I would be very grateful! If not, that's still okay and I hope you take care of yourself out there, friend! Also, I'm on anon less because I'm ashamed of my opinion, and more because I don't want anyone else randomly messaging me back because they don't like me for my views online and I happen to really like this account dghjfedhjfdsjk
oh my god i thought there was a character limit on anons. what am i even being asked here? i literally just woke up and opened my inbox and made this face
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maaarshieee · 2 years
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⎯⎯ ୨ 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤? ୧ ⎯⎯
➢ Tɪɢʜɴᴀʀɪ x Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
a/n - HONESTLY KAZUHA AND XIAO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WRITTEN FIRST BEFORE TIGHNARI but like, my boo (/p) had a really good idea so i wrote a fic for it HDHDSAHDAS, wrote this in class LMAO, took a small break from writing so I'm tryna warm up again to write more after my fuck ton of projects. titled "knock knock?" have a good day/night!!,, part 4 of marshie's oneshot/drabble after his character analysis :)
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Now, Tighnari was never the jealous type.
What's there to be jealous of? Other than those who are stupid enough to wander in the forest empty-handed, blissfully ignorant of the dangers until he had to take care of and lecture them for eating a poisonous mushroom even if he already advised them to read the Avidya Forest Survival Guide, jealousy was not something Tighnari was fortunately not familiar of.
Well, that is until you met Cyno, much to his dismay.
It was during one of his many visits to Collei at Gandharva Ville when the two of you bumped into each other accidentally. He happened to crack a joke whilst he was about to take his leave and you burst out laughing. And it wasn't just any laugh he's heard from you, you were near to tears, clutching your stomach and gasping for breath.
You genuinely thought his joke was hilarious, and he could even see the slight twitch at the corners of Cyno's lips, wearing a proud expression on his face.
That's the story of how you, a fellow Forest Ranger and Tighnari's lover, became friends with the General Mahamatra. Cyno, for one, would visit a lot more often. Tighnari asked you one day, about his frequent visits, and you answered; "Oh, we just tell each other jokes 'till he gets back on his responsibilities." With a bright smile on your lips, you wrote in your little notepad as you thought of more silly jokes, before adding, "Never knew he'd be the funny type. I thought you told me his humor was quite awful."
They were, your humor is just terribly in a match with his. He wanted to say to you, especially you talk about him like that; with a smile on your face, occasional soft chuckles under your breath, and a shine in your eyes. How absurd! You should be like that to him! Your boyfriend! The one who you said was the love of your life?
But he (thinks) doesn't care much about you bonding over with Cyno. In fact, he's glad Cyno met someone who actually appreciates his jokes and his attempts to appear less intimidating. Seeing both of you interact encouraged others to approach the Mahamatra with less fear.
Unfortunately, Tighnari can't shake off this heavy feeling in his chest. His brows would crease more often, his tail swishing side to side irritably and his ears would twitch or droop the more he thinks about it. Was he worried? Perhaps, but what would he be worried of?
Was it the way you perk up when you see him walking up to you? The way you laugh so hard you almost topple over? Or was it—
Oh. Oh.
He was jealous, wasn't he? Of Cyno, of all people.
Now, a rational and wise man like him would speak of you about this matter. As much as he puts so much faith in you, and trusts you because he loves you with all his heart, he just can't help but feel jealous when you look like that when you're with Cyno.
But when it comes to you? Let's just say he's looking for a way to win back all your attention back to him.
Finally, Tighnari understood one quote he's heard from other scholars back when he was still at the Akademiya. "Love makes you do foolish things." But what was it that Tighnari was planning?
It has been a few days since Tighnari came to terms with his jealousy, and you've noticed this new behavior he's developed. More often than not, you'd see him pondering, a hand on his chin, lost in thought. Then, out of the blue, his ears would perk up, as if he had come up with a good idea, pulling out a notebook from his bag and starts writing it down.
You respect his privacy, so you never took a peek at his notebook, but your curiosity is also quite strong. So you asked him about it. "This? Just a new notebook to write new discoveries, notes, and all sorts of things." That was what he said. How he treats it tells a different story.
He'd always make sure he'd have the notebook with him, closing the book when someone would walk toward him, and would occasionally write in it only when he was at a far distance from others. It was odd, but you never pried, mostly because whatever it was, it couldn't possibly be harmful to anyone.
You just took it as a new part of him. Still, curiosity would always win you over.
After getting injured in one of your patrols in the forest and getting patched up by your doting boyfriend, Tighnari (along with a lecture, of course), he let you stay in his tent to rest while he went back to his Forest Ranger duties. He happened to forget to bring his little notebook of secrets with him, leaving it near you.
For a while, you fought your curiosity out of respect for Tighnari. But you found yourself slowly inching towards it and before you knew it, you had the notebook in your hands.
You felt quite ashamed of yourself, face flushed and gulping. But a small, quick peek wouldn't hurt, right?
No one could have prepared you for the contents of the notebook. Before you could even properly process it all, Tighnari came back to the tent. "Sorry for disturbing your resting, but I forgot my—" His eyes landed on you, then trailed down to what you held in your hands, "...notebook."
There was a long, moment of silence between the two of you. Your eyes were as wide as an owl's, perpetually shocked by what he has written while Tighnari averted his eyes from you, ears twitching and his cheeks lightly dusted with pinkish hues.
Then, you let out this loud snort, wheezing out loud laughs before falling back onto your cot. The notebook that was once in your hands was quickly snatched by Tighnari, the heat worsening on his face as he felt both embarrassed and irritated (not really) by you, clutching the book to his chest.
"Oh, my Archons!" You managed to say between laughter, coughing into your fist as you tried to sit up, hand on your chest and catching your breath. He had never seen your face so red before, with the biggest grins stretching your lips and the tears forming in your eyes glimmering under the light. Tighnari felt his heart skip a beat, tail unknowingly wagging behind him. "You have a joke book!?"
Tighnari cleared his throat, sitting next to you whilst he held the notebook close to him while you stared at him with expectant eyes. Honestly, the things you do to him. Just that enthusiastic look on your face, full of amazement and adoration, makes his knees weak.
"I observed how much you find these horrid jokes hilarious, seeing how much you've been with Cyno just to exchange these jokes." He explained himself, letting out a rather annoyed sigh. "Honestly, I don't get why you think they're so funny. I'm simply writing them and I could feel myself get a headache from how hard I'm creasing my brows-"
"So, what you're sayin' is, you're jealous." You bluntly stated, sitting with your legs crossed, chin resting on your palm, and wearing a smug expression on your face. Tighnari choked on his words, giving you a half-hearted glare while his face blew up in flames. He was sure he was as red as a tomato at this point.
You weren't wrong, but he just couldn't admit that out loud to you. Especially with you. You'd never let it go.
Nudging him with your elbow, you chuckled at his expression. "That's really sweet of you." You mumble, scooting close to him with a loving smile. His breath hitched, leaning closer to you. "Why don't you tell me the rest of the jokes you've written so far?"
And with that, Tighnari opened his notebook once more. While Tighnari personally thought the jokes he'd written were repulsive, seeing you laugh at the jokes he wrote for you? To hold onto him to not fall over, complimenting him for his 'amazing' jokes? He wouldn't mind making a couple more.
After all, he's caught your attention once more. You're laughing at his jokes now, and he's never heard such beautiful sounds in his laugh. Your laughter was something he never knew he needed in his life.
Yeah, I'll write a few more. He thought, a tender smile on his lips whilst he watched you slapping your knee, wiping the tears away. If I could make you laugh like that, then I wouldn't mind.
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If you want to be tagged in future works, fill out this form to be added to my taglist! Remember that usernames are only lowercase and have no spaces!
Taglist: @anniejourn, @dilucssiliconedildo, @achlysyo
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rems-writing · 3 months
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Includes: butler!San, afab!rich!chubby!reader, Robin Hood is still alive yes yes I will not take any arguments whatsoever since I hate what the writers did to him lol anyways, Regina is still a queen but with no magic, ATEEZ x OUAT, basically a shit ton of fluff with some angst lol
Tucked away in the Enchanted Forest lied a castle. A very unique looking castle. In that castle sat a royal family. That family consists of King Robin, Queen Regina, and Princess Y/N. She was the beloved daughter of Robin and Regina and her faithful companion, and quite possibly her only friend, is her butler.
A hot man named Choi San.
He lived in a small cottage within the kingdom yet was unable to find a job anywhere. His parents died due to the mistake committed by a group of bandits so he was left to fend for himself and his little brother.
His name is Choi Jongho.
However, the man remained kind to those around him, even though some people weren't as kind. He was on his last leg of finding a suitable job for him. As he took a break from his job search, he decided to take a stroll in the woods with his baby brother. As he watched him play with various twigs and dirt, he heard a branch snap. His ears perked up and he saw a thief trying to run away from something. The thief was unaware of the little boy that was in his way and San, being the protective man that he is, jumped in between Jongho and the thief. The thief stopped at looked at them both. He was about to execute the bright idea of handing over the stolen goods to San to make it seem like he was the one that stole them
When he took an arrow to the knee.
Two people approached the thief and San. One was holding a bow while the other was busy prying the goods from the thief and placing him in cuffs. They both looked at San, who was busy comforting a crying Jongho.
"Oh dear. Is the little lad alright?" A kind voice asked gently. San looked up at the owner of the voice and nodded meekly.
"Yeah. He's just a little shaken up right now. Um... thank you for saving us." San said in that soft and airy voice that would make people swoon. The man smiled and extended his hand.
"Robin Hood. Or King Robin I should say. Pleased to meet your acquaintance!" Robin introduced himself. The second person then looked at San with bright eyes and extended her hand.
"I'm Princess Y/N! I'm the next Robin Hood. Pleased to meet you!" She giggled and San found the little girl endearing as she shook his hand. She soon let go and walked over to Jongho, who was hiding behind San shyly. As she talked his little head off, Robin clasped San's shoulder.
"You're really brave to protect the little one. Is he your son?" Robin asked and San shook his head, smiling as he looked down at the interaction between Jongho and Y/N.
"No, your highness. He's my little brother." San politely corrected him and Robin nodded.
"Is it just you two or do you have a family back home?" Robin asked. "It's just the two of us, sir. We... lost our parents to bandits. They died at their hands." San shakily explained and Robin's heart ached.
"I'm so sorry, lad." Robin sympathized with him and San weakly smiled. "It's ok, sir. Honestly, I'm just more worried about our wellbeing. I haven't been so lucky in finding a job that pays well and puts a roof over our heads. It's either I'm not old enough or they aren't allowing me to have Jongho by my side while I work. I don't see the problem though! Jongho's a well behaved boy! I... I just..."
Robin brought San into a hug as San wept on his shoulder. He hushed the young boy and tried to get him to calm down. San felt tiny hands clutch his leg and he looked down to see Y/N hugging his leg.
For someone trying to be the next Robin Hood, she was adorable.
"Don't cry, mister! You're too cute to cry!" Her little voice squeaked out and San felt his heart almost burst. Robin looked down at his daughter and grinned wholeheartedly. He then looked at San.
"How would you like to come with us back to our castle? You can be Y/N's butler. We will pay you adequately and we can put a roof over your heads. After all, kindness is something that must be paid forward." Robin suggested.
"Oh! I don't know, sir. Y/N doesn't seem like the type of person to need a butler. She may be a princess, but I can tell that she's very independent." San rambled nervously and Robin chuckled.
"I'm well aware of that. However, she sometimes forgets the little things. Which is where you come in. Plus, she's taken a liking to you and the little one over there. May I ask what his name is?" Robin explained.
"His name is Jongho, sir." San introduced Jongho to Robin. The little boy shyly high fived the king and San found the sight endearing. "Well then, San. Would you like to be the butler of the royal family so you can finally give Jongho a comfortable life?" Robin formally asked him. San nodded eagerly.
"The honor is all mine, your highness."
That was almost six years ago. San was 16 while Jongho was 11. San grew from a boy to a man. The changes were drastic due to him hitting puberty.
And the daily exercises he does with the royal family.
He used to be this skinny little boy that wore oversized polo shirts that were wrinkled, khaki shorts, and ratty boots. His hair was long and shaggy and it covered his eyes a lot due to shyness he felt whenever other royals looked at him with mainly judgmental looks.
Now he grew into his bobblehead.
His body got bigger, his shoulders were broader, and his waist was tiny. His clothes were a bit more fitted and they clung to his body deliciously. His polo shirts were replaced with crisp white button ups that were ironed to perfection, a black leather tie, a black vest, and black slacks that were slim to show off his equally muscular legs. His childhood boots were replaced with black dress shoes that were made of the sleekest leather and were always shined to a mirror like consistency.
His face changed too. His jawline sharpened, his eyes were more siren like and alert, and his black hair was cut short and styled back since he was more confident in his looks and he stopped caring what the other royals said.
It was all thanks to Y/N.
Ever since he and Jongho were taken in, she has been teaching them how to love themselves and be more confident in whatever they were blessed with. San could tell that she spoke from experience.
Y/N did gain a bit of weight and was slightly chubby around the face. But it wasn't her fault. After she was struck in the shoulder by a poisoned arrow and healed rather quickly, she decided to step back from archery yet continued to be a hero by studying up on how to become the next Good Queen. There was a bit of fat around her stomach and her thighs were a teeny bit big yet it didn't stop her from flaunting the beautiful gowns she wore.
San admired her while Jongho fell deeper in love with her.
The five of them were currently having dinner. Regina made sure that San was treated like a person rather than a butler and San was grateful for the respect that she had for him. As they were chowing down on steak with assorted veggies and seasoned potatoes, San felt a little more down than usual. The once bright smile that was present on his face was replaced with a blank expression. He was quieter than usual and before that, he was scolding himself on small mistakes he made, which he'd never done.
What got the royal family concerned about him was the way he was angry early. Why? It was simple.
Jongho got tripped by one of the visiting princes and San saw. He gently helped his brother up and started yelling and cussing out that very same prince. Normally, he'd be levelheaded and professional but the amount of stress he was feeling finally tipped over. He even punched a wall!
His strength was terrifying. And it probably explained why his knuckles were bandaged up.
The family of the visiting prince tried to persuade Robin and Regina to fire him, but it was a failure due to the fact that Regina saw the whole ordeal happen and called them out. Robin then declared that their trade deal was to be thrown away unless the prince apologized. However, the prince was stubborn and now he was probably being scolded by his parents since they lost the deal due to his acts of foolishness.
San was grateful for their help yet he remained quiet and even apologized for being violent. Which was ironic since he only yelled at the poor guy.
Y/N had enough of it. She missed seeing San's smile and she missed hanging out with him. So she scooted closer to him and started poking his face.
"Princess, please." San begged quietly since he wasn't in the mood and he was afraid he might lash out at her.
"Uh yeah no. San, what's going on? I'm not the type to pry into people's business, but you're like a brother to me. My heart aches every time you scold yourself over little mistakes and you even apologized for 'being violent' even though you haven't laid a finger on that douchebag! Talk to me..."
All eyes were on San when he started crying quietly. Regina sent the rest of the servants away so she and Robin can give San their undivided attention. Y/N immediately took him in her arms and he hugged her back immediately. Muttered apologies could be heard and she simply shushed him.
"I just... miss home. I miss being in a place where I once grew up. Don't get me wrong though. I love it here. I truly do. But I feel like a part of me has been left behind as soon as I took up this job. I fear that the longer I stay here, the higher the chance that my memory of my hometown will be long gone. It sounds silly but still. I couldn't fathom the last core memory of my family being gone."
Y/N kept comforting him and whispered reassuring words in his ear while Robin and Regina looked at each other before looking at Jongho.
"Do you feel the same way?" Regina asked Jongho. The young boy nodded his head shyly. Regina then thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
"How would you like to take a year off to go visit and settle down in your hometown?"
San looked up at Regina and as much as he wanted to take that opportunity, his selflessness wouldn't allow it. "Oh! I don't know, Regina. I feel like I'm being too selfish to ask for such a thing like that."
"Don't be ridiculous. You've done so much for us. Let yourself have this, San." Regina reassured him and San immediately sprang up to hug both her and Robin before hugging Y/N once more.
Y/N sort of blushed a bit when his huge body practically swallowed her tiny frame.
"Thank you! Thank you much!"
Three days later, San bid his goodbyes to Robin and Regina before stopping at Y/N. Her eyes were filled with tears and San shushed her gently whilst wiping her tears away. His hand, with a single gold band on his index finger, caressed her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.
"Don't worry, kiddo. Jongho and I will be back before you know it. I'll even bring gifts from my hometown as my thanks to you and your parents. Ok?" San smiled and Y/N simply nodded since she couldn't trust her voice at the moment.
"I'll see you in a year, little robin."
And with that, he and Jongho ventured off into the woods to go home. From there, Y/N counted the days until the Chois came back.
They will come back. Eventually.
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queerstake · 4 months
As a queer drawn to the faith and trying to deal with the messiness of entering into everything, I've been trying hard to read more of the Book of Mormon because I only have a very vague understanding of it's Whole Deal, but executive dysfunction, ADHD, and honestly, a million other excuses are making it very difficult. Are there any good resources for walking through the fundamentals? Childish but I feel like I'm disappointing the Lord if I'm not more on top of this.
Hi anon! I totally get it and yes, I can think of a few ideas!
If you're looking for ways to understand the BoM (or even just general doctrine) from more of a bird's eye view:
I hope you don't find this silly, but when I was a kid, the church published an illustrated children's version of the BoM that's obviously way quicker to flip through. It might be harder for you to find those exact editions I read as a kid if you don't have ready access to a church library, BUT I found this!! It's (almost) the ENTIRE BoM illustrated and summarized and it's online!
Looks like they put out videos too that summarize the BoM beginning to end. Here's a link to the video series. I haven't seen these, so I can't vouch for them, but they might be helpful! Similarly, there's a BoM in 60 seconds video you might find helpful.
If you'd benefit from a schedule, the church is currently studying the BoM in sunday school! The past few years, we've been using a study guide called Come Follow Me with weekly assigned reading chapters. I've actually been working on posts about CFM as they relate to queer mormon theology, but I haven't had much posted yet since I've been having a rocky start to 2024. As things improve, I'll be able to hopefully even establish a schedule on this blog!
I'm not sure if missionary lessons is something you're interested in at this point, and it's definitely not something you ever need to do, but the missionary lessons themselves are a pretty good doctrine intro if you're looking for just Mormonism 101 in a digestible way. The missionaries teach out a book called Preach My Gospel, which is available right here. You'll be interested in the lessons, which are found in Chapter 3. If you just scroll down, you'll see some of the links are labeled Lesson instead of Chapter--just click on those bad boys. And if you have any doctrinal questions, I'm always MORE than happy to talk about the church! You'll probably get a faster answer DMing me personally at @logans-mormon-blog, but I'll always answer asks here as soon as time permits.
If you're looking for easier ways to finish the BoM from beginning to end:
The BoM on tape. The church has an audiobook version available on the Gospel Library app and other audio apps like Spotify.
The Reader's Edition. If you can get your hand on a reader's edition, a lot of people find this is an easier way to plow through the BoM. What's special about this one is that it's formatted not like scripture but like prose, and it really does change the reading experience!
I don't know if this helps any, but I struggle with some of the same issues as you and I'm always bitterly disappointed when I'm not able to move mountains. If I had my way, I'd be the most well-read scriptorian of all time and this blog would be updated constantly. But life often doesn't shake out that way. I spend way more time than I want to with my brain entirely burned out of my head. So you're not alone, if that's any comfort. I think God gets it--he made our brains, after all, and knows how hard it is to wrestle with. It's easier said than done, but don't beat yourself up. God loves the both of us and he's the most perfectly patient person who's ever lived. He's not frustrated or disappointed with our efforts. Religion exists, in my opinion, to help improve and enrich our lives, not make them more challenging OR even to make them perfect if we only could just run fast enough. I too wish I could be more diligent and on it, but shit happens, right? And we're not on earth to be perfect, we're here to be happy and to learn. When Joseph Smith was translating the BoM, God told him "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end." D&C 10:4. We're doing our damndest, and that's all God even wants from us.
If anyone else has more resource ideas, please let us know!
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Drunk in Love (Obey Me)
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I hate Lucifer!!! But I love Lucifer angst!!!
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Lucifer's forehead looked like a shiny egg. The glare on it shifted as he violently gestured with his hands. He was giving some sort of lecture, but you had tuned him out ten minutes ago. Now, all you could do was focus on his giant forehead that glistened like a freshly boiled egg. 
"Are you listening?"
You blinked. "Huh? Oh. Uh…yes?"
He crossed his arms, glaring down at you. "No. You're not."
"Can you blame me? Do I really need to be lectured for this long?"
"You skipped school."
" One time , Lucifer."
"Are you trying to become a dropout? It only takes one time!"
Your mind flitted back to those "anti-drug" campaigns. It was a bunch of cheesy slogans like that. Gateway drugs, hanging with all the wrong people, and making bad decisions. Lucifer sounded like a more angry version of the teachers there. You raised an eyebrow, not wanting to listen to his lecture anymore.
"So you're telling me you've never skipped school?"
He snorted. "No. I'm a diligent student."
That was more than enough to get you annoyed. "Diligent? So just because I skipped one day, I'm suddenly a bad apple. Ok, got it."
"Good. Glad we've come to an agreement. You're grounded for a week."
You stood up. "Seriously?! That's so unfair!" 
"It's completely fair. You are to not go out. You go to school and immediately come home."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, fuck off."
Lucifer's eyes darkened as he spoke your name with a low and careful tone. "Say that again."
"You're just pissed because your life is so boring! You see one person break the rules, and out of jealousy, you incite your oh so powerful wrath because you can't stand seeing people actually enjoy being alive."
"Don't you make assumptions about me!" Lucifer shouted, pointing his finger at you. "I am trying to help you!"
"News flash! Punishments won't help anyone!"
"Yes it does! I'm keeping you from wasting your time!"
"This," You motioned widely with your hands, as if to encompass your relationship with him in a bubble. "Is a waste of my time! Did you even ask me why I skipped?"
Lucifer's eye twitched. At this point, you knew it was best to tread lightly. That was, until he spoke again. "I don't need to know why! You were being stupid!"
"You're fucking stupid! You're nothing but a boring, pompous, power hungry asshole!"
Before you could let Lucifer even rip into you, you stomped out of his room and slammed the door. You were half expecting him to chase after you, demon form and all, but he never did. You huffed proudly to yourself. It was about time he was told what's what. 
When you opened your door, you saw Mammon and Levi lounged on your bed. Levi was laying on his stomach, fidgeting with his switch, while Mammon sat next to him. You flopped down on the only empty space. Immediately, both Mammon and Levi turned their attention to you. You stared at them, and then covered your eyes.
"That was bad, wasn't it?" 
Mammon hummed. "Honestly, I haven't heard him that angry in a while. Not even towards me."
"I haven't heard you yell," Levi thought out loud. "It was kinda…"
You groaned. "Enough."
Mammon poked at your cheek. "Are you ok?"
Were you? You felt drained. Fights were bad, but getting yelled at was worse . If these two weren't here, you would probably be crying. It's not like you haven't been lectured by Lucifer before. In fact, who hasn't been lectured by him? The hurt you felt more so came from him not having any faith in you at all. Sure, you could've told him beforehand you were skipping, but would he even have let you go?
"Tired," You mumbled, deciding not to express your hurt. "Wake me up when dinner is ready."
"Should we leave?" Mammon asked. You knew he wouldn't.
"It's fine."
About an hour later, you woke up to numb legs as Mammon shook you awake. You groggily rubbed your eyes and sat up. Levi was using your thighs as a body pillow as he continued to game. With a sigh, you pushed him off. Your head was pounding and you wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But your stomach grumbled. 
"What time is it?" You mumbled, slowly getting up.
"Almost six." Mammon answered.
"Whose turn was it to cook?"
"Satan's." Levi's game made an alarming noise. He sighed and tossed it down. "I can't pass this level!"
You sleepily smirk at him. "Need my help?"
"No. Last time I got your help, you wouldn't let me play for two hours ." 
You shrug. "It was fun."
No one spoke about the fight with Lucifer. You didn't want to talk about it either. You were ready for the awkwardness when you saw him out at dinner. Talking, but avoiding the touchy subject. Stiff words with no emotion. How fun did that sound? Levi trailed after you with his Switch while Mammon stood glued to your side.
As you sat at the dinner table, you noticed that Lucifer wasn't there. You tried to not look too concerned. Normally, he would be at dinner after lecturing anyone, as if to say "you could be next". Satan walked in with the main course and set it on the table next to the sides. It was some sort of roast with an array of "vegetables" as sides. He sat next to you. You saw Beel reaching for a piece of the roast. You took the giant fork before he could, and filled up his plate. Then you did the same to the rest of the brothers. When everyone had their plates, you all awkwardly looked at each other.
"Uhm…" Levi pursed his lips. "Do we…wait?"
"Why should we?" Satan rolled his eyes, picking up his fork. 
Belphie nods in agreement. "It's not like he ever waits for us." He yawns and sits back in his chair, hugging the pillow in his lap. "Let's just eat."
There were no complaints. Everyone started to eat. After a couple of silence-filled minutes, Asmo decided to fill up the silence with his escapades for the day. Something about the new clothes he got and new skincare products. It was a good distraction. Soon conversation flowed between all seven of you. Laughter and playful bickering was enough to have you in a good mood. That was until you heard the front door open and then slam shut. 
“I’m home!” Lucifer announced, his arms raised as he stumbled into the dining room. “Welcome me back!”
“Welcome back?” You questioned looking up from your plate. He looked like shit. “Where were you?”
“Well,” He slurred, all but falling in his chair. “Diavolo and I got a bit too enthusiastic with the Demonus...and drank six bottles each.”
“Jesus Christ man, it’s literally six in the evening.” Mammon gaped.
“Oh. I’m just a bit tipsy. And watch your language around the dinner table. Beelzelbub, please pass me some food.”
Beel looked up then frowned, his eyes growing as he scooted the plate closer to himself. You stifled a giggle as Lucifer reached out, trying to get any sort of food. Beel whined and defensively smacked his hand away. Lucifer grabbed his hand and gasped. Satan groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Great,” He groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Now we have to deal with this.”
“I find it quite amusing,” Asmo grinned, his chin resting on his hand.
“Deal with what?” You asked.
“That’s right!” Mammon smiled, a giddiness in his eyes. “You’ve never seen Lucifer drunk!”
“It’s nothing special,” Levi muttered.
“You’re only saying that because you don’t get scolded.” Belphegor snorted. “Get ready. You’re in for a treat.”
“Beelzebub!” Lucifer gasped again, totally offended. “How could you? I am your brother! I love you, and this is how you treat me?”
“And I love food.”
Lucifer drops his head onto the dining table with a thunk . His shoulders shook as if he was crying. You lifted an eyebrow. The once strong, proud, never faltering Lucifer was now nothing more than a clumsy drunk demon. You warily finished off your plate. As funny as it was to see him like this, you also were too tired to deal with him anymore for today. You silently stood, taking your plate into the kitchen. You go back into the dining room.
"I'm gonna go rest in my room for the rest of the night."
"I wanna come!" Levi says.
You shook your head. "I need alone time."
Satan interrupted him. "Just let them get rest."
You silently thanked him. After taking a glance at drunk Lucifer, who was still face down on the table, you left. Once in your room, you sat on the edge of your bed and chewed at your nails. Drunk? Drunk ? Lucifer drank, sure, but he wasn't once to get this bad. You doubt it was Diavolo's doing. Despite his upbeat and playful personality, he would never put Lucifer in a position like that. So it must've been —
Your eyes widen as the conversation you had with him earlier pops into your brain. Was it because you called him boring? Did he actually go out and get drunk to prove a point? Never had you thought that your words had any sort of effect on Lucifer. It felt kind of good , knowing that you were the one to lead him to this point.
"Let me in!"
Speak of the devil. There was a pounding at your door. You swung it open to see Lucifer. He smiled and then took a deep swig of water. You sighed, putting your hand on your hip. "Do you need something?"
Lucifer places his hand on your shoulder. "Can we talk?"
"I don't want to talk to you when you're drunk."
"But I wouldn't-" He pauses, blinking his eyes. Then he hiccups. " hic ! Ugh. Please?"
You shift your body so he could come in. Maybe it was a lapse of judgment, or maybe it was the fact that he currently had no filter. Whatever it was, something was telling you to let him in and hear you out. Lucifer walked over to your bed, his steps a little more stable. You sat next to him. 
He hummed a bit, taking the last bit of water. "Did you really mean it?"
You knew what he was talking about, but still, you asked. "Mean what?"
"When you called me a boring, pompous, power hungry asshole." His words smoothly ran into one another. He was sounding less and less drunk. "That really hurt, you know."
You snorted. "I can tell. I've never seen you act like this before."
His eyes softened slightly, as did his voice. "You wanted it to hurt?"
"I-" You took a moment to think. "I did. Because you hurt me."
"I'm just trying to make sure you live properly.." He groaned, leaning against your shoulder. "Just look at my brothers! They're always a mess."
"They're a mess because you keep meddling in their lives. We're all adults, Lucifer. If they need help, they'll ask. Stop trying to control everything. Stop trying to control me."
"But I have to!"
"So you act even more childish when you're drunk?"
"I'm not drunk," He straightened and then turned towards you. You stared at him as both his hands gripped the side of your face. "I need to protect you. I love you ."
Lucifer wasn't the type to be affectionate, much less say such weighted words. You can't even remember the last time he said them to his brothers. It took you aback. Then you remembered he was drunk, and it was probably all a lie anyway. So when he kissed you, you did nothing.
"Lucifer," You whispered, placing your hands on his chest. "You're drunk. Go to sleep."
"Please. Please kiss me back." His voice was so desperate. His eyes were no longer hazy, the cloudiness of alcohol all but gone. "Please."
It wasn't right of you to kiss him. Not when you were now doubting your feelings on him. With a shake of your head, you stood and left your room, closing the door behind you. The living room was lively as the boys played a board game. You sat in the corner, ignoring them and zoning out. Lucifer kissed you. He tried kissing you again. The platonic love you had originally thought he felt fell out the window. Your heart was pounding, but your eyes still felt heavy. All you could think about when you drifted off to sleep was Lucifer's desperate expression
You had tried avoiding Lucifer all day. At breakfast, on the way to school, in the halls, it seemed like everywhere you turned, he was there. You didn't want to talk about last night. It felt awkward. It felt painful. Maybe it's because this was the first time he was nice to you in ages and it's because he was drunk. Or maybe it's because you didn't want to find out that all those words were a lie. Whatever it was, you wanted to avoid it. 
The bell rang for lunch. You told Mammon that you would meet up with him later. In all the drama yesterday, you had forgotten to finish your homework for next period. You sat alone in the empty classroom and worked diligently to finish. Until a large hand placed itself over your papers.
You stood, gathering your stuff. "Not now, Lucifer."
"Can we just talk?" He sighed.
"I need to go meet up with Mammon." You tried to push past him. "I'm going to be late."
He rolled his eyes. "So you're not going to finish your homework? I'll help." 
That made you snort. He really needed to get his thoughts under control. You didn't need to be here for that, so you tried leaving. But he didn't let you. Instead, his hands wrapped around your waist and he pushed you back until you hit your desk. His body was flush against yours as he looked down at you with a stern expression.
"What are you doing?" You hissed.
"We need to talk about last night."
"Do you even remember what happened?"
He winced slightly. "I remember asking Diavolo if I was boring. I remember drinking to prove both of you wrong. I remember coming home-" Lucifer's voice dropped to a whisper as his hand gently cradled your cheek, his thumb grazing against your lips. "And making a fool of myself. I remember telling you how hurt I felt…and how you wanted me to be hurt."
Your face was ablaze in a blush. Lucifer's voice was always smooth while talking. Right now, it rendered you helpless as you just stared at him. "So are you going to apologize?"
"I am. I won't say I'll change right away…but you made it clear how you felt. How I made you feel. But now…"
"I want you to feel good."
This kiss wasn't based on drunk feelings. This one was calm and confident. His lips were warmer, softer than you remembered. And this time you kissed Lucifer back. You let yourself get lost in the way his lips seemed to so perfectly fit against yours. His hand moved down to your neck, while the other squeezed your waist as he tried to press himself closer to you. He let out a soft chuckle, as if he had just won something. You bit his lip. "Ow! Seriously?" He glared at you.
You grinned and patted his cheek. "Just a little revenge."
"You get a pass this time," He sighed. He looked at you with such a loving gaze, that you had to look away. "I truly am sorry. I have crossed the line yesterday, multiple times. I lost my temper. Next time you are in need of a lecture, I will not resort to the same method."
You raised an eyebrow. "Next time. And what method will you use?"
He smirked. Before you could ask what he was doing, his lips were attached to your neck. You let out a surprised gasp. Lucifer laughed and leaned back. "This one. Hopefully it'll deter you."
"Asshole!" You playfully pushed him back. "How about being more lenient?"
"How about giving me a warning next time you decide to skip?"
"Good." Lucifer pauses. He shifts uncomfortably. "I apologize for raising my voice and not bothering to hear you out. And…about what I said last night…don't feel pressured to answer. I want to take it slow. By taking you on a date. Tonight."
"I can't."
"What?" His face fell. "But I thought-"
You shrugged. "I'm grounded. Not allowed to go out."
Lucifer's face turned red. It was such a cute sight. After a second, he composed himself again, giving you a smirk. "Oh, you play a tough game. You're no longer grounded. Good?"
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pigeonwit · 2 months
I AM ASKING YOU ABOUT RACEVID (or RAVEY, or whatever it is the kids call it wbwbwb) !!!!
(i got one nice ask about it so i'm digging out this half-a-year old draft to talk about my personal racevid hcs that i cringe-cultured myself out of posting, take it away pidge-from-six-months-ago)
i honestly wasn't expecting this much racevid support. on my old newsies blog way back i made posts about these guys and they typically only got like. 3 notes? granted my writing wasn't as good so maybe i'm persuading people. or maybe the newsies fandom is finally waking up to the wonderful possibilities of multishipping. one of the two.
part two of the racevid analysis!! this one is less of an analysis of how they behave in the musical and more my own personal headcanons of their relationship and how it develops. part one (a very unpolished and rambley analysis of racevid in uksies) is here if anyone's curious!
right. so. it's act 2. jack publicly denounced and betrayed the strike. race leaves with davey, both in shame over being betrayed by (to race) the brother he grew up with and trusted more than anyone and (to davey) the guy he didn't even want to trust in the first place, but still put his faith in despite knowing better. the next day jack comes BACK, asking them both to trust him again. what would you do.
i'm of the firm belief that race only came back to the strike because davey agreed to come back, too. i don't think either of them necessarily FORGAVE jack in that moment - it'd only been a day and while we as the audience understand why jack (a frightened seventeen year old with little to no prospects or power) did what he did, we can also understand why it stung so deeply for them to be betrayed by someone they put so much faith in. especially davey - like i said in part 1, i believe davey has feelings for jack in every universe, and for him to not only trust, but fall in love with someone despite knowing better, only for it to come back and bite him (the way he KNEW it would but convinced himself otherwise) would be a humiliation that runs deep for him. but davey believes in doing the right thing, and as much as jack hurt him, he still trusts him to do what's right, too. that's another one of those strange mirrored-similarities race and davey have - davey loves so intensely that he still has faith in the good of a person, even when he believes that that person isn't good to him. race loves so intensely that if you burn the bridge you have with him, he will do everything he can to keep it from getting rebuilt.
i know both of them would forgive jack eventually. for davey, jack's family. you fight with family, you disagree, you throw things and scream in each other's faces, but you do that because you love each other and want what's best. so as long as jack's willing to put the work in, davey is, too, and he can still be mad at jack and not willing to forgive him yet while still loving him. i think race is a different story, though, especially JPB's race, who i think has a lot more grit, anger and seriousness to him than other race's. race has been with jack for years, they've grown together, talked together, maybe he hasn't always been perfect, but if jack was so scared, why he couldn't he just talk to him?! i personally view race as a kid who was very overlooked by his family (i saw that 'race has like 12 cousins in brooklyn' thing someone said and ran with it, so in my head he comes from a BIIIIG big catholic family) and so he takes it quite personally when people ignore him. in his head, jack not trusting him enough with his fears is saying he doesn't trust race the way race trusts him, doesn't see him as family the way race sees him like a brother. and i think race's response to this (in his own mentally ill 'i love you so much that i hate you for it' way) is to push him away. he's looking for reasons to resent jack here - and i think a big one of those reasons is davey.
for context; like i said in part one, my personal Racevid Story is that after the rally failure, race - being person who's used to the temporary nature of pleasure, and so grabs hold of any vice he can without thinking (gambling, smoking, fighting, etc) - would've impulsively kissed davey as a sort of 'please stay, i need help, please don't leave me in this mess alone' gesture. but i think davey is so used to shoving down his feelings and pretending he's fine that he would've gotten freaked out by the sudden notion that maybe race is attracted to him. he's barely got a handle on his feelings for jack, he's alone and scared and has no one to talk to, and now race is here, KISSING him, and it's all wonderful and confusing and TERRIFYING and he can't deal with it right now. so i think they would've just stopped, stared at each other, mumbled some kind of excuse and let themselves be dragged to their own responsibilities - race to the newsies, davey to his family, and neither of them having the nerve to actually understand what they want, because that would mean being vulnerable enough to want something.
i think jack coming back and davey immediately trusting him (despite knowing better) is going to make race angry for two reasons; first of all, like i said two paragraphs ago (fuck i'm rambling so much here) i think race would be looking for reasons to resent jack for what he did (again, coming from a very teenagery 'i love you so much i hate you for it' place), and second, i think it's also a source of jealousy for him. davey BARELY knew jack and still gave him everything. davey had no reason to trust any of them and he still did. davey could've thrown race away immediately, but he still made the effort to see him, so how dare jack cast that aside in favour of a daydream? (again, this isn't a jack criticism - this is just how i think race views the situation.) race (to me) is not used to people seeing him, certainly not used to people making an EFFORT to see him and take him seriously, and davey gave him all of that without him even needing to ask for it - and now race has messed that up and davey isn't talking to him, which he probably deserves, but jack messed up too!! why does JACK get to keep being seen? doesn't race deserve it, too? (again, i really think race's family overlooked him a lot and that's why he tries so hard to be such a commanding presence and keep peoples attention, because it hurts so much when other people are allowed attention so freely and he isn't.)
i don't buy in to davey being a mom-friend who wants to solve all his friends problems for them. i did shit like that when i was younger, and honestly i still do, and i just don't think that after the strike and all that he learned about himself, davey would fall into assuming that the only value he has is to fix things for everyone else (i mean, i do still think davey would have some issues to work out after the strike, hence 'run boy run', but not this specific issue). but i do think davey is very protective over the people he loves, and i think this rift between jack and race is affecting him, too. i think maybe the topic of jack comes up, and he tries getting race to talk more about it. when race refuses to talk, davey - finally - brings up the kiss.
this is entering fanfiction territory so im not gonna try to write out dialogue here or anything. i think itd be another example of them fumbling for a way to reach one another. neither one is used to speaking the others language, so to speak. i think race would feel especially humiliated given the turbulent situation, and i think davey would be struggling so much to find the 'right' words that he'd become defensive and panicky. and i think that would all bubble up into davey just blurting out something of the lines of 'i trust you'. and i think that'd be the thing that connects for them. not just being liked, but being seen for all their flaws and difficulties and being trusted anyways. i think that'd be the trigger for davey bullying race into finally talking to jack about what happened, race coming back to the strike, and the two of them entering a slow, tentative relationship that, as their dynamic in the show does, grows much steadier with time.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
So I’ve got to ask, would you recommend Tokyo Revengers from your experience so far? Does the story and characters outweigh the (alleged) obnoxious currency system and money grabs?
So my gut reaction is to say no, I do not because I just cannot feel comfortable recommending this game in the state it's in, but I am going to make a pros and cons list to help maybe give you (and anyone else curious) a basic idea of where my head is at right now and help you make your own decision.
THERE ARE NO CAMPAIGN REWARDS. I cannot stress that enough there is nothing being given out to day one players to help you get started, and honestly it's super hard. Saving up for pulls feels like a foreign concept, there are so few opportunities to earn gems I have no real idea how I would even start building a stash let alone a team with the few characters I currently have. They don't give you a free SSR like twst does to help out, just the free SR from choosing your guy at the beginning though they do have a paid free SSR function. Now Twisted Wonderland does too, but like I said they give you a free one with unlimited re-rolls at the start.
Someone actually did the math about pulls and I agree with their assessment here: the cost isn't the worst I have seen in a gacha, but when you couple that with no free SSR for f2p, lack of reliable way to earn gems and I can feel it being a nightmare if the game progresses any further without a re vamp of some sort.
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There really is no point to the combat or team building in this game beyond being a road block between you and the story. It's full auto which could be neat if there were nice animations but there aren't. It really might as well not be there, and that's before you get to the SSR rates...
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Neither Pro nor Con
You might have noticed the above reddit user talking about the distinction between joseimuke vs otome and the reason for that is way back when this game was first announced it was supposed to be an otome game, which implies a level of explicit romance and relationship between the MC and the characters that is not typically present in joseimuke games. The current version of the game has a cast that seems to have completely changed, both character and voice actor wise. The stated reason for this and the delay was "changes in the market." It was originally supposed to be based off of Tokyo Ghoul? And was supposed to release in 2019, but was delayed until 2020, then put on indefinite hiatus until it's release now.
On an unrelated note, OG Obey Me! was released on December 11, 2019, Twisted Wonderland was released in Japan on March 18 2020, and Genshin Impact's world wide release was on September 28 of the same year. Make of that what you will.
"Yuri why did you bring up Obey Me?" Well Solomon's ring is introduced as a plot device... which could be interesting if they are going the direction I think they are with it but I don't know if I have enough faith in them for that.
The Pros
The characters in this game are honestly really fun. I really do mean that, I am not sold on their dorms/houses but the dynamics between the characters themselves are good for what they are. But the tone is very goofy compared to Twisted Wonderland (despite featuring more explicit topics) and I don't think these characters are as well developed as twst's are, but I think that can be chalked up to one of these games having been written by a manga author and the other having not.
I am a little bitch who hates horror stuff and is easily spooked but I really love how they are using modern internet horror monsters in this game. The first book features a creepy pasta monster that I was legitimately afraid of as a kid and I love their take on him. This second book features a ghost from a popular Japanese creepypasta. I'm a sucker for people being creative and using things that have become a part of popular culture without making it cringe, and I think this game succeeds at that.
Wrap Up
This entire situation has made me think about two animes I really like that I think sort of fall into the same dynamic as Twisted Wonderland and Tokyo Debunker. The first I am sure you have heard of, it's called Komi Can't Communicate and follows a girl with trouble communicating who really wants to make friends, and ends up accidentally befriending a guy who wants to help her out. The manga started being released in 2016 and is still going. It's quite good and I like it a lot.
The second is a little show called Aharen-san wa Hakarenai. It's manga started in 2017 and it received an anime adaptation around the same time as Komi san was being adapted. It follows a girl who has trouble communicating who really wants to make friends who accidentally befriends a guy who wants to help her out. I have no idea if Komi-san inspired Aharen-san nor do I really care because once you get past the generic set up, the routes the story takes are completely different as are the personalities of the characters. Komi is a slice of life and coming of age story in addition to a romcom, whereas Aharen is just a straight up romcom with a really cute main couple. There is room for both to exist because both stories do their own thing, just with a similar premise. There really is no reason Tokyo Debunker and Twisted Wonderland can't do the same, provided TD gives itself room to breathe and fixes it's damn grind.
Well assuming it picks up in Japan, it doesn't seem super popular over here right now.
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deadbeat-motel · 4 months
Just saw and commented on your new sinner designs, LOVE them all so much!
I do have to ask because your Deadbeat Motel lives rent-free in my head at this point, already a much better execution than HH IMO. Would Charlie and Valerie be tryna redeem Crymini, Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb- and possibly Husk and Nifty- or would their main focus of redemption still just be Angel Dust?
And one more question, does our silly awkward transmasc anglerfish king Baxter come into this story at all?
Ah! I'm really happy to hear that since I've been using this as an exercise in writing and character-building. Plus It's genuinely the only way I'm able to enjoy HH as I'm fixing so many big issues that I have about it wasting the potential of some genuinely amazing and creative concepts. (AngelDust, Charlie and Nifty come into mind)
Also, I'm really glad you asked (since looking at my schedule, it might take me a while to finish everyone's rewrites and redesigns) So here's the answer to your question (and a sprinkle of trivia about Deadbeat Motel):
Charlie, Redemption and the Sinners:
Charlie and Valerie will be focusing on redeeming Every sinner of the motel, including Alastor (who in this rewrite, is not a patron of the hotel but a powerful overlord who was roped into this project because of Lilith's meddling).
The sinners and Valerie all have varying degrees of faith in this project (A little spoiler-y but who cares, I'm not making an Amazon show.): > Valerie is in this project because she too wants to know if there is a chance for a sinner (maybe even her) can find some way to become good enough to be accepted in heaven. Despite having been taught to know that the answer is "no.", Charlie has taught her to believe in what others think is impossible. > Angel Dust is honestly only here because it's the first place that feels safe for him. He doesn't believe it's possible to redeem him but he's happy enough to have a place that Val can't find some way to ruin. > Despite his pessimistic outlook, there's a part of him that would want redemption to be possible. His son died fairly young and was in heaven, so far out of his reach. If redemption is possible, then maybe he can see him again. > Nifty is indifferent, to her, it was all grown-up talk she wasn't interested in. Redemption? Blegh, if it was a boy, it would most certainly be one she would stray away from. > Cherri Bomb doesn't care about redemption and frankly thinks it's impossible, she's just here because no other Women Group wants her and this is the only one that wants to accept her that has only 3 men. Even if it's possible, she doubts that the people she hurt want to forgive her. > Crymini doesn't even fully understand why she's here and hates hell. She's just in this project because she thinks she deserves to be up there in heaven. She doesn't believe she needs to do any kind of redeeming. > Alastor has absolutely no faith in the project and that he can be redeemed, he thinks it a waste of time as he knows that even certain people belong in hell (Overlords like himself for example. Humans who earned that spot in hell for their Heinous sins while they were alive.) He's only here because he struck a deal with Lilith to look after Charlie. > Pentious...... I'm still working on her
If I had to rank them from Most redeemable to irredeemable, It'd be: Crymini -> Husk -> Pentious -> Nifty -> Angel Dust -> CherriBomb -> Alastor
Oh! and to be true to the name, they are actually running a small motel instead of the grand hotel we see in the show proper. It makes it feel a lot more tight-knit.
To be real honest with you, I have no idea how to write Baxter into this since There's not much I know of the guy and I try to not have duplicates in this rewrite. The mad scientist role already belongs to Pentious. I might make him Pentious' partner in crime, and possibly make Cherri Bomb feel somewhat threatened that some person may have her snake's heart before she does.
Also, Baxter is the one character I might not want to redesign because miraculously, this is the first Vivziepop design that I have absolutely no problems with. I don't even mind the little bowler hat. It's absolutely adorable!
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