#I have enjoyed the KH fandom's reaction to it though
lynxgriffin · 1 year
What do you think of the Twitter symbol into a plain x and it name into to x
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I can't believe that Twitter got Norted.
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I'm only saying this anonymously because I don't want my tumblr to be connected to my Ao3, but I plan on writing a kh fic with Union Cross Characters (it's inspired by both "Dandelion Bud" and "For Those Who We Masters Have Wronged" by someone whose username I don't remember how to spell). The only issue is that I know... very little about actual KHUX lore, so I'm just going "f*ck it" and making characters related who aren't probably related (Brain and PC are siblings, and Riku is Ephemer's Great x3 or 4 nephew), and giving them personalities that are probably not canon (PC is a Gen Z before Gen Z existed, and I chose to name her Zee and make her and Brain's last name Gen, because of course I did. PC is also a gremlin of chaos who taught Ven how to swear...) and I also decided to tell you Ven and Van's reactions to seeing PC (Zee) again:
Ven: Oh God, no, Zee
I know even less about Dark Road, so I'm just... ignoring its existence and hoping for the best. This fic is going to be a mess, but hopefully it'll be a lovable mess
(I also have plans for an even more chaotic mess of a kh crossover that is currently running on my inspiration from another fic, my seemingly permanent dp x dc brainrot, and way too many psychology facts I've looked up just to make sure that things that happen are actually plausible things to be done by children of the traumatized kind... WRITING, EVERYONE!)
I decided to tell you this because A. I want to know Ephemer's personality and I don't physically have the patience to watch a playthrough of KHUX or all its cutscenes
And B. I thought that Ven and Van's reaction to Zee is hilarious (She actually used to "babysit" them [although it was just the older, nearly adult, keyblade wielders going "let's let Strizella, Zee, and Ven have their own little group, they're the younger kids" and Strizella having missions], and Ven does care about her [platonically], but he's also terrified of her because she'd recognize his face and she is now the youngest [something that she cheered about not being anymore when he was adopted into Ephemer, Skuld, Laurium, Elrena, Strizella, Brain, and Zee's froend group])
I just hoped that the differing reactions to Zee "I don't want to babysit a ten year old, so I'm going to be the worst influence ever" Gen being back in all her fourteen year old chaotic glory
hey, you know what? I respect this. Not everyone has the time and energy to fully absorb media to the fullest but they still have the right to enjoy certain characters and write about them. The longtime khux fan in me is just happy that people want to write about the characters, period.
I’ve seen countless fics in different fandoms where the characters are so different than how they are in canon that they’re practically ocs, but the plot and concept of the fic are absolutely amazing. In fact, the fic that got me into writing in the first place was exactly one of those. You do you, anon! Learn as much about a character as you want, or don’t. Just write to your heart’s content.
I will say this for Eph though, since you asked. I would describe him as friendly, someone you can trust. He’s inquisitive, full of ideas, and down to go pretty much anywhere if there’s something to be learned or found. And he’s full of spunk. Even if he has some doubts about his own capabilities, he’s someone you can rely on to help you out and he’ll stand by you through thick and thin.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
What’s your take on Cloud’s depression during AC? People on twitter are suddenly talking about this, again. This matter was brought up by those antis saying that we Clotis should accept the fact that Tifa wasn’t the one who “healed” Cloud and that she was also being mean and not considerate whatsoever. The funny thing is that, they also accused us of denying his depression and not understanding it. TF. Let’s be real, Tifa played a major part, in fact she gave him morale thx to her “scolding” lol
Hey anon.. 
Yeah, Twitter has me depressed today. I think it started last night. I was enjoying it for a bit, but the last week or two have been so bad over there with bullshit that I’m about to just take a break from the entire fandom. 
My Take on AC Cloud:
I watched AC when it first came out, and I barely remember it. I remember I didn’t like what they did. Why was Cloud so depressed and brooding? Oh Aerith is in this? Interesting. I felt like it was disjointed and removed a lot of the great progress Cloud made in OG. They kept this depressed, brooding guy in KH as well... It just didn’t seem right to me. I was young, too. 
At this point we also didn’t have On the Way to a Smile, Crisis Core, or anything else, really.. None of the Ultimanias were in English at this point. I also was not interested enough in going online. It was a weird time when I was playing other things and was meh on FF7 for a while. I was always a FF8 fangirl, so was jealous of FF7 at times hahaha. It got so much more attention and love. 
It took me a long time to watch it again. I remember my husband watching it before Remake came out and I felt mad or sad. It was like an emotion from memory, and I didn’t know why. I can’t describe it. I saw it on the TV and was like why is this on here... 
After playing Remake, I bit the bullet and ordered AC Complete, which had things tweaked and added. I also am now in my 30′s and have a lot more life experience.
Antis like to say Cloud is depressed solely because Aerith is dead and he wants to be with her. This may be one of the reasons I didn’t like AC, because when I did happen to come across some FF7 thing online, I’d see this shit and be like whatever, that makes no sense. 
I enjoyed ACC. My heart was actually pounding and I was nervous/intrigued by what was going on even though I knew the story. I haven’t read all of CoT yet, but I’ve seen the excerpts online, so I know the general gist of things.
Based strictly on ACC:
Cloud is really upset that Denzel is sick. He’s obsessively looking up medical stuff to figure out how to cure it - this is shown with everything all over his desk. He’s closed in on himself to do this. I did the same shit when my dad had cancer. I did it for three fucking years while he was alive - from the time he got diagnosed to the day he was dying. Every damn day I looked up articles, research, and theories. It’s not healthy. It’s depressing and I closed myself off from the world half the time and didn’t realize it. Thank God my husband is a patient saint. 
Cloud does care a lot about Tifa. His reaction alone at seeing her knocked out in the church is heart wrenching. When they’re brought back to Seventh Heaven, Cloud pops right up when he sees Tifa there. He then stays with her until she wakes up. This is a pretty good amount of time. The sun is up when he’s looking over her, and when she wakes up, it’s dark outside. He could have slipped out again without her noticing if he really wanted to. I’m sure he may have contemplated it. 
She calls his ass out on how he’s acting. She knows he’s sick at this point. This was huge for Tifa who’s not confrontational. He clearly doesn’t want to completely disconnect, or he would have gotten rid of his cell phone voluntarily. He doesn’t. They actually show him checking his messages. 
Ultimately Cloud leaves because he ends up with Geostigma. That’s the last straw. He can’t face the fact that he’s going to die and what it’ll do to his family, so he leaves. Listen, I think the only reason my dad didn’t try to leave when he was diagnosed was because he had nowhere to go and by time he started verbalizing wanting to leave, he was physically unable to. Yes, I remember him being angry because he was hospitalized again and he told my mom he was going to get an apartment by himself so she didn’t know when he was getting bad. It’s very hurtful to even think it, and even worse when you know they don’t actually mean it... They do it because they don’t want to see their family hurt. 
The setup he has at the church as his “living” area is super depressing. It looks like something a homeless person sets up. He legit was going to wait to die. He had a lot of knowledge about this, so he figured there was nothing he could do. 
Marlene calls Cloud out on his bullshit too. Cloud admits to her he doesn’t think he can take care of anybody. Marlene Barrret quotes him and it’s cute. I think Cloud appreciated it and I think it made him think.
In ACC, Cloud has a short conversation with Aerith. Aerith seems almost annoyed with him like “wtf is your deal, dude” kind of attitude. Zack shows up when he’s bloody and half dead fighting Sephiroth to encourage him. There are scenes with him talking at Zack’s grave and saying he couldn’t keep his promise to him. He flat out tells Aerith he wants to be forgiven. He doesn’t say I miss you, I want to be with you, none of that happens. In fact, it’s mainly her telling him HE needs to start doing some forgiving - ultimately to himself. 
When Cloud is in limbo - between living and dying - Cloud says “Mom.” Very romantic, I know. Then Zack and Aerith have a conversation very similar to a couple that’s going to adopt a child and they tell Cloud he’s too big for them. This is the “I see the light” and the person on the other side is like “nah bro go back, not your time yet.”
He wakes up, Tifa and crew is there, he smiles at Tifa... and it’s a happy ending. He sees both Zack AND Aerith at the end, and they walk off in to the light together all cute and shit.
Adding in Things from the Novels/Interviews/Thoughts:
The devs have said Cloud was happy with his family and that scared him. The happier he got, the more scared he got. We know he cherishes everything. He especially cherishes the family he has.
Cloud’s depression spiral started from the high anxiety of having a happy life and Elmyra asking him to deliver flowers to Aerith’s grave. Now, I have my feelings about this, but when I look at it logically, I don’t think Elmyra ultimately does this out of spite. I actually don’t think Elmyra thinks Cloud and Aerith were a thing - so it wasn’t that either. I think she knew Cloud was friends with her and maybe he’d want to deliver some flowers - to give him some business. 
This flower delivery reminds Cloud of what he thinks is his failure to protect somebody else. At this point he has his memories of what happened to Nibelheim, his mother, Tifa, and Zack. The Sector 7 plate drop and Aerith are the most recent “failures”. So this brings up Aerith.
Then Denzel comes along and he’s an orphan because his parents were... yeah... killed during the Sector 7 plate collapse. Double ouch. But Cloud and Tifa are going to take care of him.
Tifa herself has a lot of guilt because of the same reasons, she just deals with it very differently. Tifa tells Cloud to bring Denzel right home. She can make amends by adopting him in to her family and caring for him. Cloud thinks Aerith brought Denzel to him (Tifa corrects him). This is a Cloud thing, it’s not romantic. Cloud doesn’t know the guilt Tifa feels. He legit thinks all of this is his fault. Tifa’s guilt stems from the fact that Shinra drops the plate because Avalanche was in Sector 7 - she was in Avalanche. She feels guilty about Aerith because she thinks its her fault Aerith followed them to Don Corneo’s mansion. The thing is, Aerith doesn’t blame EITHER of them - I just wish they’d cover a Tifa/Aerith conversation about this as well... 
Cloud and Tifa do have fights in the novels from what I understand, but it’s because he’s acting weird. He feels bad hiding the fact that he’s been going to the church a lot, and I think that does turn in to a whole LTD debate. So you can take this as Tifa is jealous that he’s going to the church all the time or she’s upset that he is hiding from her. 
In the novels, Tifa has a breakdown when they go see the church after they defeat Sephiroth. This is where you get to see how badly Aerith’s death impacted her. So my thought is... Cloud thinks bringing her to the church hurts her because of her feelings, not because she’s jealous. I think Cloud is oblivious to the jealousy thing, honestly. Don’t think it’s a thought in his mind. 
I honestly don’t know the real reason why he goes to the church to hide. I think this is another point of fight with both sides. My personal take is there was nowhere else he could go and be alone. Most of the stuff had been destroyed. It was still close by, so he could still do his work and keep an eye on things/be nearby.
There is a quote that is taken to be literal, but I think it’s just a way to say it wouldn’t have mattered who Cloud was “with.” Yes, Tifa and Cloud have issues, and I believe the quote goes “Perhaps it would have gone better with Aerith, but I think her responsibility is too great. Maybe the children will help them with their issues.” This isn’t exact, but it’s the jist of what they said. The children do help them - that’s the point of the scenes with Marlene, to slap him silly with reality. 
“Oh but he sees Aerith when the building is falling.” Yes, you know why? Because he thinks that’s going to happen to Tifa. This is a “NO I’M NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN.” moment. On top of it, I don’t think anybody would be right again if they saw this happen. If my neighbor was impaled by a large sword in their back, I’d be messed up from it. I don’t really know my neighbors. He’s not replaying this death scene in his head cuz he misses Aerith, he’s playing it in his head because it’s traumatic and he doesn't want to see this happen to Tifa. Especially Tifa. 
It’s been put in Ultimanias time and time again that Cloud’s feelings are for Tifa. I went through my Ultimania - which only covers OG - and it doesn’t say anything about Cloud’s side of the CA argument. It does say how he feels about Tifa in the Lifestream, though. 
The “He wants to die for her, see, that’s why he’s going to the church and waiting.” No, he doesn’t want to die or else he wouldn’t be so depressed. Just thinking this is fucked up on so many levels. If he really wanted to die and be with her, he’d be happy he got an incurable illness, I’d think... Cloud leaves Tifa and them because he doesn’t want to hurt him with him dying and not being able to stop it. 
The other thing that would be... weird... Zack is in the Lifestream with Aerith. They walk off together for a reason. I don’t think she’s going to just drop Zack for Cloud since the whole reason she was initially interested in Cloud was because of the similarities to Zack. He had the same sword, the same clothes, and in OG had some of the same mannerisms. I noticed the dropped the squatting in Remake - the random squatting.
The ending of ACC implies that now that Geostigma is cured and Sephiroth is (hopefully) gone for good, Cloud can be happy. I’m not saying that his smile fixes everything. I’m sure that him and Tifa had to work on things, but you can see in DoC that things seem to be much better - he’s more upbeat and happy. He’s more dorky, like he should be. 
Sorry this is long. I have a lot of feelings about all this stuff today. I’ve been seeing the fights over on Twitter about it and.. yeah. Cloud is depressed because of the fact he’s dying, his kid is dying, and he can’t seem to do anything right in his mind.
Thanks for the ask. 
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eradicatetehnormal · 3 years
In The Case Of Shipping. Queer Ships and Straight Ships
A topic I will never shut up about. Before I start I will admit, I am on the queer side of fandom a lot more often than I am on the straight side and I will be speaking from that perspective. If you have another perspective to share with me, please do so respectfully.
Shipping will always be something that gray to me. I like shipping culture and enjoy certain communities around certain ships, but people getting way too defensive about it will always be something to drags me emotionally. It makes me sad especially when it's people who are like me. Fellow queer shippers trying to explain why certain things between two characters can be seen as queer coding and then being called delusional by people who are either willfully ignorant or simply don't understand the point of queer coding. That's not to say queer shippers are without fault, however. We do have a really terrible tendency of calling people who don't like our ship homophobic and ignoring characters from other media that ARE actually written to be queer, in favor of continuing to argue that there are next to no queer characters in the content they like. While they are scarce they are not non-existent. Not to mention, a decent amount of character portrayals do tend to be very extremely sexual and can be found in places that they do not belong.
That being said straight shippers aren't without their faults either. For starters, I don't really see this being brought up, but they also like to portray characters in very sexual ways as well. Particularly, male characters, with a popular means of sexualization being centered around predatorial behavior towards one of the female characters, or being a C H A D. Again, I personally don't have a particular issue with this, but just like queer sexual content, it does not belong where anyone can see it. Straight shippers also have a bad habit of calling queer shippers p*dos and perverts, even for the most inoffensive gay fan content imaginable.
With so much tension heating up between two groups, any interaction can come off as an attack even if that wasn't the intention. We queer shippers tend to get sensitive when someone has the opinion that our ship isn't real. Now sometimes we are justified in getting annoyed with these people as some of them will go out of their way to find joke posts and innocent fan art of a same-sex ship and pull that line, even though that wasn't really the point of the original post. However, even in people's own spaces when they aren't going out of their way to attack us, we still get offended. What gives? So let's take a tweet that's similar to what I'm describing:
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(obviously, this is a fake image, I'm just using it to get my point across)
Now on its own, there's nothing wrong with this tweet. In general, there's nothing with this tweet. It's just showing frustration with people making every relationship a romance even if two characters only interacted for a few minutes. That's true. Shippers do enjoy pairing two people together, particularly men, who don't really interact with each other. Here's the thing though. This is an argument that's very popular and one that's been used by some not-so-well-meaning people.
Alright, it's sad people hours now, sorry sis. So for a good amount of queer people who are online or are big fans of fiction, fandom has been a big part of their lives. Shipping, in particular, holds a special place in many queer fans' hearts as, even though it's pathetic, ships were a lot of people's first exposure to genuinely queer content focused around queer characters. It would be through this shipping that a lot of people would find friends who were into the same media and fan content. Some of these people would grow up together and eventually find out that the other was queer. Some of these people would go on to have romantic relationships with each other, and because they meant because of a ship, would go on to continuously celebrate it as if it were real because part of the reason their romance is real is because of that ship. Sometimes people will hold certain ships dear to their heart because they were able to use them to not only find other people like them but explore their own sexual and romantic orientation via fan fiction and fan art.
The attachment to fictional, non-canon relationships would be met with consequences, however. A lot of people would become TOO immersed in their ship and would start to get into debates with straight shippers. Many of which were, unfortunately, homophobic or queerphobic in some way. A lot of the arguments these people would use were a lot of the arguments used today. "Said ship isn't real, you're delusional", "That wasn't the writer's intention", "Stop forcing your ship onto other people", "Two people can't be friends anymore".
It's when you look at it through this lens:
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That the fake tweet above starts to look like it was trying to say something a bit different:
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Now is this what the tweet is actually saying? Probably not. TityMaster69 might be someone who has faced harrasment from shippers innocently trying to vent out their feelings, but because many people with malicous intentions have said the exact same things and used it as an excuse to speak ill of queer people in fandom, it FEELS a lot more mean-spirited than it might actually be. To add to that, many malicious people have used the reactions of queer shippers as a means of giving a pass to genuine queerphobia inside fandom outside of shipping:
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The screenshot ARE real this time and in are relation to this btw:
Now to be fair StarVolt358 did apologize to the person who retweeted the post, but the fact that they even brought it up at such an inappropriate time does still prove my point because, in a way, they did bring it up to draw less attention to the queerphobia in the KH fandom.
Stuff like this has led to queer shippers being berated and attacked by straight shippers in the community, even though in some cases they can do more damage than the people they're calling out. Let's not forget when Reylo fans doxxed and harrassed the actors because they didn't like whatever happened in the Rise of Skywalker, or when Sokai fans harrassed the voice actor SpuukyLIVE on Twitter for joking that the scene in kh2 when Sora sees Riku again was gay.
As I do not have a lot of energy, there are a lot of nuances I've missed, like many people who like queer m/m ships being straight teen girls and not actual queer people or queer people who like straight ships. This was, however, just a post to get my full thots out there. I'll shut up now.
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Sorry for not posting part 2 yet, kinda got absorbed in Re : Mind.
I played it the whole way through and it was so awesome!
I'm kind of fed up with the fandom though. It's just so insufferable.
I agree that 30 dollars was way too pricey and maybe it should have been 20, but can't we appreciate what it gave us, leaving that aside?
We got an expanded Scala, with a huge new map that if using kh2's map sizes, it would have been like 7 or 8 rooms in that (the main plaza, the winding streets, the place with the puzzle daybreak thing, the fountain, the underground sewers, the gardens and the place where you find the 5th piece)
We got a Final Mix amount of new scenes (5 or 6 new ones at the start, remixed ones in the laberynth, the whole ending part is all new)
We got a remixed final battle that felt as climactic as kh2 with even reaction commands again.
We got the data org in Limit Cut, which is as good, if not better, than the data org in 2.
We got the data greeting, that lets us customize our own photos, and use even previously non-playable areas like Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden as backgrounds
We got a extra boss that's as good as LW and as balanced. Plus whathever crazy ties it has with other Nomura games.
We got a premium menu that adds harder and easier modifications for a new game, plus a lot of gameplay challenges as you progress through the story.
That's a lot of really good content! I loved it so, so much, but a section of the fandom is not only unsatisfied (which I respect) but they go to every possitive comment people post, and reply with things like "too bad it wasn't on the main game" or "this was a nice scene but I ain't paying 30 dollars for this trash".
Can I just enjoy this content without all this endless hate people seem to have, please? When kh2 came out, if you go to 2006 blog posts, people also trashed it saying that it was dissapointing after the wait. This fandom is similar to the Zelda one, in which a portion of the fandom instantly hates everything new that comes out.
It's so bad that Bizkit047 ( one of the best speedrunners) had to actually explain to his audience in the comments that the secret boss is actually as good as Lingering Will in terms of design, because people were just incredibly eager to dismiss it as Osaka Team bullshit.
I'm sorry for venting about all of this here, but kh is one of my top two video game franchises and it just frustrates me.
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xiiishadesofgrey · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts III: A Long Time Coming
As we’re about a month after the release of KH3, I wanted to get out my thoughts on the game (there are spoilers below). I might be talking into the void, but hey, that’s what fandom’s all about. Anyway, let’s rock.
First things first: I loved the game. I’m biased, because I’ve been in love with this series ever since I saw the first trailer on tv all those years ago. I have some criticisms, but please never take those to mean that I don’t love this game because I do.
My main issue with the plot of KH3 is that I think pacing was a weak point in this one. Now, I’m used to playing through mostly irrelevant Disney worlds the whole time and then getting a plot dump at the end. I know how this series works; that’s not my issue. The problem is that there are a lot of characters who would pop in to do something pivotal, and then make an equally swift exit without any real closure. Demyx and Vexen come to mind, but even the non-benched OrgXIII members didn’t do much besides serve in the boss rush and make their goodbyes (while the other fighters politely waited before continuing to rough you up).  We knew there was going to be a huge cast of characters, but for the ones that served to move the plot forward, in a lot of cases I was left feeling like I didn’t have an answer for why the roles had to be filled by them in particular. (Connections to KHUX were blurry at best, though that’s more of an issue with series planning than with this game on its own. I’m okay with using Luxu as a cliffhanger, though, since that’s more of an intentional setup.) Motivations weren’t explored and many of the characters ended up just where they were before: lost, floating in the void.
I was also a little put out with the game’s treatment of the main heroes.  Riku and Mickey spend 5/6 of the game throwing themselves against a wall, staunchly refusing Sora’s help.  Meanwhile Sora (aka the player) is supposed to just wander around until the Power of Waking comes to him all deus ex machina style? That’s not a plan, and it makes for a meandering plot. And when you finally do get to the Realm of Darkness, lo and behold, the power was in him all along, meaning that we’ve all wasted a lot of time in what we’re supposed to believe is a pretty urgent situation. If I’m considering this within the framework of the KH universe, it means we should probably never take direction from Yen Sid again.  If I look at if from a real world perspective, it’s a rather poor excuse for the player to visit the obligatory worlds while the main plot gets compressed to a cutscene movie at the end of the game.  Either way, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
And finally, I was truly disappointed with KH3′s treatment of Kairi. I try to be understanding. I get it, she’s not the main character. But here’s the thing: the writers set Kairi up to be in a position of agency, if not power. She has a keyblade, she has the benefit of legitimate training in no less than a genuine hyperbolic time chamber (more than Sora has ever had the benefit of, mind you), and she has a history of being eager to pull her weight as a Guardian of Light.  Plus, she’s a Princess of Heart.  You’d think this would lead to her being able to contribute to the fight in more ways than just believing in Sora enough to keep him from keeling over when he loses his cool (another thing I took a bit of issue with, but I won’t digress here).  But no, Kairi is demoted very solidly to damsel in distress when the plot finally sees fit to release her and Lea from their bubble. To be blunt, I call bullshit. I think she deserved better as a character, and I think if they weren’t going to do anything with her having a keyblade, they shouldn’t have wasted all that time making it happen. In the last fight, she and Lea were more liabilities than anything. I think they both deserved better than that.
Obviously, the end of the game contains a culmination of the complaints I’ve mentioned.  I’m overjoyed that my favorite characters get their lives back, but a lot of that takes place without direct player contribution (for example, Roxas showing up by himself, having melded with a replica body offscreen, or Namine being a footnote in the closing scenes). I acknowledge that the player character doesn’t need to (and shouldn’t) be the sole instigator of action in a game, but for some of these instances, having these points basically narrated to me felt like things were coming together because they had to for the plot to resolve, and not because our own actions had led to an optimal outcome. I didn’t feel like we had earned all of the pieces falling into place the way they did.
I mentioned unclear motivations before. All I will say about Xehanort is that I don’t quite see the connection between the story they’ve been selling us for him literally this entire time and the story he painted for his motivations at the very end. I don’t feel one way or the other about them trying to redeem him, but I don’t feel that that was a well-established path to try to take with the character they’d built. It’s important to give evidence throughout if that’s the final claim you’re going to stand on, and nothing in any previous game has ever hinted at the “noble reset” MO.
And then, there’s Sora. My precious sunshine child. They damseled Kairi so hard that Sora died got lost in an alternate universe. I had two problems with this: 1) it just made me sad, and 2) it was like...completely unaddressed. I get it, you’re leading into the next saga, and that’s admittedly an excellent hook. But like, I feel like a plot point as pivotal as the main character functionally disappearing warrants some sort of ... visible reaction from his friends and comrades??? To have that emotional fallout completely unaddressed makes me feel like the story wasn’t complete. And not to make a somewhat unrelated gripe, but I feel like if they had space to make us watch the entire Let It Go song, they had space to let the audience know that Sora’s disappearance actually had some effect on the people he’d saved.
So, given all that grumbling, what did I feel about the overall experience of the game? I actually thought it was very positive. The gameplay - both exploration and combat - was very smooth and exciting. The worlds we visited were well-executed and fun (though San Fransokyo felt deceptively small, somehow). The graphics were awesome. (I’d been concerned that the new engine would lose some of the Kingdom Hearts feel, but I think they really nailed it.) Yoko Shimomura triumphed as always with a stellar soundtrack. (I found myself humming along to the Arendelle and Corona themes for hours.) The plot, obviously, was great despite my issues with the execution in this particular chapter. I think that most of the problems that I mentioned earlier with pacing and details stem from there being what I consider to be too many plotlines to handle in one ~40 hour game. I wouldn’t want another side game of course, but I think that the telling of the story might have benefited from the Dark Seeker saga continuing into a KH4. The plot is sprawling, as we all know, and it just needed a little more space to resolve everything cleanly.
(Side note: I missed my FF friends, but I understand why they weren’t present. Like I said, there was too much going on as it is.)
Aside from that, I personally got to spend a lot more time with my brother than I have ... probably since KH2 came out, to be honest. We promised to only play together, and we took turns with the controller just like we had to do in the good ol’ days when we were kids. And we’ve always played the main games together, so this was a really nice throwback. Closing this chapter of the story was impactful for us as individuals, but sharing the experience was just as great. After several years of being pretty closed off, I feel like this reminded me how to be a kinder sister. So, I thank the KH franchise from the bottom of my heart for that.
All things said, I really enjoyed the hell out of playing this game. At the end of the day, I think that’s all you can ask of a game, really. This one did much more than that, though. It largely followed through on my hopes for the characters, and definitely fulfilled my technical expectations. Most importantly, it felt like it came through on my immense emotional investment in the series. I cried (a lot), like I knew I would. Heck, I might even play it again sometime. lol  ...Maybe not right away, since I still have to heal emotionally. But yeah. Thank you for the ride, KH. I won’t make this sound like a goodbye because you still owe me some closure. But thanks.
Here’s to the next half a lifetime. :)
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Tagged by @iseliadragonwill Tagging: Phew! Who to choose? @his-spare-hats, @sweaterpawnoctis and @ebonyphotographs maybe? If you feel like it? Or whoever reads this? I’d love to know! List 10 of your favorite ships, in no particular order. Don’t cheat by scrolling down to see the questions yet, either! 1. Ignis x Noctis 2. Ardyn x Gilgamesh 3. Luna x Nyx 4. Yuna x Tidus 5. Syrenne x Lowell 6. Ardyn x Ignis 7. Tokiya x Otoya 8. Gladio x Aranea 9. Balthier x Fran 10. Sora x Kairi 1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Ooooh, how did this happen, I wonder. Probably triggered by talking about them with a dear fellow mutual but then it went on from there. I like the idea of two lonely people opening up to each other and then start to actually feel something. If it’s love or not I can’t tell, but affection it is for certain. It’s a very interesting terrain to explore. 2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? Yes, and more than one! I’m totally dying to know if Square will put Ardyn and Gil into some sort of relation - but then again I’m happy with the fanon as it is.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile picture/tumblr screensaver? Hmmm.. As far as I recall I have that official 3D render promo pic of the FFX remake as desktop background somewhere in my slideshow. And a very small print over my desk if that counts. 4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? Hmm.. I wouldn’t be that upset, I think. They’re cute together but living an idol life is tiring, so I wouldn’t blame them.
5. Why is 1 so important? Because it’s the very first ship I fell for really hard and which brought me into my very first activity in terms of fandom. I’m a huge sucker for loyalty, devotion and such things as “forbidden romance” and unspoken love and... okay, yes it is cliché but I just love it. And I love both Iggy and Noct for being the pair of most beautiful men I was granted to witness <3 6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? A badass one. Balthier and Fran being some kind of outlaws to their homeland, rocking their lives and traveling all over the world? Very powerful I’d say. I bet their bond is very strong, even though they keep their atmosphere light. And their sass is just killer.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? Chemistry... in a good or bad way? I think a lot of.. tension is going on between Ardyn and Ignis, just because of their standing points and what experiences they made around each other. If you’re more in for the kind of “married couple” chemistry, I’d say Ardyn x Gil and Syrenne x Lowell. Wow, now that’s a great answer, good job in choosing, me! 8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? Most definitely Ignis and Noctis. Because of reasons that are more than know by now when it comes to this ship. 9. How many times have your read/played/watched 10’s fandom? I don’t really know but I played almost all Kingdom Hearts titles, except for re:coded and chains of memories, but those are still waiting to be played. As for the other titles, I think I played my way through them 2-4 times, depending on the title. 10. Which ship has lasted the longest? Well, true shipping started with Ignoct for me, so I’d say them? Before I wasn’t really into shipping stuff but rather came to see other things I liked before and came to the conclusion that I was probably shipping them (does this make sense?). If it comes to “getting to know” the ship, it would be Sora and Kairi. 11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Once. When Noctis came back from his trial, the stronger bond won. 12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Excuse me??? How am I supposed to choose between an epic Shield and Healer combo and a power couple that would literally beat all of those carcasses into the next dimension with their fists? They both would. Totally. 13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Yes! Being an idol is hard, especially when datin the same gender. In Japan. So probably, to avoid hustle and buste in the media and to not be a hindrance to Starish’s career, yes. 14. Is 4 still together? I don’t care about whatever came after FFX-2, so yes, they totally are. Be it in dreams or for real, they absolutely are. They are meant to be. 15. Is 10 canon? I... guess so? Except if Sora decides to play the “friend” card after all. But wanting to share a Papu fruit with Kairi in KH 1, to be connected with her for eternity? I think that’s a yes. 16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Ouch. That’s a reaaaally tough choice. I think we’d have a triangle problem with Ardyn, Ignis and Noctis. Oh no, I don’t even want to imagine how this would be going down... 17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? Zesha, that bloody beast of a Gurak. 18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? Defending is a difficult term. I like people enjoy their ships and prefer to let them, because it’s just pointless to argue or fight over what one should be having fun with. If it’s about the ship I back the most, it’s probably Ignoct. 19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? No, but I always enjoy seeing those two popping up on my timeline. So thank you for reblogging it, you lovely peeps out there~ 20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? Tokiya and Otoya, I guess. They could get along without each other too and I’m not very attached to the ship (sorry guys).
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leonawriter · 6 years
Although I haven’t been able to catch up with S7 yet, after seeing a major spoiler pretty early on yesterday I eventually gave up trying to stay unspoiled, and a large part of that was stress. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t really want to have to explain myself (when I’d told people I’d be avoiding spoilers) or make anyone feel bad/have to defend something they don’t personally see as being as bad as I’ve taken it. 
I’d advise you to take some of this with a grain of salt because I haven’t seen the season yet and I’m running on spoilers, and more specific, educated responses to things will happen when I have. If I have.
I just… I’ve been feeling kind of numb and betrayed by the show since I heard about what happened to Adam, especially in more detail - and maybe since some of you have seen it you’ll be able to say ‘it wasn’t that bad’, but I’m just over here remembering the first time I saw a gay character killed on screen (Bill from DW) and I was devastated. I’d been hoping for a beautiful reunion we never got. I count the number of m/f couples we see have so much more development or screentime vs the number we got onscreen who are allowed to be happy, and clearly queer. And not murderous. 
As far as I’ve seen: Blaytz/unnamed Galra manservant, which is a retroactive dead total of two, Ezor/Zethrid who are... they now make me uncomfortable because they were brought into the show as mixed race Galra fighting alongside Lotor, who at that point did want to make things better for the Empire and who now apparently say things such as “let’s go torture some prisoners”, which feels... wow, yikes. And Shiro/Adam, where Shiro was shown to have been tortured, has been experimented on, cloned, and actually killed before, and Adam, who... I wanted so much from, and he died.
And concerning other things - I can live with Keith/Acxa even though I’m disappointed, and I won’t be able to enjoy it - maybe if Acxa didn’t look so much like she could’ve easily passed as Keith’s sibling and they had more screentime interacting in a positive way, face to face, with conversation before S7 I’d be happier. I mean, I still wouldn’t be happy, since I’d been a Keith/Lance shipper since Day One, but I’d have been ‘okay, so my ship isn’t going to be canon, I can deal.’ As it is, all I am is disappointed.
I won’t say they queerbaited us with Keith/Lance, because they didn’t. At no point did they outright say ‘the queer rep we’re talking about will involve either of those two’. So no matter how much I want to be upset about this? It’s apparently a pure fan misread.
(What I have seen however is that although Shiro/Adam were revealed at the SDCC panel, there were a great many people who couldn’t even tell who Adam was or that they were romantically involved with only the show’s canon and no interviews to tell them; that, I’d say, is more along the lines of queerbaiting, especially since they didn’t have that reunion that fans were hoping for. It’s the assumption that something that’s the bare minimum is enough.)
But it’s really the fact that I’ve seen things saying about how Allura/Lance is going places and that… actually gave me a stronger reaction than the idea that my favourite ship wasn’t going to be canon. 
Because I’m just reminded of the several times in my own real life that I’ve had boys assume that all they needed was ‘time’ in order to be in a romantic relationship with me. And yeah, their characters developed past that, but I still feel affected in the same way. Whenever I might start watching the show over again, I won’t see a moment where it’s clear that Allura and Lance are going to end up with each other and be happy, but where he’s being a nuisance to her. 
And you know what the most upsetting thing is? It isn't even my own reactions.
It’s the fact that there’s a twitter account full of letters to the writers and producers of VLD from queer people, mainly KIDS, often in their early teens, saying that they’d been so ecstatic to hear that Shiro was just like them, was gay, a POC, and more - they were so excited. One teacher was advising two young girls to check out the series after she found out. She now feels guilt over the fact, because they’re going to find out just like the rest of us that their queer/LGBT rep is a victim of their partner being killed off, and given a tragic story.
To be honest? I don't think it matters if it ‘works within the story’, or if it’s ‘the brutal truth of war’. See what this show has done to kids. Read those letters, I dare you. Because the main message they’re giving loud and clear is that to them - the ones the show was meant for! - they’re seeing that VLD is just reinforcing the idea that if you’re gay or otherwise queer in a story, then you can’t have a happy ending. You suffer. Or you die. 
And to be honest... that’s what I find most despicable beyond any arguments about shipping.
Perhaps the writers didn’t intend to do this, and perhaps they simply screwed up in a way that was purely by accident. Maybe they felt they were doing all that they could. And the funny thing is, at this point in time I haven’t seen so many people being rude or aggressive as... I’ve seen people being righteously angry and upset, and speaking their minds, and trying to explain just how they’ve been hurt. I’ve seen people say “perhaps this was something that could have happened to anyone, but it was a writing choice, and writing choices don’t exist in a vacuum.” From more than once source. 
I’ve seen people just wanting to have an apology instead of excuses from the creative team, and it feels like all that they’re getting are the creative team supporting each other and saying “be nice”, which to be honest, has led me to unfollow most of them for at least the time being.
So, yeah! I know not everyone is going to agree with me on everything I’ve said here, and that’s okay, but I needed to say it. Because even though I wasn’t even fully in the fandom (currently more into Final Fantasy and KH tbh, and I’m likely going to dunk my head into one of those to get out of this) it still hurt like hell.
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hearts-lover · 6 years
My opinion about Kingdom hearts 3
This post contains Spoliar to the Kingdom Hearts 3, if you haven’t played or beaten the game, I recommended you just move on the next post. I also will be talking about the Character, the Game, and the Fandom(mostly about the people who dislike Kairi role in this game) in this post, so if anything I said offended you by any meaning, I’m sorry, but this is ‘Merica where I’m at, so I can’t feel bad about hurting someone feeling even if I just speak a specific group of them or dissing their favorite character. Wow, I haven’t upload a thing in my account for years and now today is the day. oh, as for Kingdom hearts 3; love it. but I do wanna speak my opinion about this So just to get this out of the way, Kingdom hearts 3 have a pacing problem, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that but I really don’t have any issues with it, granted this is a very annoying issues because as a Kingdom hearts fan, we never had any issues with this kind of stuff, even the previous KH game like Kingdom hearts 0.2 and DDD, but as someone who watches anime being dub and that dub being out of pace is a very common thing and most of the times, the Series Dragon ball Super have suffered the same thing, people simply talking too fast and most of the time they get cut off, making their sentences seem like a waste of breaths, but in Kingdom hearts 3 The pace in there seem so slow until we move away from the Disney and Pixar worlds, the pacing seems okay in my opinion. well besides the “character bring back to life” pacing, but I’ll speak about that soon enough.
but, let talk about the worlds; Olympus - I really didn’t enjoy this world, but that doesn’t mean I hate it. I really like how Sora and the other interact with Herc and Hades and I like how you get to explore and literally goes up to heaven to help Herc and save Zeus. (though I am a bit disappointed that we wouldn’t able to meet the other gods, like Herc Mom)the reason why I didn’t enjoy these worlds it so Empty, even in Zeus home, where if you revisit Olympus and you enter the gate, the first area doesn’t have any heartless until you progress through the area, but that first area is so big, perfect to fight those groups of heartless again like when we first get to that area to help Herc.
Toy Box - One of my favorite world so far, as a fan of the Toy Story series, its really good to see Woody and Buzz interact with Sora and the other, and I like how Buzz choose to keep an eye on Sora, Donald, and Goofy, even though he can be stupid, like the fact he doesn’t believe he is in another world despite the fact he was able to shoot real Lazer, the fact there was no human ANYWHERE even the newest Toy story that was having their grand opening thus there should be Kids and Adults in there EVERYWHERE and the fact that the heartless appear as soon you couldn’t find the other toy or Andy. Idk I just feel like he did all this and be controlled by the darkness, just so Woody can roast Young Xehanort and Sora saying “heart are everywhere” for the 10th times lol
Kingdom Of Corona- My least favorite world, While I do enjoy the interaction between Sora and Rapunzel (make me surprise that nobody in the community ships them since she and Eugene never have like a romance development beside her and Sora. I also hate that when Rapunzel wanted you to swing with her into another area, you locked up into a slow walking and controlling Sora is so annoying, even the festival is confusing, even if I read the tutorial I still mess it all up until I realize that I have to button depend on what color of the circles, but  even then when the dancer group up, how are they expect me to hit the Circles, let alone get a perfect in there if the beat doesn’t even sync (in my opinion that is) plus the world seems a bit too big for me, even with a map, maybe its because the tree and grass look the same thing, but eh.
Monstropolis - once again, one of my favorite world, Mike and Sully even Boo (despite they reuse her voice from the movie) is enjoyable to see and the interact make it seen like their one big family just trying to protect boo, and I wish we get more of that in the Kingdom Hearts series, for now, Sora Donald and Goofy, as well as Sora Riku and Kairi, will have to do. It's also cool to go through the monster factory and see some new stuff we haven’t seen before in the movie, I think that bits are pretty cool alone itself.
The Caribbean - My all times favorite world, as a fan of The Pirate of Caribbean this was a win for me, the Graphic, the world, even chasing the Black Pearl inside the Davy Jone Locker Kept me smiling throughout of the game. I thought the Crab collection is gonna be annoying, but I actually enjoy it, because it's everywhere, so you won’t be lost and worry about trying to find that last one crab. I am dissappointed about the water fight style, I know that we grow up in the previous game that we were able to use 3 combos in the beginning and the waterfight style shouldn’t be different, but I feel like they could’ve done more other than “Bubble, Swing, Swing, Whirlwind” combos
Arendelle - I really don’t understand why many people hate this world, I do understand that Sora doesn’t have NO purpose to be in there beside without realizing that when Sora Compare Elsa and Riku and realize Riku have been pushing him away just to keep him safe (where that is pretty cute.) and half the cutscene doesn’t help you what is going on what happened where its basically forces you to watch the movie, (similar what of Corona dealt with) to understand what is the relationship between Elsa and Anna, and why Elsa think that shes dangerous (Granted, Frozen is the 13th Grossed movie of all times so everyone with their mother must watch the movie, including Tangle) But other than that I enjoy the World, everytime when I see Sora run and able to see the snow actually move unlike what Halloween Town was able to do in KH2 when you get to see Santa, and able to find Olaf Body and his reaction to each body (and the fact that Sora literally grab a ball of poo) was great in my opinion. Also, you guys are very bold to expect “let it go” NOT to be in the game. that like Playing Kingdom hearts and know all of the character and story and expected Master Xehanort to NOT be the main antagonist.
San Fransokyo - Easily, one of the most boring world I had to go through. Sure you get to meet the Big Hero 6 and Sora making up the team names thus acting like a dumb puppy and the boss was interesting, but...that pretty much its. San Fransokyo wasn’t even that interesting until you beat the world, basically, the world is “talk to the person to progress” kind of thing, cause most of the time, once you finish what you had to do, and you have an option to save or buy some stuff, and that it. if you want to move on to the story, talk to Hiro, making me think that they rushed this world mostly than Arendelle and Corona, and when they say this world to be in the game? 2015? to be honest, what a waste of a world.
Now we have done with that, let talk about the Pro and Cons
I really enjoy the interaction between Vexen and Demyx, even though it was a one-time thing (sadly) it's really good to see Nobodies from Kh2 talking to the Nobodies from CoM, Kinda remind me of Pinky and the Brain from The Animaniacs
Goofy is still Smarter than anyone in this Universe and I LOVE IT.
I’m glad that in Monstropolis, it takes place after the event of Monster Inc., so we can have more interact between Sully and Mike, I even like when sully say “its time to bring the scare out” I think that alone is a good line.
I have the same ps4 that was announced back on 2012 and I used it when I played KH3, thus I never had a Ps4 pro, but even then, the game feel and look beautiful and I couldn’t stop playing it.
I like the Gummiship section, I like how it gave you a choice if you should go and collect some items, but also give you a choice if you wanna annoyed them, then again, you do have to face the giant boss in that section, but you only get to face 3 of them and depend on how well you are, you’ll be leveling up like crazy at the end of the day, I mean the ship was able Lvl. 26 when I reach to the Keyblade Graveyard.
The magic is powerful and useful to use.
Sora’s Smile special. That's all.
I didn’t enjoy the reaction command, sure the Keyblade Transformation is useful by itself, but when you have another command that you wanna use but if you hit Triangle before you hit R2 to switch, you’ll waste your finisher just like that. and it also doesn’t help if you just wanna get the treasure but wasted a useful command you been saving.
Master Yin sid alone. I hated him when he claimed Riku as a Keyblade Master, and I hated him just as much. because here a thing he has stated that Sora can’t go with Riku or Mickey until he has the power of awakening, where he didn’t use that until he follows Aqua to find Ventus, this man have the nerve to say that Sora isn’t ready despite the fact that he was able to save 10+ world when he was just 14, granted he did lose his power thank to Xehanort in the events of DDD, but in KH3, he was able to turn into his second form and play similar as his full power as KH2 (when you unlock all his abilities) summon a Pirate ship, A blaster, was able to do his first Keyblade transform after he finishes with Olympus. and Yin sid, have the nerve to say that he needs the power of awakening to support Riku and the King, and yet he was able to save Aqua WHILE NOT BEING A KEYBLADE MASTER AS RIKU AND MICKEY IS ONE and wake up Ventus to after seeing aqua getting hurt without even learning how to even use the power. and uses the same power he doesn’t know how to use to save his friends. Master Yin Sid is a horrible master and nothing will change my mind.
Donald being a bully, I never have seen Donald abuse Sora like this before, maybe it's having to do with Goofy being smarter than anyone in this universe, and I know that Donald personality was supposed to be annoying and him acting annoyed. But remember when Master Yin Sid and Pete stated that Sora was weaker than he was in the previous game, and how its really got into him, and remember Sora was able to save Aqua and Ventus without being a Keyblade master, since Yin Sid is basically saying that Riku was able to learn the Power of awakening thus that what make him Master, similar to Mickey. did you also remember Donald say “Sora needs work” and he says this AFTER he saves Aqua and Ventus, yeah, this Donald isn’t the Donald I know and love in the KH universe?
This game gives us a lot more question than an answer. Like why did Roxas came from the sky where his Vessel suppose to be with Ienzo, how did they able to create Xion if she was a Clone of Sora, why did the old princess heart move on and seek a new princess heart (plus does that mean Kairi isn’t a princess anymore), Shouldn’t Elsa heart be more stronger than a Princess heart since she's a queen. and some that I can’t even word it out.
The pacing, pretty sure you knew about that
The Final boss was...a little disappointed compared to the 1st 2 games of KH
Power level is bullsh*t (I'll be talking about that later)
Now I GOTTA speak my opinion about the Fandom reaction of the game and BOY there is a lot:
Regarding to Kairi:
 I have seen a lot of people both Kairi fan and non-fan usually say about how Kairi character have been downgraded to be a typical Love-interest to Sora (despite the fact that has always been a thing in KH1 and KH2, there literally can’t be any more to hint to these two together) and how she basically basically the Damsel in distress, where I could say the same thing to these “would-be-master” No hates on Riku Mickey or Aqua, but lemme recap, Riku earned the title ”Keyblade Master” after he finished with his Mark of Mastery, after that and him learning more about Aqua, he contain and use an uniform where Yin sid say that it’ll help him when he faces the heartless in realm of darkness, and Mickey confirm that even the weakest heartless can be dangerous in the realm of darkness. and His keyblade was destroyed and mickey’s was badly damaged and wished Yin sid to upgrade the keyblade and make Riku a new one since he left the old one in the darkness, they return there only for mickey to be captured by the heartless, and Riku had to face Aqua and the heartless, (he even working together with his dark self), but even after all of that “HE STILL NEED SORA” I understand that Sora is basically a golden child and have been fighting heartless more time than Riku since he worked with the darkness in KH1, but that doesn’t mean he useless, he can fight, Both Sora and Riku have a Rival and it could be hint that they were using the wooden sword since they were kids, so they must’ve have SOME experience, and since this is the same dude who entitles a Keyblade master, and I know that some of you will say “but you just say that Mickey confirm that the hearless is stronger in the Realm of Darkness” and you’re would be right, if we didn’t have Yin sid and Sora.
Yin sid basically told Sora 2-3 times that He needs the power of Awaken in order to go and help Riku and Mickey, even when Sora/Ventus say that he’ll go and Save Aqua, what did master Yin sid say “You need the Power of awaken” but he didn’t need to, He just needs to follow his heart, and he did, and he found Aqua keyblade and use that to reach to Riku, only for him to use that power to Ventus. after he saves Aqua.
and Sora; remember what Yin sid said (where I won’t repeat myself) and remember Pete say that he is weaker than he remembers, HOW DID HE ABLE TO DEFEAT A KEYBLADE MASTER AFTER COMPLETE 7 WORLDS? Granted, there could be a development where he could be getting stronger in each world he completed, but Yin sid say that the Darkness has Stripped his power and even Pete called him weak, there is no way that he was able to catch up to Riku level where he never lose power in the first place AND able to defeat a Master Keyblader by himself with no help and with no “power of Awaken”
in fact I could even say that both Riku and Mickey is more than a Damsel than Kairi since They have to be Saved by Sora twice where Kairi was being used of being Sora motivation to fight at his fullest, and Master Xehanort stated that he needs 9 clashes between 13 darkness and 7 lights to in order to forge the X-Blade and with Kairi Death being the 9th, she was used to create the X-blade.
and the fact that no-one even comments about these make me REALLY consider for the fandom, but you know my opinion.
Overall, I think Kingdom hearts 3 is a great game with a lot of Nostalgia in it, but I feel like Nomura tried to hard to make KH3 look pretty other than answering story, where there has been other games where you can have an interesting story and Gameplay before KH3 even release.
Overall, Please play this game with a grand of salt (for the people who haven’t play KH3)
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shuujaye · 7 years
Tagged by: @ayatcs​ ✨✨✨✨
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:  
Final Fantasy XV
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Kingdom Hearts
The first character you loved:
Originally i though it was gonna be noctis but nope. i live for the bad boy Versus 13 Prompto look. and then XV just made him even cuter and fluffier. Oooops.
Keith and his knife.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Aranea. it’s just really sudden. i really exactly don’t know why i lover her so much. her sass?? maybe??? (honorable mention: Crowe from Kingsglaive)
Pidge. my gremlin pidgey.
Vanitas. ( boi the novels broke me )
The character you relate to the most:
Roxas/Vanitas (couldn’t choose lmao)
The character you’d slap:
Ardyn. I won’t slap him first ‘cause i hate his hippy old man maroon stubble. I’ll shave his stubble clean with my machete and maybe strip wax him to let him feel the burn. and THEN i’ll slap him. 
Keith. just to see his reaction.
boi i don’t think i’m gonna have the chance to say this at disney land but i’m gonna say it. I wanna slap Mickey Mouse. and also Yensid and his googly eyes. (or maybe Terra you know. like i wanna slap some sense into him during the events of BBS.)
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
Prompto, Noctis, Aranea
Keith, Lance, Pidge (duh.)
Roxas, Vanitas/Riku (surprise surprise), Namine (i’m the loser who actually enjoys CoM. fight me)
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
Luna/Cidney (i’m sad of the wasted potential. not the character itself. esp Luna.)
i can’t think of any tbh.
everyone is precious.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
can’t think of any.
Riku. ok listen listen. when i first played KH i was like 6/7 i just think he’s a dick to everyone. Plus i can’t beat him on destiny islands i was so mad. like how tf he run so fast with tat ugly ass pants i don’t understand? i though wind resistance is stronger ‘cause of his stupid pants??? 
3 OTPs: ///// ( oh wow here comes the judge-y people and their opinions )
it takes a really long time for me to start shipping something so there’s not really much shipping going on in my mind. i just state whichever ship that entertains me.
promptis, noctluna ||| noctis with fishing and/or the monster truck, prompto with phoenix down.
Keith and angst. [ fandom so rude i’m not brave enough to post specific ships so i ship the main 7 as a big big family. (but if you notice my blog content you probably know.)]
soriku, ||| mickeyriku, or maybe sora and winnie the pooh.
tagging: @magicsilly @noxtics @honqice
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bluestonewings · 8 years
42, 51, 21, 28, 11, 5?
I’ll try to do mostly tf2 stuff here! but I need the time to go searching for good fanfiction again so I might deviate a bit into kingdom hearts territory
(another cut, smh. This one took ages. the links are 90% broken)
Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? Okay so the only proper thing I’ve ever written is Chromaesthesia which I am sure everyone who follows me for kh has seen me promo over and over again, but in terms of wips/ideas i really want to do but lack the talent to do: kh, tf2, portal, undertale (that ones a crossover get your hands off it) There’s a oneshot based off of Bad Medicine that I’m not totally disappointed by though.
Who is your current OTP? I will ship the Support Squad upsidedown sideways and backwards, so I guess that’s knife party, bush medicine, etc. Also all three together. freedom fries
What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? *buries face in hands* (why) (does an artemis fowl backstory for opal/half a self insert count or no) Otherwise surprisingly dark stuff for a couple of MC YTers (you can guess who they are)
If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? I’ve only written one thing in the past year (see above) and I will probably die if someone even COMMENTS on it. I have very low expectations and those were “get over 10 views and one kudo that isn’t from Ko” so I’m doing pretty well.(in all honesty. Draw stuff from fics that I LIKE that don’t get enough attention. makes me happy enough)
List and link to 5 six fanfictions authors who which are amazing:
*rubs hands together* okay these are going to be off the top of my head and also by what’s on my phone but: (i’m. too scared to tag anyone but there are links to their fics u should totally check out)
(TF2) Do Coffeeshop AUs sound too tame for you? well boy howdy read littlemissfemscout/pixiestix’s fic because I promise you it’s the most 3D Coffeeshop AU I have ever seen- I cried. a bit. 
(TF2) Bluebunny333 has a talent for this psychological stuff that I’VE BEEN MEANING TO DECIPHER (and catch up on). But he’s got a lovely spy and sniper. Read this. I had to stop and take a break while reading this- I need to read it again.
(TF2)(Obligatory mention of ChaosandMayhem goes here- I fell in love with the first fic and i’m dead bc I need to read the most recent one- what did you do to the blake)(yall can search up a link yourselves)
(TF2) I have a large love of everybody is mentioned and is varying degrees of friends fics and if I didn’t mention this one by Tantarted it’d be a damn shame so here. I really like how everybody was characterized, and I enjoyed how everything tied together.
(KH) So we all know that my faves consist of old crazy science men with dubious morals and this fic is the perfect example. Props to Perosha/skypillar for writing the shitty science dad- eh, vexen. I also cried for this one.
I apparently have a thing for dark, slightly creepy fics. whoops. I blame other fanfictions… I also can’t count
Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! COMMENT ON THINGS. LEAVE REACTIONS. But!! I love how if you find the right people you will get an infinite amount of support from them about all sorts of things! Like crossovers! and AUs! and shipping! If you talk about it enough you will find people who like the EXACT SAME THING and I think that’s wonderful.
Thank you for sitting through another pile of me spewing random opinions ;D This was enjoyable to think about!
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