#I have literally no friends besides my siblings and co-workers in real life and I just.. I feel hurt by the understanding that I'm cursed
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I recently feel so strange about having a simblr, because I just.. I feel like I'm in a time loop, like time is non-existent thing for me and I just don't have any energy to catch up with the posts and how fast and how much is everything progressing and going. I just can't, and it's really difficult for me to force myself to catch up, I hate myself for it since I want and always wanted to be in this community, but it all feels so intense and strange for me, I just... I feel like I'm so far behind, like I need to stop being here because I'm too slow, too tired, too overwhelmed by everything maybe?.. I don't know what I'm really trying to say here, but like... I feel so out of touch or whatever.
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katyawriteswhump · 2 months
the freak in the penthouse part 5.2
E-rated (for sexual content), accidental millionaire eddie/sex-worker steve. CW: contains references to past abuse
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse :)
On AO3
5.2 We can get buzzed up here!
Eddie lit himself a joint, because his hands were shaking, and returned to sweating over ideas. The chambermaid came and went, and then yet another knock had him jumping out of his skin.
Steve! It was only 2pm.
Turned out he’d got a day off. He was through the doors unbuttoning his shirt, before Eddie remembered his notes all over the floor:
“What’s this?” asked Steve.
Eddie was about to invoke the ‘Don’t-poke-the-grizzly’ rule, when Steve—already on his knees exploring—picked up Eddie’s single completed sketch.
“You gotta be kidding,” said Steve. “Is this me?”
“Uuuuh, it’s a fae warlock.”
“Wearing hot-pants?”
“It’s for this goddamn video game I co-created.” Eddie looped a strand of hair around a finger and peeked from behind it, blushing. “You might’ve inspired me, Honey.”
Steve snapped his gaping mouth shut, returning his attention to the sketch. “I dig the pointy ears. And the tail. That could be fun, huh? Seriously, tho’—did you have to give me such a crappy hair day?”
It’s you after a long night of debauched sex. I worship that messed-up look.
“Sorry?” offered Eddie.
Steve stuck out his tongue. “A game, huh? So that’s how you hit the big time. Is this dude a goodie or a baddie?”
Honestly, Eddie hadn’t even figured where his fae warlock fitted in, if at all. His face was still burning, so he muttered: “Chaotic neutral, Sugar.”
After that, the grizzly was pretty much lying on its back asking for belly rubs. So Eddie kneeled down beside Steve and came clean about how he needed fresh ideas but was totally blocked creatively. Apart from doodling fantasy versions of Steve, that was. Fortunately, real life Steve turned out to be a mighty fine listener.
“Help me wrap my thick skull around this,” said Steve, when Eddie’s sob story dried up. “The first game was inspired by your geek-game fantasy world. Your good guys fight goblins and super-powerful evil mages and dragons and shit.”
“And liches,” added Eddie. He never got why people forgot the liches. “I didn’t rip it all straight out of D and D. I’ve pulled a Tolkein too–you know, stole ideas from mythology and olde worlde history and shit.”
“Riiiight,” said Steve. “Like, it’s kinda obvious how you get a new twist. Why don’t you set the second game in the real world.”
“Steve, it’s not sci-fi. It’s a total fantasy game.”
“So what? All this hooey would be waaaay scarier if it bled into the real world. Then your heroes would have to power up with magic juju to protect their friends, younger siblings, and grannies and shit, and… Okay, it’s total garbage. I’ll shut up.”
“You put yourself down too much.” Eddie didn’t hate the idea… and Jesus, his hands were shaking worse than ever now. He totally needed Steve out of that unbuttoned shirt, which slipped deliciously off one shoulder.  “Look, I’ll talk to Dustin and Suzie about it. They’re my co-creators, the brainy ones.”
Steve’s delighted grin tugged a small smile from Eddie. He jumped up, and Eddie scrambled after. 
Steve said, “Hey, why don’t we go out for a drink or something?”
Eddie’s arms, which he’d looped around Steve, grew rigid. “We can get buzzed up here.”
“Yeah, but… I dunno, it’ll be like a date or something.”
A knee-jerk silent scream of horror ripped Eddie’s nerves ragged: “It’s your day off. Go knock yourself out, Babe. I ain’t coming.”
“If you wanna be alone, say so.” Steve wriggled free and backed away. “Or if you don’t want to be seen around with me… Screw it, please yourself.” 
He turned to leave. Eddie literally sprinted around him, blocking his path. “Look, it’s me, not you. I’m a freak, okay? I’m not a fan of the big, bad world right now. I don’t really wanna—”
“You don’t have to explain, man.” Steve wearily pushed his gelled hair from his eyes.
Eddie tented his hands in prayer. “I do. I owe you that. Listen, I believe I’ve got a teeny touch of agoraphobia.”
“Fear of the great outdoors? Crowded places?”
“Oh.” Steve’s eyes stretched wide. “That sucks.”
“I really, really don’t want you to go. Please, Steve, stay? We can hang out, eat trash—”
“—have sex?” Steve rolled his eyes, faintly snickered. “All right. If the routine ain’t broke, why fix it.”
Eddie’s relief nearly set his knees sagging. In truth, he was genuinely gagging for Steve to stay because Steve wanted to. He chickened out of saying it, though. Instead, he snickered too, steadying his nerve and his shakes by firmly grasping Steve’s butt:
“If you let me indulge a freakshow kink, I got an extra two-hundred bucks for ya.”
Eddie leaned forward to whisper his ‘freakshow kink’ into Steve’s ear. Steve bit his lip to the point of pain.
He prayed he wasn’t going to have to remind Eddie about his no breath-play rule. He figured he could be flexible on a few welts and bruises—perhaps because hurting Steve seemed such an unlikely thing for Eddie to ask for. Then he remembered the smashed pillar that first night…
“I wanna play with your ass, Stevie,” whispered Eddie. Huh? That’s not exactly a newsflash. “I got a little something I wanna fill you up inside with.”
“Bring it on.” Steve grabbed a handful of Eddie’s hair, and dived into a kiss, working it mechanically.
Butt plugs. Steve had used them in the past himself, as another way to loosen himself up before impatient clients. He’d stopped, because it always gave nasty-ass bastards nasty-ass ideas: “So you’re that kinda dirty little slut, are you?”
He’d had some real evil shit shoved inside him—metal dildos, ones with weird nodules. Some douchebag Brit aristocrat once nearly did him permanent damage with some great truncheon that felt thick as his arm.
Eddie broke the kiss first. Steve plastered on a very professional smile to disguise how his stomach flipped: “Love it, Eds. But, uh, nothing that stretches me too bad, okay?”
“What?” Eddie actually squeaked. “Shit, I should’ve been plain. You ain’t getting nothing bigger than my tongue inside you.”
“You wanna eat me out?” Steve wrinkled his nose. “I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before— you do realise you’re the one paying?”
“My treat, darlin’, literally—you’re gonna taste so sweet.” He leaned to husk in Steve’s ear again. “I ordered waffles for breakfast. Saved the whole jug of maple syrup.”
“It’s gonna get sticky.”
“I sure hope so, Stevie.”
Steve sprawled belly down on Eddie’s bed, while Eddie trickled lukewarm syrup up his thighs and across his butt. He moaned, splayed his legs, focussing on the smooth drag of the silk covers against his dick. Trouble was, for some reason, he’d still got slight jitters. Heck, he’d had nightmare experiences with hot wax as well as butt plugs.
He glanced back.
Eddie… It was Eddie. Eddie was… one of the nicest guys he’d ever known. Eddie’s eyes were always kind, and…
“All right, Stevie?” 
“Hell, yeah.” He thrust ass up, angling his knees inward so the cheeks split wide.
Eddie began to lick, leisurely stroking up Steve’s syrup-smeared thighs, setting Steve squirming. 
“Mmmmm, mmmmm, Honey-pie.” Eddie sounded so stupidly delighted, he shunted Steve’s bad experiences into the darkest corners of his memory. “You likey?”
“I fucking love it.”
Eddie dabbed teasingly close to the back of Steve’s balls, then lathed back up toward Steve’s hole. He genuinely slurped at the syrup, and the stuttering suction sent each of Steve’s raw nerve-endings wild. By the time Eddie tongued lightly around Steve’s rim, Steve gasped, whimpered—too much sensation, all of it driving him nuts. His dick was as dripping as his maple-drenched ass.
“Can I go deeper?” asked Eddie, voice muffled, breath scorching.
“Jesus, pleeease.” Steve was now begging for real. Screw that, demanding: “Eat me out already!”
6.1 on tumblr
Chapter 6 on AO3 tumblr link coming soon!
I've added a hashtag #thefreakinthepenthouse for ease of finding the earlier parts. I can also tag if anybody is interested... please let me know.
Thank you for reading. Likes reblogs and comments much appreciated and will feed the bunnies🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1
On AO3 All my ST stuff on AO3
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
If it’s possible could you do a jealous/possessive/obsessive Arthur fleck headcanon. Either him x reader are dating or he just has a crush from afar, it’s up to you.
Okay, lovies - I couldn’t decide whether to do this for Arthur or also for Joker so guess what?! 
I’mma do both and if that’s not a big fucking Mood™ then I don’t know what is sksksksk enjoyyyyy
I’ve written this so you’re already together - I couldn’t think of a way to incorporate jealousy in a healthy way before you’re together lmao also there are unhealthy elements to this piece so if this may affect you (it’s nothing major but there are obsessive elements) then I’d advise skipping this one.
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Arthur trusts you, this is true.
But it’s others he doesn’t trust.
He doesn’t trust that every time you leave his flat, you’ll come home safe and unharmed.
He doesn’t trust that someone won’t steal you away from him.
He doesn’t trust that you won’t leave him for someone more attractive (shush darling you’re beautiful), someone stronger, someone richer, someone better than he is.
Arthur doesn’t trust himself, most of all, so even if he was literally the only man in your life, the only male you interact with, he would still worry that you’re going to leave him or that you have someone else.
He wouldn’t ever voice these thoughts. He wouldn’t want to damage your thoughts of him.
But it’s obvious once you learn all his nervous physical tells:
The leg bouncing
The lip biting
The eyebrow picking
The laughter
When someone talks to you and Arthur doesn’t know who they are to you, he’ll stand a little bit closer.
When you leave, he won’t say anything but his silence is heavy.
“It’s okay, honey, they’re my sibling/friend/co-worker/teacher/other”
Arthur would make a soft ‘hm’ noise to let you know that he heard you but other than that, he shows no signs that he heard you, so lost in his neuroses is he.
It’s the times you say “I have no idea who that was” that he gets worried.
His eyes would sharpen on your face. “You don’t?” 
He’d look back towards that person, anger quickly building in his eyes.
You’d grab his wrist to keep him by your side. You know what he’s like. 
He’d run after that person and demand to know their business with you if you didn’t grab his wrist.
When it’s a friend/co-worker etc. Arthur would just stand beside you. He wouldn’t do or say anything but the way his fingers start to shake in your grasp give him away.
Gentle smiles and smol cheek kisses keep him calm, though.
If you’re not into PDA that’s okay - he understands.
Shoot him a few smiles, though, to calm his nerves.
Patience and persistence is the key to dating Arthur.
You have to be so gentle, so patient, and you have to do it every day.
Every day does he improve somewhat but relapses are also a part of recovery so sometimes you’re wondering if he even trusts you at all, whereas he’s waiting for you to just… leave.
If someone is bothering you - flirting with you in front of Arthur - then he expects you to tell the person that you’ve got a partner, thank you very much.
He’d bite back a smile when you tell them you have a partner.
If the person gets pushy then Arthur is there with a “Hey, Y/N said she has me. Back off.”
He’s taken punches for saying things like that but he’s also more than happy to give out punches if someone carries on flirting with you.
You’ll patch him up each and every time, telling him that you don’t need protecting, you can take care of yourself but thank you.
You’ll kiss his cheek and a blush will spread like wildfire across his face.
He’s clingy.
Touch grounds him, keeps him here in the moment, so when you’re home he’s always touching you somehow.
A hand on your thigh when you’re watching the Murray Show together.
A hand in yours when you’re working on something.
Cuddling in bed - he’s a proper limpet.
Dancing with you involves him pulling you so close you can feel his heart pounding against your chest.
His head in your lap, your fingers in his hair.
Your head in his lap or rested against his shoulder.
A hand on the small of your back before he wraps his arms around your waist, his chin rested on your shoulder while you’re cooking or doing the dishes.
Kisses all the time for any reason.
Anywhere he can reach does he kiss you.
He loves to grab your face in his hands and smother you with kisses until you’re a giggling mess.
“I’ve got the whole world in my hands” and a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose, his green eyes full of so much love it’s making him cry.
Please just hold our boy. He needs it so much and he deserves the world.
When you’re out in public, he does like to be touching you so that he knows you’re real and not just another delusion, so he can keep you by his side. 
When you’re on the subway or the bus, he absolutely must sit shoulders, thighs and knees with you. He must or a laughing fit is a certainty.
It may well happen anyway, it usually does, but feeling you pressed against his side helps like nothing else.
Arthur is possessive of you, obsessed with you, and he trusts that you’ll handle anyone who tries to flirt with you when he’s not beside you etc.
As he starts to give into himself more and more does his possession over you grow a little darker, a little more dangerous…
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If someone flirts with you now, he will say something whether or not you’re already opening your mouth to do the same.
When you get angry or annoyed because “I can take care of myself!” he just giggles and shrugs before swanning off to do who knows what.
Anyone who ignores his words and still tries to flirt with you or get you away from him goes missing some weeks after, just long enough for no one to connect him to the crime, and is never seen again.
Not alive, anyway.
You don’t ask because you don’t wanna know.
You just wash out the suspicious red stains on his clothing and you try really hard to not think about what it is.
You’re not naive, you’re not stupid. You know it’s blood.
It’s just that thinking about Joker having blood on his clothes makes you worry that he’s injured and that upsets you. 
He hates seeing you cry so you’d rather just tell yourself it’s paint.
Anything you tell yourself to stay sane is worth repeating.
Joker would take to leaving marks all over your body.
And he means all over.
“You’re mine, doll,” he’d grin, “say it. I want to hear you say who you belong to.”
“I’m yours, A-Arthur - “ Your fingers grip the collar of his red blazer. “But I wanna hear you say that you’re mine, too.”
His grin would widen and he’d kiss you soundly. Fuck keeping his makeup neat and tidy - he likes it better messy.
“Of course I’m yours, Y/N.”
You’re the only one allowed to still call him Arthur.
He’s the same man at his core, so why wouldn’t you?
As Joker, everything about Arthur is ramped up 10x so really, he’s still the same man who loves you dearly. 
He’s more protective now that he has the means with which to protect you, and he’s got the confidence to carry it off, too.
Anyone who threatens your safety or well being would have to go up against Joker and that is a deadly game to play.
In this case, the one who dares doesn’t win.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing      @rebs-doom      @vivft                  @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92  @that-s-life   @dopey-girl-blogs         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire  @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything  @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema  @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter  @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes  @onehystericalqueenposts  @the-jokers-wolf  @nalsswa  @justahyena  @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch  @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties  @kissmeclownman              @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx  @ladylovelyluna             @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123          @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom          @anti-peach                      @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck      @crazieroutthere      @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess     @darkvampiplier     @yours-mia    @rustyt33th     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff                         @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales: Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks! and Quack Pack! Review/Thoughts
Hello errybody, I’ve decided being a huge fan of this verison of Ducktales, and someone who likes reviewing stuff and going on and on at length about it, to review this season’s episodes as they come out, both to get me writing critically again, and to get more non chat content on the old tumblr.  First, while you likely don’t care a little about my history with the ducks; While I , sadly though i’m trying to correct it, haven’t read MUCH of Carl Barks classic donald duck comics nor that of his avid fanboy and clear sucessor in quality and talent Don Rosa, I did read Rosa’s utter classic “The LIfe and Times of Scrooge” mcduck in high school and the story stuck with me sense. I’ll go into Life and Times another day hopefully, but naturally when the reboot was announced I was excited.. a great voice cast, and donald,my boy, as part of the main cast. The show has been a joy to behold and with steven universe having taken a bow JUST a week ago and Covid ravaging our lives, it coudln’t of picked a better time. But do these episodes keep the momentum from an utterly marvelous second half of season 2? The short answer is “Fuck yes” but the long answer is under the cut. 
Challenge of the Junior Senior Woodchucks! While “Challenge of the x” is a popular snowclone title I can’t help but think of superfriends with the title... or now I thought of it shortly before writing this, hearing “Meanwhile at the legion of doom” when they cut to fowl.. or rather “Meanwhile at FOWL” but in that same announcers voice. I”m a dork, that should be obvious But I was hyped for both episodes: Violet is a faviorite mine, I ship her with huey so them interacting for the first time was wonderful to me, and.. okay the subplot didn’t hook me and we’ll get to that, but we had her dads and one of my other faviorites (I have several, get used to it now) , Lena , at least putting in an apperance. And honestly.. the main plot lived up to it. As I said I didn’t really dig the sub plot, more on that in a second, but I REALLY enjoyed this. From the begining Huey was my faviorite of the three triplets, easily, as it’s fairly easy for me a grown ass dork with anxiety, self confidence, anger issues, depression and constant self doubt, to relate to a little duck with the same and I’ve loved Danny Pudi since community, so naturally I was excited for his turn for a spotlight season.  And again the show didn’t disapoint.. Huey has a rather decent arc with some unexpected turns: First unexpectly, the trailer lied as while Huey and Violet look ultra competiive, theirs no real confilct..s econds after that bit the two shake hands (after a good 20 seconds of adorable and hilarous failure to do so that fits both like a glove.), and try to be good sports. The problem is instead internal: As Huey muses to his siblings (Webby very much included, getting her own great bit of encouraging Huey while also assuring Violet she’s also great he just needs it more, which is accurate) “If i’m not hte best junior woodchuck who am I”. Like Louie last season towards the begining (when he didn’t have a clear purpose in their adventuring dynamic) and towards the end (When della nearly took it away from him), he’s nothing without his sense of who he is. It’s easily why he’s the one to comfort him when his other siblings are either torn between two friends or you know, Dewey. Louie knows what it’s like to be rattled about who you are.  And WHY Violet outclassing him rattles him so much is intreating and to me makes a ton of sense: Huey’s identity to me is so wrapped in his intellegence and woodchuckery because , besides being oldest, it’s what he HAS on his brothers. When you think about it, Louie is the charmer, Dewey is charsmaticin his own way and loves hogging attention not to mention being fairly athletic... to stand out Huey NEEDS his brains to be the one with facts, and plans and his book.  He may not be the first on the front lines but he’s the first to solve a trap or figure out where they are if scrooge or his mom hasn’t already.. and if someone’s markdely better at that, and worse in an activity that’s wholy his own and now it’s been revealed impmortant to his mom.. just who is he.  The poor kid simply breaks down at the thought and takes bigger and stupider risks, which is sad to watch.. and thankfully lightned by his delightful mental brekadown in the form of the stephen root voiced JW Guidebook, a talking hallucination who gives huey his knowledge and edge back in the contest.. but it’s STILL not enough. And that’s when the other intresting bit comes into play: Huey.. has a moment of weakness. Despite the guidebook saying to always save your fellow woodchucks when violet gets stuck slipping in a tree.. he does nothing and leaves, despite JW  , whose now become his concious, begging him not to. It’s a sad, well done moment, and one that makes the story richer. Naturally violet escapes and when huey falls off the lava bridge to the finish line in a nother moment of desperation, and after a returning JW burns because apparently ducks and sabrewings are fireproof but imaginary manfestations of knowledge arne’t, she saves him... and is a good friend and woodchuck in NOT chastizing huey for his moment of weakness earlier, but comforting him, revealing she’s tried three times before and adding some more depth to her character: Despite her awkardness with people, she’s a kind, caring person, and gives Huey the lesson he needs: faliure, and the ocasional bout of moral weakness, is okay.. what matters is you learn from it, dust yourself off and keep going. Huey bows out due to this, as while violet is more than willing to let him pass with her, Huey knows he hasn’t earned it, yet, but he can keep trying and that this is her moment, not his. And in that, I feel learns that he dosen’t NEED recognition to be his best self.. he just needs to be a good person and a good woodchuk. I’ts a damn fine story and despite not being the intended premire, works as a great one.. mostly. And also yes I ship them.. as much as two ten-elven year olds can be, but they are adorable and geninley have a good repore.  And before I get to the dispaointing subplot, i’d be an idiot if I left out Violet’s family: We meet her dads, hilariously wearing shirts that say i’m with dad which is also really fucking adorable, and have our first onscreen conformation that Lena’s now her adopted sister, with Lena loudly screaming it in one of the best lines of the episode.. it’s clever to me: it over the top makes sure that we know yes, these men are gay and her parents.. but in a needed way given disney’s tendncy to dance around that or loudly proclaim a minor character no one cares about is gay in a way they can edit out. It’s a great step forward for the channel and the company and good on the crew for going ahead with it and good on disney for not beign dumb about it, nor, like again they have a bad habit of doing, loudly shouting about it to the media. Excellent work. 
Now i’m done rambling about Huey’s psyche and america’s new faviorite gay couple, I gotta get the suplot out of the way: while the whiporwill is freaking adorable as is dewey’s bond with it, otherwise this plot is.. really damn weak: it has some good jokes (Louie’s blunt no when Scrooge asks if hte family wants to fight a bear, Webby’s disapointment when she finds their not walking in the path of literal giants, Donald’s runner with the spy drone mosquito (and Della’s instiance to just let it suck his blood), and Della proving she has the family temper with her own donald brand angry dance) it’s just.. not enoguh. It feels like it’s an oblogiatory plto for the family and while it does set up the season’s overaching plot with a strong character, as it’s intresting learning that Scrooge had an idol at adventuring and thus is following a legacy himself, overall the subplot itself is just there and distracting from the much more intresting A-Story. That being said it was at least sorta worth it for the ending bit where huey and violet suprisingly find launchpad at the end of the trial in a cave.. as do the duckfamily, both groups crying out “Launchpad?!” with launchpad giving out a hilarious “that’s me, i’m launchpad” and while the setup for it was weak, the idea of the family going around the globe to find missing mysteries wile fighting fowl over them is a great concept. Overall a really damn strong start to the season with a weak b-plot and i’m gald even if this isn’t what htey planned to start with it’s what they went with.  Quack Pack: Quack Pack.. is one of disney’s secret shames.. I mean it’s not SO secret as it’s on D+ while this show’s predecessor wonder over yonder and superhero fantasy classic american dragon jake long are not for reasons I sitll don’t get, but that’s a rant for another day. It clashed badly with ducktlaes,was meiocre most of the time (It helps the two episodes I did watch were donald focused as he, a nicely redeisgned dasiy, and their co-worker kent were the highlights), with the boys somehow being more obnoxious than they were at their worst in the original ducktales.  Now that’s off my chest the episode itself.. is really damn good and a nice take on sitcom parody, with the family getting ready for a photo. Dewey’s “since the internet” line in paticular killed because, having watched boths ome of the best sitcoms (roseanne, designing women) and some of the absolute worst (My wife and kids, last man standing,home imporvment etc), most modern ones i’ve seen, even the good ones, have kids written this terrible way. Otherwise though it was highly enjoyable and having Jaleel “Urkel/Sonic the Hedgehog” white here to take the piss out of his former genre as Gene (and doing such a great job I really want to see Gene back next season), is the icing. That and Huey going half insane trying to figure out what’s going on, as well as the unsettling reveal of the studio audience.  Really the ep is a laugh fest, as well as the glorious arrival of goofy who to my relief, wasn’t a hallucination.. which itself is a great gag as is the offscreen internal thought of “okay so now htey ahve to take goofy with them on this deadly adventure all the way back to the states?”. The using of the adults old designs, as well as having dewey do the triplets dance and wear an outfit similar to theirs from “Mr Duck Steps Out” (Which I saw earlier this year and other than daisy’s horrifying early voice it wasn’t half bad). It’s just hard to go into and throughly enjoyable. But analysis right the real meat is in my boy donald: Going into the ep I genuinely expected Dewey to be the obvious source of the wish: while knowing gene was involved meant it was easy to see it was his fault HOW was a good question.. but having Donald do so and throughly enjoyable, and naturally gives us two great gags int he rwo: Donald’s VERY donald response “I wish for that 6 times a day! how wsas I supposed to know I was rubbing up against a magical lamp” and everyone spouting off their catcphrases, all either actual ones, basically something she does all the time turned into one (della) or poor beakly who gets “i’m not a spy” for some reason an dis cross about it. But the fact Donald not only figured it out quickly but wants to stay.. is perfectly in character. Donald in general, and especailly here, dosen’t WANT to be an adventuer anymore: he does it for his family, but he’d probably perfer the tgif lifestyle where problems are minor and solved with heartwarming lessons.. not full of lingering restiments, damage you caused, or loosing a decade of your sisters life and having to struggle to care for her kids. The rest of the familys looks when he gives his reasoning say it all: they really get why he wants this.. but Huey, who nicely got to be the one to break the sitcom news to them on top of everything else, makes an even better one: their lives are who they are.. this.. isn’t real. LIkea tgif sitcom it’s a plastic imitation of life that’s nothing like it: it’s comforting sure since hte real world is fucking complicated and miserable at times.. but hiding from it dosen’t fix things.  And while Donald, of course angrily denies this while his family ends upf ighting the studio audience, it’s Goofy, loveable guest star and everyone’s other faviorite dad, who gets his friend to see the truth: eveyr family has thieir own normal. He and max are  widower and his kid. Just a family of three (I”m counting PJ since , by his tene years at least, Peg is missing, though Iw ish she’d come back as her and goofy would be cute and she deserves better than Pete but whatever, and his dad is an emotionally abusive douchehead). But their happy, they make memories even if goofy like donald can’t walk five feet without the universe, and that’s what counts> it’s a touching sentiment and i’m happy Donald now has a friend whose also a parent and probably made similar sacrifices, and some Donald hasn’t had to just yet and probably won’t now dellas back, but made it through. So donald helps his family fight the  humanoids, take sa picture and it’s just a genuinely sweet ending... a great episode with a great concept that also opens the door for the return of the world’s other best dad more times. And again I want to see him smooch pete’s ex wife. This is the hill I will die on apaprently.. and with that I leave you. it was a good start a fun thing ot dive into and I hope for more.. oh and before I go, while i’m not a GIANT max and roxanne shipper, Idon’t dislike the ship I just don’t hav ea large attachment, it was absolutley WONDERFUL to see that they went to prom together. Okay i’m done, until next week, courage and stay safe. 
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365daysoftododeku · 5 years
14th July 2019
Author: Kenyoda
Admin’s Note: This oneshot is a sequel to @ebonyphd​‘s Internet Friends are Real Friends. Feel free to check it out if you haven’t already!
Speaking of Friends
Shouto stared at his computer screen, completely frustrated. The lists he had pulled up about possible birthday gifts for friends had been of no help. All of the suggestions were either thinly veiled advertisements or generic. He knew he could get something that Izuku would like. The kid was a huge nerd - not that Shouto wasn’t the same. He could get him an obscure comic or figurine and he would be over the moon! But Shouto wanted this to be really special for his first and best friend. Something unique and personal, but he was drawing a blank. 
Izuku had become a huge part of his life, despite them never meeting in person. He had been there for Shouto during some of the roughest points of his life. Izuku was the only other person in his life besides his mom and siblings that he could converse with without any need for a translator. He had even encouraged him to see his mom again. 
The dilemma started because they had recently discovered that they both lived in Musutafu. Izuku then excitedly mentioned that he was having a small get together on his birthday and that he would love for Shouto to stop by. This lead to Shouto obsessing over what to get his friend as a gift.
He sighed  as he dropped his head on his desk in defeat. Suddenly, the light flickered in his peripheral. Shouto turned to the door and saw his brother Natsuo standing there. He waved halfheartedly. Natsuo began signing. 
“What’s wrong? You looked like somebody kicked a puppy,” he said. 
Shouto sat up and replied, “I am stuck on what to get Izuku for his birthday!” Natsuo raised an eyebrow at that.
“Isn’t he a bigger nerd than you are? Just get him a comic,” he said, looking perplexed. Shouto shook his head vehemently. 
“No! It needs to be special!” he insisted. Natsuo frowned. 
“You are thinking about this way too hard, baby bro,” he said. “He will be happy enough to have you there! You could just tell him ‘Happy Birthday’ and he would be happy, I think.” Shouto blinked. 
“Say that again?” he asked. Slowly, a crazy idea was forming in his mind. 
“What? Tell him ‘Happy Birthday’?” he asked. That’s it! He could do that. It would take some work, but he could try. If all else failed, there was merchandise. 
“Yes! I need your help,” Shouto said. 
“With what?” Natsuo asked.
“Teach me to talk,” he said. Natsuo blinked and then slapped a hand to his forehead.  
“Shouto, I did not mean literally!” he said after a moment. 
“I’ve got four months! I can learn that simple phrase, right?” he asked, pleading with his eyes. 
“Fuyumi is the teacher, not me!” his brother complained. Shouto pouted. 
His sister appeared in the doorway a moment later. She and Natsuo traded a few words before a delighted smile passed over her face. 
“I can help you with that! I have a co-worker that comes to the campus frequently. She is a speech therapist. I will get in contact with her,” she said excitedly. 
It had almost been a year since their father had been taken into custody and charged with a multitude of crimes against them. He was also collared for some unethical business practices. Back when his father was around, giving any extra help to Shouto was forbidden. So, the siblings made do with the sign language they had learned. None of them had thought to try talking or even attempting to teach him to speak. 
But he was willing to try now, for Izuku’s sake. 
The four months passed by in a blur. Suddenly, Shouto had been out of the house more than he had ever been in his entire life almost. Twice a week he would travel to the speech therapist’s office. She would work with him on enunciation and how to gauge his speaking without actually hearing his own voice. Once he got most of the sounds down, they started working on simple words and names. The day he managed to say most of Fuyumi’s name, she cried. Shouto had been alarmed at first. But she quickly signed that she was happy. 
At this point, it was now two weeks from the party, and Shouto was trying to tighten up his pronunciation for his meeting with Izuku. They were hanging out in Unplug per their usual, except this time, Izuku was in a voiced group chat with some of his other friends. Shinsou Hitoshi was in the Altered Reality RP with them. Kirishima Eijirou was also in the server - the mod, as a matter of fact. Uraraka Ochako was a friend from Izuku’s middle school. Thankfully, he had figured out how to get his dictation software to separate who was talking. 
At this moment, he was reading along with the conversation, adding an emote every now and then. He was mostly lost in his own head as he sounded out the words on the screen. His therapist had encouraged him to practice at home by reading things. He had to learn to rely on the way the words felt in his mouth. Suddenly, the conversation derailed.
Deku are you muttering again?
I am stuffing my face atm
I love katsudon
Especially my mom’s
No fair man!
You’re making me hungry
Then who is?
Not me
Nothin here
Shouto turned red. They could hear him. He forgot. He typed an apology.
My bad
Some ad playing in an internet tab
Np ven
I was just wondering if I was losing it
The chat laughed at that before they continued their original conversation. Thankfully, they were not too excited and his software could keep up. But Shouto spent the rest of the session mouthing the words instead of vocalizing them. He still wanted it to be a surprise. He had also caved and ordered a special copy of the first volume of Altered Reality Academy for Izuku, too. It was signed by the author Yagi Toshinori. He really hoped that Izuku would like his gifts. 
Finally, the day arrived and Shouto was literally frozen by nerves. But he took his present and got in the car with Fuyumi. She had noticed his anxiousness and was doing her best to reassure him that it would be fine. His brain was putting forth the worst scenarios possible, while he sat in the passenger seat muttering what he wanted to say to himself over and over again. Eventually, they pulled up to an apartment building and before Shouto could blink, he was standing in front of the door. His hands were trembling around the wrapped comic book. Fuyumi knocked politely. After several moments, the door opened to reveal a very familiar face. Izuku beamed happily at them. He said something to his sister before signing to Shouto.
“Hi Shouto! I am so glad you could make it!” he said, hands moving rapidly in his excitement. Shouto’s heart rate picked up. He definitely thought Izuku was adorable. But seeing him away from a computer desk was a different thing entirely. His eyes were brighter and greener in person. And there were several more freckles than the few that his camera picked up. But his smile was the same. Shouto took a deep breath and spoke,
“-appy Birth-d-day, Izu.” Izuku gaped at him. Shouto felt his heart drop as he wondered if he completely butchered it. Then it suddenly took flight as he was squeezed around his middle and fluffy hair was brushing against his throat. Izuku eventually let him go, wiping his eyes with his wrist. A wide smile was still plastered on his face. 
“Thank you!” he mouthed over and over. Shouto sagged with relief, the comic almost slipping from his hands. He tightened his grip before it fell. He then held it out shyly. Izuku blinked before taking it with another grin. He signed thank you this time. He then took Shouto’s hand and practically dragged him over the threshold. Shouto grinned happily to himself. 
His birthday plan did work out after all.  
Would you like your work to be featured in the 365 Days of TodoDeku Project? Apply here! (≧∇≦)/
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userseokkie · 5 years
so uh i know literally no one except like two people care about this but i was thinking today about steve and tony as one does, and if you’re not aware i have a tag for them i call #red oni blue oni and in case you don’t know what that refers to here’s the explanation from tv tropes:
“This trope is about two individuals (or occasionally, factions or civilizations) that are significantly linked together somehow (such as through a rivalry, friendship, being siblings, co-workers, competitors, etc.) that have differing personalities and, with it, often different approaches to the world in general, especially whatever they might be competing in/for/over. This, of course, gives them something to butt heads about, since their manner of acting may rub each other the wrong way and each is sure that their way of doing things is right.”
which you know, OBVIOUSLY steve and tony fit that trope because if anything they’re the driving forces for every major event that’s happened with the avengers since they found cap in 1964. but ALSO there’s more
even though with the red and blue thing you associate Steve with the blue oni and Tony with the red oni, it appears as though they’re the exact reversed:
“The Red Oni is associated with passion, wildness, and defiance. A Red Oni character is often more brawny than brainy, extroverted, enthusiastic, determined, and filled with a zest for life. They are also much more likely to break conventions and rules than their counterpart. If a Red Oni is indeed noticeably intelligent, they will still be much more wild and impetuous than the Blue Oni and/or with less sophisticated thoughts, feelings, or goals. Generally speaking, they're more people-oriented than goal-oriented (although both Oni's can be either). They may or may not shrug off criticism about themselves or their aims and goals, but say or do something nasty to their closest friends and you've just guaranteed yourself a world of pain.” Now i’m not saying Steve is a Big Dumb Blond but the defiant, loud mouthed kid from brooklyn that never took no for an answer is really something that rings true with this description. 
“The Blue Oni is associated with serenity, control and observing authority. A Blue Oni is more intellectual, proud, traditional, introverted, and cultured (sometimes more spiritual, although that's not guaranteed). Blue Oni personalities are often respected by others, but also likely to puzzle or confound their peers because they are difficult to read and have a mysterious quality to them. It's worth noting that while blue types appear tremendously calm and composed, sometimes, this is just the surface, and scratching that façade may show that they are, if anything, wound far too tight beneath their calm and unemotional appearance.” lmao okay so.... traditional? introverted? stoic? those are all descriptors you would NEVER apply to Tony Stark. but then again, if we separate Tony the outside image he’s so carefully crafted from the real Tony who almost no one gets to see, then perhaps it’s more accurate. we know Tony is an alcoholic with a depressive streak and it’s dangerously easy fro him to slip into self destructive habits precisely because he does NOT communicate. he’s great at deflecting - try talking to him about his feelings and he’ll get ragingly drunk and blow up his house only to avoid answering. so... blue?
i still have my hang ups with dividing them so neatly as Red and Blue when it’s more like a swirl of colors where it ends up a purple shade bc they both have things from each Oni. but here is where it gets more interesting and what makes me say OH MY GOD YES THEY’RE THE EMBODIMENT OF THIS TROPE:
“While many expressions of this trope play it straight, it is also not uncommon for the Blue Oni and Red Oni to mix traits. The Red Oni, while usually the more passionate and emotion-driven, may also be the more easy-going and flexible of the two. Their more simplistic world-view may make them at least partially immune to angst and Wangst. Conversely, the Blue Oni, while usually stoic and thoughtful, may hide a volatile, angsty nature that may erupt if pushed too far. In such instances the two may switch roles (...)
There are a lot of ways to play their interactions, so sometimes the two are both leads on an equal standing, sometimes the blue is more of The Smart Guy or The Lancer to the red's Hot Blooded The Leader or The Big Guy. The relationship can also vary wildly, as they are just as likely to be close friends as they are to be bitter rivals or enemies. One thing that is sure is that regardless of how big a cast is, when these two are in it, they will be magnetically drawn to each other.“
See?! the Red oni/Blue oni trope is not so much about them being complete opposites, night and day, black and white, it’s more about how their differences bring them together but their similarities is what keeps them that way. jfc Steve and tony are literally two sides of the same coin, where that coin is justice and heroism and Steve is a deontological representation of what a hero is, while Tony is more a pragmatic/utilitarian reflection of a hero. They are both philosophical movements that focus on Good and achieving what’s right but in far different ways. 
Even further developing their portrayal, it’s obvious they borrow from both onis interchangeably:
“In a show where it's relevant, differences in fighting style may be something like Technician vs. Performer. For example, a red may rush headlong into combat without focus or a plan, relying on surprise or intimidation. It may be that their strategy is to close the fight quickly before their opponent can think or adapt. (”Stark, we need a plan of attack!” “I have a plan - ATTACK!”) The blue may use cunning traps, stealth and strategies, or tend to win in elegant Single-Stroke Battle fashion, or rely on hitting a target with magical powers or projectiles from a distance instead of running up to their opponent and punching them in the face. (Now, does this sound more like Steve or like Tony? because to me this is Tony’s battle strategy to a T. he never punches someone in the face, well besides a few exceptions. He literally has projectiles with body heat targeting. so is tony the blue one or the red one?) Force and Finesse is a variation where red tends to rely on raw power while blue uses precision strikes.“ (Steve rogers is a brilliant strategist, and reminds everyone all the time that he’s the Man with a Plan and everyone always defers to him on the battlefield. But then again, he’s also the kid who used to weigh 90 pounds soaking wet and still went round for round with bullies twice his size without thinking about it. “I can do this all day” says the punk as he throws punches blind. that’s a Red oni thing, but he’s strategy overall is more Blue oni.)
Even so, something else that’s been established time and time again is the difference in their fighting styles. Steve is a boxer, which ultimately means offensive fighting, while Tony practices kung fu and mixed martial arts, which translates into defensive fighting. BUT THEN WAIT, there’s also the fact that Steve has a goddamn shield, which is meant to defend against attacks, while Tony has a weaponized suit of armor that flies, which can be either of both things but is normally used more for offensive attacks, unless you just wanna fly away or bring up the nanotech shield you took from Steve’s book, Tony.
The trope says that Red does everything impulsively, without plan, relying on his instinct while Blue makes a plan and trains to do all perfectly. That’s Tony being the red oni and Steve being the Blue oni. But then, there’s also the brawn vs. brains dichotomy where “Red would focus on becoming physically superior often by putting his/her body through an insane amount of intense training which can be dangerous at times” which is Steve. And meanwhile “Blue would focus on getting smarter and gathering all possible knowledge, betting on their intelligence to win them the fight” which is definitely Tony. So then again, it’s all a mixture where they’re both Onis and yet they both complement the other one where they’re lacking.
In conclusion Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are kindred spirits and also Red and Blue Onis and I love them a lot but not as much as they love each other
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lostflcwer-blog · 6 years
okay i’m gonna do and drop every plot i need for my muses just bcs y’all are soooo encouraging and cute yooooo iz me trying to be smooth. okay but honestly speaking idk what i did to deserve such writing partners as u guys like damn u guys are the real mvp click-clack dkjrkrjr
okay so imma put it under a read more since it’s gonna be long long long like how long i take with my replies. daeng! 
Jiyeon (supernatural muse)
someone who helped her during the war decades back and now really good friends and has this sibling type of friendship. (ya know where they both bicker over nonsense things bcs jeez i need more fluff or soft moments in my life i do nothing but angst jksgkrjkbfiwfns just give me a really chill and cute friendship uwu)
someone she’s looking for or more like someone she’s hunting/rival who’s threatening to destroy her court (night court). she’ll be tracking or chasing this person down. (see despite me wanting fluff, here i am looking for someone who could threaten her to destroy her whole court bcs bih life isn’t always smiles and laughters or rainbows and butterflies)
Sora (writer)
a supernatural muse since she’s a novelist, she doesn’t really believe in supernatural beings so maybe someone who could prove her wrong? and make her see the other side of the world. the world of the supernatural then she’d explore and write about it. a fantasy novel.
Nana (she’s a part of a gang ok? okay; her bio’s in the process of being made. feel free to ask me anything abt her for the mean time.)
a fellow gang member, better if they were the leader and nana could be the second in command. despite being the leader they have this soft spot for nana, they’d be the one to teach her everything and all those short (bonus: they’re actually childhood friends)
another gang member who could be jealous of being second in command and nana would put her in place. probably rivalry between these two muse
someone who is after her, who wants to kill her or someone who would want to get revenge from something nana has done to them. literally someone who resents nana (bcs this muse got no chill asdjfjkgejrg)
Chohee (my muse who is deaf; same as nana bio will be up soon. questions are welcomed just hmu)
a co-worker/really close friend, someone who could guide her at work and also the very same person who could keep pushing her on going after her dreams.
Miyoung (single mother)
someone who is jealous of her and spreads crap about her and seeks to make her life more miserable by threatening her about spreading rumors about her son.
Hyeji (dancer)
someone she could treat like a younger sibling just bcs i want to explore her protective side okay? she deserves more kjdkjsek and besides i need more friends for her
Hui (hitman; bio will be up soon sfkrwgkerjgnkrjef)
someone who have taken her in and also the same person who killed hui’s parents (hui wouldn’t know this bcs amnesiaaaa), they’d train her and make her the best hitman of their group. a mafia
son of the head of the mafia that she has to protect. (this will be something soft. will be explained further just hmu if you’re interested)
Ara (songwriter)
i’m desperate for someone who could play as her older brother. oh my god yes her brother’s in a band and ara write songs for their band, an indie band that is and just soft moments for these two bcs hey they’re close af and have been through much. they only got each other at the end of the day (also he could be a little protective at times especially when ara’s quite shy and naive)
someone who could act as if they were her older sister bcs come on, she needs the girl talk from time to time too and help her get out of her shell bcs your girl is shy shy shy
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hxmmerhexd · 7 years
Tumblr media
the sorting hat || wdpa challenge 001
Personal Questions
What is your real, birth name? When and where were you born? Andrew Timothy Anchorage. April 8th, 1995. I was born in London.
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.)
Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it? I’m mostly called Drew. I’ve heard Hammerhead as well. I think Hammerhead is a reference to how much I’m in the water.
What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features) I’m 5′8″, about 150 pounds. I’ve got black hair and brown eyes, a very lanky, slender body and a few tattoos. I think my most distinguishing feature has got to be my hair. It’s quite curly.
How do you dress most of the time? Do you wear any jewelry? Honestly a lot of my clothes are women’s clothes. They fit better. I wear a lot of black and blue, chambray shirts, torn jeans, the occasional suit. I don’t really wear jewelry. I think I’d like to get my ears pieced, up in the cartilage.
What don’t you like about yourself? What kind of things embarrass you? Why? I’m pretty good with my appearance. I’m only embarrassed when I mess up while performing.
In your opinion, what is your best feature? Hm... perhaps my tattoos? they’re all really cool.
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.? I live with Emily in a flat near campus. It’s minimalist, but efficient. We each have our own workplace, although hers is much neater than mine. I love the hardwood floors and the huge, low rising bed in our room. Allen likes it too, but only when Em isn’t home.
What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much? My electric guitar is my third arm. I couldn’t go a day without playing it.
What one word best describes you? Overcomer.
Familial Questions
What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.) When I was little it was me, mum, and dad. The three musketeers. As I got older they started drifting apart, especially after my brother Louis came along. Now we don’t talk to mum much, it’s just us boys now. I like it that way.
Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married? Tim is my best friend. He’s a welder turned sitcom star who taught me everything I know, from drugs, to surfing, to music. My mum, Denise, isn’t really in my life anymore. She struggled a lot, with drugs and alcohol and depression. I think she’s better off not really having to worry about us, but I’m sure she still does anyways. I still love her, despite all the shit we went through. My parents were divorced when I was 17 and Lou was 10. That’s the best thing that could have happened to us, although I didn’t see it at the time. Lou took it even harder than I did. I think he’s still sad about it.
What are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like? (If you have siblings) I have a little brother named Louis, he’s 16. He’s just like me, even though we grew up in very different situations. He’s also a sick bassist. I might recruit him to play for me one of these days. I love him a lot. 
What’s the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What’s the worst thing you’ve done to one of your siblings? (If you have siblings) One time when Lou was probably, eh, five or six, he found some scissors and cut my hair while I was asleep. Twelve year old Drew did not find that very funny. I guess the worst thing would be allowing him to see me and his parents fight. When we used to fight it could get physical. I’m sure that scared him.
When’s the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now? I saw my brother over Spring Break, he cam and hung out with me and Em while my dad was shooting in LA. We had dinner with my dad, too.
Who is your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them. Caleb Stirling is my best friend, and Bruce is a close second. Caleb really gets me. We have a lot in common, especially shit that has happened to us. We both love to surf, too. I would also count Emily as my best friend, even though she’s my girlfriend. She’s great to talk to and knows me really well.
Childhood Questions
What is your first memory? Christmas, my third Christmas. My aunts got me a little toy keyboard and I played it all day until the batteries died. Well, I thought the batteries died. My dad told me later that he took them out because I was shit at keyboard as a three year old. Can’t blame him, I guess.
What was your favorite toy? That keyboard.
What was your favorite game? Sharks and minnows.
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? George is my best friend from back home. He plays drums. He’s kind of like my other brother, we’ve known each other so long. When I’m home I’ll stay at his house sometimes. 
What is your fondest childhood memory? Getting my guitar. I was eleven. 
What is your worst childhood memory? The night my parents told me they were seperating.
Adolescent Questions
It is common for one’s view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it? I’m kind of indifferent to authority. When I was younger, I was definitely a rebel. Now I don’t really care. 
What “clique” did/do you best fit in with? (Royals, Dark Royals, Wallflowers, Bookworms, Punks, Hipsters, Rejects, etc.) I would guess I’m a Wildcard? Maybe a Wallflower.
What were/are your high school goals? What were/are your uni goals? In high school my goal was to stay alive. That’s how crazy my life was. Now, I’d like to graduate early and get going with my life. Maybe I’ll marry Em. We’ll see.
What is/was your favorite memory from adolescence? What is/was your worst memory from adolescence? My favorite memory is when m brother learned to play bass and we used to play together. The look on my parents’ faces was so cool. They loved it. My worst memory was the night I saw my gang beat the shit out of some guy, and then I proceeded to beat the shit out of them. That’s when I knew I had to get out.
Do you own a car? Describe it. If not, describe your dream car. I guess my car is a classic? It was my dad’s friend’s. It’s a white 1973 MGB GT.
Occupational Questions
Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from? Yeah, I have gigs at the Teacup every Tuesday. I work as a server there when I’m not playing. My dad kind of bankroll me, though. He pays the rent for my flat. 
What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.) You know, bosses are bosses. I’ve had worse. At least I get to perform.
What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don’t you get along with? I get along with all my coworkers. I don’t see a reason not to.
What is something you had to learn that you hated? Spilled coffee on you is literally the worst thing ever.
Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why? I’m very frugal. The only real impulse buys I have are that dog and gifts for Emily.
Likes & Dislikes Questions
What hobbies do you have? Mostly I’m a musician. I play, I write, I help others out when I can. I guess I’m a big reader, too. My favorite hobby is napping. 
What bands/artists do you like? What song is “your song?” Why? I’m into indie/alt rock. I don’t really have a song. I can’t pick just one! Here are a few of my favorites.
When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don’t you care? I'm not actually a U.S. citizen, so I’m not registered to vote here. My dad sends me stuff from the U.K. for me to look at. Honestly, I just want everyone to love each other, and I don’t like leaders who base policy on their religious beliefs.
What time of day is your favorite? What kind of weather is your favorite? I’m a morning person. I function the best on a good night’s sleep and a big cup of coffee.
What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? Ooh, probably pineapple. I don’t like steak, or any meat for that matter.
What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) Coffee. Usually black.
What’s your favorite animal? Why? Sharks! They’re so big and they rule the ocean.
Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? My dog is called Allen. He’s brown. Emily says he’s “my dog” and not “her dog”, especially when he chews stuff in the flat. 
What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) Surfing, mostly.
What’s a pet peeve of yours? People hurting the ones I love.
Sex & Intimacy Questions
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, pan, or something else? Why? I don’t really have a preference. I just love everyone. 
Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go? (If your character is sexually active, if not, skip this question) Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. I was probably high as hell. I seriously can’t remember, but I know it had to be around age 16. 
Do you currently have a lover/crush? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them? I LOVE EMILY CADAVRE. She’s so intelligent, and funny, and beautiful. We’er the two cheesiest cheeses to ever cheese. Although we argue a lot, we see eye to eye on much more. She’s hardworking, she’s an artist, she’s amazing. I couldn’t ask for more.
Describe the perfect romantic partner for you and describe your perfect date with them. My perfect date with Em would be a concert. 
Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening? I don’t know if I’ll be a parent, honestly. I think Emily is the one, but I’m not sure how dead girls have children, if they do. Besides, I’ll be very busy touring and writing, I don’t know if me having a kid is a good idea. 
What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why? I used to think it was sex, no ties, you know? Now I’m sure it’s intimacy.
What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.) Before Emily I had a lot of flings. I’d never really had a proper girlfriend until her. 
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved? I almost cheated on Em.
Drug & Alcohol Questions (if your character’s a drinker/does drugs, if not, skip to numbers 5 & 6)
How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? I was thirteen. It was at an awards show after party my dad held at our house. Me and George stole a bottle of vodka and snuck onto the roof. We split the whole thing between us. 
Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it? I wouldn’t say anything good came out of it. It was the start of my downfall,  I think. Man was I sick the next day.
Do you drink on any kind of regular basis? Not anymore, I’ve been sober for a year or so.
What kind of alcohol do you prefer? None.
Have you ever tried any other kind of “mood altering” substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each? Yeah, I did lots of drugs before I came here. I wouldn’t be able to name all of them. Everything from weed to LSD to coke. 
What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not? I’m clean now, and I’m thankful for it. I don’t think anyone should do either, but it’s not really my place to tell them that. Doesn’t mean I don’t try.
Post-Powers Awareness Questions (For those who have powers)
When did you go through when you gained your powers? What was it like (in your opinion)?
What do you think now of being magical? Is it cool, or have you been screwed?
Do you have a mentor? Who are they? How did you become their student?
Do you have any magical items? Where did you get them?
Think of a major event that happened during your training/initiation. What was it?
What is something you had to learn during your training that you hated? Why did you hate it?
Thoughtful Questions
What about you is heroic? I’d say my ability to turn my life around.
What about you is social? What do you like about people? I’m not really a people person.  I like to admire from afar. People are so interesting.
If a magical being, describe the color of what magic you use, is it of a light color, bold and bright, pastel and sparkly, etc.
Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why? I like to think I’m a leader, but I couldn’t tell you.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
our broken white rose (3/?) ⇾ camren
a/n: i was gonna update tomorrow after wedding planning with my fiancée but she’s with her dad doing father, daughter shit and im home alone, bored and cold so after this if y'all wanna pm me, im not opposed to it. seriously. be my friend. pLEASE! ok enjoy this chapter. please comment as you read, let me know what you think, answer end of the chapter questions and vote! ilyy..
-after writing chapter: i started this at like 6 PM east coast time AND ITS LITERALLY 3:30 AM. fuck lmao. ok enjoy
I lightly drummed my fingertips on the wooden table, humming to myself as I glanced up at the clock. Tori should be here any minute now.
Its been about a week since my encounter with Tori at Luca’s Ice Cream Shoppe and since then, I’ve managed to give her my number and semi let her into my life. It’s weird. I haven’t made “friends” with anyone other than my co-workers since Camila’s passing. The only person I had was Lucy and if she wasn’t watching the girls for me, she was spending time with Kandee (kay-n-dee). So it was nice but, weird, having someone I can just talk to whenever.
Today happened to be Tori’s last day in California and as weird as it sounded, I’m going to miss her. Her flight was to take off in about three hours from now and she was coming in to collect the demo she had recorded for her friend Karla and the few solo tracks we managed to edit and get done.
When I heard the creek of the studio door opening, I turned around and smiled at Tori as she shoved her wild curls out of her face and hurried in. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The checkout line at my hotel was crazy. I had to checkout before noon or they’d charge me for the night and I’ve been there since eight in the morning,” she explained with a loud sigh. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head, chuckling softly. “It’s fine Tori. I’m in no rush, you’re good,” I shrugged it off.
She nodded, seemingly relieved. “Thanks.”
Walking over to the recording booth, I grabbed the two CD cases before walking back over to Tori who was in the process of putting her hair up. “This is your demo and your other recordings,” I explained, handing it over when her hands were finally free.
A wide smile formed on her lips. She took the CDs from me before throwing her arms around me. I stood in shock for a few moments before laughing awkwardly and hugged her back. She pulled away, dimples on display. “Thank you so much Lauren. I can’t wait until Karla and my mom sees these,” she said, looking down at them with nothing but excitement.
I smiled. “I’m sure they’ll love it. You sound amazing.”
I watched as a small blush fell upon her cheeks before she looked up at me. “Thanks a lot Laur. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”
“Yeah you could’ve. You’re incredible all on your own,” I said. “Have you ever thought of moving out here and starting a music career? Any label would be fucking stupid not to sign you. I could even get you in touch with the label my w…” I trailed off, waving my hands around, hoping she’d catch on. She looked at me for a moment before her mouth formed an ‘O’ shape and nodded. “Yeah. With her label. It’s really hard to come across good talent nowadays. The industry could use real people like yourself.”
Tori shook her head, a bashful smile gracing itself on her lips. “I don’t know about all of that… my family is in Alaska. And Karla’s having a baby soon and her fiancée isn’t too fond of leaving town let alone the state.”
I shrugged, “Who says Karla and her crew has to come? I think you should put your dreams before them. But that’s just me. I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, but if you ever feel like it’s the right time, you know where to reach me.”
Tori nodded slowly, in thought. “Well, Karla’s my best friend. And I don’t think I’d want to leave her all alone while I’m over here. And my mom and her sisters and brothers…” she shook her head. “Music is just a fantasy of mine I’ve gotten the chance to make reality within this last week and a half thanks to you. But I think after this, I’ll just let it stay a fantasy. I have too many people back home to just up and abandon to live some dream that’ll probably fail,” a small frown replaced her perfect smile.
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before leading her over to the lounging couches to take a seat. My feet were hurting. I thought for a second, attempting to gather my words. “When I left my family and friends, I had just turned sixteen,” I started. “It was the scariest thing of my life. I auditioned to start my dream as a solo act but instead got paired with four girls who absolutely changed my life. It was beyond terrifying to be just a teenager leaving home. I left my little sister and brother, my grandma had died while I was on the road.
“I missed so much of my siblings growing up. And sometimes I really regretted it. I didn’t get to go to college like my brother and sister and everyone else I grew up with. I didn’t get that normal upbringing. But if I had the chance to go back and change anything, I wouldn’t. Because my dream had come true. I got to tour the world with my favorite people for four fucking years, married the woman of my dreams, had two beautiful daughters and now work with helping others make their dreams come true.
"It may be scary, and it may be hard letting go, but God it’s the best feeling in the world - knowing you’re impacting just one persons life with your voice. Its incredible. And I wouldn’t be sharing this with you if I didn’t think you were cut out for it. You remind me a lot of two people. One of my former bandmate’s, Ally. Always wanting to care about everyone, sometimes forgetting herself.
"And my wife… so much talent but so scared of upsetting people that they sit on it for years. When she left our group, people hated her. Hell, I hated her. But what I loved about her and still love to this day was that she finally got up one day and showcased her talent the way she wanted to. Not the way the world wanted her to. And hopefully that one day comes soon for you too.”
I wasn’t sure where all of that had come from. It seemed the the words just kept on falling through my ass crack and out my mouth and it wouldn’t stop. Kinda like when Dinah made those tacos all those years ago and we had only one bathroom. What a night.
Tori smiled slightly at me before laughing to herself, “Your wife seemed like an amazing woman.”
I shook my head, “Not seemed. She’s not gone. She’s always with me.”
Tori nodded, apologizing. “I’m sorry. Seems. I’m sure she’s really proud of you. Wherever she may be.”
I looked down at my fingers before sighing. I missed her. But I wouldn’t cry. Not today. Looking back up I smiled. “I sure hope so.”
“Promise you’ll visit again?” I asked, pulling away from Tori and I’s hug. I had offered to drop her off at the airport, insisting that Uber’s were crazy and Taxi’s were overpriced but really, I just wanted to spend a little more time with her. Of course she protested a million times. That’s something I learned about Tori in this last week. She hated feeling like a burden or like she was bothering you. I admired that about her.
A wide smile took over her features, dimples on full display saying hello to LAX. “Of course. I’ll text you when I land,” she promised.
Nodding once more, I watched as she turned around and heading to check in her luggage. Sighing to myself, I proceeded out the airport. Well, there goes another person in my life.
When I returned home, Lucy was watching TV on the couch, phone in hand and different pouches of candy scattered all over. I rolled my eyes.
“What are you, a troll?” I laughed, plopping down beside her.
She glanced at me with a raised eyebrow before looking back down at her phone. “Well hello to you too,” she mumbled.
“Where are the girls?” I asked, looking up towards the stairs. The house didn’t seem to be upside down like usual.
Lucy shut her phone off, looking at me. “Luna is probably sleeping off her sugar rush and Lana is in her art room.”
“You gave them candy?!” I yelled, throwing a couch pillow at her to which she caught with ease. “Stop trying to give my kids diabetes! You do this every time.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m just trying to sweeten up their lives. You’re the one making them drink fucking green vegetable shakes telling them they’d get cancer if they didn’t. The only thing at risk of giving those children cancer is whatever is in that  poison you call health,” she huffed, opening a new pack of skittles and downing a handful.
I looked at her for a moment before sighing to myself. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“Yet you use to be in love with me.”
“Yeah, before you cheated on me and brought another woman in my bed,” I blurted out. Lucy turned to look at me, obvious pain behind her deep brown eyes. I sighed, shaking my head at myself. No wonder I had no friends. I’m such a mood killer. “Sorry, I was just fucking around.”
Lucy took a deep breath, looking down as she fumbled with the empty pack of skittles. “I know. I just can’t help but feel you’ll never fully forgive me for that…”
I shrugged, “I already forgave you. I guess it’s too sensitive of a topic to joke about.”
Lucy laughed humorlessly to herself, before looking at me again. “You say you forgave me but if you did, you would have given us another shot last year when I brought it up.”
I shook my head, “Don’t start again please. You’re with Kandee.”
“I know that, but you know if you would’ve given me a chance I’d be with you. Helping you raise Luna and Lana. I love those girls… and you. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get you to replace Camila–”
“Can you just stop?” I cut her off. I looked away, not wanting to see the pain behind her eyes. “I thought we agreed on only being friends, Lucy,” I sighed. “Besides, my wife just died–”
“Oh my god Lauren its been four fucking years. She’s not your wife. She’s a dead woman. They found her remains. She’s gone. Luna and Lana hardly fucking remember her. Stop talking about her! We’re over it, you need to get over it too.”
I looked at Lucy in nothing but disbelief. Taking several calming deep breaths, I blocked out her attempts to apologize as I made my way up the stairs, stopping the tears from falling. Halfway up the stairs, I looked back down at Lucy who was now standing, getting ready to follow me up. “Please go home to your girlfriend and stop telling me how to live my life simply because you can’t get over the past.”
Tori tossed and turned in her bed. It was her first night back in Alaska and although she was happy to see her mom again, she’s been battling with an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach since earlier that day when she had went over to visit Karla, only for Kristen (Lola) to throw some absurd excuse as to why she couldn’t come in.
Ringing the doorbell by the wooden door, Tori gripped the box of Hawaiian Pizza tighter from excitement. She had just arrived no less than two hours ago and was ready to surprise Karla with a box of her favorite pizza all while binge watching ‘Friends’.
When no one came to the door, she glanced at the driveway to make sure Kristen’s Dodge Durango was still there. Looking back at the closed door with a frown, she rang the doorbell two more times. “Maybe they just didn’t hear it,” she mumbled to herself.
A few minutes passed before she heard someone unlocking the several locks on the door. It was still crazy to her that Kristen felt that they needed six locks on one door, but she wasn’t one to judge.
When the wooden door to the cabin like three story home flew open, Tori smiled widely at Kristen, getting ready to walk in only to be stopped. Frowning, she shot Kristen a weird look. “Uh, I have pizza for Karla and I. I just got back from my trip,” she explained, waving the box of pizza in a form of obvious proof.
Kristen looked back into the house for a moment before stepping out and shutting the door behind her. Tori stumbled back, a confused frown permanently etched onto her lips. “What the hell? Why aren’t you letting me in?”
Kristen crossed her arms, looking at Tori with raised eyebrows. “Okay first, I have no obligation to let you into my home,” she started. “And two, Karla isn’t feeling too well. Pizza isn’t exactly something she should be eating.”
Ignoring Kirsten’s first comment, concern instantly washed over Tori. “What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she feeling well?” She asked, attempting to weave around Kristen to go on inside. When she felt a strong arm shove her back, she grew angry. Light brown eyes glared at hazel ones. “What the fuck Kristen!”
Kristen rolled her eyes, holding Tori away. “She’s not having any visitors right now. She’s contagious.”
Tori scoffed, “That’s bullshit, I don’t care. Can I please just see her? To make sure she’s fine at least?”
Kristen raised an eyebrow, now glaring at Tori in annoyance. “What, do you not trust me? Just go home and rest Victoria. You probably have jet lag or something. You can come back next week.”
Tori’s eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. “Next week?! What the hell, please tell me what’s happening. Can I just say hi? I promise I’ll leave right after Kris,” she begged.
Her heart fell into her stomach when Kristen ignored her, walking back inside and shutting the door behind her. Concern was swarming throughout her body and she didn’t know what to do.
“Does Karla not wanna see me?” She mumbled to herself.
That was the only thing that made sense. Kristen wouldn’t intentionally keep her away like that. Even when Karla had strep throat, she was still allowed to see her. It wasn’t about it being contagious. Karla just didn’t want to see her anymore.
Frowning down at the box of pizza, she sighed, holding her tears in as she turned back around and headed back to her car.
Staring up at her bedroom ceiling, she huffed before crawling out of bed. Heading into the living room, she was about to make her way into the kitchen for some water when she realized her study room light was on. “I thought I turned that off…” she mumbled.
Crossing the floor of her living room and into her study room, she jumped nearly twenty feet into the air. Heart beating erratically, she held her chest as her breathing hitched.
“Oh hey Tori,” her mother greeted looking up from the computer screen in front of her before looking back down. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
She took a deep breath before letting it out. “I didn’t know you decided to stay,” she mumbled out, pulling a chair up and sitting down.
Her mom raised an eyebrow at her, “That’s never bothered you before.”
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry. Just kinda scared me…”
“Alright. Well what are you doing up? Don’t you have work? It’s nearly four in the morning.”
Sighing dramatically, she ran her hands up and down her face. “Just kind of worried about Karla,” she said quietly, playing with the loose thread on her pajama bottoms.
Looking away from the computer screen, Laura (Tori’s mother) turned to face her daughter and gave her full attention.  “What’s the matter with Karla? Is she having issues with the baby?”
Tori shook her head, shrugging. “I’m not even sure Ma. I went over there after my flight with a box of her favorite pizza and Kristen opened the door, and made up an excuse as to why I couldn’t come in. She said Karla had some sort of "contagious sickness” and that I should come back next week. But Ma, I was with Karla when when she had strep throat and every other illness. I think Kris is being a little sketchy. She even shoved me away when I tried to go inside.“
Laura gave her daughter a puzzled look before sighing. "I never really trusted that woman…”
“Karla? Why? You know she’s more honest than Mary herself.”
Laura shook her head laughing lightly. “Not Karla, she’s a sweetheart. I’m talking about Kristen.”
Tori frowned, “Oh. Well, this is the first time I’m actually doubting her words. I don’t really know her, whenever I’m around she’s either working in her office or not talking. Karla says she doesn’t like a lot of people and she’s really closed off.”
Laura rolled her eyes, sliding her rolling chair back and forth on the carpeted floor as she thought. “I don’t know sweetheart. She just has rubbed me the wrong way for far too long. I don’t think she’s as good of a person as you think she may be.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about Ma. Karla wouldn’t be with her if she was a bad person. I’m just overreacting because I couldn’t see my best friend,” Tori defended.
Laura sighed to herself as she stood up. Walking towards her daughter, she planted a soft kiss on her forehead, pushing her curly blonde locks back. “I like how you always want to see the best in people baby girl, but I’ve been around far longer than yourself. I think I know a good person verses a bad person when I see it. Maybe Karla herself doesn’t even know. But I could be wrong, just get some sleep. I’m heading to bed.”
Tori felt her shoulders drop. “Okay. Fresh towels in the guest room bathroom,” she called over her shoulder.
“Thanks baby! Go to sleep now.”
Tori didn’t know how long she sat in the study room of her condo just thinking. But when she finally decided to head on up to bed, the sun was nearly coming up. “I guess this calls for a phone call to work faking sick…”
Entering her room, she flopped down on her bed staring up at the ceiling. Looking over at her nightstand where her phone sat, she picked it up deciding to do a bit of internet surfing before sleeping.
On her screen was two messages from Lauren. “Oh shit.”
Lauren - 7:24 PM: Hey, I don’t mean to be annoying and shit but just checking in to make sure you landed safely??
Lauren - 2:03 AM: I’m kinda worried. I gotta head to bed now but I bet you’re just busy or sleeping or something. Get back to me when you can.
Sitting up, she couldn’t help but smile at her concern but felt bad at the same time. She totally forgot to text her after she landed.
Tori - 5:59 AM: hey, i’m really sorry. i literally JUST saw your messages. i landed safely. just been stressed.
Tori went to put her phone down and head to sleep when it all of a sudden beeped. Frowning down at it, she raised an eyebrow when she realized it was Lauren.
Lauren - 6:01 AM: Oh no it’s okay. Just glad you’re safe and all. Penny for your thoughts?
Tori - 6:01 AM: wow, did you stay up awaiting my message? lol. but nah, i don’t wanna bug ya
Tori fumbled with her phone as she waited for a new reply. “Sleep is for losers anyways,” she mumbled to herself.
Lauren - 6:04 AM: Nooo, lmfao. I have kids, remember? It’s like 7 AM and I gotta take them to school. And you won’t, I promise.
Chewing on her bottom lip, she contemplated talking to Lauren about her concerns before typing away on her phone.
Tori - 6:05 AM: ooohhhh. damn i’m sorry that legit slipped my mind. sucks you gotta be up so early )-:
Tori - 6:05 AM: and i’m just worried about karla, you know, the one i made the demo for? yeah her
Tori found herself falling asleep when Lauren didn’t reply after a few minutes. She was nearly in sleep world when her phone buzzed beneath her finger tips.
Lauren - 6:13 AM: Me being up early? Look at you. But what are you worried about? Her not liking it?
Walking up the stairs, body beyond sore, Camila banged her fist on the locked door. “L-Lola. Please, I’m sorry,” she croaked out through the shut door. She’s been down in that basement for far too long and she was tired. She rather live under Lola’s rules then down there in darkness.
She felt tears prick her eyes when no one came. She was probably gone. Limping back down the stairs, she walked over to her corner and sat. “Please hurry up and save me Lolo…” she whispered as the first tear escaped.
She had bruises covering every inch of her body. Her stomach was in severe pain. She didn’t even know if the being within her was still alive. She hasn’t felt a single kick in days and she couldn’t help but feel worried but relieved all at once.
Minutes after she had come back down the stairs, the basement door swung open, Lola standing at the top. She flicked on the lights and Camila stood up as quickly as her body would allow her to. “Please Lola, I’m sorry,” she whispered as she came closer. “Don’t leave me down here anymore. I’m scared.”
Lola stared at her fiancée for a few moments before dropping the wooden stick in her hand, watching as it tumbled down the stairs. Hazel eyes locked with brown ones as she descended from the staircase. Camila stumbled back slightly when Lola unexpectedly wrapped her arms around her. “I hate to teach you lessons like that love,” She could feel her body tremble in fear but forced herself to hug her back, scared she may upset her and make her leave her down here again. “I love you.”
She stayed silent, hoping she could pass as not hearing it, but of course Lola wouldn’t allow that. Pulling away, she bent down to stare her in the eyes. “I said, I love you,” Looking down, she felt Lola’s hand grip her chin firmly. “You love me too, right?” Camila could feel a fresh set of tears coming as she nodded hesitantly. “Words baby, use your words.”
“Y-Yes… I love you too,” she whispered softly.
Lola smiled a creepy smile before bringing her lips down to Camila and engaging her into a rough kiss. She could feel the bile of disgust rising up her throat as she forced herself to kiss back. Lola soon pulled away, smiling creepily at Camila. “Good girl. Now, we’re gonna go make sure our baby boy is okay, alright?”
Camila sat and looked around the small examination room nervously. Lola had covered all of her bruises up with waterproof makeup. You could still see the slight obvious swelling on her lip and left eye, but it looked mostly like bloating.
The ultrasound technician walked in with a bright smile. “Hello Karla, Kristen. Its been awhile,” Holly greeted.
Holly was the first ultrasound technician to take a look at Camila when she had found out she was pregnant and had helped them several times before. Its been a few months since they’d last seen each other.
Lola smiled at Holly; extending her hand out to which Holly shook. “It has, hasn’t it?”
Smiling slightly herself, Camila nodded, not in the mood to speak. “So lets begin, yeah?”
Laying back on the examination bed near the machine, Camila raised her shirt up, exposing her protruding stomach. She hoped the makeup Lola put wouldn’t rub off when Holly started with the gel.
She winced when Holly pressed the gel covered wand firmly onto her stomach, swiftly moving it around.
Minutes later, Holly gave Camila a wipe to clean herself up and smiled at her. “Dr. Peterson should be in shortly,” she said before walking out.
Lola and Camila sat in silence as they waited for the OBGYN. Soon, the familiar blonde haired woman walked in with a bright smile. “Karla, Kristen! How is my favorite couple doing?” She laughed, taking a seat at the doctors chair.
After doing the usual friendly greeting, Dr. Peterson set her belongings down on the table before going over Camila’s chart silently for a moment before turning to the “couple.”
“Well, everything looks pretty decent to me. What does concern me although is the slightly slowed down heartbeat but that could just be due to early stages of the pregnancy,” or your crazy bitch of a “fiancée” trying to kill you by kicking your stomach over and over for an hour straight, she thought to herself. “Kristen, do you mind stepping outside with me? I want to speak to you about something,” Dr. Peterson requested.
Lola glanced at Camila before looking at Dr. Peterson and nodding. Camila watched in silence and confusion as the two women walked out of the room.
Minutes passed and neither have returned. Camila glanced around nervously before her eyes landed on Dr. Peterson’s cell phone sitting on the counter. A risky thought crossed her mind as she glanced at the door.
She waited a few more minutes to make sure no one was coming before quickly getting up and dashing across the room to retrieve the cellular device. “Please don’t have a lock, please don’t have a lock, please don’t have a lock,” she whispered over and over again to herself as she turned it on. She paced around impatiently as the apple logo came onto the phone. Glancing back the door, her eyes widened when she saw the handle turning slightly.
Looking at the phone in her hand that was currently rebooting, she shoved it into her bra and made her way back to the examination table, sitting and acting as normal as she possible could. Praying that Dr. Peterson doesn’t notice her missing phone right away.
“Well, you ladies are free to go. Make a follow up appointment for a well check in four weeks at the front desk. Hope to see you soon,” she smiled, gathering her things all at once and walking out.
Lola looked at Camila with a raised eyebrow. “C'mon.”
Standing in place Camila tried to think of an excuse as quickly as possible. “I… I uh. I have to poop!” She blurted out.
Lola looked at her with slightly wide eyes before sighing. “You can do that at home.”
“I can’t hold it,” she insisted.
Lola rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Hurry up and ask someone for the bathroom.”
Nodding and shooting Lola a small nervous smile to seem as unsuspicious as possible, Camila hurried and waddled out of the exam room, spotting a near by bathroom and walking in. She quickly locked the door behind her.
Taking the phone out from her bra, she was surprised that Lola didn’t notice it considering the fact that she had absolutely no breasts and anything against her chest was pretty obvious but she thanked god she hadn’t cause she was kind of nervous to find out what Lola would have done if she did. Lola never allowed her to have a phone, being the main reason why she’s never been able to find help for herself. Lola tracked her every move. Almost like a stalker. She couldn’t tell her co-workers because Lola was pretty much always at work with her or watching from afar. Lola was everywhere. But this was her moment. Her one chance.
Turning the phone on, she slid her thumb across the screen and nearly cried tears of joy when she realized there was no lock. She begged her mind to remember the one persons number she hoped and prayed stayed the same all these years. Her thumbs shook nervously as she typed away.
“Wait, I gotta go grab my phone!” She called out before running up the stairs and into her room.
Walking over to her nightstand, she picked it up getting ready to chuck it into her purse before it vibrated several times. Her heart stopped at what she read. Someone had to be fucking with her.
At least that’s what she thought until she read the last message.
Unknown - 2:34 PM: dinah, i need your help. it’s camila
Unknown - 2:34 PM: please don’t reply to this number. its not my phone
Unknown - 2:35 PM: im in yakutat alaska. lola is literally keeping me hostage
Unknown - 2:36 PM: i cant explain much but im in danger and i need your help. please. is lauren ok? are my kids ok?
Unknown - 2:36 PM: fuck dont answer that. i have no time at all. but if you do see them, tell them i love them so much and i miss them more than anything in the world
Unknown - 2:37 PM: i told lola i had to take a shit but i gotta hurry. dont reply back. PLEASE! just send help. im in yakutat alaska living on 5285 maplewood road
Unknown - 2:37 PM: please… im begging you cheech. help me
a/n: oooooooo…. alright. welp, this chapter sucked ass but idk. tell me what you think.
what do you think is gonna happen next?
what do you think about tori’s mom’s suspicions?
how do you feel about what lucy said?
what do you expect going forth?
how do you think dinah will respond to those messages?
what do you think dr. peterson and lola had to talk about?
camila and her new son on the way?
what are your overall thoughts?
thanks so much for reading. dont forget to comment and vote, ily yall.
to my tumblr readers, add this story on my wattpad to comment, vote, ask direct questions, etc. @ wthbello also don’t forget to follow (:
ellianna, xxxxxxxx
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