#I have to do this
wordsvomit101 · 2 months
April Fool Interaction
"… Sir, who are you?" Minhyeok tensely stared at the tall hunk with white hair standing in his room. The guy had two small horns that contrasted clearly with his short white hair, streaked with red, indicating that he was a devil. He wasn't wearing a shirt, exposing his upper half proudly adorned with minor scars and cuts, while his stomach was covered in a bandage. Clad in black attire and white boots with red patterns and belts reminded Minhyeok of the motorcycle gang fashion from Japan in the mid-1900s.
"His eyes are unnerving," they were eye-catching for sure, with black sclera and red irises featuring a cross in the middle of his black pupil, along with unrealistically long red lashes. Unless the other man was a really dedicated cosplayer.
A low chuckle from the devil got his attention back to the possibly dangerous matter at hand. Minhyeok's eyes quickly scanned his room for his baseball bat in case he needed to run or jump out of the nearest window. However, the good-looking home invader's youthful voice gave him a double take.
"Minhyeok! How can you not recognize your best friend Ppyong?!" the devil asked in an arrogant tone, yet still with a childish feel to his speech that was mortifyingly similar to a small red devil he used to talk to.
"… What?"
He wasn't sure if he was sober for this. He was quite sure he hadn't drunk any soju or alcoholic beverage last night when he was out with his friends at university.
"What's with the shocked face? Shouldn't you know it's me from a mile away?!" The handsome devil turned fully to him, his face marked with a boyish pout and a frown, his muscular arms crossed in front of his strong chest.
"… Nope" He wasn't willing to acknowledge this. The imagery between the small perverted red devil from before and this impressive-looking guy was too jarring to even think about.
He was about to close the door to his apartment and maybe take a walk somewhere else before his right arm was seized and dragged inside, with the door closed behind him. His back slammed into the door with a thud, the rugged bandaged arm slamming above his head. The looming presence made him look up to the devil who was currently kabedon-ing him.
"Hey, why are you running away?" Ppyong asked in a lower voice, his red brows now frowning seriously as he looked down upon Minhyeok. Normally, he would be more flustered by this kind of act from more assertive people who had tried to flirt with him before, but the flooding memories of the devil small enough to sit on his shoulder and the restroom incident from last time where the very same red lump kept harassing him for his semen, made this experience more perplexing than ever.
When he didn't answer, Ppyong only lowered his head, closing the distance between them. Minhyeok could scent the lemon caramel from his breath just by the gap alone. Minhyeok turned his head away with a blush, his heart beating uncomfortably loud in his chest.
"Miinnhhyyeeokk~" the devil said his name with a draw. Minhyeok shrunk a bit further, contemplating whether or not it was worth it to kick this fine man away from him.
"Hey! Minhyeok, why are you ignoring this great Ppyong? Did I do something wrong?" When Minhyeok tried to slither away, the white-haired devil only stopped his track with another muscular hand to his left side and a strong knee effectively blocking his other escape path, closing the space between them even further.
"This is bad…" He could feel the heat covering his entire face down to his neck, his palms pathetically sweaty and his grip on his backpack hardened.
He wasn't even hearing the barrage of questions the devil was throwing at him. "Do devils not have the concept of boundaries down there?!" He really wanted to smack away the toned chest and collarbones on his eye level and go outside to cool down from... whatever was happening right now.
That was until he heard a wet sniffle from Ppyong. When he looked up at the devil, tears had already pooled out from his pretty sharp eyes, and snot from his nose. His toned hands were now grabbing Minhyeok's shoulder.
"Minhyeok, you are not dying, are you?! I heard somewhere that humans become more quiet and avoidant when they near death!" The handsome guy opposite him was now yelling, his body trembling with tears and sadness.
"… Excuse me?"
"So you are dying?! NO! You can't die! If you do, who will give Miss Raon human energy?! And who will give me Fererere from now on?! You can't die now!" The devil was now hugging him tightly, and Minhyeok could feel the wetness of tears and disgusting snot on his shoulder and face. For some reason, it reminded him of Raon.
Thinking back to her calmed him down despite the sheer ridiculousness of the situation right now. He should calm Ppyong down first, then get the food, laundry, and his… fluid ready, and maybe chat for a bit before sending the guy back to Hell.
"Ppyong, calm down-"
"That's it! Humans have hospitals, right? Let's get you there before you suddenly drop dead!" Before Minhyeok could register what was happening, he was easily picked up in a princess carry.
"Huh? Wait, Ppyong!-"
With a swift and determined stride and Minhyeok secure in his arms, Ppyong leaped over the apartment railing, his powerful legs propelling him from rooftop to rooftop, his steps unexpectedly light.
As Minhyeok clung to Ppyong's shoulder for dear life, the rush of wind whipped past them, tousling his hair and sending a thrill coursing through his veins. It was as if they were slicing through the night air with effortless grace, defying gravity itself. The sensation was exhilarating, yet tinged with a hint of fear as they soared from one rooftop to the next.
The wind howled in his ears, bearing the faint tang of ozone and the muted roar of distant traffic. Buildings dissolved into a kaleidoscopic blur as they soared through the nocturnal sky. With each leap, Minhyeok's heart pounded in his chest, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to keep pace with Ppyong's determined strides.
Amidst the chaos of their rooftop escapade, Ppyong's expression was one of grim determination, his features set in a steely resolve as he focused on their journey. There was no laughter or the loud voice of pride now, only the sound of footsteps echoing against the concrete as Ppyong raced against time to reach their destination. The weight of Ppyong's urgency hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the 'seriousness' of the situation, which, unfortunately, was a misunderstanding.
Minhyeok's mind raced, a mixture of terror and awe, as he witnessed Ppyong's extraordinary strength and agility. He desperately tried to talk some sense into Ppyong, pleading with him to reconsider their reckless journey. But Ppyong's determination was stubborn as a mule, his focus solely on reaching the hospital in time to save Minhyeok's life from whatever unknown illness he thought the human in his arms had in his mind.
Not having it anymore, Minhyeok shouted, "You stupid idiot! Do you even know where the hospital is?!" The dumb white hair devil even had the gall to look at him in annoyance when he shouted back.
"Of course, this great devil knows! Don't worry, Minhyeok, your best friend will have your life saved no matter what!" That would have sounded genuinely comforting if it was in a different context, but it was another story when Minhyeok was perfectly healthy and the devil was going nowhere near any of the hospitals in the city. He even passed several of them during his wild parkour maneuvering through the urban night.
The irony made Minhyeok question whether to laugh or cry at this point. So he shouted the money-winning question to the himbo carrying him, "Then where is it?!"
"It-…! Where… where are we now?" Now the devil stopped on the roof of a market somewhere in Gangnam-gu and looked around with a worried face. It was a feat beyond human capabilities, really, to be able to run and jump from roof to roof without breaking a sweat, several kilometers away from Minhyeok's apartment, and yet here they were, lost.
Minhyeok massaged his head heavily to ease his headache. Moments like these made him wonder if this was one of the things Raon had to deal with in Hell. If so, then he had to give it to her. He only met one devil, and in less than a day, he already felt drained.
His tired groaning must have affected the devil since he felt a flinch when he looked up. Ppyong's face was marred with guilt and tears, which were about to flow out of his pretty eyes again. It felt like he was looking at a sad puppy rather than a powerful devil. He guessed Ppyong was no different no matter the form he took on.
With habit's ease, he let his hand gently pat the soft white hair to calm the cute guy down. It unexpectedly worked, since Ppyong seemed to melt into his touch with each passing second.
"I'm not dying. I'm just shocked at how different you look, that's all. I'm sorry for not being upfront" Ppyong seemed like he was about to protest, but Minhyeok pressed on.
"Thank you for worrying about my health, but please make sure to ask first before you jump to a conclusion like this" The sad puppy look came back again, and Ppyong mumbled an apology in his youthful voice.
"Sorry, I was too excited and wanted to show you this form, but I was scared that you were hurt somewhere… Things have been rough lately in Gehenna… Will you forgive me?"
Minhyeok could only chuckle at the pleading sad eyes of the devil above him. He could see why Raon took a liking to devils like him. If they were honest like this, then no wonder.
"Can you get us down from here? I need to buy some groceries to make meals for you and Raon anyway. Once we are done, take me back to my apartment and wait for me to get the necessary things ready before you go"
Ppyong smiled brightly at him with an innocent gleam in his eyes, surprising Minhyeok when the devil hugged him tightly in his arms.
"Minhyeok! You're really a great guy, you know that?", he could feel the bulging muscle of the man from their close contact and it only embarrassed Minhyeok further.
"Yes, yes, okay. Now get us down and let me go afterward, okay? Also, button up your coat before we go in," he gave half-hearted slaps to Ppyong's chest, pulled himself away, and averted his eyes from the grinning devil.
"OK! Oh! And can you buy me some snacks too?"
"Sure, and tell me how Raon is doing while we're shopping."
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ex0rin · 17 days
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TWD: Dead City S01E06 | Doma Smo
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mskenway97 · 26 days
You had no choice, it was the fifth time you looked at the suit's batteries, it was reaching the energy limit. That would complicate the situation you do not know if the atmosphere of cybertron would be breathable for humans. It scared you, you made an effort to learn the language trying to complicate Orion or D16 to take you to your ship but the first one congratulated you for learning some words that you tried to pronounce without sense for him and D16 on the other hand was smiling when he heard your voice, he thought you were adorable.
Seeing how the situation was you decided to leave… the suit had a tracking system and you could use one of the transports or you could walk to the ship but you know that those are impossible. That beings as benevolent as them would not be… the problem would be how to get there but in desperate measures you had to do desperate acts.
But still, why did you feel so bad? You convinced yourself that the two of them would be fine, you saw them talking, arguing… but still both of them involved you in their activities trying to make you one of theirs even though they treated you as if you were a little kitten.
You were convinced of the reality, you had sleepless nights feeling the tears.
Until one day you saw that Orion had not made sure to close the door properly. You moved carefully at night, they would both be asleep…. It wouldn't hurt so much to see both their faces, they would be fine. You looked around to see that the corridors were so high that you couldn't get a view. You saw the sensor on the suit but it didn't tell you the correct distance because of interference, you saw a somewhat small room.
"Maybe it's the exit" you thought as you entered.
You heard the doors close and heard an alarm, some voices that you did not understand, the red lights were all over the room until you saw that in the window of the door you could hear banging on the glass. You looked to see that the two had found you, D16 was trying to break the glass while Orion was pointing at something with desperation, you looked at a warning letter that you didn't understand until you saw a couple of words that left you frozen.
Waste of garbage… You had ended up in the dumpster.
The blows of D16 were getting stronger and stronger, you had made a mistake… If you weren't going to die from the suit's batteries… Then you heard a trap door open underneath you.
Only for you to fall into a dark void and a single unison scream…
Then there was darkness and silence.
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moaachi · 11 months
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Something I did for myself to stop crying from my works load
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queerastronautbr · 10 months
My Adventures with Super-Robin
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pirateofdeserts · 4 months
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savage-flirtation · 9 months
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Sound up*
Adventure, freedom, travel, so cool, I need to do this, bucket list!
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i-am-just-a-girli · 7 months
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By channeling my current efforts into my studies, I'm manifesting the future I desire.
1. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes ✅
2. Biotechnology and Its Applications ✅
3. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
4. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
5. Organisms and Populations
6. Ecosystem ✅
7. Biodiversity and Conservation ✅
1. Chemical Kinetics ✅
2. Coordination Compounds ✅
3. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes ✅
4. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
5. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
6. Amines ✅
7. Biomolecules ✅
1. Electric Charges and Fields ✅
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance ✅
3. Current Electricity ✅
4. Moving Charges and Magnetism ✅
5. Magnetism and Matter ✅
6. Electromagnetic Induction ✅
7. Alternating Current ✅
8. Electromagnetic Waves ✅
9. Ray Optics and Instruments ✅
10. Wave Optics ✅
11. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter ✅
12. Atoms ✅
13. Nuclei ✅
14. Electronic Devices ✅
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ceruleanterrapin · 5 months
Update on what's going on in life rn (mainly just to journal ig):
I've reinstated our student portal in hopes of graduating. I have less than a year and I'm only about 20%-30% done with all my classes
I don't know if I can do it, but as the system's caretaker it's my job to at least try. I have to face my fears of failure and get it done and over with because otherwise we won't get anywhere
I guess I just wanted to write this to motivate myself. Please wish me luck guys I'm going to need it
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pecanwriter · 4 months
dear god this chapter is going to be longer than any other before what the fuck is wrong with me
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needahugfromesme · 11 months
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nevertrulyset · 1 year
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Just gonna leave this here and hope enough people see it that we collectively stop misusing words. Weird hill to die on, I know, but I don't care where I die, as long it's not misidentified.
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hellcatazura · 1 year
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The first time I left the house after top surgery was to see Ethan live! And the crowd was like a lil mini Pride! Had an absolute blast
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Good evening people! So I saw this scene where the Scorpion fights dark scorpion. Yes as you heard Dark scorpion. Anyway. First Dark Raiden and we say okay we love the Dark Raiden. And how he became dark Raiden. But scorpion? Why? Scorpion is already a dead person and a wraith. In Raiden's case, he is still alive and became dark Raiden due to darkness taking over him. But scorpion has no reason to become one! Not even the slightest, he is already dead and a wraith and corrupted too! I think MK mobile game onslaught takes action between MK9 and before mkx. Because scorpion is freshly dead and works for Quan chi. I saw the other cutscenes and I liked them! But this feel used.. we already have dark Raiden and such. These are my thoughts. Tell me what you think.
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study-sunflrw · 1 year
What's left now
1. Go through biology flashcards (first goal is 10 times, out of which 3 times is already done)
2. Solve all the pyqs of neet till '05 (and revise it continuously cuz I'm smol brain and i require multiple revisions) (done with questions till '13 and It's revision currently going on)
3. Solve jee chemistry pyqs (my chemistry is really bad rn) (haven't even started with this)
4. Go through flashcards in chemistry and physics (not started with this either)
5. Mug up the formulas and diagrams (trying to get into revising these daily)
6. Solve ncert chapter end questions and exemplar (done with some, others are mostly left)
7. Read the ncerts of physics and chemistry (first goal is 3 times atleast)
8. The 10 mock papers i had bought earlier (i can't believe i forgot about them)
9. Weak topics and doubtful questions (make a list of them) and keep revising them specifically
10. Revision and re-analysis of earlier mock tests.
11. I'll add something more if i remember anything
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livspookydooky · 7 months
olivia it’s okay to have a cheat day it’s okay don’t worry
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