#I have to go back to school on tuesday
jaxxxxyyy · 2 months
none of y'all understand mitski like I do 🫶
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simgerale · 3 months
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me after attempting to get back into sims and realizing i had a lot more to do than play the game
#hi everyone#I’m going around hugging you all#okay now that we are gathered here today#i will simply acknowledge that i have been gone for a very long time and then also acknowledge that maybe it was for the best#i relied on sims to be my only creative activity even if i tried to write a book at the same time#and also. i prioritized sims over real life responsibilities. that’s just a deadly combination lol#but I recently noticed I just replaced sims with Netflix. with YouTube. with anything that gave me quick dopamine#literally became addicted in a sense. still am but I’ve been cut cold turkey from most everything#I get off work and go. okay I’ve done the dishes and the laundry……..I could read or write or bake….#I try to write and sometimes i get a good hour#then I read for a few hours and then get tired of it#and I made cookies Tuesday so I’m waiting for those to be gone before baking again#I’m just so pitiful that I feel BORED and don’t know what to do#so I said….. okay what if I do sims for an hour.#I downloaded some new cc Tuesday and tried to play yesterday#y’all ……………….. I can’t find the energy anymore to set up elaborate scenes and pose my sims and plan posts#I said wow… this is boring without my intervention and fake story#I said wow…….. all this for what? for tumblr? yes I created cool things and provided joy. but is that inherintly important compared to my#own joy? my own everyday activities I should be doing?#y’all I do not leave the house unless we got out to eat or shop or travel to our parents#.. I have little desire to. I’m trying to find that desire#but my husband is busy with grad school and work and I don’t want to do anything by myself#I’ve found myself in one heck of a slump#I didn’t want to be human for awhile. just had no desires no interests no ambitions#I was slacking off SO HARD at work. I just had no drive to do well#I’m still working on it. I’m still trying to get caught up. I’m still trying to force myself to move every day.#but I am struggling y’all. and I can tell you that sims… sims isn’t helping rn but I want it to so bad. I want to get back into it#I didn’t mean to disappear on everyone. I got married and then life got busy and then I fell into this hole of nothing#I didn’t even WANT to crawl my way out. but my husband has helped a lot. I feel like such a child!!!!#I reached max tags. 🙃 bye love you all. till next time
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nebuladreamz · 10 months
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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check it out and PLEASE TUNE IN !!
[Image ID / description under cut!]
[Image ID: A schedule graphic with a lavender background covered in puzzle pieces. Puzz's icon, a purple top hat with a big gold question mark and fluttering pink-and-blue ribbons, is at the top left corner. The top, dark purple banner reads "Anonymous Puzzler is Streaming!! (5/15 to 5/21)" and includes the link twitch.tv/PuzzleGamingNerd .
The schedule is displayed on alternating pink-and-blue banners, which have drawings of Puzz and friends in the style of the relevant games at the left side. The schedule reads as follows:
Possible art stream | If and/or When I Feel Like It, Stay Tuned WED 5/17 | Splatoon 3 BONUS STAGE | 5:30pm to 8:30pm PST FRI 5/19 | Yakuza 0 | 4:00pm PST @ twitch.tv/hollow_tones SAT 5/20 | SLARPG | 3:00pm PST @ twitch.tv/hollow_tones SUN 5/21 | Professor Layton | 3:00pm PST @ twitch.tv/hollow_tones
End ID.]
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imagine-nerd · 5 days
The fucking disconnect is so real.
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#theo's thoughts#Story time for the people who love reading tags bc I love sharing things in the tags#So I work at a therapeutic day school and this past school year like four school days before Thanksgiving break I was asked a question#The question was if I would be willing to step up and be a long term sub in a middle school classroom#To me this was less of a question and more of a hey we need someone to do this and you're who the assistant teacher asked for#Which cool yeah fine I'll give it a go I really like that person (the assistant teacher who asked for me) and I trust her judgement on this#I was asked and accepted on Thursday. Friday‚ Monday‚ and Tuesday happen. Then three day Thanksgiving break#When we got back from break I was the teacher and it was rough at first and it sure as hell was never easy but I enjoyed it#My formal teacher observation was my boss basically going like so I see you doing all the things and the basis is there#But it's not being followed through on because of behaviors from the most unmedicated classroom I've seen in all my years working education#And now for the summer they're changing 2/3 staff that were in the room and who even knows who the teacher will be (a new hire? Maybe?)#If there truly is a new hire coming in (fed to the wolves immediately btw what a dick move) but that new hire will be the fourth teacher#These kids have had in a year? A year and a half max. The fourth. After the only thing I've been repeatedly told by admin for months#Is that we need to be stable and consistent because we may be these kids' only reliable source of that consistency and stability?#So you're going to have me come in and tell me I've done such a great job and then tell me you're moving me to 'give me a break'#Trauma informed care my fucking ass. I hope those kids raise fucking hell over it.#The brutal satisfaction of watching your own crops burn and knowing that the invaders will starve is great and all but these are kids!#They're barely just about to be teenagers (11 at the youngest and 14 at the oldest) and this is what you're going to do to them?#Yes they can be complete assholes and are often dicks to one another but they're in our school for a fucking reason? I don't get it.#Then two hours later after being told abt the change‚ the clinical director puts me as one of the three main recipients in an email#Saying that there's going to be a new student starting in that room in the summer and the real icing on the cake?#This all happens on last day before summer break. we're out of session for two weeks now and you're just dropping these changes on us now?#God I'm so fucking tired
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padfoot-lupin77 · 3 months
I spent so long around my friend group that drains my energy and unintentionally makes me feel terrible that I forgot how nice it feels to be around true friends that love you and make you feel nice
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hiimcanadia · 6 months
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madamescarlette · 2 years
You ever have to be like, "no babe you're not bone-breakingly heart-rendingly sad, you just had less than five hours of sleep"? Yeah.
#lack of light november really doing a number on me this year!#this is not a worry-for-me post btw. it's like that comic of the raccoon advising you to shower to eat or to sleep when upset#it's my last full week of being a student going about doing student activities and i keep doing things going what if that's the LAST time??#which i've been actively trying to avoid doing because when i left my old school i overdid it and i was actively mourning leaving my place#there for the last six months like someone constantly picking at a wound#and while it was the most beautiful time of my life and it might always be i really regret having spent so much#of my final moments there being sorry that it was final because i just grieved it! twice!#i grieved it afterwards and i grieved it beforehand and i kind of wasted my precious time grieving it beforehand#so this time i've been TRYING to practice restraint and not spend my time brooding and just be here instead!#and not say goodbye to every doorway and every leaf and every brick in the pathway until i'm actually saying goodbye#but it suddenly burst into proper fiery colors on all our foliage over the break and i came back and suddenly it was ablaze#with perfect color and i'm walking around this week with my hand on my heart going oh!!! i love you so much#thank you for sending me off like this!!! i loved being here with you!!#so. tis hard not to mourn. but till then there are papers to write and chapters to be read and then girl has to scurry#and write her daily poem before sleep#so it will be alright it will be alright <3 this i believe!#i may delete these tags later because they might be overshare-y or too despondent and not need to be said#but i figure where else can i pour out my heart into a lovingly enfolding void like this <3#happy Tuesday tumblr i love you all dearly!#thank you for all your tags today btw I will come back and reply to them tomorrow when i'm a bit clearer-minded#thinking out loud
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ereborne · 1 year
Work is on fire, so close to finishing the current work and now the old work has broken, however: I get to work with the old boss again.  Fuck but I missed her
She comes in, tells me the horrible news, I start cussing, she starts laughing, and then we both get to work, immediately and without needing to discuss what we’re doing, while both continuing to cuss and laugh.  Fuck but I missed her
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formula-fun · 8 months
#would like to finish my fucking fic but i need to just rant about how insane architecture school is#there are 50 people in my year and we're making this book thing together#have to present the book thing today#theres 8 groups and each person made a handful of pages#each group handles 1 topic#and then theres a formatting team which is a representative from each team#so that we can all coordinate on the formatting and hten go back to our groups to tell them like what fonts to use and give them layouts#shit like that#i am on that team#which means i have to nitpick my team and make sure their pages look the same as the other people's pages and compile them#we have ?? 30 something pages of diagrams and drawings? 8 teams so the book is probably 250ish pages long atm#thats due today and after were done presenting were getting a second study to do which is due on monday (same length)#we have to present that one too#and then we have an essay due tuesday (3 pages) a site analysis due thursday (that ones short#another due next tuesday (again 3 pages for theory (gag))#and were getting our studio assignment after mondays presentation#where we have to design a building and we have a few months to do it#and this weekend i have a networking event and a site visit so i have like 1 day to work and 1 day to do those things#oh and we have readings in the midst of all this#not sure the word count on that but we have usually 4 a week and theyre usually each 20 ish pages long which isnt that bad but you know#oh shit i also have to go to mr theory mans office hours on monday bcause i NEED that 4.0 man i need it#anyway if i am not writing i promise you i PROMISE you i am thinking about how much i want to and what i will do next#there is just ?????? so much shit to do#also my structures class is during the quali today so im just gonna. watch it in there. multitask. priorities#tldr dont study architecture#all these f1 drivers who wanted to be architects? would they have survived is my question. the answer may shock you#td
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i’m the sleepiest girl in the world
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scrimbum · 9 months
need to draw stuff... but that means i have to get out of bed :(
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linharrdt · 1 year
I got my graduation tassel in the mail yayayayy I decided not to go to the graduation ceremony bc I don’t know anyone there really and I don’t really have many ppl that would go but my school was super nice and sent me this anyways 🥹
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dumbass-bisexual · 9 months
I got my lesson plans for next week done and it’s not the 11th hour extremely proud of myself
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iamthescalesofjustice · 9 months
i get why people have shifted away from the term 'peggy sue' but honestly its less cumbersome than 'time travel fix-it' or, as i occasionally see spread across multiple tags " 'time travel' 'not a fix-it tho' 'not a break it worse either' " like cmon it wasnt even actually related to the 'x sue' stuff that people (rightfully) dropped it was a covergent evolution.
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Omg Levi carryhatchet meet up on Thursday what that’s insane
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